ember 18, |9) UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 U' rail crossing had that knowledge, and that they could By STEVE ORR have built the walkways for less. and NANCY CRANE "Whoever gave that figure of $126,000 State News Staff Writers was leading the University down the Reluctance of the University to spend garden path," said Paul Szarka, owner of Szarka Enterprises, a private railroad money on track-level walkways and its contractor. ignorance of the cost of overhead bridges Szarka said he could build two has stymied since last spring since last pedestrian walkways for $40,000. spring construction of either safety Paul Lefler, applications engineer at feature on the railroad tracks behind Federal Sign and Signal Co. of South and East complexes. Chicago, said that two pedestrian It now appears that the University was walkways, including labor, should cost about given a gross overestimate of the cost of $60,000. track-level walkways. Also, a State News "I could build the whole railroad for investigation has discovered that overhead $126,000, and put the pedestrian bridges cost less than University officials walkways anywhere you wanted them," previously believed. Lefler said. Had MSU built either the walkways or Robert Kerrigan, a sales engineer for the bridges to X and F parking lots, Susan controls at Dorman Handelsman may have been prevented Manufacturing Co., said the railroad figures for walkways was from walking in front of the train that killed her last Wednesday. (continued on page 13) Handelsman, a 19-year-old junior, apparently became transfixed by the passage of one train as she tried to cross the railroad tracks behind Fee Hall on her way to X-parking lot. She stepped the well-worn footpath at the from edge of the University, tracks into the path of a second train she had not noticed, and was killed Nearly 1800 students park in parking instantly. C-Ts reach lots X and F, which are located across the tracks behind East and South respectively. complex, tentative pact Construction of the walkway was debated last spring by MSU By LARRY MORGAN administrators and planners. Grand Trunk State News Staff Writer Railroad — which must handle the A tentative agreement was reached construction of any walkways built on its tracks — told MSU that the two walkways Monday between the Michigan State These students are three of the few vtfio follow the approved route SN Photo/Daniel Shutt would cost $126,000. MSU planners University Employes Assn. (MSUEA) and killed last week. MSU last year discussed the the University, which if ratified, would be to X lot near East Complex and walk to Hagadorn Road to cross the building of marked added another $45,000 for the cost of tracks. Most students prefer the shorter journey over an walkways equipped with warning lights at the spot, but rejected the sidewalks and lighting for the walkways, the first contract between the two groups. undesignated idea as too expensive. and Bargainers for the approximately 2,350 path and crossing in back of Fee Hall, where an MSU student finally set aside the plan as clerical technical (C - Ts) reached was • cost-prohibitive. Jack Breslin, MSU executive agreement with the University, subject to vice-president, said he did not know the membership ratification, John R. costs of overhead bridges, but Hawkins, MSUEA president, and C. Keith hoped the ixon Gioty, MSlFs asst. vice president for planned publicity to favor University could and money to construct some crossings might not be forthcoming. personnel and employe relations said. William Clavin, chief engineer for No details were available on the two • Grand Trunk Railroad in Detroit, said the year agreement. railroad designs and builds any walkways Certified as the bargaining unit for the that cross their tracks. His $126,000 C - Ts March 26, 1974 MSUEA began :lemency for Hunt, tape reveals estimate to MSU would include flashing negotiations Aug. 5. lights, gates, a graded path across the Groty would not elaborate on any part of the contract, saying only: "We think tracks, and labor. However, private railroad construction employes should get the information as that her long hospitalization created a contractors scoff at the $126,000 figure completely as possible from their I WASHINGTON (AP) Former write a column representatives." - urging clemency even for outlined its case, Hunt pleaded guilty to tremendous debt and he then retired on walkway construction as ridiculously president Nixon planned a publicity sons-of-bitches, as Mr. Nixon should all six counts in the indictment from the CIA after 21 years of service in high, and five sources familiar with He said, the initial agreement lays ? Buildup to pave the way to grant know from personal experience." against foundation for a good continuing him. He later was sentenced to two and order to make more money in private life. overhead bridge construction said they lxecutive clemency to E. Howard Hunt The tapes of that conversation and Colson had gone to the President on could easily raise two of them over the relationship. one-half to eight years in prison. It. on the day Hunt went on trial for the several others Hunt's behalf despite the urgings of other Grand Trunk Railroad tracks for far less Hawkins was not available for were played for the jury The conversation showed that Nixon ■atergate burglary, according to a White Monday at the Watergate coverup trial of wanted to give Hunt clemency because of White House officials that he not do sa than $126,000. comment. louse tape made public for the first time former Nixon lieutenants H.R. Haldeman, Former counsel John W. Glavin said only the railroad was The two year agreement, retroactive information involving the White House Dean - Monday. John D. Ehrlichman, John N. Mitchell that he might reveal at the trial and remembered that in a conversation on capable of making an accurate estimate of to July 1, 1974, includes a wage 1 "Hunt's is a simple case," Nixon told and re-election committee aides Robert the cost of the walkways, because settlement, educational assistance before investigating bodies. April 15, 1973, when the Watergate an Iharlfs W. Colson, a special counsel who 0. Mardian and Kenneth W. Parkinson. scandal was breaking, Nixon took him Some two months earlier, in November knowledgy of the circuitry involved is program, a new grievance procedure, a l«d interceded for Hunt, a college friend. More than two months after the Jan. 8, aside and murmured that he should not essential. vacancy filling procedure and an agency I "Well build that son-of-a-bitch up like 1972, Hunt had demanded money from 1973, conversation and repeatedly have talked about clemency with Colson. However, private contractors said they shop, in addition to 25 other articles, the White House and threatened to tell of "tody's business," Nixon said. "We'll thereafter, Nixon denied that he had of the "seamy things" he had (continued (continued on page 13) '( some on page 13) Buckley write a column and say, authorized clemency to be offered to participated in. This included the ■ou know, that he, that he should have Hunt or any other of the seven-man burglary of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist's •mency, if you've given 18 years of ■mice." 1 Columnist William F. Buckley Jr. was a burglary team because, as he told John Dean, "It would be wrong." Nixon's talk with Colson was later in office, forging Vietnam cables to smear the Kennedy administration, and spiriting International Telephone and Telegraph Access to state education loans Pgtime friend of Hunt's and had served the afternoon on Jan. 8, the first day of ■nder him in the Central figure Dita Beard out of the country. Intelligence jury selection for the trial of Hunt, G. Nixon apparently had been told that TPncy (CIA) in Mexico. contingent input of students Gordon Iiddy, James W. McCord Jr. and Hunt would plead guilty at Colson's ■ Buckley, reached in New Pte to Boston where he went to York en lecture, four others charged in the Watergate break-in and bugging. urging. However, that part of the conversation was unintelligible in the tape on Pl> "I don't need to be reminded to On Jan. 11, after the prosecution had played for the jury. Nixon is heard saying, "I think it's the right thing for By JOHN TINGWALL Tuition will determine what problems there has to be enough statewide support him to do, Chuck." students encounter in acquiring loans and expressed before the committee acts to State News Staff Writer Here is an But Colson told Nixon that McCord meeting loan repayment schedules. change some of these problems." excerpt from the Jan. 8 taped conversation between former President Educational assistance loans from the State loans, guaranteed by the ■ Nixon and special counsel Charles W. Colson. It follows a and Liddy probably would go to trial and State of Michigan may be easier to obtain Michigan Hoping for the establishment of an ■•'Hon is heard partial quotation in which that the guilty plea of the others would Higher Education Assistance income contingency loan program, Bullard saying that on a question of clemency "Hunt's a simple case." next year if enough financially needy ■ Nixon: I be good because a lot of facts would not Authority and reinsured by the federal said students are currently expected to mean, uh, after all, the man's wife is dead, was killed; he's got one child students effectively plead their case before government, granted |tbat has.. come out. a special committee of the Michigan were approximately 14,000 Michigan students to repay the 7 per cent state loans in equal Colson is heard telling Nixon that annual installments, beginning Colson: Brain damage from an automobile accident. legislature Wednesday morning. in the 1973-74 school year. payments "Liddy is kind of dumb, he said he didn't nine months after graduation and Nixon: "We'll build, we'll build that son - of - a - bitch A public hearing will be held from 9 up like nobody's business. want any part of it," a guilty plea or A representative of the seven - member completing them 10 I Well have a.m. to noon Wednesday in the years after Buckley write a column and say, you know, that he, that he should have Michigan committee, Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann graduation. I clemency, if you've clemency. House Chambers in the Capitol Building at given 18 years of service. The reference later in the conversation Arbor, said he proposed establishing a "The first several years out of school is Colson: which a special study committee can hear (unintelligible). to Hunt's child was to his daughter, Lisa, Michigan loan study committee and a when the student has the least money," Nixon: That's what we'll do. opinions, arguments and experiences of public hearing because Michigan citizens who suffered severe brain damage in an Bullard said. "Yet he or she is expected to Colson: He served under Hunt In CIA, of course, (unintelligible). students concerning loans guaranteed by "clearly need more financial assistance" automobile accident when she was driven pay the same installments in the first years Nixon: We'll the state. for education. i®Hd have (unintelligible) them after. That's, that's it. Let's on the merits. I to the Hunt home in Potomac, Md., from From testimony as in the tenth." difficulty with some of the others. a visit to friends in suburban at the hearing, the "We'll try to develop a bill to remedy- Bullard said the j Virginia. House Special Committee on Deferred committee is In his book of memoirs Hunt wrote some loan problems," Bullard said. "But considering a proposal that would establish a state lending agency to provide loans to students whose state loan applications were denied by private Strike halts lenders, such to as banks and credit unions. Undergraduate students may borrow up $1,500 annually, with an undergraduate maximum of $7,500, while graduate students are eligible for up to $2,500 IBV Associated Press and State News struck the nationwide system Monday Monday. annually, with a $10,000 maximum loan. after 48 hours of around - the - clock Greyhound's Eastern and Western U.S. MSU joined commercial institutions in I'"** of MSU students who negotiations between the company and divisions were merged June 1, creating for granting state loans from the Michigan lj ,al|y take the bus home for the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) the first time a single contract for the Guaranteed Loan Program in October Paving break may have to change failed to produce a new «mtract, company's bus workers. 1973. The University requires that two f^vel plans. Greyhound President James L. Kerrigan At the start of negotiations, held in private commercial lenders must have nwide strike Monday by bus ^ Phoenix where Greyhound has its national denied a student's loan application before took ' other employes has forced The original contract with the nation s headquarters, the union demanded an a request is considered. L;,°und ^Us lines to suspend largest bus line expired at 2 p.m. EST. across - the - board pay raise of 60 cents Michigan loans are aimed at middle interruption of Jprove°dnS Until a new labor con1"01 is "We believe the Greyhound service is unfortunate and per hour, William H. Brummit, president of the ATU local here, said. Bus drivers income students unable to obtain federal assistance, which is usually directed to the i#"!? 'ndian buses traveling an unnecessary," Kerrigan said. "We regret any inconvenience caused also sought a one cent per mile increase, most needy students. The major federal i iT route fr°m Bay City to Chicago to he said. assistance program, National Direct JJ P»l popping at the East Lansing and terminals. An Greyhound lines our passengers and will do everything The old contract provided an average Student Loans, is repayable at a 3 per cent possible to assist them in making alternate interest rate. lOth " temPorarily suspended, wage of $5.76 an hour or 21.8 cents a An interim report of the special lil Hn PP'n8 points on the Indian PlaT?ieUnegoUations began SePt.1®' b™ke mile, whichever was greater. Wages and committee, which includes discussion of study ttie clr City< Saginaw, Flint, off at one point, then resumed Saturday working conditions for clerks, janitors, Looking for relief from the weight of classes? See the photos and establishment of a state lending agency almost continuously until office managers, mechanics, operators and |^uthtnSalamaZ00' 861,1011 Harbor 1 and went Monday s deadline. The old con.»c office workers vary from region to region, story about Amateur Athletic Union weight lifting, page 8. and plans for loan repayments based on ability to pay, will be distributed at the l«.0OO Greyhound he said. employes expired Oct. 31, but was extended until public hearing. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19. 1974 Michiga ISRAEL SHELLS LEBANESE Arabs demonstrate in old R but all soon reopened and command said. One Arab was resume their passage through Jerusalem canal on Thursday to pick Moslem pilgrims headed for up By te PET New! Associated Press tourists resumed browsing killed and the other captured the Suez Canal, the first such Nations will renew through the ancient bazaar. attempt by commercial vessels Mecca in Saudi Arabia. the A new fee October housing starts down Arabs demonstrated in the Hie crowds were dispersed in the ensuing clash. since the 1967 war. month mandate Jt5" dents acc The number of new houses started by builders edged Old City of Jerusalem for the first time in four years Monday by early afternoon, and police Hie Israelis have taken said The British Foreign Office the peacekeeping force the Syrian and semJ cords kept said 150 Arabs, The ships completed the "immediate crisis Israeli jersities is further downward in October, the government reported and Israeli gunboats shelled a including 90 strong measures against first leg of their southward appears to have passed" along the Golan ect today. students were detained in Heights. suspected guerilla base in suspected guerilla bases in journey Saturday and were tied the Golan front between Israel It appears Monday, deepening the slide that has gripped the southern Lebanon. Jerusalem and at other protests Lebanon over the past month, in up in the midcanal city of and Syria. The area was tense The mandate jt the law industry for two years. nearby towns. They said 10 shelling nightly the across Ismailia. The canal authority over the weekend after Israel UN odififd 1 The Commerce Dept. said new starts dropped for the For the third straight day persons were injured, three of frontier and raiding border Disengagement Force expires 0b*! >d for fourth month in a row to a total of 1.124 million units Arabs defied Israeli police and them policemen. villages suspected of aiding remained tightlipped about when they might start the partially mobilized its forces, charging that 20 Soviet ships there have been Nov. > border troops in the occupied terrorists. reports SJ at an annual rate. The rate was off by seven tenths of 1 Israel has agreedtoane«LS - West Bank in a wave of The last protests in dangerous second leg of the were unloading weapons in not agree to J per cent from September. nationalism sparked by the Jerusalem were four years ago. Elsewhere: 103 • mile passage. Syria. ^ made dl lAS renewal and has It was the latest in what has been a steady decline appearance of Palestine following the death of Egypt's Four empty Egyptian The ships were due in Suez UN Secretary • General Kurt Liberation Organization leader would from 1972, when new homes were being started at a President Gamal Abdel Nasser. ships prepared to regard Sv Yasir Arafat before the United Hie city and the West Bank passenger City at the southern end of the Waldheim was described as opposition as a rate of 2.3 million a year. hostile Nations. have been under Israeli occupation since the 1967 Six By PAT Domestic spying said unlikely Arab students in a Day War. State News Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe said Monday he can Jerusalem suburb passing cars from the windows of a UN • run stoned school and The Tel Aviv military command said Israeli gunboats Ford welcomed to Japan amidst MSU studer foresee no circumstances that would persuade him to jest chunk briefly hoisted a Palestinian shelled "a terrorist departure authorize FBI counterintelligence operations against flag. Steel • helmeted police mpetitive S domestic organizations such as those carried on until point" in southern Lebanon year. Th violent protests, rushed the school and sent the railroad strike early Monday in retaliation for Dximately 1971. students home. a guerilla infiltration from the .$10 million At the same time, FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley Hundreds of Arab youths sea. It was the second naval Of the 14 suggested there is a need for legislation to authorize demonstrated inside the walled action against Lebanon in three nners.2,500 Old Gty shouting "Palestine is weeks. 'When yoi counterintelligence operations in the event of a national TOKYO (AP) - A "totally symbolism of this first visit to offering protection in any white military band struckuoi ours." TTiey managed to swing „iber of elig emergency. Just 24 hours earlier, the unflappable" President Ford Japan by an incumbent U.S. union c~ nstimintf consuming sniritoH mnn.i« spirited march. the state," shut the massive Damascus Saxbe said, he has asked the department's Civil command said, weathered turbulence in the air president to strengthen already nations. Several thousand Gate before tough two Arab director c border Monday, avoided violent Ford appeared solemn and Japanes Rights Division to investigate whether any of the guerillas left that base or one a strong ties between the two were in front of the high grill# MSU police dispersed them and demonstration on the ground countries. somewhat uncertain he counterintelligence activiteis from 1956 to 1971 nearby and swam to the Israeli as gate of the $38 million reopened the gates. Water and prepared to meet with "I've spent many hours with gu« turned other coast, pushing rifles, explosives stepped from the Spirit of '76 house to welcome th involved criminal violations of the civil rights of the cannons were on Japanese President Ford," Kissinger told and hand grenades on rafts Emperor Hirohito to the salute of howitzers at President. Some won demonstrators at nearby target individuals. before them. and Prime Minister Kakuei newsmen on the 14 hour tightly guarded Tokyo colorful kimonos were ASL - Herod's Gate. help* Tanaka. flight to Tokyo. "He is well International Airport. One over barricades by their escort Officials question ratification Police said agitators ran The guerillas landed near Guided by his foreign policy prepared. Ford is steady and reason may have been the to get a better view, through the narrow lanes the Rosh Haniqra border mentor. Secretary of State totally unflappable." extremely rough weather that waved to the crowd and drei Some United Mine Workers officials indicated urging merchants to close their checkpoint where they Henry A. Kissinger, Ford is Shortly after Ford arrived, sent were passengers and dishes applause. Monday that ratification of a coal industry contract and an early end to the miners' week - old strike are not as shops. Some merchants did, spotted by an army patrol, the relying heavily on the Japan National Railway Workers struck for more pay and better working oenditions. sliding about the jet some 10 minutes before touchdown. As he landed, an estimated Ford is trying to s around two pitfalls on his fivl ho\ certain as predicted by union President Arnold Miller. day visit to Japan. The first I Union officials said the 400 helmeted radicals uj I By PEGGY i "I want our miners to know that I'm not for it," that antigovernment forces Marijuana ... walkout would tie up rail skirmished with armored riot District 31 President Lawrence "June" Floyd of furious over charges I ■ State News S traffic and strand millions of police two miles away. About Fairmont, W. Va., said. "I'm sure we'll turn it down." commuters for at least 12 200 were arrested. Another nuclear weapons I Perhaps tin The UMW's 120,000 members who mine bituminous hours. routinely brought into port J purses seems L 2,000 demonstrators shouted U.S. warships. The second 1 The U.S. • Japan talks will anti Ford slogans in a nearby but bet coal for steel mills and power plants went on strike one , • that Tanaka could be forci range from security and park, but none got close n print and week ago at the expiration of their three - year contract from office raises by the r J the course questions Kissinger's visit next week to enough to the airport to mar with the Bituminous Coal Operators Assn. mainland China to Ford's arrival. issue, questions about I §73 and 1974 nuclear financial dealings and inflatiol nges in currii arms limits and oil. Ford smiled and waved Simon favors o'\l fund change Completely dependent on vigorously as he stepped down Ford flies to South KorJ I The figures s month by petroleum imports, Japan is the ramp. He repeated the after his Japanese visit, then! Treasury Secretary William E. Simon Monday eager for reassurances that ticulum Co WASHINGTON (AP) — A new government The report noted also that studies have greeting after a helicopter Vladisvostok for Inual report. proposed that a new $25 billion international oil lending report Monday raised new questions but failed to link Israel is being pressed to make lifted him to the state guest meeting with Soviet lead! marijuana smoking to ! first of il program be operated by the Organization for Economic produced few answers about the health chromosome breakage or genetic damage that concessions to the Arabs, house downtown. A blue and Leonid I. Brezhnev. leased to the c Cooperation and Development, rather than the consequences of smoking marijuana. could affect future generations. thereby averting a second oil The 193 page report, "Marijuana and "There is concern that alteration in hormone squeeze this winter. International Monetary Fund. - Health," was the fourth in a series produced for levels as a result of chronic use may interfere Ford and Kissinger will The State Newt Is published by the The $25 billion fund would be provided by the State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring liwrsitv comn Congress by the Dept. of Health, Education and with normal adolescent development or with attempt to pacify Japan by I world's industrialized nations to help participating Welfare (HEW) over the last several years. sexual differentiation of male fetuses if school terms, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, during Sumr Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published |In the 1973 a total o countries overcome international balance of payments Dr. Robert L. DuPont, director of HEWs cannabis September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. National Institutes on Drug Abuse, said current (marijuana) is used by pregnant Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial i re dropped, 1 problems, including deficits resulting from the high cost women at critical periods of fetal business offices at 34$ Student Serclces Bldg., Michigan St Id 512 information "should lead marijuana smokers or University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. chang of foreign oil. development," the report said. es were ma potential smokers to question whether it is Simon said U.S. participation in the proposed fund worth the risk." The report said that new and preliminary | changes in Lansing, Ml 48824. would need to be approved by Congress. He made his studies of delta 9 - • THC suggest that it delays rricula, ei "A definitive evaluation of marijuana's rejection of skin grafts in rats and inhibits the Bditions anc remarks in a speech before the 61st National Foreign harmfulness or safety for humans cannot be solid growth of tumors in mice. Trade Convention in New York City. offered at this time on the basis of scientific evidence available," DuPont said. "But there is Such findings, if confirmed, may hold new | Most of the cause for concern and caution based on hope for organ transplant surgery and the le ax were treatment of human tumors, the report said. ry and in evidence from animal studies and some ftching areas. focus: preliminary human studies summarized in this report." The report cited animal studies suggesting Marijuana also has been under investigation for possible use in treating glaucoma and asthma and as a sedative, painkiller, and —-»8| ■ Milton pirman of t anticonvulsant and antidepressant. irriculum Coi that marijuana's primary ingredient, delta - 9 - slack off WORLD THC, may interfere with the body's ability to The report said there is "little question" that Jrol lments is thi J)ooLeys fight diseases. acute marijuana intoxication impairs driving, It emphasized, however, that ■ dropping thoi "implications increasing both braking and starting times and Classes ri are speculative" and that "no human research interfering with concentration. Ambassador reported held has been reported that demonstrates that "Thus," it said, "marijuana is not harmless ■Most of the h disease resistance is significantly impaired by and additional research into the possible Philippine Ambassador Eduardo Z. Romualdez was marijuana use." consequences of more habitual use is needed." taken hostage by a gunman Monday at his embassy chancery in Washington, and police were trying to negotiate with the gunman, the Secret Service said. "It is our understanding that the ambassador is a hostage and is being held at gunpoint by the gunman," Secret Service spokesman William Hawthorne said. II Mil ! 11 I I IS! (114(1 Villi Hawthorne said District of Columbia police and officers from the Executive Protective Service, the .uniformed branch of the Secret Service assigned to protect foreign legations, had entered the building and were trying to talk to the gunman. Two persons were reported shot in the incident. First election results seen Opposition candidates made strong showings in Brazil's congressional elections, and the Communists seemed headed for big gains in Italy's municipal voting • SIC Monday. In Brazil, incomplete returns from Friday's voting JNEJAC Ife? 337-1301 TV REI showed the opposition Brazilian Democratic Movement taking over one - third of the 364 seats in the Chamber If I I SI Sill I siy of Deputies, guaranteeing a more effective voice against I I A« >111 the military - dominated government and its National Renewal Alliance. Final results are due I AM I IMS III vi Wednesday. I I I ilM I II I In Italy, the Communist party, the largest in the West, made strong gains in early results from municipal •\l III III* elections, biting heavily into the vote of the dominant 'Mil vii is* Christian Democrats. °i I I A II I * Tunnel AS| MVS* nil I discovery reported . South Korea reported Monday the uncovering of an "infiltration tunnel" evidently leading from North Korea, and security was bolstered along the 151 - mile I S|> Mi If vi | demilitarized zone. \I III VIII U| IlM \\v\* lis! The heightened alert was announced four days before President Ford arrives here on a state visit. President Chung Hee Park held an emergency national security meeting and declared through a spokesman that the North Koreans could have infiltrated a fully equipped regiment into the DMZ through the tunnel. New demonstrations were held against Park's government Monday as students hit the streets in the capita! and the provincial cities of Taejon and Kwangju to demand a new constitution and the release of Michigan Stare News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 3 Record access law itu PETE DALY By PETE DALY more more, due to resistance to the — was ready to seek legislation law State News Staff Writer by U.S. colleges. Their postponing enactment of the documents that were solicited right to inspect and review any access to records. is to determine to what extent \ new federal law allowing congressional lobbyists are law pending hearings on the under a pledge of and all official records, files Though colleges must begin MSU has records confidential! letters of students. jenls access to all their on recommendation working to avoid what they controversial sections. confidentiality. and data directly related to and accepting any student requests A typical student may have cords kept by colleges and «a" "un'nt«nded" and A At issue is the amendment their children." parents' financial statements major objection to the to see their files today, the law records kept in the Student jversities is scheduled to take unethical" consequences of Elementary and Secondary to the law by Sen. James L. The law specifies that this cannot be released without the the law. gives the college 45 days to Services Building that stem risk of lawsuit from feet today. School Act, signed into law Buckley, R - N.Y., which right of the a the by parents respond to each case. Colleges from a time when he It appears likely, however, On Friday Sen. Claiborne President Ford Aug. denies federal funds to any automatically passes to any around the country have begun or she person who submitted them. at the law will instead be Pell, D R.I., chairman of the - it seems to 20, is that educational institution that student 18 or older, lived in a residence hall. A suit could result when a require institutions regardless to take steps to handle odified by Congress or senate Education to make available "has a policy of denying, or of whether that student is in Iferred for six months or subcommittee, announced he letters of which anticipated requests. recommendation and effectively prevents, the high school or college. Parents Paul Dressel, asst. provost in other parents of students the of college students do not have Institutional Research at MSU, ... "We definitely are afraid that a lawsuit would has been heading a committee result if these (student) files were studying the ramifications of opened." - MSU iSU gets Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D-Ann Arbor. big bite of aid fund the law here. The committee is most concerned with confidential letters of recommendations By PAT CLYDE Colleges and departments person submits the document overwhelming proportion of financial statement. and confidential statements by within 1 the University also keep I State News Staff Writer the students." They can each relating to a student only upon take their awards to high 50,1001 in the stflte parents regarding their income. records, as does the University any only 2 the promise of the university Michigan ranks sixth out of private, public four per cent of the receive a scholarship. That way The financial statement is a Health Center. The Dept. of year or that they will never release it ImSU students will take the - the 10 states giving the most Michigan Competitive we could insure that inner city factor in determining if a Public Safety and Financial community college in the state from their files. test chunk of the Michigan state aid to students, a study in Under the Tuition Grants scholarship winners are students, who might do poorly student is eligible for financial Aids also keep records that Kipetitive Scholarship fund the Chronicle of Higher minority students, whereas 20 on the qualifying test will at aid. Another major concern program, which has a budget of by may be affected by the law. Ts year. They will receive Education reported. $7.9 million, the only criteria per cent of the Tuition Grants tel hi, . chS " administrators are mental Though administrators "We definitely are afraid a lawsuit would result if these [proximately 15 per cent of The state has two financial is financial need. However, are awarded to minorities, There are no state scholarship." health reports which may be in stress that almost all files are files were opened," MSU C$10 million budget. aids programs. Under the they can take their awards the number of quotas Though the budget is up 10 some student's files. already available to the student Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D - |Of the 14,852 statewide Michigan Competitive only minority per cent from last year, the Part of the committee's task to concerned, they say that the Iners, 2,500 are at MSU. Scholarship private, nonprofit students in either program. number of recipients has Ann Arbor, said. program, students institutions in Michigan. 'For years bills have come ["When you consider the must receive a qualifying score The budgets, comprised of up in the legislature to regulate remained about the same. the Jmber of eligible institutions on American College state tax the "At this point we can't ■ the state," Kathleen Wicks, money, are set by the number of minority Testing Chrysler plants (ACT) examination state legislature. The increase the number of ( director of financial aids, "MSU receives an and need provide proof of financial based on their parents* can and only be applied to tuition fees, not to living awards recipients," Wicks said. "One bill, for instance, would require that at least awards," Aaron Hall, state supervisor of scholarships and to stay open, one student from tuition grants programs, said. 'We have to increase the amount of the awards just to but substantial layoffs planned \SU committee's annual keep pace tuition fees." with increasing report budget Part of the $10 contributed this by year the million was federal DETROIT (UPI) - Chrysler Corp. Chairman Lynn Townsend said Monday that the No. 3 decade and Townsend a record backlog of unsold vehicles. said the company would automaker plans no companywide shutdown Ihows 909 curriculum revisions announce its December production schedules government under the new State Student Incentive Grants. during December but that it will have within the next two days. Chrysler already has substantial layoffs to cut 50,000 cars from its 26,600 workers off the job, 19,400 of them Under this nationwide program production schedules. indefinitely. to expand state - sponsored By PEGGY GOSSETT Townsend also said the company, plagued Young said that However, he said the 159 be completely dissolved in two These revisions also resulted aid, the federal government has only action from State News Staff Writer courses dropped encompassed by nearly a four - month supply of unsold cars, Washington could stem layoffs that could reach years, he said. in new names for the donated $882,000 to match an will keep its aging Jefferson Avenue assembly Perhaps the selection of all departments and all majors. depression - era levels in the auto industry. Courses are usually added in Food science and human equal increase by the State of plant in Detroit open at least through the 1975 es seems the same term to colleges, and that most of "Washington has forgotten how critical this great numbers for two reasons, nutrition, one of the revised Michigan. model year, which ends next September. industry is to the U.S. economy," Woodcock but between the little those dropped did not reflect a Steinmueller said. State aid has increased Townsend ended speculation of a complete Either majors, became nutrition. said. print and the white pages trend away from arts and student interest in a course Agricultural engineering majors nationally by 25.4 per cent shutdown of Chrysler's six U.S. assembly plants Young, who warned earlier that a shutdown the course handbook in letters. over last year, the Chronicle for all of December. Such a may boom, as in the became physical systems in layoff, which of the 67 • year - old Jefferson Avenue plant p3 and 1974 there were 909 Duplication of courses is stated. This increase has made would have been the largest in auto in curriculum. one reason for Psychology 290 , Human agriculture and national industry could send inner city unemployment soaring to dropping them, Sexuality, resources higher education generally history, could have idled most of more than 28 per cent, said: Steinmueller said. It does not or a new college or majors. the department is more accessible to the extent company's 110,000 hourly workers, 61,000 of "What happens to this founded, The IThe figures were released s month by the University matter that the courses are University Curriculum that more states are industry in Detroit is resulting in the addition of Committee is a creature of the allowing them in the Detroit area. going to happen to the rest of the economy if it rriculum Committee in its under another college or students to take stipends to many new courses. Academic Council which was Early November sales were off more than 38 is not stopped." il report. This report is department, he said. private colleges. Students now cent from last year's already depressed Repetitious material Otherwise, courses are set up to evaluate courses and per "The company will be in business in |e first of its kind to be "A added to meet requirements recommend changes. Their have greater freedom of choice. level. December and we will be selling cars," ased to the committee in an professor can find better and interests of students, he Only two states, Colorado and Following a 90 - minute meeting with Townsend said, "but there will have to be ■fort to its things to do than teach course findings are then studied by report major said. the Academic Council who Virginia, restrict state funds Detroit Mayor Coleman Young and United substantial plant closings during December to material which is repetitious," pual activities to the The College of Urban makes final decisions as to solely to public institutions. Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock, take 50,000 cars out of our fourth he said. New Townsend said he hoped the sales quarter Development (CUD), which York, Pennsylvania rwersity community. In the 1973 • 74 a total of 159 school Language courses in Justin Morrill College (JMC) were began offering classes for the which courses are added or changed. dropped, and Illinois boast the largest bottomed out. slump has schedules." Shutdown of all Chrysler facilities would courses first time this year, was budgets. Combined, they He said a lack of consumer confidence and have had the greatest effect on the Detroit area. dropped for that reason, after The individual departments account for 53.5 per cent of (re dropped, 185 were added responsible for many of the not prices was one of the main reasons sales Three of Chrysler's six 542 changes in existing duplication of those courses courses added. Since it was and colleges also the total dollars in state aid were down. assembly plants are in request changes in their nationwide. New York alone Detroit, with most of its manufacturing irses were made. There were was found in the Romance founded as a full - fledged Layoffs in the troubled auto industry facilities located in the city. courses directly to the has a budget of $108.5 million | changes in the existing Language Dept., Dorothy college last fall, CUD curriculum committee. approached the 100,000 mark this week in the The industry now has a record eight curricula Arato, asst. provost, said. enrollments have climbed to or23.7 percent. wake of the worst new model sales start in a 80-day "We couldn't supply of unsold cars. |ditions and two other justify having 574 from the original 351 two foreign language programs enrollment figure of 19 7 3. | Most of the incourses which going in two different Also, enrollments have departments," Arata said. THEREs A NEW RULE OFTHUMB e the Dept. of increased more each term as in the language Another reason for students in outside colleges dropping the courses was that enroll in the relatively Milton (thing areas. FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. Steinmueller, JMC has had less emphasis on courses, Eric Winston, director innan of the language the past few years University in 0f student affairs of the riculum Committee, said than it had originally intended slack off College of Urban Development of history at its founding. said. tollments is the prime AMTRAK. reason Staffs combined Other courses were added in | dropping those courses. He further explained that significant number in the Classes revised the JMC courses were being departments of Civil phased out slowly, combining Sanitary Engineering, (Host of the history courses Pped ■l some were at of the which graduate were staffs with the Language Dept. while slowly Romance Geography and Sociology. Major revisions in course structure in two curricula "d for the undergraduate cutting down each term on JMC language courses offered. encompassed most of the 542 Instead of standing on a highway, catching fOften The JMC language courses will courses changed. uinrry trips, you can stop offalong a college will do the breeze as the cars pass you by at 55 mph, Steinmueller said, the way anywhere you like. Then al courses were set up you could be catching our car. Amtrak may not board another train later with ! dropped before they New Penguins book you to be as cheap as hitching. But for the little the same ticket. were money you spend, you get a lot more in return. But tor the time you're with us, 1 ™ programs but offered to students," Mueller said. Nowhere else but on an Amtrak train dr you'll hnd the Amtrak train Career offerings for you get so much room along the way. a whole different trip. Because nates of history began to We give you the biggest seat in travel. With we not only get you to where "fate," he said. "It's part more space around it, too. general shift in emphasis you're going, we take you away from f "ts and letters to the From our picture windows, we give you the problems of air pollution, I*career-oriented majors." the kind of close-up view of America you energy crisis and inflation. Maybe can't get from highways and cloudbanks. that's why on trains people act more Hntti U it .If You can get a different point of view, like friends than strangers. ttx), from the people you meet On your next trip, come together with Chlna...Hollywood...Cambridge.. on the train. Since there are no seat belts to hold you back on Amtrak, your friends on Amtrak. Among the informative new Penguin you can roam the train from car to car. paperbacks now on sale at your campus bookstore: | Maybe grab something to drink at the snack bar or lounge car. And FAMILIES OF FENGSHENG: Urban Life in China. Ruth the prices are reasonable, too. Side!. The author of Women and Child Care in China (also available in a Penguin paperback edition) now looks at how the Chinese organize their urban neighborhoods to provide social services for all. Illustrated. $2.50 hifi FROM REVERENCE TO RAPE: The Treatment of Women in the Movies. Molly Haskell. A surprising look at how the movie industry has reinforced the idea of women's inferiority in portraying-and betraying-women. Illustrated. $3.95 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL. Peter Cohen. A recent graduate reveals what it is like to attend the "West Point of capitalism." $2.25 RETREAT FROM SANITY: The Structure of Emerging Psychosis. Malcolm B. Bowers, Jr., M.D. A journey into the astonishing world of the psychotic-revealed through personal interviews and writings. $2.25 MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE. Ben-Ami Scharfstein. A rational look at experiences that are usually assumed to defy reason. t this week $2.50 at THE FURTHER RIVALS OF SHERLOCK HOLMES. Edited by Hugh Greene. The third Penguin collection of turn-of-the-century crime stories. $1.50 PENGUIN BOOKS INC Susan Ager TOM W Editor-in-chief Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Ford misses better ideas Stary Flood City Editor Dune Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pay ton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1974 .... Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Copy Chief NEW YORK - Obviously, there is a administrator, John C. Sawhill, also the slumping auto industry Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Joe Kirby Staff Representative energy was leading the many readers have written tn major communications gap within the persists in saying favorable things about a - . opinions. economy somewhat further downward might fall Ford Administration. Gerald Ford himself, gasoline tax increase and Secretary of the than had been anticipated. But Ford with undue income consumers. wei Every aas Ka% t speaking in Phoenix the other night, Treasury Simon has not publicly backed bobbed up in Las Vegas, on the way to remarked rather plaintively that he hoped away from his known support of this idea. Phoenix, to say resolutely that "despite Includes a plan to rebate poor people, while the tK ""I EDITORIALS "the word is conveyed to my good friend, the secretary of the interior, we are not Maybe the proposition ought to be turned around. Maybe the word is not some economic weakness - recession, business fallback - call it what you will — couW >b»,b it e«ly between, particularly those JL rich considering an increase in the gasoline getting to Ford that some of the people in there will be an upturn in the nation's transportation alternative to h°T tax." his administration who ought to know the economic patterns." ih. ■ Appointed j Ford's good friend, Rogers C. B. Morton, only happens to be the chairman of this administration's Energy Resources most about oil and energy think his adamant, and apparently ideological opposition to a gas tax increase is not much of a contribution to dealing with the Thus, it someone in seems to this be entirely true that administration is not getting the word. And the most grievous SSSSK""1— would dtaS thVprnSIf,' One Detroit voter casts her often, completely ignorant of the Council, and one of Ford's closest political communications gap of all appears to exist One proponent of such a tan advisers. Only the day before Ford's energy crisis. Etzioni of the Center for ballot for any judge candidate with candidates. Phoenix remarks, Morton had expressed This is not the only message that seems between Secretary of State Kissinger and PnH^.: ■ an Irish name. Another watches for Once in, Doaks must judge cases considerable interest in a sharp gasoline not quite to be reaching Ford. The other - Ford. once again - a hard - of - hearing Gerald Sow""""" 115 ""'""""CI black candidates. Or there is always brought by the very lawyers who tax increase, as well as some doubt that day his press secretary, Ron Nessen, began the old standby: voting for contributed to his campaign. Ford had finally increase. ruled out such an to acknowledge gingerly the obvious fact that the economy is in recession. The Even as Ford, in Phoenix, was making most A tax per pound of heavily on the owners of car would J clear his continued opposition to a bigg., J candidates with your own name or Perhaps most judges are honest who would tend to be the name of a friend. enough to remain impartial, but the Ford seems not only to be unable to chairman of the Council of Economic gasoline tax increase, Kissinger was in rather than the more affl1 One thing is clear. Most voters system discourages impartiality. get "the word" to Morton; the outgoing Advisers, Alan Greenspan, conceded that Chicago calling for drastic conservation in their on those who may havetol Life 1 the energy consumption of western cars to drive to work. are unable to evaluate candidates An appointment process, with gasoline tax, a tax on fixed term and reappointment VIEWPOINT: nations. The secretary said the United States is prepared to cut its oil imports bigger cars wd for judgeships on the basis of COUNTY CAMPAIGN from seven million to one million barrels a encourage reliance on smaller cars ThJ weight tax, collected - judicial ability. Legal issues are too necessary, is the way out - if done annually jn, |„ day, from one • third down to one • fifth sum, might have a greater complex for most nonlawyers. properly. The process used in East of its total energy consumption. That is deterrent eft to The resulting elections, designed build name recognition for Lansing in February in the selection of Judge Daniel Tschirhart seems HRP Nixon-tac strong and needed medicine, but in view of Ford's stand against a gasoline tax on small unnecessary per - driving than gallon tax to which a relitj n might become accustomed. The virtually unknown candidates, fair and workable. increase it has to be asked whether the » By RICHARD CONLIN drug law enforcement at MSU would tax, finally, would be easier to A committee of lawyers from news has yet reached him from admii demean the potential judges and I would like to thank those who remain the same, as the MSU and East Kissinger. and enforce. leave the system open for abuse. districts around the state is armed supported me in my successful campaign Lansing police would remain in. That is not to say that only the tax Whether a car for re election to the • increase could effect such cut in • weight tax wofl Appointment based on careful with biographical material and • Ingham County Finally, the Ingham sheriff has been a a reduce the evaluations of prospective Board of Commissioners. Many of you strong influence on the Squad to get it consumption as Kissinger proposed in much as a direct tax on consumption of gasolinel screening would be a decided supported Mary Ellen Karczewski, the away from marijuana arrests and focusing Chicago. If imports are reduced that much not clear. But whatever the gasoline ii«J improvement. candidates' last five cases, written Human Rights candidate. I hope that you on arrests of by government order, gasoline consumers device I large quantity pushers of combination of devices, something draJ by the judges and opposing will not feel alienated from me as heroin, etc. While not completely can line up at the service stations and take and effective needs to be done What do lawyers do it they want attorneys involved in those cases. representative. Some of you may be your successful in achieving this, the number of what's available, first come • first served, conservation if oil to achil to be elected judge? First, they supporters of the Human Rights party, but imports are to J The committee then makes a marijuana arrests has been cut from over as they did last winter, with much the reduced on must raise I feel that many others voted for Ms. anything like the scale cited! money for their recommendation to the governor, 300 in 1971 to less than 50 this year. same chaotic results. Or the government necessary by Kissinger. Hut again, Gel campaigns. This usually involves Karczewski on the basis of deceptive and could impose rationing, with all its who, Thus, only if a candidate wants more Ford doesn't seem to have as an elected official, false information about administrative difficulties and inequities. gotten ■ soliciting contributions from other my positions on pot busts would that person campaign to word, which may be leading represents the will of the people in various issues. Although I would not get Ingham County out of the Metro Even among tax devices, there is an wonder if he is people! lawyers. They then follow with Ms. among the well known I• the appointment process. Barring accuse Karczewski personally of Squad. Eliminating it would only remove alternative or a supplement to the gasoline per cent that never does. 1 advertisements in newspapers and purposefully misrepresenting my views, tax the strong and reasonable public the lid on local police officers who may - major deficiency of which, as (CI 1974 New York Times the electronic media. other HRP members and Commissioner wish to gain publicity by making many outcry, the governor will appoint James Heyser, supposedly a the candidate selected by the Democrat, drug arrests. All commissioners can do is Finally, they must meet voters circulated statements which falsely seek to persuade police agencies to de - on a personal basis, with a spiel that committee. represent me. I would like to clarify my emphasize marijuana law enforcement and runs something like: "Hello, I'm Admittedly, this process can be positions on these issues and invite you all enforcement against users of all types, and to scrutinize my Kim Doaks. I'm a candidate for open to political abuse, but it voting record in the this I have worked for. coming months and determine for I have been criticized for judge in District lA of Smith nevertheless seems preferable to the yourselves where my interests are. "abandoning my platform" on this issue. Only a fool County. I am a graduate of..." whimsical voting method used 1) Day Care. It was stated that only my remains true to something he discovers is The voters then go to the polls, today. Unless, of course, you opponent favors county - funded day care incorrect, and I have no apologies for their heads filled with silly ads and believe that Irish judges are always programs; on the contrary, I have always changing my mind when I discovered the the best judges. supported this issue, and have worked to facts. I would point out that I changed meaningless conversations or, more my help pass the Office for Young Children mind during the 1972 campaign, and that proposed for Ingham County. my campaign literature in the 1972 2) Housing. It was stated that only my general election and most of the 1972 Ford misplaces opponent supported a Authority. In fact, I have County Housing worked for two primary contained no statement on this issue. I campaigned on my own not one drawn up by platform, years on the committee which has been any other group, and If you want to sefe the culprit in have accomplished many of my that the common people of attempting to create such an authority. goals. However, the county can only operate in Other so called "student oriented" America, President Ford seems to America must bear the burden of - - be telling us. just look in the the housing field with approval of city and politicians are either unaware of the facts combatting inflation. or are deliberately mirror. town ship officials, due to restrictions exploiting this issue to The families paying SI.40 for a placed on our powers by the gain votes. It is an attractive issue, but I The culprit is us - and our state gallon milk for their children, 50 refuse to mislead the voters in such a legislature, and we have been unable to extravagant, wasteful spending. The cents for a gallon of gas to get to secure cooperation. It would be fashion. solution is for to become more great to us work and skyrocketing prices for promise you that we could help solve the I hope that this letter has served to careful spenders - "Yankee "clear the air" on my record. As my long sugar: They are the culprits. housing problem, but we probably won't. traders," the President said in record of political involvement and my Ever since the beginning - the However, I have been supporting our Phoenix last Thursday. long list of positive achievements as a economic "summits" - Ford has efforts and working towards a County commissioner This kind of rhetoric is called show, I have always listened most closely to the voices Housing Authority, and will continue to participated in politics not out of personal moral leadership by some who feel of Big Business, Big Labor and Big do so. ambition, but rather to work for Government. His attitude shows 3) Metro Squad. It was stated that I progressive principles and goals. This type had "publicly defended dorm pot busts." of campaigning saddens me; it is the that sided perspective. type Officials one - This is categorically untrue. In fact, I have of thing I have always fought as I have The finger of blame is being worked for decriminalization of worked for political change and honest, marijuana pointed at the victims of inflation, and to direct law enforcement away from open, issue - oriented politics. Richard The first strike against Little not at its cause. To find the cause it marijuana. Although I stated in my 1972 Nixon began with local campaigns of League Baseball Inc. officials' is not necessary to look far. The campaign press release that I wanted to vilification and character assassination; I "abolish the Metro Squad," I dropped the would recent decision to bar foreign teams hope that the HRP does not government, - with its Vietnam issue in my campaign literature because I continue to stoop to such tactics. from its world series is that it is a War financed on the installment discovered that the board could not take vindictive sour grapes action in such action and that the issue was much plan, with its tax write - offs for the response to domination of the rich, with its inflationary defense more complex. Anyone who runs for series commissioner telling you that they will by rule - abiding foreign expenditures, with its deficit end drug law enforcement is simply not teams. spending, with its soaring money telling the truth. forget and forgive when we finally got our inappropriate in our judgment, in keepB The second strike against the • supply - the government is the The board of commissioners has no van back with no fine, after having gone with the personal pride and r officials is their audacity in power over Metro Squad activities; they without it for eight days. We did pay our culprit. attitudes we are trying to devleop. retaining the "world series" label Why doesn't Ford recognize the are controlled by the police chiefs of attorney more than twice the amount of a In closing I wish to thank the St for the American only version. - fact and stop nagging inflation's Lansing, East Lansing, and MSU and the towing fine. However, since it came to our News for bringing this to the attention^ The third strike is that Little victims to save, scrimp and suffer sheriffs of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham attention that two accounts (one article the public, and particularly to P" counties. If the board deleted the modest and one letter) have appeared in the State Walker for his fine coverage. Leaguers don't support the order. more? Three strikes should be enough Don't point your finger at us Mr. appropriation which purchases supplies, the squad would continue. Scheduling blues News, both pointing out the guilt in the matter, we cannot remain Digby's The Digbv fail Eaton Rafl to put • Even if the silent regarding our innocence. the officials out. President. Ingham County Sheriff As pre were somehow - enrollment and preregistration persuaded to pull out, are upon us we once again find ourselves in the helpless dilemma of trying to make In the Oct. 31 front page of Public Safety Major Zutaut states that article, Dept. Hunters defended out a decent schedule. our account of the incident was totally STEVE ORR For sure, not many people have an easy erroneous and he hadn't even talked to us. I would like to ask the author ofl time of it, considering all there is to We told the truth "Murder Season" letter which contend with. our as it happened, and only regret is that we did not have a in Thursday's State News whether appe| But one particular thrill is a class tape recorder along to record names of orj he is a vegetarian. If not, I fail t0S®J Dorm games' explained scheduled once a year or even every year. As if this is not bad enough the University seems to persist in switching other policemen we talked to, ranks, spelling of names, etc. Had we known what transpire we certainly would have logged was to right to make the moral judgment^ does. all pertinent information for It these around and we swear they delight in proof if Is it any more morally justifiable to was Sunday night, the time my floor seemed to take it in stride, as if they am, and I submit that "the devil (libido?) messing up the sequences. needed. the flesh of an animal that was: Bp roommates and I traditionally reserve for If were used to it. That is because they were makes them do it." an occasional emergency came up captivity its entire life, that was brefl visiting friends. So, quite naturally, we used to it. It had happened to them several Do you remember kindergarten, when where a specific dass had no instructor for Then, on Nov. 8, MSU Office of raised for the sole purpose of slaughK were visiting friends. We were sitting in the times before. They had the mess entirely you knew for sure that other little kid a term and it had to be canceled it would Programs for Handicapped Students it, than to take the life of an adult residence hall room of a woman we know. transport supervisor Tbrry Davis writes that cleaned up within five minutes, and they liked you when he or she slugged you or be different. But we are getting fed up animal whose elimination means red We were just shooting the "it is unfortunate that the proverbial returned to their rooms as if the pimp had painted your face with fingerpaints or with not knowing when they're going to Digbys do not of a vast overpopulation problem 1 bull when all of a sudden, we heard a stick a fall - only class in the spring and a know the law." never occurred. bounced building blocks off your body? it seems on the surface, the huntinj "whoosh" in the hall, followed closely by But this incident, which is as common This is the same thing. It is an attention - spring - only class in the winter. What's few individual animals insures the s the patter of little feet and masculine even more fun is planning on a course Mr. Davis, just what is that law? Our type giggles. Now, the floor we were on • on some residence hall floors as miniscule getting device, designed to say "Look at van was parked of many more through the eliminatio hamburgers are in residence hall cafeterias, me. Aren't I cute? Wouldn't you like to sit offered "every" (ha!) term and it's not in on public property, in mass starvation. Man certainy, happened to be a quiet floor, and such accordance with existing and set me to theorizing. And I have developed on my face?" Of course it would be much the schedule book when you plan on posted signs. unfortunately, created this pr«»lc • noisy behavior is rare. So we stepped to But the van was towed this explanation of pimping. I explained easier to just come out and ask a woman taking it. This is especially gratifying when away, and we were that is really not at issue. the door to see just what was deprived of our son's personal going on. my theory to several women on the to sit on your face, but 99 per cent of the you get to senior year. property Little did we expect to see what we inside the van for eight days saw. What we saw was this: victimized floor, and they seemed to buy men in the world are too insecure to do Maybe we are an exception, but we do seized it. Certainly, the Bill of by those who Do you ever use any animal pwjjl shredded it that. not really bother checking with the all Rights gives C'mon now - maybe some leather * J paper literally covering the floor and people protection against seizure of shaving cream spewn all over the walls and All the men want is to get laid. But anyway, that is why I think men catalog anymore because whoever plans personal property. purse or perhaps a jacket? Thes ■ carpet. We That's all there is to it. They want a perform pimps. When I pictured in my class offerings certainly does not seem to. lived and died for your convenience. ■ were aghast. "What has little sex. mind the preparations for the Dolores Malymyga, senior knowing the taste of freedom. happened?" we cried in unison. pimp: a Davis talks about the It could also be asked, what about the bunch of men sitting on the floor 227 W. Shaw Hall disability sticker which the van should have Our friend explained. It was a Some young men from this floor's "pimp." few cases where women initiate the shredding paper for hours and collecting Karen Meyers, junior Digby's disability precludes had, but Roger I am not an avid hunter mysc'^"! "brother pimping? Do they want to get laid too? their cans of shaving cream and plotting 218 W.Shaw Hall MSU student and it seems that those his being an not in any way condone po» * floor" had come "mechanized" hunting. But real >, 1 running Well, it would be easy to say "sure," but I with maps and diagrams and a step - by - concerned at MSU could understand that creaking all this havoc, don't think I should, mainly because lam step plan to pull off the pimp with in a position to criticize the hu ■ roommates and I have always lived in rather sedate residence halls not a woman. I think it may have success, I had to laugh. To think they Towing unjust we would have no occasion to know about this sticker. While the state goes out to take his yearly buc • ■ never and have witnessed anything at all like that, something to do with wanting to make would do all that, would demean for handicapped issues stickers opinion, you give up that option | friends more than getting laid, or because themselves by participating in such a We drivers, there are none for wolf down your "Big Mac. though we had heard rumors of such are writing in regard to the towing handicapped passengers. And any sticker pimping is expected. I do not know. What childish game, all for the sake of getting of from handicapped We've come a long way baby things happening. But the women on this I do know is about men, one of which 1 away our van a stating that a guardian is driving a car for a laid. parking area Oct. 26. We had decided to handicapped person would be 274 Abbot 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 5 Court will decide on stock rates WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme • Declined to hear arguments that the Court agreed federal court to determine whether The court agreed to hear both appeals Monday to decide whether Junior Chamber of Commerce is stock exchanges can be obligated testimony Helfant gave to a grand jury was Helfant was indicted on the basis of challenged under to open its membership to women because coerced. Helfant is accused of antitrust laws for seeking to grand jury testimony he gave after setting minimum it receives federal grants and other extract money in return for dismissal of an commissions that their members must benefits. waiving his Fifth Amendment protection charge. assault charge. against self - incrimination. He agreed to The New Jersey case involves a decision The court will hear State authorities appealed the circuit the waiver after meeting with the justices an appeal from a of the Third U.S. Circuit Court decision of the Second U.S. Circuit of Appeals court decision, saying it "disrupts and of the state Supreme Court. Court temporarily barring a state court trial of of Appeals that the demeans the state process." Justice William J. Brennan Jr., a former rates are immune to Edwin H. Helfant, a former antitrust laws because municipal Helfant also appealed, arguing that New Jersey state Supreme Court Justice, they are governed judge of Somers Point, N.J. federal courts should take up other issues by the Securities and took no part in the decision to hear the Exchange The Circuit Court directed a lower besides the one of coercion. Commission (SEC). The Independent Investor Protective League, representing securities appealed the decision. The American Stock investors, Exchange, New New York official York Stock Exchange and the SEC argued that the lower court should be upheld, but joined in asking the Supreme Court review the decision. The ruling conflicts with a to 1971 not influenced decision of the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court WASHINGTON (AP) of Appeals that stock — The single largest beneficiary of were meant to influence Ronan in violation of state law. exchange rules are Nelson A. Rockefeller's generosity said Monday that his But not necessarily exempt from antitrust laws Byrd said he was making no such allegations and that he is acceptance of $625,000 did not hinder his ability to act just because they are regulated prepared to give Rockefeller the benefit of the doubt. In other by the SEC. objectively as a New York state official. Ronan's testimony came on the last day of the Rules cases, the court: • Agreed to "My judgment was not warped," William J. Ronan, a longtime Committee hearings. Chairman Howard W. Cannon, D - Nev., consider whether federal friend of the former New York courts had the right to intervene in the governor, told the Senate Rules said the committee probably will vote on the nomination Committee. The committee is case of a former New Jersey municipal considering Rockefeller's Wednesday. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield said a vote nomination to be vice president. judge charged with conspiracy to obstruct "We frequently disagreed," Ronan by the full Senate could follow next week. justice. said, adding that if his However, House Judiciary Committee action on Rockefeller is • Set aside actions as a state official enhanced the interests of the by a five - four vote lower expected to delay final confirmation until around Christmas. Rockefeller family, "that would be incidental and That committee opens hearings on the nomination Thursday. court ruling that Wisconsin's anti - their interests are so only because obscenity law is unconstitutional. The intimately identified with the interests of the Ronan has been associated with Rockefeller since 1956. He decision sends the case back to the community itself." played a major role in Rockefeller's first campaign for governor federal Rockefeller's in circuit court in gifts totaling $2.5 million to friends and 1958. When Rockefeller took office, Ronan became his chief of Chicago for further associates over the past 17 years have become a proceedings. major issue in the staff. • confirmation hearings. Ronan left the governor's office in March 1968, to become AP wirephoto Agreed to review a federal court Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D — W. Va., said "reasonable I This ceramic statue of a frog riding a motorcycle decision overriding orders of a state men could chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Last caught the interest court draw the reasonable inference" that Rockefeller's I of two youngsters at the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in under which Orange County, Calif., gifts to Ronan May he became a trustee of the state Power Authority. 1 Sheboygan, Wis. The statue, created by Paul Dresang, was among the authorities seized copies of the films I works on display at an exhibit of "extraordinary vehicles." "Deep Throat" Jones." and "The Devil in Miss ™™Q/WCIE!THIS)/iSTHEWOeST it doesn't even have won) CAN I SKATE IN A IF W Will ^\ RECALLS* I I THINK I'M 60W6T0CRY I <£ PRESS UKETHlS?l'll BE SKATIN6 CKESS TOlD YOU I 1 CAN FEEc THE aw sleeves in it!! THE LAU6HIN6 STOCK OF , | (IVE 6VEK SEEN]/ THE WHOLE COMPETITION.'! PlDN'T KNOW TEARS F0RMi.No HOU) TO SEW J IN MY STOMACH! >reek premier elected; Lfjfl DOONESBURY wv 3 isnTA by Garry Trudeau * says ■ATHENS, Greece (AP) — democracy Armed with the biggest electoral party. returns , WOOPROW, YOU REALLY I OUTDID YOUR- I SELF IN mM9tTAN ANSmW&M IN THERE, W00D- BUT, LADIES' PROFESSOR. LATHRAP'S INQUIRY WAS SO INTRJ6UIN6! AFTER ALL, IN PODUNSKY VS. NEW (JERSEY, I MEAN, AS SOON AS HE ASKED, ROW- IT WAS WHAT REALLY WAS THE PRE¬ THE WORD ''JURISDICTION " ory in Greek history, Premier Constantine Caramanlis said A new party led by former U.S. citizen Andreas Papandreou, > CLASS WAY! A ONE-MAN VAILING ISSUE IN RELATION TO IMMEDIATELY SU66ESTED id«y that "democracy has returned to its birthplace" and who once headed the Economics Dept. at the \ / CABARET ACT! THE ALLE6ED ABUSE OF PRXES6? ared the nation for a plebiscite on the future of the California at Berkeley, got 13.61 per cent of the vote. University of ITSELF!I r°s archy. Papandreou's Panhellenic Socialist Movement, whose anti • I He also had decisions to make on Cyprus, ties with the United American platform was the most virulent seen in Greece in recent ites, and possibly renewing Greece's military links with NATO, years, got 12 seats in parliament, while the Communist United ed at the height of the Cyprus crisis. Left got only 9.20 per cent of the vote and 10 seats. iBut the 67 year - old Caramanlis told a news conference he • With an overwhelming parliamentary majority, Carmanlis was J not take a stand on whether exiled King Constantine should ■ restored to the throne, and asserted, "Let the people decide certain to take whatever decisions he sees fit on such outstanding problems as Cyprus and possibly renewing military ties with the ■ themselves without any pressures." North Atlantic Treaty Organization. ■Caramanlis and his New Democracy party polled 54.5 per cent Another key question, foremost in American ■the vote Sunday and took 214 of the 300 seats in Parliament diplomats' minds here is whether Caramanlis would seek to mend fences with the ■the first free elections in more than a decade. United States. ■The avalanche wiped out such well known opponents as k "aa Mercouri, star of "Never On Sunday" and a candidate of Panhellenic Socialist Movement, and Mikis Theodorakis, With anti • American feelings still permeating the atmosphere, Caramanlis was expected to let the question remain out of until he could get an agreement over sight Reduced prices on Cyprus acceptable to iposer of "Zorba The Greek" and a candidate of the nmunist United Left party IGeorge Mavros' Center Union - New Forces party got 20.41 Greeks. Greeks widely believe that Washington tilted toward during the Cyprus crisis and failed to Turkey electronic colculotors by ■cent of the vote for 64 seats and became the discourage Turkey from major opposition invading the Mediterranean island. Texas Instruments! Join us for Holidays at Home SR-10 through Wednesday, November 20 reg. s69'5 *Today see the old - time art of doughmaking recaptured in a modern - day manner in our kitchen shop. sale s5888 *Members of the MSU Floriculture Forum display floral arranging suggestions for festive home decor in our dining center amidst holiday table settings by Caroline Hutchins. Tl Tl - 3500 • 4000 reg. 119" rag. s7»" a sparkling party pair. . silvery knits woven with lurex to bedazzle the light and easy blend of ribbed acrylic/viscose sale *69" sale *89" rayon/polyester. Pair or wear separately for the glittery goings-on of the holiday season Small, Medium and Large sizes. Now in stock for Christmas! Open-front cardigan, $17 Sleeveless turtleneck, $15 Little Separatos— Street Floor JacobBonS NiiH BOOH 1TORE 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19 I MANY CATCHES ON BOTH SIDES OF BORDER Canada offers student By GARY LaROY Canada in Toronto, says. September for the return trip. stay until October. New York to London ticket. of days before using the return impossible, to leave by the end youth rates. State News Staff Writer Students who are 22 years American students wishing The round trip youth fare of ticket. New York to London - Fares to other European May. They must then pay Students Students planning trips to of age or older are not are eligible to fly to Europe this summer from Toronto to London cities are comparable. regular air fares. excursion fares during the , choose charter Europe may inflated air be able to beat fares by taking for the youth fares, he said. The reduced rates are offered at the special rates will have to leave before the end of May, he during the winter months Because of MSU's late A round - trip ticket from summer months are $594 for a companJd (November through March) is spring term dismissal, students New York to London during 14 to 21 days and $509 for a advantage of special youth only to persons between 12 said. They must pay full price $321. This is $263 less than summer costs $764. 22 to 45 day trip. planning a summer in Europe - stranded rates still offered in Canada. A student may be able to and 21 years old. Hirst said that those who for the return trip unless they the $584 price of a round • trip will find it very difficult, if not Students who cannot fly at Direct charter flights from Canadian cities may present unreliable in Europe"^ companies 7 youth rates may still be able to canceled return save as much as $263 by flying try to take advantage of the lower travel costs another money flights. to Canadian rates will by taking - saving London from Toronto also be advantage of other reduced alternative for students. rather than from New York. hampered by increasingly Bureau plans daily lottery; fares still offered by American Though prices will not be There are many catches, though, Allen Hirst of Air stringent regulations on both sides of the border. airlines. Reduced prices are available available spokesman until January, for Washburne a The true On the American side, new on excursion tickets, which Travel Center in Meridian Mall old style piZZQ regulations prohibit the advertising or sale of Canadian to vie with numbers racket require a person to stay in estimated that they will be Organ recital youth fares in the United Europe for a specified number comparable to the Canadian rich and States. Consequently, By PAUL VARIAN Hie element of superstition would be at local church Americans must buy tickets in United Press International lacking in the lottery draw, as players would MERIDIAN FOUR xASEEBHH® generous and Canada. Celebrating its second anniversary, the State have to settle for the number printed on the The regulations, which Lottery announced plans last week to open to public became effective Nov. 1, are an inaugurate a daily drawing early next year that ticket rather than pick their own. The daily number will be printed on the $1 good and the attempt to protect American would put it in direct competition with the tickets the lottery began selling this past Corliss Arnold, member of airline companies from illegal numbers racket. summer in its new jackpot game, lottery price is right, the MSU Music Dept. faculty Canadian competition, Hirst Tlie weekly lottery drawings have had no commissioner (Jus Harrison said. The ticket will give a recital on the organ said. noticeable impact on the success of the price will remain the same, but buyers will be at 8:15 tonight at the People's American companies numbers racket, "but maybe a daily drawing eligible for both daily and weekly drawings. Church. discontinued all youth fares in will have some effect on it," Vincent Piersante, Details like the size of prizes, must still be People's Church is located June. They had previously chief investigator for the attorney general's worked out, Harrison said. at the intersection of Michigan offered discounts comparable organized crime division, said. "It will keep the interest high, I think," and Grand River Avenue. to those offered by the The prizes will likely be smaller than those Harrison said. "We're satisfied that it's going to Arnold will be assisted by Canadians. offered by the racketeers, but the odds will be sell more tickets." contralto Ethel Armeling and New Canadian regulations, much better. Harrison said he discussed the latest oboist Daniel Stolper, both of Hirst said, bar all American "The Michigan lottery's going to have to do expansion of lottery operations with Gov. the Music Dept. faculty. citizens except permanent this if they really want to attract the mutual Milliken and 'there were no objections raised." Arnold is a Fellow of the residents of Canada from using numbers better to convince him that this is a Harrison said revisions in the weekly games American Guild of Organists. the special rates during the better game - that you have a better chance of also are planned - including instant payoffs for He is the director of music at peak season. He defined the winners of $25 prizes in the 50-cent game. getting a payoff," Piersante said. the People's Church. peak season as June, July and This recital is open to the August for flights to Europe, public free of charge. and July, August and With The Thanksgiving Day Special RED .. . m nostalgic lookAs^I (from Wednesday to fTlon. morning with AT THE FUTURE * 600 free miles 95495) KW, "(Sleeper"' PLUS*: AC18 OKTK N-CM Mams OTTNML BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 6 30 SHOW STARTS DUSK TWIN DRIVE IN THEATRE PRAY IT ISN'T TRIE! PETER FONDA SUSAN GEORGE ALS0 MITY MARY IheLv&tiA ml GH/1ZY LARRY PLUS" Anyone RENTABEETLE can rent a beetle 2501 E. MICHIGAN emj PROGRAM INFORMATION 482 3905 ICHIGAN Tomcppow! Theatre Lansinq • HINGTON- DOWNTOWN Doors Open 12:45 P.M. IT'S SURVIVAL OF THE FIERCEST. AND THE Shows at 1:00 -3:05 - FUNNIEST. 5:05 • 7:15 -9:25 P.M. "THELONGEST YARD" is a movie that cracks a lot of jokes. And a lot of bones. Burt Reynolds stars- tough, sassy-and always that fire. The wrath of a woman scorned starts his trouble. However, he's got some wrath of his own. And the last 45 minutes of the film is unlike anything you have ever seen. It will have you howling and cheering like no movie ever has. "THE LONGEST YARD" is for men, for women, for everyone. BURT REYNOLDS "THE LONGEST YARD" EDDIE ALBERT EDLAIITER MIKE CONRAD COLOR By TECHNICOLOR ■ A PARAMOUNT PfCTURE s ENDS "The DEVIL'S "UFO TODAY! TRIANGLE" and TARGET EARTH" TICKETS ON SALE TODAY)! Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 7 HERO REQUIRES BLOOD OF VIRGINS 'Dracula' delights By EDD RUDZATS way of Warhol. Morrissey is of having no coffin to State News Reviewer sleep in throwing up in a visually "Frankenstein," Morrissey's "You must have the blood highly aware of the selling for it travels on top of his car. graphic scene. latest film is slow - moving. of power of such films as "Trash" But the film should still a virgin or youH be dead in It seems that if a girl is not a However, for a return to the and "He." As a a few weeks." Count Dracula is result, his satisfy those stalwart fans of virgin, then Dracula cannot "Dracula" is hilarious in a camp humor of the Warhol the gory epic. Blood flows in stomach her. So warned by his assistant. on his second school, the tedium can be macabre unconventional Since way. "Dracula," as frequently as Old try the audience already knows withstood. Romania, their Like its Faithful blows its top. But homeland, is short of virgins predecessor, the ensuing predicament. This "Dracula" is slow moving and - with "Dracula" the situation is Though "Dracula" may be this time of situation is one of the more "a throwback year, the vampire filled with long passages of a little different. The flow to religious and his aide are off to of creative and hilarious moments Italy, never never blood is tied into the humor of perverts," as Dellasandro home of the pure and chaste - - ending talk. But in Morrissey's film. describes vampires in one of his the talk takes on a humorous the film, rather than used as a female. And at the same time, aspect as Joe Dellasandro Like its predecessor, more revealing moments, it is "Andy Warhol's Dracula" is off simple exploitation technique. also a throwback to the spouts revolutionary rhetoric "Dracula" is sumptuous to days to a kinky, Thus, as Count Dracula when Warhol was at his height. campy start. in his Bronx accent while searches for "Wergins" in order look at with a lush rich feel In this film, Paul Morrissey about the settings and the "Dracula" is currently returns to the form of his trying to debauch young girls. to renew his life, he discovers a In this version, much of the rich aristocratic costuming. But like playing at the Spartan Twin teacher. This current venture in family with Theaters. Dracula character has been four the erotic horror vein works eligible daughters. altered. First of all, Dracula Naturally, Dracula much better than Final 5 assumes Morrissey's previous film of the same nature. It is inevitable that since a speaks with lisp? Only a lisp. Dracula with a member of the Warhol stable could come up them all to be providing nourishment for "wergins," thus him some with time. Paysi we have already had a with that. Unbeknownst to him, Joe Frankenstein we now must a Mitchell Brothers Film have a Dracula Fortunately, as well. this version Furthermore, because of the lisp, the count searches for Dellasandro, the handy man, has been servicing two Production Group shows more of "wergins" instead of virgins. daughters regularly and they an Andy Warhol Unlike his not "Rolls Boyce of influence than counterparts, are quite the specimens of Morrissey's first Dracula also travel in the venture. In this version of the can purity that the count is Hard-Core!' Dracula legend, daylight, touch a crucifix searching for. Yet Count Morrissey has without being scorched and Dracula only realizes this after -SHOW obviously learned more from exist on a strict vegetarian diet. his mentor than was biting the eldest on the neck, apparent Besides this, Dracula complains in "Frankenstein." turning green, and immediately "Dracula" is full of the camp humor that endeared Warhol's films to the underground and college public. Its satire is broad and its humor sometimes unintentional, but this is the For the people who treasured Siddhartha and The Teachings of Don Juan...an extraordinary account of a simple man on a spiritual journey Frank Zappa, who originated and labelled bizarre rock■ long before other musicians even thought of integrum theatre into their shows, will appear in a Pop Entertainment concert at Stturday night Zappa will be accompanied by Tom Fowler, Jenison Fieldhouse (icorge Duke, lVapoleon Brock and Chester Thompson, four of the Mothers who appear on the album "Zappa IMothers: The Roxy and Elsewhere." Itppa, who appeared at MSU once before in 1966 with only his first now has 18 albums to his credit. Tickets, at $5 and Mmhall Music In East Lansing. album, "Freak Out" under his belt, $6, go on sale today at the Union ticket office and at Way Of A Pilgrim and The AC to stage P Continues His Way Pilgrim TONIGHT By DARRYL GRANT Landry. His production of Geist. ADVENT Translated by R.M.FRENCH Showtimes: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 State News Reviewer ^Purlie," The Performing "Childs Play" last season was a The PAC production of Now for the first time in an inexpensive Showplace: 111 Olds big hit. He also produced "Man "Purlie" will run tonight edition - the book J. D. Company (PAC) musical of La Mancha" in the Salinger's Admission: *2.25 spring of through Saturday at Fairchild Frdnny and Zooey is about opens tonight, is a sly and 1972. Theater. Curtain time is 8:15 -:ning look at black and The le relations in America, as set is designed by graduate assistant Earl Peolman p.m. each night. Admission is n Arbor, Dearborn $1.50 wherever paperbacks are sold p A TC|| ^ V You must be '8- A" patrons $3. Tickets are available at the will be checked for rlie the preacher man and the costumes by Gretel Detroit. East Detroit, Royal Oak 0BALLANTINE BOOKS proof of age. Fairchild Theater box office. Its the Calions plantation Rochester. Southgate. Live , the Ole Cap'n. A BEAL FILM "Purlie" is full of wonderful There is a songs such as "New Fangled ■tier Man" and "I Got difference!!! PREPARATION FOR: by Melba Moore. Moore way cast. of the original MCAT Over 35 years of experience HISTORY - ENGLISH LITERATURE The PAC is excited about RAT and success is a wonderful "se for black talent at PAT LSAI Small classes Voluminous home IN LONDON n opportunity study materials local audiences to "pie of rich enjoy a American 6RE Courses that are re that is often neglected. constantly updated Any student interested in the SPRING History ■ English Literature Hie" is directed ATGSB Tape facilities for by Peter reviews of class Program should plan to attend one of the meetings listed below. lessons and for use 0CAT of supplementary "Mclim in materials. i Modern Worlc Instructors will be available to F,ee Lecture by CPAT answer your questions and a slide [ Rosicrucians A.M.O. R. C. r| py Make-ups for show about the London experience will be shown. Nov. 21, 7:30 - 8:30 ■ LEA missed lessons. p.: ^ Lansing Public Library ECFMG /mmx. ECFMG Tonight November 19 7 p.m. 130 Hubbard Hall UFom NAT'L MEDBRDS For complete Information call Thursday November 21 7 p.m. C - 3 Wilson Hall (313)354-0085 Monday November 25 7 p.m. M ■ B Brody Hall Stanley h. kselon educational rrsrO'TS 3 CENTER TUTORING AND GUIDANCE SINCE 1938 SiiS&iSHS Tuesday December 3 7 p.m. 111 Bessey Hall 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, Mich. 48075 GEORGE C. SCOn THE DAY OF THE DOLPHIN pe.ttloumitKi aihs compAm A novai.aa.aa BLACK tocdoneiKiva MUSICAL VlnJ1ClCet8at 3rd Hilarious Month) -yjnstruxnents open today 7:00 p.m. •l msuxtt°n Feature 7:40 - 9:30 p.m w§§ OPENS I0NI6NTI 8:15 p.m. DIRECTED BY PETER LANDRY ^•nd Brownie ™Wtonawork "Sn«ov- 23, in the FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN MONDAY 1188 • FRIDAY 12 - 5 PHONE 355 - 0148 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 191. UMMPH! SPARTANS Club hosts powerlifters SN Photos/Craig Porter Text/Dan Spickler Heated brute strength clashed with cold steel Sunday In the in phyaology.. Howard is a graduate student in natural science. Sports Arena of the Men's Intramural Building. "We all got started together in weightlifting when I was a The "ummphs" and the grunts generated by men lifting 500 freshman in college," Gary said. "It's one of the few spoils that pounds plus helped spectators empathize the struggle between doesn't discriminate against you because of height or weight." mass and muscle. These days, no one discriminates against Wandell. The MSU Weightlifting Club hosted the 1974 Michigan Team AAU representative Leonard Espinosa said Sunday's Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Senior State Championships meet was one of the best performances this year by the club. Sunday and came in second among the four teams competing. MSU was without lightweight lifter Gary Hunter, American The hefty Spartans totaled 18 team points, falling just three record holder in the deep knee bend at 148 pounds. short of the meet winner, Palace Iron Knights of Detroit. More "The meet was so close it was really just the difference than 50 muscular powerlifters took part in the event. between one man finishing second instead of first," Espinosa Powerlifting differs from the Olympic - style competition that remarked. often receives television coverage. Other teams showing off brawn Sunday besides MSU and Olympic weightlifting is made up of three lifts. The snatch, the Palace Iron Knights were Stiffs Gym from Flint and a delegation clean jerk and the jerk are executed. Powerlifting also involves from Grand Rapids. three lifts. The events are the bench press, the squat lift and the January will be a busy month for the Weightlifting Club. The dead lift. Detroit Open is scheduled for Jan. 11. Jan. 18 the team members Two of the MSU club members took first in their who are in college will weight participate in the Collegiate Open in divisions. At 132 pounds, small but strong Gary Wandell, a Cincinnati, Ohio. graduate student in education, won in his class by 80 total The team will host the Spartan Open at home on Jan. 25. pounds. Other team members who placed in the event held Wandell placed third in the World Sunday Championships held in were: Richard VanDalsen, second in the 165 - pound class; Dan York, Penn., Nov. 9. Wandell, 5 • foot • 3 - inches, can dead lift Haisenleder, an associate member of the club from Ann Arbor, 480 pounds. First in the 181 Three Wandell brothers are in the club. Dan Wandell • pound daas; Roger Peltier, second in the 220 • placed pound class, and Eric Walline, third in the 292 - pound class. third in '"e 148 - pound division. He is a junior majoring "Umph!" Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 9 PLAN A WAITS Station may By JOE KIRBY has been proposed pump art as the site The land News Staff Writer for a city area surrounding labor. State market, a craft shop the A former home for pump and a park, though none of building would be The idea for the project was converted into uckeys mav soon become a those plans were a sculpture first presented to city council ever garden with a tradise for painters and developed. wading pool in front of the structure. at a work session two weeks latrons of the arts. Robert Weil, an MSU entire The ago. Since then the plan has It could happen if the East associate professor of art project would then be been endorsed by the and a enclosed by an city jnsing City Council approves member of the city's Fine Arts wooden fence covered eight - foot planning commission. plan which would convert an Committee, would like to see murals. with When the project was ,1(1 abandoned gas station into the station become East Weil would like to presented at the work session, mart center. La nsi n g's see the The gas station located at "campaign art center developed Councilwoman Mary Sharp headquarters for the arts." East as part of expressed concern over the he corner of M.A.C. and Weil has drawn up plans Lansing's bicentennial small area available for the which celebration and feels it would ybert Avenues was purchased would consist of be a project. The other council iy the city over a year ago for remodeling the existing temporary first step. members seemed interested in Weil said it would 85,000 and has been sitting building which would then be cost probably the project, though. acant since then. used as a between $10,000 and display center for arts $15,000 for the project, which Council At various times the station and crafts. could possibly would use a lot of make some decision on the gas volunteer station tonight after it receives the planning commission Dorm blood driv recommendation. Weil admits the gas station art center would only be a first Hubbard Hall's Nov. 14 the American Red Cross, step but hopes that it will stir specific complexes. In the past, lood drive was labelled "very, The blood drive was the most blood drives on enough community interest in ery successful" by Caren first of a series of drives aimed campus the arts to were held at centrally - located encourage further laginski. Chapter Recruiter for at attracting students from Shaw Hall. expansion. "It's kind of a Hubbard's drive netted 157 beginning. We want to see if it donors for the Red Cross. can develop slowly," Weil 'ontiac students give Baginski said the goal was 150. Two • thirds of the donors "We'll need more said. community were first timers, she said. interest." Weil added that it would be "That's fantastic. That's no up to the leadership of the city jusing unenthused OK where get." near what we usually to take what he sees as a first step in bringing culture and art This abandoned gas station which the City of East Lansing purchased over a year ago for $85,000 has been Baginski said the Red Cross proposed as the site for a city art center. Robert to East Lansing. Weil, an MSU professor and member of the city's fine arts whites, should attend school hopes to visit every complex committee, said it would cost between $10,000 and $15,000 for the conversion P0NTIAC (UPI) - Students to come about. once a term. i the first northern city under together, while 75 per cent of "If we could get 150 donors court ordered integration the blacks and 90 per cent of from each complex every Ian have given busing a the latinos agreed. term, it would really be great!" she enerally favorable, but said. nenthusiastic, response, a Results of the study were The Red Cross still needs tudy shows. still being analyzed and contacts in South Complex, researchers have not drawn any The study of 250 Pontiac the West Circle Complex and statistical conclusions yet. But married housing in order to set ligh school students taken by they said it shows the blacks he Board of Education's up dates for blood drives in were generally lesearch and more positive each of those locations. Development about more aspects of the Interested people should )ept. indicate that 80 per cent eel busing works "OK." busing program than were contact Carol Westerfeld at whites. 355-1314. However, only 30 per cent aid they think busing will lead Blueprint of the better education for students of all races. THIS WEEK AT IKE CORAL GABLES Natural Way to Walk. TUESDAY NIGHT IS: HOG NIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT: by Thom McAn HAPPY HOURS hREEPO^-pOOT: 8 - 11 P.M. \vote how the shape or the exersole toe hollows the jvatural contours or your five toes. a/0 toe cramp- Kenwood «ISMt HKHT IS: wo way. freedom can fhe iso important. pud other noteworthy compon pits are ON SALE this week at QUART NIGHT THE. REALTHnTOT- natural leather: \thisis the shoe that is THIS WEEK: EASY YOUR ROOT WEEDS TO "3REA THE"(fl/A TURA L L Y). /a/ so ml/ch demand today 2838 E.Grand River 337-1311 THERE S A/OTHl/l/G LIKE REAL LEA THER by nature lovers everywhere. t TO GIVE YOUR ROOTNATURAL it's the exersole 3y thom wan. COMPORT AMD SUPPORT. when you walk your weight \rVO raised h£bl to shock your shifts along prom heel to toes. leg amd spine. th/s lower this exersole rocker sole takes heel absorbs the the weight/n stride aa/d helps give contact 5moothly-.. wuefi/ you a/atural toe *s/>mor less tiring. you walkbarefooto \less shock.less tiring. the EXERSOLE Men's OOW/MQEAFTH COMFOKTonlytf "XKimCtae/W. Lansing: Lansing Mall Frandor Center 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November I9t |^| Fortney resurrecting By MIKE LITAKER years is open to speculation. But Fortney believes that the old American Cancer Foundation the tennis match M State News Sports Writer humiliating and injurious methods of initiation are the primary Casals and Francoise Durr at Jenison At the beginning of fall term, MSU Varsity Club President cause. This fall, the members co Fieldhouse Ro* - sponsored an ant,™, Dane Fortney had a following in the club around the size of Having the athletes run around Spartan Stadium in their jock session with the Richard Nixon's. straps or jumping off the coal pile next to the power plant near Fellowship of Christian shopping center, with proceeds going for AthletT^^ But with some fancy footwork and a WIN campaign of his the International Center, among other such things, led to a kin.- I ando< program. as b«sketb^ own, Fortney has been almost singularly responsible for the re • disinterest, Fortney said. Besides lending their names, members have snent ti» emergence of the club. The club then followed with what Fortney calls the "other Brothers and in speaking extreme" by only requiring a prospective member to take an engagements, Fortney who Fortney began this year as president • elect of a ramshackled returned from a chat with eight - year - olds fmm . d|u*' organization which was on the verge of dying out. Among the oath. football league, said. dS from 8 local ^ approximately 300 letter winners at MSU, the club began fall "They went from too hard to too meaningless. The only With a more dignified Initiation, along with the d.ui term with oniy 14 members. difference in joining was that you could go eat hot dogs on chicken fry outings this spring, Fortney sees 1 "We didn't Sunday at the meeting," he said. really know who the members were at the start," The revived dimension of community service by participating climbing to 100. y 5065 meniH Fortney said. He found himself running back and forth to Jenison Officers in the club besides Fieldhouse between football practice and classes early this fall in members has had an important effect of the club's resurgence. Paul Fetters (swimming), Fortney include Vice iw, an attempt to get the show back on the road. Before Thanksgiving and Easter, the club gathers food for Secretary - Treasurer Denr? ^ The added pressure involved in reorganization of the club has needy families in the area who otherwise could not afford it. (hockey), and Sergeant - at - arms Chris CasseSan (Sk?H meant a lot of missed classes for the junior track and football Groups of inner city kids have been brought to Spartan home Winter term initiation, will Room at the stadium and wind begin at the remod2 v,, standout, but his efforts are beginning to pay off. games by the club, which last spring co - sponsored with the have'em lining up for a New Deal up at Sparty. Fortnev nL y "I talked with (Athletic Director) Burt Smith and he these things run in cycles," Fortney said. "We've reached our says at the VaSj rock bottom and now we're on the upswing." Recruiting during fall term alone brought in 40 new members to the Varsity Club, which is predominantly made up of athletes participating in swimming, soccer and hockey. Legends tell of better days in the late 1950's and early 1960's Spartans winning year assured when the Varsity Club flourished. By CHARLES JOHNSON crown boosting their mark to 7-0 with only its clash against »» Self Basting pop up timer 57' lb. on Ring Day and save 5%. - TOM TURKEY-i»22fe». Date GREEN OLIVES 69< 49' lb. Nov. 19,20, 21,22 Medallion - 22 oz. Zipper Skin -176 size 1 qt. bottles Hours 10:00 - 5:00 CORNISH HENS 99' EA. MSU BOOKSTORE 7 - UP 2/88' Farmer Peet's playtime | "In the Center of Campus" A Fresh 9 - Lives, 6% oz. varieties FRANKS - 1 lb. Package 79' EA. California, U.S. No. 1 CAT FOOD 5/$ 100 Eckrich BROCCOLI 49' POLISH SMOKED SAUSAGE Nestles, 14 - pack envelopes or Country style boneless $1'?B HOT COCOA MIX 79* -bakery- Stove Top, twin pack - Chicken Flavor PORK ROAST $l08lb. TEQUILA SPARTAN JUMBO BREAD - 24 oz. LOAF STUFFING 79* 2/88' Libby -14 oz. cans NITE! BEANS /w Tomato Sauce4/* 1 00 OVEN FRESH BROWN & SERVE Food & Booze Sugary Sam 1227 E. Grand River TEA ROLLS YAMS 40 oz. cans 69* ALL 11 oi. PKG. 3/$ 1 00 on oast side of MSU at 1109 Tequila Drinks East Grand River. Open Mon - Thur 9 - 9, Fri 9 • Sat 9 10. Sun 11 5 H PRIC VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON 6pm- 1 am 24 oz. bottle 40 oz. Package Jel or j/hole Berry 16 oz. can OCEAN SPRAY CRISCO OIL BISQUICK LIBBY HAPPY HOURS MIX PUMPKIN CRANBERRY 98' 77' 2/49*SAUCE 2pm-5pm Mon,-Sat. save 31c save 18c 22' save 17c save 29c Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 2 please with coupon and $5 purchase. Good $5 purchase. Good only at only at $5 purchase. Good only at $6 purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich and Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich and Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. LIVE FOLK ENTERTAINMENT Expires 11-23-74 Expires 11-23-74 Expires 11-23-74 Expires 11-23-74 ^ Mon Sat 9 p.m. -1 a.m. ■ Mu lligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 H SIXTH WEEK'S CONTEST WINNERS) Far left: The MSU - Ohio State game helped to eliminate many of this week's contestants. Cal Thomas is shown here 54" of COLOR FOOTBALL receiving his first Dlace money from Mike Pierson. of WATCH THE GAME ON OUR SCREEN Domino's Pizza. Cal had seventeen correct picking Ohio State guesses despite 25' HOTDO0S over MSU. Saturday <■ Sunday Aftarnoons, Mon. N Left: Both the second and third place winners had chosen MSU to win. They were (left to right) Phil Smyka, third NOW! ENTERTAINMENT place and Lee 3randes, second place. Phil and Lee received t EVERY WEEKEND their prize money from Roger Foster of the MSU Bookstore. THIS WEEK IS THE LAST CHANCE TO ENTER THE HUH STATE NEWS FOOTBALL CONTEST. YOU CAN WIN TO $30 JUST BY GUESSING THE RIGHT COLLEGIATE UP MONKEY WINNERS' SECOND ANNUAL STATE NEWS □COLORADO vs ^KANSAS STATE Football Contest In case of a tie, the will determine the winner. All should guess theltotal number of that game. single professional game participants points for FIRST * BE SURE TO GIVE US PRIZE 30 YOUR NAME, & ADDRESS & PHONE... SECOND $4 NAME OVER 100 YEARS PRIZE 20 ADDRESS OF QUALITY THIRD PHONE PRIZE 10 TIE BREAKER: Detroit vs. Chicago RULES OF THE GAME: ( ) Total Points □MICHIGAN vs □OHIO STATE Introducing our new S 8 S in to anyone encept State Newt employeei but limited to jutt ONE entry delivered | Chicken & Salad Platter. to the State Newi Aduertninj Department office. Room 344 Student St Only $il.99| and all the salad you care to eat. !y—~ . | ,-1 Ireat yourself to countiy fried chicken, a warm roll. Winners will be announced two weeks from today in this space. X y, llacl W1,tl our THIS PAGE IS YOUR -••• -- vW oarden fresh fixin's. * Like crisp lettuce, OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM f non nnys. or you may pick up an entry form for the games of JtLcrunchv crou,ons- Saturday Nov. 23 NtT*nc^ 9™^ cheese and 4 great dressings. and Sunday, Nov. 24 at the STATE NEWS ADVERTISING DEPT. Office. ★ NOTHING TO BUY ★ NO OBLIGATION 30 - day exchange □MSU vs QIOWA Tffl □ INDIANA vs □PURDUE ndres j®0.E>8 GIFT IDEAS MSU'S • .-TH S300W. SAGINAW AT 1-96 ^ FAVORITE Gas Saving, Snow Time GALORE TUNE-UP SPECIAL Big Boy 6cyl. including 8cyl. y. $26.95 F a/c cars *29.95 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY University Mon. & Thurs. 7 Tues., Wed. & Fri 'til 6 a.m. 'til 9 p.m. 3301 E. MICHIGAN-east of Frandor Big Boy ' 1050 Trowbridge Rd. — TEL. 627 - 2151 4 l/IERAS/JEWELRY/HOUSEWARES/STEfi OPEN SRUOH2 PENN STATE vs □PITTSBURGH □WISCONSIN vs ^MINNESOTA □NORTHWESTERN □ILLINOIS vs □SO. CALIFORNIA vs QUCLA We've got a little bit Blue Jeans to Smoking of just about everything... Needs .... the place 10* yHzL-h General Auto Repair to be is the A RIDE Okemosj) Open Daily 730 - 550 ■Home Football EAST LANSING ROUTES CLinic- ?) Tune Up Specialists Saturdays 9 Call 489-3768 for routes & Schedule information. * Front End and JOIN THE PEOPLE POOL! > Wheel Alignment > r Brake Service Comprehensive Transportation Service in the Greater Lansing Area. > Shocks & Ball Joints m "1ESI CAPITAL AREA > Engine Rebuilding Sales & Service > Valve Jobs — Carburetors Meridian Mall TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY > 351-3130 Foreign Car Repairs 2615 E. Grand River □RICE vs □ TCU □OKLAHOMA vs []NEBRASKA □TEXAS TECH ^ARKANSAS vs □ARIZONA ST vs □COLORADO ST HARVARD vs UYALE^ Make sure to FOOD AT ITS BEST Capital News and li stop io at Marty's Try the all new Movie Arcade Family Style Chicken Dinner FAST FRIENDLY FREE DELIVERY Anniversary Sale 20 double mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy Just like down on the farm. _ Suits 20-50% off X rated movies daily |Most deliveries are within! 30 minutes. At for your viewing *345 I times it may be busiest f little / Sportcoats up to 50% off pleasure Warrens! a Vlonjjer - we'll tell you/ Pants up to 50% off 10 new movies every if it ill See our new line of |men's jewelry by Swank Wednesday NEW PLACE 2758 Grand River, East Lansing MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING 305 fc. Grand River at MAC. In our 29th year. Phone 332-2113 □WASHINGTON vs^ASHINGTONST □BRIGHAM YOUNG vs □UTAH □STANFORD vs QU of CALIFORNIA One Car Hey, chicken lovers- 5 Campus come on over to The Other Fried! Trowbrldia One Rate inHHVw'ait of Farm Lana^H 351-7100 M\ and for those away games Book Store ID we have 507 E. Gr. River Grand Rlvar ' E'it of Farm Lam Weekend Rates GO STATE! Great time to discover the 487-2260 K 351-8880 2501 E. difference In Famous foci p., Th. Other Fried Chicken. Delicious dippod-in-honey Michigan Ave. baiter, fried really crisp and all the way through. No wonder to The Other p*f pie who cross Fried Chicken stay then BEAT IOWA! & BENTRBEETLEI 1900 E. Kalamazoo 4500 S. Cedar NOW ONLY 3007 N. East (U.S. 27) $ 12 | Show your Spartan Spirit with Souvenirs from CBS' JBAYLOR VS [ JSMU □MISSISSIPPI vs □MISSISSIPPI STATE □COLORADO ST vs □ARIZONA ST □EASTERN MICH vs □TOLEDO 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November|0 ( Call Get top $dollar$ for Your car with smart use of Classified Ads. Michelle 355-8255 Automotive ![«j | HftSwia |[7| FRANKLY SPEAKING, . by phil (rank i *parli»eils V ( Apirloiits IjVj [ Apartments ^ MGB 1972, 24.000 milos. Stored VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE MSU AREA Okemos. One 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, J - Winters. Many extras - 489-5346 repair and body. 20% bedroom, furnished end Jolly-Logan areo, full basement, •mediate b«Jroom occupancy days. 484-8482 evenings. DISCOUNT to students, faculty unfurnished, air conditioned, yard, carpeted, $180/month plus apartment, furJ*P 5-11-19 on all cash'n' carry VW service parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, carpeted, modern. $150 to $165. Hoot included. Call utilities. Security deposit required. 372-8073. After 6, Tu.n° campuv 35'* PHONE 355-8255 MERCURY 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. MONTEGO, 1973, 349-9604. 10-11-27 669-3090. 8-11-22 ONE 347 Student Services Bldg. 18,500 milos, rustproofod, 48 5-204 7, 485 9229. NEEDED, 4 m excellent condition, must sell, Mastercharge and Bank 1 2 GIRLS needed. Own in ROOMMATE NEEDED for ■ AUTOMOTIVE 484-4707. 4-11-22 Americard. C-11-27 - town house. $90. Close, Pom, room furnished 2 men, own room. ••1.10/month"' distence. wT'P Scooters & Cycles U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center 489-5374. 3-11-21 $80. 485-1002. 3-11-21 351-3581.ili.jj * Parts & Service Mercury MARQUIS Brougham Aviation 1971. 54,000 miles, neech body offers you tools, equipment, and ONE BEDROOM basement MAN TO share Compus Hill. NEED THIRD girl^ 2 K work. $1100. 393-3457. 5-11-21 insturctions to do your auto apartment. Okemos apartment. Furnished, ell $68.50/month. Winter/spring. • EMPLOYMENT repairs. 5311 South utilities paid, near bus line, 349 2856. 5-11-25 337-9431. 5 11-22 ** • FOR RENT MUSTANG 1971. Fastback. Sharp. Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, $75/month. 485-5222. 3-11-121 six days. 20-11-20 NEED ONE man to $1550 or best offer. 332-3746. OCCUPANCY. ROOMMATES sublease Apartments 5-11-21 and spring terms. Cedar VilU FEMALE NEEDED for 4 person. needed immediotoly. Rivers Houses Apartment. 351-3834 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East Winter spring. $61/month. Edge oportmmts. Rent . 5.1,3 Rooms OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royalo, Kalamazoo Street since 1940. negotieble. 351-6265. 3-11-21 332-3747, after 6:15 • FOR SALE 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise Complete auto painting and 5-11-25 pm. girl needed, win,~eZH control, other extras. 332-1097 collision service. American and WANTED. 1 or 2 moles to shore Furnished. $61/month ciiZl Animals after 6 pm. 7-11-27 Foreign 485-0256. C-11-27 lorge 4 489-9124. 353-9027. cars. FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, bedroom furnished 5-11-22 1 Mobile Homes close/canpus, December apartment. Close to compus. OLDSMOBILE 1966 F-85. $650. INSURANCE LOWEST rates on $80. 332-0079.5-11-26 • LOST & FOUND No rust. Mags, new point. - 15/September 1975. Sublease, STUDENTS cycles and auto. Call us first or $82.50. 351-9415.4-11-22 »PERSONAL 353-1543. 3-11-20 last, ONE FACULTY, STAFF PEANUTS PERSONAL but call. Easy Payment WOUlP XX) VOUZ. BEDROOM, unfurnished, ► Ptan. UNION UNDERWRITERS utilities peid. 1308 Haslett 3 BEDROOM, 1ft BAThI ► REAL ESTATE PEUGEOT 504 Wagon, 1972. Air, 485-4317. 0-11-27 REASON FCR K-9 NEED FEMALE for two-person. Rood, or phone 332-8036. 24,000 miles, mint. Asking UNFURNISHED APT'sl 'RECREATION $2750. 353-8730, 351-6757. BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced _Y CA 94^9 NEEDED ONE men to sublease from Instruction guaranteed rust proofing. VAN , CEDAR VILLAGE, one male for 4 Cedar Village. Winter / spring. '215 per month PINTO 1974, 14,000 miles. Take WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 - man. Winter only. 332-1031. $75/month. 355-7062. 5-11-26 Typing Service (includes jas hut 1 EeplijOHt ](jj water) ■ TRANSPORTATION over 5-11-20 payments. Call 351-6319. FALL Auto SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. [ [ Apartments :[ffl 4-11-22 GIRL NEEDED to subleose Call WANTED rustproofing, new and used SUBLEASE OWN in large apartment winter f LYMOUTH 1973, 2 door hardtop. cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as LITTLE IMMEDIATE cash, good ONE GIRL Needed. Winter and room term. KNOB HILL CAR POOL apartment. 2 blocks from Twyckingham, $66/month. Coll Fury III, power steering / low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, growth potential. Independent spring, sublease River's Edge, campus. 351-5830 or 3324768. 332-8172.5 11-25 apartments 337-0496. 10-11-22 person to market bicycle "RATES" brakes, factory air, like new, $77.50/month. 351-4306. 3-11-21 349-4700 housewife's car. 25,000 miles. security systems, commercial 5-11-20 FACULTY AND students, would 10 word minimum 485-9541, after 5 pm. 2-11-20 tricycles, with new firm. Part FURNISHED Community atmosphere 1 bedroom, clean, you liko to get away from the Ttir time to full time. Marketing, 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, crowd? We have large, two 5 miles from campus % mile north PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Good bicycle experience helpful. apartment, 5 blocks from patio, no undergrads. Security bedroom, fully carpeted, of Jolly Rotd I 351-7240. 5-11-19 Sublease winter, spring. condition, new tires, new campus. locks. $180, including heat. apartments, on the near 351-3188. 10-12-3 5 MINUTES to MSU Modm 1 3 5 10 battery, new brakes. Tune - up MCDONALDS RESTAURANT 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. Northwest side. Reasonable in • is furnished last week. $800. 355-9900. 5-11-19 town rotes. EIPPER REALTY, or unfurnished,I 10 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.0C teking application for possible TWO GIRLS needed to sublease, bolcony, covered parking! 372-9730. After 5 pm, 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 employment to work closing winter/ laundry. From $140. Shortterr 15.6C spring, share room, GIRL NEEDED to sublease River's 372-7384. 3-11-19 shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.5C PORSCHE 1967 - 912, good ELECTRIC REAR window person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 4-wo man, $70. Close. 351-2412. Edge. Winter, spring. $77.50. lease available. 482-3S6ofl 3-11-20 MUST SUBLEASE by December 5-11-20 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.4C running condition. $1495. defrosters, $13.95 at , am or 24 pm at MCDONALDS, 332-0270.5-11-26 Phone 372-8130. 5-11-19 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 1st. Two bedrooms. Campus Hill 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.OC 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. PINE - LAKE APARTMENTS! CAR PARTS, 2605 East GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter WANTED, 24 people to leese en Apartments. Cell 349-0993. Grand River, East Lansing or 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. H 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 term. Own room. Twyckingham. 3-11-19 PORSCHE 912, 1967. New engine, Kalamazoo, one mile west of 2040 Grand River, Okemos. apartment close to campus, until bedroom apartme California car, 5 speed, $3,000. campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 332-1765. 3-11-20 June. Call 351 -6441. 5-11 -25 7-11-21 minutes from MSU. $150/ 485-5607.4-11-22 NEAR BARS, stores, bus. MSU. [)EADLINE month. Beautiful grounds, qui 3 ROOM APARTMENT with GROESBECK GOLF course area Sublet winter, $66, girl. BABYSITTER - 4 midnights per location. Call Manager 339-8191 1 P.M. PORSCHE 914, 1971. Low utilities. Furnished. $130 plus near, 2 bedrooms. Immediately. 332-0086.3-11-19 one class day mileage, new paint job, rebuilt week. Study or sleep. 489-6395, deposit. 372-8615. 5-11-22 Coll 351-5964. 7-11-27 or EAST LANSING REALTl| before publication. efternoons. 3-11-20 LARGE TWO 3324128. 10-11-19 engine, cam, and weber carbs. A partly furnished real performer. $3500. UNLIMITED SALES 10 MINUTES to MSU. Luxury DRIVERS NEEDED full time, efficiency. Close to campus, air MARRIED COUPLE needed to ROOMMATE N E E D E o| Peanuts Personal ads 332-5025, between 8-6 pm. OPPORTUNITY apartments from $170. must have excellent driving conditioning, immediote supervise a group of mentally Mid-December. Separate roo must be pre-paid. 3-11-21 If 487 9086, 393-0720. 5-11-22 record. Apply at Varsity Cob, occupancy. $166/month. Cell you're a better man then the job retarded adults. bath. Strawberry Fieli Rewarding 122 Woodmere. 1-11-19 4874451 efter 5 pm. 10-11-27 you're now in, we'd like to talk work. Room and board provided 394-2768. 3-11-20 RAMBLER 1967 2 door to GIRL NOW. Furnished. Cancellations/ Corrections - you. Commissions. Call plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg CEDAR automatic transmission, radio, Twyckinghem, 4 person, $70. WOMEN WITH children under five VILLAGE, 1 mole to Josephine Sterkweather at 12 noon one class day good tires, runs good. $300. 694-3935. Investors Diversified at 487-6500. 10-11-19 Shore now with good people. interested in temporary position sublease winter & spring. 4-men ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom UnsiiJ 694-9080. 5-11-22 Coll and find out yourself. as teaching aid for first aprtment. 351-3673. 10-11-25 before publications. Services. 10-11-22 yeer MODELS FOR photography. Cell 482-5179, 351-1565. 5-11-22 medical students. Maximum - 6 oaid. $150/month 487-557^ between 10 am and 6 pm. FAWN PARK Apartments, singles 5-11-22 TRIUMPH 1966 TR4. Convertible, SALES POSITIONS hoas/week. $3.39/hour. The State News will be 489-1215.0-11-27 and young marrieds. We have loaded, good condition. $995. BE HOME EVERY NIGHT WAVERLY AREA - $175 includes Contact Mary Black. 3534583. responsible only for the deluxe color coordinated 1 and first day's incorrect 641-4124 evenings. 4-11-22 Arrange financial programs for individuals and business [ For Heat |[$j heat and water, 2 bedroom luxury apartments, drapes, 5-11-25 2 bedroom apartments. Houses £ TRIUMPH PART TIME collector needed to Appliances, balconies, petios, insertion 1973, GT-6. Low organizations. Will train for dishwasher, carport, laundry. No work delinquent credit accounts. ample parking, many other mileage, 23 mpg, AM/FM radio. highly lucrative, annualized undergrads, children or pets. BEAL STREET • fo TV and STEREO Rentols. extras. $139-$169. 882-6318. 394-1755, after 6 pm. 3-11-21 commission sales. Prior sales 372-9279. 5-11-22 Experience required. 351 5800. $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 10-11-22 for rent, starting Deceit Bills are due 7 days from experience C-3-11-21 desirable. Call Same Day Delivery and Service. 332-1695. 5-11-22 the ad expiration date. If TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Very SPACIOUS TWO bedroom Josephine Starkweather, GIRL NEEDED winter and spring not paid by the due date, a Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 apartment. Close to campus. FEMALE NEEDED, 4 woman. good condition, new parts, 694-3935. Investors Diversified ROOM IN $.50 late service charge will Winter term or December 1. Call C-36 Twyckingham Court. term, own room. Coll 3514205 large three $1200.487-9072.3-11-21 Services. 10-11-22 house. With k be due. 351-4246 evenings. 5-11-22 $75/month. 351-1241. 5-11-19 between 10-2. 10-11-25 vegetarian j 484-0459 5-11-22 VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, live-in $19.2 Million was spent by "LOW Rent." 20 minutes from Rebuilt transmission, well babysitter and housekeeper. ONE MAN to share t FEMALE students last year on auto ROOMMATE, subleose, Automotive A maintained, clean, very good Most weekends off. Own room Own room, prefer non-smoker. fvnished, $92, utilities compus, beoutiful 2 bedroom condition. $1,400. 353-4631. with bath. Must be permanent, maintenance and. $90 plus utilities. 393-5631. eportments. Corpeting, included. neor compus. 5-11-22 neat, and dependable. 485-1607 transportation. 5-11-22 opplionces, dishwasher, 337-2078. 5-11-26 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, betita AMC REBEL 1967, eutometic oven cleaner. Only Automatic, days. 6274108 nights. 5-11-19 few left. $165 per month. Mason and Holt, power steering, good tires. VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 NEAR MSU attractive, large. 2 - 355-0956 evenings. 5-11-22 WHY MISS OUT ON THEIR - APARTMENT OKEMOS, main 110-H-20 redecorated and miles, 4-speed, custom interior, BIG BUCKS. Part - time, agressive bedroom, carpeted, utilities corner, furnished 3 rooms, $150/month plus deoc peid. 339-9114.5-11-22 AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 salesperson, time, commission. BUSINESS???? utilities, couple. $150 a month. EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom, carpeted, utilites. Phone 694-90: mpg. 351-6917.5-11-22 332-2902 6-10 pm. 5-11-22 349-2313. 7-11-27 air conditioned, appliances, 5-11-19 MALE ROOMMATE needed for $155, plus deposit. 484-9309. VEGA GT 1972. 4-speed, radio, EXPERIENCED Watersedge. Winter/spring. FURNISHED 5-11-20 CHEVELLE 1970 4 door. Navy 29,000 miles, $1200. Cell - PHONE Advertise Now. 355-8255 $80/month. Parking available. ONE bedroom OKEMOS - TACOMA B blue. canvasser, top hourly wage, paid apartment to sublease, close to Tri - level house with option t| Very clean. Runs good. 694-9467.5-11-21 337-1077.3-11-20 CHRISTIAN FEMALE needs $750,694-8452. 5-11-25 to right individual man or campus. Heat paid, pet allowed, buy. Three bedroom, li woman. Call 371-5650. 5-11-22 $194, available for winter term. roommete. Winter and / or SUBLET ONE bedroom, furnished, femily room. Built • in kin VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent Coll weekdays. 337-9484. spring. Cedar Villege eportments. 1V4 baths, large fenced lot. $3 CHEVY IMPALA 1970. V-8, condition, best offer. Call HELP WANTED full time. $140 month, all utilities paid. 7-11-27 351-0989.5-11-20 J - per month. Available r automatic. Price negotiable. Call 355-3863.3-11-20 484-3541.5-11-20 Lansing Ski Club. Currently Apartments ^ 349-1794. 5-11-22 FEMALE NEEDED 3494420. 5-11-20 taking application for 1974-75 NEAT RESPONSIBLE female to to sublet Cedar VOLKSWAGEN NEED ONE girl, winter. New Cedar CHEVY SCHOOL bus 1962. 1972. Super ski season, snow - making, lift shore two bedroom. East Villege winter term. $80. COUPLE TO share large house wj Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent operators, ski instructors, ticket FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to Village. $80/month. 351-4443. Lansing area. 353-9489 days. 332-0400.5-11-20 couple. $85 month. O11 Remodelled for camper use. sublease winter Own 6-11-22 $1395. 543-6982; 3934230. condition, cheap. 882-7789. sales. Will take applications term. 332-8966 evenings. Ask for Tie. 484-7319 after 5.4-1V22__ 5-11-21 November 20-21. 9 4:30 bedroom. Close to campus. 15 MINUTES to MSU. 1 bedroom. am - 5-11-25 5-11-19 VOLKSWAGEN pm. 3-11-20 351-3286, after 6 pm. 5-11-19 MOUNT HOPE immediote - unfurnished, occupancy. No children or pets. $130. OKEMOS AREA, 4 home. Ideal for bedroom students. S" oj DATSUN 610, 1973. Like new, 1971, Super 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, 487-8595.5-11-20 Extras! 8800 miles, must sell. Beetle, $900 firm. Cell 351-2380 STUDENT ARTIST, experienced FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury Garage,fire pi ace partially furnished. Utilities per month plus utilities- anytime. 3-11-15 with acrylic paint to do sports 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no $185/month. Deposit. Utilities paid. 393-7839, 485-1302. ONE GIRL needed • subleose lane. Call 3324128 E« 487-9340. 5-11-25 pictures. 351-3436. 7-11-27 pets. Lease until September. One included. Call 355-1120, after 4 3-11-21 ' and possibly spring term. LANSING REALT| VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. month free rent. $175. 129 pm. 3J1-J9 332-6362. 6-11-22 rnMPANY. 5-11 22 DODGE VAN 1973. Carpeted and Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 Excellent condition, inside and BICYCLE STORE manager. Long PENNSYLVANIA insulated, many extras. Call after TWO CUTE, furnished 1 bedroom AND East s out. Rebuilt engine, $1575. term arrangement. Experience Michigan CROSSWORD 1 6:30,349-2243.5-11-25 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, apartment. New paint, shag Aree. 2 furnished 1963 Chevy, $75. 627-7105. necessary. 351-7240. 5-11-19 mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. carpeting, $125 $140. efficiencies. Utilities paid. KM i gj| FIAT SPIDER 124,1970,excellent RECREATION LEADER - part 10 minutes to campus. Quiet 371-3990 or 482-5450. 5-11-19 393-7F39,485-1302. 3-11-21 PUZZLE yo £ L'JU motor, roof, transmission, VW 1971 Beetle. Good condition. time. and peaceful on a lake. i:iw Working with youth. § nn AM/FM radials, must sell. 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 $1,300. Call 482-5463 after 10 Apply at Meridian Charter 349-3071.5-11-19 3-11-20 nr-i n pm. Townshop, 5100 Marsh Ro8d, EAST LANSING need 2 girls, H @0 0 - FIAT 1974 124 sport coupe. Low Okemos. 5-11-19 VW 1967, Beetle. Good dependable Cepitol Ville. $61.66/month. mileage, must sell! 646-8101. 5-11-25 transportation. 75,000 miles, WAITRESSESS WANTED DELLS. 351 -6033 efter 6 pm. 3-11-19 DSSRp A-1 engine. Could use some FORD FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. Call Bruce, 351-3820 after 6 pm. cosmetic body work. $550. 694-8070 after 6 pm. 3-11-20 $2/hour. Call between 1-6 pm. 339-2916, Frank. 5-11-20 TWO MAN, furnished, one bedroom, 135 Kedzie Street. il!i!IU V m j§ Beginning winter term. 9-11-27 DESK CLERK needed. Must hevt 351-2402, 882-2316, 482-2937. VW 1972. Rebuilt engine and transportation and be willing to 14-12-6 FORD LTD. 1968. 4 door, good transmission. $1200. 349-9557 travel. Call 372-0567 or after 5:30 pm. 4-11-22 condition, $450 or best offer. 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. UNIQUE TWO bedroom. Fireplece, 489-0409. 3-11-20 study, red shag carpet. Ideal for 0-11-27 FORD 1959 Classic. Excellent VW BUS 1969. Rebuilt engine. 5,000 miles. Running good. 2 singles. $300. 694-1909 afternoons. LONG TO RENT $1150. 332-4162. 3-11-21 PART TIME merchandiser - wanted DEVELOPMENT. 5-11-19 condition. Best offer. 355-5878 after 6 pm. 3-11-19 for retail grocery trade. Position includes shelf stocking and APARTMENTS- [ Motorcycles )[fo] display building. Grocery APARTMENT NEXT to Brody. FORD CUSTOM 1969 - many new parts, needs work. Best offer. DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, experience desired. Must have own trensportation. Call 2-man, air conditioned, furnished. Stert late November. CALL 355 - 8255 After 6 pm, 355-3028. 5-11-20 332-6874. 5-11-19 make offer. 694-1733, before 3 482-3968 after 7 pm. 3-11-19 pm. 5-11-19 EAST LANSING - One bedroom FOR SALE - original owner, 1971 AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our A Classified Advisor is waiting to furnished. Quiet residential aree. Mercury Monterey. Excellent district condition, vinyl top, air SEARS 1969 106cc motorcycle. 20-12-2 manager, 482-6893. Carpeting. Disposal. Security help you write the result-getting 1,300 miles. Good condition. locks. $186. Leese from ad that brings you good tenants Ziebarted, good tires, extra Includes two helmets. $250 or snows, must be seen; driven to December, 1974 - September 15, for your apartment vacancy in a best Offer. 394-0028. x-5-11-19 RN appreciate. 339-9912. 5-11-21 1976. Woodside Apartments, FULL TIME opening on the 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe 3324987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 hurry. Call me now for courteous, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, BMW GREMLIN 1973 automatic, air, - motorcycles. Parts, accessories, benefits, MNA contract, evening friendly help. and FURNISHED 1 bedroom to 20,000 miles, good condition) service. SHEP'S MOTOFt night differentiel, no shift Low mpg, 351-0042. 5-11-22 sublease. Availeble , stole News, Easl Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 19, 1974 13 ■itoises ]SB n^n^i 1* Sale t & Found ^ ■BEDROOM duple* clow to li Prefer married couple. F'rni|hed. $125 plu. utilltiet. WEDDING RING - shaped diamond, $350,677-6841.5-11.20 let • 54 caret pear white gold SKI $29. EQUIPMENT and $39 pair. Spalding skis AQUARIUMS - 29 gallon with full glass lid only $19.96, 65 gallon FOUND: MALE husky nea IT rail crossing cost figures too high with Frandor. Lost for some time Marker EJBO. 3-11-20^ 20 Large bindings, $39, with stand and full flouretcent 349-4205 evenings. C-3-11-20 (continued from _ - 56 Gallon drums. $2 each. assortment of boots and hood, only $99.95, 10 gallon page 1) ■T ■ i bedroom luxury Must Mil. 365-1826. Aik bindings from $2. Couches, with filter set up and for gravel only Ilex jog, garage, minutes from East walk-out Fred. 5-11-20 tables, chairs, lamps reasonable prices. stereos under $100. . an at Complete $10. These aquariums make excellent terrariums also. See [ PersnalJ1/] ridiculous and walkways should cost said two no more grade crossings. Perhaps because of a cited the existence of separate paths crossing the eight —.rtient to private park. $260. 120w them at the FISH MONGER, than $40,000. misconception that overhead tracks between Holden Hall in 13386. 5 11 25 10% DISCOUNT Sylvania stereo receiver. 120 Dynaco power W 1522 East Michigan. We're open TRUMP - tastefully tart music for Glavin said that any bridges would cost even more South Complex, and F lot. amplifiers, 90W Monday thru Friday, noon to 9 all occassions. 353-2841 than $126,000, MSU never after company that gave an estimate J LANSING, to all -MSU Harmon/Kardon, 80W pm, and Saturday and Sunday 6:30 pm. B-1-11-19 «n the pursued any plans to install Fences would be needed to Kenwood, 4 channel Sansui walkways job was "not &ooms i" house- $85/month students reciever, Marantz 2010 noon to 6 pm. Your Bank reputable." bridges. meet these problems. T utilities. Lease. Available receiver. Americard and Master Charge Jmb«r 15- Negotiable. on purchases of $2 Fisher 170 Receiver, Zero 100 GULLIVERS CARRIES Afro hair "There isn't Estimates by Midwest Bridge According to two Michigan or more, Garrard and Miracord are welcome. 3-11-20 products perhaps we have the anybody Co., Douglas Steel Erection fence companies a six-fence B^348.4-1 1-22 and breads yogurts Large turntables. qualified. They couldn't give Corp., Dorman Manufacturing foai topped with a foot of one you've been excluded assortment of speakers, TRUCKLOAD SNOWBLOWER looking for. you an estimate that would be tapes and albums, $1.50 and GULLIVER STATE DRUG, IE HOME Manor, 2 bedroom Assortment of 35mm camera $1. Sale, just a few left. Single and 1105 East Grand worth a good doggone," Glavin Co., Spartan Asphalt Paving barbed wire could be built to lished. $180. Close. Douglas, RANDALL HEALTH FOOD equipment Manual and multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. 332-5171.1-11-19 River. said. Co., and Bob Bruce, East channel students to the bridges fc)484.3-11-21 typewriters, 7' tobaggon with electric $169.95. 339-9522.5-11-22 Szarka said in response to Lansing city planner, of thf or walkways, at a cost of about Brookfield Plaza Glavin, "The cost of the $4 to $5 per foot. pad, $16. Leather coats from FREE A lesson in complexion railroad's building of two Wf 5 bedroom house, near SKIS. ... 1381 E. Grand River $15. Come on down to ROSSIGNOL ST650's. care. Call accusation was a misnomer. It's overhead bridges ran between T Furnished. Call 351-4140 DICKER Dynamic VR17's, Dynamic 70's. 484-4519 East false, because some contractors Price figures quoted to the 332 6892 & DEAL SECONDHAND Excellent condition. 355-2515. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing $60,000 and $90,000 dollars. 155-2603.10-12-2 STORE, 1701 South Cedar. Mall. MERLE NORMAN have been able to work on Bruce is in charge of State News by bridge builders 6-11-20 building 1930't WOMEN'S FUR 487-3886. Monday and Friday COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-21 railroads in special situations." pedestrian bridges in East could very well drop if Grand ■VIRGINIA, for 4 or 6, car coat, til Trunk Railroad allowed a medium, matching muff, $50. 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, BARRECRAFTER Hugh Qarkin, an inspector Lansing. ■•furnished, lease required, SKI rack, new. for the K„e Craig, 339-9380. 5-11-21 332-8963. 3-11-19 Thursday and Saturday 9-6. C-5-11-22 $32.50. Head standard skis 205 cm with bindings, $45. Ventura [ Real Estate « Michigan Public Service Commission - which has the final say-so in all work done on According to Milton Baron, bridge to be shorter than its director of campus Park and right of way, which is 100-ft. Planning, the problem with The cost of the bridge is in its - TWO JBL 4310 control Dura vinyl luggage, 24" - 27" monitor speakers, like new. Call EAST LANSING house, two blocks state railways recommended either bridges or suitcase, used once, $165 new. — Szarka as a contractor that was walkways is span, according to Bruce, so 694-2951.3-11.19 from campus. Two bedroom, that people would not the shorter the bridge the less go out attached garage, screened porch. qualified to work on railroad of their wav to use them. He the cost. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. $24,400, by owner. 337-2257. Like new, pick your own. Call 6-11-19 llEDROOM house, 5 minutes [ lfKj 1 campus. 64-6615.5-11-25 $200/month. PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, 882-2555. Delivery Extra. 0-6-11-22 IRISH Animals SETTERS, AKC.good lines, COUNTRY LIVING. 5 minutes from MSU. Remodeled farm house with optional rental unit Tape reveals Nixon plans (girls seeking own rooms in FACTORY SALVAGE for 3 females. $100. 372-1579. on two acreas. 351-0237 or (continued from page 1) the White House, and the them down one of these days." ,t Must be walking distance sale. 3-11-20 3534772. 6.,,.26 question of clemency promises Workbenches, steel barrels and Colson expressed at that U. 332-5720. 3-11-21 to him were the focus of much many other items. 882-2555. The Hunt demands for point the hope that not too IRISH SETTER puppies. AKC, controversy in the Watergate ■iNG convenient to campus. • | bedroom duplex. Family 6-11-221 TWO FAMILY garage sale. champion 349-9355 bloodlines. after 5:30 Call pm. Q Recreation m money, termed blackmail by case. much would damage the Nixon presidency come out to n Fireplace. Double garage. Cash for Wednesday and Thursday. 3640 5-11-22 at the original Watergate trial. $290. 489-0633. STAMPS & COINS Buy - Sell - Trade East Arbutus, Okemos. 3-11-21 FREE KITTEN. Tiger - striped, box trained, shots, affectionate. Call SKI UTAH areas BY HARRINGOTN - available. $285. Other Western Call TRAVEL - your East Hunting a Early conversation Colson: in the Nixon Jan. 8 told Nixon, apparently looking to congressional ahead MANOR Large after 5.337-1100. 4-11-22 Lansing Ski Center, 351-8800. "I know it's tough for all of - full line of supplies investigations of the scandal, house 1 351-0997. 3-11-19 has in downtown openings. $50 to MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 0 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 BOSE 901's with warranty. 2 complete aquariums. Best offer. 351-5196. 3-11-21 Mobile Service )|A^ family affair you, Bob, John and the rest. We're just not going to let it get us down. This is a battle, told Colson "as trial is going on the will keep its long as this Congress Goddamn ONTONAGON (AP) - After it's a fight, it's war and we just I ONE person immediately, DUAL 1214 CHANGER. Pioneer cotton-pickin' hands off that CS77A speakers. Large Advent 45" and 48" desks, Remington 1970 LONDON. 12x60, 2 UAB TRAVEL Service hunting together for 12 years, fight with a little ... we'll cut trial." ih plus utilities. $120 now speakers. Sansui A-1000 X adding machine, electric bedroom, new shag carpet, providing three generations of Close. 351-5979. passport applications, AM/FM receiver. Philips 2401 Frigidaire stove, couch and an excellent condition. $3495. 484-2936. 3-11-21 photos, student ID's. Ontonagon men each recorded infant's dresser. 351-4680, 10-7 C-Ts reach tentative pact stereo cassette recorder. Information call 353-9777 or buck Sony a kill while hunting TC-70 portable cassette pm. 4-11-22 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 3 and 4 bedroom homes, FOR RENT, two bedroom, good together in the woods near ne. $190 and up. recorder. IBM electric their Ontonogan homes. typewriter. Used MARTIN D-28 GUITAR with case. condition, partially furnished, 1 TYPEWRITERS, ilTY vest INC. 351-8150 Remington mile from AIR cleaned, Lloyd Mattson, 72; Jim (continued from page 1) members. model 170 offset duplicator. List $770. MARSHALL'S low MSU. $150. oiled and adjusted. Portables B5-7338. No fee. 0-10-11-27 The wage adjustments for Much more quality merchandise. price $539. MARSHALL 3 49-4205, evenings. 5-11-22 $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric Mattson, 42, and Michael All C - T employes will be WILCOX MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1-11-19 $12.50. One day service, free Mattson, 26, shot eight- the current fiscal year will be allowed to vote on toe contract I SIDE ol Lansing. Three SECONDHAND point, retroactive to July 1, 1974, at the meeting. nine-point $175, December sublease. 18. STORE, 485-4391. Hours 9-5:30 daily except Sunday. C-11-27 SEWING Salel MACHINE Clearance Brand new portables [ Lost & Found ][C^| pick up and delivery. 25 years experience. 0-18-11-27 393-9774. three-point bucks respectively. Each used rifles made and with the remainder of the A summary of the contract's 184.5-11-22 over 70 agreement points implemented provisions will be sent to all C - $49.95. $5 per month. Large years ago. Grandfather Lloyd' over the next 19 months of the Ts for review FIND SOMETHING prior to the ■mmates WANTED. SALE. 700 USED 8 track tapes. 75 selection of reconditioned used EDITING • PROOFREADING. contract. IF YOU'VE found a pet or gave the guns to his son and meeting. |W)emale. Quiet studious, cents - $1.50. WILCOX machines. Singers, Whites, Dissertations, theses, research A ratification The agency shop means that Necchis, New Homes and many article of value, we want to help projects, manuscripts. Anne grandson. meeting is set i, law, poli-sci oriented SECONDHAND STORE, you return it. Just come into the The three for 2 p.m. Sunday in the C-T employes either become 485-4391. C-11-27 others. $19.95 to $39.95. Cauley. 337-1591. 3-11-20 got their bucks lere. Large 4 bedroom State News Classified within a five-hour span on the University Auditorium, when members in the association or ise. Part time office Terms. EDWARDS Department and tell us you want PHOTOGRAPHY opening day of the season last details of the agreement will be pay a service fee for lor 1 person. Phone FISHER QUICK skis DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, - ALL varieties, 190cm, to place an ad in EAST explained to the MSUEA 13.5-11-22 Tyrolia bindings, Koflach buckle 1115 North Washington. LANSING finest quality, reasonably priced. Friday. representation. STATE BANK'S ski boots, ladies ski jump suit, 489-6448. C-3-11-21 BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Found Column. As a public DM beautiful house, 482-5712 C-11-27 • ladies ski pants and snowmobile service EAST LANSING STATE PANASONIC STEREO with Jryer. No ■•5263 3-11-20 lease, $76. suit. 349-4290. 3-11-19 AM/FM, Sony cassette recorder BANK will run the ad at no cost FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Transportation & ,0V°ul . with AM/FM and built in mike. equipment see the STEREO DETACHABLE LUGGAGE rack EAST LANSING RIDERS WANTED, Cincinati over Realistic cassette car stereo and SHOPPE," 555 East Grand River. VW Squareback, roof STATE BANK length, speakers. All excellent condition C-11-27 Thanksgiving break. Share steel, $45. 351-7197. 3-11-19 C-11-27 expenses. 353-6941. 3-11-20 and cheap! Call 351-9739 between 5:30 -6:30 pm. Monday needs hediately one woman to share suite. Call KNIESSL RED Stars, Lang boots, Nevada Bindings, Scott poles. -Friday. 3-11-20 LOST: MALE German short hair, 4 months, answers to "Max". jjUPiij Service WILLING crowd? TO stand Then out in the check the Good condition. $135. Reward. Call 487-1577. 3-11-21 ■4490.3-11-21 TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast outstanding autos in today's Announcements for It's What's 393-6297.5-11-19 Housing problems got you and reasonable. 371-4635. Classified Ads. Happening must be received in the down? Get FOUND: MALE ^ ■ on top with the East | ROOMS, close, available CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. near women's orange tiger cat, IM. Call C-11-27 ' * State News office, 341 Student Services Bdg., by 1 p.m. at least Lansing Tenant Resource Center. A ndiately, no utilities, $80 staff of trained people will provide Unique gifts, several colors. two class days before 1 351-1744. 5-11-25 Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 MATURE EXPERIENCED typist, No announcements will be publication. free information on any housing accepted hang - up at 855 Grove St. by phone. BRING YOUR Optical prescription FOUND: YOUNG black lab IVsUtatlOM."' publicaV<^V (upstairs) from I through Friday, to 5 p.m. Monday to OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Lhu.rli,ld"V' M^D°nne'. pr00freadjngi etc. Done in my WOULD WELCOME rider to Los number's in the or call in phone book. ... our East Michigan, Lansing. idE!"tJ 353-1348 L#bafter e ,marksA 3 pm. C-3-11-21,C,° or; home. Call 655-3143. 5-11-22 Angeles later this week. The Self Help group will meet at ■YLVANIA AVENUE south, 394-2167.4-11-22 8:30 p.m. in the Women's Center The Student Media C-5-11-22 f Michigan Avenue. Quiet for FOUND: MSU ring. Bessey o ~J~ parking TYPING • 2 blocks campus. located in the UN Union. Lounge of the Appropriations Board is accepting ar bus lina. E|ectric Fajt Term fund requests for student paper$ ■/month HANOVER SKIS, Barrecrafter NEED RIDE to Southwest Virginia. publications and other student "s4.7-11-20 plus deposit. poles, Reiker Boots, size 7-7%. depart mart. 3bT?5 5 0* theses. 485-5575. 4-11-22 Leaving November 26. Share MENSA books SIG will discuss media projects. Registered student Excellent condition, used one season. $35. 351-8919. 5-11-22 "j11;21 EXPERIENCED, TYPING term expenses. 353-1534. 3-11-20 Gulag Archipelago at 7 p.m. Nov. organizations interested should turn in applications by 4 p.m. Monday lETED, PANELED room, FOUND: SET of 3 keys by Sparty. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, 26 at Nancy Denton's A1539 at 334 Student Services Bldg. Spartan Village. Friends Welcome. ^ Duplex. $105 plus utilities, DYNACO 120 RMS basic amp, SKI BOOTS, mens 8%. Cheap or Contact Dale, 355-2578. C-11-27 service. 394-2512. Wanted Applications should include a detailed p. 337-0294. 10-12-4 Sony full logic SQ. Negotiable, trade, ladies 6'A. 355-9484. C-3-11-21 description proposed publication or media of the 3-11-21 I AVAILABLE in Owen, Chris, 353-1332. 3-11-21 PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, ROOM IN private residence near Are Christianity and Gayness compatible? Join us for a panel project, its function and interest in the student community and ■'"'spring. Reward. AIR CONDITIONER, G.E. Used LANGE - FLO ski boots, size ladies inexpensive typing. Very near campus for male grad. Reply discussion ccsponsored by St. estimate of the costs involved. an 62.3-11-20 six. Two years old, excellent Call 676-1700.1-11-19 campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 Box C-3, State News. 3-11-20 John's Student Center and MSU since July 29. $80. 489-0409. condition. $50. 355-9361. Gay Liberation. Meet at 7:30 A discussion meeting for the 3-11-20 tonight in St. John's, 327 M.A.C. 7-11-27 LOST: SMALL brown IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, English History Departments' notebook, STAMP COLLECTIONS, upstairs Gym, Women's IM, general typing. Formerly with spring 1975 classes in London will KENWOOD 6004 amplifier. accumulations, old letters, etc. be held at 7 tonight in 130 GUITAR, good condition, 6 string, Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand November 11. $5 reward. Call or write to arrange for MSU German students present: C-11-27 Hubbard Hall. ES ROAD new Shure cartridge. Excellent $45. 351-5529 between 2-6 pm. "MICH" written on Cover. appraisal and cash offer. Jim eine KAFFEESTUNDE, from 1:30 Second - Hand 1-11-19 to 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday in J. 2323 West Holmes condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. 332-4353. 2-11-20 Hartwright, Box 2284, Lansing. Love liberates and heals. The Road. TYPING TERM papers and theses. A740 Wells HaU. All those who 48911.351-8189. 5-11-22 Christian ■3022.30-12-3 6-11-22 HANGING FISH bowl, GE styltr desire to practice their German are Science College LOST: CHARLIE TUNA watch. Experienced, fast service, IBM. Organization invites students and DRUM SET, 5 drums, 5 symbols dryer, tachometer, Bell and Sentimental value. If found Call 349-1904. 16-11-22 COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, faculty members to our meetings at <1 CIDER, BLOSSOM 6:45 Howell 35 mm projector, radiant please call 353-2505. Reward. baseball cards wanted. Israeli Tuesday evenings in 38 Union. AROS, 7 miles south of including high hat, Zildjian and dancing continues at 7:30 40x40 screen. Call 339-8197. 1-11-19 IF YOU'RE of the best, tell the CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, p.m. each Tuesday, in 126 Women's fon Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. Ludwig 602, like new, one South Complex Jewish Students 3-11-21 public about 307 East Grand River. Intramural Bldg. Newcomers 349-1304, 349-1049. 5-11-22 your service or getting together again at 7 tonight T M°hdays. Gift packages LOST: GREEN checkbook, business with an ad on the 332-0112, (11:30 6 welcome. Need ID to enter builing. 1 t>V - pm.) in Wilson Hall terrace lounge. If United Parcel. like new! 12-11-27 LUDWIG DRUM set very good s, 11-12-74, Lizards - Case Hall Yellow Page each Thursday, Call interested please come! "'1.0-11-27 - Parents Without Partners will condition, $300, best offer. vicinity. Reward. 351-0586. Michelle, have a potluck at 7 p.m. Thursday Student No. 631536. 2-11-20 MARRIED GRADUATE couple to Explore career opportunities in 337-0120. 6-11-20 at the First Presbyterian Church at ^ HAT from Arizona. $25 THESES TYPIST, both pica and stay in professors home the corner of W.Ottawa Street and metallurgy and materials J o«er. 9 Call 355-4838. RUMMAGE SALE: Friday, FOUND: GOLD I.D. Braclet on elite, call Nita, 489-3569. December 23rd through N. Chestnut Street. Bring a dish to engineering at 7:30 p.m. field after Wednesday on the third floor of the November 22,6-9 pm. Saturday, game. Inscribed 3-11-21 February. Near campus, very pass. "Terri". 353-1427. C-3-11-19 quiet area, rent free to Engineering Building. There will be *aSG. 230 November 23, 9-12 am. I.O.O.F. FISHER RECEIVER, 36 RMS, displays of 12 string with responsible couple. References MSU Sailing Club will be voting casting, lasers, Hall, 1100 North Washington excellent, lotsS guts, bought EXPERIENCED IBM typing. mechanical testing, electron ■ ""'lent condition. $170. LOST: MALE Irish Setter, 5 please. 332-0485.2-11-20 on an amendment to the Avenue. Sponsored by Bretton Mcintosh, $125. Dissertations (pica - elite). standing microscopy and holography. All ■#22.3-11-ig months. Answers to "Keegan" rules of the constitution at the welcome. are Woods Lions Club. 3-11-21 3-11-21 FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 regular meeting at 7:30 tonight in Call 484-8086. $50 reward. BEATLE CARDS, magazines items 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. All 5-11-21 wanted. CURIOUS USED The Minority Advisory Council COMPLETE THESES, Service How to form your own car /tool Discount Printing. IBM typing BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand members please attend. Shore School meets at 7 p.m. Beginning will meet at 2 p.m. today in A443 Administration Bldg. River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) FOUND: SMALL brown & white and binding of dissertations and As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide 8-11-27 There will be Mortar Board dog. Dachshund Sheltie cross. publication. Across from a The Outing Club will a free classified advertisement for those people who would like Lansing, South Fairview. campus, corner M.A.C. and meeting at 9 p.m. Wednesday in the tentatively show a slide program on 484-9601. C-3-11-19 Grand River. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, East Phillips Hall seminar room. All speleothems (cave formations) at its to set Below Jones up or join a car pool. Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday Lansing, $180. Available members please attend. meeting at 7 tonight in 118 Physics FOUND: ONE pair of mens gloves Friday. Call January. 332-5720. 3-11-21 - Astronomy Bldg. Thanksgiving Driving? or Riding? neat- the music building. Call SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 COPYGRAPH "Horizons," a student series of radio programs, presents produced weekend trips will be discussed. Everyone welcome. From Leaving a m- to 355-7288. C-3-11-19 THESES, RESUMES, typing and printing. Reasonable prices. Car Pool ~]g "The Adventures of Matt Bent" at 11:05 p.m. tonight over WFMK (99.1 FM). Skiers! Moosuski meeting at Returning LOST: VIVITAR 180 Electronic 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Coral flash unit. Reward! Call John, COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Gables. Special ski movies. Phone Time? 351-8454.5-11-20 351 4116. C-11-27 MSU Libertarian Alternative will meet at 8:30 tonight in C202 Wells "rrom Witch to Bitch in Major Hall. If you're interested in your The State American Novels" Come and News will not accept responsibility for ANN BROWN typing and multilitli' FROM DURAND to MSU Fee Hall. freedom, come join us. hear Jacqueline Orsage discuss her - arrangements or conduct of participants. offset printing. Complete service Leaving 7:15 am, returning 5 If you're down, but not out, and new American Studies class at the The information for dissertations, theses, pm. 271-8505, after 6 pm. brown bag lunch for women requested below must be supplied in order manuscripts, general typing. in need of someone to talk to, why students 25+ oil Wednesday at f°radto appear. FOUND: WOMAN'S watch, Beech IBM. 25 years not attend daily rap sessions from 1 noon in 6 Student Services Bldg. experience. to S p.m. with Gay Liberation in Full Name Street, between M.A.C. and 349-0860. C-11-27 309 Student Services Address _ . -—— Charles, Tuesday. 0. C-3-11-20 Paul MOVE AROUND a lot? The | Mine |(A] We're Bldg. growing! Come grow with The sponsoring African Studies Center is Music by Cameroonian a concert of African composer us! Gay Liberation meeting at 8:30 "Service" columns of the Want and guitarist, F'ancis Bebey at 8 City. Phonr LOST: MEN'S Pulsar electronic Ads help you get FROM: Maryland Street to MSU. p.m. every Wednesday in 33 Union. p.m. Wednesday in the Krcsge Art things dona. Rap session following. digital watch near library. Check there now. Leaving 7-8 am, returning 5-6 Gallery. *This coupon Reward. 882-7789. 3-11-19 pm. 486-5034, after 5. 3-11-21 may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool The Students' International The speaker for the Afrit Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls LOST: BLUE THERE'S A roomer in town FROM Lansing to Southfield. Meditation Society will present its last introductory lectures of the Studies Forum today will be Dr. accepted. danim bag. looking for your rental. Leaving 6:30 am, returning 5:30 term on Transcendental Meditation Ajovi Scott • Emualepor on "1The Important notes. If found, Ad.wttaa vauinsias with Want Consequences of In • Breeding pm. 486-6840, aftai 4 pm. at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday NO CHARGE please call 5894764.5-11-20 Aos. Olai 366-8Z66. 3-11-21 in 316 Bcrkey Hail. Nigeria" l.-on no..: 106 International C5 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novembeii# i COAL OF SETS PE MSU unit seeks to abolish CI By SUE McMILLIN petitions which will be sent to day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. bring some speakers, t0.. State News Staff Writer various congressmen, Kloster Kloster said that one of in the said. The petitions simply say their main objectives right now spring, Kloster said. Angered by the Central "Abolish the CIA" at the top. is to educate people about the The only fonds that the She added that the» Intelligence Agency's (CIA) CIA and what they have been committee has received so far ton contacted hv i The group of about 10 involvement in the coup in have been Chile, a group of MSU students students has been in existence doing. from donations gathered at the information People, from Ann including nLr have formed a committee to for a month and already has Arbor, tofttsh Another main tables, Kloster said. committees started Abolish the CIA. about 500 signatures, Kloster goal of the » areas. ' said. group is to get signatures on "We're getting quite a bit of the petitions so that people in Though government support from students," she officials originally denied U.S. Though the group has not the legislature will know how said. JS*.the comnitw had an organizational meeting the people feel about the CIA, support of the coup, they have yet, they set up information she said. The group hopes to have recently admitted that millions of dollars were spent by the CIA in support of the military tables in the Union lobby every "We hope to have an enough financial support to ST" ? takeover in Chile in September 1973. "And then they were involved in Watergate and the Bay of Pigs," Barbara Kloster, chairman of the local group, Media funds said. board. All groups that apply for funds Kloster said that the CIA must be register*! - was eating up tax organizations. g ™ money and What this University needs is a good 5 - cent not newspaper . . . doing anything worthwhile about forestry, karate, literature, medicine or almost for the country. anything. Applications should describe in detail the Student groups with specialized interests on campus are now publication or project. It should explain how the pm*, being encouraged by the newly created Student Media serve students, how much student interest there wiH "We wouldn't mind if the bejj- Appropriations Board to start their own publications or media project and how many students will be involved in the — CIA came up again as just an projects. The application should also include a intelligence gathering agency, Any registered student organization wishing to receive money rough estimate of L of production and reveal and we knew where their for a media project may now submit an any other sources of income th. application to the board. has for the project. money was coming from. Deadline for applications is Nov. 25. Media projects may include Applications this term should be turned into the "I don't think the CIA has newsletters, magazines, radio AC broadcasts, videotaping or film projects. office in 334 Student Services Bldg. gotten any worthwhile "We're not looking for Those who apply will be given an interview at SN photo/Daniel Shutt information for a long time," anything specific," Dan Dever, a board Barbara Koster waits at a table in the MSU Union set up temporary chairman of the board, said. "We'll consider any media where they can present their case. in an effort to obtain she said. project that people see a need for on campus." signatures on a petition that opposes the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The board has an The board has already received an The petition will be sent to various The committee is operating budget of $17,000 this term, application from M congressmen in hopes of gaining support to seeking collected from undergraduates at Grapevine asking assistance in the publication of abolish the CIA. signatures on informal registration. Last spring "Goodtinw' magazine containing movie reviews, sports and a undergraduates voted to pay a 50 - cent tax at registration each term. That budget may rise to television-^ Project Grapevine has also requested help in brineine back $20,000 each term if graduate students approve a similar referendum at winter Grapevine Journal which ceased publication in October registration. 1973 If graduate students do Council to discuss free bus plan of Graduate Students approve their 50 - cent tax the Council (COGS) will join ASMSU in sponsoring the The board will have a meeting Wednesday at 8:30 Student Services Bldg. to discuss the handling of funds pm in ' East Lansing City Council will meet at 8 tonight and will East Lansing Business Assn. merchants. The city would be asked lit hear a recommendation from the city's Mass Transit Committee to pay $140 to $160 a day. for free Saturday bus services. Plans currently call for a six week trial period which would The bus routes between Meridian Mall and the Frandor begin on Nov. 30 and cost the city about $ 1,000. shopping center would be subsidized by the city and by Also on the agenda is a proposed contract between the city businesses located along the routes. and the State Highway Dept. for the reconstruction of the Grand The cost of the project would be about $400 a day and part of River Avenue and Hagadorn Road intersection. the cost would be payed by Frandor, Meridian Mall and Central The project would consist of adding right turn lanes and a phased traffic signal for making left turns. The mayor will also make two appointments to fill vacancies □ □ on the human relations and the planning commissions. Hunting-related mishaps AVOID claim at least 13 lives By United Press International State Police say at least 13 four persons died of apparent THE RUSH gas poisoning since deer persons have died in hunting - hunting season officially There's only related accidents just three days into the annual two opened at dawn Friday. THIS IS OUR SPECIAL LIMITED SALE - FOR MUSIC LOVERS WHO HAVE HEARD - Among the dead was a 35 - . week deer hunting season. The toll was only three year ■ old Rockwood woman who was sitting in the family 3 more days left QUAD AND LIKED IT, BUT FUR SOME REASON DON'T WANT TO COMMIT TO THE below the total killed during deer hunting season last year camper in Montmorency to have your FREE TOTAL FOUR CHANNEL CUNCEPT RIGHT AWAY. 1UST ADD TWO MORE SPEAKERS County when she was struck when nine persons died from by a bullet that pierced the LATER AND FLICK A SWITCH FOR HONEST QUAD SOUND. shooting mishaps and seven walls of the vehicle. were victims of heart attacks. Senior Pictures taken Authorities said four persons died of heart attacks, five were shot to death and for the Technics BVPIFE by Panasonic |1975 WOLVERINE YEARBOOK Rm 36A Union fcdpsnum 353 ■ 5292 SHARE THE RIDE WITH US THIS Technics hat earned its number Right now for a limited time one position in the Japanese stereo market with innovation, quality and reliability. you can get into the advantage! of Technics at very special system prices. The SA8000X 2/4 channel receiver provides built in facilities for every popular quad music source. It'll handle OS THANKSGIVING - (now being broadcast by WFMK and WWWW), SQ and features an advanced CD-4 discrete disc demodulator. Volume controls and meters for each of the four channels make balancing a cinch. Nicest of all is the performance: In quad the 8000X delivers 64 watts of RMS power into 8 ohms all channels driven. At the flick of a switch, front AND GET ON and rear amps are combined to provide 84 watts of continuous power both channels driven into 8 ohms. This way you can start out with super stereo and when you're ready easily change to quad. FM tuner performance is close to ideal with IHF sensitivity of 1.9uV, low distortion of 0.3% and excellent 65 dB selectivity. Fish V Chips with a stein TO A GOOD THING. Quality record reproduction is assured by DUAL'S 1226 the most expensive Dual. automatic turntable. It has many features in common with Operation is silky and the lack of audible noises generated by the 1226 is remarkable. supply it with base, dust cover and the new EMPIRE 440 D discrete cartridge. The 440 D features EMPIRE'S four We dimentional diamond stylus for complete Us Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students compatibility with CD-4, QS, SQ and stereo. of beer means who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you For the final touch we chose the new Magnum Opus 200 loudspeakers. Magnum Opus is a relatively young company, like. Travel comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time. 99c yet many of their speaker systems have been highly praised You'll by several audio authorities in several published test save money, too, over the increased air reports. The Opus 200s deliver full rich smooth reproduction with very clean bass due to their Dynamic Dampinj fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. principle. Power range from 8 watts RMS minimum to 100 watts RMS maximum. mon thru thurs Anytime. Go Greyhound. COMPLETE WITH ALL OUR FREE BUYER PROTECTION POLICIES '875. SAVE s288 5-10 p.m. OPTIONS _ Taylor The System To Your Own Personal Requirements OPTIONS GREYHOUND SERVICE EPICURE 150 speakers - SERVICE FROM EAST LANSING TO DETROIT same price Superex QT-4 add $25 II JBL L-36 speakers add $100 Magnum Opus 33 speakers add $40 8:50 a.m. (local) Friday only EMPIRE 4000 D/l add $25 | EPI 180 speakers add $100 8:50 P.M. (express) 4:45 p.m. Year 100% Speaker ~Trade— w ' w» ran o Tear Lauor warranty " ju uay txenange rrm V ,/ww Also don't 0 Sat. only forgot (express) □ally (express) - In • 90 Guarantee * Central Day 100% Electronics Trade ■ In * Free Set - Up Assistance * 30 C Michigan's Largest Serviu Facilities 12:05 P.M. 5:25 p.m. • Free Lansing Area Delivery * our pitcher (express) 1:30 p.m. (local) 6:00 p.m. (express) (express) \The speeials ■Friday only Ask your agent about additional departures and return trips. 7i35 p.m. dally express, arrive 9:35 p.m. GREYHOUND AGENT jighwhederj restaurant & lounge 308 W. Grand River Ave. Eait Lansing 332. 2569 Restaurant 231 M.A.C. Lounge 245 ANN STREET 402 S. WASHINGTON 11:00 2:00 AM - 12 00-12:00 Sun E. Lansing 11:30 - 2:00 am EAST LANSING LANSING 5:00-12:00 Sun.