TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Cain impeachment tie kills By ROSANNE LESS State News Staff Writer reprimand individuals motion who were the started the ouster same reprimand #Failure to bring permanent cabinet directors before the ASMSU board for reason for ousting Cain. The more liberal factions of the board movement. The six who voted charged, however, The ASMSU against approval while leaving interim appointees that the incident was board voted 7 to 6 dropping the charges were Cain merely a "window Monday night to drop an impeachment supporters, who wanted as cabinet directors. dressing" for the real reason behind the to see the motion against President Tim Cain and impeachment debate through. ignoring the directions of cabinet push to oust Cain, which they claimed also failed, directors "as exemplified by the was his earlier involvement by a tie vote, to reprimand Although the vote on the reprimand Top with the Cain. motion was 7 for to 6 Entertainment incident." Student Workers Union. against, Charles #Failure to maintain a working rapport "This issue is After nearly three hours of Massoglia, chairman pro-tern, cast a vote totally Out of debate and with the ASMSU board, a five-minute recess the anti-Cain that tied the result. He cited a including lack of proportion," said Darren Grown, a passage in communication with the board about member of the coalition gave up its attempt to oust Cain, the parliamentarian rule book Young Socialists Alliance, faced by dwindling him to vote. That vote is allowing cabinet vacancies and other issues. Cain speaking from the floor of the support for the idea expected to be was also condemned in this and a boisterous appealed by the anti-Cain faction. article for his Union-opening' charge. 'This is a mask to pro-Cain and failure to send a hide the real issue pro-Student Workers Karl Bush, college of business representative in his being fought, and that Union crowd of is the Student Workers about 150 spectators. place to the dedication of the Munn Ice Union. These representative, introduced two reasons Arena in October. people (the ASMSU board) Ironically, most of the for a possible reprimand of Cain: are the one's seven people Failure to maintain a who TIM CAIN,ASMSU PRESIDENT who voted to working rapport are the Student Workers Union. drop the impeachment ^Disobeying the mandate of the board with the administration. This article cited "They're proud of being white motion to instead substitute when Cain ordered open the doors of the a simple a letter from President Wharton to Cain middle-class racists. I think it's a sham. Union last Monday night. concerning Cain's objections to Wharton's They're not interested in any kind of #Cain's statement in Friday's State appointments principles. The president of ASMSU was expects fiscal funds News in which he called the ASMSU to the All-University Traffic Committee. In a second letter elected by the student body. Students board "a racist, white middle class board Eldon Nonnamaker, support the Student Workers Union." that wants to purge vice-president for everyone to the left student After two-and-a half hours of of the young affairs, charged Cain with murky Republicans." "imposing" debate, riddled "What these people are upon Mrs. Wharton at 2 a.m. by countless doing is drop to open the Union. parliamentary challenges and minor votes, by chickening out because they know they $1. The opening of the Union Building the board voted to limit debate on don't have the two-thirds vote needed for each early in the morning of Nov. 19 surfaced of the charges to one minute impeachment," said Allan Fox, director per board of ASMSU Legislative Relations. throughout the meeting as the main member, giving Cain unlimited time for response. By PETE DALY "I don't see how alterations. any member can vote State News Staff Writer in good faith without stating specific "There will be no layoff of jt 1U administrators expect Gov. Milliken to announce cut in state higher education funds with MSU losing today a the ailing faculty personnel," he said. Ballard sees three reasons for the state appropriations cut, with economy figuring in two of the suspected causes. grounds for a reprimand," said John Schafer, head of Residence Halls Assn. (RHA). Court doctors arrive It SI.5 million from the current fiscal year Massive auto industry appropriations, layoffs and layoffs in related industries Bush then introduced the specific le 1.5 per cent cut of MSU state funds is are expected to swell state welfare rolls this winter. The same part of an grounds for a reprimand. ;d $5 million Milliken is expected to seal year pare from the 1974 - appropriations to colleges and universities in wage losses will also be reflected in reduced income tax for the state treasury. The third reason seen for the revenues "Some of the members of the board are racists. Some are mean, nasty racists, to give Nixon exam t G. sales tax, which becomes law Jan. 1. budget cut is repeal of the state some of them just had the misfortune to Ballard, assistant to President Wharton,said that have grown up in the United States. I Jh no official word has been received yet from the governor's If the governor issues the expected executive order cutting the mean no malice LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP) Three home or his I MSU administrators have suspected the announcement funds, state House and Senate appropriations committees against those people. And court - testimony may be videotaped. was have 10 frankly, you are one of those people," - appointed doctors drove to While Nixon, 61, was said to be Jig today. days to approve the order with or without revisions, or to reject Cain said to Bush in answer to his Richard M. Nixon's oceanside villa unopposed to the examination, Hickman er state law the governor has the power to take bock funds it. Monday to examine him in determining if questions about the State News quotation and Nixon's personal e already been appropriated to any state agency, like a Though an executive order of this type has never before been the former physician, Dr. John kity, if the revenues the state takes in are less than flatly rejected. Ballard said if it is rejected Milliken then has 30 of Cain. president is well enough to C. Lungren, have expressed concern that it they Office of Black Affairs director Art testify at the Watergate coverup trial. would cause Nixon excessive stress. days to submit a revised order. Webb then listed board members Paul The physicians; left for San Clemente te appropriations account for two thirds of MSU's general The state has cut after apparently Lungren, now on vacation, warned the • appropriations to higher education twice in King and Bill Peltz also deciding that a physical stress might cause Nixon's blood ■The general fund is more than J107 million, the past five years. An economic as racists. Each pressure slump caused by the General exam would not cause dangerous stress to denied it, saying "I don't think I am to rise to dangerously high and trigger Motors strike three years ago resulted in MSU Nixon. Dr. Eldon B. Hickman, Nixon's prd said the University loss of funds will be absorbed by losing $711,000 in racist" internal bleeding. gs gained through the MSU appropriated funds for fiscal year 1971-72. In 1972-73 the state surgeon, accompanied them. hiring freeze and cuts in the took back $1.3 million from the MSU ASMSU's policy committee had listed Hufnagel told an airport news ty maintenance budget, budget. They made no comments to newsmen. conference on his arrival There was speculation by administrators Monday regarding a the following Cain actions as grounds for A decision that the exam would Sunday, "We p hiring freeze has saved MSU money when unexpectedly be safe would like to spare Mr. Nixon all the stress « faculty positions were not refilled possible stipulation in the executive order that would cut back impeachment: for Nixon, still convalescing from phlebitis possible." " ts in the maintenance immediately, Ballard capital outlay funds from the state. That possibility could effect ♦Threatening the ASMSU business surgery, was apparently reached after Dr. He also said the doctors "had budget would mean postponement current construction on the Clinical office manager and assistant comptroller Charles Hufnagel, head of the full bpus projects like street Sciences and modifications medical cooperation and the most cordial relations resurfacing and classroom to the MSU Power Plant. with dismissal for ignoring his orders. team, and the other doctors arrived at with all of Mr. Nixon's Memorial Hospital Medical Center of physicians." Beach. They studied X - Long The purpose of the doctors' rays of Nixon's examination was "not to phlebitis stricken left leg, challenge any >ard eager for student trustees - lung medical opinion that has been rendered," examinations and other records compiled Hufnagel added. "We come here without during his two stays at Memorial Hospital. bias and we are not interested in what They also met behind locked doors has occurred except as it relates to with Dr. Eldon B. Mr. Hickman, who operated Nixon's ability to testify." By JOHN TINGWALL while on Nixon on Oct. 29 to i attending school. the obstacles students face in being The welcome arms of the prevent blood Hufnagel said he and the other doctors and Trustees Pat Carrigan, D trustees, clots from breaking loose in Nixon's • Ann Arbor, nominated and elected may not insure left would arrive at their JOE KIRBY Huff and Stevens all expressed concern for though, come too late for two MSU leg and traveling to his heart and lungs, opinion much as they student participation. Trustees are elected students who ran for trustees seats in the would determine if a disabled I State News Staff Writers students attempting to tackle both for eight • year terms in statewide where they could be fatal. employe general November could return to work. election, though ineligible at After the surgery it was f's trustees are waiting with open campaigning and studying. elections. the time. Nixon suffered near reported that Nixon's doctors have said he lapsed pt the first real live student member "Campaigning isn't an easy job," "Student presence on the board is what "Students are going to have to do a lot - fatal internal into shock and almost died from d to the University's governing Stevens said. "Students may have to travel is important," Huff said. "But we still bleeding. of ass - kissing to get a nomination, The doctors' determination on hemorrhaging after surgery. He was listed around the state and raise funds, and might not get this, even with a change in Nixon's in critical condition for six though," said Bradley Sullivan, a Detroit health is to be made days. Later it [ chances leted for this happening that's no easy job." the law. We still may need some type of junior who ran as an HRP trustee by Friday to U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirica. If the was reported that he was experiencing Thursday when the Several trustees, calling the legislative student advisory position on the board of candidate. dramatic jumps in blood pressure at times s Michigan former president is too weak to action a "step in the right direction," said trustees." travel, he of Jon overwhelmingly approved (continued on page 11) may be asked to give a deposition at his physical or mental stress. He returned that will remove home Nov. 14. any conflict of I from students serving on their diversity governing boards. ) legislation, Jd by the governor and become law | *975, met expected to be with MSU waste control enthusiastic both Republican and _tic trustees. lays off 20 students • delighted," Trustee Warren Huff, mouth, said. "An MSU student's 'tion on our governing board I* advantageous ■entire educational to the University process." By JEFF MERRELL •ink the board will be State News Staff Writer much closer ■ h! ■ Donald needs 8 student is elected," The MSU Waste Control Authority, pressured by collapsing prices for old newspaper, T"ce students are at the Stevens,D-Bloomfield Hills. has laid off 20 of its 85 - student work force for the remaining two weeks of the term. University, One of the crew supervisors, however, does not like the way in which the 20 workers P">bly know a lot more of what's 'nan were chosen. we do, since we hold off • ■lobs." "We've collected 45 tons this past week, but the material is no B effects the student will longer able to support have on the number of people we have," said Fred Moore, waste control authority manager. University governing boards "We're losing money we don't really have," Moore said. ™Pend on his or The group lost $1,400 last week, according to Moore, and has been her own political Wis, Stevens losing increasing said. amounts of money for the past couple of weeks. |'oughest I ® get the part will be for the Moore said most of the laid-off workers were not in work-study. ' nomination, Trustee IWcliffe, R - Lansing, said. Ron Wahula, one of the two crew chiefs for the group, said some of his best workers I > who served as wpre laid off because they were not in work • study. campaign (j,,* the unsuccessful trustee bid "There are brand new employes that will be working the two weeks, while guys that f^dent Larry Bartrem in 1972, have been working for two years have been laid off," Wahula said. [wmpetence of a student will be "At least 10 of our regular employes got the screws put to them," he said. 'ning fact°r once he receives a ""nation. Neither of the crew supervisors were consulted as to who should be laid off, ?>k Stack, R - Alma, also aC°H^also^said that the fault for the lay ■ offs belongs with the management because of fciiiv,j 1 stuc,ents serving on its zeal in hiring work - study employes. |.™s' Predicted students could in iTi " of the Democratic and u t.i» them on unless they can keep them on," Wahula said. fcttjn , mE She Picked the employes to be laid off "rather randomly," because all the Moore saia ne piuiwu «—* re important. de in the election," Stack fcmpnlioned the difficulties Ion n-'ning PWty nominations Ih I «d Msnyne State- Uriveraity of governing boards and m°CeS)proFcrifde!igned SreclvwTncreasing amounts of the more valuable office Twenty of the 80 students who work for the MSU Waste Control SN photo/ Dun Shutt Authority weie laid off 1 conducting campaigns WaMoSore long enough to show any results. severe economic ciunch effecting the recycling group. The students pictured nere are Wednesday due to? sorting waste f>aper 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Novenb,, j. WASHINGTON (AP) Rocky criticized for Attica - Critics of Nelson A. Rockefeller's to let armed police storm Attica, with a resulting death toll of 43, threatening their Uvea, he would have been ^ conduct as governor of New York, testifying Monday before the showed an insenijtivity to human life that should disqualify him and anarchy. n In to House Judiciary Committee, focused on the Attica from becoming vice president. Eve hoM Rockefeller prison responsible for wh„ k uprising and New York's legalization of abortion. Eve was chairman of a group of 30 outside observers who tried deliberate lies by state officials Publishers face antitrust suit Rockefeller did not attend the committee hearing on his to negotiate a settlement of the 1971 prisen takeover. He said atrocities allegedly committed on the seenI i ** nomination to become vice president. He was in New York where by the prisons Rockefeller gave the order for the police attack without telling helped build support for the police attack The Justice Dept. filed a civil antitrust suit against 21 his wife, Happy, underwent a second cancer operation the observers. Under questioning, Eve said ^ Monday the officials mbto i_ major American publishing companies Monday charging Rockefeller spent two days testifying before the committee Eve said he thought the tragedy would have been averted if Rockefeller, too, but added that once them with conspiring to illegally divide world book last week, and it is now hearing from private groups and Rockefeller had heeded the request of his own state officials and had lied he should have Rochefdwl! e markets. individuals, most of them opposed to his nomination. Arthur 0. Eve, a New York state assemblyman who tried to come to the prison town for consultations. In his testimony last week Rockefeller said if he had gone to disciplined them, if Eve also charged Rockefeller with a lack of thaU^0* The suit filed in U.S. District Court in New York needs of the poor was have Rockefeller impeached in 1972, said Rockefeller's decision Attica when prisoners were holding guards as hostages and during his last years as He said Rockefeller shifted from goveriT * *' City. a progressive one of repression after Richard M. The suit charges that since 1947 the publishers have Nixon's elerti« • - an apparent effort to strengthen his operated under agreements which allotted exclusive standina in a'"1"1 Republican party. * X marketing territories throughout the world except in certain areas designated "open territory." 2 sentenced in kickback suit Hijackers surrender jet TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) seized. "Nixon and Rockefeller worked "There it no difference now between president or appointing Nixon." hand in glove appointing Rlm\preSidenl of * committee of doctors,m th»« * wckefeQ, J - together and threatened to From Saturday morning opposed to abortion, said Rockefeller's Denied asylum by the Arab blow up the plane with all On Saturday, the hijackers until Sunday afternoon the New York's legalized abortion veto of . kn Turning aside arguments from prosecutors and defense attorneys, a three - judge panel in Baltimore, world, four Palestinians ended their three • day siege of a aboard unless they were shot Kehl in full public view hijackers continued to destruction of a whole segment of our law "has helped it granted asylum in Tunis. and shoved his body out the bargain with officials in the She gave the committee a society - the Md. sentenced two figures in the kickback case of British jetliner Monday and "If we had stood by our back door onto the tarmac. control tower by radio. Most deaths that occurred in New York gruesome description T-- former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew to jail, terms surrendered to Tunisian principle not to give in to The hijackers were angered of the remaining hostages were 1970 and said Rockefeller after the law *a, L- Monday. authorities. blackmail and had tried to use because the Tunisian finally exchanged for the seven the repeal bill. displayed "his callZ3 ™ The four gunmen walked force, it would have led to government announced that 13 Palestinians flown Allen 1. Green, former consulting engineer, was a in from "By his direct funding of abortion, out with three crewmen, the new Munich," Chatti said, guerillas had been flown in Egypt and Holland. Only the sterilizations- planning clinics, Mr. Rockefeller is directly sentenced to a year's term and a S5.000 fine by U.S. last of 48 hostages, and seven referring to the massacre of from Egypt when in fact they flight crew remained on corruption of the physical and moral health of respo^hu, District Judge Herbert F. Murray. ransomed Arab guerillas after the Tunisian government Israeli athletes at the Munich were still in Cairo. board. our peopfe,'* I. H. "Bud" Hammerman, admitted bagman for the Olympic Games in 1972. announced it would grant them former vice president, was sentenced to 18 months in Capt. James Futcher, 53, asylum. said the crew was "totally jail and a S5,000 fine. But Rocky's immediately after their convinced" the plane would be Zarb to head energy office surrender Foreign Minister Habib Chatti denied any binding agreement. blown up, and they tried to calm the hijackers down with reassuring talk. wife ha President Ford announced Monday he will nominate Chatti said his government "I told them, 'If you blow NEW YORK had (AP) - Ford from his wife's room The Frank G. Zarb, now an associate director of the Office "verbally accepted" the us up, the whole world will cancer removed was a recalled Margaretta (Happy) after the operation at her saying. The of Management and Budget, to head the Federal hijackers' condition that they condemn you and your Rockefeller underwent her primary growth "at a very discussed the Energy not be turned over to the cause,"' Futcher said. "'But if second operation for removal request. Mrs. Ford underwent a early stage," he said, not a found small Administration. Palestine Liberation mastectomy shortly before secondary spread of the earlier during the you are more reasonable and of a cancerous breast Monday. Mrs. operation, and he told In Zarb, 39, will succeed John C. Sawhiil, who was fired Organization (PLO). The four Rockefeller's first cancer. He said he did not save human lives, Her surgeon said afterwards should be removed. everyone will operation. from the post, which was considered by Ford to be one are members of a splinter be grateful and you will have that her chances for recovery anticipate Mrs. Rockefeller of the most guerilla group. done would need X important energy posts of his something for your were 90 per cent. Rockefeller said President • ray Rockefeller said they administration. The PLO, which along with cause." Dr. Jerome Urban removed Ford had telephoned him chemotherapy. it over and decided on Zarb was reported by Press Secretary Ron Nessen to virtually all other Arab The Tunisians detained the Mrs. Rockefeller's right breast earlier to express his concern. Rockefeller learned of the He termed his wife "i governments condemned the hijackers and the seven other to eliminate a cancer the size "His wife was very worried," in the right breast the those have passed all his FBI checks and security clearances as hijacking, vowed to make the Palestinians cancer extraordinary p.. as soon they of he said. Of well as conflict - of - interest probes. four "bear the responsibility surrendered. Chatti as said the a pencil lead that he day after the first operation, himself, he realist said,r"li discovered during the but Mrs. Rockefeller was not - you have to ' and pay" for the attack. Tunisian The operation Monday government will mastectomy of the left breast was told until nine days ago. Other feality." New coal contract up for vote "We will know how to take decide later what to do with all five weeks ago. a simple mastectomy, removing physicians were consulted our responsibilities," said Salah its captives. "We're grateful to God and just the breast. The first about Urban said that about radiation or drug Khalaf, the second in The hijackers took over the operation was a radical Regional leaders of the United Mine Workers (UMW) command of A1 Fatah who was also the doctors and nurses," treatment as alternatives to per cent of the women British Airways VC10 in a said Vice President designate mastectomy, removal of the have a breast removed were summoned from the coal fields surgery in the interim. Monday for a - sent to Tunis by PLO leader shootout last Thursday night at lymph nodes in the armpit Nelson A. Rockefeller, who as of cancer later crucial vote on an improved contract offer that could Yasir Arafat to help with the the airport in Dubai, on the well as the breast. develop looked tired and drawn when Urban was changing Mrs. in the other breast speed an end to the miners' strike, now two weeks old. negotiations. Persian Gulf, where the jet had he arrived at Memorial Rockefeller's dressings from estimates go as high as 20 The new contract package, The West German Hospital Urban said he took just containing a fatter wage stopped on a flight from an hour after the the first- operation at the cent over a 20 • year - government said it was surgery was eight or 10 lymph nodes this offer from the coal operators, will be submitted London to Brunei. family's Pocantico Hills estate today completed. time cancer experts say. considering asking the The Arabs ordered the plane "It to test them, but two Sundays ago when she told to the UMW's 38 member was 2V* hours before I - bargaining council. extradition of the hijackers for to refuel in Tripoli, Libya. preliminary indications were him, "Now I'm beginning to Mrs. Rockefeller is ~ the murder of Werner Gustav heard, so I've been a little that they were benign. He said They landed at Tunis' Carthage worried, but now I feel much worry about the other breast." to be released from Kehl, a 43 year - old German he was "about 100 per cent • Airport Friday, better," he said. "Both hospital, a part of the banker shot by the hijackers on There the hijackers released sure we will not have to "You'd better get your preliminary tests and Kettering Cancer Cenltt, Saturday. He was the only unharmed 22 passengers, 13 indications from the doctors operate 8gain." husband in here," Dr. Urban four or five days. fatality. crew members and 12 ground are that this is it." Chatti said the decision to personnel who were caught offer asylum was taken to Rockefeller said he aboard when the plane was avoid telephoned First Lady Betty a carnage. The open thursday and friday nights until ni Palestinians, learning they had The State News i!s published by the students of Michigan State Univ nowhere to go in the Arab . . „ „ school terms. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, during Summer world, wired hand grenades Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published In September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and Former UN official dies business offices at 345 Student Sercices University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Bldg., Michigan State POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 U Thant. retired secretary - Student Services Building in care of MSU general of the United l-ansing, Ml 48824. Messenger Service, East Nations, died shortly after noon Monday of cancer. He GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER was 65. ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER A spokesman at the Harkness Pavilion of Columbia PHONE News/Editorial 355-8252 Presbyterian Medical Center in New York said the Classified Ads Display Advertising 355-8255 former Burmese diplomat entered the Business Office 353-6400 hospital Nov. 21. Photographic 355-3447 The spokesman said Thant had been 355-8311 operated on there Nov. 11, 1973, for cancer of the larynx "but this time there were complipations." A United Nations source said the complications included pneumonia. Kissinger in China for talks Miss J in a go- Secretary - of State Henry A. Kissinger new into China Monday, called on Premier anywhere classic Chou En - lai and reassured Chinese leaders later at a dinner that a normalization" of relations is a fixed the pea coat with principle of U.S. foreign policy. Kissinger, who that perfect propor¬ is staying in China prepared to discuss further progress toward until Friday, is * relations between the two countries normalizing tioning and camel and brief the Chinese on the new U.S. - Soviet nuclear understanding. arms coloring to top off A senior American official said no both the skirts and announcement major was expected during the visit, the seventh by Kissinger and his first in a little over a year. Okemos, East Lansing, Lansing, Mt. Pleasant, Grand Rapids pants in her winter Labor urges antiterrorist ban wardrobe Tailored, PREPARATION FOR: Terrorist bombers struck at the heart of London Monday as Britain's Labor government sought MCAT Over 35 years of double-breasted sty¬ experience emergency powers to ban the Irish Republican Army and SUCC8SS Ik A T VAI Small classes ling in a plush arid tiShemne (IRA). Scotland Yard reported at least 12 persons hurt from three bombs planted in sidewalk LSAT Voluminous home study materials warming blend of wool mailboxes - one at Piccadilly Circus in the center of the capital's CRE Courses that are entertainment district, the others at Victoria and constantly updated and nylon. 5 to 13 Cross railroad terminals. King's ATGSB Tape facilities for reviews of class Shop ford seasons sizes. $64 The bombings came after Home Secretary Roy A# IIV lessons and for use Jenkins had a"sked the House of Commons to outlaw ***** ■ of supplementary the IRA and any similar groups even at the cost long - cherished liberties. of some FLEX materials. Mak#-up« f<* Down Jackets ■ missed lessons. Man gets second heart implant ECFMG Dr. Christiaan Barnard the chest of a 58 - year - old man implanted a second heart in ICFMG from *24* Monday to ease the burden on the man's own diseased heart. The unidentified man was reported in satisfactory NAI'L MEDBRDS Okemos 2283 W. Grand River For complete East condition with both hearts beating together. It was the Information call Lansing 217 Ann Street first implant of a new heart without Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw removing the old heart. "The old heart takes care of as much as it can. What EDUCATIONAL it can't handle is taken care CENTM j of by the heart," JacobsoriS new Barnard said after the five - hour TUTORING AND GUIDANCE operation at Groote SINCE 1938 Schuu. Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. 21711 W Ten Mile Rd. ^S^jtMklClj^lcl^48075 SN photo/Robert Kozlol Barbara and Bud Drake read their poetry at Case Hall... ...while students listen SN photo/Robert Kozloff intently attempting to catch disguised meanings to be traded in a later discussion. °oetry By PEGGY GOSSETT new "Five years ago you could tell craze of just State News Staff Writer about exactly who was writing. Now "The blood-jet is poetry; Hayes said. "It was five years out of his weekly at the Old Marble School's Arts associate professor of English and writer - rawled in a dimly lit apartment late poetry is being written by professors in life, he said. And it was bad. It took three Workshop to share their poetry. At a in residence. "They flare up and die, it, a student scrawls a poem, every department, and students, There's no stopping it." hours but nobody left. Beyond the recent - is not alone in his efforts. Across badness of the poetry was that he was reading, a middle - aged after fulfilling a need for someone to be housewives - everyone." very mathematics professor from MSU read his printed." us, hundreds of students and faculty Lucia Fox, professor of romance —Sylvia Plath shy and we were all glad he got through it poetry, then read his wife's, who was there However, current magazines are in their ers are writing poetry. It is filling languages, writes and translates poetry somehow from beginning to end. In but shyly declined to read her own. The third and fourth printing, which Drake notebooks and crowding bookstore from Spanish. Mary Smith, an American another time people would have torn it magazine called Ur, a collection of others listened attentively - the blue - said shows a serious continuing effort to s more this year than ever before. apart, as the saying goes." Thought and Language (ATL) professor women's poetry, said it is jeaned students, one young housewife, an produce the poetry. Local Tenderness, I's phenomenal," said Douglas writes what one English professor calltd exciting to The social circle of poets and writers argumentative chain edited by watch this resurgence of - smoker, an older Terry rnnry, is in its third >r, associate professor of English and poetry in her own around East Lansing freely "outstanding poetry" by the bushelsfull. college town. exchanges man with his masters in fine arts. About printing. Dan Dever, MSU senior and in residence. "All kinds of people poetry and criticism under the old wooden Hugh Fox, another ATL associate • - She said people truly care not 10 men in their midtwenties ex reporter • for the State News, is oak ceilings of were what writing poetry, like the Chinese professor, has set jip his own press to print only poets' cubbyholes in Terry about the poetry but even more about the Henry, founder of the Arts compiling another edition of Posh. This cs professor and people from the Art his and others' poetry. Victorian apartments. ( people. Workshop, called the core group who one is to be entitled Spare Parts, and will whom you'd least expect to be Wilson Hayes, local poet who is Many are close friends, some are regularly attend. be a collection of automobile poems. "Recently I heard a guy get up and nameless strangers. I- currently putting together a literary read the entire Halfway through the poem, an But while many poets are canon of his poetry," Some local writers and seeking poets gather enormous, rugged - looking man with a publishing for one reason or another, one bushy beard wandered quietly in and sat English professor said thousands of the down. Hardly anyone glanced at him. best poems are unpublished simply They were totally immersed in the poetry. because the poet writes for himself, and The Arts Workshop has himself alone. greatly helped to organize local talent in their quaint, Why this resurgence, this sprouting of open - door atmosphere, said Linda poetry from tattered notebooks of Wagner, professor of English. students and electric typewriters of "People have an off ■ campus area as an professors? outlet, whereas before, the English Dept. Lawder sees it of was their only base for as a means rebelling sharing poetry," against the locked lifestyles that students she said. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1974 The and their parents live. English Dept. has felt the "For the past 10 or 15 years students resurgence of poetry, too. have been trying alternative ways of The creative writing classes in the raising their consciousnesses, of getting English Dept. have swelled to 40 students away from the structured ways of each, twice their allotted size. To keep up thinking," Lawder said. /omen with the aspiring poets, more teachers grads face difficulties "Now there is an emphasis on 'who I than ever have been assigned to am' not just 'what do I do,' and writing poetry- classes, said James Pickering, associate enables a person to produce chairman of the English Dept. original material, to be a poet," he said. Wagner said the campus writing contest, sponsored by the English Dept. He said television has produced a need and printed in the Red Cedar for poetry, too. Review, has securing jobs, higher salaries "People want to be entertained only in received more contributions this past spring than ever before. limited amounts," Henry said. "Television Carolyn Forche, an MSU graduate who totally disregards feeling and observation, won the writing contest one year and was so people turn to poetry to bring back By GEORGE POST statistics for this year's graduating class to runner up the next year, said she can personal dealings with emotion." as "taking a job for which the person has placed where they want right away, - women graduates find it more follow the same pattern, she said. The oversufficient qualifications." vividly see this resurgence of poetry in Drake offered the most practical o secure » job and, if hired, get 1973 study is the first to look at the fate seeking jobs, a representative of the East Shingleton also pointed to the fact that Lansing since being away for a year. reason, saying poetry creates a sense of salaries than male graduates, of women graduates as compared to men. Michigan Employment Security Forche, has had her poems printed in order in peoples' lives. more women than men are enrolled in the Commission said. tistics compiled on the. 1973 These statistics include recipients of Mademoiselle and Ms. "In this day to day hectic Colleges of Arts and Letters, Education "There are a lot more women magazines, was living, the ting class by the MSU Placement bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. and Social Science getting runner - up in the Yale Young Poets' craziness of our society, some sort of as a cause for higher better paying jobs now than in the past," show a 12 per cent unemployment Placement Bureau and Michigan Competition this year and taught in Justin order can be made out of the chaos when unemployment and lower salaries among she said. "But some employers still don't or women graduates as compared to employment officials feel the situation Morrill College last spring. a situation is written down in women graduates than men. see women as verse," he erall unemployment rate for MSU results from underemployment "When there being equal to men." She is one claim to fame by the MSU - - said. among are over supplies of people Another representative of the itesof9.3 percent, women, the large proportion of women in any English Dept., since she achieved national field - and there are — it gets commission agreed that sexual However, not everyone can find real study also shows that women who graduating with degrees from the Colleges tougher to find a job," Shingleton said. recognition for poetry and is in the reasons for ted in 1973 earned an discrimination still exists, but said many writing poetry. It certainly average of of Arts and Letters, Education and Social "Society just can't absorb that many process of having her book of poetry does not pay financially, as ess per year then the average income employers discriminate for their own only one - half Science and from discrimination. people,!so just the outstanding ones get published by Avon Books. of 1 per cent of all poets make 973 graduates. protection. any money "The main reason for this discrepancy Dan Gerber and Gary Gildna, also from their poetry. On the tistics for the 1974 contrary, often graduating class is widespread underemployment, mainly graduates of MSU's creative writing the poet loses money to have his poetry not yet been compiled, said Gail among women," said Jack Shingleton, program, have successfully published printed. fman, asst. director of Placement "When there «• director of Placement Services. are oversupplies of people in any field - and there novels and books of poetry after So what purpose does it serve to write However, the bureau expects the Shingleton defined underemployment are - it gets tougher to find a job. Society just can't absorb that graduating. verse? Wagner said students are requesting "I've always said that many people, so just the outstanding ones get placed where thev poetry- can't more poetry readings and visiting poets become obsolete because it doesn't have want right away." - Jack Shingleton, director of placement services and that attendance at any use and only things that are usetul poetry readings is phenomenally high. become obsolete," said Diane Wakoski, a When Gary Snyder was here in 1966, poet who will be in residence at MSU "Women do best in technical fields, spring term. "Employers often hesitate to hire a just 30 students attended his readings. In Greyhound particularly engineering, as far as employment and salaries go." There is a trend among female students toward more business and technically - woman married or out of fear that she pregnant and quit," he said. However, he agreed with Shingleton will get that lower salaries for women are a result of 1968, 150 heard him read his nationally renowned poetry at MSU. Over 600 people attended his reading here in 1972. be no In this no era of shortages, there seems to shortage of ideas for poetry, though one knows exactly where future ideas Not only are more people getting will come from. oriented fields, Braverman said. the fields women traditionally enter. ational bus "We would like to see more of a balance between men and women in all fields," she said. "That would insure a "A lot more women go into teaching than go into engineering or computer involved, but hordes of local literary magazines are being produced. Twelve little magazines around East Lansing are in At one poetry reading, Hayes said, a science student said in his poem that everybody wants to have the valence of programming, and salaries are higher in the the process of being printed. In 1971 only one. No less and no more. Just one. better numerical balance in hiring." technical fields," he said. three were published. However, discrimination the basis of "Nothing would surprise me; new By Associated Press and State News on The commission representatives asked "Most independent magazines come material for sex is still a factor in the plight of women not to be poetry might even come from The nation's identified. out only once," said Albert Drake. largest bus company, back in service after a week ■ long strike, trigonometry," she said. omised Monday that it would be able to accommodate Thanksgiving holiday Angers at the 40,000 cities and towns it serves in the continental United States. DOWN OVER ONE-THIRD FROM NOVEMBER '73 Greyhound spokesmen at the Lansing and East Lansing depots said all eyhound and Indian Trails schedules are operating at full capacity. Steven Cook, city 118 tn •w aid, so cities like Grand a buses manager for Greyhound in Lansing, said regularly scheduled Rapids and Detroit were back to normal. and special runs to certain cities would be provided on Wednesday, students will be able to ride home for Thanksgiving break. Auto sales continue J™yttle " s still North Star bus line is inoperative. DETROIT (AP) - U.S. auto sales slump. impossible to get through to Traverse City due to that strike, Cook General Motors and Ford. continued to nosedive in mid-November New model deliveries in the latest But industry analysts also pointed out as the nation's car makers North Star posted their period totaled 190,093 compared with "We're in the middle of a recession and with modest cheer that the employes have been on strike for a month. second worst performance for the 258,818 a year ago, when the energy daily sales "feyhound Lines, Inc. reached a tentative settlement Sunday with Amalgamated period we just can't sit there," Ford said rate in the latest period was in 14 years.*' crisis began cutting into sales. up 23.4 per Monday. "I don't see anything specific S."?"0" Both In 8 Strike which halted service Nov. 18. Company figures released Monday The daily selling rate of 21,121 was being done in Washington. We can't have cent from the preceding 10 days. Greyhound and union spokesmen said service was back to normal in most showed a sharp 34.7 per cent decline the Midmonth sales normally are higher than s across the ailing industry's most sluggish laissez-faire economics in a the country Monday and that a large portion of the 16,000 drivers and from Nov. 11 through 20,1973. mid-November since 1960, with the early-month's. inal workers had returned to work. depression-like atmosphere." Chrysler Corp., which has embarked exception of 1970, when a national strike Sales during Nov. 1 through 10 were weyhound spokesman Louis B. Raffel said, "I would think we are below the on Industry executives feared the drastic an unprecedented production cutback against GM virtually halted production at down 38.4 per cent and October sales in passengers for a Monday before Thanksgiving. But I think that possibly production cuts next month may push program this fall, reported the sharpest the auto giant. were off 27.4 •uesday we'll be back to the normal number, maybe even higher than for sales even lower as more Americans per cent from 1973 for drop, with sales off 41.7 per cent. The percentage put their lowest levels in a decade. decline is based on the off "giving last year." General Motors (GM) was down 34.3 daily selling rate. There was one less purchases until the economy rebounds. Several Detroit-area dealers For the calendar year to date, auto ^*w m H. Brummitt, president and business agent for the union local here, said per cent, Ford Motor Co. was off 31.3 selling day in mid-November 1973. reported order cancellations in the past sales are down 22.5 per cent to contract provides for an Increase of about 16 per cent in wages and its over per cent and American Motors (AMC) For the calendar year to date, industry two weeks. 6,841,226, compared with 8,827,500 in three years. was down 34.7 percent. the same 1973 time span. e said the sales of 6,841,226 trailed 1973 levels by Some executives, tentative agreement provides for a six per cent increase retroactive to All four manufacturers have 22.5 per cent, or nearly two million units. describing this month already as "Black November," fear next month GM down 27.4 per cent for the ,u a" °ver - all raise of five per cent in 1975 and a similar amount in 1976. 'eaders said announced major plant closings and Ford Motor Co. Chairman Henry Ford was they would recommend acceptapce to members. worker layoffs last week in might become known as "Dark year, Ford was off 16.3 per cent, Chrysler anticipation II predicts that new cat sales may drop December." Rumors persisted of even was down 19.7 per cent and AMC was off of the latest sales drop in the even deeper than mid-November's 34.7 year-long massive white-collar job cutbacks at 11 per cent. Susan Ager Editor-in-chief VIEWPOINT: MIDEAST Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell \ Managing Editor Wary Flood City Editor 'Gun-toting fanatic' Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Melim Peyton Steve Stein Dale Atkins ...... Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor By LAWRENCE WEBER pea CJ June Delano Entertainment Editor vn!y voice 19j3.HS r'TOrdir»g ordering the death Of «, Editorials are the opinion of the State News. TomOren Copy Chief Watching recent events concerning the and 0f if , * Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal opinions. Joe Kirby Staff Representativi Middle Bast has been an experience. For one thing, there has been interesting '1 \m COME GUM." M OUVE BGMCR AUO A 0f Belgian diplomats in course. Kha«^ a re-emergence of the propagandists, such government by Arafat's ^ I as Mr. Dennis Hoppe, whose views wtr setbacks. His assassinate ftl recently printed in the State News. henchmen's 1^1 EDITORIALS Mr. Hoppe, in representing the Young attempt to murder e«ded In failure, as News Nov. 19. King HusI annountJlS Socialist Alliance, attempted to make a week at Beit Shean Kven so th . l case for saber rattling by the American not lost his touch. indicate Lower airlin government over oil issues, and included a ■ linked economic broad condemnation why the Israeli poop], Is it a doJQ1 'h t>| negotiate with such The only thing more striking investment. of Israel. His assertion that there has not been "any Arab rearmament to speak of a man? *| than the The PLO Fatah Black ineptness of the The majority on the CAB argued since the October war is an obvious • • Senu-i terror organization management of federally regulated that increased fares are necessary to example of the numerous errors and half - with headquarters operates industries is the ineptness of the truths which filled his piece. If the in Cairo hj maintain "reasonable" profits in Damascus. Iraq. Kuwait regulators themselves. the industry. In practice, they are endeavor was worthwhile, these could not survive and LitJl The Civil Aeronautics Board distortions would be simple to document. and political without the ll protecting inefficient carriers from What is far more disturbing is the rise governments, who support of T (CAB), against stiff competition from other federal agencies, is the consequences of their own to international prominence and West German television closely cooj earlv thi!»J mismangement and overrapid recognition of Yasir Arafat, now at the Black September gaining a lead in the Ineptness member, disenehJ expansion. The public, however, hub of the Arab terror machine. The so • with internal corruption, gave thirT Derby. Recent decisions of the should not suffer in order to prop called Palestine Liberation Organization "Qaddafi gave us a reward of 2 board have proven so inflationary (PLO) established by President Nasser for the Munich up the profits of bungling was of Egypt in 1964 to unify the military and operation...** receiTii and anticompetitive that the Justice I.®5 |1 Libya,m"hEon " >'earfrom~ 530 million entrepreneurs. propaganda efforts of the Arab states $15 million Saudi Arabia.® Dept. and a Senate subcommittee Indications are that a return to against Israel. Mr. Arafat was a leader of - 12 million from the Persian are making CAB one of the first competition, that is, abolition of the Syrian version, El Fatah, when he won Gulf sjl control over the PLO at a national targets of an investigation of federal regulatory agencies. the CAB, would actually serve the Palestine assembly in Cairo in 1968. He Thus it is clear what and just who is his Arafat stanikl public better. Entry into the field promised to "escalate armed revolution in clear why the Israeli employer Also I A recent CAB double decision would be heightened, as the CAB all parts of Palestine (including Israel) and been trying to hold people who! raises domestic air fares by four per has not licensed a major new make a war of liberation out of it...Armed with the Arab governments direct negotiiT cent and concurrently establishes since M competitor in the field since 1938. stuggle is the only way. We reject all not wish to discuss the guidelines for the transatlantic And prices, propped up by the political settlements." resolved for lasting vital issueTSB likes with Black September as well as Arab 1971, for the murders of Israeli sportsmen peace with a i charter industry. Both decisions board, would almost certainly come Mr. Arafat, despite his UN "olive governments. Black September has been at the Munich Olympics, and for the toting fanatic who seeks their destrj inhibit competition with regularly down. branch," is not a man of peace, but a held responsible for murdering Jordan's murders of three diplomats in Khartoum, scheduled airlines and rub salt in terrorist, whose organization has close Prime Minister Wasfi Tal in Cairo, Nov. 28, just for a beginning. The CIA confirmed in Lower prices would probably a 30 - year - old - wound. bring higher profits for efficient The CAB is supposedly operators, as more people could responsible for overseeing price and afford to fly. These extra service policies of private airlines in passengers would fill up many of the public interest. Instead, they the now, wastefully empty seats. have consistently endorsed high Evidence of the effect on prices prices and noncompetition in the of deregulation of the aeronautics selecting judges. By saying that legal issues interest of high airline profits The four per cent fare increase industry can be seen in Hockey: s20 to yell are too complex the State News masks the real moral choices which must be made by California. There intrastate - and follows a six per cent increase just therefore unregulated We would like to make a few comments judges. airlines and suggestions in response to Mitzi seven months ago. It comes at a charge substantially smaller fares Grassland and Sarah Skamser's Appointing judges will certainly make time of relatively higli profits in the letter it easier for the citizen at election time. for comparable flights than do the about hockey fans (Nov. 21). domestic air industry, partly This will be one more choice which can be interstate regulated carriers. The avoided. Why not go one step farther and induced by the schedule cutting effect of competition is to decrease Hockey is an aggressive, tension appoint all public officials? Not only that occurred during the oil fares and increase convenience. releasing sport, and as fans we can't help Could you then sit home and watch TV on embargo. but become involved in it. When we yell election nights, you wouldn't have to The Justice Dept. and the Senate and scream for our team also listen to The plight of bankrupt Pan subcommittee should seriously we are those clowns during the ■■ releasing tension. We deeply sorry if _ are commercials. The real issue is one of American, which is not a domestic consider freeing the public from the living our shouts of "Go State" and "Kill 'em with the airline, should not be assumed to be consequences of the moral burden of "public interest" Qolp" offended you. We are not aware decision that of the domestic industry. At • making power of a public • regulation of the airline industry. that tjhese are obscene. Thank you for official, who can command the awesome Snowball SNOWBALL 101 Lean least four airlines arfe making more They should act quickly, before enlightening us. support of the law, when that public Corps compression technique for creatii than the official cannot be held accountable. Lately we have become increasingly deadly snowball. profit level endorsed by the CAB strikes still another blow 'However,1 we Wave some suggestions sensitive to the problem of arousing the • SLUSHBALL 103: Advanced the CAB - 12 per cent on for ineptness and inflation. which might aid you in enjoying next recommended for those officers whoi _ Recent efforts have been underway in motivational levels of police officers weekend. If you prefer peace and quiet go to become STUPID agents. Michigan to move to a system of during the sometimes eventless hours of • FORT BUILDING 101: Winter! to the library. If it's peaceful hockey you appointing judges and to finance these patrol duty. But it appears that as a direct Guest lecturer Nanuck of the North. Heed want, watch it on television. Munn Ice positions out of the state treasury, thereby outcome of the apprehension of Kate handicap • GARBAGE LID Arena weekend is not the place for 204: Defensive on a removing all local funding. These issues are Scannell, who was arrested Nov. 13 in the offensive technique with the basic gait serenity. We paid $20 to yell our guts out. much more complex than the State News aftermath of a depraved assault that left can lid. If you paid for peace, you were taken. has led its readers to believe. one snowball severly injured and one By their recent actions regarding accommodate Judges have Upon graduating from the acade handicapped Now you know where not to sit! much discretionary power which has far policeman's ego greatly heightened, that a STUPID agents will receive an engn the development of a University employes." It should read that the reaching consequences on local new special division should be initiated. garbage can lid, sheepskin idiot policy on the hiring of handicapped University will make all "possible" P.J. Kaylor communities. How well a court serves a This Snowball Thrower's Undercover and a license to carry concealed snowb people, some MSU administrators efforts to hire the handicapped. 718 S. Hubbard Hall community depends upon the judge's Patrol to Investigate Disorders (STUPID) Those graduating with honors will n have shown they could just as easily and eight others receptiveness to needs and problems of a gold (yellow) snowball. However, problems with the patrol would be created to ward off the that community. We be dubbed MSU "discriminators." Removing all forms of malicious attacks that would occur due to hope this revolutionary policy statement can be overcome local access to the local court will reduce the city ordinance that prohibits obviously necessary STUPID program Though the policy statement Elect throwing adopted by the board of trustees at if the University solicits and accepts judges that institution to a level of which we may not want to live ineffectiveness with. snowballs. be unanimously adapted by the council members. If accepted this recommendations from A special police academy stationed at its last meeting was an I am rather disappointed with the the further assure entertainment for III handicapped employes on Josef M. Broder Nqrth Pole will offer the latest improvement over the patronizing recent editorial stand taken by the State advanced techniques for instructing police officers who apparently seek such adi guidelines for implementation of Graduate student police document proposed to the board in News on the selection of judges. My officers in the use and John Jenkin, Ken the policy. People such as Judy criticism of the position that judges should Public affairs management snowballs in classes such as: handling of 5031 Campus October, it is still far from be appointed is not so much concerned Taylor, coordinator of programs for convincing. the handicapped at MSU and Eric with editorial's recommendation as it is Because MSU Vice - President Gentile, president of the Lansing with its reasoning. The opinion that most VIEWPOINTS: PIMPING Robert Perrin and his crew, the people are unable to evaluate candidates chapter of the National Assn. of the for judgeships suggests that we should people responsible for writing the Physically policy statement, solicited only peripheral input from handicapped important Handicapped, sources for are the redesign our political institutions in order to better inform the citizen on the Motivation for do University to contact. performance of judges, rather than remove University employes, the policy is that office still another I would like to comment on Mr. Orr's friends to do so. They come here not Administrators, trustees and step away from We, as a group of male residen full of easy - out phrases. public accountability. The notion that article of Nov. 19, "Dorm 'games' knowing people or perhaps only a MSU's own handicapped any McDonel Hall, wish to commend the For instance, the policy states persons legal issues are too complex for most explained." It's so unrealistic I couldn't few, and expect to make new friends. Now must aim their News and their ace young writer. collective efforts at nonlawyers tells us more about the State believe what I was reading. I'll try and with most residence halls set that the University will make every up as they On, for continuing in their traditio "reasonable implementing the hiring policy News' ignorance of the role of the explain this on Steve's level. As Snoopy are, with guys on one side and girls on the National Knquirer excellence effort to hire and judiciary than about said, "Joe Cool hates Sunday other, it makes it difficult to make friends, fully, firmly and fairly. the method of once journalism. Orr, as a self • acknow afternoons." There is not much to do on particulaily of the opposite sex. It seems representative of the male species. * Sunday. I contend that pimping a floor is that there are just enough perverted wonderful job of describing his1 PETE DALY just a method of letting off steam. It's minds, that when a guy gets into an , intentions when fingerpainting » something to do when you're in a elevator on the girls' side, people girl's face or slugging someone. H®" semirowdy mood. If Mr. Orr knew automatically assume he's going to get he fails to go far beyond that i anything about pimping he would know laid. This deters many from going over to explanation of the situation he chooi Students must pick right that it is a spur of the moment thing and not something that is planned "for hours" or in any great detail. make friends and to meet new about way of pimping offers an excuse people. Granted, It's a round¬ meeting people and making analyze. Orr's column as a Having participated in a pimping I friends, but then that's why the girls do it, characterized first by a limited think I can say without reservation that right Steve? in dormitory living. More imp Some members of the MSU. University Gene Trotter is an assistant MSU and the departments involved my deep underlying reason there are severe deficieno# community are concerned about students professor in that was^not "to Wade Lawrence department who is must share the blame for demeaning these get laid." However one might ask what and the guys from 7 North, Hubbard Hall misconceptions in his Portra{,y earning degrees whose only apparent teaching a course covering the gamut of function is to show ma and pa degrees. In the last few years the degrees Steve was doing in a woman's room on a male psyche. If sexuality is wen um they have careers in agriculture. Steve Orr, recent research has devil makes him do it' (such a have been made easier to get by Sunday night. I think he wanted to get proved college - educated children. "We want our students who dropping laid. I wish he would, and then after he you correct! The several resident phrase), we can only feel WW' Fred Boratynski and might have "difficult" classes such as languages. I feel Douglas Fleser are a nonpreference stance to move toward a was hatched he could come out of his shell psychologists living on B5 South Case Hall woman he and his roommate undergraduates in psychology working to these moves were intended to have agreed that the behavior specific area in agriculture. The course encourage and look around so he wouldn't be so you have Sunday nights. We sincerely W» eliminate the diploma - mill people to choose these degrees to maintain syndrome. helps to map a plan of action for the "aghast" by pimp. described (pimping) is News can snow They are conducting a lengthy survey of or even increase the enrollment a definitely readers of the State student," Trotter said. for these Dave Maylen hebephrenic schizophrenia based on intelligence in their evaluation Michigan employers to determine the who, A few sectors of this colleges. And it does take phallic stage fixation which was evidenced what and where of University cpuld not an for the 3rd floor N. Case Hall column than did the edito employment in their learn a valuable lesson from these economist to discover that "enrollment" by the use of "shaving cream cans." field. But before the social science and liberal people. pimping team decision to publish this one mans "Some means "money." However, we feel that your article was M .count. ™ people take psychology but Dear Steve, arts people begin rattling their sabers at clearly a case of excessive verbal again feel the urge to speak never get practical experience until it's too Students have asked me "who the hell Don't you think you are overplaying masturbation me, a clarification is in order. on your part which may representative of your sex - P' late," Fred said. "Then they find out they are you to decide what I am things a bit? Don't you think that, as in have been the result of don't like work in No one I interviewed for my recent going to the case of the female - initiated pimp, it manic depressive sharpened pencil in your moutn an psychology." series about unemployable study?" That is a valid question, which I reactions face. "I think maybe as many as one graduates flatly brought on^ by latent your own third condemned social science or liberal arts as answer with the old adage, "You pays may have "something to do with wanting homosexuality. A majority of us at the - Robert of the undergrads in irrelevant studies. your money and you takes your choice." to make friends more than getting laid, or clinic" feel that the psychology should only hope for you is and nine® because pimping is get out of the department or steer These fields are important and deserve Show me the student who pays all the expected?" I would like to ask Steve why he happened to be a prefrontal lobotomy followed by 2SWMcDon« themselves in a definite direction." serious study by people who can and will money his education demands and I will desensitization therapy which would on the girls' floor that They hope to survey several thousand apply what they leam. Unfortunately, show night. Was it to consist of a 24 hour viewing of Clockwork you a student who studies make friends or to get "laid?" If business, industrial and government offices social sciences and liberal arts you never Orange. degrees have independently of a land grant college. Editor's Note: The State by February in an attempt to inform their become, all too often, a mere vehicle for For the rest, there are working - performed a pimp before, you certainly have Frankly, our girlfriends were stimulated people out now by writing that asinine article. by your skill at turning mere words into Page is intended to serve a colleagues of what these employers are an easy degree. Undoubtedly many there who are paying taxes for MSU with ideas on current events. '9 ^ expecting of psychology grads. Fred and graduates in these fields will apply what But I would like to go one step further passionate erotica. the understanding it is to help benefit the They actually admitted Doug then want to present these findings they have worked hard to leam. But I whole society. and propose my own theory as to why to having the desire of given to issues which mv to the Student Faculty Advisory contend their accomplishments there is pimping. Perhaps it is a release of themselves with you as positioning you described - if segment of State News readers wn - are only Sadly, they "pays their money" but all students. Committee for curriculum reform. cheapened by the trend to grind out frustrations brought about by the only your head wasn't already up . oPin too often they do not get their choice. your ass. Another example of this type of hundreds of such degrees annually to the We as students have that choice. We humdrum of study. But I have in mind Tom Smith Staff columns are Pfson° ,, concern is found in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Institute at nonserious students who only want a had better reman ber to think seriously something more plausible than that. Consider first, that most people who come 562 S. Case Hall No topics are.arbitrarlly ^ diploma to show ma and pa. David Manuszak taboo for these commen about it. to this University forsake family and 562 S. Case Hall journalists. ^ * / ■Michigan State.News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 26, 1974 5 irica dismisses two indictment ■aSHINGTON (AP) - The Mitchell also Is charged with Prosecutor James F. Neal counts Ifution rested its case Monday in the counts of lying to two urged Sirica to the FBI agents Igate coverup trial and U.S. District a grand jury, to delay action until after the jury were part of the overall The government bhrlichman, with two counts of conspiracy. He said that if Sirica dismissed rested its case six himself," tried to block the break in It Judge John J. Sirica immediately - grand jury and Haldeman lying to a returned a verdict. the perjury weeks after assistant special prosecutor investigation. ■jsifd two of the 12 counts in the with three He said he planned in his final charges based on those Richard Ben Veniste told the counts of lying to the Senate Watergate statements, defense counsel would object - jury in an In addition to presenting 28 witnesses, nent. Committee. argument to the jury to contend that the to his opening statement that "the most the prosecutors played 31 tapes, most of statements Mitchell and Ehrlichman made using them as part of his argument powerful men in the governments of the iCa dismissed counts charging that After defense on the which were conversations between Nixon attorneys present their conspiracy charge. United States Ker Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell and ex cases the government may submit rebuttal . . . even the President and aides. lilt House aide John D. Ehrlichman evidence. Sirica had made it clear J to FBI agents when they told the earlier that he Its in July 1972 that all they knew Migrant labor decision planned to throw out the it the Watergate break - in was what Ehrlichman and Mitchell had charges that I had read in newspapers. ■irica denied all other motions from 1 defendants for directed verdicts of agents during separate interviews. under Neither Ehrlichman oath nor when interviewed lied to FBI Mitchell was by the reversed ■ittal. federal agents. Their WASHINGTON (AP) pointed out that when the attorneys also - The Supreme Jr. and William H. agents testified Court ruled Monday that thousands of Rehnquist. federal appeals court unless the secretary of labor certified that ■jtchell, Ehrlichman, former White they could not recall the specific Mexican laborers Speaking for the four dissenters, Justice ruling that "classifications based on fse staff chief H. R. Haldeman, former Sirica said earlier that if he question. the may legally commute to United States for seasonal farm Byron R. White said the federal law classifications based on race, are citizenship, like there was a labor shortage. Gen. Robert C. Mardian and member were a work. governing alien workers "simply will not arbitrary of the jury and invidious." tieth W. Parkinson, one • time attorney judging the FBI bend to allow the The Immigration Service later charges, "I know what I would The 5 to 4 decision is proportion which the began ■Nixon's re • election committee, are would acquit them." do, I important to government and the court adopt." • issuing an alien registration receipt card California and Texas farmers who Let stand a lower court |gt>d with conspiring to obstruct the rely ruling that commonly known The jury was out of the heavily on alien workers. 18,000 acres in the state of Washington, as a "green card," Ligation of the Watergate break in. - made that comment. The room when he jurors also were In other action Monday, the Court: including part of the city of Tacoma, is which allowed Mexican farm workers to K|l but Mardian are also charged with not present when The court reversed • Refused to decide whether the really an Indian reservation. take U.S. jobs without the certification of he announced that he a decision of the Auction of justice. was U.S. Circuit Court in a labor shortage. throwing out those charges. Washington which government can be held liable for • Let stand a New York State outlawed seasonal discriminating against workers Appeals commuting. women Court decision that New York was before the Equal Employment obliged The court held that this green card is The Supreme Court upheld a to provide welfare benefits portion of Opportunity Act was passed in 1972. for the unborn good for both seasonal and daily [ommittee expected the circuit court decision which child of a pregnant permitted single woman living commuting. alien workers to enter the United States • Declined to decide with her parents, even whether a school though the woman on a daily basis. herself was not on welfare. system where white pupils are the Government lawyers have estimated minority can transfer all whites to a single The "If alien commuters are to be abolished integrated school. The case originated in dispute over alien workers dates to that there are 8,500 seasonal commuters, the adoption of the Bracets though farm organizations have calculated get SIRS control or if seasonal commuters are to be Wilcos County, Ala., where 3,733 black program, treated differently than daily commuters, the and 109 white pupils were enrolled approved by Congress in 1943 to import that there are 150,000 in California alone. last Mexican help to meet a farm labor The government estimated that there Congress musLdo it," Justice William 0. year in public schools. are Douglas wrote for the Supreme Court. shortage during World War II. The about 45,000 (faily commuters. ie future of the Student Instructional • program was abandoned in 1964. The council will meet at 3:15 Declined to decide whether a union g System (SIRS) is expected to be p.m. i Joining the majority opinion were the Con Con Room of the can give preference in job referrals to U.S. back into the hands of the Center for Chief Justice Warren E. In 1965 Congress passed The suit was brought by the United International Programs. Burger and citizens. The court refused to review legislation ■ Jcational Policies Committe (EPC) at Justices Potter Stewart, Lewis F. Powell a prohibiting aliens from holding U.S. jobs Farm Workers Organizing Committee. meeting of the Academic Council MAVBC I SHOULD SO OV6K ■fter the Academic Senate's rejection e proposal Nov. IS to revamp SIRS K provide student access to instructor's Armed men TO SEE CHUCK'S PAP...HE'S A 6AR0£R,ANP 5E61N6 AS HOkl I'M CHUCK'S FRlENRMA^PE au. w life iVe dkeamep of looking UKB pe66f Fleming... insteap I LOOK LIKE BABE RUTH : ' Kgs. it was recommended by the Senate WE'LL 61VEME A DISCOUNT... 1 the proposal be sent back to the Ajcil for further consideration. Once in in Wonders H ■council many members say a proposal Gunmen forced their way into a North f be made to shuttle it bacfc to the EPC. collected $270 worth of goods while Wonders Hall room Sunday evening and ie of the problems with this move is they held the occupant of the room at gunpoint. I the EPC is pretty tired of the SIRS Hussein A. Lagho, 644 N. Wonders other students at about 7:20 Hall, was alone in the room he shares with two losal, said Brian Raymond, student p.m. when three men knocked at the door and DOONESBURY tentative from the College of Social their way in when he opened it. pushed by Garry Trudeau The men produced two sawed - off shotguns from under their coats and trained them on Lagho as they ransacked the room. They took a pocket fctimates from members of the council coats, a clock and a small bag of marijuana. calculator, a suit, three held the shotguns to his head at one Lagho, who was not injured, said the men I read that you pay it a return of the SIRS proposal to you say, *-T am point and threatened to kill him if they did not Oetr Mr. a Please pay me. I EPC would mean that it probably will find enough valuables. President. 21 one commission, Rabbi Leon Fram of beyond their change at a disbanded, a state senator who was involved in a campaign Detroit. hearing next m practices dispute earlier this year has proposed that the powers of "The commission has been political football," Ballenger said. expertise and background," the lame duck legislator said. Spencer Abraham, campaign director for the Taylor Craig Ruff, special assistant to said the governor's office is the g^"nth; ^ Michigan's Fair Campaign Practices Commission be broadened a "People laugh about it because most candidates know it's only a congressional campaign, said the commission could be enhanced commission and will scrutinize also studyin» J and strengthened. public relations tooL" if a little muscle BallengeVs nr,.^8a,ni2ation Sen. W. Ballenger introduced legislation in the Thursday that would give the obscure, legally powerless Michigan Senate Ballenger's proposal, modeled on a New York 4atute enacted in September, includes additions to the "They were a were added. little slow in returning a decision on our "We'll probably come an endorsement of up with something Ballenger's bill, or some KL I campaign code that charge," Abraham said. "There's definitely room for we won't restrict ourselves to his commission a budget, legal status and the authority to impose would proscribe all forms of political espionage, improvement. Rev. Robert direction." Ru fines on violators of campaign codes. misrepresentation of a candidate's position or misrepresentation "A lot of eleventh hour campaigning is not factual, but Kinchloe, secretary (,f tkp Practices Commission, said p I Besides empowering the Fair Campaign Practices Commission of a candidate's qualifications for office. emotional, and more than moral authority is needed to enforce step in the right direction." Ballenger's proposaL ^ Was ! LCamP»*| to conduct hearings and impose fines of up to$l ,000, Ballenger's "The commission has no authority, no budget, no staff and no the law." The Process of persuasion abso%| bill would tighten Michigan's existing campaign code, outlawing teeth," Ballenger said. "The way they handled the complaint I Fram addressed almost 50 letters to violators of the campaign state code, just isn't Kincheioe said. "We've adequate for I practices not addressed in the code Ballenger calls loophole - was involved in was a nightmare." code, while the commission met only twice to decide three other without a staff, but it's hard to done thP^ ridden. Ballenger, who lost the 6 th District congressional Republican violations. in thick and hard." do justice when tl We ^1 nen therequ«lsc«,| One of those three cases involved a dispute between Republican Cathy Lessard and Democrat Lynn Jondahl, candidates for the East Lansing 59th District state representative Dems will renew drive to force seat. Jondahl, who won his re • election bid, received a favorable ruling in his charge that Lessard distorted his voting WMSN POSITION OPEN record in a newspaper advertisement in October. • General Mcmager "The commission needs strengthening," Jondahl said. "You know it doesn't have too much power when my • WMSN Campus Radio party registration in primaries opponent says that if she had it to do over again, she would still place the same ad that the commission ruled in violation of the campaign code." • Applications Available Lessard, supporting the legislation, said if the commission was By PAUL VARIAN Morley Winograd said in The open could better equipped, it probably would not have ruled Rm 8 Student Services Bldg an primary permits be changed against her. by "The way it's set up now, it seems that candidates who file United Press International interview. independents and crossovers to legislation: a participate in the partisan • Make party registration complaint are almost assured of winning," she said. "Many of • Applications Due Nov. 27 Michigan Democratic Other party officials here mandatory for them don't know what they're supposed to be leaders said Sunday they plan a nominating process, a practice presidential doing." for a meeting on the upcoming Though it is unlikely the legislature will enact Ballenger's renewed push next year for politicians admit often leads to primaries only. Kansas City Charter abuse. • Make proposal in its lame duck session, Ballenger said he hoped it party registration legislation that would force Convention noted that while would be reintroduced by one of its voters in primary elections to the legislature will be In the state's 1972 mandatory elections. for all primary legislature takes over in January. cosponsors when the new ^349 ??00 MEHIDIAW MALl^l register by party. But first, they will seek the support of Republican Gov. controlled by Democrats it will be far from "veto - proof." presidential R epublican primary, crossovers were • Have all candidates for office selected at conventions Ballenger said Common Cause also expressed interest in the legislation, though Common Cause officials said the proposal may have come too late to be tacked on to the WAGE, A movie DESPERiSlLSl^^ Milliken. In given much of the credit for or by party caucus. campaign reform a telephone interview, the decisive victory scored petitions it will circulate throughout the state in February. Republican Chairman William by McLaughlin said the only about George Wallace in the proposal he could support is Prospects for • eliminating McLaughlin reiterated his Michigan's open primary support for the closed primary Democratic contest. making party registration getting rich. system will be brighter next but said he has not discussed Rules adopted by the mandatory for all primaries. year with Democrats in control of both legislature, houses of but Milliken's opposition could again kill the the the matter with Milliken "in over a year." "The organizational in both parties people agree on it. We Democratic National party in 1972 stipulated that delegates to future party conventions must be selected Democratic voters only. by [THE DION BRbTHElll idea. just can't convince the elected Winograd said there are "There's no sense in making officials," he said. three ways the present system a partisan issue of this when YOU'VE EVER IMACINHX both parties are in agreement," 11 HARROW! XXJSI, State Democratic Chairman I Tonite It 6:1 S - 1:1 5 CHARLES GROOINCAN0|CE BERGEN | Twl. Hr. 5:45 -6:15 JAMES MASON TREVOR HOWARD Adults 1.25 JOHN GIELGUO alilake Ectaards film Julie Omar >eliv«ry I Andrews Sharif WEJAC TV RENTALS* I Tamarind Seed I pure excitement! appfcirrtrntfitottUj THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE ROGER SUSANNAH 1fcce:*l50fcr 2. FOR EVERYONE! MOORE YORK "DISNEY1S GREAT PIONEERING VENTURE IS ' UflB Travel Q¥?ide ?hor>£/. 353-9777 20^ floor- Qn>oki THE SEASONS HIT REVIVAL!" Newsweek "AN INCREDIBLY REVOLUTIONARY FILM... THE MIND CAN RUN RIOT!" The NYU T.cker THE STABLES 2843 E.GD. RIVER, EAST LANSING Thanksgiving Day & Fri - Sat - Sun "camtaci a" FANTASIA Shown at 1:05 - 3:10 5:15 - 7:25,— 9:35 Beat Film Croup ■:*¥S«v!^ Two of the Wildest Films ever to play ■ ■ : at MSU are now playing with each other! . A GREAT PORNOGRAPHIC DOUBLE FEATURE BURT REYNOLDS 'THE LONGEST YARD" EDGE ALBERT ED LAUTER MIKE CONRAD HARLOT TNI DEFINITIVE X THE STORY OF A 15 YR. OLD GIRL WORKING HER WAY THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Harlot is an incredibly explicit filmic experience. Harlot is On the same program is another astounding erotic film. totally graphic. A THCCOMCTGD THE ULTIMATE X THE STORY OF 2 SAN FRANCISCO VICE COPS ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM SMUT These two full length adult films comprise the most tumultuous double feature ever shown on campus. In combination they are a sexual holocaust on the screen. Ends Wednesday! TONIGHT Today open 7:00 p.m. Feature 7:40-9:30 HARLOT: 7:00,9:30 Showtimes: CONFISCATED: 0:10,10:40 Showplace: 111 Olds Admission: *2" R Yi§g This program is rated X - very X you must be 18. All patrons will be checked for proof of age. Ihigun State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 26, 1974 7 Harrier Lindsay By JIM DuFRESNE 1 they were seeking revenge for last year's upset loss to Later State, Mike Marshall and the Red Trojans showed ly in the independent finals of the Mens' ■ "league Thursday, rolling past Zebra 40-14. Intramural touch an Ail-American By DAN SPICKLER competition at the meet. L divisional winners included Abscenity of Abbot Originally, 350 runners were Hall in State News Sports Writer Craig Virgin of Illinois, who scheduled to compete in the pence hall first flight league and Lambda Chi Alpha, who Through the wet, the cold won the NCAA District IV event, but only 216 harriers Jd past Delta Sigma Phi for the fraternity championship ■ Trojans were awesome against and the crowd of the nation's meet Nov. 16, grabbed 12th in ran. Zebra, scoring twice in top collegiate harriers, MSU's the individual rankings with a The finale marked the end ■uarter except the opening one and literally overpowering Herb Lindsay climbed the time of 30:13. Lindsay took of the • Kwith their exceptional defense. competitive year for the slippery hills of the Indiana seventh in that district meet. Kail to Ike Tyler proved to be the most lethal Spartan cross country squad. weapon for University golf course Monday Tmpions. The pair accounted for three TDs, two of them to achieve his goal for the 1974 Jin third quarter. ■Los Angeles Dodger relief star also threw season — All - America honors. Former area lohnson, Rick Down and Jerry Miron, scoring tosses to who caught a Lindsay, a sophomore from Reed City and cocaptain of the Id a pass off the hands of his defender in the end zone. Spartan men's cross country team, Kg, Ipart who contained the Trojans in the first quarter before during the final three, scored their touchdowns in placed 22nd out of 216 for wrestling runners at the 36th annual fcnd half with Jan Karrow catching both scoring passes, NCCAA championships with a fcfensive touchdown late in the fourth Spartan wrestling coach Several former area high quarter, starting 30:29 clocking. |h John Currier's interception and ending with Brad Grady Peninger says at least school grapplers will be in the f was the edge Lambda Chi Alpha needed to break aMiller Lindsay qualified to become five starting jobs will be up for competition, 6 6 - All including Jim ■ beat Delta Sigma Phi 12 - 6. an - American by finishing grabs today when the MSU Bissell, Dave in the Bartlett, Mike ■p Lydy's first of three interceptions was the key to top 25 of the field. He squad holds special tryout Owen and Mark Ciolek. The * Chi Alpha's initial six points as it was the only Spartan at the matches at 3:30 p.m. in the opened up the public is invited to attend at no f with quarterback Mike Ryan hitting Tom Grace in the national was championships and it Lindsay's first crack at Men's Intramural Sports Arena. Building charge. SN photo/Mark Wiedelman Inr very quick 40 - yard play in the third quarter, Delta Mike Marshall eludes two defenders as he tosses a pass for an extra NCAA honors. vhi tied the game with Mike Steckley's TD point in Oregon catch, leading his Red Trojans team to the Men's Intramural successfully lenity, whose offense had been averaging 32 points a football title last Thursday. The independent touch defended its 1973 team title, nulled it out when they scored on the final Trojans clobbered Zebra, 40-14, to win the totaling 78 points. Western 1 out Wormhole of Wonders Hall 26 play of the night crown. Marshall, an MSU student and professor, is back at school after Kentucky, the meet favorite, - 20, for the having Jon ship flight residence hall title. an outstanding season with the Los Angeles Dodgers. finished second with 110 team I Abbot Hall team had to come from behind to do it, V it entered the final quarter down 20 points. Texas El - Paso was as third with 136 points and -13, after giving Joints in the second period. rterback Mark Miron opened up the Ifor Abscenity with a 10 yard scoring run • lettied down to an eight minute defensive battle. prosperous fourth before the two Hunter's contract Eastern Michigan, a team MSU defeated in a dual meet I story book finish, the first • flight winners, in the closing I of the game, scored from their own 10 NEW YORK (UPI) - Can a entire new era would be at Gaherin said earlier this season, finished • yard line when major league baseball contract hand for organized baseball. Monday, "that sixth in the team standings. lit Paul Galvin in the endzone for a 50 - yard touchdown be declared in default? there is an allegation of Michigan, which won the "This is the first time," contract default." Jim "Catfish" Hunter and Big Ten team title this year, Oakland A's owner Charles O. placed 12th in the team Finley will standings. s Bo calling today before Arbitration argue that the Assn. question American Special balcony tickets Nick Rose of Kentucky took top individual Western honors, leading the field with a for bust on sale tonight 29:22 timing. policy' change Both Hunter and Finley were to be The runnerup was John present at the Special balcony admission and Los hearing, but their arguments tickets for the annual MSU Angeles Dodger star Ngeno of Washington State, IN ARBOR (UPI) - Big Ten to will be made by Marvin Miller, Steve Garvey. w^° "le finish "ne 'n change its bowl Football Bust will go on sale at Ti Bo Schhembechler, executive director of the Regular tickets are $12.50 29:29. selection policies. Major 8 p.m. today in the lobby of [ Michigan teams have "We have got to change the League Players' for Hunter, and the Lansing Civic Center. per person and are on sale at the Oregon runners took the home after the last philosophy of this conference by John Gaherin, The tickets, priced at $2, athletic department at fourth, fifth and sixth place I seasons despite a in representing the 24 JenisonFieldhouse. sPots- accounting for the regard to bowl games," major will allow the purchaser to see ■lativc 30-2-1 record, league club owners. The bust starts at 7:30 p.m. s£* supermarket you see HAPPY - (BlffltftMU ■ »———■■*■■. everywhere in MON & THURS America. My prices are converted into EVW TJMif ■351-5330 rt, 5 PM - 8:30 PM pounds and therefore may not be 3 TO 5 LBS. but they are very close. exact, PROCESSOR Swift's Premium THANKSGIVIHG EYE EXAMINATIONS BY CO-OPTICAL SERVICER DR. R.C. APPOINTMENT ONLY MINOR, OPTOMETRIST Tomatoes 89c lb. Catsup 90c for 12 Toilet Tissue 60c Roll oz. Cabbage 38c lb. Lettuce 65c lb. Bread 80c TURKEYS SHOPPERS! TENDERLOINS SAVE nS LB. BEEP CHUCK i!4P A^ Now in Brookfield Plaza Canned Peas 16 oz. 50c Eggs 12c each SAVE 20* 11 OVER LAST YEARS PRICE POT ROAST ,69* Vinegar % Gal. S2.00 63' 12 TO \tD swift's pruaiumob WYGRADE PIEDMONT-14TO 17 LBS. |DUE TO THE INCREASED DEMAND l«V3 SWi™ blu€ bonnct w's PTV CHUNK BOLOGNA flr PORK CUTLETS , ' lAfl MAPLE BACON ill? SEMI-BOMELESS 424 MARGARINE m FREE 1975 WOLVERINE PALARSk.1 B5CARMAY6R 4l2Q Sft*. 4-WSB LIPTON r\ 4 Q/V rtft, FOMST BflOOK YEARBOOK PICTURES WILL BE 634 CUP-A-SOUP RING BOLOGNA 88 LINK SAUSAGE *1- SLICED BAC0Nm.HY WHOLE HAMS i»; •W10 f AIARSK1 R0ASTSP FAUVRSKi K0ASTEP OR UH* ICKWCH ....QQfc Sw"r'5 "l6M,UM U ovTQL HAM PIECES ***• **!<» TAKEN UNTIL FRIDAY, DEC. 6. 404 OOGTOOT) POLISH SAUSAGE SMOKY LINKS 'OT MEAT FRANKS /) Rm 36A Union (•v( TANGERINES nrv bS# 40* »»v« W0 iirr Bcnuii i»**> f\ g Ayv 944 COKESPRITE L~>SJr SAVE UP TO Ife* C. FRESH [ BUY 3-SAVE UP TO 42* f Q.0F SCOT FRDLMlXSp I WITH IN STORE COUPON WHIPPING ■ BLUE BONNET QUARTERED VEGETABLB CUP FOfi SAV/NGS -2 CREAM [MARGARINE 1 PEAS08 CORN BUY 2-SAVE 40* W/IN STORE COUPON CALIFORNIA FRESH. TENDER 59 801™ PASCAL Ma I KRAFT SALAD DRES ING MIRACLE ( WHIP "A"! l,Mir /■ HK toot MtH MT. UOV 30 SAVE 17* COUNTRY FRESH O OAA S*E ^ °R fi JCELERYttZy Save 20c /lb LOW PAT EGG M00 CIMGtt BREAD MEN pakST LOUISIANA RNBT QUAUTY M m Homemade Bread Dressing 1 LB. 69° SAVS 2fl* COUNTRY FR6SH SOUR CREAM iAl SAVe 29*5C0T (WmS CRESCENT ROtlS B«.WT. A Jl COlOftlYAMS BUY 2 POL SAI^ 40*|f^lN STORE Save 30c / ttlb COUPON SAVE 6* COUNTY FREJH #0Z,OI\A *** 0PTO '4*WS CIV a The Garden has men's imported shirts ir va"ety of styles and designs. We have['i Bil-Mar Save 20c Turkey Breast V2 LB. M.19 ea CREAM CHEESE " OCT COOL WHIP Sw TANGERINES Plaids, prints, striped and plain shirts & SAVE lfc< W/IN STORE COUPON - KRAFT «BHCRBP RADISHES inade Coffee Cake EA 79c J&334 99» of crepe, denim, muslin, andfy SALAO 32 S. ZESTY GREEM ONIONS I cotton. Check them out. POLLY ANNA BROWN N'SERVE 12 PACK. MIRACLE WHIP PRESSING calif, navel oranges 2««29< 8w99> £ Garden of Earthly 0elights| DINNER ROLLS BUY 4-SAVE UP TO 94* W/lN STORE COUPON WASH- DEUCIOOS APPLES 3»99t \ 226 ABBOTT 332 - 3661 Thursdays 10 - 9 SPLIT TOP. DINNER ROLLS POTATO DINNER ROLLS I2PAK55* I2pwc75* COCA-COLA WA5H.FANCY OANJOU PEARS CAUF. EMPEROR GRAPES 3*9$ u 39t Won. Tues. Wed. Fri. Sat. PETITE ASSY. ROLLS I2PAK69< SAVE 25+ W/IN STORE COUPON - POLLY ANNA FRESH LEAF LETTUCE 2 85^ ,<1 a49» HLfL. SEASONED STUFFING BREAD '#49* DDCAH VIENNA I6« OR BLACK FRE5H CRANBERRIES BR U.39J UNSEASONED STUFFING BREAD "£45* DKCHU SANDWICH RYE-2001, 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Noven o\ftatg;a\ns Get fullest value from your dollar! Shop the Want Ads every day. tortto ](§ !>ploy»Ht || FRANKLY SPEAKING .-by phil frank f «part«..ts : Apartments jg) ( Aparteients 9 TWO WOMEN needed winter term. MSU AREA; Okemos. One CEDAR VILLAGE TR6 1971 with overdrive. 18,000 DESK CLERK needed Must have - | Cedar Village. $80/month. bedroom, furnished and miles, stored winters, $3500. transportation and be willing to 351 3806. 3-11-27 U"n,er $75'- 1967 TR4A, $850. 353-7576. travel. Call 37 2-0567 or unfurnished, air conditioned, 361-9265.7-12-6 5' 3-12-2 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. carpeted, modern. $150 to LARGE TWO partly furnished $165. Heat included. Call ONE GIRL lor two Person 0-11-27 - — Jgjr PHONE 355-8255 TOYOTA 1972 Corolla 1600. 4 efficiency. Close to campus, air 349-9604. 10-11-27 Cedarview. Call 'Wl speed, AM-FM, rear defrost, new WANTED - CASHIERS and go-go conditioning, immediate 337-1504. 5124 347 Student Services Bldg. tires, air, 26 - 30 mpg. $1550. dancers. Apply in person. Must occupancy. $165/month. Call LCC • 1 bedroom, furnished, all • AUTOMOTIVE 339-2127,351-3119. 5-11-27 be over the age of 18. Agply at 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 lutilities. carpeted, $140. No UNFURNISHED apart* leese. 339-9114. 5-11 26 except stove and rel Scooters & Cycles CINEMA X THEATRE AND VEGA 1972. Excellent condition. SHARE 2 aprtment. Own "°rkin9 Parts & Service 4-speed, 20,000 miles. Call after ADULT BOOK STORE, 1000 man Peru*" West Jolly Road. No phone calls bedroom. Winter and spring. SUBLEASE 2 person. January to ciean Aviation 3 pm. 484 9874. 5-11-27 please. 7-12-4 Free bus to campus. 337-9291. September. Block east Bogue. and reaso 627 9387.5124 • EMPLOYMENT 5-11-26 332-4277. 8-12-6 VEGA 1971 - Standard BARTENDER WAITRESS. Full • FOR RENT rebuilt engine, WOMAN T ransmission, good, 25 mpg. 353-7031 and part time. Must be neat and DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemos. NEEDED^ Apartments runs dependable. Joe Covello's. Includes 2 full baths, air Keep WARM apartment, 233 Delta n - 5-11-26 Phone 484-6786. 5-11-26 conditioning, carport. No °"ice, 353-9652 Houses This Winter! 332-8861 7-12-6 | children or pets. $250. Phone Rooms VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 MARRIED 332-0111 COUPLE needed to or evenings and • FOR SALE miles, 4-speed, custom interior, AM-FM tape, new tires, 25-30 supervise a group of mentally weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 BURCHAM FEMALE ROOMMATES tT Animals retarded adults. Rewarding Mobile Homes mpg. 351-6917. X5-11-23 work. Room and board provided UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom WOODS 351-2412. 3-1 plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg apartment one mile from EAST LANSING HATCHBACK, 1972. • LOST & FOUND VEGA Rebuilt transmission, well at 487-6500. 7-12-5 welcome w livestock manage/went 310, campus $180. Call 332-8519. Due to some recent share furnished 2 onep 5-11-26 t PERSONAL r maintained, clean, very good HOME HEALTH aid - housekeeper. future "swine connoisseurs::..hee.. dropouts we now Winter and spring terms.' - PEANUTS PERSONAL condition. $1,400. 353-4631. MERIDIAN MALL Quiet, comfortable 337.: 8-12 Monday Friday for have comfortable .REAL ESTATE X5-11-23 quadraplegic woman. 349-4918. hee...hfeGET IT?' Just completed - 1 bedroom units 353-7733. Or Keith 3" 5-11 27 with super location for MSU and all and spacious 1 bedroom -RECREATION 3-11-27 VW 1972. Rebuilt engine and COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 94"-BEBKElEY.C« 94709 shopping. Great colors and yard furnished apartments available > SERVICE transmission. $1200. 349-9557 space for the garden freak. These LARGE, 2 bedroom, blockcr BICYCLE STORE manager. Long Instruction after 5:30 p.m. X4-11-23 are perfect for young singles or Winter Term 4 person. $85 ei term arrangement. Experience servce, 351-40 3 2. couples, with no leese. $150 per $175 par month 349-1 Typing Service TRANSPORTATION VW CAMPER/Van E xcellent 1968. condition. Factory PERMANENT. 351-7240. 8-12-6 PART tim, Employment fjf] For Rett month. Please call 332-3268 or 3325877. Utilities included 351-5950, extension 238.71* 745 Burcham Drive CEDAR VILLAGE, WANTED built. Pop - up roof, the works! secretary bookkeeper. 5-11-27 or COCKTAIL WAITRESSES. Part TV and STEREO Rentals. sublet, winter CAR POOL 27 mpg, $1,800. Call 355-1190. Experience required. 9 am - 351-3118 or tt time. $2/hour. JIM'S GARAGE, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 351-4178.1-11-26 ♦♦RATES** X3-11-23 1 pm Monday through Friday. Phone Sally, 332-1391, Grand Ledge. 627-2248. 5-11-26 Same Day Delivery and Service. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 FOR ONE month only. C 5 - January 7. Lapeer Street, 484-4014y ROOMMATE NEEDED VOLKSWAGEN 1972, Super 10-11 a.m. C-3-11-27 Lansing. $125. 489-4931. « 10 word 2 BEOROOM UNFURNISHED. January. $75. Own bedr m Beetle, like new! Reasonably REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. 5-11-27 Near capital, LCC. Utilities paid. Call 349-0879. 5-124 priced. 882-7789.5-12-3 Excellent opportunity, financing NURSING - IN service i $165. 373-6753 or 651-6540. available to help make sales. Bachelor's degree preferred, $ NOTICE $ ONE FEMALE needed to sublease 5-12-3 EAST LANSING. VW 1969. New engine and paint. 645 2144. 5-11-27 winter term only. Beechwood Larj,, experience helpful, but not $ bedroom, entire second floe Snow tires, very clean. Call Apartments. $61/month. 1 3 5 10 required. Good fringe benefits ARE YOU looking for more GIRL NEEDED. Winter older home. Stove, 351-7238. 5-12-3 ALL STUDENT 332-5657.5-11-27 term. refrijes and salary. Contact personnel carpeting. W. 10 1.50 4.00 6.50 1 (■! opportunity to use your skills? 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 VW 1964. Good condition, department, Ingham Medical Positions now open for Advertising MSU. $200/ r 15-60 Center, 401 West Greenlawn, 2 MAN, CLOSE, take over lease executive secretaries, secretaries, must be utilities. 337-9633.3-12-2 run well. Sunroof, best offer. 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 Lansing. Phone 371-2121, bookkeepers, and receptionists. starting December 15. 332-0655. 337-0579. 5-12-4 "PRE PAID" 3-12-2 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 249.7-12-6 - GIRL NEEDED winter, own room. Experience a must. Don't put it 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 off any longer. Call Linda at NOW Whitehall Manor, 332-3262 after VOLKSWAGEN 1971 - Super NEED SOMEONE to do quick BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS. OFFICEMATES. 694-1153. 6 pm. 3-11-27 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 Beetle, good shape, must sell. Best offer over $1100. Call thorough housecleaning. Must 8-12-6 through the end Frandor near. 2 bedroom, 3-12-2 have own car. $2.25/hour. unfurnished. Garden level. 371-2406, after 5 p.m. 2-11-27 of the term. LUXURY TOWN HOUSES, cJEADILINE 351-2684:332-8059. 2-11-26 Available soon. $170. ONE MAN needed immediately COUNSELOR CASE worker, full families preferred. Full 48&9343. 7-12-6 quiet, comfortable apartit time, experience in social work Stat* News basement, all appliances, P.M. one class WANTED: FULL time girl for close day office. working with children. Contact Classified Dept. ONE BEDROOM furnished, including washer and dryer, bath to campus. $100 / n Apply Monday and 147 Student Services heat / water included. 351" before publication. William Weitzel, VFW National • V4. $225 a month, between 1 Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, sublease December or January 5-12-4 Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, pm and 6 pm Wednesday HONDA 750 1973. 5,400 miles. Lansing. 372-6323.2-11-26 through June, Cedar Greens, 663-1521, extension 147. through Sunday. Call 882-0257. Peanuts Personal ad* 635,351-8631 1 11-26 ONE NEEDE0 for 3 must be pre-paid. Hooker headers. condition. 393-1949. 5-11-26 Excellent WAITRESSES WANTED DELLS. X-7-12-4 Apartments Five 8-12-6 minutes from campus. apartment on Burch $2/hour. Call between 1-6pm. NEED 1 girl for 3 woman, winter 332-8884. 5-12-4 VOCATIONAL COUSELOR. 339-2916, Frank. 7-12-5 term, Capitol Villa. $54.68 I Cancellations/ Corrections SUZUKI SL 1972. Very good Career opportunity center, farm HASLETT ARMS. Female needed, month. 332-8986. Ask for Laura WOMAN OVER 21 to share 2 condition. Female owner. $375 workers, bedroom apartment with same. 12 noon one class day BABYSITTER IN my home from migrant program, winter, spring. One block from or Denise. 3-12-2 firm. Call Kitty, after 4 pm, Before 3 pm call 351-9352. before publications. 394-2019. 5-11-26 7:30 am • 5:30 pm daily, 7:30 am - 10:30 pm Thursdays. Will permanent full time. Spanish speaking by bi-cultural. Contact cempus. $82.50 month. 351-2787.5-11-26 NEED 2 _.2-11 26 CAMPUS HILL men, 4 man, winter - consider live - in. 393-0041 after Mr. Ferguson, 489-3715. The State News will be spring. Free bus service, heating. responsible only for the YAMAHA TRIUMPH, BMW motorcycles. Parts, accessories, 5;30 pm and week-ends. 5-12-3 x-7-12-3 FEMALE NEEDED to winter term. Own room! $90. sublet $68.75 / month. 349-1856, after FEMALE SUBLEASE Delta Arms. December - June. $78.50. Call APARTMENTS 5:30. 5-11-27 service. SHEP'S MOTOR TEMPORARY MODELS FOR photography. Call 351-3268. 5-11-26 Deb. M. 351-7847.8-12-6 day's incorrect MAILING room SPORTS, INC. 694-6621. work. Starting December 3rd. 2 between 10 am and 6 pm. FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury insertion. C-3-11-27 489-1215.0-11-27 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, Furnished apartmenti shifts, approximately 2-3 weeks, NEEDED, 3 girls to sublease 4 girl 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no ' $2/hour. Apply in person; 3308 apartment. $70/month. pets. Lease until September. One partially furnished, 1018 North Bills are due 7 days from HONDA 750 1974. New front tire. South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST. Winter/ spring. Pool, eir month free rent. $160. 129 Pennsylvania. $150, $50 deposit. available for Sissy bar. Just tuned. Must sell Local medium sized No children or large pets. the ad expiration date. If 3-11-227 - conditioning, dishwasher. Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 not paid by the due date, a for school. 339-2029. 3-11-27 construction company desires 349 2859. 5-12-2 371-4956.3-11-27 immediate occupancy $.50 late service charge will NEED STUDENT to babysit charming, neat appearing QUIET FEMALE to 'sub or be due. CHAPEREL 80 motorcycle, good secretary - receptionist. Must be SECOND FEMALE. Winter only. MALE SUBLEASE own room in i Friday, November 29. 9 a.m. - 5 Twyckingham, winter condition, $125. Call 655-2724. able to type 80+ wpm and take Share 1 bedroom 711 Burcham. large apartment. 2 blocks from p.m. $1.25 / hour. 351-2684: spring. 351-8551 6-11-27 5-12-3 332-8059. 2-11-27 dictation at 120+ wpm. Rent negotiable. 332-2708. campus 351-5830. 332-4768. beginning Winter term. Excellent fringe benefits. No 5-12-2 3-11-27 Automotive 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike, fees paid. Equal Opportunity NEED 1 girl to sublease Cedar SALES POSITIONS 2,000 miles. $850 Employer. 393-1670. 5-11-27 WANTED 1 or 2 girls to sublease Village, winter, spring. 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, Call 349-3530 - negotiable. BE HOME EVERY NIGHT - 332-3996. 5-11-26 646-6236. 7-12-3 large room in nice 3-person partially furnished. Utilities AMX 1969, 4 speed, good engine, Arrange financial programs for CHILD CARE for 10 month old apartment. $66. December or paid. $140 plus deposit. good body. $700. 337-0823. individuals and business WANTED: Roommate service 5-11-26 DUCATI 1974 - 750 cc. Like new, son. Year round. 8-5. In my January. Evenings, 351-4246, FEMALE to sublease 393-7839,485 1302. 3-11-27 organizations. Will train for make offer. 694-1733, before 3 home. Okemos area. Sally. 5-11-26 Cedar Village apartment, winter highly lucrative, annualized Light BUICK 1966. pm. 5-11-26 commission sales. housekeeping. Own only. 351-8077. 5-12-2 FEMALE NEEDED to sublease Power steering, Prior sales SUBLET, WINTER term ■■ transportation. References. Call TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED, December June. $72.50. Near brakes. Runs good. Good body. experience desirable. Call West Circle, $77.13 - near 355-9618 9-5 pm. 349-9515 mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. GIRL TO share immediately - own Williams. 332-2049. 2-11-26 $125. 353-2164.8-12-6 l Sena / JosepHne Starkweather, 694-3935. Investors Diversified after 6 pm and weekends. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet room $75/month. $25 deposit. month Call 332-1174. 61 3-11-26 and peaceful on a lake. Utilities included. Call 1-2 WOMEN NEEDED. CAMERO, 1967. 327, runs good, Services. 8-12-6 Sublease 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 485-4746. 3 M 26 OWN ROOM for 4-speed, many extras, rust proof, VOLKSWAGEN immediately. Campus Hill. - COMPLETE POSITIONS OPEN, in consumer DRIVERS NEEDED full time, townhouse, East Lansing $600. 655-2557.3-11-27 349-4617. 3-11-27 repair and body. 20% and industrial sales in EAST LANSING - One becfroom NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. December " - must have excellent driving Large DISCOUNT to students, faculty furnished. Quiet residential area. 5-11-27 technical/engineering disciplines, record. Apply at Varsity Cab, upstairs. One bedroom. Share CHEVELLE, Late 1972 28,000, on all cash'n' carry VW service TWYCKINGHAM 4-man, 2 and in data processing. Call Security , 122 Woodmere. 5-11-27 Carpeting. Disposal. ugiitifcs. $120. 351 7497 FM and tape, 3 on floor. $2600. parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, $185. from bedroom furnished. MALE NEEDED to MANAGEMENT locks. Lease 0-4-11-27 337-7997.3-11-27 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. $290/month. Utilities paid. winter/spring 4 • I* RECRUITERS, 694-1153. No THERE'S A in December, 1974 - September 16, 485-204 7, 485-9229. fee and no contract to sign. roomer town 1975. Woodiide Apartments, ONE BEDROOM unfurnished. Immediate occupancy. Twychingham. Call J|m COMET 1965 Caliente, excellent Mastercharge and Bank 8-12-6 looking for your rental. 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 351-7166, 487-5696.8-12-6 11pm. 332-2755. 5-" » Advertise vacancies with Want Completely carpeted and engine, good tires plus snows. __Arwiwd.jyj-27 Ads. Dial 355-8255. remodeled. $100/month plus Radio, low mileage. After 6 p.m. ONE MALE needed. Heat and BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced AVON, TO buy sell. Call ouf utilities. Close to LCC and bus 339-2668. 3-12-2 rates to students. Also district or manager, water included $95 month. Nice to MSU. Phone 371-1479. CROSSWORD guaranteed rust proofing. VAN 20-12-2 place. 351-7630. 5-11-26 5-12-2 CHEVROLET IMPALA Power steering, power brakes. 1969. WORLD. 645-2123. 0-11-27 PUZZLE ACROSS Good condition, $700. Call after 29. INSURANCE • LOWEST rates on Paintings 5:30 p.m. 669-9206. 2-11-27 1. Prods 31. cycles and auto. Call us first or Youngster 5. Ott 33. Harsh alkali DATSUN 240-Z, 1973. Automatic, last, but call. Easy Payment 8. Policeman 34. Pamphlet air, Michelin tires, AM-FM, Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS 11. With: Fr. 36. Hint 29,000 miles, great shape. 485-4317. 0-11-27 12. Labor union 38. Al Capp $3995. 355-4219, 353-3578. 13. Kava 43. Trumpet 3-11-27 MASON BODY SHOP, 812 East 14. Swerve 45. Carry Kalamazoo Street since 1940. : 15. Roman — 46. Chapeau FORD RANCHERO, GT. 360 hp, automatic transmission. Call 655-2724. 5-12-3 $1800. Complete auto painting collision service. American and and f for the CH 17 19. Digest Game like 47. Japanese fan 48. Town on the Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-11-27 napoleon Thames HONDA CIVIC 1973, 4 speed, $1400. Phone 332-4903 TO SELL % 20. 23. Catamarans Valve 49. Chill 50. Bursa anytime. 2-11-27 26. Hindu cymbals 51. Electric 28. Entice catfish JAGUAR 1967 - XKE Roadster. Needs mechanical work. Make YOUR CAR... A Special Peanuts Personal offer. 627-4758. 5-11-27 Greetings Page MERCEDES 1963 190Dc (diesel), CALL 355-8255 rebuilt engine, new black paint, ELECTRIC REAR window excellent body and interior, air def rosters, $13.95 at Special date: Dec. 6 conditioning, 4-speed, 28 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Special rate: mpg, A Classified Advisor is waiting to $2200. Dave Cobb, 353-7839. CAR PARTS, 2605 East 10 words SI.00 3-11-27 Kalamazoo, one mile west of help you write the result-getting 10 cents each additional campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 Classified Ad that brings you a MGB - 1968. New engine, excellent word. heater, no rust. Must sell! cash buyer for your car in a Taking 484-8959.5-11-27 best offer. 676-2876, rmmM hurry. Call now for courteous, friendly help. OLDSMOBILE 1972 Delta Royale, UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNH 4-door, Holiday, Power, cruise If You're a better person than the control, other extras. 332-1097 after 6 pm. 7-11-27 job you're talk to you. now in, we'd like to State News Classified Ads Commissions. Call 347 Student Services Whether you've found something or Josephine Starkweather at not, it's fun to read the "LOST 694-3935. Investors Diversified Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. & FOUND." T\im there now. 347 Student Services Services. 8-12-6 Mfy^fcichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 26, 197V 11 8 CSDffi [ toons|f>] For Sale fen For Sals Peawts Persoui Krtmen*• WINTER, 1 bedroom 1*2 persons, r,nt SUBLET LARGE 3 bedroom duplex. Close. Plenty oarklna NEAR STABLES - large bedroom SKIS - K-2 2's and Solomon 404 BANJO 4 string harmony. Never Board eager for students (otiablo. 332-0462. *11-27 $300. 351-5791. 3-12 2 In brick ranch house, full bindings. 12 days actual HAPPY MAN you're definitely ^ privileges, fireplace, dishwasher, use. been used. New. $90 or best worth your weight in nicklesll $100. 351-7407. 3-11-26 r£R. SUBLEASE, girl needed, $85/M0NTH, plus utilities for see to appreciate, available offer. CAM Kitty 394-2019, after The Little Mouse. 1-11-26 (continued from page 1) she expects many students may rent negotiable, close. couple to share December 15. 337-0195. 7-12-6 4 pm. 5-11-26 large house with PEAVEY AMPLIFIER, 125 RMS. "The University should be have to drop out of school to 9. 5-11-27 same. No S.B. AND all the Kappa's: In swingers. Call 484-7319 Six 12" speakers and run run for governingboards. after 5 p.m. 7-12-6 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south horn, foot regards to Friday evening I'd like as an educational ■ girl needed, winter term, near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for switch. $400. 485-8390. 4 11-27 to express an institution, not a business, and "Students will have trouble apology to all that ldar View apartment, LARGE DOUBLE room in house. student, near bus line. I offended or brought that's what the majority of getting the labor backing and $65/month plus deposit all the other stuff that goes p/month. 351-1941. 5-11-27 Close. $80 each. 353-6592 627-5454. X7-12-4 discomfort. Bob. 1-11-26 trustees are - businessmen." 332-0968.5-12-4 Therese DesCamp, another along with major party lgridge, 1 bedroom, HRP candidate for the board nominations," DesCamp said Cishe<1. $180. Office hours, NEEDED; LIBERAL 4th WOMAN FOR duplex. $75 Before You of trustees who drooped out of "The big thing is going to be roommate. month. Call 351 3620 around 11-9036, otherwise, 351-4745. Own room, $70. Close. Leave... MSU but may return soon, said the politics involved and that's dinnertime. 5-11-27 332-3672. 3-12-2 a full time job." 349-3144 Place a - ■rTMENT okemos, main CARPETED, PANELED room, 1578 E. Grand R ier furnished 3 rooms, OKEMOS AREA, 4 bedroom older home. Ideal for students. close Duplex, $105 plus utilities, '/« ml. E. of Merldia Mall Special $200 David. 337-0294. 10-12-4 ies couple. $150 a month. per month plus utilities. No TWO ANTIQUE desks, $35 each. Christmas fe-2313. 7-11-27 lease. Call 332-4128, EAST SINGLE ROOM, kitchen Two dressers. $15 and $25. LANSING REALTY OOMPANY $80 + utilities. 155 Gunson, privileges. Knotty pine table with two fold Greeting ■Wished one bedroom 7-12-6 Close. 351-8754.4-11-26 - down leafs, $65. Antique cane, with a ^jrtment to sublease, close to FIREWOOD -100% split. 4 x8'x16' wicker chair, $35. One eat paid, pet allowed. CLOSE - ROOM in Macrobiotic MALE, SINGLE, walk to campus. stacked. $20. All you can get in Mediterranean buffet, $35. Peanuts trunk $10. Dacor scuba tank with regulator, household. Cooking, 334 Evergreen. CAII - Delivery Decmeber Gunson Stfeet. PETERSON WOOD extra. SHIPS, 2 masks and one set of fins for Personal 15. 351-7687. 489-1893.5-12-3 for details turn to p. |l-27 3-11-27 882-2555. 0-3-11-27 $110. Voice of music AM/FM 10 stereo, $125. Plus several Announcements for It's What's Your body is the temple of the BOARDERS NEEDED winter _ LAKE APARTMENTS, - TO KAREN (?) from Portage. Call Happening must be received in the Holy Spirit which is in you. (I Cor. antique jugs and living, dining . SINGLE ROOM for male. spring. Sorority; good food, SANSUI 3300 AM-FM Stereo B76 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 house. Excellent location, Large friendly atmosphere. 332-6426 receiver. Sansui QS-500 rear room chairs. 487-5942, after 5 Mark Zimmer (Vet.) from State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least 6:19) Understand work in him and let Him your life with the Idroom apartments just 1Q kitchen, parking, laundry. B-1-11-26 channel amp. Sony TC8W PJT1. 3-12-2 Portage. 3-12-2 two class days before publication. Yahshuans. Free lectures at 8:30 (nutes from MSU. $150 / per 332-1918. 3-11-27 8-track tape recorder. Dual 1215 No announcements will be accepted p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Sunday both. Beautiful grounds, quiet HEAD 660's, 205cm, Nevada Gran in 34 Union. Llion Call Manager 339-8192 | EAST LANSING REALTY, IN LANSING, on busline. 4 bedroom house. ( For Sale ^ -S changer. Mid-Michigan's finest selection of equipment. Car tape systems used stereo Prix bindings, Scott poles, Standard Boots, si2e 10M. $100. Lange [ Real Estate <£ by phone. Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail The Self Help group will meet at 124128. 10-12-6 Suitable extension 238. M J ^^Kcember 1st - 1 year leases FRANDOR - 3 bedrooms, partially 484-6302 after 6 pm. 5-12-3 349-2529 H.D.I. REALTORS. listen to WTVR from 7 to 11 p.m. 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday in A740 From $175. 351-0866. furnished, every Tuesday and Thursday. Wells Hall. All those who desire to fireplace, garage, CONN FRENCH horn, excellent WANTED: CHAMPION male 349-3310. 4-11-6 'ILLAGE, ^Bl26 - on. Where? The Union. Digit! practice their German are invited. M| students welcome. FOR SALE: 339-9114. condition. For more information firewood, 4x8 stack, Hungarian Vizsla to breed with 5-11-26 call 651-5030. 5-11-27 $25, delivered. Call 676-4375. registered female. Carl. LOTS FOR salel Buy now, build Ice, slush and rain. Hey, '8.11126 ^HriVER from miles STREET, in Lansing - campus, just off 5-12-3 337-2381.3-11-26 later. I have a beautiful hilltop come snow, inside the Union . and . let OWN ROOM - country home. $75. WHIRLPOOL WHITE, site with lake view and another WTVR warm your soul. Good TE NEEDED nn $75. Own bedron ^Hlamazoo Good sized Campus • 3% miles. 351-8231 dishwasher, like new. 6 months^ SCHWINN 10-speed. Excellent GOLDEN RETRIEVERS - lots of with almost 2 acres in Okemos listening. Wednesday during fall term. MSU ■ Hgrnished 1 bedroom after five. 3-11-27 $125. 349-9225. 5-11-27 condition. Brand new. $100. school district. Bob Homan, students desiring appointments are 1-0879.5-12-4 puppies, AKC champ bloodline. ^Hpitments 6 and 9 month 351-1078. 5-12-3 Call 339-9907. 3-11-27 349-2529. H.D.I. REALTORS. MENSA Books SIG will discuss asked to check with the ASMSU ^Kses accepted. $170. 465-3140. WOMAN SINGLE furnished room ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 349-3310. 4-11-26 Gulag Archipelago at 7 tonight at office, 334 Student Services Bldg. K - ANSING. Large, , Nancy Denton's, A1539 Spartan in' new house. $80/month. If you want: JSED NIKON F 35mm camera. Village. Friends welcome. Museum workshop 7:30 tonight ,lentire second floai HANDSOME, SPRINGER Sptfiiel, DUPLEX. NEWLY remodeled. 3 332-5491. 3-11-27 Canon Pellix, Mamiya-Sekor j? field type, AKC, Available'for at the MSU Museum. See behind >me. Stove, refrigerw Walking NEEDED to sublease River's * Insured Bicycle J 1000DTL, Canon FTB, Petri stud. 487-8784, bedroom unit, and 2 bedroom the scenes of display preparation. ng. 1200/ month incM distant ^Hdge. Winter, spring. $77.50. EAST LANSING. Lovely 2 Storage J SLR with standard and 3-11-27 evenings. unit. $42,900. 489-2575. Sponsored by PRR Interpretive 337-9633.3-12-2 ^■320270.5-11-26 bedroom. Child welcome. * Free Tune-up 4 telephoto movie lens. Super 8mm 3-11-26 Typing Service Workshops. All interested students Deposit and utilities. 489-2575. equipment. Swift NEEDED. Wmti ^HeSBECK GOLF course area - 3-11-26 J * Discounts on J Collegiate 400 microscope. [ Mobile Homes Recreation The MSU Block and Bridle Club Arms. 580.75. Ctt ^^■ear, 2 bedrooms. Immediately. Federal enlarger - $49.95. COMPLETE will meet at 7:30 tonight in 110 oommates. 381-31 ^■ll 351-5964. 7-11-27 4th PERSON needed to share J * winter repairs Affordable prices J Benjamin miracord 50HII AT L APT IC, 1967. 10x50. THESES, Service Discount Printing. IBM typing Anthony Hall. Sign up for the ^Bedroom furnished ^^■tartment, 6 blocks from country home. Own bedroom. $62.50. Call 677-1862. 3-11-26 J ($4.95, $6.45, $7.95) * turntable. Kenwood KR5150 Stereo receiver, Sansui QR4500 Furnished, clean, many extras, SKI UTAH Call - Space going fast $285. TRAVEL BY and binding of dissertations and publication. Across from Little International will begin. financing. $2,900. 641-6226. Michael k. Magness from Case needed immedattlyl ^Hmpus. Sublease winter, spring. X Call or see us. 1 quad receiver. AR2X speakers 5-12-3 HARRINGTON, 351-8800. campus, corner M.A.C. and Western Reserve Law School will and :omfortable aparti* 3188.10-12-3 ROOMMATE NEEDED - J0LDSXJ¥>&> OftXfe. T many more sweet stereo C-3-11-27 Grand River. Below Jones address the MSU Pre Law Assn. at male/female. Furnished 2 w •spcer < components. King size waterbed, - T campus. $100 rant „ „ Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - 4:30 today in 105 Eppley iter included. 351-78 ^■niSHED 1 bedroom, clean, ^Huiet. carpeting, air conditioned, bedroom. 215 utilities. $90 monthly. 5-12-2 Lathrop. All ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ladies and mens leather coats, ski equipment, ice boat; barber chair. All merchandise [lost & Found ][C[] FOUR SEASONS CLUB beats the cost of skiing! Discounts on lift tickets, Michigan weekend Friday. Call SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 COPYGRAPH Center. are invited. All interested persons ^Hitio, no undergrads. Security GORGEOUS ROOMS in house. SEWING MACHINE Clearance guaranteed - Check us out, you FIND SOMETHING packages. Western and European Demolaya! The MSU DeMolay DEO for 3 mi ^^ftcks $180 including heat. Gunson sale! Brand new portables $49.95. will groove on our honest down IF YOU'VE found IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the Club is on the Come to the ^M9-9152 or 351-0544 after 5. Street, $86/month. $5 per .month. Large selection of to earth used equipment, article of value, we want to help a pet or trips. 10% discount on all Weathervane items excluding public about your service or Meeting at 8:30 move. tonight in thr I. 5-12-4 Bp 332-1958.4 11-27 reconditioned used machines. DICKER & prices. you return it. Just come into the business with an ad on the Union1 Sunporch and help us find DEAL sale items. Membership-rates $15 Yellow Page each Thursday, Call Singers, Whites, Necchis, New SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 State out where we are going! I ROOM, 3 BEDROOM, furnished, Bailey News Classified single, $20 couple, $25 family. apartment, $95. Homes and many others..$19.95 to Michelle. 355-8255. school area. January through South Cedar. 487-3886. Monday Department and tell us you want Located at Okemos ise, close, clean. Denis. $3935. Terms. EDWARDS Women! Why not get free radio ■37-0110. 2-11-26 December 1975. References and Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, to place an ad in EAST Weathervane, 349-1020. 5-11-26 EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM exposure for your literary and DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 Wednesday, Thursday and LANSING STATE BANK'S Selectric, term papers, theses, musical talents? You deserve it. At required. Family only. North Washington. 489-6448. Saturday 9-6. C-3-11-27 Found Column. As a public the same time, you will be sharing 337-1023. 5-12-2 general typing. 371-1115. ]|jg C-3-11 -27 tats service EAST LANSING STATE Service with other community women. Phone SKIS: HEAD Competition Giant the Women's Media EAST BANK will run the ad at no cost LANSING, girl to share PRIVATE SHOWING. Exquisite Collective, which produces Slalom. 210cm. Spalding PF to you I EXPERIENCED IBM beautiful home with mother and Indian Turquoise Jewelry. typing. "Woman's Voice." We are I FEMALES. Own rooms. 7 year old. Phone 332-0981. Epoxy 205cm. Call after 5:30 EAST LANSING TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Dissertations (pica elite) 489-0328 for details, 6-8 pm - |o-ed house. $65. Country 8-12-6 only. 5-12-2 pm, 393-0487.3-11-27 STATE BANK oiled and adjusted. Portables FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 ih. 655-2060. 5-11-27 C-11-27 $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric Women! Are you interested in KENWOOD 6004 amplifier, $12.50. One day service, free WILLING TO working cooperatively with other VICTORIAN MANOR. Downtown SKIS, FISCHER Combi's 185cm. stand out in the t ROOM 4 in good house, Pioneer PL-12 turntable, brand LOST: MALE Schnauzer. pick up and delivery. 25 years crowd? Then check women to produce a community Lansing, single bedroom. $75. Marker bindings. Must sell$60. the radio show? The Women's Media inter, spring. Good new Shure cartridge. Excellent Salt-pepper, answer to "Jango" experience. 393-9774. 351-0997, after 5 pm. B-1-11-26 355-7270. 3-11-26 Outstanding autos in today's Collective offers a supportive Jople. Close. 351-8571. condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. Brookfield Plaza area, Tuesday 0-18-11-27 Classified Ads. environment for women to speak 5-12-3 night. Reward. 351-3481. LARGE 5 bedroom house, near out, and/or gain media experience. Cash for 3-11-27 EDITING Join us at our hew LCC. Furnished. Call 351 4140 - PROOFREADING. meeting time OVEN SEARS built in, Dissertations, theses, research THESES, RESUMES, typing and 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday in the | BEDROOM furnished house. or 655-2603. 10-12-2 STAMPS & COINS - - never i • year lease desired, security used, 2 years old/ model. Self FOUND: BLACK male angora cat, projects, manuscripts. Anne printing. Reasonable prices. Women's Center in the Union UN been around about a month. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Lounge. lit required. $325 / month. Buy-Sell - Trade cleaning rotisserie, automatic, Cauley. 337-1591. 2-11-26 351-4116. C-11-27 19 South Francis. 351-8614. [ Rooms MID - full line of supplies MICHIGAN STAMP 8> COIN avocado. $300 or best offer. 676-4880. 3-11-27 CAII 5-12-2 332-4566 after 5:30. PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, Communicate with the Universal Source, visually, audibly and/or 1880 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 finest quality, reasonably priced. TYPING - 2 blocks campus. I ROOMS in Electric. clairsensitively. Meet the Self - house. $57. ROOM NOW. Cooking, parking, YAMAHA LESLIE amplifier, FOUND: LAST Friday. Female BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. Fast. Term papers, Awareness Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. |ailable 12-1. Ten minutes to $70. Close. 676-4004. After ANTIQUES RA200. $1500 new. Must sell, Siamese, near Albert and Bailey. 482-5712. C-11-27 theses. 332-8498. 7-12-6 Wednesday in 310 Agriculture Hall. is. 484 5267. 4-11-27 4:30,332-6990. 3-11-27 $1000. Perfect condition. 337-7125. C-3-12-2 10% Discount with this ad! 351-7687. 5-12-3 FOR THE BEST Service A time for sharing and | Transportation on stereo I ROOM - Iher/dryer. No lease, $75. beautiful house, GIRLS: DOUBLE rooms to rent, Interesting and unusual stuff, lots of items under $10 for imaginative FOUND: GREY and white cat, equipment see the STEREO J- discussion noon Wednesday in 6 Student Services Bldg. A brown bag dormer sleeping area, sorority male in Mason Halt. Call SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. ■25263. 3-11-26 gift givers. Open Tuesday - Sunday, lunch for returning women students house. Close to campus. $425 per term. Call 332-3551 daytime 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4245 S. 10% DISCOUNT 355-1916. C-3-11-27 C-11-27 FLORIDA RIDERS needed - 25+, sponsored by the Women's Okemos. 349-4648. 7-12-6 Resource Center. 157 Student ■ female needed. Nice house. FOUND: Declawed, apayed, angora leaving December 13, returning or 482-9511 evenings. 8-12-6 to all MSU Services Bldg. January 2nd. Call Grand Rapids, ^0 Oak Hill. Share room now SCUBA EQUIPMENT. Dacor, top students female cat. Vicinity Foster 1-616-453-5956. 5-12-3 ough Summer. $60 monthly QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and Street, Lansing. Call 4874509. AH those needing moral support of 'the line, only used 3 times, »» utilities. Call Karen, reasonable. Board at Triangle C-3-11-27 in the eternal fight against like new. $350 or best offer. on purchases of $2 COSTA RICA - driving January 24. ■6-4968. 5-12-2 Fraternity. Call 332-3563. or collectivism are invited to meet more, yogurts 677-8041.3-12-2 Need riders. Share costs. with the MSU Libertarian' LOST: 1 minature Schnauzer. small 8-12-6 and breads excluded Instruction 372-0127. 5-11-36 Alternative at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday HOUSE for 4 persons, male, light gray, no collar. in CI 12 Wells Hall. plus FRUIT BASKETS 1/2 - 1 peck. Answers to "Charlie." Reward. utilities. Available VERY COMFORTABLE. Excellent ■vember 30. 393-0445. location. Clean, linens, parking, December 3 - December 13, RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 349-1895.5-11-27 The Art of the GOING SOUTH over Christmas International folk dancing meets lobby Horticulture Building. break? Need passenger, share T1-27 friendly atmosphere. A real deal I at 8 p.m. tonight in the Union Orders begin November 25. Brookfield Plaza FOUND: YOUNG female Setter, Classical Guitar expenses. Leaving December 9, Tower Room. Dances are from all I BEDROOM 361-3212. 5-12-2 house, fully 337-9516, 337 1139, MSU 1381 E. Grand River Durand - Albert Street area. enroute 1-76, Atlanta Georgia. over the world. Everyone is Wished, near campus. $150. Horticulture Club. 7-12-6^ 355-5250, 332-3214 after 5. Personal instructions For interview, call Bonny, welcome. «e ALL FACILITIES. Private. In 332-6892 332-1281. X-3-12-2 339-8981. 5-11-27 C-3-12-2 by serious guitarist house. New. $75. East side. BUNDY a The Christian Science College SAXOPHONE, 7 years, 351-7539 Organization invites all students ■ ED; 2 quiet roommates to 393^0603. 5-1V26 $150. Ski boots Teanus Men's 6. IBM SELECTRIC Pica. Excellent NEED RIDE }[7] Harrison to on and faculty members to its house in East Lansing. room IN house available now, $60 Rieker ladies 6%. 351-1755. thesis typewriter. Excellem - Personal Wednesday. Call 351-1122. Ask at 6:45 tonight in 34 Union. meeting ••5400. 5-12-2 includes utilities. House 5-12-4 condition. $375. 882-8764 for Pam. 1-11-26 p0R 3 privileges. afternoons Call and 484-6419, FENDER PRECISION Bass with 5-11-27 FREE ... A lesson in complexion [T*pi"E Service See Wine Tasters meeting tonight. Gary Post, 16 Oakhill Apts. for man house, $65 / evenings. care. Call 484-4519 East >th. 484-6350. 7-12-6 2-11-27 case. Brand new. Best offer. HOME GRAIN grinders and bread Wanted more information. Bacchus Lives! Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast 332-2831. 4-11-27 mixers, electrical, world's best; Mall. MERLE NORMAN and reasonable. 371-4635. for great whole wheat bread, Hey lilor! Looking for COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-27 C-11-27 The MSU Sailing CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. 355-8132. 5-11-26 ARTS CRAFTS. Are you skilled in Club will be holding a meeting at 7:30 Unique gifts, several Colors. arts, crafts, guitar, theater, etc? tonight in 203 Men's Intramural EXPERIENCED, TYPING term 4 papetn" 5. It ' *2.00 OFF f Reasonable. < 882-0046. FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. 16-12-6 100 USED VACCUUM Cleaners. Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. CVM APPLICATION papers, accurate theses, etc. Rapid, service. 394-2512. You are needed for new cultural rehabilitation center. Volunteers Bldg. Discussions on iceboating and fundraising ac Guaranteed full year. $7.88 wanted to teach their skills few \ On All one a C-11-27 Winttr Footwear in Store § Workbenches, steel barrels and many other itmes. 882-2555. and up. DENNIS DEADLINE hours per week. Vicki, If friends you are think gay. none of think again. To your DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 353-2164. 5-11-26 learn Coupon Good Through 0-3-11-27 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Applications (and PURPLE VICKI inexpensive typing. Very • Fast accurate, niar homosexuals more about come gays out to Gay and Market. C-2-11-27 BEATLE CARDS, msgezines items Liberation noon to 5 p.m. Monday LENS PRECISION ground in our Suppoctative> materials) for campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 November 30 lab. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, the class to be admitted wanted. CURIOUS USED thru Friday in 309 Student Services FISHER RC80, Dolby cassette BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand Bldg. 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. 1975 summer term must be IRENE ORR Theses, term papers, River. 332-0112. (11:30 -6pm) deck. $90/of fer. Mike, I modern youth shoes 372-7409. C-3-11-27 .days. 3-12-2 received in the Office of the general typing. Formerly with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. 8-11-27 The African speaker today will be Robert T. Studies Forum Dean, College of Veterinary SAVIN 215 copy machine. 3 years Medicine by December 2., C-11-27 COUPLE NEED Zwinoira, Ph.D. candidate, history TURKEY DAY specials - many flat, winter - old, $250. Call 351-4879 before dept. He will speak on "Pluralism audio specials through 1974. spring. Maximum rent $130, and the History of Social POUR CHILDREN'S SHOE 4:30 Friday. 5-12-3 pm, Monday through Wedensday. MARSHALL MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1-11-26 I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, quickly, cheaply. 1111 H. near campus. mornings and weekends, Call collect The Case of Manyikaland, 1890 • 1920" from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Change: STORE IN FRANDOR CHRISTMAS GIFTSI Quilt purses, PANASONIC AM/FM stereo with HAVE A Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for letting us get to University 3-11-26 Village. 355-5871. 1-313-332-3825. 5-11-26 106 International Center. custom sewing. Call Debbie, cassette. Must sell. Best offer. COMIC, BOOKS, science fiction, Newcomers are especially know you. GULLIVER STATE 393-3199. 5-11-27 baseball welcome to a 332-3169. 5-12-4 DRUG, 1105 East Grand River, TYPING, ELECTRIC machine, cards wanted. seminar ,011 CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, Cybernetics and Culture from 5'to 332-2011.0-1-11-26 fast, accurate and experienced. 7 p.m. every FREE PHOTOGRAPHY catalogue 307 East Grand River. Tuesday in the Union 372-4746. 8-12-6 cafeteria. economy photo systems and SKIS, YAMAHA, All Round, 2 190cm, never used. $70. 332-0112, (11:30 - 6 pm.) equipment in all price ranges. No 12-11-27 The Marketing Club 339-9277. 7-12-6 ANN BROWN typing and multilith' cordially bull - just the best cameras and invites all members and their guests accessories for your money. offset printing. Complete service DAY CARE. Seeking 1 or 2 to attend the next MARANT2 1030 amplifier, less for dissertations, theses, meeting CAL WEST PHOTOGRAPHY featuring Dean Thomas, corporate playmates for my children. WAREHOUSE, 1327 Archer, than year old. $175 new, asking IF YOU NEED some extra money, manuscripts, general typing. vice - president of the Infants through kmd»rt»rden. Pillsbury Co. San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401. $135. Excellent condition. Call sell some extra things with IBM. 25 years experience The presentation win take piece at 351-6560. 3-12-2 Specialized c®r« Ws»t press,*»J couches, ch several free urinals. "It's kind of a funny thing with us," said Lee Kefauver, former state coordinator for the National Organization of Women. "We have a little joke about the pay toilets." "After we've achieved quality in credit, health and all the other areas of education, employment, discrimination, then we'll New theory claims crib deaths take on pay toilets." , But the pay toilet is not the only problem which needs relieving. There is also discrimination against males in the area of restrooms and, surprisingly, men are responsible for it. A spot check of Lansing area restrooms for both sexes found caused by trapped windpipe airl pay toilets in bus stations, malls and the airport. The majority of the men's restrooms offered few facilities for By JOANNA FIRESTONE sudden infant death syndrome The Kadlubs said the chain The baby i "rest." There were free and pay stalls, urinals, United Press International (SIDS) is a mechanical of events ending in crib death i