VOLUME 169 NUMBER 16 TUESDAY JANUARY 28, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 harton cited candidate for >p U-C position . Bv PAT N'ARDI president for university relations, by tele¬ I State News SUkff Writer phone that he has had no contact with any Lent Wharton is reportedly one of . California officials regarding his possible I being considered for president of interest in the position. Perrin called him in ^ . campus University of California Barbados after being flooded by media jvstem. inquiries to verify the Times story. Eos Angeles Times reported Sunday Wharton was not available for further Kfornia's Board of Regents has cut comment, however. "His name pops up quite frequently on people's lists without him knowing it," Perrin said. The president of the California school system is in University of charge of nine campuses in California, including the uni¬ versities in Berkeley, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Davis, Los Angeles (UCLA), Santa Barbara, Riverside. Irvine and San Over 100,000 students attend the Diego. schools. The regents, who are planning to make their final selection by March, say they are looking for someone "very aggressive, firm and strong." The candidates will be judged on their scholarly background, proven administra Jim tive ability and familiarity in dealing with Lunagren, a construction welder for Harrington Construe- tion this giant melting pot. The cooker will be used government agencies. Co., Fennville, Mich., takes a breather from welding inside to melt and pour The retiring president earns $59,500 copper. yearly. Wharton earns $57,500. Other men being considered for the Museum called bad fire hazard; position include: University of Michigan's president Robben Fleming; John Hoagness, president of Columbia University; Ernest Boyer, chancellor of New York State universities, and David Gardner, president of the University of Utah. no safety improvements expected The 48 year old MSU - president, who took office as the University's 14th presi¬ dent in 1969, was the first black president of a major university. WHARTON Wharton graduated cum laude from Harvard in 1947 with By PAUL PARKER entire a B.A. degree in State News Staff Writer building should have sprinklers. 1975, lists 11 fire hazards found during a Some of the exhibits are tinder building not being sprinkled, the stairways history. He also earned a Ph.D. in dry. The recent inspection of the Museum. Except in down to six from economics from the University of Though MSU Fire Marshal Sam Gingrich right side of the Museum has no fire not being enclosed and the lack of emer an original list Chicago, says the Museum is the worst fire hazard on for the lack of a sprinkler system and open gency exits at the end of the building," Jmes to fill the position of Charles J. ■ho is and has several honorary degrees. campus, the University has no plans to do escapes. Some of the display areas are dead ends." stairways, the deficiencies in Museum fire Peters said. "Those are structurally an retiring June 30. Wharton has also done extensive work in safety were of a housekeeping nature. n, who is presently the world of agriculture. anything about it. MSU officials admit that the problem is integral part of the building. If a finger vacationing in "I'd say it's the worst hazard Gingrich included makeshift wooden office needs to be pointed, then point it." Is, said he was unaware that he was He is presently a member of several on campus," serious, but in the light of other fire Gingrich said. "There are open stairways safety partitions, improper storage of inflammable The present priority item among build¬ fcsidered for the job. boards of directors, problems on campus the Museum is low on including the Ford which would allow smoke to materials, makeshift electrical wiring and ings on campus that need remodeling is the Ion told Robert Perrin, vice Motor Co. Board of Directors. go from one the priority list. loose trash as other fire hazards. floor to another and no Human Ecology Building, which does not sprinklers. The A memo from Gingrich dated Jan. 9, Rollin Baker, Museum director, said meet the state fire code. Like the Museum, memos have been sent to the museum staff the Human Ecology Building along with the to correct these deficiencies, but said the Horticulture building has open stairwells, AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 CRAZES plywood partitions would stay because they (continued on page 10) are too costly to replace. "I could find letters from the last 15 years asking for these improvements," Baker Boston U. fads not limited said. Baker has sent at least three different razy to U.S. memos on May 1973. On this subject to his superiors since Jan. 30, 1974, Baker sent a Safety- cancels visit Inspection Report made by Gingrich along I By LINDA CHARLTON New York Time* enjoyed more or less spasmodic popularity under Wimbledon Common, scavenging rage in Beirut, Lebanon, where they were with suggestions for improvements to his in other countries. In Moscow, American litter. Starting as a BBC children's superior, Robert Davis, an asst. provost. In it's Loden banned until 1969. Now there are by Ziegler coats. In Beirut, it's program, "flipper" made blue jeans fetch between 20 and 35 the wombles who have names like February 1974 Davis sent a memo to ■whines. England is — arcades and there are plenty of second hand currently mad rubles a pair these days (one ruble is the "Bungo" and "Orinoco" have spawned machines available from countries such as Provost John Cantlon with Baker's letter Wife, and blue jeans are still — a big in equivalent of $1.33). Denim jackets can and the Safety Inspection ■etUnion though pop group whose best selling records Spain and Japan, where the fad has passed. Report. The student government And in definitely passe command 75 rubles. include "Remember, You're a Womble." Baker quoted Davis' memo as saying: "If assembly at Japan, the fad of the there is a major fire, Rollin Baker will be Boston University's school of But in Paris, faded jeans have faded out of There are womble posters, tee - shirts and Japan's fad of the moment is streaking, public com¬ ■isstreakinR, closely followed by the favor this year. They are not as chic as once which was big last year in the United States. able to point to this attached letter as an munication voted Monday to rescind an toys, and plastic wombles for the garden invitation made to former White House they were in Hong Kong, either. In South which cost more than $10. The first recorded streaker example of our negligence and his foresight ■ those passing fancies appeared — news too short Vietnam, military patches and insignia sewn briefly in Tokyo in March, 1974, and since in this matter." Cantlon unavailable for secretary Ronald Ziegler to speak at ■» too trivial to earn • The womble fad has been joined — was the title of by the then the Japanese National Police have comment. the school. onto shirt sleeves, pockets and hats are the British government. The environmental FfePfrom C0UI>try to country with current rage. Last year, it was roller issued a "white paper" on Jack Breslin, executive vice Ziegler had been scheduled to speak at the ■wnible rhyme - department has enlisted the wombles in streaking, with president, or reason, often skating, which fizzled as suddenly as it breakdowns of streakers by age and sex. said the Gingrich memo was the first that university Feb. 26. the day before he comes ■ substantial, brief profits to the trying to clean up the countryside by making to MSU for an afternoon seminar and arose. Britons as litter conscious as the "wombles he had heard of the hazardous conditions at fUrer rann>' enough to anticipate Boots are this year's darling In Paris, as of Wimbledon." Another the Museum. Breslin sent the letter to evening speech. I"6*' m'thing waning U.S. fad, the occult, was John Wicklein, dean of the Boston school, will be. they are in Bonn — though last year the boot Space Utilization Director Jim Peters W «one of the Food is common fad — such as the souvlaki even bigger in Japan last year. When "The as a said the faculty had asked the students to more usual "fads." fad was so ephemeral that most producers matter of stands that sprang up in New York Exorcist" opened at a Tokyo movie theatre procedure. are this year's fad for didn't sell even a third of their stocks. And City a take the action. Italian couple of years ago, following the decline of last summer, six girls were crushed in the Though Peters said the cost of remodel f^'n West Germany, it is capes ■ this year's fad word to describe what is in pizza. In Taiwan, western style coffee stampede to the box office. Teachers ing the Museum is very high, he has not and "This school is dedicated to the idea that the presence of free press is essential to „ heav? Peen cloth worn by this minute is just that: "in." - shops are newly popular. Barbecues were complained about the number of pupils will not get an estimate of the cost unless democracy," Wicklein said. "Ziegler took ■ r,an °r " seems. This year's entry in the hula hoop last summer's fad in Germany — in gardens, skipping class to see the movie. It ran for 18 directed to do so. Peters said that it is part in the Nixon Administration's effort to ■ !!!! * ®R0 hpf«me a staple of sweepstakes from Britain are weird, furry on balconies or even in doorways. weeks, was seen by 3 million Japanese and "rather unlikely" that any improvements suppress the free press. I wouldn't | 'nR 'or both sexes, have little creatures called "wombles" that live Pinball machines grossed $9 million. will be made at the Museum in the near want to — "flippers," are the future. see Ziegler or anyone else get rich because of their association with the In Mexico, fads tend to be the preserve of "I can't make any excuses for the entire Watergate (continued on page 10) the wealthy. This year, it was winter vacation skiing in Colorado; squash was the trendy game for the middle income, middle aged executive who could afford it. Fads are rare in the Soviet Union because Prostitute's charges of the controlled economy and limited consumer goods. This year's major fad is the phrase "Nu Pogdi!" which means, "just you wait!" It is the title and punch line of a cartoon series that became popular enough may stir investigation to prompt the production, briefly, of lapel By ALLAN LENGEL may have had a grudge against the badges, shirts and patches. The creator of State News Staff W riter department, an investigation would take the series. Felix Kandel Kamov, has Lansing Mayor Gerald Graves says there place. applied to emigrate to Israel, and his will be an investigation into the Graves asked for the cooperation of the name Lansing has been removed from the series. Police Dept. if a prostitute quoted in State News Monday afternoon. He said the Friday's State News story testifies. investigation would probably not occur Fads are unknown in China, where The mayor first responded on radio tightly- unless the paper provided the name or controlled society lacks, above all. the profit stations WJIM and CKLW last weekend to motive that lies behind the emergence of phone number of the woman. a State News article Friday in which a many fads. prostitute accused four or five Lansing "We can't conduct an investigation on police of being her customers while off duty. what the article says," Graves said And in Greece, the word "democracy." The woman also accused the Monday. police of "We need that person to testify and attached to everything from films to brutality and said that one plain clothes give women's fashions, is magic this year, since officer had used her services and then specifics. "As far as we're concerned this woman the military regime collapsed last July. The threatened to arrest her if he did not get his could just be cooking up a story, and until music of Mikis Theodorakis, which was $20 back. banned by the junta, now accounts for three we get solid proof everyone is presumed Graves told a WJIM reporter Friday that innocent." quarters of total record sales in the country. while the woman who made the statements continued on page 10) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, JanujlaryjjJ focus: U.S. trade $3 billion in red But Treasury Secretary William E. Simon I NATION WASHINGTON (AP) - The high cost of oil pushed U.S. trade into the red by more than $3 billion last year — the second biggest trade deficit on record, the government reported Monday. Zurich, franc. a record low. It also hit a guilder and Belgian franc, record low against the Dutch and • 15 • month low against the French "any prolonged weakness" of the dollar. Simon also told a group of foreign newsmen increase in world oil prices last year was the said h»H a., I Announcement of the trade deficit contributed to a sharp decline Treasury Undersecretary Jack F. Bennett told newsmen he main. ""I billion U.S. trade deficit, which was a record in the value of the U.S. dollar on foreign exchange markets. U.S. didn't see any signs that the cheaper U.S. dollar would cause a rush Griffiths would accept VP $6.4 billion in 1972. ae"*ptlorH(j nod officials said they might take steps to keep the drop from becoming by foreigners to buy up U.S. commodities. "We will on occasion intervene if desired to avoid disorderly U.8. paid more precipitous. Commerce Dept. figures showed the United Stat>. 1 Dollar hits record lows markets," Bennett said. "But we have no target in the value of the Retired Congresswoman Martha W. Griffiths said dollar." billion last year for imported petroleum product* !?■?1 The value of the dollar fell 2 per cent against the Swiss franc in Monday she would accept if the Democratic party asked her nearly $17 billion from a year earlier. ' '**1 to run for vice president in the 1976 election. to a On the plus side, U.S. farm exports increased total of $11.9 billion, and machinery exports in« $21 ;.l "Sure I'd run" said the Michigan Democrat who resigned after serving 20 years in Congress as a representative of the state's 17th District. INVALIDATES MINNESOTA LAW billion to a total $38 billion. Over all imports increased 1.7 per cent ' during the m """f k J Speaking on the AM Detroit' television show, Griffiths billion, while exports declined 3.7 per cent to $97.9S*! The one - month trade deficit in December was $606iI«J said she believes there will be a woman president before the end of the century. She said 1974 was a good year for women in politics but Abortion ruli from $113 million in November. The 1974 trade deficit compared with a surplus of J141J the future will be "even better." WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court Monday let stand a standards for abortion clinics and required them to maintain Simon said the nation will have part because he does not expect a a larger trade deficit tit decrease in oil J T lower • court ruling invalidating a Minnesota law that prohibited records. Alternate energy source* L In the Massachusets case. Hale Hospital of Haverhill adopted a Court order ends rail strike abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy unless needed to He indicated he doesn't anticipate any significant detkfl preserve the life or health of the mother. regulation prohibiting elective abortions. The hospital said the 1973 prices for three to five years when the rest of the The Supreme Court dismissed on procedural grounds an appeal Supreme Court ruling left unclear whether public hospitals have a developed alternate sources of energy. He held out them Officials of shopcraft unions called an end to a brief by state officials from a lower - court ruling that the law and duty to permit such operations. It said the answer would be that oil producers could make a political decision to In strike against railroads in the Midwest, Northwest and regulations adopted under it were unconstitutional. important to hospitals throughout the country. before then. The court also declined to review a decision of a separate lower A three judge federal court in Minneapolis said the Minnesota South on Monday after a court order was issued sending court striking down a regulation adopted by a hospital in law would "interfere with the right of the woman to secure an Asst. Treasury Secretary Gerald L. Parsky told the an* j employes back to work. Massachusetts restricting abortions. In other actions, the court: abortion free of state interference." The law says the state may of newsmen he doesn't think economic forces of will be sufficient to force any drop in oil prices for between J supply m] J Strikes were called at midnight Sunday against the •Called for oral arguments on a court ■ appointed judge's report restrict abortions after 20 weeks because the fetus is "potentially three years, at the earliest. I Burlington Northern, Chesapeake & Ohio and Louisville & viable" after that time. Nashville systems by four craft unions in apparent protest recommending federal dominion over rich oil reserves off the Simon also said the nation's recession probably will reokl Atlantic Coast. The court will consider objections filed by coastal The lower court said the Board of Health regulations for reduced foreign aid program next year, but he didn't the lack of contract with the railroads. say \mM over a states to a recommendation that the federal government be given abortion clinics were "so involved and complex as to stifle the A Burlington spokesman said the walkout may have been dominion over submerged lands more than three miles from shore. formation and operation of any such facilities." Congress has authorized $2.69 billion in foreign aid (or the J fiscal year. caused by current national negotiations over wage •Struck down a U. S. District Court - ordered legislative increases. reapportionment for the state of North Dakota which contained a 20 per cent variation in population between the most populous and Official explains TWA crash least populous districts. The Supreme Court ordered the lower court to draw up a plan adhering more closely to population Ford's proposal to aid Saigon equality. •Agreed to review the extension of federal overtime and other The pilots of the TWA jet that crashed near Upperville, path to war, Tho charge work regulations to nonsupervisory state and city employes under Va., Dec. 1 thought they had been cleared to descend to an altitude of 1,800 feet, a National Transportation Safety Board investigator said Monday. the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. •Refused to review the conviction of Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy, who was found guilty on six counts of burglary, opens SAIGON, South Vietnam miles west of Saigon. The craft carriers and warships to States to end its ■ A cockpit voice recorder on that plane also shows the wiretapping and conspiracy in connection with the 1972 Watergate pilots were battling high winds and that the plane break - in. (AP) - Le Due Tho. who signed Saigon command 41 North Viet¬ the South Vietnamese territor Thieu. "If they coatiij federal fire and 6 government ial waters and putting U.S. war and aid to the Ngm apparently encountered a severe downdraft or air pocket •Let stand a appeals court decisioq rejecting the state of the Vietnamese cease namese troops were killed, and two A37 troops stationed in Okinawa on Thieu administration,w just seconds before the crash. Virginia's bid to be exempted from the Voting Rights Act of 1965, agreement with Henry A. which requires the state to obtain federal approval before bombers shot down. alert." but an opportunity toil All 92 persons on board the jet died when the aircraft Kissinger two years ago. were charged the Ford Administra Speaking on North Vietnam¬ "All these threats are of no our struggle on the thniB slammed into the top of a 1,754 • foot mountain while trying changing voting laws or procedures. tion Monday with "giving a new ese television to mark the sec¬ a vail to the V ietnamese people." political, military. and^T to land at Dulles International Airport near Washington on ond anniversary of the accord. Tho said. He said South tic, in order to comprilfl The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that states may not prohibit path to the war" by urging a flight from Indianapolis, Ind., via Columbus, Ohio. The abortions before a fetus becomes viable, which the court said can additional military aid for the Tho said the Ford Administra Vietnamese President Nguyen implement the Paris ap board opened hearings on that crash Monday. occur as early as 24 weeks into a pregnancy. Saigon government. tion was attempting to "intimi¬ Van Thieu must be overthrown on Vietnam," he said. I Minnesota passed a law prohibiting abortions after the 20th In military action, Communist date the Vietnamese people" because he has "scrapped" the 'The present situatinfl week except to preserve the life or health of the mother. and government troops clashed through military aid to South Paris agreement. unfavorable for the IT In addition, the Minnesota State Board of Health established Vietnam and by "sending air- Tho and Kissinger were States and the Saigon ■ along the Cambodian border 55 awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace tration. The U.S. imJ Prize for their efforts in negotia have run into great difU Socus: Sadat ting the agreement. Kissinger in many aspects, both in/ shops for accepted the award, but Tho rejected it on grounds that the fighting in South Vietnam had and internationally.Thofl ence This was an to severe apparent! military WORLD PARIS (API - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat began a three-day visit to France on the Mirage jet fighters, tanks and defensive missiles that Sadat reportedly is asking for. "The recover right of Arab oountries to their territorial integ¬ rity, the right of the Palestinian Union. Egypt's regular arms supplier, had failed to replenish the Egyptian arsenal after the not stopped. Last week Ford announced he would ask Congress for an the North Vie Cong have dealt StigmA including the capture til Monday, shopping for weapons A spokesman for the French 1973 Mideast war. His trip to additional $300 million in sup Long Province last Jul people to a homeland, and the but also declaring that peace in president said only that the right of Israel to live ... within France is in the framework of plemental military aid. Con¬ problems in the UaiM the Middle East is "a question of arms supplies "was his "opening to the West" since gress had cut military aid for the generated by r~ U.S. ship cancels Greek visit necessity." examined" during the Elysee secure, recognized and efficien tly guaranteed borders." that war. fiscal year by half the Adminis tration's original request to and inflation. "How is the South 1l Sadat met with French Palace conference and the two Sadat responded by saying: There was heavy security A U.S. 6th Fleet destroyer canceled on Monday its visit to President Valery Giscard leaders discussed the Middle "peace is not a distant and against possible terrorist $700 million. situation to be settWj Tho called on the United Tho asked. the western Greek island of Corfu at the Greek d'Estaing and after a two-hour East situation "in all its inaccessible dream, but a neces¬ attacks as Sadat arrived on his talk concerning arms purchases aspects." sity that can be realized only first excursion into the governments request after two of its officers were the Egyptian said he was Territorial Integrity through sincere efforts and a Western world since taking attacked here and an elderly Greek died during anti • Fndoyt during in "completely satisfied." The issue of a Mideast peace sense of responsibility." office over four years ago. He S®pt»mb»f Subscription rot* American riots. Giscard d'Estaing called the was raised again with the The French leader, without was met at Orly Airport by Socond clo«» pottog* po«d c f o«t looting Mich Iditor A statement from the U.S. Embassy in Athens said: "The 345 Siud.nl Sorvtcn lldg meeting "excellent," but toasts at a state dinner Monday mentioning specifically the Gircard d'Estaing and his wife. U.S. Embassy confirms that at the request of the Greek neither executive said whether night. Giscard d'Estaing said shuttle diplomacy of U. S. Police sharpshooters stood government the U.S.S. Byrd has canceled plans to pay a France had agreed to supply any settlement should include Secretary of State Henry A. on roofs adjoining the VIP brief port visit to Corfu." Kissinger, told Sadat that lounge and plain-clothesmen The two unidentified officers from the Richard E. Byrd chances for a Middle East almost outnumbered officials. went ashore at the port of Corfu — an Ionian Sea island settlement "are greater than The ceremonies took place less between Greece and Italy — during a roily by about 4,000 Inebriated karate fiend they have ever been up to now, than half a mile from where demonstrators protesting the warship s visit. thanks to the diplomatic activ¬ Arab gunmen twice tried to Police said the mob stoned the officers as they docked ity of the past year, to whose blow up Israeli airliners within their motorboat and got into an automobile. KOs Beggar's Banquet effectiveness tributed." you have con¬ the past two weeks. Sadat condemned the attacks The crowd tried to throw gasoline over the cor and set it Weapons Major Item and said they were aimed ablaze but police rescued the pair and, with the help of fire trucks, escorted them safely to their ship, a police For some people, a little booze can make anything possible. After a night of drinking at Lizard's Saturday night, a man Weaponry remains the major item on the agenda. Sadat has against his search for settlement in the Mideast. a political NOTICE 10 ALL STUDft statement said. The Office of Overseas Study Undor Contl^ mistook the front window of the Beggar's Banquet, 218 Abbott complained bitterly in the past Road, for a wooden board while demonstrating his karate skills for a few weeks that the Soviet Education wishes to Announce the Followlnq: friend. Britain may seek U.S. aid "The guy was some manager of the restaurant. kind of karate freak," said Jay Alpert, SPRING - 1975 Charles Rose, owner of the restaurant, said that Jeff Allen JAPAN eo - British leaders meeting with President Ford this week Kreger of Ann Arbor left Lizard's and started performing karate on "everything down the street, including the street sign." may seek American help to unravel the tangled future of Rose said that players of MSU's hockey team chased Kreger and Contemporary Social and Political Forcoi in Rhodesia, qualified British sources in London said Monday. Delivery Weeksj with Professor Wesley Fishsl helped apprehend the window - breaker. Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Foreign Secretary "Some of the hockey guys, after just having been beaten 8 - 5 by James Callaghan cross the Atlantic Ocean today for wide - Minnesota Duluth, were ready to go," Rose said. NEJAC TVRENTALS~~J 337 -1010 JAMES MADISON COLLEGE 495 ranging talks in Ottawa and Washington, D.C. These will The window smashed by Kreger is valued at $150. include London's assessment of the turbulent situation in "He's offered to make restitution," Alpert said. Independent Study - 15 8 central and southern Africa. Much of the trouble in that region is focused on the There is o ItiMrary: S-H weeks in Tokyo. 1 Prefecture (Michigan's Sister^ j| unwillingness of Premier Ian Smith s rebel regime to yield difference!)! power to or share it with a black majority which outnumbers Rhodesia's 250,000 whites by 20 to 1. The British hope that the Ford Administration by using its PREPARATION FOR: MCAT °-35¥W Could you be weeks in Kyoto, 1 week lnl«n«W and 1 week homestavs region. in tM j anuclear expert? of experitoc# influence in South Africa will help English efforts to defuse Eligibility: AU students who Will havecompH a potentially dangerous racial situation. dat arz. credits before March 31. Madison student* ire eligfl* lsat Voluminouf homa (If so, you could earn more than $500 a month your Senior year.) study materials Application Deadline: ary 31.1975 Thai Democrats win election CD! Course* that art What then7 After graduation and Offi¬ constantly updated Even if youre a Junior engineering or Meetings regarding the progrom physical science major, it's not too early to cer Candidate School you II get nuclear The centrist Democratic party, which opposed Thailand's ATGSB Tape facilities (or will be held on the following dates: start thinking about your career And if you training from the men who run more than military dictatorship for 30 years, beat its nearest rival by reviews of class think youve got what it takes to become 70% of Americas nuclear reactors - Navy Tonight, Tuesday January 28 60 per cent in Sunday's election and won a chance to try to 0cat lessons end for me an expert in nuclear power, the Navy has men And an opportunity to apply that 7:00 P.M. Room 130 Hubbard form a coalition government. a special program you should look into training in the Navy's nuclear-powered Wednesday, Jonuary 29 Final returns Monday showed the Democrats with 72 cpat right away fleet 7:00 p.m. East lower loungo Sn°w seats in the 269 - seat lower house. CI BIT Make-ups for Why right away7 Because if you're se¬ Only about 200 men will be chosen for 9:00 p.m. Brody Auditorium The Social Justice party, apparently suffering from ■ ■■A missed lewom lected. well pay you more than $500 a this program this year So. if youre inter¬ month ested. call us. identification with the regime of ousted strong man during your Senior year (II you are Slides will be shown Thanom Kittikachorn, was second with 45 seats. ecfm6 presently a Senior, you can still join the program Well begin paying you $500 a Our number is 351 - 6370. Financial Assistance to students is available ur ecfmc month as soon as you are selected.) usual M.S.U. arragenments. Bombs explode in N. Ireland nat! med bhds Applications and further lnform0,lon For complete Information cell Three bombs exploded Monday in central Londonderry, or write: may be obtained from: For additional information It. Bob Lindner, U.S. Navy will be in East Lansing each northern Ireland, in what police said was a renewed blitz by the Irish Republic Army. There were no reported injuries. . , (313)364-00<6 Tuesday at 1017 E. Grand River, directly across from the Red Barn Restaurant. Stop in OFFICE OF OVERSEAS Slf] Despite the bombings, political sources still expressed Stanley n coclan IDUCATIONAl (3 srSMkVTf or call 351 - 6370. Rm. 108 Crater for Interna' hope the IRA would coll for an indefinite cease fire. CENTIR Studios and Programs • Belfast newspapers reported the army council of the IRA's TUTORING AND GUIDANCE SINCE 1931 Be someone special Provisional wing might announce a new cease • fire 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. Soutnfleld, Mich. 4*075 in the Nuclear Navy. Phone: 353 - 8920" Monday e News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January 28,1975 3 SN PHOTOS/CRAIG PORTER Ladiiies and Gentlemenn! You are about to leaving her feet, Susan will cover her entire witness the amazing transformation of A if Susan Lockwood into Yum-Yum the Clown! Without face! Deftly, daringly, in the wink of an presto-change-o! It's Yum-Yum! eye, LOCALYMCA GOES F Class teaches clowning around r SN PHOTOS/JOHN DICKSON ■ B>BRAI>MARTISIU8 clowns, and some work better as Auguste or | .J*'New* Suff Writer white • face clowns." Iti■inBuUtt ■ tUAI°Fast°Wn8 SChooi siett, k" Cl0Wning around in at the P«rkwood One clown student, Dan Condon, 82, of Okemos, said he has always acted goofy. "I can't think of clowning around is the only anything better than getting paid for having fun." he said. "I've been looking for something I Kltt?- 'J1*1. en°ugli people tre enjoyed all my life, and this is it." ltthpran I profession of run making people The bearded, shaggy haired Condon said he is a clown school and make a trying to develop a personality as a hobo clown. His said he's going to attend all three sessions of E SLtSf fcd .l0 \mk rubber ba,ls 7hedule' Instead of balancing the school and that he plans on making a living as a clown. K "demands, they learn to balance Phil Huhn, 22. a math education major at MSU, said he hoped to eventually use his clown skills in saidhe„J decorated by "House Beautiful." All we need is a black construction "The Jeffersons" reflects the reality of black affluence as well as — they made the viewer a little nervous, too. The pair improved by and though the plots creak into Norman Lear probably has another gear, the nL.*4 worker or computer programmer living in the suburbs to fill out this the universal shock of upward the second episode, but remain the most poorly conceived hit. ""I mobility. The show has possibilities characters in the show. Hastily constructed " pv. rWIOAY, SATUMKy t J The series has the look of a hastily constructed split - level. Right Andt Musical styles finely integrated now it's all split and no level — eight characters in search of an author. The eccentric English neighbor played by Paul Benedict is a now r mgm delight. And Zara Cully as Mother Jefferson portrays the mother in law "you love to hate" to perfection, all blue hair and meanness. mincing I the movie... HSu lJ|Rg ALSOB in Mozi brothers recital Sunday However, "The Jeffersons" should have ample time to develop. It has some of the best one liners heard this year. It also has the fast r jesus christT which tended to bring out the violin parts SUPERSTAR" (ftf ByEDZDROJEWSKI into his sonatas. Stephen was doing much the State News Reviewer richer, darker sonorities of his The tempos tended to rush but same, but he subdued himself □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ instrument. His style was ° I ARLQGUTHRip Music ensembles composed of with Beethoven, that is better for this piece. For all MICHIGAN STATE University Students, □ relatives, like the Mozi brothers who appeared on campus Sunday, are always interesting particularly dramatic and ro¬ mantic. This contrast was brought out than dragging. A "Sonatina" by Suchon fol¬ lowed and, at least in this work, The evening closed with the "D Minor Sonata" by Brahms. This romantic work is a war pj ^ Faculty and immediate family □ □ MJH BOX OffICE OPENS >T 6 30 SHOW sti to hear. well in the "C Minor Sonata" □ □ A listener can often the nature of family pick out relation¬ ships by attendinga concert and by Beethoven. It worked well for the Beethoven because Aladar's brilliant sound enabled Suchon must have been listen¬ ing to a lot of Debussy. style of the work was The more horse for violin and piano, always welcomed by audiences. The Mozi brothers gave this but is □ □ JAMAICA □ □ Debussy than original. work a standard performance, □ sometimes it is possible to see the violin to soar over the which meant lush richness and a g$i59 K Q 00 Montego Bay I PLUS] thundering piano. With Wur' March 16 - 23, 1975 □ that they get along well by the any The piece tended to empha lyrical, singing quality. way they blend in musical other kind of tone the violin size the violin, almost like a □ IS" performance. would have been lost. This was concerto for violin and piano. Apparently Aladar and □ 7 Nights c Bywarhols remarkable because Beethoven, Aladar dazzled the audience Stephen Mozi have a fine ( During Spring Break ) The Mozi brothers exempli¬ fied the best ideals of this kind of as a pianist, did not put his besi with a virtual fireworks display. relationship going. □ □ • Round trip jet via Air Jamaica Party Jet • Gourmet meal service in flight □ □ kCULA NIGHT Oil family performer relationship. paulmorrisseybioootm BLUE • in-Flight Fashion Show There was enough sharp con¬ □ • Rum bamboozles in flight □ trast between the two to keep • 7 nights hotel the recital interesting from beginning to end, but they TENNIS CLINIC □ □ • Jamaican Cocktails • AND MORE ' □ □ always managed to blend and □ □ never overshadowed each □ Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 □ other. FEB. 3 - MARCH 3 □ □ Violinist Aladar Mozi had bright, singing tone with a wide a □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ vibrato and played with a light, ONLY *13 capricious feeling. CALL: 353 5108 In contrast was the heavy style of pianist Stephen Mozi, or 337 ■ 2701 MERIDIAN FOUR TUESDAY International Orchestra Series TEQUILA Lecture-Concert Series at MSU Saturday, February 1 at 8:15 pm NITE! University Auditorium Food & Booze 1227 E. Grand Riv»r The Tokyo String Quartet. A remarkable ALL Tequila Drinks ensemble of four young Japanese playing rare 17th Century Amati instruments. In only five seasons they have achieved /4 PRICE uncommon world distinction. A Prix Mondial for their debut DGG recording. First prices in the Munich and Coleman 6pm- 1 am competitions. And now a salute by High Fidelity/Musical America as "Musicians of the Month for January, 1975. Let them entertain you. HAPPY HOURS Program Haydn Quartet in B-flat, Op. 50, No. 1 2pm-5pm Mon,-Sat. Brahmi Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2 Bartok Quartet No. 5 (1934) 8:15 pm Friday, January 31 Aldo Ceccato LIVE FOLK ENTERTAINMENT Music Director & Conductor Remaining tickets are on sale now at the Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4 30 weekdays Mon - Sat 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Public: $5.00 MSU Students $2.50 Returning to the MSU campus after Chamber Music at Fairchild Theater an absence of nine seasons, the Detroit I a presentation of Lecture-Concert Series Symphony will featun' -t." .1 •: •• of new Music Director, Aldo Ceccato J| UNICN ACTIVITIES Maestro Ceccato is one of the world's foremost conductors and has also I Director of the Hamburg Philharmonic, | Program Rossini Overture, "Voyage to Rhenns ffpta\;ePS' Mendelssohn Symphony No 3 ' Scotch < f3g&GaHep\r r * d«"nep theatre • noil Lalo Cello Concerto Italo Babini, 'cellist COWARD'S Public: $4.00 5.50 6.50 MSU Students: $2.00 2.75 3.25 Blithe Reserved seats are available now.it the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8 1 5-4 30 weekdays. (355-3361). Call 355-6686 for special group rates- | I Spirit , peb„ l & 2 nrU) union ballroom tliwtrr - Miclugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, January 28,1975 7 Students fail to support PIRGIM L NANCY E.CRANE PIRGIM is, only about 30 per jects, though over 80 per cent received $9,935 from MSU teNewBSuHWriter cent of them will give the group know what the organization is. students at registration. PIRGIM cannot explain the students give depends on what dent knowledge of PIRGIM's ts branch of the Public a dollar to help fund its work. PIRGIM has taken a PI RGIM will use the results of receives the money through a It discrepancy between the num¬ they know and how much they support of the Michigan generic i Research Group in survey the survey to zero in on the ber of students who know about know about PIRGIM as well as of 120 students which revealed voluntary check off system. drug law and PIRGIM's compi¬ „n (PIRGIM) has dis that most students know little media in which to use promo¬ PIRGIM has consistently re¬ PIRGIM and the number of whether they have the money," lation of consumer voting rec¬ Jd that though 80 per cent about specific PIRGIM tional materials. ceived contributions from about people who contribute to the Paquette said. ords for Michigan legislators. ■u students know what pro^ This school term PIRGIM 30 per cent of MSU students. organization. Paquette's contention that "First of all, not all people people do not know enough However, students know who know what we are doing about PIRGIM is supported by virtually nothing about PIR¬ suport what we are »nate OKs doing. the results of the survey. GIM's work on defense spend¬ spying investigation There as said to are a thousand variables why people don't give," Jim Paquette, campus Though all the results are not yet tabulated, it appears that ing and unemployment Michigan, on transportation of radioactive materials through in organizer for PIRGIM. IsHlNGTON (AP) - The Mondale, D - Minn., and Walter D. Huddleston, D - Ky. Witnesses may be more liam E. Colby, head of the CIA "Anyway, many people who most students know little about specific projects which PIRGIM Michigan, PIRGIM's study of major utilities and its study of L voted 82 - 4 Monday to forthcoming in secret sessions went before the committee for know about PIRGIM do not has done. Senate Republican Leader where national security inter¬ abuses in the state's ambulance |4new Watergate - style a second round of questioning. understand what it is. Whether The only exceptions are stu¬ industry. ligation into allegations Hugh Scott named the panel's ests will be easier to protect, Xj S intelligence agencies five GOP members last week. Tower said. | permitted to stray into They are Sen. John Tower, R - There are a large number of Tex., who will serve as vice ■gaily forbidden area of chairman, and Sens. Barry persons still in public office who ■tie spying. bear responsibility for the al¬ Xgte Democratic Leader Goldwater, R - Ariz., Charles ■ Mansfield of Montana. McC. Mathias Jr., R Md., leged abuses of the powers of the Central I neither a whitewash nor Richard S. Schweiker. R Pa., Intelligence Agen and Howard Baker. R-Tenn. cy, the Federal Bureau of fdetta will be permitted, Investigation and other intel¬ (diately named the panel's T Democratic members. The new committee will have a nine - month mandate, com¬ ligence operations, Cranston said. Ljnnan has been chosen plete subpena power, and a $750,000 budget. "While this investigation Isfield said he would give cannot be a witch hunt, it No opposition to creating the lence to young senators. cannot be a picnic either," Xt includes the names of committee was expressed dur¬ Cranston said. "There are ■rho won election only last ing two hours of Senate debate. bound to be a lot of skeletons in Knber. Sen. Alan Cranston, D - a lot of closets." Calif., called the committee Ky are Sens. Gary Hart, D on Meanwhile, the commission T, 37, and Robert Morgan, to conduct as much of its appointed by President Ford ic.. 49 business as possible open to the and headed by Vice President ■ others are Sens. Philip full view of the public. Nelson A., Rockefeller, re¬ Tower said that request may Jart D Mich.. Frank sumed its probe of alleged E, D Idaho, Walter F. be impossible to fulfill. wrongdoing by the CIA. Wil lopping survey shows >od prices still rising Jional Cable Company, Following is a list of stores ■ owns East and comparable baskets: Lansing cable has completed a Meijers — $52.96 it basket survey which Kroger — $53.23 id that an average East Eberhards (Grand River) — $53.85 |»g basket in January cost Eberhards (Frandor) — $54.39 a sharp increase over Schmidts $55.13 (9.51 which a basket cost — Wrigleys — $55.22 ■survey was based on one iped by the Public Inter- tsearch Group (PIRGIM) |ichigan.milk, The basket eggs, produce, lino beef roasts), poultry, rs and canned goods. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Jan,iuaryjjj Quarterback slated NEW YORK (UPI) — The National Football League college The Atlanta Falcons traded star offensive tackle George Kunz final standings, with four more trades shifting jchoices in the first LmLosAngeles (from Green Bay) and San Francisco riri,, Angeles chooaes player draft, despite being ruled illegal by a federal judge a month and their No. 1 selection, the third choice in the draft, to Baltimore - --» • - round. A total of 442 players who have used up their college - -ii— again in the llth •'- ght| Philadelphia and the New York Jets, Detroit fin"" ago, gets underway today with California quarterback Steve last week for the No. 1 pick. The Falcons finished last in the NFL in eligibility will be selected in the 17 round session, which is Bartkowski slated to be the No. 1 choice. offense last year and indicate they'll make the 6 - 4, 215 - pound expected to last two days. New England. Denver. Dallas. Buffalo. UAnwftr Diego (from Washington). Miami and Oakland J * Bartkowski, the leading passer in college football last season, their Baltimore follows Dallas in the selection, with Chicago, and Pittsburgh, the two Super Bowl teams. • first choice. Cleveland. Houston (from Kansas City), New Orleans. San Diego. select last. Bartkowski arrived in Atlanta Monday morning and the Falcons are expected to announce his signing right after they open the draft at 10 a.m. EST. His selection will break a three year stranglehold Women cagers to oppose CaW • on the No. 1 slot by defensive linemen. Walt Patulski (Buffalo). John Matuszak (Houston) and Ed "Too Tall" Jones (Dallas) have been the last three No. 1 drafts. The Spartan squad is coming off a split in its first A federal judged ruled the draft "patently unreasonable" last MSU's women's basketball team will play its first home game the season today, facing Calvin College at 6 p.m. in the lower gym of of year. MSU traveled to the University of Michigan L month in ruling for former quarterback Joe Kapp against the the Women's Intramural Building. w«>n, 64 46. Linda Stoick led the Spartans' attack league, but the NFL is planning to appeal and will go with business The women's intramural table tennis singles preliminary tournament will take place from 8 to 10 today in 118 Women's as usual in the draft. Coach Mikki Baile believes her against Calvin. squad should be on the lookout who^had eight ^hn"dt. Gail Peacock and Dia Jpjl Intramural Bldg. The entry deadline for the men's IM residence hall handball Dallas has the second choice, having obtained it in a trade last fall which sent Craig Morton to the New York Giants. The Cowboys are "Calvin was first in the state last year, so our work is cut out for MSU ^ ^ Centra, MjfhjKan ^ ^ the top scorer with 21 points, followed bv Jacnuel p ^ league has been extended to noon today. The deadline for expected to select Randy White, the 6 4.248 pound defensive end us. It will be quite a contest," she said. Phillips with six apiece. lne"rpimB from Maryland who was Lineman of the Year. independent handball has been extended until Wednesday and the The teams will then continue to draft in inverse order of their deadline for singles handball is Feb. 7. Florida Spring Break - Co-rec ice league Daytona Beach times and there was no worked out the best far is tion will for men watching us were really By ROBIN McINTOSH so run seven more State News Sports Writer checking. the five stride rule because it weeks. impressed with the way they In today's society women are "Right now, we are just forces the guys to pass off. skated and handled the puck. * March 14 - 23 Maher is impressed with the demanding equal opportunities experimenting with different They are not hogging the puck abilities of some of the women in just about everything. rules," Maher said. "At the end all the time." "Most of them are taking * Includes all transportation of the season, we will have a Women make up players. hockey courses right now, Equality has even been the major¬ extended into the intramural meeting to vote on the rules ity of the rosters of the three "We have had one game so which can add to the success of * Includes all accommodations that seemed to work out the league teams. Play will be of a far and I was surprised with the the program if they do well. If sports program at MSU. Last year, there were three or four best. round robin type with no league way some of the women given enough time, this league * 8 days - 7 nights in Daytona women playing in the men's ice "I think the rule that has playoffs or champion. Competi¬ played," she said. "Some of the can really get off the ground." * FREE PARTIES WHILE TRAVELING hockey league. There was increased interest among wome increased interest * Disney World options among women to play hockey this * Other special options year, but not enough signed up to form their own league. * Free Bar-B-Ques and parties in Daytona So the result has been the formation of the first IM co- recreational hockey league. Sign lip Early Katie Maher, 312 Campbell No Gas Worrits Hall, was mainly responsible 337 - 1404 No Breakdowns for initiating the idea of a No Tickets women's league. "There was one girl on my Evenings and Weekends No Hauls floor who expressed an interest in playing ice hockey so I took it from there. We really don't have any set rules," Maher TOTAL PRICE said. "We need more women to play, though, and I can't emphasize that enough," she added. $14950 The co-rec league began play Wednesday, and the teams The "ACTION TRIP" tried out some new rules. There were no slapshots allowed, the men players could take no more than five strides SN photo/Rob Kozloff when they were in possession Mary McKinney intently watches her team¬ the first Century 21 Tours of the puck, there had to be a co-rec hockey league organized at mates during a recent intramural co-recrea¬ MSU. minimum of two women playing on the ice for each team at all tional ice hockey game at Munn Arena. This is Daytona Beach, Fla. w I got top dollar for w SPARTAN -ikw)- my car... sold it myself - Ho*. PKG ALL VARIETIES SPARTAN, j GAL., PLASTIC CART. with a Want Ad! TV DINNERS 6/$l9 BREAKFAST TREAT 3? 59e MRS. SMITH FROZEN. 28 APPLE PIE oz. GOODRICH'S 88c SPARTAN, 32 oi. PKG CHEESE LOAF 99< pwiua 3 lb. or LARGER PKG, from GROUND CHUCK LEAN HAMBURGER 88c/b FRESH MUSHROOMS (jmij SECOND BIG WEEK VANDEN BRINK, SEMI HAM - BONELESS WHOLE HALF 89' 99« 66Vib. OF OUR Weight Watchers Specials FLORIDA SPARTAN 1975 SALE All DARK Ml AT IONIIISS tOUID STATE NEWS Classified Ads TEMPLE ORANGES Here are just a few of tho TURKEY ROAST 79'/ib 347 Studtnt Services 10/69' more than 50 "SPARTAN" TURKEY CHOP SUEY MEAT 997ib. Bldg. items at special prices SHOP Kin MA DC IINK GREEN SPARTAN, NON Fat, 20 qt. PKG TURKEY SAUSAGE 99*/lb. CABBAGE 17V.b - FRESH FROZEN DRY MILK *3" OCEAN PERCH FILLETS 697|b. FRESH FROZEN Foliage Plant Sale SPARTAN, 16 o*. PKG RED SNAPPER FILLETS sl°Vlb bakerv- SALTINES 45' 10% OFF SPARTAN, 8 PACKS f.anh & HAMBURG OR SPARTAN, 16 o*. CAN Carry Only 2/77< PORK AND BEANS 8/$l.95 HOT DOG BUNS Wed. - Thurs. • Fr. - Sot. 1/29 1/30 1/31 2/1 SPARTAN, YELLOW CLING LflRRVI OVEN FRESH, 1 lb. LOAF SLICED or HALVES, 29 oz. CAN Largent Selection in Town HONEY GLO AND CRACKED WHEAT PEACHES 4/M" BREAD 49< side of MSU ot 110»|1 Register NOW! I East Grand River. For Our Gardening Classes Open Mon ■ Thur 9 - fr fl or Foliage Plant Classes Sat 9-10. Sun 11 -j. March or April OPEN M0N THRU SAT I A M 5:30 f M VALUABLE HEATHERWOOD, ALL STAR COUPON B LUABLE COUPON a LUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON WHITE OR ASSORTED. 200 CT PKG HALF & HALF SCOTTIES CRISCO 6 PACK, 12 oz. SUGAR FREE CANS FLORAL 1 PINT CARTON FACIAL TISSUE SHORTENING 3 lb. CAN SEVEN-UP 25' 3/$ 100 $ J 88 SAVE 19* SAVE 4U SAVE 21* 88' Limit 1 please with coupon Limit 1 SAVE 3U please with coupon Limit 1 ploase with coupon and $5 purchase. Good and $5 purchase. Good and $5 purchase. Umlt 1 - 6 PACK ploase with coupon Good only at Goodrich • Lorry's only at Goodrich I Larry's and $5 purchase. Good only ot Goodrich * Larry's GARDEN CENTER; Shoprito. Expires 2/1/75. Shoprito. Expires 2/1/75. Shoprito. Expires 2/1/75. only at Goodrich t Larry's Shoprito. Expires 2/1/75- v n Slate News, East Lansing. Michigan Tuesday, January 28,1975 9 A Classified Ad will make yeu a winner everytime you use one. [ Aitometive |(»] ( Employment Call 355-8255.*. The result number! If] FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank ) c Rooms For Sale VOLKSWAGEN BUG, 1966. Low MARKETING REP. Degreed solid mileage, $200 Call 332 3831 DUPLEX- COUNTRY 10 minutes SHARE 2 bedroom townhouse company. Unlimited earning "NIKKORMAT EL" Black body 10-210 from MSU. 2 bedroom,garage, with male. $110/month plus potential. Call 349-3935 $250; 80-200 Nikkor zoom $450; CAREERS basement major appliances and electricity. 393-2502, between UNLIMITED 2lmm Nikkor $160. All mint condi¬ VOLKSWAGEN BUS, DIVISION SHERMAN carpeted. 349-4626, 485-3553 12-3:30 pm, 351-8883 between 1965. Ex¬ tion and have % year factory 3-1-29 4-12 pm Dave. 4-1-31 cellent condition, rebuilt ASSOCIATES. 3-1-29 [hone 355-8255 393-4812. Call after 6 p.m. engine. 3-1-28 warranty. All prices 351-7879. 7-1-29 firm. Call nt Services Bldfl. MAN WANTED for fieldwork for A SHORT walk to campus! Own NEEDED NOW. Girl to sublease room in 4 bedroom house. Iitomotive corn planting for the month of May. Must have drivers license, term. $80. 337-9454. 5-1-31 Spring own room in Kari,332-5495. 3-1-29 spacious house. ooters & Cycles tractor and truck experience. ts & Service Write references and experience, EAST SIDE four bedrooms. Fire¬ MALES, CLOSE to campus, VW DASHER 1974, automatic, Ljation c/o Box A-1, Michigan State place. Carpeting. Partially furnish¬ kitchen, parking, utilities included. AM/FM, tape, sunroof, Michelin News. 5-1-31 $85 plus deposit. Gary, 351-7588, ed. 349-1540. 5-1-28 LpLOYMENT ZX, Marchel Q.I. headlamps, rust- after 6 pm. 5-2-3 fcr rent proofed, $4,500. Leaving country. PUBLIC RELATIONS personnel HOLT AREA 2 bedroom duplex, BASEBAU CARDS Call 337-0784 after 5 pm 4 1-31 - bartments needed to contact preset stove, refrigerator, carpeting, Real Estate FOOTBALL PROGRAMS and MUCH. MUCH. MORE appointments. No selling, full or draperies, furnished. 10 minutes VW 1971 Squareback Excellent J071. Grand Itiv.r part time. Real Estate license to MSU, VETS-BE the landlord. Use your condition, radials, 35,000 miles. 28 Lansing, Mason and :S0-*PM m-om required. Call 394-2825. Ask for surrounding areas. 694-8809, G.I. benefits to buy this 3 bedroom -°EI BR SALE mpg. $1150. 353-2841. 3-1-29 Mr. White. 5-1-31 699-2172. 5-1-29 house within walking distance of 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Lmals VW CAMPER 1972 with pop top MSU and Frandor. No money Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. ATTENTION: EXCELLENT down and only $24,900 buys it. Kobile Homes and tent. $3200 or offer. opportunity for married couple "JUST THIkJK RO0ER, THE HUGE ROOM In modern duplex. Close. Parking. $80 month plus Rent two bedrooms and live free Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Jdst& found 355-9773. 5-1-31 interested in mental health field needed to supervise 6 mildly - mm CF T&NTOE /A6A6U utilities. Peter Sturms. 337-1041 yourself. Call Mike Allen, LONG REALTY, 669-5255 or 669-2851. COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. |RS0NAL VW 1973 Super Beetle. Radial or 332-8993. Available February 1 Opposite City Market. C-3-1-30 iaNUTS personal tires, AM/FM, excellent condition. mentally handicapped women. Room, Board and salary included. YOO, DNAm P/MAN'S- ORUOY (variable). 9-1-31 5-1-29 393 9263 5-2-3 BSR MCDONEL 600 turntable. ■ealestate R4NK/WIEEUARP!' [creation Extremely rewarding work. interested please contact If Irma . cr.c ucni* ^PRvtCFS-BOX 9411-BERKELcY. CA 94709 FOUR BEDROOM house, Lilac Street. East Lansing. $425, utilities [ For Sale Automatic amplifier shut - off. Dust cover. Excellent condition. Irvice Motorcycles Zuckerberg or Kim Braman, included. Available now. 351-9055. USED SONY Trinitron model $85 339-2662. 5-2-3 Programs for the Mentally ■struction lyping Service MOTORCYCLES PARTS accessories cost less at SHEP'S, and Retarded, 487-6500. 7-2-4 L *»jrt»iits J(J| Apartments 5000. calculator. Texas Instrument SR50 Minox B 16mm spy ARE YOU THIRD GIRL needed to 6hare camera, Zeiss Contessa 35mm Transportation 2460 North Cedar, Holt. C-5-1-31 looking for more oppor¬ tunity to use your skills? Full time TWO OR three persons to sublet MALE ROOMMATE needed. house. Own room. Must like pets. range finder. Used color TV sets, apartment, $205. Call 393-0766 or ■anted positions now open for executive 337-7438. 4-1-31 Spring term only. 731 Burcham. 351-1425. 5-1-29 $125 up. Polaroid cameras, $5 up. MOTOBECANEIO Call Mark, 351-4083. 5-1-29 500 used 8-track tapes, 75£-$1.50. - speed, new. Iarpool Auto Soviet secretaries, secretaries, and book¬ $155. Suntour derailler. Brooks 25 used 8-track auto tape players. keepers Experience a must. OWN BEDROOM, female, modem DUPLEX, FULLY carpeted, newly saddle. 21", 355-2055. 2-1-29 2 BEDROOM LOWER floor house, $15 up. New Robyn CB equip¬ '•RATES** AMERICAN, GERMAN and Don't put it off any longer. Call duplex off Hagadorn. $75 plus redecorated, large rooms, all appli¬ OFFICEMATES 694-1153. fireplace, garage, walk campus. ment. WE BUY AND TRADE. utilities. Call 332-5923. x5-2-3 ances, full basement, Lansing STEREO SPEAKER systems FOREIGN CAR REPAIR and also Prefer couple. 332-0051. 5-1-31 WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, B-2-1-23 close, built 1973, deposit. Phone custom built. Great sound - you BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to stu 509 East HORIZON HOUSE. OWN BEDROOM, female, modern 393-6372. 3-1-30 Michigan Avenue, dents and faculty on all cash n' Large one Lansing. 485-4391 C-7-1-31 save money! Call 484-8038. NEW SALES OPPORTUNITY IN bedroom luxury, carpdrt. 3-1-30 carry VW Service parts. IMPORT Not duplex off Hagadorn. $75 plus FINANCIAL SERVICES. Now you student rental, no pets. 349-2094. utilities. Call 332-3923. 5-1-31 CLEAN 2 bedroom house on east AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalama¬ MAMIYA SEKOR auto XTL can begin a brand new sales 5-2-3 side. Garage, full basement, MUST SELL SKIS, 200 cm, Volkl zoo and Cedar 485 2047, system. Fully automatic including career with a giant in the financial married couple, gas heat carbons, Look bindings. Excellent 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank FURNISHED ONE bedroom 3 interlocked automatic lenses. services industry. If you qualify, TWO GIRLS to share beautiful 482-2752 10-2-10 condition. No reasonable offer Americard. C-17-31 apartment. Close to MSU. 676-4848. 5-1-29 you'll participate in ur exciting 4-man apartment now through Available immediately. refused. 353-7324. 5-2-3 $145. new training salary plan, while you spring term. Close to campus, 332-2495 5-1-31 DUPLEX-HASLETT Road, lovely 2 learn. Several openings now in utilities paid, $70.50. 332-0127 bedroom, nicely decorated with NEW BEDSPREADS, crushed the Lansing Metropolitan area. 3-1-30 ROOMMATE NEEDED, 24-30. new carpeting, child welcome, 10% DISCOUNT velvet, gold, green, twin size only. Call Josephine Starkweather, ideal for married or grads. $210 February 15 or March 1. $75. to all MSU Negotiable. 394-2298. 1-1-28 694 3935 INVESTORS ONE OR two male grad students, 337-0462, after 5pm. 5-1-31 plus deposit and utilities. DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. 10-2-7 489-2575. 5-2-3 students | DEADLINE share deluxe town house, own EPIPHONE GUITAR Sale. Many models lowest rooms with phone. Rent cheap. ONE OR two men to sublet until on purchases of S2 at prices. ,m. one class LEGAL SECRETARY. Corporate 394 2943. 5-2-3 June. $82 SUBLEASE, MARSHALL MUSIC, East | before publication. partner needs - utilities included. Call THIRDt person or more, yogurts competant, 351-2075 between 5-8 pm. 5-1-31 needed for 3 bedroom townhouse, and breads excluded Lansing. C-1-1-28 dedicated individual who ONE BEDROOM one block, March 1st. $75/month plus utili¬ i corrections possesses excellent skills. Full ties. Call 349-3904 after 6:30. furnished, carpeted, quiet, imme¬ STUDENTS Cash for >ne class day 1825 E. Michigan 489 8989 time, permanent. Salary to $8600. diate occupancy. $170/month. 5-1-31 RANDALL HEALTH FOOD publication. Experience preferred. Call 332-1946. 4-1-31 FACULTY, STAFF STAMPS & COINS 349-3933. CAREERS UNLIMITED PERRY - SPACIOUS 3 bedroom Brookfield Plaza Buy Sell Trade U"~ RE^Atfr AUTO Service 3 - - §3 iis ordered it cannot Center offers you tools, equip DIVISION SHERMAN NICE TWO bedroom, completely BEDROOM, Vh BATH home in pleasant neighborhood, 1381 E. Grand River full line of supplies :ancelled or changed ment. and instructions to do your associates. 3-1-29 furnished, carpeted. Very close, UNFURNISHED APT'S large yard. Phone 625-3398 MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 332-6892 | a% first insertion, utilities paid. Call 332-5298. 5-2-3 5-1-31 auto repairs. 5311 South Pennsyl¬ isaoHo.!." ltd 332-4300 ordered Er HOSTESS WANTED. $15 cash in from Belled 2 days before vania, 882-8742 10-6 Saturday. 20-1-31 10 8 weekdays, your pocket for a couple hours SHARP ONE bedroom, furnished. '215 per m onth NEAR MSU. Nice 2 bedroom ROSEMOUNT SKI boots, size 10-13, barely used. Excellent $150 pleasant work in your home. Call Newly remodelled, swimming pool duplex. Air conditioned, carport, (includes (as hut (■ water) value for $30. 351-8387. 3-1-28 351 3622 between 5-7 pm. 5-1-31 All utilities furnished. $139/month appliances, full carpet, full base¬ KING'S FOREIGN Car Service. Call 489-2617 after 6 pm. 3-1-30 Call ment. References. $185. Specialist in foreign engine repair ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR 625-3742. 5-1-31 oUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of STEREO - GE Trimline 500. Great 320 South Charles, Lansing. One KNOB HILL all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. sound, perfect for dorm rooms. Progressive area firm is seeking a OWN GIANT bedroom. Fantastic mile west of campus. BEST year 'round prices in - Call 332-3303. 5-2-3 ftuts Personal Towing personnel professional whose luxury 3 bedroom duplex. Four APARTMENTS TWO BEDROOM house at Lake ads must available. Phone 372-8130. Southern Michigan BOB'S GUN major responsibility has been blocks to campus. $80. 353-2841. 3494730 Lansing with fireplace, partially 30-3-10 furnished, carpeted. $185/month SHOP, 2412 South Cedar STAX SR-3 Electrostatic ear¬ handling employer benefit pro¬ 3-1-30 371-2244. 0-1-31 grams. Call 349-3933. CAREERS Community atmosphere plus utilities. Phone 339-8720. phones. Cost $115 new. Will sell | State News will be VIASON BODY SHOP. 812 East UNLIMITED, DIVISION SPARROW HOSPITAL area 5 miles from campus for $70. 332-8736. 4-1-31 insbie only for the first SHERMAN ASSOCIATES. 3-1-29 % mile north of Jolly Road Kalamzoo Street since 1940. Spacious 6 rooms, 2 bedroom EAST LANSING rummage. | orrect insertion OWN ANTIQUE LEATHER couch, chair, Complete auto painting and $165 plus deposit 332-3787. 5-2-3 ROOM, two bedroom Dishes, antiques, household. Thru WANT A nice place to live? Short house. $75 per month. 676-4584. bed, baby crib, dresser, high chair, ire due 7 days from the collision service. American and For Real ' on money? Let us help you! 332-0490. 5-1-31 Sunday. 866 Audubon, 10 am - 9 TV, vacuum, camera, etc. All must Foreign Cars. 485 0256. FEMALE NEEDED winter/spring pm. 5-1-31 be sold in date. If not C 20-1-31 Short term leases available. - highest offer. 485-8437 TV AND STEREO rentals. $25 per for 4 person, furnished apartment 5-1-28 ■by the due date, a 50C Mason Hills Apartments- from 20 GALLON Aquarium with cast $10.95 per month. near campus. 337-9498. 5-1-30 FOUR BEDROOM, five man with ■service charge will be term. Free $145 a month. New one and two iron stand. Fully equipped with same day delivery and service. basement, new and clean, avail¬ SEWING MACHINE Clearance bedroom apartments - with all Call NEJAC, 337-1010. C-20-1-31 EAST, 1 bedroom apartment, able March 1. 337-1862 early msyterious Oscar, 8 gallon tank Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, appliances, carpeting, and drapes. included. Call 351-5438. 3-1-29 UNCOMMOMIS1 partially furnished, $140 plus utili¬ Pets allowed. morning, noon and evenings be¬ $5 per month. Large selection of Located at 495 QUALITY IN ties. 339-9522. Evenings, 349-1549. fore 9. 3-1-30 North Okemos Road in Mason. 10 reconditioned used machines. AU10 REPAIR SWEDISH tCSIMAN Apartments ^ 5-1-30 minutes from MSU. Furnished GIRL TO share country estate with SONY 1100 Turntable, STR-6055 Receiver, Utah speakers, best Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New model Home and "many others." $19.95. ROOMMATE open Monday through three others. Clean, quiet, close, offer, call Jack, 351-4686. 3-1-29 |1969' Fair deal1 Must EAST LANSING APARTMENTS. ^">ED, furnished Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. Terms. EDWARDS P'1 Call 485-3807. 10-1-28 see 7 Close to campus. One bedroom house ne-a# minimum — tUf ft wait! BARGAIN pmrto n mulmum - Utt.W Styles for Reservations are going f« SPRING FUftht Departure Oaf* "ojzr 'fun in the It you have already ">««« reservations directly witMJ* VACATIONS 1 May 26 June 19 March 26 airlines or AMTRAK. they encourage you to call us no*, 2 June 11 July 3 April 7 so we can have your ticw> Hawaii prepared when *ou l»^! 3 June 16 July 24 April 12 to go Our service is pletely tree, ol course Hit*', Florida 4 June 30 July 31 April 27 when our examine you, routing e*P«' itinerary. «• California "TRAVELING BOOKS" OF ALL TYPES 5 July 21 Sept. 4 May 17 6 July 28 Aug. 28 May 24 Las Vegas AND KINDS! 7 Aug. 11 Sept. 2 June 7 We're experts In helping people trave Nassau Stop by and check out O Flights, ski packages, cruises, the Jamaica "WHOLE WORLD summer O AMTRAK, EURAIL phacters headquarters For complete details on these HANDBOOK" • No charge for services low cost travel programs, plan A Student now to attend the guide to DETACH AND MAIL TO VACATION PREVIEWS work, study, rc«n d»y°' n'L li PROGRAM 7:30 p.m. Wed., Jan. 29th Community Room and Travel Abroad. i Trauel Charter, Inc. vfii 351-8800J AVAILABLE . Rmth efraal n>trnlt Ml 48226 141R Brush 1436 Strut, Detroit. Ml 48226 T.I 985.1« MSU Employees Credit Union 600 E. Crescent Send me detailed information. NAME CAMPUS VVAVA eti BV BOOK STORE r/\VAV TRAVEL _ BY MSU EMPLOYEES 131 E.Cr. River BOOK STORE HAppincSTO CREDIT UNION 507 E. Cr. River (across from union) (ocroM from Berkey^