reation of student By JOHN TINGWALL Special Committee on Deferred Tuition. State Newi Staff Writer Testimony at the •extension of repayment periods, now addressed to problems caused hearing was .set at 10 years, to 20 or 25 delinquency rate is encouraged," schedules met with opposition from some I somebody out there cares about your by student years. Harkenrider said. "Primarily, default is Waldren said. loans. Three remedies to those problems Testimony almost unanimously not the fault of an individuals thou^i. ludent loan besides the bank's collection were suggested in the interim supported the establishment of a state irresponsible student." The sole representative of commercial But concerns that longer repayment report of lending agency. It was agreed students are Support for the package of proposals, periods could make students the committee released commonly called the income contingency lending institutions at the hearing, East J Financial aid directors from colleges morning. The three major proposals Wednesday finding it increasingly difficult to obtain Lansing State Bank Vice President "indentured" for life were also expressed. Iroughout the state told a special the report are: in state-guaranteed loans from banks, credit plan, was also voiced by Lansing Donald Waldren, said extension of An assistant director from the MSU Icislative committee Wednesday that the *The unions and Community College Financial Aids repayment schedules could cause higher establishment of savings and loan institutions Director Neil Shriner. Office of Financial Aids, Tom Scarlett, Ifficulty in obtaining and repaying agency to provide state loans to a state lending students because of soaring interest rates and an "Access to bank loans is default rate. said he feared the entire burden of ■ud|)|,t loans should be alleviated turned down by increasing student default rate. tight in the "In our own experiences with student financing higher education could be Trough legislative action. commercial lending Edward Harkenrider, the Lansing area," Shriner said. "Banks just institutions. » director of aren't making guaranteed loans, we've found that the only shifted to the student. The financial aid directors - including ^Development of income financial aid at Western Michigan the loans, which are obligation a person will most definitely "I've MSI employes and students contingency only financial aid programs available seen students pass through my K - were repayment plans, so that students University, expressed his support of all to pay is a mortgage — out of fear of having office ,g 16 individuals who testified at a may three proposals. many students above the low-income his home or possessions leaving school with debts of repay loans on their ability to finance level." repossessed," $20,000 after a graduate program, Lblie hearing sponsored by the House pay, rather than equal annual "Default is a great concern to Waldren said. lump sums, and us, so Income contingency repayment plans combining state and federal loans," anything we can do to counteract the and the proposed extension of "Banks are tied in to interest rates on Scarlett said. "We've got to be careful repayment student loans less than the going rate," because loans aren't always the answer." VOLUME 168 NUMBER 239 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 >SMSU votes to back »oycott of SIRS forms By BRUCE RAY WALKER off student government like State News Staff Writer the Academic Senate they did at "I consider the chance of SIRS passing J Like a snowball gathering force as it when they meeting last week the Senate now as pretty remote and the |olls down a hill, support for a voted proposal," Raymond said. down the SIRS issue of student access is pretty much smpuswide boycott of the green and The decision to dead," Raymond said. Chile Student Instructional Rating System forms first came about after last boycott the SIRS ■IRS) forms is growing daily. week's After Senate decision to send the SIRS a long discussion, though, it was | At a meeting of the ASMSU board proposal decided that the SIRS back to the Academic Council for proposal would not Monday night, support of the boycott was further be dropped, but rather a discussion. This effectively killed the policy of sitting |olfd and J90 was provided to advertise chance for student access to SIRS forms back and waiting to see what happens \ boycott. in would be adopted. the near future, Raymond and other I The College of Social Science student Raymond said. If the council members estimated that SIRS proposal had passed the the SIRS committee, headed by Brian Senate, then proposal will now go to the Educational students would have been allowed Ijymcmd, the leader of the boycott, access to the instructional limited Policies Committee and not Kited their full support of the boycott and get to the rating forms to council floor till until laid for posters advertising it. These enable students to make better class possibly March. sters starting selections. While showing up in classrooms Members at the meeting of the student waiting for the SIRS proposal to bd hallways across campus Wednesday. get back to the Senate, Posters urging students to boycott the Student SN photo/R. D. Campbell I Then Tuesday night a group of student representatives were divided throughout possibly this Instructional Rating System forms went up in classrooms and on whether to spring, the members are investigating an halls Wednesday after the Academic Senate psentatives of the Academic Council boycott or not. alternative in voted Tuesday evening to back the providing students was found in boycott. This chalkboard sign )t the momentum going. After a long information to aid them in selecting Berkey Hall. liscussion Raymond told the group that the classes. the proboycotters got a boycott would enable them to show their pjoritv of the 10 members present to disgust over the action of the Senate in Raymond and the College of Social ■ve their support to a m Ihite SIRS forms." I Five of the present members voted for "complete, one - boycott of the University green and voting down the proposal University support for an access to and give the idea of the extent of student instructional ratings. Possibly we're way off base with this Science student advisory committee have put together a first draft of a by some other universities to provide students with information on system used Crash of German 747 ■boycott, while four signified disapproval. and the degree of student instructors support for the and classes. This system is Tnother four persons not called Course attending boycott will show us just how much the takes 59 lives in Kenya Guide and provides ■pressed their support of the boycott general information students are behind us," about the class, its ■or to the Raymond said. readings and the meeting. Some members present professor. Each instructor is given a I In a resolution adopted by the council expressed rating, skepticism on the effects the boycott as are the lectures, readings and workload. ■presentatives at the meeting, Jhe method would have on the situation. One member In time, the Course Guide could become [boycotting was set out by saying "we thought that a boycott would harm no self NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The fiery ft each student presented ■ supporting from advertising and crash of a German "Looking at the scene, one would not jumbo jet take off and the airfield also with a SIRS one but the students, as it robbed them of sales. jumbo jet took 59 lives expect too rm to refuse to fill it here Wednesday, but the other 98 many survivors," an East conforms completely to international out." their only persons African civil aviation official said. "I think iRaymond input into the system. aboard lived. Survivors and standards." suggested that students Raymond answered that he thought the Raymond's Course Guide is still being officials the crew reacted very fast at the first Tther refuse to fill out the SIRS forms at worked praised the jet's crew for fast action. The sign A Lufthansa official said 98 of the 139 possible gains of a boycott would on. He said he is not yet of trouble and that accounts for the r md of the term or not turn them in at ready to disaster was the first fatal crash of a very passengers and an undetermined number outweigh any negative effects. formally present it. It will probably be large number of survivors." of crewmen aboard survived. discussed at the Elected Student Council Boeing 747. The Lufthansa jetliner Twenty - I "The Raymond at first announced his plunged into a three were admitted to reason behind the boycott is to intentions to drop the whole SIRS issue meeting Monday. Seventy - three of the survivors were hospitals, three in virtually unharmed and muddy field and burst into flames critical condition. f>w the Academic Senate and the when it came up at the next council "I want this Course Guide idea to go hotel before were resting at a moments after lifting off from Nairobi on Most of the passengers were ministration that they can't resuming their trip, officials German, just shove meeting. (continued said. a flight from Frankfurt to Johannesburg, but a Lufthansa official said there were 12 on page 17) South Africa, the airline said. Americans aboard. Witnesses said the jumbo jet lost power The survivors included Susan shortly after take off and fell 200 feet Mary Seaholm of San Pedro, Calif., and Thomas near the construction site for a new Scott. REPORTS CLIMAX HANGUPS airport terminal. Scott's home town was not "Up to now we don't know what immediately known, the airline said. happened," a Lufthansa spokesman said. John Bing, 56, an English - bom travel Sex not all "The plane was below its allowable limit. Hie landing strip of the Nairobi airport was long and wide enough for a weight agent from Johannesburg who survived unhurt, said Christian Krack, the German (continued on page 17) |grocf's study Student trustee bill By JIM BUSH State News Staff Writer Ah, sex. Instant bliss. The natural cure for whatever ails Well ... I vers'on just is not always what it has been cracked I For instance, one third of - up to be. you - right? research by an MSU doctoral student indicates that mankind's oldest a sample of MSU women say they have never - or may face vote today I °nly rarely - tasted the orgasmic icing on their coital cake. Dut even that is a By G. F. KORRECK ' lot lower than the no orgasm rate for female first • timers at - State News Staff Writer I «nter intern, 82 According to Allison Stern, a psychology Ph.D. candidate and counseling The right of students to serve on their per cent of the MSU women she surveyed did not experience Rick TenEyck, of the Michigan Higher I max during their first attempt at intercourse. own university governing boards could be Education Student Assn. granted today, following (MHESA) lobby, I And more than half of them have tried it at least once, her research shows. Of state Senate vote that a Wednesday said he is optimistic for the bill's eventual I th(' 899 was one vote shy of passage should it fail today. introductory psychology students surveyed during the 1973-74 school 1.8 per cent had passing the House originated bill. - tried it with 16 or more partners, Sen. Basil Brown, D - Highland Park, per cent of them said moved to reconsider the vote after the bill "We're not real hopeful for today," he they were doing it 20 or more times a month. , can't say how typical my sample of MSU and I'm not trying to admitted. "We will have to get some IStem, r who f^ralkethe the figures in an attempt to see if the ftilffl ment of won support by a 19 • 11 margin, one short of the two people to change their minds. At most we I ®°men 's interpersonalgathered needs affects their orgasm rate, said. But other studies in motion was postponed until • thirds majority. His could probably count on 22 or 23 votes." I ""Places showed today. similar findings." I aH7^ough she made , "0 attempt at reaching a random sample of MSU women.she ,MCIt wnmon ehp The bill, sponsored by Rep. Perry If the full 38 - member Senate body is I Bullard, D • Ann Arbor, originally called Jed that research has shown that psychology students are not much different for the present, 24 votes would be needed for I typical1* reSt °f the P°Pu,ation on 86X1131 matters's0 ^ answers p y mandatory election of three students to each of the three major state I Among the other university governing boards. This portion TenEyck said the lobby has gained at findings from analysis of the students' written responses to , of the bill was deleted in committee least on the support of I■ q7'10ns* Just «bout their sexual history: and paper, Governor's Commission on the the end result, the one the Senate about every woman has been kissed (99.5 per . ... cent) and 3 h per cent haw Mr . have voted Higher on Wednesday, would Education, and he and Bullard added that 8J* r.fached climax simply from that rather basic behavior. conflict of interest clause from a only remove a the conflict of interest clause would have Akstartli"R 212 Pe' cent of sexually active women use no . . Michigan I pills ym' durin8 intercourse. More than half, however, employ birth control c0"traceP'lv^ "° statute. Tte law says that students to go to court if the bill did not pass. attending a state university could be Bullard said the law would have to I half I o!i*. nearly F»Z Women student» wh0 have tried intercourse fail t0 keep ^l^tus at'least the 18 to 21 year old women surveyed who had experienced coitus at least SN considered as interfering with the educational process were they allowed to tested if a student to run for office, then dropped out of school enrolled following be I photo/Criig Porter serve two - thirds kept on doing it at least five times a month. Allison Stern, MSU doctoral candidate, says over 50 per cent of the as voting members of that his or her election. He said one such case university's governing board. I sort1^"s'ntfy, intercourse was more common among womeninvdved insome women she surveyed in introductory psychology classes have may come up this year. |?ulre,ation8hiP e rate as «ith their partners. But intercourse one - night stands yielded orgasms at with a woman's steady boyfriend did. experienced sexual intercourse. Her research also suggests that Bullard said the final bill, 14 by the House in passed 82 - June, "is innocuous at Many students ran for the governing hypnosis can be used to treat sexual hang - ups. See related this point, since the boards of their universities in the on page three. story on guts of what should recent (continued on page 3) be done are removed." statewide election despite the conflict of Still, Bullard believes the bill's passage (continued on page 17) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Nov,'ember 2|' SENATE ACTION EXPECTE House votes to WASHINGTON (AP) - The needed to override vetoes. in the Freedom of Information reject Ford vetoes John Rhodes of Arizona said congressional recess, depriving election recess. House voted overwhelmingly By a 398 - 7 vote, the House Act (FOI). Congress of authority to try to he considered Ford's veto of Antitrust suit names AT&T Wednesday to override rejected Ford's veto of the Ford has vetoed 13 bills overturn his action. the vocational and F°rd had' said u, The government accused the American T?lephone & President Ford's vetoes of bills $851 million, three year since taking office in August. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D rehabilitation bill to be a amendments could ? Telegraph Co. (AT&T) Wednesday of monopolizing to strengthen the Freedom of Information Act and to help vocational and rehabilitation Only one had been overridden - Mass., won two decisions at normal one, not a pocket veto, feet intelligence #1 diplomatic bill. previously - the railroad the district and appeals court and that Congress was relations ! telecommunications service and equipment in the handicapped people find jobs. The White House retirement bill. Power to federal Cu™ seven levels, restricting a President's authorized to try and override. United States and asked a federal court to order the Both measures were sent to supporters were either retiring A court battle may result if, privately g0 behind , ! pocket veto power. He has said Rhodes did not advise GOP firm to sell major subsidiaries. the Senate where Democratic at the end of the session or had he will take the vocational and stamp to see if as expected, the Senate goes members how to vote on the Majority Leader Mike been defeated in recent along with the House to rehabilitation bill to court if documents The Justice Dept. made the charge in a civil antitrust Mansfield said they would be disputed bill but recommended classified. elections. override the vocational and Ford reftises to recognize suit filed in U. S. District Court in Washington. sustaining the Ford veto of the This would brought up for a vote The House voted 371 • 31 rehabilitation bill because Ford Congress' overriding votes and Freedom of Information Act permit cou AT&T, the world's largest privately owned make "the initial Thursday. A two • thirds to override Ford's veto of contends he "pocket vetoed" consider the bill as law. classify amendments, which had been decision in corporation, was accused of violating the Sherman Act majority of both houses is amendments to close loopholes the bill during the - House Republican Leader vetoed before Congress' complex areas sens? through a variety of actions to squelch competition. where the* no expertise," Ford saidi The announcement came shortly after the Securities veto message. and Exchange Commission announced suspension of all Rep. William Moorheid trading of AT&T stock. Council rejects coal contract Israeli body burned by mistake Pa., disputed the suai d "This is between Preside not Democrats Republicans but betwee* J' The United Mine Workers' (UMW) bargaining council BEIT SHEAN, Israel (AP) - angry crowd threw the bodies this account of Tuesday's death. People and the m of three Arab raiders from a jumped. failed Wednesday to approve a tentative contract Enraged townspeople terror: The gunmen sprayed every bureaucrats who "We weren't scared at the advised mistakenly burned the body of window, they also seized the Three Arab guerillas, apartment President to veto the agreement with the coal industry and recommended doorway with time," he said. bir an Israeli killed by terrorists mutilated body of Yehuda disguised as laborers, joined a bullets and burst into the third "I was washing my face and "Hasn't the admiJ that union officers return to the bargaining table. learned secrecy is theeJ along with the bodies of Arab Bibas, a textile factory worker group of factory workers at a • floor apartment of Yehuda As the my hands were still soapy possibility of a long coal strike mounted, the guerillas gunned down shot by the Arabs. bus stop in the early morning, and Zahara Bibas, riddling the when I jumped," his sister Gila, democracy?" Rep 3 UMW council urged that "some minor adjustments" be Tuesday, the deputy mayor of The raging crowd poured then walked away and slipped couple with gunfire. Bibas was Alexander, 1) • 13, said. Ark.,«y made before the contract offer is submitted for Beit Shean said Wednesday. gasoline on the corpses and into a nearby apartment killed, his face shot away. His One of the • Later they learned their speakersd "There was a mistake," Gilad said all four were set building. wife House members to J ratification. staggered out the mother and father were dead. Deputy Mayor Menahem Gilad ablaze. Inside they encountered a Ford's veto of the ve conversation. vacationing latest developments by secretary George Weeks in a lengthy in Hawaii, conflict of interest, the attorney general would have the authority to prosecute criminal violations, Deputy Atty. Gen. Stanley Steinborn said. Snowball toss costs student $10 sa'd Milliken directed his l've secretary, William Hettiger, and "But only the governor, under the By JOE KIRBY crime is 90 days in jail $100 been drinking, the officer took two '""" or use for it. only occasionally used and beh.if0rneyss ,ookin8into looking into the case on ■ Constitution,has the power to remove the State News Staff Writer fine. them to the station, showed "I guess it keeps the police Throwing snowballs only in cases when police think mto prepare Prepare an an analysis of lieutenant governor," Steinborn said. can be Scannell was riding in a car her the statute and booked her. off the streets," Scannell said. someone could be hurt. it. materials compiled thus far. At his news conference, Damman a pretty expensive pastime in with a sunroof and was At her trial Wednesday Tschirhart said this was the "If accused the Free Press of harrassment and the city of East Lansing. a fraternity and a d i 'orney*. Lawrence Lindemer and standing, peering over the roof, Scannell pled guilty and was first time an offense of this uykehouse, provided Kelley with a said its stories have been based on If you don't believe it just when she sorority were having a friendly thought she spotted a fined $10 by Judge Daniel type had ever come before snowball incomplete investigations that have put his ask Kate Scannell. fight, we wouldn't jJ -°.f their findings Tuesday that friend standing on the Tschirhart. him. arrest them Scannell, MSU senior, all," Foster said. ittmJ exhibits. Milliken instructed family "through most unpleasant an sidewalk. "I was stunned. 1 might Tschirhart said he supposed 1137 Beech St., made a Foster said that since the experiences." Grabbing a handful of snow have expected a $2 fine, but this law could be used friendly toss on Nov. 13 after from the by snowball was thrown from a "Twice now we have been forced to roof, Scannell made this," Scannell said afterwards. police for harassment purposes, ^ the first snowfall of the season, her misguided throw which 'It's so crazy." moving vehicle it could have allegations against Damman have complete those investigations in order to and the throw cost her $10. missed her target but though he doubted it ever » a caught Scannell said she did not hurt somebody. series of Detroit Free Press prove that I was involved in no A city ordinance prohibits the would. "e eye of one of East have a criminal history and "It hasn't happened in the most recent of which was wrongdoing," Damman said. anyone from wrongflilly The ordinance is enforced Lansing's men in blue. that this was her "first Wednesday. Earlier stories had Despite the Free Press' earlier stories, propelling a snowball at a The officer pulled the car snowball offense." past and 1 don't think it will so rarely that one police officer wnous threat to Mllllken's just prior to the election the newspaper person or vehicle. Scannell can over. After happen in the future," said the arresting officer "must ^ bid for re asking Scannell and She said it surprised her that Tschirhart said. have been reading the book 20 The" - election. retracted an editorial that had urged consider herself lucky since the her male charges concern Damman's companion if they there was a law of this type Damman's removal from the ticket. maximum penalty for the were married and if Deputy Police Chief Robert minutes beforehand to catch ** ^ city official in the late they had and that she did not see much Foster said the ordinance is that one." Damman provided reporters Wednesday primarily his voting record as a with a general denial of the allegations Midug Susan Ager Editor-in-chief JAMES RESTON Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor Mary Flood Ford City Editor must Qiane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 21,1974 Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein Dale Atkins'...'. June Delano Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor say run Editorials are the opinion of the State Newt Entertainment Editor There's a story behind President Ford's Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal TomOren Joe Kirby Copy Chief announcement that he will definitely seek next'day, he had his pressi, make the firm opinions. Staff Representative election to the presidency in 1976. The announcement announcement went against his This has original temporarily strong decision to retire from the House of Representatives in 1977, and it went |K»i.ion, but h, „ nomination. In normal i1*** beyond the statement he made after he circum*. 01 EDITORIALS got into the White House that he would "probably" run again. He switched for to he refuse the nomination to iu pLV various reasons. wants it. To do advantage of running with all £5 * Si* After the illness of his wife, rumors of the White Hous? Students need circulated in Washington that he would now keep a promise to her, made several repudiation of the is not a normal" and party's leader But president. ' years ago, to get out of politics for good at the end of his present term. There was no He was not choien by hit factual basis for these rumors, but n,*, With the price of paper rising, an society and an educational system elected by the MSU diploma is worth more than to nurture the dreams of multitudes Washington lives on gossip and been considered people. In fact, h, J; ever before speculation and politicians act on their any seriously by nominating convention hit J! - as scrap paper. When it comes to getting a job, of undergraduates that they will be hunches. long service as Republican d»nT able to enter medical or law school, After the mid - term elections, when house. Under the ieader however, many graduates, and do not also need to learn any Ford campaigned so strenuously and his circumstances iti for other Republican especially in the social sciences and marketable skill. party lost so heavily in the congressional him and the leaders to chalU liberal arts, are finding their degrees and particularly the gubernatorial races, party is The University should be hard his popularity dropped and the obligation to notundw^ almost worthless. nominate him. and cold enough to be kind - to speculation about his retirement increased. There is nothing the University tell the multitudes that they will At this point, the retiring Governor of His chances of nomination tl can do to improve the job market. are likely to rest, not so probably not make it into graduate California, Ronald Reagan, seemed to be that he would run as much'onfo But improved fareer guidance school, but that they do need to expanding his speaking engagements to president, butoi record in dealing with the might help undergraduates to learn something saleable if they Republican rallies all over the country, foreign policy in the next 20 months. economyi evaluate job prospects and and talking vaguely about being available want a job. He will in '76. There were more have programs for study more rumon, again great psycholo Finally,.some tempering of the advantages in the realistically. without much factual support, of a for he nominating con*« recruitment process would help to will be At orientation Reagan - Wallace arrangement to run on an presiding over summer or during infuse reality into the decision of weak Republican minority in both houses, strategic arms agreements with a president bicentennial celebrations on July 4 u their first term here, new students Independent - Conservative ticket if they his authority would be just before the students. Residential colleges in weakened, his who might not be able to get them Republicans meet could not get the nominations of their choose their leaders for the should be given the most complete legislative program would be in serious through the Congress and would not be next particular lure students with high - respective parties. jeopardy and he .might even lose control years. Even so, his and accurate available appraisal of powered pitches which tend more In fact, one of the President's own over his own party. around to support them after '76. handling o Also, a weakened president might economy and the awesome the job market's outlook. cabinet members not only took this gossip to deceive than to assist. It is also understood that Secretary of monetary and political crises will prob encourage the Soviets to take risks in the Admittedly, such information about a Reagan - Wallace ticket seriously, State Kissinger made the point to the be decisive. The function of. recruiting but remarked privately the other day: MiddleEast, or to "test" Ford as they cannot perfectly predict the future. President that his ability to negotiate tested President Kennedy in Cuba, For this reason But placement counselors could should be taken away from "the way things are going in this country, alone, effectively with foreign governments believing that he was not wholly in undoubtedly wise to announce M individual colleges, to mitigate the I'd vote for it." would be seriously provide and interpret such data and increasingly command of presidential power. intention to run, for as a Donald Rumsfeld, the President's chief lame d one - sided points of view hampered if he seemed to be a lame - duck Accordingly, President Ford went west president, his capacity to deal with \ • concerning the present job market, of staf^ and several of Ford's other close president. to the Sigma Delta Chi domestic and foreign the number of students in various college recruiters instill. friends on Capitol Hill, accordingly urged The Soviets in particular, Kissinger is meeting the other policy would h him to all doubt about seeking day prepared to announce, if he was been gravely weakened. programs of study and trends in the All in all, the University must remove said to have emphasized, would not be asked, that he would definitely seek job market. election. Otherwise, they argued, with a inclined to enter into any long ■ term come to realize that it has an election, but nobody asked the question. The data can be labeled a guess, obligation to provide realistic so as not to mislead students by an guidance to students instead of appearance of certainty. But some encouraging the facile optimism information, however limited, is that students can go to college, get preferable to the hit - or - miss a broad background and then have decision making of today. no trouble getting a job. Also, an icy splash of realism A lot of candlemakers, gas thrown in face of graduate school pumpers and unemployed college Hunting: Pro In writing this letter we are assuming that the author of the letter "It's murder hopefuls would not only be helpful graduates can tell you it just ain't In reference to a letter that appeared in season" is a strict vegetarian. He never eats but humane. It is almost cruel for a the State News on Nov. 14 entitled "It's beef, pork, lamb, fish, poultry or anything so. murder season," we would like to know where taking a life is involved. If he does, where the author found his information. then he's no different from hunters. He The only point in his letter that has just doesn't do the killing himself. any Women in g fact behind it is that overpopulation through controlled hunting DOES make more food available killing the Dan' Seemann B3 25 for the rest of the animals for the winter. Bailey Hall But he words this in such a way that it Timothy Watt If all America took B302 Bailey Hall Michigan as a Taylor, in his platform, came becomes a sarcastic cut instead of a factual and 25 others model, Wilbur Mills' Argentine out against the equal rights argument. Firecracker would be about the amendment and for congressional For deer in particular, is it more only woman in politics. legislation to nullify recent humane to be killed instantly, or nearly Hunting: Con Across the nation women made so, by a hunter's bullet or to die over a Supreme Court abortion decisions. period of weeks or months from starvation As a vegetarian and an antihunter I impressive gains in the recent Cool it general election, but in Michigan Support for feminist movement demands do not break down along and disease? Don't kid yourself, deer do die of starvation in their winter would like to comment on the article written by Mike Downs who defended the by ice against this corporation. I eventually forced to change my position as I accef '"'n? with yards. hunter. It is true that the humaneness of Being avid hockey fans, we attend all the fact that my brother violate! women are still poorly represented During the 1950 51 winter 50,000 deer, party or sex lines. A Democratic - raising an animal in captivity for the sole home games. We should not like to miss cardinal safety rule. in government. mostly fawns and does, died of starvation the Spartan icers performance at Munn Ice male, like Carr, might be a in purpose of slaughter is questionable. The soul searching that occurred du Nationwide, women caught state Michigan. More recently, biologists Ideally, I would like to see all Arena, both of which we are quite proud. champion of women's rights, estimated that in excess of 15,000 deer my personal tragedy has shaped legislatures by storm. In Michigan, humanitarians as vegetarians. But even if But there is much to be desired whereas a Democratic woman starved in the U.P. during the winter of attitude toward institutional « however, women only increased they are not, there are several legitimate regarding the behavior of the alleged fans. individual responsibility. To concur their number from seven to 11 in might fall short on feminist issues. 1970 • 71. arguments to be made against hunting. We are forced to refer to them as the viewpoints of the above mentio Such is the In 1973 623,000 deer permits were the 110 - member house. The state case with Ella I think few humanitarians would argue "alleged" as their conduct does not prove letter writers would require me sold. In that same year 63,000 deer were their loyalty to their school team. Grasso, governor - elect of taken by hunters. This means that that hunting, if done for the sake of Hockey acknowledge the right of the instituti Senate still remains womanless. only may be described as a violent sport, but Conneticut. Grasso won her one in 10 hunters in the field survival, is valid. However, more often of this country to make my a Also, the gap left in Michigan's got their than not, hunting is regarded as a form of we do believe the audience should observe mundane decisions let alone those Hut election on a campaign platform deer. We feel this indicates that congressional delegation by the many recreation; a back • to - nature adventure. themselves. Their lack of respect for their which hunters fundamental to my philosophy was both insensitive to are hunting for recreational The morals of one who regards the life of fellow fans is appalling, as well as their retirement of Democratic reasons and don't really care if they make lifestyle. feminist issues and anti - abortion. a living, sensing creature as a life to be expressed attitudes towards the players. Congresswoman Martha a kill or not. Robert E. Rase W. Grasso's They're in the field to enjoy used in a sporting game, to satisfy man's The belligerent comments directed to Griffiths victory, the first by a nature and to get away from the our 163 4 L Spartan Vill was not filled by a woman woman in daily whims, need to be reflected upon. team are such that they are unprintable. this year. Not a governor's race ( except grind. We are certainly not one Michigan woman for three women Very often hunting is done in the name opposed to school who succeeded The rest of the SN even made a major party ticket in their husbands,) is not the victory antihunting letter is purely speculation prompted by misplaced of conservation, or for the benefit of the animal and the balance of nature. But I spirit, but see no necessity in voicing one's opinions, whatever they may loudly 'porn' hit 19 state congressional races. emotion. The letter assumes that each and for women it might have been since question the motives of conservationists as be, every three minutes throughout the This is in regard to Steve Orr's col On the national scene, the every huuter owns a "semiautomatic Grasso did not support major I read articles such as one put out by our game. Even upon kind request by their in Tuesday's paper. We find his theoi Democratic landslide will certainly multishot" rifle or shotgun. In our own feminist stands. Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources. It neighbors to control themselves, these why guys "pimp" women's dorm floo bolster the ranks of congressional experience we have only known a small states that there are 400,000 deer now — "fans" rudely reply and be very interesting, and believe that hi proceed to outdo According to the chairwoman of minority of hunters who own such let's make it one million by 1980. If their previous obnoxious behavior. probably right. They are merely try" support for ratification of the equal the National Women's Political weapons. The particular weapon shown in conservationists were really worried about So, "sport fans" unless you get attention by playing childish gai rights amendment and pro - Caucus, Frances T. (Sissy) the cartoon above the letter happens to be the starving deer wouldn't this demonstrate the correct can However, we do have a question. Mr. abortion legislation. type of technique of ice a fully automatic machine gun. Its goal be hypocritical? hockey, what kind of childish attention ■&> Farenthold, "This was the year of we suggest you do not profess to. For instance, Robert Can- the breakthrough for women." Yet ownership by a private citizen is a felony As author naturalist We do not mean to kill school games are you playing by writing under federal law. • Joseph WoofJ spirit, Krutch said, but a more civilized means of publication the kind of crude, tae squeaked past Cliff Taylor in the women have a "When man wantonly expression 6th District long fight before The letter also assumes that all or most destroys the works of man he is labeled ,would be preferable. columns like that article? Congressional race, they are proportionally represented hunters deliberately shoot We realize that you are a scr a greater VANDAL, but when he destroys the possibly on the votes of women in the political world and number of animals than their limit allows. works of God he is called SPORTSMAN." intelligent, liberated - from • puntaW not Mitzi Crossland who were disgruntled with We personally have little or no Taylor's relegated to the concession stands respect for 627 N. Harrison Road standards adult. So just what, exac y stone age views on women's such a person and we feel the rights. of electoral politics. majority of Deborah Lowe, co - organizer Sarah M. Skamser you trying to prove? Did you ■«' true sport hunters feel the same MSU Students for Animal that was the only way that you e way. Rights 214 Ridge Road communicate your idea? If so, the are either insulting the intelligence ART Don't blame U' BUCHWALD The contention, in recent readers, showing your own igno letters from Joe Lewandoski and J. D. There are plenty of adult book stoi Klier, that the downtown Lansing. We do not University is responsible for the recent All news is worse news death of Miss Handelsman is absurd. Miss Handelsman's death was the direct result of the free choice it was her right to this city is in need of a pornography newspaper. Mr. Orr, clean up your act. son ■ exercise. A safe path to F lot is provided. Steven A. To* Though the Hagadorn route may be Rick Br considered inconvenient, the failure to use Everywhere I travel in this great land I fertilizer. There's it shifts the 513 Hillcrest.Ap am asked the a shortage of fertilizer will probably go up again." down on our oil imports. If we could cut responsibility to the individual same question about the because there is from the institution. a shortage of oiL Of economy: "Why doesn't the government course, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab "That's bad." "The down on oil imports, we could have a If we were dealing with children I am Chinese SIRS? do something?" The answer, as everyone in Emirates cut the price of their oil last important thing is that this better chance for a favorable balance of ^ sure that the tragedy would be considered of the State Washington knows, is that the government week." country has been consuming too much. trade." In the Nov. 15 issue We've got to get the result of the existence of doesn't know what to do. "That's good." people to conserve and "That would be good," I said. "attractive nuisance" and the an reporter Pete Daly not I was talking to my friend Baradash, a "Not really. At the lame time spend as if there were no tomorrow." "It would be, but no one has any and the railroad would bear University Blackman as saying: I think s they cut "It would be good thing if they did," social science know it will to buy our exports, except But the students that use responsibility. a high government official, the other day. the price of oil they raised taxes on the oil I agreed. money "The price of meat should go down companies, and it may cost us more for oil possibly food. If we export our food, children. They are F lot are not jobs in that field, but should 1. » "It also capable of they must go into engineering next month," he said. now than it did before." could be a bad thing. If prices in the supermarket will go soaring choice, and in making a choiceassessing a (| "That's good." Americans don't spend as if there were and we'll have a revolution at home." bear the In China we could do th», "That's bad." no responsibility for that choice. "No, that's bad. If meat goes down, the "And then we can't tomorrow, people will lose thier job«, and "Baradash, you represent the democracy you can't subjugate forget the coal then This letter will cattlemen are going to get sore and shoot they won't be able to buy new government. Isn't there anything you appear unsympathetic individual like that." . strike in this country, can we?" to a great number to their calves. You see, automobiles. If we don't sell people can do to stave off disaster?" of State News readers. China is a far away land«ind » they're paying more "You're really any But I felt I had to a joy to talk to, write it since I have for everything and they sell." getting less for what Baradash." automobiles in this country, we're to have a real going "Well, I'm wearing my WIN button, aren't I?" he said. witnessed first hand the emotions aroused Americans it is Gloria had told us something' > Inscru^ ' bollt Ch "Things aren't all that bad," he said. recession, and then we'll by the senseless death of a "That's bad," I said. have to raise taxes to take care of all the "That's good," I said. young person. we would like to hear more from "Interest rates are going down." My older brother died as the ^ "It could be good if we could hold the "That's good." I brightened people who are out of work." "No," he replied. "That's bad. The industrial accident. He was result of an instance, what is the Chi line on meat 90 up. "That's bad." damn thing cost me a buck, and it keeps employed by handling SIRS? wages in other industries "It won't solve our inflation one of the would not go up. The real problem, "It could be making holes in my suits." largest corporations in this IV problem is though. If money is easier to get, prices good if we taxed gasoline country. My hate and therefore because that would be the best Copyright 1974 of my fixing way to cut responsibility was Professor of matbei originally directed ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 21, 1974 5 lealth food sales )e By GARY LAROY State News Staff Writer health food industry seems to be meeting the test of hard Tom Lr^r.n Hartman, j manager of General Nutrition up Center, points to pain Products and all processed sugar as despite hard times especially devoid of nutrition. -spile expectations that relatively high - priced health foods "nd other food supplements Ebe among the first items cut out of family food budgets in the nutritional void left attempt to fi|l by a conventional diet, he said i, area health food stores report higher sales than last Natural fo°d advocates, however, say there are dangers from (growing awareness of health foods among consumers is one values®*1 food in addition to those posed by poor nutritional L health food store managers say. They point to medical evidence of harmful effects of Keople are t>ecominS more conscious of what they are taking ,P^™t'ves' additives found artificial flavorings and colorings, and other ■ their bodies," Leona Holly, manager of Randall m virtually all processed foods. Health \ 1381 E. Grand River Ave., said. They cite similar hazards in the use of the chemical fertilizers Jnd w)»ile many natural food items are much more expensive andSpiegel insecticides sprayed on all said that nonorganic crops. ■ their conventional counterparts, Sam Spiegel, manager of Dieldrin and Aldrin, chemical pesticides which were ly of Man health food store said that a growing number of recently banned because of eare buying more grains as the price of meat goes higher. effects, are still present on almost all of possible cancer related - this year's crops. 1 pound of rice feeds more people and costs less than Holly whose store offers natural foods a and food [jof steak," he said. said both are necessary for a healthy diet because it is supplements, get many types of natural foods. difficult to J* success of the local health food industry has led to Ligation and development of two distinct types of stores, r I?8'6 student, College ^d' 637 N' Hayfart Ave-. a Lansing Community line health food stores, such as the General Nutrition Center uses both natural and believes that natural food is food supplements, but Meridian Mall, sell mostly vitamins and other food definitely preferable to diet supplements. Jlements. Though natural food is better for ■thers, like Family of Man, 541 E. Grand River Ave., you, he said, it is "not too palatable — you have to faiize in natural and organically grown foods. East Lansing resident Edith develop a taste for it." ■atural foods are those without chemical preservatives and she and her MacClure, 1607 Snyder Rd., said L additives, and organic foods are those grown without family have eaten health foods for several good results. years with Kical fertilizers and insecticides. She said her ,e main villain to both segments of the industry is food family is healthier, more energetic and "less crabby as a result of eating health foods. She ssing. Health food proponents believe that food processors said she "feels 10 SN photo/Craig Porter ve most of the nutrition from food when years younger." Though inflation causes people to tighten their belts rather than dig into their pockets, sales at area health they add I ve food stores jsrvatives, artificial flavors and colors and other chemicals. their recommended it -to people and it's lives," she said. changed the course of - such as this one at 225 Ann St. - have increased. Even though organically - grown foods are higher priced, more consumers say they have become conscious of nutrition and are replacing meat in their diets with grain, a move they say will help them save money in the long run. foverup tapes Ifljftytfi FI/-£wi ME woMESTiy) l"— I CHJCK.P0E5THIS LOOK LIKE A 5KATIN6 PRE55 l) EXCUSE: M£, I THINI I'M 60IN6 TO CRf A6AIN... 15 THAT THE r1 PHONE? HI.CHJCK.THlS IS MAffClE.. I'M IN A 0AD CHUCK.. I NEED SOMEONE TO TALk TO... I....I'M I........ lixon, aides cash talks ■aSHINGTON (AP) - In mid • April 1 then • President Richard M. Nixon and discussed the possibility that some of DOONESBURY the break 11 his top aides to try to let "all these - in defendants would say they by Garry Trudeau received money in | who participated in raising the silence. exchange for their to stick to their line torts? no, i don't wootmi, what you've got . . that-they "Like (James W.) McCord has . | not raise this want to talk about to realize is that the world money to obstruct said, it was the torts! we just spent o06snt be6/n and enp wtth purpose," Nixon said and then added later, "We shall see. You all m0rnin6 talking casebooks! there- are many yeah, i suppose Ik problem oTexplaining the know it's about torts! you could make of dollars the word of the, of the other equally acceptable passed to the line felons against the a case for that.. that, of course we raised money. Be word of the men that raised \ ways of looking at life! rgate break • in defendants was very honest about it. But, uh, we raised the money, \ I in taped conversations heard huh?" money for a purpose we thought was "That's right," Haldeman iday at the Watergate coverup trial. perfectly proper... responded. Once again, in the tapes heard Wednesday, there were references to "Vie weren't trying to shut them Nixon using his power to up, we just didn't, we didn't pardon or grant Ja/if them to talk to the press . . . That's perfectly legitimate, isn't clemency to Watergate figures. - former President Nixon During an afternoon meeting with Haldemand and Ehrlichman, Haldeman noted that Dean had come up with a list series of of people he i meetings and telephone "We weren't trying to shut them up, we thought might be charged in tat ions on April 14, 19 7 3, N ixon and just didn't, the coverup. we didn't want them to talk to "He (Dean) said jH. R. Haldeman and John D. the press. maybe the route is for, OPEN WEEK NIGHTS . That's perfectly legitimate, for everybody on that list to take a |chman discussed . the fact that former isn't it?" guilty Frandor ♦ Lansing Mall* Login Cent i campaign deputy Jeb Stuart That part of the Ehrlichman plea, and and get immediate, uh, uh, what telephone do you call it Juder had begun telling prosecutors conversation was deleted from the pardon, or, uh. . . I he knew about the break • in and Watergate transcripts released April 30 of clemency," he said. 'P. ey also expressed concern over what this year by Nixon. "From interjected the President," and then he added,"It's a Nixon Open Saturday Nights and Sundays Haldeman, Ehrlichman, former Atty. shame. There could be I W. Dean III, then White House Gen. John N. Mitchell, former Asst. Atty. clemency in this * Lansing Mall * Logan Center kl. might say. Dean had begun Gen. Robert C. Mardian and Kenneth W. case and at the proper time..." Bating with the prosecutors in the Ehrlichman also briefed Nixon on what Parkinson, one - time lawyer for the Nixon he had learned \ of getting immunity from re election committee, are Magruder was telling the - charged with Icution in exchange for his testimony, king a. late - night telephone nation on April 14, Nixon told conspiring to obstruct the investigation of the Watergate break - in. defendants in the coverup trial. They are prosecutors. At one point, Ehrlichman Magruder had claimed "there's reported that a million - Sport i all the and • a - half dollars in cash that people involved in Minutes before his late night was - distributed." ||lantsmoney for must "have the original Watergate a straight damn conversation with Ehrlichman, Nixon had talked on the telephone with Haldeman In a "Jesus Christ!" loud voice, Nixon - interjected, Sale open thursday and friday nights until nine Due to the economy and local conditions, Holden - Reid is reducing inventories - allowing our customers substantial savings on Sport Coats. Regular $70 to $125 values 3888 - 4888 - 5888 • Single Breasted • Two Button • Three Button Regulars * * Shorts • Longs * Ex-Longs * Stouts * Portlies Free Alterations - Sizes 36 to 56 Miss J plays matchmaker to Also Reductions Our Entire on Regular Stock three with sweater styling arid 1 Suite $10 to $25 off # Dress Slacks $3 to $10 Off * Sport Coats $10 to $25 Off pattern impact striped cardigan * Topcoats $10 to $25 Off * All Weather Coats $5 to $10 Off and sleeveless vest of rib-knit polyester/acetate/acrylic, over houndstooth-checked polyester pants. By Ami Jr., it's just one 4 Days Only from our selection of pantsets all put together for you. In 10% Off On Everything in the Stores beige/red/green for 5-13 sizes. Except Levi, Pendelton and a few other National Brands $50 Thursday, November 21 thru Sunday, November 24 * 30-60-90 Day Accounts LAY-A- HOLDEN REID BIG & Jacobson's WAYS "Quality Brands for Dads and Lads" TALL SIZES Frandor Shopping Center The Attic Downtown Lansing Mall n Center St. Johns 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursd,ay, Novei ln»ber2|J I Kangaroo clouts c Fri. Sat. Sun." \ONLYL CHICAGO (AP) - In the last fire weeks, spotted along Indiana 234 near Carmel, an more than a dozen people claimed to have 9een Kinky the kangaroo, the 'marsupial marauder Indianapolis suburb. One man telephoned police that the animal was a big one and was WUMNQd who sitting on its haunches. A woman later said she TILL allegedly clobbered a couple Chicago cop*. But a disbelieving zoo official says he will saw a kangaroo hop into some woods. eat the animal if anyone ever finds it A helicopter hunt was futile. The powerful and two men-teamed tiMsto^ of , "I'm just waiting for someone to report a A kangaroo was reported a week ago around up to tear tern up. I kangaroo being seen riding a flying saucer," Rensselaer, Ind., where the Chicago Bears I Saul Kitchener, asst. director of Lincoln Park football team trains in the summer. This Zoo, laughed after another sighting was brought chuckles that it belonged to the Bears reported in Carmel, Ind., 150 miles southeast of who were going to use it as a secret weapon. here. But it was no laughing matter for a couple of "I don't believe there is such a thing as a Chicago policemen who were the first to report fugitive kangaroo and if one is captured and a kangaroo at large on Oct. 13. They displayed brought to me 111 eat it, even if it weighs 300 bruises and said they were attacked trying to pounds," Kitchener jested. catch the animal. "There isn't enough around for a kangaroo to eat this time of the year - they eat grass but they also need bushes with leaves on them. It Since then Kinky has been reported seen around Chicago forest preserves hopping over fences and ducking into thickets, on residential Kilt M would be possible, however, for one to survive streets where he disappear in the dusk and in the relatively mild autumn weather we've rattling garbage can lids in alleys. been having," he said. In the Piano area near the Fox River, 45 Over the weekend, Kinky - as the elusive miles southwest of Chicago, Kinky reportedly . Pop kangaroo has been dubbed - was reported was seen making friends with three deer. Entertainment a MERIDIAN FOUR 349-2700 MERIDIAN MALL 11HARROWHOUSE folic <&.t>iues ConeehoJJJ ICHARLES GRODIN the return of CANDICE BERGEN JOHN GIELGUD TREVOR HOWARD JAMES MASON PETER VAUGHAN HELEN CHERRY JACK WATSON JACK WATLING Tonltt at 6:30 ■ SilO Twl. Hr. 6:00 ■ 6:30 Adultl $1.2S J Frl. *t 6:00 - 1:15 - 10:30 X_.. JENISCNFIEL3ICljSE . outine plot impairs glittering 'Gold' By EDD RUDZATS Stats News Staff Writer wooed the boss* daughter, immersed himself in intrigue or discuss flooding the that glitters is not what it teems to be. Usually it is copper saDotage that endangered his life and gold mine where Moore works in order to cut ultimately ended up saving the daughter as a dividend gold production by 30% and make the demand for the metal soar. or fool's gold. for a job well done, There's $5,000 million at stake. in the case of Peter Hunt's new film, "Gold," that's about .old exactly like this. Roger Moore plays the brash The other thing at stake is the viewer's young ability to sit through it is - a shiny package that proves less valuable after close nX1T,!LWho prosperous gold i,s,offered the Position of production manager in a mine. Though the position is one of this excusion into the realm of rousing adventure. Happily, ination. prestige, "Gold" is highly better pay, and more entertaining when it deals with mining 'Gold" is not much different from the adventure films that power, it also has strings attached that our procedures and the attempts to flood and counteract the young hero is unaware of until it is almost flooding nded back in the late '40s and early '50s - films filled to the too late. But with a of the mine in with romance and rousing he man action. name like Rod Slater, we know he'll come Johannesburg, South Africa. "Gold" benefits from - has Susannah York to through. After all. he on - location footage and director Peter Hunt's tight, economic look forward to. n these films, the hero was a young man with a shady past pacing and editing during the climatic scenes. e in an industry through sheer bravado. The °' "Gold" is one of cheeky hero with the James complicated intrigue on a par The film, however, becomes Bond films. A group of copper pyrite whenever it leaves businessmen calmly the mines and enters the boudoir. Were it not for the charisma of the two leading performers, York and Moore, the scenes they nsemble to present play would be disastrous. As it is, these scenes are a reproduction of every romantic cliche in the book of When "Gold" gets down to Hollywood filmmaking. action, it is quite gripping. The final sequence is one of the will - the hero - - make it or not - - • jhe New Musical Arts Ensemble, in its sixth season as a group school that Hunt saves from plodding predictability by his skill cated to performing contemporary music, will concert at 8:15 tonight in the Music Auditorium, give its fall saidG'T said. w.Ta8.,C?l!Sideiied He broke all the rules of durln« h* Ruggiero and precision in manipulating the situation and the audience composition, and much of his simultaneously. n conjunction with the concert, John Anthony Celona, the —t director of the Center1 for Music Experiment at the morbid" SSOnant' passionate and so melancholy that it's There's schmaltz and a lot of action in "Gold" but this film was done so much better before. As sort of The concert entertainment, it is fun -Hy of California in San Diego, is visiting the tonight will also include David Burge's "Sources in an old • fashioned way. As a film from the '70s, it is terribly campus III, using a clarinetist and a Friday as a composer - in - residence, percussionist, and three selections dated and too erratic in its Dy James Scott, a ragtime pacing to be anything more than a ultiphony III," a solo trombone piece by Celona, is on the composer active early in this century harmless bit of fluff. Celona, whose visit is financed Peter Hunt's "Gold" is for tonight. by a grant from the currently showing at the Meridian Four "Celona's work is startling," Charles Ruggiero, the Jazz/Folk/Ethnic Music Program of the National theaters. groups Endowment for ctor, said. "The trombonist breathes according to a » ls |fP,n8 t0 meet with students during his stay here. He AN EVENING WITH VDU] ram s and hums into the instrument. The result formula, will hold office hours from 10:30 a.m. to noon today in 412 is an almost Music Practice "tronic sound." Bldg. Tickets&CC SitCalMgpstelfe MSllniai A four - channel realization of Celona's Another Michigan premiere in the concert is "Modules" electronic work trtCeely, a piece which leaves rhythm and pitch by Arcangle (Response II)," will be played largely up to Impressions V Auditory Environment periodically in the musicians so that the piece never sounds exactly the same. Exhibit which wiU be located in the Union lounge Ensemble members will also perform avant garde previous generations, including Edgard Varese's "Octandre" compositions during his visit. WHPRHRRHARHARJHA tten in the 1920s and motets by the 16th century Italian Don The lo Gesualdo. Company Presents PRESENTS A UJAN 3F(§g DIANA ROSS FACULTY AND ALL /S BILLIES HOLIDAY Nov. 22, 23, 24 in Wonders Kiva DEGREE CANDIDATES 8:15 p.m. $1.25 tickets at the and at Beggars Banquet door Today and tomorrow are the last two days to academic Celebrate with: reserve apparel for fall term JOAN BAEZ commencement. Apparel may be picked up in CROSBY, STILLS, NASH A YOUNG Rm. 45 of the Union Bldg. (fourth floor) from JONI MITCHELL Dec. 4 - 6. JOHN SEBASTIAN DOROTHY MORRISON Everyone did It... for the sheer love of It. Faculty: Hoods from other Filmed in FWNAVISON* In COLOR A • WVRAMOUMIPCTUPE universities must be ordered now. Final 3 Days! Thursday at Brody 9:30 $1.25 For information, call 355-3498 a Mitchell Brothers Film Production Group ... it happened one weekend by the sea. "Rolls Royce of Pretty N0EL Friday, Nov. 22, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 p.m. U-U Church, 855 Grove, Across from E.L Library. $1.50 ++++++++++ Hard-Core!' -SHOW and MOVIELOVERS Night Owl Special! Admission 90 cents with this ad. 10:30 show only. i * ersonal. • ) This week: fantastic jazz saxophonist BELL Stanley A joyous little sterling silver bell Dangling initials dramatize this charming crafted by Leonore Ooskow A superb ornament for tree or hearth. 1 »/•" high with a lovely Turrentine ring. sound and Christmas 1974 en¬ And a complementary o bracelet has a name graved on the front. Start a col¬ or initials. lection for there is a new bell Both are offered in •ilver, 14 Karat yellow sterling gold each year A areat aift for friends and family Through Sat. Nov. 22 Thursday at Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 $1.25 and in sterling silver with 1,1 "arat gold letters. Special - stay for both shows TONIGHT Card Shop The Card Shop for further info call 351 -1200 Showlimts: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 stratmg many sterling ind gold gilt items M Showploc: 106B Wells thursday lunch special THE STABLES 2843 E.GD. RIVER, EAST LANSING Admission: *2.25 DATEA Y ^ You must 1)618- A" will be checked for beef barbeque A BEAL FILM proof of age. tomato soup h pickle wedge *1.59 |pla\;eps' once HAPPY HOUR SgqUcpv Presents reduced prices on all drinks 2 - 5 ■upotu KIRK entertains tonighti in the onion ballroom theatre... on mattpesf CLAMS all you can eat no*. 21, 22, 23 'final weekend' Tickets oo sale now at the Union Box Office - '2* also at the door Stodents - '1st EMPEROR OF THE NORTH 8:15 pm Itfenotaptace.itSaprae! FOR INFORMATION & GROUP RATES PHONE 355-3355 A UNION ACTIVITIES BOARD PROJECT Thursday at Brody 7:15 Wilson 9:15 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, No»en,b(r TV-SHOW Dreams'— PLO as it shoul * Special lacks original^ By JUNE DELANO State News Reviewer It is sometimes hard to tell structure. His performance alone is worth the cover charge, and will delight fans of & By KATHY ESSELMAN State News Reviewer "Happy Anniversary and Goodbye" insulted the Afraid of Virginia etched a coruscating self out - destructive Woolf" print of people acting their rage and frustration degenerates Into a bedroom scene straight out of "They Honeymooners." Carney work. In a situation. Re,i good humor derives coned, JLf* fiS'l I distnetingly strips to garish red if records are put out to promote concert touts or if the easygoing, relaxed piano jazz. viewer's taste and the creator's talents. while locked In eternal combat. Tennesee Williams Big Daddy polka - dot shorts, confusing the Intent of the scene. situations possibilities for have^ Moore is facile drummer concerts are designed to help record sales. a with a pleasing touch on his Lucille Ball's first special, under her new contract with and Big Mama in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' demonstrated the Hie hour plays like a two of Dentist Malcolm ,(1] ^e bedroom ■ bit vaudeville turn. The Either Stanley cymbals. He offered the CBS, wasted her talent and the P«nts and way, aridity and pain inherent in a philosophy would be familiar returns audience Monday a tater, « Turrentine will do all right in refreshing considerable gifts of Art loveless union. to anyone who not for his trol East Lansing this week. drum solo that flowed played the to Carney. h>s electric Turrentine's great new rhythmically from the music The script concerned a "Happy Anniversary and Goodbye" established a cold, Orpheum or Sun circuits in the That was funny toojj" and back into it, unlike middle - aged couple who part heyday of vaudeville - when , album, "Pieces of Dreams," is so wit - wracked relationship in assertion of his his first on Fantasy Records. many trite drum solos. a month before their 25th thtafi get tight, drop your values. I the first scene. Art After years with the CTI wedding anniversary. They dentist Carney, as Malcolm Michaels, pants. When you drop them, "">pP,y Anniversttyj Goodbye" could TTie bass work by Nakamura show off garish shorts. That have J stables of jazz artists have "stayed together because witty, tender look Turrentine has changed labels is unusual, both on acoustic of their daughter." With her drives home from his •Iways gets a laugh. at,? and electric bass. The acoustic daughter's wedding reception. adjusting to midd a promising sign, since the married, they decide Reviewers, contrary to -i — work, including several solos, to Happily innoculated by booze, That was Lucille collective CTI performaners Ball's seems almost ethereal. It is a terminate hostilities. Their he has forgotten his wife approach on "I Love opinion, like happy J show signs of needing outside bedroom has been an armed Norma (Lucille Ball) who Lucy," too. It was not strange but decidedly creative "The Lucy Show" and "Here's witty or tt« stimulus. It sound. camp and their bed a no man's walks in a few minutes later. Lucy." It detracted from this was a silly, self. J "Pieces of Dreams" is an land. exercise in tad Described as a comedy • ^ admirable promotional device Finally, there is Turrentine Good things have been done drama, the work falls on both for The Stables this week. on tenor saxophone. His with such material. GE counts. This opening scene GLADMER Turrentine and his tfcree - piece bluesy, natural style is Theater's "Tell Me Where it Today, jt 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. backup group, appearing unmistakable and totally Hurts," written by Fay Kanin, "WONDER OF tonight through Saturday, commanding when he is out in starred Maureen Stapleton in a AK+R Myttlcltm In e Modern World IT ALL" G perform cuts off the new front of the band. There are sensitive study of a woman's a Free Lecture by album as well as the standard few saxophonists who are as Sat.-Sun.-l-3-5-7-9 P.M. adjustment when her children ' Roskruckns A.M.O.R.C Turrentine hits. lyrical and melodic as leave home. Thurs. Nov. 21. 7:30 The veteran saxophonist Turrentine, who has roots in Edward Albee's "Who's at E. - a:30 p.m. Lansing Public Llftracy opened his week at The Stables the swing en and shows on Monday with a masterful influence from new jazz. demonstration of how smooth The Stables is jazz should be played. beginning its month of jazz artists on the It is gratifying to see a jazz explore musician tour with basically right foot. No other the same artists that appear on organization in the area seems " to come his recent album. John Miller through with promises pnolo/Pete Daly on keyboards and Ed Moore on to book top jazz musicians, but STANLEY TURRENTINE The Stables is with it drums both play on "Pieces of again. Dreams." Toruro Nakamura on bass is a creative addition. Miller's enrapturing reminiscent piano work is and often of classical TODAY and FRIDAY Open 6:45. Shows at Why Hal treat yourself the Lansing's most popular number worlds of 7:00-9:10 P.M. for dining out! to a better Greek, Italian & American favorites richer pizza? nonesuch Free Evening Parking BELL'S 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 Open 11 «.m. everyday oosr Afluv/sLpl i 3 FOR OR M,99 EACH $5.49 m mm place Open 7:00 P.M. Shows 7:10-9:00 Feature 7:40 -9:30 1974's MOST HILARIOUS M PIONEER WILDEST MOVIE IS HERE! ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST 'Insanely funny, outrageous and irreverent." -PLAYBOY MAGAZINE IN ITS CLASS AK« cr^nnm Fulfill Which Bacardi for screw¬ TODAY ... p M SX 1010 AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER: Contlnuou! output 100 WATTS per channel minimum 8 01 load from 20 to 20,000 Hz with no mora trim pc drivers? harmonic distortion. Bacardi light rum's subtle flavor won't overpower or get lost in Screwdrivers. Bloody Marys, Martinis or tonic. Just use it like gin or vodka. (X tat: Continuous power 70 WATTS per channel ml R.M.S. at 8 OHM load from 20 to 20.000 Hz with nc AIRPORT197S than 0.1* total harmonic distortion. BACARDI^rum. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE The mixable one. TECHNC010R*RWW CHARLTON HESTON KAREN BLACK - - GEO. KENNEDY NOW THRU NOV. 24. . . LAST WEEK-END I ax a I, Continuous power output 50 WATTS par cMnrf mfiiln R.M.S. at 8 OHM load from 20 to 20,000 Hz wlW a than 0.3* total harmonic distortion. PIONEER Is the only component manufacturer this much power, performance and versatility Mo receiver. The latest advances In circuitry and eonw WITH features make their receivers the obvious choice for compromise stereo system. Tne PIONEER SX1010, •nd Mill are the most technically advanced |C|, A FULL MOON CONSORT receivers available anywhere. The audio specialists fr "Mr Buys can help you match the perfect comom (formerly Jake Jones) tapedecks, speekers, and turntables to fit in a live performance of needs. original music composed for the Sky Theatre and visuals created by COSMIC RADIANCE It's the real thing. Coke. Shows: Fri & Sat: 8 & 10 p.m. Tickets: Discount Records Union Real life calls for real taste. For the taste of your life-Coca-Cola. Sunday. 8 p.m. Planetarium HI-FI BUYS EXTRA SUNDAY SHOWING $2.50 Bottled under the authority ol The Coca-Cola Company by; "Coca-con Bottling company of 10 P.M. 1101 «. Orand River >»7*17«7 | 24 hour 4*10 W. Safinaw 4M-4M* program info: 355 • 4672 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 21,1974 9 'Seasons' production By DARRYL GRANT wit and charm with grace and momenta of brightness. Praise also goes to Shratter State Newt Reviewer his intelligence and The Company's current morality King Henry is given Through cool understatement with ease. Bauer handles a brief for his highly imaginative and director Shratter but achieves production of "A Man For All More's bright portrayal by Paul R. starkly beautiful set, and to sublime supremacy. transition from Seasons" is an Deyo. Deyo's royal animation Hilton Moore and Bill Smith intriguing, statesman to prisoner with is the picture of the professional treatment of deftness and subtlety. Bauer's young for their dramatic lighting. "A Man for All Seasons" is Robert Bolt's insightfuldrama. talented flexibility gives the Henry at the time of the play. The Company's production 'Hfc performance is also well showing tonight, Friday and Director Alan Shratter has production of "A Man For All Seasons" is Saturday at Wonders Hall kiva. a sense of balance balanced and electrifying. It tastefully and sublimely that is impressive. a dramatically arresting tour de Tickets are $1.25 at the door. has the rare theatrical presented a dramatic look at Alice, More's wife, is played quality force not to be missed. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. one man's of being historically accurate. personal cross. by Patt Cullinan. Though she is Sir Thomas More, Rick Burelle and John Cavis lawyer, often overly demonstrative in scholar and statesman, held an her portrayal, she still portray the Duke of Norfolk influential position at the court manages and Richard Rich respectively. of Henry VIII. Intelligent, to give a convincing portrait of the outspoken Alice. Cullinan's Burelle is comfortable and MSU Opera witty and urbane, he was a weaknesses are convincing as Norfolk, though personal friend of outweighed by he is not especially gifted. Henry and a her obvious sensitivity to the Davis as the lucky Rich is respected man in court circles. The play narrates More's role. The part of the Common initially weak, feut cancels 2 per downfall when he refused to Man is progressively strengthens humorously and during the show, leaving a accept Henry's divorce from commendably played by Paul memorable impression. Two MSU Opera Workshop performances, originally scheduled Catherine, which Henry A. Prappas Prappas adds clear for obtained by flashes of intelligence to his Lee Kowalski, Tom Kessel, Saturday and Sunday, have been cancelled. establishing the Barbara Thome and Clark Van Instead, the Opera Workshop has tentatively scheduled scene Church of England. narrative role. This quality is Hekken fill the remaining roles. recitals for February, Shratter's direction is cool the key to his success in the including an excerpt from Act II of and taut. It gives majestic role. Respectively they are Cardinal "Rigoletto," in Italian, and the inn scene from the opera "Boris reign to what could easily have Wolsey, Signor Chapuys, Gudunov," in English. Martin Richard plays been an overdone emotional Margaret and Will Roeper. The performances will be informal, with a narrator Thomas Cromwell, More's debacle. Unfortunately, Kowalski is presenting SN Instead, his persecutor. Richard's a synopsis before each scene. Piano accompaniment will be used Photo/John Harrington talented direction uneven, Kessel is languid, The Company's current production of "A Man for All leads us performance is shaky and Thome tepid and Van Hekken instead of a full orchestra. Seasons" will be into the inside emotions of a performed at 8:15 p.m. tonight, Friday and Saturday in Wonders man of conscience. unsure, but throughout the irritating. Fortunately, these The workshops will be held in the Music Building auditorium. Hall kiva. play he gains assurance and The public is invited. Directed by Alan Shratter, the classic performers, unsatisfying as play deals with the downfall of Sir Sir Thomas More is stability. Indeed his Thomas More during the reign of English brilliantly they are, do not detract from King Kenry VIII. and convincingly progression is swift and the play since their roles are so dramatic. He handles More's talented. It is touched with small. 'THE WAY THINGS WERE' ladies fashion store at 228 South Washington Ave. Downtown, Lansing IS They're here! SUPER FIT CASUAL COORDINATES J I OUT From ^$3 The Levi's are here! The Levi's are here! And we have a tremendous selection of Levi's coordinates ... one for every OF way of your casual life. The collection includes jackets, sportcoats, jeans and shirts, all tailored in contemporary fabrics and unrivaled for good-looking toughness. When they have the Levi's label... you know they're right! v BUSINESS PERMIT No. 628 ... All Inventory LEVI'S LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS Must Be Sold Gingham check in navy or burgundy , 9.50 Denim work shirt with two pockets.... . . . Giant Liquidation Sale starts this morning LEVI'S PERFECT FIT JEANS Corduroy in straight leg or bell Save up to 80% on 10.40 fr 13.30 . . . Heavyweight denim in flare or thousands of ladies' straight leg 12.50 & 13.50 fashion items Twill in flare leg *14 Lightweight denim in flare, bell or straight leg ALL pants, *14 14.50 . . . jeans, shirts and sweaters Brushed denim in flare legs... .*14 to M5 Now priced LEVI'S WAIST LENGTH JACKETS from $2.88 Popular denim 16.50 Cotton corduroy '17 Cotton twill *18 This Week's Store Hours LEVI'S DENIM SP0RTC0AT Sportcoat in sizes S, M, L, XL '31 Thursday: 10am-9pm Friday: 9:30am-9pm Saturday: 9:30am-5:30pm Sunday: Noon-5pm 'THE WAY THINGS WERE' WEBSTER MEN'S WEAR 228 S. Washington Avt, Meridan Mall- Monday to Saturday, 10 til 9 Sunday, 12 til 5 Downtown, Lansing 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November:], Berrigan plans to teacll prison literature at U-dI SIGN OF THE TIMES in Ann Arbor Pnsbyterian Church usually announces DETROIT studies. (UPI) - The nrmon titles, but the Rev. Daniel Berrigan, who "Father conviction on Rev. Robert E. Sanders Berrigan brings his destroying Selective chlrfc| gained naUonal attention and own assessment of this trying records in made a special went to priion for his period in American political Catonsvil|e JI exception this week. Though he is a native FU0T3ALL IS J 1ST A GAME. * opposition to the Vietnam will teach next war, term at the and social history teaching duties at the to his of Ohio, Sanders will University of Detroit. University or Detroit," said Berrigan just completed a Thomas E. Porter, the acting be heartily rooting for the Wolverines in their 3NLV SPIRITUAL THINGS ARE ETERNAL. four - day stay in the East Lansing area. dean of the university's college of arts and sciences. encounter with Ohio One course Berrigan will Berrigan has lectured at State on Saturday. teach, university officials said, several universities since his AP wirephoto NEVERTHELESS BEAT OHIO? is prison literature. The University of Detroit is operated by the Society of release from prison, where he was sent in 1970 after Jesus Jesuits, the order to which Berrigan belongs. Berrigan will also teach a graduate course in religious Crops ruined; ra Garden of Earthly Delights CARO (UPI) rainmaker was so succesful, - farmer Michael Reinbold said, The At one time 21 other Tuscola County joined Reinbold in seeking about Richard G. Smith of Bay City, said that even if his client's cloud seeding did cause the crystals contained a hail suppressant." "It goes without saying, this off 332 3661 that he sent five inches of rain $250,000 from Krick\ rain it did not cause the hail is a very unusual case," Maki everything Come in and see our and hail crashing down on a contending they also suffered "because his silver iodide said. hand made dear day. damage in the rain and hail jewelry or, The storm, Reinbold said, better yet, make your storm July 11,1972. ruined his com, bean and beet But the other farmers With The Thanksgiving Day Special own with our fine crops and cost him $37,500. assortment of beads dropped out when Judge James (from Wednesday to fllon. morning with And that is why Reinbold said he is suing Dr. Irving P. Kriek of Palm Springs, Calif., a P. Churchill ruled they had filed an improper class action 600 free miles 15495) CLOTHING SALE and stringing materials. suit. professional rainmaker who On the day of the storm, Thursdays once served as chief of the U. Reinbold said, Krick was 10-9 S. Army Air Force's weather Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. employed by a group of forecasting office. farmers 150 miles away at 10-6 "We're saying you shouldn't Holland, who reportedly had meis around with the paid $60,000 for rain. environment unless you know Krick reportedly seeded what consequences your clouds with silver iodide. messing around can cause," "Neither me, nor my 64 - said Reinbold, a 30 - year • old year • old father or his father firmer who owns 800 acres of had ever seen anything like farmland in this rich area north ' that storm before," Reinbold of Detroit. said. The case is currently "It was just this little black underway in Tuscola County cloud that came straight at us. Circuit Court. with sun shining all around." When it passed two hours later, Reinbold said, his crops Volkswagen hit were destroyed by five inches of rain and hail the size of golf balls. by drop in world The story spread quickly throughout Caro. ARE COMING!! auto demands "People up here are Very upset over this," Leo Maki, the WOLFSBURG, Germany Caro attorney hired (UPI) - Volkswagen, suffering by Krick, said. from continuing low demand in both domestic and Krick also contended foreign his markets, today announced its rainmaking operation that world - wide sales in the first day had nothing to do with the nine Tuscola County storm. months as 1,546,000 units. Another Krick lawyer. TTiis was down 11 per cent from the comparable period in 1973. CACTUS A company spokesman said that sales in the United States, one of Volkswagen's chief HuSson- foreign markets, were per cent from the first nine down 25 Ford months of last year. MWAVat Hie BR&mY The spokesman blamed monetary disadvantages. Bacardi light rum for what? Enjoy it in Daiquiris and Bacardi Cocktails. And use it like gin or vodka in Martinis, Screwdrivers, •ac'AoiI Bloody Marys, * z?=r\ tonic, bitter lemon. BACARDIsrum. The mixable one. There is o difference!!! PREPARATION FOR: MCAT Over 35 year* of experience ■kaa and success UAI Small classes Voluminous home study materials Courses that are Which constantly updated Tape facilities for Bacardi reviews of class lessons and for use of supplementary materials. for cola? ECFMC NAT'L MID BHDS For complete Information or write: • <313)354-0085 0ranch«i In Major Cm., in ur Stanley h. kaolon EDUCATIONAL——3. W CENTER TUTORING AND S^V>S3I GUIDANCE BACARDI-rum. SINCE 1938 The mixable one. 21711 W. Ten Mile R<>. ^Downtown, Open Monday and Friday »■■■ - - SouthfleM, Mich. *80781 Weekdays 'till 9 p.m.i Sun. 1 'till 5 ' n Waakriaua wii 9 p.m. Meridian Mall, OkemoJv Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 21,197411 ichigan Slate University Anti-Discrimination and Affirmative Actien Policies Foreword Article III. Committee aggrieved. Such complainants shall have Against C. Jurisdiction of the Anti of the Michigan State University is firmly committed to the principle and practice of Discrimination the same right as ao aggrieved person to - University policy against Discrimination Judicial Board. discrimination. It should be understood affirmative action to promote equal employment opportunities. It recognizes that appeal to the Anti - Discrimination Judicial Board in the same manner as that the purpose of the Decision and successful affirmative action requires diligence, innovation, good faith and A. The Committee Against 1. The Board shall have jurisdiction over Order is not to punish the violator but to Discrimination shall be established. provided in Article IV.C.1. of this aggressiveness to secure meaningful progress. cases involving alleged violations of the remove the effects of the discrimination Since 1970, when its first Affirmative Action Plan for women and document. minorities was B. University policy against discrimination, or prevent its continuation or repetition. written, the University consistently has sought to improve and Composition and selection of the filed by individuals strengthen Committee Against Discrimination and its 4. All (University faculty. The Judicial Board in reaching a recruitment opportunities and personnel practices in both academic and non - complaints which should more University students, or University conclusion shall staff: bear in mind the academic employment. It has made every effort to comply with the various federal appropriately be investigated by an employees) who claim that they were the principles of presumption of innocence exclusive bargaining agent, the East victims of such and state laws and executive orders which bear on affirmative action and non 1. This committee shall be discrimination by any and the proof of guilt by preponderance • composed of Lansing Human Relations Commission, or other employee or student or of the evidence. All policies of the Board discrimination. an executive - secretary with voice but no other agencies shall be referred to University these organization. Such claims, to be entitled of Trustees In the academic area, efforts have been made to make the vote and nine affecting job security and instructional process representatives of the bodies. The Committee shall maintain a to consideration, shall specify the time, academic freedom remain in full force more responsive to the growing number of women and faculty, administrative public record of such referrals and the minority students, and to and professional the place, and the exact nature of the and effect.* see that no artificial or discriminatory barriers bar personnel, clerical and technical staff, actions taken by the agencies to which any such qualified students from alleged discrimination; shall identify in labor employees and students. The any of the curricula and programs offered. nine referred. specific terms the individual, group, 5. The Committee through its secretary It was in 1970, as well, that the Board of Trustees members shall be distributed as approved the pioneering Anti- follows: organization, or office believed by the shall make regular monthly reports to the three faculty, 5. Discrimination Policy and Procedures which provide for the redress of one administrative - Any complaint by a member of any of complainant to be responsible for the President of the University who shall in grievances professional, one clerical the constituent resulting from alleged discrimination. The Committee Against Discrimination and - technical, one agencies of the alleged discrimination and shall specify turn share these with the Board of labor, one graduate student, and Committee Against Discrimination the the Anti - Discrimination Judicial Board established two remedy being sought by the Trustees from time to time. by this policy are made up of undergraduate students. (AFSCME, the Administrative and faculty, staff and student representatives to provide fair and impartial complainant. boards for complaints. hearing Professional Association and MSU •Provided, however, that 2. The members of Employees Association) that he/she is not 2. The Board shall have jurisdiction for the payment of money shall be the Committee referred to Progress in many areas has not been as fast and as dramatic as some would wish. Against Discrimination over the Board of Trustees of Michigan State shall be chosen by being properly represented by his/her cases involving alleged patterns of University for Its consideration Inflation - induced fiscal constraints, a tenure - as an Item of hiring freeze, and other forces over the several participating units of the organization because of race, creed or violation of the University policy against appropriation. (4/21/72) which we have little control can slow movement University ethnic origin or sex shall be referred to despite the strongest will and as follows: The Faculty discrimination filed by the Committee cooperation. Vet, to the objective viewer, the record of these Committee on Committees will select the the member of the Committee Against Discrimination as authorized by Article V. Appeals years will show consistent gains and a determination to insure three faculty representing that constituent agency. The that, at Michigan State University, members, at least one of the Section establishing that Committee. "equality" is a word of substance rather than rhetoric. whom shall be female, for three - Committee shall also have authority to A. A refusal of the Anti - Discrimination year terms except that the offer the good offices of its staff to 3. The Board shall Judicial Board to conduct a formal Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. initial terms shall not have jurisdiction be one, two, and resolve such complaints between the President three years. The to consider any claim for which another hearing may be appealed to the Anti • Associated Students of MSU shall select member and his/her procedure for final and binding Discrimination Appeal Board herein organization, the undergraduate members, one of provided, however, that such good offices adjudication is provided by contract, authorized, if at least two members of the whom shall be non white and one shall not include participation in unless both the Judicial Board Department of Human Relations - female, complaining party and dissented from the for two - year terms collective bargaining or grievance the party against whom the decision. The Anti except that the complaint is ■ Discrimination initial term of one shall be for one negotiation with representatives of the directed agree to submit the case to this Appeal Board may direct the Anti The Department of Human Relations is the focal year. - point on the Michigan State The Council of Graduate Students shall employer. Board. Discrimination Judicial Board to conduct University campus for concerns related to the status of women and minorities as select the graduate student member such for a a hearing, or it may affirm the students, faculty and staff. The Department prepares the two 6. If policies, practices Judicial University's Affirmative - year term. AFSCME Union Local or patterns of D. Procedures of the Anti - Board's decision that such a Action Plan and oversees its administration 1585 shall select the labor member behavior, or individual acts which the by those units with responsibility for for a Discrimination Judicial Board. hearing is not justified. implementation. It also administers grievance procedures for those with three - year term. The Administrative and Committee finds discriminatory are complaints alleging discrimination. Professional Association shall select the not corrected without delay this 1. Upon receipt of a claim by an B. A Decision and Order issued by the The Department evolved from the former Office member from the Administrative Committee shall initiate action for a individual, as described in C.1 above, the Anti • Discrimination Judicial Board after of Equal Opportunity and Programs, which was begun in 1968. As affirmative action and non discrimination Professional staff for a three - year term hearing before the Anti - Discrimination chairman of the Anti • Discrimination a formal hearing may be appealed to the - became of increasing importance and except the first term shall be two Judicial Board. Judicial Board shall appoint three (one Anti - Discrimination Appeal Board complexity, the EOP gained greater years. by And the MSU faculty, one student, one other any participant in the hearing before the responsibilities. In September 1972, the office was Employees Association reorganized by the Board of shall select its member for three 7. Complaints involving interpersonal employee) voting members of the Board Board. The Appeal Board shall have the Trustees into the Department of Human years Relations, and its director appointed as an except that the initial term shall be for relations not connected with the official to investigate the claim. These authority to review the Decision and assistant vice president. The members reorganization included, as integral parts of the functions of the University or not shall without undue delay report to the Order of the Board, and to affirm it, Department, an Office of Women's Programs and an Office of involving discrimination as defined above to give specialized focus to these areas. Each Minority Programs, chairman of the Anti - Discrimination rescind it, modify it, or return if to the of these offices also has an shall be referred to appropriate agencies. Judicial Board whether Anti Discrimination Judicial Board Advisory 3. At the first meeting of the academic or not in their - for Council, made up of representatives of various campus constituencies. The judgment there is sufficient basis for reconsideration, amplification, or such year the Committee Against Department also provides staff support for the Anti Discrimination Judicial Board ■ Discrimination shall select a chairman 8. The Committee through its executive ■ holding a formal hearing. After the filing further proceeding as the Appeal Board and the Committee secretary shall make regular monthly of such report, the three members who may deem appropriate. Against Discrimination, and administers the Equal from among its members to serve for one Opportunity Graduate Fellowship Program. reports to the President of the University, investigate the claim shall not participate year. Five voting members will constitute who shall in turn share these with the further in any hearing or in the Individuals or organizations within the campus a voting quorum for action. or concerns communitywho have suggestions Board of Trustees from time to time. preparation of any Decision and Order C. When an appeal is taken from a regarding women or minorities and their relationships with the that may be rendered by the Anti- Decision and Order of the Anti 4. The Director of the Department of • University are urged to discuss them with the Department or its constituent offices. Article IV. The Anti Discrimination Judicial Board, or from a Human Relations or a person designated Discrimination Board. Similarly, complaints of discrimination also should be brought to the Department Discrimination Judicial Board refusal by this Board to conduct a formal for investigation, mediation or by him/her and approved by the adjudication. Committee shall serve as executive 2. In the case of an individual hearing, an Anti - Discrimination Appeal The Department's main office is 312 Administration ■ A. An Anti claim, the Board - Discrimination Judicial Anti - Discrimination Judicial Board shall shall be established in Bldg., phone 3-3922. The secretary of the Committee Against Board shall be established. the offices of Women's and following manner to consider the Minority Programs are located in 312 Linton Hall, phone Discrimination and shall make staff and decide, after receipt of the report appeal: legal counsel reporting to the University described in D. 1 above, whether or not a B. Composition and selection of Anti 1. The organization - formal hearing shall be conducted. In the or person charged attorney available as requested by the Discrimination Judicial Board. with violation of the Committee. case of a claim of a pattern of University policy discrimination filed by the Committee against discrimination, and the 1. Three students appointed by the C. The Against Discrimination as provided in C. organization or person making the charge, duties and procedures of the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedures Committee are as follows: Student nominees Board of ASMSU, from submitted by the All - 2 above, the Anti • Discrimination Board shall each designate one member of Anti Discrimination the shall promptly decide whether or not to - Appeal Board. Such University Student Judiciary. Initially hold a formal hearing on the basis of the members shall be chosen from the 1. The Committee may conduct or direct two juniors shall be appointed for two claim filed. If the Board decides not to University icle I. its staff to conduct periodic reviews of community (University Purpose Article II. Discrimination years and one senior for one year. hold a formal hearing, the faculty, University students, the operation of the several units of the secretary of or University Thereafter, all those appointed shall be the Board shall so notify the individual employees). The Board of Trustees of A. Kinds of discrimination University, to identify policies or Michigan prohibited: juniors and shall serve for two years who filed the claim or the Committee I'te practices which University reaffirms its may reflect (unless appointed to fill an unexpired 2. The two members thus designated shall mmitment1 to discrimination after Against Discrimination; such notification a policy of no 1. Disparity of treatment in employment, appropriate term). At least one member shall be non shall attempt to agree upon a third member - include a brief statement of the crimination on the basis of race, creed, notification of the President. Upon white and female. job placement, promotion or other one reasons for the Board's decision. to serve as chairman of the Appeal Board. nic origin or sex and establishes the formal request by majority vote of the economic benefits on the basis of race, This third member need not be chosen "owing procedures to prevent such creed, ethnic origin. Committee Against Discrimination any One graduate student shall be selected from the University or by 3. In any formal hearing conducted by community. crimination in accordance with due unit of the University shall provide access the Council of Graduate Students for a the Anti - Discrimination Judicial ocess within the University community, 2. Limitation of to any and all records necessary for two - year term. Board, 3. If the two members thus access to residence, doing or to the party charged with violation of the designated are so, the Board recognizes that it participation in educational, athletic, carrying out such reviews. Any such unable to agree upon the third not enough to proclaim that review in the name of the Committee and University policy against discrimination member we do not social, cultural or other activities of the Three faculty members shall be selected within five days, they shall so •criminate against minority shall have the same rights of due process notify the under authority granted in this statement groups. The University because of race, creed, or by the Faculty Committee on that are guaranteed to students President of the University. The President iversity must also strive actively to ethnic origin. of policy shall be undertaken only after Committees for three year terms. Initial by Article shall then ild a - 4 (Sections through of request the American community in which opportunity specific authorization of the Committee appointments shall be for one, two and Arbitration Assocation to appoint a dualized and the Academic Freedom for Students its facilities and and shall be under the use continuing three years. At least one shall be non qualified person to serve as the third an resources to develop the skills and supervision of the Committee. To the - document; provided, however, that such a 3. Discrimination of the foregoing types white and one female. member and chairman of the rtunities of the members of all maximum extent consistent with party shall have unrestricted choice of Appeal on the basis of sex, unless based on the Board. The fees and'expenses, if counsel. Both parties shall have the any, of PS so they may play responsible and bonafide job requirements or generally purposes of this procedure the One member of the Board shall right the third member and chairman be of counsel paid by the shall be oductive roles in confidentiality of personal records and selected University and society. This policy is accepted and socially approved by the Aministrative and selected from a panel established by the paid by the University. ant to all the principle of privileged communication aspects of the University distinctions in housing, sanitary facilities, Professional Association to serve for three "ding the choice of contractors and shall be respected by the Committee and University attorney. If either party athletics and similar facilities or activities. years. One member shall be selected by 4. All hearings conducted by the Appeal "hers of goods and its staff. Any alleged abuse of the chooses counsel outside the panel the services, the MSU Employees Association for a Board shall observe the he Board investigative powers of this Committee University assumes no responsibility for principles of due directs the establishment of 4. Harassment based on race, creed, term of three years, except the initial process that are set forth in the payment. Academic Committee Against Discrimination ethnic origin, or sex. may be appealed at any time directly to appointment shall be for one year. Freedom for Students document (Sections 'he Anti the President of the University who shall • Discrimination Judicial Formal through Both W to have authority to take appropriate action. The AFSCME Union Local 1585 shall hearings would normally be parties carry out this policy in the B. These policies and procedures shall shall have choice of counsel as """" closed, but may be opened by the provided outlined below. The Board also apply to: select one member of the Board to serve in Article IV, D.3. of this ,s all 2. The Committee shall identify policies, Judicial Board after consultation with document. units of the for three years except that the initial University to take both parties. The formal rules of evidence P'opriate action 1. All educational, cultural, and social practices, or patterns of behavior which appointment shall be for two years. D. All actions taken immediately to shall not necessarily be binding in a by the Appeal Board ernent this may reflect discrimination as defined in policy and procedures. activities occurring on the Michigan State hearing before the Anti Discrimination shall be reported to the President of the this document and report same to the Members - University campus. of the Committee Against University who shall in turn share these Judicial Board. responsible officials of the unit. The Discrimination shall not with the Board of Trustees. VIII, Bylaws serve of the Board of Committee shall also recommend to such 2. University sponsored programs concurrently on the Anti - Discrimination 4. - responsible officials such corrective Judicial Board. Following a formal hearing, the Anti • Approved by the Board of Trustees 2 a, 1970 February occurring off • campus, including action as it deems appropriate. Discrimination Judicial Board shall render Amended February 19, 1971 and April 21, 1 the stat* of cooperative extension, adult education a Decision and Order. The Board may Michigan and, 2. The President of the and any regularly scheduled classes. University shall conclude that a claim lacks merit, in 3. Any person or persons having appoint a °thlr states , to W *■"»■ secretary to the Board who which case its Order shall dismiss the Winerir countrlM. cuu There knowledge of prohibited discrimination, shall serve ex officio with no vote. » C(?l'cr'mln«lon "«d. based on race, soior, No discrimination shall be 3. Mousing supplied or regulated by the but without a personal claim. The Board may conclude that grievance, shall . Itv University housing or In the University for students and staff, have the right to file a complaint with the there is merit to the claim, in which case 3. At the first '"••rnitv «?!rvl1Md Mrorlty, oM • campus housing. including fraternities and sororities. Committee meeting of the academic its Decision shall state the findings that m,„ student oraanlzatlon or Against Discrimination year, the voting members of the Anti - support the conclusion, and its Order reciting the facts of such alleged Discrimination Board shall elect from shall specify the action or actions that 4. Employment relations between the discrimination and requesting corrective of race, anong their number a chairman, who shall must be taken by the color, national action in the same manner as a charged individual University and its employees. person serve in that capacity for one year. or organization to remedy the violation 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 21 Michigan Slate University Anti-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policies Affirmative Action Plan I. Purpose Nepotism (1971) that the University is meeting Its good 7. Employee status - full or part - •"J Two other reports published by the To reaffirm and extend the University's "Standards for employment and faith obligations under the Plan. Basic responsibility for acting on commitments time, permanent, or temporary 8. Employment history within the University providing information related to affirmative action include: ir",mc commitment to the principles of equal promotion at Michigan State University made thereunder lies with line University including date of original hire employment and educational shall consist of ability, qualifications for 1. Sickness and management: 9. Educational level Disability opportunities. the position and performance. I) Minority Programs Report, 2) Women's 10. Department and major Programs Report: 3) A Compilation of Data on Relationship to another individual The a. Sick Leave With A. Department of Human administrative unit where employed Faculty Women Enroled at Michigan State Pay To provide for the dissemination of employed by the University shall not Relations, directed by an Assistant Vice 11. Current salary University. information regarding these principles constitute a bar to hiring or promotion; Eligibility. Any President,' is responsible for the overall classified or iu , both internally and externally. provided however, that no employee shall be assigned to a unit or department under development and coordination of efforts to implement the Plan. This department C. The data is regularly inventoried Wfl-i emrloyee scheduled to Who work half time - is JJJ To and organized by: or m clearly delineate the lines of responsibility for the implementation of the direct supervision or control of a relative. Employment of relatives in the shall also be responsible for the collection, organization, and reporting of VI. Other Affirmative Action and Services Programs will be entitled to S1ck proportionate to the ,ime Ceb3 affirmative action programs. same unit or 1. Major administrative units and department or under the data pertaining to progress under the Plan employed. same supervisor is authorized departments only with in order to assess the effectiveness of 2. A. Department of Human Relations To establish specific goals for the hiring the prior written approval of the head of University employment type U«ge. Sick leave implementation efforts. classifications will be available forth, of minority and female personnel in all the unit or department and the Office of 3. EEO federal category titles The Department of Human Relations is following purposes: Illness or incaMc! University departments and activities. the Provost or the Office of the Executive associated with B. Department Chairmen and Deans Vice President 4. Level within employment type for charged with the responsiblity of when,pregnancy as appropriate." who are responsible for initiating faculty physician indicates the To provide a systematic plan for non - academic and academic employees coordinating efforts to implement the unable to perform all the employe- employment recommendations, shall University's equal opportunity and anti - duties of W monitoring and evaluating progress Board of Trustees cooperate with and report to the Provost position. toward achieving discrimination policies. Within the the goals and May 21,1971 with respect to all aspects of academic D. Utilization Analysis of the Data department there is: a Director of implementing the principles and policies. employee relations, including affirmative 2. Personal Leave Without III. Dissemination of Women's Programs, a Director of Pay Policy and action objectives. To comply with the requirements of 1. The current workforce of non - Minority Programs, and Women's and Program Eligibility. Any classified appropriate Federal and State laws academic employees periodically is Minority Advisory Councils. The Director or Bond C. The Personnel Office shall be and Associate Director of the Department appointed employee who is regularly regarding non - discrimination and compared with the available workforce in scheduled to work at least half A. Internal Dissemination responsible for and report to the the Lansing SMSA. of Human Relations serve as staff to the time mi - affirmative action. be entitled to personal leave Executive Vice ! President regarding non • 2. The numbers and percent of women Committee Against Discrimination and without piy 1. Article I of the Board's anti academic employee relations. In for up to one month. II. • addition, and minorities employed in the tenure the Anti Discrimination Judicial Board - Bylaws and General Policies discrimination policy statement is the Personnel Office is charged with the system are compared with their respectively. The department is published annually in the MSU responsibility of making known the Usage. Personal leaves may be granted fa The availability according to the most recent responsible to the Vice President for Michigan State University Board of Faculty Handbook and in the Student University's desire to employ members of such reasons as child care. Trustees, through its Bylaws, Articles national data on earned doctoral degrees. University Relations, and the Director is Handbook. minority groups and women. 3. The numbers and percent of women an Assistant Vice President. VII and VIII, has established the 3. Fringe Benefits and minorities in non - academic following general policy: D. The Vice President for Business and B. 2. The entire text of the University Finance is responsible for employment types and levels within type Supportive Programs By action of the Board of Trustees,I , Article VII. Employee Anti Discrimination Policy and ensuring are analyzed and compared with their Relations. The Board of - compliance by contractors, sub - regular part - time (fifty percent Trustees shall deal with all employees Procedures is published as a separate availability when it is known or can be 1. Assistant Provost for Special Programs or mu.(| contractors, suppliers, and vendors with estimated. employees are entitled to participate onij uniformly without reference to their race, document and distributed on campus. the University's Equal Opportunity proportionate basis in all plans color, sex, national origin, or their religious 4. Upon conclusion of the foregoing This office provides supportive services conumty belief. Policy and with Section 60 1.40 of the - referred to as fringe benefits. 3. Information about analyses goals tables are prepared for each and assistance for students who are the Regulations of the Office of Federal Article VIII. Board and Student Relations. It University's policy and its Affirmative Contract Compliance, U.S. Department major administrative unit, as necessary. economically or educationally 4. Job Posting shall be the policy of the Board to Action Program is communicated of Labor. This officer is also 5. The goals tables, when prepared, are disadvantaged, and handicapped students. provide responsible reviewed and revised annually to insure equal educational opportunity to all qualified periodically to: the Board of Trustees; for administration of the All open positions both faculty and no. students from the State of Michigan and. administrators; and the University Apprenticeship that progress in overcoming any 2. Equal Opportunity Fellowships Affirmative Action Plan. academic which may not insofar facilities, community through reports and news deficiencies in the utilization of necessarily bt as faculty, and filled by promotion are accommodations permit, a reasonable number articles in a variety of publications. minorities and women shall be The Department of Human Relations regularly E. The Director of the Cooperative publicized and advertised in the from other states and other countries. There maintained. administers financial grants from a fund weekly shall be no discrimination based on Extension Service is responsible for MSU News Bulletin, in trade and race, 4. The University's equal opportunity provided by the University for graduate color, sex or creed. No discrimination shall be and anti carrying out Affirmative Action Plan professional bulletins and magazines« allowed in University housing or in the discrimination policies are - E. Salary Analysis study selected financially to - requirements of the Department of appropriate, and with the Michigan University ■ supervised off ■ campus housing. communicated during student Agriculture. disadvantaged minority students. Studies of job titles, job descriptions and Employment Security Commission. No fraternity, sorority, student organization or orientation, new faculty meetings, and club may exist on any campus of Michigan any other formalized sessions to acquaint duties in one non - academic employment 3. Administrative Internships for Women 5. Grievance Procedures State University if it operates under a V. Procedures for newcomers to the campus. Implementing the Plan type are conducted from time to time. constitution that discriminates against potential Recommendations from such studies are A program, administered by an Assistant Grievance procedures covering employe members on the basis of race, creed, color, A.Specific steps to insure equal in 5. The University's nepotism policy reviewed to determine whether Provost, is designed to provide all categories of employment national origin or ancestry. employment opportunity include the include: has been published in the policy differences in salaries or duties can be professional women with practical handbook for Faculty and other campus gathering of employment data according attributed to the sex or minority status of experience in higher education The following excerpts represent specific to guidelines published by U.S. administration. a. those provided for in union contracts. periodicals. position incumbents. actions by the governing body of Michigan State University to insure equal 6. b. an Interim Faculty Grievance Meetings and consultations heldare opportunity: from time to time with College Deans and Procedure (as amended by the Academic Council May 9, 1972). Department Chairmen to discuss AntiDiscrimination (1935) employment practices. Similar meetings Hiring Goals for Women and are held with union officials. Minority Faculty In The Tenure System c. an Employee Grievance Procedure t "The Board wishes hereby to make it 1974-1977 Hourly and Salaried Employe clear that it has at no time sanctioned or 7. Close liaison between the Personnel (approved by the Board of Trust advocated that there should be any Office, the Provost's Office and the College 1974 September 15, 1972). Faculty Hiring Goals 1977 Faculty discrimination in any department of the Department of Human Relations is established. The Department of Human Total Women d. a Grievance Procedure College, and declares its policy, both past Minority Women Minority Total2 Women Minority Relations will assist in researching and Administrative - Professional employe* and present, to be such as to provide equal opportunity to all students, providing information about resources (approved by the Board of Trustet Agriculture 298 4 3 7 6 308 11 February 15, 1974). reprdless of race or color." from which minorities and women may 9 be recruited. Arts 8< Letters 267 36 15 10 6 263 46 21 Business 110 4 2 3 2 111 7 e. the Anti - Discrimination Judici State Board of Agriculture 4 8. Posters publicizing the existence Comm. Arts 49 7 1 5 5 63 12 Board. June 10,1935 6 and functions of the Committee Against Education 180 26 7 6 4 179 32 11 Discrimination and the Anti - 90 0 2 Copies of these procedures are availabl Housing (1960) Engineering 7 1 90 1 9 and have been distributed to all affecte Discrimination Judicial Board are posted Human Ecology 58 44 0 14 6 68 58 in appropriate 6 employees. It voted to reaffirm University offices and Human Medicine 117 19 13 9 10 153 28 23 was the Board's buildings such as, but not limited to: the Madison 15 2 0 1 1 16 3 VIII. Goals and Timetables policy that there be nodiscrimination for Personnel Employment Office, married 1 race, creed or national origin condoned in Morrill 23 6 1 0 0 23 6 1 housing, residence halls, major Goals for the employment of University housing or approved off - classrooms, and recreation buildings. All Briggs 12 2 0 0 0 12 2 0 campus housing. Nat. Sci. 328 36 19 1 and minorities in the tenure systei posters of the Michigan Civil Rights 4 332 40 20 Commission will be posted according to Osteo. Medicine 70 13 4 5 4 110 18 faculty are set and published periodicall] 8 Available national indices reflecting 'L Board of Trustees law. Soc. Sci. 198 19 7 4 5 214 23 12 March 17,1960 potential "pool" of qualified persot Univ. College 211 39 12 6 3 205 45 15 with Ph.D. degrees; the anticipate 9. The equal opportunity clause, as set Urban Dev. 17 2 10 1 2 29 3 12 vacancies dueresignations to Contractors (1969) forth in Executive Order 11246 as Vet. Med. 86 5 2 2 92 3 7 5 retirements, the growth and amended, is an explicit part of all union Provost 42 4 2 3 2 46 7 retrenchment prospects It was voted to 4 adopt a policy of contracts. V.P. Student Affairs 34 11 2 4 3 34 the particular colleges and department 15 . 5 requiring proof of equal employment All other units are used to establish goals. These dat 77 2 ♦ 5 3 2 77 5 practices from all University contractors, 10. All 7 University employment Totals 2282 281 112 88 67 2425 initially are analyzed by the employe effective July 1,1969. 369 179 announcements the phraseinclude 1 units, and their projections for the hinn April 1974 "Michigan State University is an Equal of women and minority personnel int Board of Trustees Opportunity Employer." Projected by individual colleges faculty positions are reviewed by April 18,1969 Office of the Provost and the Departmei 11. The Affirmative Action Plan is of Human Relations prior to Anti-Discrimination Policy (1970) published annually in the State News. Department of Health, Education and establishment of goals. Goals usually Similar reviews of faculty salaries also Welfare; analysis of the data according to C. Day Care Services set for a three - year period. The may be made from time to time. following is Article I, Purpose, from those same guidelines and annual revision Throughout the period for whicn the Michigan State University Anti • B. External Dissemination goals are established, the progress ol« of the employment goals as dictated by University child - care or nursery school Discrimination Policy and Procedures: F. Promotion Analysis the evaluation of the data. The data used facilities are primarily designed for employing units is monitored by 1.Regular contact is made with in the evaluation includes but is not teaching purposes, although one is also a Provost and DHR through use o "The Board of Trustees of Michigan State Examination and analysis of the rates of recruiting sources to inform them of the limited to: cooperative adventure intended to assist reporting system. This system "I""® University reaffirms its commitment University's policy and affirmative action promotion and opportunities for upward and benefit married students living in employing unit to report its ream'in (Article VIII of the Bylaws) to a policy mobility of women and minorities in all program. campus housing. process for a particular vacancy, an of no discrimination on the basis of 1. An analysis of hiring during the levels and types of employment shall be race, sex and racial breakdown of appji 2. period of the report. conducted as appropriate to determine VII. Other Affirmative Action creed, ethnic origin or sex and establishes Minority organizations, group for the position. This information! the following procedures to whether affirmative action intent is being Policies and Procedures prevent such community agencies, community leaders, 2. An analysis of employment reviewed by the monitors and is meas discrimination in accordance with due secondary schools, and colleges are accomplished. procedures to uncover any built - in against hiring g°a the unit's process within the notified in writing about the A. Construction and University community. University's inequities. G. Monitoring and Reporting System Purchasing efforts prior to» determine good faith In doing so, the Board non discrimination policy. recognizes that it - The Provost's approval of a Pers is not enough to proclaim that we do not Supplementary General Conditions 3. An analysis of the promotional appointment recommendation. , discriminate against minority groups. The 3. All employment notices include the Responsibility for collecting and in Proposal Forms for contracts records of professionals and non - preparing data and maintaining records exceeding $10,000 require the bidder to Michigan State Un.verM University must also strive actively to University equal employment professionals. employment of women and mm0 build a community in which opportunity opportunity policy. relating to affirmative action under this affirm that he has both a non • non academic positions is m 4. An analysis of minority - is equalized and its facilities and group and plan is assigned to the Department of discriminatory policy and affirmative use female employee turnover as compared to Human Relations. action an against the availability of such per human resources to develop the skills and 4. The equal opportunity clause is plan. Prior to the award of total turnover. shown in labor market statist'es opportunities of the members of all incorporated in all purchase orders, contracts, the low bidder's name is also Lansing Standard Metropolitan Stat t groups so they may play responsible and leases, contracts, etc. Written notice of A semi annual audit is made of all submitted to the 5. An assessment of the - Michigan Civil Rights Area. Since data indicate that productive roles in society. This policy is the University's policy is sent to all forreasons employees. A periodic audit is made of Commission for certification relevant to all aspects of the minority group and female under - the applicant flow for academic and non • of University regularly employs wo"1 ^ University vendors, suppliers, and contractors. compliance and awardability. minorities at a percentage rate . utilization in those areas where it exists academic positions. including the choice of contractors and this availability index, goals and suppliers of goods and services. 5. The University's and specific recommendations for The Michigan Civil Rights Commission, timev^ equality of corrective action. for non - academic employmen opportunity policy is stated in the An Equal Opportunities Manual has been Contract Compliance The Board directs the establishment of Catalog of Academic Programs. prepared and is used as a data collection Division, also cooperates with the University by established. Rather, the dedicates its efforts in this area to Wp * B. A basic data file is the Committee Against Discrimination regularly reviewing vendors and suppliers of g 1s and the Anti • Discrimination Judicial maintained for each employee. This file promotion and upgrading » ind services Board to carry out this policy in the IV. Responsibility for Administration includes the following information: At least to the University and place more such qualified employ and Implementation annually a report is prepared Ivising of their awardability or of their higher employment classifications. manner outlined below. The Board also by the Department of .Human Relations t. >n - compliance status. In the latter directs all units of the 1. Name and social security number for submission to the Board of Trustees event, business with such vendors is University to take The ultimate responsibility for IX. Annual Report appropriate action immediately to 2. Sex and the Office of Civil Rights of the discontinued adminstration and implementation of the until they are in implement this policy and procedures." 3. Racial identification Department of Health, Education and compliance. Affirmative Action Plan rests with the President. He has delegated to the Vice 4. 5. Date of birth Welfare. This report describes the Each year showing, through tables and nim» a report is PJJ'J| Board of Trustees President for University Relations Employment type progress of the University's affirmative B. Leave Policies and Fringe Benefits February 28,1970 6. Job title, employment classification action compliance program during the current employment situation i J authority to represent him in assuring University and detailing P'0^55 I type, and level period covered. Present policies relating to child • care this Affirmative Action Plan. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, November 21,1974 ? 3 '"ember 21,197! Iowa a much improved team By CHARLES JOHNSON would make this season a State News Sports Writer Commings said. effectiveness against OSU relative success. The Iowa stalwarts include was comparison to its opponents A year ago, MSU helped All of the indicative of the kind of play 636 plays. Hawkeyes' wins halfback Jim Jensen, who they have demonstrated all preserve a perfect season for could be classified as Iowa is sixth in the league upsets, could become only the fourth Iowa as coach year long. Iowa has controlled in total defense as compared to Denny Stolz's including a 21-10 win over player in Hawkeye history to the ball for 702 charges came up with a 15-6 UCLA, a 35-10 plays, in MSU's second ranking. win beating of surpass 700 yards in a season. over the Hawkeyes in Iowa Northwestern and a 14-12 Jensen has accumulated 655 City. edging of Illinois. The loss gave Iowa a winless yards going into the final 0-11 season and established it MSU fell victim to UCLA game. firmly as the laughing stock of by a 56-14 margin, and of Quarterback Rob Pick gives DAN SPICKLER course Illinois Iowa the Big Ten. helped dispel the an added dimension with Well, first year coach Bob Spartans' Rose Bowl an accurate ified 'ho is or Bon J Commings made that with a 21-21 tie. hopes passing been successful in arm. He has regularly I Iowa would not suffer a vow Iowa lost last week to Ohio on connecting 73 of 150 passes this I'll miss you, • time or more | through :k leave any more perfect seastms like State 35-10, but moved the season. benefit] ft that, and the result has been ball well against the time actually I three wins and a marked Buckeye Commings is fearful of MSU defense. Commings sees that as and knows that winning is Bo and Woody improvement in the team this one of the keys to victory definitely season. over a big order. MSU. available forthe s or I The Hawkeyes are currently "If "MSU is a very good I'm not surprised to see how easy it is to we get a strong football team, and if the season pick up a few extra incapacity I in a four - way tie for sixth performance from Iowa - MSU tickets this week. A lot of MSU lancy when , with a 2-6 conference our defense were starting over, they would students are e record. and we match the offensive be one of the favorites for the planning to glue their eyes on ABC - TVs annual Ohio State - employee g _ A win Saturday the he duties of over output we had last week, we University of Michigan show Saturday in Ohio Stadium. ha 1 Spartans at Spartan Stadium can win over there Big Ten title," he said. I really don't blame all the MSU Saturday," The Hawkeyes ball - control people from the Wolverine state for switching their loyalty for one afternoon. Bo even had me well trained. t Pay - If only you could have seen me on a Saturday like this Burroughs wins one ho is f'ed t half time or regularly! Board | MVP upcoming two years ago, as a high school senior. I had on my only pair of yellow socks, blue jeans, and a U sweatshirt that was too small and I sat in the Wolverine's - "good M - may! luck" spot in our family room in front of the TV when I watched ave without pay I ARLINGTON, Tex. (UPI) - — that hitting isn't just walking season while slamming the game. Three years ago Ted Williams 25 up there and taking three homers and leading the league I have lived and almost died banished Jeff Burroughs to the swipes." Michigan football on the last minors, with 118 runs batted in. He Saturday of each yeaf. I have hated Woody Hayes with a passion iy be granted f« I telling the blond The 23 - year old native of and ! have prayed for Bo Schembechler SN slugger to heat his bat and cool - played parts of seasons with like a 40 - year - old U • photo/Rob KozlofT Long Beach, Calif., the third M alumnus would. Spartan forward Terry Furlow drives in for a basket against a team his head. Washington and Texas in 1970, made up of youngest player ever to win an I MSU old - timers Tuesday night at Jenison Fieldhouse. Furlow scored 18 points Burroughs, then 20, had a MVP award, won 1971 and 1972 before hitting It was hard up here in Bast Lansing last year. in the game, won by the current varsity team temper that exceeded Wednesday .279 with 30 homers and 85 I still find it difficult to believe that I was able to decide that 83-71. The his over three members of MSU Varsity Club the RBI for the Rangers in 1973. any other school besides Bo's could offer me a d of Trustees,! sponsored the affair. The Spartans batting average. During his World Champion Oakland A's better open their regular season at home Dec. 2 tantrums he'often tossed bats undergraduate education. >ercent participate on or mort)| against Central Michigan. and helmets and kicked water and Texas teammate Ferguson Jenkins, who finished fifth in "It's the greatest honor a Last year I didn't know the name of more than two MSU player football players before the start of the 1 plans coolers. the balloting of a 24 • man can get," Burroughs season. commonly! When Williams sent said. "And it makes it even It had never occured to me that MSU football was in the midst fits. committee of the Baseball of a great rebuilding kpartan Burroughs to Denver of the greater being only 23 years old program. I still schizophrenically declared Writers Assn. of America. and in my second year of my compassion for the maize and blue. cagers coast 83-71 American Assn., the youngster was batting .185 with just one Burroughs hit .301 last major league ball." "Oh, I got to MSU, but my football team is still You can hear a lot of freshman and Michigm's..." home run and a mess of others from this state acuity and noo-l handing friends that same line this year. MSU old-timer squad strikeouts. He finished the necessarily be I pver t are regularly I season in the minors .303 and hitting 24 homers. batting Ron LeFlore This Saturday, however, I'm watch MSU play Iowa. I don't going to be in Spartan Stadium to know why, but after you've been I in the weekly! here a year it gets easier to root for in trade andl | MSU's 1974 • 75 basketball Michigan Dec. 2 at Jenison. on Eastern And it was no secret he did had you believe was the "other" what the newspapers always A magazines asf ight and, unveiled as expected, Tuesday the The Spartans against the old were led timers by and Western Michigan Dec. 7 Michigan Dec. 14 not care for of Famer who then Williams, the Hall managed Tigers' rookie I knew the change in Michigan school. loyalty had fully taken place when I sat n the mission. Michigu| Jgers looked impressive. - Lindsay Hairston's 22 points, at home. the Texas Rangers. DETROIT (UPI) - Ron LeFlore, who went from down this year at the U - M MSU - game in Ann Arbor during But Burroughs prison to the "The Victors" and stood up in the middle of the | Playing against a team followed by Bill Glover and learned, and major leagues in slightly more than a year, has been named the section when the MSU band retaliated with U M student • bmprised of former Spartan now he praises Williams for Terry furlow with 18 apiece. Detroit Tigers' 1974 Rookie of the Year the MSU fight song. Isketballers, Gus Ganakas' Former MSU great Lee Five-game tickets helping him become the Broadcasters Assn. by the Detroit Sports A large piece of fruit just missed my head. ering employed d coasted to an 83 American League's Most The Spartan football team has made it a easy - Lafayette led the old - timers available LeFlore began his career with the Detroit organisation in June lot easier this year to f employment! victdry in Jenison team with 22 points. Cliff Monday Valuable Player for 1974. 1973, after being paroled from Southern Michigan State prison. pull for MSU. |eldhouse before about 600 Foster had 14 and Charles Student "We had our differences," After tearing up the Class A Florida State I believe this is the last year that U - M football scores will Tucker and Joe Johnson purchasers of Burroughs said of his former League last season - receive season tickets to MSU home battling .339 and stealing 42 bases - he was promoted to the equal attention with Spartan scores from MSU students. | The game was MSU's first chipped in 12 and 10 hockey games can redeem manager, who convinced Bob Short to sign the Tigers' top affiliate, Evansville, for nine games. He jumped to the Next year the Rose Bowl will hopefully have a lot of green and of competitive action youngster as parent team on July 31 when regular center fielder white in it respectively. coupons for the next five the team's No. 1 draft choice Mickey us far this season, and served games starting Monday at the Stanley broke his hand. Let's put an end to this dual ! preparation for its upcoming After the in 1969. "But I have to say LeFlore hit .260 in 59 games and stole 23 loyalty. opener against athletic ticket office in Jenison bases, injecting I'm starting this Saturday. For the first time that Ted Williams in five years against Central Central, the Spartans will take Fieldhouse. taught me to speed and flair into the Detroit lineup for the first time in several ABC's Roone Arledge is think at the plate a little more seasons. going to miss my business. Pooh on the "Big Two." ocedure foil lant employta] 1 of Trusted s are > available to all affectef for which thL irogress of tored by til thj gh use of J m requires!* st recruiting ancy, and of appli^J nformation I d is measure® , lg g°als 1 s prior to 'i a person™ 3n. is the best place fer your savings Michigan National Bank has over 17 Savings Services- Choose the plan which will fit yoor requirements. Michigan National is open trip 9:30 to 4:30 including Saturday. BankAmericard Come in soon and open your savings account employed j itions. 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan i|, OPEN DAILY 10-10;SUNDAY 10-7 TOURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. Council tentatively OKs free Saturday bus plan By JOE KIRBY thought it might doom the State News Staff Writer whole project. East Lansing residents may "I'd hate to see this fail get free Saturday bus service in because of the lack of $15," time to help out with their Griffiths said. Christmas shopping. Council told the city's Mass Transit The East Lansing City Council gave tentative approval Tuesday night to a six ■ week Committee, which helped develop the plan, to redesign the bus routes and to DISCOUNTS trial program supported by the negotiate with the merchants city and area merchants. about the money. Two buses will travel Council thought the original between Meridian Mall and design of the route bypassed Frandor shopping center, costing $400 a day if the plan the East Lansing downtown business area. The planned RCA XL-100 25 in. is actualized. westbound route would travel The plan, developed by the far north of Grand River city's Mass Transit Committee, received only tentative SHARP GRIFFIN Avenue, at one point as far north as Lake Lansmg Road. COLOR CONSOLE approval from council because "The time comes when "I'd hate to see this fail If the Mass Transit they wanted the route changed Committee is able to work out Our Reg. the soft touch says no because of the lack of and only wanted to pay $150 a day instead of the $165 originally asked of them. The Central East Lansing and this is it." contribution to the program $15/f "We're the soft touch in the the differences between the city and the merchants, the program will begin on Nov. 30. In other action, council got 569.88 $519.88 RCA's most powerful XL-100 Business Association (CELBA) solid because she thought the city area, we'll subsidize anything," into an argument over how - statechassiscombined had also been asked to with RCA's Super AccuColor was paying too big a slice for a Sharp said. "The time comes many skating rinks should be participate in the program, but program which would mainly when the soft touch says no built in the city this winter and black matrix picture tube. refused due to lack of funds. benefit the merchant? of and this is it." where they should be located. Councilwoman Mary Sharp Meridian and Frandor malls, The Recreation Commission Automatic fine tuning. Councilman George offered the amendment but not of downtown East Griffiths opposed the had recommended that the Automatic Chroma control. changing the city's Lansing. amendment because he rinks be built at MacDonald School, Henry Fine Park, Valley Court Park and Spartan Council votes in holiday trim Village. Councilwoman Thelma DELIVERY AVAILABLE CREDIT TERMS Evans did not think the city in spite of members' protest should build a rink at Spartan Village because it was on Yes Virginia, there are still people who festival decorations." University property. Griffiths said that echoed of the old "town - gown division." WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! believe in Christmas decorations er, make Councilman George Griffiths, who led the "It ... is time this area be that holiday festival decorations. opposition to the planned decorating last year, recognized as part of the East East Lansing City Council agreed to spend the $400 necessary to put up seasonal trim in the city after arguing over the difference took that role again. "I would like to see the city decorated, but I can't see the city paying for a religious Lansing community," Griffiths said. Budget-priced between decorations. "Christmas" and "holiday" holiday," Griffiths said. Councilwoman Thelma Evans also opposed The idea that more rinks be built was opposed by Sharp. RCA black-and-white Last year council voted against putting up the idea because of the wording "Christmas She thought that if the council the decorations on the grounds that since Christmas was a religious holiday, it would be decorations." But she and Griffiths minority as were council members Mary Sharp, John in the agreed to one or two more rinks, then every group in the portable improper to spend taxpayer money on such a Polomsky and Mayor Wilbur Brookover voted city would show up the next Our Reg. project. The same argument was brought up this time around but the majority of the council thought the decorations could be considered "holiday for the plan. "I'm the only one who voted for it last year and I guess I'll vote for it again," Brookover said. day with a request for a rink. Council finally approved the four sites recommended by the commission. $79.88 Solid state components in many areas. • 13,000-volt (design average) chassis. Tone-balanced front sound. MSU WILL PARTICIPATE DECEMBER 5 Excellent separation of strong stations and other unwanted signals in metropolitan areas. Thousands • Excellent picture and sound reception in will f • fringe and weak-signal areas. Chassis designed to minimize picture # Itc/l disturbances from outside sources, such By SUE McMILLIN as electric appliances and airplanes. Hubbard, Holmes, Mason • Abbot, Akers and Case Halls did State News Staff Writer not have the number of signatures counted. An estimated 200,000 people throughout the world will Most of the residence halls' personnel said they would still participate in a 24 - hour fast today. take signatures if students came to the managers' offices. A Participants will limit themselves to coffee, tea, fruit juice or spokesman from Brody Complex said a few people had come in broth and donate the money they would normally have an Oxfam fund for the hungry, a spokesman for Oxfam spent to - and cancelled their participation. Last May 5,259 MSU students took part in a fast. Since that APPLIANCE CLEARANCE America, the U.S. branch of the British based Oxford Famine Relief Committee, said. - time, $6,000 has been donated to the committee from residence ] halls. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has estimated that Money collected from the local committee will go to combat Our Reg. 139.88 Olympic Quadraphonic Stereo, Model Q-130 ONLY s75.00| more than 500 million persons currently face starvation in over starvation in the Sahel region of Africa and 30 countries. Ethiopia. The Sahel consists of seven nations south of the Sahara Desert. Universities supporting the Oxfam fast include: the University They are of Montana, Tufts University in Boston, the Massachusetts Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Upper Volta, Niger, Chad and Gambia. Our Reg. 177.00 Masterwork AM/FM/FM Stereo Phonograph and Institute of Technology and the University of Massachusetts. Many church groups are sponsoring similar programs. Roman MSU students will be participating in a fast Dec. 5; sponsored Catholic officials in New York have-urged people to have one Quadraphonic 8-Track Tape Player 2 ONLY 5118.00| by the Africa Famine Relief Committee of East Lansing. meatless day per week. A bishop in a United Methodist Church in The University will pay 70 cents to the Africa Relief Fund for eastern Ohio has asked church members to skip one meal a week every student that signed up to forego the evening meal. and give the money they save to a fund for Our Though the total number of participants has not yet been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Bangladesh and India. Reg. 228.00 Admiral 3 way stereo, radio, phonograph and - day Saints has a regular determined, many of the residence halls have approximate figures. Brody Complex had 868 signatures as of 9 p.m. Monday; program where all members are asked to fast the first Sunday of the month. 8-track tape player SK141 *146.00| Gilchrist, Yakeley and Williams halls have a total of about 311; Mitch Snyder, 31 and Mary Ellen Hombs, 23, two members of Holden Hall showed 719, McDonel Hall has the approximately 361; Washington, D. C., Community for Nonviolent Action, began Shaw Hall has about 500; Snyder • Phillips Hall has 450; Our Reg. 177.00 Admiral AM/FM/FM Stereo and 8 Track Campbell and Mayo halls have about 533; Wilson Hall has Landon, fasting on Nov. 16, the last day of the World Food Conference in Tape Rome. They said that they "will continue to follow approximately 410, and Wonders Hall has about 500. The total so until the developed nations of the world this path begin to respond in a Player Model SK 131 2 ONLY s99.88| far is 4,652. serious way to the plight of so many who have so little." Our Reg. 199.00 Electrophonic AM/FM/FM Stereo 8 Track Tape Player and Phonograph Model SKT 290C s129,00| % Our Reg. 177.00 Capehart AM/FM/FM Stereo Phonograph 8 Track Recorder with stand 1 ONLY s129.00| Our Reg. 299.00 Kmart 19in. Color TV Model SKC 1900 * 199.00 1 % j i 22 Our Reg. 54.88 Brother Sewing Machine Model 661 2 ONLY $ 41,001 Vat.AfO HJTOSMPH -flsjfcs IK) *TUt Our Reg. 67.88 Brother Sewing Machine Model 1211 1 ONLY *41.001 Our Reg. 99.88 Brother Sewing Machine Model M741 I ONLY '69'88l S5COO.OS -AT— 4 WHILE QUANIIIIES LAST) 401 Tb OKEMOS KMART ONLY 2020 EAST GRAND RIVER AVE Michigan StateNews,East Lansing,Michigan Thursday, November 21,1974 is Collect Your Extra Holiday $Cash$ Early. Soil no-longer needed items with Want Ads! ! **"■» A litometive FRANKLY SPEAKING, by phil frank GREMLIN X 1974. Radial tires. 'W Apartments ^ Apartments ^ Standard shift, 3 speed. CAMPER/Van 1968. $2,000. E xcellent Call 641-6806. Or condition. NEED ONE girl, winter. New Cedar 641-6767 if Factory MSU AREA: Okemos. One no answer. built. Pop 2 BEDROOM 7-11-21 - up roof, the worksl Village. $80/month. 351-4443. DUPLEX, 27 mpg, $1,800. Call 355-1190. bedroom, furnished and Jolly-Logan area, full basement, 6-11-22 PHONE 355-8255 JAGUAR 1967 X3-11-23 unfurnished, air conditioned, yard, carpeted, $180/month plus - XKE Roadster. Needs mechanical work. carpeted, modern. $150 to utilities. Security deposit | 347 Student Service* Bldg. offer. 627-4758. 6-11-27 Make $165. Heat included. Call required. 372-8073. After 6, 'AUTOMOTIVE Scooters & Cycles JAVELIN, 1972. Air, automatic, HlHtqfdB ]|~»B| MERIDIAN MALL Just completed - 1 bedroom units with super location for MSU and all I 349-9604. 10-11-27 0.8-11-22 - 2 GIRLS needed. Own room in vinyl roof, must sell. $1975. shopping. Great colors and yard FAWN PARK Apartments, singles Parti & Service 489-5481. 2-11-25 HONDA 750 1973. 5,400 miles. town house. $90. Close, Pam, and young marrieds. We have space for the garden freak. These Aviation Hooker headers. Excellent 489-5374. 3-11-21 deluxe color coordinated 1 and are perfect for condition. 393-1949. 5-11-26 young singles or MERCURY 2 bedroom .EMPLOYMENT MONTEGO, 1973, couples, with no lease. $150 per )NE BEDROOM apartments. basement Appliances, balconies, patios, 18,500 miles, month. Please call 332-3268 ♦ for rent rustproofed, SUZUKI SL 1972. Very good or apartment. Furnished, all ample parking, many other excellent condition, must 332-6877. sell condition. Female owner. $375 utilities paid, near bus line, Apartment! 484-4707.4-11.22 extras. $139-$169. 882-6318. firm. Call Kitty, after 4 5-11-27 $75/month. 485-5222. 3-11-121 pm 10-11-22 Houses 394-2019. 5-11-26 Mefcury MARQUIS Brougham FOR ONE month only. December Rooms FEMALE NEEDED for 4 person. 1971. 54,000 miles, needs 5 - January 7. Lapeer ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom Lansing body DUCATI 1974 Street, Winter spring. $61/month. .FOR SALE work. $1100. 393-3457. - 750 cc. Like new, Lansing. $125 apartment, furnished, utilities 5-11-21 489-4931. 332-3747, . make offer. 694-1733, before 3 after 6:15 pm. oaid. $150/month. 487-5574. Animals 5-11-27 M E R C U W pm. 5-11-26 5-11-25 1966. Local 5-11-22 Mobile Homes transportation. Good condition. ONE FEMALE needed to sublease »LOST & found $100. Call 332-2563.4-11-25 YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, BMW winter term only. Beechwood FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, ONE NEEDED for 4 • motorcycles. Parts, accessories, close/canpus, December $65/month. Close .PERSONAL service. Apartments. $61/month. 15/September 1975. Sublease, to cart MGB 1968. New engine, excellent SHEP'S MOTOR '1% NOT SURE WHO W4S/VJ0KE EWTEl? ABOUT j 351-4654. 3-11-22 • I .PEANUTS personal 332-5657.5-11-27 heater, SPORTS, INC. 694-6621 $82.50. 351-9415.4-11-22 no rust. Must sell! |,REAL ESTATE Taking best offer. 676-2876, 484-8959. 5-11-27 __C-6.11.22_ MYSf&NlWS OF TUB MILLION OOLlAR CON- * EAST LANSING- one person to GIRL NEEDED to sublease River's .RECREATION TRACT... mpLBS OR W Edge. Winter, spring. $77.50. |. SERVICE MG MIDGET, 1972. Excellent' SUZUKI. 1974 GT 750, windshield, luggage rack, low miles, | sublease furnished 2 bedroom. Winter and spring terms. $100. NEED FEMALE for two-person. Near campus, nice. Call 332-0270.5-11-26 warranty. Call after 4 pm. £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX Quiet, comfortable. 337-7438, Instruction condition! 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 351-9214. 3-11-21 $1,975. Call 645-2350. 3-11-21 353-7733. Or Keith, 353-4686. WANTED, 2-4 people to lease an 339-2911 evenings. 3-11-25 6-11-27 apartment close to campus, until Typing Service June. Call 351-6441. 5-11-25 |. TRANSPORTATION .WANTED MUSTANG 1971. Fastback, $1550 or best offer. 332-3746 Sharp. 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike, 2,000 miles. $850 - negotiable. | E»ple)ineBl ffl) j fer Heel Iff] MSU NEAR bedroom. - Attractive, on* Unfurnished. GROESBECK GOLF course area - 646-6236. 7-11-29 .CAR POOL 5-11-21 Available December. $167. OWN ROOM for near, 2 bedrooms. Immediately. woman in UNLIMITED SALES TV 351-9349. 2-11-22 townhouse. East Lansing area. Call 351-5964. 7-11-27 and STEREO Rentals. ## RATES** OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale, 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise Service OPPORTUNITY $25/term. $10.95/month. Free NEED December - June. 337-2060. 2 BEDROOM 10 word minimum If you're a better man then the job Same Day Delivery and Service. FOURTH female winter 5-11-27 FURNISHED control, other extras. 332-1097 you're term only. Cedar Village. Call' apartment, 5 blocks from now in, we'd like to talk Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 after 6 pm. 7-11-27 after 5pm, 351-7434. 5-11-27 campus. Sublease winter, u. VOLKSWAGEN - COMPLETE to you. Commissions. Call GIRL NEEDED winter/spring. spring. NO. DAYS 351-3188.10-12-3 ORDS repair and body. 20% Josephine Starkweather at Capitol Villa. $46.25. 332-2906. PEUGEOT 504 Wagon, 1972. Air, DISCOUNT to students, faculty 694-3935. Investors Diversified NEED 2 men, 4 man, winter - 3-11-25 24,000 miles, mint. 3 ROOM APARTMENT with M 3 5 10 Asking on all cash'n' carry VW service Services. 10-11-22 $ NOTICE $ spring. Free bus service, heating. utilities. Furnished. $130 plus $2750. 353-8730, 351-6757. parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, $68.75 / month. 349-1856, after PINE LAKE APARTMENTS, $ - 1 50 4.00 6.50 13.00 deposit. 372-8615. 5-11-22 BL-5-11-22 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. SALES POSITIONS 5:30.5-11-27 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 i.eo 4.80 7.80 15.60 485-204 7, BE HOME EVERY NIGHT ALL STUDENT bedroom apartments just 10 485-9229. 0 PINTO, 1972. FREE HEAT. East MINUTES to MSU. Luxury 2.25 6.00 9.70 Automatic. Mastercharge Arrange financial programs for Lansing, luxury minutes from MSU. $150 / per 19.50 Excellent condition. Must sell. and Bank Advertising 1 bedroom. apartments from $170. 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 America^. C-11-27 individuals and business Unfurnished, no month. Beautiful grounds, quiet Make offer. 351-8058. 3-11-22 organizations. Will train for must be pets. Lease until September. One location. Call Manager 339-8192 487-9085,393-0720. 5-11-22 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East highly lucrative, annualized "PRE - PAID" month free rent. $160. 129 or EAST LANSING REALTY, PORSCHE 912, 1967. New engine, 11 R L NOW. Furnished, 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. commission sales. Prior sales Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 332-4128. 10-12-6 California car, 5 speed, $3,000. Complete auto painting and experience starting Monday, Nov. 25 Twyckingham, 4 person, $70. desirable. Call Share now with good people. 485-5607.4-11-22 collision service. American and RIVERS EDGE apartment, female DEADLINE Josephine Starkweather, through the end for winter, spring. First month CLEAN RESPONSIBLE male to Call and find out yourself. Foreign cars. 485-025$. C-11-27 694-3935. Investors Diversified share 2 bedroom apartment. PORSCHE 914, 1971. Low of the term. free. 337-9283. 2-11-21 $105. 487-1967 482-5179, 351-1565.5-11-22 11 P.M. one class day Services. 10-11-22 after 7 pm. mileage, new paint job, rebuilt INSURANCE • LOWEST rates on 4-11-26 WAVERLY AREA pefore publication. engine, cam, and weber carbs. A real performer. cycles and auto. Call us first or MARRIED COUPLE needed to Stat* News Classified Dept. NEED 1 girl to sublease Cedar heat and - $175 includes 2 bedroom $3500. last, but call. Easy Payment supervise group of mentally Village, winter, NEAR SPARROW. Furnished. 1 water, 347 Student Services spring. 332-5025, between 8-6 332-3996. 5-11-26 bedroom, $130 monthly, luxury apartments, drapes, Peanuts Personal ads pm. Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS retarded adults. Rewarding 3-11-21 work. Room and board provided utilities paid. 627-9183. 5-11-27 dishwasher, carport, laundry. No must be pre-paid. 485-4317. 0-11-27 CEDAR VILLAGE, male for undergrads, children or pets. plus salary. Irma ]\gp\ one RAMBLER 1967 - 2 door BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced 487-6500. 3-11-22 Zucherberg, Apartments winter/spring. 351 -9488, after 6 1250 OAKRIDGE. Large 1 372-9279. 5-11-22 tancellations/ Corrections rates to students. Also pm. 4-11-25 bedroom apartment in a quiet, good tires, SPACIOUS TWO bedroom 112 noon one class day runs good. $300. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. Part WATER'S EDGE, 4 person. Girl private building. Occupancy 1.5-11-22 QUIET apartment. Close to campus. time. $2/hour. JIM'S FEMALE to sublease December 1st 1 year leases Ibefore publications. WORLD. 645-2123.0-11-27 GARAGE, needed winter and spring. Twyckingham, winter - only. From $175. 351-0866. Winter term or December 1. Call Grand Ledge. 627-2248. 6-1,1-2f and RAMBLER REBEL 1967. No rust, Sublease $82.50. 337-9292* ' 351-4246 evenings. 5-11-22 spring. 351-8551.6-11-27 10-12-6 ■The State News will be runs great, uses some oil. $275. ■responsible only for the 339-8536. 3-11-25 Ttir _ 1 WANTED: FULL time bookkeeper and office manager. steady TWYCKINGHAM, 4 - man. Man HASLETT ARMS. Female needed, BOO RIVER STREET, in Lansing - ONE MAN to share townhouse. Own room, prefer non-smoker. Thorough knowledge of winter, spring. One block from 3 miles from campus, just off ■first day's incorrect ■insertion. SAAB 1973 condition, 485-2318. 3-11-25 Sonnett, Excellent $3250. Phone mlmTHnm bookkeeping, accounts receivable, accounts payable, needed, After B-2-11-21 non-smoker preferred. 5 pm, 332-4159. campus. 351-2787.5-11-26 $82.50/month. Kalamazoo Good sized furnished 1 bedroom $90 plus utilities. 393-5631. &-11-22 plus other office dimensions. apartments. 6 and 9 month 1 NEAR MSU attractive, large. 2 - J FEMALE - I Bills 1825 E. Michigan 489-8989 Length of service with present NEEDED to sublet leases accepted. $170. 485-3140. are due 7 days from WANTED TRIUMPH 1966 TR4. Convertible, - 1 or 2 girls to sublease winter term. Own room! $90. 10-12-6 bedroom, carpeted, utilities I the ad expiration date. I( position, experience, skills, paid. 339-9114. 5-11-22 loaded, good condition. $995. large room in nice 3-person 351-3268. 5-11-26 I not paid by the due date, a ELECTRIC REAR window dependability, attendance apartment. $66. December or I 150 late service charge will 641-4124 evenings. 4-11-22 record, willingness to accept OWN ROOM, apartment behind defrosters. $13.95 at January. Evenings, 351-4246, OWN ROOM. SUBLEASE OWN room in large responsibility. Answer to Edwin Luxury country Student Book Store. $95. Lease, k"" TRIUMPH 1973, GT-6. Low CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East D. Ricker, 2442 East Maple Sally. 5-11-26 setting. 4 acres. $140 includes clean, Denis. 337-0110. 2-11-22 apartment. 2 blocks from campus. 351-5830 or 332-4768. mileage, 23 mpg, AM/FM radio. utilities. 393-1738. 5-11-26 Kalamazoo, mile west of Avenue, Flint, Michigan. 48507. TWO . one BEDROOM FURNISHED, 3-11-21 llitonoliw 394-1755, after 6 pm. 3-11-21 campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 3-11-22 mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet WATERS EDGE. Female to AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. One girl. Cedar Village, till June. FEMALE ROOMMATE, sublease, TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1970. Very BARTENDER - WAITRESS. Full sublease winter or winter/spring. 332-3064. 2-11-22 FALL SPECIAL. and peaceful on a lake. firnished. $92, utilities good condition, new parts, Fantastic deal. and part time. Must be neat and $82.50. 337-0418. 3-11-22 Auto rustproof ing, new and used 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 included, near campus. : REBEL 1967; dependable. Phone 484-6786. SUBLET Autorrtatii, $1200.487-9072.3-11-21 WINTER, 1 bedroom 337-2078. 5-11-25 cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as LCC 1 steering, good tires. __5_;1±26_ - bedroom, furnished, all apartment. 1-2 persons, rent low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP, 1355-0956 evenings. 6-11-22 TOYOTA 1972 Corolla 1600. 4 337-0496. 10-11-22 CAR RENTAL Agent for Capitol TWO MAN, furnished, one bedroom, 135 Kedzie Street. 'utilities, carpeted. lease. 339-9114. 5-11-26 $140. No negotiable. 332-0462. 5-11-27 APARTMENT OKEMOS, main speed, AM-FM, rear defrost, new City Airport. Evenings, Sunday corner, furnished 3 rooms, 4 speed, good engine, tires, air, 26 - 30 mpg. $1550. Begin'ning winter term. WINTER, SUBLEASE, girl needed, utilities, couple. $150 a months ■ good body. $700. 337-0823. through Thursday. Neat, 351-2402, 882-2316, 482-2937. SUBLET, WINTER 2-man, rent negotiable, close. [ term; female, 339-2127.351-3119. 5-11-27 349-2313.7-11-27 ■ 5-11-26 Employment conventional, congenial person. $2 per hour. Call 351-5500, 14-12-6 near West Circle, $77.13 per month. Call 332-1174. 6-11-27 351-5969. 5-11-27 VEGA 1972. Excellent condition. extension 109 between 11 am FURNISHED ONE bedroom EAST LANSING - One bedroom ONE GIRL needed, winter term. 4-speed, 20,000 miles. Call after PERMANENT, PART time and 4 pm for interview. 3-11-22 apartment to sublease, close to furnished. Quiet residential area. FEMALE NEEDED to sublease Cedar View apartment, 3 pm. 484-9874. 5-11-27 secretary bookkeeper. campus. Heat paid, pet allowed, Carpeting. Disposal. Security December - June. $72.50. Near $75/month. 351-1941. 5-11-27 Experience required. 9 am - 1 WOMEN WITH children under five $194, available for winter term. ■EVELLE MALIBU, 1967. Mint locks. $185. Lease from Williams. 332-2049. 3-11-22 VEGA 1974 Hatchback. 9000 pm Monday through Friday. interested in temporary position Call weekdays. 337-9484. ■condition. Very low mileage. December, 1974 - September 15, TROWBRIDGE, 1 bedroom, miles. Radial tires, 4-speed. Phone Sally, 332-1391, as teaching aid for first 7-11-27 ■Must sacrifice. 394-1918. year 1975. Woodside Apartments, MALE NEEDED to sublet furnished, $180. Office hours, 25-27 mpg. AM-FM. 627-2928 10-11am. C-2-11-21 medical students. Maximum ■3-11-22 - 6 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 winter/spring 4 - man. $75. 351-9036, otherwise, 351-4745. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. One after 5:30. Must sell. 3-11-25 hours/week. $3.39/hour. Twychingham. Call Jim before 5-11-27 bedroom apartment, furnished, SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST. Contact Mary Black, 353-4583. 11 pm. 332-2755. 5-11-26 close to campus. 351-7655. fVEl-LE 1970 4 door. Navy VEGA 1971 - Standard Local medium - sized SHARE 2 man FURNISHED 1 aprtment. Own bedroom, clean, 5-11-22 fto Very clean. Runs good. Transmission, rebuilt engine, construction company desires _ bedroom. Winter and spring. ONE MALE needed. quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, K71>0.694-8452. 5-11-25 STUDENT ARTIST, experienced Heat and runs good, 25 mpg. 353-7031. charming, neat appearing Free bus to campus. 337-9291. water included $95 month. Nice patio, no undergrads. Security ONE NEEDED, 4 man, winter, with acrylic paint to do sports secretary - receptionist. Must be 5-11-26 place. 351-7630. 5-11-26 locks. $180 including heat. IEVR0LET SPORTS Van, 1971. able to type 80+ wpm and take pictures. 351-3436.7-11-27 spring, pool, suana, 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. $61.50/month. Walking J 8- ■Peeled. carpeted, insulated, VEGA GT 1972. 4-speed, radio, dictation at 120+ wpm. DESKCLERK needed. Must have' DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemos. ONE GIRL needed - sublease 5-11-26 distance. 351-3581.5-11-22 $1,350. 353-0978 29,000 miles, $1200. Call Excellent fringe benefits. No Includes 2 full baths, air winter and ■Mningi. 3-11-22 transportation and be willing to possibly spring term. 694-9467.5-11-21 fees paid. Equal Opportunity 332-6362. 5-11-22 travel. Call 372-0567 or conditioning, carport. No boob craa STEP van, 1972, 3/4 t< VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 Employer. 393-1670. 5-11-27 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. children or pets. $250. Phone 332-0111 or evenings and GIRL NEEDED winter and spring CROSSWORD □□□s HBQ nrnn an® 0-11-27 term, own room. Call 351-4205 trade for pickup. 1677-1902 after 6 pm. 3-11-22 miles, 4-speed, custom interior, AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 SANTA'S HELPERS - Full and weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 between 10-2. 10-11-25 PUZZLE sgnsnftQHQtiQB part time during Christmas MCDONALDS RESTAURANT is ACROSS 23. Position of a B00DB BH3E mpg. 351-6917. X8-11-23 season. Starting November 29, taking application for possible UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom golf ball J^SIER ■ '"Ms, snow 1968, power steering, tires, new complete VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. ending December 24. Apply employment to work closing apartment one mile from CHECK OUR 1. Privation 24. Glutton □QQ0HEEa||[si[l shift, 5 pm-1 am. Apply in 5. Booster L.,u" system, radiator and Rebuilt transmission, well Meridian Mall office. Meridian Mall, Okemos. 3-11-25 person Monday Thursday, 8-10 campus. 5-11-26 $180. Call 332-8519. ^REPAIR PRICES^ rocket 25. Adipose BOB DBS - 26. Iron symbol T $495.655-2932. 3-11-25 maintained, clean, very good am or 2-4 pm at MCDONALDS. 10. Mint drink 28. Deacon's □HEm ED0 20% DISCOUNT TO condition. $1,400. 353-4631. HOME HEALTH aid - housekeeper. 234 W. Grand River or 1024 E. PENNSYLVANIA AND 11. Poisonous carriage □gag sagas IS, ol0, 1973- ~Lik7iiew~ X5-11-23 8-12 Monday Friday for Grand River, 2040 Grand East Lansing or River, Okemos. Michigan Area. 2 furnished East STUDENTS & 12. Profession 13. Diminish 30. Blend raan ''0 5°u 2581, mU" ,"11 Good dependable quadraplegic woman. 349-4918. 701-21 efficiencies. Utilities paid. FACULTY ON 14. Item on a 31. Wire measure RCTB sued VW 1967, Beetle. 1-11-21 393-7839,485-1302. 3-11-21 CASH/CARRY VW 32. Feminine □□□ aaas transportation. 45,000 miles, AVON. TO buy or sell. Call our grocery list pronoun ■Aim '966 - two door. A-1 engine. Could use some DRIVERS NEEDED full time, district manager, 482-6893 SERVICE PARTS 15. Labor union 33. Turmeric - LARGE TWO partly furnished Air. Good cosmetic body work. $550. have excellent driving 17. Here: Fr. 34. 3. Notice must 20-12-2 . efficiency. Close to campus, air Clothing Importation. $300, 351-5074 694-8070 after 6 pm. X3-11-21 record. Apply at Varsity Cab, MODELS FOR photography. Call conditioning, immediate 18. Danish island 35. Gladden 4. Season 3-11-22 122 Woodmere. 5-11-27 19. Nucleic acid 37. Mollify 5. Unsorted between 10 am and 6 pm. occupancy. $165/month. Call VW 1971 Beetle. Good condition. 20. Brought up 39. Girl's name 489-1215.0-11-27 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 wheat flour $1,300. Call 482-5463 after 10 PART TIME aids, assistant 21. Cobb 40. Vinegar bottle 6. Mugger many extras. Call after pm. X3-11-21 teachers, and head teachers. 22. Ewer 41. Modeled 7. Lapse 130,349-2243. 5-11 Needed at campus child care * • auto parts ™ 4 r 9 8. Relative %% 1T '974 '24 sport coupe. Low VOLKSWAGEN BUS 1969. Excellent condition, inside and center winter term. with preschool children Experience VOLVO HAS RAISED 5P0 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar 10 % " 9. Bitter 10. Bread spreac ■•11-25 ^ 5,111 646"8101- out. Rebuilt engine, $1575. necessary. Hours: 7:30 am - 1 ITS STANDARDS V oiks wagon complete repair 4, 12. Ditch ?./AIRLANE, 1962. $220. 1963 Chevy, $75. 627-7105. X3-11-21 pm, or 8 - 1130 am or 2:30 - 5:30 pm. Apply now, 353-5154. 2-11-22 FOR 1915.. service. Repair & parts for most foreign and American cars. Body shop & paint services. <4 % (5 % •3 •J 16. Note of the scale 19. Mined 1,1^"'351-3820 after 6 pen. VOLKSWAGEN 1968. Excellent Exchange engines & transaxles. B <9 20. Fraction condition, best offer. Call 484-3541. X5-11-21 COUNSELOR CASE worker, full time, experience in social work An improved engine, % %23 22. Bliss !(SALE ' original owner, 1971 transmission, suspension, Free wrecker service with 21 22 % 23. Remiss working with children. Contact % 24. Torment 'A ■onrii? Monter«V. Excellent VOLKSWAGEN 1972. Super William Weitzel.. VFW National front and rear end. brakes and steering are now repairs - local areas. City 24 I. ,IOn. % 25 27 vinyl top, eir 9°°d tires, extra Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan 663 1542, extension 147. 7-12-3 standard on every Volvo 24() model. So to raise bus service door. to our front *8 29 V/t il 25. Failure 26. Contest condition, cheap. 882-7789. your standards, buy one of our Volvos. muM be le 339-9912. seen; driven to 5-11-21 X6-11-22 REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. We buy and sell VW's Si % 33 % 54 27. Different 28. Ewes Y 1973 - - VW BUS 1969. 5,000 miles. Excellent opportunity, financing 485-2047 485-9229 35 % Sb J7 $ Se 29. Greeting 30. Myself automatic, air, available to help make sales. ™?PS. 351-0042. 6-11-22 900(1 condition I Rebuilt engine. $1160. 332-4162. X3-11-22 Running good. 645-2144. 5-11-27 Clenn Herriman, Inc. 8 ■ 6 Monday ■ Friday, *9 1 "O 31. Particles 33. Pan's pipe ,0und """thing or VW 1972. Rebuilt engine and BIG BUCKS. Part - time, agressive VOIKSW AGINVOl VO-BCfoY SHOP 6135 W. SAGINAW Ph. 371-5600 9- 2 Saturday 41 4 4i % 34. Tipster ■ * D Turn there now. transmission. $1200. 349-9557 after 6:30 p.m. X4-11-23 salesperson, time, commission. 332-2902 6-10 pm. 6-11-22 MON. <■ THURS. 'TIL 9; SAT TIL 3 % 'fa 36. Cravat 38. Medieval money 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday•y. Novei Apartments ^ Hoists Hmms .■"OS r ursm [|5] I fir an ||51 Sale NEED THIRD girl, 2 bedroom CLOSE, MSU. 3-6 badroom house, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, between cO-OP RUMMAGE SALE: Friday, SKI BOOTS, 8V4. Cheep or SKI EQUIPMENT Qf apartment. Okemoi, $55/month utilities paid. $290 - $520. _Ne*0S one woman mens Heed ski. 337-9431.5-11-22 337-7809.3-11-26 Mason and Holt, newly November 22,6-9 pm. Saturdey, November 23, 9-12 am. I.O.O.F. trade, ledies 3-11-21 6tt. 365-9484. $29. and $39 pair. Spalding skis F0„«" Pr*"iium O-ju, ... redecorated and carptad, $150/month plus deposit, Hell, 1100 North Washington with Marker bindings, Large assortment of boots and $39. belted condition, $90 dl' i NEED ONE man to sublease winter TWO FEMALES. Own rooms. TWO utilities. Phone 694-9033. ROOMS, doee, available Avenue. Sponsored by Bretton LANGE - FLO ski boots, size ladles bindings from |2. Couches, and spring terms. Cedar Village Co-ed house. $65. Country 3-11-26 immedietely, no utilities, $80 Woods Lions Club. 3-11-21 six. Two yeers old, excellent tables, chairs, lamps . all at Apartment. 351-3834. 5-11-22 ooblah. 656-2060. 5-11-27 etch. 351-1744. 6-11-26 SK'SI condition. $50. 355-9361 ONE BEDROOM house, fully VALLY COMMERCIAL pool teble, 7-11-27 reasonable prices. Complete stereos under $100. 120w DYNAMIC^, Dynamic 70'» p GIRL NEEDED. Winter/spring. TWO GIRLS to share country furnished, near campus. $150. near new. Cost $975. sell for Sylvan la stereo receiver. 120 W condition. Furnished, $61/month. Close. estate. 2 bedrooms available. $650. Also tables, chairs, $2410 489-9124, 363-9027. 5-11-22 $100 each, plus full use of Phone 339-8981. 5-11-27 1-21 each 349-3841 3-11-22 Cash for Dynaco power emplifiers, 90W 355-2515.3-11-25 8-track house. Clean, close - campus. Harmon/Kardon, 80W. •S chan LARGE 5 bedroom house, neer HUGE, FURNISHED basement STAMPS I COINS Kenwood, 4 channel Sansui MUSICIANS - selecti ROOMMATE NEEDED for 394-2167.3-11-25 LCC. Furnished. Call 351-4140 room with fireplace. Private BEAUTIFUL CROCHETED afgens. reciever, Merantz 2010 receiver. furnished 2 man, own room. Buy ■ Sell -Trade or 655-2603. 10-12-2 home. Private entrance. Walking Make lovely Christmas gifts. Fisher 170 Receiver, Zero 100 $80. 485-1002. 3-11-21 OWN ROOM 4 In good house. full line of supplies Phone 372-4079. 3-11-22 Sublease, winter, spring. Good 630 VIRGINIA, for 4 or 6, distance utilities. to campus. 337-0091, $125 plus after 6 pm. Garrard and Miracord turntables. _ 394-2167.2-H.22 Robyn MAN TO share people. Close. 351-8571. Large assortment of speakers, talkies, Campus Hill. BARBARA $68.50/month. Winter/spring. 5-11-27 semi-fumished, Phone lease required, Craig, 339-9380. 5-11-21 3-11-22 8-FLAT clerinet BUFFET ■ new - CRAMPON peds. solid nickel tapes and albums, $1.50 and $1. Assortment of 35mm camera STRTISanT leathers 349-2856. 5-11-25 SECO ROOM. GIRL'S split level. keys. Excellent condition, $75. PILOT 254 Receiver, 130 wetts equipment Menual and electric 485-43E FIVE BEDROOM furnished house. COZY DUPLEX needs girl winter / Available now. Cell Margie. Cell 337-9885. 3-11-22 rms. List $430. Like new. $275. OCCUPANCY. ROOMMATES One - year lease desired, security typewriters, 7* tobeggon with except 5 spring. $75, includes utilities. 351-1820 dinnertime, x-2-11-21 332 3812. 3-11-25 pad, $15. needed immediately. Rivers deposit required. $325 / month. 351-0304. 3-11-22 GUITAR Leather coats from GIBSON, ecoustic. $15. Come on down to DICKER KON F Edge apartmous. Rant 409 South Francis. 351-8614. •BM negotiable. 351-6265. 3-11-21 5-11-27 SMALL TWO bedroom house. Six ALL FACILITIES. Private. In Excellent condition. Model B-25 SKI EQUIPMENT - slightly used, & DEAL SECONDHAND SELECTRIc7,a;r thesis blocks from MSU. $180/month. house. New. $75. Eest side. deluxe. $330 new, with case includes skis, boots, poles. $75. STORE, 1701 South Cedar. tVMwlttr * 393-0603. 6-11-26 asking $250 or best offer. 676-4884. 5-11-27 487-3886. Monday vd Friday condition. $375 NEAT RESPONSIBLE female to DEWITT, 2 bedroom luxury Call 351-7037. 3-11-22 393-8335. 3-11-22 til 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, 5-11-27 5' 882 RNTAB share two bedroom, East duplex, 10 minutes from East PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south CONN FRENCH horn, i Lansing 8rea. 353-9489 days. Lansing, garage, walk-out - Thursday and Saturday 9-6. lith Shi ROOMMATES WANTED. MOOERN 332-8966 evenings. Ask for Tia. basement to private park. $260. Male/female. Quiet studious, neer Michigan Avenue. Quiet for FREE PHOTOGRAPHY cetalogue • condition. For more informetton C-5-11-22 MATCHING^ chair. Washable 351 323 5-11-25 5-11-25 serious, law, poli-*ci oriented student, near bus line. economy photo systems and call 651-5030.5-11-27 *30. oaiT $65/month plus deposit. equipment in all price ranges. No 353-0939.3-11.8 ' 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, EAST LANSING, 2 furnished atmosphere. Large 5 bedroom farmhouse. 627-545^7-12-3 bull - just.the best cameras and HOWARD SOLID state portable 10% DISCOUNT Also, pert time WATERBED, partially furnished. Utilities bedrooms in house. $85/month office work for 1 person. Phone ROOM MALE, welking distance accessories for your money. CAL WEST PHOTOGRAPHY combo organ, $150. Silvertone 2 to all MSU household BICYCLE^ paid. 393-7839. 485-1302. plus utilities. Lease. Available 694-3623. x-5-11-25 from campus. 509 Division out put amp $25. Triesco item,,' 5 \i 901 3-11-21 December 15. Negotiable. Street. Aveileble November 29. WAREHOUSE, 1327 Archer, electric guitar with case, $20. students miscellaneous. 371.1 omplete San Luis Obispo. Californie. Copy of Antoniusi Stradivarius 373-8246. 3-11-25 151-5196 332-8348. 4-11-22 332-2859. 1-11-21 ONE WAVERLY AND Saginaw area. 4 93401.3-11-22 Cremona 1713 full size violin on purchases of S2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, or more, yogurt; CHRISTMAS GIFTS! utilities paid. 1308 Haslett AVAILABLE WINTER term. bedroom house. Suitable for several men or women. WOMEN ULREY Co-op. Eight WATERBED KING, mattress, with 3-11-26 case, $65. 339-8197. and breads excluded custom sewing. Can 0"^ Road, or phone 332-8036. Excellent location. $75 openings winter term. Room and - 7-11-27 including utilities. Jerry, 393-7839.485-1302.3-11-21 frame, headboard, liner, faucet 393-3199.5-11-27 Board, $250. 332-5095. 3-11-25 351-7972. 3-11-22 TWO BEDROOM house, 5 minutes adaptor, 351-2055 between 6-7 pm. 2-11-21 WHIRLPOOL WHITE, automatic dishwasher, like new. 6 months. RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 100 USED NEEDED ONE man to sublease 4th WOMAN FOR duplex. $75 VACUUMS Cedar Village. Winter / spring. OWN ROOM for male in large from campus. $200/month. $125,349-9225.5-11-27 Brookfield Plaza Tanks, cannisters, and month. Call 351-3620 around ug $75/mcnth. 355-7062. 5-11-25 liberal house. $65. 351-5603. 1-524-6615.5-11-25 SKIS. ROSSIGNOL Strato 207's Guaranteed one full ye* dinnertime. 6-11-27 with marker 1381 E. Grand River 8 n d 5-11-26 bindings. Must sell. FENDER-DUAL Showman "P. DEN GIRL TWO GIRLS seeking own rooms in 355-9080. 3-11-22 amplifier - 100 watts, twin 332 6892 DISTRIBUTING COMP NEEDED to sublease SINGLE ROOM: kitchen privileges. house. Must be walking distance cabinets, $400 316 North Cedar. apartment winter term. FRANDOR - 3 bedrooms, partially $80+ utilities. 155 Gunson, . 393-4967. Opposii to MSU. 332-6720. 3-11-21 CLOSEOUT BRICK 5c each, patio TWO FAMILY Market. C-1-1121 furnished, fireplace, garage, 301-26 garage sale. close. 361-8754.4-11-22 slab 17c, 6" cinder, 15c. Wednesday and Thursday. 3640 students welcome. 339-9114. LANSING - convenient to campus. MARTIN BLOCK KODAK 35mm Retina Reflex East Arbutus, Okemos. 3-11-21 5-11-26 . 3 bedroom Ajplex. Femily CARPETED, PANELED room, close Duplex, $105 plus utilities, CORPORATION, 489-7551. cemera with 35mm lens, insured Honses FOR MARRIED Couple. Our room. Fireplace. Double garage 3-11-22 accessories. Evenings try TRUCKLOAD SNOWBLOWER bicycle David. 337-0294.10-12-4 6pm/after 11 pm. 484-4141. attractive five room furnished Basement. $290. 489-0633. Sale, just a few left. Single and HOME GRAIN grinders and breed 2-11-22 home. Near campus. December - 5-11-25 ROOM IN liberal house near mixers, electrical, world's best; multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. storage May. $165 monthly plus small $169.95. 339-9522. 5-11-22 Frandor. $65, including utilities. for great whole wheat bread, SKIIS - KNEISSLE Super Sters. responsibility. Utilities included. NEED ONE person immediately. 332-1695. 5-11-22 351-7898. 3-11-22 355-8132. 6-11-26 Look Grand Prix bindings. DYNACO 120 RMS basic amp, Animai No pets. References. 332-1746. $80/month plus utilities. $120 ROOM IN 3-11-22 deposit. Close. 351-5979. Lartge 10% Comp boots. $75. Sony full logic SQ. Negotiable. s4.95 large three bedroom HART KNIGHT skiis. 180cm, 353-1329. Ed. 3-11-25 Chris, 363-1332. 3-11-21 5-11-21 *0 DOBEF house. With vegetarians. $66.30. ONE QR 2 people needed for 4 For Sale intermediate, used 3 times, s7.95 one red in 484-0459. 5-11-22 699-3411 days. 2-11-21 person house, close to campus. RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. DRUM SET, 5 drums, 5 symbols No childre 351-5974. 3-11-25 LARGE 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Like new, picktyour own. Call HANGING FISH bowl, GE styler including high hat, Zildjian and offer. 371- Students welcome. $190 and up. HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, Ludwig 602, like new, Ctv&ZQtt 6fO£ EQUITY VEST INC. 351-8150 Store, 2323 West Holmes Road dryer, tachometer, Bell and ANb COUPLE TO share large house with 882-2555. Delivery Extra. 349-1304,349 1049. 5-11-22 2joad«>orrec su< or 645-7338. No fee. 0-10-11-2? 882-3022. 30-12-3 Howell 35 mm projector, radiant couple. $85 month. Cell 0-5-11-22 LARGE HOUSE for 4 persons. 40x40 screen. Call 339-8197. 484-7319 after 5. 4-11-22 $250 plus utilities. Available APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM 3-11-21 THERE'S A roomer in town FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. ilden ri November 30. 393-0445. ORCHARDS, 7 miles south of MOBILE HOME Manor, 2 bedroom looking for your rental. Workbenches, steel berrels and AKC chami 5-11-27 Mason on Hull Road. Hours. 9-5. BRING YOUR Optical prescription furnished. $180. Close. Douglas. Advertise vacancies with Want many other items. 882-2555. FISHER RECEIVER. 36 RMS. lily Chri Closed Mondays. Gift packages to OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 FABRIC, SEW those Chr OKEMOS AREA, 4 bedroom older 882-0484.3-11-21 Ads. Dial 355-8255. 5-11-221 excellent, lotsa guts, bought 1-22 shipped by United Parcel. East Michigan, gifts. Wide assortment.A Lansing. Mcintosh. $125. 355-2866. home. Ideal for students. $200 1-589-8251.0-11-27 C-5-11-22 pm, 351-8781.3-11-22 per month plus utilities. No PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south MOVE AROUND a lot? The KENWOOD 6004 amplifier. 3-11-21 strr Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand L champion lease. Call 332-4128, EAST near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for "Service" columns of the Want NEW JACKET, purchesed in New CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. BANJO 4 string harmony, LANSING REALTY student, near bus line. Ads new Shure cartridge. Excellent MIRACORD 50HII with Shure been used. New. $90 0 349-9355 help you get things done. York, wrong size - must sell. Unique gifts, several colors. COMPANY. 5-11-22 $65/month plus deposit. 7-12-3 Check there now. condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. M91ED cartridge, 3 months old. offer. CAII Kitty 394-2019 6-11-22 $27.50. 332-1854. 1-11-21 Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 6-11-22 332-4338. 3-11-22 4 pm. 5-11-26 THE STATE NEWS VELLOW PAGE lobile Ho Business Service Directory *Save Time * Save Money Dependable Firms ami Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you lost & Fo Barter Shop For Sale Optometrist Sports Equipment 25th Y THE BARBERS v <_ Now Hear Thj* co-optkal ■/"P From The Top Hockey Equipment Unisex TWO CONVENIENT Hairstyling IMPORTED .Hinge At The Store With The Red Door I . services (test Unnng's Only Cooperative Optlcit) & Bicycles We LOCATIONS Pipes Dr. R. C. Minor. Optometrist Puck And WltLA-'ulfy • EYES EXAMINED FREE PARKING *Cigars 349 2760 *Cigarettes • GLASSES GULLIVER STATE DRUG * Tobaccos Pedal Pro Shop Laming: Block One M.A.C. •CONTACT LENS 1105 Eart Grand River 332-5171 482 113 Washington 2420 (in Kositchek's) 332 4269 Sho^ 1131 E. Grand River 3821 W. S«9ln»w, Lansing Col 0.MU Arts & Crafts 48«-42l7 Bridal Shops tewehf Car Wash Horstmver's Stereo topar For That Very DR. BIZON'S CAMPUS D.M.DEAN Jacobson's Special Occasion. UND: FEMA CERAMICS MS 'N' WASH Sugar House OPTOMETRIST an outstanding A Wide Selection of W and Enchanting D«if* W give ■all awa 485-83 56 248 W. Grand River Ave. Bee Supplies Raw Honey selection of the BRIDE and GR00I East Lansing, Mich. VISION CARE UND: PAIR Maple Syrup gowns CONTACT LENS PROFESSIONAL AUDIO Free personalized < "ksrs. Call "A Clean Car Rides traditional and Better" BRETT'S PRINTING "intify. C-3-1 SERVICES REPAIR avante garde Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason. time professionally SERVICE Michigan One mile south of 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left 210 Abbott Rd. ' Complete Test facilities 489-2687 Bridal Salon • IV 4-2322 337-9331 332 6563 ' 3 - month warranty on all wo 'Traditional and Customized Serving Over 60 Second Level PARKER JEWELS ' Loaner amplifiers available 11-22 655-1655 Over tO,000 Toys GREY r To Choose From! Service wwai Registry Auto Service CoHselin 10% THE ART WORKSHOP Travel * BUD'S Discount Jacobson's on $25 * mm Cartooning BRIDAL REGISTRY Purchase. _ LOWER LEVEL AUTO PARTS, w * Audio-Visual Aides Stuffed AIR-RAIL Visit our complete * TOURS • CRUISES shops the wedding column Animals Our Specialty Brochures Pamphlets- HOTEL RESERVATIONS for the home- DC. CEJVTEK Toy Village * Charts and Graphs COLLEGETRAVEL OFFICE and take advantage simplifies for you 3105 W. Saginaw of our Bridal Registry Thesis drawings FINE JEWELRY advertise now IV7 0851 LATE MODEL McNichokl * - COUNSELING marge 355-8255 19829 W. * STERILIZATION "The Big White House ' STREET FLOOR MOTORS AND Graphics Services On The hoi" East Lansing at Evergreen | PARTS A SPECIALITY Precious Stones Mich. 482 j 1 GYN Clinic 361-6010 Detroit, 694-2154 Call 349 Beautifully Set and Halfway between Holt A Speakers Available 1226 E. Michigan Ave. Lawfry 3417 Bands for Bride [ lost I Foind ' ^j ||S HART Cutlass, 190 cm * FOUND: MAN'S wristvwtch at Csm£T]g) Trustee bill may face vote today ■Marker bindings. New Head H... MSU/OHIO State Geme. Call TYPEWRITERS. AIR cleaned, |l78cm. 355-6998. 3-11-22 363-2672. C-3-11-25 oiled and adjusted. Portablei $7.50. Manuals $10. 3300 AM-FM Stereo FOUND: STRAY Cat. $12.50. One day Electric (continued from page 1) ■receiver Sanjui QS-500 reer Villa, longhaired grey tiger, flea ~Capiiol pick up and service, free interest questions. The Human receive their nomination. for its passage during Benton delivery. 25 years The conflict of interest rule Harbor, claims the said. "It was late and lot of ■channel amp. Sony TC6W collar. 361-3436. experience. 393-9774. Rights ' party (HRP) is already tied Wednesday's session. previous a C-3-11-25 ran up in the courts, negative arguments guys were running around." ■ g.track tape recorder. Dual 1215 0-18-11-27 students at all three universities with MHESA "Among the absentees, I'd are still the best. He reiterated his belief that 1 s changer. Mid-Michigan's finest FOUND: STRAY Cat.. challenging Atty. say the vote will be pretty well MSU, University of Michigan - Orange Gen. Frank Kelly's 1969 "We're going by the a student ■ selection of used itereo tiger, short hair. Grey / black PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties" and Wayne State - but all lost. split," Smith said. "But when serving on his or her quipment. Car tape systems white finest quality, interpretation of the law. the lame duck senators attorney general's ruling," he university's governing board tiger. 351-3436. C-3-11-25 reasonably priced. At MSU there were four - are said. "And when you consider ,w and used, $10 • up. New BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Kelly, who served as a voting replaced in January, passage of was no more a conflict of student candidates - HRP, two member of the the question about tuition I'd ■ Robyn CB sets end walki. - FOUND: TAN part poodle 482-5712. C-11-27 University of reintroduced bill should be interest than a male Socialist Workers party and a a have to say there is a self - taxpaying ■ talkies. 50 used winter coati, dog. North East Detroit governing board while favorable." citizen serving I |eathers anri toocoats. YVILCOX Lansing. 25+ FOR THE BEST United Socialist Labor party a student interest decision at stake." on a city pounds. 351-1848. C-3-11-25 Service on stereo there, claims that he Sen. William Ballenger, R - council. ■ secondhand store, equipment see the STEREO candidate - seeking the board agrees with MHESA but that Lansing, said a defeat of the "Even I'm in conflict of ■ 485 4391 Hours: 9-5:30, of trustee s«ats taken by Brown, who is daily LOST: WHITE Samoyed SHOPPE, 555 Eest Grand River he is only not sure interest when I vote on 3t Sunday. C-8-11-29 Albert Street. If - Huskie. C-11-27 Democrats John Bruff and upholding the law. bill today would result in when his motion to reconsider seen. Call Doug Smith, an aide to Sen. unnecessary delay. will come up, said appropriations," he said. 337-1861.2-11-22 Raymond Krolikowski. Gilbert Bursley, R - Ann nothing new "We're just facing a bunch of |k0n ft" 35mm, 50mm F2, Another MSU student, Arbor, said today's vote should "It would probably not take has come up in discussion of old fuddy - duddies who effect until April of 1976 if it ■ accessories. Best offer. Tom, 1332-4686. 5-11 -26 FOUND: YOUNG cat night. Grog shop. Grey - brown Saturday [ Instruction jli* Larry Bartrem, made a bid for a trustee be similar to Wednesday's! had to be reintroduced," he the bill and he said there are some reason think for - seat through the enough votes to pass it. young green eyes. 355-7733, 349-2146. Bursley, a strong supporter of said. people can't be trusted. I don't Republican party but did not "Today's (Wednesday's) [jrNTABLE ml* 1 "BLU BSR McDonald 510 w'w C-3-11-22 ' -- VOCATIONAL COUNSELLOR the bill, spoke unsuccessfully Sen. Charles Zollar, R vote was not a true see any problems with it at with Shure M93 cartridge, $40. n Career opportunity - vote," he all." |351 3235. 3-11-22 FOUND: GIRL'S class ring "74" kers, migrant program, outside Bessey. 11-18. permanent full time. Spanish 355-0447, between 4-5 speaking by bi-cultural. Contact C-3-11-22 Mr. 7-11-29 Ferguson, 489-3715. Airline crash kills 59 ■se 901 s with warranty. 2 ■complete aquariums. Best offer. |351'5196.3-11-21 LOST: MALE German short FUTURE CPA'S (continued from page 1) old Terry Partridge of hair, 4 pilot, "made the most Sheffield, England, said: '"me I8" desks, Remington months, answers to "Max". Learn Now About the Announcements for It's What's Amateur Radio Club will hold United remarkable landing by any Ministries in Higher tail of the plane hit first and Badding machine, electric Reward. Call 487-1577. 3-11-21 next CPA Exam. Happening must be received in the its regular weekly meeting at 8 Education is sponsoring a Sunday State News office, 341 Student pilot ever. His skill saved lives." the plane seemed to break in ■ Frigidaire stove, couch and an tonight in 399 Engineering Bldg. A evening worship service at 5 p.m. Backer CPA Raview Course Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Krack, 54, survived. half. I was in the front end of jnt's dresser. 351-4680, 10-7 FOUND: MALE orange tiger two class demonstration of antigravity Sunday at 111 8 S. Harrison Road. cat, days before publication. "The plane taxied and took the plane, which was intact m. 4-11-22 near women's IM. Call No announcements will be technology will be featured. Followed by dinner - join us for 332-6315. C-3-11-21 DETROIT 313-864-0128 by phone. accepted ' fellowship. off," Bing said. "There was an when it came to a stop. But it Does the Bible awful shuddering. Brie - a - |\V iN G MACHINE Clearance book, impossible seem to like a huge digest from The Star Trek Club meets for immediately caught fire. ■sale' 8 rand new portebles FOUND: YOUNG black lab MSU winetasters will booze it up Genesis through Revelations? It can the last time before brae, in the passenger section "There did not seem to be ■$4995. $5 per month. Large our successful, si with wines from Argentina, Greece, Thanksgiving at flew in all directions with Thursday, McDonnel. France, Germany and elsewhere, at be very easy to understand and to 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Yakeley great any panic at all. It happened so ■selection of reconditioned used Identifiable marks, collar. recognize unifying Hall cafeteria. momentum. The port 9:15 tonight at 348 Oakhill Ave. themes Important wing quickly everyone seemed to be ■machines. Singers, Whites, 353-1348 after 3 pm. C-3-11-21 1/4 OF USA Curmudgeions welcome. throughout. Learn how absolutely free with the information will be told and slides caught fire, then the plane in shock. I did not notice any s New Homes and many YAHSHVANS, at will be shown. ditched. panic at all." S19.95 to $39.95. 8:30 tonight and 3 p.m. Sunday in , FOUND: MSU ring. Bessey Housing problems got you "I helped a stewardess parking 34 Union. Rodeo Club will hold a board of open Associated Press reporter ■ns. EDWARDS down?' Get on top with the East directors meeting at 7 tonight and a a door after the crash. She Alfred Araujo, who arrived at (DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Lansing Tenant Resource Center. A North Washington. ; Typing Service staff of trained people will provide got TURKEY - Gay Liberation's it. Call the GLM office general club meeting at 8 in the Judging Pavilion. Bring all inflated the escape chute and the scene minutes after the ■ 489.6448. C-3-11-21 free information on people slid down it," he said. crash, said human hang - up at 855 Grove St. any housing afternoons to coordinate food advertisements for rodeo program. Wister Seibert, a Frankfurt limbs, LOST: WATCH - silver. Between TYPING, (upstairs) from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. bringing and for directions tot handbags, dolls and money Beaumont Tower and Grand EXPERIENCED, Fast Thanksgiving Day pot luck. The WKAR - AM (870) presents three postal employe said there was a scattered Animals V River. Reward. 3 5 5-6800. and C-11-27 reasonable. 371-4635. Monday through Friday or call in. Our number's in the phone book. operator has our number. hours of folk music every Sunday: crash and explosion and were yard - wide over a area a 2,000 half mile - 3-11-22 "Folk Festival USA" at 1 p.m., "A Learn to dance the pavane, British Tradition" at 3 suddenly there appeared before from the end of the Embakasi p.m. and us a big hole — the nose of the 10 OOBERMAN Pinschers. AKC, MATURE EXPERIENCED typist, I gallian Airport runway. |($] and allemand. ■ one red male, one black female. LOST: 1 minature Schnauzer, small term papers, theses, Transportation Renaissance dance class of the The i Tradition" at 3:30 plane had come apart just in He said the smell of burned ■ No children. Must sacrifice. Best male, light gray, no collar. Society for Creative Anachronism front of us. We went Answers to "Charlie." Reward. dissertation?, publications, through flesh hung heavily over the I offer. 371-3722. 5-11-27 proofreading, etc. Done in, my WOULD WELCOME rider will meet from 7 to 10 tonight in The All - University Student the hole and tunneled through crash site 349-1895. 5-11-27 home. Call 655-3143. 5-11-22 to Los the Williams Hall cafeteria. judiciary will hold office hours the wreckage to safety." as gazelles and Angeles later this week. from 3 to 5 p.m. every Monday and giraffes continued to browse 394-2167. 4-11-22 Students interested in MSU Tuesday in 331 Student Services Another survivor, 34 - year - nearby in Nairobi's game park. L P(rsiM| IK TYPING - 2 blocks campus. Electric. Fast. Term papers, RIDE NEEDED to Maryland, Jewish Studies to a meeting with Program are invited faculty, at 4 Bldg. ■iDEN RETRIEVER puppies, theses. 485-5575. 4-11-22 today in All9 Berkey Hall. Lubavitcher weekend at Hillel Washington D.C. area, November ■akC begins at 5:30 p.m. Friday and Governor champion bloodline, great FREE A lesson in complexion 27th. Share expenses, driving. ... ■family Christmas gift, 339-9907. care. Call 484-4519 East EXPERIENCED, TYPING term Driving somewhere for continues through Saturday night. 353-4308. 2-11-21 Thanksgiving or Christmas breaks? Call Hillel for information. ■3-11 22 Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing papers, theses, etc. Rapid, Looking for riders? Let Hubbard Informal deli at 6 p.m. this Sunday. Mall. MERLE NORMAN vice. 394-2512. COSTA RICA - driving January 24. information Center help you find i sItTER puppies. AKC, COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-21 Need riders. Share costs. them. Give us a call today and we Chug luri meets from 7:30 to ■champion bloodlines. Call 372-0127. 5-11-26 will try to find riders for you. The 8:30 p.m. each Thursday in C100 ■349-9355 PURPLE VICKI Fast center is Holmes Hall. Newcomers welcome. wage after 5:30 pm. - accur. open Monday through I&.11-22 [tarts taaalj!l inexpensive typing. Very n campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 GOING SOUTH over Christmas break? Need passenger, share Friday, 10 Library, a.m. to 10 p.m. third and we're floor. Main Consider the words of Peter for transforming your life at 10:15 me obile Homes j[®*] IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, general typing. Formerly nerly with expenses. 2nd, Georgia. Georgi|. enroute Leaving Decmeber 1-75, Atlanta For interview, Call This a.m. American Friday in Foundation. 33 Union with the Baptist Student By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN United Press International benefit restaurants, employes hotels, service of Ann ^ For Pt oP;c art meeting to explore post - The stations and full • time farm Brown. '"n state legislature jdon. *12x60, 2 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Charles, with C-11-27 Pet People: MSU-SAR presents Wednesday sent to Gov. workers, supporters said. new shag carpet, lots of love and kisses, Marie. invited to participate. pet population discussion speaker, CA N'T FIND a ride? Dr. Schirmer, director of the MSU Milliken a bill increasing the Migrant farm workers fere excellent condition. $3495. 1-11-21 excluded. 34-2936. 3-11-21 TYPING TERM papers and theses. RENT-A-BEETLE! Ask about Jewish feminist rap group meets Small Animal Clinic at 7:15 tonight hourly minimum wage to $2 Experienced, fast service, IBM. our weekend special. 2501 E. from 7:30 to 8:30 Thursdays at ift 105 S. Kedzie Hall. The film on March 28, 1975. McCollough said the wage |)R RENT, two bedroom, good ; Real Estate « Call 349-1904. 16-11-22 Michigan, Lansing. 487-2260. Shaolom Center, 507% E. Grand River Ave. "The Animals Are shown. It is open to the public. Crying" will be But the wage hike will come hike would be of particular 2-11-2 V (above Campus five months after benefit to young on, partially furnished, 1 Bookstore). it was people who COUNTRY LIVING. 5 minutes hold from MSU. $150. IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the The campus American Youth originally scheduled and about part - time or summer ■ 349-4205. from MSU. Hemadeled farm evenings. 5-11-22 public 8bout your service or Wanted WTVR, Union Radio, welcomes Hostel Club will be showing ski five years after the minimum jobs. house with optional rental unit business with an ad on the your comments and suggestion. movies and planning club activities wage was last increased, to The bill also requires that [ Jf~p=r—| on tw0 acreas. 351-0237 or Yellow Page P each Thursday, Call Drop them in the WTVR suggestion at 8 tonight in 117 Berkey Hall. $1.60 an hour. Lost & Found employers give workers ^ __15^Z116-ji-26 m«*«>'i<>. 355-8255. STAMP CO L LECTIONS, box, fourth floor Union. Thanks and keep listening! Dog obedience graduation Milliken is expected to sign overtime pay for hours they STOCK MARKET got you down? accumulations, old letters, the measure, which put in exceeding 48 per week THESES TYPIST, both pica and etc. commencement will be held at 7:15 provides FIND SOMETHING s an excellent Call or write to arrange for When you are in the Union, perk p.m. Monday in the for an ultimate increase in the effective March 28. F YOU'VE found elite, call Nita, 489-3569. appraisal and cash offer. Jim up your ears! That is WTVR you Pavilion. Sponsored by auxiliary of Judging Employes in show you land minimum wage to $ 2 an hour would be entitled to time a pet or 3-11-21 - and are hearing. We are on from 9 a.m. vet med students. It is open to all at (rticle of value, we want to help or income properties that are Hartwright, Box 2284, Lansing. by 1977. - a - half pay for more than 40 to 11 p.m. daily. Give us a try - no charge. it. Just come into the gopd places for money during 5-H-22 The Senate j»ave the bill hours of work in a week as of FORMER COLLEGE WTVR. lews this inflation tax biting Classified - administrative secretary, desires n workshop will final legislative approval on a May 1,1977. Apartment and tell us you want WANTED: 3-4 BEDROOM Spartan Village residents. Is be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in 105 31-5 vote but blocked a move discuss itl typing term papers, thesis, etc. your an ad in EAST Bob Homan, HOUSE; East Lansing, for four boy 11 years old or in the fifth Berkey Hall. Learn how to speak in My home near University, to put the new wage into effect ■ANSING STATE BANK'S 349-2529 H.D.I. REALTORS, reasonable rates. Phone graduate students. Call 351-0745 grade? Let him try scouting with front of a group and see yourself on 349-3310. 4-11-6 troop 212, 7 p.m. Thursday, video tape. Sponsored as soon as it is signed into law. [Found Column. As after 4 pm. 5-11-27 by PRR ce EAST LANSING STATE K will run the ad at a public no cost LOTS FOR sale! Buy now, build later. I have a beautiful hilltop 332-2616. 3-11-25 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, University Lutheran Church, country Interpretative interested students welcome. Workshops. All As approved by the House earlier this year, the minimum SIRS boycott Dissertations (pica baseball cards wanted. The South Campus Christian wage would have been site with lake view and another - elite). . CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, equipment, technique, hypothermia Science Organization warmly increased to $1.90 an hour (continued from page 1) with almost 2 acres in Okemos FAYANN, 4 307 East Grand River. and first aid. Friday evening invites you to its meetings at 6:30 effective Nov. 1 and $2 an across school district. Bob Homan, - positively. It's not a COMPLETE THESES, Service 332-0112, (11:30 - 6 pm.) through Sunday. Koote- Hostel, p.m. each Thursday in 331 Case hour this Jan. 1. threat and we are 349-2529. H.D.I. REALTORS. 12-11-27 MilfnH, Michigan (1845 Dawson Hall. pursuing this Discount Printing. IBM typing But Senate supporters of idea to get even," MALE Irish 349-3310. 4-11-26 Raymond Setter, 5, and binding of dissertations and The College of Natural Science the bill could not muster the said. Whs. Answers to 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, East "Keegan" publication. Across from has openings for student necessary two thirds vote to It was the 484-8086. Recreation Lansing, $180. Available - opinion of most $50 reward. (fi campus, corner M.A.C. and January. 332-5720. 3-11-21 MENSA Dinner SIG Monthly representatives Advisory Council. Drop off a to the Student give it immediate effect. of the members attending the Grand River. Below Jones Gathering is at 6 tonight at the Sen. Patrick Eagle Restaurant, 300 S. Capital personal statement (short McCollough, D meeting though, that the Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - JJND: FEMALE Shepard pup. SKI UTAH - $285. Other Western Friday. Call COPYGRAPH BEATLE CARDS, magazines items Ave. (2 blocks south of the Capitol autobiography and reasons for - Dearborn, who will take over Course Guide is not meant to ill give away if wanted. CURIOUS USED building) Reservations must be wanting to serve on the council) in the chairmanship of the labor take the place of the SIRS not claimed. areas available. Call TRAVEL SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 W made through Roy Saper. 103 Natural Science 485-8356. C-3-11-22 Bldg. Positions . BY HARRINGOTN - your East BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand from math, physics, science - math committee in January, bitterly proposal. Members at the River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) assailed his Lansing Ski Center, 351-8800. THESES, RESUMES, typing and All DeMolay members - past, center, botany and plant pathology colleagues for meeting stressed that SIRS JUND PAIR of wire rims near C-5-11-22 printing. Reasonable prices. 8-11-27 present and from all jurisdications? and entomology are not filled. delaying the effective date. could not be abandoned and Call 353-1280 to COMMERCIAL PRINTING. are invited to a meeting of the MSU "We're going to be so small they convinced Raymond of *1%. C-3-11-22 FOUR SEASONS CLUB beats the 351-4116. C-11-27 ARTS/CRAFTS. Are you skilled in DeMolay Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday in The Organization of Arab about it that you're that point. cost of skiing! Discounts on lift arts / crafts, guitar, theatre etc.? the Union sunporch. Students will present the movie going to wait from January to March to "If we win the SIRS ; MALE kitten, orange - tickets, Michigan weekend You're needed for new cultural "Battle of Algeries." It will be held fight to ANN BROWN typing and multilist' A discussion at 7 and 9 p.m.- get it," McCollough said. get student access then that's a ■'earn colored, rehabilitation center. Volunteers meeting concerning Friday in B102 chipmunk - packages, Western and European offset printing. Complete service Wells Hall. "■"J Missed. 332-5931. trips. 10% discount on all •wanted to teach their skills a few the English - History departments' Voting against the bill were beginning," Phil Lang, Lyman for dissertations, theses, spring 1975 classes in London will Weathervane items excluding hours per week. Vicki, be held at 7 tonight in C3 Wilson The Republican Senators Donald Briggs College representative, manuscripts, general typing. 353-2164.3-11-25 MSU Bahai Club is said. "Then f sale item*. Membership rates $15 IBM. 25 years experience. Hall. ' sponsoring a fireside to introduce Bishop of Rochester, Gary possibly in the grey male cat, future we can also add the vicinity single, $20 couple, $25 family. 349-0850. C-11-27 people to the Bahai faith. It will be Byker of Hudsonville, John Fu'8ntl and Short Streets. DAY CARE. Course Guide. But we have to ■51-2408. 3-11-22 Located at Okemos Seeking 1 or 2 Sigma Theta Tau, National held at 8 p.m. Saturday in Mason Toepp of Cadillac, John Weathervane, 349-1020. 5-11-26 playmates for children. Nursing Honorary, Hall library. Welborn start with the SIRS my presents Paul of Kalamazoo and WILLING TO stand out in the Infants Ginsburg, asst. professor of proposal." SET of j through kindergarden. Charles Zollar of Benton With the somewhat keys by Sparty. crowd? Then check the Specialized care. Weekdays. economics at MSU. Topic: "Health Learn to fight with sword and split Harbor. support of |°n,acl Dale, 355-2578. outstanding autos in today's 349-3348. 5-11-26 Economics." At 7:30 tonight in shield! Come to the medieval the college |-3-11-21 Classified Ads. A107 Life Sciences Bldg. All fighting practice of the Society for Creative Anachronism at 1:30 All votes on the effective representatives, Raymond now Welcome. date of the plans to push the boycott in COUPLE NEED p.m. wage hike were flat, winter - Saturday in the Men's Intramural voice votes. the individual Turf Arena. student, college How to form your own air pool spring. near Maximum rent $130, campus. Call collect The physics - astronomy colloquium presents Dr. Thomas The increase will primarily and departmental advisory Donohue, University of Michigan, The Middle Ages was committees and at the Elected As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide mornings and weekends, an 1-313-332-3825. 5-11-26 speaking on "Planetary interesting time in which to live. Student Council The Society meeting a free classified advertisement for those people who would like to set up or WANTED URGENTLY :2 Atmospheres; Origin, Perturbation" at 4:10 p.m. today in Evolution, Anachronism will p.m. Saturday in the Tower Room for Creative meet at 8:30 Republican Monday. join a car pool. 120 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. of the Union. Anyone interested in bedroom place for 4 over winter any aspect of the medieval times is Driving? or Riding? break. Call 355-1661. 3-11-22 bit From - one Students interested volunteer work with children at in one to urged to attend. by dog Tighter policy % to ARTS CRAFTS. Are you skilled in the VFW National Home are invited '• arts, crafts, guitar, theater, etc? to an informational meeting at 4 Episcopalians: gather at 5 p.m. Leaving Returning on p.m. You are needed for new cultural rehabilitation center. Volunteers today in 6 Student Services Bldg. Transportation is provided for this Sunday in Alumni Chapel Oust east of the Kresge Art Center) to pray, HUNTINGTON WOODS unregistered Phone Time? volunteer work. sharp and celebrate the Holy (UPI) — James Lanni lost more wanted to teach their skills a few than the election earlier this The State News will not accept responsibility for hours per week. 353-2164/ 5-11-26 Vicki, Communion. Plan on dinner as well - rides from the Chapel at 6. All month. cars projected Thf St udent welcome! In his arrangements or conduct of participants. Media $2,263 campaign The MSU Dept. of Public Appropriations Board (SMAB) is expense account filed Friday, The information requested below must Q Car Pool Listen to MSN Radio, 640 be supp ie i accepting fund requests for student publications and other student for exclusive live AM, the 29 year - old - Republican Safety is planning to crack for ad to appear. hockey coverage down on car owners who have media projects. Registered student of the MSU - Wisconsin series from said he also lost his pants — to failed to register their cars and organizations that are interested Madison, at 8:20 p.m. Friday and dog when he was door - to FullName a Addrew ' ■ — Rilling IN should p.m. turn Monday Services Bldg. in applications by 4 at 334 Student Saturday. door campaigning. "That dog really chewed me - are University parking in the Spartan and villages, Robert "Satguru has Come," a Bissell, manager of the vehicle FROM: Maryland Street to MSU. documentary on the life of Guru up," Lanni said. "I guess that's City . Phonr Leaving 7-8 am, returning 5-6 Maharaj Ji will be shown at 8:30 one of the pitfalls of office, said. pm. 485-5034, after 5. 3-11-21 p.m. Saturday in 35 Union. running Bissell said there had been for office." 'This coupon may be brought in or c. — mailed to: Car Pool Swing your partner! Join us for some complaints from students . .. square His expenses, he said, who registered their cars over Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone FROM Lansing to Southfield. from 9 p.m. to l dancing and refreshments included $18.50 for a new pair accepted. Leaving 6:30 am, returning 5:30 Shaw Hall lower a.m. Friday in of unregistered cars in the lots. pm. 485-6840, after 4 pm. lounge. Sponsored organizational meeting at 8:30 pants and $2.48 for There is a $10 fine for failure by Spirit of Christ Fellowship. All NO CHARGE 3-11-21 tonight in 39 Union. Everyone is bandages and antiseptics to to register or failure to welcome. invited to attend. care for the dog bites. display a valid permit.