enafe passes bill on By JOHN TINGWALL in the House, which approved the bill by 82 law." State New* Staff Writer an - 14 margin in June. leading proponent of the bill, said several Gov. Milliken, who said at an [dents a"" )ust one nod and 8 Passage of the bill would nullify a 1969 Oct. 1 senators were "on the fence" have been named in the suit, TenEyck r from being granted the attorney general's ruling which deemed press conference he has "no during said. awav problems" Wednesday's vote, and were persuaded to such service with the L jpjve on their university governing prospect of students serving on Einhauser, introduced v as conflict of interest. In that their change their vote Thursday. "This is a great day for students," he at Thursday's after the Michigan Senate voted Nling, Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley cited governing boards is expected to sign Changing their votes were Sens. Harvey said. "This will have a definite Senate session as the youngest member the the bill into law. With effect on lelv in favor of it Thursday. Michigan Constitution's provision that approval of the Lodge, R • Waterford, Stanley Rozycki, D every university in the state." ever elected to a Michigan university 26-8 vote, the Senate passed a state officer would a legislation the governor could also include Detroit and Milton governing board, dropped out of Wayne be in conflict of • Zaagman, R • Grand interest if he or students in his appointments this fall to campaign, but plans to return & approved bill that exempts she was involved in a nonelective governing boards. to all Rapids. TenEyck said MHESA was prepared Its from any "conflict of interest" contract with the body he or she served and Wayne State are the MSU, U-M Sen. Philip Pittenger, defeated in his to return to court to to Wayne to obtain a bachelor's degree in Eight arise from their serving on the Kelley considered attendance at a universities whose only Michigan 24th District (Lansing - East Lansing) re • 1969 ruling if the challenge Kelley's January. King boards of the universities they university such a contract. governing boards are election bid Nov. 5, legislature had not "When I ran, I thought we'd have to elected. Other state supported the bill approved the bill Thursday. Sponsor of the bill Rep. Perry Bullard, boards are appointed. university governing Wednesday, but opposed it Thursday. fight it in court," Einhauser said. "But I'm L bill was reconsidered after a 19 - D Ann Arbor, said there sure the governor will approve it, so that's - was little An interim During his campaign he said he had "no A suit filed if Wednesday, which was short of likelihood that the House report of the Governor's problems" on granting the right to by MHESA in May was not a problem any longer." would not Commission on Higher Education also dropped in August when student Larry bcessary two - thirds vote of concur with Senate amendments to the students. Deputy Atty. Gen. Stanley Steinborn, endorsed the student Bartrem, named in the suit, was not Jl), It now returns to the House for bill. The amendment added in September If signed by the right in April. Rick TenEyck, of the Michigan Higher nominated for the MSU Board of Trustees notified of the bill's passage, said he did Id of Senate amendments — minor shortens and clarifies the bill. would take immediate governor, the bill Education Student Association by the Republican party. not think the attorney general would |L changes - before being sent to "I'm just glad to see it got through," effect. The Senate approved putting the bill into immediate (MHESA), a student lobbying group, said challenge the legislature's right to interpret En's desk for his expected approval, Bullard said. "This represents some real effect by 27 - 6 in a motion MHESA members spent Wednesday Michael Einhauser, a 23 • year - old the Constitution. "The Constitution [.porters of the bill predict no progress for young peoples' rights and Sen. Jack Faxon, D - Detroit. proposed by afternoon and Thursday morning lobbying Wayne State University student who won states that the Initial opposition to the amendments removes the gross unfairness of the current Sen. Gilbert for the bill. his bid for a Wayne State Board of legislature has the right to define a substantial conflict of interest," Steinborn Bursley, R - Ann Arbor, a "It would have died if it didn't Governors' seat this November, would get said. VOLUME 168 NUMBER 240 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 enate joins House in overriding resident Ford's vetoes of bills From Wire Services the bill over the veto. It would have taken sustain Ford's veto. There was brisk Senate debate over the JaSHINGTON - The Senate joined only 271 votes to do that — a two thirds On the measure covering for freedom of information bill, because fears louse Thursday in handing President majority. programs I the most decisive defeat of his handicapped persons, there was some about it reportedly had been voiced to confusion because the President senators Jinistration so far. Ford has now been overridden on three by the Defense Department, contended he pocket • vetoed the bill Federal Bureau of lord's vetoes "of. antigovemment of his 13 vetoes in his 3'A months in the during the congressional election recess. Investigation, and White House. The other was on a railroad Central Intelligence Agency. jy and aid to handicapped persons Pocket vetoes cannot be acted on I were overturned in the Senate one retirement i by Congress Ford said the bill could ifter the House took the same action. adversely affect The Senate vote joined with that of the intelligence secrets and diplomatic Tie65 - 27 Senate vote on the freedom However, Ford's view was challenged relations. House had the effect of enacting the (formation bill was close, only three by many members of Congress, including ■ than the required two - thirds, antisecrecy bill into law. some Republicans who said it was Sen. Sam J. Ervin Jr., D - N.C., who a 90 -1 tally was rolled up on the The House had voted Wednesday to a regular veto. voted to override, said "for some reason onal Rehabilitation bill, with only override the antisecrecy bill veto 371 to that passes understanding, the executive Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D • ■William L. Scott, R Va., supporting Mass., branch thinks the American people should - 31, or 102 votes more than the 269 who already has won one major court test pesident. not know what their needed. A total of 225 Democrats and 146 of a President's right to cast government is ly, the House voted by the pocket vetoes doing." Republicans made up the majority, white 6 while Congress is in recess, has said he is Irhelming margin of 398 to 7 to pass Democrats and 25 Republicans voted to ready to test the process anew. The bill is designed to make it easier for the public to gain access to government information; sponsors said the executive STUDENT AC agencies had found many loopholes in the 1966 Freedom of Information Act. It sets a 10 • day limit for agency decisions on whether to supply iSU to release records information, a 20 • day limit on determining administrative appeals and 30 - day limit for the government to reply a to lawsuits. By PETE DALY printed statement issued Monday to all student's admission into graduate school. State News Staff Writer department chairmen It authorizes federal at MSU. He has been Some faculty and administrators fear judges to examine heading documents to decide whether a University committee studying student access to such letters would make they should JISU is now preparing to release to ramifications of the new federal law that letter writers less truthful, while others be made public, narrows the power of fits upon request all records would revoke federal funds from feel access would force faculty to be fair. agencies to withhold law enforcement ■lining to them except letters of educational institutions not opening all The law took effect Tuesday, but investigatory files and requires the keeping immendation, which have been at the records to the student concerned. of an index of documents available to he t of an allows educators 45 days before they must administrative struggle to public. rpret and define Any records received by MSU in the respond to any request for records. MSU a vague new federal future that the sender wishes to be held bds access law. administrators said they hope the The dispute confidential will probably be discarded or over the Vocational ■In my opinion, student requests for government will issue guidelines for the rehabilitaton bill involved not money, but ■matioh from their academic records returned, Dressel said. law before the mid • January deadline. rather a congressional mandate to ■ be honored, with the "It is likely that letters of Dressel's comments mark a slight change the organizational exception of recommendation will not be confidential setup for the 54 - year - ^ of recommendation," Paul Dressel, change of opinion in MSU's old program of job in the future," he added. administration. In October, Robert Perrin, „ training for | provost of Institutional Research, Controversy over the new law has vice president for University relations) said handicapped persons. centered on letters written by faculty he felt MSU's current policy of limited The bill would take the program out of ressel made that comment in a either recommending or discouraging a access was "close enough to the intent of the Social and Rehabilitation Service in the law." At that time, Perrin said the the Health Education and Welfare AP wirephoto University would wait until guidelines for Department (HEW) and put it in a new A Cambodian youngster takes charge of the the law were released before changing any administration directly under the HiZW family cats and her father's rifle at a marshaling point in Siem present policies. secretary. Ream, Cambodia. Her father Student was among reinforcements transferred to the ask Other American universities have area which is Sponsors of the bill said the Social under increasing attack by insurgent forces. The already begun removing the letters from attacks are seen as a their files, and in some cases have Rehabilitation Service was too welfare - prelude to a major attempt to seize the city and claim it oriented to run the vocational as the destroyed them. This type of action is Communist capital of the insurgents. being contemplated at MSU, some rehabilitation program. Seizing the town would solidify Communist claims that they should be for record's administrators say. our "We are planning on modifying some of records," Keith Goldhammer, dean of the College of Education, said. "Perhaps The bill would also extend the another year through an $851 million authorization. program government before the matter is debated Assembly this month. recognized as Cambodia's at the UN General we will have to destroy those letters of ■ An MSU student has recommendation from people who will already asked the University to see all records at MSU Joining to him. Nixon not want them released to the student." "jnentesday,is Unidentified student' contacted MSU asking her how and where he can see Ombudsman Carolyn Stieber all records relating to him. The Goldhammer said no letters have yet been removed from files or destroyed, and that the policy of destruction would only devised sto hoping to attend medical school following graduation. I«ul Dressel, whose committee h*s reviewed the new federal law which be assumed with the approval of the Gently would allow the student that right, had recently advised University University. wtments "that a student will ■ "ressel was 'ds of probably soon test the law." listing all the different departments and offices at MSU that hold students when the word came a student wAnted to see all of his records. He said the author of a letter of recommendation will probably have the option of submitting a new letter in place against impeachment of one already in the file. w you see the problems this legislation has created," Dressel said. "Records "But I am sure 99 per cent of the WASHINGTON (AP) - A deeply worried Richard M. Nixon told in Watergate turmoil, had gone to prosecutors in early April to spill lin8 to one student are possibly in residence halls, the student personnel authors would say keep the original letter was April, 1973 that John W. Dean's disclosures might the whole story. e> health center, lead to his impeachment "on the ground that you committed a counseling center, registrar's office, financial aids, graduate and let the student see it," Goldhammer Part of that story was that Nixon had said in the March 21 crime." ■ r!nt files in each college and the campus police." said. conversation that there would be no problem in raising a million ■ uressel picked out the MSU Dept. of Nixon reacted by working out a story to protect himself. rce m Public Safety as one potential headache "We will not respond to requests for "J have go to put the wagons up around the President," Nixon dollars to keep the Watergate defendants quiet. ^Eards to the records access law. In the first three April 25 conversations letters of recommendation until the was heard telling top aide H.R. Hademan on a tape recording of played for the jury, I "The campus police act as a regular police force, but they are still part of the matter of the guidelines is cleared," April 25, 1973, played Thursday for the Watergate coverup trial Ehrlichman told Nixon, "I think it's entirely conceivable that if Dean is totally out of control and if matters are not handled %. Does the law Robert Fedore, asst. dean in osteopathic jury. then include police records, too?" Dressel said. adroitly that you could get a resolution of impeachment in the medicine, said. I Nor Adam Zutaut of the campus police has said his department will continue Fedore said his college will continue to Ironically, what seemed to concern Nixpn most was that Dean Senate." ■ foll°w the might have taped a conversation a month earlier, on March 21, "That's right," Nixon said. policies of regular Michigan law enforcement agencies until told follow the policy on records access when they discussed the blackmail money demands being made Dressel said. outlined in the student rights handbook. Ehrlichman continued: "On the ground that you committed a on the White House by convicted Watergate burglar E. Howard crime and that there is no other legal Hunt Jr. process available to the 3at *ould apparently preclude access by private citizens to classified records of The handbook specifies that students "I just wonder if the son • of • a - bitch had a recorder on United States people other than impeachment. Otherwise, you have the right to inspect their own have (Witji the ()bviou.rexoepUons^of 1 indicated the student who made °«his records. letters of recommendation and pol^ the request Wednesday will probably get *cojda,to academic records and evaluations of their conduct. However, the student does not have access to letters of recommendation him," Nixon said. "I didn't notice any, but I wasn't looking." The playing of four recordings, none made ended the government's use of tapes as its chief witness public previously, immunity from prosecution." "Right," Nixon said. Ehrlichman said, "You get down to a point where you've got against John Dean prancing in there and saying the President said this and "similar evaluations which are Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, John N. Mitchell, Robert C. and the President said that I think the only way that I know pointed out, however that some records, namely any that would pertain Mardian and Kenneth W. Parkinson, who are all ... necessarily prepared on a confidential charged with to make a judgment on this is for you to listen to IhiffiK°y1 hpalth' I wou,d not 1)6 'released to a student outright, but would be shown a person qualified to basis." "I think those rules are in complete conspiring to affair. cover up White House involvement in the Watergate see what actually was said then, or your tapes and maybe for Bob (Haldeman) to explain their meaning. Nixon is an unindicted coconspirator in the case. do it or somebody. See what was said in there and then analyze (continued on page 12) how big a threat it is." Dean, who had been the President's counsel throughout the (continued on page 12) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fr'day. Nov< Prober 22 J Prices up, spendable cfowr WASHINGTON (AP) - The government had a double dose of The increase for all of last year was 8.8 per cent. average of 53 cents a gallon for bad economic for Americans Thursday. It said consumer regular anrt « news Though the October increase in consumer prices was smaller Fresh fruit prices also fell. 7 ^Motp, prices rose nine • tenths of one per cent in than in September and August, it was higher than normal and But food prices increased workers' spendable earnings fell three - tenths of one October, while 1.3 per cent I showed that inflation, especially in food prices, remains prices of cereals, bakery ov*,... Mondale ends presidential try per cent. unchecked. and nonalcoholic beverages products, eggs Drl 0cto|J Higher prices for food, automobiles, clothing and housing spurred the increase in consumer prices, the Labor Dept. said. While prices lose, disposable income fell. With the three • Food prices in October were leading the w'av Hll tenths of one decline in October, real spendable earnings- 11 9 ner opnt k I Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Minn., withdrew The October rise meant that prices of things most Americans per cent were 4.9 per cent below a year earlier. the Labor Dept. said. * cent above, The price changes were Thursday from contention for the 1976 Democratic buy were 10L6 par cent higher than in January and 122 per cent above Some prices did decline in October, notably formeat, which adjusted for seasnn.i ■ as the introduction presidential nomination, saying he has discovered he a year earlier. was down 1 per cent. Gasoline prices dropped 2.7 per oent to an October. But even on an of higher - priced mf V4rS| does not have the "overwhelming desire" to be increased nine - unadjusted basis ovmli tenths of one per cent th? ""*^1 aut0I5J president. prices. ' ne ^e« g The consumer price index The Minnesota Democrat said he does not regret his exploratory efforts over the past year and said he hopes the experience makes him a better senator. Ford reaffirms 1967 average of 100, 1967 now cost on the in October stnnH meaning that goods average $153.20 whid* , **!1 ■ New auto prices were up 4 5 ner <*nt One factor in Mondale's decision was the progress SEOUL, Korea (AP) - With The State Dept. in Ford said. "Two times we have United States, or world and 1.1 per cent adjusted. a warm tribute to "our faithful Washington said Clothing prices were being made by Rep. Morris K. Udall of Arizona in they also stood together, here and in opinion in general', is why Park one per cent unadjusted and one tenth building organizational backing among liberal ally," President Ford flew into arrested the Rev. James Vietnam, to preserve the peace has not gone further and jailed - Mortgage interest costs also were said to be of one l! j? South Korea on Friday to Sinnott. an American and stability of Asia and the hundreds of dissidents in Government analysts found hZr S Democrats in New Hampshire, which holds the nation's reaffirm U.S. military ties with Maryknoll priest, and that the world. We can never forget growing antigovernment slower increase in prices of some cause J™?,- I first presidential primary. the country it helped nearly a police action violated the this." protests. • tenths of one per cent, the nonfood commodities^? J quarter • century ago in diplomatic immunity of the Some 35,000 Americans Seoul desperately is trying when it was also six - tenths of smallest increase siC ** House OKs mass transit bill fighting a Communist invasion. embassy compound. died in the Korean War. to line up world Nonfood commodities include one per cent support Ron Nessen, the White The embassy said Korean Officials say the purpose of furniture to clothing. everything „,m k against a proposal to be Congress completed action Thursday on a House Press Secretary, said the authorities later expressed Ford's stopover hereisto debated at the United Nations months, it could mean a substantial comprehensive mass transit bill that includes federal President had no intention of regret over the incident and demonstrate the importance next week to do away with the portion of the nation's inflation. easing of .t u!®1 M11 subsidies for troubled subway systems. meeting with Korean told the embassy that all the the United States puts on UN military command However, analysts say food prices likely will The House approved a compromise SI 1.8 billion, six Opposition leaders. women had been released. It Korean stability, but critics say structure in Korea. upward in months ahead and for as continunJ - year mass transit bill by a 288 to 109 vote. The government of was not immediately known it will only buttress Park's But once these issues are crops remain disappointing. long as tteSl 10,1'■ President Chung Hee Park has whether Father Sinnott was suppression of civil rights. out of the way, many think the The Labor Dept. noted that During the debate Rep. John G. Anderson, R—111., read a telegram from President Ford urging passage of jailed scores of dissident freed. Park has been tolerating government will feel its survival decline in October but that last food prices normally show month's increases m», J J clergymen and writers and on "I am here to reaffirm our some opposition to his one - is at stake unless the dissidents this trend. Food prices rose seven the mass transit bill. Thursday, riot police entered friendship and to give it new man rule, but many fear he will are suppressed. unadjusted basis and a 1.3 per cent on an - tenths of one Deri! the U.S. Embassy compound life and meaning," Ford, the adjusted baas. "It represents a responsible step in our efforts to begin silencing critics once and dragged off some 20 third U.S. president reduce energy consumption and control inflation," Ford to visit Ford ends his Far Eastern trip women who were, demanding South Korea, said. and the upcoming UN debate said. that their sons and husbands be "Nothing binds nations on Korea is over. released from jail on closer than to have fought side Many of Park's critics think Bus strike talks continuing antigovernment charges. by side for the same cause," his fear of alienating the Get SENIORS Negotiators seeking to end the strike against Greyhound Lines, Inc., met into the early hours rid of DUE TO THE INCREASED DEMANDI Thursday, then went into separate meetings to work out differences on more than a dozen issues, a source close Prosecution ends effort your FREE 1975 WOLVERINE to the talks said. The major stumbling blocks in the contract dispute Turkey. YEARBOOK PICTURES WILL BE still centered on money, the source said. against ASMSU official TAKEN UNTIL FRIDAY, DEC. 6. Saxbe urges lottery action Charges stemming from a spurious nature of the charges The Annual Tech Hifi Thanks¬ people in the Lansing - East giving Sale is a perfect time fracas during a socialist Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe urged Congress on workers' convention in Chicago and the fact that it was a Lansing community have to buy a better music system. CALL NOW FOR violent, unprovoked attack on contributed money to a This week! Wednesday to clear up federal restrictions on state have been dropped against the a militant labor group in a defense fund to meet the lotteries. The Justice Dept. moved in the Supreme Court interim director of ASMSU's YOUR APPOINTMENT techhSi unsuccessful.attempt to disrupt expenses of an expected trial. to have existing prohibitions enforced. Labor Relations dept. our convention and an attempt He said that because the The controversy centers on existing law which Doyle O'Connor, who is to frighten people from future charges have been dropped, prohibits broadcast of winning lottery numbers. Saxbe said "the Justice Dept. fully supports" enactment of legislation to permit broadcasts. But it would move to also active campaign in the of the Workers Union, said Sunday that the organizing Student prosecution participation in WAM," O'Connor said. WAM is the Workers Action and because he has kept a record of these donations, will all be returned. they 353-5292 shut down lotteries which violate the broadcast-ban if apparently declined to press Movement, the group that Rm 36A Union sponsored the convention. Congress does not,acU further charges. The charges O'Connor added that he CACTUS % still have not been announced believedi the charges were Men hijack British airliner O'Connor and 11 other persons were arrested Oct. 12 dropped because the Chicago police were not willing to tell HuSson- TTT IIIITT as they marched to a dinner and raffle. Police claim that the the truth about the Ford Two armed men hijacked a British unprovoked attack. Airways Super arrests followed a disturbance O'Connor also said that mcAV at H VC10 airliner Thursday night in the Persian that caused by the group's sheikdom of Dubai, the airline Gulf was apparent refusal to disperse as The State News is published by the students of Michigan 11IISI MINI 11 \|| ISII HS reported in London. it State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring A spokesman said the plane was causing a traffic jam. school terms, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, during Summer was airborne and bound Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published in for unknown destination. "Very specifically, I feel friday an September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. that they (the court) dropped Second cl^ss postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and them (the charges) because of business offices at 345 Student Sercices Bidg., Michigan State the nature of the arrests, the University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 Student Services Building in car»of MSU Lansing, Ml 48824. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER Messenger Service, East SUPEIE ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER ire PHONE News/Editorial 355-8252 Classified Ads 355-8255 Display Advertising 353-6400 Business Office 355-3447 Photographic 355-8311 J-I Ifl t«/, I FIDE U.S. states support for Israel The United States on Thursday declared its support SAVTHJRDAY of Israel's right to exist and lashed out during a United Nations debate at the Arab guerrillas' "deliberate policy of terror" and their attempt to compare it with the American Revolution. SATURDAY IIS 111(111 NITf The stance was at odds with the approach to the Palestine question taken by a majority of speakers in the CCF1I' 111 General Assembly debate on Palestine and with a resolution prepared by Third World countries which Ii4ND $141 li AI %:<( says nothing about the continued existence of Israel. The resolution's approval was virtually assured today. ^er DISCCOUT A New Greek cabinet new Greek government took office sworn in Thursday. peeafcps SLNEAy Parties for and against the return of officially opened their campaigns for the Dec. King Constantine 1HIIIVH, 8 SIPaVGIHEIITII & IPIIZZA J\3"W plebiscite on the monarchy. The 35 - member government, headed by Premier Constantine Caramanlis, was sworn in after the landslide victory won by the premier's New Democracy party in mm ixi last Sunday's election. The party won 220 of the 300 -+U3 lArtST SI VI I I I 11 seats in parliament. The cabinet, which includes no women HI 11 HI \l /VI11 || f/| I /.VI A' campaign plank calling for greater participation by womeji in government, is dominated by older, veteran despite a $CFAI&£^A V I u I II I I AS I 31. if politicians. OUU-J SALEM Wll IILtCLAFT SI JNI A>. M V iH | si-n sil 11 CNlT At- I M > >f ( mm | ■glows VI II I VI < | H| 4 |V| \W1* NOOM ■nu iNOwrce (MM SW' SECOND CHANCE 933 683 (Mutt havt both numtwri) 401 £.. CRfND RW€X.. MeKT TO JACKPOT 100119 52386 281 Turkey bonus number: 637 linic offers heroin By ALLAN LENGEL able to work." association with any type of State News Staff Writer Roper also said the drug will program has terminate the first of the year. If you want to be a junkie now, enabled three MSU students to function just remember Fred is dead." again in school. "I want to make it clear. I'm not an - He said the students advocate of methadone," Curtis Mayfield probably found Roper out about the Heroin addicts in the program because they emphasized. "Heroin was a replacement have an alternative to Lansing area bought their heroin from the west side of for opium. Methadone is just another loneliness, hunger, Lansing. undesirable replacing heroin." poverty and the inevitability of early death. They can turn to the Explaining how they got hooked, New Birth Roper said "it probably started by Center, a methadone clinic on Lansing's "But it's a cheap drug, administered west side that is experimenting with the drug, and one high cleanly without chances of hepatitis, and sponsored by the Ingham led to another." the effects last 24 hours as County Dept. of Mental Health. The compared to Hershel Roper, 36, the director of the program's 16-member staff five or six with heroin," he said. New Birth Center, stated that the clinic is primarily designed for persons who are addicted to any drug physically or psychologically. The clinic currently serves "I wanted a great big pretty car and I knew I could get it by 105 people. 'drugs. After a while 1 got curious and started selling "While the taking heroin." Ernest - goal may be to have Bishop, a former addict and current counselor at the New Birth Center. everyone drug free and employed, we measure success in a lot of different ways," Roper said. "A person who has been doing heroin includes a doctor, two nurses, various for 15 years and While most addicts remain off heroin stays down for eight 1%-mmHr • months, or a person who obtains his high counselors and two psychologists. during the piogram, Roper stated that school diploma, are sucesses to MSU's medical schools have used the _ us," he there are some who go back into the street SN clinic in the past, and the MSU ■Director Hershel Roper, left, of the New Birth photo/Larry Gunsberg added. psychology and shoot up between methadone Center, methadone clinic, discusses department plans to use it for student dosages. ■ counselor, Ernest Bishop. The clinic located at 1023 West projects with activity Roper says without the help of In an attempt to deter this Ottawa St., Lansing is methadone the "20 per cent or so of the internships. type, of serving 82 heroin addicts. "Complaints by neighbors of dealing activity, Roper said he conducts urine clients who are employed would not be dope and selling hot items were quite tests on his clients a minimum of twice a common for a while," Roper stated. week. "But we make it clear now that we don't want dealers on the "If you come up dirty three times in a premises," he said. "Anyone who's not here for six • month period you're out," he said. help has to go." Roper explained that the maintenance One man who was an addict on and off and detoxication programs are the two for 30 years said the New Birth Center methadone programs that an addict can gave him his first real break in life. take part in. Ernest Bishop, 50, said he became To be part of the maintenance FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1974 involved with heroin in Detroit because of program, Roper said, the prestige it offered. a person must be over 18 years of age and have a proven "I wanted a great big pretty car and history of heroin addiction for a minimum knew I could get it by selling drugs," he of two years. said. "After a while I got curious and ■T employes will vote started taking heroin." Though Roper stated that there is no ceiling to the amount of years the person Sunday Bishop explained that he was an angry can remain on methadone, each client's man during his years as an addict. condition is reviewed every two "I felt I was dealt a raw deal," he said. years. "Back in those days a black man didn't The detoxication program involves have much offered to him." contract for retroactive raise delinquents under 18. The idea of this >n an Bishop, now employed at the center as activity counselor, said there are many program, Roper said, is to slowly lower the milograms of methadone administered addicts in the Lansing area not being during the maximum 21 - day period. By PAT CLYDE treated. University Auditorium. Roper explains that the clinic State News Staff Writer off campus, and He stressed that the clinic needed more Ttims of the contract were set present salary and move to the next higher continually lowers the milograms of ftsU clerical • technical (C-T) Tuesday • supervisory and executive employes. staff members, particularly a psychiatrist, methadone in both programs. None of the employes November 18, between the wage step effective July 1,1974. ■vote Sunday on the first contract University and Terms of the contract will be to help treat some of the addicts who patients know how many milograms they ever MSUEA. MSUEA won the On July 1, 1975, all salary steps will be ■itiaied between the right to bargain retroactive to July 1 , 1974, and will require psychiatric help. University and the for the C-T's in an election with the terminate June 30, 1976. increased 6 per cent. Employes who have He complained of the unfair treatment ■ Employes Assn. (MSUEA). American Federation of State, Wage increases not reached the maximum of their County and will be enacted in several stages. grade he thinks the Lansing Police have given the Jf ratified, the contract will affect over Municipal Employes two years ago. level will be advanced two additional black "Eventually they're down to nothing ■Q employes and give pay raises Effective July 1 1974, employes community on the west side of the but orange juice," he said. The bargaining unit consists of , steps. all city. re to July 1,1974. earning less than $7,500 will receive a The wage steps within each The cost of the methadone is $2.50 a regular C-T employes except: $450 salary increase, move to the next grade "There's drugs all over," he said. I on the contract, which must • regular increase by a fixed dollar amount of day for each addict. A $4,500 a year cost employes working less than higher wage step effective July 1, 1974 "There's drugs over at MSU,but the J be ratified by the MSU Board of halftime;, and on January 1, 1975 will take'a two approximately a difference of 1.5 per always concentrate on this area." police for armed guard transportation of the drug ees, will commence at 3 p.m. and • - cent. is not included in the temporary employes working less daily figure. step increase in the new pay range. Bishop, who has taken methadone at Jlude at 6 p.m. The ratification than halftime or less than 90 days; Employes earning $7,500 the New Birth Center for 25 Because the clinic has the necessary ■ing will start at 2 p.m. in the • or more will The tentative contract makes three months, grants, no client is required to pay for the employes designated as assigned receive 8 stated optimistically that his an per cent increase to their provisions for promotions. Employes long - lasting drug or any counseling. promoted one' grade level will move laterally on the schedule at the same wage SOCIALISTS FAIL TO step. Employes promoted two grades will move to a salary step in the grade which provides a 5 per cent increase. Employes promoted three or more grade levels will Monitor rights move to a salary step in the grade which provides a 10 per cent increase. Vacant positions in the union will be filled from a list composed of the three By RALPH FRAMMOLINO groups, by saying that no such program most senior and '"Die FBI just mentioned that they qualified applicants State News Staff Writer exists at this time. within the department, and the five most - U.S. government asserted its "Whether they have changed the name were going to have people on the senior and qualified union rights premises," Jacqui Craig, the employe, said. applicants onitor a Young Socialist or not isn't outside the department. If a Alliance pertinent," Arnell said. "The ' December convention in St. Louis things described in Cointelpro are still "When they (the YSA) came in to finalize vacancy is not filled from this list, written reasons must Museum is student's mailbox »ir answer to their plans, it came up in the conversation. YSA and Socialist going on." be submitted and are subject to grievances. After m party (SWP) attempts to halt the A spokesman for the U.S. "Had I not mentioned that the FBI The contract provides for a joint stumbling over Donald P. Christian's name in the student Atty. Gen. urveillance procedures Wednesday, office in Washington, said Saxbe did not asked questions, this whole thing never University/MSUEA committee to establish directory you may well do a double - take. Christian's local and home it New York attorney general's office deliver ' a blanket condemnation of would have happened." and advise an overall review and revision addresses are listed as the MSU Museum. at the YSA and SWP of classification motion to ask for a Cointelpro, but objected to various steps Craig said the questions asked by the descriptions. By March 1, "Is he a mummy?" one may wonder. wwy injunction of in the program such as leaking false FBI were "very general" and that she 1975, the University must commence the government A staff member at the Museum said Donald itoring activities lacks sufficient information or trying to get members of preferred to sign an affidavit over being Christian is an alive - and - nee to obtain a organizations fired from their jobs on the. subpoenaed. The contract provides for a time • and - kicking graduate student who merely receives his mail at the restraining order. where he works along with about 20 other museum, * York Atty. Gen. Steven grounds of political association. a half rate of pay for any time worked in Mt the 30 Glassman Political Rights Defense Fund - grad students in anthropology, page government reply "Surveillance per se is not a spokesmen ay they have over 200 excess of 40 hours or worked out of zoology and geology. ^ "very schedule. strenuous opposition" to the continuance of Cointelpro," documented incidents of government However, the staff member was unable to produce Christian's body. "• He said FBI justification for the spokesman said. "How does one harassment as evidence for their larger The She said he is doing research in Africa. toring activities was also contained in maintain a criminal intelligence insurance program, improved in program permanent injunction suit. Fifty of these October 1974, will remain in effect and A likely excuse. |Pliif y. though he refused to elaborate, without surveillance?" happened after the supposed termination will include, in the second main issue is that The YSA received information that the year of the they have of the Cointelpro in 1971. contract, ytArnell, to continue the harassment," FBI planned to monitor their convention from an employe of the Jefferson Hotel, Defense fund people are looking over for part • time a hospitalization contribution employes after three years $1,008 paid to print promises member of the Political the government's answer to the of service equal to one - half of s Defense the proposed sight of the gathering set for temporary the full Fund, an ad hoc injunction motion. They will issue - It cost Vice President of mttee • Dec. 28 to Jan. 1, in St. Louis. a time contribution amount for family University Relations Robert Perrin SI,008 to representing the socialist statement next week. coverage. make sure most people on s> said. "They've admitted they are campus know about MSU's antidiscrimination j° the convention to take down policy and affirmative action program, both begun in 1971. The statements were run as two full - grilse in harassment. page ads in Thursday's State 7 10 are violating 8 Peacefully ne|l quoted the FBI our constitutional assemble." the government intends to reply as ask Special ASMSU meeting today; News. Though they're also listed in and several other the student handbook, places. Perrin said he is "not sure that many people read faculty handbook * ' those." '"formants to attend the YSA lon to obtain information about "I've been worried that there are so iriii'u atten^ance and substance of said at the convention, move to oust Cain anticipated year, so we have to remind them tha,t we have these many new people on campus every policies," he said. rotary injunction being sought StaudtLine bA is a motion within a larger suit scores few sales By ROSANNE LESS then he did the opposite thing." n„J° Federal Court. seeking a State News Staff Writer The ASMSU board attempted to The Lansing area's newest sports '"junction against get a resolution to oust Cain weekly sells for only 50 cents, but government A move to oust ASMSU President Tim Cain may materialize at rom surveillance practices. A at the beginning of this term. That sales clerks say more folks joke about it than on the a special meeting of the ASMSU board today at 5 p.m. in 328 motion never got off the buy it. St. Louis convention ground because of an apparent lack of support. The 3Vi by 8 inch pamphlet is called the B expected in the next few weeks. Student Services Bldg. At that time some board members did not StaudtLine. It features a The meeting is being called at the request of five board approve of Cain's smiling photo of WJIM sportscaster Tim Staudt on its cover and tidbits of involvement with the organizing efforts of the Student , statements lca' Rights Defense. Fund members and is open to all students. Union and his use of the office of Workers' his sports info and philosophy inside. WJIM sources . earlier ASMSU president to foster say friends urged him I fderal Wednesday Discussion is expected to center around the predawn opening student unionization. to charge only 25 cents, but he insisted on 50. Atty. Gen. William Saxbe of the Union last Monday night. "This is just another excuse to A similar attempt by Staudt several ir Shing" intelligence the Cointelpro, a A move to oust President Tim Cain is also expected, several University get at Tim," Karen Saferstein, College representative, said. "Some people on the years ago to found a sports program within the publication failed. aimed at various ASMSU board members said Thursday. A vote on any such recall board didn't want to speak out extremists against Tim and against the union Paramount News clerks report they sold about 15 resolution could not be taken until the regularly scheduled board before. This is just nitpicking." copies the first week "I have been told by several board the StaudtLine appeared, but meeting Monday night. members that this meeting say sales have since fallen off considerably. At last Monday's ASMSU meeting a motion was approved 10-2 is to discuss recalling me for "It just keeps falling on the floor," one clerk said of apparently opening the Union doors the pamphlet's stand, that specified entry to the Union would occur at the discretion for the 300 people who were which sits near the cash register. Another said that as of of Pop Entertainment director Paul Stanley. waiting in the rain to buy Frank Thursday, Staudt Zappa tickets," Cain said. was already two days behind in delivery of his third issue. Cain said at that time that he believed that the Union doors "The board is a racist, white middle class group that wants to - I SfuPrLnter's error in the Thursday should be opened during the night in order to accommodate the people waiting in line to buy concert tickets. purge everyone to the left of the young "This meeting was largely engineered Republicans," he said. Ice I nr late News Brian Raymond, .... Cain also said after the board vote that though he did not and assistant comptroller, by the ASMSU comptroller cover to warm hearts , ttle SIRS boycott, was according to a few of the board ill one quote. agree with the board's decision, he would abide by it. members that I have talked to." An $8,000 ice cover for the new Munn Ice Arena is expected to arrive Stanley contended that should the Union doors be opened "This is an open attack on the Kr '* a proposed Course Guide, union," Doyle O'Connor, winter term to quiet considerable consternation by some groups that the before the usual time, ASMSU would be liable for any damages interim director of the Labor Relations Hat J that not 8 threat 8,1(1 Dept., said spacious arena would be unavailable for events not related to ice. PUrsuing this idea that might occur. Hie Union usually opens at 7 a.m. O'Connor has been under fire by the to get even." ASMSU board for alleged Gene Kenney, asst. athletic director for Cain had the Union opened Monday around 3:30 a.m. conflict of interest because of his union facilities, said the cover, ft L6 Word "not" wis dropped, "A lot of board members are pissed off because Tim didn t organizing activities. ordered two weeks ago, will be suitable for a I/Jmond sound like he was out Stanley was not available for comment Thursday. Michael stage, chairs or even mats for Haymond stresses that he is listen to them," Frank Lessa, College of Social Science Dmochowski, manager of the Union, would not comment on a wrestling match. The cover will be the same as those used at representative said. "In effect, they told Tim what to do and Monday night's situation. Stadium in Detroit, the Forum in Montreal and the St. Olympia Louis Arena. RALPH FRAMMOLINO ■ Susan Ager Maureen Beninson Editor-in-chief Advertising Manager SIRS controversy hot £9 .. il.D. Campbell Hilary Flood Diane Silver Chris Danielson .. Managing Editor City Editor Campus Editor Kennedy was In the fall of 1968 the made by first effort students to get accws to 252 —» Opinion Page Editor ratings of instructor!. ASMSU FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1974 Melissa Pay ton Steve Stein Dale Atkins ....*. National Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor still re published a book rating ITS faculty from 18 departments that yew. This June Delano Entertainment Editor was later discontinued. Sanate the proposed Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Copy Chief The details of Nov. clouded, but the impression of that 22, 1963 seem implications of the bad news. Some In 1989 the Academic Council Mtructor,' ratings student was acceJ? Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal started to cry, not from any personal grief IS and sent back to Joe Kirby adopted the present SIRS system, opinions. Staff Representative confused and frightening time is still quite clear in my mind. but from mere reaction to Mrs. Mann's giving the individual departmanta at further discussion. the coSlUnci1 fcj'<*] sorrow. Little did they know that there I was in the second grade that year and MSU total control over acceaa to the The council is would be many more times in their lives expected to senri IL' ratings. as was the custom, the first grade joined us in putting on a Christmas play. Practices when a great man's light would be Then In January, 1974 the propoadbacktotheEPCnowwhi aoma proponents fear it violently put out. There would be many will HU and preparations had gone Educational Policies Committee (EPC) Today's Op Ed Page (p^t J EDITORIALS according to more opportunities to shed tears. - devoted to two schedule on this dark, foreboding day. Our teacher took us down to the school's small Somehow it just did not click for me. What was she trying to say? She was submitted a report to the Academic Council recommending a change in SIRS controversy, vie^oinKn5^' one from cafetorium to practice after lunch. the present system that would allow a professor and one from a , struggling to give us an example to clarify student We fidgeted and laughed. We didn't pay Big 3 need much attention to the other kids who were trying their best to be candy canes and elves. We didn't even care much about what this shooting meant. Just a couple of days before, I had finished a history comic book about President Lincoln. I ventured It is difficult for a long - time industry problems are dealt with. old Santa himself. a suggestion. Then, in due time, became quite Was what she was talking about, like observer of the Big Three auto A loosening of credit to we aware. We were to learn when John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham companies to pity them in their consumers would be a helpful first slowly of what the excitement was about, but an Lincoln? current sales slump. step. It would also be wise if unmistakable feeling of danger Tilled us as Yes. For years critics have warned the President Ford quit telling people conftision mounted around us. I understood then. The feeling that industry that their lucrative to stop buying. As a last resort, The secretary, Mrs. Crump, a portly swept over the country that fateful woman who never did seem too nice to us afternoon surged its way into my soul. production of unsafe, smelly, gas - adoption of some of the new kids, came into the room and whispered Someone killed the President. Someone guzzling monsters designed to braak government - mandated equipment into my teacher's ear. Both left the shot a great man. down in three years could not last could be temporarily delayed. It was nearly time for us to go home cafeteria hastily. forever. Oil. steel and other It may be wise to drop some of I remember and Mrs* Mann told us that we had to Wait standing around for what resources are finite, the critics the "improvements" entirely. For seemed like an awfully long tima. We first quietly until the buzzer rang. For the first warned, and cars should be occupied ourselves with running around time, and probably the last time, we did. example. Congress is considering I really don't remember much more. I designed to use as little of them as forcing auto companies to install and jumping up and down from the stage. do remember possible. Others insisted that the But the longer it took for our teacher to watching television and FM radios on each car. This is hearing endless reports and speculations. I industry pay more attention to driver safety and curbing harmful hardly what is needed to bring down auto prices. get back, the more certain we were that something was not right. Mrs. Mann, our teacher, Anally came remember hearing the name Lee Harvey Oswald and instinctively hating it. I Hunting viewpoints differ! auto emissions. Such safety items as air bags and remember Walter Cronkite in his shirt back into the cafeteria and snapped out I couldn't help but respond to the Mike In the hunter's case it's But the auto moguls brushed off sleeves, talking to the nation in the same different, I heavy bumpers must be re - something about practice being over. Her tense voice and looking into the camera Downs' letter in the Nov. 19 State News derives a perverted satisfaction out! the critics as extremists and examined to determine their true manner was quiet abrupt. We docilely concerning the "sport" of hunting. It having the power to take the life |J with the same red eyes Mrs. Mann had. hysterics. The big bosses continued lined up singlefile and walked back into always amazes me the way hunters try to from a living being. In the hunter's wijl value. Clean air standards, however, Most of all, 1 recall the fascination with to pour money into ads convincing should not be delayed unless the the room. which I watched TV and looked at rationalize their preoccupation with thinking, the skillful tracking and kll pictures in of deer is the public that ownership of a auto Even now I remember the distinct the newspaper, and the cloudiness in my murder by saying "If we didn't shoot a a sport. This is as close ul industry clearly demonstrates redness in Mrs. Mann's eyes, the tenseness mind as the events around John Kennedy's them they'd die anyway," or "You eat can come to going out and shooting tV huge, shiny, powerful car was a that they are simply impossible to in her voice and the strain in her face. It burgers, don't you? The animals killed for most crafty of all adversaries, man. T-j assassination took place. prerequisite to sex appeal, social meet. showed right under her piled blonde hair. Today, after other assassinations and that meat were murdered just as would really be the ultimate sport! status and an enjoyable life. The above cartoon is by Debbie But when the temporary crisis in Her voice shook as she tried to quietly tell murders, I have a different kind of ruthlessly." What the hunter fails to Phelpi I a secretary in the h'isheries anil By following this policy, the the auto industry is over, the tough us what happened. fascination and sensation of cloudiness. It realize is that these animals weren't killed Dept. The letter is by Jama Siobbe. ftft% I industry lost its chance to gradually I was confused. I could not is no longer a question of what is going for the enjoyment of watching them die. a:011 long - term questions will still have comprehend what she Armstrong Hall. introduce safety devices and was saying. Most of on. to be faced. The philosophy of the class understood only vaguely the It is now a question of why. emission controls over a long period planned obsolescence must end. of time, so the necessary price hikes Cars must be reasonably clean and could be spread less painfully over safe to drive. many years. They also became Beyond that, both the industry mired hopelessly in the production and the nation should of big cars, so when those giants begin transferring priorities from cars to became too expensive to buy and is unsubstantiated generalization. We feed, car sales plummeted. mass transit. It has also been Job outlook not bleak an will concede that maybe a few men have suggested that a breakup of However, this idea in the back of their mere recognition of industry monsters would jfdd some Pete Daly's two - day series on the head, but such facts will not solve the current employability of liberal arts and social definitely the majority of us are out for a necessary competition. little innocent fun and to break the crisis in the auto industry. The science graduates certainly said nothing workers now being laid off had Finally, the nation must face the reality that it has become too new. The most valid (and all to often monotony of rigorous studying. If Steve's mind has reached the . IQ^S-qn neglected) point was the comments made point nothing to do with the myopic economically dependent on an where he thinks all male female activity by Asst. Provost Dorothy Arata that much can be related io terms of - decisions of the past. Action must of the problem is with the students getting laid, it industry which simply will not be seems be taken first to stem the able to produce at such a frantic themselves. as though he is the sexually motivated one, not us. In his article he immediate threat of resources Although the adage, "it's riot what you pace as become expresses his belief that females unemployment, before long know, but who you know" certainly has - term increasingly more scarce. participate in "pimps" for the reason of validity in terms of initial employment, success in a career usually friendshipi Why then is it so hard to operates on a believe men may need a little type of "natural^selection" process. In any too? Getting laid isn't friendship playing on the tracks, it would be the society, some people will succeed and everything. By the Spiritless Loan relief others will no^. Back in the '50s and early '60s the demand for employes was such way, Steve, the newspaper only took minutes to shred. _ Tom Townsend a few responsibility of its parent to remove it from the danger. However, University students being adults, and away from In reference to your Nov. 15 ar that that process did operate to the extent Floor representative home at that, are not under the constant "Original Spirit Will Perform at Stab it does today. 7th floor N. Hubbard Hall protection of their parents. It is the duty by Dave DiMartino, it becomes appan If you're a hopelessly broke to us that Mr. DiMartino and the StJ that they won't be cut out of the The moderately intelligent and of the University, therefore, to protect us student about to jump out a educational process for lack of aggressive student who devotes some time RR from any potentially hazardous situation. News had better do their homewf window, hold on - at least one funds. and planning to his/her curriculum and safety raises Not only should special crossings be concerning the local concert scene. The article specifically stated Spil I group in government seems to career goals can find employment after installed on the railroad tracks, but other The report also suggested that understand your financial problem. loan repayments be stretched out ' graduation. Granted the competitive market does not make this easy and most philosophical issue safety precautions ought also to be taken. Only spoons should be provided in the would perform twice on Friday. Saturn and Sunday. Unfortunately, the Spirit (I The interim report by the who could not make either the Friday I from 10 to 20 or 25 years and job openings that liberal arts students can Surely J. D. Klier is joking! In his residence hall cafeterias, to prevent Michigan House Special Committee do are often low paying. But one relevant letter, of Nov. 18 he calls the University students from harming themselves with Saturday show was disappointed to fir repayment plans be based on ability - on Deferred Tuition showed a though low • paying job leads to contacts names (not very original or relevant ones) sharp knives and forks. All windows out that no Sunday show existed. WhetM to pay. Both of these proposals this was the fault of the Stables' public refreshing knowledge of student would help cut the rate of default and experience for working your way into for failing to guarantee students against above the first floor should be barred, to better positions. prevent unthinking department or Mr. DiMartino's fr money problems in proposing a injury while committing the illegal act of or careless students on student loans. Students are from jumping or falling out. Electrical reporting is not pertinent, state lending agency which would Procurring a job is no longer automatic trespass. The Grand Trunk right • of - way finding it difficult as it once was, but it outlets should be removed from all rooms important is the State News, a newsy provide during this certainly isn't as is bordered by a fence which the students state loans to students recession to locate jobs right out of impossible as Daly's articles seemed to have torn and posted with a sign which the where students are supposedly dedicated in keeping the MS unable to find them elsewhere. commonly without student aware of what is happens college. A longer repayment period imply. My personal philosophy is that the students ignore. It is as though a bank supervision, lest inquisitive hands insert Students are currently finding it and an ability - to - pay program university should provide a variety of robber sued the state because he was shot metal objects therein. Crossing guards around campus, left many misinformed about the concert. studejT" very difficult to locate lending educational experiences and it is for the in the act. should be positioned at all places where would allow time for graduates to student to direct their learning toward Mr. Klier states that on many occasions students cross roads on campus. No doubt deprived those who planned It (institutions that are interested in weekends around Sunday's show of! find jobs as the economy makes its their own goals and careers. Your he and companions crossed the tracks this list is far from making less lucrative student loans exhaustive, and I and observations. used to improve the improve. his classroom performance. If the courts and teaching performance interests and preparation. A very small • By allowing students to better match That such evaluations will be CAngress are of faculty. But 1 do not believe that the number of their personal objectives and interests with used in "In summary, I think that Wining sensitive to the rights of faculty are singularly gifted or questions of retention, promotion, tenure, every school publication of these inputs will be ungifted; the overwhelming majority of the objectives and methods of a particular should have this kind of feedback to Idents, shouldn't we also concern useful because the etc. has already been established. its fives with the civil rights of ratings reflect too much teachers have differing appeals to differing class and/or instructor, the quality of It should be obvious from the faculty, and I can only encourage you to faculty? I diversity among expectations of students. students. By describing in detail each classroom interest and involvement may points above that the concern students have go ahead with the project and wish you be allowed to increase. If all students in a shown in seeking access to the new SIRS is every success in the world." MV MOM MADE fOU A SHE SAi? r*£ AiSO kM0u!S particular section have a much clearer From the arguments above it is S*A7iN6 PRESS PECAU5E >HE OHMAScieiMAKoe: THAT* not selfishly motivated. Students will not evident KM PJNi" HAVE A SkATlNo MARCi£!MARCI£! / MY sense of what to expect and that students must have access to what is be the only ones to benefit by their SIRS. KNEx' I REAllS 60IN6 .VOTHK "IT (VTf-ITS FOR MARClEl MARCIE.' " " access expected of them, they will be able to to SIRS. Clearly, all three ABLE TO WIT Ru?MT *0J,ANDSkE JANT^ WTD MARClE! MARCiE! constituent Brian Raymond is a member of Academic LOOK iCOO :NTHE COMPETITION. improve their overall level of involvement, groups within the University (students, ' Council and author of the thereby improving their personal faculty and administrators) will greatly access to SIRS. proposal for student open thursday and friday nights until nine ■doonesbury by Garry Trudeau two light a sparkly match me-wr WELL, ONLY AS FAR AS HEY, PEOPLE' I've 60T in the evening hours. . . mum itaffeosthe A REALLY CRAZY, FAR-OUT, mm, ITS INCLUSION OF ZANY IDEA1 LET'S SPEND F0R6/VE WHO ONLY A MATTER PARTIES NECES knit tops in a blend of PART OF LUNCH TALKING) ME. I IS THIS JOAN OF CIVIL PRO- SARY FOR THE ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER. LOST MY CHICK? SOME- CEOURE* ■ DISPOSITION' / THAN LAUJ! HEAD. acetate/nylon glittered with \ BODY ■a silvery Lurex. To pair, or share for wardrobe versa¬ tility. . in a floral print of blues and oranges. By Sybil in 10 to 18 sizes. im Long sleeve blouse, $16 J)ooLeyB 1 Sleeveless tank top, $13 Little Separates — Street Floor Jaoofason's F FRIDAY \X iRAND OLE 1 Don't keep your Graduation a Secret. T.C.I.F. 1 announcements are u^beliEVAblE old f AshioNEd pmcEs now available at piTC IhER SpECiAl 2 TO 6 the MSU Bookstore l^ER koidoqs 2 TO 5 ^ customer service desk. bAINds pUyiNq 3t<>6, downstairs ^ Order yours now!! Manilla Machine ^ November 19-30 i 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Nover Traditional b to ploy, offer Country - blues artists McGhee, 60, is a backwoods successes this fall with Taj Sonny. Terry and Brownie guitarist who combines Mahal and the Boys of the McGhee, who have sung and technical proficiency with Lough, particularly because the lived the blues together since simplicity. He is the kiva atmosphere is conducive 1939, will return to Mariah foundation of the duo. to establishing performer - Folk and Blues Coffeehouse Terry, 64 and blind since audience rapport. for the third consecutive year childhood, is a classic blues this weekend. harpist who provides a model Terry and McGhee will be In addition to performing for many blues harpists who backed by the Red Cedar Toad two nightly shows at 8 and have followed him. Stampers Jug Band. Admission 10:30 today and Saturday, the Together, McGhee and is $1.50 in advance from the blues duo will conduct a Terry play traditional, down Union ticket office or • Elderly workshop at 1 p.m. Saturday. home blues accompanied by Instruments or $2 at the The free workshop will be vocals that represent door. the held in McDonel Hall kiva. essence of the blues genre. TVrry and McGhee will give The blues pair have spent 35 instruction in technique and years op the road together. UNIVERSITY style, and guitarists and Their experiences have not CHRISTIAN harmonica - players should only solidified their music, but CHURCH bring their instruments. have given them a wealth of Mariah organizers also stories which they intersperse 310 N. Hagadorn Road expect that the two artists will with their songs. Study Period - 10:00a.m. do some storytelling, a trait for Mariah organizers expect Worship - 11:00a.m. which they are famous. this concert to continue their Singspiration-- 7:00p.m. Transportation Provided Country Blues artists Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee, backed by the Red Cedar Toad Stampers CALL 332 5193 Jug Band, will bring their unique style and genre to the Mariah Folk and Blues Coffeehouse. The blues pair, who have spent 35 years on the road together, will perform two nightly shows at 8 and 10:30 today and Saturday. CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST Across from the capitol Sermon Topic Garble* Worship Servici garble. 9:45 a.m. 11 00 am. Candidates for the 1975 If that's how your radio or MSU Rodeo Queen Contest music system sounds, get rid UNIVERSITY of the turkey. Buy a better REFORMED system at The Annual Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale. This -REWARD- CHURCH Alumni Memorial Chapel (1 block east of Auditorium) For more information - Come to the 9 30 - Study Groups for Adults and Sunday School Livestock Pavillion 10:30 Coffee Hour Monday, November 25 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. or call £ Worship Services Sue at 487 9557 J For rides call 355 - 0155 after 9:00 a.m. Sunday 6:00 - Evening Worship Tom Stark. Pastor Fred Herwaldt, Associate" Pastor MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY u Kathy Lang, Staff (PlSCOmi GHUKCN wfKOMft YOU JAPAN KARATE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL On the MSU Campus INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT Sundays 5:00 Eucharist & Sermon NOVEMBER 24, 1974 MENS IM 12:00 NOON 6:15 p.m. Student Dinner SPECTATOR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR Rides from Chapel @ 6:00 50' STUDENT 75* NON-STUDENT The Rev. John Mitman, DEMONSTRATIONS Chaplain Chaplain's House 520 N. Harrison 351 - 7638- Home 351 - 7160- Office All Saints Parish 800 Abbott Rd. Services - 8:00 & 10:00 The Rev. Wm. Eddy, Rector 351 - 7160 UNIVERSITY DO-IT-YOURSELF BAPTIST CHURC PIANO AND SAVE! 4608 S. Hagadorn Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. RENTALS Sunday School: 11:15 a.n IB chool Disi for Bus S 351 -4144 or 351 -6491 John Walden, Pastor We Carry A Complete Line of ROCK n STEREO IOI T> Stool Unfinished ished Furi Furniture , 6*05 to midnight South Baptist Church and 3 Dr-chest 1518 S. Washington Lansmg Sunday - 7:00 p.m. Rent it. Finishes Try it. they. Bookcase Also «l»W Round' JAZZ » ROCK n STEREO "FIRED BUT NOT FLOORED" Rent applies Vf We can Cut Plywood D'^g°" if you 'o midnight to 6sOO buy it. NlghtsUnd To Any Size flttH Fellowship 9:45 A.M. SPB aaaiifia andrefreshments a Dr. d»k College Bible Class 8:30 p-ffl- Baldwin in the fireside room. firesideroom THE SOUND INVESTMENT PHONE 882-0278 UIILS-Fm STEREO IOI.7 in the Sunday 11:00 a.m. M ACL AUGH LIN'S Piano & Organ Mart • • PROGRESSIVELY BETTER •• "INVITATION TO PRAISE" 1606 E. Michigan Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor James Emery, Youth Lansing, Mich FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening 487 5995 Call 482-0754 for information Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 22, 1974 7 CAST POSSESSES EXCITING CORE OF ENER PAC's Purlie' filled with By DARRYL GRANT State Newt Reviewer The Performing Arts Company (PAC) production of ■directed by Peter Landry, is an exuberant, "Purlie," avis, with music by Gary Gold and lyrics by Peter Udell. The Plot concerns the efforts of the Rev. Purlie Victorious Judson to acquire abandoned Big Bethel Church from 01* Cap'n Cotchipee. a blessed with a powerful voice. His spirit, charm dynamic actor who is large and graceful in his manner, and performance is a fine one, but His maternally affectionate housekeeper, Idelfa Landy, is ■production. The cast possesses an exciting core of electrifying energy that An important part of Purlle's plan is to persuade Miss lacks the necessary fire. protrayed with great skill by Debra Dorsey. Dorsey proves she is a talented character actress with a ■reaches the recesses of the Fairchild Theater. Lutibelle Gussie Mae Jenkins to impersonate his cousin, Bee. The character of Purlie is enigmatic and imbued with a special and great deal of humor, deftness creativity. Her Idella is reminiscent of thousands of black I it has been a long time since that much Purlie hopes to have the sparkling beauty of Lutibelle as Cousin drawing power that is spiritual and arresting in the grandest energy has been felt at Bee persuade 01' tradition of southern preachers. It women throughout the North and South. ■MSI'. The excitement begins as soon as the cast breaks into Cap'n to part with $500. This $500 is part of a sweeps the naive Lutibelle and their the congregation off their feet. ■first number, "Walk Him up the Stairs." vague inheritance left to Cousin Last, but not least, is the gifted Ed Laughlin as the 01' Cap'n Bee's deceased mother, Aunt "Purlie" is based on the play "Purlie Victorious" Henrietta. Franklin's portrayal operates on a restricted level. It would be Cotchipee. Laughlin's performance is entirely cantankerous and by Ossie Tony Franklin portrays the charismatic cruel to say Franklin is comical the Rev. Purlie. Franklin is fiat, but it would be accurate to say that — picture of the stereotyped plantation owner. his Purlie lacks a definite quality of diffusiveness. Lutibelle Jenkins is played with a Peter Landry's direction is smooth and charming grace by beautiful refreshing. This smoothness is distinctly noticeable Baez scheduled Sheryl Martin. Martin is a talented singer with an evocative manner. However, she reads much too much into Lutibelle. Lutibelle is feyness and delicacy the success of "Purlie" is the fine and throughout the show. It is highly professional and unifying. Another factor contributing to spirited choreography by delicate, but her charm is her inner strength. Carolyn Webb, especially in the number "First Thing Monday Singer Joan Baez will perform a wide selection of her songs at the album is "In Colors," which Baez calls the "favorite folk Morning." Much credit should go to the dancers in this piece; J p.m. Dec. 14 on WKAR - TV (channel 23) in a PBS special of the United Farm song One of the most thoroughly endearing performances is given Aide Lewis, Mike Hendricks, Charles Entitled "An Hour With Joan Baez." Workers." Baez became well known by Sheila Lucas, who plays Missy Judson. Lucas' portrayal Tony Powell. Johnson, Robert Newell and | Performing before a small studio audience and accompanying in the 1960s. In 1968 as a folk singer and political activist exhibits balance, exuberancy and just plain delight. Her acting is ■erself on guitar, Baez will open the show with her version of Bob she married David admirable and her voice supmb, resistor and former Harris, the militant draft especially in the number "Down The orchestra, under Michael Griffin's direction, is exceptional plan's song "Forever Young." She will also perform many of president of the student Home." is the superb chorus of University. In early 1970, Harris body at Stanford as strong, beautiful voices. jijr best known songs including "Silver Dagger," "Joe Hill," induction into the armed forces. was sent to prison for refusing Gary Edgar Gray plays Gitlow Judson with engaging I'Winds of the Old Days" and "Long Black Veil." They have since separated, enthusiasm. His powerful vi ce is "Purlie" is possibly the best thing in the Lansing area this fall The program is a tape of a performance in the studios of following his release from prison. musical number "Skinnin' a Cat." especially noticeable in his and should not be missed. It is to be hoped that the Dept. of TV Baez is now involved with an station KQED in San Francisco earlier this year. The organization known as Theater will recognize the superb amount of black program was Amnesty Charlie Cotchipee is portrayed talent in the International. Its mission is to work with by Daniel J. Balogh with area and put it to use in future ■originally used as a benefit fund • raising promotion for the those whom it terms considerable humor and talent. Balogh PAC productions. Tickets cost fetation. prisoners of conscience" - those whose beliefs have led to brings strength to a small $3.00 and are available at the Fairchild box office. Curtain time is role. ■ "They asked me to do it, I feel that public television is incarceration and torture. 8:15 p.m. "Purlie" continues very Baez recently performed in tonight through Sunday. ■valuable and worthy of support, so 1 did it," Baez explained. the Middle East, South America and Canada. | Many of Baez's songs are, in the broad sense, political. Her Lost recent album on A&M Records, "Gracias a la Vida" (Here's ■to Life) includes works by the Chilean poets Victor Jara (killed Kjuring the military coup) and Fernando Alegria. Also included in VARSITY INN CHICKEN Happy Hours 2-5 Mon.-Fri. DINNER ALL DRINKS Vs oil! $1 79 Footlong Coney Dogs 50c Saturday and Sunday 4 - 9 p.m 2820 E. Grand River OPEN Frl. and Set. Sun. thru Thurs 6 a.m. to 4 a.r 4G7 - 3761 Storewide Sale -TO0AH. Playing the Southern Sounds mm utMiiiL Monday Lizard's ► 224AbbotH Nnt so Pea. rds . • • XOXPOUCIMPORTS 10(0 meet us under the parachutes Gals Winter Walkers iFleece Lined 401 Swa downtown 326 South Washington EAST LANSING 317 East Grand River Ave SUPER SALE 8 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Priday, Novembflv T. Rex seeks fans like y DAVE DiMARTINO State News oiaie Reviewer mews nB»,ew», has been forced to do JM, in its many attempts to exactly was every prepubescent gill's dream to be as British close to fame in his homeland is almost unprecedented in its vastness, includes Bolan on old mate Micky guitar, his Finn on newest album on Casablanca records. The band proved more more he a cute little elf than probably intends to. flashing light panel,-J1 t(>P of what loobrt It is unusual for a band that break the attain overseas barrier and Marc Bolan (who for all yet here in America, the big congas, Steve Currie on bass, than adequate In Singer Gloria Jones, with a •mplifier. '00ked||kfJ usually plays in stadiums to star status in intents and purposes is T. market, he is regarded as a one Dino on organ, Davy Lutton accompanying Bolan. In fact, huge Afro and sunglasses, was To add to the lower its range and play in a country. Rex) as the American crowd - hit wonder for his "Bang A on drums and Gloria Jones on guitarist Bolan was musically an unexpected highlight of the climw ftj the weakest in the whole unit. took out a nightclub. Thus, the audience at the was. Gong" single. Therefore Bolan clavinet and backing vocals. It show. Her voice backed Bolan's whip, turn Yet T. Rex, one of Brewery Wednesday night was Presently, however, Bolan is feels it only proper to attempt would be safe to say that He had a tendency to take in great form, sounding like volume. and thawdojM proceeded to England's most popular groups, quite fortunate. At one time, it a very frustrated person. His a massive breakthrough In the Bolan's current band is the overly long lead guitar solos - both Flo and Eddie, who U.S. In Britain, where he released tightest one he has ever been involved with. uninteresting ones, at that — and play each song into backed up Bolan on "Electric Warrior" and "Slider." Picking the guitar it at the cabinet up,ij under J five number one singles in a After "Jeepster," as if to semitedium. Percussionist Finn threw iight, whlch;f'l Marathon concert set row, his popularity is severely diminishing. Some chalk it up to his preoccupation with the rationalize his presence in so small a club as the Brewery, Bolan interestingly remarked, Nonetheless, Bolan was an entertaining performer. His days as a teenage idol seem several tambourines into the audience during the set's "Bang A Gong." Meanwhile, finale, molle d' hu"^l American market, others with "It reminds me of the early numbered though, for the little Bolan made sexually significant Unquestionably yj his increasingly formulized days, when we were first cherub is putting on the gestures with his guitar and to assist Listening Ear repetitious rock riffs. His show Wednesday night starting out..." For Bolan to acknowledge publicly the size pounds these days, looking puffs of smoke arose from a There was no encore. was a trifle repetitious, of his audience was no small A marathon concert runaways and other social, Tim Allen and friends. perhaps, but no less feat. legal and emotional problems. Tickets, entertaining. T. Rex played a few of its featuring over a dozen at $1.75, are musicians will be held to raise The proceeds from the available at Marshall Music, the Opening with "Jeepster," more popular compositions concert will go exclusively to the present T. Rex entourage and broke into "Light of money for Listening Ear at 7 Union, Paramount News and at p.m. Sunday in McDonel Hall's the Listening Ear, which is the door. began its set. T. Rex now Love," the title cut from the kiva. currently in the middle of a Listening Ear is a fund raising drive. mmmm - completely volunteer crisis Performers at the benefit, center staffed by East Lansing which is expected to last as residents and students which long as four hours, will be Dick opened in 1969. The project Jennings and Mary Salsinger, handles about 2,000 calls Joe Janetti. Paula Gills, monthly dealing with Suzanne Chemiawski, loneliness, depression, suicide, Arapahoe. Mitch Jacobs and RED Held Held m NOSTALGIC LOOKi gj ATTHE FUTURE ^ & •Over Over | ~ for for w** cAllei^ p One one ^leeper last last Week! I Week! I DIRTY WIAIIY CRAZY I.AIIRY u 31 HAROLD 8 mflUD€ Fri. 105 S. Kedzie 6:45, 8:30 8< 10:15 Sat. 100 Eng. 7:30 8c 9:30 W£^- Sun. McDonel Kiva 9:00 $i 25 Winner of 5 tony awards PIPPIN OLD TIME "One of the best musical stagings to be seen on broadway in years" Clive Barnes, N.Y Times series * 0MGE " TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:15 p.m. University Auditorium Literally bursting with dances and exciting production numbers, _.uab PRESENTS .uab MflMlJ PIPPIN is the reigning musical hit of the 1970's. Music and lyrics are by STEPHEN SCHWARTZ ipencei! tpacy (remember GODSPELL and THE / n 3-D 3D MAGIC SHOW?) PIPPIN is the young son of Charlemagne, the 8th Century Emperor of the Holy Roman DR.JEKYL Empine. Like any teenager, PIPPIN tries to find something meaningful & MR HYDE 3-D in his life. But what can you do 3-D when your father is the Emperor? The attractive songs include: "Magic to Do," "No Time At All," "Spread a Little Sunshine" and "Simple Joys." 3-D 3-D Heading the cast are TV's BARRY WILLIAMS ("Brady Bunch") as PIPPIN and IRVING LEE (Judas in "Godspell") as THE LEADING EYES OF HELL PLAYER. PARLOR A.B.&C. Reserved seats on sale NOW at the UNION TICKET OFFICE 8:15 4:30 weekdays 355-3361 NOV. 22 & 23 Public: ($7.50 sold out) 6.50 4.00 MSU Students: ($3.75 sold out) 3.25 2.00 7-00,8; 30 & 10:00 Si, under 12 50C 3-0 GUSS FOR S< IN Sunday NOV24 Union Ballroom CO-OPERATION WITH shows at 2:00, 7:00. 9s50 p.m. NEW LINE CINEMA admission $1.00 under 12-50$ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 22, 19749 Longest By EDD RUDZATS Yard' a bone State Newt Reviewer With bonecrunching fury Robert Aldrich, director of Aih»*m th!re ?n in- lt,s footba" a" the *ay- Wwden Eddie Aldrich is ty Dozen" has repeated his success of that film. "The ™„£SP°U S.th®1 U 8 footbal1 'that embodies what made our striving for a metaphor of life, but the problem with his statement is that it is too shattered skulls does not provide the same joyous feeling of fun J?'?? ur8es Reynolds to coach his team of out simplified to have real impact. What for some as it "Hie Longest Yard" bursts upon the viewer with all «.i» i. - and emerges is a rough and tumble action film and a obviously does for others. the football team that serves as its driving force. the power ^ oriented guards. No go for Reynolds, who then attempt at analysis of the human condition. superficial In "The Longest Yard" aggressive behavior is channeled into rt Reynolds, "The Longest Yard" carries a its final exciting touchdown. Headed by rowdy, gutsy story ?o7es^a.X.°f thC PriS°nerS ^ SHaVing *** °ff 8 to. be a Although life appears struggle to maintain a balance between good and evil and illusion and reality, Aldrich's black football, only for that aggression to spill forth with a renewed violence. The film raises some questions about the nature of The main reason that Aldrich's film works fruMwbi!; 8 ffW minor sWrmishes he gains their admiration and much to be desired. - and white - moralizing leaves man's fanatic obsession with contact sports. But then it bypasses new so closely parallels the structure of his previous effort well is that to nii k' along *'Lh the opportunity to form a team of convicts Yet this does not detract from entertainment value of "The any answers in favor of the thrill of the moment and some fancy lChismo. In both films Aldrich spends a great deal of in ™hw! ? " who Me his prime teammates? Murderers, Longest Yard." It is infectious in its exuberance, bawdiness and camerawork. time ting up the climactic, action packed finale. familiar? assorted criminals. Beginning to sound sheer driving force. Aldrich has been able to manipulate his But The Mean Machine, with Burt Reynolds as its quarterback, audience will undoubtedly grab In "The Longest Yard," the situation is established so well that even within his you with its sheer relentless power. So sit rt Reynolds hops out of bed, slams his bedmate quickly as rrw Sh|°Ul(l' f7 just asdoes Marv'n whipped a fighting team of good simplification of life, the film proves exciting and guy, bad guy back, relax and let the movie weave its web. It has been awhile around a bit **yno\te.In fact, much of the film, noisily since a film has been able to i careens off with her car, whiskey glass in hand. She compelling. It is action packed moviemaking at its best, even grasp the audience so surely and ps and they arrest Reynolds. He resists and ends up at the calls the I'l and.eJ)!rt.y am „ ®?zen'' training them for the is sPent selecting the members of the • though for some it will prove a mite too violent to be classified as sweep them along towards that winning goal. "The Longest game, or is it a mission? good healthy entertainment. The crunch of Yard" can and does. ;rus State Prison. breaking bones and "The Longest Yard" is playing at the Michigan Theater. NOW THRU NOV. 24. . . LAST WEEK-END! WITH cannonball A FULL MOON CONSORT (formerly Jake Jones) in a live performance of original music composed for the Sky Theatre and visuals created by ' COSMIC RADIANCE ' SONNYTERRY& Tickets: Discount Records ' BROWNIE McGHEE Union 1st act the Redcedar Toad 1 Stompers Jug Band • Planetarium i shows.e&iO:30 tonight and Shows: Fri & Sat: 8 & 10 p.m. » mcdonel kiva « Sunday: 8 p.m. $2.50 tomorrow night * , ticlcets at elderly instruments , EXTRA SHOW!! &.the msunion Si.50 in advance till SUNDAY 10 p.m. 2p.m. * idssus :h;ecd wit ustuisk ' Workshop $2.00 at tlie door tomorrow - 1:00 at McDonel Kiva • • 24 hour program in Abrams 1 ''«♦«»«» « • • . Planetarium • » 3 « i I • » , info: 355 - 4672 on the MSU campus RHPRHARHP RJHA RHARHA PRESENTS one of the best film of A NEW STAR IS BORN the year, funniest pictures best feature "DIANA ROSS HAS best director, ever made: film of the year. TURNED INTO THIS luis bunuel!' YEAR'S BLAZING NEW MUSICAL ACTRESS!" -Gene Sholit, NBC-TV "DIANA ROSS DELIVERS THE KIND OF PERFORM¬ You've never ANCE THAT WINS OSCARS!'—Peter Trovers, Readers Digest (EDU) seen anything "DIANA R0SS-AHH, like it for sheer DIANA ROSS! SHE DOES A MARVELOUS JOB!" breathtaking —Group W Radio "A MOVIE DEBUT BY excitement. DIANA ROSS THAT IS REMARKABLE, BOTH I IF YOU CAN RIDE SHACK'S TRAIN Time Magazine A SERGE SILBERMAN A film by PRODUCTION a jewel of a comedy in the FOR VOICE AND AND LIVE-YOU'LL RE... Newsweek Magazine Luis Bunuel tiffany class!" PERFORMANCE!" New Yorker Magazine Playboy Magazine -CBS-TV „ -ADY ^SINGS EMPEROR DISCREET THE THE BLUES CHARM ANORTH FROM THE MAKERS OF "THE DIRTY DOZEN" OF THE BOURGEOISIE" PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION and 8ERRY GORDV DIANA ROSS IN 1ADY SINGS THE BLUE also starring cxesen BILLY DEE WILLIAMS stal richard PRYO co Directed by SIDNEY j FURiE Produced bv JAY WESTON and JAMES S Executive Producer BERRY GORDY Screenplay Dv TERENCE McClOY and CHRIS CLARK & SUZANNE de PASSE Music score by MICHEL LEGR i iPGf wUIIWj Filmed m PANAVISON* In COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Friday at Wilson 7:00 & 9:45 Friday at 106 B Wells 7:30 & 9:30 Saturday at Conrad 7:00 & 9:45 Saturday at Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 51,25 Sunday at Wilson 7:00 $1.25 Sunday at Conrad 7:00 Conrad 9:15 (ID's Required) (ID's Required) COMING DEC 5th thru Dec 7 Barbara Striesand Laurence Olivier Elliot Gould Robert Redford fTlichael Kaine hi Nina VanPallant »» l^yat Conrad 'The Way We Were' 'Sleuth* 'The ■Sunday V at 106 aaV at Wilson 9:30 7:15 & 9:30 B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 $1.25 Long Goodbye (ID't Required) (Students, Faculty, and Staff Welcome) 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Unit to probe Rocky s funds Get rid of Garbu, WASHINGTON (AP) - Nelson A. Rockefeller told the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday there would "be no conflict of interest if he became vice president, but the committee indicated American economy said. At the and the American political system," Rodino opening of what could be extensive hearin|s by the hearings. Trying to help the committee understand "just what makes me tick," Rockefeller said he is driven by a desire to help the your 9arbie,| it intends to dig deeply into his family's financial affairs. "You don't have to worry about a conflict of interest with this citizen," Rockefeller said. "I've got one interest — the American Judiciary Committee, overwhelming approval of Rockefeller's nomination by the Senate appeared assured on the basis of an Associated Press peril. American people solve the problems facing them. "Nothing delights me so much as facing up to a complex Turkey. public issue, with all its confusion, turmoil and intensity and people, the United States and our role in the world." Rockefeller was responding to questions by Chairman Peter Only 5 senators said they were inclined to vote againrt the nomination at this time. Seventy - nine said they favored it and trying to pull together the human resources to deal with it," he J! J"1'* how sounds music system your radio ■ w!l fy said. of ,h'; Rodino, D • N.J., who set the tone for the Judiciary Committee 16 remained uncommitted. The Senate is scheduled to vote on The Annual TedyHifi Thanks turkey. Buy a Jfl hearings by calling the Rockefeller money "a highly relevant subject" for the inquiry. the nomination during the first week of December. Rockefeller urged the Judiciary Committee, if it Rockefeller acknowledged, however, that as vice president he giving Sale is to buy a a perfect time better music system, JJW Hif. « Th" Annua,51 Thanksgiving Sale Jj persists in might not have much of an opportunity to grapple with big "We must attempt to measure the network of Rockefeller trying to unravel the family financial interests, to confine its week! week' '"<■ problems. His study of the American political system, he said, has family wealth and place it into the perspective of both the questions to him and not bring other family members into the' brought home the fact that the vice president has no fundic? except to assist the president. "I hope he would give me an opportunity to tech hifi Rabbis to hold prayer services express my point of view on subjects under discussion," Rockefeller said of President Ford. In the course of a long opening statement Rockefeller expounded on a number of issues, leading Rep. The Hassidim of Lubavitch, in the middle of the various topics will take Edward Hutchinson, R - Mich., to observe that it sounded like the 18th place The services will be State of the Union addresses delivered by led by two rabbis from Detroit, century. It emphasizes piety, for the remainder of the performed on an informal basis presidents. will hold special Shabbat worship and contemplation evening. and will not adhere to any prayer services Friday and rather than learning, dogma Saturday will begin with strict time schedule. Saturday at the Hillel Foundation, 319 Hillcrest Ave. and ritual. The services this weekend, morning another prayers followed by full "But for someone to get the hour of the main meal. The enjoyment and experience, Yitschak Kagan and Yitschak Lipszyc will lead prayer sessions, singing and beginning at 5:30 p.m. Friday, will start off with prayers and a discussion on the prayers. This remainder of the day will be filled with discussion and singing. A light meal will be they should come on Friday night and remain for the thing," Lipszyc said. whole furnaces! discussions on Hassidism. Meals will be followed by a main served following the afternoon For further information call will also be served. meal with traditional singing services. 332 1916. Hassidism originated as a and dancing. mystical, religious movement Discussion sessions on CACTUS GLAOMER Th'*t" Today..at 7:00 "WONDER OF - 9:00 p.m. Hudson- IT ALL" G Ford Sat.-Sun.-l-3-5-7-9 P.M. MWAV at Hie Bf&UBKY FINAL TWO MVS OF A GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE SUmmER OF '42 | Mulligan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, November 22,197411 SMOKING INCREASE Oregon pot experiment aids courts Abuse Council said, are results JaSHINGTON STAR - NEWS of a survey the council possession of an ounce or less • The ■WASHINGTON - Twelve of the weed. impact on criminal "Acceptance of the commissioned in the state. They are ticketed courts has been significant. new reform as it is an off year and - butb ago Oregon quietly by police rather than legislation in Oregon has been Preliminary analysis indicates fotmally One - third of the total number controversial issues such as-this P the first state to that the arrested. State courts have overwhelmingly positive, stand a better chance in non number of pot of cases awaiting trial have - , criminal penalties /or smokers has not generally settled on a $25 fine especially among middle - aged election years. ;ion of small amounts of significantly been removed from the docket. people who have children in increased and, like a parking ticket, the since de¬ fine And the jail population is now grade, junior high or the high £rijuana. criminalization and that, of does not increase with made up of felons, rather than school level," Horton said. Rep. Edward Koch, D - ■Today, according to an those who have multiple offenses. N.Y., the cosponsor with Sen. smoked Tgon prosecutor, state courts marijuana since the new law Horton said one of the young people whose marijuana - smoking "crime" "An attempt by a small Jacob Javits, R - N.Y., of a ,e been unclogged, there is was passed, 40 per cent said biggest fears of Oregon was number of people to restore decriminalization bill that has lawmakers victimless. m jail space, the police have their use decreased while only was that endorsing • the criminal penalties for gone nowhere in Congress, said The change in pot laws Krr time to pursue serious 5 per cent said decriminalization would mean has removed the threat of a possession was overwhelmingly he would reintroduce it in L,s and respect for the they were legislative sanction for January. smoking more. using criminal arrest record that defeated." Kjrr by young people has The Oregon experiment the drug. For this reason, they would is hamper a young Several state legislators and lpfovi'cf substantially. crucial to the success of retained criminal penalties for person's future or prevent an U.S. congressman CACTUS |>ai Horton, district attorney NORML's goal of nationwide selling. The prosecutor also arrested pot smoker from a the NORML conference attending A the Kugene area, told HuSson- decriminalization made of the entering several of the Eticipants at the third annual marijuana laws, a fact these points: • professions such as law or indicated that 1975 is likely to see a ■tional Organization for the Before strong push at the federal underlined when Dr. Robert L. decriminalization, teaching. ■form of Marijuana Laws DuPont, chief White House police were spending a and state level for marijuana Ford ■orML) convention here this spokesman on drugs told the disproportionate amount of time chasing pot mJOAV at Hie. BRmty ■ekend that decriminalization conference that the smokers, who are | Oregon has enjoyed a government wanted hard facts an "easy arrest." The jmfortable transition with and results before change in laws has given them jespread acceptance by the the Oregon lead with following more time to pursue violent federal crimes, lotorate. In a word, it is a marijuana laws. and thus better i the community. Pot smokers in ("iron*™ JOANBAEZ CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG JONI MITCHELL JOHN SEBASTIAN DOROTHY MORRISON SOVIET GEORGIAN £T BIB SUE DANCERS TBILISI POLYPHONIC CHOIR AND"GORDELA" 80 dancers, singers & musicians "The festival - documentary MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:15 p.m. University Auditorium film had its biggest moment in "Woodstock," its Public: S6.50 5.50 4.00 harshest in "Gimme MSU Students: S3.25 2.75 2.00 Shelter," and its warmest in "Celebration at Big Sur." - Tickets are on sale NOW. - Judith Crist Union Ticket Oftice. TONITE, NOV. 22 8:15 -4:30 weekdays 355-3361 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 $1.50. U-U CHURCH 855 Grove, Across from E. L. Library * MOVIELOVERS * NIGHT OWL SPECIAL! admission 90 cents with this ad. 10:30 show only. NCV23XPM-JENISDN FIELQUCUSE SPEW] AN EVEMIMG WITH YCLF MCTOEfi MeteW/SiXCslMsPshallfe/MSloiai •PRESENTED BY POP ENTERTAINMENT- ] TICKETS ON SALE AT THE DOOR TOMORROW NIGHT 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid»V.No,embcr, MSU set to release Dressel raised a question (continued from page 1) compliance with this law, about students possible until release the to federal educational associations are "Even Buckley (Sen. James Almost all educators be doing it in recognition of what is coming. Then, if you relative to admission to a future of |ett. I except in regard to letters of guidelines are complete. working against the defects in the law." Buckley, C - N.Y., author of the amendment concerned with the law agree that, due to the haste in which get dragged into court, what professional school. '•commendation' administrators J affecting "Hie law now says a recommendation," Fedore "I the will the judge say?" have said said. anticipate matter will be clarified before TTic American Council has asked Education Congress to University files) has come out and said he thinks some parts it was passed through Congress last summer, it is riddled with Dressel said most student can see everything in notify they wi„ he"Jf W Fedore said his office will 45 days are up," Fedore said. administrators feel destroying his files. A person denied letters delay enactment of the law of the law must be clarified," ambiguity and covers many that the ,J not contact authors of letters "A lot of congressman and the letters would be legal, just entrance to a professional until next year at the earliest Fedore said. facets not considered by its as officials at Princeton school is not a student there, originators. so can he ask to see the letter "The problem with the law University have said. But the feel il is of recommendation that school much h Nixon devised story to guard against impeachment is net ambiguity," its intent but Dressel its said. element of uncertainty is still there. According to Dressel, MSU attorney Leland has relating to him?" he asked. Regardless of the eventual anyway, for both the and the person L writin. J "Does it include releasing even letters of recommendation that Carr is not sure of what the outcome, the law seems to recommendation of what is to J,J (continued from page 1) July 16,1973. being said au, J student." GnlHhLllH we can get the money," Nixon recorded the March 21 were solicited in the past under decision would be in court. have permanently altered the Ehrlichman has said all But Ehrlichman's lawyer said. conversation. said Thursday that his client a promise they would always "Okay, but you didn't do Haldeman tells Nixon that if along that he did not know be kept confidential? had been told Nixon had taped it," Haldeman replied. "You're Dean had no tape recording he about the clandestine White "If it does, then we are in House system that recorded everything said in Nixon's some of the conversations with Dean only, including March 21. Nixon sent Haldeman to drawing Dean out on what he's talking about here." Nixon: "You have to know would have to rely on his own records and Nixon replies, "On that we'll destroy him. It's his the position of trying to comply with one thing while HOCKEY presence in his offices. violating another. He has said he learned about it at the same time that Alexander Butterfield revealed listen to that tape and the recording of Haldeman's report back to Nixon was played for exactly what he has." Haldeman: "And conclusion, in fact, was don't the word against President's." ... the "If you had to jjesbroy confidential letters, you would Michigan State y$ Ififl the jury. do it. You can't do it." the system's existence at the "Well, I say though that... 1 spectacle Senate Watergate hearings on Nixon, with a sigh, responded, "It's not a good story, best we can .. EXCLUSIVE C0VERA6E EMBrfe In another conversation, Pizza deliveryman robbed on Nixon telephoned Haldeman and talked again about the possibility that Dean had SIR LAWRENCE OLIVIER in John Osborne's play MSN 6:40am *91Bp j campus CACTUS Friday and Saturday at 8:20pm jjKSt 91 «l THE It was the last run evening for the Mr. Mike's of the the driver's money and pizzas, and fled east across the soccer field. HuSson- ENTERTAINER The Michigan Stale Network Pizza Shop driver, and he Ford delivered his pizza all right. Unfortunately, he also ended up losing $89.50 in the The robbers driver described only as black "college age" youths, and said he never the MOMAV at Me Bf&U&y FRIDAY ONLY! II MSIS WEAK r lLj feXjj process. actually saw the gun. As the unidentified driver 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. $1 108 Wells HKME inms IIMCD pulled up near the south entrance of West Wilson Hall just before 2 a.m., four or five men surrounded his car. One of BUTTERFIELD DRIVE-IN THEATRES them ordered him out and another of the men said, "Get RJHJWIRHARHARHA the gun on him." They took PRESENTS LANStNC £} S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY RD Kf/j Phon« 882 2429 MJJ Mayhem AT FRI. SAT. SUN. ONLY! Midnight jure on this case? They're the only ones Featuring Walt Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" and 4WALKII JIM BROWN FRED WILLIAMSON JIM KELLY a collection of irit at 7:00 TALL famous Cartoons Including Where "WILLARD" CHARLEY- Sorcerers Apprentice 0NE-ETE M From Fantasia FRI NIGHT ONLY CONRAD AUD 12 Midnight 'Final 2 Days!' a Mitchell Brothers Film Group Production explore the,, Rolls Royce of Hard-Core!' -SHOW J The Best mri worlds oi t kHard-core Film Ever nonosuch GcagrKixttxn; made!" M ThcConcadStnyauW Goldstein "Advances .... Eroticism and Dramatic Presentation* PLAYBOY mm NOOM f.l NVDNMjrtT I ON TONIGHT & SATURDAY Showtimas: 7:00, 8:40, 10:20 la Shawpiaca: 104B Wolls Admission: *2.25 You must be 18. All patrons RATED X will be checked for proof of a A HAL FILM Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 22,1974] 3 'locksmith's art By RALPH SUSALLA In the He welder added, however, that a cannot adequately "The only thing you have to watch is that the metal doesn't forges MacAllan, MSU blacksmith for forge at one end of the Farm Maintenance 39 years, now retired, said. produce some implements, burn," he said, throwing a building, plus two rows each Center's garage is a living piece "Except that then they with 10 miniature forges. such as chisels, brackets, were of the 1800s. short, flat piece of metal into for draft horses. Those shoes horseshoes, plowshears and MacAllan said when he Amidst the mechanized the glowing coals and gutter • cleaning paddles. slowly were almost three times the started at MSU the shop was products of modern As a turning it with heavy metal farming size of that one." located in the horse barn that result, these items have become technology stands the the forge's tongs. "That happens when it MacAllan, of East Lansing, once stood at the corner of occasionally fiery evidence of sustaining fare. gets white hot. It's ready when said he used to work the Byron H. Good, professor forge Harrison Road and Kalamazoo yesterday, which it's a bright orange." on the of animal every day from 1922 to 1961, Street. machines of today still depend husbandry and He lifted the bar out with superintendent of University the making or repairing wagon for their continued tongs, then turned to the Less than a year later it Farms since 1941, said the wheels, windmills and full functioning: a blacksmith's thickly dented and scraped plowshears. moved to another now - department's principal iron anvil perched on defunct stable north of the forge. function is farm maintenance. top of a He currently operates a "We don't round block of wood behind Auditorium, he said. use the forge He said small home forge at which he much besides planting, him. Ten years afterward it was any more," Norman cultivating and makes items for neighbors. Oswald, MSU blacksmith since harvesting After five minutes of The date of the smithy's relocated in a small barn crops, the department must behind the Agricultural 1961, said. "A few years ago pounding with a hammer and inception at MSU is unknown. keep its machinery operational, several additional applications we used it every day, but now a function which makes the A University Archives copy of Engineering Building. we are of fire, the glowing metal lucky to heat it up once forge "Michigan State Agricultural In 1947, it was incorporated every couple of weeks." a necessity. brand had been bent, flattened Oswald, who started and pierced to produce a College, 1896-1900," which into the Farm Maintenance Owsald, of Holt, said contains the earliest available Dept., which is part of because of its ease and smithing on his father's forge horseshoe about 10 inches at reference to it, pictures the University Farms, and set at its swiftness in making repairs, the age 12, said any metal around. except cast iron and aluminum operation as sole possessor of a present location on Forest welder is "Those are mostly what we replacing the forge. can be forged. made large unspecified building. The Road, south of the Forest years ago," Jack shop then consisted of a big Akers golf course. CALCULATORS ** TWO VIOLINS at Factory Prices * THE OLD ICEBOX IAND A GUITAR! Brand rejects, new. factory sealed, seconds or Example: UNICOM 202/SR,* no imports. ^ i ICEBOX A nice place to go for FOXHOLE PX -FRANDOR Logs, Expo, Trig, Hyperbolics, 6 ♦ Thanksgiving Dinner Buffet memory functions, Vynil « 12-8 p.m. pouch, charger, Nicads, etc M Buffet: Adults $4.75 I MA KE FRIDA Y A&D SA TURDA Y $79.95 PPd. * VER Y MELLOW EVENINGS Write for quotes. HARVEY'S.* Children $2.75 WARM B-15 JACKETS Ste. 205-b, 1104 Walston, * (regular menu available atso) Oalton, Ga, 30720. Money - * 517" JOIN US back guarantee. * South Bridge St., Grand Ledge SALE! BLACK LEATHER For the tears COMBAT BOOTS s1649 in her. . . TUBE SOX give her Roses 2 lor s3 from Jon Anthony. Roses LARGE SELECTION OF 12 for *4.99 DOWN JACKETS- 6 for '2.99 DISCOUNT PRICES! Carnations 12 for *3.99 OPEN 7 DAYS NIGHTS TIL NINE 351-5323 IJm,809 E. Michigan MtLif (Free Parking) 485-7271 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. . . ■Okemos, East ifSGET READY TO SKI'^ Lansing, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids For You People In HPR Skiing Classes . . . We've Got Packages In Many Different Price Ranges. When You Buy A Matched Package Of Ski Poles, Boots, Bindings & Skis, You Can Save Considerably. TOE Come In And See The Packages We've Got On Display We'll Be More nmmm . . . Than Happy To Show You Around . . . And We'll Make Sure You're Fitted Into Equipment That Matches Your Skill And Budget. Shoptrdl seasons You'll Get The Most Enjoyment Out Of Your Classes If You Own Your Oimi Equipment. Don't Take Chances On Rental Equipment That Doesn't Fit Down Jackets Right - You Won't Ski Right Either! MC Sporting Goods Has The Largest And Most Complete Ski Shop In The from *24* Lansing Area. MC Is Looking Forward To Seeing You. 2283 W. Grand River lin9 After All... ' DON'T FORGET TO SEND A 217 Ann Street % 4310 W. Saginaw Its Get Ready To Ski Time. HAPPY THANKSGIVING CARD from 5002 W.SAGINAW (JUST EAST OF LANSING MALL) 487-1853 OPEN 10-9, SUNDAYS 12-5 Campus Book Store 507 E. Gr. River (across from Berkey) 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November2j, MSU closes By PAT FARNAN State News Sports Writer For 10 Spartans contest will be their last in on the 5 4-man traveling squad, Saturday's Spartan Stadium. That senior list out they can hang right in there. The Hawks are only adequate defensively, How year allowing about Denny Stolz brings a successful 1974 MSU football season to a includes cocaptains Jim Taubert, a defensive tackle, and Clarence twice as many points as their quarterback Rob Fick • led close Saturday against the not • so • offense exciting Iowa Hawkeyes. Bullock, a fullback. has managed. Their secondary is one of the best in the nation But the Spartans need not fall asleep for their 1 p.m. Other graduating seniors include Terry McClowry, Mike Hurd, statistically, but only because Iowa opponents have encountered encounter with the Hawkeyes in Spartan Stadium. Charley Ane, Charlie Wilson, Mike Jones, Paul Manderino and little or no resistance in running the football against the The Hawks have won three more games this year than all of Mike Duda. Hawkeyes. Why throw if you can run? last year. UCLA snoozed against the Hawks and coach Bob "I hope these kids receive some of the attention The Spartans could finish with three backs Commings' crew topped the Bruins 21-10, knocking them out of they deserve," gaining 700 yards Stolz said. this year, w»th any success against the Hawk defense. the national limelight. The Charlie Spartans then lost to UCLA the The Spartans will be a one to two touchdown favorite Baggett, Richie Baes and Levi Jackson should all surpass 700 following week, 56-14. against the Hawks, but yards this Saturday. Commings has been at bad odds before and give6 m, * So the Hawks will not roll over and Spartans must watch Hawks. play dead. Stolz and the out for late season blues to be ready for the his Hawkeyes a good chance at win number four. Iowa will have to hold on to the ball to beat the Spartans, who "Michigan State, although it may be hard to believe, is probably the third - best team we will hive faced this all year," are the second - ranked defensive unit in the Big Ten. Only Commings warned. "The only better teams are Michigan and A win would bring the 6-3-1 Spartans their finest seasonal Michigan has allowed less yards per game than the stingy Spartan Ohio State." \ campaign since 1966, when they finished with a 10-0-1 convincing margin could also propel the Spartans up a two in the national rankings. And Stolz is concerned about the mark. A niche or corps. But against Ohio State last week, offensive plays to 53 for the Bucks, which explains Commings' Hawks ran 80 why Iowa Iowa's other opponents included UCLA, Southern and Penn State, all ranked in the California top 20 this week. The Hawks have played one of the toughest schedules in the country this rankings. held Woody's wild men to 14 points in the first half. year. "We have third place in the Big Ten wrapped up," he said. A fumble and pass interception bumed the Hawks pretty good "Most teams in the country with our record would be "But the national ranking is still at stake. That means a lot to in that contest, too. JIMTAUBERT these kids." Commings figures that if his Hawkeyes can counting the days until this season is over," Commings also said. maintain possession of the ball consistently against the Spartans, "This team has great courage." SET FOR MONDAY MEET MSU harrier in NCAAs By DAN SPICKLER runners, the tops in the nation attests, have quite an effect on cross country team. State News Sports Writer will give the University of a runner in the last mile of a Lindsay's season has been MSU's Herb Lindsay began Indiana course a going over. six - mile jaunt. filled with record • breaking his career in cross Lindsay says the problem performances. country Lindsay- when he was in junior high "They (the competitors) has cleared up and will have cracked pace marks at home school. He wanted to play earned their way to this little effect on him in on the Forest Akers golf course meet the same way I did," some kind of sport in the fall, Monday's race. This week, in for both the five • and sue - but football was out. Lindsay said. "They'll all be fact, he is going through fast mile run. "I was kind of small," good and they'll all be aiming conditioning drills. for the same things I'll be The sophomore standout Lindsay recalls. "I don't think MSU coach Jim I shooting for." Gibbard has set meet marks at weighed more than 100 says the runner from Reed City Eastern Michigan and the pounds." has an excellent chance of While the sophomore harrier Lindsay wants to finish in University of Michigan's golf the top 25 of the field. All making a high showing. The course. may have hoped to avoid in that category earn runners Indiana path is hilly and contact sports, this Monday "All - American" honors. Lindsay performs relatively Lindsay will have another Lindsay will be roughing it. better on that kind of course. shot at his track marks next He'll be dishing out elbows But Lindsay foresees no year and will be part of an and, quite easy going for The NCAA nationals mark understandably, anyone in the overall experienced and highly SN photo/John |- he'll be getting some back. field, at least at the start of the the peak of Lindsay's career. The MSU Tennis Club is holding a free clinic with free lessons and refreshments at 7:30 p.m. The 36 th NCAA national event. This year has been the best yet improved team. Sunday, in the Men's Intramural Building turf area. It will be highlighted by a doubles match between the MSU tt cross country for Lindsay, only in the second The championships Spartan cross country teams' number one man and numbwr two woman will be held Monday in "Everyone is going to be season of his college career. His team is made against the number two man and number one woman. up almost From left to right are TomGudelsky (second Bloomington, Ind. Over 350 struggling to get out in front success this season reflects entirely of freshmen and man), Sue Selke (first woman), Ike Taylor, Tennis Club early," Lindsay said. "And that continuing promise for the president, Larry Stark (first man) and Diane Suterko (second woman). sophomores. means things are going to get awfully bunched up at the start Karate tilt of the race." scheduled Lindsay qualified for the championships last Saturday at the NCAA District IV meet held in Madison, Wis. He Two Spartan icers on spot tonight The MSU chapter of Japan roughed his way close to the By STEVE STEIN said earlier this week. "When Karate Assn. International is you've got the game in the bag you Wisconsin has two of the better goaltenders in the front of the pack of 200 State News Sports Writer don't play your big horses." league sponsoring a state tournament Dave Kelly and Darl Uolton havr a big task ahead of Dick Perkins and Mike Dibble. The defense is headed at 11:30 a.m. Sunday til the runners in that event and Colp has 84 career goals at MSU. The next tally he gets will by acou themselves tonight as the Spartan hockey team of All America prospects, Brian finished seventh with a 29:34.4 opens a two - make him the all time leading Spartan goal scorer. He - Engblom and John Taft. sports arena of the Men's - currently Under coach Bob Johnson, the Intramural clocking. game weekend series with the Wisconsin Badgers in Madison. is tied with Mark Calder. Badgers have 13 Building. Kelly, a sophomore, and Bolton, a junior, will be seeing action back from last year's team. However, they lost two of their' About 50 entrants are "The referees were right in* giving the fighting penalty," Last week Lindsay in place of center Steve Colp as the Spartans second - leading centers, Dean Talafous and Gary Winchester, when Bessone said. "But I'd like to see a red - blooded kid who skates they sipn, expected. complained of slight intestinal scorer sits out a one professional contracts. The admission charge is $1 - game suspension for receiving a fighting away from a punch." troubles and thought he Tom Ross, Colp, Rice and John for students and $1.50 for might penalty against North Dakota last Saturday at Munn Arena. The games this weekend will be played at Dane Sturges continue to pact' have had the flu. Any illness, WMSN, 640 AM, will broadcast the games tonight and County Spartans in scoring. Ross has 20 points, 15 in league games, nonstudents. however slight, will, as Lindsay Coliseum, where, Bessone says, the Badgers "are always tough lead the team. Saturday night. Coverage will begin at 8:20 p.m. both nights and seem to play harder." In other league games this because of the one - hour time difference. weekend, Minnesota is at Col:- Two freshmen, Mike Eaves and Mark Capouch, lead the College, Denver is visiting Minnesota - Duluth, The Spartans go into the series with a 5-1 record in Western MichipnT" Badgers in scoring. at Michigan and North Dakota is hosting Notre Dame. SN divided on Collegiate Hockey Assn. (WCHA) play, which is good for a first place tie with Colorado College. Wisconsin is tied with Denver for third with a 4-2 league record. Volleyball MSU also has a five game WCHA - winning streak on the line U-M, OSU tilt against the Badgers. Spartan coach Amo Bessone said Wisconsin that he would start with Kelly, who has played in before MSU left for unit g only one game this year, a nonleague contest against Laurentian. seven plciy Will the University of Michigan or Ohio State wind up in the winner's circle Saturday in Columbus? The State News sports staff has predictions — three writers went for the split down the middle in its Colp's linemates are Daryl Rice and Robbie Harris. "We'll start with Kelly because he seems to fit into their of play a little better," Bessone a knee injury, but he skated well with explained. "He's just getting over style in fi Buckeyes and three for them this week." the Wolverines: The Spartan coach indicated that Bolton will also By ROBIN McINTOSH the meet. Karen Waite and sophomores "For example, Br: CHARLES JOHNSON play. Bolton State News Sports Writer "I think that we should do Sentimental favorite is who normally sees action in a penalty - killing role, scored a goal Lynn — Michigan, but MSU's women's volleyball Hughes and Vicki Hastings started out with there's more to think about than that. against North Dakota last weekend. well. We've played good best time at the Oakland r team will be Reibeling. OSU has been almost invincible all year (almost, meaning the Colp got into a fight with North Dakota's Tom Brown late in participating in volleyball in our last few Placing first in the diving that she ended up with the Midwest regional Spartans' game) and will have added incentive from the delirious the game during MSU's 6-2 victory last Saturday. matches, and we've played event for MSU was year," she added. "It was my fault, I shouldn't have been tournament while seven sophomore Buckeye fans in Columbus. playing him," Bessone many of the teams before and Barbara Harding., "This year, we're conr On the other hand, members of the MSU women's have either beaten them or Michigan's perfect season is at stake and it Coach Jennifer Parks was without Cheryl Solomon, will take more than crowd field hockey team will be have come very close," she support to steal a Rose Bowl trip from pleased with the team's was a Big Ten Swi the Wolves for the fourth straight time. However, the Buckeyes look like they have the tools to do it. U-M clashes playing in the Great trials this weekend. Lakes said. Seven members of MSU's performance at the meet. champion, Jane Mane ^ "We had a green and white who was the intercoll OSU 27, U-M 21. The volleyball squad will be women's field hockey intra • squad meet earlier this squad diving champion, Becky L DAN SPICKLER — Bo kept Dennis Franklin in too against Purdue and the Michigan quarterback will not be atlong in Big Ten s traveling to Western Michigan today to play in the Midwest will be traveling to Ohio year and the girls did poorly, and Bernadine Kenney. • his Wesley an University Saturday but after that meet, they have of the slack is being taken best. tournament; Sixteen teams to play in the Great Lakes been doing The game is at Columbus and that is ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Only one thing bothers coach Bo from five states will be well," she by the freshmen to be trials. commented. sure a boost for the Schembechler about his coaching career at sophomores." Bucks. Michigan — he feels competing in the meet. The The swim team took on the Wolverines have not been to Michigan has not faced an offense that runs enough bowl games. top two teams from five states Oakland University right at them. The Michigan team can do something about that Saturday Tuesday Nobody has the power to do it, but watch Archie Griffin. Pick: plus five other teams will Spartan fencing squad and won decisively, 93 - 29. when it travels to Columbus, Ohio State 21, Michigan 14. Ohio, for its Big Ten showdown provide the competition for with Ohio State. Taking firsts for MSU, STEVE STEIN — It would be nice if both MSU. including the relay teams, were teams could lose, A victory — or, but only one will and it will be the probably, a tie — will put the undefeated (10 - The teams are divided into The game is Wolverines from Ann Arbor. being played in Columbus, which immediately 0) and second ranked Wolverines in the Rose Bowl on New - Year's Day against the winner of the UCLA Southern Cal game. four pools with four teams freshman Becky Hastings, who won two events, freshmen battles in MSU tourne gives an edge to the Buckeyes. But they won't need the home • each and there will be round Suzy Brevitz, Jenny Heath and crowd. A win for Ohio State, 9 - 1 and rated third, would give the robin competition today The MSU fencing team will and women's foil and the Except for the Spartans, Ohio State has rolled over Buckeyes an excellent shot at making their third straight trip within each pool. host the Spartan Unclassified competition. every one West. fencing tourney at 10 a.m. of its opponents this The top two teams in each year, while Michigan has struggled on several This was the season of the drive for national Basketball tickets Sunday in gym three of the This year is the firs' occasions. recognition by pool will advance to that MSU women fencers Schembechler and his Wolverines. He said at the start that Men's Intramural Building. Michigan has the better defense, OSU the quarterfinal competition Student season tickets for compete in the tourney, offense will carry the Bucks to stronger offense and Michigan received no recognition. "We're the only team in the The Spartans earned five of victory, 24 -14. country that has to rebound from an undefeated Saturday, with single the 1974 - 75 MSU basketball the top nine medals last women fencers will partic PAT FARNAN — Go Blue! As fast as season," he said. elimination competition until year. season will go on sale possible, Woodrow's steampowered Bucks will roll all over too, or wicked He was referring to the famous 10 -10 tie with OSU at the enfl the final game. at the south end of Jenison Monday Spartan epee man Bill Competition will of the 1973 season that forced the Peterman will be back to Defense, speed and special teams will be the you. two schools to share the Big Coach Annelies Knoppers Fieldhouse. The price for the provided from v key factors. If Ten title for the second defend his title. universities and locales Michigan can get it together straight year. likes the Spartans' chances in 12 game home schedule is $12. defensively, they will win. Speed has Other events include men's the state. got to be slightly in favor of Michigan, as it is the offensive and defensive quicker overall in backfields. The kicking game will be an Ohio State plus, but Michigan isn't hurting there either. That could make it Mike Litaker and Dan Michigan, or break it for Bo's Blue but I'm even in Columbus, 17 -13. gonna say Spickler emerged last with 10-1 records in the week State News football poll MIKE LITAKER — Last State year's Ohio State • Michigan game News prediction poll. saw placekicker Mike Lantry miss a couple of long field goal Pat attempts in the waning moments of the game. Farnan, Charles Johnson Farnan Stein My guess is that quarterback Denny Franklin will move Johnson, Steve Stein and Spickler Mcintosh Litaker ball close enough this time the Robin Mcintosh had 8-3 around for the senior kicker to Iowa at MSU MSU 31, Iowa 7 records. MSU 28, Iowa 10 MSU 28, Iowa 7 provide the winning margin. Percentage wise the U -M at Ohio State MSU 27, Iowa 10 MSU 28. Iowa 14 MSU 24, towil OSU by 7 U-M by 3 OSU by 10 Look for Franklin to burn the poll remains a cliffhanger. Minnesota at Wisconsin Wit by 14 OSU by 7 U-M by 3 V MbyS Buckeye secondary with his Wit by 6 Wit by 4 passing. It'll be U - M on top in a 17 -14 verdict. Key games this week, the Northwestern at Illinois III. by 10 III. by 4 111. by 14 Wit by 14 Wit by 16 Wis. by 10 final ones of the poll, should Indiana at Purdue III. by 14 IIL by 10 III. by 2 ROBIN McINTOSH - Even with the Pur. by 6 Pur. by 3 Pur. by 7 OSU fans rooting Pur. by 3 Ind by I them, I'm sure that Bo Schembechler won't against provide an exciting and Oklahoma at Nebraska Okla. by 12 Okla. by 9 Okla. by 10 Pur. by 6 forget last year's vote Kentucky Okla. by 10 Neb. by 3 Okla. by 14 that sent Ohio State to the Rose unpredictable finish. at Tennessee Ky. by 8 Tenn. by 1 Tenn. by 2 Bowl instead of his team. USC at UCLA Ky. by 3 Tenn. by 6 Ky. by 8 He knows how Final percentages will be USC by 10 USC by 4 USC by 7 important this game is, because if his team announced next week, with the Penn St. at Pittsburgh Penn St. by 5 Penn St. by 3 USC by 7 USC by 7 USC by 10 wins, there won't be any vote. Penn Si. by 7 Arkansas at Texas Tech Penn St. by 10 Penn St. by 7 Pitt, by 5 winner collecting what Texas Tech by 7 Texas Tech by 3 Texas Tech by 7 Personal reasons also sports Texas Tech by 7 Ark. by 2 play a part in my decision, as a few editor Stein says will be Chicago at Detroit Del by 14 Det. by 4 Det. by 9 Ark. by 7 friends of mine go to U - M "some , Det. by 9 Chi. by 3 Del. by 2 and my mother is an alumnus. If I 60-26-2 59-27-2 58-28-2 went against sort of prize." 39-14-2 16-6 Michigan and they won, I'd never hear the end of it. 37-16-2 The game will be close, with Michigan winning 19 -16. ■ Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday. November 22.1974 15 'o expertise By DAVID SCHMIER 2. Wa«h the thawed needed _ one questions that mom's "Great Gobbler" brand, "7 Star" bird thoroughly jn cold water, inside and wit. 3. Add 1° it turk®V* remaining butter and stir in the salt, pepper and 3. Roast in paci(ed with granny's Brandy Flambe Almond stuffing, is are 'old tolly drawn, so all you will have to do is seasoning. poultry a slow oven (325 F) without adding water. Js't in the world. * remove the packed giblets from the cavity. They can be used later with a few bucks, a few friends and little for gravy or 4. If cloth becomes . a dressing. 4. Add half of the bread (cut in % inch cubes) and cook about dry during roasting, moisten with drippings Ljnation, a household of struggling students can put together a four minutes, stirring constantly. from the bottom of the pan. tikspving dinner - bash that will be a welcome change from 3. Take the stuffing (recipe below) and loosely fill the trs and "chip • n • dip" type parties, it. With a clean thread or skewers, close off cavity with 5. Remove from the stove and combine it with the rest of the 5. About yh hour before end of roasting time, test the turkey. e Sunday before Thanksgiving is a perfect day for your openings. Also, tie the legs and the neck and tail bread cubes in a large Turkey is done if thigh joint gives readily when end of wings closely to the side of the mixing bowl. leg is bird, so they won't burn moved up and down, and if Jnvitf a dozen or so friends and tell them you will take care of during roasting. 6. Sprinkle hot water drumstick meat is very soft or bouillon the when pressed between the fingers. ■ turkey, if they will bring the cranberries, pies, rolls and wine, over mixture, tossing until While you well blended. are doing this, your roommate can be stuffing. Easiest is the traditional bread and onion preparing the 6. When Lecipes for Thanksgiving side dishes are plentiful and C things coordinated so you do not end up with 13 easy, but most of the ingredients can be found in your own recipe, because 7. Pile it turkey is done, remove skewers or thread and place on a pumpkin cupboard. loosely into the cavity of the turkey. hot platter until serving time. land nothing else. This will be Making the stuffing enough stuffing to fill a 13 to 18 pound turkey. |)0W, where do you get a bird? To make the To this recipe you can add chopped celery, mushrooms, 7. Make gravy, using drippings from roasting pan. While every grocery has them, a good bet is the annual Poultry stuffing you will need: apples, or chestnuts etc.. Plan to have the turkey come out of the oven 30 to 40 Ince Club's turkey sale. 1 and X cups butter or minutes before serving to allow extra margarine roasting time, m case it is Whey sell high quality birds for 65c a pound. 1 cup nf vou are interested, call them at 355 - 8425 during office finely chopped onion Roasting the Turkey not quite done and to free the oven to warm up all the other 2 teaspoons salt goodies your guests have brought. lirs to reserve a turkey and they will tell you where to pick it % teaspoons To Calculate roasting time for.your turkey, figure on 25 to 30 pepper minutes per pound, in a 325 F degree oven. After your ego has been 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning grossly inflated by your guest's ■When ordering the size you want, plan to serve about a pound effusive compliments on your culinary ■ each guest. 3 quarts cubed, day old bread 1. Place bird, breast side up, on broiler pan genius and everyone has or roasting rack. gone home stuffed and satisfied, don't sit back, because there is 1 and % cups hot ■ Properly preparing and stuffing a turkey is a lot easier than water or bouillon still one thing left to do, Clean Up! V* cup buttered bread 2. Rub bird all over with me.ted fat or salad oil. ■u may think. crumbs or slivered almonds Cover with But as you face your tom piece of clean cloth thoroughly moistened with melted fat. a war - living room and a sink full or ■ Here is a proven, foolproof and easy method for preparing a dirty dishes, just remember . . . you get to keep the leftovers. lanksgiving feast: To prepare; « Preparing the turkey 1. Melt 1/« cup butter in haw a re frozen turkey in the refrigerator for roasting. two or three days 2. Add onion and saute a large skillet. The Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale until yellow, but not brown. Canon Meet Mr. Dave Williams he will be here Fri. Nov. 22nd 5 p.m. to 9 Nov. 23rd 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. p.m. He will This answer all your Canon Systems questions. Factory Demo Days The limited-edition professional SLR that's also a System Canon Thanksgiving, get rid •Over 40 lenses and • 200 accessories • Central area soot metering • Shutter speeds up to 1 / 2000th s« • Breech-lock fens mount Canon FTb One of the world's list $634. $399 of your great SLR cameras Canon Lens Demo Sale! $180 Telephoto 135mm f3.5 $225 Wide Angle 28mm f3.5 $427 Wide Angle 17mm f4.0 $381 Telephoto 300 mm f5.6 $117 $150 $264 • • • easier reading Standard metering range EV2 6 to EV18at ASA 100-within Canon Booster. EV10 to EV-3 5 at ASA 100 Accepts over 40 Canon FD and Fl lenses Shutter speeds up to 1/1000th sec. F1.8 50 List mm Cation FT0 lens EY. $247 $355. >229 TASCO 8 x 30 WIDE ANGLE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ROYAL 12 in. ELECTRIC TURKEY BINOCULAR CALCULATOR At this very moment, you may own a incl. case & batteries PORTABLE TYPEWRITER not realize it! turkey and With case $QQ99 You can recognize a "turkey" music system by the Jj Price Break! List $69.95 *37" garble it makes instead of music. It has "all the trim mings" - plastic trim, trimmed price, trimmed quali ty. If it has a tape player built-in, unfortunately so is the wow and flutter. And that mini-changer roost ing on top is a big reason why your new records PIONEER - AUDIO sound like moldy oldies. GLENBURN A stereo package with power sound and Cambridge Audio 1500* quality featuring the Pioneer SX-52S, a KLH 31* Glenburn 1IIO F-T sensitive AM-FM stereo receiver with 34 watts of R.M.S. power matched with a pair If it sounds like you have a of Audio II 10" 3-way speakers, a high performance bookshelf loudspeaker system M PIONEER cold storage and come over to Tech Hifi turkey on your hands, put it in desiqned to supply a unique level of musical CT-3131A Stereo during our Annual satisfaction. Completing this system is the Glenburn 2155A automatic record changer Thanksgiving Sale. Listen to a quality music system, like the one with heavy duty four pole motor, Shure Cassette Deck shown here. The sound is sheer pleasure. Clean and M75E cartridge wood base and dust cover. accurate, with plenty of power and bass response. Its great FM reception will add another dimension to your listening enjoyment. List $588. $399 *139. Sa.,S.19Sa|epHce$l44 Kenwood 1400* in !rl FINE 14 kt. Gold Rings TDC IVa, Garrard 41m The most notable thing about this component mu DIAMONDS 1 sic system is what you don't hear. It is tortion-free! Everything about this system was de¬ virtually dis¬ & these plus many, many Ml 1 come see : signed to give you the purest sound possible. This more styles of engagement & weddding rings. , and many other fine systems are on sale all week • I at Tech Hifi. And even with sale — a going like this v vysWwy-—». —^ one, you receive all 14 Customer Satisfaction Policies, and you can use your Mastercharge jt^-JS I JjF isB; BankAmericard. or S-S157 Sale price *354 $559.50 1/3 ct. diamond ring $279.50 $960. 1/2 ct. diamond ring $480. hifi) $150. Ladies Wedding Ring $75 ^88 1/4 ct. diamond ring $194. | "1014k Store Hours: wedding ring $55.. $177. Mens Wedding Ring $83.50 tech famQuality Components at the Right Price LEONARD Mon. & Fri. 122 East Washington St., Ann Arbor / 619 East Grand River Ave.. East Lansing ! 430 North Ramp 20715 Kelly Road, East Detroit / 4526 North Woodward Ave Telegraph Rd Dearborn ! 14615 West . 8 Mile Rd., Detroit I TuJ* Royal Oak / 125 Main St.. Rochester I 12755 Eureka, Southgate u?to 9 p,m- Parking Stores also throughout New England. New , York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. I ;^9d'Thur*-. Sat. 4 Wholesale Distributors Evenings, Sat. s I nnnird Downtown Pl«» ■ ■ I 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, N0VPmK ( Collect Your Extra Holiday $Cash$ Early. / Soil no-longer needed items with Want Adsl Automotive to Alio Service ](7] FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank ^ [ WwtTjg) ApartMeb $ MERCURY MONTEGO, 1973, INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on MSU AREA: Okemos. One 2 BEDROOM 18,500 miles, rustproofed, DUPLEX. excellent condition, must sell cycles and auto. Call last, but call. Easy us first Payment or bedroom, furnished and unfurnished, air conditioned, Jolly-Logan area, full basement, yard, carpeted, $180/month plus "Tf?,ATE bedroom 0CCUPANCY apartment fjJ? J 484-4707. 4-11-22 MERCUFY 1966. Local Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS 485-4317. 0-11-27 carpeted, modern. $150 to $165. Heat included. Call utilities. Security deposit required. 372-8073. After 6, luV0 can,pu,; *3 PHONE 355 8255 349-9604. 10-11-27 669-3090. 8-1 347 Student Services Bldg. transportation. Good condition. MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East y22 $100. Call 332-2563. 4-11-25 FEMALE NEEDED for 4 person. * AUTOMOTIVE Kalamazoo Street since 1940. OWN ROOM for woman in Scooters & Cycles MGB - 1968. New engine, excellent Complete auto painting and Winter spring. $61/month. townhouse, East Lansing area *61.50/moPn°,h!' J.T'I distance. Parts & Service heater, no rust. Must sell I collision service. American and Foreign 332-3747, after 6:15 pm. December - June. 337-2060. 5-11-27 351-3581.^1 Taking best offer. 676-2876, cars. 485-025$. C-11-27 FEMALE Aviation 484-8959.5-11-27 FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, ROOMMATE 'unished, $g2 ^ GIRL NEEDED winter/firing. * EMPLOYMENT MG close/campus, December included, nea; MIDGET, 1972. Excellent Capitol Villa. $46.25. 332-2906. * FOR RENT 15/September 1975. Sublease, 3-11-25 337-2078. 5 11-25 condition! $1,975. Call 339-2911 evenings. 3-11-25 $82.50. 351 9415. 4-11-22 Apartments APARTMENT PINE LAKE APARTMENTS. Houses corner, furnished OKEMOS, „ OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale, 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 3' NEED 1 girl to sublease Cedar Rooms 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise bedroom apartments just 10 utilities, couple. $150air Village, winter, spring. 349-2313. 7-11-27 * FOR SALE control, other extras. 332-1097 minutes from MSU. $150 / 332-3996. 5-11-26 per after 6 pm. 7-11-27 month. Beautiful Animals ELECTRIC REAR window grounds, quiet location. Call Manager 339-8192 Furnished One PEUGEOT 504 Wagon, 1972. Air. d e f rosters, $13.95 at WANTED: FEMALE to sublease Mobile Homes apartment 24,000 miles, mint. Asking CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Cedar Village apartment, winter or EAST LANSING REALTY, to campus. Heat paid, sublease,clgTI * LOST & FOUND 332-4128. 10-12-6 pe $2750. 353-8730, 351-6757. CAR PARTS, 2605 East only. 351-8077. 5-12-2 $194, available lor .PERSONAL BL-5-11-22 Kalamazoo, one mile west of | Call CLEAN RESPONSIBLE weekdays. 337JM > PEANUTS PERSONAL campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 GIRL TO share immediately • own m^le to 7-11-27 ^ share 2 bedroom apartment. PINTO, 1972. Automatic. room $75/month. $25 deposit. » REAL ESTATE $105. 487-1967 after 7 pm Excellent condition. Must sell. FALL SPECIAL. Fantastic deal. Utilities included. Call ATTRACTIVE 2 4-11-26 bedroom u > RECREATION Make c'fer. 351-8058. 3-11-22 Auto rustproofing, new and used 485-4746. 3 11-26 epertment, furnished, mil, > SERVICE cars. Guaranteed. Most cars as NEAR SPARROW. Furnished. 1 oaid. $150/month 487557! PORSCHE 912, 1967. New engine, £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELtY CA 94709 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large low as $45. M-78 BODY SHOP. 5-11-22 Instruction California car, 5 speed, $3,000. bedroom, $130 monthly, 337-0496. 10-11-22 upstairs. One bedroom. Share utilities paid. 627-9183. 5-11-27 Typing Service 485-5607.4-11-22 utilities. $120. 351-7497. GIRL NEEDED to subleaseRi*fl TRANSPORTATION WANTED CAR POOL RAMBLER automatic good tires, 1967 transmission, runs 2 door radio, good. $300. wt m□BMIB) UNLIMITED SALES » NEED ONE girl, winter. New Cedar 0-4-11-27 ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT for winter term. Furnished, in 1250 OAKRIDGE. bedroom apartment in a privete building. Large quiet, Occupancy 1 Edge. Winter, 332-0270. 511 26 spring. $J7o| 694-9080.5-11-22 DESK CLERK needed Must have December 1st - 1 year leases WANTED, 2-4 people to OPPORTUNITY Village. $80/month. 351-4443. Lansing 489 5429. $130. apartment close to **RATES## transportation and be willing to 1-11-22 only From $175. 351-0866. campus J 5-11-22 10 word minimum RAMBLER REBEL 1967. No rust, travel. Call 372-0567 or If you're a better man then the job 10-12-6 June. Call 351-6441,5-1125I runs great, uses some oil. $275. 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. you're now in, we'd like to talk TWO CUTE furnished 1 bedroom 339-8536.3-11-25 0-11-27 to you. Commissions. Call SHARE 2 man aprtment. Own 600 RIVER STREET, in GROESBECK GOLF course* apartment. Very clean. $125 • Lansing - Josephine Starkweather at bedroom. Winter and spring. 3 miles from campus, just off near. 2 bedrooms. ImmefeJ $140. 482-5450, 371-3990. Call 351-5964. 7-11-27 SAAB 1973 WANTED - CASHIERS and go^o 694-3935. Investors Diversified Free bus to campus. 337-9291. Kalamazoo Good sized Sonnett, Excellent 5-1-22- 1 Services. 10-11-22 5-11-26 furnished 3 5 10 condition, $3250. Phone dancers. Apply in person. Must 1 bedroom 2 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 485-2318.3-11-25 be over the age of 18. Apply at ONE MAN needed for four man apartments. 6 and 9 month BEDROOM FURNIShS 13.00 SALES POSITIONS DELUXP 3 bedroom in Okemos. apartment, 5 blocks lri| CINEMA X THEATRE AND leases accepted. $170. 485-3140. apartment, Cedar Village, winter campus. Sublease winter 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 TRIUMPH 1966 TR4. Convertible, ADULT BOOK STORE, 1000 BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Includes 2 full baths, air 10-12-6 spri term only. Non-smoker. CAII 351-3188. 10-12-3 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 loaded, good condition. $995. West Jolly Road. No phone calls Arrange financial programs for conditioning, carport. No 351 4728. 2-11-25 individuals and business children or pets. $250. Phone OWN IS 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 641-4124 evenings. 4-11-22 please. 7-12-4 ROOM, apartment behind organizations. Will train for 332-0111 or evenings and Student Book Store. $95. Lease, 3 ROOM APARTMENT * 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 CEDAR VILLAGE, one man TRIUMPH SPITFIRE BARTENDER WAITRESS. Full highly lucrative, annualized weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 clean, Denis. 337-0110. 2-11-22 utilities. Furnished. $130 J - 1971, red - needed for winter/spring. $80. 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 commission sales. Prior sales deposit. 372-8615. 5-11-22 with black top, AM/FM, radial and part time. Must be neat and 351-2023. 2-11 -25 experience desirable. Call UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom AVAILABLE tires, 28 mpg. $1450. Call dependable. Joe Covello's. IMMEDIATELY. 353-3561 repeatedly. 1-11-22 Phone 484-6786. 5-11-26 Josephine Starkweather, apartment one mile from One girl. Cedar Village, till June. 10 MINUTES to MSU. LuJ c)F.ADILINE ONE BEDROOM unfurnished. 694-3935. Investors Diversified campus. $180. Call 332-8519. 332-3064. 2-11-22 apartments from $nJ Services. 10-11-22 5-11-26 Completely carpeted and P.M. one class PERMANENT, PART 487-9085, 393-0720.5-1122 | day TOYOTA 1972 Corolla 1600. 4 time remodeled. $100/month plus SUBLET before publication. speed, AM-FM, rear defrost, new secretary - bookkeeper. utilities. Close to LCC and bus WINTER, 1 bedroom COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. Part GIRL NOW. Furnish tires, air, 26 - 30 mpg. $1550. Experience required. 9 am - 1 to MSU. Phone 371-1479 apartment. 1-2 persons, rent time. $2/hour. JIM'S GARAGE. MERIDIAN MALL pm Monday through Friday. 5-12-2 negotiable. 332-0462. 5-11-27 Twyckingham, 4 339-2127,351-3119. 5-11-27 Grand Ledge. 627-2248. 5-11-26 Just completed - 1 bedroom units Peanuts Personal ads Phone Sally, 332-1391, t Share now with good pe with super location for MSU and all must be 10-11-am. C-1-11-22 WINTER. SUBLEASE, girl needed. Call and find pre-paid. VEGA 1972. Excellent condition. WANTED: FULL time shopping. Great colors and yard STUDENTS 1 4-speed, 20,000 miles. Call after steady 2-man, rent negotiable, close. 482-5179, 351-1565.5-11-22 I space for the garden freak. These 3 pm. 484-9874. 5-11-27 COUNSELOR CASE worker, full bookkeeper and office manager. FACULTY, STAFF 351-5969. 5-11-27 Cancellations/ Corrections Ttorough knowledge of are perfect for young singles or time, experience in social work '12 noon one class day bookkeeping, accounts couples, with no lease. $150 per 3 BEDROOM, V/t BATH ONE GIRL needed, winter term. VEGA 1974 Hatchback. 9000 working with children. Contact month. Please call rp^fivable, accounts payable, 332-3268 or before publications. miles. Radial tires, 4-speed. William Weitzel, VFW National 332-5877. UNFURNISHED APT'S Cedar View apartment, plus other office dimensions. $75/month. 351-1941. 5-11-27 dishwasher, carport, laundry. Ml 25-27 mpg. AM-FM. 627-2928 Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, Length of service with present 5-11-27 undergrads, children t The State News will be after 5:30. Must sell. 3-11-25 147. from responsible only for the position, experience, skills, dependability, attendance FOR ONE month only. December $215 per month TROWBRIDGE, 1 bedroom, 372-9279. 5-11-22 VEGA 1971 - Standard furnished, $180. Office hours, record, willingness to accept 5 - January 7. Lapeer st day's incorrect T ransmission, VOCATIONAL COUSELOR. Street, (Includes gas heat 4 water) 351-9036, otherwise, 351-4745. SPACIOUS TWO bedroo rebuilt engine, Career opportunity center, farm responsibility. Answer to Edwin Lansing. $125. 489-4931. 5-11-27 apartment. Close t insertion. runs good, 25 mpg. 353-7031. 5-11-27 Call workers, D. Ricker, 2442 East Maple Winter term or December 1, migrant , 5-11-26 program, Avenue, Flint, Michigan. 48507. KNOB HILL 351 -4246 evenings. 5-11 -22 are due 7 permanent full time. Spanish 3-11-22 ONE FEMALE needed to sublease SUBLET. WINTER term female, ] days from near West Circle, $77.13 per the ad expiration date. If VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 speaking by bi-cultural. Contact winter term only. Beechwood APARTMENTS month. Call 332-1174. 6-11-27 ONE MAN to sha Mr. Ferguson, 489-3715. miles, 4-speed, custom interior, 3494700 aid by the due date, a Apartments. $61/month. Own room, prefer non-sm $.50 late service charge will be due. AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 mpg. 351-6917. X5-11-23 x-7-12-3 SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST. Fr hit ft 332-5657. 5-11-27 Community atmosphere 5 miles from campus FEMALE December NEEDED to sublease - June. $72.50. Near $90 plus utilitu 5-11-22 Local EAST LANSING- one person to Williams. 332-2049. 3-11-22 VEGA medium - sized % mile north of Jolly Road HATCHBACK, 1972. TV and STEREO Rentals. sublease furnished 2 bedroom. Rebuilt construction company desires transmission, well GIRL Automotive *•* maintained, clean, very good charming, neat appearing $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Winter and spring terms. $100. HASLETT ARMS. Female needed, MALE NEEDED to sublet NEEDED. secretary - receptionist. Must be Same Day Delivery and Service. Quiet, comfortable. 337-7438, winter/spring 4 - man. $75. Furnished, $61/month. C condition. $1,400. 353-4631. winter, spring. One block from X5-11-23 able to type 80+ wpm and take Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 353-7733. Or Keith, 353-4686. campus. 582. 50 ' month. Twychingham. Call Jim before 489-9124, 353-9027.5-11-22 | AMC dictation 5-11-27 11pm. 332 2755.5-11-26 REJ3EL 1967; Automatic, at 120+ wpm. 351-2787. 5-11-26 VOLKSWAGEN Excellent MAN TO share power steering, good tires. 1972. Super fringe benefits. No MSU NEAR FURNISHED $68.50/month. 355-0956 evenings. 5-11-22 Beetle. Re-built engine, excellent fees paid. Equal Opportunity - Attractive, one 1 bedroom, clean, condition, cheap. 882-7789. Employer. 393-1670. 5-11-27 $ NOTICES bedroom. Unfurnished. quiet, carpeting, air conditioned, 349-2856. 5-11-25 AMX 1969, 4 speed, good Available December. $167. patio, no undergrade Security engine, X5-11-22 $ 351-9349. 2-11-22 $700. 337-0823. SANTA'S HELPERS locks. $180 including heat. good 5-11-26 body. VW BUS 1969. 5,000 miles. part time - Full and ALL STUDENT 349-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. NEAT RESPONSIBLE female bedroom, & | during Christmas OWN ROOM. Luxury country share two NEED 2 men. 4 man, winter - Rebuilt engine. Running good. season. Starting November 29, Advertising setting. 4 acres. $140 includes 5-11-26 Lansing area. 353-9^ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only ending December spring. Free bus service, heating. $1150.332-4162. X3-11-22 24. Apply must be $68.75 I month. 349-1856, after utilities. 393-1738. 5-11-26 FAWN PARK 332-8966 evenings. Ask for you can save $$$. It pays to Meridian Mall office, Meridian Apartments, singles 5-11-25 shop around. Call us. You may VW Mall, Okemos. 3-11-25 "PRE - PAID" 5:30. 5-11-27 and young marrieds. We have 1972. Rebuilt engine and WATERS EDGE. Female to be surprised. 484-8173. deluxe color coordinated 1 and 0-2-11-25 transmission. $1200. 349-9557 starting Monday, Nov. 25 FREE' HEAT. East sublease winter or winter/spring. 2 bedroom apartments. ONE BEDROOM, unfurnisl after 5:30 p.m. X4-11-23 DRIVERS NEEDED full time, Lansing, luxury $82.50. 337-0418. 3-11-22 must have excellent through the end 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no Appliances, balconies, patios, utilities paid. 1308 I CAPRI driving pets. Lease until ample Road, or'phone 332-80! 1971, green (2000cc>, good record. September. One parking, many other VW CAMPER/Van 1968. Apply at Varsity Cab, of the term. LCC - 1 bedroom, furnished, all condition, $1000. Call Suzanne, month free rent. $160. 129 e*tras. $139-$169. 882-6318. 7-11-27 E xcellent condition. 122 Woodmere. 5-11-27 Factory •utilities, carpeted, $140. No 10-11-22 484-1341 after 3:30. 5-12-2 Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 built. Pop - up roof, the works! State News lease. 339-9114.5-11-26 PART NEEDED ONE man to # 27 mpg, TIME aids, assistant Classified Dept. CHEVELLE MALIBU, 1967. Mint $1,800. Call 355-1190. CEDAR VILLAGE, one male for 4 ONE NEEDED for 4 - man. Cedar Village. Wint X3-11-23 teachers, and head teachers. 347 Student Services ONE GIRL needed sublease condition. Very low mileage. - man. Winter only. 332-1031. - $65/month. Close to campus. $75/month. 355-7062. Needed at campus child care winter and Must sacrifice. 394-1918. 4-11 -22 possibly spring term. 351 4654. 3-11-22 center winter term. 3-11-22 Experience 332-6362.8-11-22 with GIRL NEEDED to 1 M preschool children necessary. Hours: 7:30 am - 1 Apartments CEDAR VILLAGE, one male for winter/spring. 351-9488, after 6 GIRL NEEDED winter and spring NEAR MSU • attractive, large. 2 - bedroom, carpeted, utilities CHEVELLE 1970 4 door. Navy pm, or 8 - 11:30 am or 2:30 - term, own room. Call 351-4205 paid. 339-9114. 5-11-22 Twyckingham, $66/month. 0| blue. Very clean. Runs good. pm. 4-11-25 between 10-2. 10-11-25 332-8172.5 11 25 HONDA 750 1973. 5,400 miles. 5:30 pm. Apply now, 353-5154. $750. 694-8452. 5-11-25 WATER'S EDGE, 4 person. Girl Hooker headers. Excellent 2-11-22 QUIET FEMALE CHEVROLET SPORTS Van, 1971. condition. 393-1949. 5-11-26 REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. needed winter and spring. Sublease $82.50. 337-9292. Twyckingham, to winter sublease and ONE water MALE needed. Heat and included $95 month. Nice CROSSWORD 4-11-25 spring. 351-8551. 6-11-27 V-8, carpeted, insulated, paneled. $1,350. 353-0978 SUZUKI SL 1972. Very good condition. Female owner. $375 Excellent opportunity, available to help make sales. financing place. 351-7630. 5-11-26 PUZZLE even;ngs. 3-11-22 645-2144.5-11-27 NEEDED, 3 girls to sublease 4 girl firm. Call Kitty, after 4 pm, 1. Dance step 31. Roman bronze apartment. $70/month. 394-2019. 5-11-26 CAR RENTAL Agent for 4. Pepper plant 32. Over 21 CHEVY STEP van, 1972, 3/4 ton, Capitol Winter/spring. Pool, air City Airport. Evenings, Sunday 7. Vacuum 33. Milkfish $2500 or trade for pickup. 677-1902 after 6 pm. 3-11-22 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike, through Thursday. conditioning, dishwasher. 349-2859. 5-12-2 11. Inlet 34. pismounted foToB 2,000 miles. $850 negotiable. ■ conventional, congenial person'. Neat, 12. Sarouk 35. Thugs ipr CHRYSLER 1968, 646-6236. 7-12-3 $2 per hour. Call 351-5500, SECOND FEMALE. Winter only. 13. Out of work 37. Mismanage power steering, brakes, snow tires, new complete extension 109 between 11 am Share 1 bedroom 711 Burcham. 14. Sea mammal 39. Orient Jjhgm exhaust system, radiator and DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, and 4 pm for interview. 3-11-22 Rent negotiable. 332-2708. 15. Comical 41. Lixivium fLMSl battery. $495. 655-2932. 3-11-25 make offer. pm. 5-11-26 694-1733, before 3 5-12-2 for the CHRI 17. Preposition 42. Electric AVON, TO buy or sell. Call our 18. Early make current district manager, 482^893. WANTED 1 2 of car 44. DATSUN 610, 1973. Like new, YAMAHA, TRIUMPH, BMW - or girls to sublease Signified Extras! 8800 miles, must sell. motorcycles. Parts, accessories, _2 6:30, 349-2243. 5-11-25 DISCOUNT to students, faculty 355-9618 9-5 pm. 349-9515 after 6 pm and weekends. EAST LANSING - One bedroom furnished. Quiet residential area. Special date: Dec. 6 18 Y/< lo" %L 21 FIAT 1974 124 sport mileage, must sell! 646-8101. coupe. Low on all cash'n' carry VW service parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 3-11-29 Carpeting. locks. $185. Disposal. Security Lease from Special rate: % zr 5T •9 55" ih % it 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. 5-11-25 485-204 7, 485-9229. NEED VERSATILE country lead guitar player immediately. - rock . December, 1974 - September 15, 1975. Woodside Apartments, 10 words $1.00 I0(^ each additional word. !6 2? % Jl FORD Call FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. Bruce, 351-3820 after 6 pm. Mastercharge and Bank Americard. C-11-27 Must lead sing. Steady good pay. Call if you're good. work, 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 S7 sr v4 w 9-11-27 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced 332-6278, 394-0638 after five. LARGE TWO partly furnished 35 5T W % JAGUAR 1967 ■ XKE Roadster. Needs mechanical work. Make rates to students. guaranteed rust proofing. VAN Also 4-11-27 efficiency. Close to campus, air conditioning, immediate % & offer. 627-4758. 5-11-27 WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 MARRIED COUPLE needed to supervise group of mentally occupancy. $166Anonth. Call 487-4451 after 5 10-11-27 %% fZ f3 w % us % ♦" 1 MB JAVELIN, vinyl 1972. Air, automatic, MINT PAIR Goodyear Polyglas retarded work. Room and board adults. Rewarding pm. w % ST % 51 roof; must sell. $1975. provided tires. % % snow D70-13. 489-5481. 2-11-22 $50. plus salary. Irma 351-5381 evenings. 2-11-25 Zucherberg, 487-6500.3-11-22 347 Student Services 6i 1 *r % a I Michipi" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, November 22, 1974 17 I Houses Jlflp c lt'iw MSU. paid. 3-6 bedroom house, $290 - $520. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Mason and Holt, newly between PILOT 254 Receiver, 130 watts QTsT® Personal / lastriction SKI EQUIPMENT JV7809. 3-11-25 redecorated and $ 150/month carpted, rms. List $430. 332 3812. 3-11 25 Like new, $275 $29. and Hflad $39 pair. Spalding skis ,w$ SKIS, HART Cutlass, 190 cm with TRUMP - tastefully tart music for BOARD EXAM TUTORING Marker bindings. New Head -'females. Own rooms, p|u$ deposit] with Marker bindings, $39. 178 HRP all occasions. 353-2841 after STANLEY H. KAPLAN 355-6998. 3-11-22 house. $65. Country 3 II'M" Phot" 694-9033. SKI EQUIPMENT - slightly"^, Large assortment of boots and cm. 6:30 pm. B-2-11-25 Now, TUTORING COURSES lh. 655-2060. 5-11-27 includes skis, boots, poles. $75 bindings from $2. Couches, SANSUI being formed for the 3300 AM-FM Stereo ONE BEDROOM house, fully 676-4884.5-11-27 tables, chairs, lamps . all at upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, > girls to share country furnished, near campus, $150 reasonable prices. Complete receiver. Sansui QS-500 rear channel amp. Sony TC8W CVM APPLICATION ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For Lte. 2 bedrooms available. Phone 339-8981.5-11 27 CONN - FRENCH horn, excellent stereos under $100. 120w • 8-track tape recorder. Dual 1215 information call Sylvania 1-313-354-0085. I each, plus full use of „.e. Clean, close - campus. WANTED, 2 quiet condition. For more information call 651-5030.5-11-27 Dynaco stereo receiver. 120 W power amplifiers, 90W -S changer. Mid-Michigan's finest DEADLINE 0-2-11-25 roommates to selection of used stereo (4-2167. 3-11-25 share house in East Lansing. Harmon/Kardon, 80W. equipment. Car tape systems 351-5400. 5-12-2 HOWARD SOLID state Kenwood, 4 channel Sansui Applications (and The Art of the Announcements for It's What's portable new.and used, $10 - up. New _l~ ROOM 4 in flood house. combo organ, $150. Silvertohe 2 reciever, Marantz 2010 receiver, Robyn CB and Supportative materials) for Classical Guitar Happening must be received in the Kblease, winter, spring. Good LARGE 5 bedroom house, near out put amp $25. Trieeco Fisher 170 Receiver, Zero 100 sets talkies. 50 used winter walkie - the class to be admitted State News office, 341 Student Cople. Close. 351-8571. LCC. Furnished. Call 351-4140 electric guitar with case, $20. Garrard and Miracord turntables. leathers and toocoats. WILCOX coats, 1975 summer term must be Personal instructions Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. El 1-27 or 655-2603. 10-12-2 Copy of Antoniusi Stradivarius Large assortment of speakers, received in the Office of the by a serious guitarist No announcements will be accepted Cremona 1713 full size violin tapes and albums, $1.50 and $1. SECONDHAND STORE, 485-4391 Hours: 9-5:30, daily Dean, College of Veterinary 351-7539 by phone. k bedroom furnished house. COZY DUPLEX needs with case, $65. Assortment of 35mm camera girl winter / 339-8197 except Sunday. C-8-11-29 Medicine by December 2, - lease desired, security 3-11-25 equipment Manual and electric spring. $75, includes utilities. 1974. Swing your partner! Join us for quired. $325 / month. typewriters, 7' tobaggon with dancing and refreshments g"South Francis. 351-8614. 351-0304. 3-11-22 WHIRLPOOL WHITE, automatic pad, $15. Leather coats from 45" and 48" desks. Remington Typing Service & square from 9 p.m. to 1 p.m. today in $15. Come on down to DICKER adding machine, electric Shaw Hall lower lounge. Sponsored 11-27 SMALL TWO bedroom house. Six dishwasher, like new. 6 months. Frigidaire stove, couch and an DO IT 8i DEAL SECONDHAND today - pick out an by Spirit of Christ Fellowship. All blocks from MSU. $180/month. $125,349-9225.5-11-27 infant's dresser. 351-4680, 10-7 American TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast welcome. i ROOMS in house. $57. Call 351-7037. 3-11-22 STORE, 1701 South Cedar. Greeting card and box and reasonable. 371-4635. pm. 4-11-22 of stationary for Thanksgiving. Liable 12-1. Ten minutes to FENDER DUAL Showman 487-3886. Monday and Friday Tell Mom and C-11-27 The College of Natural Science Dad thanlv |mpus 484-5267.4-11-27 ROOMMATES WANTED. amplifier ■ 100 watts, twin til 9 pm. Tuesday, Wednesday, GULLIVER STATE has openings for student Y ROOM - beautiful house, Male/female. Quiet studious, serious, law, poli-sci oriented cabinets, $400. 393-4967 3-11-25 Thursday C-5-11-22 and Saturday 9-6. [ Animals Vi 1105 East Grand 332-2011. 0-1 -11 -22 DRUG, River. MATURE EXPERIENCED typist, term papers, theses, representatives to Advisory Council. the Drop Student off a jher/dryer. No lease, $75. dissertations, publications, (sh atmosphere. Large 5 bedroom SKIS. ROSSIGNOL Strato 207's autobiography |32-5?63. 3-11-26 farmhouse. Also, part time Cash for with marker bindings. Must sell. TWO DOBERMAN Pinschers. AKC, proofreading, etc. Done in my wanting to serve on the council) in Jjjg] one red male, one black female. I FEMALE needed. office work for 1 person. Phone 355 9080.3-11-22 Peanuts Personal home. Call 655-3143. 5-11-22 103 Natural Science Bldg. Positions Nice house. 694-3623. x-5-11-25 STAMPS & COINS No children. Must sacrifice. Best for Math, Physics, Science - Math §10 Oak Hill. Share room now Buy - Sell - Trade CLOSEOUT BRICK 5c each, patio offer. 371-3722. 5-11-27 TYPING - 2 blocks campus. Center, Botany and Plant Pathology ■trough Summer. $60 monthly TWO BEDROOM house, 5 minutes full line of slab PAMELITA - YOU dared me to Electric. Fast. Term papers, and Entomology are unfilled. supplies 17c, 6" cinder, 15c. Jlus utilities. Call Karen, from campus. $200/month. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN MARTIN BLOCK write it - S.S. means "Squirts theses. 485-5575. 4-11-22 1554968. 5-12-2 1-524-6615. 5-11-25 1880 HASLETT Rd. Deepfried" HaHa, J.J. 1-11-22 Communication Workshop 9 332-4300 CORPORATION, 489-7551. a.m. Saturday in 105 Berkey Hall! 3-11-22 EXPERIENCED, TYPING term L|TT, 2 bedroom luxury LANSING GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Res. Mgr. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, Learn how to speak in front of a convenient to campus. group and see yourself on video Lplex, 10 minutes from East 3 - bedroom duplex. SKIS - K-2 2's and Solomon 404 HOME GRAIN grinders and bread AKC champion bloodline, great 1200, and many more old fella, accurate service. 394-2512. tape. Sponsored by PRR ansing, garage, walk-out Family bindings. 12 days actual use. if I still know you. xxxooo from C-11-27 room. Fireplace. Double mixers, electrical, world's best; family Christmas gift, 339-9907. Interpretive workshops. All anient to private park. $260. garage. $100,351-7407. 3-11-26 next door - Res. Basement. for great whole wheat Mgr. 1234. interested students welcome. . $290. 489-0633. bread, 69 3386. 5-11-25 1-11-22 PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, 5-11-25 PEAVEY AMPLIFIER, 125 RMS. 355-8132.5-11-26 . IRISH SETTER puppies. AKC, inexpensive typing. Very near Dog Obedience graduation |st LANSING, 2 furnished LARGE 3 andi4 bedroom homes. Six 12" speakers and horn, foot DRUM SET, 5 drums, 5 symbols champion bloodlines. Call campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 7:15 p.m. Monday in the Judging in house. $85/month switch. $400. 485-8390. 4-11-27 Students welcome. $190 and up. 349-9355 after 5:30 pm. ies. Lease. Available including high hat, Zildjian and Pavilion. Sponsored by Auxiliary of 5-11-22 IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, EQUITY VEST INC. 351-8150 Ludwig 602, like new, Vet - Med students. It is open to all Icember 15. Negotiable. ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE general typing. Formerly with at no or 645-7338. No fee. 0-10-11-27 349-1304,349-1049. 5-11-22 charge. §32-8348.4-11-22 selection fqr audio, guitars and FREE LONG-HAIRED gray male Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. band instruments with a full cat. Call after 5 pm, 332-6718. C-11-27 line Zoology Club will meet at the found something or ve ! Rooms sheet music department to serve 5-12-2 DARIE, HAPPY 20th. Senility is Placement Center in the Student ji ii'$ fun to read the "LOST your every music creeping up. CLW and PAU. Services Bldg. at 7 p.m. Monday. need, TYPING TERM papers and theses. fe FOUND." Turn there now. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann FREE GRAY and cream tiger 1-11-22 Program will include how to use the Street. C-1-11-22 kitten. Litter trained. Weaned. Experienced, fast service, IBM. Placement Services where to find ROOM IN liberal house near Call 349-1904. 16-11-22 Good mousing CONGRATULATIONS TO Phyllis zoology - oriented jobs and how to Frandor. $65, including utilities. background. get these jobs. Especially important 351-7898. 3-11-22 GIBSON GUITAR thin hollow 625-7697. 1-11-22 Gay den of Alpha Delta Pi for graduating seniors in FORMER COLLEGE zoology. body Humbucking, $150 or sorority for outstanding RGE HOUSE for 4 best. 337-9650. 1-11-22 scholastic achievement spring administrative secretary, desires persons. TWO GERMAN SHORTHAIR Pointer Informal co rec touch football ROOMS, close, available typing term papers, thesis, etc. - J250 plus utilities. Available pupS. AKC. Bred to hunt. $100. term, 1974. 1-11-22 games organized on - the - spot for immediately, no utilities, $80 My home University, fovember 30. 393-0445. each. 351-1744. 5-11-25 REALISTIC STEREO cassette tape 651-6420. 1-11-22 reasonable near rates. Phone marriej) housing couples and their friends from 1 11-27 deck, $80. 2 stereo speakers, JEFF AND Jim, Sorry, they to 3 p.m. Sundays at wouldn't print it. Love, CCCU. 332-2616. 3-11-25 the play field behind Red Cedar MEN: FARMHOUSE Fraternity, $80/pair. 355-8798. 1-11-22 WANTED: CHAMPION male School. Equipment and supervision iemos area, 4 bedroom older rooms for rent, two terms only. Hungarian Vizsla to breed with 1-11-22 TYPING: LARGE or small orders. provided. >. Ideal for students. $200 GIGANTIC 10c Rummage Sale- FOUR G-78-14 whitewalls. registered female. Carl. No singles. Good food, fantastic Will month plus utilities. No pick up and deliver. r Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Premium belted, excellent 337-2381.3-11-26 THUMPER, I love you with all that Gay Awareness group will meet Call housemother, friendly people. I have to give, 677-8611 after 5:30 pm or all 332-4128, EAST $410/term. $50 deposit Phone 11am 5 pm. 2438 Eifert condition, $90. Phone between Lippy. 1-11-22 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Monday in - Road, day Saturday, Sunday. 1-11-22 ANSING REALTY Holt. 1-11-22 8-9 pm, 489-4407. 3-11-25 the Women's Center in the Union 332-8635. B-2-11-25 ftOMPANY. UN Lounge. 5-11-22 PRIVATE SHOWING. SKIS! [ Mobile Homes » Real Estate (ft I'LL TYPE your verm paper neatly, LADIES. ROOM with house Exquisite DYNAMIC VR-17's, quickly, cheaply. 1111 H. MENS A Round Table Indian Turquoise Dynamic 70's. privileges. 3 blocks MSU. Nice Jewelry. Excellent University Village. 355-5871. discussion topic is "To what Extent 489-0328 for details, 6-8 FOR RENT, two area. Should see. 351-5705 pm condition. Price negotiable. bedroom, good COUNTRY LIVING. 5 minutes 3-11-26 Can We Predict and Control the Saturday/Sunday. 1-11-22 only. 5-12-2 355-2515.3-11-25 condition, partially furnished, 1 from MSU. Remodeled farm Future?" We'll meet at 6 p.m. mile from MSU. $150. house with optional rental unit EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Saturday at Jack Cruises'. I ; 11 jandor • 3 bedrooms, partially VERY COMFORTABLE. Excellent SKIS, FISCHER Combi's 185cm. MUSICIANS - GIGANTIC rock 349-4205, evenings. 5-11-22 Dissertations (pica - elite). Chester Road, Lansing. Interested ■furnished, fireplace, garage, Marker bindings. Must sell$60. on two acreas. 351-0237 or friends welcome to visit and find location. Clean, linens, parking, and roll equipment sale! 40-70% FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 welcome. 339-9114. 353-4772. 6.! v26 out more about the group. 355-7270. 3-11-26 off! First come, first serve. fc friendly atmosphere. A real deal! 11-26 351-3212. 5-12-2 394-2167.2-11-22 i Lost & Found COMPLETE THESES, Service STOCK MARKET got you down? Body heat? Yeah ... I can dig it! BRING YOUR Optical prescription Discount MARRIED Couple. Our RAILROAD TIES, $5.50 - $7.00. Seal estate is an excellent Printing. IBM typing Jatz and soul from 7 to II p.*. HUGE, FURNISHED basement to OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 and binding of dissertations and "every Tuesday and Thursday tractive five room furnished FIND investment. I can show you land room with fireplace. Private East Michigan, Lansing. Like new, pick your own. Call SOMETHING publication. Across from WTVR - in the Union! ■home. Near campus. December - PETERSON WOOD CHIPS, IF YOU'VE found a pet or or income properties that are home. Private entrance. Walking C-5-11-22 campus, corner M.A.C. and ■May. $165 monthly plus small 882-2555. article of value, we want to help good places for money during Mariah Workshop with Sonny distance to campus. $125 plus Delivery Extra. this Grand River. Below Jones you return it. Just come into the inflation tax ^responsibility. Utilities included. utilities. 337-0091, after 6 pm. FENDER PRECISION Bass with 0-5-11-22 - biting Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - Terry and Brownie McGhee at 1 !ts. References. 332-1746. State News Classified economy. Call me so we can p.m. Saturday in McDonel Hall 13-11-22 3-11-22 case. Brand new. Best offer. discuss it! Friday. Call COPYGRAPH FACTORY Department and tell us you want Bob Homan, kiva. Bring your instrument and 332-2831.4-11-27 SALVAGE for sale. SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 to place an ad in EAST 349-2529 H.D.I. REALTORS, play along, or just come listen. ALL FACILITIES. Private. Workbenches, steel barrels and |E OR 2 people needed for 4 In many other Hems. 882-2555. LANSING STATE BANK'S 349-3310. 4-11-6 in house, close to house. New. $75. East side. VALLY COMMERCIAL pool table, THESES, RESUMES, typing and Gay folks let's have campus. Found Column. As a public - 5974.3-11-25 393-0603. 5-11-26 . near new. Cost $975, sell for service EAST LANSING STATE LOTS FOR sale! Buy now, build printing. Reasonable prices. Thanksgiving together. Call the $650. Also tables, chairs, $2-$10 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. GLM office afternoons to BANK will later. I have a beautiful PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south each. run the ad at no cost hilltop 351-4116. C-11-27 coordinate food - bringing and for lUPLE TO share 349-3841.3-11-22 to site with lake view and another large house with you! directions. The operator has our §uple $85 month. Call near student, Michigan Avenue. Quiet for bus line. BEAUTIFUL CROCHETED afgans. ' GIBSON'S v EAST LANSING with almost 2 acres in Okemos ANN BROWN number. 309 Student Services Bide. B4 7319 alter 5.4-11-22 near STATE BANK school district. Bob Homan, typing and multilitta JlNSYLVANIA AVENUE south $65/month 627-5454. 7-12-3 plus deposit. Make lovely Christmas gifts. Phone 372-4079. 3-11-22 BOCK C-11-27 349-2529. H.D.I. REALTORS. 349-3310. 4-11-26 offset fdr printing. Complete service dissertations, theses, The Student Appropriations Board (SMAB) is Media «r |tudent, Michigan Avenue. Quiet for near bus line, WOMEN ULREY Co-op. Eight B FLAT BUFFET - CRAMPON ADDIC FOUND: Will FEMALE Shepard pup. give away if not claimed. DUPLEX. NEWLY remodeled. 3 manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 25 years experience. accepting student fund request* publications and other student media projects. Registered for h openings winter term. Room and clarinet - new pads, solid nickel 1000's bedroom unit, and 2 bedroom C-11-27 plus deposit. 7-12-3 Call 485-8356. C-3-11-22 student organizations tliat Board, $250. 332-5095. 3-11-25 keys. Excellent condition, $75. unit. are of $42,900. 489-2575. interested should turn in tlMMATE NEEDED. Share half Call 337-9885. 3-11-22 I1 house, $70/month. No lease. 4th WOMAN FOR duplex. $75 month. Call 351-3620 around GUITAR GIBSON, acoustic. Fine old books at FOUND: PAIR of wire rims Akers. Call 3 53-1280 near to 3-11-26 [Transportation applications by 4 334 Student Services p.m. Monday at Bldg. miles from campus. Call identify. C-3-11-22 larry Sunday 9 am-1 pm. dinnertime. 5-11-27 Excellent condition. Model B-25 Bargain Prices Recreation (£i WOULD WELCOME rider to Los All DeMolay members - past, present and from all jurisdictions - "893869. 1-11-22 deluxe. $330 new, with case New titles LOST: MALE kitten, orange Angeles later this week. are invited to a meeting of the MSU CARPETED, PANELED room, asking $250 or best offer. • added daily 394-2167.4-11-22 close Duplex, $105 plus utilities, cream colored, chipmunk SKI UTAH - $285. Other Western DeMolay Club at 8:30 p.m. 393-8335. 3-11-22 (males NEEDED for David. 337-0294. 10-12-4 We buy books striped. Missed. 332-5931. areas available. Call TRAVEL COSTA RICA - driving January 24. Tuesday in the Union Sunporch. omfortable house near campus. 126V> W. Grand River BY HARRINGOTN - your East ■811351-3045. 1-11-22 SINGLE ROOM: kitchen privileges. FREE PHOTOGRAPHY catalogue - Need riders. Share costs. All members of the MSU Scuba Hours Lansing Ski Center, 351-8800. Club who economy photo systems and FOUND: BLACK male angora cat, 372-0127. 5-11-26 are interested in going on $80 + utilities. 155 Gunson, C-5-11-22 a St. Clair River dive LANSING. Lovely 2 equipment in all price ranges. No M-F 12:30-5:00 been around about a month, Sunday ' Close. 351-8754.4-11-26 contact Jeff Kornblum. 30m. Child welcome, bull - just the best cameras and CAII FOUR SEASONS CLUB beats the GOING SOUTH over Christmas Sat. ■ 10:30-4:00 332-4566 after 5:30. lit and utilities. 489-2575. accessories for 5-12-2 cost of break? Need passenger, share your money. skiing! Discounts on lift United Ministries in Higher For Sale CAL WEST PHOTOGRAPHY tickets, Michigan weekend expenses. Leaving Decmeber Education is sponsoring a Sunday WAREHOUSE, 1327 Archer, 2nd, enroute 1-75, Atlanta Evening Worship Service at 5 p.m. FOUND; MAN'S wristwatch at packages, Western and European Georgia. For interview, Call JEDROOM, ' 'I furnished. Bailey San Luis Obispo, California. IBM SELECTRIC Pica. Excellem MSU/OHIO State Game. Call trips. 10% discount on all Bonny, 332-1281. 3-11-22 at 1118 South Harrison Raod. Followed by dinner. Join us for area. January through HOLMES ROAD Second Hand 93401. 3-11-22 353-2672. C-3-11-25 Weatheh/ane items excluding thesis typewriter. Excellem fellowship. ■Member 1975. References sale items. Membership rates $15 Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. condition. $375. 882-8764 laired Family single, $20 couple, $25 family. p' '023. 5-11-28 only. 882-3022 30-12-3 CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. Unique gifts, several colors. 5-11-27 ' FOUND: STRAY Cat. Capitol Villa, longhaired grey tiger, flea Located at Okemos Wanted % The Undergraduate Political Science Advisory Council APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 MODERN MATCHING couch and collar. 351-3436. C-3-11-25 Weathervane, 349-1020. 5-11-26 will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday I PERSON needed to share ORCHARDS, 7 miles south of STAMP Farmhouse Fraternity, 151 Bogue it chair. Washable cushion covers COLLECTIONS, Street. TKMry home. Own bedroom. Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. FOUND: TRUCKLOAD SNOWBLOWER $30. 353-0939. 3-11-25 STRAY Cats. Orange accumulations, old letters, etc. ™50. Call 677-1862. 3-11-26 Closed Mondays. Gift packages Sale, just a few left. Single and tiger, short hair. Grey I black Service Call or write to arrange for Sign up for the NYC Star Trek shipped by United Parcel. multi stage. 5 hp, in crate. WATERBED, BICYCLE, furniture, white tiger. 351-3436. C-3-11-25 appraisal and cash offer. Jim Convention Feb. 14 to 17! Learn ■ommate NEEDED • 1-589 8251. 0-11-27 $169.95. 339-9522. 5-11-22 household Hartwright, Sox 2284, Lansing. the details about Warped items, books, Space No. J>«le/female. Furnished 2 miscellaneous. 371-5837, FOUND: TAN part poodle male TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, 48911.351-8189. 5-11-22 2! Die young and dissipated! MSU 215 Lathrop. All oiled and adjusted. Portables Star Trek Club, 8:30 GUNS, RIFLES and handguns of TURNTABLE BSR McDonald 510 dog. North East Lansing. 25+ p.m. Monday, es. $90 monthly. 5-12-2 all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. with Shure M93 cartridge, $40. 373-^246. 3-11-25 pounds. 351-1848. C-3-11-25 $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric* WANTED: 3-4 BEDROOM in Yakeley Hall cafeteria. 351-3235. 3-11-22 $12.50. One day service, free HOUSE, East Lansing, for four Best year 'round prices in CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Quilt purses, fSEOUS ROOMS in house, Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN custom sewing. Call Debbie, LOST: WHITE Samoyed - Huskie. pick up and delivery. 25 years graduate students. Call 351-0745 WKAR-AM (870) presents three hours of Folk Music ■""son Street, $86/month. SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call Albert Street. If seen. Call experience. 393-9774. after 4 pm. 5-11-27 every Sunday: 393-3199. 5-11-27 "Folk Festival USA" at 1 ^■1958.4-11-27 371-2244. 1-11-22 337-1861. 2-1 0-18-11-27 British Tradition" at 3 p.m.. "A p.m. ami KODAK 35mm Retina Reflex COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, "The American Tradition" at 3:30 PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, baseball cards camera with 35mm lens, FOUND: YOUNG cat Saturday wanted. How to form your own cor pool accessories. Evenings try night, Grog shop. Grey - brown finest quality, reasonably priced. BOYNTON CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, PHOTOGRAPHY. 307 East Grand River. Shofar, the Jewish Radio 6pm/after 11 pm. 4844141. green eyes. 355-7733, 349-2146. As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide 482-5712. C-11-27 332-0112, (11:30 6 Magazine, continues at 4 p.m. each 2-11-22 C-3-11-22 - pm.) 12-11-27 Sunday on WKAR-AM (870). Tune a free classified advertisement for those people who would like FOR THE BEST Service on stereo SKI IS - KNEISSLE Super Stars. FOUND: GIRL'S class ring "74" to set BEATLE CARDS, magazines items up or join a car pool. Look Grand Prix bindings. outside Bessey. 11-18. Call equipment see the STEREO Consider the words of Peter for SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. wanted. CURIOUS USED Lange 10% Comp boots. $75. 355-0447, between 4-5 transforming your life at Driving? or Riding? 353-1329. Ed. 3-11-25 C-3-11-22 pm. C-11-27 BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand a.m. today in 33 Union with the 10:15 v River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) American From Baptist Student to 8-11-27 Foundation. FABRIC, SEW those Christmas Leaving _ a.m. Returning gifts' Wide assortment. After 6 ARTS/CRAFTS. Are you skilled in Lubavitcher weekend at Hillel p.m. pm, 351-8781. 3-11-22 arts I crafts, guitar, theatre etc.? LOST: begins 5:30 p.m. today and Phone Time? WATCH • silver. Between You're needed for new cultural continues through Saturday night. The BANJO 4 string harmony. Never Beaumont Tower and Grand River. Reward. 355-6800. FUTURE CPA'S rehabilitation center. Volunteers Call Hillel for int'ormatin. Informal State News will not accept responsibility for been used. New. $90 or best 3-11-22 wanted to teach their skills a few deli this Sunday at 6 p.m. offer. CAM Kitty 394-2019, after Learn Now About the hours per week. Vicki, arrangements or conduct of participants. 4 pm. 5-11-26 353-2164.3-11-25 The Organization of Arab The information requested below must be next CPA Exam. supplied in order LOST: 1 minature Schnauzer, small male, light gray, no collar. Becker CPA Review Course Students will present the movie "Battle of Algeries." It will be for ad to KENWOOD 6004 amplifier, DAY CARE. Seeking 1 or 2 appear. Answers to "Charlie." Reward. shown at 7 and 9 p.m. today in Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand playmates for my children. 102B Wells Hall. FullName - new Shure cartridge. Excellent 349-1895. 5-11-27 DETROIT 313-864-0128 Infants through kinderqarden. Address condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. Specialized care. Weekdays. (More IWH . MOVE AROUND a lot? The 349-3348.5-11-26 on page 18) 6-11-22 "Service" columns of the Want City Phonr Ads help students represent •This coupon MIRACORD 50HII with Shure M91ED caitridge, 3 months old. Check there you get now. things done. 1/4 OF USA ARTS CRAFTS. Are you skilled in arts, crafts, guitar, theater, etc? [ Wanted J may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool 332-4338. 3-11-22 You are needed for new cultural Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone THERE'S A roomer in town 'C0URSES BEGIN JUNE °EC uT» rehabilitation center. Volunteers COUPLE NEED flat, winte. looking for your rental. spring. Maximum rent $130, accepted. Don't guess at valuef Find it Advertise vacancies with Want IF YOU NEED some extra money, wanted to teach their skills a few near sel| campus. Call collect $oma extr, thjngi with hours per week. Vicki, NO CHARGE everyday In the Classified Ads. Ads. Dial 355-8255. Classified Ads. Dial 355 8255. 353-2164. mornings and weekends, 5-11-26 1-313-332-3825.5-11-26 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan OK giv for inte Learn to fight with sword and The College of Urban The Medieval MSU Paddle and shield! Come to the Development is sponsoring a Campus scouts will meet at 7:30 "Satguru has Come," a The Madrigals of the Society f„ on refun Fighting Practice of the Society for Creative Anachronism at 1:30 p.m. discussion on the topic "Law and Educational Change," at 7 p.m. Racquetball Club is sponsoring paddle ball tournaments at 9 p.m. p.m. Sunday is welcome in 34 Union. Everyone to this important documentary on the life of Guru Maharaj Ji, will be shown at 8:30 Creative Anachronism will 4 p.m. Sunday in the meet a Monday and Tuesday in the Men's Musu Saturday in the Men's Intrimural Monday in Brody Mall p.m. Saturday in 35 Union. Building lobby. United Press International Intramural Bldg. All nonmenbers turf arena. multipurpose room D. Speaking are invited to enter. The Michigan Senate will be Dr. Lawrence Lezotte. The MSU Bahai Club is Classical and pop music lovers: Wednesday gave final legislative The Middle Ages was an chairman of the Dept. of Urban and Come hear your friends from Spirit „f chriat Christian Advertising Club will meet at sponsoring a fireside to introduce I interesting time in which to live. Metropolitan Studies. Come learn elk.wship cordially invites you to approval to legislation The Society for Creative about the 8:30 p.m. Monday in 35 Union. people to the Bahai faith. It will be Yakeley Hall in a free concert at a square dance College of Urban Cues speaker will be Rod Burton of held at 8 p.m. Saturday in the 2:30 p.m. Sunday in to be held at q requiring the state to pay 9 per Anachronism will meet at 8:30 Development. the Mason Hall library. East Formal Lounge. Yakeley Hall tonight In the Shaw Hall lower Burton Sohigian Inc., cent interest on tardy income Saturday in the Tower Room of the Union. Anyone interested in any Since the New Testament was Michigan's only public advertising tax refunds. agency. The Senate approved the aspectof the medieval times is urged not written with pen and ink and to attend. was not begun until after the measure on a 25 ■ 0 vote, but it Women interested in forming Messiah was dead (Heb 9:17), how will not take effect in time for Listen to MSN radio, 640 AM, can Matthew - John be the New rap groups call or stop by the for exclusive live hockey coverage Women's Resource Center, 157 1974 tax returns. Testament'.' Learn to understand Student Services Bldg. of the MSU - Wisconsin series from the Bible at 8:30 p.m. Thursday Earlier versions of the bill, Madison at 8:20 p.m. Friday and »nd 3 p.m. Sunday in 34 Union sponsored by Sen. Gilbert Saturday. with the Yahshuans. Alpha Phi Sigma: Group pictures of all members and Bursley, R - Ann Arbor, would faculty for the The MSU Shotgun Club will The MSU Tolkien Fellowship yearbook will be taken at 7 p.m. have required the State meet to shoot at 3 p.m. Monday at will attempt to actually do some Sunday in the Union Gold Room. Treasury Dept. to pay 5 per the corner of 1-496 and Jolly Road. real Tolkien junk this time at 8 There is no charge. A regular cent interest monthly — or 60 tonight in W. Holmes Hall lower meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in 30 Union. Attendance Is per cent annually — on late tax All interested board gamers are k>ung«- Bring any Tolkien material, encour.ittt'J. refunds. welcome to spend an afternoon The interest plan is aimed at recreating history from 1 to 6 p.m. The Wounded Knee Support Sunday in the Mural Room of the Committee will have an heading off a relapse of Union. information table set up in the headaches this year when Union lobby from 11:30 a.m. to refunds belonging to thousands Episcopalians: Gather at 5 4:30 p.m. today. pm this Sunday in Alumni Chapel of taxpayers were delayed for Join us for a seminar on "The (just east of the Kresge Art Center) months due to computer Gay Christian," cosponsored by St. to pray, share and celebrate the John's Student Center and MSU programming foul - ups. Holy Communion. Plan on dinner as well rides from the Chapel at 6 Gay Liberation at 7:30 p.m. The treasury dept. would - Monday in the Spartan Room at St. p.m. All welcome! have 30 days to make the tax John's, 327 M.A.C. Ave. returns after receiving returns Badminton is available from 7 to _____ 10 tonight in the upper gym of the if the bill is signed into law by Women's Intramural Building. f\ Gov. Milliken. \ \ f you* ^ BICYCLE CREDIT UNION where loans STORAGE ... are instant I MSU EMPLOYEES Levi's ©famous 100% cotton denim in $7.95 | CREDIT UNION / 600 E Crescent Ph 353 2280 j/£■ a great new western jean (16.00). ^ ^ Coordinating shirt-jac (23.00). Both authentically detailed with lots of |^f stitching and pearl snaps. - A GRATE BREAK available almost exclusively at or 4.95 for storago only that lasts all week long! Happy Hours Mon ■ Fri 4 p.m. ■ 7 p.m. I rouroadi reduced prices on pitchers and your favorite cocktails your friendly neighborhood all-Levi's sstore Live entertainment nitely after 9 p.m. in the University Mall (220 MAC.) TONIGHT&SAT just above the Alle' Ey ARAPAHOE Mon.. Tues., Wed., Sat. til 6:00 Thurs., Fri. til 9:00 Sunday noon til 5:00 No cover! ROCK Sandwiches served every night after 7 p.m. in the Lounge. ISLAND In theSdwUr tradition Friday & Saturday Nights! Rock Island Plays Versatile. Entertainment for your Tui\,,T^fc-^tyiiri(s listening & dancing enjoyment. NO COVER! TUES. NIGHT TflCO SPECIAL Every Thursday PRimE RIB SPECIAL 14 oz. Rib, complete dinner ROOTS MIDNIGHT SPECIAL & salad bar. o ft FLEECE LINING FINEST FULL GRAINED LEATHER for the cold weather. Comfort¬ able and warm. , OPEN FRIDAY TIL lam Canadian leather, naturally tanned for extra durability I FREE ROOTS BELT BUCKLE WITH 1204 E. KALAMAZOO and comfort. CORNER CLIPPERT 4 KALAMAZOO I PURCHASE Saturday, Nov 30 for the Michigan State vs Iowa at the gai Gift Certificates HEEL COUNTERS Highwheeler Lounge to allow your Many other styles to choose a Special Football full support in the proper posi¬ from in leatherand suede. Buffet tion throughout the life of the »hoe. Prevent! heel from col¬ cold cuts - cheeses - salads lapsing. Also enjoy your favorite cocktail, beer, or wine. RECESSED HEEL EXCLUSIVE ROCKER SOLE * Extra Added Attraction • to allow proper posture ond ARCH CONTOUR/ helps shift your weight; Your favorit* sports events distribution of weight in bofh making every step a lit¬ on our new color television SUPPORTED ARCH tle less tiring. standing and walking. Provid¬ ing a natural walking stride. Roots ore contoured to support NARIRA1 I (XT1W1 .Alv the arch and the small recess between the balls of your feet. UNIVERSITY MALL ighwheder restaurant & From $26.50 to $50.00 Men£ and Ladies' 332-2212 lounge Restaurant 231 M.A.C. Loun"e 220 M.A.C. AVE. 11:00 - 2:00 AM 12:00-12:00 Sun. E. Lansing8 11:30 - 2:00 am 5:00 -12:00 Sun. (Above the Alle-Ey)