C. Library g^Jtich. Michigan :AS1 State l.ANSINti. MICIIIC.AN, Tl KSPAV. Jl'NK !), 1!':! News Six Campus Leaders COLINA NAMED TR1-PHY GROUP Musical Background to Provide Chosen For Tapping ALUMNI PREXY GOES NATIONAL Added Brilliance & to Societies' By Senior Honorary MONDAY NIGHT AS BETA KAPPA Floats in 1936 Water Carnival [u.libur to Honor V.ndrrhurg. G.rlotk, Dintel. Hanunn. Day. Pr<-,fnl Cla" Hf"d Cho,,n lo"' Comb.ro to h? Inducted and Seboat Traditional Rit» to be Hold al President of Alumni Group at a. 45th Chapter of Group N.'it Saturday Afternoon. Two Seniors Who Have Contributed Rafts Are Now on River Intermiuion of Water Carnival Saturday. _ Swinjout La.t Night. To Success of 1 !Kif» Wttler Carnival Cht»«en for outstanding nctivitity on campus, six jttniot LANTERN NIGHT TODAY COMBINED THIS TERM Ready to Be Decorated Kfn will be tapped at the Water Carnival Saturday night ,v Kxeatibur, activities honorary for senior men. Sargent and Ro.s Given Men'. 10 Active, to Take Formal Init- Richard Colina and Helen Snow to Preside as King and Queen, The ceremony will take place during intermission, when Po.ition.; I.entr and Snow iation in Afternoon: Ranquet Seated on .Special Throne to View Parade; More filiates will l»e introduced from the carnival platform. In- Given Co-ed Po»t$. Listed al Old. for Evening. Than 5,000 Expected for Two Nights. Vrmal initiation will follow that night ami Sumtay. with ;i anquet and formal induction scheduled for Monday, June 5, lU flxrvrt II irrinrl.tn Most colorful of nil •ttllfgc functions, the thirteenth annual Men who are to be tappod. ami their records, follow : Hit-hard t'olina. president Walcr Carnival. "Hall ids in Tandem," will open next Friday Vincent Vanderbtirg, Mus- night at 8:30 when he float hearing the king and queen, pvesitlent of the class of 1936 Hick (Vtlirut ami Held i Snow, will head a brilliant procession (.jf0n—President of the sen- r i lass of 1937. member of ART STUDENTS »f the Michigan State College of 37 i t nipt I ing float s, each designed to show some hhase ifuiient Council. Varsity club, association at the swingout of American life a* r< fleeted in the amiga and ballads which »Ha Key. f.»otball team, Sig- TO SHOW WORK held near last night. Beaumont tower., have developed in thi * conn fry. A crowd i f 5.(100 people is i \pe« fed to witness the two-day Ronald Oarlock; learning Brl, Alpha Sigma Will Sponsor .lanu i.iryr festival. On faith Friday and resident of the jrmet Student Count president of Junior elars, Serond Annual Outdoor Fair. Saturday nights, the Carnival j will be preceded b; BRADLEY HEADS *rober Varsity club. Blue Key. i and tilting events. These i TOWER GUARDS races iskrthall team. Phi Delta Theta [events will begin at 7:30 ami Larry Distel. lomsing -Editor, • news: Blue Key. Delta Chi « •nrry over till the opening of] Hamann. Hartford. Prw- ; w ,h" J, hn ten? of Intcrfratermtv I'oum ii. fi llntinr (incut* Itsled , ) Hoilard, Gih.on, and Sidrbot- cmiH: Scabbard and Blade. Blue * According »«» those in «barge] ham Also Named by ry Tau Beta Pi, Theta Kappa 1,1 Soph Honorary. Das Pros • Urn Brav itiii i isurer of Union • Board, of Junior class. J A F Kimber Outlines Story r..- uf 8*1*. Batllr Crn-k Ath^tu M.rn- Council, football ' comir Behind the Senior Play baseball team*. Varsity club,! after» A K I mm "When Knighthood Was in Flower" Will Be Given by Theta' Alpha Phi in Forest of Arden Tomorrow Night. WAAPLAYDAY ' Fit/get aid, President and M li llollarti ot Ilcl'littg Was chiMf- vicc-plcHidctll, 1 Hwroth v Gibson IS SUCCESSFUL JA Hannah. Mayoiand Mrs M A Templet on, Mayor and M l.yman I. Fnmodig. Mr and M Clark 1. BuhIv. Mr and M F»ur Colltgfi Rrprrwnlrd by_ owei Guard selects its mem- » lb II I! William H Berkev. Mr. and M Fifty Cu-cdi in An- to*, metal work, wood craft, Alfred (• Wilson, Mi and M Mtl Event. id ring* listed fur the fair Gilbert L. Duunr. Mr. and M F» v-luium Uu J« i kgiound. be • and m'I v w e . _ Attendant.*- from Beta Alpha Benjamin II Halxtewi, Mr a topped at the May Morning Otrt. from Mlrhufan Statr lird,Sl"n'" " j and are initiated later in the ill- fr..m Wayiw imi.,""1"1' "bu"1 ,ho •"«" M. It F.I ho m*. for «r.t plao- I" th. Irn-"" !••• » matches at thr W A A play -;,1n,j 1,1 tak'' * 1 h* ' y ia*t Saturday with .» *»•<»!•• « f Ma,r ,M 1 om' ou-nth . . ruein State with M unt Pea- , ar.Hind. ami ., w. . .v • . for oftball. HITTLE CHOSEN number of i FORENSIC HEAD Maximilian I Lei.rtr Srh.itcy. Gertrude Seek in¬ Pi Kappa Drill Elrtti Officrri jur r, George Ann Shaw. June Altogether about fifty the il I5lh Annivtriary j Shaw, Irma Shumway. Gertrude Association l-m> Herb-! Binqurl. Wisconsin Lake Retreat Sid iM'Uiiiiti, and M.u jnrie Tribe- Saginaw was genera} ] Litres the Vacationist Hollo May Will n in charge of the affair j included games in the i TO DISTRIBUTE Resume Studies aiming and afternoon, a picnic « K.ippn Co-tdi Civrn Chance lo Attain Suminvr Study I'ndvr Notvd f !' banquet he Alpiti! j mum on Saturday morning one j r""s*"ul Y. M. C. A. at People! fUjail team from here pl4y*d>' r Thursday c v enmg : Drlay in Binding Work Pr*-|chj (J,w„mitt» hi Church Here. Fa,lrr Rflvaw of I Sinma Nu. y.. i.-.-ii.-, w.m Mary »*ne and one played Western j Otlier officer* ctio* vtnti taomb- State, while tennis players frtan pJHara. E-.*t Lan-n Wolverinri. Il.l.i Mayo. K«|1|«I TlinU. a handsome ■ur schools, ranked according u | Mar y an A*hiry Chi Alpha. Tri l-iiy, K, Two years ago (Coritmucd on page 4 young gentleman returned to his ^ihtv played off a round mbin j^ rt> ^ Due to the fart that native town of East laiming for t»irnament of one-set matchesf " ea#uret. and Jen a siiort leave of abwnce from hi* The t* correspond; j Holland, NOTICE each rank ( Atoms At noon al! playrrs went to the ! .. The little Dean Addresses studies at tlie Unioh Theological A. A address by the Seminary at Columbia University. «th was cabin, served. where a picnic Isabel Cham- •inly :• all Hot already of th? been Senior Dairymen Today he i* iweking to return er. and prei to New York and finish the train¬ president of W A. A, wel- be ready for «iu»- ^med those from other schools, Professors ! rvenls of ti«* Water Carnival E. L. Anthony Predict! • Bright ing necessary for graduation with tribute in Produced the faculty members McMonagle •if next Friday and Saturday u Bachelor of Divinity degree. After th» must have their names and There were, in all. 1925 year- Future (or Graduating Men at When he leaves for the East after from each school, and read there- award*. SecreUry J^hn A Han-; hor*r I x- you playing u-nn.q rmr of events listed with b«»ks printed. Approximately BOO of the morning's games, after t hou * Dairy Club Meeting. college closes tin* spring; Hollo R. *hich Kay Adam* led the group nah addressid the stxiety on the j and golf There are many people of Wisconsin Mile* Wilson no later than uf them have been handed out. May. Y M C A secretary at the ® ringing historical development, purposes, j around you, many college gir.s| lach. in charge Wednesday rioon The added advertising and Forecasting a bright future for Peoples church for the past two Michigan State j ami many famous leaders, ti greater KUbgcription this year About two o'clock playing was and problems of Cups will be awarded to win¬ this year's graduates, Dean £. L years, will be leaving a largo make* it possible for the Wol¬ colege. You find it much more than resumed, with tennis doubles be- ners in ail five divisions of the verine to have more scenic pir- Anthony officially delivered hi* group of friend* behind. Pi Kappa Delta award* are ordinary camp You find reatj Camp will lie held this year canoeing event* Joint winned* message tu graduating During the summer. May will ^ run off on the same plan as made in four classes: special dn-; thrill in it. j from June 19 to June 2? Total ture*. u better cover, and to Kp4*nd farewell 1 ingles and Softball winners in the doublet events will eac.i seniors of the dairy department complete o novel, Die summariza¬ ^ CII| can contain hcrvlf n.i<<-l« tor lh< eight day" l« JJ4 2J more money on piiotography than "ftunst winners and losers against Unclion. proficiency, lienor. »nd for Y gain a trophy. The occasion was the lant meet¬ tion of his reactions to college life. fraternity ! iOTScr She Intcrrupu: "Bu. Ttic camp is ever before. Wrs. which turned out so that bers only Next week meeting j At this time, no entrants have All students, who do not call for ing of tlie Dairy.. Club for thi# The scene is Michigan State and «* of State's teams Special distinction was awarded M,dam Zozo. what is this camp' been made for either the wo¬ the characters are students with played Wayne will be held some evening in the j their boka before Friday. June 12, year, held Tuesday'evening in the John Brattin. Earl Smith, Don : w'here is it?" « whom he has associated. The boob, one played Western dormitories for those who are in-1 men's singles or doubles. In or who wish to have them sent to dairy building. After the games were over O Hal", tamer Perrin. and Ula j _What u jt, „ b ^ y w c terested in finding out more in-; the event that only a eingie their homes, will be charged on Dean Anthony stressed the now about a third completed Is the to all piep- Kt^*r „ , O C 1 A. camp on Lake Geneva at Gene- formation. Cara Jean Sanford j entry is made for these events, extra 25c for p<(stage. need for courtesy, a pleasing per¬ outcome of classroom < Thelma Bjtiop. Jcane Beukc- a„„», va, Wisconsin. Madam Zozo know will be given t othat and May's interpretation of mil Mary an Ashley, and Elva Lea and Wiima Wagenvoord. two girl* | the cups There arc still a few copies left sonality, ability to get along with you like it.** who have been to Geneva, will person. for those students who did not fellow workers, and a willingness meaning behind actual eve foltz received the award of pro- What Madam Zoto told her aid in answering questions and in Each person may enter as Several prominent State sign for them. These copies are client goes for any college giri transmitting some of evemta as he wishes and limited and anyone desiring one as well as the big one* on a new are included in the character list, the en- j many who wants a real camp experientr thusiasrn that is Geneva. The ] compete In three event* of the should sign on the paper at the job. Due to May's work here. Ntt Between two and canoe races as well as the tilt¬ East Lansing Y. M C. A. has beeft. this summer. Wolverine office. During the business session of receiving hundred girl* from the nine ing contests. A total of 13 spun the meeting plans were discussed enlarged and .according to M*r# middle western states which com- bronze trophies will be award¬ 4-N C lab meeting Wednesday for next year's activities and sug- it has great poaaibiUtka far ftagw the Geneva district of Y. W. ed at the Carnival. All Michi¬ tomorrow) at 8 p. m in Room ther growth. May will be ' poae may call Mias Sater for informa- gan StAe students are eligible 00. Ag Mall. Last meeting of the ed by for these contests. rhool year. Important business Mittera will be discussed. "You go. you like it" -MATS CLKAIKB AND BLOCK! D—T W I (M K L L ' MICHIGAN STATU NK\VS Tuesday, June D, 1as.- Two Virginia McBride and Marth little about job condition*. They try to make INSTRI CTIONS TO SKNIOKS AND GKAIH'ATK Fisher are talented and ambits-". Michigan State News contacts without the nrlvqntHtfc of having GRIDDLE STI'PKNTS RRI.ATIVK TO ItACt'AI.AI'UKATK State junior*. For the *vimm« (|v ' RaMtehwl T>i«*M» PtWuy* «h»Hn* «»>*• w'to* f«r they have inaugurated a prtvat of MIcMgin Stat* 0•Hon* entree*. Frequently they rap en strange AND I'OMMKNCRMKNT KXKRCIRKS r^lorrd M wood-fltM tt«t1s*r •< wwtolTW. F*»t M doors for a year or more before they obtain employment. And then they themselves J CAKES ,BAm|iiurpatf—Dcnumstr.-itlon Halt. Sundsy, .Vttnr It, 1936 ages will anywhere from 4 to instruct them in 14 #•, danctni Assemble at Gymnasium at 2:30 P. M. Procession to Demon- in the wrong job. ormtAXDWd- Ti ttHvn Hall witt lie headed by the President. Speaker. Minister, pointing, reading, and other s, Through the medium of a placement bu¬ and Glass President. compllshments which help **j min¬ Pardon my dBngrretms. reau. Michigan State could maintain con¬ Seniors w»ll form in two single lines, one on each side of division* together in the fol- er people. They a!rea.d> have- ;• tacts with leading employers, who are alwa> s ilk in front of the Gymnasium. u w mg oidrr beginning at the north door 'tv*tr>. Engineering. Home K. onomics. Veterinary Seimce. * men would l»e sent literature covering the cupaTion, which we trust will put weeks cotirso. Applied Science, and Liberal Arts. The Platform Party wit! different type* of students who would Iw i you in tine shape mentally, phys-! Bride and Mi* Fishi I graduated that year. Representatives of be ved I tcallv and financially for the fall tevnv And remember that within lines j qualified to t< id we wnsh the these companies could then send in their two weeks of that term | success. And to Virginia requirements or appear to interview appli¬ Michigan at Ann. Arbor, I whose birthday is today cants, and the situation would be vastly itu- which if we wffi means j otTer heartiest ovngtatu'^ i a row over the Wolver- Rambling* t start the chant. "Beat From the student viewpoint. a placement |,hi 1,1,1 %v s Beckett bureau would l*» priceless. Invause it would L,. ., t- ipx > Hbe- k..l> them posted op th# vulu* of various I Iv„ ,vH#r« »«i< N.« The tab man. Schaffer all Johnnie Fir droppii rauruN, Th. > would know at ovgrjr poinl I". .... .. .. v in long list «»f announcements i llem»n«lmtimi Hall. Momlat. June 1 .V 1936 during t.hrlr rounw what tho? shouldrmph*- Iso.wwtd ■ ■ It " »e Jean Van limekiln Art 11 the! JWO pnMn,nrnt ,Vt -i,.' in thru ml unit toll ami what extra quail- s" n-i hrvirn. t tv.q n Irandstctter affair Jean i. oris they should develop. They would i.i I »'"< "» outstanding i«» j , 'vcly Alpha Chi and Art ..." , . ... the star | iaxe ma*h g«>»Ht tf .here «>n the Spartai iillback. and «me of the most j } f •asonably sure of landing the job thev remising ,4(»" men in the Hwim AG.DN- college*, No Time for Bandwagons 1 ■'"" Iministratii « - " i.wp.D • in f'. t'f i ! tin t uck' . Pick Pendell; »ddy 1 Today the Republican party opens its placement, bureau would be lumetteial be I bedfellows Maict>tm PmgA\ rnw l ?v ,,Ml., , u.11? ck in town over the week quatirvpnial convention in Cleveland. Dele- cause this college eould place its grmbuites i r"K* ,oud si™kvt am. " ' ihe f. !' « t .. . r.i,, . t. id liM»keii longingly at the. house however. Tic. , pat OS Will lw fn. «-«l with two m«i..r prolu . in key |>ositfon*, in which they could use j Mclaughlin, is taking j lama, tho nominating of a camiMat* fot their Influence to help fuftim graduates*. Such j i-is the daughter presidrnt ami tho framttip of » party plat¬ an organirati'Ui would als«v attract high .» Avery Ihixtivn who vvas, form for the fall rfectioii. school graduates who wanted something There will l>e two couraea open to the eon- practical oiit of their collegiate training vsntion It ntay fall int.. the eluteh of Other major school* have placement bu¬ j J [ Hr.t ' makes Morw I a |H>ssih emotionalism ami tump onto a sudden latnl alnle or "haMwapoti" drive for some eamti- reau* and have gtvni record* to justify their j Jj.h.'i T.gri bring Ty Ty* existence There is no reason why Michigan date A. an alternative tt m»v eonalriev it. j State cannot follow the same policy and com- j 1 Spat tan cheer cholera with a eat* and sincerity that will -p* to with them o nequal term*. —D. V i . j I«»ndv n is mot* greatly impress thr votinp puhlie. SN I Stickle are bu * The Republicans will make a miatake if typical An j is that the qi they think thev can huUil up a siiicesfti! (lovernment Service T! I ' * ' finktir "Th. rantpatpn on the strength of hammennp at IVm.srntle pnliric*. There ate too matii i leges will mot lw grti.iuji'c.i. Mut.v ul these "X, j Hater Garnival I Jimruie WilUa and Siitui dav nights people in (his eountry who fee! they have .• r cigorfui Water i arn Tacit benefited I V the New Ileal, ami the.v will not switch to a party or a man who I[merit It i« nrtttteul thst lhq* pr .niiuites j . A fcilou uho should try for these fvosiftors ti-c comment Ibg Chief Ken IV- ! eatvnot otter a conMruetm ptopram that :a better | Those interested m fcfterai work will nii i j;l,enge j i Minges trave atl an<1 Utile Chief Haehel I " readiness, and ' | tnit the multitude of blanks an.i, a.ft«.i a tutu | . in In ehoainp n candidate the delegate* ! take the eivii aervice examination* for the :|j '' promises to Ire of the best. Obi j must take .are not to what a man m«'l*l.v Ijjeach evening the water events get j hreauae he has tweu a l a ■>( Roosevelt. An jjjihe call at T 30 and then nvmes : « I nitid $\*\e* w. h o. civil outnpht attack on all the latter a plana t Here in :f |:j |■ the float* David Huhe and BiU | { j service cxaminaticns which arc ba>» >i iargc h i K.rkpatrtek are putting m plenty! would hr in contradiction to the opmiona of j upon skli;. ex per if n. c an.: edinatiMii in j Hid mat)) shrewd lleput'luan*. who admit that | particular fields >i*viai .« >i ediuation i> the Democratic ailntiniatratiott has not Uvi 'MMF.Nt t X!l NT t i >MX11TTF.F V |H" | Jack is m ail Z\- _ Thr Hrpuhlnana mu.-t therefore name a important 'lh.i TRIMOIH \-l'in I.F W • I rem e says H i j PEOPLES CHURCH landon an.i Vj dont tit supporting or ,.|q»>«.ng thr New Dial eral athletic celehr program. If th. re t* a man tn the pntl v wlio J Imsn't had s|«eciabac«) ttaining With the • « xc ptioti of engimvrtng m ho»»U and a lew cseni ends Zarza and haa suppviltis! Ii.an.1 V, ,t * goal Slew |wv*»si the J «•!. that man *h»»uld rwe:ve the altd op- \ -Rltl NOTES i kies. Art Bus* and Jo« ;, 4® ( cara u ds Sid Wagner and) "C nominal; • A* to wh I. -«iea* *r« g.^nt and centers. Burolits and ( ■ ■■ ■ ha If hacks n«! Seln> quarterhaek by th« puny it** if Kver> IhhIv dors not that tn d fiiiltrark Biandste'- Seniors: tell what and Hugh WrUon, { ftuos, All left an- I Ir c p.uty of the evening to gi t j j | III ritUHHi t i tin fun Peg Sharp cone I th Ait Suigcnt trailing, while Hnt this general tiainm>- I jj hcai* for the toothall gam..; J RAINBOW Ixut Lehr, umpired. Jin) 11 RECREATION • h.«dluu'«i%.n, I| L.nirs WTlroMI Butler a* field judge r The npht m. n ATTESTIOS SQCIETISS GIFTS FOR THE GRADUATE iltlo th»- poaitiona • Fi ..*■ • CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ni.ni' import a l'r. i within ■ to Ii»at t**M* i % iiwnt U v jrt dri** FATHER'S DAY CARDS laiukx v fr.qii nil b™,,< juiNt : c ..a.in ivfe n then . Rex Camera Shop ch*npi- the Armr,, »un | rir I Drlroit Dtvt. " 1 •> . *< ■ i:'ff th.' ' |Var A.: of hat). With UMxUM.n* ; F I Hi \; iced pt»it i. if h,- 1 marked the cWe of tol,. V W C A buUt ■11. and rue hi .an adapt thrm«lvi;s t.. The thr tire ex sr. the d-iiry T'fv"*7a t^i road, * \l» ; college f •» r >t»ar it* with a cabinet buffet *up- members ». candi.t •,ha*. prepiani ana n Tires whi.h liu.v occup). Tht> Thursday evening The election UlMi It a- m.-ii threuirh rinl rervKr vxar PROGRESS— Will Faat) .i*'..wi >truc«u:r of Soats IM- .TV ■ . " • today Sot* of junior cabinet for next year When you order Sandwiches. bk>* at and the ptevmtatpsn ♦•! the plan* n s!«s ialixxi ! «i.is an.l patnniair. Ih is jti i f.n the m.at part in their real the pUt:.-: m \l \L water' !>>r next year made at spring re¬ treat were considered by th* en¬ Cakes, and Cookies for your Huvrzaf order to h;ide thi Urrvls and of ti*i ahilitv.—K. A. V. tire cabinet Y W president Jean Rouwv. thus impro1n, tt.e fku: appear* i Ballard, and Marjerie Gilray w ill ->N- anc*. face Float « the north arc ta bank. W built to Theve attend the Lake Geneva confer- Picnics, don't forget to in¬ , ©nc«i this month. Diplomas—And Jobs advxKAic ol 5Jwater hy^icrw in should be completed by 4.00 Mkhifan State do. a on# g .-d thing fi>r So They Say: Sx htHjjA. .NcCv-.' vUiVgiy, he w\ ui to a school wtuvh nxxxicd ullccikui Friday for inspection by the judges. Tl" us is done to improve i GH clude a box of Candy. Fresh her graduate*. For the laiminal fre of $5 and cvrMvic.1 the MtualKMt lighting cvf individual float* ly ahe beatows uprm them a t«t of parchment, which i* awilahlr for hanging over the i "There u> common sense and wholesome btttWing severe liuic Uriiduttf* g.iml in seme of thr 'lovelorn* newrspaper that bad never Utn buiit there No .ah,rut1►bcry or trees shall be cut tat use on the fir>ats. A CLASSIFIED shipment jast arrived 1 i-ilumns." Dr f.arry C. Myers, head of the bcfodT. One w"M UtNJcdl 'Buya", woodsman from the forestry biemi>.he- on the living rx.m wail or over the olhct, "GuU.' derailment will be stationed WANTED*—Two people want that place where the old stove-pipe went j department of parent education at Cleveland near the t.loatv t? secure the ride to or near Ludington, either Rccu$nuing hu achievement, through. She then turn, them cut to reek college. Western Reserve university, has a one of the Manila dallies printed , neccssaiN , ft: ton material f x June It or SO. Phone Ethel Kr«u» hoaor, glory, and poasiblj thrre meals a day. f>at on the lia.k for the Dorothy Dix Khooh A large pteture of Uw crusader en , Jbrfcigw State could do another good j while bemoaning the low taste of much other th* front page To *mb©U^h it, Floats shall be. .constructed. 10x12 feet. All societies plan- thing by aiding her graduate* in their search newspaper material they added in the upper corners —SN— two igtl# cuts# both of buiidiagv ning floats of more than 6 feet for jobs by the institution of a placement in height are warned that ar¬ One waa "lioys," live dthct, bureau hero. j '"Dr. F. F.. Tow neend is a true child of the "Gu 1*' rangements must he made to Moat eoUege grmiuates go out into a so¬ 1 New Deal spree in Utopian fairyland." Dr. Which.Vof'.course, is a delicate dismantle them in order to al¬ ; ciety filled with other graduates with the Ray B. Westerfield of Yale goes to bat for i-ertiou tvf the old Hearst system. • low passagei under the bridge. tame mouses. They blunder about, knowing the American Liberty league. —D. V. C j Juno !». MICHIGAN STATE NEWo 1'apc Throo SPORTORIALS ri> AL THI IIFK. SporU Editor Kobs Nine Ends Year Here Saturday Swing-Out Time1 Independents " STATE SCORES Golfers Finish T™*'" this time every year a group of aging young men get Face Western State »,Thi with more state take their wares out into the world and provide that inspirational hooey alioul lots of things seniors tonight are in the midst of their last week at In Return Meeting; oZ'HroJl:aK ONLY 2 POINTS Season Wayne, Normal Downing ; Normal and took ,-ampus along the Ketl I'edar. Next week it wil he over IN c. I. C. MEET the best ball and ■ ( thevll go Itark where they eame from, four of the swellesl State Liuksmen Win Six of '• individual round ,,.ars in their lives left behind them. \Vben they came here four ywir* ago-- these athletes IHn speaking "| Lose to Notre Dame The league Independent Men's Softball u ill wind up its seamiu I this! Wbitt Gftl Fifth IB Two-Mile Their Ten Matches for Out¬ standing Record. Richardson was ch s.htxtl record* that enabled them to start out along the Spar- Hill Suffer! Sftond I.011 of Seek Seeond Win Over the Hill- While Relay Finishes Similar ' Kli.-r!! V ~9 The number ; listed jis water front with lota of rep behind them. Other* started from Mich man State's g.»lfer< cwi.-rl "avloi and itratxl ^ Year to Irish; Win Over Iowa toppers as Curtain Falls on ' ly for Spartaa Points. . s>- •. starting their climb in .12 with their whole collegiate carpet , in Friday's Game. Season Here. J1" Athletic Director Ralph H. lh ClKORtll; II1 SKIN ! 1 the Votinif hat* J teen conllned to Ujtate Normal ItV At. tlll ll l'K I ,,H*! the sickbed for the past three Friday. U »«. •< Wayne was Mii'liijfaii Stale hrtM fumhietl i The current I>hho1>hH nen-! 4 atvjiv numerous h n s e l» a I U H°'t tor .John Hob's Npnrtntis i ton games during the past two ^ill cross the bar tliis week-jot i Were if not for the team's iMinds with rie«,.j but they on rathiM nl! the record j BALLADS IN TANDEM 13th Annual On the Mot — .M'.ached man. because he WATER CARNIVAL on the Collins wrestling * 4 the p«*t winter and the Presented by the Senior Class d~.j>us seldom finds a man His fellow students tike I,n ,.m"i on t.ist os Wcuik-i. pirnh k da *ad hell • -f h»rr Scott, and Zicgtli . batuog far when hot weather i* trur* < ut MacGfam ba'*cd for '*»im Joe McDeavitt is hav- ' Hill and reached first when Willy Frank Teske Perry Con- Fromhart muffed ha* gtounder. -vured for the U»t campaign •^T.pieted his studies, along L-tX Bird, Wenriei Genson •of IXvki stoneelitte. Theytt be it what they came here for j CUaza left Haodall and MacGraio by swinging at a third stiilie. Red Cedar River at Farm Lane Bridge other things from now Jh^a-u .our ,«« «re ^ (Kef Hawks It w-ill be gr* at to tome Jiack: stA* ■ ® * **} « ' during homecoming and mix u ith; «• » s a FChnaa n> * » JUNE 12 and 13 ; ***« loses Ted Stymie* a the rest of these men who number '■* star- Tennx finds itself with- Michigan State among their! ^Pendabif WiiUrd Kiunzing- proudest possessions. And where* sad Walt Easier. ever they are in life, they can Swimming k***' to bet along without find solace, no matter how tough 'H ^vtgel—the nine letter man the going is, by remembering that l*A3'^—Tommy Mon t* ha* 4 ivum they are Michigan State men. The 7:39 P. M. «#*# iace. Smith. the diver, ftiyol is p wud of their—proud ** cavorting on the pool to have them around the country ^turning. vi'l tiavc a whole somewhere advertising the campus tb<» f^i-H Cedar—the prat* i ll---'f i.uurr CHILDREN 25c ADULTS 50c pest campus in this section of the nation—Michigan State, the finest ft* -*r* fcsch sport school to be from anywhere. *ao woo t Tttrail.iv. Juno 9, I9(tfl MICHIGAN PT VTV>»rfrU"S IxIMlll'l! I l l I > STORY VNNI VI AV.ATKR KVEN'T Our Own 'Last Mile "I House Holds Key Frosli Capers Cheer iR()T( lt:,n(11>';JVS HACK Ol' SENIOR I'l.AY | TO 111:.THIS AVKKK-KNt) \anAlst\ne In Game At Mason* Meet t Continued from tinge tY TnN.V. A. Ktiturr nlu'auiVJ Club>. Uhi Omega. Wil Delta Theta. minted wh.-n! IVIt;a Chi. Delia Sigma 1% Alphi Unit Tain Part in Stair Cnn- Alpha Fpslloti Hi. and Del ph. Annroprialcl fo >71.0(10.(tfld ooni Pofoxt WVtri. 3S-27. in Closing Garnet nf Spring vrntinn in Traxorio City ImTho *X\ 1 JT1, Next \V»r it Lo«rr Chjmhrr .So,ton at Frethmrn Slur. Th Todnx 1 P»..m P-'t ' be 11inett up and toady for oomplr- oft the other Side of. tin* i iv, • "nf Ttd The* so ore arranged in the follow - •n« '"...lot ♦ Alpha I Vita. Alpha At.oa,.. M.a I I'ool to Rrplaci' j Road Rati of Horl >mis OXttCMJE WWlD 1 (tfollfmnlr Dioro! , com.KCK mill! TIN AFFF.EDT CHOSEN HEAP OF SIGMA A1PHA IOTA A S C E. ELECTS OFFICERS VETS GFT EMPLOYMENT nsta In tnu , and Ntakh and .. i cat -• RADIUM txnosios RVRSS PRISCFTOS PROFESSORS l.*.r and piste bestowed bv [• ... XI1 -»atui«. 1 entertained, gardlv present .. • Mai i • nse v and • (harlea and Mary 1 . >1.' tr.e Minor of Naples, an act j eventually restored t-> »«%.• p. deeply irgretted. an 1 lady Jane Grey, behead**' '■>* .<• he made up by gt\mg ; irrawn in 1554. wa< a »1« y:» tit'carltrtg stepmother a rug- of their union" Ft an .• f» Ya j r joi . mo a i* ac t j v< v ' A »>»:iosr ev1.:»at...n s:a« ft r ( lurk li.UILK • Jnn HARUIAV • Mxroa l.*»A C*|.. 5 • n$ v M Pant • i girl t» -fairs "WIFE Versus" SECRETARY" | r^———=— Women live on rmot,.m " she fKA VVilflV thcrsday A Liebermann Gift thinking, they are not feminine . . . thk most astoiindlng for the Graduate drama op thk year! Young Mr tawrenee Rash of Ttw tm Iri4fu> .Wu, Winn the University of Kentucky has Quality , The California school teacher, a I been publishing results of inten-j VICTOR McLAGLEN [member of the 182® and 1932 [ sive study into the beat method* f class- [ \S\ Character of sitting comfortably in 1 . I QtympK teams, ran the 100 meters i room*. j m 10.5. the fastest time Ut which | _« | Distinction , he ha* ever run it He ha* found that the most ef- | ftcient Fine Luggage way to "Vest or i class is to use two sleep in 5 chairs, one to | | Japan has a baseball custom of j| sit in and one to rest the bended j | its own. Before each game the [\ elbow on while resting the chin} j two" teams face each other, bow to in the palm of the hand. Leather Goods Jy.rvn Nelv n. H.- m Otha, Noreen,' j ! Mr. Rash admit* the difficulty, j Ajwwtfjfe and Add* IPegpihi* play - , i S word is accepted without ajnur-1| sometimes, ■ ed dixibJo ;r» the tennis burai*' of finding more than ;r^ient at the Playday' held here''1 j raur, Never does a substitutej ' one chair, to this awkward situa¬ tion, he observes, the best solution Larjre gift selection: Saturday. j to the umpire and having this i* to find a chair against the back Helen Otto and. June Nelson .1 from $1.00 up | were runner*-up in the tennis > • [courtesy returned wall. One thus ha* a resting place ■ meet held a? Kalaraarsio last week. •,1 tor hi* head. Leaning back, how¬ ' S Robert Etnire, forward on the ever, i* not too *afe, inasmuch as receiving medals foe their effort* j1 [University of Indiana basketball the chair might slip. That would | team, i* to receive a gold cup from | the National Amateur Athletic as- be embarrassing. science Furthermore, shows that more people comedy -am- • car^*liombard _fc_ Norman Renovr, gran - sociaUor. for his feat of making color cartoon i^ hm mm* ! senior, wil be honored *t j 1 quel Sunday given at the C 1129 consecutive free throws, a new- American record