VOLUME 169 NUMBER 16 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 istees cost $60,259 '73-74, report shows I By PETE DALY ■ Breslin said expenses incurred by indi¬ "I think this list covers everything, but I vidual trustees in 1974 totaled $2,975 for te\fW9 Staff Writer may have missed a few small items," Ltee expenses for fiscal year on-campus meals and lodging, and $4,907 Breslin said, adding that MSU budgeted J,nted to S60.259, but probably for off-campus meals, costs. Total expenses lodging and travel $54,600 towards trustee expenses for the ■of that amount were for for trustee cars were current fiscal year. ot incurred by individual $9,066, and $2,339 for phone bills in 1974. Breslin said he hoped his action would The remainder of the trustee rd secretary Jack Breslin said expenses quash rumors of expensive international for calendar year 1974 were gobbled up in junkets financed for the trustees by their L erupted over the use of big chunks like the annual retirement expense allowance. ■lutos by the board members banquet, which cost $19,055. "Those kind of statements "That includes the cost of nil the are absolutely new trustees, John Bruff. gold incorrect," he said. land Raymond Krolikowski, watches, pins and bracelets we handed out Xm, said at the Jan. 17 board to MSU employes honored at the banquet," Trustees interviewed by the State News E the practice was illegal. State Breslin said. said they wouldn't mind having the is the trustees from receiv He also listed $3,130 for the Distin expenses released to the public. They also other than reimburse- guished Citizens luncheon which honored expressed surprise when told of the $60,259 ■expenses incurred while on then-vice president Gerald Ford last May, figure for fiscal year 1973-74. and the $2,722 Press Assn. dinner, which Trustee Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, said business. much of the cost Ke $60,259 printed in last year s was also filed under trustee expenses. was from luncheons at tort covers the period of July 1. Dozens of smaller expenses included Kellogg Center; where sometimes as many L 1,1974, Breslin itemized the silver plates at $168 for the two trustees as 15 other people would attend, in addition account from Jan. 1, 1974, to whose terms expired Dec. 31, wooden bases to the trustees. "It isn't a secret (the $60,259)," he said. §74. His total came to roughly for trustee nameplates at $40, $1,625 for board meetings in Kellogg Center and $51 "We just have to determine what these lems he lists explain for buses to bring legislators to MSU for expenses are including." tistee expenses amount to so ground-breaking ceremonies. Huff said he and Trustee Pat I financial report. The $34,806 for expenses not incurred Carrigan ■these items are not necessarily while on MSU business by individual were probably the most frequent visitors to the MSU campus, but that he almost never Tienses," Breslin said. "It has trustees in 1974 also included $2,700 in stays overnight at Kellogg Center. I a tradition to charge them as scholarships to MSU students with the highest grade-point averages each term. "After a meeting or luncheon I generally drive straight home that night," he said. SN photo Date Atkins The frustrations and elations of young Golden Another trustee, Aubrey Radcliffe, Counterpoint find out what you can still buy with R Lansing, said he had no idea what the Gloves boxers like the one pictured above are a dime and how r 1974. honey makers get the most out of $60,259 involved. featured in today's Counterpoint. Also in their beesness. »for outgoing trustees $168.15 "There are more important things to e Booklet. W16.00 think about, such as affirmative action >494.00 programs for minorities, the MSU budget $55.00 request, and the economy," Radcliffe said. ASMSU TO WITHDRAW FUNDING ig Board membership doe* ( $875.00 ei for trustee namepUten $40.00 "I know I haven't got any of that profit," >« scholarship award* $2,700.00 he said. "I don't even eat very often in Ziegler » bicycle ud ground* regulations $351.00 Kellogg Center, because I don't like the luiod Paper 'far j I V T\\J' ■*>*«>• food they serve there. I'm a meat and appeara • • • ■ |2M8£ potatoes man." $250.74 The board of regents at the University of $424.80 / $32.96 Michigan average a total expense of around $12,000 per year, according to their By ROSANNE LESS Concert series, said when contacted associated with :g iUt« legislators to ground breaking* $51.60 State News Staff Writer Watergate coming, but secretary, Richard Kennedy. Tuesday evening that the cost to students Ziegler is a puppet and lied constantly." ■telephone charge* $315.80 But Ron Ziegler, former President Nixon's who go to hear Ziegler will be about $1. Wayne State University apparently "Isn't it kind of true that we're doing a er charges for board meetings $1,625.25 has a juggler in its bookkeeping depart press secretary, will still speak at MSU He added that Ziegler's fee is exactly the value »r Administration employee sad retiree funerals $897.08 Feb. 25 despite a 7-3 vote by the ASMSU judgement here?" asked Bill Peltcs, ment, because their new secretary for the same as Daniel *1 Media (enter (fur taping board meetings) Ellsberg's was last year. college of education representative, and one $357.00 board of governors, Robert Hubbard, told board Tuesday night to withdraw its "The irony is, I'm faced with a contract of the few board members to stick $19,055.80 portion of financial support up for id Citizens luncheon the State News the governors spent a total bringing for a speaker that I didn't select," Beachler continuing the money to the Ziegler $3,130.96 of Ziegler to MSU. said. it luncheon $70.00 only $417 last year. appearance. "Aren't we denying him free Steven Findlay, ASMSU Great Issues The student governing body of Boston $2,722.00 However, Hubbard also said then- director, said the Ziegler appearance would University's School of Public Communica¬ "Isn't $34,806.60 expenses for meetings of the Assn. of have been free to students had ASMSU not tion voted Monday to withdraw its invita¬ it kind of m generated by truiteea on business in 1974: Governing Boards are paid for the board. revoked its financial support. true that 're ki meals and lodging Several board members and their wives tion to Ziegler, citing the trend among we doing $2,975.61 Ziegler's fee is $2,650, which represents a a value W meals, lodging and travel $4,907.03 attended the national convention for that Watergate celebrities to get rich on their judgement L speaker fee plus expenses. ASMSU Great criminal laurels. here?. . . Aren't we $9,066.35 association last year in New Orleans for Issues split the cost with the Lecture- "The ASMSU board must think that they tr telephone credit cards $2,339.59 three days. Concert Series. kind of denying him ; This means ASMSU was are the students' parents," said Findlay. "I $19,288.58 A round-trip ticket to New Orleans from putting up $1,325 for the Ziegler visit. have the right to use students' money in free speech. ?" Detroit cost from between $138 to $174. Ken Beachler, director of the Lecture- bringing speakers here, and now that right has been taken away." speech?" "This is appropriate in view of what Findlay said he thought Nixon is Ziegler represents — lying, cheating and nion's chili probably the greatest issue of this decade. deal stealing." said ASMSU president Tim Cain. say "I fail to see what Ziegler can do except to what color shirt the President June 23." said Allan Fox, ASMSU director wore on He added that he was not sure just what Ziegler had to say but that he was willing to spend the money to find out. The members who voted against- KKIRBY and STEVE ORR Tuesday to State News reporters showed a of legislative relations. "There is no rescinding ASMSU financial support for the J* New, Staff Writer* P's get what you bowl contains just over six ounces and a cup question in my mind that Ziegler has done Ziegler visit were Peltcs, Karl Bush, college pay for, right? just under six ounces, with no more than a more in this country than anyone else to of business representative, and Nancy w^n you buy chili half ounce difference between the two. or soup at undermine free speech and freedom of the Sutake, college of engineering repres- on grill you don't. "You do get a better buy. dollar for dollar, press. I wouldn't mind anyone else tative. P' you can have your choice of by buying the cup," admitted Tom Hasel- or a bowl of chili or schwerdt, food services director for the soup. Soup Wms 1 and 55 cents a bowl, Union. 55 cents and 80 ■ bo* Is may be cents, priced d ifferently, "I have no reason for what I'm doing," Haselschwerdt said. "It's just something that's done in the restaurant business." Stock market rises |tontain practically the same Haselschwerdt did say that some people with IBM do not think they can eat a full bowl, so they «sof portions of chili served order more a cup. He said there are a few ounces in a bowl. as leader When asked if he would increase the difference between cup and bowl size pro¬ NEW YORK(AP)— Stock prices picked 24.720,000 shares Tuesday, about 2 million fee seek portionate to their price, Haselschwerdt said "it could be done." Haselschwerdt said the same thing about up more ground Tuesday in some of the heaviest trading on record, with the glamor stock International Business Machines ahead of Monday's pace. IBM opened at $188 a share, up $25.25. By mid afternoon the gain settled back to unit prjeing, such as when grocery stores list (IBM) setting the pace. $183.75, up $20.75. prices >per ounce of their wares. He was With hourly volume figures exceeding The blue-chip issue reached its [rant for reluctant to do it because it would add to their overhead cost. The bowls now in use in the Union were Monday's record-setting pace, the Dow- Jones industrial average had gained 5.01 to 697.67 by 3 p.m., and gainers led losers by a 2 $254 a share on March 13, 1974. It then began a decline that brout it to $150.50 by Sept. 13. high at to 1 margin on the New York Stock just recently put into service. Formerly the lie thief grill used a larger bowl — measured by the State News to hold about eight ounces - Exchange. The advance was not nearly as wide "People are now more afraid of missing a market than they are of a long recession," rather then the current six-ounce bowl. spread or powerful as Monday's when the said analyst Robert Stovall of Reynolds Dow surged 25.05 points, the eighth best Securities. He referred to the desire of Haselschwerdt said he switched to the gain ever. Analysts explained that while l^PHFRAMMOLINO •"•NwiSUH Writer new bowls because there were about 700 of them in stock while there were only about buying exuberance continued to color brokers to get on the bandwagon even in a short boom period. Tuesday's trading, profit takers appeared in Also cited by analysts was the decline in t! % JT il eir,StrCn«th' t',,mir *** ,0meof super 275 of the old bowls available. In defense of his actions, Haselschwerdt force to cool the advance. Brokers cautioned that the rally recent weeks of various interest rates, a might not development expected to free more money ■fifty?"' said: "We don't make the customer's choice for him," signal a long upturn in the market. But they noted that the market normally reacts to for stock market investment. Bankers Trust Co. of New York, Mellon Irtrrr 24 But several customers did not know beans economic developments hoped for in about Bank of Pittsburgh and Crocker National »n about how much chili they were getting for six months. Bank of San Francisco joined the PNe SniH comic8, The Big Board's high speed ticker fell as growing their dollar. list of commercial banks which have cut les L;P d;rman Captain "You're kidding," said Rich Ince, grad much as seven minutes behind in the early their prime lending rates to 9.5 per cent in student. 5754 Ridgeway Drive. Haslett, going, the first time that has happened since the past week. fnot when he was informed the Union food services director admitted a cup of chili was the current ticker system was devised in 1968. In the process, first - hour volume was IBM stock held the spotlight, resuming rading Tuesday morning for the first time i?SSrt1°'T|,0f*lbo0lt a better buy. Ince. who was eating a bowl of chili at the time, said he always though the bowl was a SN photo Craig Porter a record 9.8 million shares, record of 9.2 million set only a day previously. cracking the since the Securities and Exchange Commis¬ sion halted it after the close Friday. The halt to allow traders to absorb the better deal. "I wish they would price it per One picture is worth a thousand words, right? The bowl on the Volume Monday went on to set a one came news that a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unit like they do at grocery stores." left obviously contains a much larger portion of chili, right? day record of 32.13 million, but Tuesday's had cleared IBM in an anti trust suit Getuhun Gelana. junior, 532 Ann St., said Wrong. The Union charges 15 cents more for a bowl of chili figures were even heavier much of the day. brought against the computer giant by a (continued on page 12) than a cup though both contain almost the same portion. With two hours to go, sales totaled much smaller rival, Telex Corp. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan SAYS DEMANDS focus: NATION Kissinger plans Mideast tril WASHINGTON |AP) - The basic Egyptian demand for the two interests... of Egypt for the return of some territory and In a related area, Kissinger five Latin American countries indicated hi Dems say Ford slights elderly additional Israeli withdrawals from the Sinai Peninsula can be of Israel for some progress toward peace, can be reconciled." that J ? -i reconciled with the Jewish state's demand for some Arab political The secretary also told newsmen that a "new dialog" he wants to Saying that President Ford puts concern for the elderly concessions, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said Tuesday. establish in U.S. - Latin American relations was jolted by the post Aprir6^1"1^ W0UW Pr0bab'y Uke pUft ia llS "at the bottom of the list," three key Democrats announced However, Kissinger took some of the edge off this optimistic ponement of a hemispheric foreign ministers meeting originally Kissinger also made these points scheduled for Argentina in late March. o He will discuss with assessment when he added that his Middle East swing next month Congress by early n™ Tuesday they will introduce a resolution opposing Ford's He said that while the complaints of some Latin American status of negotiations toward a Cyprus Jtii. a will be "an exploratory trip ... in order to see what the real proposed limit on cost of living increases in social security possibilities of a solution might be." governments were justified concerning discriminatory provisions some progress is possible and ..can be benefits. in the U.S. trade bill, the governments were wrong in deadline cutting off all arms aid to No shuttle diplomacy new Turkey i Deputy House Democratic Whip John Brademas of He emphasized that his trip to the region would not be an exercise attempting to pressure the Ford Administration on that point. Without such a report. Congress has orders Indiana said in a Congressional Record statement the in the "shuttle diplomacy" that has marked his previous successesin Hemisphere relations Turkish military assistance because ofthat natuUl automatic adjustment feature of present law would bring arranging Arab-Israeli agreements. Instead, a second trip will be However, the secretary pledged that the Ford Administration arms during the invasion of Cyprus last su about an 8.7 per cent increase in benefits in July, meaning necessary once the exploratory phase is over, probably in March. remains prepared "to make strengthened hemisphere relations one o The administration's request to rv additional $300 million in an increase for the average retired couple from $310 to But Kissinger told a news conference, "I personally believe that of the cardinal aspects of our foreign policy." military aid debate on Vietnam." Rather, it is doeinl^ $337 a month. simply to DJ£2 ammunition necessary to defend itself . * Earnings up for U.S. Steel Federal study reports children Kissinger said. Basic objectives In spite of the continued accompl^y fighting in South Vietu.j U.S. Steel Corp, the nation's leading steel producer, disintegration of the two-year-old peace apeemnfd the basic American objectives have reported Tuesday a 92 per cent increase in earnings for been aceunJ 1974. disengagement of U. S. forces and the return oSjS Both earnings and revenues U.S. Steel despite a 24 ■ day for the year were records for nationwide coal strike which benefit from integrated classes North Vietnam. o Hinted broadly that he will resume his the Soviets on behalf of Russian Jews "qui-J resulted in lower earnings in November and December. The seeking to«2, U.S. Steel, which sparred with President Ford late in PHILADELPHIA (AP) - other studies that have stressed officials to seek total integra whites, however, stressing that K,remlin has out of an understanding December over price hikes, said the return on sales was This city's black and white the need for integration," he tion, but the board of education "it is essential to recognize that amendment to the 1975 trade act. still well below that earned in the record return year of grade school pupils seem to said. has said massive busing would the junior high school charact- ,, * S"ld concessional tinkering with the day ^J 1957. learn better in integrated The two-year study was done be needed and it does not have erized by more black students is ® P°"cy r®ised questions in the minds of J classes, a federal study indi¬ by the Federal Reserve Bank, the money. also the one with fewer high- * V* *he degree to which our commitments cm |Jj cates. But the study finds that cooperating with the school Dr. John R. Coleman, presi¬ achieving and more low achiev "e sa'° recognizes the right of Congressman! , when black students reach district. The district's 282 dent of Haverford College and ing students." of forei*n Boy Scouts lose battle with pill junior high they seem to benefit schools have 268,000 pupils, 61 board chairman of the Philadel¬ more from the presence of a per cent black. About half the phia Federal Reserve Bank, said Attorney Membership in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) dropped black majority. schools are integrated to some the report "challenges some by 10.6 per cent in 1974, largely as a result of birth control, the organization reported Monday. School Supt. Matthew W. Costanzo said he was "astound¬ degree, the other virtually all- white or all-black. rather precious notions and attacks some sacred cows ... It gener ed" by the results. "It certainly The state Human Relations has the potential to shake up the Membership last year in the Cub Scouts dipped by flies in the face of some of the Commission has directed school entire educational establish 269 292, or 11 per cent, the BSA reported while the number of Boy Scouts declined by 229,177, or 12 per cent, and the ment." The study measured how and noncommittal /nquil rolls of the Explorer Scouts decreased by 16,988 or 3.5 per cent. Phone company seeks why pupils improve by looking at growth in standardized test WASHINGTON (AP) - Edward H. Levi B. Sax be as attorney The primary factor for this decrease was a decline or scores of reading and mathe¬ general. refused Tuesday to commit himself to an Committee members said thereifl loss in available pool of youth members as a result of the matics skills. It classified stu¬ birth control pill and family planning.' said Russ Bufkins, rate schedule revision dents according to race, anti-trust investigation of the oil industry if he is confirmed as attorney general. of a closed session nomination. Wednesday the organizotiyn s director of news services. parental income, school size and He told the Senate Judiciary Committee that All indications were that the eot_ "The total population between 8 and 16 dropped off By GREG KRAFT training of their teachers. he would give enforcement of the anti trust laws State News Staff Writer recommend Senate confirmation. I It found that after elementary considerably " he said. If the national phone company's request for a rate hike is a high priority, particularly in the areas of price In other actions the Senile J school, both black and white approved, you may soon be paying more for some calls and less for fixing and control of production. concrete step Tuesday toward! students seem to benefit slight¬ others. But, pressed by Sen. James Abourezk, D-S.D.. disputed New Hampshire Senate 1 ly as the number of blacks to pledge anti-trust probe of the oil industry. On Jan. 3, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company increases but an referring the issue to its Rules Co — only up to 50 Levi said he wanted to avoid (AT&T) requested a 7.2 per cent rate increase to go into effect using "the kind of refusing to seat either contender fvfl per cent. March 4. The petition was made to the Federal Communications language that automatically condemns a whole The resolution was passed 58 to)|l "After 50 per cent, however, Commission (FCC). blacks experience significant industry." party line vote. Abourezk said it seemed to him a thorough The biggest increases would apply to long distance calls It approved a resolution by De learning growth as the propor investigation was warranted, but Levi told him between relatively close cities during business hours. The revised tion of blacks in the school Mike Mansfield after sweeping uifefl that, considering the number of companies rate schedule would provide lower rates, however, for some calls increases. Yet, though non- to seat the Republican claimant pa made during weekends and evenings. involved, there is at least in that sense "a great blacks gain in integrated schools and to declare the seat vacant »i( deal of competition in the oil industry." Under FCC procedures the new rates would go into effect up to half-black, they s^em to Levi, president of the University of Chicago could be held. automatically on March 4 unless the commission decides to experience some learning de and former dean of its law school, was a top aide The action, reflecting the 61-11 suspend them. Last week, the Council on Wage and Price Stability clines when they attend schools IRA actions dim peace hopes asked federal regulators to delay the rate increases, that are more than in the Justice Dept.'s Anti-trust Division during majority in the Senate, came after if calling them half- World War II and later served as counsel of a inflationary. Leader Robert P. Griffin, R" black .. House anti monopoly subcommittee. Prospects for Irish Republican Army "The rate increase means there will be higher charges for The report did not endorse "people might feel" the seat *i a new cease - fire interstate private line services and interstate Whole Area He testified for the second day in a row on his unless every disputed ballot is r# dimmed as a series of bomb scares disrupted traffic in busy segregation for either blacks or nomination by President Ford to succeed William The Democrats pledged i k areas of London Telecommunications Services (WATTS lines)," said Michigan Bell Tuesday and British police sought terrorist bombers who set off explosives in another area of London Manager James Bury. There will also be rate increases for long-distance calls to Monday night. Canada and Mexico, Bury said. About 10 London streets were cordoned off after The new rate schedule would reduce the initial three minute anonymous telephone callers warned that bombs had been rate period to a one minute rate period for all customer dialed planted in sidewalk mailboxes, a Scotland Yard spokesman station-to-station calls. This establishes lower minimum rates for said. such calls and means a net reduction in costs for the consumer, he After Monday night's explosion a Scotland Yard said. spokesman said: "We seem to have a blitz on our hands. We are expecting more." AT&T officials are trying to encourage customers to make calls when phone company equipment is not heavily used. THE STASIS!W! II lira UST USSISf Xudantt at Michigan Stat* Ur mils snow rot mw. Former Czech leader dies if and Spring tchool •• xg Antonin Novtny, head of the Czechoslovak Communist party for 15 years until he was swept out of power in the o* MSU now appearing) r« WaiMfigw Sorvic*. Eat) L 1968 upheaval, died of a heart ailment news agency reported. He was 70. Tuesday, the official THE WILLIE He held office as party boss until the short - lived Spring brought liberal Alezxander Dubcek to power in "Prague BUJES BAND I January 1968, Novotny also resigned his post as Czechoslovak president two months later and was succeeded by Gen. Ludvik Svoboda. Danish prime minister quits NOTICE 10 ALL STUDENTS Danish Prime Minister Poul Hurtling, a Liberal, resigned Tuesday night after the parliament supported an opposition hnotion calling for efforts to form a SUMMER-1975 majority government. The surprise development come in the first session of the Folketing — the Danish parliament — which was elected LONDON, ENGLAND Jan. 9 in national elections called by Hurtling. The motion, offered by the Sociol Democrots und Hurtling to resign, was carried by one vote — 86 for und 85 urging HUMANITIES uguinst — with five ubstentions und three members ubsent. FARAH HUMANITIES 202 - "Medieval und Eurly Modern Stackj Sadat looks at radar equipment Periods of Western Culture" ■ 4 credits HUMANITIES 203 - "Modern Western Culture Since President Anwur Sudut inspected on 1700" 4 credits Tuesday French - radar equipment that could be used to HUMANITIES 300 - "Supervised Individual Study" • 2-4 plug a reported gup in Egypt s defenses und met with Cluude credits Vullieres, chief executive of the firm thot munufuctures THE LEISURE SUIT: Miruge jet fighters. Sudut hinted thut Frunce hus emburked on TOTAL: 8 Credits militury cooperation with Egypt but a French spokesmon discounted reports that France has agreed to sell Egypt 120 Miruge A great innovation in men's casual comfortable, yet clothing, fashionable! SUPER SUNDAY| jets. Independent sources reported thot there ure u number of MEETINGS REGARDING THE SUMMER PROGRAM WILL BE HELD ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: HUMANITIES Farah styles the perfect combination of mated trousers and tops in leisure suits FEB 2 and go together coordinates. gaps in the Egyptian radur system screen Soviet Union, und Egyptiun ufficiuls ure supplied by the eager to plug them Tonight January 29 Room 111 Bessey Hall 7:00 P.M. Mondoy Februury3 Room 111 Bessey Hull 7:00 P.M. From $33. THE CRUSADER Egypt's wor production minister, Ahmed Komul el Budri, is to remoin in Puris ONE NI1E ONLY M when Sudut leuves Puris moke visits to Wednesduy to Financial Assistance to students is available under the 1WO SHCWS-8&llff . more Thomson TICKETS AT THE STABUS'I - CSF militury plunts. usuul MSU urrangements. Rebels open fire DISCOUNT RECORDS on convoy Rebel gunners on both sides of the Applications and further Information $4 ADVANCE $5 DOC" Mekong River poureu may be obtained from: heavy fire Tuesday on a 16 - ship convoy trying o new run uf the perilous gantlet to isolated Phnom Penh, but there were no immediote reports of cosualties, military sources said. The convoy is the biggest to attempt the run since insurgent forces blocked the Mekong River lifeline o month OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY Rm. 108 Center for International Studies and Programs mart/*- MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING COMING NEXT PHARQAH SAND ugo. Meanwhile, President Ford informed bipartisan congres¬ sional leaders in Washington Tuesday he will seek more Phone: 353 - 8920 or 353 - 8931 eas^lansing ann arbor than $500 million in extra aid for South Vietnom und PAN AM CHARTER FLIGHT AVAILABLE AT M48 ^«jo OpenPark Thursday Free and Friday 'til 9 \ Cumbodia and was told the ROUND TRIP DETROIT/LONDON With Purchase request faces an uphill fight. statc News. East Lansing. Michigan vVednesday, January 29,1975 3 Post energy head urges larger tax cut, opposes tariff By SUE McMILLIN such a massive economic disruption cannot be SUte News Staff Writer tolerated. We simply cannot jeopardize economic Former energy chief John Sawhill said recovery with inflationary energy taxes." Tuesday that he advocates a tax cut twice as Sawhill also said that Ford's across-the-board large as the one President Ford proposed. price increases will be hardest on the poor and Speaking at the Third Annual Public Affairs people on fixed incomes. Workshop in MSU's Auditorium sponsored by James Madison College, Sawhill also questioned No guarantee the direction of Ford's energy program. "And, then, there is no guarantee that the Sawhill resigned as head of the Federal President's proposals, despite their tremendous cost to the American people, would Energy Administration this fall. His resignation actually was a result of several policy differences with accomplish their purpose," he added. "There is no guarantee that oil President Ford. exporters might not simply Ford's economic proposals are a step in the raise their prices again, with the result that even more dollars could be right direction, Sawhill said, but he urged flowing to the Middle East a year from now." Congress to take them a step further. Sawhill advocated tax credits for people who Permanent tax cut The tax cut should not only be insulate their homes and add storm windows. He Imay be the latest but it certainly isn't the most stylish in pictured seems to have run into a SN Photo'Dave Olds bit of trouble while waiting should also be a permanent measure larger, but it designed to also called for mandatory efficiency standards for •a of personalized license plates. The Mercedes Benz for its driver to return. help those who have suffered most from inflation, new buildings and better gas mileage in he said. automobiles. "As we approach the job of turning the Rationing unnecessary around, I would urge the Congress to REP OFFERS ALTERN economy think big — even bigger than the President," he Though Sawhill thinks that mandatory conser¬ vation is a large part of the answer to the energy said. "Given the human and social costs of problem, he does not think that rationing is recession and given the ebbing of inflation, we necessary. cannot afford anything less than immediate ims' drive to halt tariff fails Ultimately, finding solutions to our economic action on truly major tax reductions." and energy problems will require the confidence Though Sawhill thinks Ford's economic and support of the American people, Sawhill program is aimed in the right direction, he feels said. Bringing about this confidence will mean that some of the proposals, such as tariffs, in the the Congress that "could have strengthening the responsiveness of our institu¬ |CT0N i APi - serious adverse when the legislation is the standard deduction; an L. Butz said that China's cancel energy package may aggravate our economic tions to the people, he added. ■mocratic leaderi reaction approved. increase in the investment tax lation of large wheat contracts difficulties. "I believe that all of government must move lesday they cannot thoughout the country." Democratic strategy credit to 10 per cent; a $10,000 from the United States will Economic disruption $1 toward a greater degree of openness in its ,revpt President - ■ - barrel The Democratic strategy is increase in the $25,000 cor¬ have no appreciable effect on 'Their impact is likely to work its way Under Ford's plan, a tariff of to tie the tariff postponement through decision-making," he said. "It must reach out into r jsed oil import porate surtax exemption, this nation's consumers. the entire economy — through the transportation, community and seek ways to involve more [ taking effect on $1 a-barrel will be imposed on all oil being imported into this bill to legislation to increase the federal debt ceiling, which the against which the 22 per cent The amount of grain involved industry, utilities and agriculture," he said. "At a people with different points of view in the tax rate applies, and an incen¬ in the China deal, while large in time when virtually everyone has finally Hanwhile. rejected a country beginning Feb. 1; the administration needs, making it tive for reinvestment of share¬ agreed decision-making process. It must explain to the itself, is tiny when compared that the recession is our number one ■from the Democrats amount would rise to $2 on more difficult for Ford to veto holder priority, people how and why its decisions are made." earnings in public utility with the total wheat harvest in ■jay delay in the March 1, and $3 on April 1. the delay. corporations. the United States. ■ of the oil tariff. Each $1.00 of tariff is Also Tuesday, Ullman intro In other economic develop¬ Traders said Monday that Kid begin pushing expected to increase the cost of duced an $18 billion, six-part ments Tuesday: China canceled orders for about Ti hrating oil prices ■thin a matter of gasoline, heating oil and other petroleum products by at least one cent a gallon. package of tax cuts and invest¬ ment incentives as tive to President an alterna Ford's •An increasing number of oil tankers are laid up around the world because of a slowdown in 22 million tons of the grain, or about two-thirds of the U. S. wheat scheduled for shipment NOTICE |sident has decided Though the Democratic proposal. petroleum shipments since the to China through mid-1976. for a 9n between him and collected would be refunded low income workers; a boost in BOOK OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 P M SALE 50% Aip At SUMMER MONTHS ONLY HALF PRICE! OFF fenny Lane you have access to a bus to campus, recreation hall and pets are welcome. Rents range from $165. to $272. And if you sign a year lease before March 1, the summer months of June, July and August will be half price. This offer applies only on a year lease. Six and nine month leases are also available. So stop by or call today. It's where you yWant to hpi ^ BOOKTHliFT FOR BOOKlDVERS Come join us at our extraordinary 50% OFF the GOOD OLD DAYS giant paperback book sale. Outstanding current and back list titles from many leading publishers. This is a sale Booklovers can't afford to miss. ARE BACK! larger 25C Red Barn has reduced prices: Famous doubledeck Big Barney- Miss J softens the shirtdress . free swinging full sleeves and skirt, shirred waist and cuffs The front-tie belt cinches the flowing effect for feminine dressing daytime, evening or in-between Pink or blue nylon, 5 13 sizes, $28 !lt,d B«ns new FISH PLATTER. or SHRIMP PLATTER — 421 E. Gd. Rlv»r 351-4210 K'ver 332-5510 rn'. cigarette ' -— I BAUN'I ACROSS FROM OUN Jaoobsoi Vs JAMES RESTON Guarding against goog0|$ Dr. Arthur Burns, the chairman of the present debt is only $494 billion, or was Fords latest Federal Reserve Board, surveys the when last calculated. waders about ec0„0n)lc some other th;. Washington scene these days through a This ii the white haired profesaor's little approvingly that Ford', cloud of pipe tobacco smoke, but he still has Joke, but he doesn't think it's very funny. was a two of the coolest and sharpest eyes in Actually, it is not the short-run prtMea of many one-year, temporft} Democrat, on (£? town. Accordingly, his musings on the the recession that worries him - he thinks applauds the President', developing struggle between the White well stagger through it - but the per cent limit on the njj ^. House and the Congress over the economy long-range trends of American thought and salaries, federal are influential and could even be decisive. action wake him up in the night. security. pens"**« ^ S10ns * He is troubled but philosophic about the He is concerned about the trend in At the same state of our affairs, he has two little signs at business profits and productivity. He does time. K. j the entrance to his office overlooking not think they are keeping up with the president had made steenl" Constitution Avenue, which illustrate both demands of a growing society in an his concern and his sense of humor. should have been increasingly competitive world, and he reduced k. "Don't let the debt go to a googol," additional $10 billion. * the fears that the pressures of politics are signs say. Now. a googol as every good obscuring and enlarging the problem. Burns obviously hu, Republican knows, is one plus a hundred The question that seems to worry him is whether the executive biw zeros. That is to say $1000000000000000000 whether, in grappling with the present government or the Congreuk 00000000000000000000000000000000000000- economic, financial, and energy problems, organized to analvie wit), 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 the nation will really deal with these complicated, critical, ui oh- 000000. In other figures, it is equal to $10 problems or actually make them harder to tory a set of facts, or to THE DEMOCRATS HAVE A BETTER IDEA billion times $10 billion ten times over. Dr. resolve in the future. difference between short-,, Burns takes a long view of things. The He likes some things and long range policies. about President The deficits he is faci,,. h "enormous." The Susan Ager Editor-in-chief government* The Doctor's have to borrow so Bag Maureen Beninson Advertising Monoger much tint danger that the private sett# # R D Compbell Managing Editor 1 Mike Amett City Editor 'squeezed out." and that interest Diane Silver Campus Editor go up again just when thev Chris Donielson. down. Maybe we'll should Opinion Page Editor BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. get bv, hew. Melissa Payton National Editor not . predicting higher interest Steve Sfein Sports Editor Wednesday, January 29, 1975 worrying about them. Dale Atkins Photo Editor JuneDelono Entertainment Editor Copyrifht 1975 Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at Editorials ore the opinions of the State TomOren Copy Chief condition, it can be extraordinarily distres¬ Every time a suggestion is made that our News : Viewpoints^ columns and letters Linda Sonde 1 Night Editor MSU Health Center. Name need not be included unless sing and can be remedied by plastic dietary habits are producing an increased VIEWPOINT ore personal opinions. Pat Nordi Staff Representative a personal reply is surgery. incidence of cardiovascular disease, the requested. My boyfriend showed me an article in a egg, dairy and meat lobbies convulse and Mv roommate is reluctant to lose weight magazine which says that swallowing produce a variety of statements to contra¬ because she fears her bosom will more prominent than it presently is. When appear semen increases bast size. Is this true? dict this possibility. However, there seems MDs too EDITORIALS I lost weight I encountered a corresponding loss in bust size [to my dismay) so 1 suspect No. What is the latest word on cholesterol? I to be little question that changes that have occurred dietary and other over the last have heard so many pros and cons (even half a century or more have her fears are unfounded. Will her bust corresponded By PETER L.R0DGER8 rumors of conspiracy! I with a marked increase in cardiovascular As amateur economists, decrease when she loses weight? Do you really don't know mostrf State bilks know of any exercises which will facilitate a decrease in breast size? what to believe. Specifically, what are some of the possible consequences of massive disease. Quite likely, large segments of our understand the theory of * demand. When demand (or i ' dosages of peanut butter over a period of service is high, and the supply b: Pass my reassurances on to your population are especially vulnerable to years? I enjoy a balanced diet, but between low. this causes a most inflated ^ Many people have wished for at roommate, the odds are overwhelming that develop cardiovascular disease at an bring together the various state her bust size will decrease as she loses meals I eat countless peanut butter sand¬ aggravated rate because of the diets they is basic knowledge. least partial realization of Plato's departments which already weight. Bust size varies tremendously with wiches to appease my voracious hunger. I consume and genetic factors. There is The American Medical Aim., model of a society, whose rules occupy leased space. have no weight problem at all. How body weight since breasts are made up nothing basically wrong with the food most powerful "unions" in this live subsistence concerned should hypermeUbolk at while the Other boondoggles included in mostly of fatty tissue. In some circum¬ peanut substances which have high amounts of the butter aficianados such as myself be about keeping the supply of dot people are well off. And most the administration's building pro¬ stances, a woman may lose weight, improve dangerous types of fats and cholesterol, but her posture and have it become our habit? the problem is that they are taken in excess Everyone knows this, it is nc people realize that in this society grams are plans for state offices in for the first time that she actually has apparent amounts. Moderation in diet strikes fact. But what is startling tad and this state, the exact opposite It has been years since I've had me as that waiting time in emergent eight cities, also for departments breasts. Her body contours have merely question that sticks to the roof of my a being quite sensible. is true. which presently occupy leased become more clearly defined. hospitals all over the couotn 1 mouth. The matter of dietary cholesterol Peanut butter is between four to five hours, Junkets, taxpayer paid meals, I know of no exercises to decrease breast not a problem food, and space. and cardiovascular disease is a heavily if one buys the type of peanut butter that is more. The supply of doctors is st luxury cars and governors' man¬ Now is not the time for such size. One could try a slumping posture with debated one. There is no question that made only from peanuts, there is nothing in is not uncommon to wait two sions are only a few examples of rounded shoulders to give the appearance needless construction, and the people with high serum cholesterol levels it that is harmful and there is a lot in it that months just to get an appoint** of having small breasts, but the limitations and high levels of other the is good. The peanut butter made only from was^e.of millions by the state's legislature should not hesitate to of this approach are obvious. types of fatty substances in their blood are more vulner¬ family physician. The situatiM is ridiculous that a person has to *U rulers. axe such spending. Some women who have unusually peanuts tends to separate in the jar and has large able to heart attacks and other to be stirred up before use. The other months Thes^i,abuses generally are breasts find them awkward, unattractive types of types to one year to m vascular disease. A major dietary source of Who knows Among these vilest of villains is are kept from separating by being partially what could ! kept hidden from the public. what the state calls Direction and and the cause of skin irritations. They can substances which increase cholesterol solidified and in the process, have increased the time one makes the appoin at times benefit greatly from a surgical They are swept under the cate¬ levels are fatty meats, eggs and most dairy amounts of fatty substances that one should is finally realized? Support Services, which is little procedure which reduces the size of the products (skim milk and skim milk cheeses avoid. Since you eat so much peanut butter, gories of miscellaneous expense more than lubrication of the breasts. While this is an uncommon excluded, of course). I would suggest the The result of this social ud and covered beneath other wraps. "nothing added" type. administrative bureaucracy on all dilemma is that many doctors But the real, hard - core abuses levels, including such things as forming "personal corporations," are the ones which are set in full means that these doctors ar public view with incredible frank¬ legislative liaison, management themselves to reduce their ti ness. These are legitimized by science, administrative policy and maximum of 48 per cent. Nr" state government to press relations. In 1972 - 73, $344 would be paying up to 70 per ce# the fullest often are at the extreme top of " million was spent in this area. extent possible because they in¬ tax rate scale. These doctors» The sum was doubled in 1973 - 74 volve hundreds of millions of $50,000 unhidable dollars that would be and some $549.5 million was set Hooked on books estimate to — $75,000 while many s aside for this fiscal year. making $200.0001» better spent elsewhere. The MSU specialists are These bureaucracy has set humanity A studious look at the executive are only the outstanding back another step. Those fools have blocked every year. budget (available at the Library flagrancies of state spending. But the only route leading to the Library's The reasons that the AMA reference desk) exposes nearly with these hundreds upon hun¬ outside book drop! I'm sure that the keeping the supply of doctors so dreds of millions already being confusion we now have is at least as No money — it says that neither' countless amounts spent great by the as before the new gate was installed. state governments have administration for administra- wasted, Gov. Milliken is now or Though Library workers and anyone else facilitate somewhat larger medial tions's sake, and not the sake of asking for a hike in personal with a pass can now find the and 2.) Standards have to be kepi income tax. space they the people. need in the parking lot, there also are a lot argues that a person with a 4.0 of angry Library users like The state slated some $32 Should the legislature capitu¬ myself who average will be a better doctor must scramble for million this fiscal year for the late to Milliken and the lobbies parking places just to person with 3.5 average. drop off books. construction of various govern¬ once again, it does far worse than Aren't our bureaucrats "learned" enough To ease the doctor shortage. I ment buildings that are not at all betray the public trust. Inch by to remedy the problem? government could round up son* vital compared with the severe it does for so many ill • f*'d inch, it stretches the citizens' overcoming physical deficits. In her needs of Michigan's residents. tolerance as if it had infinite Stephen Pazin position, she probably has helped many Oil tariff Theoretically, the federal gov" These buildings, many in the 1216 Michigan Ave. people with their problems. expend any amount of moot? H elasticity. If legislators don't Prof. Appel is not a clinical without collecting any taua,L' secondary government complex in wake up soon, they're liable to get psychologist. The deficits of the Vietnam war, Neither is he a medical doctor, nor a federal government alone Eaton County, are intended to zapped. Viewpoint lauded therapist. He obviously has not had a great amounting to $28 billion in 1972 alone, caused much of today's 15 per cent inflation power to create money. IN deal of experience in acceptable, the government »■; dealing with handicaps and $495 billion national debt. The oil I have read Jim Corven's article, "Reac in his student teacher bare fraction of the national dsfc relationships. Pay embargo and consequent 300 per cent crude for acc tors inefficient, dangerous," in your Jan. 10 edition. I want to and State News compliment the author for thta very lucid I feel we should stop admonishing teachers like Prof. Appel and start them to overcome the barriers them from the handicapped students in helping separating - oil price increases, along with the disappearance of the wartime demand, made big waves in our economy. For lack of to help with the very Nituation. I believe it would » investment in the health of the »erio«» presentation of the nuclear power issue. The Mr. Corven has made clear the most their classrooms. Why isn't there a course confidence and capital the stock market, for Secondly, f believe it is quiteot University has set a goal of made accessible except by almost all practical purposes, has crashed. A lot of a person with the 3.5 average important points about nuclear energy. taught on this campus which deals with ;. making the campus totally total reconstruction. However, Everyone, even strong nuclear pro¬ these problems? Possibly Ms. Keller could people and businesses are going broke. equally good — if not better - I accessible to handicapped stti- the immediate goal of opening as ponents, agrees that nuclear technology is teach it. In the face of these federal screwups, the 4.0 student for a variety « ' dents what do we find our Congress contem¬ Among these reasons are teac by 1985, and has budgeted many facilities to the handicapped inherently risky. It involves potential $75,000 this year for improving threats to health and Suzanne Murrmann, research technician plating for resurrection? What else but a systems, the students' goals as possible without such drastic our even to our heavy dose of the very same three varying course requirements i ' accessibility. action is vital to the integrity of genetic integrity. The question that must Biochemistry Dept. be asked is, what are we screwups that got us into this mess in the schools across the country this institution. Inaccessible facil¬ getting for the first place — an increase in President Ford's The federal government has risk? pressures for those students p ities represent an illegal denial of ! added $247,000 in matching the constitutional rights of an Mr. Corven makes it clear that what we are getting is a net Ping-pong wrong proposed deficit (already $35 billion), prevention of any measures that would stop selves through school. But the most important factor for energy loss. . |' grants, bringing the total expen- diture for improving accessibility often ignored segment of Amer¬ With well written and well considered Last year I was very disappointed with foreign energy dependence and war in the Middle East. Sound familiar? doctors is common sense. «r' ica's population, and an inexcus¬ articles like Mr. Corven's, Americans will the Women's Intramural table tennis absolutely nothing to do ! this year to $322,000. This may eventually compel the Congress to pass a program. In a University of over 40,000 Our country needs not only conservation, sense, the very thing that disti able waste of the country's mental but complete independence from cutthroat seem to be a formidable sum, but nuclear energy moratorium of the kind I students I expected more than the 10 or 12 average doctor from the supe resources. have introduced women who showed OPEC exporter?. Hell, we could have quite possible that the 3.5 s i it is actually far from adequate. — and will reintroduce — up. But many women up to The Office of in the Senate. may have had a good reason for staying 25 per cent of our total oil supply cut off at much or more of this priceless The task of providing ground - Programs for away. any time, and that is a real possibility in 4.0 classmate. j level entrances, usable rest room Handicapped Students estimates light of today's Middle East situation. Gas . that to achieve this short term Mike Gravel In all the years I have played ping pong, Today, right now. I I facilities, reachable telephones - U.S. Senator, D - Alaska the scoring was up to 21 with a rationing will do nothing to decrease our doctor, any legislator or any ««-- goal by 1985 will require $500,000 margin of and drinking fountains and count¬ victory of at least two points. The IM rules country's dependence on these people. Nor AMA lobbyist group •• * per year at the very least, if had to follow called for will it keep much-needed less other modifications is a we total of 16 petrodollars legitimate reason why our P building costs decline over that Teach professors a score points, regardless of the opponent's score. within our country. Nor will it provide cannot be enlarged upon to monstrous but necessary one. revenues lost in the The announced goal of the Univer¬ period. Since building costs are After mulling over the various letters Another complaint I have is that the proposed tax cuts, growing demand for medial games were not played within a few which could well serve to ease the Americans the service that not likely to decline and and rebuttals written about the days resulting sity is commendable, but unless it may very problems from start to finish. The final game last deficit. Nor will it serve to stimulate well increase substantially, the encountered by John Appel . is backed up by adequate funds, it professor of year was played near the end of domestic oil exploration. A tariff will kill all I don't believe I'm lb*' $500,000 estimate is probably ATL, and Jim Renuk, I feel have spring of these birds with one stone. we term, though the games started "Gentlemen, come to your | will be as meaningless as the lofty very conservative. overlooked one very important aspect February! This is supposed to be in Our congressmen, i but empty affirmative action com- experience. — competitive event. a with moustaches, are including the ones out all this monkey is extremely simple bus,nef)e , i mitments made in 1971. Obviously, this program will Needless to say, I have great forfeiting necessary ' , respect for As for the rest of the long-term legislation in favor require a much greater financial Mr. Renuk. Having worked in a children's women University who play table tennis, I ask you at this partisan issues. When of get elected will these guys student with a 2.5 The federal government avera^a ! Total accessibility is virtually commitment than is presently hospital for several years, I am familiar to join me in protesting to the person in confess, no matter how politically afford a national medical bu (J : impossible, except as a very long - being offered. The University has with the drive one must have to overcome charge of table tennis at the Women's unpopular, that our real problems are not both medical schools and W ! term goal. Several buildings, taken an excellent first step, but an illness or handicap. Since Mary Jane Intramural Building. corporations, tax breaks and wealthy AMA could certainly relax. Keller - who wrote one of the letters on Lmost notably the Union and the must now follow up with an even this issue - is a clinical people, but the growing inefficiency and standarda without jc<'P»r International Center, cannot be greater outlay of funds. psychologist, she also knows the difficulty involved in Sybil Kolon Abdul Baki nonproductive of federal bureacracy? of this country. American* Perry John R. Spencer overwhelmed with talk- 106 Rivers Edge Apts. .action! A WOM iws DSMoceftnc cwjcoS ART BUCHW Q 4vfr Sheiks buy into America Last week it was reported in the "Wal, Sheik, how about a priceless newspapers that a Saudi Arabian sheik diamond necklace and tiara?" made an offer to buy the Alamo, Texas' "I had most revered shrine. something a little more senti¬ It seems Sheik mental in mind. When my daughter was a Al-Aharis Al-Hamdan contracted a Houston schoolgirl she visited the Mormon Taber¬ lawyer, told him his son had been in San nacle in Salt Lake City." Antonio and had been t*ken with the "Yes?" beauty of the famed Texas fort and, since he loved his son very much, he wanted to buy ^1 would like to buy it for her." "I'll check it out for you. Sheik — one it for him. Mormon Tabernacle. Let me ask you this. If The attorney immediately contacted Gov. for some reason it's not for sale could you Dolph Briscoe and was informed the Alamo give me a second choice?" not for sale. This came as a ! was surprise, "She also said she liked Yosemite A> V since this is the first time since the ofl crisis National Park." that anyone in the United States has "Right. If I can't get Yosemite, do you iwt refused to sell something to an Arab sheik. think she'd take the Yellowstone National ii But I'm sure there will be other calls from Park instead?" the Middle East concerning our "My daughter didn't say anything about monuments. Yellowstone. It has no sentimental value for "This is Sheik Abdullah Ben Doom. I am her." looking for a small wedding gift for my "What about Las Vegas, Sheik? It would daughter. What would you suggest?" be kind of fun when she cuts open the wedding cake to find the deed inside." IWPOINT: CAR PRICES "It's too frivolous. My daughter is a very serious person. Could you tell me how much they're asking for St. Patrick's Cathedral?" I planned obsolescence GM "Not offhand, but 111 call the cardinal this afternoon and see if he'll accept an offer. You wouldn't consider the Metropolitan I did. Hanging up, I called Honest Adolfs Museum of Art as an alternate would you?" B> CHUCK MOSS one people can afford." X invited to an orgy in Ann Arbor just VW Lot. "Ja, sellss for tventy-nine hun "Aww, people don't want small cars "Sheik Al Rumallah gave his daughter an ■her day. "Hot damn," I thought, "I've dredt." Adolf said. art museum last month. I want to do anyway. People want big cars to give them ¥ invited to a real orgy before." "Why so much?" I snapped. status." something better for my child, who is twice "Becauss da tariff iss so high. Becauss ve beautiful." ftunately I couldn't get a ride. So I "People can't afford to drive big cars cause as Lj to look into buying a car. got put all dine extrass on. Becauss ve get the price of gas has gone so high." "I gotcha'. You want something tasteful Jingall the auto dealers proved no help taxed so high. Dat iss vhy." "That's immaterial. People will pay the but different than the run-of-the-mill sheik I "Grunt Motors, may I help you?" "But why do you get taxes so high?" I extra tax. Besides, small cars have to wedding present. HI tell you what's really V yeah, I wanna buy a car." protested. much. All the control devices." cos|«o nice — the Supreme Court Building in •v good, sir. What model are you "Because ve sell so many veedub, ve "Like the power steering and the Washington." Hsted in?" outsell GM, Donner und Blitzen - ve get gas guzzling air conditioning you guys make "No, I believe that is more for a boy. I mething small and cheap." schmaked vis tariff." standard on every car now?" I snapped. want something that has a little romance to .til, sir, our Kohippus sells for thirty- Toyota: "Honorable sir, our least expen¬ "It's the pollution controls. it." People kindred plus options." sive model retail for four-hundred dollar. Is wouldn't buy a car without air "There's always the Grand conditioning. Canyon." us!" I gasped, "What are the options?" powered by one hundred per cent rubber No, it's the pollution control devices." He "I think that's a little showy." tor, lights and a steering wheel." band." pointed at me, "If you want the cars to be "What about Princeton University?" it do you consider standard items?" That did it. I had had more than I could cheaper you get Washington to lower the "Hmnn. That's not a bad idea. But I'll be cr steering, power brakes, air con- take. I snatched up a copy of the Dee-troit pollution standards." honest with you. If I'm ling and a hood ornament." Free Press. On the front page was all kinds going to buy her a "Look," I said, "you guys don't under¬ school, Td rather buy her Oxford. It has a ■d thats your more expensive model?" of very bad news. "Unemployment Soars," stand. People don't want expensive cars. more antique feeling to it." p, sir that's our cheapest. Thirty-six "Massive Layoffs," "Execs take pay cuts." They won't buy them. They can't buy them. hd plus option." "Jeeze," I groaned, "Looks like a depres "I don't want to knock the British, but I Why are you doing all these things?" Ration. I suppose?" I said, sarcasti sion, and no wonder! Nobody can afford to "We're maximizing corporate profits," he hear Oxford is really run-down. She would buy cars, they're too expensive. Maybe they replied. have to spend a lot of her own money fixing ■it's correct, sir." she replied. just don't understand. I'll go tell them." it up. With Princeton the upkeep is "Maximizing profits! You're going out of cheaper Bng up. Clearly, a new car was out of the Dialing the offices of Grunt Motors, I told business!" and she can move right in tomorrow." l. 1 dialed Tricky Dick's Used Car them that I had a solution to the automobile "Now, now, there's no need to take such an "I not interested in problem. Without delay I was invited to talk alarmist am bargains. This is viewpoint. This is only temporary. eldest daughter and price is ■icky Dick's. This is Ron speaking." to the vice president in charge of miracles. We'll just lay off workers until the demand my no object." Twant to know the prices of your "Of course. Well, I think I have a "So," I said, "If you stop making your cars picks up again." lest cars, my good man." idea of the ball park we're talking about. I'll so expensive, people will buy them." "But the demand can't pick The le, buddy, we have a '59 Rambler for He looked at me, then he sighed. "We up. make a few calls and get back to you." economy's gone to hell. Nobody can afford to "Thank you. By the way> what news do ■ hundred." ean't. It costs a lot of money to make a big buy a new car. They'll just drive old ones." youi have about my offer to buy Grant's ft good." car." "Oh no," he smiled. "Oh no. In two years Tok, buddy, you won't find Tomb for my grandson?" anything "Make a good small ear," I suggested. all the cars we made will fall apart as usual. ue<. "I'm working on it. Sheik, I'm Working on r. People aren't selling cars made "We do make a good small car!" he pro¬ Then we'll be back in business again." |t 70 cause the new ones aren't worth a it." tested. Chuck Moss is James Madison a College iu follow?" "But they cost too much," I said. "Make (C) 1975 Los Angeles Times BELIEVE US: Of all the things you can buy right now, nothing will give you more or longer • lasting enjoyment than a good stereo system. In these troubled times, OMLY isn't it nice to listen $599.00 to music with a loved one??? H&S5. L-p's We two re featuring the GRADUATE Its sound way comes out of the SYSTEM — It brings music alive marvelous ADVENT loudspeakers, a speaker system that has become a best seller by . $3.99! offering "cost THE DYNAMIC SUPERIORS THEE IMAGE - no - object" sound quality, at a price people can afford, ADVENT designed these speakers to be able to reproduce LEAD GUITAR & VOCAL •he full ten • octave range of music and to compete in every audible respect with the most MIKE PINERA OF expensive speaker on the market. To power these speakers in a way that will give full CACTUS AND IRON satisfaction is the SCOTT R36s AM/FM stereo receiver. First, because of its performance and second, because of its BUTTERFLY In reliability. addition, the SCOTT R36s has power - 30 WATTS R.M.S. per channel minimum from 20 Hz to 20,000 KHz, with less than 0.5% •otal harmonic distortion into 8 OHM. The PIONEER PL-12D is a truly professional turntable with 5 shape tonearm, belt drive, base and dust cover. The turntable - wmes complete with the SHURE M93E, This combination will keep your records sounding new for a ong time to come. WE THINK SO. This system is backed by HI-FI-Buys 5 year protection plan offered by our in store service - dept. Also available on 8-Track and Cassette W-Ff ItlYS 1,01 * Grand Disc Shop oscountf River EL I 323 E Grand River 337 1767 | E L Ph.351 5380 401 12jv;5R» recordso tHOME" 3SI "S^-GO 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Jan, HOPE TO BOOST TRANS J Airlines vote to restore By NEW YORK TIMES agencies on both sides of the because of economic troubles, London round trip, under the of youth fares transatlantic travelers than 45 days and no fewer than | movie... \ JESVSi NEW YORK - International Atlantic. fare increases and higher costs advance purchase plan, will be before the CAB ended the 22. There are no such time airlines said Monday that they Some airline leaders in this for hotels, meals and sight $399 in summer, $309 in the practice on Dec. 31, 1973. limits on the new youth fare. The proposed new youth fare When the United States had voted to restore cut-rate country are doubtful that the seeing abroad. spring and the fail and $295 in Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) is not nearly the bargain that abolished international youth youth fares between this country and Europe April 1, in will approve the new youth fare A recent exception to the general decline in travel to winter. The revised youth discount the original was. Its chief fares a year ago, Canada did I 630 sw* stwTZ a bid to help stimulate sagging because, in the past, it was held Europe, according to airline and the early bird ticket plan beneficiaries would probably be not. As a result, many Ameri¬ transatlantic travel and to that such fares discriminate officials, has been a surge of are part of a new schedule of young people who want to be in cans went north for bargains. deter American young people against older travelers. travel on eight - day excur¬ transatlantic fares approved by Europe for more than 46 days Resumption of the discount from going to Canada to catch Transatlantic travel sion trips to Europe. the airlines that, on the during the summer. here - albeit at a higher rate cheap flights. decreased by more than 6 per Recognizing this trend, the average, raises present rates The round-trip New York - than in the past - is expected The airlines' agreement, cent this year, and airlines new fares package extends the about 10 per cent. London rate under the plan, for by airline leaders to reduce the however, must be approved by generally have gloomy fore¬ availability of the eight-day The new increase will follow example — available to flow of American young people government regulatory casts for travel this year excursion plan, now scheduled a series of other rate increases travelers 12 through 21 — to Canada and also to bring to expire April 15, through that, since Jan. 1, 1974, have would be $458 in summer, $410 more European young people to May. and to September and already raised the price of in winter, and $458 in fall and this country. October. transatlantic airline tickets spring. While these rates are Latin women The airlines, after more than average of more than 20 an per higher than the proposed new six months of agonizing over cent. early bird fares, the early bird the matter, also gave final Transatlantic youth fares discount would require approval to a new "early bird" were introduced in May, 1971, travelers to be abroad no more training in transatlantic discount fare for travelers of all ages who buy allowing travelers through 23 years of age - aged 12 tickets 60 days in advance. That through 29, under some circum Bv Associated Press part of the airline ' plan is stances — to fly the Atlantic expected to win easy approval and back for as little as $195. Young women in South America are starting to don combat boots from the CAB. Passengers using youth fares and fatigues as armed forces open their ranks to females. But they The price of a New York to accounted for about 11 per cent probably will not be sent to fight. Following the pattern of countries like Israel and the United States, women are being accepted into the military to free men from jobs as typists, technicians and drivers. Chile and Peru have already begun projects to allow women into the armed forces. Venezuela and Brazil are reported to be planning similar ventures. Cuba has allowed women between the 17 and 35 to volunteer for two years' duty since 1963. Chile's military government started service for women last October when 78 women from 18 to 26 entered the new School of Feminine Auxiliary Service. EAST LANSING'S ONLY CO-OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS More than 1,500 women took entrance tests last week and 20 Mon. & Trturs. officers and noncommissioned officers are expected to graduate next month. Another course to graduate 50 officers and 100 noncommissioned officers begins in March. In 1976, the government plans massive voluntary service for 351 5330 30 I—4MB EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. „ - 1 PM. i - 5>M S*t„ 9 A.M. to Noon women in the army with recruiting centers to be opened in major CO-OPTICAL SERVICES cities. D*.J.R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST Length of service has still not been determined. Though females Now in Bfookfieid Plan are destined for noncombat jobs, they still don combat boots and olive drab fatigues during training and get some instruction in arms. Peru's military government, meanwhile, has announced a larger program for women which gets under way in March. Military service for women will be voluntary in times of peace and mandatory during war. Only those women reaching 18 years this year will be allowed to register when the program begins. But women between 19 and 45 will be eligible in the future for reserve service and the army command estimates that up to 140,000 female volunteers could enter by 1976. The role of the female soldier in Peru has yet to be precisely defined. Though they will receive some military instruction, it is presumed that they too will be destined for noncombat jobs. Freebie and the Bean "HERE'S C\ XJ and W JU MS m imwmi ti I] To«»«wt Hi I ■ JOHNIEEE!" International Orchestra Series Lecture-Concert Series at MSU The incredible Saturday, February 1 at 8:15 pm University Auditorium COMING THIS WEEKEND JOHNNY TDK \ * AST Ml GILMRTCATO Hey Gang Here Comes Joanne Another WADD LAST Woodward Midnight Summer Wishes, Movie DETAIL Winter Dreams starring in 0RCY Thurs. Brody 7:30 Thurs. Conrad 7:151 9:30 Thurs. Wilson 7:30 Program A Wilson 9:30 FULFILLMENT' Fri. Conrad 7:304 9:45 Sat. Wilson 7:30*9:45 Fri. Wilson 7:15 <9:30 Brody 8:30 Sat. Conrad 7:1519:30 Brody 9:30 Fri. 100 Eng. 7:301 9:30 Fri. 12 Midnight Conrs^ Sat. 12 Midnight WIlM "Leave It to Beaver's" Eddie Sat. 100 Eng. 7:3019:30 Program B Sun. Wilson 9:30 Sun. Conrad 7:30 Fri. 12 Midnight Wilm Haskell returns as Johnny Wadd Rated X Sat. 12 Midnight Co«< — he has really grown up! Aldo Ceccato You gotta see it Music Director & Conductor to believe it!" JOE RENO Eroi Bulletin Returning to the MSU The King will not abdicate. See him an absence of campus nine seasons, after the Detroit once again this weekend. j Symphony will feature the local debut of new Music Director, Aldo Ceccato. Maestro Ceccato is one of the world's foremost conductors and has also recently been appointed General Music Director of the Hamburg Philharmonic, Program Rossini Overture, "Voyage to Rheims" Mendelssohn Symphony No 3 ("Scotch") Lalo Cello Concerto Italo Babmi, 'cellist Public: $4.00 5.50 6.50 MSU Students: $2.00 2.75 3.25 Blitlje Reserved seats are available now at the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 weekdays. (355-3361). Call 355-6686 for special group rates "Fulfillment THE ULTIMATE TRIP IN EXPLICIT EROTICISM iirU) union ballroom tliMtit... Spirit|lami l*ebJ»2 Tonight Showtimes: 7,8:30,10 Showpiace: 109 Anthony Admission: $2.25 All patrons will b« Rated X checked for proof of ago. News, East Lansing, Michigan ■ligjn Slate Wednesday, January 29,1975 7 Dynamic By EDD RUDZAT8 drama kick ondiy. State News Reviewer American Film Theater (AFT) ia off to a flying wddingan 't™* 801,8 retUr" h°me 10 celebrat®their parent's 40th With a screenplay •rise in the basic family unit. It examines the nuclear family with a sharpness of insight usually associated with such American production of it was arresting, devastating and superbly executed. by Storey himself, "In Celebration" was playwrights as Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams. Original cast , concept of theater on film, created laat year by Ely dynamic drama at its finest. Under the watchful The production benefited from the eye of director But the tone of Storey's work is far more original London cast and a benn its second season in this area with Lindsay Undsay Anderson, the man responsible for "If' and "0 open ended than either bravura performance by Alan Bates. Anderson once brilliant cinematic adapUtion of David Storey's Lucky of these authors. Within the framework of the again proved Man!. Storey's examination of his characters' psyches was celebration, a himself a master of the film medium, theatrical device used by providing an involving ■of i Welsh coal miner'a family. wrought with tension, humor and a depth that is common to many 20th • century writers to reveal the experience without destroying the theatrical foundation on which inner core of their characters, ||ebr»tion' was the first film in the five - part series Anderson s films. Storey has avoided providing pat the work was based. I by AFT to appear locally. This film exuded excellence answers or resolutions of the conflicts he presents. Sharp insight Instead, he has given the audience If the rest of AFT is half as try pore as it delved into the psychological battles that In Celebration" deals with a great many of the illusions that answers for themselves. As opportunity to find those it is a series not to be missed. good as this first presentation, then a result, "In Celebration" and the AFT Judging by the excellence of "In Celebration" and the choice of films still to come, AFT looks like it has a winning entry in thought-provoking cinema on its hands. Sculptor employs density, strength "The Maids" The next film in the AFT Series is Jean Genet's bold, bombastic work "The Maids." With Glenda Jackson and Susannah York in the title roles, this examination of murder and mayhem should L frank FOX unwieldy rope, cumbersome illustrated lecture on her works undoubtedly prove as dynamic a production as "In Celebration." rolls of copper wire, tree pulls you into it," she explained. Other examples of her tech¬ jt Newi Reviewer and technique at Kresge Art Winsor is a teacher at Hunter Genet's "The Maids" is scheduled at the One example of her work was Spartan Twin Theaters often work with branches, wooden planks and nique were slides of a 4 - foot College and the School of Visual i nails in SO pound lots. Gallery Monday night. a "body-size" piece composed of for February 24 and 25. Individual tickets will be available for each I brushes, fine en- "It seemed very essential at plywood block that had evolved Arts in New York City. Articles of the films at the door. There will be a Winsor. whose sculpture has copper wire wound round and into an eliptical sphere special matinee rate of J knives and precise been displayed at the Detroit one time that I worked with around numerous standing extensive rope winding around by on her sculpture have appeared (2.50 for students. Performances are Mondays and Tuesdays only Iting technique. Institute of Arts and the Art different materials," she twigs held tightly together in in "Artforum" and "Ava¬ at 2 and 8 p.m. 1 Winsor prefers to it; a solid mass of long planks lanche." One of her sculptures, explained. "You come to a point the center. The effect is of Institute of Chicago, gave an one held together and festooned Kith heavy lengths of where you have to come up an incredibly "Bound Square," was on the with different visual solutions heavy, most with 50 pounds of nails, and February 1974 cover of improbable ball of shiny wool other sculptures including one — (you have to) keep the ideas "Artforum." Eddie and Turtles thread - a ball of thread which nourished." employing about a thousand weighs "a couple thousand pounds of winding rope around "All art is made with some Her works display weight pounds." a wood frame. kind of communicative state¬ and strength as well as a quiet "The copper is so slippery, it [ling to East Lansing serenity which allows viewer to become involved with the tension and energy which the was essential that I knew how to do it before I got underway," she said. "It took a fair amount "People often ask why couldn't you just fill it up with ment," she said. "I think it fails if it doesn't." i Eddie and the Turtlea, recently re-formed for an foam rubber or something... If are often evident in her t nationwide tour, will make a atop in East Lansing tonight work. of mistakes before I got the 1 used foam it wouldn't have the "The pieces have a real Irewery. copper to stay where I wanted same density. If I wanted it soft serenity about them a quiet it. f0up, known simply as the Turtles in the mid'SOs, first — I would have made it soft," she seductiveness I'm involved Kiational prominence with its cover version of Bob Dylan's in ... "With those 300 or 500 pound said. ■Me Babe" That hit was soon followed with several others, making masses. There is a spools of copper it takes a lot to real physical strength, there's fc"You Baby," "Sound Asleep," "You Showed Me" and their pull the wire off it — but there Kular song. "Happy Together." In their career, the group hit something of resistance to it were four people working on besides the seductiveness that Hits of fame that it received personal invitations to perform Re House party for Tricia Nixon. Disbanding in the late '60s, the group's lead vocalists. Mark SEX MAY RELIEVE TENSION land Howard Kaylan, joined forces with Frank Zappa's BUT |of Invention. Temporarily they assumed the names lent Leech and Eddie for contractual reasons and the names Eoughout the duo's stint with the Mothers. Ts wiil be sold at the door. SEND ing HOT DOG SPECIAL! VALENTINE CARD Wednesday, January 29 Will KEEP YOU SINGLE LONGER Hot Dogs 25' 3 pm — closing CAMPUS BOOK iThe STORE ighwhedcr ft ACROSS FROM BERKEY restaurant lounge 9 TO 5:30 DAILY 231 M.A.C. Loun* 2:00 AM E UW"nf Lamina 11:30 - 2:00 am "00 Sun. 5:00 -12:00 Sun. ioA t|ds icareer in law— without law school. \ It can you low there do with only a bachelor's degree? is a way to bridge the gap between an fctgtaduate education and a challenging, respbn- | career The Lawyer s traditionally done by lawyers. •tee months ot intensive ■skills—the courses are taught Assistant is able to do training can give you ] s by lawyers You ■>se one of the six courses offered—choose the ■m which you want to work. w>ce 1970 The Institute for Paralegal Training Ctok,D/terfeiilt& ■ placed more than 700 graduates in law firms. Mi and corporations in over 60 cities ■you are a student of high academic standing and ■interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant. • like to meet you Ptaetyour placement office for Ll IlfllLHf an interview with ■ our representative. We will visit your campus on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 18 I The Institute for ■ Open Thurs.&Fri evenings Paralegal Training ■^5 South i7ih Street BIRMINGHAM I GROSSE POINTE OETROIT Philadelphia. Pennsylvania 19103 (215) 732-eeOO NORTHLAND ANN ARBOR DEARBORN EAST LANSING GIRAND RAPIDS PONTIAC MALL Ify chicken lovers- neon over to The Other Fried! Ill P Pieces °' P shed chicken, cole slow, potatoes and gravy, —» rblscui,s- ya/r?0(/s MEL BROOKS STARTS FRIDAY gave the world ^'icov#r th« touch* Hon«y Reg. 1.69 BLAZING SADDLES and YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN" E&sa&sat, Klgqh ^ cr'lP m •Hd fb* way SEE ... his wildest one . SEE it from the beginning! No on* will be seated the last 88 minutes all be on the floor laughing and gasping . . . They'll ner Chlektn stay "THE PRODUCERS" thtrtl 3007 n. East St. iu.s. 27 North) ZERO MOSTE1. - GENE M ILDER Wednesday'y.Januj Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan "arjjJ NFL stocks up on beef; linemen dominate picks NEW YORK (UPI) — National Football League clubs passed up 250-pound Mack Mitchell, a defensive end from the University of some of the big names of college football to stock up their beef Houston. supply Tuesday, making 12 linemen first round choices in the Houston, on a pick from Kansas City, selected 6-4, 220 pound annual player draft. Robert Brazile of Jackson State and New Orleans picked Olympian There were also five linebackers chosen in the first round as the Larry Burton of Purdue as a wide receiver. clubs by-parsed name stars like Anthony Davis of Southern Then came the beef as six straight linemen were selected. San California, the Heisman Trophy runnerup, and two-time All- Diego picked defensive tackle Gary (Big Hands) Johnson, a 6-2, America Rod Shoate of Oklahoma to concentrate on the 260-pounder from Grambling. and Los Angeles, with three first musclemen. round picks — all of them tackles — took defensive tackle Mike No MSU players were taken during the first five rounds, but Fanning, 6-6, 270, of Notre Dame. Central Michigan quarterback Mike Franckowiak was taken in the San Francisco grabbed defensive tackle Jimmy Webb, 6-5, 245, third round by Denver. of Mississippi State and Los Angeles took tackle Dennis Harrah, Atlanta, as expected, opened the draft by selecting Steve 6-5,260, of Miami (Fla.). New Orleans sent veteran defensive end Bartkowski, the All-America quarterback from California who was Billy Newsome to the New York Jets for their pick and grabbed off the nation's leading passer this season. 64. 250-pound offensive tackle Kurt Schumacher of Ohio Sute. Randy White, the Lineman of the Year from Maryland, went to Detroit made a surprise pick in the first round, taking little — the Dallas Cowboys, who say he will be used as a linebacker. known Lynn Bowden, a 6-5. 250-pound tackle from South Dakota The first of the 12 members of the beef market taken was guard State. Ken Huff of North Carolina, a 6-4, 255-pounder chosen by The Lions selected Texas defensive tackle Doug English in the Baltimore as a third pick. second round. Detroit did not get a third or fifth round pick Walter Payton of Jackson State, the 6-0, 208-pounder who led because of earlier trades. Craig Hertwig, a tackle from Georgia, the nation's small colleges in scoring last season, was the first was the Lions fourth round choice. running back taken, going to Chicago, and Cleveland went for 6-8, Cincinnati broke the first-round linemen string by picking linebacker Glenn Cameron of Florida. Houston then took fullback Don Hardeman of Texas A&I. Russ Francis of Oregon was the first tight end taken, going to Crosby t New England, and Denver picked defensive back Louie Wright of San Jose State. Dallas made another surprise move, selecting unknown linebacker Tom Henderson of Langston (Okla.) and Buffalo chose Tom Ruud, a linebacker from Nebraska. with PGA a Los Angeles' third selection in the first round was Doug France, tight end out of Ohio State who will put his survive. A&M going to St. Louis and Mike Williams of LSU to San Diego. Darl Bolton (right) will have their hands full invades Munn Arena. mad at the PGA and unless he's At the bottom of the argu¬ Miami picked offensive tackle Darryl Carlton of Tampa and given reason to change his ment between Crosby and Oakland followed by taking defensive back Neal Colzie of Ohio mood in the next few months, there is better than a 50-50 chance the famed crooner will pull his popular pro-am out of Beman is the PGA's demand for a bigger slice of the television pie. The PGA has gone as far as to hire its own television Sute. Minnesota selected Mark Mullaney, a defensive end from Colorado State, and Pittsburgh completed the first round by taking safety DaVe Brown of Michigan. Davis, one of the glamor players of college football last season, Bolton, Olmstead kill the winter tour. coordinator, Steve Reid, with finally was selected on the second round by the New York Jets, the By MIKE LITAKER "General Custer syndrome" the play chances for a meager .248 "It's tougher to plqfl Crosby, who pioneered the idea of taking complete 37th player chosen. Shoate, who led Oklahoma to an unbeaten 11-0 Sute News Sport* Writer past two seasons, though, he percentage. road because y celebrity golf and helped a lot of control of all contracts involv¬ season, went to New England four picks later. Being outnumbered on the has called out the cavalry in the more penalties andyoJ Olmstead was the only struggling pros in the 1940s and ing television and its game. Bartkowski, who made a quick visit to Atlanta Tuesday, said he ice when killing off a penalty is form of Darl Bolton and Denny Spartan to notch a goal last on the ice almost 25 pel '50s pick up pocket money in The winter events, because was " looking forward to the challenge. I hope to bring a change of something that has always Olmstead. the time." Bolton eipla of the celebrity format, have year while a teammate was the slack winter season, has run attitude. There's no substitute for winning." managed to contribute to a The team of Bolton and into a major difference of been great successes over the Olmstead sounds more like a repenting in the penalty box. The 22-year-old quarterback said he figured Atlanta was the hockey coach's greying hair. This year Bolton has the only A graduate of l| opinion with Deane Beman, years, both at the gate and on logical place for him to wind up because "I knew the quarterback When MSU coach Amo business partnership, and that Catholic Central. ( television. The presence of short-handed marker. commissioner of the PGA's situation unsettled. Bessone has gotten the is just what they are in the Tournament Players Division. Bing, Bob, Dean and Andy in was — played his prep hockfjl penalty killing business. Port Huron City Leap If Beman and the PGA Policy the booth hasn't hurt. In fact, Bolton came to the MSU "Your first objective is to one television official said "As coming to MSU. The :«J Board, which includes four after enjoying a stellar keep them from scoring, then U-M's Brown first draft together with Bolton ifl campus players, don't back off, it's goodbye to the Crosby clam¬ bake. long camera as guys like there will Bing are on always be a long line of sponsors. Take him pick career at Copper Cliff High School in Ontario. He does not mind finding himself relegated Amo throws in that extra dig that they'd like you to score shorthanded," Bolton said. "It ning to pay dividends, f And if that happens, Bob out, and it's just another hockey's always gives the team a lift "You learn what eadxfl of NFL's unsung hero role. to Hope's Desert Classic and Andy Williams' San Diego telecast." Crosby gave in to some of the PGA's demands this year, let¬ Super Bowl winner "You have to learn to realize that the caliber of player is when you score shorthanded." doing and that's a bigfl killing penalties. It'll' Open won't be far behind. You much better here," Bolton said. Bolton suffered a badly knowing where,«»ctio! J could also add Glen Campbell's ting them take 30 per cent off ANN ARBOR (UPI) - AH Pittsburgh." going to PitUburgh," he said. "I don't really care what bruised leg against Denver Jan. the time," Qlr<>al| Los Angeles Open and Dean the top of a $280,000 television America safety Dave Brown of 'It's just a quick trip in," 'Tm really happy, man. I still function I serve." 17 which has caused his knee to assuredly Martin's Tucson Open. • contract. But he insists that's it, Michigan, fresh out of a shower Brown said after toweling off. am. I haven't come down For Olmstead, the job swell twice its normal size. He yet." of Bing brought the growing he won't give the PGA another and on his way to Pittsburgh, "Then 111 come back to school. Brown, also also took five stitches in his a top-flight punt keeping the heat off goalie Ron Unlike Custer. Niptlj feud between the sponsors of cent. The PGA is demanding 50 said Tuesday he was so happy They want me to meet return Clark brings added pressure to elbow last weekend against specialist, said he all the other great stnq the celebrity winter events and per cent in 1976 and 80 per cent to be drafted by the Super Bowl everybody. doesn't know that much about his job as team capUin. Duluth. history. Amo knows «ta the PGA to light during the in 1977. champions he still hasn't "come "I'm really pleased to be the Steelers' personnel. "I don't have the talent to be past weekend. He's not saying Bing's reply has been short down yet." is coming when the ^ a goal scorer, so consequently I But the real aches and pains down. And much right now, because he and sweet. The Steelers didn't waste try to make up for it hustle- are usually saved up for when Olmstead don't mini tq honestly hopes to reach an "Take 30 and be happy," he any time. They informed the wise by keeping my man from the team hits the road. scars, either. agreement with the PGA to told Beman, "or it's adios." 6-foot-l, 190-pound Brown he scoring," said Olmstead, who is Crosby officials insist that was their first round draft currently trying to score an often the difference between selection, then made arrange¬ Takedown Club meets noon today making even money and breaking is the tournament's televi¬ sion contract. "Without all that ments to fly him to Pittsburgh to meet with them the same MSU's synchronized swim¬ It acceptance into dental school. "You have to go a long way to find a player as dedicated and Women's track squadl day. was edged out of first place enthusiastic as Denny," Bolton The MSU Takedown Club television money, we'd be at ming club traveled to Columbus, will honor junior 150-pounder Steve Rodriguez, Spartan the mercy of the weather," said Ted Durein, the man who "He's in the shower," said the man who answered the phone in the apartment they share, Ohio, recently to participate in a College Assn. meet hosted by by only one point. In other routine competi¬ tions, Merri Jo Bales and Lynn said in praise of his partner. "It's hard to deal with sitting on the bench. It's harder for him faces Central AAichigJ Wrestler of the Week, at its helped Bing bring his event to Ohio Sute. Its first team took Frank placed sixth in duet quarterback Dennis Franklin of being a senior and captain than weekly luncheon at noon today Monterey Peninsula 28 years the Wolverines. "He's on his second place in team routine while Tina Seih placed first in it is for me. We're both in the at the Pretzel Bell restaurant. competition. solo. MSU's women's indoor track squad is on the road again I to catch plane for way a There are four levels in same boat and people expect a lot out of you. Uking on Central Michigan. I The team is coming off a strong performance at Eastern)® routine competition: solo, duet, "We both really enjoy last week. L trio and team, in which four or playing the game or else we SparUn Marjorie Grimmette took first place at EMIfl more swimmers perform. wouldn't be doing it. Some guys Seih also placed fourth in the couldn't accept doing what we 60 yard dash with a time of 6.9 and the 220 yard dash 25.8. She also anchored the 880-yard relay team to a»i withj individual senior stunt competi¬ do." 1:48. tion. In stunt competition, each "It gets pretty frustrating at swimmer performs five stunts MSU's Barbara Grider took a first place in the shot puj times but I've never considered throw of 37 6%. L and is rated by 10 judges. Each swimmer competes in one of quitting," Olmstead com¬ Asst. coach Jim Bibbs believes the meet against Central! mented. tough one. r three caUgories, novice, junior So far this or senior, according to ability season opposing "It will be a good meet, with Central (Michigan) provuM teams have been able to competition. They are strong in the middle distance races* and difficulty of the stunts. convert only 36 of 145 power in the high jump," he said. CAGERS TRAP Big Ten mark evenet ByCHARLESJOHNSON they could only play that way were down 11 3 after six "The play of th°sfj SUte News Sports Writer (stalling) until they lost the minutes of the game had showed me a lot. Gus Ganakas might want to lead." invite Northwestern to his elapsed. Northwestern was "Both of them are coj The flow of the game was successful in making the game for the Big Ten scorinf® team's basketball practices to unusual in that the SparUns, slow paced and the shots that they are not even ng help stimulate the SparUns* who are usually a superb shoot¬ the SparUns were able to get off about scoring.They"1 defense. ing group from the floor, con¬ weren't falling in. But MSU for the team. MSU, burdened the last four lost its never poise. games by shoddy defensive play, was forced to put the "IU a compliment to a ball MSU had a balantj club when an opponent does to a atuck, led by pressure on Northwestern career-high 14 Monday night during a 54 50 team what Northwestern did to P°7j W L us tonight," Ganakas said. Bob Chapman t# ■ Big Ten victory in Jenison scoring output as ■ Fieldhouse. Indiana 8 0 "When you play a slow down The victory evened the Michigan 5 3 type of game, you usually do it with 10 points as WJ SparUns' conference mark to 4 - Minnesota 5 3 to a superior team. You do it Spartan in double 4 and lifted its overall sUnding to 10 5. The Wildcats dropped Purdue Ohio State 5 5 3 hoping the other team geU impatient, but I was proud of "Pete Davis pl»H,fl - MSU 3 our team's patience." best defensive^J to 1 8 in the Big Ten and 3 -13 - Iowa 4 4 assessed. "I've ty ® I on the year. 4 4 Illinois The victory, however sweet, games before, ■ Northwestern, which got out to an early lead and held a 31 -29 Northwestern 3 1 5 took iU toll on the individual errors and he hil l Wisconsin 7 accolades of the Big Ten's two But. I would" t ■ advanUge at the half, spent 0 8 leading scorers. toniirht. He did a most of the time in the second half sUlling the ball. The Uctic Sp&rUn center Lindsay Hair- S(Billy) McKinneJ ston and forward Terry Furlow compelled MSU to play a tight defensive game. The result verted only 43 per cent of its were held to only seven and McKinney, ,lhe,I a gradual comeback and was even¬ attempts in the first half against the Wildcats. eight points respectively by the guard and pr««JJ Northwestern, Wildcats. Going into Monday's threat, had 10 tual easy win for the Spartans. Spartan Bob Chapman propels a Fieldhouse. Chapman scored 10 points in a meanwhile, hit on 14 of 29 first game, Hairston was the loop's points, one po|nl T "I told our players at the half half attempts for a 48 jumper over the outstretched arms of North¬ reserve role. The 6-2 guard-forward from that it would continue to be a per cent leading scorer with a 22 point pointspcr game 1 western forward Willie Williams during Saginaw is one of the Spartan's main bench tight ball until average. average and Furlow was a close conference this. I Monday night's 54-50 MSU victory in Jenison weapons. game we lead," Ganakas said. "We knew got the The SparUns trailed 7 - 1 second with a 21.1 conference Tim Teasley .1 after four mingtes of play and average. McKinney® Pr0^ ■lu'lugan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 29,1975 Milliken hits siffts By JEFF MERRELL "We will fight in every possible way to maintain what 211 E Gr,hkI Mivei State News SU« Writ* the 'no discharge' standard for Michigan waters. Michigan residents are willing to accept, he dumped from any pleasure craft. said. Anderson said the EPA proposal advocates a Next to th e Soortviieister ... g Environmental Protection Agency If we cannot realize our objective through Michigan's present law does not allow any li Vp nroposal to *"ow wute from Pleasure appropriate administrative processes, we will dumping. Most pleasure boats are required to waste treatment system that Michigan law¬ », W.d Thur Fri, Sat (-1 9-6 Jdischarged into Michigan's lakes has confront the federal government in the courts," carry holding tanks, which cannot be emptied makers considered inadequate when designing the state regulations. Chlorination does Vthe * of state legislators and Gov. Milliken said. Until the boat is docked. not The EPA proposal is in eliminate the problem, he said. complete conflict with If the EPA ruling were approved, however, it "Crap dumped in the water is still crap would take precedence over the Michigan regula- tion, according to state Rep. Thomas Anderson, in the water," Anderson said. dumped CIGARETTES Doug Reese, administrative assistant to the ]ke residents reject growth D-Southgate. "The proposal is a travesty," said Anderson, House Conservation Committee, Anderson. "Most states require treatment with agrees with LIMIT 2 (coupon) 2PK./7Qf / / t m / w chairman of the House Conservation Committee. chlorine. Fob. 2. If75 Iglas lake (UPI) - W. Marans revealed prelimin¬ statistics of a sample He said 26 per cent of the Anderson and Rep. Warren Goemaere, That hasn't done a damn thing," Reese said. Michigan's discharge regulations, enforced East Loosing Storo Only lerwhelming majority of ary residents surveyed along inland D-Rosevile, sent a letter Tuesday to the state Lj nver residents sur- survey taken in Emmet and lakes and rivers in the two attorney general's office asking them to "take jointly by the U.S. Coast Guard and the state Dept of Natural Resources 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM | in northern Michigan Cheboygan counties last counties told researchers they whatever legal action necesary" to block the (DNR), have had a great l,ey would not want to summer. preferred no growth and de¬ posal's enactment. pro¬ effect on the state's lake conditions, Reese said. "We've had 93 per cent compliance with the law PROCESSING AND DEVELOPING L the beauty and peace velopment in the area. NO LIMIT L area for new develop- Marans. a senior study "If the proposed EPA rules are allowed to take in this state," he said. "It has been very successful (coupon) director at U-M's Institute for About 71 per cent of those effect we will have wiped and has had a profound effect on the lakes." Ei0iros Fob 2. 1975 Ld growth. away five years of lost Lansing Sforo Only Social Research, said the substantial progress in restoration of clean lake Reese said the amount of surveyed said they would like pleasure-boating on report to community survey was intended to assist to see "some" or "a little" waters in and around Michigan," Anderson said. Michigan waters make the regulations extremely KODAK FILM j m »t the University of forthcoming land-use planning development, Marans said, important. and management efforts "There has been a long history of legislative "Lake St. Clair has the heaviest in Biological Sution at in while just four per cent were in concentration trial and trouble in this area," he said. is Lake Friday. Robert northern Michigan. favor of "a great deal." of pleasure boating in the world," he said. "'"•'2 The EPA proposal would allow waste that is "For Lake St. Clair, the regulation would make c i26-i 2 QQC ' ' chopped up and treated with chlorine to be a significant difference." Reese added. Eott Laming Stor* Only WITH MO00 PURCHASE- WITH MO00 PURCHASE- ■ WITH MO00 PURCHASE- STEREO LP SPECIAL! HYGRADE EBERHARD 1 COUNTRY FRESH TWIN PACK SAVE QUARTERED I THE DOOBIE BROTHERS COTTAGE WHAT WERE VICES ARE NOW HABITS FRANKS 14' MARGNUNE! CHEESE THE GUESS WHO FLAVOURS SMALL OR LARGS CURD "TO / 39 \j $119 LINDA RONSTADT • 7 2 LB. HEART LIKE A WHEEL PKG-. THE BEST OF THE STYLISTICS l,. f 1©! m L.y.jC, ■--M, THIS IS THE MOODY BLUES JONI MITCHELL 6.49 MILES OF AISLES ALL OUR SINGLE LP's ARE REGULARLY 3.99! TAMPAX DIAL ROLL - ON TAMPONS ANTIPERSPIRANT 1.5 a Q C 1.18 reg. oz. 1.39 LIMIT! *+ 7 i coupom on tozoner coupon-opausp, reg° 2.50 1.38 !r*u. 3.29 BREAD LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 coupon; ton laming Stor* Only lost Lansing Storo Only EMPIRIN MYADEC . COMPOUND HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS loo-* Q' ' Qc 30 s ]1 a"7 reg. 1.50 reg. 2.25 • *T / LIMIT 1 LIMIT! coupon: tipirm f*b J. 1*7$ Evpiros F*b I, t»75 E*»t Laming Stor* Only Eott Lanting Stor* only WOODBURY NATURE SCEN TS SOAP reg. 2% UM a tapir** f *k 1. 1*7S 22c Eott Lantlnt iStorjOnly^^ My a -save up tow/u in- save 404 um ptvpe coupon- TRIAL SIZE store coupon- Beautiful Yellou u.s. no i up MICHIGAN itp TRAC II RAZOR DISMISS DISPOSABLE DOUCHE COKE SPRITE POTATOES Reg. 2.95 hptr^hTi E*»t 2.47 UMITI W7I Laming Stor* Only LIMIT 1 Eiptr*t F*b i. lt7S lott 39c Laming Stor* Only ^ OPAQUE FASHION ORLON KNEE SOX KNEE SOX 15* Pet- I Pound reg 1.00 47 C reg 1.50 88 LIMIT 4 coupon UpirwTSTl 1*75 f.pirot Fob 1. 1W lu) Looting Storo Only lost Lansing Storo Only 10 Wednesday..!*,,... Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan No union for Mickey, A SAMPLE m Disney pals WASHINGTON (AP) - OFTHi Mickey Mouse says kids kick his shins. The Big Bad Wolf says his ears get pulled, and it hurts. But the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled Tuesday that just because Mickey and his friends at SAVINGS! Disney World occasionally run Into some nasty kids, is not reason union. enough for the Disney characters to have their Mickey, the Wolf, own Snow imeiJERj White, Br'er Fox and some 60 others at the Florida amuse ment park petitioned to form a unit of the International AUi- of Theatrical Stage thrifty acres Employes and Motion Pictures operators, AFL-CIO. Their employers suggested they be included in an opera tors-service unit which repre sents nearly everyone else employed at the park, including the people who sell hot dogs, guide tourists and change hotel beds. Taking their case to the NLRB, the comic characters argued that they have special problems which only their own union could understand and fight to solve. The characters said their job puts them at the mercy of visiting children, who often i kick and tug on their costumes, and requires them to shake hands and pose for pictures with the tourists. They cited "a higher inci¬ dence of minor first-aid prob¬ lems" than experienced by the park's other employes. The Big Bad Wolf, for example, com plained that kids ,pull on his ears, which are attached to a heavy mask, and that this hurts his real ears. Working in the hot sun with the heavy costumes, they argued, also sets them apart because they have a special schedule half-an-hour on and half an-hour off for eight-hoUr shifts. But the NLRB wasn't con¬ vinced. In dismissing their petition on final appeal the board ruled that "the 'charac¬ ters' are not actors: they do not constitute a craft. "They are," the board said, "essentially unskilled or at best semiskilled individuals whose working conditions, benefits, etc., are similar to those of other employes working in the Disney World complex." lor all Michigan State University Students Faculty and immediate family JAMAICA Montego Bay $25Q, Mar. 16-23,1975 (Du'ing Spnng Break I I nights • Round trip jet via Air Jamaica Party Jet • Gourmet meal service in flight • In-Flight Fashion Show • Rum bamboozles in flight • 7 Night hotel 5125 W. SAGINAW • Jamaican Cocktails • AND MORE ! Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA V J SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. — SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P,M. Slate News. East Lansing. Michigan liJugan Wednesday, January 29,1975 11 Tell eager buyers about what you have to sell with a low-cost Classified Ad! Automotive AI | Employment JJJ FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil (rank I IIP 1 mim W\ For Sale PINTO STATION Wagon 1974. MARKETING REP, Degreed solid Like new, only 15.000 miles. 2300 OPENINGS FOR three women in company. Unlimited earning SUBLEASE, THIRD person USED SONY Trinitron modef engine, automatic, air, roof rack/ potential. Call 349-3935. quiet apartments. $95/monthly, all needed for 3 bedroom townhouse, 5000. Texas Instrument SR50 deflector, deluxe trim, light pack¬ CAREERS utilities paid. No. lease. 351-6690, March 1st. $75/month plus utili¬ UNLIMITED calculator. Minox B 16mm spy age, AM/FM stereo radio, rear before 5 p.m. 5-2-4 DIVISION SHERMAN ties. Call 349-3904 after 6:30. camera, Zeiss Contessa 35mm window defroster, bumper IHONE 355 8255 guards, sports mirrors, radial tires, rust ASSOCIATES. 3-1-29 FEMALE ROOMMATE-$68 per 5-1-31 range finder. Used color TV sets, J7 Student Service* Bldg. proffed. $4200 new, yours for MAN WANTED for fieldwork for month. Own room. New apartment PERRY - SPACIOUS 3 bedroom $125 up. Polaroid cameras, $5 up. julOMOT'VE $2795 5-24 349-0158. after 5:30 pm. corn planting for the month of luxurious. South Cedar. 394-0966. 1-1-29 home in pleasant neighborhood, 500 used 8-track tapes, 75£ -$1.50. 25 used 8-track auto tape players, ioters & Cycle* May. Must have drivers license, large yard. Phone 625-3398. $15 up. New Robyn CB equip¬ & Service tractor 8nd truck experience. 5-1-31 ment. WE BUY AND TRADE. t$ VEGA GT-economical 1973. Just SPRING TERM 2 men needed. tuned Snow tires. 4 speed. Silver. Write references and experience, WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, lyjation c/o Box A-1, Michigan State Campus Hill, $68.75 per month. NEAR MSU. Nice 2 bedroom Must sell immediately! $1500. Ask 509 East Michigan Avenue, Tmployment for Dave in Men's Department. News. 5-1-31 349-3918 after 5 p.m. 5-2-4 duplex. Air conditioned, carport, Lansing. 485-4391. C-7-1-31 ■or rent 372-6206. After 6:30, 484 3640 appliances, full carpet, full base¬ ONE BEDROOM apartment, fur¬ PUBLIC RELATIONS personnel ment. References. $185. MAMIYA SEKOR auto XTL Mpartments 3131 needed to contact pre-set nished. $170/month-utiiities paid, 625-3742. 5-1-31 system. Fully automatic including except electricity. On bus line. appointments. No selling, full or Call 332-8036. 5-2-4 3 interlocked automatic lenses. part time. Real Estate license Rooms 676-4848. 5-1-29 required. Call 394-2825. Ask for OR sale Mr. White. 5-1-31 MSU-2 blocks, 2 man, modem, EAST LANSING furnished, immediate occupancy. SENIOR TO grad -,quiet conser¬ rummage. Inimals VW DASHER 1974, automatic, Dishes, antiques, household. Thru Phone 351-7731. 5-2-4 vative girl, home near campus. AM/FM, tape, sunroof, Michelin ATTENTION: EXCELLENT Sunday. 8&6 Audubon, 10 am - 9 Jobile Homes ZX, Marchel Q.I. headlamps, rust- 349-9143 or 332-5497. 5-1-29 opportunity for married couple pm. 5-1-31 ■ost & found NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, sublet proofed, $4,500. Leaving country. interested in mental health field - until June 15. One female for Cedar Tersonal Call 337 0784 after 5 pm. 4 1 31 needed to supervise 6 mildly Village four girl. 337-7618. 3-1-31 3 ROOMS, CLOSE to campus, 20 GALLON Aquarium with cast kitchen, free parking, 332-6497 Jeanuts personal mentally handicapped women. after 9 pm. 5-1-29 iron stand. Fully equipped with Ieal estate vyv 1971 19 Squareback. cdoditii Excellent dition, radials, 35,000 miles. 28 Room, Board and salary included. Extremely rewarding work. TWO OR three men to sublet or msyterious Oscar, 8 gallon tank included. Call 351-5438. 3-1-29 If Iecreation mpg $1150. 353 2841. 3-1 29 interested please contact Irma need roommate 337-7571. 3-1-31 now, $205 OWN BEDROOM. Country Service Zuckerberg or Kim Braman, setting. welcome. House privileges. Pets $70, January free. SONY 1100 Turntable, STR-6056 VW CAMPER 1972 with pop top Programs for the Mentally WANT TO sublease 2 rooms, bath. Receiver, Utah speakers, best Instruction and tent. $3200 or offer. Retarded, 487-6600. 7-2-4 882-4818. 5-1-29 offer, call Jack, 351-4686. 3-1-29 Ideal for couple or single. Quiet, 10 ! Iransportation ig Service 356-9773. 5-1-31 NEW SALES OPPORTUNITY IN Apartments j|^p] minutes from campus. $139/ month. Call 339-3227. 3-1-31 NEEDED NOW. Girl to sublease own room in spacious house. STEREO EQUIPMENT, Kenwood, Nikko, Fisher, Sherwood, KLH, (anted VW 1973 Super Beetle. tires, AM/FM, excellent condition. Radial FINANCIAL SERVICES. Now you WANT A nice on money? place to live? Short Let us help youl TWO OR three persons to sublet apartment, $205. Call 393-0766 or ONE OR two roommates, two Kari,332-5495. 3-1-29 EPI, Miracord, Sony, Panasonic. jar pool can begin a brand new sales Short term leases 337-7438. 4-1 31 Over 1000 LP's, 50d -$1.00. 800 393 9263 5 2 3 with a giant in the financial available. bedroom Campus Hill. Rent $68.75 career Mason Hills Apartments- from MALES, CLOSE to campus, 8-track tapes, $1.00 - $1.50. Head each. 349-1891. 3-1-31 '•RATES** services industry. If you qualify, $145 a month. New one and two OWN kitchen, parking, utilities included. supplies, leather coats, 10-speed BEDROOM, female, modern I 12 word minimum | Motorcycles fo you'll participate in ur exciting new training salary plan, while you bedroom apartments - with all appliances, carpeting, and drapes. duplex off Hagadorn. $75 plus utilities. Call 332-5923. x5-2-3 ABBOT ROAD - for students faculty members. One bedroom or $85 plus deposit. Gary, 351-7588, after 6 pm. 5-2-3 bikes, Raleigh and Schwinn. Back packs, TV's, Jewelry, cameras, learn. Several openings now in musical equipment, Acoustic 360 MOTORCYCLES PARTS Pets allowed. Located at 495 and the Lansing Metropolitan area. luxury apartments. Air accessories cost less at SHEP'S, North Okemos Road in Mason. 10 HORIZON HOUSE. MEN'S PRIVATE, quiet, clean, and Marshall Stack. Come on Call Josephine Starkweather, Large one conditioned, balcony etc. Loca¬ carpeted room for rent. Free down for a good deal at DICKER 2460 North Cedar. Holt. C-5-1-31 minutes from MSU. Furnished bedroom luxury, carport. 694-3935 INVESTORS Not tion and parking facilities. Expen¬ ft DEAL SECONDHAND SOTER, model open Monday through student rental, no pets. 349-2094. parking, all utilities paid, lease, 10 sive. Call 371-4158. 5-1-31 1 3 5 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. 10-2-7 Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. $70/month. Sue, between 5 p.m.-8 1701 South Cedar, 487 3886. [ Mi Safe 5-2-3 .80 .25 4.80 6.00 /.80 9.70 15.60 19.50 / LEGAL SECRETARY. Corporate Call Model at 676-4874. times call manager at 676-4291 or Other TWO GIRLS to share beautiful p.m. only. 351-0473. 5-1-30 Bankcard welcome. C-4-1-31 partner needs competant, MEN. WINTER term, 1 .70 7.20 11.70 23.40 AMERICAN. GERMAN and dedicated individual who EAST LANSING REALTY AND 4-man apartment now through 1 double. single and CURIOUS USED FOREIGN CAR REPAIR and also DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. DUPLEX- COUNTRY 10 minutes Quiet, clean house spring term. Close to campus, BOOKSHOP .00 8.00 13.00 26.00 BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to stu¬ possesses excellent skills. Full 14-2-14 utilities paid, $70.50. 332-0127 from MSU. 2 bedroom,garage, cooking, close. 485-8836 or 10.00 16.75 32.50 dents and time, permanent. Salary to $8600 basement major appliances and 351-8563. 10-2-3 ,75 faculty on all cash 'n' 3-1-30 carry VW Service parts. IMPORT Experience preferred. Call 1 WOMAN for attractive 2 bed¬ carpeted. 349-4626, 485-3553 PAPERBACKS 349-3933. CAREERS UNLIMITED 3-1-29 NEEDED NOW. Girl to sublease COMIC BOOKS AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalama¬ room on Orchard Street. $95. FEMALE NEEDED winter/spring SCIENCE FICTION DIVISION SHERMAN own room in spacious house. Call zoo and Cedar 485-2047, 332-1360. 5-2-3 for 4 person, furnished apartment PIAYBOY MAGAZINES associates. 3-1-29 A SHORT walk to campus! Own 332-5495 3-1-29 485 9229. Mastercharge and Bank BASEBALL CARDS near campus. 337-9498. 5-1-30 FOOTBALL PROGRAMS Americard. C-17-31 WOMAN TO sublease own room - room in 4 bedroom house. Spring HOSTESS WANTED. $15 cash in ROOM IN house, close/campus, ond MUCH MUCH. MORE near bus line and term. $80. 337-9454. 5-1-31 in/corrections campus, EAST, 1 bedroom apartment, M7E Grand RW your pocket for a couple hours 484-2235, after 5 pm. 5-2-3 low rent, winter term only. partially furnished, $140 plus utili¬ Qp—» i I-.3B-4 pm mom | noon one class day pleasant work in your home. Call ties. 339-9522. Evenings, 349-1549. NEEDED MALE to share quiet, 351-0761. 3-1-30 publication 351-3622 between 5-7 pm. 5-1-31 FEMALE TO share new one 5-1-30 dean, furnished, 3 bedroom PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South bedroom sleeping loft, townhouse house. Convenient to MSU and fo ad is ordered it cannot ■ cancelled or |l after first insertion, changed TtifHSSP ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR Progressive area firm is seeking a personnel professional whose $92.50 plus security deposit. Okemos, Pool, clubhouse, etc. ROOMMATE house ^")ED, furnished ne--#ti FEMALE TO share nice semi- %m 1970. Spacious 6 rooms. 2 bedroom 351-4490; Tralfamadore 37 Poet Pound ities. Nancy. 337-9360, after 5:30 r - EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, Asa U r^oHe, be;) n^Wer Peering, Representative you can sell quality pm. M-29 $166 plus deposit. 332 3787. &2-3 furnished 2 bedroom apartment. 332 2517; or Call the Coop Office HV 8 39 Canopy 339-9154 products part time. Call PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large TWO BEDROOM furnished mobile Own room. 489-5805. B -1-1 29 $87 50. After 5, vices 355-8313, 311-B Student Ser¬ Building. 8-2-7 VA H? 40 Kolled tea 41 Sun disk )s 482 6893. 20 2 3 upstairs. Furnished apartment 1 homes. $25- $35/week 10 minutes VA 42. Hop* BUSBOY POSITIONS. Phi Mu Sorority, Call 332 8835 after 6 pm. Immediate openings. 4-1-31 bedroom, carpeting. ities Adults only. No 351 7497. 0-1-31 Share util¬ dogs. $115. to campus. lake. 0-20-1-31 Quiet and peaceful on a 641-6601 or 484 5315. NEAR FRANDOR Furnished 1 bedroom uppet $150, utilities paid. $75 deposit 489 4789 5-24 OWN FURNISHED room in house, 3 blocks from campus, no lease. 351 5170. 5-2-4 19 1 5o k 51 43. Had dinner 45 Peacock butterflies ^ 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 29 _For Sa|e D® L F#r SaleZl@ ilost 1 F#,rt' i Service 3 NEW COMMITTEES "NIKKORMAT EL" Black body PAYING TWO times face value for FIND SOMETHING TYPEWRITERS, AIR cleaned, $250; Women's unit 80-200 Nikkor zoom $450; oiled and adjusted. Portables replaced Stereo Reviews Stereo If you've found a pet or article of 21mm Nikkor $160. All mint condi¬ Directory' $7 50. Manuals $10. Electric and Buying Guide. For years value, we want to help you return tion and have % year factory it. Just come into the State News $12.50. One day service, free pick 1967-1975. Greg, 485-4391. warranty. All prices firm. Call Classified Department and tell us up and delivery. 25 years exper X-1-31 ience. 393-9774.0-20-1-31 351^7879. 7-1 29 you want to place an ad in EAST FREE FREE FREE FREE! Write for LANSING STATE BANK'S Found' Bv SUE McMILLIN requested to begin to establish the advisory con GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of FOR THE BEST Service on stereo The faculty group will be under the all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. our inf.ation fighting photo equip¬ Column. As a public service EAST State News Staff Writer areas. prov ment catalogue. Compare LANSING STATE BANK wid run equipment, see the STEREO MSU officials announced Tuesday that the former Women's student group will be under the vice president BEST year round prices in - our SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. forst /"**•' warehouse prices on cameras, the ad at no cost to you! The nonacademic group will be under the Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN darkroom equipment and supplies. EAST LANSING C-20-1-31 Advisory Council has been replaced with three committees in an effort to form an advisory group that will be more responsive to and the vice president for business and finance executive vie ^ SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. 1327 Archer Street, San Luis STATE BANK 371 2244 0-1-31 the concerns of MSU women. Perrin said each group may differ in Obispo, California. 93401. B-3-1-31 PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, structure from the others since it was the total'memh, k I SEWING MACHINE Clearance FOUND: BLUE aluminum car key finest quality, reasonably priced. Robert Perrin, vice president for University relations, said the three committees would cover faculty and academic concerns, tailored to the particular interests of the intent th 1 4 CAR STEREO 8 track tape player, BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, constituenci Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, by bicycle path behind McDonel $5 per month. Large selection of FM tuner, 2-30/oz. speakers, 45 Hall 355 4946. C-3-1-29 482 5712. C-1-31 student concerns and nonacademic employe concerns. and the University's administrative organization "' tapes. Excellent buy at $150. Hopefully, the groups will be organized by spring term. Perrin said the new structure was created reconditioned used machines. with innut I LOVELY, DECORATED all members of the former council, which has been Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New 351-3581. 3-1-31 FOUND: PATCHWORK leather occasion and novelty cakes, done The former council was one group serving the entire University. council members felt there was a need for smaller ^4^1 Home and "many others." $19.95. STEREO EQUIPMENT 25 major purse with wire framed glasses, irf my home. Phone 676-2252. One of the complaints the members had about that council was ^ Terms. EDWARDS - mirror, lens case. 355-4946. that they felt it was not responsive to the whole University. could relate to special areas. Perrin said. brands - 20-50% discount - fully 12-1-31 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY C-3-1-29 Christine Wilson^ director of women's programs, said she was President Wharton said the original warranted — call Phil, evenings, women's council J North Washington, 489-6448. happy that a new structure had been created. created 22 months ago with the C-3-1-30 weekends. 355-1584. B1-3-1-31 FOUND. 3-4 month old puppy on INCOME TAX: Complete service, "I think it will expand the communication network understanding than J LES PAUL Junior; original Ann Street. Call 351-4490. Eugene Brown, 339-9196.20-1-31 said. more," she experimental and changes they were needed. would be made if experience f Cash for pick-up C-3-1-29 plus humbucking, Grovers, $225. Communication to all parts of the campus and with all interest "Some time ago. the members of the Women's STAMPS I COINS EDITING, PROOOFREADING, AdvisoryC Jerry, 337 2580. 3-1-31 groups was one of the main problems with the old structure, she began to express dissatisfaction with the council Buy Sell Trade FOUND: SPRINGER Spaniel. experienced. Dissertations, said. - - effectiveness under its originally defined structure," he said * full line of supplies TEAC 4010-S, automatic reverse Male. January 24.1 '4 year old. Call theses, book and article manu 355-8620. C-3-1-31 scripts. Anne Cauley. 337-1591 Faculty, staff and student organizations which are part of the large extent, this dissatisfaction appeared to stem from a #. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN tape deck, push button controls. $250. Phone 351-2161. 3-1-31 3-1-30 University governance process will be asked to appoint members frustration by the members in attempting to earn ' to their respective committees on the new council. function in relation to the entire LOST: MALE black/white dog. University." Resembles English Setter, wearing PHOTOGRAPHY: CREATIVE Perrin said the University officers involved have been 1958 LES Paul, 3 pick up, best Animals V black collar, rabies tag. 332-5650. color or black/white. Insight pho¬ offer. Also 51 Telecaster. Cheap 3-1-31 tography. 351 -5977 afternoons and Trick, Brewery, 9-1:30 this week. Will Trade. 3-1-31 FREE KITTENS! trained, 349-2723, 9 weens, box after 5pm. evenings. B-1-1-29 Thief grabs super 3-1-31 Personal / Instruction LARGE DESK, formica top, six drawers, best offer. Call between (continued from page I) GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups. AKC FREE. A lesson in complexion YOGA; EGYPTIAN folk and belly alerted Monday morning . . 5-6:30. 332-0997 3-1-31 was registered. Wormed and had shots. care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan dance. Taught by native Egyptian Phone 393-6028. 5-2-4 by Library officials when the Jannette Fiore, STEREO EQUIPMENT. Garrard or485 7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Body conditioning. 351-4291 thefts wire discovered, worked curat*] NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. A free lecture, "The Charm of special collections at | turntable, BSR speakers. Heathkit FOR SALE - English hunt seat C-3-1-30 30-29_ Announcements for It's What's Winter Gardening," will be taught with the campus police to single Library, said the 1 tuner and amplifier, $60. 351-5977. saddle. Good condition with blan¬ Happening must be received in the GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo, and Drum out the suspect. created 3-1-31 ket. $70 355-9948 3-1-31 State News office, 343 Student at 7:30 tonight in 206 Horticulture a confusing si lessons. Private instruction avail¬ One of the comics traded to for the STUDENT LOANS Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least Bldg. This week's topic: "Gar¬ people able. MARSHALL MUSIC. the Curious Book Store was the SKIIS, OLIN Mark I, 200cm, Look FREE MALE black and white cat. 35J 7830. C-1-1-29 two class days before publication. dening Under Lights." Saturday. Nevada bindings, Cubco skidders, No will be first of the Spiderman series, "He professed to be Landlord says must go ! Call Und«rgroduot« itud«nft may obtain announcements igu valued at $75 on the open of comics," Fiore said. She K-2 poles, $100; Cross Country 351-7474. 3-1-31 accepted by phone. News Capsule Four, the top J Bonna, 210cm, bindings, size 10 Typing Service ^fe four stories of the week, will be market when in excellent the student kept the wJ boots. Scott poles, and waxing kit, ALASKAN MALAMUTE puppies, Mayo Hall presents.. . "How to condition. highlighted at 8 tonight on the busy getting various bowl $50; Alpine designs pack and AKC-excellent bloodlines, good for Take an Exam" by Dr. Arno Juola, "I sold one of the comics (the comics and frame, $20. 393-5131 after 5pm. sled director of Evaluation Services, at Michigan State Network. MSN. disorganized f or companion dog 6823 Bay 640 AM. first Spiderman comic) for $30," collection. 1 5-2-4 Road, Saginaw, 792-0612. 5-2-4 BOARD EXAM TUTORING 7:30 tonight in East Mayo Hall Walsh said. "It was in fair "He said he was STANLEY H.KAPLAN lounge. The MSU Horticulture Club condition." an ATL paper," Fiore working! HEAD XR1 Comp skis. Marker IRISH SETTERS AKC registered, said J TUTORING COURSES brings Dr. Charles Laughlin to The comic was returned by bindings. $95. Ask for Greg, Come to the free ground school The comics that we good blood line, $75. 7 weeks old. Now being formed for the up- r 4 p.m. AM day weekends. speak on ''People Helping People 351-3259. 1-1-29 351-3581. 3-1-31 „ offered by the MSU Soaring Club the customer. were numbers 1,11, l; coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, " — at 7:30 tonight in 203 Men's to help Themselves." Lecture "The comics were marked in 21.25.27 and 28 of the Am ATGSB, GRE board exams. For tonight in 204 Horticulture Bldg. 215-X FISHER turntable. 4 months TO GOOD home: Lab/Huskie shape form information call 1 313-354 0085 Intramural Bldg. no way. or as Spiderman series; numbenB old, used only 1 month. $35 firm. trained, spayed, female, beautiful IRENE ORR-Theses, Term papers, 89, 93. 107, 112 and 11)1 0-1-1-29 Gay Liberation provides a nice belonging to the Library," 332 2034. 3-1-31 disposition. Call 351-1736. 3-1-31 general typing. Formerly with Ann Find out how to improve your alternative to a lonely life at 8 Walsh said. Journey Into Mystery; Brown. Call 482 7487. C-1-31 working conditions. There will be THE ALOHA Walsh said that the suspect SEASONED BIRCH or oak, 4'x8'x FREE GERMAN shepherd puppy, ameeting of the Student Workers tonight in 33 Union. came in with the four comics, 34, of The Avengers; 20.21.J of the Fantastic Four s«i| 18", $35. Delivered and stacked, $30 at yard. 882-8102. 5-2-4 8 weeks old, wormed, 349-2331 after 2 pm. 3-1-30 ^j^VALENTINE SPECIALS EXPERIENCED, TYPING term papers, theses etc. Rapid, accurate Organizing Committee at 6 p.m. this and every Sunday in 328 Do not miss this opportunity to get involved with co - op housing. took the $25 trade-in value he and 100, 110 and 122 oil 20% ott service. 394-2512. C-20-1-31 Student Services Bldg. Please use Stop in the Co - op Office, B311 was offered and added $14 of Captain America series. Siq west entrance. his own to make another pur¬ the Captain America « HORSE BOARDING. Indoor Jewelry Perfumes Student Services Bldg., to sign up 7 PURPLE VICKI-Fast accurate, BOOK v arena. trails. Near MSU. Vanatta Road. Box stalls, 349-2094. 255 Ann 351 1911 inexpensive typing. Very campus. 337-7260. C-1-31 near Rodeo Club will hold a girls' to live in a co - op this term or chase. "He bought the first issue of numbering started with 1|| the stolen comics included d 5-2-3 practice at 7 p.m. tonight and The Avengers for $20 and a few first and early issues of tif SALE FEMALE ALASKAN Husky to MAIL YOUR Valentines early. See our selection of American Greeting Tucccc dcchucc . RESUMES, typing and tomorrow night in the Judging Pavilion. Tonight the TV cameras RHA will meet at 6:30 Snyder/Phillips Hall. tonight in AH are other comic books," Walsh said. Walsh said he thinks the series. Walsh put a value 'of 'I Cards and Fanny Farmer candvl nnntmg Reasonabte prices. mate with an excellently marked ^vitl be there at 7:30 for filming, so welcome. suspect was an MSU student entire set as "fairly ckxeJ 1000's male husky. Call 349-3636 after 10 GULLIVER STATE DRUfi 1HW COMMERCIAL PRINTING. "have your horse there by 7. 361-4116. C-20-T31 who is either in his first or $100, depending on conditio pm. 3-1-30 Shalom Center, a comfortable paper and Alison Chamers, treasurer of the second term. The suspect came Koch said this incident is 'J| hardbacks PROFESSIONAL TYPER will type place to talk, study or drink coffee, in about once a week to the first time anything has be Madison (Wisconsin) Community T»xt and R«f*r«nc« Aviation * PuMtsPersaul ffi resumes, thesis, manuscripts, Co - op, will lead a community is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. shop to trade and buy comics. stolen from the special «f term papers and others. Call Monday through Thursday, above We buy books forum at 7 p.m. Thursday at Henry Koch, associate direc tions section of the Library.H GET A Jump on 6, after 5 p.m. 10-1-30 Campus Bookstore. Spring. Parachut¬ DEAR 569121, It has been two Elsworth Co - operative House, tor at the Library, said the Koch also said that earlkrfl anytima ing lessons for spring jumping now months now. 51 weeks to go? 711 W. Grand River Ave. Israeli Dancing at 7:30 to 9 p.m. comic books were taken either January, the locks were ripn at winter rates. Pay now, take 1-1 29 ANN BROWN typing and multilith every Wednesday in 218 Women's Friday or Saturday when a off the doors of the spitT training and jump when its warm. Gibsons 351-0799 or 543-6731 3-1-31 BARB: IT was nice seeing you offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, manu Tourism Club will meeting at 7:30 tonight, second have a Intramural Bldg. welcome. Need ID Newcomers to enter student came in and "used collection section, but thealai again. Somehow when you smile I scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 floor conference room, Eppley diversionary tactics" to get the was not tripped and notn 128 W. Grand Rlvar building. books. was taken. 1 bl.W. of Union Mobile Homes can brave bad weather. Grea. years experience. 349-0850. Center. Guest speaker and coffee "He 1-1-29 C-20-1-31 afterwards. was very obnoxious and "We have employes « Lansing Area Lesbians are 1970 BROADMORE, 12x60, two kept the women running back collect comic books and soofl going tobogganing. Call the \M thru Fri. ■ 9:00 • 5:30 fy bedroom, furnished. Occupancy April 1. Washer/dryer, awning, Recreation tfa EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ sertations (pica-elite), FAYANN, The MSU Symphony needs three qualified string bassflayers. former Women's Center number between 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday our issues are worth $1 each." Koch said. cc. _ __ __ shed. Call anytime. 484-1977. 5-2-4 489-0358. C-20-1-31 You need not furnish own instru¬ for information. Koch said the Library'scd FENDER TELECASTER and super- For information contact ment. book collection includes doj Union ripoff _ reverb amp. $450 (both) excellent SKIERS, UTAH and Colorado TRAVELO 12x60 with expando, TYPING TERM Papers and theses. Mrs. Virginia Bodman or Marc spring packages from $289. UFARI (United Front Against tions from various f»cJ condition, negotiable. 349-2161, partially furnished. Call 351-3466 or Experienced fast service IBM Satterwhite. Racism and Imperialism) will have Kevin. 10-2-11 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. - members who are interested® 351-1194 5-2-4 electric. Call 349-1904 9-1-31 a literature table from 10 a.m. to 2 351 8800. C-1-128 Interested in language? Come p.m. Thursday in the International pop culture. The Library iT continued from page 1) purchased blocks of 1 TANDBERG 3600XD, six months share your ideas and maybe get cloqc COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Center. old. Excellent condition, Best offer machine anri resume service. Printing, IBM some new ones in Free U's in surprise that "the bowl sure books seven years ago 4 it 351 4463. takes it. 4463 3-1-31 3 1 31 machine and dryer $1500 or best PAN AM offer Cal| 439.^ gft g typing, binding. Printing from cognitive linguistics class, at 8 The Table Tennis Cub will be looks bigger" when he learned occasionally makes small n CHARTER FLIGHT " your plain paper originals. Corner tonight in C306 Wells Hall. meeting from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday the chili he had eaten from a chases. L MOVING SALE. Furniture. An¬ tiques. Clothing. Sports equip- TO LONDON M.A.C. and Grand River. Below Senior Class Council Presents in the Men's Intramural Building bowl would have fit into a cup Capt. Ferman Badgley«i ment. Fabrics and craft items. 90 °. . . Open to all MSU students, Jones Monday Stationery Friday. Shop. 9-5 "Career Nights" at 7 tonight in the Turf Arena. Dan Dudley or For information, cad Craig Burton. just as easily. campus police says he belij Everything must go by February 3. r00fr,S' 12x60. Furnished. Newly - Call COPY Union parlor. If you are interested "I'll get a cup next time," enough evidence has a! faculty, staff and their GRAPH SERVICES, 337 1606. Gelana promised. been accumulated for a wi 349-3714. 3-1-31 carpeted. Washer and dryer. c-5-1-31 in your future, talk to employment 1 Many extras. Very reasonable families. Radio and television majors: and that what he has will representatives there. Come to the MSU Broadcasters Apparently Ince agreed. Re¬ SWEATERS 69 £ and up Winter 484 5140■ 5-1-29 Departing July 4 TYPING. Block campus. Theses, meeting at 8:30 tonight in 35 turning to his table, he smiled as forwarded to the Ingjj^ coats $1 and up. Slack $1.39 and he displayed a cup of chili and JT-.TV1U ~ Detroit to London term papers, resumes. Accurate. The government cannot even Union. County prosecutors up. Hours 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m. CURTIS 8x36^ 9°°^ f°r 2 people, Returning August 22 Experienced. Reasonable Elec¬ manage the Post Office. Do you said: "I wised up." today. Goodwill Retail Store, 11*0 Center 9r®aJ^or 1 Call 351 -4760. London to Detroit tric. 332-8498. 5-2-3 want it running your life? Come Anyone interested in a summer Lansing. 3-1-31 meet with the MSU Libertarian humanities London program, Onl Lost & Found $348.00 Round Trip Alternative, at 8:30 tonight in C112 there will be a meeting at 7 tonight \ ]g Fertilizer costs Wells Hall. for more Information contact Wailed in 111 Bessey Hall. Faculty and students will be present to answer LOST: CORAL necklace between the Office of Overseas Study The Socialist Labor PAYING TWO times face value for party is questions. HEWLETT-PACKARD 45 calcula- M.A.C. and Landon. Reward, having a literature table from 10 tor includes program manuel and Urgent. 355-7371 (Elise.) 3-1-30 353-892! Stereo Review's Stereo Directory a.m. to 2 p.m. today in the ASMSU petitions for election of soal hard case for field. $275. 694-8321 and Buying Guide, for after 6 p.m. 3-1-31 HEAD 660's Fiberglass skiis. Look FOUND: MALE Samoya 355-7134. C-3-1-30 Call GET A jump on spring. Parachut¬ ing lessons for spring jumping now 1967-1972. C-1-31 Greg, years < 485 4391. International Center. Bring your questions about socialism, munism and capitalism. com¬ representatives and president may be picked up in 334 Student Services Bldg. continue to at winter rates. Pay now, take Navada bindings. 6'for $75. Zenith Allegro sound system, turntable, FOUND: near Grove. CAR keys on Linden Call 332-5765 training and jump when it's warm. 351 0799 543-6731 3-1-31 WANTED: USED draftsman table CAR's committee to fight racist and sexist cutbacks will meet at Applications are still being and LANSING (UPI)- Fertilizer with the result that ti«J AM/FM radio, 8 track, $225. C-3-1-30 or stool, light and T-square. After 5 8:30 tonight in 39 Union. All those accepted for spring humanities, pesticides — the life lines of plants exceeded 487-8752. 3-1-31 pm daily, 489-0007 10-2-3 social science and political pro¬ Michigan farmers — will con¬ demand." he added. interested in opposing the firings grams in London. Deadline for tinue to be LOST: 1 male Afghan, gray, EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to of several MSU women faculty both programs is Friday. scarce and high Low prices forced manyJ DUAL 1209 Stereo turntable. Ex- London, Amsterdam, from $259. WANTED TO rent, East For priced in 1975 due to increased tilizer companies out 0 HJ answers to "Shaz." Lost in vicinty Lansing- s are welcome to attend. further information, please con¬ cedent condition. Best offer. 0f Dell Road. 694-1304 $75 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Okemos area, three bedroom, un¬ tact Office of Overseas Study, 108 foreign demand. ness. Diesing said, J 337-2765. 3-1-31 furnished house with two car Those reward 351-8800 C-1-1-29 International Center. predictions, which country was caught witn 1 by graduate student fam¬ garage, ily, excellent references, will con¬ Brown Bag Lunch especially for spell more hard times for farm¬ production capacity 1 sider lease-option to buy Phone women returning to school or Surprise your friends by learn¬ ers. were revealed Tuesday at population and famine pnl the tions began to come true ii« How to form career after a number of home- ing to galliard. Come to the eighth annual Great Lakes your own car pool ' 355-1263. 3-1-31 making years. Guest speaker will be Gail Braverman speaking on Renaissance dance class 8:30 to Vegetable Convention here. late 1960s. 11 p.m. Thursday in 106 Holden Glen Diesing, president of the r As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide advertisement for those iWple who would like to set up or join a free classified Share Driving)!** "Today's Job Market" at noon today in 6 Student Services Bldg. Hall. Sponsored by the Society for Creative Anachronism. Michigan Plant Food Council, and Gail Van Drasek, "Food demand soared, a car pool. past were blights and a f'J FROM FLINT to MSU. president of the Michigan Pest¬ increase in world p«Fl Leaving 7 Camp directors will be at 35 icide Assn., urged farmers to or Riding? Zoology Club will host Dr. am, 1 returning 4:30 313 732 6493. after6pm. 3 129 5 pm Patricia Werner from MSU's W.K. Union on Sunday to interview anyone interested in a summer order their supplies early and along with the devaj J the dollar that enabled m Kellogg Biological Station. She use them judiciously. will present information about the job. ers to buy more ferll'llJ« "There may be some added Car Pool ](^#j sal(1' .1 L Returning : summer session at the station. their money," he _ South Collegiate Fellowship will fertilizer production in 1975 but Meet at 7:30 tonight in 404 Natural hold its Bible Study at 9 the conditions that affected 1974 the price freeze went o«| FROM FLINT to Lansing. 7 am, returning 5 pm. 373-1412 Leaving 34 Union. All are invited to tonight in join us are still with us — pressure for prices went up beca I The State News will not accept responsibility for Science Bldg. as we continue our creased demand. arrangements or conduct of "days, or 313-732-7819, evenings. Plans for spring study of the higher food production in participant! . break trip to Florida will also be Sermon on the Mount. 3-1-30 creased world demand and The need for factory The information requested below discussed. must be supplied in order for ad to appear. Spring term in Japan - 15 energy shortages" said Diesing, sion along with t * 1 credits for an intensive, a Riga farmer. prod"* Full Name ! Driving ][£* We need people of diverse cultures to participate in an inter learning experience. Open meet exciting Diesing said the fertilizer inability to nitrogen phosphorous Address ings at 7 p.m. Wednesday east business has turned from a potassium is continuing _ FROM 3910 Aurelius to MSU Y cultural dance. Nonprofessional, lower lounge of Shaw Hall; 9 lot. Leaving 8:20 am returning 5 fun - gathering. For more informa¬ Brody auditorium. p.m. buyer's market to a seller's prices higher, he said. City nm. 393-7261. 3-1-29 tion call Lester Voutsos. market in 10 years. The MSU Fisheries and Wildlife A slide show on Stockholm, "In the 50's and early 60'a the In addition, enough, *4 •Thti coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Services Building. No phone calls accepted. Classifieds. 347 Student Mill fe| Club will meet at 7 tonight in 18? Natural Resources Bldg. Guest Sweden and discussion of this summer s program in social fertilizer business was fairly profitable due to the food gas to heat a home year is needed to f^ "l pr^jJ FROM Maryland Street to MSU. Speaker will be Girry Marte from science and sociology, graduate and undergraduate, will take shortage scares and predictions of ammonia. I,re,l(l , T Leaving 7 am, returning 4-5 (An. the Rose Lake Research Station 7 p.m. on place of a population boom," he said. proposed petroleum ' 1 485 5034 3-1-29 Topic: waterfowl management. at Thursday in 110 "Large plants were built and a lot of cause fertilizer |>r»l "Vjj capital was put into them to soar higher, he P I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, January 29,1975 ] 3 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Bricknai PROGRAMS Sponsored by: iy — Alt Right! Rnerved — Dickinson Nmpoper Service* I'M A ffiWLE--A&e, MlPPLE-CLASS SSKiSL™ 23 WKAR fv Eo.t NOM-UMIOM TAXPAffefZ- I FE&L laming 1 fW . Lite A MB I 1 U Of 5:45 AM M. Presents (2) Love Of Life 1:00 WEDNESDAY'S 6:00 (3) Accent AN Of I Operation I cirto°n$ Second Chares 6 i0 4) What's My Line (5) Jackpot (6) Marthe Dixon HIGHLIGHTS &fJPAl46&f2eP Spfcl&S- I Action (7-12-13-41) All My Children V^edy^_i^Jjnu»^29,jJ2^_ (NBC) Lucas Tenner N«Jrt g (9-50) Movies Starring Devid Hertman. 1 —• IMessafle For Todiy (10) Somerset offers to help a block youth VfZicKMArrJ 1 Firm & Home Show 1:25 (CBS) Tony Orlando and Dawn whose desire to attend Truman I 6:20 (2) News Guest stan: Kate Smith & Ted I Town & Country Almanac 1:30 Knight. [ 6:30 (2 3-625) As The World Turns jk.25) Sunrise Semester (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (NBC) Little House on The 10:00 ■ Not For Women Only (CBS) The Menhunter Sponsored by: I Classroom (712-13-41) Lefs Make A Deel "Plague" After "The Seventh Men" starring CAMPUS I TV College 2:00 loed up on cut rete corn meel Ken Howard. A ghost ship with IU Of M. Presents (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light that none knows is rat infested, e crew of murdered man by Larry Lewis 1 Undt Bobby Show (4 5-8-10) Oeys Of Our LiU» * typhus epidemic present! Dove Barrett with a sweeps I News & Ferm Report (71213-41) The $10,000 Welnut Grove. bizarre mystery. 1" Firm Show Pyramid 6:45 2:30 (ABC) Thet's My Meme (NBC) Petrocelli m Edition (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night "Eerl's Girt" guest star Chelsee Starring Barry Newman. John 6:55 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors Brown. Eerl believes thet he hes Dehner guest-stars as a doctor n Kerr Show (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown found the girl of his dreems but to becomes the prime suspect in 7:00 3:00 she turns out to heve • sleying when he is found eyes for 1-6-25) News (2) Young & Restless Clifton. Holding a scelpel over the >1-10) Todey Show (3 6-25) The New Price Is Right victim's body. Kl) AM America (4-5-8-10) Another World 8:30 | Bozo's Big Top (7-12-13-41) Generel Hospitel (ABC) The First (ABC) Get Christie Love! Annuel "Out 1) Spied Recer 3:30 Comedy Awerd Awerds Ledy in London". * [) Cartoon Copers (2-3-6-25) Match Geme Alen King hosts this perplexed Christie follows her boss on en international 7:30 (7 12-13-41) One Life To Live awards-presentation flight, recognizing uneble to speak to him beet |) Cartoon Carnivil (9) Gomer Pyle the funniest performers in ell (50) Banana Splits of the mysterious rI) Bozo's Big Top the various fields of comedy. stranger v 8:00 4:00 fc-25) Captain Kangaroo (2-3) Tattletales 8:57 ig Accent (4) Somerset (CBS) Bicentenniel Minutes 11:30 SHORT RIBS I Ontario Schools (5) Studio 5 Narrator: Robert Culp (CBS) The Lete Movie |) Sesame Street (6) The Attic "Gunn" starring Craig ky Frank Hill i) AM America (7) The Money Mue 9:00 Stevens, 8:25 (8) GHIigen's Island Leura Devon. While (CBS) Cennon *1" 4 ' ettending I Weather Report (9) Petticoat Junction "Killer on the Hiil" starring of e geng czar, e 8:30 IF VOU PONT UKE /VlY (10) New Zoo Revue William Conrad. An attempt is il 3 Clubhouse (12) Merv Griffin made on the life of a state act.gobln mood just 8:45 (13) Bonanzi assemblymen brings Cannon into (1967) imi (23) Sesame Street the picture. 9:00 (25) Yogi & Friends (ABC) Wide World: Spociol I Price Is Right (41) Oektari ■ Captain Kangeroo (50) Three Stoi (7-12-1341) First Annual I Concentration I Gilligan's Island S".U Comedy Awerds (50) Merv Griffin Show (2) Mike Oouglas Show ■ Young & Restless (3) Merv Griffin Show 9:00 ■3) Movies (4) George Pierrot Presents (2-3-6-25) Cennon 1 Buck Mathews Show (2) News (6) Thet Girl (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner I Friindly Giant 3:05 (7) 4:30 Movie (23) Theatre In America (2) Message For Todey il2) Mike Douglas (8) Pertridge Family 10:00 fit Mister Rogers' (9) Andy Griffith (10) Gilligan's Island (2-3-6-25) The Menhunter (4-5-8-10) Petrocelli DOONESBURY (25) Munsters & Friends (7-12-1341) Get Christie Love! ky Gary Indian 19 Playback (50) Little Rascals (50) Dinah ■Ontario Schools 9:15 (9) Ceilidh 10:30 WEDNESDAY BAR BQ SPECIAL 9:27 iVEHING 11:00 tus Message (2-34-5-6-7-8-9- Vi CHICKEN 9:30 5:00 PM $2.35 spell rrour r&l, mr president, 10-12-13-23-25) News for me, senawr- I DIDN'T YES, SIR I Now You See It (8-8) Ironside RIBS ft means that con¬ (41) The Protectors $2.75 matpoes this KNOW W NOUJ UJHERE ■ Blank Check (9) Mickey Mouse Club gress has voted id-- 6UYS COULD tmvmUKE 11:30 CHICKEN & RIBS$3.35 bill mean?! 1 The Courtship Of Eddie's (10) Truth Or Consequences ...uh.. let you 60. (2-3-6-25) The Lete Movie DO THAT WRSEVERANCE (13) That Girl (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show INCLUDES: / CHECKSENT? (Tittle tiles (23) Mister Rogers' (7-12-1341) Wide World Of FRENCH FRIES Neighborhood SALAD BAR n Door To Michigan (25) I Love Lucy (50) ft I Thi Valley Today (41) Men From U.N.C.L.E. 12:00 MIDNIGHT PITCHER NITE 1 Jack LiLanne (50) The Flintstones (9) Film Festival reduced pitcher prices 9:55 5:30 1:00 AM in bar and restaurant. Hen's Carol Ouvall (4) Bowling For Dollar* (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 10:00 (7) Hot Dog (7 12-13) News M-25) Joker's Wild (9) Pertridge FemHy (41) Afterhours Theatre M lO) Celebrity Sweepstakes | Sesame Stmt ir Room (10) Beverly Hillbillies (12-13) News (23) Villa Alegre (50) Religious Messege 1:30 Lizard's . (2) Late Movie I Detroit Todey (25) Hogan's Heroes 1 10:30 (50) Gilligan's Island THE DROPOUTS Jt-25) Gambit BI-10) Wheel Of Fortune (2-3-4-5-8-7-8- 6:00 A NOSTALGIA TRIP by Post | Oetroit With Dennis Wholey 10-12-13-2541) News ■Mr ■ L»cy Oresstip (9) Bewitched (23) The Romentic Rebellion SPICED WITH HILARITY /i'p've 60TU£UJym. only reason 1 Tin Money Mue (50) Ster Trek mana6ement, i keep him on is / ff New Zoo Revue 6:30 The classic comedy routines, a staple of the golden age of vaudeville long ago.. x 106 share the / I Nat For Women Only ■ (34-5-8-7-10-2541) News and burlesque, will be evoked in fond memory on "The First Annual \ same beuer. / 11:00 (1) I Oreem Of Jeennie Comedy Awards," presented by the American Acedemy of Humor. ^^ (12) 6:30 Movie The program, hosted by Alan King, and paying tribute to the nation's ,Mi-..,onui Show Now You See It (13) Beverly Hillbillies leading humorists in multiple categories, airs on the ABC Television Ml) High Rollers (23) Zoom Network, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 (8:30-10:00 p.m., EST). Take 30 One of the funniest of the sketches, "The Music Lesson," will be 7:00 . 'I Thi Money Maze (2-4-7-8) News performed by Phil Silvers and Milton Berle, with the bespectacled toword All Stars (3) Whet't My Line? comedian instructing Milton on the proper breathing techniques for Uilm, Yogi & You (5) I Dreem Of Jeannie singing. It is a riot. It always has been. Another classic featured on the I New Zoo Revue program will be "Comedy Olympics" with Charlie Callas, Bill Dana and (6) "switched 11:30 (9) Beverly Hillbillies Harry Ritz. ., L°»a Of Life (10) Mod Squad During rehearsals, Silvers and King reminisced a' rnjt other great vaudeville turns, such as "Slowly I Turned," a study in inebriate (13) Truth Or Consequences WThe Brady Bunch (23) Perspective In Block aggression, and "Roogle Street," an involved conversation piece with «i«V Court more twists than a corkscrew. y«la Alegr. (25) The F.B.I. Vaudeville also offered numerous variations on such bits as "The PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (41) Other People, Other Places H Bunny School Act," "The Stump Speech," "The Ventriloquist," "Double (50) Mission:lmpossiblo Blackface Art," "The Man and Woman Act," "The Double Dutch by Bill Yates 7:30 (2) Truth Or Consequences Act," "The Afterpiece," "The Parody Songs" and "Odds and Ends." The latter might include a dog act (a real howl), a female impersona¬ (3) Wild World Of Animels l¥KL~ J««ng & Restless (4) Medicine Today: Nursing (5) Dragnet tion bit, at the finish of which the man wrviW remove his wig (surprise): a juggler who kept dropping thin9s ("This is the only act in the world (T Y^AH1. that gets paid for practicing"); a magician, or a wire act ("somebody (6-8) Let's Make A Deel eo asked me how my business was and I said, slack"). »(7) Name Thet Tune Bob Hope will receive the Will Rogers Humanitarian Award for his 0P GWAT (9) News Nine (13) To Tell The Truth "outstanding contribution to humanitarian causes." Will Rogers, Jr., fOOT TO 6AfJT will present the award, a silver plaque on which is etched the caricature (23) Book Beet of Will Rogers as drawn by famed artist Al Hirschfeld. (M (41) Buck Owen's Rench Show ... 12:30 8:00 Then there was the cartoonist ("I once drew a chicken so well that t7Erpr; ffioo&HTo when I threw it in the waste basket, it laid there"), the composer at the n«ik fo' Tomorrow (2-3-8-25) Tony Orlando And piano ("I will now play a medley of my compiaitions," adding between ooouj^Y OET OUT fA* ChKk (4-5 8-10) Little House On The each one "and then I wrote".. .). the hypnotist who called up male volunteers from the audience ("now, gentlemen, will you please tell IT? of peer Prairie the ladies and gentlemen in the audience that you have never seen me (7-12-13-41) Thit'i My Mema before"), and myriad other routines that regaled our parents and (9) Feature grandparents. |Th,^cy12:55 Show (23) Feeling Good "The First Annual perspective and pay Comedy Awards" show will put comedy in tribute to the men and women who made it a laughing matter. FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Tkaves 1ANUTS I toll! 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday.January. Vet forms available By JIM KEEGSTRA applications will be stored and have them offered by colleges Thursday trying to get the applications Completed applications must State News Staff Writer processed in the order they are and universities. out to veterans." be notarized and accompanied Distribution points for Mich received. Capt. Michael Rice, director Svoren said since he is not by a copy of DD form 214. To be igan's Vietnam era veterans' None of the applications will of the state bonus section, getting the applications, his eligible, a veteran must have bonus applications will be be provided to educational in¬ explained that a generous office is not planning any special been a Michigan resident for six i announced today, but MSU will stitutions for distribution to quantity of forms have been assistance for veterans using months before entering active not be among veterans. printed, but they are being the form. service and on active duty 190 them. The applications will be avail¬ Don Svoren, MSU's veterans limited to certain distribution "The application is pretty days from Jan. 1, 1961. to Sept. able Thursday at some 240 to coordinator for the dean of locations already planned with straightforward," he said. 1. 1973. 250 locations across the state. students, said he was told great thought. "Most of the information can Combat veterans are entitled Once mailed to the Dept. of Monday there were not enough "I'm not trying to alienate come from separation papers, to$600 cash. Others may draw a application forms available to students," Rice said. "I'm just the DD form 214." bonus of $15 for each month of Military Affairs bonus section, service up to $450 maximum. Beneficiaries of veterans who died of service related causes Decision on Nixon's are also eligible but their applications will not be available until spring. Though Rice has estimated that the first bonus checks will promised to lawyer be sent out Senate by mid-March, resolution introduced Monday could speed this up. a Sen. Kerry Kammer, WASHINGTON (AP) - The 250 to 300 boxes contain office said it was satisfied from tunity to examine inventories, D Pontiac, offered a concurrent Richard M. Nixon's hundreds of no White House tapes of Water inventories of the material that the right to consult with his resolution urging the Michigan elephants, his collection of gate memoranda — not even the it could be sent. But attorneys client and some procedure for adjutant general to devise a gavels and political cartoons are eyeglasses Nixon got while in for others who have asked impartial arbitration if there method for immediate payment in boxes, ready to be shipped to office, or pictures of daughter access to Nixon presidential was a dispute over a specific to veterans who are clearly San Clemente, Calif., if a federal Tricia's White House wedding documents objected. item. eligible, without waiting for judge gives his OK. or a globe of the moon. In a report to the judge, the Richey ordered inventories of Nixon's lawyers went into writing and approval of rules Court-ordered ban White House said archivists the boxes' contents delivered to federal court Tuesday to get regulating proper claims. Congress recently passed a examined all of the Nixon all parties in the suit over Nixon Kammer. chairman of the that permission and were pro¬ law prohibiting the transfer of papers in his old office and papers by Wednesday evening Veteran Affairs committee, said mised a ruling by the end of the any materials relating to "determined whether they pre and ordered lawyers to refrain the quick handling of claims is " week. Nixon's term as president, and a date or postdate Mr. Nixon's from telling even their clients / critical in view of mounting Hosier's WILL BE | court order has put a ban on ter'm as President." what the boxes contain. unemployment. shipping anything. The report said whenever Jobless get But Nixon's lawyers say the there was a question of when an T \ ™GH1 elephants, gavel collections and State to auction items insurance some other items were brought into the White House by Nixon when he took office in 1969 and item came into Nixon's posses¬ sion, the archivists relied Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's long¬ on CLOSED ALL DAY to public Saturday ^510 9 n- time personal secretary and on TODAY UNTIL therefore aren't affected. They administrative assistant. also are things that accumulated rate break after the president resigned Columnist objects William Dobrovir, represent¬ Leaded glass windows, office equipment, cameras and other Aug. 9. state-owned surplus items will be auctioned to the public Saturday LANSING (UPI) Michigan motorists - Jobless may be able R. Stan Mortenson, repre¬ senting the former president at Tuesday's hearing, said scrupu¬ ing columnist Jack Anderson in a suit for access to Nixon materials, objected that "docu¬ in Lansing. The material for sale may be inspected from 8 a.m. to 3 Friday and from 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Bidding will begin at 10 a.m. p.m. 5:00 P.M. to save as much as 35 per cent of lous efforts were made to avoid ments were selected by archi¬ Saturday and continue until about 5 p.m. Today we'll be closed 'til 5 p.m. for inventory .. . then we'll be reody to put on ot their auto insurance premiums packing items acquired during vists who work for the defen¬ The auction will be conducted by the sensational 4 hour AFTER INVENTORY SALE I We'll be while unemployed, according to Nixon's presidential years — dants, the White House, and Michigan Dept. of Management and Budget in the fieldhouse at the old Boys' sorting . . . regrouping . . . busy all day counting repricing hundreds of your favorite fashions. Not only I ... ] state insurance Commissioner such as the eyeglasses, pictures when there was a question they Training School. 400 N. Pennsylvania Ave. at Shiawassee Street, a final clearance of winter clothes, of Tricia's wedding and the you'll find many NEW SUMMER ITEMS art ! Daniel J. Demlow. consulted with Rose Mary Lansing. reduced for 4 hours only. Many sensational items won't be found 'til we Demlow said state law re¬ moon globe. Woods who works for Nixon." Successful bidders will have three business days to remove inventory i . . . too late to be listed below. So search Hosier's TONIGHT for the greattil quires all auto insurers to "Nothing relating to the for¬ He said he wanted an oppor¬ purchases. provide a premium break for mer president's time in office after-inventory values ever I ALL SALES FINAL. NO RETURNS or EXCHANGES. persons with little or no income. will be shipped to California," "Insurers don't all charge the Mortenson told U.S. District same rates, so it would be wise for the unemployed person to Judge Charles R. Richey. Shipping dates suggested The Marines have landed! TOPS-SHIRTS JEANS check with his or her own The Justice Dept., repre¬ insurance agent or company," INCLUDES SHORT LONG SLEEVE STYLES Denims, cordouroys, rdouroys, plaids pi a Assort. I senting the Ford White House, 5 to sizes 5 he said. concurred and told the judge Prints solids • some halters too I styles t colors ars - sizes - tc 13 Demlow said one of the state's authority to ship the material largest insurers cuts the annual premium of a family head in the Detroit area by $23 per year expires Feb. 9 six month transition — the end of the period. A. Justice Dept. lawyer suggested $3. up $3. up when income falls from $12,000 Feb. 3 as the shipping date. to below $10,000. The special prosecutor's DRESSES For all seasons I Many reduced 75% Famous labels - size 5/6-15/16 street lengths FROM $1Q. UP Block ONE M.A.C. DNESDAY SPECIAL January 29 & 30 SKIRTS 'The Beer Lover Special" Mug of Beer Placement Bureau Our complete winter selection I Roma Bread Undergraduates can obtain a commission Sizes 5/o-15/16 - No exceptions! Your Choice of Cheese during 99c summer training 1/2 off "BeforeOutward I uodidn't realty B JACKETS Split cowhides, suedes, Aspen parkas, \\ytow what I wanted to do with my life. Look-like suedes coats. • leathers - wool car JWoWy I piow whateverIII do it oliay? it 1/2 off "leant tell you 1 did it. 1 never thought I could, but I came but I pushed myself. The other what Outward did it. The blisters hurt and the bruises kids with me did too, especially the girls GOWNS Bound did for me and it CO-ORDINATES I Famous labels like Pendelton, Bronson. 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TONIGHT ONLY! Outward Bound, s\eewhV CAlfC 9(1°/ " a™» HEW SPRING FASHIONS not already on sale yourself. Lilieitor not. Northwest Outward Bound School, Oregon 97403, Phone (503) 342-6044 Name Dept. B26, 3200 Judkins Road, Eugene, (of courf I FAIR TRADE AND LEASE DEPARTMENT MERCHANDISE EXClUj>S0_ Street DON'T MISS OUR SALE CONTINOES THRO SATUROAV SCRAMBLE TABLE! (except 2£2^f^H*f) City State IT'S FUN I items reduced UP as much as 90% I