VOLUME 168 NUMBER 246 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 GRIFFIN SOLE DISSENTER IN SENATE Congress overides Associated Press and State News veterans bill veto the delight of MSU veterans and IT* °J days. about 15 }he veterans now in school in lengthening of the entitlement period for education and training bill for veterans is the < officials, Congress Tuesday veterans from 36 to 45 months. Treasury as a revolving fund to be The first inflationary while a $1,252 billion military administered by the VA. The loans will be regular check with the Neil Snepp, veterans counselor for Imingly overrode President Ford's increase will go out Jan. 1, they said. the assistance request for Vietnam is not." available to veterans who can't get help 0( a bill to increase most veterans' Veteran's Administration at Hurray! What else can I say " said also expected the MSU, said he Ford had said $500 million should be from other federal programs. •0nal benefits by 22.7 per cent, override, but said he was cut from the first vote in the House was 394 to 10. Jf^Svoren, the MSU Dept. veterans coordinator of Student Affairs. "We for a little skeptical that veterans would get a million. - year cost of $814 The bill allows reservists and National Guardsmen to get credit for education raise in their Senate it was 90 to 1. had a feeling that Congress would override January checks. Ford had predicted his veto would be benefits for their six months initial active lone Senate vote to uphold the the veto." Ford vetoed the bill, saying it was overriden. duty for training if they serve on active m bv Assistant Republican Leader Congress' action reflected the inflationary and instead suggested an 18.2 The bill increases monthly payments duty for 12 months or more. p. Griffin of Michigan, amount per cent raise. He also objected to a new for fulltime institutional or work and the training from It was the fourth time was unavailable for importance the House $600*-vear loan program for veterans and the Congress has n comment arid the Senate placed on the bill, Svoren $220 to $270 for a single veteran, from overriden a veto by Ford. increase in entitlement for undergraduate $261 to $321 for a veteran with one ' study to 45 months. However, in another vote Tuesday, the higher veterans payments are "The bill answers a lot of dependent and from $298 to $336 with House failed to override Ford's veto of the questions In House debate, Chairman William ictive to September. Veterans concerning how much two dependents. The rate for each disaster relief bill. It was the fourth time -stration (VA) officials said the financial aid Jennings Bryan Dorn, D - S.C., of the veterans are eligible for," he added. dependent over two is raised from $18 to his veto has been upheld of the 15 bills he House Veterans Affair $22. payments probably would be in the Svoren was especially pleased with the Committee, said "I has vetoed. Congress did not contest seven find it hard to believe an $800 million The loan program will be established in of the vetoes. Heart attacks claim 27 victims shoveling snow (UPI) — Twenty - seven persons, 18 of spent the night dozing in lounges and them in Detroit, died of heart attacks restaurants. suffered Sunday and Monday as they Thousands more persons were rescued attempted to shovel sidewalks and by National Guardsmen mobilized in driveways. Detroit, Pontiac, Ypsilanti, Monroe and Detroit and its frozen suburbs returned Jackson on orders of Lt. Gov. James H. slowly to normal Tuesday after a record Brickley. winter storm struck with numbing force. Thousands slept in emergency shelters It was the worst storm in Detroit since in schools, churches, fire stations, police 1886, and it brought the giant city and its stations and other public and private suburbs to their knees. places with Monroe, Jackson and Hundreds of schools, including ail Washtenaw counties hardest pressed. Detroit public schools and the entire SN Photo/John Russell parochial system in southeast Michigan, A strange creature appears embedded in this soft fist of snow, its may have wished his pride remained closed Tuesday. were a creature, as it would stand a better Beyes watchful of casual observers. The owner of this once dry MG chance than he will have of moving it out of the snow. Over the 24 hours beginning at 4:53 a.m. Sunday, a total of 18.9 inches of Mills admitted snow crashed down on Detroit, a figure surpassed only on April 6, 1886. On that aldeman denies misusing CIA day, 24.5 inches of snow fell. Nearly 48 hours later Detroit was still to naval hospital battling to recover. Observers circling over Ann Arbor in a From Wire Services helicopter said the city looked like a ghost town at noon. Central Detroit was WASHINGTON - Rep. Wilbur Mills, D hinder FBI'S Watergate probe virtually empty. Other metropolitan areas were deserted, isolated and a paralyzed. Police said the storm even cut crime to virtual standstill, with Detroit going 42 - Ark., was admitted Tuesday to Bethesda Naval Hospital, only hours after the House Democratic caucus moved to limit the board power Mills has exercised for years hours without a homicide. That bloodless as chairman of the House Ways and Means IASHINGTON (AP) period ended with a shooting Monday Committee. ■ H. I "I had intention CIA or the FBI. - no of obstructing the investigation . . night over a parking space. Earlier Tuesday, Mills had come under denied under bitter cross "I had no intention of - intention to do anything improper." -H.R. Haldeman obstructing the Thousands of offices, banks, stores and renewed criticism because of his n Tuesday that he ever investigation no intention to do friendship to misuse the Central ... plants closed Monday with some with stripper Annabel Battistelia, who he Intelligence anything improper." companies buying radio time to tell (CIA) to cut short the initial FBI appeared briefly with on stage last When Ben - Veniste complained about workers to stay home. weekend in Boston. into Watergate, reasons which you knew were not to be in with two top CIA officials Ben - Veniste Haldeman's lengthy responses, the witness' At one murder trial in Detroit, neither Then Battistelia, ng his third day on the witness the national interest?" claiming she was asked, "Isn't it a fact, Mr. Haldeman, that lawyer said he had the judge nor jury showed up. "mentally upset," closed her show it the Watergate covemp trial, The former White House chief of staff a right to answer fully you did something you had no right under since it is criminal trial. All area airports were closed until 9 man said lie had no memory of any answered loudly and with no hesitation, "I a Tuesday shortly after Mills was admitted the law to do and that is to misuse your a.m. Monday, but the real impact hit at to the prevent the FBI from uncovering had no intention of exceeding the hospital. ro the White position in the government in a way to "The fact that it throws Mr. Ben - Detroit's Metropolitan Airport, closed She said she would not reopen her New House and the 1972 defraud the CIA and the FBI, to defraud responsibilities of my job. I had no Veniste out of his rhythm is no concern of only once before in 18 years by bad R York show. • election committee to the the government of the United States for intention of defrauding and misusing the weather. I mine," John J. Wilson said. There, thousands of travelers (continued Watergate break • in. on page 13) n Haldeman resumed the stand, strict Judge John J. Sirica disclosed onsidering taking the testimony of os to M. Nixon by 1% asked submitting written the former president. three court appointed - PSC studying graduated i who have examined Nixon to fnd whether he is healthy enough This article, the last of a three ■ part series construction and the increasing "de written answers to questions by both examining the electric power rate case now inaccessibility of expansion capital . . . prosecution and before the Michigan Public Service Commission, 'hwyers. have made it impossible for electric views the arguments for conservation as an I >D. Ehrlichman's companies to keep up with demand to lawyer has asked delay the trial so Nixon might alternative to a rate increase. without massive rate increases, increases i«crwc *r oath in which weigh unjustly on consumers who California beginning By JEFF MERRELL practice conservation and have stable •Jut is the earliest date the doctors 'former president might be State News Staff Writer energy use," the report stated. to healthy "People that are using more energy are OAMltL OiVEK testify. The idea of an electric power rate tain's lawyer, John J. Wilson, said structure change, which could save causing the companies problems," said GRfcNO RlVt* ' William Ralls, PSC member. J10 will join in the request to consumers money, has been challenging the1 Ml h°n m Nixon's testimony be taken by Public Service Commission's (PSC) usual And it is the present rate structure that *98 fcfcST LMSIHO. California, dependence on rate increases as a cure - all is promoting the increased demand, i series of contentious exchanges for utility companies' financial problems. according to the report. Haldeman and assistant special The PSC is considering a "* Richard Ben - Veniste, the recommendation to change the electric In earlier years, it was actually cheaper °f accused Haldeman of power rate structure to one that charges to produce larger quantities of energy. 8 UP and down and all over the more per unit of energy as use increases, That is, each unit of energy cost less to ®uMy his answers about his and and charging industry more for using produce than the previous unit. pledge wiste waited of Watergate, electricity during peak usage hours, in the So utilities charged consumers less per until after the jury daytime. . .... a in the Watergate The recommendation was included in a unit as their energy usage increased, thus » coverup (n ^toplain about Haldeman's report presented to the commission by promoting additional electricity use. /°hls questions. more than two hours earlier, Ben - Richard Conlin of the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM). "But there has been a radical the economic circumstances change in in the »(,0-0bJ8"?8 ™ Haldeman through the The report was given to the PSC as part I t .. utilities," Ralls said. I«a June 23, 1972, tape. On it, of the electric rate increase case now 7 3 a June 23, 1972, meeting "The expanding cost of new plant (continued on page 13) conserving customeis. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4, |9f EXPECTS ACCESS focus: NATION Israel reveals Egyptian commitment By Atsociated Press He said Egypt agreed that ships flying the Israeli flag would be stage. Responding to another question, Allon said Israel w McCarthy may run in 1976 Israel said Tuesday that Egypt gave it a secret commitment to let Israeli cargo pass through the Suez Canal once the waterway is permitted through the canal after a farther peace step had been reached. However, he did not say what that step was. welcome renewed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union°l Sen. reopened. Public pressure other Communist bloc nations, but said no feelers Former Eugene McCarthy, a Democratic from thJ Israeli ships have never been allowed through the canal, which The Israeli government was under public pressure last January countries, which broke ties with Israel during the 1967 presidential candidate in 1968, said Monday he may run been received. war hi 'w was completely blocked by war debris during the 1967 Middle not to accept any disengagement agreement that did not for president as an independent in 1976. East war. Egypt says the waterway will reopen next year. In another development, Israel accused guarantee Israeli shipping through the canal. Egyptians of dim Asked about financing a campaign, the former Foreign Minister Yigal Alton told the Israeli parliament in But Allon, answering questions in Parliament, defended the channels on the east bank of the Suez Canal that could he, Minnesota senator said, "We don't contemplate Jerusalem that the commitment on cargo was an unpublished part decision to accept the partial peace pact by saying not all the for launching missiles. M of the disengagement of forces agreement signed last January. issues of the Middle east conflict could be settled in the initial Israeli complaint running in primaries, which can be expensive. A military spokesman in Tel Aviv said Israel filed a "In most campaigns you spend about two - thirds of comnUil with the UN Emergency Force and that UN observers your money telling people what's wrong with your to check it out. TTiere was no immediate comment sentatel from F»vntJ opponents, where you can save all that and just ask them to look at the operation of the Republicans and Democrats." Rockefeller ' family's or UN officials. The charge came 24 hours after Egyptian and in London reported negotiations for the Soviet ^ officii / delivery of a 46H megawatt Soviet nuclear reactor to Egypt were McCarthy was in Tuscaloosa, Ala. to address law neaii school students on international politics. valued at more completion. It also followed a declaration by Israeli President Katzir on Sunday that the Jewish state has the EphrJ capability ! Saxbe stands pat on pot issue producing atomic weapons "within a reasonable length of timj WASHINGTON (AP) - The "It should be stressed that both the family Dilworth, who serves as a but would not be the first to introduce them in the investments held by three director of several of the Middle eJ Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe said late Monday he members and their investment advisers in the Atmosphere instability would not support the legalization of marijuana but generations of Rockefellers, corporations in which the Egypt's ambassador in London, Saad el Shazly, said in| either outright or in trust, total family office are totally uninterested in family has invested — other acknowledged that enforcing the laws against it has more than SI billion, the controlling anything. " J. Richardson Dilworth, family representatives sit on television interview Tuesday that Katzir's remarks "have creatf country, EtX an atmosphere of instability." He also said no strained the limited manpower of law enforcement family's financial adviser said Rockefeller family financial adviser the boards of some of the included, would allow neighbors to possess nuclear capabiUl authorities. Tuesday. others — said he never used without having the right to build its own nuclear potential. He repeated a recent statement that "if Congress and But J. Richardson Dilworth any information gained as a Under the U.S. - sponsored disengagement signed in told the House Judiciary director to benefit the Janiui the legislature see fit to change the laws on marijuana, I family Israel and Egypt were to refrain from installing long - n Committee that the holdings obligations and the fact that which are supervised by interests. will not oppose such a change." scattered artillery or missiles within 18 miles of the cease fire lines. - are among 84 the vast holdings of the independent trust companies. Soviet missiles But he continued, "Let me emphasize at the same "When I go on a board I'm individuals who never pool Rockefeller Foundation and Dilworth listed the major In 1970, Israel also protested that time that I have no intention to advocate or support their resources or act together. other family - connected funds stock holdings in the two not thinking of making an American - sponsored cease • fire on the canal by Egypt was violating I "It should be stressed that eighth, or a quarter increase in building pi legislation that would legalize or decriminalize were not included in categories, which amounted to stock prices for the Rockefeller for Soviet - built missiles, but the complaints were not u both the family members and Dilworth's presentation left roster of leading U.S. possession and use of marijuana." their investment advisers in the a family," Dilworth said. "Fm upon. most members little more corporations. When the 1973 war erupted, the Russian - Saxbe's remarks were in a speech prepared for thinking of the preservation Egyptian it.. family office are totally enlightened than they had The totals do not include California Gov. Ronald Reagan's Conference on uninterested in controlling been. any personal residential and increase of capital in this formed an explosive curtain along the canal and inflicted hi Criminal Justice. country because the capital damage on Israel's forces. anything," Dilworth said at the "One as unskilled as I am in property, jewelry or other needs of this In Paris, Israeli experts stayed away from the confirmation hearings on this level of finance faces great country are opening se_ personal belongings, nor do enormous." of a UNESCO conference on standardizing educational statist New seat belt system revealed Nelson Rockefeller's difficulties in this hearing," they include Nelson It was the first chance the Israelis had to show their irritat nomination to be vice said Rep. John Conyers, D - Rockefeller's art collection, "I find it difficult to The Dept. of Transportation established a new president. The aim of both the Mich., sounding a note echoed which he has valued at $33 convince people of this," he with the UN educational, scientific and educational organizatiol decision to bar them from the agency's regional groupiJ automobile safety belt reminder system Thursday to family and its economic by several others. million. added. advisers is simply to make Dilworth said his testimony In a separate financial "It's difficult to convince condemn them for archeological digging in Jerusalem J replace the interlock system banned by Congress. more money, Dilworth said. marked the first time that an statement submitted to the this member," Rep. Joshua authorize cooperation with the Palestine Liberatf The new system consists of a visual "Fasten Seat Rockefeller's wealth and its Organization. aggregate of Rockefeller family committee earlier, Nelson Eilberg, D - Pa., said. Belt" signal that will operate during the four to eight possible impact on the investments had ever been put Rockefeller gave his total net In the course of his second period after the car's ignition is turned on and an economy has been a major together. It showed that the 84 worth as $62.6 million, plus testimony, Dilworth gave a concern of the committee, and family members own either gloomy picture of the audible signal that will operate during the same period being the beneficiary in trusts Dilworth's testimony was outright or in trust a total of worth $116 million. investment business. if the driver's safety belt is not in use. sought in hopes that it would $295,388,000 in stocks, bonds shed some light on the subject. and real estate which are Soviet trade bill explained But the picture of stock managed by Dilworth and his Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said Tuesday portfolios is so extensive that it associates in the family office. more days takes 164 people to manage In addition, they are he cannot give specific figures on the number of Jews them. The talk of convertible beneficiaries in two trusts with to take your who will be allowed to emigrate from the Soviet Union stocks, coupons and fiduciary assets totaling $738,600,000 and warned Congress against publicly pressuring Moscow on the issue. The State Newt Is published by the students of Michigan State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring FREE senior pictures school terms, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, during Summer 'A Pleasant Cafe" In a statement prepared for the Senate Finance Term, and a special Welcome week edition Is published in Block One M.A.C. Committee, Kissinger said that if the administration's September. Subscription rate is $20 per year. Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and in Rm 36A Union trade bill giving the Soviet Union equal trading status is business offices at 145 Student Sercices Bldg., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. passed, the United States would have every right to expect that the emigration rate would correspond with POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 To State News, 345 Student Services Building In care of MSU Messenger Service, East Lansing, Ml 48824. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 353-5292 the number of application and there would be no GERALD H. COV, GENERAL MANAGER 'The Beer Lover Special" interference with the applications. ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER Mug of Beer PHONE Roma Bread U.S. admits arms aid increase News/Editorial Classified Ads 355-8252 355-8255 Your Choice of Cheese Display Advertising 353-6400 99c American Business Office 355-3447 military aid to Turkey increased sharply in Photographic 355-8311 the period just after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, the from 2-5 Wednesday I State Dept. acknowledged late Monday. Spokesman Robert Anderson said the amount of military aid sent to Turkey in the July - September WEDNESDAY SPECIAL period totaled $40.5 million, compared to $27.3 million UNTIL 10 P.M. in the previous quarter. Anderson acknowledged the jump in the wake of charges by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D - Mass., that the FISH United States had increased the military sales to the All You Can Eat! • Ankara government, in violation of American law. Fish, Ranch Fries & Cole Slaw! Simon announces gold sale The Austrian *1.79 Lunch Special Treasury Secretary William E. Simon announced Tuesday that the government will sell two million ounces of gold Jan. 6 to meet some of the demand when the 40 year ban on gold ownership by - expected alternative lb. Hamburger & Chicken Noodle Soup United States citizens is repealed. Apply now to experience one of the most exciting year abroad *1.49 programs available, centrally located in Bregenz. Austria, near The repeal would allow Americans to legally buy, sell Europe's finest winter sports areas. Kirk Entertains Tonight! and own gold starting Jan. 1. Current market price of Live with an Austrian family • No language requirement for "East Lansing's Neighborhood Bar" gold is about $185 an ounce. admission • Learn German by using it • Independent Iravel and organized excursions throughout Europe • Skiing and ski instruction • Fully accredited • Transferable credits. nces and Physi- cus: The Peanut ORLD WAGNER COLLEGE STUDY PROGRAM uu Barrel WAGNER COLLEGE Statan Island, New York 10301 BREGENZ E^Grand River LOVE IS Japan's (212)390-3107 13th YEAR J 351-0808 new premier selected Love is a giving thing, Takeo Miki, a senior member of so give the gift of love Japan's parliament, ... a Keepsake diamond ring. was selected Monday to become premier. He will succeed the incumbent, Kakuei Tanaka, in about 10 Attention: Residents of the East Lansing Area Choose from perfect solitaires, beautiful matched sets and trios. days. Modern and traditional settings Miki, who is 67 years old, was a surprise compromise Stay close to you phone. You may be called next about the in precious 14K gold. Keepsake, East Lansing Jaycee Golden Check Book and receive over choice after it became evident that neither of the $150.00 in gifts, services, and merchandise for only $14.95. there is no finer diamond ring. leading candidates, Masayoshi Ohira and Takeo Fukuda, both leaders of major factions, could be chosen without THAT'S RIGHT! Over $150.00 value for only $14.95. The risking the break - up of the governing Liberal East Lansing Jaycees Golden Checks are sponsored by these .eeosakc Democratic party. merchants: Black-white detente rumored Kentucky Fried Chicken Dominos Pizza Gullivers State Drugs •l tree 800-243-6000 in Co South African newspapers are rife with speculation Goodyear Service Store Burger Chef Dunkin Donuts that a major break - through is imminent for detente Mr. Mikes Pizza between black and white - ruled Africa. Olan Mills Studios F.W. Wool worth Fox Jewelers Singer Co. King Klean Coin - Op Laundry HOW TO PLAN Send new 20 pg b- YOPR ENGAGEMENT AND - " WEDDINI lull color (older an Some newspapers report Prime Minister John Vorster Burger King K Mart Auto Center Barbara Box Hair Stylist of South Africa may have paved the way for summit Red Barn International House of Pancakes Kirby Co. talks with African leaders during a secret trip or trips to Holiday Lanes Merle Norman Studios Lansing Karate black - ruled African nations in October. Slenderform - Universal Health Spa Such talks would presumably concentrate on white - Values are in Food, Auto Services, Beauty Services, ruled Rhodesia reaching a settlement with its African Over $150.00 in Jaycee Golden Checks for only $14.9511 Amusements, and many others. Stay close to your phone. majority as the price the whites must pay for detente in "A Real Budget Stretcher" You may be called nextl keepsake diamond rings. 0ox 90. syracust n y southern Africa. I Michigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4, 19743 ASMSU defeats •sSh -H-., S*s .1 {J5 M, ,, . I ««, 1 censure motions By ROSANNE LESS Garrison, College of Arts and defeated at the meeting. State News Staff Writer Letters representative. Garrison • congratulating Nancy The ASMSU board defeated was one of the cosponsors of Sutake for her "good sense" in censure motions against six of the original censure bills. attempting to remove its own niembers Monday "They (the policy O'Connor from the Labor night. committee members) could not Relations post. Sutake was Before the meeting was have adequately investigated named in a censure motion. over, some of the members themselves," she added. • praise of Kay C. Pullam who had been up for possible When asked about Cain's "for a job well done as censure submitted counter position recommending defeat assistant ASMSU comptroller." motions to praise and of the proposal, Garrison said, One defeated motion • congratulate both themselves "I thought he sold out." demanded Pullman's and the others who had Doyle O'Connor, interim resignation. previously been the objects of director of Labor Relations, • praise of Tom Winkel for attack. was another of the original his job as ASMSU comptroller, The initial censure motions censure bills cosponsors. "for keeping the business end stemmed from the "I think Tim's move was a of ASMSU afloat while the impeachment proceedings sincere, conciliatory move, but executive office (Cain's) was against ASMSU President Tim very ill - founded," he said. "I going down the tubes." One 1th* *0tal ^ « ''« - N-*. «• P'- *« a test trac^aTthe Cain last week. In a surprising turn of don't think the any good, as the move new did Tim motions defeated motion demanded Winkel's resignation. events, the vindicated Cain show." • went on record as saying he The following motions were recognition and thanks to CONSUMER CONFIDENC favored the motions to censure defeat of the those introduced by Paul King, College of Communications Lucille Leonard, ASMSU business office manager "for a ASMSU board members who Arts representative, Bill Peltcs, job well done." had engineered his recall. • that Cain is "motivated College of Education "There have been enough solely by his own paranoia and lag tied representative and Nancy wto to poor economy recriminations, censures Thanksgiving and recalls for Christmas," Cain said. "Let's for Sutake, College of Engineering representative: • recognition of Vicki by the monopolistic "official" student newspaper; and the board recommends that the get on to other things." Vegas, Pan Hellenic Council Student Workers Union divorce ASMSU's policy committee representative, for her efforts itself from Cain in order to I Piii is the first of a three ■ part reason for the current auto waiting for the slump to pass. billion a year to consumer "We lowered the price for had considered the six motions to help alleviate the triples avoid the 'respectability gap' a of articles examining the slump. mto slump and its effects Top Chrysler Corp. officials costs of cars and trucks. its psychological effect to the as one, so the final vote was a problem in residence halls. A that exists between Cain and "Consumer confidence in met recently with members of ft** Today au,° industry the economy is the main "We feel that our programs consumer, which Is very vote against a package of motion to fire Vegas was the student body. tygtment views are examined. Michigan's congressional are getting some support in important," one Ford official censures, not each one reason for the slump," delegation in Washington, Congress," Townsend said. said. individually. J By FRED NEWTON Townsend said. "It doesn't including congressman - elect To counteract the slumping Bill Ironically, three of the J State News Staff Writer help at all when President Ford Robert Carr. They urged the Luneburg, president sales, GM has been putting of people up for possible censure life Big Four automakers, tells the American public to congressmen to instill greater advertisements in newspapers American Motors, are members of the policy said that the auto industry ) United Auto Workers stop buying in order to halt consumer confidence in the directed to the American committee and, in effect, cannot react fast enough to the ■'AW i and Michigan inflation." sagging auto industry. consumer. attempted to investigate decline in demand. lpjernment officials are Ford president Lee Iacocca The industry leaders have "To keep our economy consumer themselves. "You cannot turn the Eftng last month "Black expressed similar views in urged government officials to rolling, Americans must not be faucets of the industry on or Allan Fox, director of the ItTtmber" - and with good blaming the federal try to have the Federal Reserve afraid to buy what they want off Legislative Relations Dept., government for the present Board relax tight monetary overnight," Luneburg said. made motion to allow and need," Gerstenberg said in a an auto "Things are moving so fast in ^Domestic car sales were off slump. policies to encourage looser one of the ads. the auto industry that it is impartial committee to | per cent from the same "Government intervention credit and more borrowing for Ford cut the price of its two reconsider the censure Vh last year. in vehicle safety standards has impossible to predict how car purchases. - door Pinto last week by $150 motions. This move was things will be in a week." I More than 200,000 blue and cost the car buyer more than Gerstenberg has also urged to try to boost sales. However, defeated. e collar employes have $15 billion in the last ten that But, Townsend said, "It is "These motions safety and emission the price is still $190 more were hi laid off until at least Jan. years," Iacocca said. "While control standards be relaxed than the similarly equipped going to be a long, cold and reported out of policy Jed possibly longer. some requirements are because they add some $3.5 1974 model. slow winter." committee without any ■ The automakers report a worthwhile, the mandatory investigation," said Marcia head rests, for example, do not pier car surplus of 83 days. s backlog is 112 days. prevent whiplash any less than I Industry sales are off 21 per no head rest. Yet the consumer p so far this year, the worst since 1958 when has to pay for it." The consumer, Iacoca said, Patient accuses dentist of assault Lrly sales were down 38 per is now aware of the unwarranted excess costs and By STEVE ORR The official complaint with the dentistry board says young [General Motor's profits fell has stopped buying. State News Staff Writer Ritter suffered bruises and lacerations. Ritter said his daughter The Michigan economy is Dr. William T. Grady, an East Lansing dentist, was arraigned "could hardly walk or talk" when she left ■per cent to $16 million for Grady's offices on l third quarter, Ford tied in highly to the auto Tuesday on charges of aggravated assault in connection with the Abbott Road after the incident. (d a 50 per cent drop to industry. Over 30 per cent of alleged beating of a young patient. Grady could receive up to a year in jail for the aggravated lil million and all domestic cars are Grady's licenses to practice dentistry and write prescriptions assault charge. There is no trial date set and Grady is free on Chrysler ' a $8 million drop in manufactured in Michigan. One for controlled substances also have been suspended, pending the $1,000 bail. out of every outcome of a hearing to be conducted by the state Board of In addition, the dentistry board could temporarily suspend or she persons |Hie reason for the slump, employed in the country is in Dentistry on Dec. 18. permanently revoke Grady's license or put him on probation. The incident from which the charges stem took place on Nov. Pat Ison of the state attorney general's office said the dentistry ording to industry officials, some way related to the auto lack 26. At that time Grady allegedly beat an 11 - year - old girl who board's action against Grady was "an emergency measure to put of consumer industry. ;e in the economy. Townsend said whenever resisted his efforts to give her Novocain. Grady out of business in light of the grave charges against him." I So far this year the price of there is auto The girl's father, Richard Ritter of DeWitt, said his wife took He added that the hearing by the board does not imply Grady's an slump Ik» auto has risen an average their daughter tp Grady for adjustment of braces and to have a guilt. Michigan is hit particularly cavity filled. The girl said she did not want the Novocain Grady, whose Yellow Pages listing specifies "practice limited | $400. Some analysts think hard. "If you because it made her whole body "numb" and she had not been to children," was still practicing as of Tuesday afternoon. His # higher prices are mostly look at the unem- able to walk "very good" after previous shots of Novocain. secretary said he had no statement to make on the charges. nsible for the current ployirent rates, Michigan's is lying decline. ■ But both GM chairman ■chard Gerstenberg and usually higher - especially now," Townsend said. The Big Four automakers JACOBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS California ftysler president Lynn pnsend said the price i are not the main are not just sitting around SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Originals The Original Gold Rush: Carole Go : .- e : ' RENT A T.V. and hollered out, "Sold. There's Gold in the river.' $25.00 per term Carole thought he was telling her that it was cold in the river. She jumped to shore, and threw some yellow rocks at him. The prospector had them as¬ |EJAC TV rentals! sayed and .you cjessed it. they were "idiot's . 337 1300 gold (which is worth even less than "fool's gold NEJAC TV RENTALS The prospector died penniless, while Carole went 337-1300 Burgie Beer: Bui-. s original California Beer, ewed with a true Western . And, as it says on our label, are . other beers may say that, Itourself! Burgie "nake that statement. peck out the great Original California Beer I Won of winter IMs- conveniences for liberated hair care. . .hand-held dryer and styling iron by Conair designed to pslern style be deftly, simply and effectively I Re down filled handled, whether at home or away Original California Beer % I Pellets, down parkas Drying is a breeze with 1,050 watts Sgg*F- --i,-iaB¥i¥iagBl 1*1 many leathers. 2 of power, 2 speeds and 4 heat settings on the dryer in unbreakable case. $32 Create or touch up with the styling pare Yourself for 0 iron protective Teflon coating, ® Pious winter ahead-, automatic curl release and handy | fccli out... swivel cord. $15 peat, light California b<«• |*»'S FASHION CLOTHING RIVER, E.LANSING ^.Jaeol )son's 12 Fluid Ounces MiFIWNCt$CO«srl»l* < •Susan Ager VIEWPOINT: A Editor-in-chief Maureen Reninson .. Advertising Manager /?./). Campbell Managing Editor Wary Flood City Editor Congress must battle recession Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Payton Steve Stein National Editor Sports £Sitor v_ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinion of the State News. the TomOren Copy Chief By GARY MITCHELL public that Congress is "the big Columns, viewpoints and letters are personal Joe Kirby Staff Representative spender," this simply is not the case. While opinions. We the Ford Administration has been cutting are experiencing the largest prolonged peacetime inflation in this into the domestic programs (mental century. Unemployment has attained an health, poverty programs and education), unacceptable level and is increasing while it continues to fuel millions of dollars into many are persuaded that we are suffering foreign aid ($456 million is still going to EDITORIALS a recession. Solutions to these from the White House have not been problems Vietnam). Even the President has conceded that forthcoming. our current inflationary surge has not been All the President's men seem to have caused by unions. Operating either out of Destroy ill-us different solutions as to the best ways to solve our economic ills. Let us face it. There is no economic leadership in the patriotism or misguided confidence in administration economy policy, leaders have this year settled for amazingly- modest wage increases. union Ford Administration, nor is there any in SN bonfire promise for some. On the corporate side, behavior has been different. The tremendous profit explosion indicates that businessmen have TTiis lack of leadership has been taken full advantage of this crisis. evident for the past few years and has Normal processes of academic information on professor quality been As might have been predicted of this primarily responsible for the governance have betrayed students that is provided to students of downturn in the nation's economy. Our Administration, economic policy to date who worked within the system. It is current economic dilemma of no growth has been as inequitable it has been many other major universities as time for the students to use and high inflation will go down in history ineffective. As a result of higher Social without any rancor or ill effect. as the most disastrous situation of the abnormal channels to insist on an It is hard for a reasonable person Security taxes, inflation and small century, with the possible exception of improvements in wages, average workers open and intelligent Student to grasp why it takes so long for the the depression in the 1930s. Now is the are at least 1 per cent poorer now than Instructor Evaluation Survey acacfemic governance process to time for someone to take the initiative and they were a year ago. By contrast, their (SIRS form). replace the present SIRS form with lead this country back to the road of I believe that the people are looking to Republicans, will penalize exactly- prosperity for all, and to obtain end employers are a good deal more than 1 per Join with the majority of the alternative that would provide an Congress to get this country off dead same people as those who were most an to the inflation that has been cent richer. This Administration has center and back lENIS editors of the State News, who this real and interesting data instead of causing so on its feet (the recent by inflation. Such are the rewards of great a grief to millions of Americans - presided over the variety of income Congressional elections should be more term will not years. merely boycott the the current pablum. but especially to the poor and aged. redistritubions which conservatives admire sufficient proof). Gary Mitchell, 5035 Campus Hill SIRS for a forms, but will collect them protest bonfire. They will It is hard for a reasonable person to be patient or cooperative with a Though the Administration often tells - from the poor to the rich. Recession, a traditional hobby of majoring in radio and television. Bit gather in front of Beaumont Tower structure that allows a pitifully at 7 p.m. Friday to watch their For qt small percentage of the faculty to Famine relief ibserving forms go up in smoke - much like reject a considered SIRS proposal wtbursts their hopes for student access to that would reform the forms and The devotion of the Nov. 27 idergo. meaningful evaluations of grant student access to them. It is Page to world hunger problems I have instructors have gone up in smoke •P valuable as an attempt to inform, h itich alk and hot air. especially hard when the opposition SWoivj _ j was also valuable because of Ma tfarl the to the proposal at the under - Normal channels have been attended Academic Senate meeting Park tickets Benjamin's attempt to prod us into ituitions than just being informed. Cross iff witl haggling over student access for so was so uninformed, and when the The MSU campus police have stooped products, birth rates and technology urv at tl to a new all - time low in an obvious and long it is disgusting. students who are informed on the large concepts sufficiently removed Swim ina blatant attempt to fill the University's lam n< More than two years ago, the issue were not permitted to answer our everyday lives to allow an coffers during the current budget squeeze iddress tli Academic Council and its agreement to their importance, but. questions and arguments. by the State of Michigan. I was shocked to Singer's juxtaposition of our habi hange an Educational Policies Committee It is hard for a reasonable person find a $10 loading zone parking ticket on consumption and the starvation else tudent began to study student access to to see the point in filling out a form my car after leaving the performance of can't be so easily ignored. Implic loblem. 1 the forms. Several weeks ago, the the Soviet Georgian Dancers at the when its results are usually ignored Benjamin's presentation of g Auditorium Nov. 25. Academic Senate, which is argument — that we can either [testing by faculty and officially denied to In the very cold 25 - degree weather, re shallo composed only of faculty, voted students. consumption or be morally culpable it parking lots were filled within a half mile another dichotomy: that we can In the down the finished proposal, and It is time to radius of Auditorium curtain time. forget being so near wholeheartedly examine his argumt sent it back to start the process all reasonable. It is time to express our Cars were still jamming the area and many, rationalize it away and become m is been li over again. collective many people began parking along the people are able to have single and others culpable for doing so. To use analogi fires to i disgust at the street and in loading zones sucn as the one put in triples. a Get spirit ritl pride It is hard for a reasonable person interminable haggling, even if a are Singer does, aren't we abligec I parked in behind the Psychology Our rooms are in a continual state of to understand why it takes so long investigate if someone cautions Apparei boycott and bonfire cannot truly Research Building. Very few, if any, mass confusion and disorder. There is no we're getting a good deal because to agree to provide certain alter the political reality of haggling parked cars were hindering traffic. And A walk home from Bessey Hall at 5 closet space, no drawer space, not enough merchandise is stolen? innocuous information to students, and since few deliveries are made to the p.m. is usually quite uneventful, but Nov. delay. space to put our towels, and we are always 21 mine was different from any before. I The analogy isn't too far • fetched If " 4ULI [ Psychology Research Building even during in each other's way. When we complain, the day, 1 seriously doubt that any were had just finished a test to my own consider how our meat • centered our words seem to go in one ear and out pth to blocked at 9 in the evening. satisfaction. It was dusk and the beauty of take grain from the mouths of the hu the other, because still nothing is done. Mitiful p My car was not the only one to receive We were told that the triple situation our campus was unavoidable. The sounds Earl Butz and his cronies clamor for' Fix state rec vehicles a $10 parking ticket. Numerous other in the area were also decorated would be alleviated by October at the latest. Now we are told that MAYBE the of the hard • working MSU Marching Band floated from its practice field across the priority on food production in the stal countries as if the availability of el ly early- flag stud* with the yellow envelopes. MSU must have triples will be broken down by winter landscape and along the Red Cedar River knives here were unrelated to sped for really cleaned up after that ticket binge. as if by magic, I found myself smiling and unavailability of protein elsewhere, term. The small rebate we receive in Republican Clifford Taylor is office, said that though under In my opinion, the campus police no singing "On the banks of the Red Cedar way compensates for our living in a triple. . . example of how we are heavily impli caught in the "Catch 22" of present Michigan law the state has should be more flexible in their WE WANT SOMETHING DONE! ." I felt the pride of being a part of our in existing priorities is the West's ere Michigan election law. He has been no power to do recounts, a 1971 enforcement of parking codes during Ida Sutton university, and a great school spirit. I of the plantation system in its coloni denied a recount of the 6th special events such as the Lecture - realized the opportunities that await me grow non • nutritious or non Supreme Court decision involving Nancy Ostrander between Harrison and llagidom roads and Congressional District vote even Concert series at the Auditorium. I see B-112 Rather Hall "cash" crops that we use. As Fn an Indiana federal recount law in turn anywhere. And with these though he lost that election to hundreds of cars illegally parked during Susan Barnett feelings Moore Lappe says in "Diet for makes it possible for the state to football games and none are ever so lucky I felt sorry for anyone who hadn't felt this Planet" (one of the books Benj Democratic candidate Robert Can- Lynn Garvey and realized also that it change the law. as to receive a loading zone, or any other B-113 Rather Hall way, was a feeling recommends), "Land that grows m by a mere 547 votes. kind of parking ticket. Just because the worth sharing. can't grow food." And it was The State Board of Canvassers Michigan's election laws harken Sure there are things worth a complaint campus police do not enjoy this kind of developed powers that set up the i says that Taylor must go to the back to the days when states had entertainment does not mean that no one Business cares now and then; triples or SIRS forms, but trade situation and land use prioritie: no power in any facet of federal else on this campus does either — thank we're all pretty damn lucky. We U.S. House of Representatives with On behalf of the students that attended currently afflict the Third World. elections, including recounts. But should take a moment now and then to goodness! any requests for a recount because the Holden Hall minicourse bartending recognize what goes into making MSU If, like me, you are having tr< all this has changed since the Michigan does not have a law which Indiana decision. James K. Walters clinic, I would like to thank Bill Stewart, work for us. accepting responsibility for your ct covers recounts in federal elections. Many states, 1206A University Ken Schwartz and everyone connected People say that school spirit is obsolete, consumption as human action in a | Village But representatives of the House including Indiana and New with the Alle - Ey for their help and but with all we have within reach here, context, and you are doing the puz Hampshire, have changed their support of the clinic. I think their how can anyone not have great spirit and over where to make the eontribi election subcommittee House is reluctant to do recounts, say the election law to include recounts for • Untriple now! enthusiasm and cooperation with the class and pride for the things and the people that Benjamin mentions, there efficient option right here on c federal elections. was just another example of outside (including all students) that make up In regard to the excellent observation Because it goes through reliable cha and this responsibility should be businesses taking special interest in MSU's MSU? Think about it! Last month in New Hampshire, a by Thomas Clinton in the Nov. 25 State student population. and has direct contacts through Af left to the states. News concerning tripling, we couldn't candidate for the U.S. Senate saw a Roger J. Boettcher members, the African Famine So what can Taylor do? He can have put it better ourselves! Now that fall Lindsay D. Balmer 542 - vote victory vanish into thin 503 E. Holden Hall 187 S. Wonders Hall Committee can assure that funds won take the issue to the state courts or term is drawing to a close, we feel that we eaten away air after a recount. Michigan by administrative costs, contest the election in the House. are qualified and entitled to complain. than 7,500 dorm residents have pledg< lawmakers must change state law to Most of the rooms can barely handle two Both of these methods would be VIEWPOINT: give up one meal. Fraternities allow federal election recounts so people, let alone three! The best of friends STUDENT sororities are setting up similar progr expensive and time that candidates like Cliff Taylor can turn into the worst of enemies when Those who didn't sign up in dorms, consuming. who lose elections by close margins subjected to such overcrowded conditions. who live off campus and members o Charles Hackney, an attorney for the state attorney general's can know for certain that they are There definitely is not enough study space when there is not enough living space! Data power not abused faculty and staff can contribute dir with a check payable to African Fai not winners. Something must be wrong when some Relief Fund — account number 5 030 By E. M. PAPROCKI student must obtain permission from the the East Lansing State Band on Abbott Many recent revelations of the misuse instructor involved before being shown the of government and institutional records, letters. A file which is inactive is not kept Patrick Ken such as the IRS audits of activists, have longer than five years. made me wonder about the extent and the At the counseling 1712 E. Michigan The Doctor's Bag confidentiality of student records at MSU. Accordingly, I made myself a test case for the federal law granting students access to Bowers assured records giving me that center Imogen only minimal general information about Hunger map hif the student are kept and these are their records which went into effect Nov. destroyed periodically. No information BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. 19. I contacted most of the offices on except whether the student was or was not Copyright 1974 campus which keep records to see which seen thiere is ever released even within the The State News is to be commi records they keep, and if they would allow Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at I read recently that Vitamin E has no Is it possible to develop arthritis in University. I was not shown my records, as for its special coverage of the world me to see those records pertaining to their crisis in the Nov. 27 edition. Howeve the MSU Health Center. Names need not value to humans. Is this true? If so, policy on this was not yet set, but I why your early 20s? For the past two or three myself. I would like to share what I told I would be contacted within the be included unless a personal reply is do so many people use it and was map on page 8, depicting the areas why is it so years I've noticed that particularly when 'learned. requested. expensive? If a person takes Vitamin E, the weather is damp or cold, the joints in 45-day period set by the law. The the crisis is supposedly most sevf The registrar maintains an academic how should you decide what dose to take? impression I gathered was that the student grossly inaccurate, not to ment My husband spends a lot of his time at my fingers and wrists become very sore, record with courses taken and grades always has the right to explicit cartographic disaster. The map 1«0M home with his hand down his pants stiff and tender. Is there anything that can earned which may be inspected at any - in Vitamin E is an essential nutrient but be done for this? Would it be advisable to information from his counselor as to what something drawn by a grade fact, he's doing it at this moment. We have exactly what it does is not clearly time by the student. The dean of students records will be kept. At the student and vividly illustrates the r see a physician? I've always had University a normal and satisfying sex life, so I'm understood. Also, symptoms have been keeps a record of any disciplinary action Health Center both medical and mental journalism majors to get some eleme sure it doesn't reflect on that. This doesn't produced in animals who have been made "creaky" joints and it has embarrassed taken against a student, but not of health records are available for training in cartography. More se me many times in classes or on dates to inspection bother me. Actually I find it quite Vitamin E deficient. But when they tried anything that did not result in official by the student. A doctor must be present however, is the misleading nature c move my ankle or bend my toes since they amusing. What I would like to know, to use Vitamin E to treat conditions in disciplinary action. These records may be to ensure that the student understands the map. It shows areas of the world su however, is how widespread is this practice pop so much. seen by the student and are records. from food shortages that, in fact, man, it has not been effective. destroyed at There are many kinds of arthritis. Some among men? graduation. Financial aids records are Some other offices such as the have such a problem at this time- People on reasonable diets do not types develop in younger people. The microfilmed and kept indefinitely. They Residence Halls Assn. and the for example, is presently feeding its p It all depends on how far down his experience vitamin deficiencies. Many common run of the • mill arthritis that placement accessible to the student unless the are office keep application forms for adequately (the southern half of t - - hand goes. Looping one's thumb or fingers people use Vitamin E and other expensive many older people have which is thought jobs on into the top of one's trousers is quite parents have indicated the student may file, but these contain information the shaded on the map). Malaysia, l'Ke preparations in some misguided belief that to be due to wear and tear of the joint not see them. student himself has provided and common. Submersion to the wrist is more they will preserve their youth and/or they are doing reasonably well in food surfaces, does occur quite frequently in The placement office keeps a credential not kept permanently. In short, out of Other areas are included that shou unusual and should be differentiated from health. The ethic goes: If a little bit is younger people as well. At times it seems file indefinitely, scratching due to pubic lice good for you, a whole lot must be better. containing letters of my rich and varied career at MSU I was excluded, and vice versa. In geneI* or just plain as if we start wearing out as soon as we recommendation, student teaching reports pleased to discover that the records on me common variation is known The stuff is probably so expensive because application of the shaded Pattern finish growing up. Fortunately, however, and information forms filled out by the as pocket pool. Barring the presence of of the psychologically captive consumers most are virtually nonexistent, and the MSU map indicates a gross ignora a types of arthritis are not disabling. applicant. The student teaching reports policy has been well ahead of federal law geography. If the State News wa specific cause (itching, light shorts, etc.) it jacking up the price by being willing to In your situation it would be wise to may be seen, as wpll as all other material, in might be some leftover habit from early pay for anything they think will do them both student access to, and focus attention on this critical pro see a physician and be evaluated. I would except letters of recommendation. Patrick confidentiality of, student records. I might food, as it should, at least be car childhood when he had doubts about how good. recommend a specialist in internal Scheetz asst. director of Placement add that I was firmly attached everything was. If that's In deciding how much to take of treated with unfailing accurately inform your readers. medicine who would be knowledgeable in Services told me they hope to switch to a the case, some reassurance from courtesy and cooperation by everyone I you might something that has no value, take as little a broad range of illnesses that can cause system of nonconfidential letters of approached. In this respect, at least, I have Jack F. Wil help him. as possible. joint symptoms. recommendation soon, but at present a found that the power of the system is not Asst. professor of Geo( being abused. / EWS OP-EDPAGt i VIEWP WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1974 ion AS* NOT WMOM1HE B£LL1bu.f. R* ATAT Liberal arts background valuable A spate of articles have appeared As you may know, we recently hosted on interrelatedness of the problems faced by producing graduates with useless degrees. I recently in the State News, dealing with campus a number of GM executives and the problem of a liberal arts business today require a mind capable of have a liberal arts degree which is not education. some of us, liberal arts advisors, had a Two main grasping not merely the details — the marketable, but I have no regrets with assumptions seem to underly discussion with the director of personnel the discussion, viz.: individual problems - but the organic regard to the situation. In truth, it seems (1) a liberal arts at GM, bearing precisely on the whole, the multiplicity of problems which that industry needs people with a education and "marketability" are "marketability" of the MSU liberal arts constitute the entirety in their background in understanding and ethics mutually exclusive, and (2) a liberal arts graduate. I merely relate to you the now more than ever. Can any student on education is interrelatedness. Nothing, he added, was an intellectual luxury totally conclusions of this discussion. A liberal unrelated to the vital needs of the better suited to develop this type of campus tell me where, but in the liberal society. arts graduate with some These views clash with those of a background in mentality than a liberal arts education. arts curriculum, ethics or understanding large business - related subjects is just as are taught? I wonder. Maybe the economy number of men and women who Against the incompatibility myth, then, think attractive to GM as a graduate in the of this country would be in a better that marketability is subordinate it would seem that a liberal arts education to, natural sciences and in business, condition if it were tempered with at least though — is not hindrance but though not incompatible with, personal understandably enough — not as attractive a a distinct advantage a few graduates from liberal arts colleges. fulfillment, and who believe that the as an in a man or woman seeking employment On the other hand, if anybody wonders engineering graduate. Furthermore, personal fulfillment of the members of a the engineering graduate with some and wishing to make a vital contribution what will happen to all of us liberal arts society not only is compatible, but is background in the liberal arts will be to society. identical with the ultimate graduates, what about the oversupply of goal of a well - preferred — other things being equal — by In conclusion, rather than hectoring the teachers? I know it's not nice to remind ordered society. GM to an engineering graduate without a liberal arts student with dire predictions of the student body of an already I should like to make two brief liberal arts background. These views are misery and famine, or fabulating over documented oversupply, but ju?t think for observations in this regard. reflected in the percentage - breakdown alleged incompatibilities between a moment, then sit back and wonder why (1) The assumption that a liberal arts of persons GM is likely to hire in any individual and social goals, our latter ■ day education and given they have programs to speed their students marketability are two year, viz.: 50 per cent from engineering, Cassandras could address their thinking to incompatible goals is gratuitous and does through. 25 per cent from business, and 25 per cent more fruitful avenues of action, such as I would like to make one last not reflect the views of the more from the liberal arts and other areas. encouraging liberal arts majors who would observation: If the student body looks at enlightened elements of business on this That a liberal arts degree and consider a career in business or industry to this University it will see an abundance matter. 1 regard the thinking of General "marketability" are mutually exclusive is, spend some time on business - related of industry - type tactics. Motors Corp. as exemplary in this for GM at least, a myth. The point at issue courses respect. or cognates, and encouraging • Ignore the public, never do more than cnalize is not the liberal arts degree, but whether students not exactly working primarily in the pacify. who were most jenise crittendon or not the liberal arts students who will liberal arts to spend some of their time on • Produce until you don't have any the rewards of consider at GM will have wisely liberal arts courses or cognates. A decrease careers market left. After all, luxury is six degrees invested some of their time in business in the number of one • dimensional men to a student. - Black students moving related courses or cognates, as we ask our humanities pre - law students to do. and women will be all the better for society and for business. • If the public complains about the overproduction, use an authority to cloud the issue. Any Ph.D. will do. In fact, pick (2) An observation made by the GM J. Albrecht Gervasi one the public trusts. After all, he may For quite some time now, I have been Subsequently, we took giant steps away personnel director in this connection is have Asst. professor of philosophy relief bserving and even examining the periodic from submission to a dominant culture by once again changed for the black student, memories of our days as pseudo - quite interesting and leads me to the even tell the truth or at least a degree of truth. itbursts of change many black students second point I wish to make. The question developing pride in an African heritage. militants and our hours on the platform was put to him: I may be late in defending the liberal • If the public still complains, turn a ie Nov. 27 Opi indergo. Since it was a heritage never "Why does GM prefer to arts curriculum, but now seems to be a I have watched the striking flexibility consciously are still fresh in my mind. But unlike the hire the engineer with a liberal arts deaf ear and raise tuition. Need I say ger problems dug up before, it produced a subtle quake past, afros are not the blazing very appropriate time to make a stand. t) to ihich allows us to adapt at one moment, within our lives - a symbol of background rather than one without it?" This University, and indeed the liberal inform, bi potent new pattern of our blackness. Black student unions have His Atl the next, conform under some answer was that the complexity and because of Mj thinking black. been rejected as yesterday's pastime. And arts curriculum, has been accused of but back Each term ) prod us into during this awakening, afros Black Panthers appear as a ned. Gross nal Jf with marked continually bloomed on and off campus, revolutionary HOW ABOi/T PRACTICE TIME, UJHAT ARE WRSKATE5...I craze, figures once idolized like Motown MA'AM? NOld? GOOD1. and technology nry at the hint of revealing the tautness we felt. stars. *0U LOOklNf THINK WE MADE . I'LL PUT MY SKATES ON.. AT. KIP?/ A LITTLE MISTAKE ;ntly removed f lisciim iiiation. Though these by • products of the It makes one wonder if the black to allow i I im not trying to black movement were merely extensions movement was not overembellished. iportance, but P _ the issue of of our feelings and not the real reason black The truth is that the energy of the i of i ianff among black students and black people all over the movement has evaporated. Black students starvation elscw indents as a United States were Hem. However, I changing, they served educated from an interesting experience gnored. Implici as a sort of starting point where we have moved on, to seek other avenues of ation of Sin ought it planted self awareness and grew esteem. awareness or simply truth. can either re (nesting to note The tangibility of our change was Yet, being one to linger, I often >rally culpable- et shallow it appears to be of late. manifested in the fiery rhetoric, the for another such period. I would like to yearn QONESBURY by Garry Trudeau hat \ In the last couple of years, a certain denouncement of a bigoted establishment his argumen an seems to have died within us. Hope once again hear the angry words of an ne and our growing concern for the welfare articulate student speaker and to follow di become n been lost. There are no strong campus of our people. THE8A6S, OH, THEM YOU MEAN another crucial pathway toward black off to7 am - J YOU AII/T HEARD? — I'M To use analogie [ures to exemplify the magnitude of our It is this portion, the tangibility of the consciousness. COULDN'T HELP MOVIN'IN! VIR6INIA we abliged till pride. movement, which sufficed as our brain But the winds of change have long since NOTICING 'N ME HAVE FINALLY p cautions us Apparently, there is a need for us to food and guided us through another swept over our lives and turned our heads THE BAGS. 1T0 Ideal because to the eve of the black era, and period of change. )- toward other, perhaps less gaudy interests. he the episodes wtien sudden pride Our talk of survival thus seemed to ■ the tempo of our days and we Moreover, black students have eventually spark an inner awareness no developed a new standard for ourselves communicating black longer dependent on the ostentatious achievement. Rather than reveal our to one another. This was the images — the dashikis and clenched fists — heartfelt concern for the black movement, dutiful period from the late '60s to the atypical of our rebellion. we ruthlessly conceal such attitudes and If early '70s, when the red, black and Our next move was to develop a proud pursue different goals. in flag was cherished as a relic and assertive nature unreliant on phony We are living in the age of individualism :k students formed organizations and artifacts. and doing our own thing. lisped for unity. Now that this has been done and things Could this thing by chance be apathy? . nop hit to be commf of the world ition. Howeve ng the areas v y most sevei t>to menti 'he map look a grade • * strates the nef t some eleme iy. More sei gnid nature o ON THE COVER OF HIS NEW OF SUCH the world sufl MATERIALS, NOR ,tain fact, d RECORD ALBUM, TOLEDO WIN¬ SHOULD IT SERVE AS AN INDUCE¬ t this time. ( DOW BOX, GEORGE CARLIN IS , feeding its P MENT TO USE THEM. ANYONE nr half of Ch SEEN WEARING A TEE-SHIRT LISTENING TO TOLEDO WINDOW jlaysia, ILLUSTRATED WlfH A PICTURE OF BOX UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF in food su FUNKY? MELLOW? OR JUST "A CHEAP WAY FOR )R MUSIC FRE AKS TO GET OFF"? YOU BE THE JUDGE! M »d that shou EU__V _opY OF nEEP EAR IN EXISTENCE. WE WILL CONTINUE TO DEFEND ILLEGAL SMOKING MATERIALS. THESE MATERIALS DOES SO AT EVEN IF LISTENERS SEIZE_EV_ERY COPY OF EES£^_y h|t art|sts at BeLOW-COST PRICES' s g«,nenl .aIn R RIGHT TO HEAR UNCUT SELECTIONS B THIS ILLUSTRATION IS NOT THE RISK OF GIGGLING IN THE ed pattern o ssi ignoranc INTENDED AS AN ENDORSEMENT WRONG PLACES. e News wan ipler. I enclose $2 00. and cettifv tc critical probU east be caw ON LITTLE DAVID RECORDS AND TAPES •eaders. Jack F. Wil ssor of Ge°gl 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4, 1974 Board votes money for health facility By DAVE GUZNICZAK regularly scheduled commission meeting Dec. 10. to the commissioners by a specially appointed citizens predicted that more services for the aged would be ann»» State News Staff Writer Ingham County commissioners voted in a special meeting held Democrat William Sweet, chairman of the special committee, committee, which studied the possibilities of expanding the the future and a new facility would be needed to E? Tuesday to draft a proposal for the $4 million needed for said the proposed project includes annexing the present 1929 wing of the building with a new wing, and remodeling the 1929 present care facility on Doble Read The other alternatives were either to build a whole new facility or remodel the present one. needs. He said the $700,000 difference between two alternatives is not great enough to outweieh fh- the <2? m construction of a new wing to the Ingham County Extended Care wing so it could provide auxiliary services for the aged. The new The last alternative was rejected because of the high remodeling that the present facility would soon face. ai" Facility. wing would hold 204 beds compared to the 186 beds that the costs. The proposal is being prepared by a special committee of However, Republican commissioner John Bos felt facility currently contains. In a 10 • 6 vote with one abstention and five absent, the thai commissioners. It will be presented to the board in the next The proposed project was one of three alternatives presented commissioners voted in favor of building a new wing, defeating alternative is acceptable at the present time. h the proposal to build a new facility. Bos charged the leaders of the board with inade Also, in a unanimous vote, the commissioners favored funding supporting the citizens committee in its study of the ovT^ care facility. e exten*l Grapevine Journal needs staff part of the $4 million proposed project by putting it on the millage ballot for April, 1976. One of the commissioners in favor of building a new wing instead of a new building was Democrat Pamela Stem. "I commend the citizens committee for could with what they had to work with. However doing the best thev di*, have the money and resources to provide the An organizational meeting Media Appropriations Board publication sometime in prepare them for work with 'There's a strong emotional bond between the building and facts and Z for students interested in designated $3,770 to be given March. the paper. the people," Stern said. "We decided it would be best just to that were needed," Bos said. 0 nH working for the Grapevine to the Journal and $6,950 to The Journal is planning a Those interested should expand it." He said it was ludicrous to spend $4 million for the nmJ Journal will be held at 7 Good Times, Project series of journalism seminars attend tonight's meeting or Among those who favored building a new extended care tonight in the Journal office, 25 Student Services Bldg. Grapevine's entertainment weekly and sports for winter term. They will be offered to help students who contact the Journal office at 353 - 9066. facility was Democrat commissioner John Veenstra. Veenstra before^t was decided which of its services would be definite The Journal is looking for guide. Good Times began need additional skills to writers, artists, photographers and editors, said W. Kim Heron, editor - in - chief. publishing this fall and will probably become an entertainment insert for the Mi&p. The newly formed Student Journal. PhoteS Heron said the funds will Oj appt,inirnoitonlj allow the Journal to resume Fire consumes %«:43.50W auto dealership Ho Cooks Dulcimers Learn to play in minutes. SOtUdh,. No dishwashers, in small town No waitresses, 3 $38 up large selection Elderly Instruments MB Travel Off* SPARTA, Flames Mich. (AP) - breaking out beneath a reasons why we I**; tlopr^fr977' Union gasoline tanker at an auto offer at 12:45 p.m. dealership spread Tuesday to can yousuch MOGHAM INFORMATION J90S open TODAY... Feature at ft ICHIGAN surrounding businesses as a a fine major blaze raged in the heart product at 1:00-3:00-5:05- /£777^\ of this town of such low prices. Theatre Lansirtq 7:10-9:15 Thurs. at 7:10 - 9:15 p.m. \ (£M$100) 2,700. space age misadventure! Police said the unknown origin flames of first were BELL'S spotted beneath the truck at WALT DISNEY,- the Johnson Ford dealership PIZZA and spread to other firms 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 LT. ROBIN including the Finch & Son Open 11 Supermarket and Mober's Free a.m. everyday Delivery AHMAD JAMAL CRUSOE, US.N Pharmacy. DOVAN DVKF-OKWAN Dec. 2 - 7, Shows at 10 & 12 IT'S TECHNICOLOR " (G)® SURVIVAL OF Special - stay for both shows extra'added'"" " THE FIERCEST! ,'eemca® ... AND THE FUNNIEST. THE RIVER, 2113 E. GD. STABLES EAST LANSING Beat Film Group HELD OVER - FINAL 4 DAYS! Two of the Wildest Films ever to play at MSII are oow playing with each other! A GREAT PORNOGRAPHIC DOUBLE FEATURE BURT REYNOLDS "THE HARLOT THE DEFINITIVE X Saturday & Sunday December 7 & 8 Noon to six LONGEST YARDl THE STORY OF A 15 YR. OLD GIRL WORKING HER WAY THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL EDNE ALBERT EO LAUTER MIKE CONRAD 'COME £ SEE] COLOR By TECHNICOLOR* nijjjj. I j WHAT A DCLLAfl PARAMOUNT PICTURE gj®WILL- BUY! TODAY OPEN ^ THG COM FISCM€ D I 1 PM (£M$i.ooN Shows 1:20 - 3:20 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 THE ULTIMATE X THUR. & FRI. OPEN 7 PM Shows 7:20-9:20 THE STORY OF 2 SAN FRANCISCO VICE COPS An all NEW film inspired by the ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM SMUT SUSPENSE AND These two full length adult films comprise the most tumultuous double feature ever shown on campus. In combination they are a 1 EXCITEMENT sexual holocaust on the screen. Hiif TONIGHT Showtimes: Harlot: 7:00, 9:30 Confiscated: 8:10,10:40 Thursday, December 5 showplace: 116 Agricultural Engineering 2 showings: 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. in Fairchild Theater Admission: $2.25 C1.25 at the door or your Directors' Choice Series Ticket AIRPORT 19751 st be 18. All patrons will Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt and Sam Jaffe in the original RHARJHPRH lASt PRESENTS COMING THIS WEEKEND Cagney A ROBERT ALTMAN Film STREISAND Think of the Perfect Crime. % IS A JOY!'* Harlow SREDFORD Then Go One •Bogart "THE TOGETHER! Step Further! HAROLD LONG „ THE WAY and MAUDE Public Enemy No. 11 GOODBYE WE m Roaring & Twenties iRJ1^ United Artists WERE COLUMBIA PICTURES.« RASTAR PRODUCTIONS A R# STARK-SWKV POLLACK ***•. Ipgl Fri. 109 S. Kedzie Public Enemy No. 1 | Thurs. Wilson 7:30 Thurs. Conrad 7:15 7:00 8.10:15 Thurs. Brody 9:30 8.9:30 Thurs. Brody 7:30 Fri. Wilson 7:30 Fri. Conrad 7:30 Roaring Twenties Fri. 104B Wells 7:30 Wilson 9:30 8.9:30 & 9:30 8:45 8.9:45 Fri. 102B Wells 7:00 Sat. Conrad 7:30 Sat. Wilson 7:30 Sat. 102B Wells & 9:30 8.9:45 Sat. 104B Wells 7:30 8:45, 10:15 Public Enemy No. 1 | 8.9:45 Sat. 107 S. Kedzie Sun. McDonel Kiva Sun. Conrad 7:00 7:008. 10:15 Wilson 9:00 Sun. Wilson 7:00 7:00,8:45,10:15 Roaring Twenties 7:00 Sun. Conrad 9:00 McDonel Kiva 9:00 8:45 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4, 1974 "J Superagency y PAUL VARIAN United Press International superagency plan. The lame duck legislature decide whether to state patch up a appropriations committees Speaker William bill faces The I974 Michigan hopes to adjourn today. But budget headed towards a have thus far resisted the $100 A. Ryan, D - This bill could come up for as a means to streamline these the auto industry slump and I Legislature may end on the the long - delayed proposal to deficit before turning over the million worth of budget cuts Detroit, says he feels some a vote this week, however, and services to the public, but even the loss of revenues from the kind of action must be taken lunie discordant note on which create a department of human keys to the Democratic proposed by Milliken with an before the end of the year — would need only House some of his aides were unsure food and drug tax - has irked B started, with the stage set for services could throw majority that will take over in concurrence on technical of whether he was lawmakers. a monkey eye toward making up lost willing to some II Senate floor battle over Gov. wrench into the machinery. January revenues through other even if it means bringing the admendments if adopted in its risk his personal prestige over Ryan said he objected to IJlilllken'8 controversial The lawmakers must also Democratic members of the economies. legislature back to Lansing. The superagency bill, which current form. Although the issue. the "close - minded approach" Senate and House generally opposed by If action on the bill is not However, outgoing House has been before the Senate ail represented by the across - the Democrats in the Senate, the year, suddenly emerged from completed this week, it would - board spending reductions. bill originally passed the House COGS oppose SIRS the State Affairs Committee with strong Democratic have to be reintroduced next year and run the legislative his "I think the governor and office must make boycott last week with the support of suppdrt. gamut all themselves available for day - Republicans but the opposition The legislation would merge over again. of Democrats. the departments of social Though back from a two - to - day negotiating," Ryan week postelection vacation in said. "They can't be gone day By PAT NARDI SIRS forms. The Senate Since the Senate will remain services, public health and sent forms are valuable, it does almost equally divided between Hawaii, Milliken is scheduled after day after day and just State News Staff Writer the proposal back to Academic not illness or injury, someone will mental health into the largest to attend the back and issue The Council of Graduate Council for revision. favor using SIRS forms for first Republicans and Democrats Republican come an assume their job for at least a single agency in state Governor's Conference in St. executive order. COGS has been year graduate students or until adjournment, its sympathetic month. government, with a payroll of Louis, Mo., until Wednesday. "The wted to disapprove of the untenured faculty prospects for appropriations in the past to student because, passage are 27,000 employees and a IStudents (COGS) unof icaly access to For long term His absence at a time of committees and legislative bovcott of the Student SIRS COGS says, it would be difficult to gauge. A single budget of about $2 billion. forms. Several , incapacitation, the department uncertainty, over the state's leadership should have some Instructor Rating System representatives thought the burdening them with an undue shall support the defection on either side could Milliken has backed the plan fiscal outlook due largely to hassle when graduate mean the difference between — input on this. forms (SIRS) Monday night. forms should not be they are so new at assistant for at least two boycotted the job. The straw vote was taken so because they are months. approval or rejection. valuable In other t representative could inform tools for faculty members to business, COGS The proposal also insures the Academic Council of the use in tabled a graduate sick leave that a graduate student has the improving themselves. policy for minor revisions. The JOGS viewpoint. COGS president right to due process in filing a The boycott was called by George University presently has no Seperich said the boycott issue grievance regarding these Student Academic Council uniform policy for is not as black and white for dealing with rights. members after the Academic COGS as it is for ASMSU extended absences of graduate Smite stymied a proposal While assistants. The proposal will ASMSU is an Ktiier this month that would undergraduate probably be passed with minor unit, COGS |jve given students access to consists both of changes. people who The proposed policy would would do the rating and insure that when a graduate assistants who would graduate State condemns be rated by SIRS forms. assistant has a short term Trevor Gardner, COGS vice cattle that ate president for University Affairs, said the boycott was being championed by people toxic chemical with political ambition rather Uulngan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday. December 4, 1974 9 KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Democratic party opens its Robert Stiauss, the national chairman, is predicting that a toplnJKnnj£cSWl'h fe""" l'"mo"y compromise he has been coaxing out of the survive the convention and restore order. warring factions will hnJ(fl^m08ttam?ng the pe uls, a leading indicator early arrival« was a bevy of presidential However, there is plenty of ammunition, particularly on the that the occasionally tumultuous question of quotas, for those who still want to jwnocratic conventions we once again considered Mfe fight. A high emocrats lor an ambitious official of the AFL CIO has hinted politician. - a dropout if labor does not get what it wants. »J^?ng those„Planning major efforts for their presidential The fireworks, if there are to be mKto HI man beatre Sen" Henry M- Jackson, D Wash., considered the at the - any, should start almost immediately as the Committee on Amendments and Rules moment, and Rep. Morris Udall, D - Ariz., the decides Wednesday and only formally announced candidate Thursday the form in which a draft so far. charter goes to the floor. Ail? 0ti!erS liniconvention Alabama Gov. °f says he will not and wil1 8150 ^ around. They will include George C. Wallace, who has not announced and campaign here but is still considered a contender, Trouble, too Both the new politics reformers and the old Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who was the guard - labor rroiUrunner before his coalition have vowed to fight in the committee. But it is recent withdrawal from contention. uncertain 1H6 if either side stands much chance of a successful general sessions on the convention floor do not floor challenge in Kansas morning" ^ ^ First preliminaries OP™ party charter begin until officially Wednesday the face of a compromise. swelling middleground sentiment toward The recent elections in which Democrats scored a landslide Before it is finished next over Watergate • hindered Republicans have raised the party's Sunday night, the 2,000 - plus stock. It also raised hopes of delegates are supposed to capturing the White House in 1976 approve the first party charter ever and made it more difficult for adopted by a major American any disgruntled faction to walk political party. away from a winner. A peaceful resolution of the charter issue should e strife which put a cap on Strauss also has indicated that the convention will has shattered the provide a wi the Vietnam war debate party for six years. It began preview of a Democratic legislative program to counter President in 1968 and and party reform in exploded over quotas Ford's proposals for tackling the economy and other national 1972. problems. Eberhord FOR YOUR BOOKS SAVE 30* rW2- SAVE 40* wfth in- store coupon wfth in-stoke coupon ww ih-store coupon- oh pouf anna country fresh lo■ fat it>-01 return. bottles DIET BREAD TCOTTAGEI8-PAK "RUE ^ I CHEESE J B.C. COLfl eberhakv "reduces retail prices on viet pop when wttler reflects a lower cost tv us we feel that sugar- free ?0p sh0ulv cost less because sugar. in re&jlar pop is so high1. come... shot anv save with us ' SAVE 184 W/IM-STORE C0UP0M.. 8-VAR. DUNCAN 4IINES cm mm SAVE 204 W/M-STOKE COUPON-PORE SMKTENIM6 EVERY DAY SWIFTWWl9 in-store "deli goodies ! h<*-m SAVT zx-svaweves $8$ * NOTTMAN CHEESES * Wf rnessev a/v N" 2- SAVE 404 W/IN-STORE CORNED BEET. i UdP COUPON-DIAMOND hmennoe /YYi scallopedPOTOTOES.. . Walnut Meats 89' ns. Priced to sell. peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 489-0437 after 5:30 pm. 5-12-6 393-7020. package, opportunity for ests. They mus advancement, apply INGHAM through the end MALE NEEDED. Own room, no 484-5315.0-5-12-6 SPARROW, Inly one guest MEDICAL CENTER, 401 West ONE bedroom, WATERS EDGE, 4 person. Girl of the term. deposit. Close, $90. 351-7126, FEMALE ROOMMATE needed carpeted, also Rosemary Street, VROLET PICK - UP 1968. Greenlawn, Lansing, 48910. Phone after 6 pm. 4-12-6 needed winter and spring. • winter / spring. Twyckingham 2 bedroom, 627-9824: ilarly, on Sund ""Per shell, 4 speed, 6 371-2121, extension 249. 6-12-6 Sublease. $82.50. 337-9292. Stat* News apartments. $75/month. 485-3051.4-12-6 4-12-5 Hinder. $600. Call Dave, VOLKSWAGEN COMPL ETE repair ONE BEDROOM Classified Dept. unfurnished. 351-2581. 5-12-5 """1,6-8 pm. 3-12-6 and body. 20% DISCOUNT to WAITRESSES WANTED DELLS. 347 Student Services Sublet January to September. veLLE late 1972, 27,300 students and faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW service part'.. $2/hour Call between 1-6pm. . 339-2916, Frank. 7-12-5 Capital Villa. $164. 332-4737, Bonnie. 3-12-5 EAST LANSING, unfurnished, 1 CROSSWORD bedroom, air, carpeted, available • rally wheels, 350 cc, 3 on stereo-tape, snow tires, IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Cedar. STUDENT WIVES. Teacher needs Apartments ^ EAST LANSING - one person to immediately. 1624 Cambria, PUZZLE H $2175 firm. 337-7997. 337-2217.6-12-6 485-2047, 485-9229. babysitter beginning January for share furnished 2 bedroom. Mastercharge and Bank 1 year old boy. My home. Winter and spring'terms. $100. 1. Fort defense SINGLE ROOM, r'-o. to campi GIRL NEEDED to sublet friendly 27. Kelp Okemos. 349-0964.4-12-6 CELLE SS 1969. 396. 4-speed, Americard. C-5-12-6 ^Vung oal-6662. 5-12-6 ,n1 wint Quiet comfortable, 337-7438, 353-7733. Or Keith, 353-4686. old Cedar Village Apartment. Winter / spring term. Close to 7. Kind of paper 12. Six-banded 29. Admit 30. Italian river ^brakes. $950. 349-4773. We Deliver DESK CLERK needed. Must have transportation and be willing to GIRL NEEDED, winter and spring, 4-12-6 campus. 332-8856. 5-12-5 Balcony, parking. travel. Call 372-0567 or NEED FEMALE, one bedroom, 1968. 62,000~~miler Service! Cedar Village, $80/month. 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. 337-1209. 5-12-6 two person. $85. Near campus. WOMAN condition. Must sell. Best NEEDED. Large • Call Take your American 0-5-12-6 351-9214.4-12-6 apartment, 233 Delta, 3A. $81. 355-2990. 5-12-5 FEMALE FOR 2 person, furnished, Office, 353-9642. Home compact or subcompact MODELS FOR photography. Call 'Grand River/Beal area. $82.50. ONE UPPER class female. Winter, 332-8861.7-12-6 Aunt in Spain 37. Refuse P CHALLENGER 1970. 6 between 10 am and 6 pm. Available immediately. spring. Riverside Apartments. 19. Asian holiday I?der, automatic. 489-1215.0-5-12-6 $68. 332-2784. 3-12-5 39. Stage play 5 Bucolic $700. 351-9415. 5-12-6 GIRL NEEDED to sublease Water's !1. Truncate 42. Scoff Steve. 3-12-5 1 Prone 6. True REOSNM Edge winter/spring. $82.50. !2. Twitching 43. Happy 2. Hymenoptera 7. Head cook BICYCLE STORE manager. Long FEMALE NEEDED, two girl MALE NEEDED - Sublease 4 man 351-1721. 4-12-6 .3. Tomahawk 44. See eye to eye 3. Wide awake 8. British flyers K COLT, a 1972. 4-speed, IMPORTS term arrangement. Experience 351-7240. 8-12-6 Norwood Apartment. Winter. apartment. One block from !4. $5 45. Womanly 4. Melody 9. Amatory miles. 30 mpg. Snow necessary. Rent negotiable. 337-7940. campus. $80/month. Great BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS. '• 10. Book extract *1750 or best offer, g.^2-4 Roommates. 337-2486. 3-12-5 Frandor near. 2 bedroom, 11. Mme. Bovary m 4-12-6 NURSING - IN service instructor. Bachelor's degree preferred, DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemos. STUDENTS WELCOME. 2 and 3 unfurnished. Available Garden level. soon. $170. I 15. Twilled.cloth 17. Charged |[AIRLANE Has 1964. Excellent experience helpful, but not required. Good fringe benefits Includes 2 full baths, air bedroom around apartments Lansing. $70 in and per 485-9343. 7-12-6 particle to go. 355-2752. conditioning, carport. Nc and salary. Contact personnel department, Ingham Medical children or pets. $250. Phone 332-0111 bedroom, all utilities paid. Pets allowed. Call 371-4158 4-12-6 FEMALE FOR large furnished 2 P- 19. 20. Hebrew letter Severe I- or evenings and . man, ideal location, $95. I Maverick 22. Oecad 1974.2 door, Center, 401 West Greenlawn, weekends at 332-3202. 13-12-6 337-1100.4-12-4 GIRL NEEDED 24. Some i Lansing. Phone 371-2121, to sublease ng |C"C' mint condition, extension 249. 7-12-6 winter/spring. 731 Burcham. 25. Peter out XI - Asking $2500. 11:30 am. Mr. \JHE SMAU CAR PEOPLEj LUXURY families TOWN HOUSES, preferred. Full 351^8161.4-12-6 FOUR ROOM, redecorated. Priavate bath. Newly parking. Al 26 Varangians 28. Fan f1*. 3-124 COUNSELOR CASE worker, full basement, all appliances, FEMALE NEEDED, winter Eden Canton, 484-2220. 6-12-6 29. Eggs W time, experience in social work including washer and dryer, bath Roc, close to campus. Call 32. Make a '' Fairlane. Automatic, working with children. Contact - V4. $225 a month, between 1 351-1877. 6-12-6 OWN ROOM in two man mistake William Weitzel, VFW National pm and 6 pm Wednesday apartment. $105 month. Grad, 33. Lariat Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, through Sunday. Call 882-0257. SUBLEASE 1 bedroom, furnished - senior preferred. 332-0271 after 34. Lioness in TWO F-14 General studded snow 663-15217* extension 147. Five minutes from campus. MSU, on bus line. $175. 8 pm. 4-12-6 "Born Free" tirei. Call John, 351-5539, 485-2281 3-12-6 X-7-12-4 8-12-6 332-3175.5-12-5 WILLIAMSTON: 1 35 French father Km ' l0vvest rates °n WANTED: FULL time girl for ONE MAN needed for close NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, large apartment. Clean, FURNISHED Lady 'W 36. Study hard i* *bu. nU,°- Ca" « ,ir,t 0r or 38. Pipe fitting office. Apply Monday and convenient two - man. $90 per upstairs. One bedroom. Share PlQll i," East Pavment Plan. SNOW TIRES. (Vega) Pirelli radial gentleman. No pets, children. 40. Honey Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, month. Call 332-3984 after 5. utilities. $120. 351-7497. $100/month. IL,, 0-5-12-6 UNDERWRITERS, tubeless 185SR13. Call Donna, Lansing. 372-6323. 6-12-6 3-12-6 0-6-12-6 655-3720 $50 655-1177 deposit, 4-12-6 41. Beverage 351-0533.3-12-6 or . 43. Consonant 12vfichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4 '974 [ Apartments }\$\ | Apartments jlfPj Noises Mists Far Sail ||5) f fa S* ||5| ( SiH ](V| ANTIQUES SEWING MACHINE Clearance LOST: BLACK mal, 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. GIRL NEEDED ■ Cedar Village. OWN ROOM beautiful house, EAST LANSING, girl to share BUNDY SAXOPHONE, 7 years, ttt . I - 10* Discount with this adl Sale I Brand new portables Completely furnished. Located $78. Winter or winter/spring. washer/dryer. No lease, $75. beautiful home with mother and $150. Ski boots, Tecnus Men's Interesting and unusual stuff, lots $49.95, $5 per month. Large at Capitol Villa apartments. 351-3498. 5-12-6 332-5263.4-12-6 7 year old. Phone 3324981. 6. Rieker Ladies 6H. 351-1766. of items under $10 for Imaginative •election of reconditioned used 1704 East Grand River. For 8-12-6 5-12-4 gift givers. Open Tuesday - Sunday, machlnas. Singers, Whites, information please call FEMALE ROOMMATE needed OKEMOS. NICE 2 bedroom, TWO GIRLS to sublease January 1. USED CANON Pelix, Mamiya - 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4245 S. Necchi's, New Home and "many LOST black case. Auditorium j 485 1798. After 6 pm. call now through June. $70 month. unfurnished, large garden. $180 Okemos. 349-4648. 7026 others". $19.95. Terms. 351-8775. 3-12-4 Riverside. 351-3251. 5-12-6 plus utilities. 349-2522. 2-12-4 Own rooms in large house. $80. 351-9556. 3-12-6 Sekor 1000 DTL, Petri SLR with standard and telephoto PANASONIC AM/FM stereo wltti EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING n/26. Reward. 37^ COMPANY 1115 North ONE GIRL needed for SUB LET EFFICIENCY HOUSE, OWN room. Close. lens. Super 8mm movie cassette. Must sell. Best offer. TWO ROOMS in house. Quiet, Washington, 489-6448. C-3-12-5 LOST: MAN'S wallet near winter/spring in Cedar Village winter/spring. Shopping center, (Behind Dooley's) $76/month. equipment. Federal enlarger - 332-3169.612-4 Willi.* bus stop. Close. 332-5565. George, 351-4015. 4-12-6 sunny, not too far. $70. $49.95. Benjamin miracord Return Credit cards I 4-person apartment. Call RALEIGH RECORD, 25H" frame. 337-1621. 3-12-4 485-0505. 5-12-6 50HII turntable. Kenwood 355-3537.4-12-6 332-3680. 3-12-6 EAST LANSING. Two furnished KR5150 Stereo Receiver. Sansui BUYING 6 months old. $100. 489-5867. 3-12-6 bedrooms in house, $85 FREE RENT till December 15. QR4500 quad receiver. AR2X APARTMENT. One >00 RIVER STREET, in Lansing & ](/j OKEMOS bedroom. Beautiful area 3 miles from campus, just off - monthly plus utilities. Lease Own room, close to campus. speakers and many more sweet Personal SEARS AUTOMATIC Console furnished. $150. Includes Kalamazoo Good sized December 15. 332-8348. 4-12-6 New duplex. 351-3829. 5-12-6 stereo components. King size SILLING waterbed, ladies and mens humidifier, like new. $65 or best utilities. Call 349-1762. 3-12-6 furnished 1 bedroom TRUMP FEMALE OWN furnished room in leather coets, ski equipment, ice offer. 361-1694. 4-12-6 - tastefully tart music l0, apartments. 6 and 9 month CLOSE - 5-6 person house, 152 - ell ONE GIRL needed winter term. leases accepted. $170.485-3140. Kedzie, shown 5-6 pm daily. new house. $70/month, boat, barber chair. All occasions. 353-2841 afJ SKI EQUIPMENT. Henson Prima 6:30 p.m. BI6-12-6 Burcham Woods. $61. 337-0978. 10-12-6 4-12-6 337-2376. 5-126 merchandise guaranteed - - Check us out, you will groove on boots size 10-12, $75. Hart 3-12-6 34*-] 144 GIRL NEEDED. 4 girl house, close. Short Stuff 180 cm, new $100. DEBI, IF you're the 1250 OAKRIDGE, Large 1 IN LANSING, on bus line. 4 our honest down to earth used t S7I E. Grand River one leaving (J Rates negotiable. Winter only. equipment prices. DICKER & Spalding Formidable 210cm, L.A. the 11th in TWO ROOMMATES, Share 4 bedroom apartment in a quiet, bedroom house. Suitable for 1.1. of V excellent a van piuJ serveraI men or women. $250 332-3712.6-12-6 DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, condition, $95. call Debbie, 489-0981 person with female. Furnished. private building. Occupancy 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. USED GIBSON electric guitars. L6 355-6828. 3-12-5 3-12-6| Near campus. $85. 351-2354. December 1st - 1 year leases plus deposit. 393-7839 485 1302. 3-12-5 Monday and Friday til 9 pm. Les Paul Deluxe, SG, stereo and DID YOU get your 3-12-6 only. From $175. 351-0866. pre-exan 10-12-6 Rooms Tuesday. Weonesday, Thursday much more. Microfrets new BUNK BEDS, like new. $60. Phone vitamins? Walgreens will and Saturday 9-6. C-5-12-6 TRAYNOR PA amps lead and 355-9903 Tuesday and Shop at > 17th, 45-126 SUBLEASE LARGE furnished 4 AVAILABLE DECEMBER you money. ROOMMATE NEEDED starting base USED PIGNOSE Wednesdey. Thursdey and friendly neighborhood man. Quiet. Next to campus. till August 31st, 1975. Faculty NEAR STABLES - large bedroom amps. January. $75. Own bedroom. member going on sabbatical, will USED CANON TL-b 35mm amps, a dozen used banjos. Used Friday, Call 349-9640. d-12-6 pharmacy. GULLIVER STAtI $280. 351-2354. 3-12-6 in brick ranch house, full Call 349-0879. 5-12-4 rent 2 story nicely decorated, camera. Minox B Black body. mastertone deluxe 2 used Bacon DRUG, 1105 East Grand Riva privileges, fireplace, dishwasher, 5 furnished house to a family. Olympus Zuiko 75-150 mm string banjos. 50 acoustic 332-2011.0-1-12-4 GIRLS TO sublet spacious 4 girl see to appreciate, available ONE MAN needed immediately for Carpeted, 3 bedrooms; family zoom lens. Beseler T-35 enlarger. guitars. Drum sets $65 - up. COLOR TV, Motorole, mahogany Twyckingham apartment. December 15. 337-0195. MM quiet, comfortable apartment, room. Spacious living RCA 16mm movie projector. Used flutes, saxes, trumpets, cabinet, new picture tube, cost TO RUSSIA . . . With experts • fj $66/month. 332-8172. 3-12-6 close to campus. $100 / month, room/fireplace. 1V4 baths. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE south Used movie cameras and clarinets, etc. WILCOX MUSIC, $650 new, now $150. Phone out if detente is for real with th] heat / water included. 351-7539. accessories. Kodak pocket 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 349-1112. 3-12-6 nonpolitical, nonprofit Citii CHALET APARTMENTS. Need Garage, furnished basement, near Michigan Avenue. Quiet for 5-12-4 washer/dryer. Walking distance instamatic $10 - up. Polaroids $5 485-4391. C-5-12-6 Exchange Corps on an exel one girl for 4 person student, near bus line. |ffr] visit to Russia. Groups to Close to $65/month plus deposit. up. New Robyn CB sets. Many | - campus. di„ immediately'. $75/month. Debbie, 332-3634. 3-12-6 ONE NEEDED for 3 woman school/shopping. $320/month 627-5454. X7-12-4 excellent car 8 track tape players LIKE NEW: Skis, Marker bindings, Hihaals December - August. Writel apartment on Burcham. Call plus utilities. Lease/security with FM stereo. Used Sony, Kofflach boots, poles, $60. CEC, 101 Park Ave. NewYorJ 332-8884.5-12-4 deposit. 351-3316; 353-6373. GENTLEMEN: SINGLE room, Craig Sanyo cassette players. Cartop ski - rack, $25. POODLE: BLACK N.Y. 10017. (212) £ NEEDED, ONE girl sublet winter BL-1-12-4 kitchenette, clean, quiet, WILCOX SECONDHAND 339-2970.3-12-6 5-126 term. Nice apartment across Registered, 3 months old, shots, from campus. $72/month. Call parking. $18/week. IV-28304. STORE, 509 East Michigan, partly house broken. $75. Houses ROOMMATE NEEDED for house. 3-12-6 Lansing. 485-4391. C-5-12-6 PANASONIC SE-2070 stereo. Like 371-4878. 3-12-4 THE ALOHA ~~ 337-2397. 3-12-6 Own room, Lansing. For details new for $1251 Phone 393-8499. TWO BEDROOM apartment, 2 EAST LANSING • 1166 Lilac, 3 call 487-0252.3-12-6 MEN: FARMHOUSE Fraternity, Cash for 3-12-6 GIVING AWAY I White female CHRISTMAS SIHS | bedroom, family room, rooms for rent, two terms only, manx cat, declewed, miles MSU. $170/month, from Hawaii utilities paid. 332-3787. 3-12-6 carpeted. Phone 332-0965. FURNISHED ROOM in no singles. Good food, fantastic STAMPS & COINS CALCULATOR • HEWETTE persien, go together. 351-7396. 5-12-6 cooperatively run house near housemother, friendly people. Packard 35, like new. $175. 3-12-4 Unique A /nexpensm campus. Couples or single. $410/term. $50 dposit. Phone Buy - Sell - Trade 349-9336. 3-12-6 FOUR BEDROOM apartment, 2 full line of supplies Winter term only. $80/month, 332-8635. B-1-12-4 IRISH SETTER puppies, *KC, 255Ann 351 19f miles MSU. Utilities paid, FEMALE HOUSEMATE for MID MICHIGAN STAMP 8i COIN duplex, own room, lots of living no deposit. 351-8143. 3-12-6 PORTRAITS BY Susan. Pastels, wormed end 1st shot, 349-9355 $230/month. 332-3787. 3-12-6 1880 HASLETT Rd. 332-4300 FREE A lesson in i EAST SIDE, $67. Available 12-15. ... space. $75. 351-6828. 5-12-6 $25. Charcoals, $15. Union efter 5:30.5-12-6 SHARE HOUSE, own room. One No lease. 1122 Cleveland. Board Flea Market, December care. Call 484-4519 eJ FEMALE. NEW Contemporary 2 OKEMOS AREA, 4 bedroom older block from campus. $90. 489-4595. 2-12-6 OVER 25 years experience - 7th and 8th. 4-12-6 GOLDEN RETRIEVER, mele Michigan or 485-7197 Lansil person, own room. Close. $105. Mall. MERLE 489-0803. 3-12-6 home. Ideal for students. $200 337-0823, after 5. 3-126 OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 puppies, AKC Champion NORMAf COSMETIC STUDIO. C-3-1J per month plus utilities. No SLEEPING ROOMS with kitchen East Midtigan, Lansing. bloodline, 6 weeks. $125. lease. Call 332-4128, EAST OWN ROOM in house. $75/month privileges, walking distance to C-5-12-6 Beautiful 339-9907.4-12-6 MALE ROOMMATE to share three FEMALE GRAD v bedroom duplex. Close to MSU. LANSING REALTYOOMPANY. plus. Free rent until December MSU. Kitchen privileges from Plastic Tubing Material 15th. 337-7151.3-12-6 $65. Call EQUITY VEST INC. FENDER SUPER Six reverb. $500. housing with other grads, a GENUINE ALLEY-Cat kittens $93.50/month, deposit. Call __7-12-6 351-8150. 3-12-6 Six 12" speakers. 100 watts rms, Available for - room, near campus. Call l< Dennis, 393-0603.3-12-6 Free, to werm heerted people TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished. SPACIOUS FURNISHED basement one year old. Jamie, 489-1759. Bong Pipes collect, 616-345-4289. 3-125 | only I 332-5562. 2-12-4 Porch and full basement. One 5-12-5 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for room. Fireplace. Private ROOM IN quiet house. Cooking, mile from campus. $150. WANTED SOMEONE to knit sm ertrance. Bath. Cooking parking. $75/month. 351-9043 two apartment, winter, person spring. Option for summer. 485-4512, mornings. 4-12-6 facilities. Walk to campus. $125 after 6 pm. 3-12-6 FRUIT BASKETS 1/2 • 1 peck. ! Mobile Homes i!« piece. 332-4009 e paid. 2-124 plus utilities. 337-0091, after 6. December 3 - December 13, Make Your Own! Ready December 15. 133 PETS, COUPLES welcome. 2 3-12-6 MALE STUDENT. Double. lobby Horticulture Building. Durand, East Lansing. Five 372 7177 SKYLINE 1966, 10x50. Many (pWHlsPirSOMll'l bedrooms. Furnished house. minute walk to campus. Reasonable. Furnished, near. Orders begin November 25. $66. Wooded. 882-4818. 4-12-6 TWO BEDROOM. Close. Carpeted. amenities. Close, campus. Best 351-3992.3-12-6 Quiet. Parking. Clean. 332-3094. 337-9516, 337-1139, MSU TWO Vi" deluxe video tape systems. offer. 351-0975. 3-12-6 Furnished. Utilities paid. Rent 3-12-6 Horticulture Club. 7-126 ONE FEMALE needed. Nice house. Package complete with camera, MSU AREA, Okemos. One and two reduced. 332-1946.4-12-6 240 Oak Hill. Share room now recorder, R.F. and moniter. Also 8x37 TRAILER, 10x10 shed. Close NEEDED: TWO women to share IMMEDIATE CASH for records, bedroom, furnished and to MSU and shopping. through summer. $60 monthly EAST LANSING - lovely two five bedroom house two miles tapes. Karma Records - 313 two video recorders and unfurnished, air conditioned, 332-8009. 6-12-6 plus utilities. Call Karen bedroom duplex. Child Student Services, afternoons. miscellaneous equipment. Like carpeted. $150 - $185, heat north of campus. Low rent. Call 355-4968.4-12-6 welcome. $195 plus deposit and 353-7287. 3-12-6 new. Call 351-4400, 8:30 - 5:30 included. Call 349-9604. 3-12-6 351-4176. 3-12-6 utilities. 489-2575. 4-12-6 weekdays. 5-12-6 LEISURE LIVING at Melrose COZY DUPLEX! needs girl. Mobile Home Park. 10 miles NEED ONE man for winter. ROOM. PARKING, cooking, walk SKI BOOTS. Henke Strato Pro. ^Winter/spring. $75 includes 80 ACRE Farm, Haslett. Need one. Size 12. $70. One season old. HOUSEPLANTS FOR from MSU, own beautiful Moon Close/campus. Two man. to MSU. $70/month. Call Christmasl. 'utilities. 351-0304.4-12-6 Own room. Occupancy after Excellent condition. 349-0687, Great Lake, and lots for 30' - 70' 332-6990.3-12-6 idea, wide selection. 337-7825,3-12-6 ^ trailers. Students with family FEMALE, NEAT, responsible. Own FEMALE - December 15. 1 block December 13. $56/month utilities. 675-7537.6-12-6 + GIRLS: DOUBLE rooms to rent, after 3. 3-12-6 Cheap. CAII 351-8138.5-12-6 travel Immediate trailers welcome. [ Real Estate from campus. $68 monthly. HP-35 CALCULATOR and HP-35 SUNN 200S 100 Watt amp with occupaicy. room, modern. Near Frandor. dormer sleeping area, sorority 351-6462. 3-12-5 FURNISHED, 3 om. $200 675-7212.5-12-6 OKEMOS - EXCITIH Reasonable. 489-7948. 3-12-6 house. Close to campus. $415, math pack, $215. 351-5229, two 15" SRO speakers in Reflex plus utir-Wt^V. 5 minutes after 4. 3-12-6 cabinet. Great sound. Call contemporary 4 bedroom ho per term. CAII 332-3551 MALE STUDENT needed for 3 to MSU. VtTJ. 489-5971. 5-12-5 ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom overlooking beautiful EAST LANSING - Two bedroom, daytime or 482-9511 evenings. 351-9436. Ask for Steve. Will bedroom completely furnished mobile home. Furnished, pets, Lake. Open - beam constr unfurnished. Sublease for winter 8-12-6 GIBSON GUITAR and amplifier. take best offer. 5-12-6 house. 8451 Saginaw. $60 NICE DUPLEX, East Lansing, own Les Paul model, $195. immediete occupancy. Bike to highlight the int term. $190 plus electricity. excluding utilities. 339-2889. room, parking, December 15th. MSU. Must sell. 351-8141. architectural design, A t 351-5599, after 5 pm. 3-12-6 ROOM IN house. 526 Evergreen. 669-3414, after 5.3-12-6 HART KNIGHT skis, 180 cm. 3-12-6 351-3227.6-12-6 4-12-6 private hide-a-way, Call John! $90/month, utilities included. Intermediate, 699-3411 days. TWO PERSON apartment, sublet 351-1985. 3-12-4 SKI BOOTS, REIKER plastics. Evenings/weekends. 694-3223. Henry. 372-7943 or 485-67* LARGE HOUSE near L.C.C. OWN ROOM in house. Close to 1966 10x55, 6'x17' addition. New 5-12-6 winter and Excellent condition, $30. Call 5-12-6 spring, Cedar Greens. campus. $80/month. 332-3670. furnace, shed, washer/dryer. 351-8407. 3-12-6 WOMAN NEEDED. Own bedroom. Ken, 694-3798. 3-12-6 5-12-5 $3400. 361-5715.4-12-6 EAST LANSING House, close, furnished, CHAIRS TABLES, picture fremes, bedrocj , School. Modern three ONE, TWO or 3 males needed to TWO PERSONS needed for fireplace. $75. 351-6463. 5-12-6 LUDWIG DRUM set. Clear with odds 'n' ends. Stop Buy and THREE BEDROOM. 12x60, 1V4 bath ranch with ne blue tint. Includes cymbals, Save. DOTTIES sublet winter/spring 4 - man. TWO country home. Own rooms, forest skirted, close, furnished, sharp. in kitchen, two eating ar BEDROOM furnished, hardware and cases. 371-3353. - $75. and river. Cheap, call 9-5, JOIN THE CO-OP! Openings now COLLECTABLES. 2500 East Twyckingham. Call Jim rec-room with wet bar. $160 Asking $4700. 351-0174.4-12-6 Finished recreation room, I before 11 372-4949. After 5, 337-9644. for winter term at Bogue Street 3-12-6 Michigan. 5-12-6 pm. 332-2755, /month plus utilities. 1026 two car garage. Priced for qui 351-3954.4-12-6 3-12-4 Co-Op and other houses. Call Smith sale at $29,900. Call EvlP ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT for 0-3-12-6 Street, near Logan. SAMRA REALTY, 351-2442. VICTORIAN MANOR. Downtown Bogue Street or call 355-8313, 311B Student Services Building. DRESSES, COATS, pant suits, pant suits. 18. Excellent condition. Size Reasonable. Round dark [ Lost I Foood ][C[] Bruetsch, 349-1363 or t REALTORS, 349-3310. 3-lB winter term. Furnished, in Lansing, single bedroom, $45 • Student Housing Corporation. pine game table and tvyo FIND SOMETHING Lansing. 489-5429. $130. 3-12-4 HOUSE WITH $75. 351-0997 after 5 pm. 2 separate 2 3-12-4 5-12-6 captains chairs. $125. 485-2397. If you've found a pet or article of bedroom units. Spotlessly clean. NEAR FRANDOR. 2 bedroom. 3-12-4 value, we went to help you $150/month plus utilities. 119 return it. Just come into the Appliances, air, carpeting, West Oakland. SAMRA 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, $245 per OWNhouse. 3 bedroom furnished ROOM $62/month. Parking. VENTURA 27" travel bag, avocado State News Classified carport. $180 plus electric. BOOK CHRISTMAS r REALTY, 351-2442. 3-12-6 484-9601.3-12-5 condition. Call Department and tall us you want 627-2559 or 484-9791. 5-12-6 green. Excellent nowl Ski packages i 332-1063. 3-12-4 to place an ad in EAST TRAVEL BY harringtm FURNISHED FLOOR in semi FEMALE SUBLEASE Delta Arms. - CLEAN, FURNISHED. Kitchen LANSING STATE BANK'S 0. C-5-12-6 GIRL NEEDED for winter or country house. Okemos. Couple Found Column. As a public December - June. $78.50. Call winter spring. Own room, nice privileges, parking. Gunson. GUITAR AMPS, cabinets. Factory Deb. M. 351-7847. 8-12-6 upstairs, excellent for animals, Utilities paid. $80. 351-1356. close - out at 60% off. Example: service EAST LANSING STATE house. Close. $80/month. ]§] no lease. $100, utilities. HARMONY BANK will ELECTRIC guitar, the ad at 349-3792. 3-12-6 351-1757. 3-12-4 4-12-6 Self - contained amp similar to run no cost Service SUBLEASE 2 person. January to amplifier, foot switch. Reverb, Twim Reverb, $295. West to youl September. Block east Bogue. SINGLE ROOM: Kitchen tremelo, 2 channels. 351-7621. Laboratories, 487-3558. 5-12-6 EAST LANSING NORTH LANSING. Share house, 2 ADJOINING ROOMS. Near 332-4277.8-12-6 privileges, $180 plus utilities. 3-12-6 STATE BANK $75 plus utilities. Washer/dryer, Union. $160/month. Private TYPEWRITERS, AIR bath. 428 Grove. Call 155 Gunson. 351-8754. 4-12-6 oiled and adjusted. PortaL color TV, pets welcome. Call Dana, 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. ROSSIGNOL OLYPIQUE Skis, FOUND: WIRE rimmed FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury Cheryl, 371-4777 before 10 am 332-2373. 5-12-6 ROOM IN friendly east side house. Salomon 444 bindings. Good Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. sunglasses, Cedar Village. $7.50. Manuals, $10. ElecJ 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no or after 10:30 pm. 3-12-6 Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 near $12.50. One day service, I until September. shape. Good price. Call Identify. Call 351-2583. pick up and delivery. 25 vl pets. Lease until September. One Available and up. DENNIS 487-8755. 4-12-6 351-5329. 3-12-6 C-3-12-4 month free $160. 129 rent. Highland. 332-0976.19-12-6 ROOM IN house, from DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City. experience. 393-9774. 0-5-| Berkey, winter WATERBED $85/MONTH, plus utilities for QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and KING size. Heater, Market. C-3-12-6 FOUND: WATCH 11-19-74 332-2390. 3-12-6 FEMALE NEEDED 4 - woman. couple to share large house with reasonable. Board at Triangle above floor model, 2 months Eberhard parking lot. Call FOR THE BEST Serivce or Piano, pool, no lease, $56.25. same. No swingers. Call 484-7319. Fraternity. Cell 332-3563. old. $150. 332-6315. 2-12-5 3 5 5-8797 and describe for equipment see the S COUPLE OR individuals wanted to DUAL 1214. Excellent condition. Close. 332-5345. 5-12-6 after 5 p.m. 7-12-6 8-12-6 return. C-3-12-4 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand Rfl share house near LCC. $46 2-Shure cartridges. $100 or best KNEISSL RED Stars. Slalom 200 C-5-12-6 single, $50 double. 351-0997, cm Marker bindings. Excellent offer. 349-4655. 3-12-5 LOST: WHITE mini calculetor, MAN NEEDED to share apartment. LARGE DOUBLE room in house. ROOMS - FURNISHFO, parking, after 5. 3-12-6 Close. condition. $95. 355-7032. Sinclair Scientific, 118 Physics Own bedroom. Call after 5 pm. $80 each. 353-6592, cooking. and $85- 332-6846.3-12-4 332-0968.5-12-4 Sharon, *Vf-vAJ90, after five. 3-12-6 TURNTABLE - GARRAD SL72B, Building or Grand River Avenue, EDITING - proofread^ EAST SIDE of Lansing. Three walnut base, dust cover, Shure November Dissertations, theses, 5-12-5 26th. Needed for WANTED: GIRL to rent Eden Roc houses available December 20. ONE TO share house winter term. SUEDE AND curly lamb coat from M91ED. 351-7159, Nights. exams,. Reward. Call 337-1861. projects, manuscripts. apartment - close/campus. Two bedrooms. Ideal for 2 or 3 Own room. Call 351-8114. MALE STUDENTS, single rooms in Afghanistan. Hood, white 3-12-5 3-12-6 Cauley. 337-1591. 5-12-6 persons. 489-1949. 3-12-6 337-0308. 3-12-4 4-12-6 East Lansing. Parking. embroidery, generous size, never Refrigerator. 332-5791. 6-12-6 worn I $95. 332-3398. 3-12-6 GIRL TO ublease * sublease^ ONE - TWO girls needed for WANT CHEAP, close, friendly How to form your own car pool *yrson. Near spacious duplex. Call after 5 pm, campus. ofS^-Ving. $63. atmosphere? Try Nexus Co-op HOLMES ROAD Second - Hand 36 1 -9525. 3-1 2 - 6 As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide 332-4289.^2-6i 1.19-fi $275 term. Room/board. Store, 2323 West Holmes Road. SHARE HOUSE Close. Own room. 351-0100.4-12-6 882-3022. 3-12-6 a free classified advertisement for those people who would like FIVE MINUTES to MSU! Luxury $75 per month plus utilities. to set up or HOUSEHOLD SALEI Sofa, bunk join a car pool. apartment. Starting $170. Phone 351-7989 after 5.3-12-6 THREE BEDROOM, $190 month, 487-9085,393-0720.5-12-6 For Sale beds, bar, desk, lamps, T.V., deposit. Near MSU. 371-2096. T.V. stands, bookcases, tables, Driving? or Riding? WOMEN NEEDED for a nice house 4-12-6 WATERS EDGE, 4-woman, girl near campus. Call 351-3045. SKIS, YAMAHA, All Round, 2 luggage, other miscellaneous From _ to -— needed, winter/spring. Call 1-12-4 items. ED2-4645. 3-12-6 ROOMMATE NEEDED, Winter, 190cm, never used. $70. 351-2583. 5-12-6 Spring. $84/month. Duplex on 339-9277. 7-126 Leaving Returning - LARGE ATTIC, two persons. $80 Spartan Avenue. Call 351-9189. SKIS, BINDINGS. K2, Rossignol, p.m. IMMEDIATE: OWN room in two each, two blocks ELECTRIC GUITAR 1967 Blizzard, Look, Besser. Dirt Phone _ Time? campus. - bedroom, block from campus. 332-4938. 3-12-6 Fender Stratocaster. Amazing cheap. For more information $95. 332-0441 351-0578. EXCITING ATMOSPHERE for call Cody at 351-0398 soon. The State News will not accept responsibility for or neat dependable female. Own condition. $275 or best offer. 5-12-6 3-12-6 NEED TWO quiet people for house bedroom. $90/month / utilities. Call 489-2616. 4-12-6 arrangements or conduct of participants. near campus. No cars. 351-3322 The information requested below must be OWN ROOM, male,$95, lease, after 5 pm. 3-12-6 _Ji9'??5.l:_6'L2"5 _ FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. FUR COAT. Brown rabbit - size 11. supplied in order Workbenches, steel barrels and $25. 655-2478, after 6 pm. for ad to appear. deposit, carpeted, clean, close. WANTED, ONE liberal person to 337-0110. 5-12-6 OWN ROOM in house. Close to share fermhouse. 1-468-3369. many other items. 882-2555. 4-12-6 Full Name L_ - campus. $45/month. 351-3230. 0-5-12-6 EAST LANSING, 1708 Cambria-2 3-12-6 FENDER SUPER Reverb Amp. Six Address bedroom townhouse, fireplace, TWO PEOPLE needed for furnished FIREWOOD - 100% split. 4'x8'x16' months old. $400, best offer. $260. 351-2161, one bedroom 5 BEDROOM, furnished, utilities house, own room, $71. stacked. $20. All you can get in 487-5018. 4-12-6 City 882-2318. 5-12-6 _ Phonff_ apartment $175. 337-2217. paid, close. Own room. your trunk - $10. Delivery 5-12-6 $65/month. 487-6347. 3-12-4 Extra. PETERSON WOOD APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM *This coupon may be NEAR LCC. Big four bedroom. CHIPS, 882-2555.0-5-12-6 ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of brought in or mailed to: Car Pool LARGE, 2 bedroom, block campus, SINGLE ROOM for male. Large Sharp. Orange shag carpet. New Mason on Hull Road. Hours 9-5. Classifieds, 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls 4 person Excallent location, '£Nl-r££)Ro< house. kitchen and bath. Accommodate CHESS SETS, onyx and marble. Closed Mondays. Gift packages accepted. Mjrvico, 34 kitchen, parking, laundry. four or five students. $200. Unique gifts, several colors. shipped by United Parcel. 332-1918. 5-12-6 655-3568 after 5:30. 5-12-4 Reasonable. 882-0046. 16-12-6 1-589-8251.04-12-6 NO CHARGE member 4,1974 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4, 1974 13 B IK male c.t, L|||. <84-7879, th, fcciONAL QUALITY >t P"«'MI G,rV S,fr0n' Media board to discuss code Sfife DhUjtf at Tphotoflrapher ii now taking By NANCY CRANE of small . of parties • special The binoculjnj 353 1 364. In Oatroll, Stite Newi Staff board has Writer recently thinking about taking their "In Article X of the ASMSU Auditorium, Mondty Tonight at 9 the Student come under fire from several the board is now working only Reward. Christmas, 313646-7703. complaints to the All constitution it says that the 37Mj<( campus media groups because t ^'•Appropriations (SMAB) will hold Board it allocated over half of fall University Student Judiciary board must have a professional on an interim basis, ASMSU has not made permanent 211 £. Grand Rivei an ~Zrs IN cleaning and meeting in open terms $20,000 alternative (AUSJ). journalist on it. It doesn't, and appointments to the board. Next to the Sportsmeister 310 Student Scott Smith, editor of „iM leathers and suedes. Services Bldg. media funds to two media so I wonder if the media board "We wanted to appropriate to discuss Focus Magazine, said the ^'qs cleaners, compilation of a code of projects associated with Project groups are going to question could even legally appropriate money to Project Grapevine .1910.0-1-12-4 operations for distribution of Grapevine. any money." Smith said. because it was in financial The media the legality of the media Dan Dever, chairman of the funds to difficulties, but have not University media "□0 groups plan to we ography register their complaints with board's appropriations to media groups. appropriations board, decided on our code of Quality.1 easonably priced. xt ynton photography, the board. They are also Project Grapevine and Spectacle Magazine. said problems with allocations operations yet." Dever said. CIGARETTES 2 pk /79 of funds have arisen because (•fully tart music (or 6712. C-5-12-6 Larry Goodrich, editor of "»• 353-2841 Le Courrier, MSU's french alts 1-6-12-6 istridion j [&] PSC considers language newspaper, said he thought Project Grapevine's (Coupon) Expires December •, 1974 re 1th in the on# leaving« a van pin ARC exam tutoring recommendation funds were mismanaged and that the media board should audit the project's books 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM East Lansing Store Only 489-0981. 3 12-6 MNLEYH. kaplan to jet Walgreens ly. your Shop v pre^exatr dtoring courses •eg I formad for mcat, dat, lsat, GRE Board Exams. For the change (continued from power rate structure before shown "Project any more money appropriated to it. that Grapevine it mismanages has is PROCESSING & DEVELOPING No Limit (Coupon) Expires December 8,1974 neiflhborho# formation call page 1) be East Lansing Store Only GULLIVER STAT But the utilities still accomplished in various are not necessary, money by being able to blow ,3.354-0085.0-1-12-4 into the transcript of the retain ways; being less wasteful, using public $15,000 on one issue of 95 East Grand Ri the "incentive" rate "In electricity, there is hearings of the rate case, structure, >-1-12-4 in 0IJ, fi_uTE banjo and drum Private instruction depending on technology to more efficient appliances, and buying electrical more really as much as anybody wants," Rosenberg said, according to hearings examiner Grapevine Journal. Why should the media board be set up only KODAK FILM pull them through. efficient and economical Bob Hollinshead. But it has to pay for Grapevines debts?" .With experts- i marshall music. The PIRGIM report . been received as unsworn quotes substitutes for electric Goodrich asked. "Anyway, I )te is for real with .7830. CM 2-4 economist Charles Olson as "I think we (the PSC).have testimony. C126-12 99C Limit 1 (Coupon) ci 10-12 99' I, nonprofit Citiza appliances when available," the an adequate record to give us never heard of any place Expires December 8, 197' Jorps on an exchan saying that technology is not report stated. appropriating the ability to make a decision Conlin contends that sworn money before East Lansing Store Only issis. Groups depar Strvice likely to "provide any "That kind of proposal is on the deadlines for applications substantial everything Conlin is testimony carries more weight. • August. Write breakthrough t^ based on sound economic concerned about," he said, are in and that is what the 'ark Ave., New Yor KG, ELECTRIC machine, clean and economical power in policy, although there are some His attempt to get his media board did." MAGICUBES FLASHCUBES 17. (212) 889 7964 the near future. Nuclear The board appropriated accurate and experienced. power, administrative problems," Conlin, however, is not material accepted as swom once portrayed by utilities funds to Good Times Magazine 4746.8-12-6 as commissioner Ralls said. satisfied with the way in which the answer, is testimony was blocked by the Nov. 20, five days before the becoming But David Voight, assistant the commission accepted his THE ALOHA ■ypE your term paoer neatly, cheaply. 1111 H, increasingly costly." The only alternative, general manager for testimony.His report is bound lawyer for Consumer's Power during a hearing. deadline for submitting 1.17 88* RISTMAS GIFTS ¥ then, Consumer's Power, does not applications for funds. jty Village. 365-5871. is to institute a rate structure feel a disincentive rate from Hawaii based on the of service, principle of cost according to the structure is necessary. CLOSE OUT! 1 Ique ii U will congressman denied reports presents Barry Turnrose, of the meet at 8:30 p.m. EXCITI 10WN typing and multilith California Institute of Technology, speaking on "Stellar - Population toWiorrow in the Yakeley Hall cafeteria. Here's your last chance to sign up for the NYC that he had experienced a heart attack, but said he has suffered ALTA Surgical Supply announces their new VAPO RUB ROBITUSSIN printing. Complete service - Syntheses of Kxternal Galaxies" at Star Trek convention and for years from a chronic heart iry 4 bedroom I dissertations, theses, 4:10 p.m. Thursday in 120 Physics our club Medical Book and Supply Store Branch located at T-shirts. Pick up your copy of WS irregularity. 4oz- Q~I{ jbeautiful li - beam constru iscripts, general typing. 25 years experience. - Astronomy Bldg. no. 2, too! The self - help group will meet at In a voice vote after brief 1504 E. Grand River at Hagadorn. Phone 351-2610 for info about limited hours. reg. 75c 47' reg. $1.39 O/ 850 C-5-12-6 8:30 tonight in the Women's Center debate, the Democratic caucus The Renaissance dance class of the in the Union UN Lounge. Tuesday had agreed to increase i-a-way, Call Johi Society for Creative The University Duplicate the membership of Mills' ways Anachronism will meet from 7 to Bridge Student Discounts Available 1-7943 or 485-6: Club will hold games 'every and Means Committee from 25 10 p.m. Thursday in the Williams Hall cafeteria. Learn or practice Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on the to 37. second floor of the Union. Alto Old Spice SING - Wardd your dancing for the Revels The enlarged membership Surgical Supply Co. IENCED, TYPING term Saturday. Whatever your goal is, achieve it would take away much of the BURLEY GIFT SET Jam three bedroc theses, etc. Rapid, 1717 E. Michigan Avenue ich with new all b through relationship, imagination, chairman's personal power to service. 394 2512. and Limit 1 meditation. Meet the self Lansing ph. 489-1404 2.59 - ,ntwo eating ar There will be a forum on the awareness fellowship at J:30 (Coupon) creation room, United Mine Workers strike at 8:30 reg. $3.25 Expires December 8, 1974 tonight in 310 Agriculture Hall East Lansing Store Only Thursday in 35 Union, .ega Priced for qu 9,900. Call & TYPING theses, work. Call papers, p.m. sponsored by the Workers Action and on Thursday in 312 Agriculture Hall. Police disclose YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY 25 CARDS & ENVELOPES Carolyn, Movement. Speakers will include 349-1363 or '5574.6-12-6 a min worker from Pittsburgh and ,5349-3310. 3-1 - 2 blocks campus, an auto worker Everyone welcome. from Detroit. Support the rap in An organizational meeting session for students interested working with the Grapevine and more break-ins CHRISTMAS CARDS c Fast. Term papers, miner's strike! Journal will be held at 7 tonight in no J*! 332-8498. 7-12-6 Want to study political science the office of Project Grapevine, in 25 Student Services Bldg. All in Wilson Hall With contacts from 2.95 VALUE No. 1127 & 1128 Expires December 8, 1974 East Lansing Store Only 87' interested students are invited. Residents of five rooms in ITMAS reservsti in London for MSU credit spring East Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs Wilson Hall returned to school packages avails and/or summer term .975? Come The Women's Resource Center is 50% OFF RETAIL ON FOSTER GRANT IV HARRINGT( lo a meeting at p.m. today or sponsoring a brown bag lunch for late to discover their rooms HOMEN desparately need Mon. 4 Tnurs. -5-12-6 tomorrow in 102 S. Kedzie Hall to students at least 25 v -" had been broken into over ; AM - 4 PM, 5 PM - 8 & POLAROID SUNGLASSES December 16 to Ft. see a free movie and discuss the 351-5330 returning to school after several Thanksgiving break. These are Tues., Wed.. Fri. 'dale. Share gas/driving. program with the faculty. years of full time employment, jn addition to reports of six 9 AM - 1 PM, 2 - 5 51-0768 3-12-6 . homemaking or motherhood. Come - • ——— Sat., 9 A.M. to No (Coupon) The last rap group this term for and join us for discussion and break - ins disclosed by police EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Expires December 8, 1974 East Lansin Store Only NEEDED Winchester Jewish women will be held from sharing of resources in 6 Student Tuesday. CO-OPTICAL SERVICES 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the Services Bldg. The brown bag lunch A total of $375 worth of Dr. R. C. Minor, - Breezewood, Optometrist ^S, AIR cle«i Shalom Center. Come and help us program is held every Wednesday adjusted. P°rta tylvania. After Share driving. 10th. Bob, make plans for winter term. clothing and other personal possessions were taken from Now in Brookfield Plaza HALLS e uals, $10. Elec day service, *M9.3-12-6 Prof. Henry Skolimowski of the University of Michigan will speak MSU Libertarian Alternative will at 8:30 tonight to make plans the five rooms. Campus police SOUPMUGS j delivery. 25 V HIDE east. Connecticut a and Hn,h'r discuss other say they now are certain all the on "The Crisis of Scientific break Member 11 - ins are the work of the 30's 393-9774. 0-5- exciting projects. 12. Will Rationality," at 4 p.m. today in 36' 2/79' 0r living and expenses. 105 S. Kedzie Hall. Sponsored by same person or persons, but reg. 49c -ae* 7391.3-12-6 the Philosophy Dept. and Lyman American thought and language they have made no arrests. All ^ WldeWnido Limit Limit 4 TSerivce 5 on sti Briggs College. will hold an open house to discuss of the the STEF its London program for summer rooms were unoccupied (Coupon) (Coupon) see WANT people for trip In Gay Liberation will hold its over break and it is not known Expires December 8, 1*74 Expires December 8, 1974 Grand Hi 1Q75 with all interested students. 5 East i weekly meeting at 8:30 tonight in East Lansing Store Only East Lansing Store Only ' 12-13-74 to 1-5-75. Call Refreshments will be served. The exactly when the break - ins 33 Union. Tonight's topic of 331-4596.3-12-6 discussion is bisexuality. open house will be from 6:30 to 8 occured. A total of nearly "A Pleasant Cafe" 6 CUP ELECTRIC NO DEPOSIT • NO RETURN p.m. today in West Landon Hall $3,400 worth of goods has NEEDED to Florida, lower lounge and Thursday G-34 Block ONE M.A.C. proofreadi ,sitheses, manuscripts. " '"Densej. Leaving before I Call Jeff, 694-8519. 2-12-4 Auditions for Company, winter musical production of Company, will be held at 7:30 p.m. the the Hubbard Hall. been reported missing from the 11 rooms. HOT POT PEPSI Monday and Tuesday in the east Applications for the position of The third floor in E. Wilson -1591.5-12-6 lower lounge of McDonel Hall. RHA treasurer are now being Hall was the hardest hit, with PITCHER SPECIALS to *«'• 4-12-6 '2, share California, expenses. after All are welcome to attend a accepted through Friday. Pick up application in 323 Student Servicr- residents of room 329 and from 2-5 WEEKDAYS! reg. $4.95 3. 1 8 reg. $1.63 11 «OU 36 Position requires minimal suite 343 - 344 reporting losses Limit 1 special showing of paintings from enjoy reduced prices on Limit 1 STA 355, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. of a hairdryer, shirts, a coat (Coupon) (Coupon) wide 5E0Ed to Ann Arbor today and Thursday in 114 Kresge i ability t and some records, totaling pitchers of beer Expires December 8, 1974 East Lansing Store Only Expires December 8. 1974 East Lansing Store Only . — morning, return Art Center. $225 in value. and fat bavarian beer Mike 30 Pm- Call 355-8974. Beginning Dec. 9, draft Rooms 161 and 158 W. pretzels to go with! MSU Promenaders will meet at 7 registration service on campus will Wilson Hall were also broken tonight in 34 Women's Intramural be discontinued until the beginning Bldg. Members please dress of winter term. During this period, into. A radio and jacket worth CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! S) appropriately and try to attend. Karma Records will he buying men boards. can register at local draft a total of $150 were taken. The first floor rooms CARDS, magazine* items records and tapes afternoons this reported to have been broken BOYCOTT SIRS SHEER KNEE SOX College of Natural Science 3/1.00 The week in 313 Student Services Bldg. into on Tuesday were entered ^CURIOUS used has openings for s,tudent through cut screens, but police reg. .69 F,S"0p. 307 East Grand representatives to the Student for 332-0112 (11:30 6 pm) - Justin Morrill College will present "Balm In Gilead." a play written by Lanford Wilson that Advisory Council. Drop off personal statement (short autobiography and reasons for said none reported later of the five had rooms been Instructor Evocation underworld street life forcibly entered. explores the wanting to serve on the council) in OPAQUE KNEE SOX >rder . °°KS, C8fds science fiction, wanted. in New York City. Showtimes are 8:15 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, m 103 Natural Department and at - Science Bldg. large That would seem to indicate that a master key may have Supported by ASMSU reg. 1.00 59c USED bookshop, McDonel Hall kiva. Admission is positions available. been free. used, but Michael J*' •Ptnl Grind River. 332-0112 5-12-6 The MSU Horticulture Club Sheridan, a graduate advisor in Wilson Hall who stayed in the Undergrad Academic ORLON KNEE SOX Car Pool ||#| presents "Poison at 7:30 and Edible Plants" tonight in 204 Horticulture fyal] over break, said all the 67c ■: F.0R haircuttlng December 8. and Share Driving Bldg. The speaker will be Jessie Saylor of the Horticulture Dept. master accounted for. keys he knew of were College Representatives reg. 1.25 (,. CONTINENTAL The exterior doors of the Pool E.URS, 332-2593 before There will be a Faculty Women's and several college FASHION ORLON KNEE SOX calls r'Pm. 3-12-6 from WAVERLY - Miller Area to Assn. luncheon at noon today at the Kellogg Center. Dr. June hall over were supposedly locked break, but Sheridan said reg. 1.50 79* Building, Leaving Goodfield will speak on "Changing Life Sciences 7:30 am, returning 5 pm. One's Profession at 48." For reservations call Teresa Bernarde* both the east and west main doors to Wilson Hal! were not Student Governments LIMIT C EA. (Coupon) f .pires December 882-3089 after 6:30. 882-2030 locked Thanksgiving Day. 8. 1*74 8 12 and 1-6. 3-12-6 Dept. of Psychiatry, Fast Fee Hall. Eat: Luntin; Mo.« i-aiy 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, December 4 Gift ideas galore at the MSU Bookstore! For special gifts, may we suggest MSU If you want more to choose from, we T shirts for both children and adults, football have general books, children's books, MSU jerseys, MSU desk accessories, MSU football football mugs, MSU playing cards, lamps, lamps, puzzles, gum ball machines, pen and brief/cases, MSU souvenir steins, posters, pencil sets and calculators. alarm clocks, and candles and Christmas We also have 1975 academic cards by American greetings. calendars, Memorex tapes, and a large selection of records and G-track tapes. We'll do all we can to make your Christmas merrier. Come in and shop today. MONEY MAN'S A' COMING December 9-13! We try harder to please you—with highest prices back on books, paid in uncirculated one dollar bills! So if you no longer need your fall term books, sell them during Finals Week (Dec. 9-13). Special Book Buying Personnel will be ready to serve you 730 to 500 daily. Also—Winter Term Come in and browse Books are now MfllBBHIH 'In the center of campus' among our vast selection available for purchase. POOKITOBE of Christmas gift ideas.