WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Arab guerillas infiltrate Israeli village, kill four By Associated Press residents were injured leaping from Israel and Palestinian guerillas windows in escape attempts. exchanged threats of new bloodshed Three hours later Israeli troops rushed Tuesday, hours after an early • morning the apartment while others fired into its raid on an Israeli settlement in which windows, and all three Arabs were dead. authorities said three Arab invaders and Infuriated townspeople threw the Arab four Israelis were killed. bodies out of window and set fire to them. Ia*aeli gunboats were reported Information Minister Aharon Yariv cruising off the coast of southern Lebanon. The vowed "quick, rapid action" against Lebanese Defense Ministry put the army guerillas "in Israel, in the Arab states and on alert and urged the public to report any all over the world." threatening Israeli naval movement. "We are determined to remove the Guerillas also were alerted throughout the guerilla policy with force wherever and country. whenever we can find the terrorists," he In Damascus, Syria, the Popular told a Jerusalem news conference. Democratic Front (PDF), an organization The Popular Democratic Front, a that said its men carried out the suicide Marxist Palestinian guerilla raid on Beit Shean, declared such attacks group, claimed will continue "until Israel responsibility for the raid and pledged recognizes our more terror attacks "where the rights and existence, and until a secular enemy least expects them." democratic Palestine state is established." A PDF communique issued in Beirut Nonaligned delegations circulated a said the raid was a reprisal for recent resolution among General Assembly Is-aeli air, ground and sea attacks on members Tuesday generally endorsing Palestinian concentrations in South Arafat's demands. If passed in a vote Lebanon. expected Friday, it would support "the The guerillas said the attackers had right to national independence and planned to take hostages for the release of PLEADS TO CROWD - Man tries to plead with members of an AP wirephoto sovereignty" of the Palestinians, to be died in a raid by troops after Archbishop Hilarion Capudji, the Greek angry crowd not to trample the body of an Arab terrorist killed after they seized an apartment house and obtained "by all means" allowable under killed at least four persons. Catholic prelate of Jerusalem on trial for an attack on the Israeli town of Beit Shean the UN charter. Tuesday. Three terrorists The PDF spokesman said Tuesday's smuggling weapons to Arab terrorists, and 13 Palestinian guerillas in Israeli raid was partly to avenge the death of an jails. PDF is the group that pulled the raid Arab girl last weekend in an anti - Israeli on Maalot last May, where 21 teen - agers ord mixes pageantry, business; riot in the Israeli held West Bank of the Jordan River. Arab students - staged demonstrations in the West Bank again violent were massacred. The group is a member of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasir but maintains the Tuesday, the fourth consecutive day of guerillas should "fight and talk." protests. The ycuths pelted police with ssures food In Jerusalem, Yariv said the Beit Shean supply for Japan stones, and authorities said 40 were raid had "ripped the mask off arrested. the PLO and exposed their The attack on Beit Shean. an Israeli policy of indiscriminate town murder." near Jordan and the Sea of Galilee, was the first since last June. It In IKYO (AP) - President Ford mixed brought the Washington, the State Department and Japanese flags were waved in the Israeli toll in guerilla raids to 57 dead and condemned the terrorist raid m with business soybeans, a Japanese staple. between the two countries would be on the Is-aeli Tuesday, donning spring like breeze. In contrast to 120 wounded over seven months. community. - Kissinger said Ford was understanding applied. morning coat to greet the emperor Mr nday, no demonstrations against Ford's about Japanese concern over nuclear The treaty does not allow the United Ia-aeli authorities gave this account: "Once again we have witnessed the pan and then assuring government visit were reported anywhere in the Dressed as workers, the three guerillas tragic spectacle of a terrorist attack on Tokyo weapons reportedly brought into Japanesi States to deploy or store nuclear arms in "> they could count on a steady area ports by U.S. warships. But he implied the infiltrated the town in predawn darkness innocent civilians. We want to of food from the United States. A railway workers' strike for Japan without the government's and blasted their way express our higher controversy remained unsettled by saying into a four - shock over these senseless permission. However, there have beer, murders,' e ! President expressed year • end bonuses, timed partially to story apartment house, killing a 40 • year ■ statement released Tuesday said. understanding that the two sides agreed on further reports, regularly denied by the Japanese,' 'pan's "special sensitivities" about embarrass the government during Ford's consultation between the secretary of old mother of three. The others were shot Other officials said privately the raid that the agreement allows U.S. r weapons, a key domestic issue. He visit, forced an estimated 36 million state and Foreign Minister Toshio Kimura. ships when they tried to flee down a would set back the Palestinian Liberation ried to clear the Japanese to find alternate transportation bearing nuclear weapons to stop routinely stairway. way for purchases of He added that the 1960 Organization's effort to gain support from ' American beef, now in abundant security treaty at Japanese ports. to work or else to stay at homp. But the Twenty of the four story building's 7u - the United States and Western Europe. in the United States as farmers sell 24 - hour strike, which ended at noon, had ttle they can't afford to no significant effect on Ford's activities. fatten up on Bite grain. tar paths are not "I'm greatly honored to be the first American president to visit Japan," Ford BIRD SURPLUS LOOSENS PURSE STRINGS always identical," Wd Emperor Hirohito in told Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka as a banquet they "but they all lead in the sat down in the guest house later for the same on Turkey costs beat inflation - that of world first in a series of policy talks. peace and nious relations In Seoul, the capital of South Korea among mankind." d began the », the once - day bowing to the despised foe in World ''8 sunlit courtyard outside and next stop on Ford's Far East trip, riot police blew tear gas into a church to stop woes a an antigovernment demonstration by some * guest house patterned after 800 clergy and laymen. By JOHN TINGWALL 'We've got a With Ford's visit only three days away, State News Staff Writer turkey for every pot ond o price for Hatched around February, they are then slaughtered from July to September rallies and demonstrations against the Add one amen to your Thanksgiving NIe a Japanese military band played government of President Chung Hee Park prayer - for the price of turkey, every pocketbook.' and frozen, because of the seasonal » the Victors," the University of demand. continued. An estimated 4,000 women Unbelievable as it may seem in these l3" song, the onetime football star university students held indoor rally to days of trotting 12 per cent inflation, the -Thurlow Schmieding, Grand Rapids passed along a line of an demand a new constitution and the release price of turkey has dropped sizeably from monoger of The surplus of frozen birds accounts 100 foreign for this year's wholesale price diplomats. Henry A. of persons imprisoned for antigovernment last year's all - time high of 83 cents per drop. trailed behind him. activities. pound. meijer's meat dept. "But retail prices are anybody's guess," Larzelere said. "If the retailer thinks he Low prices in area grocery stores for CTward, he and Hirohito drove off in can attract attention and Reporting to newsmen on Ford's talk the holiday bird - between 45 and 55 get shoppers in, black Nissan limousine to the with Tanaka, Kissinger said the President cents - per pound - are attributed to a they'll put them on specials and sell them even 70 cents last year to 50 cents this at virtually no margin. Palace. Crowds assured Tanaka that Japan "could count "With a smaller supply and feed prices were kept back surplus of turkeys in the state and the year." ce but some 2,000 selected on a stable level of agricultural supplies resulting backlog in storage freezers. increasing, turkey prices in 1975 will be At Meijer's Thrifty Acres in to*8, most of them Larzelere, who specializes in poultry close to 1973 prices," Larzelere said. Okemos, women, were from the United States." This was a vital "We've come into turkey season with a turkey prices range from 43 to 69 cents "I within reach prices, said the price for toms will so that Ford could guarantee from the world's largest food huge supply," Henry Larzelere, professor per pound, compared to last year's 55 to few hands. probably jump back up next year, since Turkeys, fed on corn and soybean producer after the Nixon administration of agricultural economics, said. "The the 1975 79 cent price spread. Meat Dept. «k5 J? * keepi"« °° "sounded cool." its biggest bonus giveaway ever Thursday awarding $10 toward the purchase of a — JT' *hich was so loud that it "It scared me at first 'cause I didn t turkey - to an estimated 10,000 winners. rtrv a" over 08171 Pus. was only know what was going on. The first thing u "This has nothing to do with the over • whI Iwas caused by ■ testing you think of is - atom bomb! Keran supply of turkeys in the state, or their Pinto.\lnvolves forcing steam said. "It's crazy. You can't study or prices" lottery public relations director J' dirt and°rust.he in order to nothing!" Jim Perers, 505 S. Case Hall, Dave Hanson said. Hanson said ticket • holders with a y Jft- that said the noise heard three - digit matching number will be able tmthl kJ? the worst. After it,Is In Indeed It was loud, with the noise being to redeem their 50 cent heard as far as Grand River Avenue, over a coupons for $10 oise ,t f would no >onger make SN photo/Robert Kozloff worth of groceries at participating grocery m to k L completedhe said- Testin* 18 mi"If*ou think it is loud over there, you Grocers in the East Laming area are charging as much as 30 cents less per pound for turkey this year because stores. within a few of surplus "crop" of the holiday bird in the state. "It's aimed at the should be in my office," Simon said. His Michigan's largest turkey producer is expected to cut down Thanksgiving I1"* the boiler, rated to maintain on the size of its million - plus flocks next shopper," Hanson said, "But there's ">s. of office is only a couple hundred yards year to coax prices back up, but the price of this year's holiday restriction that they actually no Pressure per north of the plant. supply will riot be affected. buy a hour, Is now turkey." Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 20 J UMW may WASHINGTON (AP) expected to recommend thai seek renegotiation," a uakm source new a tentative agreement contract talk for UMW sources said the - ratification major °*er » Leaders of the United Mine UMW President Arnold Miller said. no later than this problems in the provision ■ proposed 10 Workers (UMW) reconvened return to the negotiating Meenwhfln, the strike by the contract concern »plit their yj wages and one Tuesday, apparently prepared to win aome modifications In a 120.000 UMW miners who dg Approval of the bargaining week HuriJl to seek a reopening of contract tentative contract agreement 70 per cent of the nation's soft council la necessary before the Miners "ramer Christmas. and the SI initialed with the industry laat coal entered Ms second week pact can be submitted for rank would receive negotiations with the coal Officials hit jail terms for pot industry. week. Tuesday. To limit the strike to • and - file ratification, a increases totaling 16 per cent three years plus But union The union's 38 member "Obviously, aome parts are three weeks, the union may process that union officials say over quarterly these »urctli Cotll - wBltskesfaoutl to 10 days. cost • of • living adjustments. objections bargaining council goktg to have to go beck for have to preeent the mtaers with Elimination of prison sentences for marijuana was However, some union officials re90,ved the bawnn^ 7T1 someS1 smokers was urged Tuesday by the present and former reportedly were unhappy with not reouto * ¥*m the formula that would White House chief spokesmen on drug abuse. give .Herin^^ Gl bill miners a 9 per cent increase the c°ntract. ready Dr. Robert L. DuPont, director of the Special Action first year and 3 per cent In Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, said he opposes jail each of the next two years, Industry offirwi. penalties but would not remove all penalties. Sources «aid the union may try voiced skepticism will be reopened but J, J If, j His predecessor, Dr. Jerome H. Jaffe, went a step WASHINGTON (AP)-Five to negotiate a bigger wage hike b a possibility they IU opportunity to try to override Hartke said there are further. Jaffe said Congress should consider limiting the weeks after it gave final a pocket veto. "The Preident not only aiffkient votes In the Senate by altering the cost - of • living formula. .yn"(lr penalties for simple possession of marijuana to a fine or approval, Congress sent to the In a message to Congreei to orerride modifications. - wants the veterans to bits the a veto, he believes the Miners now make from $42 eliminating the penalties altogether. White House legislation to Monday after he left on his "We have an I The two men, both appointees of former President increase GI education benefits Far East trip, Ford again called bullet, but he also apparently wants them to bite the dust. same situation exists In the t° $60 a day. There was also disagreement it's their move.^I by 23 per cent for 10 million for an 18 J per cent Increase spokesman said. Richard M. Nixon, were leadoff witnesses at a two • day Vietnam era and post - Korea • and said it should take effect hearing before the Senate subcommittee on alcoholism veterans. Jan. 1 instead of being It did so late Monday in retroactive. The bill Congress and narcotics. face of a renewed threat President Ford to veto it by as passed would make it effective to the start of the school year Auto insurance inflationary. Congressional in September. Nixon, aides heard on tape leaders are banking on hopes Statements taking issue with that a veto could be Ford's message ware issued by Two White House aides, faced with news that the seams of the Watergate coverup were popping, urged overridden. The congressional leadership sat on the bill after passage to the national commander of the American Legion, James M. for boost, industry Wagon seller, and Sen. Vance then - President Nixon to have former Atty. Gen. John keep the President from pocket Hartke, D - Ind., chairman of N. Mitchell take the blame and face criminal indictment vetoing it during the election the Senate Veterans Affairs NEW YORK (AP) - Despite a nationwide drop in the number owned data gathering group located for the scandal. recess that ended Monday. Committee. here, said "We're ih of automobile accidents this year auto Insurance rates are almost begun to file In all SO states for "The jig is up," Watergate coverup trial defendant There would have been no Noting that the bill sent to a higher factor on auto in. sure to go up soon across the country, Industry spokesmen and increased - limits tables." That means that the the White House had been more insn John D. Ehrlichman urged Nixon to tell Mitchell on customer has the higher the increase being sought. trimmed twice and that the April 14,1973. cost had been reduced by 43 Medical, repair costs up The Armed with indications that the two Watergate per cent from the original say inflation has sharply Increased Insurance Services increases with various state authorities Office customarily files fa I Senate on behalf of iti principals were about to begin confessing to federal ■ passed bill, Hartke medical and repair costs this year, but auto insurance premiums insurance companies. m prosecutors, Ehrlichman advised the President to tell actually have declined slightly. Mitchell that he must "recognize that you are not going A spokesman for the office said the group has already ad Due to a printer's error, the The industry spokesmen said the lower accident rate after member companies in eight states to seek general rate in to escape indictment. There's no way ..." opinion of MSU Executive House Dems nationwide *>eed limits ware lowered to SS mOes per hour did ranging from 3.1 per cent to 15 per cent. Vice President Jack Breslin was Watergate prosecutors introduced into evidence the not snri enough money to of bet current lots payouts. misrepresented in Tuesday's tape recording of a one - hour, 56-minute conversation page 1 story on overhead elect speaker Traffic deaths for the first nine months of this year declined about 30 per cent, the National Highway Traffic The eight states — Montana, California, Idaho Wyoi, among Nixon, Ehrlichman and cover - up defendant H. railroad bridges. The story Safety Bureau Wisconsin, New Mexico, Georgia and Washington - art ig The 66 new and re • elected said. II that do not require prior approval for insurance rate R. Haldeman. The recording had been released should have read: inn Democratic members of the previously by the White House. "Jack Breslin, MSU The National Safety Council aid the total number of A high • placed spokesman for Allstate Insurance Cc. executive vice president, said Michigan House of accidents also declined, but by a slightly lower subsidiary of Sears, Roebuck & Co., said, "Indicationsaretl he did not know the costs of Representatives today elected percentage. Those will be necessary overhead bridges but hoped the Rep. Bobby D. Crim of figures will not be made public before the end of the year, the for us to seek rate increases in several] House schedule set for Rocky University could find money to Davison to the powerful council said. states soon." construct some crossings, either position of House speaker. Alresdy Allstate and 234 other insurance companies hive|l Chairman Peter Rodino, D - N.J., said Tuesday he has bridges or walkways, by next Crim, 42, will replace Rep. Insurance stocks dip granted across ■ the - board auto insurance rate increases inl spring. William A. Ryan of Detroit In addition to the scheduled eight days of hearings by the House Judiciary higher coats of medical treatment and Jersey averaging 3.3 per cent, but ranging as high as 19.4 ps I "However, Stephen Terry, Jan. 1. repairs the slumping stock market has reduced the value of Committee starting Thursday on the nomination of asst. vice president of finance, Ryan is stepping down at insurance companies' holdings. Higher premiums are said that funds for the being sought "There's no question about It, you'll be seeing i Nelson A. Rockefeller to be vice president. speaker after six years to tackle to offset some of the market tosses. insurance companies filing for and getting rate increases, no Allowing time out for Thanksgiving and Democratic proposed crossings might not urban programs as s committee Rate increases fHed for elections are over," an industry analyst who asked be forthcoming." chairman. A spokesman for the Insurance Services nott<] organization of the next Congress. Rodino's schedule Office, an Industry • identified said. n calls for completing the hearings on Dec. 5, leaving ample time for a House vote before the current session ends. Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield said Tuesday the Senate will probably vote after Thanksgiving. The Senate Rules Committee has completed hearings and will probably make its recommendation its on JacobBoriS the nomination this week. open thursday and friday nights until nine Plan fails to get OK from labor two softly touched Spokesmen for organized labor told the nation's Democratic governors at their conference at Hilton with the look of lace< Head Island, S. C. Tuesday that they still have some reservations about a proposal aimed at preventing a and light, frothy top¬ party bloodbath at next month's miniconvention in Kansas City. pings for holiday pants But they indicated, with some guidance from and long skirts. The Democratic National Chairman Robert Strauss, that they may abandon a move to spell out more clearly palest of yellow or their opposition to delegate quotas for the party's 1976 national convention after being assured that the creme in a cloud of soft, governors also oppose any effort to require specific numbers of blacks, women and young persons. soft acrylic in Small, Medium, Large sizes. V-neck cardigan, $17 focus: Miss J owoatordroooing in silvor. . all glisten Matching sleeveless sweatervest, $12 WORLD and Lltll* S*ptr«tM StrMt Floor glamour is this - tissue-light drape of rayon/polyester flashed Philippine embassy siege over with sparks of silvery A Philippine immigrant who held the Philippine ambassador to the United States lurex. .the clingy hostage at gunpoint for . 11 hours was ordered committed to a hospital Tuesday for mental examinations. ribbed bodice and U.S. District Judge George L. Hart Jr. signed the order sleeves prettied by committing Napoleon Lechoco, despite pleas by defense lawyers that the siege at the Philippine embassy here was a one - time incident pointelle. From Bargello brought on by grief over a son being detained in the Philippines. in 5 to 13 sizes. $48 The siege began Monday afternoon and ended early Tuesday. •04* jAojp* French wage policy protested France's two largest labor federations organized a massive protest parade Tuesday again st the •Members of the MSU Floriculture Forum government's wage policies, but a would - be 24 hour - display floral arranging suggestions general strike was largely ignored and ineffective. for festive home decor in our dining center Some 100,000 workers marched through the streets | amidst holiday table settings by of eastern Paris past mountains of Caroline Hutchins. garbage piled up at street courners as a result of a week - old strike of garbage collectors. And all of France remained in the Penny Stump from East Lansing * J'l grip of a month - old strike of postal workers which has Vintage Year discusses the serving of I virtually paralyzed the distribution and collection of . . . variety and selection, along I mail. There was no move toward apropos edibles. a settlement of these •Tacabsoris strikes. Holidays-at-Home fashions informally I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 20,19743 eetings held to discuss uses r city s By JOE KIRBY Community Development which development funding Act Listening to the ideas of the facilities with MSU and the was signed into taw SttteNevw Staff Writer in citizens were representatives housing elsewhere," he said. August. Another $1,854,000 is East Lansing public school from five city commissions and Representatives from the you have over $1 tentatively projected for the system which would allow Drug Education Center and the ien city staff members who are senior citizens i,n it seems like a lot of following three years. working on the project. a chance to get Listening Ear both requested until you start dividing involved in life - long education that the city consider -v The meeting using began after among the pet projects of Only about 20 citizens city planner Michael Conlisk programs. part of the funds to find new attended the meeting in "Some of East Lansing citizen. city explained the us want to facilities for the organizations. program, demonstrate to the students ,st Lansing held the hall, but they offered the city a outlining possible uses for the Conlisk then mentioned across the street what older -d in a series of public good number of uses for the funds, and then asked some of the ideas that had for people can do," Hawk said. tines Monday to discuss money. citizen suggestions. come up previously and asked uses for the The majority of those Another senior citizen said the citizens how J.D. Davis asked the the city had a need for some they felt munity development funds attending the Monday meeting city to about them. One idea the consider building 4l receive from the federal were elderly, retired residents some type of type of housing for the elderly planning department came up recreation center where senior and suggested the rnment. of East Lansing who possibility of with was to wanted citizens could gather. buy city housing, t Lansing could receive to make sure the sizable group building an apartment complex renovate it and sell it to middle Leo Hawk for the old folks. suggested the much as $1,173,000 over of retirees in the city got their city develop some plans for a income homeowners. next three years under the share of the federal money. "People move out of East The citizens felt it was a coordination of programs and Lansing to get into elderly good idea for someone other than landlords interested in big profits could enter the city's ocialist units ask watches' end tight housing market. were As the citizen suggestions made they were written on large pieces of paper in the By RALPH FR AMMO LINO front of the government agencies have not abandoned the room. The State News Staff Writer Cointelpro. The temporary injunction is being sought in the form of a motion in different categories were the larger suit now in the federal court. housing, neighborhood —ite Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe's assurances that a "Just going there the FBI would obstruct people attending and facilities, recreation, —ment counterintelligence program aimed at radical and hamper discussion," Patrice Gajewski, head of the East transportation, central business —ist groups was terminated in 1971, two socialist party Lansing district activities, social services chapter of the YSA said in an MSU press conference '•sare seeking a permanent injunction against the government Monday. and special activities. Gajewski was joined by Zolton Ferency, Human -s to halt the supposedly defunct surveillance activities, advocate and associate professor of criminal law Rights party After only two meetings e State News has learned through at MSU. investigation that the "This is merely another with citizens there were 30 ■ cal Rights Defense Fund, an ad • hoc committee symptom of an underlying disease," providing Ferency aid. "People high up in the government are not above suggested uses for the money Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) and the Socialist Workers and with three remaining harassing people who don't agree with them." y(SWP) with legal backing, will issue statements today calling The YSA learned of the FBI meetings the list is sure to S's comment a "whitewash" of government surveillance plans to use surveillance at its grow. convention — from Dec. 28 to Jan. 1 — when an 'ures and a Watergate • type coverup of such government employe of the The remaining meetings are hotel, Jacqui Craig, notified the YSA headquarters of the FBI at Red Cedar school plans she had learned from federal agents. today, at SN Bailey school on Nov. 21, and Photo/Bob Kaye YSA and SWP, through the Political Rights Defense Fund Dr. John celebrated his birthday A lawyer from the Political at Pinecrest School on Nov. 25. Monday night with a theatrical show before a tag the permanent injunction in a New York federal Rights Defense Fund offices in small audience at The court' New York then flew to St. Louis to get an affidavit from Craig to AH meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. Brewery. The performance, marked by the pianist's -g former President Richard Nixon, his traditional glitter tossing, is reviewed on page 6. aides, President file the motion in court. It is expected that the other Id Ford, and heads of 14 government departments and The government is expected to answer the meetings will be more ies as defendants. The suit has been in the court since YSA's motion for July the temporary injuction concerned with neighborhood today. A court hearing will follow in the next few days, problems and city housing a defense ccording to Washington columnist Jack -terintelligence program, called Cointelpro, was aimed at the Anderson, the fund spokesperson said. "In 1972, our headquarters were broken into files were removed. There's and all of our programs. During December the month of Course aims to help students Left, black extremists, white hate a lot of reason to the recreation, groups, the Socialist suspect the FBI," kers and U.S. Communist parties. Matthen Herrehoff said, human relations, traffic and describing another incident that he called -telpro was instituted in 1956 by J. Edgar Hoover -tinued in 1971. Anderson's reports said the and harassment. Herrehoff is the YSA convent coordinator for housing commissions and select the top will meet priority overcome tear of statistics Michigan and items. Indiana. He said that the FBI would often If you've ever been plagued a course to deal with be said the credit basis. Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that there was try to get names of These recommendations will by all those figures that crop no ch surveillance program currently going on. members of the YSA in order to contact then be sent to the problem. Warden stressed that the employers and planning up in everday reading, there is About a dozen students are Our stance is that the Cointelpro did not end in apartment landlords to release the members from leases and commission which will review class is not a math or statistics 1971, but get new hope for your enrolled in the such activities are still going on," Michael Arnell of the them fired from their jobs. them and draw up a plan which phobia — a interdisciplinary "In course geared toward this term. Course ical Rights Defense Fund, an ad ■ hoc committee Bloomington, Ind., there came to light that a member of will be submitted to the people course "Our goal is to enable providing the FBI had joined the YSA and acted city who dislike or fear numbers. evaluation is based on four aid to the socialist groups said. Arnell said that the like an informant," council in January. students to understand what group Herrehoff said. The course is entitled "Beat hour long exams that - " ted Leonard Boudin, lawyer for Daniel Council is require mathematical symbols mean Ellsberg, and that Neil Welch, agent in expected to the Numbers Game" and is the student to verbalize mmended the permanent court injunction, charge of the FBI operation in Michigan hold a public hearing on Feb. being and what logic was used to said that the court case is taught by Sandra A. vocabulary definitions of most recent action taken by the YSA was to seek a only onOj of thousands against the FBI. 18 and to take final action on arrive at the answers," she said. Authorities in St. Louis end Washihgton, D.C: declined Feb. 25. The city's application ^Warden, sociology professor in mathematical symbols. The wary injunction against the FBI to halt comment Justin Morrill College. suspected on a court case in process.' ' student may be given a story Most students find that eillance at the group's planned St. Louis convention in late ' for funds must be submitted to "If the ruling is against the i "The whole idea is so that problem situation in which he —ber. FBI, it would be a victory for the the Tri numbers are not as difficult to civil rights of the political left - County Region students do not close their eyes has to interpret the e YSA contends that such surveillance wing," Michael Kelly, state chair of Planning Commission for findings. grasp as they had thought, are proof that the Socialist Workers and shudder when they come Grades are given on a credit Party, said. review before March 1. - Warden said. across mathematical symbols," Warden said. "I try to explain in everyday English what the strike numbers and symbols mean.. us causes travel woes It's a course on how to what you're shown by statistics." analyze y Associated Press and terminals. Warden admits that she had stranded by the walkout found by. But if not..." State News In Washington an Amtrak other means of transportation, they expected no trouble a fear of numbers during her Negotiations between handling the extra business, early days as a student. Other 'egotiators trying to get spokesman said Monday that though there were a few Greyhound, which carries ebound Greyhound buses though they warned there faculty members discovered Greyhound tickets would be reports of problems. people to and from 40,000 could be problems that on the over the students would often highways resumed accepted for use on Amtrak Two young men, stranded locations, and the weekend. Tuesday as the 190,000 trains that parallel Greyhound in New Ulm, Minn., after their dodge statistical data or graphs. ' Amalgamated Transit Union They felt there was a need for passengers the line routes with Greyhound paying car broke down, tried to buy resumed at 12:30 Donald p.m. EST Boore, regional pilly carries sought other any difference in ticket costs. bus tickets to Minneapolis - St. Tuesday in Phoenix, Ariz., manager for Continental sof transportation, But R. J. Wallace, area Paul. Told that Greyhound was federal mediator Guy Parent ile there -ng at the was scattered director for sales development, said Amtrak and Greyhound on strike, they sold their car and started hitchhiking. said. Other bus companies and Trailways in Chicago, said, "Business is up at least 50 per If your I Lansing cent because of the strike." He hound depot Monday and do not have an agreement to Pvt. Kenneth Rapp stood in rail lines reported some said extra buses were being J"V, no pickets were honor each other's tickets in the St. Louis bus terminal increase in business. Most said added to some routes. pleasure is t at the East the Lansing area. Lansing Ml either day. The strike began Monday pizza try oni Perpich, agent and afternoon when some 16,000 of the East Lansing bus Greyhound employes walked i said Tuesday "the lines ringing constantly" with from students off their jobs after their contract expired. Greyhound's BELL'S to find out charter buses continued bus lines were operating. operating. for a richer Pich said there were no Union spokesmen blamed tunning to Grand Rapids, the strike partly on difficulty better pizza "s, Detroit, Ann Arbor in or bargaining for the first time Upper Peninsula. Only as a nationwide unit. Previous Trail buses contracts traveling an were negotiated 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 ;*est route from Bay City separately for Eastern and i«go will be stopping at Open 11 a.m. everyday Western drivers. Free Delivery Uns|ng and East Lansing Most of the passengers NEW RELEASE Hey, chicken lovers- Remember When. . . . come on over to The Other Fried! MSU was Rose Bowl bound . . when Notre Dame tied one for the "gipper" Wednesday Well, We're having a "Remember When" SALE Family Night Prices.. .just like the Special 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, good ole-duys ^ mashed potatoes and gravy, Ibwfl®' GOOD WED.-SAT.-NOV. 20-23 ^ hot biscuits. or while they last CASH ONLY Great time to discover the toucha honey yamoi/s p _ . _ difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Keg. 1.65 4jk* Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey Now Only * MUSIC CO. J batter, fried really crisp and all the way through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other Fried Chicken stay therel 1900 East Kalamazoo 4500 South Cedar 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) *1.25 "The clothes you need for the life you lead." E. Grand River next to the Campus ■Susan Ager Editor-in-chief RUSSELL BAKER Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor ■Mary Hood City Editor Dune Silver Chris Danidson Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein ......... Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Even Moses Dale Atkins ....* Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. Tom Ortn Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief When the Senate saw the Book of Joe Kirby 'vecato PufusHAMK Gouwifr- wtrwiDdemm! opinions. Staff Representative Goldberg, of whom it spake hardened its heart to no good, it nomm.hoh.lhOTita'J'''; Rockefeller, and said unto Ford, Behold, if a man poison his foe thereof, lo, these many with words, shall the hand of the Senate 1^ ' EDITORIALS not be set against him? 15. But Moses of the Senate with turneVS'j 2. We will go three months journey into television that we may make sacrifice of must softness remember, o senator* ti, ? £ that time of the abomination of Rockefeller before the eyes of the people, saying, Lo, is not our been no more unusual plague of fro'^J. ut2 'U9 than must thi Senate a righteous Senate which rich man from entering the kingdom of keepeth a ^upof.foewouldstbe'S; 16. vice presidents? For, spake Moses, so - 3. Then was Ford sore smitten with with strange devices was th," Death is a convincing argument. old transfer student's life - is more remorse, for he saw that Rockefeller did campaign that I wrought a Z- Ever since a student die'd by important and precious than having not please the Senate, and he called his plagues, and among these walking in front of a train while the most elaborate ice rink in town. iocusts, and a plague of wereT- people unto him, great and small, saying, darkne, trying to cross the Grand Trunk Recent State News inquiries Name plague of flies, and a plague of railroad tracks from an unmarked show that two overhead bridges at even me a man whose stature exceedeth that of Rockefeller, that I plague of hail and a plague 2 may please of the Senate in its rage for righteousness. which were as path across from X lot, University the crossings could be built for nothing como^ administrators have been saying it $60,000 to $90,000 - almost half 4. And his people said, O Ford, no man murrain of beasts with smitten, for I was so which? should never have happened. of the $126,000 cited by Grand grievous pestilences that 1 was unable Leaders of the breast - beaters Trunk as an estimate for two track - whereof men speaketh be more a murrain of beasts toL righteously spoken of than Moses, born of might be have been Milton Baron, director of level crossways. 17. To which the Senate Levi's daughter. campus parks and planning, and Jack Breslin, MSU executive vice Breslin and Baron both admit 5. Wherefore did Ford go unto the -yng.We beasts later; for Jhalt get the now, 0Moses wilt- ^ they never really thought about Senate and saith, Thou shalt have a vice stretch forth thy candor and te president. Both said they pushed overhead bridges, but assumed they president of stature much exceeding even financed the plague of for safety crossings at X lot and its Rockefeller, and his name is Moses. frogs? would be too expensive. 18. And Moses did 6. But the Senate answered, not l„ sister hazard at F lot last spring. University officials must not saying, Get went forth and spake unto thee unto this Moses and saith that Ford But, they said, the cost of such though complacently accept Grand Trunk's his stature be greater than Rockefeller's Behold, I am an administrator, tt» measures would be prohibitive. claims that their control over track even by forty cubits, yet will the Senate no man can be if he must pass ail It level construction makes their cost smite him if he be found of his age now appears University - lacking in fair speaking unto ri< officials never seriously investigated estimates unrefutable. play to his foe. frogs. 7. Then Ford called for Moses and said, 19. Wherefore Moses the cost and feasibility of putting If the University decides to go said unto P Thou must be cleaner than a hound's judge that the Senate doth not i- safety measures up at the crossings, ahead with track - level walkways it tooth, and sent Moses forth unto the administrator, and for this cause do 'and casually took at face value should make the railroad explain Senate. thee to shew them in my stead sor inflated Grand Trunk estimates of the discrepencies in its estimates 8. And the Senate spake to Moses, of small decision and weak that thou smiting; construction costs for the projects. and private contractors' lower saying, When thou wert fourscore years speakest rightly, to the best of did not remember the plague of frogs, and whom of this Senate may pass its In retrospect it is sadly clear that estimates. old, and Aaron fourscore and three years my knowledge. he said unto the Senate, Thou must be trifling entreatment to n old, didst thou not conduct a campaign 10. And the Senate was not pleased merciful with me, O Senate, for I was sore righteousness. University officials did not make a If the railroad sticks to its guns against Pharoah? with Moses. beset with problems in that campaign and, 20. And Moses went out, and J serious effort to correct a in its high construction estimates, 9. And Moses answered, saying, Behold, 11. Didst thou lo, may have approved a plague of frogs more, for he was sore unfit for not, Moses, in thy high hazardous situation for hundreds of the University should then look to I have no memory of these things, seeing campaign against Pharoah cause Egypt to hastily, having harkened unto old and in the land; wherefore the Senate the possibility of building bridges at that they befell these many be smitten with a trusted advisers. contentment in Rockefeller. students. generations plague of frogs? Spake past, But I have reconstructed those events the Senate. 13. Then did the Senate the two parking lot sights. speak in even with the aid of 12. And Moses did not answer, for he terrible rage. (C) 1974 New York Times "After all," we have only a records, and affirm Construction of bridges would be limited amount of money, and we cheaper than railroad estimates on had to consider the.fact that only walkway construction, and would 1,800 students who park in the lots not fall under stringent railroad would use bridges or walkways at construction control. the spots," Baron said. Any plans made now by the This is calloused reasoning. By University on railroad safety arguing along similar lines; it would construction are too late to prevent seem a waste of limited dollars to one tragedy. Next time, University Football ticket Centurians, the University. a group that donates money to accommodate handicapped officials must act on safety We question the propriety of giving students, who also But life - are even one a minority. 19 - year measures before a death convinces ripoff exposed student tickets away to special groups, but - them. even more important, we feel that . Regarding the letter concerning students should be made aware of ticket r. football seating in the . No^j|St3te News, we have some additional nforiBfltion Revise sugar which, may shed some additional this situation. As the letter stated, the best light on stepped the upon, and we feel that it's time student body realizes where the student seats are seats 1-18 in rows 18-60 Athletic Dept.'s priorities really are. American consumers were still now resulted in Section 9, for a total of 756 "great" Richard L Nelson an undersupply of seats. We were in line at 2 a.m. trying to figure out the reasons sugar. Monday, 209 E. Holden Hall behind the recent jumps in oil, Nov. 4, and were fourth in line at one of and five others This basic problem has been the booths. By the time we got to the meat and milk prices this year when complicated by a number of other window there were no seats 1-18, rows the cost of sugar began to take off. Since Jan. 1 the price of sugar has forces - natural disasters in sugar - 18-60 left. The lady running the booth checked Sorry, Mickey growing areas, mass sugar hoarding Shingleton infers that they are "Mickey conservation. Now, again, there tripled and is expected to rise even the adjoining booth, and there were none I was distressed and by some Arab countries and the disappointed after Mouse" because they are not salable fields. much gas and small cars won't of the 756 great seats there either We higher. fact that sugar refiners have picked • reading the article titled "MSU diploma - Immaturity is a pretense used to write off cares? were forced to accept less desirable seats. mill grinding out students ".What seems But as in the price rise for other many people who don't have interests We watched as a 19 - year • old gi this inopportune time io make On that same day, we went to the Jenison to be happening is the basic commodities, the reasons goal of the solely in assuring their places in the job mowed down by a train at an ui higher profits after several lean Fieldhouse ticket office and spoke to one behind the sugar price jump can not University is becoming synonymous with force. crossing. NOW, we'll all be for of the asst. athletic directors. He told us it that of trade years. In addition, refiners' school: to produce an Instead of defending myself and others gates, a bridge, or a tunnel. Tom be explained without a complex was the policy of the athletic department production costs have risen and employable end - product. This goal is an who have chosen liberal arts or social well all forget about what heppene to give away 200 of the above 756 seats to analysis of the entire industry. most people involved in the important one, but it a far cry from the science majors, I wonder if it isn't more like before. There is no single group of "bad sugar high school football players and their traditional academic purpose. In times appropriate to question the value system Something bad always happens industry, froiji sugar beet farmers parents. past, higher education was meant to of those who worth guys" at whom the finger can be to grocers, say the sugar He indicated the see no in these does wake us up, but alas, we are o price had remaining 556 seats produce a more refined, learned and programs. Employment is a necessity and second too late. THEN, we worry a pointed. However, the problem is been artificially low for many (31 rows) should have been divided ethical human being. Now it seems the desired is by us all, but more pervasive in happening again so we get som being aggravated by persons who equally among the four booths. He also quality of a person is superfluous; what is many is the wish to develop a are determined to profit from an years. said for further information on this finer, started that will correct it. But alt- The problem certainly would be important is a man or woman's potential humanistic self through their studies. is soon forgotten. Nothing ever coir already bad. situation. problem we should talk to John Laetz, for employment, one's marketability. (Catherine Beegle eased if (1) the United States ends assistant to the athletic director for game of it. I guess Sue Handelsman wil The I was abashed by the educational basic reason behind 135 Burcham Drive dted'0,"n' its obsolete ban on Cuban sugar; (2) management, who is in charge of ticket philosophy displayed by the anonymous HjonusR-W skyrocketing sugar prices is that restrictions distribution. We tried on several occasions professor and by John Shingleton. Their world demand currently exceeds on sugar production by 204 McDom to countries around the world are contact Mr. Laetz, but we never comments on the social science and liberal RR X-ing unsafe world supply and has since 1971. In reached him, and to our knowledge, he arts fields are insulting and immediately dropped; (3) some never returned our calls. debasing to such situation the door is left students, faculty and to the creative open to a frantic speculation on sugar control of speculators is We then interviewed the people that potential of the University. After reading the State News articles concerning the death of a student at the Berrigan gripes implemented; (4) consumers buy were manning the booths Monday "If the students opts for the Mickey Fee railroad track futures, which drives up the price.. less sugar; and (5) sugar refiners morning. Among the four booths, only 15 Mouse route to graduation, then he can crossing, it's obvious I first skimmed the State Newsst< The that both the University and news media supply problem began when of the 31 rows could be accounted for, find it," Shingleton says, referring in part Daniel Berrigan (Nov. 15), then reii pick some other time to grab are either extremely naive or attempting determine his rationale for asserting sugar - producing nations and 13 of these 15 were at one booth to those majoring in these two fields. He greater profits. to pass the blame onto students, when the overproduced in an attempt to alone. agrees with the anonymous professor that, is "entirely subverting from 1 1 But some of these steps would negligence lies with the University. compensate for the U.S. ban of At the game we determined that rows "...the immaturity of many students The stories state that last year this civilized goals." Finding none,!<*> require sacrifice by the groups 30-40, seats 1-18, were filled with high conclude he "can see the wreclaj Cuban sugar imports in the 1960s. precludes them from making realistic problem didn't occur and that many involved, and sacrificing for the school students and their parents. Rows decisions on what they want from a students this year don't cross at everyone's lives but his own. Berrij j The supply glut eventually led to a common good seems to be obsolete 22-29, seats 1-18 were predominatly college education." "Mickey Mouse" proper complainer rather than a constr forced production cut which has crossings. The fact is that all students from activist and appears to be the very * this year. adults, reportedly members of the hardly describes these programs. Fee complex cross at undesignated of what he has delineated Jesus B crossings and that there were certainly just as being: "A kind of emotional c' ' fct0 expressing how they feel, and relatively the baby cries and pregnant in the usual way. The idea of transferring the emhryo fertilized ova, to ordinary cows. This increases the number of highly desired few ways of expending energy. then being responded to and Crying and perhaps you are over responding to your husband's attempts to control. Where is It now? Forgotten? We drove around in our fat cars wasting because he does not know ejjJ Michig» having one's harmlessly distract the baby. gas. THEN, we were all for small cars and H35 'DBAR ROCKSFtU_€R . TOM W/CKE/? Special presidential election needed President Ford went off to the Orient It took, after all, in a Russian fur hat that truly extraordinary office. The Democrats, in the same sense, brought to mind circumstances to bring the amendment Rockefeller without a vote having been nothing so much as Cal Coolidge, another into play twice in less than a might have been spared the Eagleton taken. Republican political accident who had a year. affair. If anything, the 25th Amendment Nor would it be preferable to elect a Americans have not in nearly penchant for funny headgear in the White two seems to emphasize the haphazard vice ■ new vice president when the office centuries of experience had a vice House. Since presidential choices Americans have been becomes Congress has not yet president forced to resign in a plea bargain vacant. Vice - presidential confirmed Nelson Rockefeller as vtee to avoid criminal exposed to in the past. And Rockefeller's candidates then would be prosecution, though one ordeal suggests how little they may running riident, leaving Ford is takingthesome the country, criticism legislators are vice president resigned for and political reasons ordinarily know even about men who run separately from a party presidential nominee, which they cannot do now. Aside being accused of dangerous some others died in office. Nor have for president — more than once at that. the 25th Amendment itselfdawdling, and we had a from the fact that this could result in a is certainly president forced to resign to Besides, the 25th Amendment was under Tire. avoid impeachment, president and a vice president from though one narrowly studied carefully in the Senate Judiciary different parties, people do not really vote This is the amendment missed being removed from office and that was Committee, passed by both houses of on vice - presidential candidates intended primarily to deal with the eight died while serving. The chances that normally Congress, and ratified by three - fourths of — only for the head of the ticket. problem of a mentally or both will happen in the same term - a vice physically the states — the most considered process disabled president, but which almost Hie vice president is important - presidential vacancy, then a presidential of change in American life. The only in. the sense that he she incidentally provided the machinery by vacancy, creating still another vice - amendment was passed to meet a long or might succeed to which Ford became vice presidential vacancy — are astronomical. • the presidency. So long as the vice president and term need and ought not to be thus put him in To judge the 25th Amendment on such repealed or president remains vice president, as all position 16 succeed changed drastically merely because of a Richard Nixon remarkable happenstance is hasty, to who have occupied the office have as president. Under the say current — perhaps unique — situation. terms of the same the least. Ford's proposal to put a time limit on testified, he or she is little more than a amendment, Ford now has nominated Rockefeller to be vice The nominating procedure, moreover, cipher. congressional consideration of a vice - president. If he is That being the case, the one change in confirmed, the nation for the first time will have the 25th Amendment most worth rather than elected appointees, politicians, as president considering might be the additional and vice president. requirement that if an appointed vice This is not a good situation. The president should succeed to the people clearly have a right to make their own presidency, as Ford did, a full - scale choice, even between knaves, fools and national presidential election would be held on the general election day falling in demagogues, and it is surprising how often they manage to pick the next calendar year. That would a good man despite give the limited choices they seems reasonably good insurance against the voters their right of choice within a usually are presidential nominee, for example, sounds offered. Granted all another Agnew fiasco. Had he been more like pique than statesmanship. Such reasonable time, while maintaining that, the 25th Amendment is not necessarily required to undergo the grilling that a time lihiit would be an invitation to all governmental stability, without major bad, despite Rockefeller has, his links to the present double - appointee problem. highway sorts of subtle filibuster techniques known change in the elections system or undue contractors and engineering firms fuss over the vice presidency itself. might only to Congress. It could finish the well have been exposed before he took political career of a man like Nelson (Q 1974 New York Times ART BUCHWALD THAT STUPID MARClE HAS UHEN A SKATER IS FE6LIN6 RUINED EVERYTHING.< low, she should be able to YOU DON'T NAVE „ UHATAM I60IN6TODO? cry on her pros shoulder.. ANY 5HOULPE(?5.'.'! i can't even do that.... I ' V» \ Rocky to balance it is is a strange country. We kicked ovation. Rocky sees Henry Kissinger. James DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau I Vice President Spiro Agnew because "Hi, Henry. Everything okay? Are you Schlesinger, the secretary of I took money and we won't confirm and Nancy defense, says "I have to have 30 B 1 • Rockefeller because he gave making it on your salary?" airplanes by next year. Originally they n it "We're fine, Nelson. We're not mmcemr buying cost $45 million but now they're up to w which m -*m goop to any yachts but we manage to get the by." $75 million apiece." alluqeism that's problem, when you're a "You want a yacht, Henry?" Tkefeller, is that you just can't help "No, that was just a figure of speech, /Q39 pecmH coma, SSI MM ■ting to give money to people you like. Nelson." "No sweat. Ill loan you the money at 4 per cent," Rocky says. of vmmons vs. mccallh u/ooprow. \ \am$i iu*e, 1 question is: How can Rockefeller stop lifetime "Well, you know where my office is if habit if he becomes vice you want anything." Ident? The President says, "Can we begin the his is what could happen. i, I'm delighted that meeting? Let's hear from Secretary of the "Why not? I like Schlesinger. He's a you were Treasury Bill Simon." good guy. By the way, Jim, besides the |#y confirmed." "Mr. President, I'm sorry to i you, Mr. President. Is there report that loan for the B 1s can I open a trust fund - our overseas deficit for the quarter is $460 king you need?" for your kids?" m fine, Nelson. Just Tint.*1 w , * * What about that swimming pool iBfe President' says. 'Does "That won't be necessary," Schlesinger anyone have any suggestions?" n talking about? The boys tell Rocky takes out his checkbook. "Who ou had your heart set on it." should I make it out to?" "Well, gentlemen," the President says, ■"Please, Nelson. You don't have to give "that concludes the meeting. I would just "Nelson, don't have to make LINNS ■ anything for you up choosing you as vice like to say personally how happy I am to the U.S. overseas deficit." lent. I wanted you all along." have Mr. Rockefeller aboard. Thanks to Il'm torry, Mr. President. I just like to "Heck, it's just chicken feed," Rocky his generosity I believe this country's says, and he throws the check over to ■ money to people I like." Simon. "By the way, is our overseas debt financial problems are over." Rocky blushes. "What are vice [Well, let's forget about it and go into deductible?" (Ehankstjiimtg cabinet meeting." Simon says, "I'm not sure. No one's presidents for?" in and get a standing Copyright 1974 ever paid it before." Help Celebrate With Savings At Marty's 5th A $238°° SAVE! SAVE! Minolta SRTW1 50 mm F/l .7 Ask about our "Lifetime-Warranty" Suits reduced as much as 50% Don't Miss The Man From Minolta. He'll Be at our Frandor Store. Sportcoats reduced up to 50% Slacks reduced as much as 50% -Minolta reduced 50% Demonstration Shirts, Dress up to Fri 3pm-9pm Sat 12 noon Til 5pm Shirts AFI/2 LFT/2 M *119°° n One group of outerwoar ""Lplo 50% Entire stock olNunn-Bush Shoes'*9 ':,Sn°0w $12.88 Time lo Shop & Save Open Park Free Thursday We'll gladly MINOLTA RAZOR SHARP Friday validate your FULLY ELECTRONIC till ▼ ticket ROKKER LENS 9 PM MEN'S FASHION ClOTHING USM'S FASHION ClOTHING 305 E. Grand River - East Lansing FRANDOR E. LANSING DOWNTOWN 351-5464 - Prices Good Thru Sun. 11/24 207 E. Gr. River 210 S. Wash. Master Charge Bank Americard American Express 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 2019 ATMOSPHERE MAKES Dr. John delights Brewery audience By DAVE DiMARTINO Imagine a large gymnasium himself less. And with every obviously just going through The band told the audience barstools. More often than with bleachers and fold ■ up State News Reviewer song, the audience seemed to the motions of having a good that it was Dr. John's birthday not, each member had a beer in wooden chairs on the floor. be enjoying him less. his hand. People were gathered The most overlooked -— time. and began singing "Happy Now imagine that all the seats close to, the stage, dancing and quality of any good concert is are filled with angry Lou Reed At the end of a very The Brewery show was Birthday" as he paraded the atmosphere in which the totally different. onstage. Here at the Brewery shouting while the honorable fans. standard set Dr. John left the all the glitter, the hokey puffs Dr. John Creaux happily performance takes place. A Originally scheduled for two band may do identical sets at a stage and almost didn't get of smoke and even the played his piano. Would you like to be Dr. enough applause for an encore. shows, Dr. John did not draw bar, a concert hall or an John? helmeted skull on the piano Justifiably loose on his outdoor concert, yet each essentially "worked" and made birthday, he told the audience In that very sterile Grand the show true in his gritty New Orleans show will appear thoroughly a stage different. It is the concert Valley environment the show performance instead of a drawl, "Ah'm sweet sixteen an' began. Dr. John's rhythm Here at the Brewery, all the glitter, the hokey financial ritual. nevuh ben. ." and began a atmosphere that makes the section . difference. walked onstage to puffs of smoke and even the helmeted skull on the The antiseptic atmosphere warm, enjoyable set. His piano scattered applause. He began a Dr. John is a case in point. piano essentially worked and made the show a true of Grand Valley was placed in playing was impeccable riff while the guitarist asked stage performance instead of a financial ritual. proper perspective Monday throughout and at the show's Lou Reed gave a concert at the crowd, in the thickest end he deserved and night. The Brewery patrons, — Grand Valley Sunday night. On conceivable Southern drawl, despite their small number, had uproaringly received — demand the bill with Reed was none "Where is de Doctuh?" come to see Dr. John and for an encore. other than Dr. John, one night While the audience cried "Lou as big a crowd as anticipated. The nobody else. Instead of birthday boy had a away from the Brewery. Eventually the unenthused Reed!" Dr. John and his The two shows were combined bleachers, the audience was on good time. crowd found out. The Doctor troupe returned onstage. They into one set containing a long The difference between Dr. came onstage, dressed to the played and soon left — intermission. John's performances Sunday hilt in his regal garments and, and here Monday was clear. At along with his two female Grand Valley, he just did hii job. At the Brewery, he gave a backing vocalists, threw glitter into the crowd. 'Ibis Wmk' full • fledged performance. Where does the difference lie? In the concert atmosphere. fantastic jazz saxophonist Stanley Turrentine Nov. 18 through the 22nd (Mon through Sat) Special - stay for both shows for further info call 351 - 1200 Winner of yawards notS THE STABLES Mt.tiFJVEa.iiUirai PIPPIN "One of the best musical stagings to be seen on broadway in years" Clive Barnes. N Y Times 'Final 4 Days!' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:15 p.m. University Auditorium a Mitchell Brothers Film Group Literally bursting with dances and Production exciting production numbers, PIPPIN is the reigning musical hit "Rolls Royce of of the 1970's. Music and lyrics are Hard-CoroF by STEPHEN SCHWARTZ (remember GODSPELL and THE -SHOW MAGIC SHOW?) "The Best PIPPIN is the young son of ^Hard-core Charlemagne, the 8th Century Film Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Like any teenager, PIPPIN Evtr tries to find something meaningful , i Goldstein •!" in his life. But what can you do when your father is the Emperor? The attractive songs inclifde: "Magic to Do," "No Time At All," "Spread a Little Sunshine" and "Simple Joys." Heading the cast are TV's BARRY WILLIAMS ("Brady Bunch") as PIPPIN and IRVING LEE (Judas r in "Godspell") as THE LEADING Before it's PLAYER. ^ too late! Reserved seats on^sale NOW at the Send ^yuwTAIl,l|llLi' lUllflY mHIT jjrrj UNION TICKET OFFICE 8:15 -4:30 weekdays 355-3361 a Happy Thanksgiving card! CRAZY LARRY JMPI TONIGHT Public: ($7.50 sold out) 6.50 4.00 MSU Students: ($3.75 sold out) iffolCT .3.25 2.00 available at Skowtimos: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 Showplaco: 109 Anthony Campus Admission: *2.25 Book dateii y ^ You must 1)6,8- A" patron# TEXAS INSTRUMENTS will be checked for proof of a( IStore A SEAL FILM SR-50 piavGPS' once CALCULATORS IGqIIgpv Presents upoiu NOW IN STOCK! in the union ballroom theatre. * v instates available at belli nov. 21,22,23 CAMPUS BOOK STORE 'final weekend' Tickets on sale now at the Union Box Office - '2" 507 E. Grand Rivor «ik>«r (across from Borkoy) Students - '1" 131 E. Grand Rivor POO TOR INFORMATION » GROUP (across from the Union) RATES PHONE 366-3366 .,CT A UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PROJtL J Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 20,1974 7 asterful Lady' shines !»«»'»L.'d"" Noht,k^°B„r^M p,J^e ',bHc of th« elicited elegant characteriza¬ tions and used his camera well demanded that courtier a Renaissance intern on "Dr. Kildare" bids play Hamlet in England. He has Fry's well - tempered drama fight a war, compose a fair to blow the mind. When and unobtrusively. sonnet or make love to his most recently starred as indicts hysterical lady "Dr. Kildare" went off, witchhunting Monday evening. CTyrteL Ttlrmor Joseph*Hardy Richard headed the Chamberlain cast. He has with grace, style, but without Chamberlain joined the D'Artagnan in Richard version of "The Lester's Three and endorses love. The charm and intelligence with which the emerged as an accomplished Musketeers." work is wrought, excuses the JOP picks state senate chief actor, comfortable in classical or modern drama. He has simplicity of style a which "To think that this accomplished classical actor apprenticed Dr. Eileen Atkins ably portrayed the accused witch. Rosemary Murphy turned in a slightness of its poetry. Speeches sit, they rarely soar, yet the wit and will made this Lansing (upi) sen. embellishes his performance, as Gillespie's intern on "Dr. deliciously, scatterbrained fine theater. - barely survived a challenge Kildare" bids fair to blow the mind " great deal to say about what balancing complex poetry with performance ,bert W. Davis, R-Gaylord, from Democrat Prentiss M. as the mother. goes on in the the languid mein of a Kristoffer Tabori and Laurie s elected Senate minority Brown in the recent election. legislature." perfect Renaissance courtier. His Prange displayed charm and der Tuesday by his Davis defeated Sen. Harry "We retain the De Maso of Battle Creek in governor, elegant, graceful interpretation apparent effort. Chamberlain Birmingham Repertory sensitivity as the young lovers. «publican colleagues. his and the governor will have a lacked the turgid infuses his interpretation with ■ Davis took the top (JOP bid for the moralizing Theater in England and worked John Carradine turned in a leadership. great deal to say about what which would overweight this this spirit. lot in the Senate which had Sen. Robert Vander Laan of goes on in the legislature," slight drama. He shrugged his way up to starring roles. He memorable bit as the drunken held by Sen. Miltoh Kentwood, who stepped down Davis said at an To think that, this is only the second American to Skipps. from the Republican leader's impromptu where a Burton would posture. man of Grand Rapids, news accomplished classical actor conference. Castigliogne set was defeated in the Nov. 5 post earlier this year in an a style .which apprenticed a, Dr. KHAJ^H1^4fl.l^4j^H^LRl4RRJ-lA.RJ4A io Republicans lost unaiccessful bid for congress, Jntrol of the upper chamber was chosen assistant ■ the election. Republican leader. COMING THIS WEEKEND T Davis, 42, a former funeral Davis said Republicans, tctor, was first elected to though they hold only 14 of s legislature in 1966. He 38 Senate seats, would have "a Hair is GLADMER "WONDER Theatre OF WW) Coming IT ALL" Thurs. at 7:00 - G 9:00 p.nn "THE DISCREET PBOGWAM IWfORMATlON 33? Ml 7 CHARM OF THE ;Dmet) mR^NAVSCN*- InCOLOP * Open 7:00 P.M. BOURGEOISIE" Shows 7:10-9:00 Feature 7:40-9:30 2IS AB80TT TO. OOWNTO**, Thurs. Brody 9:30 Thurs. Brody 7:15 1974's MOST HILARIOUS Fri. Wilson 7:00 & 9:45 Thurs. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Wilson 9:15 Sat. Conrad 7:00 & 9:45 Fri. 106 B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 Fri. Conrad 7:15 & 9:30 WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! Sun. Wilson 7:00 Sat. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Sat. 106 B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 Conrad 9:15 Sun. Conrad 7:00 Sun. Wilson 9:30 Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." -PLAYBOY MAGAZINE Binr ^ A KM ^XstapiraFHn I Color open thurs. ^ (Votl DooLeys TODAY A fri.til 9 OPEN 1 PM Shows BIRMINGHAM NORTHLAND DETROIT I. GRANO RIVM OOmaTOW* EAST LANSING 1.20 - 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 QROSSE POINTE DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS PONTIAC MALL ANN Al "KMUTHiNG HIT US... the crew is deod... Kelp us, please, pleas* help osl" NOW THRU NOV. 24. . . LAST WEEK-END! PITCHER SPECIAL 0BH dowNSTAins WITH ilMI IYIVJI IIIIVJ UKilMDll A FULL MOON CONSORT mm im Mil SUSAN M ^ in a (formerly Jake Jones) live performance of original Machine ra IBIlllBlilMW ^IP music composed for the Sky Theatre IMS NANCY (RSQN10 NELSON M ^ and visuals created by November 19-30 l Hi COSMIC RADIANCE >«1eah1ACKSMCHT litact* OilCACAAS *««>«.AMiiM EmM Piofc* tlWKS IMG MlWU&mro Tickets: Discount Records wcwunmsoi* ,• PROGRAM INFQ RtltRT IIDKICH scwfNnA.a, TRACT IflRAR RUHR fww •* ALKRT t RUNT muskscomd b- f RAM HIK «ssoc«u wooucio ALAR ( N0RSWIT2 "jatTl sCQlOR B>TtCWNICa.OR 'V PARAMOUNT PICTURE jjflM.. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, !W, Guitarist plans benefit recital to assist African relief fund Mm DiSC ShOP "*S THE LOWEST Guitarist composer Francis - Bebey of Cameroon, Africa EVERYDAY will give a benefit concert at 8 tonight in Kresge Art Gallery. Contributions concert will go from the to the Mudiaga RECORD PRICE!! Fund for emergency relief to African students and their Disc Shop Special: families at MSU. The fund is named for MINNIE RIPERT0N Mudiaga Scott - Emuakpor, who died in a Lansing carnival ride accident last summer at 'Perfect Angel' the age of three. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ajovi Scott only $3" - Emuakpor of Nigeria, who are graduate students at MSU. Bebey is one df the few African artists who has reached KANSAS an international audience concert as a Low Price is: performer, playing in Africa, Europe and the United States. His music reflects the artistic conceptions of a $379 twentieth century African, a man who is aware not only of the values of the traditional music of his continent, but also of the need to integrate it progressively into the musical art of the whole world. This awareness is FRANCIS BEBEY demonstrated by the use of rhythms and sonorities new to and radio programs as well as a the guitar, which he uses as Bomba," and "Black Tears." novel and a book, "Radio both a melodic and a Broadcasting in Black Africa." "Black Tears" will probably percussion instrument. The greater part of his time be included in his program Born in Douala, Cameroon, has always been devoted to e. It is a long poem without in 1929, Bebey has produced music. The idea of broadcasts for several radio giving words dedicated to the people public recitals first came to who took part in the march on stations in French speaking him in Paris in 1963, after he Washingtoi D.C. for justice Africa and has written a number of short stories, poems had composed two of his works, "Christ Was Born in key and equality in the summer of 1963. OTHER COLUMBIA RECORDS ON SALE ARE: ★ MOT? THE H00PLI The Marines have landed! ★ DONOVAN ★ NIEL DIAMOND ★ SANTANA ★ LOOtlNS I MESSINA ★ DAVE LOGOINS BARBARA STREISAND November 20 & 21 Placement Bureau BUTTERFLY is only Student Services Building iMf/}/.- 203 E. GRAND RIVER $439 i INCREDIBLE!!! Our entire stock of Fall Sweaters Reduced to Clear Vsto '/a OFF * Over 2000 famous labels regtouped and repriced! * New fall colors and styles * Great gift ideas! * Tremendous savings! * Cardigans Slipovers, Ribs, Cables Storybooks, fur trims Open Monday - Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 Thursdays til 9:00 Disc Shop 332 E. Grand River 351-5380 Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. November 20.1974 9 Court backs interstate trade WASHINGTON (AP) - Out courts received a helping hand The court's 8 to 1 I nf. stati' companies seeking from the Supreme Court on involved decision Douglas, said the firm did not opinion requiring a lower a Memphis cotton need such Rehnquist said the de< ision 211 E Grand River e enforce contracts in state Tuesday. merchant who contracted with was a license because it federal court to hear the appeal was at odds with the court's Next to the Sportsmeister engaged in interstate of a Virginia man who was most recent Mississippi fMmer« in commerce. convicted under a state ruling in a similar [fate 1971 for 25,000 bales case. of The lone dissenter. Justice to supply cotton. William H. Rehnquist, said Douglas appeared to be narcotics law later ruled unconstitutional. In the Mississippi case, the ago, In that decision 13 years the court held that Eli By the time the cotton was Lilly & Co., could not escape vith '75-model ready for delivery in 1973, advancing "the proposition cotton was destined for regulation by New Jersey CIGARETTES I By United Press International Lansing Ford Motor Co. prices had risen some sharply and fanners broke their that trading in or agricultural commodities, whether wheat cotton, is a form of shipment out of the state but was delivered to Allenberg at a warehouse in Marks, Miss. "merely because it is also engaged in interstate »k/79 1 Gov. Milliken will have a auto contracts. commerce." dealer. interstate commerce which Because of this, the The firm, Allen Douglas said the two (COUPON) Liny 1975 - model black State Police bodyguards Co. of berg Cotton may not be regulated by the Mississippi court held it was different. He said cases Expires Nov. 24, 1974 £incoln Continental ready for took Milliken's 1974 Memphis, sued farmer states." not part were Lilly East Liming Store Only - model Ben E. Rttman. of interstate operated a New Jersey office him when he returns from his Continental to In other cases, the court: nation in Hawaii later this to have its theshopMonday • Held commerce. with 18 employes promoting 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM special equipment - The unanimously that However, the Supreme its products. two Mississippi Supreme the government in honth. - way radios, a telephone Court dismissed the seeking to Court majority said delivery He said Allenberg, on the PROCESSING & DEVELOPING f State Police, who supply the and a shotgun - installed in because suit Allenberg did not have collect withholding taxes from and handling at the warehouse other hand, had no office or lovernor with bodyguards and the new car. a Mississippi business license. a bankrupt employer, does not were "fleeting events ... in a warehouse of its own in (COUPON) fcnsportation, have leased a "He doesn't have priority over former vast even know he The Supreme Court, in system of distribution of Mississippi and Expires Nov. 24, 1974 B]i,600 limousine - replete an employes seeking their wages. no employes East Lansing Store Only opinion by Justice William cotton in interstate Ijth leat her interior - from a said °ne *>oc'y£uarc' O • Issued an unsigned regularly soliciting business there. JERGENS DRISTAN Lotion Nasal Mist 15 oz. ttoz. reg. 1.89 1.36 reg. 1.39 89' Limit 1 Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 Expires No*. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing store Only Vicks VITAMIN C FORMULA 44 100 MG. 100's 3 oz. reg. 89c 52< reg. 1.39 69' (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only FLANNEL SHIRTS reg. 7.98 4.19 Appian Way PIZZA MIX reg. 49c 3/1.07 Landers J&J BABY BABY SHAMPOO POWDER 32 oz. 9 70c oz. reg 1.39 / Q reg. 1.29 69 (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only STORAGE CHEST 28'/a X 16'/2 X 13'/, 1.59 CALGON BUFFERIN BOUQUET 16 oz. 100's reg. 1.29 69' reg. 1.50 89' (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Faberge Organics WHEAT GERM & HONEY CONDITIONER East Lansing store Only 1.28 HEAD & NOXZEMA SHOULDERS Medicated Shave Tube - - ^ 11 oz. 4 °z reg. 2.00 118 Ljma,) # 1 ^ reg. 1.50 89' (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing store Only East Lansing Store Only DIAL FLEX BALSAM Very Dry 5 89° ills. oz. reg. 1.35 1.57 Limit 1 (COUPON) (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24. 1974 Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing store Only East Lansing Store Only VICKS COUGH DROPS reg. 15c (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 East Lansing Store Only icr SUPPORT HOSE no. 611 Limit S (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 1.49 reg. 2.95 East Lansing Store Only Virginia Maid PANTY HOSE «« reg. 89c (COUPON) Expires Nov. 24, 1974 49' East Lansing Store Only 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 20,1974 PAT FARNAN What ifs' star of U-M, OSU show Discourse on "the game of the century" this year. "The Big 10 will ostracize all athletic directors." football teams to play their best and thus determine the winner. play? "What happens if Michigan has the ball on the Ohio State five • Through a fog of pregame controversy, one fact shines I remember an infamous 10-10 tie of eight years ago that was yard line, fourth down, two seconds remaining and OSU leads brightly. Michigan and Ohio State will meet in Columbus, Ohio The only outcome 17-14? Does Bo kick a field goal? Saturday to decide, for the sixth time in the past seven years, the finally decided by the wire services. That too, is ludicrous. Saturday that would dm, . determinant vote would be an Ohio State "Nope. Bo's ineligible. Mike Lantry would have to do that." Big Ten title and attendai.1 Rose Bowl trip. There is only one way to determine the better of two teams — win, Ut< » The Big Ten athletic directors would "What if Michigan goes for it and scores and Franklin breaks Who will win is on the playing field. then meet in Phir. anybody's guess and should be. Sunday to pick the Rose Bowl representative. All of his left leg?" Who will go to the Rose Bowl, however, is nebulous In a nutshell, there's entirely too much politicing among Big directors would view films of the game. the 2? 'Michigan will win." at best. Ten athletic directors, the wire services, coaches, etc, to render "Hmmm. Well, does U-M go to the Rose Bowl?" That is a shame. "It would be an eyeball to eyeball vote," MSU Athu, an unbiased, impartial decision as to which team should "win Director Burt Smith said. "There "Whoever the athletic directors consider the 'most Amidst all the opinion following the 10-10 tie of a year ago, tie." a the telephone and saying who wouldn't be anyone JhS* representative team' will be going." one fact seemed clouded over. Who was the best team? A tied they voted for. Under the circumstances, this is the best way to handle it." 12^ "Do you think our Hoosiers have a chance?" score does not determine the better team. It is time to devise an NCAA playoff system to keep personal ' "Son, I think they're 'most representative' of the Big Ten but biases and other injustices out of football and let the games be A tie In the vote by athletic directors would elimimt. »k. they'll probably be watching the Rose Bowl from Bloomington." Why then, does the ultimate decision rest with ten athletic decided on the field. team that last went to Pasadena. "What happens if Ohio State beats the pants off Michigan and directors who do not even participate in warm • How valid is a national champion which is awarded the honor If U-M ties or beat the Bucks, the up drills? Simple athletic directors 111 Michigan State gets the nod?" logic tells me that it is the duty, job, business of two opposing by sportswriters who have not seen all the leading contenders telephone their vote to Columbus after the game. Ex-Sportans tackle By MIKE LITAKER life for MSU's 1967 rushing and scoring leader Dwight Lee State News Sports Writer Lee was placed on probation for using a bad credit card and On any given Sunday afternoon or Monday night, you can sit charged with armed robbery before being acquitted after school. He since has become an attendant at he left down in front of the television set and pick out numerous former the Macomb County MSU football stars running and tackling to the tune of money Youth Home. ' and glory that the NFL provides for the gifted few. "TTiis is where you really get self "We're all a bunch of children in the satisfaction," Lee said. Following their careers is relatively easy for the armchair way of looking at gtinine quarterback who rarely considers the fate of the hundreds of experience. Life is nothing but a bunch of experiences. I've been ballplayers who have graduated over the years from Spartan through what these kids are going through now." Stadium. Many still reside in the Lansing area. Eventually Lee plans to finish his degree work in counselim Bill Feraco, Cal Fox and Bob Lange, all MSU gridiron products and child guidance. * of the late 1960's, have recreated their own version of the "People forget the man Dwight Lee, they only remember the triple threat in making up the Eaton Rapids' High School football athlete," the soft - spoken Lee lamented. coaching staff. After a couple of pro try - outs, Jay Breslin is contemplation "It was love at first sight and I said 'boy we got to get return to MSU this winter to finish together up on his degree. In his spue later.' "Lange, who was mainly responsible for time, though, Breslin drives a cement block truck assembling the trio, during the said laughing. week, and on Friday nights is a bouncer for Dooley's. After he left MSU, Feraco bounced around the Continental Kicker Art Brandstatter Jr. now devotes time to League with the Tri - City Apollos, Michiana Hawks and the Flint extra booting home points with his customers at A1 Edwards Leasing in Sabres, whom he jokingly says gave him a "six - pack and gas Another former Spartan and long time Laming friend, Russ Kelly, owns money" to play for them. Kelly Buick in Mason. After a couple of years of teaching and coaching in Brandstatter, who led MSU in scoring in 1960, keeps his hand Sbh&v * Greensburg, Pa., Feraco returned to East Lansing for the 1973 in football by doing the Spartan radio broadcasts for WILS and is SN photos/Dan Shutt spring green and white game, when Lange put out his call. a trustee with Kelly for the Lansing All - Stars. Former MSU grid standouts Russ Kelly (left) and Art Brandstatter Jr. "I was looking for a change anyhow when I came Most players shudder at the (right) are two of the many ffcartan Feraco said. "Sooner or later there comes a time when back," thought of a career - ending knee football alumni living in the Lansing area who have become successful you have injury. For Ron Hatcher it probably turned out to be the best businessmen. Both are currently to judge yourself and you only cloud the issue when thing that ever happened to him. dealing in the sale and leasing of cars. Kelly earned his football letter in 1957. Brandstatter led the you don't," green and continued Feraco about why he gave up playing semipro ball for Hatcher left MSU in 1961 for four • year pro white in scoring in 1960 with 37 points. a career with the teaching. Washington Redskins and Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Cal Fox joined the Eaton Rapids stafT after Football League. earning a degree in marketing at MSU and selling insurance for a year. A try • out His exit from pro ball because of a knee problem resulted in his GET COLBERT IN TRADE with the Houston Oilers was cut short the achilles heel injury struck. following year when an being sent to an African copper mine by some business contractors. The last eight years have seen Hatcher travel across "I never thought I'd teach but it was a the country as a housing developer. way to get back to coaching after I found out that I didn't like business life," Fox Hatcher's efforts finally earned him the opportunity to start said. his own housing development firm of Hatcher and Associates in Tigers SAN DIEGO (UPI) - Nate In exchange the Padres were driving in 54 deal erasure Erasing images Proudly displayed in the success of the trio has been the of the "dumb jock" image that often haunts an athlete in and out of the classroom. Lansing two years ago. "It was almost accidental," Hatcher events that led him away from football. "I didn't come back well at all from the explained on the turn injury. After that I runs and Manager Peter Bavasi said the went off on a wild goose chase to Africa." Colbert, who had 163 home given shortstop Ed Brinkman, Feraco has been aware of the "jock complex" for collecting 14 homers. club "hated to lose" Colbert quite some runs in six seasons with the San pitcher Bob Strampe and time and has the philosophy figured out when confronted with In his first five seasons at San but he had asked to be traded. Football motivation Diego Padres, is now a Detroit outfielder Dick Sharon. the question. Hatcher claims that football in the early 60s was a m Diego, Colbert hit 24, 38, 27, Colbert was moved from first Tiger. They then dealt Brinkman 38 and 22 home runs. In 1972 "People ask what I do and I say coach and teach. The next motivating force in his desire to succeed in life. But like the rest, Once base to left field to make room regarded as one of the and a minor league player to he had 111 RBIs in addition to question is already predetermined in their minds. 'What do you he still finds it hard to lay the for McCovey. teach? History, social studies, or gym?' and they're pigskin down. premier sluggers in the be named later to the St. Louis slamming 38 homers. surprised "You start playing when you're 12 "They put me out to years old and if you play National League, the 6 - foot - Cardinals for southpaw reliever when I say English," Feraco said. Colbert, a first baseman - pasture as if I couldn't play pro you've got half your life tied up in football and it's hard to 2, 210 pound veteran was Rich Folkers and right - "It's been one great time ever since we've been - outfielder, became expendable together," get away from it," Hatcher said. He has helped coach the All • shipped to the Tigers by the handed starters Sonny Siebert any more," Colbert said. "I Lange said. after San Diego Stars, Haslett High School, and a local Pop Warner team in the Padres Monday night in a acquired first intend to prove that they were and Alan Foster. baseman Willie Reaching goals in a roundabout routine has become a way of past few yean. McCovey from wrong. complicated three - team, eight Colbert, 28, hit only .207 San Francisco before last In the wake of the Ohio State "I still have feelings for the game, Hatcher fondly recalls his player deal. with the Padres last season, season. San first meeting with the messiah of Columbus - Woody Hayes. Diego General Padres - have nothing against "Ok day Woody Hayes and I them. I wish them well. were standing in line at a "He (club president Buzzie Seven set to play restaurant in Columbus when the guys I was working with who Spartan icers remain tops; Bavasi) asked me where would like to go and Detroit I always ribbed me about going to MSU asked me if I thouijithe'd know me," Hatcher recalled. I said, "I think good games against his teams. so, I had some pretty was one of my choices," in field hockey trial ''My mouth dropped open when he recognized me and began football ratings go up, down Colbert added. "That's a great park to hit in. I'll be happier MSU's women's field hockey team placed seven women to to rattle off my entire career beginning with high school," Hatcher said, amazed at Hayes' near photographic memoiy. playing regularly there, but I'll MSU's hockey team retained its No. 1 still keep my home here — play in the trials for the Great Lakes sectional hockey team at the After Saturday's 19-10 victory there's no way I want to Great Lakes tournament Saturday. national rating this week in the Hancock, Mich, the football team over Indiana, radio station poll, while the Spartan football rose in one national poll and change that." Traveling to Ohio Wesleyan University this weekend and fell in another. team has gone up and down in the two wire service rankings. MSU climbed to 14th in the AP week after ratings this MSU-lndiana film representing MSU will be Betsy Hallgren, Carol Kiddon, Karen Miller, Shelly Owens, Jo Reiter, Rose Wilkins and Joan Woloszyk. Special tickets The icers, who have a 6-2 overall record and holding 15th last week. The women will be put on arbitrary teams and play tor nine In the UPI poll, selectors. however, MSU dropped slated for Union a 5-1 record in the Western Assn. (WCHA), recieved five first Collegiate Hockey place votes from 14th to a tie for 17th with Tulsa. UCLA and Game films of After the first game, they will be broken into different teams for MSU, Iow from the 10 coaches who choose the Saturday's according to how the selectors will want to see them play. Three top 10 MSU - Indiana football teams will be selected, and all of them will squads. The University of Michigan Wolverines are will be shown at 8 game play in the national Special ticket prices for kids and families arc in effect for tonight and tournament in DeKalb, Illinois in two weeks. MSU and Colorado College are tied for first ranked ahead of Ohio State by one spot in both MSU's final home football game Saturday with Iowa. place in the WCHA standings. Colorado and polls. Thursday night in parlors A, B MSU coach Mikki Baile is very optimistic about the chances of Ticketr for youngsters of high school age and under are being and C of the Union. the Spartan women making it to the nationals. Boston College are tied for second in the The Wolverines are third behind Oklahoma sold for $3. The head of a household pays$5, and other membeis Admission is 10 cents, to "I think that we have a good shot at it," she said. ratings. and Alabama in the AP poll. The Buckeyes are "They of the family $3 each. Harvard is ranked fourth. defray advertising costs. The played well on Saturday despite the adverse conditions that they The regular general admission fourth, followed by the WCHA's price is $ 7. Michigan Tech, Wisconsin, Minnesota and the The UPI poll, which does not rank showings are being sponsored had to play in. It's harder for inexperienced players to play in the These special tickets can be purchased by the Union Activities Board snow." at the athww University of Michgan. Oklahoma, rates Alabama first. ticket office in Jenison Fieldhouse today through Friday Michigan and in cooperation with the MSU The MSU women's swimming team had its first meet Cornell and Providence round out the toD Ohio State are second and third, Tuesday and at Spartan Stadium Saturday. respectively. Alumni office. at Oakland University. 10 /fc WEDNESDAY SPECIAL UNTIL 10 P.M. A CRATE BREAK that lasts all week FISH long! All You Can Eat! Announcement: Fish, Ranch Fries & Cole Slaw! Happy Hours Mon. • Fri. 4 p.m. • 7 p.m. n.79 there is an error in this week's contest Reduced prices on pitchers Lunch Special FOR THE LATEST & your favorite drinks. lA lb. Hamburger entry form. j IN HAIR STYLING 549 E. Grand River Av«. & Chicken Noodle f| 'STARSEED 'Tonight & Thurs. - Classical Rock bv Soup _ Across from Berkey in the Goldsmith Lounge $1.49 The Arizona St. vs Gary Dailey - Owner 351.6511 after 9 p.m. Kirk Entertains Tonight! Colorado St. game tSANDWICHES served every night "East Lansing's Neighborhood Bar" YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY 1 after 7 p.m. in the is included twice. Lounge. Fri & Sat ARAPAHOE With contacts from Be sure you check East ^InJhe&tfwUr tradition Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs trial PM. »-30 I the 3 Mon. i ™u,Y3oH n AM 4 PM. 5 same winner • ut . 9 A.M. 10 Noon EY6 EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY in both boxes! CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Dr. R. C. Minor, Optometrist Now in Brookf ield Ptau Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 20,1974] ] tearing slated to rule on hike Df loss benefits United Press International A public hearing will be PRICES IN THIS AD GOOD THRU SATURDAY held this morning on a NOVEMBER 23,1974. MEIJER RESERVES THE proposal to increase maximum RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ACCORDING iork loss benefits payable . TO SPECIFIED LIMITS. NO SALES TO m under no fault auto insurance n to compensate for cost of I DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. jving increases. The State Insurance Bureau Monday recommended that a tost of living provision be onto all work loss JSwpSs_swci«g benefits arising from accidents after Oct. 1,1974. Maximum benefits would increase from $1,000 to $1111 because the consumer prirt index shot up 11.1 per cent from June 1973 to June 1974, State Insurance gMIJERj i»iirs»g| Commissioner Daniel J. Demlow said. The hearing on the rule will _ gin at 9:30 a.m. in the Law Building auditorium of the capitol complex. The rule will take effect 15 days after filed with the secretary of state. As the cost of living rises, persons injured in lutomobile accident should not have to bear an additional an MEN'S NEW ULTRA SOFT LADIES' financial burden in supporting themselves and their families." SPORT SHIRTS KNIT HAT OUR REG. $2.97 said Demlow. 1 0 0 #/« t t u r i z e e x d polyester. Long sleeve solid deep colors. Sizes S- in AND MITTEN SETS M-L-XL. Assorted solid colors. Men's Dept. SUNBEAM LIGHTED DIAL SCRIPTO V ELECTRIC ALARM ACTION CLOCK BALL PEN Popular alarm with 3 dimen¬ sional face and light dial for easy viewing. Ho. 80-41 White. AND PENCIL OUR REG. S4.97 Save $1.50 SET jeweiry uepr School Supplies Dept. — 1 ARMOUR GOLD BAND USDA INSPECTED (limit 1 per Customer) (^h) \ MMjrmofr & j tom turkeys a V VAO*C»TUWJ 4:V. hen turkeys > 49*. | MEUER BROWN « SERVE ROUS • 3/89* 4 TAP FROZEN 100* FLORIDA H d Ron ORANGE JUKE 1 ■- 44 9 i = couch Hire BANANAS 12*. ™ FWGO SOFT DRINKS Regular or Diet Asst. Flavors 16fl.oz.NR.bH. RICH'S FROZEN MRS GRASS BREAD DOUGH 5 lb. pkg. 95 ONION SOUP MIX 1 % 8/sl oz. wt. pkg. fft ^SAVE 44 !C0^ BETTY CROCKER SNKTMN tWKINS . ■ V CO IRISH SPRING i CAKE MIX UZ '• i| NEW FREEDOM : BAR SOAP tl 1/2 191/2 « *1 ha WITH COUPON | )0cM«t ka Sttartay Nw*«btr II, 1974 97':. WITH COUPON | ■ 11/1 a «t kr R*<«iir 4'*fl 6m4 *r« Silarfcf, Nwtakr II, 1974 I I Gm4 *f« Si tariff. Nm.Wr II, 1974 Meiier THRIFTY ACRE 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Notenih„. Your job should provide ample financial rewards and the opportunity to fulfill your potential. Check the Want Ads for a huge selection of employment opportunities today! Automotive ][fi) [ Art) Service \/ j FRANKLYSPEAKING....byphilfrank |(V] , Aparteeets jl^' [ Apartments $ ONE GIRL Needed. Winter and MSU AREA: Okemos. One CHEVELLE blue. 1970 4 door. Navy Very clean. Runs good. VEGA Rebuilt HATCHBACK, 1972. transmission, well spring, sublease River's Edge, bedroom, furnished and BEDROOM Jolly-Logan .r.», DUPLFv I $750,694-8452.5-11-25 $77.50/month. 351-4306. unfurnished, air conditioned, maintained, clean, very good condition. $1,400. 353-4631. 511-20 carpeted, modern. $150 to $165. Heat included. Call vard carpet^.$,80/mo Security dJ?| Hi CHEVY IMPALA 1970. V-8, 5.11-22 349-9604. 10-11-27 required. 372-8073 ai.t, i PHONE 355 8255 automatic. Price negotiable. Call 355-3863. 3-11-20 SHARE 2 man aprtment. Own 669-3090.8 1122 I VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 bedroom. Winter and spring. * 347 Student Services Bldg. AUTOMOTIVE CHEVROLET SPORTS Van, 1971. V-8, carpeted ~ insulated miles, 4-speed, custom interior, AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 Free bus to campus. 337-9291. 5-11-26 1 - 2 GIRLS needed. Own town house. $90. Close, Pam, 489-5374.3-11-21 room in pawnV.RK end young marrieds we deluxe color 1 (,!! I Scooters & Cycles paneled. $1,350. 353-0978 mpg. 351-6917. 5-11-22 coordinate , *I Parts & Service evenings. ' DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemos. ONE BEDROOM 2 bedroom Appliances, apartments I ^3-11-22 VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent Includes 2 full baths, air basement balconies. Mti' I 'I ^ Aviation """ conditioning, carport. No apartment. Furnished, all ample parking, m3ny children or pets. $250. Phone utilities paid, near bus line, * EMPLOYMENT $2500 or trade for 677-1902 after 6 pm. 3-11-22 pickup. 332-0111 or evenings and $75/month. 485-5222. 3-11-121 lX'l*i"-22 9 $169 •FOR RENT VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Super weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 Apartments DATSUN 610, 1973. Like new, Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent condition, cheap. 882-7789. UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom FEMALE NEEDED for 4 person Winter spring. $61/month. GIRL NEEDED winter term, own room. Call and 3514; spring I Houses Extras! 8800 miles, must sell. between 10-2. 10-11-25 5-11-21 apartment one mile from 332-3747, after 6:15 pm. Rooms 487-9340.5-11-25 campus. $180. Call 332-8519. VOLKSWAGEN 1971, Super 5-11-26 LOW Rent." 20 minutes * FOR SALE from ■ DODGE DART 1966 two door. Beetle, $900 firm. Call 351-2380 FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, Animals Air. - Good NEED 2 campus, beautiful 2 bedroom! Automatic. anytime. 3-11-15 girls to sublease Cedar close/ccmpus, December apartments Mobile Homes transportation. $300. 351-5074, CarpetjMf Village, winter, spring. 15/September 1975. Sublease, appliances, dish washer, L ► LOST & FOUND evenings. 3-11-22 VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. 332-3996. 5-11-26 $82.50. 351-9415. 4-11-22 automatic oven cleaner Only| Excellent condition, inside and few left. $165 per mon > PERSONAL DODGE VAN 1973. Carpeted and out. Rebuilt engine, $1575. CEDAR VILLAGE, one male for 1-313-626-8888 10-11-20 ■ PEANUTS PERSONAL insulated, many extras. Call after 1963 Chevy, $75. 627-7105. winter/spring. 351-9488, after 6 NEED FEMALE for two-person. REAL ESTATE 6:30,349-2243.5-11-25 3-11-20 pm. 4-11-25 Near campus, nice. Call EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom, carpeted I RECREATION FIAT 19^4 124 sport coupe. Low VW 1971 Beetle. Good condition, QUIET FEMALE to sublease 351-9214. 3-11-21 air conditioned, $155, plus deposit. 484-9309 ■ appliances'! SERVICE mileage, must sell! 646-8101. $1,300. Call 482-5463 after 10 £ college media services-box 9411-berkelty ca 94709 Twyckingham, winter and CEDAR VILLAGE, one male for 4 5-11-20 1 Instruction 5-11-25 pm. 3-11-20 spring. 351-8551. 6-11-27 - man. Winter only, 332-1031. Typing Service CHRISTIAN FEMALE needs' I TRANSPORTATION FORD FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. Call Bruce, 351-3820 after 6 pm. 9-11-27 VW 1967, Beetle. Good dependable transportation. 75,000 miles, A-1 Ewployweit ( Employment f| HASLETT ARMS. Female needed, winter, spring. One block from MALE ROOMMATE needed for WANTED engine. Could use some Campus $82.50/month. Watersedge. Winter/spring. cosmetic body work. $550. UNLIMITED SALES MODELS FOR photography Call 351 2787-5-11-26 $80/month. Parking available. CAR POOL FORD LTD 1968. 4 door, good 694-8070 after 6 pm. 3-11-20 OPPORTUNITY between 10 am and 6 pm. 337-1077. 3-11-20 FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Cedar I condition, $450 or best offer. 489 1215.0-11-27 FEMALE NEEDED to sublet Village winter tern *#RATES#* 489-0409. 3-11-20 VW 1972. Rebuilt engine and If you're a better man then the job 332-0400.5 11-20 winter term. Own room! $90. SUBLEASE OWN room in large 10 word minimum transmission. $1200. 349-9557 you're now in, w«'d like to talk MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is 351-3268. 5-11-26 epertment. 2 blocks from FORD CUSTOM 1969 many new to you. Commissions. Call - after 5:30 pm. 4-11-22 taking application for possible campus. 351-5830 or 332-4768. 15 MINUTES to MSU 1 bedroom! parts, needs work. Best offer. Josephine Starkweather at After 6 pm, 355-3028. 5-11-20 694-3935. Investors Diversified employment to work closing OWN ROOM. Luxury country 3-11-21 No children or pets $'30 J vw BUS 1969. 5,000 miles. shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in setting. 4 acres. $140 includes 487-8595.5 11 20 Services. 10-11-22 Rebuilt engine. Running good. person Monday - Thursday, 8-10 utilities. 393-1738. 5-11-26 FEMALE ROOMMATE, sublease, 1 3 5 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 I[1 3.00 10 FOR SALE - original owner, 1971 Mercury Monterey. Excellent $1150. 332-4162. 3-11-21 SALES POSITIONS am or 2-4 pm at MCDONALDS, 234 W Grand River or 1024 E. WATERS EDGE. Female to fun i shed, included, $92, utilities near campus. ONE GIRL needed BE HOME EVERY NIGHT 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 condition, vinyl top, air VW CAMPER/Van 1968. Excellent Grand River, East Lansing or 337-2078.5-11-25 :15_6u sublease winter or winter/spring. Ziebarted, good tires, extra Arrange financial programs for 15 2.25 6.00 9.70 9.50 condition. Factory buit. Pop-up 2040 Grand River, Okemos. $82.50. 337 0418. 3-11-22 • snows, must be seen; driven to individuals and business ROOMMATE roof, the worksl 27 mpg, 7-11-21 APARTMENT OKEMOS. main NEEDED,J 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 appreciate. 339-9912. 5-11-21 organizations. Will' train for Mid-Dectmber Separate .con $1,800. Call 355-1190. 3-11-22 LCC - 1 bedroom, furnished, all corner, furnished 3 rooms, highly lucrative, annualized bath. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 commission BABYSITTER 4 midnights per 'Utilities, carpeted, $140. No utilities, couple. $150 a month. Strawberry Fieidi.| sales. Prior sales - 394-2768. 3-11-20 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 GREMLIN 1973 - week. lease. 339-9114. 5-11-26 349-2313. 7-11-27 Study sleep. 489-6395, 20,000 miles, good condition! Low mpg, 351-0042. 5-11-22 B ]["&B] experience Josephine desirable. Starkweather, 694-3935. Investors Diversified Call or afternoons. 3-11-20 RIVERS EDGE apartment, female FURNISHED ONE bedroom ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom Lansir c>EADILINE apartment, furnished, utilitii Services. 10-11-22 WAITRESSESS WANTED DELLS. for winter, spring. Furnished, apartment to sublease, close to P.M. GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tires. HONDA 750 1973. 5,400 miles. $2/hour. Call between 1-6 pm. convenient, inexpensive. campus. Heat paid, pet allowed, oaid. $150/month. 487-5571.| one class day Hooker headers. Excellent 5-11-22 Standard shift, 3 speed. $2,000. PART 339-2916, Frank. 5-11-20 337-9283. 2-11-21 $194, available for winter term. before publication. condition. 393-1949. 5-11-26 TIME employment for Call 641-6806. Or 641-6767 if MSU students 12-20 hours per Call weekdays. 3 3 7-9484. no answer. 7-11-21 week. Automobile required. AVON, TO buy or sell. Call^wr SUBLET. WINTER term: female, 7-11-27 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Ont| SUZUKI SL 1972. Very good district manag bedroom apartment, furnii Peanuts Personal ads 351-5800. C-11-21 near West Circle, $77.13 per condition. Female owner. $375 must be pre-paid. MERCURY MONTEGO, 1973, 20-12-2 month. Call 332-1174. fi-11-27 NEAT RESPONSIBLE female to close to campus. 351-7655J firm. Call Kitty, after 4 pm, share two bedroom. East 5-11-22 18,500 miles, rustproofed, MARRIED COUPLE needed to 394-2019. 5-11-26 excellent condition, must sell, RN FEMALE NEEDED to sublease Lansing area. 353-9489 days. Cancellations/ Correction: supervise group of mentally ONE NEEDED, 4 man, wintti 484-4707.4-11-22 retarded adults. FULL TIME opening on the December • June. $72.50. Near 332-8966 evenings. Ask for Tia. DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, Rewarding 12 noon one class day work. Room and board provided 3-11:30 shift. Liberal fringe Williams. 332-2049. 3-11-22 spring, pool, s u ana make offer. 694-1733, before 3 benefits, MNA contract, evening $61 ,50/month. Welkin before publications. Mercury MARQUIS Brougham plus salary. Irma Zucherberg, pm. 5-11-26 and night differential, no shift 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, distance. 351-3581.5-11-22 1971. 54,000 miles, needs body 487-6500. 3-11-22 MALE NEEDED to sublet work. $1100. 393-3457. 5-11-21 rotation. Every other partially furnished. Utilities The State News will be YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, BMW winter/spring 4 - man. $75. weekend off. Weekend bonus paid. 393-7839, 485-1302. NEED THIRD girl, 2 bedroom] motorcycles. Parts, accessories, COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. Part Twychingham. Call Jim before responsible only for the M E R C UW 1966. Local paid. Call Mrs. L. Risk, RN 11 pm. 332-2755. 5-11-26 3-11-21 apartment. Okemos, $55im service. SHEP'S time. $2/hour. JIM'S GARAGE, MOTOR Director of 337-9431. 5 11-22 day's incorrect transportation. Good condition. Grand Ledge. 627-2248. 5-11-26 Nursing. 349-1050. SPORTS, INC. 694-6621. ROOMMATE NEEDED for $100. Call 332-2563.4-11-25 INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL ONE MALE needed. Heat and insertion. furnished 2 man, own room. 0-5:1^22 WANTED: FULL time steady CARE FACILITY, Okemos. water included $95 month. Nice NEED ONE man to sublease winttf MUSTANG 1971. Fastback. Sharp. $80. 485-1002 3-11-21 and spring te/ms. C SUZUKI 1974 GT 750, windshield, bookkeeper and office manager. Michigan. 7-11-15 place. 351-7630. 5-11-26 Bills are due 7 days from $1550 or best offer. 332-3746. luggage rack, low miles, Thorough knowledge of Apartment. 351-3834. 5H'2l 5-11-21 MAN TO share Campus Hill. not ad expiration date. If paid by the due date, a $.50 late service charge will OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale, warranty. 645-2350.3-11-21 Call after 4 pm. bookkeeping, r -xoivable, accounts accounts payable, [ For Rent ][$] FURNISHED 1 bedroom, clean, quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, patio, no undergrads. Security $68.50/month. 349 2856. 5-11-25 Winter/spring. GIRL NEEDED. W Furnished, $61/month. Close 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise plus other office dimensions. control, other extras. 332-1097 Length of service with present TV and STEREO Rentals. locks. $180 including heat. OCCUPANCY. ROOMMATES 489-9124, 353-9027. 5-11-22 | after 6 pm. 7-11-27 Uo Service / position, experience, skills, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. needed immediately. Rivers dependability, attendance Same Day Delivery and Service. 5-11-26 5 MINUTES to MSU Edge apartmmts. Rent Automotive • record, willingness to accept Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11 -27 furnished or unfurnished,! OLDSMOBILE 1966 F-85. $650. negotiable. 351-6265. 3-11-21 No rust. Mags, new paint. VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE responsibility. Answer to Edwin ONE NEEDED for 4 - man. balcony, covered parking* repair and body. 20% D. Ricker, 2442 East Maple $65/month. Close to campus. WANTED. 1 laundry. From $140. Shortten"™ AMC REBEL 1967; Automatic, 353-1543.3-11-20 DISCOUNT to students, faculty Avenue, Flint, Michigan. 48507. Apartments 351-4654. 3-11-22 large 4 or 2 males to bedroom furnished share lease available. 482-3860^ power steering, good tires. on all cash'n' carry VW service 3-11-22 5-11-20 PEUGEOT 504 Wagon, 1972. Air, apartment. Close to campus. 355-0956 evenings. 5-11-22 parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 24,000 miles, mint. Asking WATER'S GIRL NEEDED to sublease River's $80. 332-0079.5-11-25 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. EDGE, 4 person. Girl AMX 1969, 4 speed, good engine, $2750. BL-5-11-22 353-8730, 351-6757. 485-2047, 485-9229. PART TIME medical typist to work half days. Starting January, needed winter and spring. Edge. Winter, spring. $77.50. 332-0270. 5-11-26 ONE BEDROOM, unfurnished, - T L. Houses 1 good body. $700. 337-0823. Mastercharge and Bank Sublease $82.50. 337-9292. 1975. Send resume to 2950 East utilities 5-11-26 Americard. C-11-27 4-11-25 paid. 1308 Haslett PINTO 1974, 14,000 miles. Take Mt. Hope, Okemos. B-1-11-20 BEAL STREET • four (T WANTED, 2-4 people to lease an Road, or phone 332-8036. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, only over payments. Call 351-6319. U- REPAIR AUTO Service Center TWYCKINGHAM, 4 - man. Man apartment close to campus, until 7-11-27 for rent, starting December^ 5-11-20 offers you tools, equipment, and PART TIME X-ray technician to June. Call 351-6441.5-11-25 332-1695. 5-11-22 you can save $$$. It pays to needed, non-smoker preferred. do your auto work mornings only. Starting shop around. Call us. You may After 5 pm, 332-4159. NEEDED ONE man to sublease PINTO, 1972. Automatic. January 1975. Send resume to GROESBECK GOLF Cedar ROOM IN large three bedrooni be surprised. 484-8173. B-2-11-21 course area Village. Winter I spring. Excellent condition. Must sell. 2950 East Mt. Hope, Okemos. Make offer. 351-8058. 3-11-22 Pennsylvania, 882-8742. 10-8, near, 2 bedrooms. Immediately. $75/month. 355-7062. 5-11-25 house. With vegetarians. $66J| six days. 20-11-20 WANTED 1 2 Call 351-5964. 7-11-27 484-0459. 5-11-22 - or girls to sublease large room in nice 3person GIRL NEEDED to sublease PLYMOUTH 1973, 2 door hardtop. BARTENDER - WAITRESS. Full MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East apartment. $66. December or 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED apartment winter term. and part time. Must be neat and Fury III, power steering I Kalamazoo Street since 1940. January. Evenings, 351-4246, Twyckingham, $66/month. Call dependable. Phone 484-6786. apartment, 5 blocks from CHEVELLE MALIBU, 1967. Mint brakes, factory air, like new, Complete auto painting and Sally. 5-11-26 332-8172. 5 11-25 5-11-26 campus. Sublease winter, spring. condition. Very low mileage. housewife's car. 25,000 miles. collision service. American and 351-3188. 10-12-3 Must sacrifice. 394-1918. 485-9541, after 5 pm. 2-11-20 Foreign 485-0256. C-11-27 orme 3-11-22 cars. CAR RENTAL Agent for Capitol FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no TWO GIRLS needed to sublease, CROSSWORD gABaKtEj PONTIAC CATALINA 1968. Good City Airport. Evenings, Sunday winter/ spring, share room, immi Imp 01X51 r condition, new tires, new INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on through Thursday. Neat, pets. Lease until September. One PUZZLE of l vfrnHBEOa NEW STUDENTS 1 battery, new brakes. Tune • up last week. $800. 355-9900. cycles and auto. Call us first or last, but call. Easy Payment conventional, congenial person'. $2 per hour. Call 351-5500, month free rent. $175. 129 Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 4-woman, $70. Close. 351-2412. 3-11-20 ACROSS KfipSTEBl 29. Swiss painter SAVE >10-'15 | Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS 485-4317. 0-11-27 109 between 11 am TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, GIRL NEEDED to sublet winter I. Skin diving 30. Nobleman ■C I L f Alii I 4 pm for interview. 3-11-22 mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. term. Own room. Twyckingham. gear 32. Kind of gun ■ODEiJCAl ON OUR FALL | PORSCHE 912, 1967. New engine, California car, 5 speed, $3,000. BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced WOMEN WITH children under five K) minutes to campus. Quiet 332-1765.3-11-20 5. Astern 34. Unfortunate SsieIPIwI rates to students. Also and peaceful on a lake. 8. That girl 35. Gold *//0(pu vji TUNE-UP SPECIAL j 485-5607. 4-11-22 guaranteed rust proofing. VAN interested in temporary position as teaching aid for first year 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 3 ROOM APARTMENT with II. Foreign 37. Jacob's so eftayBenI I WORLD. 645-2123.0-11-27 utilities. Furnished. $130 plus exchange rate 39. Too bad mm (IMPORTS & AMERICAN PORSCHE 914, 1971. Low medical students. Maximum - 6 TWO MAN, furnished, one 12. Owing 41. COMPACTS) mileage, new paint job, rebuilt hours/week. $3.39/hour. deposit. 372-8615. 5-11-22 Agreements bItBoUlI bedroom, 135 Kedzie Street. engine, cam, and weber carbs. A FALL SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. 13. Sesame 45. Philippic Contact Mary Black, 353-4583. Beginning winter term. Here's what we do: | real performer. $3500. Auto rustproofing, new and used 10 MINUTES to MSU. Luxury 14. Subrosa 48. Canine 1) Check x-5-11-26 351-2402, 882-2316, 482-2937. down Enginei Guaranteed. Most cars as apartments from $170. 17. Traipse 49 Hindu cymbals Compression 332-5025, between 8-6 pm. cars. 14-12-6 2) Remove and check I 3-11-21 low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, DRIVERS NEEDED full 487-9085, 393-0720. 5-11-22 18. Appear 50. Sicilian 1. Truth 5. Put with time, distributor, Replace Points & | 337-0496. 10-11-22 must have excellent EAST LANSING - One bedroom 19. Weep volcano .w,w„v 2. Stravinsky 6. Gasoline driving Condensor & Re - Install 3) Install New Spark Plugs ' RAMBLER 1967 - 2 door record. Apply at Varisty Cab, furnished. Quiet residential area. GIRL NOW. Furnished, 21. Journey 51. Compass point 3. Baseball team Trend i 4) Adjust Valves* 5) Adjust timing to | I automatic transmission, radio, good tires, runs good. $300. 122 Woodmere. x-1-11-20 Carpeting. Disposal. Security locks. $185. Lease from Twyckingham, 4 Share now person, with good people. $70. 24. Health resort 2). Firewood 52. Noah's boal 53. Profound 4. l.»in« room furniture IgJJl specifications 694-9080. 5-11-22 Call and find out yourself i. i 10. Angle BIG BUCKS. Part time, agressive December, 1974 - September 15, T- 5 6 0 9 6) Synchronize Carbuerators 1 - 7) Road Test for Safety I TRIUMPH 1966 TR4. Convertible, salesperson, time, commission. 1975. Woodside Apartments, 482-5179. 351-1565. 5-11-22 % 1 15. Favorite 16. Stole 1 332-2902 6-10 prt. 5-11-22 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 11 IT' IS % Most 4 cylinder cars $29.95. I REG. $39.SO loaded, good condition. $995. WAVERLY AREA $175 includes - 20. Dickens Most 6 cylinder cars $33.95. ! 641-4124 evenings. 4-11-22 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, heat and water, 2 bedroom fr \t 22. -Aviv I HELP WANTED full time. 23. Anguilla REG. $45.50 - *No Valve Adjustment on | furnished studio, utilities paid. luxury apartments, drapes, TRIUMPH Lansing Ski Club. Currently pr 24. Vast amount ■ some OHC engines. 1973, GT-6. Low mileage, 23 mpg, AM/FM radio. ELECTRIC de f rosters, REAR window $13.95 at taking application i for 1974-75 tki season, snow - making, lift $125 a month plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-11-20 dishwasher, carport, laundry. No undergrads-, children or pets % 20 16 21 %a *3 25. French resort^ 394-1755, after 6 pm. 3-11-21 372-9279. 5-11-22 <9 26. Set up CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East operators, tki instructors, ticket sales. Will take applications NEED ONE girl, winter. New Cedar 24 %% 25 26 n % W 2 28, Demerit I ICIIISION ! TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Very good condition, new parts, Kalamazoo, one mile west of November 20-21. 9 am - 4:30 Village. $80/month. 351-4443 5-11-22 SPACIOUS apartment. TWO Close to bedroom campus. 53" % " % 53 5M 31. Humdinger 33.Dad 3-11-20 31 32 IMPORTS | $1200. 487-9072. 3-11-21 campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 pm. LARGE TWO partly furnished Winter term 351 -4246 or December 1. Call evenings. 5-11 -22 35 % 3T % 38 36. DevilM 38. Outmoded | STUDENT ARTIST, experienced 36 % V/ 1206 Oakland ' VEGA 1971 T ransmission, - Standard rebuilt engine, QaifiisDSS with acrylic paint to do sports efficiency. Close to cempus, eir conditioning, immediate ONE MAN to share townhouse. % w Ml Ml 'A 40. Cicatrix 42 Quote \r % Call for Appt. J runs good, 25 mpg. 353-7031. PERMANENT, PART time pictures. 351-3436. 7-11-27 occupancy. $165/month. Call Own room, prefer non-smoker. % 43. inflection IV4-4411 DESK CLERK needed. Must have 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 $90 plus utilities. 393-5631. hT 44 Easy I0" ,1 j secretary - bookkeeper. Experience required. 9 am - 1 transportation and be willing to PENNSYLVANIA AND East 6-11-22 <6 •*9 50 45 president* monogram I p IV2-4444 I VEGA GT 1972. 4-speed, radio, 29,000 miles, $1200. Call pm Monday through Friday. travel. Call 372-0567 or Michigan Area. 2 furnished NEAR MSU attractive, large, 2 - % % 46. Eternity 1 - I Phone Sally, 332-1391, 489-1216 between 12-6 pm. 51 si" & afficiencias. Utilities paid. 694-9467. 5-11-21 10-11am. C-2-11-21 0-11-27 393-7839, 485-1302. 3-11-21 bedroom, carpeted, utilities paid. 339-s114. 5-11-22 % 47. Kind. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 20, 197413 Itoses toons bedroom duplex cIom to R00M |N ||btf|| JerSnTlf^] | fits* 115) [MiMjO | litreitie. |[jg h(ju|# WEDDING RING set -% caret USU Prefer merrted couple. Frandor $65 includinn utniti peer SKI EQUIPMENT H##d fWl FIND SOMETHING SKI UTAH - $285. Other Western shaped diamond, white gold. • $29. and $39 pair. Spalding skis IF YOU'VE found a pet or areas available. Call TRAVEL I 355-2950. 3-11-20 $350.6776841.5-11-20 with Marker bindings, $39. article of value, we want .to help BY HARRINGOTN - your East FURNISHED ROOM fcyrrT, 2 bedroom luxury privileges, parking, 2 blocks - kltch^ 20 • 56 Gallon drums. $2 each Large assortment of boots and you return it. Just come into the Lansing Ski Canter, 361-8800. bindings from $2. Couches, State News Classified C-6-11-22 1 duple* 1° minutaa from East Must sell. 365-1826. Ask for tables, chairs, lamp* - all at Department I Laming. ga"9«. Fred. 6-11-20 reasonable prices. Complete to place and tell ad us you went in EAST FOUR SEASONS CLUB beats the I basement to private park. $260. stereos under $100. 120w LANSING an STATE BANK'S cost of skiingl Discounts on lift Announcements for It's What'i Human Rights party people are I 669-3386. 5-11-26 huge, Happening must be received in the meeting to explore postelection furnished basement Sylvenia stereo receiver. 120 W Found Column. As a public tickets, Michigan weekend State News room with office, 341 Student directions at 8 p.m. Thursday in 37 fireplace. Private Dynaco power amplifiers, 90W service EAST LANSING STATE packages. Western and European Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Union. All interested persons are ■AST LANSING, home. Private entrance. Walking Owe •( fte area s finest sources Harmon/Kardon, 80W. BANK will run the ad at no cost trip*. 10% discount on all two class days before publication. invited to participate. I bedrooms i houM. $85/month distance to campui. $126 it Material an No announcement will plus Kenwood, 4 channel Sansui to you I Weathervane items excluding be accepted I oiu, utilitiM. Leaie. Available utilities. 337-0091, after 6 pm. ON ASTDOIOCY reciever, Marantz 2010 receiver. sale items. Membership rates $15 by phone. Explore EAST LANSING career opportunities in kctmbtr 15. NegotleWe. 3-11-22 Fisher 170 Receiver, Zero 100 single, $20 couple, $25 family. Metallurgy and Materials STATE BANK | 332-8348. 4 11 22 room, girls split Garrard and Miracord turntables. C-11-27 ted Oke An organizational meeting and Engineering at third floor 7:30 tonight on the of the Large assortment of speakers, Weathervane, 349-1020. 6-11-26 rap session for students Interested Engineering available winter term. Available now. Call in working with the Buildirg There will be Margie, tapes and albums, $1.50 and $1. LOST: MALE German short Grapevine 1 E X c« I > • n * location. $76 361-1820 dinnertime, x-2-11-21 hair, 4 Journal will be held at 7:30 demonstrations of casting, lasers, Assortment of 36mm camera tonight I including utilltlei. Jerry, electron microscopy, mechanical | 351-7972. 3-11-22 ALL FACILITIES. house. New. $75. Eeit side. Private. In equipment Manual and electric typewriters, 7' tobaggon with months, answers to Reward. Call 487-1577. 3-11-21 "Max". Service ]£§ in the office of 2S Student Services Project Grapevine, Bldg. testing and holography. All are welcome. pad, $15. Leather coats from FOUND: MALE orange tiger cat, g ROOM for malt In lerge 393-0603. 5-11-26 UAB TRAVEL Service now $15. Come on down to DICKER The Student Tile African Stdies Center is r"|'ibirl| houM. $65. 361-6603. ml f. SI & DEAL SECONDHAND near women's IM. Call providing passport applications, Appropriations Board is Media sponsoring a concert of African 3326315. C-3-11-21 photos, student ID's. accepting I 5-11-26 MEN: FARMHOUSE fraternity, OOWNSTAHS STORE, 1701 South Cedar. fund requests for student Music By Cameroonian composer rooms for rent, two terms . I AST LANSING Information call 353-9777 or publications and other student and guitarist, Francis Bebey at 8 only, 487-3886. Monday and Friday FOUND: YOUNG black leb 2nd floor Union office. 10-11-20 tonight in the Kresge Art Gallery. ■RANOOR - 3 bedrooms, partially no singles. Good food. Fantastic til 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, media projects. Registered student 1 furnished. fireplece, garage, RUMMAGE SALE: Friday, Thursday, McDonnel. organizations interested should turn housemother, friendly people. Thursday and Saturday 9-6. SPECIALISTS Jewish Feminist I itudtnti welcome. 339-9114. S410/term. $60 deposit. Phone November 22,6-9 pm. Saturday, C-6-11-22 Identifiable marks, collar. in cleaning and in applications by 4 p.m. Monday meets from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Rap Group November 23, 9-12 am. I.O.O.F. 353-1348 after 3 pm. C-3-11-21 restoring leathers and suedes. I 5-11-26 332-8635. B-1-11-20 Hall, 1100 North Washington OKEMOS CLEANERS. at 334 Student Services Bldg. Applications should include a Thursday at Shalom Center at every detailed S07W E. Grand River Ave. MARRIED Couple. Our Avenue. Sponsored by Bretton FOUND: MSU ring. Bessey parking 349-0910. 0-1-11-20 description of the BOARDERS NEEDED winter - proposed publication or ■ media I attractive fiv» room furniihed Woods Lions Club. 3-11-21 ramp. Call Humanities The Russian and East European spring. Sorority, good food, project, its function and interest in depar tmert. 355-9570. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, the student community and an Studies Program and the Dept. of friendly etmosphere. 332-6426. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 C-3-11 -21 oiled and adjusted. Portables | May $165 monthly plus imall B-1-11-20 - $7.00. estimate of the costs involved. History presents a lecture by Like new, pick your own. Call $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric Professor John Gaddis entitled 1 1 responsibility. UtilitiM Included. PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, FOUND: SET of 3 keys by Sparty. $12.50. One day service, free "Lessons of the Cold War" at 3 |o pets. References. 332-1746. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE souttT p.m. Thursday in B102 Wells Hall. 882-2655. Delivery Extra. Contact Dale, 356-2578. pick up and delivery. 25 years 13-11-22 near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for "From Witch to Bitch in Major This is the third of the series on 0-6-11-22 C-3-11-21 experience. 393-9774. American Novels" - Come and student, Soviet JkEMOS near but line. American relations. All - 0-18-11-27 TACOMA Boulevard. $66/month plus deposit hear Jacqueline Orsage discuss her faculty and students are invited. Itri level house with option • to 627-6454. 7-11-20 FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. LOST: SMALL brown notebook, new American Studies class at the EDITING PROOFREADING. brown bag lunch for women Skiers! Three bedroom, living, Workbenches, steel barrels and upstairs Gym, Women's IM, - Moosuski meeting at I November 11. $5 reward. Dissertations, theses, research students 25+ at noon today in 6 7:30 tonight in Coral Gables. family room. Built - in kitchen, many other Items. 882-2555. 1 114 baths, large fenced lot. $375 CARPETED, PANELED room, 5-11-221 "MICH" written on Cover. projects, manuscripts. Anne Student Services Bldg. Special ski movies. close Duplex, $105 plus utilities, I per month. /Vailable now. AQUARIUMS 29 gallon with full - 332-4353.2-11-20 Cauley. 337-1591. 3-11-20 There will be a Mortar Board David. 337-0294. 10-12-4 I 349-4420. 5-11-20 BRING YOUR Optical prescription glass lid only $19.96, 55 gallon meeting at 9 tonight in the Phillips to OPTICAL with stand and full flourescent LOST: GREEN checkbook, PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, Hall seminar SPACE AVAILABLE DISCOUNT, 2615 room. All members ■OUPLE TO share large house with Winter/ipring. in Owen. Reward. East Michigan, Lansing. hood, only $99.95, 10 gallon 11-12-74, Lizards - Case Hall finest quality, reasonably priced. Transportation & please attend. ■couple $85 month. Call C-5-11-22 with filter set up and gravel vicinity. Reward. 351-0586. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. There will be a potluck 363-7062.3-11-20 only I 4S4-7319 after 5. 4-11-22 $10. These aquariums make Student No. 631536. 2-11-20 482-5712. C-11-27 . dinner sponsored by the Parents RIDERS WANTED, Cincineti over Without Partners group at 7 p.m. CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. excellent terrariums also. See LOST: MALE Irish Setter, 5 FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Thanksgiving break. Share Thursday in the First Presbyterian PKEMOS AREA, 4 bedroom older For Sale Unique gifts, several colors. them at the FISH MONGER, months. Answers to "Keegan" expenses. 3536941. 3-11-20 Church at the corner of Ottawa !. Ideal for students. $200 Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-126 1522 East Michigan. We're open equipment see the STEREO Call 484-8086. $50 reward. Drive and Chesnut Street. I per month plus utilities. No Monday thru Friday, noon to 9 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. 5-11-21 C-11-27 NEED RIDE Call 332-4128, EAST HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand HANOVER SKIS, Barrecrafter pm, and Saturday and Sunday to Southwest Virginia. MSU wine tasters will be I LANSING REALTY Store. 2323 West Holme* Road. poles, Reiker Boots, size 7-7%. noon to 6 pm. Your Bank LOST. VIVITAR 180 Electronic Leaving November 26. Share drinking and tasting wines from I COMPANY. 5-J1-22 882-3022. 30-12-3 Excellent condition, used one Americard and Master Charge flash unit. Rewardl Call John, expeniei. 353-1534. 3-11-20 around the world and across the season. $35. 361-8919. 5-11-22 are welcome. 3-11-20 351-8454.5-11-20 Instruction M street at 9:15 p.m. Thursday at 348 !Y DUPLEX needs girl t Oakhill Ave. Patrick McMullen will APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM WOULD WELCOME rider to Los I spring. $75, includes i TRUCKLOAD SNOWBLOWER speak on "Port and Brook Trout." ORCHARDS, 7 miles south of DYNACO 120 RMS basic Angeles later this week. I 351-0304. 3-11-22 Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. amp, Sale, just a few left. Single and BOARD EXAM TUTORING 394-2167. 4-11-22 Sony full logic SO. Negotiable, STANLEY H. KAPLAN Women interested in forming rap Closed Mondays. Gift packages multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. Chris, 353-1332. 3-11-21 TUTORING COURSES groups call or stop by the Women's |MALL TWO bedroom house. Six •hipped $169.95. 339-9622.6-11-22 FOUND: WOMAN'S watch. Beech NEEDED: RIDE Resource Center, 157 Student u from MSU. $180/month. by United Parcel. Now, being formed for the to Harrison 1-689-8261. 0-11-27 AIR CONDITIONER, G.E. Used Street, between M.A.C. and Thursday Services Bldg. I Call 351-7037. 3-11-22 upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, or Friday. Call since July 29. $80. 489-0409. Charles, Tuesday. Paul 351-1122. Ask for Pam. 1-11-20 3. C-3-11-20 ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For South Collegiate Fellowship will VALLY COMMERCIAL pool 3-11-20 ioOMMATES WANTED. table, n f o r i a t i c hold its meeting at 9 tonight in 34 near new. Cost $975, sell for 1-313-354-0085. 0-1-11-20 RIDE NEEDED to Maryland, Union. Pastor Hoyt will sum up this ] Mile/female. Quiet studious, KENWOOD 6004 amplifier. FABRIC, SEW those Christmas LOST: BLUE denim beg. $650. Also tables, chairs, $2-$10 Washington D.C. area, November term's studies. , law, poli-sci oriented Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand gifts. Wide assortment. After 6 Important notes. If found, each. 349-3841. 3-11-22 27th. Share expenses, driving. Large 5 bedroom pm, 351-8781. 3-11-22 please call 589-4764. 5-11-20 GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and drum new Shure cartridge. Excellent Married Housing residents: Help I firmhouee. Also, part time lessons. Private instruction 353-43Q8. 2-11-21 BEAUTIFUL CROCHETED afgans. condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. City of East Lansing decide how to I office work for 1 person. Phone BANJO 4 string harmony. Never available. MARSHALL MUSIC, Make lovely Christmas gifts. 6-11-22 FOUND: FEMALE Shepard pup. COSTA RICA • driving January 24. spend $1 million for community I 694 3623. x-5-11-25 been used. New. $90 or best 351-7830. C-1-11-20 facilities and services Phone 372-4079. 3-11-22 Will give away if not claimed. Need riders. Share costs. (including offer. CAII Kitty 394-2019, after Call 485-8356. C-3-11-22 married housing areas). Public DRUM SET, 5 drums, 5 symbols VOCATIONAL COUNSELLOR - 372-0127.5-11-26 P09ILE HOME Manor. 2 bedroom 4 pm. 5-11-26 meeting at Red Cedar School at B-FLAT BUFFET - CRAMPON including high hat, Zildjian and Career opportunity center, farm 7:30 tonight. Make your views ed. $180. Close. Douglas, FOUND: PAIR of wire rims clarinet - new pads, solid nickel Ludwig 602, like new, near GOING SOUTH over Christmas | 682 0484. 3-11-21 SKIS, HART Cutlass, 190 cm with Akeri. Call 3 53-1280 workers, migrant program, to break? Need keys. Excellent condition, $75. 349-1304,349-1049. 5-11-22 Marker bindings. New Head HRP permanent full time. Spanish passenger, share Call 337-9886. 3-11-22 identify. C-3-11-22 expenses. Leaving Decmeber Learn to dance the pavane, iRGE 5 bedroom house, near 178 cm. 3556998. 3-11-22 speaking by bi-cultural. Contact LUDWIG DRUM set - very good 2nd. enroute 1-75, Atlanta gallian and allemans. The Mr. Ferguion, 489-3715. | LCC. Furnished. Call 361-4140 SEARS MANUAL typewriter. 12" condition, $300, best offer. LOST: MALE kitten, orange • 7-11-29 Georgia. For interview, Call Renaissance Dance Class of the or 655-2603. 10-12-2 337-0120. 5-11-20 BOSE 901 's with warranty. 2 Society for Creative Anachronism carriage. Price variable. Call cream colored, chipmunk Bonny, 332-1281. 3-11-22 will meet from 7 to 10 Thursday in 339-9909. 5-11-26 complete aquariums. Best offer. striped. Missed. 332-5931. ) VIRGINIA, for 4 or 6, Tii-furnished, lease required, GUITAR GIBSON, acoustic. Cash for 351-5196. 3-11-21 3-11-22 Typing Service §gj CAN'T RENT-A-BEETLE! FIND a Ask ride? about the Williams Hall cafeteria. Applications are now being I Phone Craig, 339-9380. 5-11-21 45" and 48" desks. Remington Excellent condition. Model B-25 STAMPS & COINS LOST: GOLD rimmed round TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast our weekend special. 2501 E. accepted for station manager of deluxe. $330 new, with case adding machine, electric glasses in black case. Needed I WMSN. Applications may be picked Michigan, Lansing. 487-2260. fAVERLY i AND Saginaw house. Suitable area. 4 for esking $250 or best offer. Buy-Sell - Trade full line of supplies Frigidaira stove, couch and an infant's dresser. 351-4680, 10-7 337-9743. 1-11-20 and C-11-27 reasonable. 371-4635. 2-11-21 up from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in 8 Student Services Bldg. 393-8335. 3-11-22 MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN | several men or women. pm. 4-11-22 LOST: GREY male cat, vicinity MATURE EXPERIENCED typist, Students | 393-7839,485-1302. 3-11-21 10 SPEED RALEIGH. 3 speed 1880 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 Durand and Short Streets. term Wanted Jewish Studies Program interested in MSU invited SEWING MACHINE Clearance 351-2408.3-11-22 papers, these!, are Schwinn bikes. Call 372-8640. dissertations, publications, to a meeting with faculty At 4 p.m. 10 BEDROOM house, 5 minutes SKI BOOTS, mens 8V4. Cheap or Sate! Brand new portables Both in excellent condition. Thursday in A119 Berkey hall. $200/momh. trade, ladies 6V4. 355-9484. $49.95. $5 per month. Large FOUND: YOUNG cat Saturday proofreading, etc. Done in my ROOM IN private residence near Your Chance to speak! 1-11-20 selection of reconditioned used home. Call 655-3143. 5-11-22 campus for male grad. Reply | 1 524-6615. 5-11-26 3-11-21 machines. night, Grog shop. Grey • brown - Box C-3, State News. 3-11-20 Singers, Whites, green eyes. 355-7733, 349-2146. Pan Orthodox Student Assn. FREE PHOTOGRAPHY catalogue - TYPING - 2 blocks campus. (0 GIRLS seeking own rooms in LANGE • FLO ski boots, size ladies Necchis, New Homes and many invites you to attend a lecture economy photo systems and others. $19.95 to $39.95. Electric. Fast. Term papers, "Traditions in Icons" at 7:30 st be walking distance six. Two years old, excellent STAMP equipment in all price ranges. No Terms. EDWARDS theses. 485-5575. 4-11-22 COLLECTIONS, tonight at St. Andrew's Orthodox I to MSU. 332-5720. 3-11-21 condition. $50. 355-9361. FOUND: GIRL'S class ring "74" accumulations, old letters, bull - just the best cameras and DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, etc. Churcft, 1216 Greencrest Ave. 7-11-27 outside Bessey. 11-18. Call Call or write to accessories for your EXPERIENCED, TYPING term arrange for IANSING money. 1115 North Washington. appraisal - convenient to campui. CAL WEST 355-0447, between 4-5 pm. and cash offer. Jim The MSU Promenaders will meet PHOTOGRAPHY SANSUI 4896448. C-3-11-21 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, I 3 bedroom duplex. Family 3300 AM-FM Stereo C-3-11-22 Hartwright, Box 2284, Lansing. at 7 tonight in 34 Women's I room. WAREHOUSE, 1327 Archer, receiver. Sansui QS-500 rear accurate service. 394-2512. 48911.351-8189. 5-11-22 Intramural Bldg. AI members please Fireplace. Double garage. San Luis Obispo, California. C-11-27 I Bmment. channel amp. Sony TC8W PANASONIC STEREO with come dressed properly. $290. 489-0633. 93401.3-11-22 ■ 5-11.25 8-track tape recorder. Duel 1215 AM/FM, Sony cassette recorder COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, -S changer. Mid-Michigan's finest with AM/FM and built in mike. PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, baseball Does the Bible seem like a huge cards wanted. WATERS ED KING, mattress, Realistic cassette car stereo and inexpensive typing. Very book, impossible to digest from PHD ONE person immediately. selection of used stereo LOST: WATCH • silver. Between near CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, frame, headboard, liner, faucet Genesis through Revelations? It can I $80*month equipment. Car tape systems speakers. All excellent condition Beaumont Tower and Grand campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 307 East Grand plus utilitiM. $120 River. be very easy to understand and to I deposit. adaptor, 351-2055 between 6-7 new and used, $10 - up. New and cheapl Call 351-9739 River. Reward. 3556800. 332-0112, <11:30 6 Close. 361-6979. - pm.) recognize unifying themes I pm. 2-11-21 Robyn CB sets and walkie • between 5:30 6:30 pm. Monday 3-11-22 IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, 12-11-27 511.21 throughout. Learn how absolutely talkies. 50 used winter coats, - Friday. 3-11-20 general typing. Formerly with free with the YAHSHVANS at 8:30 SKIS. ROSSIGNOL Strato 207's leethers and Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. MARRIED GRADUATE couple to p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Sunday JWGE 3 and 4 bedroom I Students welcome. $190 homes. with marker bindings. Must sell. SECONDHAND STORE, toocoats. WILCOX FOUND: MALE husky near Frandor. Lost for some time. C-11-27 stay in professors home in 34 Union. and up. ■ EQUITY VEST INC. 361-8160 355-9080.3-11-22 485-4391. Hours: 9-5:30, daily December 23rd through 349-4205 evenings. C-3-11-20 Amateur Radio Club will hold except Sunday. C-8-11-29 TYPING TERM papers and theses. February. Near campus, very |°' 645-7338. No fee. 0-10-11-27 CLOSEOUT BRICK 5c each, patio FISHER RECEIVER, 36 RMS, Experienced, fast service, IBM. quiet area, rent free to its regular weekly meeting at 8 p.m. *1 ROOM ■ wsher/dryer. No - beautiful lease, house, $76. slab MARTIN 17c, 6" cinder, 15c. BLOCK NIKON accessories. Ftn 35mm, 50mm Best offer. F2, Tom, excellent, Mcintosh, lotsa $125. guts, bought 355-2866. Personal ][/] Call 349-1904. 16-11-22 responsible couple. References please. 332-0485. 2-11-20 A Thursday in 339 Engineering Bldg. demonstration of antigravity technology will be featured. CORPORATION, 489-7551. 3-11-21 3.3-11-20 332-4686. 5-11-26 IF YOU'RE one of the belt, tell the 3-11-22 THE ALOHA BEATLE CARDS, magazines items public about your service or SKIS. ROSSIGNOL ST660V wanted. CURIOUS USED TURNTABLE BSR McDonald 510 business with an ad on the Rooms HOME GRAIN grinders and bread with Shure M93 cartridge, $40. Dynamic VR17's, Dynamic 70's. 'DUFFY' Yellow Page each Thursday, Call BOOK SHOP. 307 East Grand equipment, technique, mixers, electrical, world's best; Excellent condition. 355-2515. River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) hypothermia, first aid and group 351-3235. 3-11-22 Michelle, 355-8255. for great whole wheat bread, 5-11-20 8-11-27 leadership. Capitol Area American BOP NEEDS 355-8132. 5-11-26 J- Personally Autographed Youth Hotels Club Friday evening one woman THESES TYPIST, both pica and thru- Sunday 2 BEDROOM at Foote Hostel, ■mmediately to share suite. Call BARRECRAFTER SKI rack, new. elite, call Nita, 489-3569. HOUSE, East Milford Michigan, 1845 Dawson 351 -1911 13814490. 3-11-21 HART KNIGHT skiis, 180cm, $32.50. Head standard skis 205 3-11-21 Lansing, $180. Available Road. intermediate, used 3 times, MIRACORD 50HII with Shure cm with bindings, $45. Ventura - January. 332-5720. 3-11-21 3 Dura vinyl luggage, 24" - 27" DAILY FILM pick-up. GULLIVER ROOMS, close, evailable 699-3411 days. 2-11-21 M91ED cartridge, 3 months old. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. The Residence Hall Assn. will suitcase, used once, $165 new, STATE DRUG, 1105 East COUPLE NEED meet at 6:30 tonight in Wilson Hall. "mediately, no utilities, $80 332-4338. 3-11-22 Dissertations (pica - elite). flat, winter - HANGING FISH bowl, GE styler $95 or best offer. Call 487-0391 Grand River. 332-5171. Anyone interested is welcome to 351-1744. 5-11-26 FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 spring. Maximum rent $130, dryer, tachometer, Bell and after 6 pm. 5-11-20 0-1-11-20 near campus. Call collect Howell 35 mm projector, radiant TWO FAMILY garage sale. I1 COOP, own room, dote to 40x40 screen. Call 339-8197. Wednesday and Thursday. 3640 COMPLETE THESES, Service mornings and weekends, TURKEY Gay Liberation's got $62. 351-7687. 3-11-21 1-313-332-3825. 5-11-26 STUDENT LOANS - '«■ Diicount Printing. IBM typing 3-11-21 East ArbutMS, Okemos. 3-11-21 L Aaiiaais J[>(| Undergraduate students may and binding of diiiertationi and DAY CARE. Seeking 1 or 2 it. Call the CaU the GLM office afternoons to coordinate food obtain 3 week loans up to $26 publication. Acroi! from bringing and for directions to How to form your own car pool IRISH SETTERS, AKC.good lines, 3 females. $100. 372-1579. from the ASMSU Business campui, Grand corner River. M.A.C. and playmates for my children. Infants through kinderqarden. Thanksgiving Day potluck. The Below Jones operator has our number. 3-11-20 Office, Room 307 Student Specialized care. Weekdays. Ai Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday • a public service at no charge, the State News will provide Services, from 8 -4:30, Monday 349-3348. 5-11-26 Friday. Friday. Call COPYGRAPH a free classified advertisement for those people who would like - Student Boycott Committee will SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 have its weekly meeting as to set up or WANTED URGENTLY:? usual, at join a car pool. FREE ... A letson in complexion 7:30 tonight at St. John's Student THESES, RESUMES, typing and bedroom place for 4 over winter GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, care. Cell 484-4519 East Center, 327 MAC. Leafletting at Driving? _ or Riding? AKC champion bloodline, great Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing printing. Reasonable prices. break. Call 355-1661. 3-11-22 Meijers and the question of grapes, COMMERCIAL PRINTING. lettuce and Gallo Wine on campus From family Christmas gift, 339-9907. Mall. MERLE NORMAN 351-4116. C-11-27 ARTS CRAFTS. Are you skilled in will be discussed and plans made to 3-11-22 COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-21 keep the campus campaign moving. arts, crafts, guitar, theater, etc? Leaving _?-m- Returning - __ You are needed for new culturel p.m. p.m. IRISH SETTER puppies. AKC, ANN BROWN typing and multllit* rehabilitation center. Volunteers Driving somewhere for Time?- champion 349-9356 bloodlines. Call after MsPrsNH offset printing. Complete service for wanted to teach their skills a few Thanksgiving or Christmas breaks? 6:30 pm. diiiertetioni. theses, hours par week. Looking for riders? Let Hubbard The H1-22 Vicki, State News will not accept responsibility for FLYING ACORN • Have a happy manuscripts, IBM. general typing. 353-2164 5-11-26 Information Center help you find 25 years experience. . them. Give us a call today and we arrangements or conduct of participants. FREE KITTEN. Tigr • striped, box nineteenth birthday. Love Dr. 349-0860. C-11-27 will try to find riders for you. Call The information requested below must trained, shots, affectionate. Call be supplied in order after 6. 337-1100.4-11-22 Hep. 1-11-20 Car Pool between 10 a.m. and 10 Monday through Friday p.m. for ad to appear. MOVE AROUND a lot? The 9 third or stop in floor, main library. FullName — [ InI Estate J«j "Service" columns of the Want Ads help you get things done. Rilling Check there now. Project Zorba is still alive and Address 1970 LONDON. 12x60, 2 COUNTRY LIVING. 5 minutes would like your help. We need from MSU. Remodeled farm skills of every kind. Contact Free bedroom, new shag carpet, THERE'S A roomer In town City Phonr _ excellent condition. $3495. house with optional rental unit looking for your rente!. FROM: Maryland Street to MSU. U - first floor Union. on two acrees. 351-0237 or Leaving 76 em, returning 56 484-2936.3-11-21 Advertise vacancies with Want pm. 485-6034, after 5. 3-11-21 •This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool 363-4772.6-11-26 Adr Dial 3666265. Free U is offering a course in Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls FOR RENT, two bedroom, good condition, pertielly furniihed, 1 FOR A better environment, check FROM Lansing to Southfleld. massage Agriculture Hall. at 7:30 tonight in 301 Whether you've found something or accepted. mile from MSU. $160. the new apertments for rent in Leaving 6:30 am, returning 5:30 not, It'i fun to reed the "LOST pm. 485-6840, after 4 pm. NO CHARGE 349-4206, evenlngi. 5-11-22 ft FOUND." Turn there now. 3-11-21 (Mora IWH Page 14) 14 Michigan State New*, Hast Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, November 2( X\I9)4 MUST CONTEND WITH Black women need relevant liberation By MICHELE BURGEN of Chicago and a contributing people Monday night in a talk the situation we found State News Staff Writer editor of Ms. magazine, said organization holds child care will break up the hospitals use their discretion in sponsored by the Women's ourselves in during the civil consciousness - another for male that there are gaps in the black Studies Colloquium Series, a raising sessions nuclear family. But during the deciding who is eligible for the lo value approv. Because black women have and white women's movement rights movement. But black in order to help women war (World War II) they had procedure and who is not. themselves had to contend with the that made the step toward group of faculty and students women are also victims of develop a greater sense of self • centers for children so that women. m°"« interested in teaching and sexism. That is the worth. Women have a double • edged sword of racism black women's liberation logic that mothers could work while their right to "One of the and sexism, there is a real need learning about women in connects blacks and husbands were out there killing become angry and to mobilize worst hoJ essential. Black women have Sloan lashed out at the they (men society. feminism," she said. to demand changes in the and to make us society) for black and other minority had to deal with racism as well people and they didn't say «. failure of the government to " females to adopt a liberation as sexism, myths of the ''We need active While almost all women provide child - care centers as a anything about it breaking up economic and status structure, own worst think we ? movement geared to needs, the former chairperson their matriarchal culture conduct their crusade from a and involvement in order to survive," she said. "We (black suffer from a poor self - black women have had to face image means to hinder the women's movement. the family then," she said. Sloan said. "We are not saying that ^ ..m of the National Black Feminist She charged that by making women should embrace the largely poor rather than middle women) had pressures to stigmas that slavery put on "Child care is everyone's Organization said. male culture and all of its class sector of the economy. identify stay home to raise ourselves as black utrats women them, she said. For that reason, right, rich or poor," she said. Margaret R. Sloan, a native Sloan spoke to about 100 people in the '60s because of each chapter of the feminist children, the government violence. But there is no reason "They use the excuse that effectively keeps women out of why we should fear for our movement. She was «Z , lives every time we step out of political activity. the south, the house and there is no worked with m,*j L« "A Pleasant Cafe" Block ONE M.A.C. ^ /Tv Economics." All welcome. The Physics - Astronomy The Women's Self Help Group is Colloquium presents Dr. Thomas meeting at 8:30 every Wednesday Students interested in on> to Donohue, U. of M. speaking on night in the Women's Center in the one volunteer work with childr n at Wednesday "Planetary Atmospheres: Origin. Union. Come and help take our the VFW National Home are in ited Lunch Special to an informational meeting at 4 Evolution, Perturbation" at 4:10 bodies back! Learn about what is p.m. Thursday in 120 Physics • good health care and what you can p.m. Thursday in 6 Stident 'The Beer Lover Special" Astronomy Bldg. Services Bldg. Mug of Beer Nominations for MSU Soaring Roma Breed Transcendental Meditation: Last Club officers will be held at 7:30 introductory lectures of the term Your Choice of Cheese The University Duplicate Brdge will be presented by the Students tonight in 203 Men's intramural Club will be holding regular games Bldg. All interested in soaring are 99c International Meditation Society of Mall & Ph. orders taken thru Dec. 1 mailed free at 7:30 p.m. every welcome. Wednesday on MSU at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. today anywhere In Continental U.S. also available for the second floor of the Union. from 2-5 Wednesday in 316 Berkey Hall. direct pick - up from 122 Anthony Hall, MSU (More IWH Page 13) or ph. 355-4466. SENIORS UNPIIM1ASS STUDENTS EVERY SENIOR AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY IS ELIGIBLE FOR A NATURAL COLOR PORTRAIT TAKEN FREE AND WITHOUT OBLIGATION BY A PROMINENT HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR NEW YORK PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO WHOSE REPRESENTATIVE IS ON CAMPUS THIS QUARTER ONLY. COPY OF THE 1975 M.S.U. YEARBOOK ? ? ? EVERY SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHED WILL HAVE THE POSE OF HIS OR HER CHOICE PLACED FREE IN THE 1975 ★ ★ ★ EDITION OF THE M.S.U. YEARBOOK - THE WOLVERINE. EVERY STUDENT BUYS A YEARBOOK AT LEAST ONCE ★ ★ ★ DURING HIS YEARS AT MICHIGAN STATE. WE AT THE EVERY SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHED WILL ALSO HAVE THE YEARBOOK THINK THIS YEAR'S BOOK IS THE ONE TO OPPORTUNITY, AT NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER, TO BUY. IT PROMISES TO BE VISUALLY EXCITING, DIFFERENT PURCHASE NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF HIS OR FROM PAST "TRADITIONAL" BOOKS, AND A TRUE HER FAVORITE POSE. DOCUMENTARY OF M.S.U. IN THE SEVENTIES. IN ADDITION, BY CALLING 353 ■ 5292 ANY STUDENT CAN HAVE A PROFESSIONALLY PHOTOGRAPHED PROTRAIT TAKEN AND PLACED IN THE YEARBOOK. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE OR OBLIGATION FOR THIS SERVICE. CALL 353 - 5292 NOW USE THIS FORM TO ORDER YOUR BOOK. FOR AN APPONTMENT Bring or mail this form along with $10 to M.S. U. Wolverine BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! yearbook, Room 30, Student Services Bldg. Name Student No Address you wish receipt to be sent: Pictures taken in Room 36A of the Union. Books may be picked up spring quarter in Room are 30, Student Services Bldg. watch State News for exact date. OFFER VOID AFTER JAN. 31.1975