VOLUME 168 NUMBER 243 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Ford vetoes veterans bill on extra By Associated Press and State News education benefits to avoid adding another $500 million to President Ford Tup.day vetoed a bill sufficient time to permit a veteran to the budget. Veterans all issued statements that would hau increased veterans' obtain his baccalaureate degree and to expressing In addition to the 22.7 shock at the veto. education benelits for 11 million per cent, Ford enable him to adjust to civilian life." post - also objected to two other Korea and Vietnam era veterans provisions in He aid of the direct loan - by 22.7 the bill — one which program that it James M. Wagonseller, the per cent. And he called on extends GI is "inefficient compared to available Legion's undergraduate educational benefits from national commander, said "we are aware to enact Congress guaranteed loan programs, which provide a bill that will be less 36 to 45 months for of heavy inflation undergraduates and pressures however, substantially more assistance to the . . . inflationary and increase benefits by only the other we viewed this measure as an investment 18.2 per cent. establishing a direct $600 • a - veteran at less cost to the federal in month loan program for student veterans. America, both from a monetary Press Ford said he felt "the taxpayer." standpoint and from the Secretary Ron Nessen, in present The American legion, the Veterans of standpoint of announcing earlier .Ford's intention to entitlement of four academic years is developing America's human resources to veto the Foreign Wars and the Disabled American the fullest." measure, said the President has no doubt that the Democratic - controlled Congress would override him. The effort will Women be made first in the House next Tuesday and in the Senate next Wednesday. Veterans organizations said they were sue shocked by the action. Some members of Congress, including House Majority Leader John J. Rhodes of Arizona, predicted Congress would override the veto, probably next week. The House takes up the veto first. An MSU Veterans Administration official said he could not make a about sex dis statement concerning the veto until he reviewed the information with other administrators. From Wire Services • Presidential executive orders, first issued in 1968, requiring the Dept. of Labor to cut off federal contracts or grants from any Randy Gatlin, an MSU student and an WASHINGTON - Four women's rights institution practicing sex discrimination in Army veteran discharged in June 1968, National Education Assn. (NEA) filed suit in federal groups and the employment. The said the veto was court here Labor Dept. has delegated enforcement expected but would not Tuesday charging that the Dept. of Health, Education and responsibility to HEW's stand for long. Office of Civil Rights. Welfare (HEW) and the Dept. of Labor have failed to enforce "I think it will be overridden by antisex discrimination laws • Title IX of the against colleges and school systems. 1972 Education Amendments for which Congress," Gatlin said. "At least it better HEW expects early next be or a lot of vets will be In the first class action suit of year to issue final regulations. It unhappy." - its kind, the organizations prohibits sex discrimination in all programs and policies of Bob Ogletree, an MSU senior maintain that the two departments have violated the antisex bias schools and colleges. discharged in 1971, agreed that Cotigress laws by not cutting off millions of dollars of federal funds to • Titles VII would and VIII of the Public Health Services probably override the veto. schools and colleges found guilty of sex discrimination. Act He presently receives$220 a month, he requiring federal fund cutoffs to health training schools with The suit asks the federal court to order the admissions policies that discriminate on the basis of said, adding that "$220 is not much departments to sex. HEW has promptly issue regulations yet to issue final regulations for money to last a month." on sex bias, to begin concentrated old law. implementing the three • year - He said passage of the enforcement programs and to use its six - year old legal power to Vietnam cut off federal funds where • veterans' bonus restored his faith in necessary. the As an example of alleged inaction, the suit notes that over two people, but this veto lessened his faith in Besides the 1.6 million the government. - member NEA, the suit was brought years ago, the office of Civil Rights found that affirmative action by the National Organization for Women, Women's plans adopted by Harvard University and the Ogletree said he sympathizes with Action League, Federation of Professional Women Equity California at Berkeley to eliminate sex University of Ford's attempt to fight and American discrimination were inflation, but "it Women in Science. inadequate. But, the suit notes, the plans have never been doesn't help pay my rent." finally I A hungry, unsmiling African youngster sits waiting for his next Ford said he considered the vetoed The principal defendants named are HEW secretary, Caspar W. accepted by the institutions and federal funds have never been cut off. leal, a meal which will probably be far short of basic measure "an Weinberger, Labor Secretary Peter Brennan; Peter Holmes, the nutritional excessive increase and While most Americans are liberalization of veterans' education and director of HEW's office of civil Several women are added as plaintiffs to illustrate sitting down to traditional rights; and Philip Davis, director alleged of the labor hanksgiving feasts tomorrow, hundreds of millions in other training benefits." departments office of federal contract compliance. governmental inaction. One of them, Dr. Elizabeth Farians, asst. luntries are facing starvation. See pages 8 and 9 for a State News In a veto message, Ford said his The 45 - page complaint filed in the case charges that three professor of theology at Loyola University of Chicago, filed a sex decision not to sign the bill "has not been discrimination suit after her contract was not renewed in June ecial report on the world food crisis. laws have been largely ignored by government agencies with the an easy one," but he felt it was 1970. She alleged she felt pressured into necessary responsibility for combating sex discrimination: accepting an unsatisfactory settlement offer in December, 1972. ,SU to build pedestrian rail crossing By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer F lot parking area. University officials maintenance money. hope to have a crossing built there next either the ground - level crossing or The building of crossings the owner of the [mptedthe by the death of an MSU "Students frequently cross at year. w by MSU officials last year, but they the elevated walkway, fences would be Western Railroad. The tracks, Grand Trunk >n railroad tracks south of Fee installed along the tracks to channel commission's >e unguarded and unauthorized The crossing will cost about $100,000, scrapped the idea because of insufficient consent should not be hard University has decided to build a funds. pedestrians to the crosang. it has recommended to get, because "in crossing over the tracks. points, and that was how the accident according to Milton Baron, director of building a crossing at occurred," Breslin said. campus Park and Planning. There would also be lighted sidewalks both sites. Breslin admitted that additional leading from the Jf crossing, the type of which has not "authorized" crossings probably cannot The $100,000 figure may be too high. Baron said that it is not certain whether residence halls to the Should MSU decide to build the ■determined, will provide a safe, The University earlier this year received an a ground crossing and from the south side of the ground Tient passage between East prevent students from crossing the tracks • level, graded crossing or an tracks to the - level crossing, it also must Complex official estimate of about $85,000 for one elevated walkway will be built. The parking area. negotiate the Jce halls and the X lot at unmarked places, but he said the work with Grand Trunk. The parking area, ground level ground - level crossing would be equipped railroad's I hundreds of students crossing should provide safer pedestrian - crossing and all other Before MSU can begin construction, union contract specifies that park their necessary facilities. with automatic gates and alarms and a only Grand travel across the tracks. however, it must obtain approval from the Trunk employes can make ground level In addition, an elevated walkway and level walk across the tracks. In addition to - Michigan Public Service Commission and improvements. Construction of the crossing will not accompanying facilities could be installed ■ crossing will replace the unguarded eU junior Susan begin until spring, due to both the lack of for between $60,000 and $90,000, Handelsman was immediately available funds and the according to estimates given by private 1*0 weeks ago when she was struck difficulty and costliness of winter contractors to the State News last week. fin and killed. construction. Roger Wilkinson, MSU vice president of Breslin, MSU executive vice A crossing also is needed over the same business and finance, said the K said the decision to build a $100,000 tracks leading from South Complex to the will come out of special projects and fWRIED UNITS OPENED TO WOMEN lew housing available By PEGGY GOSSETT He said that married people will receive Underwood said the space I State News shortage was Staff Writer first priority for the apartments, but that that not as severe for males. The number of I to the had been a sharp decline in the number of males returning to the residence halls this overcrowding in residence 1 '"ale students will be able to married couples applying for apartments. year was closer to past figures, which the With 60 apartments vacant this term, residence hall staff uses as a guideline for J| to empty apartments in married Bickenbach attributed the decline to a assigning rooms. P1^ginning winter term. en interested in smaller number of married students this transferring tp the "Relying on the historical figures has year. I I V'i?° ' bedroom apartments in not paid off this year as in the past," Village must currently be living in ce ,lal1 and must have achieved A greater amount of women returning Underwood said. to their residence halls this year than ever ■ J® status of 40 credits or more before was the reason for more women Underwood said between 140 and 160 JUiisfall term. 1are not being crowded in triples, said Robert women will hopefully be placed in the being considered for the Underwood, manager of residence halls. married housing apartments. J, °"ly 100 males are currently Underwood said that in the past, an "The residence halls staff looked into l^ence halls, compared with average of 48 per cent of women currently many alternative living arrangements, but the married option seemed to be the l! in residence halls would sign up to live in F ^cforp the has married housing overflow from overassigncd their residence hall for the following year. best," he said. we nails. However, a whopping 72 per cent of Placing women on empty spaces on lit ih3 temP°rWy arrangement to women returned to their residence halls men's floors was considered, he said, but I residence halls just until the this fall, which produced the acute that would have been stretching the limits spring term," said Robert of cohabitation too far. AP wirephoto shortage of space for women and resulted manager of married in tripling in rooms originally designed for Young Soviet tennis players are silhouetted at the children's tennis school of the Soviet (continued on page 15) club in Moscow. Tennis is Army's central sports two. gaining in popularity in the Soviet Union. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesd;•ay, Novi ^mber 271, Ford offers revised budget WASHINGTON (AP) - Abandoning his quest for a federal on schedule, "for environmental or other reasons," the $302.2 Ford made a point of budget under $300 billion, President Ford proposed $4.6 billion billion spending figure could increase by $3 billion or more. have totalled $299.5 billion were emphasizing that hb.n„ ■ , in spending cuts today, but said further cuts would be unwise at In addition, Roy Ash, director of the Office of Management increased spending for aid to the it not lr this time. and Budget, said the figures were based on an estimate that the "It would be unwise, in unemployed In a message to my view, to add *uu. \ Congress, Ford did not spell out his reasons for unemployment rate for the fiscal year will average about 6.15 per reductions for each dollar or increased Leaders briefed on arms pact feeling that further cuts would be unwise, but he seemed to cent, which is below the projections of many private economists. he added. aiH i„ ,i t0 Ule ^u acknowledge that deeper spending slashes could* have an adverse effect on the already weak economy. President Ford explained to congressional leaders Altogether, Ford proposed 146 separate actions affecting Tuesday his hopes for accord with the Soviets. federal spending plans for the 1975 fiscal year that Economic an arms policy began July 1. Sen. J. Strom Thurmond, R - S.C., indicated he thinks Of switch these, all but 11 would require congressional approval. the projected agreement would win Senate approval. Under Ford's revised budget blueprint, federal outlays in fiscal 1975 would total $302.2 billion, compared to his Thurmond declined to reveal the still - secret original goal of just under $300 billion. numbers involved in Ford's Vladivostok verbal Of the $4.6 billion in reductions urged by Ford, the biggest agreement with Leonid I. Brezhnev Sunday. not needed, Simon chunk, $1.7 billion, would come from programs administered by But he acknowledged that, if a final agreement is the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. worked out, each country would be limited to less than 2,500 long - range missiles and bombers each. Other major cutbacks included: Veterans Administration $1.1 billion; Agriculture Department $600 million; Defense Department $381 million; and General Services Administration $200 million. WASHINGTON (AP) - administration economic World War II. soysl jobless workers Happy reported doing well less. All other reductions would amount to about $100 million or Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said Tuesday that the policy. Simon disputed the White unemployment rate » ■ The longest previous House view that the country is A variety of factors, including whether about 6 per cent. Margaretta "Happy" Rockefeller was reported in Congress agrees to he United States may be facing postwar recession extended 13 not now in a recession but is changes, could change Ford's revised budget. the longest recession of the He said the months from July 1953 to good condition Tuesday and given an excellent chance moving into one. decline will of fully recovering from her second For example, he acknowledged in his message that if projected postwar period, but that it August 1954. The current "We're not sinking into a cent exceed thtul operation in five oil lease sales on the outer continental shelf are not accomplished does not require a change in recession is the sixth slowdown of the iji,I since recession," Simon said. "We're weeks for removal of a cancerous breast. in recession, but it wutooi a recession." to say whether A it would spokesman at Memorial Hospital said this morning He said he expects the the 3.9 per cent im that "Mrs. Rockefeller had a comfortable current recession will be worse postw»Z night .... She Media board allocates decline of 1957 195j. majority was taken off intravenous fluids last in some areas than some . evening, had a light Simon supper and was up walking around." previous recessions and did argued that J not rule out entirely that it worsening economic si was not could be worst since the war. comply* Ford signs mass transit act unexpected the iff of budget to three publications "It .might be longer than at President Ford any of the recessions we've new announcdl prom, I experienced since World War economic President Ford signed Tuesday the National Mass October. II, but it's way too early to tell P Transportation Assistance Act that will provide $11.8 whether it will The coal strike will J be more billion over the next six years in capital and By PAT NARDI about a operating Smith also speculated that have loans and backwages to and some fiction. They also severe," he said sharper ( aid for mass transit systems around the country. State News Staff Writer the board may not be a pay. Spectacle, which publishes show Unemployment will rise to slowdown, he said. The newly formed Student European films on Ford's economic At an East Room ceremony with congressmen, legitimate one since it does not every two weeks, is devoted to campus. These films have been 7 per cent by late Media Appropriations Board spring, progrm- mayors and governors attending, the President said that include a professional cultural and political criticism, used as extra credit material in Simon said, which means there adequate enough to deal J Monday night granted a major journalist as ordered in its entertainment, movie reviews will be about 900,000 both a recession and inty the new bill will provide federal funds to meet transit humanities classes. more portion of its $17,000 budget bylaws. Simon said, which are stil needs for the rest of the decade. Ford said it was done to three student publications. Dever said ASMSU has not most serious econoj at a cost which is not The Grapevine Journal was problems inflationary. granted $3,770, and Spectacle yet gotten around to He warned facing the mlL appointing professional against tryiogl Trustee a Judge rules against Connally was granted $3,714. On Nov. 20 the board granted $6,950 to Good Times. The money to journalist. Dever said the other bill turn the recession through major new govemml mf publications received the large spending programs. A federal judge has ruled that former Good Times was appropriated Treasury before the deadline for amounts of money because all In other econoj Secretary John B. Connally will go on trial in were heavily in debt. The next stop for the bill he would still consider re - legislation would take developments, a big inctesf applications for funds passed. that would allow students to Washington March 19 on charges of receiving two introducing legislation to immediate effect, precluding foreign purchases of |j Dan Dever, temporary Grapevine Journal ceased serve on their own university S5.000 bribes as a payoff to help bring about the Nixon require that three students any possibility that a Wayne machinery and transpL chairman of the board, said the publication in October, 1973, governing boards is the each of administration's 1971 increase in federal milk price rest of the money will be because of financial governor's desk, after the serve three on elected Michigan's State University student, equipment helped give! nation its first trade supports. distributed among the difficulties. Director George legislature gave it final approval university Michael Einhauser, recently surpluJ White said governing boards - originally- elected to his board of six months, the Com U.S. District remaining dozen applicants at a they will resume Tuesday. included in the bill. Judge. George L. Hart Jr. rejected publication in March with a Dept. reported Tuesday, arguments by Connally's attorney Monday that he could meeting at 8:45 p.m. Monday The bill, first introduced in The surplus amounted I new staff. "The guts of what should be in 310 Student Services Bldg. $29 million. not receive a fair trial in Washington and that the case The co editors of Focus, Good Times, June 1974, is expected to be done are removed," Bullard Einhauser, a 23 - year - old f should be moved to Connally's native state - published by signed by the governor, since said. "When we reconvene in Though the surplus ■ Texas, or an agriculturally oriented Project Grapevine, needed he has Democratic candidate elected small in terms of total |L •"/iny other jurisdiction" publication, are disappointed previously expressed his January, I'll probably give the in the Nov. 5 election, said he money for back wages and endorsement of the legislation trade with other nations, ita But Hart agreed that Connally should be tried that the board has given so because they were in debt to mandatory student seat had planned on filing a court a welcome development fa I at an October press conference. another go in the legislature. much money to the three their printer, Dever said. Good suit to insure his right to serve separately on the tw# Ipribery counts and then on the United States, which has bf magazines. Times, which contains movie The House approved minor if the legislature had not acted other charges of conspiracy to obstruct Passage of the bill would running heavy trade de justice and reviews, television guide and Senate wording changes by an before January, when his eight peijury. Scot Smith and Beth Kray a nullify a 1969 ruling by Atty. recent months because of | 82-7 vote, with sponsor are concerned that the dozen sports content, has not Perry Gen. Frank Kelley which - year term begins. high cost of foreign oil applications not yet considered published in two weeks. Bullard, D • Ann Arbor, saying deemed student service on his he definitely Labor leader blasts bus pact by the board will each receive Dever said it was possible governor's approval. expected the or her own university The State News Is published by the students of only a very tiny fraction of the that Good Times and the governing board as conflict of State University every class day during Fall. Winter ai Greyhound bus drivers back behind the wheel, money remaining. Though enthusiastic about interest. school terms, Monday. Wednesday, and Fridays, durin$ are Grapevine Journal would the bill's passage, Bullard said Term, and a special Welcome Week edition is published ml but a California labor leader "I don't think the others Once approved, the says they may not stay eventually merge. September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. should have gotten their huge Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and ■ there for long. Spectacle editor Tom Price business offices at 345 Student Serclces chunks before we were even said Bldg., Michigan Sutil his publication is also University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Bruce Lozier, president of the 1,400 - member POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 34il ■ considered," Smith said. heavily in debt. Price said they Student Services Building In care of MSU Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1225, said Messenger Service. East■ Monday that many drivers and mechanics are . COY. GENERAL MANAGER discouraged and very mad over terms of the proposed BULLARD, SALES MANAGER new nationwide PHONE wage contract. "I'm going to recommend rejection," Lozier said. "We should have been permitted to vote on this before going back to work." package Garble, one Greyhound buses were idled across the week until both sides agreed country for garble Sunday on a 16 per cent increase in wages and benefits over the next three years. Lozier, whose Local 1225 ranges over northern and If that's how your radio or central California,' said the union failed to win job music system sounds, get rid security protection against automation. of the turkey. Buy a better system at The Annual Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale. This week! Kissinger reassures Chinese Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger briefed Chinese officials in Peking Tuesday on the U.S. - Soviet agreement to limit offensive nuclear weapons. The briefing, held in a conference room of the Great Hall of the People, was a means of reassuring China that President Ford reached no secret understandings with Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev last weekend in Vladivostok. Kissinger hopes to meet with Chairman Mao Tse-tung before leaving for Washington, D.C. on Friday but has been given no word on such a meeting. British brace for more blasts Armored cars were stationed at Gatwick Airport in London and bar customers in Birmingham were being searched before entering local pubs, as British security forces prepared for an increase in terrorist bomb attacks. Police issued a public warning of possible new mailbox blasts like the three that exploded in busy sections of London Monday night and injured 20 persons. In Birmingham, police officers were instructing bar owners on how to detect the presence of a bomb in their bar. Explosions in two crowded pubs in that city last week killed 19 persons. British police believe Irish terrorists are responsible for the recent bombing incidents. Crowd large, boisterous at Cain recall m By ROSANNE LESS meeting from State News Staff Writer office, she would resign. "I will make my decision to They came out in droves Monday night resign or not after the next to watch ASMSU conduct impeachment meeting," she said proceedings against President Tim Cain. Tuesday. "That way I am not inferring When the night was finally over, Cain anything either way." Zappa tickets. • the immediate stood vindicated, possibly through a slip At that time, the board voted 10-2 to resignation of ASMSU of parliamentary procedure, while not comptroller Tom Winkel, for usurping many open the Union. Cain apparently executive functions, of the people who had compromising his engineered Cain's defied that decision. recall stood on the apolitical position to engage in establishing verge of being ousted About 150 people attended SN themselves. Monday's a coalition to recall Cain and for photo/Craig Porter ASMSU meeting, which is about 140 more Talk of insubordination. ^''^fASMSuE m-ST, ."If V0,e that rMUl,ed in 7 ' 7 tie ,0 reprimand ASMSU president Tim week impeaching Cain began last following a showdown between than usually do so. The audience read like a who's who of area liberal leaders. Winkel was not available for comment »Se^e it ' t,UeS,'°ned ** °' Mass°<"ia's """• """I*«'he™ Cain, Paul Stanley and the ASMSU board regarding the opening of the Union A huge contingent of Student Workers Union people were there. Workers Action Tuesday. • censure of Nancy Sutake, College of Building for the early purchase of Frank Engineering representative, for acting out Movement (WAM) people carried signs. of personal political motives to remove the There was a Gay Lib contingent present, interim director of Labor Relations. as well as United Farm Workers Sutake introduced the motion to impeach representatives and folks from the Young Cain at Friday's special ASMSU Socialist Alliance. Even meeting. Terry Swick, former president of the American Sutake would not comment Tuesday. Federation • the immediate of State, County and resignation of Vicki Municipal Employes (AFSCME) local Vegas, Panhellenic Council representative, 1585, the union that has been helping the for conflict of interest. When a motion to Student Workers Union, was there. support reduction of overcrowded residence hall rooms came up for a vote, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1974 At times, the ASMSU board room had she lobbied for a proposal that would only a circus - like atmosphere, complete with let sorority or fraternity pledges move off people peddling buttons and pamphlets. campus. At other moments, people stood around and whispered in funeral - parlor tones. Vegas would not comment Tuesday. efty dope • the busts There was even the hint of a brawl or two, immediate resignations of Paul as some audience members attempted to King, College of Communication Arts block all the doors when a five minute representative, and Bill Peltes, College of recesswas approved. Education representative, for All of the impeachment articles facing "belligerence, racist, uncouth and thereby Cain were eventually dropped. A motion gross and provocative expressions." to reprimand him almost succeeded by a King was not available for comment f Metro Squad, 7-6 vote. At that point, appointed chairman pro-tem of the Charlie Massoglia, Tuesday. Peltes would not comment. Bush was distressed at Cain's remarks that appeared in Tuesday's State News meeting, cited a passage in the that labeled him (Bush) a racist. parliamentarian rule book that said a By DAVE GUZNICZAK for gaining the chairman could vote in the event of pushers' trust is time Township in Clinton County where over materialized." a tie "Tim must substantiate this charge, State News Staff Writer consuming and expensive. 1,900 pounds of marijuana or could vote to make a tie. Massoglia then that I am a racist," Bush said Tuesday. lading to charges of perpetuating a It is estimated that confiscated. was Democrat Commissioner John Veenstra voted no on reprimanding Cain. All ■of petty marijuana busts, members of approximately said that if the squad successfully stopped "He must substantiate it whether he bases $7,000 is spent by one agent alone in Other handled charges against Cain were dismissed. it • County Metro Squad are anxious cases by the squad drug trafficking in the area, it still would (the charge) on my voting record, pumping money into cocaine and heroin proved less fruitful. not solve the problem. Several board members said Tuesday discussion at board meetings, or Jfend themselves amid heavy criticism purchases. This includes buying about 5 Earlier this year, committee meetings, however he wishes to several Ingham County bags containing hard drugs at $25 each squad members "If people want to pay enough, drugs that although they were not pleased with awaited the arrival of train do it. kissioners. from one pusher, which a near Leslie, are always going to be around," Veenstra Massoglia's action, it will not be appealed. ■embers of the 10 - man Metro hopefully will Michigan, where it was expected that a said. "What we need is to Karl Bush, College of Business "All Cain has to do is look at anything Squad, lead to the purchase of about four change these s Agents A, B and C for their grams drug drop was to occur. However, after people's attitudes so they won't buy representative, called Massoglia's actions I have ever said or done. Is there costing $320 more from another pusher. the members had driven out thae and anything them." "totally unethical" and further stated: "I Jction, stressed that their main job is He concluded that eventually the agent is waited for approximately three "The drug problem is being looked at think Charlie may have lost some friends I have ever done in Legal Aid that is ■ busting students caught possessing hours, the racist?" purchasing on« the ounce level where he train never arrived. 1 quantities of marijuana. lacks money for advancing. as a legal problem. It's really a social and last night." Bush is the codirector of the Legal Aid "We checked with area Tft'e're not going to waste our time Baylis said one of the bigger cases they police economic one. You've got to look into the department. beforehand about when the train was to reasons why people Following the defeat of the reprimand | into a dorm just to get a little dope handled involved a bust in Dewitt use drugs," Heyser issue, Art Webb, director of the Office of Payl Stanley, the director of Pop I come," Baylis said. "But it never said. Entertainment, said Tuesday that he a guy who is just doing you a favor," Black Affairs (OBA); Doyle O'Connor, A said. interim director of Labor Relations; thought a motion for his dismissal would be made in the purge e concerned with those who are Marcia Garrison, College of Arts and following the ftng money on it," he added, Metro Squad Squad Activity Letters representative and Frank Lessa, impeachment debate. ently, Democrat Jim Heyser, along "ASMSU is through. It's credibility is College of Social Science representative, other Ingham County shot to hell," Stanley said. "It seemed that introduced the following motions: Imissioners, called the squad's drug Cases conducted Cases involving Total narcotic • the only poeple who showed up Monday y ineffective and arbitrary. Heyser a demand for the immediate night were the student workers. Where at MSU d that the high number of campus Marijuana cases conducted resignation of K.C. Pullman, ASMSU were the rest of the students?" ■ busts conducted by the Squad spring assistant comptroller, for compromising Before the meeting was adjourned, a 1971* her necessarily apolitical position as re for publicity resolution supporting a campus boycott of purposes, 1972 assistant comptroller to engage in board leyser said the squad would continue non-United Farm Workers(UFW) lettuce King small grass busts breeding 1973 politics and for conflict of interest and and table grapes was approved insubordination. by a 11-0 Ttility from students and wasting 1974* vote. The board had been haggling and Pullman stated at Monday's Jble county monies in the process. He that in the event Cain was not removed meeting attempting to put through such a show of ■ the campus area was not a hard drug support resolution for over a year. ■et area, and that trying to enforce a Qibition against marijuana here was Metro Squad Arrests John Baylis, Metro Squad Monday night ASMSU President Tim Cain called Karl Bush a racist at a meeting or, said cracking down on hard Total narcotic Cases involving Cases conducted MSU arrests where some ASMSU board members attempted to impeach Cain. Tuesday, Cain issued the following statement. Jotics suppliers is the top priority. If cases arrests Marijuana at MSU involving • "I regret that my statement of ■number of marijuana busts seemed Monday evening concerning Karl Bush may have marijuana been interpreted by some to mean other than what I intended. | it was because grass is so common 1971* 289 216 24 16 is connected frequently with cases "Racism is a pervasive aspect of American society that affects 1972 184 everyone, and does not ■t cocaine, heroin 33 36 1 always require overt intent or knowledge on the part of those involved, who are also and chemicals, 1973 152 39 2 victims of racism. jaylis said the substantial drop in total 1974* 125 "What I meant was, that Karl and other board members have ptic cases from 1971 to 1972 was due some attitudes, not )e decline in marijuana cases handled necessarily by their own design, that can be interpreted to have aspects of racism. 'w squad. He * Statistics for 1971 include the last three months of 1970 when 1 e Metro Squad began. The 1974 statistics cover activities to the "I would further like to state that Karl Bush is a partially attributed the principled and scrupulously honest present date. member of the board, and that I sincerely admire and to the Michigan Controlled respect him for that." |tance Act, passed during this period 1) reduced the 20 - year penalty for Man, 61, donates fg marijuana. However, Baylis could ■explain the successive drop in total ^otic agents f !<1 cases from only 1972 to the present, reported that the squad a small number of students 184 pints of blood Ford will host re OAK PARK (UPI) - During the last 30 J" the last nine months, I don't By FRANK FOX fans, thought they had won the and former teachers and coaches, have years Lester Miller has donated enough Washington," he said. handled more than two blood to save dozens of lives. State News Staff Writer mythical state championship, met to relive old times and keep Last year Ford was unable to ■juana cases on especially after it was discovered that cherished friendships alive. " campus," Agent B said. He began making the donations — a Over the river and through the attend due to the hearings concerning "1 the squad handled very few one of Union High's key players was President Ford, the team's center pint at a time — during World War II woods to Jerry's house he goes. his under contract to a professional and vice president of the 30 - 30 Club, appointment to the vice [juana to if cases in East Lansing, and only shortly after his sister - in - law died of a Jerry Ford's White House in baseball team at the time of the has attended the majority of the presidency. This year, Ford invited "they led to something higher." heart disorder when 33 pints of blood Washington, D.C., that is. club members and their wives to his he Thanksgiving clash. investigation of the two campus failed to save her life. East Lansing resident Archie Ross annual reunions in Grand Rapids, new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ■ led to the On Thanksgiving Day, 1931, and 'tie users. discovery of area LSD and "I learned the need for blood then," he and his wife, Helen, will share Ross said the great majority of the every Thanksgiving since, members of said. Thanksgiving brunch with his old the team, and sometimes their wives 23 surviving members of the team, as ,n,°crat Pat Ryan, another critical football buddy, President Gerald R. well as their former coaches, will lissionpr, said the prices of drugs When Miller, 61, of nearby Southfield, Ford Thursday. Joining Ross and probably attend the White House in cases issued in the showed up Monday night at a Red Cross Ford will be many of their former . squad's brunch. F'y activities reports were inflated. bloodmobile bank in this Detroit suburb, teammates from the 1930 football "They (the team) had to be an Wlis said the cost of a he was greeted with: "Hello, Mr. Miller, drug is based squad at Grand Rapids South High unusual group of fellows or we never W street value. Marijuana exported it's your big night isn't it?" School. would have stayed together all those ' Mexico may be purchased by Ross, President Ford and the other Pits for With his latest donation, Miller has years," he said. as little as $30 a pound in the members of the "30 - 30 Club" will Ross, a right guard at South High P1? area. However, Baylis pointed out given 184 pints of blood - about 23 hold their traditional Thanksgiving and now an assistant principal at I'e Pusher is out to make a profit gallons worth or 18 times the 10 pints the reunion to commemorate their last ■ 'hat same pound would average person's body contains. Lansing's Everett High School, probably be game of the 1930 season against arch remembers his football days with ■ 0n the street for "It takes lot of giving to reach 23 rival Union High. $20 an ounce. Its a Ford well. And if, after 44 years, the tales of |l value is $320 a pound. | *20 an ounce for He added gallons," he said, but added,( to say I never sold my blood." "I'm proud that memorable game get a little taller "He (Ford) was a very intense marijuana is the player, a good player as the record '?e if Thanksgiving Day, 1930 gets a bit purchasing price - in this area. shows," Ross said. 'street value of heroin and cocaine colder, the fiercely fought game a 0 an little rougher — who can blame them? "I not only played with him, but I ounce. The price of pills and Hunter shoots "There was a great deal of snow," played against him when he played for ■[.fllt»gchPmicals on varies substantially, Ross recalled. "The field was so hard Michigan and I played for Michigan quality and the seller's State. with snow and ice they used the street 8 said many students are under bisexual deer sweepers to sweep the field off the "I only played against him in 1934. * best they could. They brought colored That was the year Michigan didn't assumption that the Metro Squad rsPonsibl(> for salt to lay out the side lines and yard have a good team. We both campus marijuana played to SCOTTVILLE (UPI) - Karl Chilberg of markers. Most of the players wore win. Fortunately, 1 Rations conducted by the East Michigan State did i"g Police. Scottville shot an eight - point, 95 - pound basketball shoes because the cleats we win (16 - 0). We had a lot of e agents said criticisms of the buck Friday when deer season opened. had then wouldn't penetrate the hard (physical) contact but we stayed squad's Bucks were permissible under friends." ground." B '^Cy s*!ould not be blamed on Chilberg's license, but not does. In the bitter 11 Ross corresponded with Ford while ■' "py pointed out that the - degree - above - problem Ford was vice president. He has "g the sufficient So Chilberg checked with authorities, zero cold, before 11,000 intrepid fans, "er to funds, time and South and Union High slugged it out written to him once since he became crack down on the hard drug who told him his deer was bisexual - both SN photo/Daniel Shutt to a scoreless tie, the only blemish on Archie Ross, East Lansing resident, will recall his President. a buck and doe. high school football South's otherwise perfect season. "He answered it, and J&don't Agent B have that type of money The state's Conservation Department The South High players, and many career with the gang from South the old team will have dinner in the White High. This year, for the first time, his own way, apologized for actually, in being so said. told Chilberg the important thing was House. late in I exP'a'ned that the gradual process antlers, not a determination of sex. answering," he said. •Susan Ager Editor-in-chief VIEWPOINTS: WO Maureen Beninson .. Advertising Manager jZD. Campbell Managing Editor "ffiary Flood Sacrifice City Editor by rich feed Diane Silver Campus Editor WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 27,1974 Chris Danielson Melissa Payton Steve Stein Dale Atkins Opinion Page Editor National Editor Sports Editor Photn Editor By W. PAUL STRASSMANN can and poor. poor, June Delqno . Any economic crisis is a food crisis for cocker spaniel. Editorials are the opinion of the State News. Entertainment Bailor Developing countries have a food crisis the poor becausr food is the biggest item For some 20 years we hav<> called that What noor^ TomOren to build up their Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief the way someone with lung cancer has an in their budget. Most of the tropical poor impasse the vicious circle of poverty. To apicultIT* opinions. Joe Kirby Staff Representative oxygen crisis. The lack of oxygen or food are in agriculture and grow little food per break that circle, agriculture has had the sectors Is a bit of single percentage point ourZ*^ can hardly be described as an essentially man • year. This is not because of poor highest nonmililary priority for about 15 " several decades. atmospheric or agronomic matter. soils, bad weather in most years or years in international technical assistance more Buying The earth has enough soil, water, culturally conditioned obstinacy. They and aid programs. Poor countries have astroturf does not,m?* sunshine and ultimate capability to apply unproductive because they cannot been provided with novel seeds, colossal purees or knowledge^? EDITORIALS are science to feed billions of additional afford the investments in skills, capital dams and a storehouse of anecdotes about If the mystic people indefinitely. Food supply problems structures and stocks of modern inputs bureaucratic blunders. As population grew experience would be relatively minor without two pangs and a martyred needed to raise the yield per man • year by some 50 per cent, agriculture was able ior U.S. must fig more chronic callousness. afflictions: poverty and and acre. Peasants have not made these investments because they are unproductive to advance from a crawl to a The limp. ignorance and inefficiency of poodle makes us write a Griffin and Hart the peasant in backing more letter t! £2 peasant agriculture nevertheless remains Bangladesh may 2 Nobody can argue about hunger. succeed in adequately feeding the MANNA, RB0M THE WORLD FOOD CONFS?6MCE vast. Further improvement is. highly we write two check to the letters or send S Oxford Starvation exists in massive world's population must have two feasible. "Spaceship Earth" analogies for Famine Relief because Commas! we doses around the world today. elements: decrease in world this sector are decidely premature. What is fishburger or used a little mhl. needed most is a better delivery and No American, no matter how well - population growth and increase in absorptive system for agricultural as much. But we also must stuffed, can ignore it any longer. food production. standard of » Whether from technology. living, not just byg¬ humanitarian Population, control will meet one or two million tons Peasants throughout the world are but for many of wC* J impulses or rational self interest, barriers, both cultural and practical. known to be vigilantly price responsive in years to come every citizen of this country must But the The food crisis world food crisis is so switching from one familiar crop to is |jk,|y another. Their basic rationality is alive and perpetuated, now recognize that the time has severe that such difficulties must be well. The prospect of changing basset hounds, not because of our J come for us to do our part. solved and such scruples however, runs into their area of ignorance, techniques, toward the plight of but because of ~* Without a monumental overridden. others on tfo-; anxiety, risk aversion and well - earned Although our farmers shoot American effort larger than the cal»# - Increasing long - term mistrust. thty were back at Ford Administration proposal of l Where My Hi agricultural output is not without they do not yet have it, peasants insensitivity to poverty is million tons of grain, larger even moral complexity, either. In most must be assured security of land tenure. an American neverthe'|« than the Multipurpose cooperatives for technical monopoly. How else Democratic cases, long - term self - sufficiency one describe the extension, credit and marketing along Brahmin socialists counterproposal of 2 million tons - can be obtained only at the price of India who would rather hide their the specter of hundreds of human Japanese and Taiwanese lines, are the next present suffering. Painful as it is to failures than request step toward making peasants more American aid? beings dying every minute will see humans underfed, the world We also have the enterprising. The education, supplies and that has let vast government of haunt us every night on the news must ensure that most resources be administrative assistance to crank up amounts of emer- all this airlifted sorghum rot and broadcasts. used not in are expensive and will cost becow filling stomachs, but in billions that poor countries infested in months of But if no argument is possible cannot afford. needless r building farms. If all countries had efficient The sorghum is now reported as ' any more over whether America Fertilizer and fuel are absolutely agricultural used for political and nonagricultural economic sectors, a advantage in areas must help, disputes are quite real vital. Transfer of fertilizer resources affected by the drought. drought or flood on this or that continent about what form the assistance will In spite of such from Iowa to India would bring could be accommodated by market forces nasty stories take. instead of starvation. The higBer incomes agricultural successes of Japan,?' about large increases in and Mexico can and will be that go with higher The immediate goal of the aid productivity in India at the cost of efficiency would also rich countries must view repeated make population growth subside. But their program must be to ease the crisis only only small decreases in already international generosity and support of recessions and inflations wi of starvation now reached in India fertile Iowa. local programs of land reform, callousness toward the education, wretched and sub - Saharan Africa' The 234 and without In the interest of national etc. can bring peasants to the point some being diverted by million starving people in India - decades hence when market behavior callousness and corruption there harmony we should invest an can (hit forestall food crises. themselves symptoms of more people than live in the entire international poverty, body with the Generosity by rich countries means smidgen from orte rich country'sGNF United States must be kept alive - decisionmaking power in sacrifice, but not in the form of skipping be the bulk of the balance of • • paj now. before they can become self - distribution of aid. This deficit of numerous poor ones. resource meals, leaving weedy brown lawns or sufficient in the future. W. Paul Strassmann is a spirit of international cooperation destroying one's adorable but gluttonous economics. projf This means food - several would also be the most likely billion tons of it - paid for by the inducement to the oil producing American public both in taxes and ..if nations to join in the global higher food prices. But that is just the start. After the initial crisis stopping, the real - aid program must begin. Its goal is program. Only when the United States fully commits itself to a sincere world - directed program will it On Pages eight and .nine of hun . By VERNON SORENSON The world food problem is really two high birth tons of imports in 1985 compared with rate problems and reduce price fluctuate cu eventual self the average for 1969 to 72 of 16 million - sufficiency for all exert the leadership vital to begin a today's State News are devoted problems. One is the threat of famine, third component would be to devise nations. tons. This volume of imports at current world effort to preserve not only td a description of the world food shortages or excessively high prices systems for distributing food supp" prices would require an expenditure of low income countries where storage Any program that can hope to life, but human dignity. hunger situation.- In conjunction following unusual dislocations due to about $15 billion per year. This - clearly transport facilities are limited. with this news feature, the State unexpected fluctuations in production. cannot be achieved by less The developed The second major issue is how second is News has solicited the four achieving sufficient countries along with increased the developing gap between demand r expansion to avoid hunger by large and expenditures for higher priced fertilizer, Students can viewpoints appearing on this page. The increasing numbers of people. The picture is not bright unless actions are taken. A recent estimate for major petroleum and other products. But can solutions be found? Short ■ developed countries and the abit expand food output. One approach problem would be to expand viewpoints are written by term fluctuations in supply can be rapidly in industrial countries and " MSU President Clifton Wharton; the World Food Conference indicates that Problems in the world food food prices in the United States. overcome. The first requirement is that food aid shipments. Alternately, total world food demand situation will not be solved easily. W. Paul Strassmann, professor of through the '70s there be an adequate food information income countries could r These increases could, however, be and '80s will increase about 2.4 per cent and early But there are several steps MSU economics; Vernon warning system. Better forecasts consumption and make n offset by a reduction on import Sorenson, per year, but split at 1.3 per cent in are needed of food production and students professor of developing countries. can take to alleviate quotas, which would open U.S. agricultural industrial countries and 3.6 per cent in availability. Secondly, a system for economics, and developing countries. This, along with The potential for this kind of . hunger in the world. markets to things like Canadian Martin a maintaining food stocks adequate to meet First, students should cut down Benjamin, associate professor of projected increase of 2.6 per cent per year emergency needs would have to be can be illustrated by the extreme beef and Danish butter. in output in developing countries suggests established. between the United States and I" their consumption of beef and beer. Also, the 7,500 students, 40 per philosophy. that their deficit will increase. A stock program could be Both these commodities require Developing implemented with the objective of keeping capita meat consumption in the cent of MSU residence countries would need 85 million metric enough on hand to deal with hunger States in 1972 was 191 pounds, large amounts of grain to produce. halls residents, who signed up for pound of this meat required a! The grain saved by a cutback on the campus fast to aid the African pounds of grain or a total of 1 U.S. consumption of beef and beer could be sent to nations than opulent America. hungrier Famine Relief Fund must be congratulated. It is too bad more Famine poses pounds. This, plus what « produce milk and eggs and students did not sign up for the directly as grain based products, Second, students can write to fast. By MARTIN BENJAMIN food, shelter and medical to those a total use of grain in the United care One of the reasons this argument is so their congressional representatives Most of us spend considerable amounts already suffering, or for agricultural aid nearly 2,000 pounds per person- The famine relief fund sends money disturbing is that, if it is sound, its of money on consumer and contraceptive education to avert urging an increase in grain aid to goods which do average Indian, on the other hi and food to starving people in sub - not provide for any important need. In conclusion forces us to choose between widespread famine in the future? In an about 400 pounds of grain per year, starving countries and a reduction Saharan Africa. MSU has pledged view of what we know about famine in article called "Famine, two things, each of which we are reluctant in food import quotas. Affluence, and to give up: (1) our view of of it directly, with very little 70 cents to the fund for every parts of Asia and Africa, shouldn't we Morality," Australian philosopher Peter ourselves as instead contribute this livestock or other forms. Grain aid increases could raise student who money to Singer has argued that we should. His morally good persons; or (2) the fruits of signed up for the fast. organizations which will it to provide use argument is compelling and disturbing the affluent society. Either lower - quality diets or ex (disturbing because it is so compelling). In Moreover, given the terribly inefficient output in industrial countries could Technology can help starving nations brief, it goes like this. First, we all agree that suffering and death from lack of food, shelter and use of protein characteristic American way of producing meat (20 pounds of vegetable protein are lost in of the substantially more food availa developing countries. But someotw have to pay the bill through higher By CLIFTON R. WHARTON, JR. Agricultural medical care are bad. Secondly, most producing one pound of beef protein), our food, higher taxes or, more likely, Experiment Station. Therefore, we must have improved people at least give lip service to the eating habits may have to change, too. In A more basic approach to a long- MSU president Furthermore, the results of this research distribution systems - roads, rail, principle that if it is in our power to these times, eating meat is to nutrition as solution to the food problem is «P In the past few weeks, are exported to other nations through through waterways and storage facilities. prevent something bad from happening wearing a mink coat is to keeping warm. of funds to provide more fettu newspapers and such programs as the U.S. _ television, Americans had Agency for Investment in agricultural infrastructure is without thereby sacrificing Both eating nutritiously and improve water resources, to clear an opportunity to "attend" the World International Development and our own a critical need if we are to assure equitable anything else keeping warm Food Conference in Rome. We MSU International Programs office. morally significant, we ought, morally to satisfy important needs, but neither juicy develop land, to provide app heard, in and efficient handling of foodstuffs. do it. An application of this graphic terms, the shocking stories of how principle, steaks nor expensive furs are necessary to technologies that will improve oupu Exploring new frontiers never stops. Singer says, would be as follows: "If I am meet them. Thus, to create the framework witnm hundreds of thousands of people in the For Finally, there is another important area Singer's argument, if example, MSU research into requiring attention if food problems at walking past a shallow pond and see a sound, seems to demand profound and these improvements can be imp world literally are dying of starvation. photosynthesis (which converts the sun's home, as well as abroad, are to be child drowning in it, I difficult changes in our way of and translated into increased outpu • Admittedly, our compassion may be ought to wade in energy into chemical energy stored in satisfactorily met. It seems deceptively and pull the child out. This will mean life. Finally, if one wants to reject The present flow of external somewhat blunted by the knowledge that plants) and increasing plant growth and simple: information. getting my clothes muddy, but this is Singer's disquieting conclusion, he must for agriculture in developing cou Americans, too, are starving. Shouldn't about $1.5 billion per year. Est" crop production insignificant, while the death of the child show where and how his charity begin at home? And won't massive by reducing In this day of communications argument goes photorespiration holds exciting promise would presumably be a very bad thing." wrong. Limitations of space have not the World Food Conference shipments of food abroad result in satellites, computers and other domestic for greater food From these fairly innocent - looking permitted me to sketch would be necessary to increase shortages? This attitude was supplies in the relatively marvelous devices for collecting and future. premises Singer concludes that if it is in least $5 billion per year to subs- articulated by some U.S. officials at the near disseminating information, it is truly our power to save those who are suffering increase rates of growth in fooo Rome conference who Technology, therefore, is of paramount regrettable how little we really In these times, appeared to be know and dying from lack of food in the famine eating meat is This too will require expend giving a cold shoulder to greater U.S. importance in increasing world food about world food production, to nutrition as wearing a mink - afflicted nations, without thereby industrial countries, but woul(l participation in meeting world food needs. supplies. consumption and nutrition needs. This coat is to Marred as it was by rhetoric and But a lack of arable land and knowledge is needed, not out of idle sacrificing anything else morally keeping warm. Both more lasting kind of change water, significant, we ought, morally, to do it. He eating nutritiously and keeping major expansion in food 810 discord, the Rome conference nevertheless high fertilizer costs or low availability, curiosity, but rather for comprehensive then sets out to show that it is in our warm satisfy attempted. made a significant contribution in focusing shortages of farming equipment and severe advance planning and crisis avoidance. important needs, hut power to save at least some of those who attention on the enormity of the weather conditions such as the long On an international scale, are dying from lack of food, shelter and neither juicy steaks nor expensive Finally, no solution is * worldwide food problem. The concern drought in sub • Saharan Africa are knowledge of furs are necessary to meet them. particularly for some eounn producing nations' planting and harvest medical care without our sacrificing now is that the matter does not additional problems with which we must disappear anything else morally significant. population growth rates are n< in the wake of the conference, with the cope in transplanting new expectations, the impact of weather technology to When, for example, we buy new Singer's anticipation of an In the long haul only this so need for action submerged in1 the the parts of the world where it is conditions, population shifts, impending response to verbiage. urgently clothes not to keep ourselves warm but to possible objections. Thus, I recommend last. I would like to comment briefly on needed. shortages and the like are very important that those who look "well dressed," we are not providing thoughtfully want to reject World Food ft* ■ some of the critical issues as I see them. In Yet another problem is if there it to be his conclusion read the full Clearly, if the area the proper sharing of for any important human need. We would article, which distribution of food, when supplies trends are accurate, there doing so, I must emphasize that increased even resources. not be sacrificing anything significant if appeared in Philosophy & Public Affairs food production is only one side of the are available for those in desperate need. we were to continue to wear our old (Spring, 1972). If you are then unable to solution. Major efforts will The U.S. equation. Population is the other. But the Unfortunately, getting food to those Congress Offi.ce of clothes and to give the money instead to find fault with the argument, you can and the cost burden will f»Jj ^ ( food shortage is an immediate, critical starving in Bangladesh or Chad is not Technology Assessment has a Food famine relief, agricultural research or begin to puzzle over which organization to It is unlikely that the in the United States or Pollt,ca'a™ nV , simply a matter of stocking the shelves of Advisory Panel, of which I am chairman. send your money to. need which must be met. population control. Moreover, practically Do, however, be sure U.S. agricultural technology has helped their neighborhood store. We are all familiar with the dramatic We have made an international agricultural information system a top priority in our all of us spend moneyon consumer goods to set aside a few dollars for Frances industrial country to assistance needed by Pr"vlf® develop^" to such as new clothes which do not provide Moore Lappe's "Diet for a Small dramatically increase overall food television shots of the U.S. Air recommendations for congressional Planet" What money we do spend neeas Force for any important need. and Ellen Buchman Ewald's production in this country to meet cargo plane crew handing out action. "Recipes for a to maintain emergency domestic as bags of rice Therefore, Singer concludes, since we Small Planet* These well as growing export needs. and wheat into the outstretched hands of can do something about death caused books, which help disaster purposes, to stimulate p Advances in food None of the problems presented above by one plan tasty, meatless meals full of growing technology are the starving. At best, however, this is an high in developing countries ana . a direct result of the work of are insurmountable. We have tfie famine without sacrificing anything else - quality protein, will provide for an university emergency operation, inefficient and morally significant, it follows that we that will reduce population g researchers such as those at MSU's limited. technology to accomplish the task, but we important need in your life. must also have the will. ought, morally, to do so. Martin Benjamin is an associate profestor of Vernon Sorenson is a projesv °f philosophy. ■ economics. ' KING- OP THE MOUNTAIN X The Doctor's Bag BY ARNOLD WERNEft,M.D. Copyright 1974 (the policy of the University, in r the intramural and athletic ents, to give the students a raw Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at is lower than the ball of the every turn? First, they put in a MSU Health Center. Names need not be foot, the only So why are they popular? Another and then charge so much natural feeling you get is a arena included unless a personal tendency to orthopedist friend of mine insists that it is students can afford to attend, reply is walk backwards. That's crazy. If you solve all psychological. His line of w requested. reasoning they raise season tickets for the retropulsion problem, you have to goes like this: In this day of emphasis on Have you or your colleagues evaluated hope that your Achilles tendons and calf natural things, the very thought of shoes muscles are able to relax til from $5 to $12. I find out that no IM facilities are claims that Earth shoes are designed to enough to let that are close to the earth or help you put , over Thanksgiving break. I am a promote healthy feet and natural your heel get down to the ground. roots down or help you rove around posture, Otherwise more problems are in store. graudate studept who does not and reports the Earth shoes fulfil these comfortably is bound to have a large have much time available. I will The whole bit about the heel prints in appeal. Since they are distinctive looking, claims for some persons but not for for the break without the sand is a lot of snob appeal also occurs. In addition, since i any others? baloney. Since the surface area of the heeJ is so much less fljty to use IM facilities. My Earth shoes are well built so many people spend so much of their and than the surface [jerstand the intramural program is waterproof. They provide good traction, area of the ball of the time with their toes squeezed into tight n the red and expenses must be foot, of course it makes a deeper shoes, much as sardines are squeezed into ,.n, but what I fail to see is why comfortably high arch support and a impression. But people who have studied a can, anything that allows for a little pleasurable rocking gait. I have followed walking point out that you are at a k like myself must take it on the expansion is bound to feel good by the recommendations for disadvantage in terms of taking a step if u sure that at least the Women's adapting to the contrast. The fact that many people do difference in balance and muscle heel is lower than the ball of your ftdmg could have been accessible to usage. yout foot. In fact, if it is slightly not have trouble wearing them is a tribute ■s at certain hours over the break However, after six months I still higher than to how flexible our bodies really are. In the ball of your foot, Knimal costs to the University. experience distress after walking in my you can push off your case, and the case of anyone else who much easier. is having difficulty, I would listen to |ow about the money pinch because shoes for four to five hours. Shoulder your I called an orthopedic jt me by the you • know - what, muscles tighten, the neck becomes stiff surgeon who is a body's message loud and clear and not national authority on feet and shoes and wear them. manage to budget my money. I and aches and any movement of my head asked him what he thought. His first Not wanting to leave all of good I|sthande IMremember better use and athlthat etic departments of their money and we students is painful. What are my Earth shoes doing to me words were: "They aren't worth powder to blow them to Hades." He then the people who have been spending so much money with no you suckered into other than giving me a pain in the neck? went on to indicate that v for many of these facilities that they were solution, I did some checking with some unphysiologic, they produced extreme calf shoe repair places. With diligence you Nothing very good I ean tell you. I did and tendon problems and Robert field they throw the should be able to find someone who could Cappelli some research and some careful back out of line. He has seen CI544 Spartan Village checking with consultants to answer your problems glue on a rubber heel which would bring letter. First of all produced in his patients by shoes with the the back of the shoe up level with the anything that you have so • called negative heel. The one front or, if necessary, make it a little to "adapt" to which is good supposed to be thing about them is the fact that they have higher. This bit "of reconstruction should natural is a contradiction in terms. When toes that do not deform the forward Ijders stifle band part alleviate the back, neck and calf pains you put on a pair of shoes where the heel of the foot. produced by the shoe. are writing in response to the Nov. 20 and Nov. 25. To the best lance of the MSU Marching Band, of my knowledge neither were covered by the if us have attended almost every ootball game in the past four years, State News. ART BUCHWALD On Nov. 20 the board voted to w that the marching band is loaded grant Good Times magazine 3 of talent and ambition. It $6,950.61 to cover past printing debts, salaries, Jtrated that during the '71, '72 and editorial expenses and distribution, Watergate^ ms. supplies. This didn't the band leaders allow the money was granted before any other publication was given an i of the band to show this opportunity to present their media requests. The elming amount of talent this year? agenda for the next I went to the jid they insist on stifling this meeting was set to hear over Watergate conspiracy get John Dean, and Haldeman's out to get Spectacle trial the other I don't want to carry this id skill? magazine first and Focus day. It was good to see all Ehrlichman. comparison machines after the feds were on to him. magazine second. my old friends again - Bob Haldeman, between the Don Corleone and Don But we can't cry over Scotch >re this fall the band never had to The clearest tapes are the telephone tape. The John Ehrlichman, John Mitchell, Robert conversations between Nixon and his Watergate families too far. For one thing, tapes are there for the jury and a few singers from other colleges to sing, At the Nov. 25 meeting Grapevine Mardian and Kenneth Parkinson. It The Don Corleones were much smarter lid it ever rely on electrical Journal was aides. The thing that struck me the most privileged members of the press to hear. was given first speaking rights. tape day, and the prosecution was playing than the Don Watergates. You can't emalia such as Moog Synthesizers That organization was about these is that, when Nixon was They make great listening, and my only granted over $3,000 White House tapes for the jury. conceive of Marlon Brando's Everyone speaking on the phone, he always breathed people regret is that so far the American public ilight a performance. The band has so that it could "gear up" for future in the courtroom was provided with a set setting up a tape system in his house. And can't tune in on them. If lity to put on a magnificent college issues. Spectacle was granted almost heavily as if he was making an obscene you know even if they did, the Godfather they could, I of earphones. All we had to do was sit call. It now turns out he was. assure you they would have a higher rating Hopefully rtext year we will see $3,000 to cover film showing losses, back of the film would have thrown out the than "The Godfather." back, relax arid listen to how everyone was Another observation you can make ling more than the equivalency of a wages and printing costs. Focus magazine hool production. was criticized for being a special interest shafting each other. from the tapes is that nobody ever let the It's a pity that all Americans can't hear Karen Newell, senior magazine. The board members also felt president of the United States say the Nixon tapes. No matter what Lynne Avery, senior that though Good Times, you read anything. Every time he started to talk he Grapevine in the transcripts, nothing compares to 389 W. Akers Hall Journal and Spectacle should receive was interrupted by one of his aides. All listening to the voices themselves as they they permitted him to do was occasionally money for salaries, publications like Focus discuss ways and means of should not. shutting off repeat something they had just told him. Ive critics Noncy Watergate at the pass. Marlon Brando would have never stood Chairman Dan Dever mentioned that Having just seen "The Godfather" on for this. he received several applications for television, I could not help comparing the i primary purpose of a newspaper media projects before the deadline, but Don Corleone family -with the Don , I don't have a skating s the State News is to keep students MOTHER TO HELP ME 50 I not one of the applications was considered Watergate family. The first thing that led and entertained between classes, occurred to me was that Marlon Brando as UAS U0MPEKIN6 IF WRPAD by the board. UXJUL0 FIX Mf HAIR £EEiN6 i State News were a complete the Godfather spoke much better The four members of the board, Mark English AS HOU) HE'iA BARBER iper we would be saved the trouble than Richard Nixon — and this despite the scribing to the Detroit Free Press. In Grafe, Dan Dever, Eric Brooks and fact that Brando had cotton in his cheeks Michelle Wieghart have to date granted |st there have been many complaints well over half the student media tax funds and was supposed to have been born in the quality of our school Sicily. Second, I couldn't help thinking to one organization, over one - sixth to that there was much more honor in the ement have been made. Articles another and nothing to a third group it Don Corleone family than there was in the considered. They have ignored the vast Don Watergate family. student apathy, residence hall life DOONESBURY Ipa er, and sug estions for and concert reviews seem to be majority of Applications for the money. The Don Corleones lived by a code of by Garry Trudeau too controversial because of all the They ail so seemed to have set a double sorts. While they did not hesitate to take ffOMl standard for what is appropriate in the use care of people outside the UAl pepM, fat »ated letters received in protest, family, they of the funds. £ foZV/HAHouto, teiiuLih, ore, we feel that Me addition of always protected each other. When you Hwdtfu£$'totL tfuiHuii at tchoot kuL umit tiwnk J ivted X 9ushmiller's outstanding comic strip listen to the tapes, you have to conclude that in the Don Watergate family it was M/mm uwid ux)*£ &■ vWty to Puck thru, flltor, f would be most delightful. pi/iMMt&QiJM'Sacii. fkaii wiUt a, pmonOl H. Baker, R. Warunek, every man for himself. Although the forty ftiimct. ti. S., &*> of hd&Mq Mind. J. Koljonen, J. Visosky Nixon lieutenants' primary concern was to Editor's Note: The Student Media Tax was protect their "Godfather," the tapes show 402 N. Hagadorn Road collected fall term during registration from their primary interest was to save all undergraduate students. Its stated use is themselves. for "alternative publications." It will also So what you hear through your Idia board unfair be collected winter and spring terms. earphones is the making of a conspiracy, not only against the government but purpose of this letter is to describe Focus magazine is a publication of the its of the two Student Media Tax against each other. Haldeman and College of Agriculture and Natural Ehrlichman are out to get John Mitchell; nation Board Resources. meetings held on Nixon^ut^^^^oton^olson^un^ WMSN POSITION OPEN open friday night until nine •General Manager •WMSN Campus Radio . ★ •Applications Available Rm 8 Student Services Bldg. Fine entertainment * with (•Applications Due Nov. 27 ★ Brenda Peters A TURKEY FEAST IN THE ★ Quartet ★ FAMILY TRADITION! * Whipped Potatoes Soup D'Jour / ;A / Plus a trip to Garden Greenery The Bread Block Beverage included too $7.25 per person $9.95 for two ★ * ^ k Children LOUNGE * / loving-care kit for indoor gardeners: everything you t ★ need to cultivate, transplant and humidify your plants. The decorative handwoven rattan garden caddy holds a wood-handled metal rake, spade and trowel along with one of those handy atomizer-sprays every green- thumb expert yearns for. The whole thing, just 8" tall STj HILTON INN-LANSING with handle that lets you carry it like a purse. 7.50 fcJ-5 5 17-627-3211 a Tui\.,1wd£^tyirits Jaeobsoris ■v 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. N0Vert Football wins increase donations By PAT NARDI monetary donations to the season this year will increase as a result of this football or seven months from now," scholarship fond. Yes yes MSU Braverman said the State News Sports Writer University also increase when donations to the athletic Judging from history, the the Spartans win, MSU officials scholarship fund which is used season. "I think if I can read the Braverman said. One of the donations they got the hot stuff. Jive yippie yippie yip for MSU. Spartans' winning would also prove fruitful season by 30W Spartan football team elicits say. for varsity sports. pulse of the athletic already received this year was This (is) twice MSU beat Wood attracting the public to the more than just loyalty from Because of this trend, Leslie Scott, vice president Terry supporters, this season has comprised of the money that Hayes. Even U of M loses to annual "Football Bust" which enthusiastic fans when they Braverman, director of the for development, also expects OSU. Write back. Buddie of honors the football stafT and generated a great deal of one Spartan fan collected on me have a winning season. Ralph Young Fund, is general donations to the MSU enthusiasm and bets for the MSU Ohio State MSU, Donnie Isaacs." positive - outstanding players. That History proves that optimistic that the winning Development Fund to increase thinking. As an end result, it game. Braverman said the MSU fundraising dinner was held last may mean more money Braverman said the Ohio football team is also attracting night at the Lansing Civic donated," Braverman said. State game also generated a people's attention to the whole Center. Braverman expected State Braverman said only two "super" donation and letter to University. More people will be the biggest turnout since 1966 must p donations to the Ralph Young Fund were made as a direct the athletic fund that written in a child's scrawl: was talking about MSU. More high school students may decide to when the Spartans had a 9 - 0 1 record. result of MSU's upset of Ohio "MSU deserves a two • come here because of the State, but said most donations dollar money order donation national attention generated by to uninsured materialize in June when alumni and "friends" order their season tickets. to MSU scholarship fund. Because MSU is the only team to beat the butt off of Woody the football team and the MSU band members, he said. Braverman said this year's DETROIT (UPI) - It may "If they were pleased, they Hayes Ohio State. Go, go, go goal for the Ralph Young Fund paid $45 into the fund were mandator)'. Motorists could no take a few more months and will probably show it by MSU fight, fight MSU. This is to raise $245,000 between allowed to drive only six longer drive without a policy putting in extra money for donation is strictly for college July 1 and June 30. So far some more legal arguments, months instead of a full year. after Oct. 1,1973. but at least their football tickets. So $1474)00 has been collected. 265,000 Michigan Therefore, they were entitled motorists stand to get refunds to one - half their money back. Gilmore's ruling stemmed actually, we won't see the of $22.50 plus interest from the Before the introduction of from a class action suit filed results of this season until six state. no • fault, motorists could last year. The state attorney IN CAR The refunds could cost the choose to drive without general's office contended the 'COME {see! state $7 million. insurance. But in such cases $45 was not refundable HEATERS The money is one • half the they were required to pay $45 because fees paid into the special fund were taxes. I WHAT A DCuT ORIVEINTHMTE* amount the motorists a paid into special fund for uninsured annually into the special state fund. But Gilmore ruled the fee Mrtkitir NOW THRU rg£WlLLeij| drivers before the state's no • fault insurance law came into The money was used to pay for claims made by accident was to not a tax, but a license fee operate without insurance. SUNDAY FIRST RUN \ ! ' '^1 force Oct. 1,1973. victims injured by uninsured He said the state had no right A Wayne County circuit drivers. to keep any unused portion of 3 COLOR HITS court judge, Horace W. The no fault insurance was the license fee. 1st >T 7 & REPEATED WED - Gilmore, ruled Monday that - - FRI - SAT the state must return the 1 money. Gilmore said motorists who GANGSTERS RUN WILD! THlzOrPiE "THE GODFATHER" gave an offer you couldn't refuse. you Nov. 29-Dec. 22 H "THE FAMILY" gives you no alternative! u community 0 of men living L Sfar of WoiuVr NO CRIME TOO HuektUaqc Y l VICIOUS... NO of ministry MANHUNT MORE C —to \/ INTENSE... pmUim R /\ mcsuuK 0 in the "ft™- s planetarium theater will reproduce the sky ATHERS 1 "1 the first at the time Christmas, so you Umvemfj of k % t He able to see events which ,Votn Quae 349 2/00 MERIDIAN MALI possible explanation tor the Telly Savalas ] LEE MARVIN RICHARD BURTON » ^ .1 W 0 Chri>!>: •is Star Charles Bronson IKOIAK) . & Jill Ireland "THE KLANSMAN" ' AMMIS \I)MISM<>\ iNTtRNA!'ONAi COPRODUtHONS ** Adults <1.00 MM Students ,7<> 3rd 10:30 Garble, CCAUDIA V> Admittance garble. - No Pre-Scliool Children Admitted CARDINALE Mter the s (}0 p.m. shows there wit! be outdoor observing IN it weather: permits, 1 olloiAing the 10:00 p.m. shows, a Julie Andrews and Omar Sharif vtirrent. .iltnim release will 1 ie played over the planetarium's MAFIA i»lliesi/eJ 4 channel souni If that's how your radio music system sounds, get rid or J in COLOR of the turkey. Buy a better system at The Annual Tech Tamarind Pop Entertainment & The New York Touring Co. present Hifi week! Thanksgiving Sale. This Seed the American tribal love-rock musical of Broadway... tech hifi Starts Thursday 'HjuunrftlMiio' CannonballAdderley jinual Tot ■ Salo is a ■ abettor DEC.2 MSU AUDITORIUM 8pm reserved seats $4.00 & $5.00 plus Tickets now F the IMA at the MSUnion on sale SENSATWN' alexhaW band f vA / V": IE 2843 E. STABLES ED.RIVER, EAST LANSING lugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 27,1974 7 Soviet dancers spark protest By LARRY MORGAN students' action was to State News Staff Writer bring to are to what their government is when the Jews leave, so do the light the plight of Soviet Jews doing," picketer Howard "Doubt already exists about The who scientists, because they too are the Russians' Monday night are not able to leave Burlak said. Jews, Chiwis said. willingness to live performance of the Georgian Soviet Russia, said Rabbi up to this agreement, and this Dancers from the Soviet Union Though all the picketers The picketers' feelings Wi,liam Rudolph, director of considered the action summed up were doubt has brought concerned touched off another protest by the words of citizens to this performance to the by the Hillel Foundation and worthwhile, one in particular two. MSU chapter of the advisor to the protesting group demonstrate," the literature Student Struggle for was personally involved more Soviet °' the MSU Chapter of the than the others in the problem "It's worth every minute of said. Jewry. Student Struggle for Soviet of Soviet Jewry. it if it makes an impression on It also states that the basis Through the night's freezing Jewry. Andre Chiwis emigrated someone. It will impress both for this doubt is the long temperatures and blowing "Jews can't leave Russia if from Russia to Israel. He has the dancers and the people history of Russian failure to winds, approximately 25 they want to, but they want to been in the United States for inside. People inside will have a live up to promises and to even students demonstrated in front because they can't be Jews there," acknowledge that the of the the past six months after being knowledge of it," said Merrill Auditorium over the Rudolph said. Gordon, 341 Evergreen Ave. agreement exists. After one troubles of Russian Jews. expelled from a Russian "If they get exit visas, then month's experience with the The FBI and KGB university and hiding from the "It is my obligation as a Jew (Soviet they lose their jobs or are KGB. agreement, harassment of those Secret Service) were also imprisoned," he said. to let my feelings be known," people who want to leave "I was treated very badly, present to ensure that the said Steve Adelson, B206 Russia continues and in some Displaying signs with the like a traitor," Chiwis said. protesters remained the 100 slogans: "Detente? Except for Butterfield Hall, whose parents cases has intensified, the - It is the opinion of the foot limit away from the Jews," "Arabs + Russians = went through the ordeal of literature said. Protesters formed outside the MSU Russians and other Soviets that Auditorium ■eorgian Dancers performed inside. The protesters, from the MSU MondayS*htte/DStetm building, said Roger Addelson, media representative fbr the Genocide" and some Russian stating, "Hitler Didn't in if you are not Russian must leave Russia. But you Nazi Germany War II. during World chapter of group. they Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, hoped to reflect the Allow Emigration Either," cannot understand, because of Literature distributed at the concern of people Protests by this group have the picketers hoped to have the lutside Russia to the lack of free emigration of Russian Jews. been held at most effect on the Russian their ideology, why a Jew performance questioned the Attempting to every performance lake impressions on the dancers themselves with by a Soviet group at MSU dancers. would want to leave, Chiwis credibility of the Russians in signs written in Russian the over said. Students picket every Soviet event at MSU. the past few years. "It will show the dancers holding up their side of an The purpose of the Jewish what others peoples' reactions "They are not supposed to agreement between the United want to leave. They are States and Russia over free supposed to like it there," he emigration of \rezhnev up to 60,000 said. Jews annually from the Soviet But the Russians know that Union. Scow (AP) - Soviet It was the first public their search for a solution to rejects the new czars." PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 HURRY... Ends Tonight mst party chief Leonid reaction of Soviet leaders to the old border •zhnev spurned on the Chinese proposal of Nov. 7. flared into open dispute which The Peking based Brezhnev disclosed Soviet "THE GROOVE TUBE" a Chinese proposal for Tass reported that an fighting correspondent of the Japanese rejection of the Chinese between Soviet and Chinese proposal in a Open 7:00 P.M. I* troop withdrawals to official telegram to China newspaper Asahi Shimbun said speech troops in 1969. Talks to the sources reacted with celebrating the 50th 215 ABBOTT RD. - DOWNTOWN Feature 7:40 -9:30 I? relations between the called the proposal "a resolve the conflict "anger lommunist nations. His opened on and dissatisfaction" to anniversary of the Mongolian repetition of the former Oct. 20, THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE 1969, and Brezhnev's views. Republic. Reportedly caused anger position of the Chinese broken off last summer. itisfaction in Peking, leadership and, of course, does A uev declared in a not furnish foundations for an • Japanese report from Peking quoted Chinese sources "AN INCREDIBLY REVOLUTIONARY FILM... ,.iat the Chinese call for understanding." as saying that the Soviet stand Lenient of troops was Brezhnev's speech and the was a "manifestation of Soviet THE MIND CAN RUN RIOT!" TheNvuT.cker Etely unacceptable, and telegram indicated the two hegemonism" and reveals again nations are still stalemated in Soviet "territorial designs of "A TOTAL EXPERIENCE IN SIGHT, SOUND AND COLOR ... MAKE FANTASIA A MUST!" Bob Salmaggi, Group W Network "FAR AHEAO OF ITS TIME... BEST AUDIO-VISUAL EXPERIENCE IN TOWN!" William Wolf. Cue "BEST FAMILY FILM!" Joseph Gelmis. Newsday Thanksgiving Day Fri. • Sat. • Sun. Open 12:45 P.M. "FANTASIA" shown at 1:05 - 3:10 - 5:15 - 7:25 - 9:35 PttOCRAM INFORMATION 4*23905 TODAY THUR.- FRL ICHIGAN • Open 12:4 5 P.M. Theatre • Lansing Shows 1:00 -3:05 INGTON-DOWNTOWN 5:05 -7:15 -9:25 P.M. IT'S SURVIVAL FIERCEST. AND THE "THE LONGEST YARD" is a movie that cracks a lot of jokes. And a lot of bones. Burt Reynolds •tars- tough, sassy - and always that fire. Reynolds is at his most virile. The wrath of a woman scorned starts his trouble. However, he's got some wrath of his own. And the last 45 minutes of the film is unlike anything you have ever seen. It will have you howling and cheering like no movie ever has. "THE LONGEST YARD" is about life. And it's about fighting back. Ifs about good over evil. And about laughing uproariously at them both. "THE LONGEST YARD" is a fierce, funny movie. For men, for MTPKTMKSPHUITS BURT REYNOLDS "THE LONGESTYARD" EDGE ALBERT ED LAUTED HIKE CONRAD HUM KIM T£CHN«XOfl« APAfUMOUNTPlCTUflt SAT. SUN. - FAMILY MATINEE "Charlotte's Web" - $1.00 all seats 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday.!^ "•I'll Recent crises Shaded areas represent those nations where malnutrition and starvation brought on by the global food crisis are the most severe. Most experts agree, endanger more however, that the country with the greatest need for immediate food aid is India. The Indian government estimates that 40 per of world's poor cent of its population of 585 million earn less than necessary for clothing, shelter and enough By MELISSA PAYTON food to stay alive. State News Staff Writer calTmity.ended * ■"*«* o(, "Mankind is When a link in the world's delicate food facing , chain goes out of whack, Mother Nature unprecedented in history," he said uses some pretty ruthless methods to right herself. For all the gloomy forecasts are not predicting never ending■ A sequence of unexpected disruptions in food production during the last two years — droughts, famines, the huge Soviet the weather, whic^^'houXbS"th|„,I;FS may be good enough next year to grain purchases, the Arab oil embargo — countries raise surplus food. have created scarcities that direcUy CHILDREN PARTICULARLY HARDHIT threaten a growing proportion of the human family. i it is a marginal situation experts say the duration of depends the S on actions taken in the nJd Here are some grim facts of life and years. w",(' Starvation a worldw death about the global food situation: • suffer Right now from starvation. Any 700 to 800 million people malnutrition or slight crop failure in a face - But because this year has reserves of seen food are so the first decline in global grain harvest since World J d an outbreak of Warlll major grain - producing country could - In those areas, the major causes of food crop disease or a den By DENISE CRITTENDON handicapped for life. stillborn or premature than that of a well ■ in rain or fertilizer start killing them at a rate of 25 people a supply is more sew State News Staff Writer scarcity — floods, droughts and other "Hie number of cells which may be nourished woman, he said. natural disasters second. than it was in times of relative — are concentrated. formed in a child's body depends to a plenty. A 10-statenutritional survey conducted The pathetic sight of a thin, starry - The worst physiological and large extent on diet," said Olaf Mickelson, from 1968 - 70 showed a significant • MSU food scientist George Borgstrom eyed child is a sad portrait of the severity psychological effects of malnourishment MSU professor of food science and human Another reason for of malnutrition. The problem of hunger is show up most dramatically in children. proportion of the population surveyed predicts the world population will grow by resources is the nutrition. suffered from malnutrition or were one billion during the next decade. But increasing consumption worldwide and shows no signs of MSU psychology professor Hiram "Food is a determinant in the growth affluent societies of grain ■ fed threatened by it. only one ■ third of the world's people are m improvement. Fitzgerald said a study conducted recently of cells. The child who is undernourished meaning the demand for primary On Indian reservations, in crowded The survey was conducted by the provided for adequately. in Guatemala showed deficiencies in the will be handicapped in terms of the products grows faster than the populatJ ghetto tenements, in the rural Department of Health Education and • A Senate learning process of children suffering from number of cells in his body even after Welfare. report released in June said Borgstrom has estimated that the wo Appalachians and sub • Sahara regions of malnutrition. Malnourished year • old that the needy in the United States are cattle eat as much food 8.7 M gaining a normal diet," he said. The report also discovered that the as Africa, hundreds of millions of individuals children observed in the study did not hungrier and poorer than they were four people would. Though children are always the first to types and severity of malnutrition vary are suffering from some form of react to auditory sound stimuli as well as suffer in any area where food is sparse, years ago, despite great increases in malnutrition. with different segments of the population. well - nourished children of the same age. adults also encounter the consequences of spending on food programs. In the past, nations with short Vitamin A deficiency is high among • |« Though there are no global statistics on Since the major brain growth in how many people face starvation each starvation. low - income Mexican - Americans of low • shortages of food have imported fa humans occurs during the first 18 months Food experts' view of the world food from Mickelson said the immediate effects of income status. Black people and youths of countries capable of product year, nutrition experts have estimated of life, malnutrition and protein situation was summed up by an official of malnutrition in adults are wrinkling of the all ethnic groups suffer particularly from surpluses year after year. Last yetl almost a third of today's population to be the UN Food and deficiencies produce defects in learning skin, wirey hair and sunken eyes. Hie long riboflavin deficiency. Iron deficiencies are Agriculture •world depended on the United States! victims of malnutrition. and memory, Fitzgerald said. Organization in Rome: Children who survive extensive periods term consequence of malnourishment is equally distributed through all segments of 44 per cent of all wheat exports and J In its severest form, malnutrition vulnerability to a host of diseases, of the.shipments of livestock • without the basic nutrients show physical the population. "We are living on the blade of a knife," foodpf becomes starvation, a crisis common in especially pulmonary tuberculosis. About 40,000 individuals, mostly low - the official said. parts of the world where famine is signs, such as frail frames and enlarged A factor that worsens disease income, were surveyed in Washington, This practice worked until n widespread. stomachs, which characterize marasmus, vulnerability, Mickelson said, is that in the worst phase of malnutrition. Once that California, Texas, Louisiana, South Borgstrom, during congressional when the surpluses of even those countj areas where malnutrition is common, a Instances of malnutrition are prevalent Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, testimony Monday in Washington, said with highly developed food prod point is reached, health remains impaired breakdown in sanitary facilities occurs. that despite warnings, mankind has not in some low • income areas of the U.S. even after the restoration of the proper Michigan, Massachusetts and New York. like the United States were ei Individuals become somewhat unaware of where residents are plagued by low vitamins and minerals in their diet. their surroundings, since every waking resources and general lack of information Most of these children, usually moment is spent in search of food. What of the proper diet. But the areas hardest inhabitants of Bangladesh or other results is widespread infection among hit are Indonesia, parts of Latin America locations where famine is intensely severe, inhabitants of the area. and the Sahara region of Africa. have sustained brain damage and will be Studies are also being conducted to determine the effects of malnourishment on pregnant women. Chi - Pang Wen, MSU professor of human development, said the most severe result of prenatal malnutrition is the death of the infant. The offspring of a malnourished woman is more likely to be Increasing demand for fertilizer results in shortages, high prices By DENI MARTIN estimated that the amount of gas now and But MSU sources emphasize that said that while basic research I being burned off in the Middle East is simply increasing the quantity of fertilizer GARY LAROY enough to produce twice as much nitrogen worldwide applications, most o(| supplied to hungry nations may not be advanced research at MSU is jP State News Staff Writer! fertilizer as is presently being used in the enough to substantially increase toward the special problems exper The world food crisis is world. being productivity. by Michigan farmers. Both phosphorus and potassium are compounded and magnified by what MSU Increased fertilizer use must be a part mined in ore form, then purified before of a balanced program which should also Even if enough fertilizer c crop experts call a "desperate" shortage of fertilizer. being shipped. While there is an adequate include improved seed varieties, supplied to those who need it,# pest Demand has never been higher for a supply of each of them in raw form, high control, water, and efficient land problems in transportation would ■ resource which is vital to the transportation costs have created shortages remain. high crop management, they say. of both. yields needed to feed the world's growing At MSU, nearly $500,000 is spent Farmers located in the i Some observers have noted that it population. At the same time, several factors have conspired to shrink the would be possible to gather more than annually on research relating to fertilizers and soil fertility. Much of it, however, will nations with less developed distribuj systems have serious problems |r supply. enough fertilizer to meet India's needs, not help starving people overseas. The reslalt: shortages, skyrocketing for example, by limiting its use in this Dale Harpstead, chairman of MSU's fertilizer, according to Law ton, asst. dean of the Intf™" Kirkpj prices and potentially, increasing world country for landscaping purposes. Department of Crops and Soil Sciences, Studies programs. starvation. Demand for fertilizer has more than doubled in the last 10 years and is expected to substantially increase in the future. In 1962 32 million metric tons of fertilizer were used worldwide. In 1972, 72 million metric tons were used and it is estimated that 114 million metric tons will be needed in 1980. But the supply of fertilizer has decreased, partly from a shortage of oil - related products, which are used in fertilizer production, and partly because of low prices caused by a glutted market following World War II. With prices at a low level, there was no capital available during the postwar era to invest in the building of new plants to replace old, outmoded ones. Though the industry is how in the process of increasing its productive capacity, the supply of fertilizer is not expected to meet the projected demand until 1980. Of the three types of commercial fertilizer - nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium derivatives - nitrogen fertilizer is the scarcest. Nitrogen fertilizers are produced by converting the nitrogen in the air Into a useable form. This process requires a large amount of energy, usually derived from natural gas, of which there is an acute shortage. The natural gas shortage is caused in part by the practice in the Middle East of burning off, rather than processing, the A young victim of the recent sub - Saharan drought stretches for natural gas which is a relief from the desperately overcrowded shelter at Mersa in byproduct of oil production. L. B. Nelson, manager of the office of Ethiopia's province of Wallo. His frail limbs and distended stomach Loreen Cedarstaff uses a pH meter to test are symptoms of the most severe stage of malnutrition. Agricultural and Chemical Development of the Tennessee Valley fertilizer research takes place. soil samples in the MSU soil science lab, where much c Authority, has Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Vednesday, November 21, 1974 9 MILLIONS FACED W Self-sufficiency key By JIM BUSH State Newt Staff Writer nations agriculturally self curbing their population growth. • sufficient and "Various depressed countries must to poorer nations interaction in food research between U.S. fhat is the world coming to? The make food production the Another factor, though only a name of the highest priority scientists and technicians from the Some experts fear for the American ust one year after the onset of the problem is in their contributing one in implementation. Can the Indian farmer be society," said Dale Harpstead, depressed nations. alleviating the food economy, if the United States — which »l energy crisis, experts are now telling convinced that chairman of the MSU crisis, is a reduction in meat consumption controls bearing 10 children is not Dept. of Crop and Like many others, Harpstead sees an a higher percentage of the world's ie may ran out of food, Soil Science. in the wealthier nations — an asset? Is the world political system "And, equally important, ironic blessing in among them, grain than the Arabs do with oil — is t is true that at this moment - even as individuals must be trained disguise from the of course, the United States. capable of the in those disappearance of the U.S. grain surplus, selfish in its food aid to the rest of the niless students complain about eating necessary international countries to manage cooperation? Are leaders — and biological food even world. ,ut butter and baked beans - millions ordinary though famine is a serious threat in citizens process and distribution." like South Asia. Livestock is fed on grain and in this luman beings are faced with possible - willing to assign food shortages' areas the highest way, competes with human beings in These fears stem from the belief that th from malnutrition or starvation. priority? such selfishness would lead the smaller consuming it. An estimate by Georg Those are the Borgstrom, nationally respected MSU countries, who export vital minerals to the projections have also been made about murky uncertainties that stand in the The mounting world food professor of food science, puts world United States, to hold back their total collapse of some national way of the survival of less - crisis, brought on by factors like exports fortunate peoples. Food cattle consumption at a level that would in retaliation. inomies, widespread outbreaks of experts, including overpopulation, the Arab oil embargo, Soviet grain several at MSU, divided purchases and feed 8.7 billion people. lence form underfed mobs and are on the poor weather conditions, has become a likelihood of success. mqor topic of national news But one MSU foreign policy expert, itinually increasing rates of worldwide coverage and a subject increasingly on William Cohen, a professor of ion. But peoples' minds. "People can live on plant foods alone, history, they have just about complete State News staffers have talked to discounts this fear. consensus in their campus food experts and equally as well as they do on meat," said ,.ie potential for such debacles is there. proposal to alleviate the consulted outside sources to come Olaf Mckelsen, a nutritionist and perhaps surprisingly, the scientific crisis. up with this special two - page colleague "Nations who are the worst off in their package of stories examining different facets of an awesome of Borgstrom's in the food science jer is even now poised to plug the They start with two which will face us for problem food supplies simply do not have much to Bked food dike. assumptions: many more years. department. world population - now bargain with," Cohen said, citing Worldwide reserve banks of fertilizer cent growing by 2 per Bangladesh, one of the hardest - hit annually — must be Though neither Mickelsen hungry nations must learn,stabilized, and Ferris put nations. However he conceded that nor | grain have been proposed as much larger with outside faith in the guards in emergency famine situations. help, to take care of themselves. Food Surprisingly, many nations with serious "It's American public's nations with less serious food problems, food shortages like India have not taken forcing nations to realize they willingness to voluntarily cut back their like Japan, could reserves and outright aid, long the bulwark must take care of employ such measures. global pool of information those basic steps - themselves," he said. meat consumption, Ferris explains that . on of global antistarvation policy, simply can largely, as one MSU some reduction is jected harvest levels and fluctuations in professor and native Indian occuring even now — But Cohen does not think the United no longer be depended upon to bail whole says, because Harpstead through rising meat prices. |d demands is also under discussion as a nations out of their they have come to depend on outside and Jack Ferris, professor of States will shirk its long • standing major problems. assistance. agricultural economics, call the |d planner's early warning system. food - supplying role. Partly due to short - term factors like But to establishment of world grain and fertilizer But he adds that the current cutback Even more fundamentally, proposals bad weather, and Harpstead, that still means a reserves a valuable step. partly because of the major technical assistance role for the However, they stems from the grain "Obviously the country and its leaders le been floated to treat the heart of the burgeoning population, grain downplay their long shortage this year, reserves are United States — one well - term significance in and the consequent want to help starving people," he said. making the less developed at their lowest level in 20 beyond current comparison with population control and higher price cattle years. levels. This involves, he breeders must pay to feed their livestock. "It's just a question of how much sacrifice explained, heavy national food self • sufficiency. This drives the price to the consumer — such as rising prices — they're willing to up. accept." Lansing family survives on gravies and dreams By NANCY CRANE State News Staff Writer "People are coming in day after day for "There is so much red food. But we can't tape down there Ricardo Lopez holds out give extended help. A (at the Dept. of Social hope for the bag of groceries here and there and that's Services), and spring, a time when he hopes he will be people get such a runaround, that they get able it," said Sister Jean O'Connor, director of desperate and to work. Until then, he will come by here," Sister Jean the emergency food bank at Crista recuperate from a recent leg operation on Rey said. the ragged chair in his Community Center in Lansing. living room — and "Sometimes I get overwhelmed by "It's hard to be poor. his family People have may go hungry. requests for food and I begin to think, Lopez, 47, and his common law wife pride. But at social services it is hard for - "We can't feed the whole receive some welfare assistance, but it is city down them to stick up for their rights," she not added. enough to keep the body and soul of their family together. "Sometimes — I can tell you — all we have to eat are gravies. But I don't like to "It's pretty hard here ask for too much ... pretty hard. I don't want for the rest of help. J don't like to my life to live in this condition. I want to live in the bother people. If I can work in country... to the'spring raise my own chickens, to have fresh eggs, to raise my own corn and things will be better," Lopez said. The Lopez's and others like them offer pinto beans... to be able to feed myself and my family." a firm challenge to the complacent notion that hunger and malnutrition is confined to Third World countries, or, in this country, to the Appalachian Mountain Still, government social services region. are Nancy Sparks, 80, lives with her keeping poor people in the United States bedridden husband in a The Lopez's live in Lansing. from suffering the more serious fates of walkup flat on In a voice so soft it »ften became other Lansing's east side. She receives her social people in other nations. security checks, from which she inaudible, Lopez described his family's "Face it. If we didn't have welfare, we buys food situation. stamps, on the third of the month. But by would be a real Because his wife is underdeveloped nation," Nov. 21 she had run out of both money on Aid to said Sister Florence Rude, a worker at and food. Dependent Children, Lopez can buy Cristo Rey. enough food stamps to feed his wife and She sat erect in the Cristo their small grandson. But the food But the food shelves at some local Rey lobby, stamps agencies are getting bare. impatient and self • conscious, her long are not enough to feed himself and his 26 - fingers folded in her lap, her bare legs year - old son, who is recovering from a "Fortunately, we're in good shape because of our public image," said Capt. planted firmly in front of her. nervous breakdown. Victor Doughty of the Salvation Assistance money and rent from two Army. "It's cold out there, but I had to do "But even our funds might be down this relatives who live upstairs in Lopez's something. Mv 12 - year • old year." granddaughter come down here last week drafty white frame house on Larch Street "I feel sorry for organizations who do and got some are spent on house payments and utility things and she told me, bills. His family must be fed on what is not have our public image and rely only 'Come down here, Grandma, they'll help left. on United Way funds and private food you'." When meals do not consist of donations. Unfortunately, when bad times gravies, "Well, I come down here 'cause it's they sometimes consist of refried beans come we get less money and more requests 4 for hard and groceries are so and a vegetable. Meat is seldom served. aid," Doughty said. high. I worked hard all my life, even though I don't have Often meals are only as real as Part of the problem of Lopez's hunger in the no education. I was born in Kentucky and dreams of getting his family out of Lansing area may rest on inefficiency and only went to the third grade. But I never 'poverty in Lansing. insensitivity in the Dept. of Social had to do this much. I never had to do this Ricardo Lopez shifts slowly in his Services. before." chair. It is painful to move because the doctors have taken some bone from his side and grafted it to his ankle. "It's pretty hard here ... pretty hard. I don't want for the rest of my life to live in this condition. I want to live in the country ... to raise my own chickens, to have fresh eggs, to raise my own corn and pinto beans ... to be able to feed myself and my family." Most workers in local welfare organizations do not see any escape for the Ricardo Lopez's of the Lansing area. I Poverty stricken families like the They see hunger and poverty in Lansing - Lopez's ii Lansing graphically demonstrate that the problem of hunger growing in proportion to the shrinking |not confined to Third World countries. economy. Overpopulation fuels food crisis By ALLAN LENGEL have been that many "It is clear that population cannot so severe nations UN committee to condemn what they continue indefinitely to double every with cultural and religious proscriptions called an imperialist plan of genocide. [, Sta,e News Staf Writer ™e 3.9 bilion generation. At some point we will against birth control have been forced to Their two biggest criticisms were that people in the world, inevitably exceed the Earth's capacity to examine their policies. 2Kthat 10'000 die each day the government program has resulted in re - sustain life." In Indonesia, delegates at a recent sterilization of 35 per cent of the women * basic . reason for that is that food MSU physiology Prof. Richard Catholic bishops' conference issued a of child - bearing age and that it has statement that eased their traditional [c 'on has not !he been able to keep up Dukelow, who is involved in contraceptive research, attributed the population opposition to birth control because of the promoted emigration. burgeoning populations of In Egypt, though the rate of population I , stricken lands which have risen problem to lack of education. urgent problem in that country. growth has slowed to 2 per cent a year But permanent sterilizations and I' billion in I960 to 2.75 billion Dukelow said overpopulation is not abortions were still condemned, indicating from 2.5 per cent in 1966, food supplies caused by inadequate contraceptives fail to e "ch that those methods would remain taboos keep up with population growth. are getting richer while the because "the pill and the uterine devices are getting of the Catholic church. One Egyptian social worker, who • are virtually 100 per cent effective if used poorer, because admits the battle is frustrating, expressed Puerto Rico, a country which has a >st in the poor nations as it is in Plf A light golden beer with a true Western taste TW ^■a Quality jreat, light California bw ' Components at the Right Price ■ 12 Fluid Ounces ^ M^VK.nrRLn^°LS« 2^! Stores .^bro^hou. also throughout ElTJu fNew York, New England, .u v WL0^W"? R„T Av* • Ewt L,n,in« 1 430 No"h T.l.«,.ph Rd . Dt.rfaorn / 14615 AV' ' R°Vil °4k ' 125 M»'" St., Rochester / 12765 Eurtka, Southg.t. W«t 8 M New Jer.ey, P«nn»ylvania, and Ohio ) Michigan Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 27, 197411 Dion Bros.' By EDD RUDZATS State Newt Reviewer behind. It then concentrates on a destroying the howling delight floors, the like "You turkeys can suck providing that violent vicarious and law breakers. Sarrett "This country ain't brothers stage their final nothing thrill that a rough 'n' tumble swampwater for all I care." manages to slip that thought - but a gravy shootout. It is vicious and Forrest is armed with the main train," states a robber's story is supposed to provoking idea in while still television talk show host bloody but nevertheless body of these lines. He delivers just provide. entertaining his audience. before Calvin and Russell Dion Yet even here the script and enthralling. them with a punch and take him at his word and "The Dion Brothers' " board director Sarrett have engaging grin that makes even "The Dion Brothers" is a the train they feel will managed comedy comes from the hick the oldest cliches never to come up with the most in - delightfully sleeper, a film that will gain a leave them poor again. • the - big - city stereotype. original chase sequence that funny. following by word of mouth The train is a Yet the comments made by metaphor for has appeared on film in a rather than by the money the the life the brothers lead in long each character are so unique For a wild, unconventional time. Keach and Forrest studio invests in its Jack Sarrett's wild, irreverent pursue that this rural emphasis only advertising. their double time, catch "The Dion It is not a big film "The Dion Brothers." - crossing partners serves to make the whole Brothers." The film will make Hollywood to a tenement thing product but it is fun. Originally released as "The building in the more hilarious. Words like you howl, and might also process of being demolished. In Gravy Train," this film came the midst of a "spiffy," "greaseball," prompt some serious thinking "The Dion Brothers" is out at the same time wrecking crane "lizardhead" and "scumbag" about the American obsession as slamming at the walls and currently playing at the "Chinatown" and "The abound, not to mention cracks with mythical bank robbers Meridian Four Theaters. Parallax View." Under the weight of their praise it quietly slipped from view. Now it has Carson album mix of gags, skits re - emerged with a new title to help it along. Not that this zany madcap film needs much help, for it careens about with By FRANK FOX State News Reviewer Nixon then suggests Carson should run for President and offers all the fervor of the finest What can you possibly say about a record album to be his vice - presidential running mate. madcap comedy. which features the comic talents of "You're not going to give me your make you?" "The Dion Brothers" George Carlin, Lenny Bruce and - up man, are Richard Nixon? Carson asks with trepidation. presents Stacy Keach and Frederic Forrest as the funniest No, it is not the sound track from "The Good, The Bad and "No," Nixon rejoins. 'Tin going to lend him to Lyndon The Ugly." Johnson." team since Elliot Gould and It is not, despite much Amidst a good deal of fluff, "Here's Johnny" offers several Donald Sutherland became contrary evidence, a bad dream. It is, believe it or not, "Here's moments that truly sparkle. partners in Robert Altman's Johnnys Magic Moments from The Tonight Show." The monologs by Bruce and Carlin are "M*A*S*H." bitingly funny but all Yes, The Tonight Show, the too brief. Bruce describes the It is the late night place to be, the joys of a young boy who discovers interaction and institute for the destitute. the other use for airplane glue while Carlin explores the benign superb comic timing of the "Here's Johnny" serves up a hash of ad - libs and short effects of "mary - jo • juana" on New York Street principals that makes "The gangs. The producer of "Hair," Jerry Mancus, said here performances by numerous celebrities and show biz types who Other highlights of the two record set are Monday that college Dion Brothers" a - songs by Judy ^udiences understand the updated jokes in the rock musical much better than delight. Keach as brother howling haunt Carson's sandbox. The record features Bette Midler Garland and Billie Holiday; Tommie and Dickie Smothers and their "Boil That eneral audiences. Calvin constantly chews imitating The Andrews Cabbage Down" routine; and appearances gum as Sisters, Jack Webb imitating himself and Jerry Lewis and Don by Groucho Marx and Jack Benny, "Playing here will be so much better than, say Akron, where he sets about rescuing Forrest Rickles imitating burlesque comics at a Toledo The album includes music Iduh,' " Mancus said. "They wouldn't let us put the play on in athey just say lot of cities as Russell from the mines of And Richard Nixon? Well, he's strip - show. just plain folks. by Doc Severinsen and the NBC Orchestra, other regular elements of the "Tonight Show" and a pke Lansing for instance, mainly because of the nude scenes." Cutlips, W. Va. The Nixon segment was aired when the then ex vice few surprises. The brothers join forces - president "The thing that bothers the people in was about to announce his intentions for the 1968 "Here's Johnny" is available on Casablanca Records. Lansing is that no one wants to hear with a group of klutzy robbers, presidential ie word 'fuck' on the stage. That and the nude scenes campaign. „ is what has kept "Hair" hoping to get enough money The exchange between Carson and Nixon is a little ^ut of Lansing," he said. together to open a seafood say the least. Throughout the conversation, Carson feeds Nixon strange, to Mancus has heard rumors that action might be taken restaurant in Washington, D.C. his cues like the obliging against the musical The action that follows is a straight - man in a vaudeville act. vhen it comes to MSU, but said he would check with "It's nice to have you here Dick. Irosecutor before he left East Lansing. the Ingham County crazy, careening caper full of wit, slapstick and charming asks. May I call you Dick?" Carson "Well, I've been called almost everything," Nixon chuckles. Get Garble 9 | "Hair" will be presented by Pop Entertainment and The New York Touring performances by Keach and rid of jCompany at 8 p.m. Monday in the MSU Auditorium. Tickets Forrest. ie Union Ticket Office. are $4 and $5 at The only problem with "The Dion Brothers" is that your garble. near the final shootout, the humor turns black and deadly, Turkey. |rench horn classes, leaving the first three • zany quality of the fourths of the film The Annual Tech Hifi Thanks¬ If that,'s how music system of tha your radio or sounds, get rid turkey. Buy a better )ncert set for students $10.95 giving Sale is a perfect time to buy a better music system. ini5weeK! system at The Annual Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale. This week! larry hffi Tuck well, a noted Tuckwell and the MSU horn soloist Detroit, Toronto and Ottawa, Irding ps artist, will teach and perform in concert and Wind Ensemble will perform Mozart's Concerto Nos. 2 and 3. A and the Beethoven Chamber Music Series in London. techhifi tech horn ensemble of iMSU's fourth annual professors from MSU, the ■nch Horn MEJAC TV Fandango" Dec. University of Michigan, Hope College, Central Michigan Irdinated "fandango,'' by Douglas University and Western Michigan University will also Get Ipbtll, perform. professor of music, rid of THERE'S A NEW RULE OFTHUMB ' Neill Sanders, from The university student i Michigan University, ensemble program will include I bring high school and "Aria" from "Bachianas your students from all over FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. k*' Brasileiras No. 5" by Villa ■ man to MSU to learn and Lobos and "Chorale with Variations" by Mario Turkey. Castelnuovo - Tedesco. (uckwcll, formerly with the ' n Symphony Orchestra, ■discuss Mozart's "Concerto T 3" with high school Admission for students and the public to the classes and The Annual Tech Hifi Thanks¬ AMTRAK. concert is $3. Class giving Sale is a perfect time lent participants beginning information and tickets are to buy a better music system. ■ 30 p.m., followed available from Campbell at the This week! by a [ for college students on Dept. of Music. Concert tickets "Concerto No. 2." will also be sold at the door. 17:30 p.m. concert in the lie Building auditorium will Tuckwell, born in Australia, techhifi Instead of standing on a highway, catching the breeze as the cars pass you by at 55 mph, On cross-country trips, you can stop off along the way anywhere you like. Then Pde performances by a 40 - appears regularly in the world's you could be catching our can Amtrak may not hoard another train later with fcbcr group of high school major music festivals and has be as cheap as hitching. But for the little the same ticket. Jch hom players and a 40 - performed with the Los money you spend, you get a lot more in return. group of college Angeles Philharmonic, the But for the time you're with us, symphony orchestras of Nowhere else but on an Amtrak train do you'll find the Amtrak train you get so much rcxim alortg the way a whole different trip. Because We give you the biggest seat in travel. With we not only get you to where more space around it, too. you're going, we take you away from From our picture windows, we give you the problems of air pollution, the kind of close-up view of America you energy crisis and inflation. Maylfe can't get from highways and cloudbanks. that's why on trains people act more You can get a different point of view, like friends than strangers. too, from the people you meet On your next trip, come together with on the train. Since there are no seat belts your friends on Amtrak. to hold you back on Amtrak, you can roam the train from car to car. Amtrak Maybe grab something to drink at the snack bar or lounge car. And Save America's Energy. Save Your Energy the prices are reasonable, too. Ride the Train. / 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, Nov,'eniber 27 Goofus scores po/ko-c By MIKE LITAKER hockey victory. Up from the For some time now, Goofus at MSU since 1969 as a State News Sports Writer bell are two stretched door has traveled around to the East phydcal education major but There are only two people Lansing bars carrying his polka financial difficulties have springs for "percussion." "•'d never do it left in the Upper Peninsula cello in the trunk of his car. forced him to quit school this u, Continuing right along, - who know how to play a one - there are four stainless steel pie Last year he decided MSU term. of mind," JS who.describe man band. One of them happened to gravitate to MSU just tins welded together with four hockey was ready for it too. Goofus has left a trail of l cked to the hj Jg> different size BBs inside. Then "Sitting at the other end of momentous incidents behind back in 1969 and is still going there are three jingle belte, left the rink in Demonstration Hall him. I™* l" ^e pervert." SI* ' * strong. from the 24 different originals you couldn't hear the organ "I was going to hell with my Al (Goofus) Ammesmaki is so I played this to that have since been stolen by anyway, one man band when the Halloween - the cops man who has been kill time before games since a* people in whatever bar Goofus tried to escort me out of the of « serenading the masses at MSU happened to be in for you had to get there about hockey play - offs at Michigan swimming trunks, a J hockey games the past two souvenirs. 5:30 to get good seats," he Tech last spring, until Tech's and a years. His one - man band said. two . foot i '* Finishing up the collection athletic director stepped In, " has become almost a legend in are various musical instruments With the changeover to the he recalled. "It was the cops' inealhhole a h"? that hewhich had Jfl lii connection with Spartan and the newest addition - a new Munn Arena, GoofUs has last night on the job and he hockey, along with its owner. run into new swimming trunks. ^ Munn Arena dedication game competition in wanted to make one more Now on his fourth one - hockey puck. satisfying the crowds' musical bust." Walking up and , man band instrument, or polka Goofus gets all tTiis going in desires. This past Halloweeen Virginia Street, Spartan fight - cello if you prefer, Goofus motion with the help of an ice "This year they have the weekend Goofus was getting threw open his song JJ has entertained at sporting events and bars all over the scraper, which he uses for a drumstick because "they don't MSU hockey pep band but they've been really cool about ready to leave early from front of ralncS work when his boss asked him passersby. area. break as easy." letting me do a few songs when what was more important, his It was "It's amazing how much the "All the drunks like it when they're not playing," Goofus job or hockey. Goofus got the enough to make nd °f them price of making these things I comb my hair with it," said. axe after he told him, and went want a few J! has gone up," said Goofus, Goofus has been accompaniment fro„' laughed Goofus, who has a new a student home to get ready for the polka - cello. 11 whose current model set him polka - cello in the works back around $70. which will cost close to $120. The polka - cello basically He plans to unveil it at the first consists of a mop handle with a rubber ball on the bottom for home term. hockey game of winter Green Splqsh "artists' bounce, from there on the Goofus got his start with variations are unbelievable. the one • man band in his perform and compete Since his uncle helped him Upper Peninsula hometown of build his first "band", Negaunee, where live Goofus has used the same old entertainment in bars is a shoe every time a new one is rarity. built. The purpose of the shoe By ROBIN MclNTOSH 'swimming,'" she said. to By playing some of the old State News Sports Writer see. These figures a is to "help keep the beat," time favorites like "Roll Out "Besides, I think that worked into a routine Everyone knows the Green ijj according to Goofus. the Barrel," Goofus was able to synchronized swimming is music. In this part there is Next on the handle is a drink all night at the expense Splash synchronized swim club more of a performing art or a duet, trio and tuned cow bell, which recently of the patrons, who were more puts on an annual water show. dance than a sport," Parks competition. was busted off the But there is another aspect of added. polka - cello than happy to pop for the The major problem at Mac's Bar after an MSU the club not too many people thitfe beer. Synchronized swimming MSU Green Splash Club bo know about. competition i.s like a is, because it is not a vji In addition to doing the combination of figure skating, team, it does not have a fid show every year, the club also diving and gymnastics time coach. The studentsctw participates ia competition, competition. Six judges give themselves. They do hi,, G.F. KORRECK even though it is not points for specific stunts and faculty adviser," Parks, | recognized as a varsity sport. It routines. Spartan women's swimmia competes against teams like There are two divisions in coach. Indians played Michigan and Ohio State, which are recognized as varsity the competition. The first is "What I do as an advisetj Al "Goofus Arrmesmaki goes into action on his the individual figures exactly what the word aiL polka ■ cello during a recent teams. swimming, in which a means. I advise the Spartan hockey game at Munn Arena. The Upper Peninsula native has become Jennifer girls« Parks, the team's competitor will swim specific a local favorite with his one • man band, particularly with fans at the hockey football right adviser, explained why the team figures and be judged on form. what to do. organize workouts or anythia but I dog' was not contests. Notice the special arena dedication game puck on part of the women's It is similar to the compulsory like that," she said. top of the athletic budget. instrument. For those of you who are figures in figure skating When the team practn planning to spend the weekend with "The Green Splash wasn't competition. There are three there must be one person o« your eyes glued to the tube and your belly full of meat, dressing under the initial proposal for levels of competition in figures of the water to supervise. Hi and taters, take a moment in between pats of the pumpkin pie women's teams. Thus, they — novice, junior and senior. sometimes makes the routii HOPE FOR FESTIVE WEEKEND and consider the wonderful people who first brought football to weren't recognized as a varsity The routine competition is America. practice confusing. team. If synchronized much like gymnastics floor Another problem it factsi The Indians. Take your hat off, if you are swimming were to become a exercise. Before the lack of funds. The only ro wearing one, and salute these varisty sport, I guess it would competition, the judges will the Green Splash gets leers face N people who are paid lip service during this holiday, who are portrayed as Squanto and Pocahontas while the haunting eyes of Bigfoot at Wounded Knee pierce blind conscience. have to be classified under state which figures they want through its annual show.H lack of money limits where tl team can compete and I Indians were playing football as early as the first traders visited By STEVE STEIN America shores. They enjoyed a game without the purchasing of uniforms. State News Sports Writer After last weekend's double loss to the modern day trappings that simultaneously desensitize and polyglot of Two women "Last year we had tobi MSU's hockey team is hoping our own uniforms because« to make this Badgers, Bessone indicated that he may be advocate violence. holiday weekend a festive one. funds were so low," Mela making some changes in the Spartan lines for Just friends After losing two games to Wisconsin last this weekend's games against Notre Dame. The game they played was more for exercise, more for the in hockey tou Rusk, a member on last yea weekend, the Spartans are looking to turn Brian Walsh, Clark Hamilton and Alex Pirus Green Splash club said. "1 experience of friendly competition than for big bucks and things around against the Fighting Irish of make up the No. 1 line for Notre Dame. A pair glamor. were only able to compete i Notre Dame Friday and Two MSU-women field hockey Saturday nights at the of sophomores, Paul Clarke and Jack The playing field was usually a beach or players and their coach will one meet last year, too. Munn Ice Arena. long plain, flanked at represent the Spartans at the national tournament this weekend "In that meet we finish Brownschindle, head the defense for the Irish. intervals of approximately one mile by crude goal posts. The ball in DeKalb, 111. Faceoff time for both contests is 7:30 was an inflated animal bladder and third, which was pretty {o p.m. Freshmen Len Mo her and John Peterson the game often lasted for MSU enters the weekend series with a 6-4 Spartan center halfback Carol Kiddon and fullback Joan for not having a coach." share the tending of the Irish nets. days, with no scores or standings kept. overall record and a 5-3 mark in Western It was played in the spirit of the Woloszyk were selected to play on the Great Lakes region third MSU's top two scorers, Tom Ross majority of presettlement team last weekend. In addition, MSU coach Mikki Baile will be Collegiate Hockey Assn. (WCHA) play, while (25 Indian tribes, most of whom the invaders from South Bend will points) and Steve Colp (16 points) will be rarely engaged in warfare. Indian playing and coaching the Great Lakes first team. Basketball tickets come to East conflicts were frowned upon Lansing with a 4-4 league record and the attempting to keep a pair of amazing streaks by Puritans, who thought their Nine sections of the country will be represented at the tourney same tactics pointless. When they did overall standing, 6-4. going this weekend. fight, opposing tribes were which runs Thursday through Sunday. A national Spartan coach Amo Bessone is expecting Colp, a junior from Toronto, has picked up equipped with bows and arrows, lances and war clubs. If a man be named, based on the cumulative champion will points of the three teams continuing on sal lost his weapon, he went home. No hand - to some hard games at least one - hand combat was within each section, one of which is the Great Lakes section. against the archrival Irish. point in each of his last 37 games practiced. Rarely did battles result in casualties of more than a "I watched them play Denver earlier this while Ross, another junior, from Dearborn, has half dozen per side. - Forty - four players will also be chosen to play in the trials for Student season tickets I season and they are big and physical," the same streak going for 34 consecutive the U.S. field hockey team. Bessone But times change. MSU basketball games «i said. "Their coach contests. Baile was pleased with the way the two women (Lefty Smith) feels they are played in the continue to be on sale todr right where they ought to be now." Labels trials leading up to the Great Lake6 section selection. Following Colp and Ross on the Spartan Such labels as the American Dream, the work ethic and Monday and Monday night I Bessone is hoping the Spartans can cure a rugged "Carol Kiddon played aggressively, which was a scoring parade are John Sturges with 14 individualism may be passe, but the American plus when it the MSU - Central Midi problem they have had this season against spirit, ofttimes in came time to select the team," she commented. "Both players are points, Daryl Rice with a total of 13 and Pat the negative connotation of the word, is not. Shoot to kill. cage game. Notre Dame - failing to get off to a fast start. young and they still have a lot to learn, but they're gaining the Tickets can be purchased! Betterley, who leads the MSU defensive corps Unconditional surrender and break - his - balls are "We have to score more very much alive experience they need through these games." the south end of Jenisfl goals early," with eight points. in the fantasies of both weekend warriors and armchair The field hockey season will end after the national quarterbacks. tournament Fieldhouse. if none of MSU's representatives make it to the While you are sitting there with U.S. trials. Baile The ticket office i your hat off, bow your head will have the task next year of for a moment, and give thanks that you are still able to sit in your rebuilding the team's defense . from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pJ World Team Te own home. And give a thought to the first Americans, who knew how to have a good time without "We're losing most of our defensive be rebuilding the backfield," she said. "I 111 expect from the style of people, so next year, 111 really don't know what Season tickets are $12 for ^ 12 home games. Students® placing absolutes on the play next year because it varies from present a validated ID in outcome. year to year. to purchase tickets. fails to name 'Touche!' NEW YORK (UPI) - The The league's owners will the policy employed by some World Team Tennis owners' meeting here Tuesday was reconvene Calif., on in Palm Springs, Jan. 10. They hope teams a year ago of names to play signing big only a specific fencers win inconclusive, to put it politely. then to have cleared the decks number of games instead of the They had gathered to hold a for the new year. full schedule. Fuhrer is Former MSU fencers Chuck player draft and to name a Af the moment, 15 teams bitterly opposed to such contracts. McCrory and Ed Haughn commissioner. Instead, they instead of 16 slated to When are Evonne Goolagong's captured first places last came out with an interim begin play, though ownership contract with him came up this weekend at the Spartan president, Larry King. They of two or three franchises may year, he saw to it that she Unclassified fencing proceeded with a draft of change. agreed to play the full Triangle tournament in the epee and players that included the A major matter for schedule, which she did not sabre divisions respectively. farcical selection of a local discussion among the owners is play this year. television commentator. Defending epee champion Frank Fuhrer, owner of the Bill Peterman wound up third Pittsburgh Triangles and this time around, with Spartan president of the league when teammates Bob Lynch and Jim the first session was held Bierwirth finishing fourth and Monday, was not amused by sixth in the competition. the proceedings. Fuhrer had come here Third place in the sabre confident that a commissioner category was picked up by to succeed deposed George MSU's Jack Tintera, while Fred McCall would be named and Both the Men's and Women's Intramural buildings will be Sertage finished eighth as the that an orderly procedure of closing today for Thanksgiving break. They will reopen Monday. only other MSU fencer to place business would be followed The Men's Intramural Building will close at 9 p.m. today. The in sabre. regarding the composition of Women's Intramural Building will close at 5 p.m. the league next year. People wishing to make reservations to use the IM facilities can Spartan foilists Jonathan But his recommendation for call beginning at 8 a.m. Moss in fourth and Steve Monday when the buildings reopen. commissioner went unheeded, The winner and runnerup in the women's Krause at sixth place gained intramural touch and the owners failed to football tournament last week were two spots in the foil classification. agree independent teams, "I Karen on any number of other am Woman" and "Fruit of the Loom." Bradbury was the only The individual league winners also woman to place in the problems, including the included Kappa Alpha number of teams next year and Theta and the "Kappa Killers" women's foil, with a seventh (Kappa Kappa Gamma) in the schedule matters. sorority league and "Wonders Wheels" and "Mcintosh" place. McDonel Hall) in the residence hall (from King, husband of Billie league. Mike A total of 70 fencers took Jean, said it would be his job Marshall threw three touchdown passes to Ernie to handle the Burkeen, not ike Tyler, as reported in Tuesday's paper, in part in the tournament at the league's tennis problems until a commissioner the "Red Trojans" to their 40-14 Men's IM independent touch leading Men's Intramural Building S,! mIM- ^ ^Uad' the MSU Spartan Marchi"fl Band al»° its 1974 S6£ is selected. At that time, he football title last Thursday. sports arena. Michigan division of the It was part of a £tn .? s 60 " 21 v,ctorY over Iowa at Spartan Stadium. The band broke tradition at ^ « during !?"!£!!* The expects to give up the office he has taken over from Fuhrer. deadline for both the gymnastics tournaments is noon Men's IM foil fencing and Amateur Fencing League of of the band A A *0Upi' each one P'aY'n0 far a certain the Ohio State game is senior drum section of the crowd. Pictured here r Monday. America event. major Dan Williams, who is from Flint. ichipan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 27, 1974 ] 3 iappy thanksgiving May this holiday bring you and yours a Heaping big measure of Health, and Happiness, ( Automotive [ Aviation \ FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank TR6 1971 with overdrive. Apartments ^ Apartments W Apartments ^ 18,000 miles, stored SPECIAL LUSCOMBE rate. $9.99 winters, $3500. TWO WOMEN needed winter term. 1967 TR4A, $850. 353-7576. per hour November 30 MSU through AREA: Okemos. One SUBLET, WINTER term: female, 3-12-2 December 8. Try it, you'll like Cedar Village, $80/month. bedroom, furnished and near West Circle, $77.13 per it. FRANK'S FLYING 351-3806.3-11-27 unfurnished, air conditioned, month. Call 332-1174. 6-11-27 TOYOTA 1972 Corolla 1600. 4 ■HONE 355 8255 SERVICE, Jewett Airport. DELUXE 3 bedroom carpeted, modern. $150 to speed, AM-FM, rear defrost, new 676-4860.6-12-6 in Okemos. $165. Heat included. Call FEMALE SUBLEASE Delta Arms. Student Services Bldg. tires, air, 26 - 30 mpg. $1550. Includes 2 full baths, air 4.10-11-27 December - June. $78.50. Call lltomotive 339-2127,351-3119. 5-11-27 conditioning, carport. No Deb. M. 351-7847. 8-12-6 ooters & Cycles VEGA 1972. Excellent condition. Employment ](jj children 332-0111 c pets. >r $250. Phone evenings and 731 BURCHAM, 3-man furnished, walk to campus. $73.34 each. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, |rts & Service 4-speed, 20,000 miles. Call after weekends ait 332-3202. 13-12-6 351-7212. 6-12-6 partially furnished, 1018 North 3 pm. 484-9874. 5-11-27 TYPIST, Part - time winter term. ■nation MERIDIAN MALL Pennsylvania. $150, $50 deposit. Apply in person 427% Albert St. Iiployment VEGA KAMMBACK, 1973. 23,000 (basement Towne Courier Just completed - 1 bedroom units PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH, 228. No children or large pets. with super location for MSU and all Upper 1 bedroom. Partly 371-4956. 3-11-27 br rent miles, 4-speed, custom interior, Bldg.) between 11 and 1 p.m. AM-FM tape, shopping. Great colors and yard furnished, including stove, bartments new tires, 25-30 Wednesday. CR 6-12-6 MALE SUBLEASE space for the garden freak. These refrigerator, garage, utilities - own room in mpg. 351-6917. X5-11-23 large apartment. 2 blocks from WANTED are perfect for young singles or paid. $135 plus deposit. - CASHIERS and go-go couples, with no lease. $150 per 627-9723. 3-12-3 campus. 351-5830, 332-4768. VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. dancers. Apply in person. Must month. Please 3-11-27 Rebuilt transmission, well be over the age of 18. call 332-3268 or r sale Apply at FEMALE ROOMMATE needed CINEMA X THEATRE AND 332-5877. maintained, clean, very good winter / spring. Twyckingham 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, kiimals condition. $1,400. 353-4631. ADULT BOOK STORE, 1000 5-11-27 apartments. $75/month. partially furnished. Utilities labile Homes X5-11-23 West Jolly Road. No phone calls 351-2581. 5-12-5 paid. $140 plus deposit. est & found VW 1972. Rebuilt please. 7-12-4 f Keep WARM 393-7839,485-1302. 3-11-27 Irsonal transmission. $1200. 349-9557 engine and MARRIED COUPLE needed to This Winter! EAST LANSING, unfurnished, 1 'WE 1UMK THFE ALSO fOETWE BOONTIFUL bedroom, air, carpeted, available STUDENTS Ianuts personal after 5:30 p.m. X4-11-23 supervise a group of mentally immediately. 1624 Cambria, BURCHAM FACULTY, STAFF KALESTATE retarded adults. work. Room and board provided Rewarding 3LESHN<& BEFORE U$ AND THE FINANCIAL 337-2217.6-12-6 Icreation VW CAMPER/Van 1968. plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg MEANS MTU WM 70 BUY THEM-" WOODS 3 BEDROOM, VA BATH E xcellent condition. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, one Irvice built. Pop - up roof, the works! Factory at 487-6500. 7-12-5 girl, Cedar Village, till June. UNFURNISHED APT'S [struction 27 mpg, $1,800. Call 355-1190. HOME HEALTH aid a COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 Due to some recent 332-3064, 332-5920 or - housekeeper. from ig Service X3-11-23 8-12 Monday Friday for dropouts we now 351-5491 after 5 p.m. Susan. 3-12-3 '215 per month llANSPORTATION VOLKSWAGEN quadraplegic woman. 349-4918. have comfortable (anted Beetle, 1972, like new! Reasonably priced. 882-7789. 5-12-3 Super 3-11-27 [ Employment if [ Employment j jf and spacious 1 bedroom FEMALE NEEDED, winter Eden Roc, close to campus. Call (includes gas heat !• water) Call |ftr pool BICYCLE STORE manager. Long furnished apartments available 351-1877.6-12-6 term UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNH KNOB HILL VW 1969. New arrangement. Experience DRIVERS NEEDED full time, Winter Term '•RATES** engine and paint. necessary. 351-7240. 8-12-6 If You're a better person than the APARTMENTS Snow tires, very clean. Call must have excellent driving SUBLEASE 1 bedroom, furnished - I 10 word job you're now in, we'd like to $175 per month rr 351-7238. 5-12-3 talk to you. Commissions. Call record. Apply at Varsity Cab, MSU, on bus line. $175. 349-4700 PERMANENT, PART time 122 Woodmere. 5-11-27 Utilities included 332-3175. 5-12-5 secretary bookkeeper. Josephine Starkweather at Community atmosphere NO. DAYS VKd 1964. Good condition, - 745 Burcham Drive 5 miles'from campus Experience required. 9 am - 694-3935. Investors Diversified DESK CLERK needed. Must have' WOMAN TO share run well. Sunroof, best offer. one bedroom % mile north of Jolly [ 1 pm Monday through Services. 8-12-6 transportation and be willing to Road 337-0579. 5-12-4 351-3118 or 484-4014 apartment. One (11 block from 3 5 TO Friday. Phone Sally, 332-1391, travel Call 372-0567 or AVON, TO buy campus - $82.50 per month. sell. Call our Ho 4.00 6.50 13.00 VOLKSWAGEN' 1971 - Super 10-11 a.m. C-3-11-27 district or manager, 4Sr-6893. 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. Call 332-4367.3-12-3 ONE, TWO bedroom. Campus, one n-11-27 2 BEDROOM block. Sharp, furnished, [so 4.80 6.00 7.80 9.70 15.60 19.50 Beetle, good shape, must sell. Best offer over $1100. Call NURSING - IN service instructor. 20-12-2 UNFURNISHED. Near capitol, LCC. Utilities paid. FEMALE FOR large furnished 2 carpeted. 332-1946. 1-11-27 r25 371-2406, after 5 p.m. 2-11-27 Bachelor's degree preferred, REAL ESTATE salesman wanted. $165. 373-6753 or 651-6540. man, ideal location, $95. 1 7.20 11.70 23.40 experience helpful, but not Excellent opportunity, financing L 5-12-3 337-1100. 4-12-4 TWO GIRLS needed, winter and spring, Cedar Village. Parking. [oo 8.00 10.00 13.00 16.25 26.00 32.50 VW 1972. Excellent condition, required. Good fringe benefits and salary. Contact personnel available to help make sales. 645-2144.5-11-27 TV and STEREO Rentals. GIRL NEEDED. Winter term. FOUR ROOM, bath. Newly 337-9541.6-12-6 r extras, 20,000 miles, $1300. department, Ingham Medical $25/term. $10.95/month. Free. redecorated. Priavate parking. Al Plus 1972 Renault R16, SHARE Center, 401 West Greenlawn, ARE YOU Same Day Delivery and Service. COMFORTABLE 2 fantastic condition, radial tires, looking for more Canton, 484-2220. 6-12-6 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-11-27 bedroom apartment. $117 / front wheel drive, 35mpg, Lansing. Phone 371-2121, opportunity to use your skills? 1249.7-12-6 month, no utilities. Close. Bus. Positions now open for $1300. Call 353-2164.3-12-3 f.M. one class' day GIRL NEEDED winter, own room. 332-4227,351-2658.3-12-3 lire publication. COCKTAIL WAITRESS. Part time. bookkeepers, and receptionists. $ NOTICE $ Whitehall Manor, 332-3262 after CAMPUS HILL GIRL NEEDED to sublet friendly Apply at bar in RAMADA INN. Experience a must. Don't put it 6 pm. 3-11-27 Motorcycles fa Pennsylvania and I-96. 3-12-3 off any longer. Call Linda at $ old Cedar Village Apartment. leanuts Personal ads OFFICEMATES. 694-1153. ALL STUDENT LUXURY TOWN APARTMENTS Winter / spring term. Close to HOUSES, ■must be pre-paid. campus. Balcony, parking. YAMAHA TRIUMPH, BMW PART TIME Medteal typist to work 8-12-6 Advertising families preferred. Full 332-8856. 5-12-5 motorcycles. Parts, accessories. *>" Starting January basement, all appliances, Icellations/ Corrections service. SHEP'S MOTOR COUNSELOR CASE worker, full must be including washer and dryer, bath Furnished apartments I SPORTS, INC. 694-6621. Mt. Hope, Ok«mo.. I BI-1-11-27 bM H time, experience in social work "PRE - PAID" - 'A. $225 a month, between 1 WOMAN NEEDED. Large noon one class day apartment, 233 Delta, 3A. $81. C"3"11"27 working with children. Contact pm and 6 pm Wednesday PART TIME NOW available for Office, 353-9642. Home Bte publications. X-ray technician to William Weitzel, VFW National through Sunday. Call 882-0257. 7iiriI7"17rTm-7. 332-8861.7-12-6 HONDA 750 1974. New 7 ~. front tire. work mornings only. Starting Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, through the end Five minutes from campus. immediate occupancy I State News will be Sissy bar. Just tuned. Must sell janu8rVi 1975. Send resume to 663-1521, extension 147. 8-12-6 Eas{ M( of the term. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apartment Hope 0kemos X-7-12-4 bonsible only for the for school. 339-2029. 3-11-27 BI-1 -11 -27 FOR ONE month only." December or to sublease till June. $185. MSU ftt day's incorrect CHAPEREL VOCATIONAL COUSELOR. State News 5 - January 7. Lapeer Street, area. After 5pm, 349-2598. 80J^otorcycle (kkxJ pANJS GALQRE fu(, and part Career opportunity center, farm Classified Dept. Lansing. $125. 489-4931. beginning Winter term. 1-11-27 condition, $125. Call 655-2724. 347 Student Services ' ^ hg|p wamed 1? years or workers, migrant program, 5-11-27 older. Apply Frandor Shopping NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. Large permanent full time. Spanish Call 349-3530 e due 7 days from ONE FEMALE needed sublease upstairs. One bedroom. Share 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike, Center. 2-12-2 speaking by bi-cultural. Contact to je ad expiration date. If ' ne90,iable' Mr. Ferguson, 489-3715. winter term only. Beechwood utilities. 0-4-11-27 $120. 351-7497. |t paid by the due date, a 646-6236.7-12-3 CHILD CARE for 10 month old x-7-12-3 Apartments. $61/month. Roommate service rvice charge will SQn: Year rQund 8.5 |n my 332-5657.5-11-27 WANTED: FEMALE to sublease ONE BEDROOM unfurnished. MODELS FOR photography. Call _ in n home. Okemos area. Light , Cedar Village apartment, winter Completely carpeted and CEDAR VILLAGE - 1 or 2 men. 1_ IlltD |Lr /j housekeeping.' Own between 10 am and 6 pm only. 351-8077.5-12-2 2 MAN, CLOSE, take over lease Winter / spring. $75/month. remodeled. $100/month plus transportation. References. Call 489-1215.0-11-27 starting December 15. 332-0655. 351-9255. 7-12-6 utilities. Close to LCC and bus Rnotive !A VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE 355-9618, 9-5 p.m. 349-9515 3-12-2 to MSU. Phone 371-1479. - after 6 p.m, and weekends, PART TIME employment for MSU NEEDED, 3 girls to sublease 4 girl ONE GIRL for two person, $87.50 5-12-2 repair and body. 20% 6-12-6 students 12-20 hours per week. apartment. $70/month. BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS. DISCOUNT to students, faculty Cedarview. Call after 4 p.m., ^MOTIVE INSURANCE only Automobile required. 351-5800. Winter/spring. Pool, air Frandor near. 2 bedroom, TWYCKINGHAM 4-ms on all cash'n' carry VW service 337-1504. 5-12-4 can save $$$. It pays to" WANTED: FULL time girl for C-1-11-27 conditioning, dishwasher. unfurnished. Garden level. bedroom furnis d . parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, office. 349-2859. 5-12-2 Available soon. $170. around. Call us. You may Apply Monday and $290/month. Utilities 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. 485-9343. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, surprised. 484-8173. Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, HANDYMAN-PORTER. Light 7-12-6 Immediate 485-204 7, except stove and refrigerator, for occupancy. 485-9229. housekeeping work and stock SECOND FEMALE. Winter only. Lansing. 372-6323. 6-12-6 single 351-7166,487-5696. 8-12-6 Mastercharge and Bank work. Must be able to work Share 1 bedroom 711 Burcham. NEED 1 girl for 3 woman, winter working person or Power Amtlcord. C-11-27 Rent student. All utilities paid, very steering, REGISTERED NURSES mornings through Christmas. negotiable. 332-2708. term, Capitol Villa, $54.68 / OWN ROOM for woman in Runs good. Good body. 5-12-2 month. 332-8986. Ask for Laura clean and reasonable. Call Good pay. Apply in person. townhouse, East Lansing area. IS. 353-2164. 8-12-6 BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced CRITICAL CARE UNITS orDenise. 3-12-2 627-9387.5-12-4 rates to students. Also CCU - ICU ipcluding Post operative Contact Mr. Don Bergeon, December - June. 337-2060. TWO BEDROOM «^lo WEBSTER MEN'S WEAR, FURNISHED, NEED |«0, 1967. 327, runs good, guaranteed rust proofing. VAN vascular surgery Meridian Mall, Okemos. 5-12-5 mobile homes. $25 - $35 week. QUIET FEMALE to sublease 2 men, 4 man, winter - ied, many extras, rust proof. WORLD. 645-2123.0-11-27 Experienced preferred, needed in a 10 minutes to spring. Free bus service, heating. FEMALE ROOMMATES to share -— 2x4 bed acute care progressive campus. Quiet Twyckingham, winter and $68.75 I month. 349-1856, after SECRETARY and peaceful spring. 351-8551. 6-11-27 room in apartment, 348 Oakhill. INSURANCE LOWEST rates hospital. Excellent orientation to - RECEPTIONIST' on a lake. - on 5:30.5-11-27 351-2412. 3-12-2 Local medium sized 641-6601 or 484-5315. 0-11-27 cycles and auto. Call us first or both hospital and unit. No shift - JELLE, ■ and tape, Late 3 1972, 28,000, last, but call. Easy Payment rotation. Tuition reimbursement construction company desires SUBLEASE 2 person. January to September. Block 1-2 WOMEN NEEDED. Sublease Whether 'you've found something or on floor. $2600. charming, neat appearing EAST LANSING - One bedroom east Bogue. Plan UNION UNDERWRITERS program comprehensive, benefit immediately. Campus Hill. not, it's fun to read the "LOST *7997.3-11-27 secretary - receptionist. Must be furnished. Quiet residential area. 3324277_8-1l2-6 349-4617. 3-11-27 n-11-27 package, opportunity for 8< FOUND." Tum there now. able to type 80+ wpm and take J VAN, 1974. 12,000 miles. advancement, apply INGHAM Carpeting. Disposal. Security FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury ■e|ed, carpeted, extras. Call Mjcnw'pnnv MASON BODY SHOP SHOP 812 East MEDICAL CENTER, 401 West dictation at 120+ wpm. locks. $185. Lease from 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no HUUH oani raaa P505. 6-12-6 Kalamazoo Street since iswu. Lansing, 48910. Phone -mo k 19.fi Excellent fringe benefits. No fees paid. Equal Opportunity December, 1974 September 15, 1975. - Woodside Apartments, pets. Lease until September. One CROSSWORD □□SB E1QQ □□□ Complete auto painting and 371-2121. ^ month free rent. $160. 129 [ROLET IMPALA 1969. collision Employer. 393-1670. 5-11-27 332-4987, after 5:30. 16-11-27 Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 PUZZLE □BUB EHanraHan * steering, power brakes, Foreign cars. ^viceRArnerican 485-0256. C-11-27 and WAITRESSES WANTED DELLS. ACROSS □□□nmiiauaa fdcondition, $700. Call after $2/hour en between 1-6pm. /C. * CHECK OUR I. Unobtrusive 24. Land tract □□□ □□□□a jDp.rn. 669 9206. 2 11-27 339-2916, Frank. 7-12-5 REPAIR PRICES^ 4. Pair 7. Religious 28. Skyline ana una hcqqs 30. Talented SnfflH HQS HD0 J '966 ■n«. good Caliente, excellent BABYSITTER IN my home from image 31. Light metal Qsnao ana tires plus snows. 7:30 am - 5:30 pm daily, 7:30 20% DISCOUNT TO II. Spawn of 32. Monastery low mileage. After 6 HnQHsacanHQ am - 10:30 pm Thursdays. Will ■**3-12-2 p.m. STUDENTS & 33. Dowdy woman consider live - in. 393-0041 after 12. Radiation unit 36. Yellow ocher aanoiiaGD aana FACULTY ON 5:30 pm and week-ends. 5-12-3 □DQ H3U BDSD |*R. 1968. 62,000 miles! CASH/CARRY VW 13. Baptize 37. Lighten □HE RQH anas ■^condition. Must sell. Best r 14. Choleric 38. Supplicate [•Call355-2990. 5-12-5 WNI 240-2, 1973. ELECTRIC de f rosters, REAR window $13.95 at TEMPORARY work. MAILING Starting December 3rd. 2 shifts, approximately 2-3 weeks, room SER VICE PA R TS f for tlw CH 16. Periods ol time 42. Impartial 43. Lamprey DOWN 4. Indeed Automatic, • CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 17. Antique 44. Fib $2/hour. Apply in person; 3308 5. Baton ■nAolin ,ires- AM-FM, CAR PARTS, 2605 East IS Strain 45. Spanish painter 1. Hindu title 6. E"°° mil«, great shape. South Cedar, Suite 11, Lansing. Peculiar Kalamazoo, one mile west of 19. Card game 46. Forever: 2. Lebanon peak 3-11-227 7. Strict 355-4219, 353-3578. campus. 487-5055. C-7-11-27 22. Spanish uncle Maori 3. Affirmative 8. Concern 23. Cheese 47. Spar NEED STUDENT to babysit * # AUTO PARTS ^ 9. Sharif I^ANCHERO, ftoatic GT. 360 hp, transmission, $1800. Friday, November 29. 9 a.m. • 5 $1.25 I hour. 351-2684; 500 E. Kalamazoo Cedar A Special Peanuts Personal 10. 15. Nidus ■ 655-2724. p.m. at Pledge 5-12-3 332-8059. 2-n-27_ I 18. Greetings Page 11 Goddess ol |R ■ • XKE Roadster. michanical work. Make SALES POSITIONS BE HOME EVERY NIGHT Volkswagon complete service. Repair & parts for most foreign and American cars. repair 14 wr healing 19. Desert alkali 20. Japanese salad I;K7-4758. 5-11-27 Arrange financial programs for Body shop & paint services. Special date: Dec. 6 1963 190Dc WHEN YOUR SMALL CAR NEEDS A FACTORY individuals and business organizations. Will train for Exchange engines & transaxles. Special rate: % w, 9 20 plant 21. Blemish (diesel), 10 words $1.00 22. Half score ■ll'T6' new ■ditin black V and interior. Pa'"'. sir TRAINED MECHNANICS ATTENTION... highly commission experience lucrative, sales. annualized Prior sales desirable. Call Free wrecker service with repairs - local areas. City 10 cents each additional word. 23~ "k Is 24. Heavy weight 25. Warp yarn ■Eft* ' ave ^P»ed, 28 Cobb, 353-7839. mpg, We can do itl Josepline Starkweather, bus service to our front 28 26. - de France 694-3935. Investors Diversified door. 27. French marshal %%* jf 29. Kind of gun Services. 8-12-6 We buy and sell VW's W 32. Corridor JZ? Pi POSITIONS OPEN, 33 34 33 Retainers ■ni ■ » h. oest u" fel" and industrial sales • in 4852047 485-9229 0ffer 676-2876 34. Hit notice 37 ■^959.5-11-27 technical/engineering disciplines, 8 6 35. Consumer ■ Monday - Friday, and in data processing. Call 9 2 « 36 Search it.. MANAGEMENT - Saturday ;,^72?el,a HolidaV, R°vai«. CALL RECRUITERS, 694-1153. No w 38. Girl's nickname Power, cruise 45 39. Jujuba • - '"H-27 extras. 332-1097 V WuCAR^y fee and no contract to sign. 8-12-6 wr 40. Labor union 41. Jinx 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, N0V( Apartments ^ Apartmeits I if?! Houses HHSSS ||£j Rooms For Sale For Sale SUBLET apartment. WINTER, 1-2 1 bedroom PINE - LAKE APARTMENTS, 6076 Marsh Road, Haslett. 1 SUBLET LARGE 3 bedroom HELP. MUST sublet bedroom in NEAR STABLES - large bedroom FIREWOOD • 100% split. 4 x8 x16' ANTIQUES l0M Sale $| persons, rent duplex. Close. Plenty parking. Haslett house. From January in brick rench house, full stacked. $20. All you can get in 10% Discount with this SELECTRIC bedroom apartments just 10 adl * negotiable. 332-0462. 5-11-27 $300. 351-5791.3-12-2 minutes from MSU. $150 / per •kme. Dishwasher, carpeted, wes privileges, fireplace, dishwesher, trunk $10. Delivery ~ " extra. Interesting end unusuel stuff, lots I""" $70, now $65. Will throw in see to appreciate, available PETERSON WOOD SHIPS, of items under $10 for imaginative condition. jr.* ' WINTER, SUBLEASE, girl needed, month. Beautiful grounds, quiet $85/MONTH, plus utilities for waterbed and bookshelves plus December 15. 337-0186. 7-12-6 882 2555.0-3-11-27 gift givers. Open Tuesdey • Sunday, 5-11-27 5 « 2-man, rent negotiable, close. location. Cell Manager 339-8192 couple to share large house with December rent with the deal. 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4245 S. 351 5969. 5-11-27 or EAST LANSING REALTY, same. No swingers. Call 484-7319, 339-2463. 6-12-6 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south Okemos. 349-4648. 7-12-6 332-4128. 10-12-6 LUDWIG DRUMS. 4, blue sparkle after 5 p.m. 7-12-6 near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for ONE GIRL with hi - hat stand, good needed, winter term. student, near bus line. EXCITING ATMOSPHERE for condition. SCUBA EQUIPMENT. Decor, top Cedar View apartment, NEAR SPARROW. Furnished. 1 LARGE DOUBLE room in house. $65/month plus deposit. $150, must sell) neat dependable female. Own of the line, only used 3 $75/month. 351-1941. 5-11-27 bedroom, $130 monthly, 482 4426. 3-12-3 times, Close. $80 each. 353-6582, 627 5454. X7-12-4 bedroom. $90/month I utilities. like new. $350 or best offer utilities paid. 627-9183. 5-11-27 332-0968. 5-12-4 339-2351. 5-12 6 GUNS. RIFLES end handguns of 677 8041.3-12-2 TROWBRIDGE, 1 bedroom, 4th WOMAN FOR duplex. $75 1250 OAKRIDGE, all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. furnished, $180. Office hours, Large 1 ONE BEDROOM house, fully EAST LANSING month. Call 351-3620 around - 1166 Lilac. 3 Best year 351-9036, otherwise, 351-4745. bedroom apartment in a quiet, 'round prices in furnished, near campus. $150. bedrooms, family room, dinnertime. 5-11-27 Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN 5-11-27 private building. Occupancy Phone 339-8981.5-11-27 carpeted. Phone 332-0956 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Call December 1st - 1 year leases PRIVATE ROOM, priavte entrance. 5-12-5 EAST LANSING - one person to $175. 351-0866. 371 2244.1-11-27 only. From WANTED; 2 quiet roommates to Close, utilities peid. $85/month. share furnished 2 bedroom. 10-12-6 share house in East 332 1946. 1-11-27 Lansing. GIRL NEEDED, 4 girl house, close Winter and spring terms. $100. FENDER SUPER Six reverb. $500. 351-5400.5-12-2 Rates negotiable. Winter only Quiet, comfortable 337-7438, 600 RIVER STREET, in Lansing - FURNISHED ROOM for winter. Six 12" speakers. 100 watts rms, 332-3712.6-12-6 353-7733. Or Keith, 353-4686. 3 miles from campus, just off OWN ROOM Complete house privileges. $70 + one year old. Jamie, 489-1759. - country home. $75. 5-11-27 Kalamazoo Good sized utilities. 5-12-5 Campus - 3V4 miles. 351-8231 NEAR LCC. Big four bedroom. Spring term optional. furnished 1 bedroom after five. 3-11-27 Phone 337-7104.6-12-5 Sharp. Orange shag carpet. New LARGE, 2 bedroom, block campus, apartments. 6 and 9 month PEAVEY AMPLIFIER, 125 RMS. kitchen and bath. Accommodate 4 person. $85 each. Roommate leases accepted. $170. 485-3140. 80 ACRE Farm, Haslett. Need one. Six 12" speakers and horn, foot four or five students. $200. OWN ROOM, 3 bedroom furnished service, 351-4032, 349-1699, Own room. Occupancy after switch. $400. 485-8390. 4-11-27 351-5950, extension 238. 7-12-6 1_CM2-6_ December 655-3568 after 5:30. 5-12-4 house. $62. Parkin* 484-9601 13. $56/month + 1-11-27 TWO ANTIQUE desks, $35 each. GROESBECK GOLF course area - utilities. 675-7537. 6-12-6 3 ROOMMATE NEEDED starting near, 2 bedrooms. Immediately. BEDROOM, furnished. Bailey BUYING Two dressers. $15 and $25. school area January through MEN: FARMHOUSE Fraternity, Knotty pine table with two fold January. $75. Own bedroom. Call 351-5964. 7-11-27 Call 349-0879. 5-124 FURNISHED. 3 bedroom. $200 December 1975. References rooms for rent, two terms only, A - down leafs, $65. Antique cene. plus utilities. Lansing, 5 minutes required. Family no singles. Good food, fantastic wicker chair, $35. One LARGE TWO partly only. EAST LANSING. efficiency. Close to campus, air to MSU. Pets. 489-5971. 5-12-5 337-1023. 5-12-2 housemother, friendly people. SILLING Mediterranean buffet, $35. Large, one $410 / term. $50 deposit. Phone Decor scuba tank with regulator, bedroom, entire second floor of conditioning, immediate NICE DUPLEX, East Lansing, own LARGE 5 bedroom house, near 332 8635. B-2-12-2 2 masks and one set of fins for 100 USED older home. Stove, refrigerator, occupancy. $165/month. Call VACCUUM ai 487-4451 after 5 pm. 10-11-27 room, parking, December 15th. LCC. Furnished. Call 351-4140 $110. Voice of music AM/FM Tanks, cannisters, and carpeting. Walking distance, 351-3227.6-12-6 i or 655-2603. 10-12-2 ROOMS FURNISHED, perking, stereo, $125. Plus several Guaranteed one fully* MSU. $200/ month including - 349-3144 antique jugs and living, dining utilities. 337-9633. 3-12-2 cooking. Quiet. $75 and $85. 8 n d u P D E li t Heises £ SB TWO BEDROOM, Furnished. Utilities paid. $85/ 3 man. Rooms Sharon, 5-12-5 337-0090. after five. 1S7S C. Grand River ml. E. of Meridian Mill ropm chairs. 487-5942, after 5 p/n. 3-12-2 DISTRIBUTING 316 North Cedar. COWL FEMALE NEEDED. Haslett Arms. $80.75. Close. Winter, person. 332-1946. 1-11-27 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Market. C-2-11-27 OpcojJ TWO FEMALES. Own rooms. SANSUI 3300 AM-FM Stereo Nice roommates. 351-2312. MALE STUDENTS, single rooms in sale! Brand new portables $49.95. Co-ed house. $65. Country OWN ROOM in house. Close to ROOM NOW. Cooking, parking, receiver. Sansui E est Lansing. Parking. QS-500 rear FISHER RC80, 3-12-2 oobiah. 655-2060.5-11-27 campus. $80/month. 332-3670. $70. Close. 676-4004. After Refrigerator. 332-5791. 6-12-6 $5 per month. Large selection of channel amp. Sony TC8W deck. Dolby^] 5-12-5 4 30. 332-6990. 3-11-27 reconditioned used machine!. 8 track tape recorder. Dual 1215 $9o/offer. i ONE MAN needed immediately for OWN ROOM 4 in Singers, Whites, Necchis, New 482-9626, days. 3-12-2 | good house. -S changer. Mid-Michigan's finest quiet, comfortable apartment, close to campus. $100 / month, heat / water included. 351-7539. Sublease, winter, spring. Good people. Close. 351-8571. 5-11-27 NEEDED: LIBERAL roommate. Own room, $70. Close. GIRLS: DOUBLE rooms dormer sleeping area, sorority house. Close to campus. $425 to rent, For Sale ](5) Homes and many others. $19.95 to $3935. Terms. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 EDWARDS selection of used equipment. Cer tape systems stereo 5-12-4 332-3672. 3-12-2 North new and used, $10 - up. New per term. Call 332-3551 daytime HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand Washington. 489-6448. C-3-11-27 Robyn CB sets and walkie I - FIVE BEDROOM furnished house. or 482-9511 evenings. 8-12-6 Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. Buy - Sell Trade - ONE NEEDED for 3 woman OKEMOS AREA. 4 bedroom older talkies. 50 used winter coats, full line of supplies apartment on Burcham. Call One - year lease desired, security home. Ideal for students. $200 882 3022. 30-12-3 STEREO - EXCELLENT leathers and mocoats. WILCOX MID MICHIGAN STAMPll L deposit required. $325 / month. QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and 332-8884. 5-12-4 per month plus utilities. No SECONDHAND STORE, 409 South Francis. 351-8614. lease. Call 332-4128, EAST reasonable. Board at Triangle APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM condition. Kenwood 7002; Dual 485-4391. Hours: 9-5:30, daily 1880 HASLETT Rd. 3324F 5-11-27 ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of 1219; Teac 1250 (auto • MOVE AROUND LANSING REALTY COMPANY. Fraternity. Call 332-3563. except Sunday. C-8-11-29 a lot? The Mason on Hull Road. Hours, 9-5. reverse); Rectilinear III "Service" columns of the Want TWO ROOMS in house. $57. 7-12-6 8-12-6 Closed Mondays. Gift packages Lowboys; Myostatic tweeters. SKIS, YAMAHA, 190cm, All Rn) FRUIT BASKETS 1/2 • 1 peck never i Ads help you get things done. All or separately. 351-1070. Available 12-1. Ten minutes to VERY COMFORTABLE. Excellent shipped by United Parcel. December 3 - December 13, 339-9277. 7126 Check there now. campus. 484-5267. 4-T1-27 location. Clean, linens, parking, 1 589-8251.0-11-27 1-1J-27 lobby Horticulture Building. Orders begin November 25. MARANTZ 1030 amplifiv. APARTMENT OKEMOS, main friendly atmosphere. A real deal I ENGAGEMENT - WEDDING rings. SKI EQUIPMENT - slightly used, than year old. corner, furnished 3 rooms, ONE FEMALE needed. Nice house. SINGLE ROOM for male. Large 351-3212. 5-12-2 includes skis, boots, poleS| $75. $175. Crystal service, $50. 337-9516, 337-1139, MSU $135. Excellent condi $175 nn,| 240 Oak Hill. Share room now house. Excellent 484-6302 after 6 pm. 5-12-3 Horticulture Club. 7-12-6 utilities, couple. $150 a month. location, .5-11-27 351-6560. 3-12-2 349-2313. 7-11-27 through Summer. $60 monthly kitchen, parking, laundry. ROOM IN house available now, $60 plus utilities. Call Karen, 332-1918. 3-11-27 includes utilities. House FOR SALE: firewood, 4x8 stack, BUNDY SAXOPHONE, 7 yeers, 355-4968. 5-12-2 CONN - FRENCH horn, excellent PANASONIC AM/FM ste privileges. Call 484-6419, $25, delivered. Call 676-4375. $150. Ski boots Teanus Men's 6. FURNISHED ONE bedroom condition. For more information cassette. Must sell Best I IN LANSING, on busline. 4 afternoons and evenings. 5-12-3 Rieker ladies 6W. 351-1755. apartment to sublease, close to call 651-5030. 5-11-27 332-3169.5-12-4 LARGE HOUSE for 4 persons. bedroom house. Suitable for 2-11-27 • 5-12-4 campus. Heat paid, pet allowed, $250 plus utilities. Available several men or women. $250 SCHWINN 10-speed. Excellent $194, available for winter term. WHIRLPOOL WHITE, automatic YAMAHA LESLIE 1 November 30. 393-0445. plus deposit. 393-7839, condition. Brand FENDER PRECISION Bass with Call weekdays. 337-9484. . THERE'S A roomer in town dishwasher, like new. 6 months. new. $100. RA200. $1500 new. 5-11-27 485-1302. 3-11-27 351-1078. 5 12 3 case. Brand new. Best offer 7-11-27 looking for your rental. $125. 349-9225.5-11-27 $1000. Perfect < 332-2831.4 11-27 Advertise vacancies with Want 351-7687. 5-12-3 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED ROOMMATE NEEDED - EAST HEAD 660's, 205cm, Nevada Gran LANSING, girl to share Ads. Dial 355-8255. PRIVATE SHOWING. Exquisite apartment, 5 blocks from male/female. Furnished 2 Prix FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. beautiful home with mother and bindings, Scott poles, Lange RENTAL VACANCY? campus. Sublease winter, spring. bedroom. 215 Lathrop. All 7 year old. Phone 332-0981. Indian Turquoise Jewelry. Standard Boots, sizs 10M. $100. Workbenches, steel barrels and j 489-0328 for details. 6-8 pm message gets to p 351-3188.10-12-3 utilities. $90 monthly. 5-12-2 8-12-6 Also car - top carrier, $25. Call many other itmes. 882-2555. only. 5-12-2 low-cost Want Ads. I 349-2775. after 5:30 3-12-2 0-3-11-27 place y J pm. 355-8255 now to DIE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★Save Time * Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Apothecary Barter Shop Counseling For Sale Optometrist Stereo Repair Personal records for PROBLEM PREGNANCY patient or physician 372-1560 24 Hours DR. D.M.DEAN UNION use 3d party pay welcome crutches, BUILDING ' MARITAL PROBLEMS? Discount on $25 OPTOMETRIST wheelchairs - rented or NEED TO TALK? Purchase. WttLli.« BARBER sold PROFESSIONAL AUDIO VISION CARE SHOP CATHOLIC Stuffed REPAIR Animals Our CONTACT LENS Specialty SOCIAL time professionally • fiULLIVER STATE DRUG 8 - 5i30 Mon. - Frl. Toy Village SERVICES ' Complete Test 1105 East Grand River 332-2011 By Appt. 355 - or Walk in 3359 j SERVICES 'Can Help' Tall 3724020 3105 W.Saginaw IV7 - 0851 "The Big White House 332 6563 Co^UU OnTheHUV Proiotiw Car Wash jewelry For Salt EYarnrs Travel THE COMPLETE CAMPUS i Now Hear This WASHDAY WEDDING SERVII Ik From The Top JEWELRY: OrmpBW CAS 'W WASH Hinge At The SAVINGS ColdMiA Store With Art i 248 W. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, Mich. The Red Door! 25' Per Load IMPORTED iTIONS "A Clean Car Rides Better" Pipes WEMDROW'S COLLEGE TRAVEL 'Cigars BRETT'S PRINTING "Cigarettes ECONOWASH OFFICE SERVICE ABOUT THE *Tobaccos Your Service will Sell Fast 130 W. Grand River 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE JJWUH* ¥4 ' 337-9331 Block One M.A.C. Special Texas In The Yellow Page. 489-2687 YELLOW PACE 332 4269 Washer 50c East Lansing 'Traditional and Customized 24 Hrs. 355 - 8255 Michelle 351-6010 invitations. open a day 355-8255 Shoe Sera "THE TRAVEL •One day service available. *T5T w irfcn ~ PROFESSIONALS!" oTHhi Auto Service Registry $19.2 Million was spent by Horstmver's YOU CAN'T AFFORD THE ART WORKSHOP Typing Service Jacobson's rui - ■ BUD'S students last year on auto to miss out on the * Special Occasion J maintenance and Sugar House Cartooning TYPING BRIDAL REGISTRY A Wide Selection ofW»°l AUTO PARTS, transportation. * Audio-Visual Aides LOWER LEVEL RINGS wl,h , I Bee Supplies Raw Honey * Papers Theses Visit our complete shops Enchanting BRIDE and GROOM. De|l|"« I■ WHY MISS OUT ON THEIR that students spent last year Brochures Pamphlets INC. Maple Syrup on drycleaning and laundry. " - Dissertations for the home- and take advantage Charts and Graphs BUSWESS???? in my of our Bridal Registry Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, * home. LATE MODEL Michigan One mile south of CALL NOW!!! Thesis drawings FINE JEWELRY Downtown Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left Electric Type - Elite Free MOTORS AND Advertise Now. 355-8255 CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. * Graphics STREET FLOOR Paring PARTS A SPECIALITY i. Monday - Saturday 5 or 355 - 8255 michelle Reasonable Rates Precious Stones Serving w"oVMrt I 694-2154 call 882-?011. Call 349 3417 Pick Up and Beautifully Set and Halfway between Holt A Delivery Bands for Bride A Groom Mason M. Cedar CALL 655 1611 CoMseliig on HAVE Miielrlst Sports Equipment or 655-1542 Barter Shop Bridal Shops SOMETHING CO-OflKAL THE BARBERS Unisex Hairstyling mm FOR SALE7 THE YELLOW SERVICES (East Lansing's Only Hockey Equipment & PUT YOUR AD WHERE THE Jacobson's formal WE* TWO CONVENIENT CENTER. Dr. Cooperative Optical) R. C. Minor, Optometrist Bicycles *s an outstanding * ABORTION PACE WILL SELL # EYES EXAMINED WANTERS selection of LOCATIONS • CONTRACEPTION * COUNSELING IT FOR YOU!!! • GLASSES Puck And govvns Meridian Mall: • STERILIZATION ARE! I! traditional and 349 2760 Services CALL 355-0255 •CONTACT LENS Pedal Pre Shop avante garde GYN Clinic Call Now Lansing: Speakers Available 1226 E. Michigan Ave. NOW. 1131 E.Grand River 482 2420 Lansing 485 3271 ■rookfiela Plaza 355-8255 Bridal Salon >M1 W. Saginaw, 113 Washington 351 5330 Second Level (in Kositchek's) CALL 355-8255 NOW Lansing MI42I7 Michelle CLIP SAVE oyember27 .^Hdugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, November 27, 1974 ]5 .S*]® LosUfmi J [ Real Estate )[«] Ikon F 35mm camera, LOST: RING in Sports Unit to reconsider SIRS plan Arena, Tn Pellix, Mamiya-Sekor Saturday. Initials C.W. Reward STOCK mark-et n, MARKET Hot *ou down? fcTL, Canon FTB, Petri 361-3041.1-11-27 Mta,e " an T w(th standard and investment. I can show you land to lens. Super 8mm LOST: MALF cJt, °r income Pr0P«r'iM that are equipment. Swift Salt-p^per answer I T'0" Pl8CW f°r "»"* ""ring By BRUCE RAY WALKER added on the floor. not help if the student access the _late 400 microscope. State News Staff Writer Smith called the addition of ByLaws for Academic Other members of the Km anlarger - $49.95. the access issue to the issue continues to stay in this Governance that would have 1,min miracord 60HII Against its wishes, the document. Unless you abolish council defended the Senate, document last spring "a abolished the 2,400 member Tb,e. Kenwood KR5150 349 2529 H.D.I. Educational Policies the Academic Senate we'll calling it "the only true forum REALTORS, Committee (EPC) misguided attempt to piggy - just Senate. Jo receiver, Sansui QR4500 FOUND BLACK male angora cat, in was forced back too many additional be spinning our wheels." where the out." faculty, can speak | receive' AR2X speakers yesterday's Academic And that is just what Perlstadt said the inabilty of l^nents. Kingleather size waterbad, CAII 5-12-2 "SsTlftrS TAKJ A c,OM.1ook 8t ,h* things around your home 900d you no Council meeting to more the Student accept once Instructional purposes on a document unsuited to carry them." someone tried to do a few minutes later — abolish the the Senate to amend a coats, ski longer document before them turns Perlstadt's amendment ns use. Sell them with a Rating System (SIRS) proposal Questions Academic Senate. the Senate was Ice boat, barber cm nun FOUND: LAST i * r-r want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. for further consideration. were raised on meetings into a defeated, as well , Friday. Female the legality of a committee as another i merchandise In the resolution that sent Harry Perlstadt, asst. debate where "rhetorical skills effort to limit Senate Siemese near Albert and „. power by Leed Check us out, you 337"7125- C-3-12-2 Bailey IF YOU have the know-how. Want the proposal back to the dictating what it would accept professor of sociology, are paramount and legislative requiring a 20 per cent Senate Iroove on our honest down Ads have the job. Check there the issue of student access EPC, and then the student introduced an amendment to action is negated." quorum for action. Eth used equipment, prices. FOUND: GREY and white* SIRS forms was kept alive to representatives called for and [KEB & DEAL cat c"' , resolution ordering the EPC to by a were granted an unprecedented JiNDHAND STORE, )701 1 Hwrmin IB return five - minute recess to caucus J, Cedar. 487-3886. Monday the proposal with at the statement. Mitchell over denies ■Friday til 9 pm. Tuesday, least one proposal for student Tnesday, Thursday and ay 9-6. C-3-11-27 '°ss.°snsrsK Street Lansing. Call 4874509. sKcuTrr ■ rravris access. Early in the meeting, Chitra After Raymond, caucusing, student Brain HARRINGTON, 351-8800 Smith, chairman of the EPC, representative from the College Lead Competition Giant C-3-11-27 read the council of Social 210cm. Spalding PF LOST: 1 minature a prepared Science, moved that y 205cm. Call after 5:30 &93-0487. 3-11-27 Schnauzer, small male, light gray, no collar Amnr. .o "CM.." R,„»d. . .PT TirJcrc L'" hT'CK 5 F°Ur c C,°'« "T 7 7 ' statement saying the EPC would accept the referral of SIRS proposal to it only on the the EPC be forced to take the SIRS proposal and have it ready for the March meeting of Nixon's fitness |00D 6004 amplifier, -i49:!895:6:"'27 certain conditions. the council. Lr PL-12 turntable, brand These conditions were that WASHINGTON (AP) - The doctors said their ■ Shure n, cartridge. Excellent $300 firm. 489-9664. F°Dur?ndY°Al£rt,estal0"^f.Sm,er' 355-5250 332 3214 P*clcag»$ Sugarloaf. Ski Austria $to^ch^and $377, Ski the council would have to clearly understand that the Smith still guarantee that the EPC would would not Former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell denied anew from the report trial. was confidential for the his defense by telling the jury that Haldeman knew very little come about Watergate until former B-3 C-3-12-2 Utah at $285, March 13 through EPC was unlikely to up with anything witness stand Tuesday that he 21. For more information change radically different or Testifying in his own behalf White House Counsel John W. significantly the substance of authorized the break in and at the f - Watergate coverup trial Dean Ill's disclosures [.I 2SEARS built - in, never Personal IfT) / contact Four Seasons's Club, 'ocated its original recommendation, acceptable to the Academic bugging of Democratic party Mitchell said that at three on March years old, model. Self L at OkemosWaatharvane. Senate. 21, 1973. "£-_ 349-1020.2-12-2 and that it was likely to excise headquarters in the Watergate. meetings in January, February Wilson g rotisserie, automatic, said that there is $300 or best offer. provisions of the SIRS In Meanwhile, three and March, 1972, he rejected o. FREE an exchange with cardiovascular specialists said very little on the White House 80.3-11-27 A lesson in complexion MAKE FIRST impressions countl proposal added on to it on the plans for political espionage. Raymond, Smith said: "All the ... care. Call 484 4519 East A Council floor last spring. This Tuesday they had reached a He said when the plan was Watergate tapes that show good ad in the hours of work we've Haldeman "in the role of a Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing "EMPLOYMENT" section ,will would include put into unanimous decision on imals W Mall. MERLE COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-11-27 NORMAN get you, the workers you need. access to SIRS forms that the student was this thing or all the hours put into it in the future will we whether former President Richard M. Nixon is fit to presented to him at the first meeting on Jan. 27, he thought that "the matter was turned planner," "more and that he was frequently in the role of testify at the Watergate off and aborted." He said he a reporter telling Mr. Nixon ■OBERMAN Pinschars. AKC. what he recently learned or Ired male, one ihildren. black female, Must sacrifice. Best STUDENT LOANS [ Service ](*§ coverup trial, but they declined to announce it. told the plans' Gordon Liddy, "to take his author, G. had been told, not what he knew or participated in." I 371-3722. 6-11-27 ALL Undergraduate ASMSU charts out and bum them." loam should have been The lawyer for Mitchell also paid At the second back by Friday, November 22. TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, meeting with ■ long-HAIRED gray male Penalties and hold cards are oiled and adjusted. Portables Liddy, on Feb. 4, Mitchell said painted his client as an ■ Call after 5 pm, 332-6718. I2 now applied to all paid by such time. loans not $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric $12.50. One day service, free pick up and delivery. 25 years New housing he disposed of the matter by "turning it off directly." innocent man, misled by others. In his At the third opening statement |N RETRIEVERS - lots of experience. 393-9774. meeting on TRUMP - tastefully tart music for March 30, he said the plan was Monday Mitchell's attorney, |ie$, AKC champ bloodline. 0-18-11-27 fc39-9907. 3-11-27 loME, SPRINGER Spaniel, all occasions 6:30 p.m. BI-6-12-6 353-2841 after PHOTOGRAPHY finest - ALL varieties, quality, reasonably priced. Announcements for It's What's Happening must be received in the State News office, 341 Student News and information with music, music, music! We're WTVR broadcasting in the Union, Monday option opened presented again, this time by his deputy at the Nixon re election committee, Jeb Stuart - William G. Hundley, said the former attorney general was a fall guy whose "loyalty and THE ALOHA Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least belief in his president" BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. through Friday. Listen! kept | type, AKC, Available for two class days before publication. (continued from page 1) Magruder, who had also been 1 487-8784, evenings. M 'DUFFY' 482-5712. C-11-27 No announcements will be by phone. accepted If studying with music in the background is your thing, do it in still "With the mixed floors at the first two meetings. Mitchell said the political him from blowing the whistle on the transgressions of the FOR THE BEST Service on stereo the Union, to WTVR, the sound a relatively new option, Nixon White House. Personally Autographed Married Housing residents: of we are limited in expanding espionage was the last of some equipment see the STEREO the Union. 30 or 40 papers presented to lie Homes (*§ 205 Ann 351-1911 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-11-27 watch the Video to 11 p.m. every Workshop from 7 Sunday channel 21. Stop by the Married on cable in All those needing moral the support more women he said. to men's floors," him by Magruder and that it was described as a Dr. Charles A. Georgetown, University, head Hufnagel of eternal fight against With of the court - appointed team llTIC. 1967. 10x60. Housing Office if interested in collectivism are invited to single undergraduates "modification of the Liddy meet of physicians, said their helping. with moving into a married housing lushed, clean, many extras, Peanuts Personal the MSU Libertarian plan." Ling. $2,900. 641-6226. I ffi The Self Help group will meet at Alternatives at 8:30 tonight in area for the first time in MSU "As I recall, I threw it back examination of Nixon on 1-3 CI 12 Wells Hall. history, Underwood said the Monday took about an hour. 8:30 tonight in the Women's Center to Magruder and said, 'Not "We met with and examined SIGMA CHIS, You located in the Union UN Lounge. A time for University would be able to gave me a sharing and discussing again,' and thought that was Mr. Nixon with his consent and IRAILER, 10x10 shed. Close fantastic serenade. Love, Phi Mu. WAKE UP SERVICE - you call us at noon today in 6 Student Services experiment with new ideas for the end of that," Mitchell said. ■ MSU and shopping. Bldg. with the brown bag lunch for living options. cooperation," he said. ■8009.6-12-6 1-11-27 and we'll call 882-9776 after 6 p.m. 3-1 ?2 youl Call " iwittSffiiaia.. ~ returning women students 25+.- "SponsoreJ by**TVomen's"Resfeurce .'Mil* gat a chance to see how the two groups mingle, which was The 61 - year - old Mitchell the first of the "five" A&ked about Nixon's mood, Before You COMPLETE THESES, Service Canter. 157 Student Syrvjcj^Bldg. cOutt lead to living options for defendants charged with Hufnagel said, "I think that afl relates to the medical situation, Leave... IF YOU NEED some extra money, Discount Printing. IBM typing singles, permanently, in the conspiracy to obstruct justice sell some extra things with to go on the witness stand. and I consider it confidential." and binding of dissertations and Communicate with the Universal married housing area," he said. Place a Classified Ads. Dial 355 8255. publication. Across from Source - visually, audibly, and/or He was relaxed, in good He said the written report 1 FIND SOMETHING clairsensitivity. Meet the Self Currently, no unmarried humor and answered questions will be delivered to U.S. M.A.C. Special - campus, corner and students are permitted to live Awareness i/OU'VE found a pet or Grand River. Below Jones Fellowship at 7:30 rapidly in a low voice and District Court Judge John J. Be of value, we want to help ■return It. Just coma into the Christmas Instruction )[•▼) Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - Friday. Call COPYGRAPH tonight in 310 Agriculture Hall. in married housing, single parents with though one or more without hesitation. Earlier H. R. Haldeman's Sirica on Friday, the day it is due. fte News Classified Greeting GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and drum SERVICES, 337-1666. C-11-27 Squanto is impressed by the Gay children are able to live there. lawyer said that the former Nixon's ftftment and tell us you want Thanksgiving "These are divorced, attorney has ■place ad in with a lessons. Private instruction IF YOU'RE one of the best, tell the the office potluck menu. Call widowed or never married White House chief of staff "did contended that the former an EAST to coordinate food available. MARSHALL MUSIC, not enter into ■SING STATE BANK'S Peanuts 351-7830. C-1-11-27 public about your service or bringing and for directions. Dinner starts at 1 p.m. on parents who, with their a conspiracy did not intend to enter into ... president is still too weak to fed Column. As a public business with an ad on the Thanksgiving. children, constitute a family," a give testimony in the coverup b EAST LANSING STATE Personal Yellow Page each Thursday, Call Bickenbach said. conspiracy" to cover up the trial of five of his former BOARD EXAM TUTORING Ik will run the ad at no cost for details turn to p. 13 Michelle, 355-8255. Your Other Watergate affair. political associates. It is up to STANLEY H.KAPLAN body is the temple of the than transferring Holy Spirit which is in you (I Cor. John J. Wilson, Haldeman's Sirica to decide whether Nixon TUTORING COURSES from a residence hall, TO KAREN (?) from Portage. Call EXPERT TYPING theses, papers, 6:19). Understand Him and let Him single 73 - year old lawyer, opened must Now, being formed for the general work. Call Carolyn, work in women students are otherwise • testify. Mark Zimmer (Vet.) from your life with the upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, 332-5574. 6-12-6 Yahshuans. Free lectures are at barred from living in married Portage. 3-12-2 ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For 8:30 p.m. Thursday and at 3 informatifan call 1 -313-2 p.m. housing, he said. Sunday in 34 Union. Women who wish to apply starlTte 0-1-11-27 EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM Selectric, term papers, theses, for the married student general typing. 371-1115. The University Duplicate Bridge apartments should contact U S. 27 WEST OF WAVERLY (inM Smfollal 3-11-27 Club will be holding regular games at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday on the second floor of the Union. their residence hall manager. Phone 372-2434 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. HISTORIC TYPING, EXPERIENCED, Fast Dissertations (pica - elite). Want to and reasonable. 371-4635. FAYANN, 489-0358. C-11-27 system and beat the landlord's UAW brings WANT AD C-11-27 tenant? You become a winning can try with WILLING TO stand out in the "Exploitation," an original game SELLS EXPERIENCED, TYPING term crowd? Then check the designed by the Tenants' Resource Center now on sale at our office, damage lawsuit papers, theses, etc. Rapid, outstanding autos in today s STRANGE accurate service. 394-2512. Classified Ads. 855 Grove St. COMBINATION C-11-27 The Intergalactic Corporation against group THESES, RESUMES, typing and for Public Nonsense holds its PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate, DETROIT - printing. Reasonable prices. President's Birthday Revels and G. (UPI) - The inexpensive typing. Very near COMMERCIAL PRINTING. K. Chesterton Centenary Croquet United Auto Workers union This Want Ad appeared in campus. 337-7260. C-11-27 351-4116. C-11-27 Game at 7:30 tonight. Contact a 1754 Philadelphia news has filed a multimillion dollar - Kevin Wilkinson in Snyder Hall for paper. IRENE ORR details. damage lawsuit against the U.S. - Theses, term papers, TYPING - 2 blocks campus. Labor party, contending the general typing. Formerly with Electric. Fast. Term papers, Applications for the position of Labor party has intentionally Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. RHA treasurer can be picked theses. 332-8498. 7-12-6 up in interfered with C-11-27 the UAW's 323 Student Services Bldg. The It was not unusual tor early position representational capacity. requires minimal American tradesmen to sell wallpaper as a sideline. TYPING, ELECTRIC machine, fast, accurate and experienced. [ Transportation ]§§ bookkeeping. An ability to handle responsibility and deal with people is essential. Steve Schlossberg, the union's chief counsel, said the Applications are due suit was filed Thursday in 372-4746; 8-12^ Dec. 6. FLORIDA RIDERS needed - Southern District Court in New ANN BROWN typing and multilit* leaving December 11, returning Union Activities Board will hold York. offset printing. Complete service Dec. 22. Call Grand Rapids, for dissertations, theses, its Grand Annual Christmas Flea * Besides seeking damages 1-616-453-5956. 5-12-3 Market and Art Fair on Dec. 7 and manuscripts, IBM. 349-0850. C-11-27 25 general typing. years experience. GOING SOUTH over Christmas 8 on the second floor of the Union. from the Labor party, the suit asks that the Labor party be served with a* GEORGEC.SCOI I□ bretfk? expenses. Need passenger, share Leaving December 9, Dr. June Goodfield will "Changing One's Profession at 48" speak on an prevent it from calling its injunction to ■THE DAY-im DQLPHjNB ' How to form your otm car l>()()l enroute 1-75, Atlanta Georgia. at a Faculty Women's Assn. luncheon at noon, Dec. 4, in the publication "New Solidarity." For interview, call Bonny, The UAW publication is Kellogg Center Big lansing Ten Room. As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide 332-1281. X-3-12-2 Make reservations with Dr. Teresa called Solidarity. Schlossberg a free classified advertisement for those people who would like Bernardez, 222 E. Fee Hall. said the use of the name "New „ to set up or join Wanted Solidarity" by the Labor party :ln S CEDAR ST NEAR JOLLY F a car pool. Bureau for Handicapped causes confusion Students on campus will present a among UAW Driving? or Riding? program at the Council for membership. COMIC, BOOKS, icianca fiction, Exceptional Children's meeting at 8 "We, in no way, want to From to baseball cards wantad. p.m. Monday in 111 Bessey Hall. interfere with this group's right Students, faculty, guests all CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, of free speech," Leaving a.m. Returning 307 East Grand Rivar. welcome. said. He Schlossberg p.m. declined further Phone 332-0112, (11:30 - 6 pm.) Women! Are you interested in comment. Time? 12-11-27 working cooperatively with other A spokesman for women to produce a community The State News will not accept responsibility for radio show? The Women's Media the Labor party in Detroit, BEATLE CARDS, magazines itams arrangements or Collective, which produces Andrew Rothstein, charged the conduct of participants. wanted. CURIOUS USED "Woman's Voice," offers a suit The information requested below must was just continued be supplied .n order BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand supportive environment for women harassment by the UAW for ad to Rivar. 332-0112. (11:30 -6 pm) to speak out, and/or to gain media appear. 8-11-27 against their recruitment experience. Join us at our new Full Name 1 — : meeting time at 7:30 tonight in the efforts among workers. Women's Center, in the Union UN Address Car Pool Lounge. City Phone Women I Why not get free radio tam to] exposure for your literary and musical talents? You deserve it! "This coupon may be brought in or mailed to. Car Pool The Women's Media Collective, Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone FROM FRANDOR to St. Joe and would like to put your talents on the air! Phone the new Women's accepted. Waverly. Leaving 6:30em, Center in the Union and leave your returning 4:30 or 5:30 pm. name, or write us in care of WKAK NO CHARGE _ 332-8143. 3-12-3 •AM, MSU. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. No,tn. :f-£ ^ f| East Lansing buses set Wl. to run free for 6 week lnJ3l .1 t-— -«-? inn By JOE KIRBY State News Stiff Writer The city's Mass Transit Committee, which had Charles Downs, of the Mass Transit Committee, said the available in Pjlsl Saturdays. , ^ . I I There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, but for six weeks originally come up with the plan, wis told to talk to the committee is interested in citizen reaction to the getting program City council hi, 25fl i\ Ytf# ^ Kast Lansing residents will have free bus service. merchants and work out these problems. and the routes. The plan is only Kr^ r 5 "7:1'I 1 1 ~ ' ~ Just in time for Christmas Ther merchants agreed to but there is some temporary, possibility shopping, the free service will pay the additional $15 that thS that this plan or some other fit _ ![ IJ begin this Saturday and city had refused to pay. After a program could continue the ~ ~ "^IjSSij J) LjS continue until Jan. 4. The first few modifications in the route, Saturday service. There is [55 j. I'"" » bus of the day will leave the plan was ready to go. currently no bus service CK— - - 1 I i Frandor shopping center at 10 a.m. The last bus of the day will leave Meridian Mall at -HSC J/-~ li?*1 i !-h>-u; i': about 6 p.m. The program will cost $400 State Senate a day. The cost will be split between the city and collection merchants at Meridian Mall, Meijers Thrifty Acres and Frandor on shopping center. The Central East Lansing i $ Business Assn. had also been By United Press International eliminate collection practices anonymous phone am. • asked to participate in the The such /yfc state Senate adopted as midnight harassing The legislation's " program, but refused because legislation Monday aimed at phone calls, letters from requirements wsf of lack of funds. thwarting unscrupulous collection agencies .on an collection agencies , , The participating merchants collection agencies that harass attorney's stationery and Hanks, trust companies- had originally requested that debtors with midnight phone phone calls to a debtor's >A. the city pay $165 a day. But calls and phony letters. employer. and loan associations aid, estate brokers are the city council balked at It adopted the bill on a 31-0 Also outlawed would exemf be paying that large a portion and vote and returned it to the misrepresenting the legal status also dissatisfied with the Violators would be was House where Final legislative of an action being taken to fines of up to $10 original route. approval 001) was expected as early against the debtor, and year in jail. Council members thought as today. the route would not bring "It protects debtors from enough people into downtown shopping areas, and the unscrupulous collection practices carried on in Air mailreol requested that some changes be Michigan for the last several HOPE (UPI) - Mr. and Mrs. years, often by firms from out Dale Brown received a postcard Michigan community After some debate the of state," said Sen. William to three deflated this week from a Wisconsin council gave the plan tentative Faust, D - Westland, the bill's balloons. approval with the stipulation schoolgirl via a special kind of The postcard was sponsor. airmail. pan that the route be changed and Faust said the bill, which project launched Sept. 20 The couple found the fifth grade class at that the city only pay $150 a requires collection agencies to postcard in the back yard of Mitchell School in West" day. be licensed by the state, would their home in this central Milwaukee suburb. Black leaders ask BELL'S Dem representation By United Press International Black walked out of an earlier Kansas PIZZA leaders called on City meeting of Democrats Michigan Democrats Sunday to over the issue. support assure a system that would minorities of fair the The black leaders urged that caucus position on One of representation at national affiimative action be party conventions without "mandatory" quotas. endorsed. Detroit Mayor Coleman A. a kind But opponents, led by U.S. Y oung said this assurance Rep. James O'Hara, D - Mich., should be given to minorities argued that any semblance of because they form the one the quota system would divide 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 faction of the party that has Democrats the way it did in Open 11 a.m. everyday consistently supported the 1972. candidates at the ballot box. Free Delivery State party chairman Morley Winograd rejected a motion that a vote be taken on the black caucus position among the 70 Michigan delegates to the Dec. 6 to 8 Democratic Charter Convention in Kansas City. The delegates met in Lansing Sunday to discuss the various recommendations on minority representation that have circulated since members of the national black caucus Garble, ROCK n STEREO IOI 6:05 to midnight garble. JPZZ t ROCK n STEREO midnight to 6»00 If that's how your radio or music system sounds, get rid of the turkey. Buy a better system at The Annual Tech Hifi Thanksgiving Sale. This UJILS-Fm STEREO IOI.7 week! • e PROGRESSIVELY BETTER •• [techhrn WEDNESDAY SPECIAL UNTIL 10 P.M. FISH All You Can Eat! Fish, Ranch Fries & Cole Slaw! *1.79 CHRISTMAS Get Lunch Special rid of Mggp] Santa and the Santa Claus parade at the Meridian Mall. This Friday Santo XA lb. Hamburger 0 comes to town, arriving by dog sled and surrounded by twelve giant anm SHOPPING CENTER characters, Ronald McDonald, the Big Boy and So - Slow the clown. your & Chicken Noodle $1.49 Soup East Grand Rrver The parade starts at noon and ends at Santas Reindeer Forest when and Marsh Road Santa will greet all his Turkey. Kirk Entertains Tonight! neighbors throughout the Holiday season. Be att parade Friday where all of Santas Utile friends will receive free candy. "East Lansing's Neighborhood Bar" balloons and Santa Buttons. Christmas is the Santa Button tradition. Four years ago we created Ie OPEN THANKSGIVING Santa Button. Because we The Annual Tech Hifi Thanks¬ believe that Santa will live as long as there is