By PAT NARDI against. Adam son said art students need to use incidents. State Newt Staff Writer The no trespassing order has provoked the welding torches, ceramic wheels and "I want to bring home to the students After three separate incidents of anger from several art students who say other supplies, especially during the final that they must also have a sense of vandalism in Kresge Art Center within the they need the building facilities late at week of classes. responsibility for the building and this last two weeks, the Art Dept. chairman night this week to finish up end of term She said art students would protest by senseless vandalism must stop," he said. has declared the building off limits to projects. building snow sculptures outside Kresge at Even though Kresge Art Center is everyone between midnight and 7 a.m. for two supposed to be closed after midnight, nights. Magnus said the Art Dept. ordinarily Signs posted in the building "This is say any an unfair to deal with the vandalism problem. allows students to work on their projects Closing way of trespassers found between those hours last night and tonight could be arrested. Gerard Magnus, professor and of the Art chairman Closing the building may be his way of slapping hands, but he is really shpping 600 hands when he doesn't know who did it." then for their own convenience. Sometimes artists get brainstorms at Dept., said this order was a Barbara Adamson, art student night and need to use the building, Magnus punitive measure. It was said. Often times the facilities are prompted by angers art vandalism in which several locks faculty office doors were dissolved and destroyed by a strong type of epoxy glue. on "This is an unfair way to deal with the vandalism problem," said Barbara 12:01 this morning. overcrowded during the day. students who have jobs during the day find that the only chance to do their art Some "If we can't work inside, we'll work projects is late at night, he said. Campus police suspected that the most Adamson, a senior art student. "Closing recent incident, which outside!" Adamson said. Magnus said about a dozen students use occurred over the building may be his way of slapping Magnus said he did not mind the snow art facilities after normal hours each night Thanksgiving break, might have involved a hands but he is really robbery motive. A secretary's drawer was slapping 600 hands protest, and would be present for it. during the term. However, during the final when he doesn't know who did it." "I approve of art in any form," he said. forced open but week of classes the number using the nothing was taken. One art student thought the vandalism "This is like an Magnus said he ordered the building each night doubles. elementary school enforcement of the legal closing hours of might have been a prank directed tactic. I know a lot of Magnus said he regrets the closing against people who resent the building last night and tonight as a comes at a bad time in the term, but he professors who someone had a the way we are grudge being treated," she said. direct result of the three vandalism feels it is necessary. 168 NUMBER 245 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 NORMAL ACTIVITIES Snowstorm [Snowfall By JOE KIRBY paralyzes state classes. no to stude barr State News Staff Writer In Jackson County, I - 94 was still closed at noon. In I Activity in the Detroit area froze to a virtual standstill Monday Washtenaw County the same highway was closed to westbound By DENI MARTIN L the wake of one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit the traffic. The Michigan National Guard was called in to assist in State News Staff Writer gtlieastern portion of Michigan. some of hardest hit areas in the state. Through snow drifts, high velocity T Residents of the Motor City tried with little success to dig Col. Albert Powis said troops were called into the Detroit area, winds and falling snow they came, as if selves free from the 19 - inch snow fall which fell Sunday. Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor, Jackson and Monroe County. what was at stake was the knowledge of :al radio stations urged everyone to remain in their homes if "We react to a snow emergency at least once a the universe instead of one day of classes. year in some lossible. part of the state," Powis said. Thousands of students spent much of I The storm broke the December record for a one • day snowfall Powis said the guard assists the county governments, helping Sunday attempting to return to MSU from 1 Detroit of 12 inches set in 1929. Sunday's snowfall fell short with snow removal, evacuating people to shelters with heat and the Thanksgiving weekend during what Kfthe alltime record of 24inches set in April, 1886. food and assisting stranded motorists. Associated Press called the snowstorm of the I Be storm, a combination of raging winds, snow, sleet and icy "Hie operation looks like it's winding down though," Powis century. pin. also struck the eastern portion of the nation Monday from said. Those traveling from northern and ■(Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast. He said the last request for assistance came in at 12:30 p.m. western sections of Michigan faced little I Monday morning, southeastern Michigan was still digging out Monday. delay in their pilgrimage to campus. But le storm. State Police said three major highways - 1 • 75,1 Schools were opened to shelter thousands of stranded for students located in areas east of and I • 96 — remained in poor shape or were impassable. motorists in Jackson, Washtenaw and Monroe counties as the Lansing, the roads were icy and tempers Uudoned cars dotted all major roadways. storm blocked sections of I • 75 and I • 94. were short. I Several colleges, including Wayne State, the University of Not even police patrol cars could get through In those areas to Mary Hoard, 370 Mason Hall, came Bthigan and Wayne County Community College, also canceled (continued on page 7) back to school in a motor home with Ijer parents and two other students. They left Farmington at 3:15 p.m. and her parents didn't arrive home until midnight. "We were scared to death," Hoard said. "My parents were cussing and we were really scared that we'd get stranded somewhere." At one point in their journey the Hoard motor home stopped at a rest area off of I - 96. Hoard said they were nearly forced to spend the night there because of the weather. But they pressed on toward MSU. "Our bravery and our dumb guts made us come back," Hoard said. "It was really a stupid thing to do." Many students were hoping that classes would be canceled Monday. But the University has been closed only once for snow, in 1966, and MSU administrators, basing their decision on reports from the MSU Grounds Dept. and the Weather Bureau, declined to repeat the action. Attendance at Monday morning classes was down significantly in several instances, but most professors went about their business as usual. William Derman, associate professor of anthropology, said about half of the students in his Anthropology 171 class were absent. "I didn't expect many students," I Travelers at Cleveland's Hopkins Airport relax as they wait for the airport crew to clear the runways of snow Abandoned cars along U.S. 23 near Ann Arbor were a common sight Derman said. "I went ahead with my I Monday. Monday morning as hundreds of motorists were stranded over night. lecture because it was the last week of classes and there wasn't much of an alternative." Gary Olson, an associate professor who teaches an introductory psychology- :ood stamp cuts may said attendance was down by 50 hit students course, per cent. "It was pretty sparse," he said. But William Eckberg, a graduate assistant who teaches a 300 level zoology course, said at least 70 to 80 per cent of By STEVEORR Social service departments now face Fix said that losing her food stamps wished to remain anonymous, was also Russia but not to students," he said. the 75 students showed up for class. State News Staff Writer would necessitate "a lot of tightening up" irate about a recent news item which The bill he mentioned would give credit "It was nearly as good as normal," _ problems in determining the financial need l™P°S(,d cutbacks in the federal food of students. at her household, but she will be able to reported that Congress may grant for all goods, including food, in return for Eckberg added. T®P program, Sources of income such as scholarships, get by. unlimited financial credit to the Soviet assured free emigration rights for Soviet Many students still had not returned particularly in those Union. "People who need something are going Jews. from the eastern portion of the state by £"PS to students, could result in government financial aid or wages can Premoval of hundreds of MSU students easily be determined, but it is nearly to be denied it," said another student. He "They are going to give millions of Four other students said they feared Monday afternoon. J®'ne food stamp roles also said something else ought to be cut. dollars to Russia to buy food. That shows Daniel Cody, 476 N. Hubbard Hall, . impossible to find out how much money a they might lose their food stamps if the ■ to Ford Administration announced student is receiving from parents unless The student, an economics junior who where the government is at. They give it to plan is implemented. (continued on page 7) • 26 that it the students volunteer such information. will trim $325 million 'he food The government feels most students stamp budget. Officials said f PW of the savings may come from a whose parents claim them as exemptions Watergate trial requested L1 stamps for "non needy" students • are not financially needy. iJ?Way from home. The crackdown is next March. I een Rein hart, director of Ingham Reinhart said that a year or two ago, Congress attempted to get the same check put into law, but a court injunction recess Minn0'8' serv'ces> said that out of stopped the move. Apparently the Ford WASHINGTON (AP) - John D. Sirica said he had not decided what he The request for a recess took place just lying to a grand jury. Haldeman is charged ,1,000 MSU students who use food Administration is going to try again. Ehrlichman's lawyer asked U.S. District will do and asked all parties to submit prior to former White House aide H. R. with lying to the Watergate committee. L|\s' pt'rhaPs as many as 400 or 500 Reinhart said that if the plan goes Judge John J. Sirica Monday to consider legal briefs by Wednesday morning. Haldeman returning to the witness stand Frates said that on the basis of his Jy1|#oo!T*>onineligible. through. Ingham County would "have no declaring a Christmas recess in the alternative but to follow it." to continue testifying in his own defense. calculations, the trial will run beyond past statements by Watergate coverup trial to delay its Ehrlichman, a former White House Under questioning by his attorney, Christmas. She said there are some student food aide, subpenaed Nixon to testify ■clii nt of^c'a's> those students who completion until former President Nixon as a John J. Wilson, Haldeman denied he ever "No defendant would want this jury to K |med by their parents as exemptions stamp recipients who are not in dire need is well enough to testify. defense witness. Frates said he considers lied to the Senate Watergate Committee. go to deliberate this case on Christmas L^mt tax purposes would be of them, but "in all programs there are William S. Frates made the suggestion the former president's testimony an those people - students and otherwise - Haldeman, Ehrlichman, former Atty. Eve," he said. K r,°m tlle f°°d stamp roles. while submitting a formal request for indispensable part of his client's defense. Gen. John N. Mitchell, former Asst. Atty. who take advantage." BeiJu research by government Reinhart said students consider the permission to take a deposition from Frates suggested that the jurors, who Gen. Robert C. Mardian and Kenneth W. Wilson, on the other hand, said that kpi. ,a's indicated there are many Nixon in California. "certainly by the most rash estimate this "discriminatory." Several MSU have been separated from their families Parkinson, one • time lawyer for the Nixon case should be over, kdo' . at '"d nationwide, move Three court - appointed doctors since Oct. 11, be allowed to go home if a re - election committee, are charged with except for the Nixon students agreed with her. deposition, before the first of the year." «s th C°me from the ,ow "lncome "I'm declared by my father,' said Mary reported to Sirica on Friday that the Christmas recess is called. Asst. Special conspiring to obstruct the investigation of led W f°0d Stamp program was Fix junior, 436 Park I^ne, "but he can't earliest Nixon could give a deposition would be Jan. 6. They estimated he would Prosecutor Richard Ben • Veniste called the Watergate break • in. Sirica then commented that he is *0H' by the Ford Administration afford to give me any money. Just because not be well enough to travel to that suggestion unrealistic. The jury was out of the room Mitchell also is charged with lying to a federal grand jury and the Watergate considering asking the jurors if they would parents declare their children, that doesn t during object to Saturday sessions, starting this Ph*! to take »w«y food stamps Washington before Feb. 16. the discussion. committee. Ehrlichman is charged with week. the parents have money." ese students. mean 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3,197 CALLS PACT A "S U locus: ^ NATION Ford details arms agreement Burton, Anderson get nod WASHINGTON President Ford said Monday (AP) - news conference, Ford said the bombers. The Russians have MIRVs, but they are not to enact his employment assistance program. many citizens and alarms man Vladivostok negotiations with nearly 2,400, which would be operational. more, hopefully, j- night the arms agreement he Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev closest to the agreed ceiling. Ford spelled out the He pleaded with Congress shorter-range evil" House Democrats elected liberal Rep. Phillip Burton thi reached with Soviet leaders last week were "a long step Of this number, the United numbers for the first time "not to add more spending." inflation, Ford said. of California and House Republicans elected moderate allows each nation 2,400 States has 466 bombers, the "Our greatest danger today forward toward peace, on a publicly, though he has briefed Rep. John B. Anderson of Illinois Monday to head their missiles and long-range basis of equality, the only Soviets 140 bombers. members of Congress on the is to fall victim to the more bombers to nuclear The United States currently exaggerated alarms that are He offered respective party caucuses when the new Congress carry basis on which agreement was proposed agreement with the no new pro- warheads. plans to have a total of 1,046 Russians. being generated about the in his prepared convenes in January. possible." statement bt But he said the accord He said he and Brezhnev Multiple Independently Ford addressed domestic underlying health and strength reiterated that Congress mu Rep. John J. Rhodes of Arizona was unanimously re would allow multiple warheads Targetable Re-entry Vehicle issues in the second part of the of our economy," the set on his - elected minority leader. "agreed it is realistic to aim at proposed budget cul on 1,320 missiles of each (MIRV) launchers, with 822 two-part conference. President said in a statement at and a national completing this agreement next employe, Rep. Robert H. Michel of Illinois was elected nation's quota. The agreement year." already in service both on land He called on Congress to act the news conference. assistance act along with othi would run from 1975 to 1985. and on submarines. While recession "is a serious Republican whip, the No. 2 post in that party's The United States now has quickly on his proposed $4.6 measures. In a statement opening a nearly 2,200 missiles and The Soviet Union is testing billion in budget cuts and also threat that already has hurt leadership. Democrats re-elected Rep. Carl Albert of Oklahoma "Action is more helpful t criticism at this speaker of the House without opposition. The speaker's stage, an every week the Congress delr election must be confirmed by the full House, but this is formality. Survey cites sugar price rise Crash site search makes the prospects a bleaker," Ford said. The President litti said, "tim UPPERVILLE, Va. (AP) - Reporters on the scene of Monday morning. Reed and other NTSB swirling around the Blue Ridge are nowhere near despera Sugar price boosts of more than 50 per cent in a Two instruments that may tell the crash in Virginia said parts The voice recorder was officials declined to speculate Mountains. enough to paraphrase Preside month pushed the family grocery bill up in November, the cause of the Ttans World of about 75 bodies had been undamaged but the flight data on the cause of the crash but A downdraft, or air pocket, Franklin D. Roosevelt's?^ offsetting declines in meat and eggs, an Associated Press Airlines crash that killed 92 recovered by Monday recorder had been charred by rallying cry that 'the only thiJ veteran pilots said the plane can cause a plane to drpp marketbasket survey shows. persons were recovered afternoon, but the National the fire that broke out after may have been caught in a anywhere from several hundred we have to fear is fear itsel Monday "from the top of a Transportation Safety Board the crash. NTSB Chairman severe downdraft caused by the to several thousand feet in a Still, it is a good Amstar Corp., the nation's largest cane sugar refiner, John Reed said, however, he thing snow - covered mountain near (NTSB), which is coordinating 50 - mile an hour winds matter of seconds. remember." announced Monday its first reduction iq the wholesale this Virginia community. the search and investigation, expected the data recorder price in more than V/i years. The company cut the Authorities continued, declined to cite a specific would provide needed wholesale price of grocery sugar by $5.20 per 100 meanwhile,their grim search recovery figure. Searchers were information on the plane's last pounds to about $3.47 per five - pound bag. Because of sugar, the total marketbasket bill jumped for the bodies passengers and seven crew members who died when TWA of the 85 hampered by an estimated three inches of overnight and snow that fell during the few minutes of flight. the The data recorder measures plane's altitude, its speed Wilson Hall residents sharply in every city surveyed except Dallas, Texas, Flight 514 slammed into the morning. and heading as well as its rate rising an average of 6 per cent during November. If sugar top of the fog - draped peak The three of descent. The voice recorder engine Boeing suffer break-in losses - was removed from the total, however, the average late Sunday morning during 727 jeUiner crashed into the transcribes the conversation of increase was only seven - tenths of one per cent and the turbulent weather. top of 1,754 - foot Mt. the pilot and flight crew, as bill in six of the 12 cities declined. The accident was the worst Weather in the foothills of the well as the sound of commercial air disaster in the Blue Ridge Mountains during a instruments being clicked on Wilson Hall was the scene of ins were the work of the same when those break United States this year and one wind - driven rain storm. The and off and the sound of a number of break - ins over Oil field mishap leaves 6 dead of two that occurred Sunday. plane ripped through about warning devices. Thanksgiving vacation. A total person or persons or if they occurred. All of the first floor too Three crew members died 200 feet of trees, crossed Reed said the recordings were separately executed. a of six residence hall rooms Residents of suite 211 - 212 were entered An oil field accident has left six men dead, the Sunday when a Northwest paved road and disintegrated would be taken to Washington were broken into. Nearly through windo- E. Wilson Hall suffered the Campus police said the victims of methane gas and crude oil which spewed from Orient 727 jet on its way to when it hit a 10 - foot - high for analysis, and would not be $3,000 worth of possessions burgl stone biggest loss. Stereo equipment, apparently moved up along a ruptured pipeline they were repairing in west - central Buffalo, N.Y. to pick up the outcropping. made public until the NTSB were taken. Part of the calculator and a assorted outside of the building cutt~ Baltimore Colts football team The safety board said both holds its public hearings on the Texas near Abilene. property was recovered. personal objects - valued screens until he or she found crashed near Stony Point, N.Y. the flight data recorder and the air disaster. Those hearings Campus police have no A seventh man, R.D. Penny, crawled from the six - There were no passengers on together at $1,253 - were window that was unlocked. cockpit voice recorder were normally occur about three to suspects in custody. They also taken sometime Thursday. Police said a hall reside- foot excavation where the men were working Sunday that flight. recovered from the wreckage four weeks after the crash. do not know if the six break Those objects, however, - spotted a possible sus night and radioed for help. He was not seriously injured. were recovered the same day. outside a first floor windo Penny said one of the-men slumped suddenly and They were found by a hall Friday, but could offer n resident in a laundry cart, still someone yelled there was gas in the hole. In seconds, the hole where the men were working in Terrorists bomb inside the building. Residents of five first floor description. the 35 - degree weather filled with gas and crude oil. rooms were not so fortunate. The six men, overcome by the methane, slumped into ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia sources said the battle erupted Officials said Still missing from suite 123 - seven were hurt against elements trying to the oil. - 'in (AP) — Terrorist bombs when troops went to arrest an and reported no deaths. 124 W. Wilson Hall are two - oVi¥, ot nosiKi •exploded in a tourist"'"hotel' sabotage and subvert the EtKidpian noble wanted in an Police said a wing believed revolution, both from inside stereos, a television, a and the .City fcall. Monday, alleged fctot against the crowded with office workers refrigerator and a tape player, Gunman surrenders to police causing injuries and possible government. was heavily damaged when a and outside the country. together valued at more than deaths as Ethiopia appeared to There Soldier* patrolled the city, were unconfirmed time bomb went off at the three $1,000. slide toward long - predicted checking identity cards of Television? A would - be robber held several supermarket reports of attempted bomb - story City Hall, which sits were stolen from chaos. attacks elsewhere in Addis passers by. The nighttime 182 and 179 W. Wilson employes at gunpoint for 6V1 hours Monday in San atop a hill overlooking the - rooms Machine gun fire and Ababa's curfew, which has taken effect Hall. Another room had a cut - teeming market place main street. They said six Francisco, surrendering after he was assured his mother grenade blasts were heard from and at the airport, where a at midnight for the past few people were hurt. screen, an apparent break - in would be flown here from Dallas, Tex., police said. an area near the British, Soviet bomb months, was moved up to damaged a fuel depot Across the street at the U.S. attempt. The gunman, identified by police as John Gilliam, and Belgian embassies on the begin at 9 p.m. Saturday night. Another Information Service, the blast It is not known exactly outskirts of the city. Reliable unconfirmed 25, earlier demanded two bottles of wine and safe report said the broke two windows. Two Dutch Ethiopian Wonji sugar - employes passage to a police station, where his alleged robbery were injured by The State Newt Is published by the students ot Michigan plantation about 50 miles from flying glass. State University every class day during Fall, Winter and accomplice was held after unsuccessfully posing as a Addis Ababa was attacked. An A school terms, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, Spring statement by the during Summer released hostage. official spokesman denied all Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Is published In Provisional Military September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. During the long standoff, 25 heavily armed police of them. Administrative Council blamed Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and business offices at 345 Student Serclces and sharpshooters manned positions around the Petrini Police said a bomb left in a the explosions on followers of Bldg., Michigan State An article in Monday's State University, East Lansing, Michigan. 48824. Plaza Market near the Golden Gate Park Panhandle. handbag at the reception desk the deposed feudal nobility POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 News announcing Van Cliburn of the Wabe Shebelle and Student Services Building In care of MSU Messenger Service, East Hotel on relatives of the 60 the Lansing, Ml 48824. as speaker at this term's exploded shortly after noon, former commencement Ethiopian leaders GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER incorrectly causing extensive damage to a executed Nov. 23. ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER stated the day of restaurant and public rooms The council, which ousted PHONE commencement. Graduation and closing the hotel Emperor Haile Selassie three News/Editorial 355-8252 exercises will take place on temporarily. Witnesses said months ago and is holding him Saturday, not Friday as stated four people died at the hotel, in the Grand Palace, said it in the article. and counted 17 injured. would take drastic action COMMUNITY SERVICE Israel mobilizing, guerillas say Palestinian guerillas claimed on Monday that Israel is PROJECT moving troops from the Syrian cease - fire line to the Lebanese border for possible assaults against southern of the College of Guerilla sources said a significant transfer of smaller infantry units from the Syrian front has sparked fears of ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA an Israeli ground offensive in southern Lebanon in OFFERS Urban Development reprisal for stepped - up guerilla raids against Israeli The Maria Leonard Fellowship settlements in upper Galilee. The Aliee Croeker The troop movements have reportedly prompted a Lloyd Fellowship The Adele Hagner Stamp Fellowship strategy meeting by the commanders of Assifa, the The Kathrvn Sisson "Detroit Mini Police Stations" military arm of Yasir Arafat's large A1 Fatah guerilla Phillips Fellowship group, to discuss countermeasures. The Christine Yerges Conaway Fellowship Discussion Meanwhile, the first declaration by a high Israeli The May Augusta Rrunson by official that Israel is capable of moving into the field of Fellowship nuclear arms came Sunday night when President The Fiftieth Anniversary Miriam A. Shelden Fellowship Dr. Louis Ephraim Katzir said Israel has "the potential to produce atomic weapons. If we need it, we will do it." The Tornatzky Gladys Pennington Houser Fellowship Asked if he meant that parts already existed for FOR GRADUATE STUDY weapons, the president replied, "that is difficult to say. Associate Prof, of Urban It is mainly the know - how." 1975-1976 and Metro Studies 20 held in British bombings The National Council of \lpha Lambda Delta announces that the fellowships for graduate study listed above will be awarded for use An unidentified man was charged Monday with the during the 1974-75 academic year. The amount of each fellowship is murder of a British army woman, one of five persons $2,000. Applicants will be judged on academic record, recommendations Tues. December 3 killed in a tavern explosion last October. submitted, the soundness of the proposed project and purpose, and The man, whose name was withheld by police for need. security reasons, was one of 20 persons who have been 7:00 PM Any member of Alpha Lambda Delta graduating with a cumulativeaverage charged with causing bomb blasts in British cities in a of Alpha Lambda Delta initiation standard is eligible. Graduating seniors wave of violence that has reached the mainland from the may apply if they have achieved this average at the end of the first troubled province of Northern Ireland. Akers Complex - West Lounge semester (of first quarter) of this year. Attendance at a school which has The charges came four days after Parliament passed a chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta is encouraged. emergency laws to combat a rising surge of terrorism which has killed 27 people in the past two months. Application blanks may be obtained from the Associate Dean of The Students, 155 Student Services Building. The application must be filled new emergency law banned the Irish Republican Learn about the Army in Britain, empowered police to arrest and detain out by the applicant herself and submitted to the Executive Secretary College of Urban Development by Janaury 6, 1975. A complete transcript of undergraduate and suspected terrorists for up to seven days and to deport undesirables to Ireland. graduate work must be provided. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3, 1974 3 PSC TO STUDY PO Utilities seek rate increase This is the second in a series of now before the commission, articles about the Michigan Public as deteriorating investment 4,401 skilled craftsmen. also consider the possibility of Service Commission and the electric determined that both attractions, and also said that Unemployment, which already companies were in need of mismanagement on he power rate case now before it. In Michigan has one of the worst runs high in all areas of corporations part. this article, immediate monetary aid. the arguments regulatory and political employment in Michigan, "TTiere must be a greater presented by Consumer's Power "I think we have a very climates of any state, further ranges from 10 to 11 per cent accountability of utilities and Detroit Edison on the serious situation here," necessity worsening the utilities for boilermakers to 25 per cent of increased rates are explained. companies," Ralls said. Rosenberg said. attractiveness. for carpenters. "The Public Service The third part of the series will So far Consumer's Power examine the alternatives to rate Construction layoffs "When you consider the Commission has an obligation has delayed the construction of increases, and the possibility of to determine if the funds given five electric power generating But the utilities play a workers that are involved in conservation. to utilities were efficiently plants, and has completely significant role in Michigan's production of materials and By JEFF MERRELL cancelled construction of two economy, especially in the the amount of transportation spent for authorized State Newt Staff Writer nuclear units. construction industries. and fabrication off the job site, purposes," he said. The problem, however, is in Consumers Power and Detroit Edison has delayed Because of the cutbacks in we are talking about a total of Detroit Edison, which together the construction of six power future plans for construction 200,000 jobs that have been determining what aspects can account for about 95 over the next 10 years, the lost the workers be u sed to measure per cent plants and cancelled one to in this of Michigan's energy nuclear unit. In all, the 1975 total construction manpower state," said Stanford Arnold, performance, according to production, have been construction budget for the needs for the two companies of the Michigan State Building Ral's- Commissioner repeatedly bombarded by company has been cut from has been reduced by 28.5 Sculthorp rising costs over the past year. $300 million to $230 million. percent, according to the PSC emphasizes the fact that all The two large, monopolistic In additional efforts to cut report. utility companies across the corporations are now Possible mismanagement nation are facing the same kind trying to rising costs, Consumers Power The construction industry convince the Michigan Public and Along with this material of problems confronting Detroit Edison have will be hardest hit during 1978, Service Commission (PSC) that presented by the companies, Consumers Power and Detroit reduced their work force by when the three cancellations of their financial life however Ralls, the lone Edison. depends on 500 and 1,000 employes, planned nuclear power plants Democratic commissioner, The problem is not isolated, raising the price customers pay respectively. will result in for their vital services. a loss of jobs for contends that the PSC must he said. Little surplus energy In the electric power rate The construction cutbacks, case now before the however, are more significant. commission, Chairman William Rosenberg and commissioners They could lead to future brownouts and blackouts, since It's tough to ob Lenton Sculthorp and William there is little surplus Ralls energy must possible consider the ramifications reduced energy supplies, and of available for purchase by the utilities if they happen to run if students lose low on power reserves, the economic effects of the according to a PSC report. utility's staff reductions and The By PAT CLYDE turns up to give a refund," said embossing was considered, but necessity of State News Staff Writer Gene construction cutbacks. construction delays stems from Garrison, manager of was unfeasible because the The commissioners Hold on to your bus pass — Automotive Services. must the companies' lack of ability passes are sold at so many also consider the there are almost no refunds for He said this policy guards possibility of to obtain money for places around campus, lost passes and they cost the mismanagement before making construction. against fraudulent loss. If an ID including bookstores, married their final decision on the rate full price, $18, to replace. card is lost it will probably be Since only about one - third housing and residence halls, increase requests. The Automotive Services turned in of the utilities' revenue is to the The campus bus service, Interim rate relief Dept., which runs the bus Administration Building, which is self supporting generated through rates, the - _ SN photo/Larry Gunsberg Already, however, the PSC service, replaces lost passes Garrison explained. But if the through revenues from bus companies depend largely on I Every facility that generates electric power will become increasingly important has awarded both only in cases where there is pass is peeled off the ID, he has passes and charters from MSU companies the sale of bonds to produce sr the next few years, as both Detroit Edison and Consumer's Power with interim rate relief, a grant positive proof of being lost. no way of knowing that the field trips, serves about 9,000 have cut capital. But utilities are not a I back plans for construction of power - given during They have replaced only two pass has not been transferred students per term. Full - ride generating plants. The companies were unanticipated good risk on the money this term. financial emergencies. to another ID card. passes cost $18 and allow a I forced to slash construction budgets because of market. "Our policy for replacing rising costs, even at the expense The interim rate case, a A panel of financial experts 'Those passes mean money student unlimited rides within I of losing important power reserves. smaller part of the overall passes is to charge the full to operate the bus service for the system. Commuter passes case from New York cited utilities price, and then if the ID card those who pay for it," Garrison allow a student to ride to and said. "If we treat them as from parking lot Y off Mt. anything but a dollar bill, we're Hope Road to the center of Candidates neglect expense reports not treating them fairly." John Portt, a sophomore, 876 N. Hubbard Hall, lost his ID card on a bus and is furious campus service and costs $11. The is available to all students without a pass for 35 cents a ride. that he has to pay $18 to Garrison said that the bus By JOHN TINGWALL the county will spend 10 days after this year's "I've never had to prosecute anyone, The expense reports, which are not audited replace his bus pass. service also has trouble with State News Staff Writer Nov. 25 deadline scrutinizing filings for error though, because everybody files eventually." by the county, must have notarized signatures forged and "I passes. Ejcht days ago, all area candidates for public writing letters to candidates asking for Scodeller said. "Hell, they all forget. It's not to meet just don't like the idea of in the Nov. 5 election should have filed clarifications and compliance with the law. requirements of the law, "The drivers have estimated uncommon, but it's not an attempt to deceive a person having to pay twice that from 10 to 20 per cent of rant of their campaign expenses with the Candidates are then granted another 10 days to "We find that the candidate's opponent for the bus service if they anybody." the passes they in County clerk's office, file their expenditures, before the usually watches his expenses pretty closely, so see are forged," xigh many candidates still have not filed violators are turned over to the names county's of Scodeller said most candidates who file never knew the law existed in the first forget to it's not too much of a problem," Scodeller said. j*tunitelyt lost their pass" ^XiTIaid Portt aid. I think they should Automotive make toe passes so they are no Services tries to 4 accounts, county officials are not prosecuting attorney for legal action. place. lication of the j about the late filings. From all "The whole campaign The law, which requires candidates to file a transferable, so innocent expense filing as — - difficult as possible. This btions, they probably will never get too procedure has more holes in it than Swiss Once filed, expense reports are kept by the treasurer's report and a personal report of people won't have to pay Bod bothered. cheese," Whitmyer said. "And there's no way twice," year they used white ink on a county clerk's office for one year and are then expenses, was described as "farcical" by blue to straighten it out. Attorneys write the laws background, hoping that J|f law, candidates fcrnt of are required to file an and candidates get attorneys to find the destroyed. Though they are not published, the Whitmyer. Portt suggested passes be the white ink would make all campaign expenses 10 days after reports are available for public review. embossed on ID cards so they passes hard to forge. They have election and 20 days after the loopholes in it." "Fve sent a letter to the , Scodeller said candidates do occasionally prosecuting cannot be peeled off. tried other printing techniques nl election. Whitmyer estimates that one - third of all attorney once asking him how to handle the Garrison said that the bus come in to check an opponent's spending after violators of the law, and he said, 'What the hell which are hard to reproduce lit candidates who have not filed — like filings received since last week will be returned the election, but most choose not to take do you want me to do, send them to service is trying to come up without the proper equipment *r Gaulden, candidate for East to the candidates for changes. jail?'" Lansing advantage of the right. with a pass that would be and black light - sensitive d Court judge.and James Hauptmann, "Either they fill it out wrong, or they don't Whitmyer said. impossible to transfer. He said passes. candidate for the 8th District understand the law," Whitmyer said. Hy commissioner seat, will be given a 20 - Raymond Scodeller, Ingham County e period by the county - and may prosecuting attorney, said violation of the law JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS kbe prosecuted for not filing. could result in a fine of up to $1,000 and two Llm SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Whitmyer, Ingham County clerk, said years imprisonment. Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS N0WT0 CHRISTMAS SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. SALE Fur-trimmed Coats Miss J Separates for Miss J the selection is super and snow-time is for wearing plush so are the savings: choose fine-wale wool/nylon wrap-ups garnished corduroy or home¬ with fur. . now priced for superb spun jeans . long sleeve savings. Gored to give a tailored shirts in prints, plaids, fit with double-breasted stripes. Cottons and styling and camel coloring in 5-15 sizes polyester/cottons in hues for easy match-up Left: Dyed American lamb on coordination. Add several cuffs and framing the hood. to your casual wardrobe, Right: Cuffed and shawl-collared 5 to 13 sizes. with French Snow-Top rabbit Shirts $10 Jeans $10 $88 J J Jaeobson's Jaeobson's ■Susan Ager WILLIAM Editor-in-chief Maureen Benin son .. Advertising Manager X.D. Campbell Managing Editor Wary Flood Support wolves, Wolf Ethic City Editor Dune SUver Campus Editor - Chris Danietson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Steve Stein Piston National Editor Sports Editor Dale A tkins ..." photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. WM Tom Oren Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Copy Chief When President Ford The trick, of Joe Kirby Staff Representative sported a course, is to let attack the herd just the»J to til opinions. wolfskin parka in Vladivostok, and long enough promised an admiring Leonid Brezhnev to send another wolfskin along as a gift, a New York Times editorial excoriated him for aiding and abetting the extinction of TED STATES OFAM] out, restraining the wolfpack starts killing the healthy deer But Now that our herd knows the wolfpack with fiscal befJ how to holl 9 and monT EDITORIALS an endangered species. "This fascinating and intelligent carnivore" is the way the wolf is described stimulation, the temptation is to the predators before they have done j 1 job of cyclical selection. l by the anonymous editorialist, who writes with the instinct for the jugular of a The likelihood is that one the wolfs fangs will cause close IJ Develop city William V. Shannon. Political leaders are called upon to "halt this carnage, and not to deck themselves out in the skins of suddenly become public enemy J two, replaced at the top of the I recession That will be inflatiJ unfortuj defenseless animals." because it will mean that The city of East Lansing is in used to help continue the program inflation w Hie President - from the Wolverine be cured as it should be, and its line to receive $1.2 million dollars and to maintain purchased houses. State of after the present recession will resui Michigan — is sensitive to the brim in federal community development One advantage of the latter displeasure of minorities. He has publicly calls for controls that cannot be resist funds. The vast majority of these program, if operated on a large rebuked the chairman of the joint chiefs elections near. funds must go where they are most and the agriculture secretary' for ethnic For it is politics, not scale, would be that the city, by economic i slurs, and Ford had better rebuke himself sense, that determines when we s' needed for improved housing. competing with private landlords, his wolf on gaffe or he will be thrown to from restraint to stimulation; could force them to rent their units nobodi Though a wide variety of the slavering conservationists. upon. The predator preserves the quality of producing more goods, and that chops resist the call of the tame. ]n the winti lower, competitive rates. of a herd of deer by killing the least fit, substantially into inflation. suggestions for spending the money at more Apologists for wolves face a more economic discontent, who will adm have been made, the importance of The city could also use the difficult task than defenders of cute, encouraging the Darwinian "Survival of Granted, groups of human beings are being a friend of the wolf? No se the Fittest." not herds of deer, with the old and weak other projects are small compared community development funds to cuddly seal pups. The timber wolf must politician; listening to the centuries of discrimination, And now to my point: the wolf is the to be left to recession's wolf: for that overcome editorialists, he will destroy the w< to the need for better housing. help provide loans and direct grants from the disparaging portrayal of the symbol of economic recession, which reason, more unemployment benefits and and pass out the placebos of control t< Several programs to improve city to homeowners wishing to grandmother ■ gulping villain of "Little suffers from an equally bad reputation — massive public - service employment is inflation • ravaged herd. rehabilitate their units. Red Riding Hood" to the hit song of the the wolf at the door, so to speak. being urged to ease the suffering of housing have been suggested. One is own Let us, then, shed a tear for three little pigs, "Who's Afraid of the Big, Recessions, like wolves, attack the weak: recession's casualties. But the idea is the for the city to purchase houses, doomed wolf, both real and Some of the federal funds Bad Wolf?" in hard times, inefficient or poorly same: the predator's cruel function is metaph rehabilitate them and then sell That defenseless carnivore should a should also be used to build more Anti - wolf prejudice permeates the financed companies go bankrupt, leaving necessary to enable the rest of the herd to them back to the private sector at a reciprocate our concern, for this rea bike paths throughout the city, english language: a "wolfish grin" is hardly the field to the fittest companies which grow healthy and fit. From Addis Ababa to San Clem reduced price. Funds received from reassuring: etiquette's frown is directed to can maintain a profit while offering Our herd is ravaged by inflation; that is construct from the nocturnal a pedestrian overpass "wolfing down" one's food; werewolves greater value to suddenly value - conscious the majority's ailment. The minority's wanderings of the resale of the houses would be president around Paris to the distra above Grand River Avenue in the strike terror into movie fans. Can the wolf consumers. ailment — rising unemployment - is part put back into the program for the downtown area, modify sidewalks be made to look like a "defenseless" of a cure for the majority's ailment, but globetrotting of another president i With recession at the door, and from the store in Washington, it is purchase and rehabilitation of more and public carnivore, howling for help? unemployment rising, employed workers we hate to admit that, so debate buildings to we wolves but heads of state, past houses. Yes, say the wolfmen, and I concur. are less likely to take jobs for granted. whether to fight inflation (at the cost of accommodate wheelchairs and present, that have become the i Such a program could improve a The wolf - loyal to the pack - kills for They work harder, switch jobs less, and unemployment) or to fight recession too establish a city recycling program food alone, attacking the weakest, the are absent only when "endangered species" of all. I considerable number of houses necessary; this helps soon (and thereby to restimulate for paper, glass, aluminum and oldest and the sickliest of the herd it preys raise productivity, which lowers the costs with the funds available. inflation). (C) 1974 New York Times other materials. A second useful idea for the improvement of existing housing is But before these are funded, for the city to purchase and fix up primary consideration must be houses and then keep them, renting given to the city's foremost them at a low subsidized level. problem, which is the lamentable Income from the program would be condition of city housing. and the HRP, I felt compelled to write. Traffic peril Conlin claims that I have misrepresented his views. Well Mr. Conlin, Lately, the State News has been full of you have misrepresented my entire Ford drives complaints, suggestions and general controversy concerning the walkpath to lots F and X. True, these crosspaths pose a campaign in your State News viewpoint. First of all, I addressed myself to issues which I thought were of prime importance danger to pedestrians. There are two spots to this community. I never claimed to be that, in my opinion, are many times more the only candidate in favor of improved President Ford's recent trip to U.S. exclusivity in that area. On the dangerous. They are the two intersections day care and a housing commission. These the Soviet Union was a surprisingly other hand, the Soviets agreed not of Farm Lane Road and Shaw Lane. Time were simply things I supported, not productive one, especially to include in the U.S. missle and and time again 1 hear screeching brakes. necessarily issues that Richard Conlin considering the circumstances bomber total American fighter People cross the street when they see a red opposed. under which he went. on their side. What they don't know is Second, Conlin did vote to support the planes in Europe and on that on the other side the light is still Metro Squad. He claims that the county While many at home were saying Mediterranean carriers. green. sheriff acts as a liberalizing factor in that he was in the wrong place at Ford may have been fortunate There is a small sign across the four reducing marijuana busts, and getting the the wrong time, Ford was working to catch the Soviets in a very lane street to warn the pedestrian that the squad to concentrate instead on hard drug out an important breakthrough in receptive mood. To achieve busts. But 1 oppose those busts as well. I intersection has a three phase light. Most headlines by newspapers the control of nuclear weapons. increased trade with the United people either don't look at the sign or don't believe that we caq even attempt to Musical herds made by commodity brokers in thi The agreement worked out with solve the drug problem within the criminal States, the Soviets must show that the can't read it. Or, if they can read it, r few years, especially with respect justice system. I do believe drugs should "Maybe that's why they call it Moo U! Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev detente will continue now that they probably wouldn't know what a A memorable phrase echoed at another celebrated Soviet Union wheat deal be decriminalized and treated as a health limits both sides to 2,500 "nuclear Richard Nixon is gone. "three phase light" means. All they know speculator bankruptcies in the problem. Because I believe this so Pop Entertainment ticket purchasing is that the light says red, and they will business went unreported. delivery systems" (missiles and strongy, and because this is part of the fiasco. And moo we did as each of us was walk as they forget about the oncoming Finally, the price of sugar will eas herded into the Union at 4 a.m. Nov. 19 bombers) until 1985. This is the On the other hand, the Soviets cars. HRP platform, on which I had just as when supply catches up with d( agreement which long eluded muchinput as all other HRP members, I by two of the ranchers from the Pop may have orchestrated Ford's trip To me it's surprising that no one has Entertainment stockyards. If you missed again and governments eliminate could not, in clear conscience, lend my former President Nixon. to make it appear that Ford is a the roundup, borrow a Sears Trashmasher, export/import quotas. Incidental!; been run over. From the number of close approval, tacit or otherwise, to an deft removal of the ban on Cuban sugar But there is still diplomat and negotiator, their calls that I've seen, I tend to think that it operation such as the Metro Squad. climb inside, and turn it on. YouH plenty of room experience just one of the many things likely to ease the problem because real goal being to lift Ford's stature is just a matter of time before there'll be a As far as my 34 per cent of the vote under this limit for further the Soviet Union was in the open people have to go through to see a Pop expansion of nuclear stockpiles on and to diminish the election serious mishap. Walking with a red light has become a goes, 1 view it as a positive vote for myself and the Human Rights party, and not so Entertainment concert. But wait, there's recently, seeking to buy 400,000 ton chances of cold warrier presidential sugar. That would indicate that each side. The high limit set on reflex response. Manifestly, this action much as a vote against Richard Conlin more. For example, you could have been candidate Sen. Henry Jackson (D - could presumably lead to another tragedy stupid enough, as I was, to arrive during sugar production has been inadequ missies with multiple warheads personally. Wash.). the early evening hours Nov. 18 to enjoy a meet the demands of the communist (MIRVs) would allow for a whole involving an MSU student. In conclusion, I deeply resent Mr. Chris Peter L. Rodgers Conlin's reference to "Nixon tactics" comfortable position near the front of the new arms race on both sides, 1111 Prospe Even if the agreement works out 501 W. McDonel Hall when describing my campaign. He is line, only to end up at or near the end of though this time the race has a and is Denise Ohrenstein obviously confused, or else suffering from the line when it came time to go into the approved by the Senate, the fixed ending at about 1,200 659 S. Case Hall Nixonian paronoia, in claiming that the Union. Or, you could have been lucky, MIRVs. And more Trident world will still be a pushbutton away from total destruction. Ford's HRP was out to smear his name and enough to be one of the first few people to get to the ticket windows, only to find Grow up, studen submarines and B1 bombers are still misrepresent his views. But then again, he the trip produced a step in the right Karzcewski replies had to come up with something to explain a scarcity of tickets in sections 1, 2 and 3, The flood of letters printed in the on Pentagon shopping list. direction, but there is no cause away the fact that 54 per cent of the the best sections on the main floor. I have News relative to the tragic accide for complacency. The final goal, I was going to ignore Ingham County voters preferred a choice other than that yet to talk to anyone who received tickets Grand Trunk tracks near Ilagadorn Concessions were made on each Commissioner Richard Conlin's recent of Democrat Richard Conlin. for these sections on Nov. 19. has prompted me to voice an opin side in order to reach an agreement. as Ford knows, must be a vast accusations about Human Rights party My solution to all of this is to initiate a don't believe the sit£ of this accidei reduction of nuclear stockpiles on Mary Ellen Karzcewski The United States agreed to allow mail order system. All of these tickets point of tfrgument. It could have hap "Nixon tactics," but out of a HRP county commissioner candidate the Soviets to build MIRVs, ending both sides. 10th district would be for reserved seats. There would to a pedestrian anywhere responsibility to my campaign supporters be a limit on the number of tickets legitimate crossing. obtained by the people of ASMSU before Numerous complaints from sti the selling date. about the obstacles and discomfort RUSSELL I admit that this is not the best system, suffer on campus leads me to belie ft livij but it is better than the present have all fallen prey to affluent arrangement. I encourage those who have are enjoying too many comforts'" other ideas to come forth and share them. too much effort. The facts of life jfji Idea shortage stumps Ford However, 1 have a feeling that the only that everybody cannot be appleasefl route to change is to have the people of cases. The facts also are that cross) Pop Entertainment wait for their tickets tracks at undesignated points is along with the rest of the herd. involves taking a risk, just a jum| Keith R. Dedrich canyon on a motorcycle is risky. G' Si Since tape recordings are no longer made in 321 W. Holmes Hall taking risks makes life more we survive the risks taken. excitii The fac wondered what Nessen had found to do the White House, we have only a brief that kept him busy. Mrs. Ford said she had airplane to fly to Olathe, Kansas, because good bus connections to Olathe, Kansas. Speculators vital are that any number of overpasses! secretarial record to give us the flavor of a there was a man there who had an idea. The Department of Transportation said it be built' crossing the tracks and pro no idea. The President said he didn't had no idea. Kissinger chided the President for being This letter is in response to your none would be used unless the tracF typical day in the life of the President, late autumn, 1974. either, and neither did anybody else in the taken in by old wives' tales. There The President telephoned the Pentagon editorial of Nov. 20 regarding sugar prices. made completely impassable other government so far as he could determine. were no such things as ideas any more, and said he guessed nobody over there had The editorial correctly recognizes the takes more effort to use an o The President met with his cabinet and The President telephoned the FBI and any ideas. The Pentagon said that was problem of an excess of demand over he said, and if the President took the right? Thousands of dollars were spj asked if anyone had any ideas. No one in asked if they had any information correct. The President said he was just available supplies. However, in the the cabinet did. The cabinet asked if the on airplane to hunt for them he would be very overpasses on heavily used streel anyone anywhere in the country who had laughed at. Next he would want the checking. The Pentagon asked him if, as next sentence you blame the speculators people are still being killed a President had any ideas. The president said an idea. The FBI told him it had heard a long as he was on the telephone, he could for driving up the he did not. He proposed they meet again man in Olathe, Kansas, had an idea. airplane to go to Scotland to look for the let it have a spare 10 billion. "Dollars?" price. Speculators intersections because they arentj Loch Ness monster. usually serve as the scapegoat for used. next week on the chance that someone The president telephoned Secretary of asked the President. The President said he didn't see why governments who try to hide their own I can cite another trememdous might have an idea over the weekend. State Kissinger and reached his secretary. The conversation was interrupted by a misguided and mismanaged policies. The President met with his economic Kissinger always got the airplane while he, attempting to drive on campus in a She told the President Kissinger was too call from the FBI reporting that it had As anyone advisors in the Fish Room and asked if the President, had to sit on the ground. understanding basic during a class day. I was traine busy to come to the White House and have Kissinger replied that the President investigated the suspect in Olathe, Kansas, economics knows, speculators are essential childhood to have great respect a they had had any ideas yet. They assured the football centered to him a few times. should be ashamed of himself. Had and found that he did indeed have an idea. for the orderly function of the market. for a moving vehicle. Unless 1 was him that they had not, and asked if he had The President explained that he had Ford asked if he seemed safe enough to be Kissinger not taken him on the plane to They take the risks that normally would about in an unconscious state, _ any idea why that room was called the important business to discuss. The hired by the government. The FBI said have been borne Fish Room. The President said he did Japan, Korea and Vladivostok just last by the suppliers and pedestrian, would hardly risks 'pr^j secretary asked the President to hold the week? If this was all the thanks Kissinger Ford was the President; if he wanted the consumers due to future price into the street to stop traffic o not. line, and after a long wait he was got in return, it would be a long time government infiltrated by an idea, that fluctuations. Yet for every speculator who from any direction on a bike o The President called in Nessen, his disconnected. his business. before he took the president to another was buys a sugar • future contract hoping to vehicular thoroughfares as is co press secretary, and asked if there were Kissinger telephoned as the President Ford summoned his closest advisers, benefit from a rise in any ideas in the press. Nessen said there fascinating foreign country. price, there is done on campus. „ was vetoing a bill so that Congress could The President apologized. Kissinger outlined the problem and asked their ideas another selling a future contract Instead of "passing the bucK were not. The President asked Nessen if he pass it over his veto. The President asked about it. They said they had none and hoping to would like to have him, the President, told him he was working too hard and profit from a fall in price. This is various inconveniences on camp > Kissinger if he could use the airplane the asked the President his ideas. He said he center a football to him a few times. next day. Kissinger said he had the urged him to take the afternoon off, take didn't have any either. They agreed to necessarily so because the dollar sum of all mature enough to assume respo< Nessen explained that he was too busy. ' airplane in China and had to use it to fly some Secret Service men into the Rose meet on it again after the first of the year commodity transactions must add to zero. for our own personal safety by Garden and center the football to them In fact, speculators function in The President telephoned Mrs. Ford, to some place in Arabia or on the chance someone might have an idea exactly the safety rules and considering t''® ri° told her Nessen was too busy to have the Europe the until he felt better. opposite manner to what is ccntended by others. next day. over Christmas. The President telephoned the Dept. of most people. They eliminate ihe skewness Alice Atkin, executive footb» 1 centered to him a few times and The President said he needed the (CI 1974 New York Times in the Transportation and asked if he could get marketplace. In spite of the banner Dept. of Campus Park and Tuesday, December 3, 1974 5 SOVIETS TO REHEARSE Pioneer challenges Jupiter rays By Associated Press announced the new Soviet manned Pioneer 11 flight Filipchenko and Rukavishnikov have icecap onCallisto, one Of Jupiter's moons. challenged the Tierce rays of lvi hours after the spacecraft was been named the Jupiter on Monday, preparing to dart launched from the Baikonur space center backup team in the Soyuz Pioneer 11 is moving through space at through its dangerous - Apollo flight to cosmonauts Alexei 50,000 miles per hour toward its perilous radiation belt and on the central Asian then skim up its steppe at 12:40 p.m. Leonov and Valery Kubasov. rendezvous with Jupiter at 9:22 p.m. PST. face, collecting data that -4:40 a.m. EST. scientists hope will unlock some of the Callisto, the outermost of the four secrets of A Western expert said it was the universe. Several hours after the possible major Jovian moons discovered by Galileo Also shot, Tass said the Soyuz is on Monday, the Soviet Union Col. Anatoly carrying a copy of the U.S. in 1610, is considered the most likely sent the Filipchenko, the 46 - year - docking unit and "will shoot it ahead five location for a manned space landing backup crew for the Soviet old commander, and American joint mission into • flight engineer or 10 yards and then try to dock with it." because it receives less intense radiation space aboard Nikolai Rukavishnikov, 42 - both From NASA's Ames Research Center at Soyuz 16 in a rehearsal for the veterans of earlier from Jupiter than the other moons. Soyuz - Soyuz flights - were Mountain View, Calif., scientists Apollo linkup next July. Gehrels said the closeup television The feeling well and working on the flight announced that Pioneer 11 had Soviet news agency Tass program. given pictures also disclosed dark features in mankind its first peek at a tiny polar Jupiter's south temperate zone. He said this indicated the weather zone, shown as a solid white stripe in pictures taken a year not economic es when Mills strips ago by Pioneer 10, Scientists may be breaking up. confident that the 570 - were away we , lulation; nobod] pound spacecraft would survive to fly on In the wint. me. for a rendezvous with Saturn in 1975, who will adml WASHINGTON (AP) - "I think I was episode and said he thinks the even though they reported a slight furor over cast it has maintained ' wolf? No sei right," Rep. Wilbur D. Mills said of his on - that made his friends in Arkansas work under Mills' malfunction in its picture • taking g to the stage appearance with stripper Annabel harder for him. chairmanship. equipment. They said they could not destroy the Battistella in Boston. "Of Moreover, the caucus has the final word immediately determine if the malfunction < course, I could be In on the naming of committee chairman. was caused by the )os of control wrong." Washington, some Democrats planet's radiation. I. Mills said in interview Monday that an disputed Mills' estimate that the latest Mills has agreed to an enlargement of Pioneer 11 was programmed to pass ?d his weekend trip was meant "to episode would not hurt him with his 26,600 miles above the planet's cloud tear for] a dispel all the committee from its these innuendoes." present It will be pelted with deadly ;al and metapl colleagues. membership of 25 to 31 and to establish cover. ivore should electrons and protons. Battistella, who performs under now There are moves in the caucus to take subcommittees, a move he resisted in the Scientists will not know whether rn, for this u. the stage name Fanne Foxe, was a central away from the Democratic members of past. ito San Clemi Pioneer 11 survives the ordeal until about figure along with Mills in an early - the Ways and Means Committee their He said the subcommittees could take two hours after its closest approach to wanderings . morning episode Oct. 7. function as nominators of other over some of the work load he has carried sto the distr Democrats for posts on other committees. Jupiter. They expected it would take the It ended when police by dividing up the committee's big spacecraft 90 minutes to pass out of her president stopped the car The caucus also seeks to they were riding in and she plunged into enlarge the jurisdiction over taxes, foreign trade, Jupiter's intense radiation zone and ishington, it _ the Washington Tidal Basin. committee to 37 members and thus Social f> state, past Security and national health another 30 minutes to message its fate change the predominantly conservative plans. back to earth. become the Capitalizing on the publicity over that f>all. episode, she subsequently accepted a $3,000 uJHO ELSE DO YOU KNOw.' a week stand at the - - Times Pilgrim UH0 U)01/lP SHOlD UP AT A Theater in Boston as "The Tidal AP Wirephoto Basin ROLLER 5KAT;N6 COMPETES POPPING ONE TOWARD SIDE POCKET Indiana University Bombshell." Mills attended her final two — U/ITH ICE SKATES ? or Sally Wilhelm of performances there, making an Indianapolis proves she can concentrate on on - stage appearance Sunday night. two things at once as she aims a shot in a :R HERE game of eight ball and also executes a full- sized bubble gum bubble. He was accompanied in Boston pn'ciw Wilhelm, a sociology major, by ka student in Battistella's estranged husband, Eduardo, rCH TO gjJ. a physical education class on billiards. he said, and dined with the stripper between performances at a well - known Michigan hunting season restaurant. Mills said this was not the would behave if he had way a man a clandestine DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau relationship with a woman. clyde, we've been /the eaves 28 dead, 23 hurt As for rumors that Mills and his wife all rj6ht, nou/, clyde-mt&ves7! over. this a d02en w you know why you cant POP By United Press International lost their lives the first day. Only two on might be considering ending their 40 - year mo said you could move ; Live here! the place \ , ity - eight persons died out of marriage. Mills said "certainly not." virginia, is too small, I need f\ state hunters lost their lives. One ITERTW 23 were wounded during the 16 - died in a ■ in here?! i... \ my privacy, and its i • drowning accident in Schoolcraft He said he and Mrs. Mills "must have not fairtdjoaniei [XPERIENCE Michigan hunting season, which ended County and the other was the victim of iSaturday night. played bridge with the Battistellas 100 exposure. Seven of the victims died in accidental times" and that he had spoken The oldest fatality was Thomas Parker, by ntings and 12 more died of heart 74, of Saginaw, who suffered a heart telephone with Mrs. Mills at least five xks. Four persons died of carbon times while he was in Boston over the attack while jxide hunting in Bridgeport weekend. poisoning, four others drowned Township in Saginaw County. lone person died of exposure. The youngest victim was He said he does not think the latest Twenty • six of the deaths occurred in Jeffrey first 10 days of the season. Six persons Denoyer, 12, Traverse City, who died surge of publicity has hurt him. He was re along with his older brother Scott, 19. - elected after the original Tidal Basin srei on the brokers in th respect TOP with n wheat deal, the ser NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS Jlock'nJloU .de sugar will The Office of Overseas Study Under up with de Continuing ts eliminate Education Wishes to Announce the Following: Incidentally Cuban sugar blem because nthe i open ™ PE/\D!f - CASH POLITICAL SCIENCE ly 400,000 NT «\\SS-— dicate that IN LONDON (ENGLAND) inadequi ne j at ms. he communist i 1111 Prospe Chris ="NS\T10K}Av\ "V FOR Spring 1975 studen printed in th< YOUR Spring Term (March 20 - May 31): PLS 356 - "Western European Political Institutions & Behavior" • 4 credits tragic accide raHagadorn > /oice an opin >f this accide BOOKS! AT PLS 454 PLS 490 • "Special Topics in Comparative Politics" 5 credits PLS 469 - "Special Problems in International Politics" 5 credits "Honors Studv" 3-6 credits dlujhave hap • here - CAMPUS BOOK STORE TOTAL 12-16 credits nts from sti d discomfort Summer 1975 me 5 to beli< 507 E. Grand River affluent (across from Berkey) Summer Term (July 7 • August 15): ycomforts w acts of lifes' PLS 367 -" Foreign Policies of Major Powers" 4 credits be apposed that e r points isillfi just a jum crossi infoS'BUS COME ON OUT AND VISIT OUR PLS 454, 469 & 490 - See above under these may be begun in Summer Term or continued (for additional credit) in Summer Term. "Spring Term." Each of begun in Spring Term and , TOTAL 8-10 credits le is risky. Gi more The fac ken. >f overpasses excitii -A^O oi^ CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE MEETINGS REGARDING THE SPRING AND SUMMER POLITICAL SCIENCE PROGRAMS WILL BE HELD ON THE racks and pr< Wednesday Dee. 4th FOLLOWING DATES: less the ssable othen track <3^o *"HBP*" 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. use an ov Jlars were sp< used stree killed g they at aren" OvPT. BBTFriKM:T"8U£ jSAfJS f campus was irememdous traine U3°) Financial Assistance to Students is available under the usual M.S.U. Arrangements. Because of space limitations, exact requirements for enrollment should be checked in course at respect " the Descriptions of Courses' s elnJ 1 ^ Catalog. Apply to: ous state, |y risk steppj >traffic or OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY , a hike ont s as is Rm. 108 '34 CENTER FOR executive se< il y i 0 [GARDEN CENTER 1 24 E. Ml. Hope INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS PHONE - 353-8920 or 353-8921 ; Park and n 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3.1 Unit to inform public fropsfc By PEGGY GOSSETT films and a forum for Thursday in both the State Senate and the animal lives larger animals such as bear and Lowe said the House anti trash," Lowe said. "But they State News Staff Writer A group of students who are at 7 p.m. in 105 S. Wells Hall. House which would outlaw use through this, Lowe said. to suffer coyote pose serious injuries to trap bill, number 5462, - admitted it was a truthful largely from Krance traps are not wh J At 1 p.m. Friday the group will of the controversial leghold utilized. 1 However, a wildlife the trapper who accidentally sponsored by Rep. Dan Angel, depiction of the cruel traps." "It is dedicated to halting what they march from Beaumont Tower trap. specialist on campus said steps into his own trap, R • 49th District and Rep. The Dept. of Natural anti hypocritical t0 I call the inhumane, torturous to down town for a "This is the most inhumane Dudderar said. • cruelty laws, and f banning the leghold trap would William Keith, D • 34 th Resources claimed the public allow this cruel trapping of animals has demonstration on the Capitol trap used," said Tom Lowe, cause problems for "These larger, powerful District, is the most would quit buying fur products trappina I designated the week of Dec. 1 trappers, on, Lowe said. 1 steps. one originator of the Students since there are no traps are strong enough to controversial bill ever held in if they saw the grotesque film satisfactory "The trap js through 6 as "Anti • Torture The group hopes to bring for Animal Rights. replacements for it. break a man's leg," he said. the Conservation and Resources depicting the leghold trapping outlawed in 14 aJ Trap Week." public attention at the The trap grabs the leg of the "All the alternative "They are too powerful for me Committee. of animals, Lowe said. countries! The MSU Students for means four other states." I demonstration to the anti - animal, often ripping its flesh of trapping have been to handle alone." The bill is hotly opposed by "Most of the furs around Animal Rights has planned trap bill currently under debate and biting into the bone, while outlawed," said Glenn Lowe said 90 per cent of all the student Fisheries and Contact Tom'I,owe at 1 Dudderar, extension specialist trapping utilizes the leghold Wildlife Club. campus are caught by the leghold trap," Lowe said. 7604 for more inform,! for the Dept. of Fisheries and trap. "We showed an anti - Mainly Fox, sable and Wildlife. trapping film which the Dept. kidnap Although the groups would Warner case dropped would He said that most trappers like to see all trapping made of Natural Resources called racoon furs are caught by leghold traps. Rabbit fur comes ik pert] probably resort to using illegal, Lowe said they are By United Press International Kidnaping charges against be tried separately on felony charges of armed robbery and the killer traps, which are more powerful and immediately kill primarily concerned with outlawing the leghold trap. PUos two persons arrested in the carrying a concealed weapon. the animal instead of wounding CPS alleged July 10 abduction of Hotchkiss ruled there was Warner said he later drove him as with the leghold trap. 1hce:*3.50ta BELL'S state his two abductors to a truck "Killer traps are fine for the Rep. Dale Warner, not enough -evidence to R Eaton Rapids, have been - indicate that Warner was stop where he planned to cash smaller animals such as mink iGalfcpv 30Hor* dropped due to lack of a $150 check for them, but and rabbit, without being kidnaped and held hostage. evidence, it was learned police intervened and they dangerous to man," he said. Union Activities Board liflB Travel Off! PIZZA At a pretrial hearing Aug. were arrested. However, killer traps for Monday. 23, Warner testified that Announces Open auditions The Phone: 353-9771 kidnaping charges Sharber burst into his against Joyce James, 36, of apartment during the predawn for Noel Coward's comedy 2!^ floor UniokT Lansing and Robert Sharber, hours of July 10 brandishing a THE COMPANY ANNOUNCES challenges 20, of Baldwin last were dismissed Wednesday by Ingham revolver and threatened to kill him if he did not hand over any BLITHE County Circuit Court Judge Ray Hotchkiss. drugs, money or both. He said James had been OPEN AUDITIONS pizza for However, the two will still admitted to the apartment You Know I Can'f Hear You When anywhere. SPIRIT The Water's Running for the NEW DINNER DECEMBER 3&4 7:00pm THEATRE 'HAIR' 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 East McDonel Hall Open 11 a.m. everyday - Conference Rm.B Free Delivery Dec. 3 & 4 in the TONIGHT! Ballroom at 7:00pm (Call-backs at 9:15 the BOYCOTT SIRS 2nd night) TICKETS Instructor Evaluation STUDENT UNION AVAILABLE BUILDING Supported by ASMSU Information — 355-3355 AT THE DOOR Undergrad Academic College Representatives Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3, 1974 7 Cash donations relieve D.. MAnimc Dnntk. By NADINE BROZNAN ... New York Times E an UkC l°l""' ^ can do?" asked Milton Lounsberry, a staff writer for CARE. NEW YORK - When Americans sit down to devour millions "Two dollars can serve 12 children a daily bowl of such as Africare, agree that it's cash, not cans, that help. In fact, high l0f turkpvs over the holiday season, they unknowingly helD Keviite the international food crisis - at least for one day and^vohlnTr/'repeated over and over by officials of government protein porridge for a month," he said. "Ten dollars can serve - CARE no longer sends Care feed packages overseas, though it does oreaniMtion^Li^lf is money " donations to those 3,600 children a cup of protein enriched breakfast or lunch as many as 22 million people in 36 countries a year. ( The gobbler, it seems, could just turn out to be the food effectivplv eirectively toin #», expertise the malnourished. ■ and connections to channel it beverage, and $100 buys a ton of food. For every dollar, we can "The money given to us goes so much further than would ■conservationist*5 ally. For every pound of grain he eats, the provide $6 worth of aid." equivalent value in food," said an official of Catholic Relief ■turkey produces a pound of meat. By comparison, his brethren in groups will be !l fay appear that countless church and secular Bulk purchases and Services. The foreign aid arm of the Roman Catholic Church in ■the livestock's pen require eight pounds of grain to yield a pound cnances are that tumbling over one another in efforts to help, the government allocations factors that help charities stretch the dollar. a ; among the this country feeds about 20 million ■ofbeef. they will all funnel their proceeds to people in 75 countries and " major agencies. a handful of conducts development and assistance gut with the season of overindulgence starting, many people programs in 55t It is also And the individual Such long established one of th£ four dollar does help. "Do agencies as CARE, Catholic Relief agencies through which the federal government you know what $2 Services and Church World distributes its Food for Peace funds. (The others are Church Service, as well as newer organizations World Service, Lutheran World Relief and CARE.) Prof deflates Lansing weather mvths Packing and shipping costs, it was explained, make food donations prohibitive. "We couldn't possibly handle a contribution of less than a carload of wheat," said Melvin B. By PETE Bv DALY cover is mediocre for Myers, director of the material resources program for Church for »h„ the cto(„ state. , . * World Services, the overseas relief, rehabilitation and State News Staff Writer The hiusi oi the common weekend storm that The Lansing area follows The average development coalition of the major Protestant denominations. I This whole story is dumped six to seven inches of exagerations regarding high here for southern Lower Peninsula. Lansing the state average with three to ■ltdiocre. It's about the snow on weather. 3V4 hours of winter sunshine January is about 33 degrees. Snow lovers will be Then there's also the matter of local taste. "We Lansing was nothing The average low is 17 glad to might think ■weather in the Lansing area. *ahy spectacular for this area Contrary to popular legend, per day. That is still degrees. hear that the National Weather something is midway For the western edge of the yummy that the people of Mali wouldn't give to 1 The Lansing weather is just either, except for being two or Lansing does not have annual between most other Midwest Service is predicting more the animals," said a staff member at the American Council of three weeks cloud cover second Lower Peninsula, those winter ■pliin average for the state, early, according to only to states, which average 4Vi hours temperatures are two or three precipitation than Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service. ■according to one MSU expert Jay Harman, MSU professor of Portland, Oregon. Michigan is of daily winter normal this year for the however, cloudier than other sunshine, and degrees warmer, according to Midwest. In addition to the question of how best to be m climatology. It is not much geography. the coastal regions of the generous, there Midwest Harmon's records. Eoldtr or warmer in Lansing Harman has a Ph. D. in states, with the Northwest, which average But the Native Michigan weather also is the matter of how that donation will be used: for ■Dun statewide, it does not rain eastern Upper Peninsula fanny - freezing weather in the forecasters, such as squirrels immediate relief to the hungry, or for long geography, with the field of around V/t to two. Lower • range development averaging 2'/i to three hours of Peninsula is found and the of local self sufficiency? ■« snow any more or less and climatology his specialty. His Well, anyway, it get's colder wooly - bear • sunshine per day in winter around Gaylord, where n the much touted cloud facts and figures shoot in caterpillar, are reportedly down months. Lansing than other parts of temperatures average a few "The American public is always great on emergencies," the state, right? Wrong. , stockpiling extra acorns and observed the Council of Voluntary degrees colder than Lansing. growing thicker coats in Agencies spokeswoman. "But The students that the ongoing development assistance is of greater importance." struggle apparent agreement with the Snowstorm buries Michigan; travelers across MSU intramural fields in National Weather Service. "We will get to the point that, if the (continued from page 11 left stranded the howling winter wind not believe that the may wind But don't expect receive any more or less Lansing to don't increase the capacity to produce for developing countries themselves, there won't even be the shipping facilities to send them the amount of Airlines began late speed, too, is rather mediocre weatherwise than the rest of Sunday to take care of the in food they will need," she said. t travelers and so calls to find seats for stranded the spokesman said. overload," morning from guys who are Lansing. the Midwest. t for the help of the snowed in," House Clerk "It is probably no windier "Hie weather here is passengers. A spokesman for The storm also forced very ional Guard units equipped the Sheraton Cadillac the Thomas Thatcher said. here than in Ann - Hotel in Arbor, mediocre, sorry to say," cancellation of the harness Jackson or Mt. Pleasant," Irith snowmobiles and four ■ Detroit said several airlines, racing program at Dozens of businesses in Harman said. Harman said. SALES•PARTS 10AY5ERVTCE heel - drive vehicles. Windsor Detroit were closed. The SERVICE and including United, North Raceway Sunday. I Thousands of air passengers Central, Northwest Orient and Detroit News did not publish Precipitation in Lansing is ACCESSORIES "This is our first less than areas bordering the litre stranded at Detroit's American had asked for at least cancellation due to weather in Monday for the first time in Great Lakes, but about tropolitan Airport when the 250 rooms. memory, a spokesman said. average Bounds of wet snow forced it "We're our history, but it is necessary for most inland regions in the beefing up staff and for the safety of Meanwhile, the 210 foot - Kg dose down Sunday. calling in management people horsemen and horses," track patrons, Canadian freighter Jennifer sank in a storm on Lake president William Rowe said. Michigan early Sunday MSU students brave snow the Consumers Power Co. heavy snowfall electric power to about cut said off morning. All 15 were rescued. crew members Icontinued from page 1) 14,000 "It got pretty frantic out said their average speed was southeast Michigan customers Lt north to his cottage for about 40 miles per hour. Sunday. Most of the power was there," a Coast Guard spokesman said. "It was a 10 • SPEEDS Itanksgiving break and had For Joanne Rose, 417 E. restored by early Monday iy little trouble returning to Akers Hall, numerous problems morning. rather hectic rescue effort." CHRISTMAS LAYAWAYS 1. His friends were not slowed her voyage from Hie Red Cross said it so Jackson. The car broke down 11,600 lodged Quality Brands persons in emergency I "The guys next door went on the highway, had to be shelters in Washtenaw, Monroe, Best values Vie and they're not back towed to a gas station, and Jackson and Calhoun counties TUESDAY 1 YEAR TO PAY k" Cody said. "They live in then the carbuerator got wet. during Sunday's storm. itroit." "A 45 minute trip took Most were stranded travelers I Garold Gilchrist, teaching velocioed three and a half hours," she or families forced to leave their ant for a television and TEQUILA said. homes because of electrical io class, said the professor Jan Brown, 377 E. McDonel power blackouts. d him from Detroit and Hall, and a friend ran into The state House of n to cancel class until trouble early in their trip from Representatives canceled day. The professor was Troy. Monday's session because NITE! ided and did not expect to n to East lednesday. Lansing until up said. "It took this us one four tries to get hill," Brown many members were snowed in at home. "I've been getting calls all Food & Booze r • 1227 E. Grand River (Rodman Taber, 349 E. 1 Hall, remembers the ALL Tequila Drinks If ride Sunday on I - 96 m Crosse Pointe to East mis WEEK AT THE ■"sing. He and three ppanions left the Detroit V at 2 p.m. and arrived on CORAL GABLES V2 PRIC Wis at 5 p.m. Twice, their ■ went off the expressway 6pm- 1 am lithe passengers had to push TUESDAY NIGHT IS: ■luck onto the road. Taber FLAMING HAPPY HOURS f rent a t.v S25.00 per term HOG NIGHT 2pm-5pm Mon,-Sat. WEDNESDAY NIGHT: |EJAC TV RENTALsl 337 1300 odK HAPPY HOURS LIVE FOLK ENTERTAINMENT Mon - Sat 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. 8 -11 P.M. ft *A • NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS ■^INAJO "RECORD S£X ^$10.95 month 0 <^\ vO 0 Appearing SUMMER - 1975 o\i WECORS>S ... »».00 per term 0 1 Free 4 Service / / / 0 This week-1 BAND LONDON, ENGLAND \Pelivery>/ OONl AAVTCH€_U_'S 2838 E. Grand River 337-1311 AMERICAN THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE (6 WEEKS) There is a I difference!!! "^RATION FOR: ATL 123 - "AMERICAN EXPRESSION" 3 credits »COUR,TA*4D Grand Annual Christmas AT Over 35 years of ATL 439 - "WRITING THE RESEARCH REPORT" 4 experience credits and success m Small classes ATL 300 - "SUPERVISED INDIVIDUAL STUDY" 24 »AT Voluminous home credits study materials Courses that are Total: 7-12 credits . instantly updated mj_ ^C PORK LOIN-MIXED PORK CHOPS center cut RIB PORK CHOPS 887lb. •l.'Vlb. MUSHROOMS68V|b 12 pack cans 12 oz. COCA COLA or TAB $1." Koegels Spartan - 3 lb. can RING BOLOGNA 88'/lb. Hygrades -1 lb. package GREEN PEPPERS COFFEE all grinds *2/* BALLPARK FRANKS 10' e°ch Armour - 24 oz. cans 98c/lb. BEEFSTEW , 49e USDA choice thin sliced TANGELOS Chef Boy Ardee 29 oz. pkg. SIRLOIN TIP CHIP STEAK ■ PIZZA MIX double cheese 99c J2."/lb. ID Fresh sliced , Spartan - creamy or crunchy PEANUT BUTTER 28 oz. 98c PORK LIVER and NECK BONES JEFFERSON CUP' C—bakery— Dove - 32 oz. bottle 49'/lb A classic American design recreated in hand spun pewter by Royal Holland craftsmen makes a gift of lasting pleasure. LIQUID DETERGENT 99c Tarnish free, they'll be used for a lifetime and Spartan 20 loaf .. beyond. - oz. Vlasic - Kosher or Polish WHITE BREAD 09 DILL PICKLES 32w 77< 3/1. 22" Glad, 30 gal. size, 10 ct. box Overfreih -12 TRASH BAGS 89* oz. pkg. Set of four. BREAKFAST ROLLS Wisk-V4 gal. LIQ.LAUNDRY bottle on east LARRY'S side of MSU at 1109 59< DETERGENT $1.69 East Grand River. Also in the collection: Vases, bowls, mugs, Open Mon - Thur 9 - 9, Fri 9 - 1 Sat 9-10. Sun 11 -5 pitchers, goblets candlesticks, tea VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON and coffee services. VALUABLE COUPON Bakers Angel Food - 7 oz. pkg. Orchard Grove Grade A 1 lb. Kraft Velveeta 2 lb. pkg. Scotch Pac - % gal. all flavors FLAKE BUTTER CHEESE LOAF COCONUT ICE CREAM 58' $1 38 44' 77' SAVE 27 cents SAVE 21 cents SAVE 15 cents SAVE 32 cents Limit 1 please with coupon Limit 1 please with coupon Limit 1 please with coupon and Limit 1 please with coupon $5 purchase. Good only at and $5 purchase. Good only and $5 purchase. Good only and $5 purchase. Good only Goodrich and Larry's Shoprite. *t Goodrich & Larry's •t Goodrich & Larry's at Goodrich & Larry's Expires 12/7/74. Shoprite. Expires 12/7/74. Shoprite. Expires 12/7/74. East Lansing 209 E. Grand River Downtown 113 Washington 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Detfcmh(,rl Michig last week off ( This is our Publishing - December 2-6, until Winter term, Check our rate column ffor deadlines!! (1.3498-1 le"r tfiroui >35 [ tiMin )(§ ; tyhriHt ii FRANKLY SPEAKING.. .by phil frank . [ Apartmentsjyi i" "Urtwils iV j Apartneats $ \lV. PINTO 1971, Arizona car. New tires, stereo - FM tape deck. UNLIMITED SALES OPPORTUNH If You're a better person than the r NEAR BARS, stores, bus, MSU. Sublet winter, girl, $66. MALE NEEDED to sublease Cedar Village Winter /spring. $80. 731 BURCHAM, 3-man fur* 0'lw" yl itOP- walk to 487-1508. 5-12-6 job you're now in, we'd like to 332-0086. 5-12-6 351-3252. -12-6 campus. $73 u 17-1621- 2 talk to you. Commissions. Call 351-7212.6-126 PONTIAC 1965. Power steering. TO Josephine Starkweather at ONE FEMALE: two bedroom ONE, TWO bedroom. Campus one Good tires and body. $200. apartment off PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH PHONE 355 8255 694-3935. Investors Diversified Michigan across block. Sharp, furnished, carpted. 372-2911. 2-12-3 Upper 1 bedroom ' Services. 8-12-6 frorrMayo Hall. Rent 332-1946. 4-12-6 347 Student Services Bldg. negotiable. 351-7912. 4-12-6 furnished, including PLYMOUTH FURY I 1970. * AUTOMOTIVE STUDENT WIVES. Teacher needs ONE, TWO or 3 males needed to refrigerator, garage Excellent condition. $650 or Paid. $135 ply,' best offer. Must sell. 351-6418. babysitter beginning January for NEED QUIET female grad. Own sublet winter/spring 4-man. $75. Scooters & Cycles 1 627-9723. 3 1 2-3 year old boy. My home. room, starting January. Call Twyckingham. Call Jim before Parts & Service Okemos. 349-0964. 4-12-6 361-1957. 3-12-5 11 pm. 332-275b. 4 12-6 FEMALE ROOMMATE Aviation TRIUMPH 1973, GT-6, low winter BABYSITTING in TWO GIRLS / spring. Twyckii mileage, 23 mpg, AM/FM. my home. 5 to sublease winter, MALE NEEDED to sublet wint * EMPLOYMENT evenings week/$40 week. Own spring. $70. Close to campus. Twyckingham, • FOR RENT 394-1755 evenings. 5-12-6 transportation. ^49-1641. 2-12-4 351-9279, eveings. 4-12-6 term. negotiable. 351-9143. 3-12-5 rei 351-2581*5-1*5 $75'm° Apartments TRIUMPH TR-6, 1970. Good EAST heat. I condition, good mileage, must PART TIME employment for MSU EASTERN HIGH near - large one NEAR SPARROW. 3 room LANSING, unfurni* Houses students. 12-20 hours per week. bedroom, air, carpeted, avai sell. 332-1263 after 3 pm. 3-12-5 bedroom, living room, dining furnished efficiency. $115 immediately. HI. Lease u Rooms Automobile required. 351-5800. room, appliances, first floor. including utilities. 484-6578. 1624 Cam C-3-12-5 337-2217. 6 126 until free • FOR SALE VOLKSWAGEN 1972, Super $135. Plus electric. Phone 4-12-6 694-0350 after 4 pm. 4-12-6 filind. 33 Animals Beetle, like new! Reasonably EARN MONEY over Christmas AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY priced. 882-7789. 5-12-3 TWO BEDROOM, 2 baths, ale nee Mobile Homes Break. Detroit area students girl, Cedar Village furnished, air, close. Rent 3 3 2- 3 0 6 4 I, pool. VW 1969. New engine and paint. needed to participate in research 3 3 2-5920 »LOST & FOUND negotiable. 337-1800. 4-12-6 , 332-51 351-5491 after 5 p . Snow tires, very clean. Call project. For information call > PERSONAL 351-7238. 5-12-3 3-12-3 393-9213, afternoons. 3-12-5 FURNISHED ONE bedroom, no -PEANUTS PERSONAL ''THERE£ SOtohMHGABCM' WO, YOUWj, children. Heat and water FEMALE NEEDED, wi .REAL ESTATE VW 1964. Good condition, WAITRESSES WANTED DELLS, furnished. Lansing. References ■ RECREATION run well. Sunroof, best offer. $2/hour. Call between 1-6pm. FBU0W, TOT 5AY£ 'COMPANY MAN'! FEMALE NEEDED, Apartment, required. $140 . 627-4864. Roc. close to campus 337-0579. 5-12-4 339-2916, Frank. 7-12-5 351-1877.6 126 close, $75/month. Call 4-12-6 ID GIR > SERVICE BICYCLE STORE manager. Long i COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKEL£Y CA 94709 332-5832, after 7 pm. 4-12-6 VW 1965 Squareback, SUBLEASE 1 bedroom, V Instruction rebuilt OWN ROOM in two man 4308. 3-' term arrangement. Experience MSU, on bus line. engine, snows, needs some work, THREE OR 4, large 3 bedroom apartment. $105 month. Grad, Typing Service 351-7240. 8-12-6 ][$) necessary 332-3175. 5-12-5 $250. 351-9399 days. 3-12-4 For Heat ](j) . mobile home. TO suble TRANSPORTATION NURSING - IN service instructor. • Apartmeits cheap. 351-0174. 4-12-6 Close, super senior preferred. 332-0271 after 8 pm. 4-12-6 WOMAN TO share ppus WANTED VW 1972. Excellent condition, one U Bachelor's degree preferred, apartment. One 111 block extras, 20,000 miles. $1300. TV AND STEREO CEDAR VILLAGE - 1 or 2 men. FOUR ROOM apartment. Couples WILLIAMSTON: FURNISHED CAR POOL experience helpful, but not rentals. campus - $82.50 per m Plus 1972 Renault R16, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free Winter / spring. $75/month. MINUTE! required. Good fringe benefits only. No pets. $135 plus apartment. Clean, Lady or Call 332-4367. 3 12-3 : fantastic condition, radial tires, 351-9255. 7-126 Ktment. St ••RATES** and salary. Contact personnel same day delivery and service. deposit. 489-6222. 4-12-6 gentleman. No pets, children. front wheel drive, 35mpg, r-9085.391 department, Ingham Medical Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-5-12^ $100/month. $60 deposit, FEMALE FOR large furnit 10 word minimum $1300. Call 353-2164. 3-12-3 ONE GIRL for two person. $87.50 Center, 401 West Greenlawn, 1525 NORTH HIGH. New, 655 3720 or 665-1177 . 4-12-6 Cedarview. Call after 4 p.m., man, ideal location, Lansing. Phone 371-2121, $ partially furnished. Utilities IRS E0GI 337-1604. 5-12-4 337-1100. 4-12-4 n 249. 7-12-6 paid. $140 plus deposit. idid, wi WORDS $ NOTICE $ STUDENTS 1-2583.5-1 393-7839,485-1302. 3-12-5 FOUR COCKTAIL WAITRESS. Part time. $ UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, FACULTY. STAFF ROOM, bath, 1 3 5 10 redecorated. Priavate parki ALL STUDENT except stove and refrigerator, for FEMALE, MODERN HATE 0 YAMAHA, TRIUMPH BMW Apply at bar in RAMADA INN. Apartment, single working person or 3 BEDROOM, Vh BATH Canton, 484-2220. 6-12-6 (room, bio motorcycles. Parts, accessories, Pennsylvania and 1-96. 3-12-3 winter/spring. Very close, service. SHEP'S MOTOR Advertising student. All utilities paid, very friendly, Heather, 332-2203. UNFURNISHED APT'S 332-044 clean and reasonable. Call GIRL NEEDED 4-person SPORTS, INC. 694-6621. REGISTERED NURSES must be 4-12-6 627-9387. 5-12-4 Village apartment, winter C-5-12-6 CRITICAL CARE UNITS "PRE PAID" CCU - ICU including Postoperative - NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, large NEED TWO girls for 4-person, from '215 per month $70. 332-2106. 3-124 HONDA 1971 350 cc. Electric NOW winter term. Reduced rent. - upstairs. One bedroom.' Share (includes «as heat & water) ONE BEDROOM, 2 Experienced preferred, needed in a 332-2680. 4-12-6 Good condition. $500. start. 2x4 bed acute care progressive through the end utilities. $120. 351-7497. Furnished. Close, quit 372-3275. 5-12-6 0-5-12-6 Call comfortable. 332-5874. DEADLINE hospital. Excellent orientation to of the term. GIRL NEEDED, winter term. both hospital and unit. No shift Americana Apartment. Rent KNOB HILL CHAPEREL 80 motorcycle, good TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile MALE ROOMMATE nee P.M. one class* day condition, $125. Call 655-2724. rotation. Tuition reimbursement State News negotiable. Call' 332-0376. APARTMENTS Classified Dept. homes. $25 - $35/week. 10 4-12-6 share modern three t: before publication. 5-12-3 arogram comprehensive, benefit 349-4700 347 Student Services minutes to. campus. Quiet and duplex with fireplace. L01 sackage, opportunity for peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or Community atmosphere near Frandor. No lease, 1973 SUZUKI 400. Street bike,. advancement, apply INGHAM 484-5315. 0-5-12-6 utilities. Grad stu VER STRl Peanuts Personal ads MEDICAL CENTER, 401 West 5 miles from campus 2,000 miles. $850 negotiable. CAMPUS HILL ]^f\ - must be pre-paid. 646-6236. 7-12-3 Greenlawn, Lansing, 48910. Phone Apartments 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, Jolly - % mile north of Jolly Road professional person 489-0437 after 5:30 pm. pre!) rin from utoo I 371-2121, extension 249. 6-12-6 Logan area, full basement, yard, lished Cancellations/ Corrections SALES P0smbri?AH 1 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED. carpeted, $180/month plus APARTMENTS PINE 6076 LAKE Marsh APARTMENTS, Road, Haslett. 1 WATERS EDGE. 4 pe (writs. 6 12 noon one class day BE HOME EVERY WIGHT Near Capitol, ICC.-Uttlrties paid; i WWHttes- &e«Oritv deposit bedroom needed winter an iKMpted. apartments just 10 j required. 372-8073.. After 6, Sublease. $82.50. before publications. Arrange financial programs' _'for $16^,373-6763. or 651-6540. minutes from MSU. $150 / per BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced individuals and business 5-l2j-3 I 669-3090.^5-12% 1 Furnished apartments month. Beautiful grounds, quiet 4-12-5 rates to students. Also organizations. Will train for location. Call Manager 339-8192 The State News will be NEED ONE ATTRACTIVE APARTMEN1 SINGLE ROOM, close to campus, man winter. Own guaranteed rust proofing. VAN highly lucrative, annualized available for or EAST LANSING REALTY, responsible only for the commission sales. Prior sales room. $66/month. Free utilities. winter term. Furnishe< WORLD, 645-2123. 0-5-12-6 new duplex, starting winter 3324128. 10-12-6 irst experience desirable. Call term. $80. 351-6662 5-12-6 882-1671.5-12-6 Lansing. 489-5429 Si30 day's incorrect immediate occupancy ELECTRIC REAR window JosepKne Starkweather, 24 TO SUBLEASE apartment insertion WANT A nice place to live? Short NEAR FRANDOR. 2 bedi defrosters - $13.95 at 694-3935. Investors Diversified GIRL NEEDED, winter and spring, or across from campus. December Services. 8-12-6 Cedar, Village, $80/month. on money? Let us help you! 15. $67.88/month. 3324945. Appliances, air, CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN HATE Nl Bills are due 7 days from 337-1209. 5-12-6 Short term leases available. 4-12-6 carport. $180 plus the ad expiration date. If CAR PARTS, 2605 East POSITIONS OPEN, in consumer Mason Hills Apartments - from beginning Winter term. 627-2559 or 484 979 i*y. $75. Kalamazoo, one mile west of M9-0879. not paid by the due date, a and industrial sales - in FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, $139 a month. New one and two THREE MAN campus. 487-5055. C-5-12-6 Apartment, $.50 late service charge will technical/engineering disciplines, 'Grand River/Beal area. $82.50. bedroom apartments, with all Call 349-3530 i needec and in data processing. Call • convenient to MSU, newly Keep WARM &**■ y MASON Kalamazoo BODY SHOP. 812 East Street since 1940. MANAGEMENT Available 351-9415. 5-12-6 immediately. appliances, carpeting, drapes, pets allowed. Located at and repainted, plenty of parking. $80 per man plus utilities. For This Winter! comfon tocampu RECRUITERS, 694-1153. No 495 North Okemos Road, in more information, call 484-3273 Complete auto painting and fee and Mason. 10 minutes from MSU. BllRCHAM [ ]\& no contract to sign. FEMALE 627-9229. 4-12-6 collision service. American and NEEDED, two girl or Automotive Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-5-12-6 8-12-6 Norwood Apartment. Winter. Furnished model open Monday CHILD CARE for 10 month old Rent negotiable. 337-7940. through Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. Call Model at TWYCKINGHAM 4-man, bedroom furnished. 2 FURNISHED TWO bedroom WOODS needed 3-12-4 apartment to sublease till June. BARRACUDA FASTBACK 1967. 6 7 6-4874. son. Year round. 8-5. In my Other times call $290/month. Utilities paid. $185. MSU area. 349-9604. after {884.5-12- Some rust. New tires, muffler. Due to some recent home. Okemos area. Light DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemos. manager at 676-4291, or EAST Immediate occupancy. 5 pm 349-2598.4-12-6 $275,332-8581. 1-12-3 LANSING 351-7166.487-5696.8-12-6 housekeeping. Own Includes 2 full baths, air REALTY AND dropouts we now E,2bedroon I DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. transportation. References. Call conditioning, * carport. No SPARROW, ONE bedroom, have comfortable BUICK 1966. Power brakes. Runs good. Good steering, 355-9618, 9-5 p.m. 349-9515 children or pets. $250. Phone 5-12-5 TWO GIRLS needed, winter and carpeted, also Rosemary Street, 'RENI body. after 6 p.m. and weekends. 332-0111 or evenings and spring. Cedar Village. Parking. 2 and spacious 1 bedro bedroom, 627-9824; 0, exten $125. 353-2164. 8-12-6 6-12-6 weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 ONE GIRL needed, winter. Close 337-9541.6 1 2-6 485 3051.4-12-6 furnished apartments avai to campis, $70/month. iOROOM CHEVY VAN, 1974. 12,000 miles. VOLKSWAGEN COMPLETE repair WANTED: FULL time LUXURY TOWN HOUSES, 351-9476. 5-12-6 SHARE COMFORTABLE 2 Winter term girl for NEED ONE girl for Cedar Village ttment, 5 Paneled, carpeted, extras. Call families preferred. Full bedroom apartment. $117 / and body. 20% DISCOUNT to office. Apply Monday and apartment. $80. Call 337-9211. $175 per month W. Subleas 349-1505. 6-12-6 students and faculty on all cash Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, basement, all appliances, WOMEN FOR one bedroom month, no utilities. Close. Bus. across 4-12-6 Utilities included 0188.10-12 'n' carry VW service parts. Lansing. 372-6323. 6-12-6 including washer and dryer, bath campus. $80/month. 337-2570, 3324227, 351 2658. 3-12-3 COUGAR, 1968. 62,000 miles. J4. $225 a month, between 1 332-1940. 5-12-6 745 Burcham Drive - IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 Good condition. Must sell. Best NEEDED ONE male sublet offer. Call 355-2990. 5-12-5 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. ARE YOU looking for more pm and 6 pm Wednesday GIRL NEEDED to sublet old Cedar Village Apartment. friendly winter and to spring. Eden Roc. 351-3118 or 484-401 kises 485-2047, 485-9229. opportunity to use your skills? through Sunday. Call 882-0257. MALE TO sublease River's Edge Winter / spring term. Close to Phone 361 -9482.4-12-6 for Five minutes from Mastercharge and Bank w open campus. winter/spring. Parking. $77.50. lANSING CHEVROLET 1968. 4 door Belair. Americard. C-5-12-6 1 secretaries, secretaries, 8-12-6 332-0396. 5-12-6 campus. E)alcony, parking. - 327, V-8, auto transmission, air 332-8856. 5-12-5 FEMALE ROOMIE winter/spring. 2 BEDROOM APARTH bookkeepers, and receptionists. Own Burcham Drive. led. Phor conditioning, good condition. E70 X 14 studded snow tires. New, Experience a must. Don't put it GIRL NEEDED For winter/spring BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS. room. Completely furnished, $525. Call 351-3970 after 5 pm. $35. 349-0274, after 7 term. Eden Roc. Frandor near. 2 bedroom, WOMAN NEEDED. $81.33 month. 351-5317.4-12-6 at Capitol Villa apartr pm. off any longer. Call Linda at Cindy, Large 4-12-6 4-12-6 OFFICEMATES. 694-1153. 351-9553.4-12-6 unfurnished. Garden level. apartment, 233 Delta, 3A. $81. 1704 East Grand River Available soon. $170. Office, 353-9642. Home ONE MAN needed winter - spring. information please H0USI JM2-6 1972 CHEVY, 9 passenger WINTER SUBLEASE, girl needed, 485-9343. 332-8861. 7-12-6 1234 E. Grand River. Call 485-1798. After 6 pm; wi roorr 7-12-6 Townsman Station Wagon. Excellent condition, many Aviation X COUNSELOR CASE worker, full time, experience in social work 2 man, rent negotiable. Close. 351-1175.4-12-6 351-8775. 3-124 W5.35164 351-5969. 4-12-6 ONE BEDROOM furnished. 220 GIRL NEEDED to sublease Water's extras. Priced to sell. 393-7020. working with children. Contact Charles No. 3, East Lansing. Edge winter/spring. $82.51 4-12-6 SPECIAL LUSCOMBE rate. $9.99 per hour November 30 through William Weitzel, VFW National Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, FEMALE ROOMMATE, winter and Open anytime''. B-1-12-3 351-1721. 4-12-6 CROSSWORD spring. Close to campus. DODGE CHALLENGER cylinder, automatic. 1970. 6 $700. December 8. Try it, you'll like it. FRANK'S FLYING 663-1521, extension 147. X-7-12-4 332-3238. 4-12-6 PUZZLE 349-3947, Steve. 3-12-5 SERVICE, Jewett Airport. ACROSS MALE NEEDED. Own room, no 676-4860.6-12-6 VOCATIONAL COUSELOR. 1. Iranian ruler 32. Swerve deposit. Close, $90. 351-7126, DODGE COLT, 1972. 4-speed, Career opportunity center, farm 5. Lily leaf after 6 pm. 4-12-6 " 37,000 miles. 30 mpg. Snow workers, migrant program, tires. $1750 or best offer. flHinmt lillj permanent full time. Spanish ONE BEDROOM unfurnithed. Function _3J2-895r 4-12-6 speaking by bi-cultural. Contact Sublet January to September. Mr. Ferguson, 489-3715. FORD RANCHERO, GT. 360 hp, TYPIST, Part - time winter term. Capital Villa. $164. 332-4737, x-7-12-3 Bonnie. 3-12-5 automatic transmission, $1800. Apply in person '"7% Albert St. Call 655-2724. 5-12-3 (baserrc.» \,tV.e Courier DESK CLERK needed. Must have EAST LANSING - one person to Bldg.) tr..«een 11 and 1 p.m. transportation and be willing to CR 6-12-6 share furnished 2 bedroom. 5 Boot travel. Call 372-0567 or Winter and spring terms. $100. 6 Edible sel 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. 4-12-6 WANTED - CASHIERS and go-go dancers. Apply in person. Must 0-5-12-6 Quiet comfortable, 337-7438, 353-7733. Or Keith, 353-4686. TO REACH 7. Caps 8 tre FORD MAVERICK 1974. 2 door, be over the age of 18. Apply at 4-12-6 g Murmur automatic, mint condition, 10,000 miles. Asking $2500. CINEMA X THEATRE AND ADULT BOOK STORE, 1000 MODELS FOR between 10 photography. Call am and 6 pm. NEED FEMALE, one bedroom, BUYERS- z 3 4 5 6 ' a 9 10 10. Norse got 16. Convent 882-7761,9:30- 11:30 am. Mr. Berry. 3-12-4 West Jolly Road. No phone calls please. 7-12-4 489-1215.0-5-12-6 two person. 351-9214.4-12-6 $85. Near campus. CALL 355-8255 II % IT" 13 18. Slump 21. Bushy c FORD, 1969 - Fairlane. Automatic, MARRIED COUPLE needed to NEED 8 men with knowledge of East Lansing area with good car, ONE UPPER class female. Winter, 'q ii"" % * 23. Giecnswa 24. Ex GI neat appearance for local parcels new brakes, new shocks, good spring. Riverside Apartments. 25. Landn h % V//< supervise a group of mentally deliveries. Earn $20 daily. Apply A Classified Advisor is 17 tires, 20 mpg, 53,000 miles. $68. 332-2784. 3-12-5 waiting to 9 26. Greek let $600,482-0103. 3-12-4 retarded adults. work. Room and board provided Rewarding 10 am - 4 pm 3121 East Grand River, Suite 100. HOLIDAY help you write the result-getting 35- % 21 nr 27 Record bi y4 % % MALE NEEDED Sublease 4 man 28. Everythin plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg Classified Ad that turns good % - INSURANCE - LOWEST rates on INN, Mr. Grisham. No phone at 487-6500. 7-12-5 apartment. One block from 26 29 Coral 1 calls. 2-12-3 28 W 36 cycles and auto. Call us first or appliances and other things you last, but call. East Payment Plan. UNION UNDERWRITERS, BABYSITTER - mornings, 1 child. My home. 2 WEEKDAY GAS STATION attendant. Male or campus. Roommates. $80/month. 337-2486. 3-12-5 Great don't need into quick cash. Call ii Hz % 33 Through 3b. Fggshap 38 Bohemi" now for __485-4317.0-5-12-6 miles south of Spartan Village. female, full time. Apply in STUDENTS WELCOME. 2 and 3 courteous, friendly help. Sm 40. Flavor PEUGEOT 1972, 504 Wagon. Own transportation. $25/week. 393-7906. 5-12-6 person. POINT ARCO, 1542 West Grand River, East Lansing. bedroom around apartments Lansing. in $70 and % 5e 49 V/, v//,% 41 41 41 Purple seaweed %% per MO 24,000 miles. 27 mpg. Mint. $2495. 353-8730 or 351-6757. BABYSITTER IN my home from 2-12-3 bedroom, all utilities paid. Pets allowed. Call 371-4158. 4-12-6 State News{lassified Ads w 44 46 %3r 47 ' 42. Shadel« #1 5-1_?-fi_ PINTO - 1972. Runabout. 25,000 7:30 am - 5:30 pm daily, 7:30 am - 10:30 pm Thursdays. Will IF YOU'Rf one of the best, tell the public about your service or GIRL NEEDED 347 Student Services 46 % BO 43 Young Bo Scout Classi sublease % % business to with an ad on the Mon - Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 44. Siouan miles. Gold, automatic, radio. consider live - in. 393-0041 after Yellow Page each Thursday, Call winter/spring. 731 Burcham. It accep French* i w 45. $1550.351-0832.5-12 6 6:30 pm and week-ends. 5-12-3 Mirholle. 355-8255. 351-8181.4-12-6 46 Dj ' December 3 Hl,cliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3, 1974 11 Houses m c Houses HEEDED Cedar Village. uwn ROOM ■ beautiful house east For Salt J(§ I fir Sale ||^| Qw Sale Pants Personal SB Win„r or winter/ipring.- washer/dryer. No lease $75' lansing, girl to share HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand 3498.5 1 2-6 332-5263.4-12-6 beautiful home with ANTIQUES KENWOOD 6004 amplifier, moth.r and Store, 2323 West Holmes Road OUR THANKS to everyone for a 7 year old. 10* Discount with Phone this adl Pioneer PL-T2 turntable, brand 332-0981. 882-3022. 30-12-3 great fell term. See you this unfurnished,NICETbed~ro7m. ROOMMATE needed Interesting .,c through June. $70 month. 0Kun,M0Sh large garden. $180 100 and unusual stuff, lots of items under $10 for imaginative new Shure cartridge. Excellent condition, $300 firm. 489-9664. winter. Midnight Sun. 2-12-3 P»us utilities. SINGLE ROOM for male. USED VACUUM Cleaners. 351-3261.5-12-6 349-2522 2-12-4 Large gift givers. Open Tuesday - Sunday, 5-12-3 Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. . ments bouse. Excellent location, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4245 S. Deal Estate « >9 "l7T EFFICIENCY Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 Okemos. 349-4648. 7-12-6 FUR COAT. Brown rabbit size 11. (Behind Dooley's) 319 io,»P8rkin9' ,8undrv- and up. DENNIS - flw/)P„ng. Shopping cen^. $76/month. -J1 "J®18, 512-6 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, PANASONIC AM/FM $25. 655-2478, after 6 pm. OKEMOS - EXCITING "'AM, tUrni ,top. Close. 332-5566. George, 3514015.4-12-6 316 North Cedar. Opposite stereo with 4-12-6 EXCITING ATMOSPHERE City cassette. Must tell. Best offer. contemporary 4 bedroom home campus. $7334 .,6213-124 neat dependable female. Own for Market. C-3-12-5 332-3169. 5-124 overlooking beautiful Indian !. 6-12-6 eak^ LANSING- bedrooms in Two furnished bedroom. $90/month / utilities FENDER SUPER Reverb Amp. Six months old. $400, best offer. Lake. Open - beam construction Announcements for It's What's .|P TO (hare apartment. house, $85 SEWING highlight the interior Happening monthly 339-2351. 5-12-5 MACHINE Clearance YAMAHA LESLIE amplifier, must be received in the „ room. 635 Abbott. Cheap, plus utilities.' Lease Sale! Brand new RA200. $1500 new. Must sell, 487-5018.4-12-6 architectural design. A truly State News office, 341 Student portables jlnroniv 332-4248 after five. __DeWmber 15. 332-8348. 4-12-6 WANTED, ONE liberal person to $49.95, $5 per month. Large $1000. Perfect condition. private hide-a-way, Call John J. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class days before publication. id. 24 including CLOSE • 5-6 person share farmhouse. 1- selection of reconditioned used 351-7687. 5-12-3 Henry. 372-7943 or 485-6766. No announcements will be accepted ,tor. garage, t house, 152 5-12-6 machines. Singers, Whites, 5-12-6 by phone. *135 plus .I 3-12-3 di 4*2*6' *h0Wn M Pm d8i'V' TWO PEOPLE needed for Necchi's, New Home others". and "many 7847. 8-12-6 $19.95. Terms. Beautiful Help Leaflet for PIRGIM during M. 351 furnished EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING Plfstic Tubing Material PORTRAITS BY Susan. Pastels, Recreation registration. Come to a meeting at 4 IN LANSING, bedroom on bus "line." 4 COMPANY 1115 North Available for $25. Charcoals, $15. Union today in 329 Student Services Bldg. ease 2 person. January to house. Suitable for Board Flea Market, BOOK CHRISTMAS Block east Bogue. serveral Washington, 489-6448. C-3-12-6 7th and 8th. 4-12-6 men or women. $250 Bong Pipes nowl Ski packages available. The MSU Scuba Club meets at 7 4277 8 1 2-6 plus deposit. SEMI-FURNISHED floor in tonight in 203 Men's Intramural 393-7839 RALEIGH RECORD, 25!4" frame. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 485-1302. 3-12-5 semi-country house, Okemos. Bldg. New members are welcome. HEAT. East Lansing, luxury Couple upstairs, share kitchen. 6 months old. $100. 489-5867. 3-12-5 ! Animals 351-8800. C-5-12-6 Excellent for animalsl International folk dancing meets jdjroom. Unfurnished, no EAST LANSING - lovely two $100, Make Your Own! at 8 tonight in the Union Tower utilities. Lease until September. On* free rent. $160. 129 bedroom duplex. welcome. $195 plus Child deposit and 5-12-6 1856 Grand River. SEARS AUTOMATIC Console humidifier, like new. $65 or best 372-7177 + POODLE: BLACK Registered, 3 months old, shots, miniature. (_ Service ^ Room. Dances are from all over the world. Everybody is welcome. 1332-0976. 19-12-6 utilities. 489-2575. 4-12-6 partly house broken. $75. TWO GIRLS offer. 351-1694.4-12-6 to sublease January 1. USED GIBSON electric guitars. L6 3714878. 3-124 TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, MSU Business Women's Club NEEDED 4 woman. 80 ACRfe Farm, Haslett. Need Own rooms in oiled and LE • large house. $80 SKI Let Paul Deluxe, SG, stereo and adjusted. Portables will meet for luncheon at 11:30 one. 351-9556. 5-12-6 EQUIPMENT. Hanson Prima M pool, no lease, $56.25. Own room. Occupancy after boots size 10-12, $75. Hart much more. Microfrets new GIVING AWAY! White female $7.50. Manuals, $10. Electric, a.m. Wednesday in the Union ^ 332 5345 . 5-12-6 December 13. $56/month + Short Stuff 180 cm, new $100. TRAYNOR PA amps lead and manx cat, declawed, black $12.50. One day service, free Ballroom. Guest for the meeting TWO ROOMS in will be Charles McDermid, of the utilities. house. Quiet, pick up and delivery. 25 years 675-7537.6-12-6 Spalding Formidable 210cm, base amps. USED PIGNOSE Persian, go together. 351-7396. sunny, not too far. $70 3-124 experience. 393-9774. 0-5-12-6 Dept. of Music. 485-0505. 5-12-6 excellent condition, $95. amps, a dozen used banjos. Used FURNISHED, 3 bedroom. $200 3-12-5 mastertone deluxe 2 used Bacon A discussion meeting plus utilities. Lansing, 5 minutes IRISH SETTER puppies, AKC, FOR THE BEST Serivce on stereo 5 string banjos. 50 acoustic concerning the English - History FREE RENT till December wormed and 1st shot, to MSU. Pets. 489-5971. 5-12-5 15. BUNK BEDS, like new, $60. Phone 349-9355 equipment see the STEREO departments' spring 1975 classes in Own guitars. Drum sets $65 - up. room, close to campus. after 5:30. 5-12-6 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. London will be held at 7 tonight in 355-9903 Used flutes, saxes, NICE New duplex. 351-3829. 5-12-6 Tuesday and trumpets, C-5-12-6 111 Bessey Hall. DUPLEX, East Lansing, own Wednesday. clarinets, etc. WILCOX MUSIC, Thursday and GOLDEN RETRIEVER, male room, parking, December 15th. 509 East Michigan, FEMALE OWN furnished room in Friday, Call 349-9640.4-12-6 Lansing. EDITING PROOFREADING. • puppies, AKC Champion - College Republicans will meet at _ 351-3227.6-12-6 new house. $70/month, 4854391. C-5-12-6 bloodline, 6 weeks. $125. Dissertations, theses, research 8:30 tonight in 37 Union. OWN 337-2376. 5-12-6 projects, Constitutional revisions will be ROOM in house. Close to 339-9907.4-12-6 manuscripts. Anne COLOR TV, Motorola, mahogany HOUSEPLANTS FOR Christmas! voted on. campus. $80/month. 332-3670 Cauley, 337-1591. 5-12-6 GIRL NEEDED, 4 girl house, close. cabinet, new picture tube, cost Great idea, wide selection. 5-12-5 GENUINE ALLEY-Cat kittens - MSU German students present: Rates negotiable. Winter $650 new, now $150. Phone Cheap. CAII 351-8138. 5-12-6 PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, only. Free, to warm hearted people - Eine Katfeestunde from 1:30 to 332-3712.6-12-6 349-1112. 3-12-5 finest quality, reasonably priced. SUNN 200S 100 Watt amp with only! 332-5562. 2-124 3:30 p.m. every Tuesday in A-740 BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, Wells Hall. All those who desire to NEAR DUAL 1214. Excellent condition. two 15" SRO speakers in Reflex LCC. Big four bedroom. FREE KITTENS. 10 weeks old, 482-5712. C-5-12-6 practice their German are invited. 2-Shure cartridges. $100 or best cabinet. Great sound. Call $85/MONTH, plus utilities for Sharp. Orange shag carpet. New litter trained. Call 351-0928. kitchen and bath. Accommodate offer. 3494655. 3-12-5 351-9436. Ask for Steve. Will The self help group will meet at couple to share large house with 3-124 same. No swingers. Call 484-7319, four or five students. $200. take best offer. 5-12-6 Typing Service & 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Women's Center in the Union UN after 5 p.m. 7-12-6 655-3568after 5:30. 5-124 TURNTABLE GARRAD SL72B, - Lounge. walnut base, dust cover, Shure HART KNIGHT skis, 180 cm. ! Mobile Homes * TYPING, ELECTRIC machine, LARGE DOUBLE room in house. M91ED. 351-7159, Nights. Intermediate, 699-3411 days. fast, accurate and experienced. Soaring Club meeting at 7:30 Close. $80 each. Rooms 3-12-5 Evenings/weekends. 694-3223. 372-4746. 8-12-6 p.m. Wednesday in 203 Men's 353-6592, 5-12-6 ATLAITIC, 1967. 10x50. 332-0968. 5-124 Intramural Bldg. Movies and APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM Furnished, clean, many extras, elections. I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, NEAR STABLES - large bedroom ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of CHAIRS TABLES, picture frames, financing. $2,900. 641-6226. ROOM, male,$95, lease, ONE TO share house winter , 5-12-3 quickly, cheaply. 1111 H, term. in brick ranch house, full Mason on Hull Road. Hours 9-5. odds 'n' ends, Stop Buy and Criminal justice graduate student let, carpeted, clean, close. Own room. Call 351-8114. University Village. 355-5871. forum: A supper meeting will be privileges, fireplace, dishwasher, Closed Mondays. G'ift packages Save. DOTTIES Mil 10.5-12-6 4-12-6 8x37 TRAILER, 10x10 shed. Close held for discussion and action on see to appreciate, available shipped by United Parcel. COLLECTABLES, 2500 East December 15. 337-0195. 7-12-6 to MSU and shopping. agenda items, at 5 today in the 1-589-8251.04-12-6 Michigan. 5-12-6 JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced Union cafeteria. LANSING, 1708 Cambria-2 WANT CHEAP, close, friendly 332-8009.6-12-6 dissertation typist. Term papers, loom townhouse, fireplace, atmosphere? Try Nexus Co-op PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south theses, dissertations. 3934672. Who am I? What am I? Why am I )MMATE n 351-2161, one bedroom $275 term. Room/board. near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for LEISURE LIVING at Melrose 4-12-6 here? Meet with the Self- dern three nint $175. 337-2217. 351-0100. 4-12-6 student, near bus line. Mobile Home Park. 10 miles Awareness Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. hti fireplace. Lo $65/month plus deposit. from MSU, own beautiful Moon EXPERIENCED IBM Wednesday and Thursday in 310 ior. No lease. $8( Lake, and lots for 30' 70' typing. 627-5454. X7-124 - Dissertations and 312 Agricultural Hall. Grad trailers. Students with family (pica - elite). sluden WER STREET, in Lansing - FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-12-6 There will be is person prefl Id from campus, just off GIRLS: DOUBLE rooms to rent, travel trailers welcome. a brief Tri - Beta after 5:30 pm. 5 latoo Good sized dormer sleeping area, sorority Immediate occuparcy. meeting for all members at 7 IRENE ORR - Theses, Term house. Close to campus. $415, 675-7212. 5-12-6 papers, tonight on the Union Sunporch. lished 1 bedroom ROOMMATE NEEDED, Winter, general typing. Please be prompt. Formerly with )GE, 4 person. Spring. $84/month. Duplex on per term. CAM 332-3551 Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. "Horizons" student radio series Spartan Avenue, Call 351-9189. daytime or 482-9511 evenings. ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom C-5-12-6 plesents a documentary on Todd $82.50. 337- 4-12-6 8-12-6 mobile home. Furnished, pets, I^pndgfep. at 11:05 tonight an.J immediate occupancy. Bike to PURPLE WFMK (99.1 FM). VICKI - Fast accurate, OAKRIDGE, Large 1 TWO ROOM IN house. 526 MSU. Must sell. 351-8141. Layin' down background sounds BEDROOM, 3 man. Evergreen. inexpensive typing. Very near E APARTMEN1 Furnished. Utilities paid. $85 $90/month, utilities included. to help you through your day - campus. 337-7260. C-5-12-6 erm. Furmshei nil building. Occupancy person. 332-1946. 4-12-6 351-1985. 3-124 that is WTVR on the Union 89-5429. $130. 1966 10x55, 6'x17' addition. New airwaves. Listen! COMPLETE THESES - Service WOMAN NEEDED. Own bedroom. furnace, shed, washer/dryer. The Michigan Botanical Club PETS, COUPLES welcome. 2 Discount Printing IBM typing will meet at 7:30 tonight in 168 bedrooms. Furnished house. House, close, furnished, $3400.351-5715.4-12-6 and binding of dissertations and Plant Biology Bldg. John Beaman $66. Wooded. 8824818. 4-12-6 fireplace. $75. 351-6463. 5-12-6 ITE NEEDED publications. Across from will lead a tour of the herbarium. starting THREE BEDROOM, 12x60, All phases of plant (. $75. Own bedroom. JOIN THE CO-OP! Openings now campus, corner M.A.C. and collecting, ONE FEMALE needed. Nice house. skirted, close, furnished, sharp. identification and storage can be 349-0879. 5-124 Grand River. Below Jones 240 Oak Hill. Share room now for winter term at Bogue Street Asking $4700. 351-0174.4-12-6 Co-Op and other houses. Call Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - UN needed immediately for through $60 monthly Friday. Call COPYGRAPH Microbiology Undergraduates: ps WARM summer. i$ Winter! I comfortable apartment, to campus. $100 / month, plus utilities. 355 4968.4-12-6 Call Karen 351-8660 or stop in at 207 Bogue Street or call 355-8313, 31 IB Student Services Building. [ Lost & Found Q SERVICES, 337-1666. C-5-12-6 Come to our monthly tonight in 216 Giltner Hall to hear various meeting at 7 professors discuss their (water included. 351-7539. Student Housing Corporation. THESES, RESUMES, typing and research programs in' microbiology. FIND SOMETHING ?KHAM COZY DUPLEX: needs girl. 5-12-6 If you've found a pet or article of printing. Reasonable prices. The Family Ecology Club will Winter/spring. $75 includes COMMERCIAL PRINTING, hold its Christmas open house value, we want to help you OODS NEEDED for 3 woman utilities. 351-0304. 4-12-6 OWN ROOM, 3 bedroom furnished return it. Just come into the 3514116. C-5-12-6 from 7 to 8 tonight in 1 Home Burcham. Call Management House. house. $62/month. Parking. FRUIT BASKETS 1/2 - 1 peck. State News Classified ANN BROWN typing and multilith American thought and language 1884.5-124 FEMALE - December 15. 1 block i some recent 484-9601.3-12-5 December 13, Department and tell us you want offset printing. Complete service will hold an open house to discuss from campus. $68 monthly. lobby Horticulture Building. to place an ad in EAST for dissertations, theses, its London program for summer luts we now 2bedroom, block campus, CLEAN, FURNISHED. Orders begin November 25. LANSING STATE BANK'S manuscripts, general typing. 1975 from 6:30 to 8 tonight in C-4 :omfortable BUNDY SAXOPHONE, 7 years, Wilson Hall, Wednesday in the West TWO PERSONS needed for privileges, parking. Gunson. 337-9516, 337-1139, MSU Found Column. As a public IBM. 25 ious 1 bedrool 1. 34£M#w! country home. Own rooms, forest Utilities paid. $80. 351-1356. Horticulture Club. 7-12-6 $150. Ski boots, Tecnus Men's service EAST LANSING STATE 349-0850. C-5-12-6 years experience. Landon Hall lower lounge and Thursday in G-34 Hubbard Hall. All 860, extension 238. 7-12-6 and river. Cheap, 4-12-6 6. Rieker Ladies 6%. 351-1755. BANK will run the ad at no cost call 9-5, interested students are welcome. lartments avail 3724949. After 5, IMMEDIATE CASH for 5-124 337-9644. records, TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast Refreshments will be served. DROOM FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM: Kitchen EAST LANSING reti term 3-124 tapes. Karma Records. - 313 and reasonable. 3714635. MSU Libertarian Alternative will ent, 5 blocks from USED CANON Pelix, Mamiya - privileges, $180 plus utilities. Student Services, afternoons. STATE BANK C-5-12-6 meet at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in per month Sublease winter, spring. 155 Gunson. 351-8754. 4-12-6 353-7287. 3^12-6 Sekor 1000 DTL, Petri SLR C-U2 Wells Hall to project plans VICTORIAN MANOR. Downtown ies included ^88.10-12-3 with standard and telephoto FOUND: WIRE rimmed for next term and discuss other Lansing, single bedroom, $45 - EXPERIENCED, TYPING term $75. 351-0997 after 5 pm. ROOM IN friendly east side house. SNOW TIRES, two H70x15. lens. Super 8mm movie sunglasses, near Cedar Village. exciting projects. urcham Drive papers, theses, etc.- Rapid, Available until September. Fiberglass belted. Almost new. equipment. Federal enlarger - Identify. Call 351-2583. The Women's Resource Center is 81or 484-401 tat 3-124 487-8755.4-12-6 349-0334. $45. 3-12-5 $49.95. Benjamin miracord C-3-124 accurate C-5-12-6 service. 394-2512. sponsoring a brown bag lunch for 50HII turntable. Kenwood women students of age 25 and 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, $245 per older, who are returning to school QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and SAVIN 215 copy machine. 3 years KR5150 Stereo Receiver. Sansui FOUND: WATCH 11-19-74 1166 Lilac, 3 month. 1539 Lyon Avenue, EXPERT TYPING theses, papers, after several years of full time reasonable. Board at Triangle QR4500 quad receiver. AR2X )M APARTM Lansing. 6764186. 5-12-6 old, $250. Call 3514879 before Eberhard parking lot. Call general work. Call Carolyn, employment.' Fraternity. Call 332-3563. speakers and many more sweet homemaking or furnished. L( ltd. Phone 332-0965! 4:30 pm, Monday through 3 55-8797 and describe for 332-5574. 6-12-6 motherhood. Come join us for I Villa apartr 8-12-6 Friday. 5-12-3 stereo components. King size return. C-3-124 discussion and sharing of resources GIRL NEEDED for winter or waterbed, ladies and mens in 6 Student Services Bldg. The Grand River winter spring. Own room, nice PRIVATE ROOM, private entrance. leather coats, ski equipment, ice LOST: PAIR of small binoculars in brown bag lunch program is held jon please house. Close. $80/month. BUYING boat, barber chair. All every Wednesday at noon. After 6 pm 351-1757. 3-124 Close, utilities paid. $85/month. black case. Auditorium, Monday theses. 332-8498. 7-12-6 merchandise An organizational 3-12-4 $75.351-6828. 5-12-6 332-1946.4-12-6 & guaranteed- - 11/25. Reward. 3714248. meeting and Check us out, you will groove on 3-12-5 rap session for students interested 'AREA, 4 bedroom older 2 ADJOINING ROOMS. Near Union. $160/month. Private ROOMS - FURNISHFO, parking, cooking. «CcNT£^ 8011 ®85' SELLING our honest down to earth used equipment prices. DICKER 8i __3:!2;5_ LOST: MAN'S wallet near Williams. I Transportation ^ in working with the will I held ; Grapevine 'deal for students. $200 bath. 428 Grove. Call Dana, DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, Wednesday in the Project Grapevine Sharon, »\V-uu90, after five. Return Credit cards. Reward. FLORIDA RIDERS needed office, 25 Student Services Bldg. "•nth plus utilities. No 332-2373.5-12-6 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. - " Call 355-3537.4-12-6 leaving December 11, returning All interested students are invited. 3324128, EAST Monday and Friday til 9 pm. NG REALTY OWN ROOM in large house, close Dec. 22. Call Grand Rapids, Applications for the position of COMPANY. MALE STUDENTS, single rooms in 349-3144 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday to campus. 372-2911. 2-12-3 $70/month. East Lansing. Parking. Refrigerator. 332-5791. 6-12-6 1 $78 E. Grand River it Meridian Mall and Saturday 9-6. C-5-12-6 Personal J/_ 1-616-453-5956. 5-12-3 RHA treasurer are now accepted through Thursday. Applications are available in 323 being IEDR00M, unfurnished. USED CANON TL-b 35mm RIDERS NEEDED to Florida, Student Services Bldg. The position W 'ull share expenses Leaving before basement. One 5 BEDROOM, furnished, utilities OVER 25 years experience camera. Minox B Black body. BUY YOUR vitamins now to give requires minimal bookkeeping, 'torn campus. $150. 15th. Call Jeff. 694-8519. 2-124 paid, close. Own room. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Olympus Zuiko 75 - 150 mm you strength for finals. certain responsibilities and an ^.mornings. 4-12-6 $65/month. 487-6347. 3-124 East Midiigan, Lansing. zoom lens. Beseler T-35 enlarger. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, ability to get along with others. C-5-12-6 NEED RIDE to California, after RCA 16mm movie projector. 1105 East Grand River. Beginning Dec. 9, draft December 12, share expenses. How to form your own car jtool ENGAGEMENT - WEDDING rings. Used movie accessories. cameras Kodak and 332-2011.0-5-12-6 484-6461. 4-12-6 registration service on be discontinued until the campus will beginning pocket of winter term. $175. Crystal service, $50. instamatic $10 During this period, As up. Polaroids $5 public service at no charge, the State News will provide - a TO RUSSIA With experts - find RIDE NEEDED to Ann Arbor men can register at local draft 5 Boot 484-6302 after 6 pm. 5-12-3 .. . any - up. New Robyn CB sets. Many out if detente is for real with the a free classified advertisement for those people who would like 1-7-75. Leave morning, return 6 Edible se. excellent car 8 track tape players MSU Women's consciousness FOR SALE: firewood, 4x8 stack, nonpolitical, nonprofit Citizen after 4:30 pm. Call 355-8974. 7. Caps to set with FM stereo. Used Sony, 8 Rowan tr< up or join a car pool. $25, delivered. Call 6764375. Exchange Corps on an exchange raising group will hold a Craig Sanyo cassette players. visit to Russia. Groups depart: presentation on rape at 9 tonight in 5-12-3 g. Murmur Driving? _ or Riding? WILCOX SECONDHAND December - August. Writer: Akers Hall and at 7 p.m. in Butterfield Hall. Thursday 10. Norse got STORE, 509 East Michigan. CEC, 101 Park Ave., New York, Wanted 16. Convent ^rom to ——— SCHWINN 10-speed. Excellent Lansing. 4854391. C-5-12-6 The College of Natural Science condition. Brand new. $100. N.Y. 10017. (212) 889-7960. has 18 Slump openings for student 21. Bushy clu Leaving a.m. Returning 351-1078. 5-12-3 Cash for 5-12-6 BEATLE CARDS, magazines items representatives to the Student p.m. wanted. CURIOUS USED Advisory Council. Drop off a 23. Grecnswa1 Phone ELECTRIC GUITAR 1967 BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand personal statement (a short 24. Ex GI __ Time? - STAMPS & COINS TRUMP - tastefully tart music for Fender Stratocaster. Amazing River. 332-0112 (11:30 6 pm) autobiography and your reasons for all occasions. 353-2841 after - 25. Land mea The wanting to serve on the council) in 26. Greek let State News will not accept responsibility for condition. $275 or best offer. Buy - Sell - Trade full line of supplies 6:30 p.m. BI-6-12-6 5-12-6 103 Natural Science Bldg. There are Call 489-2616. 4-12-6 21. Record b arrangement$ or conduct of participants. MID MICHIGAN STAMP 8i COIN COMIC department and at - large positions - BOOKS, science fiction, available. 28. Everytbln The information requested below must be supphed in order FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. 1880 HASLETT Rd. 3324300 FREE ... A lesson in complexion basetall cards wanted. Students and faculty are invited 29. Coral ' f°r ad to appear. Workbenches, steel barrels and care. Call 484-4519 East CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, to an inspirational hour with the 33 Ihrough many other items. 882-2555. TWO 54" deluxe video tape systems. Michigan or 485-7197 Lansing 307 East Grand River. 332-0112 Christian Science College 3b. Eggsbap NlName — 0-5-12-6 Package complete with camera, Malt. MERLE NORMAN <11:30-6 pm) 5-12-6 Organization at 6:45 tonight in 35 38. Bohemia Union.« recorder, R.F. and moniter. Also COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-12-5 40. Flavor Addre$i ■- — FIREWOOD -100% split. 4'x8'x16' two video recorders and The Outing Club will hold its 41 purple seaweed City Phone . stacked. $20. All you can get in your trunk - $10. Delivery miscellaneous equipment. Like new. Call 3514400, 8:30 - 5:30 FEMALE GRAD wants to share housing with other grads. own Car Pool ][a) final meeting of the term at 7 tonight in 118 Physics - Astronomy Bldg. Trips and general club 42. Shade tt Extra. PETERSON WOOD 43 Young Bo 'This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool CHIPS, 882-2655. 0-5-12-6 weekdays. 5-12-6 room, near campus. collect. 616-3454289. 3-12-5 Call Leslie Riding business will be discussed. The MSU Horticulture Club 44. Siouan Scout Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. SAFETY ENGINEERED, sturdy, FROM FRANDOR to St. Joe and presents Jessie Saylor of the accepted. Strollochair baby equipment. WANTED SOMEONE to knit single Horticulture Dept. speaking on 45 FrenchJtl Unique gifts, several colors. Tonka toys, Brunette wig, Waverly. Leaving 6 30am, "Poisonous and Edible Plants" at piece. 3324009 evenings. Well 46 Digjj NO CHARGE Reasonable. 882-0046. 1*124 crystal. 351-6139.2-12-3 returning 4:30 or 5:30 pm. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 204 paid. 2-124 332-8143.3-12-3 Horticulture Hall. 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, December 3 Indians face higher By SUE McMILLIN process Indian applications university they are suddenly long before they arrive at MSU. The Bureau of Indian Affaire State News Staff Writer more quickly and to let Indians confronted with various in even if their qualifications offers financial aid for The student dropout rate of cultures, and almost nothing is were below college standards American Indians in higher American Indians is the highest related to the Indian culture, education. To receive the aid, in the nation. In Michigan it were an insult, she said. She she said. students must be a quarter - ranges from 60 to 80 per cent felt the recruiter was not Students from a reservation blood Indian and affiliated and many Indians feel little is concerned with whether a are also faced with choosing with a tribe and a reservation. being done, particularly in student could or would make between their family and the elementary education, to it, but only with the number of "other world," said Galvan, They must also have minorities on MSU's books. certification to prove that they change this. who lived on a reservation. meet all the qualifications. Furthermore, Indians who Aaron DeMeyere, MSU's Very few Indians in higher first Indian aide, said many Galvan said Michigan get into higher education face education return to the recruited students feel inferior students have less problems problems with the recruitment reservation after they finish process, the different lifestyles when they come to MSU. school. getting their certification as "These kids come up here there are certifiers throughout on campus and the lack of The lack of information the state. But some out of state information on services and and they have to make the about services available, partly- students often run into financial aids. grade," he said. "I find a lot of due to the lack of good The Indian, was forced to personal pressure on me to counseling services, is another problems that can take a year or more to straighten out. P accept the white man and his excel as a representative of a problem that faces Indian Galvan hopes to make more way of education. Many MSU group." students. Indian students feel this Students who come to MSU students aware of this source Jeanette St. Clair, a education has failed the Indian. from a reservation face many of aid through her visits to high graduate student in urban schools. The problems of MSU's 50 problems with adjustment to a counseling, said the lack of Indian students often Galvan said the supportive to 60 community that is basically good counseling' for Indians start when they are recruited. white and middle - class. About was a major problem. programs offered in colleges, 7 the counseling programs and Many Indians feel the per cent of Michigan's St. Clair was raised on a the recruitment process are all recruitment procedures are 16,854 Indians live on reservation and has taught in Tadgerson insulting. reservations. junior high schools for 30 The recruiter's offers to process Indian attempts to solve Indian applications problems. Though it seems Joanne Tadgerson, an "If you come from a years. She said that she is very more quickly and let them in even if their qualifications DeMeyere they are trying to solve the "These kids Indian from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.,said that four years ago reservation and you come here, it's just unreal," said Deborah disappointed with MSU courses on urban counseling. were below college standards were an insult. problems by starting at the top come up here and they have to makl grade. / find a lot of personal pressure on me toe; instead of the bottom, they she had been really turned off Galvan, assistant to the provost "Your good counselors are said. out what the secondary school a representative of a to MSU by a representative and admissions counselor. few and far between, and if have, to start somewhere, she group." Tadgerson and St. Clair students she hopes to counsel said. who visited her high school for 'People who come from they've gone through noted that Indian students are will have to go through. reservations still dropping often lost because they "When grade schools and a college night. are program like this it's no DeMeyere said he hopes to "That's one of the reasons I out. That's not totally MSU's wonder," she said. expected to know where to go make students aware of some high schools aren't picking up didn't go to MSU in fault." the needs of students, we have the first She said the courses seem for any services they needed. of the services that are Galvan said Indians who a to start somewhere, even if it is place," said Tadgerson, who is very irrelevant and she is "Another very frustrating available to them. transfer student from Lake raised on a reservation have in higher education. a getting no practical ideas at all. thing is that I had to find out Things like financial aid Superior State College. very little exposure to other Most of the classes teach everything on my own," said programs are something that People get upset because The recruiter's offers to cultures. When they come to a nothing but theory, she firmly St. Gair, who wants to find students need to know about they think that by letting minorities into their colleges they are lowering their standards, Galvan said. They GET RICH QUICK also complain about the developmental programs that are supposedly for minorities - why should they get special classes? Chain letter craze hits campus Galvan emphasized that the developmental any courses are for student who has not had the opportunity to adequately By GREG KRAFT writing," which includes off the first name. The letter around? I don't think lost the letter or has forgotten prepare himself for college. State News Staff Writer obscene letters, extortion or instructions then tell the to call the person at the top of There are a lot of problems anyone has that much to worry While hundreds of other means to gain money. the list. The people who are with no immediate solutions. A person to pass the letter on to about," another participant thousands of workers "If we receive any two "trusted" friends. As these said. the last ones to sign the letter lot of students will probably across the country are being complaints concerning these letters are passed on, those The letter is worded to and pass it on feel they are the coptinue to dropout of school laid off due to a slump in the letters, then we will trace the who ones who are getting ripped until some solutions are found. originally held the letter bypass any terminology that MSU students situation and try to find out will find that their off. After it has been circulated But Galvan said she has a lot of economy, many names might suggest its illegality. are discovering quick way to what is going on," Badgley while, chain letter usually faith in the Indian students a eventually go to the top - Some students are enjoying a a get rich. said. The chain letter estimates the chain letter process loses popularity they say. who make it through college. and The latest craze to hit MSU The penalty for passing a that if students work quickly have gotten many return calls "I put my name on the list "With all the trials and is a chain letter called the chain letter is 90 days in jail they might receive 32 presents about a week ago," another tribulations of getting through St. Clair already. "New Years Cheer Program." and/or a $100 fine. by the New Year. A participant "Over the past weekend I Case Hall resident said. "But I a university — if you can get "Your good counselors are few and far between Case, Wilson, Shaw and many The chain letter includes only sends one gift. have yet to receive any more through that, you can get if they've through a received about eight or nine gone a program like this it's other residence halls are list of five names. The recipient Very few participants calls," one Case Hall resident than one or two calls." through everything," she said. wonder." receiving these "letters" calls the person whose name is realized that such a letter was said. inviting residents to partake in first on the list. He or she asks illegal. "It's a lot of fun just the cheer program. Participants the person what kind of gift he "I didn't realize it was waiting for the calls and telling think the letter began in Wilson or she would like. The letter illegal," one participant said. different people what kinds of Hall. implies that perhaps a bottle of "But if it is, so is smoking gifts you would like to receive. What few people realize is booze or an album would be an dope. How many people that You never know who is going that chain letters are illegal. appropriate gift. The item you know decide not to smoke to call next, and when they are Chain letters should cost no more than five dope just because it is i illegal?" Memorex are a going to do it," one participant misdemeanor offense, said dollars. I had an idea that this type said. Captain Ferman Badgley of the After calling the first person of chain letter might be illegal, Other participants have not MSU Dept. of Public Safety. on the list, the holder of the and even if it is, how are the been so lucky. They find that The crime involved is letter puts his name on the police going to trace down somewhere along the line one "malicious annoyance by bottom of the list and crosses everyone who is passing the of the participants may have Lansing Ski Club Certified Instructors Ski 2 Double Lifts 1 Poma Buy two- 2 JOIN r THE LANSING SKI CLUB {OMeWottt*, FOR THE 1974-75 * "A Pleasant Cafe" | I SKI SEASON WITH A STUDENT SEASON PASS | » Get one Free! Block One M.A.C. | COST - '40 - 5 a GOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ? I UNTIL 6 P.M. 1 90-Minute Cassettes FOR MORE INFORMATION ! J 3 ■j CALL: 351-0780 OR WRITE BOX 1314 E. LANSING A|9ie|dtuoo qnio pis Buuuei Bun|e|/\j mou$ suojionnsu] f | Michigan State University Alumni Association presents Special interviews with Jack Breslin Mrs. Clifton Wharton Jr. Dr. Patricia Carnigan & Homecoming '74 Highlights MEMOREX Recording Tape Is it live, or is it Memorex? MSU PANORAMA with Mike Doyle and Dorothy Doane National Cable Co. Channel 14 AVAILABLE AT THE MSU BUUKSTORE. Tonight 7:30 PM