UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Bombs explode in Jerusalem; riots continue By Associated Press discuss any new political initiative to settle Pro - guerilla riots erupted on the West the Middle East conflict outside the Bank of Jordan for the second straight Geneva peace talks. day Sunday, two bombs exploded in Jerusalem Foreign Ministry sources declined and the Kremlin announced it was immediate comment, but if the report is sending three warships to Syria on an accurate it would signify Egypt was "official, friendly visit." abandoning Secretary of State Henry A. Israeli Defense Minister Shimon Peres Kissinger's proposal for another interim told the cabinet in Jerusalem that the Israeli withdrawal in Sinai. tension which prompted a partial Israeli In Israeli • occupied Jordan, Arabs mobilization has died down, but that the marched through three cities in the second military was keeping a close watch on day of pro - guerrilla protests. Syrian moves. In Hebron, rioters set a restaurant Haim Herzog, a former chief of Israeli aflame and stoned police and army units intelligence and now a military analyst for before the protest was broken up. In the state radio, said if Syria fails to renew Jenin, students threw stones at the Israeli - the UN peacekeeping mandate on the run labor office and smashed its windows Golan Heights, new fighting could break with more demonstrations in Ramallah. out. The demonstrations were in support of I Judy Taylor and Eric Gentile, handicapped MSU employes, tell the handicapped persons. The two and their supporters No casualties were reported in the guemlla chief Yasir Arafat and the d of Trustees Friday they are displeased with the Board's charge the Jerusalem blasts, which shook an increasing political power of his Palestine administration with ignoring the handicapped in I approval of an MSU policy statement regarding employment of University decision apartment complex. Police said one of Liberation Organization. making regarding them. them caused minor damage and the state But the protests were milder than the radio said 40 suspected Arab riots that broke out Saturday, when one guerrillas were arrested. teen - aged Arab girl was killed by a blow idministrative decision making In other Middle East • Informed (PLO) will hold sources of the Palestine Liberation developments: in Paris said leaders Organization a secret meeting soon in the head and 50 Arabs were arrested. Tass, the official Soviet news agency, said a cruiser, destroyer and submarine will call at the Syrian port of Latakia from Nov. 20-25. which could lead to the creation of a llaimed to ignore handicappers Palestinian provisional government in exile. They said the meeting will be held "in the light of the new diplomatic success" of the PLO at the UN and pro - It said Vice Adm. Nikolai commander of the Soviet Black Sea fleet, Khvorin, will head the flotilla. The visit was seen as a public reaffirmation of Moscow's guerrilla demonstrations on the West Bank support of Syria. of Jordan. The announcement of the visit came By PETE DALY Trustee Jack Stack, R - Alma, noted MSU administrators Joseph State News Staff Writer that "mental limitations" had been McMillan, "There could have been more input by • Sen. Edward two days after Israeli Premier Yitzhak Keith Groty and Herman King wrote the the actual consumer but that is now in the Kennedy told a news Rabin charged that 20 Soviet ships were no handicapped MSU employes, Judy included in the revised statement in policy statement, with advice from the conference in the city of Beersheba that iind Eric Gentile, are frustrated by addition to "physical limitations" of the past," he said. "The key will be the he backed Israel's refusal to deal with the anchored off Latakia unloading military Michigan Governor's Commission on formation of the committee making the Insistent reluctance of MSU handicappers, a modification which made PLO and said Yasir Arafat's speech before supplies. Employment of Handicapped and the plans for the affirmative action." tutors to recognize handicapped the policy statement more acceptable to the General Assembly hurt chances for Rabin warned S-yria against Vocational Rehabilitation branch of the any in University decision making, him. Only one board member voted against Middle East peace. He also said the United unilateral arms buildup and his comments State Dept. of Education. the jstatement. ir dissatisfaction stems from an "I am also not satisfied because I feel a States "must and will continue to provide have been interpreted in Moscow as an tl MSU McMillan, director of Human Relations Trustee Blanche Martin, D - East policy statement regarding directive from the board at the last at MSU, said his group made an effort to the assistance that Israel needs to defend attempt to justify a pre • emptive strike jyment of the handicappers which Lansing, said he understood the board's itself." meeting wasn't followed. We (handicapped involve as many handicapped people as desire to comply with the 15 - month old against Syria. | finallyat their es approved by the Board of MSU employes) were only contacted but possible in writing the policy statement. federal law but voted no anyways. • Several Israeli gunboats approached Israel partially mobilized its reserve regular meeting Friday, not involved in the policy making," Taylor "I think we have a statement strongly "I would have been pleased to have our the Lebanese coast forces last week as a precautionary ylor and Gentile were critical of the during the night near a said. in compliance and recommend its approval experts involved in writing the statement," Palestinian refugee camp close to Tyre, measure, but admitted the callup only- B administration for ignoring the role "I hope other groups were contacted. so we can get on to the policy of he said, refering to Taylor and Gentile. but fired no shots. Israeli reconnaissance Saturday. The alert stemmed from Vdicapped people in policy making Why wasn't my office involved?" Taylor affirmative action," McMillan said. In other routine action, the board jets also made low swoops over southern intelligence reports that Syrian troops had p directly affects them. asked. Even Les Sinclair, director of the reviewed gifts and grants to the University Lebanon late Saturday and early Sunday been placed on alert for possible war, « policy statement, a move to James B. Hamilton, asst. provost and Governor's Commission on Employment and sonic booms shook the capital of Israeli military sources said. ly with the federal Rehabilitation totaling over {4 million, including $1.154 director of Special Programs, criticized the of the Handicapped and a consultant to Beirut. million from the Atomic ■of 1973 requiring recipients of federal authors of the statement because they had the authors of the statement, felt that the Energy But reports reaching Israel said the Commission for research and training at • In Cairo, the political United States and the Soviet Union helped ts to hire qualified handicappers, was not actively involved the "resident weekly Rose al people who will be most affected were graduate and postdoctoral levels in Youssef quoted Foreign «d it the last board Minister Ismail defuse the situation by sending messages meeting because expertise" of Judy Taylor. Except for ignored by the administration. experimental plant biology. Ipious wording and a lack of input Fahmy as saying Egypt would refuse to to the Egyptian and Syrian leadership. that, he said, he did not question the tapped people. statement or the intent of the ly Taylor, coordinator of Programs administration. ^Handicapped Ford's Students, was not "The primary issue is recognition Japan visit stirs protests 1 with the revised statement within the University of people who have t, she said, specific clauses that a perspective on how to accommodate ■recommended at the last meeting had Handicapped employes," Hamilton said. 1tl! been included. "I am concerned with the inability on WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford 37,000 Communists and Socialists, who »r has arrested some of the country's most objected to a clause that had the part of the people making the policy left Sunday for Tokyo on his first major to be the mini - summit with Soviet leader split into two columns, one heading for prominent citizens, including the only U*n willchanged make which says the statenmt to involve handicapped people in diplomatic venture while tens of Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka's residence living former president, a Roman Catholic Leonid I. Brezhnev in Vladivostok Nov. 23 24. The Russians are eager to size every "reasonable" but the most insignificant and trivial - any thousands of Japanese staged anti • and another for the U.S. up the Jdation to Embassy. bishop, Protestant clergymen and dissident President, whose record in foreign handicapped employes, way," Eric Gentile, a specialist in MSU American demonstrations to coincide with Leftist new id the opponents of Ford's visit say it writers. affairs has been limited. policy could not protect the Special Programs said. his visit. will draw M Japan into America's nuclear However, the United States considers handicapped people seeking The MSU administration announced Communists, socialists and other anti - strategy and will politically bolster South Korea WWent at MSU until the word that an ad hoc committee would be government groups planned protests in important strategically. Ford and Brezhnev may settle on Tanaka. Stationed there are some 38,000 American fwnable" is dropped before appointed upon approval of the statements Japan over charges that nuclear weapons The administration is keeping Ford's guidelines for negotiators in Geneva to dation." to make recommendations on its have been routinely brought into Japanese troops and a large arsenal of nuclear produce a 10 - year treaty limiting South Korea stop low key. weapons. « Warren Huff, D - Plymouth, implementation. ports by U.S. warships. missiles, launchers, warheads and bombers. A State Dept. report issued last month "We share a common devotion to the "reasonable" be replaced with Police raided It could be signed at the Washington Gentile, who is the president of the extremist hideouts said "we do not approve of Korea's But John' preservation of peace and the deterrence summit next June. The current U.S. - Lansing chapter of the National Assn. of Sunday in Tokyo and seized iron staves • Cantlon, provost policies on human rights." The of aggression," Ford said. Soviet nuclear weapons pact expires in I '™lic affairs, | wcaiis- said that would not Physically Handicapped, asked that the and helmets intended for use in anti - Ford government of President Chung Hee Park The high point of the trip is expected 1977. a great many technical policy statement be rejected until protests. The raids came less than 24 hours nations are now assurances were made that handicapped before Ford's scheduled arrival. possible for _ JPer's use but their extreme cost MSU employes would be invited to the Ford's eight - day trip to Japan, South P* prohibitive. Korea and the Soviet Union will test his hearings of the ad hoc committee. negotiating skill and world image. In a departure statement at the White House, Ford said: "I am deeply conscious of the need to continue the quest for y groups watched peace. I would rather travel thousands of miles for peace than take a single step toward war." In Japan, Ford will meet Prime Minister IRS unit identified Kakuei Tanaka, whose political position has been shaky. Questions about his wealth and financial dealings as well as the nuclear controversy may lead to his [Washington r Documents (ap> - Newly activist organizations and individuals for political undoing. identify 99 political possible income tax audits and collection Ford and Secretary of State Henry A. It inJi°rganizations investigated by a of unpaid taxes. Kissinger will try to clear this hurdle by rjWl'gence - gathering arm of the The present IRS commissioner, Donald stressing the country - to • country ird Ni.CVel1Ue Service HRS) during C. Alexander, and other agency relationship. h mc?s Admi"'stration. spokesmen have insisted for the past year "The visit to any country is to the ■ to t r(lfused f°i" more than a that the IRS never succumbed to the government and not to any particular L.Tu' tlu' organizations, which political pressures of the Nixon White individual," the secretary of state told a JT nationally known groups as House. news conference Friday. l^cans for Democratic Action, The documents show that even as the Ford's four - day visit, the first to Special Service Staff was being disbanded Japan by an incumbent President, will last year in the midst of the Watergate cover security, nuclear nonproliferation J^uPs were named in more than scandal, Alexander attempted to conceal and oil, though its primary purpose is to ly 01 d°cuments made public the true activities of the unit by claiming calm fears about U.S. overtures to :esult of 8 Fre^om of it had been set up solely to investigate tax mainland China and n A reassure Tokyo that tl bv t ?^ aKay Sax be", ic informati 'hat it tern •h pitted Democrat Nelson nst incumbent Republican Philip PitUmger for the Schmidt will drop the charge. "The whole thing was a last ditch effort to publicize my to rally support for the local churches and schools to radio group District state Senate seat. personal life," Nelson said. ars in the 24th District, "But I would guess she'll Peoples' Bicentennial and TV stations. drop Chiding the present federal Commission here in East t purposes.' ch includes MSU and Before attacking big organization for being too Lansing. business which he said was ang. elected Nelson by a 3 Nelson, who acknowledges corporation oriented, Jeremy The peoples' commission, requency b margin. NELSON he lives temporarily in "turning Americans into a ion to dis Haslett, Rifkin said that educating the founded by Rifkin in 1970, is a modern version of the medieval ■he attorney general, is separated from his wife. He public on the real significance vet, told Schmidt in a pursuing the charges in the still nonprofit organization serf," Rifkin gave examples of claims his Lansing behind the American dedicated to preserving the ip leader mailed Thursday, that a legislature, though she would offbeat projects proposed by residence as his legal domicile. Revolution was the major fundamental ideals behind the other bicentennial groups. dencv violation is ' a delay action until she "The Republican party concern of the Peoples' 1776 American Revolution Rifkin told of one project in amily memb lative concern, and ndt conferred with other should do the Bicentennial Commission. of immora Republican leaders. reprimanding in against attacks from American a Florida town where all the died by the attorney this case," Nelson said. "This With an early season winter i big business. It has offices fire hydrants were painted as mi's office. "Everything in the letter kind of tactic is a discredit to storm dampening throughout the United States minutemen. mployers , Quoting the Michigan was fact, and unless the man the party." attendance, Rifkin addressed a and is affiliated with ral, radical i ititution, the letter states has moved back into his home a whole "However," he added, Though the constitution is meager but enthusiastic crowd gamut of different "they had to quit the project adversely i legislative body is the within the 57th District, I'll not clear on the procedures of at Wells Hall, Thursday, hoping organizations ranging from because dogs were pissing on the fireplugs, and they thought information it would be bad public various gro CODED INFO CUT TO relations." Another project presently being considered in the federal legislature would require the um( Law clouds directory policies participation of 3,168,000 people. "The idea is to have all these people hold hands forming a chain of human trik Hie student directory seems Rights and Privacy Act. prohibited, the committee bodies stretching from San Francisco to New York ittle bare these days. The The federal law, which will students access to their child's make it hard to Island," he said. deleted it in order to avoid interpret." that used to indicate take effect Tuesday makes school records. It was amended For instance, he said, it is A third project involved conflict with the law. to marital status, student confidential student records open school records to not clear whether students bread manufacturers. MSU administrators feel iyes workin inber. and class standing more accessible to parents of students under 18 should be allowed to see their "The bread would be the that in other areas they are evanished. and only to the students called Continental 1776 bread. )loyes worl university student, but closes parents' financial statements The MSU Committee on the presently in compliance with themselves over this age. and psychiatric reports which The slogan would be: them to parents, employers or the law. The committee ifter of Confidential was "I think the intent of the are often in student records. 'Continental 1776 Bread builds they institutions. formed to investigate the bill's law mtion decided this fall is good," James Weber, Disclosure may violate privacy strong bodies in 12 ig to Ellis Guidelines for interpreting the data would be deleted implications. Director of the State revolutionary ways'," Rifkin the federal law are unclear. The law was originally rights of the doctors and JEREMY RIFKIN l this year's directory as a Department of Higher parents. The law may laughed. Therefore, though the coded intended to give parents of Education lit of the Family Education said. "But it has Continuing in a more the information is not explicitly complicate the assessment of legitimate heirs of the "There was a particular elementary and secondary many technical defects that veterans' benefits because the serious discussion, Rifkin American Revolution," Rifkin tary from political persuasion behind his eeking Veterans Administration pointed out the primary goals said. speech," Mrs. Wharton said. "I of the peoples' commission. He said the power of the )t a 30 cannot view a student's record hope that this is not irst nationv eacfion to directory to said. verify his course load, he "Basically, we're a revolutionary nonviolent organization fighting against people democratic would lie in a society where more important than the general theme behind the pany and people had a voice in their bicentennial celebration." the subversive Wall Street business well as as in year the student if you are married or your "I think the senior, 243 W.Shaw Hall. matter of new policy will Corporations. We are government. dories arrived bearing a student number, or even if you a fact," he said. alleviate ntract offe Though many of the attempting to form a political Rifkin cited tint and a small gap. in are male or female," he said. she was interested in the information, not complaints about the directory movement from the silent a secret project License plate ,606 to81 areas once reserved for that implemented by Colgate Sheryl Johnson, junior, 229 Pulliam said she did miss "not However, Melissa Applegate, we have had," Paul Dressel, majority of middle class Palmolive and Polaroid i tidbit of information on W. Shaw Hall said the former assistant provost said. student. directories were "out of line, being classified as a senior." sophomore, 253 E. Shaw Hall, Americans." Rifkin said that corporations where workers stickers for 75 ow that the said she thinks the University by 1976 he were allowed to participate in directories because a phone book is not Mark Hipshear, junior, 598 should continue to include the The most common hoped the peoples' commission managerial decisions, with t, relinquished the former which included the the data." place for private personal S. Wonders Hall, said he never used the information because it information. "I used the complaints he noted were that would have a mass membership some interesting results. ready Friday rital status, gender and information to identify insurance agencies use the large enough to sustain the "Where workers took over was of no concern to him. students with information to compile mailing organization through the 1980 dent number of each Some students were similar management positions, it was Michigan motorists will be or identical lists and that disclosing marital elections. When he hopes the found able to lent, MSU students have names," she that efficiency, buy their red and white 'indifferent, like Rita Pulliams, "Never even looked at it as said. status is an invasion of privacy. peoples' commission will win 1975 license a mixture of productivity and profits all plate stickers feelings. some important political change before being car production at Dearborn, car sales for the first 10 days of •tied, said she was happy production in December. already stands at 8.3 per cent. November were down 38 per 1 The announcement could Mich., and San Jose, Calif, and the University has light truck production at "I would say all the cent from a year ago. sntinued printing what she come Monday after a meeting Kansas City, Mo., for one evidence we have, reports we're nsid at Chrysler headquarters of e r e d personal week. getting, would indicate a L dilation. company executives, United As reports swept Detroit shutdown is at hand for an • think it's Auto Workers officials and pretty hip that Chrysler was ready to stop extended period of time," self. You cannot Mayor Coleman A. Young. all domestic car production for Fraser said. "There is "entiatc whether a person Chrysler, the nation's third a month, UAW Vice President substantial evidence that it will ""Tied or not," Robert largest automaker, has about Douglas A. Fraser said all signs happen." '.senior, 345S E. Owen 113,000 employes, but is pointed to a shutdown! The auto 355-1824 fe aid. " It cuts down on information and gives suffering — like General Motors industry began IDIOS, IN «{|"s a little more Corp. and Ford Motor Co. - from sales slump and heavy ■mr "iH torn. East Lanst backlog of unsold cars. Yourpersonal thing should J)ooLey's e332 i 86 As the new work week A round of festive ideas has been planned *Pt to yourself. Maybe you started, the Big Three reported 'want the world to know for the holidays, with marvelous suggestions for 92,439 workers on permament formal and informal entertaining at home ^'DONALD'S See buffet settings table decor for small parties creative napkin folding techniques cookery [PEOPLE ARE UARANTEED r MONDAY 1/5 A IA CARTE lb. taivibuRqER, 754 fROM ^.*>0 TO 8:00 No cover \ ' demonstrations floral arrangement suggestions impressive presentations for festive home decor Holidays-at-home fashions, for the gracious hostess, will be till 9 downstairs informally modeled throughout the three day I'M MARY SNYDER TUESDAY hearthside happening Come be our guest . t YOU CAN COUNT ON ME |FOR FRIENDLY SERVICE 1/2 PRICE NITE and we'll entertain you I aII iviixEd dRii\ks talf normaI pRicE ^ Monday, November 18 promise to give you a courteous Thank You for HBI through Wednesday. November 20 your order - if I don't, tell me in the lower level, Home Decorative Shops. before you walk away and I'll buy your next meal. I Guarantee It! Manilla >3 234 W.Grand River Machine1" Jacolison's 1024 E. Grand River "dis 2040 E. Grand River November 19-30 EAST LANSING Susan Ager Editor-in-chief JAMES RESTON Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Flood War is around the corner Qtv Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18,1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor On his recent short visit to the United memorandum on this situation which Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren States, Secretary of State Kissinger warned criticizes Kissinger for being far too Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief Joe Kirby Staff Representative against thinking war was imminent in the optimistic about the Middle East. He i opinions. describes the crisis in lurid terms, partly Middle East and then packed his bags to again for Japan, Korea, the Soviet Union, counteract what he believes to be a and China. misleading and dangerous trend of U.S. It is reassuring to be told that there diplomacy. , EDITORIALS will be no war this week, but most observers here think the problem is not to says, "The most likely prospect now," he "is a continuing stalemate while both minimize the dangers of war there but to sides feverishly seek to build up their Paranoia prepare quickly for a situation that is very- smlikely to get out of control in the next six or nine months. military might. So far the United States has poured a large quantity of sophisticated arms into Israel and it is This means, at least, (1) far more probably stronger than before the October The Academic Senate must be the instructors to "face their stringent and immediate measures to war, while the Soviet Union has not only condemned for its failure to accusers." conserve and stockpile gas replaced Syrian losses but has provided it and oil for the new oil with MIG -23s, long - range surface • to • approve student access to faculty Their accusers? Is that how the embargo that will certainly accompany another Arab ■ Israeli surface (SCUD) missies and the most rating forms. MSU faculty views students? war; (2) speeding up the negotiations with modern tanks. The senate, which consists of The display of such an attitude Portugal and Spain to assure the landing "From the Arab point of view, it some 2,200 full, associate and raises the distinct possibility that and fueling rights essential there to an would, of course, be better to delay a assistant professors, voted down the meeting was attended by a effective U.S. supply route to the Middle shooting war until at least the fall of 1975, Wednesday the proposal by the disproportionate percentage of East; and (3) using the Ford - Brezhnev when more arms will be on hand and mora Academic Council which would meeting in Vladivostok to find out incompetents, who voted against whether the Soviet Union troops trained, but I think it unlikely that the measure in a desperate attempt really means to the Israelis will permit such a delay. have created a two - part evaluation keep its promises to maintain the peace in form and allowed student access to to keep the truth hidden about the Middle East. "They lost the advantage of surprise last October when, because of the one part of the-form. their ineffectiveness as educators. At no time in the last year has there been so much anxious talk about a fifth prevailing mood of the country, they The proposal now goes back to When the proposal, which is the failed to interpret their intelligence reports Arab - Israeli war as there is now. Nor, it the Academic Council for possible first step toward making academic properly, and they are determined not to must be added, so little confidence that revision. The council worked long evaluation a two - way street, let that happen again. Secretary Kissinger's step - by ■ step and hard the language of the "Thus it seems to me quite possible on returns to the senate, the meeting bilateral negotiations can stop the slide. that the Israelis will launch a pre - emptive Middle Eastern countries are now engaged proposal, and hopefully will not be intimidated to return it to the must be attended by the majority The Arab nations'1 support for the Palestine Liberation Organiiation's terms attack on Syria, and possibly Egypt, early in frantic programs to build up their a nuclear confrontation, but far less reassuring than the manv J of able MSU instructors. The next spring. If that occurs, the war will be s of peace military machines, while the free nations state. senate in watered - down form. instructors have nothing to fear if Israel must withdraw to its '49 quite different from the campaign of are competing for special influence in the The votes against the proposal the truth about their teaching borders and join a new secular state that October, 1973. Both sides now have region — the United States with Israel and Sen. J. William the Senate Foreign Fulbright, chairml made by 111 of the 164 senate abilities is made accessible to would in effect destroy the independent surface - to • surface missiles capable of Japan and Europe with the Arab states said in Relations c,)mnT existence of Israel Fulton, Mo., the other day 1 members attending the meeting students. as a Jewish nation - reaching Jerusalem from Cairo and vice and despite all the talk of "detente," U.S. danger of a fifth Arab Israeli - w has created a wholly new and alarming versa, and some of the SCUD missiles on - Soviet diplomacy, he adds, has so far had and if such were based on particularly flimsy This majority must not allow the a situation. the Arab side are mobile, which makes it little if any deterrent effect. war comes, it will all rationalizations. Those who access proposal to die at the hands difficult to knock them certainly be more violent andX Arafat at the United Nations did not out. As a "The Soviets," he concludes, "have protracted than the previous wars! opposed the proposal said that it of an incapable few who have taken offer Israel a gun or an olive branch, but a consequence, one can expect attacks on continued to compete directly with us for adds that Israel is would be unfair for the rating it upon themselves to pervert the gun or a club. This was not an offer to Middle Eastern cities and such targets as influence in the Arab world and to have nuclear weapons, and "generally assume! forms to be made widely accessible role of educators from those who negotiate the security of Israel but a the oil depot at Haifa which have not been frustrate all of our moves toward peace. if her cities were attacked. might usel a feature of warfare F because the forms grade instructors choice between war and surrender, and of up till now..." And the danger that the Middle East might In short, it is not a disseminate information to those Ball goes on to say that the dangers we pleasant subjef course, the Israelis will not even negotiate become another Balkans involving the anonymously and thus do not allow who cover it up. light reading, but the need now is nl on this basis. t face in the longer future are superpowers in a nuclear confrontation reassurance .but for George Ball, former under secretary of "horrendous." With almost unlimited should never be lightly dismissed." vigilance| funds at their disposal he observes the preparation. state, has circulated a private Other voices may be less alarmist about (C) 1974 New York Times Ballot reform The election has come and gone. their feelings with greater precision. Letter Pol icyl Jemocrats justly claim a substantial In addition, the system would victory, but the real victory seemed The Opinion Page welcoi encourage voting "for the to be of disgusted voters pulling the candidate," instead of straight • letters. Readers should fol lever that seemed to say "NO!" party voting. Democrats would U' officials blamed few rules to insure that as m "NO," they wanted to say to letters as possible appear in pM probably be more willing to The blame for the death of Susan Watergate, "NO," to inflation, if support an occasional Republican if Handelsman lies entirely in the hands of All letters should be type A there had been a "No party," it they were able to vote on a party the MSU Administration. 65 - space lines and triplm would have cleaned up. As it was, line othej- than Republican, and The walkpath used by students to get spaced. Letters must he mm the people voted Democratic. to X lot was not officially recognized by and include local address, vice versa. s the administrators because of the cost of A simple reform, borrowed from A candidate who garners large - making that walkway safe. faculty or staff standing if I states like New York and from The $170,000 the University refused to - and phone number. scale support on an independent judicial races in many states, might spend for student safety has resulted in Letters should be 25 lineM line would feel freer to deviate bring better chance for expression one of the worst tragedies ever less and may be edited a from official party - line decisions. | without weakening the two - experienced at MSU. It is definite conciseness to a fit letters| - more Thus, there would be a more showing by a University rooted in the the page. party system that the voters still independent body of officeholders ways of American bureaucracy that a seem to uphold. serious When I saw the front page of the State No unsigned letters and a more expressive body of or even tragic occurrence must between every other play, whether the The reform consists of allowing take place before positive action can take News Thursday morning, I felt guilty for student body joins us or not is up to them. Ji ccptcd voters. candidates to run on more than one place. not writing this letter In less dramatic You complain that the students are the In addition, third parties, like Now will be a time for much scuffling form two years ago. only party label, a practice now ones who begin cheers. The students and Central Michigan University. M the Human Rights party on the left within the administration of At that time I lived in Wilson Hall and go to the games to watch the team and prohibited in Michigan. Their votes concerning the only one among them which allofl "who stopped what, where and who was outraged by the F lot situation. I am a have a good time. If they feel compelled on the various labels would be or the American Independent party reduction in tuition, or at least in -P refused to appropriate what for what." male of sound body, but it was physically to lead a cheer why shouldn't added to determine their total vote. on the right, could, with the they? rates, to full time employees. r The blame will be shuffled back and forth impossible for me and my companions, on Personally it makes me feel good to hear Thanks a lot, MSU, for nothing. Thus, Gov. Milliken could have consent of the candidate involved, in effort to relieve someone's an many occasions, to cross the tracks and everyone cheering no matter who began it. nominate a candidate primarily run on the Republican line, and conscience of this untimely tragedy. But the blame stay on two feet. A five - foot high incline existed on both sides of the tracks and As to the OSU cheerleaders, you're Joyce E.i also on a fictitious "Integrity running on a major party line. cannot be right they are good cheerleaders, but in 3114 Sheffcfl shifted. The administrators must take there was a glare of ice whenever it was party" line. A person who wanted Thus, they would no longer need to judging their ability we can't overlook the the blame for the death. below 32 degrees. I wondered every time I Maybe then they great enthusiasm of the people to which to support Millikeni but didn't want to appear to support split the votes going to ideologically similar candidates. will realize that a human life is more valuable than all their capitalistic attacked it how easy it would be for someone to fall and lose consciousness. In they cheer. You claim the OSU cheerleaders led the crowd in a great cheer Bar column rappel Republicans in general, would be ambitions of saving the the back of my mind, I felt the University that inspired their players to make a residingirilL Admittedly, the change would University a great I am an MSU senior able disgusting $100,000. would push this infringement on students' run. I personally believe it was a to vote for him on the not be a panacea for the ills of by choice. I was very much aitn rights (that is, safety) as far as they could, spontaneous reaction of the crowd, as the Frank Fox's commentary on the ■ alternative line. elective democracy, but a small step until forced to do something about it, Joe Lewandowski Ohio State crowd is one unlike In this way, voters could express in the right direction. many of the Mustang Bar in Lansing's! 139 Woodmere Ave. probably by some tragedy. Unfortunately others. Since we're on the subject I'd like end. for Miss Jiandelsman, she exemplified that to seems to me, Mr. Fox, that bring up something which bothered me It yoj tragedy. last weekend. Saturday when our players one excursion out of your little coJ Miss Handelsman's U.S. parents, in my first ran onto the field for warm up, there East Lansing, the real world jumps! position on opinion, are entirely within their rights to hold this University directly responsible for their daughter's death. If legally were very few Spartan fans in the stadium. Instead of beiifg greeted with an uproar of shouts and cheers by our fans, they were and you run back to your make a mockery of it. Mr. Fox, the real world is out typewriB he The recent U.S. abstention from possible and they want it, I would be more faced with a thunderous boo from the within the confines of the MSI (I the vote to end the embargo against than willing to testify to this further affront against the students. already thousand of OSU fans in the stadium. Was that our fault too? or even East Lansing those "derelicts," as you for that raaj call the* Cuba is both anachronistic and inconsistent. Now that the United Unfortunately and simultaneously, their story. Not being anointed! fortunately for the students, insensitivity States is committed to detente and to their needs does not always result in Jill Drader MSU cheerleader University, as you have, does them any less human. It is rather a noj Cuba is no longer committed to death. If you will, University officials may now be termed "capitalist - homicidal 1128 Victor St. a person like yourself- whoproMJ violent revolution, shouldn't every opportunity to get to where ■ Pip" now — can sit back in mocking economic and diplomatic relations jjj thaw? Tuition rule hit of a segment of our society that H J. D. Klier Ten years ago, the members of ignored and kicked around, or, as ■ 1300 Grand River Ave. case, made a spectacle of for As a transfer student who will begin the Organization of American the students who read the State i States (OAS) voted overwhelmingly classes winter term, I would like to say I wonder what the reaction www ej to Cheerleaders OK that I am already sadly disappointed with the State Journal invited those aT impose economic sanctions MSU. I was born and raised in inhabitants" to amuse themselves™ against Cuba. The purpose of the I am writing this letter in response to Michigan, but sanctions was clear: to force the Jim Black's and Linda Gray's letter of attended an out - of state school my first • nightly meat market paraded at * Castro Nov. 13, which evaluated the MSU two years of college. I then married a man Lansing bars. There are men an ■ who derive their philosophy government to cease Cheerleading souad. from Indiana and lived outside Michigan rJ exporting Marxist revolution to the Jhn ana Linda, I appreciate your another five years while he served in the books they read and the beer they w rest of the hemisphere. criticism and, I know that everyone is military. Beggar's Banquet, and there are nj At that time, Che Guevara We now reside in Lansing and derive theirs from the lives they e | - style entitled to his or her own opinions. But in my guerillas were trained in extreme respect to our cheerleading squad, I husband is a graduate student at MSU. I Mr. Fox, I m familiar w«l Cuba, rightist governments of blocked the am a full time environments, and I find thosf 1 supplied at Soviet expense, and sent Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay claim ending of the sanctions believe there is a lot more which effects employe of the University, by abstaining from the vote. The the results of cheering than you seem to working as a secretary. women you have made a moc to foment revolution against the that Cuba still carries I was appalled to find, far decent, real and m on its votes of two understand. You claim it was inexperience upon applying more - thirds, or 14, of the official governments of much of revolutionary program. OAS nations are needed to rescind which caused us to begin loud cheers to take a class in the evening, that interesting than many of tne Latin America, including, at one The original purpose of the employes get no break in tuition rates and intellectuals hanging around son. | the embargo. The United making it difficult for our players to hear time States, by what's more, I will be required to East Lansing bars. Your type or another, Guatemala, sanctions appears to be obsolete. the play. If such were the case you would pay out abstaining, helped to prevent the be correct, but I doubt we started those - of - state rates! I think this is a disgusting mentality makes me wonder * Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Continuation of the embargo can value of an education as change. cheers, since we are not allowed to cheer display of total lack of consideration Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia and others. only exacerbate tensions among the for the employe and the mankind, How tragic that all * 1 The decision not to vote to once the team to lined up. Fans cheer taxpayer. My But Che is dead, and the ideal of nations of the Western Hemisphere remove the sanctions was an when they feel a need to, whether we start MSU paycheck is depleted every month history, politics and the sc <1 popular revolutions has apparently and inhibit trade and commerce a cheer or not. You say we do not cheer for Michigan taxes and local taxes. I give nothing about compassion. outdated Cold War - like move. It this University 40 hours of my life become secondary to the goal of which would promote the when cheers are needed. My response to every Eduardo A] economic progress in Cuba. economic wellbeing of all nations. seems highly inconsistent that you to to pay a little more attention before week (for very mediocre wages, I might Henry Kissinger, who led us to you make judgments. We attempted to add) and yet it will cost me over $130 to P.O. box 154,| Twelve of the Latin American In addition, increased ties to its take one 3-credit course. recognize the lead the crowd in cheers to stop the states, most of which voted for the neighbors would, in all likelihood, advantages in I have been acquainted with number Editor's Note: Fox lived in n rapprochement with China and the Buckeye offense when the yards needed a sanctions in 1964, have testified help Cuba beome less dependent of colleges and universities Lansing for three years ana Soviet Union, has not urged us to were few, but the fans were more including that Cuba has become a relatively on the Soviet Union. recognize the same reality in interested in what was going to happen on University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame, Bethel College Lansing taxicab for 19 month j peaceful neighbor. Only the Six governments, the field than our cheer. I think that is (Indiana), which time he had many exper however, relation to Cuba. American University (Washington, understandable, don't you? We lead a cheer D.C.) patrons of the Mustang Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1974 5 BATTLES ATROCITIES, lub founded to combat animal . I riv brad martisius Tom Lowe thinks life cruel to both men and is Lowe and his wife Deborah r, "I never reallv "Life is cruel, and a lot of animals and men are going to we "We are just trying to end suffering in any my cruelty involved," he said. "But it causes animals to die the animal fanatics. "We die painful deaths," he said. can, since so much of it is unnecessary, ft are just trying to end cruelest deaths. "We are trying suffering in iBuf he thinks a lot of "But I think man has beyond the stage where he gone dehumanizes man to allow these atrocities to to get the steel leg • hold trap since so any way we can, much of it is Leltv is unnecessary, so he is men abuse animals every day. know that this dedication will needs to kill to survive." happen. We would like to create a reverence for all abolished forever as the first unnecessary. It dehumanizes IL to do something about He is a graduate student in be with me the rest of living creatures." - Tom Lowe. step. To do this, it is important man to allow these atrocities to pre • veterinary medicine. life." mv Many animals, both wild to make people realize where and domestic, are destined to happen," he said. die because men do not take furs come from and the "We would like to create a cats born in the United States incredible suffering animals reverence for all the time to think about such their pets spayed. living every hour, and 9,000 of those have to go through so people creatures." things, Lowe said. He added ''The commercial can wear their furs." The MSU Students that the club's purpose is to never find homes," Lowe said. for "We exploitation is the toughest Lowe and the club's 50 to Animals Rights Club meets at 7 are change attitudes toward trying to educate thing to deal with because of people so that they will have 60 members do not view p.m. on Thursdays in 101 S. animals. the monetary interests themselves as unreasonable Kedzie Hall. Lowe said tne club has attracted many pre - vet students who got into veterinary medicine because they love animals but found courses at MSU were not oriented toward humaneness. "I think they turn to our club as an outlet," he said. Each Monday the State News publishes a list of scheduled There will be a public meeting to discuss community "One of the problems local governmental meetings, including campus, city and state development funds at 7:30 p.m. at city hall. students in human and bodies. Tuesday veterinary medicine Citizens are urged to clip this list for reference. Please contact East Lansing City Council will meet at 8 the p.m. in council continually see is the managing editor to include items here. chambers at city hall. indiscriminate use of animals Wednesday for experimentation," he said. Today There will be a public meeting to discuss community "We think a lot of it is development funds at 7:30 p.m. at Red Cedar School on Sever The Steering Committee will meet at 3 p.m. in A443 Drive. unnecessary, though we . SN photos/Daniel Shutt recognize the value of this Administration Bldg. to set the agenda for the next Academic These are just two of the unwanted pets facing an Thursday undetermined fate at an experimentation." Council meeting. There will be a public meeting to discuss community animal shelter. Though they may eventually be put to death, Students often ASMSU will meet at 8 p.m. in 328 Student Services Bldg. The they have escaped are shocked development funds at 7:30 p.m. at Bailey School, 300 Bailey St. the plight many abandoned animals face of wandering the streets in by the callous attitude taken agenda has not been set for the meeting. The East Lansing Fine Arts Committee will meet at hapless toward The East Lansing Cable Communications Commission will 7:30 p.m. search of food and shelter. laboratory animals by in the conference room at city hall. instructors and others in meet at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at city hall, 410 Abott The East Lansing Housing Board of Appeals will meet at 7:30 scientific fields, he said. Road. p.m. in council chambers at city hall. Club members also Student group to push need are concerned about the sheer WELL, I DID THE BEST I HOW CAN I HELP BUT LIKE MAYSE iT'u. L00< 0ETTER AFTER I numbers of animals used in COULD SiR... I JUST MOPE IT?! JUST Think! Mf own 6ETTHE SEQUINS SEWED ON,Slf? .. YOU LIKE IT.. SPECIAL 5KATIN6 Df?E5S!W0W! experiments. Lowe contends there is need ■for control of pet population no to use hundreds of animals to prove a scientific point. "It is not unusual for scientists to expose hundreds Each day, abandoned animals are between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in 205 Bessev of animals to radiation, for I admitted to an animal shelter where they Hall. I ire kept and fed till finances and time run example, when just a few Judith Miller, member of the Michigan animals could tell all that was DOONESBURY I out. Then they are put to sleep. State Students for Animal Rights and needed," Lowe said. by Garry Trudeau But help is on the way for them and chairperson of Pet Population Day, said so Lowe believes many adults I numerous other pets, in the form of Pet many pets are placed in a shelter or forced lack the ability to change their i suppose I Population Day, a day set aside by the to helplessly roam the I Michigan State Students for Animal Rights streets, that the only attitudes so he wants to reach , i shouldn'tsay this as (p ims all solution is sterilization. children in the formative years. \well, but iujish mitchell i have to say. honor, a we defense I to inform the public of the need to have Female dogs and cats are spayed while : anp the pest of wu/ould you may brlntj the jury oops He and club members have would uk£ to I their pets sterilized. the males are neutered, she said. It is ' stop wasting our. time anp the jury back already is make the follow- a been lecturing and showing In an effort to boost public awareness I own UP TO your obvious perjury! in now.. toirly simple operation, and it costs movies at area grade schools to /backin. inq objections I of the growing problem of abandoned relatively little. develop awareness among the \ \ / ^ / Is, the group is setting up a booth in "The expenses vary from veterinarian to students. I the International Center from 10 a.m. to 3 veterinarian, Miller said. "In Ingham Two major problems Lowe I p.m. Monday. Literature will be distributed County, people whose income is under wants to tackle I idvising through persons to help curb the $7,000 can have the county pay $10 education are the 1 pet population of dogs and cats. toward the sterilization fee. This includes population explosion and the A half hour film illustrating the plight - most students, since very few students earn commercial exploitation of I of abandoned animals, will be shown over $7,000 a year." animals by man. "There are 10,000 dogs and The Marines have landed! November 20 & 21 sweaterdressing in Stardust Placement Bureau . . .Miss J's glittered knits Student Services Building to dazzle any evening, by Junior House. Acrylic/lurex ribbed tops with a bit of cling and curve, over or long skirt. matching pants .in holiday hues German Aitonotive Parts and Service . of dusty green or dusty peach with a silvery sparkle. Small, VW PORSCHE AUDI Medium and Large sizes. Left: V-neck cardigan, $24 ...has expanded Sleeveless sweatervest, $17 and in addition for your maximum Gored skirt, $34 safety, tire wear and comfort the new Right: Sleeveless turtle- front end alignment neck, $17 Pants, $28 machine has been included in the remodeling. 6 Jdojp* ■ JB Front End Alignment "The latest and most sophisticated" Jacab^onS 10% discount 332-5025 on ports sold over tho counter 235 S. Homer, Lansing, Mich. South of Frandor 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Monday. November 18, |, City may receive extra By JOE KIRBV City officials will be holding public meetings to get citizen federal money representatives from five city commissions, the recreation, human August, will take the place of existing categorical , State News Staff Writer input and feedback on possible projects. relations, planning, traffic and housing commissions. and instead make federal monies available underPropl® East Lansing could receive a windfall of federal money thanks East Lansing information officer Nancy Webber said Each separate commission will then meet and collect the best approach. a W°ck gran By MELIS! public State New! to a new community development program. meetings are being scheduled at various points throughout the ideas and rank them by priority. A recommendation will then be Funding could begin as soon as the second half of th What the city can do with these community development city hoping to reach the maximum number of residents. drawn up by the planning commission and submitted to the fiscal year, from January to June 1976, with East LanZ^1 A I'M, funds, which could total over $3 million, is limited by federal The meetings will be held at city hall today at Red Cedar council for a public hearing, probably sometime in February. for up to $168,000 during that period. Smg ^ •holarship" guidelines, though the main purpose of the money is for school on Nov. 20, at Bailey School on Nov. 21 and at Pinecrest The city's application must then be submitted to the Tri - The city could receive $398,000 ■men that School on Nov. 25. All meetings will begin at 7:30 during the 1976 nth plus W> improvement of housing conditions and the expansion of community services and facilities, especially for persons of low about two hours. p.m. and last County Regional Planning Commission for review before March 1. and $607,000 during the 1977 fiscal year. Another $1 tentatively projected for the following three years & M guarantee and moderate incomes. The meetings will be conducted by a committee The Community Development Act, signed into law this In order to take advantage of the Ration wil consisting of Community Devi™ dust at the Act and qualify for full funding the citv document use and needs tor eligible money. ZxSS?*n ool year. The reasor Ford: energy If the city is able to justify chief choice only a portion of the fund th mistake as many will only receive that portion the federal ™iU.T a proven a need for. government City planners are preparing lists of possible projects city and expect to add to the list after talking to thinks"'^ citizens ft» * :h month ® WASHINGTON (AP) - President wanted to move members chose three or four committed to The funds could be used for the pay him was not pressed for details. up to Ford. Spokesmen say he acquisition of prouertv President Ford's admitted quickly." names and sent them to Ford $88,000 a year until 198 4 even The White House, short on learned of the Interstate is blighted, deteriorated, appropriate for mistake in choosing a new head Here is account of how it restoration of historic sites, beautification of rehabilitation without favoring any one. urban \Z an though he left after only 14 time, neglected to order the contract when he read about it of the Federal Energy happened, pieced together Ford chose Gibson, months on the job. in the newspapers. conservation of open space. ® customary FBI check into Administration resulted from from public statements and off announcing his appointment at Taking such large sums of Gibson's Money could also be used to acquire property for nuhi dealings since leaving Meanwhile, Senate sources tef haste and a failure to take the - record talks. nationally televised news money from an oil - transport works, except buildings for general conduct of eovernm.!! - a the government a year and a say, a remarkable number of normal precautions, according In late October Ford was conference Oct. 29. firm raised questions about faculties for use by the general to public and private accounts eager to oust John Sawhill, the Officials will not say who Gibson's fitness to head the half earlier. Officials say it was not until rumors and tips about Gibson's facilities or public, schools, medical facilities for the general transport! alleged conflict - of - interest public. by of those involved. head of the energy agency. sent Gibson's name in, or for Special projects to remove material and some energy administration. nearly a week after the problems were reaching architectural barri™ Nobody at the White House Sawhill was floating ideas that what job he was originally When Gibson was being appointment had been investigators for the Interior restricting the mobility and accessibility of elderly an was aware, until after Ford Ford did not like, such as a considered for the job he handicapped being considered. announced publicly that White Committee. persons could be conducted with the monev named Andrew E. Gibson to proposal for a high tax on Ford says Gibson's mentioned to White House name House aides got full details of Some members of Congress the post, that Gibson was gasoline to discourage its use. was chosen for the aides that he was receiving Gibson's $1 million energy contract openly opposed Gibson's getting $88,000 a year from an The task of finding a position because he had a money from the firm as part of with Interstate. On Monday, confirmation, and his chances oil • transport firm he once successor fell to Ford's resident record as a good administrator. a severance deal. But the Nov. 4, he supplied them with of survival plunged. Within a headed. talent scout, William N. Ford says he did not know information raised no alarm copies of it. week Ford withdrew the That money, and questions Walker, whose office reviews that Gibson had a $1 million bells, official said. Gibson one Still, the word did not filter nomination. about Gibson's role in the up to 1,000 job resumes each contract with Interstate Oil approval of multimillion week. From the talent pool ■ Transport Co. of Philadelphia, dollar subsidies for the same oil Walker and other staff and that the company was firm, quickly surfaced and scuttled Gibson's chances to win Senate confirmation, NO FAULT MOV 23 *X PM • JENISCN FIELQH0IJSE forcing the withdrawal of his nomination. "We made a mistake," Ford said at a news conference Thursday. INSURANCE A White House subordinate, who asked not to be named, concurred. "We short • cut the The Mysticism in a Modern ■SOVIET! GEORGIAN TBILISI POLYPHONIC CHOIR 80 AND "GORDELA" dancers, singers & musicians f MONDAY,NOVEMBER 25 University Auditorium Public: $6.50 5.50 4.00 MSU Students: $3.25 2.75 2.00 ROGER SUSANNAH Tickets are on sale NOW. MOORE YORK Union Ticket Office. GOLD 8:15 4:30 weekdays 355-3361 SPENQ AM EVENING WITH VOJfl M0TOF I bksts SSJjC 84X0 'A Msndi-yJUs MSlioitxi PROGRAM INFORMATION 4KM0S IT'S • PRESENTED BY POP EWTERTAINMEKT^I (3 ICHIGAN Theatre Lansinq 7 S. • WASHINGTON -DOWNTOWN "THE LONGEST YARD" is a SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST. TICKETS ON SPLE TOfllORROW! movie that cracks a lot of jokes. And a lot of bones. Burt Reynolds AMRTHE stars - tough, sassy - and always that fire. FURRIEST. Reynolds is at his most virile. The wrath of a woman scorned starts his trouble. However, he's pt.tffOQmilKi APt.S compAiiv got some wrath of his own. And the last 45 minutes of the film is unlike anything you have ever seen. It will have you howling and cheering like no movie ever has. "THE LONGEST YARD" is about life. And it's about fighting back. Ifs about good over evil. And about laughing uproariously at them both. A "THE LONGEST YARD" is a fierce, funny movie. For men, for women, for everyone. BLACK BURT REYNOLDS MUSICAL "THE LONGEST YARD" EDOE ALBERT OPENS TOMORROW! 8:15 p.m. DIRECTED BY PETER LANDRY luUITER MKE CONRAD COLOR By TECHNICOLOR' A PARAMOUNT PICTURE l|jfl Feature Wed. at 1:05 — 3:05 FAIRCHILP THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY — 5:10 -7:20 -9:30 p.m. - FRIDAY 12 - 5 PHONE 355 • 0148 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1974 7 WAC benefit program By MELISSA PAYTON Army its no longer needs to spend in the Army. In July 1973, may cease State News Staff Writer money recruiting women Fort McClellan, Ala. getting a as a second lieutenant when volunteers. only 11 women enlisted! had no trouble recently filling see that as a problem," she . little know., About 50 enlistments preview of life as a WAC they graduate. slots for either program. "It's said. holarship" fo' something that's just is a month average this year, Lt. Clark officer. There is no obligation A training course that Lt. Clark, on campus The Army has been gien that pays $500 a happening," said First Lt. to enlist later. includes rising at 6 a.m. to said. recently to talk with interested criticized for setting tougher Lnth plus fringe benefits and Dorothy Clark, a Women's Participants earn a $414 march and attend classes on The college benefits students, interviewed four Guaranteed job after Army Corps (WAC) selection that will plan salary for that period as well as military subjects is not women, two of whom admission standards for enlisted women than enlisted Ration will probably bite officer with the Army probably end is the salaried senior year for women free room, board and uniforms. everyone's cup of tea. And applying for the college junior are men. There currently are dust at the end of the next recruiting station in Lansing. and its Those still interested in many students still have strong "In the last six prerequisite, the Army's program as a result. several court challenges to the ool vcar. months, so becoming WACs and who are moral reservations about Students The' reason: with three many women are applying we college junior program. are usually Army's practice. Women accepted in the willing to serve 2 years after military service. friendly to her as well as to the "As long as we can get iocmany women enlisting don't have enough spaces." graduation get a $500 a month But with the rising cost of <5KS rS5'"i—«■.»• In July, 56 women enlisted program for juniors spend four weeks during the summer at salary during their senior year and an automatic commission education and unemployment, the Army has higher male Army recruiter," she said. "I'm amazed that a change in attitude is happening so enough qualified people, I think it's fine," Lt. Clark said, referring to the current policy. quickly." "Actually, I'd like to see Figures are not kept the the mens' standards raised mcdonel Kiva OFFICAL SAYS MSU CASES DOWN numbers of on minority women instead of the womens' tickets at joining the WACs. But blacks lowered," she said. have been enlisting in the male Lt. Clark said most women elderly instruments A. tne msunion volunteer army so rapidly — become WACs for the travel, ieport indicates VD stabilizing 81 50 in advance enlisted ranks are now about the experience of meeting new $2 ooat tne door 20 per cent black, causing people and the educational some observers in and out of benefits. For the last two the military to suggest racial years, GI Bill benefits, salaries Sonny and Brownie quotas. and job opportunities, except will put on a work By FRED NEWTON the downbeat. Lt. Clark disagrees. "I don't for 34 combat - related jobs, "This are now encountering more copper rash." venereal disease cases under the shop Nov. 23, in the State News Staff Writer can be attributed to cases of anal have been mandated equal for both and oral Its long term effects is a strictest confidence. Olin kiva at 1:00 p.m. Despite the fact that public educational gonorrhea." deterioration of the nervous both sexes by law. orted cases of gonorrhea are programs and a better The female is the carrier of charges for detection and in Michigan within the past treatment process in recent system and personality treatment while the free clinic MONDAY LUNCH SPECIAL gonorrhea but the male gets it r health officials say that years," Feurig said. changes. at the health department does more often. nereal disease is finally not. '/tib. ding its own. in a recent Michigan Dept. of Presently venereal diseases, which syphilis are gonorrhea the most common, and "When a male contracts gonorrhea he will have a is Treatment for both diseases penicillin. Gonorrhea may be cured in five "I would urge everyone who Cheeseburger burning sensation when he days but syphilis thinks they might have venereal Public Health report, cases gonorrhea have increased are the highest reported communicable diseases in the urinates within three to five may take months. Both Olin and the disease to get treatment before & Beef Barley Soup days," Feurig said. "The Ingham it gets out of hand," Feurig |)' slightly from a year ago. country. female, however, may not feel County Health Dept. treat said. Dr, Maurice Reizen, state ,Uc health dept. director, Nationally, only about per cent of all venereal disease is 25 the symptoms of pelvic only $^59 inflammation until months or the small reported increase reported to authorities. Reizen years later." MONDAY UNTIL 10 PM #onorrhea cases, up less than estimates that this rate is closer The long term effects of ALL YOU CAN EAT! 00, is no need for alarm. to 35 per cent in Michigan. untreated gonorrhea is an 'We are hopefully turning Both gonorrhea and syphilis arthritic condition. comer in our fight against meal disease," Reizen said. are bacterial easily transmittable organisms contracted seen appearing about three weeks as a sore Chicken all the golden fried chicken, University health center during sexual intercourse. Bo) Director, Dr. James irig, said reported MSU "Gonorrhea is the prevalent disease," Feurig said. more after it is contracted," Feurig said. "In about six months if left untreated, it causes loss of PIZZA ranch fries & cole slaw you can eat! of veneival disease is on "Besides genital gonorrhea we hair, hoarseness of voice and a 966 TROWBRIDGE TED STRUNK ENTERTAINS ON TUESDAY! $J99 pcism, sexism TUESDAY NITE TWO DOMINOS ibject of talk Margaret Sloan, chairperson the National Black Feminist ARE BETTER THAN ONE! The pnization, will speak i sexism at on 8:30 Peanut ight in Room 35 of the DOMINOS Barrel Sloan, a frequent cospeaker 521 E'Grand River I feminist Gloria Steinem. founder and former editor k Magazine. PIZZA ier speech will be open to public without charge. * TONIGHT C7 IS GUfST i i YnNICHT! tntf iMtkr ' Mutt (dmitttd k fir til* pne* Winner of 5 tony awards 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near FrandorShopping Center 5001 W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall PIPPIN "One of the best musical stagings, to be seen on bnoadway in years" Final 6 Days! Clw Barnes. NY Time: OW. YOU MAD, pui TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 IMPETUOUS WAREMYCKSIS,-- _A 8:15 p.m. University Auditorium m MIRAGE COME rmm a Mitchell Brothers Film Group OH COME TOW HUMBLE \y4' /f \ Production TENT. UNVEIL THE v kU Literally bursting with dances and "Rolls Royce of LOl/fcU NESS THAT \M~L Jj y exciting production numbers, MAKES ME SHIVER - ^ PIPPIN is the reigning musical hit Hard-Core!' UNPER THE BLAZING of the 1970's. Music and lyrics are -SHOW SUN. PLEASE, MY » by STEPHEN SCHWARTZ LITTLE PESEKT FLOWER, (remember GODSPELL and THE The Besi PLEASE, MARRY ME MAGIC SHOW?) Hardcore PIPPIN is the young son of Film Charlemagne, the 8th Century ^ORGt C. SCOTT. Ever Emperor of the Holy Roman '"KiCHOlS. Empire. Like any teenager, PIPPIN made!" tries to find something meaningful 1HE DAY m Goldstein in his life. But what can you do 'Advances *1HE 00IPHIN when your father is the Emperor? In Eroticism The attractive songs include: and Dramatic "Magic to Do," "No Time At All," Presentation' "Spread a Little Sunshine" and "Simple Joys." -PLAVBGY Heading the cast are TV's BARRY WILLIAMS ("Brady Bunch") as Start something PIPPIN and IRVING LEE (Judas in "Godspell") as PLAYER. THE LEADING withWolfschm at. Reserved seats on Sale NOW at the UNION TICKET OFFICE 8:15-4:30 weekdays 355-3361 Public: ($7.50 sold out) 6.50 4.00 TONIGHT A martini, a bloody mary, MSU Students: ($3.75 sold out) 3.25 2.00 a screwdriver. Or anything else Showtimts: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 you have in mind. Showplact: 111 OMs Wlfsehmidt Admission: $2.25 Genuine >odka You must be 18. All patrons RATED X will be checked for proof of age $3.68 FIFTH SIZE-CODE #612? A BiAL FILM VODKA • DISTILLED FROM GRAIN • 80 AND tOO PROOF . SEAGRAM DISTILLERS CO . NEW YORK. N 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18 KENTON CONCERT Poor arrangements hurt bands By DAVE STERN appearances featured student be imagined. The ensemble has possibilities abound here. The State News Reviewer compositions and arrangements the technical ability to play There are numerous fine one the first set point of intererfl One of the most lavish of pieces from the Don Ellis more challenging material as musicians in the band and at was the h^T funerals of the century is that Paying of Hoy R*a book, material that is quite was shown by one of the least two promising composers. given for the big band. For difficult for a high school student compositions played. Showing more taste thud Hopefully, winter term's Pointless technical years former disciples have band. Hie band's present Hie points of interest in the concert will showcase more of brav 11 been talking about the decline and death of the big band, and material is mostly concert were the two student them. breTth^fr breath of fresh Reynoldswu| ajr inT undistinguished, featuring the compositions. "Hegira" by extremely fetid very often these lamentations mediocre side of both preserit Mike Amundsen Stan Kenton set. presented an The second appear as part of the set imD„ day music and the big band interesting melodic statement SUn Kenton played vacuous somewhat. advertising hype for one of the classics. but failed to carry either the arrangements of worthless With n units most responsible. The appearance, Admittedly, this is harsh rhythms or lines into the solo contemporary pieces. Opening jfcrformance Kirr, Kenton not of «InteniJ in the criticism to level at a high section. the concert with a horrible in on only a*, space of two days, of a high school unit, whose main The high point of the arrangement of "My Funny nostalgia, but freeT school, a college and a purpose is educational, but the concert was the performance Valentine," he got worse. Most unnecessary elaboration began to swing a bit', n J professional big band on purpose of these comments is of Eric Culver's of the first set was taken up "Departure by highlight of the concert • campus provide a number of to point out that the band is Day." A very sophisticated and melodys of such little interest Tom Campise's insights into what is wrong losing sight of its educational taxing piece, reminiscent of that, to provide an illusion of of Roland Kirk's classy rip ,j with modem day big bands and objectives. This is still an early George Russell musical value, they were in the "Hog Rut flute pb] why things are not getting any excellent group of high school Blues" Bj compositions, it was executed adorned with endless time this, though, was ruined better. musicians, but it seems a pity smoothly, showing that the changes, melodic elaborations failure to mention bv3 Okemos Jazz Ensemble to stunt its musical growth for band had clearly been playing and Kirk's nimf repetition, all adding up to Overall, Kenton's show. far below its capability. appearan The most gratifying of the nothing (kind of baroque on on campus can MSU Jazz Ensemble Like the Okemos band, the only bands, by far, was the Okemos stucco). described as unfortunate, High School Jazz Ensemble Even more upsetting was Friday. The 28 member band the concert Thursday of the performs with a great deal of MSU Jazz Ensemble. Emerging enthusiasm. And it is joy to watch a always competent high a last year from its dark ages it turned to the works of jazz Brewery presents Dr. John school unit masters such as Thelonius Even here, though, there were Monk. This seemed an omen of By DAVE DiMARTINO Since those early days as the o., disquieting factors. Three years State News Reviewer purveyor of Bayou swamp rock, Dr. ago, before the group made it, brighter days to come. Half the concert was taken up Not so. If Dr. John is at the right place at the right shown a marked musical Jolinhl SN photo/Daniel Shutt sophistication tT The big - band sound of Stan Kenton was heard Friday when Lecture - Concert it was a very exciting unit. Its with material which is suited time, he will be at The Brewery tonight. began with the release of his "Gumbo" albuh lack of full instrumentation Dr. John, also known as Mac Rebbenack, is The work was tribute to New Orleans J Series presented an evening of jazz. Kenton's strictly for the high school a nostalgic band was preceded by resulted in a large emphasis on level. scheduled to lead off a series of superb concerts musicians who Dr. John felt the acclaimed Okemos High School Jazz Ensemble. dese solos (several members of the At the planned at The Brewery for the coming weeks, international exposure. college level, there is band learned to solo quite well including performances by T. Rex, Hudson - responsibility not only to the Ford and Manfred Mann's Earth Band. From that period until now, the music A because of this), and its lack of band, but to the education of Dr. John has had a gritty New money for charts lead to some the audience. Part of the The reputation of Dr. John as a fine pianist that is readily identifiable. Orleans fufl Group livens j very fine student compositions and arrangements. Having made it, the ensemble's problem of the modern professional big band is that lack of audience knowledge and a appearance flashy performer certainly precedes his here. A New Orleans studio musician from years back, he first gained With his "Right his first fully qualified hit Place/Wrong Time" record, Dr. singlL Johnwl excitement national recognition as "Dr. John the Night placed directly in the view of the Americl By DAVE STERN The real star of the evening, Schunk drew expressions of quotient has forces it to play vacuous Tripper" with his debut Atco album, "Gris public. No longer a cult figure with a soil State News Reviewer as of so many others, was Gary amazement from the audience dropped. The band that played arrangements of worthless - audience to please, he has since been Gris Aris." Despite the abundance of Schunk. This time, backed by by shifting deftly between Friday night had less room for contemporary pieces. A college best to take Bayou rock to its furthest doingl jazz on campus this past the best rhythm section he has styles, following Earl Hines solos, often giving a musician unit should emphasize student Thought by many to be little more than a limits.! fleeting by - product of the psychedelic '60s, Dr. John's performance at The weekend, it was difficult to ever worked with, he surpassed with Cecil Taylor; the two only a two or four - bar fill in composition and the Rebbenack, as Dr. John, released a flood of Brewel should be extremely corner any true excitement. himself. really have a great deal in which to attempt a complete introduction of the audience to albums, including the classic "Babylon." interesting. His shows J The one extremely notable The thing so hard to muscal statement. This is fine the jazz masters. always flashy and uncompromisingly good. 1 common. Musical recognition was given to him John was exception to this was the comprehend is that Schunk, on occasion, though it usually That the MSU ensemble has by artists probably one of the first "glitJ like Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger, both of concert Thursday by the MSU who can stand on equal footing It was a very exciting indicates a lack of skill on the the audience to do this is rockers. 1 whom appeared on his records. Improvisation Ensemble. Fueled by the dynamo with any jazz pianist in the concert by one of the better part of the arranger. But it is undeniable, for its concerts are Tickets are still on sale at The Brewery! business, is here on the MSU groups currently operating in extremely tiresome when it attended by audiences who rhythm machine of Gary the area. Hopefully, in the occurs in every number. campus. Because of his appreciate the band's level of Schunk, Steve Miller and Dan background in classical music future we will be able to hear Hie quality of the material work. A more perfect Casey, on piano, bass and and wide range of jazz from them more than once a played was even more circumstance for the education drums, respectively, the group influences, he sometimes seems term. disturbing. The group's early JL of the audience could hardly provided one of the most to ape other pianists, but has, exciting concerts this year. over the past year, developed a The group was fronted by strong identity of his own Tom and tenor Arvidson sax on and Eric on trombone. Arvidson is an bass flute Culver while still using devices coined by a wide variety of pianists. Playing a straight - ahead FACULTY AND ALL DEGREE CANDIDATES extremely tiresome soloist who solo on the opening number plays isolated melodic and one very reminiscent of fragments and riffs rathers than Tristano on the first of the organic solos. Culver compositions, Schunk Culver is interesting and Y€ST€RMY'S PRICGTODhY! an blew everyone's mind on the promising trombonist. He has closing number, playing a Deadline for reserving academic apparel for a good conception of his piano solo that would stand up fall term commencement is Friday, Nov. 22. horn and solos creatively, but to just about anything ever often gets tangled Apparel may be picked up in Room 45 of BILL MONROE BILLIE HOLIDAY PETE SEEGER DAN HICKS REDBONE TOM RUSHI up in his recorded. the Union Bldg (fourth floor) from Dec. 4-6. technique, which overshadows his Compressing the entire DAVID BROMBERG EDGAR WINTER BOZ SCAGGS JOHNNY CASH SESAME STREET T sense of construction. DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET TAJ MAHAL THE history of jazz into one solo, FIRESIGN THEATRE THE BYRDS I MAYNARD FERGUSON LEONARD COHEN PETER NERO SLY & THE FAMILY STONB Faculty: Hoods Avionics from other universities must be nter Professionals As a true leader in the advanced computer oriented navigation ordered now. systems field, possessing a dynamic record of achievement, we are in a position to provide professionals like you (or capable seniors with an aptitude toward the following positions) with an For information, call 355-3498 ideal atmosphere and career opportunity. SR. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS: BOBBY VINTON Knowledgeable in the design and implementation of systems support software including ANDRE PREVIN IVAN REBR0FF assemblers, compilers, utility programs, etc. Experience in the evaluation of hardware architecture and CHARLES LLOYD LYNN ANDERSON language requirements for multi processor application desireable. Requires strong RAVI SHANKAR ROBERT JOHNSON assembly language programming background (System 370 JOHNNY H0RT0N preferred). SR. APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS: program design, coding & implementation of systems Knowledgeable in the THIE FRIENDLIEST THE STATLER BROTHERS ARGENT CHARLES MINGUS involving DOCTOR HOOK engineering & scientific applications. Solid IBM System 360-370 assembly language and J.C.L. experience required. Applicant should have good background in Fortran IV on large scale IPIACE IN TOWN DONOVAN TERRY REID OSCAR BROWN, JR. computers. Position will include advance MOSE ALLISON development of utility programs, diagnostic routines & support software systems. IMPLEMENTATION SOFTWARE ENGINEERS:Know(egeable LOUIS ARMSTRONG in design coding & simulation as well as efficient implementation of computer programs for real time airborne computations. NCW APPEARING WOODY HERMAN JIM & JESSE Strong background in assembler language techinques and math or computer science engineering degree is required and working THE CARTER FAMILY familiarity with Fortran techniques preferred. Additional assets would include familiarity with DON SHIRLEY multiprocessing. AVIONICS SYSTEMS ANALYST: With experience design digital hardware and analysis of inertial guidance or weapon delivery systems in the AM IICvVIA THE CHAMBERS BROTHERS SHUGGIE OTIS & an understanding of basic radial navigation sensors such as MARTY ROBBINS LORAN, OMEGA, DME or navigation satellites. This requires an advanced electrical degree. Background in optimal filtering & TONY BENNETT systems simulation or communications desirable. HYBRID MICROCIRCUIT ENGINEER: Requires techniques would be circuit MCNIDAVT NITIE 1/ ART TATUM DOCTOR HOOK AND THE design experience & familiarization with hybrid microcircuit technology. Responsibilities lie in the areas of product support and the general circuit and/or applications oriented support to IPIIZZAV NITE manufacturing. SR. APPLICATIONS PROGRAMMERS: Knowledgeable in the 9 INCH Willi 111 MY JIM 4' I TAPES program design, coding & implementation of systems involving R.E.O. SPEEDWAG0N engineering & scientific applications. Solid IBM System 360-370 14 INCH Willi 2 III MY...*/.< 4 assembly language & JCL experience required. Applicant should have good background in Fortran IV on large scale computers. THE CLANCY THELONIOUS BROTHER^ MONK Position will include advance development of MAHALIA JACKSON utility programs, diagnostic routines & support of software systems. NELSON EDDY THE ELECTRIC FLAG SOFTWARE DESIGNER/ANALYST: Thorough knowledge of Al THE AH I LORAN & DON ELLIS LEADBELLY OMEGA navigation systems analysis is Masters degree or equivalent experience in required and a advanced digital signal hi eve Amy it*** TAMMY WYNETTE BUDDY CLARK processing techniques is preferred. Experience in such areas as CHARLIE BYRD DAVE CLARK FIVE AND ECCM, Satellite Navigation, adaptive filtering, digital phasa lock JOHNNY MATHIS loops, Receiver & DPR interface is very desirable. ERROLL GARNER TECHNICAL WRITERS: Experience computers and ability with digital navigation to communicate wall In written form. BENNY GOODMAN OLATUNJI MARLENE DIETRICH MANY MORE! SOFT MACHINE Our salaries ANDY WILLIAMS are quite competitive and including a three week vacation your first our benefits are complete, MANITAS DE PLATA COLUMBIA RECORDS year with us. And COUNT BASIE Grand Rapids, Michigan is recognized as one of the finest recreational areas in the country. Send your resume and salary OSCAR LEVANT history in confidence to Ron Barkman: PERCY FAITH ANDRE KOSTELANETZ MOBY GRAPE LEAR SlKUl.EH, ISC * I INSTRUMENT DIVISION , 4CH £, 41 t.ASltKN AVtNUK 4./.. IOKAKD RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 4V30H S*6TL*N5(M<=— 3SI.QH60 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1974 ^ TV networks week of fin By KATHY ESSELMAN channel 23. RAI's (the Italian State News Reviewer national network) 211 E G rand R iver production, . This week, the networks lay first aired in 1972 in the out a bill of fare which could United States, is a slow Next to the Sport meister - nourish most viewers for a moving, five • part look at the Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9-6 month. This quality menu life of this archetypal offers everything from Renaissance figure. It uses Da Christopher Fry's modem Vinci's journals, sketches and classic "The Lady's Not for Burning" to "Johnny Cash Ridin' the Rails." art to illuminate his life and is well worth the patience it takes CIGARETTES 2 PK. /79' to get into the series. The smorgasbord looks (COUPON) Thursday at 8 p.m., "A Expires No*. 24, 1974 appetizing and varied. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" East Lansing Store Only Hollywood Television Theater features a holiday feast with presents Christopher Fry's "The Lady's Not For the "Peanuts" gang. 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM "Benjamin Franklin: The Burning." The production stars Richard Ambassador" introduces a new PROCESSING & DEVELOPING Chamberlain and miniseries on Ben Franklin at Eileen Atkins, and features an 9:30 p.m. on CBS. This extraordinary cast, including episode stars Eddie Albert as Rosemary Murphy, Kristoffer the wily diplomat oiling his Tabori, Laurie Prange and John way through the court of Carradine. This prestigious Versailles in 1778. KODAK FILM KODAK FILM production Monday. will air 8 p.m. "Great Expectations" glitters in the Friday lineup at C126 —129 99" C126-20 $1 29 "Happy Anniversary and 8 p.m. on NBC. A strong (COUPON) Goodbye" is Lucille Ball's first British cast enlightens this Expires Nov. 24, 1974 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 special for CBS under her ambitious production. Michael East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only revised contract. The special York, Sarah Miles, Margaret stars Ball and Art Carney in a Leighton, James Mason and KODAK FILM KODAK FILM $ 1 29 comedy • married couple drama facing about a a silver Anthony Quayle appear. It seems a most ambitious c110-12 99« C110-20 anniversary identity crisis. This production of this classic. Limit 1 is the first time these master The week offers a schedule (COUPON) comedians have worked Expires Nov. 24, 1974 which may tempt turned - off East Lansing Store Only together and the results should viewers to switch on their sets. be interesting. The show will SN air 9 p.m. Tuesday. Two new series premier on Q - TIPS EXCEDRIN VISINE Photo/Larry Gunsberg PBS Eye Drops Wednesday: "Feeling I Friends Roadshow, a unique entertainment group that began in Good," and "Life of Leonardo 170's 100's I 1 creation of American, Jango Edwards, appeared at Lizard's 'ht combined England as a Thursday in a show Da Vinci." "Feeling Good" attempts to do for health what reg. 1.19 IT reg. 1.69 94' V4oz. reg. 1.50 99. mime, music and vaudeville. "Sesame Street" did for the alphabet. "The Children's Television Workshop has East Lansing Store Only assembled a resident cast, including Bill Cosby and Ethel GE ZEST )uartet stars Shutta. The initial outing will gu Reddy, B. B. King and Johnny be spiced with songs by Helen Bath Size SUN LAMP CHAPSTICK Cash. It may turn you on like I The Beaumont String $9 98 another piece and pianist Edith jiartet will make history Kraft will also appear. No. 3," the Bartok piece and Schumann's "Piano Quartet." "Electric Company." This will be broadcast at 8 p.m. -2/49c 29 Inight as it features the MSU The program will consist of The concert is open to the "Life of Leonardo Da first undergraduate Beethoven's "Quartet, Op. 18, public and free of charge. Vinci" follows at 9 p.m. on est performer. uansing store Only tasj Lansing store Only East Lansing Store Only I Dan Rizner will join the in a performance o£ EARTH BC>RN $ "Quartet No. 3," as lit of a concert to be given at Shampoo 1 38 ■lS tonight in the Music ping auditorium. WIDE-CALF® / ■ ; • ** 12 oz. reg. 2.19 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 ("We have no permanent & East Lansing Store Only ' id violinist and Rizner is i outstanding student," r Verdehr, a permanent BOOTS byCARBER ULTRA BRITE Chewable VITAMIN C $109 er of the group, said. M Fits 7oz /O 250 MG. I The quartet is composed of Up To An lg'Calf reg. 1.19 Um|t, (COUPON) 100'S Limit 1 lenity members Peter Rejto Expires Nov. 24, 1974 rp„ 0 1)1) reg. Z.VU (COUPON) | cello, Theodore Johnson on "WE HAVE BOOTS TO East Lansing Store Only Expires Nov. 24,1974 East Lansing Store Only a and Verdehr on first FIT ALL SIZE LEGS" 0 James Niblock, VASELINE INTIENSIVE CARE iiirman of the Music Dept., II play second violin on Illustrated is juSt one of the 15 oz. Lotion 99* ! reg. 1.69 many styles we have. In (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 RENT A T.V. Black, Brown, Camel, East Lansing Store Only $25.00 per termi Cognac, Benedictine. Sizes 5 to 12 Medium CONTAC STRIDEX Jnejactv rentals] 7 to 12 Narrow Cold Capsules NYQUIL Medicated Pads 337-1300 10's 6 oz. Q Q C 75 $ 1 05 96c s reg. 1.69 O0 reg. 1.69 reg. 1.59 1 Limit 1 Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) (COUPON) The Store That Has More East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only § BIC RIGHT GUARD TAME Medium Point Pen Creme Rinse 225 E. Grand River Ave. 9 1/3 BOOIERY oz. East reg. 19c 0C reg. 1.59 96c ret*1.25 49* ffJAC TV RENTALS Lansing (C0UP06N) (COUPO'N) (COUPoVl) . 337 1 300 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Eaton's Erasable Bond TEXAS INSTRUmENTS ELECTRONIC TYPING PAPER nf." 1.09 69' Limit 1 (COUPON) CALCULATORS AT REDUCED PRICES East Lansing Store Only Barnes • Hind WETTING SOLUTION CLAIROL CONDITION SR. 10 Tl - 2510 2°z. it i TO 16 oz. Jar C 90 reg. * 2.09 L"im i (COUPON) * 1 1 ° 1 ^•5-98 Lt(nltl SO 29 (COUPON) v East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ULTRA SHEEN KIT NIGHT Mild - Regular - Super $3" TRIPPER reg. 4.25 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Orion Opaque NOW KNEE SOX Fashion KNEE SOX KNEE SOX 5888 two snows NOW IN STOCK F tickets on sale now 723* 67' 86( Limit C (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 (COUPON) East Lansing Store Expires Nov. 24, 1974 Only East Lansing Store Only S E. Grand River 'tudent OPAQUE PANTY HOSE No. 0-1 rej. I SO Limit C (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 78" SHEER PANTY HOSE No. 620 reg. 89c One Size Limit C (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 49' East Lansing Store Only East Lantln9 Store Only 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1! Spartans dump stubborn Hoosiers,19-] By CHARLES JOHNSON Charlie Baggett pumped up the deflated Spartan offense in the improved their record to 6-3-1 and 5-1-1 in the Big Ten. was flat, an exuberant Baes contended after the game that h and second half as the Spartans rolled to their fourth straight win and Any chance Stolz' boys had for a trip to Pasadena were ended one player who was fired up for the contest e *» PAT FARNAN • firmer grasp of the third place spot in the Big Ten conference "I was ready to go and wanted to Saturday with the University of Michigan's rout of Purdue, 51-0. have a eoori m , - State News Sports Writers race. It took a pair of long scoring drives late in the second half to said. "I could see a lot of my teammates were BLOCMNGTON.Ind. A poised MSU football team, making its - Baggett, with running backs Levi Jackson and Richie Bare, free the Spartans from the clutches of defeat. felt better all year." ere down aown. but I nev„| debut as an upset target rather than a victimizer, came through headed the second half assault on the Indiana defense, which Baggett and Jackson took turns ripping through the stubborn Baes, a walk - on, lugged the ball 27 times to lead d a when it defeated a determined Indiana squad 19-10 before allowed the Spartans only a 24 - yard field goal from Hans Hoosier defense late in the third period and Baggett capped off an in that category, too. thfSptftiJ 25,482 fans here Saturday. Nielsen in the first half. 87 yard drive by sneaking across from one yard. emphubUKL*** • The Spartans, cast into the national limelight a week ago with All three Spartan backs eclipsed the 100 yard mark. Baggett On their next possession, after forcing an Indiana punt, the "" h*d * M««"» »»," & their upset victory over Ohio State, displayed one of the most finished with 151, Jackson totaled 127 and Baes led all rushers Spartans went 86 yards in 13 plays with Baes toting it over from Jackson, who has burned opponents for 261 vartk th devastating ground game exhibitions in recent history and in the with 159 yards. six yards to make it 16-7. two weeks, was awarded the game ball. w process of running wild, ran the Hoosiers crazy and deeper into But the Spartans could not get the ball in the end zone in the Reserve quarterback Tyrone Willingham bobbled the snap "It's been a great two weeks," he said. the Big Ten conference cellar. first half. Three interceptions and a couple other costly miscues from center after the Spartans' first touchdown and the PAT Jackson broke the crucial 88 - yard Denny Stolz' squad entered the game a little flat, but refused gave Indiana 7-3 halftime edge. failed. That left the Hoosiers trailing by just two. touchdown run Ohio State last week that sent the Buckeyes back tn r 1 to lose any of the luster from its big victory last week. "Lee Corso (Indiana coach) did a heckuva coaching job out But after Baes six • yard scamper, Nielsen converted and later ■ "I never coached so hard in my life," Stolz said afterward. there today," Stolz said, commending his peer. "He coached that slipped a 44 - yard field goal through the uprights to insure the with their first loss this year. C "You could jufct see that our kids weren't up. You just can't football team well and you could see that they were going all out Spartans of the win. His 34 yard spring against the Hoosiers - Saturday set .m * ■ afford to lose games like this after beating a power like Ohio for this one." The Hoosier scores came on a pass from Terry Jones to Trent Spartans' first touchdown and provided them with the imneLuP State. In light of the Spartans passing difficulties in the first half, Smock of 20 yards, tipped by Spartan linebacker Pat McClowTy, close out the upset- minded Hoosiers. l*tustoj "We really didn't play that poorly in the first half, but we had in the first period and a 32 - yard field goal by Frank Stavroff In all, the a couple of bad breaks. I'm just glad we're leaving here with a (Baggett three of eight), Stolz kept the ball on the ground in was the second half and slowly put the Hoosiers away. with 5:35 remaining in the game. Spartans amassed 441 yards on the ground and J victory." For Indiana, it was its ninth loss in 10 games. The Spartans Though Stolz said that he recognized beforehand that his team yards In the air for a total of 474, over 300 Hoosiers. more Cnan .21 THIRD PERIODS DECISIVE leers roll over Dakota 3y STEVE STEIN Ross scored on a three - on one break while Smith tallied - State News Sports Writer when he carried the puck from deep inside the Spartan zone, got It is almost becoming predictable. behind the Dakota defense, and beat goalie Peter Waselovich with MSU's hockey team stretched its Western Collegiate Hockey a quick shot. Assn. (WCHA) winning streak to five this past weekend by It was the first collegiate goal for Smith. sweeping fast ■ skating North Dakota, 7-4 and 6-2 at the Munn Ice Brendon Moroney, Daryl Rice, Ross and sophomore Arena. defenseman Pat Betterley sealed the game Saturday for MSU In every one of the Spartans' five straight victories, the team with goals in the final stanza. Betterley's goal, a power play slap has waited until the third period to put things away. shot, was also his first in a Spartan uniform. "It speaks well for their conditioning," Spartan hockey coach Ron Clark was a busy man in the Spartan nets Amo Bessone said after Saturday's victory. "If we could Saturday, put three stopping 54 Dakota shots, including an amazing 30 in the first periods together like we play the third period, we'd probably kill period alone. He only allowed one tally that period. somebody." "I don't know how they got that many through," Clark said The two victories gave the Spartans a 5-1 record in WCHA play after his shower. "They just kept coming and and a 6-2 overall coming." record, while the Sioux fell to 1-5 in the league Clark added a little extra excitement to the game Friday when and 3-5 overall. he skated out half way to the blue line near the boards to MSU sold out Munn Arena for the first time - help Saturday night as stop a North Dakota power play effort. 6,255 fans packed the new facility. A crowd of 6,048 watched Spartan defenseman Kelly Cahill alertly guarded the net until Friday night's contest, raising the series attendance total to Clark returned. 12,303, also anew MSU record. "That's what gives coaches grey hair," Bessone sighed. "But Spartan center Steve Colp got into a fight with North Dakota's Tom Brown with just 1:34 remaining in Clark has been fantastic this year. He's gotten off to a Saturday's contest and tremendous start and I hope he keeps it up." both men were handed five - minute fighting penalties. John Sturges and Ross each tallied twice to lead the Spartans Under WCHA rules, Colp will miss Friday night's game against to their 7-4 victory Friday. MSU led by only one Wisconsin in Madison. goal, 5-4, after two periods but Rice and Ross tallied in the final period to seal Bessone indicated that Darl Bolton will take the victory. Colp's place on the Spartans' line with Daryl Rice and Robbie Harris. Colp, who Dakota took a brief 4 -3 advantage when it scored two goals is MSU's second leading scorer, led the WCHA and the nation in - within 14 seconds of the second period. But, Bolton scored his scoring last year. first goal of the year and Sturges added another to give the lead "We've gotten along without important stars before," Bessone back to the Spartans. said. "Of course, Steve is one of our main cogs." Sturges, who had a disagreement with Bessone earlier this year, The Spartans exploded with four goals in the final period saidthings are "cleared up completely." Saturday to break open a close contest. After allowing the Sioux Sturges was going after the hat trick Friday and Bessone left SN photo/Dan Shul to score first, MSU led by just 2-1 over two periods. him on the ice a little longer in the third period in an attempt to The reactions of the MSU and North Dakota players above indicate their feelings following a power play goal Tom Ross and freshman defenseman Tom Smith scored get that third goal. by the Spartans' Pat Betterley late in the third period during MSU's 6-2 victory Saturday night. Betterley fired unassisted goals in the second period to give MSU its lead. "That's the kind of guy Amo is," Sturges said. his shot from the right point. Lindsay set for championships By DAN SPICKLER MSU's Jeff Pullen, a Minnesota, 166. and Lindsay will be this area's country team this year. State News Sports Writer freshman, finished 54th. Last year the District IV major individual threats. Lindsay broke course m MSU's Herb Lindsay Spartan cross country coach meet, which covers 34 schools Western Kentucky is the for both the five and si qualified for the 36th NCAA Jim Gibbard was pleased with in the Midwest, was held at meet favorite for team honors. distance at Forest Akers jo men's cross country national the first MSU. Lindsay placed 17th. Defending champion Oregon is - year man's course, broke the U • M co championships, bv placing performance, but was hoping Lindsay will be among 343 once again expected to be in record during the Michigaj seventh out of 200 top - rated for a higher finish. individuals and 37 teams the Federation meet and broke tl running for top team at the NCAA District runners IV meet Saturday in Madison, Both Lindsay and Pullen competing at the Indiana golf honors. EMU is also one of the course mark at EMU earli| qualified for the districts at course. Last year Oregon won favored teams. this year. Wis. the Big Ten meet, held at the title in Spokane, For Lindsay, next Monday Gibbard said that Lindsd Lindsay, a sophomore, will the University of Michigan, by Washington. will mark the high point of a was competing Saturday f travel to Bloomington, Ind. on EMU stars Tom Hollander finishing in the top 14. Lindsay promising career. The Spartan Wisconsin though Nov. 25 for his first was 3rd and Pullen 11th. and Gordon Minty along with harrier has been the dominant experienced a mild illne|^ championship meet. It will be Eastern Michigan University sophomore Virgin of Illinois force behind the MSU cross during the week. hosted by Indiana University. easily took team honors at the Hie MSU harrier hit the line districts, capturing the second, in 29:34.4, finishing within a third and fourth individual minute of the district meet individual winner, Craig Virgin of Illinois, who was clocked at spots. EMU totaled 33 team points. Trailing the were host Hurons Dolphins on to Wisconsin, 76; U - MIAMI 28:42.8. M, 84; Kent State, 155 and (UPI) - Sunday. second place at 7 -3. Quarterback Bob Griese, burning the Buffalo defense all The cliff hanger victory, - which saw Buffalo tie the score With a 49 - yard Warfield for a second ■ pwC throwj day with long passes to Paul twice in the final period, lifted touchdown and a 54 • yard Ml MSU volleyball unit Warfield, crossed up the Bills with a draw play which sent Miami over the Bills into sole position of the American to the fleet receiver to set upl third score in the third periof substitute fullback Don Football Conference East it looked like Griese h ' Nottingham squirting Division lead with an 8-2 the Dolphins comfortably | takes second place untouched up the middle for 23 yards and a 35-28 Dolphin record. Buffalo fell into front 21-7 in the third perio« victory in the final 19 seconds By ROBIN MclNTOSH State News Sports Writer Coble TV airs MSU's women's volleyball team captured second place in the Michigan state tournament while the women's cross country team closedi out its College, N season with a sixth place finish in the Iowa State Invitational tournament this past weekend. hockey clashes from Spartan goalie Ron Clark lends a hand to tBarmBteTom Smith during a small SN photo/ Bob Kaye The volleyball squad lost in the championship match of the tournament to Calvin College, 9 -15 and 12 -15. With the growing weekend'sgomei The Spartans were in the top - seeded pool along with Eastern popularity skirmish in Friday's 7-4 MSU victory over North Dakota. Clark stopped 54 and increasing scarcity of College shots Saturday while Smith scored his first Michigan, University of Michigan and Olivet College. MSU and tickets for Spartan hockey collegiate goal to help MSU sweep EMU placed first and second in the seed, while Grand Valley and the weekend series with a 6-2 triumph over the Sioux. games, the MSU Video MSU 19, Indiana 10 Maryland 56, Duke U Western Michigan took the Houston 13, Memphis SU" top spots in the second seed. Calvin Workshop has begun taping U-M 51, Purdue 0 . College and Central Michigan rounded out the competition for some home matches for cable Ohio State 35, Iowa 10 Colorado 37, Oklahoma Sr J L the semifinals. television audiences. Illinois 17, Minnesota 14 California 37, Washington St. ■ In the semifinals, MSU faced Central Wisconsin 52, Northwestern 7 Baylor 17, Texas Tech 10 Mann's field goal just in time Michigan and won 15 - 7, 15 - 7, while Calvin College faced Grand Valley and took the match 15 -17, 17 -15 and 11 8. MSU met Calvin College in and Cosponsored the Married by Students ASMSU Oklahoma 45, Kansas 14 Alabama 28. Miami (Fla.) 7 Mississippi St. 7, LSU6 ^ Tennessee 29, Mississippi" - Union, the workshop is taping Notre Dame 14, Pittsburgh 10 Vanderbilt 30, Tulane22 the finals and lost. all Friday night home Nebraska 35, Kansas St. 7 CMU42, Southern Illinois" as Lions defeat Giants, 20-19 MSU coach Annelies Knoppers was overall performance in the tournament. satisfied with the team's These will following Mondays games. be aired at 8 p.m. the Auburn 17, Georgia 13 USC 42, Washington 11 Missouri 10. Iowa St. 7 Arkansas 24, SMU 24 "I'm very pleased with finishing second. The team played hard on cable 11. Kentucky 41. Florida 24 Texas 81, TCU lb and well," she said. Married Texas AAM 37, Rice 7 Arizona 27, Air Force 24 DETROIT (UPI) Errol Mann kicked a 37 - bring the Lions within range. housing units are - In finishing second, MSU qualified to play in the Midwest able to pick up the games at 7 Penn State 35, Ohio U. 16 Stanford 17, Oregon 0 yard field goal with two seconds to play They started the winning drive Miami (Ohio) 27, Cincinnati 7 UCLA 33, Oregon St. I* on their own regional volleyball tournament at Western Michigan this p.m. Sunday on cable 21. Sunday to give the Detroit Lions a 20-19 20 and Munson completed four key passes to Saturday. Should they do well there, they will advance to the victory over the New York Giants in the give Mann a chance at his winning three - national championships. National Football Conference game. pointer. One of those receptions was a 19 - yard The cross country team ended its season with a strong sixth Basketball game Detroit, which blew a 10-3 lead, racked up strike to Ron Jessie when Detroit its fifth win in its last six had four place finish at the invitational tournament. Detroit 20, New York Giants 19 New York Jets 21, New by scoring 10 games yards to go on fourth down Spartan runner Ann Forshee was the top finisher for MSU, The United Blacks of points in the last 5 1/2 minutes of the game. at its own 26. Green Bay 19, Minnesota 7 St. Louts 13. Philadelphia J placing 14th out of 107 runners. Sheri Hohenstein finished 27th Wonders Hall basketball team New Orleans 20, Los Angeles 7 Baltimore 17, Atlanta! New York is now 2-8 and Detroit 5-5. Pete Gogolak kicked field goals of 42, 33, 34 and Erica d'Elia finished 42nd to round out the Spartans' will face the hall council and San Francisco 34, Chicago 0 Oakland 17, San Diego 10 Quarterback Bill Munson hit rookie Bob and 40 yards for the Giants. His 40 - top yard shot three. staff at 7:30 p.m. today in Houston 20, Cincinnati 3 Miami 35, Buffalo 28 Pickard with a seven yard touchdown pass, the with 10:19 left in the Dallas J - first of the youngster's pme gave New York a Fifteen full teams and 11 more partial squads from around the Jenison Fieldhouse. Donation Pittsburgh 26, Cleveland 16 Washington 28, career, with 5:22 left to 19-10 margin. U50 cents. country ran in the meet. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1974 ]1 1St. Jury By ALLAN LENGEL summons anger had never taken students part in one of Jurors are selected by a are always jurors on call serving State News Staff Writer the oldest judicial serving were wasteful and processes, computer that chooses their two week term. They must be John sat around the East trial by • jury. - names at random from "pretty disruptive in my a voter available if defendant Lansing Courthouse skeptical His experience was a schedule." and angered, quite registration list. requests to be tried by a jury. Each juror is paid $ 15 a day serving his fourth typical of MSU students who Tschirhart estimates that One student, who asked and last day as and $7.50 for a half day. juror. are summoned to serve as only 2 to 3 per cent of the that her name be withheld for John had A full day means, a juror is in spent the last jurors in the East Lansing students three days District Court. are totally excused fear of fines or prosecution, the court house before and sitting with a crowd from serving. told of how she only served of 30 jurors after 12 p.m. waiting for the Judge Daniel Tschirhart of two days and then decided to court to pick six of their the East He explained that a student In addition, jurors receive for a jury. The fourth names Lansing court stated stop calling the courthouse to 10 cents a mile for round that he could be excused if the few trip day was was aware of the see if she would be needed the no different. inconveniences the jury system days missed could ruin an by car. The six names were called imposes on students. entire quarter's studies. following day. While students were *fnWx and John was once The student, who said she generally negative toward the again not Tschirhart said if a student Students in veterinarian never served on a jury in the among them, yet he was forced can school and medical school are system, some Lansing residents to present a valid reason for two days, understood the who served on juries in the wait until a jury was not fulfilling an entire two among those who have been reasons for remaining at the compiled, which was not until week term, he will allow the excused from Ingham County Circuit Court 2:30. serving on jury courthouse but simply said, "I expressed student to more positive John left serve only three or duty. couldn't afford to do it." reactions. The the courtroom four days. The student must county court Though there have only "I think it was a waste of frustrated over the fact that he show it would be a averages 21 trial juries a had not only missed classes but unique been 10 juries used in the East time," she said. "I'm a junior month, giving selected jurors a hardship to serve. Lansing court this year, there and I'm starting to get into the better chance of actually most important part of my serving. program." William Beckett, of Lansing, & Trial by jury in minor cases "I just think that my schooling was more echoed the views' of several Lansing jurors saying he was important than someone who satisfied and impressed with has a traffic violation," she the judicial process but there can be dropped, judge says added. Those students who did were certain disturbed him. things which serve on juries said that they "First I thought it was a were impressed by the process farce," Beckett said. By ALLAN LENGEL The Ingham County Circuit but seemed disgruntled over the He explained that he was In an experiment by two State News Staff Writer Court is allotted $120,000 a other days where they waited removed from the selection of clinical psychologists at the While few people dispute for hours doing nothing. year for juries. University of Washington, 105 the first jury by a lawyer under the necessity of a trial by jury Jurors in Ingham County Shirley Stratton, a junior, a peremptory challenge which — the cost, time and receive $15 a day and 10 cents university students were given served on one jury during the - allows six inconvenience imposed by it both admissible and jurors to be removed a mile for car two week period and told of milage in a round inadmissible evidence on a trial without reason. have caused some to consider her contentment toward the trip. State legislation is now Beckett later changed his reform. involving a grocery store being considered to raise the robbery. process. mind after he served on a jury, Judge Daniel Tschirhart of daily compensation to $25. Stratton admitted that the finding it interesting and quite the East Lansing District Court They concluded that jurors other days when she was not Jurors are paid for the time fair. remember what the judges told agrees with those who want the I Dan Dobruse, graduate elimination of trial by jury for they spend at the court house, them to forget. I student in the Dept. of regardless of whether they The minor cases. serve on a jury or not. experiment also revealed that when the ■ Metallurgy, pours But Tschirhart explained While there have been that reform will not be feasible prosecutor's case is weak I aluminum alloy into a nationwide reports of potential until the possibility of damaging publicity and I sand casting mold. This terms are eliminated for minor jail jurors lying under oath in order inadmissible evidence make the I is the first step of offenses. to avoid serving, Judge Warren jury partial towards a guilty said he knows of such I producing beer steins He estimated that it takes cases. no verdict. In an attempt to save time I that will be sold at an three times as long to try a case While most with a jury. area judges and eliminate inadmissible and I open house on the made some criticism of juries, irrelevant material, an Ohio While Tschirhart admitted 1 third floor of the that some money is wasted Supreme Court Justice, John court experimented with a I Engineering Building, he said that nevertheless the Swainson, former governor video tape machine. of Michigan, praised the The opposing attorneys and I Wednesday Nov. 20 at law today states that everyone has the right to be tried by system, labeling it "excellent judges edited out irrelevant and : 3 0 p.m. and effective." their peers. inadmissible evidence and then I Demonstrations will Swainson stated he does not presented it to the jury. As of the present, $4500 has forsee any curbing or ■ include such things as been allotted for jury trials in Judge Swainson noted that I technique elimination of jury activity. irrelevant material might not of metal the East Lansing District Court He stated that a more be inadmissible. ■ casting, electron for 1974. This is an increase of scientific way of selecting Judge Tschirhart saw no microscopy and $1,000 over 1973. jurors by computers has reason to allow irrelevant ■ mechanical A Washington D.C. system metal broadened the objective material to be used. 1 testing. analyst and computer expert possibilities of juries. He added that hemight be in obtained a federal grant to "Cost is a minimal favor of using the system in study the jury system. He consideration for a trial by jury East Lansing but said he was concluded that out of the when you consider the not sure what the camera's many thousands of dollars individual being effect tried," would have on the spent a year on juries in the Swainson said. United States nearly one - fifth people. could have been saved by better management. Judge Jack Warren of the iProf says tax will save gas Ingham County Circuit Court said: "realistically the-day is not far off when out of Have It necessity well cut down on J An MSU ■conomics ■indatory J»line professor has urged conservation of by imposing a of 30 to Kreinin believes that Ford's rejection of a gas tax and suggestion of import quotas will not help the economic money from the tax be used to initiate a massive public employment program to retrain people, and to develop alternative expenses and limit the trial by juries." "We'll soon see some proposals in the legislature to serious ICING YourWay ^"^Burger King Id cent tax on gas. situation in the United States. limit them," he said. nergy sources. ■ "Voluntary conservation is Jthing. The only way to do it I to put a stiff tax on the Mordechai The only people who will benefit from import quotas will be the oil companies, he MO/V California Originals Kreinin said. The quotas will lower I Similar proposals have been supplies and raise prices, but the profits will be going to the We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. ■insistently rejected by producers. The Original Gold Rush: ■Mdent Ford, who is relying J1 voluntary fuel conservation The money from a gas tax would go into the government on weekdays skmnv dipping in 1848. A piospectoi spotted her. and hollered out. "Gold. There's Gold in tv r:ver." |thistime. and could be used to fight "Carole thought he w&s telling her that ■: >1 Sawhill, former energy administrator, unemployment, which Kreinin feels will be "public enemy No. Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays in the river She jumped to shore, and threv. some joid ps removed fr°m his position 1" by mid-1975. yellow rocks at him. The prospector had them as J Oct. 29, possibly for Kreinin said that sayed. and guessed it,they were idiot's BUY ONE the tax ■eking a mandatory would not have to be gold" (which is worth even less than "fool 's golo ■■servation plan. On discriminatory against the The prospector died penniless, while Carole went »ursday, the new energy poor. He suggested that an («. Rogers C. B. Morton, J"1 rais«i the issue of income tax credit could allowed to make the be WHOPPER on to the commercial below. Burgie Beer: ■indatory conservation more equitable. Golden. Light. Easy. Brewed with a true Western V taxation. He also suggested that the GET ONE FREE! taste for ovei 100 years. And, as it says on oui label, 12 fluid ounces. (Sure, other bee's may say that, YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY with coupon but do they really mean it7; Try some Mon. Nov. 18 thru Thurs. Nov. 21 Burgie be No other product can make that statement. Burgie E"t With contacts from Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs Coming tkis week: Original California Beer fantastic ja/z saxophonist Stanley Turrentine Nov. 18 through the 22nd (Mon through Sat) Special - stay for both shows for further info all 351 -1200 THE 2843 E.6D. STABLES peat, light California bter. 12 Fluid Ounces RIVER, EAST LANSING 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 3-18 !8, ( Call Get top $dollar$ for Your car with smart use of Classified Ads. Michelle 355-8255 Automotive AI M Smite |(7] FRANKLY SPEAKING, by phil frank [ IprtiNts |W ; Apartmeats ](V] [ Variants 9 GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tire*. VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE ONE GIRL Needed. Winter and MSU AREA: Okemos. One female Standard shift, 3 speed. $2,000. repair and body. 20% spring, sublease River's Edge, bedroom, furnished end roommate , Call 641-6806. Or 641-6767 if DISCOUNT to students, faculty $77.60/month. 351-4306. unfurnished, air conditioned, $80/month, no answer. 7-11-21 on all caih'n' carry VW service 5-11-20 carpeted, modern. $150 to parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, $165. Heet included. Call PHONE 355 8255 GREMLIN 1973 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter 349-9604. 10-11-27 PENNSYLVANIA.,^,- furnished studio 20,000 miles, good condition! 485-2047, 485 9229. term Eden Roc, $80.50. utiiw 347 Student Services Bldg. Low mpg, 361-0042. 5-11-22 Mastercharge and Bank 337-7820. 3-11-18 CAMPUS HILL. Furnished *25 « month' J* - AUTOMOTIVE Phone 627 Americard. C-11-27 epertments. Dishwasher, 5454.7-11-20 Scooters & Cycles HONDA COUPE, 1971. Excellent FURNISHED EFFICIENCY. disposal, central air, carpeted, 1 girl condition throughout, extra Sublease winter and spring laundry. Free bus service, needed, Parts & Service Aviation radial tires, AM-FM cassette deck, $1250. 353-1857. 3-11-18 terms. East $120, utilities paid. 1712 Michigan. 372-5549. unlimited perking, heat paid. Free roommate Immediate Karen, 381-2583.3^1^)'■occ^l service. • EMPLOYMENT 349-3530. 10-11-18 cedar village. MGB 1972, 24,000 miles. Stored ♦FOR RENT Winters. Many extras - 489-5346 EAST LANSING • One bedroom ONE MAN to share 3 men, next to sublease winter & jprjn. .P Apartments days. 484-8482 evenings. furnished. Quiet residential area. campus. $70. 351-3437. 5-11-21 aprtment. 351-3573. 1(1 Houses 5-11-19 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Carpeting. Disposal. Security 2 Rooms Kalamazoo Street since 1940. locks. $185. Lease from FACULTY AND students, would bedroom Jolly-Logan area, d^pj MERCURY MONTEREY 1967. Complete auto painting and December, 1974 - September 15, you like to get away from the yard, carpeted. full \LJm 1975. Woodside Apartments, • FOR SALE New tires, battery, 390 collision service. American and 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 crowd? We have large, two utilities. $180/43 Animals automatic. $450. 351-5173. Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-11-27 bedroom, fully carpeted, Security d-fl required 3 72-8073 Mobile Homes 3-11-18 apartments, on the neer A(3I INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on FURNISHED 1 bedroom to Northwest side. Reasonable in - 669-3090 8 11-22 ® • LOST & FOUND cycles and auto Call subleese. Available (December > PERSONAL Mercury MARQUIS 1971. 54,000 miles, needs body Brougham last, but call. Easy us first Payment or TA?? TCH4 WHY.UEAVEMS 13, close. 351-3644. 5-11-19 town rates. 372-9730. EIPPER REALTY, After 5 pm, fawn park Apartm^l and young marrieds. work. $1100. 393-3457. 5-11-21 Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS 372-7384. 3-11-19 V*eJ . PEANUTS PERSONAL 485-4317. 0-11-27 MO!THAT WAb THE 00 AftMV" 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED deluxe color coordinated SERVICE 5-11-21 rates to students. Also 2COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 351-3188. 10-12-3 Apartments. Call 349-0993. extras. parking, many $139 $169 gl guaranteed rust proofing. VAN 3-11-19 882J Instruction OLDSMOBILE 1966 F-85. $650. WORLD. 645-2123.0-11-27 TWO GIRLS needed to sublease, 10-11-22 m winter/ spring, share room, NEAR BARS, stores, bus. MSU. Typing Service TRANSPORTATION No rust. 353-1543. 3-11-20 Mags, new paint. FALL Auto SPECIAL. rustproofing, Fantastic new and used deal. [_ Eiploymt jf|jj [ For Heat 4-wo man, $70. Close. 351-2412. 3-11-20 Sublet winter, 332-0086.3-11-19 $66, girl. own room - country setting. $150 includes nonsmokTlJ Four jT WANTED PEUGEOT 504 Wagon, 1972. Air, cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as utilities. before 5. Dave. 5-11-18 353^ CAR POOL LITTLE IMMEDIATE cash, good TV and STEREO Rentals. GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter LARGE TWO 24,000 miles, mint. Asking low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, pertly furnished $2750. 353-8730, 351-6757. 337-0496. 10-11-22 growth potential. Independent $25/term. $10.95/month. Free term. Own room. Twyckingham. efficiency. Close to campus, air GIRL NEEDED winter kedrooms, $ ••RATES** BL-5-11-22 persdn to market bicycle Same Day Delivery and Service. 332-1765. 3-11-20 conditioning, immediete and■ term, own room. Call available C security systems, commercial Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 occupancy. $165/month. Call 351< 10 between 10-2.10-11-25 h-4984. 5-11- Tim w PINTO — tricycles, with new firm. Part 3 ROOM APARTMENT with 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 1974, 14.000 miles. Take time N(_). to full time. Marketing, utilities. Furnished. $130 pjus WC )RDS NC). DAY! over 5-11-20 payments. Call 351-6319. bicycle experience helpful. Apartments 3? deposit. 372-8615. 5-11-22 SUBLEASE: NEED one to two "LOW Rant." 20 minutes [oMMATEJ 351-7240. 5-11-19 campus, beautiful 2 bed Bale/female. 1 girls winter/spring. $46.25 1 3 5 10 PINTO 10 MINUTES to MSU. Luxury Capitol Villa. 332-6881. 3-11-18 apartments. Carpet Lous, law, f 1971, 2 door, 4 speed WILL SUBLEASE large, attractive WOMEN WITH children under five appliances, dishwas tmosphere. La transmission, 48,000 miles, apartments from $170. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.00 interested in temporary position apartment near campus. To EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom, carpeted, automatic oven cleaner Lmhouse, Pai radio, excellent condition. Must share with 1 487-9085, 393-0720. 5-11-22 12 1.80 4.80. 7.80 15.60 COMPLETE EXHAUST as teaching aid for first year roommate at air few left. $165 per m, tork for 1 sell. Leaving country. 626-6880. systems conditioned, appliances, 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 for most foreign cars in stock. medical students. Maximum'- 6 $135/month. No extra deposit GIRL NOW. $155, plus deposit. 484-9309. 1-313-626-8888 10-1120 fo-3623.5-11-: Call after 6 pm. 3-11-18 required. Call 351-3367 soon. Furnished, IS 2.70 7.20 11.70 15% off with Ripp-Off coupon. hours/week. $3.39/hour. 5-11-20 23.40 10-11-18 Twyckingham, 4 person, $70. PINE - LAKE APARTMEI N ROOM t CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Contact Mary Black, 353-4583. - 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 PONTIAC CATALINA 1964. Good Share now with good people. 6076 Marsh Road, Haslei CAR PARTS, 2605 East 3-11-18 CHRISTIAN FEMALE 25 10.00 16.25 tires, $300 or best offer. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to Call and find out yourself. needs bedroom apartments just 02-5263.3-11-1 3.75 32.50 353-3624. 5-11-18 Kalamazoo, one mile west of sublease winter term. Own 482-5179, 351-1565. 5-11-22 roommate. Winter end / or minutes from MSU. $15( campus. 487-5055. C-1-11-18 WANTED, PART time help bedroom. Close to spring. Cedar Village epertments. campus. month. Beautiful grounds,I EMOS AREA, 4 c>EADILINE PONTIAC, 1973 Trans Am 2-door, evenings. 7-11 STORE. Holt, 351-3286. after 6 pm. 5-11-19 WAVERLY AREA - $175 includes 351-0989. 5-11-20 location. Call Manager 339-1 tome. Ideal for P.M. one class day dark green, automatic with many extras. Repossessed. Him* lfiil 694-9823. 3-11-18 TWO GIRLS needed to sublet heat and water, 2 bedroom luxury apartments, drapes, FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Cedar or EAST LANSING 332-4128.10-11-19 REAI Kr ease. month plu Call 33 Phone 484-5473, extension 25. WAITRESSESS WANTED DELLS. Village winter $80. before publication. apartment, winter term. Close to dishwasher, carport, laundry. No term. LANSING 3-11-18 $2/hour. Call between 1-6 pm. 332-0400. 5-11-20 UNLIMITED SALES campus. Call 351-8486. 3-fl -18 undergrads, children or pets. FEMALE NEEDED to « I0MPANY. 5-11 339-2916, Frank, 5-11-20 372-9279.5-11-22 OPPORTUNITY Twyckingham apartment » Peanuts Personal ads PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Good WATERS EDGE. Female to 15 MINUTES to MSU. 1 bedroom. and f you're a better man then the job DESK ClIrk"needed. Must have spring. Call 332-0 D BEDROOM ( must be pre-paid. condition, new tires, new sublease winter and / or spring. SPACIOUS TWO bedroom No children or pets. $130. 5-11-18 you're now in, we'd like to talk transportation and be willing to (SU. Prefer ft battery, new brakes. Tune - up $82.50 /month. 337-0418, apartment. Close to campus. 487-8595. 5-11-20 to Commissions. Call travel. Call 37 2-0567 Unfurnished. $1; jf last week. $800. 355-9900. you. or Cancellations/ Corrections 5-11-20 Josephine Starkweather at 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. Sandy. 3-11-18 Winter term or December 1. Call Houses (371092. 3-11-2 351-4246 evenings. 5-11-22 12 noon one class day 694-3935. Investors Diversified 0-11-27 FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury before publications. PORSCHE 1967 - 912, good Services. 10-11-22 PART TIME merchandiser wanted 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no ONE MAN to share 332-6362. 5-11-22 BEAL STREET looms - - four man ft running condition. $1495. for retail grocery trade. Position pets. Lease until September. One Own room, prefer non-smoker. SALES POSITIONS The State News will be Phone 372-8130. 5-11-19 includes shelf stocking and month free rent. $175. 129 $90 plus utilities. 393-5631. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. One BE HOME EVERY NIGHT display building. Grocery Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 5-11-22 bedroom epertment, furnished, responsible only for the RAMBLER 1967 2 door Arrange financial programs for - experience desired. Must have close to campus. 351-7655. ROOM IN individuals and business large three bed] r st day's incorrect automatic transmission, radio, own transportation. Call TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, NEAR MSU - attractive, large, 2 - 5-11-22 house. With vegetariai organizations. Will train for insertion. good tires, runs good. $300. mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. bedroom, carpeted, utilities 694-9080.5-11-22 highly lucrative, annualized _ -?JJ J ® 10 minutes 484-0459. 5-11-22 commission to campus. Quiet paid. 339-9114. 5-11-22 ONE NEEDED, 4 man, winter, sales. Prior sales AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our and peaceful on a lake. fills are due 7 days from experience desirable. Call district spring, pool, suana, TOYOTA LAND Cruiser - 1969, manager, 482-6893. 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 MALE ROOMMATE needed for $61.50/month. Walking the ad expiration date. If Josephine Starkweather, $1775/best offer. Roger Haag, 694-3935. Investors Diversified 20-J2-2 Watersedge. Winter/spring. distance. 351-3581.5-11-22 paid by the due date, a 332-8641. 3-1 1-18 MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is EAST LANSING - need 2 girls, $80/month. Parking available. $.50 late service charge will . Services. 10-11-22 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, t taking application for possible Capitol Villa. $61.66/month. 337 1077.3-11-20 NEED THIRD girl, 2 bedroom be due. a VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. 351-6033 after 6 pm. 3-11-19 Mason and Holt, n<| NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, live - in employment to work closing apartment. Okemos, $55/month redecorated i Rebuilt transmission, well SUBLET ONE bedroom, furnished, 337-9431.5-11-22 babysitter and housekeeper. shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in $150/month plus depl maintained, clean, very good HOME OWNERS and Renter $140 month, all utilities peid. condition. $1,400. 353-4631. Most weekends off. Own room person Monday 2-4 pm at - Thursday, 8-10 Insurance. Only you 349-1794. 5-11-22 NEED ONE sublease winter utilites. Phone 6949| with bath. Must be permanent, am or MCDONALDS, can save man to 5-11-19 Automotive £4 5-11-22 neat, and dependable. 485-1607 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. $$$. It pays to shop around. Call and spring terms. Cedar Village Grand River, East Lansing or us. You may be surprised. NEED ONE girl, winter. New Cedar Apartment. 351-3834. 5-11-22 VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 days. 627-4108 nights. 5-11-19 2040 Grand River, Okemos. 484-8173. 0-2-11-18 Village. $80/month. 351-4443. OKEMOS ■ TACOMA Boulif Tri • level house wi AMC REBEL 1967; miles, 4-speed, custom interior, 5-11-22 GIRL NEEDED. Automatic, AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 BIG BUCKS. Part - time, agressive 7-11;21 TWO Winter/spring. buy. Three bedroom, I power steering, good tires. MAN, furnished, one Furnished, $61/month. Close. mpg. 351-6917. 5-11-22 salesperson, time, commission. MALE BOOKKEEPER part time. family room. Built - i 355-0956 evenings. 5-11-22 332-2902 6-10 pm. 5-11-22 bedroom, 135 Kedzie Street. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, cleen. 489-9124, 353-9027. 5-11-22 Hours flexible. No experience 1V4 baths, large fenced lot Beginning winter term. quiet, cerpeting, air conditioned, per month. Arailable ij VEGA GT, 1974. Must sell this needed. $4.50/hour. 351-6208. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. 351-2402, 882-2316, 482-2937. patio, no undergrads. Security 5 MINUTES MSU. EXPERIENCED - PHONE 1-11-18 to Modern, 349-4420. 5-11-20 Only you can save $$$. It pays week. $2500 or ???? Owosso. 14-12-6 locks. $170 unfurnished, $185 - canvasser, top hourly wage, paid .furnished or unfurnished, to shop around. Call us. You* 1-725-8141. Jim.9-4. 3-11-18. furnished, to right individual including heet. balcony, covered parking, man or BABYSITTER - 4 midnights per UNIQUE TWO bedroom. Fireplace, 349-9152 may be 'urp'ised. 484-8173. or 351-0544 after 5. woman. Call 371-5650. 5-11-22 week. laundry. From $140. Short term 0-2-H-18 VEGA KAMMBACK wagon, 1974, Study or sleep. 489-6395, study, red shag carpet. Ideal for 5-11-19 lease available. 482-3860. available now on medium blue, 8,000 miles, afternoons. 3-11-20 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 _ HELP WANTED - full time. 5-11-20 It I East Lansing, Craig, 487® AUSTIN AMERICA 1969, • 4-speed, luggage rack, $2600. afternoons. LONG FEMALE NEEDED, 4 automatic AM-FM, n«w tires, Call 332-5417 after 6. 3-11-18 Lansing Ski Club. Currently RN DEVELOPMENT. 5-11-19 C-36 woman. days, 337-1862 nights. 3-fl taking application for 1974-75 FULL TIME opening on Twyckingham Court, ROOMMATE only 20,000 miles, excellent the $75/month. 351-1241. 5-11-19 NEEDED, condition, best offer. 349-9597 ski season, snow - making, lift 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe APARTMENT NEXT to Brody. Mid-December. Separate room, own room for girl, » VEGA GT 1972. 4-speed, radio, operators, ski instructors, ticket benefits, MNA contract, evening 2-man, air bath. Strawberry Fields. December 15, $80 evenings. 5-11-21 29,000 miles, $1200. Call conditioned, TWO CUTE, furnished 1 bedroom 694-9467. 5-11-21 sales. Will November 20-21. 9 take applications and night differential, no shift furnished. Stert late November. apartment. New paint, shag 394-2768.3-11-20 351-9525, after 5 pm.JJ BRONCO am - 4:30 rotation. other 1966 4 wheel drive. Chevrolet 1969 pick - up, 4 VOLKSWAGEN pm. 3-11-20 weekend off. Every Weekend bonus 332-5874. 5-11-19 carpeting, 371-3990 or $125 - $140. 482-5450. 5-11-19 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom Lansing 3 bedroom, furnisheJ wheel drive with or without 1968. Excellent peid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN ONE BEDROOM, furnished apartment, furnished, utilities people, $300/monthP condition, best offer. Call blade. United Motors, 1 mile 484-3541.5-11-20 HELPER - WATCHING 2 children Director of Nursing. 349-1050. apartment to sublease December oaid. $150/month. 487-5574. utilities, deposit 69J south of Holt. 694-8208. (7, 10 years) after school; light INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL or January through June. Janet, MOUNT HOPE - unfurnished, '5-11-22 before 9 am after 7 housework in exchange for CARE immediate occupency. 1-11-18 VOLKSWAGEN 1972. - FACILITY, Okemos, B35, Cedar Greens. 2-11-18 Super Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent room/board Okemos home. Michigan. 7-11-15 Garage,fire pi ace m CHEVY . IMPALA 1970. V-8, condition, cheap. 882-7789. Weekends free, starting winter term. 349-3339. 5-11-18 1 MALE FOR Eden Rock - 4 man. $185/month. Deposit. Utilities included. Call CROSSWORD wi ,. automatic. Price negotiable. Call 5-11-21 MARRIED COUPLE needed to $80.50. Available 355-1120, after 4 now through 355-3863.3-11-20 BICYCLE STORE manager. Long supervise a group of retarded adults. mentally June 15th. 351-9482. 5-11-19 pm. 3-11-19 PUZZLE JABEJ VOLKSWAGEN term Rewarding ACROSS 1971, Super arrangement^ Experience CHEVY work. Room and board provided F SCHOOL bus Remodelled for camper use. 1962. Beetle, $900 firm. Call 351-2380 anytime. 3-11-15 necessary. 351-7240. 5-11-19 plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg at 487-6500. 10-11-19 NEW STUDENTS 1 /C CHECK OUR 1. 4. Romaine Particle 30. Meadow 31. Boy's $1395.' 543-6982; 393-4230. RECREATION LEADER - part SAVE MO - '15 i ^REPAIR PRICES^ 7. Box nickname 5-11-19 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. time. Working with youth. 11. Friend 3? Troper Excellent condition, inside and Apply at Meridian Charter MODELS FOR 12. Joke 33. HALK DATSUN 1973 610 Wagon. Four out. Rebuilt engine, $1575. Townshop, 5100 Marsh Road, between 10 photography. Call am and 6 pm. ON OUR FALL | 20% discount to 13. Largest 35. Wigwam Friar OPEr door, automatic, great mpg. 1963 Chevy, $75. 627-7105. Okemos. 5-11-19 489-1215.0-11-27 students & continent 37. Unreal 694-1267. 5-11-18 3-11-20 TUNE-UP SPECIAL 14. Ship's diary faculty on 42. Large pulpit 15. Doctors' group 44. Rent FIAT SPIDER 124, 1970, excellent VW 1971 Beetle. Good condition. cash/carry vw 16. Headstrong 45. Theater sign SOLUTION OF Y $1,300. Call 482-5463 after 10 Service parts 17. Huge 46. Primitive 4. Starred IS AM/FM radials, pm. 3-11-20 20. Hindu cymbals 47. Chill 5. King Art* 349-3071. 5-11-19 1 ) C h Engli 21. Bury 48. Varnish base court sit® IA VW 1967, Beetle. Good dependable Compression 2) Remove and check 24. Sacred chest 49. Askew 6 Alaskan I transportation. A-1 engine. Could use some 75,000 miles, PYRAMID distributor, Replace Points (■ Condensor & Re • Install 27. Simple sugar 29. Child heroine 50. Japanese coin governor ■ 51. Wapitr 7. Thermopff FORD FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. cosmetic 694-8070 after 6 body work. pm. 3-11-20 $550. POWER 3) Install New Spark Plugs 4) Adjust Valves* 9 W AUTO PARTS ~ If 8. Book oil 5) Adjust timing to 9 Three-to* Call Bruce, 351-3820 after 6 pm. 9-11-27 VW, 1972. Good condition, low FOR SALE specifications 6) Synchronize Carbuerators 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cadar sloths P 7) Road Test for Safety 10. Cheer FORD LTD 1968. 4 door, good mileage, best offer. 349-9629. 5-11-19 WITH Most 4 cylinder cars *29.99. REQ. *39.90 V oiks wagon complete repair '18. Swift I service. Repair & parts for most 19. Staled® condition, $450 or best offer. 39. 3-11-20 WANT AD Most 6 cylinder cars *33.99. REQ. *49.90 foreign and American cars. 22. MidianiHr •No Valve Adjustment on Body shop 8i paint services. 23. Collide I some OHC engines. Exchange engines & transaxles. 2J.Higl"nll FORD i- 1959 Classic. Excellent Dikow Mpteriout fyum* Ill Nov. 22, 1*74 Free wrecker service with 26. Eflicien'l after 6 pm. 3-11-19 make offer. mclvM." 694-1733, before 3 Richard Layman, who repairs - local areas. City 28 Serve P 5-11-19 FORD CUSTOM 1969 - many new pm. placed the Want Ad, claimed \ICMKMM! ! bus service to our front 31. Clique I 32 Low booa parts, needs work. Best offer. SEARS 1969 106cc motorcycle. the pyramid could improve After 6 pm, 355-3028. 5-11-20 1,300 miles. Good condition. the flavor of food, enhance MAUHMtTX ! We 34. Eat awayB Includes two helmets. $250 or clairvoyance and produce a 1206 Oakland j buy and sell VW's 36 Mature | FOR SALE best offer. 394-0028. x-5-11-19 38. Ra#*l original owner, 1971 tranquil state. It went to a Call for Appt. - I Mercury Monterey.. Excellent condition, vinyl top, air YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, BMW man hoping to use it for I 485-2047 8 - 6 Mondav 485-9229 - Friday, i 39.Cap" 40. Russian ■ Ziebarted, good tires, extra motorcycles. Parts, accessories, some sensory experiments. IV4-4411 j 9• 2 Satu ~W sea r snows, must be seen; driven to appreciate. 339-9912. 5-11-21 service. SHEP'S MOTOR- SPORTS, INC. 694-6621 C-6-11-22 IV24444 .J I I :i AP NewtWurei ulT 41.w* L 42.Milkf«fc| 43. Russitfg I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 18,1974 13 For Sale muses [" ^ l.twUHS). ( house, 10 minutM from WEDDING RING Mt - V4 caret pear B-FLAT BUFFET Documents identify 99 groups watched by IRS unit $57/month. Available . ,hapld diamond, white gold. - CRAMPON FOUND: MALE husky near clarinet new pads, 484-5267. 2-1M8 - wr y $360. 677-6841.6-11-20 solid nickel Frandor. Lost for some time. (continued from page 1) Excellent condition, $75 But as the intelligence 1-17.QOOC . ■» v. 349-4205 evenings. C-3-11-20 the court case, the unit began group affiliated with minority groups. A month later, as the unit's E~Jc NEEDED, own room, 20 - 55 Gallon drums. $2 each. quickly expanded its files, the One document shows that file grew, a briefing paper said, K, house, close, $70/month. Must sell. 355-1826. Ask for AIR CONDITIONER, G.E. Used LOST: MEN'S Pulsar electronic operations with a list of 22 organizations from the extreme organization names covered a the IRS group sought at least "Many of the organizations are 1^352. 3-11-19 Fred. 6-11-20 since July 29. $80. 489-0409 digital watch near library. much broader political some information regarding the controversial, all are $ mlrr 5 bedroom house, near 3-11-20 Reward. 882-7789.3-11-19 right and extreme left that were identified by a Senate spectrum. Nearly aD of them were identified with left Ford Foundation, a long time newsworthy, and a large of |C°CE furnished. Call 361-4140 - enemy of several top aides in - committee number are known to be KENWOOD 6004 LOST: BLUE denim bag. as likely candidates center social and political the Nixon White House. 1,655-2603.10-12-2 Pioneer PL-12 amplifier, turntable, brand Important notes. If found, for collection of back taxes. causes, and many were The organizational files of militant, subversive." revolutionary and new Shure cartridge. Excellent please call 589-4764. 5-11-20 | VIRGINIA. «or 4 or 6, the Special Service Staff, condition, $300 firm. 489-9664 furnished lease required, originally named the Activist It is not clear from the le Craig, 339-9380. 6-11-21 6-11-22 I '""Ml )(/] Organizations Group, gives newly released materials and others made public by the DRUM SET, 5 drums, 6 some idea of how the unit symbols ■ LOW 3 bedroom Lansing including high hat, Zildjian and operated. Senate Watergate Committee , $200/ month (includes BOARD EXAM TUTORING Ludwig 602, like new, "What we are doing," said a and similar Investigative groups STANLEY H.KAPLAN ties ) Furnished. Pets. 349-1304,349-1049. 5-11-22 how many of the organizations TUTORING COURSES memo dated July 29,1969, "is 39-5374.3-11-19 Now, being formed for the trying to assemble all and individuals identified by PANASONIC STEREO with information available from the Special Service Staff later tj BEDROOM, garafle. gas heat, AM/FM, Sony cassette recorder upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For within the (Internal Revenue) had tax problems with the IRS. i and refrigerator. Near with AM/FM and built in mike. Announcements for It's What's Unicyclers: The MSU Unicycle ow Hospital. $140 per '»Price '553 Realistic cassette car stereo information call Happening must be received in the Club will meet at 7 tonight in service, from the FBI, from the lh. 489 4326 or TU2-1934. list $795 and 1-313-354-0085. 0-2-11-18 State News office, 341 Student However, some of the - speakers. All excellent condition Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Jenison Fieldhouse (indoor track Dept. of Defense, from any [j.11-18 and cheap! Call 351-9739 VITAMIN C 500 miligrams - 200 two class days before and basketball court). Enter other federal agency having organizations on the list of 99 between 6:30 -6:30 publication. through the south door. Bring later had their tax exempt MANOR pm. Monday for $2.63. Come in to No announcements will be your information and from any Itorian - Large your accepted unicycles. K44* -Friday. 3-11-20 by phone. status revoked by the IRS and fcudent * use in downtown friendly neighborhood drugist congressional committee at least some of the people as openings. $60 to and check other Walgreen The Council of Graduate having information. We do not AQUARIUMS - 29 gallon with full Specials. Southern Africa Liberation Students (COGS) will meet at 6:30 to associated with one or more of 351 0997. 3-11-19 GULLIVER STATE want have this rather glass lid only $19.95, 65 gallon Committee will meet at 7:30 tonight in the ConCon DRUG, 1105 East Grand River. Room, sensitive information handled the groups had their tax with stand and full flourescent tonight at the Peace Center International Center. ■ED ONE person immediately. 332-5171.0-1-11-18 loosely." returns audited. 1930's WOMEN'S FUR hood, only $99.95, 10 gallon car ■t80/month plus utilities. $120 medium, matching muff coat, with filter set up and gravel only The Hot Air Balloon Club will Ejposit Close. 351-5979. 332-8963. 3-11-19 $50 $10. These aquariums make Peanuts Personal The Gay Awareness group will hold its first meeting at 7 31 tonight in Kn 21 Union. Slides, information excellent terrariums also. See meet from 7:30 to 10 tonight in presented. Everyone welcome. TWO JBL 4310 control them at the FISH the Women's Center in the Union monitor MONGER, MGE 3 8"d 4 bedroom homes. speakers, like new. Call 1522 East Michigan. We're open REWARD FOR any information UN Lounge. "Racism and Sexism" will be the Btudents welcome. $190 foUITY VEST INC. 351-8150 T( 645 7338. No fee. 0-10-11 -27 and up. 694 2951. 3-11-19 Monday thru Friday, noon to 9 pm, and Saturday and Sunday pertaining to the whereabouts of Winnie the Pooh, I miss him. 1-11-18 The Russian and East Studies program will present the European topic of a speech by Margaret Sloan, chairperson of the National Black Feminist Organization at IRS releases list noon to 6 pm. Your Bank Yugoslav film "I Even Met Some 8:30 tonight in 35 Union. Americard and Master Charge Happy Gypsies" at 7:30 tonight in GIRLS needed. One, winter L i [spring, big house. One, winter. Own rooms Close. $80/month. - are welcome. 3-11-20 HAPPY BIRTHOAY Carol, it's my first with you, hopefully many more to come. Love Mark. 100 Engineering Bldg. This nominated for an Academy Award as Best film, Council Children will have for Exceptional its monthly of examined units TRUCKLOAD SWOWBLOWER - Foreign Film is in color board meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday ■351-1757. 3-11-18 Sale, just a few left. Single and 1-11-18 with English subtitles. No in 111 Bessey Hall. Everyone Here is a partial list of the 99 organizations multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. admission charge. interested in coming events and investigated by a SIDE of Lansing. Three the Internal Revenue Service's Special Service Staff, $169.95. 339-9522.5-11-22 Real Estate planning dates and programs for [edrooms, $176, sublease. Rabbi Yitzchaq Kagan speaks on Jewish mysticism at 7:30 p.m. each winter term, please attend. We need according to documents made public Sunday: Uailable December 18. BOSE 901's With warranty. 2 support. Monday at Hillel. 172-4984 . 5-11-22 complete aquariums. Best offer. EAST LANSING house, two blocks The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee of Atlanta All interested in Soviet Jewry 351-5196. 3-11-18 from campus. Two bedroom, The PRSSA will hold The Student Voice Inc. of Atlanta. ■"oM MATES WANTED, attached garage, screened porch. discussion on the role of public a work should meet at 7 tonight at the Shalom Center. The Congress of Racial Equality, New York. pale/female. Quiet studious, RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. SKIS. ROSSI GNOL ST650's. $24,400, by owner. 337-2257. relations and government at 8:30 The Students for a Democratic Society, ous, law, poli-sci oriented Dynamic VR17's, Dynamic 70's. 5-11-19 tonight in 33 Union. All students Chicago. Like new, pick your own. Call English Majors: The deadline for The Black Panther party, Oakland, Calif. BtirosDhere. Large 4 bedroom PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, Excellent condition. 355-2515. invited. applying for Winter term house. Part time office enrollment in English Education is The Nation of Islam, Chicago. 5-11-20 i for 1 person. Phone 882-2555. Delivery Extra. 0-5-11-22 I Recreation tfi on All the are welcome to a Bible Study C(iristian life - style. We are today. Application forms are Tri - Line Offset Co. Inc., New York. tw-3623. 5-11-22 DOUBLE BED with headboard. following the Gospel of John at 7 available in 212 Morrill Hall. Ail last - term sophomores desiring The Minutemen, Narbonne, Mo. Wire springs, black enamel The American Nazi party, Arlington, Va. FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. SKI UTAH - $285. Other Western tonight in the 1963 room of upper level English Education (K ROOM • beautiful house, finish. $60. 349-9317 after 5 McDonel Hall. The White Knights of the KKK, Laurel, Miss. No Workbenches, steel barrels and areas available. Call TRAVEL coding) are required to complete lease, $75. Pm. 3-11-18 this form and attend a meeting at 4 Americans for Democratic Action. many other items. 882-2555. BY HARRINGOTN East 132-5263.3-11-20 - your We're sure once you get to know p.m. Wednesday in 34 Union. Black Turks. 5-11-221 Lansing Ski Center, 351-8800. us, you'll like us! Come rap with BARRECRAFTER SKI rack, new. Black United Youths. ■EVOS AREA, 4 bedroom older $32.50. Head standard skis 205 Gay Liberation at 8:30 p.m. every Zoology Club will meet at 7 il for students. $200 J Gibson's V cm with bindings, $45. Ventura - Wednesday in 33 Union. See you tonight in 404 Natural Science ,Church League of America. ir month plus . Call 332-4128, utilities. No EAST ^ Book ^ Dura vinyl luggage, 24" - 27" suitcase, used once, $165 new, Service j!^ there! Sex hangups got you down"; Bldg. to more approve officers and constitution, elect showcase. Anyone interested in the start our Commandos L. Communist party. .ANSING REALTY $95 or best offer. Call 487-0391 Fair Play for Cuba Committee MPANY. 5-11-22 Seller after 6 pm. 5-11-20 UAB TRAVEL Service now Need answers? We might be able Zoology Club please attend. Free Speech Movement. help! Come on in t providing passport applications, Liberation's informal rap Mariah John Birch Society. workshop with Sonny |C BEDROOM duplex close to 1000's photos, student ID's. any weekday from- 1 to 5 Terry and Brownie McGhee at 1 Malcolm X Society. I. Prefer married Information call 353-9777 or 309 Student Services Bldg. p.m. Saturday in McDonel Hall couple. The Medgar Evers Rifle Club. Hlnfurnished. $125 plus utilities. of old text 337-0120. 5-11-20 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 kiva. Bring your instrument and Militant Labor Forum. play along or just come listen. books TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, National Student Assn. Animals V oiled and adjusted. Portables Protestants and Other Americans United for Ions ]g] 25< to $1°° IRISH SETTERS, AKC, good lines, $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric $12.50. One dey service, free [Tyjiii! Service!\j± demonstration sponsored by the Foods and Nutrition Club. Come join the fun at 7:30 in 38 Union. of Church and State. Socialist Workets party. Separation pick up and delivery. 25 years 1-22 PAPERBACKS 3 females. $100. 372-1579. experience. Unitarian Society. 393-9774. ANN BROWN Applications for ASMSU 3-11-20 typing and multilist Urban League. 0-18-11-27 2 lor 25c offset printing. Complete service committees may be 334 Student Services picked up in W.E.B. DuBois clubs. IRISH SETTER for dissertations, theses, Bldg. puppies. AKC, EDITING Workers World party. We buy books champion bloodlines. Call - PROOFREADING. manuscripts, general typing. Women Against The Young Socialist Alliance. Dissertations, theses, research IBM. Rape will meet 349-9355 after 5:30 pm. 25 years experience. t 6:30 111 projects, manuscripts. Anne tonight in 33 Union. All Black Student Union. Evergreen 349-0850. C-11-27 en invited. . behind Gibsons Cauley. 337-1591. 3-11-20 Black United Front. Brown Berets. \ Bookstore / [ Mobile Homes PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, finest quality, reasonably priced. M0VE AR0UND a A®?rv,ce" columns of the Want lot? The MSU Libertarian Alternative will meet at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in C202 Wells Hall. If you're interested in California Migrant Industry. Holt, I: FARMHOUSE SKI EQUIPMENT BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Ads help Vou S®1 thin9S done Founding Church of Scientology. Fraternity, Headskis Har-You. t, two terms only, $29. and $39 pair. Spalding skis KING ARTHURS Court, 1972 482-5712. C-11-27 Check there now- Police Malpractice Complaint Center. Jo singles. Good food, fantastic with Marker bindings, $39. Bonanza, 12x65 with 8x10 "Horizons," a student - U.S. Inc., "United Slaves Inc." fcsemother, friendly people. Large assortment of boots and expando. Excellent condition. FOR THE BEST Service on stereo EXPERIENCED IBM produced series of radio programs, typing. IWterm. $50 deposit. Phone bindings from $2. Couches, Must sell $5900. Call collect, equipment see the STEREO Dissertations (pica - elite). presents "The Adventures of Matt Welfare Rights Organization. Bent" at 11:05 p.m. Tuesday over ^32-8635. B-2-11-18 tables, chairs, lamps - all at 1-616-526-6358. 5-11-18 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 WFMK (99.1 fm). reasonable prices. Complete C-11-27 E AVAILABLE in Owen, FOR RENT, two bedroom, good stereos under $100. 120w COMPLETE THESES, Service ing. Reward. Sylvania stereo receiver. 120 W condition, partially furnished, 1 - Discount Printing. IBM typing 153-7062. 3-11-20 mile from MSU. $150. Dynaco power amplifiers, 90W and binding of dissertations and 3 4 9-4205, evenings. 5-11-22 Harmon/Kardon, 80W. publication. Across from flu Sale ]f§ Kenwood, 4 channel Sansui reciever, Marantz 2010 receiver, NEW MOON 1970, 12x50,, 2 FUTURE CPA'! campus, Grand corner River. M.A.C. Below Jones and Fisher 170 Receiver, Zero 100 bedroom, carpeted, partially Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - ps HOAD Second Garrard and Miracord turntables. furnished. Good start for singles Learn Now About the Friday. Call - Hand COPYGRAPH pe, 2323 or couples. Other extras.$3200. next CPA Exam. West Holmes Road. Large assortment of speakers, SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 Call 694-0866. 5-11-18 [823022. 30-12-3 tapes and albums, $1.50 and $1. Becker CPA Review Course Assortment of 35mm camera THESES, RESUMES, typing and :S and ICHARDS, CIDER, BLOSSOM 7 miles south of equipment Manual and electric typewriters, 7' tobaggon with [ Lost & Found jjCjj] DETROIT 313-864-1)128 printing. Reasonable prices. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. 351-4116. C-11 -27 pad, $15. Leather coats from ■osed Mondays. Gift $15. Come on down to DICKER FIND SOMETHING packages •wed by United Parcel. 8i DEAL SECONDHAND IF YOU'VE found a pet or our successful students represent "9-8251.0-11-27 STORE, 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday and Friday article of value, we want to help you return it. Just come into the 1/4 OF USA [ Transportation ](§] ► 1214 CHANGER. Pioneer tit 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, State News Classified [COURSES BEGIN JUNE 1st.. DEC 1st] RIDERS speakers. Large Advent Department ahd tell us you v WANTED, Cincinati over Thursday and Saturday 9-6. Thanksgiving break. Share Sansui A-1000 - X C-5-11-22 to place an ad in EAST LEARN TAROT card reading. P/FM receiver. expenses. 353-6941. 3-11-20 Philips 2401 LANSING STATE BANK'S Professional instruction in a cassette recorder. Cash for Found Column. As a public Sony warm home atmosphere. Begins ■c''0 portable cassette service EAST LANSING STATE soon. Richard L. Van Der Voort, NEED RIDE to Southwest Virginia. KC°rder- IBM electric STAMPS & COINS BANK will run the ad at no cost M.A. 482-2659. 1-11-18 Leaving November 26. Share Used Remington ,0V° expenses. 353-1534. 3-11-20 to 170 Buy - Sell - Trade EAST LANSING offset duplicator. full line of supplies STATE BANK ser,i« * ■If, PICOX quality merchandise. SECONDHAND MID - MICHIGAN STAMP 8i COIN ) HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 C-11-27 r**nm TOJE, r» daily 485-4391. Hour. LOST: FROG ring, silver, campus. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast except Sunday. 23" SEKINE double butted tubing, Sentimental and reasonable. 371-4635. ROOM IN private residence near value, excellent C-11-27 for male grad. Reply Alloy components, almost new, reward. 332-8092. 2-11-18 campus 332-0558. 5-11-18 Box C-3, State News. 3-11-20 r '"0 USED 8 track tapes. 76 MATURE EXPERIENCED typist, (fCONDHAND 1391.C-11-27 $1.50. WILCOX STORE CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. Unique gifts, several colors. FOUND: GOLD I.D. Braclet on field after game. "Terri". 353-1427. C-3-11-19 Inscribed term papers, dissertations, publications, proofreading, etc. Done in my theses, STAMP COLLECTIONS, accumulations, old letters, etc. ' another J'HEADGS 210cm,bindings, AR'- Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 3 Stereo speakers, oiled LOST: MALE Irish Setter, 5 home. Call 655-3143. 5-11-22 Call or write to arrange for appraisal and cash offer. Jim Hartwright, Box 2284, Lansing. term paper to dor months. Answers to "Keegan" ln7a^Ur booU' che#P- after 5:30. 3-11-18 walnut, like new. $125 each. Call 484-8086. $50 reward. TYPING - 2 blocks campus. 48911.351-8189. 5-11-22 Next time you're researching a term paper, don't Electric. Fast. Term papers, limit your source material to books and 332-0058. 3-11-18 5-11-21 periodicals. theses. 485-5575.5-11-18 COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, There are probably several doctoral dissertations highly ■W QUICK skis 190cm, bindings, Koflach IBM ELECTRIC typewriter, FOUND: SMALL brown & white baseball cards wanted. relevant to your topic — and they're easier to find than buckle EXPERIENCED, TYPING term CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, you think! Visit the new Dissertation Center display in Remington adding machine. 45" dog. Dachshund Sheltie cross. TdieVl '3dies ski iumP ,uit. and 48" desks, 18" Lansing, South Fairview. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, 307 East Grand River. the main library, and learn about the resources de¬ e, vq'J^",s and snowmobile miscellaneous stand on wheels, 484-9601. C-3-11-19 accurate service. 394-2612. 332-0112, -<11:30 6 pm.) signed to help you locate the right dissertation. Re¬ |w 349-4290. 3-1 Mg - C-11-27 12-11-27 sources like the... typing stand, 18" coppertone lTl jCHABLE LUGGAGE rack cold spot 10-7 pm. 5-11-22 refrigerator. 351-4680, FOUND: ONE pair of mens gloves near the music building. Call PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, Car Pool a COMPREHENSIVE DISSERTATION INDEX definitive 37-volume reference, available - in the li¬ i ca'lbaCk' roo< len0