w-7" I Michigan &krte He® KAHT I.ANSINC. MK IIICAN, FRIDAY. SKlTKMHi'K IH, IMfi v— c Board Makes Suggestions SIGMAKAPPAS Record Enrollme t Likely As to Care and Use of Newly RETAIN HONORS As Freshmen, iJpperclassmen Improved Union Building INSCHOLARSHIP oltlng It) tw Limited l« Hard New Winy In he Opened for FarmHoute Still Leadi Fraterni¬ ties in Scholaitic Ratiays Throng Rejuvenated Campus «iii fared Floor,; Other Cln«»ri Monday Morning; Released Recently. Strinyent Roam Situation Salved at Numeroui Private Owners Puh'iralior, and Ory.rnira "Big Sisters'' Lighten Open Hp: Frethman, New Student Mark Pimm Into S'lareito Be Open, Soy, Cqn- ml Body. tiom to I'e Housed Here, MEN S AVERAGE HIGHER Diicard With Stiony Firtt-year Ruih. Lives of Frosh Co-eds ;CESTI0NS OFFERED Delta Chi, and Alpha Cain ma FOR CAMPUS APPROVAL Delta Make the Moat lm- Pajama Parlies Held in All Dorms Wednesday Niyht to Gel BULLETIN provement Duriny Year, Newest Coeds Acclimated to Colleye Life; "The Wear- At the rinse pf registration this after noon more than 1.000 Slidrnt Cooperation R'qurrle I iny of the Green"—and White— Has Become had paid their fees, his, with tomorrow's ad- Maintain Beauty of Rcno- Itetiirnliiy to it * utmost trn- |o , .littonal |ilmi' lit the top of Symbol of Advising Co-eds. it it inns, will easily puss last ye ir'» record enrollment of ■ alrd Popular Entertainnenl leye Hall, F.atiles Comment the Mholuatie riil'iitf* among arnpus MocietiPN the Of the total, over 1,300 are new mIm. This number Center. ma Kappn aoror.lv during I a-out r.r»(i may yet be increased as 2,117 have been udmiOetl, although the year of IJKl.V.'lO mailt-j (he lurgrM number to date ore some will not come to college this year. tained an average of 2,750 finding out thut college life isn't according'to figures released nil unfriendly and strange A •Saturday ru Ity KOlttKT |> Itt itllWH Ity I he registrar's office thix hunch of tireless big sister*, \vein - The "Roaring Fort ion" pounded on the iwach of Michigan Itiie ribbons and mixer at the State I'olleife the past few days, with (lie result that the larg¬ brightening their est freshman class in history has practically completed its and counsel Relation* enrollment procedure. i them have a solid busts Only (i few more activities will occupy the first year stu¬ friendship. dents' attention today and tomorrow while the upi>er classes They will station thetnselv n.* i. -e the heads of the whole t» h«l lobby or on the stairs of the agister up until mam tomorrow. ii. and say, "tickets Estimates by college officials us to the total nevv-Htudent It r hi In l*mi llrllrnlr Cup J system. When they received a lot a result of Its record lost of applications by freshmen for I gullible looking par n roll men t varied from 2iHM) • the Sigma Kappas will havev big sisters, they passed them ori to Hang unto them n to 22(H). Ijist voar'g mark •ssmn a il of the Pan-Hellenic the council of five, composed of the door. frcNhincn scholarship cup for the Lucille Hnllett, Wilma Honby, and the nest that < 18(H) was passed Thursday af ternnon, and final figtires will NEW ROTC UNIT The Farm I Carol Dwrlley, .tane Shaw and upper-classmen is be awarded i Vitginia Thompson by the In- each had a list Them* five cordially invited I of prospective swell that to a higher mark. IS ESTABLISHED Campus lintel Houses 8? counselors, together with-their In- It ho and Theta F.arlv rumors as to a hous¬ j teres! and hobbies. The next )oh New Officer,. Major Stanford, 'and third among the fraternities, placed second i was to match those of the fresh- man with those of her counselor, FOUR CONCERTS ing shortage here brought a j rush of offers of rooms from ! Copt. Babcork, Cipt. Barton. will be Omicron PI and J notify the latter, and leave her to Kappa from Kappa Gamma advanced lower positions to take over begin writing letters them formed friendships before Many ARESCHEDULED sources not previously top(icd The { purchase of the Campus hotel n-<. Arrive From Variou, Po,t«. a women's (lonnitoiy during the s they had ever met, and most of them are doing so now if they M«»it Department Book, Out- summer aided greatly in the J housing of co-eds, with 8? lieing' Delta I bis Advance hadn't before. ilandin. Artiiti (or A no oil ' assigne.1 room* It is to lie km-wo : nine institutions in die The program fur freshman Week Winter Serial. as North hull. o receive a truck drawn Delta Chi fraternity has been widely diversified i field artillery unit. and Alpha Gamma Delta sorority Tutodty saw a meeting of all those w officers. Major A. C, The Michigan State college crwi. took all honors. JVpa Chi ad- w.^'|P >re helping to run the sys- iWl /out se Aiu ixsikisl .dui iAu- i Stanford Cnot, D S ILi)»cock aud 2 099 to 2 914 to Ori We from fourteenth | to fourth 18 iM) b» H°0. nil counselors who Ktunding numliers for the artists j!0 M i kit tori, have been hire tor' .j 'some time Major Stanford, West Gamma had not yrt met their little Bisters, series (his year, while' the college , while the Alpha 'Point '17, cornea here from Fort Itas (limited from twelfth and!called upon-them at their dnrnii- sympttony orchestra will give three . Sill, Oklahoma, where for five t plat e to fourth place among b«riea. All freshmen who had nol ■ years he headed the Department >. - - - - of the music facully wilt again be the Field left feutuied as soloists. 1 <#f the school; wanted Old Murk I 4AII* passed I Artillery school (,'apta o riabcock, averages I he Women's uti, Friday The artists' seiies will not tie ' West point '23. comes here froi >ng the frutemities, while the \ n f!rrnoun. loiter on in the some opened until winter term, when j duty with the 7th held artiilei •titles slumped a little The! day came the dean's tea uf'lmlh the Pasrpiier Trio will give a con¬ - oll.gr average remained prae-! IobI »nd West Mayo, with !.<••> cert on Junuury IB This trio is I!y the same, rising Just .001 ! »nd Gretchen among the hostesses, composed of three hrottiers who play the' violin, viola und violon- the point rating. Points are ji»nd the counselors assisting reilo It said thut these three puted on the following basis: I Along «ib«.ut nine oVIia k tonight is BAND IS ENLARGED Ihe freshmen who didn't g<» s 4. II is 3, C is 2, D is I. oaik of 4,251 NOTED MUSICIAN • I, F l« 2, and WA la 2 hume fur the wrck-tlirt arc gcing t<> begin feeling smug, for that's interpretation, j fuj|.( ihot it 350 freshr In AS NEW FEATURE r ADDED TO STAFF ? 7f.o | when the i yisi., MeKibhin pujatna parties start will have charge first American tour. during their Advance house" six weeks prior to the tall »«• started. This group fstojof the party at the Women's build¬ recordings by thM group have been < led from men who llnunod to Track Laryrat Number of Stud men ir ing. Wilrna Ilunby is running hulled in musical circles as of the registering freshmen were refer¬ parly selected for ad- tilings in East Mayo, and Carol highest artistic perfection Classn Hatory of School; Plau Morr Dwelley in West Mary Luther On February ft5, another con¬ red to the list «»f private rooms They will take up still available Seventeen hundred mi k Duration and conduct Complete Initrumrntation will be hostess at the Union, and cert will he given by Georges Virginia Thompson will supervise Ene.sco, one of the most celebrated been placed by Thursday after- T«» achieve Its fire-power, the the mob scene at the Off-Campus violinists of our time. The final Dorm or North llali (rail it what two concerts wLll be given on Hoarding Huh Hushed 75 millimeter gun*, the famous you like). Those guts who live March 17 and April 19, featuring French "soixante quirize," which at the Cooperative Dorm are in¬ the Pro Arte Quartet and F./io The Welts boarding club operat- vited to swell the ranks at the Pin/a, respectively. Pin/a is the World War These guns have been "'her Women's building, and the local leading basso of the Metropolitan and showed a near-capacity pa¬ in the building Con- modernized by the addition of high <:u« ted of girls may make good at either of Opera Company, having sung tronage. the largest registration of natural Minnesota speed axle* an pneumatic tires. ' the Mayos. Incidentally, pajamas with that organization for the past. H ef but ■'"■••pine and of beams tak< r. The frpek equipment of the new aren't required of the latter two and is welt known ful history * Old College hall, the effect OK* It. wever. that they will be unit rnnaiht.s of eighteen vehicles it might unnerve the populace too all American radio and concert U.,<: i.f robust permanence. me|- in- in time for the game with A contemplation by college of¬ of various types, but all ••( 19.il. much to see them arrive that way audiences. •d by agr The pine used was ficials of new women'* dormitories commercial construction Included Anyway, it promises to be a novel The orchestra concerts will be nearly 20 years to remove The old vt.vle puttees have been to substantiate the doddering wo¬ in this'equipment are four recon¬ " 'rtiiv the knots. iscMided. but the uniform will given December 2, March 11 and men's building was ended with Space has naissance cars, two half-ton pick¬ wn I. f- ill remain military in its en- April 29. f.,r trophies and a waf' the purchase of the Campus hotel up trucks, and eleven ton and a< •mbtc The overcoat will be of TOWER GUARDS MEET For the past few seasons the and the enlargement of the Union half cargo trucks with pintles for* Michigan State college eoncert ir West Point style with the cape dormitory Noith hail, its new towing and troop scats for carry¬ Finished in Knotty Fine course has been held in the college j * led in the college color*. This Tower Guard girls were station¬ the nearest ari- ing personnel. These carry a ed in the campus dorms Tuesday, gymnasium This year all of the , n;l the tange in uniform is expected to batter y of about 100 men at speeds j ■w,'r tu ,n • memory room is the concerts, both artists' and arches- '* tnavn cafeteria, a room ab« • somewhat 'more colorful and September 15, to help the house tra n co-ed*. of thirty-five and forty miles an mothers receive the incoming series, will be given in the 1 a ' nufied vt mstnicters. roM in Krns-.ng and so State is handy, After all the advcrti,er, are wtm ^y^y7" tertain you. A ■ « ■ <9 m iAt t have | and after looking around ! found re,jvn,ible in a Urge way for the Vaceew Rumbles c«-rr to er*Y t.> Michigan State i:i prefer- ' athletic teams ami because I mher school# becaiw it' frirtut* and roUt.vos w>o are that it had one of the best fcrrs- Well. I've ?een Trh come and UMT r»TI"l ** F! K IVky.***# WW the greater the aueeesa. Wllliam lull Wmfirld. N Y. What, cotlltch stoodents? A« civ<3 RepisMicanis we arc.. pas on k V-.VR ^ ^ already ber.nnfog 1o view w.th ' *Mv choice of M S C was great- j • Tvo l>ecn tc Cornell but thought j We might add a suggestion that you show Bert Rinded. Overt. T came Michigan State teas ;u«t as good But that's neither here nor there BHTBARr A. VWNti •» ... **.w , ]x tnj»ljrncr^ the f.act that .t i* Neither are any of us right your apprwiation for the aid of the ad¬ ^'^...catienal ! a school and much less txper- now :rxzz\ Michigan State co'.Tege because to a whv>V RITR t. ha: * *• ** T.UpWtv 8 vertiser, hy patreni- ng their stores or s. r- 7 • -L' ' T .'r \*,Tre' *n<^ **** Bobbie Rewe. l.tidinrton- "State' r:v. v, * H.-.—' HC"*'- i*-- p* . viees. If you d.v. it would 1* helpful if you r-v- thc'Uber ds' LhTl.r,,! amended tc N- being one of ^ ^ ^ crciree-mg «cw v' W—• F.d l-iuien«chUgrr. Jersey CMy. Hello, you frosh, you* Think IN. S. "High school track coach you've discovered you can find a.is this paper. In that w.s? y...: w :; l* | recommended State as a gotxl in your way around campus better Stmts Warner. lan*int '1 ...r »^»tcr ~ca«c*w" when you put those maps in an lieing your bit toward improving the paper. , to Michigan State principal- „* Rudolph Flake, same town: Chan Rohinxon. Mumi: I Came obscure pocket and forget about and your cooperation w.tl be appreciated by , , j1 Same reason. Rf.^-- *•»' • * l^ ^ ^ ;:V..,U »Iffl \ •hem. We found that out. too all concerned. Robert tarrock. Ful Ijn«in« WHIard Fager. Saginaw: It , r.g neer ng courw at the least ex-' # eld family cualom " could ftad." ! an ' T5JV *' : 'K;,r ,he b';-4 fi" peroe.-y f any college 1 sx \'*z . V vrrier^v* 1 va*«l I Hiitfon Jensen, t udintton Tj Roger Metntyre. Lansing: "Tc And here are some top tips for you: (Not listed in order of iro- K"'- Fd Smith. Rosal Oak: "Ha? a A Complete Union \*;• BetUe c\,S". cn. c Bennett. t landing: T .'*i* !*. '**■*' t*\ "The depa. »• tli.r , , * ^ » .» " .. , • | 1 Don't smoke on campus unlew j Rarmond K»«knaki. Stanbanth: F?t many ye*rj» gftrr construction of tHe 'a- c' Hoblre train I itdingion: < ; \'zTz^£ ; tdMs~ 1 s1 re in • S-ith-Hughe? work led tn th-i butts (Aw. we're Just trying ti- r: *V1 Ret a Terr* ntnt 1 'iked the '"'v' tinflntdhf*) and :n many plga^ef *n undttraC' Ted Bath Portland "Get a ..r> .s, car*ru- I Man Ka»therine Harryman. Hivah. Frosh! < • brother and sister down here "' In #,>rnc classes you'll find v, !.m- btJiMm*. Nrtw Thin bnilvTing > :hi »h. m - 'junior tramfer from IVnison: 1 . . . Noel fowk 1 ndinrton "I've v'*, 'n ^ * : ~,r * 1 r' Y«o h».f hlmitii htvn w.kvinwl to thf pia.-c of the rmmpu.*. Gertldlne Ttttlwch. Weal Brandt: " N* be^* • • c u i lots about M S C I have burn, in others the profs do th hi de-hidmg A < . weeks fr ends here I've the ,y' y;t'77'"Ly seen cam- ilhtrs Nf re u. The? h*ve <\. r" •"' campu* i > It i« the type of colkjrr btiihlir.g «> vh give* V c- c.v Sta-c B. *** father "•• *' |* * K; '; vnou«h tc ( The Chem dert. is the hard.* t«n4ni to you the hot of th.we »!• r.«e to mAny tr*d:tron< The memory r.v^m ' tee tag eba • •»•' '■ fe.te i Catherine Mrwsenger. lamlgg: dert in which to cheat aucer* S-ar. Winnie Webb *1 came to State \ ilf cheating can be call* re*.t< her* ami e\pre.»,tAir» is rifirdrd a* a part f the ram-' I came for the medctal biology fully Stmt* llelmer Jackson: "The to take h mV « ; so I can make Cy , We »«M our Ma*s:ve Ivarr.s taken from Old will rrttuiti for , ~e tiwe. pre.t.' • : • th,: . .r--. : ..' a.,.- ;ii,t pn«-prrp, r O-oDege Hall and the knotty-pine Uivd-uork ••' ' V."\-W,-"*-Y-s-'o' 1 :h a o * I ev.he-c rocco. c that better'' Harbor Iji Verne a Reinbardt. sophomore Benton transfer phMrteal edueatior. Anita Stnart. IVtrnit: i? "The The easiest dept good here" copy it off the cuff is in which ? jr>« ro'or and beauty to this rv>m. That a Jean DarHHon. Bad Axe: "I out for yourself Wh> should . * *ee lit of advice. fe« ling airain«t amokir.gr :n this room ha« • v'. • ;/.■ •■'fu-mg here T I kp the roaches from Siephena 1 came to State came for the home economies tell you* Of all people Ma?"!* > u'tc !**r f.xn eriouph a..-• under- course, and I've heard about M. S i" through friend# tut ton: Hmtntrm and a Isttlr : alrea.^ " »- .: r:r r,, s"' • r.'t *ar.t an?- •tan,: stukmt react ion* t'V7th. 1 irtflhn WHeman. Grand V *■- - Nortec AMrleh. Fairgmre "Be. more. In the aame amy. a "no *^mcr allowed" cavise two of m> brothers have j c» - .came to State' fceeati^c atltmsil *15 ' TRIT STORY OFPT traditBMi has found birth \n the rr<•?•'.* toanfo 11 SE:H; Beti' McGlorr 1 Anting c...: friend.- came that 1 'M have iver to thi, cam-' If women are ever in th.ia pb«. w.,. not Charloiir Utinrr Muskegon: i*> 'v ?r.\ntation. • - f. iMrnun Belting fVU-oit I*,* 1>»: Raymond lifSotd IVtroit put it »•■«■* keep * e l>nvi BfA*n PftMUr J»m« RabWtn Six I -*Vr- Jran I jurhank. Detroit diwumft homo and :# not. I doll vortomte# roursr * ?*nd N t % m i Haired Ruth i Urkr St*« m T-.t Vr.y-r. have hew th, h* it of rrmtimf cigarettes into the fkvr Port* VrrliKo Birming k*m jtak' Marian Blanc hard Irrndale the fm!; TV* would S«kM' a permanent near * n the ;M\ father made me lawr But from tSirr veneer floor of the foyer—the r > type I* Detroit Ju<|1 Hammond Niagara Fait*: ,hr j » here! and think "Mother graduated from here "" j •wneuke thA" the Harriet Hretaford. lUrmtaiham j ^ M.rtugau. less. ' *i*r«.v* *•«•** &> feme herej1^ a Iron that Dnrn hoedel lanitr srd I think the campy* is beau- ia*B;: Th<*, wuh The ] • m- sr. I'ftlff Oewaele Rmeommon: I «"«*»? d this pas: voration Sul k Robert Belland, tadingion it*, ,n "M; friends and father influenced } M'agr.f ? en>">ed .1 summer of b;» ) ki> . v •- «•. and I knew if. a ganrf school ' f!t% ruNWHs as a Detro : I .am »n Un.. l>f i^urw. .*»# t!v ««-* • 11 «* been here %i*itia# »« various at »ar:* to war the foyer floor o af- u•. ru « . f Birmingham is fo»t Herbert tHthie Grand Rapid* (the c Maran Talrh Ian Uw.nt Bob Means Sundtab j i amp> 1 w it b lH*r,.d \«e*ik%. U«1 Uiwit Tat Kell*. NUndHh i ..■■•< r* ' iwrsri1 Atlentown Pa Barren IWrtiu Trtvm# (K) U*n» • • ! «* <*•* S'ate f r the Agrtcultur- * *"* 4 «**><*«« • thark Id Frart. Detroit Because its vu- stadium. S,tr» walked of* fl^nat i a i fc* Peter Rabtrh tVughkrepw N other ikin others carried then kiw • \ . .-m, ■ t rx|.....-r i The shirts Scarcely any one and I- V Clark \ larrnae* lad M but tlw linesmen saw the Li*' i.?r ar.d. «ret from Oik State be- . .*• . didnt Uke it. 3 prefer a shortened Quart<*r Even the naxr.; d»*an*»red Hr mu'- (Uiton ( rwnef Hint have been afraid of shrinking. It s a bit to five th Jean Park. Pen liar last term Winnie Marsh wa- ready tr swear on anything and ••arret! Mean Re«.I everything coli^tiatc that frieni Oak ' H M Wismer was responsible for raard OrKiu Law this stuff Funny, iao'1 Hi that Ben are. the Noose Ana Hum farisea "My cad ? Bah Titaa. Bactaaw "The en- . . Labor Day. of ail d#yf should be meet .ng eourae br^cht me ' Jaaephme Bird. Hint " I carev ; Hard Harrmki Miuua * »aed the.r forestry de^rt.'ner,i * Adah linsier. DavtMut: uIt had IWb Has* SraUa V T "Tr'| ■?**»• here the best course in what I wrant. - at it' Ball Mnolu.n t am -I came for *ad '* has *..rh a lovely campus" M inter flint . .... na x - J athletics espectath font bat? ' Thy (It* Burton. Jaekaan; "I can Bill Mueiexnan Mr nominee " Betti Strand. Grand Rapid* "I got my Muster's degree here.** the* Brier's BendalL MidUnd Stat- • .«• h s democratic trurti- •til hi (•rtnUac *«• t: c j Vlrttau Campbell. Drteett: tufaon that 1 chose it." Jane Hater*. Asa .lrk« *:•. i-T a sue to | "State has a koely eampus and Jake Ifencebrld Grand liphli: Bennett Ml Clement; j| aome' sneil fai» It s near home, "State has the roost practical ; Arbor m gemv&l &#, mi li Ralph course in engineering.'* : 7- - • . • Annahelf Campbell laauu \ rrnan Hiker WalervBH: "1 Ida Altmaa S'nnReitVe Briar. Tw. * T "The j "H> hear home, and it has » mar- i'u*t liked the location * rraal>f tr.an tr»e C • <4 3d. *» 1 ; *,.•>■* T.a- a u;» «.>xi rcputaUon | vploui Jerry IwkstIL Harbar flpsl—i itui*£u\i\e'.\. }ir%U ,a-ne hf-c - j • Am M Mehilr Ala: fcMah "State is the rwarest college of¬ rrw ..-.t a';.. *. r T;r.wr or, Marjnri A ac Ac ken.. Cwld water . Mrwrei (>bu.iu|ob Tie j dadd' bofcn ar' raised heah % fering a pohre adminiatratum -3d} nPTtllcr and father rrr t tv« * Stman PUvwinoki. Drtrwrt The The Adverlisin^ Survey a 4A>u*. .: siUTi Wi tv cr^frx- not ami ttv*» : tK •prm* 1 Jeaa Shearer Grand ledf* j svaM a.- . . -.-v a the caw- j i*.iiice bui ad a and I rt-ak ; r«iad ih* br\ ;j)ert» »«c •- canae k . brc»-w Id raU-^r Howard ( around here * work ;r. 1 anting. rstnn, t fern daya the Mxhtfta Tsj .♦«;•• -V !►.•< nuRtei ».!.• btcme* • \,-.v t)»rs t a. p ^ ihaa hand around home * j bar • 1 .arr* fee the Sraits- i BaMit May*. ScBeeeeiady. N. Btaaler McCrae. PeklM: "It'i StkU Sm • stuff ha- (iiatrSlmtpd au am. rsr<. and ihm C«p R BieWBee Oakland.| HwcSe* court* Stake's past rec-jT- "Sute» cheaper.** a big college near ban** TRTUfu'.i • u» tb€ * a« the* °* txcv'ikiKK'* afid fhine* .*t* re- • Ma»»f -ld> 'f.- r. !.y .-4 ♦ , ;.,acerarr.*^ .- -ii.tr.. :r^t rr.axy ha . fraternity Thar cheer Ana m*teriai nuteriai tr-pr-a~.ert t» £ ""I chose the hewt agricultural osUegr ia * "There's such a frseodty atmos- Mirta Mini. Artt—I— fjRne- t ttene •• r-\e th«w the thu^gbt jv.^swn. Do ifce*c men *t*ik up a» your * t^« v' ~€r*?\ N~ Har^aA Dmai Mromo. mAki theer. irut .f.,ik-ag«.- <•. h*-* , . of Lrx>'.hei> mi he r*r«-med frtecsdly cawgww and very a: ways had aomethimt to do with' Mars Bwwerv Drtntt nt'l « tlHU nMAiOti the t^s.iiexs sdAff aA> Unl thtwe V in fW'.Utkgvr-X "f manhuod41 Awtr* }*dSd:-pc»ns bar wetter vtU •dr-.:t rwarmah> rate*. Mktugan State coiittr. worked j «ood sued c«w4egr, and well rec* IttiTP Kim* thtia "*'Sl KCi-a or ' Iaip the-M ^aer**- btiiwt tkxAauy?. '1>,i' * 'he*rtt«*aksrg >«•-• vtnm f*Mat. w.th 4-H group* uixier the coain-j otr.merKied by others." t> ageut" rramras Aaapp Mmm; -I like r them U. the Xe*> uf&ic 'write op a amooth curved , - ««* of the bmt agricultural eU- Then, whetl BO douN rt-raiut.*,' go aheAd. *1*^* WeV* cisdtrSed wr k-ges ;n the wwidry . As i iruiied Had* Bimni km Ha—laia . | the caand this is * large "I chose this coDefe because cf era^gh coLcge." t prejiarafxr of the** iGrrcTi took 'Bus if you a?* OvR patr. don't pMf*. For brm^* t*.ted *^iwfafieg: tf rcASess. tasef we €»d frtr 1 *° !ber* u «!«»»» tk« p.****.* «t Maybe tV ish- %•*•» AObwrw. Ithara T fw.k- ■ th. bnt bocx tc -cOcat S«* « u iitf j; •pent ban* \ hMrd to much .bout th* pUu ijrikis U»*: tfc« ww- 'vurttlf Wp —R. D. B r~ can use thetm foe flaa'v «S M S C. because A has gvvd j CWurr Dakj. I Friday, September 18, 1986 MICHIGAN STA CK NICWS Paje Three Bayport Rubble and Flagstone H. G. Christman Lansing Co. Builders of It is Genuine Economy to Build with Natural Stone Fine Structures We have a complete assortments of Natural Stones for All Purposes Roy D. Beard Cut Stone Co. Lansinft, Michigan Phono 54425 .-'fi H- Kalamazoo Plaza at the Bridge Lansing, Michigan jgp I -'■*» THE SLATE ROOF Bowd-Munson and SHEET METAL WORKS Co. for (ho now Union Annex was furnished by E. 11. WARD CO. Idinsiitg, Mirh. ARCHITECTS Estes Furniture 406 Wilson Building Co. This addition to the Union Memorial Lansing, Michigan Ruildin'g is now near completion and will lie ready for use next week. The work was started last April and has Iteen rushed to provide needed North IjniNini; space this fall. Included in the new wing will be the offices and studios of the art department on the top two floors. The offices of the Wolverine and the State News, student publications, will be the ground floor. The rest of the space will lie used for gen¬ We Offer a eral classrooms. Structural Steel Complete Service Contractors Who Had a Part in Building the New Wing Architects: Iiowd-Munson Co. Work Structural Steel: Jarvis Engineering Co. Guilder II. G. Christman.Lansing Co. Furniture Estes Furniture Co. Cut-Stone: School Equipment Hoy It. Heard Co. School Supplies: Michigan School Service Hoofing: E. II. Ward Co. Electrical Work: East Lansing Electric Co. Done By Supplies STUDENTS Eat Your Meals on the Campus at the JARVIS KctigMSdNol Service ENGINEERING 312-314 N. Grand INC Lansing New Union Cafeteria Now Open in the Basement of the Union Building CO. IM Sarrkc lor Michigan School*" Fine Food Reasonable Prices Frid.iv. September 18, lMfl MICHIGAN STATf NEWS Pare Four Faculty Replacements ANNUAL BREAKS Barntim Was Right INDEPENDENTS Return to School Finds and Additions Make SALES RECORDS and to they tell the Wolver¬ ines faster and faster SELECT. NAME But Few ?Hor Cch/™?es track in amj to TENNEWZONES Except Un,on-Stad,um v Staff a Stronger One IN FIRST WEEK and faster. of the j stafliUlh Jt&ulres of widened cin- Repairs to Healing Plant. New Roofs on Several Buildings. as Dr. Harper Becomes Head of the Sociology.Department it Dr. Ruhr Announces That East l.an- Well as General Cleaning Work Com¬ Wolverine Salesmen Surpass Mumford Remains on Stiff: English Depart- Last Year's Mark at Staff |t)! sing and Dormitories are Split plete Program for Summer. mrnt Add* Well-known Mm Also. into Arrai Called Towns. Continues in Opening Drive. A, 1t\H\TV IIUtRIMiTOV Through the .-M'.r.'.tnr,' ,.f thnin-vr.1- "!' clolli". Mi.'hi- Import;.'it am •' •• many - Im-,-. - n the facility «tafT for 19:w :: I'r Fr".-• r. !!: • •• • t 1 !-•" ".tm.-fi :il hwil.ling till".-utrh the making »t a line n r flower boils. This take* the plnee of a! c\t»ci imontal bisis; More OU the onl« r i than are other parts of the carnpus,' the to !>e the 1 n-<- a;'? uill!V We have the Kail lint voii're looking for if yon are out to look your Um. Am! if this wounds like a swelled hear! on our part wait until you m* the hats Kn«v Ihmtap, Byron and 75 FROSH GIVEN CAMP PREVIEW V Provides Three Score Year¬ m ay imoa nie lliit store of Uir Town ling t With Early Col¬ Zipper _ li fiate Vista. 233 S W A*hin«t«n Ave. King Notebooks. fine Showing a foods Full l.ino of * FOUNTAIN Parker SERVICE "It i* Wf Say It la." Pens Heath's Jewelry Store as 3J'd S. Washington Ave. $1.95 $15 Parcel Post Lunuln Case: Willi Ills- I'on Thill Silliala'lllN MATTISON'S DRAKE WINS PRIZE Hull- iiiiiiifwi *1 si-rr sr. snrr JEWELRY IN HORSE JUMPS las rarest bv a I'allrge I-inline Theatre Bide. l*rafew%ur lis llrlug V uu lllglavr brides \ 2 I ! . Muhtgan \*r Cavalry Lieut Surprises Jump Tans by Taking Si( firsts. i llllrtlr dsfTr WELCOME STUDENTS TW <**»«* tHr re*.JtitI.VH»rt Parker eslv-t r »m tAl-ahk i«t»— lailli w»g> j|. •WuU Ken's Barber Shop RiN-mlK tW »(»irnl rslitnrtt of 30 •Jlegr j.etwr*. i»-k—I 4.f?*> llwir r«.krf«^" Wba. h MT-»kr <>f n «t*v jtMl Opt*»*n<. Slate Theater To both JTV»rr etwlonU Welcome... iva't mwlT ..emj.lyJiTlhs-w* J.a..be*4 « Ill.N II * Kl NMM. l«>* . a ..at run dry y*wt volt FRESHMEN ore The \ jnr.imatk '• uorkin; r>*rt» vWed in tfw i n %UfcRE INK CAN M WTt Tontl TIIFM-. AND run never JiNAimiM* ibrw. Buti vahf thtt it»»r*. le j«m U t.L AHAN- i »ec«nd» m ihe touch ami out. i TtFJ> mf-rtwittr«Ov prrferl. UPPERCLASSMEN handy jumper, and third in the open jump: At the »mr *bo* And the Pdirkrr Vammdiic ka« it Pvt. Joe Lee rode Koco fee a third ' in the enlisted man's jumping, and Ix't's .Make i a fourth m the bareback jumps. 1937 , mittec in charge of camp ar¬ A Bigger and Better Year rangements for this fall's M S C.j freshman camp consisted of Vftl- \ iiam Atkins, *39. co-chairman^ Dick Stow, co-chairman, '37; tan*! LEWIS, INC. Hcnrickaon, '37; Gerald Winter*. 1 lit &. Wuklartoa in, Lumb* The Man'* Star, of Iai»ii( Taylor, parmdrnt, "37; Rollo May. rttiniw director of mm students, ■d VUIiun Crane, dinctor of; Lim Camera Shop, lac.