VOLUME 169 NUMBER 12 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 IS. cost of living rises 12.2% in 1974 ISHINGTON (AP) Inflation clipped increased in December after five months of posed energy taxes to curb fuel declines. until last year the khan 12 rents off the dollars purchas tion would add about two consump¬ largest increase ever demand which pushed prices up through • In a further move to increase the r* in 1974 as the cost of living rose Real spendable earnings weekly percentage points recorded in peacetime was 11.6 per cent in most of 1974. nation's money supply, the Federal Re pay to its previous forecast of between 6 and 7 percent highest since World War II 1 Kontrols lifted, adjusted for taxes and inflation average married worker with three depen - for the per cent. 1916. Consumer prices rose 8.8 per cent in 1973 "The leading elements in the process are now the serve Board announced Monday it is cutting were The 12.2 per cent jump in consumer rising price of energy and rising the amount of money banks must keep on ltd news was offset somewhat by dents rose four-tenths of a per cent last prices last year was the sharpest rise since following increases 1972 and 1971. of 3.4 per cent in both unit labor costs," he said in a speech to hand to back up deposits. ftabor Dept-'s report Tuesday that month, but were still 5.4 per cent below a World War II price controls ended in 1946 economists. Director Albert Rees of the Council of The board said the effect of the action ■ the Consumer Price Index jumped year ago as wages failed to keep pace with and the worst in any Higher prices for sugar and most other period unrelated to would be to release about $6.1 billion in lr seven tenths of a per cent in inflation. war. Wage and Price Stability announced that his panel would urge business and labor to foods, housekeeping supplies, gas and Iter it was the slowest rate since a Wholesale and retail price increases have eased in recent months, evidence that the Wartime controls were lifted in July 1946 hold down prices and electricity and public transportation were jnoney previously held in reserve. fj„rt»se last July. and prices soared 18.2 per cent that year. the coming months. wage settlements in responsible for much of the' December The I the department said, the purchasing worst inflation may be over. However, the The Bureau of Labor Statistics increase, the'government said. But those move was the latest in a series of I of the average workers paycheck administration has estimated that its pro began Rees said the current rise in prices is no increases were partially offset by price steps by the nation's central bank to make measuring consumer prices in 1913 and longer due to the shortages and strong declines for beef, fresh fruits and vege¬ the flow of money easier within the recession-troubled economy. tables, clothing and used cars. In other economic developments: • American Motors Corp., following in • David I. Verway of the MSU Bureau of step with the nation's Big Three auto Business and Economic Research said makers, Tuesday announced it will offer Monday that unemployment in the state cash rebates of up to $600 to buyers of will probably be at 10.7 per cent without the certain of its small cars. tax cuts. On the national level, Verway expects 6 per cent unemployment by the American Motors said its rebates will end of the year, with the tax measures and range from $200 to buyers of all 1975 8.1 per cent without them. Gremlin and Hornet models to $400 for • He expects unemployment in Hornet models with special equipment and Michigan to peak at 13.6 per cent next month, compared on to $600 on certain Matador models. with a 9.7 per cent unemployment rate The AMC rebate plan started Tuesday during February 1974. and is scheduled to end Feb. 28. *- Students given greater voice in policy decisions lartial arts By BRUCE RAY WALKER State News Staff Writer down the by-laws and in that case they would be returned to the council for further By-laws increasing the ratio of students to deliberation. Fox said if that happened he raftering' success faculty In ttTe Academic Council and giving students a greater voice in policy decisions within colleges were approved Tuesday by the Academic Council. would consider trying to amend the old by-laws rather than work more on the ones just passed. Erwin Bettinghaus, chairman of the By GREG KRAFT they see how the sport is conducted in The proposed revisions of the By-Laws for | State News Staff Writer reality, many experience a mild surprise. steering committee, said he was going to Academic Governance, which come after wuiet, meditative religious devotees attempt to set up a special meeting of the Experts agree that what one watches on more than a year of debate, must be Senate for the middle of February. it practiced the arts thousands of television is not an accurate picture of approved by the all-faculty Academic Senate "I'm very pleased that after all the work |go in the Far lit. East would never martial arts techniques. and the board of trustees. the council has put in on these by-laws 'The television shows and Bruce Lee The new by-laws reduce the number of they've finally passed," Wharton said after j would never believe that the movies are glorified and misleading," said J. faculty on the council slightly and change the the meeting. lirts - kung fu, judo and karate — Kim, specialist in karate and judo in the number of standing committees from 12 to Jt the province of Madison Avenue MSU Health and Physical Education Dept. eight. Student council seats increased cult of millions. Grads ■ Film reels are sometimes speeded up to proportionally as the number of faculty seats | "Kung Fu," starring David heighten the effect of mass karate chops declined. The number of members on the if, consistently among the top 25 and flips in the air, said an employe at a shows, catches the attention of standing committees has also been reduced. local karate and judo school. "From the student viewpoint they have | of viewers every week. "Kung Fu "We have lost sales because people come gained a greater proportional voice," Martin I? hy Carl Dnuiilas, a soulful tribute ■ martial arts, was the To the country in December. Dozens top sellipg , in thinking that the school will teach them how to jump 10 feet in the air and accomplish the feats shown on television," Fox, professor of statistics, said. Fox said he felt the new document "mixed bag" with some good things and was a publications Tdicals are appearing on news stands said the employe, who declined to be some bad. JugJ> theAnd"howBruceto" of kung fu, Lee karate movies still named. Martial arts serve a deeper purpose than , LesManderscheid, chairman of the ad hoc committee to review academic governance, tax propo Bte audiences world wide as they simply showing people how to fight 20 agreed with Fox that the student gain was in ■piit second karate chops and rapid enemies at a time. Karate, judo and other the proportionally larger voice in the Graduate students have voted to tax Tis and throws, forms started out as noncontact sports and council. themselves 50 cents to support alternative f P»ple d lake an interest in the have ties to Buddhism and other Far SN Photfts Dale Atkins "We lost four members-at large in the student publications to the State News. movie versions of martial Ed Fisher throws Bill McCrory to the ■ anddecide that Eastern religions. ground as they practice streamlining process but we gained more The tax. approved by the graduate maybe they too can One of the main tenets of Buddhism is the the techniques of judo taught by their instructor, J. Kim in the representation in the colleges," said Gene students at winter term registration, will •experts in this ancient art. But once icontinued on page 10) Men's Intramural Building. Buckner, student member-at-large. go to the Student Media Appropriations Buckner said that the switch to more Board (SMABl, which has been collecting 50 College representatives is a good one in his cents from undergraduates since fall term opinion because a member-at-large has little 1974. HINGES ON BUDGET REQUEST accountability to any constituency. To date, SMAB has collected a total President Wharton also said that the $34,000. but appropriated only $6,982. to student had gained a greater voice at the Good Times magazine, a publication of ISU may increase unit academic level, this is because the new- by-laws indicate that the individual college by-laws, must conform with the ones just passed. The colleges and departments must Project Grapevine. Council of Graduate Students iCOGSt President George Seperich announced at a Monday night meeting that the tax proposal provide adequate student input into the passed by a vote of 715 to 497. Of the 715 is the individual systems and allow student affirmative votes. 454 were for a 50 cent figure. Michigan Higher Education Assis student fees. Another bad omen of the future budget tance Authority, and we have three or four One source of funds has just been participation in policy decisions. tax and 253 for a $1 tax. ''conomic woes in allowance was the cutback in December of thousand kids here with that package Wharton said the main objective when the About 8,700 graduate students enrolled in rfia.n increased, but it is only a drop in the ...., ^ar ov?rnight, a higher $1.5 million in funds already allocated for alone." bucket towards easing financial pressure on by-law revision began over a year ago was to at MSU will be taxed the 50 cents at at MSU appears Wharton refused on Monday to speculate reduce the size of academic governance, and registration from now on. the current fiscal year. MSU. Entrance application fees were raised he felt this had been achieved. Acting SMAB chairman Dan Dever said further on the relative odds of a tuition by the trustees at their meeting last Friday. Jtein!f. .?dminis,ratHrs refuse to In an article in the MSU News Bulletin - increase, but he did point out that there was That added income from an expected 30,000 Buckner said he felt that the by-laws the board now has about $27,000 left to 1L|olU on ,h«t Possibility, of Jan. 9, 1975, President Wharton outlined would pass the Senate, but Manderscheid, allocate, and must decide among some 30 they no increase last year of in • state tuition at applicants amounts to only $150,000 a year. ilt of ,1 1975 the dilemma facing MSU and options Wharton and Fox were more guarded in requests for aid. MSU. The surprising enrollment increase at ■J* that may not be met by the available. He mentioned a reduction of MSU reported Friday also means more cash their predictions. Wharton Manderscheid both indicated they hope the and some Seperich said that COGS will announce proposed changes in SMAB opera¬ nontenure stream faculty members, Wharton said the tuition at MSU was in the coffers, as long as MSU can fit the I CesMo IT'T approved a relatively low when compared to other new students in without expanding class by-laws pass the Senate, but said they could tions on Wednesday. Beginning next term 1'^'or |hm w., 1975 „ t7b- orl,1K'$21,691,000 sl,atUre of state universities. "The 1973 • 74 tuition at the University of (continued on page 12) only wait and see. Fox said the Senate could possibly turn COGS will have two representatives on the board. ErXSr for ,h«' furrent Michigan went up a whopping amount." he i^»ithSiPT's,'d bud(fet is said. However, tuition at MSU has steadily F^hatamult l1* credit hour atTnUngt° decreased maintenance projects on campus increased a total of 12 per cent for in state 4f, CUrrent l*ould Moments therein bp marl"1 ■fines. ,he#lth . healthfw1eral SU,e fun(ls °ftlu' ProP°®*d tenter fe«« and Krants' streets and buildings and a student tuition increase. "Nevertheless, tuition remain* the students since 1970. From $14 per credit hour in the fall of 1970, tuition increased $1 in 1972 and 1973 to the current rate of $16 per credit. Tuition for nonresident students Haig to pay for dog's journey STUTTGART, Germany (AP)—Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr. "under protest." primary option for additional funds to make here has risen 14 per cent in the same has decided to reimburse the government for what it cost to "I figured with the gas shortage and our regulations, a up for trimmed down state appropria period, from $34 per credit to $37. Irani port his dog Duncan from Frankfurt to Stuttgart last special run for a dog was totally unauthorized." said Pfc. Marty P treasury * , ffs and the tions," Wharton said. The ultimate decision on a tuition October, a spokesman for the U. S. European Command said Lopez. 19. of San Jose, Calif. rh(t«tu euks,'n,'d b/r,,peal of increase is, of course, up to the MSU Board Tuesday. The incident occurred when Haig came from lancers , 5''"fl,r the the MSUMSU According to Steve Terry, asst. vice of Trustees. The former White House chief of staff heard about the Germany to become supreme commander of allied forces in Washington to president of finance, MSU tuition has never Trustee Warren Huff, D • Plymouth, said matter for the first time and decided to pay the $46.92 cost of Europe and chief of the U. S. European Command in Stuttgart I>ft budJs , Prsltie8 10 been increased in the middle of an academic he is concerned with economic problems the 200-mile round trip by two enlisted men to pick up the dog. The spokesman said Haig had the dog flown from the United I* <*nt of "[ 1975 76 year. He said it could happen, but is facing many students today. the spokesman said. their States in a commercial plane at his own 1974 75 unlikely because students receiving "As far as I am concerned, I wouldn't Use of expense and arrived • a staff car tp transport Duncan was disclosed in himself a few hours later without financial aid would have to have it knowing the dog had gone on h guide||rn^yfl#n Dept. and ethnic groups. ■iff one Anne Adams the social theorists who preach cultural small child who knows the Williamston homogenation are out of tune with reality. 0/ OFF On Men ■ lodi.i t Chil f0 £* . Mm \ "A Pleasant Cafe" \ (A tlrfs Okemos 2283 W. Grand River Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw 5 Block One M.A.C. Attention: PITCHER SPECIALS •'om 2-5 WEEKDAYS! enjoy reduced prices on From the people who 0 !iL pitchers of beer and fat bavarian beer brought you handsome Al last tango / s pretzels to go with! comes an exciting new offer . . . urban PLANNING RECRUITING Counterpoint: kt ■0n ^uridou of'In?' 0,,l,,Ont P»"of»s»or In the J^oniin mm" Plann,n9 ot |Pltc«*.nt V°Try 23 ,rom 9:00 lUnd«r9roduatIrrC®S I ■°n innovotiv« *n,0r, lnt#r*,,*d I" hearlny about ■"tyn in n. pro9r°m leading to a Matter's • °H,C# to m##t wi,h ""f Deport- University of w,l, b* at Michigan State ,h* L«o ■ Open Thurs.&Fri evenings JOHN GARDNER'S "wonderful, misshapen Valentine of a novel... the most story in ages."—Cosmopolitan affecting love a bi weekly supplement to the State News accepting non-fictional material for Winter and Spring term issues to the MSU this week. Stories can be on any topic that may community including travel historical perspective, character sketches politics, and local color. begins be of interest n'nfl °* UW • Milwaukee, BIRMINGHAM I GROSSE POINTE OETROIT NOMINATED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD Material can be brought or sent to 343 Student Services Bldg care of Counterpoint. For more details, NORTHLAND ANN ARBOR DEARBORN $1 75 wherever call G. F. at 355-3323 or 484 8961 after 6 paperbacks are sold EAST LANSING GRAND RAPIDS PONTIAC MAU C-( BALLANTIHE BOOKS 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January22 u Campus challenges handicapped By SUE McMILLIN them to the problems like this could not communicate with the many handicapped people, in- He said the "walk in" signs State News Staff Writer one confronted daily by handi¬ student. John Appel, professor accessable drinking fountains often seen on office doors The steps to the Union are a capped students. The session of ATL. said that he did not and rest room facilities plus should be replaced with the frustrating barrier to someone was sponsored by the Dept. of have the qualifications to teach steep ramps. more positive "come in." in a wheelchair. Getting into American handicapped students. Eric Gentile, asst. coordina The film, which was pro¬ Thought and the building means being pulled Language (ATL). Most of those The presentation Monday tor of OPHS, said that even if a duced by MSU graduate Paul up the steps by a strong friend present were faculty members. night was an effort to make handicapped student manages Carlos, centered on attitudes who just may drop you halfway The meeting followed an faculty members aware of the to get inside a that other people have toward building with up. incident two weeks ago involv¬ problems that handicapped stairs, his problems are not the handicapped. Monday night 50 to 60 people ing an ATL professor and a students face on campus. over. Gentile stressed that handi watched a slide show and film student with cerebral palsy. The slides pointed out build¬ "If you want to get out in a capped people were going to presented by the Office of Jim Renuk, freshman, dropped ing entrances like the Union's hurry — in case of a fire — have to work on attitude Programs for Handicapped a required ATL class after his that are difficult to use, tele¬ you're out of luck," he said. barriers as well as physical Students (OPHS) to sensitize barriers. professor complained that he phones that are too high for Among the problems the handicapped face in rest rooms "There's a lot 2.25 FLAIR hi ti 402 S. WASHINGTON. I FELT TIP PEN tonsiif UrissMNt if karri c* RATED X 1,1 Mtr8IJ "Hl *h 245 ANN STREET. E. I ^ ExpiresTsTn 29c prnftfifi Ttort cm ki it iiciflins 117S East Lansing Store Only Wednesd;lay. Januj 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan larval Seats could be Arem added By STEVE STEIN "I'm glad to see it going," Kenney added. "I State News Sports Writer hope it continues to build." An additional 2,000 or more seats could be Spartan hockey coach Amo Bessone, whose added to Munn Ice Arena if MSU Athletic Dept. team is in first place in the Western Collegiate officials decide to raise the seating capacity of the Hockey Assn. (WCHA) and ranked second in the new facility. country, has not been surprised by the crowds. The present seating capacity of the arena is "We expected we would draw with the arena 6,255, though approximately 1,000 more fans can we have." Bessone said. "The rink itself is a big purchase standing room tickets. draw." MSU set a new season hockey attendence The Athletic Dept. has been criticized recently record Saturday when 6,491 fans watched the for not having enough seats in the arena to meet Spartans dispose of Denver. A total of 74,115 the demand. The original plan for the arena people have come through the turnstiles in 13 called for about 8,500 seats. home games this season, for an average of 5,701 "We had to cut back because of the total cost of per game. the arena," Smith explained. "We shrunk it back Six of the 13 games have been sellouts, until we arrived at a figure we could pay for." including five of the last seven contests. The largest crowd this season so far, 6,562, watched Beardsley said the original plan cost about 12 million more than the department could afford. MSU meet Michigan Dec. 13. Three of the last seven regular season games have been sold out. Total cost of the project was approximately The hockey team moved into Munn Arena this $4.5 million. It was financed by money from the Jfo if season after playing for 23 years in Demonstra¬ University's Athletic Facilites Fund (derived tion Hall, which held a maximum of just qver from student football ticket sales) and borrowed 4,000 people. funds. "When the administration feels a need for it, "We're not squawking," Bessone said. "We got a lot for our money. It's a terrific arena." they will ask for it," said Gene Kenney, assistant to the athletic director in charge of facilities. "We The Spartan coach has called Munn Arena "the have the ability to expand." nicest collegiate hockey arena in the United States." "We'll review the situation at the end of the Beardsley said the ticket office has not turned season." Athletic Director Burt Smith said. one student away from getting a ticket at a "When we talk about our budget, we'll talk "reasonable time" before a game. financing." "We did not turn a student away from getting "There is a plan if we ever want to do it," a season ticket, and we have not had one game, Kenney said. nor do we intend to have a game, where we would have no $2 student tickets to sell," he Kenney explained that the top two rows of the added. five middle sections of seats could be removed and 18 additional rows could be added. The seats "To be honest, I was a little disapponted in the would rise above the concourse area. Additional size," Smith said. "But I'm just happy to have it doors could be built at the four entrances to built with the number of seats we do have.* facilitiate the extra number of people. Both Beardsley and Kenney like the number of "If it's proven that the arena is popular enough, seats in the arena now. we might have a selling point on the number of "I personally would rather sellout 50 to 70 per Crowds like this have been piling into Munn Arena this year to watch the Spartans play hockey. seats," Smith said. "I guess that if the game cent of the games with 6,200 seats than 20 per continues to be as popular, we will have to make cent of the games with 8,000 to 9,000 seats," Iowa loss dims MSU title some provision." Beardsley commented. Athletic Dept. officials have been quite pleased with the attendence figures at the new arena. "We thought it would be very good if we would sell out a third to a half of the games," said Bill "I think the seating right now is very adequate," Kenney said. the Bessone would enjoy seeing more people pack arena to cheer on his club. By CHARLES JOHNSON hopes the Spartans may have Spartans have encountered crucial tip - in shots around the hops said. "We put c Beardsley. asst. athletic director in charge of "Every college that has built an arena wishes State News Sports Writer entertained of challenging for lately has been on the boards. basket and that's not good." this mess and w< business affairs. "I'm delighted that its come on it had built it bigger," the Spartan coach MSU's Big Ten basketball the title. MSU is now 8 5 on MSU has one of the smallest With the No. 1 ranked out of it. We've so rapidly." added. season is hardly three weeks the season. front lines in the league. Indiana Hoosters roosting on that all the confniinJ old and already the Spartans' Iowa was led by forward Dan "Our play on the boards and top of the conference standings and not just the « chances of making a go at the Frost's 21 points, followed by our defensive effort hasn't been with a 6 0 mark, Ganakas says have husky front cc Women's ca conference title are next to none. Gus Ganakas' cagers re¬ Larry Parker's 16. Spartan center Lindsay Hairston led MSU with 25 points and 12 good consistently," said. "We had 25 rebounds in the first half and 13 in the Ganakas the title is just about out of reach but he is hoping the team can bounce back to respecta¬ Not only are they husj they play with sion." a lot oil turned home empty - handed rebounds. Senior guard Bill second half (against Iowa), bility. The Spartans will bc| Monday night following an 83 Glover pumped in a career high which is all right, but we let "Indiana won't lose four action at home 79 lOss to Iowa to completely 22 points, hitting 10 of 15 Iowa's front court get a lot of on games in the conference," he against Wisconsin. | ruin a four day road trip which from the floor, in the opens season Spartans - previously saw them lose losing cause. Saturday at Minnesota. 82 71. "Both games were weird, it The MSU women's basket¬ ball team opens its season state last year. Returning to the squad will Sandy Hudson and Owens. .Gail Peacock will be Shelly A shoddy defensive perfor- seems," Spartan coach Gus Ganakas said. "At Minnesota we wound up losing after they Olympic Stadium today when it travels to Ann Arbor to face Michigan. be and cocaptains Diane Phillips Linda St'oick. Degina returning at guard. Baile is looking for a Big Ten scored the final six points of the game. We had come back in the advised to fiod Coach Mikki Baile's squad Goldschmidt rounds out the balanced scoring attack and second half, but we couldn't will be out this season to better forward scoring nucleus. sound defense from this year's W. L. contain them at the end. MONTREAL (UPI) The estimate of $310 million. construction. its third Returning centers include "We held Iowa to 29 points in - resume | - place finish in the contingent. Indiana 6 0 head of the iron workers' union, In the latest labor dispute, the site would be cl "I think we can do well but the first half and then gave up upset that his men have not Purdue 5 1 Michel Galarneau of the union today. there will be plenty of tough 54 points to them in the second been allowed to begin work at said his men were turned back Minnesota Work on competition this year," she 5 2 half. That's a big difference." the Olympic Stadium site fol¬ for the second consecutive day complex has been su remarked. Ohio State 4 2 Most of the trouble the lowing settlement of their cost Tuesday when they reported Nov. 27 when the iron® "We have a very versatile Michigan 3 3 - of living dispute last week, for work at the Stadium site. walked out in a cost # team," she added. "We will be Iowa 3 4 Tuesday advised union A spokesman at City Hall, dispute. They members to work at other using varying offensive styles, hoping to capitalize on our MSU Illinois 2 4 4 Cage construction jobs in the city. While labor strife continued which is responsible Olympic construction, said the for conflict last week in accept an 85 opponent's mistakes." site was not yet cleared of snow wage increase The squad travels to Central Northwestern 5 to set back this city's Olympic Michigan Friday. Wisconsin on the schedule, its other major and ready for the men to provincial gov< problem — escalating costs — "Competition should be hard the subject of a Par¬ pedc/ruJ was this week. I expect U-M to give us a good game," Baile said. MSU basketball coach Gus liamentary commission as Woman Ganakas will be the guest Montreal "Central Mayor Jean Drapeau Michigan finished mance in the second half by the tonight on Spartan Sports and Olympic Organizing Com fourth in the state last year and Spartans permitted Iowa to Scene, interview show sij an mittee (COJO) representatives will be very strong again this season." battle back from a 40 halftinre deficit and post its 29 presented by Michigan State Network Radio (WMSN), 640 were set to testify in Quebec to athletes, City. Meanwhile, the MSU third Big Ten win in seven AM. Drapeau and COJO officials ST. LOUIS, Mo. (UPI) — St. Louis police Tuesday tu women's indoor track team will games. Iowa is 6 9 overall. The show, which is aired were called by the legislature in to the commissioner's office of the National Football II travel to Eastern Michigan MSU's conference mark twice a month, will run from 8 an inquiry on projected costs report from a 19 year old woman who said she today to compete in a dual dipped to 2 4, which to 9 p.m. Listeners can phone in for the games - that have risen to narcotics to athletes throughout the country meet. apparently eliminates any questions. $653 million from a 1972 Police said the woman's story contains accounts <1 switchings of empty briefcases for identical ones contain® Investigators said they believe it has some merit because® GET CONTRACT EXTENSIONS explicit details and names. 1 The woman, Roxie ^nn Rice, was arrested Jan. 6 after® St. Louis motel manager she was the wife of Ken Hons® Stolz, assistants Pro defensive back for the Washington Redskins. said Miss Rice told him she would recommend the players for $600. The! or' By DAN SPICKLER Asst. line coach Ron Chismar, Stolz' ninth aide, will have his The manager learned from football officials that Horn State Newa Sports W riter contract reviewed in June, one year after he was hired. had a different first name and Rice was arrested for de Spartan head football coach Denny Stolz began this week with Assistant coaches' salaries range from $16,300 to $19,800. motel operator. .. more confidence for the future and pride in his team's past Stolz, Big Ten Coach of the Year in 1974, is already hard at work Police said she then gave them a statement in which si achievements after the board of trustees extended his contract building what some of the other mentors in the conference, traveling to various NFL cities under instructions from® Friday for two more years. including Michigan's Bo Schembechler, have labeled the "team to she named as Patricia Cleveland and a man known onjl Eight of his assistant coaches' contracts were also extended for beat". She was told to stay at certain motels where football Plj.v® one year. "I'm very happy and very pleased," Stolz said. "It makes you feel The Spartans will get a good idea of just what kind of a team they contact her and pick up packages containing marijuana® are early in the season next year. MSU hosts the Ohio State police said. the work you have put in has been well rewarded." Buckeyes Sept. 13 in Spartan Stadium in the team's first She said the cities included Cleveland, Den\ game of Stolz was also pleased with the news of his staffs extensions. the season. San Diego, Houston, Dallas, Washington, Chicago. Miatif "I think this just helps to stabilize a great and growing football City, Cincinnati and St. Louis. , J program here," Stolz said. In Dallas, she said, she was given narcotics and to >1 "The contract extensions for the other coaches lets them know the University appreciates their work and welcomes tbem," he Former tanker coach players from Pan American University were staying"^ hotel and would pick them up. She said one player did co added. up a package, and gave her $150. _ Stolz's current salary is listed at $28,300 a year. The two-year contract extension is an open-ended one, leaving the possibility for a I « , ,, Rice said in each of the cities she would exchang 1 raise after the end of this fiscal year in June. n Q rn ©0 TO n ©W D OS I1I O n briefcase for an identical, full one presumably contain'■ r Besides being happy over the extension of his contract to 1978, In Cleveland, she said, she was given a package aH| Stolz was caught off guard by the board's action. h ormer MbU men , . . , which she was told contained smaller packages wt 1 s swimming coach Charles McCaffree. Jr. has them. She said two football players came by .her—room 1 "I heard about it over the radio," he laughed. been appointed to the new position of executive secretary of |. 1 them up. 'The main purpose of an extension of this sort is so the coach can MSU's Varsity Alumni Club, an organization of Spartan graduate City, according to the report, she was o go to this year's high school prospects with almost a guarantee that letterwinners. In Kansas J he will be here throughout their four years at MSU," Athletic His selection was announced by club President James Sack of the home of a player for the Chiefs, who gave her a |s ■ the team members wanted and $2,500. She said s « ■ Director Burt Smith explained. Lansing. list and money to Miss Cleveland. SN photo/Craiq Porter Receiving one year contract extensions were assistant coaches McCaffree stepped down as MSU's , . „(■ swimming coach in 1969 Rice said she passed drugs to members of the hpirl ,r after 28 years at the helm. Last Spartan football coach Denny Stolz watches his Charley Butler, offensive line coach; Bill Davis, assistant to the spring, he retired from the basketball team in New York and was told to scou squad in action against Notre Dame last tall. head coach and tight end coach; Andy MacDonald, offensive University as head of men's swimming programs. He will assist the club in Squires for possible drug sales. . a|« coordinator, and Jim Raye, receiver coach. organizational activities in a part time , The board of trustees extended Stolz' contract In St. Louis she said she attended a party of I »r Also granted extensions were Shermap Lewis, defensive role. for two years and the contracts of eight of his back field coach; Dan Underwood, linebacker coach; Ed Youngs, McCaffree has contributed long service to amateur swimming which several used drugs, although she did not m 1 nine assistant coaches one year Friday. defensive coordinator, and Howard Wevers, defensive end coach. around the world in a career that has spanned some 40 Officials of the Cardinals and Spirits said a years. page report but would not comment on it. I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 22,1975 9 State Newt There is something new ffer yeu in tedays classified columns... State News 355 - 8255 shop them now 355-8255 ( Aitomative |[»j Art Smice ][>] FRANKLY SPEAKING by phi! (rank [ Apartments f^j Q Houses ;f£j Houses JjSj MUSTANG, 1965works fine. SNOW TIRES Superior distance automobile. UNBELIEVABLE THREE bedroom $200. 337 7114 Stephen. 5-1-23 after 7 p.m. S ,25' apartment, 2 miles from MSU EAST LANSING. Two bedroom furnished country home. February FOURTH spring. Near GIRL campus. needed winter, Large bed $165.332 3787.10-1 23 10-June ia $3(X)/mon,h ptus utili- rooms $80 332-2771. 10-1-24 PINTO 1972. Top condition, 25 ties. 351-3036. 3-1-24 mpg. Make offer. Evenings Employment fi PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH, near 351 8058 3-1-24 Michigan Avenue, furnished, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to share DUPLEX NEAR SPARROW, 2,3 one REGISTERED NURSES full and bedroom, utilities paid. $150 house. $53 per month plus utilities. bedroom, semi-furnished, $220 - SUPER BEETLE, 1973. part time positions available on month plus deposit. 627-5454 484-6434 or 353-5027 X-3-1-24 including utilities. 489-4336. Factory air, 7-1-28 3-1-23 the afternoon and AM/FM, 8-track stereo, steel ra- midnight shifts. dials Excellent condition. $2850 Minimum starting salaries $4 82 1-2 GIRLS for 4 person. Bus to TWO BEDROOM 5 minutes east 351-2750. 5 1 28 per hour plus differential. Imme¬ diate campus. $68.75 per person of campus. $200/month. openings Please contact Available March 1. 349-2843 EASTSIDE NEAR bus line and 1-524-6615 after 5 pm. 5-1-27 Lansing General Hospital. 2800 - TRIUMPH, 1973. Red TR-6. 3-1-22 hospital. Clean 1 and 2 bedroom Devonshire, Lansing, 48909 Excellent gas mileage. AM-FM unfurnished. Rent includes util¬ HUGE ROOM In modern duplex. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal Good condition. Call 484-2780 NICE 2 bedroom ities. Call after 6 pm. 482-9531 Close. Parking. $80 month plus Opportunity Employer. 7-1-29 completely 10-1-27 furnished, carpeted, very close, 5-1-22 utilities. Peter Sturms. 337-1041 utilities paid, call 332-5298 5-1-24 or 332-8993. Available February 1 BABYSITTING IN my home 5 (variable). 9-1-31 TOYOTA MAN NEEDED, own room, two CELICA, 1973, automa¬ evenings week. $40/week, own HUGE MODERN 2 bedroom. bedroom house. Full tic, air, AM-FM stereo, vinyl top. transportation. 349 1641. 1-1-22 Privileges Mags, radials, 22,000 miles. $3200 Completely carpeted. 2 air con¬ $110/month plus utilities. Call best offer. ditioners, sublease, $165/month. 351-7879. 5-1-24 or Phone 669 3964 after 4 p.m. 6-1-24 GET EXPERIENCE in American states one of"fifty Call 694-9975. 5-1-24 or sixty develop¬ NICE TWO bedroom. ing countries. Peace Corps-Vista Carpeting, Rooms FURNISHED, private, clean. Girls drapes. Garage and basement. VEGA, 1974, 4 speed, AM FM, needs business administrators, ac¬ or married couple only. $140 plus Convenient location. $200. rustproof, defog. 20-27 mpg. Ask¬ countants, statisticians. Degree gas. 393-8547. 5-1-24 372-5550. 51-24 MALE SINGLE, walk to campus, ing $2,100. 641-4185 3-1-24 required. Talk to Howard Lauren 334 Evergreen, cooking, 489-1893 today at Placement Center. 1-1-22 ABBOT ROAD, New large 3 10-2-3 COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 BERKEL-.Y CA 947C< MALE ROOMMATE wanted for VW SQUAREBACK 1970. Good bedroom, duplex, furnished, car¬ condition. Must sell, $1600 or best UNIQUE JOB offering. Work with large furnished, next to campus $85. 351-2354. 2 1-22 peted, unlimited parking, 1 % MEN'S PRIVATE, quiet, clean, offer. 355 2770. 3 1 24 people, male or female. Applicants call 7-10 p.m., 355-4307 1-1-22 Employment jj Apartments ]fy| ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-man. baths, basement, available now. $260. 355-7819. 5-1-24 carpeted room for rent, parking, all utilties paid, lease, $70 Free month. Sue, between 5 pm 8 pm VW 1974 Super Beetle, excellent Close to campus, January paid. - WANTED-ILLUSTRATOR for the OPENINGS FOR graduate in all GIRL FOR 4 person Twyckingham 2410 FIELDING DRIVE, 2 bed¬ only. 351-0473. 3-1-23 condition, low mileage, extras, State News magazine Counter 351-7025. 2-1-22 majors. Peace-Corps - VISTA apartment Call 332-0167 or rooms, completely carpeted, gas $2700 - best offer. Tom, 627 2230. point. See G.F. at 343 Student interviews through Thursday at 332-1693 immediately after 1 p.m heat, $150 month plus utilities. MEN. WINTER term, 1 single and 3-1-23 Services FURNISHED 1 bedroom Building. 5-1-28. Placement Center. 4-1-23 7-1-27 apart¬ Phone 694-0950 days. 51-24 1 double. Quiet, clean house, ment, $170/month - utilities paid VW cooking, close. 1964. Body mint. Fresh ARE YOU looking for more op¬ except electricity. On bus line. ORGANISMS WANTED for 351-8563. OWN 10-2-3 OPEN ROAD GARAGE engine portunity to use your skill? EXPERIENCED LEAD guitar for BEDROOM-male, new 3 Call 332-8036. 5-1-27 house, house is furnished, own steady local country bedroom duplex near rebuild. Best offer 487 1716 Positions now open for executive - rock gig. Faculty room, $57/month. 484-6350. ROOM FOR sublet in house. $50 a 5-1-27 Good money, vibes. Club. $70/month. 351-5449.10-2/4 ONE GIRL. secretaries, secretaries,bookkeep¬ 332-5278. Near MSU to share 5-1-24 month. Call 355-3320 after 6 pm ers, and receptionists. Experience 394 0638 3-1-23 small one bedroom furnished 2-1-22 VW, 1971 - excellent condition, a must. Don't put it off any NORTHEAST, LARGE 2 bedroom, apartment. $67.50. 489-5922 5 MINUTES FROM MSU longer. - Super $900. Renault R12, 25,000 miles, Call OFFICEMATES 694-1153 BABYSITTER NEEDED partially furnished, good rent-utili¬ 4-1-24 for 6 clean, freshly painted, 2 bedroom IMMEDIATE OPENING available. radial tires, 40 mpg 2-1 23. ties paid. 394-2485, evenings. $850 month old infant, Monday - Friday house with basement. $185 a Montie House Co-op, 548 M.A.C. 351 1852.332 2517. 3 1-22 7-1 30 your home/ours. 372-4812, after EAST LANSING APARTMENTS month plus utilities. 328 Clifford, 332-8641. Mike or Joe. 2-1-23 BABYSITTER FOR six year old. 5:30. 3-1-23 corner of East Kalamazoo. Call ONE Close to campus. One bedroom VW KARMANN GHIA 1966. Monday, Wednesday 6-10 BEDROOM, 129 Gunson, ROGER PAVLIK p.m. furnished or unfurnished from REALTY, MALE: KITCHEN privileges. $55 1 J.00 26.00 Engine good $200 Own transportation 353 6879. apartment #4, shown daily 5- 3.00 8 00 or best offer BABYSITTING AND Light house¬ $150. Two bedrooms furnished INCORPORATED, 371-2891 or month. Available spring term, 351 5036 4 1 24 1-1-22 6pm. $185 monthly. 337-7809. keeping, nine anr* - year olds. 3 _ 3-1-24 from $200. Phone 351-7910. Roger Pavlik, 351-4676. 3-1-22 parking privileges, share room. to 5, Mon'' 13-1-31 332-3792. B-M-22 VW 1972. Excellent condition - ough Friday, OWN ROOM in house Male or DEADLINE TAX PREPARER, experience $50/monti *NV Call 5020 DELRAY Drive. Upper apart¬ $1100. Carolyn n ads 1 p.m. one class Toyota 1972, 35 mpg! necessary. Schedule C infor¬ 355-1752 0, 351-4065. 3-1-23 ment in a duplex. Two bedrooms, EAST, 1 bedroom apartment, female. Free privileges. $70 month NEED ONE person for three man, fantastic condition. $1150 plus utilities. Closecampus. mation helpful - not partially furnished, $140 plus utili¬ corner of Bailey and Grand River. i before publication. 1 223 8944 or 351 1852 3 1 23 mandatory, appliances, and carpeting. $155/ 337-0255. 3-1-24 hours 7:30 am 4:30 pm. Call month plus utilities. 393-9182 or ties 339-9522. Evenings, 349 1549 Thirty seconds to Berkey. AVON NO SELLING 489 7574 for appointment. 7-124 485 1365. 5-1-28 5-1-23 332-2261 3-1-24 mcellation corrections EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Asa BEDROOM IN 3 bedroom house. VOLKSWAGEN, 1973, good con ^ noon one class day tion, 13,000 miles, radio, $1895 VISTA VOLUNTEERS: the tri Representative you can sell quality WANTED: SPRING TERM Two girls wanted Free rent February 15. Lease. $95 ROOM IN basement of house. publication. oroducts part time. Call FOURTH female MSU Close. 332-0263. 3-1-24 339-9522 Evenings, 349-1549. county treatment program is now to sublease River's Edge Five minute walk to campus. 482 6893 20-2 3 roommate, 2 bedroom furnished. 5-1-23 recruiting locally recruited 351-4306 5-1-23 $65/month. Call 351-5974. 3-1-24 x»ad is ordered it cannot Campus Hill Apartments. $68 75 OWN ROOM in large Okemos VISTAS as caseworkers in its after 349 4859 5-1-22 I cancelled house, $50 plus utilities. Male pre¬ changed □ For Rent or VOLKSWAGEN 1971 care program. If interested please WOMEN NEEDED to share apart¬ 334 MICHIGAN Avenue, across after first Excellent ferred. 349 1855 3-1-24 insertion, from Williams Dorm. $85 month condition. $1500 or best offer contacat Carmine ladarola. ment for two. Own room Block s ordered & ONE QUIET female to sublease 484 9458 days, 393 7061 evenings. 372-8270 5 1-22 from Morrill. $85. 337-0203 including utilities Call 332-5906 Ince'led 2 days before Twyckingham apartment, winter 332-0011. 5-1-22 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed by 3-1-24 51 22 OKEMOS OFFICE Space. spring. 351-8551. 5-1-23 February 1 $95 a month, own REAL ESTATE Saleman needed Excellent location on Grand River. room. 351-2725. 5-1-28. SIX ROOMS m house, $70-$85. for new Lansing Office to promote Ample parking. Just $175/month FEMALE ROOMMATE or persons COUNTRY APRTMENT. Two Shown daily 5-6pm. 607 Virginia. Motorcycles become J $49.95. $5 per month. Large EAST LANSING oiled and adjusted. Portables "The sport pursues the physical exercise," said Kim, service agent,'" saidon.'J Self - improvement motivates selection of reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, PANASONIC AM/FM Multiplex Stereo. $125. Must sell. Need €TATE BANK $7.50. Manuals $10. Electric $12.50. One day service, free pick mystique of getting right with nature and yourself," said Mark "and the martial arts provide a means for sound mind and many students to enroll in - the Its essential to tSi kjl Necchi's, New Home and "many money for tuition. 355-5704 up and delivery. 25 years exper Pittman, research specialist in body." physical education classes. protection in that *! MAN'S OMEGA stainless steel "The class is a good work- refused to he others." $19.95to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS DISTRIBUTING 5-1-24 watch and armband. Lost ience. 393-9774.0-20-1-31 the Sociology Dept. and coach of the women's track team. Despite the attention the media has given flurry of idt-ntif^ f COMPANY 1115 North January 9 around 11 am. SKIIS, BOOTS, poles. Girls size to the martial arts, Kim said he Washington, 489-6448 C-3-1-23 7Vi. Dorm size refrigerator. 487-5742 after 5 pm. 3-1-22 337-0605. 7-1-24 HOUSESITTING FESSIONAL care for your home PRO¬ Many people are interested in the practical aspect of know has noted no increase in enroll¬ ments this year in the karate GM exec to visit FOUND: RING with 4 keys in X while you're on vacation. Some ing their "inner essence," said FUR COAT, genuine Muscrat, , medium size, $75 or best offer. USED MARANTZ 1060 Stereo Lot. Has License tag. 353 1260. one to water plants, feed birds, Pittman, whose speciality is the and judo classes. General Motors executive Flint since 1972, will bl Call 627-7390. 5-1-23 amplifier. Teac A20 Cassette C-3-1-22 etc. Call Jackie after 5:30 pm, 489-7180. 5-1-34 sociology of sports. Students vary in their will be on campus this week as guest of the College Science. ofT1 "Martial arts allow for inner reasons for taking the course. part of the Placement services' FOUND: BRACELET near north WATERBED, CUSTOM frame, .heater, liner. Must be seen. Jim, deck. Sony TC 121 cassette deck. Several 8-track FM car decks. end of stadium. Call 355-7250. EDITING. PROOFREADING, purification," he said. "At the Some say they are taking it just executive-in-residence pro¬ McArthur will classes allt|ld 1 North Case Hall. C-3-1-22 same time you can measure to pick up credits, and others gram. during his weekl 485-2384 5-1-23 New Robyn CB equipment. Used experienced. Dissertations, IBM typewriter. Yashica Electro theses, book and article manu¬ your accomplishments by see¬ enroll because they have a Gerald stay including 474. Sociology 430, Ubl AnthrJ scripts. Anne Cauley, 337-1591 ing how well you are doing particular interest in learning McArthur. a plant 35cc range finder camera. Topcon LOST: GLASSES, wire frame in Industrial Relations ALL TYPES of optical repairs. 3-1-22 when participating in the the martial arts. manager at the AC Sparkplug Dl SLR camera with accessories. case at Spartan Twin Theater. Call 815,u Prompt service. OPTICAL sport." "I took the karate class division of General Motors in criminal justice course * DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Rolleiflex twin lens reflex camera. 349-1834. 2-1-23 LOVELY, DECORATED all - Lansing. 372-7409. C 5-1-24 Antique Kodak Fingerprint occasion and novelty cakes, done LOST, MARRIAGE license, Janu¬ K-2 COMPPJT 'ON 195cm, camera. Many movie cameras and Polaroids. Used Fender telecaster. ary 16. Vicinity administration building Spartan Village. in my ,12-1-31 home. Phone 676-2252 i it's what's happening i Salomon ccO^-<*tinger boots size Gibson L6S. New Traynor PA 355-2965 2-1-23 or 12M, 4 pc .1 $125. Call 332-6748. 5-1-24 andguitar amps. Many used FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Announcements for It's What's Could you open your home and A flutes. MUCH MORE. WILCOX meeting for those individuals Special Education Volunta LOST: FRIDAY January 17 man- equipment, see the STEREO Happening mgst be received in the heart to a child in need of love and interested in the summer Social GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of SECOND HAND STORE, 509 East illa folder. University Inn motel SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. a discussion State News office, 341 Student understanding? The Ingham Science London program will be all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. Michigan Avenue, Lansing. Retardation will be area. Contents-ledger work C-20 1-31 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least County Probate Court is spon¬ held at 7 tonight in 214 Bessey held« BEST year 'round prices in - Phone 485-4391. c-1-31 sheets. H+ H Investment Club. two class days before publication. p.m. Thursday in 33 soring an information and recruit¬ Marshall Zumberg Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN Contact Carl Woodruff, Room 270 No announcements will be ing booth on foster care and SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. FANTASTIC SAVINGS! 20% off University Inn. 351-5500. Reward. Instruction accepted by phone. volunteer programs at the Lansing Hoeksema will speak and J 371-2244. 0-1-31 2-1-23 questions on yo new guitars and equipment plus Mall today. You'll have the The MSU Ski Club (Moosuski) with reftirdation used Fender Strat, Telecaster, GUITAR LESSONS: Experienced Transcendental Meditation opportunity to speak to foster will hold a meeting at 7 tonight at Gibson Model L6S, SG, Stereo, LOST 1974 class ring, call (TM) will be explained in free the Coral Gables. Information on MAPLE BEDROOM set. Daven¬ teacher has openings for begin¬ parents and court caseworkers. Eb3 Bass, used Gibson Mastertone 484-8372 after 5' p.m. Reward all Alpha Phi Omega, the port. Walnut chairs. Ski equip¬ ning classical students. 349-1156. introductory lectures presented by trips will be available. offers a ment. Dinette set. Freezer. Gas Deluxe Banjo. Many new and used offered. 1-1-22 3-1-22 the Student's International "MSU Students for Animal program of servo] acoustic guitars, MUCH MORE! Meditation Society at 1 and 4 p.m. Moosuski will hold a meeting for fellowship, based on dryer. Bookcase. Maple desk. Rights will hold its first meeting for Check us out at Lamps. Simplicity lawn/snow WILCOX MUSIC, 509 East LOST: BLUE duck down jacket. TUTORING today in C310 Wells Hall and at the winter term at 7 tonight in 107 those interested in working for the Case Hall and at 730 a 7:30tonsil XL. Please call 892-2141. Reward. - RESIDENT concert plow tractor. Miscellaneous items. Michigan Avenue, Lansing. Phone 7:30 p.m. in 316 Berkey Hall and South Kedzie Hall. Disney film to club at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 2783 College Road. Evenings and 485-4391. C-1-31 Lost 12-22. 2-1-23 artist to assist students in musical 101 Wonders Hall. be shown. Contact the ski club office for Thursday in 131 AkersHat I topics, aural and basic harmony, Weekends. 2-1-23 more details. STEREO EQUIPMENT, Kenwood, class piano, music 271 (compo¬ Community Forum presents Volunteers interested in A free lecture series L sition.) Charm of Winter SKIS, EXCELLENT condition; Nikko, Fisher, Sherwood, KLH, Personal / Also accepting piano David Friedrichs and Margaret working with the YWCA, girl's Gardening'! Head Competition Slalom 200cm, EPI, Miracord, Sony, Panasonic. students. P.J.P., 332-3128. 5-1-27 Lamb of the North American club - an eight week recreational be taught at 7:30 p.m. f Solar Phantom 185cm, Head Jr 90 Over 1000 LP's, 50e -$1.00. 800 Student Co - op Organization See Lori's multiautographed ST Wednesday in 206 Horti EDGAR CAYCE study groups program beginning Saturday, Bldg, This weeks 8-track tapes, $1.00 - $1.50. Head YOGA; EGYPTIAN folk and belly T-shirt and her special purchase. 170cm. 351-0278. X-3-1-24 (NASCO) at Nexus Co-operative please contact Steve Anderson for supplies, leather coats, 10-speed forming in Lansing area. Those See some of the 400 to 800 ST film "Flowering House Plants"! interested call 489-3666. 5-1-22 dance. Taught by native Egyptian. House, 437 Abbott Road, at 7 p.m. additional information. CANON 35mm, wide-angle lens. bikes, Raleigh and Schwinn. Back Body conditioning. &1-4291. Thursday. They will discuss their clips Lori and Candee bought. series is free and registrational packs, TV's, Jewelry, cameras, 6-1-22 work organizing co - ops all over Lots more miscellaneous on show required. Brand new. Negotiable. Still under The MSU Finance Club will be; musical equipment, Acoustic 360 at 8:30 tonight in Yakeley Hall East warranty. 355-2054. X3-1-23 the United States and Canada. holding an open meeting from 7 to and Marshall Stack. Come on Formal Lounge. It's a Star Trek Tonight's meeting ought toft JANUARY SALE GUITAR. FLUTE, Banjo, and drum 9 p.m. Thursday in the Eppley "hot" down for a good deal at DICKER Club meeting. one folks. Ferns M USED OVERALLS, pants 59d/pair. lessons. Private instruction avail¬ Learn about co - op housing Center Teak Room. All members and & DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, ► 20°. OH - Drags. The Gay Libel Many other clothing items, rea¬ able. MARSHALL MUSIC. opportunities now and at the and those interested in joining the sonably priced. Through January 1701 South Cedar, 487-3886 351-7830. C 1-1-22 beginning of spring, summer and club are invited for coffee and to Shalom Center, the Jewish meeting in 31 Union at 8 P J - 50t off of every purchase of Bankcards welcome. C-5-1-24 TrfiS* Fabrics & Gifts fall terms. Stop in at the Co-op meet other members. Drop - In Place, is open this Those interested contact! $5.00 or more with ad. GOOD¬ 255 Ann 351 - 1911 office, B311 Student Services quarter from 10 to 5 Monday Peace Center, United Vinia* WILL RETAIL STORE, 1110 Cen¬ LADY'S LANGE pro boots size 6. Used twice. Men's Crosscountry Typing Service Brown Bag Lunch especially for through Thursday. Coffee, Higher Education mjB ter Street, Lansing. 9-4:45. 3-1-24 College of Veterinary women returning to schooi or rapping, studying. A social work Harrison Road skis, poles. Cheap. 351-0957. South Collegiate Fellowship will careers after a number of home- student is there Monday and ANTIQUE LEATHER couch, chair, 5-1-27 Medicine hold its Bible Study at 9 tonight in Tuesday 10 to 12. All are making years. Join us for lunch All Social work majors imi bed. baby crib, dresser, high chair, 34 Union. We continue in the and discussion in 6 Student welcome. Above Campus Book informal meeting at 9 toni The Dean's office, College of TV, vacuum, camera, etc. All must FISHER STEREO amplifier. Dual Study of the Sermon on the Services store, 507 V4 Grand River Ave. Veterinary Medicine has Bldg. at noon 555 Baker Hall A be sold - highest offer. 485-8437 turntable with Shure M75E cart¬ PROFESSIONAL TYPER will type Mount. Everyone is welcome. Wednesdays. Sponsored by the speake] 5-1-28 ridge. Both $110. 627-2294. moved to A-136 East Fee resumes, thesis, manuscripts, Women's Resource Center. Hebrew Speaking Club will be MASW will be giving a talkoT Hall. Telephone numbers term papers and others. Call organization and its funct 2-1-22 meeting this quarter at 7:30 to 8:30 remain the same. 694-3406, after 5 p.m. 10-1-30 STEREO EQUIPMENT. 25 major Phi Gamma Nu, professional Thursday nights in 106 Inter¬ Wanted Interested advertising sti brands. 20-50% discount. Fully VOLKO SKIS, 18(7 cm fiberglass. business sorority, open rush at national Center. All are welcome. warranted. Call Phil, evenings, Nordica boots, men's 9. Salomon STUDENT LOANS ANN BROWN typing and multilith 4:30 p.m. today in Eppley Center are encouraged to join Student Services Bid Manalj weekends, 355-1584. B-3-1-24 44 bindings, poles. Very little use offset printing. Complete service Israeli Dancing continues each Teak Room. Gail M. Braverman Best offer. 351-7357. 3-1-23 for dissertations, theses, manu¬ practical experience in PAYING TWO times face value for will speak on today's business week from 7:30 to 9 p.m. scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 Stereo Review's Stereo Directory and general advertising ll NIKKORMAT EL" Black body women. All business maiors Wednesday in 218 Women's ledge YASHICA TL Electro - X. years experience. 349 0850. Intramural $250; 80-200 Nikkor zoom $450: and Buying Guide, for years invited. Bldg. Newcomers 21mm Nikkor $160. All mint condi¬ Excellent condition. $125 or best C-20-1-31 welcome. Need ID to get 1967-1972 Greg, 485 4391 into Babysitting exchange • t tion and have \ year factory offer. Call 647-6970. 2-1-22 P-1-31 "Laissez - faire" means "leave building. babysitters and those whe| warranty. All prices firm. Call THESES, RESUMES, typing and us alone!" If you want Big babysitting find each <# 351 7879. 7-1-29 PAYING TWO times face value for Brother to leave you alone, come Free U class for Thursdays are 0 Contact STEREO SPEAKER systems-cus¬ Stereo Reviews Stereo Directory' and staDnlEeyAh kUaTp°lanG TUTORuIgCOURS^S com'mer'cTal°pr*ntIn^s; 351-4116.C-20-1.31 remove starch FROM YOUR '"ON by rubbing hot iron over join the MSU Alternative, 8:30 tonight in C112 Libertarian "Power for Abundant Living," "Auto Maintenance and Minor Education the office School) and let us know if fl Buying Guide. For years tom built. Great sound — you save 1967-1972. Greg, 485-4391. m Now being Jl ° « formed for the up- - - - brown wrapping paper over which 0 ha ^ . M . Wells Hall. Repairs" and "Community interested in either Contacf money! Call 484-8038. 3-1-24 Forum" on how to build member MC INTOSH C-26 Pre amplifier X-1-31 attco ATGSB, roc GRE I °AT' LSAJ' Board exams^For JUD,TH CARMAN expenenced dissertation typist, term papers, space in yow closet needs" with Classified Ads. .^sell "don'^ The first half of DeLeon's owned houses and business as will be developed from Hi tion received information call 1-313-354-0085. Reform or Revolution will be explained by visiting organizers theses dissertations. 393-4672. with cabinet $295, round waterbed discussed at 7 p.m. Thursday in from the North American Student with frame, $75, Sony TA1130 Animals V 0-1-1-22 10 1-27 ~ CLEAN PIANO KEYS WITH the Union Oak Room. This Co operative organization. For Married Housing amplifier $320, SME tone arm $75, a soft time information call the Free U • Forum at 7:15 to 84§| Calculator $20, Bean bag $15 or FULLY COATED male Afghan DAILY FILM Services, cameras ~ ~ cloth dipped in alcohol. Or make a meeting is sponsored by the Tuesday at the Married Ha Socialist Labor party. office. best offers. Call 485-6823 or Hound. Light apricot. Fully house and supplies. GULLIVER STATE EXPERIENCED, TYPING term paste of whiting and lemon juice. Office Community Room. Ij broken. Winner of 5 blue ribbons. DRUG. 1105 East Grand River papers' j>ccurate Wipe keys clean with a damp cloth out and express your c 351-4798. 1-1-22 The Socialist Labor party will Anyone interested in philosophy Must sell. Extremely reasonable 332-2011. 0-1-1-22 service. JiWVbU. C-20-1-31 after each application. If you no and share your interests. have a literature stand in the will be welcome at a meeting of PHASE LINEAR 400 R M S. Dual 1-845-6087 5-1-23 „ longer need you piano ... sell it International Center from 10 a.m. the undergraduate Philosophy ™th a Classified Ad. ■ . power amplifier, 6 months old. FREE. . . A lesson in complexion IRENE ORB-Theses. Term papers, to 2 p.m. today. club at 7:30 tonight in 8 Morrill The International Folk care. Call 484 4519 East Michigan |eneral 'v(?1l"^F-,0/^e^V.^"h Ann Group meets at 8:30 to 1lB Original cartons. Warranty. $375 BASENJI PUPS, AKC, 8 weeks, Hall. Activities for this term will be firm. 351-7932. 3-1-24 shots, red and white, 332-0040 or 485 7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Brown. Call482 7487. C-1-31 NEED TICKETS to Led Zeppelin The Pre-Vet club: Dr. Harry discussed. every Tuesday in the Union J NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. ~ concert at Olympia/Detroit Janu- Room. Beginning and f after 6. 5-1-23 Lavanchy and Dr. Garth Corrie wjll C-3-1 23 • PURPLE VICKI-Fast accurate, ary 31st. 353 8196.3-1-24 Students of philosophy inter¬ ienced dancers Cash for inexpensive typing. Very near , speak on federal veterinary dances from all over the wo employment at 7:30 p.m. ested in meeting each other and STAMPS & COINS GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, DUPLICATE BRIDGE, special campus. 337-7260. C-1-31 WANTED DESPERATELY: room equally welcome. pure white, black markings, good Thursday in 118 Physics Dept. of Philosophy faculty are game. Bonus M-points, MSU in house with non-smokers. Lan- Buy - Sell - Trade sets and watchdogs. 882-6358 Astronomy Bldg. All are cordially invited to a coffee hour Interested in language? J Union, Wednesday January 22. EXPERT TYPING, theses, papers, sing/East Lansing. Michael, full line of supplies welcome. between 3 and 5 p.m. Thursday in MID MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 3-1-23 7:15 pm. 355-6483. 2-1-22 general work. Call Carolyn, 332-0718.3-1-24 33 Union. share your ideas and mayfceB in Fir - 332-5674 3-1-24 some new ones Interested in swimming, IRISH SETTER "Cognitive Linguistics cli female pup. irawE rwanai P-rin.J ffi DESPERATELY WANTED - A bowling or wheelchair sports? Classes in Free U for 8 tonight in C308 Wells H« Champion bloodlines, AKC, shots COMPLETE THESES Service Dis- home for a P"PPV until end of Find out how you can Wednesday the dance co-op, and help the are wormed, $90 349-9355. count Printing. IBM typing and ,erm 353-8153. 3-1-23 FIVE PIECE, burnt orange couch 3-1-24 Lansing Parks and Recreation cognitive linguistic communica¬ The University Duplicate ® set. Mediterranean style. $125. AMY HERE we are - years later binding of dissertations and pub- I ~ r~: ir , Program's handicap program. tion and timeless purpose for 663-8858 5-1-23 - let's make it work. Love as locations. Across from campus, Car POOl Contact Mike or Fernando at the youth. For time information call Club is holding a special 'J FREE REGISTERED wired hair fox Point Game with Extrr terrior, male, 1'year, needs good always, David. 1-1-22 corner M.A.C. and Grand River. L H—U Volunteer Bureau, 27 Student the Free U office. Points at 7:15 tonight # Below Jones Stationery Shop. Services Bldg. home. Call Teri, 487 8484 before 5 second floor of the Union. I 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. 337-9341 after 6. 3-1-24 PHI DELTA Theta, two ski 9 5, Monday Friday. Call fR0M F^NT ,0 East Lansing, The MSU chapter of Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. bunnies challenge your best to a COPYGRAPH SERVICES, Leav,"9 0^am, returning 4J5 , Gus Ganakas will be the fea¬ International Committee Against Lansing Area Lesbians wl Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 race. Back hill around nine. Kim 337 1666 C-20-1 31 Pm- 787-0929, evenings. 3-1-23 tured guest on the Spartan Sports Racism will meet at 7 tonight in 30 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING a celebration dance at 9 and Brenda. 1-1-22 Scene, heard on the Michigan Union. Everyone interested in COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Mobile Homes FROM JACKSON to Commuter Saturday, at 5471 j Fasti : TYPING ALL kinds. Lowest prices State Network (640 AM) at 8 joining the growing fight against Opposite City Market. C-3-1-22 CONGRATULATIONS NEW Lot Y. Leaving 8:30 am, returning racism is welcome. River Ave. All lesbians we™ in town, help starving grad tonight. 10x50 TWO bedroom. Semi- Pledges! Nancy, Debbie, Jorene, student. 694-0252. 5-1-27 3:00 pm. 3-1-23 784-3320, evenings. to share the good vibes, musj ROSSIGNOL STRATO 102, 200 sisterhood. furnished. Good condition. Beth, Marg, and Lisa too. Alpha Married housing residents: MSU Marketing Club presents cm. Never mounted. $125. Campus ten minute walk. $1500. Chi Omega Sisters. 1-1-22 Co-Rec Volleyball League and Half Bill Munn of Owens - Illinois "From the Hand of Reiker G-2 boots, 8'/?, $60. 332-1668. 3-1-23 543-4700. 3-1-23 JEAN, JOANNE, Diane, Sandy: EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ sertations (pica-elite), FAYANN, | Share Driving - Court Basketball League (for men) entries now being received. Forest Products Division at 7:30 tonight in the Eppley Center Teak Hand of Man," a Harold Marcus on talk Mj ContedM The minute you walked in the joint 489 0358. C-20-1-31 No entry fees. To enter a team NEW MOON. 1966. 10x50, Room. 60% OR MORE off musical instru¬ new we knew you'd make fine Fuzzies. FROM JACKSON to Lansing Y (volleyball minimum 3 men, 3 Developments in EthioflHi carpet. 10x7 shed, air, excellent ment amps and cabinets, new and Congratulations, Your Alpha Xi TYPING TERM Papers and theses. Lot. Leaving 8 am, returning 4 women; basketball minimum 3 Free University will meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in 35 Union.■ condition. 485-3950. 5-1-27 jsed. Warehouse Clearance. Sisters. 1-1-22 Experienced fast service IBM pm. Wednesday Friday. persons) join tonight in the east student offices, or stul - one, contact the WEST LABS, Phone 487-3558. electric. Call 349-1904. 9-1-31 787-5034. 5-1-22 Parks and recreation 10x50. Carpeted, furnished, air, Community Education office, Red first floor of the Union, to discuss Cedar School. faculty and staff we 3,6 J Recreation possible projects on campus and close to campus. $1500. Call (ft GRAPHICS, TABLES, drafts, FROM HIGHLAND to MSU, in the Lansing area. Come a wine and, cheese - J1 RED MASTER skis and boots. collect, 1-616-946 6082 5-1-23 Tuesday, Thursday 7:30 am Abrams Planetarium is birthday party at Strawberry* charts, maps, etc. Done expertly holding prepared to share and grow Size 11%. $50. Call 351-6879. EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to returning Tuesday 10 pm, Recreation Hall from 8 to 1J and quickly for your term papers, outdoor viewing sessions at 6 together. 5-1 27 $145 PER MONTH-2 bedroom London, Amsterdam, from $259. Thursday 5 pm. 313-887-3143! p.m. Thursday. Reservation m mobile home. Carpeted, furnished, TRAVEL theses, and dissertations Call Monday, Wednesday, Friday any¬ through Saturday in front of the BY HARRINGTON. 351 3866. 5-1 28 Planetarium. Each clear The Student department office. close. 1-616 946-6082. 5-1-23 351 8800. C 1-1 -22 time. 5-1-22 evening Media STEREO RECEIVER, 8-track and staff members will Appropriations Board will meet at point out urntable. Headphones included, PAN AM winter constellations and the four 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 228 Student The Physics ^ t'erfect for dorm. 351-7025. Transportation 9^ Colloquium presents U' 3-1-23 TRAVELO 12x60 with expando, partially furnished. Call 351 3466 or 351 1194. 5-1 28 CHARTER FLIGHT I Mint ](o] planets currently visible and will provide telescopic views of the moon, Jupiter, Saturn and other Services Bldg. parties are welcome. All interested Thaddeus, Space Goddard Studies, Insti'J speaking u TO LONDON DRIVING TO Cleveland every SKIS MENS head 360's, Roto- FROM SHEFFIELD Waverly to celestial objects. Women interested in finding out "Interstellar Molecules ■ other weekend. Leaving approx¬ mat bindings, 195cm, women's HOLT, 1973 American. 12x60. Open to all MSU students, MSU. Leaving (flexible) returning about rugby, come to Men's p.m. Thursday in 120 T imately 3 pm Fridays, returning 3 5 pm. 393 3654 after 6 pm or Astronomy Bldg Hart Standards-Tyrolia step-in Appliances, clean, make offer. faculty, staff and their pm Sundays. $hare expenses. Car pools are being formed to Intramural Building Turf Arena 7 bindings, 190cm, Scott poles, size After 6pm, 694 0832. 3 1-24 morning. 3-1-23 families. go to Washington, D C. for the to 9 p.m. Thursday. at 6:30 H • 353 2860. 3-1-22 Hope to 8 Koflac boots, all in excellent RHA will meet Assembly to "save the Peace organize a women's rugby club. condition. 882-2595. 3-1-22 Departing July 4 FROM MASON to MSU Leaving Holden Hall. AH are weicw Agreement, Jan. 26, 26 and 27 FIREPLACE WOOD face cord ( Lost & Found Detroit to London | Waled 7:15 am returning 5 pm. 676-1634, after 6 pm. 3-1-23 Tose interested contact the Peace Center, United Ministries in Higher Jungian Psychology invites everyone with an interest in Club Radio and television ^ - Returning August 22 Come to the MSU Bro* dry/split, $20 delivered. Call after London to Detroit WANTED: EXPERIENCED seam Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road. human understanding to come at 5, 645 7422. 5-1-22 FOUND: LADY'S watch, near stress for spring tops and casual FROM ST. JOHNS to East Fee 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to B210 meeting at 8:30 ion 9 ] Hagadorn Saturday 1 18. Hall. Leaving 7:15 am returning Union. 332-6079. C-3-1-23 Only $348.00 Hound Trip wear. Call after 7 p.m., 694-9353. after 5 pm. 353-9111. 8-5. 5-1-22 Snowshoe the trails at Berkey Hall and discuss 2-1-23 Tahquamenon Park, winter SKI BOOTS, Hanson tal, used one season, experimen¬ tits size 9-12, FOUND: LADY'S watch in for more Information contact the Office of Overseas Study WANTED: USED draftsman table FROM PERRY to MSU. Leaving over night, this weekend. camp Contact Casteneda's "Journey to Ixtlan." "Ellipsis," the discussion show, P0PJ"J new bladders, retail $225 best Scott Ross (Lansing) for rental Tourism Club Paramount News on January 16. Meeting at 7:30 "Creation, Religion vv offer above $80. 332-6315. 5 1-23 stool, light and T-square After 5 8-9:30 am returning (flexible.) details. Cross - Country skiers 353-8921 tonight, 119 Call 332-5119. C-3-1-23 pm daily, 489-0007. 10-2 3 625^7887, after 8 pm. 5-1-22 welcome if room. Eppley Center. Address by guest speaker. at 8:30 p.m. Thursday *| 1640 AM). 1Uary22,|^HMK'li^n State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 22,1975 11 THE SMALL SOCIETY b| Bnckraan programs H CD-atf!INFLATION We'fe UAfSLe J Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Atkinson Newspaper Services AMP &C&5SION- "IbfeTHeoNLY 7 WXY* TV Detroit 3 WKZO w I WOTV, Crond Rop.d» 9 CKIWTV Wlndtor » WEYI TV Soglnow <1 WUHO TV, Bottle C V G3tJnT(ZyiKTHE 5 WNfM IV 50 WKBD TV, Oetroit V*J|ZLPT (9) G(Hoping Gourmat QM&&J1Z1N6 5:45 AM (6) Almanac 12:20 PM WEDNESDAY'S THE ftJsY 5eA«oN- HIGHLIGHTS 12:30 ■ CirtooiK (2-6) Search For Tomorrow (Vv 6:05 (4) Nam (5 6) Blank Check 6:15 (7-12-13-41) Split Second Wednasd_a* JanuaryJJ^ 1975 ■ wwge For Today (8) Mike Douglas when he finds himself framed I Firm & Home Show (9) Dick Van Dyke for the murder of the man she 4:30 PM I Town & Country Almi (25) Oinah (50) The Lucy Show (ABC) Afterschool Special says has been pursuing her. CAMPUS "The J 6:25 12:55 Runaways" Starring (NBC) Lucas Tanner (5-8-10) News Belinda Martinei. A Balaski, Claudio "Those Who Cannot, Teach" A by Larry Lewis teenage girl's difference of opinion between a 1:00 1.25) Sunrise Semester (2) Love Of Life struggle for survival in after the city student and his instructor Mciisroom leaving her family's into classroom turbulence. erupts (3) Accent suburban home. ■ U 0< M. TV (4) What's My Line ■ u of M. Presents (5) Jackpot 8:00 9:30 ■ Uncle Bobby Show (6) Martha Dixon (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The 1 News & f*'m "*Port (7-12 1341) All My Children Week I Firm Show (NBC) Little House On The 1 6:45 (8) Mike Douglas Prairie "Runaway" Ben Johnson, Ed (9 50) Movies "Doctors Nelson. The lives of 200 people Morning Edition Lady" Guest star 6:55 (10) Somerset Anne Archer as a beautiful hang in the balance in a battle 1:25 between man and machine as iGnhim Kerr Show young woman who falls in love (2) News with a people struggle to stop 7:00 middle-aged bachelor a 1:30 doctor much to the runaway ski train hurtling down U-2S) News chagrin of (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns the townspeople. a mountain. Ij.10) Today Show (4-5-10) How To Survive A I p) AM America Marriage > (ABC) That's My Mama 10:00 Bozo's Big Top (7-12 1341) Let's Make (CBS) The Manhunter I Electric Company A Deal "The Ambulance Chaser" 2:00 Clifton is "Man In A Cage" Dave Barrett ■ Cartoon Capers hospitalized after is (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light thrown into 7:30 being hit by a taxi and Earl a chain-gang (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives talks him into suing the driver. prison and single out for special ■ Cartoon ■ Bozo's Big Top Carnival (7-121341) The S10.000 mistreatment after his search for SHORT RIBS Pyramid 8:30 a missing prisoner threatens the 1 8:00 2:30 warden's corrupt regime. (ABC) The Honorable §25) Captain Kangaroo (2 3-6-25) The Edge Of Night Houston Sam (NBC) Petrocelli by Frank Hill [Morning Accent (4-5 8 10) The Doctors Starring Robert Stack, Lynn "A Fallen Idol" Don Stroud, jRex Humbard (7-12-1341) The Big Showdown Carlin. Houston's life in 1860, Susan Strasberg guest star. ■Ontario Schools 3:00 when he opposed the Boxer Franke Copa is found H-16 That plantsN I Sesame Street (2) Young 8i Restless seceding huddled over the body of his from the United States and sex better IF nou talk nerica (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right manager, who has been beaten. uniting with the Confederacy. id Them is nonsense. 8:25 (4-5-8 10) Another World (7-12-1341) General Hospital 8:57 11:30 (50) Banana Splits (CBS) Bicentennial Minates (ABC) Wide World Special 3:30 Narrator: McLean Stevenson. "Alan King:Comedy In Las (2 3-6-25) Match Game Vegas" The guests are Carol in Ami (7-12-1341) One Life To Live Channing, Myron Cohen, Shecky 9:00 9:00 Greene, George Kirby, Jan (9) Gomer Pyle (CBS) Cannon ce Is Right "Perfect Fit For A Frame" Murray, and the burlesque team 4:00 Captain Kangaroo (2-3) Tattletales Cannon's assignment as a girl's of Irving Benson and Jack ncentration (4) Somerset bodyguard becomes a nightmare jan's Island (5) Studio 5 lYoung & Restless (6) The Attic (50) Mission:lmpossible ^3) Movies (7) The Money Ma;e 7:30 2:00 Sue'- Mathews Show (4-10) News (8) Gilligan's Island (2) Truth Or Consequences endly Giant 3:00 h2) Mike Douglas (9) Petticoat Junction (10) New Zoo Revue (3) Wild World Of Animals (2) News MSU SHADOWS (4) Masquerade Party I) Mistar Rogers' (12) My Friend Flicka 3:05 (5) Dragnet (2) Message For Today (13) That Girl (6-8) Let's Make A Deal by Gordon Carleton (23) Sesame Street (7) Name That Tune (25) Yogi & Friends (9) News Nine (41) The Flying Nun (50) Three Stooges (13) To Tell The Truth (23) Book Beat I Religious Message 4:?tl (3) Merv Griffin Show (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show WEDNESDAY (4) George Pierrot Presents (50) Dealer's Choice BAR HQ SPECIAL 9:30 8:00 m You See It (6) To Tell The Truth (712-1341) Afterschool Special (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando And 'i CHICKEN $2.35 llank Check Dawn Ubott 8i Costello (8-9) Partridge Family RIBS (4-5-8-10) Little House On The $2.75 ■ittletiles (10) Gilligan's Island (25) Munsterc & Friends Prairie CHICKEN & RIBSS3J5 Concentration (7-12-1341) That's My Mama I Open Door To Michigan (50) Little Rascals INCLUDES: (9 50) Feature ■ Tht Valley Today EVENING FRENCH FRIES 5:00 PM (23) Feeling Good lkk LaLanne SALAD BAR (6-8) Ironside 8:30 9:55 (9) Andy Griffith (7-12-1341) The Honorable •tra's Carol Ouvall Sam Houston PITCHER NITE 10:00 (10) Truth Or Consequences (50) Merv Griffin Show reduced pitcher prices fc-25) Joker's Wild (23) Mister Rogers' in bar and restaurant. [01to Celebrity Sweepstakes Neighborhood 9:00 That Tune (25) I Love Lucy (2-3-6 25) Cannon THE FLINTSTONES wiper Room (50) The Flintstones (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner Lizard's _ ■Sttame Street 5:30 (23) Theatre In America by Hanna-Barbera ■ Detroit Today (4) Bowling For Dollars 9:30 1 10:30 (7) Hot Oog (7-12-*1341) J8-25) Gambit (9) Laurel & Hardy Wednesday Movie ■•-10) Wheel Of Fortune (10) Beverly Hillbillies Of The Week LOOK/ WE DON'T 10:00 BUT, FRED-HE NEED AN EXPERT (12 13) News Tjitroit IIi. Dressup With Dennis Wholey (23) Villa Alegre (2-3-6-25) The Manhunter CLAIMS HE'S AM . TO SHOVEL TH' EXPERT ON SNOW/ SNOW OFF THE (4-5-8 10) Petrocelli | ■ Tht (25) Hogan's Heroes (41) Family Classic Special (50) Dinah WALK /.... Money Maze 10:30 I""' " For Women Only (50) Gilligan's Island (9) Ceilidh 11:00 6:00 H Dononue Show (23) Silent Orum (2-34-5-6-7 8 10 12 13-2541) News 11:00 JS[I Now You J-IOI See It (9) Bewitched (2-34-5-6-7-8 9 10 High Rollers 12 13 13-25) News ■•kt 30 (23) The Romantic Rebellion B'l The (50) Star Trek (23) Captioned News Money Maze (41) The Protectors ■Password All Stars 6:30 11:30 (3-64 5-7-10 25) News |Lii« Yoga & You ■w Zoo Revue (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie (12) 6:30 Movie (4 5 8 10) The Tonight Show 1, 11:30 Of Life (1341) Beverly Hillbillies (7-12-1341) Wide World Of Question: Some time ago, maybe Entertainment a year and a half or so, there was a (23) Zoom ■mnollrood s<,u,rej 7:00 (50) Movie production of "Li'l Abner" on TV. KS,lTht Andy Court Br,dv Bunch (247-8) News I remember seeing Carol Burnett PROFESSOR PHUMBLE ■y»l< Alegre ■W Bunny (3) What's My Line? in it, but I can't place the was Daisy Mae. Can you girl who find out? 11:55 (5) I Dream Of Jeannie 1:00 AM L.V.V. by Bill Yates '•V News (6) Bewitched (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 12 00 NOON (9) Beverly Hillbillies (7-12-13) News Answer: ABC aired a TV adapta iIt*,13' N»ws (10) Mod Squad (41) Afterhours Theatre tion of "Li'l Abner" in April, 1971 MAN NOOJ cOB'tze N & Restless (13) Truth Or Consequences (50) Religious Message in which Carol Burnett did a guest Yol) KMooa Fl&HT PACK CJHEPE JI itlipot (23) Perspective In Black > 1:30 cameo. The Daisy Mae in that FP«word All Stars (25) The F.B.I. (2) Late Movie production was Nancee Parkin from UJE &TAZTEP. (41) Other People. Other Places (7) Religious Message UTTU£ IM tor UJ AW FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves t'H Jo**/, MR*. flXSV, BUT WATERING HIM AND TALKING TO HIM EVEffY DAV DotiN'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE NIM A DEPENDENT. Wednesday, January 22 m 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Higher tuition A SAMPLE (continued from page 1) schedules or faculty to teach m them. The expansion of class sizes is possible next year as MSU works to stretch its budget. Wharton said Monday this or THE situation is already being seen on campus. He noted much of the increase in class sizes may also be due to students shifting into more job - oriented fields of study, namely agriculture, business, engineering and the physical sciences. SAVINGS! "There has been an enroll¬ imeuERj ment decline in social sciences and arts and letters," he said. "This phenomenon has been going on for two or three years." Sometime this week — today, perhaps — Gov. Milliken is expected to release his state • wide budget recommendations for fiscal year 1975 76. And no thrifty acres one on the receiving end of state funding expects to sing "Happy Days Are Here Again." "The situation right now is very serious, it is very severe ICE Wharton said. "For next year we anticipate MEN'S more serious problems to deal with financially than we've had SKATES for a number of years," he said. SHIRT Michigan law must catch up CLEARANCE 40% OFF Choose from sport shirts or shirts. While quantities last! knit ORIGINAL PRICE AM/FM STEREO with time lag 0RIG.S4.96 to $7.96 DELUXE INDOOR All ice skates presently in stock RECEIVER W/8 TRACK (figure or hockey). Not all styles TAPE PLAYER •LANSING (UPI) Michigan Legislature will be - The ANTENNA available in every store. While 8 track corli idg* with $30° $400 All chonnels color 01 quantities last! topi® player playing "Beat the Clock" with matched speak *97™ Daylight Savings Time when it bloc k ond whil UHf/vHF Model ICtO. •r system Modal reconvenes next week. s 66 Sporting Goods Dept. SCJ207. The lawmakers will have less than a month to make sure Michigan doesn't wind up in a nine week time lag when the - Men's Dept. OUR REG.517.66 Hardware Dept. *11 EA. OUR REG. $129.97 Jewelry/Small Appliance Dept. rest of the nation turns clocks an hour ahead Feb. 23 as mandated by Congress. RIB STEAK 91t] Under previous action by the legislature, DST won't start in Michigan until April 27. MEIJER ECONOMY But a bill to amend that law has been introduced in the Senate and the state Affairs Committee is expected to SILVERY GREEN WELI TRIMMED > FOOD J . _ HOMOGENIZED 1MILK2 59 report the measure out for floor SOUTHERN ABBAGE 9.c| action next Monday evening. CLUB LOW?at 8 PACK 16 FL. 01. RETURNABLE BOTTLES GAYLORD FROZEN CRINKLE CUT ^ ( FRENCH FRIES™88! COCA COLA $l!i. LANSING CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE SKI CLUB for LESSONS AND SEASON PASS CALL ROLLER COASTERS 351 0780 15 ox. wt. can 3/$l.09 delivery NEJAC TV RENTALS' CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS MINUTE MAID FROZEN BARISES FLORAL NAVEL ORANGES ORANOE JUICE OP EAST LANSING 138 sizo 18 fori 12 II. ,oz. con "I love you. /67c 48' We telegraph worldwide o$1 SAVE 40' © 4q< I\ lI Aft1 <*.© WITH SAVE 40' © oft' © SAVE 20' 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 JjA <*. , o coupon * rn'fc * WITH COUPON ft ^nul 'pn^ /,„ RECULAR OR ELECTRIC PERK Ni !C DIAMOND 1 GAVIORD ■ for all !I SANKA 3™."^ COFFEE "" 40c OFF! •| IMt.«t.O».)pfc| " "wiThToUPON WALNUTS 98 WITH COUPON > I BUTTER SoM Pock I6«i. art. pkg 49c ! Michigan State University Students I WITH COUPON | Good thru Faculty and immediate family I Good tfcru iatufllay January IS, 1*7} I | Good thru Saturdoy January JJ, H7J Saturday January JS. 1775 JAMAICA Montego Bay VHR IF T y "AC res'"" SUP'ER M Afi K [ T S $9RQ Mar. 16 - 23,1975 MICH GOOD THRU SATURDAY jANUARV 25. I17S. MEIJIR RESERVES TNI RIGHT TO IIMIT SAUS ACCORDING TO SPECIEIED LIMITS NOSAIIS TO DEALERS, INSTITUTIONS OR DISTRIBUTORS. During Spring Break I 1 nights • Round trip |et via Air Jamaica Parly Jet • Gourmet meal service in flight • In-F light Fashion Show • Rum bamboozles in (light • 7 Night hotel • • Jamaican Cocktails AND MORE 1 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA Phone: NANCY WEIR 355 - 8546 SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 10 JO P.M. — SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P M