y f. C. Library East Lar.sine, Mich. I ' Volume 28 Michigan State EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. JCNE 5, 19:16 News BULLETIN CO-EDS CHOSEN Swingout on Monday Committee Expects SENIOR WOMEN ' the Wolverine were received Colorful Carnival HEAR LECTURE about 4 00 o'clock this afternoon. The office in the basement of the library will be open until len o'clock, tonight to the books to seniors only. distribute FOR POSITIONS To Start Full Week With Music Theme BY CLINIC HEAD Mort of the book* are expected early tomorrow and will be distributed all day. the office rlostinc at five o'clock in the after¬ noon. Members cf all classes may get their books durini those ASCOUNSELORS Of Senior Activities Doctor Robert S. Foilrr of De¬ Dwellev. Hallett. Shaw, Thomp- Lantern Nifht Will Fallow on Tuesday Night, With Crrrmonivs "Ballads in Tandem" Is be Given on River Neil Friday troit, Diicunet Problem, of Hanby Named for Offices lon, Taking Place Near Forest of Arden; Other Salnrday Nighti tn be Moat Coatly in History; More Entriei in Canoe Events are Wanted. Marriage Adjustment. jNinety One Graduates in Sophomore Cabinet. Events Scheduled for Later in Week. With rlu.ssriNim work put nrside, MLhiKitn statilargest Tfu* 1936 annual Michigan State Water Carnival will be urges contrast test i Selected For Honors; plan annual carnival irrniluntiiiK class will turn its attention to Senior week activi¬ more colorful and more extravagant than any presented by ...yvjiuis senior classes, Dick Colina. president of the senior Co-eds Interested in Securing Starke in Charge of Women's ties next week with Swinitout on Monday nitrht the opening Pre-martial Study Blanks event, lantern niylit. the senior play, the Watef.Carnival, . ;a.s. and Ken Delonge, chairman of the Water Carnival com- Frolic to be Held Neat Fall; baccalaureate and commencement will quickly follow to com¬ mittee. stated today. May Get Them From Helen Other Committees to be Nam¬ plete the four years' schedule. The expenditure on this year's theme, "Ballads in Tandem," Anthony. ed Before School Closes. gradu- t - Because of eontliet with senior play rehearsals the Swinir- exceeds by several hundred dollars that of any previous car¬ lllyth, Mar.v Isobei. Detru a scho- ! out and Undent nitrht ceremonies will lie completed on a plat¬ nival. Seating capacity has been increased from 1800 to 2500 Discussing preparation for better, i j The freshman women who form to he constructed northwest of the Forest of Arden, to accommodate the crowds which come from all parts of. the marriage. Dr. Robert J. Fos¬ I will be the counselor* for . Jane. Muskeg*>\ within th campus cirele. -ita'e. Unusual progress has been made in rehearsal of songs ter, head of the marriage I next year's freshman ccmhIh All irraduntinjt seniors nre I'KtHiKAM OF ftnd recitations, according to ~ - clinic at Merrill-Palmer In take part in the SWinirout, pave Ruhe, the author of the j were named toilay by l.ois COMMENCEMENT "ohool hell the attention of Sherman, head of the group. carnival theme, and every¬ JUDGES SELECT nearly 200 upperclass women Five girls who will make ACTIVITIES at which President Shaw, John Hannah. Glen Stewart thing should go off with pol¬ for two ami a half hours and Richard Colina will give up the sophomore cabinet ished smoothness. Outstanding in the song SEVEN WINNERS ! arc; Carol Dwelloy and Lucille i Hallett of Birmingham, Jane talks. Alumni officers of the class will Is1 elected following i Shaw .if East Lansing. Virginia Itroup are such selections as •B.jfrrlow" and "Rr-d Iron Ore IN LIT CONTEST i I Thompson, Detroit, Hanbv, Pincottnmg. and Wiim.-t the program, whirl1 II rh • f these songs are rousing Tuesday night nil ro-eds, .4 r chanties, full-bodied and The cabinet 'members, counsel- Mabel Eberly, Arthur Taylor, i rcti lors down through fresh- ftirring "Bigerlow" is the tale or* listed. and alt sophomores still uic to hold their annual Lan- , f & lumber schooner race and the and David Cleary Named for i wishing to become counselors, are light ritual. This will beg- xe of -Rev Ore' Short Story Priiet. | required to be at the final meet- June 13 9.nO 1 the education building at •r* around the live* of tl t trig next Wednesday, May lu, in They will then march •fo arid their work on the illiam. Detroit. riagt*. treating i)\ Die botanical garden* and Standing in sharp c< ' •"< the ruhe s essay chosen Cooper. Harold civil engineer- Plans fs.r the ieuumont tower to the plat- *ainst the sailor ditties Iluring the procession ft. j;vat!.,n Army skit called "Ro11 organization*, are; Marvita Kreag. Joseph Watson, f already under way The carnival, Chariot " This song *> of Beaumont 1 w true picture of base rums in^ Virginia Bailey Will D»- John. ■d i to 1* Haltxi Each by •d tamborines, of men if blue vide Poetry Money. tern Ruth Starke him been chti* vice president, with the individual and.!:g on street corners . member* following A* they reach reaching to hoodlums , , , Edwa sen us general chairman of th.1 the platform the co-eds will be Helping to (HI nut the nrnlva! « «mpvtmtr fur the laiy.-t Fmm | lib rartilvul Name* of other Com¬ lined up by classes, The entile trn* of rounded presentation putwa ever offertnl in cam- hemic a I! Dr mittee members will lie published group will then sing the "Shadow ' America through its ballad* p u « literary competitions, liMlbelh | Cn Ma richest.- .before school is out Song " -d ***** If the amusing skit Mabel Kberlv, Lansing senior, liberal i Jpi The freshmen named ore •lied Wizard Oil " This is the .( th. barkvr It u th, ell Marv"« , ,. , Un,»>* w,',h' nones* ad- George Ann Bhaw, Marjorie Tribe, jCharlotte Hunt, Marion Hussel- PLANPLAYDAY Wilma WagenvNird, president of Mortar Board, will retiring t the Kickapoo Indian sagwa "more, an*! David S. Rube, t'arl John, i bring, Jean lame. Mary Asman preside at the ceremonies. She 'e cure-ail of herb remedies i senior from Allentown. IV. Depicting the early American i were named todav by R P Law- [ he work *»f the marriage riinte j lohnion. Ruth El Harbor, home . »d Ran meal eng.- j Minu llahn, Dorothy Osbun, Ir« i nc- ring; laiEorge. Ellen l.inds. y. j"»« Shumwav. Dorothy la* FOR SATURDAY I will open with un explanation of its significance "am on Gerry * Rock Betnadtn*'. 1. 1 F* t Lansing, applied scienc. ; Betty lluit. Betty Seiiriner. Mar I Then the president* of Mortar t*n* is 'jrence of the English department Merrill-Palmer was outlined a. {ifeCTing Wtlllam Andrew. East!Waller. Oertrude SlXkinger bv' Hellenic fid James" Both are lit-fas principal winners in the wi ai ballads and will be recited tofnua! short story, poetry and essay nonet n with this Dr Foster Lansing, chemical engineering. > Maxim* Annual Eveol S^oo.ored" * ' C'[nu} will be Installed in of- P"n/ lint the wild-western picture. , contests At the same time. four Me Meadows. Attn Riordan, WAA to Entertain Three as will all officers of the As- llMllmun. Martha Clow- (Continued on page 4) (other student* wqre mentioned-: McAlv Hat Other School. "doled Women Studenl. He- .ddit it Elsie McKibbin. Hetty Asire, hiring officers of the organization j M.tgilrtlcn.t liunmelspuL-h, Georgia MUSICIANS END I will perform the installation*. | ftodine, Margaret Stonton. June IOlive, Maty Halligun, Margtieta play Softball and tennis here Hat- ending the speaking part of the RECITAL SERIES jGunn, (i.-orgtc DesJardins, Jan.' j ur(jfly j,, i, spoils day sponsored I program. The three highest classes is, uunc i Hall. Bray Bradley. Eleanorr Finch, Km. h. |,y Wmm n's Athletic ass*N ia-| will then pa,-s their lanterns to i Jeahette Gas*. Katheiiin- lltirkc*. Burke, | ||C>n Wayne, Central State, and the next lowest «lu.ss. marking the liluckn Hall> Unwell, j Western State will vend team**, j passing of responsibilities to the n Two Concerts Neit Week Will t Merrill, ynthi Ma' Muskeg..n Heights, with Michigan State making the j t* w classes The program will Formally Close Music Sea¬ ' ! fourth school chwe with the singing of the Alma son on Campus. nington i Thi* u,p "^bd year that W girls will be given e fill- I A- A hM* ha«l such a sport* day. Father ■ ur>d it is one of the organi/ation'r- 15 minute* u-s biggest projects. Similar event'! program. Kli/abi William*. f na Jane | u,'« year have been a hockey gam - Kleinhan*. Gladys Brm Norrrui! w,tt' wlumtiae during fall term HOME EC GROUP .ard.-d $20 David V Cleary. Dorothy don and Dori* Ite- Jet.n Ashley. Athulie M *r. Mar-1 u"d a basketball pluydey winter of Mortar Board, •un Sprague, Theda Iter Virginia ! term f*>r various high schools in i honorary spon- Had TO HOLD CONVO [the stale SJty sfternor>n at four o'ekxk. is Ruth U-fTel, Maty Al Smith, ortng the i 'Jte form of a mixed recital. Ad- Taylo Charles Smelt/.- : The day's program idelude* nt. Evelyn Siebert. Margar agriculture; Thyl.a »wxed student* from alt divisions N Wutx n. f .ot Uming f* i . vard Floyde. Lansing, 1 M. S. C. , Vus- Pii.kett. Bertha Benton. Ellen Wocxl, Gertrude Brummel- aftc-r m»». general get-together late in Virginia Niendorf. Virginia made by a committee consisting ol Alt plan* have been FINAL BANQUET arts Venter, Josepii Osborne, Virginiu Lcffel, Vivian Vb'i Phiip - will also play a Frieda. Henry, Ea*t lainsing, applied J totals Herbage, chairman, Kay Phi Kappa Phi. Scholastic Hon¬ poop of numbers for the j -bed Wiener, '"(Towle. Helen Beattie, Fay Nil- j Adnma. Dorothy Aung.it, I^auiu Akme Allan Knoll, puy the "Carnival of Venice, cornet ist. A. W.S. WITHDRAWS ne i.m-p' etonomos. . \Vir- enre: Wilson, Franc luimutig. up- tMJf Beach, home economics; win- [ stenUin, Durothy Gibson json. Mildred Rehmu*. Margaret j Ann |»rat|t Eilei n McCurdy, and Dorothy KukmII. orary Induct. Now Mom- her* Tuesday Evening. Herbert Clark The vocal num- ! Wilson, Helen M t hell, Leslie Lyle, Napoleon, ag- j the on the program k? Gwendolen Miller, con trait». 1 will be given I OVERNIGHT RULE national conclave, brings [Travcrs< lii>eral art*. Wrig- riculture. PARTY CLIMAXES Players gymnasium are at to register at 9:30 Saturduy Phi Kappa Phi, national scholas¬ . .to this campus Phyllis K Sprague' morning, and will run off twj James G. Moore, baritone, i softbatl games and the tennis tic honorary fraternity, held of Wrtk-cad Priviltft P-nn«ytv.D« hi,', cutler «. will Utfee numbers. each sing a group i f j IK _ . „ . Briagl RemiOff IB Cotle. . . i vice-president. Lucy Rathbone, r.f |the Univwfit> „f Texas, as «ecre- Sophomore Takes Lead YEAR FOR GROUP single* before noon, Four tennis its initiation and banquet on Tues¬ players from each school have day evening, June 3. The induc¬ In Senior Production " The program will close with th * j j t«ry, Hugehrua McKay of Ohio been ranked according to ability, tion ceremonies took place In >Iajing of Beethoven* Quartet, Difficulties following con*tar t 1 state college »* treasurer Presi- Pnrtcr In PUjr lor Fiaal Dance and there is to be a round robin the library at 5 o'clock and were matches followed by a banquet in the main ^* tnmor The quartette composed of Morrt* Hochberg, j of lhe pr,Vilege of staying dent of the society i* Dean Marie Lansing and East Lans.ng wit'i • Uyf 0f the Michigan State colleg* Do you know that Elizabeth ; mean actor* in their own right. of Student Cltb Taai|kl. tournament of one-set within each rank, the school dining room of the Union. violin; Kathenne McKe Libey. who ha* the lead iti the • Mi.01 Kueh) and sixteen Or- whose player* win the mod Dr Lee Vincent, of the Merrill- | friends on week-end nights result- ; home economics division Senior Play, ts only a sopbocnorc'' \ chesU member* have so enthralled Bill Porter will play for the Paliner school in Detroit, wiU to violin; Dorothy DeLaj. j ^ A dinner was served Thursday But she * a very accomplished j Professor King with their Morris Student Club party Friday night, matches placing first the speaker at the banquet. Dr. 2**.»ndIU:h»rdCkjru,B. vloUn.(llt,n by ^ JudK,.t)r courr A W S lo revise the at Hunt's for the officers who ar- ing next; nvwj during t>i« day sopttomore, as more than one per- dance, that he plans to use them June 5, at 8:30 in the gymnasium Lunch hu* been planned a* a picnic at the W A. A. cabin. Isa¬ Vincent, who is the first woman JV Business son who attends the play* spon- i to open and close the show. So ever to address a Phi Kappa Phi recital wilt take plae< bel champion, president of W. A. r {m«r-ting* were held this /nornmg y the Civic Guild ih Lan- j come to the green next Wedricx- The party will climax and end audience on this campus, will Havt.jr | —-* " ■* 1 A, will art a* tnastmlstresa for a vita **r»* ««f ; and wilt continue through™, -Sat-1, I day, and not only the play but the Student Club social season for speak on *The World Ixniks at the J«»oi Su" c°"**"i college residence* overnight, bu- a A teo was hOd this after- ;w|Uf Un tert'fy. a* the so- | some very Interesting dancing, all this year. Jack Tanner will be in program consisting of a summary ortheatra. under P""- th-1 out.oMown on week-end ^., the home of Or. Krt- Dangerous 1 in costume, will be seen. And charge for the evening. The of the results of the morning's College Graduate." Phi Kappa Phi was i P^- rt for a con- nighU. must be granted c,llon to ^ Judjcuir, board of by nppll- tunrn . mKnbrr o{ OmTron hom. „ jn bad Lansing U" year she was j what more could anyone a*k° dance, open to fmmbers only, will games, the introduction of faculty members from on this campus in 1828. cost 20 cents. Peggy, the daughter, in "As A. W. S of the music department. | j Tbia national home economic. i band* Go." Early this Dale Granger, president of the eluding those on the The privilege was originat.v I KXle,f w„ ertabliihed at; club, is planning parties on a big- ** «:irt turned in a swell job i Elections are held in tl j given to enable college girlsFactT" «->;M,chlgan State ~ college In April, i Song," as the con vent-raised girl, fent al the annual picnic, to be gar and better basis for next fall's spring terms each year, and relative. In East j,,,lhu, „ visit friend, j Ijiniini Alpha Chapter being confined to tare and laniifUL but it h:^!. Lnruin, .nd U,* bv, it Urr» _* .l. w a ,.i «k> lie* nt M Good naturvd thip„ri ln cotWjr. and univrril ^ j Veiek, in a recent »« half per cant of the upper ten per cant of the senior class. are constantly impnacd ,jM [hrou^t lh. Un.tcd Sutc : _ the same plan as the stngp-s Miss Alberta Young of tha ,r«ma whom they hard-(Mrf Afn„ Hunl Cid., «Htot. J*®*' *"y tournament, are also scheduled for Lansing ind t»t!, ch.rt„ mOTb.r 0t the Ea« U.:- ' c"mn w the afternoon. The results of these aing group and thus of the na- having to decline rcquerti to atay j,^ ^..,,5, overnight. The new ruling will go into ef¬ Pais Inacfc Mb. tl«-7S~ fect next fall, to be made a per-; ,f „ prove, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Friday, June 5, I'age Two -w m m www*wwwwwm To befuddle a scolars here (What a dumb way of putting ,♦ instance, freshman English is required be- -The- And belike a boys to flunke • • • Michigan State News I fore going on to any further course in Com- I GRIDDLE Piffle Bccas he cannot lcarne that! Pickup— •* * ! position or Literature. There is no com Prof: "Now, phrase the Passing word About lcarne it 'kiss,' Jim." | CAKES Teachers thata sayc s ! ceivnble reason for rehashing such cle- Davis: "The word is a tiou- ! mental facts in the advanced courses of the PipRle Have there fallen veree lowe. but it is generally used as a con¬ sophomore year in this department. Fertile 1 ! fields for the trying df this experiment j1DCADUXG— ; -After using up . about $300i Show m- www m ww ww^w'm Their student dayes they doe junction. It is never declined, is more common than proper, and i> | would center in the language departments, | Iworth «>f advertising space in thei Hey! Increase your vocabulary When thmsclves they truede is not very singular, as it a usu. I the mathematic department, and other di- By ART1UR FARWFI.L vith these: to gette ally plural. It agrees with !State. i New*. Murky Murray andt m< announced tr»-1 Vogue—A rascal. This* old, moth-eaten poeme! visions where first and second year work in Nosal A • program of concertos," as an j ! umphantly' in the last issue: The J Kc.rci.se of the music department.' Organdie—The. new French —R. Gordon Lane. The dove of peace, or pcH-„. close-knit and where one is the foundation it was a pigeon, interrupt* by students of the department i . ,, visiting performer Dome—Stupid Ann Watson was tubbed this Seniors, vo sweet, sagacious $,> retains an all-around grasp of the course id one as- while working primarily in its advanced •ii^t by tin- M S C Symphony' Corsage—-A holder-inner. week The old dorm custom, you iors, who are leaving our . . i. >•» «tra, Michael Press, con- know - and all on account of Fred¬ pus better, greener, and l : 'aspect*; and in the end he has not only It was the Hermians versus the die Postal Freddie H Postal . . for having been here—sav t - mental possession of the subject but the The first concerts presented was 'Sigma Kappas at the Union last Prof Kink waiting for his three this stuff been i text also remains for tangible reference.— Saturday night . Lots of people o'clock class at two, and simply . . ind decorations that looked fun- ama/cd at the number of cuts K. I>. H. nrr as the evening wore out. Sure, include the people in that. So mem ore — Curt White, among other peo¬ GIFTS Job Prospects ple. datiqg Carol Gardner ... I Declaring that job prospects for those must be slipping, just looked her FOR MEN name up in the dictionary in¬ graduating from college this year are the stead of the student directory to brightest in five' years, Richard Brown, When bearing our l.v 1 see how to spell it oxe*.i wit hot; * flaw*. An honorary is supposedly composed lower strata are always crowded. Not until cost. of men Unusually active on the campu*. he reaches the higher levels will the field Some, of necessity. will l»e nv re active than thin out -D. V. i MAY, BROS. . other*, and will, in fact, be unable to carry an additional load. Therefore, to head a "Tlic Hot More of Uu> service group would be beyond their capabil¬ ity unless other activities why to suffer. So They Say: However, this one possible fault could l»e oveneme by honest withdrawal of anyone t'EKIIAI*S SLEEPY STI DENTS ARE who was lucky enough tojfet a post to which OF VALl K TO COINTRY he could not devote the proper time. In other words, from refusing an there's nothing to "keep a man office, if he feela he is not i hurrh Sunday night and JEWELRY GIFTS accorded th.-m bv . hurv hgot-r*. position to till it. in The major point in favor of the plan is i!i, "l« :h. r.• a Youth Movement in topiv. durumed by student r.|! Amrrt... —At Savingsv the complete absence of politics in choosing seiitative* id wv< r»l student urganizatici lardy oder* you opportunity to Save leaders. No one group of men :s going to "Mo.t s t ut if tit. are asleep on their fw get together ahead of .time and talk the Walk tip Stairs % president, another for secretary, ami so c-t 20 Steps Save 20rc down the hpe. VhvMw men wh.w names will be drawn may be considered Itnkv. but what CARDY JEWELRY Over Strand Theater 0 <■ * <• « Gifts for the There aw organizations -r tt Graduate vrhoh might >* »'< 11 to adopt th< hi* vie- merits, and appear* iaakmi v-r.iiUaUfttic th*> m*> U. partviu- i.i! 1> ii iigiv-us leaders, can permit tbem.-eive* pcMiticai bat khig ratfbi suftr »<- me the *iupes "1 t turning p»'iit s'-ianj* *' Book Ends •uffK ult it» understand, partieuiarly in the }**>»* j Pajter Knives u; .v v; •'••• vxcmpliheri in certitin European • . s > ivHia) Dr. Huith S. Mag il. |»re*- * Book Marks id» nt «>i th* American Federation '»f Invent- f t •*i» wan.* affaiimt the impemiinf llou>c- ^,v~ Graduation Gifts Rings wit can iiutatoridiip. for IIim for Ilcr —S.N— : Bracelets The Forgotten Prerequisite advanced umvtvr*it> citirree ha* l«*t \. Wardrobe Case* s»r mean i g. future teacher* are put through ^ Sna¬ 3 *6 i« if.$a Knives quirem,-! I. "t a .ears., -»se I he credit* sen the work a* thi«w aiming to nchoi- JWr Fitted WNUt Cane* the b»wk. ami .muntr !hr Mibuvt okwrd* ar*, ami the eia**e*. the content and the aim* 5 •• to t$.to Pearl Pins Sofh *' fjue.ti.--r h»» l«.ra beea uptwriw»t of gra«iuate w« rk are a* confused a* those YlTt- in nwr.;. «ta*U>r'? w:m! i-ut it» a»»»- U-kii ciivirM Uva.jm a remedy ha. not Chicag »teU* Yair student* that m the Amer- ;, twee forUict>mui(. Krvent {acuity diaiu.^ lum univ«ait>. coiiiuauon hath found iUjghuYt Military Brush Sets U1 to LN Headed Hajr> I to to $to Cigarette Cases aiur, on th. ampu. ha. aa'aui abed Uirht nusterpkve wi.u-j jaufit writing. . on the question. 1-ut .1 rti no reraeuy. —SN— Bill Folds i-kewae these i* the *u*vgt i U mu. h di.- a>f .f>r and applied thought are dirvcteo a simple aadation u aure to Many college men and women ntupid, dull converauitjoD*. and cannot writs carry on w. *ho skmgrs fur the ftrst when the ttrvt rtougr un't Compacts eaeiv*^—and a aoluli-A i* mifwri if the hsgdde English. Their reading habit* force j shxigejng A 1.1. WITH THB pteiequiadv m to aerve it# purptoe. Why them to take month* to digest a book which ! UHLMik SKAI- not give over certain da., time in n-fre.h- sdtouhl I*- *«imm«d ami appreciated in a few jFLVAXOE-— jng the atudent on prerequisite material and •in.-- Hr G,srtrr Fr»,icr. president of : Jlr',r'"n <**«• havc it>:" ,,, been given pei mi**wn to *ue Gcr- then include that material on the exam-* .. , • ^ ,, - 4 'K,ntk> Sut» College of Education. vxouU ~.,nr _ iJo.ooo.MO damage, « m This raUiing the Uu.c» ot the ncholastk !«-. h *tuurnt» to read, write and talk. (» re«u« u! the BUck Tim ubatage { >keie'.aa «iii not appt-iu la the dullard but ' —|bet,-re the the man who is *trivmir for a ma»tery of Tb" wJ1 Prot'»l'lr b»ee to to*e; hi* subject will welcome it. it "If they gave a pr;ie for nuisances there would go." Nicholas Murray Butler, the «'•! Rate Mkfle Mi Store Bat the feueraiiiatii.^ can not be laid sage of Montingride Heights let, go a bias, on the. down in sdymg all prerequisite nubjects. For at news photographers v_ ^ j XrMay. June 5, 19.H5 MICHIGAN STATE NEWo Spartans Among Large Field in CICMeet at Milwaukee State Trackers Seek Henkel Hurls 4-3 Win Over Iowa; Hill to Face Irish Fifth at Milwaukee rain dr. r ;===p WALTERS HURLS As Frosh Again Win AGAINST HAWKS Slrrn Oppoiition Ficei Spar- Crerr Leads Freshmen to 109- tans as Leadids Teams Enter Central Intercollegiales. 22 Victory Over Adrian, Win- IN FINAL TODAY ning Three First Places. I hostilities opened OKIMI MAHKIM Sparlang Collect Nine HtU in jl-rhnhardt and Ku Be Capturing 12 .out of a pos-' tfleId of With fifth place as its goal, sihlo to first plan - ami t\ ti.n Opener; Hill to Oppose Michigan State's track team "»« othur», Michigan Notre Dame Away Tomorrow. is in Milwaukee today to com- State's freslttnan track team Hi At THKILKK in the 11th annual ion. swept to its thiril straight •!», Intercollegiate traik and victory Weitnemtni, defeating' | Tht\v uncovered a now star Distinctively Smart .•id championships. | nt Collate floltl yesterday ! He's a man who is serving his The Spartan- will In- buck- j stvontl year on Coach John Hobs' State baHuhttil squad. I and hd started, his first game GIFTS j he tore the hortic folks against E"i)K THE Yol'Nt; MAN GRADUATE (iivc the younA man graduate something to wear—and you ve hit the spot Linksmen Close Yfmnir ittt'tt atv jr>)ititr iti for trtotv Sporting Whirl Year Facing Ypsi brilliant folors. After the I«»nir Hi 1IIKRY WlSVtlK and \\ aynt' irt itul of tour years he is eaRer to Away enlat'Re his wardrobe with the Spaitani are Fttorilrt to Winj authentic styles tttttl colors for Until Merit to Finish Su>- summer wear. Nothing will please cntful Year. him more than a Rift from our at¬ tractive S|H>rts and 1 teach wear de¬ partments. New and Modern LOUNGE PAJAMAS A revolutionary idea—hut sensible. They're idt'ttl for HicepitiK—tor lounging at the beach, in the cottage. »»»■ tht fraternity house. The tops are plant or cto«- MfijN*". The contrasting trousers have s»d» cutis and clastu waist bands. A t«p notch ii.ii : and Mate—Mason juiulrd grounder and Ute SUIe outfielder KuhnrS FOODS $2 ... $2.50 >t:. Ad- «'>' "" iiUis and scoring and Weitnrr going to MANHA'HAN SERVICE w • . ond. Bartling Hied to renter k i- a and Weimer taking third after the A wide variety of this seam-h'- -1 ■. U ic.*d« r.- .catch, (.chnliardt popped to Hal Ribbed rayons, in deep !••»;»•> at d paste K.s, Gie*n; torn in short left Due run, no 1 tdtades, rne^h weave* with /-pinr-. also ih hits, 3 error*. M*th Innins i AN KXCEITIONAI. |L-A--mir-r|S53 popular "tiaucho" neck. If it's new—it' here. ibisimbeii $1 . . i ling a near nk-e catch third. Lehnhardt nude of M*sbu'$ long II > Sl.M.MERTIME $2.95 and in left center. Guglrr walked. ChiMn got a double when hi* fl> OPPORTUNITY j dropped In short center and got Wajjlc Urate Hicbuk Mud* j by Lehnhardt. Gutter taking i#ltn.;Uuri Winter* singled SWIM TRUNKS SPORT BELTS i scoring Guglrr and rhiusrn. and >\figfct, he took second plate. Had on on the throw to the Michigan's Only A superior vuiuv by Mc¬ Gregor. Built in clustK supporter. Heavy wool varft Bolt i» included Navy, grey. Artificially Cooled Baflrooot i the mound. Two runs. How State Beat State liter — Lehnhardt singled Randall tried to sacrifice SI to .52.90 the Hawkeyes it nned popped to" llenrk h v diegel got an Scott infield hit ! in bark of the mound. Lehnhardt I'aim I leach rim i Terry —Stephen, went ell U»:«'.d Zte*e! »itc»r»«d NECKWEAR " <* wfoon Bartlinf Uhnkwedt .cared and ■ ' • • BEACH ROBES Distinctively ium and ortgi* 4 bad throw on hi* grounder Fiegei took third on another wild \v. •:.< *1.1: t * n Churic More popular than over in nal, Easy to Ue. hard to J*** l w color* cfiock* and plain *hadc*. Smart mue •hiUJet. Ugtw and dark; I »M»r !„ Scett Ougter uiutled JHnlfc taunt j Beu.ir.an'« Jo. . ..una uat itach Weigh* lea* than S" and stole necand Bart- i Iowa—Winter* singled In right the .Heart will be ptefdy pound*; sell* l< r $13.50 ea*t of tlx- Rockies. Substantial prr/ht and His Swing Artists $3.95 and $5 **il Clausen. .N'o runs, Hivniu. crouuAcr., m x t t.ii. ar.1 .i..1 Uttt Art Bui*. * for canvasser:: on every unit ^ «Tor, 1 left on bas*; Hellem. *rt threuxh 1 ■» has been at tackle fcrf Gewire j Mi id.. Pay fur your education M II inters. UkiM Halas' itub (iir two ■> ■' tht* coming year by accepting IF IT'S STYLE — IT'S AT ensood inspprd aa Ihey coma. Ihrouith a: this pleasant occupation during . the summer month*. For lull -j 4,11 „„ ihra»n ant /tadr which was .uppowd to havc| | information write to WMurs narina. Ucliidpd Jay Berv^aoj. r. Buss I far HaM* as*, •*" »onri with the Philadelphia j CONTINENTAL MOTORS DONT FORGET- COKIt) RATION „ It Ban'-- Mark* Eagle* Zrllrr was glad to hear j IMIm forced that Altaian had eiguad with thol Dipt. A. UMI t Mum Air. It's Cm! at the Delb DtTHOIT. MKHHiA.N 1,1,1 taott la Wei- Walk and wtahda butt lea. at tackl a I at j in tha league. r Friday. June 5. 1938 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS it- v.riteups on the singers and mu- Mayo FACULTY FETES ! COLLEGE ; Though' the 'preparations for Moon Over Mary SENIOR CO-EDS I BULLETIN n- ' ns' plrtod,. the committee in charge concerned with the Lick of entries It What Dorm Co-tJs Hope lor at Party Tomorrow Sight .it 1 In the tilting' and canoeing . Apparently the pee* .rr„ r the it-.'v one, « ho l.nkc slock in tl Home Erornmics Teachers En¬ id arc now on display in Kurd's win- dow and should. • Ken Deloneo tertain al Unique Partv. iit it ? entrants in these events. There Lutheran (iroup Old Haits Wanted lix Mortar Hoard Will Hold Picnic Toll AY and SATURDAY — <5 AS HEAL w voir own eamii.v troibii* C AS FI NNY \* THOSE Of THE roi Ks NEXT Hook EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT U \K iwc; — THOMAS HKGK — JKI> PRom m so oi»nn > rovirnv — c oi.or cartoon roMMlTTEK SKI > I \RGI WAITERS (»\ Slttl Ml CARNIVAL \TTEM»\Nl'l EOlt KOHSMEN TOI»\> , HALF C HALF MAKES OHi SWELL SMOKE! \lpha (iimmi Rho seen in \ : VU L Our \ ! ^ • p Heath Shop 11, 11 urrrtis up SUlKS $1.95 up SHORTS SI.00 up OV KUA1J.S IK95 up SHIRTS Iww jacket* to match cufoUc*) $1.00 0* For "load*" of pleasure, load-up with Half & Half. HALTERS BEACH HATS 59c up $1.00 up •UNSOPHISTICATED Cool as the summons: "The dean wants to tee you." Sweet as his greeting: "My boy, you've made good. BEACH SHOES CAPES (reversible $1.00 up , | Sum* Kappa Vncfci classmen have the Sigma jKappa seisi&rs guessing (And.; LADY $» Fragrant, full-bodied tobacco that won't bite the terry cloth 1 $1.95 joh how cunous even a sedate »;*) She didn't know about WALK-OVER tongue—in a tin that won't bite the fingers. Made | senior may be1» Tonight the' BEACH SI ITS $9.50 j senutj-j are taring entertained by j shoes. How atyliah they are. How by our exclusive modern process including patent BATHING SCITS i their younger sutcrs and the j wonderfully made. How they fit No. 1,770,920. Smells good. Makes your pipe w elcome | where, what and how are a a-! the feat and wear, and hold £ $2.95. $2.95 $5.fW>. $6.00. $7.00, $S.00, $9.00 i crel unlit they get there. I.artj their shape while wearing. anywhere. Tastes good. Your password to pleasure! j Friday evening the seniors were] But shell never tw the Mn, | the hostesses and everybody ate I | chop sury downtown at the Chi- j same, now that she's Mill ; nose restaurant. experienced the won- Jfgjjy derful comfort and 1 Betty Cilrsy, a Ttiela trom Uit i atyle of our ( shoes. year .nd present student at the: (University of Wisconsin. is visit¬ ing at the Theta house. Another! guest is Mrs. Hatch, who is visit- j BURTON'S WALK-OVER SHOP j ina her daughter Bettc. .. j