II , SU—diploma article of his two part ,hf second article of his two part I" "tr Writer Pete Daly examines the A n>o«m» utrtfTnt Ubor shows survey by . .. U S. Dept of mill sheepskins good only for wall decorations, grinding out grads? that students often avoid role in directing students away unemployment ranging from as some making realistic given a blend of courses "that will make who take in the whole picture still choose people charge? decisions on career their degrees more marketable." libera! arts and social science To goals. This attitude is a degree in social science or liberal arts. answer that question affirmatively encouraged by American colleges and "I think students in social science know P. L—J towards Hfiplines more job • oriented one would also have to indict many of the universities, he said. it will be hard to get jobs in that "There are still students who won't several thousands of students who "Not enough pressure is field, but major in business just because there are jobs More opt for placed on the should I tell them they must go into there," she said. By PETE DALY than half the social science those degrees every year, some MSU student to produce a skill and maximize State News Staff Writer graduates are working in fields not administrators say. his potential from four engineering or business?" Gloria Blackman said the University is not just related directly years in college," Blackman, director of advising for an institution for ,e most unethical thing this to their discipline, latest MSU he said getting a job. She thinks "acement Center statistics show "If the student University College asked. it is worth getting a degree like multi - jj[y docs is lure students into ■ The opts for the Mickey "In China could do Tcurriculum, when there are already same statistics indicate that graduates who majored in most Mouse route to graduation, then he can "When those students get to graduation democracy we you that, but in can't subjugate a disciplinary social science and using it for earning a living. then never of such people who can't find find it," John Shingleton, MSU Placement and still haven't made a the business have found engineering or decision, they're individual like that," she said. "A lot of good from Lfttr they graduate." educational training. jobs related to their Center director said in answer to the above hurting," Shingleton said. She said some students education stays with you, and helps to a college charge by the University College professor. automatically ■ This quote is startling, considering its Should colleges and universities force come to college without thinking why make you a better person," she said. L It was made by an influential In fact, two out of every five social The professor said the immaturity of students into curriculums more job they do so. The changing employment outlook for in the University College. He science graduates get jobs many students precludes them from oriented than social science and liberal totally unrelated "Some don't consider other college graduates exposes to her the t to be identified because of to their field of study. making realistic decisions on what they arts? want from a opportunities such as special skills, treachery of the business sector in _jmercussions (hat statement would make Is MSU really a diploma mill that grinds college education. On that Though Shingleton said the University technical schools or just plain work America, Blackman said. point, Shingleton agrees wholeheartedly. Ey department." out liberal arts and social science The basic must not dictate which studies a person experience," Blackman said. "I think we were being manipulated by problem, Shingleton said, is must pursue, he said students should be She said, however, that many students (continued on page 14) 15, 1974 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 oard willing to By PAT NARDI picked by the UFW and that picked by UFW. That coalition includes the State News Staff Writer workers included under Teamster the AFL - CIO, the UAW and UFW, probably take the position of the state contracts. religious Democrat platform which is to support |Though willing to support a University While some trustees admit that they do groups. Presently the AFL - CIO is the UFW. tt of nonunion lettuce and grapes, not fully understand what issue is at attempting to negotiate with the Two years ago Stevens introduced a JU Board of Trustees is apparently stake, Teamsters. others say that it is not the boycott resolution supportive of both the Ifilling to discriminate between the role to put itself in the middle University's "We want to get the latest information UFW and the Teamster's which was of a lilcd Farm Workers (UFW) and the squabble between unions. Only two of the from the coalition, and then we'll use it to defeated by a 4 - 4 vote. sters Union. trustees say they favor a prepare a resolution to bring before the Robert Herron, MSU Food Stores policy preventing _ IExcept for Michigan lettuce produced board after January 1," Bruff said. MSU from purchasing Teamster manager, said the bulk of lettuce that produce. At that time the make up of the board ■ionally, the University currently John Bruff, D • elect Fraser, said he and • MSU buys is Teamster lettuce, because ■chases only union lettuce, the great will change from an even there is very Don Stevens, D - Bloomfield partisan split to little UFW lettuce available. Hills, favor six Democrats and two ||l of which is picked by farmworkers purchasing only UFW lettuce. However, Republicans. Though members of the Lansing itncted by the Teamsters Union. No Trustee - elect Raymond Krowlikowski Area Boycott Committee recognize that they are awaiUng a policy statement from is made between said he did not want to commit himself produce a coalition that is sympathetic to the little UFW lettuce is on the market, they before he had all the facts but would still feel MSU should not buy Teamster lettuce. Snyder hopes MSU trustees will change It was during this period that the Teamsters hired thugs the University policy on buying lettuce, Background: (at $67.50 per day according to the Wall Street Journal) to incite violence and threaten the UFW. Two UFW have since been killed. picketers but several trustees seem undecided. Blanche Martin, D - East Lansing, said he wanted to look at the situation before In 1971, Frank Fitzsimmons, Teamsters president he gave an opinion. By JUNE DELANO approached George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, with a "I really don't like to get involved in deal. If the Teamsters, who were union State News Staff Writer ejected from the AFL-CIO disputes," he said. in 1957 for corruption, graft and underworld foe chain of events leading to the current boycott ,of non • affiliations, Aubrey Radciiffe, R • East Lansing, allowed free elections in the California lettuce also "said ht did not [United Farm Workers' (UFW) lettuce and grapes began 12 would Meany take them back into the AFL - CIO? industry, understand the I years ago when Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm situation well enough to comment on it. The deal never materialized, either in 1971 or when it I Workers Assn. Warren Huff, D - Plymouth, said he is In 1965, Chavez' fledgling union joined a strike of Filipino came up again in late 1973, because the California Teamsters, confused by the counterclaims made by refused to give up the lettuce I nape workers in California vineyards. The strike was industry. the UFW and the Teamsters unions. I Defective, so Chavez started a national boycott of wine and In May 1973, the AFL-CIO executive board gave $1.6 I table grapes produced in these vineyards. million to the UFW to bolster the strike relief ftmd. Patricia Carrigan, D - Ann Arbor, AP wirephot Meany believes there is no need to boycott a Former President Richard M. Nixon, surrounded This early union affiliated with the AFL-CIO in 1966, described the Teamster's actions as "vicious union busting." union as long as workers have joined that by hospital I changing its name to the United Farm Workers Organizing This support from the AFL-CIO was given after the UFW personnel, is wheeled out of Long Beach Memorial Hospital I Committee agreed to give union of their own free will. and then, in 1970, to the United Farm Workers. up its secondary boycotts of Safeway, A & P Thursday morning following a 23 - day stay for treatment of In 1970, the UFW's boycott activity resulted in the and other chains selling nonunion or Teamster "I would need to know before I make a signing - picked phlebitis. Nixon, wearing blue pajamas and a bathrobe, appeared pale I of three year contract* covering 80 per cent of California's • lettuce and grapes. judgement what the status of worker's The basic differences between the Teamsters and the UFW efforts to organize has been," she said. "I and thin as he entered a waiting limousine for the ride to his I pipe The workers. lie in organizational areas rather than believe workers should be able to choose residence in San Clemente. success of the UFW in the vineyards, however, scared wages. The UFW used a I Ike lettuce hiring hall system, based their own union. growers in California, who feared that Chavez on rotating seniority so that all I would organize their workers. The lettuce growers banded workers got equal access to jobs. The system was criticized as UFW sympathizers insist that 90 per I together and invited the Teamsters Union to sign contracts I covering the majority of lettuce workers in the state. inefficient but it guaranteed equal security. earnings and some job cent of the represent them, workers want the UFW to but they join the Nixon leaves hospital; I If farm workers were covered by the National Labor The Teamsters fell back on a labor contracting system, Teamsters because they have to eat and, I Relations Act, such an invitation would have been patently where growers pay a contractor who in turn pays workers he according to the UFW most growers will I illegal. It bypassed free elections by the workers to choose a I union. However, they are not covered. The California randomly chooses from the work force. The system has historically fostered corruption and inequities. hire only Teamster workers. John Masterson, an associate professor to face court physicians Another major difference in the unions' perspectives is | Supreme Court, two years later, called the contracts a ■ collusive their approach toward worker of mathematics at MSU supported the UFW cause for over six who has arrangement which would be illegal in industries safety and protection from LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) - Looking Clemente villa, his doctor said he believes ■ covered by the federal pesticides in the fields. The UFW is far years, said many workers hold dual legislation. more stringent in its pale and drawn, former President Richard examination by the court I Another ineffective strike was demands in this area. appointed begun by workers who membership in the Teamsters Union and M. Nixon left the hospital Thursday in a ■ objected to The UFW is now losing ground in the California fields as a the UFW. physicians would result in stress which being represented by the Teamsters. Again the wheelchair, facing the prospect of a visit could send Nixon's blood ■ uFW fell back on a result of the Teamster encroachment. Its Masterson said growers sign with the pressure boycott - this time of non ■ UFW continuing boycott from three doctors to determine whether upward. ■ kttuce. is an effort to pressure growers into Teamsters because they do not demand as allowing free elections. he is well enough to testify at the Dr. John C. Lungren added, "But I many benefits for workers as the UFW Watergate trial. have no control over it. That's up to the demands. After Nixon's departure for his San court's physicians." Asked how the examination for the court would be stressful, Lungren replied :ee crossing still used that it would "bring a marked rise in blood pressure," and said that with the rising blood pressure and anticoagulant therapy "the chance of a hemorrhage is By STEVE ORR and were a bit more careful than they had magnified." a second, oncoming train. marked with flashers and guarded by unmarked path where students have . State News Staff Writer "It's just too far to walk around the been before. gates. When the X lot parking area was knocked down a three - foot wir® fence to Asked how long it would be before it JySl! student was standing by the other way, especially in shitty weather like "I look around a little more carefully built in 1964, the Hagadorn crossing was reach their cars. would be safe for Nixon to give a J™ the railroad tracks near Fee Hall this, he was saying. Snow was felling, the than I did before," one woman said. "But I just don't have 10 extra minutes to walk designated by campus planners as the one Some students have suggested that the deposition, Lungren answered, "I honestly wind was blowing and despite memories of students should use to get to the lot. lot should have been built in the open area can't tell you. There are many factors we a • "ne ^ before, at the same place, Handelsman's accident, dozens of students around. Approximately 800 East Complex north of the tracks, near the faculty have to monitor to see when he can handle J! ancie'sman had been killed when streamed across the tracks over the well - By "walking around" she meant student residents park their cars in X lot. parking spots. this kind of situation." ■Wrently became transfixed by a worn path. traveling less than 1,000 feet to the Many of them, particularly those who live Milton Baron, director of campus park Lungren said this week that Nixon has [ and stepped into the path of Some of them said they were nervous Hagadorn Road railroad crossing, which is in Fee Hall and W. Akers Hall use an and planning, said the land north of the experienced dramatic increases in blood tracks, at the time X lot was constructed, pressure "at times of physical and had been set aside for the proposed nonphysical stress." extension of the M43 expressway through Nixon's surgeon, Dr. Eldon B. campus. Hickman, said he believed the visit "is There was discussion of overpasses or unnecessary. But I'm not defensive about crossing gates at the location of the path it." as recently as September. Baron said Asked when he would advise the student interest groups in the University examination of Nixon, Hickman said, "I and Grand Trunk Western Railroad, which think the answer would be influenced a owns the tracks, have expressed concern little bit by their approach . under about the safety of the crossing. . . Those students who worry controlled circumstances he could be about examined tomorrow or the next week." crossing the tracks at the path are concerned for more than one reason. Lungren said Wednesday he welcomed news that U.S. District Judge John J. Many women worry about the possibilities of assault when they have to walk over the Sirica had ordered the cardiovascular unlighted path after dark. specialists to examine Nixon. Nixon has been subpenaed by both the prosecution The path itself is uneven and muddy and defense in the trial of five of his and presents a hazard to the pedestrian. former political associates. Also, one student who inched his way across the slick tracks Thursday afternoon Nixon, clad in blue pajamas and a said he was afraid of slipping on the tracks bathrobe, was taken out a back entrance of Memorial Hospital Medical Center of and hurting himself. He foresaw the chance of someone being badly injured in a fall Long Beach. His phlebitis - stricken left leg was propped up in the and unable to move if a train did come. wheelchair, and he chatted with attendants as they helped Obviously, many dangers face students him lift himself from the chair into a black killed by a train. Students are supposed to cross these tracks on the who attempt to cross the tracks at the limousine. fearlessness, carelessness or laziness, students continue to use path. Nixon's wife, Pat, rode away with him u ith crossing the railroad tracks near Fee Hall to get to their cars southern part of campus at a marked crossing at Hagadorn Road, but But despite the on the trip back to their oceanside estate dangers, students many are reluctant to go the extra distance out of their way. J ot- At this spot Wednesday morning, a woman student was continue to use the path. in San Clemente. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November |$( October wholesale prices rise declined for beef, veal and the WASHINGTON (AP) - indicated the Ford products were up 2.6 percent, as big surges in wholes, fresh and dried vegetables. Sharply higher prices for food Administration has not yet processed foods and feeds rose prices of 3.9 per cent in Z 3.2 per cent and industrial Also declining were prices and 3.7 per cent in and 1975 automobiles scored any major successes in for lumber and wood products, July, ™ contributed to >2.3 per cent its anti • inflation program. prices climbed 1.1 per cent. The increase in The biggest factor in the which fell for the sixth in(|Us surge in wholesale prices in Wholesale price increases prices in October pushed t increase in industrial prices, the consecutive month and were October, the Labor Dept. normally lead to higher retail 15.4 per cent below the peak prices to a level of 28 2 Labor Dept. said, was a 6.4 per reported Thursday. prices in months ahead. Gop head calls for rebuilding Overall, wholesale price The increase of 2.3 per cent rise in motor vehicle levels of last April. cent above a year Besides autos, prices earl! ai increases - which normally are cent in all prices in October prices. The Wholesale Price Index in rose for chemicals, Republican National Chairperson Mary Louise Smith reflected quickly at the retail was on a seasonally adjusted All of the increase in 1975 October stood at 170 per cent fertj|j. announced Thursday a party rebuilding effort with an level - were a seasonally basis, meaning seasonal auto prices had their impact on of the 1967 average of 100, materials, and machinery , brated politic- the October Wholesale Price equipment. ^bles any Prl eye to strengthening the ranks by the 1976 convention. adjusted 22.6 per cent higher variations were taken into meaning it cost $170 to buy a "We're acutely aware that the number of people who than a year earlier, the biggest 12 • month increase since a consideration. On a seasonally Index, since that considered the starting month was statistical amount of goods that The increase in foods and feeds of 3.2 procesa wburbs. rep^e unadjusted basis the increase sold for$100 in 1967. identify themselves as Republicans has fallen to 23 per 28.5 per cent increase in the 12 for wholesale auto sales for reflected higher perM was 1.7 per cent. There had PriCes cent nationwide," she told a news conference. months ending in June of been virtually no change in 1975 models. The October price increases animal feeds, the Labor Den She said the national committee has to build 1947. wholesale prices in September Among consumer foods, reversed some September said, and could put additioi enthusiasm within the party, smooth the disarray in The increase in wholesale on either basis. there were higher prices for declines, especially for farm pressure on cattlemen aire# pork, eggs, cereal, milk and products and processed foods hard pressed to some groups and "reshape the image of the Republican prices in October ranged across Consumer foods increased 4 buy feed I bakery products, while prices and feeds, but were not as high their livestock. virtually the entire economy and per cent in October, farm party and what it stands for in the minds of the American people." ticized the Field studies are underway to determine in depth Embassies J what voters really think of the party, she said. Mayors lobby for transit bill in Fifteen mayors from cities across the United States TOKYO (AP) _ Marxist radicals in red helmets attacked the met with administration officials Thursday to drum up U.S. and Soviet embassies Thursday with fire bombs in the first violent protest against President Ford's scheduled visit to Japan support for a mass transit act that is stalled in Congress. next week. The mayors came to Washington to push for passage There was little damage to the embassies. The government said of a S11.8 billion six - year mass transportation bill. It three or four Soviet diplomats and 11 policemen were injured, was approved by a House - Senate conference the latter in scuffles with attackers. Leaflets opposing Ford's visit committee earlier but stalled in the House Rules and alleging that Washington and Moscow are trying to divide the world between themselves were dropped at the Soviet Embassy. Committee. San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto urged that the Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka's government expressed regret J . and said it is mobilizing 160,000 Tokyo policemen, 60 per cent bill be passed before Christmas. He said the mayors not more than normal, to protect the President next week. only considered the measure anti - inflationary but also The security operation is Japan's biggest since World War II. as the best means available to conserve gasoline supplies. Riot police were reported coming to Tokyo from as far away as r Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost major island. Pair plead guilty in bombings "We simply have to welcome Ford this time," one Japanese official said. "Otherwise, it would be the second time we humiliated an incumbent U.S. president, and thus ourselves." David Heesch and his wife pleaded guilty Wednesday Massive anti • American demonstrations forced officials to to charges stemming from the explosion of electrical cancel Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit in 1960. Japanese and transmission line towers and the attempt to extort S1 American officials say they expect no protests comparable to million from the Bonneville Power Administration. those that kept Eisenhower away, but some already have been held and more are planned. Heesch told Judge Otto S. Skopil in U.S. District Court in Portland, Ore. that he bombed 11 towers Security precautions are expected to keep Ford far from belonging to the federal power agency and wrote five demonstrations, but Japanese radicals recently shifted to small letters threatening other blasts unless the money was commando • type actions like Thursday's attacks on the two embassies. paid. His wife, Sheila, said she drove him to and from As three radicals of the Marxist Youth League used iron pipes the scene of some of the bombings and typed the in scuffles with police guarding the American compound, two of letters. their comrades tossed gasoline bombs into the compound from a Japanese police (left) inspect an iron pipe outside the Soviet Embassy in Tokyo Thursday shortly after fir J Skopil set sentencing for Dec. 9 following a hotel roof 30 floors up. Police said three helmeted radicals came presentencing investigation. down a slope behind the Soviet Embassy compound a few blocks bombs were hurled into the embassy compound. At right, police search two briefcases believed to have left by radical students at a hotel near the American Embassy vtfiich also was hit by fire bombs. There w been| away, threw five or six fire bombs and tried to dash inside. no serious damage to either embassy. Police said they arrested all eight of the Marxist attackers. Student dies in frat ceremony Ford flies to Vladivostok to meet Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev after visiting Japan and South Korea. Opposition to the visit sprang up in South Korea among opponents of. President The national executive director of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity said Wednesday that the charter of the Chung Hee Park. Korean police Thursday detained a priest from COME TO SAN FRANCISCO Brooklyn, the Rev. James Sinnott, for leading a demonstration at Monmouth College N.J. branch of the organization had Inchon demanding freedom for political prisoners. Opponents of Ford's visit to Seoul contend it would bolster Park at the expense The City By The Golden Gate been suspended following the death of a pledge during initiation rites. of Koreans seeking democratic reforms. James E. Greer Jr., the director, also said that the seven students charged with manslaughter in the case had been suspended. He said he would recommend at , "Do / drink * Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays Summer Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published < UNIVERSITY OF | i This and go or * In September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial the next meeting of the fraternity's Supreme Council stay all night?" JANUARY • * and business offices at 345 Student Services Bldg., Michigan that the Monmouth charter be revoked. State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 48824. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 The action followed the death of William Flowers, 19, an honor student described as "gung - ho" for the [J Two For The Seesaw * Student Services Building In care of MSU Messenger Service, East Lansing, Ml 48824. January 2-30, 1974 fraternity. He died when the sand walls of a mock grave I MSI Arena Theatre « GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER in which he was lying collapsed and buried him. PHONES « No*. 12, 13, 14 at •: 15 p.m. * News/Editorial 355-8252 « Fri. Nov 15 at 3:00 p.m. * Classified Ads 355-8255 ' Display Advertising 353-6400 VISIT WITH US $1.00 OPEN ADMISSION Family found slain in New York at the door « Business Office Photographic 355-3447 355-8311 AND STUDY WITH US Police investigating the fatal shooting of a middle - An HOUSING AVAILABLE ! aged couple and four of their children said today that Ebony Evening of Elegance FOR A MONTH. they could find no apparent motive and no clues. The dead COURSES OFFERED IN Call or write today: were identified as Ronald DeFeo Sr., 43; his Fashions by Free Spirit and Other Originals wife, Louise, 42; children Dawn, 12; Allison, 13; Mark, BUSINESS, EDUCATION, Wm. V. Burgess, Ph.D. 11. and John, 9, all of Long Island, N.Y. Dean, Intersession Police said there were no signs of forced entry or of a NURSING, LIBERAL ARTS, University of San struggle. They said the medical examiner tentatively Francisco estimated the time of death as after 10 p.m. Tuesday. AND SCIENCE. San Francisco, Ca 94117 (4151 666 6767 Friday, November 15 7:30 p.m. Hubbard Cafeteria Guitar Sale Later Boogie with Cloudburst 9:15-1 a.m. $1 for Entire Night We don't have very many guitar sales. That's because our prices are regularly so low that, in effect, we have an incredible sele every day. Soviet Jew gets visa to Israel Everything - from picks to pickups to strings to books to the most expensive guitars - is always discounted by 15 - 50%. Furthermore, our full - time repair department thoroughly inspects and adjusts all Viktor Polsky, one of the leaders of the Jewish new instruments before you ever see them. We have over 100 activist movement in Moscow, said Thursday that he has different models of fine brand - name instruments in stock - Guild, Martin, Yamaha, Ibanez, Madeira, Gibson, and many more. All are been given an exit visa to Israel. Polsky is the first of the leading Jewish dissidents, most of them series fully and honestly guaranteed both by us and the manufacturers. If you're looking for a guitar (or a banjo, fiddle, dulcimer, recorder, krummhorn, jew's harp - or anything you need to help you play scientists, to receive an emigration visa. A highly advanced line of them) look us up. Ask a friend who knows. And take He applied four years ago but was repeatedly turned advantage of radios from Panasonic. the coupons below. Taken alone they're not much, but combined down. with our regular low prices and high quality service you can't do better for yourself anywhere. Superior designs like the TECH 800 illustrated here. The 300 provides AM/FM *Elderly downstairs 541 East Grand River and Hi^i Public Service band. 332-4331 10 -6 daily 10 -10 Thursday Features include: separate bass and treble controls; Mic. mixing, loudness switch; two hour and timer, VU/Tuning meter more. coupon"! TWO YEAR PART & LABOR WARRANTY 20%off my muilc In ««■ boo*jtit1"' SECOND CHANCE 749 273 4U2 S. Washington, Lansing (over 300 Limit 3 P«'5'r/74 expire* 11/23/7* (Mutt hav« both numbers) 245 Ann Street, E. Lansing JACKPOT 196245 08384 491 a SAYS U' SUBVERTS CIVILIZED GOALS Berrigan: MSU modern religious trends. most awful university' By rosanne less State News Staff Writ«r "MSU Is the most awful throughout the United States on behalf of indicted in an alleged the world, university in the Buddhist relief fund. He first conspiracy plot that said. "Nixon is really pitiful... poor guy." cher Daniel Berrigan is not the usual Berrigan, Jesuit priest, poet gained the government said was perpetrated to F' prisoner war resister and exmember national notoriety when he Berrigan has just returned from Sweden, . on -a -soap -box rabble rouser. of the participated in kidnap Henry Kissinger. where he contributed to ' Catonsville Nine, said. the napalm a book about hjs national notoriety and burning of draft files in "I don't think that jail helps anybody," "It's a disgrace to call Catonsville, Md. He was eventually political prisoners and continuing U.S. Sid political involvement, Berrigan MSU a decent convicted and continued his Berrigan said. "1 don't believe in prison involvement in Southeast Asia. ibes anv priest at a little church in intellectual center," he must give my love to the continued "You activities from the political reform. 1 think it's a joke. What would we "The war machine is killing as ^burbs, replete with striped shirt and .underwear hanging over his socks, is the most University, which awful in the world. prison. Danbury, Conn, federal put in its place - insane asylums, MSU, the White House? These all people as when we were there," he said. many reflect "People all over have these terrible "I have been Berrigan is active in the Buddhist cause i a low • key manner, Berrigan It is marveling at MSU for years. because he feels that Buddhists are a structural policies. People think that only questions about Vietnam and our hasted MSU. calling it an instrument entirely subverting from normal, bad people are in prisons, but this is not civilized goals. The nonviolent community forced to resist the continuing crimes there. These are Sed to the subversion of normal, place people who run this overall political situation in Southeast so." embarrassing to President Ford because ized goals. are quite determined to make the Speaking of his former draft people are not Asia. political buying his bribe of Liking at a press conference University the chief instrument and adversaries, including former President Berrigan amnesty." C at the United Ministries for seivant of the government. has been accompanied in many of his activities by his younger Nixon and John Mitchell, Berrigan said The basis of U.S. global policy is to get JJ Education and later at an interview "I find this place mean the weather." chilling - and I don't brother Philip, a former priest Watergate is symptomatic of the times. along with people while controlling them, the State News, Berrigan also married now However, he said he still feels sorry for the Berrigan said. He believes the general to former Led the U.S. government and Berrigan is on a brief speaking tour McCallister. nun Elizabeth The younger Berrigan was men who were involved. decline in the revolutionary movement is "I see the wreckage of their lives," he due to the severe economic strife. "The poor are getting poorer," he said. "A lot of people are eating cat and dog food to survive." He attributes the terrible economic situation to a U.S. military budget that builds "runaway weaponry" and the general malaise that he believes still exists about the Vietnam war. "We are still living as America first. Butz is operating this FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1974 country like it was the 19th century. But he is only reflecting Ford's policies on wiping out people. Kissinger uses food as another weapon, like a gun," he said. IT'S A BIRD, IT'S . that Berrigan was arrested with other people he affectionately refers to as "my group" two weeks ago in New York City. Berrigan and the group of about nine 'hite chained themselves to the steps of St. stuff draws Patrick's Cathedral protesting the cage prison policy in Southeast Asia. He maintained that it was officials of the church that had him arrested, not the tiger - police. "We have a lot of trouble with the Cardinal (Terrence Cook)," he said. "We By RALPH FRAMMOLINO "It surprised me," he said concerning must woo him away from the White House." State News Staff Writer the snowfall Berrigan said that he is not sure such a yesterday. The native of Yogeakarpa, in Indonesia's Central Java thing as the Catholic left ever existed. They come to MSU from the arid plains "We asked several Protestants to join us, of Texas to the region said the cold may be burdensome. muggy jungles of Central but they never did," he said. "Protestants Java where snowballs and longjohns are Achmad Sulphoni, Kasumbogo's always had more freedom than Catholics. words from another world. The immigrant church was roommate and friend from home, is, always closer to according to him, a relative veteran to the realities than the rest. We weren't WASPS. "Oh it's beautiful!" Narendra John, a winter scene. Achmad, a graduate student, We didn't have that kind of trust graduate student from Maharashira, India said that he came to live here last winter. in America. said. He was laughing as he recalled his moming tour of the freshly snow laden In the meantime, the novelty has worn "People were really fed up with their campus. off. bishops, who were always supporting wars." "Now I know what it means to be "It's not relaxed when I wear the heavy The heart of religion is caring and the white," he said. clothing," Sulphoni said. Church is not meant to follow trends, Jacob Aboh, graduate student from Berrigan said. Nigeria, thought that ashes were falling on He attributed the rise of Christian MSU when stepped out of the library. groups on campuses to the general social trend of isolationism and retreat, but said MI tried to grasp one of the particles, such groups do not have "I tried to and right away I knew it was snow!" enough human grasp one of the concern. particles, and right away I knew Aboh, his speech choppy with laughter, said. "Jesus freaks are a kind of emotional it was snow!" Jacob A boh, - copout, not a way of understanding the graduate student from Nigeria Aboh thought his first snow experience world," he said. was significant enough to write in his Berrigan called for this country to cease diary. He had originally thought snow to "wasting brains and money on war, and SN photos/Craig Porter be heavy drops of rain that is lying all the time, on Watergate, the Nixon commonplace is his native Nigeria at the pardon." Father Daniel start of the rain Fasting, marching and leafletting are Berrigan's "I don't season. Aboh was see how you can get sick of fascinated by the physical properties the work that never ends, he said. expression changes as he speaks at it," he added. "It's beautiful to see the winter stuff possesses. "I am living as though a future were a press conference Thursday, trees being laden with snow and just possible," he said. "I will continue until calling MSU "the most awful looking at the whole creation." "It flies about!" he exclaimed. my batteries run out." While snow has the power to make a But snow does pose its problems to university in the world." person dream the impossible, it can also those who never have dealt with it before. prove to be a hassle. Mohamad Soejono, a graduate student "I'm not real fond of snow," Ellen from Central Java, Indonesia, had a Strother, a sophomore from Dallas, Tex., different reaction to his first snowfall a said. Though she did not go out and take year ago. part in the wintertime merry • making, she watched as people pelted each other with "It was very terrible for me," he said. snowballs. It did not take long before she "At that time I fell down when I was was unwillingly swept into the action. walking about." "I was on the second floor, and we After his initial trouble and were throwing it (the snow) out as kids embarrassment, Mohamad learned to were throwing it in," she said with a tune balance himself when he walked.Now, like GOP of defeat in her voice. most natives of winter lands, the season's strategist gets a better idea Kasumbogo Untung, an MSU graduate first snowfall still stirs within him subtle student, giggled as the phenomena of Speaking at a political science colloquium Monday. Carroll Hawkins, excitement, but looking forward to a making a snowball was explained to him. whole winter of whiteness is ex - Human Rights party candidate for the state House, said he nothing new. wondered if HRP U.S. congressional candidate Howard Jones could have siphoned off the 544 votes Democrat Bob Carr won by on Nov. 5. Republican loser Cliff Taylor would only have had to make sure Jones Roods hit shared the limelight in public debates, Hawkins said. Pondering that, wistful Taylor stategist Bill Sederberg got a more grandiose idea: "What we should've done is finance his (Jones') entire campaign." salt, fender Commision disowns 'shovel lady' Ellie Nelson called herself a commissioner for Keep All the signs of winter have descended Thursday evening, none serious, on very- Michigan on MSU as snow, fender benders and salt Beautiful (KMB) from Warren. It was she who leaked the news that the slippery roads. A full crew of salt trucks trucks simultaneously hit the highways were called out for the first time this year, shovel Delores Wharton used Oct. 22 to plant a crabapple tree near the Thursday. with at least four trucks on the roads at Administration Building was pilfered from the state Capitol. Campus police reported five accidents 6:30 p.m. But KMB's executive director, Mrs. Gladys Smith, says that was not the case. The shovel was new, she said. "It was purchased at a Lansing State Police reported 50 calls nursery an hour, with a half an hour to 40 • in the City of Warren and chrome plated for us as a contribution." minute backlog for police to reach As for Ellie Nelson, she "had no authority" to talk to a accident reporter, is scenes in the area. not a member of the KMB Board of Directors and is "no longer a Traffic was reported member of the Warren Beautification Commission." slowed to three miles per hour in busy Lansing intersections, with trucks jackknifing and New schedule book hurts overturning. eyes An overturned truck on northbound route 127 in East Lansing tipped shortly Attempting to read the new schedule books can be hard on the eyes. before 5:00 p.m. stalling traffic for 40 The 1975 winter term books are printed sideways, so one must turn the minutes, police said. book at a 90 degree angle to read it. Lansing police reported a Pennsylvania Horace King, registrar, said the layout is an effort to conserve Avenue accident involving 15 cars, paper. but no The winter book is 56 pages smaller than the fall book, he said. serious injuries were reported. "It's the first snow of the season, and people have to get 'used to driving in the snow again, which Bureaucracy wins in council battle always takes a while," a Lansing police receptionist said. Amendments and parliamentary maneuvers flew so fast and thick at A Lansing AAA employe said at least 20 accidents had been Tuesday's Academic Council meeting that at one point a frustrated phoned in by 6 faculty member said, "I feel like this meeting is like a bowl of spaghetti p.m. "I imagine it's without the sauce. pretty slippery out there and people have just got their heads up Later, a vote was taken on whether to amend an amendment to an themselves and aren't driving with amendment. After the vote, a member stood up and asked President caution," he said. Wharton to explain to him what he had just voted on. Susan Ager Editor-in-chief ANTHONY LEWIS Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Rood City Editor Diane Silver dris Danielson Melissa Payton Steve Stein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Rich countries FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Copy Chief BOSTON — The mind often has significance in the idea. It is a way for If we cut back our appetite for meet, on world resources and Staff Representative growth »» I and letters are personal Joe Kirby difficulty comprehending tragedy in the Americans to become of what is Columns, viewpoints opinions. mass. One death means more to us than aware reality for hundreds of millions of people we could in time release large amounts of grain for human instead of animal at the turning published. Its authors, Point,? ha^M Mihajlo 1 V numbers. That may help to explain the slowness of reaction to the world food in the world. No one can pretend that going without consumption. If we changed our policy on fertilizer to encourage instead of and Eduard Pestel, must ™ Mesati M crisis, with its terrible statistics: food for a day, when you know you will 400 discourage its export, we would save overdevelopment" and limit" the,!"''' million people hungry now, thousands and soon be eating plentifully again, is the finite resources, in money as well as lives. A ton of fertilizer help ! EDITORIALS millions likely to starve to death unless helped. same as living all the time without assurance of enough to eat. But it is an in Bangladesh will grow more than twice as much additional grain as the same ton find way out of a order to poverty "Unless this lesson is But now we have begun to understand opening to consciousness, and it does on a heavily - fertilized field here will learned in. in be the human meaning of those statistics, the a thousand despLl terrorizing those who El Bicyclists are now swollen children and the men dying while eventually nuclear blackmail and J n they wait Americans want to in line for food. Many help. But in the If we cut back on our appetite for meat, we could in time release large amounts of grain for human instead of animal consumption. will development." paralyze further absence of leadership from Washington, In It is high time the University bikes and cars, and for that matter what can an individual do? When the short, self - interest ro ■ Americans and the other recognized that bicycles as a major bikes and pedestrians, simply will problem is so large, what difference can Earth to make do with fortunate JF form of campus transportation are not mix. one person or one family make? speak directly to the problem. Iowa. Helping others to grow their own to a less. The trans philosophy of conservation I here to stay, and developed a A bike path system must be Oxfam - America, an affiliate of the A premise of our democracy is that food will actually reduce inflationary economy will not be L comprehensive bike path system to developed so that bikers can go International Relief Agency, has a modest individual action can make a difference — pressure on American food supplies. brought up in the belief that thwl easy for nJ immediate answer to those questions. It that one man's conscience can change a At the world food conference in Rome accommodate them. anywhere on campus without always be more, that it is suggests that Americans go without food country. Neither Jefferson nor Thoreau the well • fed countries, especially the work to consume. But doing theiJ Bicycle registrations have jumped having to shove into the domain of for 24 hours next Thursday, Nov. 21. thought Americans should wait for United States, have been under heavy begin One small, personal and the process J over the past few years, but the cars or walkers. A comprehensive Can such a fast be more than a quixotic governments to tell them what to do. It pressure to share with the hungry. That is there! significant step would ^ _ be the indivJ MSU bike path system has not system of safe, wide bike paths gesture by those who take part? Can it would be grotesque in the extreme if we just a preview of what international life is (Wknn ^ ^ really make a difference? Doubts came to abandoned individual initiative at a time aninti tn hp likp in thp mmina HfrnHps decision fn to m\ ..nik go without fw>d theTh"" 'V expanded accordingly. While bike could drastically cut the number of going to be like in the coming decades. hnfnra before Thanksgiving. my mind when I first heard about what when the world is facing fundamental A second report to the club of Rome (C) 1974 New registrations were rising from 3,793 accidents which result from the York Times Oxfam calls the fast for a world harvest. change and the United States government in 1969 to 9,154 this year, added current unhealthy mix of Reflection has settled the doubts - has is so indifferent or so slow in its response. bike paths amounted to a paltry transportation forms. convinced me that this is something worth Most Americans are probably ahead of three - quarters of a mile between doing. The proposal is that money not their government today in willingness to 1971 and the present. Campus Public Safety spent on food next Thursday be sent to respond to immediate needs for food commander Maj. Adam Zutaut has Oxfam. Whatever is raised will be useful in relief. But deeper change in American Pedestrians are treated to 97 said that the fault for most car - Oxfam's small, personal projects to help attitudes toward food and its components miles of sidewalks but bikers are farmers and villagers around the world is crucial if mass starvation in the world is amplifier power. forced to make do with under 12 bike accidents on campus lies with raise their own food. But there is a larger to be averted. Noise charge denied I miles of bike paths. Even on such the bicyclist. But there have been am well aware Bemie has a job tJ more car - bike accidents since Having read the State News article on He must maintain order but thetX busy thoroughfares as Farm Lane VIEWPOINT: FAMINE the "noise problem" of B4 (Arsenal extremes on the opposite end of thel pathless bikers must choose Sept. 1 than there were in all of too. The "OSU Saturday" was a House) Armstrong, I came to the all too between 1971. Does this show that bikers obvious conclusion that we have been example. I don't feel i'm living 1 weaving around pedestrians or risking health by have become since 1971? dangerously careless U.S. must combat hunger slandered. We have been accused unjustly in at least one case, and the impression concentration camp. I don't run set when Bemie walks down the hal| challenging two - ton cars for road given was one in which we are represented seems, however, that if the s accepting methods than die continues we may wind up v space. Hardly. It shows that as long as By THOMAS ARIF SAMS new cropping as animals. It is futile to insist that bikers The world food shortage has grown to an indebted man. "Problems Arsenal House uprising. Mark Coras! MSU's biker population continues . . . began when a 15 pound frightful proportions, affecting all peoples. The argument is always put forth that cement ashtray was dropped from the B415 Armstrc attempt to cram their way into the to grow, without a corresponding Yet there have been warnings over many the present food shortage is caused by the fourth floor to the ground." The niches of walkers or car drivers. Accident statistics should be expansion of bike transportation trails, bikers will be picked off at a years from respected sources that the world is approaching food shortages of enormous growth in population. Many times, however, a person's only hedge aforementioned ashtray was not hurled over the side by the people of Arsenal Jailed need confa| enough to convince anyone that crisis dimensions. Everything that could go House. By chance, I sat down in predictably growing rate. against hunger and starvation in his old age cafeteria with the I am presently confined wrong with food production has gone is the number of children who survive to a guy from B3. He brought Southern Ohio adulthood. They continue to have six the Correctional Fa| wrong, and all at the same time. The or subject up, saying it sounded like his (SOCF). Ohio's antiquated | global energy crisis has dried up the flow children when they know they will friends did it. At the floor meeting of B4, seven system and its equally out ■ date legisll I brought this fact up and took it for Fast of fuel and fertilizer to poor, developing not always be able to feed that many. A will toward penal reform does not r feed nations. World inflation and recession have forced the cutback in millions of dollars of development assistance from wealthy to few will as social The die, but two security. fundamental or three will survive issue lies in the granted that Bemie Hall (the RA) understood this. Apparently he didn't the point across to Gene advisor of the Henderson, head get requirements necessary for incentive, purpose and a positive oufl in its prison population. The irrevefl nations. Emergency food reserves Brody Complex. Bobby's mother always used to sub - Saharan Africa, but the price poor held by the world's wealthy nations have imbalance of trade and wealth in the The two "huge holes" in the wall trend of men going to jail stems education one acquires while he is froij tell him, "Eat your peas. After all, of it will. world, the disparity between the affluent been depleted to their lowest level since measured about'four inches and eight the first time. Since half of all the pj and the less affluent societies. As people in India are starving." All Bobby has to do is remember World War II by several years of massive inches in diameter. It should not have in jail are recidivist (been i Americans, we can and must help. With happened. It showed a definite lack of to sign up for the "fast" by crop failures and natural calamities. before), it stands to reason that to sil When Bobby became old enough Erratic global weather, patterns have only 6 per cent of the world's population, class. But it did happen. I have no idea Monday at his residence hall desk. lock a man up is no deterrent to to talk back to his mother, he said, caused greatly reduced food production we consume 30 per cent of the world's who did it. A few have suspicions, but You could better solve the problefl around the world. goods and services. We waste 25 per cent you cannot hang a man on suspicions. "If people in India are starving, For each student who killing who commits a forgoes his There of the food From the article, one might get the everyone send them my peas, instead of are many countries in which we buy, and much of the food in the final analysis very few of us J or her meal on the night of the millions of people are dying from impression we had we eat contributes to obesity. Also, it surreptitiously then be left to run things. making me eat them." A sour look "fast", 65 cents, the approximate starvation, including several in South takes seven pounds of grain to produce introduced a Cummins diesel into B4 hall What Ohio's and every other pi was all that Bobby got. And a and proceeded to drive it in a reckless cost of the meal, will be donated by America, the Sahel region in Africa, one pound of beef. Therefore, eating less manner. system need are more programs thafl mouthful of rice was all that the the University to the Africa Famine Ethiopia, Egypt, India, Bangladesh and meat would allow us to have directly with the outside world. I other parts of Asia and Southeast Asia. enough grain In regard to the yelling out of windows, Indians got. Relief Fund, which will distribute to feed millions of people. recent court decision to allow all prisa Many of these countries are so poor, they it should be known the event occurred the money to appropriate relief President Kennedy said we could wipe once. The recalcitrant pair were sent unlimited writing privileges T Now Bobby is a college student, cannot even pay for food subsidies, nor uncensored mail is by far the single I out hunger in our lifetime letters of warning. The shouting has never nagged by the residence halls' agencies. can they convince wealthy nations to given the important asset a prisoner n underwrite projects. political will to do so. It took political will reoccurred. "food ecology program" to "eat freedom to meet, talk to and learn Last May, the committee raised In parts of Africa, people are dying to put a man on the moon within 10 We had a floor meeting to deal with what you take." Again Bobby years. It is just as possible to wipe out pillow fights, frisbees, etc. Such activities people through correspondence. $6,000 with a similar residence hall because food did not get there in time to Since the college and un thinks, "If people elsewhere, in world hunger with that same political will. were ended "fast." save them. This has been due to the immediately. students are more together on We must now re evaluate our I not here for the OSU game, nor Africa or India, are starving, I'd like The starvation problem in Africa inability to transport food because of - was government's policy and our daily the ensuing parties. Apparently Henderson happening in the world today, I tri to bless them with taste of dorm torrential rains or to bureaucratic fumbling a is critical because of a recent long - lifestyles and relate ourselves to the rest of they will better understand prisi on the part of the United Nations and complained about the noise (Ed food. Maybe they will appreciate term the world. The world must act together in slights, and their struggle for rightsafl drought. If recovery is to donor nations. For those in the Sahelian Schroeder's stereo) at 8:00 Saturday it." occur, some $1.5 billion in aid is region, including the countries Senegal, a spirit of love and concern for all. night. I know how loud his stereo is. If it who can become useful membej The Africa Famine Relief Committee, society. demanded. Mauritania, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Upper gets to be bothersome I simply ask him to Thursday, Dec. 5, is Bobby's big concerned with the growing problem of turn it down. We have This letter is not an attempt to s® Volta and Niger, fertile agricultural land is no hassles on our day. The world hunger, has coordinated a campus side of the floor in that institute a certain program. It is jufl price of one meal seems to being covered by the Sahara Desert, which respect. A number On that night, he will have a wide fast for the evening meal on of times I way of saying that I am now ready tij be is growing at a rate of 30 miles annually. or my roommate have asked a drop in the bucket, but many December 5. The deadline for the signup is dealing with people instead of aj chance to show his concern for the The afflicted peoples of Africa, South people to quiet down a bit. It was done drops do a torrent make. Signing up them. Should anyone out there be J America and Asia are proud peoples. A noon Monday, at your dorm reception without any hard feelings. starving millions in Africa by going for the "fast" will prove that being desk. For further information, contact the to make a friend in hen1, please wril farmer in India, for example, would rather Henderson makes wild claims as to the without his dorm dinner. That overfed doesn't necessarily make an African Famine Relief Committee, at the volume Walter Ellington 1391 forego the initial investment necessary in produced by Schroeder's stereo. If P.O.Box 787 J particular dinner will not be sent to American student unconcerned. planting more than one crop a year or in Peace Center, 1118 S. Harrison Road, they were not so outrageous they would Lucasville, Ohio f (phone: 332 - 0861). be funny. I defy anyone to go Harrison Road (much less Grand River Avenue) at Editor's Note: Addresses of | Ford Asian tour a Thomas Arif Sams, 404 Michigan Ave., is a midnight and try to hear it. Henderson knows nothing about stereo equipment and displays his ignorance by his prisoners who desire contact v outside are available from the Opinion Page Editor between 1 p.m.ff State! member of the Africa Famine Relief Committee. ridiculous comments on speaker size and p.m. in 341 Student Services Bl' Presidential sojourns are largely symbolic, but the symbols ART BUCHWALD surrounding Ford's impending trip to Asia are largely running in the wrong direction. Farfel of Bellwether detours Rhodes His travel plans include stops in Japan, South Korea and the CANTON, Ohio - On election night elections. We've got 10 per cent Italians, sharp feller in a $300 suit says. 'Wit* U.S.S.R. For each of his stops, millions and millions of Americans 10 per cent Jews, 10 per cent Irish, 10 per cent of the vote in, we dccM watched as the NBC and ABC television cent blacks, 40 cent women and 20 Pumpkin the next senator of Micl Ford has picked the wrong place per networks announced that, according to per cent miscellaneous. We were a perfect Takes all the ton out of election if and the wrong time. their computers, Gov. John Gilligan had mix." don't want no computer declaring*® The Japanese historically have defeated former Gov. James Rhodes in "But what happened?" I said. governor is going to be. So this» shown an aversion to foreign Ohio. "Farfel lied to the pollsters," a man at decided to fix 'em good. I'm half • ■ leaders with even a taint of scandal, Gov. Rhodes, like the end of the counter said. and half • English, so them networj almost as much as they have shown all of us, was so "Who's Farfel?" had it figured out that if I their aversion to nuclear weapons. impressed by the fact "He runs a gas station at the end of Gilligan 350,000 Italians and « that two out of three Main Street. After he came out of the Church of England had voted «■ Ford's visit comes right on the heels networks had given voting booth, he told NBC and ABC he too." ft of both aversions combined: a the election to Gov. had voted for Gilligan, when he fact he "But, Mr. Farfel, the networks! fullblown scandal over the covert Gilligan that he had voted for Rhodes. millions of dollars on computers «P They fed Farrel's introduction of nuclear weapons in conceded on the spot and went to bed vote into their computers declared Gilligan the winner." and, bang, they the best experts in the business. they run an honest election if S"^ H diplomatic, particularly in view of Adm. Gene R. La Rocque - timed jaunt. the fact that China, as well as up the next morning he discovered that, 'Why don't you ask him? No one else reporting election results is talking to him, so he has plenty of time mentioned to a Senate Why, then, does Ford plan to although the network computers had projecting winners on the basis o Russia, claims the territory around declared Gilligan the winner, the real votes on his hands." subcommittee that nuclear weapons aggravate the debacle by visiting the Vladivostok. some Ph.D. feeds into a machine ' showed that Rhodes was ahrnd by 12,000 I went down to Farfel's gas station. I are carried by U.S. ships into the South Korea of President Chung votes. found him sitting next to his gas pump to tell you, son, I never had so mwj harbors of Japan and other nations. Hee Park during the worst spate of The mistakes in Ford's trip are What went wrong? playing a harmonica. as when NBC declared Gilligan I liked to have died laughing becau»| theij Since then, the press and public of repression and tyranny that the admittedly only symbolic, but it is I happened to be in Canton, Ohio, so I "Mr. Farfel," I said, "I hear you the only one in the whole state *M| went over to a sample precinct 50 miles screwed the sample precinct in Japan have exploded in outrage. dictator has produced in recent high time that someone in the up away, one that both ABC and NBC had Bellwether and got NBC and ABC to Rhodes was going to be our g°'ern0T Prior to La Rocque's statement, years? Won't the state visit make American government take the both Japan and the United States South Korea and the world believe trouble to consider symbolic used to decide Gilligan had won. I will call declare Gilligan the next governor of "You know, Mr. Farfel, evgft were believed to be committed to that the United States is in implications. Cancellation of the the place Bellwether because the networks Ohio." town is mad at you. NBChasdeodj a samp like to keep their sample precincts secret. Farfel chuckled, "Yup, danged If I you can no longer be ,;| keeping such weapons out of the sympathy with the Park regime? presidential junket would be Most of the people in town had long didn't." It's quite a blow to the p i country that once suffered the To top it off, Ford plans to meet preferable to an apparent faces. The man in the coffee shop told me, "Why did you do it?" community. Don't you have T Hiroshima Nagasaki holocausts. Soviet endorsement of illegal nuclear "We're not proud of it. NBC and ABC "Wal, I tell you, son. I'm one of these regret for what you did?" , L - party leader Leonid old timers that don't like "Only one, son. I'm sorty' ■ Ford is were depending on us and we let them • no television sure to face hostile Brezhnev in Vladivostok, the policy, increased repression and She crowds and Soviet down." hotshotg telling me who won an election out of Barbara Walters. 1 a touchy Japanese territorial symbol of Soviet geopolitical power Another at the counter before all the votes have been such a nice girl." man said, counted. I government when he arrives in intrusion into Asia. Another grabs. "We've been a sample precinct for four mean, you turn on the set and some Copyright 1974. STATI -ED PAGE ) PIRGIM REPO FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1974 Bureaucrats stifle citizen input By Richard Conlin, PIRGIM jtaffer electric use and to put the cost burden Last April, with student summer interns propose a changed rate structure because I Citizens are often told not to complain where it belongs, on those whose excessive am not an'expert" in the field. Bob Evnen and unless they have a solution. I proposed a Cheryl Jones, I began a usage have caused the rise in rates with With the aid of PIRGIM's staff PIRGIM project on utility rates in solution and was told I was out of order. rising production costs. attorney, I argued that whether or not I Michigan. I am not sure how serious a blow this is One siep in our strategy was to offer am an expert in rate design, I should have Utility rate structures, which to PIRGIM's proposed rate restructuring our proposal as testimony in rate hearings the ri#it to present swom testimony based traditionally have offered discounts to The proposal has significant support which have been in process for some four on academic training in policy analysis and large users, have been both an incentive to among persons interested in this case, and consume months before a Michigan Public Service an in - depth study of the problem. It excessive energy and an unfair following extensive discussion with our burden on the poor and other low Commission hearings examiner. Thus we should then be up to the commission to energy would place it before the State researchers, the staff of the Public Service users —two basic, major problems. agency weigh my testimony. Commission has proposed a similar plan, After extensive study, we which regulates utilities, developed a along with our I also pointed out that if we fail to thus allowing the PSC to consider it. plan for reforming rate structures, which evidence supporting it. consider the environmental and resource Public statements by two of the three PSC we formulated into a specific prop6sal for Unfortunately, I had yet to learn the problems as part of the overall problems commissioners indicate sympathy for the Consumers Power electric rates. weight of bureaucratic regulation built up of electric power, we will get a phony idea. Essentially, our proposal is for a to discourage citizen input into such picture of costs and rates will be set We will continue to mobilize pressure graduated rate structure in which charges hearings. without regard to true costs. and support, and feel that there is a good for basic electricity needs are kept low, When I proposed to present my chance of achieving at least partial success. while those who use more However, the weight of bureaucratic We feel, however, that the attempt to electricity pay a testimony, I was presented with two higher unit cost. alternative forms: swom or unsworn. If it rules was against me, and the hearings stifle citizen input is as serious an issue as The purpose is to examiner refused to permit my testimony. the rate structures themselves. PIRGIM discourage excessive were sworn it would be part of the case DIANE SILVER record and the commission could cite it in The implication of this refusal is that the will continue to work to establish the right their decision. Naturally, since PIRGIM public is explicitly not invited to of citizens and their representatives to wished to have the maximum possible participate in the very vital question of make themselves heard in public impact, we opted to present swom regulating utility rates. proceedings. m Trustees must testimony. The attorney for Consumers Power immediately moved to reject my If the alternative only person proposal who may present an is a qualified "expert," then only those organizations PIRGIM REPORTS is a column provided to campus newspapers by the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan, containing reports testimony. He contended that my that can afford to hire these specialists can for PIRGIM'S student constituency on the testimony on environmental effects and participate. In practice, of course, this effects of PIRGIM's work, information from energy shortages was "irrelevant" to the that the Capitol acquired by the PIRGIM state staff, means usually industries and |"| wish it to be kept to ourselves, (Article VIII, Section 4) specifically for undergoing the same economic woes rate case and that I was not qualified to governmental bodies testify. and current issues PIRGIM is researching or working on. Icause i have always found that the less prohibits closed sessions by the board, it is that able to persist in plague the entire state. Jh things are spoken of beforehand, the holding closed sessions Students, parents and taxpayers have a I obstruction is contrived to be thrown through a loophole in the law. Discussion right to know why tuition is increased. in closed executive sessions of financial ■ their way," Thomas Jefferson wrote The student and his parents have a right to ]y 200 years ago to the University of transactions, contract negotiations, know why they are vinia Board of Governors. honorary awards, legal being priced out of an cases and personnel education. The taxpayers better damn well ■|t is nice to know that the MSU Board matters is legal. Only formal action in know how their money is 1 Trustees upholds the principles of closed sessions is prohibited! being managed. Thus, the Furthermore, I challenge any trustee or son's letter: speak in private, avoid board can discuss and decide in private administrator to explain how public m conflict and vote quickly in open while rubberstamping their decisions in discussion of the coed before some "obstruction is public. housing proposal could have hurt MSU. The Kirived to be thrown in (your) way." The board is not even University of legally bound to Michigan and several other state colleges T Today at 7 a.m. the board. President warn its constituents that a certain subject already had co - ed housing options at the DOONESBURY will be voted on in open session. Often, by Garry Trudeau lirton and other administrators time of these discussions. These last minute college hered at Kellogg Center, sat down to "emergency" items are added had not been hurt by either public or to the public ikfait and closed the doors behind meeting agenda minutes legislature. What were the administrators 36 a 6000 lap before the meetings start. For afraid of? a They held a "financial meeting" in example, it's you, and 6et thai. hull the appointment of a new ombudsman And if you can, explain why public wanna us sloan, jr.! scar, it's you, zonk? if it's e manner they do every month: was added to the agenda minutes before discussion of a proposed building would run that it's my new really you! my publisher. tell nd closed doors with the press and the the last month's one by mb meeting. hurt the University. nompe plume \ him i'm in con- |blic barred. Private discussion of personnel matters It appears that the law may never be again, rev7 > decisions to raise tuition are to protect reputations and closed meetings changed to close up the loopholes allowing |ussed and decided on in private with a on impending land deals and legal cases to private sessions. Thus, it is up to the jlicvote to ratify the increase. protect MSU may be warranted. However, trustees and administrators to end Ijst winter their term, the proposal to allow private discussions of tuition increases, closed sessions. 1 female students to live in residence halls living options and future Trustee Patricia Lting suites in residence halls was buildings are not. Carrigan, D • Ann ?d out in private and buried until a Arbor, said last year that the trustees must How could open discussion of a "shoot square with the K News story resurrected the issue, people." Newly possible tuition increase hurt the elected John Bruff, D - fa the story, the proposal was placed Fraser, promised University? Would some impending during the campaign to work for the end popen meeting agenda and passed, financial deal be foiled? Would the of closed sessions. Warren Huff, D ■ it term, the proposal for a new legislature cut MSU's appropriations back Plymouth, has repeatedly expressed his Hiding for the Public Safety Dept. was if it heard MSU admit that it is n private, approved in private |iksnot announced to the public until later. experiencing the same financial woes of all higher education? The mind boggles at the childishness of disgust at closed sessions. I challenge you, Carrigan, Bruff, and Huff and the five other trustees, to come Roots would like out of your closets and start living up to fhough the Michigan walk to class Constitution a legislature that would your next punish a university your words. to be a part of your education. MtockuJloll We'd like you to learn a little lowest part of the shoe. You about your feet-why they immediately stand straighter. work as they do, and why they And when you walk, you use don't always work as they leg muscles you probably should. Did you know, for ex¬ haven't used for years. All of ample, that if instead of bang¬ this takes the load off other ing your soles about on cam¬ parts of your body, parts which pus concrete, you were to go all too often get overworked strolling barefoot on a beach. from incorrect posture. 5.49 two things would result. First, If you're wondering whether all ^poorsue. SSCPM? "uvs" your grades would drop. this can happen in good- Secondly, your heel would looking well-made footwear, make the deepest part of your try on a pair for yourself. One footprint. This is because na¬ look should persuade you that -KOUR^ ture intended your heel to be Roots is much more than a MOW — the lowest part of your body. beautiful idea. 'RlVH-R IQNYV-S PtYV So in Roots your heel sits in the -y\r tOATrt-oPNV Abov.A.if-EyE' UNIVERSITY MALL It s a,so a verv attractive shoe. -an (DO 332-221 2 MASTER CHARGE BANK AMERICARD £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November IS J CENTRAL UNITEDI Watergate banker' gives testimony METHODIST Across from the Se"non T0pjc: 9 "^rcomina Bv: Dr. Howard capit0| Your H,nd| J WASHINGTON (AP) - Fred C. La Rue, who acted as banker "The purpose of the payments, they were to fulfill to Re LaRue - elect the testified President," at the Eriichman, former Asst. Gen. Robert C. Mardian and Atty. attorney general seemed surprised when told about the approval to tap a $350,000 cash fund kept in the White intelligence plan that led to the break • in. A. Lyr^J for the money passed to the the commitments made the Watergate coverup trial. Kenneth W. Parkinson, one break • in at Democratic House after other sources were LaRue, Mitchell and Worship Service defendants If these On trial 9:45 a.m. Watergate burglars, said ... on charges they time attorney for Richard M. National Committee (DNC) drying up. Magruder participated in that commitments weren't kept, the He received the money in 11:00 a.m. Thursday he understood the conspired to block Nixon's re election headquarters, hours after it meeting . two deliveries from Gordon C. payments were made to keep defendants might divulge certain information they had investigation of the break - in are former Atty. Gen. John N. committee. occurred on June 17,1972. In contrast, he said, Jeb Strachan, a White House aide Nursery Available 485 9477 I the break - in defendants from LaRue, a Mississippi oilman - implicating Nixon re ■ election that would lead the Watergate Mitchell, ex - White House who was a close friend and aide Stuart Magruder's first reaction on Haldeman's staff. officials. episode back to the Committee aides H. R. Haldeman and John to Mitchell, said the former "Last night was the night The first UNIVERSITY was, delivery was they were supposed to into $70,000. CHRISTIAN In the DNC." mid - January 1973, CHURCH EDGEWOODI Milliken to propose LaRue said that he, Mitchell, Magruder and other Nixon LaRue said approval was given to turn over the balance, 310 N. Hagadorn Road CHURCH campaign officials were in $280,000, and it was brought Beverly Hills, Calif., when they to his apartment in the Study Period - 10:00a.m. 469 N. Hagadorn Rd I New By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN The proposal, which takes effect Jan. 1, repealed the tax on got word of the break - in. Watergate complex by Worship - 11:00a.m. Liturgy 11:00 a.m. Ser^'f United Press International food for "immediate consumption." This language left legislators LaRue testified in detail Strachan. Singspiration - 7:00p.m. Morning Service Gov. Milliken will present to the legislature next week a wondering whether restaurant food, take - out items such as fried about the payments he made "He had an envelope," 9:30 a.m. variety of proposed cuts in state spending that could eliminate chicken and doughnuts would be affected. and the problems he had LaRue said. "He said, 'I don't the need for a tax increase during the current fiscal year. If such items are included, an additional $76 million in Transportation Sermon by raising enough money to meet guess you want to give me a Provided Milliken told Democratic legislative leaders Wednesday that he revenues would be lost, fiscal analysts say. the demands of the break - in receipt for this money.' I said, Dr. Truman A. is working on budget reductions to absorb the $80 million in lost The Senate Taxation Committee, chaired by Sen. Harry defendants and their lawyers. 'No, I don't.' " Morrison | CALL 332-5193 Church School revenues that will result from voter repeal of the sales tax on food DeMaso, R-Battle Creek, meets Thursday to consider definitions He said that in "virtually Under cross • examination ■ ii;Q( and drugs in fiscal 1974-75 alone. on food for immediate consumption. every instance" the defendants by Hundley, LaRue said he These cuts, however, would not affect the budget year that House Speaker William A. Ryan, D-Detroit, said he does not Edgewood Church Bus were given less money than never saw any approval given cm, begins next July 1, and Milliken held out no hope that a tax favor compensating for lost tax revenues by merely cutting state UNIVERSITY campus 10:30 -10 50 an they requested. during a March 30, 1972, 5:30 5:55 p.m. ' increase can be avoided then, with an annual shortfall of $200 spending. LaRue told how he got meeting of the political REFORMED - million expected. CHURCH The iameduck legislature convenes Tuesday for a session that University Group -6:00pl is not expected to last much more than two weeks. Alumni Memorial Chapel Dinner and Proyam 1 (1 block east of Auditorium) Information call: 349.037I The GOP governor also sought assurances from the Democrats that the legislature would clarify the implications of Proposal C, TEXAS INSTRUmENTS ELECTRONIC 9:30 - Study Groups for which repealed the 4 per cent sales tax on food and the 2 per cent Adults and Sunday School sales tax on drugs. CALCULATORS AT REDUCED PRICES 10:30-Coffee Hour FIRST churchoI 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. CHRIST, SCIENTIST Worship Services Grand River For rides call 355 - 0155 Don't forget .... SR-10 Tl - 2510 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday at Collmgwoixl Entrance East Lansing | 6:00 Evening - Worship Sunday Senices 10:30, L Only More days Tom Stark, Pastor Lesson■ Scrnum .VuvJ Fred Herwaldt, "Mortals and Immortals'! Associate Pastor to take your Kathy Lang, Staff FREE Associate Wednesday Evening I Meeting 8:00p.m. Senior Pictures in Rm 36A pEOplES Reading Roam located in Church I | chuRch OPEN Weekdays 9 - 5 p.m. I Union Bldg. Mon., Tues., Tliurs,, Fi Interdenominational evenings 1 ■ 200 W. Grand River at Michigan All are we 332-5073 353 - 5292 "What's Our Line?" By Wallace Robertson CHRISTIAN 'MCDONALD'S? 421 E. Grand River 351-4210 Crib Church School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. through Adult REFORMED CHURCH PEOPLE ARE ■ GUARANTEED [PfSCOmi CHURGK wiicoMis rau 'AN URGENT INVITATi Bv Rev. Hoksbergen I I'M BILL MILLER explorew™ the off YOU CAN COUNT ON ME On the MSU Campus EVENING SERVICE| Ids TO HAVE YOUR — Sundays 7:00 p.m 5:00 Evensong & Sermon TABLE CLEAN Guest Preacher, Bishop Todd Hall Your next meal is on us if you ALUMNI CHAPEL 'such Just East of the Kresge Art can't find a clean table or Canter someone to clean it for you. 710. 6:15 p.m. Student Dinner Rides from Chapel @ 6:00 Visit our ne Student Center open daily 9 a.m. to 11 I p.m.I George Rochbag The Rev. John Mitmait, Lunch Wednesday p Chaplain String Quartet No 3 I Guarantee It! 12:30 -1 30 Chaplain's House i%/\ 03 The Concad StirgQuartct 520 N. Harrison 351 - 7638 — Home 234 W. Grand River 351 7160 - Office - For Transportalion | 1024 E. Grand River Call: 351-6360 All Saints Parish 2040 E. Grand River $1.99 EACH 332-8189 | McDonalds or I The Baroque Trumpet-Corelli, Purcell 800 Abbott Rd. Services - 8:00 & 10:00 1509 River Terrace I 1 Ravel/Debussy-String Quartets The Rev. Wm. Bach-Coffee/Peasant Cantatas Eddy, Rector Mstrpcs. Of French/ltal. Renaissance 351 - 7160 Mozart-Coronation Mass/Vesperae Shostakovich/R. Strauss-Sonatas fcHflRHflRHARHARHA Schutz-Motets From Cantiones Jazz Guitar Bach Faure-Requiem Music For The Classic Guitar Ives-Piano Sonata No. 1 UNIVERSITY Haydn-Sym. 26,12,83 Subotnik-Silver Apples Of The Moon K PRESENTS The Splendor Of Brass Renssnce. Choral Music/Christmas Royal Brass Music The Play of Herod Bizet-Sym. In C/Jeux D'Enfants BAPTIST CHURC| In A Medieval Garden Telemann-Four Cantatas 4608 S. Hagadorn "IT IS A JOY!" Milhaud-Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit Handel-Water Music Yankee Organ Music Xenakis-Akrata/Pithoprakta Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 11:15 a.m. I Bach-Lute Music Stravinsky-Music For Piano School Discipleship 7:00 p.m. I Bruckner-Sym. 7 Mussorgsky-Songs American Brass Music for Bus Service Call: I Haydn-Seven Last Words of Christ Mandolin Music 351-4144 or351-6494 A Nonesuch Christmas John Walden, Pastor Heliotrope Bouquet Nielsen-Sym. No. 5 John Philip Sousa-Marches Computer Music Stephen Foster-Songs Javanese Court Gamelan Trumpet Concertos-Hertel, Mozart Tibetan Buddhism Early American Vocal Music Rameau-Pieces De Clavecin Weill-Kleine Dreigroschenmusik Wolf-Songs From Spanisches Liederbuch A Persian Heritage South 1518 S. Washington Baptist Churchl Bolcom-Frescoes They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. Beethoven-Missa Solemnis Sunday • 7:00 p.m From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. Bach-Brandenburg Concertos Paramount Pictures Presents Music Of Shakespeare's Time Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music "GOD SAYS. STOP AND LOOK!" HAROLD and MAUDE Bach-St. Matthew's Passion Bousoukee-Music Of Greece Color by Technicolor* A Paramount Picture The Koto Music Of Japan [QPl Classical Music Of India wm 9:45 A.M. Fellowship and refreshments College Bible Class 8:30 p.m. in the fireside See room. in the fireside roonj + Sunday 11:00 a.m. CHauAx/ With Someone You Love. 4^0 RlV^R. "VISION OF FAITH" 2*£T LANSIN^— Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor James Emery, Youth Pa Friday: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening Sat.: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Call 482-0754 for information Sun.: Conrad 7:00 *11J •/# >•:- \H -j,; * 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15. 1974 7 NEITHER CAUSING RHJwimRHam PRESENTS Asbestos, chlorine cited By JEFF MERRELL as pollutants "IT IS A JOY!" -Judith Critt, New York Mogonn* State New Staff Writer it Chl0rinated • hydrocarbons are carcinogenic, Vogt said chlorinated hydrocarbons are produced when there is ■ A. in old polluter continues polluting, and a new one springs up. But neither, yet, are causing any health hazards. miSt!" h^said ^ °thCTS *" carcino8enic> and I underline an abundance of hydrocarbons in the water to the case in the begin with, as is highly industrial polluted Ohio and Mississippi About 2,000 square miles of Lake Superior are polluted by rivers. hydroc","ns - ^tos fibers, originating from the iron ore wastes dumped in "Our rivers in Michigan are just altogether different," he said. ST lake by the Reserve Mining Co. near Duluth, Minn. The benefit! nefits oT?hi°n of chlorine811 far f °"r C°Uective knowledge at this time, the The state Water Resources Commission, however, announced it company has been dumping waste into the lake since 1955. outweigh the possible hazards," he said. will intensify its inspections of the Raisin River, in southeast And chlorine, used to kill bacteria in drinking water, combines Michigan, because of the unexplained fish kills there. ,1th some organic materials found in water to produce carcinogenic (cancer producing) substances. The phenomenon hepatitis"6 Credited with reduci"g typhoid, dysentery and Because of the possible was recently discovered in New Orleans. danger, however, the EPA is They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. In Lake Superior, the concentrations of asbestos were highest k 8 "atiorwide study of the Problem. Michigan, though, From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. pound the western arm of the lake and lowest by Marquette, water in its rive're * Pr°blem beC8USe of the high quality of Paramount Pkturts Presents Lccording to surveys conducted by the Environmental Protection lAjency (EPA). HAROLD and MAUDE Though asbestos fibers have been shown to cause cancer haled, there is no proof that ingested fibers have the when same NOW IN PAPERBACK Color by Tethnkolor* A Poromount Pkturo ect. But some medical officials have said jisumed in water can pose a health hazard. that asbestos fibers "There's not a unanimity of opinion concerning this matter " Groucho's controversial GP,'SS> % 1 John Vogt, of the Michigan Deot. of Public Health. bestsellmg memoir...Aj Vogt said t not enough research has been done on the hazards of os to come to any definitive conclusions. with 300 illustrations rare ( WJ®*' *7?* * -4-JoutoAL + CDcuuU/ V "But the concentrations around Marquette are at such a low -1 that there is no public health hazard," he said. OOTapOOOK "There is no standard for asbestos," Vogt said. "But if there fire Dying To ITleet You. is, it would be well above any concentrations we have found in by Groucho Marx Ichigan water." and Richard J. Anobile Reserve Mining Co., however, will continue to dump waste that Friday: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 -tains asbestos fibers into Lake Superior, since an order from a JJlarx ^ros. ,i Movie buffs rejoice! Only $5.95 for Sat: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 nneapolis judge that stopped the practice was overturned by a ScrapBooK A this controversial, uncensored, beguil¬ ing, and absolutely authentic story of Sun.: Conrad 7:00 *1 judge panel of the U.S. 8 th Circuit Court of Appeals several the irrepressible Mar* Bros, Told by : nths ago. the master himself, two of his broth¬ ers, and those who kne'.v and worked The chlorine problem was discovered recently in the EPA's with the fabled 'our. 300 splendid ncinnati lab, while they were testing some new discovered that some organic compounds, equipment. hydrocarbons, ,;nd in water near highly industrialized areas, will combine with illustrations and memorabilia. "Intelligent, savagely funny, cheer¬ fully obscene, vindictive, unforgiv¬ Honeywell Factory chlorine added during treatment of the water and ing, unforgetting, honest and totally form frank. A classic." orinated hydrocarbons. Meet Mr. Stan Roberts, DEMO-DAYS - Chicago Sun-Times "Some chlorinated - hydrocarbons have been found to produce A Darien House Book -rs in lab animals," Vogt said. At your campus bookstore Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. "ON TOUR TOGETHER HONEYWELL PENTAX SPOTMATIC F * Super Multi Coated Takumer f1.8 lens •ASA Range 20 to 3200 * Self timer * List $379.95 '239 From 35mm negative to processing baths with one HONEYWELL piece of equipment! SABLE 1 HONEYWELL PENTAX Honeywell s everything-in- Color SP 1000 • one Enlarger Printing Machine: * Super Multi Coated • Color & Exposure Analyzers ELTON JOHN - Greatest Hits THE KIKI DEE BAND - Precision Timers *1AQ • TaKumar f2. lens I've got the Music in Me * — all in one' List $319. ONLY s39, Honeywell Elmo Super Super 8 Disc Shop Multi coated Takumar zoom lens movie camera Telephoto lens * Super filmatic 103 4 CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEM GLENBURN-AUDIO ®SANYO * GLENBURN 2155A automatic 4-channel ANI/FM turntable * stereo receiver. SHURE M75E cartridge 80 watt power output * total list $590.00 Wood base & dust cover Individual channel spatial level controls the "second look" sweaterdress * Tape monitor 4 Audio speakers, 8" + 2" for Miss J. . -a young and spirited with frequency range 45 -18,500 Tuning meter Inputs for tape decks, record changer, etc. Outputs for 4-channel recording $32997 knit that takes you just about TASCO 8 X 30 WIDE ANGLE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ROYAL ELECTRIC anywhere with its bright stripe BINACULAR CALCULATOR PORTABLE TYPEWRITER accenting and swinging half-circle With case incl. case & batteries skirt comfortable acrylic and List $69.95 Price Break! S3P wool blend, vertically ribbed at the top. In white/navy or navy/white, for 5-13 sizes $46 % ct. T.W % ct. T.W !4ct. Jacobi3orie List $375 List $375. List List >375 $750 $750 $750 *375 $750 Store Hour*: FREE LEONARD Mon. (fa Fri. Adjacent 9:30 to 9 p.m. Ramp Tuti., Wed..Thurs., Sat. Parking Wholesale Distributors 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. 309 N. Washington Ave. Leonard Downtown Pint Evenings, Sat. Sun. 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15, PROMENADERS MEET WEEKLY Left grands, add up to sw By FRANK FOX and it has grown and changed head at random. State News Reviewer with the country ever since. The dances usually are done The square • dance caller's "There is a movement to in sets of usually two dances. voice bounces merrily from have it recognized as America's Schilling said. wall to wall in the gymnasium national dance by 1976." "The first is usually a 'hash' in a crazy cadence of distorted He added that call - the caller calls off the square drawl. Rhythmically, in tempo dancing is basically done in a top of his head, more or less, with a repetitive wail of square formation of four or uses a new pattern he has recorded fiddle, guitar and couples. Round dancing can worked out. The second is a banjo music, the caller sings have any number of couples in 'swing' call where the patterns out a language all his own: a large circular formation. repeat and the partners within "Now do an eight • chain - Dressed in western shirts, the square rotate." four, all eight cir - cu - late, string • ties, bandanas and The 30 or 40 dancers at a two spots, now everybody do a colorful skirts fluffed out by given Wednesday night meeting U • turn - back .." . frilly petticoats, the dancers uaially get in about three He sounds, all in all, like a swirl, kick, clap hands, execute hours of dancing. cross between a tobacco precision movements and The promenaders, formed in auctioneer and an Alabama occasionally bump into each 1947, belong to the Lansing speed freak. other. Federation of Square and Despite the distortions of That is not too surprising Round Dancers. They often "Swirl sound, which is probably more considering that the caller uses attend outside dances on through, half to the right, half to the left noticeable to the first time about 50 basic calls in various weekends and visit and host now slide through." A square - dance caller intone visitor, the MSU Promenaders patterns or off the top of his other square dancing clubs. a traditional cadence of rhyme. seem to have a jolly old time in their weekly square dance sessions in the Women's Intramural Building. Against a backdrop of dancers' warmup bars, tumbling mats, folding chairs and a few Halloween decorations still taped to the walls, the promenaders practice the exuberant intricacies of traditional American dancing. They do both square and round dancing. "Square and round dancing are both American folk dances," Tim Schilling, publicity chairman for the MSU Promenaders, said. "Square dancing originated in America in the 17th century, Heller's 'Something Happened' explores the ups, downs of life By GUS AMAYA works does not want happened. Excruciatingly, hits the reader with the hard "unhappy" executives). Slocum confesses his life to us. truth: there is a Bob Slocum in Joseph Heller became a Slocum ponders the inevitable Heller is a true American all of us. household with his book writer of today. To take a name question: "What happened? "Something Happened" will "-Catch - 22" more than a Something..." subject of such ordinary not replace Heller's first book decade ago. The title of Heller's book is insignificance as the everyday as his masterpiece. An artist His first work dealt with life of an ordinary man where the brilliance lies. In usually has only one definitive American men in demonstrates Heller's unique Europe those two simple words is masterpiece. But Heller might - during World War II. His and distinctive imagination. turn out have two — that found not only the world of second book, "Something Heller, with this brilliant "something" Slocum searches Bob Slocum, but that of the comment on American life, Happened," also deals with American men, but in familiar American male — those middle for may happen to Heller. FRIENDLIEST DIA€E IIS 1I1WN places — Connecticut to be - aged men with families and exact. And this time the setting good jobs in today's changing is not war, but American society — the home, the wife, the sex, the kids and the office. American society. But men's dreams, aspirations and desires (as well speccaete PRESENTS: FRIDAY Bob Slocum protagonist in a Connecticut is the as those of women) have their ups and downs. They wonder SUPER city, with a home, a wife, a why "this" happened and why "that" did not. Marlene Deitrich's TO daughter, two sons and a good job. But something happened. Bob Slocum wants to know Early in the book Bob why his son Derek is an Slocum laments, "Something must have happened to me imbecile, an idiot. He tells us "I no longer think of Derek as BLUE ANGEL sometime. one of my children." He nevpr "In the office in which I work there are five people of expected that something to happen. 7:30 & 9:30 3-6 I ill % 1114 I whom I am afraid. In the Heller's new book is Friday & Saturday family in which I live there are profound and deeply moving - four people of whom I afraid." Slocum is not only afraid, am a not book that must be admired merely for its simple setting but for its complex Admission $l00 Rm 104 Wells SATHJDDAVY he is In a unhappy and pessimistic. monolog that seems to character, Slocum. He is the only principal, dominant Rtprint of t review of SATURDAY IIS DITCHER NITE character. He tells us about his "Raturrtctlon of Ev«" from thi have been taken from an analyst's chair (but is not, world and about the people in San Francisco Advocate A new pornographic film hat 2 1411 TIL 9> it. because the company, where he Joseph Heller gives us Bob a Mitchell Brothers Film Group opened at O'Farrti Cinema. Ordinarily, no on* would taka 1AM START/ AT S:CC notica, but thli ona if vary Slocum like he is, from Production diffarant. First, its star Is beginning to end. Heller does "Rolls Royce of Marilyn Chambers, the most baautlful woman presently not attempt to alter Slocum's appearing in hard core films. Hard-Core!' SUNDAY life. He lets Slocum worry Second, It Is produced by tha The Stan Kenton concert is Mitchell Brothers whose films about that. -SHOW are Indisputable the most erotic. tonight, not Thursday as stated Although Slocum is The film Is entitled "The in Thursday's State News. The Resurrection of Eve." pessimistic and at times "The Best concert will p.m. be held at 8:15 in the Auditorium. heartless, we go on reading. We want to know what else Marilyn Chambers', Ivory Flakes girl, performance Is the best of her career. She has The Mill SPECIAL the kind of remlnescent of vulnerability Monroe works extraordinarily well In this film. Her exquisite beauty that I-9P./H. heightens the eroticaliy charged Goldstein plot. "The Resurrection of Eve" Is produced and directed by James M VII I I II Advances and Artie Mitchell. Their films are notoriously erotic, attested WIEH MEAT JAI41 H //II jfAIAE to by tha large number of busts their films have "Resurrection of Eve" Is their suffered. VIA! III H AS I FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS mfst erotic to date. It is at once FREE PARKING & NO COVER! Presentation totally graphic, absolutely pornographic, yet It retains a PEANUTS 35c - 12oz. BASKET PLAYBOY feeling of delicacy and beauty. The Mitchell Brothers sensitive and intelligent men and are IPIIZZaV It shows through In every frame 9 INCH WIlIH ITEMS....SI.CC 1 of "Resurrection of Eva." They know why the audience is there, and they deliver what is 14 INI I WITH 'J! Ill MS....S1.CC expected. They also reveal beneath the hard core exterior, the behavior ambiguities of without human erotic M COVET SEINEAy/ compromise, they reveal longing and desire as it Is felt by real people, not the mechanistic sax machines that populate adult films. ordinarily Jw VI 1111 \||'| HI 4 IVI AW/tf TUN! The film Is a bit long and some of the characters ara weak. But these faults seem Tonight & Saturday inconsequential when viewing the film. Unquestionably, the "Resurrection of Eve" Is the Showtimes: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 very best adult film we have yet viewed. The. Showplact: 108B Wells As this goes to press, we've Just learned that In the fifth day *4 of its run, "The Resurrection of Eve" was busted. There emerges Admission: *2.25 Peanut a clear pattern. Tha garbage runs /•••••• unmolested by the police, while quality porno films that really You must be 18. All patrons Barrel RATED X will be checked for proof of age. turn people on ara legal action, the film will constantly being harassed. Pending further Errand River A BEAL FILM continue to run. Bernard Rose Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15,1974 9 riginal Spirit1 group ill perform at Stables Andes bass, John Locke oy pAVE DiMARTINO on on Ultimately, State News Reviewer piano and Cassidy on drums. Fergesun the relatively unheard except for Together that original group group's central composer, felt the looney ,t sounds unbelievable. It recorded need to go out on his a "Kaptain Kopter He "ds too good to be true. "Spirit," Family That Plays Together," "The did just that, own. taking bassist and the Twirly - birds" solo album. Soon even the w it's for real. This "Clear" and "The Twelve Keith Andes with him and Staehly ,kend Spirit will appear at Brothers left Spirit to produce Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus." forming Jo Jo Gunne, a their own solo album. At that Stables. Not the second, popular group whose roots, Each of the four albums is i_j or fourth version of unlike Spirit's, lie in rock point Spirit was thought to be Zt but Spirit with Randy regarded as a classic. There are and no more. few groups of that roll, not jazz. Earlier this year fornia, Ed Cassidy and psychedelic With Fergesun, Andes and a band with era that remain Ed ith Andes. eminently California gone, Spirit seemed Cassidy came to The Since the late '60s Spirit has Brewery, calling itself Spirit. vound in one form or They were disgraceful — strictly They were true a copy band that was trs of the "heavy" performing material that they "Each of Spirit's four albums is ve sound and one of regarded as a probably grew up with. With first and most tasteful classic. There are few that final ripoff Spirit's last groups of that psychedelic to integrate jazz era that remain breath seemed duly proper. eminently listenable today, but menu into a basically rock Spirit unquestionably does." Very recently there have been rumors in rock circles roll setting. that Randy California "Mechanical World" opened has been recording a new album y doors for the band. A with a group he calls luetic composition that is Spirit. The booking agent for The ' bit as enjoyable today as listenable today, but Spirit SN no more. Yet surprisingly, Stables, Gary Lazar, met Ed photo/Bob Kaye is in the '60s, the song unquestionably does. The drummer for the original "Feedback" came two years Cassidy in Denver, Colo., last group Spirit, Ed Cassidy, will join Randy California and Keith Andes, guitarist jd anything but a logical But the group had their and bassist respectively from the after the group's last album. week during a convention of original group, in a reunion performance at The Stables tonight, Saturday ...( for single release, pitfalls. For one, their lineup Recruited as replacements for nightclub owners. This and Sunday. ing regionally, first in was always a trifle shaky. the three missing members weekend's booking is the result i, the tune's popularity ' Guitarist California, a truly were the Staehly Brothers, a of that meeting. nationally - quite a eccentric individual, was BlITTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES -uest for a relatively funky pair, who with Locke Spirit will perform in two consistently leaving and and Cassidy were shows each night, -own group. rejoining the group. No one, Spirit for tonight, about a year. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets Spirit consisted of five least of all the band members, for $3.50 will be available at Mduals: Jay Fergesun on seemed to know what he HS, California on guitar, would do next. Randy California popped in the door and will enable and out of the scene, patrons to stay for both shows. remaining 355-1826 Okemos, East Lansing, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids 15^ THE HTCATHEKME Shop for d seasons Down Jackets frrn *2495 Okemos 2283 W. Grand River East Lansing 217 Ann Street Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw klHARJ4J^HA.RHJ^HAWHARJ^4ftWHaRjHA.RJ4aRHAJRJHJ^HAWHARJ4aj^^HARJ4J^HARJ4Rj^ PRESENTS Following Article Taken From L.A. Times BUTCH&THE KID ARE BACK! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING Just for the fun of H! UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN • • They picketed the theatre, but EVERYTHING^ "Harold and Maude" didn't budge "Harold and Maude" is a bizarre comedy with a bizarre history. It opened here in December 1971 and, to put it kindly, failed to distinguish itself (there was too much holiday competition). Then it opened at the Westgate Theatre in Minneapolis, and something strange began to happen. At first, a basically middle - age audience came to see "Harold and Maude", and loved it. The run was extended. The the college dating crowd found out about it. They came, they saw, they were conquered. They went again. The run was extended again. Then it was the teenagers. Then the younger kids. Then, KOOKS gradually, everyone was going. After about 24 weeks, the Westgate began to suspect something was going on. AND Thirty weeks. 35. 40. 50. 75. Then 100 weeks, breaking the all - time Minneapolis record previously held by "The CHAOS! Sound of Music". Last month, while some neighbors picketed outside, demanding a change of fare (they were tired of looking at the same marquee for two years!) "Harold and Maude" began its third year at the Westgate. And still audiences came, many of them seeing the film for a second, or tenth, or twentieth time. A young man named Doug Strand saw it 138 times. The second Los Angeles premiere began Wednesday. Could we request that after you see it once, you give someone else a chance, before you try to see it again. PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS pit-, x "BUTCH CASSIDY AND . .4,- woody THE SUNDANCE KID" • WOODY ALLEN'S EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK" aliens Cos,* '^STROTHER ct„ A Geor9® Roy Hill-Paul Monash Production «M>ve Producer MARTIN • JEFF COREY • HENRY JONES PAUL WOODY ALLEN ■ JOHN CARRADINE"' LOU JACOBI • LOUISE LASSER • ANTHONY QUAYLE TONY RANOAIL ■ LYNN REDGRAVE • BURT REYNOLDS ■ GENE WILDER bananas MONASH • Produced by JOHN FOREMAN with LOUISE LASSER Prstfucn) By CHARLES H JOFFE (ucuMMm JACK BRODSKY Assoc-itf Produce' JACK GROSSBERG "Wed by GEORGE ROY HILL • Widen by WILLIAM GOLDMAN ScrwnpiiyandOirttiw WOODY ALIEN (UsM.poi it* bow. b, OR DAVID REUBEN They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. From then on, things got perfectly ANEwma° Composed and Conducted by BURT BACHARACH 1 United Artists stranger and stranger. COLOR mitmii IteiTmsnf^ Presentation • Panavision' • Color by DeLuxe* Poramounl Pktum Pr«s«nli .^BURTBACHARACH'S ' Raindrops Keep F.llm' On My Head' is sun, by B ) Thomas f HAROLD and MAUDE 7:15 & 9:30 Fri. 100 Eng. 7:30 & 9:30 Frl. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. 109 Anthony 7:30 & 9:15 l, 7:30 & y:jv Sat. Conrad 7:15 & 9*30 7*15 9:30 Sol. Sat. 100 Eng. 100 ing. ':*» & 9:30 Wilson vviison 7:30 * #:aw * t:ju 9:30 Sat. »ai. 109 iuy Anthony Anvnony 7:30 & 9:15 * • Wilson 7-00 $125 *UI1, **l,r0<' $1" Sun. Wilson 9:00 £ ]0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. November IS, 1974 Airport By EDD RUDZATS necessary as this colossal monstrosity of mediocre moviemaking 19 75' For the first third of its running time, "Airport 1976" is a spot moviemak heart attack while Roy Thinnes is in the side of the cockpit. swept out the holP that ■V\»M State Newt Reviewer tries to get off the ground. - the - stars show. Whispers of "Who's that?" could be heard With the pilot blinded, stalwart stewardess Black must mi J "Airport 1975" is the type of film that requires verbal The film's best bet would have been a slick self - based parody. resounding through the audience. . audience participation to make it even remotely entertaining. Then the situation could have been milked for more laughs than Karen Black is the first stewardess and Charlton Meston's plane while her lover Heston sends her radio command* sound like a teacher talking to a three Boos, hisses, gales of laughter and embarrassed twitters are it gets now. girlfriend. Linda Blair is a teenager in need of a kidney transplant, - year - old. And on and on it goes. The problem is that the characters involved take all the Myrna Loy is a middle - aged boilermaker fanatic and Efrem setbacks and complications so seriously that the audience can Zimbalist Jr. is the pilot. George Kennedy is the vice president of "Airport 1975" is an example of Hollywood moviemairi* - its worst. It is the type of hokum that could be Two local art only giggle as passengers scream, and clutch their rosaries in despair. contort their faces in anguish operations. Susan Clark is his wife. But wait. There is even more creativity at hand as Gloria not have the higher aspirations of engaging SI being rousing enterUinmenl ■ plays Gloria Swanson (quite badly, in fact) and Helen The only entertainment it provides is A disaster film like "Airport 1975" can only work if the Swanson embarrassed laugh Jr J Reddy appears as a nun who, as luck would have it, can sing. loud groans. It is like a bad joke whose punch audience is made to care for the people involved In the tragedy line is bL show prints, that unfolds on screen. Empathy Is the necessary emotion - without it the viewer remains at a distance and simply shrugs as The dialog runs on par with something a fifth • grader might have written In his sleep as George Kennedy alternates between Tlie punch line was horrible the first time around even worse. but rene nnw'^1 111 another character dies. cussing a blue streak or saying "Oopsie." The best thing to do about "Airport 1975" is Two area art galleries are featuring new exhibits. wait for tfl on television. Then its full The Lansing Community Art Gallery, 118'^ E. Michigan Ave., Had the director and writer of "Airport 1976" focused on fewer characters and given them more depth, the film might have "Oopsie?" And so it goes as the big Columbia 409 is hit by a small single come power will be realized as comercials provide much needed respites. In tf other words d in Lansing is showing a collection of works by the staff and waste your money. faculty of Lansing Community College. The gallery is open gripped the audience. As it is, the cast is composed of cardboard engine plane piloted by none other than Dana Andrews having a from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and from figures that barely touch a chord of sympathy or fear. 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday. The East Lansing Library Gallery is offering an exhibit of IT'S HERE photographic prints made by drawing on film, done by Charles • Strieby, professor of urban planning and landscape at MSU. The Take a break and try AT LAST! exhibit opens today and runs through Dec. 31. PROGRAM INFORMATION 402 3305 • something different... • Today BOWL! a ICHIGAN Theatre ■ Lansinq Amazing! Astounding! Unbelievable! 2... Mon. - Thurs. 8 ajn. -11 p.m. Fri. -11 ajn. -1 a.m. Sat. - noon -1 aj. HUNDREDS JOURNEY TO THE EDGE Sun. - noon -11 pjn. Of TOMORROW... • OF SHIPS reasonable rates AND PLANES • UNION BOWLING ARE MISSING A RICHARD WINER ; LANES (lower level Union Building) DOCUMENTARY open 6:45 Today! r»ra>;a feature At 7:i5-9:20 HURRY...LAST 5 DAYS sat. - sun. At 1:00 • 3:05 • 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:20 p.m. The most amazing outdoor adventure ever filmed! Two years in the making) The Greatest TRUE LIFE Awesome excitement! Mystery Of The Century $10,000°.°AWARD JOKraLMMpuits The Trial of Billy Jack Today 7:00 - 9:20 Sat. • mm Today 7:55 - late. Sat. - GEORGE C. SCOTT. Starring It takes up where Billy Jack left off. DELORES TAYLOR... TOM LAUGHLIN Sun. 2:20 -4:40-7:00-9:25 Sun. 1 - 3:15 - 5:35 - 7:55 - late. IM PARfMTAL GUOtNCl SUGCIiTiO X NOW! 1ST SHOWING ANYWHERE! 3rd HILARIOUS MONTH ...GOING ON FOUR! lansing iiir-iniire M3IW SA0lNAW-4S< s«2awsAoiNi TICKETS ON SALE Flrl.: 6 & 9 1974's MOST HILARIOUS WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! Sat.: 12,3,6,& 9 TUESDAY^ "A smashing, triumphant satire!' it's time —Seattle Post Intelligencer "Riotously, excruciatingly funny!' Once flgainl For Another I miDNIGHT| moviE BOX OfflCE OPENS AT 6:30 SHOW STMTS JUSK ORGY Insanely funny, ran mive niKim ithe ultimate trip outrageous 'Each Progranl and irreverent." 200hA5PACE . ODYSSEY • Contains The| Color W-ISOYLENT Fri & Mon Sat. & Sun. thru Thurs open 7:00 P.M. open 1:30 P.M. Best Of Feature _J 2022 Feature 7:40-9:30 2:10-4:05- 6:00 - 7:50 - 9:40 gmg CHARLTON HESTON LEIGH TAYlWYOWjS GREEN PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-6944 Leave It To | 2nd EXCITING WEEK! Beaver, tof/lght OPEN 6:50 SAT. 8c SUN. OPEN 1 PM Shows Shows 7:20&9:20 1:20 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 407 E. GRAND RIVER-DOWNTOWN Alfred Hitchco| "Something hit us... the crew is dead... Presents, The Three Stooges, An all NEW film inspired by the Twilight ZonJ novel/'AIRPORT" by Arthur Hailey. And A Very I Special Treol Or Is It Trekl For Fans 0f| Spock, Kirk, And mcCoi | Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15, 1974 JJ Unit urges Wounded Knee awareness By SUE McMILLIN literature and seeking They occupied the city for 71 v.a,e News Staff Writer donations this Defense/Offense Committee term, Paul days. conspiring to interfere with participating in riot in the a group of concerned MSU Hughes, chairman of The include: federal officers, Hughes said. Hughes said. also available in the Student the local courtroom -ts are trying to make the committee, said. committee is • The Wounded during the first Literature on the latest trial Activities Office at the Union. accepting Knee There are still 80 people Custer Case. donations for the over events, the nature of tribal Committee members have munitv aware that the "Our man goal is to Wounded leadership trials In St. Paul, awaiting trial in Lincoln. • The Pine ""of the Wounded Knee sensitize the area about the Knee Defense/Offense Committee in Legal Minn. The first two of six cases Ridge Tribal Election Suit in Rapid City, government, the treaty of 1868 spoken to classes and also hope What they term situation and provide and the history of the to bring in speakers and show -nt or funds for against leaders of the Indian • The Custer Cases Lincoln, Neb. The money is in Sioux S.D. In January 1974 Russell Wounded Knee occupation has {onpst War: 1890 - the defense," he said. used primarily for legal defense movement were dismissed on Falls, S.D. These trials involve Means ran against Dick Wilson been films, Hughes said. " is still being decided in On Feb. 27, Sept. 16. The dismissal due 19 people indicted for their printed by the 1973, the costs in Lincoln, but is also was for the chairmanship of the committee. He added that the feral Midwestern Indian people of the used to pay bond for to the prosecutor's refusal to part in a protest outside the They have only Pine those still tribal council on the Pine information tables set up in the funds they have received so far Ridge Reservation gathered at being indicted and to help accept the judgment of an 11 • Custer, S.D., courthouse on Ridge Reservation. Means, who Wounded Knee, Union lobby on Fridays and in have been from private ■foe Wounded Knee Support S.D., to support families of those person jury after one of the Feb. 6, 1973. They were lost the election 1,709 to jurors fell sick during the first the International Center lobby donations. -mittee was organized protest what they termed convicted. demanding that the alleged 1,530, filed suit with the U.S. on Mondays. The literature is summer term and injustices and the government's The several cases week of deliberations. The two killer of Wesley Bad Heart Bull District Court in Rapid City violations of their treaty included cases (jan actively distributing rights. under the Wounded Knee Legal were against Dennis Banks and Russell Means. (an Oglala Sioux) be charged calling for a new election on with murder instead of second the grounds that his opponent • The Wounded Knee degree manslaughter. Three had used illegal electoral frican food exhib nonleadership trials in Lincoln. These people are on trial for their alleged participation in people have been convicted so far. procedures. investigation, Following Atty. an Gen. William B. Saxbe issued a brief food and fashion show the occupation of Wounded i shinshin, foorah and akara. voluntary donations • In the Sioux Falls indicating that of canned Knee. The first 15 defendants many people "Seeds for Africa" will Fresh lime, peanut milk and Courtroom Riot Cases in Sioux who voted were denied the goods to give to Lansing needy Ud Sunday at 5 p.m. at the rice water will be the were acquitted, but the last Falls, S.D. 13 people have been homes. four tried rights provided for them under -ing YMCA, 217 Townsend beverages. were convicted for indicted for allegedly the 1968 Civil Rights Act, |NEJAC TV RENTALS" The fashions will show what fte proceeds of the show, some Africans wear at 337-1300 -ssored by Farm Forestry Food and Freedom (4-F) going to the market, among home, ATTENTION !!! Become a Montessori Teacher friends, at parties and at i St. Matthew African ceremonies and celebrations. The Urban Studies Department BEAL PRESENTS hodist Kpiscopal Church of Of course, SUMMER STUDY, GRADUATE and they will also of -■at African will be used farmers for to include worn more modern fashions by the "new African." The Massachusetts Institute of UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS COLLEGE CREDITS A GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE food production. MSU students, senior Technology He public will be able to such delicacies as dabo defo • dabo, groundnuts, - citizens and children will be admitted for $1.50. Admission will be on the Michigan State University campus on November from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. See Don Services Office to sign Coleman in the Placement up for interviews. We are interested in 21, WRITE FOR BROCHURE SUmmER OF '42 t for other adults is $3. Children graduating students regardless of major, who arc interested in MONTESSORI CENTER OF MICHIGAN ub, moinmoin, dodo, under six may enter free. graduate study in Urban Studies or City Planning (M.C.P. or Ph.D.). —ut sweet, banana fritter, 4-F is also Minority Students and Women arc requesting Students may apply directly especially urged to apply. by writing: Recruitment Committee, Department of Urban Studies at M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass. 02139. American Montessori Society A NOW THRU NOV. 24 WITH A FULL MOON CONSORT (formerly Jake Jones) in a live performance of original music composed for the Sky Theatre and visuals created by COSMIC RADIANCE Tickets: Discount Records Union Shows: Fri & Sat: 8 & 10 p.m. Planetarium Sunday: 8 p.m. $2.50 Tonight & Saturday Showtimes: Summer of '42 - 7,10:30 Class of '44 - once 24 hour program inAbrams only at 9:00 info: 355 - 4672 Planetarium Showplace: 102 B Wells on the MSU campus Admission: $1.25 ICLD TIME MCVB r~ series BHffiOG ^ oab. i PRESENTS uab After thirty two years of with just about travelling ^ MfcRILYN MOMOe every format into which the |a// orchestra can he * I i n expanded, ST AN KEM TON returns a 19 |>iei:e unit that is one of the most cohesive and best balanced ensembles in Kenton history SOME LIKE IT i't S young, airy and fret' The flash, the flair the thrust of the Kenton sound has sensuous HOT '"ore than survived has it conquered the big hand decline to become classic There's vintage Kenton I', " 4'f's/ry m Hhytf"' as well as contemporary ballads which engulf the concertgocr with a sense of shared loneliness Which is exactly what great \<\// and Kenton s music all about Friday, November 1!) .it H 1!) |> m University Auditorium Single tickets Sb 00 !> 00 4 00 PARLOR A.B.&C. MSU Students SJ 00 i '->0 ?00 Union Ticket Offu e ® 30 pm weekdays fib!) 3361 NOV. 15&16 Lively Aits Series (B Lecture Concert Sent1 2:00,7:00 J: MOO at MSU Sunday NOV 17 Union Ballroom 1 shows at 2 00, 7 00, * 9:50 p.m. $i, under 12 50C I admission 81.00 under 12- 5(K Bill lllllllll llllHitilltiiltiHiite'ltMIHtiiltiS 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November IS, 1974 Disputed contraceptive policy renewed By DAVE GUZNICZAK Ingham County Board of parental consent before being Frank Sudac said that its intrauterine devices to minors Richard Conlin who sponsored Lansing. the board include: State News Staff Writer Commissioners. issued contraceptives. passage allowed the without parental consent," the bill, was unhappy about Before the amendment was "With Lansing in, there will • A transfer government to decide a Labeled by Republicans as During a discussion of 1975 funding for the family planning defeated in a 11 to 9 vote in which should be left up to a matter Moskall said. Marianne Davis, program the decision since it would affect many MSU students be an increased emphasis in the the veteran affairs of $4,800 to I fostering promiscuity and familial rights, a program, Republican the Tuesday meeting, * a minor's parents or church. director for the Tri - County serving as jurors. commission on urban for financing veteran committee I violating resolution allowing minors to Commissioner John Hayden controversy arose over the Republican Commissioner Family Planning Center, said Conlin explained that many problems," Commissioner burials; f Gordon Swix said that certain James Heyser pointed out. • An allotment of $10000 continue using contraceptives asked that a clause be amended alleged moral and health issues that minors were encouraged in students forfeit class and job into the resolution making it involved. types of contraceptives, such in county unexpended funds to without parental guidance was as a required 2 - and • a • half time because of juror Heyser added that, with Republican Commissioner intrauterine devices, were hour rap session to talk to their continue the model passed this week by the mandatory that minors receive obligation. Ingham County having the cife dangerous, causing blood clots dental program, and 1 parents first before the center Another significant de¬ greatest population of the and other complications. would issue them velopment was the board's three counties, the addition of • Hayden added that it would contraceptives. approval of a resolution that Lansing gives Ingham County The allotment n< I $110,000 in county funds I Stringent child only "inflame the present venereal disease problem in the United States" if the resolution by In other action Tuesday the board of commissioners failed a 12 to 9 vote to support a expanded the Tri • County Planning membership Commission to include greater representation on the tri county board. - Other resolutions keep the Social Services Dent operating for the balance of to I I passed without being amended. passed by this year. I state bill asking for increased By BRUCE RAY WALKER Badgley said he realizes that the incident is still at large but a lot of the residents in Spartan Phillip Moskall, deputy compensation for jurors. State News Staff Writer Badgley said they have a few director of the Ingham County Under Mich. House Bill No. Mothers in the Spartan Village get caught up in their leads they are checking out. Health studies and forget to watch Area residents said they saw Dept. said the 5722 jurors would receive an Village area are once again department was aware of the increase from $15 to $25 per their children every second. In someone of that description telling their children to beware risks for minors in using of strangers after an incident this event, they should make near Spartan Village on FViday, day and from $7.50 to $12.50 intrauterine devices. per half day. Monday afternoon. sure that the children are Nov. 8. "We do not dispense Democratic Commissioner At about 4:30 p.m. on within sight and out of Badgley asked that anyone Monday a girl enrolled in dangerous playing areas, he seeing someone answering the said. description should call the Spartan Village School was accosted by a man in the field Badgley feels one of the Dept. of Public Safety. area south of Spartan Village. most dangerous areas is the The man was described by field area south of Spartan Capt. Ferman Badgley of the Village where the incident Dept. of Public Safety's occurred Monday. investigative unit as a black "The parents should keep male approximately 6 feet tall their children out of the field and with some facial hair. At area. There are a lot of culverts the time of the incident he was and places where people can described by the girl as wearing hide there," Badgley said. a dark brown coat with a white The person responsible for fur collar, blue Levis and boots with large silver buckles. The girl was not harmed. Police refused to release her Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15, 1974 13 ;ontender MSU battles ndiana in crucial game By CHARLES JOHNSON demonstrated in the last portions of the State News Sports Writer be carried over Northwestern game will against MSU. For purposes of the record books, MSU's upset win over Ohio r proud.Jof rm this team and the way it came back last week will be long remembered, but coach Denny Stolz proud t0 its coach and I enjoy J .t plan to let his Spartans live on their past laurels. can P beat Michigan State. y more than anyone. I'm sincere when I say we fth still an outside chance to capture the Big Ten title, MSU We can do it if we have H take on Indiana at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Bloomington in that combination of great crowd enthusiasm and a near first of its two remaining conference games. - perfect game with no turnovers." '•The Ohio State victory was wonderful, just great, but now Based tumbles on the Hoosiers performance last week of three lost so darned scared of Indiana," Stolz said. "We can't afford to and two . attendance interceptions, and its projected 33,000 g. He down. There's just no way we wouldn't want to do well figure for Saturday's game, Corso's combination for one of the most fantastic victories in Michigan State's winning may seem a little impractical. But Stolz respects the Hoosiers and calls Indiana running back ^The Spartans' current 4-1-1 conference record is good Courtney Snyder one of the best. Muah for third place in the Big Ten with only the University of Snyder, a sophomore from Steubenville, rushed for 1 003 yards this Ohio, has already lichigan (6 • 0) and Ohio State (5-1) ahead of them. season, and is second only to OSU's Archie Griffin in However, MSU's magnificent feat last week will definitely conference rushing totals. The 6-0,197 - SN photo/Dan,Shutt »(Indiana fired up with an objective of knocking the Spartans P°U*l?o.eTr mshed for 169 yards against the Wildcats last week the national acclaim they are currently enjoying. MSU will be without the Spartan icer Tom Ross breaks past two Minnesota defensemen _ services of two key players, as during MSU's contest against the Gophers two offensive tackle Ray weeks ago. North Dakota visits the Munn Ice Arena this MSU is rated in the national collegiate polls for the first time Spencer and defensive end Rich Washington weekend for games against the Spartans toni^it and were injured in i two years, standing 13th in the UP1 poll of the nation's the Ohio State game. Washington suffered a Saturday night. Ross leads the Spartans in scoring. In six games the junior from Dearborn has scored five dislocated vertebrae, and MChes and 15th in the AP poll of football writers. A win for Spencer has undergone knee surgery. goals and seven assists, including two tallies and five assists in WCHA contests. Spartan punter Tom Birney, who was also Kliana would definitely be considered a big upset. injured in the Ohio btate game, will be back To add to the Hoosiers' incentive, coach Lee Corso's charges in full strength, but Dave Duda, who 1. 5 in the Big Ten and will be trying with all their might to cape the conference cellar. call16 °" aS h'S replacement last week' *•" the starting punting Hie Hoosiers are 1 • 8 in overall games. In order for MSU to capture the Big Ten crown outright, Michigan would have to lose twice and Ohio State once AT MUNN ICE ARENA «We don't look at the won - lost record," Stolz said. "We look in the two j performance, and Indiana has moved the ball very, very well, remaining games on their schedules. The Spartans would also have to win their last two le've got to go down there and be tough." games. Indiana enters Saturday's game after nearly pulling off a Ictory against Northwestern last Saturday. Trailing at one time [ring the game, 24 - 0, the Hoosiers battled back before finally leers meet N. Dakota King 24 - 22. Corso had praise for his team's valiant comeback attempt and By STEVE STEIN process. made a switch of right wingers Goddaid and Tom Evans. State News Sports Writer i hoping that some of the momentum which the Hoosiers Dakota coach Rube in the squad's first and second Heading the defense are Dave MSU and North Dakota, Bjorkman said that in each of lines last weekend. He plans to Giving, a freshman, and Daryl two teams which have had the Nodaks three two keep the Drader. More than 60 weightlifters in nine different trouble getting off on the right - game same arrangement for Wolverines, weight classes are series this season, the team has the Dakota series. Peter Waselovich is the expected to compete Sunday in the Michigan AAU Senior State foot in games so far this season, gotten off to a ted start in the Brendon Moroney has been Nodaks goaltender. Powerlifting Championships, hosted by the MSU Weightlifting square off twice this weekend first game of the set. shifted from the Spartans' first "He has had a couple of real Club. at Munn Ice Arena. "We've been giving up those line with Steve Colp and Daryl excellent games this year," The competition will take The Spartans, in a three - place at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. early goals the first night," Rice. He has now joined Tom joth solid in the sports arena of the Men's classes will compete first. Intramural Building. The lighter way tie for second place in the Western Collegiate Hockey Bjorkman lamented. "Then we've had to work hard to get Ross and John Sturges. Robbie Harris, who worked Bjorkman said. "We need to tighten up and give him some help, though." In addition to MSU's Assn. (WCHA) and ranked No. team, squads are also expected from back into the games." with Ross and Sturges for Waselovich has made 127 CHICAGO (UPl) - Michigan bids to clinch at least a share of Grand Rapids, Detroit and Flint. 1 in the country in the The Spartans, meanwhile, MSU's first four games, has saves in four league games, the t Big Ten football championship for the fifth time in the last Admission is 50 cents, payable at the door. Hancock, Mich, radio station spotted Michigan Tech early joined Colp and Rice. top figure in that category. He i years Saturday and Ohio State plays to keep its title hopes poll, face the Dakota Sioux 2-0 and 3-0 leads at Houghton mat Iowa in another feature contest. Moroney's switch has has allowed an average of 4.3 tonight and Saturday night. last weekend before turning reunited a line which played goals per game. Both are solid favorites to win and set up a decisive meeting >tveen the two at Columbus Nov. 23. The unbeaten Clarke makes Face games • is off time for both 7:30 p.m. The around to defeat the Huskies twice. together here as freshmen. Bessone explained that the "North Dakota is a good olverines, ranked No. 2 nationally and with a 9 - 0 season contests will be broadcast on passing team and they have a MSU has outscored its switch was made because lot of speed," Spartan coach ord, are a 21- point choice at home against Purdue, while Ohio te.No. 3 ranked and 8-1 for the season, is a 29-point pick. to NHL Czar WMSN radio, 640 AM. North Dakota has lost three opponents games, 23-18 in its sue but has been Harris' style of hockey fits in better with his new line. Bessone commented. MSU's Colp currently is tied The Hawkeyes face perhaps the toughest task of the weekend, of its four WCHA games so far outpointed 8-6 during the first Both Moroney and Harris with kng against an Ohio State team sure to be aroused by the 16-13 MONTREAL (UPI) The this year Michigan Tech's Bob - for calling for his retirement but has been period alone. reponded to the switch last D'Alvise for National Hockey League said the individual tit by Michigan State which ended the outscored Buckeye sojourn as the because of advanced age. by only five goals in the Spartan coach Amo Bessone weekend by scdring their first ton's No. 1 team. Thursday that Philadelphia scoring leadership in the Clarke's letter to Campbell goals of the season in WCHA WCHA. Both men have But the prospect does not perturb Iowa coach Bob Commings. Flyers' captain Bobby Clarke said: "I would like to apologize has apologized play. Harris, whose third accumulated nine points. The "If we play good defense," he said, "we always have a chance, to NHL it maybe if it and get we get the opening kickoff, we don't want to score them aroused. We've got to try to stop (Cornelius) President Clarence Campbell for statements that I made to the press about you. The MSU volleyball unit period goal was the winner in the Spartans' 5-4 Saturday Spartans' Rice is tied for third in scoring with eight points. Basketball contest statements were made when I victory over Michigan Tech, Both Colp and Rice have me. He's their big play guy and we're going to be dumb was angry and were not meant also scored a goal earlier this scored five goals in league play tgh to try and stop them." Michigan might have more trouble than expected with the set as fund raiser maliciously." Clarke, reacting set for state match season against nonleague opponent Laurentian. this WCHA. year, which tops the >flermakers, whose coach Alex Agase said, "We've got to keep to the The United Blacks of Dakota is a young club. In other league series this ra back in their end of the field and make them suspension of two teammates By ROBIN MclNTOSH and the top two teams in each try to go a Wonders Hall basketball team for fighting during a game last Bjorkman noted that the team weekend, first place Colorado B{ way to score. If we execute well and hold down mistakes, it will tussle with the Wonders State News Sports Writer pool then keep playing until consists of only three seniors, mid be a good game." month had said that "This may either they are eliminated or College visits Michigan Tech Hall council and staff at 7:30 Two of MSU's women's three juniors, one freshman, for In other Big Ten games Saturday, Wisconsin is an be the time for Campbell to a pair, Minnesota - Duluth 11-point p.m. Monday in Jenison sports teams will be in action they end up in the and the remainder, sophomores. tries its luck at write for its match at Northwestern and Illinois give up the NHL presidency. Wisconsin, a 6-point pick Fieldhouse in this weekend, as the championship game. The Sioux scoring leaders fits contest at Minnesota. a fundraising None of the other big leagues Within the first seeded Michigan goes to Minnesota game. have old guys as their heads." volleyball team is traveling to include center Terry Dennis and Denver clashes with Notre Grand Rapids Saturday to play University teams, there are two and right wingers Tom Dame at South Bend. in the state tournament, and pools. The first pool has four the cross country team is teams, including MSU, Eastern going to Iowa State University Michigan, the University of for an important meet. Michigan, and Olivet College. The second pool has five teams Two Spartan harriers Twenty - three teams are entered in- the volleyball competing. tournament, which is divided MSU coach Annelies into two divisions. The first Knoppers likes the squad's in NCAA district meet division consists of four - year chances in the tournament. institutions, in which 14 teams "When you're seeded first, By DAN SPICKLER are entered, and the second the championship is definitely State News Sports Writer division, consisting of nine what you're looking for," she The MSU men's cross country team sends two runners to the teams, includes junior college commented. "We've beaten NCAA District IV meet in Madison, Wis. Saturday, hoping to squads. every team in Michigan during make it to the nationals. The divisions are divided the season and I hope we stay If sophomore Herb Lindsay and freshman Jeff Pullen finish in into seeds, which are then on that track." the top 15 in Wisconsin, they "will qualify for the NCAA nationals further divided into pools of The MSU cross country to be held in Bloomington, Ind. Nov. 25. four to five teams. team, meanwhile, will travel to There is a round Lindsay and Pullen finished in the top 14 of the 70 runners - robin Ames, Iowa to participate in the Iowa State Invitational competing in the Big Ten meet last Saturday in Ann Arbor. competition within the pool, Lindsay came in third, hitting the wire in 30:05.4. Pullen came tournament, which is in 11th with a 30:33.6 clocking. equivalent to a national meet. Both runners and coach Jim Gibbard left for Madison IM NOTES Running for MSU will be Erica d'Elian, Ann Forshee, Thursday evening. Lindsay and Pullen will have light workouts on the course today and early Saturday morning. Sheri The meet will begin at 11 a.m. Madison time. Hohenstein, Jan MacMillan and Jan Pielemeier. Gibbard described the course at the University of Wisconsin as The deadline for entry into Seven women from the hilly, and said that the design will be an advantage to the two the Men's Intramural foil MSU field hockey team will be Spartans. fencing tournament is noon Gibbard has stressed uphill execution in the Spartans' daily- Nov. 25. The tournament itself competing for spots on the Great Lakes sectional workouts this year. will be scheduled by Spartan hockey "We're hoping Herb can be in the top five and Jeff has a good M Jk fencing coach Charlie team Mich. Saturday in Brooklyn, chance too,"Gibbard remarked. ^^ Schmitter. ? " I -w* The deadline for entry into In addition, two women, District IV covers the states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. The NCAA' sanctions 34 teams in the Men's Intramural Mary Scheurer and Liz Visser, I gymnastics meet is Dec. who were selected to play on the area. fcm 2. The meet will be held Dec. noon, the second All - College team, It will be the second time in the districts for Lindsay. The SN photo/Robert KozlofT sophomore standout, who broke course records this year at Members of MSU's women's volleyball team set up a shot during a match earlier this season at Jenison 3. Hiose interested should sign will also be playing at the Forest Akers golf course and at the University of Michigan golf up with MSU men's gymnastics selections. ^eldhouse. The squad will be traveling to Grand Rapids Saturday to participate in the state volleyball coach George Szypula, or at Left halfback Diane Phillips course, last year finished 17th. tournament. The team has had a strong record against Michigan teams throughout the season and coach the Men's Intramural Building will also travel with the other Hie districts were held at MSU last year. The season ended for the rest of the MSU runners after the Big ne'ies Knoppers is office. participants as an alternate. hoping to continue this showing in the tournament. Ten meet, but most of them plan to run track this spring. •angers' Jen State News football On the strength of his omeback' prediction last week that MSU's football team would Johnson Farnan defeat Ohio State, State News Stein Spickler Mcintosh Litaker sports writer Charles Johnson ic^0 (UPI) - Ferguson Jenkins, cast off by the has taken over the lead in the MSU at Indiana MSU 27, Ind. 7 MSU 28. Ind. 9 MSU 28, Ind 7 MSU 21, Ind. 7 MSU 28, Ind. 7 MSU 31, Ind. 14 tjs,,^.1973. year, and .wed his 25 victories turned the once Texas his strong right arm for the^hapless prediction poll. Purdue at Michigan Ohio State at Iowa U-M by 21 OSU by 17 U- M by 20 OSU by 28 U-Mbv 14 OSU by 21 U-Mby 20 OSU by 40 U-M by 20 OSU by 30 U-Mbv 14 OSU by 21 Johnson's 7 - 4 record was "Jio pennant contendere. Wisconsin at Northwestern Wise, by 10 Wise, by 11 Wise, by 3 Nfec. by 7 Wise, by 13 Wise, by 6 also the top score in the poll, Illinois at Minnesota Minn, by 7 irhon JUi!labout earned him 1974 Comeback Player of the as the rest of the predictors Texas Tech at Baylor Baylor by 6 III by 5 Tech by 3 Minn, by 2 Tech by 7 III. by 6 III. by 3 III. by 3 iiSDnmf rsd®y from United Press International baseball , suffered through an off - week. North Carolina State at Arizona State Ariz. St. by 7 Ariz. Si. 2 Ariz. St. by 7 Baylor by 3 NC St. by 6 Tech by 10 Baylor by 5 C ^ 80'055 natlon- Mike Litaker, in his first Florida at Kentucky Fh. by 6 Fh. by 11 Ky. by 7 Fh. by 14 Ariz. St. by 7 Fh. by 3 NCSt. by 2 Kv. by 6 (tt „ ' ' was the key to the dramatic rise of the Rangers week with the poll, was 6 - 5, Georgia at Auburn Aub by 10 Aub. by 13 Aub. by 10 Aub. by 14 Aub. bv 3 Ga. by 7 bite « ?"a8er BiHy Martin. but none of the other four Pittsburgh at Notre Dame ND by 6 ND by 15 ND by 7 ND by 10 ND by 16 ND by 12 I With in lhe cel'ar with a dismal 57 -105 record a year experts broke the .500 mark. New York Giants at Detroit Det. by 14 Det. by 4 Det. by 10 Det. by 3 Det. by 7 Det. by 3 Um ,l en'tlns pulling the mound staiff together, and Martin 52-23-2 51-24-2 50-25-2 29-13-2 29-13-2 6-5 ii„fi"e most from new young players, the Rangers came Cord"1** °f thP W°rid chamPton 0tkl*nd A'g'pOSting m 14 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15,1974 Mortgage of $300 South Korean riot police arrest Vicar General James Sinnott as he took part in a demonstration in freed by Ford Seoul Thursday to demand the PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) - President Ford the convention of the release of three political prisoners vowed Thursday to defeat inflation and Professional Society Journalists, Sigma Delta Ch who took part in antigovernment announced that the government was In advance of the session, he prepared earlier in the written message activities year. freeing up to $300 million in federal mortgage funds in a move to stimulate of amendments to the defending his reeentvl Sinnott, 45, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Freedom home buying. Information Act. was arrested with three other He stressed the economic themes in an In the message to the Koreans who also took part in the group, who hi address to the National Assn. of Realtors fought for the law, Ford acknowled* demonstration, AP wirephoto in Las Vegas, Nev., the first stop in a busy that his veto "may have appeal schedule that also included appearances in inconsistent" with his pledge Phoenix, Ariz. and candid administration. "Inflation will be cooled," he told the real estate agents, admitting at the same time that the country is sliding into a "What we need at this time vorr recession. this country are more "What we need at this time in this tough Yankee traders and country are more tough Yankee traders and super salesmen," Ford said. salesmen." Ford received a standing ovation from President Ford the realtors when he announced that he was allocating $300 million in federal ftinds for mortgages on existing homes. The money is part of $3 billion in "Actually, it was not," housing contending that when the bill re aid recently made available but restricted desk "there three major problem! Rocky to reduce gift-giving were to mortgages on new homes. vows concerning judicial review of securit Later, the President flew to Phoenix and prepared for a nationally broadcast classifications, time limits to disclosure! data and access to law enforcement address and question ■ and - answer session file He said revisions that he propos WASHINGTON the public to be something they weren't," assistance in cases of medical hardships "has been pretty well laid to rest." at a journalism convention. (AP) - While would strengthen the law. Rockefeller told the Senate Rules only if the gift was disclosed - prompting Discussion of the Goldberg biography He paused for ceremonies at Luke Air vigorously defending his practice of Ford had advised consumers ir. handing over large sums to friends and Committee, which is considering his sharp comments from other committee occupied the committee for most of the Force Base to accept the first F15 fighter speeches to save more and spend less | associates, Nelson A. Rockefeller promised nomination. members. day on Wednesday, with Rockefeller plane, where he repeated his optimistic help fight inflation. But, in a change Thursday to reduce his private He said giving more than $2 billion to Chairman Howard W. Cannon, D - admitting he erred last month in denying prediction on the economy, saying that emphasis, he said in his Las Vegas addre contributions if he is confirmed as vice friends and former New York state Nev., said he would be reluctant to see knowledge that he had arranged financing development of the plane shows "there is to realtors: president. officials was a morally proper way for him Rockefeller commit himself to such for the book. no boundary to the energy and ingenuity In an agreement hammered out before a to help the recipients improve their conditions, noting they go far beyond Rockefeller was to be followed on the of the American people. "Somehow the word has gone out th national television audience, the former financial position. He denied any violation current disclosure laws. stand by Goldberg, the former Supreme "That is why we will whip inflation, the best way to defeat inflation 11 New York governor promised that after of state laws which bar gifts to state At the midday break in the hearings, Court justice who was swamped by conquer our energy problems and win the revitalize the economy is to curtail Rockefeller in the 1970 race for governor battle of the economy," Ford said. buyin becoming vice president he will make no employes if it can be reasonably inferred Cannon told reporters he has heard Nothing could be further from the truth gifts or loans to any federal employe, that the gifts were designed to buy nothing so far that would provide a reason of New York. Ford was in Phoenix for address at And I an strongly oppose that point of i except for "relatively nominal" amounts influence. for voting against Rockefeller. on special occasions and "in the event of Rockefeller put the agreement in "But we aren't through yet," Cannon medical hardships of a compelling human writing after Sen. Claiborne Pell, D • R.I., added. character." expressed fear that the former governor's He said the nominee "has made a fairly This week, This week, This week, This week, "You've made me see how some of my largesse was being misunderstood. Pell good presentation" and suggested the acts which were undertaken out of sought to go a step beyond the agreement dispute over Rockefeller family financing get Pioneer get Advent get JBL get Advent generosity have come to appear to — to allow Rockefeller to give financial of a book critical of Arthur J. Goldberg stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems stereo system! for a song. CM M CAilfl Cav a cona. for a song, MSU—diploma mill grinding out grads? (continued from page 1) Dorothy Arata, asst. provost awaken their intellect to those Programming." business," she explained. "A for undergraduate education, She places much of the joys Of learning. few years ago they gave a good said the advising system at blame for the "But the student must unemployed MSU could do a much better responsibility for ■ speech saying that they wanted graduates' problem on the some college graduates who were job. But she agrees with his or her career choice. The students. well rounded, and that they Blackman that the University University can't do it all for "If you wait until the last would train them for the jobs role does not include forcing him," Arata said. students into particular fields week before graduation before they offered. "They didn't say that they of study. looking at job opportunities, it's too late," Arata said. just wanted employes, period." She emphasized that guiding Arata said MSU - like many She does not think it is the the student into a useful career other schools — is now University's business to know must be a primary goal of the encouraging students to make why the student is here. University, but the ultimate career decisions early in their choice must lie with the college educations. MSU even "Many are not here for the student. has a new interdisciplinary sheer joy of learning, but I ''Ask the students course for freshman and don't think the University themselves if they want to be sophomores titled "Career should bar them," she said. It coerced," she said Planning and Academic is the opportunity of MSU to b«M—— X)ooLey5 9 F FRIDAY x iRAND OLE UNbeliEVAblE old f AskioNEd p T.C.I.F. piTcltERSpECiAl 2 TO6 15a; ER hoidoqs 2 TO 5 bANds pUyiNq at no cover 3t(>6, downstairs NOVEMDER 12-17 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15,1974 Diabetes testing set for Olin The „¥ DEMISE CRITTENDON screenings, to be held counties. State News Staff Writer Monday, Wednesday and Dick Frankel, About 226 latent diabetics, not even be aware it was a Greenlawn Ave; Lansing You may consider yourself Friday are being sponsored by director of assistant persons not identified as having symptom. A lot of people have General Osteopathic Hospital, h. a picture of good health, the Michigan Diabetic Assn as development and the disease, but warned to slight diabetic tendencies that 2800 Devorshire Ave; and St. public relations of the • when diabetes strikes, it part of the annual national Michigan Diabetes Assn. said watch for it, were also do not show up until they are Lawrence Hospital on Saginaw ,v leaves noticeable clues Diabetic Detection Week. discovered, he said. about 30. "This is Street. that since the age related could already be one of The "major thrust of A medical technologist in diabetes which can You screening tests, our testing is done during usually be Though a large number of scheduled for 8 a.m. to 10 a m' the Health Center's unsuspecting victims. detection week," most of the laboratory controlled by diet rather than diabetics are discovered each Recause many people may and 1 p.m. to 3 said the center will seek insulin," she added. p.m. in room unknown year through the detection 247 of the Health diabetics are unknown diabetics by testing a diabetes, but are unaware Center, do uncovered at that time. Frankel said the symptoms week screenings, Franklin said not the blood for it students, faculty and require appointments. Of the 34,186 sugar. From of diabetes are scant and in he is sure there is still a good her'persons are urged to This is the first time persons there the samples will be sent many instances do not show up one of tested for diabetes last number of diabetics who fail to the to the diabetic association. idergo a free diabetes testing sites will be located 32,000 of whom were tested year, at all. take the precautionary tests leening test at the University at MSU. Testing sites are set during detection week, 695 Within eight weeks, those "You could be feeling and therefore remain tlth Center (Olin). up in 47 of Michigan's 87 people who appear to be perfectly fine but still be undetected. new diabetics were detected. diabetics will be notified. diabetic," he said. "The majority of the people Diabetes is a disease that "If you wait for can symptoms who are tested are people who easily go unnoticed, she to show up then you are have it in the family," he said. said, and listed a number of onsumer gro traits which may hints to give helpful encountering complications." Franklin stressed that the "I wish there was a special diabetic brochure which an individual screening test results are not indicating that he she has appealed to everyone, because or a completely definite. A positive problem. reaction merely we are obviously missing quite implies that oman exec 30, "If you are overweight, over have a relative with the patient should be examined by a physician. In many cases, a few people," he said. The Michigan Diabetic Assn. diabetes or have had a baby the patient discovers he is in also offers free testing y United Press International Hunsucker, 32, was consumer affairs for Focus over 9 pounds, you could good health after a visit to his throughout the year in their The Michigan Consumers appointed last July as an Hope in Detroit, and Kathleen potentially be a diabetic," she doctor, he said. central office in Detroit. interim said. unci] today selected Linda successor to M. Kovacs, 36, a teacher and In addition to the an administrative aid to Lorraine Beebe, who resigned "Another program coordinator for symptom is University Health Center, the under pressure from Gov. drinking ay. General Frank J. Kelley, Lakeshore school district. an excessive amount Ingham County testing sites, Its new executive director, t took the divided council [ballots to pick the 26 - Milliken. served He as legislative analyst. had the previously council's Miss Cacavale, who worked in Sander Levin's unsuccessful campaign for governor, was the of water. But normal," she said. "If not think about it you it is also you do would include Edward W. Sparrow Hospital on Michigan Avenue; Ingham Medical Center, 401 W. HOCKEY ,. 0|d Joy, a former MSU The other two candidates highest vote getter after Miss dmte student. for the post were Joanne Joy. Mis. Kovacs was MICHIGAN assured vs Her selection was (n council member J. Lyle Uefield switched his vote Cacavale, 38, director of eliminated on the first ballot. RHARJ-lflRHftRHflRHA STATE m acting director James mucker, who had been PRESENTS EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE uded as the favorite for the ) 000 • a - year post. |ty was a urination specialist for public the "IT IS A JOY!" MSN 640 AM mcil before joining the general's staff and is Friday at 7:30 P.M. Ifc w omey Hy active in the consumer ncment. She was supported by p Saturday at 7:30 P.M. Public Interest Research up in Michigan (PIRGIM). Michigan State Network 7v Only Frl. & Sat. 6 a.m. to 4 a.m. 2820 E. Grand River WMSN WEAK WBRS WKME WMCD Grandma They met at the funeral of a perfect stranger. From then on, things got perfectly stranger and stranger. used to feed Paramount Picturet Presents you better *,v£>RY HAROLD and MAUDE Color by Tethnkolor* A Paramount Picture ; PROFESSIONAL I.H.L. HOCKEY LANSING LANCERS than we do country rock "V|/ mm THIS at > THIS WEEKEND ^ WEEKEND! Metro Ice Arena Just East of Watching Lansing Mall on ELL'S 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 -4-4ajtM ^ POaucte/ Ticket Saginaw Hwy. 5 miles from Campus! OPEN 11 am everyday FREE DELIVERY i & I Is Like Watching fTlSU Beating OHIO STATE, You Want To See Prices Reserved $5.00 This week, Gen. Adm. $4.00 get Pioneer It :reo systems Again & Again & Again. ;a song^ Friday: Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sat.: Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 There's No Harder Hitting Game Anywhere!! Monday: Just Jazz with Pentagram Tuesday: Country Fried with Allan Lee Sun.: Conrad 7:00 $l ■*★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★*★★★★★★★★★*★★★★★★ J FRIDAY NIGHT - 8:00 p.m. i * 3* ¥ 1 J V. * LANCERS vs. Saginaw Gears COAVv j it. * Sunday Afternoon 2:00 p.m. J LANCERS vs. Port Huron Flags £ Student's Day!!! Student's Day!!! * J For Sunday's "Student's Day" Students of all through agesonly $2.00 college may purchase a general admission ticket for J or reserved seat for just $3.00. FOXHOLE P.X. •FRANDOR 351 - 5323 ARMY BOOTS Reg 'XT LEATHER NOW 516"' America's number one contemporary soul/gospel group. Danniebelle Hall Bill Maxwell NEW FIELD JACKETS 28►99 PEA COATS Reg 24" Perry Morgan NOW *19" Nov. 15 6:00 & 8:30 pm MANY OTHER SEXTON HIGH SCHOOL IN STORE SPECIALS 102 McPherson Lansing TICKETS: $5.00 (ADVANCE) $6.00 (A T THE DOOR) & $7.00(RESERVED) OPEN 7 DAYS A T GRINNELL S - FRANDOR & LANSING MALL CHRISTIAN SUPPL Y CENTER NIGHTS TO 9 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November IS 1974 c If you like what you see in the Classified Call Michelle Yellow Page Service Directory - Be a Part of it! 355-8255 Automotive m\ iSnta |(7] FRftNKLY SPEAKING.. .by phil frank Uparteeits Apartiwnls )[<|P | Apartments FIAT, 1969, 124 Sport Coupe, 5 U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center ROOMMATE NEEDED for MSU AREA; Okemos. One LANSING, CAPITOL a™ offers you tools, equipment, and furnished 2 - man, own room. , ■ bedroom, furnished and insturction* to do your auto $80. 4851002.1-1 MS unfurnished, air conditioned, •n? References, ba,h. ground S GMC VAN, 1968. Panelling, repairs. 5311 South cerpeted, modern. $150 to depos,,. G J 3-15 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10*, NEAR BARS, stores, bus. MSU. $165. Heat included. Call carpeted, must sell, 351-7588 six days. 20-11-20 Sublet winter, $66, girl. 10-11-27 PHONE 355 8255 after 5. 5-11-15 332 0086.3-11-19 TWO GIRLS needed CAMPUS HILL. Wint.r -.1 347 Student Services Bldg. GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tire*. Furnished $48.80/month per ' AUTOMOTIVE Standard shift, 3 speed. $2,000. Ttir MOUNT immediate HOPE - unfurnished, occupancy. apartments. Dishwasher, disposal, central air, carpeted, 337 0978.5 11-15 " Call 641-6806. Or 641-6767 if Scooters & Cycles Garage,fire pi ace laundry Free bus service, FAWN PARK no answer. 7-11-21 Apartments $185/month. Deposit. Utilities unlimited parking, heat paid. and Parts & Service included. Call 3551120, after 4 Free roommate service. young marrieds deluxe color We ll Aviation HONDA 1972 Coupe. 43 miles per 349-3530. 10-11-18 2 coordinated , L pm. 3-11-19 bedroom • EMPLOYMENT gallon. AM/FM, low mileage, Appliances, balcomes. apartnj radial tires. 351-8058. 5-11-15 5 MINUTES to MSU. • FOR RENT COMPLETE EXHAUST Modern, ample parking, man systems furnished or unfurnished, •xtras. $139 $169 HONDA COUPE, 1971. Excellent for most foreign cars in stock. Apartments balcony, covered parking, 1011-22 condition throughout, extra 15% off with Ripp-Off coupon. Houses FACULTY AND students, would laundry. From $140. Short term radial tires, AM-FM cassette CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Rooms deck, $1250. 353-1857. 3-11-18 CAR PARTS, 2605 East you crowd? like to get We away have from the large, two lease 5JJ -20 available. 482-3860. TWO apartment, BEDROOM two fJZjj • FOR SALE Kalamazoo, one mile west of _ blocks ft campus. 487-5055. C-8-1115 bedroom, fully carpeted, 1 OR 2 campus, sublease, Animals KARMANN GHIA 1971 • great Females needed, December w,nlll apartments, on the near spring. 351-2637 5-1115 shape, $1195/best offer. - June. Americana Apartments. Mobile Homes BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced Northwest side. Reasonable in - 394-1046 5-11 pm. 3-11-15 town rates. EIPPER REALTY, 351-7920.2-11-15 SUBLEASE • LOST & FOUND rates to students. Also FURNISHED, qij ► PERSONAL MGB 1972, 24,000 miles. Stored guaranteed rust proofing. VAN HOW ABOUT '/MUSI£ TO 372-9730. 372-7384. 3 11-19 After 5 pm, 1 GIRL NEEDED. Waters Edge, bedroom apartment Close! AvaiiJ MO WORLD. 645-2123. Ol 1-27 campus, $264. Winters. Many extras - 489-5346 Immediate ► PEANUTS PERSONAL days. 484-8482 evenings. WHEN THFPfS MUST SUBLEASE by December occupancy, Karen, 351-2583. 3-11-18 call December. 5 1115 351-4246after]! 1 .REAL ESTATE FALL SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. 5-11-19 Auto rustproofing, new and used R4SS/AI6 THE EMM BY'?' 1st. Two bedrooms. Campus Hill NEEDED: 1 ■RECREATION Apartments. Call 349-0993. man to sublease Cedar "LOW Rent.'' cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as 20 minutes frL MERCURY MONTEREY 1967. I COLLEGE MEOlA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELf:Y CA 94709 3-11-19 Village apartment, winter term, ► SERVICE low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, campus, beautiful 2 bedr! New tires, battery, 390 332-4640. 2-11-15 Instruction automatic. $450. 351-5173. 337-0496. 10-11-22 apartments CarpetiT STUDENTS appliances, dish washfl Typing Service 3-11-18 TWO GIRLS needed immediately, • TRANSPORTATION Mercury MARQUIS Brougham MASON BODY Kalamazoo Street since Shop. 812 East 1940. [. foP'QlfHt THl [ ApartieMs ![%>) FACULTY, STAFF close to campus, $70. 351-9279. 2-11-15 automatic '•«* left. oven $165 cleaner 0 per 3 1-313-626-8888. 10-11-20 ■WANTED 1971. 54,000 miles, needs body Complete auto painting and DRIVERS NEEDED full time, MAN NEEDED. Winter / Spring BEDROOM, 1% BATH CAR POOL work, $1100. 393-3457. 5-11-21 collision service. 485-0256. must have excellent driving term or now. For four man. UNFURNISHED APT'S LARGE TWO partly furnished OWN ROOM - nonsmoker u C-11-27 record. Apply at Varsity Cab, Twyckingham. Non-smoker efficiency. Close to campus, air country setting, Four , "RATES" MUSTANG II 1974. 4 on the floor. 122 Woodmere. 1-11-15 preferred. 332-4159 after 5 pm. conditioning, immediate $150 includes utilities from 353-9)1 10 word minimum Vinyl top. Only 8,000 miles. Call 351-0001 VOLKSWAGEN • COMPLETE PART TIME merchandiser wanted 3-11-15 '215 per month occupancy. $165/month. Call 487-4481 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 before 5. Dave. 5 11 if or 351-0048, repair and body. 20% • after 5 pm. 5-11-15 DISCOUNT to students, faculty for retail grocery trade. Position FURNISHED 1 bedroom to (includes gat heat <• water) GIRL NEEDED winter NO. DAYS includes shelf a wc)RDS on all cash'n' carry VW service stocking and sublease. Available 'December SUBLEASE: NEED one to two term, own room. Call MUSTANG 1971. Fastback. Sharp. parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, display building. Grocery 13, close. 351-3644.5-11-19 Call girls winter/spring. $46.25 between 10-2. 10-11-25 35uJ 1 3 5 10 $1550 or best offer. 332-3746. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. experience desired. Must have KNOB HILL Capitol Villa. 33243881 3-11-18 5-11-21 485-204 7, 485-9229. own transportation. Call GIRL NEEDED, winter, spring. WATER'S EDGE 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 482-3968 after 7 pm. 3-11-19 One bedroom, close, APARTMENTS 4 perW„ Mastercharge and Bank quiet. EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom, carpeted, needed winter & 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 OMEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Must Americard. C-11-27 337-9629.3-11-15 349-4700 air spring Subls] conditioned, appliances, $82.50. 337-9292.4-11-15 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 sell. Payoff - $2256. Call AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our Community atmosphere $155, plus deposit. 484-9309. | 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 484-2172 between 6-8 pm. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East district manager, 482-6893. 1 MALE FOR Eden Rock 4 man. - 5 miles from campus FEMALE NEEDED 1 5-11-15 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 20-12-2 $80.50. Available now through 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 '4 mile north of Jolly Road Twyckingham apartmi Complete auto painting and June 15th. 351-9482. 511-19 CHRISTIAN FEMALE ?5 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 OPEL RALLEYE 1970. 35,000 collision service. American and MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is roommate. Winter needs and spring. Call 33204<| and / miles. 24-35 Foreign cars. 4850256. C-11-27 taking application for possible GIRL TO sublease furnished 4 man, } BEDROOM DUPLEX, or _ 5-11-18 mpg. Good Jolly-Logan area, full basement, spring. Cedar Village apartments. [JEADILINE condition. New michelins - employment to work closing $63, winter and spring. Call 351-0989. 5-11-20 TWYCKINGHAM. 2 I... yard, carpeted, $180/month plus radials. $1075 or best offer. Call INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in 332-4289. 3-11-15 furnished, dishwasher, dispJ utilities. Security deposit 1 P.M. class cycles and auto. Call us first or person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 air one day 355-7367 evenings/weekends. am or 2-4 pm at MCDONALDS. FRAN DOR required. 372-8073. After 6, FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Cedar 487 conditioning, 35 1 7166 1 before publication. 3-11-15 last, but call. Easy Payment TWO bedroom Village winter term. $80. 5696.4-11-15 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. 8-11-22 Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS unfurnished, carpeted. First 332-0400. 5-11-20 PINTO 1972. Excellent condition, 485-4317. 0-11-27 Grand River, East Lansing or floor, $175. No undergraduates. RESPONSIBLE MATURE, male to PINE • LAKE APARTMENi I Rooms Peanuts Personal ads must sacrifice. Automatic, new tires. 351-8058. 2040 Grand River, Okemos. 7-11-21 Call 351-1323. 3-11-15 share 2 bedroom, furnished 15 MINUTES to MSU. 1 bedroom. 6076 Marsh Road, bedroom HaslettJ must be pre 351-8058.511-15 511-15 apartments j paid. i ir^y! house. $110. Randy Rousse, No children or pets. $130. Cancellations/ Corrections PINTO 1974, 14,000 miles. Take iJSw*. Illil ONE BEDROOM, furnished apartment to sublease December 676-1051. Evenings, 487-8299. .511-20 minutes from MSU. month. Beautiful grounds,« $150/| over payments. Call 351-6319. UNLIMITED SALES MAKE $500 or January through June. Janet, 3-11-15 location. Call Manager 339-811 • 12 noon one class day 511-20 On each commission. Campus B35, Cedar Greens. 2-11-18 IT'S NOT or EAST LANSING REAL'S OPPORTUNITY 125 NORTH HAGADORN, block before publications. and local representatives art 332-4128. 1011-19 PINTO 1971, 2 door, 4 speed If you're a better man then the job nitdtd for nationwide to shopping and MSU. Luxury TOO LATE!!! employee search. For full APARTMENT NEXT to Brody. front 1 bedroom, unfurnished, transmission, 48,000 miles, you're now in, we'd like to talk The State News will be information write SUMNER 2-man, responsible only for the radio, excellent condition. Must sell. Leaving country. I to you. Commissions. Call Josephine Starkweather at ADVERTISING CO., P. O. Box 643, Peoria. III. 61601. air conditioned, furnished. Start late November. 332-5874. 5-11-19 newly decorated, carpeted, all appliances. Best neighborhood. BURCHAM 1 Houses £ first day's incorrect Call after 6 pm. 3-11-18 694-3935. Investors Diversified MODELS FOR photography. Call $175 including heat. 351-6339 evenings, weekend. 3-11-15 WOODS 14 ROOM MANSION. 7 bedrooifl Services. 10-11-22 all utilities paid. 2 miles I insertion. PLYMOUTH between 10 am and 6 pm. OCCUPANCY. ROOMMATES 383, 1966. campus. $50. 332 3787.311-B 489-1215.0-11-27 needed immediately. River's FURNISHED 1 Due to some recent Automatic, V-8, good running SALES POSITIONS bedroom, clean, condition. $250. Edge apartments. Rent quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, Bills the ad are due 7 days from expiration date. If 3-11-15 332-8951. Arrange BE HOME EVERY NIGHT financial programs for RN negotiable. 351-6265. 3-11-15 patio, no undergrads. Security dropouts we now 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX. FireplJ FULL TIME opening on have comfortable family room, fully carpe not paid by the due date, a individuals and business the locks. $170 unfurnished, $185 - PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. Good UNIQUE TWO bedroom. 1600 square feet plus baserr 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe Fireplace, furnished, including heat. and $.50 late service charge will organizations. Will train for spacious 1 bedroom and garage. Phone 6T" tires, $300 or best offer. benefits, MNA contract, evening study, red shag carpet. Ideal for 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. k be due. J highly lucrative, annualized furnished apartments available 1-11-15 353-3624. 5-M-18 and night differential, no shift 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 commission sales. Prior sales experience rotation. Every other afternoons LONG immediately. desirable. Call GRAD STUDENTS share PONTIAC, 1973 Trans Am 2-door, weekend off. Weekend bonus DEVELOPMENT 5-11-19 FEMALE NEEDED, 4 $175 Automotive £4 Josephine Starkweather, woman. per month Lansing. $75/month. 484-631 dark green, automatic with paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN C-36 694-3935. Investors Diversified Twyckingham Court, Utilities included 3-11-15 many extras. Repossessed. Director of Nursing. 349-1050. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY, $75/month. 351-1241. 511-19 Services. 10-11-22 AUDI FOX 1973; needs small Phone 484-5473, extension 25. INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL available December 15. $135. 745 Burcham Drive 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, t amount of body work. Good 3-11-18 CARE FACILITY, Okemos, Call after 6 pm. 332-4553. TWO CUTE, furnished 1 bedroom BEEF BONER, must be able to deal. 3324604. 3-11-15 Mason and Holt, Michigan. 7-11-15 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Good condition, new tires, new bone beef by the quarter. Full time, top wages and fringe MARRIED COUPLE needed ONE GIRL Needed. Winter and apartment. carpeting, New paint, shag $125 $140. ^351-3118 or 484-4014y redecorated and carpeB $150/month plus depoF benefits. Inquire VANALSTINE to 371-3990 or 482-5450. 5-11-19 Only you can save $$$. It pays battery, new brakes. Tune - up supervise spring, sublease River's Edge, FEMALE utilites. Phone 694 90| a group of mentally ROOMMATE needed. last PACKING COMPANY, Clayton $ 7 7.50/month. 351-4306. 51M9 to shop around. Call us. You* week. $800. 355-9900. retarded adults. Jewel. 5-11-15 Rewarding 5-11-20 SUBLET LUXURY, 1 bedroom, no $80/month, across campus. may be 'urprised. 484-8173. work. Room and board provided 337-2570 or 332-1940. 5-11-18 deposit. $215. 373-6909 days. OKEMOS - TACOMA B 0-2-1'-18 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, live plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg in PORSCHE 1967 912, good • at 487-6500. 10-11-19 GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter 332-4682.5-11-15 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, Tri • level house with option] - babysitter and housekeeper Eden buy. Three bedroom, I AUSTIN AMERICA 1969, running condition. $1495. Most weekends off. Own room term Roc, $80.50. furnished studio, utilities paid. automatic AM-FM, new tires, 337-7820. 3-11-18 LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS • 2 family room. Built • in kit Phone 372-8130.511-19 with bath. Must be permanent, $125 a month plus deposit. only 20,000 miles, excellent condition, best offer. 349-9597 TOYOTA LAND Cruiser - 1969, neat, and dependable. 4851607 days. 627-4108 ni^ts. 5-11-19 [ For Rent J[JJ FURNISHED EFFICIENCY. bedroom townhouses. appliances including washer and All Phone 627-5454. 7-11-20 154 baths, large fenced lot.$j per month. Available n TV and STEREO Sublease winter and spring dryer, full basement, 5 minutes 349-4420,5-11-20 evenings. 5-11-21 $1775/best offer. Roger Haag, Rentals. SUB-LEASE WINTER/spring. $25/term. $10.95/month. Free terms. $120, utilities paid. 1712 drive from campus. Families 33 2-8641. 3-1 1-1 8 HELPER WATCHING 2 children Large 1 bedroom, furnished, CHEVY - Same Day Delivery and Service. East preferred. $225/per month. 3 BEDROOM, 4 r CARRYALL 1971. (7, 10 years) after school; light Michigan. 372-5549. close, quiet. 351-5703. 5-11-15 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 3-11-18 Purchase options available. basement. New and < Automatic, power steering, disc VEGA GT, 1974. Must sell this housework in exchange for brakes. New tires. TShag week. $2500 or 777? Owosso. - room/board Okemos home. EAST LANSING - One bedroom 882-0257 Wednesday • Sunday GIRL NEEDED. Winter & spring. available now or when it I East Lansing, Craig, 487-oa you J carpeting. Skylights. $2500. 1-6 pm. 1011-15 Furnished. $61/month. Close. ]jjp] 1-725-8141. Jim. 9-4. 349-2522, afeter 3 pm. 3-11-15 3-11-18. Weekends free, starting winter term 349-3339 5-11-18 j Apartments furnished. Quiet residential area. days, 337-1862 nights. 3-111 . . Carpeting. Disposal. Security GIRL NEEDED to sublease Cedar VEGA KAMMBACK wagon, 1974, locks. $185. Lease from CHEVY SCHOOL bus WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive Village, winter term. Call CEDAR VILLAGE. 1 male to OWN ROOM for girl, 1962. medium blue, 8,000 miles, REAL ESTATE sales we train. Remodelled for camper use. • apartment December, 1974 - September 15, 351-9453. 3-11-15 sublease winter 81 spring. 4-man December 15, $80. 4-speed, luggage rack, $2600. High earnings. For interview call near campus. To 1975. Woodside Apartments, $1395. 543-6982; 393-4230. share with 1 roommate at aprtment. 351-3573. 10il-25 351-9525, after 5 pm Paul Steffes at LOOMIS 5-11-19 Call_332-5421 a,,9r 6- 311-18 REALTY COMPANY, $135/month. No extra deposit 332-4987, ftor_&3aj6-12-2? IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. One VEGA GT 1972. 4-speed, radio, required. Call 351-3367 soon. CHEVY 1967. Rusty but reliable. 29,000 miles, $1200. Call 393-1220. 5-11-15 10-11-18 Whether you've found something or not, it's fun to read the "LOST bedroom apartment, furnished, close to campus. 351-7655. CROSSWORD 11 QgATQgEi&P up! t' $300. Mornings or evenings. 694-9467. 511-21 8i FOUND." Turn there now. BICYCLE STORE manager. Long 5-11-15 332 6909. 3-11-15 VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Super term arrangement. Experience FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to sublease winter term. Own PUZZLE •sIsiEMEAUlglil DATSUN 1973 610 Wagon. Four Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent necessary. 351-7240. 511-19 bedroom. Close to campus. ACROSS „.... . . door, automatic, great mpg. condition, cheap. 882-7789. 351-3286, after 6 pm. 5-11-19 24. Willow herb 694-1267. 5-11-18 FIAT SPIDER 124,1970,excellent —5JJl2J VOLKSWAGEN 1971, Super RECREATION LEADER time. Working with Apply at Meridian Charter • part youth. TWO GIRLS needed apartment, winter term. Close to to sublet COOPERATIVE TOWNHOUSES 1. Old Siamese 4. coin Yore 28. Forestall 30. 31. Notion Bravo Bff PffmPPTOa ~E T oHwpMifljr Beetle. $900 firm. Call 351-2380 motor, roof, transmission, anytime. 3-11-15 Townshop, 5100 Marsh Road, campus. Call 351-8486. 3- 1-18 7. Unhat 32. Center y!lpj^aTPL AM/FM radials, must sell. Okemos. 511-19 WATERS "LEASE WITH THE OPTION 11. Canon 33. Soft limestone TIQINBS feSs-AP^ 349-3071. 5-11-19 VW, 1972. Good condition, low EDGE. sublease winter and / or Female to 12. Bleak 36. Hebrew letter 1 T,lJ,P-l| LITTLE IMMEDIATE cash, good spring. 13. Virginia willow 37. Mercy ship mileage, best offer. 349-9629. $82.50 ' /month. 337-0418 TO BUY" 5-11-19 growth potentiel. Independent 14. Patronize 38. Profit person to market bicycle Sandy. 3-11-18 16. Went for 42. So be it FORD VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent security systems, commercial 17. Toothache tree 43. Prior fo DOWN 4, Emerged J FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury $200 5, Goliath's hoi Call Bruce, 351 -3820 after 6 pm. condition, best offer. Call tricycles, with new firm. Part time to full time. Marketing, 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no Security Deposit 18. Poplar 44. In error 6, Have deb:s | 9-11-27 484-3541.5-11-20 19. Spry 45. Topic 1. Bullfinch pets. Lease until September. One 7, Doubt bicycle experience helpful. month free rent. $175. 129 '188 Per Month 22. Person 46. - Arbor 2. Oriental lute 8 Siouan WANT TO BUY used cars. Will pay 351-7240. 5-11-19 23. 3. Couple "FORD VAN, 1974-low Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 Vault 47. Period mileage, cash. Out of state wholesale 9. Deadly must sell! Call anytime, T" "T 10. Oiminish I 485 7929. 5-11-18 1954 349-^34. 3-JM9 HUDSON WASP, good WANTED, PART time evenings. 7-11 STORE. help Holt, TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. I I 15. Hateful FORD 1959 Classic. Excellent condition - extras, $350 or best 694-9823. 3-11-18 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and 2 BEDROOMS i: 18. Black cud" 19. Homed »iP<| condition. Best offer. 3555878 after 6 pm. 3-11-19 offer. 332-1740. 5-11-15 WAITRESSESS WANTED DELLS. peaceful on 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 a lake. Immediate Occupancy W- 20. 8ilM 1 FOR SALE - original owner, 1971 Mercury Monterey. Excellent condition, vinyl top, air 1 MHwycto DUCATI 1974 IB - 750 cc. Like new, $2/hour. Call between 1-6 pm. 339-2916, Frank. 5-11-20 WOMEN WITH children under five EAST LANSING - need 2 girls, Capitol Villa. $61.66/rrtonth. 111 € 21. Bowstring I hemp 22. Choose 24. Compass Pj| Ziebarted, good tires, extra snows, must be seen; driven to make offer. 694-1733, before 3 pm. 511-19 interested in temporary position as teaching aid for first year 351-6033 after 6 pm. 3-11-19 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES 25 Harem 26. Jujube io®! HOME OWNERS and Renter 27, Corrode appreciate. 339-9912. 5-11-21 SEARS 1969 106cc motorcycle. medical students. Maximum - 6 Call: 8824176 Insurance. Only you can save 29. Moose hours/week. $3.39/hour. FORD GALAXIE, 1967, two door, 1,300 miles. Good condition. Includes two helmets. $250 or Contact Mary Black, 353-4583. $$$. It pays to shop around. Call Mon. thru Fri. 1 pm to 5:30 pm W/ 33 y. 32. Asylum 3-11-18 ui. You may be surprised. 33. Converse I in good condition, 18 mpg, black vinyl top, white body. best offer. 394-0028. x-5-11-19 484-8173. 0-2-11-18 ■lalrfHd 34. Residence I Must sell. 351-8142. 3-11-15 BONUS COUPON - 20% off on all 35. Zenith ■ (=} DESK CLERK needed. Must have leather goods with this ad. Offer transportation and be willing to TWO MAN, furnished, one 36.Seas»#f bedroom, 135 Kedzie Street. 38 Turmeric ■ FORD CUSTOM 1969 - many new parts, needs work. Best offer. expires November 16th, 1974. SHEP'S MOTOR SPORTS, INC. travel. Call 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. 372-0567 or Beginning winter term. 351-2402, 882-2316, 482-2937. 1 39 Cam's Is™® After 6 pm. 355-3028. 511-20 Holt. 694-6621. C-511-16 40. Flying Mi 0-11-27 14-12-6 41. Newt Ij^'refrijerat ^ 3-11-15 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 15, 1974 ] J I Houses m I Fw Sill J[g | For Sale ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE B-FLAT BUFFET (Mobile Homes j[wj (election for audio, - CRAMPON MUST SELL, for sale or rent. 8x36, guitars and clarinet new pads, solid - EAST LANSING house, two blocks band instruments with a full nickel carpeted, furnished, clean, pets. line keys. Excellent from campus. Two sheet music department to condition, $75 Close to campus. 351-8141. bedroom, t7"NEEDED, own room, your every music serve Call 3379885 7-11-18 3-11-15 attached garage, screened porch. ifhoun. close, $70/month. MARSHALL MUSIC, 246 need Ann FACTORY SALVAGE $24,400, by 5-11-19 owner. 337-2257. IV 3-11'19 Street. C-1-11-16 Cabinets, workbenches, steel, for sale. AMHERST, 1973. Three badroom, Announcements for It's What's The Hot Air Balloon Club will barrels and many other good condition. Must sell, best Happening must be received in the hold its first Pan Orthodox Student m~rC r bedroom houie. na«r FISHER QUICK skis 882-2555. 0-5-11-15 items. offer over $4,000. 627-5686. Recreation d State News office, 341 Student meeting at 7 p.m. Association invites interested frGcE furnished. Call 361-4140 Tyrolia bindings, Koflach buckle 190cm, 3-3-11-15 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Monday in 31 Union. Slides, information presented. Everyone Orthodox students to a free *65frM°3.10-1M »ki boots, ladies ski jump suit, SQUINTING CAUSES wri"nkl«~ SKI UTAH • $285. Other Western two class days before publication. welcome. authentic Lebanese dinner with slide presentation of Lebanon at ladies ski pants and snowmobile Heip prevent with prescription ATLANTIC, 10x50, furnished, areas available. Call TRAVEL No announcements will be accepted 5:30 p.m. Sunday, at St. Andrews | VIRGINIA, for 4 or 6, suit. 349-4290. 3-11-19 groung sunglasses. Optical clean, many extras, quiet park, BY HARRINGTON - your East by phone. The Madrigals of the Society for Orthodox Church, 1216 Greencrest Lfurnished, lease required, financing. $3,000. 641-6226. Lansing Ski Center. 351-8800. Creative Anachronism will meet at k'e C-a.9, 339-9380. 8-1141 DETACHABLE LUGGAGE rack Discount, 2615 East Michigan Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-11-15 1-11-15 C-6-11-15 Anyone interested in helping to establish 4 p.m. Sunday in Building lobby. Anyone interested the Music Ave. For rides call Delia Daba. VW a U.S. China People's Come see "The Rock of Ages." Squareback, roof length NEW - should attend and altos and HiOW 3 bed'00171 '-an,infl steel, $45. 351-7197. 3-11-19 WOLLENSAK REEL to-reel MOON 1970, 12x50, 2 Friendship Association in E. A film presentation of the greatest Service $200/ month (include! lilies I Furnished. Pets. recorder, 27 tapes, $250. tape bedroom, carpeted, partially furnished. Good start for singles ^ Lansing is invited to attend a preliminary meeting at 3 p.m. sopranos are especially welcome. music and art festival of our time. Free refreshments. rJGIBSONS V, 355-8822. 5 11-15 Saturday in the Union Lounge. Any student wishing to work or FULL TIME fo-5374. 3-11-19 couples. Other extras.$3200. Call 694-0866. 5-11-18 babysitting wanted ir with the ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. Campus Scout meeting at 7:30 MATTRESS / BOX spring, perfect my licensed home. Call on traffic regulations and 355-6150.4-11-15 Informal Co - p.m. Sunday in 37 Union. Everyone L BEDROOM, garage, gas heat, Rec Touch enforcement, judicial cases, , and refrigerator. Near low Hospital. $140 per book for sleepless Delivery possible. 482-0531. nights, $20. KING Bonanza, ARTHURS Court, 1972 12x65 with 8x10 UAB TRAVEL Football - Games organized on - the - spot for married housing landlord - tenant problems, etc. is invited to obtain a petition from welcome. ADDIC Service 2-11-15 now For those not going to the Day expando. Excellent condition. couples and their friends, from 1 to 334 Student Services Bldg. before th. 4894326 or TU2-1934. Must sell $5900. Call collect, providing passport applications, 3 p.m. Sundays at the playfield Nov. 15. of Arts in Carraig Ban, a Medieval 1.21118 BOSE 901's With warranty. 2 photos, student ID's. behind Red Cedar Fighting Practice will be held by 1000's 1-616-526-6358. 5-11-18 School the complete aquariums. Best offer. Information call 353-9777 or Equipment & Supervision provided. MENSA Gourmet SIG will meet Society for Creative Of 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 at Anachronism at 1:30 p.m. Saturday 351-5196. 3-11-18 6:30 p.m. Sunday. For *51-3045. 1 11 15 Fine old books at SKIS. ROSSIGNOL ST650's. [ Lost & Found |[^] TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, meet The Gay Awareness group will from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Monday information and regarding the cuisine reservations, contact Sandy in the Men's Intramural Building Turf Arena. FIND SOMETHING oiled and adjusted. Portables Gleason. Bargain Prices Dynamic VR17's, Dynamic 70's. in the Women's Center located in "Gays and Religion" is the topic IF YOU'VE $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric SYRIAN MANOR • Large New titles Excellent condition. 355-2515. found article of value, we want to help a pet or $12.50. One day service, free the Union UN Lounge. WTVR is for you! Any campus for the Gay Liberation discussion I house in downtown 5-11-20 organization wishing to have events group at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in added daily you return it. Just come into the pick up and delivery. 25 years 33 Union. Open to Everyone! 3 . has openings. $50 to publicized on Union Radio, stop by We buy books State News Classified experience. 393-9774. ^70 351 0997. 3-11-19 126V4 W. Grand River DOUBLE BED with headboard. Wire springs, black enamel Department and tell us you want 0-18-11-27 A Medieval Fighting be held by the Society Practice will for Creative WTRV, 4th floor Union. The Department of Hours to place an ad in EAST Anachronism at 1:30 p.m. Saturday Get to know a little more about 0 ONE person immediately. finish. $60. 349-9317 after 5 PHOTOGRAPHY ALL in the Men's Intramural the Agricultural Anthropology is sponsoring two LANSING STATE BANK'S - varieties, Building Engineering Dept. lectures by Dr. Frank 80/month plus utilities. $120 M-F 12:30-5:00 pm. 3-1M8 finest quality, reasonably priced. turf arena. There will be If you are interested there will be a Livingstone Close. 351-5979. Found Column. As a public a regular of the University of Michigan. He Sat. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. meeting at 8:30 Saturday in Hamburger supper and some people §.11-21 -10:30-4:00 BARRECRAFTER SKI rack, new. service EAST LANSING STATE the Union Tower Room. p.m. to talk with from 5 to 6:30 will speak on "Hemoglobin BANK will run the ad at no cost 482-5712. C-11-27 p.m. Polymorphism, Malaria and Natural $32.50. Head standard skis 205 s\ Saturday in lis Agricultural Selection" at 1:50 p.m. today in to you I ■EDRUUM. FURNISHED, 3-4 cm with bindings, $45. Ventura - FOR THE BEST Service Engineering Bldg. Wonders Hall kiva, and on [Typing Service )p|; EAST LANSING on stereo l,0pi,, $300/month plus Dura vinyl luggage, 24" - 27" STATE BANK equipment see the STEREO "Ongoing Human Evolution: jities, deposit. 694-0718 suitcase, used once, $165 new, SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. Women! Always interested in H er i t a b i I i t y, Jensensim & WEDDING RING » pear C-11-27 ore 9 am alter 7 pm. 5-11-18 $95 or best offer. Call 487-0391 C-11-27 radio, yet it always seemed so Polygenisms" at 3:30 today in the - shaped diamond, white gold. Union Gold Room. after 6 pm. 5-11-20 unapproachable? No longer! Join $350. 677-6841. 5-11-20 LOST: FROG ring, silver, l|AN TO share house near campus. the Women's Media Collective at $53/month Sentimental value, excellent CLOWN SCHOOL "It's fun to be 9:30 a.m. every Monday in the plus ANTIQUE OAK mantle with - manuscripts, general typing. Acting Workshop will be given reward. 332-8092.2-11-18 a clown." 3 different 484-6434 nights. 20 ' 55 Gallon drum«- $2 eiCh- complete fireplace, oak doors courses. IBM. 25 years experience. Women's Center in the Union UN by the Parks and Recreation Must sell. 355-1826. Ask for Phone 339-8530. BL-1-11-15 349-0850. C-11-27 Lounge. Resources Interpretive Workshops and woodwork. 484-7553, after Fred. 5-11-20 FOUND: GOLD I.D. Braclet on at 10 a.m. Saturday in 223 Natural six. 2-11-15 EXCITING DAY field after game. Inscribed care program EXPERIENCED Resources Bldg. All interested |)MS FOR rent. Very close, " offered for 254 - 5 year IBM typing. Music! The MSU Bahai Club is students welcome! "Terri". 353-1427. C-3-11-19 old Dissertations (pica - elite). nson Street 332 1958. RI^LE ' 308 cahber En0lish BSA' children. 351-7949.5-11-15 sponsoring a music house at 8 |15 Scope, swing mount, $150. FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 tonight. The admission is free and 361-5588 after 5 LOST: MALE Irish refreshments will be provided. It Spend an afternoon recreating pm. 2-11-18 Setter, 5 months. Answers to "Keegan" will be held history with the Simulations ;c 3 and 4 bedroom homes. LEARN TAROT card COMPLETE THESES, Service in the Abbot Hall Call reading. cafeteria. Society. We play games that 484-8086. $50 reward. Discount Printing. IBM typing i» welcome. $190 and up. LEATHER HAT from Arizona. $25 Professional instruction in a stimulate the mind as well as 5-11-21 and IQUITY VEST INC. 351-8150 °< December 2-11-15 13-24. 332-4640. 393-6297. 5-11-19 ft,®!? CIDER' blossom [MfDS, ""'nil Road. 7 miles south of Hours, 9-5. IRISH champion 349-9355, SETTER puppies. AKC, bloodlines. Call after 5:30 pm. [ Peanuts Personal jfi Flowers I Pd W United -idays. Gift packages 4-11-15 Parcel. "*8251.0-H-27 PE MANUAL turntable. Best offer above $80. Call 3556092. BUCKSKIN MARE. 15 hands. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAIIantine's all my love CJ and Mr. v It Best. J,'2'4speakers. CHANGER. Pioneer Large Advent 3-11-15 Sound. project. Gentle. Good 4-H 484-9937 after five. Midnite. 1-11-15 ^ansui A-1000 3-11-15 WHO NEEDS flaps and silver shoes - X I ,eceiver. Philips 2401 I CMsette recorder. Sony FOUR CUTE little kittens. Free to when you standards? 1-11-15 have padded Especially flowers j.porlab|e good home. Call 487-3096. cassette from Jon Anthony • 18 M electric 3-11-15 TACKY RED lights plus $100 PRESENTS kl nn Used Remington dinner divided by $20 spare ■d, ' ° 0,,set duplicator. FREE, 4 month old black female splits equals blueprints ok'd due florist. puppy. Affectionate. 337-0468. ■lcqv qUal'tv merohandise. 3-11-15 south. 1-11-15 LOCAL FOLK MUSIC ■OflE .0StECONDHAND Roses ■30 dai|v ' Hour» AQUARIUMS 29 Gallon with full m27 y exceP' Sunday. glass lid only - $19.95 - 55 gallon STEVE birthday. - HAVE See a happy 21st 12 for *4" JOE JANETI ya tonight to with stand and full flourescent celebrate - Anderson. 1-11-15 6 for »2" Kp?u?S'h10cm' *3009 bindin«»' 0(m' cheap. hood, only $99.95 with filter set up and gravel - - 10 gallon GEORGE & SUSAN ■ ^ after i 5:30. 3-11-18 only $10. These aquariums make BOARD EXAM TUTORING Carnations ■J0 USED 8 track tapes. 75 1930's WOMEN'S FUR car coat, excellent terrariums also. See them at the FISH MONGER, STANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES 12 for *3" JOEL MABUS medium, matching muff, $60. 1522 East Michigan. We're open Nnu.'50' w|LCOX Now, being formed for the 332-8963. 3-11-19 5RS&0 store' Monday thru Friday, noon to 9 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, Jon UNION BUILDING GOLD RM K;ri.c TRUCKLOAD SNOWBLOWER SALE, jutt a few left. Single and multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. pm noon and Saturday and Sunday to 6 pm. Your Bank Americard and Master Charge ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For information 1-313-354-0085.0-2-11-18 call Anthony NOV. 16 AT 830 Id R^dlnfl machine. 45" 4 $169.96. 339-9522. 5-11-15 are welcome. 3-11-15 809 E. Michigan V,.8 ^ d«sks, IB"' 485 7271 ADMISSION $1 E ANN WHO summered in London - MOVE AROUND a lot? The Hand Pmotr.,; 8 coPPertone T °n Whe#l'' AR - 3 Stereo speakers, oiled "Service" columns of tha Want and studies Portuguese, please (Free Parking) i^3tror'35M6a). walnut, like new. $126 aach. Ads help you gat things dona. Check ther® now reach Bernie 4-11-15 at 1-313-862 5533. union activities board project WlliSI 332-0058.3-11-18 Pnday, November 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 15, This week, This week. This wernTI get Kenwood get Advent getm get KeS1 stereo systems stereo systems stereo systems for a song. stereo systems ««r a stereo svs?2 for a song. for a song. song_ for a song 1 Hubbard Information Center At Hillel this weekend: Shabbat "Woman's Voice" will feature needs your help - if you're driving begins at 6 p.m. tonight with readings this week from "Lesbian somewhere for Thanksgiving or Conservative service, dinner and Woman." "Woman's Voice" b aired Christmas breaks, and have room continues Hi the morning at 10 a.m. at 4:30 p.m. every Sunday on for passengers, give us a call - our Deli at 6 p.m. Sunday features Rick WKAR-AM (830). Tune inl ride service needs people to offer Paley, producer and director of Shofar, "Racism and Sexism" will be the rides now. Hubbard information center is open weekdays from 10 topic of a speech by Margaret a.m. to 10 p.m. Sloan, Chairperson of the National An organizational meeting of the Black Feminist Organization. At Student Media Appropriations 8:30 p.m. Monday in 35 Union. The Horticulture 097 Floral Board will be held at 7 p.m. today in 338 Student Services Bldg. Operations class will hold a fern Consider renewing your mind and exotic green plant sale Monday, Budget requests will not be the New Testament study of Tuesday and Wednesday in the considered at this first meeting. All interested persons may attend. Peter, at 10:15 a.m. today lobby of the Horticulture Building. Union. Save the date! Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Make a mental note: Make a mental note: "Promise," the MSU Folk Mass Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special savings on T e a mentalB Tech■ lHifi has special i ■ i Fourth annual Tech Hifi has special savings on Tech Hifi has special savings on savim Michigan State by Jane Feerer will be the setting systems with JBL components. Band and Orchestra Assn. reading systems with Kenwood systems with Advent systems with Pioneer systems with Kenwood Badminton is available from 7 to used at the Episcopal Eucharist at session will be held from 9 a.m. to components. rt* components. 10 tonight in the upper gym of the Alumni Chapel at 5 p.m. Sunday. components. components. ^ 4 p.m. Saturday at the Auditorium. Women's Intramural Building. The guest preacher will be the Rt. [tedtihifi (tedil MSU Wind Ensemble concert Rev. Charles Hall, recently retired follows. Drop by. Bishop of New Hampshire. Come on over and join in the celebration. Council for Exceptional All welcome! The second monthly worship 122 Eatt Grand River t Children will have its monthly service in the German language will board meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday be held at S p.m. Sunday in the More IWH Page 17 in 111 Bessey Hall. Everyone interested in coming events and University Lutheran Church, 1020 S. Harrison Road. The public is planning dates and programs for winter quarter, please attend. We invited. Services in other languages need support. are planned for the future. The Wounded Knee Support Committee will information table set up in the Union lobby from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today. have an brand The Society a MSU Science will meet at 6:30 p.m. today in 30 Union. T. Rex will successor to Fiction the Saurian The Branch now open and selling - Throne, if he can catch one. Shofar, the Magazine produced locally, can be heard at 4 p.m. each Sunday on WKAR-AM (870). Music, news, Jewish Radio The Jewish ■air will be held at Community Book Shaarey Zedek. 924 Coolidge St. from 12 to S Levi's products exclusively! i. Sunday. All are welcome. •framed mewes,. ieans. Now r'Stewd thT- Wester" them.K^.^ed t0 ">° >e Zf"re Going P*aC®* , r,o . in comfort LEVI'S® xzrzig* What thpw H . nom- and StVBe»l Bottom Jeans. tame Corduroy N°w B^rawa,e ° polyester and P»us-» at am spec'8* blend ofJ ^ f Jrom lo boy,- ..rfj|n6, men's 38. cotton cordur hVree per cent, shrinkage to t variety of 514.00 I Choose from a@CordBe,, for r SAN FRANCISCO-^ ri850. Dry goods i «o| T including tough tents and wagon merchant^ Levi Strauss lands with stock 1 ( coven. Following a prospector's tip, Priced atSU-W young Levi tailors the canvas into miner's pants—the birth of the world's best known garment. EAST LANSING—1974. The California Branch, a store carrying the complete Levi's product line i kiust off the MSU Originals campus. The Original Redwood Tree: Pf:o: to I857 ail red- .• o: t". ■ weie blue and we