EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Job opportunities bleak in 75; outlook best for minorities By MARY ANN CHICK science and education Sute News Staff Writer majors seem to be in "Graduates who took the easy courses just lesser demand," "Whenever there is a cutback, the first The Shingleton said. to get a degree and have no work experience employment outlook for 1975 MSU Only one-fourth of the employers survey jobs to go are the part-time and summer will find the going tough." graduates may be slightly bleaker than for ed said they had recruitment jobs." 1974 graduates who programs If it is a class one never had to attend or if are 5.5 per cent designed specifically for women. Most said one could have unemployed and about 20 per cent under joined at midterms and still Overall, employers feel the college stu¬ the regular recruiting program adequately employed. pass, it was an easy course, Scheetz said. dents of today are better prepared for the screened candidates. But if you are a woman or a world of work than those of 10 years ago. minority Almost one-half of the employers had The survey said the employers can be and member, especially if you are a black woman recruitment programs for the minorities. will be more selective. A Only seven of 201 felt they were not. majoring in a technical or business disci¬ college degree per "The white male is becoming concerned se will be more difficult to sell and Most employers felt college faculty pline. your chances of finding employment specific about the growing emphasis on courses will be looked at. members could help future graduates by are excellent, a recent 1974-1975 hiring recruiting minorities and women," Scheetz said. placing a greater emphasis on the practical trends survey released by MSU Placement When employers were asked what advice If the economy continues, that segment of and less on the theoretical. Employers also Services indicates. they would give to freshmen and sopho¬ the working force could become more vocal, recommendeddevelopinga closer liason About 150 fewer job interviews have been he said. mores, 45 suggested trying to get major between faculty and employers. scheduled by employers with the MSU In today's job market, the payoff will be related work experience. Placement Service, the nation's largest, But when 192 employers were asked if the quality of the education and the ability to Employers recommend that faculty mem¬ AP wirephoto than in 1973-1974, said John bers get job Shingleton, produce a product or a service, the report they would be hiring students to work this experience to help in advising Some of the 13 clusters of balloons which were to carry director of Placement Services. said. summer, 107 said no. students. publisher Maicom Forbes and a companion on a flight across Shingleton said that the reduction is the United States and over the Atlantic are starting to break largely a result of adverse conditions in Michigan's auto industry. loose as the gondola still rests on the ground at extreme lower left. The balloons were finally cut loose as the launch began to Two hundred and twenty businesses, industries, government agencies and educa 'RIGHT' DEGREE HELPFUL [til. tional institutions were questioned in the MSU survey. The economic squeeze has not affected the PASSENGERS ESCAP college graduate's job opportunities nearly as much as those of the blue-collar worker," Shingleton said. Graduates who recognize the work ethic, Some grads just of wind cancels roll up their sleeves and try harder will get the jobs," Shingleton said. MSU students will have a better chance Despite massive layoffs, growing unem¬ The right degree increases marketability, interviews he had fall term. ployment lines and a troubled economy, John Gardner, a business graduate student The students said that while than other Michigan graduates because the some 1975 MSU graduates are a good grade finding jobs said. point was needed, you also needed to know placement service has placed so many for the next year. 0-story balloon's trip "I needed the business degree for what you want. students before, Scheetz said. Job experience, the right major and flexibility." Andy Dutton, a business grad Most employers questioned said they knowing what you want are the three key uate student, said. "Now, I can choose from "During an interview, it seemed they would return to campuses which had factors in getting a (employers) could tell if you were tailoring job. the job offers I have." SANTA ANA. Calif. (AP) -- balloons loose and the gondola tipped supplied new employees in the past. Nancy Borg, a chemical engineering your answer to fit what you think they want There continues to be a shortage of people Marge Hikade, a medical technology Efforts to launch a 40 story balloon to hear," Conroy said. major, has received well over 20 job offers major, had four offers from Michigan failed during a mishap early Monday. Both with degrees in engineering, natural from six firms. passengers praised hospitals for internships for next year. She "If you know what you want and talk to passengers escaped injury Pommereau, saying he "risked his sciences, accounting and computer science. "I have a major o that is in demand and I am applied to five. them, most places could say 'I think you because the launch director "risked life" to save theirs. "The technical graduates seem to be in a woman, which never really hurts," she Mike Conroy, a systems analysis major, is could fit in here," " Conroy said. Wslile"toleapaboardthe gondola and "If he (PommereauI had not pulled greater demand and the liberal arts, social still receiving job offers as a result of 20 job Patrick L. Scheetz, asst. director of the the release lever, the capsule would no" have disintegrated and we would have placement center, said: "If you have a one spectator shouted. definite career goal, a company can tell you Another murmured, "Oh, God." as the been destroyed beneath it," Forbes where and if you will fit in. gondola hunt? beneath the balloons toid a news conference, saying the I wasdraKcd along the ground instead of being pulled into the sky. Inside p magazine publisher Malcolm number of balloons aloft would not have been sufficient to lift the gondola. About 100 spectators were rushed Government opens gold bids, "If you say not sure you you'll take anything, they are will be satisfied with anything." Marge Hikade said she thinks having a Forbes and aerospace scientist Dr. from the scene at the Marine heli¬ job during school helped her in getting the I Thomas Heinsheimer. copter station here when flight per job offers. Ground crews began raising the sonnel feared that two oxygen cylin¬ balloon actually 13 balloons, one on topand the others in clusters of three ders atop the gondola might explode. The white balloon which was to U.S. citizens show little interest "Having a job and going to school pro\ you can handle responsibility and time," she - at about 2 a.m. Two hours later, have carried the gondola on the with two clusters still to be released, It also gives you self confidence to know historic journey drifted off into the By ASSOCIATED PRESS and STATE NEWS j ground winds intensified and the crisp temperatures prevailing in the assayed, or tested, for legitimacy before it can be sold and the high you can handle both. Hikade worked as a I operation was put on hold. predawn southern California sky. The government opened bids Monday for two million ounces of cost of assaying minerals cuts into the possible profits. cafeteria supervisor for two vears at Holmes Shortly before 5 a.m.. a gust of wind Forbes said he hopes to have the gold from the U.S. Treasury, but officials said they received offers He described the current gold market as "very thin." Hall. [ hit the balloons which were already balloon replaced for a new attempt at a for less than half the bullion being auctioned. "It's a highly speculative, risky thing," he said. "It's true that if ie and the force The majority of the 228 bids opened by the General Services someone had bought gold a few years yanked from crossing within 30 days. The gondola ago, he'd make a good profit their moorings the two clusters Administration (GSA) were for a single 400-ounce bar, the that appears to be repairable, Forbes said, had not been released. minimum amount being sold. The mystique connected with gold is responsible for its Witnesses said but he could give no cost estimate. this prevented those from being raised at the slow two clusters pace Unfavorable winds again Sunday- kept the balloon on the ground. Forbes A Treasury Dept. spokesman said the larger bids generally were from foreign banks. Foreign governments and their agents were popularity, Officer said. "There's nothing special about gold," he said. "Gold is a Refund I necessary, and that the prohibited from bidding. wind tugging and Heinsheimer had been trying for commodity. It's no big deal." atthetwoballnonsaloft began moving several days to lift off from the "It indicates the demand for gold on a sale of this magnitude is not The Treasury Dept. planned to announce later Monday the total the *und"la U'iutv the final helicopter station. overhwelming — that's fairly evident," said Thomas W. Wolfe, amounts of gold to be sold and the amounts of the winning bids. Students carrying 10 credits or more airborne to director of the Treasury Dept.'s Office of Domestic Gold and Silver Some of the very low bids were rejected, officials said. who do not wish to read the State help The flight of the "Windborne," as I provide lift. the craft is called, was the 13th Operations. The auction came six days after the lifting of a 41-year ban on the News or use its services may receive a ■ I JJtoithe gondola h.ul bm draged Mly a few feet, launch director Jean attempt to cross the Atlantic by free "I certainly wouldn't buy gold." MSU economics Prof. Lawrence Officer said Monday. ownership of gold bullion by Americans. Despite some predictions of a surge in sales, U.S. citizens generally have showed little $1 refund authorization by presenting their fee receipt cards at the State balloon. Seven persons have died I nerrel'ommereau jumped on top and Officer explained that gold buyers collect no interest on their interest in buying the precious metal. News business office 346 Student trying to make the flight and none of IPJW | »» lever an emergency release lever. the other attempts is known to have purchase and the only possible way to make a profit is to sell after the price goes up. The lack of interest in the United States has sent the price down on European markets. Services Bldg. automatically cut all the succeeded. Trading Monday generally was in the area of But selling gold is a highly complicated process. Gold must be $173 an ounce. lovember plant burglari BVBK\I)M VRTISIUS stolen plants." SUte Mews Staff Writer H. John Carew, chairman of the Horticul¬ Jr roommate offers to sell _ vou a ture Dept. said he guessed that the reason pottedpa|m, beware. It for the sudden theft problem is that plants have recently become more popular and have been made yet in therefore more valuable. There had never I P'sgued th^H*r,"" P'anl burglaries been any theft problems in the past. ICt rullUr«'Dep, ' 'Pn plants haveduring "People want to have plants in their homes now," he said. been "Naturally, some people will resort to theft to get them." The added costs for the replacement of the T ""Riving break. pUnta must be borne by the Horticulture r<> st"lt>n by People enter the greenhouses first, but they jrooms. as '"'corations in resorted to forced entry after the locks on the greenhouses were changed. } P°ttetricolor' of d'paIms'n']1'Pr8yer i rU',h,>r lm>s> fl* plan,s- A Carew said there plans to restrict weta access to no immediate the greenhouses. ^reareoeonl> Ta,'nrt |v "bout six Wt>re of these als() in He said the even Horticulture Dept. would not consider such drastic measures unless 1 Prison, assiwi-.t , thievery got out of hand. Carew said members of the department « ire manag,sth'" P!o[9mr of K^'fulture Hi.ii i houses near discussed the possibility of placing further |■>' ? four Weok' 1 11 Were st0,t'n restrictions on the use of the greenhouse, but decided against it. *'pvinj; period preceding "We have no desire to combat the actions of a few bad apples by locking out students who need the greenhouses for studying,' It "I Carew said. "We will continue with an open door policy from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m." than a month of SN photo r^lh-uiS;,,!:1;,n,s Marted out as Members of the department agree that After more investigation, stolen plants worth caused the Craig Porter disappearance of rubber trees, potted palms and $1,000 are still missing from the Horticulture Dept. T%y,,if'«"UltTrTingf''ryt,tt"' place 11 pilferage of plant material by students who several other plants. most of the (continued on page 131 greenhouses, A rash of robberies before Thanksgiving break Tuesday, January 7t j 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Israel warns Lebanon, Syria warships, 347 artillery shell- strated near Cairo iinj with antitank and antiaircraft Lebanesfe sovereignty" but that By ASSOCIATED PRESS Syrian borders as "the start of a missiles. the guerillas "constitute a ings, 14 machine-gun firings Shams universities to the release of 200 "it Israeli Defense Minister confrontation and the extension across the border and eight pe: threat to Israel's own security Shimon Peres said Monday that of aggression." Peres spoke shortly after the raids by Israeli soldiers. arrested in the wake ofj commander of the border police and peace along its northern Year's Day protest Palestinian guerillas in But in the address to The protest letter from against Oil talks continue in Denver Lebanon have been reinforced Parliament Peres did not spec reported that new secret border." In New York, meanwhile. Lebanese Charge D'Affaires prices. The students measures had provided an early Negotiations continue in a labor dispute that could shut by Palestinian troops from ify whether the Palestinians Lebanon charged at the United Fakhri Saghiyyah made no quickly dispersed by pol;- that he said recently arrived at detection system against The government down production in some of the nation's major oil Syria armed with sophisticated Nations that Israel committed mention of Palestinian has missiles. southern Lebanese guerilla guerilla infiltration and had guerillas. many of the detainee companies. 423 acts of aggression during He warned Lebanon and bases were part of the effectively halted terrorists' In other Mideast develop¬ members of the out The talks, taking place in Denver, are between raids. the past four weeks. The list Palestinian unit of the Syrian Communist party and Syria that Israel would see any included 44 supersonic over¬ ments: representatives of oil companies and Oil, Chemical and Peres tcM the Knesset that •About 300 students demon leftist groups intent on Atomic Workers International Union, which has authorized attempt by the Syrian army army. Israel had "no designs on flights, 10 incursions by Israeli "To take a foothold" outside He said they were armed the country's economic^' a strike when its current contract expires at midnight stir up popular discontent tonight. Union President A.F. Grospiron said Sunday that At the same time, he has not yet decided whether to call a strike or, if one is called, whether it will be directed against individual EXTRA BENEFITS P government took steps to! further discontent by a) new funds for imports of companies or the industry as a whole. foods, including sugar, Grospiron said no meetings were held over the weekend smoothly beans, lentils, flour and w' New aid program runs but talks would resume Monday and today involving 430 •Mahmoud Riad, the local bargaining units negotiating individual controcts(with tary general of the all major oil companies and most independents. Even if a League, joined in the ir. nationwide walkout is launched, Grospiron said, the public Arab denunciation < probably will not feel the impact for at least 30 days. $160 retroactive allowance work. statement by Secret ' By GARY LaROY period from 36 to 45 months. * for the MSU Dept. of Student Under the original GI Bill, State News Staff Writer Affairs, said there have been no check five days before State Henry Kissinger t Neil Snepp, veterans counse¬ Christmas. He said he had no veterans may receive benefits United States would r major problems in adminis¬ Okla. plutonium plant probed The increase in veterans educational benefits approved lor for the Veteran's Adminis tration (VA) at MSU, said all tering the increase. problems getting his check. for up to 36 months for both undergraduate and graduate military intervention' Arab oil sheiks thre An investigation into the death of an Oklahoma by Congress last month over a retroactive allowance checks "We've had very little nega "VA traditionally has been study. The nine month exten "strangulation of the ind 1 plutonium plant employe showed that the radioactive presidential veto has appa have been sent to veterans. tive feedback," he said. A few very prone to screwups," he sion applies to undergraduate ized world." material was added to two of her urine samples taken after rently gone into effect swiftly Most eligible veterans received veterans had questions concern¬ said. "But in the last six months students only. and smoothly. Riad, in Cairo for am she was involved in a contamination incident, the Atomic their checks by Christmas, he ing the dollar amounts of their my appreciation for them has Arab League economic: The increase, which Ford Energy Commission reported Monday. said. checks, he added, but those gone up." called inflationary, gives most Ogletree. a single student ters, said: "We shou Jan Strasma, regional director for the AEC, also said at a veterans a 22.7 per cent raise in He said the increase is re¬ were of a routine nature. He expressed disappoint¬ with no dependents, now Kissinger's statemen news conference that there was strong evidence that ment, however, that the nine educational benefits under the flected in the regular benefit Bob Ogletree, an MSU receives $270 per month, an iously and start takin' plutonium was deliberately removed from the Kerr-McGee GI Bill, retroactive to Sept. 1, checks being issued this month. student who receives veterans month extension of benefits increase of $50 over his previous necessary security m Corp. plant near Crescent, Okla., on at least one occasion. 1974, and extends the benfit Donald Svoren, coordinator benefits, said he received his cannot be used for graduate aid. protect our territories a Strasma released a report at the news conference on the wealth." •In an interview wit; investigation into the death of Karen Silkwood, a technician A veteran with one depen Paris daily Le Monde, Pi' at the plant. Silkwood, 28, was killed in an automobile dent will now receive $321 per Liberation Organization accident Nov. 13 while official and a en route to meet New York Times reporter to safety and alleged falsification of records. with a union discuss plant Michigan veterans month, an increase of $60. benfits for veterans with two dependents will be boosted $68 while Yasir Arafat said the ra of his speech before t General Assembly last N to $366 per month. ber had been distorted. Economic recovery predicted Vietnam bonus c The retroactive allowance checks for veterans who have "Our enemies silent on my appeal Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Council of Economic been full time students since international commum Beneficiaries of veterans who died of service-connected causes Advisers, Monday predicted an economic upturn in 1975. By JIMKEEGSTRA Sept. 1. 1974. were $200 for help us establish a State News Staff Writer will be eligible for the same cash payments, though their application authority on any But Greenspan said the recovery, based on a turn-around forms are not expected to be available until early spring. single veterans. $240 for Michigan Vietnam-era veterans might begin to receive their veterans with one dependent, Palestine liberated from in the automobile and housing industries, is unlikely to Claims processing bonus checks from the state by the middle of March. and $272 for veterans with two occupation," Arafat s cause much reduction in unemployment which now stands The Dept. of Military Affairs has created a Bonus Section, Though application forms are expected to be available by the end dependents. MSU students eating that his prima: at 7.1 per cent of the labor force. of January, the state Dept. of Military Affairs says the initial surge directed by Capt. Michael Rice, which plans to begin processing received somewhat less because was a Palestinian state Meanwhile, Treasury Secretory William E. Simon on of claimants will probably be too great to allow immediate claims in early February in the order they are received. they did not start school until Israeli occupied west bf Monday predicted that President Ford will announce a processing. Applications will have to be notarized and accompanied by a copy late September. Gaza Strip. MSU's veterans coordinator, Don Svoren, said he is trying to of the veteran's report of discharge, DD form 214. The Bonus "tough, comprehensive and effective" new economic have the coordinator's office designated as a distribution point for Section will send out postcards to acknowledge receipt of program later this month that will require personal the applications. Military Affairs has not announced any locations applications. sacrifices in energy consumption. yet, but promises heavy publicity and easy accessibility when it Requests for more information can be made to the Bonus Section SUPER LOW does. in Lansing at 373-0372, or after Jan. 20 at 373-6856 Douglas restful and improving Bonus inquiries Svoren, who has been getting some 25 inquiries a week about The State f illshed by the students of Michigan NO FAULT State University every class day during Fall, Winter and Spring Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was removed from the intensive care unit at Walter Reed Army Medical bonuses, said he has requested at least 4,000 application forms for MSU students, faculty and staff who could be eligible. To avoid School terms, Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, during Summed Term, and a special Welcome Week edition Ist publishedpublish In INSURANCE September. Subscription rate Is $20 per year. Center in Washington, D C. on Sunday and spent a restful unnecessary trips by veterans td Svo'ren's Student Services Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Mich. Editorial and Call Jeff Williams weekend, a hospital spokesman said today. Building office, he emphasized that h^ toill pubHtize the fact if and business offices at 345 Student Serclces Bldg., Michigan State when he receives the forms. University. East Lansing, Michigan, 48824. (MSU '68) at 332-1838 The spokesman said Douglas, hospitalized last week POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to State News, 345 To be eligible for the bonus — approved by Michigan voters Nov. Student Services Building In care of MSU Messenger Service, East after suffering a stroke, is now in a private room where His condition continues to improve." 5 — a veteran must have been a Michigan resident for at least six months before entering active military service and must have been on active duty 190 days or more from Jan. 1,1961 to Sept. 1, 1973. Lansing, Ml 48824. GERALD H. COY, GENERAL MANAGER ROBERT L. BULLARO, SALES MANAGER ^SENTRY ITinsurance PHONE '* MMH IOOROIHIORNMI Tax free bonuses £ Moynihan finishes India term Combat veterans — those eligible to wear the Vietnam Service Medal or the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal - are entitled to News/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertising 355-8252 355-8255 353-6400 710 Gainsborough Drive East Lansing Phone Day or E Daniel P. Moynihan Monday ended his 22-month term as Business Office 355-3447 receive $600. Other veterans will draw a bonus of $15 for each Photographic 355-8311 ambassador to India with plaudits from Prime Minister month of service, up to a maximum $450. Both types are tax free. Indira Gandhi and Foreign Minister Y.B. Chavan. Driving back to the U.S. Embassy from a 20-minute farewell call on the prime minister, Moynihan said Our BRIGHTEN UP YOUR ROOfTl TUESDAY meeting couldn't have been more cordial." He said Gandhi described him as A friend of India." FOR WINTER TERfTl Moynihan leaves Tuesday to resume teaching at Harvard. He is being succeeded in New Delhi by former Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe. WITH TEQVIL FOLIAGE PLANTS GM auto sales down 24% OR NIT General Motors, the nation's Food 8i Booze largest automaker, said FLOWERING PLANTS Monday its car sales for last month fell 24 per cent from the 1227 E.Grand River year before to their lowest level for a December since 1959. From Lansing's Largest Greenhouse ALL GM said car deliveries last month totaled 225,194, • Violets *Kalanchoe Itquila Drinks compared with 296,769 for December 1973. For the 1974 calendar year, GM car sales totaled * Begonias * Azaleas 3,695.534, a 27 per cent drop from a record 5,073,296 in •Coleus * Foliage Plants '/2 PRIC 1973. OPEN M0N THRU SAT I A.M. 5:30 P M 6pm-1 am HAPPY HOURS 2pm-5pm Mon,-Sat. Apartments Gold miners riot in S. Africa ' [GARDEN CENTER; LIVE FOLK ENTERTAINMENT Mon Sat 9 p.m. 1 a.m. /Townhouses 124 E. Mt. Hope • One man was killed Monday in confrontations between / / IF YOU HAVE TO RENT police and 12,000 striking workers at Vaal Reefs gold mine 100 miles south of Johannesburg, South Africa, a company WHY NOT ENJOY IT! LEARN spokesman said. / I Police units were sent to the mine when rioting broke out f RENT $165. to $272. Sunday and fired tear gas to restore order, the spokesman said. The violence continued through the night, he said. There was no immediate confirmation by authorities. The company spokesman said five persons were seriously injured in the rioting, and buildings at one of the shafts were extensively damaged. *12 MONTH LEASE * * y2 PRICE IN BUS TO MSU SUMMER KARATE The MSU KARATE CLUB will give a demonstration and hold its first * PETS WELCOME meeting ol the tern New treatment thru Sat. Jan. 11 TONIGHT at 7 PM in the Sports Arena ot the Hen's IM Building. saves patients * RECREATION HALL Eight Black Bell Treated charcoal from coconut shells has been used to TWO SHOWS Instructors will teach classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced Karate students IT'S WHERE YOU WILL save the lives of persons suffering overdoses of drugs and WANT TO BE! I NIGHTLY alcohol, four doctors reported in the latest issue of the British medical journal. this term. Everyone is welcome. For more infnrmation call 351-4471. A 61 -year-old doctor who had taken 667 sleeping pills STOP BY OR CALL US. AT 9 & 11 PM with half a bottle of whisky was one of the first patients to be saved by the new blood-cleansing treatment, the MEN ANO WOMEN doctors wrote in their report. They said the patient's blood wa* filtered through the 2905BEAUJARDIN 2843 E GD STABLES THE RIVER,EAST LANSING SPORT AND SELF DEFENSE charcoal to remove toxic substances in a process called AT DUNKEL & JOLLY haernoperfusion. Michigan S Tuesday, January 7, 1975-3 \fechnical „ of four twm A By LARRY MORGAN State New. Sun Writer bachelors degree school may be worth the two combined. more than after high school. The 40 per cent of U.S. remaining occupations training occupational schools and schools like MSU's own Institute of Ecker, director of Ag Tech. That itatement can also supply the training to ease the inc add programs for the sake of today U.S. Dept. of Labor statistics is split evenly between those apply change. TodOY Jr,. Of occupotK»nal Agricultural Technology (Ag adding them, but only when 1 may not be worth any more than show that 60 per cent of all jobs to community colleges and pri¬ Morton added another favor there are enough jobs to war¬ ^ oiternotivt, a high school diploma when it in the requiring a college degree and Tech) offer alternatives to four vate country do not require those needing only a high school occupational schools where able point of occupational rant it, he explained. P"' T^TIort cwrw» "ill fc* comes down to finding a job. A four years of college. These jobs diploma. years of higher education and a the curriculum is generally schools. Students who want to Morton said there are many certification from a technical do require further bachelors degree for the stu¬ short - term and specialized. education Community colleges, private dent who is get into the job market quickly, "occasional" schools which discouraged, dis¬ However, community col but look forward to continuing start programs pleased or disillusioned by for a specific leges can be utilized by the their education in their need. Once that need is major universities. student who wants education in occupa fulfilled, tion can begin at a short term Aircraft mechanics, broad¬ liberal arts and social sciences they halt that program and go course in an occupational school on to another one. casters, dental technicians, x as well as specific job training. and move to a more advanced Nor are these avenues of ray technicians, cosmetologists, "Students in vocational tech technical school later, such as training new. Ag Tech began on veterinarian's assistants, agri nical programs (at community Lawrence Institute of the MSU campus in 1894. Grand cultural equipment, dealers and colleges) are not only desirous of Technology. training in landscaping and the a broad education, but also Rapids Community College Furthermore, since technical began in 1914 and the nursery industry are a handful desirous of more specific of the occupations students can training schools are smaller Davenport and Lansing busi training," said Bob Cahow, than major univerisities, they ness schools are both 100 be trained for in these schools over executive, secretary for the have the ability to change their Both major universities and years old. Michipin Community College programs to more readily suit community colleges emphasize Association. the current occupational need, However, these are not for liberal arts too much, and do not People who are fed up with representatives of each said. everyone. Representatives will prepare a student for most their present job and want to Ag Tech for instance, has oe the first to point out that occupations with openings change to another, but do not instituted nine new programs their training is quite specific. today, said Charles Morton, have the education, can use both since World War II when the But for the right person they president of the Michigan Assn. community colleges and pri need for each was demon¬ may be the answer to this of Private vate occupational schools Occupational Schools. to strated, Ecker said. They do not technical world. The only exceptions are the professional fields which edu¬ cate a for person a particular job, he said. To answer the demand for specialized personnel, Ag Tech, community colleges and private occupational schools have pro¬ grams which train students for specific jobs without requiring the student to take liberal arts courses. However, these schools have their drawbacks. "The student has to have his SN photo/Dale Atkins I This welder puts together two parts of a boiler vocational school as an alternative to mind pretty well made up as to attending I that will be used to melt copper. The skills he a major college or university for four years. what he wants to do career wise before he begins a program s tq earn a living can be learned at a (in Ag Tech)," said Harold COMMON CAUSE SEEKS Init readies for petition drive IB) nancy crane Michigan Common Cause made directly to political com unofficial meetings with repre¬ luifVws Sufi W riter activities of other groups," plans to base its petition on the mittees and organizations. It sentatives of many citizen's Rennels said. "And also to get kchigan Common Cause California initiative which was does not put ceilings on contri groups to get their reaction to other perspectives on the same In preparing for a petition enacted by an overwhelming butions. the proposed initiative. laign to improve the state's majority. The proposed Common Cause problems." Common Cause has met or Rennels said that in the Laigr, finanrinR laws Rasically Common Cause initiative would also place more lav by electing Doug Ross, plans to meet with represents discussions Common Cause has plans to deal with five major restraints on the activities of tives of the United Auto Ter»no( the successful drive not detected any major opposi¬ areas in its initiative. It plans to lobbyists by requiring them to Workers, the AFL - CIO. the tion to the inititive. JdtfteMichigan sales tax on ask for a political ethics commis¬ submit public monthly reports Michigan Education As$n., the "However, to say that they land prescription drugs, sion and rules to govern conflict to the political ethics commis League of Women Voters, the itive director. of interest among politicians, sion. It would also set (politicians) are not opposed to s was executive director ceilings on Democratic and Republican the initiative is not to say they lobbying excesses and campaign expenditures made by lobbyists party chairmen and state senate ■ Miction t Lobby financing. The group will also support the initiative," Rennels on governmental officials. and House leadership, the 1 it launched a successful ask for public financing of Common Cause will have to said. "They know the public will loedrive to Ret Proposal C, American Civil Liberties Union support stronger legislation campaigns through a $1 or $2 obtain 212,562 validated peti¬ and other, smaller citizen's SALE (i repealed the food and state tax form check off. tion signatures before the cam than what the legislature enacts Iription drug sales tax. on groups. themselves." The political ethics commis paign financing issue can appear "We if. 5 ballot. are holding these Common Cause plans to start Miss J's Heather-Toned Sweaters sion would be an independent, on the ballot in 1976. Common meetings to see how our collecting signatures on the sees more prob multipartisan, administrative, Catase must also submit its activities will effect the ■ getting the support of political petition in mid - March. in citizens for a cam investigatory and enforcement petition to the secretary of state Enjoy substantial savings on these soft, pastel-hued acrylic body which would oversee the for approval before it can begin ■ finannni: petition. actions of politicians and lobby to collect signatures. sweaters for wearing now and on into spring Jitlittie sales tax you could three super ists in the sUte. It would be Common Cause does not plan ere s money out of your appointed by the governor and to send the final draft of its styles to wear separately or ensembled as shown In S.M L sizes I mon i-onipli would have the power to receive initiative to the secretary of I Hie effects •>( political i.' complaints, subpena witnesses and documents and levy fines. state for approval until the —"TASTE THE Sleeveless vest, ^8 V-neck cardigan. ^12 Turtleneck, ^10 middle of February. In the s visible." Ross said. Common Cause hopes to limit meantime it plans to hold & ARTHUR TREACHER'S TREAT |f*i"reshape pnment of the political the amount of anonymous Michigan ARTHUR TREACHER'S if we contributions which could be |«l with this drive. Rut if raised by a candidate and limit !! damage the the total amount of money * to political reform," J- "If Common '• do it there Cause is little which could be spent on a campaign. NflW TisliftCbif*. Recent Michigan Legislation any other (trnup will." prohibits anonymous contribu I, opposed lions by individuals of more ™?an campaign financ¬ than $10 at fund raisers and es since they were passed contributions of more than $15 January 7 thru January 10 only SALE 10 words-* 1.00 Kneo-Hi Hosiery [over show off your knees while • 10 words only 10' each word| saving substantially on casual-wear hosiery by Bonnie Doon Select several pairs from a Prepayment Required wide assortment with turn-down cuffs and fancy link patterns orlon acrylic and stretch 1^1^31354 0085 State News Classified Department nylon ease in one fits-all size 3 pair 4 20 BSSpC Lizard's 347 Student Services Bldg. 224 ABBOTT Jaoobsous *»°n *«* Mitor-in-chi«f TOM WICKER Mourwn Bcninson Advertising Manager R.D. Compbell Monoging Editor could help jobless Mike Arnttt Oty Editor Diane Silver Chris Daniel son Melissa Payton S*»St«in Compos Editor Opinion Pog* Editor National Editor Tax cut Sports Editor Dole Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor *"**•> Copy Chief ■I0* KirbV Staff Representative increase of $52.05. President Ford apparently returned home revenues would require a $23 billion income the projected deficit probably would be in That is a brutal bite out of tax cut to get the desired $15 billion in net the $40-to-$50 billion range — not much from his ski trip to find his economic advisers paychecks, particularly those of lowing tax reduction. more, comparatively, than the Eisenhower generally agreed upon the necessity for some degree of tax reduction as a stimulus to Ford will no doubt want to keep the tax deficit of 1959. workers. So it would make sense to hi! With inflation still a major concern, permanent reduction in the Social SecJ EDITORIALS the economy. If any of them, or Ford himself, was skeptical about it, his doubts reduction as small as he possibly can, because even without it he is facing a budget deficits anywhere near that size cannot long be run. For that reason, a large part of such payroll tax. combined with a income tax cut, the net stimulus temporl itaking] removed by the disastrous deficit of more than 130 billion for the year must have been ending June 30, 1976 the largest an income tax reduction ought to be oil tariff into account) to be about $20 bilj Records unemployment figures just in for December. — That would give the economy the temporary — one to two years, perhaps. nee] acce For the first time since 1940, on the peacetime deficit in history. Even so, he would err badly by taking a half-measure One alternative apparently being consider shot in the arm; the temporary income] trailing edge of the Great Depression, more than six million Americans were out of work now, with a small tax reduction that still ed, but probably so far rejected, is to cut would hedge against continued defiif Christmas. 1974. The increase in the would increase the deficit but not really combine income tax reduction with a cut in and the permanent Social Security redud at the high and regressive Social Security would bring needed long-term relief jn] fixed up by unemployment rate — from 6.5 per cent in November to 7.1 per cent in December — was the biggest single month jump since October, 1960, and the 7.1 per cent rate was inject much stimulus into the economy. The size of the deficit, moreover, has to be viewed in some perspective. Former budget director Charles Schultze, payroll tax, which this year will be 5.85 per cent on the first $14,100 of income — an lower brackets. (c) 1975 New York TiiJ f Modifications on the Buckley information in their parents' the highest in 13 years. Unemployment now at the Brookings Institution, has Amendment giving students financial statement. 1 we T*e oHE rcpvoood tobest who extended into every worker category, white pointed out that as a result of the 1958 ROSS FTTOM "THE POCG fifiiD GiVES TO 1WE f?lCW ?vv access to their academic records Remaining concerns that a bad as well as blue collar, and just to show things recession President Eisenhower's fiscal 1959 have finally cleared up ambigui¬ letter of recommendation not running true to form, the unemployment budget showed a deficit of $13 billion. But ties covered under the new law would rate for blacks — 12.8 per cent — was the gross national product in that year was surrounding the act as only $470 billion, compared to today's GNP follow a student are overstated. precisely twice that for whites, 6.4 per cent. originally written. So there can be little doubt, even among of about $1.5 trillion — three times larger. The revised version may mean Most recommendations are conservatives like Ford, that unless some- So a 1976 deficit of $39 billion (three times less than total student access, but complimentary and it is unfair to t hing is done, unemployment is going to race $13 billion) would be comparable tothe it provides necessary compro¬ the writer to reveal the contents past 8 per cent this year. The need is to get Eisenhower deficit—and the recession Ford people back to work, and a federal income has to fight appears to be more severe and mises and clarifications that uni¬ of a letter that was written tax cut is the quickest way to do it; that will persistent than that of 1958. versity officials need to imple¬ confidentially before the new law put more buying power in people's pockets, ment the broadened access. was passed. Schultze also recalls that when unemploy stimulate business, and thus send workers Students will now have access Most importantly, the law sets ment rose past 5 per cent in 1964 — still two back to jobs from which they have been laid down guidelines that are appar¬ off. points below December, 1974 — Congress to letters of recommendation enacted an $11 billion tax cut. In today's The danger appears not so much that Ford placed in their files after Jan. 1, ently acceptable to both sides and economy, an equivalent reduction would be might refuse to call for such a tax cut, but 1975, but are denied access to protects student rights. that — having at first percejved the nation's about $26 billion, which is substantially more their than anyone in the Ford Administration parents' confidential state¬ MSU should also be commended major economic problem as inflation, so that ments. Access to medical or he asked for a tax increase in October — he appears to be contemplating. for having the patience to take psychiatric records and law might not now accept a big enough tax Besides, if the 1976 budget as presently advantage of the 45-dav grace reduction to reverse the sinking economy. planned shows, say a $32 billion deficit, a $20 enforcement officials' records also has been restricted by the period and not destroy recom¬ And even if he does, he might vitiate its billion tax1 reduction would not really amended law. These concessions cause no real mendations, a step some universi¬ ties took to prevent student access. effect by the offsetting tariff on imported and domestic oil on which his advisers also are reported to have agreed. If Ford asked a $15 billion income tax increase that deficit to $52 billion. The purpose business; of tax reduction is to stimulate as business recovers and unem¬ f mi hardship on the student, how¬ ployment falls, revenues rise, so that the net reduction and an $8 billion oil tax, for loss of revenue to the government would not ever. Patients have always had The law has far-reaching limited access to their own example, the net economic stimulus would be the full $20 billion, but something benefits that outweigh the only be $7 billion. The $8 billion in new oil substantially less. In the example used here, medical records. Many students difficulties it may cause to a few will still be able to get the students. Ford no threa The eight-member "blue Ronald Reagan. The panel is ribbon" panel appointed last composed entirely of the power Industrial Unions to abolish capitalism and weekend by President Ford to elite, and includes of the investigate alleged illegal spying nationally known people's advo¬ none Capitalism inflates to establish the Socialist Industrial Republic of Labor. In this new society the means of Don't knock scouts "On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my coun by the Central Intelligence cates such as Ralph Nader or Jack production will, be socially owned and Some misguided souls, and some that and to obey the Scout Laws. Agency looks more like a plum¬ Anderson. know better, but have a stake in capitalism, democratically controlled. Things will be A column in the Dec. 5 State News titled To help other people at all .times, bers unit than a pack of blood¬ blame the "greedy workers" for inflation. produced for use with a view to satisfying "Boy scout Ford no leader" could be to keep myself physically strong, After a decade of executive the needs and desires of all. summarized by saying "Uninformed Melissa hounds. Headed by possible Inflation is caused by the debasement of mentally awake, and morally straif?ht."| branch special committee reports Payton no writer." Her first incorrect Read that promise, Payton, and rt spying kingpin Henry Kissinger's which have been received money, deficit financing and the printing of statement involved calling President Ford a bosom pal, Nelson Rockefeller, vast amounts of money to support a huge your next column. "former Eagle Scout." The truth is that once Keith Wundel the President's men are unlikely dubiously by the people and often military machine and to shore up collapsing you're an Eagle Scout, you're always an 254 Abbcil to root out any truths that would ignored by the president, Ford's capitalism. And now the efforts to curtail Eagle Scout. No one can take it away from belief that his octet of aged the supply of money and to cut down on embarrass high officials in the you or tack 'former' on it. Ford Administration. bureaucrats can dig out the facts government spending is hastening and Rising GPA good Payton termed a Boy Scout as "a Especially disappointing is the or satisfy anyone outside his deepening the inevitable depression that will make the 1930s seem like a picnic. prepubescent white suburbanite male." Please don't tell thai to the 21 year old black Inefficiency administration is incomprehensi¬ There seems to be concern in some If production priorities wer presence of two former military ble. To make matters worse, women involved in Detroit's innercity Capitalism is an obsolete social system. It quarters regarding the rise in the GPA at what is good for sociey instead of whil bigwigs — John T. Connor and MSU and other educational institutions. Exploring program of the Boy Scouts. Ford has emphasized the super¬ is damned if it does and it is doomed if it That's right, not only is "prepubescent" good for a few employers, the numheiB Lyman L. Lemnitzer — on the ficial scope of his panel by doesn't. If it keeps pumping more money Some people say that students entering automobile workers who are now disT wrong, but white, suburbanite and male are unit. into the economy to keep it going, it will college today are not as smart as those of ployed could be producing 300 or 4001 demanding the final report in just runaway inflation which could wreck past years as measured by the Sholastic wrong too. Rounding out Ford's appointees 90 mean As for Payton's restatement of Bob Dole homes each day. are two more former top-level days. it. If it doesn't, it will mean a depression that Aptitude Test of the Educational Testing The 3 per cent to 5 per cent or m saying Ford was too much of a Boy Scout in will wreck it just as surely. Service in Princeton, N. J. The expressed government bureaucrats, one of Congress must pursue its own fear is that a college degree will soon mean his conduct in office, I agree completely. available work force which has bf CIA investigation, and let Ford's How could any American expect a politician involuntarily idled for the past 40 oi George Meany's henchmen, a The Socialist Labor party calls upon the very little, and that only what is difficult to to be trustworthy (the first of 12 Boy Scout years could have produced enough foodl university president and politico playmates amuse themselves. working class to organize into Socialist attain has value. laws)? fiber to have forestalled the present IT You've probably figured out that I was a crisis, or could have developed newl Others are also alarmed that it is more Boy Scout, and am an Eagle Scout. In my additional sources of energy to difficult to get into a mental institution ART BUCHWALD experiences as a scout I ran across very few forestalled the energy crisis or could 4 today. Being "normal" is not as exclusive as it once was. Our society is more accepting of "balding, paunchy" leaders, though most designed and built more efficient n deviant behavior; or, people have less need were middle aged and from time to time transportation. wore khaki green shorts with knee socks. The transformation of society from prj to be deviant; or, something else. The leaders I met were strong virile men. orientation to people orientation rani iHRose Bowl verdict offends You'd have to be to do'most scouting more easily and quickly accomplished ioT Others, or the same, are concerned that than activities. was the transition from peac law enforcement is breaking down and capital punishment should be reinstituted. It's said that you hear what you want to production to wartime production andbl hear, and see what you want to see. This is in 1917to 1920 and in 1942 to 1946. Indusl In the above examples, what is really the obviously true in Payton's hearing of Boy democracy which will assure the best us| Scout goals. Of the 12 Scout Laws she left resources and productive facilities shoul® Even in its final gasp, Watergate had a problem? Who really has the problem? touch of irony. The jury's decision was out helpful, friendly, courteous, and kind. the rallying cry in 1975 just s announced just as 60 million people were After reading her article it's apparent these democracy and independence of Europi My perception is that the rise in GPA at terms aren't understood by Payton. apron strings were the need in 1775. f sitting down to watch a football game which, MSU and other educational institutions is a as everyone knows, was former President Also, two series of three dots don't replace Ralph W.MJ Nixon's favorite spectator sport. healthy indicator for those institutions and the words of the Scout Promise; Ann Ail society. Hopefully, it means that we are not I was in my living room with my Uncle Ben looking at people as "smart" or "dumb," but when NBC broke into the Rose Bowl as humans with unique learning styles. festivities with its bulletin. ■ Educational institutions, IQ tests, SAT tests Uncle Ben turned to me, "What the hell's and state assessment tests deal with a very going on?" narrow segment of the human intellect. This "The jury has arrived at a verdict in the has not served well the greatest number of Watergate conspiracy trial." needs of the greatest number of people, but "During the Rose Bowl?" has reinforced further the stratification of "They didn't plan to arrive at a verdict society. during the Rose Bowl, Uncle Ben. It just turned out that way." There doesn't seem to be much relation¬ "We've waited two and a half years for ship between "success" in school and "success" in' an occupation. It is more something to happen," I'ncle Ben pouted. "They could have waited another two hours TOU'KI ANOUISHIDIII' difficult to become a lawyer than it is to be a until the game was over." lawyer, or doctor or whatever. for office "I hope you're right," Uncle Ben said. "It MSU or any other educational institution expenses." "How isn't fair for USC and Ohio State to be mixed will function better and make a stronger come everyone has to do time except the guy who started the whole up with Watergate." contribution when we accept all learners as thing?" having equal value and unique learning "I'm certain, no one watching will tie in "Because styles. That doesn't mean that educational "What happened to the Big Enchilada?" Jerry Ford pardoned him. No USC and Ohio State with Watergate. After institutions should not have standards, or Uncle Ben wanted to know. matter what crimes Nixon committed, they all, the crimes were committed in clear goals or rewards. It does mean that the "That's Mitchell. He's been found guilty." can't lay a glove on him. Surely you wouldn't Washington, and the teams are playing in want a former President of the United Pasadena." climate should be supportive, that noncon "I don't mean him. I mean the reel Big States tried for formity should be valued, that responsibility conspiracy and obstruction Enchilada, numero uno — the Commander in and suffering"dormer8" can empathize 1 Chief, the former President of ail the of justice?" leadership should be shared, and that Linen gripe aired this, the thing that really bugged me aT learning styles should be diagnosed and people." "Not if the jury brought in its verdict "I think they'll go back to Carl Stern in their differences valued. I am currently dorm life was getting fresh linen and fill during the Rose Bowl game," Uncle Ben finishing my seventh term that the top sheet was much too large,I "I guess he's at home watching the Rose said. front of the federal courthouse for further here at MSU and my first outside the the bottom sheet was much too small-1 Bowl like everybody else." The higher GPA is a positive indicator . developments." dorms. Despite all the differences between "What do you think the defendants could "Uncle Ben, this is the last football game that at MSU more people are meeting more the two housing situations, there is only one course, this didn't happen every week. I get?" they'll ever interrupt to bring us a bulletin needs, and that we are not just a filtering small comparison that sticks in I'll wager it happened a good one half of® about Watergate. It's over and done with. my mind. It's time. I system for the elitist element of the world. really kind of funny that my main complaint "One to 25 depending on their probation It's behind us — just like Nixon wanted it to is so trivial, but I think it's indicative of I ask you, long-suffering fellow stui'l reports." be two years ago. From now on it's going to the isn't it time we gave the entire linen JohnH.Suehr typical University approach to the comforts "What could Nixon Get?" Professor of Administration of its students. department a complete overhaul'' f "A $60,000a-year pension plus $200,000 and Richard T.MK.«i Higher Education Anyway, and I know that countless 731 Burchiiffln CHRIS DANIELSON sf Nat Ives grow(s) restless Air Force pilot Nat Ives could vaguely that the United States was killing itself with remember something in His induction pledge subsequent coming of the industrial park. planned obsolescence, planned decay and The about defending the United States hydroelectric power had soon been against planned Armageddon. overtaxed, and now half the plants burned all enemies, domestic and foreign. Or maybe Looking at the dust swirling around his coal. he had to say that to boot, Ives remembered how the dirt of the get his passport. At any As Ives lifted his gaze from the rate, Ives knew he had sworn runway to something to rolling foothills oozed between his toes when the horizon he concluded that the real that effect. he went "mountain As Ives paced near a climbing" as a boy, and United States must be America, the land of string of fighter jets, how the frothy current tickled his bare he pondered what the oath meant legs amber waves of grain and purple mountain by "the as he waded toward the trout in the stream United States." Was the United States majesties. just a behind his house. map, a piece of multicolored paper? Was it A swarm of depressing events Ives' boyhood home had long since jarring the politicians in Washington, the million around in Ives' memory suddenly broke the disappeared as the stream bloated into a aires in New York? Was it the western reservoir behind a new surface of his consciousness. power dam. His mountain country where he grew President suspends clean air regulations. up? parents didn't think they got a fair price Ives had trouble answering his when their land and all on it was condemned, President impounds sewage treatment question. He had been unable to determine to hLs own but young Ives didn't know one funds. way or MIDDLE EAST NOT RULED OUT satisfaction which United States he had been another. He had never understood real President kills strip mining controls. fighting for as he flew 137 missions over estate matters. A thought flashed through Ives' mind; faraway Vietnam. He had to settle on the Though still caught up in his musings, The President is an enemy of the United generals' United States, but this didn't help Ives had begun walking toward one of the States! because he didn't know what United States fighter jets. He was thinking of how blue the Ives entered his cockpit. He was an A 1 the generals were fighting for. sky around his hometown used to be, before pilot, he stuck to his oaths, and the White RUSSELL BAKER As he kicked a clod of dirt in front of him, the construction of the dam and the House was just five minutes away. Ives thought it might be nice if the United jM 1 States was the American people. But he knew this wasn't true. If it was, it would !*S'' Kissinger just mean that the United States was itself with hundreds of secret agents spying on banks of computers; that the United States feeding was cheating itself with hidden boondoggles, bureaucratic doubletalk and fixed elections; -Hill verbal blitzkrieg done. to clarify his intentions in If the President is the champion ruler a dangerous YOU 5AiO it... I PiPn'TV "problem recalls the story a situation. congressman once told me outer, the heavyweight at ruling-in is n They will have to consider other questions, ressing a soured group of his Secretary Kissinger. Answering questions of course. "For whom," they will ask, "Is who were of central European from Business Week magazine, ;s Kissinger Kissinger speaking?" Can he be speakingfor has just refused to rule out war in the oil the President? Surely not, for the President zones. War. he said, might become an Swire that thcv were unhappy with his option has already shown that he is not sufficiently ffemuuice in Washington, the congress if the oil nations caused "some actual alarmed about the oil situation to inconve In, j Democrat, threw them a pulsating strangulation of the industrialized world." nience the voters with a gasoline tax. jiiwindcr promising, if re elected, to cut What do the Arabs make of this talk? If he is unwilling to tax gas, is he likely to Krs.end war. lengthen the human life span "Some actual strangulation" is a slippery fight a war? Would he rather fight than tax? DOONESBURY V.. bile flow at the rate of tiro phrase. Has there not been "some" Presidents have done stranger things, by Garry Trudeau and . | day. strangulation already in the United States since the doubling of oil prices? At what very recently. The Arabs will know that. he was exhausted by these They will know the foolishness of counting ?! Horn, ym< i hope so1 six? goodnesi, ns of the Democratic millenium , he point on charts of rising unemployment and upon American presidents not to do the your favorite thanks to your how my do ru settle Rfd for questions, and a man in a lumber ailing business does strangulation become ridiculous. uui word maid various indul- mount up'chief, for one1 eme, piece of me which produced the mi! look has returned eems.vodve i promise you pick a mebnie, 15,000 cake1 have But what of Congress? When ruling war who's m some hem punted no i£ss allthosearpcles contract. minie, words on !t for you in Ickeersofthe evening/ Why you Demos in,Kissinger ignored the fact that Congress back: dutyuaml than six by next issue1 any con- m06! sn0rkun6■ the morsmi | so much - do so nothing?" he asked. would have to approve it, and spoke as if it contractsi tract1 alksomuch-doso nothing has been the were something he and the President could ptttofthegovernment's oil policy since Would Ford rather fight than settle between them. This would be I psoline lines vanished last spring. We presidential war as practiced in the days ,'c (urn vcinfermisly assured that the tax? Presidents have done when the president did as he . pleased and 'V-'- ■y faces no graver threat than the oil stranger things, and very sent his lawyers to Capitol Hill to announce ijje, wherefore President Ford has recently. that if Congress did not like it, it could tely ruled out a gasoline tax to cut oil always try to impeach him. The Arabs read the papers, too. They will Jresirifn! Ford is as stout a ruler-outer as know that Kissinger will not extend such an | hau h.iii in Washington since Calvin invitation to Congress these days, much less idge. Given a problem, he instinctively "actual" enough to place war in the ruled-in that neither he nor the President would i out government action. One may category? make war without the blessing of a Congress i • merits of the t'oolidge reflex, but We can only guess. What is worse, so can that is tired of presidents, Kissingers and wider him-elt was admirably consistent the Arabs. Being a scholar of diplomacy. Mr. jol owing it. Kissinger must know that nothing is more Examining all the available information, not make speeches sounding like dangerous in a hostile confrontation than the Arabs estimating American intentions ind Nixon, and then go to leaving an adversary in doubt about your can hardly avoid the conclusion that |ollicf and aci like Coolidge. He ruled out intentions, yet Kissinger shows them only Washington's oil policy remains w hat it has ytkmc flamboyant, including 16 cvlin the poker face. been for the past year and that Kissinger's I speeches This is wharf The Arabs might sensibly reason that warlike murmuring means only that he is r' in the oil problem. He Kissinger's vagueness about ruling war in still following the basic policy guideline; talk I ruled mit everything except strong means that he has actually ruled it out, since so much — do so nothing. lech declaring that something has to be a diplomat of his skill would take great pains (C) 1975 New York Times Attention: Residents of the East Lansing Area Stay dose to you phone. You may be called next about the East Lansing Jaycee Golden Check Book and receive over $150.00 in jiftJ, tervices. and merchandise tor only $14.95. THAT'S RIGHT! Over $150.00 value for only $14.95. The East Lansing Jaycees Golden Checks are sponsored by these merchants: Kentucky Friad Chicken Dominos Pizza Gullivers State Drugs Goodyear Service Store Burger Chef Dunkin Donuts Mr. Mikes Pizza Olan Mills Studios F.W. Wool worth Fox Jewelers Singer Co. TAKE A LOAD OFF YOUR BACK... King Klean Coin - Op Laundry Burger King K Mart Auto Center Barbara Box Hair Stylist' Red Barn International House of Pancakes Kirby Co. Holiday Lanes Slenderform Universal Health Spa Merle Norman Studios Lansing Karate CIT A HOLD OF EVELYN WOOD! Over Values are in Food, Auto Services, Beauty Services, SISMrriH-JetMoOrtA-iCh^ks tor only $14.9911 Amuiements, and many otters. Stay clou to your phone. "A Real Budget Stretcher" You may be called next I Why overload yourself this term? Lighten that load by trying EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS to increase your reading speed and comprehension. Don't suffer from information over load again! ATTEND A FREE MINI LESSON!! JAN 7,8,9 TODAY, WED, and THURS UNIVERSITY INN SIGMA ALPHA 1100 TROWBRIDGE 7:30 PM HAVE A GOOD TIME CALL 351-5560 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS EVELYN WOOD 4950 S. HAGADORN Rd. (end of Shaw at Hagadorn) □ READING DYNAMICS CALL COLLECT JAN 7th-9th 1 -313 353 5111 % WMSN and MSU BO K Celebrate the Arrival of Winter... And Welcome You (Jig Out PRIZES GALORE! Just Listen to or Stop Down and Wat\ WMSN Broadcasting Live (640 amcbui From the Front Lobby ofMSU BooHfe of the International January 7 Tuesday, January 7, 1975 7 MSU BOOKSTORE 1975 WINTER RUSH HOURS Monday 1-6-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday 1-7-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Wednesday 1-8-75 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Thursday 1-9-75 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Friday 1-10-75 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. i n I)| <- 26. the MSU MSU has been doing this for on Christmas trees for resi¬ stripmining in Michigan. that Tanner said should be emphasized is supervisor. and Maintenance many years. We don't waste dence halls. They said a rare plant is any "Organic moss does not rot Michigan is fourth in the nation in value of recycling, to extract minerals from waste water. I bsdevised a way to make anything." During the winter, the depos plant that may find survival in very quickly and helps keep the mined materials and stripmining is becoming The new director said another important aspect ^traditional holiday woody Exiled trees also come from ed Christmas trees are used as the Michigan climate difficult. weeds down." Baron said. increasingly prevalent. Most mining companies of resource management is the realization that a k productive contributors have made no plans for reclamation of land they trade-off must exist when solving a conflict have mined. between environmentalists and businessmen. IU has been using Christ The DNR has been accused of ignoring this "The DNR acts as a referee, and an allocator reesthat noone else wants ONLY 900 SIGN UP FOR CLEMENCY problem. and enforcer." Tanner said. •otect plants on campus Though Tanner could not address the problem "Usually what's good for the resource is good the winter wind and sun specifically, he said "stripmining is one thing we for the people" he added. have not had come up in front of the review Tanner also said that conflicts between the J5years, said Milton Baron, Icior of campus parks and ms are good protec Amnesty panel starts campaign board." Tanner also said the geological survey division of the DNR is not the only agency involved in DNR and the legislature cannot be avoided. "You can find grounds for conflict almost anywhere." he said. .st the wind and serve stripmining decisions, though most of the blame Legislators whose constituents are snow mobil for delicate Board Chairman Charles E. dations. has been placed there. ers. for example, may not like a DNR action screen WASHINGTON (API-With Spanish speaking radio Goodell said only 900 have stations. These problems are reviewed by all of the favoring cross-country skiers. Tanner said. plant life," he said, only three weeks left for men to Rejecting a suggestion that explained that the sign up for the amnesty pre* signed up with the board out of Goodell said in answer to the program "is a bust," Goodell the 100.000 eligible, mainly hichare used to sur gram for convicted draft because many don't know they questions that be does not said the low signup is caused DISCOVER near Campbell and evaders and deserters, the expect Ford to extend the Jan. - partly by mistrust of the gov They're only 1 inch thick. are eligible. halls, in the Heal Botani Presidential Clemency Board Goodell announced at a news 31 deadline. But he conceded ernment. confusion and "an FLYING dens and in the Sleepy launched a nationwide radio conference that the board is that a good response to the broadcast campaign might be a obsession" with the draft MAGNEPLANARS preserve. arc obtained television campaign Monday to evaders and deserters in iriou> Christmas tree get word to those who are mailing to all the nation's radio reason to extend it. Canada. the and television stations tapes The chairman also made (rsiii ar eligible. telling about the program and The men in Canada, he It neither public the names, but not the s a cone - type or electrostatic urging the stations to play them hometowns of 47 men granted explained, are not eligible for speaker. This speaker often as a public service. the board's program. They come was designed to be pardons or conditional amnesty seen and not heard. So when you listen to puncil to hold hearing "It would be an additional service if your station announ cer could do a countdown —, i.e., by Ford last week. The terms of alternative service under programs administered by the Defense Department for untried deserters and by the music, all you hear is music, not annoying vibrations from the speaker cabinets and assigned those with cavities. street light proposal only 14 more days left to apply- to the Presidential Clemency conditional clemency ranged from three months to a year. Justice Dept. for untried draft Board. Time is running out." Goodell said that, so far, the His program, Goodell said, WINGED publicI hearing will be held at tonight's East Lansing City said a letter Goodell sent to each board has not given anybody "has to do with those who meeting to let citizens to express their opinions on the station with the tapes. The pd installation of street lights. deadline is Jan. 31. more than a year's service. It is stayed here and paid the price." SPARTANS iU'«: :\ FURNISHED, ONE bedrooti jflOODautorever 347 Student Services Bldg. 882 9989 after 5 p.m. 5-1-10 Excellent location and parking fa- £ \ and water furnished. La tapedcck. Dual 12 1 AUTOMOTIVE cilities. Call 371-4158. 5-1-13 \ » I "quired. l2o Power art Scooters & Cycles pment plus "*< Parts & Service Lters. tape reco. , juio tape syste' Aviation VOLKSWAGON COMPLETE re¬ 2 or 3 BEDROOM semi-furnished s albums, camera 'EMPLOYMENT pair and body. 20% QISCOUNT to to sporting goc -FOR RENT students and faculty on all cash'n'- upstairs apartment. 5 minutes from campus along Hunter Park. $220 KNEISSL RED Stars 2oj11 5e quality us carry VW service parts. IMPORT Marker bindings. Used jTi WILCOX SEC Apartments including utilities. Phone 489-4336. AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalama¬ 5-1-10 Best offer. 356 7032. 319I )RE. 509 East Houses zoo and Cedar. 485-2047 , 485- nge, Lansing. Ph°' Rooms 9229. Master charge and Bank FREE RENT until January 15. Americard. C-20-1-3T > FOR SALE Water's Edge. Girl needed, winter/ s_ ROSSIGNOL Animals spring. Call 351-2583. 5-1-13 plus bindings, J Mobile Homes WILLIAMSTON, FURNISHED *,0 Imperial 5G; ONE MAN needed. Twykingham. j 1215S. Ski boot > LOST & FOUND Winter and spring. For details, apartment, lady or gentleman, no Best offer. 35M .PERSONAL 332 5039. 4-1-10 'WE TUMK TUFE ALSO TOTHf BCmiFUL children or pets, $96/month. $50 deposit. 655-1177.3-1 -8 PAPERBACKS . PEANUTS PERSONAL FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. PLB&NGt> BEFORE U$ AND WE FINANCIAL COMIC BOOKS .REAL ESTATE MEANS MTW WCH 10 BUY SCIENCE FICTION W!h Solomon 5< 1S25 E. Michigan 489-8989 Campus Hill Apartments. $68,71 PtAYBOY MAGAZINES 3 Otn Mark IV II > RECREATION month. 349-2498. 3-1-9 BASEBAU CARDS FOOTS^l PROGRAMS $547 between 9 SERVICE > COMPLETE EXHAUST systems FEMALE ROOMMATE desired, COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELSY CA 94709 ondMUCH MUCH MORE Instruction for most imported cars in stock. $80/month. Across campus. Also rebuilt starters and generators 307 E. Grand Riv»r] ' SECONDHAND Typing Service Available immediately. 337-2570, ' TRANSPORTATION 'WANTED in stock. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East 332-1940. 5-1-13 ( Apartments ](!§ Apartiaeits^j^P] pen 11:30 4 PM ]J)| tave Ski 10 speed bi equipment i, radios, lamps, le Kalamazoo, one mile west of DOWNTOWN LANSING near -1,2 PANASONIC QUAD unj ■ CAR POOL campus. 487-5055. C-10-1-17 and 3 bedroom well - maintained FEMALE ROOMMATE(S) RAN)? ,RIVfER Near LCC. receiver with 8 track player,] apartments. Reasonable rents, NEEDED. 2 bedroom apartment. 5 Furnished, three room dinett ograph, 4 speakers, $375{ ping equipment, ( students welcome, pets allowed. minutes campus, free bus service. Prlva'e "" '8nce E^°V« icks, 9°'f clubs, RATES** MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East plete. Must sell, 372 3a Kalamzoo Street since 1940. Call 371-4158. 5-1-13 S90/month-own room. $55/month Peopl^^lities pa.d, $150. N 372-4676. 10 1 20 bi equipment, share room. 351-1241.5-1-10 pets DODGE REALTY, 482-590S ms. Stereo equipt Complete auto painting and x Two Pioneer qi NO, collision service. American and KNEEHOLEDESK. 15', ,| NO. DAYS wood and Fishei WORDS Foreign C-20-1-31 Cars. 485-0256. Blonde finish. $20 Call afternoons. 4-1-10 351^ ikers Sony, Sany c decoders Garra MALE ROOMMATE needed-$75, ROOM FOR rent. 2 blocks from own bedroom. Call 349-0549. campus. Beautiful house. Call GUNS, RIFLES and hand ijamm Miracord U - REPAIR AUTO Service gij ck us out. See Center offers you tools, equip¬ 5_1_10 Dave, 332-4934^,4-1-10 all kinds. Buy. trade and| K on down to BEST year 'round prices ment, and instructions to do your IL, 1701 South auto repairs. 5311 South Pennsyl¬ CEDAR VILLAGE, two girls SINGLE ROOM, male student, Southern Michigan. BOB S i Bank Americard needed for four-girl apartment. 523 Charles Street, $65. 1-1-7 SHOP, 2412 South Cej vania, 882-8742. 10-8 weekdays, Call 332-1959. 4-1-10 rge C-5-1-10 371 2244. 0-1-31 10-6 Saturday. 20-1-31 LIBERAL PERSON for own room I Ifflkl in house, $HI5 Lansing east side. JBLE BOOKCASE .. SEWING MACHINE Clean Houses 372-538B.Tl.10 Salel Brand new portables W e $45 Single b }»12 rug, 525. 332 DEADLINE $5 per month. Large seledj reconditioned used 1 P.M. one class- macl^ I LOW overhead Singers, Whites, Necchi s. before publication. ley OPTICAL C Home, and "many otN GIRL NEEDED, own room, cheap, $19.95. Terms > East Michigan, L EDW< close. 655-3331, after 5 pm. 3-1-9 SINGLE* MALE student. Block ). C-5-1-10 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Peanuts Personal ads campus. Cooking, parking 314 North Washington, 489-I must be pre-paid. Evergreen. 332-3839 3-1-8 C-3-1-9 Cancellations/Corrections FEMALE OVER 21 to share house. 100 USED VACUUM Cle# One mite from campus. Own Tanks, cannisters, and upri| - 12 noon one class day furnished bedroom with complete Guaranteed one full year before publications. household privileges. $35. No and up. D"ENNIS DISTRIBU utilities. 332-6670 or 337 9414, after COMPANY, 316 North Ci The State News will be 6 pm. 3-1-8 Opposite City Market C 3-1 responsible only for the SPACIOUS, FURNISHED base¬ first day's incorrect ment room. Private entrance, bath. insertion Cooking facilities and fireplace Walk to MSU. $125 plus utilities. STAMPS & COIN 337-0091, after 5:30 p.m. 3-1-8 [UTIFUl BLACK, He cat needs h f TWO BEDROOM, furnished. $150/ FEMALE ROOMMATE now 12312 2 1-7 month, $150 deposit. 694-0088. through June, $92.50/month - 5-1-13 Grand River, 332-8486. 2-1-8 |H SETTER p FIREPLACE WOOD $20s you pick up, $25 stack det [3969 *3 1 9 Automotive 677 5877. 5-1-10 tE f OUR month t CROWN IC-150 pre-amp. k Shots. 353 80 355-2750 evenings. 5-1-10 |r 2:00 218 AKAI TAPE deck, Pior MISTERED LA Akai speakers, Pioneer [RIEVER PUPS V 351 3834. 5-1-10 fs 7 weeks Phor 13 WEST AMP - $150 Gn ISro 15" Bottom Vox pH SETTER pupf COMET 1972, V-8 automatic, ra¬ 351-7714, Tom. 5-1-10 D Champion lines. dio, radials, 17-20 mpg, sharp. M Phone 349 < $1500. 355-2908. 3-1-8 | ENGLISH sheep( CUTLASS WAGON, 1967, with PmPet or sho 5-M3 rack, snow tires, air. 655-2827. 5-1-10 p TO good home ptiger kitten. 35; [MMANFineSHEPHERC bloodline I'Iter 5 p.m. 51-' EASTSIDE - STUDENTS or ENGLISH Sheep( working group. Three bedroom, rshaggy, lovable c BIG FOUR bedroom. Shag carpet, fully carpeted, good parking. 675- 5252. 5-1-10 CROSSWORD P156 after 5:30. 5 new kitchen. Furnished. Easily FORD, 1969 XL 2-door hardtop, accomodates four students. $50 PUZZLE pilt Homes w vinyl roof, V-8, power steering and brakes, factory console air, each. 655-3568, after 6 pm. 4-1-10 ^EED FRIENDLY person to share clean, roomy house, co-ed, own ACROSS 26. Seat in 1 1. Blue green church 882-8073. 4-1-10 NEAR CAMPUS. 3-6 bedroom !_0°m Plu» ,utilities, PPARKWOOD house, rent negotiable. 607 Phone 489-5655, days. 5-1-10 pigment 28. Anniversary K, 3 bedroom Virginia. Call Dave, 337-7809. klc_n " 5. Conform ?9. Draws h 910 acre p,„ 4.1_10. NEED ONE person. Own room in 31. Father P*1 Shrubbery 0 1 three bedroom house. $80/month, 33. Espouse r,ed In Buy se DOWNTOWN, NEAR own bed- "'''j*®8 '"c|uded. Lake Lansing 14. Sweet flag 34. Masterful 36. Bitter herb 1^5113 BABYSITTER - HOUSEKEEPER. room. $60 house utilties. Bus. ,n0 332"6607' 15. Iron in 38. Circulate 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 1-5 p.m. One or Deposit. 487-2177. 10-1-20 _ _ i ^ 1" _ _ MGB-GT 1970. Radials. Moving, chemistry 39. Scoundrel must sell. Best offer. 337-0471. more days a week. Close to J7.7c~I.7kM FIVE MINUTES itce~«from ~ INGHAM MEDICAL near — 4 17. Darkness 44. Obsolete campus in bedr00m wjth basement campus. Experience and refer¬ 332. 19. Note of the 5-1-10 Lansing. Small 2 bedroom house, 4240 5.1.10 railway ences desirable. 332-8256 after seals 45. Willow 6p.m. 3-1-8 20. Small bird 1 Projectile TWO BEDROOM house 5 minutes east of campus. 2. Fetish $200/month. 1-524-6615. 5-1-10 PLYMOUTH FURY I, 1970. Good condition. $600 or best offer. REFRIGERATORS 351-6418. 5-1-10 RENT THEM'AT A C & E RENTAL, 1790 Grand River, Okemos. Phone PINTO 1972. Top condition! 24 349-2220. $6 per month. Deposit mpg, make offer. Evenings. refunded on return. 5-1-10 351-8058 5-1-13 wmmwmmmwm SUPER BEETLE. 1971. Clementine, radio, new tires, $1425. 353 6876. 3-1-9 VEGA, 1973, 2-door, automatic, 8,000 miles, men's ski boots, size 8,351-5747 3-1-9. | Sll,c News-Easl Un,ing'Michi,a" Tuesday, January 7, 1975 1 3 ■ fir Sate ]® I™ Service ][^j 8x21. $95 + utilities. 160 deposit. # 1-1-7 101,2780 East Grand River. UNIVERSITY APPROVED computer projects: Programmer/ State act OKs student trustees analyst, ten years EDP experience, 1 361-4463 3 1 8 interested in part-time work. By STEVE ORR ing interests if he or she was the three governing boards, but who at the time student is MOBILE HOME. Baron. Kr*56' State News Sufi Writer was a state eligible to run for 394 0195.3-1-8 involved in the bill was amended and the ttfTlC SAVINGS1 20% off Two bedroom, furnished. Real nice While most MSU students a contract with the representative from the Lan¬ trustee. f ,1 and equipment plus condition. $1900. East Lanaftg eagerly awaited Christmas at body he or she served. The clause requiring student trus sing area and is now Pittenger's Many student candidates ran W& Strat. Telecaster, 361 4966 5-1-13 FOR THE BEST Service on stereo attorney general said attend tees was removed. It passed replacement as East Lansing's for office before the law went I ttodel L6S. SG, Stereo. equipment, see the STEREO their homes, Gov. Milliken and ance at a university is such a the House in that form July 3. senator, voted "yes" on the bill. into effect in order to challenge iliSd Gibson'iewMastertone ar^ u FOR RENT - Large two bedroom SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C 20-1-31 the state legislature gave them contract. The weakened version of the MSU trustees announced the conflict of interest ruling. ■ n Many MORE! mobila home, $85/month. Girl an early holiday gift: the The law applies not only to bill was slightly amended in the while the bill was still wrapped At MSU, five students ran chance to run for University MSU but also to the University E>« 9ul?.?ciC 509 East needed to share with same PROTECT YOUR property from trustee. senate and passed on Nov. 21. up in the legislative process that unsuccessfully for trustee in the 676 4689, after 6:30 pm. 41-10 of Michigan and Wayne State Back in the House, the bill 1974 elections. they would welcome the addi¬ avenue. Lansing. Phone crimel Call Crime Prevention Con¬ sultants, 349-4650, 5 10 p.m or Gov. Milliken on Dec. 15 University. Other state uni- passed its final test on Nov. 26. tion of student trustees. Many At Wayne State, a 23 year J.C-1-31 8x37 TRAILER, 10x10 shed. Close write P.O. Box 321, DeWitt, signed into law a measure versity governing boards are East Lansing's state repre¬ of the trustees, however, old student was elected in to MSU and shopping. 332 8009 Michigan for free estimate. Home nullifying a 1969 ruling by Atty. appointed by the governor. sentative, H. Lynn Jondahl, MdVoNEER amp and tuner. Gen. Frank Kelly which said Gov. Milliken has been urged voted in favor of the bill. cautioned would - be November to the university KMODSU'0 reverse ree 4 1 10 Commercial-Industrial. 3-1-8 that a student serving on his or student trtistee candidates that board of governors (equivalent ■ **Dual 1214 Changer, by legislators to appoint stu¬ Former state Sen. Philip Pit- winning a nomination is diffi¬ to MSU's board of trustees). Power amp and PAT LEISURE LIVING at Melrose PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, her university's governing dents to those boards. tenger, who lost his seat in the cult, and that campaigning is Under the new law the student, amp New Robyn CB Mobile Home Park. 10 miles from finest quality, reasonably priced. board would be involved in a The bill was sponsored by November elections, voted a- "no easy job." Michael Einhauser, took office r,us used TV sets, MSU. own beautiful Moon Lake, BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, 482-5712. C-1-31 conflict of interest. Rep. Perry Bullard, D Ann gainst the bill. Earl Nelson, Under the new law, any January 1. tape recorders, tapes- and lots for 30' - 70' trailers. In that ruling, he cited the Arbor. It was introduced in the r^,o tape systems, 8 track Students with family travel trailers Michigan constitution's provi¬ house in June. The bill origi¬ 1^, F camera equrpmen^ goods, MUCH welcome. Immediate occupancy CERAMIC CLASSES Greenware sion ,that a state officer, such as nally would have required Greenhouse cnortmq 675-7212. 5-1-10 firing. Have fun - make useful a trustee, would have conflict- three students to sit on each of Er QUALITY USED EQUIP gifts. JO ANN'S CERAMICS K ■ WILCOX SECONDHAND ATTRACTIVE 8x36 mobile home. 15947 Center Road, East Lansing F 509 Eas' M,ch,lB.n Furnished. Pets welcome. Walk to 641 6852 after 6 pm 3-1-10 JjEg Phone 4854391 MSU. Must sell 351 8141. 5-1-10 GOING AWAY? Will plant, pet or n ■Tr0SSIGN0LRoc550,195 [ U»t I fwK lfQ| people sit in East Lansing area Reliable references. Call Jenny, for plants, I plus bindings; Speakers 337-2778 after 4 pm. lKianti1215S ImperiSkial5bootsG; Turntable- Henke. FIND SOMETHING 5-1-13 "Warning! Poison Gas — the plants once a week to gated, it becomes so unpleasant V Best offer. 351 8451 3 1-8 If you've found a pet or article of EDITING, PROOFREADING, Keep Out!" Judging from the eliminate the pest problem. in there that nobody can stand value, we want to help you return sign on the door, it would it for more than a few minutes." dissertations, theses, research skis Rossignol Strato 196 it Just come into the State News projects, manuscripts, Anne Announcements for It's What's appear that the Horticulture According to William V* Solomon 505 Package Classified Department and tell us Cauley, 337-1591. 5-1-10 Happening must be received in the General recruiting session for Volunteer Action Corp., Big Broth¬ Dept. is taking drastic steps to Carlson, asst. professor of The department used to use oim Mark IV 180cm, $130. you want to place an ad in EAST State News office, 341 Student horticulture who manages the DDT, which is more comforta Big Sisters, volunteer proba¬ keep people out of the green #47 between 9-11 a.m. LANSING STATE BANK'S Found er - Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least greenhouses, the gas used on ble for humans to apply than tion houses. 10 Column. As a public service EAST officer. English for Foreign the plants to kill insects is the nicotine based gases being two class days before publication. LANSING STATE BANK will run Students, etc. at 7:30 p.m. However, the losses from No announcements will be accept¬ harmless unless you come in used now. Jy SECONDHAND and Save, the ad at no cost to you! TYPEWRITER ed by phone. Wednesday in 107 Berkey Hall. theft have not been that MSU must start so severe — physical contact with the plants, ■iwe 10 speed bicycles from EAST LANSING poisoning in which "However, in the long run, case, some illness | Ski equipment, furniture, STATE BANK potential thieves. the side effects of DDT made it I radios, lamps, leather coats, NewSCM All Horticulture Due to the wide variety of results. more dangerous than the mod¬ |s snow tires, custom wheels, electric portables Therapy volun¬ Special Education related volun¬ teers should attend a plants from all over the world in "We haven't 1tad any prob ern gases we use now," Carlson ing equipment, cameras, car meeting at 7 teer opportunities. Assistaoce the greenhouses, there are Rebuilt IBMS p.m. Wednesday in the Confer¬ lems with students or faculty said. "The modern gases break is, golf clubs, ice skates, ence Room of the Student needed at Beekman Center, Easter plenty of opportunities for Service on Ser¬ poisoning themselves yet," down much more readily than a equipment, tapes and LOST: CAT, beige/white Clear vices Bldg. This is for old and new Seals, etc. Meet at 7:30 p.m. diseases and insects to infest the ims Stereo equipment in A-1 collar Park Lane/BEECH Street. most makes Wednesday in 111 Berkey Hall. Carlson said. "When the plants DDT, and that outweighs the volunteers alike. plants. It is necessary to fumi¬ have been gassed and the discomfort involve^ in using pe Two Pioneer quad systems, 337-0427. 4-1-10 -vood and Fisher, and E.V. PRECISION SERVICE CO. gate the greenhouses and spray greenhouses have been fumi¬ them." Biers. Sony, Sanyo, and Met- FOUND: GREY, mixed shepard If you think none of your friends 694-2743 |c decoders Garrard Zero 100 pup, off Kalamazoo. Free to Do you want your own special jjmin ri US out Miracord turntables, See the prices, interested. John. 484 2081 are gay, think again! Come out to the Gay Liberation meeting at 8.30 grandparent? Find out more details on how to Adopt-A-Grand- Lottery tickets go on sale for January bonus C-3-1-9 p.m. Wednesday in the Union. Call to on down to DICKER b parent at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, or stop by the office, 309 Student Jll., 1701 South Cedar 487 LOST: LARGE male German oiled and adjusted. Portables Services Bldg. for help or informa- 34 Union. Tickets go on sale today (Jan. bonus numbers drawn on the Highlighting the show will be | Bank Americard and Master Shepherd, collie mix. Brookfield $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric 7) for a two - week Michigan same ticket. The two 3 - digit the lottery's 16th million dollar p C 5-1 10 $12.50. One day service, free pick Lottery Bonus in which an Plaza Reward 351 7714. 3-1-8 numbers on a $1 Jackpot ticket drawing at 8 p.m., Monday, up and delivery. 25 years exper The Students International estimated 75 winners will get a 1)BIE BOOKCASE bed, com¬ (designated as $50 prizes) simi Jan. 13. Twelve contestants ience. 393-9774 0 20-1 31 The MSU Sailing Club will meet Meditation Society offers free $4,000 down payment on a new ic $45 Single bed frame, LOST: 2 black German Shepherds, larly must match two of the determined in today's (Jan. 6i vicinity of St. Joes Highway, 1 at 7:30 tonight in 208 Men's public lectures explaining Tran¬ 1975 car. b,12 rug 525 332 1637. 3-1-8 scendental Meditation from 1 to 4 three bonus numbers on a elimination drawing will be male - 1 female, please call Intramural Bldg. to discuss next Holders of both 50 cent and lev 11 LOW overhead saves vou OPTICAL DISCOUNT, ( listrictioi weeks social meeting, ice boating, new boat purchase, etc. Members p.m. Hall. Wednesday in 316 Berkey $1 lottery tickets will be eligi¬ ble to win for the first time by single ticket. Matching just one bonus number does not qualify going for the top lottery prize - $1,000,000. As FOUND WALLET Contains ID for a prize. a special added attraction B East Michigan, Lansing. 372 s CLOWN SCHOOL please attend. of Craig Berizens. - It's fun to be a matching bonus numbers se¬ Winners of the Jan. 16 and that day, all lottery tickets l.C-5110 Claim Student clown 3 different courses Phone lected at the weekly drawing on The Soaring Club will meet at Jan. 23 bonus drawings will Union. C-3-1-8 339 8530 4 1-10 purchased at the Auto Show on 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 203 Men's Jan. 16 and on Jan. 23. receive a $4,000 gift certificate Jan. 13 will qualify purchasers ■AlAYAN AND Camptrail College seniors: Pick Intramural Bldg. All are welcome. Holders of 50 cent tickets up the departmental resume in 7 to be applied toward the pur for a special 9 p.m. drawing in Jpack, Down booties. Bivouac ^g boots, uts, camera climbing and equipment. PirsiuQ|7] (TffHt SmtaQ Eppley Center or 101 Marshall Hall. Return it to the department office must match two of the three chase of any 1975 domestic made car. which the winner can select as his prize any U.S. production Michigan Botanical Club will iur radio station. 2 of your major. meet at 7:30 tonight in 225 Natural Recounts slated Another eight car certificates car on display at the show. lie scuba diving outfits, 1 SORpffTY CONVOCATION EXPERIENCED IBM typing Dis Resources 3ldg ($3,000 each) will be awarded One thousand one year J Engineers RX144.220 VHF for commission nightly at the Detroit Auto lottery subscriptions will be t, River 44 tc Mag pistol, Call 627 2650. sSc'&trfAY4NN There will be a meeting of the executive board of the Organize Show to purchasers of lottery awarded to persons attending tion of Health Professions Stu¬ Microbiology undergraduate tickets attending the Cobo Hail the Auto Show during its nine SORORITY RUSH. January 8-15 EXPERT TYPING theses, papers. dents from 7 to 8:30 tonight in 37 meeting from 7 to 8 tonight in 146 in local races event Jan. 11 — 19. day run. Giltner Hall. Graduate and profes¬ Sign up now in Dorms at dinner or general work, f-aii Carolyn, Union. in 101 Student Serv ices. 1-1-7 sional school representatives will 332 5574 5-1 10 The Ingham County Board of discuss admissions policies. Canvassers will conduct KEEP HEALTHY. Buy Walgreen Volunteers needed in recreation recounts of the Nov. 5th general ■UTiFUL BLACK, half Siamese Vitamins and Save See our full EXPERIENCED. TYPING term programs-Boys Club, Lansing election for the 6th and 9th p cat needs home Free. line of vitamins and minerals papers, theses etc. Rapid, accurate Parks and Recreation, YWCA. College Republicans will meet at B0.2-1-7 8:30 tonight in 35 Union. All District commissioner seats this GULLIVER STATE DRUG. 1105 service. 394 2512. C-20-1-31 Easter Seals, etc. Recruitment East Grand River. Phone session at 7:30 tonight in 6 Student interested Republicans are Tuesday and Wednesday in the Services. welcome. meeting room of the Charter 332 2011 0-1-1-7 THESES, RESUMES typing and Township of Meridian Hall, 5100 FREE A lesson in complexion printing. Reasonable prices. Marsh Road, Okemos. Be FOUR month black white . . COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Volunteer opportunities in Busi Brown Bag Lunch especially for The recounts will be care CALL 484 4519 East Mich con¬ Bn Shots 353 8056 Jennifer, 351-4116 C 20-1-31 ness Consumerism and related women returning to school or igan or 485 7197 Lansing Mall ducted as follows: §2 00 2 1 8 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC activities explained. Recruits career after a number of home- Tuesday — recount of 6th STUDIO. C-3-1 9 COMPLETE THESES Service Dis needed for Income Tax Service, making years. Join us for lunch District starting at 9:30 JGISTEREO ■RIEVERPUPS LABRADOR count Printing. IBM typing and Michigan Consumer Council and and Services discussion in 6 Student a.m. Wormed and binding of dissertations and pub¬ the United Farm Workers. Meet at Bldg. at noon. Sponsored ^s. 7 weeks Phone 372 8672. lications. Across from campus, 7:30 tonight in 39 Union. by the Women's Resource Center. Wednesday — recount of Peawrts Personal {£ corner M.A.C. and Grand River. 9th District starting at 9:30 a.m. Below Jones Stationery Shop. ■H SETTER pupps. Anyone interested in becoming The recount for each district Female, 9 5, Monday Friday Call There will be an important V 1Champion lines. Shots and THANKS FOR the ticker, Nancy a Big Brother or Big Sister please COPYGRAPH SERVICES, meeting for all student Democratic is expected to be completed no tned Phone 349 9355, 4 1 10 and Cheryl, from your big brother come to an orientation meeting at later than the late afternoon of 337 1666 C 20 1-31 precinct delegates and for anyone Mac. 1-1-7 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at 300 N. who is interested in becoming a the same day it is being ■ ENGLISH sheepdog puppies. Washington Ave., Lansing. Call delegate at the January county and conducted. Pel or show Phone PHREDDIE PHRAGEL: hey, hot MSU Volunteer Office for more state conventions at 8:30 p.m. Recounts were petitioned by 6 5-1-13 dog Ngang Ngal Happy one year details. Thursday. Charles P. White. Republican, 98 more to go! Love you gobs, P TO good home Si* month you Miss M. 1-1-7 for the 6th District, and by IRENE ORR-Theses. Term papers, •w tiger kitten 355-1172. 1-1-7 Celebrate National Big Brother Charles L. Massoglia, general typing. Formerly with Ann There will be a meeting for the week with us. Drop by our office in Democrat, for the 9th District. Brown. Call482-7487 C 1-31 MSU Surgical'Clerical Volunteers ImaN SHEPHERD puppies. 6 Recreation (fi at 6:30 tonight in 6 Student 27 Student Services Bldg. anytime White was defeated by J15 fine bloodline, $35 372- Services Bldg from 8 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday Democrat John R. Veenstra. It is important ■ after 5pm 5 1 10 TYPING-BLOCK campus Electric and see what MSU Big Brother and everyone attend for scheduling. 1726 to 1649. Massoglia was SKI AUSTRIA! $377. March 13-21. Fast. Term papers, theses. Big Sisters are doing. defeated bv Republican ■ENGLISH Sheepdog puppies, Call FOUR SEASON CLUB. 349 Experienced 332 8498 5 1 10 Derwood L. Boyd, 2131 to 2055. * 1020. 51 10 The Student Advisory i>rnpanions Council of 1^56 after 5:30 5-1 10 the College of Natural Science has Winged Spartans, MSU flying All precincts of each district PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate, EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to positions available. Drop off a club, will hold an introductory were petitioned. London, Amsterdam, from $259. inexpensive typing. Very near meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in The proceedings are open to 337-7260 C-1-31 personal statement stating why m Homes TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON 351 campus. you wish to serve on the council in 116 Bessev Hall. All are welcome. everyone. 8800. C 51 10 103 Natural Science Bldg. J65PARKwo°d with 12x28 ANN BROWN typing and multilith ■To,3100"flroom' comP'°teiy acre p„vate lot wife ( Service IS offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, manu¬ muted X Students interested in volun¬ teering on campus with the handi New fees shrubbery, outside shed. scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 capped. Information meeting at 7 349-0850 tonight in W409 Library. Volunteer 51-13 se" or •ease. years C 20-1-31 experience. readers, note takers, etc. are needed. rejected LANSING (UPI) - Gov. How to form Milliken has rejected a budget your own car pool Ready for something different? Be a volunteer at the Tenants proposal to double state park Resource Center. If you are a entrance fees as a means of idIL1'lsenwnt PUbllC ,or thoia11 00 ch*r*' the N«"I will provide a free classified concerned person who can spare three hours a week, call (we're in raising an estimated $2.3 mil¬ .Hop), who would lika to tat up or join a car pool. lion in new revenue, an aide the book) from 1 to 5 p.m. to enroll Drivinn? Car Pool in the winter training program said Friday. or Riding? starting January 10. From Share Driving Leaving _ , m' Returning _ All former MSU Income Tax Volunteers and persons interested Plant thefts FROM HOLT to MSU. Leaving in volunteering with the tax pro T)w Phon* Tin*?. Time' 7:30 a m., returning 5:30 p.m. 694 0252 anytime. 3 1-8 gram please be at the meeting at 6 use (continued from page 1) the greenhouses during P,1icip#ntt N*W' "0t *cc,pt r"P°"*ibtlity for arrangements or conduct of p.m Wednesday, in 34 Union. normal class periods has not ^ ^formation FROM FLINT to East Lansing been a problem. Nor have requested below must be supplied in order for ad to appear. Leaving 6:45 a.m., returning 5:30 The thieves bothered the flower p m. 372 1910 extension 285 8-4:30 Outing Club will meet at 7 tonight in 118 Physics-Astronomy beds outside the greenhouses. p.m. After 6 p.m. 1 313 744 0614. Bldg. A program on caving will be Cleevesand Carew refused to 3-14J shown. Plans for caving, climbing, speculate whether the burglar¬ hiking and cross-country skiing will ies, which occurred on week¬ Mint "Jg be discussed ends, were done by students or others with access to keys. FROM WAVER LY Miller area to "We have no reason to accuse Unicyclers - Important Unicycle Life Sciences Building. Leaving Club meeting at 7:30 tonight in anyone at this time," Carew 7:30 a.m., returning 5 p.m. Jenison FieWhouse (main gym said. "However, the police will NO CHARGE 882 3089 after 5:30 p.m. 353-2030 enter through south door). It is be patrolling the area more on 8 12,1 5.3 18 important that all members attend. weekends." 1 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January] tudent tore YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER Located on GRAND RIVER at 421 across from Olin Health Center You Course & # Author Title New Used Save Adv. 205 Dunn Advertising 13.95 10.45 3.50 Anthro. 100 Barnouw An Intro, to Anthro. 6.50 4.90 1.60 Anthro. 171 Hoebel Anthro. 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