STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Academic Senate vote may kill proposed student SIRS access By BRUCE RAY WALKER The debate on this point centered forms. The compromise was State News Staff Writer supposed to to vote for the mostly disallow access to Level One forms proposal but changed her on part 4B of the policy revision but mind because of its The Academic Senate document prepared by the Educational wording., voted provide it at the discretion of the Wednesday by an overwhelming 2-1 Policies Committee. One line in this individual departments on the Level Two point margin to return the SIRS proposal to the said, "Information from a Level Two forms. "I think the students have the right to Academic Council for Rating Instrument will be made accessible surgery. The opinion of many get information that they would get But in the opinion of opponents of the by some, the Senate word of mouth in smaller vote sounded the death knell for the institutions but can't get in a proposed policy to provide students University of 42,000," she said. "But I will vote access to Student Instructional "I think they made it clear they are not going to against the proposal Rating because it's not a good document." System Forms (SIRS). proposal now or in the future," Raymond said. 'We are accept our Brian Raymond, a student up the SIRS fight in the committees and going to give representative of the Academic Council get the students to boycott the present evaluation forms. If Assurances and a leader in the they are not going to give us access by proponents of the fight for student then we are not policy and President Wharton tfoat the access, said after the meeting that it is going to fill out their forms." clear that the Senate does not language would not be interpreted to plan to require the release of all information ever give students access to the rating failed to convince thsoe forms. to students." against its The vote was expected to be proposal was that the inclusion of the adoption. close, but This line had come about as a word "will" in the line the heavy turnout of implied that the opponents of the compromise in the council between the proposal dominated the debate over the departments would have to release the "I don't care what the student representatives and intention is, issue and provided the lopsided 111-53 faculty information instead of having a choice in show me the words," members when students wanted the Zwarensteyn said vote to refer the proposal back to the complete matter, as originally intended. and free access to all records from council. the Anne Garrison, professor of business Level One and Level Two evaluation The law, said that she had originally intended (continued on 17) proposal would have provided an page evaluation of instructors by students similar to that in the past. The major change was that different forms, levels one and two, would be that students would have limited access developed and to the ratings to aid in course selection. The proposal will now Arafat: war or peace? go back to the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) - Academic Council for further Guerilla leader Yasir Arafat carried his Shaking his finger at the end of an hour speech, given in Arabic and punctuated by consideration before being returned to and 45 - minute speech to the cause to the United Nations on heavily applause at various points. the Senate. guarded assembly, Arafat said: Wednesday, offering the world a choice of The Israeli government in Jerusalem The arguments against "I have come acceptance of continued violence or peace based on the bearing an olive branch said it would have no comment on the proposal that preceded the vote and a freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the by creation of a Palestinian state on Israeli Arafat's speech and that it was secret ballot centered two issues. - olive branch fall from up to its on my hand." UN ambassador, Yosef Tekoah, to react SN The first and most frequent occupied land. A holster and what photo/Daniel Shutt argument In appeared to be the for the government. I Wayne Leblow studys a Lansing map on the was that an anonymous grading of an unprecedented appearance before butt of a pistol protruded from Arafat's job as a telephone the General Assembly, the head of the In Nablus, in Israeli occupied Jordan, I installer. Leblow, a 1973 MSU social science instructors by students was an right hip pocket when he clasped his hands - hundreds of Arafat's supporters graduate, has not been abridgement of instructors' rights. Critics Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) over his head before and after he boycotted I able to find work utilizing his spoke. jobs or school classes in solidarity with the multidisciplinary degree. also charged that it would impair teaching urged Jews to turn their backs on Israel. One of Arafat's bodyguards told a if the results of these anonymous He said Zionist ideology and Israeli newsman it was a gun and guerilla chief, but the protest fizzled after ratings said, "It's not three hours. were released to students. leadership offer only "perpetual only real, it's loaded." liberal arts grads Herbert Rudman, professor administration and higher education, said that if the courts and legislative bodies of bloodshed, endless servitude." war and continuous Israel's assembly were seats in the 138 - empty throughout Arafat's nation Arafat was designated chief of the Palestinian summit in Rabat, spokesman people at the Arab Morocco, last month. are becoming responsive to the claims of Two weeks earlier, the General oubt students, then faculty members should UAW reaches invited the PLO to speak before it. Assembly degrees' value have rights of privacy as well. "There is no parallel between Rabbi William Rudolf, of the Hillel Foundation in East Lansing, said Mondav By PETE DALY use their degree are graduate school or professors grading students and students grading professors," he said. "Students are not given grades anonymously, Hiey tentative se that participation of the PLO in the debate on Palestine is "unfortunate." "It is most unfortunate that the UN State News Staff Writer choosing another, more specific degree. people can face their grader and argue their WASHINGTON (AP) - President "The benefit package will allow us to who deliberately kill women and But even the graduate school option is children, cause. In this proposed system, the Arnold Miller of the striking United Mine gq back and eradicate some of the gross as the PLO has done, should be p/im of t two part series, staff writer Pete fading for many. given % examines the professor would be graded anonymously Workers (UMW) announced Wednesday inequities that have existed for years," recognition like this." woes of liberal arts Paula Dykstra, a sales clerk in East and would have no way to face his that the union had reached tentative Miller said. But he also said that Milti,Friday he Hill explore the question he does not P f" should MSU push students into Lansing, graduated from MSU with a accuser." agreement with coal operators on a "very The contract, support the public threats on Arafat's life bachelor of arts degree in psychology last if approved, would *i(Uble degrees? Hendrik Zwarensteyn, professor of good contract" which he said could end by leaders of the Jewish Defense League. provide wage increases of 9 per cent the spring. business law, said: "The Constitution says the nationwide coal strike by Nov. 25. first year and 3 per cent in each of the >u go to college, you graduate, then Like Blanchard, Dykstra suspected that More than 200 demonstrators a man has a right to face his accusers and Emerging from a day-long bargaining next two years. gathered |igood job. she would have trouble using her degree, to be judged by his peers - not by an session, Miller said he thought he would The miners would also receive, for the opposite the UN complex, which was old American dream is so she planned on graduate school. anonymous accuser." have no trouble selling the proposed first time, sealed off from the public by police lines. frog to be just that, as thousands of "But I didn't know how hard it would cost-of-living increases pegged ients awake The other argument brought against agreement to the 120,000 rank-and-file to increases in the after graduation tum «out to be to get into government's They chanted, "murderers murderers," leim that day only grad school," the proposal was that parts of it were union members, who must vote their employers no longer care consumer price index. and waved Israeli flags and placards with HI certain kinds Dykstra said. "There are just too many vague, ambiguous and in many ways approval before the mines can be The council must first approve any of degrees. (continued inscriptions such as "UN Haven for Child - on page 17) faulty. reopened. ■JW ^ded inkinds most often include degrees the fields of social science and (continued on page 17) Murderers." nlarts. Student killed use graduates are voicing by train an at Fee crossing singly bitter dissatisfaction with the C °f their degrees in getting jobs. P"u?h a great many graduates with Pacific degrees do find work, they By York, and had transferred to MSU from JW11 as waitresses, bus drivers and STEVE ORR Lake Forest College in Illinois this year. workers. R.D.CAMPBELL Her roommates said she left their room JIM BUSH Wednesday morning to take her car to a State News Staff Writers service station to have snow tires put on m going to try a couple it. years to get a An MSU student was killed Wednesday An autopsy has been performed by the jot{ using my If I can 7. then I guess I 'll morning when she was struck by a train Ingham County deputy medical as she attempted to cross railroad tracks examinor. Results are not yet available, « bartender the rest of mv at a well-worn path near Fee Hall. ,' but Handelsman's roommates said she Robert McNally MSU Susan L Handelsman, junior, 621 W. was not under the influence of any Me in history. Fee Hall, was killed at approximately intoxicants. 10:50 a.m. as she headed for her car in Mandatory investigations of the the X lot parking area. Authorities said incident will be conducted by the state her death was accidental. attorney general's office and the Public Lt'u j-Blan(llarc' graduated from Handelsman, 19, stood on the north Service Commission. The attorney M7J 1 *n Colle8e with high honors side of the two tracks that run through general's office said it was too early to spite of her degree in- ■ the southern part of campus; waiting for tell if any state regulations had been jomic "y in the programs, she is now a a train headed east on the far track to violated by the railroad. Lansing area. pass. Campus police said she apparently Detective James Quinn conducted the . a good liberal arts education but concentrated on that train and failed to field investigation for the campus police. 1 "Butme absolute'y 00 good," she notice the approach of another train Handelsman was technically in J.. h lhe social science kind of violation of anti-trespassing laws when headed west on the other track. Kt nowh "° °n l° ®rad scbo°' or The Grand Trunk Western Railroad she tried to cross at the undesignated train which struck Handelsman was spot. However, the path is used daily by ^hardPlacessaidforshe has applied to hundreds of East Complex students who • traveling at .about 55 m.p.h. She died „ employment but is must park their cars in X lot. Technicians On her way to X instantaneously. The engineer of the train *bi "■« down ^ause she lacks put on the emergency brakes when he in the histopathology lab in East Fee Lot from Fee Hall, experience. Hall, whose offices look out over the ttchard does not was within 25 feet of Hendelsman, but Susan Handelsman blame MSU alone scene of the tragedy, said someone the momentum of the train was still such stood on the Fee Hall I Went fnt situation. She said she that it threw Handelsman's body 113 feet crosses the tracks at that spot every 10 side of the tracks PUse I iT 510 an academic adVisor into a ditch by the side of the tracks. She minutes. Ididn't iWd from my Wends that VQn' k was taken to Lansing Sparrow Hospital A University official, who said last waiting for an help anyway." spring that there was not enough students eastbound train to pass and was pronounced dead on arrival. [ almost changed her major The engineer of the train said he first crossing the tracks to justify a lighted by her on the southern Lr';r year, she stuck with it saw Handelsman standing near the tracks bridge, said Wednesday that MSU should track. Li. . en a" she wanted to do was now review the situation. Possibly when his train was on the Hagadorn Road J| • s|ie said. crossing - less than a thousand feet from Milton Baron, director of Campus Park mesmerized by that B'hbwith"6* 1 wouldn,t he able to and Planning, said that though overhead train, she stepped onto the spot of the accident. He said m to mi my degree-but 1 was never Handelsman appeared intent on the other railroad crossings have been on MSU the northern track to Mai rl a decision. It is my own planning charts for many years, the high cross and was struck train, and stared at its caboose after it by ly B7rib,lity. 80 1 blame myself cost has been prohibitive. a westbound train ■ type ■chard said of fttitude of MSU makes ^eblew his horn to warn Handelsman A similar path crossing the Grand which she had at'on mucb worse," back from the tracks, but it was drowned Trunk tracks leads from the south apparently neither seen campus residence halls to parking lot F. by the noise of the first train. J^tonlh'Ts is try to get 88 many |hps 2 ,ugraduation as possible. out He said she had taken two steps onto Baron said it would cost $170,000 to put in electronic gates on either side of nor approached. heard as it X Lot the track and still had not noticed his fheuid °Ugh like a diP,oma train when she was hit. A light snow was the tracks in both locations, and even !S for students who want to foiling at the time of the accident. (continued on page 17) Handelsman was from Riverdale, New 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tliursday, November 14 , Rocky admits to book role WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice president ■ designate Nelson A. "Am I the kind of man who would use against his participating in any form," Rockefeller «•, J Rockefeller on Wednesday blamed a poor memory for his earlier month. 581111 denial of any role in the publication of a book critical of a his wealth But, he told the committee improperly in public office?" Wednesday, "I made campaign opponent. He apologized and accepted full made a hasty, ill - considered decision in the middle nf'T Coal settlement may be near responsibility for the incident. As the Senate Rules Committee opened its second round of Nelson A. Rockefeller campaign in 1970." Ia™ In reality, the foi „ „„ Both sides voiced optimism Wednesday that a hearings on his nomination. Rockefeller defended his large gifts and loans friends and associates associate, Jack Wells, to Laurance Rockefeller0)1! to as humanitarian and financing for the book. 8ns settlement of the two - day - old nationwide coal strike noncorrupting, and said his family's immense wealth and statement, most of the questions from the committee dealt with "My brother, who wanted to be helpful, didn't have t ■ is near, and a top union negotiator said agreement might influence should not bar him from being vice president. the book by Victor Lasky about Arthur J. Goldberg, Rockefeller's find other investors and therefore simply authorized huL 1 be reached in time to limit the strike to no more than "Am I the kind of man who would use his wealth 1970 opponent in the New York governor's race. underwrite the project while other investors in public office?" the former New York governor asked the improperly Today's hearings will be televised live by WJIM • TV channel 6, and that is the only connection my were being^°P[!P two weeks. committee before national radio and television audience. LauranJht] •8 ' brother,' """""ice, "It may take a little more talking, but I think we can a beginning at 10 a.m. —:j the project," Rockefeller said. "Or, more generally and more importantly, would my family On Oct. 11, six weeks after he was nominated by President As for his original story, Rockefeller added "There iron this thing out shortly," Harry Patrick, the United background somehow limit and blind me, so that I would not be attempt whatsoever to cover up the facts.. Mine Workers' secretary - treasurer, said. able to see and serve the general good of Americans?" Ford, Rockefeller confirmed to reporters that a brother, Laurance Rockefeller, had provided $60,000 to underwrite the I responded to a press inquiry before I had The'trasedv wTJ "I think the answer is no. I would not behave obtained the full Though details of the latest proposal offered by the improperly. book as a business investment. At that time, the former governor of what actually happened - and as a result I w« », j And I would not be limited blinded. I think I could rise to the coal industry were not disclosed, officials from both or said he had learned from FBI agents about his brother's role. unfair to my brother in what I said..." xtrem! sides have indicated the final settlement would range in responsibility of the office," Rockefeller replied. "Had he (Laurence) only told me about it at the time, I would Rockefeller supplied each member of the committee »i J After Rockefeller read for 55 minutes from have been totally opposed to it and would have strongly advised copy of the 199 • page biography of Goldberg, who excess of a 40 per cent increase in wages and benefits it as scurrilous. hasde^ T over the three - year contract that expired at 12:01 a.m. Rockefeller, who said he read the book only this Tuesday. Union said if FORD CHIDES GENERAL described it as nothing more than the usual comment to which all of us in public life are types "of Jit! reached sources tentative agreement was subject fromtilel Wednesday night or early Thursday that it In sum, the nominee added, the book "has would be possible to get the mines reopened with the the most over - rated, misrepresented, got to be one! 'Jew' remarks Sunday night shift a week from this Sunday, assuming innocuous, political d« that the tentative agreement is ratified ever perpetrated in a partisan political campaign." ' by rank and file. The committee delved into Rockefeller's tax last six years, which were audited by a Senate returns for J School officials face charges and the Internal Revenue Service. As a result of House comm WASHINGTON (AP) - and others of Jewish faith, Brown also had said Jews views of the Brown remarks as that ai Rockefeller paid an additional $820,718 in federal Warrants were issued Wednesday charging the President Ford publicly Brown said. own "the banks in this unfortunate and regrettable, incomei and $83,000 in federal gift taxes. Kanawha County superintendent of schools and four rebuked Air Force Gen. George Sen. Jacob K. Javits, country, the newspapers" and but said that "the secretary of S. Brown, chairman of the But Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott, a school board members with contributing to the R-N.Y., said "this is a matter said the Jewish lobby "is so defense continues to have member of J Joint Chiefs of Staff, of utmost gravity" and he is strong you wouldn't believe Rules Committee, read - and reread twice more for delinquency of minors in connection with the confidence on the chairman." emphasis J Wednesday for stating publicly asking Chairman John Stennis, now." conclusion by the Senate - House panel staff that there w continuing schoolbook controversy in West Virginia. that Jews own the nation's D-Miss., of the Senate Armed Beecher said that Asked whether he felt that evidence of fraud or negligence in these returns." The move came just hours after a sniper fired at a banks and newspapers. Services Committee "to look Schlesinger and Brown "have Brown's position has been Meanwhile, Cannon told reporters that the joint commit! state police car escorting school buses. Ford into this whole episode." talked about the subject." relayed to Brown's damaged by the episode, has increased its estimate of Rockefeller's net worth from ul John L. Hudnall, mayor of Cedar Grove, issued the boss, Secretary of Defense The Pentagon spokesman Beecher said, "I do not believe million to $71 million. In addition, the former James R. Schlesinger, his view Confidence retained then described Schlesinger's governor ret five warrants at the request of Harold Daniels Sr., one of income from trusts with total assets of $ 116 million. that the general's remarks were Before Ford's rebuke was the persons who protested use of certain books in "ill advised and poorly made public, a Pentagon county schools. handled" and in no way spokesman said Schlesinger The warrants charge that Kenneth Underwood, the superintendent, and all board members except Alice Moore contributed to delinquency by introducing books represent the opinions of any other senior officials, military or civilian. regards Brown's remarks "unfortunate and regrettable," but retains confidence in him. Report on massacre at My Lai that were "obscene" and otherwise damaging to In addition, Ford instructed children. Press Secretary Ron Nessen to make public his reaction to Brown's remakrs and to House A senior member Armed Committee, Rep. Samuel S. of the Services claims limited effort at coverut Gas surtax plan raised again emphasize that Ford feels Stratton, D-N.Y., said "very strongly" about the Wednesday Brown should Interior WASHINGTON (AP) - not intend to make the Most Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton resurrected matter. "immediately and publicly charges were more than 54 pages out o| on Wednesday the proposal to raise Secretary of the Army Howard remaining material public dismissed, and only one total of more than gasoline taxes to Asked if Brown would repudiate the improper, 17,( H. Callaway released much of because it includes "hearsay, save fuel, an idea killed earlier by President Ford. remain in his post as the inaccurate and ill - advised officer, Col. Oran K. which it received i the long ■ secret Peers nation's top military man, remarks." impressions, suppositions and Henderson, was tried by 1970. Morton told reporters he thought Ford's rejection of Commission report on the rumors" which he said court Nessen had first said, "I think mere material on coverup the idea stemmed from a belief it could not get through Stratton was chairman of 1968 My Lai massacre could and charges. The Army's basic positj you probably ought to ask that a cause severe Henderson, has been that the report co Congress. congressional fact - finding Wednesday, saying that the irreparable damage to some commander of the 11th , over at the Pentagon." not be made public while But Morton, the President's top energy official, said Reminded that the general subcommittee to the Middle Army has taken steps to assure persons who were found to be Infantry Brigade, which still in proq lej East last year. In a telegram to that "nothing like this happens innocent. cases were he had economists analyzing the idea and planned to included the My Lai platoon of serves through presidential again." against various defendants. I Brown, which also was released The Peers group, headed by Lt. William Calley, was discuss it with key congressmen next Monday. appointment, Nessen later said, to Callaway said the report "I have not heard of any plans reporters, Stratton said now - retired Lt. Gen. William acquitted. He later retired. But Callaway made it p(i Federal Energy Administrator John C. Sawhill had Brown's comments "cannot showed "no evidence of any R. Peers, was set up in late for him (Brown) not to" kind" that efforts to cover up Koster was reduced in rank that he felt that restriction! openly proposed a 10 to 30 cent surtax on gasoline to remain on the job. help but cast very grave doubts 1969 to investigate allegations longer applies sir the massacre went any higher to brigadier general and on your ability" to continue as that the My Lai massacre was discourage consumption. than Maj. Gen. Samuel Koster, censured. He also has retired. approved Calley's parole af chairman of the joint chiefs. deliberately covered up. Deep regrets who commanded the American Calley had served one • thirdl Division. The My Lai massacre Though the Peers group For the past four years and a 10 - year sentence for m Shortly after the White Pentagon spokesman studied the massacre, it was eight months the Army has of at least 22 Vietnam^ House disclosed Ford's rebuke, William Beecher confirmed involved a platoon of that concerned chiefly with the refused to make public any civilians at My Lai. Brown the accuracy of published division. expressed his deep coverup aspect. regret for his remarks in a quotes from a Brown talk at a Callaway released the 450 - The group, which also Duke University Law School page volume of findings and telegram to national included civilian lawyers from commander Paul Ribner of the meeting in Durham, N.C., on conclusions by a special outside the Defense Dept. SALES-PARTS 1 DAY SERVICE Jewish War Veterans. Oct. 10 inquiry group and a mass of made recommendations that SERVICE and "My true feelings documentary material, but resulted in charges against 16 ACCESSORIES Renewed oil embargo withheld thousands of pages of concerning Jewish Americans "major offenders," Callaway were not reflected in my testimony and criminal said. EST! In that speech, Brown spoke statements at Duke University investigation reports. The of the possibility of another oil Exiled leader plans return on Oct. 10," Brown said in his report was submitted to telegram, copies of which embargo growing out of the Pentagon officials in March were Middle East controversy Archbishop Makarios said Wednesday he will return 1970. to Cyprus in the next few weeks to resume his role as distributed at the "I Pentagon. deeply regret that my between Israel and Arab countries. Callaway said that he does What? president. poorly articulated statements He told reporters following a 45 - minute meeting have offended a segment of the American population," he He said such embargo a might renewed oil prompt Sip Bacardi with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger that "It is added. Americans to "get tough - before 10 - SPEEDS my intention" to return to Cyprus "in the next few "My true feelings are those minded enough to set down weeks." of respect and appreciation" the Jewish influence in this CHRISTMAS LAYAWAYS Makarios was forced into exile last summer by a coup toward the Jewish war veterans country and break that lobby." you mix it? Quality Brands led by Greek army officers. He has been kept from the Best values island in the wake of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. When asked what role he would play in Cyprus, the 1 YEAR TO PAY J archbishop answered, "I will go back as president." Sure. It's surprisingly dry, not sweet, light- Italian director de Sica dies I bodied, not heavy. Delightfully smooth. Vittorio de Sica, whose "Bicycle Thief' and other And so good mixed, powerfully realistic films on the struggles of the poor eS£.1ALD H- COV- QENERAL ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER it's got to be good MANAGER un mixed, right? helped usher in a new era in movie history, died in Paris PHONES 1 " 1 Try it. Wednesday. SKSK1 nrg;! He was 72 and had never fully recovered from rrsr'"' EE Slfl BACARDI, rum. surgery he underwent for removal of a cyst in his lungs in August 1973. He had resumed work but walked with the aid of a cane. De Sica was one of the leaders of the group of postwar Italian film makers who revolutionized the industry. Four of his movies won Oscars. French abortion law get OK The French cabinet approved Wednesday a law legalizing abortion up to the 10th week of pregnancy VAN HEUSEN and leaving the decision entirely up to the expectant DELIVERED woman. The measure is to be debated later this month by parliament, where it is sure to run into stiff opposition. FAST AND FREE Under the 54 year - old legislation currently in fits vour - force, abortion is permitted only if the mother's life is to ijour door... in danger. In recent years thousands of Frenchwomen have risked jail and a fine to have abortions. lifestyle... Britain to increase gas tax With the many styles and varieties in men's Britons scrambled to top off their gas tanks DOMINOS fashions today, it takes a real pr6 to get it all together for his way Wednesday and beat a new gasoline tax as they steeled Just call and ask for of life. The perfect themselves for hard times under imposed by the Labor government. an austerity budget "THE LUNCH TIME SPECIA L " delivered from 11-4 daily. PIZZA tapered fit of Van Heusen 417 shirts Motoring organizations warned that a stampede for add the final zing gasoline may spread nationwide by the weekend. one small, 2 item pizza 1139 E. Grand River that says, "this / is what it's A gallon of gasoline 2 cokes, and a FREE goes up 17 cents to $1.26 all about." Monday, and from there it will continue rising to $1.43 under measures already planned. The rise in fuel costs DOMINO FRISBEE - $3.25 351 - will force up virtually all other prices. Dorm contracts . By PAT NARDI state Newi Staff Writtr North said. "We hfvf 50,1,6 "Paces open, but we are an excuse binding despite triples to leave the residence North said students have other halls, special reasons, only 38 were allowed out contract. Though some upperclassmen are w ling •t the point now where people don't want options if of their halls. A spokesman for the If students to break his contract. ■ Z iio their spaces in residence halls so they want to break heir contracts. residence halls programs said in financial are denied a release, North Gerard said he can not study in his fc tripling problem will be relieved, °kemtr "r di:?ri n°°r because like the iMM football team ^ Students may file a contract release students often got jobs said they may appeal to a review board. residence hall, is tired of the food and can Liors they will have to think sav the social activities on their they're on and request if they have health or financial cases them to remain in the halls. allowing "We give a lot of time to a contract no longer afford to live in the hall. floor. ■'f['better excuse to break their housing not willing to move just for the They'resake of problems, or if they have a special problem that they think merits North said students who cite financial release request," North said. One junior who transfered to MSU this Gerard said he has an opportunity to getting out of a triple," he said. problems may be offered a job or in Tr^North, coordinator of Residence North said "normal attrition" at the consideration. A total of 379 students assistance in getting financial aid. fall said she wants to break her contract because she does not like the housing move $45 • a • a house next term and pay only month rent, if he can break his ■ Programs, said that excuse is invalid end of fall term will provide the needed applied for Sudents wishing to break their contract. lUL the tripling situation will probably spaces to break down triples. release from their residence hall contracts contract should first contact their head lifestyle in residence halls. "After having a chance to live in the Incompletely eliminated within a week jobs, Marriages winter term 1974. Of that He also complained that students made graduations, transfers, dropouts and number, 327 advisor. dorm and finding out it's not what ■If the beginning of winter term. I ,Le sUrted with 1,300 triples and student teaching account for the loss of were released. Those 289 students seeking Don Schmidt, assistant manager of like, you should not be forced to live you so much noise that it was difficult to sleep late during the morning. residents. release because of marriage, student operations in the Residence Hall Programs, there," she said. "I'm not impressed with „ broken them down to under 400," Despite losing the tripling problem teaching, dropping to six credits or less, said contract releases are "People are expected to be quiet late at as internships or overseas study were all granted only the food and everyone seems to act very night for those who go to sleep early for when students show a released. major change in immaturely." their 8 o'clock classes," he said. "But no However, of those 90 students their circumstance which prevents them Rick Gerard, junior,- 674 S. Wonders seeking release for financial, health or from completing the terms of the one is quiet in the morning for those of us Hall, has a number of reasons for wanting who sleep in." Oilman's testimony points finger at Mitchell tor coverup actions WASHINGTON (AP) - A former New counsel John W. Dean III met in Mitchell's House and moved to the Nixon re asked Ulasewicz to characterize the town York policeman and a - Mississippi oilman Watergate apartment for a general election committee in January 1972. gave the Watergate coverup trial their of Potomac, Md., where Hunt lived. discussion of the incident. In June 1973, LaRue pleaded versions Wednesday of how Richard M. LaRue said guilty to "I would say the opposite end of Magruder, deputy director a single charge of conspiracy to obstruct Nixon's campaign aides tried to block the of the campaign committee, asked what he indigent or a little better than that," justice and agreed to cooperate with the Ulasewicz replied. investigation of the 1972 break ■ in at ought to do about sensitive files Democratic prosecutors. He has not yet been National Committee containing material received from wiretaps Ulasewicz said he originally understood sentenced. headquarters. at the Democratic headquarters. Ulasewicz told how he and Herbert W. that he was being asked to make one drop Fred C. La Rue of Jackson, Miss., "It was suggested Mr. Magruder had a Kalmbach used code names and talked to of money to a lawyer but that he ended testified that two days after the break - in fireplace at his house and it might be a each other always on pay telephones while up delivering a total of $217,000 in July former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell good idea to have a fire that night," carrying out secret deliveries of thousands and August 1972. suggested that Jeb Stuart Magruder burn LaRue said. of dollars meant for the break • in fiies containing information from bugs at "Who suggested that?" asked Asst. defendants and their lawyers. the Democratic headquarters. Special Prosecutor Richard Ben Veniste. - Ben - Veniste, in an effort to establish LaRue also said that former Asst. Atty. "To the best of my recollection it was th^t the burglars were getting the money as "I used the term Gen. Robert C. Mardian told him he had Mr. Mitchell." LaRue replied. kosher," Ulasewicz a payoff for their silence rather than said. "I said something here isn't kosher. It contacted then - Atty. Gen. Richard G. LaRue worked briefly in the White because they couldn't afford attorneys, went a little over his head ..." Kleindienst hours after the June 17,1972, break - in in an effort to get him to intervene on behalf of the burglars, who were arrested. Kleindienst refused. Anthony T. Ulasewicz, a former New POLOMSKY FIGHTS CROWDING SN photo/Daniel Shutt York City police detective, described how Brian Ashin, sorts paper by color in his work for the MSU Waste he left thousands of doallars in airport [ I Control Authority. The unit is facing financial troubles and bail itself out through Project recycle more MSU office paper. Recovery, an attempt to collect and hopes to lockers where it was picked up by Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of one of the break in defendants. Mitchell, Mardian, former White House - Official to inspect bars aides H. R. Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman and Kenneth W. Parkinson, By JOHN TINGWALL ranks of police and fire officials who councilman intends to join police this /aste control group one - time attorney for the Nixon re - election committee, are charged with conspiring to obstruct the break - in State News Staff Writer One person who will not have to wait in long lines this weekend to inspect bars for violations, to see for himself how serious the situation is in East Lansing bars. overcrowding weekend on any inspections they conduct for overcrowding violations. may- get into "I've been getting calls all term from investigation. crowded bars is the latest addition to the Polomsky said phone calls from student students who paid cover LaRue said that on June 19,1972, two bar charges and then inspection brigade — East Lansing City bar hoppers have prompted him to take ■ couldn't even wiggle their way into the begins new project days after the break - in he, Mitchell, Magruder, Mardian and then • White House Councilman John Polomsky. Polomsky said he plans to join the an active part in inspections of bars and restaurants capacity. The outspoken place." Polomsky said. "I want to see for myself how serious the problem is and how inspections are conducted." By JEFF MERRELL position where it can remain operative, Polomsky's actions have been taken in State News Staff Writer |Jlieid MSU WaSte Control Authority has Project Recovery that, hopefully, Moore said. Currently, the Waste Authority is collecting five tons per Control Public urged to the wake of an East Lansing city suit filed Tuesday against the Alle Ey for allowing over 150 people more than its • capacity Wrecover more than just office week. With additional barrels and effort, limit into the bar. paper. By PAUL VARIAN held jointly with UAW Vice President |fliesiecess itiated to of Project Recovery, which recover Moore expects to reach the 30 ton goal by Dec. 1. United Press International other union officials. Douglas A. Fraser and Though he has not notified police or greater amounts of fire inspectors of his intention, both ile office paper, could pull the entire Project Recovery was instituted to Voicing concern over continuing auto industry layoffs, Gov. Fraser, who strongy supported Democrat Sander M. Levin in inform office workers of the need to Milliken appealed to consumers his unsuccessful bid to unseat the departments say Polomsky is welcome to ing program out of its financial Wednesday to "open up" their popular GOP governor, placed purses and start buying new cars again. the blame for the auto accompany the officers. "tons, Fred Moore, manager of the dump acceptable office paper into the industry slump on the failure of national teControl Authority, said. Waste Control barrels. The newly re - elected Republican economic "I talked to City governor issued the plea policy. Attorney Dennis I Hie group is currently breaking about From there the paper will be sorted on following an hour - long meeting with top United Auto Workers "I think you have to lay the McGinty and he said I was welcome to responsibility on the doorstep of J®,but must pay off a $9,000 loan from a new $350 makeshift conveyor belt at the (UAW) officials that coincided with a General Motors the national administration," he said. come on any inspections they have," he ► University by recycling center at Jolly and Aurelius announcement that 7,175 more blue collar employes were Asked whether he agreed with Fraser's said. July 1. being view, Milliken indicated laid off. he would rather not comment. A ^ Wednesday, the group received a notice Roads. During the first, full - capacity The advice contrasted sharply with President Ford's "Go ahead. Be my guest." smiling Fraser then remarked, the Michigan Carton Co., where it effort using the belt, workers sorted about suggestion * paper to be recycled, 2,100 pounds of paper in a half hour. By that Americans cut down on spending, but under Milliken acknowledged that the only real solution informing questioning to the auto from reporters Milliken declined to criticize the Ford industry I""1 'hat prices for used hand, the job would have taken at least woes would be a resurgence of the economy on the "I've been getting calls four hours, Moore said. Administration policy. national level, but added that, "We can take some immediate FJPaper losing ■ we're has dropped. The only problem with the office One reporter asked Milliken if he thought that in addition to steps on the state level." all term from students money on newspaper," who paid cover charges ¥°» aid. "This is about the "WIN" buttons being promoted by the White He said these would include the third time program, Moore contends, is that the House, jawboning with industry officials and then couldn't even Americans should start wearing "Buy A Car" buttons. in an attempt to keep layoffs to a minimum. f Price has dropped in the past three Waste Control Authority cannot get computer waste from the Administration "As a matter of fact, that's not a bad idea," Milliken said. WIN As an example, Milliken said he would again contact Chrysler wiggle their way into J 1 hope it's hit rock bottom," he said. Building. The salvage yard has always is an acronym for "Whip Inflation Now." Corp. Chairman Lynn Townsend to try and persuade the firm to the bars. I want to see ■ ewspaper has dropped from a high of taken care of that, and the University will "We need to have a national psychology now of keep its huge Jefferson Avenue assembly plant in Detroit open. for* my self how serious buying cars f Per ton baled, instead of not buying cars," Milliken said at a news conference "To close that plant would during the summer of not change the policy, Moore said. psychologically be a very serious the problem is and how f". to the current prices of $ 2 5 blow," Milliken said. per ton inspections are •Jand $15 per ton lose. conducted." e reason for the drop, Moore said, is East Lansing City Councilman QJwbywaste paper market paper from church has been John Polomsky groups, Boy J's> and various other civic JWKations. ud end ^ which lhe paPer mi" strikes 'n caused the newsprint Polomsky's intense interest in ' ast preventing an East Lansing fire disaster year, has also contributed to stems from his memories of a Cleveland f demand for recycled paper, school fire that took the life of his uncle. alleviate "I've never forgotten that the financial pressures, the tragedy," wntrol Polomsky said. "And I wouldn't want to IT Authority has begun selling see a recurrence of such a ewsPaper to an insulation company catastrophe." I"1 Per ton. "Ill report whatever I see personally to Ic? ,has also cut the payroll from the city council," he said. Ifeemni 00 by work'ng his 80 part - Fire inspections were conducted Ei?Iess hours and has reduced monthly. Police inspections are conducted h, fr.J?s.°'newsPapers at the residence randomly as often as four times weekly. CI.., fw'ce a week to once, and at They were recently merged to acquire ■ "But three times t° once. solid evidence for prosecution of a ■»erv im°r Us to su^ive, the office waste violating bar owner. City attorney Dennis ■riff porlant." Moore said. McGinty participated in the inspection last Js m '>?er' includes manila tab month, when the Alle • Ey overcrowding m wJni'°'d white ledger, and colored was .recorded. L e led8er- brings in more dollar volume, Moore said, even Polomsky said he would consider have dropped in these areas recommending to the council that during their annual license renewal process a bar's liquor license be revoked if the owners ■ein!l|lry'nB to get a"the office paper have not complied with city ordinances. •doiib u°Ur '1ands on" Moore said, and UJ has ordered 200 more barrels to Bv use of special high - contrast photographic technique, the under clumps of white. On top is a late "If ' it's a arriving branch from a nearby necessary, I think bar J^ne job easier. ethereal Quality of East Lansing's first snowfall since March was tree. Snow covered much of the campus area early this morning, but inspections should be conducted every iceD?°UpPern<*ds week at least 30 tons of preserved. The darkened spots are patches of grass, soon to be buried the white stuff evaporated as the day pressed on. night to attain compliance with city to ordinances," Polomsky said. pull itself into a Susan Ager JAMES R Editor-in-chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Flood Diane Silver Chris Danielson Melissa Payton Steve Stein City Editor Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Armchair strategists naive THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 14,1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Copy Chief WASHINGTON - This town is alive same thing. They listen to the Pr«i Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Joe Kirby Staff Representative these days with free advice. It is a time of NEED IMMEDIATE MONEY ' who urges them to confirm Rock! opinions. economic and political instability, with a and let him get his new .dminSZ Fl new President and a new Congress, and order, but at the same time, they2 while everybody is vaguely confused, the Americans for democratic action suddenly the air is full of insistent oppose the confirmation of Rocke'foi demands about what somebody ' else and insist on a massive investigation of should do to set things right. record, though not of the record of EDITORIALS President Ford, of course, is the main target. He is being told in and out of his Democratic Speaker of the House Albert, who now stands first in line for administration that he should cancel his presidency. And in the end, they let trip next weekend to Japan, Korea and the system work its slow and ambiguous- Soviet Union, stay home and organize his Reps The result is that this is a must government, deal with the coal strike, get Nelson Rockefeller confirmed President, and by all means cool it with as Vice city these days, anxious problems and full of doubts very „n« abL, about the Arab and Israeli extremists at the future, and this creates doubts eiseWh« For example, Israel's United Nations and concentrate on peace minister, Moshe Dayan, has been former dZ here? Michiga'* in the Middle East. to cure In short, everybody in authority these week wondering where we even asking - on aregoinn- days seems to be in trouble, every citizen grounds that are clear - whether the United who has a television set is a critic, and the States is« to abandon Israel to its criticism is so plentiful and so eremies. When the new Democratic to cut waste and overlaps in the contradictory that it tends to cancel out "We are asking you not to sell uso- government bureaucracy. and the men in authority tend to act on just because majority takes control of the state you want cheaper oil" their own. told the National legislature in January, they will be Lawmakers should also take Gov. Press Club The Congress is next in line. It is Washington. "We don't want you to fi faced with a myriad of problems Milliken's suggestion and develop a being told it must pull itself together, get for us. We will fight for ourselves. We r left over after this month's lame "super - agency" for social welfare. some new leaders, give the Soviet Union you to sell us the military arms we need duck legislature adjourns. State legislators will have to equal rights in a new trade bill, save . the question we have to ask is will y Economic and budget problems increase taxes to offset the loss of detente, increase the military budget, cut stand up against them and not give in the military budget, vote wage and price expense." loom as the most serious questions revenue from the food tax repeal. our controls and save the republic, and on the the new legislature will tackle. But Revenue will also be needed for Well, the question President Ford other hand, reject them and preserve the relief of to ask is why he is asked this question, campaign financing and reform unemployment caused by capitalist system, etc. etc. the disastrous slump in the auto why he has to put extra security in t, legislation as well as environmental Even George Allen, the resident coach streets of New York to assure a acts should also be main and bishop of the Washington Redskins, is debate d a concern industry. the subject at the United Nations of lawmakers. being told that his only chance of getting withoj new Legislation on At the time threats on the lives of the ArabextremJ these matters has been consistently same legislators into heaven — the pro football playoffs - But politicians like to travel and show can deal with the big boys abroad. must begin to restructure the tax rests with a 40 that they can deal with foreign affairs. So he rejected the advice to stay home, by the Israeli extremists. - year • old quarterback debilitated by previous legislative called "Sonny" Jurgensen, who has the Sen. Scoop Jackson of Washington is off sensible as it was. U.S. - Japanese relations system to put more responsibility It is a strange and malevolent time, aj sessions. best arm and the worst legs in the league in London, talking to the pilgrims and have been in trouble ever since President Issues important to students are for state revenues on the shoulders Nixon went to China and devalued the the men who come forward to try to'dl of high income families and and can't even run for his life. sending back messages about how to deal with all these problems are in terriH profit - Poor Coach Allen! He used to be with Israel and the Palestine Liberation dollar without consulting the Japanese. difficulty. They also on the docket. Students must an are getting plenty 1 making corporations. For instance, infantry Football he thought, Organization. Sen. Walter Mondale of Accordingly, calling off the Ford visit at advice and urge lawmakers to pass laws the property tax must be changed man. games, like wars, were won on the ground. Pros Minnesota, another presidential candidate, the last minute, and refusing to see imperative instructions from sides, but they have to act and ta J allowing them to serve on to alleviate pressures on farmers improved with age, like wine. But lately is in Moscow, proclaiming, not Brezhnev when he was in the vicinity responsibility for their actions university governing boards. and poor people who own land. his walking wounded haven't been able to surprisingly, that the arms race and the would have been awkward, so he is taking inactions, and that is not quite so easy Lawmakers must also quickly pass shoot the generation gap in the enemy economic instability of the world are not flight. it looks on the TV or in the papers. strict open meeting laws, which Hopefully, the new legislature lines, and he has had to. rely almost good for the human race. And President The congressional leaders, also faced entirely on air power. Ford also wants to demonstrate that he with the push and shove of politics, do the (C) 1974 New York Times would end the odious practice of will not settle comfortably into the closed board of trustees finance practices of the old. Michigan meetings at MSU. citizens illustrated their disaffection In dealing with the economy, with the old Michigan Legislature lawmakers should not make by giving Democrats the biggest indiscriminate cuts in education legislative majority in a century. and "social welfare programs. The new legislature must not let the Instead, the legislature should try people down. Therefore, there are 756 great seats. Hockey ripoff Now, since a person could get a maximum of 12 tickets, and there were 10 Students are once off %y the Athletic "Dept. again,, gettiijtoipped Ticktt^Dffice: people in line ahead of us Nov.1 Ml, these I HUNT!N( Itch to win s One more chapter has been added to the figures multiplied by four lines mean the people ahead of us represented a office's mishandling of student hockey tickets. maximum of 480 tickets. SEASON Being the avid hockey fans that we are, Therefore, 756 great seats minus 480 tickets should have left 276 50 yard - line • we went out and bought season hockey There's a lot of Woody Hayes in that Big Ten and professional sports tickets. The first time we went to seats above row 18 for us to choose from. each of us. have been We the undersigned would like to know poisoned for decades, exchange our coupons for tickets, we Losing especially when had discovered that one of the better student why booth 8 did not sell a single ticket in - we by a competitive spirit that borders the above mentioned category. What is the doubts that we'd win areas had been redesignated for no - stings on a rage to win. point of standing in line from 5 a.m. nonstudent ticket holders. After inquiring our egos, rattles our confidence, "Losing is worse than dying," further, we found out that they were onwards, when the University arbitrarily muddies our future, and raises that one college basketball coach told divides the tickets up such that is a matter going to make an attempt to clear the area most foul of human emotions his team. Losing, to a Big Ten team, of luck, depending on which line one - for student use once again. The situation is It's 'murder' Yet somewhere, concern must I resentment that the other guy still the same, however, and all attempts to stands in, whether one gets a good seat or season I feels means not only no honor, no not? shown and the line must be drawn. so good when we feel so lousy prestige, no headlines and no glory, alter the arrangement have keen The University appears concerned with It's that ttme of year again friends. Get More specifically, we are referring I inside. but often no offers from discontinued. the lack of school spirit shown by the the rifles and shotguns out and let's MSU's "Zookeeper off the ice," I It is unfortunate that incidents such as reported in Mike Litaker's article Nov.J Woody hates to lose, as we all professional teams for individual these have to occur. But lack of concern student body. We suggest that it is this murder some animals. The state says it's With regard to this article, do. But Saturday his gut feelings classic type of behavior on the part of OK, and if we think about eliminating the players. for the students and inconsistent various University departments that must observations. exploded too soon, and instead of Other sports writers have said management have always prevailed. This overpopulation of animals so the rest will The MSU handbook (Ordinance 25.1 bear the responsibility for this lack of have enough to eat, it's almost like doing slamming the hard wall of the that "Woody travels in a malestrom exemplifies the fact that when changes are S*)irit' God's will. The ones that can't get away states: "No person shall bring any aniifl to be made, they are at the students' Peter Brobeil into any University building." Howe* locker room, he slugged a jubilant of hate." Though he deserves no are the weak ones anyway, right? expense. Perhaps the problem exist? Jane Car stairs the State News seems happy to report® fan. hate here (How can you hate because ticket officials, in their thirst for So we spend a couple hundred on the a guy Tracey Feild us that a hockey team walk • on, Gl Sure, Woody should learn to who tries hard and loses Big Money, feel students contribute the proper equipment, realizing the sport so so least. With this attitude, not Graduate assistants, Owen Hall involves a semiautomatic multishot rifle or Maas, has among his roommates ei| contain himself, as policemen, miserably?), we feel a certain pity many chameleons, three gerbils and alternatives are available for the students. shotgun, and we venture out to kill an constrictor. mayors, presidents and that Woody's self - respect is so likes _ schoolteachers should. And Hopefully, the students will not remain No one Woody animal for its meat instead of buying it. I Possibly these pets were kept with® no one shattered by defeat that he must on the bottom of the guess someone's economics says this is priority list. the knowledge of Mr. Maas' RA. AfterB can deny that his post game charges strike out physically and verbally at Paul and Melenie St. Pierre saving money. Of course, if you kill two or a great many activities do go undetec® The State News has its ups and downs, were pitiful attempts to soothe his those who are happy around him three over the limit this is quite a savings A1110 University Village but I feel that one of the lows came after Now, however, this fact has been brouB on the old meat bill, I mean as and thousands of other wilted From where the Spartans now MSU's exciting football win over OSU, long as to the attention of the entire campus. ■ scarlet - and - gray egos. when you filled Monday's front page with your're out there anyway. can only hope that the ordinance wall stand, the scent of roses is sweet, if But to say, as some observers not for this year then for next. Missing seats pictures of Woody Hayes'post • game So all you real men out there, get enforced, or reversed to allow all ofusp yourself a couple boxes of shells, and let's scuffle, noting only in the fine print of a privilege of keeping a pet. J have, that Woody is "poisoning Big Though Woody will never be a Indulge us for a moment while we go see what we can kill. You know, if it's Paul Snf enlighten photo caption that MSU had won the Ten football" by his outbursts shrinking violet, perhaps a few you with some very simple got a nice looking head on it, we'll cut it Robert C. Herm statistics concerning stadium seating for game. off and hang it on the wall. We've come a (which include breaking first - more defeats, at the hands of a few To make 369 Abbot 1 the recent Ohio State vs. MSU game. things worse, who was on the down markers during Ohio State's more arch - rivals, will teach him * Section 9 is front page of Tuesday's paper ? Woody long way baby. Kenneth Mark D.WiJ prime seating, and seats 1 McKinney 372 Abbot | 1972 loss to the University of that it's really not that tough to Hayes again. Not only is that overplaying a 1024 Eureka St. through 18 are 50 - yard - line seats. minor story, but at the same time it is, I Michigan) is to miss the cold fact lose and laugh it off. • Rows 18 - GO are great seats. Editor's Note: After the State N would imagine, somewhat disheartening to Ewe story appeared, Maas removed the bs Denny Stolz and his players, who deserved the front page this week if never before prank no joke pets in compliance with a request f| ... Monday's article regarding the residence halls officials. VIEWPOINT: TEACHING ENGLISH but didn't get it., Joel B. Fleming stolen as a joke by ewe, a fraternity, was 1804 Hamilton Road disgusting. Not only was the act itself Dear Jack Breslin, after watching cruel and inhumane, but the treatment Suppress Nazism Center cheats students or instructors Woody "Mr. Sportsmanship" Hayes in action Saturday afternoon, I would like to given inexcusable. it by the Since when is such rough State News was This is written in reply to the le the Nov. 11 State News regarding ! handling of ask you, in your capacity as secretary of any animal funny? Would it have been marching band's anti - Nazi episo V By STEWART BOLINGER graduate assistants. the part - time classroom teachers at ELC the board of trustees, to bring, or cause to funny if someone's pregnant cat or dog Chicago. .j The contention that the teaching of The English Dept. is either cheating its among the renowned teachers of this be brought, before the board Friday, a had been the victim ? Why is a The person who wrote the letter n literature and the teaching of language are pregnant far too naive conception of foreign students by providing untrained, University, state, nation or world. What motion to unanimously adopt a resolution sheep so laughable? Everybody loves cute 're^ j baby lambs. It's too bad the fascination 1 think he has forgotten that free® different pursuits demanding different inexperienced, nondegree holding has probably happened is that some censuring Mr. Hayes' for his postgame skills and different training is disproved by conduct in striking a fan, and for his entails responsibility. Few of us havei the situation at MSU's English Language teachers, or deceiving those who enroll in representatives of the ELC have been and respect ends when the animal mitures. Center (ELC). That is, the artificiality or its Teaching English to Speakers of Other asked this question by some non - native inability to control his players during the I admit my ignorance of the games a liberal view of freedom as to thmK"| game (I speak here of an Ohio State man has the right to murder anotn 1 speakers of English: played between sororities and fraternities. hypocrisy associated with ELC lies in the Languages (TESOL) program, assuming it "Where do you teach?" player's alleged assault on a fan while the I don't understand why that act was place such an action under the umbr m fact that it uses classroom teachers who do is a credible specialty in its own right. game was in progress). freedom is to misuse the word, as ww not possess the training and credentials it The center's "fine professional Representative, after removing his pipe. "supposed to be a good pimp." The "In Michigan." It is my feeling that such a resolution in perpetrators of this act as well as the State the idea. Nazism advocates such acl implies are necessary for that type of reputation" was never mentioned when I no way speaks directly to the seriousness and others far worse. f News writer should be present when this work. attended TESOL conferences in Morocco, Smiling non - native speaker, "Oh, of Hayes' actions, but I feel that it is all On one hand, the English Dept. offers Laos and Singapore. My British colleagues really! That's a very famous university." ewe gives birth, if in fact she is still able to To argue that a person has the rig I that one could realistically ask the board do so, and witness the "humor" of the advocate murder (or, in this 1 programs designed to train specialists in certainly never mentioned MSU's ELC. Smiling representative, "Yes, it is." teaching English to speakers of other The two Peace Corps training programs for Thus ELC finds a client for its to do. Personally, I would prefer to see the board adopt a resolution which would situation. genocide), but not the right to commi I Marge Koehler act itself, is a dangerous position, languages as if some special knowledge and trainees in teaching English as a second brochures and a recruiter for its courses direct and require that Hayes and his 435 M.A.C. Ave. who posit spurious claims ot skills are necessary for that type of work. language in which I participated never who need not be bothered with a players be caged for the duration of any superiority are not doing so to P ■ On the other hand, it holds itself out as a mentioned the ELC's teaching methods or clarification of the difference between "in subsequent sojourn on this campus. No time. I don't think I'm being too J professional center of learning for non - used materials developed at the ELC. They Michigan" and "at Michigan." The ELC Kevin J. Smart pets saying that views such as "je5* 1 native speakers of English without seeing did, however, use materials and ideas fan's linguistic confusion may not ever be fit to employ a teaching staff which has developed at the University of Michigan. corrected because the ELC representative 601 Abbott Road For many years jokes have been place in a rational world. Allowing J completed or even begun work in that And U - M does not use literature students is quite content With that situation and And four others bantered about American college ideas to flourish is a dangerous gamj to teach English to non - native speakers. ELC's situation just as it is! campuses, MSU included, regarding the Russian roulette. Children are wp specialty. The students in the ELC are there The ELC may have tie • ins with a Will special treatment of high • priced athletes. enough to know not to stick the J Stewart Bolinger, E327 Owen Hall, was a Rogers never met Woody Hayes. Officials were always more than fire once they've been burned. Ar paying outstate tuition. That certainly Japanese or Swiss university or with the' Fulbright ■ Hayes teacher of English as a obliging, professors supposedly arranged smart? entitles them to qualified professional embassies along Massachusettes Avenue in second language for two years, and was a Peace Tim Kane special exams, and for some reason no one Dan Engell instructors which are predominantly Washington. That, however, does not place Corps teacher of that subject for three years. B325 Emmons Hall seemed to be too concerned. 717 W. Grand River * Mulligan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, 1974 5 'Sweet thief hits l By JOE KIRBY night, taking handfuls of sugar." thefts but the real problem has been with all we can do short of frisking people, State Newj Staff Writer Not only has inflation hit the The sweet thief — with one hand in the sugar people taking crockware and glassware. which would be kind of ridiculous," bowl but some restaurant sigar bowl and the other on his wallet - is managers are Sonderschafer said. noticing other items disappearing from Sonderschafer said he has noticed beginning to plague local restaurants. tables. about a 35 per cent increase in these thefts Rising sugar prices are making people over the last three weeks. Goodwin said people have also been Dave Sonderschafer, manager of Olde more willing to reach into the restaurant World Bread and Ale, 211 M.A.C. stealing a lot of salt and pepper shakers sugar bowl than to come up with the Ave., "We're watching people a lot closer and from International House of Pancakes. said he has noticed some increase in sugar clearing tables a lot faster which is about One money to purchase a box of sugar at the night last week he lost 13 shakers. supermarket. Some local restaurants have already resorted to taking packets of sugar off the tables and others are considering it as the URGES REDUCED theft problem continues to increase. University Big Boy, 1050 Trowbridge Road, took the sugar off the tables last week. Customers must 'now ask the waitress for some when sweeten their coffee. they want to Store discouages sugar buying "It was costing us 11 or 12 dollars a day. People were just plain stealing it," By GARY LaROY The Great Scott tell manager Max Pierce said. supermarket chain in us they won't buy it," store manager State News Staff Writer Detroit is telling customers not to Mike Goodwin, owner of International buy Helene Hargrove said. House of Pancakes, 2800 E. Grand River any sugar while at the same time Other area stores, especially those with that it supports a denying At least one local grocery store has boycott. Ave., said people are stealing sugar and higher - than - average sugar prices, also even the bowls where the joined a growing national protest against There are no Great Scott stores in the packets are kept. report falling sugar sales. "I've never seen skyrocketing sugar prices by telling its Lansing - East Lansing area. Larry Fortino, manager of Larry's Shop anything like it. It's getting ridiculous," Goodwin said. customers not to buy as much sugar. Kroger supermarket in Frandor Rite, 1109 E. Grand River Ave., said "Consumption of sugar has tripled and the Eberhard's food store, 3301 E. shopping center has set a purchase limit of demand for sugar is about normal. He said one five price has quadrupled." Michigan Ave., has posted signs on its - pound bag per customer to there was some prevent panic stockpiling before the Goodwin said he has lost three cases of sugar display advising customers, "Stop! buying and stockpiling, price topped $2 per five - pound bag last Use less - sugar too Steve Sandstedt, bowls in the past month and that the high." a spokesman for month, but described present sugar buying bowls, which hold 50 packets of sugar, Kroger, said customers had been buying Sugar prices in area stores are 15 or 20 pounds at a time at $2.39 as "steady." cost about J 4 each. averaging per about $2.39 for a five five pounds in "We'll fill the bowl before a customer pound bag, about anticipation of further price Fortino said he personally three times what they were a year increases. supports the sits down and after ago. idea of cutting they leave, the waitress A spokesman for Eberhard's At the Seven Eleven food sugar consumption, but goes to refill the bowl and it's gone," expressed - store, 1880 fears that telling customers to use less Goodwin said. hopes that the signs would help lower the Haslett Road, where sugar is priced at could make the problem worse. price of sugar, but said "sales are still up." $2.67 for five pounds, the situation seems "I've been Though he has not taken the sugar off He said the store is not to be reversed. thinking about telling them the table yet, Goodwin said if the urging a to cut down, but I'm reluctant to," he problem boycott of sugar, just a reduction in sugar continues he will be forced to have the said. "It could create a run on consumption. "Our customers look at the price and it, like waitresses carry it. the toilet paper scare last year." Charles Robinson, manager of The Grog Shop, 2755 E. Grand River Ave., said the problem is THE U)An I SEE *0U?E A increasing but it is not "SUST"MAfci£!! | TU&iTV-i fIZE El6HT...HiM uJAlST iS SN to the point where it is worth the inconvenience of having waitresses TUIENTh'-TH(?E£ :NCHES K'OJR IT'S>PEffKTW ULTIMATE * UtiHCues) photo/Daniel Shutt carry MIPS ARE TMENTY-flSHT NJHES $£u) IN6 TERM! Area restaurant goers may be spooning their last of a vanishing it. "It's not a big thing, but it's species as management complaints pour in about customers ripping increasing, We're using more sugar," Robinson said. off sugar packets. "You can watch people, especially at AMC sales up; DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DETROIT (UPI) - American Motors Corp. (AMC), the period in 1973 even though sales increased from $380 million illest of the major U.S. carmakers, said to YOU 8GT! I Wednesday its 1974 $442 million. JUST5AWHIM shit i record $2 billion but that profits were cut by a three - AMC ends its fiscal year Sept. 30 while General Motors Corp., THIS MOWING- WITH A t strike by the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler HE PROPPED BY Ik company said it sold 385,000 Corp. end the year Dec. 31. PH01D6- passenger cars, the highest The AMC report was issued KJAiPBNUTTH A RAPHER? nein 10 years, while its share of the U.S. car market climbed just two days before the official introduction of its 1975 model line. PHOTOGRAPHER' WHAT FOR? II per cent. TTiat figure was also the highest in a decade. The rest of the WC chairman Roy D. Chapin Jr. and industry officially introduced its new car ' president William V. models Oct. 1, but sales are off to their rg said earnings totaled $27.5 million, or 94 cents a poorest start in 10 years m last year's share, and lagging sales have led to layoffs and production cutbacks to earnings total of $44.5 million or $1.65 a reduce unsold backlogs of small cars. In their latest reports, GM said its He company's production was halted for three weeks earlier earnings of $16 million for the July • to September period were down 94 year by a UAW strike over a new contract, per cent from last year; Ford reported earnings of $47 million, off 50 lit strike was reflected in fourth per cent, and quarter figures — a loss of Chrysler reported an $8 million loss compared with $17.4 million ■Ion compared with earnings of 54 million during the same loss during the same period in 1973. MEN'S SHOE SALE $25 Reg. S30 to $39 Excellent savings are yours on a carefully selected group of footwear from our current stock. . .shoes for dress, sport and casual wear. We have a broad assortment of Maxi Not all sizes in every style. dresses in fine imported fabrics. Come see us. Garden of Barthly 0dights 226 ABBOTT I 332 Thursdays 10-9 - 3661 . | \ Jacobsori's IMon. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. 10-6 COME TO SAN FRANCISCO The City By The Golden Gate it'sGET READY TO SKI'V MC SPORTING GOODS has the largest and most complete ski shop in UNIVERSITY OF S the Lansing Area. Our selection is great. Our service is excellent. We're trained to guide you in selecting equipment to meet your needs and budget. JANUARY Stop out to see our quality merchandise. You'll realize that you can buy a lot of skiing enjoyment for your money! January 2-30,1974 And our ski shop is a "SKI SHOW" in itself! VISIT WITH US OPEN ADMISSION AND STUDY WITH US Don't forget - for maximum skiing HOUSING AVAILABLE. N be twenty years since the place FOR A MONTH. enjoyment, proper clothing is a must. MC carries a complete selection of Head, Bifa'uted■ But you won't be able to COURSES OFFERED IN Call or write today: Roffe, Gerry, White Stag, Alpine Designs, L the j°b s done-And while pe working, the BUSINESS, EDUCATION, Wm. V. Burgess, Ph.D. & others. Don't miss it! great taste of Dean, Intersession [tola keeps everybody happy. NURSING, LIBERAL ARTS, University of San Francisco MC is looking forward to seeing you. the real thing. Coke. AND SCIENCE. San Francisco, Ca94117 After all... its get 5002 W. SAGINAW Co'n!!.ed undw ,he authority of ths Coca-Cola (415) 666-6767 ready to ski time. (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) ^ Michigany by: Coc,-Coli Bottling Company of 487-1853 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 12-5 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, | Gas war confronts "The only person who loses ar Lawther said By RALPH FRAMMOLINO Gasoline dealers in Detroit, the pattern works as it has in in 25 years. He said, though, Rankin said. He expects the competition," Ronald the d State News Staff Writer pressured by the major oil the last few years," Hal that the oil- companies have price of area gasoline to stay Sherman, manager of in a gas war is the dealer," companies really put .1 been consistent - 2 cents above Sherman's Standard Service Baker said pressure on dealers who While some local gasoline companies to lower their prices Rankin, manager of Spartan asking the dealers to 0 and sell much lower their Detroit's. Station, 901 Trowbridge Road them money. dealers are not worried, others as gas as Sunoco, 808 Michigan Ave., prices ever since gas "I'm starting to feel the are fearfully looking over their possible, are predicting a gas said. became more plentiful after Don Fransisco, manager of said. But Sherman denies the pressure already," Don shoulders at Detroit to see if war shortly. Rankin said that he has just the energy crisis. Don's Texaco, 514 Michigan threat of a gas war and says Cashman of Don's Mobile "Dealers who have business and don't been J there will be a possible gas "When a gas war hits recently been able to make a "I will lower my prices if Ave., said he does not think that the company Is not Services, 639 E. Grand River owe thi price war in the Lansing area. Detroit, it's going to hit here, if decent profit for the first time the company drops its prices," there will be a gas war. pressuring him. Ave., said. "I can't stay at 56.9 anything just do what til "It'll stay stable around Susan Wright says the price want," Lawther said. when everyone is at 52.9." | here," he said. "I don't pay pinch and oil company attention to Detroit or pressure is being felt at where Whether they agreed or not, Charles Shipley, head oft J Blood drive set for East Complex anywhere else." "Oil companies are she works: Marathon, 3010 Bill W. Wright Lake dealers lamented at the thought of such a price war. Service Station of Michigan, said Dealers As/ that Detroit stations will thou* swimming in gasoline," Don Lansing Road. They say that a war cuts in on not return to their probauJ Lawther, manager of "It's stable so far," Herber their profit margin, while they cut. thmT By DENISE CRITTENDON students from other complex in an attempt to heavily on the bloodmobiles Brookfield Shell, 1831 E. Baker, 1198 S. Harrison Road, have to buy gas at the same gas war status of the past whefl complexes also better organize the drives and sponsored on the MSU campus, Grand River said. "It's coming gas could be purchased as State News Staff Writer Next time you contemplate can volunteer for the East Complex help eliminate the chaos. Westerfeld said. said. "Detroit's 90 miles away.' price as before. id the Good Samaritan role try bloodmobile at Hubbard, Westerfeld said the local The only major problems out of their ears." "When a price war hits, it's "Right now, you can get asi°ufntLa gallon- they«il probably drop from 54 cenl just like a plague of locusts. No encountered have been informing Lawther that the regular gsoline anywhere from then J giving your blood. students are encouraged to aid chapter of the American Red says one knows where it will hit to at least 48 cents in The American Red Cross the bloodmobiles visiting their Cross Regional Blood Center, people and locating a sufficient companies are trying to tell the next." 46.9 to 55.9," one dealer said. future. ^ Regional Blood Center is own complex. on Grand River Ave. at number of volunteers to serve dealers to lower their prices, sponsoring one of several blood Interested students are also Saginaw Street, services the juice and donuts to the donors, something they are not allowed drives to be held Thursday on urged to schedule entire mid - Michigan region, she said. to do according to national campus in the south lower appointments in order to avoid which includes a third of the Anyone interested in antitrust legislation. lounge of Hubbard Hall. the seemingly endless lines that state's counties. volunteering their assistance or "Nobody's pumping their The bloodmobile, which have developed in the past. Though much of the blood making an appointment to allotment," he said, giving will be on campus from 1 p.m. Unless the lines are short, donated to the center is donate blood should contact reasons for a possible gas war. to 7 p.m., is the first of a series students without appointments contributed from a variety of Joyce Justice at 353 • 8070 "I'm beginning to feel a of blood drives aimed at luring will not be allowed to donate areas, the center depends after 3 p.m. little pressure, from staying in students from specific campus blood. complexes. In the past, the Carol Westerfeld, Red Cross majority of the bloodmobiles representative for MSU have been stationed in a central students, said the bloodmobile location in the hopes of is stressing the necessity for reaching a large segment of the appointments and limiting each student body. blood drive to a specific By focusing on one area, the Hubbard Hall bloodmobile expects to operate smoothly without an overwhelming influx of students. Though Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, 1974 < m WOtttUTKM a? M05 ENTERED AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE IN Now Thru Tues.! Today Open 6:45 P.M. 1902 2 UNUSUAL FILMS! First black to graduate from MSU dies Amazing! Astounding! Unbelievable! THEY VANISHED wtttxx* a trace — ow • 1000 pmple «nd 100 planm and ships m an are* o» the FLYING SAUCERS- ARE THEY REAL? By MICHELE BURGEN UP© music, art, home economics, folks just haven't held these kids are doing today, but we State News Staff Writer Myrtle sewing, foods, history, positions before." Craig Mowbray, just don't have the strength MSU s first black graduate and chemistry and languages. In Recalling her early days on now." those years it was considered a the campus, she said she felt a member of the class of 1907 was buried good liberal education. lucky to be one of the few Mowbray is survived by her Tuesday in Kansas m Mowbray taught in high black students who were able husband, George, of Kansas City, Mo. schools and colleges in Missouri to go to college. City, and two stepdaughters. Mowbray, who was in her and Kansas after early'90s, died Friday. graduating. "I didn't feel any different She had been retired 26 years. because of my race," she said. Mowbray entered MSU, Most recently she was "There were sororities for then the girls, Michigan Agricultural chairman of Kansas City's but I was so poor I didn't have College, in 1902 at the age of Model Cities program and was 20. She the time or money for those was one of four black students a delegate to President Nixon's things." on campus and the Conference on the Aged in She recalled that her pay at only black woman. During her first year, she lived with the Washington, D.C. in 1971. In November, 1972, she the catering club where she worked was often only dinner REDPT. £ school secretary and earned her traveled back to East Lansing room and board by preparing meals. Later, she moved to to visit her alma mater and said she was thrilled to see how the and a dollar. Ho-words of advice in 1972 j£ I *100 ADMISSION FOR CHILDREN THIS ENGAGEMEMENT - | QNLY^] I: to black women were simply to Lansing and worked as a clerk in a clothing store and also as a school had grown into a university and the progressive get as much education as m SS *US1 waitress. She changes the school had made. possible. "She should try to do the I the Bears enrolled I was in the Particularly astounding to her Women's Course, the curriculum for all women was MSU's black president. She remarked in a 1972 interview best she can and excel as much ,as a she can, aspiring to anything white woman aspires to. andT ^§g geared to make them good in the Alumni Magazine: wives and mothers. The "My husband and I often TECHMCOlXm " "Dr. Wharton is remarkable, say we were born too soon. We program, which took five years to complete, included especially at a university this would li^ce to go on and do a piano, size and stature, because black lot of the things that ! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 6 30 SHOW STARTS OUSK young |:x$\ t I'll..* MYRTLE MOWBRAY TODAY Open at 6:45 P.M. 1 r^i^SOYLENT 2022. CHARITON HESTON ADEEM 1 Feature Show at 7:15 9:25 • ^ LEIGH TAYLOR YOUNG »The most amazing outdoor adventure ever filmed! JOSEPH LlEVMEpmots J^RHftJ^RHftRHA : GEORGE C. SCOTT presents , MIKE NICHOLS JHE DAY OF BUTCH & ►THE DOLPHIN < ItctocMr fiimtm -« ilketEatali helm Jml THE KID id ARE BACK! Just for the fun of it! n Chaleta ChaUt 3 PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS. J't combination of menu, service, staff and the 'BUTCH CAJSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID' mellow guitar of Bill Hagerup will make your :o s»-"~s STROTHER MARTIN - JEFF COREY*- HENRY JONES • Ewc.m P-Mucr P»_l MONA5- dining experience one to •' •' •-••••• -1 - = .. . , .. T- remember. -« 'IV ..-p.! • -« . THURSatBrody 7:15 sl" woody aliens woody bananas -4 484 9431 aliens dQy * 1515 Center St. (Across from Bunday Furniture) bananas' OLD TIME MCVfl series with LOUISE LASSER iMimw Jflh. i PRESENTS THURS at Conrad [GP] COLOR GP -sES* COLOR -w 7:30 & 9:15 *1" ' MbRILYM ncmcoe "IT IS A JOY!" Iff SOME LIKE IT - w j HOT jvmt\ They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. Paramount Pictures Presents HAROLD and MAUDE Color by Technicolor* A Paramount Picture THURS at Brody 9:30 WOODY ALLEN'S Everything You Always Wanted To Know Rbout Sex Sunday NOV 17 Union Ballroom But Were Afraid To Ask. shows at 2:00, 7:00, 9:30 p.m. THURS at Wilson 9:15 5,11 admission $1.00 under 12-50* 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. November 14, Micl"gan s PIONEER System-Undep $200! PLAYBACK'S WARRANTY Value-packed Pioneer SX-424 Stereo FM/ Reg. $356.65 AM Receiver. Precision BSR 260 A/X Changer 5-Year Free Parts One-Year Speaker comes complete with ba$£, ctyst cotter and Exchange Policy cartridge. Two wide-range JF-6 6" 2-Way Speaker Systems. A sensational value! Deluxe GARRARD Zero-IOOC DUAL 12Z9Q Automatic Stereo Cassette Tape Playep Turntable-SAVE S90! Turntable Special Outstanding performance and features in a compact Stereo 50% OFF! Was $209.95 Garrard's best changer has all Highly acclaimed by audio au-| 8-Track Player small enough to the finest features! Unique arm Reg. $329.90 thorities! Virtually every deluxe! Reg. $39.95 Superb performance at feature. Tonearm tracks down install easily in any car! Ample* unbeatable price! design cuts tracking error distor¬ to| clean power. Easy-to-adjust an Convenient slot-loading. tion. Variable speed and strobe. Va gram. Massive platter. Variable! sliding volume, balance and Synchro-Lab motor. In a class by speed with strobe. Anti-skatingJ tone controls. A stereo itself! Choice of those "in the Includes base and Stanton 600EE| spectacular! know!" Cartridge. SUPERHRIHDAY SPECIALS 091 Stereo Headphones U 098 Record Preener L EMPIRE 66E/X 1088 Cartridge I® SHURE M44E Q88 Cartridge ® 1200 Ft. Reel Blank Tape 80-Mm. 8-Track Cartridge 4-pk. Playback AM/FM Digital Clock Radio 24«< (Quantities Limited) Thursday, November 14, 19™ » jt * The Electronic Announces Playground With 62 it's THREE Proudly Audio Centers YEARS OLD! That Means in the ING BIGGEfl & Midwest POWER-One of theBETTER BUY¬ prehensive Most Com¬ Gear, TV's, Selections in Hi-Fi, Turntables, Tapr Portable - Playback Hds Radios Threeifears Old! it All! You Even And We tions Better and-Most Values, BiggerPromise Selec¬ tinued Service Important, You've Come to Con¬ the From PLAYBACK. THANK Expect YOU! *• 'N# ' ♦ ^ 0U9IUVJ Convert >° S?ach^f8$ems< ,n9 2 btse. sOR"6750 FM^)(Beceiveri BSB Advanced Sansui "SB# Beg. $566.70 441^ Ste^ value! r««mn FM/AMBecew timy to 3sr FM/^M Bt?y BSB 260 W* speaW? systems Changer Pack- Sjige 10" 2-Way Speake' SysSnS^)nbea K I Superex's newest and finest stereo A beautiful record/play Phones! Ultra-wide deck! Has illuminated meters, response, tvuilt for slide level controls. Includes two pair comfort. Big buy! °f patch cords plus walnut finished cabinet. Oneo«ther^segafoSfedeC"S —" Was $44-95 FuMeaturecasse recorder oa®® shut. %&•££**■ 1QQ00 Super-efficient!loudness contw'® 8995 '•Sftstss*. rated but jnore e p Superb |g|) Extraordinary' reproducer! '<,ea'' UlE INDS SUMDA* HOV.17 513 fr.«*rSho»»«#CMrt#r Ph.«. 351-W® NOIIIIS 10 1.111. - 9 p.m. Mtarfof thr« Friday 10 - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 12 • 5 p.m. Sunday 10 Thursday, November 14 Miclugai Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Doctor battles to save Cummings now is involved at home," Bruce said. "We the early stages, but Surplus in a petition drive to obtain the don't buy much beef." promising, Cummings said The organ transplant serum, GOVCMIKCIY SURPLUS information from the park service, and to try to get obtained by exploiting the technique In developin. vaccine would be the san, research grants' for various buffalo's natural disease that used for his first WAfeHotfgf. y_ - the By JEFF MERRELL But the buffalo are experiments on buffalo. fighting processes, proved transplant serum State News Staff Writer order of business. Cummings wants more twice as good as that produced Cummings said it shoul, The buffalo is a majestic "We want to change a research done in the areas of in horses. done on a larger scale thin animal whose fighting spirit, bureaucratic shuffle into a crossbreeding buffalo and The anticancer vaccine is in "backyard operation." meaningful, productive buffalo domestic beef, the some people believe, is symbolic of that of the dance," Cummings said. development of an organ Great Issues to feature 4 American Indian. Dr. Dwain W. Cummings "I believe that there are about 1,000 buffalo that are transplant serum, an anticancer vaccine using buffalo as the topic is Winter term's Great Issues one of those people. available every year, and the host animal and a study of the Albert Camus. reservations are only getting nutritional course will focus on four Frederick Cummings, of Muskegon, is advantages of Kaplan, profe known as the Buffalo Doctor 225k,to 250," he said. buffalo meat. separate topics. or humanities, will f0CUs Cummings' wife, Jean, All of these an1 as have had Roy T. Matthews, professor L°ve in because of his involvement Civilization" wrote book entitled "Why some attention and considerable of humanities, will teach Lawrence R. Kr with buffalo, and perhaps a "Individuals, Their Eras and because of his fitting spirit. They Call Him the Buffalo Doctor," which is financing success at Cummings' ranch Their Experiences" focusing on coordinator of the Great \l For five years Cummings near Big Rapids. program, will focus on "Cr cultural history and social has been trying to find out much of the buffalo battle. And Beth and Bruce The Cummings' ranch has forces in lives of Erasmus, and Punishment," Thn»h will tool, whj|e ? what the U.S. National Park one animal that is a cross Service has done with its Cummings, both MSU Emmeline, Pankhurst and between a buffalo and a breed surplus buffalo which were students, are eager of domestic cattle. The animal raised on park land. By a 1965 spokespersons for their father's gains weight quickly, has a agreement, all of the park service's surplus buffalo are interest in buffalo. "I agree with him larger carcass than a buffalo, yet still retains fur that can be Diamond Bridal Sets supposed to go to Indian completely." Beth, a freshman, shed and niggedness. reservations, but Cummings said. "Some parks allow big "The crossbreed is Traditional... Modern... Cla ssic quite an does not think the park service city people to come out and The park service, however, Edelstein also said that in animal," Bruce said. "One big Tho Now and tho Now... has been living up to that shoot the surplus buffalo (that are unrealistically small. said that Cummings might be 1974, there 108 buffalo Cummings also said that, in factor is that it doesn't have to agreement. are supposed to go to Indians) were be WE HAVE THEM ALL confused about the whole declared surplus, and that 100 his experiences with the park grain fe p m A melt-in-your-mouth loaf of bread. Easy. Your way of life. Select your matching wedding Single tickets SG 00 '> (1(1 1 00 MSU Students S3 00 ? !>() 0(1 5. The Waitress Union T icket Office rings from our complete 8 lb 4 30 pm weekdays 'Abb 3;<61 ArtCarved collection. Her smile and superb service make a Mr. Steak meal something to come back to. JUG.1 CHILDREN'S •OoMMUMOrVMll T 1 MEALS AS LOW AS 39< OiOT«tf»4W«kfti|n*i JCWtLRYaitf 9 THREE LANSING LOCATIONS: OPEN 11 AM • VlCm*d *«**«• ARTCSNTiR 2287 Grand River Avenue, Okemos 'til 10 PM Mm ten 319 E. Grand Riwr An. 5919 South Cedar Street, Lansing EastLaming, Midi 5615 West Saginaw ■ Next to K-Mart rum phone 337-1314 AMERICA'S STEAK EXPERT 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, November 14 !97J Electric cor is Company violates dream com waste disposal lawl initiate criminal proceedings forMSU st By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN United Prats International for the cyanide spill. equipped with an air control device polluJ The discharge not only on h:l An industrial waste disposal incinerator. Turney said. killed fish In the Clinton River, company in Pontiac is By STEVE AGASE operating in defiance of the but also disrupted Pontiac's wastewater treatment plant for One complication state is that the U.S. for tJ state by storing thousands of two weeks, according to DNR Revenue Service Inte„J One MSU student is driving all around town and not barrels of pesticides, oil officials. (IRS) j, jJ spending a penny for gas. ... solvents and cyanide outside of closing in on Ankerson [1 So far the DNR has declined back taxes. Hut the Alan Brown. 723 Forest St., an MSU senior majonng in buildings. IRS h J to against Ankerson agreed to allow the mechanical engineering, has transformed a Volkswagen bus Only a month ago, through move a civil suit, which to continue to compel into an electrically ■ run automobile. Ankerson Industrial Systems dispose of thfl "I've always wanted to build an electrical car, Brown could be the quickest way to wastes at the DNR's Inc. dumped an undetermined request. said. "I got the idea from the first Tom Swift book Iread as number of barrels of cyanide shut the company down or else The state Water a child. 1 guess I'm just emulating my childhood hero." obtain compliance with its Resource down a drain which emptied Brown began the project a year ago and has had the bus in order. The DNR knows that if Commission was informed into Pontiac's sanitary and \i operation since September. The total cost of his electric van Ankerson is shut down, the July that Ankerson was storinfl stormwater system in violation about 2,000 barrels is $1,200, including the cost of parts, batteries and the van of state law. problem of disposing of the instead of covered outsidl itself. The company had been waste will fall squarely in its areas. The commission storaj Energy for the vehicle is supplied by 12 six - volt batteries given a license by the state lap. orderel located in the back of the bus. It has reached a top speed of Ankerson to eliminate outsidil Dept. of Natural Resources "Everybody in the agencies 55 miles per hour. storage and reduce the voluml "That speed is really good, considering it only went 50 (DNR) to haul liquid industrial hopes that the guy will of the waste. ■ wastes on the condition that straighten himself out," m.p.h. when it was running on gas," he said. no barrels would be stored William G. Turney, chief of Ankerson failed to cu„ The bus can travel 30 miles before it needs recharging. , outside. water management, said. "We and the commission He cited numerous advantages of an electrically run But up to 3,000 barrels of are using the criminal • its October learned^ automobile: operation costs a penny a mile, compared to meeting that th the industrial wastes are now proceedings to get his attention inventory had three cents a mile in a gas - run car; antifreeze is not stored outside instead of in a to the fact that actuallfl we mean increased. necessary, and it always starts in the morning. covered storage area, DNR business." The major problem in the building of the car was finding The commission meets the right parts. officials say. agail "I really had to look hard for the right motor," he said. "I The City of Pontiac has Turney said Ankerson has a next wjeek and will considel ended up getting one from a California Air Force Surplus filed a civil suit against Richard "good operation that could what action to take againsT Store." Ankerson, head of the serve the citizens of the state." Ankerson. A maximum fine J He is the only industrial waste $25,000 per day could b{ company, and the DNR has The bus weighs about 3,100 pounds and Brown thinks referred the matter to the operator handling the ' assessed for the violations d that is too heavy. hazardous materials who is state law. Since weight pulls too much energy from the batteries. attorney general's office to Brown has decided to design a new car that only weighs 1,500 pounds. "I am designing an aluminum car about the size of a two - passenger automobile," he said. The new vehicle will consist of solid state components with no moving engine parts. With the absence of moving parts the car will be maintenance free, have better speed control and will be more efficient. Brown sees a future in electrical vehicles. "Electricity is the most practical form of energy," he said. "It can be used for light, heat and movement. "Oil is getting scarce and electrical vehicles will ease the SN photo>/Charlie Kidd burden." Alan Brown inspects the water level in the storage batteries that power his converted VW bus. Bacardi w light rum An assortment of for gauges monitor the electric power system what? that moves the bus. Enjoy it in Daiquiris and Bacardi Cocktails. And use it like gin or vodka in Martinis, Screwdrivers, »acVrdi I Bloody Marys, tonic, bitter lemon. n to speak BACARDIsrum. double-width rolling papers. The course exposes the disadvantages ol conventional rolling praclices such as slicking two regular papers together to roll one 2*'mt The mixable one. smoke. Students will learn that there il no better on celebration This week, This week, This week, This week, get Kenwood get Advent get Pioneer get jbl of oicentennial stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems for a song. for a song. far a sana. for a song. COME SEE OUR FANTASTIC Jeremy Rifkin, founder of the People's Bicentennial "ULTRIUM" RINGS Commission will speak at BIO4 Wells Hall tonight at 8. The People's Bicentennial Commission is a "nonprofit, public foundation based on the belief that it is time to reaffirm the democratic principles of the Declaration of Independence and of the American Revolution." The organization bills itself as the only active bicentennial commission, with its efforts designed to provide Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Make a mental note: constructive programs for Make a mental note: Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special savings on citizen involvement. systems with Kenwood systems with Advent systems with Pioneer systems with JBL components. Rifkin, head of the components. components. components. Washington, D. C. - based group, told a convention of businessmen the only way to celebrate the bicentennial is to abolish the giant corporations that are destroying the country. There is a THURSDAY difference!!! LUNCH SPECIAL PREPARATION FOR: MCAT Over 35 years Coming next week: BEEF BARBEQUE of experience fantastic jazz saxophonist DAT & TOMATO SOUP RING ORDERS: LSAT Voluminous home GRE study materials Courses that are Stanley with pickle wedge *1.59 WHERE: Student Book Store constantly updated WHEN: Nov. 15, 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. ATGSB HAPPY HOUR DEPOSIT: $1000 Tape facilities for reviews of class lessons and for use Turrentine REDUCED PRICES ON ALL DRINKS 2 • 5 OCAT TRADE-IN VALUES: of supplementary materials. KIRK (PAT ENTERTAINS TONIGHT! Women's "old gold" H.S./Coll. Rings $10.00 Nov. 18 through the 22nd Men's "old gold" High School Rings 20. Q0 FLEX S (Mon through Sat) ECFMG Special - stay for both shows CLAMS ALL YOU CAN EAT Men's "old gold" College Rings 33.00 for further info FRIES, & COLE ECFMG SLAW UNTIL 10 P.M. call 351 -1200 S B S NAT! MED BHDS For complete Information call The •1.99 ........ (3132354-0085 Stanley h.h.fcsclon EDUCATIONAL CENTER k 55 rrrrr\>T( THE STABLES 2843 Peanut ^^tudent ook TUTORING AND GUIDANCE SINCE 1938 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. E.GD.RIVER, EAST LANSING 421 E. Grand Rivtr 351-4210 Southfleld, Mich. 48075 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, 1974] J ARTIST EQUALLY ADEPT MSU pianist to perform senior recital By FRANK FOX State Newt Reviewer "People I meet who realize didn't do any of that. I would that I Band, including gigs at the student of the lives and times Classical play both kinds of music stay up all night trying to Ponchartrain Hotel and at playing." musicians once are one of great composers. thought of jazz as a musical surprised, rightfully «o," tighten a camshaft and then get "To know Beethoven you Schunk explained. Tiger Stadium for a Lions "As much as possible I try oddity fit only to be played in up in the morning and play football game. have to study his symphonies, "I would like to be known to adhere to style when brothels, barrooms Mozart," he said. Schunk is currently playing playing his sonatas. Even the1* you can and for abilities in both musical piano," he said. "This "But I don't do that basements, if at all. idioms, to somehow be able to with a 12 - piece jazz band at a necessitates only come to a representative Classical anymore," he added. "It got study, constant pianist club in Ann Arbor called approximation of what Gary perform in both idioms. too expensive, and the music study, of the composer, his Schunk, however, is as adept "Chances Are" every Sunday Beethoven would have wanted Nobody does that," he said. part developed. But I'd like to environment, the music he playing jazz in a nightclub as "No from 5 to 8 p.m. created for other instruments. his music to sound like," he he is in singular personality get back into that as a hobby," said. performing some of the performs in both idioms with "I've even worked sporadically Schunk, 21, has played the It is not enough to know the most intricate pieces of equal facility on piano. tyano for 15 years. He is a music just for the piece you are Schunk chose Beethoven's classical music ever on a couple of funny car crews, "Sonata No. 29 in Bb Major, composed "I think I have just in the summer when for the piano. something to op. 12 6'' offer in both, as an (the Schunk, an MSU interpreter nothing else was pressing." "Hammerklavier" sonata), as senior, of established music and an As a classical who has given classical pianist, one of three pieces he will piano innovator of new music." Schunk has won numerous play concerts throughout Michigan, in his recital Schunk once thought he awards for Friday evening. will present his senior recital at performance, His performance of the work had something to offer in 8:15 p.m. Friday in the Music yet including a tie for first in the will be the first by an another field. 1970 Grinnell piano Building Auditorium. undergraduate at MSU. He has also Drag racing. competition. He has appeared "The Hammerklavier Sonata played with jazz "I used to have with the MSU Orchestra and groups in my own car of Beethoven must be called a Lansing, Ann Arbor (a souped - up '66 Charger) and has done a series of solo and Detroit, including a recent symphony for solo piano," I even won some performance money at one programs for WKAR - TV. Schunk said. on the same bill "Composed in with Weather time," he said. As a jazz pianist, Schunk Report at Hie 1819 20, almost "In high school everyone has played several times with Brewery. else went to basketball simultaneously with the ninth games. I Detroit's Austin • Moro Big symphony, the Sonata is by far Beethoven's greatest." "Beethoven's fertile Author raps too J imagination is carried to staggering height's, as his ideas almost exceed the capabilities of the piano. With a playing time of nearly 60 minutes, the sonata simply towers above all By DORIAN CONNOLLY Levin, after getting the U.S. Meyer Levin's peppery lecture about Jewish literature ambassadors, and this is not a closed argument written and ready to be others as Beethoven's greatest sessions on the Arab - Israeli especially to the choice of between the Arabs and the keyboard work," he said. in America out of the way, Yasir Arafat and the Palestine published, the work was Jews because of the oil Schunk will also perform iinflict were the high point of went on to a suppressed, and still is, because topic that is Liberation Organization as the situation. it was "too Jewish," he said. the "Sonata in B minor op. is lecture on the American equally, if not more, important sole representatives of the Levin sees the conflict in The play was written 58" by Chopin and the first ntish literary scene Tuesday. to him the by upcoming Arab - Palestinian Arabs at the United terms of nationalism versus another person and was movement of the "Concerto "We can't allow the world Iaaeli peace talks. He linked nearly Nations. For Solo Piano" by Charles • say 'maybe there will be the two internationalism. The Arabs' identical to Levin's topics, using an "The Arabs are preparing a cause is defended as Valentin Alkan, a 19th century lother Arab • Israeli war that rising in dramatization with only one example of attempted second holocaust for the il be over in one or two or the name of internationalism. obvious change. A few lines compatriot of Liszt and suppression of his work for Jews," he said. days,' because this time Jewish demands are called from the original diary about Chopin. This is the first ree being "too Jewish" that he has Levin, almost 70 years old, performance of the piece at are faced with a been fighting for 20 nationalistic, Zionist, and the unique suffering of the years. says he recognizes the signs, MSU. lood bath," Levin, a Levin talked of the rule equated with bad 'isms,' like Jews during the war were • by having been through it once colonialism and capitalism. omitted and replaced with a "Alkan gained a reputation ontroversial American Jewish • assassination syndrome that is before. But. he warns, there Levin blames this type of as a virtuoso pianist and nthor who is on tour to comment developing in the Mideast and will be retaliation in kind emphasizing the by thinking for the trouble over general suffering during World composer of gigantic and ■omote his latest book, "The infecting democratic societies. the Jews this time. his dramatization of the "Diary incredibly difficult #11 of Time," said. He referred to the murders of War II. piano He also pointed out that of Anne Frank." After it was works," Schunk said. "The Levin said the Anne Frank concerto for solo piano pushes episode is A a "paradigm of the Jewish scene" right now. saxophonist rehearses for the MSU Jazz I keyboard technique to its Ensemble concert, to be performed at 8:15 furthest allery Mattress' cast performs American Jewish literature tonight limit. It can be in the Music explained as Alkan's attempt began as immigrant literature Building auditorium. The highly acclaimed 17 to adapt both orchestral and in the 1900s. member group plays contemporary ; • It was solo effects and aspects of a sentimental. Jews were "sad big band jazz, including several pieces written concerto to the piano alone. immigrants" trying to "fit in" and/or arranged by MSU students. with charm, imagination and talent while identity. maintaining a Jewish "Alkan's music is one of the peaks of virtuoso playing and obsessive effect." Levin calls the fiction ByDARRYL GRANT written during the depression princess - royal and delicate. Aggravain, is played with superbly directed by Stan Gilf State News Reviewer No'exceptions be made. by the second generation Jews can admirable talent by the and William B. Shipley. a literature of self - The Players' Gallery version The hatred. prince's mother, Queen hilarious Jane Shipley. Together they have produced The typical character was an "Once Upon a Mattress" Aggravain, puts each Shipley's performance can only an enjoyable and amusing amoral, hard - driving young a thoroughly charming, prospective bride to a royalty be emphasized in the show. Jew from the slums. He had to fbly entertaining and test to prove her authenticity. superlative. Her scowling, Much credit also. goes to beat his way to the top, ilented production. The cast in this debut Prince Dauntless, after pompously majestic and Craig Collins, Tom Krashen somewhat like Duddy Kravitz. NOV 23X • JENISON FIELQHC18E seeing each prospect fail, comical portrayl literally brings and Anne Burke for the fine The next phase began Bformance of MSU's newest despairs of ever finding a wife. down the house. Watching her eater group is well chosen, lighting. Praise also goes to during the war and reached a So, indeed, does the court, perform is a treat not to be Sydney Callahan and McMillan i set is peak in postwar American imaginative and especially the Lady Larken and missed. for the imaginative costuming, Jewish literature during the oloiful and the whole show is Sir Harry, who have suddenly King Sextimus is charmingly and to choreographer Leslie '50s and '60s with Saul Bellow, Wightful from start to finish. found themselves In a dilemma. played by Stan Gill, who also Page. "Once Upon a M»ttress" The Lady Larken is in a family Philip Roth and Bernard directed the production. His Malamud. Fictional Jews have ncerns the problems of a way and must wed Cheers to the soon. portrayl is summed up in the Players' become members of Kdieval court which cannot Delaying their marriage is the reaction of a female member of Gallery for a fine performance respectable professions. They my until the marriage of dilemma of the prince. the audience - "precious." His that brings us back to the are also increasingly removed eir prince to a princess. This So Sir Harry searches for silent amorous persuals of the untroubled joys of our more from their Jewish culture, he »cess must be an honest - to three weeks to find a true ladies of the court are highly youthful days. "Once Upon a Nness silk and diamond explained. princess. He returns with the winning. Mattress" will be presented "They have no connection humorous but royal Princess Princess Winnifred is played Thursday, Friday and Saturday with a Jewish community," Winnifred. Princess Winnifred by Linda Hart. Hart gives her and Nov. 21,22 and 23. Levin said. oncert slated shocks the court by swimming all to a part which is not as the castle moat. The humor closely defined as the others. begins as Prince Dauntless and She plays her part with yStan Kenton the Princess Winnifred rollicking gusto and gives a endeavor to be married against high degree of talent to a 'MSU tonight Queen Aggravain's wishes. One of the most enjoyable demanding and energetic role. The role is one that endears her aspects of "Once Upon a not only to Prince Dauntless, fcspite the current jazz Mattress" is the perfect but also to the audience. it is almost impossible compatibility of its fine cast. Also memorable were Shelly ® days to hear a big band. Prince Dauntless is played by McMillan as Lady Larken and '»«economic woes of the the engaging Jack Welc. Welc Matthew G. Isbell as Sir Harry. iake it too difficult Both presents such a convincing were admirably suited to ..i a permanent unit portrait of Prince Dauntless their roles with fine voices and ''or more members, that it Is a joy to watch him humor. McMillan was the ine Lecture Went Stan - Concert Series perform. Shy, hesitant and picture of fey delicacy, and JHE AJTIC/ Kenton and engaging, his portrayal is Isbell was ideal as the brave - Contemporiry Collegiate Clothing *nd at 8:15 ,oc«ted in the middle of FRANbOR MALI. tonight in the humorously heartwarming. white knight. Humb"b|y bein what will the His mother, Queen "Once Upon a Mattress" is only Em "d m L 'his 8 Profe«ioniI area all year. AFTER THE / TRV 000.... Memos Jazz Ensemble °Pen the concert at 7:30 AUKWMUU ZZ'.?h0 formed his INCLUDING STEAK,RIBS.CHItKEN, JSband in 1947, has been SANOWltHES, SPAGHETTI, AND Alio rsstai r'd figure in the ever since. HKNRINC TUB... MnysneUM. Which THE STABLE* AI30 Lansing's most popular^ FEATURES A COMPLETE WUWTI0H number OF FINt WINK. "SOW*. for dining out! drivers? American favorites OPEN p&tujNCH SAT0RDAV AT" II A.M. UAHTm Greek, Italian & ^ Free Evening Parking OPEN POA DINNER KT 430 p.m. SPENQ AN EVENING WrmmiRMCTOR (.DAW A WEEK. TictefsM/MafMaPshalfe/M8lkiit« M iALl 33MZO) RfcFOttWtt. INFORMATION. •wnpnmwrwEWTngAinMpirl ieotmce THEE.DD.RIVER, 2143 STABLES EAST LANSING TICKETS ON SALE TUESDAY 14 Thursday, November 14 | Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan I «$£>■ oV Tree < «y\m|)lilicr Clinic Now thru Saturday!Get your component stereo power gear tested at no charge!Find out if your receiver, integrated amp., or pre-amp. i 1*1... .PJJUV * and power amp. are performing up to specs. And when you stop by, be sure and take a few minutes to hear a startling ESS factory Harman Kardon demonstration of the revolutionary Heil loudspeaker. There'll also f Harman Kardon 50+ 4-Channel 100+ 4-Channel be plenty of super values throughout the Stereo Shoppe during the Receiver Receiver clinic. If there's something you're considering for holiday giving, WAS $289.95 plan now to put it on awayal Stereo Shoppe nirudyannual gthe Amplifier Clinic. CLINIC ACCESSORIES BARGAINS 25 ft. Extension Cords (coiled) CLINIC TAPE BARGAINS Reg. $7.50 NOW just $4.88 AMPLIFIER CLINIC SYSTEM SPECIALS! TDK Series 'I)' Cassettes (twin-pack) Kev-locked Car Tape Plater Mounts Reg. $6.00 NOW just $4.50 Reg. $9.95 NOW just $7.88 BASF C-90 LH Cassettes 1st: $3.29 2nd: $1.65 Superex Pro B-VI Stereophones Reg. $60.00 NOW just $36.88 BASF90-min. Eight-Trackllou noise) I 1st: $2.59 2nd: $1.29 BASF 1800 ft. Low-Noise Reels THREE for just $13.88 • Harman-Kardon330B Receiver • Sansui A1'6500 Integrated Amp. METROTEC MARANTZ • Rotel RX-I50A Receiver with wood case • Phillips GA212 Turntable with Model 4100 • BSR 260AX Total Turntable • BSR 510AX Total Turntable Stanton 600EE cartridge 4-Channel • Pair — BEC 104 Speakers 4-Channel Amp. • Pair — Marantz 5 Speakers • Pair — Altec 891A Speakers DECODER List: List: List: $229.88 $389.88 $649.88 s39988 1/2 PRICE REG. $341.10 $486.50 $815.00 $499.95 THE ESS HEIL AIR-MOTION TRANSFORMER IS THE FIRST NEW SPEAKER PRINCIPLE SINCE THE ACOUSTIC PHONOGRAPH COME HEAR THE LOUDSPEAKER BREAKTHROUGH THAT'S REALLY A LOUDSPEAKER BREAKTHROUGH! A few years ago you couldn't buy sound this accurate at any price Now, with ESS amt 5 it starts at only $159! . The ESS Heil air-motion transformer, developed and perfected by physicist Dr. Oskar Heil, is the first loudspeaker that moves air faster than it moves itself. Starting with the old acoustic phonograph through today's stereo speakers the sounds you hear are made by "pushing" a surface against air. Unlike the original instruments that move air directly, ordinary speakers have to first move a heavy cone which then "pushes" against, and moves, the air. Because any cone is much heavier than air it can't accelerate or change direction anything like the speed of the original air which was directly moved by the instruments. This is why trying to make music with a "pushing" cone is rather like trying to drive a sports car slalom Bob Moore, ESS Factory with a steamroller. Rep. will be on hand But the ESS Heil air-motion transformer isn't limited by "pushing" air to set it in motion. This ALL DAY THURS. and means it can accurately duplicate all the intricate components of the original sound — in fact it surpasses the resolving ability of the human ear. You'll hear subtle musical details and textures FRIDAY MORNING emerging from your records that you never knew existed! to discuss the Heil speaker You're invited to come and hear what ESS means when they say SOUND AS CLEAR AS LIGHT. with you and answer And if you're interested in how the ESS Heil air-motion transformer works just ask us why your questions. "squeezing" is better than "pushing'.' 555 E. Grand River Ave. Clinic Hours: in East Lansing 10-9Thurs.&Fri. (next toTacoBelD 10-5 Saturday Phone 337-1300 Complete In-house Service Five Convenient Ways For Everything We Sell toFinance Your Purchase Where you're treated fairly every time. yW Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, J 974 ?5 If you like what you see in the Classified Call Yellow Page Service Directory - Be a Part of it! Michelle 355-8255 Automotive ](^j j Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank FORD must VAN. still 1974-1ow mileaga Cell anytime, TOYOTA LAND Cruiser - 1969 [ E»ptiywt |jjj Apartments ^ Apartments iff? $1775/best offer. Roger NOTICE OF VACANCY. Agency 485 7929. 5-11-18 Haag! Youth MAN NEEDED. Winter / Spring 14 ROOM MANSION. 7 bedrooms, Development term For or now. four man. all utilities paid. 2 miles to Corporation (Models Cities FORDGALAXIE. 1967, two doo7, VEGA GT, 1974. Must sell Agency) Position: Executive Twyckingham. Non-smoker campus. $50. 332-3787. 3-11-15 in good condition, 18 this mpg' week. $2500 or ???? Director Accountability preferred. 332-4159 after 5 pm. PHONE 355-8255 black vinyl top, white body.' 1-725-8141. Jim. 9-4. 3-11-18 Owosso. Responsible to the board of 3-11-15 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Must sell. 351-8142. 3-11-15 i 347 Student Services bldfl. Directors. Salary range. $14,000 Single room in two bedroom. FURNISHED 1 bedroom to Three blocks from campus. FORD CUSTOM 1969 many new VEGA KAMMBACK to $16,000 per anum. Duties: • automotive - medium blue, 8,000 wagon, 1974, The Executive Director serves as sublease. Available Oecember Furnished, 651-6412, 351-7059. parts, needs work. Best offer. miles, 13, close. 351-3644. 5-11-19 3-11-15 Scooters & Cyclei After 6 pm, 355-3028. 5-11-20 4-speed, luggage rack. $2600. Mason between the governing Parts 8. Service Call 332-5417 after 6. 3-11 19 board and the staff. This person GIRL NEEDED, winter, 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, shall be responsible for the spring. Aviation FIAT, 1969, 124 Sport Coupe, 5 One bedroom, close, quiet. Jolly-Logan area, full basement, VOLKSWAGEN assembling of competent staff speed, mechanically perfect, 30 1971, Su^r 337-9629.3-11-15 |, employment mpg, $500 482-0407. 2-11-15 . Beetle, $900 firm. Call 351-2380 and the day to day agency yard, carpeted, $180/month plus utilities. Security deposit • FOR RENT anytime. 3-11-15 operations. In addition, he-she 1 MALE FOR Eden Rock • 4 man. required. 372-8073. After 6, shall be responsible for I Apartments GMC VAN, 1968 $80.50. Available now through Panelling, administration, planning, public 669-3090. 8-11-22 carpeted, must sell, 351-7588 VW, 1972. Good condition, low June 15th. 351-9482. 5-11-19 | Houses after 5. 5-11-15 mileage, best offer. 349-9629 relations, and inter agency relationships. The director shall RESPONSIBLE MATURE, male to Rooms 5-11-19 GIRL TO sublease furnished 4 man, be responsible for submittal for share 2 bedroom, furnished i, for sale GMC HEAVY DUTY 3/4 Ton, all reports to the board of $63, winter and spring. Call house. $110. Randy Rousse, 1969. 396 engine, automatic, VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent 332-4289. 3-11-15 676-1051. Evenings, 487-8299. Animals condition, best offer. Call directors and funding resources. power steering, brakes. 3-11-15 Mobile Homes Qual tions: Positraction Runs great Body 484-3541.5-11-20 FRAN DOR TWO bedroom Demonstrated ability with , LOST & FOUND rough. Best offer. 663-6585. working with alienated youth, unfurnished, carpeted. First 125 NORTH HAGADORN, block 3-11-14 VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Michelin floor, $175. No undergraduates. .PERSONAL developing to shopping and MSU. Luxury tires. AM-FM. Clean. Best offer. cooperative Call 351-1323. 3-11-15 front 1 bedroom, unfurnished, .peanuts PERSONAL 882-7789. 5-11-14 relationships with other GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tires. newly decorated, carpeted, all agencies, administrating a multi - .real estate Standard shift, 3 speed. $2,000. service youth WOMAN, OWN bedroom, appliances. Best neighborhood. VW program, .recreation Call 641-6806 Or 641-6767 if BUS, 1967. New engine, tires, bathroom, furnished, $60. $175 including heat. 351-6339 brakes. $900. Tom, 355-7068. promoting an agency before no answer. 7-11-21 Strawberry Fields. 394-2152, evenings, weekend. 3-11-15 SERVICE governmental institutions, • 3-11-14 355-4205. 3-11-15 © COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 interest and understanding of Instruction HONDA 1972 Coupe. 43 miles per FURNISHED 1 bedroom, clean, the psychological needs of gallon. AM/FM, low mileage, 1954 HUDSON WASP, good APARTMENT NEXT to Brody. quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, Typing Service youth, knowledge of minority radiel tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 condition - extras, $350 or best 2-man, air conditioned, patio, no undergrads. Security .transportation •WANTED HONDA COUPE, 1971. Excellent offer. 332-1740. 5-11-15 i Service / pEiploymeBTjlill culture, familiarity with federal grant procedures. background in youth criminal Must have furnished. Start late November. 332-5874. 5-11-19 locks. $170 unfurnished, $185 - furnished, including heat. condition throughout, extra INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on LITTLE 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. IMMEDIATE cash, good [.CAR POOL "RATES" radial tires, AM-FM deck, $1250. 353-1857. 3-11-18 cassette r~IIHic>Um J| 5*6 cycles and auto. Call us first or last, but call. Easy Payment growth person potential. Independent to merket bicycle justice system. Must be able communicate with officials within the tri county elected to OCCUPANCY. needed ROOMMATES immediately. River's 5-11-19 DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS security systems, commercial Edge apartments. Rent FEMALE NEEDED, 4 woman. 10 word minimum region. Education preferred: KARMANN GHIA 1971 great make offer. 485-4317. 0-11-27 tricycles, with new firm. Part negotiable. 351-6265. 3-11-15 C-36 Twyckingham Court, • 694-1733, before 3 Bachelors degree. or 2 years shape, $1195/best offer. pm. 5-11-19 time to full time. Marketing, $75/month. 351-1241. 5-11-19 gen al UNIQUE TWO bedroom. Fireplace, MACH 394-1046 5-11 pm. 3-11-15 I. 8, 1969, regular gas. SEARS 1969 106cc motorcycle. Fmm Iffll bicycle experience helpful. 351-7240. 5-11-19 applications Subn with resume to study, red shag carpet. Ideal for 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 TWO CUTE, furnished 1 bedroom apartment. New paint, shag 1,300 miles. Good condition. Addie H. Moore by November cassette tepe, good condition. Includes two helmets. $250 or WAITRESSESS WANTED for night afternoons. LONG carpeting, $125 $140. WANTED, PART time help 30, 1974. At Youth - 332-8785. 3-11-14 best offer. 394-0028. x-5-11-19 positions, full or part time. DEVELOPMENT. 5-11-19 371-3990 or 482-5450. 5-11-19 evenings. 7-11 STORE. Holt, Development Corporation, 215 Apply at DRUAR'S FOOD AND 694-9823. 3-11-18 East Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MGB 1972, 24,000 miles. Stored BONUS COUPON - 20% off on all LIQUOR, 415 East Saginaw. NORTH HIGH Street. Apartment 2 APARTMENTS, Married couple, Michigan. Phone 487-5046. Winters. Many extras 489-5346 leather goods with this ad. Offer Lansing. 489-2086. 5-11-14 WAITRESSESS WANTED DELLS. 5-11-14 for rent, partially furnished, large one bedroom lower, days. 484-8482 evenings. expires November 16th, 1974. $2/hour. Call between 1-6 pm. newly decorated. $140 plus carpeting, drapes, appliances, 5-11-19 SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. CANDLE CARVING • personable deposit. Includes utilities. Adults basement, garage or 2 bedroom 339-2916, Frank. 5-11-20 AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our Holt. 694-6621. C-5-11-15 persons interested in full time district only. Phone 485-1302 or plus den, dining room, central manager, 482-6893. MERCURY work between November 26 and 393-7839. 3-11-14 air. 484-8689 489-1875 after 1971, ORIGINAL RESPONSIBLE GIRL wanted for 20-12-2 , OWNER, all December 26. 337-7471. four. 5-11-19 power air, housecleaning every other $2000. Exceptionally clean, Mg Service / 5-11-14 Thursday or Friday half-days. I For Rent SHARE TWO - i 1 P.M. one class day zleberting, 339-9912. 5-11-14 U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center UNLIMITED SALES References requested. 351-7314. 5-11-20 £ Own spring. bedroom. Free bus Winter to campus. and GIRL NEEDED Village, winter to sublease Cedar term. Call before publication. MERCURY 1966. offers you tools, equipment, and OPPORTUNITY TV end STEREO Rentals. 337-9291. 3-11-14 351-9453. 3-11-15 Locel transportation. Good condition. insturctions to do your auto If you're a better man then the job $25/term. $10.95/month. Free WOMEN WITH children under five $100. Call 332-3926. 3-11-14 repairs. 5311 South you're now in, we'd like to talk Seme Day Delivery and Service. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, Peanuts Personal ads interested in temporary position 1 OR 2 Females needed, December Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, to you. Commissions. Call Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 available December 15. $135. must be pre paid. as teaching aid for first year June. Americana Apartments. Call after 6 pm. 332-4553. - MERCURY MONTEREY 1967. six days. 20-11-20 Josephine Starkweather at medical students. Maximum - 6 New tires, battery, 390 694-3935. Investors Diversified NEED STORAGE 3-11-15 351-7920.2-11-15 hours/week. $3.39/hour. space? Garage Cmcellations/ Corrections automatic. $450. 351-5173. WANTED VOLKSWAGEN engine - Services. 10-11-22 Contact Mary Black, 353-4583. and/or basement space available. • 12 noon one class day 3-11-18 casings f0r 1967, 1500 cc. Call 3-11-18 Call 355-7819. 5-11-14 ROOMMATE FOR 2 bedroom 2 ■ ■ - 1 Immediate GIRL NEEDED' w#ters Ed9e. SALES POSITIONS - 353-8371.3-11-14 occupancy, call before publications. BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Karen, 351-2583. 3-11-18 MUSTANG II 1974. 4 on the floor. RECREATION DIRECTOR, part TWO BEDROOM, garage, gas heat, Vinyl top. Only 8,000 miles. Arrange financial programs for time. Working with The State News will be youth. stove and refrigerator. Near NEEDED: 1 individuals and business ONE GIRL Needed. Winter and man to sublease Cedar Call 351-0001 or 351-0048, Apply at Meridian Charter Sparrow Hospital. $140 per responsible only for the after 5 pm. 5-11-15 organizations. Will train for s^ing, sublease River's Edge, Village apartment, winter term, Townshop, 5100 Marsh Road, month. 489-4326 or TU2-1934. highly lucrative, annualized $ 7 7.50/month. 351-4306. 332-4640. 2-11-15 first Okemos. 5-11-19 2-11-14 day's incorrect commission sales. Prior sales 5-11-20 NOVA SS 1973. 350, V-8, standard insertion. experience desirable. Call TWO GIRLS needed immediately, transmission, $1300. 627-4244, MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is 627 7882 3-11-14 Josephine Starkweather, taking application for possible Apartments ^ GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter close to campus, 2-11-15 $70. 351-9279. 694-3935. Investors Diversified term Eden Roc, $80.50. Sills are due 7 days from employment to work closing Services. 10-11-22 shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in WILL SUBLEASE 337-7820.3-11-18 he ad expiration date. If OMEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Must COMPLETE EXH/.UST systems large, wt paid by the due date, a for most person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 apartment near campus. To sell. Payoff $2256. Call foreign cars in stock. BEEF BONER, must be able to am or 2-4 pm at share with FURNISHED EFFICIENCY. 150 late service charge will 484-2172 between 6-8 pm. 15% off with Ripp-Off coupon. MCDONALDS, 1 roommate at bone beef by the quarter. Full 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. $135/month. No Sublease winter and spring L be due. 5-11-15 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN extra deposit time, top wages and fringe Grand River, East Lansing or required. Call 351-3367 soon. terms. $120, utilities paid. 1712 CAR PARTS, 2605 East benefits. Inquire VANALSTINE 2040 Grand River, Okemos. 10-11-18 East Michigan. 372-5549. OPEL RALLEYE 1970. 35,000 Kalamazoo, one mile west of PACKING COMPANY, Clayton taotive 7-11-21 _3JJM8_ |£4J miles. condition. 24-35 mpg. New michelins - Good campus. 487-5055. C-8-11-15 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced Jewel. 5-11-15 MODELS FOR photography. Call FEMALE ROOMMATE needed sublease winter term. Own to EAST LANSING • One bedroom SUBLEASE: NEED one to two girls winter/spring. $46.25 11 F0)< radials. $1075 or best offer. Call NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, live bedroom. furnished. Quiet residential area. Capitol Villa. 332-6881. 3-1M8 1973; needs small rates to students. Also - in between 1,0 am and 6 pm. Close to campus. of body work. Good 355-7367 evenings/weekends. babysitter and housekeeper. 351-3286, after 6 Carpeting. Disposal. Security- 489-1215.0-11-27 pm. 5-11-19 3-11-15 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN locks. $185. Lease from EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom, carpeted, 332-4604. 3-11-15 WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 Most weekends off. Own room with bath. Must be permanent, TWO GIRLS needed December, 1974 - September 15, air conditioned, appliances, RN to sublet 1975. Woodside Apartments, $155, plus deposit. 484-9309. CARRYALL 1971. neat, and dependable. 485-1607 FULL TIME opening on the apartment, winter term. Close to 5:30 16 n"27 Automatic, power steering, disc days. 627-4108 nights. 5-11-19 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe campus. Call 351-8486. 3- 1-18 5-11-20 tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 Auto rustproof ing, new and used ®,akes New tires. benefits, MNA contract, evening DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in Okemos, Shag cars. Gueranteed. Most cars as CHRISTIAN FEMALE needs tewing. Skylitfts. $2500. HELPER - WATCHING 2 children and night differential, no shift WATERS EDGE. Female to includes 2 full beths, air PINTO 1974, 14,000 miles. Take low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, roommate. Winter and / or w-2522, aleter 3 pm. 3-11-15 (7, 10 years) after school; light rotation. Every other sublease winter and / or spring. conditioning, car port. No over payments. Call 351-6319. 337-0496. 10-11-22 spring. Cedar Village housework - in exchange for weekend off. Weekend bonus $82.50 /month. 337-0418, children or pets. $250. Phone apartments. 5-11-20 5-11-20 MASON room/board Okemos home. paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN Sandy. 3-11-18 332-0111 or BODY Shop, 812 East evenings and PINTO 1971, 2 door, 4 speed Weekends free, starting winter Director of Nursing. 349-1050. weekends at 332-3202. 20-12-6 .Kalamazoo Street since 1940. FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Cedar INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury , 543-6982, 393-4230. transmission, 48,000 miles, Complete auto painting and term. 349-3339. 5-11-18 CARE 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no Village winter term. $80. radio, excellent condition. Must collision service. 485-0256. FACILITY, Okemos, SUBLET LUXURY, 1 bedroom, no 332-0400. 5-11-20 sell. Leeving country. 626-6880. PART TIME employment for MSU Michigan. 7-11-15 pets. Lease until September. One deposit. $215. 373-6909 days, 'V '967 C-11-27 Rusty but reliable. Call after 6 pm. 3-11-18 students 12-20 hours per week. month free rent. $175. 129 332-4682.5-11-15 15 MINUTES to MSU. 1 bedroom. JO. Mornings or evenings. VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE Automobile required. 351-5800. MARRIED COUPLE needed to Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 No children or pets. $130. [92-6909.3-11-15 - PLYMOUTH 383, 1966. C-3-11-14 supervise a group of mentally LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 2 repair and body. 20% TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, - 487-8595. 5-11-20 Automatic, V-8, good running DISCOUNT to students, faculty retarded adults. Rewarding bedroom townhouses. All 39. mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. Many extras, good condition. $250. 332-8951. on all cash'n' carry VW service REAL ESTATE sales we train. work. Room and board provided appliances including washer and best - 10 minutes to campus. Quiet offer. Call 3-11-15 plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg dryer, full basement, 5 minutes 5 MINUTES to MSU. 2 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, High earnings. For interview call and peaceful Modern, 5-11-18 at 487-6500. 10-11-19 on a lake. drive from campus. Families furnished PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. Good 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. Paul Steffes at LOOMIS 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 or unfurnished, preferred. $225/per month. balcony, covered parking, 197°- R«re tires. $300 or best offer. 485-2047, 485-9229. REALTY COMPANY, semi-classic CLOSE TO Sparrow Hospital and Purchase options available. laundry. From $140. Short term 353-3624. 5-11-18 Mastercharge and Bank 393-1220. 5-11-15 DESK CLERK needed. Must have Z '**"*'■ Mint condition. 0n|V 35,000 transportation and be willing to L.C.C. 2 efficiency apartments 882-0257 Wednesday - Sunday. lease available. 482-3860. $1375 for rent. Rjrnished, includes 1-6 pm. 10-11-15 5-11-20 BICYCLE STORE manager. Long travel. Call 372-0567 or 337-1238. 2-11-14 PONTIAC, 1973 Trans Am 2-door, Whether you've found something or utilities. $115 and $135 plus dark term arrangement. Experience 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. green, automatic with not, it's fun to read the "LOST deposit. Adults only. Phone 1973 610 Wagon. Four many extras. Repospssed. & FOUND." Turn there now. necessary. 351-7240. 5-11-19 0-11-27 485-1302 or 593-7839. 3-11-14 CROSSWORD JEH00 aam nafflOHn annn Phone 484-5473, extension 25. 3-11-1R ir NEW STUDENTS 1 /C CHECK OUR PUZZLE ACROSS □HHOHaa ansa ™ ara ana PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Good ^ REPAIR PRICES rjj96®. 66,000 ; SAVE s10 SI5 COOPERATIVE T0WNH00SES miles. 318 I. Minor prophet 30 Ruffian EEiaG] ranrcnaan condition, new tires, new - Inside and 6. Antique 31. Ike's battlesite ; out, battery, brakes. Tune QSQIIB rasa condition. Sanyo AM/FM tap,. Power last week. new $800. • 355-9900. up | ON OUR FALL 20% DISCOUNT TO 9. Keynoter II. Nourish 32. Ladies 34. Fodder tower rwi saaaa 5-11-20 STUDENTS & Lanaaann to. r „brakes' windows and | TUNE-UP SPECIAL "LEASE WITH THE OPTION FACULTY ON 13. Tranquil 36. Ship channel sraa QHfia uau P_Call 353J492. 501-14 PEUGETO 504 wagon, 1972. Air, I (IMPORTS & AMERICAN 14. Culet 37. Jujube HHQS QSOaSafi tIDER '24,1970, excellent 24,000 $2750. miles, mint. Asking 353-8730, 351-6757. I COMPACTS) TO BUY" CASH/CARRY SERVICE PARTS VW 16. Compass point 40. Malicious 17. - de cologne 42. Hunting BEDS Ecasma lu/cu roof' ,ran»mission. B-1-11-14 19. Ceremony expedition WOKE [3030® W ;8dial«. must sell. 20. Resin 44. Radio-guided 5*Wl. 6-1M9 i 1) t-necK tus'"" PORSCHE 1967 - 912, good ' Compression $200 Security Deposit 22. Defective bomb OOWN 3. Sell-help | 2) Remove and check I running condition. $1495. 23 Wept 45. Atelier organization Phone 372-8130. 5-11-19 | distributor, Replace Points & | $ 26. Sea nymph 46. Period of time 1.-—Hart Condensor & Re 188 Per Month 4. Broke bread I 3) Install New Spark Plugs ' 28. Obstructed 47. Upright 2. Angers 5. Melon | 4) Adjust Valves* Adjust timing to | » • AUTO PARTS ™ i 5 * 5 6 5 6 6. On vacation ■ 5) % ! specifications 22 7. Regan's father *EE RIDES. I ■ 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar __ 9 a 1 6) Synchronize Carbuerators ■ " 1 8. Unit of sound | 7) Road Test for Safety Most 4 cylinder cars $29.95. I 2 BEDROOMS Volkswagon complete repair is- BT~ & 10 Bring up i | 12. REG. $39.50 service Repair & parts for most Particular . | Immediate the whole ■ Most 6 cylinder cars $33.95. Occupancy n~" __ 15 Child's bear family in for an outing. foreign and American cars. .6 . '8 19 P I REG. $45.50 18. Coffee maker ,.,!,est drive aJ975 VOLVO Body shop & paint services. Exchange engines Si transaxlas. 10 2i 20. Girl's name 21. Become dull 23 24 25 ST rT 23. Spassky's Nov. 22, 1*74 | COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES Free wrecker service with repairs local 3r % game - areas. City W- 55" 24. Part of the KIXXiMM! ! Call: 882-4176 bus service to our front 5T" sT~ eye door. Miiwrs 1206 Oakland 1 | Mon. thru Fri. 1 pm to 5:30 pm We buy and sell VW's 5T P35 36~ TT 25. Adore 27. Hurry 29. Follow ~ 33. Church service Call for Appt. J 485 2047 485-9229 t& 1 35. Aroma "fefeSKSiJKs. 8- 6 Monday ■ Friday, nr 37. Commanded IV4-4411 ] 9 - 2 Saturday 1 38. "The Red" JJJ* W. Saginaw, Ph. 371-5600 J"0N & THUHS. TIL ft; SAT TIL 3 IV 2-4444 I % w 1 UT" 39. Brawl 41 Alfonso's queer 1 43. Mink 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14 jg. (Itliipn [ MSU Apartments AREA: Okemos. One [ Apartments ||y| NEAR FRANDOR - 2 bedroom, [_ Aprtints ]§§ LANSING, CAPITOL area. 2 room, JBSlDE 10 MILES SOUTH. f 3NE PERSON for friendly house Wm r» ** ||51 TRAYNOR AMP (50 v [ For Sile l^i B-FLAT BUFFET - CRAMPON fir Sale ^ fir Sal* Country home bedroom, furnished and unfurnished, garden level, $170. and bath, ground floor. 3 bedroom, fireplace. 2 acres. neer cempus, 138 Linden. Own speaker) $125. Fender Coronedo clarinet • new pads, solid nickel C0S»ET«Kenwood *'00. STEBE«<.„ KA gyylng mach 0rand unfurnished, air conditioned, carpeted, modern. $150 to 485 9343. 5-11-14 References, deposit. Gentleman preferred. 484-7553, after 6 pm. $200/month. 351-7497. 0-11-27 room, after furnished, $80. 332-4938, 3 pm. Ask for Jennifer. guitar, case, $125. $225. Call 355-2425. 5-11 14 Together keys. Excellent condition, $75. Sail 337-9886. 7-11 -18 KR-5150.Beni^ni Garrard 2i,7? Sill) $49.95. $5 p« 2-11-15 3-11-16 faction ol ret $165. Heat included. Call 349-9604.10-11-27 CLEAN share RESPONSIBLE male to 2 bedroom apartment. SALE. 700 USED 8 track tapes. 75 FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. turntables. Harmon K receiver. 2 rl , machines. Si TWO GIRLS needed. Winter, dote. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south, cents - $1.50. WILCOX Cabinets, workbenches, steel, and 4 7, $105. 487-1967. 5-11-14 equipment and CAMPUS HILL. Furnished $48.80/month per person. n or women. near Michigen Avenue. Quiet for SECONDHAND STORE. barrels and many other items. m.ny apartments. Dishwasher, 337-0978. 5-11-15 $250 plus utilities. Ample student, near bus line. 485-4391. C-11-27 882-2565. 0-5^11-15 Memtya - Skor, pJ* Used furniture,36mm ^ DELUXE, FURNISHED 1 ' disposal, central air, carpeted, bedroom apartments, call parking. Phone 485-1302 or $65/month plus deposit. CLOSEOUT BRICK 5c each, patio SQUINTING CAUSES wrinkle*. £nn°" iamDr^ distribute laundry. Free bus service, 332-3136 or 882-6649. 8-11-14 TWYCKINGHAM, 2 bedroom, 393 7839. 3-11-14 627 5454. 7-11-20 1115 Nor,h unlimited parking, heat paid. furnished, dishwasher, disposal, slab 17c, 6" cinder, 15c. Help prevent with prescription Leather 489-6448. C 3 1 MARTIN BLOCK coati (roni Free service. SUB-LEASE WINTER/spring. air conditioning, 351-7166 or ONE OR two girls for ideel living ROOM, COMPLETELY furnished, groung sunglasses. Optical roommate 349-3530. 10-11-18 Large 1 bedroom, furnished, 487-5696. 4-11-15 on country estate. Close, quiet, washer/dryer. Color TV, 5 acres, CORPORATION, 489-7551. Discount, 2615 East Michigan, 10-speed bikes,, ice skat J "used vac close, quiet. 351-5703. 5-11-15 reasonable. 394-2167. 3-11-14 20 minutes from campus. Phone 3-11-16 Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-11-15 from ?! Tanks, cannistei FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. ROOMMATE NEEDED for before 5:30, 484-5861. 4-11-15 equipment. *70, camp ■ 4 man „ov# ten* « ' Guaranteed one $80/month, across GIRL NEEDED. Winter & spring. furnished 2-man, own room- NEED PERSON. Own in 400 RALEIGH QUALITY bicycles WOLLENSAK REEL-to-reel tape campus. room Manual and .!*„« I n d "P 337-2570 or 332-1940. 5-11-18 Furnished. $61/month. Close. $80. 485-1002. 3-11-14 house. Very close. Call FOURTH FEMALE needed*for 10,5,3 speeds. Special prices. recorder, 27 tapes, $250. distribute 489-9124; 353-9027. 5-11-15 351-4114. 3-11-14 house. Own room, $70. Limited time. Call nowl 355-8822. 5-11-15 guitars and Complete amplify, c ^ 316 North Cedar PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, APARTMENTS, 484-0362. GENE'S BICYCLE PINE - LAKE . 4-11-15 down to Market C 3 111 furnished studio, utilities paid. 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 OWN ROOM for SHOP, 702 West Barnes Avenue. Cash for DICKER LARGE 2 bedroom, 4-person, girl, available $125 a month plus deposit. 3-11-15 SECONDHAND store Albert Street, $85/month. bedroom apartments just 10 December 15, $80. Laura, MPLETE STER Phone 627-5454. 7-11-20 351-4032, 351-5950, extension 238. Judy. 5-11-14 minutes from MSU. $150/per month. 8eeutifuf grounds, quiet 351-9525, after 5 pm. 5-11-18 LOVELY jemD® CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. STAMPS I COINS Buy - Sell - Trade and Friday Wednesday, Thursday^ 487 3886. til 9 pm T Mon!® $100 KR - Kenwood 5150 Benj. 1 NEEDED - 4 man, Beechwood, location. Call Manager 339-8192 2 bedroom duplex HOLMES ROAD Second Hand Unique gifts, several colors. full line of supplies ,nd Gsrrarc $65/month. or EAST LANSING REALTY, Newly Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 Saturday. 9-6. C-5-1 M5 Winter/spring. "LOW Rent." 20 minutes from decorated, carpeted, Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP fli COIN turntables. Harmi 351-4654. 3-11-14 332-4128.10-11-19 drapes, curtains, appliances. 882 3022. 30-12-3 1880 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 eceiver. 2 an campus, beautiful 2 bedroom Carpeting, Prefer Couple. Child welcome. SIXTHANNUALAntique Show and EPIPHONE FT15o"Foik"gu^7 nuipment and r CEDAR VILLAGE. 1 male to apartments. appliances, dishwasher, Hoises flh $215 plus utilities and deposit APPLES and CIDER. BLOSSOM Sale, Greater Lansing Area WEDDING RING set H caret pear $210.50. includes 1 Our year p,;"",,' free fomya - Sekc sublease winter & spring. 4-man automatic cleaner. 489-2575. 5-11-8 ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of Antique Dealers Association, - Cannon FT-6 31 oven Only shaped diamond, white gold. MARSHALL MUSIC Marshall Street - aprtment. 351-3573. 10-11-25 few left. $165 per month. Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. Armory, & Uad furniture, NEED ONE person, $80/month 3 BEDROOM, FURNISHED, 3-4 Lensing. November 15th 6-10 $350. 677-6841. 5-11-20 Lansing. 0-1-11-14 ' 1-313-626-8888. 10-11-20 Closed Mondays. Gift packages ypliances. tapes FAWN PARK plus utilities. $120 deposit. people. $300/month plus pm; November 16th, 10-10 pm. Apartments, singles shipped by United Parcel. AR 3 and young marrieds. We have EAST LANSING. 2-3 man, semi Close. 351-5979. 5-11-14 utilities, deposit. 6944718 1 589-8251.0-11-27 November 17th, 12-6 pm. $1.00 20 • 55 Gallon drums. $2 each. • Stereo speaker,, walnut, like new. $125 ^ before 9 am after 7 pm. 5-11-18 donation. 4-11-15 Must sell. 355-1826. Ask for deluxe color coordinated 1 and furnished, sublease from 332-0058. 3-11-18 GIRL SUBLEASE winter and Fred. 6-11-20 2 bedroom apartments. December September. WOMAN TO spring terms. Own room. Close share house near Appliances, balconies, patios, 351-2586. 3-11-14 Sparrow. $53/month plus 10% DISCOUNT TEN SPEED Bottechice bicycle for sale. $80 firm. Clean. 487-5018. MOOSUSKI SKI equipment sale at 70, camp stoves ample parking, many other utilities. 484-6434 Manual and electi nights. all MSU 3-1M4 238 Mens I.M. 1-8 pm today. extras. $139-$169. 882-6318. ONE MAN needed to sublease to irom $10. Com GRAD STUDENTS share house in 3-11-15 10-11-22 Savings on new and used Ltars and amplil apartment, $83/month. Lansing. $75/month. 484-6350. students 23"-SEKINE double butted tubing. equipmentl 1-11-14 ,o DICKI Americana. Call 337-9366. 3-11-15 ROOMS FOR rent. Very close, Alloy components, almost new, TWO BEDROOM furnished 3-11-14 Gunson Street. 332-1958. on purchases of $2 332-0558. 5 11-18 ■secondhand i MATTRESS / BOX spring, perfect apartment, two blocks from 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, between 3-11-15 or more, yogurts and breads excluded for sleepless nights, $20. ($w!h Cedar, 487-: campus, sublease, winter - OWN ROOM - nonsmoker. Luxury RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. id Friday til 9 Mason and Holt, newly Delivery possible. 482-0531. 4»» spring. 351-2637. 5-11-15 country setting. Four acres, redecorated and carpeted. Like new, pick your own. Call 2-11-16 • 9049 (Wednesday, Tli Rooms lay, 9-6. C-5- SUBLEASE FURNISHED, nice 2 $150 includes utilities. 353-9700 before 5. Dave. 5-11-18 $150/month plus deposit, RANDALL HEALTH FOOD PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, 882-2555. Delivery Extra. SPECIAL utilites. Phone 694-9033. BOSE 901's With warranty. 2 IaGNAVOX 24" bedroom apartment. Close to 5-11-19 Brookfield Plaza 0-5-11-15 PE 3012 turntable ROOM IN large beautiful home complete aquariums. Best offer. ■ Stereo Console, A campus. $264. Available GIRL NEEDED winter and spring with special privileges. Call 1381 E. Grand River 351-5196. 3-11-18 I good condition, $ m December. 351-4246 after 3 pm. term, own room. Call 351-4205 OKEMOS TACOMA Boulevard. KNIESSL RED Stars, Lang boots, Complete 5-11-15 between 10-2. 10-11-25 Tri - - level house with option to 337-7872.3-11-15 332-6892 Nevada Bindings, Scott poles. SKIS. ROSSIGNOL ST660Y |(-11-15 731 BURCHAM: 3-man, furnished, WATER'S EDGE 4 person. Girl buy. Three bedroom, living, family room. Built - in kitchen, COUNTRY HOME 5 miles north of DUAL 1214 CHANGER. Pioneer Good condition. $135. 393-6297. 5-11-19 Dynamic VR17's, Dynamic 70's. 98) ID BROKE up. I East Lansing, all home privileges. CS77A speakers. Large Advent Excellent condition. 355-2515. mps, Moog, light i close to cempus. $76.67 each. needed winter & spring. Sublease 1V4 baths, large fenced lot. $375 $23/per week. 641-61 86. HEXCELCOMP. 205cn w, 394-2167, be 351-7212. 5-11-15 $82.50. 337-9292. 4-11-15 per month. A/ailable speakers. Sansui A-1000 - X TELEVISION 19". Wards 349-4420. 5-11-20 now. 3-11-15 AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 Black/white. Good condition. seeson, $100. Also Giro D'ltalo. Spare ti Bomj DOUBLE BED with headboard. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. One FEMALE NEEDED to sublet stereo cassette recorder. Sony $30. 489-4628. 3-11-15 bedroom apartment, furnished, Twyckingham apartment winter ROOM AVAILABLE for woman, TC-70 portable cassette Wire springs, black enamel shape - $230. 355-6273.1-ul WIG DRUM set 3 BEDROOM, 4 man, with across from Berkey. cooking / finish. $60. 349-9317 after 5 Condition, $300, close to campus. 351-7655. and spring. Call 332-0491. recorder. IBM electric 5-1M5 » 5-11-18 basement. New and clean, available now or when you need $65 month. 332-1451. Leslie, typewriter. Used Remington pm. 3-11-18 TRUCK LOAD SALE, just SNOWBLOwJ few left. ■37-0120. 5-11-20 it I East Lansing, Craig, 487-5986 after 5. 5-11-19 model 170 offset duplicator. multi a Singlef BARRECRAFTER SKI rack, new. stage. 5 hp, i Much more quality merchandise. ARTLEY FLUTE, excellent Aiimals FLOWERING PLANT SALE!! days, 337-1862 nights. 3-11-18 ROOM. GIRL'S split level. WILCOX SECONDHAND condition, $225, or best offer. $32.50. Head standard skis 205 cm with bindings, $45. Ventura - $169.95. JG9-9522. 5-11-15 | LARGE 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Available Nov*. Call Margie, STORE. 485-4391. Hours Call 334-0512.2-11-14 BOOK SALE H SETTER pup Dura vinyl luggage, 24" • 27" (Amaryllis Hippeastrum) Students welcome. $190 and up. EQUITY VEST INC. 351-8150 351-1820 dinnertime. 3-11- 8 9-5:30 daily except Sunday. C-11-27 PE MANUAL turntable. Best offer suitcase, used once, $165 new, 10% to 50% off all hardba books!I! Tuesday, Wedf Jllimpion blood ■49-9355. after $95 or best offer. Call 487-0391 Bulb or 645-7338. No fee. 0-10-11-27 above $80. Call 355-6092. and Thursday only! CURIOI forcing kits SINGLE ROOM for gentlemn, $15 SAXAPHONE PAN American after 6 pm. 6-11-20 weekly. Parking, quiet, clean. 3-11-15 BOOK SHOP, 307 East GrJ bright colors $C95 TWO GIRLS needed. One, winter ■ 482-8304.3-11-18 Soprano. 22 years old. Mint PIONEER AUTOMATIC turntable, River. Open 11:30 - 6 pj IN MARE. blooms year to year condition. Not a toy. Tom IBM ELECTRIC typewriter, spring. One, winter. Own rooms with Shure cartridge. $110, bast 3-11-14 I Gentle. in big house. Close. $80/month. 489-7977. Asking $350. Must Remington adding machine. 45" 484-9937 Christ vas and Thanksgiving gifts FURNISHED. LARGE bedroom sell. 5-11-14 and 48" desks, 18" offer. 361-6319. 3-11-14 . 351-1757. 3-11-18 FINE CLOTHING SALE, inclu| (or for yourself) plus living room, $130. Kitchen miscellaneous stand on wheels, ANTIQUE OAK mantle with boots, shoes, 7B, \ SINGLE - QUIET house, kitchen, privileges. 402 Linden. EQUITY SKIS, HEAD GS. 210 cm, bindings, typing stand, 18" coppertone complete fireplece, oak doors miscellaneous clothes, li Todoy & Friday • 9to5Hort. Bldg^ $80 plus utilities. 155 Gunson. 351-8754. 5-11-15 VEST, 351-8150 or 351-8133. 0-11-27 Trappeur boots, cheap. cold spot refrigerator. 351-4680, 10-7 pm 3-11-15 and woodwork. 484-7553, after suede items. Size 9 487-3009, after 5:30. 3-11-18 . six. 2-11-15 337-7016. 3-11-14 THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service muws 29 Gall Directory as' tl only $19 95 I stand and full 0, only $99.95 i filter set up ai •I* $10, These ★Save Time * Save Money lot terrariums at the FISH aqua 82 East Michigan. 1 Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Way thru and Saturday Friday, at Barter Slop Coeiselieg Engraving tawdry Service 25th YEAR THE IHRBF.RS WASHDAY THE ART WORKSHOP ) TROPHIES 3d party pey welcome crutches, wheelchairs - rented or sold Unisex TWO CONVENIENT Hairstyling mm PLAQUES 25c Per Load SAVINGS * # Cartooning Audio-Visual Aides lilt Homes m personal records for patient or physician FREE PARKING use LOCATIONS • CENTEK * ABORTION CONTRACEPTION ■ t-arge aeiecnon 'Reasonable Prices t Usually 1 Day Service WDM'S ECONOWASH * * Brochures - Pamphlets Charts and Graphs WtlLtL'uU SELL, NW, * 'o for sale furnished, or ri cl campus. ; • * COUNSELING STERILIZATION ENGRAVING Thesis drawings GULLIVER STATE DRUG Downtown 1105 East Grand River 113 482 Lansing: 2420 Washington Services GYN Clinic Speakers Available 1226 E. Michigan Ave. , Free Parking PARKER JEWELRY IV 4-2322 Serving Over 60 Years Special Texas Washer 50c open 24 Hrs. a day * Graphics C oO/U iR$l 1 1973 Three condition. Must """ $4,000. 6 5171 Call 349 3417 332 - (in Kositchek's) Lansing 48S-3271 111 South Washington Bridal Shops Arts & Crafts For Sale Optewetrist Sports Eqiipment MOON 1970, i PROBLEM PREGNANCY Jacobson's J™01", carpeted, BIZON'S. 372-1560 24 Hours ' Now Hear This CO-OPTICAL ""fa Good start fi r Hockey Equipment « tuples. Other Sys-dL ■*'rv V Prom The Top an outstanding extr, MARITAL PROBLEMS? — Hinge At The SERVICES 6940866 5 1 1-18 CERAMICS NEED TO TALK? Store With (East Lansing's Only Bicycles «jMi selection of The Red Door! Cooperative Optical) gowns CATHOLIC IMPORTED Or. R. C. Minor, Optometrist traditional and Pipes • EYES EXAMINED Puck And ) BRETT'S PRINTING avante garde 8 -5:30 Mon. • Fri. SOCIAL 'Cigars SERVICE *Cigarettes • GLASSES 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE By Appt. or Walk SERVICES *Tobaccos Pedal Pro Shop 489-2687 Bridal Salon •CONTACT LENS 355-3359 'Can Help' Block One M.A.C. 'Traditional and Customized Second Level 920 W. Grand River Invitations. :all 372-4020 332 4269 *One day service available. 1331 E. Grand River . 3421 w. Saginaw, Williamston Brookfield Plaza Car Wash Dry Cleaning CumpUll Shop 351•5330 liw*L LANSING KNIT SHOP CAMPUS Get Your Stereo Repair THE COMPLETE Domestic and Imported Yarns SIIEDE Horstmver's DR. D.M.DEAN WEDDING SERVIC' OAS 'N' WASH A perfect wedding JEWELRY: Orange Blow 'Bema I Yarns needs your help Cold Fashion * Free Knitting 248 W. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, Mich. Fake Ftur & Leather Sugar House OPTOMETRIST advertise in Art Carnd y.|# ~r" Instructions Coats Cleaned the wedding column Bee Supplies Raw Honey GIFTS : *Specialists in Now and Save!!! ^ . '. Rugs and Needlepoint "A Clean Car Rides Better" VISION CARE Custom Picture FramtX As a *Needlepoint Supplies Waist Length - $5.00 Maple Syrup CONTACT LENS PROFESSIONAL AUDIO *Crewel & Stichery 3/4 Length - $7.50 a free cla SERVICES REPAIR Full Length - $10.00 to set up 332-1939 337-9331 Kalamazoo Norge Hit E. Kalamazoo Come to 5236 Curtice Michigan Rd, Mason, One mile south o< * Three full - time professionally trained technicians 3028 Vine 4I»-«313 Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left 210 Abbott Rd. * Complete Test facilities Driving? Across From Frandor Shopping Randall's Norge 332 6563 * ' 3 - month warranty on all work Loaner amplifiers available °"n^r From Center 320 W. Willow 4"-"60 call 882-£011. 3J®5: ?!?< Brhr too 555 K.GRAND RIVKR Leaving Repair YOU CAN'T AFFORD Over 10,000 Toys prani wgisry $19.2 Million was spent by To Choose From! Phone For Detroit Metro * HIO'S students last year on auto to mitt out on the 10% Typing Service Jacobson's maintenance and ROSEDALE PARK *880,000 TYPING BRIDAL REGISTRY MHO PARTS, transportation. on $25 FORMAL AREA Purchase. LOWER LEVEL that students spent last year WHY MISS OUT OR THEIR Papers Theses Visit special dtii- our complete shops INC. on drycleaning and laundry. Stuffed Animals Our Specialty for the home- MSU stud'"" to BOSMESST??? Dissertations and take advantage thitod' CALL HOW !!! Toy Village of our Bridal Registry. LATE MODEL in my home. 3105 W. Saginaw Ieinw line u ftRW FINE JEWELRY MOTORS AND Advertise row. jxhizd IV7 0851 19829 W. McNichols 355-8255 michelle - Electric Type - Elite STREET FLOOR PARTS A SPECIALITY "The Big White House «t Evergreen <•4-2154 On The Hill " Reasonable Rates Precious Stones Detroit, Mich. 482 9 Halfway between Holt A Mason on M. Cedar Pick Up and Delivery Beautifiilly Set md phone 1 -313-255-2 3S5 - 82S5 Convenient CLIP CALL 655-1611 or 655-1542 Bands for Bride A Groom HOW em Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 14, J 974 17 I# Sal* IIyj [ lost I found |NG MACHINE ClMTinc* FIND SOMETHING Liberal arts grads express bitter dissatisfaction with Slid $49.96 Brand new portables $5 per month. Large of reconditioned used IF YOU'VE found a article of value, we want you return it. Ju»t come into pet to or help the EXS"1G °"r*n °AV children. 351 7949. «"• »"»»"• 5 5-11-15 (continued from page 1) degrees' value fit* Sinfl.ri. andWhi,•,• many State Department Newt and tell Cleiilfied TYPEWRITERS, psychology graduates already salesmen have degrees," he said. history - type telephone installer who job outlook for people with his high school to (fccchii ui you want AIR cleaned, graduated from MSU with a go into $19.95 to $39.95. to place oiled and adjusted. trying to do that right now." "I am going to degree was grim but that his others an ad in EAST Portables Pat Donoho, a waitress at try a couple degree in something more technical — j EDWARDS LANSING STATE BANK'S $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric more years to multidisciplinary advisors kept telling him it something get a job using more applicable to DistributingWathinaton. U company, Found Column. As a public $12.50. One day service, free Bill Knapp's restaurant in my degree. If I can't, then I social science. Though he could be worse. the real world," Blanchard Lansing, wants to be a social doesn't feel his time Wa»hinBton. pick up and delivery. 25 . |115 North service EAST LANSING STATE years guess 111 be a bartender the was "TTiey said we could go into said. 489-6448. c-3-11 14 BANK will the ad experience. worker. She graduated with wasted at MSU, he said he run at no cost 393-9774. rest of my life," anything with our degree," to you I 0-18-11-27 that degree last spring from McNally said. could have earned a more "used VACUUM Cleaners. EAST LANSING The phrase cropping up the useful degree. Leblong said. "I guess that Pat 1 Donoho, however, MSU, earning a 3.6 grade point most included sweeping johns." was T,nk! cannisters, and upright!. STATE BANK PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, during these interviews "I was one of those one of the students who finest quality, average. Though she wants to "lack of reality." people Most of the said she would not do it C-11-27 was people ^oneluNvearUBa BOYNTON 482 5712. C-11-27 reasonably priced PHOTOGRAPHY go on to cost has at graduate school, the least "The education is worth the who never could make up their mind. But it would have been interviewed said incoming students should be advised not differently if she had to get her any distributing company, FOUND: AT football game, gold temporarily money," McNally said, but as degree all over again. ruled it out. nice if there had been some to drift into 316 North Cedar. Opposite City, key student section. Call and far as getting a job, it's not nonspecific "I wanted to go into that FOR THE BEST Robert kind of reality orientation," rt.C-3-11-14 identify 351-1726. C-3-11-15 Service on stereo McNally earned a very realistic." courses leading to a nonspecific field (social work) whether equipment see the STEREO BA in history from MSU two Leblong said. Wayne degree. there were jobs there PLEASE RETURN black SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. years ago. Since graduation he Leblong is a He said he knew that the "I would tell my brother in or not," wallet C-11-27 she said. stolen from Mens IM has been a bartender in 1704 East Grand Tuesday. Kfl-5 River, No. 56 Roseville. SIRS No hassels or return to He Instruction proposal returned Mens IM. was offered a job as a turntables Harmon receiver. Muipment Kardon 75 + 2 and 4 channel and many speakers. LOST: 3-11-18 QUALIFIED CLASSICAL guitarist jr. paraprofessional aide with a county sheriffs department at to council VIVITAR 180 Electronic Sekor, Petri, and flash unit. Reward! seeks guitar pupils. Low rates. $8,500 per year. He could also Mj(Blva Call John 484-6419. 3-11-15 (continued from p *1) dissemination of Cannon FT 6 35m cameras. 351-8454.5-11-20 have become an insurance knowledge." Raymond emphasized that the "There is no James Lubkin, professor of way you can Usd furniture, lamps, small salesman, but he determinedly Senate has given a clear PIANO AND quoting Supreme Court Justice civil engineering, said "if this argue with them because they gppliances. tapes and albums. LOST: BLACK guitar instruction intends to get a job "that has mandate against student wallet, last experienced - Oliver Wendell Holmes. access won't let students speak in the Leather coats from $15. Thursday, Dooley's. Reward. qualified teacher. anything to do with history." policy is voted down, the to ratings. tbpeed bikes, ice skates, and $3/hour. 393-3925, 487-9027 He hopes to begin Roy Emery, professor of present system Senate," she said. "There is no Call Smitty, 351-3921. 2-1 l is graduate is a just one to answer their [0ller skates from $3. Ski school at Wayne State dairy science, told the Senate punishment for those who vote arguments. ^ipment, 4 man lent! from that "it is pretty hard to be a against it." Raymond criticized the fact We had the statistics to back LOST: BLUE denim University soon. that students in support of the 10, camp stoves and lanterns, jnual and electric typewriters Important notes. please call 589-4764. 5-11-20 If bag found, | Typing Service & "Most beginning insurance member of a and be University faculty against the Though officially the policy proposal were not allowed to up the change, and they wouldn't look at them. In my $10. Complete line of change is still being considered, speak at the Senate meeting, llOT opinion everything that litan and amplifiers. Come on LOST: because of the rules of the happened in this meeting today to DICKER & DEAL GIRL'S ring with large Senate that prohibit it. crystal was a bunch of bullshit." SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 setting, Wells Hall. Sentimental value. Reward South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday 355-9160 or 355-2410. 3-11 15 and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 9-6. C-5-11-15 IAGNAV0X 24" TV, $125. FOUND WEDDING ring at Spartan Stadium Saturday. To identify call 332-6654 theses. 485-5575 5-1 I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, Announcements for It's What's All Social Striking coal C-3-11-14 Science seniors! A quickly, cheaply. 1111-H Happening must be received in the Daniel Berrigan will lecture at 8 Stereo Console, AM-FM. Both in special workshop and presentation workers reach State News office, 341 Student p.m. Friday at the United Ministries good condition, $85. 371-1388. University Village. 355-5871. Services Bldg., by 1 on resume writing and job in FOUND: RING near Berkey; Keys p.m. at least Higher Education, 1118 S. 15-1M5 two class days before interviewing will be held from 4 to Harrison at library; call Union 355-3497 publication. 5 p.m. today in 310 Road, on the topic of No announcements will be Agriculture personal and community lifestyles. _ BROKE up. PA, echoplex, and identify. C-3-11-14 EXPERIENCED, TYPING term accepted Hail. The workshop is sponsored by by phone. MOP Social Science and Placement An informal rap session will follow nips, Moog, light show. All like papers, theses, etc. Rapid, and a seminar on the same LOST: Services to help Social Science topic 394-2167, before 7:30 pm. MALE cinnamon colored accurate service. 394-2512. Do you enjoy will continue from 9 a.m. to bicycling, skiing, tentative settlement w. seniors obtain employment. noon cat, Grove street area, reward, C-11-27 hiking, touring and other outdoor Bring Saturday at the same location. all relevant materials and 332-0697. questions! There is 3-11 14 Organizational meeting no admission charge, but IG DRUM set - very good IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the "Gays and Religion" is the topic participants are invited to for the Gay Liberation discussion contribute to Vietnamese $300, best offer. public about your service or Rehabilitation. (continued from page 1) rate, "Ml 20. 5-11-20 business with an ad on the Physics - Astronomy Colloquium group at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in currently $42 a day, , 33 Union. Open to everyone! The would receive $57.28 under Yellow Page each Thursday, Call presents Henry Hill, U. of Arizona, office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 contract before it is submitted speaking on "Solar Oblateness, p.m. The public is invited to a lecture the contract, the UMW said. Iiimals _ Michelle. 355-8255. Ka-'css Kquatorial Brightness and during the week in 309 Student by Daniel Berrigan "America to the rank-and-file for FOUND: CLASS ring at Health Services Bldg. Come is In briefing reporters, Miller on in to rap, Hard to Find," at 8 ratification — a process Miller Center. Call Extension 311 to TYPING TERM papers and theses. Relativity." At 4:10 today in 120 read or just relax. tonight at St. said an increase in' H SETTER puppies. AKC, Experienced, Physics - Astronomy Bldg. John's Student Center, 327 M.A.C. has said would take at least 10 industry Identify same. C-3-11-14 last service, IBM. Ave., cosponsored by the religious royalty payments under the bloodlines. Call Call 349-1904 16-11-22 Jewish The Horticulture 097 Floral days. contract "•9355, after 5:30 pm. Feminist Rap Group community at MSU and the Peace would add $900 meets from 7:30 to 8:30 Operations class will hold a fern Center. There is no charge but you The union said it won a large Personal / ANN BROWN nights at Shalom Center, 507W E. Thursday and exotic green plant sale Nov. 1 8, are asked to contribute to package of benefits, including million to the union's pension typing and multilith Grand River Ave. (above 19 and 20 in the lobby of the Vietnamese Rehabilitation. fund, bringing the total to offset printing. Complete service Campus Horticulture Building. Save the five days' sick pay, a near KIN MARE. 15 hands. about $2 billion over the life of :REE A Lesson in complexion for Bookstore). dates! doubling ... I Gentle. Good 4-H dissertations, theses, of industry the contract. care Call 484 4519 East manuscripts, general typing. Ann contributions to the miners' 484-993 7 after five. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing IBM. 25 years for Walker, public director Women! Always interested in Tourism Club meets at 7:30 Royalty payments would be experience. WLWC-TV and recruiter for pension fund, Mall. MERLE NORMAN 349-0850. C-11-27 AVCO chain, will speak on the radio, yet it always seemed so tonight in 119 Eppley Center. All cost-of-living raised from 80 cents per ton of COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-14 unapproachable? No longer! Join interested persons are welcome. increases and its first sickness coal to $1.55 by the end of the question of broadcasting job us, the Women's Media Collective at and accident protection PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, market, mobility and hiring policies 9:30 every Monday morning in the plan. contract period, he said. WANTED 2 young ladies for at the second meeting of Women In "Woman's Voice" will feature The union also won major inexpensive typing. Very Women's Center in the Union U.N. Florida Keys vacation. campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 near Communications Inc. at 7 tonight Lounge. readings this week from "Lesbian Woman." It is aired every Sunday concessions that it said would HPR Dept. will December in 33 Union. 13-24. 332-4640. at 4:30 p.m. on WKAR-AM improve mine safety — the (830). IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers. irnen.caii compete in the All students interested Jew**. Stu campus. on traffic regulation and 351-8141. RIDERS NEEDED. Leaving 11-14 publicized on Union Radio, stop by enforcement, judicial : Real Estate « for New York City and Boston. landlord cases, WTVR, fourth floor Union. Pan Orthodox Student at campus - tenant problems, etc. is Association invites interested 'ST., 1973. Three lition. Must sell, best ' bedroom, $4,000. 627-5686. EAST LANSING house, two blocks from campus. Two bedroom, Call 1-616-243-3747. 1-11-14 invited to obtain a petition from 334 Student Services Bldg. before Goats will be here! Rodeo club will hold a girl's practice from 6 to 9 tonight in the judging pavilion. Orthodox students to a authentic Lebanese dinner with slide presentation of Lebanon at free crossing IMS attached garage, screened porch $24,400, by owner. 337-2257. Wanted S Rodeo committee meeting will be at 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Andrews Orthodox Church, 1216 Greencrest (continued from page 1) 6-11-19 Pointing to the heavy use of WANT TO BABYSIT, weekdays in "Racism and Sexism" will be the Ave. Free rides, call Delia Daba. the dirt path leading to the moon 1970, more to construct 12x50, 2 topic of a speech by Margaret Sinn, Housing problems got you overhead 'Mm, my home. Close, campus. Call down? Get parking lot, she said that carpeted, partially Recreation chairperson of the National Black on top with the East A prayer meeting will be held bridges. td Good start for singles (fi 371-3719. 5-11-15 Feminist Organization at 8:30 p.m. Lansing Tenant Resource Center. A before the Intervaristy Worship The during the hour after the toples. Other staff of trained people will Service at 8 tonight outside 35 University could accident extras.$3200. NAILBITERS! STUDENT Monday in 35 Union. Sponsored by provide probably get the needed occurred, many 694-0866. 5-1 1-18 SKI UTAH - $285. Other Western Women's Studies. free information on any housing Union. All welcome. students crawled over the areas available. Call TRAVEL volunteers wanted for nailbiting hangup at 855 Grove St. (upstairs) permission from Grand Trunk by HARRINGTON study. If you are a chronic from l to 5 p.m. Monday through There will be a meeting of the and the Public Service couplings separating the your East JWTHURS ""1. Court, 1972 Lansing Ski Center. 351-8800. - nailbiter and would like to have l forming rap Friday or call in. Our number's in Student Workers Union Committee Commission to erect an railroad cars rather than walk 12x65 with 8x10 the book. at 5 p.m. Sunday in 328 Student to the nearest marked C-6-11-15 long beautiful nails before groups, call or stop by the Womfen's overhead crossing ' Excellent condition. Resource Services Bldg. All students crossing, he added. at Christmas, write to: M.D.D.C. Center, 157 Student The "Now that we've had the Hagadom Road. tac$,5900 '6-526-6358. 5-11-18 CaM C0,I#C,< P.O. Box 6465, Grand Rapids, Services Bldg. Dept. of Anthropology is sponsoring two lectures by Dr. welcome. Please use west entrance to building. first accident of this sort, I The technicians discussed 5 A Service ||^j Michigan. 49506. 5-11-14 Frank Livingstone of the of Michigan. He will University speak on Come worship with Intervarsity think the University should the of necessity and probability the construction of an roomer in town :ULL TIME babysitting wanted ir COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, Women! Would you like to get "Hemoglobin Polymorphisms, Christian certainly review what could be • 'or Fellowship members at a overpass your rental. baseball cards wanted. free radio exposure for your music, Malaria and Natural Selection" at special nondenominational service done," he said. "I'm sure we'll or crossing at the » vacancies with Want my licensed home. Call spot. CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP. poetry, singing and other talents?! 1:50 p.m. Friday in the Wonders at 8:30 tonight in 35 Union. Ail take a hard look." Dial 355-8255. 355-6150. 4-11-15 307 East Grand River. The Women's Media Collective, Hall kiva. "Ongoing Human cordially invited to share "I "It's too bad they waited . Evolution: Heritability, Jensenism hope to God they'll do 332-0112, (11.30 6 pm.) which produces "Women's Voice" fellowship. until now to put - something," a technician who something A«0UND a "lot? The 12-11-27 every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. on WKAR-AM (830) is interested in and I'olygenisms" will be his at 3:30 p.m. Friday in the Gold topic Hubbard had seen the accident from the there," one said. ins of the Want Information Center vou gel TWO JUNIOR/Senior coupons for Room of the Union. needs your help. If you're driving Fee histopathology laboratory, "They always do," replied things done. another technician Iowa game. Call Steve, somewhere for Thanksgiving or said. sadly. Spend : afternoon recreating Union Activities Board and MSU Christmas breaks, and have room 35 1 2 1 69 . 2-11-15 Alumni office present Ohio State for passengers, give us a call. Our history with the Simulation Society! We play games that vs. MSU, a film in two parts, first ride service needs people to offer How to form your own car poo! stimulate the mind as well as half and second half. It will be rides now or stop by the Center and As a increase awareness conflict. New members welcome of historical shown at 8 tonight in the Union fill out a ride card. The center is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. PIRGIM offers training public service at no charge, the State News will provide from 1 to 6 p.m. Sundays in the weekdays in Room 9, third floor of a free classified advertisement for those UAB Four Corners coffeehouse the Library. people who would like Union Mural Room. to set up or join a car pool. presents George and Susan, Joe Janetti and Joel Mabus in concert at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Union MSU Students for Animal Rights for prospective lobbyists meeting is at 7 tonight in 101 S. Driving? or Riding? Acting Workshop will be given Gold Room. Kedzie Hall. There will be a Disney by the Parks and Recreatiin wildlife film. Bring leghold traps if From to Resources Interpretive Workshops The South Campus possible. The meeting is open to all. A chance for a student to be be a Public Interest at 10 a.m. Saturday in 223 Natural Science Christian Lobbyist" Organization warmly a real, live legislative lobbyist is and "The Theory and Practice Leaving ■ Returning a.m. Resources Bldg. Impression 5 invites you to its meeting at 6:30 Adventure with Scout Troop just a conference away, thanks I. p.m. Workshop has been cancelled. tonight in 331 Case Hall. 212. Great Fun. Swell outdoor of Lobbying." Workshops on to the Public Interest Research Phone Time? program. Boys 11 to 18. Meets 7 special interests will feature i Building Construction p.m. Thursdays,' University Group in Michigan (PIRGIM). interest groups leaders and The State News will not accept responsibility for Wanted majors: There will be a Cantilever Lutheran Church. Contact Dale PIRGIM will conduct a legislative aides speaking on Club meeting at 7:30 Bannon, at Max Beurmann's, 8rrangements or tonight in the legislative conference to train energy and the environment, conduct of participants. Natural Resources Building Lansing. students The information SENIOR OR grad coupon to Iowa Activities Room. as PIRGIM lobbyists governmental reform, health requested below must be supplied in order game. 349-4066 after 5:30 pm. The Philosophy Dept. presents Saturday at the MSU Credit care and consumer foradto appear. 1-11-14 Spirit of Christ - Shaw Hall Dr. Richard Hall (Princeton, MSU) Union on Cresent Road. protection. Christian Fellowship Each workshop will discuss Full Name teaching on on "Chisholm and the Foundations Speakers and leaders of the PIRGIM ____ — "What is the Christian Life?" From of Empirical Knowledge" at 8 legislative goals in Address ' Car Pool 6 to 7 tonight. All are invited. tonight in 310 Agriculture Hall. training workshops include its area and apply „ state Sen. William lobbying Intervarsity invites you to a Consider renewing your mind in Ballenger, R methodology to specific bills CitY - Lansing, PIRGIM Legislative currently being considered by Phor [ Share Driving Friday night Social at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Linda Lee's home, 1612 the New Testament study of I Peter at 10:15 a.m. Friday in 33 Union. Director Marion Anderson, and the legislator. "This coupon Ann St. Rides from Bethel Manor Leslie Lokken, lobbying Interested students should may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool FROM ANN ARBOR to East at 7:25 p.m. The Northwoods Guild of coordinator for Michigan Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls Lansing, MSU. Leaving 6:30 am, Illuminators and Calligraphers will Common Cause. contact the PIRGIM office on accepted. returning early pm, Monday thru All students with an interest in meet from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. campus, located in 329 Thursday. 353-6487 8 am • 12 a Jewish studies program are invited Sunday in the Oak Room of the The conference, which runs Student Services Bldg., or call to meeting at 4 today in from 10 __ NO CHARGE _____ noon. j-1Mfa a All1) Berkey Hall. Union. Anyone interested is to attend. urged c.m. to 4 p.m., will the PIRGIM state office at 487 include addresses on "How to -6001. 18 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November UjJ SN PHOTOS/JOHN RUSSELL TEXT/JOE KIRBY 'SAILING' FljOM A /. Club takes daring leaps weekly «W» u i Old tires serve well as a stairway to the launch site that is used by the hang I glider pilots. The climb takes about twenty minutes for someone carrying a I glider, but one record flight from the Frankfort hill lasted 2 hours 57 minutes. | Hanging high, then gliding down, the man learning. with wings. When the hang gliders arrive at the hilltl But man can't fly. If he was meant to fly he assemble the sail inspecting and tightening would have been born with wings. the connections to insure safety. Then theff Some MSU students have purchased wings hauls his 40 pound load to the desiredtfl ■ and spend their weekends jumping off a cliff off point and makes the big jump. andtloing their best bird imitations. The MSU Hang Gliding Club travels to Once in the air the flier hopes to catch «j air currents and stay aloft as long as p< Frankfort to jump off a 300 • foot cliff, September one flight lasted 2 hours 57 m enjoying what they think is a rapidly growing On a good clear day. with i sport. Their equipment consists of a large delta - headwind, the Frankfort hill will be covJ wing dacron sail, and aluminum frame and a with gliders as people travel from all over! state to try their wings. nylon harness. It costs about $400 or more, defending on the quality of the equipment. So as long as there is clear sky, fresh air I Andy Nelson, one of the coordinators of the friendly winds, hang gliding will continue® MSU club, said the group has 11 active grow as a sport and people will flock togefl members and many more who are interested in with the hopfc of flying. Kim Hillier contemplates his next jump over Lake Michigan from the 300 - foot high sand dune at Frankfort. Making a safe flight over the water and a soft landing on the beach requires both clear thinking and a good sense of speed and distance. presents Won't make coffee AS LONG as you are going IF • • • • you haven't owe to spend the for men, rep quips had your upotu money for a good FREE senior By United Press International One of the newly elected women in the Michigan House does not mind performing clerical tasks for her male colleagues. But she draws the line at making their coffee. pizza, why not spend it and get pictures taken in Rm 36A jnatfresl Ruth McNamee, elected to fill the post vacated Lt. Gov. - elect neto union ballroom James J. Damman of Troy, met her Republican male colleagues a great pizza at Union tfjeatrc - for the first time Tuesday at a House GOP leadership caucus. McNamee and newly elected Connie Binsfield of Traverse City you should nob. BELL'S were asked to count ballots in the voting for new Republican leaders. 15,16 McNamee, the former mayor of Birmingham, said she did not mind counting votes because "they just needed honesty" in the 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 Only £ 21,22,23 Tickets on sale nou tabulation. OPEN 11 am everyday more days. ar ffic Onion Box Office "But I'm not going to make their coffee. Fll tell you that," she FREE DELIVERY quipped. Call now >t th. door j(jje»iS'SI.S! 8:15pm 353 ■ 5292 INFORMATION I 0«OW This week, This week, This week, This week, get Kenwood get Advent get Pioneer get jbl stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems for a song. for a song. for a song. for a song. THE INTERVIEW COMMUNICATE LETTERS, RESUMES Workshop: Resume writing and job interviewing FOR ALL INTERESTED SENIORS IN THE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special Tech Hifi has special savings on savings on Tech Hifi has special savingj on systems with Kenwood systems with Advent systems with Pioneer systems with JBL components. • Thursday, Nov. 14th (TODAY) components. components. components. ^ • 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. ij^Mi dm!) • 310 AG. HALL Sponsored by: Multidisciplinary Social Science and Placement Services