VOLUME 168 NUMBER 248 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1974 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Sirica: trial can finish without Nixon testimony WASHINGTON (AP) - The Watergate "The importance of the facts him to give could be and in coverup trial will many end without the about which the witness (Nixon) instances has been elicited from other testimony of former President Richard M. would be able to testify may have witnesses." Nixon. U.S. District Judge John J. Sirica The judge added that "the ruled on Thursday. been exaggerated by the importance of the facts about which the witness Sirica declared that Nixon's testimony defendants." - U.S. District "is not indispensable or (Nixon) would be able to testify may have necessary" Judge John J. Sirica been exaggerated by the defendants." because much of what he knows has been For example, Sirica noted Ehrlichman's can be — obtained from other — or witnesses. professed expectation that the former Ehrlichman's lawyer, William S. Frates, President would' clear the former White The judge also questioned the former has said Nixon's testimony is inispensable House domestic affairs chief of President's credibility. to his case because the planning former to take part in the President coverup. Noting that the former President was kept Ehrlichman in the dark about the real named an unindicted coconspirator in the ". . . The predicted testimony that Mr. reason for the Watergate Ehrlichman was not part of a conspiracy, coverup case, Sirica said Nixon "has been coverup. Defendants John N. Mitchell and H. R. or that he never entertained the accused, in effect, of being an accomplice required Haldeman also sought of the defendants. testimony from corrupt intent" would be inadmissable as a i Nixon. conclusion anyway, Sirica said. "Certainly ... his testimony would be But Sirica said that "a review of the Frates had asked Sirica to recess the subject to the instruction to the jury that specific testimony which they deare to elicit it should trial over the Christmas holidays and send be received with caution and from the witness reveals that, in large the jury home until Nixon could scrutinized with care." measure at least, the testimony they desire testify, Nixon, recovering at his San Clemente, (continued on page 21) maid Sherman operates Alexander, a voice synthesizer hooked into Calif., home from complications of a MSU's main computer, to order a chronic phlebitis condition, had been za Wednesday evening. The exercise was the first time a computer has ever ordered dinner over the phone. subpenaed last September by coverup defendant John D. Ehrlichman. Wilbur Mills' career Ehrlichman opened his case Thursday 'ALEXANDER' MAKES HISTORY and among the first witnesses called was former special White House counsel Charles W. Colson. will end , Carr says Colson, also an unindicted coconspirator in the coverup case, is By RALPH FRAMMOLINO Computer orders pizza But last weekend he currently serving a prison term for a State News Staff Writer appeared on state related Watergate offense. in Boston with Battistella, and has since Bob Carr thinks Wilbur Mills' been the target of criticism from his Initially, in his six • page order, Sirica Democratic colleagues will soon force him granted a request from Nixon's lawyer, colleagues for the incident. to retire from his "I think the events of the last three y SUE McMILLIN Herbert J. Miller, that subpenas for his chairmanship of the how receptive people would be to client's testimony be dismissed. powerful House Ways and Means days, plus his self • destruct attitude, will State News Staff Writer a Kenny phoned back after the call was Committee. mechanical voice. taken to confirm the order, a common The order also ruled out the lead to Wilbur Mills' losing his Btander After Alexander's brief explanation, possibility East Lansing's congressman - is still so young that he must practice among pizza parlors. Eulenberg that Nixon might answer written elect, who chairmanship," Carr said. Mr. Mike's assistant manager, James questions has testified before and has been a close "He the floor ild what to say and when to say it. about his part in the coverup. was on Monday, looking explained to him what the experiment was kit he made history Wednesday when, Kenny, apologized to the computer and observer of the House Ways and Means very sick and no one would pay attention all about. • Three court appointed cardiovascular - to years of preparation, he ordered took the order. Committee for several years, was in to him," the 6th District Democrat said. specialists recommended on Nov. 29 that I inch pizza with ham. mushrooms, Kenny thought the device Nixon no' be required to provide even Washington Thursday setting up his new "He was effectively given the silent was very office. beroni and sausage. Kenny asked whether the pizza was to treatment." clear and would be a good way of limited testimony before Jan. 6 — about >k five phone calls to two different be delivered or picked up. The compijter communication. But he added that it two weeks after the trial now is Congressional respect for Mills had Carr said that "people who would did not have a response to this expected eroded since publication of the Tidal Basin normally fall all over themselves just to ■parlors.i, but 1 Alexander is the first question would take a lot of to end. stored away. It did, however, have "Will publicity before it incident involving stripper Annabel say nice things to Mills" were the ones •r put through an order. would be accepted as a common mode of Sirica said the limitations within the Ikxander Battistella on Oct. 7. He apologized to his delivering the silent treatment. is a voice synthesizer about you please rephrase that question so that communication. medical opinion alone should answer ' a shoebox. He is it can be answered with yes or no," in constituents and was subsequently re - Mills' power went unchecked because plugged into attempts by defendants to get Nixon's elected. of the "timid, frail people without much Ps main computer in the Computer storage. (continued testimony. on page 21) courage around here," Carr said. n. Words or numbers are typed on a board and appear on a small television "Everyone was in mortal fear of Wilbur Mills and the {Democrats on the Ways and b above it at the same time that Means Committee," Carr observed. bnder Id to pronounces them, pander's voice is slightly nasal t is quite clear and can be different pitches. Intonation can GPA inflation devalues degrees Ways and means is considered the most powerful committee in the House. It handles all tax, revenue and public welfare programs. This is the last story of a two ■ part series. programmed into the computer ?Jong ever, Varg said. Can also said that recent reform i, but is not as smooth as the By PAT NARDI He said the inflated GPAs given in high measures initiated by the House *. State News Staff Writer schools and during freshman year at MSU Democratic caucus have limited the power n Kulenberg, associate director of Though students enjoy getting high of that committee and subsequently put a i Artificial hamper the adjustment of new students to language Laboratory. grades, the national trend of rising grade Honors College. dent in the congressional seniority system. W design and has been working with The Democratic caucus voted Pder for about two point averages (GPAs) could add up to "Some students think we are just Tuesday years. He called trouble for higher education. to give the power of picking Democratic prestigious. When we tell them they have lnesday night's experiment an Some University officials say GPA to take an enriched program, they are not committee assignments, formerly held by- moment for computer Mills' Ways and Means Committee, to the inflation may be diminishing the value of a ready to face it,." he said. |»unication. But Varg stressed that other factors House Steering and Policy Committee. It Ms has been done before, but I college diploma by changing hiring never also changed the procedure for practices and encouraging people to go to beside inflated GPAs could account for selecting ^ expect that it will be done more graduate school who really do not have the large number of new admittals. committee chairmen by caucus vote rather he said. "And not than strict adherence to the seniority only in the potential. "More high school students know Omental situations, but also for system. "The high grade no longer implies about Honors College now and P*1 Purposes." apply "I voted for both of those reforms," excellence," said Arvo Juola, professor here," he said. Tfaiberg hopes that speech and acting chairman of MSU Evaluation Varg said students need more than a Carr said. "A lot of the vote divided down *sizers will lines. Over half of the Democratic eventually be available to Services. high GPA to get into Honors College. age p>pl'heme with to use speech handicaps. It will "It doesn't help to identify the superior school law school and do poorly. best They are expected to score in the upper caucus have less than six years of such devices as the or out of his students. A thorough 95th percentile on college entrance tests seniority. «for communication, which student for scholarships, research they Admissions officers there won't believe knowledge will help his students compete "The people who have less than 20 assistantships or other jobs," he said. "It's and be in the upper 6 per cent of their fc to use at this time. that MSU's grading system is accurate. in of seniority said 'Hey, we want to graduate school, Adams argues. high school graduating class. years had been programmed to getting to the point where a student However, if our 4.0 students do good r Varg believes grade inflation has had a Dorothy Arata, asst. provost for change the rules,' " Carr said. almost has to have a perfect record to there, they will believe our grading system definite impact on enrollment in Honors The Democratic caucus, which allowed J pizza. to order The phrases used, such as show his superiority. is realistic," he said. undergraduate affairs, thinks the incidence a pizza" were stored in College. More students are becoming of inflationary grading will not last much congress persons • elect to vote, also voted Wnputer. "The honors grade has become kind of Adams, who is known for his tough to increase the number of a watered down mark, and Honors College eligible for Honors College after their longer. Ways and Means ^ computer was operated by Donald education research chairman of is no longer distinctive." grading, admits he is a "difficult taskmaster." The former MSU president freshman year because of higher and higher GPAs. Honors College admitted "I think we are reaching a plateau now Committee seats by 12, increasing the total to 37. Juola said employers and admissions and will climb down to a more reasonable said he grades stringently to try to get the 507 freshmen fall term, the largest number ^ing chapter of the Michigan Area officers are beginning to minimize the shape," Arata said. (continued on page 21) ,'"1' Association of the Physically importance of grades when they select wpped. Sherman, who has a speech people. They are placing more emphasis £aP.8 has thebeen on working with on standardized entrance tests like those practical uses of taken to get into law school. "I, for one, would rather be judged on jWno'stimes was phoned twice and hung four years of schooling than on a four - Vice President - designate after a few hesitant, hour entrance test," Juola said. Nelson Rockefeller leans back >cal sounding statements by He said employers realize that students with a big smile at the end of Fd(,t Mr. Mike's called three can take difficult classes on a pass - fail was House Judiciary Committee £,J™ on the third try finally took basis to keep their GPAs deceptively high. fwr s order. Ultimately, Juola feels consistently confirmation hearings in .der had been programmed to say high GPAs may undermine the value of a Washington Thursday. The panel "t"1S 2 mechanical device to help has completed hearing testimony college diploma. /ommunicatt," and "Please be "If grades keep on going up and failures from witnesses and will now "did not keep disappearing, then what will a college decide whether to recommend use these statements ow degree signify?" he asked. Maybe the Rockefeller's nomination to the tries, as they wanted to see meaning of a college degree is already House. Committee approval of being watered down. That could be one reason that jobs for graduates seem to be the nomination seems certain, with only about 10 of the 38 «* «ected finals week, M. Nixon resigned. 1 i«yous and safe couid be damaged by giving an excess AP wire photo y season. nU«,Uo0u.5t ffrefl^tionon MSU if our 4.0 students go to Harvard1 graduate 2 Michigan Stale News. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, December focus: TION Sugar By GARY LaROY woes ti State News Staff Writer Soaring sugar prices are not caused by profit • grabbing farmers, refiners, or u'tailers, but rather by the laws of supply and Unemployment aid rates up demand, say MSU experts. Gordon Gremmill, graduate assistant in agricultural economics, attributes the rapid price increase largely to an Reflecting the sharp rise in unemployment, the inadequate supply of sugar. The world is currently in the low part of a 10 ■ year number of persons who received unemployment supply cycle, he said. benefits for the week ending Nov. 16 moved upwards by Gremmill, who has done much research on the current sugar 215.600 over the previous week to 2,436,200, the situation, said sugar prices in the late 1960s were at a very low level because of expanded Labor Dept. reported Thursday. production by foreign countries. Producers were then squeezed out of the Higher numbers were reported by 48 states. Claims industry and there was no capital available for expansion by those who remained, he for the week declined only in Nevada and Kentucky. said. The largest increases were in California. 31,300; Bad weather is also blamed in part for the short supply. Too much rain in Europe and Michigan, 21,200; New York, 19,400; Ohio, 15,900; droughts in South America have caused poor crop yields this year. While the supply of sugar has Pennsylvania, 13,200. and Illinois 10.400. In October, decreased, demand has turned sharply upward. the nation's unemployment rate stood at 6 per cent of Vernon Sorenson, chairman of the Agricultural Economics the work force and the November figure to be released Dept., said developing nations are demanding more and more Friday is expected to show a further increase. sugar. "Sugar is one of the things that gets included when people Michigan Sugar Co., this state's largest beet sugar refiner, has Statement* by Gremmill, however, move from drab grain diet," he said. disclosed a profit increase this year of 2,000 per cent above fiscal put Welfare changes proposed away a Increased sugar consumption by the Soviet Union and the 1973. The figure would have been 4,000 claims in doubt. some sum, gat per cent had the newly - rich Arab world has also considerably boosted demand, Gremmill said the current rate of Rep. Martha W. Griffiths, D - Mich. Thursday company not changed bookkeeping methods this year. profit of sugar con he said. not necessary for introduced a bill that recommends abolishing most of Gremmill said the increase in profits was a result of the expansion of sugar production He As a result, the price of a pound of that production could be the nation's welfare programs in favor of a federally sugar has spurted from workings of the world market. He called sugar companies "just expanded sufficiently evon about 17 cents a year ago to over 70 cents today. lucky." profits were cut in half. administered system run by the Internal Revenue Normally, such a price rise would stimulate an increase in He said the windfall profits in the sugar industry presented Some grocery stores and Service. production by attracting new firms into the industry and "exactly the same situation" as those of the oil companies during many consumers are attd control the price of sugar by reducing and in The bill is based mainly on proposals contained in a inducing existing ones to expand their facilities. Sugar the oil crisis. so, production, however, has not increased as fast as expected, Statements by sugar producers defending their completely boycotting, sugar consumption, but report by a Joint Economic subcommittee which unprecedented doubts the effectiveness of such (Iremmi Gremmill said. Countries which got "burnt" in the late '60s profits sound like the rhetoric of the oil companies at the peak of attempts. described current welfare programs as anti - work and hesitate to reinvest in sugar for fear the price will fall again, he the energy crisis. anti - family. said. They point to very low profit margins in past years as The Slate Newt is published by the studen State University every class Consequently, tight supplies and high prices will persist for at responsible for the tight supplies and dramatic price boosts and school day during Fall w» least another six rribnths to a year, Gremmill said. terms. Monday. Wednesday, and Fridays call the increased profits term, necessary to stimulate production. and a special Welcome Week edition \ Dems bog down at convention Consumers seem to feel the sting of price increases more They blame government intervention, particularly the Sugar September. Subscription rate Is $20 Second class postage paid at East per year acutely when they are accompanied by similar increases in profits Act, for keeping domestic prices artificially low by business ottlces at 345 Student Lansing', Mich FdltJ for producers, so consumers are guaranteeing Serclces Bidq Mich Rival Democratic factions skirmished over rules for doubly resentful of high sugar cheaper foreign sugar a portion of the U.S. market for decades. University, East Lansing, Michigan. 48824. POSTMASTER: Please send Form prices. "We're going to have to have a lot of 3579 to St»i» n 1980 Thursday as a flock of 1976 presidential hopefuls good years like this year Student Services Building In care of MSU Messenger v, Profits for sugar companies have increased at an even faster to get where other industries have been for Lansing, Ml 48824. "^senger sei flew here to woo more than 2,000 years," an industry delegates at the rate than sugar prices. spokesman said recently. GERALD H. COY. GENERAL MANAGER party's unprecendented miniconvention. * ROBERT L. BULLARD, SALES MANAGER Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace scheduled an early PHONE News/Editor lal afternoon arrival, followed by Georgia Gov. Classified Ads Carter, Rep. Morris K. Udall of Arizona and Sen. Henry M. Jackson of Washington and Jimmy UMW signs pact ending strike Olsplay Advertising Business Office Photographic Lloyd M. Bentsen of Texas. WASHINGTON (AP) - The "With the official signing of coal fields, A 52 - member committee became United Mine Workers this contract, I am saying: "I think the prepared to continue their bogged down in (UMW) directing minority will accept the strike in sympathy with the the details of some 100 proposed amendments to the signed a new contract the membership of the majority rule." construction workers. party charter, the main business of the off Thursday that union officials United Mine Workers of However, a possibility The new three - year said would send coal miners America back to work," said - year convention, while awaiting specifics of an economic remained that some mine agreement signed by Miller back to the pits by Monday, UMW President Arnold Miller. resolution to be debated and passed Friday night. The contract, approved openings could be delayed with the Bituminous Coal ending a four - week strike that by unless agreement threatened to disrupt further 56 per cent of those is reached Operators Assn. provides for a voting, this weekend on a separate 64 per cent boost in economic the faltering economy. becomes effective at 12:01 contract for 4,000 UMW benefits, including a 10 per a.m. today, but Miller said construction cent wage workers hike the first year, 4 most miners probably would not employed by the Assn. of per cent the second and 3 per return to work until Bituminous Contractors. cent the third. Monday at the earliest. Wage scales are These are the companies $42 to $50 With 79,495 of the UMW's now a day. which build mine shafts and The In Tuesday's State News an 120,000 members voting, industry's chief article entitled "Indians face Miller said the contract was processing plants. Sources say negotiator, Guy Farmer, called ratified 44,754 in favor and they are under heavy industry the pact expensive and said "it higher education problems" pressure to will have an impact on coal stated that Jeanette St. Clair 34,741 against. Five of the wrap up their contract quickly. Miners are felt MSU's courses on urban union's 18 regional districts prices" which would eventually likely to honor any picket lines be passed on to consumers. counseling were disappointing. rejected the pact. that might be thrown Trudeau warned on oil cut Though St. Clair is The union chief the construction workers. up by disappointed with 'the general downplayed suggestions that This was pointed out counseling courses required, the close by Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau vote, which was Kenneth Dawes, president of Thursday she felt that her class on urban completed Wednesday night, UMW District 12 in Illinois, was warned by one senator that an "ugly relationship" counseling was relevant. might create problems in the who warned that miners are could develop between the twp countries over Canada's oil sale cutback to U.S. customers. The WOLFSCHIttlPr SCHWLE *188 -THE U EERATEP MAN II II SI I II SI I I At | IN a MS warning from Sen. Walter F. Mondale. D- Minn., during came a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill | between Trudeau and nine senators. After the closed meeting. Mondale said he out to Trudeau that the cutback of pointed 100.000 barrels a ,1 know your type. you think you can FRIDAY !I day starting Jan. 1 and Canada's pricing policies could lead to an "ugly relationship." TURN ANY <3l/Yfc HEAP with your female super Trudeau also told the senators that if the United chauvinist sweet TG i| tal* you think a States was faced with the same dwindling supplies of oil quy will go to as Canada, it would do the same thing, Mondale said. pieces just because you're peautiful anp voluptuous NATO commander cites waste :i-i3 mi v,(uce The top military officer in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) says the United States and its NATO allies are wasting $2 billion a year research on new Adm. Peter Hill weapons. - by duplicating Norton gave no details in an well, |wss superiority, 1 haven't 06en stamping around YOU'RE NOT OMLY UANPSOttE YOU'VE GOT —j PRAINSTSO SaVTILKIDAVT S4TIIW IS I llll ll MIL 2| interview, but said he would provide them Tuesday to all my life just Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger and the other waiting for you to gome along 1111 1 111 ► defense chiefs who form NATO's Defense Planning i'm a liberated mah MM MAI II All <*;<< Committee. The meeting Wj|j be part of a week - long series, traditionally held here in December. Six more killed in Argentina SUNDAY I Political violence claimed six more victims in Buenos IHI'lWl. I Aires, Argentina Thursday. bodies were found wrapped in Two of the bullet - ridden People's Revolutionary SPaVGH!: IIIIII & PIZZA i Army (ERP) flags marked with black crosses. M I I I VI The two bodies, both of inside a car parked in downtown Buenos young men, were found M Al I I I 11 | Aires, apparently the victims of right - wing terrorists. A note Willi inside the car said "they were executed for having taken MIAI fAI | I H III I /Al Al 1 V I Al l II II VM part in the slaying of Maj. Juan Gimeno," an officer killed in October by the ultraleft ERP. army M.K | Start something §41IIM HIII11 4 I \l I M M \>. 111 . s - 11 | I m M l I I NIT | f i M * withMblfschmydt. >1 I MM I Al II I A vodka and tonic, XI I I HI I |M AH\T fUN! ^ a martini, a bloody mary, a screwdriver. Or anything else |J you have in mind. Mblfcchmidt f Genuine\fodka SECOND CHANCE 345 (Mu«t h«v# both numbers) •368 FIFTH SIZE-CODE No. 6122 JACKPOT 634177 82671 910 VODKA • DISTILLED FROM GRAIN • 80 AND 100 PROOF • SEAGRAM DISTILLERS CO., NEW YORK. N Y. Friday, December PRODUCERS WANT FOOTBALL TEAM IN MOVIE Gotcha, By ocnnv o.. PEGGY fincccTT GOSSETT Gipper!' set team for this State News Staff Writer film, but we'd hav* tn him," Franks said. Fran? T" With a P^sional Sir" Ed Wynburger, producer of the Mary quarterback has been injured just before its game against Notre Dame. During has not yet been chosen. Cybill Shephard plot just developed in my head." If you are strolling along the Red Cedar end'or something." Tyler Moore Show who has been hired to was considered, but her fee was too Willingham said Thursday that he had practice, a shapely coed who is strolling ojver some peaceful evening next summer. produce "Gotcha, Gipper!" expensive, Franks said. not read the book, and not if the availh^ f00tba" , said the across the practice field tosses back a was sure ^ be surpmed to hear, "Lights! available ffor commentCOaches were not hiring of MSU students or football team stray Franks got the idea for the book when Spartan football squad would be allowed Thursday football in a stunning 50 - odd - yard r-niera! Action! Students might be used depends on the budget. he attended an MSU football practice last to play in the movie. MSU's campus will be the scene of as extras throw, and voila! A new quarterback is year and noticed the quarterback was the ranks said but an Franks has allocated l'/s million dollars exact estimate discovered. Ifibning for the movie version of "Gotcha, be made until the cannot to budget the film. same size as his daughter, he said. The book has sold 75,000 copies in script is written. The fast reading then gipper!," the book about MSU's pages - "It also depends on how the MSU are "Baggett was out with an injury and Detroit and has also been distributed in victorious 1977 football team led by a h,iIeH haired newscaster* ' Wh0on plays the siiv« • the Mary administration feels about filming on devoted to preparations for the -battle against the Irish, with the outcome evident (Tyrone) Willingham had taken over the California, where sales figures are not yet female quarterback. Moore show will Tyler campus and using their team," position," Franks said. "I thought, 'why available, Franks said. He is currently Professionals from Mary Tyler Moore play the part of Wynburger in the title. he's so small, no bigger than my daughter. President of MSU, Franks said. negotiating with Bantam Books for said. An actress for the female lead of Irene (MTM) Productions have been hired by An ex - Mission Impossible The other site for filming would be "Driving back to Detroit, the whole national distribution. authors Owen Franks and Arnold Hirsch actor, Greg MTM studios in Los Angeles, Franks said. write the scenerio and produce the toSS o ,Ch°ntacied/ranks play the part of an last week asking assistant coach Franks made final arrangements with movie, which is set to world premiere in the MTM personnel Thursday at 8 |?.m. tot Lansing next fall. \ "ked it Apparently he had read the book, The fictional and decided there story concerns a 'We might hire the'current football was a Dart for depressed MSU football team whose put some sugar U.S. aid urged for state p profit of sugar co ar production. He I sufficiently even consumers are atte ?ducing and in so to stem economic slump option, but Cremm Tipts. This is the last of a three - part series on the "We expect to handle current auto slump in Michigan. Today 20,000 to 30,000 word for the current auto situation, new claims a week Iovemment officials' views are examined. for the rest of the saying that is more like a disaster. year," Taylor said. Carr and a number of other By FRED NEWTON State News Staff Writer Unemployed eligible for workers who are SUB pay or whose SUB not members from auto congress industry districts are TRY TO STOP THEFTS out, collect federally funded runs planning to get together in the House to Michigan government officials are can Michigan form a block to get programs calling for quick federal action to help unemployment insurance passed. for a maximum Students guard Kresge Michigan in the current auto and of 39 weeks, State Rep. Lynn depending on seniority. Jondahl, D - East tconomic slumps. Both President Ford and Milliken are in Lansing, said state revenues are down and The Michigan unemployment rate was favor of extending that that $80 million will have to be cut from period to 52 weeks 7.4 per cent in October and may rise to 12 after unemployment reaches state expenditures in the a certain coming year. per cent in January. The national jobless point. "Many capital developments By BRUCE RAY WALKER art professor said. rate is 6 per cent. Michigan Sen. Robert Criffin told throughout the state are being seriously State News Staff Writer Members of the committee explained that when Gov. Milliken told the Republican congressional colleagues that the auto Who goes there" may greet persons walking through Kresge they say they curtailed," he said. "So far police posts want students to help police Governor's Conference earlier this week industry was not to blame for the current Art Center late at night from now on as art students Kresge at night, they actually just that the current recession is more auto slump but rather all and all buildings being funded by the state attempt to want them to watch for unfamiliar faces. If a person acts strange the new safety cut down on the vandalism and dangerous than any of the post for higher education — robbery that has recently the student should call the Dept. of Public Safety. - World devices that hiked car prices. mainly universities occurred there. War II period. and colleges - have been stopped." If the policing by students does not work the committee fears "In its rush to turn the The Center was ordered to close "The stimulation of auto sales must be automobile into Monday and Tuesday from 12 more drastic measures to a safe, accident proof tank, Jondahl midnight to 7 a.m. by the Art Dept. in response to incidents in protect the center may have to be - Congress is anticipated that state taken. a part of the anti • recession action," creating a nightmare for the average auto revenues in all which epoxy glue was injected into the locks on areas will be down this faculty doors. Milliken said. worker An attempt was also made The measure the committee who can no longer afford to He said an interest rate buy a year. by someone to pry open a secretary's hopes will not have to be put into subsidy car," Griffin said. drawer during Thanksgiving break. effect is closing the center during the night again. Members of the program for auto loans and investment tax He urged With the large Congress to extend percentage of the state In a meeting Wednesday night the Student committee said this would be disastrous because many times credit program designed to help industries tied to the ailing auto industry, he said the Committee of Kresge issued a plea to all students Judiciary artists have to work during the unemployment benefits and create new using Kresge early morning hours to get the producing at more than 85 per cent public service jobs. recent layoffs will increase Michigan social needed space or equipment. capacity are needed. An expansion of the service during late hours to watch for unfamiliar faces ana strange expenditures. behavior. Other measures being considered are existing public jobs program to the $4 Michigan congressman elect Robert - special identification Carr partly disagreed with Griffin on "The situation is "We have to take the cards given to art students that would allow billion level nationally is also needed for his responsibility now of protecting the only art students going to get worse," facilities access to the those without work, Milliken said. leniency towards the auto companies. Jondahl said. "We have yet to feel the we work in," committee member Mark Kuzera said. building during certain hours. A special key check State economist Nancy Baerwaldt said "Hie auto safety standards should be re "We are the ones who work there and we know and attendance log of all visitors are also purchasing effect on the state's retail and who is a stranger being considered. that the state will really feel the effects of - examined," Canr said, "But anytime the buying sectors." or not." Gerhard The Magnus, chairman of the Art Dept., said that they are the slump in January. industry is up against the wall, they run to meeting was prompted by a burglary discovered Tuesday not considering closing the center again but that he and his staff State officials both "Some UAW supplemental the federal government for locally and in Kresge of over $140 worth of jewelry. The jewelry consisted of help. Why nationally are kicking around a lot of ideas to solve the vandalism and unemployment benefit (SUB) funds will don't they just lower the price of cars?" are hoping that a strong about $130 worth of gems and $14 of silver wire a student was extended federal unemployment insurance robbery problem. be running out by then, as will other He accused the automakers of using in a project. The room where the jewelry was kept was "We're not trying to scare anyone away from visiting the pushing program will be initiated to help the state unlocked at the time of the unemployment benefits," she said. "Last prices too high and said they have the weather burglary. center, but when it gets out of hand something has to be done," year around this time we were paying out present and future crises. "Someone was doing their Christmas shoplifting early," one committee member Bohni Kempton said. $12 million in unemployment insurance. technology to diversify into other forms of mass transportation like monorails and This year it is $31.3 million, and will be buses. more when the November figures come Baerwaldt said that state corporation profit taxes, which normally bring the state between $250 to $300 million a "The auto companies should quality into their products so that they will last longer," Carr said. "Look at put more Auto layoffs hurt airplanes. They last 30 • 40 years. We are year, will be dramatically low. lucky if a car lasts three." By STEVE OR R work beer. S. Martin Taylor, director of the He said if State News Staff Writer party in, we'd go a long way." this in negotiations with the auto makers MicKgan Employment Security more quality were put into a . Ferguson had a solution in mind to all One veteran worker, who has learned "Does that sound right to you?" one of the for years, but has failed. Commission, said that the present auto car, more workers would be needed to layoff woes. the ins and outs of plant life in over 20 auto worker kept asking. "Does that The logic behind laying off older slump is being caused by economic forces make the product better, thus reducing "In my opinion,' if General Motors sound fair to you?" years at the Oldsmobile plant, said "let the workers is that they do not have the debts, outside the state. unemployment. employes would buy GM products instead kids work." He was talking about the auto layoffs. of those small little cars, growing families and large mortgages of "The problem is with consumer "A solid program of public service things would The worker, who would not give his To him and to many other workers, they younger workers, and the veterans have confidence, and the federal government employment is also needed to diversify straighten out," he said. don't seem right at all. name, said when layoffs are imminent, more Supplemental Unemployment will have to stimulate it," he said. Michigan employment and get us out of Ferguson placed blame on another senior "I think the layoffs are ridiculous," employes should have the option of Benefit (SUB) credits built up to fall back Taylor said unemployment stands at this slump," Carr said. "An estimated 40 source, too. said Bob Ferguson, a 49 - year • old " 'Uncle Ford' is causing a lot of it, taking the layoffs. on during layoffs. Many older workers 81 per cent in the six • As the UAW contract stands now, the county Detroit per cent of Michigan is tied in to the auto semiskilled worker at the Oldsmobile plant would gladly accept short - term layoffs in metropolitan area, and the figure does not too," he said with a laugh. Echoing the old workers with the least seniority go first at industry either directly or indirectly." in Lansing. Ferguson was sitting in Joe's line liberal feeling found in many auto which they could vacation while collecting include November He added that "slump" is too mild a - layoffs. Bar in Lansing Thursday, sipping an after - layoff time. According to a labor expert nearly the equivalent of their pay in SUB plants, he said "If we got the Democratic in Detroit, the UAW has sought to alter payments and unemployment compensation. The auto makers have resisted the move because they prefer the older, more experienced workers to be in the plants. A Detroit auto worker, Larry Goldbetter, pointed directly to collusion between the UAW and the auto makers, with the layoffs a result of their collusion. "The auto makers say they are not Cram down at your neighborhood library. That's what the making money. Well obviously, they are. As long as anybody's working, they days before and during final's week mean to MSU students. Goldbetter said. are, Goldbetter, a member of the Worker's Already students are filling the usually vacant seats, poring Action Movement is not ready, or (WAM), said the UAW willing, to fight the over words and ideas in a last ditch effort to save themselves. layoffs. One 44 ■ year - old man has been laid off since March. He expresses little hope of working at his plant again. "It's just one of them things," he said. "There ain't nothing you can do about it." The man, who worked at the Buick parts distribution plant in Flint, is drawing $62 a week in unemployment compensation. He no longer gets anything from the SUB fund. "An indefinite reduction of force" is the term for what now is forcing a 28 • year - old mother of three to support her family on $98 a week. The woman, who is divorced and living in Lansing, said she was laid off Nov. 11 and thinks her time at the Oldmobile plant in Lansing is over. She has exhausted her SUB fund benefits. She cannot get Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) payments and cannot afford food stamps. She has five more weeks of unemployment compensation coming, which now provides the $98. At one point this summer, when her summer work at the plant was interrupted by an operation, she received ADC. She kept it when she went back to work, making over $200 a week before taxes. She had to reapply for it when she was laid off, and now officials say she is making too much money to get any ADC. The Michigan Employment Security Commission tells her that her chances for a job are slim. As she put it, "Things are looking pretty bad." VIEWPOINT: WORLD LEADERSHIP STAT! NEWS • Sikon Axcr Maureen Bcnmsi . Editor-in-chief Advertising Manager R.D. 'Campbell Opinion Page Managing Editor 1974 sfofl Mary Hood FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1974 Diane Silver Chris Danielson Melissa Pttyton An* Stem .. City Editor Campus Editor bad year fo By MIKE JENKINS replied. "But Franco ■ American relations Jwu iMano Cousin Al stopped by the other day on could be better. his way home to Buffalo. Al has been "Spain's neighbor, Portugal, had a living with a primitive tribe of people coup, though, in April, and Gan. Spinola along the Amazon River since last J January. got the nod as haad of state. But ha We talked about the family for awhile resigned in October when ha found he and then tii vonversation turned to world couldn't run the govenment any better EDITORIALS events. "How's old Golda Meir holding up over than his predecessor." "I figured if anyone would still be in in Israel?" Al asked. power. Franco would," Al said. "And 1 "Oh, Golda resigned last April." I suppose old Haile Selassie is going strong Refund rule replied, "because of dissatisfaction with her handling of the war and inflation.,f "No kidding," Al said. would have thought she'd do that. How "Well, I never in Ethiopia, too. This is his 43rd emperor, you know." "No, it was his 43rd," I said. "He couldn't cope with the country's problems year as "The devil made me do it" per cent refund policy might well about our English allies? Is Mr. Heath and was deposed in September. He's under seems to be the favorite slogan of have to come from either increased having as much trouble with the economy arrest in the royal palace." MSU administrators these days. tuition or program cuts. as we are?" "The 'LJon in Judah' imprisoned in his The MSU policy of refunding "He was having trouble." I said. "Heath own palace?" Al said incredulously. "That But why should the almost lost an election in February because would be as bad as only 50 per cent of tuition fees to 6,000 students who dropped classes his sending Peron back economic policies into exile." students when they drop courses this term be penalized in order to were as foggy as London itself. Harold Wilson "That would be rather hard to occupies 10 do, Al," has been blamed on pressure from keep tuition low for the other Downing St now." I said. "Peron is dead. His wife took over the state legislature. From the "You don't say," Al said. "I wonder for him in Argentina and, due to the students, or in order to provide "What about the other Mediterranean how Pompidou gets along with Wilson." instability of the government, the military transactions." beginning of the per credit tuition MSU with more program revenue? countries, like Italy?" Al asked. "Pompidou's dead, Al. He died last seems to be eyeing the presidency again." "As you might expect, "Yep. Even a visit from system in 1969, a policy of 100 per Perhaps the policy is maintained Italy topped didn t help," I said. Jerry April, to the suppressed delight of the "Well, Trudeau is still the prime everyone," I said. "The last I heard, Italy "Forall Ford's't. cent refunds had been in effect. to discourage drops, which are minister of lowering unemployment, he sure opposition parties, and a fellow by the Canada, isn't he?" Al asked. didn't even have a government. Mariano Until fall term 1972, that is. unpredictable and disorganized and "Yeah, he's still the PM," I said, "but it helping many politicians keep their name of Giscard took over in France a Rumor, legislators caused the change. come from dropping an and according to the United Turkish or Greek sovereignty there," I ytt." "August," I said. "How'd about it in August?" vou fid Legislators on the relevant States, after replied. "The Turks and the Greeks really "This is almost unbelievable," Al said. 1 inappropriate class. MSU should half of the Free World's secrets were "From the CIA committees have uniformly denied given got into it, and left Cyprus looking like a "I'm away for 10 months and half the guys who put up with a little disorganization to the Commies." " * infiltrated that Amazon tribe I the charge. if it will wrecking company. world is changed around. I see where was help students formulate "Well, what about Spain?" Masked. if government out of the Japan's Tanaka just resigned in disgrace with," Al said. Unless University officials can "Oh, Franco is still in power," I Mike Jenkins, 3027 more valuable educational programs some BeaujarJm ftj substantiate their claims, it must be questionable business State News free ■ lance w without fear of financial penalty concluded that MSU maintains the for mistakes. policy for its own reasons, which Maybe, however, the policy is most administrators are unable or Fire drill folly continued not because it was unwilling to admit. demanded by the legislature, not In residence halls (Holmes On the face of it, the drop because it makes educational or least), our Ha| safety comes first policy is highly unfair. Just this economic sense, but because the snowstorm. Now that - a the I. term. MSU studehts lost more than University administrators just don't temperatures of the term have hil S225.000 from the partial refunds. want to take the trouble to Holmes Hall decided to throw a firel No change I must admit that I at 7:30 p.m. other major university in an unfair though was greatly Wednesday. profitable policy. dismayed after reading the State News Their invitation read as such: I Michigan refuses to refund 100 per It is easy, they might think, to raise editorial inviting students to join the State cent of fees for comply with safety regulations, wehifl dropped classes. money from students who cannot News editors in the burning of SIRS make sure that people know what tT Perhaps the University maintains question the inadequate refunds forms. when they hear the fire alarm, land al/ the policy in order to save Such a statement is indictive of the you can meet new friends). Holmes! money. they are getting. The over S2 25,000 which would very serious lack of understanding that the presents its first annual fire drill. And besides - the devil made State News editors seem to have about all invited ...don't miss it!" Yoif need to be refunded under a 100 them do it. some of the reasons for the existence Needless and to say, this sounded I use of SIRS. Neither boycott nor burning tempting and could very well have | will insure change in the the social event of the Change present system, year for Hi electr however inadequate or abused it Even less responsible is the notion that they should be bumed may be. instead of recycled form which students fill out, sign and announcement could have provided more Hall. For safety's sake, they waited all ol term, through the warm spells wefl or put to other good use. The sheer return to a central file. The form is signed, up- to date and personal information have, to have students rush out ontof The electric power companies in The PIRGIM proposal - hypocrisy is mind - boggling! so faculty members are not expected to concerning the world food crisis than any ice in front of the building, frac Michigan are on the wrong track in recommends a "disincentive" rate If anything is to be burned, I face anonymous criticism. But the forms number of pages of the State News. A their assets. This could also have hadl suggest asking for a rate increase so that structure which would charge more that it be the State News editorial staff, are not made public until grades for the story is informative and good reading, but advantage of eliminating overcrowding planned new plant construction can for electricity as use in a residence fueling the flames with their so - called term are in, so students needn't fear a it doesn't answer questions. Dr. Cowden the dorm. publication. I am not sure which pollution teacher's wrath. With this public, I realize that most of us are m progress despite skyrocketing became greater and charge is worse: the smoke and was on campus to personally answer, to gas from such a representative evaluation system, students the best of his ability, any and all questions. dense to follow the given directions fl building costs. industries more for use during peak fire or the trash that will be created by benefit from reliable information, faculty fire alarm, so we have to rehearse. P Consumers Power and Detroit usage hours. their continued members makes attempts to function as benefit from immediate The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho perfect, but why did they wait fl Edison have asked the state Public Such journalists. feedback on courses, and the personnel the term a program would reward was almost over? 1 don't waif Service Commission (PSC) for consumers for I assure you I will be the first in line for committee benefits from broad student seem like I'm suffering from il conserving the throwing of the first match. input. The system works because JMC grandeur, but I think it would have I respective rate increases of $72 million and $93 million, much of it electricity. As the system now stands electricity is less Stephen L. Tyma faculty credits students with enough Conspiracy! smarter to have had it at the beginniif expensive Vice president for internal affairs, honesty and perception to distinguish the term. It would have been f to fund construction of costly new per unit in large amounts. The Council of Graduate Students. good teaching from bad, not just easy What's the deal here? Who's (because we wouldn't have gone almcfl power plants. covering present system encourages waste. from hard. up? I have been in college for six years whole term without knowing what tol The granting of rate increases SIRS and the building of new Unfortunately, the electric boycott We attention not hope that this boycott calls only to inadequacies in the now, and all I have heard is a bunch of academic gibberish about silly theories and and it would have been warmer. CT gosh, we could have had a drill party ej power companies and the PSC seem The Justin Morrill theses and stuff that doesn't mean week at the beginning of fall. Just iraa plants have- long been considered reluctant to accept post - College Student SIRS, but also to the possibilities for energy Steering Committee fully supports the newly designed public forms. Whatever the doodly squat to anybody. When will the new friends we could have met thel the solution to increased demands crisis reality. The PIRGIM report SIRS boycott, and we urge other student problems involved in making faculty someone dare to discuss the real C.M. Di for electric power. But now. with problems was weakened in government groups to do the same. evaluations public, students' needs for and secret conspiracies that undermine the Holmes! impact in the rate 217 W. the cost of fuel and new We feel that without accurate and world as we know it each plants request case when a Consumers information make these difficulties day? It's no spiraiing, different alternatives must Power lawyer blocked an representative information about insignificant. coincidence that there were 10 lost tribes attempt Get better, be explored. One to have the report accepted as instructors, students cannot make the best use of the University's major resource - Student Steering Committee Justin Morrill College and now there are 10 schools in the Ten." What about the international "Big ASMS] excellent alternative has sworn testimony. its teachers. In the narrowest sense, as communist - banker conspiracy? Discuss already been presented to the PSC But company lawyers cannot consumers of education, students have a that in your forums, if you dare! I guess the only thing that h Editor's Note: The SIRS bonfire will ASMSU from looking like a total by the Public Interest Research make the good sense of the report right to assess the quality of the product begin at 7 tonight near Beaumont Tower. Is McDonald's really a front for the that Tim Cain doesn't hang around fa| w| Group in Michigan (PIRGIM). In before they pay. But there are more a vanish. It would have been See you there - and don't CIA? And who is this "Big Mac?" What important considerations. In an enormous forget your stripper ala our friend Wilbur MillsJ report presented to the PSC as part predicted long.ago that a society about the secret shadow government run and impersonal university, students may SIRS! by already have one bunch of board nr of the rate increase request case, right - wing businessmen, a secret powered by finite fossil fuels would have trouble finding instructors whose (Cain's avenging angels) trying to ceil PIRGIM has proposed a new rate community of exiled Nazis and the Mafia, (for lack of rope and a hanging someday have to stop increasing teaching styles or techniques can help headed by the mysterious Marshall Field J structure which would emphasis in electricity production change the power use. That time is rapidly them learn most effectively. Justin Morrill College (JMC) has a Speaker slighted of Chicago? another bunch of board (branded racists by president Tim) wl approaching. The implementation successful public evaluation system And where do those steam tunnels on turn, start trying to congra« problems from expansion to of the PIRGIM right On Nov. 25 and 26 Dr. Thomas K. campus really go? I have seen strange little themselves for God knows what. I mT conservation. proposal would help now. At the conclusion of each term, JMC Cowden visited MSU's campus, a visit prepare for it. instructors distribute an open - ended people with gray hats go down into them gee whiz kids, isn't it marvelous ho«| which was highlighted by a public seminar and never come out. The only person who wonderful student government looks® Nov. 25 devoted to, the World Food ever dared to speak out and expose them our interests? Conference. Dr. Cowden served as dean of as access tunnels to huge underground CHRIS DANIELSON Oh, they don't bother with the tn MSU's College of Agriculture and Natural hangars where the last remnants of the lost situation or rising costs of room and M Resources for 15 years before assuming a civilization of Atlantis are and tuition or even little things like ■ preparing huge Fill your Xmas position in Washington, D.C. in the Dept. armies to take over the world Entertainment ticket sales operations* stockings with cows of Agriculture. As counselor to Secretary Earl Butz, Dr. Cowden did a great part of the preparatory work for the U.S. "accidentally" disappeared earthquake in Nicaragua where he was on secret assignment from Howard Hughes. in an they just want to concern themselves* cutting each others' throats on the >■ to the rhythm of a cheering section* As many of you know, the holiday don't forget this obligation). like Agnes or Brown will turn the trick. delegation's role at the recent World Food sounds as if they were imported ^ season is now hurtling around the comer. Conference in Rome. Why has no one ever dared to mention Some of the oldtimers around December is traditionally a month of campus Imagine the domestic tranquility inherent the flying saucers seen around the White Philadelphia. Stephen Stills once ur can remember when 'Moo U* was an giving - passing around the bounty after in greeting the sleepy pet curled in the Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR), a national House on the night President Nixon preach that we should be better tnaj epithet commonly hurled at this comer of your utility room with agricultural fraternity, sponsored Dr. resigned? And the ever increasing number Mayor Daleys, Nixons and Agnews. W all the harvest's home — and for most ajiearty Americans the festivities climax with the University. One of the truths behind this "How now, Brown cow?" every Cowden's visit. Feeling a special role in of people whose minds are controlled with the minority student and sui jest is that MSU does have a morning. College of Cows are great with kids, too. A cow production of food, and a desire to serve radios secretly implanted while academic governance groups are di ■ great Christmas gift exchange around Dec. they are 25. Agriculture. And millions of alumni from can really the college, the men of AGR wanted the asleep by aliens? 1 myself have seen for they are dealing with real su| pep up a round of 'Cowboys this college help form the gizzard of and Indians.' Another fun game is for a students of MSU to have the opportunity documented proof that John Hannah was interests and very real problems. <1 America: the nation's cattle ranchers. bunch of children to line up grasping those to learn about and discuss the issues of the actually a robot controlled by an hate to get nosy or anything, du I As anyone who has seen the in front of them by the shoulder, world food crisis. intergalactic empire whose center is 2,000 can't you, ASMSU??? I reindeer are likely to Slaughter of the Calves on the TV news forming a train. The first child holds light years away. And furthermore, Clifton Steve Politol be pretty lean this knows, the But why didn't the students of MSU year. Many people recession/depression is breaking the backs mom or dad by the ankles, and the parent have the opportunity to read of Dr. Wharton's name backwards is Notrahw B317 Armstrong^ of many cattle ranchers. As pulls along the whole train in chase of the Cowden's upcoming visit in the nationally Notfilc, a cryptic arcane phrase in a long will be torn between they watch forgotten language. Its meaning is so the snow cover the mass cow by walking on his or her hands. This graves of their acclaimed State News? A news release of saving their for next money month's calves - considered of the family in practically as members game is called "Cowcatcher." the visit and a photo of Dr. Cowden were terrifying that the last person to translate it died of shock. He Abbey story Cows are very practical. They can cut was CIA agent necessities and - bankrupt ranchers many ranching households will have down on home heating bills with their in the hands of the State News on Nov. disguised as a football player named a I would like to congratulate Pete1! buying gifts as much gifts to assuage their fiscal woes, and the no balm of radiating body heat. A grazing pet can 11,14 days before his visit. Chuck Hughes. I challenge the academic on his news story of a visit to ■ - needed morale Gregory's Abbey in Three R' -J country's gizzard is likely to dissolve in keep shag carpets trim. Cows make good The Nov. 27 issue of the State News community to speak out and demand the boosters in these bleak Craig Porter's photographs of w * tears. That is, unless you act used a tremendous amount of space for truth! days. quickly and watchdogs, since few would ■ be burglers visit in the Dec. 5, issue of the b buy your cow. will be able to outsmart a half ton viewpoints, opinions and facts concerning I 1 - pet am risking my life by writing this Those of you who choose the the world food crisis. Photos were taken magazine, Counterpoint. - fiscal strategy must exercise latter Cows make wonderful pets. It is ferociously baring its teeth in the plugged letter. In the event of sudden demise I In the future the Humaniti special care to almost doorway. and a story written about Dr. Cowden's have left instructions for the aid the U.S. economy, and those hit impossible to lose them or tread on them And if, after years of warm fellowship address. His presentation was a first hand three copies of this letter. mailing of hopes to plan a winter term vis ■ hardest by the underfoot. Certain kinds can fork One to the abbey when there will be m " over with your cow, there's still a Republican account of the workings of the World recession/depression, while dairy products to garnish your table. And pope, one to President Ford, and students taking Humanities i enriching loved ones. With this in mind, in the White House and you're hard Food Conference. A number of students Ohio State football coach one to U I offer the their gentle mooing can lull the toughest had the opportunity to personally visit Woody Hayes. includes a unit on monastic-ism » ■ following public service insomniac to blissful sleep. pressed for the next meal, you always The truth cannot be concealed any few hundred off students » ■ message: Buy A Cow for Christmas (write know where to turn for steak and spare with Dr. Cowden. A great many more longer! - term It is fun to name cows. If this fa"- BACC on the back of your aand so you Fido, Polly or ribs. So BACC - Buy a Cow for could have, had they been informed. Edward J. Boucher II D„nlinl Kitty don't suffice, typical bovine handles Christmas. A 5-inch deep, column - wide story - 527 N. Sycamore St. Norman Pen"nJ Professor of humf A NEW MOOD ON CAMPUS he solipsistic 70s By ROBERT BAO MSU Alumni Magazine I 28, is a former State News staff haunted "hrgeneration ^ oveZelme'dbl«f . ml " "aster's candidate in currently student editorial unempl ,ism i/r is i„r the MSU Alumni Magazine, disasters even th, >0'' ls C(mtral escalating prices, natural lurv is reprinted from the a period 'f ,, ^rosl!ccl a nuc^ar holocaust '[m ember issue of the magazine, L'ciKulates to close to 35,000 MSU combination 'corrosive '«««». " L MicliWi legislators and newspapers. fatalism To I syndrome streaking mania erupted last confidence in "Z' nt Wharton proved that university communal brotherhood reigned supreme. at least not yet. But across the length and resurgence of student interest in ROTC. (student mobs out of buildings. At clad in pajamas and a robe, he Yet, though the current self - emphasis breadth of campus, the economic impact Says Col. LeRoy Wenstrom, chairman of ed the Union unlocked and may seem akin to Silent Generation norms on student behavior and student trends the department of aerospace studies: there remains a difference. In the Fifties has left glaring imprints. It has affected "This past summer we talked to 90 illy insured their passage from the students sought happiness via institutions; the living patterns, the selection of majors, students interested in our program, as pgree night into the heated building. the "Organization Man" believed in and even promoted sexless cohabitation. opposed to 58 the summer before. I think marriage, church and family. Today's For example: this may be due to the job market — they students, concludes Yankelovitch, are seeking alternative employment IClearly a new mood has taken hold, the proverbial pendulum has swung RESIDENCE HALLS ■ time, it has not, as some applaud "question marriage as an institution, opportunities." support population control, and look to This fall more than 18,000 students - thers fear, stopped in the Fifties, Larrowe hy perbolically called most notable legacy of the Sixties." He themselves rather than to family, spouse, the largest number in five years — have COHABITATION it is speeding toward 1033. "tremendous... considering.". explains: "People today are much more or children for fulfillment and meaning in chosen to live in dorms. For the second One victim of increasing student apathy life." straight year, there is temporary "tripling" Incredibly, so pervasive is the impact of ready to ask questions. When someone tells 1933. The Depression era. inflation that it has even led to is PIRGIM, a' public interest research you, 'Do this,' you are more likely to ask, in hundreds of rooms, signalling an Ira of breadlines and unemployment. Part of this attitude, undoubtedly, cohabitation without sex. Two students group funded by a voluntary student tax 'Why?' It used to be that you just did as upswing in dorm popularity. The reason? |Ve seriously worried," says a senior results from the advent of Women's In part, the dorms have relaxed social named Ken and Marge, for example, have of $1 a term. The percentage of students you were told." major, typical of dozens of others regulations, allowed alcohol, and in some rented a one - bedroom apartment near backing the effort has slipped in one year Sexual liberation continues in full ifwed by the MSU Alumni Magazine, from 32.5 per cent to 29.8 percent. Were swing. But, as Time concluded in a report cases created limited coed corridors. But a MSU, but the basis of their relationship is s worried about the it not for a generous decision by the Board on college life, "the sexual revolution is economy, key explanation, according to Robert at least 99 and 44/100 per cent economic. of Trustees preserving the Lax system, the |er we're headed for a depression, Underwood, manager of esidence halls, is "Food wise it's cheaper for both of us," over; premarital sex and cohabitation tr the price of food will go up even inflation: "Off campus rents and services - explains Marge. "We both share the work group would be extinct today. among unmarried students are accepted as and date other a matter of course." Ager, however, are going up much more rapidly. If you people." "The new student; arc still basically #'t want to be robbed in the street, foresees an end to totally casual sex. tJe ze! 1 hope not. You know,if sign up to live in a dorm in the fall, you Thus, from the classroom to the liberal," says a former teacher and long i to a supermarket. That's how we can be sure that youU pay the same rent football field to the bedroom, economic time observer ot MSU students. 'But ihey 'People are interested in finding someone Among those who feel this way, no in the spring." malaise has swept through and infected they can talk to as well as someone they are more concerned aboui getting jobs are the more than 400 MSU the student mood the way Vietnam had can sleep with," she stresses. The MAJORS after graduating because times arc bad. traditional concept of dating, long passe, s who subsist on USDA food so contaminated the preceding generation. In the past two years, although the They dor.'t want the albatross of now seems iimited to a handful of The most singular result, as previously demonstrations hanging down their necks student population remained nearly sororities. "I don't 'date,' " insists one is dramatic and noted, is a "Me first" mentality that pits alarmingly grim constant, their migratory patterns have Self vs. Others in a survival • of - the • when they apply to work for X insurance student. "If I 'go out' with someone, I 'go s not easily noticeable. One's shifted drastically toward what Dorothy fittest kind of scramble. company, for Y bank.' out' with him." Jficial attention tends to focus on the ■obvious decline of radical politics — Arata, assistant provost for undergraduate Eidon Nonnamaker, vice president of The new students actually carry a more Drug usage is equally casual, despite the* education, calls "the more marketable student affairs, has been au courant on subtle millstone round their necks. recent opening of four, new showbars in ltd triggered the minute Vietnam majors." Since 1971 the enrollment has student behavior since 1957. when he first Counterculture valuei spawned during the Eas:; Lansing with a combined ■ receding into history. The onset of declined in some colleges. Sixties have lingered on. and in some cases seating capacity of about 3:760. For example: arrived at MSU. He adds another », which spread like flu after the Arts and Letters, down by 13.5 per cent; dimension to this youthful solipsism. they are pxoblematic. "Marijuana is as common as apple pie," | aborted run - of - the - Milhous Education, minus 15.8 per cent; and "Given Watergate and the Vietnam and all In the late - Sixties many students, in declares one resident of Wilson Hall. The . provides another mediagenic Social Science, minus 18.5 per cent. those things," he observes, "students contrast to those in the Fifties, sought current cost: $15 an ounce, and as much I it too diverts attention to the real Meanwhile, the student total in the rewards in life that were nonmonetary , as $40 an ounce for "killer stuff." In today are somewhat disillusioned by Tmrents of today's collegiate life. colleges of Business, Agriculture and such as "self - actualization in work," or keeping with the emphasis on self, today's government, by national and state politics, Sophomore Mary Kay Mier: "The Human Ecology increased, respectively, by "fulfillment," or other demands that, iextensive, exhaustive probe of MSU fut'ire is really fuzzy, maybe 14.7 per cent, 17.5 per cent, and 17.5 per given the expansionary economy, were not » this fall, however, reveals the because I don't want to see it." cent. impossible to satisfy. "Back then," recalls {, perhaps surprising, thumbnail Shingleton, the national authority on the lof the average undergraduate: PLACEMENT subject, "jobs were there for the taking. Liberation. Time and again, students who Even with an employable major, many All one had to do was pick their niche." fa so than anyone in any generation students hunt for jobs as though they were Today, according to Yankelovitch's call themselves "feminists" disparage N memory, he (or she) is haunted on a safari. Jack Shingleton, director of marriage as a "burden." Says one junior survey, students want -'self • development, • specter of unemployment. He feels feminist, "If it happens, it happens. I'm placement services, confirms that student physical well - being, self • fulfillment both Ifs overwhelmed by events beyond not looking for it. Sure, having a man usage of his bureau has increased on and off the job.' The survey introl - escalating prices, natural around is real nice, but I'm not going to tremendously in the last two years. "We concludes: "In choosing their careers, is. even the prospect of a nuclear used to halve just seniors in our office," he »st. Having let it interfere with my life." Declares college students today have come to feel grown up in a period of notes. "Now we have freshmen, that it is post..: ;e io seek and find self - Ellen Moore, a junior from Grand Rapids: |®ati o ns, wars, and cataclysmic fcand then having seen the corrosive "I don't have to rely on any male figure to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and, for the fulfillment »r>.d personal satisfaction in first time in our history, even Ph.D. their careers while simultaneously get me through life." . ■of Watergate, he feels insecure, a candidates coming in here to ask about Perhaps the most fundamental cause of enjoying the kind of financial rewards that Ttttiop of Depression syndrome and career opportunities." Last year the will enable them to live full, rich lives lore the flood" kind of fatalism. To attitude change, however, is the faltering placement bureau processed 69,000 outside of their work." ■* tries not to think too much. He economy. When asked about marriage, one credentials for graduating seniors — double Almost without exception students male freshman who said he grew up in a the number five years ago. jw confidence in "the system," but I w solutions. He is absorbed in town where "everyone gets married," said contacted by the MSU Alumni Magazine he would think about it. "But," he support this view. For example, when ■much of the time. Occasionally, he FOOTBALL asked whether she was more interested ■*ek escape cautioned, "I don't know if I can afford through wild festivity, in a job that offered personal satisfaction During registration, students faced the ^realizes, to paraphrase Mao Tse - Indeed, no matter what the subject, the best football prospects in years. Before the DEC's Bill Oberlin: "You used to or one that offered money, Mary Kay Senior Mike Watters: 'Some of J"t college life is no longer a party. economy always seems a factor in students returned to campus, the team smoke pot to say the Vietnam Mier, a sophomore from Howell, replied, "I want both at the same time." During a my friends live day by day, ■addition, national surveys show, and influencing the student mood. Currently bombed Northwestern 41 - 7 and shutout War stunk. Now you smoke it for without, ever thinking of the that mood borders on fear. Scare stories recent trip .o a Big Ten university. Tj™s with MSU students confirm, Syracuse 19 - 0 in its first two games, both personal pleasure, or for mystical President Gerald Ford was told by a future. They just live for the js average student holds many of the about college graduates moppingfloorsfor at hdme; moreover, the remaining home student leader that the number one moment.'' r! that flourished in the a living now circulate in the dorms the schedule included defending national religious reasons." student concern is, "How can I get a job ■^culture" of the late 1960s, a time way Vietnam horror stories used to make champion Notre Dame and pre - season that makes sense as well as money?" pot smokers indulge for strictly personal I'"* insatiable, wartime economy the rounds. Number 1 pick Ohio State. Bill Beardsley, by the system. Many of them feel, 'Let me - That remains the 864,000 question, reasons. Says Bill Oberlin oi the Drug I such values feasible. "Everyone has a friend who has an assistant athletic director, called it "the go about my business.'" Today, as This feeling is obliquely reflected in but the answer Ls likely to be worth much Education Center: "You used to smoke ^cultural thinking collides with impressive degree and is working in a gas ideal situation" for ticket sales. What less. Given Ihc state of the economy, a pot to say the Vietnam War stunk. Now ®lc station or a drugstore," Ager said. "There voting patterns. In 1971, 7,835 persons shrinking, he is left somewhat in happened? Students bought only 16,500 student graduating today would be lucky you smoke it either for personal pleasure, One notable result is the rise of may be a fun • loving, carefree crowd tickets, fewer than in any year of the past registered in student precincts for the city council election, and 4,484 cast votes. In to scrounge up a job - period Yet the or for mystical religious reasons." I 'respective, pragmatic, egoistic somewhere, but I haven't seen it The decade. The culprfl, reasons values that flourished in the Sixties In some ways today's students differ ~ freshmen are worried about their 1973, even though the number registered a Solipsism of the Seventies — Beardsley is inflation (but not continue to persist. In many cases, from their Sixties' counterparts. One is a " w futures." of football tickets, which have stabilized jumped to 12,668 — the result of the Age deeper than mere apathy. So of Majority measure - only 3,462 students become confused, like Mier. newfound respect, or at worst a tolerance, II and widespread is this attitude that In some cases, thinking ahead causes at $3 per game since 1969): "We're bothered to exercise their electoral power. "The future is really fuzzy," she says. of "the system." Jim Monroe, a freshman ■ magazine recently stamped today's panic and .confusion. One student, who competing with Dooley's, with Coral A high official of the state Democratic "Maybe it's because I don't want to see it. from Perry, regards the pardon of ex - E .as the "Self - Centered returned to MSU after a one - year hiatus Gables, skiing weekends, everything, and It's really scary - the economy, the job President Nixon as proof that "the judicial Party explains apologetically: "Student: as a "ski bum" in Aspen, Colo., admi s, we're competing with all these things at a still care, but they don't care with the situation, inflation. Maybe that'; why it's system doesn't work.'' Still, he says "I'm really worried. In fact I'm scared to time when dollars are not free." protest won't work: "You have to work same old passion. There's no unpopular ftizzy." Susan Ager, as editor of the death. When I was in Aspen I saw nothing ROTC war going on now." On the other hand, some imgering within the system to change things." ■"> Mate News may feel the campus but M.A.s and Ph.D.s and none of them Not surprisingly, though student vahes of the Sixties produce no conflicts Another difference is that students now lmtir lhan most students. She had jobs. So I figured, what s the point of In 1971 a freshman wearing an ROTC protests have virtually petered out, there with present realities. Among them, in seem to study much harder. Last year a Ifatv ex!)lains h°W economic getting a degree if you can t get jobs. Its uniform walked through campus and remains considerable student activism in Yankelovitch's words: 'more liberal sexual total of one million publications were F/- |jas influenced the student so confusing. I'll probably move to Canada related to the pocket book. A strong checked out of the library, while two provoked catcalls, insults, mock salutes, areas mores; a lessening oi automatic obedience ■foilas ,ler own conversion to a and such barbs as "Hey, big man, who are effort, still unresolved, was made by some million usages ot library materials were ^ Philosophy, "Tn other cases, some just stop thmking you gonna kill today?" That same student students this fall to unionize the student to. and respect for, established authority; registered. Enthuses Director of Libraries Savs Mike Watters, a senior: You don t is now a senior, and he recently overheard work force at MSU - some 15,000 less reliance on the church and organized Dick Chapin: "There are a hell of a lot -'n'! don't know where they're Sw what's going to happen next, where coed commenting to another, students a year, or more than one • third religion as a source of guidance for moral more kids here using the library than there the n^t bomb Will explode, when the one ■ e,"nr prices will go up or down, of the total student population, calculates behavior; and less automatic allegiance to were, say, five years ago." "Doesn't he look handsome in his 8re up or down>" ,he MY*- government will collapse. There s a sense uniform?" Jim Anderson, assistant director of 'my country right or wrong.' " The reason? Once again, it is clearly, as l0nl«s, like groping in the dark. of insecurity. Some of my friends live day The dramatic change stems from the placement services in charge of student Of all these values, contends senior in practically every other aspect of by day, without ever thinking about the employment. However, one organizational Lj grantee of anything. The future'They just live for the moment. end of the Vietnam War. But spokesmen from both the Army and Air Force units meeting attracted only about 100 Mike Watters, whose older brother helped lead the far: nr 1969 pear.-' much tn the college life these days, the influence of the troubled economy and the shrinking job I ',v You have these days is X majority of students have not at MSU also credit the economy for the students, a turnout which C. Patrick Lansing Capitol, the second one is "the market. S» thlt,1e ,h»t mylast *8W Yeari ''ve come degenerated to such a mental standstill own happiness is the 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, December 6 I STlU. Ol»JE VOU for. MV 5KAT1N6 IE5SCN5 PON'T I ? U)Eu. I DON'T HAVE AW MONEV BfT I HAVE 5QME7NIN6 LOCAL STORES £l.«E fHAT I CAN 6lVE WOU. Chains hit food freeze By ALLAN LENGEL prices on them." Jack Up c h urch, a Upchurch said that? DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau State News Staff Writer Don Griffin, a grocery merchandiser for the 7 • 11 "«klng an attempt to Criticism about a recent buyer for Schmidt's, which has food store chain, said he saw Prices on such food price freeze implemented five stores in the Lansing area, no significant value in the items u Mm, YOU 60TTA large and milk stable. ■9-1 admit, 6INNVS be!NE> anp TT uh.cimtm BUT.UKB, WD HAVE PRIVACY' I THINK m by three major supermarket said Schmidt's wouldn't be supermarket chains freezing Griffin said —11 MI6HTY cmm, RM? a/ntlike i'm not sure you've chains is not only coming from participating in the their prices Schmldf, i ' i mean, the ms just even close tv really wep to TO SAT I'VE THAT* THEM WWF, wfe the small grocery stores. unnecessary freeze because 7 11 woul^ be unable to no threat .from GOT A PRETTY ISSUE HERE' • supermarkets' actions : NOTLOOM'AT All THE BAp-lookin; understand her FACE ON ME, IF A PERSON WJAtNT KMnm, L. B. Eberhard, president of they see no significant increase join the stores because they u. , Schmidt's will still be ApmrnsofHAWMe ARUM r/6ht? point of view. RI6HT?! DOESN'T HAVE ' HR. savwem.. i aj* ' Eberhard's, chain which a Michigan based operates five in food prices in the next 60 days, with the exception of produce none of their compete effectively W|th ,i products, Upchurch said. stores' prices. from the College of Human Medicine. Interdenominational The clinic also offers DAT 200 W. (.rand Kivet BOOT SALE - .it Michigan screening for hypertension (high blood pressure). LSAT Voluminous home study materials 332-S07 J 9: .10 a.m. and 11 00 a.m. Hypertension is easily detected ORE Court«t that art and controlled with proper constantly updated Advent Musical Service Sanctuary Choir No type of turntable can maintain precise speed COAT SALE - AT6SB Tape facilities for Directed by: Dr. Corlisi Arnold consistency as well as a direct drive system. And PIANO Technics is the world leader in direct drive turntables. reviews of class lessons and lor use College l)i f Rent it. Rent Try it. I Technics by Panasonic Direct Drive OPEN 7 DAYS - NITES TO 9 stonilyrvtaDlon IOUC ATIONAI ~VVrt CfNTia On the-MSU Sundays Campus S:00 Eucharist & Sermon EVENING SERVICE applies TUTORING AND GUIDANCE at 7:00 p.m. |TESTED AND PROVEN THE BEST AVAILABLE | 351 - 5323 SINCE 193S 21711 W. T*n Mill Rd. ist ALUMNI CHAPEL East of the Kresge Art if you'buy it. Immediate Delivery From: SouthtleM. Mich. <8075 Center 6:15 p.m. Student Dinner Rides from Chapel («> 6:00 Baldwin THE SOUND INVESTMENT The Rev. John Chaplain Mitman, Student Center open Chaplain's House daily 9 a m. to 11 P.m 520 N. Harrison Lunch Wednesday MACLAUGH LIN'S 351 • 7638 - Home 12:30 1 30 P.m. Piano & Organ Mart 351 • 7160 - Office For Transportation 1606 E. Michigan All Saints Parish Call: 351 6360 Lansing's Only Authorized Technics Dealer Lansing, Mich 800 Abbott Rd. or 332-8189 487-5995 402 S. Washington, Lansing & 245 Ann St., E. I Services - 8:00 & 10:00 1509 River Terrace The Rev. Wm. Eddy, Rector 351 • 7160 REMEMBER UNIVERSITY Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mom, dad, EVERYBODY at LOVES to receive our great home BAPTIST CHURC Michigan State University souvenirs at Christmas. We have sweatshirts, jackets, football 4608 S. Hagadorn shirts, T-shirts for kids and adults in all sizes. If you get an incorrect size for little Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. after vacation for the correct one. brother, bring it back Sundav School: 11:15 a.m. School Discipleship 7:00 p.m. for Bus Service Call: 351 -4144 or 351 -6494 John Walden. Pastor South Baptist Churcf JVIfcDONAUfc 1518 S. Washington Sunday - 7:00 p.m. DURMG FMALS "THE KING IS COMING" A cup ol coffee is the least we can do at a time like this., merry christmas so anybody who's studying themselves silly is hereby invited to their participating McDonald s restaurant for a richly deserved, no strings attached free 9:46 A.M. College Bible Class In the fireside room. and Fellowship refreshments 8:30 p.m. coffee break. in the firesidc roo^ MCI Campus Book Store Offer good Sun. Dec. 8 to 7:00 PM 'til CLOSING • Sat. Dec. 14 EAST LANSING Sunday 11:00 a.m. "GOD PLANS OUR LIVES" 131 E. Grand River 1024 E. Grand River Dr. Howard F. Sugden, Pastor James Emery, Youth P« 234 W. Grand Rivar across from the union FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening "Th 9-5:30 MON OKEMOS Call 482-0754 for information - SAT 2040 E. Grand River day, December Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, December 6, 1974 7 *eze Group knocks Bv JEFF By JEFF MFDoci MERRELL State Newt Staff ■ state recycling scheme * Writer 'Pchurch said that 7 he SUte of Michigan wants to get into the withfotap'iw wiBMn the " n?,embcr state resource recovery commission ing an attempt to garbage business Dept. of Natural Resources more jobs, save resources and cleanse the environment. in environmental group doesn't like the Sagady said that by building recycling facilities now, instead of « on such iu.ms„ lit way the state fc X involved i^mifIOn W0U'd encoura«e (DNR). B 8 Private industry to get has "We consider it a model bill for the U.S.," Pursell said. The bill trying to reduce the amount of waste produced, the state is milk stable, gained support from the U.S. Environmental Protection A bill that would establish a statewide solid ThP nun communities recycling programs. Agency and a major national solid waste recycling organization. causing problems for the public. waste recycling aLstTTi • rriffin said Since the financing of the program is Sehmidr, opam has been passed by both houses in the legislature S and 8lS° b® requLfed to develoP a wasU> Plan But Alex Sagady, coordinator of the through bonds, the only threat from markets' actions the - on its way to Gov. MiUiken for his e bill, sponsored by Sen. Carl approval programs! g0mnments in their establishment of recycling Michigan Student Environmental Confederation (MSEC), said the bill does not way the recycling centers can repay the bonds is through selling the recycled material or charging for the use of the recycling Pursell, R . p,yraoifth wou)d address the real problem. nidt pete s will still be u ,| recSin0bilLCOUS y renUltsa'd. g' Sen- Purse" -iT He about $200 mUlion being spent also said the on "The bill is an end run around source reduction • measures," facilities, Sagady said. "The incentive is not to decrease solid waste but to increase effectively with program will create Sagady said. "It has nothing in it for source reduction." »' prices. it," he said. "Source reduction is a major issue and a major priority," Jnit to develop handicapped job Pursell said. He said he proposed a combined House and Senate university study of the problem. reformed plan The senator said the legislature is considering both recycling and source reduction, but as church RU PETE DALY separate concerns. umni By PETE DALY Ih. Men the MSU Board d..., . - ■ ■ • I Sagady also said the energy reepvery portion of the bill would Memorial Chi of Trustees first step towards ruin the efforts of paper State News Staff Writer November. recycling, by giving an incentive to bum block east of Auditor compliance forthcoming plans for academic employes. An Ad Hoc Advisory with the Federal Perrin said the committee ail paper products for their Named to the Rehabilitation affirmative action. energy. committee by Act of 1973, which Perrin also asked Joseph would advise on such matters In addition, the bill provides for little 9:30 • Study Groupji, pmmittee on Employment of Perrin were: requires accountability on the Adults and Sunday Sch e Handicapped has been Judy Taylor, recipients of federal funds to McMillan, director of the Dept. as desirable changes in government's part, since funding is through the DNR instead of coordinator of the office Perrin said operational of Human 10:30 Coffee Hoot of employ qualified handicapped Relations, to serve University local agencies, Sagady said. • ,pointed to assist the MSU handicapped students; Beatrice responsibility for implementing employment as coordinator for the (ministration develop an Paulucci, professor of persons. the policy will rest with the program practices, outreach and "They should limit the flow of waste materials first instead of 9:30 & 11:00 ,.ra firmative action hiring family In the statement the development, because recruitment activities and building recycling facilities," Sagady said. Worship Services ecology; Milton Baron, director MSU personnel and employe McMillan's opam for the handicapped. of campus park and University promised to abide relations department is physical accomodation needs. "It's only a Band - Aid type bill," he lamented. office for 'or rides call 355 -0 Robert Perrin, vice Alice planning; by the law and involve responsible for University ■ Evans, a student nonacademic employes, wide affirmative action after 9:00 a.m. Sunt esident for university affairs, employe, and Herman handicapped persons in the the provost's office 6:00 • Evening Woi Thursday the five - asst. King programs. provost for academic ember committee would services. Tom Stark. Pastor Fred Heroaldt, fin work immediately to implement the policy Both Taylor and handicapped MSU employes. Evans are HOCKEY Associate Pastor Kathy Lang, Staff Associate rttment on employment of handicapped approved by The policy statement was approved by the board as a CASH Michigan State Bowling Green FIRST CHURCH0 EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE CHRIST. SCIENTI! For Your MSN 640 AM theonlyCause mdc, BOOKS Saturday at 7:25 p.m. Sunday at 2:25 p.m. Sell All Your Books The Michigan State Network WEAK WMSN WBRS With One Stop WKME WMCD At JACuBSON'S OPEN EVENINGS NOW TO CHRISTMAS SHOP MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 'TIL 9:00 P.M. GIBSONS Saturday, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. ISTIAN Peanut BOOK STORE )RMED Barrel 128 W. Grand River Errand River RCH £ (1 Block West of the Union) 3RNINC1 SERVIC 10:00 a.m. Classic Miss J's tcp choice, a crocheted cioche with a furry frame, ENING SERVICE 7:00 p.m. Rock all in one super head-warming hat. . by Adolfo II, with genuine lamb fur trim in tudent Centei opr. knit color-coordinating tones of black, ily 9 a.m. to 11P" Lunch Wednesday 12:30 1 30 P.m. qnj It Cil Records winter white or golden fox, $18 ir Transportation :liaJ 351 6360 or 332-8189 w <—» H>£UIWO 09 River Terrace VtLM*T UNDrfcjitlOOKJX) TY * DANMP BOW\= - ubMCo»o'S *OVT 5 v/ocAUVT CHURC OP Rocvc GMCS- SAh rlAWCtVCO SLKX./ woodworks for Miss J. . . Remember When. - ACIO OOU^. . . . \ t*. ^ OOtMKT MMU: KANASJ y smooth handled button-on NVMLCtj riAu bags MSU was Rose Bowl bound ... *OOHK> I>S in a lush assortment of when Notre Dame tied one Rock. SHWS-iVs Churd for the "gipper" We're having a Well, 7VKJS AfcTlSTS A TOO "PWID "i-ws.1 —2 fiscoeo •ssr— quilted velveteens and vibrant "Remember When" SALE ribbon-trimmed OK) SACS prints, colorful Nces. . .just like the OSC I a NG" wardrobe accent, geod ole-days 9tt"7*' $13 'ellowship Wu, refreshment »:30 p.m. , fireside room IVES" . Youth P« GouipjQ The clothes you need for the life you lead." Ao\ SlUaeoteoriB E. Grand River next to the Campus 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid»y. Decanters, ,„J Neglected By DAVE DIMARTINO SUPERTRAMP: "Crime of the Century" - This album is the a name '74 for himself as a legendary guitarist. This new album again albums take the respective places of Zoot Horn Rollo, Rockette Mor State Nevw Reviewer sleeper of the year. The group's second American release, it offers confirms his unique rank as the leader of a contemporary Ed Marimba or Antennae Jimmy Semens. While the rw.:" Reviewing records is an unenviable task this time of the year, a large dose of original composition that sounds much like progressive/folk school. Martyn is a master craftsman of wilh •more "*",ib,e iw because of the staggering number of albums released. Most record midperiod Genesis with a taste of Spooky Tooth thrown in for interesting, creative easy • listening music. companies, in anticipation of holiday dollars, save their best good measure. Half the cuts are exceptionally fine, and all the LOVE: "Reel to Real" - Arthur Lee has finally resurfaced, CAMEL: "Mirage" - In the midst of its first Ami-ri„. products for the latter part of the year. In attempt to catch up with 1974 before the term ends, arrangements are surprisingly refreshing. KEVIN AYERS: "The Confessions of Dr. Dream" - Side two thankfully, with a new edition of Love. While this new release is a minor disappointment, with three old Lee tunes redone, his Camel has been knocking audiences out talent. "Mirage," It's first American with it jj? an album, sounds like a what follows is a series of mini - reviews. These capsule critiques of this album is a minor masterpiece, featuring Nico and Soft return promises that great things are forthcoming. He does a finally cover those albums that have been lying around for weeks, Machine's Mike Ratledge. Ayers is finally gaining an audience in fantastic rendition of William DeVaughan's "Be Thankful For produced from only four people. this country. Few people deserve it more. What You Got." GREENSLADE: "Spyglass Guest" - begging for individual reviews. Greenslade's KING CRIMSON "Red" - After five years guitarist Robert GENTLE GIANT: "The Power and the Glory" - A very HUDSON FORD: "Free Spirit" - After the duo's surprisingly album Is a marked improvement over its first. Fine dm. Fripp has called King Crimson quits. This, the group's last studio strong album that will help spread the word about this exciting powerful show at The Brewery last week, this album, filled with work and Dave Clempson's guitar talents make thk , album (a new live one is soon expected), is in need of direction. English band. The group is in the Yes/King Crimson mold, yet great material, should become a local bestseller. It's an excellent enjoyable affair. s a But with the help of sidemen Marc Charig and Ian McDonald, manages to retain its own unique identity with fascinating follow up to "Nickelodeon." ■ ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA: "Eldorado" - With along with Crimson's own consistent excellence, the album is a arrangements. CAPTAIN BEEFHEART: "Blue Jeans and Moonbeams" - question, "Eldorado" is this group's best work Jeff r? seasonal standout. JOHN MARTYN: "Sunday's Child"-VJartyn has been making Beefhpart's new Magic Band is decent, but no band could ever thoroughly original compositions easily rank up there with1 the Beatles' best work.Seriously. th VAN MORRISON: "Veedon Fleece" - Morrison has do nothing this good since "Astral Weeks". Older and wiser now makes lets his lyrics reveal more of himself than those produced dL Group By JAN YETTAW production of a show. Because Cable also provides equipment The cable company also exploring through television," area enough against amnesty." his "Domino" period. He is a truly be enjoyed by all. GALLAGHER AND LYLE: "The Last pleasant record, "Cowboy" is phenomenal talent that «h— a Cowboy" sturdy effort that « - a demonstrates this duo's skilled Tom DelGiorno does not they are all politically active, for public use. provides the video tape. But to he said. Presently, the group is songwriting prowess The t- they thought they might be "Anyone can check out a keep a record of all its shows. The organization has already simply write songs and perform them - in the old Simon m consider himself a founding working on a show about labor Garfunkel style - and perform them to father on the order of George able to produce shows that portapack television camera," Delta Productions buys its own produced a show concerned and union organizing in East perfection Itk would be of interest to the he said. video tape, the group's only with amnesty in which a panel beautifully done album. Washington or Benjamin Lansing. Franklin. community, he said. DelGiorno added that there current expense. of Vietnam veterans discussed "Most of the people who MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND: "The Good Earth" But DelGiorno, a junior in "After all, we live here, too, is a short training session for DelGiorno said he believes the pros and cons of the issue. work and are not members of It's a shame that this group canceled its Brewery gig earlier th? economics, is the founder and and the community is new equipment operators. He the time is right^for his It appeared on Cable TV unions in East Lansing are week, because this album indicates that the group is in g- current president of Delta important to us," he added. estimated it takes about two organization, too. Currently, channel 11. students," he said. creative spirits. It's a step upward for the band, with a m Productions, a new student DelGiorno said the hours to learn to use the cable television has a much The show was accused of The show will concentrate unified structure than its last effort, "Solar Fire." organization registered Nov. 6. organization could not operate portapack, which runs on larger audience than when it not being impartial. The on the problems of unions, GRYPHON: "Red Queen to Gryphon III" - The group emerged from his without the services of the batteries or can be plugged into was first available. He also said with interviews of labor leaders Currently tourii veterans were surprisingly in with Yes, Gryphon shows tremendous potential with its deb interest in producing shows for public access channel of the a regular wall socket. He said it the group hopes to upgrade the favor of amnesty. who have organized or are in album. Filled with excellent musicians who were school the public access channel of National Cable Co. and Dave chums takes longer to learn to operate quality of shows presented on "But we weren't trying to the process of organizing a Rick Wakeman (who recommended the group to Yes while cable television. still Corday, the public access the cameras in the studio public access channels. present an unbiased discussion, union. The format also member), the group adds a touch of folk eclecticism to "We are trying to produce a director. which the cable company "I think people are really includes anyway," DelGiorno said. plans for talks with progressive base and comes up with sounds that are thoroueh continuing group of shows that "We could never afford the makes available to the public. interested in the things we are "The people have heard picketers. original are going to be relevant to the equipment that the cable people around here," company makes available to DelGiorno said. us," he said. The organization started The cable company, as part within a group of friends who of its license with the city, discovered they each had some must have a public access skill necessary for the channel, he explained. National RED" without 3L0E; } WHARJHPRiHRJ^HARHRRJ-lA RHARHARHflRHA RHAJ^HJ^HRWHRRHA.RHRRjHAJ^HRRHAJ^^ RJ-IR^-:C I }* PRESENTS * * * * If it was murder, where's the body? ELLIOTT KASTNER presents A ROBERT ALTMAN Film * If it was for a woman, which woman? ELLIOTT GOULD™ * * If its only a game, why the blood? "THE LONG GOODBYE" * * * * * * PALOMAR PICTURES INTERNATIONAL LAURENCE MICHAEL OLIVIER CAINE in JOSEPH L.MANKIEWICZ Filmof "All right you dirty rats, I want to see all your Fri. & Sat. when mugs| .NINA VAN PALLANDT ■ STERLING HAYDEN on Bogey, Jean and me come i* ANTHONY SHAFFER b> ANTHONY SHAITER EmcuIm Produce. ELLIOTT KASTNER • Produced by JERRY BICK visiting in mOmIuutKIXVUM SCHERICH# l>n,Wii, MORTON (iOITUEli Directed by ROBERT ALTMAN. Screenplay by LEIGH BRACKETT Public Enemy No. 1 ftrninm JOSF.PM I. MANKIKWICZ MHINTSIW OtUJXI * Bated on the nowl by RAYMONO CHANDLER IWH)onihcWWxlVVVw^tVTi«dwlyPhyl and Mu*c Composed end Conducted byjOHNT williams United Artists Roaring Twenties Fri. 109 S. Kedzie Fri. 104B Wells 7:30 & 9:45 Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 Fri. Wilson 7:30 & 9:30 Public Enemy No. 1 at 7:00 & 10:15 Sat. Wilson 7:30 & 9:46 Sat. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Roaring Twenties at 8:45 ; Sat. 104B Wells 7:30 8.9:45 Sun. Wilson McDonel Kiva 7:00 9:00 *1.25 Sun. Conrad 7:00 Wilson 9:00 >1.25 Sun. McDonel Kiva 7:00 *1.25 Sat. 102 B Wells Public Enemy No. 1 at Roaring Twenties at 7:00 & 8:45 10:15 irHrk+irkir I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. December 6, 1974 9 WQWMjrawwwMgMB open at 6:45 p.m. |I| TODAY..at 7:10-9:15 Bars offer band Sat-Sun at 1:00-3:00 variety 5:05-7:10-9:15 p.m. to counter crowd By LENPENIX drop LOOK OUT for FUN! State News Reviewer to 21, followed by Mordecai, a local top - 40 ACTION! group. Local bars are hoping to MSU students to Florida and other stop the exodus of Catch, the popular southern boogie band, ROMANCE! j key spots will return to the this Christmas break by offering a wide Brewery Christmas week. They plan to stick around for the spectrum of music final's week Brewery's I H Year's Eve. through New New Year's Eve bash to provide the dance music. Highlighting final's week will be Miles Davis Dooley's will feature Cloudburst, a local soul appearing Wednesday nJght only at The Stables. Tickets are $4 in advance at Discount Records group, Dec 23, 27 and 30. WALT DISNEY and The Stables for the two Longspure will perform at the Alle Ey - shows scheduled | LI. ROBIN Dec. 16 to 21. for 8 and 11 p.m. Ron Crick and his Back to the Possibly the best bet for New Year's Eve will Land Band Iowjsoiuism be the Friend's Road are in from Chicago and will be at Lizards Dec. Show, a unique blend of vaudeville and music, at Lizards. 13,14 and 15. The band's sound is a The 15 - hodge - member group, most of whom are from podge of everything from country to folk to rock and is largely England, is playing a return engagement after i swum OICK NANCY WIM original. Brutaxes, formerly Uprising, a good boogie its warm reception earlier this term. Advance tickets are $2 and $2.50 at the door. VAN DYKE KIN TAMIROFF band, is in from Ann Arbor and will be at The The Space Coast Kids will land at TECHNICOLOR Brewery finals week. Dec. 30. Formerly Dooley's Coral Gables is "Timmy Tours," the rock offering The Band, a funky and roll band does a good Beach Boys set. Detroit rock and roll group. Dooley's is The Coral Gables is promising Matrix for next week. welcoming Flood, a Brussel Sprouts will return to Lizards strong dance group popular in previous Dec. | ^ Janetti will be one of many performers in a 20 to 22. This country - rock band has only engagements, to their New Year's bash. "Old Blue Eyes," Josh White mternational folk music at 8:15 p.m. been together a few months after its Jr., will play Saturday in St. John's Student Center last year, but will break up • the Stables New Year's Eve. Reservations The concert is based on the theme of probably put on a good show. sharing. Members of organizations like Universe will be at the Coral Gables Dec. 16 should be made early, because no one will be Listening Ear, the United Farm Workers and the African allowed between sets. Famine Relief Fund will attend to explain the need for participation and involvement. 1 PROGRAM INFORMATION 332 6944 HURRY! ENDS SOON! Tonight Open 6:50 shows 7:20 Sjssport Sat. & Sun. - 1:20 - 3:20 - - 5:20 9:20 - 7:20 - 9:20 PhctcS I, appc»ni mihtonUj Tce:k3.50W ID BLACK S WHITE |HB Travel 0Pf«de Jhont: 35B-9777 WEEKEND FILMS 1^ floor pN>OM An all NEW film FROM BEAL "If youre a mystery addict you must see "The Last of inspired by the ALL novel, "AIRPORT" Sheila" - the best cinematic mystery in years." The London Times by Arthur Hailey. "A fine, intriguing puzzle. A Pizzas great murder mystery." New York Times lore "One of the year's best films, a THE ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE fascinating mystery not to (different. FOR EVERYONE! AIRPORT 1975 cm i5i be missed." Films in Review Iwhy not BEST FAMILY FILM!" Joseph Geliriis. Newsday KAREN BLACK 6E0R6E KENNEBY GLORIA SWANSON HELENREDIY EFIEM ZIMBALISI JR SUSAN CIA1K I CAESAR "A TOTAL EXPERIENCE IN SIGHT, SOUND (try the best? AND COLOR .. . MAKE FANTASIA A MUST!" LINDA BLAIR DANA ANDREWS • ROY TINES NANCY OLSON El NELSON MYRNA LOY AUGUSTA SUMMERLAND Bob S^lmagfi. Group W Network BELL'S Fri & Mon thru Thurs open 6:45 p.m. shows at 7:05 - 9:15. Sat & Sun open 12:45 1225 M A C. 332-5027 shows at 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 - 7:20 - 9:30 p.m. 11 Mn a.m. everyday Who done it Free Delivery r*0C*/UH INFORMATION *873905 See For Yourself 13 ICHIGAN Theatre Laminq 3rd Fun Week! "RANKS WITH THE 20,000) have seen Harold and fTlaude at Why fibre Students (over (Tlichigan State University than any other film TriElAST OF SHEILA Today open 6:45 p.m. shows at BEST!... ever shown^ 7:00 and 9:10 p.m. Starring (In Alphabetical Order) 'The Longest Yard' covers RICHARD BENJAMIN • DYAN CANNON • JAMES COBURN a lot of ground with high v JOAN HACKETT-JAMES MASON • IAN McSHANE • RAQUEL WELCH irs drama, humor and look at the camaraderie a rare Technicolor ® • Celebrating Warner Bros 50th Anniversary © A Warner Communications Company SURVIVAL of men in sports... Tonight & Saturday OF THE GEM OF A showtimes: 7:30 & 9:30 FIERCEST. PICTURE!" showplace: 100 Engineering ANDTHE admission: $1.25 A. /.. McClain, Detroit News FUNNIEST. Deal Film Group "THE LONGEST YARD" is a movie that HELD OVER - FINAL 2 DAYS! cracks a lot of jokes. And a lot of bones. Two of the Wildest Films ever to play Burt Reynolds stars- at MSU are now tough, sassy-and playing with each other! always that fire. t GREAT PORNOGRAPHIC DOUBLE FEATURE The wrath of a woman scorned starts his trouble. However, he's got some wrath of his own. And the last 45 minutes of the film HARLOT THE DEFINITIVE X is unlike anything you THE STORY OF A 15 YR. OLD GIRL WORKING HER WAY have ever seen. It will THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL have you howling and cheering like no movie ever has. "THE LONGEST YARD" is for men, for women, for everyone. THeCONMCMeD THE ULTIMATE X THE STORY OF 2 SAN FRANCISCO VICE COPS ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM SMUT BUHTREYNOLDS These two full length adult films double feature ever shown on comprise the most tumultuous campus. In combination they are a 'THE LONGEST YARD" sexual holocaust on the screen. EDM ALBERT Fantastic give away before the start of each show. i'OuiTER MIKE CONRAD Tonight & Saturday DIRECTEDMIMTUMICH showtimes: Harlot: 7:00, 9:30 BcntCNPiA* f" SIOBV B> AlKRT S RIIODT Confiscated: 8:10,10:40 i showplace: 106 B Wells axonB»TECMNicao«' Ar""""k,T admission: $2.25 1 st be 18. All patrons will |f[g| 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan F'W«y. December 6, | Sdwis Carnival DIRECTOR FAILS TO weekend fab. 7,8,9 Harrowhouse' drags, lacks suspense $50 faa includes: - Transportation by bus By EDO RUDZATS level. This problem falls - 2 days lift tickets right into the lap of Charles Cfodin (of Hie heist, by the way, Is the most ingenious in recent memory State News Reviewer "The Heartbreak Kid"), who plays the main character. He also and by far the most exciting sequence in the film. With - 2 days lodging at Heist films usually fall into two categories, comedy or Condominium adapted Gerald E. Browne's bestselling novel of the same the help of James Mason as a lifelong employe for The System, , - Beer party Friday crackling suspense. Those that try to merge the two walk a thin name to the screen. Grodin's adaptation is one of the most Grodin begins his caper. - Wine & cheese party Sat. line between success and failure, with the burden of success innocuous to be found in a long time. With Candice Bergen at his side and Mason as his inside man, $10 deposit due Dec. 13th resting on the shoulders of the scriptwriter. In "11 Striving for a low - keyed comic effect, Grodin has chosen to Grodin steals $12 billion worth of gems. He ends up in a climactic Harrowhouse," the scriptwriter and leading actor are one and the employ a voice • over narration to help advance the plot and Keystone Kops slapstick comedy chase sequence that is out of same, so the blame is proportionately increased. allow him, as the main character, to make smart - alecky quips to tune with the rest of the film. But then much of "11 UAB Travel Service "11 Harrowhouse" is the most recent foray into the diamond the audience. The quips hit with a resounding splat. The only Harrowhouse" fails to find the tone it searches for. Is this a 2nd Floor Union, more info: heist business. While it must have looked really good in scenario 353-9777 thing left in the film is to watch two highly attractive performers comedy or a suspense film? Grodin seems to wonder, too, as it form, the film fails to succeed at either a comic or suspenseful walk through their parts. emerges as neither. A great deal of the problem with "11 Harrowhouse" is that The film is innocuous and ponderously slow. When it is over, the voice over narration belongs to tho "had • I • but • known" • there is the feeling that maybe the producers forgot to include MSU students' school of storytelling. The "had - I • but • known" school is one in which the leading protagonist continually repeats a variation of the second reel. And if they had, it probably would have come out just the same. that particular phrase, usually accompanied by such further "11 Harrowhouse" is currently playing at the Meridian Four enlightening statements as "I would never have undertaken the Theaters. on display in job." Thus, throughout "11 Harrowhouse," the audience is the tradition of the craft of constantly subjected to Grodin's voice droning on and on. "Had I By FRANK FOX but known what the results of this encounter would be, I would State News Reviewer pottery in that the students have left right then." By the time the film is halfway finished we Stoneware sculptures and make their own glazes and clay almost wish that he had left right then and gone on to make a other pottery by MSU graduate and fire their own kilns," students are on display at DeLind said. more exciting film. About 120 pieces are mi The whole thing starts out rather innocently. Grodin appears Lautzenheiser's Interiors in as a small diamond courier for a large diamond firm in Amsterdam Okemos through Dec. 13. display with prices ranging from $3 to $250. The pieces called The System. But when Trevor Howard, playing a villain in The exhibit features were made over a three • the style of "Terry and the Pirates," arranges for Grodin to be functional as well as abstract month period, while the show robbed of a gem he is delivering to Howard, "11 Harrowhouse" pottery by Master of Fine Arts sets itself up for the heist. itself took two' weeks to put (MFA) candidates. All items on display are for sale. New pieces together. will be added throughout the DeLind believes this is the show, MFA candidate Doug first such extended show and DeLind said. sale for MSU potterv students. "The show is a lot different Lautzenheiser's Interiors is from most pottery exhibits in located at 1665 Hamilton that there is an emphasis on Road, Okemos. The exhibit is stoneware sculpture." he said. open Monday through Friday "It's not from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday- very often that you see ceramic sculpture in a evening from 7 to 9 p.m. and show." from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show includes Saturday. functional pottery such as bowls, vases, mugs, goblets, casseroles, teapots and pitchers, and nonfunctional pottery such as human and animal figures and abstract forms. "The pottery shown is in Can a woman know and follow her love even if he changes from one body to another? Can she realize that universal feminine dream of finding a loving fatherly soul in the body of a passionate young man? MEYER LEVIN, author of Compulsion InJjjgrch^J^ Settlers, in this unexpected - romantic tour - de - force, evokes the lingering sense of sheer pleasure so long absent from modern fiction. A DISTINCTIVE GIFT, AUTOGRAPHED and iNsdUHEh!- A real book, hard - cover, beautifully illustrated, only $5.95 - little more than a paperback. Send $5.95, with the be inscribed, and the mailing address, to ROCHELLE BESSER, AUTOGRAPHED BOOKS 62 W. 91 St. N.Y. 10024, N.Y. Published by PRAEGEK Michigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, December 6, 1974 ]] Directory unites By FRANK FOX calendar about 100 sessions." amateur musicians "At age 40 I decided I wanted to A. ... Alone with his viola in ., State News Reviewer Robinson said he knew of three or four other amateur play chamber music," he a strange city, added. "I bought a good instrument and I took lessons until I sort a wandering musician chamber music groups in the area. music ^ a" Utge f°r 8 CheCSe 198861 8"d a" CVening °f chamber "The great bulk of chamber music played in the U.S. is in New of wormed my way into the lower level "That was 26 years ago. I've groups. What does he do? York City or on college upgraded the quality of groups to campuses," he said. which I belong and to which I He can find a Robinson has been an enthusiastic amateur chamber aspire." bagel shop in the Yellow Pages, but where does musician Robinson said almost all of the classical and romantic he find a cellist and for many years. two violinists? "I learned a little violin when I was a composers wrote chamber music. Munching on his cheese bagel, he simply opens his copy of the kid, but not much," he "You can play a lifetime and. still find directory of the Amateur Chamber Music said. new things to work on," Players, Inc. and he said. glances at the names and addresses of he rinds the hundreds of musicians until listings for his area. c» (!?irectory "sts amateur chamber musicians in the United states, Canada, Mexico, Central America separate directory lists musicians in and adjacent islands. A overseas countries. Museum gains K The musicians list their instruments and rate their playing A collection of competency from Class A (excellent) contemporary household goods used by as a traditional symbol of status, in addition to The directory has through Class D. agricultural people of the Pokot tribe in northwest providing dairy proved to be an Kenya has products. interesting venture," been acquired by the MSU Museum. explained Roland Robinson, MSU Robbins has conducted archeological studies along the shores amateur viola professor of finance and "The new Kenya acquisitions are of Lake Rudolf in player. "Sometimes on a trip I have called unique and in good Kenya and has worked in the same area where strangers and said 'Hello, I'm a Class C viola up condition," said Lawrence H. Robbins, associate professor of the celebrated Leakey player.' anthropology. "They should prove an important resource for family found ancient human fossils. I had a very pleasant summer in California scholars of African culture at MSU and other this catalog. I met four or five (chamber through the use of institutions." and musicians) through this The collection of several hundred items taught summer school in Berkeley. includes carved The tradition of chamber walking sticks, large pottery water jugs, oryx horns, a large music playing by amateurs is a wooden mortar and pestel, old one. It very drums, baskets, knives and a six was was amateurs performed by professionals." who started Chamber music is written for small playing the music before it string musical instrument made from a skin pulled over a wooden soundbox. - The Complete Gift groups of solo The Pokot people, Robbins especially the string quartet (viola, two violins and instruments, nomadic and agricultural said, are divided between pastoral - "The first professional cello.) groups. The pastoral group keeps cattle came in the 19th string quartet with a paid audience century. By that time, many of the great chamber music quartets had Okemos, Lansing, East Lansing, Wit. Pleasant, Grand Rapids said. already been written," Robinson Robinson is presently a member of meets at his home about a string quartet which once a week. . r. ■ • ^ Pho'o/Uaniel Shutt "I'm the only Roland Robinson, MSU professor of finance, is an Oldsmobile University member of our group," he said. "One engineer (cello), one is a medical doctor practices his viola during afternoon of chamber music. hundreds of amateur a peaceful winter's Robinson is one of chamber musicians and one is a housewife music two "I've days a week. belonged to five or six groups that have had a (violin) (violin) who is teaching public school THE I I 1 continuity WEMEMNE of existence of a year or more. throughout the United States. "One year I had three Some have lasted longer than that. When you give a stereo from Marshall} you not groups going and I counted on my only get the best price on the best brands, you also know Shop ford seasons that the recipient of your gift will always be because it also includes the best array of happy FREE Attention: Residents of the East services available Lansing Area INCLUDING: Stay close to you phone. You may be called next about the East Lansing Jaycee Golden Check Book and receive over Five year part, Three year labor warrany Two week $150.00 in gifts, services, and merchandise for only $14.95. money back guarantee 90 day 100% trade • up THAT'S RIGHT! Over $150.00 value for priviledges Central Michigan's largest service center only $14.95. The System set - up assistance One year 100% speaker East Lansing Jaycees Golden Checks are sponsored by these trade - in merchants: Kentucky Fried Chicken Dominos Pizza re~B0NNA NORLETT We know what we offer and what all dealers offer for service. That's why we other say we give Goodyear Service Store Mr. Mikes Pizza Burger Chef Gullivers State Drugs Dunkin Donuts Cross - Country Ski Pkg. more for less money. Stop in - we want to prove it F.W. Woolworth $45.00 Bonna NorlettSkis, Olan Mills Studios Singer Co. 22 lamination, full hickory base Fox Jewelers Burger King King Klean Coin - Op Laundry and metal tip protectors. K Mart Auto Center Red Barn Barbara Box Hair Stylist $34.95 Trak Boots, brown or black, with :k, witn International House of Pancakes Holiday Lanes Kirby Co. leather uppers. Merle Norman Studios Lansing Karate $RQ95 7.00 Garcia Wintra 3-Pin * Slenderform - Universal Health Spa Bindings *» MUSIC CO. .75 Heel Plates Over $150.00 in Jaycte Golden Checks for only $14.95!! Values are in Food, Auto Services, Beauty Services, 8.00 Tonkin Cane Poles ONLY Ull TWO SOUND SHOP LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Amusements, and many others. Stay close to your phone. $95.70 Value "A Real Budget Stretcher" You may be called next! Okemos 2283 W. Grand River 246 Ann, E. East Laming 217 Ann Strut Lansing & 402 S. Wash., Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw ENTERTAINMENT ********** 1HEBEMIES On RABBITS RON CREEK i nil- BACK TO LAND BAND 6-7 13-15 Rpple Records »| BRUSSEL SPROUT 20-22 WOOLIES 26-28 FRIENDS NEW YEAR'S EVE This Weekend DON'T MISS 'EM SPECIALS ********** Sw&LCDiac, ^6 Monday SEAFOOD $2.25 Wnjs aujom} Tuesday ITALIAN $2.35 Wednesday BEER & BAR BQ $2.35 Thursday BEEF & BOOZE $1.95 1(7 Friday BROOK TROUT $3.25 <3N $/\Lr "mRvj Saturday STEAK $4-25 RETURNS 13**- Sunday SPAGHETTI (ALL YOU CAN EAT) $1-99 •j&FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE 1*5 i* USvjM. * NEW YEAR'S EVE * ■zms-ixzut SPECIAL HOLIDAY MEAL ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE $2.00 LIMIT 305 CAPACITY, $2.50 AT THE DOOR. i^LOSED CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS^ SAT Sou rant ft' 401 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Process may cuf costs of disposal By DAVE GUZNICZAK State News Staff Writer Wheeler is presently awaiting a report from Sode about the total cost and resources of the Ingham County residents may have their process. Wheeler said he will present the report garbage disposed of for free if the U.S. Navy to the Navy sometime before January, 1975. adopts Mason resident Don Redker's process Wheeler said that if the navy determines that for recycling municipal wastes. Redker's process can be easily applied to ship waste problems at a reasonable cost, then Redker revamped a process invented in the 1800s called pyrolysis or "destructive money may also be allocated to provide distillation." Through it, one person's waste equipment for recycling Ingham County's over a one year period can be converted by garbage for free in return for county research. chemical decomposition into 55 gallons of However, he said Redker's process was just industrial fuel oil, 120 pounds of fertilizer and one of thousands of alternatives being other usable byproducts. By controlling the considered by the Navy in its waste disposal heat, 100 per cent of municipal garbage can be research work. recycled. Wheeler added that he would present Redker, along with his marketing associate the report to other interested government Paul Young and Richard Sode, Ingham County agencies, such as the Federal Energy drain commissioner, are presently seeking funds Commission and the National Oceanic and for refining and utlizing the process for Ingham Atmospheric Agency. County. Sode said he is optimistic about Wheeler's Late last month, Sode received an interesting interest, though he is disappointed more offer from E. Joseph Wheeler Jr., president of interest has not been shown in the local area, Wheeler Industries Inc., an oceanographic ships specifically at MSU. systems research and planning firm in AP Washington, D.C. "It is obvious that we (Sode, Redker and wirephoto Following an order by the Environmental Paul Young who is in charge of marketing) have Rescuers crowd into the wreckage ofTeheran, Iran's Mehrabad Airport Protection Agency that ships must develop new attracted scholars and technicians from other passenger terminal after the snow - laden roof collapsed Thursday. One of the waste disposal systems, Wheeler's firm was areas, except from our own backyards," Sode 25 bodies pulled out of the wreckage was said to be that of Edward Alfred contacted by the U.S. Navy to study acceptable said. alternatives for handling waste disposal Sode said the existing prototype Kasaval, 45, of Detroit. Iran's civil aviation chief, Hushang Arbabi, said he facility problems both on board ship and in naval bases. could be refined with enough funding to handle feared another 25 victims may be buried under the tons of concrete and steel. In the letter to Sode, Wheeler said that 800 tons of municipal garbage in a 10 - hour Eight inches of snow had fallen on the 300 - square - yard roof before it gave though the process is not directly applicable to day. Sode estimated the cost for initiating the way. The disaster happened so swiftly the victims scarcely had a chance to the problem of processing' waste materials process in Ingham County would be around aboard ship, it may be easily adapted for such scream. $2.5 million. RAPS ABUSE OF PRECIOUS TIME' Iranian student urges end to waste By DENI MARTIN bed in a friend's room, she spoke in quiet, concise phrases that grows out of the ground." State News Staff Writer further reflected her sincerity. Soheyla, 408 S. Case Hall, is a no • But what affected her most were the similarities among the For Soheyla Derakhshan, an MSU student from Iran, time is preference major studying English. She plans to study psychology hungry people of India, the people in her country and those in precious and too many people are abusing the time they have on at Lansing Community College this winter. the United States, she said. this earth. "People are like cows," she said. She explained the strange "Most (Indian) children are like children here," Soheyla said. Though the sentiment may not be new, Soheyla's intense analogy, saying "a cow spends time eating and resting." "They are very nice, but very poor." awareness of it is. She spent eight months in India and hopes that She is not angry, but she is obviously disappointed in the In India, every day as you leave the house, you see the poor people will stop wasting their time and start helping others, failure of others to deal with the current world food situation. sitting in the streets, she said. especially the poor and hungry in the world. Soheyla spent time in Bangalore, a small city in southern "You cannot avoid them," Soheyla said. "People in every country should try to think about the rest of India, as part of a Bahai conference program. The purpose of the Indians dump their garbage ir, the streets, she said and the world," Soheyla said. "These people (the starving Indians) are not only program was to study the role of youth in the world. dogs and cows, but also children, search through important and we should think of them constantly." Soheyla noted that a member of her religion actually predicted the heaps of waste for food. Some economists have estimated that two • thirds of India's the worid food problem a century ago. Julia A. Grundy wrote in Religious turmoil also troubles India, where several major population, 390 million people, are living on incomes below the "Ten Days in the Light of Akka: " religions are concentrated. -;$u. j.,. poverty line. "The food of the future will be fruits and grains. The time will She said the Hindu Muslim riot in Baghdad tkis summer. In - Soheyla, 19, has long, dark brown hair and a tranquil, come when meat can no longer be eaten. Medical science is which 10 persons were killed, was probably inspired by the Hindu . nonviolent only disposition that reflects her Bahai faith. Seated on a in its infancy, yet it has shown that our natural food is that which majority's hatred of the minority Muslim religion. ZAPPA/MOTHERS ROXY & Elsewhere JACK RRUPP out of the storm EVERY DAY S8S Across from Olki at 4*1 E: MAMD RIVER 151-4110 Member 6,1n campus. For more information on these anil other services, mail the coupon below to: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc., 14 S. Bryn Mawr Au nue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010. Plc«c . Name _ ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, December 6, 1974 15 'restlers tangle with By PAT FARNAN contingent. "That's what we of a home - and - home series Ten 190 • pound contender State News Sporti Writer expect from them. We can't with their archrivals. Dave Curby will probably Grady Peninger doesn't have expect anything else." The Wolverines lead the watch from the bench at anything against the University Both squads topped Penn intrastate rivalry, which has Jenison due to a prolonged of Michigan State in their only encount** wrestling team. It's been contested 54 times. They bout with mononucleosis. just that sometimes they don't so far this year. The Spartans have earned 33 wins. The two play fair. bested the Nittany Lions 27-16 But the Wolverines still have squads have tied on three The veteran MSU mat Monday night in East Lansing. occasions. a couple of horses left. At 118, mentor and his team will be U—M added the finishing Jim Brown, a third place Former U-M wrestler Billy out to make retribution this touches in Ann Arbor Tuesday Johannesen has taken finisher in the NCAA the weekend when the Wolverines night, 19-12. tournament two years ago, and reigns of the Michigan squad visit Grady's "If they don't come in here considered a definite contender gang at 7:30 since Bay's departure last year. tonight in Jenison Fieldhouse. fighting like hell, than there's for the title this year, will be Right now he's batting 1,000. Those darn Wolverines had something drastically wrong," pitted against the Spartans' Jim "Boy it's gonna be a the audacity to whip Peninger said. "They'll be Bissell. Brad McCory, 134, Bill the dogfight," Peninger said. "It's Spartans 23 10 in MSU's ■ own ready and we better be too, still super early in the year and Shuck, 142 and Dan Brink, jm. Jenison playground last because tonight's the night." consequently it's very difficult 167, are all tested Wolverinp February before more than The Wolverines were ranked to dub either team as the performers. Shuck nipped 8,000 rabid wrestling fans, the atop many national polls for favorite." MSU's Don Rodgers last year largest crowd in the history of most of the regular season last 3-2. Peninger said he didn't amateur wrestling in But graduations and Michigan. year. think U—M was as strong this At At that time the Spartans illness have depleted the U—M heavyweight U—M year as it was a year ago. recruited a blue - chip were ranked second in the team. It won't be in top shope The junior Wolverines losses by country. Former coach Rick for college transfer from New tonight's encounter. graduation include former Bay's maize and blue were No. The Spartans were not York, Mitch Marsicano. stung NCAA champion Jarrett Over the holiday break, the 1. by injury in their victory over Hubbard at 150 pounds and This year the circumstances Penn State and will have a Spartans will be busily at work former Big Ten heavyweight are a bit stacked and healthy lineup preparing for the vaunted different, but the champion Gary Ernst. To add Midlands tournament Dec. attitudes of the two teams ready and waiting for the first to the Wolverines woes, remain the Big 27-28 in Evanston, 111. same. The Wolverines detest losing to the "greenies" and have registered their distaste for them whipping the Spartans the past by Smith glod a two years. I MSU heavyweight Larry Avery works on a takedown of a stubborn On the other I Avery and his oonradas will host the Un.versity of opponent during action last seaso'n. ° Spartans don't like being hand, the By MIKE LITAKER State News Sports Writer "This covers every possibility we could think Michigan at 7:30 tonight in Jenison Fieldhouse. The match of, but some people are probably going to have I will be the first of two meetings between the archrivals this pushed around by the U—M MSU Athletic Director Burt Smith has some fun trying to find a way that this could year. The Wolverines were 23-10 winners last squad. returned from the HgTfen joint committee I February before a record crowd of more than 8,000 at Jenison meeting; still come to a vote," Smith noted. Fieldhouse. Student tickets are free with an Peninger put it as only he breathing a bit easier over the fact that he will I ID card. General admission tickets are $1. Children are admitted for 50 Naming a team on the basis of the highest can. "Trouble," he not have to do any more cents. said, voting by sealed win percentage during the season raised the alluding to the Wolverine envelope. speculation that teams would begin scheduling Smith presided over a press conference in his nonconference opponents of low - grade BEGINS HOLIDAY office Thursday in which he outlined the revised Big Ten Rose Bowl selection process, caliber, while others would call for only conference games on a home - and - home basis. which eliminates the athletic directors voting "With 11 - game schedules, conference power in sending a team to Pasadena for the Spartans face EMU Saturday people are asking why we play nonconference New Year's Day classic. games," Smith said. "We do this because we "I had never seen this revised process until I (MSU) can schedule teams like Miami was put on a committee last January with of Ohio and North Carolina State on a "I haven't seen Eastern Bump Elliot and Bill Orwig," Smith said. He guarantee without going to a home - and - home ^CHARLES JOHNSON yet this season, but (asst.) coach Eastern also dropped its center, include Walt Jones, C - respectively. went on to say that the new selection process schedule with them." te News Sports Writer second game of the season, as 4, and Brian Schubert, 6 - 8, at was always the Big Ten books and in fact A long and competitive on Smith cited MSU's series with Syracuse over ir barely escaping with (Dick) Versace scouted them Western Michigan trounced the forwards and Tim the athletic directors had basically been guided White, 5 holiday slate of basketball lies the past two years. The Spartans took a I icilp intact against the against Western Michigan it Wednesday night 80 - 65. by this method in the past. - 11, and Dan Hoff, 6 - 0, at ahead for Ganakas' squad, with financial beating at Syracuse last year. A crowd Kpptwas of Central Wednesday night and that MSU will probably go with guards. four games, including a trip out "The procedure was in the book, but I felt of approximately 11,000 watched the contest MSU's basketball should give us some idea of the the same starting lineup as there was a great amount of The Spartans enjoyed a to the West Coast, expected to feeling in the while this year's contest at MSU lined the I be back on the type of game they play," Monday, with guards Bill balanced scoring assault against conference to spell it out so that when the Ganakas said. prime MSU for its upcoming Orangemen's pockets to the tune of 65,000 i again this Saturday Glover and Benny White, Central, with White's 18 points teams go into the final week of the season "All I know is that they Big Ten campaign. they paying customers. it the Eastern Michigan forwards Cedric Milton and know what they have to do to go to the Rose Smith also revealed leading the way. Four other After Eastern, the Spartans thatrepresentativesfrom u it Jenison Fieldhouse. have (Bob) Riddle, a 6-9 Terry Furlow and center players finished in double will play Western Michigan at Bowl," Smith continued. the Big Ten, PAC Eight and the Rose Bowl i Spartans, who came center who was a standout at Lindsay Hairston as the In drawing the method of selection from the figures with Hairston and home Dec. 14 and Northern Committee will hold a special meeting between kr from their season opener Lansing Sexton," Ganakas quintet. Furlow dropping in 16 apiece, Pacific Eight Conference (PAC Eight) bowl Christmas and New Year's to decide whether or it CMU with an 82 The probable Michigan on the road Dec. 16. k Monday, will face Eastern - 78 - addef starters for followed by Glover and Pete MSU will then travel to San selection process, the Big Ten arrived at a series not more than one team from each conference Rid(* academic apparel for fall term Office of Acadamc Affairs. ' nencan Friends of Th* Htbrtw Unmrsity. Bast 69 St. Naw York, N. Y. 10021. (212) 9888400 commencement. Apparel may be picked up on the fourth floor of the Union Bldg. (Room 45) For information, Call 355 - 3498. What Lansing Ski Club CartifM Instructors Ski 2 Double Lifts 1 Poma 2 JOIN r v \y| ' I VIS; s INI LANSING SKI CLUB § VARSITY INN I FN THE 1914-75 : $ i t%\M feS/ ~ Happy Hours 2-5 | SKI SEASON WITH A f I STUDENT SEASON PASS j Mon.-Fri. * COST - *40 0 GOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY ? j and never slops? ALL DRINKS Vs off! | UNTIL 6 P.M. Footlong Coney Dogs 50c 1 FOR DUE INFORMATION i RECORDS &TAPES I CALL: 351-0710 OR WRITE The Christmas gift that l BOX 1314 E. LANSING Makes it for everyone. , } Aiwtduioo qno PIS •«!**»! PIS ■•WW *ou$ moimnwi 16 Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Friday, December 6,|i) J Spartan icers take By STEVE STEIN Besides being top teams in their respective leagues, the boasts two of last year's top goal scorers at their positions in the State Newt Sports Writer Spartans and the Falcons have both been ranked among the country. A lot of prestige will be on the line this weekend at the Munn nation's top 10 squads thir*Mk by the Hancock, Mich, radio Center Bob Dobek, who has picked up eight goals and 17 Ice Arena when MSU and Bowling Green get together for a two - station poll. assists this season to lead the Falcon attack, had 44 tallies last game series. MSU is currently ranked No. 4. Bowling Green occupies the year, one better than the nation's leading total scorer. Spartan MSU, a member of the Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. No. 9 slot. center Steve Co!p. (WCHA), and the Falcons, who belong to the Central Collegiate Coach Ron Mason's team lost its opening two contests to Right Winger Doug Ross had 31 goals last year and is Bowling Hockey Assn., will meet Saturday night beginning at 7:30 p.m. Notre Dame this year, but since then has reeled off seven straight Green's No. 2 scorer this season. and then again Sunday afternoon in a matinee clash, with faceoff victories. The Spartans, going into the weekend series, are 7 - 4 -1 Ross should present a familiar face to Spartan hockey fans. His time slated for 2:30 p.m. overall and 6 - 3 • 1 in the WCHA. brother, Tom, who finished second in overall scoring last season "It's a prestige series because representatives of the two Like MSU, Bowling Green is one of the top offensive teams in between Colp and Dobek, is MSU's top scorer this year, with 13 leagues are meeting each other," Spartan coach Amo Bessone the country. The high - scoring Ross brothers will goals and 16 assists. be in action I said. Bowling Green's first line, which scored 198 points last Michigan will come to Munn Arena for a WCHA game Dec. 13 this weekend at Munn Ice Arena season. and the two teams will play in Ann Arbor the next night, when MSU Bowling Green meet in a two • game series an! I highlighting MSU's winter break schedule. left, a Bowling Green senior, and Tom Douo I right I'l MSU tankers splash into action The Spartans will visit Minnesota - Duluth Dec. 20 and 21 and will not return to action until Jan. 3 and 4, when they face North Dakota on the road. MSU junior, were two of the scorers last year. nation's leading I They hail from Dearborn The MSU men's swimming team will splash into its season Paul Fetters, both seniors, were chosen as cocaptains. Hall is a opener against Eastern Michigan at 7:30 p.m. today in the Men's freestyler and Fetters, the coach's son, is a freestyler and Intramural Building pool. backstroker. "We will definitely be better this year," swimming coach Dick Junior Ken Holmes and freshman Barry Griffiths are expected Fetters said. "Our sprints will still be strong and many of the gaps to lead the team's breaststrokers. we've had are being filled by promising freshmen." John Apsley should boost the team in the butterfly events. He Last year MSU went 7 • 4 in dual meets and finished sixth in is a freshman from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. and won All - American the Big Ten. Indiana won the conference title last season, and will honors in high school. In the backstroke and individual medley be strong again this year, according to Fetters. events, sophomore Mark Outwater and freshman Mike Rado, The Spartans have beaten EMU in eight of their last nine both state champions in high school, should provide strength. meetings. The two schools met as early as 1924, when MSU edged the Hurons, 38 • 30. In the sprints, junior Bruce Wright, along with junior Glen Last year MSU started its season with a victory over EMU, Disoway, are the team's top swimmers. defeating the Hurons 72 - 41 in Ypsilanti. Diving coach John Narcv expects his young divers to improve The Spartan team selected captains Wednesday. Bill Hall and greatly this year. Nikon /NEW YEAR S * Sale! GELEBRATI0N Nikon F2 celebrating from 8pm to 4 am BODY ONLY ticket price includes: $599.50 $MQ50 TTU access to both IeveIs Nikkormat FTN NIKON LENSES SpliT of chAMpACjNE liVE ENTERTAiNMENT ( 50mm Auto-Nikkor f2 lens Professional black finish */7Q SPECIAL pARTy fAVORS List £399 50 L' * Prices in Effect J SMACKS Nikkormat EL Body Only the "automatic" Thru Tues. buffET STylfe bREAkfAST (jSJNjj from Nikon List $460.00 W 12-10-74 • TICKETS GO ON SALE DECEMBER 11 1ASC0 8 x 30 WIDE ANGLE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ROYAL 12 in. ELECTRIC BINOCULAR CALCULATOR ind. case & batteries PORTABLE TYPEWRITER With case List S69.95 $39" Price Break! * *3799 List $139.95 *89" The 600 series cassette decks. Performance backed PIONEER - AUDIO GlENBURN by a Specification Guarantee. Technics new cassette decks have a lot going for them. Dolby ™ virtually eliminates noise and tape hiss. HPF ™ heads reduce wear and ensure better fidelity. But the big news is that these two decks carry a full sensitive AM-FM stereo receiver wltft34 specification guarantee. watts of R.M.5. power matched with a pair of Audio II 10" 3-way speakers, a high performance bookshelf loudspeaker system m pioneer' designed to supply a unique level of musical satisfaction. Completing this system is the CT-3131A Stereo Glenburn 2155A automatic record changer with heavy duty four pole motor, Shure Cassette Deck M75E cartridge wood base and dust cover. *399 *139. The Technics RS676US brings degree of For music enthusiasts a working on a more sophistication to the cassette medium not limited FINE 14 kt Gold believed possible last year. Frequency budget or their main source, who will not be using tape as Technics offers the response, noise and distortion rank right along exceptional model RS610US. This is DIAMONDS Rings with you can some of the finest reel to reel tape-decks buy. Stereo Review raved over the undoubtedly the best value ever to be marketed in the tape recording field. Very RS676. When you hear it you'll know why. close to the larger 676 in audible performance. come & see these plus many, many more styles of engagement & weddding rings. Features include: Pushbutton solenoid control, The 610 features: Front controls for easy Dolby FM input/output, Mic/Line mixing, placement, Master volume and balance Peak/average reading meters. controls, large VU meters. « t>v All in All a bargain at $459.95 complete with An unbeatable value. Only $249.95 Complete our tape discount plan and 5 year warranty with our unique tape discount plan and full 5 policy. year warranty policy. $559.50 1/3 ct. diamond ring $279.50 $960. 1/2 ct. diamond ring $480. AND REMEMBER, THE SPECIFICATIONS ARE GUARANTEED OPEN SUNDAYS thru xmas $377. V* ct. diamond ring $186.50 $149.50 Ladies wedding ring $74.75 $93.14ct. wedding ring $46.50 12 to 6PM $159. Mens Wedding ring $79.50 245 ANN ST Store Hours: FREE E LANSING Weekdays 9:30 to 9 p.m. Sat. 9:30 to 6 p.m. Sun. 12 to 6, p.m. LEONARD Wholesale Distributors Adjacent Ramp Parking _309_N:_W«shinflton Ave. Leonard Downtown Plaza Evenings, Sat. Sun. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, December 6, 1974 17 Publication for Winter Terms begins January 6th. Ace Those Finals and Enjoy the Holiday Break!! I ***](>] FRANKLY SPEAKING. .by Phil frank MG MIDGET 1971. Mint . . | ||»| [ Ws «Mrlae.ts $ condition. $1800 or bait offer SNOW TIRES. Studded radial. May be wn at Al Toyot8 rims, good Edwards condition, NEAR BARS, ttorea, but, MSU. Lincoln Ken, 351-8660. 2-12-6 STUDENTS WELCOME. 2 and 3 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, Jolly - Mercury, Monday • Sublet winter, girl, $66. bedroom Friday, 8-5 pm. Ajk for Bill. 332-0066. 5-12-6 apartmentt in and Logan area, full baaement, yard, TWO F-14 General around Laming. $70 per carpeted, $180/month plus PHONE 355-8255 itudded mow I 347 Student Service* Bldg. 112-6 5 Pm Ca" 489-4123 tiraa. Call John, 351-5539 MALE ROOMMATE duplex, Beal bedroom, all utilities paid. Pets allowed. Call 371-4158. 4-12-6 utilities. Security deposit 485-2281.3-12-6 Street, fireplace, graduate required. 372-8073. After 6, •AUTOMOTIVE OLDS CUTLASS atudart or profeaaional 669-3090. 5-12-6 Supreme 1973. Scooters & Cycles 18,000 miles. Mint condition! $3000. Phona 337-1064. MASON BODY SHOP. 812 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Eait preferred. 2-12-6 $100, 361-8387. f Keep WARM This Winter! \ NEED ONE man winter. Own Parts & Service 3-12-6 room. $66/month. Free utilities. Complete auto painting and FEMALE FOR 882-1671.5-12-6 [ Aviation OLDS VISTA Cruiser collision service. American and large furniahed • employment top condition, Wagon 1970, Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-5-12-6 . 2-perton, ideal location, BURCHAM power steering 337-1100.2-12-6 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE north, .for rent brakes. Snow tires. $1476 bait offer. 361-7123 or SNOW TIRES. (Vagal Pirelli radial GIRL NEEDED WOODS furnished 1 bedroom, carpeted, I Apartments or tubeless 185SR13. Call to sublease basement use, utilities paid, 349-2021, after 6 pm, weekends Donna, winter/apring. 731 Burcham. Houses 212-6 351-0533. 3-12-6 Due to recent garage, $160/month plus 361-8161.4-12-6 some deposit. Phone 627-5454. 2-12-6 Rooms PINTO dropouts we now .FOR SALE tiraa, 1971, Arizona stereo 487-1508. 5-12-6 - car. New FM tape deck. [ Aviation J[>(] FEMALE NEEDED, winter Eden Roc, dose to campus. Cell have comfortable PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North, furnished, 1 bedroom, Animals 361-1877.6-12-6 and spacious 1 bedroom utilities paid, available January Mobile Homes SPECIAL LUSCOMBE rate. $9.99 PEUGEOT 1972, 504 furnished apartments available 1, $145/month plus deposit. Wagon. per hour November 30 through SPACIOUS TWO bedroom • LOST & FOUND 24,000 milaa. 27 mpg. Mint. December 8. Try it, you'll lika Winter term Phone 627-5454. 2-12-6 apertment. Ten minutes from .PERSONAL $2495. 353-8730 or 351-6757 it. FRANK'S FLYING welcome id livestock: management campua. Furniahed • ideal for $175 per month PERSON TO share apartment with .PEANUTS PERSONAL SERVICE, Jewett Airport. 3iq two or three peraona. Pett and Utilities included male, own room, $87.50 .REAL ESTATE PINTO • 1972. Runabout. 25,000 676-4860.6-12-6 future "Swine connoisseurs hee.. children welcome I Eight or induding utilities. Prefer grad twelve month lease. Good deal 745 Burcham Drive milaa. Gold, automatic, radio student. No lease. 485-5713 .RECREATION HEE...HEE*. GET ITV et $200. Call 339-2715. 1-12-6 I. SERVICE Instruction $1550. 351-0832. 5-12-6 PLYMOUTH FURY I 1970. [ taployieit ][jj COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA.94709 GIRL NEEDED, 4 person Cedar 351-3118 or 484-4014j after 5pm. Across Wheels Toyota. 2-12-6 Excellent condition. $650 or Villege epertment, winter term,. WINTER TERM. One male needed ONE MALE wanted. Americana Typing Service bait offer. Must sail. 351-6418 $65. 332-2106.1-12-6 to share townhouse. Free apartment. Winter/spring. .TRANSPORTATION •WANTED 4-12-6 WANTED: STUDENT at part t [ EaiUfflst llffl I tprlawls ||j>] SINGLE, TWO roomi, privete laundry, tauna, indoor - outdoor pool. $90/month. 393-5631. 337-9524. Hi Lee. 2-12-6 PLYMOUTH thower and entrance, perking. FURY III, 1967. 3-12-6 ONE MALE for Cedar Village | .CAR POOL Automatic, full power, radio. typist, 20 hours a week, winter/spring terms. Part time UNLIMITEO SALES OPPORTUNI1 If You're a better perton than tha GIRL NEEDED For winter/flying 351-6313. B-1-12-6 apartment. Sublease Runs well. Must sell. Offers? term. Eden NEAR POTTERS Winter/tpring. 351-3834 2-12-6 Christmas break if possible. Must Roc. Cindy, Park. $85 . "RATES** 351-0397.1-12-6 job you're now in, we'd like to RIVERS EDGE, femele for Includet be able to learn technical 361-9553.4-12-6 utilities. 489-6991 after 10 word minimum typing. talk to you. Commitaiona. Call winter/apring, convenient, 5:30 pm. 3-12-6 ONE GIRL to sublease winter, PONTIAC GTO 1968 Ring McManus, 353-5970 or Josephine Starkweather at furniahed, rent negotiable, Americana apartments, rent 44,000 WINTER SUBLEASE, girl needed, 351-8646 (eveningi). 1-12-6 . 694-3935. In vet tort Diversified 337-9283 eveingt. BL-1-12-6 NO DAYS milei. Good condition. 2 man, rent negotiable. Cloae. SUBLET,, winter quarter. 2 negotiable, 332-4161. 2-12-6 IDS Automatic, Servicea. 8-12-6 power steering, MARRIED COUPLE 361-6968.4-12-6 bedroom, furnithed. power brakes. 355-2901. 2-12-6 needed to STUDENTS $175/month. Couple or grads 1 3 5 10 tupervise a group of mentally retarded adults. REGISTERED NURSES EAST LANSING - one perton to FACULTY, STAFF preferred. Weekday afternoons, 731 BURCHAM, one man for three HONDA 600 Sedan 1972, excellent Rewarding CRITICAL CARE UNITS share furnished 2 bedroom. 351-8413. 3-12-6 - man, furnithed, walk to work. Room and board provided condition. Call after 5. CCU - ICU including Pott operative Winter and *>ring termt. $100. 3 bedroom, 1% bath campus. $76.66. 351-8987. plus salary. Call Irma Zuckerberg 361-2429. 2-12-6 cerdio vascular Quiet comfortable, 337-7438, unfurnished apt's MSU NEAR 2-12-6 at 487-6500.1-12-6 surgery. Attractive, Experienced preferred, needed in e 363-7733. Or Keith, 363-4686. unfurnished 1 bedroom, $167. 2x4 bed acuta care progreative TWO FEMALES needed for $75. 1954 PLYMOUTH 3 speed 4-12-6 351-9349 after 5.3-12-6 from i n overdrive. Heater, radio, good DOOLEY'S POSITIONS available. Apply in person between 2 pm hoapital. Excellent orientation to both hotpital and unit No ihift NEED '215 per month HIP TOWNHOUSE. Female w tar/spring Twyckingham, $70. 351-9108. terms. gai. Call Barb, 332-3574. 2-12-6 FEMALE, one bedroom, - own and 6 pm. 131 Albert Street. rotation. Tuition reimburtement (IncSudet eat heat a water) 1-12-6 two perton. $85. Neer campui room. Super location, friendly 2-12-6 orogram comprahanaive, benefit 351-8214. 4-12-6 roommalBS. $90. Pam, TRIUMPH 1973, GT-6, low oackage, opportunity for Call 489-5374. 3-12-6 GIRL NEEDED to fill beautiful mileage, 23 mpg, AM/FM. BABYSITTER WINTER 4-woman 394-1755 eveningi. 5-12 8 term, advancement, apply INGHAM SUBLEASE APARTMENT winter - knob hill apartment, ■1 P.M. one class- Tuesday and Thursday MEDICAL CENTER, 401 Weat spring terms. One - half block OWN ROOM winter/tpring. University day mornings, in home on North Greenlawn, Laming, 48910. Phone from campui. 361-0971. 3-12-6 apartments in two man Terrace. 351-4895. 1-12-6 Kfore publication. TRIUMPH TR-6, 1970. Good apartment. $105 month. Grad, Harrison. Bus route. Top pay for 371-2121, extention 249. 6-12-6 349-4700 senior preferred. 332-0271 after condition, good mileage, mutt ONE MALE tublease right person. 361-5663. 2-12-6 ONE MALE to there 4 bedroom 8 pm 4-12-6 winter/spring. tell. 332-1263 after 3 pm. 1-12-6 Community atmosphere [ Peanuts Personal ads PINBALL SERVICEMAN needed. DESK CLERK needed. Mutt have i 3 othera. Cloae 5 miles from campus Own Apartments. room winter. Chalet must be traniportation and be willing to <80. 332-0079. WILLIAMSTON: $78. 351-1173. pre-paid. TOYOTA, 1971. Good condition. cempua. % mile north of Jolly Road FURNISHED Inquier at FIREBALL travel. Call 372-0567 or 3-12-6 1-12-6 $750. Aik for Bob. 337-1767. apartment. Clean,' Lady or ARCADE, 227 Ann Street, Eatt 489-1215 between 12-6 pm. gentleman. No pets, children. incellations/Corrections After 6 pm, 655-3656. 3-12-6 Lansing. 2-12-6 0-6-12-6 CEDAR GREENS ONE GIRL needed to sublet winter epertmenta, $100/month. $50 deposit, [• 12 noon one class day TOYOTA 1973 Corolla. Law than MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST MODELS FOR photography. Call adjacent to MSU. One bedroom, furniahed. $166 ONE 665-3720 or 655-1177 4-12-6 . term only. Cedar 351-0144. 1-12-6 Village. [before publications. - - STW. BEDROOM, Furnithed, 6,000 milei. Like new. $1900. dicataphone. Opening a medical TWO GIRLS needed, winter and between 10 am and 6 pm. 351-8631.3-12-6 $150/month includet utilities, Call 363-3699. 2-12-6 records department. Full time EAST LANSING, Horizon House 'The 489-1215. 0-6-12-6 Okemoi, 349-9607, 349-2343. spring, Cedar Village. Parking. State News will be permanent day position. Must be Apartments. Luxury one MALE NEEDED apring term. Ceder 1-12-6 337-9541.6-12-6 TOYOTA CORONA Mark II (responsible only for the 1971, air conditioned, • experienced, good salary and BICYCLE STORE manager. Long Village, $75/month. 337-9667. bedroom, carport, security locks, drapes and carpeting. No first fringe benefits. Congenial work term arrangement. Experience 3-12-6 NEW FURNISHED apartment. 1 day's incorrect automatic, $1400. 351-4654. pets. 349-2094.1-12-6 atmosphere. Apply personnel necattary. 351-7240. 8-12i6 block from campui, 234 Center insertion 3-12-6 department. INGHAM Street, contemporary living at its MEDICAL CENTER, 401 West NURSING - IN aervice inatructor. TWO BEDROOM, FURNISHED e due 7 day* from VEGA GT. FM stereo, tape custom Greenlawn, Lansing 48910. Bachelor's degree preferred, CAMPUS HILL bett, efficiency end 2 bedroom uniti, 1 end 2 per tons, $150 - 332-6731.2-12-6 apartment. Five block! from I the ad expiration date. If interior, plus extras. Great Phone 371-2121, extension 249. experience helpful, but not $210. Occupency epproximetely MALE ROOMMATE needed. campus, sublease winter aijd condition. 332-3609. 1-12-6 I not Mid I $.50 lata by tha due data, a 2-12-6 required. Good fringe benefits and salary. Contact peraonnel APARTMENTS February 1.351-6088.1-12-6 Campus Hill apartments. $90/month. 349-2827. 2-12-6 spring. 351-3188. 1-12-6 service charge will VOLKSWAGEN 1971. Runs good. PART-TIME Dishwasher. department, Ingham Medical ONE FEMALE to sublease winter IV be due. WOMAN TO lhare one bedroom Muat aell. $1,000. Call Weekends, muat be Center, 401 West Greenlawn, apartment. One block from GIRL NEEDED to sublease winter, only. Beech wood. $61/month. 521-3298, after 5 pm. 3-12-6 neat/dependable. SEA HAWK Lanaing. Phone 371-2121, Furnished apartments Waters Edge. $82.50/month. 332-5657. 1-12-6 campui. $82.50 per month. Cell RESTAURANT. 65B-2175 for 249.7-12-6 337-7555. 2-12-6 [ Automotive JQ VW 1969. Radio, aun roof, excellent condition. $1200. Call appointment. 3-12-6 POSITIONS OPEN, in available for 332-4367.1-12-6 SUBLEASE OWN room nice NEED TWO men. One winter - NEED term. FEMALE starting winter New mobile home with 363-9116, 332-1731. 3-12-6 end induatrial sales - in immediate occupancy private bedroom and H or PIANO TEACHER for piano epertment, 1 block, $95. spring. ($75) one winter only b?*1- 1969 Excellent condition, technical/engineering disciplines, ($65). Can occupy over break. Phone 484-6416. 1-12-6 studio. Own transportation. Call 332-4748 or 361-6630. 1-12-6 I rebuild, repainted. Must tee and in data processing. Call Close. 351-5407.2-12-6 VW, SUPER bug, 1971, with brown 669-3309. 3-12-6 or I *85-380 7. M2-6 MANAGEMENT FRANDOR LARGE attractive 1 engine. No rust.1 $600. ONE GIRL; campui near. 227 - RECRUITERS, 694-1153. No bedroom furnished, $150. PEW VAN, 1974. 12,000 milaa. 489-0328.1-12-6 ORGANIST • LUTHERAN Church, fee and no contract to aign. beginning Winter term. Bogue, to lhare imall one AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, one 4 milei from campui. One bedroom furnithed apertment. girl, Cedar Village til June. Laundry, bus, shopping. No car 8-12-6 332-3064 or 351-5491 after 5 required. Phone Westphalia (1) VOLKSWAGEN, 1971, Su|»r Sunday off per month. $67.60. Phone 489-5922, 349-9609 or 349-0620. 3-12-6 Call 349-3530 361-8676.1-12-6 pm. Susan. 2-12-6 587-6680 collect. 1-12-6 Beetle, sunroof, AM-FM redio, ARE YOU looking for more CHEVROLET 1968. 4 door Belair. $1650. Evenings, 351-7328. BABYSITTER WEEKDAY opportunity to uae your skills? ONE GIRL to there, furnithed, EAST SIDE - efficiency. Carpeted, ONE MAN needed for cloae I "I V-8, auto Deys, 373-3737, 3-12-6 - Roommate service tranamiaaion, air morningi, 1 child. My home. 2 Positions now open for utilitiea paid, kitchen, on bus line to LCC or MSU. convenient two - man. $90 per I ^i'ioning, good condition. milei touth of Spartan Village. executive secretariea, secretaries, waaler-dryer, perking. Utilities paid. Deposit asked. month. Call 332-3984 after 5. VOLVO, 1967. P1800 S, radiela, 141^6°*" 351 3970 ,f,#r5p,T1- overdrive, 25 mpg. $1550 - best offer. 361-2148. 3-12-6 Own traniportation. $25/week. 393-7906. 5-12-6 bookkeepers, end receptionists. Experience a muat. Don't put it DELUXE 3 bedroom in Okemot. Include* 2 full batha, air $90/month. 489-7706.1-12-6 372-6043 or 393-5521. 2-12-6 3-12-6 off any longer. Call Linda at conditioning, carport. No WANTED: ONE peraon to ahare EAST LANSING, Abbott and STUDIO APARTMENT available llJ - CHEVY, 9 paaaangar 1 Townsman Station ROOM AND board in exchange for OFFICEM'ATES. 694-1163. children or pets. $260. Phone apartment with two male Northlawn. Furnished winter term. One or two man. I Excellent I «#«. Priced condition, to aell. Wagon. many 393-7020. □*» ]® non technical maintenance. I.E. wathing windows, wallt, raka 8-12-6 __ SALES POSITIONS 332-0111 weekendt et or eveninga end 332-3202. 13-12-6 itudenta. room. $70. Depoait. 484-3641. 3-12-6 Own efficiencies for $125. 489-4623. 2-12-6 one person. Directly across from campui. $175. 351-3034. 3-12-6 1H2-6 leavet, etc. 371-3431.2-12-6 BE HOME EVERY NIGHT SUBLEASE 3 n YAMAHA, TRIUMPH BMW ROOMMATE WANTED in Ven motorcycles. Parts, accessories, WANTED: FULL time girl for Arrange financial programs for Winter term. Cloee to cempua. Hueaon Hall, starting winter JNEVROLET PICK UP 1968. individuals and butinett Call 351-8486. 3-12-6 term. 356-1663. 3-12-6 service. SHEP'S MOTOR office. Apply Monday and - ■ c»"iper shall, 4 organization* Will train for apeed, 6 SPORTS, INC. 694-6621. Tuesday at 2116 Mint Road, ■ 'V'inder. $600. Call Dave, C-6-12-6 Lansing. 372-6323.6-12-6 highly lucrative, 1;'51-8081,6-8 pm. 3-12-6 experience detirable. Call PUBLIC ACCOUN HONDA 1971 • 350 cc. Electric STUDENT WIVES. Teacher needt Jotepfine Starkweather, late 1972, 27,300 ■™*», rally wheel., 360 ttart. Good condition. $500. babyiitter beginning January for 694-3935. Inveitort Diversified CAREER CONFE cc. 3 on 372-3275.5-12-6 1 year old boy. My home. Servicet. 8-12-6 ■ „°°r' "ereo-tapa, mow tiraa, Okemos. 349-0964.4-12-6 Source Finence (e national recruiting firm ipecielizlng in Financial I TlliV2175 ] To register for the Conference cell Bob Luter (formerly Peraonnel Manager of Cooper* and Lybrand in Detroit) or Howard Smell, Maitercharoe and Bank ltttm i?' 8 cvlindtr' radials. Americard. C-5-12-6 all three shifts. Housewives and CPA, collect at |W.393-13 1 4. \.\2-6 college students help with the CEDAR VILLAGE - 1 or 2 men. Winter / ipring. $76/month. (313) 362-8860 If unable to call. fiH out tha attached coupon budget. Class starts December and mail to: 16. Good pay, luncheon and 351-9266. 7-12-6 parking. Transportation is a SOURCE FINANCE y*su" «°r b€,t °,,,r- muat. INGHAM COUNTY GIRL NEEDED, winter and ipring. 26656 Evergreen Suite 205 MEDICAL CARE FACILITY, . Cedar Villege, $80/month. 3882 Dobie Roed, Okemoa 337-1209. B-12-6 SouthfMd, Michifan 48076 fclRLuNE ■^ Has t0 1964' E*""*n~t 90' 356-2762. Michigen. Phone 349-1060. 3-12-6 FEMALE FOR.2 perton, furnithed, BODY REPAIR. Quality, reduced , Apartments ¥ ApartiMts ^ Apartments V Houses £ Noises tt "w»s |>j j F« Sale j for s,|, ^ SUBLEASE JANUARY • June. MALE NEEDED to sublease Cedar ONE GIRL needed for ROOM IN comfortable farmhouse ANTIQUES EAST LANSING ■ 1166 Lilac, 3 MALE STUDENT needed for 3 Unfurnished, one bedroom, Village Winter/spring. $80. winter/spring in Cedar Village bedroom, family room, bedroom completely furnished near Abbott Road bus line. 10% Discount with this adt Deluxe SG ^ Cepitol Villa, $160/month. 351-3252. -12-6 4-person apartment. Call carpeted. Phone 332-0965. house. 8451 Saginaw. $60 $67/month plus utilities. $100 Interesting and unusual stuff, lots much 337-9549. 2-12-6 more u. ' ,0||W 12-15. Call TW YC K INGHAM 4-men, 2 332-3680. 3-12-6 5-12-6 excluding 3-12-6 utilities. 339-2889. deposit. Aveilable 332-0386. 2-12-6 of Items under $10 for imaginative gift givers. Open Tuesday - Sunday, thaynor P.'X'"" • 4th WOMAN $75/month. for Cell duplex. 351-3620 bedroom furnished. FOUR ROOM apartment. Couples EAST LANSING. 2 bedroom GIRLS CLEAN dorm sleeping, 11 a,m. • 6:30 p.m. 4245 S. -P.. •mps, a dozen USr0P,&B USED usedbe-*0*" | $290/month. Utilities paid. only. No pets. $135 plus duplex. $175 plus utilities. Call LARGE HOUSE neer L.C.C. Okemos. 349-4648. 7-12-6 around dinnertime. 2-12-6 Immediate occupancy. deposit. 489-6222. 4-12-6 Furnished, fireplace. rooms, nutritious food in refined mastertone de|UXt, 2 ™ ,,rin9 banjos. 50 351-7166,487-5696.8-12-6 Reasonable. 351-4140 and surroundings. Welking distance HERMES MEDIA three menual guitars. a RESPONSIBLE man needed. No Drum »R, ONE GIRL needed winter term. 655-2603. 3-12-6 from campus. Call 337-0719. typewriter. May be seen at 410 flutes, vjxes, , lease, no deposit. All utilities MALE NEEDED winter Burcham Woods. $61. 337-0978. CLOSE, GRAD or professional to 2-12-6 Albert No. 2. 1-12-6 ' free. 351-9346 - - spring. clarinets, etc. WILCOx mIic.J evenings. 2-12-6 3-12-€ share house. $90. After 6, TWO BEDROOM furnished, 5M Twyckingham. Share bedroom. Eas, Michigan 487-5028. 2-12-6 rec-room with wet bar. $160 WOMAN. FURNISHEO, large room STEREO COMPONENTS P.oneer Lan $70/month. 351-1827. 2-12-6 485-4391. C-5-12-6 ' LUXURY TOWN Houses, families NEEDED ONE girl in home. Private bathroom, winter/spring, /month plus utilities. 1026 38 watts/channel RMS, Dual preferred. Full basement, all DUPLEX EAST kitchen privileges, parking, near TWO NON-Smoking females Capitol Villa. $65/month. Lansing - 3 Smith Street, near Logan. turntable, large Advents, $495, appliances, including dishwasher and dryer. Bath - H. $225 a needed winter - spring 332-8912. 2-12-6 bedroom, carpeted, stove, SAMRA REALTY, 351-2442. bus, rent negotiable. 351-6037 after 12 noon. 2-12-6 AKAI Autoreverse reel to reel. HOUSEHOLD SALE' So^"J Twyckingham. 351-9108, after refrigerator, dishwasher, 0-3-12-6 30 tapes, $265: Harmony desk, lamp,' month. Call 882-0257 T.V. stand,, 394-1614. Five minutes or from 5.2-12-6 FEMALE SUBLEASE Delta Arms. December June. $78.50. Call disposal, carport. Yearly lease and deposit. Available January HOUSE WITH 2 separate 2 SINGLE ROOMS. 2 blocks from acoustic 351-4750. 1-12-6 guitar case, $55. 'uggage, 0,her bookcase,,'Jl ""Hi campus. 2-12-6 TWO MAN apartment near campus, Deb. M. 351-7847.8-12-6 1st. No pets. 332-8760. 2-12-6 bedroom units. Spotlessly clean. campus. parking, Paneled, carpeted, laundry and cooking items. ED2-4645. 3 12? $180 includes utilities. 133 $150/month plus utilities. 119 FEMALE Haslett NEEDED. Arms. Close. Winter. Share Durand, No. 7. 2-12-6 FIVE MINUTES apartment. to MSUI Luxury Starting $170. Phone LARGE ROOM, clean house, no utilities. Charles* and Linden. Wast Oakland. REALTY, 361-2442. 3-12-6 SAMRA facilities. Utilities paid. $225 per term. Call 337-2417. 2 1 2-6 Beautiful Plastic Tubing Material SKIS, brings: Blizzard, Look, K2. Roi^| Bsssir $80.75. 351-2312. 2-12-6 chaap. room. SPACIOUS FURNISHED, vacant. 487-9085,393-0720. 5-12-6 351-1097. 2-12-6 FURNISHED FLOOR in MSU WEST, excellent location. Available for ca ' &>dy F0r at more jnf#J Can share. $160 plus. Car semi - 351-0398 TWO GIRLS to sublease winter, LARGE ATTIC, two persons. $80 Clean. Linens. Telephone. Bong Pipes « necessary. 351-3809. 2-12-6 WATERS EDGE, 4-women, girl country house. Okemos. Couple spring. $70. Close to campus. needed, winter /spring. Call each, two blocks campus. upstairs, excellent for animals, Parking. A real deall 351-3212 351-9279, eveings. 4-12-6 332-4938. 3-12-6 after 7 pm. 2-12-6 GRAD to share two bedroom 351-2583. 5-12-6 no lease. $100, utilities. duplex. Male. Furnished, utilities 349-3792. 3-12-6 EASTERN HIGH near large one IMMEDIATE NEED TWO quiet people for house CLEAN. FURNISHED. Kitchen Make Your Own! Board Flea OWN Dece^l - paid. Fireplace. $100/month room in two Market bedroom, living room, dining bedroom, block from campus. near campus. No cars. 351-3322 SHARE HOUSE Close. Own privileges, parking. Gunson. room, appliances, first floor. plus deposit. Close to MSU. after 5 pm. 3-12-6 room. Utilities paid. $80. 351-1356. - 372-7177 l_and 8th. 4-12-6 " Randy, 487-8299 after 5:30 pm. $95. 332-0441 or 351-0578. $75 per month plus utilities. $135. Plus electric. Phone 2-12-6 5-12-6 351-7989 after 6. 3-12-6 4-12-6 OVER 25 years experience KNE.SSL RED Star's Sla,^ 694-0350 after 4 pm. 4-12-6 OWN ROOM in house. Close to cm Marker WOMAN NEEDED. Own bedroom. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 bindings. ExcelkJ ONE FEMALE needed, winter - OWN ROOM, male,$95, lease, campus. $45/month. 351-3230. EAST LANSING, girl to share ' condition. $95 ^ 3-12-6 House, close, furnished, East Miftigan, Lansing. 3-12-6 FEMALE NEEDED. Apartment, spring, Riverside apartments, deposit, carpeted, clean, close. beautiful home with mother and fireplace. $75. 351-6463. 5-12-6 C-6-12-6 close, $75/month. Call close. $68. 332-2784.2-12-6 337-0110. 5-12-6 7 year old. Phone 332-0981. ROOM IN house, across from 8-12-6 SUEDE AND curly 332-5832, after 7 pm. 4-12-6 lambcoatfj Berkey, winter term. Call JOIN THE CO-OPI Openings now Afghanistan. Hood, „ EAST LANSING, 1706 Cambria • 2 THREE OR 4, large 3 bedroom ONE two BLOCK to campus. One or females. Winter - spring. bedroom townhouse, fireplace, 332-2390. 3-12-6 SHARE HOUSE $58 plus. Inquire for winter term at Bogue Street 10% DISCOUNT embroidery, generous size r Co-Op and other houses. Call $95. 332-3398. mobile home. Close, super $72.50. 332-2395. 2-12-6 $260. 351-2161, one bedroom COUPLE OR individuals wanted to 622 Leslie, Lansing. Quiet. 351-8660 or stop in at 207 to all MSU 3.1^1 cheap. 351-0174. 4-12-6 apartment $175. 337-2217. Non-smoker. 1-12-6 TWO TWO BEDROOM, furnished, 5-12-6 share house near LCC. $46 single, $50 double. 351-0997, Bogue Street or call 355-8313, 311B Student Services Building. students USED CANON Sekor 1000 Pel,*7^ DTL, Petri BEDROOM, 2 baths, utilities. Near Pennsylvania TWO GIRLS to sublease $ after 5. 3-12-6 January 1. Student Housing Corporation. on purchases of $2 furnished, air, close. Rent Avenue. Available December 15. RENTAL VACANCY? Your Own rooms in large house. $80 or more, yogurts 5-12-6 negotiable. 337-1800. 4-12-6 $160/month. Call between 5-7 message gets to people with and breads excluded pm. 484-0159. 2-12-6 low-cost Want Ads. Call EAST SIDE of Lansing. Three " __351^556. S-J2-6 equipment. Federal enlarger .1 ROOMMATE NEEDED for duplex $49.95. houses available December 20. FURNISHED ONE bedroom, no 355-8255 now to place your ad. NICE DUPLEX, East Lansing, own in Beniamm mirjcordl children. Heat and water NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Two Two bedrooms. Ideal for 2 or 3 room, parking. December 15th. Haslett, sauna, call own room, access to 339-2100. 2-12-6 RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 50HII turntable. Kenwoodl furnished. Lansing. References girls. Sublease apartment across FEMALE NEEDED 4 - woman. persons. 489 1949. 3-12-6 351-3227.6-12-6 KR5150 Stereo QR4500 quad receiver, Receiver.S31J required. $140 627-4864. from Williams. $78 monthly. Piano, pool, no lease, $56.25. Brookfield Plaza ARftl . CLEAN QUIET room, close. No ROOM IN house. $65/month plus 351-4952. 2-12-6 Close. 332-5345. 5-12-6 utilities. Comfortable living. 2 ADJOINING ROOMS. Near 1381 E. Grand River speakers and many more stereo swe«tl Union. $160/month. Private components, 372-4845. 2-12-6 332 6892 waterbed, ladies a... NEEDED. ONE OR 600 RIVER STREET, in Lansing bath. 428 Grove. Call Large two men 'or Waters Edge. - Dana, leather coats, ski I, 233 Delta, 3A. $81. Furnished, $75/month. Free 3 miles from campus, just off TWO 332-2373. 5-12-6 FIREPLACE WOOD. Mixed equipment, "iiJB Kalamazoo Good sized BEDROOM mobile home boat, barber Office, 353-9642. Home heat, parking. Two baths. SINGLE, MALE student: block hardwood, wall cured. Clean and 332-8861.7-12-6 furnished 1 bedroom 60'x12'. Close. , Available TWO BEDROOM. Close. Carpeted. merchandise guaranteed 332-2027. Open now. 2-12-6 campus, cooking, parking. 314 dry. 4x8x18". Delivered in December 15. 361-1712. 2-12-6 Check uj ut, you will groove apartments. 6 and 9 month Furnished. Utilities paid. Rent on| Evergreen. 332-3839. 2-12-6 Lansing area. $26. Don West, our honest down to GIRL NEEDED leases accepted. $170. 485-3140. reduced. 332-1946. 4-12-6 to sublease Water's FEMALE, MODERN Apartment, 623-6332, 623 2851. 2-12-6 WOMEN, 2 women or couple to equipment prices. DICKER Edge winter/spring. $82.50. winter/spring. Very close, 10-12-6 live in large house in country TWO NICE basement rooms, DEAL SECONDHAND }| 351-1721. 4-12-6 EAST LANSING - lovely two STORE, friendly. Heather, 332-2203. $70/month. Utilities included. MCINTOSH C-26 Preamp $330. 4-12-6 FREE HEAT. East Lansing, luxury with communally oriented * bedroom duplex. Child 138 Gunson. 351-7972 after 5 Shure V-15-III cartridge $25. 1701 South Cedar. 48 7 3886!! 1 bedroom. Unfurnished, no people. Share house, welcome. $195 plus deposit and Monday and Friday til 9 BRENTWOOD APARTMENTS. pm. 2-12-6 Sony TA-1130 integrated amp pets. Leese until September. One responsibilities, and recreation. utilities. 489-2575. 4-12-6 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs Frandor near. 2 bedroom, SUBLEASE 2 person. January to $350, Benjamin Mirachord and month free rent. $160. 129 Five miles to MSU. 349-4634. 50-H-ll with Stanton 681 EE Saturday 9-6. C-5-12-6 unfurnished. Garden level. September. Block east Bogue SINGLE ROOM for man. Block Highland. 332-0976. 19-12-6 2-12-6 TWO ROOMS in 332-4277.8-12-6 house. Quiet, campus. Quiet, telephone, clean. $250, LDL 749's with stands, sunny, not too far. $7o! $350, Beanbag chair, $20. Call GIRL NEEDED winter term. 1250 OAKRIDGE, Large 1 OWN ROOM, two blocks from 485-0505.5-12-6 332-8498. 2-12-6 351-4798,485-6823. 2-12-7 FIDER BARRELS bedroom apartment in a quiet, campus. $80 plus utilities. MALE TO sublease River's Edge Beechwood apartments. Close. ROOM IN For winter/spring. Parking. $77.50. $61.25/month. 351-8973. private building. Occupancy 332-4938, call Don. 2-12-6 FREE RENT till December 15. Available friendly until east side house. STOREWIDE PRE-HOLIDAY sale! Packing and Shipping I December 1st - 1 year leases September. Barrels fnc. 332-0396. 5-12-6 2-12-6 Own room, close to campus. See ad in today's paper and stop only. From $175. 351-0866. NORTH LANSING. Share house, 487-8755.4-12-6 New duplex. 351-3829. 5-12-6 in for big savings. MARSHALL 1404 N. Larch MALE 10-12-6 $75 plus utilities. Washer/dryer, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA, ROOMMATE for QUIET, COMFORTABLE, and MUSIC. 2-12-6 482-1303 large color TV, pets welcome. Call upstairs. One bedroom. Share winter/spring term. Close, FEMALE - OWN furnished room in reasonable. Board GIRL NEEDED - Cedar Village. Cheryl, 371-4777 before 10 am at Triangle TWO !4" deluxe video tape syi utilities. $120. campus. $75. 351-0945. 2-12-6 new house. $70/month, Fraternity. Call 332-3563. VAN'S BIKE SHOP Christmas 351-7497. $78. Winter or winter/spring. or after 10:30 pm. 3-12-6 0.-5-12-6 337-2376. 5-12-6 8-12-6 special! Dawes Galaxie, Regular Package complete with ca TWO 351-3498.6-12-6 recorder, R.F. and moniter. Al ROOMMATES, Share 4 ONE FEMALE needed. Nica house. $180, now $130. 485-1963. GIRL NEfiDJEft. 4girl houst, dose. TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile person with female. Furnished. FEMALE ROOMMATE "needed 240 Oak Hill. Share room now MEN. SHARE room in clean, QuMf 2-12-6 f two video recoup » homes. $25 • $35/week. 10 Near campus. $85. 351-2354. Rates negotiable. Winter only house. Cooking, close to miscellaneous equipment, nJ 3-12-6 now through June. $70 month. through summer. $60 monthly 332-3712.6-12-6 ELECTRIC new. Call Sfel-4400, 8:30 5 30* minutes to campus. Quiet and campus. Call 351-8663 or GUITAR - 1967 Riverside. 351-3251. 5-12-6 plus utilities. Call Karen 485-8836. 2-12-6 Fender Stratocaster. Amazing weekdays. 5-12-6 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 355-4968.4-12-6 SUBLEASE 484-5315.0-5-12-6 LARGE furnished 4 Rooms condition. $275 or best offer. EAST LANSING, unfurnished, 1 man. Quiet. Next to campus. $280. 351-2354.3-12-6 Houses £ COZY DUPLEX needs girl. SPACIOUS FURNISHED basement room. Fireplace. Private Call 489-2616.4-12-6 USED camera. CANON Minox B Black TL-b 35mr bodv.| Winter/spring. $75 includes NEAR STABLES - large bedroom entrance. Bath. Olympus Zuiko 75 - bedroom, air, carpeted, available Cooking immediately. 1624 Cambria, GIRLS TO sublet spacious 4 girl OWN ROOM beautiful utilities. 351-0304. 4-12-6 in brick ranch facilities. Walk to campus. $125 BUYING zoom lens. Beseler T-35 eniargerfl - house, house, full RCA 16mm Twyckingham Plus utilities. 337-0091, after 6. movie protector .■ 337-2217.6-12-6 apartment. washer/dryer. No lease, $75 L.C.C. Near. 3 bedroom house. privileges, fireplace, dishwasher, 4 $66/month. 332-8172. 3-12-6 x-3-12-6 Used movie car 332-5263.4-12-6 Fireplace. Garage. $275. see to appreciate, available December 15. 337-0195. 7-12-6 accessories. Kodak pockttH WANT A new deluxe one bedroom 371 2400 days. 2-12-6 GIRL'S SILLING instamatic $10 Polaroids $S| apartment for $139 or a 2 CHALET APARTMENTS. Need FEMALE HOUSEMATE for CLEAN rooms, dormer - up. bedroom for $169. Located in on«-^aif' for 4 person duplex, own room, lots of living sleeping, nutritious food, refined • up. New Robyn CB se LARGE HOUSE for 4 persons. Southwest Lansing. A little drive immediately. $75/month. space. $75. 351-6828. 5-12-6 $250 surroundings. Walking distance excellent car 8 track tape playersl + utilities, near Sparrow to campus, but well worth for Debbie, 332-3634. 3-12-6 Hospital. 393-0445. 2-12-6 from campus. Call 337-0719. MM with FM stereo. Used Sony,B the rental rate. 894-8619 or NEED PERSON for 4-man. MEN FARMHOUSE Fraternity, 2-12-6 349-3144 Craig Sanyo cassette plaveal 882-6318. 2-9 pm. 3-12-6 NEEDED, ONE girl sublet winter Winter/spring terms. Close. rooms for rent, two terms only, 1S7a E. Grand River WILCOX secondhand! 5 BEDROOM HOUSE, $245 per term. Nice apartment across $80/month. 351-3061.3-12-6 no singles. Good food, fantastic OWN ROOM in exceptional house. '« mi. E. of Meridian Mall STORE. 509 East Michigan,■ month. 1539 Lyon Avenue, GIRL NEEDED to sublease Cedar from campus. $72/month. Call housemother, friendly people. 562 Stoddard. Rent negotiable. Lansing. 485-4391. C-5-12-6 337-2397. 3-12-6 NEAR CAMPUS. Lansing. 676-4186. 5-12-6 $410/term. $50 deposit. Phone FACTORY SALVAGE for sale. Greens apartments, $87.50. Call Six bedroom , 332-0558.2-12-6 Workbenches, steel barrels and HP-35 CALCULATOR, li after 6, 351-7476. 3-12-6 332-8635. BL-12-6 TWO BEDROOM apartment, 2 GIRLSI BEDROOM plus free use many other items. 882-2555. with carrying case house. Excellent location, 0-5-12-6 349-9336. 2-12-6 CLOSE, miles MSU. BOARDERS NEEDED of house available in QUIET, man to share $170/month, kitchen, parking, winter - country utilities paid. 332-3787. 3-12-6 COZY ONE bedroom house laundry. estate. Four miles from MSU apartment. $87.50. 332-2858, near 332-1918. spring. Sorority, good food, Lake 5-12 6 FIREWOOD 100% split. 4'x8'x1ily, Mon., Wed. and Fri. typings telephoto cRmpus Hockey Equipment One of the Area's Finest Sources SPORTS of Material and Information $47 E. Grand River Astrology Mysticism-Zen 337-1866 Psychology Sufism-Tarot SYCAMORE GALLERY Yogi Philosophy Gifts For The S41 E. Grand River. Downstairs 351-8171 SportsMnded Featuring Fine Arts and Original Crafts by Prominent Michigan Artists and Artisans. DICKER t *ND STORE, | Person, Hours Tuei. thru Thur*. 10a.m. ' 487-3886. op The Santa's - • 5p.m. Ipcr Sale, Now Friday and Sat. 10a.m. 9p.m. - Stumped For A t - rough December 14th!! Gift Idea? .j Sycamore Gallery | YouPlusGet Setection OGjf 516 N. Cedar Street 9th HOUSE Quality And Service ^ Mason Plaza, Mason, Mich. MAKE CHRISTMA S SHOPPING EASY!! A5M0GY SHOP way It la you may be finding It hard to give as nlca a gift as you had hoped. You cao still give a Still Wondering IMPORT Jj ' i Featuring Unique ft Unusual ZODIAC really nice gift by buying It used. What to Give ??', Complete brand pipes-tit urn • BOOKS •GIFTS DICKER ft DEAL * SECOND HAND STORE SUPPLIES name instrument cigarettes- tobaccos Vonnle Eastin - Owner has stereos, cameras, leather coats OCEANUS selection and All at The Store With The Red Door!! BEST WISHES Located in Logan Shopping Centa and equipment much, much mora. Our Is checked thoroughly, very clean and 393-3464 guaranteed. Stop In and check- accessories Block One MAC Ave *- 3324269 3222S. Logan, Lans. our merchandise out at 17Q1 South Cedar. 4S7-3886. ,H'.CuC3u."> .etJtiAjairi •GIFT CERTIFICATES Onyx and MdrbHr .Caisaaa cmasKitsTOYs CHARLOTTE'S * Herstmv^s ★ CHRISTMAS • inaa 01 T AVAILABLE WEB CHESS SETS * Creative Playthings * Fischer rL-b 35mm sitting's ALTWATER Only Exclusivity AQUARIUM Sugar House Technik * Dolls • Lege * Piaytkool • Chemistry Sets * MUSIC Black bod* 5 HOP!' Featuring Christmas Gifts of HONEY, MAPLE Games * Lionel Trains * Tonka 150 mm • rp Selection Marine life Fine Arts and Original • Fischer Price • O'riff • HO classical, standard T-35 enlarge* m all over tht wotbL Crafts by Michigan Artisans SYRUP, BEE Trains & Aecessoixs * Erector ie proiector 1SH IV VERTEBRATES ■ Tues.-Sat.: 10am-5i30pm SUPPLIES. Birthday. Sets * exfts pep & rock SHELLS. CORAL Friday: until 9pm Get - Weil and other Quality Toy Specialists Closed Mondays also LITERATURE cards. Spice Island Sundays by chance 404 E. Rockford 151 E. Orand Rlvar-Wllllamston spices and racks. THE HOBBY HUB I off Carter behind HftR 656-1102 Block) uni>ng 485-9886 Charlotte Keller...Proprietor Lorann oils and colors. CHRISTMAS GIFT BASKETS. PH. (517)351-0257 Come to 525* Curtice Rd, Mason, MIcMean One mile south of Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left Featuring. . . * on CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. - 5 Healthy Tropical & Exotic House Plants p.m. Monday - Saturday or call 882-pm. •Navajo Indian Jewelry •Indoor Landscaping •Handmade & Clay Pottery WORTH $i« Advice and Care Given for all Plants. 541 E. Grand River (downstairs) 'East Lansing, Ml. 48823 OH VOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF A LAR&E PIZZA AT THE BREWERY- SOME GIFTS ARE THIS CHRISTMAS. U? JUST TOO GOOD Enjoy Your Fireplace TO WRAP. . . with Firewood from ESPECIALLY OVR PETERSON WOOD CHIPS TROPICAL FISH! Strato fro We Have season old * 349-0687, One of the Largest Varieties of Tropical Fish in Funky Junk, Filhln's, HAPPY HOLIDAYSl this Area Frames, Okt Things, and * Low Prices Antiques. the * SCHWINN Complete Line of tiny tole house Aquariums LAY-A-WAY YOUR WILLIAM STOWN Christmas Gifts Come On Out to SCHWINN EXCHANGE FOR CHRISTMAS.'I! SEA FAN COLLEGE For Your Unusual n-5 Tim. thru Sat. 108 e. Orand River SCHWINN WIIIMmston Christmas Catch 517-655-1S34 CYCLE 735 Princeton Ave. t N. Harrison 332-4228 485-3677 GIVE A BOOK THE MOST COMPLETE GIVE A CALENDAR It's a gift that can be opened It's gift that can be PLETE SELE a more than once GIFT used everyday MSV SOUVENIRS NEED MONEY -*ell The you sell us the more used New ones ($) for your 1 your books to us. boc have for other students. old ones (books). 20Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM FROM CENTRAL UNITED THE FOLKS METHOniST CHURCH (downtown Unslnfaaress from the capital) We Invite You to share in our }ctyo\tt activities of the teuton- UNION Bum BARBER St (Carols from 9-9:30am) Family Worship 9:4$ & 11:00 £55-333 Dec. 1 - Listen! TTw Anaetsl MERRY Dec. • - Don't Miss t ha Star! Dac. 15 - Love that Omwst CHRISTMAS Dac. 22 - Christmas Music Ok. 24 — Christmas Eva Sarvlca Horn (Music, a IJ ma, lights) GIBSON'S BOOK STORE WE EXTEND from the staff at IMPORT From the staff AUTO PARTS. We sincerely wish to thank SEASON'S you for your patronage during the GREETINGS year and we hope your Holiday Season is a pleasant one. TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A friendly Hello A wish for Good Cheer PARAMOUNT A warm Merry Christmas A Happy New Year NEWS CENTER AUTO PARTS GULLIVER STATE DRUG SEASONS FROM hanging our gooch GREETINGS &WCLRY mi AAT CINttK * I j thanks you (or your\ patronage 1 MASON and | wishes you the best BODY SHOP Servicing your SEASON'S CHEER East Lansing State Bank American and Foreign HAPPY cm year 'round. 812 East Kalamazoo HOLIDAYS RANDALL HEALTH FOODS HHffi PEANUTS ! UkLi s ft PERSON HTE5NYPI And, he's relaying our message for the merriest Wishes H Students; Faculty tl We've Bi Serving s 1914 And Thanks For ROOMIES: THANKS for a great A Ma fiancee. Cindy: Joyeux Noai HAVE A Very Merry Christmas GANG - GREEN and 2NE Wilson." THE MIRACLE" has made my MERRY CHRISTMAS, Sylvia, terml Happy 21st B-day Dianel «t Bonne Anneal Nous aurons Carol, Karen, Nancy A., Nancy Happy Holidays. See ya next life a mlrecul©u*event "Mother" Your Pauia and Gall. Love, Kevin. Patronage Don't worry • you're not an old una heureuse fate ensemble. S., and Ted.-Tony. yeer, Love, CF and P6. —•— maid yetl Too bad Lynda can't MeHleurs Voeux. Paix, Ton "MERRY X-MAS8" Squeak from STATE NEWS NO.'S Throughout This make popcorn! Cleopatra - Para-Noel. your 8»od '01 friend from Have a Whoop-Owdo Holiday you're crazyl Anway, Happy Teeh. Break! A Joyous Christmas and Past Year Holidays! Love, Maggie LJ.Z.: Merry Christmas. Love will a Classic New Yaw! Luv, No. 2 last through' our cold winter, TO THE man wrtw edds thet special—.... MICHAEL OUR first Christmas of . hare or abroad. N.E.N. somethif* to my life. Merry RE Chump: Bills Unpayable many to come, love, Susan. — 1 Chrtstmas .Mark. Always Richare E. Value beyond RICHARD, NEVER forget I hate V 1 [FIRST NATIONAL HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all the guys cold stethoscopes! Lova, "The / \ /_ f A remembering end caring. Love, calculation possibilities, jdb. J Cindy. — «. 4 | BANK of East at Beta Theta Pi. Redhead." " M /"a. V / Yv XV Z""' MARI8ETHY: FOR past time, Lansing MErtRY CHRISTMS to present moments, and future KATHY J. & Cliff, Christmas and 0UR THANKS to everyone for a jr 1 Netwoman and the big Green years, I love you! you is where it's at! Your rooms. «raat fall term. See you this/"V / \ X Vy Monstar. Janie. „ BRENDON. HAVE a super We Wish for 4 Christmas! Wish I could be with friends and patm youlll Your No. 1 fan. happiest of greetings, and M SUNSHINE, HOPE your day is just like Christmas. Happy Birthday! for your friends*J 99.44%. patronage throw 5-HIGH Holmes: Happy holidays to the past year. I MERRY CHRISTMAS to Becky, From the Entire Staff at the Michigan State Newsl! . i \ ■ ■ $F.% Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigar I for Sale Friday, December 6, 1974 21 I Mobile Homes I1® Real Estate )(* Job ■ HARMONY ELECTRIC guitar, hunting hints implifl*r, 'oot twitch. R»v#rb. ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom mobile home. EAST LANSING Utmelo, 2 ch«nn#l». 351-7621. - Wardcliff immediate Furnished, pets, School. Modern three 3-12-6 occupancy. Bike to bedroom, 1% bath ranch with new all built ■ flOSSIGNOL OLYPIQUE Skit, 4126 MU" 1611 351'8141 - in kitchen, two eating areas. Finished recreation room, and offered for grads Salomon 444 bindingi. Good two car ih»pe. 351 5329. 3-12-9 Good prict. Call | Lost & Found v sale at garage. Priced for quick $29,900. Call Evelyn Bruetsch, 349-1363 or HDI Announcements for It's What's The Council on FIND REALTORS, 349-3310. 3-12-6 Happening must be received in the Children Adaptable SOMETHING State News office, 341 Student will hold its annual If you've found a pet or article of Christmas party at 7:30 By GREG KRAFT looking for jobs, she said. It is very important Services Bldg., by I p.m. at least tonight at value, we want to help you ; Recreation yy two class days before publication. the Church, Christ 517 United W. Methodist State News Staff Writer For many of the that students contact the placement center return it. Just come into the No announcements will be Jolly Hoad, approximately 700 MSU early in the year in which they graduate. accepted Lansing. Please bring liberal arts graduates each State News by phone. a dessert and Classified BOOK CHRISTMAS reservations table service, but no presents this year, the prospect of Campus recruiting is the best means to find a Department and tell us you want graduating from a $10,000 education without a nowl Ski packages available. position, Duncan said. Correspondence to place an ad in EAST job is a bleak situation. LANSING TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. campaigns by liberal arts students with STATE BANK'S 351-8800. C-5-12-6 However, steps to avoid this situation can be prospective employers usually will not receive Found Column. As a public taken by those students service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no [Typing Service Justin Morrill present "Balm in Gilead," a College will play work hard, one MSU who are willing to Placement Services official much consideration unless backed up by work experience, she added. applications are that explores the underworld to you I cost insured life in New York City, written by street said. Clare Duncan, asst. placement director Recruiters come here to find individuals EXPERT TYPING theses, for with I HOUSEPLANTS FOR Christmas! bicycle papers, Lanford Wilson. Curtain is at 8:15 p.m. liberal arts graduates, said a majority of liberal sharp personalities, strong abilities to work general work. Call Carolyn, Saturday and Sunday. hard and motivation to Great idea, wide selection. Admission is free. arts students do not know the job options that achieve, Duncan said. Cheap. CAM 361-8138. 5-12-6 storage 332-5574.6-12-6 are open to them. Many are surprised to leam Liberal arts graduates may indeed have these LOST: BLACK, characteristics as well as business majors. female dog. that there are openings in I SUNN 200S 100 Watt Lagrador • Shepherd Setter IF YOU NEED some extra The Wounded Knee Support retailing, data amp with ■ money, processing, marketing, state and local internal mix. Rabies tag No.15317. Duncan stressed the importance two 15" SRO speakers in Reflex Gunson Street, East *4.95 sell some extra things with information table revenue services, retail mangement and sales long of cabinet. Great sound. Call Lansing Classified Ads. Dial 355 8255. set up in the and corporate - range planning in determining what 351-6093. 1-12-6 training programs with such practical courses might be taken for the skill 351-9436. Ask for Steve. Will take best offer. 5-12-6 s7.95 TYPING - 2 blocks campus. today. Lot* of n firms as banks and savings and loan that a student is interested in. Advisors must LOST: GOLD wire Electric. Fast. Term pgpers, agencies. rimmed glasses start working more closely with students in I haRT KNIGHT skis, between Cedar theses. 332-8498. 7-12-6 Many liberal arts students do make a mistake 180 cm. Village and Lot Ojy&zcpcK planning their academic program to include G. 337-1209. 1-12-6 Qfcxe Wednesday night meetings at 8:30 Intermediate, 699-3411 days. 2JO AMb SPotrl by not attempting to find out the structure of cognates in courses such as accounting or A^eorr £t> 33Z. 4O0I during spring break in 33 Union. the business world and how it Evenings/weekends. 694-3223. THERE'S A roomer in town The office will be operates, she marketing, she said. It is also important for FOUND; LOST dog around open part time, 512-6 Shaw's SKI looking for your rental. in 309 Student Services said. liberal arts majors to balance their interests and Triangle. Describe. 339-8877. AUSTRIA! $377. March Bldg. Advertise vacancies with Want "For the most part I would call it naivete on Ask for Mike. C-1-12-6 13-21. Call FOUR SEASONS abilities, and the job options available. I APPLES and CIDER, BLOSSOM CLUB, 349-1020. 2-12-6 Ads. Dial 355-8255. the part of the students," Duncan said. "Find what you like," she said. "But put ORCHARDS. 7 miles south of The MKNSA group has nine Graduates must realize that business • LOST: BLACK male enough practical cognates around your major so Mason on Hull Road. Hours 9-5. cat, Leslie ctivities listed in their December oriented positions are the Closed Mondays. Gift shipped by United packages Parcel. Street, Lansing. 484-7879, after 6.3-12-6 Instruction |[i*j [Transportation ][$; mbership to students with major options open degrees in English, history and other fields in the liberal arts that you will have some exposure to the business structure." 1-589-8251.0-4-12-6 LOST: DOG, curriculum, she Resumes are very important for liberal arts small, black /brown BOARD EXAM TUTORING said. RIDERS NEEDED to Houston, graduates, Duncan said. They must include I bristle face. Near GUITAR AMPS, cabinets. Factory Spartan STANLEY H. KAPLAN after finals. Bruce. 332-8963. "However, because of the nature of their types of work experience that students have close - out at 60% off. Example: Village. 355-0966. 1-12-6 TUTORING COURSES 2-12-6 majors, many liberal arts majors do not have had during their Sell • contained amp similar,to Now being formed for the any definite ideas of what they really want to college years. Employers will LOST: look with favor on those Twim Reverb, $295. West "MERCEDES". upcoming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, SOUTHBOUND VAN. do with their lives," Duncan said. people who have had Gray/black/white tiger cat, red Departing some kind of Laboratories, 487-3558. 5-12-6 ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For 12-12 for Students should begin thinking exposure to business and collar. Dallas, Nashville, early about Please call 332-3143. information call Memphis, industry. For example, experience as a sales 2-12-6 Little Rock. using the talents and abilities they have, and the clerk in retailing, 1-313-354-0085.0-1-12-6 332-2027, Eric. 2-12-6 merchandising or even factory |CHAIRS , TABLES, picture frames, type of job in which they could apply them, work will tell an odds 'n' ends, Stop Buy and FOUND: Set of she said. They should also be employer that you have at keys with an Service RIDE NEEDED practical in least ^ knowledge and Save. some DOTTIES orange tab and Lauderdale, choosing a field that will have an opening for exposure to business Volkswagen Key. December 13, return 24. Share operations. COLLECTABLES, 2500 East 332-5624. C-2-12-6 them. Most liberal arts graduates realize sooner Michigan. 5-12-6 expenses, Deb, 646-0384. 2-12-6 "Careful academic planning and practical job or later that these TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, Bureau and ask for Cur openings exist primarily in experiences are the most LOST: BROWN suede jacket. the business world, Duncan said. important aspects | FRUIT BASKETS 1/2-1 peck. Erickson Hall, 11-27. No oiled and adjusted. Portables TAKE A close look at the good when it comes to students in liberal arts December 3 December 13, $7.50. Manuals, $10. Electric, Graduates should start early when they are finding - questions? 351-1712. 2-12-6 things around your home you no jobs," Duncan said. lobby Horticulture Building. $12.50. One day service, free longer use. Sell them with a Rally - Anti - Torture Trap rally Orders pick up and delivery. 25 years at Beaumont Tower at 1 begin November 25. FOUND: TIMEX watch. Student want ad. Dial 355-8255 today. today. Jim Westra and others will be 337-9516, 337-1139. MSU experience. 393-9774. 0-5-12-6 speaking. Carr says Wilbur Mills' career will end Union TV Lounge. Claim Horticulture Club. 7-12-6 Following will be a march to the Student Union. C-2-12-6 FLORIDA, RIDERS needed Capitol. Demonstration rft 3:30. CARE FOR infant or preschooler December 13 - January 2 or |BUNK BEDS, like new, $60. Phone WALTER BANDO: Claim your in my licensed home near MSU December 11 - December 22. 355-9903 Tuesday and 332-4307. 1-12-6 (continued from page 1) wallet in Student Union Lost 1-616-453-5956. 2-12-6 The Michigan Lung Assn. will Carr, who is determined to Wednesday. Thursday and hold a measures should increase and Foundl C-2-12-6 free public Carr said several present Friday, Call 349-9640.4-12-6 FOR THE BEST Serivce on stereo meeting for get on a committee that will chances of passage of the RIDE NEEDED to Houston, Texas people interested in learning more committee chairmen stand a equipment see the STEREO about the Greater reorder national priorities as he national health insurance and LOST: WHITE mini calculator, after finals. 371-1060, Rick. Lansing Smoking good Animals ^ Sinclair Scientific, 118 Physics SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-5-12-6 2-12-6 Withdrawal Clinic at Thursday, Jan. 2, in 204 Sparrow 8 p.m. chance challenged for their positions. of being promised in his campaign, said his chance for a seat on the tax reform measures that he has backed. Building or Grand River Avenue, Hospital. November 26th. Needed TYPEWRITERS-Rebuilt IBMs NEED RIDE east. Connecticut Among those whose futures House Appropriations "When you talk about for exams:. Reward. Call December 11 are uncertain are F. Edward Committee is slim. 337-1861. New SCM electric portables area. or 12. Will Congressional reform, you have 3-12-6 Service share driving and expenses. Hebert, D-La., and Jamie Demographic balance is to talk about the Democratic 694-3774. 2-12-6 on most makes International folk dancing meets , 355-7391.3-12-6 at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Union Whitten, D-Miss., chairman of considered in committee party,'' he said. "They have LOSTrQOLD wire rim gldssesTEast Precision Service Tower Kikmh. the agricultural, economic, and assignments and too many all the horses." LOVE 16 arc from ell an fftglish Springer Complex Reward. MEXICO! WANT people for trip in TtfTtsunrer protection congressmen from the Midwest Spaniel puppy, A.K.C. 353-1439. 2-12-6 area. Company camper 12-13-74 to 1-5-75. Call over the world. Everybody's 694-2743 welcome. subcommittee. Carr calls are already in line for the Champion tired field or bench Keith. 351-4596. 3-12-6 stock. Also American/Canadian LOST: RALPH, black, white Beagle Whitten a "thorn in the side of appointment, he said. Tavern owner EDITING PROOFREADING. human progress." He feels confident, however, Champion at stud. 669-5848. - Lab puppy. Marigold area. - 2-12-6 Dissertations, theses, research RIDE NEEDED Winchester Another chairman who will that he will gain a spot on the Please call, 351-4569. 2-12-6 projects, manuscripts. Anne Virginia - Breezewood, meet from 7:30 to 10 Women's Center in the Union UN p.m. in the be challenged is Wright House Armed Services defies law on ■HELP! WE are two female cats who Cauley, 337-1591. 5-12-6 Pennsylvania. Share driving, Lounge. Patman, D—Tex., of the House Committee. need good homes. After 6 expenses. After 10th. Bob, and Senate Joint Economic Carr said Mills' loss of 351-8781. 2-12-6 pm, 355-3537.4-12-6 PROFESSIONAL QUALITY at 353-6049. 3-12-6 Committee, Carr said. power and the caucus' reform Sunday sales student prices!!! Gary Safron, Informal Co Rec Touch GET READY for next bird seasonl MSU Photographer is now taking NEED RIDE to California, after Football - Games organized on the LAKE ODESSA, Mich. English setter puppy. After 6 pm Personal / pictures of parties - special December 12, share expenses. spot for married housing couples and (UPI) — Each Sunday for 25 351-8781. 2-12-6 | GOING ON a trip? Board TRUMP - tastefully tart music for events. 353-1364. In over Christmas, 313-546-7703. 3-12-6 Detroit, 484-6461. 4-12-6 their friends, from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, at the play field behind Red Cedar School. Equipment and Trial can end without Nixon weeks in a row, Raymond L. Cross kept open his north - end your pet CALIFORNIA, riders needed, supervision provided. tavern and sold beer and wine, t Sandhill Farms. 337 7776. all occasions. 353-2841 after leaving December 16th, (continued from page 1) usual 4:30 p.m. closing time. 6:30 p.m. BI-6-12-6 Other defense lawyers contrary to a local city [ M2-6 PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, finest quality, reasonably priced. returning January 351-4307. 1-12-6 2. Phone suggested the jury might In the closing minutes of ordinance. See the swords flashing and the Haldeman's Police DEBI, IF you're the BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, remain testimony, gave him a ticket fOLDEN RETRIEVER, male one leaving for banners waving! The Society for sequestered during a assistant special prosecutor T puppies, AKC Champion L.A. the 11th in a van, please 482-5712. C-5-12-6 Creative Anachronism will present a trial recess. The every Sunday. call Debbie, 489-0981. 3-12-6 objections Richard Ben - Veniste accused Cross contended i medieval tournament from 12 to 6 from defendants Robert C. the p.m. Saturday in the Upper Gym of the former White House chief ordinance, which allows rtin i iv/PP STATF GULLIVER STATE DRUG vour Typing the Women's Intramural Building. Mardian and Kenneth W. of staff of planning to have Sunday sales of takeouts but -- your Parkinson to sending the ■RISH SETTER service pharmacy. Quality There will also be Revels from 7 to jury former White House counsel bans over the counter retail puppies, AKC, WANTED: PERSONS who want to 11 p.m. in the Union Tower Room. home ruled out that 1 wormed and 1st shot, 349-9355 prescription drugs, crutches and TYPING, ELECTRIC machine, travel Europe. England to Some attempt at a costume from possibility, Sirica said. John W. Dean take the full sales on beer and wines, was I after 5 30 5-12-6 . wheelchairs rented or sold. 1105 fast, accurate and experienced. Switzerland around February. the period of 500 A.D. to 1650 blame for Watergate. discriminatory. East Grand River. 332-2011. 372-4746. 8-12-6 Skier. Air $299 by AAA. A.D. is required. Though disposing of the Reading from the transcript He was fined $300 on each ■FOR SALE, Affectionate 0-1-12-6 time problems brought on Christmas 792-3758.1-12-6 by- of an April 16, 1973, White of the first three counts in 1 Kittens, Redpoint JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced Nixon's possible testimony, House tape. Ben - Veniste said Siamese, district court and the rest of I Chocolate Point Siamese, TO RUSSIA .. . With experts - find dissertation typist. Term papers, RIDERS WANTED: Driving to Sirica is still pressed to close the fact that Dean had already the charges were held in lalinese (long-haired Siamese), out if detente is for real with the theses, dissertations. 393-4672. New Jersey after December 21. Liberation n out the trial by Christmas. been named publicly as a White '•tter nonpolitical, nonprofit Citizen 4-12-6 Call R. Gibson, 393-0901. 33 Union, t He asked the abeyance pending outcome of trained, shots. Call jury to tell House official involved in his I 651 5763, after 4 pm. Will Exchange Corps on an exchange him by Friday if appeal to circuit court. I deliver. 2-12-6 visit to Russia. Groups depart: they would Watergate prompted Haldeman Circuit Judge Leo Bebeau of December - August. Writer: EXPERIENCED IBM typing. object to hearing testimony on and Nixon to sacrifice him to Ionia this week reversed an Dissertations (pica - elite). MAKE FIRST impressions count! the three CEC 101 Park Ave., New York, Saturdays remaining save themselves. Ionia District Court FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-12-6 A good ad in the before Christmas and to stay in ruling N.Y. 10017. (2121 889-7960. Dr. John Hannah will speak on Haldeman denied the which upheld the city "EMPLOYMENT" section will the courtroom later than the 5-12-6 accusation. IRENE ORR - Theses, Term papers, get you the workefs you need. "Feeding the Hungry People" ordinance. INLINE 1966< 10x60. general typing. Formerly with following a banquet at 6:30 p.m. Manv Prttwal ij'm Wednesday, Dec. 11, iA the Kellogg "ties. Close, campus. Best ■ offer. 351-0975. 3-12-6 ( rnSJIdl tXJ Ann C-5-12-6 Brown. Call 482-7487. f Center Big Ten room. The will begin about 7:30 p.m. speech U' officials announce PAR LETTE 12x60, 1 '<"nished. On lot in Holt. A nice partly SHALLY AS a *u" TT PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate, ](*] snowbunny you re t.rrrfic. May The MSU Science Fiction address inexpensive typing. Very near change policy cheap place to live. Phone Society will meet for the last time vour every wish come true campus. 337-7260. C-5-12-6 BEATLE CARDS, magazines items I 694-2408.1 -12-6 during this merry season. Bob. wanted. CURIOUS USED this term lit 6:30 tonight in 30 t ______ 1-12-6 COMPLETE THESES Service BOOK SHOP, 307 East Grand Union. Anyone interested in - fanzines and other such vices ought Discount Printing. IBM typing River. 332-0112 (11:30 -6 pm) MSU officials to be there. announced beginning Monday will be The Christmas season hours binding of dissertations and 5-12-6 and Thursday the procedure for located in the MSU Bookstore of the MSU Library were also publications. Across from The MSU Tolkien Fellowship I I '463-1261 1 1?J? proper encouragement. Love, campus, corner M.A.C. and COMIC BOOKS, science fiction, will meet at 8 tonight in West employe address changes, the location of bus pass sales and in the International Union ticket office and at Center, the announced by MSU. From President, Armadillos for Gary baseta11 cards wanted. Holmes lower lounge. We will early Dec. 13 to Jan. 5 the Grand River. Below Jones Library ■° RENT the MSU Library's Christmas or sell, 10x55, Stationery Shop. 9-5 Monday - CURIOUS USED BOOK SHOP, recount our adventures in the registration in the Men's will be open 2 snows of Caradhras and bid farewell season hours. Intramural Building. Students Monday through 1 5555! •" 2-6'V fUrnilh#d- 1 HA ipP Y 21s t~ an cM 7 th~l ove ~Th a n k s Friday. Call COPYGRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. C-5-12-6 307 East Grand River. 332-0112 (11:30 - 6 pm) 5-12-6 to Mighty Manfred, the Wonder Elf. To avoid a problem with W - who purchase bus passes at this Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 for sharing them. Wish I'd been The 2 forms, employes should time will be able to ride Michigan State Network, INFLATION BEATERI 2 there. Love, Dave. 1-12-6 THESES, RESUMES, typing and 640 AM, will broadcast the MSU make certain their address on campus buses free during final p.m. and will close on Sundays. I MODELS FOR haircutting and The Library will also be closed bedroom, I'A baths nicelv printing. Reasonable prices. bowling hockey series live at 7:25 University checks is correct. I ^peted, on a lot ir^Hol't. Ready OIDIEAW: WAYES! it's happy COMMERCIAL PRINTING, styling. Sunday, December 8. Call LEO'S CONTINENTAL p.m. Saturday and 2:25 p.m. MSU officials urge faculty, exam week. on Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. 1. 110 90! 485-6160, WESTRIN birthday time today. Love, 351-4116. C-5-12-6 Sunday. staff and student employes to COIFFEURS, 332-2593 before I "EALTY. 2-12-6 0,her Dldeaw-112 6 l37tratl7r^ox"lo~sh.drclos. ■ ;°MSU and jhopping. TO kappa Helpers S.gma's &«»'» Meet ,V°U ANN BROWN typing and multilith offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, Friday 7 pm. 3-12-6 URGENT! TEMPORARY home for Badminton from 7 to 10 will Gym of the Women's Intramural Building. be available tonight in the Upper report changes of address. Faculty and staff changes should be reported by their Computer makes pizza call (continued from page 1) ■ *>2-8009 6-12-6 tink-tink room, (ho, ho, holl mixed collie, food/rent paid by departments as soon as possible capable of meeting their needs. ■ manuscripts, general typing. MSU owner. 353-0106. 1-12-6 on Form MSU 716, Todd Gelina, manager of Merry Misteltoe and Felicitous IBM. 25 Episcopal students, staff and Directory "The research should be IEISURE Meirose New Year. Love, elves C&V. 349-0850. C-5-12-6 years experience. faculty: The final celebration of the Information Card. This form Domino's, said that he was sure directed by the handicapped," 1 Mobile Home Park. Eucharist of fall term will be at 5 be that the voice was from a 10 miles 1-12 6 can obtained from Data he said. "Also, I'm interested I 'om MSU, FOR A better environment, check p.m. Sunday in Alumni Chapel. own beautiful Moon TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast Processing Division, 44 computer, but that he thought in people's attitudes - what is I Ljk«, | a . r ..i. 4* tl»e new apartments for rent in Book dinner to follow at Chaplain's and lots for 30' - 70' RCfll iStatB and reasonable. 371-4635. today's Classified Ads. house. Rides provided. Administration Bldg., some computer science human and what isn't." I |r*'"vel leri. Students with family C-5-12-6 United Ministries telephone 353 - 4420. students were playing a joke. "In the pizza business, Eulenberg and Judy Taylor, trailers welcome. in Higher cypiting Car Pool Education Students director 1 mediate occuparcy. 675-7212. 5-12-6 OKEMOS contemporary - excitino 4 bedroom home EXPERIENCED, TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Rapid, l[£tj sponsored Sunday worship meets at 5 p.m. Sunday at 11 18 S. Harrison Road. Join off - can change their campus address in the especially on campus, you lot of prank calls," he said. get a of the Programs for Handicapped Office of for _ overlooking beautiful Indian accurate service. 394-2512. us Office of the Registrar, 150 Gelina added that once it is Students, both feel that it will f"ee ■ bedroom. 12x60, Lake. Open - beam construction C-5-12-6 Share Driving ][**] worship, discussion and dinner. for rides. Call Administration Bldg. Change publicized and perfected, the take a lot of education and close, furnished, sharp. highlight the in ej of an on campus address is computers would be good way publicity before handicapped Asking $4700. 351-0174. 4-12-6 architectural design. Ak truly See a play about madness and - . I'LL TYPE your term paper neatly, FROM WAVERLY - Miller Area to made in the office of their of communication. people will be able to use this ■, private hide-a-way, Call John J. women's rage! See "Vagina Rex" at H, t'NG TO stand out In the Henry. 372-7943 or 485-6766. quickly, University cheaply. Village. 1111 355-5871. Life Sciences Building. Leaving 7:30 am, returning 5 pm.. 8:IS tonight in Sludio 44 beneath residence hall manager. Failure of a student to change his or and Witnessing the experiment type of communication for any purposes. |J2d? Th" check the 5-12-6 4-12-6 882-3089 after 5:30. 353-2030 Fairchild Theater. Admission free. her address within five class eating the pizza were ■rj^lng ■ autos in today's 8-12 and 1-5. 3-12-6 The Students International several handicapped students, Eulenberg will discuss the Ads. of the best, tell the . days will be considered as linguistic students and 3U'RE o"e MOVE AROUND a lot? The Meditation Society is cosponsoring Implications of his "computer falsification of University computer science students. - public about your service or "Service" columns of the Want FROM FLINT to Lansing. Leaving an introductory lecture on assisted speech prosthesis" in 5'6'*17' 'dditlon. New business with ar1 a Transcendental Meditation at 7:30 records, MSU officials ^ay. Eulenberg has been working ■urn. Ads help you get things done. 6:30 am, returning 4:30 pm. Washington, D.C., at a l^'06' ^ed, washer/dryer. F 351-5715.4-12-6 Yellow Page each Thursday, Michelle, 355-8255. Check there now. 337-2646 before 4:30. 1-12-6 tonight in the East Lansing Public- Library, 1140 Abbott Road. MSU officials announced that bus pass sales also with interested handicapped computer science conference in people in making the computer February. 22 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan The Money Man is on his way to the MSU Bookstore, bringing extra help! So if you no longer need your winter term hooks, sell them during Finals Week (Dec. 9-13) Special Book Buying Personnel will be ready to buy your old ones (books) with new uncirculated (dollar bills) from 730 ones to 500 daily.