By EILEEN SHANAHAN presented, without any particular eXplana New Yark Times cast as an excuse to do what it wanted to do tion or justification, as part of the Presi¬ To those in the Capital who pay close WASHINGTON - While President Ford dent's budget. anyway — ignore the $12 billion in budget attention to economic policy, the most and his aides have been cutbacks that Ford proposed which warning for months What is not clear from what is known require interesting and surprising aspect of the that ending the recession without so congressional action. Congress also lotion faces decade rekindling far is whether the preicted high unemploy may Administration's economic projections was inflation would require the nation to make find in the unemployment forecast a reason ment rates are the result of not the high unemployment rates but the conscious policy to do sacrifices, the scope of the sacrifices they choices by the Ford Administration something else that it was also toying had in mind remained undisclosed until or with, namely, enlarging the $16 billion in underlying cause for them, as seen by the conversely, seen by Ford and his aides as Ford Administration. today. The scope is stunning. quick antirecession tax cut that the The cause, in a word, is the very large In brief, the President and his economic essentially unavoidable, no matter what President has proposed to $20 billion or even employment woes, advisers have concluded that the nation must tolerate, for a full three years, unemployment rates that have no parallel in they do. If continued matter of high unemployment is deliberate choice, it Ford and his economic means that a more. If Congress does flout course, have to bear the Ford it will, of political conse¬ further downturn in the economy that is foreseen for this year, and, even more important, the extremely slow recovery from the recession that is foreseen for 1976 the post World War II era. For those three policy team have quences of any inflation rate that exceeds decided that, bad as it will be to face and later years. years, the numbers of the jobless would the those that are also contained in the The predicted drop of 3.3 per cent in the Ford table predicts voters in November 1976, with an never drop significantly below 7.5 million ment rate unemploy¬ Administration's long-range forecast. These nation's real output for this year is between 7.5 and 7.9 per cent, the huge in individuals. Somewhat lower, but still predictions show a slow but steady progress only alternative is an inflation of ruinous historical terms. The drop of 2.2 per cent recessionary rates of unemployment, would toward a lessening rate of inflation, proportions. starting that was recorded in 1974 was the largest for prevail through the end of the decade. in 1976. Even by 1980, however, the Ford Either way, Congress seems almost any year since 1946, when much of the All of this was disclosed, in a little projections still show an annual inflation table, certain to reject Ford's conclusions and to nation's productive plant was closed down labeled "economic rate of 4 per cent a pace that was assumptions" that was seize upon his dismal unemployment fore¬ — for reconversion to peacetime uses, considered intolerable as recently as 1971. (continued on page 7) VOLUME 169 NUMBER 23 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 ASMSU vote reaffirms decision refusing to pay for Ziegler talk By MARY ANN CHICK voice their opinions directly to him. Concert. State News Staff Writer "People should be able to go and heckle "People are complaining that you are Four students at the meeting asked the After hearing 14 students from the him, oppose him, protest or whatever we preventing free speech, but that's the most board to go out and get the opinions of their audience voice their opinions for an hour chose," one male student said. "But the expensive free speech I've ever seen," said constituents before making their decisions. Winston Tuesday night, the ASMSU board voted 6 choice should be ours." Way, 3434 Corwin Road, to 4 to uphold their decision of last week not Last week five board members admitted Williamston. Last spring Daniel Ellsberg was paid to fund Ron Ziegler's Feb. 25 visit with $2,500 to speak to students free of charge. they did not take a representative sampling of their constituents' decisions before Three members of the board said they ASMSU money. Half of his fee was paid by Lecture-Concert, The representatives heard nine students and the other half by ASMSU out of the voting to withdraw ASMSU funds. An had polled students during the past week. who were dissatisfied with their earlier unscientific State News survey showed that "Most students didn't seem to care one 50-cents-per-term fee undergraduates pay. of 187 students decision, and five students who supported According to Lecture-Concert Director responding, 101 opposed way or the other," said Nancy Sutake, it. ASMSU's action. representative for the College of Ken Beachler, students will now have to The board voted 7 to 3 last week to Four students in the audience said they Engineering. "Twelve said we should pay $1 to hear Ziegler in order to cover the believed the board acted properly in rescind their half of the $2,650 which will be voting change our decision, 10 said we shouldn't unexpected additional costs to Lecture- to withhold the funds. and about 25 said they didn't care." paid Ziegler, who is touring American university campuses beginning the middle of this month. The money was withdrawn after a legal contract was signed with ASMSU PLAYS POLITICS Ziegler Dec. 5 and after a verbal contract to split the cost was made between Ken Beachler, director of the Lecture-Concert Series, and Steve Findlay, director of ASMSU Great Issues. The board's decision last week followed a decision by students at Boston University to withdraw their invitation to Ziegler. Hopefuls form coalitions By PAUL PARKER the College of Arts and Letters is ASMSU's decision has drawn national State News Staff Writer heading a five-person coalition slate for the Young Socialist Alliance. publicity, as one link in an apparent chain Student government at MSU is moving reaction of headlong into party Garrison's platform calls for the University to hire a opposition to any Watergate politics. figure making money off public lectures. gynecologist at the Health Center, an effective affirmative action Citing this year's ASMSU board as a bad example, three of eight plan for MSU and support for the end of racist attacks in Boston. After the vote at Tuesday's meeting, candidates for the ASMSU Board presidency have formed most of the 50 persons in the audience coalitions with other ASMSU board candidates to reduce the Phillip Elliot, sophomore, 416 N. Case Hall, has not yet walked out though the meeting had not chances for disagreement and disunity they feel have registered a slate with the ASMSU elections commissioner, but ended. impaired this intends to run for ASMSU board president, at the top of a slate year's board. with four other board candidates from a coalition called Students "Maybe someday we will count," one ASMSU President Tim Cain, who announced his candidacy for a student muttered as he left. for Better Government. Elliot's organization intends to run second term at last night's ASMSU board At the meeting. Great Issues meeting, has formed a candidates who represent the typical student. director coalition because he said he could get no support for his programs "We are running students who have been interested in student Findlay asked the board for a set of from this year's board. goverment but never ran because they have felt that it's already guidelines he should follow in choosing "Over the last year I've been continually annoyed and frustrated decided who is going to do what," Elliot said. "Right now at future speakers. by what I can't do because of board opposition," Cain said. ASMSU we don't need political expertise so much as we need "Who can we have here?" Findlay asked Cain's coalition, the Progressive Action slate, is the board. "How am I going to get anyone running common sense and dedication." candidates for ASMSU board positions in all here if I can only pay them travel colleges with the The five other students who have taken out petitions for , SN photo/Craig Porter possible exception of the College of Social Science. The coalition's ASMSU board president are LawTence Leins, 626 Cowley Ave.; Nancy Sutake, College of Engineering representative, quizes expenses?" platform centers on support of the Student Workers Union and Tom Bustillos, B317 Bryan Hall; Ed Aho, 15626 Turner Road, Though most students speaking from the JASMSl onPresident ■fweived Ron Tim Cain about the letters ASMSU has galleries seemed to disagree with Ziegler's opposition to sexist and racist policies in the University, Cain said. He said the members of the coalition all feel that ASMSU should Lansing; Tom Somers, 330 N. Harrison Road, and Mark Singer, G038E. Shaw Hall. Ziegler's upcoming visit. At Tuesday's meeting political affiliations, the majority wanted be oriented toward being an activist student "MSI upheld its decision to withhold its funds from Ziegler. government. Petitions must be turned in to 334 Student Services Bldg. with Ziegler to appear on campus so they could Marcia Garrison, currently ASMSU board representative for 15 signatures by 5:00 p.m. Feb. 7, 1975. 'ustomer shortage p ByJFFFMERRELL Nobody knows that better than the MSU Dick Kasuba, s<»(f News Staff manager of the MSU The Michigan Carton Co., which buys the cost saving measures, Writer Waste Control Authority, which puts part of tion industry, one of the industries hardest * » » basic economic law that Purchasing Dept., said he was not sure paper the Authority collects, substantially Rosenhaft said the hit by the recession. if the blame for its financial doldrums on the Authority's and larger orders and increased volume would reduced the prices it paid for used E?yl8 "hat you offer for sale, you reluctance of MSU departments to purchase pull the price down. newspapers, forcing the Authority to take Michigan Carton's problems are a direct result of the poor condition of the construe Builders are among the biggest buyers of Ksa • ave a hard time staying in recycled, paper. According to Kasuba, a railroad carload of recycled paper, used mainly for insulation. Officials from the MSU Purchasing Dept. recycled paper costs $1,000 more than a claim departments do not want to use carload of virgin paper, or about 10 cents recycled paper, so little is ordered. more per ream. lased t But officials from some departments that order paper from the Purchasing Dept. Kasuba also said that the volume of recycled paper ordered could not be claim they dp not use recycled paper because increased until departments show an inter¬ |°P Purchasing does not order it. est in using recycled paper. grow to Meanwhile, the Authority has been forced service cutbacks, measures layoffs, cost-saving and increased collection of valu year Of about 130,000 reams by Stores, only 800 of paper were sold last totally able office wastes to keep itself alive. recycled paper, Kasuba said. ^cycling Monday, the group reopened storage bins off campus and reactiviated newspaper collec¬ tion from residence halls after a shutdown of He also said that, in 1972, he ordered 200 boxes of envelopes made of recycled paper. So far only 43 have been sold. RyJEFFMKHRELL several weeks. "Until the time comes when the depart wril„ Since communities like MSU do not use ment people are willing to use recycled in f \ rpignt benefits and in- many recycled paper products, there is little paper, we can't afford to store it," Kasuba shipping rates have demand for recycled goods. Recycling said. ( uj-i, ' exPansi»n of the recycled industries thus do not buy much waste paper "When the community demands the j^(fr0uparcor(linK 10 one national to produce those goods. Groups like the Authority, that collect and sell the waste paper, then we stock it." V* to create a market before you paper, suffer in the end. But Virginia Angell, asst. registrar, sdiiiw f Jol,n MrBride, public Mark Rosenhaft, director of the Waste claims that the Purchasing Dept. makes the 'Hindus lht' National Assn. of Control Authority, said his efforts to decisions of what paper to order. |, S'Miistries iNARl). improve the demand for recycled paper at "From what I understand, Purchasing is r>C'imV",il,Mry is comPet'n8 lnduslry with one MSU have been ineffective. He estimated that only about 20 per cent responsible for the choice of paper," Angell said. f ,ir(tinDaJ !l k' McBride said- of paper used at MSU is recycled paper. He PMtsanlI U8try eni°ys caPital said MSU General Stores orders such small Angell's office prints thousands of MSU iaie t(,at FPrefiation allowances at amounts of recycled paper that the resulting catalogs, schedule books,and student direc ^des9J,[t,fyclinK *1 ind"stries do high price acts as a deterent to departments tories on regular stock. Jears ',^ h,'npf'ts were first ordering from stores. "I'm not aware of ^nyone in purchasing l^ncoiirapi. " lh<' government 'They order mimeograph paper by the who has asked ua/or given us the option of BMjJtry oxPansi a"ybody «*.» double-digit inflation. He again urged prompt congressional action. time. Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, leaving the measure only four states short of final ratification. The President refused to say if he would accept the House Ways • The State Dept. and the National Security Council are impeach Su^me Court Si£ WUI^^S * The House of Representatives passed the measure 52-49 and Means Committee's tentative move to alter his tax rebate studying the question of large Arab investments in U.S. business, he said, "but we are not in a position to give you a categorical by then-Ant. Atty. Gen. Will Wilson John N. Mitchell - not ft ' Monday before a packed gallery. The Senate had earlier plan, saying "it «s premature for me to fnake any categorical judgments . . or then-FBI Director J. Edgar £^1 passed the ERA 28-22. In looking to the future, he said he thinks the economic picture Nebraska, which ratified the amendment in 1972 only to will brighten before 1976 — an election year — and said rescind the ratification a year later, fell three votes short of approval in the Senate as the measure came up for will campaign for a full-term as president. "I believe the economic situation in 1976 will be an again he improving Economic advisers predict rate reconsideration Monday. economic picture," Ford told a news conference. "... I think the economic circumstances will be good enough for me ... to seek Wallace leads" in 74 donations election. The President again called for congressional acceptance of his economic and energy proposals. He indicated a willingness to of unemployment to exceed 8 Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace raised far more money compromise on some points, but said the Democratic Congress last year than any other presidential hopeful, campaign "can't come up with part of an answer." WASHINGTON (AP) - pared the report, told newsmen employment," Greenspan said. Gibbons. D Fla., »nic„_ finance showed Tuesday. that unemployment would climb Responding to questions. Ford defended social spending Americans face further erosion "In many respects they are the nave The Alabama Democrat raised nearly $1.8 million using a proposals in his $349 billion budget, saying "it is not a austere of their standard of living, to more than 8 per cent this same disease looked at from increased taxes fori massive direct mail campaign. Most of the money came in - budget, it is a very expensive budget" that provides for the higher unemployment and per¬ year, and remain above 8 per different points of view." industry. f donations of under $100 each. nation's social needs. petually higher energy costs. cent until the early months of Greenspan also said that tax •Overruling Ways and Means the u,J Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D - Wash., was second with $1.1 He said he would vigorously oppose any congressional attempt President " Ford's economic 1976. cuts and economic stimulus in the House Rules ConJ to slash "without rhyme or reason" his $92.8 billion defense That means many more million, mostly from donations of between $1,000 and $3,000 report to Congress said addition to what Ford has voted to send each. spending proposals, saying deep cuts could jeopardize national Tuesday. Americans out of work in the proposed, might not have the boost the federal Sen. LloydBentsen, D - Tex., was third with $1.0 million, a security. Chairman Alan Greenspan of year ahead. The December intended effect of creating more and debt! Ford made these points concerning foreign delay an incre«,l total that included some money raised in 1973 and policy: th^ President's Council of unemployment rate was 7.1 per jobs, but would cause higher import tariffs to the Ho • Congress will approve his request for an additional $300 Economic Advisers, which pre- cent. An 8 per cent jobless rate inflation and more unemploy as separate measures. ~L transferred in last year. Bentsen also relied heavily on means about 7.2 million persons ment in 1976 and beyond. •The House voted donors who gave between $1,000 and $3,000. • out of work. the price of food to I Greenspan said the nation's The economic report, which is rest of this stamps I Baby food labeling questioned prepared annually, left doubt year. r Heath economic decline in the fourth no outpolled, The action was quarter was much steeper than that the Ford Administration by J has given up hope of bringing margin. ' 1 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was petitioned expected and was not foreseen Monday by 58 congressmen and two consumer groups to by the President's economic world oil prices anywhere near The vote sends the J require full ingredient disclosure and percentage labeling of advisers. the lower prices of just 18 to the Senate fal baby foods. Charging that baby food companies are deceiving the bid for top "With all of our sophisticated techniques, and they are very months ago. and that the economy will suffer as a result. In other energy and economic Wednesday or Thursdiyl designed to block thtl Administration's plan t| public, the petition said that American mothers should know sophisticated, the extent of our the price of the LONDON (AP) - Edward Heath, who led is elected. current decline was not pro¬ developments Tuesday: stamps 1 as much about the food they feed their infants as they are to reduce federal spend told on labels of orange juice beverages and seafood Britain into the European Common Market, gave Aides said Heath was stunned to learn that jected as recently as few months •The House Ways and Means $648 million. up his bid Tuesday to remain head of the fellow Tories in the House of Commons, voting for ago, Greenspan said at a news Committee refused to put a cocktails. briefing. •New "Current baby food labels are misleading because they opposition Conservative party after suffering a the first time under their new system for electing The President's advisers said repeal of the petroleum deple¬ in late car sales strenjL stunning upset on the first ballot of the party's a leader, rejected his bid to extend his decade-long tion allowance aboard its multi- January as cjskl give the impression that the contents are pure product (egg leadership election. rule at the party helm. in the report the economy faces billion-dollar emergency econo¬ plans spurred auto delifl yolk, beef, apples, etc.), when, in reality, they contain Heath, 58, a strong favorite before the ballot, The contest was forced by disgruntled Tories another steep decline in the first mic tax cut bill. an estimated 36 per centf significant amounts of nonnutritious ingredients," said Rep. three months of 1975, but that it was outpolled by Margaret Thatcher, a 49-year after the Conservatives, led by Heath, lost two The vote was 22-14 against mid-January levels, i Benjamin S. Rosenthal, D - N.Y., who said he was spokesman old former education minister. She gained 130 should "move on to the road to the proposal by Rep. Sara analysts said. general elections in 1974 to Harold Wilson's Labor for the petitioners. votes to Heath's 119, with 16 going to minor party. recovery" in the second of Present FDA candidate Htsgh Fraser and 11 Tory lawmakers "It has been a great privilege to serve my party the year. regulations require the listing of ingredients not voting. as its leader and "The most pressing concern ond Spring ichool l.rm. Mo in order of predominance, although the first may be only a my country as its prime ond a «p«iol W»kom# w..i For an outright win she needed a clear majority minister." said Heath, 58, of policy is to halt the decline in fraction larger in quantity than the second, he said. The a carpenter's son and — 139 votes — and a margin of 15 per cent, or 42 first leader of the traditionally upper-crust Tory production and employment so petition seeks percentage labeling of any ingredient votes more than her nearest rival. In next that growth of output can party to come from an ordinary, lowermiddle— constituting more than 2 per cent of total weight. Tuesday's second ballot she could face new class background. resume and unemployment can opposition in her bid to become the first British Thatcher, mother of 21-year-old twins, says the be reduced," the report said. of MSU Si Dems suggest CIA committee woman to be a major party leader and contender time has come for a woman prime minister in But Greenspan said Administration policy should the for prime minister. A simple majority will be Britain. She gathered with elated supporters and Creation of a select House committee to investigate all sufficient in the second ballot. told reporters she was "cautiously confident" not shift entirely to fighting foreign and domestic iiitelligence operations of the CIA, FBI Heath, incumbent party leader and a former after the vote. unemployment and ignore the Nowr Editor iol Clatiriiod Ad» and other federal intelligence - gathering agencies was prime minister, quickly announeednis with "ft is a very good basis on which to go forward continuing threat of inflation. Oitptay Advertising recommended Tuesday by the House Democratic Steering drawal from the second ballot. He later named to the second ballot. We believe that our vote will The two must be solved to¬ Committee. Tory economics spokesman Robert Carr to take remain firm, and we hope to attract a few more," gether, he said. over duties as opposition leader until a s she said. "It's not inflation vorsus un- Speaker Carl Albert said creation of the committee probably will be put to a House vote the week after next, after a week long recess. - Democratic leaders, including Democratic Caucus Chair¬ man Philip Burton, D - Calif, said the select committee is so widely supported that Democrats probably will not. vote on it when the caucus meets Wednesday. Spain for 8 days during Spring break. AT&T denies anti-trust charge *312 THE STARES!I 2843 E, CD. RIVER. EAST LANSING American Telephone & Telegraph Co. denied on Tuesday complete package! that it is violating anti - trust laws and asked a federal court to dismiss a Justice Dept. suit seeking to break the company You must have a passport MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE Hffi NATIONAL ENTERTAIN®| up. so hurry! In "complaint and answer" filed with U.S. District Court in NOW APPEARING Washington, D C. AT&T said its Bell System is operating under a consent decree and final judgment entered with the al$o department in 1956. The current complaint alleges the same cause of action 1»7« Th# Botft* Mwnl Co Hawaii $378 X PHAROAH alleged in the 1949 suit" which was resolved by the 1956 » SANDERS . judgement, AT&T said. Available to students, staff Everyone Show your lov and faculty and members of their immediate loved ones you care with Hallmark family. cards and gifts for Valentine's Day, Friday, LIMITED SPACE Feb. 14. They'll love you for it. Sponsored by ASMSU Travel Board. S^8-S~ PHONE or 353 - - 353 0766 353-1 1 1 5 evenings - 0659 daily 421 E. Gd. River for details Sadat: Brezhnev to visit Egypt EavDtian President Anwar Sadat said Tuesday that Soviet Communist party chief Leonid Brezhnev is planningtovisit Egypt but gave no indication when the visit might take place. Hey, chicken lovers- A come on over to The Other Fried! Brezhnev had been scheduled to visit Egypt in early January, but that trip was postponed. Some sources said the postponement was to give the countries time to settle their difference, while others indicated the postponement COMING NEXT WEEK I Wednesday was due to a Brezhnev illness. A. Arab newsmen watching Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and Sadat making informal small talk before GEORGE BENSON] Family Night starting formal talks reported hearing the Soviet minister use the English word "sick." The complete sentence was not heard, but the newsmen interpreted the word to Brezhnev. apply to SPECIALS ALL WEEK Suspected terrorists detained American civilians, mostly women and airlifted along with 30 other children, were foreigners Tuesday to the safety Special 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, . ^ BEEF KABOB FRIDAY $395 of Addis Ababa from the provincial mashed potatoes and gravy\ ^ capital of Asmara where SCALLOPS $2-00 Jfflhovs government troops battled Moslem rebels. Some evacuees around Asmara. spoke of indiscriminate shootings in and They flew out as diplomatic sources reported that the hot biscuits. Great time to discover the toucha honey Reg. 1.69 ftgefie SARJRDAY fighting had spilled across the borders of the Eritrean difference in Famous Recipe, The Other BBQ CHICKEN...$2# Now only 12.50 province for the first time since heavy fighting erupted five days ago. The sources said the rebels, well armed and financed by Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way 1900 East Kalamazoo £ 5 minutes from M.S.U | # 2O " " RIBS DINNERS INCWDE Arab oil money, blew up a bridge in the neighboring Tigre through. No wonder people who cross - province and halted Ethiopian convoys carrying supplies and over to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 4500 South Cedar 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) FRENCH FRIES &SAIADBW troops to Asmara. Lhigans,i,tc NeWS' EaSt Lansing' Michi8an Wednesday, February 5,1975 3 !OGS elects second Lary LVfWH SUffWrlter ann chick COGS. woman She is the second president in the history presidency, two for vice the office of president of University During the past three years, years," Brashler said. "But I she has worked on student won t forget the other of COGS. fcouncil of Graduate Stu- This was the first time in affairs and one for each of the other five offices. health insurance plans, grad¬ of graduate students." concerns iCOGS) «'lefU'd, Jfn eight years, COGS elected in¬ uate student tax cases and a Brashler said she would like l. president of the stead of Bwishler has been the vice new sick leave policy for grad¬ to see COGS expand their L board Monday night selected officers. president of graduate welfare uate students. services to graduate students. mile candidates. Usually only one candidate runs for the past two years. She also , ■ "I'll probably lean my "I think COGS should 1330 Westview for the seven offices and the served as a pro¬ pay |h!er. representative to grams towards the welfare of more attention to the elected hv secret voting is only a formality. This COGS for the Dept. of Anthro¬ concerns )IS graduates just because that is of all graduate students, in¬ year, three people ran for the , the representatives of pology for one year. where I've worked the last two stead of concentrating on grad uate assistants," she said. "Sometimes, we forget there Icademiiic Council OKs motion are a whole bunch of others without funding at this Univer¬ sity who need help too," Brashler said. lengthening term paper rights "Right now, we have cheapest copying service campus and we give some money for day care scholar¬ the on By BRICERAY WALKER on University matters. ships, but I would like us to do a State News Staff Writer Some strong opposition arose immediately among the council lot more," she said. "Within our to their examinations and term papers were members when the two resolutions came ni, up for discussion. budget, of course.." Elearly* guaranteed by the Academic Council in Tuesday's Herbert Rudman, professor of administration and Brashler said she would like higher to see the newsletter sent to education, said he saw no function that an advisory council could ■ Lvious language in the Teaching Code of Responsibility serve that the Academic Council does not already serve. He also first term graduate students Mmbiguous in parts. The Educational Policies Committee wanted to know what constituency these people would serve that expanded to include more con¬ ■revised it and presented its report to the council on Jan. 14. council members do not sumer tips for living in this area sal was approved Tuesday. already represent. and ideas of where students can » language states that examinations and assignments Chitra Smith, chairwoman of EPC, said she was afraid that a go when they have problems. Ittrd [or grading should be returned promptly. Unclaimed pick-up* committee like the advisory council would perhaps "I think it is important that lamination answers are to be retained by the instructor for harmfully bypass "painstaking" committee work and use its direct we look into the question of I one term. access to the board to bypass regular channels of study. financial aid for graduate stu¬ orsare given the option of letting their students retain A motion was made that a vote be taken to sample the council's dents," Brashler said. "I'd like uon questions. Term papers and comparable projects are opinion of the principle of an aavisory council. Then the order of to see some research done on E^rty of the student who submits them. the meeting dissolved as charges of "out of order" rang through this sometime this year." SN photo/Daniel Shutt Lher business, the council delved into the proposed the air combined with shouts of "point of information" and "We just don't know how Newly elected COGS President Jan Brasler told the State News Jtions to set up an advisory council composed of students. "member's privilege." many graduate students stay Tuesday that she will work towards the creation of a union of Big Ten Kind alumni to the board of trustees, and quickly found itself As the parliamentarians tried to disentangle the mess one away from MSU or drop out graduate students. [ina morass of parliamentary procedure. member decided the best way out was to adjourn until they because they don't receive J resolutions, submitted by Fred Home, professor of figured out what to do. A majority of the members agreed with financial aid. of a union of dents are a lot louder than the L, ami Gene Buckner, student member at-large, are him. The council adjourned without graduate student Don Batkins, 720 Elm St., vice voting on the proposed Brashler also plans to con¬ voices of 8,000," Brashler said. ■ to provide a council to the board that would provide advice groups in the Big Ten schools. president of university advisory council. tinue working on the formation "The voices of 50,000 stu- "If the Big Ten schools join this affairs; Chad Spawr, C1646 type of organization, we can Spartan Village, vice president pool our resources and ideas to graduate welfare; Steve Tyma, solve many of the problems 741 Comfort, Lansing, vice [rial involving Alle-Ey begins today graduate students face." COGS hopes to hold a meet ing with representatives from each of the Big Ten's graduate president internal affairs; Beth Lemesany, H1549 Spartan Vil¬ lage, treasurer and public re¬ lations; Fred Zensen, 1708 E. organizations in late March. Grand River Ave., correspond¬ Ialphframmolino said the Eydes were acting feet of gross area occupied, not Council when some members Seven of the 10 schools have ing secretary, and Joe Brock- it« News Staff Writer under his interpretation of the Alle-Ey would be of little move. agreed to the meeting. ington, 314 Oakhill Ave., including store room, unless said the AUe-Ey and possibly "If they close down, it would ill involving the Alle-Ey fire code. consequence, others, like Other officers elected were: otherwise stipulated herein." Dooley's liquor licenses might be recording secretary. it City of East Lansing, George Eyde contends that Lizard's, the High Wheeler and an extremely sweet situa¬ The city code also requires 15 be revoked in April when they Beggar's Banquet, said they tion," said Rick Becker, owner- p will begin today in East state regulations, as outlined in feet per person. come up for renewal. Such lack the State of would hate to see anything manager of The Brewery. (^District Court, prom- Michigan Public The term "occupied" is inter¬ of approval by the city would Becker said he only [o answer several ques- Assembly Regulations, should happen to the Alle-Ey. They favored the preted by both parties to mean kill any hope of renewing a said a closing, or even a bars being closed for a short |surrounding overcrowd- be the criteria for judging the two different things. Eyde says state liquor license, though conviction, could cause over¬ period of time. m bars, patron limit, and not city codes. all areas within the establish these statements king opinions between 5 hit Its for overcrowding and by criminal "We were told to consider the state code," Eyde said. State and local authorities ment should be included in the measurement and then divided viewed as empty threats be¬ cause of the trouble such an may be crowding in their own establish¬ ments. "They (Alle-Ey owners) are naive to the potential disaster in their midsts," Becker said. LANSING by. 16 to ariv* at a patron limit. action would create. Only one bar said the closing "Why turn a party into a lmd police officials have agree, however, that the city Other area bar owners of the Alle-Ey would be a good are funeral?" he asked. Idibonfire of controversy. reserves the right to be morfc looking at the Alle-Ey trial with efforts hgfire officials to keep the of East restrictive in the building ordirt- ances, and when there is a varied interests. While some claim that their customers are SICKLE CELL powding situation in the conflict, the city would take different and that closing of the its in check has resulted jurisdiction. Authorities also Currently, city and state criminal complaints officials do not regard accessory le say that the East Lansing code areas such bathrooms, ANEMIA as tough the city and one is the same as the state code. kitchen, torcomfy ' t filed through the "The state Fire Marshal and pool tables, pinball machines and dance floors as Liquor Control the East Lansing Fire Marshal oniMLCCl. The Alle- assembly space and do not count delivery llbeen slapped with two of are saying the same thing," said Sergeant William Rucinski of them in the measurement. vsU nejac tv rentals' It? complaints, filed Nov. the State of Michigan fire With both state and local |Ju. 10. and the MLCC _ it, filed on Jan. 21. marshal division. The second issue, which will authorities concurring on what the law says, it would seem the FOUNDATION ijs was hit with a com- be contended in today's trial, burden of the frial rests on the I in mid January. Today, Eydes to convince the court that nife-Ey faces trial for the concerns which areas fire authorities are to include when the interpretations they follow for all Michigan State University Students Its '*r complaint, and both a precedent-set taking a measurement to deter mine patron limit. The state are correct in order to avoid the maximum $500 fine. Added flWIfiiHnIJ Faculty and immediate family no secret NEEDS YOU I ■ major issues of the trial code says: 'The basis of capacity requirements shall be pressure was agt^) applied two weeks by the East Lansing City dAMftlEft Montego Bay [kflher the East pgcodes should be used in Lansing one person to each 15 square Dr. J. R. Nixon $ORQ fc w W Mar. 16-23,1975 , DunnW Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. FREE DELIVERY CO-OPTICAL SERVICES DR. J. R. NIXON. OPTOMETRIST Now in Brookfield Plaza HAVE A TOUCH OF CLASS! open thursday and friday nights until nine ([ 5 al tlds SEND LONG STEMMED ROSES ON VALENTINES DAY! cool. Miss J plays . .in a sandal it oJk 1 Compare our prices and choose from 4 different options-all with FREE DELIVERY! Pric» includes to low 1 /(\ on a wedge (for Lansing. East Lansing only) &U- Order by mail (clip out this ad) i RENT at.V □ 1 ROSE $1.65 □ 2 ROSES $2.75 1525.00 per termi 1 ta,«ye $10.95 p. '/j DOZEN 1 DOZEN ^tvrentalsI ^37-1010 □ $6.55 □ $11.75 TO: a flexible sole, a lower wedge, name LUw address strapped on top with soft calf leather. Comfortable, cool, casual, with an ankle strap phone: for proper fit. In natural or a cherry color, 6V4-9 FROM: name and 10 Narrow, 5-9 and 10 Medium sizes $10 address . IOpen ThurS.&Fri. evenings phone: BIRMINGHAM 1 0ETR0,T ' r OONTfOHOtT WUJEMTwrS DMT ■Hanoi lo» Dtttributon f' O. Box ISM (••I I on ting Mktl 1*131 JacoJoBoriB NORTHlANti EAST LANSING ANN ARBOR GRAND RAPIDS DEARBORN PONTIAC MALI Your card will be signed "With Love ..." RUSSELL Killing for a worthy cause The average person rarely meets terror¬ ists, except thoje connected with the government, and so, in our ignorance of them, we tend to think of them as bestial and inhuman. This probably does terrorists a cruel injustice. It is true that terrorism EDITORIALS requires its practitioners to be unpleasant, even mur¬ derous, to other people. But their motives are invariably kind, humane and even Replace heal highminded. Indeed, few forms of human behavior more adequately express the quintessence of Homo Sapiens than a terror bombing, for it satisfies the human urge to It is not an uncommon scene to Faced with a choice between a be beastly to one's fellow man, woman and see a flu victim wait from two to complete health care center and a si- child and justifies the cruelty on grounds four hours for treatment at the dual center that would retain the that it will make the world a better place. University Health Center, much present health center as an in¬ The terrorist is a believer in uplift. He of the time standing in a corrider or sitting on the tile floor. The health center has amply patient facility, the should opt for one complete new center. authority This would avoid the believes in the perfectibility of man and is prepared to lull world for you. you in order to improve the m. Most of us, of course, have a horror of demonstrated its inadequacy. necessity of duplicating expensive sudden and premature dispatch to the The in-patient facilities are insuf¬ equipment and services. Location beyond, even for the sake of improving the ficient due to the removal of 55 next to the Clinical Sciences planet, and for this reason we tend to beds that posed a fire risk. It is Center would be ideal, since then disapprove of small-scale terrorism. This distaste is intensified by the fact that the without proper ventilation and all facilities would be utilized to noble cause for which we are to be smoke detection systems. To top their fullest capacity. dispatched often seems less than vital to us. it all, the health center does not If the new center was complete, In fact, there is such a variety of have the support systems and the present health center could be terrorists at work these days in such a other facilities necessary to meet used for much needed research variety of good causes that it is altogether possible to be hied rapidly to the grave the need comprehensive health and office space, as space utiliza¬ without even being aware of the good cause care requires. tion director Jim Peters has you died to promote. The people who died Even if as much as $1 million pointed out. in the recent Wall Street bombing, for was spent to revamp the health example, had probably never been aware of The "I hope you folks understand, We're in this for the future center, Joseph Patterson, director only real snag in the plan a Puerto Rican independence movement for a new center would be the which, the bombers said, required their of Ireland -- your future." of the Health Care Authority, deaths. says it would still be insufficient longer distance many students If you travel to Northern Ireland you will would have to go to get there. But to care for a student population probably know that the high-minded cause you are nobly serving by passage to the are to be killed for freedom, or for the all people can approach nearer to that has increased 12-fold since since the center would be funded for which you are bombed at your beer is other side. pa¬ liberation from the coils of imperialistic in the United States, primarily through a tuition either independence from British rule or "I keeper oil the center was built. am crossing for old Ireland,'' you might capitalism, or for something equally im¬ files on citizen activities, tapper on increase, the University should continuance of British rule, but if you cross sensibly conclude, having considered the The University should accept proving, and then they saturate you with phones, opener of mail, one is never I to London the ground is trickier. terrain, when in fact, all unbeknownst, you make some provision for a free bullets, fire and bombs. whether Big Brother Sam is w plans to build a new health center shuttle service for students too ill Not long ago terrorists in a passing car are actually improving the Middle East, All through history, people have tolerat¬ not, but is nevertheless that would have comprehensive, aware tL. pumped bullets into a West End hotel, and striking a blow for oppressed people of ed terrorism when its purpose has been name is on file at the FBI. the J to walk who don't have bus since there had been a spate of bombings or up-to-date facilities for both in¬ there in the cause of a better Ireland, you Argentina, helping to end warfare in adequately explained to them, and most tapped, or the mail is being steamed J passes. Vietnam who knows? helping stop patient and out-patient care. would naturally have assumed, had you or - - people probably approve it. Probably one of the post office, it is lor a wonderful J The Health Care Authority is cruelty to animals in Sarawak. the chief reasons for American resistance to — the preservation of individual In Such an improvement in stu¬ been shot there, that it was to improve life When one is compelled to part with life the Vietnam war was the government's Government defense of these prv expected to recommend the con¬ dent health care at MSU would on the Emerald Isle. In this you would have for high-minded causes one likes to know failure to come up with an explanation of the same as the small bore struction of health center been wrong. ten] a new significantly reduce student grip¬ what the cause is. It is highly unsatisfying which great humanitarian purpose was defense of dynamiting helpless p< The police deduced that since there was a adjacent to the Clinical Sciences ing, most of which is well justified to cross the chasm for uplift without even being promoted by the bloodshed. the lunch counter. The cause is tool Jewish gathering in progress at the hotel, Center being built on Service knowing what will be uplifted as a result. Government terror is not limited to the be lost through squeamishness. I considering the quality of present the real point of the mayhem was to Governments, which are far and away Drive. use of bombs and guns. In places like Chile, neither government nor unofficial tJ health care. promote justice for the displaced Arabs of the most vigorous practitioners of terror¬ Palestine. Thus, in your last millisecond on ism, understand this human quirk. When it embraces torture to create a society ever concedes is that terror, besides^ purified by release from Communism. In so good for humanity, also fulfills soi earth, it is entirely possible these days to be they make war they first saturate you with the Soviet Union, it includes imprisonment human yearning to give one's fello^ cruelly deceived about which great cause official announcements explaining that you the works. Rise in insane asylums to create a world where against Croak! One discrimination is already uncomprehensible. pending against the MSU School of The only way to rid the school of Dear (Satirical) Frank Fox: Nursing and if recent student this is to bring it to the attention of Toads don't live in ponds! opinion is a fair indicator, there are the proper people. But it appears many more that could be investi¬ that many students fear they will D.G.Hfl gated. jeopardize their future if they do. 1762 EdgewoodB Not only should racial discrimin¬ If the discrimination is not Dirty mud tussle ation never find its way into reported though, the problem will It doesn't matter whether you win or Fuzzy thinkingI classrooms, but any student who continue unabated. Only the lose, it's how you play the game. .right? feels the sting of discrimination student hurt by discrimination can . Not necessarily so. I refer to the tug of war Your Budget editorial of Feb. 3d! the lamentable sort of fuzzy thinkiiJ should file charges with the MSU really realize it exists and report "contest" held recently at Holmes Hall. The idea is a good one. If organized usually afflicts impassioned do-goodefl Office of Human Relations or other it. correctly it the State News. would even have been a success, especially appropriate office. in You argue that this is the wrong til promoting a greater sense of spirit an increase in the personal income I Only in this manner will discrim¬ among the halls. you complain that the Governor's b ination be eliminated from the Risky tax program will not give the kind oil However, the word organized can not classroom. was designed to. Then you urge tkT even loosely be applied to the event. There The Office of Human Relations were no defined set of rules until the legislature enact "programs for the pi must now fully investigate the The Academic Council majority of the matches were already although you neglect to define su Steering grams. current discrimination charge Committee, with its peculiar habit completed. Most of the earlier matches were unfairly held, and some were Esselman stated that the reason that "Kung Where, pray, do you propose tod thereby setting a precedent for of sticking things in the repeated such actions. places, has once again stuffed the wrong because of this. But what about those Kung fool Fu" was being dropped by ABC, was money for these programs? Surely nr the personal income tax. Surely nr matches that weren't repeated? And it because even though the program appealed Though the school is attempting trustee advisory council proposals surely must be a conflict of interest when Once again the State News has subjected to the under 18 age group, it did not appeal to another business tax — though yc to recognize the issue through into an old, dusty bottle. the president of the East Complex Halls the students of this remarkable institution of the over fifty age group. If Ms. Esselman your usual swipe at big business j their minority project, the real learning to what can be termed "half assed" that would encourage big busines As if it were a cigarette butt that Organization, which sponsored the match had any knowledge of subject of her article, voted in favor of a rematch for his own journalism. It would seem that the their many jobs to flee the state as es, she would realize that commercial television problem is with the professors. won't go out. small businesses will now. Surely nd floor. The frustrations of a few discontent reporters and editors of the State News doesn't give a damn about either age group No matter how many blacks are Proposals that would institute residents surfaced when they succeeded in could not see it in their hearts to spare us that was mentioned. In the world an increase in liquor and tobacco! in the classroom, the attitude of since that would be as inequitable! advisory councils to the trustees ripping-off the rope itself right from under from a gem like the headline "Museum of demographics, advertising, and cost per the professors must change before already have been smoldering in the judges noses, exemplifying the total Called a Bad Fire Hazard," that appeared thousand, the only group that matters is the food and drug tax. (Unless, of coursi there can be an end to this bias. committee almost a year now. confusion of the contest. on the front page in the Jan. 27 issue of the 18 to 50 age group. The group with the can prove that the majority of drinkers have incomes greater than V sraokj State News. Now if the museum is a "bad" Statements reeking of blatant The proposal's foes can only money. In short,, before Ms. Esselman I would like to see the Mud Bowl contest fire hazard, I would like the State News to gives another "insightful" look into the a year.) I prejudice by both professors and hope that the steering committee continued as an annual event, but it will be find a "good" fire hazard. us world of television, do You also refer to "internal exorbm course outlines have inane unless there is organized planning some research first. absolutely no has not been unwise. There is by which I presume you mean w« before the contest. Thomas Wilson place at a university. How always danger when dropping hot Another example of the reporting exper 1717 Cooper Ave. government. There is really very lj tise of the State News was that: surely you must realize frour stereotypes ever found their way things into bottles. Sometimes, Kathy Es- selman's article op television printed during Editors Note: Wilson should worry first constant study of state and n! into a nursing course syllabus is bottles explode. the week of Jan. 19. In the article Ms. about his half - united letter writing. The government that over 75 percent J Esselman story he refers to appeared Jan. budget is fixed by enacted, <" ' 16, but did not mention "Kung Fu." The grams. . a portion of Esselman's story quesUoned If the legislature really wanted! The Doctor's Bag concerned CBS' "Planet of the Apes" series. waste in the budget, they would i The statement about "Ape's" cancellation from MSU's appropriations any p< came from CBS programmers. funds for the State News. BY ARNOLD Thomas E.KIu| WERNER, M.D. 1856 Hamilto| Boiled alive Editor's Note: A Jan. 29 « Copyright 1975 with state budget cuts in more de I don't see how the State News could let an of MSU's appropriations go to « ■ Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at article such as the one Mike Litaker wrote News. The State News is finM* ■ practice you should be able to achieve Part of the problem might relate to water exclusively? MSU Health Center. Names need not be included Unless orgasm through sexual intercourse. attitudes about intercourse and/or fears of The person pushing the use of the stills Monday get into the paper ("Tech shoves vertising revenue iK6 per era a personal reply is re¬ The basic principle in being successful is pregnancy. In such circumstances, some says that it is excellent for treating arthritis, jeers out of first"). Litaker should be boiled student tax (12 per cent) and sub«r| quested. in Huskie blood and sent back to (2 per cent). to be aroused before you start to have women have a sufficiently difficult time in diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cataracts, glau¬ Michigan Tech where he belongs. He I have a problem which I feel is intercourse. Some degree of arousal is relaxing enough to achieve orgasm. If the coma and renal stones. Frankly, he sounds evidently thinks unique he is writing for the Tech and want to know if you are aware of the essential for the man, otherwise he more physical suggestions do not work, like a quack. newspaper. True, cause and possible solution. I'm unable to achieve a climax during intercourse. wouldn't have a sufficient erection to gain entry, but a high level of arousal is more discussing your attitudes and concerns about sexual intercourse and closeness cure Clearly, drinking distilled water is no all. It probably does not cause harm the Spartans were not as Tech as we have seen earlier this strong against year, but that is no reason to belittle our team or to Reluctant donaf'l Actually, I do not even get physically should be of help. For many women, this is important for having orgasm for the since trace minerals and other things you aroused. I have no trouble at all with oral or manual stimulation with which a climax woman. Manual or oral stimulation produce easier orgasms because it is more may best accomplished by discussing these problems with a sexually mature woman would be missing in water would be picked ridicule individual players. I am his comments about referring to Captain Paul Pavelich This letter is in behalf of hundreds of students who jjlI up in food, milk and other ingested and defenseman Tom Smith. The whole comes very easily. The situation is causing specifically stimulating than is sexual who can discuss sexual issues openly and in themselves at the mercy of so T substances. But I would be worried about team should take the problems with my lover since he places the intercourse. If that is the case, the solution nonmoralistic terms. This should be a close the still becoming contaminated with bac¬ responsibility for a defeat, not just a few players. maniac. Upon returning to my P |L blame on himself, although he has tried to the problem might be to become friend -but more likely would be someone with proper professional credentials who teria or fungi and your parents getting less in the library recently. I Educational Research Methods t J everything either of us can think of to help sufficiently aroused by whatever means you pure water than they could from their tap. Also, way to go Spartan hockey fans. me. What, if anything, can I do to overcome can. Then proceed immediately to have has an understanding of human sexuality. Coach Amo Bessone $9.95 value, had been ripped o Gimmicks such as the one you describe was so right when he this? intercourse while in this very aroused state, I am very concerned about a device being are bound to flourish more and said,".. it's disturbing when the fans boo at . poor graduate student (out of s •.. The situation you describe is far from while maintaining the same type of stimula offered for sale in the area where jny more with the business of dumping of asbestos fibers home..The home fans are supposed to I do not particularly rf lshI , n0| tion that aroused you in the first place. parents live. It produces distilled water cheer and rally a team to donating my text to people . unique, and it is also quite possible to in Lake Superior and the victory, not dig know! I sincerely hope that tn Obviously, it would be physically impossible which would be used for both drinking and finding of chemical their graves. overcome it. The fact that you are able to (I think) to continue to be stimulated orally contaminants in water drawn from other will benefit from reading » cooking. It costs about $250 and producer achieve orgasm through some means of while having intercourse but it shouldn't be sources. When the water we drink is not as So let's hear it for the fans. And deviations. Or at least enjoy I ' - eight gallons of water per day. Is thii you, too stimulation is a good sign and would too hard to figure out how to continue some pure aa it should be, it ia pretty discourag Mr. Litaker. I hope you're satisfied. she will receive for cashing merely a waste of money, or could there be indicate *hat with a little bit of patience and manual stimulation while coupled. ing. But distilling your own is probably no Marc Walker danger to one's health in using distilled W718 C 352 N. Hubbard Hall VIEWPOINT: Alleged racial bias discounted In reading the recent article concerning The incident regarding the "probing" of a behaves. We, as nurses, would not expect the alleged discriminatory practices of the student's personal life utilizes one of the any black individual to act precisely as this School of Nursing, we as senior nursing principles basic to effective learning. This model shows nor would we expect any students feel compelled to reply to several principle states that physical and social white individual to behave as a "white of the allegations made by Evelyn Shields problems, such as roommate, employment middle-class" person. and others. and financial problems, may have a delete¬ From our experience as nursing students, Though we realize there are problems rious effect on a student's learning. There¬ we believe that we, and many of our within the School of peers, Nursing, as there are in fore, though the situation described by have often felt harassed. At the time we any University programs, we feel we can Shields as a "probe of my personal life" may offer possible explanations for some of the were upset, but looking at the situation have been just that, it may also have been from Dr. situations cited as Payne's perspective, we will "be discriminatory. an attempt by the instructor to help the taking care of human beings and must be In the case described by Carrie regarding student identify factors affecting her learn¬ carefully perpared to do so." Close super information concerning a drug, we have ing. This is not a technique used solely with vision at the student level is necessary for each experienced similar situations. black students. Though us to develop those skills vital to pro¬ at the time we saw it as a personal affront, The syllabus section regarding "The fessional nursing practice whether we be we now realize this to be the instructor's Black Patient" is only a small part of the black or white, male or female. attempt to help us become more self-reliant. study relating to ethnic groups. These A nurse often has to rely on her ingenuity broad stereotypical generalizations are also to discover various sources of information. made for the Mexican-American patient, Perhaps the instructor believed, through the Irish patient and the "white middle- Shirley A. Bader Roseanne Buck past experience with the student, that the class" patient. The instructors are careful to student was capable of Helen J. Cabianca I WITH HIS ItCTURI THIS IVININ^ "HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE FROM YOUR COUNTRY'S mation herself. She may have obtaining the infor¬ point out that these stereotypes are meant Linda Dingerson MISFORTUNE, MAY I PRESENT, MR. JOHN DEAN.' actually been only as a very broad framework and are not Seniors indirectly complimenting her abilities. to be taken as the way any individual really MSU School of Nursing IWPOINT: LECTURES Crime may pay Regarding the Ziegler flap, The Christian ff/c/a/ disputes Science Monitor ended its editorial titled "Watergate profiteers" Jan. 29 with the following: "To encourage the I KENNETH BKACHLER Watergate figures to huckster their 'wares,' however, raises lpliud Alan Fox's intention to clear up moral questions. Surely inordinate payment Xfusion concerning ASMSU's involve- to Richard Nixon, John Dean, H.R. RSVP taking such a poll. But the State News' ■with the forthcoming appearance of Haldeman and others who may now methods make a pitiful joke of it. The joke aspire liegler (Viewpoint: Ziegler, Feb. 3). to literary stardom, adds to the cynicism Dear Richard, becomes ludicrous when it takes the form of iver, he apparently did not bother and general disenchantment of the Please don't let the controversy sur¬ "local reaction" to some national event. ij the facts before submitting his American people, who in some cases rounding your Ron stifle your ever aggres¬ Why tell me what the MSU community Certainly, he didn't check might sive eminence. Rejoice! Bask in the feel that crime not thinks? Is it so that I can conform my views only pays but pays well Isith me. be indeed." freedoms your Jerry has blessed to the opinion of the responsible for selecting a speaker that dents upon you. majority? And if so, am Tgnator for the contract on this event, would paid an admission fee of $1, which Come out! Speak out! You have for too I to make that decision on the basis of a few appeal to its constituency. I David Jones Insored bv ASMSU Great Issues and helped us pay our half of the fee. We also long been silenced by the bearers of many dozen people chosen by accident or because requested only that Lecture-Concert be 2099 Hamilton Road Lecture Concert Office. I neither fielded the criticism aimed at MSU Let allowed to charge at least $1 at the door for by irate causes. us hear your truths! Come. Be they are friends of State News staff? Jsted nor countersigned the contract admission to nonstudents, so that we would students, faculty, alumni and taxpayers, about presenting a speaker who was Outsiders always welcomed to the liberal grounds of Steve Treat ■hadbeen approved by Steve Findley, MSU. 608 S. Case Hall have an opportunity of earning our half of Ian of Great Issues. The contract was the expense involved. traitor to our country." The University What do you remember about the Come. Again speak to the masses, just Editor's Note: The people were "chosen I) us on Dec. 4, but I did not sign and We have had substantially the same administration stayed away from exerting Seven, the Cambodian Incursion, Kent Chicago like in the good ol' days. And, hear the by « Kit until Dec. 9. Nothing had been said any pressure whatsoever, just as it has done masses cheer Heil Nixon! Seig Heil! * State, the Pentagon Papers, the U.S. .. . arrangement in previous years with the in the current situation. concerning Tim Cain's possible roval, nor have I heard anything yet Council of Graduate Students. However, ASMSU has now withdrawn funds for a mining of Hai Phong Harbor and the Hanoi Frank Blair 629 E. Owen Hall Doctor praised jim concerning Great Issues. speaker chosen by their Bombings? P.S. Please be own representa¬ The sure to bring Spiro. I student myself at MSU in the '60s, I tives. Passionate statements preceeding items may be inoperative As students utilizing the University ASMSU has are being to many of today's undergraduates. How¬ feairman of the student government now withdrawn made about picketing and Health Center, we would like to commend boycotting this ever, they are all unforgettable to pled "Academic Benefits." Great funds for a speaker chosen by "lecture-Concert Event." However, there graduate students that, as undergrads, today's Pitiful joke the outstanding service of Dr. Johnson. Dr. Johnson approaches her Georgia I is the current counterpart of that their own representatives. has been a business agreement made in good were willing to take a stand in the streets in Is this a. At that time I found it difficult to faith. We treat all our contracts with journalism? "Poll shows most patients with sensitivity and concern. She behalf of principles and morality. support Ziegler visit" (SN, Jan. 30). It turns perceives them as thinking individuals, able i*ho might be available to speak, at integrity and, if anyone cancels, it will be Mr. So go ahead, "now generation." Wallow in COGS out that 21 out of 37 students and to discuss their health fee and how a promotional campaign not only chose their own speakers, Ziegler. Since our office cannot present any faculty problems in an adult your sloth of naivete. After all, Ziggy was fashion. It is easy to relate to Dr. Johnson. l be launched, once a speaker was but they also paid the entire contract fees attraction what shows no signs of at least are representative of a University just doing his job and following orders, community of 50,000. One could, without Her calm and sure manner %dto speak. We had a substantial and presentation expenses. Significantly, breaking even, we are requesting that provides for a COGS also had a policy of avoiding any the same admission fee right? If it lakes the hard core to handle the stretching coincidence too far, find 21 comfortable, atmosphere. Above all. Dr. Bming budget. It was because of the students pay the same admission Jiee as situation, we'll do it as we have done before. people on this campus who believe that Johnson has nee that, now as director of the speaker connected with political life. nonstudents. -*..j »- xt Now that we - must* root all impressed us as a very You just strut right along to the Nixon was a great president, but that is ^Concert Last year, ASMSU Great Issues, with expenses for this engagement, we are competent and able physician. program, 1 suggested to Auditorium with a dollar iri your little hand, il' three seasons ago that we co¬ only $1,250 of their programming funds, hopeful that it will draw enough spectators hardly generalizable to 56 per cent of the like a good Nixon Youth. Those that can lor occasional campus speakers. I also made it possible for approximately 2,800 to pay an anticipated total expense of $3,310. population. Barbara Jones remember will stay outside. At least in the case of an active local issue 622 irthat.when ASMSU funds were MSU students to see and hear Daniel Kenneth C. Beachler is the director of the Robert W. McKay Hagadorn Road where student opinion is ipeement, ASMSU Great Issues Ellsberg without further charge. Nonstu Lecture Concert Series. 525 M. A.C.Ave. materially Margot Kurtz important, there is some justification for Bath V CMU Program Board HOI DOC SPECIAL! QUICK V Wednesday, February 5 presents Hot Dogs 25c 3 pm closing JOHN DEAN III CA$H >vENr//v ffhe - AT ROSE ARENA STATE NEWS CARDS ighwheeler Thursday, Feb.6th by American Greeting restaurant & lounge 8pm CLASSIFIEDS Restaurant 11:00 12:00 - • 2:00 AM !?:00 Sun. 231 MAC E .V' Lounge 11:30 - 2:00am 5:00 -12:00 Sun.. All tickets $1 355-8255 CAMPUS BOOK STORE607 E. Grand Riv»r (Acroti from B>rk»y) s;;;5T martys g Stock Red BUY"0"*, Were to SI 10.00 suits save 50c/c or more SOW '4990 UVre to S] 45.00 suits save 50r'r or autre SOW 96990 Were to > I 90.00 suits save 50% or more SOU '8990 Were <*5.00 sportcoats save 50% or more SOU Were to $$0.00 sportcoats save 50c'r or autre you Were to <110 00 sportcoats save 50or autre NOW 'IT Track and Trail Fair outerwear all hvlhrr ami cloth coats and jack* Now through Sunday Such name brands as: Johnny ('.arson. //. Freeman* C.riekeller, iV Asliei Stfeet Bikes, Show Bikes, Dirt Bikes, Endu'° Bikes. All that's new in Open Park Free Thursday We'll Gladly Motorcycles and off road vehicles & Friday Validate Your 'n 'til 9 p.m. MIN S fASHION CLOTHING Ticket 1975. 305 I. Grand River last Lansinq Master Charge - Bankamericard - American Express 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, FPhf,,„ Back Housing for retarded •n the This is the last part part of a three series dealing with the said Joe McCall, chief of the Dept. of Mental Health last year found that restrictive zoning codes in some cities interpretation then his clients claim the ordinance is unconsti foot living room, five bedrooms and three baths. he plans to reintroduce the bills this year. He is hoping, though, Phon. 332-2569 for But Highwaysi Sch.dul., problems of the mentally retarded communications office. "There were "impeding the develop¬ tutional because it provides no "What I'm fighting more than that the communities will start in Michigan. Today's article con¬ have been efforts by certain ment of residential care facili¬ place in Charlotte where the anything else is that whenever cerns housing. difficulty in providing people who do not understand ties in many desirable areas. mentally retarded could live. a community deals with a state opening up on a more voluntary basis. NORTH STAR UHti \ that the "This would partially account By TOM SLATER have rights. mentally retarded for the fact that in many cages Grand Rapids Federal Judge administrative agency we get "Whenever you have to force State News Staff Writer Many times the Noel P. Fox has authorized the sick and tired of people from problem is solved when people the facilities included in the issuance of a restraining order Lansing with no legislative zoning on're Public ignorance and dis¬ begin to understand. sample study tended to be allowing the men to remain in authority coming in here and going to meet some defenses," criminatory zoning regulations "The retarded are placed in clustered in several inner-city Kok said. "In many communi¬ TONIGHT residence until the zoning case telling us how to run our result in difficulty in finding group homes to maximize their areas of Detroit." is settled. ties the councils have agreed to housing for mildly retarded community," Barnhill said. potential for growth and A group home established by Charlotte city council "No one on the board has any try it for awhile and eventually adults. Misconceptions of the CMH in Charlotte is currently the home has been accepted. retarded and fears of losing development," said Irma member Russell Barnhill is a objection with the program," Zuckerberg, residential co¬ encountering trouble typical to realtor with the A.G. Twitchell Barnhill said. "We would just Hopefully this can happen more community control have closed ordinator for often. There will be more Community many group homes. The Real Estate Co. of Charlotte. In like them to show some respect many areas to providing group Mental Health (CMH) center, Charlotte City Council voted on communities faced with this December Barnhill offered to for what's already here in the homes in which the retarded which provides programs for Jan. 13 to evict five mentally soon. If they absolutely refuse may live. provide a different house for community and to operate it in the retarded in Ingham, Clinton retarded men from their home CMH in Charlotte but out of the the proper place." to open their community even Group homes for retarded and Eaton counties. "They in the area. The council claims after discussion, then we may adults of 25 years and older are . present neighborhood. State Rep. Peter Kok learn to live together, to live in the house is in violation of a city The house offered by Barnhill iR Grand have to force them, In this type established under a housing Rapids), who intro¬ the community and to become zoning ordinance. is located between a grocery- duced anti-discrimination bills of legislation we can't allow the program run by the state Dept. Charlotte and CMH differ of Mental Health. responsible citizens. They help on store and a Burger Chef. for housing the retarded in the communities to become angry, pay for the rent of their housing how the zoning ordinance is to Barnhill said last week that the not when we're dealing with The housing program is part Michigan House of Representa¬ out of their own earnings, be interpreted. But Peter of a program of deinstitutionali¬ house is still for sale and he tives which failed last year, said people." which makes them taxpayers — Sheldon, Lansing attorney for could not remember if they had zation started in 1970 by former and they are proud of that fact. CMH plaintiffs and house had any offers for it yet. The department director E. Gordon Many of them vote. owner Mary Watson of Yudashkin. Approximately 900 present home has a 10 by 20 Portage, Mich., said that even if retarded adults have returned "People need to be educated Charlotte is correct in their to community living through that the retarded won't hurt the housing program. However, their children or their property. many communities haven't They want an education, a been welcoming the program chance to live a decent life and a with open arms. decent home to live in." "Difficulty in locating homes A report released by the is a major and growing problem state Office of Health and causing considerable concern," Medical Affairs in February of Antoine Doinel returns in this the last of Truffaut's autobiographical films. The story begun in 400 BLOWS and STOLEN KISSES concludes with a sensitive and charming exploration of the effects of married life upon Antoine and Christine. As Antoine shuffles from job to job and Christine prepares foi' the birth of their first child, Truffaut uses this opportunity to tenderly poke fun at the foibles of human nature. Strong, sweet, wise and explosively funny, BED AND BOARD is full of the humanity and joy of life so clearly a trademark of this French director THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 7:00 & 9:15 PM FAIRCHILD THEATER Admission is $1.25 at the ■ ^H)r , or a Directors' Choice Series Ticke COMING NEXT TUESDAY SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER k|,jgan State News. East Lansing, Michigan lex runs !ft terf rampant r,r i ,' nne Uf By EDD RUDZATS Sutr News Reviewer from outer space the planet, hits Earth, a rampant sex madness disrupting work and traffic-. who can save its inhabitants is Flesh, the famous n Gordon, a noted scientist. So it is that Flesh Gordon, on Lk from'the 10th International Ice Hockey Tournaments L? summoned to aid the people. * meone should come to the aid of Flesh Gordon, for this ctment of his adventures needs as much help as does the of Flesh Gordon" has some adolescent sexual humor. of any generation is Most of its humor is of the locker rooms. Characters and Emperor film Flesh battles a creatures and attacked clever ideas that flounder amidst a sea Trying to poke fun at the sexual mores always difficult. A quick style is required or a p-eat deal of wit. "Flesh Gordon" has neither. smirking kind or the type found in pop up with names like Flexi Jerkhoff Wang of the planet Porno. Within the confines of the penisosaurus. is ravaged by hermaphroditic shouting, funny a you dildo," or "Yes, your impotence." An i; guiding hand might have been able to produce more hiL since it is not there, "Flesh Gordon" sequences to locker room. a The plot resembles that of the in creativity and execution. Like meanders from sc tastelessness unequaled by anythin original Flash Gordon s< the original, "Flesh Go slipshod production standards. But a large amount of it looks like J r CIGARETTES -211 E Grand Mivei Next to the Sportsmeistei Mon, Tum, Fri, Sal Wtd.TKur #•! 9 6 by screwy robots, not to mention various « Earth. other sexual creations. a 2 PK 8 Ford table predicts high unemployment emphasize the mediocre quality of the acting and the sets. O ton coupon Eipiros f.b », 1*75 laming Star* Only lotioued from page of the slump. Such a growth casts show. would abort the £ 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM it wis even more surpris- rate brings the unemployment It is a fast recovery that the recovery. It is unlikely that a * Lver, to those familiar rate down sharply. Administration fears most. It of Congress will majority PROCESSING & DEVELOPING (onomic history, was the The sluggish rate of recovery fears inflation as a result. It accept a view that any attempt to use tax and (economic growth predic- foreseen by the Ford Adminis years — softcore and softminded. NO LIMIT may also fear that the govern spending policy to force a ,10- a mere 4 8 P61" tration will keep unemployment mental policies aimed at bring¬ ■ Expires Fat *. 1*75 high not only in 1976, but also in stronger recovery is doomed to ' East Lansing Storo Only ing about a faster recovery — fail. „ recessions of the recent succeeding years through the more it end of the decade. spending, bigger tax cuts luve ended on quite a and bigger deficits — would It is growth The absence of a precisely the path of the LISTERINE int trajectory — strong first cause such trouble in the finan upturn that such policies as the PLAYTEX of 8 or 9 per cent in the year of recovery has long-term rial markets that the policies antirecession tax cut are »i TAMPONS ftu following the bottom implications, as the Ford fore¬ would be self-defeating and lt designed to influence. film had a lot more going for it. 14 oz. ore reg. $1.50 7 J reg 49* 27c * M/kjO A/oco atfood stores LIMIT 1 Eipiros F.b *. 1*75 Eost Lansing Storo Only LIMIT 2 (coupon) Expiros Fob. 9 197$ East Lansing Stora Only ARRID ANTI-PERSPIRANT JERGENS EXTRA DRY LOTION S reg°Z$2.50 1.66 9 oz. reg. $1.50 QAC / LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 (coupon) (coupon) Expiros Fab. 9. 1975 Eipiros Fob. * 1*75 East Lansing Stora only Eost Lansing Stora Only I 10% OFF ON ALL 1 I VALENTINE BOX CANDY LIMIT 1 8 Eiplrti Fob * 1975 1 East Lansing Storo Only MAYBELLINE NO-DOZ ULTRA LASH MASCARA 36 64 s Q7C reg. $1.00 reg. $1.50 7 / LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 Expiros Fab * 1*75 East Lonsing Stora Only E pi W 197$ DIAL CUTEX DRY POWDER UNSCENTED NAIL POLISH REMOVER 9 oz. 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O OC reg. 59f LIMIT 1 36C reg. 26f LIMIT 1 ZZ Eipiros Fob. 9 197S Expiros Fob. * 1*75 East Lansing Stara Only TUFFIES PERSONNA TRASH CAN LINERS DOUBLE EDGE BLADES reg. $1.29 69c V* / reg. 89* 29c ' LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 Expiros Fab. 9 197S Expiros Fob. 9 197$ Eost Lonsing Stora Only East Lansing Stora Only f LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY f FLANNEL SHIRTS I reg $7 98 XJ 3.99 | Expir.s Fab. * 1*75 | East lonsing Stora Only CORDUROY ! 10% OFF SHIRTS LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY ON ALL 3.99 PAPERBACKS LIMIT 1 Ixpiros Fob * l*7S East lonsing Stora Only ExpirosFoTV 197$ Eost Lansing Storo Only CONTAC MASSENGILL COLD CAPSULES DOUCHE POWDER reg. $1.69 RRC UU 3 oz. reg. $1.39 7Q C / / LIMIT \ LIMIT 1 I coupon) 8 Expires Fob. 9, 197$ East Ixpiros F^T* 1*75 Lansing Stora Only East Lonsing Storo Only 1 25e OFF OUR PRICE ON I1 ALL PANTY HOSE LIMIT 4 1 Expiros F^T 9 197$ | East Lansing $tori^nly^^ ' Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan lay. Febn Uary s,l Cagers want stew after Buckeye roas ByCHARLESJOHNSON the situation around, but the Tip off time for tonight's league leader Indiana its big¬ The Spartans, however, Furlow threaded the nets for and Pete Davis gunned in 16 and he'd Ohio is 8:10. gest scare of the season. The proved they had no cause for 36 points, a career high, and 12 respectively. State's Spartans' 6-4 record in Big Ten £*5=4 SUte News Sports Writer game No. 1 nationally ranked fear. took over sole possession of the OSU's 6-10 center, Craig play hasn't raised many eye- The Riding on the crest of its Brows around the conference, surprisingly easy win Hoosiers just barely beat OSU, Behind another superb offen¬ Big Ten scoring parade with a Taylor, led his team's scoring over Ohio State gave the Spar¬ 22 with 28, followed by forward Bill 101-83 trouncing of Ohio State much less the country. 72-66, last Saturday. sive game by forward Terry point average. The 6-5 junior tans a clean sweep over the from Flint Northern connected Andreas with 19 and sophomore Monday night in Columbus, the Furlow, MSU completely out¬ red-hot MSU basketball team But based on what the Spar¬ Buckeyes in cage competition classed the Buckeyes. The on 12 of 19 field goals and' guard Larry Bolden with 18. will try to cook up some Irish tans did to Ohio State Monday this year. MSU had earlier Big Ten Spartans led 51-32 at the half converted 12 of 13 free throws. Andreas had entered the game action is stew tonight. night to increase their confer whipped OSU, 88-84, in East w L and didn't permit the Buckeyes Senior center Lindsay as the conference's leading Saturday,.!*! The Spartan cagers will ven¬ ence win streak to four, acclaim Lansing. Indiana 10 0 to get closer than 17 points in Hairston chipped in 22 points scorer. S? Michigan The contest will 2 7 3 the final 20 minutes. and senior guards Bill Glover MSU's new-found defense ture down to South Bend, Ind., may not be far from reach. The Spartans are in fourth Minnesota four-game road to face Notre Dame in a crucial place in the Big Ten. Ohio SUte Purdue 7 3 trip nonconference clash which may Notre Dame, with an 11-6 dropped into a two-way tie for MSU 6 4 just be the opportunity MSU record this season, is not enjoy¬ sixth with a 5-5 mark. Michigan 5 5 FORMER SAGINAW SPRINTER RETURNS needs to climb from anonymity. ing one of its better years. Ohio State 5 5 Nevertheless, MSU victory Ohio State was thought to be Iowa 4 6 Though currently sporting a an dandy 12-5 record for the year, in all likelihood would be a severe threat to any chances Illinois 3 7 just MSU suffered through rough-goings early in the Big Ten season. some It has since turned the remedy to put the Spartans' name season on reserve tourney bid. for a post MSU may have had of adding on to its win streak. The Bucks in their previous outing had given Wisconsin Northwestern I 1 8 8 Reggie Jones cr events and six relays will make vault, shot put,'triple jump, long By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer up the program for the competi¬ jump and high jump, and the six Reggie Jones of Tennessee tors. relays races will be the shuttle PAT FARNAN MSU icers fall stunned the track world last spring when he was named the The flat races include the 60, 300, 600, 1,000, mile, two-mile, three-mile and 70 high hurdles; hurdle, sprint medley, distance medley, two-mile, college mile outstanding performer at the and university mile. Forbes' case NCAA outdoor championships the field events include pole The meet is divided into two in hockey poll as a freshman. Jones won the lOteyard dash key to future m a wind-aided 9.18 seconds and took second in the 220 to MSU's hockey team, which Notre Dame, fell to fifth in the highlight his performance for A will try to get back on the weekly collegiate hockey poll the Volunteers, who went on to hockey stick was not made to gouge peoples' eyes out. Luckily, that did not happen during an altercation between winning track this weekend at conducted by radio station take the team championship. Minnesota's Henry Boucha and Boston's Dave Forbes Jan. 4. WMPL, Hancock, Mich. Tennessee coach Stan Minnesota, which took over Perhaps the most positive result of the incident is that Boucha WCHA first Huntsman believes Jones, who still has something to place a patch over. Apparently. Forbes did place in the WCHA with a attended Saginaw High, is bet¬ not intentionally use the butt end of his stick on Boucha's face. But W L Pts. sweep over Colorado College ter this season, which could Minnesota 18 6 36 last weekend, moved back into that just isn't the point. spell excitement for Saturday's MSU 16 7 33 the top spot in the poll. The point is that it happened, not the first time, probably not the Michigan State Relays in Jeni- last. Such conduct on the part of professional hockey players is not Michigan Tech 16 8 32 Harvard, Michigan Tech and son Fieldhouse. Wisconsin 14 9 29 Boston University also placed discouraged to any great extent. Henry Boucha has double vision Jones is expected to compete Colo. College 14 10 28 ahead of the Spartans, while in the 60 and 300-yard sprints. problems. Forbes gets a 10-day suspension from National Hockey League President Clarence Campbell. Call that equitable? Michigan 12 12 24 Wisconsin, Colorado College, "Reggie is much better at this Notre Dame 9 14 19 Vermont, Michigan and St. Of course, that is all subject to change now, and I have to time than he was last year," Denver 7 16 15 Louis and Providence made up acknowledge a twinge of sympathy for Forbes. Now under Huntsman said. Minn.-Duluth 7 16 15 the second division. investigation by a grand jury, if Forbes is convicted he could be North Dakota 4 19 9 Spartan goalie Ron Clark and The Volunteers are one of 27 sitting in the slammer for three to 10 years. Forbes is more or less the goat. He's the guy that's supposedly left winger John Sturges will teams which are expected to Ties: MSU 1, Wisconsin 1, going to atone for all the wrongdoing of his colleagues merely Notre Dame 1, Denver 1, answer telephone questions compete in this weekend's track because he got caught with his fingers in the till. It finally Minnesota Duluth 1, North tonight on Spartan Sports extravaganza. Some 600 Scene, presented by WMSN athletes are scheduled to take happened, and Forbes, well, he got caught. Dakota 1. Now, if he's convicted, the outcome will certainly alter not only radio, 640 AM, beginning at 8. part in the festivities. the game of hockey, but all contact sports. The case could establish Five Big Ten schools, includ¬ a precedent by which future cases would be referred. ing MSU, Michigan, Wisconsin, Cager's elig Meanwhile, Campbell warns that the courts intervention into Ohio State and Purdue will be the sports world could be calamitous and would cause officials to competing. The Mid-American "give great thought to the future of our game." Conference will be repre¬ The deadline for en Evidently, great thought should have been given to the future of hockey before this. OK, it's great to have hindsight, and like every under invest sented by Eastern Western Michigan, Michigan, Central men's intramural singles tournament is other bar stool coach, I can criticize Campbell and other officials Michigan, Toledo. Kent State Friday. for lack of foresight in this matter. So I will. and Bowling Green State. The men's IM ladder | KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) committee, said Tuesday that Someone has failed to do his job. Be it Campbell, Forbes or — Tennessee sent three top Nebraska, Drake, several major bail tournament is Athletic Director Bob independents and schools from that participants m Boucha, there has been no deterrent to the piles of penalties that officials to New York Monday Woodruff, Vice Chancellor around Michigan and Ontario their own matches. TeaiJ heap higher each year. Remember the Philadelphia Flyers? to check out freshman Bernard Howard Aldmon and Charles Violence in pro hockey has simply gone too far. So the occasion King's junior high school Smith, executive assistant to are also expected to join in on the fun. Sophomore sprint star Reggie Jones, who three days to nrranit« arises when another body decides to intercede and take steps to transcripts, and the NCAA the university's president, had prepped at Saginaw High, will be competing in matches and must plavf redress the problem. Campbell responds with a warning of the Eight flat races, five field match per week. indicated Tuesday it is conduct¬ flown to New York to clear up Saturday's Michigan State Relays. one danger in the courts intervention. ing a full-scale investigation Considering their current backlog, maybe the courts couldn't into the eligibility of the basket¬ questions about King's transcripts. invitation! handle the situation any more effectively than the NHL has in the ball star. past. Personally, I would hate to see the courts dictate the rules and regulations of contact sports - any sports. No doubt they King was withheld from action Monday night in a game Ramer said he, coach Ray Mears and others met with Woodruff, Women trackers host would lack the intrinsic knowledge, of someone like Campbell, a which Auburn won, 62-59, and King Tuesday part of the system. morning and told him his likely will miss Saturday's athletic MSU's women's indoor track team will host its first indoor track the But there have been repeated incidents that could have flared Southeastern Conference game eligibility was Spartans in those events. endangered. invitational today at 6 p.m. in Jenison Fieldhouse. up into critical situations much like the Forbes incident. There's here with seventh-ranked Others who are expected to lead MSU include M Eleonora Simon, principal of Facing the Spartans will be teams from Delta College, Eastern nothing wrong with going into the corner to dig for a puck until Alabama. Grimmette in the 60-yard dash. Sue Utter in the 440di<• workitB their own locker room. The one for five years now." "We have to sustain f visiting team usually uses this She described the whole of the lower pool, of " locker job area," Knupp in one sentence. allow passage to "PP** commented. "It's just a matter of pulling and the locker room ca^P "What we're trying to do is and extending the women's used because of the pwlf eliminate the long lines for shower room," Harding said. entering and exiting. T m shower and hair dryer use. We Knupp was not sure about floor has to be ripped ufl have been accomodating 1,000 the availability of the women's in a new drainage systeB women a day for swimming and IM facilities during the "We hope to have tlw ■ it can get pretty crowded in renovation. ready for the openjP there," she added. summer school, thoug 1 "Right now, it's up in the air There will also be a passage¬ way built from the locker area Suspended coachl to the upper pool deck so that women won't have to get there by first going through the lower pool deck. A new stair well to the upper pool will also be built. might lose positil What is now known as the swimming locner room will be ANNAPOLIS, Md. (l/PI) - Nathaniel Frazier.because! si changed to a men's locker room. basketball coach at Morgan State University J" "The current men's locker incident with a referee, appeared through Tuesday a and coach at the school. „ room is too small," Knupp Dr. Thomas Fraser, interim president of Morgan> explained. "It's also on the , j second floor, instead of at the suspension will remain pending an investigation 0 1 However, he said, Fmier has "put coaching above | base level as the other locker education. We just can't have that." . |aS areas are. "The swimming locker room Morgan State's players, most of them holdovers ro _ will be much better for the men NCAA small college champions, have refused t» I1'1- 1 because it can accomodate the coach is reinstated. They have forfeited their last t*( ■ to Mid Eastern Athletic Conference rivals. . increased number of them who SN Photo/Debbie Budde Fraser said the coach would remain suspend? P The hair use the pool for IM co-rec swim dryer area in the large women's locker room in the the many women who use the facility daily. Renovation work investigation of a Jan. 11 incident at Brockport • J Women's Intramural Building will be enlarged to accomodate night, family swimming and for will begin March 7 on many facilities at the Women's IM. men who have classes in the referee Peter Pavia complained that Frazier curse | him during an argument over a foul call. |Micl»?an State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 5,1975 9 O 19-bO anteed 6 months, 6,000 miles. New sources, ability to relate to youth, 2 Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. - for students or PINE LAKE APARTMENTS 2.2} utilities, full house privileges, call battery, new disc brake pads. Call Call Model at 676-4874. Other faculty members. One bedroom HASLETT 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 WANTED-MUSICAL Drummer. years experience in counseling, Steve, 339-9140. 5-2-10 485-0409. 5-2-11 times call manager at 676-4291 or luxury apartments. Air condi¬ Short on Cash? Maybe we can 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 Experienced. Able to travel and ability to prepare-written records EAST LANSING REALTY AND and personal assessment reports. tioning, balcony. Excellent loca¬ work something out. One bed¬ WILLIAMSTON STUDIO room, perform shows with "Plain Brown DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. tion and 3.75 lo.on 16 25 32.00 parking facilities. room with [jbiijJu ^)[&e] apartments shag Wrapper." 332-4472 or 351-2419. Closing date February 7, maximum clean, private, parking, no pets, 14-2-14 Expensive. Call 371-4158. 5-2-10 carpeting, drapes and appliances. Job available immeidately. Lead $8,000. Youth Development Cor¬ drinking. $50/month. 655-3720 or DEADLINE $150 per month plus utilities. 10 DRIVE FIVE miles-savel Chain foot, cymbal happy drummers poration, 215 East Kalamazoo. DOWNTOWN LANSING near 1,2, 655-1177. 3-2-6 minutes from MSU. Located at lube 1 quart 89d SHEP'S HOLT, need not apply. 5-2-7 5-2-4 RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS and 3 bedroom apartments. Well 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of OWN ROOM in house. $55 694 6621. C-5-2-7 Students maintained. Reasonable rent. Lake Lansing Road. Call PUBLIC RELATIONS AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't Manager, month, 1/4 expenses. Five personnel Two bedroom furnished. Students welcome, pets allowed. 339-8192 or EAST LANSING in corrections needed to contact pre-set worry as a representative you can minutes from campus. $55 HARLEY DAVIDSON 1972. 1200 Immediate occupancy through Call 371-4158. 5-2-10 REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-28 appointments. No selling, full or deposit. 487-9340. 5-2-10 | noon one class day Superglide. $1800 or best offer. part time. Real Estate license earn money in your spare time. I'll show you howl 482-6893. 20-3-4 June or September. publication. 349 1976 evenings. 5-2-7 332-0111 PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large 1 GIRL - NEAR MSU to share required. Call 394-2825. 5-2-7 WANTED 2 women. 4 bedroom upstairs. Furnished apartment. 'small 1 bedroom furnished apart¬ bid is ordered it cannot TRAVEL FIRM seeks local repre¬ One bedroom, carpeting. Share ment, $67.50, 489-5922 5-2-7 large furnished house. $55/month ■ cancelled ^ or changed alter first insertion, to tarn ][>] GO GO not necessary girls wanted. Experience but helpful, will train. sentative for temporary part time work. Generous commissions and OKEMOS, TWO bedroom let. to sub¬ $175. No security deposit. 349-2567 before 2 pm. 4-2-1*" utilities. Adults only $115. 351-7497. 0-2-28 No dogs. GIRL WANTED spring term. Eden plus utilities. Call 489-2741. 5-2-11 COLLEGE ROAD, 10 minutes SAVE MONEY-do it yourself with Can 882-0236. 14-2-20 travel benefits. Call 313-994-0244 ; ordered & Roc, Apartment 304. $80.50. for local appointment. 2-2-6 2 OR 3 man apartment, short term MSU Clean 1 bedroom duplex •celled 2 days before a foreign car shop manual from 351-9553, Cindy. 5-2-7 CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN TOPLESS USHERETTES wanted 2 FEMALES, Sublease spring lease available, close, reasonalbe, Stone, refrigerator, garden. $150 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ apply in person. CINEMA X MARKETING REP, Degree, solid term, Americana includes heat and water Married apartment, 349-1141. 3-2-6 1 OR 2 females needed for zoo, one mile west of campus. THEATRE AND BOOKSTORE. company. Unlimited earning po $72.50 includes utilities. 332-5237. couple only. 676-5983 3-2-7 Twyckingham apartment, 2 bed¬ 487 5055. C-2-14 882-0236. 14-2-20 tential, male-female. Call 349-3935 5-2-7 EAST LANSING-sublease spac¬ room immediate occupancy. MASON 10 minutes MSU. Clean, 2 CAREERS UNLIMITED DIVISION ious 1 bedroom apartment. Dish¬ 337-2319. 5-2-7 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East ADMINISTRATOR IMPLEMEN¬ SHEREMAN FEMALE CHRISTIAN woman washer, carpeting, $175/month. bedroom, utility room. Large kit¬ ASSOCIATES. TING benefits program for large 3-25 desires same, 10 minutes from Utilities included. chen, living room. Garden. $140 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 337-1412, NEEDED, TWO quiet, studious local firm, must be knowledge¬ campus, call 372-9581 evenings. 349,1737. 10-2-18 plus utilities. Married couple only, 1 Complete auto painting and colli¬ girls to share apartment with child. 676-5983. 3-2-7 sion service. American and For¬ able, creative, will coordinate with 5-2-7 same. $70.50 each, spring. Call KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, exper •lude M FOURTH PERSON needed. Spring p State News will be eign cars. 485-0256. C-2-28 key management. For confidential ienced only. Saturdays only - 2 332-3458 5-2-7 SECOND MALE needed to share 10 dash, konsible only for the first interview, call 349-3933, 349-3935, shifts. Contact Darlene Rossow. COLLINGWOOD APARTMENTS, term, Campus Hill. Free bus to house on Lake Lansing, great for hot put. •s incorrect insertion. HONEST, RELIABLE, guaranteed. Automotive repair All types of CAREERS DIVISION SHERMAN ASSOCH UNLIMITED, 351-5240. 10-2-12 luxury two bedroom, furnished. Call 351-8727. 5-2-6 campus. 349-4876. 3-2-7 Houses lj£ spring term. 339-9666. 5-2-5 long the Is are due 7 days from the work. All makes and models. ATES. 3-2-5 HASLETT AREA: One bedroom, THREE BEDROOM, convenient EAST SIDE four bedrooms. "I feel t [expiration date. If not N.I.A.S.E. certified mechanic. Call 349-3748. 5-2-11 LEGAL SECRETARIES, Adminis¬ ; For Rent J[fj NEAR MSU - 3 bedroom, carpeted full basement, garaged, dish¬ completely carpeted. $150/month. All utilities paid except electricity. MSU. Stove and refrigerator furnished. 669-3931 before noon Fireplace. Carpeting. furnished. 349-1540. 5-2-5 Partially f by the due date, a 50* trative opportunities available, Call TV AND STEREO J. 5-2-11 >ar apt).' | service charge will be 349-3933, Billie Ann. CAREERS $25/term. $10.95/month. rentals washer. $250/month. 487-1614. or after 5 pm. 5-2-7 or Free 5-2-10 FEMALE WANTED, Cedar Village Rooms UNLIMITED, DIVISION same day delivery and service. HOUSE NEAR campus. Rest of SHERMAN i ASSOCIATES. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 EAST LANSING. Abort and apartment, spring term, parking winter term. $100. Call Larry HASLETT AREA. Women only. • 3-2-5 Northlawn, furnished, $125 available, $78. Call 332-1869. 1-2-5 up nights, 351-0761. 3-2-5 Kitchen privileges, $20 a week Mitim COLLEGE LIFE [ Martinis |g includes utilities. Phone 4 5-2-7 FEMALE GRAD needs roommate to shqre mobile home. Own room. MALE ROOMMATE needed 2 blocks MSU, $23, $34, week - All Call 339-9485. 5-2-7 OWN JELECTRA, 1967, 51,000 INSURANCE COMPANY MSU-2 blocks, 2 man, modern, Close/campus. 351-8910 after 6 utilities. 332-2591. 3-2-5 FURNISHED house, $50/month. 484-9066, ask room in Excellent condition, is expanding it's operation. furnished, immediate occupancy. ONE GIRL needed for Campus p.m. 5-2-11 Phone 351-7731. 5-2-4 for Jim, Mike. 3-2-5 Excellent salary plus Hill, $68.50. Call 349-4617. b'm ^ Pm Ca" commissions! Looking for Furnished with dishwasher. 4-2-7 FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen priv¬ MALE, OWN huge, unfurnished, carpeted room in new duplex. ROOM AVAILABLE, privacy, fur¬ March and June graduates. MSU AREA, Okemos, one and ileges, utilities. Walking distance to Parking $95. 351-5517. 5-2-7 nished, Frandor area, close to | SKYLARK. 1971, custom AMERICAN, GERMAN, and CALL 332-4236 two bedroom, furnished and un¬ furnished, air conditioned, carpet¬ NEEDED, LIBERAL smoking male. Haslett. Country, clean, $80. No campus. INCORPORATED. $110. EQUITY VEST 351-8150 stop, 485-1919 evenings. 3-2-7 bus ISa,r-snow ■ "396 349-0754 3 2 7"re". FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. ed, modern, $150-$ 185, heat in¬ lease. 339-3235. 5-2-6 .0-2-28 TWO BEDROOM furnished, $170. 212 South REGISTERED NURSES Clippert Street. AIRPORT AREA, clean quiet com¬ BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to Critical care units-ICU, including cluded. Call 349-2580. 10-2-13 "6, after 11:30 fortable. Private entrance, pm. 5-2-10 J": '973,3 4 ton pick students and faculty on all cash 'n' NORTH FAIRVIEW Street, clean 1 parking up, 4 post-operative cardio vascular sur¬ NEEDED: FEMALE to share single bath, linens. $20. 484-1766. 7-2-13 bedroom, furnished, close MSU. ■^e. power, excellent con- carry VW service parts. IMPORT gery. 11 p.m.-7 a.m. shift. Apply NEAR MSU-2. bedroom, down¬ bedroom, Cedar View, call 5 after 4 pm. 5-2-7 EAST -THREE bedrooms, garage, ■j[W>K3 3-2-6 AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo and Cedar 485-2047, 485-9229. Ingham Medical Center, Personnel stairs, stove, frost free refrigerator, utilities furnished, basement 8nd 337 1504 after 5 p.m. 3-2-7 full basement, appliances included $145 plus FURNISHED-FULL house priv¬ Department, 401 West Greenlawn, deposit. Phone ileges, utilities paid, February free I* SPORT van. 1969, V8. Mastercharge and Bank Lansing. 371-2121, extension 249. garage. 120 Marshall, 485-6632, 731 BURCHAM, Spring term, WOMAN, OVER 21 to share 2 393-2400 ask for John 3-2 5 Bus one block. 482-0531. 5-2-11 Americard. C-2-28 bedroom apartment with same. * sPVder Wheels, 5-2-11 5-8pm weekdays, 10-4 weekends sublease 2-3 man. Air conditioning, » „ Call 351-9352. 3-2-5 *3-2-6 KING'S FOREIGN Car Service. 5-2-6 dishwasher, pool, 351-4542. 3-2-7 CROSSWORD REGISTERED NURSES full and 731 BURCHAM - 3 man, furnished fl|mSS 396 1970 Many Specialist in foreign engine repair. part-time positions available on - WATER'S EDGE. One girl needed for furnished 4 person apartment. lease until June. $76.67 each. Call PUZZLE klMiATil V ElPANE 320 South Charles, Lansing. One > ahBIe'a'd s gStS? "* mile west of campus. available. Phone 372-8130. 29-3-7 Towing the afternoon and midpight shifts. Minimum starting salaries $4.82 Spring 332-4034. 5-2-6 term. 351-7479 or 351-7212. 5-2-7 ACROSS 1. Transportation 26. »Vager IDcB' P;N I AN per hour plus differential. Immedi¬ 4. Son of Jether 27. Singing E/AP R E S sMO NT'OI te*SPEC|AL 4 speed, 1968 drives U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center ate openings. Please contact Lan¬ EAST LANSING. 10 minutes 7. Vipers MARU^C'H arger LaheO'Tbe Hills n'easonable offer gets it. offers you tools, equipment, and sing General Hospital. 2800 away. Country charm in spacious 11. Hostile Fpe"V. 3-2-6 Devonshire, Lansing. 48909, 1 or 2 bedroom with fireplace and 14. Daughter of instructions to do your auto 372-8220, extension 267. Equal many extras. Call 489-0319 or Tantalus repairs. 5311 South Pennsylvania, Opportunity Employer. 7-2-10 882 9119. 5-2-6 Beautiful Alpine Apartments 15. Store feed 882-8742. 10-8 weekdays, 10-6 K l9!4 Tradesman, Saturday. 20-2-28 In the Heart of a Water Wonderland 16. Hartebeest 17. Tibet sheep 18. Write a note SOLUTION OF SATURDAY'S PUZZll [ Employment 19. Cow genus DOWN 5. Synthetic language RhS I m IS3- offer. Must 655 seH. 3542. NEW SALES OPPORTUNITY IN ....... 1. Asiatic timber . 6 7 Regarding Dolt FINANCIAL SERVICES. Now you 22. Article 41 Waste 2 Concord 8. can begin brand new sales Short stalks a 23. Mist allowance 3. Facing a career with a 9 lots giant in the financial 24. Existed KLS^Coup#' 40 °°° services industry. If you qualify, 25 C 42 Baby glacier 10 Redolence WSj* Bes, you'll participate in new ur exciting training salary plan, while you 2 % * 5 4 ' T~ 9 10 12. Honest President learn. Several openings now in 11 12 13. Girl's name U the Lansing Metropolitan area. 17. Droop ■ a 2 Nevv ,op' new Call Josephine Starkweather, * |iS 20. Cranberry P&-56fl^jc®llem condi- 694 3935 INVESTORS patch DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. 10-2-7 16 If 21 Slater's tool 14 %56 % 21 >8 23 Distant piSSlON CONTROLS REMOVED 11 % iS % u 24 25 Spider's home Evolve Valentine's Day Special % %*5 26 ''4 % TT- 26 27 Purchase Sheen •r '♦'« perfectly legal I Performance and mllaag*. Peanuts Personals 10 swaat words for $1.00 Ytir Gateway to Year-round Vacation living %% 29 Jo V/A V n JT 28. 29 Verify Vigilant 107 word S3 v/a % & 30 31 Gambol Top of % IMrw.lMmwadiMwuhM. Im*nafthaSits to(M. a hill | ^LANSING BAY SERVICE Stop In at 347 Student l*c«M|wt tOaWtti it *7 %*8 32 Cowb?v\ >ope 34 Square root ^'5 Wesf Grand River Services by Wodnoaday $9 % of 100 February 12 J*2 8263 or 351-9600 and lot your Valentino know rrvv IW % W sweetheart 37 Container 38 Morsel 40 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Febru Rooms For Sale For Salo [ PtrsMil PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South SUMMER WEDDING dress and SEND YOUR sweetheart roses OLYMPIQUE ROSSIGNOL 175 VALENTINES DAY. See our ad¬ * near Michigan, quiet for student ■ cm, Soloman S444 Bindings, veil, 5 junior petite, call 487-6619 continued Iron. ^ near bus line. $65/month plus after 4. 5-2-11 vertisement in today's paper. Trappeur Sto-foam boots size 9. deposit Phone 627-5454. 7-2-5 National Rose Distributors. 3-2-7 Announcements for It's What's Never used - perfect condition. ADLER PORTABLE Entries for the 1975 Block and Dr. George Parmaleed, director *he Ih,'s<'factor, J $200. 351-2750. '5-2-7 typewriter, in Happening must be received in the Bridle Horse show will be taken of Beal Botanical Gardens speaks r<'<7clin(f ln(j MALE, PRIVATE entrance. Close case, nearly new condition, will STUDENT LOANS State News office, 343 Student from 7 5 p.m. on "An Ecologist Looks at the developing jtj to campus. No parking. Call LLOYDS MODULAR stereo. take 1st cash offer over $55. 127 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least a.m. to todsy Campus." The MSU Horticulture 337-2655. x5-2-10 Great, cheap sound, $50. East Grand River, Phone 517-655-1186. 2-2-6 Williamston. Und«rgroduot« .tvd.ntl may obtq 3 wMk loom up to US from rti two class days before publication. No wiH be through Friday for any Student in the Block and Bridle MSU Club invites all interested persons Kn,ial McBride said, in lh» ! m Speakers extra. Lynn, 349-4319. announcements to attend at 7 tonight in 204 GIRLS - CLOSE/campus, parking, furnished. Rent or babysitting, 3-2-5 PORTABLE STEREO, excellent ASMSU IuiImm OHIt. Studont Sorvlcoi. from loom I ■ JC 4:* accepted by phone. room in the Judging Pavilion. Horticulture Bldg. WLhen the* combined with the factor,I 351-8415. 3-2-6 The MSU Hot Air Balloon Club the J condition, great sound, headphone Transcendental Meditation will recycling industrvl ROOM IN Lansing/Abbott. farmhouse. Bus Lake route, jbooIT jack, good deal, $60. 351-3061. 5-2-11 SKIS 185, 190 cm, Polish made BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H.KAPLAN be the topic of free lectures sponsored by the Students Inter national Meditation Society «t 1 will meet to discuss plans for spring term flying and the Inter¬ collegiate Balloon Race, at 7 tonight in 34 Union. All interested hear Politics cannot be moral. Come Philosophy Prof. Harold Walsh at this week's meeting of the MSU Libertarian Alternative, w . McBride . Different a "dl>uble * said. paper , m;r garden, $67. 332-0386, 337-7146. and 4 p.m. today in C310 Wells *3-2-5 sale Kneissel, never used, new, $90. TUTORING COURSES Now being formed for the up Hall and 7:30 tonight in 316 Berkey parties welcome. at 8:30 tonight in C112 Wells Hall. ever have which factor, different vi. j 353 9127, 332-2291. 3-2-7 coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, Committee Against Racism will rtressjml There will be a Moosuski (ski crimination, ha, Zf [ For Sale ~][5] 1000 s Animals ATGSB, GRE board exams. For information call 1-313-354-0085 Group Rate Skiing — Twilight Club) meeting at 7 tonight at the Coral Gables. have a meeting at 7 tonight in 38 Union. Everyone is welcome. most to the induswjsl FENDER TELECASTER and super- paper and 0-1-2-5 skiing for beginners and experts at cament. hardbacks Lansing Ski Club, followed by hot "It appears reverb amp. $450 (both) excellent Laissez faire! Find out why a Women Interested in Rugby that the FREE TO good home female wine at fireside in club chalet. condition, negotiable. 349-2161, Text and Roforonce moral society must live by the meet from 7-9 p.m. Mondays and criminatory practicesDU Kevin. 10-2-11 W« buy books anytime black cat, has shots, call 351- after 5. 3-2-6 Peants PersoMl (Jjjj Groups of 10 formed for or more now Saturday nights being principle of "Leave Us Alone" at the Libertarian literature table, Thursdays in the Men's Intramural Bldg. Turf Arena. Questions? recycling petitive situation," mills in, „ * through February. Contact Leave name and number Bideaux, 0f the KENWOOD KT8005'Ti3ner, 3 FREE MALE black and white cat. Community Education Red Cedar Thursday in the Union. at p. weeks old, warranty cards, list Landlord says must go! Call School. Women's Intramural Bldg. for Corp. of America, Evm $389, $319. 353-1892 3-2-6 Gibsons 351-7474. 5-2-11 The Christian Science Organize tion-South Campus welcomes you Linda Bishop. "Changing these woy| ' Navigation is the topic at the* Are you a lesbian who likes to bably expand recych to a lecture by Geith Plimmem said. ^ BSR 71 OX Turntable, $140. 128 W.Grand Rlvor FREE BRITTNEY Mix. house Soaring Club's free ground school play games? Come to the Harmon Kardon 2 or 4 channel CSB, titled "Closing the Gaps." to Charades Party at 8 p.m. Saturday But Harold 1 bl. W. of Union trained. 5 months. Landlord says at 7:30 tonight in 203 Men's be held at 4 p.m. today in^B104 HanselJ receiver, $160, Sony cassette deck dog must go!!! 337 0812. 3-2-6 Intramural Bldg. All are welcome. at 54754 E. Grand River Ave. Also, the Michigan $75. 4 Sony speakers, $190. Ping M thru Fri. ■ Wells Hall. Carton 1 watch for the Susan B. Anthony Battle pong table, $20. Call 332-5417 9:00 - • 5:30 f Let your sweetie know you Brown Bag Lunch especially for birthday celebration next ( reek, said hefcL after 5:30 3-2-6 AKC AFGHAN Puppies. $100. care Valentine's Day Special women returning to school or A free lecture series, "the weekend! deepening receafafl Black masked blond. 627-6190. Charm of Winter Gardening" will declining demand for f 7-2-13 10 sweet words for $100 career after a number of home- BOHN ADDING machine credit PIONEER CS-99A 5-way speaker be taught at 7:30 tonight in 206 products have hurt his J deadline February 12. making years. Gail Braverman will Horticulture Lansing Area Lesbians are balance and sub-total key, good system, 15" woofer, 5" midrange, 4" ST. BERNARD Wednesday. speak on "Resume Writing." Join Bldg. Registration is not required. This weeks topic: learning karate. All lesbians more than the discrA Pups. AKC condition with carry case. Call 694-1419 anytime. 2-2-5 $40. midrange. Multi-cell tweeter and 2 dome super tweet¬ Horn registered, shots, seven weeks us at noon Wednesday in 6 Terrariums and Dish Gardens. welcome to the first lesson 7:30 tax benefits and freight! Student Services Bldg. p.m. Sunday at 54754 E. Grand Michigan Carton, * ers. List, $239.95 each. Must old. 332 1944. 5-2-10 Camp Tamarack weekend River Ave. Wear loose clothing. been recycling PORTABLE WYNFORD Hall sacrifice $395/pairi. Phone paperl Learn how to get in touch with retreat for Michigan Jewish 1910, purchases paper 393-6672. 3-2-7 J cassette recorder, excellent con¬ Mobile Homes ** yourself, your soul, and your body College students is this Friday Radio and TV majors come to by the MSU Waste! dition, $60. Call 694-1419 anytime. using a divinely inspired pattern night to Sunday morning. A few the MSU Broadcasters meeting at 2-2-5 Authority. 1 and plan absolutely free with the spaces left. Contact Hillel. 8:30 tonight in 35 Union 12x60, FURNISHED, like new, in DEAR BUDDY, I've looked around Students of Yahshaus at 8:30 p.m. A bill introduced to J East Lansing. 2 bedrooms, $185/ House of VALENTINE DIAMOND 1 3 carat. enough to know you're the one I All those interested in active Attention all members Represent^ FISCHER SUPERGLASS 200cm month plus utilities. Days, Thursday and 1 p.m. Sunday in 34 and Must sell, best offer. $350 value. want to go through time with. Lady Union. Christian Fellowship Alternatives, rushees of Phi Gamma Nu. Rep. James Bum 393 -9510, 694-8364, after 6pm. 675-7443 evenings. 4-2-7 skis, Salomon 505 bindings. Good in White Towel. 1-2-5 investigate the Ecclesia at 7 p.m. Massachusetts would 1 condition. Best offer. 349-1778. 5-2-11 The International Woman's Day Pledging at 6:30 tonight in 103 Thursday in C107 Wells Hall. Eppley Center. the recycling industry® HOUSE FURNISHING sale. 3-2-7 Coordinating Committee will meet Discover being "called out." tax incentive of Everything goes! Furniture, TV, 1974 MOBILE HOME, 14x65, 2 Rea teal Estate i® at 6 tonight in the Union Sun- itsownj The bill, curtains, etc. Call Jim, 337-7337. 10,000 BOOKS' Old, library, little bedrooms, 1 '4 baths, call 694 9568 porch. All interested in helping to The MSU Promenaders will currently 1 or 484-4058. 3 2-7 EAST LANSING beautiful 3 bed¬ build International Women's Tired of being cooped up in meet at 7 tonight in 34 Women's House Ways and MeaJ 4-2-7 children. 25deach 669-9311. Open Day room colonial with family room are welcome. your room? Come out and dance Intramural Bldg. Members are mittee, would provides Saturday/Sunday. 3-2-7. with MSU Promenaders Square, and fireplace, formal dining urged to attend, beginners are tion from the 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Lost 1 Pound room, Tired of the cant of religion? round and folk dancing. At 7 welcome with lessons starting at tax impost FREE FREE FREE FREE! Write for 254 baths, and ideal floor plan. Join recycling industry of 1 Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Campus Crusade Against our inflation fighting photo equip¬ This charming home is tastefully tonight in 34 Women's Intramural ton of waste paper Guaranteed one full year, $7.88 Christ, the campus atheist group. tha FIND SOMETHING decorated and ideally landscaped Bldg. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING ment catalogue. Compare our Organizational meeting at 9 p.m. Women! Do you know all about cessed into usable prod warehouse prices on cameras, If you've found a pet or article of to provide maximum living com¬ COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Thursday, Old College Hall Dr. Michael Stubbs of the your body and your health? Learn darkroom equipment and supplies. value, we want to help you return fort. Immediate occupancy is (behind the grill), Union. Opposite City Market. C-3-2-6 United Nations Population what the doctor won't tell you studl it. Just come into the State News available. Call Doug Schmitt, SEWING MACHINE Clearance 1327 Archer Street, San Obispo, California. 93401. B1-3-2-7 Luis Classified Department and tell us 393-6778 or EQUITY VEST INC, All Lansing East Lansing Division will lecture on: "The Self Help is organizing at 7:30 First you want to place an ad in EAST 351-8150. 3-2-5 Population Question in Africa," at tonight at the Women's Center Sale! Brand new portables $49.95. women interested in building a 7 p.m. Thursday in C112 Wells LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Student Activities office, Union. $5 per month. Large selection of RUMMAGE SALE ends Saturday. local Celebration for International Hall. reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New King size bed, $80. Raleigh bike, $50. 351-5036 3-2-7 Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you! Recreation ](ji|j Women's Day should attend the 2nd Organizational meeting at 6 A dance is a nice place to meet Save the Whales and Students for Animal MSU Rights appointe Home and "many others." $19.95 BOAT SHOW SALE tonight in the Union. and get to know other Gay people to $39.95. SONY TC-90A portable cassette. EAST LANSING meeting with Jim Corvan speaking Terms. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 North Washington EDWARDS 489-6448. Like two new. All accessories microphones including 355-4786. __ STATE BANK "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. "Sunfish" by A.M.F $699. A presentation will be given by both Miller Highlife and NCR, at Join us on Feb. 14 from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. at the Unitarian Church, 855 on Ocean Mammals tonight in 317 Berkey Hall. All at 7:30 are to decisii LOST: ROY Smeck banjo, left at Complete line of American Day Grove St. welcome. C-3-2-6 B-1-2-5 the Hospitality Association Drug Education Center November. Sailers through 18' sloop with Cash for SNOWMOBILE, SUZUKI 292, cellent condition, (2) 1973 Suzuki ex Return to D.EC or call 485-6805, nights. 3-2-7 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', meeting at 7:30 tonight in 73 Kellogg Center.. NCR will present pthieir computerized hotel systems Don't forget that tonight at 8 in. 33 Union, Gay Liberation will hold Chess Club meets tonight in C101 Holmes Hall. Club at 7:30 making i STAMPS & COINS TS 186 Motorcycles, Trailback & 27'. Come in and see the largest its weekly me«lng and discussion. championship tournament starts LOST SEARS Calculator with and most complete sailboat hard¬ A 23 year ol Buy - Sell - Trad® Jll • * A' ' ■( ■■ -i tonight. Roadback. very low mileage, both Interested in language? Come A . full line of supplies black carrying case, 1-29. ware andAccessory display in the Don't forget people, the tours has become the first I very good condition. 675-7246. Free U's Cognitive Linguistics MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 3-2-7 Computer Center. Reward. area. All boats offered at Class and share your ideas and for the MSU Medical school will RHA will meet at 6:30 tonight in appointed to a Michigaf 393-5423 3-2-5 tremendous pre-season savings be Feb.-6at 10 a.m. and Feb. 7 at 4 Shaw Hall. All are welcome to versit\ - I 332 • 4300 maybe get some new ones, at 8 Lay away programs welcome p.m. Meet in the Life Science attend. board. LOREAL ULTRA Rich Instant Hair tonight in C308 Wells Hall. LOST: BROWN loose leaf note¬ GRAND POINT MARINA. Creyts Building, at 2, 3 and 4. USED COLOR and black/white TV condition, 8 fluid ounces, 996 book in Wells C103 on Wednesday Road on the River, Dimondale 332-2011. GULLIVER STATE The Company invites directors Thomas A. Korpi. ol I Typin Strvico \\j£\ sets, auto tape players, $15 - up. Reward. Alan, 351-7777. 3-2-5 Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 Do you fence? Want to learn? to submit proposals for spring Electric and portable typewriters, DRUG, 1105 East Grand River. baugh in the Upper Pe 0-1-2-5 MSU Fencing Club meets term production at 2:30 Saturday was named Tuesday | power hand tools reduced, 25% Thursday nights at 6 in 118 in the Company office, Lower East off used leather coats, ski boots $5 LOST: BROWN wool coat, size PAN AM ANN BROWN typing and multilith Michigan Technology 44, Owen Hall, 1-31-75 mornings. Women's Intramural Bldg. Bring McDonel Hall Contact Marlena BEAUTIFUL HAND embroidered offset printing. Complete service versity Board of CoitJ $15. Skis $5 - $25. Good Guatemalan clothes. Small quan¬ 355-4219, Reward. 3-2-6 CHARTER FLIGHT for dissertations, theses, manu¬ shorts and sneakers. Everyone Yonti. selection used custom wheels and Gov. Milliken. tires. 20 archery bows and tity left, rush 355-3049, after 5. TO LONDON scripts, general typing. IBM 25 X-3-2-7 The Company is rehearsing for accessories. Stereo components, Open to oil MSU students, years experience. Fencing Club Stephen Sondheim's musical Korpi's eight year d C-2-28 camera equipment. WILCOX faculty, staff and their Remember practice with Coach "Company." Anyone wishing to the Houghton school I SECONDHAND STORE. 509 East FIRST QUALITY materials and families. Schmitter at 8 tonight in the work or crew for the show contact immediately, and places! Michigan Avenue, Lansing. workmanship, OPTICAL DIS¬ LOST: TEXAS Instrument SR-10 TYPING-ALL kinds. Absolutely, practice room on the top floor of Randall Wilson soon. an eight member bodyB 485-4391. C-2-28 COUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lan¬ Tuesday, 1-28, MSU Science Departing July 4 positively, lowest prices in town. Jenison Fieldhouse, to MSU's elected b sing. 372-7409. C-2-28 Library. Reward! Call 351-8523. Detroit to London Quality work. 694-0252. B-1-2-5 There will be an important trustees. HUGE SELECTION of used 326 South Returning August 22 Collegiate Fellowship will Rodeo Committee meeting at 7 musical equipment. 100 new and MACINTOSH MQ 102 environ¬ COMPLETE DISSERTATION and hold its Bible The first college st»| London to Detroit Study at 9 tonight in tonight in the Pavilion. All com¬ used guitar and P.A. amps, 100 mental equalizer, Sansui AU 7500 resume service. Printing, IBM 34 Union. All $50 REWARD for information are welcome. mittee chairmen and members serve at this level, h electric and bass guitars. 50 amplifier, Dynaco stereo 120 typing, binding. Printing from microphones, many brands; 75 power amp, Kenwood KR 5150 leading to return of "LUCY" Only $348.00 Round Trip your plain paper originals. Corner must attend. Mike Einheuser, golden retriever lost Friday 9 Ellipsis, the popular radio new and used Acoustic guitars; receiver, Nikko STA 7070 receiver, near Wells Hall. Call Ken Beroza, am For more Information contact M.A.C. and Grand River. Below discussion show, will consider College students with diabetes: elected to the Wavtn| 20 banjos, used 3 Vi octave Sherwood ST100A receiver, Sony the Office of Overseas Study Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 University Board of Go 339-3169, 393 4088 4-2 7 medicine, "Acupuncture to Faith Learn how to eat adequately on a marimba, used drum sets. ST 5600 tuner, Pioneer CS66 Monday - Friday. Call COPY last November. Healing," at 8 Thursday on the low budget, a series presented by PRICES REDUCED WE TRADE' - speakers, Elac Miracord 50HII 353-8921 GRAPH SERVICES, 337-16ftV Michigan State Network, 640 AM. LOST: GREEN binder with Hort C-2-28 Jean Biggins, RN and Jo8n Einheuser, also 23, cal WILCOX MUSIC, 485-4391 turntable. Garrard Zero 100 turn¬ 801 notes, near Hort McKee, at 7:30 tonight in the C-2-28 table. Sansui AU 222 amplifier, 355-7846. 2 2-5 Building. MSN Radio News is looking for second floor conference room of appointment "fantastij Dyna FM-3 tuner, Dual 1215-S EXPERIENCED TYPING term said it follows the soul people interested in doing news University Health Center CURIOUS USED turntable, Kenwood KA 2002 amp¬ FOUND: GOOD Ballpoint pen U. Rail passes TRAVEL BY papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ reporting and writing. Contact cept of self determinate lifier and more. We have 100's of ate service. 394-2512. .C-2-28 Chuck Goudie in Student Services Capitol Area Club of American BOOKSHOP LP's and tapes to complement January 29th, in Bessey Hall. "I hope Milliken t 355 9664 and identify. C-3-2-6 Building. Youth Hostels and Lansing City these fine stereo components. TYPING TERM papers and theses. more students to the l| PAPERBACKS Come on down to DICKER AND Service Parks and Recreation Dept. he said. COMIC BOOKS Experienced, fast service IBM Members of the MSU varsity presents cross-country ski race DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, SCIENCE FICTION Personal / EDITING, PROOFREADING, electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 hockey team will field telephone with trophies and prizes. Also PLAYBOY MAGAZINES 1701 C-5-2-7 South Cedar. 487 3886 experienced. Dissertations, theses questions at 8 tonight on Spartan course for recreational skiers, at 2 The law which allowfl BASEBALL CARDS ATTENTION PROFS. Going away PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate Sports Scene MSN Radio 640 p.m. Saturday at the Groesbeck and Einheuser to serve FOOTBALL PROGRAMS book and article manuscripts. this inexpensive typing. Very near AM. Golf Course, West Saginaw positions ond MUCH, MUCH. MORE HIGH QUALITY stereo, Oo^n summer? Responsible Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-2-5 3071. Crond Rl.or amp and pre-amp, large Advent student will live in/babysit your campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 Come Street, Lansing. Postponed one Milliken last L)ecemb£ht 6:55 (3-6-25) Love Of Life (7-112-13-41) Afterschool Special (4-5-8-10) Petrocalli bloomer... im Kerr Show (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares (8) Partridge Family (7-12-1341) Get Christie Level 7:00 (7 12-13-41) The Brady Bunch (9) Andy Griffith 10:30 (9) Family Court (10) Gilligan's Island (9) Ceilidh (23) Villa Alegre (25) Munstars & Friends (50) Dinah! (50) Bugs Bunny (50) Little Rascals 11:00 11:55 EVENING (2-34-5-6-7-8-9 (3-6) Midday News 5:00 PM 10-12-13-23-25) News on Capers 12:00 NOON (6-8) Ironside (41) The Protectors 7:30 (2-5-6-8-13) News (9) Mickey Mouse Club 11:30 (3-25) Young 8i Restless (10) Truth Or Consequences (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie (4-10) Jackpot (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show (7-12-41) Password All Stars (25) I Love Lucy (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of (9) Galloping Gourmet Entertainment (50) Underdog (50) The Flintstones (50) Movie SHORT RIBS 5:30 12:20 PM (6) Almanac (4) Bowling For Dollers 12:00 MIDNIGHT (9) Film Festival by Frank Hill (7) Hot Dog 12:30 (9) Partridge Family 1:00 AM 8:25 (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow (10) Beverly Hillbillies (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (4) News (7-12-13) News ur Report (12-13) News 1:30 (5 10) Blank Check (41) Afterhours Theatre (23) Villa Alegre ill 3 Clubhouse (7-12-13-41) Split Second (25) Hogan's Heroes (50) Religious Message 8:45 (8) Mike Douglas (41) Burger Chef Special 1:30 (9) Dick Van Dyke (50) Gilligan's Island (2) Late Movie 9:00 (25) Dinah 6:00 (7) Religious Message (50) The Lucy Show (12) National Anthem |o is Right 12:55 (2 3-4-5-6-7 8 2:00 lin Kangaroo 1012 13-2541) News (5-8-10) News v (9) Bewitched (4-10) News 1:00 (23) The Romantic Rebellion 3:00 (2) l,ove Of Life (50) Star Trek (2) News (3) Accent 6:30 3:05 |ci Mathews Show (4) What's My Line (34-5-6-7-10-25-41) News (2) Message ForTodey Ky Giant (5) Jackpot (9) I Dream Of Jeannie B)Mike Douglas (6) Martha Dixon (12)6:30 Movie DOONESBURY V Neighborhood (7-12-13-41) All My Children (9 50) Movies (10) Somerset (13) Beverly Hillbillies (23) Zoom by Gary Trndeau Sponsored by: J ertaiqmoqt 7.00 Gordon Lightfoot 1:25 (24-7-8) News (2) News (3) Whet's My Line? 1:30 (5) I Dream Of Jeannie BAR BQ SPECIAL (2 3-6 25) As The World Turns (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (6) Bewitched (9) Beverty Hillbillies Vi CHICKEN $2.35 mtr mi, THOTS THE 3/6 four, 6N7TT?! r know, sir- Merriage (10) Mod Squad RIBS $2.75 A TYPHOON?! i mem, Am vm yss.stR- (7-12-13-41) Let's Meke A Deal (13) Truth Or Consequences we're 60/n6 macarwr, that's wflm pk Check CHICKEN &RIBS$3.35 should hit 1he earthquake, the its been i cant n0t60in6 to It Courtship Of Eddie's 2:00 (23) Perspective In Black to have a us in about flooo, and the - quitea taksmuch even mention (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (25) The F.B.I. INCLUDES: TYPHOON, an hour.. cano eruption, wtve weekl more of the cholera (4 5-8-10) Oeys Of Our Lives (41) Other People, Other Places FRENCH FRIES too?! had m3randslam this. epidemic. (7-121341) The $10,000 (50) Mission: Impossible of- natural disasters' SALAD BAR Pyramid 7:30 2:30 (2) Truth Or Consequences PITCHER NITE (2-3-6 25) The Edge Of Night (3) Wild World Of Animals reduced pitcher price; (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (4) Masquerade Party in bar and restaurant (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (5) Dragnet 3:00 (6) Gus Ganakas Show (2) Young & Restless (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (4 5 8 10) Another World (7) Name That Tune (8) Let's Make A Deal (9) Room 222 Lizard's 224 ABBOTT . (7-12-13-41) Generel Hospital (13) To Tell The Truth toJ«brga_ty 5J975_ THE DROPOUTS [Cincinnati " 4:00 KiH" Steve WEDNESDAY'S by Post "knn-Mararet. (1965) A _ I'rwm ne, the Jin is determined to away from king of stud poker. in HIGHLIGHTS _ 6:30 Wedn_esdji Jebruaji _SJ_ 197_5_ ■ April In Paris" Doris 9:00 Day, 4:30 PM M ^r. 11953) Chorus girl (CBS) Cannon ■i»ited (ABC) The Afterschool Special to the Paris Am "Missing At FL307" An T"liV mistake. "Skating Rink" Story of e boy ex-convict, bound for a reunion nemed Tuck Faraday who rises with his deughter after 10 years ebove the taunts of his family in prison, steps on en airliner in _ 8:30 ■Mil "All Together Now" and schoolmates because of his Atlanta but is missing when the * Rttbmstem. Brad handicap of stuttering by plane lands in Los Angeles. Savage. developing a speciel ability, that J^aned ■» P'«»e children have 30 of a gifted skater. (NBC) Lucas Tanner they can stay Ba family. 8:00 10:00 11:30 (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn (CBS) The Menhunter ■i 7!1 if" Challenge" (NBC) LitUfc House On The "The Wrong Man" Dave Barrett PROFESSOR I. H Chad Everett. goes after a double-crossing U Prairie by till Tales P' ".™;old West is forced gangster who is being pursued "The Circus Man" A traveling challenge. simultaneously by the hoods he one-man circus charms Laura and others into a dangerous has victimized. OH. (U-cooe &FK1TVF JfiW iMAIIyson. Humphrey (1953) An faith in miracle medicines. (NBC) Potrocelli "The Kidnapping" Kim Darby chuwy AFH5P ImSi®r'voun8 nurs* (ABC) That's My Mama guest stars as a women who tflPW A Of! ■■"I" love m during World "The Witness" Earl seas Croaker kidnaps her own son from her father-in-law, then becomes a r ABOUT / midnight Connelly Delicatessen hold but is up efraid Weiss' to target of suspicion when the man's secretary is slain. - You £ In. !' For8et What's testify for fear of reprisals. 'Is (ABC) Get Christie Lovel Wfi&HT ™,II1*! upISInthis every ® '^utive 8:30 (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The "Murder On High C" Christie I day searches for a man so disturbed Week that he blows up objects end "All Together Now" John places associated with violence. ■noB# " 100AM Rubinstein, Brad Savage. Four Announced orphaned children have 30 days 11:30 to prove that they can stay (ABC) Wide World Special together as a family. "In Search Of Howard Hu|has:An Unauthorized 8:67 Biography" Hollywood journalist (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Jamas Bacon. FRANK & ERNEST Narrator: Lee Grant. Sponsored by: by Bob Thaves MY WHOLE LIFE FLASHED tEFoRE Mfc, INCLUDING A NIGHT IN TOLEDO IN 1961 WHICH Z HAD COMPLETELY Forgotten.' 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Feb,•niaryj AIM seeks end of say By SUE McMILLIN and Yellow Bird held a morning history of the Indian movement. tactics against the Indian people tion was not planned, but when JAMIE CONROY news conference at the Union AIM was created in 1968 to fight by the president of the tribal the Bureau of Indian Affairs trying to J State News Staff Writers and later spoke to about 200 racism against the Indian peo government," he said. police tried to stop the meeting, The American Indian Move¬ people at the Physics - Astro¬ pie, he said. He cited cases of AIM did make arrangements the takeover occured. Within ment (AIM) was not created as a nomy Building. He was spon¬ brutality and injustices against to talk to the Oglala people and three days the Indians were terrorist group waving a bloody sored by several on-campus the Indians at incidents like the some officials, he said. They completely surrounded by fede¬ banner, but was established to groups, including ASMSU and Wounded Knee occupation. decided to have the meeting at ral marshals. stop terrorist tactics against the Wounded Knee Support 'The Oglala people asked the place of the massacre of 1868 Indians, said AIM spokesperson AIM to come to the reservation at Wouaded Knee. 'They even had the 82nd Committee. Airborne on standby at Ft. Bob Yellow Bird on Tuesday. Yellow Bird gave a brief (Pine Ridge) and stop the terror Yellow Bird said the occupa Carson. Colo.," he said. When the occupation ended the Indians were promised that Housing meetings help students there would be no arrests of the Oglala people. AIM was going to take full responsibility for what happened. Yellow Bird beat hassles of off-campus living said. But the people were arrested and charged, resulting in 200 By FRED NEWTON campus next year. Resource Center told the stu¬ everyone in a co-op has certain charges. 80 of which have been State News Staff Writer With the strong possibility of dents to be sure to keep copies duties, but the feeling of an extension of the sophomore dropped due to lack of evidence, How much can your landlord of anything the landlord might togetherness within the co-op is he said. charge for cleaning a carpet? housing waiver to alleviate give them, no matter how in¬ unmatched." Yellow Bird charged the gov Does your lease have any residence hall overcrowding Besides the discussion and significant it might seem at the ernment with continually trying hidden clauses you might re¬ and signups beginning in time. question and answer session, to break the spirit of the Indian gret later? How much can a March, Off-Campus Housing is "This includes keeping rental each person received a copy of movement. He said the Indians landlord require for a rental trying to help students find agreements, rent receipts and the Handbook for Landlords have been stifled in their efforts damage deposit? good housing. an inventory checklist and and Tenants put out by the to change the U.S. government These are just a few of the "We want to pass on to the making sure all verbal agree¬ Housing Commission to advise controlled tribal governments. questions answered at the first students suggestions for better ments are on paper," Charles tenants and landlords of their This has often led to violence. of six "What's to living off housing with the minimum of said. rights and responsibilities. "We are not a violent people, campus?" information sessions hassles," said Jeff Frumpkin, Landlord Richard Zygadlo There will be another infor but we will defend ourselves," sponsored by the MSU Off- director of the MSU Off suggested that tenants look for mation session tonight at 7:30 he said. Campus Housing Office to help Campus Housing Office. hidden costs in leafes, in the Snyder Hall cafeteria. In students planning to live off The purpose of the informa¬ addition, there will be sessions The American Indians' pride especially carpet cleaning re¬ tion sessions is to answer Feb. 11 in the has been quirements. Brody multi repeatedly torn down questions that the students "Its also important to know if purpose room, Feb. 13 in by American society and gov Movie series might have about moving off your landlord lives in the area Yakeley Hall cafeteria, Feb. 17 ernment, he said. campus. is a holding company in in the Holden Hall lounge and For example, a federal law receive the death or penalty. The At a news conference earlier At the first session Monday Detroit," Zygadlo said. Feb. 19 in the McDonel Hall enacted in 1880 said an Indian features Indians night, there were representa¬ There was also a represen¬ kiva. doing the dance could law was not removed from the books until 1954. in the day, Yellow Bird said the sun Indians did not want martyrs, A series of films on North tives from the East Lansing tative from the Student American Indians will start Housing Commission. Land¬ Housing Co-op organization ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A* ★ A ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ lord, tenant and co-op groups tonight with the films "People of the Buffalo" and "Beautiful were also in attendance. present. "As * with the an alternative to apart¬ Tree." The 30 students who ments and houses a co-op is a * SKI The films, which are being attended were told to be sure good place to save money along shown in conjunction with an they knew whotheir roommates with pleasant living," said anthropology class, are open to the public. The Dept. of Anth¬ were before moving in. "Be sure you choose the right Jacob Wind, organization. of "Of the co-op course, MSU SKI-CLUB ropology, the Dept. of Racial people to live with," said Byron and Ethinic Studies and the Brown, member of the East LOOK WHO'S 240 MENS IM BUILDING I and save! There's still North American Indian student Lansing Housing Commission. I COMING MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY "You could end up living with plenty of winter left. . . . organization are sponsoring the EAST LANSING. Ml 48824 I series. somebody getting bad grades PHONE (617) 353-6198 | The films will be shown in who decides to drop out and gordon ligktffoot room 107 S. Kedzie Hall at 8 you're stuck with the rent." p.m. There is no charge. Mark Charles of the Tenants ftbvary 2S Trips with spaces remaining Holiday Inn $36.00 4 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 2 day lift Boyne 44.00-2 Feb. 22-23 BOYNE Walloon/Boyne $39.00 4 (5th Intercollegiate Carnival) Holiday Inn GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS 47.00 2 (Not To Be Missed) 1 day Walloon/1 day Boyne Join us tonight at the Gables; Meeting starts at 7:1 THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS Wine Picnic & Obstacle Race . . . comprising ISO outstanding Boys. Girls. Brother Sister p.m., with happy hour, movie, and door prizes,I and Co Ed Camps, located throughout tha New 2 day lift $30.00 4 dle Atlantic States and Canada. England. Mid¬ Holiday Inn 38.00-2 (Don't) forget every ticket stub increases yoi| SPRING TRIPS chances of winning an Aspen Trip.) Tonight is ope house with the public invited — you do not have to Write, Phone, or Call in Person ASPEN March 15-22 Christmas Inn 315.00 - 4/room Innsbruck Inn 325.00 - 4/room a member to attend. Take out an hour of your timf b| Association of Private 349.00 - 2/room 359.00 2/room Camps — Dept. C SS W. 42 St.. New York NY 1003* (212) OX S.2»Si Includes 7 nights lodging, 6 days lift tickets, continental breakfast, and see what MooSuSki has to offer, and then join J roundtrip airfare Lansing to Denver, bus transfer, tips and taxes. UTAH at the Weathervane for our 3rd annual Spring Salel All items will be reduced from 10 to 50%. The sal| March 15-22 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR Plan 1. From Lansing (United Airlines) will run from 9:00 p.m. til???? 303.00 4/room - $1.00 OFF 75'OFF! J 323.00 Lodging 2/room at the Temple Square Hotel. Luxurious, color T.V., f family priced meals, and ski lockers available. a OR A • Plan 2.From Detroit (American Airlines) LARGE SQUARE PIZZA LARGE ROUND PIZZA | J 310.00 - 4/room 330.00 - 2/room Lodging at the Hotel Utah Motor Inn. Color T.V., restaurant, and ski Spaces remain on our carnival lockers. FEB 5 thru FEB 13 Both trips include, roundtrip airfare, transfers, 6 day )ift tickets, 7 nights weekend, as well as Aspen lodging, taxes, tips. & gratuities. 337-1631 1203 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING NOTE: You May choose 2 plans on Aspen: Air only or the complete trip. (20 spaces remain) Uuh; Q ^ ^ on, j4 spaces remain and Utah trips For further info please call the club office at 353-5199 or attend tonight's meeting. or* available to . We also have Hawaii Mar. 14-21st. A little short on cash? Use your Alumni, Faculty, Staff and students of MSU. CaesatS ONE COUPON PER PIZZA » MasterC (large. QUESTION: Just What Do I Get Besides ANSWER 1. As a member you arc entitled to participate in any dab sponsored J)ooLeys trip or activity. (Trips involving flights are subject to CAB MOOSUSKI MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION regulations.) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS POSSIBLE 2. Tour membership also entitles you to discounts at many of Michigan's ski resorts, with savings of up to $3.00 off on a daily lift ticket. Some of thast areas ore Schuss Mtn., Sugarioaf, Timberlee, Name Stud. No. Mem. No: | Loc. Loc. (517) - Cannonsburg, Mt. Brighton, Lansing Ski Club, Mt. Maria, Royal Valley, and Mott Mtn. Add. City Zip Ph. No J 3. Discounts at Sporting Goods Stores. Home Gty Home ( )• j TONITE Sportsmeister 10% off Jim Earie Ski t Skate Shop up to 10% off Add. State Zip Ph. No. J Univ. Dept. Major Office ( )• Campus Sports 5% off Weathervane Stores: 20% discount off on all ski rentals, with Status or Occupat. Ph. NoL J ! f MUGGERS NIGHT free use of cross country equipment on Tims., Wed., and Referred to Hove a Club by Car? I 4. Meetings every other Wednesday at the Coral Gables with Happy Hour prices, movies, guest speakers, entertainment, and hundreds NOTE — Membership Dues ore Non-refundable. 15.00 Charge for of dollars in door prizes. Muqs Mf pmicE Replacement of Membership Card 5. Special Ski Swap sales, no service charge to members. 6. Blanket health and life insurance policy on all members - HEALTH INFO: Please List All Allergies (Esp. to Medications) Medical Condition, Etc. AII Niqk 7. Master Charge accepted for membership dues, lift tickets, trip I. Club office open every afternoon Monday thru Friday, plus 2 phone Annual membership duas: $10 singlet $15 couple, $20 family doWNSTAKS 9. lines with a 24 hoar answering service, and 24 hour snow reportl Discounts on lessens, and a learn to ski program at the Lansing Ski Enclosed is a check or money order Club. payable to MooSuSki for $ for (circle one) single, couple or 10. Special Clinics held on Crass Country Skiing. family membership. If (™>re """ NOW SERViNG II. Midnight madness ski solas at locai shops with up to 40% off on person please include all names. merchandise. DEEP DISH PIZZA a 12. Complete travel,service: AN arrangements made free of charge for Mail tot ony trip you may want ta take on your own from a week-end to MooSuSki (MSU Ski Club) now playing Boyne to a summer la Europe. 13. Our own dab paper, MooSuSki Naws which is printed twice a term 240 Mens IM Building BIB ■nd once ia the samaiar, offers a wide variaty of Mich. State University MOOSUSKI I THE RAISIN BAND information; Mombors are also Invited to use the free classified sporting East Lansing, Michigan ^ fiction. «■■■■■■