VOLUME 167NUMBER 1 MONDAY. JANUARY 4, U75 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 HA/R STON SAYS DISPUTE Ganakas reinstates suspended cagers Ganakas said. "It freshman forward in still another BvCHABLKS JOHNSON was a matter of two lovers meeting. being separated for a period of time who "Tropf knows we love Tropf. We're mike "taker realized they couldn't live without each other." behind everyone who plays." Hairston Stlte New. Sport. Writer. explained in making it clear that the action MSU will play at home taken HSU basket ha" coach Gus Ganakas tonight against was not directed at Tropf. id his 10 suspended players Sunday Ohio State. The game is scheduled to begin Ganakas and his players first met Sunday S ever six hours of deliberation in at 7:35 p.m. morning at the coach's home between 11 Sr, involving Ganakas. player Jeff Team center and captain Lindsay a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to begin ironing out the fi ud Asst. Athletic Director Clarence Hairston reiterated his earlier statements problems which led to the reinstatement of I yerwood, acting on behalf of Athletic that the walkout was definitely not related the 10 players. ffitor Burt Smith who was in to any prejudice involving team members or Ganakas. Hairston said the action was "They let a lot of people down by this reaction, but they realize that. My feeling Eelhall family had a problem and directed toward the MSU Athletic over a culmination of "minor Dept. was not to reinstate them immediately, but they were remorsefully sorry and they don't it fed proud that we solved it ourselves. have been things" that building up during the season. want to miss another game," Ganakas said. Hairston further said that the "I feel they have drafty respect for me or I practice conditions which have existed since wouldn't have reinstated them. This installment of the new exit doors in Jenison incident wasa momentum builder by the Fieldhouse which has caused several way we came together," continued Ganakas, players to become ill was just one of who said that individual consultations many with grievances against the Athletic Dept. listed the players would have cut into the playing by the players. of the Ohio State game and destroyed team None of the players would comment on the unity. other grievances involving the walkout, but Ganakas called the whole incident an Ganakas said his decision to insert embarrassing situation for his players, who Tropf in the starting lineup against Indiana didn't realize the extent of the precipi¬ consequences tated the spur-of-the-moment reaction on involved. Ganakas also noted that he still the part of the players. does not know how the problem of the open Ganakas explained that the walkout was a doorways will be solved. I \> misunderstanding between Tropf and the When asked why the players picked the GISGANAKAS rest of the team and apologized to the (continued on page 19) Rocky will head panel to probe CIA activities WASHINGTON «AP> Vice President in our governmental iiu SN photo< Craig Porter :|»n A. Rockefeller was appointed Sun- the need to preaerve Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger Four MSU varsity basketball players exit suspended by Spartan coach Gus Ganakas. national security, attended the meeting, the spokesman said. Jenison Fieldhouse Saturday before the t$ by President Ford to head an eight freedom «;kI human dignity. The White House announced Ford Standing left to right are Tom McGill. Terry iiker presidential commission to investi The spokesman said Rockefeller s Indiana game following the announcement over f urlow [back to accepted appointments less than 24 hours after he cameraj. Bill Glover and team auctions that the Central Intelli the appointment during a meeting with Ford the public address system that they had been e Agency (CIAl illegally spied on at the White House late established what he called a "blue ribbon" captain Lindsay Hairston. Saturday. The commission to investigate' bMrian citizens. spokesman said he knew of no special allegations of Rockefeller said illegal domestic spying. through a spokesman instructions from the President to the vice In setting up the panel, Ford said it will it he accepted thr assignment with a Student president about how to conduct the investi- "determine whether the CIA has exceeded twofresponsibility "for public confidence gaton. its statutory authority." He asked for a report within 90 days, including recommen dations for corrective action if n final access to files IS. govt. cracks Last month. CIA Director William Colby Ford a report which administration modified sent i lien students sources have said largely substantiates published accounts that CIA agents antiwar activists and dissidents spied on in the by legislators ByROSANNKLESS Lansing Community College. Lansing By BRUCE RAY WALKER students' files became the major conten Eldon Nonnamaker. vice - president of State News SuH Writer Business University, Olivet College and State News Staff Writer tion. as ambiguities in the amendment student affairs, said the Four MSI foreign The alleged spying operation was said to University would graduate students Owosso College who were employed at have included files on 10,000 Americans. In a clarification of a previous federal made it unclear whether confidential letters not even contemplate asking for a waiver jwd the swelling ranks qf Michigan's either the Okemos store or the Meijers on The other commission members appoint law, college students have been denied and recommendations already in the files from a student as a precondition for any during the term break as a result of West Saginaw Street also lost their jobs on ed Sunday, by Ford were former California access to any letters of recommendation would be opened to students. '»PP)wnt crackdown by U.S. Dec. 11 and 12. placed in their files before the beginning of "Does it include releasing letters of "We'll honor any student's request for a nt officials on Immigra¬ Gov. Ronald Reagan, retired Gen. Lyman aliens working Three of the MSU students have had this year. Thus the objections raised recommendation that were solicited in the waiver, but I've never been in favor of us illegally in Lemnitzer, former Solicitor General Erwin by country. hearings by the Dept. of Immigration and Griswold, AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer MSU administrators and faculty seem to be past under a promise they would always be waivers," Nonnamaker said. Naturalization Services (INS) and have had Joseph Lane Kirkland, retired University of quelled. kept confidential?" asked Paul Dressel, Other modifications will: ««use anvv"Nation of immigration law asst. •possible deportation their student visas restored to normal Virginia President Edgar F. Shannon, The modifications to the so called provost of Institutional Research, • Deny students access to their parent's offense. University status. This means that they can stay in the former Commerce Secretary John Connor when the controversy arose in November confidential financial statements. ™®rators, ASMSU and "Buckley Amendment." which provided The new modification denies students '°™m ad an emergency U.S. and complete their education. A fourth and former Treasury Secretary C. Douglas students access to their school records, • Deny college students direct access to hoc committee to the letters came MSU student faces an INS hearing Jan. 16. Dillon. access to and recommendations continued kkoI students were worked out by a conference commit on page 19t during Christmas week. U.S. immigration law states that when a White House spokesmen said Ford sought placed in their files before Jan. 1, 1975. tee of the Senate and House of Representa ■JSfr were 4,1 employed at foreign student enters the country, they to name commission members without any tives just before Christmas. The modifica While some universities had emptied EjThn Mere* in Okemos. must prove economic self - reliance. This affiliation with the CIA to avoid any conflict their files of recommendations rather than 1MSL «udenta. aliens attending I continued on page 19) of interest in the investigation. tions became law Dec. 31. Recommendations from let students have access to them, did MSU. took advantage of a 45 many, as day grace Dorm heads period provided bv the original law that gave the predict week what happened. MSU student named When contacted yesterday Dressel said that the modifications worked out by Sen. James Buckley, R New York, and Sen Claiborne Pell, D - Rhode Island, had taken of crowding care of most concerns the as Rhodes Scholar appeals at some University had 'There still might be complaints and universities about the Bv PAT NARDI State News Staff Writer recommendations ruling, but I think the Residence hall officials admitted over the By PAT NARDI modification has cleared up a lot of the weekend that, though accurate statistics State News Staff Writer ambiguities," Dressel said are not yet available, a number of rooms For the third time in four years a Rhodes Scholar has been named at MSU — an honor An original concern that a bad recom¬ will remain overcrowded for at least a week usually claimed by Ivy League students. mendation would haunt a student by being into w inter term and perhaps longer, as the Paul Hunt, 21. an MSU senior majoring in chemistry and mathematics, was informed used and nation's over over against him was largest on campus housing system shortly before Christmas that he would receive the most prestigious scholarship possible brought to the front again when the new- begins to recover from its worst over¬ for a college student to win. ruling denied access to old files. Robert crowding in history. Hunt is one of the 32 national winners including Pat Haden, quarterback for the Perrin. vice president of university "We're going to have some tripling for at University of Southern California football team, who will go to England to study at relations, said this concern was unfounded. least a week, and in some units probably Oxford University. Rhodes Scholars receive $4,000 a year for two years to pay for "1 don't think a student has to longer," said Robert Underwood, manager worry tuition, fees, travel and living expenses. The scholarships may be renewed for a third about this," Perrin said. More emphasis has of Residence Hall Programs said. year. been given this aspect than it deserves. Officials had predicted during fall term Rhodes scholars, who must be male, are judged on the basis of scholarship, wide range Students request recommendations from that tripling would exist the first week into of interests, athletic activities and leadership qualities. professors they know and trust." winter term, as it did last January, until Hunt. 349 Abbot Hall, credits both the Chemistry Dept. and Honors College with help Protection against this fear was also students could be shifted from triples to in earning the award. guaranteed by a provision of the measure rooms where one roommate had dropped "Particular credit should go to the Chemistry Dept. for the opportunity both in class that stipulated confidential recommenda and for research that it provides majors and Honors College students." Hunt said. tions could remain so only if such letters But because fall term's overcrowding was He plans to study physical/theoretical chemistry at Oxford and hopes to do research were not used for purposes other than those the worst ever at MSU — over 800 students either for a university or the government when he finishes graduate school. for which they were specifically intended were tripled far into fall term — officials Though Hunt carries an impressive 3.7 grade point average, he finds time to chair the Another provision of the modification are unable to guarantee when the problem Student Faculty Judiciary and play intramural football and softball with friends on his permits students to waive their rights of will be totally alleviated. floor. Hunt is a former member of the All University Student Judiciary. access to future confidential recommenda 'Triples in popular halls like Hubbard "Some professors think you are goofing off if you do not get a 4.0 in every class. I think, tions in the areas of admissions, and Holden will take longer to break down job though, that there are a lot of opportunities that are worthwhile. Some are in the placement and receipt of awards. because students do not iike to shift halls," classroom and some are not," he said. Fear that colleges might misuse the Underwood said. J"!" Hunt, _ tiij SN photo! Cmg Porter While Hunt's predominant field of study at MSU has been chemistry, he will be able to waiver policy brought the conference He estimated that three quarters of the NC,! senior majoring in chemistry and get a second major in mathematics in only four years because he earned 35 credits in committee to add language that assured overcrowded rooms are occupied by .^oUrship JfMirghjp ln'veriiu, "Unt Hun! k r^ent,y *w»rded the prestigious Rhodes , . travel to EnrUnd .nd r advanced placement. The acting director of Honors College. Paul Varg, praised Hunt's achievement.: that colleges "would not be permitted to require that the student waive his rights to women. A shortage of women's rooms occurred because an unexpectedly high 'niVfr*itv for ltt 0 tr»vel to England and .ttend attend Oxford Oxford "It's undoubtedly the highest honor a graduating senior in an American university can either the confidentiality of his records or number of female yetrs «fter he upperclassmen signed up graduates from MSU in June. (continued on page 19) his access to those records as a precondition to return to residence halls this fall. By this to enrollment." i continued on page 191 Monday, January 6,197 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan focus: Watergate By DENI MARTIN opinion. Three of the defendants — all charges against him. trial 'His testimony wouldn't have of the four." fair, testify." Spaeth said. Spaeth added thatanoth< NATION and Most of the students added former Attorney General John The students were divided on exonerated any whether or not Nixon should Other students questioned argument for appeal will I GARY LAROY that former president Nixon Mitchell and former Nixon the credibility of the Whi State News Staff Writers should also have been tried. aides H. R. Haldeman and John have testified at the trial. the former president's credibil¬ House tapes as admissible c The tour former Watergate "I'd feel more strongly to¬ Ehrlichman were found guilty "They shouldn't have finish ity. "I wouldn't believe him," dence. The defense ed the trial until he (Nixon) John Chapman, sophomore, lawyi, Boston group may go to court coverup defendants convicted New Year's Day received a fair ward him facing trial," said one student who did not want to be of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and several counts of gave a full and complete story 619 S. Case Hall said. will claim in their appeals th trial, according to a majority of of what happened," said Dave Harold Spaeth, MSU profes¬ fragmented and unclear se The Boston School Committee plans to go into federal identified. "He shouldn't have perjury. The fourth defendant, tions in the tapes make tl MSU students interviewed Robert Mardian, former *sst. Vincent, freshman, B123 Bryan sor of political science, said court Monday to request that law enforcement officials gotten off." recordings questionable Sunday. But Pat Preib, freshman, attorney general, was convict¬ Hall. appeals to reverse the verdict , insure the safety of students at the racially troubled South would be based heavily on evidence, he said. Only three of the 27 students B204 Emmons Hall said not ed of conspiracy. Dave Portious, senior, 329 E. Boston High School complex, which is scheduled to reopen Most students however, contacted in a random tele¬ prosecuting the Watergate de The four face possible jail Wilson Hall disagreed. Judge John S. Sirica's failure sa later in the week. "I don't think President to order Nixon to testify. they thought the tapes wei phone poll by the State News fendants for that reason would terms ranging up to 25 years admissible evidence. Gordt The decision to resume classes Wednesday at the schools said the trial was unfair. A and fines of up to $37,000. Nixon would have added any "The defense will argue be like not taking any of the made Nixon knows the full story and Golini, senior, 167 E. Shi was by Supt. William J. Leary after a nine - hour total of 23 approved of the Mafia to court because the A fifth defendant,Kenneth light to the facts and circum stances as they were," he said. that it is necessary for him to Hall, said the tapes represent meeting Saturday with city and state officials. However, conduct of the trial. One had no 'Godfather' got pardoned." W. Parkinson, was acquitted of the only truthful witness to t leary said U.S. District Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. will be coverup. asked to have police officials file detailed plans of how they during a Spaeth also said the U. repulse Red assaults would maintain public safety. Diego fc Ford vetoes namesake bill S. Viets Court of Appeals for the D trict of Columbia could han< the forthcoming appeals in on Ford. P even tal a couple of months, but of him. tl President Ford vetoed on Saturday a bill which would River only two miles east to doubted that decision SAIGON, South Vietnam ments were reportedly flown in a wou have named the new U.S. courthouse in his hometown of Phnom Penh and other fighting be made that (AP) — South Vietnamese de¬ by helicopter on Saturday and soon. Grand Rapids, Mich., the "President Gerald R. Ford Federal Office Building." It was the last of some 150 bills sent by Ford by the *CAlBOD7£p fenders of Phuoc Binh withstood a fourth-straight day Sunday of fierce North Vietnamese supplies have been airdropped. Tne city is cut off from all sides and its airfield is ringed was capital. reported north of the ants The four convicted defend are free pending thi outcome of the appeals, Ai * Intelligence reports said Congress which adjourned before Christmas. assaults on the embattled pro¬ by North Vietnamese anti 15,000 to 20,000 rebels were several students said the; vincial capital 75 miles north of aircraft guns. doubted the defendants wouli Ford said he appreciated the honor expressed by I'HIIOI MJNII concentrated around Phnom Congress but "I know of no federal office buildings that , here, the Saigon military com¬ The Saigon command said as Penh and preparing for an ever serve time in prison. have been named for a president while still in office. This Ninh® mand said. many as 6,000 North Viet all-out assault on the capital. Spaeth said the four defend The command reported fresh namese soldiers are operating in legislation might begin a precedent I believe is best not to ants will probably not have establish." i street forces fighting but said its were holding out and radio communication was intact. the province. It was no known how many were involved in the attack on Phuoc Binh. Field reports said insurgents lobbed more than 200 mortar rounds and sent waves of serve their sentences for couple of years. Even if they do go they' Shots tired on occupied land North Vietnamese tanks and The Communist drive in Phuoc Long province began ground troops against govern¬ ment soldiers just south of Arey probably end up playing gol infantrymen breached the city's Dec. 14. Since then the North Khsat village on the east bank of every day like the rest of thos Gunfire broke out again Sunday at a religious order's southern defenses Saturday and seized at least two positions, tne Vietnamese have captured all the Mekong, where fierce fight guys," said Gary Borsen, grac estate that was being occupied by five armed Menominee uate student, Twyckinghai command said. four district towns, several ing has been reported during Indians. Apartments. Independent reports reach¬ military bases and strategic the past five days. The predawn firing was the second day in a row that ing Saigon from Phuoc Binh Highway 14. The State News is c llshed by the students of Michigan shots have been fired since the takeover New Years day. were sketchy and often contra¬ Government casualties have State University every c i day during Fall, Winter and Spring Fifteen rounds were fired from the area of the 225 acre - dictory, and it was unclear how been listed at 1,300 in the nesday, and Fridays, during Summer Term, and a special VS ome Week edition Is published In estate, which was surrounded by at least 150 officers, Dist. much of the city was under drive. September. Subscription rj is $20 per year. Atty. Earl Schmidt said. He said one shot was fired in return Communist control. If it falls, Phuoc Binh will be ... .. i. Editorial and 5 Student Serclces Bldg., Michigan State by police surrounding the site. The command said the Sun¬ the first provincial capital cap¬ ....... University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. Similar exchanges occurred Saturday, but day barrage ipcluded over 1,000 tured by the North Vietnamese POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 no injuries Student Services Building In care o< MSU Messenger Service, East were reported. rounds of rockets, mortars and since Quang Tri was taken in Lansing, Ml 48824. artillery fire — some of it 1972. South Vietnamese forces Schmidt described the situation at the Alexian Brothers GERALO H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER 130mm rounds from the largest later recaptured the northern ROBI estate as stable Sunday afternoon. gun in the North Vietnamese city. arsenal, a Soviet-make giant In Cambodia, Khmer Rouge Agnew, partner buy coal mine SOUTH with a range of 17 miles. Many of the city's 26,000 civilians, most of them refugees, rebels launched fresh assaults against 400 ment besieged govern¬ troops on the Mekong Former Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and a business were reported wounded or associate have bought an Oklahoma coal mine, plan to close a deal on another in Kentucky and are considering buying 14 more, the Washington Post quotes the associate VIETNAM starving. Phuoc Binh is the government's last foothold in Phuoc Long povince which lies as saying. along the Cambodian border. In a story in its Sunday editions from Henderson, Ky., the The command said govern¬ Post quoted Agnew's associate, Walter J. Dilbeck Jr., as ment troops knocked out seven saying foreign money was being used to make the coal out of i0 North Vietnamese tanks which attacked the city Astaire deals, but "not from the Mideast." >ANCE STUDIOS Saturday. The government garrison in the city is about 2,500 men, Westmoreland still under care mostly militia. Some reinforce- Gen. William C. Westmoreland, under treatment at Eisenhower Medical Center in Palm Desert, Calif, for a heart attack, spent a restless night and was given pain - killing drugs, a hospital spokesman said Sunday. 6 Private Lessons-ONLY *5.00 However, the retired Army Chief of Staff's vital signs You can learn to were stable, a medical bulletin said. Westmoreland, 0, was expected to remain in the coronary care unit for Foxtrot, Waltz another four five Swing, Polka, Cha-Cha, or days. Rumba and Tango. LIMITED OFFER! DANCE STUDIOS, INC. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 301 MAC Avenue, East Lan Phone 332-8 China may rely on oil exports China, normally a cash - on - the - barrelhead trader, had its first big international deficit in 1974, according to statistics gathered by American financial institutions. New York's First National City Bank estimated it at about $735 million. One of the bank's publications commented M W aVI II f AUM "the reds are running out of the black." City Bank economists joined others in predicting that China may be counting on vastly increased oil exports from CHUNKY I II newly - exploited reserves to close the gap. Some estimates put these reserves as larger than those of Saudi MCNIDAr Nil If If Arabia. '' Oil from the wells of China was also pictured as a MIM NI1C strategic, diplomatic and economic tool in the continuing > IM I Hill / HI MV M.I I struggle between Moscow and Peking. II IM I Hill i H I MV...*/,! I Soviets reported to lead U.S. The Soviet Union surpassed the United States last year in the production of oil, coal, pig iron and mineral fertilizers, according to a leading Soviet journalist. A I I VI >11 \| Yuri Zhukov, Pravda's top commentator, said figures from the Central Statistical Board show the Soviet Union is now the world's leading producer in the four "important DEEP DISH PIZZA indices." II IM I Will / ill vi%.»| Zhukov did not mention the fact that in none of the areas did the Soviet industry meet original production targets for IM III I AI 11 1 I H7- t»| 1974. However, he did say the Soviet Union slipped in 1974 IM | | | |\| I M steel output to second place behind the United States, having out - produced the Americans during the previous II II I VI II I \l||. three years. III III II II I I I I % ILO says women earn less Despite some slight progress in their quest for equality, modern working women still earn much less than men and are seen in areas of high unemployment as "intruders in a male domain," according to a report by the International Labor Organization. The ILO says that even in many industrialized countries a woman's right to work is dependent on the buoyancy of the i ••••••' economy while "in periods of economic recession it is easy to see how fragile is their right to equality of opportunity and treatment in the world of work." micl»gan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 6, 1975 3 Governor trims budget, MSU loses $1.5 million By PETE DALY filling vacancies on the faculty student enrollment for winter come from?" Wilkinson asked. State New* Staff Writer and staff. and spring terms. The new year found MSU Although So far statistics are unavail¬ "By not filling a vacancy so two-thirds of MSU revenue able regarding the enrollment administrators juggling with a quickly we can save a month or comes from the state treasury, winter term, but Ira Polley, budget for the current year that two of salary," said Elliot most of the remaining one-third asst. provost for admissions, was suddenly deflated by $1.5 Ballard, assistant to President is made up of enrollment fees. said registration last week million by a stroke of Gov. Wharton. "Spread out all dver Wilkinson said a slight decline looked normal to him. Milliken's pen on Dec. 16. the campus, these savings add I Canadian Robert Milliken's move to trim the up." in enrollment could be worse than a large one. "Having seen the mass humanity over there I have of no Smeding Has been state budget reflects the ailing Ballard said the policy of "If a class normally has 50 reason to expect an enrollment mistaken frequently economy plus a treasury weak carrying vacancies temporarily students but only 42 enroll in it, out of the ordinary," Polley said. ened by the loss of revenue from during a visit to San the repealed has been in effect since last then we still have to o4fer the "Maybe by February or sales tax on The deferred mainten class anyway as though there Diego for President year. Marcfc there might be an impact groceries. The budget cut at ance, however, will result in if the recession continues," he I Ford. People have MSU will be reflected mostly in fewer classroom alterations and were 50," he said. "The auto layoffs in Detroit said. I even taken pictures reduced maintenance of build¬ less construction and repair of make this a distinct Ballard was more pessimistic possibility. I of him, thinking they ings and grounds on campus. campus streets and sidewalks. Normally in a tight economy, regarding the future of the Milliken's executive order I were photographing duced all state appropriations to re "Everything that is not of an students may not be able to find economy and MSU's financial I the President. ■ Michigan higher education for emergency nature may be put off," said Roger Wilkinson, summer employment but their stability. APwirephoto parents can pay their tuition "I don't think anybody is very 1974 75 by 1.5 per cent, totaling vice president in charge of bus¬ anyway. In this case, parents optimistic about next year," he $78 million statewide. iness and finance. He explained said. "We don't expect it to be themselves are out of work. MSU's loss amounted to $1.2 that elevators that operate Where's the money going to one of our better years." million from the $85.6 million properly but were routinely the legislature had appro scheduled for replacement priated for this year's general would instead be kept in service fund, and $300,000 from the $13.3 million state appropria tion for the University Agricul unless unsafe. Outdoor campus lighting that replacement may comes up also be for re Youngest state rep tural Stations and extension tained, he said. services. The reduction of the general fund will be felt in two ways, "We had these options ready because we saw this coming," sworn into office Ballard said. "The budget cut according to MSU administra tors. The most obvious will be a came as no great surprise to the Today is George Cushingberry, Jr.'s 22nd birthday. administration." reduction of scheduled main¬ Cushingberrv, a Wayne State University senior, is also the newly tenance But the specter of still elected Democratic representative to programs, while the Michigan's House of second option will be a delay in another cut in appropriated Representatives from the Detroit-area 4th District. funds is haunting Michigan Though the new two-year session of the House does not begin administrators in higher educa until Wednesday. Cushingberry was sworn into office Jan. 3 while tion. Two budget cuts are not still 21. ending Republicans' claim to the FEW GROCER PROBLEMS unheard of. State funds were House. youngest member of the reduced- twice in fiscal year The special ceremony removed from the record books both 1970 71, Reps. totaling about 2 per Colleen House. R Bay City, and John M. Engler, R-Mt. Pleasant, cent. who were 22 years old when they took office. Food tax bewilders shoppers more "I don't think several times. they'll cut it any for this year," Ballard said Another financially painful Cushingberrv is a director of the National Student Lobby and the Black Causes Assn. and is majoring in political science. "I've been involved in politics since I was eight years old," Cushingberry said. "My dad was treasurer of Royal Oak Township River Avenue, for example, possibility administrators are and I used to pass out literature for Hubert Humphrey in his gjS. ARSKTT ORR though has caught quite a few his customers have been start¬ insisted the cat food she was mulling over is a reduced presidential campaign.' I State News Staff Writer spent $2,000 apiece for several of the shoppers, unaware. led at getting a little extra buying should not be taxed. |ltwis expected that Mich new cash registers equipped to handle both taxable and change back and "a lot of them She lost the argument. It is Lansing Ski Club Certified Instructors Ski Ski Lansing Ski Club Certified Instructors Ski Ski Lansing n pocers would have non¬ "I'm surprised that more are not aware" of the new law. claimed that many poor people jjover problems when the taxable items. people don't know about the have been eating the inexpen I JOIN Z . fiJ of the state sales tax on According to Donald Taylor, new law." said Cliff Ray. a Beattie also said the store sive pet food for years and the lid went into effect Jan. 1. executive director of the Mich cashier at the Min a Mart store has a copy of the new law HTbejrocers, however, are gan Food Dealers' Assns., a on Ann Street. "I guess it's just available to customers and lists current economic slump may be THE LANSING SKI CLUB bout 60 per cent of the state's forcing even more people to rninf little trouble with their the usual ignorant college of what is tax free. Most other resort to Puss'n' Boots for an Ish registers It is the food outlets either already had crowd." local stores also have such lists affordable meal.But pet food is or have recently purchased the pperswti# are confused, Ray««aid he did not mind the < I on hand for discriminating still not included in Michigan's ■ichigan voters on Nov. 5 specially equipped registers. extra trouble of sorting out his shoppers. list of tax exempt items. (d an amendment elimin- In the other 40 per cent of the customers' groceries. "I per Apparently, though, some fiigthe tax on food purchased ne consumption and stription drugs. on stores, including some in East Lansing, customers and cash¬ iers simply sort out the taxable sonally find it a great pleasure not giving the government shoppers do not pay enough attention to the listings of what STUDENT SEASON PASS money," he said. is taxable and what isn't, for |0tlitr lie products, such as alco items, ring them up and add Larry Fortino, owner and several stores have reported COST- s40 I beverages, paper pro the four per cent tax, and then manager of Larry's Shop Rite, squabbles between customers lets.soaps, tobacco and pet ring up the nontaxable goods. said he estimated the average and cashiers over what consti GOOD MONDAY THRU FRIDAY UNTIL 6 P M. 1 Visare still taxable. The cashiers are having little shopper now saves between 10 tutes "food for home consump FOR MORE INFO ? supermarkets have had trouble adjusting either to new and 20 cents per trip. tion." Brost in new cash registers CALL 351-0780 OR ~ cash registers or the sorting of Mark Beattie, manager of the Louis Weaver, stock man jld with tax and no-tax keys, the items, according to store Wrigley's store in the Frandor ager at Eberhard's on Grand WRITE Box 1314 E. Lansing § pj's Shoprite. on Grand managers. The whole thing, Shopping Center, said some of River Avenue, said one woman d 8uPf*K *®"S PIS P*JH*n M*jafd«noj HS ■n,0d «0US pajqSn V|aw|dnio) open thursday and friday nights until nine MSU BOOTIRY STOCK REDUCTION Out to the unseasonable weather and our sluggi*': economy we are having the greatest famous-name brand Shoe Sale in our hi story'of 28 yeart in East Laming and Central Michigan. Hundreds of pairs of first quality brand new fall and winter of 1974, Men's, Woman's shoe* and boots are on sale at The Bootery. And there's just about anything you'd want to add to your footwear wardrobe. Don't be lata, first come, first seraedll LIMITED TIME ONLY! ***** Sbs""* -00 J£ Sff» - « S,T» *"*" CALF W-_ Rt $18 to $25 Res. To *36 00 Rag To $37 Reg. to $35.00 i men's WOMEN'S MEN'S & WOMEN'S Inatvre snok| ii •DEXTER MEN'S •ACME BOOTS fashion negative boots nr •it" heel shoes Reg. To $60 $300 men's dunham kikers •irvir VERDE MEN'S & WOMEN'S introducing the "Get There" shoe for Miss J. rolscao . . •irvir I Reg. unapun making waves in the buoyant, composition-crepe •MPll UAF Reg. $28 00 WOMEN'S MEN's "rocker" sole for self-propelling action and a philippe herman $45,00 women's comfortable respect for leg and foot Above, survivors •BASS latina ~!J7" • DEXTER a super fit in soft buffalo leather, or coordinating •1 r sandler $38M with all that's casual By Famolare in 6^-10 Narrow Selected Styles and 5 10 Medium sizes Tie-up oxford in camel, $26 ALL SALES SIRKTLY FINAL - OVER SIZES EXTRA! T-strap sandal in saddle, $24 t r , THURSDAYS HU 9 - FRMAYS IE S • SIWDAYS 12:30 ■ 5:30 «$K ON PARK ANB SHOP PLAN Jac'obsons TOM W Nixon scandals defy justia Editorials are the opinion of the State News Columns, viewpoints and letters are he could. Nixon will not disavov. l personal opinions. In the 30 months since the break in at the Mitchell, H. R. Haldemao, John Ehrlichman to reverse the guilty verdicts. headquarters of the Democratic National and Robert Mardian. Nixon has admitted no guilt, no complici¬ could. The only real chance to rha|| J Committee in the Watergate Building, nine ty, conceded acceptance of Ford's pardon disappeared when Special pr()J As the evidence mounted over the Jaworski refused to do so a s Sadat is willing to grant communique Israel secret promises of nonbel said the raid began at dawn ry a. Kissinger's step-by- under the personal supervision |approach toward negotia¬ ligerency, Newsweek said. of Premier Rashid Solh acting in Meanwhile, the Palestine. Libration Organization (PLO) his capacity as interior minister. te Israeli reports said ser- said a weekend meeting in Cairo ptiations were expected ne Thursday when For with foreign ministers of Jor dan. Egypt and Syria "failed to |iMinister Yigal Allon goes achieve anticipated objectives." Washington for talks with Prime Minister Arab League Secretary Gen ■apartments and Iarried housing [zero deductible ■ENTERS PACKAGE 10 Michigan State News, East WMSN and MSU BOOKSTORE Celebrate the Arrival of Winter... And Welcome You Back to MSU by C|ig Out PRIZES GALORE! Just Listen to or Stop Down and Wah WMSN Broadcasting Live (640 am o\ui From the Front Lobby of MSU Book\e- of the International Center. I ||--higan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 6, 1975 ] ] MSU BOOKSTORE 1975 WINTER RUSH HOURS Monday 1-6-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday 1-7-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Wednesday 1-8-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Thursday 1-9-75 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday 1-10-75 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. wr dial ) The Money Man is Back \v-on He'll be here for three the Lowe big days, Mon-Wed., Jan. 6,7 & 8, from 7:30 to 5:00. Sell those old books from last term. Monday, January 6,19 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan TEXAS Ballenger begins work with HEW You don't necessarily have to partment — the largest in Washington. Ballenger said the job will pay of two state Senate committees, health and social services and INSTRUMENT CALCULATOR , win an election to get to federal government. It will Washington. involve special assignments "substantially more" than the agriculture and consumer from $17,000 a year salary he re¬ affairs. Former state Sen. William Weinberger with r Ballenger begins work today as emphasis on fact finding, defin ing issues and program recom ceived as a member of the legislature. He applied to the He was first elected to the Michigan House in 1968. He was SR50 a special assistant to U.S. elected to the Senate in 1970. mendations. White House for work shortly Health. Education and Welfare In addition, Ballenger said he after his primary loss, and He was a newspaper reporter (HEW) Secretary Caspar Weinberger. will be briefing the secretary on announced the HEW appoint¬ ment Jan. 2. and chairman of the Shiawaseee County Republican party before NOW! AT REDUCED Ballenger, who chose not to local topics when Weinberger run for re-election to the Senate, gives speeches away from Ballenger has been chairman joining the legislature. was primary defeated in a three-way race last August to PRICES. . . s12995 replace retiring 6th District New tourist ^ U.S. Rep. Charles Chamberlain, coun R-East Lansing. The seat was ALSO. ..SR10 *57*5 won by Democrat Robert Carr, an East Lansing attorney. Ballenger, a Republican from Williamston, is the first Mich¬ offers stote travel AT igan lawmaker to join the Ford administration. Ironically, Chamberlain will Winter sports enthusiasts and Michigan travelers can now get subjects. The Lansing phone will be vice by calling 1 -800-248-9610. Western New York residents CAMPUS BOOK STORE also be in Washington. He should call area code 716. announced recently he is joining up-to-date telephone informa manned from 5 to 7 p.m. tion every weekday evening. Monday through Friday on a a law firm there, though his long 10 week trial basis, the council range plans are to return to The new hot line program said. The number, toll-free from Michigan. started today by the Michigan SN photo!Jim Keegstra Ballenger said a large part of Tourist Council, offers callers any point in the state, is 1 800-292 2520. Former state Sen. William Ballenger and his his new job will be liaison work data on fuel availability, weath between the White House and er conditions, ski and snow People in other states border¬ wife watch inauguration Year's Day at the Capitol. ceremonies New HEW on personnel matters mobile reports, fishing informa ing Michigan may obtain the same toll free information ser- COmPUTER within the 132.000-emplove de¬ tion and other pertinent travel SHORTCOURSES The Computer Laboratory will present a series of non-credit shortcourses during Winter term, 1975. There is o J1 fee covering computer time ond materials for each shortcourse. Registration for the shortcourses must be made by Jomj ENGINEERING GRADUATES 17 at the User Information Center, Rm. 309 Computer Center. For full shortcourse descriptions, contoct the User Information Center, 353-1800 Which way to go? GMDflt - a program designated to relieve the drudgery of groding for I instructors of large and medium enrollment courses. Think about a technical sales (Section 1: January 23, 7 - 9 p.m.; Section 7: February 19, 3 - 5 p.m. career at Leeds & Northrup Introductory Graphics - use of the CalComp pen plotter ond the Tektronix | ALTA Surgical Supply announces their new graphics terminal. It's tough to make a career decision when there (January 27 29 & 31; 3 • 5 p.m.) , Medical Book and Supply Store Branch located at are so many ways to go. That's why Leeds & 1504 E. Grand River at Hagadorn. Phone 351-2610 Northrup's recruiter wants to help you think things SYMAP end STMVU - Horvord University programs fc through and discuss the unusual opportunity avail¬ three - dimensional perspective graphics for info about limited hours. able to the engineer who goes into technical sales (January 21, 23,4 28; 7-9 p.m.) If you haven t yet opted for the traditional engi¬ SyiteiMtic Programming - a systematic approach t Student Discounts Available PASCAL longuoge for CPS 110 level programmers neering career, think about sales technical (Februory 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, ft 19; 7 - 9 p.m.) sales. It's an area where you woutd be using your Alto Surgical Supply Co. engineering skills to match the product to the •uk SPSS - an introduction to the basics of using the Statistical Package fc | 1717 E. the Social Sciences for those new to computing. Michigan Avenue problem and where you would have the chance Lansing ph. 489-1404 to develop your ability to communicate with top- (Section 1; Jonuory 27, 29, ft 31, 7 - 9 p.m.; Section 2: February 3, 5. i | 7, 3 • 5 p.m.) level executives. You should be able to exhibit a JOSH WHITE JR. degree of self confidence that is part'of the pat¬ tern of a successful sales engineer Advanced SPSS Social Sciences - the advanced features of the Statistical Package for the including permonent file and magnetic tape usoge (February 18 ft 20; 7 - 9 p.m.) | Gary's Campus (Don. Jan. 6 JANUARY 13 on your campus nvtmeijt. is the day our recruiter will be It's the time for talk, not com- CISSI2 Reseorch. - the Statistical Package of the Computer Institute for Social Scien SQ.jf.^ou want to find out what't; (February 4 ft fe 7 . 9 p.m.) fri M Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon ip ^ TOPS-SHIRTS—sizes S,M,L or 5 6-7 5/T6 CO-OPTICAL SERVICES Now in Brookfiatd Plan • i French Imports, 100% Cotton, Size 10-16, were $16 $8 Jersey Prints, Many colors and Designs, were $15 $9.99 Cecily, Flannel Jean Tops, were $14-$16 $8.99-$10.99 Puff Sleeve Turtle Necks, 6 colors, were $16 $8 BASKETBALL Nylon Crinkle Knits, Size S. M. L. were $15 $9.99 SHOES will go one on one with SKIRTS—f^e biggest fashion item anyone, anytime, 25" Solids in Knits and Wools, were $17 to $22 $11.99 to $14.99 anywhere." 25" Plaids and Prints, were $15 $7.90 to $9.99 Regular Knee-length-Knits, were $14-$20 $7-$10 W. W. Duke, Authentic, Hand-made, Long were $50-$75 $39-$49 SWEATERS—over choose from 3 Turn Turtle Necks, 5 colors, were $10 Cable Knit Pull-overs, 6 colors, were $15 Hooded, Waist Lengths Styles, were $16-$19 Hand-made Look, Cable Knit with Zipper, $20 Cardigans, Long Wraps, 2 pocket with Buttons, $13-$30 Fur Trim Cardigans, were $45-$100 Trade in Short Sleeve Co-ordinate Look, were $14-$17 Metallic Sparkle, Shells-Cardigans, 3 colors $13-$16 YOUR OLD -Adidas -Converge . - < -Pro-Kods -Pumas -Tigers 'All Sports Shoes AND RECEIVE tin "see our selection Quede 2.00 OFF the price of a & new pair of Cam/as IPRO-Ketfs Offer CAMPUS Ixpiros January 17,197S SPORTS 547 EAST GRAND RIVER AVENUE EAST LANSING Monday, January 6, l 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Hot icers roar into top spot in WCHA By STEVE STEIN MSU traveled to Minnesota-Duluth Dec. 20-21 to play t SUte News Sport* Writer Bulldogs and came away with a pair of tight victories. Ross won a 6-5 overtime victory for the Spartans Dec. 21 with MSU's hockey team hasn't been very polite guests the past couple tally after Moroney came through in the clutch again with a g- of weeks. with just 1:07 to go in regulation time which tied the score. The Spartans, who have now won their last seven games, Playing without three men the night before, MSU hung on including six straight Western Collegiate Hockey Assn. (WCHA) took a 4-3 victory as Moroney, Ross, Darl Bolton and Colp talli contests, have vaulted into first place in the league. during the first two periods to give the Spartans a 4-1 advanta The squad's last five victories have come on the road as the The Spartans played three men short against Duluth beca Spartans have just two games remainingon their seven-game midseason road trip — against second-place Colorado College this wingers Rice and Sturges and freshmen defenseman Ti McDonald each received fighting penalties during a free for all weekend in Colorado Springs. MSU coach Amo Bessone's team now sports a 12-3-1 record in the end of the first period of a contest against Michigan Dec. I4I WCHA play and is 14-5-1 overall. The Wolverines' Angie Moretto, Frank Werner and Greg F Winning on the road in the WCHA is a must if a team is to push its also received fighting penalities during the battle, which broke way up in the standings. as both teams headed for their respective locker rooms after t "Anything you pick up on the road is a bonus," Bessone said. period had ended. This past weekend in North Dakota, MSU added to its winning MSU won the long contest that night before 8,185 fans at the Y- streak with a pair of 5-4 victories over the Sioux as winger Brendon Ice Arena in Ann Arbor, 8-3. Ross and Moroney paced the Spart' Moroney, playing perhaps the best hockey of his Spartan career, with a pair of goals apiece. scored the game winner late in the final period both nights. Senior defenseman Paul Pavelich and sophomore Dave Kef Moroney, a junior from Sudbury, Ontario, scored with just 53 scored their first goals in Spartan uniforms during the rout and C- seconds remaining in th% game Saturday night to give the Spartans picked up six assists in the contest. the victory. "Those penalties spoiled the game a little bit," Bess Tom Ross and John Sturges each added a pair of tallies to commented. "But our kids really hung in there. Anytime you complete the Spartan scoring. The victory was the 300th for Bessone in his 24 years of coaching MSU hockey teams. Michigan its sweet." A four-goal outburst in the third period the night before carri On a sad note. Spartan center Steve Colp saw his 46-game MSU to a 6-1 victory over the Wolverines before 6,562 fans at Mu consecutive scoring streak broken against Dakota Saturday night. Arena. Ross extended his streak to 44, however, as he collected two assists to go along with his two goals. Spartan goalie Ron Clark kept the Spartans in the game As they have many times before this season, the Spartans came making 28 saves during the first period of the contest. MSU started its seven-game string with a 4-3 victory o< from behind in the final period to defeat North Dakota Friday night. nonconference foe Bowling Green at home Dec. 8. Sturges won t Moroney completed a three-goal binge which wiped out a 4-2 North Dakota lead by scoring the winner with just 1:42 to go. game with a power play goal with just 20 seconds remaining on fine individual effort. Colp scored twice and Ross and Daryl Rice also tallied tor the Bowling Green won the night before, 7-4. Spartans in the contest. PLACE TWO A Wrestlers need work the break. Consequently we were a little lazy at times. We di ByPATFARNAN executemovesand takedowns as crisply as we would have liked Stete News Sports Writer "I think the wrestlers are very conscientious of their faults ri S/V photo/Dan Shutt The MSU wrestling team ushers in its new year Friday and, like now," Dziedzic said. "They're working hard to improve and th the automobile industry, hopes to get rolling before its too late. Spartan winger Brendon Moroney battles a help. Led by Moroney, who has scored a goal in MSU head coach Grady Peninger kept his crew busy over winter encouraging. We lost a little finesse over the holidays but » "Michigan player for the puck near the boards each of the last eight games, MSU has piled up much more polished for Iowa Friday." break with competition at the annual Midlands tourney Dec. 27 and The Spartans have enjoyed relative success in the Midlands in t during a contest between the two teams early a seven - game winning streak, including five 28. But the Spartans performed like a set of flat tires against some consecutive road victories. of the best amateur talent in the country. past but it didn't work out that way this time. Both Jeff He:: last month as MSU's Tom Ross comes up to (177) and Steve Rodriguez (150) lost early matches with about The Midlands is often considered a bellwether for the NCAA seconds to go in the bout. tournament in MArch. If that be the case, the Spartans will have to "That was the end of the line for them and I think it pointsout t Hoosiers drub scrubs, 107-55; shift gears if they are going to make a move. Only heavyweight Larry Avery and 134-pounder Dennis Brighton placed, both wrestlers earning fifth spot in their weight we were probably a little out of shape." Dziedzic said. Spartan 126-pounder Pat Milkovich, the defending NC champion, did *iot compete due to a bout with strep throat. class. Prior to the Midlands, the Spartans nipped archrival Michi- The Iowa Hawkeyes, whom the Spartans host at 7:30 p.m. Friday Spartans host Buckeyes tonight 19-16, Dec. 6 in front of 4,000 spectators in Jenison Fieldhou in Jenison Fieldhouse, won the team total and are considered a The lead teeter-tottered in that skirmish until the Spart strong threat for both the Big 10 and NCAA crowns. erased a six-point deficit and breezed past the Wolverines for t | | The Hawks were rated fourth nationally at th| outset of this ***** i By CHARLES30HNSON State News Sports Writer with varsit; experience, the Spartans suffered their second f season but have since upended Oklahoma, conference losi in as many games. MSU overall mark „ now 6-3. jj. Iowa is the defending Big Ten champion. formerlyJ"anked second. Scott Wickard, 190-pounder, and heavyweight Larry Avery the damage for the Spartans. Wickard outpointed U-M nemi "The setting was perfect for us." Spartan coach Gus Ganakas said MSU will play Ohio State tonight at Jenison Fieldhouse witri Peninger's aide-de-camp, Stan Dziedzic, ascribed the Spartans Dave Curby, 12-3. Then Avery iced the match pinning Michi, after watching the Spartan reserve unit go through the motions in a tipoff time slated for 7:35 p.m. problems in the Midlands to a few rough edges yet to be shaved. "I was pleased and gratified with the competitive desire shown by "We went two weeks without an orderly practice before the heavyweight Mitch Marsicano in 4:41 of their duel. 107-55 mercy killing Saturday at the hands of Indiana, the No. 2 our team," Ganakas said of the players who were abruptly called It was the Spartans second win in the two dual meets this s< ranked team in the nation. Midlands," he said. "Each wrestler worked out on his own during Ganakas lamented the dramatic turn of events which left him a into duty against Indiana. "It took a lot of sacrifice for the players, man without a team after 10 of his players walked out of a team but they wanted to play." meeting shortly before the crucial Big Ten clash. "Indiana was the No. 1 team and they were coming down to our Indiana coach Bobby Knight had similar comments about the MSU scrubs. "I was very proud to watch the team that MSU put out on the Club Sports ) wins tankers place," he said. "It was a great opportunity for us to make a court," Knight said. showing." The MSU Judo Club will Before Saturday's occurences, MSU had appeared in fine shape start schedule off As it turned out, though, the 10 dissident players were suspended begin workouts tonight in the for a competitive run at the Big Ten title. Though it lost to Purdue indefinitely by Ganakas and the Spartans were swiftly cast into the Judo Room of the Men's Intra¬ precarious position of trying to field a competitive team made up of in its first Big Ten game Thursday, 93-86, MSU could have gotten mural Building. walk-ons and unproven players. right back into the thick of things with a win over Indiana. With 6-7 Jeff Tropf the only player in the lineup against Indiana MSU opened the season with successive wins over Central Interested beginners should By DAN SPICKLER competition also come the internal ones. Man Michigan (82-78), Eastern Michigan (92-60) and Western Michigan meet from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. for State News Sports Writer the starting spots for each event are being h (62-59). introductory lessons. The reg¬ The MSU men's swimming team will have only contested by a fine crop of freshmen. After defeating Northern Michigan 91-59 in its first road contest, ular workout will take place the beginning of this week to savor its two "The overall effect of this inner squad rival the Spartan team competed in the Cable Car Classic in San from 7:15 to 9 p.m. season-opening dual meet victories as the an improving team," Fetters said. "In that How they fared. . . Francisco. Highlighting the term's activ¬ pressures of competition and intra-squad rivalry the swimmers see it as a good thing." Making it to the final round by defeating the host school San start to build. Freshman Jesse Griffin from Lansing S Here's how the Spartan men's teams fared during finals week ities is the AAU champion¬ Francisco. 86-78, the Spartans loSt the championship game to Long The tankers opened their schedule at home fall term and winter break: Beach State, 74-62. ships, which will be held in Los High School, in his first appearance as a coll< Dec. 6 with a dominating 90-33 win over Eastern diver against Eastern, qualified for the NCj Basketball A 72-69 victory over the University of Detroit at Cobo Arena put Angeles in mid-March. Last Michigan. The team then traveled to Evanston, Dec. 7 — MSU 92, Eastern Michigan 60 meet on both the one and three-meter boa the Spartans' nonconference mark at 6-1 in preparation for the long year, four members competed 111., Saturday and opened conference action with Dec. 14 — MSU 62, Western Michigan 59 in the tourney. In the 1000-yard freestyle, freshman G Dec. 16 — MSU 91, Northern Michigan 59 Big Ten campaign. an 85-38 drenching of Northwestern. Forman of Okemos posted victories for Dec. 20 — MSU 86, San Francisco 78 Despite the resounding victories, Spartan coach Dick Fetters forsees much tighter scores in Spartans in both meets. At home, Forman 21 Long Beach State 74, MSU 62 Dec. Dec. Jan. 2 — 23 - MSU 72, Detroit 69 Purdue 93. MSU 86 First da term filled the coming weeks. As he puts it, the schedule for the next month and a half is "one horror show clocked at 10:10.69. In the 200-yard freestyle event, freshman Apsley posted two victories for the Spart; - after another." Jan. 4 — Indiana 107, MSU 55 Apsley, from Florida, was timed at 1:47.01 in sport deadlines Wisconsin, second in the Big Ten last year, will Dec. 7 — Bowling Green 7, MSU 4 women's stop in for a dual meet at the Men's IM pool meet against Eastern. Freshman Mike Rado from Farmingt. Dec. 8 — MSU 4, Bowling Green 3 Saturday. Intra state rival Michigan, the third Harrison High School came out on top in the] Dec. 13 — MSU 6, Michigan 1 The first week of winter term is filled with clinic for co-recreational inner-tube water polo. place team, is next for the Spartans with a home meet the following weekend. individual medley relay for the Spartans ir Dec. 14 — MSU 8, Michigan 3 women's intramural team entry deadlines and All team reps and persons interested in officiating MSU hits the road the following Friday and meets. Rado was clocked in the Eastern m Dec. 20 — MSU 4. Minnesota-Duluth 3 various required clinics. this sport should report to 137 Women's 2:03.2. Dec. 21 — MSU 6, Minnesota-Duluth 5 Today is the deadline for team entries for Intramural Bldg. at 6 p.m. Saturday to face Illinois and Purdue. To top off the horror story, the Spartans will entertain Shawn Elkins, another freshman standout, Jan. 3 — MSU 5, North Dakota 4 women's ice hockey. Team representatives The deadline for basketball team entries is NCAA runnerup and perennial Big Ten champion the 200 butterfly in both meets. Elkins, Jan. 4 — MSU 5, North Dakota 4 should register in 201 Men's Intramural Bldg. noon. Thursday. Entries should be sent to 121 Women's Intramural Indiana Feb. 11. Grandville, was clocked at 2:00.47 in the E» Wrestling from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bldg. "All of these teams are considered to be better meet. Dec. 6 - MSU 19, U-M 16 The required basketball clinic for all persons Thursday is also the deadline for co-recrea¬ Swimming interested in officiating and team representatives tional water polo entries. or just as good as we are," Fetters noted. The The veterans have also performed admirabt will be held from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday in Early Bird swimming begins at the Women's MSU contingent placed sixth in the Big Ten last far. Bruce Wight, a junior from Birmingh, Dec. 6 — MSU 90, Eastern Michigan 33 137 Women's Intramural Bldg. Intramural Building today. Hours are from 6:15 season. broke Northwestern's pool record ii Jan. 4 — MSU 85, Northwestern 38 Also being held Wednesday is the required to9 a.m. Monday through Friday. With the external pressures of dual meet freestyle, hitting poolside at 48.24 seconds. LEARN Attention: Residents of the East Lansing Area KARATE Stay close to you phone. You may be called next about the East Lansing Jaycee Golden Check Book and receive over $150.00 in gifts, services, and merchandise for only $14.95. THAT'S RIGHTI Over $150.00 value for only $14.95. Th« The MSU KARATE CLUB will give a demonstration and hold its first meeting ol the term East Lansing Jaycees Golden Checks are sponsored by these merchants: TUNIGHT at 7 PM in the Sports Arena of the Men's IM Building. Eight Black Belt Kentucky Fried Chicken Dominos Pizza Gullivers State Drugs Goodyear Service Store Burger Chef Dunkin Donuts Instructors will teach classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced Karate students Mr. Mikes Pizza F.W. Woolworth Olan Mills Studios Singer Co. Fox Jewelers King Kleen Coin • Op Laundry this term. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 351-4471. Burger King ICMart Auto Center Barbara Box Hair Stylist' Red Barn International House of Pancakes Kirby Co. Holiday Lanes Merle Norman Studios Slendertorm Universal Health Lansing Karate MEM ANB WBMEN - Spa Over Values are in Food, Auto Services, Beauty Services, tttCWW'JaiaafteMMQMcki for only $14.9911 SPORT ANB SELF BEFENSE Amusements, and many others. Stay close to yoOr phone. "A Red Budget Stretcher" You may be called next! Monday, January 6, 1975 1 5 Cigarettes STATE DISCOUNT 211 E. Grand Diver CIGARETTES everyday low price! 2 PK/79' NEXT 10 THE SPORTSMEISTER carton SPECIAL HOURS' MONDAY FRIDAY 9-9 mkts 3.90 3.80 BACK to SCHOOL WEEK ONLY SATURDAY 9-6 ' all taxes included SONOAY 12-5 bathsize dial 2/49" WELCOME BACK STUDENTS!!! safeguard bathsee CRICKET 10% off our price IgptrMto*. 12 ItTi 2/49' disposable lighter processing developing & 111! OMy tampax rag 149 96" on all kodak film kleenex 1.27 ISO's rag 43# ■j Eiptr** Jaa. II. WS 3/s1.00 [alcohol TIDE FILM SPECIALS crest aspirin toothpaste 5 GRAIN FLASHCUBES MAGICUBES 24* 20 at. 69' 19' rag. 69# i#r,i 88c • S1.17 rag. 39# TOOTHBRUSH kodak film soap kodak film contac vitamin c HOLDERS 99 dishes 1.29 cold capsules 500 MG. 17* 17' 10 s rag. 1.89 QQ< OO 1.38 UMT I kodak film kodak film kodak film polaroid ('■■»»■) trrtntim*. II 1*7! «—>Ullii|Hf»t>»tT OU.OUP.M K FILM I 44 , ,.,.1 [ TEK TOOTHBRUSH •ivp, ^ 2.99 | .44 t'ffi-l >'i t.m- fe 3.99 tab a day VITAMINS WITH IRON UMTI 19* 100's reg. 1.69 78' curity scope COTTON BALLS cutex vaseline intensive visine ALLERGAN mouthwash nail polish remover eyedrops liquifilm sure care WETTING SOLUTION ANTI PERSPIRANT 72* m$ rag. 98# 59" 4 ot. rag. 7fc 49* lotion 1.09 202. 1.39 1.18 2.09 tm» Ian** Out* «im 10 «• 96' ng.\M fapbaiM li ra reg. *» taming S»or# Onij • •• - 1.09 69' 1 opaque pantyhose mkmmam.mii pantyhose ; pantyhose ■ ■■• — 78c ON,:slZK SALLY HANSEN bic flair I medium point pen felt tip pen 78c — 49 breck SHAMPOO hard as nails 8* 29' FLANNEL SHIRTS *4.44 reg. 49# 15 reg. oz. 2.09 1.25 54' ii. im support CORDUROY SHIRTS *4.44 pantyhose ii i*n 6 CUP electric pantyhose £ HALL'S MENTHOLYPTUS hot pot :'1 49 TURTLENECK SHIRTS*3.24 T, 89 cough drops UMT I ieMpm) l.pW. tmm u l«| Wat lm)a| |Hn OWy 3.29 36' scotch i extension MOUNTING SCOTCH ! MEN'S ORLON SOX ULTRA SHEEN coets tame CORD TAPE creme relaxer kit SQUARES reg. 1.28 Si j? | wudregular super cosmetic SQUARES CREME RINSE * 42* Iffs 19* | 3. 1 9 80s 69' 59c rag. 59# .. 36* rag. 29# um tf— rag .4.25 rag. 90# reg. 125 STEREO LP'S mimiw. n.ros Cm) Stw. Only alarm clock ELTON JOHN GREATEST HITS ~*~ clairol condition jar ROLLING STONES IT'S ONLY ROCK N ROLL 16 os. O O Q NEIL DIAMOND SERENADE rag. 5.96 O.J7 f jiffy HARRY CHAPIN VERIIIES & BALDERDASH LEGAL SIZE picture MASKING OHIO PLAYERS FIRE envelopes envelopes | hangers TAPE JOHN LENNON- WALLS AND BRIDGES ^ 100 el. « 26* rag. 89# 36*1 THREE DOG NIGH! THEIR GREAt^T HllT7 \J reg. 79# 54s 50 ft. reg. 79r 54* j-sSi's. fcwttwi^HinO. BILLY COBHAM TOTAL ECLIPSE - | lady lora YES RELAYER pONYTAIL HOLDERS parson table RUFUS REFUSIZiD umiti rag. 7.98 •"pAmtTTi. im JOE WALSH SO WHAT 4.99 . v 4 SUBJECT water repellent WATER PROOFEfi ^ERPAPER THEME BOOK THIS IS THF MOODY BLUES / SHOE SAVER care spray liquid 661 JONI MITCHELL MILES OF AISLES C QQC ftg-1.19 69' our everyday prices 5«- OO 19' ra».1.25 umt, are the lowest in f. lansing' '=n. gjHBa Monday, January 61 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan DON'T LOSE YOUR H IAD BUYINO BOOKS • • • CHECK THE IPUS OOK TORE FOR USED BOOKS FIRST! USED AND NEW TEXTS FOR WINIIR TERM IN ALL UNDERGRADUATE COURSES SAVE 25% WHEN BUYING USED STORE HOURS JAN. 6,7 & 8 507 E. Grand River Mon, Tue, Wed 8:30 am to 9 pm 351-5420 Thurs thru Sat 8:30-5:30 illfMflM Monday, January 6, 1975 1 7 East Lansing State Bank is the best MASTER CHARGE FOR STUDENTS: We are the We're the ONLY bank who offers FULL BANK¬ place to put your money and here's why. only bank to offer Master Charge to students. Check ING SERVICES to students. From travelers checks with our Master Charge office at the Brookfield and money orders to trust services, safe deposit YOUR CHOICE OF CHECKING ACCOUNTS: No Branch for full details. We do require you to be a boxes, bank-by-mail, installment loans. All deposits other bank around gives you a choice of HANDI- Junior and above to qualify. are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance CHECK 99 with free check ing with just $99 minimum LONGER BANKING HOURS: We never close. Corporation. daily balance or straight 10C per check DIME-A- And you can't find any longer hours than that. Our CHECK. The difference between them is this: if you branches are open from 9-5 Monday through Satur¬ can maintain a minimum daily balance of $99, you day except the main office. Teller 24 is available get free checking. However, if below the minimum, you are your balance falls at Brookfield and Okemos (automatic teller units that " UNION cnarged $1.00 service are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day charge per month plus ICKt a check. With a DIME-A- of the year with 11 banking transactions). No other \ " AUWTOWUM CHE7CK, there's no minimum balance and only 10C bank has it. f i ' •' f? ./******% per check. Other banks have free-checking but no¬ FIVE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: Three within body else around has the DIME-A-CHECK. walking distance of campus. Downtown East Lansing , BESSEYy^EAS - EAST CAMPUS BEST SAVINGS PLANS AROUND: We welcome at Abbott and Grand River, Brookfield Plaza across BR00T- student savings accounts, unlike other banks in the STADIUM from East Campus on Grand River, and Red Cedar area. And we pay high interest. Only a dollar at Trowbridge Koad near Brody and South Campus. opens your regular passbook savings account. And you can make deposits or withdrawals anytime. If you prefer, we have other higher paying savings plans from Golden x; >' SOUTH CAMPUS _. If you have Anniversary to Certificates of Deposit. any question, it's best to drop in and see one of our officers. 8 East Lansing State Bank, your Hometown Bank away from home. Member: F.D.I.C. Now with Trust Services. East Lansing State Bank Monday, January 6, \ IlichigaiS 18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Call Now ( Welcome back Students; Mi Strict Faculty and Staff. Classified is Apartments 11 FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank here te serve YOU! [ far Sale |fc| I Mobile Homes 355-8255 WOMAN. LARGE room, kitchen FIREPLACE WOOD - $20 stack if LEISURE LIVING 1. VOLKSWAGON COMPLETE re¬ 2 or 3 BEDROOM semi-furnished privileges, private bath, near bus, you pick up^ $25 stack delivered. Mobile Home Park. 10 miles'l pair and body. 20% DISCOUNT to upstairs apartment. 5 minutes from parking, $85 or less. 351-6037. 877 5877. 5-1-10 MSU, own beautiful Moon |t students and faculty on all cash'n'- campus along Hunter Park. $220 3-1-8 and lots for 30' 70' trl carry VW service parts. IMPORT including utilities. Phone 489-4336. CROWN IC-150 pre-amp, $250. Students with family travel trl Inns ipiCd'" AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalama¬ 5-1-10 PRIVATE ROOM. Share house, 35&2750 evenings. 5-1-10 welcome. Immediate o< < yuT zoo and Cedar. 485-2047, 485 winter, spring terms. $70 deposit. 675-7212.5-1-10 ^ PHONE 355-8255 ONE MAN needed for 4-man AKAI TAPE deck, Pioneer and 9229. Master charge and Bank 372 1585. 5-1-10 347 Student Services Bldg. Americard. C-20-1-31 apartment. Old Cedar Village, Akai speakers, Pioneer receiver. ATTRACTIVE 8x36 mobile hi_ * AUTOMOTIVE 351-4439.3-1-8 ROOMS IN Fraternity House. $180 351 3834. 5-1-10 Furnished. Pets welcome Wal term, $270 with board, 3 blocks MSU. Must sell. 351-8141 5.I Scooters & Cycles FACULTY OR grad family. One WEST AMP - $150 - Grande - from Union. 332-2575. 3-1-8 Parts & Service In r - child, near campus. Attractive, ISro 15" Bottom Vox guitar, Aviation very clean, all appliances, washer and dryer. Some furniture; yard. All SINGLE* MALE student. campus. Cooking, parking. 314 Block 351-7714, Tom. 5-1-10 list I fmi W'(\ ■;JS5CC.S ♦ EMPLOYMENT utilities paid. 349-3328 after 6 p.m. Evergreen. 332-3839. 3-1-8 FIND SOMETHING ♦FOR RENT and weekends. 5-1-10. Apartments | /ft25 g. Michigan 489-8989 | SPACIOUS APARTMENT, one FEMALE OVER 21 to share house. If you've found a pet or a value, we want to help yo_ One mile from campus. Own Houses COMPLETE EXHAUST systems months rent free. Call after 5:30, furnished bedroom with complete CURIOUS USED it. Just come into the State h] Classified Department and te Rooms for most imported cars in stock. 339-9391.5-1-10 household privileges. $85. No utilities. 332 6670 or 337-9414, after ^HSHOPI you want to place an ad in f_ * FOR SALE Also rebuilt starters and generators LANSING STATE BANK'S FJ ONE BEDROOM, Okemos. Unfur¬ 6 pm. 3-1-8 in stock. CHEQUERED FLAG Animals nished, $150. Call 349-2377 after 5 Column. As a public service eT Mobile Homes FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East p.m. 5-1-10 'AS MEMBERS Of TttE NW0NAI PARK SPACIOUS, FURNISHED base¬ LANSING STATE BANK w Kalamazoo, one mile west of the ad at no cost to you! • LOST & FOUND campus. 487-5055. C-10-1-17 SERVICE WE /MOST DO OUR FART ID ( ment room. Private entrance, bath. paperbacks EAST LANSING SUBLET EAST Lansing. One bed¬ Cooking facilities and fireplace. comic books • PERSONAL room, heated, carpeted, air condi¬ cur CDWN ON OOfe ens*gy needs..'. Walk to MSU. $125 plus utilities. science piction STATE BANK piayboy magazines ♦ PEANUTS PERSONAL .REAL ESTATE /*Need" a Little WorlT\ tioned, on bus line. 351 -4534.3-1 -8 COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY, CA 94709 337-0091, after 5:30 p.m. 3-1-8 baseball cards footsau programs LOST: LARGE male GerJ Done on your ONE GIRL needed to sublease GIRL, SHARE furnished house, and much much , Shepherd, collie mi> • RECREATION Formula A Chevron... Cedar Village. Winter and spring. moke Plaza. Reward. 351 7714 3 ll • SERVICE Instruction 351-1739. Jackie or Sue. 3-1-8 | UprfHts V | m 580 1071. Grand Mm QptnlllOtPM JM-OIIJ LOST: 2 black German S hepj Typing Service ROOMMATE WANTED to share NEED TWO Females to share vicinity of St. Joes Hiyhwal apartment, $90 per month. Cedar FEMALE ROOMMATE(S) FEMALE ROOMMATE - now house for winter term. Close to TANDBERG 3600 XD Dolby open male - 1 female, please I ♦ TRANSPORTATION Village. 351-5753.3-1-8 NEEDED. 2 bedroom apartment. 5 through June. $70 a month. Grand seen. 3-18 campus well furnished. 351-1754, reel, numerous tapes, various •WANTED ...or your TRIUMPH minutes campus, free bus service. River and Hagadorn. 351-3251 or after g ' m 2-1-7 types. 351 4463. 3-1-8 MALE ROOMMATE needed, $90/month-own room. $55/month 332-8852.5-1-10 FOUND: WALLET. Contains! • CAR POOL ...or your SPRITE luxury apartment, $87.50 month, share room. 351-1241.5-1-10 ROom WITH all privileges in of Craig Berizens. Claim StJ ...or your DATSUN It 9, 458 Evergreen, East Lansing. FURNISHED, ONE bedroom. Heat FANTASTIC SAVINGSI 20% off Union. C-3-1 8 ** RATES** TOYOTA house, rent negotiable, female, ...or your 3-1-8 LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed for and water furnished. Lansing. new guitars and equipment plus 489-2512 5-1-10 10 word minimum ...or your VOLVO 2-man apartment, 1 block from references required. $140. used Fender Strat, Telecaster, ...or your JAGUAR GIRL NEEDED, winter term only, Cedar Village, reduced rate. campus. 3-1-8 $110/month. 351-6786 627-4864.5-1-10 QUIET CONSERVATIVE girls, house near campus. Call 349-9143 Gibson Model L6S, SG, Stereo, Eb3 Bass, used Gibson Mastertone [ Personal (/ fSSSai,, Deluxe Banjo. Many new and used 351-0144.5-1-10 , or 332 5497. 5-1-10 acoustic guitars, MUCH MORE! BOARD EXAM TUTORINi 1 3 5 10 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile LANSING. MAPLE Street, west. 1 bedroom, furnished, garage, utili- L.. HOUSES .. fT" —llHbsJ ,—■ . WILCOX MUSIC, 509 East STANLEY H. KAPLAN | 4.00 6.50 1 3.0c Michigan Avenue, Lansing. Phone TUTORING COURSES I 10 12 1.50 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.6C i 120C OAKIANO CALL IVM411 homes. $25-$35/week. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and peaceful on a ties paid. $135. No pets. 337-7628. 5-110 HOLMES ROAD, two bedroom, pg|> £g|g ^ 485 4391. C -1-31 Now being formed for thel 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 X^the small car people J lake. 641-6601 or 484-5315. coming MCAT, DAT, isl 15 j garage. $180 a month, deposit, 11.70 0-20-1-31 ACROSS FROM campus, 113 Call mornings or nights. FURNITURE: NEW and used. USED PIONEER amp and tuner, ATGSB, GRE, board exarsj 18 2.70 7.20 23.40 U - REPAIR AUTO Service LouisStreet, East Lansing. Inquire 351.2509. 10-1-17 Beds, chests, sofas, hide-a-beds, Akai X200D auto reverse reel - to - information call 1-313 354 of 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart¬ after4p.m. 3-1-8 reel tape deck, Dual 1214 Changer, 0-1-16 Center offers you tools, equip¬ dinettes, etc. See us and save. 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 ment, near campus, available Dynaco 120 Power amp and PAT ment, and instructions to do your NEED to shafe hQuse PAGES ECONOMY STORE, 2604 for Pre-amp. New Robyn CB NEED CRUTCHES. GULLlI immediately, call 351 -5739.3-1-8 ONE GIRL needed to sublease Unfurnished. $60 337-7042 after 7 North East Street, (US - 27) auto repairs. 5311 South Pennsyl¬ equipment plus used TV sets, STATE DRUGS. Will rent or Cedar Village. Winter and spring. 5.1.10 372-6460.3-1-8 / DEADLINE vania, 882-8742. 10-8 weekdays, om typewriters, tape recorders, tapes 1105 East Grand River MICHIGAN-PENNSYLVANIA two 351-1739. Jackie or Sue. 1-1-6 _ _ 10-6 Saturday. 20-1-31 tries, auto tape systems, 8 track 332 2011. 1 1 6 1 PM. one class day bedroom, furnished, utilities ex¬ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ 7~ JOIN THE Co-op: It's not too late MOVING SALE - assorted furni- cept electric, from $175, deposit. ONE GIRL. Near MSU to share tapes, albums, camera equipment, before publication. t0 ^ up for co.op housing this ture: desk, table,chairs, humidifier, jewelry, sporting goods, MUCH 332-5144.3-1-8 small one bedroom Employment ft furnished wmv Openings at Hedrick. Bogue. Call 351-0092. 3-1-8 MORE QUALITY USED EQUIP apartment. $67.50. 489-5922. uirey. Nexus. Call CO-OP OFFICE, MENT! WILCOX SECONDHAND Recreation WQ Peanuts Personal ads ROOMMATE NEEDED, female, 5-MO 35^8313 or visit 31 IB Student SKIS - ROSSIGNOLRoc550,195 winter term only, $95. Own room, STORE, 509 East Michigan must be pre-paid. LEAFLET DISTRIBUTORS Services 3-1-8 cm, plus bindings; Speakers — bus to campus, 351 -3268.5-1-10 FEMALE, SHARE one bedroom. Avenue, Lansing. Phone 485 4391 needed for this week only. Call Marantz Imperial 5G; Turntable- SKI AUSTRIA! $377. Marc^'i 15 minutes to Berkey. $80/month C-1-31 Cancellations/ Corrections between 9 p.m. -11 p.m. 332-8060. CEDAR VILLAGE, one or two girls Winter only. 332-2708, after 5 pm. males: ROOM, new, close. $75 Dual 1215S; Ski boots - Henke, Call FOUR SEASON CLUB | 12 noon one class day 1-1-6 modern, parking. Clar- 11 M>; Best offer, 351-8451. 3-1-8 GIBSON MELODY Maker Electric 1020. 5-1-10 needed to sublease four person 5-1-1° ence. 332 8733.5-1-10 before publications. Winter, spring. guitar, Violin shaped electric base, BABYSITTER IN my home, own apartment. NEW SKIS. Rossignol Strato 195 EUROPE FyjiHTSi lore t A00** Parkin9 67* charge. C-5-1 -10 crimel Call Crime Prevention (F rack, snow tires, air. 655-2827. NEEDED PART time student sec¬ 351-0304.5-1-10 children or pets, $95/month. $50 5252. 5-1-10 BEAUTIFUL BLACK, half Siamese deposit. 655-1177.3-1-8 " sultants, 349-4650, 5 lOp nf 5-1-10 retary, work between 10 -15 hours NEED n cnicwm FRIENDLY v person to share DOUBLE BOOKCASE bed. com- female cat needs home. Free. . . t _. . .. 489-2312. 2-1-7 write P.O. Box 321, DeU| per week. Apply ifi person between plete $45. Single bed frame, Michigan for free estimate H FIAT SEDAN, 1965, low mileage, 9 - Suite 7, 11 a.m., 4295 Okemos Road, CLASSIC CRAFTS. Sru?THHremAonar^eedne,dS' mRXTg*!*E * 9x12^25^637. 3-14) Commerci8l-lndustrial. 3-1 8 | no rust, good mechanical order, 0-2-1-7 HOLT-1 bedroom, all utilities paid. 349-2457.3-1-8 " Phoraj«9-5655, days^l-10^ ^ JUDO SUIT, slightly used, size 4, Under 8 miles from MSU. $155. PHOTOGRAPHY ALL evenings, 349-2728. 3-1-8 RELIABLE EXPERIENCED person 484 9731 or 373-4040.5-1-10 rDrrTcTiTrTcMT-.- GRAD STUDENT to share, I ~ ~ close, T~ NEED 0NE Pe^00 room in $12> Ph0ne 332"1210" 116 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. 6 finest quality, reasonably p# (hree bedroom house. $80/month, BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPf „ to clean house Monday and Friday large, modern. Congenial room- tj)jtj inc|uded Lake Lansino 0UR L0W overhead saves you weeks. Fine bloodline, $35. 372- MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Kalamazoo Street since 1940. mornings. Near Frandor. Must FEMALE NEEDED winter and spring. Twyckingham. $70/month. mate.$87.50.332-3386.5-1-10 Ci !n East Lansing ^^9 ■ money. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. 372- 5832 after 5 p.m. 5-1 10 482 5712. C-1-31 provide own transportation, EDITING, PROOFREADING I $2.25/hour. Call 351 7985 after 5. Call 351-2794.3-1-8 MALE GRAD seeks same to share 1 7409. C-5-1-10 Complete auto painting and colli¬ OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies, sertations, thesis, research 1 sion service. American and For¬ 3-1-8 2 bedroom apartment. 485 4603 INGHAM MEDICAL near - 4 12 MILES FROM Union, 2 bed¬ AKC, shaggy, lovable companions. jects, manuscripts, Anne CaJ eign Cars. 485-0256. C-20-1-31 after7.355-0219,days.5-1-10 bedroom with basement. 332- HIMALAYAN AND Camptrail 694-0156 after 5:30. 5-1-10 room with full kitchen and fire¬ 337-1591.5-1-10 BABYSITTER HOUSEKEEPER 4240. 51-10 back pack, Down booties, Bivouac 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 1-5 p.m. One or place. Located on farm. $175 per EAST. FURNISHED efficiency. cover,climbing nOts, climbing and month with deposit. Available Also a one bedroom. Both include OWN ROOM in house, $55 per hiking boots, camera equipment, MERCURY STATION Wagon more days a week. Close to IPIAIUQLS 1966. Excellent shape, must sell, $100 or best offer. Call 353-0963 campus. Experience and refer¬ ences desirable. 332-8256 after immediately. Phone 675-5566 between 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 5-1-10 utilities. $125 and $145/month. 484-0579.3-1-8 month, plus utilities. Call after five, 332-0016. 1-1-6 complete amateur radio station, 2 complete §cuba diving outfits, 1 CROSSWORD 3 1-8 6p.m. 3-1-8 LARGE ONE bedroom apartment MALE ROOMMATE needed-$75, TWO BEDROOM house 5 minutes VHF Engineers RX144/220 VHF Receiver, River 44 Mag pistol, PUZZLE downtown Willaimston. Utili¬ ACROSS near own bedroom. Call 349 0549. east of campus. $200/month. telephone pole, etc. Call 627-2650. 34. Gump ties included. 655-1142.2-1-7 5-1-10 1 524-6615. 5-1-10 MGB-GT 1970. Radials. Moving, For Rent ' 3.1.9 l.Fea'her 35. Tacky must sell. Best offer. 337-0471. neckpiece 36. Conflict 5-1-10 /C CHECK OUR 4. River island 38. Opera house PLYMOUTH FURY I, 1970. Good COMPACT REFRIGERATORS, TV's, free delivery and pickup. DORM RENTAL. 372-1795. 5-1-10 LOW RENT ^REPAIR PRICES^ 1. 11. 12. Commendation Hockey MVP Old card game 40. Circuit 44. Three in Bonn 47, Manner SiSlElDi. _ condition. $600 or best offer. 20% DISCOUNT TO 13. Test 49. "Good King" ■TIRII poJ m APARTMENTS ' 351-6418. 5-1-10 STUDENTS A 14. Bushmen SO. Whirl 15. Play on words 51 Taro paste BMP A N| REFRIGERATORS FACULTY ON RENT THEM AT A C b E RENTAL, 16. Camera's eye 52. City on the CASH/CARRY VW 9. Forefront I Motorcycles m 1790 Grand River, Okemos. Phone CHECK OUT SERVICE PARTS 17. 19. Fabric Danube 3. Italian river 349-2220. $6 per month. Deposit Spira ornament 53. Shout 4. The beginning 10 Type SPEND LESS and refunded on return. 5-1-10 21 Energy unit 54. Complete 5. Promis* to pay 18. Rat race I Uane WESTBROOK APARTMENTS get more 23. Tantamount 55. Jeer 6. Color quality 20. Marker in I motorcycling fun at SHEP's 2460 27. Century plant DOWN " " quoits Cedar, Holt. C 5-1-10 TV AND STEREO rentals. $25 per IN WILLIAMSTON 30 Watermelon 1. Autumn pear B. Woodman's 22. Unbrancn(| 1973 YAMAHA 360 Enduro. Good term. $10.95 per month. Free same , / / (less than 15 minutes from campus) 32. Olio ' ' ' T- tool 24. antler Samovar | Apartments □p - condition. 3600 road miles. Call 882-9989 after 5 p.m. 5-1-10 day delivery and service. Call NEJA'C, 337-1010. C-20-1-31 * • AUTO PARTS 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar ™ tn□ n TY~ n□ % □ □ hHH 25. 26. Coach Ballad STUDIOS: *109 15" 27 Mornings I Townhouses V olkswagon complete repair MM ■ ■ ■ VM ■■■ abbr VOLVO OVER- service. Repair & parti for moit / ONE BEDROOM: *139 foreign and American cart. Body ihop & paint service*. §mm*w%iaMwwm RENTS RANGE FROM Exchange engines & transaxial. w44 PROTECTS. THE BRAKES: Volvo has two separate braking $165 TO $272, WITH '/? PRICE JUNE THRU AUGUST. I CARPETING NONE HIGHER! ALL APPLIANCES Free wrecker service with repairs bus - service local to areas. our City front fish circuiLs that operate three power disc brakes each. / ' DRAPES AIR/COND TENNIS COURTS mmuuummuwm CALL! PICNIC PAVILION So if you lost one circuit, you could only lose one brake. /STOP BY OR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY We buy and tell VW's W/MmWW/MWMMk 1147 W. GRAND RIVER AT WILLIAMSTON CITY LIMITS 485 2047 485 9229 COOK—HERRIMAN 8 ■ 6 Monday - Friday, VOLKSWAGEN-VOLVO-BODY SHOP 6135 W.SAGINAW Ph. 371-5600 2905 BEAU JARDIN, 655-2642 9- 2 Saturday MON. & THURS. TIL 9; SAT 'TIL 3 \AT DUNKEL & JOLLY/ Michigan Sl Monday, January 6, 1975 1 9 I W/f"TE. ld «Bc ill air .,-d NO. cleaned, Portables E|ec,,ic Suspended cagers back in lineup IS" • i) everyone, including Ganakas stood up and remarked, " It which |8&»« biggest game of the year in which to atage a protest over and the players themselves. The dramatic turn of events can't be that way." Ganakas answered that "I'm game, p.m. was slated for 4:05 Ganakas, however, had already decided to suspend gave his assessment of the situation before the game. "It just isn't any fun any¬ ability which enter into the picture." walkout can be paralleled racial lines, Ganakas maintains along minor grievances, Hairston and Tropf, who emerged as the that he did not think the preceding Saturday's home con¬ Service 0 the coach and that's my deci- them, , other team members felt the test against more," the player said. "We go man in the middle of the bizarre situation was a matter of black nationally-ranked sion." It was then that the 10 The abrupt move sent MSU's out and practice everyday and and white. action was appropriate at the Indiana began with a incident, said after the game pregame players, all of them black, got up coaches hurriedly trying to work hard and still don't get a "I don't think it was a racial IBM typing moment. team meeting in which that he didn't know what went nfFD Ganakas and walked out of the meeting, *5hM. McSR faya "If somebody had cold weather on you all week, when announced the lineup he would use to start against the No. 2 Tropf, who is one of two white roundup the reserve unit, many of the members still at home for fair shake. "We didn't plan to do this on. "The players talked to me thing," Ganakas said. "It might have been caused by a number players on the team, and the the holiday break. After a thing. This is just the way it of things, not just the fact that else would you pick to walkout ranked Hoosiers. after they walked out and said Spartan coaches were the only lengthy search, coach came down. It was something than before a big game like When Ganakas said that Jeff ones reserve that it wasn't anything personal Tropf was white." Indiana?" Hairston asked. remaining in the room. Pat Miller assembled a team of that had been going on for a long Tropf, a 6-7 freshman from Holt, James Dudley, a 6-5 freshman against me," Tropf said. "I'm Tropf, who had received The walkout and ultimate 10 players, including Tropf, .to time. The program here is several starting assignments in would be starting at forward from Milwaukee and the other just a victim of circumstances, I go out and battle Indiana. completely messed up. We guess." suspension of 10 members of and would guard Indiana's white player on the Spartan In the end, MSU had suffered previous games, wound up with MSU's varsity basketball squad don't have any sweat clothes. The announcement of the Steve Green, team captain a game-high 21 points against varsity, was not present at the its worst defeat in history, as We don't have any kind of a the Hoosiers. However, against apparently came as a shock to Lindsay Hairston reportedly supsensions was not made until meeting because of an injury. the reserves came out on the curfew before games. We don't about 10 minutes before game Purdue Thursday in MSU's first The suspended players were short end of a 107-55 drubbing. have any discipline on the team. time and was met by mixed Big Ten game, Tropf scored only seniors Lindsay Hairston, Pete "I had no choice but to "To show you how lax the cheers and boos from the two points at the forward spot, Davis, Bill Glover, Tom McGill suspend them," Ganakas said. program is, and Lovelle Rivers, juniors they still have capacity crowd of 6,500. The while Purdue's two freshman "This is my team and they pictures of the 1971 basketball dismissed players, who had forwards collected a combined Terry Furlow, Benny White and walked out on me." team up in the lobby of Jenison been sitting in the stands in a 52 points. Cedric Milton, and sophomores Though the suspended play (Fieldhouse). We want to play group at the end of the field- It was the poor defensive Bob Chapman and Edgar ers refused to make any official Indiana really bad, but some house then exited amid ap¬ showingby Tropf that appar¬ Wilson. until after they con¬ comment thing had to be done. Tropf plause by the black spectators ently convinced the 10 The 10 players showed up at ferred with MSU Athletic doesn't have any business and jeers by the whites. suspended players that a Jenison Fieldhouse at 3 p.m. Director Burt Smith, one player (wrence 349 0850. starting. It's just confusing to Though the circumstances change was called for in the 'P® Announcements for It's What's apparently ready to play the MENSA game night at 7:30 who asked not to be identified see all the other things besides surrounding the suspension and starting roster. ~ Happening must be received in the tonight it Miriam and Vern Ship State News office. 314 Student ley's, 2369 Haslett Road, East L EXPERIENCED Fast and services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Lansing. Interested nonmembers Die 371-4635. C-20-1 -31 ^ c|aM (jays before publication. No announcements will be accept- rtbvp'">™' welcome. Illegally hired aliens lose employment because they lack work permits There will be an important (continued from page 1) In,Printing. IBM typing aflO business meeting of the CRFW had work permits. Rick Carpentar, reported to Robert Perrin, vice president Cain ws able to reach four prohibits a student from hold- Two of the MSU students l".0' Aaoii' f'om Unicyclers-Important Unicycle Club. All members are urged to are him that there were as many as for University relations. Perrin other ASMSU representatives KL M A C and Grand Club meeting 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in attend, 7 p.m. Tuesday in the lobby ding a job. If educational or working on their Ph.D.'s. One 19 illegally employed aliens at said that he was persuaded to over the term break to financial justification can be comes from Africa, the other request of the Men's Intramural the Okemos store. iBitowJone. Stationery Jen,son Fieldhouse (enter through Building. from the Middle East. The wife ask Sen. Hart to possibly the use of the ASMSU Legal ■ 95 Monday-Friday. Call «outh door). It is important that all proved, a special work permit The border patrol agents intervene in the matter "in Aid defense fund in aiding the may be issued. of one of the students is §GrA p H SERVICES, members attendl There will be a meeting for the However, foreign students spoke to the foreign students at order to insure that student foreign students. (6 C-20-1-31 pregnant. The woman attends Meijers at about 10:30 k.m. on MSU Surgical-Clerical volunteers are allowed to hold rights were fully protected." I About 40 people attended an one of the other jobs on colleges and Dec. 12. and during that con¬ don't know of any one student emergency meeting of the inde¬ 11/ ■OflR-Theses, Term papers, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in 6 Student Services Bldg. It is important campus in some special cases. August Benson. MSU foreign also lost a job in the crackdown. Border patrol agent Brian versation, found the students to be illegally employed. They who has been ordered to go home," he said. pendent, newly - created Com¬ Formerly with Ann The Outin Club will hold its first everyone attend for mittee for Foreign Student scheduling. student advisor, said Friday Munson, of the Detroit INS Id# 482-7487 C 1-31 winter meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday were given until the end of the "Deportation is an empty Welfare on Dec. 18. that James Anderson, asst. office, who was one of the in 118 Physics Astronomy BkJg A working day to quit their jobs. threat, used to scare people One student said that he had director of the Placement officers involved in the disco None of the foreign students been employed at Meijers since program on pit caving will be The Student Advisory Council of away." said Tim Cain, ASMSU |Wl0CK campus. Electric, shown. Trips and elections will be the College of Natural Science has Bureau, has promised to assist very of the illegally employed employes for the afternoon or president and a long - time early 1974. He has been at MSU itm papers, theses. discussed Everyone welcome. these students in obtaining on - aliens, said in positions available. Drop off a a telephone evening shifts appeared for student labor activist. He for one year. K) 332-8498.5-1-10 personal statement in 103 Natural campus employment. interview Saturday that the work that day, six spokesper Science Bldg. stating why you charged Meijers with taking "My financial situation was Anderson is on vacation and incident at the Okemos store on sons for the Lonely? Come out to the Gay wish to the council. foreign students advantage of foreign labor. desperate," he said, explaining ■£ viCKi-Fast accurate, serve on not available for comment. Dec. 12 was a "spot check." said. Liberation meeting at 8:30 p.m. "They hire them when they why he took a job he knew to be pnuvt typing. Very near None of the students Benson said Friday that the 'The situation need em, fire them when they L 337-7260 C 1-31 Wednesday in the Union. Call the was some illegal. "They (the storei involved in the Meijers incident manager of the Okemos store, office or stop by 309 Student There will be an important thing of an emergency," said don't." needed our services. The man Service* Bldg for more informa- meeting for all student Democratic agement never said a word Haitil S precinct delegates and for anyone about us being there. They ■ HELP With Pitman's Short- who is interested in becoming delegate at the January county and state conventions at 8:30 p.m. a Dorm officals predict tripling for at least a week didn't want to always be train¬ ing people We'd (the over and over again. MST Judo Club meets from 7:15 foreign student per Thursday in 31 Union. sonnel) do to 9 tonight in the Judo Room of anything. We never i continued from page 1) the Men's Intramural Building. couples in the same type of cooperatives where they find Even graduate students complained." New Members, experience meet time. Residence Hall Programs apartment because the univer¬ open spaces. were denied housing for winter Another student has been at from 6:30 to 7:15 for Applications are still being ac had already agreed to rent out sity is providing dishes, silver MSU for three years and «mi * introductory cepted for spring Humanities/ Also, sophomore transfer term. There is a waiting list of lessons. 100 womens single rooms. They ware, glassware and pots and students admitted to MSU for over 60 people to get into Owen worked at Meijers for over a Social Science and Political also lost female living spaces pans for the single women. The winter term were offered Science programs in London Graduate Hall. year. He said that though he when they designated five i friMt < Tai Chi Club will meet from 5 to 7 Deadline is Jan. 31. For further women students pay a total housing waivers while upper Underwood said he expects once had a work permit, he left information please contact Office wings to be used for the co ed cost of $130 a month for a one class transfer students were between 150 and 200 students the United Sates for a summer p.m. Tuesdays in the Union Tower of Overseas Study, 108 Interna by suites living option. bedroom apartment ($65 each) denied residence hall housing if to withdraw from residence to do research or. his disserta |H0lTtoMSU Leaving Room starting tomorrow. Begin tional Center To create more female while married students pay they applied after the eighth halls by January 10. These tion and upon re - entering, was rning 5:30 p.m. ners are welcome at start of each bmytime 3 1-8 new term. spaces, the Universtiy allowed $119. Three or four students in week of fall term. withdrawals are due to normal denied a new permit. He is not m ■FUNT to East Lansing, Co-Rec Innertube Water Polo female students to about 50 vacant move into married a two bedroom apartment pay a total of $148 monthly instead of Housing was readmitted students who also denied to were attrition. eligible for welfare. The Soaring Club will be con housing apartments at the end the usual $125. eligible to live off campus, and n. returning 5:30 leiwon 286 8-4:30 free ground school Clinic-for all team representatives and persons interested in of last term. About 120 women The University hopes to to off campus students winter term. Come to the intro¬ officiat¬ have now moved into the one ter 6 p.m. 1 313 744 0614 ing this sport -at 6 p.m. in 137 create other living spaces by wishing to return to residence ductory meeting at 7:30 p.m. and two bedroom Spartan halls this term. Women's Intramural Bldg. allowing students to transfer Wednesday in 203 Men's Intra Village apartments on Harrison their housing contracts to any Local freshmen females ad¬ mural Bldg Road just south of the railroad mitted for winter term were approved University housing. tracks. Effective this term, residence advised to commute until more Volunteer opportunities in bus Volunteers needed in recreation The women pay slightly hall students may move into housing would be available iness and consumerism and related programs- Boys Club, Lansing activities explained Rtfcruits need Parks and Recreation, YWCA higher rents than married sororities, fraternities and spring term. JWAVERLY Miller area to ed for income tax service, Mich¬ Easter Seals, etc Recruitment CM Puildmg Leaving .. returning 5 p.m. igan Consumer Council and the session at 7:30 p.m, Tuesday in 6 Student to files modified *9 after 5Xp.m 353 2030 United Farmworkers 7:30pm. Student Services Bldg V 3-1-8 Tuesday in 39 Union Volunteers are needed for access by law Medical/Health irontinued from page II has no complaints. Wc Want To Programs in could, however, have a quali¬ Help You Lansing area family planning, ex¬ medical, psychiatric, "or simi fied professional check his "We're just waiting for the Do Someone A Favor... tended care, etc If interested, lar records which are used records guidelines from the govern attend recruitment session at 6 solely in connection with treat ment to reach us now," Perrin • Deny students access to tonight in 33 Union. ment purposes." Students records kept by a college's law- said. "I don't think they will be enforcement officers "if the much different from the open All former MSU Income Tax personnel of a law - enforce¬ policy we've always had but it Volunteers and persons interestea ment unit do not have access to will be nice to have it down in in volunteering for the tax program educational records." please be at meeting at 6 p.m. Nonnamaker said the modifi¬ No one contacted thought Wednesday in 34 Union. 1 irontinued from page cations have really clarified the that the student access had 1) issue. He added that there was been weakened, but rather from 11 P.M. achieve," he said. clarified. Students interested in volun 'There is no question that nothing really basically wrong with the old amendment except T""" h""]'int ,he co" °f FOUND mil in the teering on campus with the handi capped are invited to an informa¬ this will help MSU's reputation. All students at this University that it was ambigious. UJILS-Fm STEREO IOI.7 ,sgp LAS, gr!* hJ< Jr°r "Ito the State Newt Ckat/ied Dept.. tional meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in "Now that the ambiguities [e8r AN C will benefit by Paul's winning have been cleared up we can IRWO US'E Err,, ^tndhavt