VOLUME 168 NUMBER 233 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 almbach trembles, cries s coverup trial witness WASHINGTON (AP) - Herbert W. secrecy and bach, his voice and hands trembling Watergate was quoted as telling him 'this was CRP (Nixon his eyes filling with tears, told the a re • election -wate coverup trial Tuesday how he committee) operation." master out thousands of dollars in cash as for the original Watergate break COVERUP Over the next three months disbursed $220,000. Kalmbach defendants. TRIAL was Kalmbach said Dean had told him it "a one shot - operation," but after it At one point, Kalmbach broke down in had continued for a month Kalmbach yd U.S. District Judge John J. Gen. Robert C. Mardian and began to feel uneasy. Kenneth W. called a brief recess so the witness Parkinson, one - time lawyer for the Nixon He met with Ehrlichman in the White regain his composure. re election • committee. House and said he told him: Kalmbach, the former corporate lawyer Kalmbach said that on June "John, I'm looking once was Richard M. Nixon's 28, 1972, you right in the eleven days after the eye. You know Barbara and attorney, told how he and a burglary at know Jean and my family, I Democratic National Committee your family. You've got to raer New York City policeman, headquarters, John W. Dean III, then tell me this is something proper I can go y Ulasewicz, worked together to White House counsel, summoned him forward on." secret deliveries of cash to the to Washington for "a very important "He said, 'It is in defendants. proper. It's for these fellows, for their attorneys' fees and ■ assignment." Kalmbach testified as a prosecution Dean and Kalmbach met the next family support 3s at the trial of five former Nixon day . . . Herb, you are to go in a park a block from the White House forward.'" stration and campaign aides. He and Asked by prosecutor James S. Neal if Kalmbach said the presidential -fly is serving a six to 18 month counsel told him, "Herb, so far as he felt he had a choice on whether to these pull -nee for violating federal campaign out Watergate defendants, we've got to help or continue, Kalmbach replied, "It "bution laws. these fellows. It's was in the form of a directive." important we provide He five defendants in the coverup trial them with When he complained to former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell, ex attorneys' fees and family Ehrlichman support. It's the humanitarian thing to about the "007 - ite House aides H.R. Haldeman and type" security do." arrangements he and Ulasewicz used, D. Ehrlichman, former Asst. Atty. Dean pledged Kalmbach said the White House aide told Kalmbach to absolute him, "they'd have our heads in their if the secrecy wasn't laps maintained." ... Kalmbach said he and Ulasewicz worked out code names — Ulasewicz was Mr. Rivers, Kalmbach was Mr. enate panel to seek they talked in case Novak—and to each other from pay phones anyone was tapping their home New York policemen line telephones. up in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel Tuesday as part of the security being provided for Kalmbach broke down when he told members of the Palestine Liberation Organization, who are staying in the hotel. A Jewish group has issued a ocky's explanations how he obtained $75,000 in cash Thomas V. Jones, board chairman and chief executive officer of Kalmbach described Jones as a from Northrop Corp. death threat against the group's leader, Yasir Arafat. By Associated Press and State News Security tight for arrival personal friend and said hecalled him Aug. WASHINGTON - With a fresh pledge of support from President Ford, vice 1 or 2, 1972, and then went to his office rient designate Nelson A. Rockefeller goes before a Senate where Jones handed him a panel Wednesday to package in his family's role in publication of a book critical of a Kalmbach thought contained $50,000. campaign opponent. The three major television networks will rotate He took the package home and counted coverage of the Senate hearing* Rockefeller's nomination beginning at of PLO head for UN talks the money on a table in his basement —c! 12, will broadcast today's session. WJIM, Channel approximately 10:30 a.m. today. WJRT, t, will cover the hearings playroom. nuxsday. WILX, Channel 10, will cover Friday's hearing. "I counted it out and instead of WKAR, Channel 23, a member of the Public Broadcasting $50,000 it was $75,000," Kalmbach :i replays of the Senate System, will show In opening the second series of hearings every night this week beginning at 9. testified. "I remember telling my wife that NEW YORK (AP) - Police maintained hearings on the nomination, the Senate Rules Mr. Jones had given me more were staying at the Waldorf • Astoria Hotel from the actual money than the tightest security net in the city's behind planning of an mittee also plans to a®k for a full he should have." heavy police cordons, and 10 more assassination, which he said was being explanation from Rockefeller on the nearly history Tuesday for the arrival of guerilla were reportedly lillion in gifts and $ 507,656 in loans he made to friends and associates over the Kalmbach called Jones and told him leader Yasir Arafat, openly marked for traveling with Arafat. done "by a group of Jewish militants." 17 years. Because of the city's what had happened. At first, he said Jones death by a Jewish group. large Jewish But he said that JDL members might be Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D • Nev., chairman of the committee, has indicated replied, "that's not possible," but finally population and anger over the PLO attacks part of the group and added, "They asked is no chance the Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation on Israeli citizens, police canceled panel will take a vote on the Rockefeller nomination before the us for our help and end of the month. Northrup executive told Organization (PLO), left Cairo in a special all special support, and we Kalmbach to keep all the money and days off and pulled assured them we were in agreement and The House plane for the opening of the United manpower in from all boroughs to bolster Judiciary Committee has yet to open hearings on the nomination, apply it toward his $250,000 contribution Nations Palestine debate. His travel plans that they could depend upon our Chairman Peter Rodlno, D • N.J., has said the its force. work in time for the House committee will be able to finish goal for the 1972 Nixon campaign. to New York were not disclosed because complete support." The Secret Service also to vote on Rockefeller before the end of the year. Jones pleaded guilty May 1, 1974, to of the security precautions. was helping A police source said top department one count of guard the Palestinians under its authority planners were most concerned about making an illegal campaign The UN debate opens Wednesday. The to contribution and was fined $55,000. protect all heads of foreign protecting Arafat and his delegation from first 16 members of the PLO delegation governments and other dignitaries a lone fanatic or professional killer. designated by the President. The Secret "We're least afraid of the screamers," Service said the Palestinians fell into the he said. latter category. outh Africa At the UN, spokesman Chafic El - Hout suspended from U.N. Russell Kelner, operations officer for told reporters that the PLO has come here the ultramilitant Jewish Defense League for its first "major diplomatic undertaking (JDL), told a news conference Monday for the Palestinians' legitimate night: "We have trained men who will rights." He said he wanted to meet newsmen From Wire Services make sure that Arafat and his lieutenants precedent for the future. rights and privileges for this session which would be easier to repeat it at future "so that our constructive, sustained and do not leave New York alive. The U.S., Britain and France used their is scheduled to end on Dec. 17. sessions. purposive dialogue will not TED "We are ready to assassinate Arafat. NATIONS, N.Y. - The U.N. veto power in the Security Council on Suspension means that the delegation One Western diplomat charged that the This has been carefully planned," Kelner, be sidetracked by marginal noise and Assembly voted Tuesday night to Oct. 30 to block an Africa-led campaign will not be permitted to take its seats, Black Africans were threatening to dilute hysterical harassment from any quarter." 'he white supremist South to expel South Africa from the United speak, make proposals or vote. their support for the Arab countries in speaking with a .38 - caliber revolver on the In the East River outside the United table before him, told reporters. government from further Nations. The most vigorous opponents of the the Palestine debate if they were not Nations, two police launches and a Coast l'°n in this Police said Tuesday that they were Guard patrol craft patrolled as crewmen year's assembly The effect of Tuesday's decision by the Pretoria government, obviously elated by supported on the South African assembly was of lesser impact than an the developments, maintained that once investigating Kelner's threat. with binoculars scanned the waters and suspension. "It was political blackmail," Another JDL spokesman issued a decision was shore as part of the security net. unprecedented in the expulsion. It deprives South Africa of its having taken this course of action, it said the Western delegate. statement Tuesday Nations' history, but it did not dissociating the group (continued on page 11) south Africa from or'd organization membership itself. "ft, Stned Africa's most obviously vigorous elated, Woody wins that having once taken *f'on, it lf at would be easier to future sessions. of student h Mark Young left Spartan Stadium even sure whether he struck me with 91-22 Saturday with a fat lip, a piece of one his fist or his elbow." vote that the South African of the felled goal posts and After Hayes hit him, Young said 1S no longer entitled to its surprisingly enough, a great deal of that several Ohio State at supported a ruling by the players , * respect for Woody Hayes' coaching pointed and yelled at him to go away. President, Algerian Foreign prowess. ' Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Young then retreated into the crowd "He just stunned me," united States, Young said that swarmed the floor of Spartan which demanded of the regionally - televised blow Stadium. unsuccessfully challenged the ng with delivered by the OSU coach amidst "I can't really blame him for Britain, a number of the revelry in Spartan Stadium after hitting me," Young, a civil engineering European nations, South Saturday's 16 -13 upset. student, admitted. "He tends to blow s and some others. Nineteen Hayes was the target of boisterous up. I'm sure this isn't the first time. ^stained. Spartan hecklers as he walked Anyway, it doesn't change my South Africans were dejectedly to the OSU locker room. opinion of him. I think he's a great , ^e time of the vote. The But no one got a better view of the Buckeye legend than Young, who said coach." tessinn "ot been Participating in he will not press charges. Hayes' temper has made headlines 30 j ."1"1 the assembly voted on "He didn't hurt me at all," the 21 • before. In 1972 he pulled "'ausf ,acceptin8 its credentials. k year • old MSU senior said. "I was down markers in front of a up the first • *Ch.!?.!0ut in the assembly more surprised that it was Woody - M crowd in Ann Arbor to partisan U protest the kdhvth Ae,c!slon was announced. It than anything else." officiating. Michigan won that game • J hf African members, who had Clad in green and white at MSU 14 ■ 11. • racial . South Afric« because coach Denny Stolz's "He hates to lose," -ish 'n N'cies, , its refusal to said he approached request, Young Hayes from the Young its JS- ovpr Southwest Africa rear and had no idea who he was until continued. "I played football at Jackson Parkside High School and 1 Rhod""'' Woody let fly with a backhanded never liked to lose either." punch. °>bhorn>10 tf* susPension had Mark Young may not be one of history's most memorable faces. In fact, he barely survived the Promethean an pnoiu/\.x*ig ruricr "I just said 'it looks like you didn't not University officials said they are ofir-for Afr,c»'s win number 201 today,' " Young contemplating any action against either Hayes or Young because tycteri™id' or race separation, swine of exit - bound Woody Hayes last Saturday. In addition, Young escaped with a piece of the goal post recalled. "I only saw a red have no way of they *,t T dTWl« It of n jacket until knowing exactly what and thanks to an acetylene torch, looks prepared for future encounters with the Buckeye coach. he whirled around and hit me. I'm not and unlawful under the happened. u'd set a dangerous 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13,15 Nation may feel strike by UMw| By Associated Press and State Newt WASHINGTON - Union and industry negotiators pursued J Nessen says recession near elusive settlement of the day - old coal strike Tuesday * » lI in the railroad and steel industries faced layoffs and th. !.t f President Ford's chief spokesman acknowledged biggest electrical producer called for emergency power cuth J Tuesday that "we are moving into a recession." Officials of the United Mine Workers (UMW) „d operators met again to try and resolve their difference. I'0! J, ^ White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen, ending new contract. Despite the continued public reports of nm weeks of semantic debate, said a preview of November's sources on both sides indicated they were far apart onV economic statistics show a continued erosion in the issues. me kel UMW President Arnold Miller has vowed economy and that when they are announced and that his IMn/i striking members "will not be bludgeoned" into an unaoS analyzed "it probably would appear this month we are contract no matter how great the public pressure for end J moving into a recession." „ walkout. "8 ftd Nessen said the White House acknowledgement does The strike is likely to last two to three weeks assume I not necessarily mean there will be changes in President settlement is reached this week and is - file miners. The ratification process approved by the rank 1 Ford's economic program. normally takes abouuj More auto workers lose jobs Paul Nilsson, MSU physical plant director of auto and services, Tuesday said the University is currently ntiiJ burning n?f would only be affected by a coal strike A souring economy and slumping new car sales sent lasting at least six monuX MSU receives an annual allotment of gas from ConsumJ another 15,625 workers to the unemployment lines this Power Co., and unless they interrupt the supply, the Univ^l week as the Big Three auto makers added to the will not have to bum coal. nivcmt| nation's growing jobless ranks. Nilsson said Consumers Power can supply for 90 days of each calendar year. interrupt the Universitvl On Monday, 5,200 General Motors assemblers began gas '■ The power company did shut off MSU's gas for last Jamjar indefinite layoffs, Ford Motor Co. furloughed 1,625 and February, so if the gas allotment were interrupted aeain ft workers indefinitely and Chrysler Corp. laid off 8,800 University would only have to burn coal for December of'»■ AP wirephoto Hamtramck,Mich., workers for the week. year. P A coal tipple at the Brookside Mine in Marian, Ky., operates as usual Tuesday. The rough coal is dumped With new car sales off to their worst start in a into the tipple and is processed. The Brookside Mine is operating despite the national coal strike, because of said. "We have several months supply of coal on hand," NilJ decade, the recession - plagued auto companies have Scattered picketing and a report of a minor 53,000 workers on indefinite layoff and another 12,000 the signing of a no - strike contract forbidding workers to walk out. Virginia marked the first day of the strike which has closed mi shootine J scheduled for long - term furloughs within the next in 25 states and choked off 70 per cent of the nation's t three weeks. supply. Some union mines in the West continued to operate Author Steel companies say they have a two to three week analyzes In addition, 15,600 workers are on one or two - week supply | coal available but would have to begin layoffs due to plant closings brought on by the dramiic curtailing production tT week. Steel cutbacks would quickly lack of demand for new cars. ripple through othi industries, forcing widespread layoffs in autos, construction iJ appliances. Supermarket profits defended The federal government, for the time I of being, has adopted The American supermarkets' trade association has defended retail food - store profits Tuesday as a victim and not a villain of the inflation in the general economy. journalist Ida Tarbell By PAT CLYDE Oil Co. which influenced the Tomkins said. "These writers sensitive to the strains hands - off policy to avoid interfering in the Labor Secretary Peter J. Brennan indicated the would invoke the Taft - Hartley Act to order the work if they rejected a tentative settlement " and the like it's going on longer." negotiations. Bil administratiof men back strike lool tl ■ "Any effort to reduce food prices by cutting retail Sta'te News Staff Writer dissolution of the Standard Oil handed down the legacy of Union and industry negotiators have tentatively agreed industrialization was putting or profits is like trying to pump water from a dry well," Seventy years ago Ida trust and brought about responsibility that brought on traditional American values. large part of the new three - year contract with the snal Clarence G. Adamy, president of the National Tarbell wrestled with the same stricter antitrust legislation. about the press' exposure of "Ida M. Tarbell" is an apparently over the final trade - offs between money issues an Association of Food Chains, said Tuesday. question that plagues many Mary Tomkins, professor of noneconomic demands. Watergate." intellectual biography, written people today: Can corporate American Thought and With coal demand soaring to meet the nation's Agriculture Department statistics show that 80 per Tarbell, one of the early for a series on U.S. authors by energy nt and the companies' profits at record cent of the 15 per cent jump in retail food prices in the capitalism and democracy exist Language, has just published a 20th century muckrakers, is Twayne Publishers Inc. of New levels, the UMW 1 last year has come from the expansion of the spread side In by side? the midst of her biography of Tarbell. best known for her two - York. demanding perhaps its largest contract years of falling behind other unions. ever to make up fori "Ida Tarbell was one of the volume expose of the Standard "Rather than concentrate between what farmers get and what retailers charge to questioning, Tarbell published muckrakers who established Oil Co. published in 1904. on the facts of a person's life," cover costs and profits. the account of the Standard the journalism of today," Born in 1859, Tarbell was Tomkins said, "an intellectual The State News is published by the student; of M State University every class day during Fall, Winter and _ Adamy said the price - spread expansion is caused by biography analyzes the school terms, Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays dur'M I Summer Term, and a special WMcome Week edition is subject's ideas and visions per ' - ■ sharply higher business costs, especially in the In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. through their works." Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial I processing and wholesaling sectors and not significantly Tomkins said that Tarbell's and business offices at 349 Student Services Bidg., Michigan I State University, East Lansing, by rising supermarket - *hain profits. vision Michigan, 48824. ■ was to somehow GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER synthesize the new ROBERT L. IULLARO, SALES MANAGER Kennedy's integrity questioned industrialism equalItarian ideals with of the the News/Editorial PHONES 355-82521 Classified Ads 3f American tradition. Display Advertising 3 5 3-64001 Forty - six per cent of the American people do not "Tfcrbell was not a radical in Business Office 355-3447■ trust Sen. Edward Kennedy's integrity, but 75 per cent the usual sense," Tomkins said. Photographic 355-1311 [ think he does a good job as a senator, according to a "She sought redemption in Harris survey. America's past." The poll - taking organization said Monday its cross Tarbell also wrote a Ike Union Activities Board section of 1,544 adults showed that, on the integrity biography of Abraham Lincoln published in 1896, which in cooperation with question, 44 per cent expressed trust in the changed historical Massachusetts Democrat, while 10 per cent were not interpretations of the The MSU Alumni Association sure. president. Before Tarbell, Kennedy has gone on record that he will not seek the Tomkins said, historians believed that Lincoln rose to presents Democratic presidential nomination in 1976. greatness in spite of his frontier Nixon's blood pressure jumps upbringing; they believed he miraculously overcame the MICHIGAN STATE | hardships of his childhood. Former President Ricahrd M. Nixon, though improving, has experienced large, unexplained rises in still Based partly on her own rural Pennsylvania upbringing, VS his blood pressure in recent days, his personal physician Tarbell asserted that Lincoln's said Tuesday. Dr. John C. Lungren said that while he was frontier life was a positive factor in his greatness. He was, OHIO STATE concerned about the problem, Nixon hopefully will be in fact, the culmination of the frontier type. Wed. Nov. 13-Union Ballroom able to go home late this week. Tomkins' major area of Thurs. Nov. 14- Union Main Lounge The blood pressure changes have been brought on by study is early 20th century journalists. Her doctoral physical activity in some cases, Lungren said, but the dissertation, which she finished 8:00 pm pressure has also jumped "when he is physically quiet SN photo/Daniel Shutt in 1963 at the University of and concentrating or engaging in problem solving." Mary Tomkins, professor of American Thought and Language, pauses to reflect on the subject of her latest book, an intellectual biography of trust - buster Ida Utah, was also an intellectual FREE biography of a journalist, Tarbell, whose turn of the century muckraking efforts helped break up "Randolph Bourne, A Majority of One." The public is invited monolith Standard Oil. «anra U.S. students evicted in DooLey's S Italy Leftists have forced 26 American students - 24 women and two men - out of dormitories at Padua Univeristy in Italy and made them move to hotels, WEDNESDAYV police said Tuesday. University officials blamed Marxist splinter groups and accused them of Naxi style discrimination against - Americans. In Rome, Education Minister Franco Maria PITCHER \ Malfatti ordered a "rigorous" investigation into the reports. But the American students, all from the University of SPECIAL California, said many officials and press reports had exaggerated the matter. They insisted they were caught by chance in a local conflict between the students and the university over housing. doWNSTAiRS Till 10:00, cover 50tf The Americans came to Padua under a contract /JkjyCt cW^~ requiring the university to provide accommodation, A A a W- (mjjMb OUjMu OUA (pu^ cofljfl- CUfck. OA0 OAij) U.S., Algeria resume ties \"e, in environmental Extension Service, will discuss the seamless bra fcord. the problems in coping with by «speakers include Marc the machinery of government. John Kloss for Lily University of Michigan The conference will be held Professor, who will in the Natural Resources of France Molded nuclear power and Building auditorium from 10 Policy; Clan Crawford, a.m. until 4 p.m. Registration is cups fashionably front- ™ Arbor «*uss land use attorney who 50 certs at the door,and will begin hooked and underwired problems; at 9:30. ™'ly, an MSU ™ student, for support see-thru conduct a workshop *'ldemess, and James and shiny in comfortable deputy director of the of Urban and Public Clearspanf a blend of nylon and Lycra^ exceptional value. spandex For even "°o I drink .easy care Ms and go J . the dingiest of things, or « blanket sleeper to keep baby warm % all night?" * skin-toned and with « by Sterncraft. . WEARDATED Monsanto SEF® a *° for The Seesaw second-skin fit. * modacrylic fleece with knit collar, cuffs « and non-skid soles in 32 to 36 B and C, 7.50 pink, blue, maize, hot TerrV Petchauer * 32 to 36 D sizes, 8.50 Michael Hans * pink, butter yellow, sky blue or red. S,M,L,XL sizes, 4.99 Not shown: "Self-grow" flame retardant ^ Arena Theatre J sleeping bag in pink, blue or maize. One size, birth to 18 mos., 4.29 <1.00 at Jacobeoris Jacoteon'S Susan Ager Editor-in-chief TOM W Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Hood heal nation's ills City Editor Diane SOver Chris Danielson Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Gas tax can WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 13,1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor more anti June Delano Entertainment Editor George Meany cut through a lot of - inflationary im„act „ Editorials the opinion of the State News. suSl are Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal TomOren Joe Kirby Copy Chief Staff Representative baloney when he said the Democratic victory in the congressional elections was fords proposed income 5 per cent taxes, making the I opinions. not a "mandate" for anything, but a voter unnecessary. A 10 - cent jncr J' reaction to "all the scandal and the example, would bring in an cstim^'i revenues T e $ collapsing economy." If the hundreds of billion in additional Democratic congressional billion more out of the candidates public', nit EDITORIALS around the nation were coherent economic program which the advocating some than the surcharge would. As for poor families who w™.u voters duly endorsed, that fact was not disadvantaged they are estimated to apparent to but less than Stretch Democratic anyone a third as much gasoline count Chairman Bob Strauss. It would be fair to say nevertheless, average American increased tax could be consumer and as rebated to them that if the election had any small cost and without meaning at all, much effectn„. The Democratic majority on the be repeated, and may be regretted. it was not to validate the economic conservation. The successful commission records of the Nixon and Ford The remaining re" Ingham County Board of Administrations. Instead, the returns increase would be low - income tax relief ample to finamT Commissioners received a hefty candidates produced scores of for th0» logically implied that voters would hardest vote of confidence at the ballot box worthy ideas for the coming term. see more effective control of inflation and like to by inflation and a employment program (perhaps 1 publ last week, emerging with a 14 to Health services and care for less unemployment, and that emphasis on mass transit facilities! they don't edge over the Republicans in children and the think Ford is doing much about either. those thrown out of work seven elderly assume bv the u So now that the immediate commission seats. high priority in their conception of necessity to economy. " face the wrathful voter is out of the The election, which resulted in a the social service commitment of way, On the other hand, a both the executive and legislative branches gasoline ti gain of three seats for the the county. increase would have severe should find the courage to take necessary impact on tl automobile industry, which is Democrats, was a clear Proposed expansion of the drug economic steps. Right? So far, the a|readyj„ endorsement of the majority's abuse effort is of particular concern indications are not encouraging. slump. But recurring oil shortages to the MSU community. Creation Meany probably was correct that when gasoline rationing or any of the philosophy that social services and «i,ib Democratic congressional leaders talk of alternatives are not going to human needs must come first in of a large county park gained be mm wage price controls, they really mean better for the auto county policy. The prevailing issue widespread public support. - industry, which granting authority for Ford to impose going to be driven in any case to m of the next two years will be: How With crime rates rising on smaller such controls, when, if and how he sees fit cars and more efficient engines can increasing services be provided campus and in the rest of the - you do it, Jerry. Ford himself is not perhaps with government tax credits without increasing revenues? county, a hard look must be taken even willing to concede there is a help cushion the transition. To a large extent, the at the adequacy and effectiveness recession, which hardly suggests he is A gasoline tax increase commendable increase in this area of the county sheriffs department would willing to bite that mythical bullet unpopular and cause much dislocation over the last two years has been due and rehabilitation programs, even everyone talks about. And what leading an automobile society, but neither t to an influx of revenue sharing though they are already Democrat, secure in his new term, has yet economic or the energy problem among can talked of such a muscular stiff dealt with by half • measures money, combined with increasing Michigan's best. move as a and ei increase in the gasoline tax? promises. And who knows? property values. But federal The voters showed that they American voters are smarter and May This is a proposal that Ford dismissed and most effective means of imposing the kind of conservation without affecting the bonanza can be expected from a approve of this service - oriented characters than the pols think. tough more or less out of hand. Then he kind of oil conservation on American more vital uses of oil — for home heating Maybe th national administration and philosophy and that they support might be willing to take their medicine apparently dismissed his energy consumers that is the most useful response and industrial fuels. It would eliminate the Congress that are determined to commissioners who develop administrator, John Sawhill — but not his to the general energy crisis and to the need for gasoline rationing. It would drive grumbling all the time -if somebodythi trusted had the guts to balance and perhaps cut the budget. effective social service programs. treasury secretary, William Simon — for threat of another Arab oil embargo. High down demand, rather than reducing say the medici was good for them. And It will be much harder to create But advocating it anyway. Democratic leaders American oil consumption is one of the imports and making demand conform, as maybe someboi money - there's the rub. like Senators Mondale, Muskie who showed that kind of guts would I and prime causes of the energy crisis, and its the French are trying to do. It might even new programs when old programs , The Ingham County Board of Eagleton have shied away in holy horror. reduction - by real, not token amounts — trusted. lead the federal government out of its must be cut to yield the funds. Commissioners has a mammoth Yet, this many - edged proposal has much is necessary both to a long - term energy Such a somebody should also adr- shortsighted refusal to provide adequate Some hard choices must be made. task in front of it Jo turn a to recommend it, when it comes to bullet - solution and to reduce the immediate funds for opening the highway trust fund to ge~ mass transportation biting. effectiveness of the Arab oil weapon. transportation uses. That's a logical n Particularly, a token move such as progressive philosophy and a passle development. Fewer automobiles in the A gasoline tax would be the quickest A gas tax increase would effect that cities could improve urban life, and step after a gasoline tax increase, and j the .05 mill decrease in property of ideas into financially feasible in case the public won't gasoline conservation would do much to accept the latt tax rates passed in October cannot policies. remove air pollution from the long list of there's an old saying that goes, "you mi as well be hung for a national problems. sheep as a goat." A gasoline tax increase would have (C) 1974 New York Times Unpack crowd It is about time the city A visit to the Alle - Ey or just Paulsen bocks MSU boosters conducted cheers continuously after our last touchdown and seemed to prosecutes the owneis-jqf the Alle - about any other local bar on a Ey. who have steadta&Hy refused to Saturday night will reveal few Re^arding^ the Ohio State • MSU make a large impression on the 08,1? 'football game: players, who moved the ball almost tne obey city fire ordinances which set places for patrons to sit, and many I probably had the most exciting time length of the field in the closing minutes. capacity limits for bars. The city times little room for them to stand. of my life since the day I was lucky Jim Black must continue to prosecute any bar Even city officials claim they enough to loose the presidency. I want to 139 W. Shaw Hall thank Burt Smith, the Spartans and all the owner who violates these laws, had trouble finding standing room students of MSU for your hospitality. I since they are necessary for the to take a head count in the Alle - have a team to cheer at the Rose Bowl protection of the night spot Ey on Oct. 25. The city has charged now, as the University of Michigan and patrons. the Alle Ey owners with allowing - Ohio State will loose the rest of their Y©Q /©GDI ! Alle - Ey owner George Eyde at least 150 people over capacity games. Good luck. Pat Paulsen claims he is innocent of limits into the bar on that night. 1972 presidential candidate Many students during my tenure have overcrowding, and defends his Perhaps bar owners feel the city watched MSU football and never could position with charges that the city should allow them to pack people Boo cheerleaders have hoped or dreamed for the misinterprets the fire code, and inspirational performance seen Saturday, into every nook and cranny of their The team did well, the crowd did well, which even included national television points an accusing finger at other bars. but the cheerleaders pooped out. The exposure. The Spartans may not be the bar owners. But this would not be safe. One MSU cheerleaders should go back to best football team in the country (though "They've been back for misplaced match school and learn how to conduct cheers. that could be debated), but they would be on our or cigarette, a They seemed totally ineffective during the an excellent representative of the Big Ten "bullets" to quickly get in touch with over a much year now. more Dooley's has been crowded than the Alle small fire and pandemonium all spell disaster in a dash of game with OSU. They're supposed to be in the Rose Bowl. few senators and congressmen and give a Homecoming slight - a the strategists and know when to cheer The Spartans represented the kind of them all possible reasons for overriding the The recent coverage in your newsp' Ey during the past year," Eyde crowded bar. and how to cheer. However, they led spirit and almost certain veto of Mr. Ford. pride any student at this pertaining to the Homecoming activi said. "It seems like some kind of Therefore, continued cheers when our players were trying to university should feel fortunate to be William Kelly was terrible. I would like to tell every vendetta." prosecution of negligent bar owners hear our quarterback and sat silent associated with. The fans were treated to a 1135 Michigan Ave. reading this paper that Homecoming w is necessary to thwart slipshod between plays when they should have tremendous game. Denny Stolz and his Certainly Alle - Ey owners are success. About 800 people enjoyed cheered. coaches, the players, and the MSU not the only money - grubbing bar compliance with fire provisions. bonfire, there were over 25 entries in Most of the thunderous cheers that Marching Band should be congratulated proprieters who oftentimes ignore Hopefully any bar owner found took place came from the crowd for providing great entertainment. It looks Food ripoff looms mural painting contest, and the pa; down the river was well attended, tho, safety regulations to make another guilty of not obeying capacity rules irrespective of the cheerleaders. When we like students and alumni can look forward there weren't as many floats as expe^ I may be influenced by the general buck. Other nightspots in both East will receive the maximum $500 needed it most, when we were defending to some fine football over the next few The flea market also was well patronb mood of suspicion, but it seems that food fine. Perhaps a string of large fines our goal line, they would do a formation years with the abundance of talent yet to Lansing and Lansing have all had with people standing on others' shoulders. be developed. Good luck and thanks for dealers associations are preparing the the hayrides were jammed and yes,r overcrowding problems, and the will convince thoughtless bar public for an increase in food prices and Loggins did come and was excellent, This is the time when we should make the one hell of a buzz. city should begin to prosecute owners that the safety ot their stadium shake with a big, booming cheer. blaming it on the repealed food and drug people that were there really en)" themselves. those other bar owners who so patrons is more important than the sales tax. The cash registers presently in They might have taken a lesson from the Mark Toth, MSU senior Even if you are the average, w use are capable of adding blatantly disobey fire ordinances. profits they make. OSU cheerleaders. The Buckeye spirit 107 E. Holden Hall up a subtotal and then adding the sales tax. I don't see informed reader, you may not have kiv all these activities were going on. i, why taxable items could not be added up Bullets for vets ? first and then the sales tax and all the campus newspaper determined that t nontaxable items added to the subtotal. activities weren't of interest to you rea, Another way of solving the problem and left them out of three \ " " Please note these figures carefully: would be to add the tax to the price of all coverage. The Doctor's 126.2, 152.0, 174.8 and 201.0. The first . Bag Copyright 1974 two are the Consumer Price Index (CPI, 1967- 100) for September 1972 and September 1974. The last two are the CPI taxable merchandise. If there are reasons why one of these methods would not work, the public Homecoming was fun, but what; at other important campus activities thatl censored out by State News editors, i State News has no accountability w: BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. for September 1975 and should know about them. September 1976, students. I adamantly protest the lac assuming an annual inflation rate of 15 per Ojars Upatnieks cent which is not unrealistic at this time. campus coverage and the lack ofstu Technical staff control of our own campus newspaper, Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at sore rear end is best treated with one of problem stemmed from insufficient (Source: Basic Economic Statistics, TV Broadcasting MSU Health Center. Names need not be the preparations used (don't panic) for amounts of iodide in their food and liquid August 1974.) time our campus paper started doing included unless a personal reply is infants with diaper rash. Diaparene is a intake. Iodide is With September 1972 as the base it is capable of doing - covering necessary for the news and informing its readers. requested. good one. The other thing that helps is production of thyroid hormone. Not only (effective date of last Veterans' I have had the fortune to do much bathing the bottom with warm water was there a lack of iodide in drinking Administration benefit increase), the CPI Faculty should meet If you missed our activities this there is nothing that can be done, mixed with a little salt (1 tsp. per pint of water, but the land iodide has increased 20.4 per cent. So traveling and the misfortune of using a lot was very apparently At 3 p.m. today the Academic Senate miss Homecoming next year its e of public johns. The tissue supplied in water). deficient (something related to glaciers, Congress is fairly generous in passing a Spitting on the toilet paper is I'm told) so that vegetables grown here benefit increase of 22.7 per cent (from will meet in Wilson Hall auditorium. you're not speaking now. most public bathrooms, whether for ^^ inadvisable. The mouth and the anus are were also deficient. Cattle and other $200 to $270 per month for single vets). The members of the Academic Senate sadistic or economic reasons, is as coarse bacteriologic disaster areas and there is animals whose feed came from the area But in just a few weeks, with inflation, will debate and vote upon the Homecoming Chairman! as wrapping paper. One solution to the little reason to spread stuff from one area also picked up little iodide that veterans will once again be on the recommended policy revisions for the problem is so no losing student evaluation of instruction never to go anywhere without vaseline. The other is to moisten the paper to the other, especially if the anal area is and vulnerable to infection. Wet matter what one ate, there was a chance of end. And by September 1975 the CPI This document was approved, as (SIRS). Polish Nigh sore becoming iodide deficient. probably will have increased 38.5 per amended, with the handiest liquid, my saliva. My toilet paper is weak and you The problem was solved by states cent from its 1972 level. But, since by the Academic Council last May. might also A We, the Polish music, b(X»fufnl question then, there poke your finger through it. passing laws requiring grocery stores to sell benefits probably won't be increased again thorough discussion and an are any harmful loving people of 431 and 432 V». effects in at least brand of salt in which trace for at least a couple of years, veterans intelligent vote on this document is Hall, are asking all the peope one depositing saliva containing food The other day I noticed a small line of may amounts of iodide had been added to have to swallow a CPI 59.3 per cent higher necessary in order to achieve an evaluating particles or bacteria in the rectal area? attended Polish Night at L«ard print on my box of salt: "This salt does make up for this deficiency. In fact, most than it was in September 1972 before system that will be fair and equitable to We have grown soft, at least parts of us not supply iodide, a necessary nutrient." both students and to write the management n-qu manufacturers for many years seemed to benefits may again be increased. This faculty. return. M,; have. And, Americans seem to have grown Somewhat surprised, I had always thought As the president of the MSU softer than Europeans. Not that it's all have made only iodized salt. The amount would be of no help at all to those who the American Association of Chapter of We wish Lizard's could only "al' that salt was still supplied with iodide, I of iodide in the salt is very, very tiny and have finished school or dropped out bad, because the old days of Sears noticed the does not cause any harmful effects and because they could no longer afford it. So University Professors (AAUP), I urge all qualified agony they have put us through, a Roebuck catalogs and corncobs certainly same admonition on almost all faculty members of the Academic Senate how do they expect us to g couldn't have been fun. Among the things the salt brands in the grocery store. probably was responsible for eliminating how good does a 22.7 per cent increase in to attend this homework done if we can t get What gives? Does salt no longer supply goiters from the Great Lakes basin. benefits look now? meeting. The AAUP has not, yas out? Everyone knows that b not on my library shelf is a history of anal and will not, make a our iodide requirements? If so, It is unlikely that such a situation could Apparently Mr. Ford would give the policy position on the ONLY bar with class! If once hygiene, but perhaps some conventional what food this particular document. The veterans less! The word is that hell wisdom spiced with a few medical facts sources can one use to obtain this develop today since we receive our food even however, does feel that because this chapter, not possible, we are pleading tor nutrient? supplies from various regions across the accept no more than 18 per cent. Try will help. First of all, vaseline is not the best Once upon a time many people country, and often our vegetables and chewing on those bullets! Mr. Ford cleady proposal is so important the faculty should thoroughly study the document ^Polish Night lovers, every*!* living in meat have ample supplies of iodide in it. implied recently that he did not plan to UNITE! MaryKs thing for a sore anus. Greasy things like the Great Lakes area suffered from low With a reduction in the problem, fewer sign the increase passed by Congress. So it and come prepared to discuss and to vote 431 W. Holden vaseline tend to trap moisture against the thyroid function and developed goiters their people are concerned about iodide in salt is obviously very wise for veterans who opinion. Mary W skin and can cause increased tenderness. A (large swellings of the thyroid gland). The and less of it appears in stores- wish to cut down on their diet of Roy T. Matthews 432 W. Holden Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13, 19745 Is Foreign investors aid Michigan economy By STEVE WILSON "Then, through our offices nesoite predictions of world economic try to link them abroad, w* you wouldn't recognize up with foreign as being foreign manufactures pianos under the Everett At the same time, roverseas investors are coming to the companies interested in their companies." name- Wingerson said, the About 12 other states engage in similar Jfof Michigan as it tackles a mounting line," he said. product One successful of the most of publicized and The Yamaha assembly plant created Tokyo office of the international division worked with Yamaha's parent company in international programs abroad. Investment development cases investment more than 100 new ""Tstate*110 supported program to boost increasingly important function is an of the development in Michigan involves the and the acquisition of Everett jobs in Grand Rapids Piano Co. Japan. The company then sent a study group to Michigan, and the decision to "Michigan was the fifth or sixth state inh opportunities in Michigan by guiding international division. Cochran establishment of a musical instrument to set up an office in Europe, but said the saved the jobs of its 300 we were we firms in international expansion has assembly plant in Grand Rapids by a employes, open a facility here was reached. the first industrial state to division, through its overseas offices, seeks Wingerson said. place an office L, a major source of new jobs. foreign companies seriously Japanese firm. He said the in Tokyo," Wingerson said. The international program, instituted considering Yamaha Musical Products set Lansing office of the "The Yamaha plant in Grand Rapids is placing a manufacturing facility in the up its International Division of OEE worked V the Michigan Dept. of Commerce, has United States. facility there in September, 1973. At the with Yamaha before run by a Japanese general manager, but According to feedback from customers, Lited in additional millions of dollars Cochran said most initial same time, the firm acquired the Everett made. He said they any decisions were most of the other management positions Wingerson said, Michigan's international Michigan firms and more than 8,000 contacts with Piano Co. in South supplied the firm with are held by Michigan people," Wingerson division has the most developed and * the prospective investor Haven and ' are made by the now investment, tax and financial information, said. w jobs for Michigan residents. state's efficient program. foreign representatives, who The International Division of the Office provide him with basic j Economic Expansion (OEE) was reports and specific data information, requested about 1 finance bo seated by an appropriation in 1972 Diplomats Michigan. special division acts as a liaison retain This "Michigan has many assets as a site for between Michigan companies and foreign - owned factories," he said. "Its nterested firms overseas. The Midwest location, ^national division works both in accessibility to waterways, transportation networks and ding foreign markets for Michigan QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — Hemispheric . its skilled labor force offer great conference. The final vote was 12 - 3 with the Dominican Republic. 00ds and in encouraging foreign opportunity to prospective investors." foreign ministers Tuesday rejected the six exists for lifting sanctions," he said, but he abstentions, two votes short of the Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, all with otnpanies to set up plants in Michigan. After the initial contact lifting of 10 - year - old economic and necessary two - thirds (14 votes) needed to noted that the 1964 sanctions were The central office for the international phase is political sanctions against Cuba. The strong anti - Marxist governments, voted invoked by an overwhelming complete, Cochran said, the Lansing office pass the resolution. against. majority of division, located in Lansing, is staffed by takes United States said "no clear satisfaction" OAS member states. over. Representatives from the exists that Fidel Castro's Supporters of an end to the sanctions The United States maintained aloof bur international trade specialists. foreign company come to Michigan regime has immediately issued a declaration saying an "Some states here today were, with and silence during the I, ^so has offices in Brussels and are shown various cities and sites stopped exporting revolution. that the voting was "an absurd meeting, avoiding any good reason, among the most persuasive by the The public speeches or suggestions to other t0 be Ibkyo staffed by "Michigan ambassadors" specialists in the international division. measure failed after five fruitless procedure," that a minority had thwarted countries on to how they should vote. advocates of sanctions. For some of us, n,u ubose job it is to stimulate interest in the Robert C. days of meetings under auspices of the the interest of the evidence of Cuban hostility is fresh in our Wingerson, international Organization of American States. majority and that This strategy earned it the nickname "the itate overseas. trade specialist at the Lansing office, said failure to end the blockade minds," he said. The foreign ministers came to "seriously Buddha of Quito." i J. Cochran, director of the they try to get the prospects to make a Quito at compromises" the authority of the OAS. But when the United States "Though 10 years have passed, the r the request of Costa formally international division of OEE, said his decision while they are still in Rica, Colombia and The United States abstained Michigan. Venezuela, who declared that Cuba no along with abstained in Tuesday's voting, the U.S. states of the Americas have still received office helps small and medium - sized "We are salesmen in a sense, Guatemala, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua and delegate, Undersecretary of State Robert no clear satisfaction that Cuba has except our longer presents the threat of revolution to Haiti. Michigan manufacturers get started in the product is a state," Wingerson said. the Americas that it did in 1964 S. Ingersoll, made his first address to the abandoned the export of revolution." export business. Wingerson said about 80 to 90 when Voting in favor were Costa Rica, foreign - the OAS first invoked the sanctions. meeting and said his country "looks The defeat of the measure, however, Cochran said the Lansing office owned firms are operating in Michigan, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, forward to the day when the Cuba issue is But intense negotiations failed to win does not prevent OAS member states from nonsuits with Michigan firms interested in although he said it would be hard to the needed votes to Argentina, El Salvador, Ecuador, Trinidad no longer a divisive issue for us." uporting and provides them with determine an exact number. approve the end of the and Tobago, Mexico, Peru, Panama and "We recognize that a majority now carrying out bilateral commercial and Cuban quarantine, despite rounds of political contacts with Cuba. nformation and advice on all aspects of "Some of the oldest foreign - owned private meetings that lasted into the early ntemational trade. firms date back to 1928," he said. "Many hours of Tuesday, the last day of the U/.VIIU.1 H0U) ABOUT P£NIM?:'Ll 5E" M<1 PONT JORRV ABOUT stretching LITTLE FRIENP HERE CXWMAK V U)£'ii JUST THROuJ IN A Ford drops energy post nominee; ME A NEAT £KATlN6 PRE5f OUT of P£NIM!£HE'5 A 6KEAT^EiOEf?! Feu) &J&ETS I announce replacement soon I WASHINGTON (AP) — Moving to end a week of controversy, Gibson to succeed John Sawhill as it Ford dropped the nomination of Andrew E. Gibson as said. energy administrator, Nessen DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau federal energy administrator Tuesday, but said he wants to name In his letter to Ford, dated Bibson"to another responsible position in government." Tuesday, Gibson said the severance contract "would not inhibit the well, rr traces mammof later, he is arrested for | Gibson, former federal maritime administrator, asked in a discharge of my official a y0un6 philosophy student who responsibilities" as energy administrator. conspiracy in chica60, but er to Ford that his nomination be withdrawn because of the gets involved in the Berkeley escapes to become a medic at ITS SORT r his $880,000 severance agreement with Interstate Oil "Nevertheless, because of its existence it seems apparent that free speech movement, then woodstock. finally, freaked out OF ABOUT Ihnsport Co., a Philadelphia firm he headed until last April. any hearing on my confirmatidn will be a lengthy matter... I am moves on to a budph/st over the hm.anpm&onsik the sixties. yeah, man, [ In accepting, Gibson's request, Ford said he intends to reluctantly compelled to conclude that a lengthy confirmation hearing would not be in the best interests of the nation," he commune in michigan.. tabs of acid, HE wives his vm/ camper over a cliff i i been jmounce a new nominee for the energy post soon. morei more! there.. added. 0 ■ White House Press Secretary Ron at malibu! Nessen, in releasing the Itdiinge of letters between Ford and Gibson, acknowledged "the Gibson said he was confident an FBI investigation, begun after Jtfttr was handled imperfectly" by presidential aides. I He said Gibson told officials Ford announced his nomination, would clear his name and asked in the White House that it be completed personnel promptly. on of his 10 • year agreement with the Philadelphia firm Ford responded that "it would be unfair to r to Ford's announcement of the you to leave nomination, but "there unanswered the charges made against you. I, therefore, intend to m no amounts mentioned." have the FBI investigation run to its completion, and, when I Ford did not learn of the severance ... agreement until reading appropriate, to appoint you to another responsible position in "is reports about it some days after disclosing his choice of government." 1/ghf I ur newspal ing activiB tell every® coming wfl enjoyed I d against «ach other ■ntries in J Monday Night football vs Rhoda Kung 61 against Mary Tyler Moore I the paf ,de i tl Bemaby Jones vs. Marcus Weiby as expecB The Wahons against The Odd Couple ...and others. And the family can't watch shows I patron® on one set. two nd yes. IT To see all your personal favorites, you need a xcellent. I per¬ sonal TV—a second or even a third set that can be enjoj ylla easily moved to any room in your home. What kind of TV Don't settle for ,egar; ' second-rate-get the best, ADMIRAL. They're famous for their personal TVs. These new 1975 models have all the ADMIRAL features people want most. Brilliant, clear, sharp pictures. Full, rich sound. Handsome decorator styling. ADMIRAL is a name you can trust for quality They give you all the best warranties, including the industry's exclusive 5-year picture tube warranty (see warranty t what insert)-with authorized MASTERCARE service centers ities that and factory approved parts available all across the U.S.A. FREE BONUS— editors'! Sets with features like these sell for as much as $29.95 RECORD VALUE bility Ur WEDNESDAY SPECIAL MSU Art Dept. $150 in stores. Now get a supewalue by buying direct WHEN YOU ORDER RIGHT NOW." t the lacl from RESPONSE INDUSTRIES. INC in cooperation with W»h Mch TV « you <*d« 9" «* oi that FREE. GREAT RCA 5 L P. k of stin UNTIL 10 P.M. ONLY $99.95 FOR THE ADMIRAL PACESETTER RECORD PUCK wspaper- Union Activities Board 12" (meas diag) Model 12P647 121/8" high. 16" wide. 9-7/8" ddoing' gnirevj I FISH presents \deep. 17 lbs ONLY $89.95 FOR THE ADMIRAL MINI-MATE 9" (meas All You Can Eat! diag ) Model 9P637 915,32" high, 13 9 32" wide. 97/8" ione. sthis ei If Fish, Ranch Fries & Cole Slaw! ARTS deep 14 lbs Both sets have these ADMIRAL features it's bee ■ 100% SOLID STATE TUNER ■ Aluminized Wide Mark Bo *1.79 with Jeff Hoare, visiting tube for crisp, high-contrast picture, yet slim cabinet Ease" channel selection Tune channels 14 83 as Angle picture profile ■ "Equal easily as channels 2 13. ■ Built in VHF and UHF antennas ■ Handsome decorator Chairman Lunch Special from London styled high impact polystyrene cabinet with Black Walnut grain finish and built in handle ■ ADMIRAL High Gain IF Amplifier for excellent % lb. ishei & Hamburger The Arts Bang concept developed during the past ten years through Mr. Hoare's efforts to integrate various art forms detail even in weak signal areas, reduces outside interference How While TV and send Chicken Noodle Soup into a total experience. It is both a means of creative to buy it? The easy way Save time, save gas, and ez> and save plenty of money by buying direct from 2 W.Ho *1.49 expression in itself through a number of forms and a RESPONSE INDUSTRIES, INC -and you get this stimulus for expression in a single media. The program will IRONCLAD GUARANTEE If you don't like it, just people Kirk Entertains rd's last Tonight! involve the participants in a series of exercises, part drama, return it within 15 days, and we'll give you a 100% re nd the follouing to "East Lansing's Neighborhood Bar" part movement, and extend to involve other facets or fund. You take no risk, but you do get supewalue and ithin 15 days of pquestin artistic communication. super-convenience by shoppinq direct from your home. D ADMIRAL 12" (meas diag ) TV Model 12P647 Each $9995 $_ COMPLETE MONEYBACK GUARANTEE yrealia l I need more than one' Send me of them1 $ ORDER ONE OR MORE SETS NOW FOR O ADMIRAL 9" I meas diag.) TV Model 9P637 Each $89 95 gh.Afte Wed. Nov. 13 at 3pm and At that low price. I want $_ to F t PROMPT DELIVERY. QUANTITIES LIMITED. of them' $ Shipping and Handling $4 50 Each Set Total S&H $— get our Illinois residents add applicable sales tax $— at Liza' 8 pm in the Union Bldg. TOTAL AMOUNT $_ Wit PLUS! Send my FREE (one per TV set) record packages DA □ B DC you II gel a rebuilt black and while □ I enclose my check or money order payable to RESPONSE INDUSTRIES INC .rywhefl Gold Room □ Charge my credit card * Expiration Date □DINERSCLUB DAMERICAN EXPRESS DBANK AMERICARD □ MASTER CHARGE yKrei Holden ral Barrel It is FREE! ry Przyl Holden Errand River ^ 05N4G 351:0608;. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13, | M it'll if1 ft 'Fusion ' blazes By DAVE STERN This is precisely what the group's second album "At State Newt Reviewer Using expanded personnel to showcase Dudziak's vocal and Urbaniak's compositions, the album TTie history of jazz is the story of the great migrations: up the soars, throbbins East European pulse. Never singing a single river from New Orleans to Chicago, across the continent to New becomes a super • incfmtnanf Kn^nmnc a ciiruir instrument, otmaku word,' Urszul.'■' York and across the ocean, fleeing discrimination and lack of capable of shifting nuances i? . recognition, to Europe. agility no mechanical sound source could match. The voir The fifth migration is now upon us - the first major influx of original source of all human musical endeavors. All instruments are mere extensions of the voice and European talent into the United States. pulse The most amazing of the trio of Joseph Zawinul lead off a train containing such high emissaries albums is*Du^L of jazzdom as Miroslav Vitous, Milcho Leviev and now, Michal Urbaniak and Urzula Dudziak. "Newborn Light." The album is almost consisting of totally improvi£? a series of duets by Dudziak and Bunto? A long string of awards and albums - including Marcowicz. Admittedly, this is an album best left to voice "Constellation" on CBS - German - led to the appearance of improvisation nuts and general weirdness freaks. Urbaniak and his Polish group, "Fusion", in the United States The state of jazz singing in the '70s is a curious case Whil and on Columbia records. With two albums released in least two major stars of the last generation, Sara Vaurii Carmen McRae are still in top shape, and two old America by the group and a third by vocalist Dudziak, the group favorite ? Williams and Mark Murphy, have made minor seems headed for both popular and critical acclaim. comebacks { "Fusion," the group's first American album, is an essay in the three most notable new singers have devoted them<»lv« combination of jazz and rock propounded by the Mahavishnu breaking new ground. mselves Orchestra, the Eleventh House and Weather Report. As such it is Flora Purim, Bonnie Pointer and Dudziak have forsaken i undistinguished. royal lineage descending from Louis Armstrong and Betii.cJe Hiel plifier is setting new standards of Hi Fi per¬ Air Motion Transformer, the most exciting formance in the family of integrated and important achievement's in audio tech¬ amps A full 60%tts R M.S. per channel fed by two nology to be developed during the past sev¬ power supplies offers top sound with virtually eral years. Because the Heil AMT-1 uses far ony speaker systems. A unique tone control less mass to ochieve greater air velocity, the network makes neaHy 6,000 different tone AMT-1 has no peer in bath transient re¬ sponse and high transient response ond high frequence despersion It's cleor, distortion- free resportion make orchestral musk "Spar¬ kle,'' give strings their "guthness,' and per- '100 I a month. COMING THIS WEEKEND ^ng&CMufsen _ e Force ROTC BUTCH & THE KID COUPS AND CHAOS! ^ITISAJOY!^ WOODY ALLEN'S ARE BACK! woody Everything lhlifu" :holarships 2-year Just for the fun of it! alien's Paramount Pictures Presents You Always Wanted available HAROLD* To Know About ln!«: ln addit>on PAUL NEWMAN "bananas" to ROBERT REDFORD and Sex But Were C*. and a KATHARINE ROSS. MAUDE AFRAID TO SP12 stereo cartridge. The ADVENT model 201 tape deck Model 201 ■oii'ii00^ a"owance, ASK. Is the perfect add - on for any stereo Y'1 get $100 "BUTCH CASSIDY AND system. The 201 will make recordings Disc Shop a that are Indistinguishable from I • If you have a THE SUNDANCE KID" source material. Including the most best stereo records and FM broadcasts. 0r technical Panavision* • Color by Deluw major , "V not apply? 323 E. Grand River 351 5380 Thurs. Conrad 7:30 8i 9:15 Thuri. Brody 9:30 Thurs. Wilson 9:15 Thun. Brody 7:15 | ^'act Captain Rayner Fri.Wilion 7:15 & 9:30 Fri. 109 Anthony 7:30 8i 9:15 Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. 100 Eng. 7:30 & 9:30 Sat. 100 Eng. 7:30 8(9:30 355-2168 Sat. Conrad 7:15 8. 9:30 Sat. 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:15 Sat. Wilton 7:30 & 9:30 Quonset 67 Sun. Wilson 9:00 Sun. Conrad 7:00 Sun. Conrad 9:00 Sun. Wilson 7:00 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13, | Woodcock urges unity woes Woodcock said law to the activities of costs or in the event of labor big offenders in the total harmonization of working unions must By STEVEN M.WILSON corporations. cover Wur» (J United Automobile Workers Woodcock addressed an multinational industries multinational corporations," disputes. international abuse of labor. conditions," Woodcock said. The Big Three have virtually He said it is their hope that (UAW) President Leonard audience of about 350 people, threaten the job security of Woodcock said. "The playing off of workers workers all over the world. He In the European market. country against those in taken over the auto industry a harmonization of work Woodcock said Monday night including representatives of in one •r.H said Woodcock said, multinationals another is standard labor in England, he said, which has environments on a world wide that workers and governments business, government and labor present labor laws and a of all industrialized nations from 11 countries. They were agreements have no power in frequently transfer their practice for most multinational made the British dependent basis would raise the standards must reach across national attending a three - day this situation. production facilities from one corporations," he said. upon them for jobs. Since the of all workers and prevent international |aw j„ 0IP'| boundaries to halt the abuse of conference on multinational "It is necessary to expand country to another to take Woodcock cited the energy crisis and the related multinationals from regulate the labor pract 11 labor by multinational industrial relations. the domain of international advantage of cheaper labor Three auto manufacturers as cutbacks took place, the Big Three have threatened to pull transferring to areas with multinational Minimum corpomJ cheaper labor costs. codes all their plants out of England "However, the trade multinational behavior mm unionists that established and if any strikes occur. are aware enforced. Woodcock said Ford has collective bargaining cannot "One way or another J MSU zip code causes confusion solve all of the problems," it recently shifted its primary v be done,' Woodcock facilities in Europe from Woodcock said. "National said. England to Spain where the governments must also play a labor is much cheaper. large role in this effort." By PAT NARDI housing only. If mail for However, she said the clerks Customer Relations said. the representative said. These unfair labor practices have led the UAW and other Woodcock said the threat of the multinational corporations •RNPWHif I State News Staff Writer Whether you are the zipper residence hall students zipped 48823, delivery may be is try to look out for the mistakes so mail will not be "When an area gets go big and receives the volume of mail The MSU Mail Office, is located in the which Central international labor groups to to workers' job security is i that MSU does, two zip codes Services Building, does not begin transnational collective compounded by the policies of or the zippee, if your letter is delayed. unduly delayed. bargaining in order to deal with many individual governments improperly zipped it is as bad as not being zipped at all. "They are really hurting themselves by using the 48823 The new zip established code last year to was make it easier to break down the mail. They do the same handle U.S. mail for residence hall students at all. They the problems caused by which attempt to attract tJSS&fe-. multinationals, he said. foreign investment in their cut Several students on campus zip code," Clarence Hoffman, accommodate the huge volume thing with the college in Mt. deliver about 20,000 pieces of - "The world councils of country at the expense of do not know whether to use manager of outgoing mail at of mail that MSU gets, a Pleasant. The mail gets interdepartmental mail each trade unions have come labor. National governments zip code 48823 or 48824 in MSU said. representative from Postal processed quicker that way," day, Hoffman said. together to achieve a goal of together with world trade their return addresses, staff Hoffman explained that the members at Hubbard East Lansing Post Office will Information Center said. deliver 48824 mail directly to The proper zip code for each residence hall. However, students in residence halls and mail zipped 48823 may take University departments is longer to be sorted from the 48824. Some confusion was rest of East Lansing mail and 2*IB. 'save 2MB. SAVE 90* IB generated this term, though, therefore will be delayed when a newsletter from Mason getting to campus. MBS. OR MORE 3-LBS. OR MORE 3705 LBS m\ • Abbot Hall erroneously urged "We still get quite a bit of le-mm tosh \ beef its residents to use 48823. mail incorrectly addressed with The 48823 zip code is the 23 zip code," a reserved for East Lansing spokeswoman from the East and MSU married Lansing Post Office said. lHAMBURfil Tenderloins proper MEAT LOAF Ml* 5210 WEST SGGINftW Uve ANd sTudy • • 930 WEST HOLMES "ROOD • 3301 EAST MICHIGAN • 2825 EASTGHAMDWVER iNROME LOYOLa UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO • 15407 WORTH EAST STREET 0PEK WEEKDAYS 8AM - 10PM.. AND SUNDAYS 10 AM TO SVi • Classes taught in English • All academic credits transfer BEEF "POT" r Save 324 Lb/ Beef • 60 courses offered each semester: UkHUM CHUCK ANTHROPOLOGY • CLASSICAL STUDIES • ENGLISH Chuck Steak • • • • & ITALIAN LIT. PHILOSOPHY THEATRE • • • PINE ARTS • HISTORY POLITICAL SCIENCE THEOLOGY • BUSINESS & ECONOMICS 350 schools represented over 10 years Campus villa houses • • ITALIAN PSYCHOLOGY some 275 students Ba BOAST, , m ll Wm BikWf GooJits• 3301 f. Hid WHITE OR 0UUC MEAT SAVE 10* LB. LEON'S Qhh HOT BAR B-ft CRISPY FRIED BAKED WHOLE MANY STATE SCHOLARSHIPS TRANSFER APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED NOW FOR SPRING 75 *nd 1975-76 lb> CHICKEN BEANS CHICKEW 3'«99* * 69* I'"" I®9 C0IIUEST0N6 LOAVES H0NEV DIPT. CINN. BUTTERS EGG OLD FASHION BREAD D0NUTS ib; 2&89* 6,o"S€H I Cold deep And The finest ' Selection OF Mines Matte, SME4»«£ save 354 So | speciw. ocefljiou1 COUHTttt FRESH 5-VARIETIES FRO*. 16-oi. RET ens."5&*l w/lN-SIDRE COUP LO W [BANQUET/ 8-FACK BUV 2-902.,SAVE 60* tangerines MILK I POTPIES I "PEPSI 1an6el0s («o coopoh needed) I25-S1ZE TLO ORANGES What's unique about Sflv/E 374 w/lN-STORE COUPON, Polls Anna 1 SAVE OX W/lK-STORE COOPON.TUHU-POK POTTO CWP5 HorDo&»«||yc 2 fiO Town & Country? We're obsessed with quality and fashion! HAMBURG SAVE 20n in the Dept. of Natural reg. reg. camp on 25 per cent of the "This raises a very real Z Limit 1 "trees said. Yearick said days," he said. "Why build concern about the advisability (COUPON) (COUPON) parks are faced with of Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 more campsites at this cost investing new dollars to East Lansing Store Only ing costs and are doing ($1,000 to $1,500 ) and then East Lansing Store Only lot of thinking about what develop either private or public watch them lie idle?" camping facilities," Dice said. d have to do to cut HERBAL ESSENCE 1 The park system 1 with is also Shampoo * • QO ^ ' a dwindling source 8 OZ. "venue to purchase land. (COUPON) rec 1 75 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Natural Resource B" East Lansing Store Only "ission is expected to out $5 million in bonds ed for land purchase, 'I only $900,000 left to TRAC II BIC BUTANE from. EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO-OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Cartridge Disposable Lighter Ito $5 million is the last MON & THURS M -4 PM, 5 PM • 8:30 PM 5 s e of the $20 million 351-5330 Pressed Powder $1.65 QQC aWMSM reg. 1.49 99C . tborized by the state ) reg 1.29 Qy in 1967. SAT 9 AM to NOON S1.49 Limit 1 (COUPON) sit on this level of EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. AVAILABLE AI: Expires Nov. 17. 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 for awhile, but we're far CO-OPTICAL SERVICES East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only meeting "k said. our needs," DR. R.C. MINOR, OPTOMETRIST STATE DISCOUNT J&J Eveready Projections of the Now in Brookfield Plaza 211 E. GRAND RIVER recreational needs of BABY OIL BATTERIES finders, in acres of land, •i be met with size C & D only $5 » idded. left to purchase "ftis is a helluva *uCrat to say, land, thing for a Marty's 5th Anniversary 5% 1.19 Limit 1 1.5 volt-2 reg. 70c pk. Limit 1 A 4 Zf AC but we'll (COUPON) (COUPON) '? to depend Our Expires No*. 17, 1974 the Coats on Expires Nov. 17, 1974 off, Ou ature East Lansing Store Only "'/he said. to get us more are East Lansing Store Only Nene Dice, MSU "arks professor HEAD & SHOULDERS 1 and -*es, said the state is Recreation I to "fill the need for the and Lotion I / 11 OZ. (COUPON) "experience." The state m ^vision is beginning to more land in remote The Sale is On 2 5(1 Expires No*. 17. 1974 East Lansing Store Only to fill the need, in 11011 to more 'areas. land near PRO-STYLER 16 88 Hair Blower Suits ' "fed to look at .. * and I0nal system as both our reduced 20-50% 1000 watt reg. Z1.30 Ql (COUPON) Expires No*. 17, 1974 private," Dice said. Ellt Lan$ing stor, 0l,|y ,.,sect°fs must work °f er onal to needs Michigan, meet of the he added. the Sportcoats redueed up to 50% SUPPORT HOSE Sheer PANTY HOSE Sheer Slacks as much as 50% off 611 £& no. A r\C 1.79 reg. 89c 4V Shirts reduced up to 30% Limit S (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Limit s (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Sleeveless Sweaters reduced 20% Sheer Fashion ORLON KNEE SOX KNEE SOX reg 69c Limit t 39C reg 150 Limit C Q5 C sftiaAZ/'*- (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17, 1974 Expires Nov. 17, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Open Park Free! Thursday MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING will gladly OLD SPICE COLOGNE ] 39 we Friday validate your till 9 p.m. 305 E. Grand River at M.A.C. ticket Master Charge - Bank Americard - American Express 4\°oc Kg. 2.Z5 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 17. 1974 East Lansing Store Only 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan > I974I IN RADIO STAT MSU icers ranked tops in nation By STEVE STEIN Tech last weekend, the MSU and two are from the Central do," Bessone said. "They are MSU returns, home this State News Sports Writer icers moved from eighth place Collegiate Hockey Assn. more for fan interest than weekend to face North Dakota MSU's hockey team is now to the top spot in the poll, Boston College, which has anything else. Friday and Saturday night at the No. 1 ranked team in the which was released Monday. yet to play a game this season, "It's nice to be up there, Munn Ice Arena. nation, according to a poll Teams in the poll are ranked was ranked second, ahead of but that's where you want to The Fighting Sioux, or conducted by a radio station in by 10 coaches. Four are from Colorado College and Michigan be at the end of the season. Nodaks. as they are also called, Hancock, Mich. the Western Collegiate Hockey Tech from the WCHA. "And I'd much rather be are mired in the second Apparently on the strength Assn. (WCHA), including Colorado leads the WCHA the fourth or fifth team division of the 10 - team of its two victories over Spartan coach Amo Bessone; with a 4-0 record. playing the No. 1 squad WCHA with a 1-3 record. previously top - rated Michigan four are from eastern schools, Minnesota, Harvard, Denver, North Dakota has scored 12 anyway." Wisconsin, St. Louis and Cornell round out the top 10 Bessone said he voted for goals and given up 13 in losing three of four league contests. teams. Colorado College as the No. 1 "It's team and MSU as the No. 2 Minnesota swept North CHUCK JOHNSON very flattering," Bessone said Tuesday when squad because of their records Dakota last weekend, but the informed of his team's rating. in WCHA. The Spartans are Sioux were leading during the tied with Minnesota and before bowing, Face it, Woody! "But it means nothing right now. It's too early in the Denver for the second place in first 5-4. contest season. We play 36 games." league standings. In other league action last We've arrived The Spartans have a 4-2 The Spartan coach said his weekend, Colorado College overall record and a 3-1 mark squad's main goals are to make swept Minnesota - Duluth, in WCHA contests so far this the league playoffs and then handing Duluth its third and year. get into the NCAA fourth straight league losses You must have noticed by now that MSU apparently can do no "I try to play down the championship tourney, and not and Denver swept the right in its football program regarding its role in the Big Ten. ratings, just as most coaches necessarily to be ranked No. 1. University of Michigan. The cries of "foul" toward the Spartans are being sounded again this year in the waning weeks of the conference campaign, but this time the source questioning MSU's honorability is different. In the aftermath of the Spartans' 16-13 upset victory over Ohio State, irascible Buckeye coach Woody Hayes claimed that MSU used "dirty" tactics to post its win. Hayes' assessment is in strong contrast to his feelings toward Bright future ahead the Spartans last year when a vote by MSU Athletic Director Burt Smith gave OSU the nod for the Rose Bowl instead of the University of Michigan. And today in Ann Arbor you can't get anyone to call MSU for soccer squad anything but a good neighbor, since the Spartans' upset victory enabled the Wolves to claim sole leadership in the Big Ten race. MSU shared the NCAA By DAN SPICKLER next year Rutherford is This too is a drastic change in attitude, considering that State News Sports Writer championship. planning to put the booters on Michigan had set out this season with a vendetta against the This banner hung on the The squad finished its an off - season training Spartans, promising to vindicate the decision which kept them fence of the MSU soccer field season outscoring its program, the first of its kind from going to Pasadena. during the Spartan booters' opponents 19 7 and for the MSU team, according Last season, while U-M's Bo Schembechler assailed and final contest at home this outshooting the other teams, to the coach. ridiculed MSU's Smith, Hayes' howls from Columbus expressed season: 214 - 110. "Next year they'll be that MSU had done the right thing in picking his Buckeyes over "You ain't seen nothin' Even more impressive was quicker, more flexible, bigger, the Wolverines. the yet." Spartans' defensive stronger and smarter," It's much the same case today, except Hayes is on the short And despite suffering their performance. MSU sophomore Rutherford said. SN photo/Dan Shutt end now and Schembechler is reaping all the benefits. only loss of the year last goalie Gary Wilkinson, with the The team will be put on Several members of the Spartan hockey team celebrate a goal they scored "In practice, we don't expect dirty football," a bitter Hayes Friday at Indiana, the MSU help of a strong defensive Nautilus and Universal exercise said after the Spartans were credited with Saturday's victory. soccer team still holds to the backfield, shutout of the against Minnesota earlier this season. The MSU squad, coached by Amo seven training machines and "You can't run your plays when you can't get your center off the meaning of that poster. 11 teams MSU faced. Rutherford's own flexibility Bessone, is ranked first in the nation this week after beating the poll's former ground." If soccer coach Ed With all the success this exercise^. first team, Michigan Tech, twice last weekend at Tech by scores of 4 - 2 and 5 • Hayes' charges stem from the last seconds of the game, in Rutherford has his way. MSU year, the Spartans are looking The program really started 4. which OSU was unable to get off a final play. According to the fans have a lot to look forward forward to the future with last spring when Rutherford volatile coach, the Spartan players were holding some of the to next year. wide smiles. The soccer team took over the soccer team hockey players! Buckeyes to the ground as the clock was running out The MSU team loses only two seniors next '"Hiere were 26 seconds left on the clock and play off," Hayes said. "They (the Spartans) kept we couldn't get down young finished its 1974 season with year, Phil Jim Nugent and after at coaching football MSU since 1965. Seven women one the ground. We couldn't get our men up." us on an 8 - 1 - 2 record, the best Bertel|en. The rest of the team will probably return. MSU displayed great winning percentage for the endurance during the season, play in Great Lakes tournej Schembechler's reaction to MSU's wjn expectedly was positive, and he showed his graciousness by voting the Spartans to Spartans since 1968 when Before the team gets rolling but Rutherford wants the team even stronger. to the top 10 in the UPI national collegiate poll. The offense this year And where does all of this leave MSU? did not overwhelm other teams Well, it seems that the Spartans still are not fully respected as a team which can and should have a significant bearing on the outcome of the Big Ten football race. Dodgers' Garvey as MSU won five of its games by one goal. Seven players from MSU's women's field hockey team will travel with the Michigan Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan. Minnesota, At the tournament, a Great representing MSU are center on the ted forward Hallgren, center halfback Card Rutherford is hoping that Though its victory over OSU definitely merits recognition, the teams' top young forwards All - College hockey team to Lakes sectional hockey team Kiddon, left wing Karen Millel apparently the "Big Two" is still balking over realizing or admitting that a new member is about to enter its elite group. named MVP in NL - Fraser Pahad, Zdravko Rom, and Peer Brunnschweiler — will Ann Arbor Saturday to play in the Great Lakes sectional will be chosen to play in the national tournament. right halfback Shelly Owenf left fullback Jill Reiter. rin MSU football is on the way back, and the sooner the rest of hockey tournament. The selection procedure is fullback Joni Weloszk an| improve with off - season Fifteen teams entered in the conference realizes it, (namely Woody, and you too, Bo) the NEW YORK (UPI) - Steve batted .312 with 21 homers are the same as it was at last goalie Rose Wilkins. training and this season's "the tourney, which is the week's All Mikki Baile, Spartan easier the pill of defeat will be to swallow. Garvey of the Los Angeles and 111 RBI, received 13 first experience under their belts. College cc The Spartans have taken their medicine - some bad and some Dodgers, a virtual unknown at place votes and 270 points Mike Kenney, Jim Stelter stepping stone to the national torunament. There will be two talked about the tournamei| the start of the whose hockey tournament. The 15 officials on the sidelines and the competition that tf good - for almost eight years now, but finally it seems that the season from the 24 writers who and Phil Smith have been batting prowess made him college and amateur all - star watching the players and MSU women will be up againsl grid program here is being nursed back to health. a participated in the voting. chosen captains for next year. No more can teams overlook this entourage of youngsters, household word by the end of Brock, who set a modern major squads represent five states in selecting the team. "This tournament will bel It will be the second year of the Great Lakes area, who have shown as much talent as desire, and have blended both the campaign, culminated his league stolen base record with including The seven women lot tougher than the All f leadership for Stelter, a together well enough for success. "rags to riches" year Tuesday 118, had eight first place votes defenseman, and Kenney, a College one," Bail! Spartan coach Denny Stolz knows that the future is here for by being named the Most and 233 points. Garvey and commented. "Not only Mill if middlefjeld player. MSU. The coming years are finally looking bright. Valuable Player in the National Brock were the only players college teams be playing in The presence of 19 freshman and 15 sophomores out of a League. named on all 24 ballots. but women on amateur leanl roster of 55 reflects the tremendous job that the Spartan The 25 - year - old first from all over the Great Lak| coaching staff has done in recruiting the past two years. And baseman, the only major Pitcher Mike Marshall of the Dodgers, the NL's Cy Young Jets' Weeb area, who have had a lot J better yet, the Spartans are winning right now with all that leaguer to collect at least 200 experience, will be competii hits and 100 award winner, received one also." youth, which has to say something for the caliber of players on batted in this quits team runs the MSU squad. first place vote and finished season, was a surprisingly easy The MSU women on the A| It has been a long while, but Spartans fans can now prepare winner in the third with 146 points while balloting of the NEW YORK College team might ev (UPI) Weeb - themselves for a winner. The victory over OSU was no fluke. The Baseball Writers Assn. of Cincinnati's Johnny Bench, the - All women interested in students, faculty and staff to play against their ow 1973 MVP, was fourth with Ewbank, the rotund little man Spartans' current 4-1-1 record in the Big Ten doesn't represent America as he beat out stolen who won titles in two leagues competing in the Woron's members, will begin at 6:30 in a contest. base 141 points. anything but deserved profits for a good job done by everyone king Lou Brock of the St. Intramural individual swim p.m. associated with MSU's football program. Louis Cardinals. and developed two of the meet Thursday must sign up at Women may enter three "Some of the area hock^ In receiving the NL's most greatest quarterbacks in pro coaches, myself included, wr For Michigan State, everything is coming up roses. Garvey, a former MSU star, the main information office of coveted individual honor, football, ended a 45 - year swimming events as well as the the Women's Intramural be playing in this tournamti diving competition. Garvey became the ninth career in football Tuesday Building by 5:30 p.m. Events include the 2 5-yard also," Baile said. "That meal Dodger player in history to be so honored, but the first since when he announced his retirement as general manager Thursday. freestyle, 100 - yard medley that maybe my own will be playing against plaw| The nr of the New York Jets. meet, for MSU relay, 25 - yard breaststroke, 25 - should be interesting." Sandy Koufax in 1963. yard butterfly, 25 - yard backstroke, 50 - yard freestyle, 100 - yard freestyle relay and Spartan frosh linebacker diving. In the diving competition, each diver is required to make (meetings! three dives, one each from a Women interested injoinj key figure in OSU upset different group. The groups MSU's indoor and outdoB include front dives, back dives, women's track and field teaj twist dives, and inward reverse j should attend an organization Hives. By PAT FARNAN help this team out a lot," he said. "It's a young meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday I State News Sports Writer team with great potential and I'm just happy to Students with advanced the fieldhouse at Jen'l Linebacker Paul Rudzinski supplied the be able to contribute to its success." competitive swimming Fieldhouse. _ MSU football team with one helluva plug in Rudzinski is small as linebackers go, backrounds must check with Those wishing 'urtJ but Saturday's 16-13 upset win over previously top plans to add pounds and strength to his 6-1, the Women's Ifitramural office information should cal! c°T - ranked Ohio State. 207 pound frame this winter with a - vigorous before the competition. Nell Jackson at 355 • 47bU. Rudzinski entered Saturday's game as an weightlifting program. extra linebacker, replacing a defensive back on Nevertheless, the Spartan rookie considers goal line stands. strength one of his strong suits. The idea was to clog the middle and Pat McClowry, who plays ahead Of maximum outside pursuit of swift American tailback Archie Griffin. get the All - Rudzinski in the MSU linebacker corps, has exerted considerable influence on his younger Two more chances The stubborn Spartan defense protege. prevented the Buckeye offense from crossing the goal line "He's been a great help," Rudzinski inside the ten • yard line on four occasions. The most crucial, of course, occured as time expired. commented. "I've learned a lot from him about reacting to guards and backs and how they to see Spartan wir might tip off a play." "It worked great. It was the greatest feeling Rudzinski's father, Leonard, played baseball If you were one of those unlucky few who could not bu to see OSU's offensive line going backward at MSU in 1942 and 1943, but son Paul said his a ticket or get within viewing range of a television se 1 instead of forward. (Linebackers) Terry father was not unhappy when he chose to play the weekend, your prayers have been answered. L You have two more chances to see Saturday s op ■ McCldwry, Pat McClowry, (middle guard) Kim football. Rowecamp and I - well, I think the entire line "He was just thrilled to death that I upset victory over previously top - rated Ohio State. ■ hit Henson (OSU fulback Champ Henson) on playing football. So am I. Just winning a game was The game films of the Ohio State - MSU football »>] that play," Rudzinski, a freshman, said. like that (OSU) was thrilling. I think we've got will be shown at 8 p.m. tonight in the Union Ballro • The win catapulted the Spartans into the good program repeat showing is scheduled for Thursday night at the a here. With a few breaks here time in the main lounge of the Union. 13 th niche in the weekly UPI football poll and and there some ,je| great things could happen," SN photo/Bob Kaye earned second - year coach Denny Stolz UPI Rudzinski said. The two showings are sponsored by the Union Ac MSU freshman linebacker Paul Rudzinski forces Ohio State Coach of the Week honors. Denny Stolz takes his Spartans to Indiana Board in cooperation with the MSU Alumni i quarterback Rudzinski, from Detroit Catholic Central this weekend for a Admission is free both nights. .. Cornelius Greene to become ambidextrous in a hurry as one of four Saturday encounter with Buckeye Lasting approximately 42 minutes, the film wi 1 touchdown drives inside the ten yard line was foiled Saturday. Rudzinski, a High School, arrived at MSU with various high Lee Corso's Hoosiers. school accolades, including All - State and All - "We've got to quit thinking about Ohio only the actual playing time of the contest. Play • .1 high school All - American at Detroit Catholic Central, saw plenty of action narration during the showings is scheduled to be handt ] American designation. State and concentrate on Indiana this week," Saturday on goal line stands against the Bucks. member of the victorious MSU football squad. "I enjoy "the hard work and I think I can Rudzinski warned. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13, 1974 I] Security ■(continued from p.*J> | ■"v headquarters itself was the most stringent I,ritv since I960 when lita Khrushchev, Fidel L and other world leaders Ed the body, he 16 • am' """P1®* was . t0 the public, and Kjjs with business in any he three buildings had to a special pass from a ■norary ■ outpost set up s the street. in the 14 • day debate | under way, everyone in f »iCinity of the General Lmblv except delegates and Xbers of the UN Secretariat ■ he subject to body ¥c|,es, officials said. Syrian Foreign Minister Eel Halim Khaddam said in Element that he expected ■decision adopted at the end ■the debate to follow that L at the recent Arab Emit conference in Rabat, jftrab leaders there decided r the Palestinians, under R leadership, have the right ■ establish a "national Jhoritv," in any Palestinian Etory that might be freed Tilsaeli occupation. Crts of old Palestine now Jer Israeli occupation are (west bank of the Jordan Terand the Gaza Strip, hn A. Scali, the chief U.S. ate to the UN, said he Ed not make any promises Lit what the United States' Jit of view would be "until I Ehow the debate goes." letroit man lies; lived i $2 a day lETROIT (UPI) - John Eureon captured the ■pathy of poor and rich I three years ago when it I revealed the elderly man I ton surviving on less than ■ day. E'o{ureon died this past ibid at a Detroit hospital, 't. on a farm in nania, Ungureon spent I last quarter of his life in poll's Cass Corridor. He was to work because of ARMOUR VERIBEST « kr health and had Hundreds of persons sent I small donations of cash no family. DADIT A FULL 5 RIB CUT (FORMERLY CALLED RIB LOIN ROAST) I food when newspapers I of Ungureon's struggle to BLADE ROAST 78c. fce on a food LOIN allowance ■1.65 a day. Tie opened his first checking pint with the donations, I was able to increase his lis from the previous one ■day. pecause of the donations, f«er, Ungureon was unable JENO PIZZA » 68c Jbtain ■infederal an extra 16 cents a PEPPERONL SAUSAGE aid for food. |Je spent the last pits of his life in several FROZEN a nursing T near the Cass Corridor. FOOD • © o o CLUB LOW FAT MILK £ 2/98 UNIQUE FLAVOR AND EASY TO PEEL NO-CAL FLORIDA il f f y TANGELOS - 67 SOFT DRINKS ss 7/$l PILLSBURY JOY '100 FLOUR 1 month. with SS.00 purchase _6 A'f Force ROTC and this coupon iili'u" 2-Vea' C u ~ SANITARY NAPKINS BETTY CROCKER ■J El . ps available Edition to |° Halves & Pieces DIAMOND ! KOTEX |'?n' fees and a WALNUTS 98c POTATO BUDS 28 S]09 WITH COUPON a"°wance, I oi. wt. pkg. ■irn 16 or wt. (1 lb.) bag WITH COUPON T'1 get $100 a I Good thru Saturday, November 16,1974 Good thru Saturday, November 16,1974 Good thru Saturday, November 16, 1974 L ' you have a f 0r technical major Coupon limited to one per item and per person Coupon limited to one per item and per persoi | Coupon limited to one per item and per person pot apply? Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Meijer THRIFTY ACRES Meijer THRIFTY ACRES ct Captain Rayner 355-2168 Qu°n$9t 67 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. - SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan t Wednesday. NovemhPr, A c People to People Communication f ' Call Now X Classified Advertising 'i[\_ 355-8255 I Automotive jfo; FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phi! (rank [ Apariitiis "g W\ f Apartments FORD VAN, 1974-1ow mileage, DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, MAN NEEDED. Winter / Spring 14 ROOM MANSION. 7 Call anytime, make offer. 694-1733, before 3 bedrooms, NEAR must sell! term or now. For four man. all utilities paid. 2 mile* FRAND0R . j^ to 485-7929. 5-11-18 pm. 5-11-19 Twyckingham. Non-smoker campus. $50. 332-3787. 3-11-15 unfurnished, garden 485 9343. l^l preferred. 332-4159 after 5 pm. 5-11,4 GMC VAN, 1968. Panelling, SEARS 1969 106cc motorcycle. 3-11-15 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. carpeted, must sell, 351-7588 Good condition. CLEAN after 5.5-11-15 1,300 miles. Single room in two bedroom. RESPONSIBLE ^ PHONE 355 8255 Includes two helmets. $250 or •hare 2 FURNISHED 1 bedroom to Three blocks from bedroom ^ campus, $105 487-1967 347 Student Services Bldg. GMC HEAVY DUTY 3/4 Ton, best offer 394-0028. x-5-11-19 sublease. Avertable December Furnished, 651-6412, 351-7069. B-H-TT^ 13. close. 351-3644. 5-11-19 3-11-16 ' AUTOMOTIVE 1969. power 396 engine, automatic, steering, brakes. BONUS COUPON leather goods with - 20* off on this ad. Offer all deluxe/fu^-"-! bedroom Scooters & Cycles Positraction Runs great. Body GIRL NEEDED, winter, wring. 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, apartm,,,., | expires November 16th, 1974. Parts & Service rough. Best offer. 663-6585. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. One bedroom, close, 337-9629. 3-11-15 quiet. Jolly-Logan area, full basement, __33_2.3135 or 882-6549 J Holt. 694-6621. C-5-11-16 yard, carpeted, $180/month plus FAWN PARK Aviation utilities. Security . deposit and Apartment^*! ► EMPLOYMENT GREMLIN 1971. Six cylinder, 1 MALE FOR Eden Rock - 4 man. required. 372-8073. After 6, young married,, 1 ► FOR RENT stick. Excellent condition. Make f Ilk Service ][/] $80.50. Available now through 669-3090.8-11-22 deluxe color 2 coordinated i| offer. 355-1167. 5-11-13 June 15th. 351-9482. 5-11-19 bedroom Appliances, aparImJ Apartments U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center RESPONSIBLE MATURE, male to balconies, pa ample parking, many 0| Houses offers you tools, equipment, and GIRL TO sublease furnished 4 man, share 2 bedroom, furnished GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tires. extras. $139 $169. 883J Standard shift, 3 speed. $2,000. insturctions to do your auto $63, winter and spring. Call house. $110. Randy Rousse. Rooms 10-11-22 repairs. 5311 South 332-4289.3-11-15 676-1051. Evenings, 487-8299. Call 641-6806 Or 641-6767 if ► FOR SALE 7-11-21 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, 3-1M5 TWO Animals no answer. six days. 20-11-20 FRAN DOR TWO bedroom BEDROOM apartment, |Uf^] HONDA 1972 Coupe. 43 miles per unfurnished, carpeted. First 125 NORTH HAGADORN, block two blocks fL Mobile Homes gallon. AM/FM, low mileage, WANTED - VOLKSWAGEN engine floor, $175. No undergraduates. to shopping and M$U. Luxury campus, sublease, wintj ► LOST & FOUND spring. 351 2637 51115 radial tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 casing, for 1967, 1500 cc. Call Call 351-1323. 3-11-15 front 1 bedroom, unfurnished, J ■ PERSONAL 353-8371.3-11-14 newly decorated, carpeted, all SUBLEASE FURNISHED, ~n,i ■ PEANUTS PERSONAL KARMANN - GHIA 1971. 'TP LIKE ID ZOMETWNG WOMAN, OWN bedroom, bathroom, furnished, $60. appliances. Best neighborhood, $175 including heat. 351-6339 bedroom apartment cioJ Convertible excellent REAL ESTATE IN A FROG!" Strawberry Fields. 394-2152, evenings, weekend. 3 11-15 campus, December. 351-4246 $264. Avail RECREATION 2. 3-11-13 355-4205.3-11-15 after3| SERVICE £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELtY. CA 9 4709 FURNISHED 1 bedroom, clean, KARMANN GHIA 1971 • great APARTMENT NEXT to Brody. quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, 731 BURCHAM Instruction shape, $1195/best offer. 2-man, air conditioned, patio, no undergrads. Security 3-man, fyrJ close to campus. $76.67 J Typing Service TRANSPORTATION MACH 394-1046 5-11 pm I, 8, 1969, 3-11-15 rapi.,...rm] n»»in«wi ifwi furnished. Start late November. 332-5874. 5-11-19 locks. $170 unfurnished, $185 - furnished, including heat. 351-7212. 5 11 15 regular gas. 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. WANTED cassette tape, good condition. COMPLETE EXHAUST systems LITTLE IMMEDIATE cash, good DESK CLERK needed. Must have OCCUPANCY. ROOMMATES 5-11-19 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. I for most foreign cars in stock. transportation and be willing to bedroom apartment, furnifl CAR POOL 332-8785. 3-11-14 growth potential. Independent needed immediately. River's 15% off with Ripp-Off coupon. travel. Call 372-0567 or close to campus. 35io| person to market bicycle Edge apartments. Rent FEMALE NEEDED, 4 woman. *#RATES*# MGB 1972, 24,000 miles. Stored CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN security systems, commercial 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. negotiable. 351-6265.3-11-15 C-36 Twyckingham Court, Winters. Many extras • 489-5346 CAR PARTS, 2605 East tricycles, with new firm. Part 0-11-27 10 word minimum $75/month. 351-1241. 5-11-19 days. 484-8482 evenings. Kalamazoo, one mile west of time to full time. Marketing, UNIQUE TWO bedroom. Fireplace, SUB-LEASE WINTER/#! 5-11-19 campus. 487-5055. C-8-11-16 bicycle experience helpful RN Large 1 bedroom, furnil NO. DAYS study, red shag carpet. Ideel for TWO CUTE, furnished 1 bedroom 351-7240. 5-11-19 FULL TIME opening on the close, quiet. 351-5703. 5 C 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 apartment. New paint, shag MERCURY BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced 1971. ORIGINAL 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe afternoons. LONG rates to students. Also carpeting, $125 - $140. GIRL NEEDED. Winter ft 1 3 5 10 OWNER, all power air, PART TIME X-ray technician to benefits, MNA contract, evening DEVELOPMENT. 5-11-19 371-3990 d or 482-5450. 5-11-19 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 $2000. Exceptionally clean, guaranteed rust proofing. VAN work mornings only. Starting and night differential, no shift Furnished. $61/month. 1 ziebarting, 339-9912. 5-11-14 WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 January, 1975. Send resume to rotation. 489-9124; 353-9027 5-111 12 15 1.80 2.25 4.80 6.00 7.80 9.70 15.60 19.50 MERCURY 1966. Local FALL SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. 2950 East Mt. Hope, Okemos. B-1-11-13 weekend off. Everv Weekend bonus other f IT'S NOT 2 APARTMENTS, Married couple, large one bedroom lower, LARGE 2 bedroom, 4 paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN TOO LATE!!! carpeting, drapes, appliances, 18 2.70 transportation. Good condition. Auto rustproofing, new and used Director of Albert Street, $85 7.20 11.70 23.40 Nursing. 349-1050. basement, garage or 2 bedroom $100. Call 332-3926. 3-11-14 cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as PART TIME medical typist to work INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL 351-4032, 351-5950, e; 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, half days. Starting January, CARE FACILITY, Okemos, BURCHAM plus den, dining room, central air. 484 8689 489-1875 after 238, Judy. 5-11-14 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 MUSTANG 1966. 6, 337-0496. 10-11-22 , 1975. Send Resume to 2950 Michigan. 7-11-15 mpg, 487-1688, 487-5393 after East Mt. Hope, Okemos. WOODS four. 5-11-19 5 pm. 1-11-13 MASON BODY Shop, 812 East B-1-11-13 [5EADLINE MARRIED COUPLE needed to GIRL NEEDED to sublease Cedar Kalamazoo Street since 1940. supervise a group of mentally Due to some recent Village, winter term. Call 1 P.M. MUSTANG II 1974. 4 the floor. Complete auto painting and appliances, one class day on collision service. 485-0256. RECREATION DIRECTOR, part retarded adults. Rewarding dropouts we now 351-9453. 3-11-15 automatic dishwaf before publication. Vinyl top. Only 8,000 miles. time. Working with youth. work. Room and board provided oven cleaner. | Call 351-0001 351-0048, 1-27 have comfortable few left. $165 per it or Apply at Meridian Charter plus salary. Call Irma Zuckarberg FEMALE ROOMMATE after 5 pm. 5-11-15 needed, 1-313-626 8888 10-11-20 ■ Townshop, 5100 Marsh Road, at 487-6600. 10-11-19 and spacious 1 Peanuts Personal ads VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE Okemos. 5-11-19 bedroom $80/month, across campus 337-2570 or 3321940. 5-11-18 must be pre-paid. MUSTANG 1971 Fastback. repair and body. DISCOUNT to students, faculty 20% MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our furnished apartments available EAST LANSING 23 manj 38,000 miles. 302 V-8, power district manager, 482-6893. immediately. furnished, sublease f on all cash'n' carry VW service PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, steering. Excellent) $1,595. taking application for possible 20-12-2 December SepteitJ Cancellations/ Corrections 351-2777. 5-11-13 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, $175 per month furnished studio, utilities paid. 351-2685. 5 11-14 employment to work closing 12 class $125 a month plus deposit. day 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. Utilities included r~*r» Iff! noon one • shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in NOVA SS 1973. 350, V-8, standard Phone 627-5454. 7-11-20 before publications. 485-2047, 485-9229. person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 ONE MAN needed to si transmission, $1300. 627-4244, 745 Burcham Drive Mastercharge and Bank am or 2-4 pm at MCDONALDS, apartment, S83'mJ 1 NEEDED 4 man, Beechwood, 627-7882. 3-11-14 TV STEREO Rentals. - The State News will be Americard. C-11-27 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. and 351-3118 or 484-4014 $65/month. Winter/spring. Americana. Call 337-J Grand River, East Lansing or $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 3-11-14 responsible only for the OMEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Must INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on 2040 Grand Same Day Delivery and Service. 351-4654.3-11-14 River, Okemos. first day's incorrect sell. Payoff - $2256. Call cycles and auto. Call us first or 7-11-21 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 NORTH HIGH Street. Apartment OWN ROOM - nonsmoker. 484-2172 between 6-8 pm. last, but call. Easy Payment CEDAR VILLAGE. 1 male to insertion. for rent, partially furnished, sublease winter & spring. 4-man country setting. Four I 5-11-15 Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS $150 includes utilities ACCOUNTING MAJORS - NEED STORAGE space? Garage newly decorated. $140 plus aprtment. 351-3573. 10-11-25 353| 485-4317. 0-11-27 junior level or above. Temporary and/or basement space available. deposit. Includes utilities. Adults before 5. Dave. 5-11-18 fills are due 7 days from OPEL CADET station wagon, full or part time employment Call 355-7819.5-11-14 only. Phone 485-1302 or 1970, $500. GIRL NEEDED winter term only. the ad expiration date. If automatic, J not paid by the due date, a $.50 late service charge will 332-0990. Must sell. 5-11-18 n«»innt ifMi beginning mid-January through April 15th. We will* teach TWO BEDROOM, garage, gas heat, 393-7839. 3-11-14 Capitol Villa apartments. $65. 351-3292. 5-11-13 GIRL NEEDED winter and term, own room. Call between 10-2.10-11-25 35lf Federal, State, and local taxes. stova and refrigeretor. Neer SHARE TWO • man apartment. due. OPEL RALLEYE 1970. 35,000 WAITRESSESS WANTED for night y miles. 24-35 mpg. Good positions, full or part time. You must be able to attend free tax clinic week of December Sparrow Hospital. $140 per Own bedroom. Winter and EAST LANSING - One bedroom WATER'S EDGE 4 condition. month. 489-4326 or TU2-1934. spring. Free bus to campus. furnished. Quiet residential area. New michelins - Apply at DRUAR'S FOOD AND needed winter & spring. Sulfl 16th and devote minimum 20 2-11-14 337-9291.3-11-14 Carpeting. Disposal. Security radials. $1075 or best offer. Call LIQUOR, 415 East Saginaw, Automotive 355-7367 evenings/weekends. Lansing. 489-2086. 5-11-14 hours per week to employment locks. $185. Lease from $82.50. 337-9292.4 11151 during tax Own FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, [ Apartments i!$? season. December, 1974 - September 15, 3-11-15 available December 15. $135. FEMALE NEEDED ABLE TO rent new 1974 VW transportation necessary. Apply 1975. Woodside Apartments, CANDLE CARVING - personable Call after 6 332-4553. Twyckingham apartment ;i Superbeetles. $5 per day • 10 PINTO 1972. Excellent condition, in person 9:30 to 12 noon pm. 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 cents a mile. Free pickup. must sacrifice. Automatic, new persons interested in full time (except Thursday and Saturday) EAST LANSING, V4 month rent 3-11-16 and spring. Call 332-fl work between November 26 and 5-11-18 RENTABEETLE. 487-2260. tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 or phone for appointment, free, luxury unfurnished 1 SUBLEASE CEDAR View 2 - man December 26. 337-7471. ROOMMATE FOR 2 bedroom, 2 10-11-13 882-2441 between those hours. bedroom, 10 month lease. No furnished apartment. Winter 5-11-14 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1972. 340. SIMPLIFIED BOOKKEEPING pets. $175-129 Highland. bath. Strawberry Fields. $91. term. 1-2 GIRLS, CEDAR Villagij AUSTIN HEALEY, 1968 Sprite. Power steering/brakes. UNLIMITED SALES & TAX SERVICE, INC. 4305 332-0976. 15-11-13 394-2768. 3-11-14 332-4874^3-11 -13 Immediate occupai Body and engine good! $600, DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos. 337-2497. 5-11-15 Automatic, 18 mpg, $2000. South Cedar, Lansing. 3-11-13 must sell. 337-7875. 5-11-13 OPPORTUNITY IN 372-6587. 5-11-13 WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive MASON, 2 bedroom apartment, includes 2 full baths, air If you're a better man then the job furnished. 337-1856, evenings. CAMPUS HILL, NOTICE OF VACANCY. Agency apartment near campus. To conditioning, car port. No AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 1970. you're now in, we'd like to talk Youth share with 1 roommate at 2-11-13 children or pets. $250. Phone apartments. Dishwa| you can save $$$. It pays to to you. Commissions. Call Development disposal, central a Automatic, excellent mileage. $135/month. No extra deposit 332-0111 or evenings and shop around. Call us. You may Josephine Starkweather at Corporation (Models Cities FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury laundry. Free bus * $1,000. Call Steve, 487-6135. required. Call 351-3367 soon. weekends at 332-3202. 20-12-6 694-3935. Investors Diversified Agency) Position: Executive be surprised. 484-8173. 5-11-15 Services. 10-11-22 Director Accountability 10-11-18 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no pets. Lease until September. One unlimited parking, heat Free roommate J MSU AREA: Okemos. One __ Responsible to the board of month free rent. $175. 129 PLYMOUTH 383, 1966. Directors. Selery range: $14,000 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to bedroom, furnished and 349JJ530.J 0J 2^18 AUDI FOX 1973; needs small SALES POSITIONS sublease winter term. Own Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 of Automatic, V-8, good running BE HOME EVERY NIGHT to $16,000 per anum. Duties: unfurnished, air conditioned, LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS amount body work. Good condition. $250. 332-8951. bedroom. Close to campus. deal 332-4604. 3-11-15 . 3-11-15 Arrange financial programs for The Executive Director serves as 351-3286, after 6 pm. 6-11-19 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, carpeted, modern. $150 to $165. Heat included. Call bedroom townhousesj individuals and business liason between the governing mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. appliances including wwh® board and the staff. This person 10 minutes to campus. 349-9604 after 5:30 pm. dryer, full basement, 5 CAPRI 2000 1973. 14,000 miles, PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. Good organizations. Will train for HOME OWNERS Quiet and Renters 10-11-13 like new, radial tires. 489-6802. shall be responsible for the and peaceful on a lake. drive from campus, tires, $300 or best offer. highly lucrative, annualized insurance. Only you can save 3-11-13 353-3624.5-11-18 commission sales. Prior sales assembling of competent staff $$$. It 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 preferred. $225/per 1 pays to shop around. Call SUBLET LUXURY, 1 bedroom.no experience desirable. Call and the day to day agency us. You may be surprised. CLOSE TO Sparrow Hospital and Purchase options av'ilj CHEVY CARRYALL 1971. PORSCHE 1967 Josephine Starkweather, operations. In addition, he-she deposit. $215. 373-6909 days, 882-0257 Wednesday •' - 912, good 484-8173.0-1-11-13 L.C.C. 2 efficiency apartments 332-4682. 5-11-15 Automatic, power steering, disc 694-3935. Investors Diversified shall be responsible for 1-6 pm. 10-11-15 running condition. $1495. for rent. Furnished, includes brakes. New tires. Shag Phone 372-8130. 5-11-19 Services. 10-11-22 administration, planning, public NEEDED: ONE girl, December - reletions, and inter agency utilities. $115 and $135 plus carpeting. Skylights. $2500. June. $80/month. Cedar Village. deposit. Adults only. Phone eMpAtI 349-2522, afeter 3 pm. 3-11-15 SUNBEAM ARROW wagon, 1967. 25 BEEF BONER, must be able to bone beef by the quarter. Full relationships. The director shall be responsible for submittal for 332-3064. 5-11-15 485-1302 or 393-7839. 3-11-14 CROSSWORD TPBAril mpg, $200. 353-8207. all CHEVY SCHOOL bus 1962. 3-11-14 time, top wages and fringe reports to the board of directors and funding resources. PUZZLE Remodelled $1395. 543-6982; for camper use. 393-4230. benefits. Inquire VANALSTINE PACKING COMPANY, Clayton General Qualifications: across nJA VOLKSWAGEN 1971, Super 3|Z 5-11-19 CHEVY 1967. Rusty but reliable. Beetle, $900 firm. Call 351-2380 anytime. 3-11-15 Jewel. 5-11-15 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, live - in Demonstrated ability with working with alienated youth, developing cooperative COOPERATIVE TOWNHOUSES 1. Fourth estate 6. Twinge 10. Ricochet 27. Mud volcano 31. Quandary 35. Vegetable L|0 (■n $300. Mornings or evenings. VW, 1972. Good condition, low babysitter and housekeeper. reletionships with other 11. Threshold 36. Turkish Dl 332-6909. 3-11-15 mileage, best offer. 349-9629. Most weekends off. Own room agencies, administrating a multi - 12. Ravage chamber jyn 5-11-19 with bath. Must be permanent, service youth program, "LEASE WITH THE OPTION 13. Art style 37. Fencing pBL;L CUTLASS 1969. Many extras, good neat, and dependable. 485-1607 promoting an agency before 14. Doublecrosser dummies eIyu. condition, best offer. Call days. 627-4108 nights. 5-11-19 governmental 15. Dirk 39. River island VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Michelin institutions, 484-8392.5-11-18 interest and understanding of TO BUY" 17. Legal matter 40. Italian money tires, AM-FM. Clean. Best offer. 882-7789. 5-11-14 HELPER - WATCHING 2 children the psychological needs of 18. Foreboding 42. Novel DATSUN 1970. Rare semi-classic 3.R1 (7, 10 years) after school; light youth, knowledge of minority 20. Plated utensile 44. Dallas airport 1600 roadster. Only 35,000 housework in exchange for culture, familiarity with federal 22. Danger down 4. Fragrant VW BUS, 1969. New engine, good • *200 45: Elves 5. Light mf miles. Mint condition. $1375. tires. 22 mpg. Negotiable. room/board Okemos home. grant procedures. Must have Security Deposit 24. Conjunction 46. Musial 1. Pigeon rain I Negotiable. 337-1238. 2-11-14 Weekends free, starting winter background in youth criminal 25. Hint 47. Urged on Bernie, 351-3921. 5-11-14 *188 Per Month 6 Pope's tl DATSUN 1973 610 Wagon. Four VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Excellent term. 349-3339. 5-11-18 justice system. Must be able communicate with elected to z: "> 7. Jeweled! door, automatic, great mpg. condition. Low mileage. New HOUSECLEANER FOR small officials within the tri county 8. Dog treeB 694-1267. 5-11-18 apartment. Half day weekly. region. Education preferred: 9 Su'feit'ff tires. $1675. 489-0888. 4-11-15 Censmei Good pay. 332-8804. 3-11-14 2 BEDROOMS 10. I% Bachelors degree. 0r 2 years DODGE 1966, 66,000 miles. 318 experience in 12 Support ■ automatic. Inside and out, general PART TIME employment for MSU q u allocation.s 16. Patriard® Submit Immediate Occupancy K perfect condition. Sanyo 19. Refined I students 12-20 hours per week. applications with resume to 4-channel AM/FM tape. Power Automobile required. 351-5800. Addie H. Moore by November 21 Cloak T steering, brakes, windows and "L0^ Call353-1492. 5-11-14 C-3-11-14 30, 1 9 74. At Youth COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES K 23 Bulge 26. Rise Development Corporation, 215 K _ 1954 HUDSON WASP, good FIAT SPIDER 124, 1970,excellent REAL ESTATE sales we train. East Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, 28 Tilted I condition - extras, $350 or best - motor, roof, transmission, offer. 332-1740. 5-11-15 High earnings. For interview call Michigan. Phone 487-5046. 29 Levant"! 6-11-14 Call: 882-4176 ketches! AM/FM radials, must sell. Paul Steffes at LOOMIS 349-3071.5-11-19 REALTY COMPANY, Mon. thru Fri. 1 pm to 30. Italian tf WANT to BUY used cars. Will pay 5:30 pm 31. Prett>!® 393-1220. 5-11-15 MODELS FOR photography. Call K i cash. Out of state wholesale. FORD GALAXIE, 1967, two door, between 10 am and 6 pm. 32. eiocMtfl in good condition, 18 mpg, 349-2634.3-11-13 STUDENT NEEDS help! CPS-120. 33. Caterpifl black vinyl top, white body. Must sell. 351-8142. 3-11-15 MOVE AROUND a lot? The Call 339-9468. 1-11-13 489-1215.0-11-27 THERE'S A i: 34. LengthwJ" 38. Air poll"® i roomer in town "Service" columns of the Want BICYCLE STORE manager. Long looking for your rental. !QU«t NOUSI* 41.0usMo| Ads help you get things done. term arrangement. Experience Advertise vacancies with Want OPPORTUNITY poet Check there now. necessary. 351-7240. 6-11-19 Ada. Dial 365-8255 43. wooden® ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 13, 1974 13 ll>j ! For Sale J[^j (. NEEDED, wintar term, View apartments. for 3NnMrEc^puVr38rLind'.Vn.^ 1974 LIVING ROOM set. Gold Personal J/j 3-1H3 Imitation fur, excellent shape, STUDENT LOANS x-ttivzx 3-11-16 ,,26M35~n' very 3-11-13 comfortable. 484-4304. Undergraduate students may ■aiflLSnwdtd. Winter, close. obtain 3 week loans up to $25 J 80/mon«h per person. from the ASMSU Business 8.5-11-15 FURNISHED, LARGE bedroom plui living room, $130. Kitchen Mnals l(V Office, Room 307 Student Services, from 8 -4:30, Monday Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the p.m. Daniel Berrigan wilt lecture at 8 Thursday at St. John Student be The University Bridge Club will holding regular games at 7:30 liTrROOMMATE needed. privileges. 402 Linden. EQUITY IRISH SETTER - Friday. State News office, 341 Student Center, 327 M.A.C. Ave. on the p.m. every Wednesday on the |nt.r/sprin9. $76/month. VEST. 361-8150 or 351-8133. champion puppies. AKC, Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least topic, "America is Hard to Find." second floor of the Union. I'ckinjhem Apartments. 0-1JJ27 349-9355, bloodlines. Call after 5:30 pm. FREE ... A Lesson in complexion two class days before publication. No announcements will be accepted Cosponsors are the Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, and the Skiers! Bring your items for Ski PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south, 4-11-15 care. Call 484-4519 East by phone. religious community at MSU. There Swap and Sale to be held in 238 Tr'NISHED ONE bedroom near Michigan Avenue. Quiet itudent, near but for line. BUCKSKIN MARE. 15 hands. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN Repeal laws, end discrimination is no admission charge, but participants are invited to Men's Intramural Bldg. from 1 to 8 p.m. today through Thursday. Ltment for rent, convenient $65/month Sound. Gentle. Good 4-H COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-14 against liberty. MSU Libertarian contribute to Vietnamese IlCC, and bus to MSU. 627-5454. 7-11-20 plus deposit. project. 484-9937 after five. Alternative at 8:30 tonight in CI 12 Rehabilitation. L«ni«(«lv remodeled end 3-11-15 THE ALOHA Wells Hall. ^W|371-1479-5-11"18 ROOM. COMPLETELY furnished, & Hawaiian Women students 25+: June Women! Would you like to get free radio exposure for your music, Patriots and tories: Intermediary FOUR CUTE little kittens. Free to presents Jeremy Rifkin of the I'c'kiNGHAM, 2 bedroom washer/dryer. Color TV, 5 acres, 20 minutes from campus. Phone good home. Call 487-3096. & TRIE Jacobson of the MSU Counseling Center wilt talk aobut "Self poetry, singing, and other talents?! The Women's Media Collective, People's Bicentennial Commission dishwasher, disposal, speaking about political strategies Xmthed before 5:30, 484 5861. 4-11-15 3-11-15 & ORNAMENTS Management" at noon today in 6 which produces "Women's Voice" f conditioning,^ 351-7166 or & GIFTS Student Services Bldg. Brown bag lunch every Sunday at 4:30 on WKAR-AM (830) is interested in and community organizing at 8 p.m. Thursday in B104 Wells Hall. FOURTH FEMALE needed for B-FLAT BUFFET ■ CRAMPON FREE, 4 month old black female sponsored by Women's 255 Ann 351 -1911 Resource Center. InISHED ONE bedroom, mile house. Own 1.4-11-16 room, $70 clarinet - new pads, solid nickel keys. Excellent condition, $75. puppy. Affectionate. 337-0468. 3-11-15 Women! Always interested in A campus, parking, balcony, Lansing Parks and Recreation Michigan School for the Deaf ■afXles Cetas. 353-0654 Call 337-9885. 7-11-18 ADORABLE PRAIRIE DOG, 5 Peanuts Personal gj Theater Trips for the Handicapped Volunteers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 6 Student Services Radio yet it always seemed so unapproachable? No Longer! Join 0ri5pm. 5-11-13 has scheduled the "Apple Tree" for L_ For Sale ^ FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. months old, plus accessories. $55 or best offer. 355-0071. LEARN TAROT card reading. 8 p.m. Friday. Contact Jim Spillane Bldg. Staff and children from the us, the Women's Media Collective, 9:30 a.m. every Monday in the Jo'mm'atT NEEDED for HOLMES ROAD Second Cabinets, workbenches, barrels and many other items. steel, 1-11-13 Professional instruction. Begins for more information. school win important meeting. join us for this Women's Center in the Union UN Enithid 2-man, own room¬ Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. Hand 882-2555. 0 soon. Private. 482-2659. 1-11-13 The Shalom Center, a Jewish Lounge. 5-11-15 ed. 485-1002. 3-11-14 882 3022 30-12 3 AQUARIUMS 29 Gallon with full - drop - in, coffee and study place is "Women's Voice" will feature glass lid only $19.95 • 55 gallon GAMMA PHI Betas are the best. open daily from 1 to S p.m. over readings this week from "Lesbian "lake" APARTMENTS, APPLES SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkles. with stand and full flourescent Your in house pledge. P.S. Campus Bookstore. Woman." "Women's Voice is aired Do you enjoy bicycling, skiing, Ik Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 ORCHARDS, 7 and CIDER, BLOSSOM miles south of Help prevent with prescription hood, only $99.95 - 10 gallon parking privileges? 1-11-13 at 4:30 p.m. every Sunday on hiking, touring and other outdoor jrn apartments just 10 groung sunglasses. Optical with filter set up and Dr. Sydney Lamb, Department WKAR-AM (830). Tune in! activities? There will be an Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. Discount, 2615 East Michigan, gravel - m from MSU. $150/per only $10. These aquariums make of Linguistics, Yale University will organizational meeting of the Closed Mondays. Gift packages Get to know a little more about American Youth Hostels at 7:30 nth. Beautiful grounds, quiet Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-11-15 excellent terrariums also. See speak on "Words, Concepts, and shipped the Agricultural Engineering p.m. Thursday in C211 Wells Hall. ■cation. Call Manager 339-8192 by United Parcel. Thoughts" at 4 p.m. today in B102 them at the FISH MONGER, Wells Department. If interested 1-589-8251. 0-11-27 WOLLENSAK REEL-to-reel tape Hall. Sponsored by the you are | EAST LANSING REALTY, 1522 East Michigan. We're open HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you Bisonl Department of Linguistics. there will be hamburgers, pop, "Gay Health Problems" will be >34128.10-11-19 recorder, 27 tapes, $250. potato chips and some people to 355-8822. 5-11-15 Monday thru Friday, noon to 9 No negatives today. Love, your the topic of the Gay Liberation Cash for pm and Saturday and Pobrecita. 1-11-13 All women can compete in the talk to from 5 to 6:30 p.m. meeting at 8:30 tonight in 33 Sunday noon to 6 intramural individual swim meet on Saturday in 115 Agricultural Union. Come out. We need your pm. Your Bank STAMPS & COINS TELEX 8 track stereo Cartridge Americard and Master Charge ANN WHO summered in London Thursday. Women may come and Engineering Bldg. changer. Holds 12 8 track welcome. 3-11-15 enter individually and no team Buy - Sell - Trade - are and studies Portuguese, please n ONE person, $80/montft full line of supplies tapes, $145. Ampex 1260 attachment is necessary. All women Learn to dance the Spanish Bonsai, the living art, will be reach Bernie at 1-313-862-5533. entering must sign Panic! Come to the Renaissance seen at 7:30 tonight in ( utilities. $120 depoeit. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP Si COIN reel-to-reel deck. $125. AQHA SORREL up in the main Dance Class of the Society for Horticulture Bldg. Sponsored by 204 filly. Flashy, information office of the Women's # 351-5979. 5-11-14 K> HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 Negotiable! 351-5488. 3-11-13 Intramural Creative Anachronism from 7 to 10 the MSU Horticulture Club. green broke, woke, show quality. $550. t Building before 5:30 355-5635.>35. BL-4-11-13 ! p.m. Thursday. The meet will begin p.m. Thursday in the Williams Hall DUAL 1214 CHANGER. Pioneer TRUCK LOAD SNOWBLOWER Real Estate m at 6:30. cafeteria. The Young and Careers Fall SALE, just a few left. Single and Speakers Series presents mechanical CS77A speakers. Large Advent multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. EAST LANSING house, two blocks The Self - Help group will meet Special Duplicate Bridge - Free engineer Tom Sloan to speak with speakers. Sansui A-1000 - X $169.95. 339-9522. 5-11-15 at 8:30 tonight in the Women's play to overall winners in Men's students about careers in this field from campus. Two bedroom, Women's pairs and mixed pairs AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 Center located in the UN from 3:30 to 5 p.m. today in 207 THOROUGHBRED attached garage, screened porch. Lounge of event for Lansing Sectional stereo cassette recorder. Sony GELDING the Union. Bridge Student Services Bldg. SEWING MACHINE Clearance TC-70 portable registered, 5 years old, 1654 $24,400, by owner. 337-2257. Tournament at University cassette Sale! Brand new portables hands. Great disposition. $900. 5-11-19 Duplicate Bridge Club. At 7:15 The ASMSU recorder, IBM electric Legal Aid $49.95. $5 per month. Large 655-1609. 5-11-13 tonight in Union. Department will have a lawyer pDROOM HOUSE, between typewriter. Used Remington selection of reconditioned used available for consultation from 8 decorated i and Holt, newly and carpeted, model 170 offset duplicator. Much more quality merchandise. machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis, New Homes and many Mobile Homes ■'* [ Recreation ]g§ Typing Service jflj Learn more about American Youth Hostels trips and local a.m. to noon and l'to 4 p.m. every Wednesday during fall term. Any SO/month plus deposit. WILCOX SECONDHAND SKI UTAH $285. Other Western activities especially upcoming ski MSU student interested in an others. $19.95 to $39.95. - Phone 694-9033. STORE, 485-4391. Hours plans. Come to informal Songfest at appointment is requested to Terms. EDWARDS MUST SELL, for sale or rent. 8x36, areas available. Call TRAVEL 8 p.m. 9-5:30 ANN BROWN Friday at 635 Kipling Blvd. contact the ASMSU office, 334 daily except Sunday. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, BY HARRINGTON your East typing and multilith carpeted, furnished, clean, pets. - at East Saginaw St. Student Services Bldg. C-11-27 offset printing. Complete service 1115 North Washington. Close to campus. 351-8141. Lansing Ski Center. 351-8800. ■EMARY NEAR Saginaw. C-6-11-15 for dissertations, theses, All students interested in an 489-6448. C-3-11-14 Physics Astronomy Colloquium Lie for rent, partially SAXAPHONE PAN American manuscripts, general typing. MSU Jewish Studies program are presents - Henry Hill of the |rnished. Will consider 5 to 6 Soprano. 22 old. Mint 100 IBM. 25 years experience. invited to meet with faculty University of Arizona speaking on USED ~][^ years VACUUM Cleaners. AMHERST, 1973. Three bedroom, nan or women. condition. Not a toy. Tom Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. good condition. Must sell, best Service 349-0850. C-11-27 committee at 4 p.m. Thursday in "Solar Oblateness, Excess A119 Berkey Hall. Please come! ^50 plus utilities. Ample 489-7977. Asking $350. Must Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 offer over $4,000. 627-5686. Equatorial Brightness and Phone 485-1302 or sell. 5-11-14 EDITING PROOFREADING. PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, Relativity" at 4:10 p.m. Thursday and up. DENNIS 3-3-11-15 • Med in 120 Physics - Astronomy 19.3-11-14 inexpensive typing. Very near Techs, the third meeting of Bldg. DISTRIBUTING Dissertations, theses, research IBM COMPANY, campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 the American Society for Medical ELECTRIC typewriter, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City, NEW MOON projects, manuscripts. Anne 1970, 12x50, 2 Technologists will be at 7 tonight in Jewish Femist Rap Group meets |, SHARE two man house, Remington adding machine. 45" Market. C-3-11-14 bedroom, carpeted, partially CAuley, 337-1591. 3-1M3 146 Giltner Hall. from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays and 48" desks. IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, insing. carpeting, partially 18" furnished. Good start for singles at Shalom Center, 507% E. Grand ■rnished. $80+. 394-1584. miscellaneous stand on wheels, general typing. Formerly with The MSU Promenaders will be River Ave. COMPLETE STEREOS for under or couples. Other extras.$3200. FULL TIME babysitting wanted in Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. meeting at 7 tonight in 34 Women's typing stand, 18" coppertone $100. Kenwood KA 2002 and - Call 694-0866. 5-11-18 my licensed home. Call cold spot C-11-27 Intramural Bldg. Members are urged Ann Walker, public director for refrigerator. 351-4680. KR - 5150. Benjamin - Miracord 355-6150. 4-11-15 10-7 pm. 3-11-15 KING ARTHURS to attend. WLWC-TV and recruiter for AVCO • QUIET house, kitchen. and Garrard Zero 100 Court, 1972 EXPERIENCED chain will speak on the question of Bonanza, 12x66 with 8x10 IBM typing. |0plus utilities. 155 Gunson, turntables. Harmon Kardon 75 + EXCITING DAY care program The MSU Cycling Club will meet broadcasting job market, mobility expando. Excellent condition. Dissertations (pica - elite). offered for 2'/i - 5 year old p. 5-11-15 DECRIMINALIZATION receiver. 2 and 4 channel Must sell $5900. Call collect, FAY ANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 at 7:30 tonight in 109 Men's and hiring policies at the second equipment and many speakers. children. 351-7949. 5-11-15 Intramural Bldg. All interested meeting of Women In OR BUST? 1-616-526-6358. 5-11-18 persons are invited to attend. Communications, Inc. at 7 p.m. fALE NEEDED: House near Mamiya - Sekor, Petri, and COMPLETE THESES, Service 8 plus utilities, Decriminalize Cannon FT-6 35m cameras. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Thursday in 33 Union. Discount Printing. IBM typing (_ Lost & Found ]Q] Tourism Club meeting, at 7:30 bailable now. Call 489-1804. Millions, Marijuana Used furniture, lamps, small oiled and adjusted. Portables and binding of dissertations and p.m. Thursday in 119 Eppley Pre - vet club presents Dr. appliances, tapes and albums. $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric Center. All interested persons are Dorm doors publication. Across from William Ebinger of Oakland Animal Leather coats from $15. FIND SOMETHING $12.50. One day service, free welcome. W Front bumpers campus, corner M.A.C. and Hospital at 7:30 tonight in 109 ROOM, close to campus. 10-speed bikes, ice skates, and IF YOU'VE found a pet or pick up and delivery. 25 years Anthony Hall. The topic will be the 165/month. Grand River. Below Jones Winter term. free postage roller skates from $3. Ski article of value, we want to help experience. 393-9774. Everyone is invited to hear daily operation of a veterinary W48S6.3-11-13 0-18-11-27 Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - Daniel Berrigan read his poetry at 8 1 -$1.00 3 $2.50 equipment, 4 man tents from you return it. Just come into the hospital. Friday. Call COPYGRAPH tonight in Parlors A, B, C Union. $70, camp stoves and lanterns. State News Classified PRIMO STICKERS SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 Sponsored by the Peace Center and Central School PTO presents PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, I OR two girls for ideal living Box 157 Manual and electric typewriters Department and tell us you want finest quality, reasonably priced. the MSU English Dept. There is no program on state accountability a 7 estate. Close, quiet. from $10. Complete line of to place an ad in EAST THESES, RESUMES, typing and charge, however, contributions are and assessment in our local schools (. 394-2167. 3-11-14 The Plains, Ohio 45780 guitars and amplifiers. Come on LANSING STATE BANK'S BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. asked for printing. Reasonable prices. Vietnamese at 7:30 tonight at Central School. down to DICKER 8i DEAL Found Column. As a public 482-5712. C-11-27 Rehabilitation. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Interested persons invited. TRAYNOR AMP (50 12" |D PERSON. Own room in watts - SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 service EAST LANSING STATE 351-4116. C-11-27 Very close. Call speaker) $125. Fender Coronado South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday BANK will run the ad at no cost FOR THE BEST Service on stereo James David Barber, author of South Collegiate Fellowship will 11-4114.3-11-14 guitar, case, $125. Together equipment see the STEREO "The Presidential Character," will hold its Bible Study at 9 tonight in and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday t0V° $225. Call 355-2425. 5-11-14 EAST LANSING SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. speak on "The Presidential 34 Union. The topic is Wednesday, Thursday and Character and I ROOM for girl, available Saturday, 9-6. C-5-11-15 STATE BANK C-11-27 Watergate" at 1 p.m. "Completion of our Salvation." All SALE. 700 USED 8 track tapes. 75 today in A-B 355 Case Hall. All are welcome. lecember 15. $80. Laura, C-11-27 interested are invited. cents $1.50. WILCOX DRIVING TO CLEVELAND every Jt-9526, after 5 pm. 5-11-18 SECONDHAND - STORE, FINE CLOTHING SALE, includes SPECIALISTS in cleaning and other weekend. Share gas Jerome Jarvis, national director boots, shoes, 7B, winter coats, FOUND: AT football game, gold restoring leathers and suedes. Union Activities Board and MSU of all organizations teaching the OS 485-4391. C-11-27 OKEMOS expenses. 353-2860. 3-11-13 AREA, 4 bedroom older miscellaneous clothes, leather, key student section. Call and CLEANERS, Alumni office present Ohio State Science of Creative Intelligence and al for students. $200 349-0910. 0-1-11-13 vs. Michigan State. A film in two Transcendental Meditation will suede items. Size 9. Barb, identify 351-1726. C-3-11-15 h plus utilities. No CLOSEOUT BRICK 5c each, patio RIDERS WANTED to Oregon, parts, first half and second half, at speak at a symposium sponsored by 337-7016. 3-11-14 slab 17c, 6" cinder, 15c. UAB TRAVEL Service share driving expenses. Call 8 tonight and Thursday in Union the Students' International '• Cell 332-4128, EAST LOST: now GIRL'S _ ring with large Ballroom and Union main Meditation Society at 2 p.m. today ■ANSI NG REALTY MARTIN BLOCK providing passport applications, Dave, 484-3155. 3-11-14 lounge crystal setting, Wells Hall. Thursday. FREE!! in Wonders Hall kiva. ^MPANY. 9-11-22 CORPORATION, 489-7551. Sentimental value. Reward. photos, student ID's. I'LV 2 bedroom duplex. 3-11-15 355-9160 or 355-2410. 3-11-15 Information call 353-9777 or 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 | Wwtai |f»] "I 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles decorated, carpeted, LOST: MALE beagle, 4 months WANT TO BABYSIT, weekdays -n i. 10,5,3 speeds. Special prices. Instruction curtains, appliances. Couple. Child welcome. Limited time. 484-0362. GENE S BICYCLE Cell now! old, 3-11-15 tri-colored, 332-1628. J[i*J my home. Close, campus. Call 371-3719. 5-11-15 CALL NOW!!! BOARD EXXM TUTORING SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. FOUND: WEDDING ring at STANLEY H. KAPLAN 3-11-15 NAILBITERSI STUDENT Spartan Stadium Saturday. To TUTORING COURSES volunteers wanted for nailbiting Your Barber Shop I PERSON duties, $60 to a share month CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. identify call 332-6654. C-3-11-14 Now being formed for upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, the study. If you are a chronic or Beauty Parlor nailbiter and would like to have » utilities. Close Unique gifts, several colors. ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For to MSU. Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 long beautiful nails before '10.5-11-13 COMPLETE STEREOS for under FOUND: RING near Berkey; Keys information call Christmas, write to: M.D.D.C. deserves the business that $100. Kenwood KA - 2002 and at library; call Union 355-3497 1-313-354-0085. 0-1-11-13 P.O. Box 6465, Grand Rapids, SIXTHiANNUAL Antique Show and j^OOM, FURNISHED, 3-4 Sale, Greater Lansing Area KR - 5150. Benjamin • Miracord and identify. C-3-11-14 Michigan. 49506. 5-11-14 ■JPli, $300/month plus ■''•us, deposit 694-0718 Antique Dealers Association, and Garrard turntables. Harmon Kardon 75 + Zero 100 GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum lessons. Private instruction LOST: MALE cinnamon colored WANT TO buy tenor trombone - F Jw9am after 7pm. 5-11-18 Marshall Street Armory, receiver. 2 and 4 channel cat, Grove street area, reward. available. MARSHALL MUSIC, attachment, medium board. The Yellow Page Lansing. November 15th 6-10 351-7830. C-1-11-13 equipment and many speakers. 332-0697. 3-11-14 ^ HOUSE, winter spring, pm; November 16th, 10-10 pm. Mamiya - Skor, Petri, and 339-2501. 5-11-13 can IWtemt utilities - included. November 17th, 12-6 pm. $1.00 Cannon FT-6 35mm cameras. FOUND: LADIES gold watch, QUALIFIED CLASSICAL guitarist COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, give you. donation. 4-11-16 seeks guitar pupils. Low rates. |^»'7evenings. 1-1M3 Used furniture, lamps, small Grand River Avenue. 353-4060. 484-6419. 3-11-15 baseball cards wanted. TEN SPEED Bottechice bicycle for appliances, tapes and albums. C-3-11-14 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, share ■ C!ow house $53/month plus neer sale, $80 firm. Clean. 487-5018. Leather coats from $15. PIANO AND guitar 307 East Grand River. 355 - 8255 Michelle 3-11-14 10-speed bikes., ice skates and FOUND: CLASS ring at Health 332-0112, (11:30 - 6 pm.) experienced qualified teacher. ■J'- 484-6434 nightl. roller skates from equipment, 4 man tents from $3. Ski Center. Call Extension 311 to Identify same. C-3-11-14 $3/hour. 393-3925, 487-9027. 12-11-27 23" SEKINE double butted tubing, 5-11-14 $70, camp stoves and lanterns. Alloy components, almost new, 332-0558. 5-11-18 Manual and electric typewriters LOST: BLUE Suede purse. How to form your own car pool RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. from $10. Complete line of guitars and amplifiers. Come on McDonalds near Church. 355-6109. People's Reward. Typing Service -[jflf As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide down to DICKER & DEAL 3-11-13 TYPING, free classified advertisement for those Like new, pick your own. Call EXPERIENCED. Fast a people who would like I CountrV home PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 LOST: ONE brown wallet. Vicinity and reasonable. 371-4635. to set up or join a car pool. , n. '""•P'ace. 2 acres, 882-2555. Delivery Extra. South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday C-11-27 351-7497. 0-11-27 and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, of Lizards. 394-1816. Reward. 0-5-11-15 Wednesday, Thursday and November 6. 5-11-15 TYPING - 2 blocks campus. Driving? or Riding? KNIESSL RED Stars, Lang boots, Saturday, 9-6. C-5-11-15 Electric. Fast. Term papers, From FOUND: Wyler watch between to Nevada Bindings, Scott poles. Baker and Phillips Dorm. Call theses. 485-5575.5-11-18 ®-m- Good condition. $135. FISHER 500 multi -plex receiver, 355-9372. C-3-11-13 Leaving Returning , J" beautiful home 393-6297. 5-11-19 36 rms, filters, guaranteed specs, p.m. C#" I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, $125. 355-2866. 3-11-13 FOUND: LOCK and cable, near Phone Time? quickly, cheaply. 1111-H TELEVISION 19". Wards Trowbridge and Harrison. MAGNAVOX 24" TV, $125. University Village. 355-5871. The State News will not accept Black/white. Good condition. Reclaim with key. 355-8057. responsibility for ltb!H0ME5mi,#s a" home north of $30. 489-4628.3-11-15 Stereo Console, AM-FM. Both in C-3-11-13 3-11-15 arrangements or conduct of participants. privileges. good condition, $85. 371-1388. Kj w,#k- 641-6186. ROLLEI CAMERA, 2.8f lens. Call 5-11-15 EXPERIENCED, TYPING term The information requested below must be supplied in order Barb at 393-5775. 3-11-16 BOOK SALE ( Personal i(/| papers, accurate C-11-27 theses, etc. Rapid, service. 394-2512. for ad to appear. 10% to 50% off all hardback SAVE GAS park at the door and Full Name FrM8rni,v' ARTLEY FLUTE, excellent - linn|H !'two terms only, condition. $225, or best offer booksl II Tuesday, Wednesday bus stop on the corner. A IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the Address C. d ,00d' 'antwtic Call 334-0612. 2-11-14 and Thursday onlyl CURIOUS BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand comfortable walk east of Bogue Street to 1105 East Grand River. public about your service or Wople. River. Open 11 30 6 pm. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, business with an ad on the City _ Phone . PE MANUAL turntable. Best offer • Yellow Page each Thursday, Call 3-11-14 Your Friendly Druggist. above $80. Call 355-6092. •This coupon may be 3-11-15 332-5171. 0-1-11-13 Michelle. 355-8255. brought in or mailed to: Car Pool BAND BROKE up. PA, echoplex, Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls k ,^1"^ 'or woman, Moog, light show. All like ■ month amps, Vhetl.jr you've found something or TYPING TERM papers and theses, accepted. cookin