>hio State gets Rose Bowl nod...Page 8 MSU trounces low 66 e IWH 0n Pa* IT) r N m STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 j* to ird, Brezhnev agree * put lid on American, m jt m >viet nuclear arsenals t* From Wire Services than 1980 or 1981, on further limitations Of Ford's [aDIVOSTOK, U.S.S.R. - President and possible reductions after relationship with Brezhnev, A Jind Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev 1985. Sunday's development was the most Nessen said, "I don't know what it but they hit it off." was, M Sunday to limit the nuclear arsenals important a eirtwo countries. Henry Kissinger since former President Nixon and Brezhnev reached an interim Kissinger told reporters that the number of Soviet missiles, bombers and total taf d the agreement a breakthrough in iic arms negotiations, agreement on offensive arms control on other delivery systems would be below May 26, 1972. That agreement, which * iding up their summit near this does not cover all weapons, expires in current Soviet strength. U.S. already in place in Europe would missiles I port city, the two leaders agreed to not be m I each country to an equal overall 1977. counted against the American total, the ^erof nuclear "delivery vehicles." Before heading for home the President secretary of state said. credited the achievement to He described the in o decided to place a numerical "just good setting of ceilings as A . "a substantial step forward on the road to n the number of U.S. and Soviet negotiating, good give and take." an Continental ballistic missiles and agreement." 1). v Lines launched missiles equipped The Soviet Union has more and larger ht IbI ■ multiple independently targetable missiles, while the United States has an ads (MIRVs) enormous )f L*J rms of the agreement will be held If the agreement stands up, it advantage in multiple warheads and more intercontinental bombers. I until Ford consults congressional could prevent over the next few At the current rate the United States years a scramble for newer and would have more than 10,000 MIRVs t agreement stands up, it could mounted on 1,710 missiles more sophisticated weapons and by 1977. At nt over the next few years a scramble save both countries present only 35 per cent of the land • vast amounts ewer and more sophisticated weapons based and submarine - based force has re both countries vast amounts of of money. received MIRVs. The Russians began . Though it would not extend testing multiple warheads last August but has been deployed. |id 1985, the agreement calls for none ir negotiations, beginning no later In agreeing to a ceiling on these Communist party chief Leonid Brezhnev before Secretary of State Kissinger said it was sophisticated weapons, Ford appears to leaving Vladivostok Sunday. Brezhnev tried on the coat, but have made a major concession. it is not known if he kept it. the breakthrough in strategic arms Also, for the first time, bombers would be included srrorists negotiations sought years. over the last several "The back of this thing has been within weapons controls. | C-T The workers broken," he declared. setting of ceilings and equal numbers stiil leaves the two Brezhnev told Ford while powers free to they signed a determine their Ireaten own numerical "mix." For to joint communique in a second solarium that he was "very pleased." - floor example, one could have an advantage in intercontinental ballistic missiles and the Later, in bidding Ford farewell at a other in submarine - based missiles, )mb plane military airport, the Soviet leader said, "Good bye and God bless you." • The agreement on guidelines will be taken up in January by U.S. and Soviet provided the total of the two kinds was equal. The United States, under the 1972 first of its ki agreement, has 1,054 land • based missiles By PAT CLYDE negotiators in Geneva, who will have the and 656 submarine - based missiles, with The contract, which covers procedure. UNIS, Tunisia (AP) - Four State News Staff Writer job of working out what Kissinger called about 750 of the total already in the approximately 2,350 C - Ts, is the first of The contract runs from |ttnian guerillas threatened on Sunday the "technical complexities." MIRV category. The Soviets are allowed MSU clerical • technical employes (C - its kind between C Tsand a - university in July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1976. Wage increases are r up the British airliner they Ts) ratified their first contract with the the United States. It (d three days earlier unless they are The 1,410 land - based missiles and up to 950 provides for an retroactive to July 1, 1974. All other objective is to prepare a treaty for University Sunday afternoon. agency shop, requiring all C - Ts to join I to disembark in Tunis with submarine based missiles. terms become effective on the date of signing by Ford and Brezhnev next June - With less than half the eligible the union or pay a service fee for Intees against prosecution. at a summit meeting in Washington. In the joint statement, the two ratification. employes voting, the contract passed 803 representation if they do not join. three British countries said a long - term nuclear e crew menbers on to 24. Included in the contract provisions is a MSUEA was founded six years ago but Ron Nessen, the White House press weapons agreement "would be a significant Jd - the last ■officials remaining hostages — secretary, said the agreement "was contribution to improving relations "For a first contract, I think it is formalized promotion and vacancy - filling did not win the right to bargain for all outside that the intention responsible," said John Hawkins, MSU MSU C - Ts until March 1974. A something former President Nixon couldn't between the United States and the system, wage increases of up to 20 per disputed jently was to blow up the aircraft Employe Association (MSUEA) cent over the two election between MSUEA and the do in three years but Ford did in three - year term of the ■them in the cockpit. U.S.S.R., to reducing the danger of war president. "It is certainly a turning point American Federation of State, months." and to enhancing world peace." contract, an educational assistance County and Jidelkim Moussa, the Tunisian for University employes." Municipal Employees (AFSCME) delayed program, and a formal grievance pment's director of information, the union's certification as the kneed the development several hours bargaining unit. Final agreement between MSU and | seven guerillas, freed from jail in the six - man union ASMSU bargaining team was e had Holland at the hijackers' boarded the plane in for. freedom for more than 40 to vote reached last Tuesday. "It isn't a perfect contract," said Harold Schmidt, chief negotiator and professional consultant to MSUEA. "But ? remained motionless By ROSANNE LESS Policy Committee, did not list any student unionization. Corona on a reason denied it gives us a base to build iy of for the But that move lost support before an any relationship on." Carthage airport. Officials of State News Staff Writer impeachment. The ASMSU between a move to oust Cain and the The contract formalizes the promotion I Palestine Liberation Constitution does not require that expected impeachment motion was ever so-called Greek voting block. Organization introduced. and vacancy - filling systems which in the *1 were in the control tower The ASMSU board will attempt charges be brought against a president "That is a fictitious trying to The hostility that some board members concept. The past have not always been fair, Hawkins said. Ijde their the hijackers by radio to tonight for the second time this term to facing impeachment. A two-thirds (10) concern over Tim is not a on impeach President Tim Cain, the first vote of the 14-member student board is harbor toward the Student Workers It requires that vacancies be filled from ultimatum. Greek-non-Greek issue. I vote for the I the ASMSU president ever elected in a all that is required. Union, however, apparently still exists capabilities of a list composed of the three most senior hijackers announced and is a factor in the latest impeachment a person, not because they ■conditions: that they not be turned general student election. "Why do we have to have a reason?" are in a fraternity or a sorority," he said. qualified union applicants within the I to the PLO and that At a special meeting of the ASMSU Sutake said when contacted Sunday attempt. Marcia Garrison, College of Arts and department and the five most senior and they not be board Friday, Nancy Sutake, College of The ASMSU meeting to decide Cain's fcuted by Tunisian authorities. The night. Letters representative on the ASMSU qualified applicants within the union but The ASMSU board attempted to oust fate will be at 8 tonight in 328 Student | led by Yasir Arafat, has denounced Engineering representative, introduced board, said the move to recall Cain is just outside the department, before off - the motion to impeach Cain, apparently Cain, who was elected in March 1974, Services Bldg. The meeting will be licking and the murder of one of the another move against the campus applicants are considered. because Cain did not heed an earlier earlier this term broadcast live by WMSN radio. unionizing because of his attempt. Even with the wage increases, MSU C - board vote. involvement with the organizing efforts At last week's ASMSU meeting, the "Those people are conservatives. p[w. it Nnt to had appeared there was The motion, which will be voted on of the Student Workers Union and his board voted 10-2 to give Pop probably know that students will be They T wages are below those paid by the State fly the hijackers and the of Michigan for comparable apparent of his office to foster Entertainment Director Paul Stanley the jobs, Hawkins P freed guerillas to another Arab tonight following a review by ASMSU's use upset if they try to smash the Student said. W. probably authority to open the doors of the Union Workers Union," she said. Libya or Iraq. at his discretion. Garrison said that to impeach Cain Figures for University of Michigan Never, the two usually militant Cain said that though he did not P'ies joined the agree "would be a slap in the students' faces" employes, who are now negotiating their general Arab with the decision, he would abide by it. because he is the first elected president of first contract, not available pciation of the were for ■ the hijackers hijacking, suggesting On Tuesday morning at 3:30, Cain ASMSU. comparison. may have no place left allegedly contacted MSU administrators T Arab world to seek who ordered the Union doors refuge. opened so I" Arab countries have that people would not have to wait in the formally P'zed the PLO e ted to as the Palestinian people and could be turn over the only authority hijackers to the rain to purchase tickets for the Frank Zappa concert. "It is obvious that I do not have the Greyhound negotiators I'm trial. ® authority to open any University building drama at Tunis' and that the decision can only be made Carthage airport K ,l near an end earlier when the frced by Holland arrived and by the University administration," Cain said Sunday. agree on tentative pact L»k „ hijaclters and terrorists freed That is all Cain would say about the fr.byijackm Egypt. incident. Other ASMSU By Associated Press "We are notifying our bus drivers released all their hostages representatives, and and other employes," he said. "We're JJl ttiree crewmen and a fresh crew however, have been considerably more State News asking them to report in for work." 'tofly them away, vocal in expressing their views. In his announcement, Carrigan said the ^ our hijackers are believed of to be Greg Corona, Inter-Fraternity Council Greyhound Bus Lines said a tentative settlement issue was mainly inflation. a small renegade guerilla (IFC) representative and head of agreement reached it opposes ASMSU's Policy Committee said there are was Sunday in its week "We want our employes to have the - the recent shift of the - long strike and issued a call from its instances of a lack of rapport between money necessary to meet the rising Is J™ violence to diplomacy as a Cain and the rest of the ASMSU staff. Phoenix, Ariz, headquarters for all inflation and they know, too, that rising T. fining a Palestinian homeland employes to return to work immediately. costs have created additional "now held "In the opinion of several pressures on by Israel. The PLO is the people, there Greyhound President James Carrigan, us," Carrigan said. "We believe this 4 have been abuses of Poup for all of the guerilla povl terms. Monday, Wednesday, ~~ " Frtdeys .during Summer have increased. A spokesman except for one count each of lying to the FBI lodged i special Welcome Week <—(s published in September. Subscription rate is $20 per > for the store says sales have against John D. Ehrlichman and former Atty. Gen. John Second class postage patd at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and N. Mitchell. actually decreased business oftices at 345 Student Sercices Bldg., Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. substantially. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 Student Services Building in care o» MSU Simon meets with coal officials Lansing, Ml 48824. Messenger Service, East GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER Treasury Secretary William E. Simon met Sunday BELL'S ROBERT L. BOLLARD, SALES MANAGER with top coal industry officials in an effort to find a PHONE settlement to the nationwide coal strike. News/Editorial Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 Simon's meeting with the advisory committee of the Display Advertising 353-6400 Bituminous Coal Operators Association occurred East Business Office Photographic 355-3447 shortly 355-8311 before W. J. Usery Jr., director of the Federal Lansing's Medication and Conciliation Service, summoned the bargaining teams to his office after informal talks between the industry and officials of the United Mine favorite WMSN POSITION OPEN Anyone RENTABEETLE can rent a beetle Workers (UMW) failed to end an impasse. • General 2b01 E. MICHIGAN 487-2260 Manager It is the first time the government has intervened in efforts to end the walkout that directly pizza. • WMSN Campus Radio began Nov. 12 when 120,000 UMW members struck mines • Applications Available producing 70 per cent of the nation's coal. JCPenney Rm 8 Student Services 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 Bldg. AEC refutes scientists' claims Open 11 Free a.m. everyday • Applications Due Nov. 27 A spokesman for the Atomic Energy Commission has Delivery refuted claims by a group of scientists that nuclear reactors are not aS*safe as claimed. The scientists attacked on Saturday a S3 million study for the AEC that described the chances of a reactor accident killing 1,000 people as about as likely as a meteor number. striking the earth and killing a similar THE FRIENDLIEST "I understand their well taken," point of view, but it is not very responded Saul Levine of the AEC, who MACE IN TOWN directed the study in question. Levine said the group's criticism of the of analysis would have been correct for the "we have advanced that our numbers are in touch with methodology study's form 1960s, but considerably ... NCW APPEALING XPenney Democrats want reality." job program Pixy ten mien House and Senate Democrats are pushing to get a greatly enlarged public service job program enacted before the 93rd Congress adjourns next month. portraits They say it is essential that this Congress act, in view of the reports of layoffs in auto plants and other /HCNDaVT NIITIE are enough to make industries. IPIZZA NlliriE anyone smile. The national unemployment rate, 6 per cent in October, may reach 7 per cent or higher by the time the new Congress convenes in 9 INCH WITH 2 ITEMS.. .S1.CC early January, Democratic leaders fear. 14 INCH Hill 2 ITEMS. .S2.CC 41 rut ALII Only 1.69 focus: HI Cl\l AHA* II S! • No appointment necessary. Come in. • Age limit: children to 12 years old. WORL1 i] • • • • Choice ot poses from as many as 4 or Two children together... only 2.98 No hidden charges. Mail orders, just slightly more. 5. Six held in British If, you have a second or third favorite Police charged six men with murder bombings pose, take them, too. At these either size. special Sunday m t barroom bombings which killed 19 second selection persons a third selection 1.65 wounded 200 in Birmingham, Britain's second city. fourth selection .... A spokesman said all six were born in North< fifth selection Ireland but had lived in England for some time. Five them were arrested as they were about to board a b Tues., Fri., Sat., 9:30 to 8:30 for Belfast after the Wed. 9:30 bombings Thursday night. to 5 closed Thurs. Lunch 1 to 2 ■ Dinner 5 to 6 lichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 25, 1974 3 r-g— 211 E.Grand River Hj'-j Next to the Sportmeister w ^ii £ '■ V 7 Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9-6 Wed,Thur; 9-9 H'-l. . CIGARETTES 2 PK. LIMIT 2 (Coupon) /79' Expires Dec. I, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING NO LIMIT (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Students living in mobile home parks, like this # one east of campus, must aw pnoio/uan Shu DIAL CEPACOL GLEEM II attractive cost of such living. Fatality rates in recognize the potential fire hazard that accompanies the FAMILY SIZE MOUTHWASH TOOTHPASTE mobile home fires are twice that of fires in more conventional dwellings. 20 Oz. 7 Oz. reg. .47 LIMIT 6 29* reg. 1.69 69" reg. 1.19 69 Limit 1 Limit 1 Itudent (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 (Coupon) trailer Expires Dec. 1, 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only By FRED ate NEWTON News Staff Writer and with unparalleled an in intensity dwelling populated trailer parks, Trailer Haven and Mobile Home She lives in a 1956 mobile Most students, since they EDGE BAN NOXZEMA ie number of MSU structures. home with its original oil reside in older mobile homes SHAVE CREAM ROLL ONj SKIN CREME "Once Manor, both located on E. heater. - >nts living in mobile a fire starts in Grand River Avenue about that are not affected a by recent 1.5 10 $1 19 "There is no pilot light on 89e a oz. 5 is small, but the housing mobile oz. rs are very large, usually home, the unit is gutted, and the half mile east Road, contain of Hagadorn 302 mobile the healer, so I have to by hand," she said. light it legislation, have room very little for escape in case of fire. reg. 1 Limit 1 reg. 1.39 69' 1.99 I ite and local officials have occupants are lucky if they Limit 1 Limit 1 homes, 80 per cent of which Windows are too small for (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) told by the National escape unharmed," an auto She Expires Dec. 1, 1974 are inhabited by MSU students. bought the home from escape and the extra door is East Lansinj Store Only Expires Dec. 1, 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 ir for Auto Safety that safety center report says. a friend about East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only Many of these students live a year ago and often blocked. Ie homes burn at a speed Two of the few student in older, kept it because of the cheap - poorly heated trailers living cost. However, one MSU graduate that lack fire detection, extinguishing equipment and There are two doors to her student, Robert A. Hull, has FLANNEL SHIRTS both a fire extinguisher and an easy escape routes. $4 19 mobile iil sentence begun James Hunsucker, acting director of the Michigan home, one of which is blocked by a bookcase. There is no fire extinguisher. easy second mobile home. escape in his (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Consumers Council, said the "Mobile homes is the only In both Trailer Haven and Michigan legislature has passed way to live when you're a Brickley s son several laws. mobile home "Among the safety laws safety Mobile Manor there are boxes with fire extinguishers located .outside about every eight student," he said. Jim Amori, asst. director of HAI KARATE AFTER SHAVE CLAIROL FROST & TIP the Michigan Mobile Homes $1 09 KIT trailers, but $3 79 HARLOTTE (UPI) - The 17 • year - old son of none inside each 4 OZ. Limit 1 outgoing Lt. passed, it is now mandatory and Li James H. Brickley began serving a 30 - that all home unless the resident Recreational Vehicle day sentence at the new mobile homes have buys (Co n County Jail last week for fire extinguisher, one himself. A number of the Institute, said there were over Expires I possession of marijuana, a a smoke East Lansing Store Only imes Thomas Brickley was fined detector and large outdoor extinguishers are 25,100 mobile home fires in $200, sentenced to 60 days windows the United States last year. 3 and two years probation by Circuit Judge Willard Mikesell. that missing. jail sentence was cut in half on payment of an additional escape can be kicked out for in case of fire," A Meridian Township "Mobile homes bum much 10% OFF ON ALL PAPERBACK Hunsucker said. faster than conventional building official said mobile ie youth had initially been charged with sale of marijuana, a The majority of the homes homes housing mainly because they're are subject to the same iv punishable by up to four years in prison, is arrest by an undercover narcotics officer, following his in the local trailer built in the 1960s and are parks were rules that conventional is, therefore there are housing no fire one said. - third the size," Amori (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only BOOKS ut he was permitted to owned plead guilty to the lesser charge by students, who rent extinguisher requirements in A recent mobile home bill : was his first offense the lots. older mobile homes. and only three ounces of in the Michigan legislature, if was involved. MSU students living in aximum penalty on the reduced charge is one year in jail and mobile homes seem to be Though there have major fires in either trailer been no passed, would establish member commission a nine - to BRECK LISTEREX BREACOL POO fine. aware of the fire dangers they regulate the mobile home ACNE LOTION be elder park, a recent mobile home COUGH SYRUP Brickley, a former FBI agent who is leaving state live with but are industry in Michigan, including willing to study in Oregon shows that 7 oz. mment next month to become sacrifice safety for the safety requirements. $ 6 president of Eastern ersity, said he and his wife Marianne will continue to work ids solving their son's Michigan living that mobile homes offer. "I'm worried about fires, cheaper fatality rates for mobile home fires are twice that for The bill, however, may fail reg. 1.39 79' reg. 2.09 ] 38 oz. reg. 1.98 $ "J 39 personal problems. conventional because it Limit 1 His mother and I are but this place is cheap housing. was returned to (Coupon) (Coupon) Limit 1 acceptive of this course of events and living — Floyd Hewitt, manager of committee Expires Dec. 1, 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 (Coupon) lontinue to devote most of our time and there's nothing I can do," said by state East Lansing Store Only East Expires Dec. 1, 1974 attention to the Mobile Home Manor, said most Sen. Phillip Pittenger, Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only >nal problems Which led to the one student living in a mobile R - legal difficulty," Brickley fires in mobile homes are the Lansing, for more discussion. It home. fault of resident may die there. T AM PAX 4 - WAY SINUTABS NASAL SPRAY open thursday and friday nights until nine 40's 19 ttoz. 70< 30's reg. 1.93 Limit 1 reg. 1.09 Limit 1 I jL* reg. 2.25 $1 49 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1. 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 (Coupon) East Expires Dec. 1. 1974 Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only 8 - TRACK TAPES reg. 2.99 e; LIMIT 2 (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, East 1974 2/$4 88 Lansing Store Only TAB - A - DAY PEPTO BISMOL WITH IRON 96 ioo's Limit 1 reg. i 1.50 (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only reg. 1.3t (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East 89' Lansing Store Only REVLON FLEX SHAMPOO 17 oz. reg. 2.50 (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 $ 1 28 East Lansing Store Only SHEER ORLON FASHION ORLON KNEE SOX KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Miss J is into caricaturing and black yarn embroidery. .wearing . reg. .69 LIMIT 6 39' reg. 1.25 72' reg. 1.50 86' her favorite characters on the front (Coupon) LIMIT 6 LIMIT 6 Expires Dec. 1. 1974 (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only of her East Lansing Store Only acrylic knit sleeve-striped East Lansing Store Only sweaters created by Pronto OPAQUE SHEER They re SHEER fun, they're frivolous both with skirts PANTY HOSE PANTY HOSE SUPPORT HOSE and pants. Sizes small, medium, large. No. 620 No. 611 $ 1 49 A Little Orphan Annie, on blonde. LIMIT 6 78' reg. .89 LIMIT 6 49' reg. 2.95 Limit 6 I (Coupon) (Coupon) (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1974 B Charlie Chaplin, East Expires Dec. 1, 1974 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 on white. Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only C Groucho, on white. PEPSI 8 PACK • NO DEPOSIT/RETURN $22 todiS Limit 1 (Coupon) $ 1 36 reg. 1.63 Expires Dec. 1, 1974 East Lansing Store Only MEAT THERMOMETER •JacobsonS Limit 1 (Coupon) Expires Dec. 1, 1174 East Lansing Store Only $1 88 Susan Ager Editor-in-chief RUSSELL BAKER Maureen Benmson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell 1 Managing Editor Mary Flood City Editor Industry know-ho short Diane Silver Campus Editor Oiris Daniel son Opinion Page Editor Melissa Pgyton National Editor Steve Stein MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1974 Sports Editor Dale A tkins Photo Editor June Delqno Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State Newt. TomOren TTie idea that Americans Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief might buy who had opinions. Joe Kirhy Staff Representative fewer cars if prices rose an imagination-' in average of $900 . disasters per machine apparently crossed no by plodding head we see 501 executives important minds in Detroit when the 1975 dow ee models were contemplated. It is an predetermined courses that IS into trouble in the astounding fact, but what else can we first phc^S?'' frozen immobility, SJ£C, in EDITORIALS make of the tycoons' surprised cries of car dismay at discovery that their new models corporate habit. complaint, quick to ^« are selling like mink coats in Calcutta? more for less, eager charge «? TTie goose can be plucked only so a bailout and toaikwJL,** Don't raze thoroughly, and then you have to settle for pinfeathers. Instead, the car makers tried for another mattress load. It makes imagination. Thus the electric utterly "y f™Pt? po, ■ you wonder what ever happened to good like Consolidated Edison ar The ASMSU board's attempt to old American know how up the glum face and apparent inability to compromise - there in the at oust ASMSU President Tim Cain is board room. only blood, toil, telling u, with certain board members. These sweat and tea,, a classic example of an effort to are the real points of One hesitates to speak slightingly of anyone in the contention. industry has hadw ' skirt concrete issues through They should not be buried high business, for its bishops tell us the stopping the rise in the price of by a before it exceeds the corporate world is a place of mysteries procedural games. gutless attempt to change the monthly r A motion made at impenetrable to the layman. Yet here they payment on the house, i special was a subject. were, -the leaders of the most kept. ASMSU meeting Friday to dismiss Those who want Cain removed quintessentially dynamic American Ideas must be stifled Cain because he disobeyed an because they feel he has used his somewhere ,f industry, automobiles, unaware that you in the lower earlier board resolution stating that office to promote the student can't pluck a naked goose. marketing psychology. People who don't a railroad, and at Pan American, a corporate hierarchies. The only on? reach* the Union should not be opened for understand the business shouldn't ask dimto management that didn't know how to run seem to employes' union should have the Well, they had their survive these days are vm reasons. Costs had questions. an airline. indeed, for business' all - night ticket lines without courage to say so. When the Board response risen. Labor was more expensive, and raw On the other hand, people who At Lockheed they didn't know how to to' the don't times continues to be approval of Pop Entertainment meets tonight to consider the materials and pollution suppressors had to understand goose plucking shouldn't run an aircraft complaint 1 be so company even with the prices and government Director Paul Stanley. Cain went ouster motion, the subject of Cain's be paid for. and so forth. The old Detroit bailout ' standards couldn't be brought in at an quick to laugh at people who do. Pentagon's sweetheart subsidy. At through direct handout or tax relief. against the resolution last Monday union involvement must dominate If the car industry's troubles were an Franklin National we had banking don't • If this sounds churlish appealing price. So they brought them in know how so vast it produced board towinj night when he arranged to let into the discussion. isolated failure of business skill, we might - history's • room captains, they anyhow. the Union without biggest bank failure. understand that Stanley's Cain has worked much harder Did it occur to anyone to bring in write it off as a misfortune in a quirky Wall Street turned out to be lined with more for their goods, and a pereon who hi to permission hundreds of students for student causes than any ASMSU something new, something less than the economy and pass on, but the landscape is then pay- old becoming littered with corporate ruins, brokerage houses that didn't know how to to the government to support their waiting outside in an ugly freezing president in memory. A push for standards? What about something run a brokerage house. At the Curtis and then sit still for basic? Why not a reissue of the Model T? and one develops the uneasy feeling that advice that I* rain for tickets to the Frank Zappa his removal will have to be backed Publishing Co. they didn't know how to have to pay even more Such questions make tycoons smile, and good old American know - how is turning run a magazine, and at next yen concert. Equity Funding deserves to, because he up by some damned good reasons. not without into don't know how. won't contempt. They betray a • - they didn't even know how to run a self - Though Cain could legally be It is debatable whether his naiveignorance of retooling time, planning On the Penn Central we had more - denial, is not a personf financial swindle. cheer his tormentors as removed for his action, it was opponents procedure, testing delays, design lag and heroes of j- are representing the management that didn't know how to run What has become of the businessman^ (C) 1974 New York Times hardly an act of such foulness as to opinion of a majority of students. merit the drastic action Cain became the first ASMSU proposed. The real reasons for the president elected directly by MSU Letter Antihunting removal attempt, involved knows, go far beyond an as everyone students last . spring. Students can help assure that Policy I would like to reply to the illegal attempt to relieve some rain - Cain is given a fair shake The Opinion Page welcomes all faculty or staff standing the "Hunters defended" letter by if any soaked Zappa fans. letters. Readers should follow a and phone number. attending the meeting in 328 appeared in Tuesday's State News. I Several members of the board Student Services Bldg. at 8 Coercion prevails few rules to insure that as many Letters should be 25 lines or speak for the author of the " p.m. season" letter, but I can speak for have been dissatisfied with Cain's This can help insure that a hard Jack letters as possible appear in print. less and may be edited my - McCollough's letter of Nov. 22 for sincerity. I am a vegetarian. 1 eat no attempt to organize student regarding railroad safety is more to the All letters should he typed on conciseness to fit more letters on a working elected student leader is fish or gelatin. I wear oi employes' union and with his not lost on a technicality. point than he may have realized. A large 65 • space lines and triple - the page. products. I buy special vegetable soap number of MSU students need the spaced. Letters signed, must be '"No unsigned letters will be shampoo, and check the ingredients - supervision provided 3 - year - olds on the and include local address, student. cosmetics before I use then grounds of their "irresponsibility." accepted. . Responsibility has two components, the As far as hunters being Senate backs demand made on the individual (the stewardship) and the rewards which induced the person to take on the Jazz Dealing with this review, the Okemos Ensemble has learned a lesson economy and that all wildlife management programs (for both hunted and unhunted concerned many cases the extra animals with animals, I seriously doubt it. In f~ the survival of stewardship in the first place. Intimidation absolutely fitting for performing with Stan species) are financed from his pocket. "planted" by the hunters to produ Kenton that is, to continue to perform — The hunter also knows that replaces these rewards with postponement one deer acceptable excuse for killing th on the basis of their musical standards and of (implied) punishment One could hunting trip is worth lifetime of hunters were really concerned with in not a fight for exjwk;t such a mechanism of fear to assist in the maturation of people. Instead of responding to these pressures with convictions,in spite of misinformed newspaper reviewers' negativism. This is something which Kenton has been doing for forty years and may be the most memories to him. Passed down father to son, deer hunting is a tradition. It's a tradition of sportsmanship. Sure, we know there are a few bums out there who from well being of the animals, would they make to - a some less effort to transfer the populous area, rather an diversionary (immature) tactic*- — valuable learning experience to come out wantonly murdering them? It's nice to that at least one see throwing a heavy ashtray out a window, don't play by the rules, but they are a representation in this respect. of his Nov. 15 concert. Also in the Tuesday State News wi bar . political football made it past the This year, the Human Rights crawling, etc. — we would suggest that small minority. Most hunters don't get a item entitled "Hunting ■ related mi Bill Wright, Director deer goal line in the state Senate during people notice, and continue to notice, to — only about one out of six or so. party. Socialist Workers party and what extent they are coerced to the Okemos Jazz Ensemble The guy who thinks he needs more than claim at least 13 lives." Thirteen pe this fall's lame duck legislative the Socialist Labor party all ran have been killed, only three days inl detriment of their creative interests. Then In my one deer a year is subject to penalties by session. long of experience on the years hunting season! And this is bynom students on their governing board we can expect responsibility and maturity. law. jazz scene as a reviewer and jazz writer, I rare. It is a common occurence e Barring a major ideological turn - tickets. Larry Bartrem, an MSU Wade LeMar have never read a less knowledgeable and So, Mr. McKinney, please understand around in the state House, students that hunters don't care if you don't like to huntingseason. Even if hunters can d student, tried and failed to get a Cathy Albrecht more misinformed review than the one up a weak excuse for destroying an will finally be able to serve on the 214 Bailey St. offered us by Dave Stern on the recent hunt. But we do care if you prefer that Republican nomination as a life, what excuse do they offer for ti governing boards of their own Stan Kenton concert. nobody else does either. Your attitude human life? candidate for the MSU Board of only proves your ignorance as a conservationist. universities, due to recent senate Trustees. Kenton review hit It is only too evident that Stem does not know much about Kenton or his action. Barry C. Loper, vice - president Liz Keiu I am writing in response to Dave Stern's iconoclastic career when he says that MSU Fisheries & Wildlife Club But this is At MSU, students now have 342 Phillips only the first step in review of the Stan Kenton concert and the Kenton "cashed in on nostalgia." The making the governing boards at representation in practically every warmup concert by the Okemos Jazz same review curiously notes that Kenton MSU, the University of Michigan committee and governing body in Ensemble. I was extremely disappointed "played vacuous arrangements of and Wayne, State University the University. However, without by Mr. Stern's article which was, in my worthless contemporary pieces." Come truly opinion, almost totally negative, and, at now, Mr. Stem. From what pole are you representative of students. representation on the granddaddy least as far as the Okemos Jtaz Ensemble Now it is up to Gov. Milliken of all governing boards - the board attacking? is concerned, factually inaccurate. Also, the disservice done to the and the major political parties to of trustees student claims of a - Contrary to Stem's statement, the Okemos Jazz Ensemble is unfortunate put the spirit of the bill forceful voice in University arrangements which we are playing this seeing as how that organization has into more governance year are by far the most challenging charts first rate professional practice. seem almost - gigs to its credit Gov. Milliken, when considering meaningless. we have ever been able to play, both musically and technically. than most university groups. In sum, let it be said that such puerile pTOttNT appointments to nonelected The Michigan legislature is Though I disagree with Mr. Stern's journalistic efforts do little to enhance . LINE university boards, must give first review, he is of course entitled to his either the cause of jazz in our area or the presenting students with an opinion. What I deeply regret is the STARTS priority to qualified student excellent chance to raise their reputation of The State News as a reliable candidates. extremely negative impression he gives of critic of local culture. HERE voices and expand their power. But the Okemos and Kenton concert. Russ Fagan Major political parties must also since students are not assured He overlooks many positive points, WJIVE Radio, Okemos nominate student candidates for including Kenton's magnanimous gesture places on their university governing board posts. Minor of having the Okemos band sit in with his parties have already paved the way for student boards by the bill, they will have to fight for seats on them. own group on a combined tune during the Prohunting second half of the concert. There has been a recent increase in antihunting sentiment by many well - VIEWPOINT: SWU meaning but misinformed people. Why? I think, in response to Mr. McKinney's unemployment line alone. letter of Nov. 14, it's Sea-to-sea people Let us not forget that MSU primarily due to the wide spread ecology movement Jeremy Rifkin and the People's unique talent for this patriotic en Pay students equally tor equal work experienced across the country as of late. Everybody, it seems, wants to be a do it - - Bicentennial Commission's line up 3,168,000 proposal to people hand - in • hand Students are already experts at holding wouldn't mind training sessions , yourself conservationist. And in so doing across the entire United States is the best opposite sex) and show equal pKj» By NEW AMERICAN MOVEMENT student workers in an insecure they feel that the only way we can insure idea I've heard of since streaking. at in line (for regis® standing One of the most important events at position. University's functioning. The University is the survival of our wildlife is to concert tickets, etc.) There are also other authoritarian work not exactly a benevolent father stop Imagine the possibilities: live . . - ^ MSU this year is the effort on the part of providing hunting them. From the biological nationwide television coverage, like on For practice, chains of students procedures, such as the ability of allowances for his children. students to form a Student Worker's standpoint they could not be more wrong. election night, with Walter Cronkite be formed to encircle whole Union (SWU) for part - time student supervisors to fire workers arbitrarily and In a real sense the the lack of grievance struggle for a Each year in Michigan we lose as much reporting, "Returns from Michigan show complexes, perhaps p!aying H'ng workers. The New American procedures. Student Worker's Union is part of our Movement, One demand which NAM feels is as 50,000 acres of valuable wildlife lands 78% of the state covered by 46,397 people theBrody. Commuting students cou (NAM), a recently formed socialist group, "lifelong education." At one time a particularly important is democratization to "progress." With ever • increasing in line with an expected total turnout of together in a line down Farm has actively worked with the Student college education was seen as a passport human encroachment upon these lands, 53,765. However, CBS News still predicts Kedzie to Y lot. of the work Interim Organizing Committee to place. normal Under away from the working class to a job f organize conditions, the manner in which work is which not only paid more, but which also biologists are faced with the huge problem Rhode Island will be the first state to be column would be Flnally, a SWU and believes that such ■of transversed." the way across campus. A a union has carried out is determined by a supervisor allowed more room for creativity and maintaining healthy wildlife implications which go far beyond not selected populations. Prolific species such as Civic pride would be bolstered some 2,100 students would be or controlled by the workers independence. This is no longer the case. as organizing a union. themselves. NAM believes it is whitetail deer often breed beyond the citizens extended their line, linking with needed to cover ;UYCl route starti „ The unionization of student workers is important Today, many college graduates cannot carrying capacity of their habitat. The the next - door Hubbard Hall, going down Shi* to seek ways to community and the next not only one give student workers find jobs for which they are trained; and and the next. way for students to protect greater control over the way work itself is biologists, in this case, must recommend crossing at Erickson to exto¬ those who do find jobs discover their rights now, but is also one way for to be carried out. Worker they are that surplus animals be taken to insure Romances would flourish when lled Cedar, down the side student workers to learn how to selection of frequently as poorly paid and as alienated protect supervisors is one possible proposal as young factory workers. Groups which that there will be enough winter range to strangers hold hands for hours on end. Jenison and Kellogg to the very - their rights once they enter the feed the breeding stock. The best way to Air Force reconnaissance regular job working toward democratization. jets could fly market. The immediate- reasons for a Student People usually think of MSU as an have traditionally thought of themselves as "professionals," such as teachers, TV news do this is to have an annual hunting overhead to spot breaks in the line. Space Br°What a glorious sight! A solid educational institution, but in reality it is workers and white collar workers in season. satellites would snap fantastic pictures students, miles of bluejeans all Worker's Union seem • Of all animals, only about 30 per cent compelling to us. also a major employer in the East Lansing general, have been forced to unionize to showing strings of people reaching across "Today across MSU, tomorr Because of economic hard times the hunted. In no case has any animal been the which students have are jobs area. In that sense it is like a large private protect themselves. are countryside like ants marching to a country!" It's plans like these important in corporation, such as General brought even close to extinction by sport picnic. America what it is today. enabling them to pay for their education. Motors, NAM hopes that its work with he hunting. However, market hunters and What better way to show our Student workers are vital to the national As part time workers for the Student Worker's Union will show that - University functioning of the University, poachers almost always do this. unity than to form a human chain of they arepaid lower wages than full time just as socialism is not the substitution of a I fail to recognize any logic when assembly line workers are vital to the Americans, stretching from sea to (with special arrangements for shining workers doing the same work. We feel socialist elite for the current capitalist someone says it is OK to butcher a steer sea this is unjust. Student workers functioning of General Motors. Thus in Alaska should spite of what the administration may elite, but rather an attempt to structure for food but not OK to kill a deer for and Hawaii)? receive equal pay for say, also suffer from equal work. They job insecurity since it does not simply create make to allow students to earn work jobs • society so that collective control of the economy allows maximum food. Nobody claims that a deer is a savings, either. For the most part, deer Does this sound preposterous, or even impractical? Well, even if it is, that's the Succinct criticis student jobs terminate at the end of money to get decentralization and maximum democratic hunts are quite expensive. But to a deer each term. This allows through school. Jobs performed by control work places and . - - - t American Way. Besides, getting'millions of Tripling sucks. management to keep student workers are vital to the over our hunter coat is not important. He realizes people in line would be easy because bv Thomas communities. that his hunting dollar is a help to the 1976 there's sure to be three million in the 132 E. S Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 25 1974 5 oder aids drive's tr By JOE KIR BY State Newt Staff Writer Agency would be empowered under the bill to intervene and consumer interests. speak for consumers "I've asked Senator Griffin if he wants in Consumer advocate Ralph Nader proceedings involving anyone else, such to debate or discuss this on radio or was in as farmers, businessmen or professional Lansing Friday to lend his support to a television," Nader said. "He just smiles." persons. But the agency could petition drive urging Michigan Sen. Robert not Nader also launched into a wide represent consumers in • Griffin to support the consumer advocacy proceedings ranging attack on the auto industry and bill. involving labor unions," Griffin said in a said the layoffs Senate speech. hitting the industry are a A filibuster has blocked final result of corporate Griffin supported a similar bill in 1970 mismanagement. congressional approval of the House which included labor unions He said the layoffs, which are - under the to hit 150,000 workers expected passed bill. One more senator's vote is jurisdiction of the proposed agency. by Christmas are needed to end the filibuster. unnecessary. He said the industry could The petition drive was started At a special press conference by the increase sales by simply preceding Public Interest Research cutting prices. an address to a convention of the Group in "The auto industry is Michigan Michigan (PIRGIM) with the hope of deceptively Education Association, Nader said Griffin making a smokescreen out of auto is singlehandedly urging Griffin to come out in favor of the holding up passage of the bill. emission and safety standards," Nader bill. said. Nader said passage of the bill could "I don't think he is be Nader said philosophically assured if Griffin switched his the safety features have opposed to this bill," Nader said. "It's just vote, since hiked auto this would convince President Gerald Ford prices by an insignificant a matter of political expediency." margin and that the industry should to support the bill. Nader said Griffin is consider making cuts elsewhere. "taking his Nader said the bill will undoubtedly be marching orders from General Motors, "If they really wanted to lower passed in January when the prices, Ford and the auto newly elected the first industry in general." He Congress takes over, so Griffin would be thing they would do is cut their said Griffin received $36,000 in executive salaries in half to show that campaign wise to support it now. they contributions from automotive executives "He either listens to Senator Dole are really sincere," Nader said. in his,1972 campaign for re - election. and Nader suggested the gets this bill pased in modified form this government begin Griffin has said that his opposition to considering using antitrust the bill stemmed from the fact that it year, or sees it passed next year by the legislation new Congress," Nader said. against the auto industry and other exempted labor unions and the broadcast The Consumer monopolies. media from coverage, and said it would Advocacy Agency which "It's time the administration would be created started create by the bill would not an expensive bureaucracy. regulate or impose standards on business, enforcing laws that have been on the "The so - called Consumer Protection but would books for 80 years simply serve as a lobby for regarding these monopolies," Nader said. WELL, PERHAPS Ii)£ COULD $0RT IF IT DOESN'T li/0RK OUT. OF PULL IT BACK A LITTLE ON WE CAN ALWAYS W SN photo/Bob Kaye BOTH SIDES ^IR, AMP FASTEN S0METHIN6 ELSE.. I Consumer advocate Ralph Nader lent his IT UlTH Rt/fHJER 0ANPS support, Friday, to a local petition drive 1 Robert Griffin to support a consumer protection bill. urging Michigan Sen. Nader endorsed the drive ■ Public Interest Research Group in being conducted by the Michigan, at a special press conference preceeding an address to an I educator's convention in Lansing. DOONESBURV by Garry Trudeau W* eajtoamc - c --' D^P/utohr&fVtd.j OniL <<*-' Ich Monday the State News publishes a list of scheduled p.m. in 201 First State I governmental meetings, including campus, city and state Savings and Loan Bldg., 303 Abbott Road. Is. Citizens are urged to clip this list for reference. Please There will be a Bet the managing editor to include items here. meeting to discuss uses of Community Development ftinds at 7:30 p.m. at Pinecrest School. Today he ASMSU Board will meet at 8 Tuesday p.m. in 328 Student Services I They will consider a motion to oust President Tim The Academic Council will meet at 3:15 Cain, ■neeting is open to the public. p.m. in the Con Con it Lansing Traffic Commission will meet at 7 Room of the International Center. They will continue discussion 5 //-z£ p.m. in on the bylaw changes. louncil chambers at City Hall. The East Lansing Housing Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. I( East Lansing Environmental Quality and Aesthetics Task in 201 First State It will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at City Hall, Savings and Loan Bldg., 303 Abbott Road. The East Lansing Library Board will meet at 7:30 le East Lansing Mass Transit Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the East Lansing Public Library. Have It Reduced prices on electronic calculotors by KING YourWay Burger King Texas Instruments! We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. on weekdays Candidates SR-10 Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays for the 1975 MSU Rodeo Queen Contest reg. $69" BUY ONI —REWARD— sale $58" CHEESEWHOPPER For more information Come to the Livestock Pavillion • GET ONE FREE) Monday, November at 6:00 p.m. or call 25 With Coupon Sue at 487-9557 good for Fri. Nov. 29 & Sat. Nov. 30 I - 3500 Tl - 4000 reg. >119" r«g. '79" sale 56995 sale *89" latest AM5ylA —-T>73AKA\"D> APpsAwiOG- AT T=ak)TA.S^ wszK. Now in stock for Christmas! *3*9 y-5*T055Wi nojr HIIUI Open 7:30 to 6:30 BOOH IfOJRI records® 40i = Rwse Nvgyrr x© -raWtflGS. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I Zappa Backstage... By FRANK FOX "Frank just sits back there playing," State News Staff Writer explained Dick Barber, press coordinator for the Where are you, Frank Zappa? Mothers. "It's not too much fun watching him The crowd in Jenison Fieldhouse wants you. fingering the/rets on his guitar, but that's when They are stamping their feet and screaming for he works out a lot of his riffs." you. In the other room, musicians wandered Your band is warming up on stage, waiting about practicing, glancing at sheet music or just for you. resting on the long wooden benches. It's past showtime, Frank. Where are you? Follow the band's trail back into the locker Outside in the main arena, people kept room. Zappa must be in there somewhere. trying to get backstage. If they had, they would have been disappointed. The most exciting Back into the tunnels and confused maze of event in the dressing rooms was the demolition the locker room. Back past the cops and Pop Zappa with members of the audience during his show Saturday night in Jenison Entertainment security people, past the remains of the huge submarine sandwich. communes Fieldhouse. SNph*4 of a six • foot submarine sandwich and the cans "The Mothers are much more conservative and bottles of liquid refreshments. Past the backstage than their on - stage image would and framed pictures of varsity sports teams. Past lead people to believe," Barber said. rapping the showers and outer locker rooms, back to At press the final locker room behind the scales. The last, after the Mothers warmed up the inner sanctum of the maestro. audience for the master's entrance. Zappa emerged from the dressing room and was The door is locked. guided by Barber's flashlight through the Zappa is in there, remote and alone. The darkness to the stage. By DAVE DiMARTINO Zappa showed few signs of Occasionally, though, Zappa eventual release. available to him. sounds of bizarre guitar riffs give his presence Once on stage, State News Reviewer frustration or boredom as he seemed to be encouraging the Zappa must have been Zappa was asked how much "The only nonmedia- away. The music floats eerily through the blinded. "There's never a time when answered queries he had former. time he spends with his family. of lockers, benches, showers and project 1 have is sleepiw" warren 'nothing' is really happening." doubtlessly answered hundreds Some interesting facts were "About five minutes a year" said with a smile. gloom in the ancient arena. The fierce So said Frank of times elsewhere. ' spotlights shot through the arena Zappa about As the revealed, however, was the reply. He and his wife The conference wis and splashed directly onto his face. Could he his career in and out of the flashed and the Hidden in the deepest recesses of Jenison cameras v . Zappa has just finished an have three children who sport short for a see? Did he particularly want to see? Did he Mothers of Invention when he cassette recorders clicked on, h. Spartans, aided by a second ■ half scoring outburst that of Iowa defenders to even got the benchwarmers into the act, romped past Iowa 60-21 second touchdown of the journey 53 yards iraifhHr, ^1' in the season finale that capped off a successful year for coach "I didn't ask to start or day as the clock ran anything wiipn i out dft| Denny Stolz and his squad. „ State," Geiger said. "I just As sudden as the sunny Saturday afternoon sky was overtaken coach when I signed wanted a chance the letter of intent that I tooto?1" by cloudy, rainy weather, MSU's offensive machine (and it and that I believed I would nJ ^ qualifies for the expression) began plucking the Hawkeyes with was capable of starting " Geiger, who runs the 100 yard dash in Pf0ve huge gains of yardage. The scoreboard continued to ring up the 9.6, said an ^ injury was possibly the reason he was not points. team's fortunes. a kev ' f.* >actnr» MSU posted 660 yards in total offense, its highest output since "I got an ankle injury early and that's what set „ 1971. Its 60 points were the most scored by a Big Ten team this think, he said "I just got messed season. chance. Before this game I was up and I nev* Z Spartan quarterback Charlie Baggett, who passed for two another school because I wanted to thinking about tranL touchdowns and ran for three others, eclipsed MSU Jimmy Raye's around for the next three years." play. Now I think ? 111 season record for total offense with a 243 - yard Stolz lauded Geiger and agreed that the injurv w»tk. performance to give him 1,713 yards on the yaar. he had not seen much action this season. Raye, Baggett's next door neighbor in North Carolina, and "He just got injured now an MSU assistant, established his mark in 1966 with early and that's what happens to 1,546 when they get banged up," Stolz said. yards. The win boosted MSU's Geiger wound up with 127 yards in 10 carries Big Ten record to 6-1 -1 and its overall as the *r - second leading rusher in the game. mark to 7-3-1, both Spartan bests since the heyday of the mid - MSU's Levi Jackson led the ground game with 156 v«rt, 1960s. carries, but fell short of the 1,000 mark Baggett scored his first touchdown the first time MSU had the with 942 yards. The Detroit on the vear' (C* ball on a 47 - yard scamper around right end. The Fayetteville, N. sophomore's season products the third highest in Spartan C. native subsequently connected for touchdown passes of 33 and The victory was the sixth history. P Ctl°l 38 yards to split end Mike Hurd, who was straight for MSU. Almost all „» playing his final game talent which produced the marked as a Spartan. will return next year. The improvement over last- For extras, prospect has Stolz Baggett added touchdown runs of five and one "It makes for a little warmer gloating. SN photo/Criif ft)rter yards. winter," Stolz said "Weaid our offensive football Spartan quarterback Charlie Baggett races for the first of MSU's eight touchdowns during the Spartans 60 - "A game would be improved and great record was smashed to smithereens," Raye joked of we certainly obtained those two excitiw 21 thrashing of Iowa Saturday at Spartan Stadium. Baggett's accomplishment. "I hope he breaks it again next year." goals." ^ Baggett, who set a new school single season total offense In all, the Spartans' touchdown Iowa's points came on a 4 7-yard pass from record with 1,713 yards this year, ran for three scores and tossed two touchdown tally registered eight, including Pick to Bill Schultz, a blocked quarterback " passes in leading MSU to Baggett's five scores, a seven • yard scamper by Rich Baes and two punt which safety Jim its fifth straight Big Ten victory. Baggett ran and passed for 21 touchdowns took in for an 18 - yard score and a two during the season. by an unheralded freshman playing on his first collegiate Rod Wellington. - yard run bv game. y DUKE WON'T ADs vote OSU to Rose Bowl CHICAGO (UPI) - Big Ten Although the vote was not immediately without comment Southern California for the for the 33 yard boot to miss. athletic directors voted disclosed, it was clear that and the decision was not • third straight year. On Jan. 1, Sunday to send Ohio State to Ohio State had received more announced until two hours Hayes' own field goal the Rose Bowl. 1973, the Buckeyes lost to the specialist, soccer - style kicker ballots than Michigan because later. Trojans 42 - 17, but they won Tom Klaban, put all of his four Big Ten Commissioner in the case of a tie, the athletic Duke said that as part of the last year's classic 42 • 21. Wayne Duke refused to divulge directors had agreed previously attempts through the uprights voting procedures Michigan might have won for the Buckeyes' 12 points the vote by which the athletic that the team which last went "unanimously agreed upon" by Saturday's game against Ohio directors decided to send the to the Rose Bowl would be the directors, no director despite at least two bad snaps State and made Sunday's vote third - ranked Buckeyes to the eliminated from consideration. from center to his holder, would divulge or publicly perfunctory, but Mike Lantry New Year's Day classic for an Last year when Ohio State Brian Baschnagel. discuss his vote. He said he missed a field unprecedented third and Michigan tied 10 - 10 in goal with 18 Ohio State pecked away at straight notified Ohio State Athletic year. the season finale at Ann Arbor Director Ed Weaver ahd Michigan's first quarter 10-0 Duke said voting was and finished with identical 7 BIG TEN lead until Klaban put the - Michigan Athletic Director conducted in unmarked sealed 0 1 conference records, the Don Canham moments before Buckeyes ahead 12-10 early in - W L T envelopes and he and the athletic directors voted 6 4 - by the decision was announced. Ohio State 7 1 0 the third quarter on his 45 - conference attorney counted telephone to send Ohio State yard field goal. It was not known whether U-M 7 1 0 the ballots. to Pasadena. The vote created The first a Michigan State, which finished MSU quarter went Ohio State defeated furor in Michigan, which 6 1 1 a close third with 6-1-1 Michigan's way with Dennis Michigan 12-10 Saturday to resulted in a two Wisconsin 5 3 0 Franklin tossing a 42 - yard tie year record, received any votes. the Wolverines for the conduct Illinois 4 3 1 touchdown pass to wingback probation for Both Michigan and Ohio State conference title for the third Michigan coach Purdue Gil Chapman. Lantry kicked a Bo were 7 - 1 in conference play 3 5 0 straight year. Michigan has a 30 Schembechler for his public this year. 37 • yard field goal late in the -2-1 record Minnesota 2 6 0 during those criticism of the vote. Ohio State will be period, Michigan's last points three years, but has never been making Iowa 2 6 0 for the Following Sunday's three - its fifth Rose Bowl trip in the day. selected to go to the Rose hour meeting in Chicago, the last seven years and will meet Northwestern 2 6 0 Bowl. Michigan State was also athletic directors left Pacific Eight champion Indiana 1 7 0 busy Saturday, running over Iowa 60-21 behind quarterback seconds left. Charlie Baggett's five Left - footed Lantry's kick touchdowns, three of them on MSU icers sailed high and drifted to the left, answering Ohio State's the ground. Spartans' best It ended season the in eight Woody Hayes "little prayer" • years. By STEVE STEIN opponents. The Badgers, on sophomore defenseman Pat State News Sports Writer the other hand, upped Frustration. That's what Ten record to 3-1. their Big Betterley and the line of Denny Olmstead, Mark MSU volleyball unit Spartan freshman running back Claude Geiger raises the ball triumphantly after SN photo/Dan Shi the MSU Spartan coach Amo Bessone DeCenzo and Jim Johnson. scoring his first touchdown for the Spartans in the final period Saturday hockey team must have felt was not pleased with his team's Bessone praised the play of Geiger, from Charleston, W. Va., scored on runs of five and 53 yards against this past weekend in Madison, Wis., as the Spartans dropped a overall performance against the Badgers during the weekend. sophomore Dave Kelly, who along with Darl Bolton, filled out of national meet Iowa. The latter score was a game - ending touchdown. pair of contests to the "We just didn't play well. in for center Steve We Colp Friday MSU's women's volleyball team failed to Wisconsin Badgers by one goal didn't have enough," night while Colp sat out a qualify for the national volleyball tournament as it did not Friday and Saturday nights, 4 -3 and 5 -4. Bessone commented. "Our big stars didn't shine," Bessone also said. mandatory one - game fighting suspension. the regionals held at Western weekend. place high enough at Michigan University this past MSU reserve The two MSU losses broke "They were "Kelly had a good weekend. the team's five - game Western flat the whole series. He did In the Spartans' original pool were two teams that eventually a good job," Bessone Collegiate Hockey Assn. (WCHA) winning streak and "And we got some dumb penalties." The Spartans play host to said. MSU's Tom Ross, finished first and third in the tournament. In the first round of competition, MSU faced Cleveland State, steals show in left the defenseman Kelly Cahill and who eventually won the tournament, Spartans with a 5-3 arch rival Notre Dame this Chicago Circle, who league mark and a 6-4 record Daryl Rice scored for the finished third and Marshall University. weekend at the Munn Ice By PAT FARNAN other team's plays, he doesn't overall. Wisconsin, meanwhile, Spartans Friday. Rice's marker MSU beat Marshall 16-6, 10-14 and 15-5, but lost to footrace," said Geiger Arena. Bessone is hoping his tied things up 3-3 in the final Cleveland State 15-1,154 and to Chicago Circle 15-5,16-7. State N«wJ Sports Writer know the signal system we former prep all • American jumped to a 6-2 record in the WCHA. charges can get back onto the period before Wisconsin The final standings in the tournament had Cleveland State MSU freshman running back have. knew if I could get a ste| MSU, Wisconsin, Minnesota winning track against the freshman Mark Capouch won it finishing first, Dlinois State finishing second, Chicago Circle Claude Geiger stuck it out for a "I called a draw play but he my man he wouldnt and the University of Michigan, Fighting Irish. for the Badgers at the 6:45 grabbing third and Northeastern University rounding out the top few months and finally stuck it missed the signal, so he called me." "We're going to have a lot mark. four. to the the touchdown play. He had the four Big Ten teams in the Iowa Hawkeyes "We've got some pH of hard work in practice this A four ^ goal second period In Saturday. spite of the final outcome, coach Annelies Knoppers was good players, and as' never WCHA, also conduct - run a play before, but week," Bessone said. "Maybe outburst Saturday carried pleased with the way the squad played. Just as now he's one for conference play of their own we'll make some changes." overcast, dismal one on that quarterback stays Wisconsin to its victory. The "We played well. We were unfortunate to weather settled touchdown drives." offense will be o» during the season. Not all was bad, of course, get the toughest over Spartan the tallies erased an teams within our pool, but we played hard and well Stadium Saturday, Geiger The double losses to for the Spartans in Wisconsin. early 1-0 against A Charleston, W. Va. native, Stolz said "We Wisconsin dropped MSU to Spartan advantage. them," she commented. provided a little more sunshine Geiger had considered quitting a Among others, Bessone was MSU roared from behind "For instance, this is the third time we have faced for the Spartan troops who improved." 1-3 record against Big Ten Chicago football earlier this year after pleased with the play of Saturday with three markers in Circle, and even though we've never beaten them, this match was crushed coach Bob the final Commings sustaining a severely sprained period, but never did the best one of the three we have played. The final score does Hawkeyes 60-21 with a second catch Wisconsin. The closest always tell the entire story," she added. not half ankle. But MSU assistant coach Basketball ticke MSU came was 4 -3 blitzkrieg. Jimmy Raye, among others, College, NF Badgers' Steve Alley scored the eventual winning goal. before the The Spartans outscored, outdefensed and outscrapped helped convince the speedy Geiger to stick it out and at Jenison todo] the Hawkeyes, who ended their from weekend's Betterley scored twice MSU Saturday. The for other Spartan wrestler season Spartan on a coach flat 3-8 note. wait for his chance. Geiger, with 9.6 speed, got his chance Student season ticket Spartan goals Denny Stolz Saturday. were tallied by watched his players roll up a MSU basketball games w College Ross and John "Tyrone Wilson went in on sale beginning today MSU 60, Iowa 21 Houston 23, Florida St. 8 Ron Clark both nights for the MSU Sturges. was in the nets tryout matches 33-0 second half advantage as Stolz unloaded the bench. before I did and I wondered if I was going to get to play," he south end of «' Ohio Slate 12, U-M10 LSU 24, Tulane 22 icers. On a 13-play drive which Fieldhouse. He stopped 33 said. "But I went in soon Purdue 38, Indiana 17 shots Friday The MSU wrestling squad The ticket office t Miss. St. 31, Miss. 13 and turned from Haslett will tangle with culminated in the Spartans' afterward and just decided that Illinois 28, Northwestern 14 Wisconsin 49, Minnesota 14 Tennessee 24, Kentucky 7 during away 36 Saturday's shots contest. will hold special tryout East Lansing freshman Dave seventh touchdown, Geiger I was going to do my best." from 8:30 a.m. to Season tickets are Pn« 4:30Pj Wake Forest 16, Furman 10 matches at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday Bartlett. Freshman Dennis carried the ball eight Oklahoma 28, Nebraska 14 plays, Geiger said he never $12 for the 12 h°me EMU 28, Toledo 12 in the Men's Intramural Brighton will face freshman Gil Notre Dame 38, Air Force 0 including six in a row, and expected chance to two USC 34, UCLA 9 Okla. St. 14, Iowa St. 12 Lions winners Building Sports Arena. Herrera-at 134 pounds. scored on a touchdown run of a score Students must Arkansas 21, Texas Tech 13 The touchdowns, particularly after validated ID to purcM* Maryland 10, Virginia 0 public is invited to Don Rodgers will defend his five yards. his first six - pointer. Baylor 31, SMU14 attend at no charge. tickets. against Bears, For «n . Brigham Young 48, Utah 20 position at 142 pounds against encore, Geiger "I was Stanford 22, California 20 C,rambling 21, Southern U. 0 Boise St. 53, Idaho 29 Washington 24, Wash. St. 14 Spartan coach Grady Lansing Everett's Mike Owen. lugged the ball 53 yards on the getting the handoffs thinking about Student season tickets to purchJJ" MSU Peninger says that at least five At 167 pounds, Lansing final play of the game, a play but Munson out of the starting jobs are up for Sexton's Mark Ciolek or Oliver oddly enough that Stolz was smoothly," Geiger said. "And I had hockey games can grabs. Williams will take on either unaware of. never practiced handoffs coupons for theJ* Detroit 34, Chicago 17 Buffalo 15, Cleveland 10 Detroit Lion quarterback "There are going to be some Kevin Pierce or Rick Warner. "If we would have needed it. or pitchouts with that games beginning tod«y Dallas 10, Houston 0 Cincinnati 33, Kansas City 6 Bill Munson suffered a real dogfights," Peninger said. we couldn't have bought that quarterback Moerdyk before." athletic ticket office New York Jets 17, Miami 14 San Francisco 27, Atlanta 0 shoulder separation in the first "I couldn't honestly pick a Geiger flitted through a Jenison. New England 21, Baltimore 17 half of Sunday's 34-17 last touchdown," Stolz said. gaping hole in the Iowa jth tf Denver 20, Oakland 17* victory winner in at least half of the STATE NEWS "The quarterback on that The games arc wi Green Bay 34, San Diego 0 play defensive line and burned 53 Washington 26, Philadelphia 7 St. Louis 23, New York Giants 21 over the Chicago Bears and will matches." SPORTS PHONE was our scouting team yards to complete the Spartan Dame Nov. 29 and20,^ ' Los Angeles 20, Minnesota 17 be lost to the team of the season. for the rest In some of the key matches, at 118 pounds, Jim Biawll 356-3330 quarterback, Steve Moerdyk. Since he's always running the scoring. Green Dec. University of Mich*"1 8J| "I knew it would be a 13. ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, November 25, 1974 9 I it's what's unccmentt for must be 111 Wh.f. received in the Wolf Moon Collective meeting at 7 tonight at Bakery is WTVR in the Union welcomes happening I office, 341 Student 2011 E. your There will be a seminar on "The _ Michigan Ave. Interested in suggestions! Drop them in MSU l», BuiR" hy 1 P m- al least baking? Growing through organic sugge>»"" *—" ~ the Gay Christian" cosoonsnred bv St. at Astronomy Club will meet Since the New Testament ... 8 is not Wr Jay, before publication, positive Keep John's StudentCenter tonight in U8 Physics experiences? Welcome! andMSU Gay - written with pen and ink mcementi will be accepted and be one with Come sit fory Liberation! Join us at 7:30 Astronomy Bldg. The and was the Wolf Moon. in the Spartan Room tonight include, a talk on program not begun until after the Messiah at St. John'i stellar was dead (Heb ■ There Mr. 327 M.A.C. Ave. photometry by Bob Miller. 9:17), how can Matthew through John be the ni yvhy not get free radio will be Michael K. a museum Case Western Magness from The MSUSTC New mure for your literary and workshop at 7:30 p.m. Tuejdav Reserve Law School (MSU Star Trek Testament? Learn to understand »> the MSU Museum. will address the Club)meetsat 8:30 tonight in the the Bible at 8:30 al talents? You deserve it! At See behind the MSU Pre - Law The Video Workshop needs p.m. Thursday scenes of display Association at 4 30 Yakeley Cafeteria. Will all members and 3 p.m. Sunday in 34 Union -mc time you'll be jharing preparation. It is p.m. Tuesday students interested in CATV sponsored in 105 Eppley bring their dollar for warped with the Yashuans. [other community women! by the Parks and Center. All television productions. Contact ,f no'. space Women's Madia Recreation interested persons you may find a Ihe Resources are invited. Jerry Younglove at the Married tribble in your lvc which produces interpretative Housing office quadro tritecale! You are always welcome here interested students Workshops. - All if interested. Voice." We are welcome. IJeMolays! The MSU DeMolay you know, because we've often told Club is A discussion meeting Eted in you! The MSU Block and Union on the move. Come to the The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. the English and concerning you so. Gay Liberation rap sessions Sunporch at 8:30 will have History depts. from 1 to 5 p.m. daily in 309 Bridle Club pm a lawyer available from 9 spring 1975 classes in London will ., (o beat the landlord's will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Help us find out where a.m. to noon and Student Services Bldg. 110 Anthony Hall. Tuesday in we're from 1 to 5 p.m. be held at 7 tonight at M B Brody ! and become a winning going! every Wednesday - during fall term. 11 You can try with MSU students desiring tation. an original game Southern Africa Liberation What are you Remember Liberation holds going to do with appointments arc asked to check South Complex Jewish - E'ea by the Tenants Resource Committee will meet at 7:30 your life? Drop in to the Career with the ASMSU office, 334 getting together again at 7 Students its weekly business and discussion v, on sale at our office, tonight at the Peace Center in Exploration Rap Groups at 3 p.m. Student Serivces Bldg. tonight meeting at 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays in Wilson Hall terrace in 33 Union. Our United Ministries, 1118 S. Harrison any Thursday in the occupational lounge. Please topics are very library, 207 Student Services attend. progressive hard ro«k Road. Everyone is welcome. Bldg. Peter Pan interesting! planning elections listen to WTVR in the meeting at 8 Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail tonight in the All are welcome to S Check it out from 7 to U Dreams: The tie to Landscape Architecture Building. a Bible Study Cross your will be the program at on the Christian - country skiers! If very Monday and Wednesday. unconscious? Discover for yourself Club meeting at 7 the Outing Members plan to be there. following lifestyle. the Gospel of John We are Introductory instruction for cross with the Jungian p.m. Everyone welcome. LA Bash '75 at 7 Psychology Club 118 Physics Tuesday in tonight in Conference Room B of country at 7:30 tonight in 240 Club will meet at 7 at 7:30 tonight in 214 Berkey Hall. Bldg. Climbing, cross - will be discussed. Refreshments Men's Intramural McDonel Hall. Bldg. Sponsored |n' the Placement Center in country skiing and caving be discussed. trips will by Moosuski. ■ student Services Building. The College of Urban Soviet Jewry rally at 7:45 Development is , w||| include how to use the Monday night at sponsoring a Shalom the Auditorium. Center is open each The "Horizons" discussion: "Law ■nt services, where to find ' All supporters of freedom for stu'dent radio and Educational weekday and Sunday from 1 to 5 oriented jobs and how to Soviet Jews and dissidents series presents an in Gay Folks: Let's have Change," at 7 tonight in depth view of p.m. for rapping, study or to join. are urged Star Trek at 11:05 Thanksgiving together. Call the Multipurpose Room D of coffee, ;e jobs. Especially important p.m. Tuesday on GLM Hall. Brody 507V4 Grand River Ave. WFMK, 99.1 I'M. office afternoons to Dr. Lawrence Lezotte, dusting seniors in zoology. coordinate food bringing and for chairman of the Dept. of Urban Women! Are you and The interested in MSU directions. The operator has our Metropolitan Studies will be the MSU Shotgun Club will obedience graduating Crew Club will hold a working cooperatively with other number in 309 Student Services meet to shoot at 3 meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 203 speaker. Come learn about the p.m. today at Eencenient will be held at 7:15 women to produce a community Men's Intramural Bldg. College of Urban Development. the corner of 1 - 496 and Jolly L in the Judging Pavilion, radio show? The Bldg. All are Road. Women's Media welcome. bored by Auxiliary of Vet - Collective offers a supportive s. It is open to all at no environment for women to speak ASMSU Board will meet at 8 out, meeting and/or experience. Join time to us at gain at our media 7:30 every new tonight Bldg. in 328 Student Services "•■in DooLey's Wednesday night in the Women's Women Against Rape will meet at 6:30 tonight in 33 Center, in the Union UN Union. All Lounge. women welcome. ""A* J***** MONDAY \ SOVIET F rediAstair ■ DANCE STUDIOS jr l/j lb. liAIVlbuRCjER, GEORGIAN A U CARTE 754 fROM 8;< COLLEGE STUDENT 5:>0 TO DANCERS TBILISI POLYPHONIC CHOIR SPECIAL AND"GORDELA" 80 dancers, singers & musicians TUESDAY 20 Class Lesson For SI0.00 Limit 30 students per class 1/2 PRICE NITE TONIGHT 8:15 p.m. You can learn Foxtrot, University Auditorium Waltz, Rumba, Tango, aII Mixed dmNks talf norma! Public: $6.50 5.50 4.00 Swing, Cha - cha. pmcE MSU Students: S3.25 2.75 2.00 Classes starting in November. ■ Tickets are on sale NOW. Union Ticket Office. 8:15-4:30 weekdays 355-3361 Manilla ■Open 1 to 10 Mon. thru Fri. DANCE STUDIOS, INC. 301 MAC Avenue, East Machine" Sf« p.m. Phone 332-8644 Lansing November 19-30 t IBECAUSE YOU'VE Iachieved , w CHEF PIERRE 40 oz.PKG. r JfliWj- HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR FRESH 9- INCH PUMPKIN PIES WHIPPING CREAM $]28 25c SPARTAN FRESH FROZEN SQUASH 120ZPKG 12c WIN SCHULLERS - 8 oz. CARTON BAR SCHEEZE 77e rpudm SPARTAN - Self Basting pop up timer i TOM TURKEY SPARTAN Self 18 -22 lb. Aug. 49c/lb. - Basting pop up timer CALIFORNIA PASCAL Be experiences that have "carved" your real achievements CELERY 28« KLEENEX HEN TURKEY io-i4.bAUg. 5771b. I are the personal ones Wear a class ring and remember. - Wh or Assor. 50 ct. PKG. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Order DINNER NAPKINS 25< TOM TURKEY on Ring Day and save 5%. TEXAS -18 lb. BAG MARIO, GREEN, 7 oz. Bottle 43c/lb. MEDALLION - 22 oz. Aug. MONDAY ONLY GRAPE FRUIT $2« STUFFED OLIVES 69' Hours 10:00 - 5:00 SUNMAID - 2 lb. PKG. CORNISH HENS 99c EA. USDA Choice Trim MSU BOOKSTORE TEXAS -18 lb. BAG RAISINS $14' Standing RIB BEEF ROAST "In the Center of Campus" (j ORANGES $2« REG. or DIET, 12 PACK CANS Eckrich »lS8/lb. PEPSI COLA $218 \ J POLISH or SMOKED SAUSAGE $ SUGARY SAM Indian Maid 1'» YAMS .. bakery- 40 oz. CANS 69c VJURKEY BREAST OVEN FRESH BROWN & SERVE PILLSBURY -11 oz. PKG. i 897lD^ PIE CRUST MIX 3/$ 100 TEA ROLLS «/$,oo PLANTERS DRY ROASTED 11 oz.PKG. O/ I PEANUTS 12 0ZJAR 88e 372-4300 OVEN FRESH - 20 oz. LOAF PILLSBURY HUNGRY JACK - 32 oz. Lansing's most ITALIAN BREAD INSTANT POTATOES dc east LARRY'S side of MSU at 1109 popular number 49*, $128> East Grand River. Open Mon - Thur 9 - 9, Fri 9-11 for dining out! Sat 9- 10. Sun 11 -5 LE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON ^VHVALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON ^reek, Italian & American favorites BAKERS SEMI-SWEET 12 oz.PKG. KRAFT PHILADELPHIA DETERGENT 84 oz. PKG. ALL FLAVORS -3 oz. PKG. Free Evening Parking CHOCOLATE CREAM CHEESE Special 25 cents Off Label ROYAL GELATIN CHIPS TIDE KING SIZE DESSERTS m 57' 28* $ J 44 00 SAVE 16 «»nts SAVE 17 cents SAVE 40 cents 8/sl Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 1 please with coupon and SAVE 28 cents on 8 PKG. Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 8 please with coupon and $5 purchase. Good only at $5 purchase. Good only at $5 purchase. Good only at $5 purchase. Good only at Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich and Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich and Larry's Shoprite. Goodrich & Larry's Shoprite. . Expires 11-30-74 Expires 11-30-74 Expires 11-30-74 TIFE&NY PLACE Expires 11-30-74 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, j Collect Your Extra Holiday $Cash$ Early. Soil no-longor needed itoms with Want Ads! [ Automotive ][«] Eipliywt [[jj] FRANKLY SPEAKING.. by phil frank r*™]® I A',rti,,l! 1® [ Apartments MGB - 1968. New engine, excellent DESK CLERK needed Must have MSU AREA: Okemos. One 2 BEOROOM heater, no rust. Must sell! transportation and be willing to UNFURNISHED. SUBLET WINTER bedroom, furnished and Near capitol, LCC. Utilities Taking best offer. 676-2876, travel. Call 37 2-0567 or paid , . unfurnished, air conditioned, $165. 373-6753 apartment, i.j ' ** 484-8959. 5-11-27 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. or 651-6540 0-11-27 carpeted, modern. $150 to $165. Heat included 6-12-3 ^negotiable. 332-0*51 MG MIDGET, 1972. Excellent Call WINTER. SUBLEASE PHONE 355 8255 condition! $1,975. Call WANTED - CASHIERS and go-go 349-9604. 10-11.27 GIRL NEEDED. Winter tarm. *-man. rent .; J 347 Student Services Bldg. 339-2911 evenings. 3-11-25 dancers. Apply in person. Must Americena apartment, negotiahu 3 FEMALE NEEDED for ' AUTOMOTIVE be over the age of 18. Apply at Winter 4 parson. $83/month. Cell 332-0376 351-5969.5-11-27 ^ OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale, spring, $61/month. 3-11-27 CINEMA X THEATRE AND 332-3747, after 6:15 Scooters & Cycles 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise pm. ADULT BOOK STORE, 1000 5-11-25 Parts & Service control, other extras. 332-1097 GIRL NEEDED winter, own room. Aviation after 6 pm. 7-11-27 West Jolly Road. No phone calls please. 7-12-4 NEED 2 men, 4 man, winter - Whitehall Manor, 332-3262 after 6 pm. 3-11-27 _ *75/month 351.li*'J*| ■ EMPLOYMENT PEUGEOT 504 wagon, 1972. Air, BARTENDER WAITRESS. Full spring. Free bus service, heating. $68.75 / month. 349-1856, after TROWBRIDGE^ , > FOR RENT 24,000 miles, mint. Asking LUXURY TOWN furnished, $180. and part time. Must be neat and 5:30. 5-11-27 HOUSES, 351-9036, otherw $2750. 353-8730, 351-6757. families preferred. Full Apartments dependable. Joe Covello's. 5-1127 B-1-11-25 basement, all appliances, Phone 484-6786. 5-11-26 FREE HEAT. East Lansing, Houses luxury including washer and dryer, bath RAMBLER REBEL 1967. No rust, 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no sublet, winter Rooms NEED SOMEONE - V4. $225 a month, between 1 ,, to do quick near West great, uses some oil. $275. pets. Lease until ■ FOR SALE runs 339-8536. 3-11-25 thorough housecleaning. Must month free rent. $160. 129 September. One pm and 6 pm Wednesday •nomh. Call 332 Circle. $77,71 Animals have own car. $2.25/hour. Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 through Sunday. Call 882-0257. 1174.^1 351 2684, 332-8059. 2-11-26 Five minutes from campus SAAB 1973 Sonnett, Excellent Mobile Homes CEDAR 8-12-6 $3250. Phone CAMPUS#] condition. VILLAGE, one male for ' LOST & FOUND 485-2318. 3-11-25 NEED STUDENT to babysit winter/spring. 351 -9488, after 6 PERSONAL TOYOTA 1972 Corolla 1600. 4 Tuesday November 26 3:30 - 9pm. Friday, November 29, 9 "mm of rr pm. 4-11-25 WOMAN OVER 21 to share 2 bedroom apartment with same. PEANUTS PERSONAL REAL ESTATE speed, AM-FM, rear defrost, new tires, air, 26 - 30 mpg. $1550. am-5 pm. $1.25/hour. 351 2684; 332-8059. 1-11-25 van L ONLY MOW tDUZLAWN QUIET FEMALE to sublease Before 3 pm call 351-9352. 2-11-26 APARTMEHTS Twyckingham, winter and RECREATION 339-2127,351-3119. 5-11-27 WANTED FULL ohct every 40<*- spring. 351-8551. 6-11-27 TWYCKINGHAM, four Man time girl for man. SERVICE needed, non-smoker prefered. After Furnished VEGA 1972. Excellent condition. office. Apply Monday and COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 NEED 1 girl to sublease Cedar apartment] Instruction 4-speed, 20,000 miles. Call after Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, 5pm. 332-4169. BL-1-11-25 Village, winter, spring. available for 3 pm. 484-9874. 5-11-27 Lansing. 372-6323. 2-11-26 Typing Service 332-3996. 511-26 FEMALE SUBLEASE Delta Arms. TRANSPORTATION WANTED VEGA miles. 1974 Radial Hatchback. 9000 tires, 4-speed. WAITRESSES WANTED $2/hour. Call between 1-6pm. DELLS. Employment jfj |_ Apartieits )|Vj WANTED: FEMALE to sublease December • June. $78.50. Call Deb. M. 351 7847. 8-12-6 immediate i>u ■ Cedar Village apartment, winter I 25-27 mpg. AM-FM. 627-2928 339-2916, Frank. 7-12-5 COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. Part HASLETT ARMS. Female needed, or CAR POOL only. 351-8077. 5-12-2 after 5:30. Must sell. 3-11-25 time. $2/hour. JIM'S GARAGE, winter, spring. One block from 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, ••RATES** BABYSITTER IN my home from Grand Ledge. 627-2248. 5-11 26 campus. $82.50/month. partially furnished, 1018 North beginning Winter term.| GIRL TO share immediately - own VEGA 1971 - Standard 7:30 am - 5:30 pm daily, 7:30 351-2787.5-11-26 Pennsylvania. $150, $50 deposit. 10 word minimum room $75/month. $25 T ransmission, rebuilt engine, am • 10:30 pm REAL ESTATE salesman wanted deposit. No children or large pets. Thursdays. Will Utilities Call runs good, 25 mpg. 353-7031. consider live - in. 393-0041 after Excellent opportunity, financing FEMALE NEEDED to sublet included. Call 371-4956. 3-11-27 349-3530 available 485-4746. 3-11-26 5-11-26 5:30 pm and week-ends. 5-12-3 to help make sales winter term. Own room! $90. 645-2144.5-11-27 351-3268. 5-11-26 MALE - SUBLEASE own room in Roommate mice VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large 1 5 TEMPORARY MAILING large apartment. 2 blocks from 3 10 miles, 4-speed, custom interior, room AVON, TO buy upstairs. One bedroom. Share work. Starting December 3rd. 2 or sell. Call our WANTED - 1 or 2 girls to sublease campus. 351-5830, 332-4768. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 13.0c AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 district manager, 482-6893. large in nice 3-person utilities. $120. 351-7497. shifts, approximately 2-3 weeks, room 3-11-27 FEMALE mpg. 351-6917. X5-11-23 20-12-2 0-4-11-27 ROOMMATE, tut 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.6C $2/hour. Apply in person; 3308 apartment. $66. December or fi/nished, $92, t 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. MODELS FOR photography. Call January. Evenings, 351-4246, 1525 NORTH HIGH. New. included. near c VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. ONE MAN needed for four man 3-11-227 Sally 5-11-26 . partially furnished. Utilities 337-2078. 5-11-25 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.4C Rebuilt between 10 am and 6 pm. apartment. Cedar transmission, well Village, winter paid. $140 plus deposit. 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 maintained, clean, very good 489-1215.0-11-27 TWO BEDROOM term only. Non-smoker. CAII PROJECT ENGINEERS in training FURNISHED, 393-7839. 485-1302. 3-11-27 APARTMENT 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 condition. $1,400. 353-4631. - B.S.M.E. or B.S.I.E. Grads with CHILD CARE for 10 month old mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. 351-4728. 2-11-25 OKEMOS, j corner, furnished 3 i X5-11-23 10 minutes to campus. Quiet no experience being sought by son. Year round. 8-5. In my FEMALE NEEDED to sublease utilities, couple. $150an and CEDAR VILLAGE, one man blue-chip processing home. Okemos area. peaceful on a lake. December - June. $72.50. Near 349-2313. 7-11-27 c>EAD!LINE VW 1972. Rebuilt engine and Light 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 needed for winter/spring. $80. organization. Substantial growth housekeeping. Own Williams. 332-2049. 2-11-26 transmission. $1200. 349-9557 351-2023. 2-11-25 opportunities for career • FURNISHED P.M. one class day after 5:30 p.m. X4-11-23 minded professionals. Contact transportation. References. Call 355-9618 9-5 pm. 349-9515 EAST LANSING - One bedroom 1-2 WOMEN NEEDED. Sublease apartment to ONE be*o| before publication. furnished. Quiet residential area. ONE BEDROOM unfurnished. sublease, do Mr. John Kukulski Sr. R.E.S. after 6 pm and weekends. immediately. Campus Hill. campus. Heat paid, pe VW CAMPER/Van 1968. 14200 Iron wood Drive. NW Carpeting. Disposal. Security Completely carpeted and 349-4617. 3-11-27 3-11-26 locks. $185. Lease from remodeled. $100/month $194, available for wii E xcellent condition. Factory Grand Rapids. plus Peanuts Personal ads 49504. Call weekdays. 3 built. Pop - up roof, the works! 1-616-677-1473. B-1-11-25 December, 1974 - September 15, utilities. Close to LCC and bus must be NEED VERSATILE country - rock TWYCKINGHAM 4-man, 2 Ml-27 pre-paid. 27 mpg, $1,800. Call 355-1190. 1975. Woodside Apartments, to MSU. Phone 371-1479. lead guitar player immediately. bedroom furnished. X3-11-23 MARRIED COUPLE needed to 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 5-12-2 GIRL NEEDED to sublease rJ Must lead sing. Steady work, $290/month. Utilities paid. Cancellations/ Corrections supervise a group of mentally Immediate occupency. Edge. Winter, spring. $??■ good pay. Call if you're good. VOLKSWAGEN LARGE TWO partly furnished LCC 1 bedroom, furnished, all 332-0270. 5-11 26 12 noon one class da* 1972, Super retarded adults. Rewarding 332-5278, 394-0638 after five. - 351-7166,487-5696. 8-12-6 Beetle, like new! Reasonably work. Room and board provided efficiency. Close to campus, air ■ utilities, carpeted, $140. No before publications. 4-11-27 priced. 882-7789. 5-12-3 plus salary. Call Irma conditioning, immediate lease 339-9114.5-11-26 WANTED, 2-4 people to Zuckerberg OWN ROOM for woman in occupancy. $165/momh. Call apartment close to at 487-6500. 7-12-5 campus,u] The State News will be responsible only for the VW 1969. New engine and paint. Snow tires, very clean. Call HOME HEALTH aid - housekeeper. For Rent ][$) SHARE 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 2 man aprtment. Own STUDENTS FACULTY, STAFF townhouse. East Lansing December 5-11-27 June. area. 337-2060. June. Call 3516441.5-11-sP 351-7238.5-12-3 8-12 Monday Friday ' for TV and rst day's incorrect STEREO Rentals. insertion. quadraplegic woman. 349-4918. $25/term. $10.95/month. Free bedroom. Winter and spring. Free bus to campus. 337-9291. 3 BEDROOM* 1%BATH GIRL NEEDED winter/spring. 3-11-27 Same Day Delivery and Service. UNFURNISHED APT'S Capitol Villa. $46.25. 332-2906. Motorcycles Sk Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 5-11-26 3-11-25 Bills are due 7 days from BICYCLE STORE manager. Long the ad expiration date. If DELUXB 3 bedroom in Okemos. HONDA from not paid by the due date, a Hooker 750 1973. 5,400 miles. headers. Excellent term arrangement. Experience necessary. 351-7240. 8-12-6 Includes 2 full baths, air J215 per month PINE - LAKE APARTMENTS, 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 $.50 late service charge will condition. 393-1949. 5-11-26 $ NOTICES conditioning, carport. No l gas heat t> water) bedroom apartments just 10 UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNI1 children or pets. $250. Phone ^ If You're a better person than the $ 332-0111 or evenings and minutes from MSU. $150 / per SUZUKI SL 1972. Very good Call job you're ALL STUDENT weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 month. Beautiful grounds, quiet condition. Female owner. $375 now in, we'd like to KNOB HILL location. Call Manager 339-8192 talk to you. Commissions. Call Automotive ** firm. Call Kitty, after 4 pm, Advertising UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom APARTMENTS or EASt LANSING REALTY, 394-2019. 5-11-26 Josephine Starkweather at must be apartment one mile from 332-4128. 10-12-6 694-3935. Investors Diversified 349-4700 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE only YAMAHA Services. 8-12-6 "PRE PAID" campus. $180. Call 332-8519. TRIUMPH, BMW - CLEAN RESPONSIBLE male you can save $$$. It pays to 5-11-26 Community atmosphere to motorcycles. Parts, accessories, NOW share 2 bedroom apartment. shop around. Call us. You may 5 miles from campus service. SHEP'S MOTOR SALES POSITIONS MERIDIAN MALL $105. 487-1967 be surprised. % mile north of Jolly Road after 7 pm. 484-8173. SPORTS, INp.- 694-6621. BE HOME EVERY NIGHT through the end Just completed - 1 bedroom units 4-11-26 0-2-11-25 C-3-11-27 Arrange financial programs for of the term. with super location for MSU and all individuals and TWO WOMEN needed winter term business shopping. Greet colors and yard NEAR SPARROW. Furnished. 1 NEEDED ONE man I HONDA 750 1974. New front tire. organizations. Will train for Cedar Village, $80/month. Stat* News space for the garden freak. These bedroom, $130 monthly, Cedar Village. Winti highly lucrative, annualized 351 3806. 3-11-27 Sissy bar. Just tuned. Must sell are perfect for utilities paid. 627-9183. 5-11-27 for school. 339-2029. 3-11-27 commission sales. Prior sales Classified Dept. 347 Student Services young singles or couples, with no lease. $150 per $75/month, 355-7062. &■'] experience desirable. Call GIRL NEEDED winter and spring BUICK 1966. Power steering, month. Please cell 332-3268 or 1250 OAKRIOGE. CHAPEREL 80 motorcycle, good term, own room. Call 351-4205 Large 1 GIRL NEEDED i brakes. Runs JosepKne Starkweather, 332-5877. good. Good body. between 10-2. 10-11-25 bedroom apartment in a quiet, apartment win condition, $125. Call 655-2724. 694-3935. Investors Diversified $125. 353-2164. 8-12-6 5-12-3 Services. 8-12-6 Apartments 5-11-27 private building. Occupancy Twyckingham, $66/montl>.■ FOR ONE month only. ONE MALE needed. Heat and 332-8172.5 11-25 CHEVELLE 1970 4 door. Navy water included $95 month. Nice 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike, ARE YOU WATER'S EDGE, 4 person. Girl blue. Very clean. Runs good. looking for more 5 - January 7. Lapeer Street, place. 351-7630. 5-11-26 'girl NEEDED, share 2be< 2,000 miles. $850 negotiable. opportunity to use your skills? needed winter and spring. Lansing. $125. 489-4931. $750. 694-8452. 5-11-25 - Own room, furnished, car 646-6236. 7-12-3 Positions now open for Sublease $82.50. 337-9292. 5-11-27 >00 RIVER STREET, in Lansing - wood panelled, ai executive secretaries, secretaries, 4-11-25 SUBLEASE 2 person. January to CAMERO, 1967. 327, runs good, 3 miles from campus, just off Near campus, shopping c«n#< DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, bookkeepers, and receptionists. ONE FEMALE needed to sublease September. Block east Bogus. 4-speed, many extras, rust proof, bus stop. $75, ^11 make offer. 694-1733, before 3 Experience a must. Don't put it NEEDED, 3 girls 332-4277.8-12-6 Kalamazoo Good sized to sublease 4 girl winter $600. 655-2557.3-11-27 5-11-26 off apartment. term only. Beechwood furnished 1 bedroom Margaret, 332-3970JjMjj®H pm. any longer. Call Linda at $70/month. Apartments. $61/month. OFFICEMATES. 694-1153. Winter/spring. Pool, air 332-5657.5-11-27 EFFICIENCY APARTMENT - apartments. 6 and 9 month Own ROOM, apartment,! CHEVELLE, Late 1972, 28,000, 8-12-6 leases accepted. $170. 485-3140. Lease, close, cIm"' ^ Auto Service conditioning, dishwasher. FM and tape, 3 on floor. $2600. / 349-2859. 5-12-2 EAST LANSING- one person to South Washington, near Mt. Hope $75/month. 485-2968. 10-12-6 337-0110. 2-11 " 337-7997.3-11-27 COUNSELOR CASE worker, full VOLKSWAGEN sublease furnished 2 bedroom. 3-11-27 - COMPLETE time, experience in social work SECOND FEMALE. Winter only. lABAtfvOJl CHRYSLER 1968, power steering, brakes, snow tires, new complete repair and DISCOUNT to students, faculty body. 20% working with children. Contact William Weitzel, VFW National Share 1 bedroom 711 Burcham. Winter and spring terms. $100. Quiet, comfortable. 337-7438, MAN TO share Campus Hill. CROSSWORD Rent $68.50/month. exhaust system, radiator and battery.$495. 655-2932. 3-11-25 on all cash'n' parts. carry VW service IMPORT AUTO PARTS, Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, 5-12-2 negotiable. 332-2708. 353-7733. jOr Keith, 353-4686. 5-11-27 349-2856. 5-11-25 Winter/spring. PUZZLE MMWit 663-1521, extension 147. 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. X-7-12-4 ffli E^IzanI DATSUN 240-Z, 1973. Automatic, 485-204 7, 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank ✓C CHECK OUR ACROSS 30. Correct air, Michelin tires, AM-FM, Americard. VOCATIONAL COUSELOR. ^REPAIR PRICES^ 1. Theatrical 31. Article 29,000 miles, great shape. _C-1J-2J $3995 3-11-27 355-4219, 353-3578. BODY REPAIR. rates to Quality, reduced students. Also Career opportunity center, farm workers, migrant program, permanent full time. Spanish 20% DISCOUNT TO sketches 6. Mushroom 12. Penthouse 32. Alehouse 34. Kobold 36. Ruby 3mSS|E®|| IH'rFrHB guaranteed rust proofing. VAN speaking by bi-cultural. Contact STUDENTS & 13. Key fruit 38. Friar DATSUN 610, 1973. Like new, Extras! 8800 miles, must sell. WORLD 645-2123. 0-11-27 Mr. Ferguson, 489-3715. FACULTY ON 14. School subject 40. Chocolate UIOIKI I ■5111 x-7-12-3 16. Civetlike cream 487-9340. 5-11-25 MINT PAIR Goodyear Polyglas CASH/CARRY VW DODGE VAN 1973. Carpeted and snow tires. 351-5381 evenings. 2-11-25 D 7 0-13. $50. SECRETARY Local - medium RECEPTIONIST sized f for the CHR SERVICE PARTS animal 17. Eternity 18. Lessee 41. Baby 44. Space suit 46. — Lama S insulated, many extras. Call after construction company desires 6:30,349-2243. 5-11-25 charming, neat 20. Convene 48. Altar cloth 2! Fuel & be it I appearing % secretary - receptionist. Must be 22. Combat 50. French nude 3. Peaceful 9. Came!"] FIAT 1974 124 sport coupe. Low able to type 80+ wpm and take 23. Theater sign ' 52. Headdress 4. Stannum 10- W | mileage, must sell! 646-8101. dictation at 120+ wpm. 26. Furnishings 53. Italian sculptor 5. Denomination 11 P"1"3 5-11-25 W 28. Encore 54. Donkey cries 15, Govern* Excellent fringe benefits. No A 9 AUTO PARTS FORD FAIRLANE, 1962. $220. fees paid. Equal Opportunity Special Peanuts Personal 2 3- 4 r~ 6 r- 8 9 10 " 19 agency Arrest ! j Employer. 393-1670. 5-11-27 500 E. Kalartiazoo Call Bruce, 351-3820 after 6 pm. at Cedar 21 Pinnacle I 9-11-27 SANTA'S HELPERS Greetings Page Volkswagon cpmplete repair I 13 24 Emblem1I INSURANCE LOWEST rates on Full and - - service. Repair & parts for most 'M fidelity r cycles and auto. Call us first or part time during Christmas e i<4 FORD RANCHERO, GT. 360 hp, automatic transmission, $1800. last, but call. Easy Payment season. Starting November 29, Special date: Dec. 6 foreign and American cars. Body shop & paint services. 17 18 % s ][>] DYNAMIC Dynamic 70's. condition. Price VR-17'i Excellent' CVM APPLICATION IBM. 25 years experience. 349-0850. C-11-27 wanted to teach their skills hours per week. a Vicki, few 332-0112, (11:30 12-11-27 6 pm.) MR IS to share country negotiable 353-2164. 5-11-26 V 2 bedrooms available, ROOM NOW. 355-2515. 3-11-25 TYPING, ELECTRIC machine, DAY CARE. ■each, plus full use of $70. Close. Cooking, parking, 676-4004. After DEADLINE fast, accurate and experienced. BEATLE CARDS, magazines items playmates Seeking for my 1 or 2 children. I Clean, close - campus. 4:30, 332-6990. 3-11-27 PRIVATE SHOWING. Exquisite 372-4746,8-12-6 Infants wanted. CURIOUS USED through kindergarden. Indian Turquoise Jewelry. ■167. 3-11-26 Applications (and EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM BOOK SHOP. 307 East Grand Specialized care. Weekdays. GIRLS: DOUBLE 489-0328 for details, 6-8 River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) 349-3348. rooms to rent, pm Supportative materials) for Selectric, term papers, theses, 5-11-26^ ■OOM 41 in good house. dormer sleeping area, only. 5-12-2 the 8-11-27 Mgje winter, spring. Good house. Close to sorority' class to be admitted general typing. 371-1115. ARTS/CRAFTS. Are you skilled in campus. $425 SKIS, FISCHER Combi's 185^. 1975 summer term must be 3-11-27 COUPLE NEED "flit," winter arts / crafts, guitar, theatre etc.? |ie.' - Close. 351-8671. per term. Call 332-3551 daytime Marker bindings. Must sell$60 received in the Office of the spring. Maximum rent $130, You're needed for new cultural or 482-9511 evenings. 8-12-6 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. 355-7270. 3-11-26 Dean, College of Veterinary near campus. Call collect rehabilitation center. Volunteers Dissertations (pica elite). Medicine by December 2, - mornings and weekends, wanted to teach their skills a few IeDROOM furnished house, QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and FENDER PRECISION 1974. FAYANN,489-03581C-1V27 1-31 3-332-3825. 5-11 -26 hours per week. Vicki, _ se desired, security reasonable. Board Bass with at Triangle Brand THESES, RESUMES, typing and WANTED: 3-4 353-2164. 3-11-25 required. $326 / month. Fraternity. Call 332-3563 case. new. Best offer. BEDROOM Bjouth Francis. 351-8614. 8-12-6 332-2831.4-11-27 FREE A lesson in printing. Reasonable prices. HOUSE, East Lansing, for four Whether you've found something or ... complexion COMMERCIAL PRINTING. graduate students. Call 351-0745 |27 care. Call 484-4519 East 351-4116. C-1 1-27 after 4 pm. 5-11-27 not, it's fun to read the "LOST TWO CHESS SETS, onyx and ROOMS, close, marble. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing 8i FOUND." Turn there now. ItOOMS in house. $57. immediately, no Unique gifts, several colors. utilities, $80 Mall. MERLE NORMAN |able 12-1. Ten minutes to each. 351-1744. 5-11-25 Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-27 COMPLETE THESES, Service jS. 484 5267. 4-11-27 Discount Printing. IBM typing MEN: SKI IS - KNEISSLE and binding of dissertations and FARMHOUSE Fraternity, Super Stars. loOM • beautiful house, Ir/dryer No lease, $75. rooms for No rent, two terms only. singles. Good food, fantastic Look Grand Prix Lange 1014 Comp boots. $75 bindings. | Real Estate (lift publication. Across from campus, corner M.A.C. and i263.3 11-26 353-1329. Ed. 3-11-25 Grand River. Below Jones housemother, friendly people. COUNTRY LIVING. 5 minutes $410/term. $50 deposit. Phone IBM from MSU. Remodeled farm Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - SELECTRIC Pica. Excellent ImalE needed. I Share Nice house. room now 332-8635. B-2-11-25 thesis typewriter. Excellent house with optional rental unit Friday. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 351-0237 jh Summer. $60 monthly VERY COMFORTABLE. Excellent ' GIBSON'S v condition. $375. 882-8764 5-11-27 353-4772. 6-H-26 [ utilities. Call Karen, 68.5-12-2 location. Clean, linens, friendly atmosphere. A real dealt parking, BOCK HOME GRAIN grinders and bread STOCK MARKET }KET got ant won Hnuun? you down? (Transportation ^ ' ' 351-3212. 5-12-2 Real estate is an excellent J I HOUSE for 4 persons. plus utilities. Available ALL FACILITIES. Private. In ADDIC mixers, electrical, world's best; for great whole wheat 355-8132. 5-11-26 bread, investment. I or can show you land income properties that are FLORIDA RIDERS leaving December 13, returning needed limber 30. 393-0445. house. New. $75. East side 1000's good places for money during January 2nd. Call Grand Rapids, 393-0603.5-11-26 of this 1-616-453-5956. 5-12-3 WATERBED, BICYCLE, furniture, inflation tax - biting Fine old books household items, books, economy. Call me so we can PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south COSTA RICA driving January 24. - at miscellaneous. 371-5837 discuss it! Bob Homan, near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for Need riders. Share costs. 373-8246. 3-11-25 349-2529 H.D.I. REALTORS, student, near bus line. Bargain Prices 349-3310. 4-11-6 372-0127. 5-11-26 $65/month plus deposit. New titles SANSUI 3300 AM-FM Stereo RoR 3 bedrooms, partially 627-5454. 7-12-3 added daily LOTS FOR sale! Buy now, build LEASE! COUPLE needs ride to receiver. Sansui QS-500 rear Rochester for pished, fireplace, garage, We buy books later. I have a beautiful Thanksgiving. Dan, WOMEN ULREY channel amp. Sony TC8W hilltop 349-3792. 1-11-25 welcome. 339-9114. Co-op. Eight 126'/4 W. Grand River site with lake view and another openings winter term. Room and 8-track tape recorder. Dual 1215 with almost 2 acres in Okemos Board, $250. 332-5095. 3-11-25 Hours -S changer. Mid-Michigan's finest school district. Bob IF YOU'RE selection of used stereo Homan, one of the best, tell the . ROOM in Macrobiotic M-F 12:30-5:00 349-2529. H.D.I. REALTORS. public about your service or lehold. Gunson Street. 4th WOMAN FOR duplex. $75 equipment. Car tape systems Sat. 10:30 349-3310. 4-11-26 business with an ad on the Tneber 15. 351-7687. month. Call 351-3620 around ■ - 4:00 new and used, $10 - up. New Yellow Page each Thursday, Call dinnertime. 5-11-27 Robyn CB sets and walkie - HASLETT M-78 reduced $4,000 talkies. 50 used winter coats, - Michelle, 355-8255. on 3 bedroom ranch on 1 acre of CARPETED, PANELED leathers and toocoats. WILCOX P ROOM for male. Large room, land. Has 2 car attached garage Excellent location, close Duplex, $105 plus utilities, SKIS - K-2 2's and Solomon 404 SECONDHAND STORE, with a full basement. Great area David. 337-0294.10-12-4 bindings. 12 days actual 485-4391. Hours: 9-5:30, daily for kids plus the parking, laundry. The first stereophone n, use. advantage of $100. 351-7407.3-11-26 except Sunday. C-8-11-29 §1918.3-11-27 SINGLE ROOM: kitchen privileges. low taxes. Don't pass this up. Call Paul 482-1637. $80 + utilities. 155 Gunson, Evenings, PEAVEY AMPLIFIER, 125 RMS. that combines good bass BANJO 4 string harmony. Never |HNSING, on busline. 4 Close. 351-8754.4-11-26 351-8058. 1-11-25 i house. Suitable for Six 12" speakers and horn, foot been used. New. $90 or best il men or women. $250 switch. $400. 485-8390. 4-11-27 offer. CAII Kitty 394-2019, after DUPLEX. NEWLY remodeled. 3 MALE, SINGLE, walk to campus. bedroom unit, and 2 bedroom J 393-7839, 4 pm. 5-11-26 response with reality. deposit. ■1302.3-11-27 Cooking, 334 Evergreen. CAII JSED NIKON F 35mm camera, unit. $42,900. 489-2575. 489-1893.5-12-3 Canon Pellix, Mamiya-Sekor 3-11-26 1000DTL, Canon FTB, Petri Our new Trans-Linear JNSIBLE 4th person needed, stereophone surrounds you with pure J bedroom, large house, close mpus, $75/month. 1 fir Sals [|51 SLR telephoto with standard lens. Super 8mm and TWO DOBERMAN Pinschers. AKC, [ Recreation (£) sound, without separating you from the doorbell or the In perfecting the open-air principle we've blended phone. §4538 3 11-27 movie equipment. Swift one red male, one black female. lightweight, HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand Collegiate 400 microscope. No children. Must sacrifice. Besl SKI UTAH - Space going fast $285. airy design with heavyweight acoustics. A new mylar driver Federal enlarger - $49.95. offer. 371 -3722. 5-11 -27 Call TRAVEL BY results in a 25-20,000 Hz. frequency response, Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. 882-3022. 30-12-3 Benjamin miracord 50HII HARRINGTON, 351-8800. never-before smoothness, flatness; and " turntable. Kenwood KR5150 FREE LONG-HAIRED gray male C-3-11-27 for the first time, a full bass APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM Stereo receiver, Sansui QR4500 cat. Cell after 5 pm, 332-6718. response. FOUR SEASONS CLUB beats the You'll feel the highest highs and ORCHARDS, 7 miles south of quad receiver. AR2X speakers 5-12-2 Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. and cost of skiing! Discounts on lift lowest lows, without losing touch many more sweet stereo WANTED: tickets, Michigan weekend with the real world. And you'll en- / 491.3-11-27 Closed Mondays. Gift packages components. King size waterbed, CHAMPION male packages. Western and European shipped by United Parcel. ladies and mens leather coats, ski Hungarian Vizsla to breed with trips. 10% discount on all joy the comfort of just 11 ounces. 1-589-8251.0-11-27 equipment, ice boat, barber registered female. Carl. The Superex Trans-Linear stereo¬ Weathervane items excluding chair. All merchandise 337-2381.3-11-26 guaranteed - Check us out, you , sale items. Membership rates $15 phone comes with a fully adjust¬ Cash for single, $20 couple, $25 family. will groove on our honest down able headband, and exclusive GOLDEN RETRIEVERS • lots of Located at Okemos STAMPS & COINS to earth used equipment, prices. puppies, AKC champ bloodline. Weathervane, 349-1020. 5-11-26 snap-on ear cushions that you can Buy - Sell - Trade DICKER & DEAL Call 339-9907.3-11-27 replace. In black with Chroma SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 trim, a 15 foot clip-cord, and 2 year full line of supplies South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday MIO - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN HANDSOME, SPRINGER Spaniel, guarantee. It's the finest open-air and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, field type, AKC, Available for 1880 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 type of stereophone you can buy. Wednesday, Thursday and stud. 487-8784, evenings. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Saturday 9-6. C-3-11-27 3-11-27 oiled and adjusted. Portables PILOT 254 Receiver, 130 watts $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric rms. List $430. Like new, $275. SKIS: HEAD Competition Giant FOUND: GREY and white cat. $12.50. One day service, free Superex Stereophones. Feel what you hear. 332-3812. 3-11-25 Slalom. 210cm. Spalding PF male in Mason Hall. Call pick up and delivery. 25 years Epoxy 205cm. Call after 5:30 355-1916. C-3-11-27 |ERS0N needed to share SKI EQUIPMENT - slightly used, pm, 393-0487. 3-11-27 experience. 393-9774. ry home. Own bedroom. 0-18-11-27 0. Call 677-1862. 3-11-26 includes skis, boots, poles. $75. FOUND: Declawed, spayed, angora 676-4884. 5-11-27 KENWOOD 6004 amplifier. female cat. Vicinity EDITING Foster - PROOFREADING. Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand ►"MATE NEEDED - Street, Lansing . Call 487-4509. Dissertations, theses, research CONN FRENCH horn, excellent new Shure cartridge. Excellent (•/female. Furnished 2 • condition. For more information condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. C-3-11-27 projects, manuscripts. Anne 215 Lathrop. All Caulty. 337-1591J2-11-26 call 651-5030. 5-11-27 5-12-3 ps. $90 monthly. 5-12-2 [Mobile Homes |w PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, finest quality, reasonably priced. OUS ROOMS HOWARD SOLID state portable OVEN • SEARS built - in, never in house. used, 2 years old, model. Self ATLANTIC, 1967. 10x50. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Street, $86/month. combo organ, $150. Silvertone 2 put amp $25. Triesco Furnished, clean, many extras, 482-5712. C-11-27 out cleaning rotisserie, automatic, §1958.4-11-27 electric guitar with case, $20. avocado. $300 or best offer. financing. $2,900. 641-6226. 676-4880. 3-11-27 5-12-3 FOR THE BEST Service Copy of Antoniusi Stradivarius on stereo pROOM, furnished, Bailey Cremona 1713 full size violin equipment see the STEREO il area. January through SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. ]Q) with $65. 339-8197. LESLIE [ lost & case, YAMAHA amplifier, limber juired. Family 1975 References only. 3-11-25 RA200. $1500 new. Must sell, Found C-11-27 $1000. Perfect condition. 1'023.5-12-2 WHIRLPOOL WHITE, automatic 351-7687. 5-12-3 FIND SOMETHING dishwasher, like new. 6 months. IF YOU'VE found a pet or Instruction ■EMALE, winter, own room, article of value, we want to help T Big house, $125,349-9225. 5-11-27 FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. 2 fireplaces, no you return it. Just come into the BOARD EXAM TUTORING ». close. $81. 337-0269. Workbenches, steel barrels and State News Classified STANLEY H. KAPLAN FENDER DUAL Showman many other itmes. 882-2555. Department and tell us you want TUTORING COURSES amplifier - 100 watts, twin 0-3-11-27 to place an ad in EAST slow, being formed for the cabinets, $400 393-4967. I"ill LANSING, girl home with to share 3-11-25 . LENS PRECISION ground in our LANSING STATE BANK'S upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, mother and Found Column. As a public ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For * old. Phone 332-0981. lab. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, service EAST LANSING STATE information call 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. BANK will run the ad at no cost 1-313-354-0085. 0-2-11-25 372-7409. C-3-11-27 to you! f 'AN MANOR. Downtown SAVIN 215 copy machine. 3 years EAST LANSING s bedroom. $75. STATE BANK The Art of the ?. after 5 pm. B-1-11-26 old, $250. Call 351-4879 before C-11-27 Classical Guitar 4:30 pm, Monday through fooOM HOUSE, between Friday. 5-12-3 LOST: MALE Schnauzer. Personal instructions J0"1 and Holt, Salt-pepper, newly answer to "Jango" by a serious guitarist GREEN, LAVENDER, Fuchsia, (I Fc°'ated and Brookfield Plaza area, another carpted. Tuesday 351-7539 J°'month plus deposit, yellow, wine and glitter nail night. Reward. 351-3481. Phone 694-9033. polish 50c to $1.25. 3-11-27 GULLIVER STATE DRUG, I BEDROOM house, fully 1105 East Grand 332-2100. 0-1-11-28 River. FOUND: BLACK male angora cat, been around about a month. term paper to dor CAII 332-4566 after 5:30. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast •bicycle. HUFFY Ladies 3-speed, and reasonable. 371-4635. Next time you're researching a term paper, don't 5-12-2 limit your source material to books and periodicals. 26", immaculate, practically C-11-27 $49. 339-2525. 3-11-27 There are probably several doctoral dissertations relevant to your topic — and they're easier to findhighly new, FOUND: MAN'S wristwatch at EXPERIENCED, TYPING term than ENGAGEMENT - WEDDING rings. MSU/OHIO State Game. Call papers, theses, etc. Rapid, you think! Visit the new Dissertation Center display in $175. Crystal service, $50. 353-2672. C-3-11-25 the main library, and learn about the resources de¬ accurate service. 394-2512. 484-6302 after 6 pm. 5-12-3 C-11-27 signed to help you locate the right dissertation. Re¬ f 5 bedroom sources like the house, near FOUND. STRAY Cat. Capitol k5.Cf!d- ""•2603.10-12-2 Ca" 351-4140 FOR SALE: firewood, 4x8 stack, Villa, longhaired grey tiger, flea PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, COMPREHENSIVE DISSERTATION INDEX - $25, delivered. Call 6764375. collar. 361-3436. C-3-11-25 inexpensive typing. Very near a definitive 37-volume reference, available in the li¬ 5-12-3 campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 brary. which enables you to quickly determine what PMaTes WANTED. SEWING MACHINE Clearance FOUND: STRAY Cats. Orange dissertations have been written on your subject; sale! Brand new portables $49.95. L'T' "w. Quie< studious, $5 per month. Large selection of schwinn 10-speed. Excellent tiger, short hair. Grey / black IRENE ORR - Theses, term papers, DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS INTERNA¬ poli-sci oriented condition. Brand new. $100. white tiger. 351-3436. C-3-11-25 general typing. TIONAL a monthly publication reconditioned used machines. Formerly .with — containing synopses Latge 5 bedroom 351-1078. 5-12-3 Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. of dissertations, also available in the library; Aiso, part time Singers, Whites, Necchis, New FOUND: TAN part poodle male C-11-27 DATR1X II Search Service — a computerized, ,or 1 person. Phone Homes and many others. $19 95 to FREE PHOTOGRAPHY catalogue - dog. North East Lansing. 25+ mail-order system which will prepare, in response to <-5-11-25 $3995. Terms. EDWARDS economy photo systems and pounds. 361-1848. C-3-11 -25 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 FORMER COLLEGE yourindividual inquiry, an interdisciplinary list of disser¬ equipment in all price ranges. No administrative secretary, desires tations related to your topic; I?*" "-"Pus. hous«. 5 minutes North C-3-11-27 Washington. 489-6448. bull - just the best cameras and accessories for your money. LOST: 1 minature Schnauzer, small male, light gray, no collar. typing term papers, thesis, etc. Xerox University Microfilms' dissertation publish¬ $200/month. My home near University, ing service, which will produce copies of most disserta¬ ^5.6-11-26 CAL WEST PHOTOGRAPHY Answers to "Charlie." Reward. reasonable rates. Phone tions — either on microfilm @$5.00 or paperbound' MID - MICHIGAN'S largest audio WAREHOUSE, 1327 Archer, 349-1895. 5-11-27 retailer with the finest in stereo 332-2616. 3-11-25 @$11.00 — at your request '' San Lull Obispo, Ca. 93401. convenient to campus. For further explanations, and DATRIX II and products and electronic repairs. 3-11-27 THERE'S A roomer in town I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, Dissertation Order Forms, come to the Dissertation I, (. ^Plex. Family Shoo the store with straight r F|"PlKe. Double garage. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Quilt purses, looking for your rantaJ. quickly, Center. Your term paper stands to benefit. Kn* stereo answers. MARSHALL Advertise vacancies with Want cheaply. 1111 H. $290. 489-0633. custom sewing. Call Debbie, University Village. MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. Ads. Dial 365-8255. 355-5871. C-1-11-25 393-3199. 5-11-27 3-11-26 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, ] IS THERE — A PERSONAL i r s Senate appointment draws fire t a I GOD? HAS HE SPOKEN TO YOU? UNO ANSWtRS "It's a sickening situation river act and shoreline act to be fret correspond so - called allegations are mt count on when a man who hates the paid for by the Dept. of th« Tor»h (hf made," Mack said. "Whan they books ol Mosn State Sen. Joseph Mack, Dept. of Natural Resources Natural Resources," Sagady say Joe Mack is an ogre in the N«w Testament D • Ironwood, whose (DNR) so could be put in a said. That proppsal, which was in English jntl environmental voting record environment, Joe Makk says to Yiddish also position like that," said Rep. not approved, would haw been them, 'my environment is available ml" was rated worst in the Senate Warren Goemaere, D-Roseville, prohibitive, since the DNR CHRISTIAN out charte cleaner than theirs.'" by an environmental cocjiairman of House would never have enough Mack was referring to the TUESDAY MITE INFORMATION P.O. Soi 1041 Rochester, n r organization, was recently Conservation and Recreation money to purchase all the land fact that the Upper Peninsula is SERVICE I** 14103 appointed to the chairmanship Committee. they want, according to cleaner than the lower. STEAKSPREE of the Senate conservation Mack's appointment was Sagady. committee. seen as repayment for not As the act stands, a Mack received 7 out of a possible 100 points when rated battling Sen. Jerome Hart, D-Saginaw, for the designated area is rezoned prevent development. to IheBRMKH RING DAY by the Michigan Student chairmanship of the "Mack was also the one that your friendly Environmental Confederation Appropriations Committee. put the amendments into the OUR GENUINE John Roberts RING (MSEC). Mack, however, will retain a Wilderness Area Act that made campus $1.79 RIB-EYE STEAK Mack said that "These seat on that committee. it ineffective," Sagady added. all- people whether knowingly (environmentalists), or TTie Democratic leadership lists lack of desire for the job He also cited proposal to delete Mack's esthetics FOR ONLY MR. FELIX AT SBS VICKERS, WILL BE MONDAY. NOV. 25th f unknowingly, are doing to this by other Senators and the from consideration in the nation what other people seniority system as major inland lakes and streams act FROM 11 A.M. to 5 P,M would have to do with reasons why the post went to and a proposal to put bicycle bombs." Mack. trails and a "snowmobile trail He has said he will do all he Sagady said Mack was during the winter" through the Store can as committee chairman to responsible for numerous Porcupine Mountains State take care of jobs, "then we'll proposals that were not Park. located in the take care of the ecology." favorable to environmental In addition, Sagady said. "It's the worst possible concerns. Mack was responsible for University Mall choice," said Alex Sagady, "He wanted all lands logging and mining industries MSEC director. designated under the natural being exempt from the soil and 220 M.A.C. sediment erosion act. just above the According to the A He Ey Armed robber Northwoods environmentally Call, - an oriented open daily newspaper in the Upper until 6:00 Peninsula, Mack also wanted to Thurs. & Fri. til 9:00 Marshall Music Co., 245 Ann St., was held up Saturday sell state Sundays Noon tH 5:00 morning by an armed robber who locked three employes in a park land to the broom closet and escaped with between $300 and $400 in cash. highest bidder and put a No moratorium on deer hunting in LEVI STRAUS?&co. one was injured in the robbery and the police have no one in the Upper Peninsula when an custody. QUALITY X The robber was described as a slender black male, about 5 foot overpopulation of deer would have ravaged the 11 inches tall, wearing a blue track suit and a blue wool stocking surrounding 600 N. Homer at E. Saginaw near Frandor cap. landscape. Shopping Center "I resent the fact that these 5001W. Saginaw across from the Lansing Mall SEE THE REVOLUTIONARY "SILADIUM" RINGS First Annual Three Mon • Days Only Tues & Wed Nov. 25 -27 NOW AT: Student Book Store Most items one of a kind. S8S The worst ones will go fast!! Over the year we've accumulated many audio and electronic items that just didn't sell for some reason (probably because they weren't money). So, we're determined to turkey merchandise at all costs. move out worth the all this Turkey Sale AT THE ORIGINAL PRICES NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT Across from Olin at 421 Grand River 361-4210 MIND WOULD BUY, BUT > .. AT THESE PRICES EVEN THE WORST TURKEY BECOMES A BARGAIN LANSING STORE BOTH STORES EAST LANSING STORE REG. SALE luinnu. REG. SALE :? 2 Tenna 5105 AM/FM 8 trk system SALF - $179.95 $89 2 - Concept Plus wireless spkrs. • 1 SANSUI MQ2000 quad less spkrs $149.95 pair $47 1 • Sony HP149 compact system - $429.95 $175 6 -Craig 3210 stereo 8 track $219.95 $100 : $119.95 $44 1 Norelco 2100 cassette deck | 1 - West MKIV speaker $79.95 $27 12 pr - West 600 speakers. Pair $44.95 $20 - $219.95 $135 5 :: 1 RCA Quad 8 track system 2- JB L Prima speaker Each - $249.95 $69 $159.00 $89 : 2-Craig 2712 Dolby cassette $169.95 $119 1 • Pioneer RT1020 tape deck demo \ 6 SANSUI AS 100 speakers. Each $79.95 $48 3 Sanyo 3000 Quad receiver - $279.95 $649.95 $520 i $150 3 - Craig 3305 8 track AM/FM record $229.95 $144 i j; 1 - PE3015 turntable complete $220.00 $127 2 Sony SQP 400 quad 1 Pioneer AM/FM 8 trk. less spkrs. - system $359.95 $269 4 Rectilinear Xla speakers each - $129.95 $86 6 VM turntable - $89.95 $50 i - complete $89.95 $39 6 - Craig 4503 calculators I 1 • VM 1506 stereo receiver $149.95 $67 4 PE 3060 turntable - $99.95 $29 i 2 complete $283.00 $175 1 West MkV speaker - Magnavox speakers. Used pair $110.00 $40 6 AR 8 speaker systems - $99.50 $38 2 BOSE 901 spkr with equalizer - $129.00 $86 10 -Commodore memory calculator $79.95 - $525.00 $389 40 Superex ProB V $39 1 - headphones $60.00 $28 1 - Garrard SL55Bused Complete • Craig 3507 car cassette $219.95 $159 $30 ; ■; 1 • Pioneer FM/car cassette $134.95 $96 Sharpe 660 2 BIC venturi 6 demos Each - 1 Harman Kardon 518 Tuning meter. MAGIC SHOW?) PIPPIN is the young son of elliptical cartridge 5 YEAR WARRANTY 3 ALL ITEMS GUARANTEED IN GOOD 1 Reg. $69.95 W Charlemagne, the 8th Century Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Like PIPPIN s.'1SPl WORKING ORDER. SOME UNITS 1 2 YEAR WARRANTY tries to find any teenager, something meaningful in his life. But what can you do COME WITH FULL FACTORY 1- when your father is the Emperor? The attractive songs include: WARRANTY Technics "Magic to Do," "No Time At "Spread a Little Sunshine" and All, "Simple Joys." It's a rare treat to find a top rated RS-610US Heading the cast are TV's BARRY WILLIAMS ("Brady Bunch") as product like the Sherwood S 7200 An incomparable cassette PIPPIN and IRVING LEE (Judas receiver on sale - but it is. Now you value. The best sounding unit we have can get the "best of its class" at in "Godspell") as THE LEADING tested anyvrtiere near its price. Guaranteed PLAYER. special savings specifications. 10 year head tQOft Regularly $359.95 BACKED BY OUR 5 YEAR WARRANTY */du warranty. SUPERBI With our exclusive tape discount $9AQ95 Reserved seats on sale NOW at the PLAN policy. •> "W UNION TICKET OFFICE BACKED BY OUR 5 YEAR WARRANTY PLAN 8:15 • 4:30 weekdays 355 3361 4.00 402 S. Washington, Lansing 245 Ann Public: ($7.50 sold out) 6.50 MSU Students: ($3.75 sold out) Street, E. Lansing 3.25 2.00 THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO BUY THE ITEM OR GIFT YOU HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR. DON'T MISS THIS UNUSUAL SAVINGS EVENT I