GROUP PICKS 10 'omen call bottom tops I - ANGKLE8 (AP) - "Bottoms are tops. Slim, trim, curved based group several months ago because "I decided it was time T what women notice." says the president of Man Watchers men became sex symbols, too." ^organization devoted to the study of the male physique. She said she got the idea statues in when she began collecting small Europe and noticed most of them were of male figures. Mailt"rv says that according to a survey of her members, "You see, men, not women, used to be the sex symbols," she said. '? tjrf men's buttocks more than any other male physical She claims her organization now has ft " istic nexl mo,tnot'c*d aspects of the male nearly 1,000 members. Ejuearcchests, hands and posture, she says. up The card-carrying members guidelines for proper of Man Watchers Inc. have drawn man watching. Rule No. 1: "You Watchers' list of the 10 most beautiful men for 1974 is shouldn't leer or stare and it should be done without the man Ey by actor Burt Reynolds, voted tops by organization mem noticing." s for his animal magnetism, masculinity, sense of humor and Members bestow cards 'good looks from top to bottom." watching." Mallery's card identifies on men they feel her as are "well worth the "world's foremost authority" on man-watching. ■others on the list of males highly recommended for watching are Hi, Alan A Ida, "low key naturalness and subtle sensitivity;" Besides a rundown on most-watchable men and the male anato¬ fc!-Jack Nicholson, "killer smile and cobra eyes;" tennis star my, Mallery's questionnaire also showed that 75 per cent of the in Newcomb*'. exciting body language;" actor Cleavon Little, women respondents are stimulated by pornography. And women tin smooth hearing and catlike elegance;" actor Robert prefer long, but neatly trimmed hair on their men, some chest hair Jdfonl, "traditionally handsome in the classic style;" football and facial hair. ftver 1 jrr ■ I sonka. rugged athlete with slick, muscular thighs;" \i Pacin". smouldering eyes and patrician look;" cowboy Mallery said there is about an equal split of married and single in her group, and that Jj'rbronco busier Casey Tibbs, "disarming, dimpled smile." and women enthusiastic about the club's middle-aged women seem most chauvinist tennis pro Bobby Riggs. who did "more for philosophy. Kmen's tennis than he realizes." Asked what her attorney husband thinks of her pastime, Man Watchers Inc. lists, from left, Alan Alda, 10 most beautiful men for 1974. ■Mallery said in an interview that she founded the San Diego- Mallery said, "Well, for Christmas he gave me a pair of blinders." Jack Nicholson and Robert Redford among the Steelers stop Vikes to w VOLUME 169 NUMBER 6 MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 SMBIfcfe Qflf Bar hit with 2nd capacity charge By RALPH FRAMMOUNO State News Staff Writer infractions. He said that Alle-Ey has had such to date an excess only the of patrons make." "If we find a conviction and a s A second overcrowding Gregg said fire officials have accurately has no effect, more fequent prosecution can charge was that the prosecuting attorney felt confident measured the leveled against the Alle-Ey Alle-Ey and that the posted be initiated," McGinty said. Friday before in filing complaints and going to court. He capacity was not too low. He said that the State News investigations revealed in the first complaint ever got to court. said the recent complaint is for violations on measurement did not include the space October that many area bars were consis¬ East Lansing attorney Dennis McGinty Jan. 4 of this year. taken up by such things as pillars, machin tently overcrowded. At that time East filed the second charge just six days before the pretrial hearing for a first overcrowding He also said that he was disapppointed ery pool tables or pinball machines. Lansing officials named Lizards. Dooleys that the first complaint against the Alle-Ey The maximum penalty for the infractions and the Alle-Ey as the most frequent charge, which is scheduled for Wednesday. is $500. offenders. Both complaints accuse the bar of viola is only now being engaged in action. The first complaint regards a violation of the codes on Oct. 25. Alle-Ey "You just can't keep teUing someone he's a naughty boy. with his coowner brother Lewis Eyde, partner George, said it was "childish" to bring up a second charge when Ziegler: Nixon beaten, the first one has yet to be decided. You have to do something to "It's just sad that grownups like make him see he's a naughty Patriarche act like this," Eyde said when victim of vindictiveness boy." Phillip Patriarche, East told that the second charge had been filed. Lansing Fire Chief Eyde said the 415-person limit for his es¬ SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (API - speak at MSU Feb. 25. tablishment as assigned by East Lansing Former President Richard M. Nixon is in He said he decided to speak out Fire Dept. (ELFDI is too low. He said the "political exile" following his resignation because he is "fed up with Richard Nixon "It's just sad that grownups like building ordinance calls for 15 square feet in the wake of Watergate, said former taking it in the ear." Patriarche act like this." Lewis per person, and that at 10,000 square feet, White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler commented bitterly on the Eyde, the bar can easily accommodate more Ziegler, as he decried the "vindictive¬ co - owner of the Alle • announcement by White House press Ey people without being overcrowded. ness" of various Washington officials. secretary Ron Nessen that Nixon would "He (Patriarche) actually acts so silly "It's the first American political exile," be billed $8,440 for the flight in Air Force sometimes by saying 'you can only have Ziegler, now Nixon's chief aide, said in an One from a point over Missouri when exactly 415 chairs.'" Eyde said. interview in the Sunday editions of the Nixon's resignation became effective to ting two city building ordinances — Los Angeles Times. his landing in California. Jack Gregg, asst. chief of the ELFD, said exceeding the patron capacity and allowing "You only have to be here to sense it is "What was he going to do - alight in that he was personally involved in counting patrons to block main exits. exile — the abandonment by friends, the Jefferson City. Mo. and make his way out the number of people in the bar on Jan. 4. "They try to tell you they are trying to do isolation, the vindictiveness of some in here by train?" Ziegler asked. the best they can," city Fire Chief Phillip He, with three police officers, estimated that Washington, including some in Congress "What severity of penalty does this Patriarche said. "But they're not. You can't roughly 50 more people were in the es¬ and some in the Ford White House," tablishment than the 415 allowed. society want from a leader'.'" he con just keep telling someone he's a naughty Ziegler said. tinued. "You know, he resigned in boy. You have to do something to make him "We just counted those standing at the "The fact that he has survived this see he's a naughty boy." disgrace. He is certainly a beaten man. ■ SN photo'Craig Porter bar and sitting at tables." said East Lansing period to me is remarkable," he added. "If society wants to put him in a cell, I Alle Ey exits such as this have been unlawfully blocked by Patriarche said that the police and fire police officer Roy Swerdfeger. "We didn't Ziegler, 35, will resign from Nixon's there is a cell out there at his estate. I customers, departments have been and will continue to even count the people on the dance floor. It staff shortly to begin a lecture tour at Have you seen the size of his according to a charge filed Friday by the City of be checking aH of the area bars for possible was the lowest possible count we could a office? | test Lansing, reported fee of $2,500 per talk. He will What more is wanted?" i inority-oriented op Entertainment tentatively — sub- Entertainment. Entertainment office, the Office of Black railed Ebony "A few blacks have applied for positions Affairs and the Union Activities Board JWCtlOltt, the Pop Entertainment committee," office. ■h( foup, which on and hllJ""1" function like the Haynie said. "But there are probably 100 or "We're looking for hard workers with no Mariah' *>* more members and I don't think there are particular major," Haynie said. "We'll take kchuannc f entertainment for more than a couple of blacks." women, blacks, chicanos, whites — anyone Hugh Surrat. adviser to Pop Entertain who wants to come." ment of the Dean of Students' office, admit The group is aiming to debut with a Feb. ten<"",in,,r"-v I" will allow °n|-r ,h' ted that the committee has ignored black students. 7 performance, which they will produce jointly with the core Pop Entertainment liness Lr; T°nties to learn the "There has been subtle, or maybe not so staff. Inrim. producing a show — subtle, discrimination because the Pop "We'll be working side by side with the Jsand'swuruv11'1^ Puhlic rela Entertainment selection process has not Pop Entertainment people who have ■ the drive t»'', Ionald Haynie, who been open," Surrat said. "If the system had worked with the shows before and have the always been open and there were five or six experience," said Alfred Summers, another student who has pushed for the formation of r^'tocanuHK 'ainment ha* been blacks on the committee, then we wouldn't (' either J 1tsorit j p881, Hay™ **id have to be doing this." this committee. "In addition to the was «nn ,0Ward wh^ »tu "What I envision eventually is that we'll practical experience, I18 who lari,,,,) "ns"r('d by small organiza have a black staff which can produce a show this group can offer a lot of human relations t;rcM'fu^Ttiwnecemryto bl"k«nd on their own. Now, there are only a few blacks I could turn to to help with a show." experience — working with people from other cultures," Fleming added. other Haynie approached Pop Entertainment Ebony hopes to attain relative autonomy h -foment shows ?M'u 8m «mrmeDIifCtn * again earlier this year and again met frustration. with by spring term. Haynie envisions the group bringing in not only musical groups, but Pop also black theater and even entertainment r^oups |ike K.r.,a He like "It didn't look like we were getting any Income oS5n nu4nd Fire or positive response, so we came to the Union like the Harlem Globetrotters. B*ri«*nZ]tiw,lhth0{orc.oo YES reg. 2.25 $1 28 reg. 1.25 89c 77c RELAYER allergan Neo tORIClDIN ROBITUSSIN OHIO PLAYERS CLEAN-N-SOAK I COLD TABLETS COUGH SYRUP SYNEPHRINE '4% NASAL SPRAY FIRE s3 79 ONE-A-DAY vitamins with iron BUFFERIN 4 $138 83' 4 $ Q 47 oz. 89( 0'. oz. reg. 1.19 69' reg. 1.5 THREE DOG NIGHT reg. 2.19 ^ | 69 99' coupon E>piro» Jon It 1975 Eo» looting Stpr* Only JOHNSON & JOHNSONS GREATEST HITS clairol BABY shampoo WESTCLOCK LONG & SILKY PRELL KEYWOUND ALARM JOE WALSH conditioner 16 oz. liquid $ 1 78 reg. 3.91 $2 44 SO WHAT reg. 2.25 $1 54 or 17 oz. tube tip) limit i im $1 39 j & J VASELINE INTENSIVE care opaque orlon fashion orlon HERBAL pGlCUBES FLASHCUBES KODAK FILM BAND-AIDS BATH BEADS KNEE SOX KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Si 17 no. 5626 16 oz. 88" 99< reg. 1.25 77' reg. 1.50 96' reg. 1.00 47' 78' 88c tipir** Jan IV l»7S Jm. I*, 1*7S tmt Lcn«lw§ StOf» Only to»» Lontin^ Stora Only p0rduroy MENS SHEER opaque shirts LISTERINE LADIES SWEATERS ORLON SOX BIC BUTANE PANTY HOSE PANTY HOSE MOUTHWASH DISPOSABLE LIGHTER 100% ACRYLIC one size 1.50 $444 14 oz. 84* 96' reg. 7.98 $3 24 reg. 69' no. 620 49' No. 0 1 reg. 1.39 reg. 1.49 reg. 89f reg. 1.50 78' I.pit.. Jon If l»75 »• ion. It. 117$ ^™UM«hj^oj«Onl^ (y Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Januilary 13 g SOLOISTS GIVE FINE PERFORMANCES Opera Bv ED ZDROJEWSKI Stage director Richard soloists and the chorus and she Guild Conductor Dennis Burk showed his mastery orchestra played the stages prelude. and sensuous for an™*! State News Reviewer Voinche, who was responsible did not overplay the role, which of orchestral literature. The orchestra sounded This probably did not produce out. Carmen." Dixie Durr picked ri*J The Lansing Opera Guild has for "La Traviata" last year, is too often done. the effect that was desired, The boys' chorus from of Bizet's upZl struck again, this time with a displayed his skill to the fullest. Matching her nicely was as well as it ever has, especially the since it looked almost like a Hannah Middle School in East masterpiece T production surpassing last The staging was natural and tenor William Lewis of the overworked flute section - Bizet had this motion picture projected onto a Lansing added a charming ele Ifanything, the crowd year's Opera Guild pr#J j screen. year's excellent "La Traviata." easy, not stiff and artificial like Metropolitan Opera as Don thing about flutes. ment. Carol Johnson is to be This weekend the Opera Jose. At the outset of Friday's Unfortunately the lighting was bigger than many operatic productions. commended, for getting child¬ Guild, in connection with the No better Carmen could be performance he dedicated the didn't match the excellent stage ren to sing well in a foreign J00- The AuditSJ MSU Music Dept., presented found anywhere than production to the late Richard direction. At times it was too language is no easy task. *♦ J IB Monday, January 13. 1975 7 Pool champion DOMMOS relates tall tales PIZZA By FRANK FOX 966 TROWBRIDGE , Don t spend State News Reviewer your youth in pool halls son, or you will surely come to a bad end. and Or like Jimmy Caras, you will surely come to wearing fine suits alligator shoes and shooting pool for high stakes on national television. TWO DOMINOS Caras, five time world pocket billiard .pool) exhibitions in the Union Saturday. He trick shots and tall tales. champion, gave two specializes, it seems, in ARE BETTER THAN ONE! Minnesota Fats ". «> I went down to Texas to play a guy called Minnesota F.a*?\ reca|led, as he stroked his $100 pool cue like a violinist s bow. "He telling to insure that famous every bod v how he could beat DOMINOS was (Luther! Lassiter, (Willie) Mosconi, anybody. So they sent for "I played him for six straight days and he never won a game " FAST and FREE DELIVERY Caras competed in tournament Saturday, easily winning both matches. style games with local Peering over the broad expanse of green felt and colored balls opponents call the Dominos PIZZA through owlishly large glasses, Caras told story after storv in his gambler s nasal voice. 1139 E. Grand River "I nearest you! played Mosconi on ABC Wide World of the New York Athletic Club," he said. "I won Sports for $5,000 at miscued and wanted to play another match." ... !So 125 to 82. He said he w.e. P,ayed in Chicago for another $5,000," Caras continued. 351 - 1 beat him 125 to 26 and he hasn't bothered me since." Nurtured memoirs Skipping around the table on the delicate feet of a dancer. Caras kept the audience entertained with his skill and carefullv nurtured memoirs. "In 1967 they laid me four to one odds and said I couldn't beat Ussiter two games in a row," Caras sucker bet like that." recalled. "You got to take a MSU STUDEN. Caras, now in his 60s, is touring colleges and universities for one of the major manufacturers of pool tables. His message, which he constantly repeats, is that pool is an easy, easy game. "The professionals, they don't make hard shots," Caras SHOW YOUR PRIDE- explained. "The object is to make the shots easy. The whole By wearing an MSU Class Ring secret of this game is shooting easy. This wav it makes it look like from John Roberts. The a simple game." Advice, anecdotes John Roberts Representative Sizing up the patterns of his next several shots at a glance, mill be at Campus Book Store Caras gave a running monologue of advice and anecdotes. Monday and Tuesday, 10-4 "The (pool) room owners don't like me because I he said. "They like slow plav too fast," to show you their fine players." "If I was playing for a nickel, I wouldn't be talk if were playing for talking. We never quality Michigan State University something." class ring, made of gold or During his afternoon and evening exhibition matches, Caras took chances he said he would never take in a tournament. saladium, your choice of stone. "If I'm playing a professional for $1,000 I would shot, because you might never get another shot," Caras never try that Stop in Monday or Tuesday, Those fellows can be explained 10 -4, and be fitted for YOUR lasting memory! • very unsociable." "When you're playing for a thousand dollars, you get a funnv . ... SN photo/Daniel Shutt feeling down here and the pockets start closing up," Caras said lou should only play this shot on your neighbor's table . . . never on patting his midsection. Lrown table because you'U only tear the cloth," pocket billiards expert Caras, who has been playing pool since he was 7 vears old. has competed against many of the legendary plavers of'the iram.- limy (ara* explains in the Union billiard room Saturday. "I still hold the world title on the big Table, the snooker s < table," he said. 507 E. GRAND RIVER (ACROSS FROM BERKEY) Its Fred&Astair blackness M dance studios is beautiful" NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION 20 hours for $20.00 2' i private lessons V group lessons THE . 15 practice sessions You can learn to RIVER Foxtrot. Waltz Swing. Polka. Cha-Cha. Rumba and Tango. NIGER LIMITED OFFER! TEXAS INSTRUmENTS Professional New York Cast ! Written and Directed by ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS Joseph A.Walker DANCE STUDIOS, INC. A 301 MAC Avenue, East Lansing Broadway Theater Special Event inted by Lecture-Concert Series SRI 1 SR 50 Phone 332-8644 Tuesday, January 21 at 8:15 pm I jJjJjtyAu^^ USE THE PROFESSIONAL TAPE I lh'Sonly "°t shi0W s ^uty and charm lie jn it$ blackness, but in its Scotch makes different recording tape I rer, ,metl89#- A« ^e family so, whether you re recording for kicks I fatK99 accePtance and the or for keeps, you can't buy better tape I need? his dreams for the than "SCOTCH'' brand. It's the over II s,ru90'es.'S fami,y'one the jj defense that produced their line scored the first po tans success Saturday to some but ready for Michigan positive thinking. "We just went out there and hit and skated and played first Super Bowl title ever, a 16 6 victory over the Minnesota Vikings. the game, the first sill Super Bowl history, u grew mightier and m The young Steelers. playing the second half. hockey," the Spartan coach said. for their first Rational Football By DAN SPICKLER out a 69-54 win over the under¬ and qualified for the NCAA Colorado scored four power Franco Harris, who J League title since their incep State News Sports Writer dog Spartans. championships with a 300 plus plays and an amazing three tion in 1933. threw up a "Steel Super Bowl record fori Wisconsin's men's swimming "I guess on paper now it point total. shorthanded goals in whipping carries (34) and n Curtain" defense against the team came into town Saturday looks like we're going to have a the Spartans Friday night. (158), carried nine vardsfl In high board diving, MSU Vikings and completely rattled hot off of a 66-57 Friday night really close meet with Michigan "We got touchdown earlv in thtfl here on Saturday," MSU coach junior Tom Benson came out off to a bad start and them, making Minnesota the victory over Michigan, its ahead of Cyr and also qualified just couldn't put it together," only team to ever lose three period. After Mmntsoal major rival for second-place Dick Fetters said. aged its only points oft!* for the NCAA Bessone explained. "Colorado is Super Bowls. honors in the Big Ten this year. Though the Spartans lost, championships. on a blocked And so it was quite under the close score, according to Bradshaw's four yard lllfl standable to see the squad Fetters, has improved the Spartan Bruce Wright was laughing and enjoying the MSU team's self-image. Wisconsin impressive in the 50 yard free style, winning the event in MSU fencers fight song before the meet. was the first of many formid 21.85 seconds. Teammate Glenn They clapped for the Spartans able opponents the squad will The Steeler defewJ Disosway came in second place, and encouraged them to win, face and the team showed it can clocked at 21.93 seconds. with pair of L.C. Greenwood, ■ Greene. Ernie Holmes | mocking the nearly 700 fans at compete with the best. the Men's Intramural Bldg. Jim Dauw, placing second in MSU's Dwight White The Spartan team of Mark fencing team opened its season Saturday morning by pool. the 1,000-yard freestyle, broke Outwater, Ken Holmes, John trouncing Lake Superior State and Michigan- Dearbornby identical to the frenzied cries oi| But after the first six of 12 the MSU varsity record in that 24-3 scores in a tri-meot. fense, defense, events Wisconsin had to shake event with a 10:01-38 Apsley and Bruce Wright com in the t out of its loose and uppity clocking. bined to win the 400 yard Spartan coach Charlie Schmitter used 17 members of his squad the fencers rolled supporters The freshman distance man as up their big wins. nearly 81,000. cc SN photo/Craia Porter attitude and pour on whatever broke the old record by 2.6 medley relay with a 3:34.05 The MSU epee team went 9-0 against Lake Superior State as the stymied Minnesota Terry Furlow goes high over Michigan's Joe it could muster. The Spartans seconds. timing. squad was only hit four times in the nine matches. "I can't remember a time that they were that effective," The Steeler defense po Johnson to score two of his career - high 33 grabbed the lead early and did In one-meter diving, senior and harrassed Viking p Apsley, a freshman, scored a Schmitter commented. not give up without a fight. Barry points en route to an 86 - 78 Big Ten victory for VanAmberg upset first place for the Spartans in MSU's Bert Starr, Jim Scieszka and Steve Krause each went 2-0 back Fran Tarkentmm «| The Badgers finally pulled Wisconsin's top rated Gil Cyr the Spartans Saturday. the 200-yard butterfly, winning in foil against Lake Superior. Bob Lynch was undefeated in three became the sixth i matches to lead the Spartan epee team and Mike the event from Australian Bradley and Wil Conference club i Olympian Neil Rogers. Apsley Sertage came in at 2 0 in sabre also against Lake Superior. seven years to defeat n Bill Peterman and Jon Moss each went 2-0 in epee against was timed at 11:54.%. tional Conference oppoM^ Grapplers Michigan-Dearborn to lead MSU. split w the Super Bowl. clash with Rhode ByPATFARNAN which they lost that would have produced the third straight dual State News Sports Writer meet draw between the two squads. T, The MSU wrestlers saw two sides of the Big Ten this past Saturday night against Indiana University, Peninger's Spartans weekend and wound up right in the middle. turned it around by whipping the Hooeiers, 28-6, in the sports The No. 1 team in the country, the Iowa Hawkeyes, drudged MSU arena of the Men's Intramural Building. 21-9 Friday night, but the Spartans rebounded Saturday night MSU won eight individual bouts, including a pin by Avery. Only and ripped Indiana 28-6. 134 pound Dennis Brighton and 177 pounder Jeff Hersha - dropped The weekend split left MSU with a 3-1 dual meet record this decisions. year. The Spartans host Rhode Island at 7:30 tonight in the sports "A little better tonight," Peninger said. "I feel like we should have arena of the Men's Intramural Building. blanked Indiana but we didn't. We lost two matches by our own It will be the first meeting of the two wrestling teams and only the mistakes rather than superior wrestling." second time the two schols have met in any athletic contest. The Peninger said Indiana has improved a great deal. Rams, coached by Alan Nero, won the Yankee Conference last year "They shouldn't have gotten any team points, though," he said. with a 10-5 record. Spartan 167 pounder Oliver Williams and teammate 158 - The Hawkeyes, who flew into Friday's meet with the distinction pounder Rick Greene recorded their first wins of the year against of being the best team in the country, left Jenison Fieldhouse a little the Indiana squad. more certain of themselves. Along with Avery and Wickard, Milkovich completed a perfect After two matches, the Hawks and MSU were tied, 3-3. Iowa weekend by pounding out a 4-1 decision over the Hoosiers' best h 4rl then dropped a bomb on the hapless Spartans, reeling off six wrestler, captain Marty Hutsell. straight wins, most of them decidedly. The pin was Avery's second this year and improved his record to Only Pat Milkovich, Spartan two time NCAA champion at 126 7-2 (he lost twice in the Midlands tournament). pounds, prevented Iowa from notching eight straight wins. Milkovich won a convincing 6-1 victory over Midland's titleist Tim Cysewski. "Cysewski had too much respect for Pat," Spartan coach Grady Peninger said. "Pat has beaten him every time they've wrestled. Milkovich looked real good. Real sharp." But Peninger was not handing out compliments too freely Friday. "I think my kids were hiding their light under a bushel," he said. "This is a bitter disappointment. I don't mean to take anything away from Iowa, they've got their best team in history. They're the The Men's Intramural Dept. is offering a downhill ski racing team to beat right now. But my kids didn't have the courage of program this term for the first time. their convictions tonight. They let the pressure get to them. They The event will be held at the Lansing Ski Area. let their minds get away from them. They were using moves There is time and space available for 12 teams of six members tonight that we haven't even practiced." each. Two leagues are planned — one racing on Tuesdays and the Besides Milkovich, only Scott Wickard, 190 pounder, and other Fridays. Racing will be held between 1 and 4 p.m. both days. heavyweight Larry Avery drew long straws for the Spartans The deadline for entry is noon today. The first races will be held against Iowa. Tuesday and Friday. All students, faculty and staff are eligible to Wickard squeezed an 8-7 win out of Nate Kempler in a seesaw compete. battle, the best of the night. But Peninger was not impressed. The teams will race for five weeks. A championship will be held "Wickard didn't look as sharp as he should be tonight," he said. the sixth week between the top four teams, comprised of the top "He won a close match and that kind of hid the fact that he wasn't up two from each league. to his best." Several options are available regarding the fee for lift ticket and Avery, beaten by Iowa heavyweight John Bowlsby in the race fee. Midlands tournament, avenged thai loss with a 4-2 triumph over An all area lift ticket and race costs $5 for each day. Ski, boot and ** the Iowa freshman. pole rental is $2.25. MSU 190 - pound wrestler Scott Wickard, with SN photo"06! "Avery was much sharper tonight than he was in the Midlands," Racers may also purchase a $40 season pass which allows its "190" on his trunks, puts the pounder Pat Milkovich, heavyweight Peninger said. "Bowlsby took his feet ou from under him in the buyer bearer to use the ski area on Monday through Friday before 6 clamp on Iowa's Midlands but that didn't work tonight. It was a good win for Nate Kempler during a match between the two Avery and Wickard each won both tM p. m. for the entire ski season. With this pass there will be no matches Avery." extra charge for the racing program. at Jenison Fieldhouse Friday night. Wickard over the weekend as the Peninger said that his Spartans could have won two matches A team racing lesson is available «ta ed«t of $12 per team. went on to win the battle, 8 - 7. grapplers lost to Iowa 21 - 9 and defe" Spartan 126 • Indiana 28 6 in a pair of dual meets- - n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, January 13, 1975 9 6*1 Top Dollar Itr Your Car wHh Call Now Swart USE of Classified Ads!! 355-8255 iilnttlve )[»] fNwTlfni FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank I Hurts His V Q Apartieits Houses £ MG MIDGET, 1971. Red, AM/FM, AVON - NO SELLING 33,000 miles, radial tires. Going to EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Asa 731 BURCHAM. One needed for EAST LANSING, Horizon House. HOLMES ROAD, two bedroom, California. Call 349 4052.5 1-14 Representative you can sell quality 3-man, walk to campus. $76/ Near Whitehills. Luxury 1 bed¬ garage. $180 a month, deposit, products part - time. Call month. 351-8967 5-1-17 room. Available soon. lease. Call mornings or nights. 482 6893 20-2-3 Carport, NOVA, 1968. Power steering, 351-2509. 10-1-17 balcony, security locks. No pets. ■hone 355-8255 radio, vinyl top. 351 0658, after 4 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY to sublet One year lease. Not student rental. lj Student Services Bldfl. pm. 3-1-13 REAL ESTATE Salesman needed 2 bedroom apartment. Close to $180 349-2094.5-1-14 NEED TWO for four. Beautiful fofir bedroom house. Furnished, for new Lansing office to promote MSU. Call 349-4064 Gail. 6-1-17 [utomotive recreational property. If you have WANT A nice place to live? Short shag carpet throughout, rent )tert & Cycles a real estate license, let us train on money? Let us help you! Short negotiable, own large room, fire¬ LOVELY, MODERN 2 bedroom term leases available. Mason Hills place. Bill, 351-7777.4-1-15 t, 8, Service PINTO 1972. Top conditionl 24 you to make high earnings in your apartments from * $160. Apartments - from $145 a month. Liation spare time. Call 394-2825 Ask for New and two bedroom apart¬ mpg, make offer. Evenings. Furnishings available. 10 minutes one 5 MINUTES FROM MSU-Super WPlOYMENT 351 8058 5-1-13 Mr. White. 5-1-17 to campus. 349-3604, 372-6852. ments - with all appliances, car¬ clean, freshly painted, 2 bedroom Cr rent PINTO RUNABOUT 1974. 0-5-1-17 peting, and drapes Located at 495 North Okemos Pets allowed. house with basement. $185 a ATTENTION month plus utilities. 328 Clifford, Ipartments AM/FM radio, luxury decor, rust - - SALEMEN (3) for well established company. Road, in Mason. 10 minutes from corner of East Kalamazoo. Call Leads ONE MAN NEEDED FOR 4 MAN MSU. Furnished model open proofed. Call 48^0276 3-1-13 furnished, paid the job training Roger Pavlik Realty, Incorporated, on Capital Villa. Cable TV. 351-3933 Monday through Friday, 12-6, and 371 2891 or Roger Pavlik, program. Must have own trans or 882-9830. 5-1-17 Saturday 11-3. Call Model at 351 4676.5-1-16 |0r sale THUNDERBIRD. 1972 like new, portation. Home improvement 676-4874. Other times call manager Limit tape system, best offer. 349 4977. items sales to I Home owners. ONE GIRL, four person, $80/ at 676-4291 or EAST LANSING 5-1-17 REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT at OWN BEDROOM in nice three tobile Homei Call 487 3505 for interview. 5-1-17 J0ST8. found I "CfCOURSE, WE EXFECT ANT month. Haslett Arms. free. 332-2994. 4-1-16 January 332-4128. 14-1-24 bedroom house. $95/month. Deposit negotiable. 1406 Snyder. TRIUMPH [ersonal SPITFIRE, 1972, ex¬ cellent condition, 30 mpg, 27,000 WANTED: NO experience WORKER OOININ3 OUR STAFF WEST SIDE Lansing 1 bedroom, 332-0263.3-1-14 Jeanuts personal miles, $2300. 351-5390 5-1 -15 required. Cashiers, projectionists, TO SWWITH THE A | LOOKING FOR a place to live? stove & refrigerator furnished, ieALestate dancers and usherettes. Apply in Law student looking for a room¬ 676-2877. 5-1 16 FEMALE NEEDED! Own room: TOYOTA COROLLA 1972. person only. CINEMA X LONG TIME r mate for someone to take over close, $70/month. 332-0352. Jecreation tastic condition. Radials, Fan¬ THEATRE AND ADULT BOOK lease, air conditioning, swimming 1 GIRL TO share spacious 4 3-1 14 vinyl (ervice top, 35 mpg, many extras. $1300. STORE. 1000 West Jolly Road, i college media services-box 9411-berkEley ca 94709 pool and phone. Call 381-3170 person Twyckingham apartment, truction $66. Call 332-8172.5-1-14 EAST SIDE - girl to share house. 332 2517. 4-1-15 Lansing. 10-1-24 3-1-15 Own room. $60 plus uilities. typing Service Jfansportation ■anted VOLKSWAGEN 1972 with pop top and tent. CAMPER EROTIC paying DANCERS up to $12.50 an wanted hour. DS&SDBS [ MarhHts J(g|. FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment for graduate student. EAST LANSING. New town- house. Includes 2 large bedrooms, complete kitchen, fireplace, base¬ 482 1026. 5-1-17 Close to MSU. Available imme¬ HOLT DUPLEX, two bedroom, $3200 355-9773. 5-1-17 CINEMA X THEATRE R.N. AND L.P.N. OPENINGS. .3- ment, garage, carpet, air condi¬ |ar pool AND 11:30 pm, 11-7:30 shifts. Liberal FREE RENT until January 15. diately. $145. 332-2495. 5-1-16 large kitchen, yard, storage, one ADULT BOOK STORE. 1000 West Water's Edge Girl needed, winter/ tioning, $325 Phone 351-6467 fringe benefits, evening and night 5-1-13 child. No pets. 627-4296 5-1-17 '•RATES'* VOLKSWAGEN, 1970 Glitterbug: Jolly Road, Lansing. Apply in spring. Call 351-2583. 5-1-13 . differential No shift rotation, every FEMALE, SHARE one bedroom I 1; word minimum Rally wheels, radial tires, tape person only! 10:1-24 other weekend off, and weekend apartment $65, or couple to ONE OR two women needed to OWN BEDROOM in three bed¬ deck, IV2-8871 x-5-1-15 ONE OR two male roommates sublet apartment bonus paid. Contact Mrs. L. Risk sublease $140 351 4894 3-1-14 Close to room house. $73.33 plus utilities. NURSERY SCHOOL Aid. R.N., Director of Nursing, INGHAM needed. Across from campus. campus. Call 351-2107. 5-1-13 351 2108.5-1-16 VOLKSWAGEN 1971. Excellent Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. COUNTY MEDICAL CARE $80 351-4583. 10-1-24 TWO MEN needed fqr spring condition! $1500 or best offer. 12:30 4 pm. Apply only if already FACILITY,. 3882 Dobie Road, LOVELY 2 bedroom, near Frandor, term. Chalet Apartments. Call SHARE HOUSE. Comfortable, 484-9458, days. 393 7061 Okemos, Michigan. 349-1050. $195/month. No pets or children receiving Work Study funds. GIRL NEEDED spring, Grove 337-7017. 5-1-16 quiet, non-smokers, $58 plus. 7-1-15 Mature individuals only. 489-5549. evenings. 5-1 15 349-4171. 3-1-13 Street apartments. Call for de¬ Inquire 622 Leslie evenings. 5-1-13 tails. 351 7459. 5-1-18 FOURTH GIRL wanted. Cedar 543-1195. 3-1-13 $10,000 to $15,000 BEGINNING INCOME. Unlimited opportunity [ hr iHt J-fj WATERS EDGE - female room¬ Village Apartments. Winter term only. Pay 1 % months rent. 351- LIBERAL ROOMMATE needed for 2 man apartment. 1 block from BIG FOUR Bedroom. Shag carpet, which includes bonuses, retire¬ 8077.3-1-14 TV AND STEREO rentals. $25 per mate needed winter $110 month. 351-6786. new kitchen. Furnished. Easily SEE THE Fantastic new TRIUMPH ment, yearly conventions, and - spring, campus. term. $10.95 per month. Free same $82.50. Immediately! 337-9292. 3-1-14 accomodates four students. $50 many other fringe benefits. TWO CUTE 1 bedroom apart¬ DEADLINE Motorcycles at SHEP'S, 2460 day delivery and service. Call each. 655-3568 after 6 pm. 4-1-13 FIDELITY UNION 3-1-15 ments, furnished, carpeted, $125- North Cedar, Holt. C-5-1-17 LIFE NEJAC, 337-1010. C-20-1 -31 GIRL NEEDED winter and spring INSURANCE COMPANY, multi- $130, evenings-weekends, 482- ONE QUIET female to sublease terms, Capitol Villa, $46.25-month. THREE BEDROOM 2 baths, with billion dollar company, number 5450.7-1-20 GARAGE FOR rent: car, motor¬ Twyckingham apartment, winter 332-2906 3-1-14 furniture. 417 North Francis. $160. 7 - one in its specialized field, seeks tion corrections MSm. cycle, bikes. Terms negotiable. 10 spring. 351-8551. 5-1-15 MALE, OWN room. $95. Fur¬ 485-4917 5-1-14 two qualified females. Must be minutes from campus. ONE MAN needed for 2 bedroom i one class day college graduates and able to Call nished. Two blocks. 332-1092 or 351-1755. 5-1-14 SUBLEASE 2 BEDROOM 351-5830. 3-1-14 apartment. Immediately. Optional DOWNTOWN NEAR own bed¬ publication. COMPLETE EXHAUST systems supply references. Send resume to use of king-size waterbed. Call for most imported cars in stock. Dann Harris, P.O. Box 5313, furnished, one block from campus. room. $60 house utilities. Bus. $170. 485-6175 after 4 pm. 10-1-22 SHARE TWO man apartment, 394-0032.3-1-14 § ad is ordered it cannot Also rebuilt starters and generators Lansing, 48905 Or call between ABBOTT ROAD. Office space and Deposit. 487-2177. x10-1-21 fcancelled changed in stock CHEQUERED FLAG suites. Starting from $100/'month. $70. Quiet country living in Mason, or 5:30-7:30pm Monday, 372-1192. SUBLET 4 man apartment, $182 FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Excellent location and parking fa¬ ABBOTT ROAD, for students 10 minutes to campus. 676-4368 EAST LANSING- large 3 bedroom I after first insertion, 2-1-13 or Free bus service. 487-9904 after 6 it ij ordered & Kalamazoo, one mile west of cilities. Call 371-4158. 5-1-13 faculty members. One bedroom 6-1-17 duplex. IVi baths, basement, 3-1-14 i 2 days before campus. 487-6056. C-10-1-17 SP^Ch'tHERAPIST Masters dr luxury apartments, air conditioned, balcony, etc. Location and parking p.m. appliances, unfurnished, available Certificate of Clinical Compe¬ NICE ONE bedroom. Large rooms tence. 24 hours/week. Call for |fy) facilities. Expensive. Call 371-4158 5-1-13 Convenient. References required. $145 482-4428 2-1-13 UNBELIEVABLE THREE bedroom apartment, 2 miles from MSU now . 351-8920 REDECORATED 5-1-14 4-5 bedrooms, appointment. 482-1504. HEAD - $165 332-3787 10-1-23 START. Applications accepted iease. deposit, rent negotiable. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED, NEAR LCC, one male, own room ROOMMATE NEEDED Male or Clean, Fireplace, garage, large through January 15. Equal Oppor¬ dishwasher, balcony over woods, and phone. Dave. 487-8884 2 OR MORE persons needed to female-to live with two others. porch, antique bathtub. A groovy tunity Employer 2-1-13 pool. 351-6699 or 351-8738 3-1-13 5-1-15 sublease Chalet Own room, luxurious, inexpensive Apartment IMS IAJT OAKLAND place 351-3212, after 7 pm for LANSING .MICN. Call 394-0966 3-1-14 351-3574,332-6197 5-1-16 PKONt: 117 417 1710 BABYSITTER NEEDED for 2*4 LAKE LANSING unfurnished 2 appointment. x5-1-15 - FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. ■ State News will be days a week, own transportation bedroom, $130 plus utilities. No Campus Hill apartment. $68.75/ DIVISION STREET. Room Jnsible only for the first U REPAIR AUTO Service needed. 349-11705-1-14 dogs. Deposit. 337-7586. x5-1-15 month. Call after 6 pm, 349-4739 MOBILE HOME, 2 bedroom, fur¬ available in apartment. $95 GROVE STREET. Four bedroom. :t insertion. Center offers you tools, equip nished, near campus, $150/month, $400 plus utilities. Until June. 3-1-13 includes utilities. Ask for Fitz. ment. and instructions to do your TAX $150 deposit. 694-0088 4-1-13 351-7515 X4-1-13 PREPARER, experience FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. 332-4768 3-1-14 Ire due 7 days from the auto repairs. 5311 South Pennsyl necessary, Schedule C informa¬ Acoss from campus. $75. 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, fenced n date If not vama. 882 8742. 10 8 weekdays, TWYCKINGHAM- 2 bedroom, WOMAN OR couple to live in large tion helpful-not mandatory, hours 337-1541 or 332-6246. 5-1-14 ONE ROOMMATE needed Own by the due date, a 50t 10-6 Saturday. 20-1-31 backyard, married couples pre¬ furnished, dishwasher, disposal, house in country with communally 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Call 489-7574 room. $69 a month, Call 393-8411 e charge will be ferred. Children, pets. $175-$185. air, pool, $245. 351-7166. 18-1-31 oriented people. for appointment. 3-1-14 TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile 3-1-14 Share house homes. $25-$35/week. 10 minutes Deposit required. 371-4878. responsibilities, recreation. Five 3-1-13 FOURTH GIRL needed imme¬ miles to East Lansing. 349-4634 LOVING MOTHER will care for to campus. Quiet and peaceful on a your infant, full or part - time. lake 641-6601 or 484-5315 diately. Close to campus. after 5:30 pm. BL-2-1-13 0 20-1-31 10 MINUTES TO MSU - 1 and 2 $57.50/month. 332-4748. 5-1-14 355-6149 2-1-13 bedroom, unfurnished, attractively ATTENTION: EXCELLENT op¬ PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH NEED WOMAN for 4-person. 1250 OAKRIDGi Time Up , near remodeled. Convenient to major portunity for married couple in¬ Michigan Avenue, furnished, one bus lines. Carpeting, air, lighted off Near campus. Immediate occu¬ [7 minutes pT. 1971. Station terested in mental health field - bedroom, utilities paid $150/- street parking. No pets or children. pancy. $70. 351-9279. 5-1-14 to MSUj I FulKlition. l power, many extras! $1850 needed to supervise 6 mildly month plus deposit. 627-5454 $130 and $155. 489-3476 after 6 482-1364 7-1-15 THIRD GIRL over 21. needed for 3 I 2-1-14 | 1825 E. Michigan 489 8989 | mentally handicapped women. pm. 5-1-15 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Room, Board AND Salary in¬ bedroom apartment. $68.34 FEMALE ROOMMATE desired, MASON BODY SHOP 812 East cluded. PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large month plus utilities. 349-9317 after from $175 Extremely rewarding llMPALA, 1969. Single Kalamzoo Street since 1940 work. If interested please contact $80/month. Across campus. Available immediately. 337-2570, upstairs. Furnished apartment 1 6 pm 5-1-13 Ras. Mgr. 351-7014 ■utamatic, power steering Complete bedroom, carpeting. Share util¬ auto painting and Irma Zuckerberg or Kim Bremen, 332-1940. 5-1-13 6 and 9 month leasei accepted |w 339 2158 5 1 14 collision service. Foreign Cars. American and 485 0256 Programs for the Mentally Re¬ ities. Adults only. No dogs. $115. 351-7497. 0-1-31 ABBOTT ROAD. 3 bedroom Equal Opportunity ... . DOWNTOWN LANSING near - U furnished, duplex. $280, available v, „ ■IE 1972 FM Stereo tape, C 20-1-31 tarded, 487-6500. 5-1-15 and 3 bedroom well - maintained immediately! 355-7819.5-1-14 Housing Walter Neller Co. ■mites plus maintenance NEEDED - TWO women to sub¬ Prop«'rt\ Management Dept. REGISTERED NURSES full and apartments. Reasonable rents, Whitehall Paul Gentilozxi 489-6561 | 337-7997 3 1 13 lease two bedroom. - AMERICAN. GERMAN and students welcome, pets allowed DELUXE 1 bedroom, furnished, FOREIGN CAR REPAIR and also part-time positions available on the Call 371-4158. 5-1-13 Manor through October. 332-4169, security locks. $200. 351-2688 ■N2402 1971 Automatic, BODY. 20%DISCOUNT to afternoon and midnight shifts. evenings. 5-1-13 Holly. 5-1-14 ■room condition must sac- students and faculty on all cash'n' Minimum starting per salaries $4.82 hour plus differential. Im¬ SUBLEASE 2 bedroom, 1st floor MSU AREA, Okemos. 1 and 2 CROSSWORD wholesale. $2500 of duplex, % block from campus WOMAN NEEDED to share apart¬ carry VW service parts. IMPORT bedroom, furnished and unfur¬ Wowell, 517 546-6461. AUTO PARTS. 500 East Kalamzoo mediate openings. Please contact Call 332 6604 3-1-15 nished, air conditioning, carpeted, ment for 2. One block from PUZZLE Lansing General Hospital, 2800 ACROSS 30 Greenland and Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229 modern. $150-$185. Heat in¬ Campus. $90 Call 337-0203 Devonshire, Lansing. 48909, 4-1-15 settlement SUBLEASE TWO - man. Imme¬ cluded. Call 349-2580. 5-1-13 Mastercharge and Bank 372-8220. extension267 1 Market 32 Nervous (COLT 1972 Good condi- Americard. C-17-31 Opportunity Employer. 7-1-17 Equal diate occupancy. 144 Stoddard, 5. Marble ailment Rl!lre\ ■ 51600 or ne* exhaust best offer. 332- »23. 351-5381 afternoon. 3-1-15 NURSES /C CHECK OUR 8. Cigaret 34 Negative USED TIRES $4. Snow retreads, JEWELRY FASHION leaders - UN'S IPN'S ^REPAIR PRICES^ 11 Where the 35. St. John's - FOURTH GIRL needed - heart is bread needed part time, Qualifications: a winter, $13 50. GOODYEAR. Next to 12 Deplore 37. Truck spring. Near campus. Large bed¬ 20% DISCOUNT TO fAUXV l%8 Good Sparrow. 482 1426, Ask for Max. need for extra money, and like $80. 332-2771. RN with experience 13 Compass point 39 Boundary I IT S,eerin9 3-1-13 meeting people. Call Carol, rooms. 10-1-24 needed hi following areas: STUDENTS students. 655-3568, after 6. Lunch Bunch will meet at noon 3-1-15 337-9362. 10-1-21 BOOKSHOP UNDERGRADUATES MAY pick inexpensive typing. Very near Tuesday in Room B of the child, attend d meeting of-" WANTED: TENANT, own room, Animals V up their A.S.M.S.U. tax refund campus. 337-7260. C-1-31 . Crossroads Cafeteria in the Babysitters Union. at 4pm w ^ NEED ONE. Own room in three during the first ten days of classes International Center. Contact nicely furnished house, $25 week. Room and board bedroom house. $80/month, util¬ ities included. Lake Lansing Road, Call for details. 372-3956. 5-1 14 PAPERBACKS COMIC BOOKS OLD ENGLISH sheepdog puppies. AKC. Pet or show. 351-3395. 5-1-13 Phone in 334 Student Sen/ices Building. x5-1 15 (Transportation Tom Terry for more information. are available jobs, 0„ exchange in East United Ministries in Higher shopping and Lansing. 332-6607, after GIRLS. CLEAN dorm sleeping, SCIENCE flCTION TWO NEED ride to Mexico or 6:30 pm. 2-1-14 PtAYBOY MAGAZINES Education sponsors winter term panionship with elderly i rooms, nutritious food in refined REGISTERED LABRADOR Southwestern U.S. and return. BASEBALL CARDS weekend workshops: Basic living in the Lansing area C" surroundings. Walking distance FOOTBALL PROGRAMS RETRIEVER PUPS. Wormed and Spring break. Tim, 351-7701. and MUCH MUCH Gestalt and body awareness, MSU Volunteer Office FEMALE NEEDED to share house from campus. Call 337-0719. shots. 7 weeks. Phone 372-8672. 5-1-17 for - MORE with 3 others. Campus 1 block. 4-1-13 5-1-13 FIRE UP WITH the flaming psychodrama, values clarification, All St. Lawrence Com; 307 E. Grand River K.D.'SI Kappa Delta Sorority. vocations workshop and death Mental Health Center 351-6462. 3-1-15 Op«n 11 30-4 PA vot" THREE BEDROOM duplex, $265 SHARE HOUSE, month plus utilities. own room, $67 East side OBOE, SELMER - BUNDY Gooc BL 1113 [ Car Pool ][«] and dying workshop. To register and for more information, call are reminded of volunteer training the meeting" per month. 3 students. $88.33 Lansing. 489-4595 5-1-14 KATHY HAPPY 21st Birthday, UMHE. tonight in the Auxiliary each. 1 year old, 5 minutes from condition. after 5 pm. 3 $240. 1-15 Call 355- 6982 Mobile Homes JI IS stay as sweet as you are. For the ( Driving « Rainbows DeMolays Jobies St. Lawrence. The topic f& 349-4956.8-1-17 GIRL TO share house, own room, campus. years to come. Al. 1-1-13 MSU DeMOlay Club meets at 8:30 month's meeting is AicoM-^ near campus, nice people. $80 WILL DRIVE but prefer to ride from 12x65 PARKWOOD with 12x28 Cars will leave the HOUSE NEEDS girl, share room. 351-1757. 5-1-15 UP TO 1/3 and more savings. Dimondale, Windsor Park Estates pm Tuesday on the Union VoP expando. 3 bedroom, completely Bureau at 7 pm. For mo,, $68.75 plus utilities. 3 blocks to Comparison welcomed OPTICAL set up, 9 10 acre private lot with Real Estate « to East Lansing. Leaving 7:15 Sunporch. DISCOUNT 2615 East Michigan, mation, contact Becky #' campus. 332-3712. 5-1 14 PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH near garden, shrubbery, outside shed, 7:30am, returning 5:30 pm. MSU Zoology Club will present Volunteer Bureau Michigan Avenue. Quiet for Lansing. 372-7409. C 5-1-17 fenced in Buy, sell or lease. 355-8314,8 5. 3-1-13 SALE OR rent. Unfurnished, three Dr Hensley and slide talk on the PERSON NEEDED to share house, student, near bus line, $65i month MID MICHIGANS largest audic 651 -5436 5-1-13 bedroom home. Carpeted, full Flora and Fauna of the Sonoran and Joseph Pleck, author ofj own room. $65/ month. 484-6350. plus deposit. 627-5454. 7-1-17 - basement. Rent for $281/'month FROM EAST Lansing to Pontiac. Masculinity will spe* 5-1-15 retailer with the finest in sterec 8x36 TRAILER, 10x10 shed Desert. Everyone is invited to the male Leaving 7 am, returning 5 pm. role in a co FIV* until June or $3500 equity out. come and listen at 7pm Tuesday in SINGL§. large - carpeted products and electronic repairs. Close to MSU and shopping. 351 8953, 7-9 pm. 5-1-15 351-3199 anytime. 3-1-15 sponsored by the S" OWN ROOM in house. 5 minutes < $18(week each, one block 332 8009 5-1-17 404 Natural Science Bldg. Shop the store with straight sterec Undergraduate Assn at t west of campus. $55 plus deposit. oU. 351-3098 10-1-20 answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, FROM WATERFORDarea toMSU The Socialist Labor Party will day in 216 Berkey Hall 487-9340. 5-1-15 245 Ann Street. C-1-1-13 EXCELLENT 12x60 Mobile home. Recreation (fi Commuter lot. Leaving 7 am, have its first study class of the Persons wishing to volu MSU FACULTY club near, new 3 bedroom duplex, 1 Vt baths, appli¬ For Sale ^ 1-AYTINAL with minerals, regular 5x12 tipout. Central air. carpeting. Utility shed. Appoint¬ New EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to returning 4 after 6 pm. pm x3-1-14 1 313 666 2069 year at 7 pm. Thursday in the Oak Room of the Union. Camp Highfields should.... orientation meeting at 6tort $8.58 now $4.29. $15.95 Oiavite ments please. 372 6804. 5-1-17 ances, fully carpeted, garage, London, Amsterdam, from $259. 37 Union. TWO IBM typewriters. Executive M (100) $7.98. Complete black and white dark phone 627 6018. 5-1-15 200mg Vitamin E TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. FROM MARSHALL TO Commuter model completely renewed, $245. MOBILE HOME, Baron, 10 x55'. room facilities available to all MSU $6.69 (1001. GULLIVER STATE 351 8800 C 1-1-13 Lot. The New Way In Halfway- Elite type $185. Prices firm. Phone Two bedroom, furnished. Real nice Leaving 7;50 am, returning 4 . students, faculty and staff. East volunteers. Criminal MALE STUDENT for house on DUG. 332-2011. C-1 13 condition. $1900. East Lansing. pm. 781-7157 around 4 pm. 3-1-13 justice," 332-8247 3-1-13 Complex Photo Club offers you 8451 East Saginaw, completely 351 4965. 5-1-13 work, and other belt3 25%OFF SALE in Music. Buy Ser access to the Darkroom in North science majors are preferred' furnished, $60 month. 339-2889 BAND BREAKS up, must sell: Share Driving Hubbard Hall. For more infor¬ evenings. 3-1-13 Roland Synthesizer SH-1000. used, save bucks. Epiphone, CLEAN, TWO and three bed¬ inquiry contact Will Sum mation, contact Jim Gilmore or Brand rtew,$600; Armstrong Flute, Gibson, Harmony, West, Marshall rooms. Furnished. $145 $165.- FROMDURANDtoMSU. Leaving Sherry Tibus. MSU Volunteers programs j NEED 2 to share furnished farm and Kustom to name a few. A-1 Next to expressway, North 127. The MSU $90. Ask for Doug, 351-7687 am (flexible), returning pm (flex Chapter of house, own rooms, $65. 487-9065. stereo equipment. Canon Pellix 487-5616. 5-1-15 Students applying for the major Administrative 5-1-15 ible) 288 6917 after 7 pm. 3-1-13 3-1-13 FOR THE BEST Service on stereo and Mamya/Sekor 35mm in the School of Social Work for equipment, see the STEREO Society presents Edwin fr HUMANIC SKI boots, 10 M, $30. cameras. Yashica, Bell and 1966-10x55, 6x17 addition, spring term must have their appli Asst. SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River FROM LOGAN MT. HOPE to East Director, MSU Plar ROOM IN large house, fireplace. washer dryer. Close to MSU Best 210 cm Wooden skies, $10. Howell, Kodak, and Kalimar C 20-1-31 Fee Hall. Leaving 7:30 am, cations in to 254 Baker Hall by Service at 7:30 tonight in the $60 month plus utilities. 489-3177 offer. 351-5715.5-1-16 332-5555 5-1-15 Electric Zoom reflex 86, movie January 20. Please of the Room, Eppley Center returning 5pm. 355-0296,8 12; 1-5 see one 7-1-16 cameras. Check out this iceboat. EDITING, PROOFREADING, dis¬ days. 3-113 academic advisers. Employment trends, 1975 ENGINEERS ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom, - RESEARCH Check us out! See the prices. sertations, theses, research pro¬ NOW AVAILABLE completely furnished, near MSU interested students welcome,' Large airy WORKERS - High Precision Come on down to DICKER & FROM GRAND RAPIDS . to East There will be an open recruit room, ideal for two. Attractive campus. Call 393-4952. 5-1-15 jects, manuscripts. Anne Cauley, Advertising students int;:' calculator. Curta Model II DEAL, 1701 South Cedar Lansing. Leaving 8 am, returning ment meeting for those interested 337-1591. 5-1-17 in modern house. $150 or best offer. (11x8x151 $200. Sell for $100. 5 pm. 1-616-942 1222 after 6 pm in doing recreational volunteer doing ad displays for 487 3886. C-5-1-17 Includes utilities. Off Brookfield, 332-4739. 4-1-14 3-1 14 Coffeehouse are wanted see to appreciate. Roger, TEAC 4070 G Tape deck auto¬ Lost i Found \ PROFESSIONAL Leather SUEDE and FROM OWOSSO TO MSU. work at Michigan School for the Blind at 6 pm Tuesday in 6 Debbie in 101 Student 337-0195. 7-1-16 MOVING. MUST sell stereo - cleaning and refinishing. Bldg matic reverse, push button con¬ FIND SOMETHING Student Services Bldg Skiers and console, wicker furniture, and Alterations and repairs. OKEMOS Leaving 9 am, returning 5 pm. Petitions 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED house, miscellaneous items 351-7838. trol. Includes remote control, dust If you've found a pet or article of CLEANERS. 349-0010. 0*1-1-13 723-8675 after 5 pm. 3*1-14 lifeguards are also needed value, we want to help you mturn NoffMnationjCo' i garage and basement,$185 month 5-1-16 cover, echo. Excellent sound. To "New Way In" volunteers: plus utilities and deposit. 3310- Well maintained. $850 new, sell it. Just come into the State News FROM EAST LANSING to Flint, elections of (tommosKfyi Classified Department and tell us TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, There will be an important orien¬ troller and representatut Lake Lansing Road. Phone $450. Call 355-5879 3-1-15 oiled and adjusted. Portables Leaving 7 am, returning 5 pm. ELECTRIC GUITAR and amplifier, you want to place an ad in EAST tation 484-8131. 5-1-13 1 -313-767 6100 between 8:30 and meeting at 7 tonight in 27 College of Agriculture m $100. Blow those blues away. LANSING STATE BANK'S Found $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric Student Services Bldg. Please AMPEG GUITAR amp. $12.50. One day service, free pick 5, ask for Carol. 3-1-13 picked up in 334 Student Si 351 0681 3-1-13 VT22. Column. As a public service EAST EAST LANSING, 1 bedroom attend, activities to be planned. Width 12" SRO Speakers. 15" LANSING STATE BANK will run up and delivery. 25 years exper Bldg. furnished house and garage. $160 ience. 393-9774.0-20-1-31 FROM HOLT to MSU. Leaving GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of Jenson the ad at no cost to you! Students interested in per month and utilities. 351-7272. speakers. 355-0944 The MENSA Gourmet SIG will all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. EAST LANSING 7:30 am, returning 5:30 pm. 5-1-14 3-1-15 be on Sunday at a place to be community involvement in BEST year round prices in - STATE BANK PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, 694 0252 anytime. 3-1-15 announced. The cuisine will be cation, preschool, elemental Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN finest quality, reasonably priced. FEMALE, COED house, 6 miles, KNEISSL SKIS, secondary, are invited to an own room. $65 plus utilities. 655-2060 3 1 8 SHOP, 2412 371 2244. 0-1-31 South Cedar. and boots, used twice, size 7'/i, $80 Nordica LOST: KITTEN. Charcol - grey BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, 482-5712. C-1-31 nni.r ng Chinese. must To prepare a dish you contact Sandy Gleason motional meeting at 8 tonight. 1-521 3809 3-115 tiger, white bib. Five months. Union. Grove Street area. Reward. FROM EAST Lansing to Ann Cadi for INCOME TAX service in comfort Arbor Ypsilanti. Attention all tutors: 18" DIAGONAL RCA black, white 351-0969. 3-1-15 of own home. Accuracy, satisfac Leaving STAMPS & COINS Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 am, student cards will be availat*1, portable TV, with stand, $50. 337- tion guaranteed. 351 5994 after 6 Find out about returning 6 or 7 pm. 351-8157 backpacking, Buy Sell Trade 0779, ask for Mark 3-1-14 HEY MUSIC Lover I have your p.m. 2-1-13 ginning today in - - climbing and rafting in Big Bend MEN'S SINGLE room plus board. full line of supplies mandolin. Call Bill, 394-1744, p.m. 3JJ3_ National Park. Come to the Language Center Nice living area. Phone 337-2381. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 3-1 14 GOING AWAY? Will Plant, pet or FROM ANN ARBOR TO MSU. meeting ol! 3-1-13 Outing Club,meeting at 7 pm There will be a people sit in East Lansing area. Leaving am(flexible) Tuesday and 5:30 p.m. 332 8426. 3-1 14 FOUND: LADIES watch before Reliable, references. Call Jenny, Tuesday in 118 Physics - MSU chapter of the Human" Thursday. Returning pm(flexible) , FEMALE NEEDED. Own room. 24' MOTOR HOME. Christmas holidays near Chemis¬ Astronomy Bldg. Local Cross - Party at 8:30 tonight in 30 Ut $4,900 or 337 2778 after 4 pm. 5-1-13 try. Call Peter 355 6589. C-3-1-14 Tuesday and Thursday. Country skiing, climbing and All interested persons at. Very close $62.50. Beautiful best offer. Can be seen at ED'S ' 1-313-663-5471. 1-1-15 house. 337-7191. 5-1-14 REFINERY, Mason. 4-1-15 GIBSON'S hiking trips will be discussed. couraged to participate NORTHLAND SKIS - 190 cm, BOCK FOUND: glasses, MEN'S Prescription black case, behind [ Instruction 7* Girl's ski boots (7 Vi), poles, Paramount News. Call 337-9229 EMPLOYERS ARE calling for our EAST LANSING near. Very clean carrying $120 cases New condition, Gail, 355-8903. 3-1-14 ADDIC C-3-1-14 trainees. We need students to full LOST: BLACK wallet this demand. Call 393-8615, private for Kitchen. containing Minutes room to MSU. man. 489-9158 or Used Text student I.D. and other cards. At SPARTAN KEY PUNCH bookV"(>re TV, BLACK and white Zenith 16". International ACADEMY for information. Bulding, Tuesday 489-1091. 5-1-15 Stand. Year old. 355-5842 5-1-17 and mornings. Reward if found. Call 353 0903, evenings. 3-1-14 5-1-14 OWN BEDROOM, Country set ting. Pets welcome. $70, January free 882-4818 5-1-17 60% OR MORE off musical in¬ strument amps and cabinets, new Reference LOST : CAT. Black and white in SPANISH TUTOR available. Also English for Foreign students. Reasonable. 353 3624 5-1-15 NEW and used. Warehouse Clearance. Spartan Village before WEST LABS, Phone 487-3558. Books Christmas. 355 0824. 3-1-15 BASEMENT ROOM. Crude, bui in very 3-1-15 nice house. $40. 487-9328 5-1-17 25%-75% FOUND: PEN, Fifth floor [Typing Service ^ YEAR FENDER JAZZ Bass with case, OFF Computer Center, Thursday 1/9. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ $275. Gibson 60 watt guitar amp. 12! W. Grand River Identify 353 7428, Mike. C-3 1-15 MEN, SINGLE sertations (pica-elite), FAYANN, room, meals, $325. Call Owosso, 725-7796. 1 Block W. of Union / 489-0358. C-20-1 -31 parking available. One block frorr campus. 351-0909, 351-3921 3-1-13 MOVING SALE - furniture, art FOUND: a collar. GREY white husky with Dog is fine. Call ANN BROWN typing and multilith SALE 3-1-15 PIONEER 500A amp, Garrard table, 355-1407. C-3-1-15 offset printipg. Complete service works, bike, plants, handmade large 3-way speakers. $225. for dissertations, theses, manu¬ jewelry, 351 5036. 5-1-14 OWN ROOM in house, $70 in¬ 484 2081 3-1-13 scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 10 70°/< HB LOST: SILVER ring with green cludes utilities. Call 489 4336 or USED PHASE Unear 4000 pre- stone in or near Dooley's. years experience. 349-0850. ■ 484 3541, after 4 pm. 3-1-13 BLIZZARD EXCLUSIVE skis, 185 C-20-1-31 amp Pioneer amp and tuner, Akai Sentimental value only. Reward. cm with Solomon bindings, Henke X200D auto reverse reel to - reel - 351-5127. 5-1-15 COMPLETE THESES Service Dis¬ HYDE SKATES boots, size 11, $135. Kingston electric guitar, $30. 351-4924. tape deck, Dynaco 120 Power amp and PAT for Pre amp. New Robyn FOUND: WOMAN'S wristwatch count Printing IBM typing and binding of dissertations and pub OFF.. 5-1 14 CB equipment plus used TV sets, lications. Across from campus, between Anthony and ureft Hockey typewriters, tape recorders, Engineering corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Halls. Call 351-0957. C-3-1-13 ALL BOOKS CORNET, CLEVELAND, like new, $65 - best offer, must sell, 337 1028. 5-1-14 tapestries, auto tape systems, 8 track tapes, albums, camera equip¬ LOST-ONE standardized-testing Below Jones Stationery Shop. 9-5, Monday - Friday. COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Call Burger King ALL CIF1S ment, jewelry, sporting goods, BAUR used rebuilt Kirby vacuum device. (Peabody Achievement Test) last week of Individual 337 1666. C-20-1 -31 We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. All POSTERS - Hockey BEGINNING SKIERS! San Marco sweepers. MUCH MORE USED class fall term in back seat of car I'ltboyi boots, size 10, $30. Marker EQUIPMENT! WILCOX which picked lady hitchhiking THESES, RESUMES, typing and All CALENDERS on weekdays up printing. Reasonable SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East prices. bindings, $15. Call Dave, from Park Lake Road to night COMMERCIAL PRINTING, >24" & up 332 4995. 5-1-17 Michigan Avenue, Lansing. Phone class. Call 337-0070.10-1-21 351-4116. C-20-1-31 All IEWEIIN Mm I 485-4391. C-1-31 Used Skates $3.00 . DORCHESTER MANOR 1100 Dorchester Circle DORCHESTER VILLAGE 4620 S. Logan J'JjSSBlSBP & $atordays ALL WEEK 1 - [off S. Logan, just north of Jolly Rd.] BEDROOM Unfurnished MODERN STUDIO APTS. BUY ONE MORE THAN BOWS, A SIM Larry Cushion Sporting Goods and juit 15 minutes to MSU $165 FROM furnished or $135 unfurnished (NEESE WHOPPER MORE IRA* 3020 Vln* St 332-1147 THE i One Block North of Michigan West of Sears Res. Mgr. 394-0733 19 Res. Mgr. 394-0733 6ET ONE FREE! UNIVERSITY MALI Plenty of Free Parking Walter Neller Co. Walter Neller Co. WITH COUPON 220 M.A.C. AVI. OPEN DAILYTIL6 Equal Opportunity Property Management Dept. Equal Opportunity MONDAY and FRIDAY 'TUB Housing Proper I v Management Dept. HOURS 9 • 6 MON. •' Housing Paul Gentiloni 4OT-6S61 Paul GentHoizi 489-6561 •, 9 THURS. • N' uary 13j kngjn j Monday, January 13, 1975 1 1 Sponsored by: Your NaiNO THE SMALL SOCIETY Could B« Here! by Bricknan [ODAY'S PROGRAMS phone 353-6400 WUo Qo You HA\/b | Video EveryiJoy - AN Rt$«v«d - Dickinson Ntwspoptr Service You To \ To 3a? 6 WJIM-TV tenting 7 WXYZ TV Dvtreti I®?™?**"- »«niv.w I WOTV Grand RopM. CftTlCIZE THE ♦ CKIWTV Winrftof CfyrtOF (7) Detroit With Dannis Wholly (9) Mr. Dresup This Coupon Good for TUB unit#? J 5 45 AM (12) Lucy STATE*/ ■hr«toph«" (13) The Monty Maze 75' OFF " 6:00 (41) Now Zoo Revue K (SO) Not For Women Only LARGE PIZZA 6:05 /-/? 11:00 News (2) Phil Dononue Show ffZlcKM/r* , 6:15 (3 6-25) Now You Sm It 60' OFF Li For Todiy (4-5-8-10) High Roilon MEDIUM PIZZA (9) Tike 30 6:20 And Country (1241) Tht Monty Man With One or More Items | CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: y0Mf ||am# (13) Password AH Stan (13) Llias, Yoja & You Could Bo Horoi by Larry Lewis 6:25 (50) Now Zoo Rtvut 11:30 337-1631 phone 353-6400 6:30 . Lnnse Semester (3 6-25) Leva 01 Lift (4-54-10) Hollywood Squares Little Caesats Ptea Heat I PONT MIND IF Y Pleck, author |l5" Ned Beetty guest (7) 4:30 Movie (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoka m who make their CuNnity," will (8-9) Partridge Family (4-54-10) Tha yfutty by taking skins (ABC) Tha Monday Ni|ht Movia Smothers role a coltcq^H,id range cattle, find "Tha StarHt Cuckoo" Starrin| (10) Gilligan's Island (25) Tha Munsters & Fritnds Brothers Show d by the Soog^^Ks confronted by the Liza MinnaHi. A madcap (irl (SO) Little Rascals (7-13-41) Tha Rookies (9) Windsor Plus iduate Assn a: 4 they go beyond their rafusas to grow up and EVENING (23) Special Of Tha Week 6 Berkey Hall 5. conform. (50) Dealer's Choice SHORT RIBS Sponsored by: Your Name is wishing to voiunu^^Hr hi Smother? Brothers 5:00 PM 8:30 9:30 (6-8) Ironside ghfields should (9) Music Machine Could Bo Horoi n will be Redd Foxx, (CBS) Rhoda (9) Andy Griffith (50) Merv Griffin Show by Frank Hill too^Hl >n meeting at 6 Rhoda's shy retiring high (10) Truth Or Consequences phone 353-6400 ioper, Johnny Canon school chum shows (13) That Girl 9:00 up ,1 Burns. (2-3-6-25) Maude unaxptctadly to domonstrata (23) Mister rw s. Way In Halfwiyi^^B Criminal justice 1 Rookies har .taw, Rhoda-like, head-on Neighborhood Rogers' (4-5 7-8 10-1341) Movies (9) News Nine approach to lifa and sha bag ins (25) I Love Lucy (23) Tha Romantic Rebellion ind other iirday Night Special" A (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. a tumultuous non-romanca with 9:30 Night Special' stolen lajors are preferred Joa's bast friand. (50) Tha Flintstonts (2-3-6-25) Rhoda 'obbery, passes throu|h ontact Will Sumrtt^^K of lunteers programs. a variety of people 5:30 (4) Bowling For Oollars (9) This Is The Law ivolved in a series of 10:0 (9) Larval & Hardy MSU Chapter of (10) Beverly Hillbillies resents Edwin IB 1:57 11:30 (12-13) News (23) Villa Alegre entennial Minutes (ABC) Wida World Mystary 10:30 rector. MSU Piaca^^B 9:00 Tha Black Box Murdi (25) Hogan's Heroes (50) Glltgan's Island (9) ft t 7:30 tonight m the^^Kudi Starring Julia Nawmar. 6:00 (23) And Justice For All 11:00 1M. Presents (•) Fsmly Court ■ I And Bobby Show (23) VHIa Alegre MM2-lV2541) (9) Bewitched News (2 34-5-6-74-9- 10-12-13-23-25) News Farm Report (50) Bugs Bunny (41) The Protectors LUTHER lft»S (3-6) Midday News 11:55 (23) Walsh's Animals (50) Star Trek 11:30 (2-3-6-25-50) Movies MSU SHADOWS Sponsored by: ALLISON n Edition TON'ITE! 12:00 NOON 6:30 (4-5-8-10) Tha Tonight Show I 6:55 (3-64-6-7-10-25) News (2-6-8-8-13) News (7-12-1341) Wide World 0 In Kerr Show (4-10) Jackpot (9) I Dream Of Jeannie Entertainment by Gordon Carteton I 7:00 (12) World Literature Crusade (7-12-41) Password All Stars 12:00 MIDNIGHT [New (1341) Beverly Hillbillies (9) David Susskind (23) Zoom 7:00 1:00 AM (247-8) News (4-54-10) Tomorrow MONDAY (3) What's My Line? (5-10) Mod Squad (6) Bewitched (7-12-13) News (41) Afterf-nirs Theatre (SO) Religious Message [ii© SPECIAL (9) Beverly Hillbillies (13) Troth Or Consequences (23) Spartan Sportiite 1:30 EBTALS SEAFOOD IT S25 PER TERM (25) The F.B.I. (41) Friends Of Man (4-10) News ■110.95 per month) B POSIT REQUIRED PLATTER 7:30 (2) News (2) Troth Or Consequences lEE DELIVERY (3) Treasure Hunt (2) Message F< IRF.E SERVICE ■Insurance Available $2.2-5 (4) Hollywood Squares Sponsored by: Your Nome News & Notes from THE FLINTSTONES IEJAC Lizards 224ABBOTT by Hanna-Barbera Could Bo Here! phone 353-6400 Here & There pioio I Today Sh ,y (9) Galloping Gourmat ANOTHER REVIVAL During the filming of an (50) Undardog FOR LEMMON "Amy Prentiss" segment at I America Jock Lemmon, I Big Top 12:20 PM currently an outdoor restaurant, he (6) Almanac starring on movie screens in was ordered to consume a * Compiny 12:30 in Capers o revivol of "The Front full meal on camera. And (2-6) Search For Tomorrow 7:30 (4) News Page, " gets the storring role after the scene was finish¬ |"ts Carnival (5) Blank Check in a television adaptation ed, he ordered a repeat [i Big Top (7-12-1341) Split Second for next year of "The Enter¬ serving of everything so he 5:00 (8) Mike Oouglas tainer." Lord Lourence could enjoy a quiet meal. (9) Dick Van Dyke Show Olivier starred in both the (25) Dinah (SO) Tha Lucy Show stage and movie production BILLIE JEAN SIGNS f Schools 12:55 of the John Osborne story of FOR $ Je Street (5-8-10) News o third-rote vaudevillian. At the press reception Pmirici 1:00 (In the original stage announcing that tennis- (2) Love Of Lift (3) Accent version, by the way. Joan great. Billie Jean King, has PROFESSOR Sponsored by: Your Name (4) What's My Line? Plowright, now Olivier's signed on as a commentator (5) Jackpot wife, played his daughter.) with ABC Sports, she told Could be Hero! (6) Martha Dixon reporters that yes, indeed, by (ill Tales phone 353-6400 (7 12-1341) AH My Children LOVES EATING (8) Mike Oouglas she was getting a big salary: Art Metrano may not have (9 50) Movies "You didn't think I'd accept (10) Somerset a healthy appetite, but he less than the guys, did 1:25 does have a hearty one. (2) News you?" ■!!'And "wloss 1:30 (2-3-8-25) As Tha World Turns . FV Glint « Show (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A THE QUESTION BOX j1" Douglas Marriage ■ Show (7-121341) Ltt't Make A Deal 2:00 Ne#borhood (2 3-6-25) The Guiding Light QUESTION: Is "What's My lems crested. She is now "I Playback (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives Line?" host Larry Blyden married a second time, and -9:15 (712-1341) Tha $18,000 married? Rose happily, to Dr. Thomas I Schools Pyramid ANSWER: At present Blyden Calcatta, the surgeon who 9:27 2:30 I"115 (2-3-6-25) Tha Edge Of Night is single. He is the father of probably saved her life. The ' Message (4 5 8 10) Tha Doctors trouble was not an injury 9:30 two teen-age children by his ■0" See It (7-12 1341) Tha Big f marriage to the late Carol but a tumor. •heck Sponsored by: 3:00 (2) Tha Youna And Restless Haney. a dancer- Question: I saw Jayne FRANK & ERNEST yoyr Ma|||# C! 01 Fathar 3 6-25) The New Prica Is comedienne of great talent. Meadows on a comedy roast Could Bo Horo! Rifht with her husband Steve 4 5-810) Another World Blyden, by the way, is by Bob Tbives phone 353-6400 iouV" (7-12-1341) Gantral Hospital currently starring on Broad¬ Allen and it made me won¬ 3:36 way in a hit comedy, der why we never see 2 3-6-25) Malch Game sister "Absurd Person Singular." Audrey anymore since . 9:«5 (7-12-1341) One Lift To Lhrt Jackie Gleason fired her Question: I remember P T.° Look ' 9) Gomer Pyte from "The Honeymooners. THAT DOE« IT 9:55 'SO) Banana Splits reading that at the time hospital¬ Can you throw any light on r®[ Ouv.ii Sandy Duncan was m thfc beard, j, '0:00 rr'Wild war" ized for the head pains that proved due to an eye injury, this? Ron padre ... want I?J)) TheSAL Monty Man her marriage was also in trouble. Was It ever patched Answer: Gleason did fire Audrey Meadows. She not ME TO CHECK was sick of show business, asas as- up? (Mrs.) AbbieH. she said, ond wanted to UNDER THE H«aO> " iiilS^Ortmlr" Answeri Sondy Duncan's first marrloge was olreody concentrate on a home life with her husband(who is the F»ftuna 88Sr*« ending when her eye prob¬ president of an air line.) 1 2Michigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday. Jam,,. ANOTHER FIRST!! $IU Wr.^l USED ta1 (IS BMKi \V casfe rm ft Money Man" has returned after the beginning of classes, but before finals, for the first time ever! Result: He's bought more used books than we have ever had. So What? We have a special staff marking these books for resal* Now You Can buy these used books this late in the term. They are all in the proper course sections. Stop In For this last chance to buy used books for the winter term. BOOKSTORE