City clerk hit on stock holdings ByJOEKIRBY No officer of the 8UU N«wg Staff Writer city shall be financially interested, indirectly, m the profits of any contract, job, work ordirectly or The East Lansing Mark Grebner, City Charter says that a local political activist "no officer of the has charged East be service to city shall be financially Lansing City Clerk performed for the city ..." - East Lansing City Charter interested, directly or indirectly, in the Beverly Colim with conflict of interest profits of any contract, job, work or service because she which supplies owns stock in the company the city with to be performed for the city . . computer Grebner said the city is City Attorney Dennis McGinty said that punchcard voting equipment. violating the city Grebner's source, who overheard even if Colizzi does own stock, this does not charter by not a con¬ In a five minute accepting competitive bids in versation between Colizzi and the speech at Tuesday's its Computer mean she is in violation of the charter. round meeting Grebner, a 22 year-old dealing with CompuLink Corp. of Election Systems "It would depend on the individual cir¬ MSU senior, said Lansing. representative, said he Colizzi owns a "substan¬ would be willing to cumstances," McGinty said. tial number of shares in He said the city can get the voter testify in court. Computer Election The source, who refused to be named at Colizzi was appointed to the Systems, which has done $60,000 registration materials Compu-Link position of worth of from at least four other firms supplies this time, said he heard Colizzi say: "I own city clerk, which pays from $14,240 to business with the for less money. city over the past three Grebner said Compu Link has also over some stock in your company." $16,655, in 1969. She was not available for years. The source said they then began further comment Wednesday. An office "I refuse to define billed the city for computer programing. talking substantial." Grebner about the current price of the stock. worker said she was said, adding that he based Colizzi would make no comment on attending an out-of- information about the Doug McLeod, vice president town conference and would be back the stocks on a source accusations, adding: Tm very upset." and Friday. who overheard a treasurer of Computer Elertion Systems, Computer Election systems is used by When asked if she conversation between Colizzi and a repre thought Grebner had a confirmed that Colizzi and her husband Sam every Michigan city where the punchcard "grebner sentative of the personal vendetta against her, Colizzi said: California-based firm. "Well see." own stock in the company but would not say system is used, said Tom Bradford, election (continued on page 12) , FEBRUARY 6, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 longress OKs food stamp cost freeze From Wire Services The Senate also approved a resolution, This was the first kHINGTON Congress rejected which needs no further major bill to come up in the program until later this year. 20 per cent of the - action, directing for a vote in the House in the new participants, Agriculture stamps, was so unpopular that it could not L Ford's plan to increase the price Congress, Dozens of proposals are Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz to which was liberalized pending in both Dept. figures show. For these individuals, go through. By pushing the issue, they considerably in the houses to revise the decade-old i stamps and voted Wednesday to make recommendations by June 30 election last year. program. the cost of the stamps would be so close to said, the Administration reversed the the prices for the rest of this year, on ways But the conservative Some are designed to curb its their value as to make the benefit useless. to improve and reform the program. The members seemed equally reluctant to expense, now momentum of efforts to liberalize benefits. is the first legislative action com- resolution was urged by Sen. Robert Dole, vote running nearly $4 billion a year. Some Unemployment is swelling the stamp against a program aimed at helping the would expand benefits to the Community groups and organizations [br the 94th Confess. R-Kan. poor and unemployed at a time of economic also curbing widely reported abuses. needy while rolls at a rate of about 1 million persons a representing the poor opposed the move. Senate passed the bill 76 to 8 and The Senate turned back an decline. mopth, in addition to those transferred by Of more than 4,000 opinions the agriculture Ford only a few hours after its attempt that Under it, the 17.1 million current to had failed in committee to make the Sen. George McGovern, recip¬ congressional mandate to stamps from the Dept. received on the issue, only 50 were in Uture Committe'e approved it without D-S.D., said Butz ients pay amounts ranging from 8 per cent old direct-food assistance programs. resolution a part of the bill. That would told him two weeks favor of the increase. ago that the Adminis¬ of their net income to 30 Under the p. The House had passed it Tuesday have meant sending the measure back tration expected its per cent, with an current scale, for example, an The Agriculture Dept. said it would to plan to be killed but average about 23 per cent. elderly person living alone with a net the House for another vote. continue to advocate the higher price of urged a delay in any fundamental changes Last year, the Dept. of income of $154 a month from Social Security Agriculture food stamps because that program and announced that beginning March 1, it would benefits pays about $30 for $46 worth of others such as the school lunch and raise the purchase price of food stamps coupons. Under the Ford plan, he would breakfast programs — all slated for cuts in from a sliding fee that have paid $45 for $46 worth. averaged 23 per cent the President's new budget — are now of a family's net monthly income, to a flat Congressional liberals do not see the vote consuming 64 per cent of its operating fee of 30 per cent, the maximum allowable as an unqualified victory over Administra costs. by law. tion policies. They feel that the proposed The cuts This increase would have were supposed to save the effectively increase, which would have raised by removed from the rolls of the program 10 to department $217 million for the remainder one-third the average cost of buying food of this fiscal year. FORD STOCKS UP ON SKIING TRIP Thousands crave Coors By JAMES P.STERBA important, it is hard to get. New York Times years, the Eastern thirst for Coors has The Adolph Coors Co. distributes Coors turned thousands of people into smugglers. GOLDEN, Colo., — At the end of beer in only 11 Western states. But And it has not hurt the plain brown President Ford's skiing holiday in Colorado, "distributes" is the wrong word. The wrapper business White House aides and reporters bundled any. company cannot meet the demand. It could, Last week, revenue agents used a bull¬ onto their chartered jet at Grand Junction for example, have sold all 12.5 million dozer to ceremoniously squash dozens of to fly back to Washington. The pilot noticed barrels of beer it made last year in cases of contraband Coors. In the last year that the plane was unusually heavy — so California alone. But it rations its beer to Tennessee agents have pinched more than much so, in fact, that as a precaution, 167 distributors in the 11 states. And at the 1.500 cases. passengers were asked to redistribute Eastern borders of Kansas and Oklahoma, AP Most states have beer-tax laws, and im- wirephoto themselves to help balance the weight. Coors dries up. skiers attempted to get into the Mountains. This jump started out OK, but failed. Hours later, when the plane landed at Rather, it is supposed to. In the last few -"■ess Book of World Records" recently with a (continued on page 9) The group cut two people and tried Andrews Air Force Base, the quizzical it back flip at Ski Acres in the Cascade again. This time success, a complete 16-man poundage was discovered. The baggage flip. compartment was stuffed with cases of Coors beer. Coors. There's just something about the stuff, its fans contend. It has a mystique. iC will drop system Nonsense, its detractors insist. It's little more than beer flavored water — "Colorado Kool-Ard," they call it. Colorado liberals say they stay away from it not only because it's "just another beer," but also because the Coors family owners are political conserva¬ pass/no credit in fall tives. Some Chicano groups treat Coors the same as lettuce and grapes — something to be boycotted — because of the company's allegedly discriminatory hiring practices. That is not important, Coors lovers - By FRANCES BROWN which the student is expected to learn certain basic skills or ones in maintain. Coors is just good beer. It is light. ■ColLyeSr8nfat0tally Pass/no credit grading system. J ustin which the student sets his own objectives, such as independent Its taste is supreme. And perhaps most lb] J! hegin lo Kra*ed grading system. The credit, at least for students coming into the college. iv EdJl,t,nK a" JMC faculty. 11 students and the inn p',V make the change Monday after much "Personally, I don't see that this will change the courses at all," LeGates said. "I've seen that the pass/no credit system has been a Students go Char me LeGates, the assistant dean. said. deterrent for some students. For our students seeking employment great lengths the written evaluations have been good, but for students wanting to I1* Ban s, ct'on of students who favor the pass/no credit wording °ner'8 student who serves as communica- go into graduate school it's been difficult. The schools are swamped Klornni«0(r SaLl(i Wednesday. "We've been circulating and the written evaluations have been looked upon negatively." ■ Pass nr,' * ""rs now and we h#ve over 200 signatures." LeGates said she expects some adverse reaction to the decision, I"*nui ba Cre<-ru Sy,tera was instigated in 1969 on an PdecisinnT wi"ter the system was up for review. A especially from students, because any change causes unrest. She said she is pleased to have reached a compromise. to get Coors Tityfurri T 3 Rrac"n8 system must be submitter* *o the Stoner said all the classes needed to fill requirements for Kv« r 1 °mmittee by F*b- 15 or JMC mu~ -rt stem it had before the pass/no credit exper humanities, social science and natural science will be numerically By GREG KRAFT State News Staff Writer graded. . nt, That's the bulk of an average JM£ student's courses," she said. Beer is beer, right? 'That's not a compromise." tom r °J ,,ri'ssure °n the assembly," she said. The In a newsletter Stoner helped write to get student and faculty Wrong! Ask anybody who knows anything about ■tystem automati iP"11 S° ^ W6 WOnt ^ave 10 K° to support, the students who favor the pass/no credit system hops, and they will tell you that they would Kradfnvotec? on a prop°sal to keep the all protested the advent of grades at JMC because they feel this will go 1,500 miles for a bottle of Coors.Just ask Dave Moreau, Carol Mekula. Paul Green and T11 lor .kK svs,em' which includes an extensive written virtually abolish their chance for an alternative education at MSU. Npadefnrm!'U(ient- Currently students receive no They protest that they entered JMC under the pass/no credit Jeff Addley. taj/no ,r.j, rourses. The students voted 9 to 2 in favor system but they cannot complete their education under it. Since Coors is sold only in 11 western kthe currJ, svstem- The faculty voted 11 u> 7 against The students also feel that competition among students will states, people living on this side of the Kmbi 1 s.vstem. result and this will inhibit the free exchange of ideas. Innovative Mississippi must go to great lengths to r^ntSr'3 s!al,'mate because all decisions are made teaching methods will be constrained, they say, and the grading purchase that renowned lager from Golden, Colo. J^kvornMk a maj°rity of the student and faculty system camouflages and legitimises poor performances on the part Dave Moreaa gets .Pr°posal- of professors. his Coors via his "We don't feel the pass/no credit system is the reason for the lack mother, who usually goes to Texas about "y and miihJ0ted,on e#ch Part of the curriculum. The of student motivation," Stoner said. "I feel many of the faculty are month. writinir IMI|1'inar.v general education courses and once a Nnext fa|| fe™urses will be graded on a numerical system using the current grading system as a red herring to keep from "She'll usually pick me up a six or 12 pack examining their own teaching methods." and bring it back for me," said Moreau, c,n contiruf"^ <*°*s not 'uve to permanent and Milton Powell, history professor in JMC who has been at the sophomore, 219 E. Wilson Hall. His father works for one of the major ^ib|p fQj. ^ JMC. college for eiffht years, said he is disappointed in the decision. A row of Coors cans lined up on a South Case Hall bar under a hUdon'tarher ( °"cffe Assembly meeting before the '•The majority of the faculty feel that the expectations of students airlines, and as a result, when his mother different sort of sign, are souvenirs of a P^one ,0 lpateone>" she said. "At least I certainly have changed and more students are interested in having a grade goes to Texas, she flies for free. Moreau said trip from out West. Coors beer fans are found all over the nation, even ""•aidthj f°Urses ^111 a meeting." point average for employment purposes," he said. "But I'm not sure his mother usually carries the Coors on the though the light which will be pass/no credit are ones in we made a safe, cautious, conservative decision." (continued on page 12> brew is only sold west of the Rockies. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Februarj J House halts Ford's oil tariff! WASHINGTON (AP) - presidential order a $3 a barrel 267 Democrats to pass the bill. by high officials on energy and Houston, Tex., and Topeka. Challenging President Ford's tax on foreign oil. The $1 tax Passage of the tariff delaying economic matters. Kan., next week in his cam tZ°r time. Ness?n fond'tior« J energy program and bidding imposed Feb. 1, the first of bill came after a flurry of White White House Press Secre paign for public support of his Ford s thuj (J J for time to construct its own, three House activity and reports and tary Ron Nessen promptly said economy and energy proposals. statement at ,i planned increments, the Democratic-dominated would be cancelled. denials that compromise might Ford was going ahead with Ford will meet in Houston ^ws oonfer(,nce J House voted Wednesday, 309 to Ford is expected to veto the be in the wind. plans for the three step oil tax. Monday with about 10 South ^ beeconomic circ' EPA cancels Boston order 114, to halt Ford's tariff on im¬ bill if it clears the Senate. Ford entertained about 100 He said Ford was willing to look western governors. He will go°d enoughs! ported oil. The vote by which the House Republicans at dinner Tuesday at any concrete alternative meet in Topeka Tuesday with lpfIn other The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said The bill the House passed passed it was greater than the and about the same number of proposed by Congress but "all Midwest governors. men,s eeonornJl Wednesday it has decided to cancel an order that employers and sent to the Senate would two-thirds that would be re Democrats, largely from the they are asking for is a delay." Nesaen also said at a news Wednesday- 1 cot the size of their commuter parking lots in an effort to cut Nessen announced during the •Confess is J suspend for 90 days the author¬ quired to werride a veto. South and Southwest, at break briefing that Ford will run for a down air pollution. ity Ford claims to impose by day that Ford will go to full term in 1976 regardless of Administration atteJj Forty-two Republicans joined fast Wednesday, with briefings dure The agency said there is no need for the order considered spending „„ Jl grams and will one of the toughest antipollution measures in the country, hM because air quality in the Boston area has improved in the major changes in f\J 1976 budget, sjfI past three years. But the EPA said it also took into consideration strong public opposition to the proposed cutback. The rule, which hod been scheduled to take effect May 31, Auto workers Humphrey said. Humphrey, D-MiJ •Peking VV,llla"' to Treasury 3 E. Simon'J was the most controversial part of a plan to cut down Bv ASSOCIATED PRESS Chanting "We want jobs." unemployed rank-and-file about 270 UAW members. The middle income workers, beef up session of the join, jj] exhaust fumes in the 101 communities around Boston. If AND STATE NEWS they shouted and stomped their workers from auto plants across group, made up of autoworkers the public service jobs program Committee, which H would have forced employers with WASHINGTON (AP) - Ten approval, United Auto the country. Some come by from the seven area UAW and improve the unemployment heads. 50 or more workers to as thousand auto workers rallied Workers (UAW) Union leaders plane, but most arrived in buses locals, left in buses from the insurance system. Simon said that ft make a 25 per cent cut in employe parking. here Wednesday to demand after riding through the night in sion Instead, the EPA has a new set of regulations that rely and a handful of congressional parking lot of Local 662 on Woodcock said that if private to impose a 5 J jobs now, and threatened to Democrats called for strong the heavy snow and fog that Tuesday night. enterprise can't provide ceiling on increases mostly on voluntary cooperation. They don t take full effect back a quarter-million economic medicine to end the blanketed much of the North¬ Security benefits, u come Despite the weather, the enough jobs for all those who until 1977. stronger if the government does recession and put people back to east and Midwest. UAW nearly filled the D. C. want to work, then the govern¬ recommend some reu not take immediate action to cut work. The Lansing area was National Guard Armory, in ment must become the other social proems"! unemployment. Most protestors were represented in Washington by what resembled a political con¬ employer of last resort. most difficult he m Bentsen to declare candidacy vention with banners decorat¬ budget planning. "If Congress doesn't listen, Whi!e ing the wall and demonstrators we've got to come down here, the pr0mJ Sen. parading through the aisles. worthwhile, Simon Lloyd M. Bentsen, D-Tex., will announce his candidacy for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination Strike incites UAW President Leonard 200,000 to 250,000 in the streets, to make them listen," he said as also have to for those » figure out^ on Feb. 17, sources said Wednesday. of Woodcock noted that nearly shouts of approval drowned out pay programs] •Ford Motor Co. A Confirmation that Bentsen will join the growing LIMA, Peru (AP) - Presi¬ Velasco, faced with his worst detachment troops from 300,000 of his union members his words. dent Juan Velasco's military crisis since his military regime Velasco's 39,000-man army are out of work and said that bates pushed its late M Democratic field came after his office said he would announce his 1976 campaign plans on that day. regime declared a state of seized power in a coup six years backed by tanks and armored Ford's budget with its forecast The "emergency employment car sales up 51 per«1 emergency Wednesday and ago. declared t national state of personnel carriers surrounded of high unemployment for 1960 mobilization rally" was one of midmonth. But the T sent tanks and troops into the emergency and suspended con¬ the police compound during the is "planned recession for five the largest workers' protests in said Ford deliveries J stitutional guarantees. the capital since AFL-CIO off almost 10 per ce streets of Lima in an attempt to night. long years." Dunlop to head Labor Dept. quell demonstrators and rioters A communique said the police When police ignored two "Our country needs action President George Meany and year's figure.' protesting bloody government strike was "incited clearly by ultimatums to come out peace¬ and it needs it now," he declared the late Walter Reuther, Wood¬ Industrywide, John T. Dunlop, Harvard economics professor and former cock's predecessor, organized a creased 45 per cent a be action against striking police. counterrevolutionary political fully, a tank crushed the wooden in urging Congress to enact an director of the old Cost of Living Council, is expected to Troops fired shots into the air elements." gate, allowing troops to rush immediate $18 20 billion tax cut similar demonstration during January levels, but I return to a government post as secretary of labor, in a bid to disperse students and Fire bombs hurled by demon through. for what he called low and the 1958 recession. 14-year low for the mo administration sources said Wednesday. other civilians who set cars and strators started a fire in Lima's The said buildings afire hours after an civic center which houses an There is o sources Dunlop, 60, is President Ford's choice to succeed Peter J, Brennan at the Labor Dept. a move that will army assault on the head¬ agency set up by the regime and difference!!! restore the department's role in the economic quarters of the police striking witnesses saw smoke pouring PREPARATION COR: HAVING TROUBLE DIGESTING YOUR policy-making for more fr-om the ground floor of the pay. process. However, the action failed to adjoining Lima Sheraton Hotel. MCAT Qr^syMT. STUDIES LATELY? Sources said the nomination of Dunlop, who at first halt the strike by a large The plush army officers' club rejected Ford's offer of the job but relented after repeated urgings. was expected to be announced within the next two segment of the 20,000-member was also reported ablaze. DAT weeks. paramilitary Guardia Civil Gutted automobiles and TAKE A BREAK- national police force and stoned buses littered the area LSAT Voluminous home demonstrators took to the and a filling station was set study mtteridi CALL streets in support of the police. afire. tRE Courm that are constantly updated Pakistan seeks U.S. aid Russian-made T55 tanks, Details of the action against DOMINOS armored personnel carriers and the police were sketchy because AIMS Tjp# facilities for some helicopters were sent into of a government news blackout. reviews of elm AND ENJOY FAST, President Ford and Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, downtown Lima against the However, witnesses said a A#a* lessons end for use flanked by advisers, opened talks Wednesday on the rioters. Military snipers fired WAI of supplementary FRIENDLY, FREE resumption of U.S. arms sales to Pakistan. over the heads of protesters and The White House meeting also included: Secretary of State looters. lot all CPA! ^ DELIVERY—OF A Henry A Kissinger and Gen. Brent Scowcroft of the National . Michigan Slate Univetsily Students B EY FLEA Make-ups tor missed lessons DELICIOUS DOMINO Security Council; U.S. Ambassador Henry Byroade and Faculty and immediate family Pakistan s Secretary of Foreign Affairs Aziz Ahmed and KFMt PIZZA! Ambassador Yaqub Khan. Also on the agenda was a question of more food JAMAICA Montego Bay ECFMS assistance for Pakistan. In an article that appeared in $259 M"-16'23'1975 Tuesday's State News about < Duong Spring 1 nights Biea» I NAT'L MEDBRDS For compl«tc Information call Indian speaker Bob Yellow Bird, • Round trip jet via Air Jamaica " TROWBRIDGE Paul Hughes was incorrectly Party Jet (313)384-0085 identified as Paul Hayes. • Gourmet meal service in tlight taXlHallllKCMIKWM 351-7100 • • In-Flight Fashion Show Rum bamboozles in tlight Stanley ntaoion (DUCATIOMAl (=§ rvYrf • 7 Night hotel CENTER HUSilSW" GRAND RIVER • Jamaican Cocktails TUTORING AND QUIOANCE • AND MORE 1 SINCE 1939 351-8880 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 SouthfleW, Mich. 4S07S % Onassis health improving MC SKI SALE CONTINUES! Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis showed SAVE ON 1974 - 1975 SKI EQUIPMENT & ClOTHIN| improvement Wednesday in Athens from the potentially dangerous combination of myasthenia, or muscular feebleness, complicated by flu. SKIS Onassis' private secretary, Maria R«9 Hadgiargiri, said the 69-year-old magnate is feeling much better though his HEAD HRP COMP Mil illness is still serious.' She said Onassis spends most of the time sleeping." KNEISSL FREESYLE India joins ping-pong tourney Palestinians have been admitted to the world table tennis ROSSIGNOL 550 or *,^s S13 championships as part of a high-stakes diplomatic 650 tournament being played, along with the ping pong. "•9- $4 The decision came as a Chinese team charmed the Indians HEAD TGM $180 with tea parties and smiles and the Israeli sports federation called for the resignation of the International Table Tennis Assn. president. The Indian government, DAIWA SPORT 1200 5 maintaining a resolutely pro-Arab policy, has refused entry to an Israeli team that had planned to play in the 60-nation championships. The tournament opens today. ROSSIGNOL GSL 450R The association president, a Welshman named Roy Evans, laughed off the Israeli demand for his resignation and said Reg. he plans to seek re election as head of the world table tennis ROSSIGNOL SMASH body. RIEKER USSR-Egypt support talks SPIDER G*2 HART SHORT STUFF Egypt and the Soviet Union called Wednesday for RIEKER GT resumption of the Geneva peace talks as soon as possible in a communique issued at the end of a three-day visit to Cairo by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. TECHNICA SKI JACKETS FLOW The communique mentioned no date for resuming the reg $uo $049» from our rogulor fA Geneva talks. stock! UPTOjW/O^ l»ANG^DEVIL REG $135 $3999 Rebels sink ammo barges CABER PRO REG. $100 Communist-led rebels sank two ammunition barges $67" traveling up the Mekong River to replenish government RAICHLE COMFY supplies in Phnom Penh, The sources said a navy sources said Wednesday. convoy attempted to break through a JET FLOW REG $110 *69199 blockade, where insurgent Khmer Rouge forces had ALL PROMARK strung wire with mines across the narrow channel of the miles southeast of the capital. Two other Mekong 38 GLOVES OEZE (OMR SPORTING GOODS barges and tugs returned to South Vietnam, the sources said. The barges were protected by rocket shield screens and BINDING 5002 W. SAGINAW J each carried an estimated 900 tons of much [JUST EAST OP LANSING WA I ammunition. needed 25% OFF REG. $85 *27" 417-1153 OPEN DAIlVl® SUNDAY, | iSU plans switch to Bv PEGGY GOSSETT The University is running out of student million students with the research. State New» Staff Writer numbers under its current six-digit system, sented too many problems, Dressel said. oil, then it 'thm three years MSU six-digit system. but with an additional Changing to the new system will demand numbers for identification purposes and Mit was beef, then it was oil seven digit system. will change to a digit to work with, nine million more students can have their a redesigning of all computers and compu¬ First of all, the Social Security system other states have similar laws under study. uses nine identities numerated. ter cards in the numbers, which is more than the However, the Michigan Social Security That means if your University, to accommodate student number now While the old system lasted University needs, Dressel said. office said it will continue to cooperate with of deficiencies, student reads 592606, it will be •nother digit in the student era revised within three nearly 40 records. Also, the federal government may ulti¬ years since its initiation in It s amazing how such a school systems who use the numbers for bers apparent'y will be MSU's next years to read 0592606. 1938, the new system should last 300 more years, said affect the entire little change can mately restrict Social Security number use identification purposes. The University has University," said Paul for identification W- branded almost purposes in order to one Lynn Peltier, asst. director of institutional Dressel, director of institutional research. Wendall Law, operations supervisor, said protect the individual's University officials have not estimated right of privacy. the cost for the Dressel said there are various kinds of using the numbers for identification was changeover, but say they classified personal records which the social frowned on in the past, but the Social will nevertheless subsidize it, whatever the Security Administration recently revised cost. security number identifies, and extensive use of the number its policy. This is not yet a crisis might make that situation, but the information accessible to the problem involves the limit of one million public. Western Michigan and Central Michigan Oklahoma has already passed a state law possible combinations using six universities use Social Security numbers digits. prohibiting the use of Social Security for student numbers. Though the University is now assigning numbers in the 728,000 range, MSU will completely run out within four years, Peltier saidl "That does not have been one million because anyone who necessarily mean there students, though, U' to purchase applies to MSU gets a student number whether or not he is admitted, Peltier said. The first student number ever computer unit was one, the second assigned was two and so on in numerical succession, Dressel said. t Anticipating the depletion of numbers, a committee was appointed fall term by President Wharton to for financial aid study alternative ways of assigning student numbers. / The committee studied two possibilities: using Social Security numbers, or changing to a seven-digit system, said Dressel, chairman of the committee. The seven-digit "We must investigate the various places system was recom¬ mended by the committee because we can obtain financial aid for the student, the Social Security system would have Don't worry, MSU students with finan¬ such as scholarships, loans and grants. It is pre cial aid — SAFE will keep you and your very complicated for us," Kenney said. money safe — as long as you are honestly "The SAFE system will be much more reporting your income. efficient and sophisticated," he added. Steve Terry, MSU vice-president for business and finance, signed a contract Kenney said the present manual system Monday authorizing the University to of financial record-keeping does not insure purchase a new financial aid computer the most equal distribution of funds. system designed to keep records, develop individual financial aid "We are required by the government to packages, send letters and make things easier for MSU and keep up to date on all income of students on hopefully the student. the program," he said. Thursday, February 6,1975 The system, called Student Assistance "There are not many, but there are some Financial Evaluation (SAFE), was devel¬ oped by Information and Communications, people who are receiving aid from sources we do not know about," Kenney added. Inc. from California. It will be installed in "This is unfair to other students. SAFE will lealth center recommendations sections over an 11-month period, to be be much more efficient — there will be less completed by fall 1976. The cost is $4000 for room for human error." installment and $11,820 per year as long as the system runs. Only two other universi Kenney said that since SAFE will be put ties in the country, the in by sections, students will not have to University of lent to Wharton for Southern California and the University of change their methods for applying. Michigan, have similar systems. approval "We still will use the regular financial aid Why does the Univesity need SAFE? 'The present system is just too cumber applications students are using now," he some and takes too said. long," Terry said. "SAFE will do a much better job of SAFE is the result of a four-year study By PAI L PARKER colleges. packaging financial aid programs, leaving State News SuH Writer In-patient care at the present level, the staff with the time to make adjustments by the University. The choices were These include dentistry, derma¬ affairs. "Until Wilkinson comes between improving the present MSU including 52 beds, was recommended by the up with ins lor a new University Health Center tology, gynecology, opthalmology and some figures, I don't feel we can decide on in special cases." system, using the SAFE system and sent to President Wharton by the subcommittee, but the authority recom¬ the number of beds." The SAFE system would not lay any optometric setytre, pediatrics, surgery, mended that a cost study be rriade to installing the FINPAC system used by Ik Care Authority with three reserva surgical subspecialties and venereal disease help people off in the financial aid department, The U-M. SAFE was chosen because it ■ related to concerns that students control. Dr. Myron Magen, dean of MSU's determine the number of beds that are authority also approved and passed said Richard Kenney, associate director of was the needed and can be included without on recommendations that preventive health MSU financial aid. cheapest, the fastest and best suited to the pnotbe "nickled and dimed to death." School of Osteopathic Medicine, said services such needs of MSU, Kenney said. m will now approve the proposal financially overburdening the students. as water quality testing and "As I envision it, initially our staff will be patients would immediately be referred to a Students will most likely pay for a new health education programs be included it on to the board of trustees or specialist when there are no doctors at the at working with data going into the machine. "Many students are apprehensive about a facility through a tuition increase of about 50 the new facility. lit back to the committee, faculty and health center who have expertise in these Our staff is very knowledgeable about computer system," Kenney said. cents per credit. "They Jidvisory group. areas. "If we finance a new student health center The committee report recommended that analyzing students needs. They will be able to give time to special cases," he think its memory banks are storing inti¬ ■report recommends that a new health Comprehensive emergency services will a management study should be conducted in mate information about them. But all we Tr be built adjacent to the Clinical the people who use it will have to said. be provided pay for it in the present health center to keep in th» computer is financial aid including space for private one way or another," said Eldon explore the The finanical aid process is not difficult « Building now under construction patient treatment. possibility of offering more effective student information — the same information we Nonnamaker, vice president of student for the studerit, but is very complicated for [*ill offer at least the same level of health care. keep in our files now. It will just make e currently offered at the MSU, Kenney said. things easier for us." ral committee members felt that the in recommendations would have ed at before final plans are decided DIRTY OLD MAN IM j Inpatient facilities, alternative his of finance and a concern for the pbility of including food services were mmittee's three reservations, lont see some of these p to be carried entirely by student said things Roger Wilkinson, vice as a Beal finds success »t of business and finance. r '!* Proposal a slight increase in Bv ALLAN LENGEL co-op. perform them won't get struck by light- ^tuition would probably finance the State News Staff Writer Sunshine, who is a communication arts attending," he said. best since the group's origin have been ning," he said, "Deep Throat" and the "Devil Hammond is not the major at MSU. took over the group three and Miss only business that Sunshine said he sees a new attitude sur- Sunshine said he believes that the people ftomprehensive outpatient services depends for a livelihood. years ago from his brother, who went to Jones." But Sunshine said the two films nmended for the on organs San Diego after receiving his doctorate in facing and feels that negative attitudes are in the audience are a true cross-section of prematurely ended their facility in a The Beal Film engagement this * pro-am that will make more Group has been drawing on the wane, the University and said the image of the fall after the distributor became worried MSU students to its X rated films for four economics. * of the specialists holding Sunshine has a degree in film and dirty old man with the rain coat coming to over the "pressures of the FBI" and told the "8 positions in MSU's two years despite occasional objections. "The films are definitely getting better, the films is no longer true. film group to return them before medical The group is sponsored by the Beal Co-op sociology from San Francisco State College, and there seems to be more women He said the films that have drawn the they were and said he has been able to apply his confiscated. and run by manager Steven Sunshine, 27, whose brother, Mike, founded the group six knowledge to the film business. years ago by showing art films on the MSU rrovdo campus. He said the film group had tried horror, black and foreign films in the past, but According to co-op President Lou Van finally resorted to X-rated ones because of tpsy Winkle, Sunshine selects the films and runs the demand. the business. Sunshine, who does not live in sports the caop, is paid on a salary basis and the profits, if any, are handed over to the Sunshine recalled some of the hassles the film group has received, and said that last fMhusiasts co-op's home improvement fund. Van Winkle said that fall term the co^op earned $500, but some quarters, like last spring a professor of journalism at MSU instructed his students to get an inter-, >w with him. spring showed no profit at all. l^scow (UPI) _ Mikhail v Though most have accepted the films While he said he never granted any y. a Moscow scientific interviews, he stated that the teacher came with mere snickers and giggles, there have one night to a film with a list of wL?,T°Ldrunk that on when he left a been others, according to Van Winkle, who and acted abusive. questions seeing a trolley have expressed their outrage over the skin IT U crew he drove it home, flicks. "He was very demanding," he said. "He started asking personal questions like how Kn iL 6' newspaper. did I feel about doing this kind of stuff and ■T^olskaya 1'ravda listed the A few weeks back, Van Winkle said, "a group of Christians" kept coming up to the how I felt about myself. He acted like he ■"^presentaiive ©fa deter- Beal house, 525 M.A.C. Ave., and bombard had a divine right to know." ifois behavior ol Soviet ed it with snowballs in protest over the films. Sunshine said he was a bit disturbed over J; h°o|iganism, ticket persons who were attempting to terminate in*sr>l« a"d women The last time, he explained, three men the Beal film business. NcSstarst0 marry them came out of a van and stood in front of the "These people have the right to object i the w now mt0 the spoking house and once again .threw snowballs. but they certainly don't have the right to newspaper said "I came out on the porch and they still impose their moral judgment others," he ixC1" « sudiuma. stood there throwing them," he said. said. on '^Ln UTg "I started chasing one of the guys down "They don't have the right to tell anyone £££*■-— I**" > vJunUrr wort. M.A.C. Ave. and the other two jumped in a van and came around the corner and sort of swerved to make it look like they were that they shouldn't added. see these films," he Sunshine, who admits he enjoys viewing PTOM> going to hit me," he said. the films, said he sees them not only as artistic and entertaining but also as educa Van Winkle said he got the license tional. number of the van and gave it to East Lansing police, who tracked down the "So many people are inhibited about their persons and suggested they apologize to the bodies," he said. "When people see others co-op. on film like that it has a truly liberating Van Winkle said the people called and effect. told him that they were just playing a joke 'They alao learn that certain types of on a friend who they thought lived in the sexual acta aren't dirty and those who BRUCE RAY General without a country ' ffima No bugles have blown, the Stars and Bars Mexican American War. He rose quickly in huge casualty lists after one battle, who have remained furled and the rebel yell has the ranks of the U.S. Army and was the went without rations himself so there could not signaled the charge. Nonetheless, Gen. man who commanded the detachment that be more for his men. Compare him to the Robert E. Lee is in the midst of his final put down the John Brown insurrection in Union generals who burned a 300-mile battle. Harper's Ferry, W.Va.. swath through Georgia, who burnt Atlanta Once again a move is being undertaken in When the South declared war on the to the ground, who devastated the Shenan Congress to restore full citizenship to the North in 1861, Lee was offered the doah Valley and often were in such a Confederate general who died over 100 command of the entire Union army. He drunken stupor that they couldn't give years ago after establishing himself as one thought over his decision carefully. Lee orders. One of these generals, Ulysses S. of the greatest Americans who has ever decided when his native state, Virginia, Grant, became President while Lee was not lived. seceded he had no choice but to go with her. even given his citizenship back. Gen. Lee's citizenship was taken away at He did not want to have to fight and IdD After the war Lee contributed to society the close of the Civil W ar along with that of friends and relatives in kis own home state. by serving as President of Washington thousands of other Southerners, because He served for awhile on Jefferson Davis' University, which has since been renamed they made the fatal mistake of being on the staff, but was finally appointed as General Washington and Lee University. losing side. Many regained their citizenship of the Army of Northern Virginia. In the Lee did not like war. The South never by swearing an oath of allegiance to the next few years Lee carved his way into the carried on an offensive war but rather just I nited States and Lee thought he had done hearts of his men, the South and history. wanted to be left alone. When that fateful the same. But after his death it was dis¬ day came at Appomattox Courthouse and covered that, by a technicality, he had His men loved him so much that they Lee surrendered, he humbly asked Grant if would shout and cheer whenever he LET ME GUESS YOU'RE EITHER INFLATION OR RECESSION, OR ILLNESS, OR never regained his citizenship. his men could keep their horses to do their . . . OR SUFFERING, OR THE DIRE AND HORRIBLE PERIL OF GALLOPING PRivarT So this fantastic man who is revered appeared. One time a hill the Yankees held spring plowing. He thought of his men to was needed desperately by the Confederate SOCIALISM/ throughout the South and honored by all the last. the military schools in the world remains forces, but after numerous charges the today a man without a country. Congress Union troops still were entrenched. Lee Later on Lee was credited with stopping can remedy this by acting favorably on the rode up on the front line among the flying .a recurrence of the Civil War when he TOM WICKER motion Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia has bullets and the men instantly started angrily told young Southerners that the presented to restore full citizenship to Lee. yelling, "Lee to the rear." war was over and they should forget it. It is only fitting and proper that this be He said: 'Tm sorry men but we need that They respected Lee and they forgot. done. Some say that Gen. Lee was a traitor to his country and does not deserve citizenship hill." From assurance a thousand that throats come they would take the hill if the Now it is the duty of the Congress to not forget. To not forget a man that stands above other men in many ways. But even if Gauntlet falling for Ford rights. I can only say that these people are Lee would only get to safety. Then, as if one the Northern congressmen do not give their uneducated or not fully aware of what kind man, they charged forward and took the approval to this motion, they cannot do of a man Lee was. hill. anything about the fact that Robert E. Lee When Sen. Howard Baker of Tennessee that Ford might quit. who loved by hope, under this rule, to go to the J Lee graduated from West Point high up This was the man was will be loved and remembered long after greeted Ambassador Designate Elliot On the Democratic side, with not even an convention with enough in his class and distinguished himself in the his men. who was caught weeping over the they have turned to dust. Richardson at a recent dinner with the incumbent president to impose caution on delegates J factor in the selection of a national i remark that "1 expect we'll be seeing a lot of the field, you have to categorize rather than While the Republicans have each other in New Hampshire next year," at, merely list, dividing all gall»into three ART BUCHWALD he was only drawing an obvious conclusion parts: anywhere near that far, Baker ma; J right that, already, the "value of ine SusonAger Editor-in-chief from the thesis he later stated to Positively running: Sens. Scoop Jackson Moureen Beninson cy" has been lowered. Sub«id_ Advertising Manager Christopher Lydon of the New York Times: and Lloyd Bentsen, Rep. Morris Udall, Gov. R.D. Campbell Managing Editor primary campaigns and proportional "The value of incumbency has been George Wallace, former Govs. Jimmy sentation even in one party Mike Arnett Gty Editor p| Profiteering greatly diminished by public financing and Carter and Terry Sanford and former Sen. make it easier for ambitious can„ Dion* Silver Campus Editor subsidies for primary candidates. You're Fred Harris. Chris Daniefsor Opinion Page Editor likely to see a lot more people run against a Positively interested: Sens. John Glenn, challenge a president, particularly! Melisso Payton Notionoi Editor sitting president." Dale Bumpers, Frank Church, Adlai president seems politically weall Steve Stein Sports Editor presidential candidacies are likely J Dole Arttins Photo Editor That is all the more likely for 1976, Stevenson, Robert Byrd and Bfrch Bayh, liferate in both parties, regardless oil I'm getting desperate," said Plotkin, an JuneDetono Entertainment Editor considering that Gerald Ford became a Govs. Hugh Carey, Edmund Brown and one holds the office, and partict Editoriols ore the opinion of the Stote Tom Oreo Copy Chief unemployed friend of mine. "I think I'll sitting President by appointment rather Dan Walker and Mayor Kevin White. break into the Watergate." elections when the two-term li News < Viewpoints' columns ond letters lindo Sonde! Night Editor than by election, and that he might well go Postively not running: Sens. Hubert rules out the incumbent. ore personol opinions. Pol Nordi Staff Representative "Are you mad?" I -said. "Why would you into the 1976 campaign with 8 per cent Humphrey. Edward Kennedy, Edmund This democratization of pi want to break into the Watergate?" unemployment, double-digit inflation, the Muskie and Walter Mondale. tics, welcome as it may s "I figure it's worth biggest peacetime budget deficit in history Counting those positively not running, decades of one-ballot convention 1 $200,000 if it's worth and either an unsolved energy crisis or an since a politician doesn't positively not run difficult questions. Will it diatii Q a dime." unpopular program of driving up energy unless he positively can't be counted out, "You can't get prices mot to mention the possibility Ford this makes 21 Democratic conceivable*. As value of incumbency" to greatly] diminish the presidency itself, toitf Prepare for (200,000 for breaking into the Watergate. They don't have that kind of money around himself keeps raising, of an increased involvement in Indochina). If that is so, not only Baker with his many as a dozen of some serious effort these at might make the nonWtion, either as a candidate in the primariet Or as one "available" at the Democratic National office into a grander version of»tJ sional seat, in which an incunben constantly be running against his ova Watergate television exposure but Elliot as well as the opposition? { there." Richardson, the hereof the Saturday Night Convention. It has become There already is grim - evidend commonplace in between $5 million and $8 million. Massacre certainly would be logical conten¬ This cannot be charged entirely to Ford's This money would most likely "I don't expect to presidential campaigning has bca trying economic times to hear ders in a Republican nomination fight — probable political weakness, since roughly corporate leaders crying for a come from the state's capital get it from the break-in, dummy," Plotkin said. "I plan to sell the literary rights to the although an astute manager might advise the same field could have been put together year-in. year-out matter, with no That plus hordes of candidates >4 , off-jj moratorium on safety and pollu¬ Richardson to sit tight in London, aloof a year or more ago. Baker put his finger on outlay budget, and not from the robbery. I decided that for what they're from grubby primary battles, hoping to from primary to primary, may r« one reason the availability of federal tion standards automobiles. public rather than stimulate pj — on University's own operating paying for Watergate books I could get a come in Clean at the end to be everyone's campaign funds for 1976, a relatively recent MSU must not trip into this budget. Book of the Month out of it. You see, all the participation. Duplicating candidadl other Watergate books have to do with the compromise candidate. development foreseeable since the gest even greater emphasis on pen! pattern, especially in the area of The University shoultTenter its After all, on the Republican side alone, it ' Watergate scandal developed. and image over issues. And that« old break-in. But my story would be about a pollution. request for improvement of Plant fresh robbery, so it would be different." can be reliably posited that in addition to The other reason is the new proportional rules of the game might give 9 In the event of another '65 now while the the MESSRS. Ford, Baker and Richardson, representation rule of the Democratic "energy legislature is still Wallace a commanding voice at thl "Plotkin, nobody is going to pay you a burning desire to serve the nation from the party, guaranteeing any candidate who remind crisis," Consumers Power could considering the state budget. Democratic Convention is a fortune to write a book about your break in. White House lurks in the patriotic hearts of makes a minimum showing a number of force the University to switch Economic "democracy" and "demogogue" stca hardship and fiscal ex¬ You never worked for the White House." Nelson Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan and delegates roughly proportionate to his the same root. from natural gas to coal to fuel its pediency is no excuse to neglect "What's that got to do with it? I'm a Sen. Charles Percy. share of the vote in conventions and power plants. the delicate environment. better writer than most of those guys." "Publishers are paying vast sums for Others could surface at the slightest hint primaries. Even a marginal candidate can {C)t975 New York Times | If the state hedged on the Plant '65, if this happened, request, state officials should Watergate books not because of the IT5 k wmt 1*IC* 1 PtCKW OP PRO* 0.«. OU. COMPkMi« / break-in but because so many people in would be polluting above the level remember they have a multi - power were involved in covering it up. If allowed by the Michigan Air million dollar administrative con¬ you broke into the Watergate, I doubt if it Pollution Control Division. Oper¬ struction program already under¬ would get into the newspapers." ating on natural gas, the plant is way. This could stand to wait a Plotkin said, "You don't know that. All within the allowed limits, but if switched to coal, the particulate year or two, so that capital outlay you have to do is say the word 'Watergate' expenditures could be allocated to to a publisher, and hell write out a check. Zionist slaves emission level would be too high. much more crucial capital im¬ Vou know what a good thief needs these The cost of installing adequate days?" provements, such as environment What do sheiks buy in America from Mr. pollution control devices would be "A lawyer?" Buchwald's point of view (Jan. 29)? They protection. "No, a literary agent. I thought you might buy cities, art museums, parks and the like. know someone who would handle the Well, these, are all components of land rights resources. If Mr. Buchwald has not yet had to my break-in. I think we should keep the the opportunity to study land resources, and paperback contract separate from the Ford plays hardback sale and put the movie rights up for auction. If we can get Robert Redford to if he ignores the fact that land resources have a market, then I do not blame his mockery. bid against Paul Newman, we could even get I do blame Mr. Buchwald if he ignores a piece of the picture." what Zionism is buying in America. I think it Let's all play the "Uncle Jerry Then cut $2 billion by cancelling "You certainly have thought this out, is buying human beings. Many of the mass Numbers Game." The rules are scheduled increases in Medicaid Plotkin. But aren't you afraid to go to media people in America — like Buchwald — simple: and Medicare benefits. prison?" may be considered as slaves, or at least "For breaking into Watergate?" Plotkin First, cut $580 million from child Zionist footholds. (Recall the recent remark nutrition programs, Then cut $500 million laughed. "What could I get, six months?" of Gen. G. S. Brown, Chairman .of the Joint mostly for by cancel¬ "You might get more than that," I Chiefs of Staff, about the Jewish influence in school milk. ling scheduled increases in welfare warned. this country). Then cut $270 million from the payments. "Not if I turned state's evidence and I also wonder if Zionism is buying saw food stamp program by charging And the error of my ways." presidents through the elections, or whether finally, take the $8 billion it might be behind the killing or kicking out more for food amassed by the above moves, add stamps. "But in order to turn state's evidence of other presidents of America. And what Then cut $400 million from another $1 billion in borrowed you'd have to implicate somebody else. I'm sure Amo is quite general social services programs. Whom could you implicate?" about Cabinet members: are they all the players any verbal capable of giving lashings they Youth radio money, and use it all to increase Americans? deserve, and doesn't need the help of any Then cut $260 million in aid to "Nixon," Plotkin said happily. Moreover, some of America's pilots and the military budget, send $2.7 "How could you implicate Nixon? He soldiers are Zionists, and have fought and cheap shot artist. schools near federal installations. billion of it off to Southeast Asia. would have nothing to do with your I would like to comment on tl killed for its sake. Pat Burgess Then cut $4 billion by cancelling The most station situation in the Lansing puzzling thing about break-in." Arabs hate to buy human beings. Instead 1050 Waters Edge Apt. 211 . scheduled increases in retirement this game is that everyone loses. "So what? He has a pardon from Jerry they will buy land resources as an effort to recently expressed in a letter y 1 benefits. Why would anyone want to play? Ford so they couldn't touch him. It isn't as if increase and enhance their already powerful Sams. I must agree that there are 1 I was sending an innocent man to jail." economic situation. In the future, neither the Time for action sistently suitable stations in the *1 ever, I don't feel that this is iJJ mockery of slaves, nor the influence of "But, Plotkin, Nixon has had enough Zionism in America, will help in the recovery In regard to the article of discriminatory experienced by any one particular gr» problems of his own without tying him in practices against blacks in the School of the contrary, it is the opinion ol»"j of the fallen economic situation. with a break in he had nothing to do with. Nursing which was printed Feb. 3,1 feel it is of music enthusiasts I kn°w. | Re-examine SalamaA.EI-Shawaf _ You have to be fair." 222 W.Owen Hall about time that action be taken against such much lacking in the loca! stati • I "Yeah, but if Nixon hadn't spent so much irresponsible, degrading and totally nega¬ The radio stations in and arouw^ time covering up the other Watergate tive attitudes towards the black students. the most popular of which carry* The current case of 11 students available resources in the break-in and had worked on the economy instead, I might not be out of a job now." Cheap shot For example, why is it taken for granted that blacks will cheat on an exam before whites format, are catering to a minority which would be si* j j comple¬ in Justin Morrill College under tion of the test. In fact, many "I don't like it," I said. "But I'll call a Mike Litaker's article on Feb. 3, about will? were any alternative. Myfne»«J] investigation for possible students assume this is the literary agent friend of mine and ask him the hockey team's losses to Michigan Tech Concerning the typically white racist listening to Donny Osmondland fcj plagiarism gives rise to questions for you." has classified him as truly a "cheap-shot stereotypic views of black women patients totally unacceptable and m ^ purpose of a take-home exam. concerning the validity of take- I placed the call. "How much are artist." — always late, always Wearing wigs and play records if we want adequate publishers paying for Watergate books?" I Litaker takes cheap shots at defensmen always moaning and groaning — where will home exams. If a professor desires asked my friend. "Yeah, it's the story of a Paul Pavelich and Tom Smith, by his false descriptions like these end? In completely I would like to praise WKARfo assigning an exam of this original exam answers, the take- break-in and it implicates Nixon .... comments about them being "undressed" This issue should definitely be investi¬ and " type, a professor should not be home test is the wrong method to $75,000? Right, I'll get back to you." by the Tech forwards. It's fine to tell things gated and correctd by the quickest and most Audio Aftermath program, surprised in finding similar ideas use. Only through in-class exams I told Plotkin, "You can get $75,000 against 15 per cent royalties and 50 per cent as they happen, but Litaker, keep your editorial comments to yourself or the thorough been an means excuse available. There has or ever will be never one for their occasionally fme ^tjtl would like to see more of the m J contained in some papers. This is a — where students do not have the of the paperback sale." editorial page. discrimination against any minority at MSU. to me that a city with such a natural phenomenon opportunity considering to pool their "That's all?" Plotkin said in disgust. "The The players bust their asses all week long I hope that soon an end will be put to this population of college age pe°P _ the Ime sUtlon that is truly exams temptation — of take-home the utilization- of all knowledge achieve this goal. - can a professor hell with it. It isn't worth my time." Copyright 1975, Los Angeles Times and don't need any remarks in the paper that will embarrass them in front of their unfair and disgusting situation. RitaPulliams yout^J 526 £■ All teammates and friends. 243 W.Shaw Hall State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 6,1975 5 215 -YEAR-OLD BI Alumni Chapel serves all faiths By S. A. FORSCUTT replaced the organ in many by Harry D. Baker, class It has held a Catholic mass, a instances." of dral in Paris." 1895. scenes, while the fourth wall Jewish bar mitzvah, a Protest¬ The pews of bleached oak Also displayed are stones can Embedded in depicts MSU's history. ant Easter service and Hindu the chapel's from the ruin of a cathedral a accommodate 200 Baars noted that the chapel is people be¬ walls are fragments of Euro¬ wedding. neath the chapel's beamed ceil¬ built by the Crusaders in more than a showplace or a Its walls contain fragments of pean cathedrals. Caesaria, the Roman capital of ing. "Most of the stones are at setting for weddings. bombed out European cathed¬ Palestine and from the ruin of a rals well least 500 years old and were "Individuals find their way as as the 489 names of The chapel's synagogue in Caperneum organ, the O. W. collected by friends of MSU here for meditation, MSU alumni who lost their Mourer Memorial where Christ thought Organ, was who have gone abroad, or reportedly and silent prayer," he said. lives in the armed services. A built in the they preached. Netherlands, dis¬ have been sent back by for¬ "Some students are troubled or 215-year old Bible lies inside. mantled and reassembled in Three-dimensional stained The MSU Alumni Memorial the eigners who visited the Uni¬ need to be alone; some chapel. The organ contains 25 glass windows, donated as enjoy Chapel has served MSU since electric chimes and 1,331 versity," said Jerry L. Baars, memorials by individuals and just visiting and talking. 1951. The red-bricked, pipes. chapel director. "There are ivy- The chapel's Bible is organizations, envelop the in¬ "Some students have attend¬ covered chapel was financed also stones from St. Paul's Cathe by terior of the chapel. unique. A King James version, dral and Westminster ed MSU for four years and alumni donations totalling printed in 1759, was presented Abbey in The windows of three walls London and Notre Dame Cathe¬ never experienced the beauty $200,000. depict religious and patriotic of this MSU has not always had chapel." a chapel. Students and faculty attended religous services in Old College Hall, where Beau¬ mont Tower now stands, from MSU's birth in 1855 until 1918, when the hall collapsed. The Alumni Chapel, which stands close to the Red Cedar River on Auditorium Road, serves all denominations. The chapel is also available to alumni, students, faculty and staff for wedding services. "Weddings are performed during the year for people of all faiths," said Dona L. Smith, de¬ partmental secretary of the MSU reservations office. "Most couples still prefer a traditional ceremony but we've had some untraditional weddings, too. Guitars, flutes and bells have SN photos /John Dickson Free Soup... Tbe APPLICANTS WANTED noon with the purchase HAIR FOR of a lunch or sandwich. LOFt ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS We have a new and more varied menu ltd. for both lunch and dinner. For dining entertainment, we PRECISION 1,200 CURRENT POSITIONS LISTED TO DATE have Rick Reuther and his guitar on Fri. and Sat. HAIRCUTTING COOPERATIVE COLLEGE REGISTRY Dept. g, Suite 10, One Dupont Circle, Washington, d.C. 20036 tb Chale For Appointment 414 «411 phone 332-2769 (202)223-2807 ISIS Cantor Si. In the ^ Fundor . Unilm Mall \ University Mall WHY DO BRIDES PREFER NOTICE TO All FACULTY, STAFF & STUDENTS (b THE OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY WISHES 1 OUNCE BRiDES SHOWCASE? M.S.U. PAN AM • The area's largest selection of bridal gowns and attendant's CHARTER FLIGHT TO dresses — over 200 styles. Average prices on wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses ore LESS than one year ago I LONDON • With the purchase of your bridal gown: — DISCOUNT on wedding invitations FREE Picture Hats with br'Hesmald dresses — ROUND TRIP — Free formal wear for bride's father (with minimum rental) — FREE wedding photograph Mon., Thurs. 10:00-9:00 July 4 Departure from Metro Airport, Detroit Tues., Wed., Fri. Sat. 10:00-5:30 August 22 ■ Return from London PH. 332 - 5081 Eligibility: M.S.U. faculty, staff, students, parents, spouses, etc. 0> For further information contoct brides showcase OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY ROOM 108 INTERNATIONAL CENTER E. Grand River East Lansing PHONE 353.8070 OR 353-8911 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Februjlary 6, i| both go," she said. By NANCY E. CRANE "You would be surprised at the openness of the Chinese govern¬ State News Staff Writer ment. They will allow people to visit almost anywhere," Griffing Griffing said the friendship association is non^v For the first time in decades. East Lansing-area residents will Sa'people interested in the China trip can call Griffing at the Aaian plained other trips which the organization "Every three months or so we will be runnin„, wilhjjjj1, have a chance this year to visit the People's Republic of China Studies Center, 353 1680. or Joseleyne Tien at 355-5146. Griffing organization and 5kPS' Son*»i be for people involved in the serious interest in promoting friend Group offers through trips sponsored by the local branch of a national cultural said applicants must express organization. ship between the peoples of the United States and China. subsidized for low-income peopk" GrilL "^ The trips cost $2,100 for each person whi^ " The East Lansing branch of the U.S.-China Peoples' Friendship She said priority would be given to people who have already , tation. housing, food and spending Assn. is sending two delegates to China for three weeks in May, and will send more local people to China.on future trips. Anyone shown interest in China through classes and other activities. money. "* Mtr" The U.S.-China People's interested can apply. "People interested will have to include in their applications an Friendship Assn. was fnrr^ . trips to China through on promotion of and now has branches around the 'These trips are definitely not for professionals. China already outline of how they plan to follow branch began in December 1974. and has country The pi ,"1135 has tours for that purpose. These are only friendship tours for Chinese American friendship after the trip." Griffing said. about 25 m. l1^ The organization will be holding cultural ordinary citizens interested in the People's Republic." said Julie Griffing said each applicant will be considered separately and events t? I Griffing, one of the coordinators of the program. family members will not be given preference because of family campus. On Fab. 7 and 8 the association will 5how ••M'l Red." a movie chronicling the events of the Griffing said that people who go on the trip will get to plan their ties. Chine*, r "*1 own itineraries. "Just because a husband and wife apply doesn't mean they will revolution, in 105 S. Kedrie Hall. l8e PSC member asks for disclosure law He proposed legislation, to be the utility would use a portion thing they guarantee the LANSING (UPD-The state Public Service Commission Wednesday. Democrat William Ralls, a introduced soon in both the two weeks the commission has authorized Consumers Power In addition, both utility gi ants are certain to seek further of its $86.1 million revenue in¬ tomers of these cus¬ utilities is for failure to meet ards, Ralls admitted h the J (PSC) should be required by consistent dissenter in rate Michigan House and Senate, Co. and Detroit Edison to raise increases later this year, Ralls crease grant to resume side¬ higher rates," Ralls said. "I law would "light up some. law to make public the expan¬ hike cases, said the PSC cur¬ requiring the PSC to identify their rates by a total of $152 said. tracked plant expansion pro¬ think it's time finally to cease in the the portion of electric rate in¬ million and that both companies He said that in the Edison jects. the farce." corners rooms." corporate J1 sion plans of electric utilities rently has the discretionary to be used for power Under Rail's propoaed legis¬ when it grants the companies power to obtain this informa creases have indicated since then that a case. Republicap PSC Chair lation, the PSC would be re¬ He said that unless t J multimillion dollar rate hikes, a tion from the utilities and make plant construction. freeze on plant construction man William Rosenberg misled "I voted against these rate regulatory procedure is dissident PSC member said it public, but isn't doing its job. Ralls noted that in the past will continue. the public by suggesting that because the quired to: ed before the only next ro •Specify the utility's electric utility rate hike r energy needs for one, three and "we're going to go thro five year periods in the future. same ritual in 1975 thitX U.S., Panama •List the utility's major con¬ just completed with tJ - near struction programs for the next five years. •Analyze the financial re¬ meaningless result, "I think a sumer responsOritl will accept a I sources of the utility and its ment if there is ralei| The two governments, he said, have tenta¬ sometM WASHINGTON (API - With all but two major jurisdiction the present 500 square mile mid-April. A major hurdle is ratification by the issues resolved, the United States and Panama tively agreed to the following: canal zone. over The United States will have land, Senate, where 32 members have signed a ability to fund its construction show for it." Ralls hope to sign a draft treaty governing Panama • The new treaty will have an expiration date water and use rights necessary to operate the resolution rejecting the administration's plan. program. right now we have the woT •Measure the adequacy of both worlds Canal operations within the next 10 weeks, early in the next century after which Panama will canal for the life of the treaty. But sources close to the U.S. - higher' negotiating team the rate increase to meet the with no assurance of iq American officials say. assume total responsibility for the canal. believe that of these senators, only 20 are Treaty duration is one of the issues which has company's construction goals. service." "I think we're getting quite close. Things are • Over the life of the treaty, Panama will have a hard-core opponents of a new treaty. As these plagued the negotiating teams, headed by U.S. •Compare »he utility's build¬ Rail's bill will be in™ going more quickly and smoothly than we would junior but growing partnership with the United Ambassador at large Ellsworth Bunker and officials see it, the key to obtaining the requisite have imagined a number of months ago," a senior States in the operation and defense of the canal. Panamanian Foreign Minister Juan A. Tack. two-thirds majority for ratification is the large ing plans .'; Arkin* Caan clearly a trademark of this French director. right now. lj|ti\ b» JON F0NTANA THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 6 >tw<* - ;,r t* DANIEL LE BLANC • Emm* Color \ A.Mt Tonll. m 4:00 ■ l:1S 7:00 & 9:15 PM fej r*j J*. Mr. 5:30-4:00 Ad, FAIRCHILD THEATER Admission is $1.25 at the door SHOWTIMES 7:00, 8:30 & 10 or a Directors' Choice Series Ticket Showploce: Admitiion: $2.25 *m. 100 Engineering Bldg. BURTREYNOLDS YOU MUST BE 18, PLEASE BRING PROOF OF AGE ""THE COMING NEXT TUESDAY SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER LONGEST YARD" rolod X Ihvrt. Wilson 7:30 & 9:15 *1" BIAL FILM lldllP'1" State News, East Lansing, Michigan •Thursday, February 6,1975 7 Fine talent teases on Virgin Records makTINO America for onlv ■davedimartino•it?in only *a year, impressive catalog can be v»«r u. its , . . date, including Mike Oldfield's LttNrws Reviewer matched by few other "Tubular Bells" and Tangerine and always interesting imagi¬ make Gong the most talented fans of Mike "Tubular" Cftecords has signed a nies for sheer talent. compa¬ Dreams "Phaedra", each and nation. bizarre" group of the 70s. even Oldfield may be disappointed seventies. With Oldfield's Oldfield's 'Tubular Bells." That | of progressive talent "Sea Song," the first selec¬ recent eommerical every one has been greeted with DAVID BEDFORD with his role here. This, as success, album, soon to be released, will I for a relatively new Though the newcomers have tion, is as moving as anything STAR S END": This album is - they times have not been so tongh for be much easier to digest than released only 10 nearly universal critical enthu¬ say, is serious stuff! ■ company, operating in recordings to siasm and acceptance. Wyatt has ever done cer¬ either of the two. Bedford, a "Star's End" for most listeners. — definitely not for everyone's Bedford, along with Oldfield, The company's newest tainly as captivating as his ears. Steadfast conservatory-trained composer The album, actually a con¬ re¬ rock and rollers received some measure of fame "Caroline" with Matching Mole and musician, has been com¬ tinuous leases maintain Virgin's quality will likely be heading for the in Kevin Ayer's piece lasting 55 —and the brilliance doesn't group, the missioned by Virgin Records to standards, to say the least. stop john upon first minutes, is performed by Eng¬ till the album's end. Backed by listening and Whole World, in the early orchestrate a new version of land's ROBERT WYATT-"ROCK a Royal Philharmonic BOTTOM": One could hardly highly talented group of musi¬ Orchestra and features Mike cians that includes a stellar Oldfield on solo guitar and bass expect this album from per¬ Sanders a man so formance by Soft Machine co¬ shines and Henry Cow's Chris Cutler recently traumatized by a crip¬ hort Hugh Hopper, pling accident. Wyatt, who Wyatt has, on percussion. with "Rock Bottom," continued made his name as the eccentric to boost himself into While an extremely interest¬ drummer of Soft Machine, has legendary status as a musician with few ' ing piece of music, the textures produced a magnificent work in + k that stands as this choice for album of the reviewer's year. equals. GONG — "YOU": An inter¬ esting combination of English high-energy of Bedford's compositional style defy casual listening. One can¬ not, as this reviewer attempted, *£.> After falling from a fourth- r floor window at a party almost and French musicians, finally Gong has released their first put the album on the stereo and try to sleep as it plays. So much two years ago. Wyatt was By DAVE DIMARTINO seemed almost half hearted. He American album. Thankfully, it intensity that climaxed at a happens at such an unpredict¬ j regarded by State News Reviewer many to be out of is their best to date. Led played in an unusually abrupt point where five distinct over¬ k the music scene. Confined to a wheelchair, Wyatt had little looney guitarist Daevid Allen, another refugee from Soft by The name Pharoah Sanders conjures up one of jazz music's manner, rarely finishing his obviously lengthy, lyrical pat¬ tones could actually be heard emanating from Sanders' tenor able pace with crescendos abounding, that one is forced sit up and just listen. to hope of every playing the drums clearest associations. Since his terns. This went Machine, the group has every on for several saxophone. The he historical difference between as once did. chance of success, with period with John minutes, until he suddenly left Thereafter things cooled proper "Star's End" aild standard Instead of calling it Coltrane, Sanders has been the down. Bonner and conga player quits, exposure in this country. Aside stage, giving pianist Joe classical/rock fusion is great Wyatt put all his effort into known, if for nothing else, for Bonner an opportunity to solo. Lawrence Killian continued from featuring some of the most at a and at once obvious: "Star's his burning intensity increasing his keyboard prow¬ I advanced synthesizer work on the Upon his return, Sanders high energy level, gradually End" truly works. Those wish¬ ess and vocal abilities. Blessed tenor saxophone. ever heard in a rock briefly played percussion, then tapering off and letting bassist ing to hear with an context, Currently at The Stables, returned a unique piece of amazing voice in the "You" is the group's most sub¬ to his saxophone. Neal take over. While he solo¬ music are advised to pick up the first place, he did not have to Sanders and his band are After minute's worth of try stantially structured accessible a ed, the rest of the band walked record. Nonadventurous souls very hard to come up with work yet. demonstrating lyrical intensity blowing, he walked to the back offstage and stood at different "Rock Bottom". that few other musicians can of the stage and waited for are hereby warned to avoid it at Fans of midperiod Frank vantage points, watching the all costs. This effort is exactly what equal. some inspiration. proceedings. Zappa will particularly enjoy When many of his Wyatt fans have been wanting contemp¬ Inspiration came. In a rush of Soon they returned to the to hear since the Gong's work, as the composi¬ oraries are turning to electronic unforgettable tional style makes for energy, Sanders came forward stage to briefly finish up, and "Moon in June" from Soft an inter¬ devices and heralding as an and played the night's best did so beautifully. Sanders and Machine's third album. Pulled esting comparison. Guitarist evolutionary step forward in music. With Phone 172 2434 a strong push by his band will be Steve Hillage and performing WYATT J together by the commendable production of Pink Floyd's Nick Mason, the album is a sheer tour-de force of Wyatt's vivid mental core of the along with the high-browed saxophonist Didier Malherbe are the instru¬ group, and their music, Sanders has in¬ stead cultivated, with his five- piece group, a richer, more fined sound that re¬ displays his drummer Tony Green, Sanders' soloing was tremendous. In¬ stinctively, in rapid-fire bursts that were concise and control¬ through Saturday night. H AkShtAtl synthesizer work of Tim Blake, many tonal complexities in a led, Sanders screeched on his llA»flS I 200 r»st »,,(» ST., more suitable manner. instrument. He surged contin¬ His performance early this ually onward with an awesome >eble play hampers week had every reason to be lackluster, yet it was not. The band had just arrived from Detroit and several members 21 mins. from M.S.CI. professional KJ - vi ITS SURVIVAL OF had not even had time to theatre THE FIERCEST AND THE FUNNIEST theater production arrange accommodations for irn their weeklong stay. Further¬ more, spectable the audience, while re¬ in number, could have certainly been much §DARRH GRANT a visible struggle between he scope. The core of this move¬ so indistinctive as to be non¬ larger. itt News Reviewer and the actor who plays the ment seems to be that they give existent. Carlton Peters as S. The very dreariness of the im and uneveness are private Gareth would have their very best in whatever B. is obviously gifted but night gave Sanders' perform¬ s of the Okemos have been rewarding. It would roles they have. This is suffers from the dreadful lines ance a shade of informality very ■ current production of have added a vibrant touch to much in evidence by Leanor he has to speak. which was healthy for his "Philadelphia the otherwise sl6w proceed¬ Reizen, Marilyn Steegstra and music, considering its spiritual ings. The author of this fiasco is BURT REYNOLDS Sherry Chittenden. obviously point of origin. I■ rrev erent, Dan Somerville portrays the an intelligent man TIM WEISBERG SPEAKS!!! HJHELONGEST YARD" ■ Reizen's thoroughness and with a definite sense of what he The performance began the Rtith plenty of pathos private Gareth with the right professional intimacy are so wants in his iixji^ent SlfKlera emerged from play, but his Unfortunately amount of tact, but is hampered rich as to be distracting. She is abilities dramatist his* dressing room. Saxophone TONITE! WILS ALmciNO as a are s overdone, its by Such a Wrbose role that he a fine character actress who in hand, he played as he walked moments are few and has a hopeless. His characters are too large amount of gives a memorable and delight¬ the distance to the stage, while ts pathos is vague abandonment in his perform¬ ful portrait of Gareth's foster blurred and wordy,'his action is slow and his transitions awk his band followed and took their SERPIGO nostalgia nonexistent. ance. Somerville has some mother, Madge. ward. At the end of the last act, places. Bassist Steve Neal then I Friel's slumbersome choice moments of wit and Marilyn Steegstra possesses when Gareth asks himself why began riffing and Sanders re¬ Is with the spiritual irreverence that are funny, but such strength that she literally he wants to go to America, his placed his saxophone with sev¬ a young Irishman fleeting. After so many ex¬ has the audience eating out of eral shaken percussion instru¬ reply is: "I don't know.' jGareth I' who is spending amples of this irreverence it her hand. Her performance as audience's reply is a sleepy, ments. village becomes pointless. The image Lizzy Sweeney is the saving "who cares?" In such a manner, Sanders ;s for America. of the allowed the hypnotic rhythms private Gareth i* already grace of the last scene of the Director Bob Wyckoff has P fears, confusions planted firmly in the mind of first act. to build a suitably flashes of insight and talent in mesmerizing Jfined glories are in the audience. His causticness Sherry Chittenden gives his direction, but his direction musical environment, preluding interesting and also becomes tedious after so remarkable dramatic fluency to and person needs one thing — a his stepping out on saxophone. In attention. However, much repitition. an otherwise The performance was curious vaguely etched good swift kick in the pants for ptment suffers from so Somerville seems to possess character. wasting the audience's time. at this point. Sanders' first solo that it limps an adequate amount of ability The second act is the most *o acts. but what there is, is hidden by _ painful; all of the faults of the HI RRY! LAST DAY P)' utilizes an interest the role. first are amplified. There is a Open 7 PM ping device. Because The first act drags so slowly totally useless scene in which S. Feature 7:30-9:30 fare!) speaks nr ,irts his through this uneveness and B. O'Donnell (Gareth's foster Hilarious Comedy verbosity that it is a shame to father) has a game of chess with consider the possibility of a the Cannon. Mick O'Bryan. The frego. This al¬ ls another actor second act. However, act one is scene's intent is to show the UUU 7FI3U uoo who ■the private and public characterized by some brilliant predictability of the women, MOSTEI portrayals by the three female but for Christ's sake, we are al¬ ■ Unfortunately, this de- actresses. There seems to be a ready aware of the fact. Mtl BrooksY H E J '.A,;,, Wnrk SO definite move by all actresses The dialog is not only pre¬ PCtllCfIA ■«t balance becomes • to combat the lack of roles with dictable, but trite. Bill |tky the proper magnitude and 'te Gareth has all Montgomery as the Cannon is the depth and "One of the ion. Subsequently, he Best Movies ""the public f.areth m the public Gareth of 19741 -G»n» Shalit, NBC-TV [Unnecessary. A card- it would suffice in Meaguered actor. %uered actor in this Emrick. Kmrick's CRY"" . ;7r°le We to s<) beaten by the that he watch. He is seems un- OF THE ;f &Tonto" - ftP'art-V conceded |ilitv. of his to the one di- WILD OLD TIME MOVIE SERIES Inhis Presents - 15 moments talented, but the *«««■ convinced of IA compelling true-lile adventui the mysterious and powerful ti Indigencies of the U /S:h Kmrick's 1inevitable. 1STOFEC 7:15 9:30 (Nostalgia A medley of cartoons with Thtrs. Feb. C 104 B Wells your favorite characters Plus N. Friday Feb. 7 111 Olds Douglas >vSa,urila*Feb-8 W 0llls at «:00 & 9:15 107 S. Kedzie Fairbanks ,n FEB. 9 at 2:00. 7:00 & 9:15 THE MYSTERY OF Inion Parlors THE LEAPING FISH FEB. 8 at 7:00 & 9:15 ' Inion Parlors COLUMBIA PICTURES/ A DIVISION OF COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES. INC STARRING COKEANYOAY mum | | JON VOKM in THE ODESSA flif" •E8 A RONALD NFAMt Film and MAXIMILIAN SCHEli mtu: 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Febi•fuaryjj Divers live in a topsy-turvy world Benson's roomie, Barry VanAmberg, has been Stiner, By DAN SPICKLER college diver on both the one-meter and the top diver for the Spartans this year. The terested in a sophomore, jokin»iv . . State News Sports Writer three-meter boards. diving because his J M senior has qualified for both the one drive me to a pool and "If we all land on our heads, we can really go Griffin, from Lansing, won All American and take off" '* three meter boards, and has accumulated the "Diving is the closest feeling t« far," said Tom Benson, an MSU diver, of the honors diving for Sexton High School. He has , Spartan men's diving teams chances in the up¬ consistently placed high for the Spartans in dual meets. most points. - . really In* hdta,-jj"? JJt exactly put it into words." d' ">1 coming Big Ten and NCAA meets. Marc Stiner, a state champion from Lincoln, After Maybe the phrasing sounds a bit illogical, but "He's tremendously explosive, Narcy said. performing such thinn a. t Neb., just missed qualifying by one point on the twisters and reverse 1 >/, divers live in a topsy-turvy world. They are a "The power that he generates and the speed with three-meter board earlier this but som«P„ ,'nwir _ these springboard bouncerstop^f*! which he's able to move his body is, to say the season twists (with a rare breed of cat. cherry on At three-meters up in the air, the water in a pool least,impressive." .... „ . promises that he'll hit the necessary total soon. can '^ looks like a distant glass wall, and if a diver lands Griffin, 18, does some advanced diving. Under the wrong way, it feels like one too. pressure, the first year man likes to perform in¬ But there aren't too many belly flops perform¬ ward 2V« twisters and reverse l'/» somersaults ed by the Spartan diving team. These guys land on their heads for the most part; not their with 2'/i twists. That's a lot of spinning and flipping, and in the Ms Canham proposes stomachs or their feet. end. like Benson says, "you've got to land on your In seven dual meets this season, the Spartan head." ... springboard artists have lost only once, and that was to intrastate rival Michigan. This weekend Spartan coach John Narcy's Benson, from Bloomfield Hills, worked with Narcy during the summers career. Benson was a of his high school relatively unknown diver new Hula Bowl format! squad will face its toughest test in dual meet when he came to MSU four years ago. The junior ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Ath involved, is to havq the run- action. MSU travels Saturday to Ohio State, was red-shirted two years ago because of a knee letic Director Don Canham of nersup in the Big Ten and Schembechler criticized elusive nature of J which has the best diving team in the Big Ten. operation. the University of Michigan, his Pacific Eight play a bowl game the J "They have four national finalists and that in¬ "By red-shirting some of these guys one season able to increase practice time and lessen football team a bride left at the the week following the New bow|Si J11'* ["en;- the but we're best J_ cludes Tim Moore, the conference and NCAA we are altar three years running, is Year's Day Rose Bowl matchup solution." trying! J champ," Narcy said. academic pressure," Narcy said. "Most of them ' hopeful the Hula Bowl will be between the respective confer While OSU will put up some fierce competi¬ need it because they aren't trained on the high interested in a new marriage The Wolverines ha»e J board in high school." enee champions. shared four tion, the Spartans have four divers that should for a postseason game. "I haven't talked with the straight Bill This year Benson has qualified for the titles with Ohio give them quite a fight. Canham's idea, which might Hula Bowl people," Canham StatebL Freshman Jesse Griffin three-meter board and plans to make the NCAA Buckeyes have played 0J qualified for the mean loads of money to those said Wednesday. "I've discuss NCAA championships in his first meet as a cut for the one-meter board soon. S lhr,'e ed it informally with a couple of while Slra'ghtl Michigan \ people at the Rose Bowl who television. indicated they wouldn't have "All of the coaches TENNESSEE CAGER RULED ELIGIBLE the same feeling about a game conferences, especially tu ig. after the Rose Bowl that they Ten, are certainly unani®L would have for a game played that they want to go tol Bernard King retu before the Rose Bowl. "The reason we thought about the Hula Bowl is they're bowl "For a games," Canham 1 lot of reasons, prjJ recruiting. And I don'tl Tuesday he had received several letters claiming that King had getting a new stadium- They many athletic directors j| KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) — Freshman basketball star Bernard had an old stadium that would Big Ten would vote at not maintained the necessary 2.0 high school average. King returned to the Tennessee lineup Wednesday after school officials said they had received high school grade transcripts "We checked him out and so did the University of Tennessee," only seat about 25,000 and a coaches." Brown said. "We detected a discrepancy between the early and bowl game just wasn't practi¬ "It could be the Hula bJ supporting his eligibility. cal." even a Fiesta Bowl. "I'm glad it's all behind me," King said following the later transcripts. Thei "We confirmed that there was a question about grades in the The Hula Bowl currently is good possibility other boi announcement. "I'm tickled to be back with the team, and I'm ninth grade. It would appear that grades were altered. We have played a week following the the country would be wl looking forward to playing against Alabama Saturday." Rose Bowl and involves two King, leading scorer in the Southeastern Conference (SEC) with no idea who did it, if the marks were changed." switch dates for twoaltraL all star teams of college seniors. nationally ranked teams."! an average of 27.9 points per game, was suspended from the team SN Photo/Leo Salinas "I think it would be a great Monday pending an investigation into reports that a transcript of Tom Kenyoo, a diver from Indiana, is shown here in competition last Saturday against MSU. his grades in junior high school were altered. The 6-6 Brooklyn, N.Y., native, second in SEC rebounding and Women cagers triumph, deal for the Hula Bowl people," Canham said. 'They're building a new stadium to seat 65,000. Cross county field goal percentage, cried when he was notified of the Kenyon, a sophomore, aptly demonstrates the With two nationally ranked ski races sefl upside-down life of springboard artists, where face Wayne State today teams they could attract more everything depends on landing on your head, not your feet. announced King's return to eligibility after conferring with three university officials. MSU's women's basketball squad squeaked by a fired up spectators and $500,000 in TV money." get about for Saturday! "That's probably double what The Tennessee Athletic Director Bob Woodruff, Vice President Eastern Michigan team Tuesday night, 55 52, in Ypsilanti. Lansing Parks ui Howard Aldmon and asst. to the President Charles Smith met they could get with an all star reation Dept. and the II Linda Stoick again led the Spartans in scoring, netting 21 points. game. It would approach $1 Area American Youth 1 Tuesday morning with Fort Hamilton, N.Y., high school officials Judi Peterson was next with 10 and Jill Prudden, who was brought million in TV and gate receipts. Club will sponsor the 1 Braves ask Allen and later contacted Ramer. up from the junior varsity, rounded out the top three scorers with That would make the Big Ten's Area Cross Country 31 "I have been in communication with these gentlemeh today and eight. share about W0,000 per school." and Race Saturday. have been informed by Dr. Aldmon that he has been provided a The squad will face Wayne State tonight in Detroit. Last year, "The Big ffen wouldn't do The event will take pll transcript by Fort Hamilton High School supporting King's the Spartans overwhelmed the Tartars, 68-22, but Coach Mikki anything to the Rose narm the Groesbeck Golf (j to officially retire the Atlanta Braves." Robinson eligibility," Ramer said. "On the basis of this information, Mr. Woodruff and I have authorized King's continued participation, including %iirt«tball B^ile thinks that Wayne State will be a tougher team this year. The final score of the EMU contest was no indication of ho*v the Spartans played, however. The score at halftime was 34-22 in BqwI." he said, cautioning be¬ guile, the "Rose Bowi Cwnmit tee came down hard when starting at 2 p.m. Awarl be given to race divisiol ners Entry fee is SI for I ATLANTA (UPI) - Dick practice this afternoon." MSU's favor and Baile tried out some new combinations towards Allen informed the Atlanta said. Ramer said the NCAA and (tie SEC would be notified of the Michigan coach Bo and 50 cents for childn the end of the match. Braves Wednesday that he does "I answered his letter saying I decision. "We held at least a 10-point lead for most of the game," she said. Liebermann'sl not intend to play for them this did not want to persuade him to The investigation had centered around King's ninth grade "The reason that the final score was so close was that I was trying coming season. do anything that would affect marks at Sands Junior High and reports that his transcript out new things. Braves General Manager his or his family's happiness, showed a 90 for one course when the grade was actually 70. Eddie Robinson said he received and since he decided not to play Warren Brown, head of the NCAA's investigating division, said a letter from the hard-hitting first baseman and immediately for us I would appreciate it if he would send a letter requesting Valentine gift...our wrote back to Allen requesting voluntary retirement imme¬ diately," he added. all purpose clutch...j roughing it he officially retire from base¬ ball. Allen, who hit 32 home runs "It is a pity such a great talent won't be used," Robinson said. ATTEHTION and .301 last season with the Chicago White Sox, went into Robinson Tuesday had asked baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn to look into reports that ALL HISTORY MAJORS specially priced unofficial retirement late in the season and the Braves paid the the Philadelphia Phillies, for White Sox $5,000 for the right to whom Allen played from 1963 DON'T FORGET THE attempt to talk him into playing through 1969, had contacted for Atlanta. Allen through several of their STUDENT FACULTY "I received a letter from Dick players in an alleged attempt to Allen today, stating he is get Allen to play for Phila¬ RECEPTION TQNIQHT declining our offer to play for delphia. IN THE CENTENNIAL ROOM, at Kellogg Center 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. PLEASE TRY TO BE THERE BE PART OF A PROVEN RETAILING IDEA —OPENING APRIL 1ST IN EAST LANSING- J For Your Valentine OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will contain 200 separate individually owned mini stores and boutiques! II you ever wanted to be your own BOSS, here's your opportunity A career in law- Genuine Ruby The specialized shops in OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will be small in size (from 100 sq. ft up) and economical in overhead to operate Because this MINI-MALL is open ONLY during PEAK without law school. Sapphires and retailing hours, (Thurs and Friday 6-10 P.M., Saturday 10-10 and Sunday noon-7 PM), you can operate your business without interfering with other employment or activities ECONOMIC TIMES ARE TOUGH What can you do with only a bachelor's degree? Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an Emeralds or turn your Here is your chance to supplement your income retailing ideas into cash IDEAL STORE & BOUTIQUE LOCATIONS NOW AVAILABLE for undergraduate education and a challenging, respon¬ arts, crafts, antiques, uniques, men's clothing, women s clothing, Prlncui Gardner's sible career. The Lawyer s Assistant is able to do work traditionally done by lawyers shoes, toys, child's wear, sport goods, hobbies, leathers, flowers, cosmetics, candy, jewelry, books, records, accessories, imports, wearing saddle cowhide mdu 1 Three months of intensive training can give you removable checkbook case on the skills—the courses are taught fabrics, china, gifts, housewares, repairs, real estate, insurance, by lawyers. Vou choose one of the six courses offered-choose the home-improvements and on and on. roomy compartments, one witn "■ city in which you want to work. 125°° SPECIAL GOURMET FOODS section featuring foods from around the world like never before in Lansing enclosure, plus a case for photos ■ Since 1970, The Institute for Paralegal Training (Still a few choice loca¬ credit cards. In red, tan turquois > has placed more than 700 tions at unusual rental rates). graduates in law firms white. banks, and corporations in over 60 cities. CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE SHOPPING IN OLD WORLD VILLAGE If you are a student of high academic standing and MALL because of complete personal service The salespeople $15.00 and $16.50 Volu«» are interested in a career own the stores and boutiques as a Lawyer s Assistant NOW $98 we'd like to meet you The OUTSTANDING proven EAST LANSING location will bring more traffic than any other possible retailing location Contact your placement office for an interview with Dynamic our representative. promotional program and special events sure to drawl Choice locations still available Low rental rates. CALL OR WRITE TODAY We will visit your campus on FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION & APPLICATION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 llcailqutirla i for: 0lB -WOBtB LQ? AOrtnp Blojwm Ditmord The Institute for *0«W Fr.hion Village Mall ^ Origintli I *1 Ay Paralegal Training Diamond | Rings \J JtWtlKY ^^ JT OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL OFFICE R|nl ' MT CCNHR ' 0 i | #Lonfin»» - Buiov« W«tch*i * Infer Mtwnal P«wi»r A Silver 319 E. Grand Rivar An. East Lanting. Mid,. HI Downtown — 10' 5." Michigan Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 6,1975 ASMSU OKs funds for student MARY ANN CHICK ej^vws Staff Writer SAGA is a proposed student governing body that will con what the money would be used for. and the ASMSU members the National Committee teach in" at the Union Tuesday of a bill allocating money to the groups than to walk out of a sist of the Elected Student Against Racism $225 to help night. meeting of Cain's action was raised by ^ISi allocated funds to Council, the student members decided to wait until they could defray the cost of a bus going to scheduled Seven to people are National Student Committee without expressing your the Inter-Fraternity Council student organizations in a of the Academic Council talk to Raymond or another Boston Feb. 16 for a national speak. Against Racism. opinion," Cain said. stand-in representative, Kurt stand tinK Tuesday afternoon, representee of SAGA before conference of students. Tuesday s ASMSU meeting Moments before the secre¬ ing committees and the chair Patrick. decided to wait before men of each voting on the funds. The conference will focus on was its second in two tary started the roll call to take Bush said ' on giving funds to the college's student days. a formal vote on the nothing at the Cain said the action was legal ASMSU voted to spend $150 the racism issue in Boston and Monday's ended bill, Karl time, and could advisory council. shortly after not be reached and the bill was passed. nl Academic Government J. Brian on posters and flyers advertis what university students the board voted to uphold its Bush, representative for the for comment after the SAG At until it knows Raymond, cofounder can meeting. After the meeting, Nancy , of the ing the march for jobs in do about it. previous decision to withhold college of business walked out Bush's departure left the organization, could not Sutake, representative for the 'about the organization's attend the Lansing on Feb. 19. Some of the money will be funds for the Ziegler visit. of the meeting. board without a quorum. If meeting to explain The board also voted to "Bush abstains," Cain called college of engineering, said, give used to publicize a racism Monday's meeting ended Cain had not ruled that Bush "The move is definitely illegal, after the Ziegler discussion out seconds before Bush had abstained, the bill would but it doesn't matter as they when two members walked out, reached the door. not have passed. would just hold another meet¬ leaving ASMSU "It is far better to abstain An objection on the legality without a ing until the bill passed." Coors beer mystique sweeps nation, quorum. even President President Tim Cain said the Tuesday meeting was neces¬ (continued from page 1) beer without paying "That's a deep dark and it will remain a secret deep dark company image. Earlier this month, the about it. In fact, the not company is sary ing. in order to decide the organizations requests for fund¬ NOTICE secret." he said. "But we're United States Supreme talking about anything A similiar walkout te tax is illegal. In O.K. by D.C. laws. We have the Court, these days because it is think¬ by a board refused an appeal from the member at Tuesday's jnsas " bringing in one un- import permits and ing about going public and meeting we almost prevented the can 0f beer is outlawed. pay company to reverse a Federal selling stock, and the federal passage Petitions for the Washington. residents local taxes on it." Trade Commission order to government forbids the com¬ Spring ASMSU elections of brinK in « bottles or cans, ease up on what it called pany from generating publicity. light to go out to the „,metime and watch a Coors Company officials are thankful for the popularity but anti-competitive pricing and distribution practices. Coors The Coors brewery in Golden president and college representatives are in from Denver tad worry about their image. If the officials maintain that the com tcome beer is not is the world's largest. Even available in 333 Student Services. liow many cases of Coors properly handled - pany was simply trying to though it is a regional beer, that is, maintain quality control. The ,n the luggage rack," said kept refrigerated Coors ranks fourth in the nation ' arr, manager of Redskin throughout the distribution ruling buoyed eastern Coors and sixth in the world in beer The deadline for returned petitions is rs in Washington. "It's process and sold fresh its fans because it said, in production and sales. The top taste deteriorates. Therefore, — that the company could no effect, three beers tomorrow February 7th. ;ty amazing" — Budweiser, m Liquors sells Coors people in the east may wind up longer restrict sales. Schlitz and Pabst — all have with foul Coors. and that could The company will not talk ($12.73 a case plus tax. regional breweries. |v three times the hurt the company in the long ■ado price. Carr says his is the only retail outlet in - nation's capital (several Careful, efficient and fast ; stock it! and he sells an distribution is one key reason of more than 1.000 the beer tastes so good, Coors »,ck - compared with officials maintain. Because the s of Budweiser, the beer is not Today starts a very pasteurized and est competitor. contains no additives, it needs special sale! This plwbaocs ?dskin Liquors tried to buy to be kept cold in ■s wholesale, direct from shipping and is where PLAYBACK storage, and sold fast. Rene [brewery, but the Coors gade Coors could hurt the closes out merchan¬ many would not sell. > where does he get his dise for inventory-at drastic reductions... Gordon BELL'S in many cases below our cost! All merchan¬ the dise will carry colored W8K tags, each color rep¬ pizza resenting a special of saving, on some of the most respected remarkable names in the industry. But the sale is for as distinction. long as the merchan¬ 225 MAC. 332-5027 dise lasts! And the OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY items are many one- FREE DELIVERY of-a-kind with quan- - tities limited. So hurry-these infla¬ pain tion-fighting prices won't get any 8 days during better! "ing break. 312 complete package! AR. B*I*C, BIC/ VENTURI. BSR. u must have a passport CERWIN/VEGA. CRAIG. hurry! DOKORDER. DUAL. Iso Look for the YELLOW Tags in all ELECTRO/VOICE. EMPIRE, EPI. HITACHI, Playback Hi-Fi Centers.. .this as¬ 'awaii $378 V 30% OFF! sures you of even greater savings J.I.L.. KINGSWAY. on top names like selected SAN- KIRSCH. MARANTZ. vailable to students, staff MIIDA, PHASE nd SUI, MARANTZ, EPI, PIONEER. faculty and members of As long as the supply lasts, you can save up to 30% on LINEAR, PIONEER. eir immediate family. PROJECT/one. RCA, TED SPACE O all GREEN Tagged merchandise. This represents some SAE, SANSUI, SHARP. VAILABLE of the finest values on big-name audio gear... names Sponsored by SHURE. SONY. "HURRY I like GARRARD. PROJECT/one. ASMSU Travel Board. BSR, SONY. SYLVANIA, TEXAS n PHONE or 353 - - 353 0766 - 0659 daily 40% DOKORDER. CERWIN/VEGA... included, of course, is Playback's famous 5-year Warranty on all Sale- INSTRUMENTS Priced complete Systems 353-1 1 1 5 evenings for details OFF! 50% OFF! BLUE Tags mean some The RED Tags assure you of the greatest savings possible... prices generally lower VALENTINES of the biggest savings in sound than dealers' cost!! With once-in-a-lifetime savings. Cassette Decks. Portable Radios, famous-name TV's. Like 5-Bands, Automotive Stereo, Stereo Head¬ phones... even selected top-time Stereo 700 a 19 Color Portable, 12" Black & White...names FM/AM Receivers...and it s 91I happening for 3 DAYS ONLY!! such as selected RCA, arieties SHARP, SANYO...with prices HITACHI, OPEN SUNDAY TIL 5 P.M. TOO LOW TO SHOW!! You Can Always Charge It At Playback! something PLAYBACK ARRANGED FINANCING > BANKAMERICARO for AMERICAN EXPRESS • MASTER CHARGE everyone 10 9 p.m. B.m. a - Mon. - Friday From 15* to *5°° 10 • 5:30 p.m. Saturday Playback ^ electronic CardSho 12 - 5 p.m. Sunday ph... jsi. 7270 pb^round 513 Frandor Lont Frandor Shipping Center Grand Rivor332-67$3 Lansing, Mich. 41123 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Valenlineg Day is a "Promote Sales with a Business Valentines Special V Aiiitin * FRANKLY SPEAKING . byphil frank *partt«iis i|V; [ l|¥| Q «hms £ 731 BURCHAM - 3 man, furnished FURNISHED. INGHAM Medical FORD STATION wagon. 1966 MARDI GRAS - Learn tofly on the lease until June. $76.67 each. Call near, girls or married only, $140, Needs fixing. $125.394-0673 after 5 wav t0 anf1 ,rom th® ™8rd' 393 8547 5-2-10 p.m 3.2.7 New OrleanslLeave Friday 2-14-75, return 2-16-75. $190. Now 351-7212. 5-2-7 GRAND LEDGE large attractive 3»3266.a»„,^ll HASLETT, ONE bedroom, un¬ MALE, OWN huge, GRAN TORINO Sport, 1973, scheduling term break flights to furnished, carpeted. Call 339-2470 one bedroom. $150 unfurnished, u| PHONE 355 8255 automatic, power steering, stereo Florida. $345 - solo guaranteed, $160 furnished. Faculty or married carpeted room in new t and more. Sharp' 355-5521 FRANK S FLYING SERVICE, after 6pm. 3-2-10 Parking $95. 3515517 347 Student Services Bldg. preferred. Call collect, Westphalia 5 3-2 6 676-4860. 4-2-11 • ONE BEDROOM furnished or 1 587 6680 7 2-12 AUTOMOTIVE 2f» bedroom, c Scooters & Cycles MAVERICK GRABBER - 1971 F«l0VMMt ifTil unfurnished. iences. Carport. Modern conven¬ Bus service. ABBOTT ROAD for students or MSU. Stove and , F I LID - good tires, 40,000 miles, $1200. i. furnished. 6693931b. Parts & Service Available March 21. Doug, faculty members. One bedroom or after 5 pm. 5-2-7 Aviation NEW SALES OPPORTUNITY IN 351 4620 or 484 3629. 5-2-12 luxury apartments. Air condi¬ tioning, balcony. Excellent loca¬ » EMPLOYMENT MUSTANG lm Y« ^?ESSniTj£; ONE BEDROOM. Campus one tion and parking facilities. MALE OWN ru • FOR RENT block. Furnished, carpeted, $170 Expensive. Call 371-4158. 5-2 10 duplex, close to campus""! Spring. 332-6293 after Apartments y services industry. If you qualify, or best offer. 332 1946. 7-2-14 51 , 7 you'll participate in ur exciting DOWNTOWN LANSING near 1,2, Houses VEGA, 1971, automata, blue and 3 bedroom apartments. Well new training salary plan, while you EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, $90 NICE TWO bedroom Rooms Notchback, 40,000 miles. Excellent )earn Sever8, openings now in includes utilities. Phone 489^6991 maintained. Reasonable rent. Good neighborhood bund condition, $750. 372-4416. 5-2-11 IdealW • FOR SALE the |_ansjng Metropolitan area. Call Josephine Starkweather, cms. "3.4s,fedfimi vmam weekends or after 5:30 pm. 3-2-10. Students welcome, pets allowed. Call 371-4158. 5-2-10 singles. 372 5560. 5-2-10 1 Animals Mobile Homes VEGA 1974 Kammb8ck Wagon. 694-3935 INVESTORS /tent m istsi OWN BEDROOM, female. PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large PETS WELCOME, la,g7w Orange. 14,800 miles. 4-speed. DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. 10-2-7 Seci/HlTls*l 12 Day oil 1% DODGE VAN 1974-Tradesman, other Volvos. The driver 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar " ir 100, automatic V-8, radial tires. 694-1733 before 4pm. 5-2-6 is protected by a collaps¬ ible steering column thai Volkswalgon complete rtpair '4 k has five separate energy ' service. Repair & parts for most rr a A DUSTER 340, 1973. Must sell. absorbing foreign and American cars. $1800 or best offer. 655-3542. areas. the car slops with a dual And Body shop Ci paint services. 20 % 21 % 71 - 5-2-7 braking system that has three brakes (two front Exchange engines & transaxles. % 13 FORD 1966 Galaxie. Good distance transportation. $175 negotiable. Valentine's Day Special Free wrecker service with repairs local City 25 Va% % IT % % }z i %% — areas. 26 VOLVO After 8pm call, 351-3926. 5-2-11 Peanuts Personals 10 sweet words for $1.00 bus service our front if %W .*1 FORD 1963 Galaxie. New top, 107 word door. We buy and sell VW's w % % & good engine, $95. 1963 Cutlass, little rust, good Oldsmobile *7 % & condition, $195. 355-9839. 7-2-14 Stop in at 347 Student Services by Wednesday COOK—HERRIMAN 485 2047 485-9229 w % qr 39 KJRD stereo LTD 1970. Power, air, AM/FM, low mileage, and let your February 12 Valentine know VOLKSWAGEN-VOLVO-BODY SHOP 6135 W. Saginaw, Ph. 371-5600 8 ■ 6 Monday - Friday, 9 ■ 2 Saturday ill w 1 mechanically excellent, body fair. $900 626 6389 1-2-6 you care MON 8. f HURS 'TIL 9: SAT. 'TIL 3 % ate News. East Lansing, Michigan Lpan State Thursday, February 6,1975 11 |>] I ^ f ' Ft, Sale ][Q>] ' f M.kile Homes Krstial J/j USED COLOR and black/white TV £ listrictioi Jf^ PIONEER CS-99A 5-way speaker sets, auto tape players, $15 - up. SUMMER WEDDING dress and 12x60, FURNISHED, like SEND YOUR sweetheart system, 15" woofer, 5" midrange, new, in roses FREE. A lesson in complexion Electric and portable typewriters, veil, 5 junior petite, call 487-6619 East Lansing 2 bedrooms, $185/ 4" midrange. Multi-cell Horn VALENTINES DAY. See our ad¬ care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan power hand tools reduced, 25% after 4. 5-2-11 month plus utilities. vertisement in today's paper. off used leather coats, ski boots $5 tweeter and 2 dome super tweet Days or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Private, quiet, clean, $15. Skis $5 $25. Good ers. List, $239.95 each. Must ADLER PORTABLE typewriter, in 393 -9510, 694 8364, after 6pm. 5-2-11 National Rose Distributors. 3-2-7 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. Burnished room for rent selection used custom wheelsand sacrifice $395/pairi. Phone case, nearly new condition, will Tina Refrigerator but no 393 6672. 3-2-7 [futilities paid, lease. I Can Sue before 8 pm. tires. 20 archery bows and accessories. Stereo components, take 1st cash offer over $55. 127 East Grand River, Williamston. 1974 MOBILE HOME, 14x65, 2 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths, call 694-9568 [PhmIs Persnul i ® ! Typing Service camera equipment, WILCOX PSYCHIC SCIENCES books 1858 Phone 517-655-1186. 2-2-6 or 484 4058 3 2-7 ANN BROWN typing and multilith JM-12 ■ SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East 1970's. 75 hardbacks from $1, offset printing. Complete service Announcements for It's What's l0WN room In furnished Km beginn|n9 Marcn 50 Michigan 485-4391 Avenue, C-2-28 Lansing up. 50 paperbacks 4/$1. Phase, Cayce. Ghost Dahai and PORTABLE STEREO, excellent condition, great sound, headphone TRAVELO 12x60 with partially furnished. Call 351-3466 expando, for dissertations, theses, manu¬ scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student Prophecy and E.S.P 339-8996 jack, good deal, $60. 351-3061 351-1194 Eft 3-2-10 HUGE SELECTION of used 1-2-6 5-2-11 or 5-2-12 years experience. 349-0850. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least two class musical equipment. 100 new and Let your sweetie know C-2-28 days before publication. 1970 BROADMORE, 12x60, IqM $70 includes(utilities. used guitar snd P.A. amps, 100 STEREO SYSTEM Garard turn¬ two care Valentine's Day Special you No announcements will be ■Senearbus 484 3541 electric and bass guitars, 50 table, Olson receiver, Aztec Cash for bedroom, furnished. Occupancy April 1. Washer/dryer, awning, 10 sweet words for $1.00 TYPING-ALL kinds. Absolutely, accepted by phone. p. I-2-® microphones, speaker. Good condition. STAMPS & COINS deadline positively, lowest prices in town. many brands; 75 $260 shed. Call anytime. 484-1977 February 12, "The East is Red," a technicolor new and used Acoustic guitars; 351-6265. 1-2-6 Buy - Sell - Trade Wednesday. Quality^work. 694-0252. B 1-2-5 lLVATE entrance. Close 20 banjos, used 3V4 octave full line of supplies 5-2-12 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and movie of the Chinese revolution is No parking- <-8" opera and ballet produced in the 1x5-210 marimba, PRICES REDUCED used drum WE TRADE' sets. MOTORCYCLES TRAILER. Light¬ weight, two tracks, four quick MID MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN i8aoH«i.rtRd 332-4300 [ Lost I Found resume service. typing, binding. Printing, IBM Printing from People's Republic will be shown at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday in 105 WILCOX MUSIC. 485-4391 release tie downs. $100. FIND SOMETHING your plain paper originals. Corner S. Kedzie Hall. C-2-28 349-4192. 3-2-10 If M.A.C. and Grand River. Below BEAUTIFUL HAND embroidered you've found a pet or article of value, we want to help you return Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 Come here Ron Guatemalan clothes. Small quan¬ Nagel, DNR VALENTINE DIAMOND 1/3 carat. it. Just come into the State News Monday - Friday. Call COPY regional naturalist, talk about tity left, rush 355-3049, after 5. CONGRATULATIONS GAK liit ^ Must sell, best offer. $350 value. 10% DISCOUNT X-3-2-7 Classified Department and tell us finding Fergey, you're a on GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 C-2-28 nature center design, trail develop¬ 675-7443 evenings. 4-2 7 you w&nt to place an ad in EAST real ment and environmental educa¬ to all flamer. May the light MSU LANSING STATE BANK'S Found never burn tion at the Park and Recreation JELECASTERand super HOUSE FURNISHING sale students SKIS 185, 190 cm, Polish made Column. As a public service EAST out. LoveAot. 1-2-6 EXPERIENCED TYPING term Resources Club meeting at 7:30 In $450 (both) excellent Kneissel, never used, new, $90 LANSING STATE BANK will run papers, theses, etc. Rapid, Everything goesl Furniture, TV, accur¬ tonight in 183 Natural Resources J negotiable. 349-2161, 353-9127, 332 2291. 3-2-7 [ ate service. 394-2512. C-2-28 purchases of $2 the ad at no cost to you! j[|§ m curtains, etc. Call Jim, 337 7337. Bldg. It's going to be a great 4-27 ir more, yogurts nd breads excluded HIGH EAST LANSING Recreation TYPING TERM papers and theses. program. QUALITY stereo, Crown STATE BANK n KTB005 'Tuner, 3 BOAT SHOW SALE 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. amp and pre-amp, large Advent "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. Experienced, fast service IBM Interested in comparative h warranty cards, list electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 » 353 1892 3 2-6 Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Guaranteed full year. RANDALL HEALTH FOOD speakers,.Pioneer turntable, Stan¬ ton cartridge, Koss headphones. GLASSES LOST Monday. wire, black shiny case, with purple Gold "Sunfish" by A.M.F. $699, linguistics? Come hear Dr. Erich Hamp speak on "Language one $7.88 Complete line of American Day PURPLE VICKI $850 or best offer. 353-2057. 5-2-11 - Fast accurate Content and Joint Change" at 10 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Brookfield Plaza lining. 332-2238. 1-2-6 Sailers Us used COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. Opposite City Market. C-3-2-6 1381 E. Grand River HART SKIS-185 cm Marker bind¬ LOST: CALICO kitten, 7 months through 18' sloop with Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', inexpensive typing. campus. Very 337-7260. C-2-28 near a.m. Friday in the Con Con Room of the International Center. Tookshop » 332 6892 ings. Raichle boots, 8 %. Excellent. Must sell. 355-6213. 3-2-7 old. Marshall Scratches on nose. Near 27'. Come in and see the largest IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, SEWING MACHINE Clearance and Rosewood. and most complete sailboat hard¬ University Lutheran and Martin 337-1437. Reward. 3-2-10 general typing. Formerly with Ann Luther Chapel Students: plan Salel Brand new portables $49 95 OLYMPIQUE WOODEN DESK, $35. Remington ware andAccessory display in the Brown. Call 482-7487. C-2-28 ahead. Meet at ULC at 3 p.m. Feb. $5 per month. Large selection of ROSSIGNOL 175 area. All boats offered at reconditioned used machines. cm, Soloman S444 Bindings, portable typewriter $35. Both in excellent LOST: ROY Drug Education Smeck~bimK>rieft~at tremendous pre-season savings. THESES, RESUMES, typing and 16 for ice skating. Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New Trappeur Slo-foam boots size 9. condition. 371-1115 Center November. 3-2-7 Return Lay away programs welcome. printing. Reasonable prices. Home and "many others." $19.95 Never used perfect condition. to DEC or call 485 6805 The MENSA instructional dance - GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts COMMERCIAL $200. <351-2750. 5-2-7 nights. 3-2-7 PRINTING SIG will be at 7 p.m. Saturday in to $39.95 Terms EDWARDS Road on the River, Dimondale. 351-4116. C-2-28 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washington. 489 6448. FIRST QUALITY materials and [ Animals FOUND: GOOD Ballpoint pen. January 29th, in Bessey Hall. Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 38 Union. If you are a nonmember who would like to learn the swing, Turntable, $140. C-3-2-6 workmanship, OPTICAL DIS¬ WESTERN GELDING, 9 years old, cha-cha, waltz, etc., contact ( 355-9664 and identify. C-3-2-6 SKIERS, UTAH or Colorado. Debbie Dupont. Eardofl 2 or 4 channel COUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lan¬ well-schooled, spirited. Must sell. Spring pickages from $289. sing. 372-7409, C-2-28 $400 or best offer. 351-7779 |160, Sony cassette deck FISCHER SUPERGLASS 200cm 5-2-12- LOST: BROWN wool coat, size TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ The MSU Psychology Club will fcnv r speakers, $190. Ping skis, Salomon 505 bindings. Good 44, Owen Hall, 1-31-75 mornings. C-1-2-6 sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN hold a meeting and show the film, - Call 332-5417 MACINTOSH MQ 102 environ¬ 489-0358. C-2-28 condition. Best offer. 349-1778 AKC AFGHAN Puppies. $100. 355-4219, Reward. 3-2-6 "Future Shock," at 7 I 3-2 6 mental equalizer, Sansui AU 7500 tonight in 3-27 203 Olds Hall. amplifier, Dynaco stereo 120 Black masked blond. 627-6190 Service ■ FRIDAY'S State News |nd Sounds Tab for 10,000 BOOKS! Old, library, little power amp, Kenwood KR 5150 receiver, Nikko STA 7070 receiver, 7-2-13 FOUND. HUSKY. Male. Campus. Collar with rabies tag. South Wanted ~)\£\ The Students of Yahshua are Call Mickie. 353-0601. C-3-2-10 MT. HOPE Day Care Center, ACCIDENT AT Abbott and Grand ar Sale. MARSHALL children. 25teach. 669 9311 Open Sherwood ST100A receiver, Sony FREE MALE black and white cat. offering free lectures on "How located at Mt. Hope and South River, 7:45 pm Friday, January 31. ■East Lansing. C-1-2-6 Saturday/Sunday. 3-2 7 ST 5600 tuner, Pioneer CS66 Landlord says must go! Call your body can help you experi¬ LOST: TEXAS Instrument SR-10 Cedar has openings for Between 1971 Gold Javelin and speakers, Elac Miracord 50HII 351-7474. 5-2-11 pre¬ ence a more full life" at 8:30 Tuesday,' 1-28, MSU Science schoolers. Full time students 1973 Red Chevy Impala. Please BlPMENT. used Hexcels, FREE FREE FREE FREE! Write for turntable, Garrard Zero 100 turn¬ call Mr. tonight and at 1 p.m. Sunday in 34 Library: Reward! Call 351-8523 $27.50/week. 484-7012. 5-2-11 Ramsey at 372-2790 or Union. Discussion and questions I Sslomans, very good our inflation fighting photo equip table. Sansui AU 222 amplifier, ST. BERNARD Pups. AKC 3-2-6 482-1813. 5-2-10 I Great prices. 355-1972, ment catalogue. Compare Dyna FM-3 tuner, Dual 1215-S following. our registered, shots, seven weeks 15-2-7 warehouse prices on cameras, turntable, Kenwood KA 2002 amp old. 332 1944 M-10_ FOR THE BEST Service }{/] on stereo WILL PAY reasonable price for darkroom equipment and supplies lifier and more. We have 100's of Personal equipment, see the STEREO two ten speed bicycles. 0BILE, SUZUKI 292 ex- 1327 Archer Street, San Luis FREE TO good home - female Call LP's and tapes to complement black cat, has shots, call 351-6982 SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. i. 2-2-7 Car Pool ^ n, (2) 1973 Suzuki Obispo. California. 93401. B1 -3-2-7 these fine stereo components. ATTENTION PROFS. Going away C-23-28 jtorcycles, Trailbike and after 5. 3-2-6 this summer? Come on down to DICKER AND Responsible NEED A GOOD EMERGENCY FROM BEARD and State Road, it very low mileage, both RUMMAGE SALE ends Saturday. DEAL SECONDHAND STORE, student will live in/babysit your PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, STICKUM? near Perry, to MSU and back. FREE BRITTNEY Mix, house Try evaporated milk fed condition. 675-7246 King size bed, $80. Raleigh bike, 1701 South Cedar 487 3886 house. Will do yardwork, house¬ finest quality, reasonably priced. trained, 5 months. Landlord says on labels or stamps that have lost Leaving 9 am, Monday, $5). 351 5036.3-2-7 C-5-2-7 keeping and feed pets. Refer- BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, their glue backing. Sell you extras dog must go!!! 337-0812. 3 2-6 Wednesday, Friday. Returning 3 ences. 353-2729, Randy. 5-2-7 482-5712. C-2-28 with a low cost Classified Ad. pm. Call 625-7836. 3-2-6 _ THE STATE NEWS YaLOW PAGE Business Service Directory ★Save Time ★ Save Money li Service Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Barter Shop For Sale Optometrist Stereo Repair Typing Service Promotion Typing Service ID'S THE B\KBKKS Horslmvers CO-OPTICAL TYPING Unisex TYPEWRITERS Hairstyling [SPURTS, TWO CONVENIENT Sugar House SERVICES All Makes Papers Theses (tat Ldminji Only MC. LOCATIONS Bee Supplies Rw Hone v Cooperative Optical) Dr. J. R. Nixon. Optometrist PROFESSIONAL AUDIO Authorized Olympla Dealer Dissertations REPAIR in my home. Meridian Mall: Maple Syrup e EYES EXAMINED * Three lull time professionally |TE MODEL • 349 2760 e GLASSES ' 'We'll Service AU Makes Electric Type - Elite WAND Complete Test facilities Lansing: e CONTACT LENS ' 3 month warranty on all work - of Typewriters!!" Reasonable Rates Baskciality 482 2420 ' Loaner amplifiers available Onondaga. Turn left L.E. L Pick Up and Delivery 113 Washington CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. " 1111 E.C ig h th a rt ( Co . BrookfieM Phi. CALL 655-1611 >. Monday - Saturday (in Kositchek's) call B82-?011. 1S1 - suo or 655 1542 ConseliBg Have Something DR. D.M.DEAN PROBLEM PREGNANCY 372-1560 24 Hours For Sole?? OPTOMETRIST We MARITAL PROBLEMS' NEED TO TALK? CATHOLIC The Yellow Will Soil Page VISION CARE CONTACT LENS SERVICES By Advertising Wtd1/tLitf.g/ •to. 355-8255 SOCIAL SERVICES It For Youl! 210 Abbott Rd. 332 6563 In The Yellow C 'Can Help- 355 - 8255 Michelle Page 355 - 8255 Brifel tegisty Jewelry rail 372-4020 FOR SALE You Can't Afferd Travel Jaeobson's THE COMPLETE Over 10,000 Toys WEDDING SER VICE Dancing Lessons to miss out on the BRIDAL REGISTRY JEWELRY: Orange Blossom To Choosq From! LOWER LEVEL Gold Fashion BELLY DANCE 10% $880,000 Visk Art Carved AIR - RAIL our complete shops Discount TOURS - CRUISES GIFTS for the home- °n $25 that students spent last HOTEL RESERVATIONS and take advantage Custom Picture Framing l\ „ v ,. Purchase. of our Bridal Registry year on drycleaning COLLEGE TRAVEL BRETT'S PRINTING Stuffed FINE JEWELRY jpt** and laundry OFFICE SERVICE AnimalsOur Specialty 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE STREET FLOOR JtWllKY m4 ' 130 W. Grand River 489-2687 YOGAj fiCTRUN FOLK Toy Village ART CENTER A BELLY DANCE. BODY CAU NOW!!!! East Lansing 'Traditional and Customized Precious Stones Open Thursday Evenings 3105 W. Saginaw invitations. Beautifully Set and 337-1314 CONDITIONING. J51-6010 319 E. Grand River Ave. IV7 - 0851 355 - 8255 michelle •One day service available. Bands for Bride & Groom {Taught by native of Cairo, • The Big White House "THE TRAVEL Egypt) B.A and M.A. in Sports Equipment Bridal Shop dance. Small classes. On The Hilt " PROFESSIONALS!" Receptions 351 - 42il Laundry Hockey Equipment ^ ECONOMY The Spring Bride is Highland Hills GoH Club Fir Sale washday & A Jaeobson's Banquet Facilities Bicycles planning now for savings Wedding Receptions ■°U,.V parlor Now Hear This an outstanding Advertise in the selection of ±90 people From The Top 25* Per Load Puck And Trr<"* the Hingt Al The Store With gowns Wedding Column YeUow The R4d Door I WDIDROW'S Pedal Pro traditional and reasonable rates imported ECONOWASH Shop avante garde catered meals, cocktail lounge Pipes YOU NEED *Cigars Marge Special Texas THE BUSINESS THE Bridal Salon corner of US 27 North and 'Cigarettes Second Level 355 - 8255 A/ward Rd. 'Tobaccos Waaher 50c YELLOW PA6E GIVES YOU!! phone 669-9873 Block One M.A.C. open 24 Hrs. a day 3006 Vint St. 332 4269 Jtm to 11pm. 1 Mk W. ot Seer» YELLOW PAGE Convenient CLIP SAVE 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday. peb,"a®,I POWs suffer from intestinal disease; SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) - few had asthma, but since have beri, diarrhea and dysentery at afternoon meals consisting of a In a recent interview, an big majority "have very well April 1972 under the Navy's The nation's 591 Vietnam war recovered," said Dr. S. William the time of their release, Berg af,or heir,. half loaf of French bread and other center staff member. withstood the stresses imposed Bureau of Medicine and Sur prisoners came home with 1,528 Berg, the Navy lieutenant who said. Bacterial skin infections bowl of thin vegetable soup. Army Capt. Hamilton I. I them.' gery to look into the specific illnesses and injuries, an aver¬ heads the center's medical sec¬ and boils were common, and, in age of three per man, the tion. some' cases, fungus infections After 1969, some meat and side dishes were served. McCubbin, said 27 per cent the of The center was set up in ordeals of war prisoners and plan their long-range health vides a i ,Affl Center for Prisoner of War "Some men were finicky and covered the body. repatriated Vietnam POWs Berg said POWs in the South were divorced by last October Studies said Wednesday. starved themselves, while In the more conventional pri¬ competed with the guerillas for and three were treated for The center, which is run by others ate everything, includ¬ sons of the North, the ex- meager food rations, existing severe mental disorders, in¬ the Navy, said dental problems, ing worms, rats, maggots and prisoners said they generally mainly on rice, fish and a insects in bread, received late cluding one who is still hos including abscesses, broken sewer greens morning and mid yam-like plant called manioc. dentures and gum diseases, pitalized. But he added that the or anything that could be re¬ were among the most debilita¬ motely considered food." ting. But it said there were no The types of diseases and reports of tuberculosis, the leading cause of death among other ailments apparently de¬ pended to a degree on whether Student questions clerk's stock deals repatriated prisoners in Korea the Americans were imprison and World War II. ed in North or South Vietnam. (continued from page 1) company makes equipment with Colizzi. Grebner began an "Seventy five per cent of the The soldiers and Marines who specialist for the secretary of which meets Michigan stand unsuccessful lawsuit last year returned POWs were suffering were the captives of the Viet state's office. ards. He said the other company against Colizzi for overcharging from intestinal parasites and a Cong reported malaria, beri¬ Bradford said only one other entered the field recently. citizens buying voter registra After Grebner made his tion lists. speech at the meeting, Council¬ Grebner also ran an un¬ man George Griffiths intro¬ successful campaign for 8th duced a motion that the City District Ingham County Com¬ Manager investigate the missioner in the 1974 Democra¬ charges, but there was no tic primary, losing to James support for the motion. Heyser by 18 votes. Dept. V- 'JL Entries for the 1975 Block and of Communication Are there particular frequencies After the meeting Mayor The council did approve a Bridle Horse Show will be taken students: your Undergraduate at which you exchange energy Wilber Brookover said, the Griffiths motion to have the city from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for any MSU Student Board presents a voca¬ with others? Consider such matter would be investigated student in the block and Bridle tional seminar at 1 p.m. Feb. 18 in manager investigate the city's questions at Free University and Councilman John Polomsky Room of the Judging Pavilion. 100 S. Kedzie Hall. Former bidding procedure on the ser students of communication will "Energy Relations" class at 2:30 said he would be asking the city vices supplied by Compu Link. p.m. Sunday in the Union main Tired of the cant of religion? Join discuss experiences and career lounge. manager some questions. City Manager John the Campus Crusade Against opportunities in their respective Councilwoman Thelma Evans Patriarche said Compu Link Christ, the campus atheist group. fields. asked why Grebner was probing was picked when no other firms Organizational meeting is at 7:30 Petitions for positions the into Colizzi's personal life. were doing that The National Student on type of work tonight in Old College Hall, Union. Com¬ College of Agriculture Student mittee "My concern is whether Mrs. and he said he did not know if Against Racism will Senate for 1975-76 9 are now in 121 Colizzi has been sponsor a teach in on "Boston: A mixing her Compu Link was padding their Laissez faire. Find out why a Agriculture Hall during business moral New Threat and Challenge to Civil public and personal life," hours. society must live by the hours. Further details are available Grebner said. principle of "leave us alone" 8t the Rights" at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 39 there. "Compu Link has done a Libertarian literature table today in Union. Tuesday was not the first satisfactory job," Patriarche the Union. MSU Crew Club will time Grebner has had a run-in said. meet at 7 MSU Amateur Radio Club tonight in 208 Men's Intramural The Socialist Labor party will theory class is at 7 tonight, Bldg. sponsor an open public lecture at meeting at 8 p.m. in 252 Engineer¬ 8:30 p.m. Feb. 13 in 33 Union. Lansing Area Lesbians are ing Bldg. The South Campus Christian MSN Radio News is people interested in doing news looking for Students travel for Coors learning karate. All lesbians are Science Organization welcomes reporting and writing. Contact (continued from page 1) is something not to be passed up HILTON INN-LANSING you to its Chuck Goudie in 8 Student welcome to the first lesson at 7:30 meeting at 6:30 p.m. plane herself. when Thursdays in 331 Case Hall. Services Bldg. they have the occasion to p.m. Sunday at 547% E. Grand MSU students who vacation River Ave. Wear loose clothing. compete in Colorado. out west, use that occasion as a Jeff Addley made his pur¬ The Corporation for Public Ellipsis, the radio Are you a lesbian who likes to Nonsense will host a Grand show, will consider medicine, prime opportunity to load up on chase when the MSU hockey Caucus at Bell's Pizza at 7:30 p.m. "Acupuncture to Faith Healing," their supply of Coors. • team traveled play games? Come to the to Colorado at 8 tonight on the Carol Mekula takes a charades party at 8 p.m. Saturday Saturday. Please come. We will Michigan State skiing Springs to play Colorado at 547 54 E. Grand River Ave. Also, plot the Ziegler circus. Network, 640 AM. trip to Colorado once a year and College. He said the hockey watch for the Susan B. Anthony upon returning, brings back a team bought some cases of birthday The MSU Railroad Club will sizeable quantity that will RED BARN JOINS THE celebration next Dr. Michael Stubbs of the UN keep Coors, broke them up and put weekend. meet at 7 p.m. Friday at the office, her in supply. Population Division will lecture on: the beer in their suitcases for E206 Holden Hall. All members "The Population in Africa," at 7 "Last year I brought back 10 please attend. the return trip. He himself The Company is rehearsing for tonjght in C112 Wells Hall. cases," said Mekula, senior, 436 bought one case. BIG FOUR Stephen Sondheim's musical, Motorcycle repair Free-U M.A.C. Ave. "It "Company." Anyone wishing to class There will be a cross-country ski was gone in about two meets at 7:30 tonight in B210 Mekula said Coors stands work on or crew for the show, race at 2 p.m. Saturday at the days," said Addley, a sopho¬ contact Randall Wilson soon. Berkev Hall. Everyone is invited to Groesbeck Golf Course, West apart from other beer because it more. Get a 20e rebate when you The Company invites directors bring a service manual and ask questions. Saginaw Street, Lansing which tastes different. "It's a rare treat that yoa i W stidlwrlikes Cobrs be buy a Fish Platter for sl79 will include a course for recrea¬ cause "it's just a different beer." to submit proposals for spring tional skiers. Postponed one week can't get out here," she said. Officials at the Liquor Control term productions at 2:30 p.m. Feb. The Tim Weisberg concert will if no snow. Paul Green, traveled to Commission for the State of Two golden fried fillets, roll, and 15 in the Company office, lower be carried live by the Michigan Colorado Springs, East McDonel Hall. Contact State Network, 640 AM. at 10:30 where his Michigan say that individuals All the Salad you car* to oat. The MSU* Science Fiction sister lived, to help her move who bring Coors back with them Marilena Tonti. tonight. Society will meet at 7 p.m. Friday back to Michigan. from out west, are violating the Hebrew speakers of the world Student Workers. Help distri¬ iij 34 Union. Main activities this He paid $36 for six cases and law, but very rarely can the week will be idle unite to share their thoughts and bute leaflets and posters about the chatter and brought them back in a Volks- commission find enough proof to polish their tongues at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19 March For Jobs in sporadic work on the fanzine, wagon. He said he does not especially the mysterious and prosecute them. However, if Thursdays in 106 International Lansing. They are in the Labor drink beer that much and licensed Relations Office, 330 Student elusive page nine. only package liquor dealers Center. Newcomers welcome. had one can of Coors. He gave Services Bldg. were caught selling Coors over some of it to friends and Moderator and guests will MSU GO Club will have a family the counter, they could be tried and sold the rest. in civil court. discuss "The Healing Arts" on Come join thousands of meeting at 7 p.m. Sunday in 30 Union. We received a delegation "It's a light beer, and it's also Several of the officials con¬ Ellipsis at 8 tonight on 640 AM. working people and students from across the state in a March on from Ann Arbor last week. Shall a novelty out here," said Green, tacted at the commission did not Audience phone participation encouraged. Lansing for JOBS. Our strength we return the favor? junior, 323 Village Drive. even know the penalties in¬ lies in our unity. For more informa¬ It seems that even MSU volved for illegal shipping or tion, call Rick Shields. Graduate students in the athletes find that a case of Coors sales of Coors beer. College of Education: a lounge is introduce individuals to the Bahai A Mortar Board "Potluck" now open for your use. party Open 8 will be at 7:30 p.m. Faith. It will be held at 8 p.m. Sunday at 1135 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays, first floor If you clip this ad and bring it in to the Red Barn l Friday in the Mason Hall library. Michigan Ave. Apt. A19 (Cedar of Erickson Hall. Greens Apts.). Bring a snack to Rodeo Club will have a meeting share, drinks will be provided. Cad you will also receive a 2-for-one coupon foryourl Five graduate student seats are at 8 tonight in the Judging Barb King for details. Pavilion. There will be a board of available on the College of Educa¬ choice of a Cheesebuster or tion assembly. Pick up petitions in directors meeting at 7 p.m. All are invited to a discussion on 252 Erickson Hall. Involve yourself problems of and prospects for Chicken snack. in your college. Due Feb! 21 Don't forget people, the tours living in a multiracial society. The for the MSU medical school will speaker will be Richard Thomas, ASMSU petitions for president be at 4 p.m. Friday. Meet in A2,3,4 Dept. of Race and Ethnic Studies and representatives at 7:30 p.m. may be picked Life Science lldg. Sunday in the Mason up in 334 Student Services Hall cafeteria. Bldg. When you purchase a Barnbuster and fries Do you fence? Want to learn? you jg HIS] MSU Fencing Club meets at 6 International Committee MSU Student Democrats will get a free Mr. Pibbs! )1()) E Grand River 332.558O Against Racism is holding meet at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays in 118 Women's a mass tonight in 35 Union. Intramural Bldg. Bring shorts and founding meeting at 1 p.m. Feb. Revisions to the bylaws will be 15 in 35 Union. The speakers will discussed at this time. sneakers. Everyone welcome. include Finley Campbell, cochair- HAVE A TOUCH OF CLASS! ■mr- Come see melees, team person of INCAR, workshops and Gay people in this area need a combat, medieval dancing at the a free showing of the film of community so come on SEHD LOHG STEMMED ROSES OH X)ooLeys sense 13th century tournament at 10 "Attica." out to our St. Valentine's Day a.m. Saturday in the Turf Arena of Dance at 9 p.m. in the Unitarian the Men's Intramural Building. Spirit of Christ Fellowship will present a teaching, The Christian Church. VALEHTIHES DAY! Walk at 6:30 tonight in the Shaw Come Saturday's learn the revels pavane for the Hall lower lounge. AH are invited. Help us and help yourselves by Compare our prices and choose from 4 different at coming into the Gay Liberation Renaissance dance class at 8:30 tonight in 106 Holden Hall. Star Trek lives. And so do we - office, 309 Student Services Bldg. for informal raps. Call operator for options-all with FREE DELIVERY! come to the Star Trek Club liKludat !•« Sponsored by the Society for our number. Creative Anachronism. meeting at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Yaketey Hall cafeteria. (for Lansing, East Lansing only) More IWH on page 13 Order by mail (clip out this ad) How form J LADIES NITE y to your own car pool n i rose n 2 ROSES As 1 1 a public tervice it no charge, the State Newt will provide a free ciasiified advertuement for those people who would like to $1.65 $2.75 wt up or join a car pool. wiili rlit pRt( f of one AcliviissioN or Riding? _ ri DOZEN n 1 D0ZEM 1 1 $6.55 1 J " EAcIt FeIVIaIe will RK EiVE Le«*ing_ Returning _ Phone Time? address ONE MIXED DRINK participant* ^ The information requested below rMpon,ibili,> ,w •""Vments or conduct of phone: 8: JO TO 11 doWNSTARS must be supplied in order for ad to appear. , FROM: Full Name name NOW Address _ address SERViNq 7 City phone: DEEP DISH PIZZA J FOKOET VAUHTINn •This coupon may be brought in or mailed Services Building. No phone calls to: Car Pool Classifieds, 347 Student i \S Mr now playing accepted. Your card will be »igaed "With Love . Ling;"1 State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 6,1975 13 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman PROGRAMS Sponsored by: I Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services 7 WXYZ TV . 10 WIIX-TV. Jockion D » WIYI TV. 8 WOTV Grot U vyjRT TV Flini Soginow <1 WUHQ TV. Battl* Cr**tt >3 WZZM TV, Kalamazoo 9CKIW TV SO WKBD TV. Detroit 33 WKAR TV Eon Lonung iN&dMe- loo, ? IV Lite (4) Somerset (7-12-1341) Barney Miller TO &OT ■ Livingston Countl*» Ent*rtalnm«nt Capitol (5) (6) Studio 5 The Attic (9) Funny Farm / b (23) Civilization:Th« Frozen The Golden Hunter (7) The Money Maze World \NO\)LP I (8) Gilligan's Island (50) Basketball 9) Petticoat Junction 8:30 AW&Y- lorld s Number Ort» Nalghborhpod Restaurant" (10) Friends (12) Merv Griffin (7-12-1341) Karen (9) Stompin Tom (13) Bonanza 9:00 f KEOJi EZ (23) Sesame Street (2-3-6-25) The Thursday Night z-6 LIVC INTIiTAINMINT 1 NIGHTS Movie ^ (25) Yogi & Friends (41) Daktari (4-5-8-10) Archer (50) Three StnnaM (7-12 13-41) Streets Of San Francisco of How«ll (9) News Nine 4:30 (23) Japanese Film Sponsored by: 125 Holiday In. Howell, Michigan 48843 1 (2) Mike Douglas Show 9:30 CAMPUS CLATTER IM At (9) This Is The Law (3) Merv Griffin Show 10:00 by Larry Lewis (4) George Pierrot Presents (4-5-8-10) Movin' On (7-12-1341) The Brady Bunch (6) That Girl (7 12 1341) Harry O (9) Family Court (7) 4:30 Movie (9) Old Times THERE'S A BLIZZARD /MOVING (23) Villa Alegre (8) Partridge Family (50) Oinah IN; HAZARDOUS DRIVING IS (50) Bugs Bunny (9) Andy Griffith 5:45 AM 11:55 (10) Gilligan's Island 10:30 PREDICTED,' DO YOU WANT TO (9) PacrfiCanada GET STJCK IN A &RlFT AND Inun Religious Town H (3-6) Midday News (25) The Munsters & Friends T 6:00 11:00 12:00 NOON (50) The Little Rascals (2 34-5-6-7-8-9- t MISS CLASSES TOMORROWS Intion Second Chance (2-5-6-8-13) News EVENING 10-12 13-23-25) News ' (3-25) Young And Restless 5:00 PM (41) The Protectors 6:10 (4-10) Jackpot (6-8) Ironside 11:30 (7-12-41) Password All Stars (9) Mickey Mouse Club (2-3-6-25) The Lata Movie (9) Galloping Gourmet (10) Truth Or Consequences (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show (50) Underdog (13) That Girt (7-12-1341) Wide World Of 12:20 PM (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Entertainment (6) Almanac (25) I Love Lucy (50) Movia 12:30 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. 12:00 MIDNIGHT (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow (50) The Flintstones (9) Department S (4) News 5:30 1:00 AM (5-10) Blank Check (4) Bowling For Oollars (7-12-1341) Split Second (9) Partridge Family (4-5-8-10) Tomonow SHORT RIBS (7-13) News (10) Beverly Hillbillies kf M. Presents (8) Mike Douglas (9) Dick Van Dyke (12-13) News (9) Homes Today by Frank Hill Ki Bobby Show (12) Rock Concert ' (25) Dinah (23) Villa Alegre (41) Afterhours Theatre id Farm Report (50) The Lucy Show (25) Hogan's Heroes (50) Religious Message UShow (50) Gilligan's Island bntion Second Chance 12:55 1:30 (5-8-10) News 6:00 (2) Lata Movie 6:45 1:00 (2 34-56-7-8 (7) Religious Message in| Edition 10-12-13-2541) News 6:55 (2) Love Of Life (9) The Cheaters (3) Accent (9) Bewitched 2:00 mi Kerr Show (4) What's My Line? (23) Woman (4-10) News 7:00 (5) Jackpot (50) Star Trek 2:30 (6) Martha Dixon 6:30 (12) News (7-12-1341) All My Children (34 5-6 7 1041) News 3:00 (9-50) Movies (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (2) Mayberry RFD (10) Somerset (12) 6:30 Movie 3:30 1:25 (13) Beverly (2) News (2) News (23) Zoom 3:35 1:30 7:00 (2) Message For Today (24-7-8) News (2-3-6-25) As The Woild Turns (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (3) What's My Line? DOONESBURY Marriage (5-10) Mod Squad bj Gary Trudeau (7-12-1341) Let's Make A Deal (6) Bewitched 2:00 (9) Beverly Hillbillies (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (13) Truth Or Consequences " ' ~ Of Our Lives (23) Tele Revista (25) The F.B.I. THURSDAY take a cable, macarmjr' ' ' ) The S10.000 RESTAURANT SPECIAL pear mr secretary- to ryramto (41) American Ski Scene *10:the secretary of the in the fastmeek the deni¬ fh a reason- wit Report = 1:30 2:30 (50) Mission:lmpossible ROAST BEEF $1.95 interior, washington, dc zens of this island have • able man, no mind, (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night 7:30 re: current situation endured a hurricane, a lo¬ nI 3 Clubhouse (2) Truth Or Consequences Friday in the tiny, tropical cust plague, a famine, a macarthur, excellency- 8:45 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors FISH so i know . rr never. (7-12 1341) The Big Showdown (3) Michigan Outdoors SANDWICHS1.95 volcano eruption this isn't snoui sticks . 3:00 (4)Jeopardy TROUT $3.25 - ^—\/. and uh (2) Young And Restless (6) 525,000 Pyramid (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (7) Let's Make A Deal TONITE'S MUSIC (4-5-810) Another World (8) Hollywood Squares (7-12-1341) General Hospital 3:30 (9) Room 222 (13) To Tell The Truth Hickory Wind (2-3-6-25) Match Game (23) Civilization: A Western Perspective (7 12-1341) One Life To Live (9) Gomer Pyle (50) Banana Splits (41) Jimmy Dean Show 8:00 Lizard's. (2-3-6-25) The Waltons Tattletales (4-5-8-10) Mac Davis Show «| Playbreak (2,3) . 9:15 THE DROPOUTS prio Schools 9:27 THURSDAY'S by Post M'tUI He«3gp J jYouSeelt W Check 9:30 HIGHLIGHTS !• Courtship Of Eddie's 9:00 T_h u rsday_February_6_, J 9 7 5_ (CBS) The Thursday Night Movie tamer Survival Kit "Dirty Dingus Magee" Frank (CBS) The Waltons Sinatra, George Kennedy. Drama ViMey Today "The Choice" Hoping to greatly of a wild renegade. tUilmne expand their lumber-business, John and Grandpa borrow (NBC) Archer money from the bank in the "The Arsonist" Archer aids a belief that Jason will be delicatessen owner who accuses working with tham but the the county tax collector of 10:00 second son has another career J Joker's Wild cheating him out of his land. in mind. ■JW ■"meCelebrity Sweepstakes Street (ABC) The Streets Of San Francisco 'per Room (NBC) The Mac Davis Show "The Programming Of Charlie PROFESSOR PHUMBLE 'it Today Guests will be Ruth Buzzi, Blake" Detective Lt.Mike Stone Loggins and Messina and Gabe and Inspector Steve Keller seek by Bill Yates 10:30 Gambit Kaplan. tha assailants of a young woman by intarviewing former E ."Jjel Of Fortune (ABC) Barney Miller sex offenders-one of whom "Graft" Guest star Dick O'Neill. may be under post hypnotic Barney's man are accused of suggestion. being on the take when a former detective from his squad 10:00 becomes a member of intarnal (NBC) Movin' On affairs, the department's "Ammo" A gift case of self-policing unit. tomatoes gats Sonny and Will into trouble when the contents 8:30 are discovered to bo live (ABC) Karen ammunition. "Them" Guest star Marty Feldman. Karen discovers that (ABC) Harry 0 not only her home is under "Silent Kill" Guests James electric surveillanca, but suspects Wainwright, Kathy Lloyd. Harry that the office of Opan America 0 tries to prove the innocanca is under sfmilar observation. of a deaf-mute suspected of arson and murdar. 8:57 (CBS) Bicentennial Minutas 11:30 Narrator: David Frost. , (ABC) Wide World Special IF HOU DON'T KNOU) MOW T.hlt' k'* upsit "RlSHHAlLEOUOOOO"? TO SPELL IT, FAKE IT! JlXKCi !\ 1W\l IC 'y-*~ 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Feb, lruary(J 'Tommy By TOM BALDWIN Associated Press Writer flashed into the newspapers, chilling questions were raised: agent in Geneva, N.Y.). But I don't know if some of the infor¬ Traveler' operated during the late 1960s. Colby said that the undercover people how a bomb would go off. But I never handled explosives "I'd tell them they were eventually lose interest. I kept my cover and the bombing was p Planning. it PHILADELPHIA (AP) - was Tommy just a spy or was he mation I turned up didn't get work resulted in intelligence that the radicals could have got crazy. 'What do you mean averted." Some people called him a hero. Others wanted him dead. Thomas Tongyai, better a provocateur? Did he merely help plan the bombing or did he cause it? Was the government into the CIA files. We looking for foreign influer were ties to Cuba, that sort of thin< files being kept on about 10,000 Americans. "They called me a provoca hold of. "It was a means of defusing the situation, and at the same Molotov cocktails. black powder.' That's good. Do the job right. Use no But what about the Hobart bombing? It threatened than 100 lives because the bombed ROTC office was more r?:-l they 1 threw the K°t a call bo^j fromL1 known as "Tommy the Travel¬ spying on radical groups or was CIA Director William E. teur," Tommy said. They said I time, not blowing my cover." 'Then, the next week they'd . A(?ent O'Hanlon, er," says they it "A kid would say. 'Let's blow to me and I'd tell them my housed in the basement of a „ ! are all correct. handing them bombs in hopes Colby has acknowledged that was giving bombs to innocent come day morning. He Tommy is the one-time FBI of discrediting the peace move¬ his agency infiltrated anti war kids, showing them how to use up a building.' If I backed out contact never came through. It dormitory where students were J informant and special deputy ment? and dissident groups inside the guns. You don't understand it, they'd know I was an agent. I'd was a means of taking the heat sleeping. nuts, office, K ii 1 sheriff whose cover was busted The questions were never United States and recruited at but that's part of the under ask them what they wanted to out of the moment. I stretched it "I couldn't control that one," in 1970 when he joined police fully answered. The FBI least 22 domestic agents who They'd say 'Molotov cock- out for a few weeks and they'd Tongyai says. "I was in the won a cover psychology. I showed use. on officials in conducting a Hobart court order that sealed its \ College drug raid that sparked a records on Tommy. A county campus riot. He claimed he had grand jury refused to address Lansing winds set windmills spinnii been frequenting the Geneva, the issue publicly. Tommy said N.Y. campus to infiltrate the nothing. radical undergound. Tongyai today is a horseman "The whole thing was crazy," and a skilled blacksmith. He developer Bob Miley, said he has his planned environmentally oriented home in the he says. "But I can't say I regret it. I lives with his second wife, a Bv JEFF MERRELL the windmill for already received 200 to 300 letters requesting Lansing area. In addition to Great continuing research Lakes Wim J was serving my From 1968 through 1970 country." school teacher, on a picturesque State News Staff Writer information on his product. And Lansing has plenty of wind to set the on Asmussen. MSU professor of larger 2J A long, long time ago, somebody decided that Tommy traveled upstate New backwoods Pennsylvania farm a wind could be used for something other than "There has been a great deal of interest," blades spinning and the electricity generating. mg. has been awarded electriahl York as a salesman of veteri¬ half-mile from the nearest paved road, with an unlisted blowing leaves off trees, and they invented the Arnold said. "And to our knowledge, there has "Lansing has about as high a wind velocity on Foundation grant to a $93,400 NatJI the average per year as study the taJ nary medicines. The sales job," telephone number and no mail¬ windmill. been nothing else like this on the market." those areas on the coast¬ wind generated electricity for the though, was only a cover: box to advertise his where¬ Windmills flourished for awhile, then flounder¬ The company's 1,000 watt unit (a 2,000-watt lines," Arnold said. ctyl version is scheduled to be ready by spring) will Lansing's mean wind velocity for the past 12 Hart is eight miles inland Tommy, with his boyish face, short black hair and establish¬ abouts. "How did you find me way ed around in relative anonymity, and have only recently made a comeback. have its most practical applications as a years is 10.6 mph, right behind Muskegon's state between Muskejron and from Lake J Ludinmon ment three-piece suit, was back here?" he asks. "Not many Now, for just under $1,000, anybody can have supplementary electricity source, or as a power high of 10.8. Asmussen is looking into the poj, really their own private electricity generating windmill. for small summer homes. "The units start generating anywhere around utilizing wind power to meet Hart'senw a government informer. people know where I live." source His mission was to get close to Those who do know do not Great Lakes Wind Power, Inc., of East Lansing, 'The units are not developed to the point where six or seven miles per hour, and reach a maximum falling back on more conventional m the anti-war campus protesters, like to give the information to has developed a 1,000-watt, three-bladed, 12-foot you can unhook your house electricity and replace output at about 20 miles per hour." Arnold said. when the winds fail. , Smaller, more expensive foreign units are His analysis will include learn who was behind them, strangers. Tommy is a part-time in diameter wind generator that will appear on it with this," Arnold said. One interested customer, however, told Arnold available, according to Arnold, but there is a mine if large-scale wind a cost study J take down names and dates and policeman in the township. Most the market by mid-March. he wanted t wo or three units to completely power six-month backlog on orders. power g ' report back to the FBI. of the residents know about his Dick Arnold, who is handling the marketing of economically practical. Five weeks before the riot at undercover work. But it makes Hobart, a fire bomb exploded in no difference. They say he does the office of the Reserve a good job. Officers Training Corps on the "I can't tell you anything campus. Within hours police about recruitment or training. arrested two freshmen who had That's classified," he says. "My thrown the bomb. father worked for counter¬ Tongyai, the veterinary intelligence in the Army, I sort salesman who had become a of grew up with it. You can take familiar face in Hobart's radical it from there." 203 E. Grand River - E. Lansing crowds, allegedly taught the Did Tommy work for the two freshmen how to make the Central Intelligence Agency? bomb, urging them to use black "I was with the bureau powder instead of gasoline. He had backed out of the scheme at the last minute with a fabrica¬ (FBI)," he says. "I don't know anything about the agency (CIA). My contact was Jerry WE HAVE SOLD MUSKEGON STORE. tion that his talents were (Jerome O'Hanlon, former FBI needed elsewhere that night. Almost as fast as the story $200,000 of TOP QUALITY STOCK TRANSFERRED. WE MUST DISPOSE OF FAMOUS LABEL FASHIONS. TRULY REMARKABLE SAVINGS AND SELECTIONS. ANNOUNCES AN INCREDIBLE STOCK DISPO$AL SALE TOPS-SHIRTS SKIRTS PANTS Classic Long Sleeves - Short Sleeves • Prints • Our Complete Winter Selection 1 Sizes 5/6 • 15/14 Hundreds of Styles. Polyester Pull-ons. Fashion-J Solids • torn* Halters • even NEW ones for Spring No Exceptions) able Hi-Rise Gaberdines, Assort. Plaids audi Reduced FROM Solids. 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