BLUE STREAK' are pair brave winter By ELLEN SP0N8ELLER SUte News Staff Writer "They didn't have anything on except masks and boots. I couldn't believe it." The women of VanHoosen Hall insanity. the excitement. apparently were in the mood for ks ^.lieve it or not. there were streakers Sunday night. below zero and 1 a.m. when Ann Dellamora, 207 "All the women were 1 yelling out the windows that the guys were for being out in the freezing cold," Dellamora said. "It Hall, closed her books and began to get ready for bed. crazy was was cloudy and the wind blew against the window, pretty funny — boy, those guys must have been insane." really stray leaves in swirls across the snow-filled courtyard, were quiet and dark. The bare pair ran around for 10 minutes to the screams and Iiellamora and her roommate heard yelling that jeers of the VanHoosen Hall spectators, and then made their dark silence. Sxit over the same wall they had come from. Suddenly a camera flash it was someone yelling rape, so my roommate ran lit up the night on the other side of the wall. the door," Dellamora said. "The windows were wanted their pictures taken for Apparently the two and we couldn't see anything, but the yelling kept posterity — or proof. Monday morning the women found a souvenier of the visit. A large sign with scrawled words decorated the we heard'people screaming, 'Streak! streak!' and we saw Blue Streak." courtyard: "The over the back wall and start running around the 'The Blue Streak.' That's exactly what they were — blue with cold," Dellamora said. "They sure have a strange sense of humor." VOLUME 169 NUMBER 27 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Pentagon WASHINGTON (AP) C. Stennis, D - Chairman John "general internal security" as well as contract • Miss., of the Senate Armed authorizations contained in the Services Committee protection of oil fields. Foreign began an inquiry Sidle said Saudi Arabians will Military Sales Act, a part of the U.S. Saudi Arabian pilots to fly the F5 figher, Monday into a Pentagon contract with a pay the foreign military assistance program. and $76.9 million involved in the Vinnell service Raytheon Corp. personnel demonstrat¬ private corporation to train Saudi Arabian In the House, Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi, D - ing the use of the Hawk anti contract, so "it won't cost the Gen. Sidle, the Defense - aircraft national guardsmen taxpayers a Mich., chairman of the House Armed Dept. spokes¬ missile. protecting oil fields. penny." man, said that the force being assembled Stennis said he asked Services subcommittee on by The State Dept. announced last Defense James Schlesinger for an Secretary of military person¬ Vinnell Corp. will teach the Saudi April 15 a The Pentagon nel, said his group also "will go into it." Arabian $300 million arms sale agreement between explana¬ spokesman said Vinnell tion after disclosure Corp. had a prior training contract with the At the State Dept., a guardsmen to fire various weapons, but will by The Associated spokesman said that not train them in field tactics. the United States and Saudi Arabia to Press on Sunday of a $77 million Defense Dept. to instruct the Defense Dept. Defense Vietnamese frequently contracts He said the same sort of services modernize and re-equip the Saudi National Dept contract with Vinnell Corp. of Los logistics troops in South Vietnam. with civilian companies to carry out aspects have Guard, supplying of its responsibilities under similar circum¬ been provided in Saudi Arabia before. infantry weapons, Angeles. Stennis told newsmen he had not heard He communications equipment and other cited Northrop Vinriell is recruiting former U.S. stances. Corp. personnel teaching items. special before of any Defense Dept. contract with a forces soldiers and other war "We do have a number of veterans for a private corporation to train military forces programs in the 1,000 man force to send to Saudi Arabia. economic and security fields in of a foreign country. implementa¬ The tion of our long - STENNIS Pentagon confirmed the contract. Maj. Gen. Winant Sidle, Pentagon spokesman, said Vinnell Corp. will train the "It raises questions," he said. Stennis declined further comment before learning "the facts," but said he understood standing policy in cooperation and support of Saudi Arabia," spokesman Robert Funseth said. Ford: gas rationing Saudi Arabian National Guard Tortus for One such program is the modernization rt»r-TBr-t(Mtfact UTAsefT Upon legal of thi national guard, he said. Told that Sens. Henry M. Jackson, D Wash., and Hubert Humphrey, D Minn., - 'over my dead body' Red - light have called for an tradition investigation of the contract, Funseth said, "We are always HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - President Ford about 600, and applauded his call for cooperative with Congress." declared an end Nedzi said inquiries may be made Monday that gasoline rationing will to American dependence on By BONZO BROWN during be enacted only "over my dead body." The President rejected foreign oil. his panel's current military posture hear Invoking the strongest language to date in suggestions that years ago an electronics freak ings, but that any separate inquiry likely he ease off his proposal to cut oil imports by a a red light in his window and would have to wait until review of the sounding his opposition to a rationing plan, million barrels a day. He said "this Ford told an energy conference here that be* wondered why. A red light annual military procurement bill is con¬ million philosophy — that we can such a system would lead continue to shines westward from the room cluded. only to "a jungle of import the entire million or a significant part red tape, bureaucratic 12th floor of North Hubbard Like Stennis, Nedzi declined to draw judgment, inequities of the million barrels that I and people still wonder any and other problems." propose to cut why. conclusions in advance. back — is a very Ford, stepping up his campaign for public high risk and reckless the fall of 1969 Warren Gill Jackson personally delivered to Stennis a gamble." letter asking for a thorough support for his energy proposals, departed In his appeal for to put a red inquiry into the from his prepared speech text to support for his proposals. light in his Saudi Arabian training contract. accuse Ford waved a copy of the to mark his time at MSU. Congress of being "shortsighted" and of sored by his Administration. 167-page bill spon¬ Stennis declined to commit the commit¬ I color coded the tee to formal taking "a step backward" by attempting to In contrast to his " light hearings, but promised to block his recommendations. "comprehensive pro¬ said Gill, who now "find out what the facts are." gram," Ford said the House has in He attacked Democratic moves for passed a Spring Lake, Mich. "After I Jackson said the public is "confused" by line rationing and pleaded with his audience gaso¬ four-page bill to suspend his import quotas of once, people called up and reports of training Saudis to protect their up to $3 a barrel which he implemented that I shine red more often. of Texans to "not succumb to what some executive order last month. by oil fields at a time of official statements say- is an answer to the I ended up energy problem. Gasoline Holding up a copy of the measure now be¬ shining just the "implying the use of force under certain rationing is about the poorest answer circumstances" to protect the industrial I can fore the Senate Finance imagine." Committee, Ford world from strangulation drew applause when he said it is bus one night I overheard through shutoff of He said gas rationing would last for "so patently access to oil. from obvious to me that a people talking about the light, five to 10 years and declared "if program and a plan is "We want to find out what we get into needed — not a step backward." were trying to figure out what gives," gasoline rationing.. .it will be The address to an Jackson told newsmen. "A program of this over my dead energy conference person lived in that room. I kind should have been disclosed to Con- body." sponsored by the Houston Chamber of back and let them Many oilmen were in Ford's audience of enjoy the i continued on page 10) Gill graduated, the room, Thieu predicts trouble N. Hubbard Hall, switched the legacy of the light was by word of mouth. ir the light shines from the by sophomores Randy and Joel Rescoe. tot it's story is that it's there the drunks home to just a tradition," Hub- for Vietnamese citizens d. SAIGON (AP) — President invasion force. the light's original pur- Thieu told South Vietnamese Nguyen Van sufficient manpower and materials to a drunk's guide or just for beginning the "They are crazily pushing ahead a soldiers. Tet lunar new year in Monday that more general offensive on our territory. We "If the rear is fully stabilized then the forming their bloodshed and hard times are ahead. The must understand that the Communists will soldiers on the front line do not political opposition repeated calls for his worry and never strictly implement the Paris agree will fight to destroy the tall resignation. ment unless their armed invasion at present enemy," Thieu said. building I assumed In an address to mark Vietnam's Year of He said those in the rear cannot allow ing for airplanes," Beth is defeated." the Cat, Thieu again ruled out a coalition Communists "to integrate 375 West Shaw Hall. He called on the people to increase among our nationalist ranks to poison and excite the government with the Viet Cong and production and sacrifice to so as give people and to campaign for political the light seems to have pledged to fight until Communist forces are solutions that would lead a to a surrender to appeal. defeated. the Communists." ught a couple of weird More than 20 opposition deputies and chicks Thieu labels much of his political UP and wanted senators staging a hunger strike in front of opposi¬ to touch it," tion as Communists or their henchmen. The the National Assembly "So we let them touch building lighted 18 newsmen arrested last week torches and burned photos of the president. were left. I mean what can accused of being Communist They chanted : "Grab Thieu's head and pull agents. The five newspapers closed were him down," "Nguyen Van Thieu must among nine know for sure how that had tried to print resign" and "Down with the heroin seller charges of corruption got started. It was a and malfeasance against Thieu. room so Nguyen Van Thieu." A series of small when we - scale attacks was We did our Charges that Thieu has been involved in part to keep it narcotics distributions have been made reported in the Saigon area, and 15 persons were killed when a motorized several times in the past. He has denied sampan b!am.of 10 be l^e light is strong them. struck a water mine in the Mekong Delta 50 seen from 1-496. miles southwest of Saigon. The Rescoe have provided A letter from the opposition accused only major red a Thieu of taking advantage of Tet by ground action was reported below Da Nang, spotlight with a going where government a re on national radio "to renew his lies and his troops are trying to timer to regulate it. retake high ground. The command said 35 y we don't promises for political stability, building up have to mess more North Vietnamese and four more •oeman said. democracy, and maintaining territorial government troops were killed there. controU its own 5N pnoio/jonn nusseu integrity." In Cambodia, small scale attacks activities In his address. Thieu said: were 'deman and Rescoe let For six yews a bright red light has beamed out of the 12th floor reported, just north of the district town of "Two years have elapsed since the of North Hubbard Hall. Is it a warning, a guide for drunks or Prek Phneou and near break.C3mPUS ^ MSU's own red light district? No signing of the Paris cease fire agreement. outside Phnom Penh. Field strategic Baseth Hill ... it is only a tradition. The North Vietnamese Communists have reports said rebuilt in South Vietnam a stronger government forces in the areas were THIFA pushing the insurgents back a little. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Feb, ,ruaryii,i?i fields. JERUSALEM (AP) - Secretary of State Henry A. 'We have no formal proposal from Kissinger, arriving Monday in Israel to launch his latest round told d newsmen on the flight to either . I of Middle East diplomacy, said the United States is ready to Jerusalem ■ n' I take other approaches to a settlement than his stepbystep .. m Egypt and I have idea, from such ideas." Israelm ?1 her* to I U.S. officials said unless Kissinger "We are prepared to explore other means and other forums if i necessary," he said in an obvious reference to the Geneva situation is hopeless, he plans to return to . A lhlt % conference, which the Kremlin and some Arab states want about March 10 to work out details of an IsnT £ Sinai, ae" withrf*.^-.. I U.S. may alter resumed. "We agree that the step by step approach is likely to be the most productive," Kissinger said on arrival in a chilly rain at Jerusalem airport. Political belligerency They said Kissinger recognizes that Israel concessions in exchange from Egypt , "'thdrawiH s co< Angleton testifies on spying Rapid progress Political, diplomatic and economic bdliRerencv Hours before Kissinger's arrival "" end * I Jf Ousted CIA counterintelligence chief James J. Angleton Mideast efforts He thanked the government of Premier Yitzhak Rabin for endorsing his approach, but added that the United States "is essentially committed to rapid progress" and does not Frankfurt, Israels main opposition bloc call new elections before agreeing from to a demand ft surr*nH , lR^ I »I I appeared Monday before the Rockefeller Commission, subscribe to any special way of achieving it. territory for anything less than a full peace Cairo on Wednesda H *** I I which is investigating domestic spying by the CIA. Kissinger'sone-week mission to the Middle East is designed Kissinger Kissinger flies to f!»im flies to President Anwar Sadat, then P,n , I Angleton, who was forced to resign from the CIA in to find out if he can arrange another settlement between Israel goes to Damascw ,?V® I ^I President Hafez Assad. He returns December, has been named in published reports as the and Egypt in the Sinai Desert. Occupied oil field night. to Israel 1„n ^nursdiy u I mastermind of a CIA spy operation in the United States. The argument in Sinai centers on possession of the strategic As Kissinger launched his latest However, a well-placed source indicated that Angleton round of ! has told the commission staff that he had no knowledge of Mitla and Gidi passes and the Israeli occupied Abu Rudeis oil diplomacy, a snowstorm swept much of the arPa the day-to-day workings of a special counterintelligence unit, which CIA Director William E. Colby has acknowledged kept files 10,000 American citizens. IRA cease-fire follows on Catering executive kills self new violent members said they knew of no such BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — The Irish Republican Army agreement to bring about the cease-fire. pact, but Seamn.i An executive of the catering company that prepared Sinn Fein's organizer in Northern It said the pact would bring an end to army searches and arrests meals for 144 airline passengers who later contracted food (IRA) began a new cease-fire at 6 p.m. Monday. It followed a in Roman Catholic areas, allow IRA men on the run in the Irish reduction of army patrols and searches and Ireland said he ^ poisoning killed himself Sunday, Anchorage police said. 24-hour flurry of factional violence that left four persons dead, republic to return to their homes and produce a quick end to two or three weeks. fewer rndhSi I0cla»l including three Roman Catholic men and an 86-year-old woman. Authorities said Kmji Kuwabara. 52, died of a single The truce followed talks between top British government officials internment without trial of suspected terrorists. The British maintain the Sinn Fein talks were not self-inflicted bullet wound while alone Sunday in his It said the agreement would also restrict areas where the mainly but were held merely to elaborate and and representatives of Sinn Fein, the political front of the IRA's Protestant police force would be allowed to patrol, and bring a already announced publicly by Merlyn Rees. explain oolir^L Anchorage, Alaska, apartment. Kuwabara was vice militant Provisional wing. withdrawal of troops to barracks in relatively peaceful areas. Northern Ireland. Britain's? president of International Inflight Catering Co. Ltd. He was in The London Evening News, in a dispatch from Dublin, said the British representatives at the Sinn Fein talks had signed an British government officials and high-ranking Sinn Fein charge of the Anchorage office of the Hawaii-based firm. Rees has promised that a sustained d ci cessation of violence J bring a marked reduction of British - - -^ ai activity in Roman rl areas from which the IRA claims to derive its 12 million birds plague army support andll CALLED POSSIBLE RECESSION REMEDY way to> phasing out detention without without »«.■'. trial of .^1 sn A federal appeals court Monday blocked for at least several days the Army's plans to eradicate some 12 million Hours before the cease fire took effect, bombs 1 blackbirds roosting for the winter at Army bases in Kentucky and Tennessee. Muskie: deficit may stores in Belfast. The 86-year-old woman died of a immediately after one bombing, the army said. A 19-year-old Roman Catholic man was shot and wrecked heart J The U .S. Court of Appeals continued in force a temporary killed eih. WASHINGTON (AP) - The and other costs of the in the credit markets," the day. and on Sunday night two other Catholic men large Earl L. Butz said. year died iiii injunction barring the Army from undertaking the program chariman of the Senate Budget Simon said. "But we do know bullets as they left a church after Mass. Another man at Fort Campbell, Ky., and at the Milan arsenal in Tennessee. jobless total, he said. However, he noted that they wascrit Committee says it may be "What we're talking about is would not decline at a very that government will pre empt wounded. The Army contends the 8 million birds at Milan and reduction in production. most of this market and we economically sound to increase a sharp rate because of labor The IRA announced the new cease fire on another 4 million at Fort Campbell are a public nuisance and President Ford's $52 billion Therefore, restoring the pro¬ must constantly be alert to the Sunday and Proti management agreements be politicians reacted immediately with skepticism. a danger to aviation. deficit to spur recovery from ductive capacity is not inflation¬ tween food processors and dis¬ possibility that unrestrained A spokesman for the Protestant Unionist the recession and limit future ary, simply getting the econ¬ tributors and their employes. government borrowing could party said: "It last. A cease fire could only last if one side makes federal red ink. omy back to what should be its The farmer. Butz said, is not drive the economy into an even major con«_ and there's no possibility of lawful authority But Sen. Edmund S. Muskie, normal level," he said. to blame for the high cost of worse mess than it is giving way toad today." thugs and murderers." D Maine, said in an interview food because he gets the smal¬ In other economic develop^ that he does not know whether lest percentage of the consumer that idea is politically "salable," ments Monday: dollar. even if it makes sense economi¬ cally. • More than 19.000 produc tion workers have struck Mc¬ The farmer for the month of Class eyes nat Muskie said "our economic Donnell Douglas plants in Mis January showed a profit decline advisers are working on a game souri, Florida and California in of about 12 per cent over the Chileans and others *1 Critical choices on national Greer, distinguished professor same period last plan that would reduce unem¬ a wage dispute. Company year while his priorities will be the subject of of humanities. examined. The causes oil costs rose over 13 per cent for ployment and increase produc¬ officials say jet fighter produc¬ the MSU "Great Issues" course Interdisciplinary courses trouble and the interuj tion. tion will be halted if the strike the same period, Butz said. efforts made to hel this spring. offered by University College "Though it may increase the is a long one. Consumer boycotts have also also be discussed. The problems of poverty, this spring include "Refugees, led to high prices in many areas Portuguese elections slated deficit in the first year, it may also produce a lesser over-all Union and company repre¬ of farming, he added. national security. health, Displaced Persons, Hostages William MeCagg, t sentatives accused each other science and technology, art and Exiles" and "Interaction of professor of history whil deficit for a four year period. President Fraricisco1 do Costa Gomes on Monday set April - Muskie cited estimates by of taking unreasonable posi¬ • The recent decline in inter¬ patronage, economy, justice and Culture and War." done extensive researtj power will be examined. Students in the class on Central Europe on as 12 as the dote f6r Portugal's first free elections in 50 years. some economists that the job¬ tions and said negotiators re¬ est rates may be short lived of Jews and other refugee because of heavy borrowing MSU's University College is refugees may have four credits The mained far apart No further president's announcement, in a televised address to less figures projected in Ford's demands of the federal govern offering the four-credit course applied to history, political Barry Stein, associate prt the nation, went far to dispel doubts that the armed forces fiscal 1976 budget mean a $750 talks were scheduled. ment and business, Treasury from 1:20 to 2:40 p.m. on Tues¬ science, social science or socio¬ of social science, will tei^ who took power in the name of democracy last April 25 billion loss in production and a In Cape Canaveral, officials Secretary William E. Simon days and Thursdays. logy. course. would keep their promise to fiold elections within a year of $250 billion loss in federal revenue over what said a continued strike would said. Speakers will include Walter Responses and possible solu¬ The culture and war J their revolution. otherwise Adams, distinguished professor tions to the historic and political will examine immediately stop preparations The voting by universal suffrage on April 12 will be to might be possible in the next on the Delta rocket, but would Simon made the statement in of economics; Zolton A. plights of Cypriots, Cubans, changes under the strea few years. choose a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution. not affect the Saturn rocket testimony before the Senate Ferency, associate professor of Palestinians. Asians in Uganda, Muskie said that while Ford's Finance Committee in which he criminal justice, and Thomas H. program unless it extended $52 billion deficit appears to be urged Congress to accept the Oil beyond July. producers plan meeting large, "it is not the result of a Retail food prices will no new programs discipline sudden splurge of federal • outlined Kuwait announced by President Ford. Monday that oil producing nations will spending" but is rather "the decline in the second half of the convene a summit conference in Algeria from March 4 to 6 to price the federal government is year because of record produc¬ consider their position at a later meeting with the western paying for the recession." tion, Secretary of Agriculture industrialized nations on energy issues. That includes $40 billion in A summit of the Organization of Petroleum lost revenues and $12 billion in Exporting Countries has been expected, but this was the first unemployment compensation announcement setting the date. Sheik will return to power Sheik Mohammed Abdullah, the aging Lion of Kashmir, will return to power in his divided Himalayan homeland under a recently concluded agreement between himself and the Indian government, according to authoritative sources. The 69-year-old sheik will become prime minister of the ••••••••Ml. three-fifths of Kashmir controlled by India, the sources said. t III • The pact, ending the sheik's 22-year estrangement from the Indian government, follows two years of negotiations 11II SI III $| IIMI IS IOWN | between representatives of the sheik and Prime Minister I.6JI. Indira Gandhi. During negotiations the sheik dropped his demand that the future of Kashmir be decided by a plebiscite to determine ! ! whether its inhabitants wont to join India or Pakistan or be TUESDW independent. to Ethopian govt, seeks peace The Ethiopian government was reliably reported Monday have sent peace feelers to secessionist rebels who have j DooLeys IBEEE HALF PRICE All I NIEE I trapped a third of its army in northern Eritrea province. Diplomatic sources said the cease-fire initiative was ( relayed Sunday night, but they doubted that the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) would lay down its arms. Diplomats think the government wants roads opened to >Y T0NITE Vs NOW AlflAlflSG I the 15,000 to 20,000 troops who control Asmara, the provincial capital, but which are surrounded by rebels or ■cl f\/2 PRICE NITE\ inn it« 1111111 nsrs | their sympathizers. Supplies ha 'e not reached MS government forces for 10 days. ON All liQUOR dRiNks vncrr 1 m There was no indication whether the arrival in Addis Ababa of Sudan's foreign minister, Gamal Mohammed Ahmed, was connected with the peace feelers. Ahmed & THE | reportedly brought fire proposals. cease IHCLDIN'G 4 4 Ml ANT | Pakistan bans opposition The Pakistani government banned the opposition National Awami party Monday and ordered its property confiscated 8:50 TO 11 doU/NSTAHS- ^ III AHA* It"! following the arrest of 60 of its top leaders, including Abdul Wali Khan, party chief and opposition leader in the National \l II HI 4 IM | Assembly. A'!**', The move came two days after the assassination of the a senior minister in the North-West Frontier province, Hayat Mohammed Khan Sherpao, a close friend of Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The government blamed opposition terrorism for the killing. NOwpUyiNq gkh Vi In Peshawar, the provincial capital where Sherpao was killed in a bomb blast Saturday, mobs burned down the offices of a newspaper owned by the Awami party, DiviNE CoMfcdy ransacked offices of pro-Awami lawyers and shouted, "Death to Sherpao's killers." n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 11, 1975 3 iquiry to begin in SWU charges LMARY ANN CHICK ings, which will start at 10 a.m. both days, are open to the "This site has the intimida¬ »,eNew8SUH Writer ting atmosphere of the mana¬ public. ger," said Bob Repas, professor L changing the site of the The of industrial relations and three times, the Michi hearings were originally rep¬ scheduled to be held in the resentative of SWU. "The (employment Relations IS (MERC) wfll look Dept. of Labor Building, 300 East Michigan Ave., University's personnel offices are in that building." ■charges of unfair labor The room reserved holds Lansing. Bixler responded to the for¬ Bices by the University only mal 15 people, so the hearings were complaint by moving the |bv the Student Workers T' "(SWU) today and Wed switched to 125 Nesbit Office hearings to the Food Stores i the Food Stores Bldg. on Harrison Road. Building conference room. SWU is charging the Univer¬ That site was not satisfactory sity in four unfair labor practice L Food Stores Building is to SWU, which sent a telegram complaints with interference in Jed on the southwest corner to Joseph Bixler, the adminis¬ trative law judge scheduled to union organizing efforts. irnpus behind Holden Hall An unfair labor practice is Trvice Drive. The k"* hear- hear the case. any restraint, coercive move or intimidating action taken by mangement to thwart or pre¬ clude union organization, mem¬ lervices slated bership The or activity. unfair complaints are: • An labor practice allegation that Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president of >r hall manager student affairs, made intimidat ing statements for publication Mobile homes like these may be subject to regulation if a bill in commission to regulate every SN photo/John Dickson facet of the mobile home against the SWU. the Michigan House of Representatives to form a mobile home Lrvices will be held Wednesday at MSU's Alumni Memorial • An allegation that Donald industry is passed. |pei for the manager of Mason-Abbott Hall, who passed away Schmidt, an area operations Jday. Peer G. Holtkamp. 48, was taken to the hospital Sunday food service manager, at¬ GROUP WOULD Kre he died from pneumonia complications. tempted to block a vote at a REGU ■oltkamp formerly was manager of Holmes and Wonders Halls, Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) so served as food service manager in Case Hall and asst. food meeting that would have given .ce manager at Brody Hall, loltkamp graduated from MSU in 1959 with Taurant and institutional management . a degree in hotel, support to the student union. • An allegation that a resi¬ dence hall food supervisor Mobile home council proposed |e was a member of the Civil Air Patrol, the mid- coerced and intimidated three Ihigan Go-kart Club and owner of Butter-bank Corp. student employes, saying they By FRED NEWTON sion that will regulate every tions require all new mobile laws dealing directly with mo¬ would have to work 40 out of office," Owen said. "The Je is also responsible for starting the Tea Room at Fort hour State News Staif Writer thing from the building and homes to have a fire extin¬ bile home safety restrictions fckinaw on Mackinaw Island. weeks and possibly lose money If all goes well, within the bill is currently in a House selling of mobile homes to guisher, a smoke detector and and regulations. committee and will hopefully be ■oltkamp is survived by his wife Diane, two sons Justin and by paying dues if a union was next few months Michigan may occupant density," Owen said. large windows that can be The commission would act as lothy, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Holtkamp of NewPort formed. have a mobile home commis- One part of the bill will allow kicked out in case of fire. advisory body, with the returned to the floor of the Ihey. Fla., and two brothers Rolf and William of Trumansburg. • An allegation that a resi- sion to regulate every facet of tenants to take their complaints Studies have shown that an House soon for a vote before V York. dence hall manager said, at a power to make changes in laws going to the Senate." the mobile home industry, to the mobile home commission. since mobile homes are only that would protect the mobile the services will be conducted at 1 p.m. by Dr. John Powell aiid meeting 0f hall management, A bill introduced in the one-third the size of conven¬ "This provision will give mo¬ home owner through licensing I. W. E. Michael. Interment will be at Glendale Cemetery in student government leaders Michigan House by Rep. Gary bile home tenants a voice in tional housing, they burn much and regulations. The bill was killed last year (DOS. and advisory personnel, that if due to lobbying opposition by Owen, D-Ypsilanti, designed to mobile home construction and faster. "What the commission will do he family will receive friends at Gorsline-Runciman East, 1730 a union was formed residence the Michigan Mobile Home regulate the mobile home in- complaints about living in mo¬ A mobile home study in is work through local govern¬ ftrand River Ave., on Tuesday between 2 and 4 p.m., and 7 and 9 hall fees would rise $50 per dustry would, if passed, be the bile home parks," Owen said. Industry. Oregon showed that fatality ments to enforce standards year- first law of its kind in the rates for mobile friends wishing to make contributions may give to the MSU A decision the Currently only state health, home fires is pertaining to mobile homes," on cases is not nation, twice that of conventional ol of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management for a safety and construction code Owen said. "If local govern¬ expected for about two weeks "The bill will create a nine- laws regulate the state mobile housing. ments fail in their obligation orial scholarship fund. after the hearings. member mobile home commis¬ home industry. These restric¬ Despite this, there are few then the mobile home commis¬ sion will step in." Currently local governments Sc/'enf/sfs required to enforce any are not Jt ELLEN SPONSELLER ■Sutf News Staff Writer from Carleton MSU, Ohio State and particles. Quarks are thought to Psi study particle." "We have not had any results If certain Psi combinations of mobile home restrictions. Last year a similar bill was introduced into the House and passed but state was later killed by Senate committee headed a University in Canada be the minute building block Scientists had to think of new yet, but we are hopeful." these particles appear, the by former state Sen. Phillip Jverybodv has their quirks. In has been developing experi ments funded by the National particles that make up protons names to describe Psi. Some Abolins said. "The Psi particle charm theory will be proved, Pittenger, R-Lansing. quarks have quirks. Even and neutrons. However, Psi decided to call the concept could prove to be a big step in opening up a whole new realm of "This year, many of the kned quarks have quirks, Science Foundation to test the have very unusual behavior and describing the quarks (building understanding the building of possible scientific study. people who opposed the bill are se they are particular to Psi particle discovered in properties anomalous to the blocks) of Psi "charm," and Psi stars. It could even have |Psi charm. November. concept of quarks. quarks "charmed quarks." importance in understanding lound like lingo from a Atoms are made up of pro¬ open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9 oo p m "Physicists had to come up Since the discovery of the Psi the origin of the universe." lity school, a fraternity or a tons, neutrons, and other with something new;*' said particle, physicists have been The scientists briefly outlined i science fiction movie? subatomic particles, including Maris Abolins, professor of racing to design experiments the procedure. A neutron beam Idly. The school is MSU, and Psi. Until now, scientists used physics. 'The old concepts can't and special equipment to test of 300 billion volts is aimed at a ■story is true. the theory of quarks to explain explain the extremely high ideas about charm and charmed target of the element beryllium. ■ 12 man group of physicists the properties of these mass or the long lifetime of the quarks. The MSU team was one When the beam hits the target, of the teams selected by the many particles shoot out. To Fermi National Accelerator sort out these Valentine's Day is February 14 particles, they schirhart approves charges Laboratory (Fermilab) Batavia, 111., to experiment in are directed toward a tube filled with gas that can be"tuned "to using Fermilab's specialized emit a flash of light whenever a high-energy equipment. specific kind of particle passes Igainst two murder suspects The MSU team includes John Matthews, asst. professor of physics, Ronald Sidwell, through it. In this way, the scientists said, they can predict what st research associate, and Abolins, particles should be coming out Lansing Circuit Court victim of the shooting, testified examiners revealed the techni¬ e Daniel L. who is the scientific spokesman and set up equipment to look for Tschi.-hart in the preliminary hearing cal aspects of the other men's loved all eight of the for the group. that specific particle. prose- about the shootings and the death. Jo's charges against two events preceeding them. If you could in East Lansing Gaulden is Ingham County Pros¬ The suspects will be arraign¬ ment murder Jan. 30 in a ecutor Raymond ed for trial Friday. Study in Scodeller's (roinary exam Monday. prime witness. read my mind.. Guadalajara, Mexico W Hall, 39.2302 Risdale Hall's attorney, H. Eugene The GUADALAJARA SUMMER [ and Leo McGill. 37. 129 Bennett, said that Gaulden's Feb 28, 1975 SCHOOL, a fully accredited UNI VERSITY OF ARIZONA program, T Ave., both of Lansing, testimony will be the "key to the will offer June 30 to August 9. ^formally charged with the Stated murders of John case." Charles Palmer, court- anthropology, art,education, folk¬ appointed counsel for McGill, lore. geography, history, govern¬ Fowler, Lawrence >P*1I and Charles Bovinette. said Gaulden is the prosecu tion's only eyewitness. MS DANCE ment, language and literature. Tuition and fees, S190 board and room with Mexican family $245. 'J *ere » with also charged with intent to kill and The afternoon testimony of Gaulden was part of a day of MARATHON Write to GUADALAJARA SUMMER SCHOOL. 413 New Psychology. " — Ityted armed robbery. ity of * ~ — examination in the East Lansing 1 A. Gaulden, only surviving court. In the morning, medical r 337-1721 85721. M50 REWARD 'OR JASON, MY IRISH SETTER, LAST SEEnI $150) Could you be |5WILES SOUTHWEST OF MT. PLEASANT, I WARY 18th. DARK RED, WITH WHITE I a nuclear expert? PR ON HEAD AND CHEST. CALL I (If so, you could earn more than $500 a month your Senior year.) F-4370 or 337-0902. ANY INFORMA-1 WOULD BE HELPFUL. Even if youre a Junior engineering or What then7 After graduation and Offi¬ physical science major, it's not too early to cer Candidate School, you'll get nuclear start thinking about your career And if you training from the men who run more than think you've got what it takes to become 70% of America's nuclear reactors Navy an expert in nuclear power, the Navy has men And an opportunity to apply that we've crossed T's with our graphics. . . WANTED a special program you should look into right away Why right away7 Because if you re se¬ training in the Navy's nuclear-powered fleet nostalgia prints, oldtime produce labels, Only about 200 men will be chosen for Undergraduates te lected, well pay you more than $500 a this program this year So, if youre inter western motifs, scenes of surfing, cycling rtlc|pate in Behavioral Research month during your Senior year. (If you are presently a Senior, you can still join the us >r sailing, to mention a few Get the picture? program Well begin paying you $500 a Our number is 351 6370. Ecru, light blue or yellow polyester/cotton Pn!e>S?fn' y°U wi" k® - for 1 -3 hours of your month as soon as you are selected ) Ptervi ln,®res,ed' come for a "pre-employment" knit background Sizes S,M,L,XL $5 t ,f,e wl" ^rU ~at °ny °ne f l"l# <0 *ooml04 Old* Holl of one of these times. For additional information Lt. Bob Lindner, U.S. Navy Tuesday at 1017 E. Grand River, directly will be in East Lansing each llll, across from the Red Barn Restaurant. Stop in F.b. ll.7( 7:30, I, 8:30, or 9 PM. or call 351 • 6370. Jaeobson's F#b' ,2: 7- 7*0. 1,1:30, or 9 PM. Be someone special Shop Kly' F*b' l3: 7 78, 8:30, or * PM. in the Nuclear Navy. '!j:£i;j|gr for your\Q m»n PETE DALY & 'Hannahgate' A veritable nest of corruption and graft has been undercovered in the MSU admini¬ stration, and insiders covertly tell us the in the shenanigans, along with "Jumpin' Jack" Breslin and his band of trustees. Perrin reportedly will cop a plea of guilty people recently. State News investigators also learned that MSU executive secretary Breslin was Wharton up from California educators bogus, and the evidence in our hands backs that claim. The job offer was addressed was situation will make Watergate look like a to a lesser charge of "wilfully to Clifford Wharton, a nonexistent person, using 'ast seen piloting an MSU bus headed east. mud puddle. University air" in return for fingering Informed sources tell us the bus was full of according to our contacts within the FBI. Investigators from the State News Ballard. Perrin told investigators that MSU trustees, and that the group is on its At a recent press conference, Wharton learned recently that Robert Perrin, vice Ballard has often taken University time to w*y to the Eastern Auto Show, now at the denied that he was even considering leaving president in charge of University relations, for California, or that he was involved in secretly rides a University-owned bicycle to any hanky panky allegedly committed by and from work every day. Perrin allegedly Perrin reportedly will cop a plea of guilty to a lesser charge of his underlings. makes frequent use of the cycle for his own "willfully using University air" in return for fingering Ballard. interests. "Now if you guys don't mind, step back When charged and let me unwrap my new, uh. ironing with the misconduct, Perrin vehemently denied everything. purchase fresh supplies of pungent cigars. Madison Square Garden in New York City. board," Wharton said. "No, But more seriously. Perrin alleges that Now, for the big news. never. Nope," Perrin said. The package had been delivered from the However, Perrin stood mute when Ballard's stogie habit is merely a cover for Sources close to Cowles House have told Weathervane, and the ironing board was • accused of his illicit use of JuJuBees, a confectionary our investigators that President Clifton using University air in the tires surprise to the hard-boiled Hannah Admin¬ of his children's not available in the Ad Building grill. Wharton has refused to release the secret bicycles. Witnesses at the istration building Press Corps. It had no MSI' motor pool have told the State News Upon being confronted with the charges, tapes that he does not have. Wharton is also legs but it did have a peculiar, keel-like fin Ballard ran over to the Union barbershop reputedly panicked by the uncoverup, and they are ready to answer grand jury underneath. Stamped on the shiney new subpenas to testify in the case. and purchased a "Mr. Natural" wig to cover preparing to board a banana boat for board was: "Hobie Sooper Surfer." The his "D.C." crewcut, which is no longer in California, where he would be safe from taijnt of "Hannahgate" has touched Later, informed sources said Wharton others in the Hannah Administration Build¬ fashion. extradition back to Michigan. loaded the "Hobie Sooper Surfer" ironing ing. Elliott G. "Feisty Al" Ballard, Whar¬ "I am not a good bureaucrat! I am not a An anonymous tipster within the admin board into a moving van parked in front of ton's chief hatchet man, has been implicated good bureaucrat!" Ballard shouted at news- istration said the recent job offer to Cowles House. Soson Ager Cditor-in-chwf WILLIAM SAFIRE Maureen Beninson Advertising Manoger R 0 Campbell Monogtng Editor Mike Arnett City Editor Tuesday, February 11, 1975 Dion* Silver Chris Dontelsor Melissa Poyton Steve Stein Dole Atkins June Detono Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Nationol Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Entertainment Editor U.S. must help Asian allies Tom Oren Copy Chief Editorials ore the opinions of the State somehow to blame for the continuance of Linda Sonde 1 Night Editor A communist rocket, fired with the intent outside, are prepared to fight authorized it; or even because oil News Viewpoints columns and letters of warfare, since we are unwilling to dictate a decades until tells the world that our word ore personal opinions. Pot Nardi Staff Representative killing civilians in the capital of Cam they win. The noncom to ogr2 bodia, exploded in a school and slaughtered surrender; that our allies are more evil than as least as good as the Soviets' word J a score of children. the enemy they are fighting. to fight on just as grimly for just as long, allies. Shocking pictures of the bodies of the That final assertion - that President provided we match the supplies from out¬ children appeared on nightly television Thieu is a "corrupt dictator" unworthy of side. Our allies may be weary, but they are Why are we so afraid to assert that! doing defend! EDITORIALS we are news and on front pages, bringing all the our aid - is made by longtime doves with a not bored; shall we now tell them we are no to help others selves horror of war once again into the American vested interest in his downfall, because longer willing to match the Soviet contribu¬ against Communist-spA aggression is the right thing to do?cl living room. thev predicted his collapse the moment we tion to their enemies, and they should plan Had the rocket been pulled our troops out of Vietnam, but there for defeat? painful, nervecrackingand whenThinl supplied by U.S. aid, fired by he stands, two years later, an obstacle to If we do cut off supplies and let the journalists, infuriating - but essejf or recipients of U.S. aid, the Give Jondahl anguished uproar would have been heard in the halls of Congress and in every cranny of takeover by North Vietnam and - worse yet - a reproof to those who were so Communists win, consider the effect on the United States. First, we will save a billion moral. The measure of our success is the land to "stop the killing" and deny the certain he had no indigneous support. dollars a year and more, for many years; making peace, since the Communist murdering attackers one more round of One basic fact stares us in the face: there that's good. Next we will tell the world that victory and not peace, but in helpii State Rep. Lynn Jondahl, two sides get together since one ammunition. no South Vietnamese we will not allies to continue to resist as long J are troops killing help an ally defend itself from D-East Lansing, will hopefully side has just what the other is But it was a Communist rocket, financed anybody in North Vietnam; there are Communist takeover for longer than one pressure is on. hard facts in his in Peking or Moscow and launched by the plenty of North Vietnamese troops fighting decade; that's not good. uncover some looking for. Khmer Rouge, who are trying to overthrow today in South Vietnam. It is still the South Moreover, there is the possibility that we As. Sen. Jackson begins to w investigation of the refund "dis¬ It is not impossible that the a noncommunist government. Therefore, that is defending itself from sustained will be embarrassed by the severity of the Vietnam, just as Sen. Percy fij agreement" between the state legislature did, in fact, pressure after a humanitarian wince of pain, the attack from the North. local consequences of Communist victory. expedient to waver in support of Isra legislature and MSU MSU into stopping its refunds. But reaction here is muted. We shudder and Forget about that, says a weary majo¬ This is that hoary chestnut, the "bloodbath ought to ask ourselves what kind ofapl we are becoming. Do we stand administrators. turn away. rity: American did its bit If the South argument." When Nelson Rockefeller ready* it is also a fact that MSU i? the only That is because we are bored with Vietnamese allies help themselves, or do we letthf cannot defend themselves by raised it recently, he was roundly de A December State News story major college in Michigan on the Southeast Asia's endless warfare, frus¬ cannot be nounced by people who are absolutely hang after a certain length o( time1 now, we expected to support reported MSU administrators per credit tuition system which trated by our inability to end it once and for them forever. That goes for the Cam¬ certain that no wholesale executions will Much more is at stake here than tM claimed the state legislature abstains from offering a 100 per all; a large congressional group now bodians as well. follow the Communist victory. Such of one regime, or the expenditure of sn forced them into restricting their cent refund at some time during seriously proposes to let it end by cutting Foolishly, responsible officiala in the certainty must be comforting, since it runs hundred millions or the justificationoj off supplies to our allies so they will lose and United States repeat the light-at the-end-of- contrary to much experience. refund policy for dropped classes the term. positions. Either America will renfl be quiet. the-tunnel argument; just another year's The reason why the United States should strong force against worldwide tota0 with the threat of a cut in aid, just Furthermore, administrators They tell us that our allies are at fault for a billion or so more, and we'll win. continue aid to people fighting communist coercion or she will turn inward and| appropriations as a wedge. from the other major schools have the killing that comes with their continued That's nonsense. takeover is because we are on the side of downward. resistance to overthrow; that our word is We should know by now that Communist human freedom. Not because we lost 50,000 Elliott Ballard, assistant to said they have not received any our bondage, and the United States is aggressors, financed and supplied from men in Vietnam, or because the Congress (C) 1975 New York Times President Wharton, says he has pressure whatsoever from the documented proof that this is so. legislature in relation to their Jondahl, on the other hand, is refund policies. No slaver looking for just such proof in the It is therefore imperative that legislature, so far without results. Ballard's information be I'm writing in reference to a If this issue is to be resolved immediately relayed to Jondahl or written by Salama A. El-Shawaf 1 quickly, it is only logical that the Nelson. appeared in the State News on Feb.! El-Shawaf s remarks regarding Jew* Manipulated radio fluence and Zionist influence in the II As a journalism teaching assistant at States are reminiscent of remarks mil MSU, I am constantly reminding my Joseph Goebbels in Nazi German! Stock answer students of the importance of fair and accurate reportage. But if what I saw of the asserts that "many of the people in America may be consideil massj area's professional newsmen at last slaves, or at least Zionist foothold* The conflict of interest charge her stock holdings to immediately Tuesday's East Lansing City Council refers to the remarks of the Geor leveled against East Lansing City curtail any questions of a conflict. Brown regarding Jewish influence ifl meeting is indicative of their ranks, I may Clerk Beverly Colizzi by politico An investigation by the city be teaching the wrong people. country as evidence. Mark Grebner is one that requires My concern centers around the broadcast In nations where a one party M council is also in order to bring out immediate attention. media's coverage of Mark Grebner, an MSU system exists, newspapers, such i all the facts. student who appeared before council. Ahram of Cairo, write articles accord! Colizzi owns an undetermined A qualified commendation is in Grebner, a self proclaimed activist, accused government policy. However, the! amount of stock in Computer City Clerk Beverly Colizzi of a conflict of media in the United States, despiB Election order for Grebner for laying what Systems, which has done interest, charging that she owned a faults, docs represent a wide scope | $60,000 worth of business with little information he had on the line "substantial" number of shares in a Los bility or check out his charges 0n their own. political spectrum. 1 think that I East Lansing within the past three and banking it against a possible Angeles based firm which makes the voting I won't argue that what Grebner did say Cool on Coors journalists in the United States J years. libel suit. machines used by the city. Grebner also was not news, but I do think as reporters (I After drinking Coors recently, we cannot agree that they are neither slavj As a public official it is Colizzi's complained that the city had not properly was one for nearly seven years) we have a understand what all the brouhaha is about. Zionist footholds. J Only by this shaky method of contracted for firms to tabulate the election responsibility to present a fair and accurate What also puzzles us is the fact that people In equating Zionist footholds t#< in duty to avoid even the appearance accusation was the knowledge of results and as a consequence, the company report of what goes on at City Hall. I don't media to Jewish influences, Mr- E'j travel thousands of miles for Coors, when of a conflict of interest. doing the job padding its fails to make a vital differentiation bf Owning Colizzi's stock holdings publicized. now was think you guys did in this case. they can cruise to their local beer store and Zionism and Judaism. F urthermort stock in expenses. David Reddick Computer Election Hopefully this will be the end of obtain some of America's only fire-brewed should he single out Jews from Systems does appear to be such a the long-standing Grebner-Colizzi After Grebner's call for an into these matters failed to investigation E704 Owen Hall beer. We're speaking of the pride of Detroit American population? the| gain council conflict. She should therefore sell feud. — Stroh's. Mr. El Shawafs ludicrous coimw support, he left the council chambers and held an impromptu press conference with Dictatorship David Hackem Kevin Markwardt garding the role of Zionism in thee the local broadcast representatives in the 270,271 E. McDonel Hall presidents, the assasination of»P" hallway outside. The article by Salama A. El-Shawaf titled the resignation of a president, Congress Perhaps caught up in the excitement of the moment, I asked Grebner in full view of the other media people how many sources "Zionist Slaves" in the Feb. 6 State News brought back memories to many, I hope. I have not always agreed with or con¬ American dream dent's cabinet, and the armed orw| United States are spurious andI «■— I invite him to provide us witn he had to substantiate his charges. He doned the position or use of American evidence. ,.hl| Over 4,000 bills have been House leaders claim that candidly replied that he had three sources, policies. And though the American dream It is my impression that the ASMSU I also question the few we d*| introduced in the 94th Congress, members are returning to the two of which were "shaky at best" and upon has not always been sweet, it has been board should represent the undergraduate who are buying U.S. land reso 1 but only two have been passed home fires to assess the feelings of further questioning admitted his other sought. body and not act as a rubber stamp for a effort to increase and enhance w«■ j since Jan. 14. Congress does their constituents, but their lips source had heard the information second¬ And I, for one, can still wave the flag of board president who is "continually powerful economic situation. "I nothing but vote for delays, while hand. the American idea to persons like Mr. annoyed and frustrated" at not being able their private wealth is going "J curl upward as they say it. Since To my mind, Grebner's reply deflated his El-Shawaf who believe the best way to deal to run roughshod over the board. Under tudes of poor in the Arab na, ■ important legislative work the House has only met for a total credibility to make the charges in the first with people who think differently is to graduates do not pay $1.50 a year in taxes remains undone. With citizens out of 22 hours and 3 minutes in 26 place. However, I was interested in seeing ostracize them. to ASMSU to support a board of puppets whether the professional media would also We have seen this policy before in the who will not consider the wishes of the of jobs, Congress should not be days, a recess should not be the pick up on the answer. deep South, in Nazi-occupied Europe, in student dawdling. Bills concerned with tax cuts, most time. pressing business at this To my dismay, of the five radio news broadcasts I monitored early next morning, South Africa and in countries which An body. Short division! practice race purification and class pre¬ example of what could occur on a the energy program, the investi¬ only one station, WKNR, made any scale unfortunal e'g,ll mass result of the election of judice. as a a It is obvious and The prolonged debate in the reference to Grebner's sources and it only However, Mr. El-Shawaf is right when he political slate is the action taken by the gation of the CIA and aid to the board on Tuesday night in which W. McKay bases his »P>«°n J Penn Central Senate concerns Rule 22 which, reported that he refused to divulge them. says a Zionist can become a cabinet member they voted Railroad are WILS, WVIC and WJIM, which did report or even president. And soon, I hope, so will not to fund Ziegler's visit. This was in emotions in his Feb. 5 let *1 gathering dust while the Senate is ironically, deals with filibusters. on the meeting, were content, however, to of spite have split one generation into | a woman, black or Indian. The American numerous protests. engaged in a filibuster and the The unemployed millions watch in merely enumerate Grebner's charges, dream is not perfected by any measure, but the "now generation, F» u I House is getting ready to go on wordless wonder as the Senate complete with a voice tape of him, and then it is better than the nightmares that have The ASMSU board exists to serve grads. He has also tab* J vacation. debates rules for debate. end with a curt "no comment" from Mrs. wracked the world in the past. students, not to dictate to them. The office youths" many of us who, I j M Colizzi. WFMK, the fifth station I Mr. El-Shawaf, here you have the right to of ASMSU president has been established have the right to vote. Finally. The House recess hasn't As long as senseless Congres¬ to execute board Are those of us who wa monitored, made no mention of the meeting speak your policies. But if you want to act decisions, not to dictate officially begun, and it wiU meet sional inaction continues, the at all. them out, I suggest you head for Arab them. A vote for a presidential candidate Ziegler really wallowing •» * three times over the next 10 days. and his slate at spring registration would naivete, or maybe bei g options of the average person on My point is simply this: the area's radio countries that still practice the ideology of But why bother when the highlight the street stations fell victim to a classic example of their allies of World War II. Here in the free end what little representativeness there is viewing both sides of the is. are reduced consider¬ in student government and create a de facto Feb. 25 and talk about it- P of scheduled action is the Feb. 17 media manipulation. They merely reported world the fires of Dacheu and the thoughts ably. With the Senate in filibuster the "spectacular" (borrowing Grebner's that lit them can still be smelted. dictatorship. blame your generation. reading of George Washington's and the House on vacation, who word) comments on an individual without T.L. Hine IlnUlfli"^' farewell address? can he or she write letters to? Shelley Nolan making any effort to challenge his credi¬ 635 Abbott Road 221 Landon Hall Ljn State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 11, 1975 5 I DEALS WITH EMOTION Center helps disturbed children By ALLAN LENGEL Though not all the parents of these State News Staff Writer children require therapy, Barnes The problems which confront an emotion¬ said, those who do are not ally disturbed child go beyond the normal always willing to cooperate. "It's hard for some of these ones of growing up. parents to ac¬ cept the responsibility of why these For children like Johnny, who throws things rocks at little girls on the are happening to their child," he said. playground, or "They often end up blaming the school David, who starves for attention from the system or the neighborhood children for teacher and gets it by swearing and throw¬ their child's difficulties," he said. ing temper tantrums, professional help is Barnes said parents are more needed. willing to accept therapy when the child is younger. The Lincoln Center, which is located in "After they reach southwest Lansing and is funded adolescence, the par¬ by the Tri- ents find it hard to accept the fact they've County Mental Health Board, provides raised a trouble child," he said. treatment for emotionally disturbed persons While Barnes said there was no up to age 18. pattern in the families of clients, he did Because the degree of emotional illness say that the most prevalent characteristic was that of the ranges from those children who aggressive¬ separated or divorced parent. ly act out their problems to children who live 'The child is many times in a world within themselves, the center is subjected to the parents' shaky relationship and often times divided into four distinct divisions. the parents Sharon Katt, a day treatment attempt to get the child to supervisor, choose sides," he said. explained that the divisions include a day Barnes said that another division of the treatment center, an outpatient program, a center includes a school where 60 children school and a halfway house. The house is still attend on a regular basis, in the process of being established. mostly from the Katt summed up the center Lansing area. by saying: He said that the school is "We consider ourselves a last-ditch effort run by the before hospitalization. It's Lansing School District and that the Lincoln quite likely these Center provides some of its services. kids would be in an institution right now." The school also provides services outside She explained that the day treatment the center to various school districts in the center provides therapy for 16 severely tri-county area. emotionally disturbed children who are un¬ "The halfway house, which is a able to function in school because of residential per home for eight children, is in the ceptual motor handicaps and speech defects. process of 'The reason that these children can't being established," Barnes said. "We need a place like this," he said. SN Photos/Dave Olds function in school is not because "Right _ they're stu¬ pid," she said. "It's that their environmental now there's no place for an adolescent to live < Robert W. Barnes, director of Lincoln Center for emotionally in the area, disturbed children and youth in deficits get in their way. except for a home for delin¬ Lansing, explains the various "We don't have an academic quents." programs that the center offers. program for these kids. We're preparing them so they can learn academically." Katt said that a typical day for a child consist of spending 30 minutes with pational therapist who might work may an occu¬ on coor¬ Tories may elect female leader dination skills, another 30 minutes in recre¬ IA recreational therapist works on a one-to-one basis in the ational therapy and intervals of 15 minutes day LONDON (AP) — Can a female financial wizard whip a male leatment center for the emotionally disturbed at Lincoln Center in the day room where the child plays under establishment candidate in the battle for Oxford-educated research chemist and tax lawyer, daughter of a I Lansing. the supervision of a therapist. leadership of Britain's small town grocer, wife of an oil executive, and mother of Conservative Tory party? The bookies and a The adolescents have different needs than leading- newspaper 21-year-old twins. the younger children, and Katt said say yes, and today they should find out for sure. Whitelaw candidate of the ex-Heath establishment. He made they Margaret Thatcher, 49-year-old former education secretary, is — often have "talk therapies." his mark as Secretary for Northern Ireland in the Heath in the race to become Britain's first woman "They get together in a group and do party leader. government of 1970-74. A landowner, ex-soldier and first-class bmporary media budget She is running against William Whitelaw, whatever they want to do," she 58-year-old former golfer, he has long experience as a party manager. explained. minister for Northern Ireland and political pro with long "If they need to scream, yell, James Prior also a landowner and at 47 the regress or just experience as a party manager, and three other men. — youngest in the act wild we let them do this as field. He is a former minister and solicitor long as they With the regulv swing in British general. lailable for inspection don't hurt themselves or anyone else." Not every child requires such therapy. Robert Barnes, thorough director of the and Labor, success would make Thatcher eventually become Britain's first politics between Conservative woman a virtual prime minister. The 276 members of the Conservative caucus in the House certainty to John Peyton — 55 and also a lawyer, with more than 20 Parliament without reaching cabinet rank. He is considered of center. years in right I temporary budget for the Student Lincoln Center, explained that the of The latest odds in Britain's temporary chairman of SMAB. outpat¬ Commons will vote Tuesday to pick a successor to Edward Heath, legal betting shops were 5 to 4 on I Appropriations Board (SMAB) will The budget will be ient program treats about 400 clients. Thatcher, meaning you bet $5 in the hope of winning $4. Whitelaw formally approved by whom Thatcher toppled in a first vote last week without eased sometime late this SMAB at a meeting He said some of these children can still winning was rated 6 to 5 against. morning tonight at 7:30 in the outright majority which would have made the job hers. ill be available in 334 Student 328 Student Services Bldg. function in a regular school A poll by the Daily Mail also made Thatcher the front setting but often In last week's ballot, she polled 130 votes runner. Idg. run into the problems of against Heath's 119. The Mail said it asked 265 Commons members how Appeals regarding the temporary budget making friends, She needs 139 for outright victory. If no candidate reaches that they planned I budget, originally scheduled to be appropriations will be heard at a meeting always being unhappy or constantly crying. to vote. Of 159 who replied, 79 were for Thatcher, 40 for figure, the top three will go into a third vote Thursday, this titfie' Whitelaw, 10 for Howe and 6 each for Prior and Peyton with 18 i early Monday morning, Barnes said that the staff of eight social took Thursday night at 7:30 in 328 Student by proportional representation. t to put together than the board Services Bldg. A final budget should come workers'ind psychologists provide therapy Here "don't knows." CjCjO' are the candidates: lers thought it would, said Dan Dever, out early next week. on a one-to-one basis, for one hour a week. Thatcher If this pattern holds true in the vote, Thatcher would coiiect — Conservative spokeswoman on finance. She is an about 150 votes and by tonight would be acclaimed as party leader. fioj CASH Y CARRY TAR W SPARTAN, CONCENTRATE, 12 oz. CAN faii|- HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR SPECIALS ORANGE JUICE 39' 1 qt. CARTONS Polled Tulips - *550 ea. BANQUET, 8 oz. PKG TURKEY, CHICKEN, BEEF BUTTER MILK Cut Tulips - M50 doz. POT PIES 22< OR HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR, Tl Cut Iris - *4S0 doz. '/. GAL. CARTON CHOCOLATE MILK ^ Cut Daffodils .FRENCH ICE CREAM $119 3/$l0( ^ $450 doz. f IIIAMV GRADE A WHOLE \ CHICKEN FRYERS 43V,b. (HINT FORGET 80% LEAN OR BETTER J'OIR VINE RIPE SWEETHEART ON TOMATOES 397,! HAMBURGER FROM Ground Chuck 88e/ib. KLEYTINES DAY FEB. 14th 38 FL. oz. BOTTLES LEAN TENDER FRESH WESSON OIL PORK STEAK 88e/.b. Register for BROCCOLI 49eP« HEARTLAND. 16 oz. PKG MEATY COUNTRY STYLE BONELESS . I FLORAL CO. 10nruaryuJ Track fans treated to MS"1'*' *\ 3-ring circus By CHRIS DANIELSON t the two mflej Wisoonsin'a Mark Johnson had still working out and will be back for Snri„„, State Newa Sports Writer made the crowd forget that they Were missing the performance of Meanwhile, women thinclads Sue Latter Pi k Air force Academy hurdler T.G. Parker winged his w»y over the premier three miler Pat Davey, Tennessee's Olympic prospect Flanagan $pent a busy night haulinK from Birmingham, who was sidelined by a freak practice injury and announcer's table and the awards last hurdle at 1:30 p. m. Saturday to become the first of 47 runners to podium re ^ break the tape in the 52nd annual Michigan State Relays. the flu. Johnson, running with machinelike precision, lapped half Reflecting about the absence „f trophies ,, the field in winning Davey's event by 17 seconds. women s track Dozens of long jumpers already had been leaping for an hour, and it would be another seven hours and four hurdle races until Parker Another crowd pleaser was lost during the afternoon session invitational. Utter said she men's track stars handing out J?,?1 awards at th.' took sixth place in the 70-yard high hurdle finals. when Tennessee flash Reggie Jones, from Saginaw, experienced Ung after the last medal had been passed coach F ran Dittrich was asked if he was At 10:30 p.m.. Darryl Williams, Western Michigan University muscle problems. The fastest.of them all, MSU's Marshall Dill, for 38 years of service in the surpni h(J freshman from Grand Rapids, missed his third high-jump attempt at seven feet and settled for first place without a record. His sported a wide-brim leather hat as he watched the futile attempt on his world record in the 300-yard dash from the infield. the time. However, the opening cerem'T entry of a mammoth teammates headed for the locker room and a handful of die-hards Dill, who is ineligible winter term for academic reasons, says he's the track equipment drowned out ended 10 hours of spectating. all but his w!Ll cl*l Between Parker's first lunge for the string and Williams' last collision with the high jump bar. approximately 2,800 paying track fans heard Jenison Fieldhouse resound with midair curses of an unsuccessful pole vaulter, grunts of burly shot-putters, agonized screams from a disqualified relay team and dozens of from the starter's pistol. sharp reports Big Ten v Furlow case Spartan followers saw two-miler Herb Lindsay win his event in meet and fieldhouse record time, girl-watchers were treated with forthcoming fedaj award presentations by three stars from the Spartan women's track team and those who missed Herb Washington and Marshall Dill's performances of yesteryear saw Wisconsin's sprint medley take next advantage of the fast Tartan turf to set a world's record. The meet's evening session bore a strong resemblance to a three-ring circus. While Wisconsin's Karl Johnson demonstrated By MIKE LITAKKR "I'm confident the commissioner will make a in the new discus-style heaving from the shot-put ring (he finished State News Sports Writer what he saw in the films while he was here' Whether or not MSU forward Terry Furlow will be in uniform third). high jumpers and pole vaulters crashed into landing pits and Monday. ;'We've been punished as a team and TerrvsTJ this Saturday when the Spartans take on Minnesota in Jenison been tarnished as a player. He's panting runners circled the whole show. «*• rtjfch* Ju£ For many competitors the meet was a game of inches. Tennessee Fieldhouse will be decided in the next few days. The Big Ten rule on been publiclv pun'she?! triple-jumper Paul Jordan almost jumped completely over the Big Ten Commissioner Wayne Duke. Asst. Commissioner several years ago unsportsmanlike conduct following a brawl between the w?/ \\1 * sandy landing pit in setting a field house record for his event. And Charles D. Henry and Conference Supervisor of Officials Herman OWoState basketball teams in which several Rohrig met here Friday with MSU basketball coach Gus Ganakas, If Furlow is found players Si «. f • toe prints in the strangely out of place patch of sand convicted dozens of long jumpers of overshooting their take-off mark. faculty representative John Fuzak, Athletic Director Burt Smith guilty for his part in the either be reprimanded, put on LideE] SN Photo/Leo Salinas and Furlow regarding the punch Furlow threw at Illinois forward probation or susDendJk 1 MSll long jumper John Ross lands a quarter- MSU's only win was a spectacular one. Lindsay trailed Eastern Rick Schmidt during the Feb. 1 game in Champaign. Ten for an indefinite period of games. P ^M Michigan's Tom Hollander — who he had never beaten — by a step Ganakas said Furlow and Schmidt met on the court folia- inch short of fourth place at the Michigan State for the first 14 laps of their 16-lap race. Lindsay pulled "We'll know the result of the commissioner's decision in the next past game and apparently straightened out their Hollander with 440 yards to go, and strode away to crack Rob day or so. We don't have any idea at this time what that decision Ganakas, who has been tight differences.! Relays in Jenison Fieldhouse Saturday. |ipp(.,l thr(J Tennessee's Greer Radcliff, the winner, jumped Cool's Spartan two mile record by seven seconds. might be," Smith said Monday. investigation, said that Bartow called him and was am,w Cool, who was a curb judge during the record performance, was word of the investigation had leaked just 8 inches further than Ross. one of the first to congratulate Lindsay. Smith said an official complaint by Illinois was lodged with the newsman after Illinois had out through rid Big Ten office Thursday, largely due to the crusading efforts of Schmidt's mother. allegedly tried to keep it qu"Li "I've heard that Pick's mother went to Illinois coach (Gene) Negro league great gains Hall foj Bartow, the Illinois athletic dept. and the commissioner, so I'd say she had a hand in stimulating some of the interest," Smith said. Women Duke and his contingent reviewed the game films and, according NEW YORK (UPI) - Wil¬ ballpark, Philadelphia Athletics The 75 1924 and 1925 when he hit .369 to Smith, may have found several instances which led to the - year old Johnson Furlow Schmidt altercation. Connie Mack Western liam owner manager (Judy) Johnson, the weighed only 150 pounds when and .392 to lead Hilldale into - Brooks Robinson of the negro once wrote. "If only Johnson the first two "We did see some incidents in the film that might have led to the he played, but was an excellent championship baseball white, he could write his later incident," Smith said, adding that pushing, leagues who used to were slap hitter, hitting over .300 in series of the negro leagues. shoving and wait on tables in order to play own ticket." seven of the nine seasons for elbowing were seen in the film on the part of both teams. MSU's women's basketball Johnson ning of the season. Butno* winter ball in Florida, Monday which statistics are available. was a manager and squad will try to extend its Even after the so called team captain during part of his said, it is starting to coraej became the sixth player admit¬ Two of his best seasons were five game winning streak to her expectations. color barrier came down in ted to baseball's Hall of Fame playing career and baseball was night when it hosts Western "The team is baseball shortly after Johnson a full time preoccupation for starting^ by the "black old-timers" com¬ retired as a player, he was Michigan at 6 in the lower gym Baile commented. "We hi mittee. him. of the Women's Intramural Johnson, who played a su¬ perhaps a victim of the slow integration of the sport. Swordsmen Johnson joined many other Building. reached our peak yet, butt gaining depth, and we're I perb third base for Philadel¬ black stars in waiting on tables The squad is coming off a ing to use i phia's Hilldale Daisies and the Many of his contemporaries 7840 win over Grand Valley ff.ttsburg Crawfords in the in the negro leagues credit win twice and playing ball to entertain the guests at Palm Beach, Fla„ State at home Saturday after "We have passing and to work movements i « "•20s and '30s, joined Satchel Johnson with having great but I think the team has a hotels as a form of winter Paige, Josh Gibson, Buck Leo¬ baseball sense, but he was "We're not afraid of anyone," baseball. The Spartans will once again long way since the begiui nard, Monte Irvin and James The women's intramural in than three never afforded the opportunity Spartan fencing coach Charlie more swimming be relying on the scoring efforts the season." "Cool Papa" Bell as specially Johnson, who lives in Mar all university swimming meet events, including the of coaching or managing in the Schmitter boasted after his relays. of Linda Stoick, who is averag¬ elected members of the Hall by shallton, Del., failed to per¬ will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- All participants are eligible for major leagues, However, he Spartans successful weekend ing 21 points per game, and the the Committee of Negro Base¬ did serve as a scout and an performance in Madison, Wis. suade the Phillies that $3,500 they are entered in three Goldscjimidland Diane Phillips. Schmitter's fencers upped Having seen Johnson's slick A's before becoming a scout for to pay for an Indianapolis hall, sorority and independent swimmingevents. Coach Mikki Bail? feels the their dual meet record up to 8 3 fielding at the old Hilldale the Philadelphia Phillies. Clowns'youngster named Hank teams will compete. H There is contest against WMU will be Tennessee's Saturday by winning two of Aaron. no erttry fee for the different from the squad's other broke meet and fieldhoa three matches in a triple dual All entries must be turned in competition. But he games this season. cords in the triple jumpi meet. MSU dropped host was more successful to 121 Women's Intramural The deadline for entry in the "Our match against Western Michigan State Relays! MAC champs Wisconsin, 14-13, and Wiscon¬ sin Parkside, 20-7, but lost to in the case of Dick Allen. "That's the best looking Bldg. by noon Thursday. men's intramural one-on-one basketball tournament is noon Michigan will be a different one for sure," Baile said. "The day. not the long ji Air Force, 17-10. The order of events include reported in Monday's I prospect Fve ever seen. Please diving first, followed by the Friday. Everyone playing must Broncos have not lost a game all News. His leap m don't lose him," Johnson recalls meet in Jenison Fieldhouse at 7 season and 6'/«. they have a lot of Spartan wr telling the Phillies. "Then we went out there (Wampum, Pa.) and signed him." 100-yard medley relay, the 25 butterfly, 25 freestyle, 25 breastroke, 50 freestyle, 25 p.m. Sunday. Signup for the tourney is in 201 Men's Intra¬ mural talent." Baile admitted her squad started out slow at the MSU's John Ross took! the long jump, i backstroke and the 100 free¬ Bldg. begin jump, with a leap of 23-I Ohio University, the defending Mid-American Conference MSU was led by its sabre 'MAC! champion, will invade the Men's Intramural Building Johnson will be inducted into style relay. sports squad. Jack Tintera went 7-1, and teammates Mike Bradley the shrine at Cooperstown, Each team may enter four arena at 3 p.m. today for a match with Grady Peninger's Spartan wrestlers. and George Tam followed right N.Y., Aug. 18, along with Ralph women in each event, or two DELIA TAU DELIA FRATERNITY PRESENTS The Spartans, 8-5 in dual meets, are hoping to bounce back from behind with 7-2 marks. Kiner, Earl Averill, Billy teams in the team events. Herman and Bucky Harris. Contestants cannot an 18-12 trimming by Michigan Saturday in Ann Arbor. participate rr Ohio University is currently 10-3 in dual meets. RESEARCH MS DANCE FOR SIRENCIH 7i Kurt Blank, the 1974 MAC 177 pound champ, will pose the toughest threat to the Spartans. Blank, who finished sixth in the nationals last year, will square off with MSU's Jeff Hersha. DID YOU FORGET?? Thousands of Topics done* Marathon for Ohio University also sports another standout in 126 - pounder $2.75 per page \l\ TO ORDER RED ROSES o Multipl* Sclerosis © Meridian Mall Dave Hopkins, who will probably oppose defending NCAA champ Send for your up to-date. 160-page, FOR VALENTINES DAY Pat Milkovich. mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 Milkovich returned to action against Michigan Saturday, to coyer postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). «om BARNES FEBRUARY 21, 22 & 23, 1975 winning 6-1 over Rich Lubell. RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2 FLORAL LOS ANGELES. CALIF 90025 WIN A JAMAICA VACATION *Ou 1213)477-8474 or 477 5493 OF EAST LANSING (7 days with all expenses paid) Ouf research materia! Is told tor WIN JOHNDEERE 10 SPEED BIKES restarcft assistance only. 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 WIN COLOR TELEVISION FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION WIN DOWN FILLED VESTS, FROM RAUPP CAMPFITTERS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WIN K-Z SKI EQUIPMENT, TENNIS EQUIPMENT, LUGGAGE WATCHES, TROPHIES AND OTHER SPECTACULAR PRIZES V# TOl Tom and the Mariah staff CARDS * :: Congratulations on another groat show and REGISTER NOW (ALL 337-1721 •• •• by American Greeting • • • • sell-out with Weisberg. •• •• • • •• • • • • I'm sure the same will hold true for •• ©• Notice: CAMPUS BOOK STORE • • • • Loudon Wainwright III this weekend. •• •• 607 E. Grand River • • • • •• •• Last Week for Winter Term Bool • • •• aa o□□□□□□□□□a□□□□□ a • • From: Paul and the Pop Entertainment gang •• ° For all MICHIGAN STATE •••••••••••••*•••« •••••••••»#•««••••••••»* University Students, □ ••••••• Beginning next week, we will begin setting up luniks □ pf m Faculty and immediate family □ for spring quarter, 1975. □ □ JAMAICA We'll still try to b°°k, I Arby's □ □ □ help you find your winter term □ but we don't delay. Thanks o$nrQoo Montego Bay □ □ suggest you § ^0 w -•• •' March 16 - 23, 1975 □ □ 7 NightS (During Spring Break ) □ PRESENT THIS COUPON □ • Round trip jet via Air Jamaica Party Jet O • Gourmet meal service in flight ^ • In-Flight Fashion Show TZ EAST LANSING LJ fj □ □ • Rum bamboozles in flight *7 nights hotel • Jamaican • AND MORECocktails 1 Ll n d □ □ 270 W. Grand Rivor next to LANSING the Bus Station 3flmv1r$O00 Roast Beet Sandwiches For mKM NSIH Open 7:30 to 5:30 Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 4621 W. Saginaw '/i mile oast of th* SAVE 67* BOOKSTORE BSllllgill Lansing Mall Good after 3 p.m., Fob. 11,12,13 q aaaaaa□a □ □ o □ □ □ □ n oa □□ (limit 2 coupons por cuatomor) n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 11, 1975 9 from those who care enough to put it in print. | iitmtiw ]@ f @ FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank j Apartaeits ]gg tpartants Rooms CHEVELLE SS 396, 1970. Many OPEL, 1970, runs well, rebuitt extras. Interested buyers only. engine, fair body, $560-best offer. OWN BEDROOM, female. In GRAND LEDGE large attractive Call Paul, 351-8058. 4-2-14 484-8281. 3-2-11 duplex, $75, plus utilities. one bedroom. $150 unfurnished, 332-5923. 5-2-12 $160 furnished. Faculty or married CHEVY LUV pick - up, 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA 1963. Runs preferred. Call collect, Westphalia 24,000 miles, good condition, TWYCKINGHAM, ONE male , ™ «— AIRPORT AREA, clean quiet com¬ good, cheap transportation. Any ? 2 12 ONE 355-8255 $1,900. Call 361-3935 after 4:30 needed immediately to sublet 4 fortable. Private entrance, parking, price reasonable Must sell. I Student Service! Bids. pm. 5-2-17 353-4240. 2-2-12 man until June. 351-0762. 5-2-12 CAPITOL AREA-near LCC, 2 bed¬ bath, linens. $20. 484-1766. 7-2-13 room furnished, carpeted, utilities, ■UTOMOTIVE CHEVY CAPRICE, 1966, 64,000 NEW CEDAR VILLAGE - 2 men $165. For girls or married couple. FURNISHED-FULL house priv¬ ■coolers & Cydas miles, power steering, new battery TEMPEST 1968. New shocks, needed for 4 man. spring term. No children or pets. Also effici¬ ileges, utilities paid, February free. muffler and paint. Snow tires and Jorts « Sarvica brakes under warranty, AM/FM trailer hitch. $550 or best offer. 38. 10-2-24 ency apartment $85, for single girl. Bus one block. 482-0531. 5-2-11 friction 8-track, six good tires, $375. 337-7237. 3-2 13 485-5125. 3-2-12 SPRING TERM 3 - man apart¬ Phone 489-1276. 5-2-13 PENNSYLVANIA HPIOYMENT AVENUE, ment. Waters Edge, $82.50/per- CEDAR VILLAGE, woman needed South near Michigan Avenue. R RENT CORVAIR MONZA 1965. VEGA, 1973 - 2 door, automatic, Auto¬ son. 332-8484. 4-2-14 spring term for clean, quiet apart¬ Quiet for students. $65/month portmenfs radio, 9,000 actual miles. Like ment. $78. 332-8924. 3-2-11 matic, 47,000 miles, 2-door. Great plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. new. 351-5747. 3-2-13 car $400. 337 2744. 5-2-12 OKEMOS, UNFURNISHED two 7-2-19 bedroom apartment. Idea! for EAST LANSING - close - in, un¬ CORVETTE COUPE i~968~ VEGA, 1971, automatic, blue small family or students with car. furnished 3 rooms and bath, CLOSE. SHARE house, own Very jor sale ■nimols good condition. 327, 4 speed Notchback, 40,000 miles. Excellent condition, $750. 372-4416. 5-2-11 $175. 349-2567. 5-2-17 married couple or single women furnished room, big yard, parking, must sell. 393-8890. 4-2-14 only. $165/month. Phone 332- $83/March. 332-0460. 5-2-17 Jdobile Homas SOUTH SIDE. One bedroom, 5988 after 6 p.m. 5-2-13 CUSTOMIZED FIREBIRD 1971, ROOM FOR rent, furnished house, jOST & found 350 3-speed, power VOLKSWAGEN, 1968-automatic, upstairs. Furnished, utilities paid. Crsonal steering, 4 rebuilt engine, new brakes, $750. No children. Deposit. 393-3985. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. utilities paid, excellent location, Goodyear white letter tires Call 487-5469 after 6 p.m. 3-2-12 3-2-13 Furnished studio, utilities paid. $70/month. Call 332-2411. 3-2-13 keanuts personal chromes, four Goodyear snows- - Available February 16. $125/ Seal estate sport wheels, hood tach, spoiler, VOLKSWAGEN 1968-Good tires, LANSING, NORTH side, three month plus deposit. 627-5454. MSU WEST, clean, linens, ex¬ kcreation stripes, morel $2,000. 351-4452 recent rebuilt engine. $750, eem&tr humanities rooms and bath, partially fur¬ 7-2-17 cellent location-environment, tele¬ Jervice 3-2-13 negotiable. 355-6013 after 5 p.m. AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY! nished, $115 per month, including phone, parking, 351-3212 after 6. fcstruction FORD LTD, 1969. 55,000 miles, good condition, very reliable, $450 3-2-12 £ college media services'box 941l-b£fikel£y ca 94709 all utilities. Immediate occupancy, 351-7283. 1-2-11 Houses J|£j 5-2-13 VW 1966-rebuilt engine, EAST LANSING 10 minutes MEN'S PRIVATE, quiet, clean, 135 new flspinwit - or best offer. 356-3148. 5-2-17 CAPITOL AREA. Students share battery. $300 or best offer. Jim, away. Spacious new 3 bedroom carpeted, furnished room for rent. wanted 351-6677. 5-2-13 furnished apartments. Carpeted, Free parking. Refrigerator but no duplex with dining room, car¬ Iar pool FORD LTD Wagon, 1969, full AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, exper¬ two bedrooms. $60. 339-8877, peting and attached garage. Call stove. All utilities paid, lease. power and air, good condition, worry as a representative you can 339-9294. 5-2-17 882-9119. 5-2-14 RATES ienced only. Saturdays only - 2 $70/month. Call Sue before 8 pm. $600. 372-9525. 5-2-13 ]0 earn money in your spare time. I'll show you howl 482-6893. 20-3-4 shifts. Contact Darlene Rossow. 351-5240. 10-2-12 ONE BEDROOM. Two blocks TWO GIRLS, four bedroom 351-0473. 5-2-12 FORD 1966 Galaxie. Good distance ECOLOGICALLY campus. $170 unitl 5 pm, ORIENTED MODELS FOR Photography. 351-9036. Nights, 332-6972. house. $50 each plus 1/4 utilities. For Sale ^ transportation. $175 negotiable. After 8pm call, 351-3926. 5-2-11 CHAIR LUBE (non-spray) for ecologically oriented riders. 89£ quart. SHEP'S, Holt. C-5-2-14 Executive Arts Studios. 489-1215 between 10 am 6 pm. 0-2-28 - I TV Fw "!>l Iffl 2-2-12 487-3929 anytime. 5-2-14 NEEDED, 1 girl for room in large FENDER TELECASTER and super AND STEREO rentals. FORD 1963 Galaxie. STUDENTS house, reverb amp. $450 (both) excellent New top, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free spring term. Call 332-5495. BABYSITTER WANTED full time. FACULTY, STAFF 5-2-14 condition, negotiable. 349-2161, good engine, $95. Oldsmobile ArtSrta same day delivery and service. Kevin. 10-2-11 9 month twins, your home or 1963 Cutlass, little rust, good Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 5 10 ours. Starting in March. Call 3 BEDROOM, Vk BATH H 3 . condition, $195. 355-9839. 7-2-14 SAVE MONEY-do it yourself with 353-0958 after 6 pm. 14-2-28 THREE BEDROOM house. Stove SAVE LADYS, DO it yourself. (genii /.80 15.60 UNFURNISHED APT'S Hl-l'l'l 9.75 19.50 KARMAN GHIA 1971. Very good condition, bright yellow. $1200. a foreign CHEQUERED car shop manual from FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama ATTENTION SENIORS, grad ipirtntats ||g and refrigerator. Carpeted. First and last months rent. $165 plus utilities. 486-1330. 4-2-14 Save dollars, make your own curtains, draperies, pillows, etc. iTlHTii from Tlflilil 11.70 23.40 394-1046 after 5 p.m. 3-2-11 zoo, one mile west of campus students: you don't have to stand in line to learn about job possi¬ WANT A nice place to live? Short on money? Let us help you! *215 pern instock fabrics, first, seconds, discountinued remnants, trims, | 1 3.00 26.00 487 5055. C-2-14 OWN ROOM In house/spring bilities. Call between 5-7 pm to set Short term leases aids, drapery hardware hooks, Qmjm 16.25 32.50| | MERCEDES BENZ 1957. Restored a date with us. 351-3622. 5-2-17 Mason Hills Apartments- from available, (IncludM fas haat fc water) term. $61.25 / month plus utilities. cord, brackets, parts, etc. INCH & inside/out. Beautiful automobile! MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East $145 a month. New one and two Call Very close/campus. 351-0463, YARD SHOP, 211 North Bridge, [ DEADLINE * VW 1964, sunroof. 337-0679. Kalamazoo Street since 1940. IF YOU are looking for an unusual bedroom apartments - with all KNOB HILL Gordon. 4-2-14 Grand Ledge. Monday - Friday. 2-2-12 Complete auto painting and colli¬ job, and are interested in beauty appliances, carpeting, and drapes. APARTMENTS 9-5. Saturday 9:30 - 4. 627-4444. sion service. American and For¬ secrets, call VIVIANE Pets allowed. Located at 495 NEED 1 man to share house. Own 5-2-17 MERCURY 349-4700 PARK Lane, 1967, eign cars. 486-0256. C-2-28 WOODWARD COSMETICS. North Okemos Roed in Mason. 10 room. Close to campus. $75 per ■eBation corrections needs body work, has registration! Mina Knott. 349-0384. 5-2-17 minutes from MSU. Furnished Community atmosphere month plus utilities. 351-7989 MOVING SALE. Portable TV, lioon one class day automatic, five new tires, new TUNE-UPS. STUDENT mechanic model open Monday through 5 miles from campus 5-2-17 folding bed, wooden bureau, publication. points and plugs, $200 or best work guaranteed. $25 all cars, call REGISTERED NURSES full and - Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. it mile north of Jolly Road metal shelves, miscellaneous offer. 353-7463. 10-2-20 part time positions available on the Call Model at 676-4874. Other MATURE FEMALE for own room household items. Wednesday, John, 484-6461. 4-2-12 ■fad is ordered it afternoon and midnight shifts. times call manager at 676-4291 or in co-ed farmhouse, 7 miles/ February 12, 5-9 pm, 621 East cannot FEMALE TO share 1 bedroom ■ancelled MUSTANG II, 1974. Hardtop, Minimum starting salaries $4.82 EAST LANSING REALTY AND campus. 349-3522. 3-2-13 Jolly, Apartment 305-C, Lansing. or changed apartment, spring term, near Mr. 393-1457. 1-2-11 Red, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 18,000 per hour plus differential. Imme¬ DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. | after first insertion, miles. Must sell. $2,850. Call 393 diate openings. 14-2-14 Mikes, clean and quiet. 332-5840 NEED A pad? t is ordered & Please contact 5-2-11 Big 2 story 4 8738 after 6 p.m. 5-2-14 bedroom, shag carpet, new Cash for i 2 Lansing General Hospital. 2800 days before CLOSE! ONE-two girls, spring Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. term. Beautiful, two bedrooms, NEEDED: GIRL to sublet, spring kitchen, furnished. $200/month. STAMPS & COINS MUSTANG 1966 Runs good. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal That's only $50 each for 4 term only, close to campus, $60. Buy - Sell - Trade Body rusty. Studded tires. $175. Opportunity Employer. 7-2-19 $115-one, $57-two. 351-9255. students! 655-3568 after 6 pm. 332-4523. 3-2-12 Tune-Up 5-2-14 5-2-17 353-0909, after 5 pm. 5-2-12- PART TIME desk clerk, night FOURTH GIRL for 2 bedroom SPRING. 1-2 girls needed for 332 maid, and day maids needed. OWN ROOM in duplex, 10 ."*« - 4300 MUSTANG, 1968 cylinder, auto¬ furnished apartment. $68.75 per spacious apartment. Many extras. minutes from campus by bus. Apply in person, UNIVERSITY Only $68.75 per person. Available matic, snows, $550. Auxiliary gas tank, mag wheels. 393-2172. ^^^5^E^JM^chigan^489^8%g^^J INN. 3-2-13 month. Call 349-4859 anytime. 5-2-14 3-1-75. Call evenings, 349-2843. 3-2-12 $72/month. 351-0016. 3-2-13 SUMMER WEDDING dress and veil, 5 junior petite, call 487-6619 5-2 14 | State•le News will be AMERICAN, GERMAN, and PART TIME employment for MSU students. 12-20 hours per week. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted by LARGE SEVEN bedroom house. after 4. 5-2-11 only for the first FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. Two complete kitchens. Two full Automobile required. 351-5800. April 1, $60 includes utilities. FOURTH GIRL needed for spa¬ MUSTANG 1972. Excellent con¬ BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to baths. Bonnie, 487-1722. Sheri, 4874996 cious 2 bedroom. Delta Arms. 332- Carpeted. Students wel¬ FENDER DUAL Showman amp. dition. Best offer. Automatic, students and faculty on all cash 'n' C-3-2-13 $390/month. EQUITY 3-2-13 2771. 5-2-14 come. 100 watts. Best offer over $300 W due 7 days from the power steering/ brakes. Call carry VW service parts. IMPORT DISSERTATION TYPIST with ex¬ VEST, INC. 351-8150 or 351-3305. 393-4967. 3-2-12 hwation date. If not 355-1256. BL-1-2-11 AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo O-x-9-2-14 perience and own typewriter to COLLING WOOD FEMALE SUBLEASE w the due date, a 50t and Cedar 485-2047, 485-9229 BOGEN 22A ENLARGER with MUSTANG II, 1974. Automatic, type dissertations at home on APTS. ly. Furnished, $75/month, ideal pee charge will be Mastercharge and Bank regular basis. .55i page. Phone music major location. 337-1541 NEEDED: MAN for three man, lens, perfect condition, price vinyl top, excellent condition, snow tires, $2400. 339-2057. Americard. C-2-28 489-3569. 5-2-17 3 UNITS OPEN evenings. 3-2-12 own bedroom, own bathroom, $80 negotiable, call 353-4183 after NOW! 3:30. 2-2-11 3-2-13 per month, $80 deposit. 355-8954, NEED 4 women, 4 hours, 4 days. CALL 351-8282 EAST LANSING - 10 minutes 351-6458. 5-2-14 AUDIO REPAIR: Car radios, tape JUMBO FOLK guitar, excellent For appointment call 1 -723-4654 or away. Country charm in spacious NOVA, 1970. 3 speed, snows. players, stereo equipment, turn¬ (behind Zodys^ Motive $750 or best offer. Call 489-4881 tables, etc. Jim, 351-8498. 5-2-14 675-5323. 5-2-17 1 or 2 bedroom with fireplace and THIRD ROOMMATE for large, condition. $125 or best offer. Call SUBLET SPRING and summer. many extras. Call 489-0319 or 882- Kurt, 337-7104. 3-2-12 3-2-11 beautiful house. With vegetarians CHILD CARE for 18 month old One man for two man. Capitol 9119. 5-2-14 ) 1968, 6 cylinder, 3- U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. immediately! Garage, $66. 484- HEAD SKIS, 200 cm, marker girl, 20 hours per week plus light Villa. 332-2787. 5-2-12 ■body fair, mechanically ex- 0459. 3-2-11 NOVA 1970. 3 speed, 6 cylinder, Do-it-yourself, free supervision. housekeeping, starting early ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. bindings, Rosemount boots size ■ low mileage, call 351-4792. 20 mpg. Excellent transportation I Specials: Tune-ups, $20.98. Front March, good salary, own transpor¬ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS Furnished, utilities paid. South 11. poles. $60, 332-6197. 3-2-12 $500. 355 9809. 3-2-12 disc brakes $24.45, parts included. HASLETT Hayford. $125. 489-9760, 7-12 NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished tation, references, 332-0985, Phone 882-8742. 17-2-28 Short on Cash? Maybe we can pm. 5-2-17 house, Sheridan School area, SONY TA 1150 Integrated stereo 353 3937. 5-2-17 work something out. One bed¬ deposit, $165 per month. 651- amplifier. 60 watts RMS. About ONE ROOMMATE needed, own 5542. 3-2-12 $160. 353-7684. 1-2-10 KING'S FOREIGN Car Service. LOOKING FOR art student room apartments with shag We'll help you Specialist in foreign engine repair. 320 South Charles, Lansing. One interested in performing logo and letterhead design for small student carpeting, drapes and appliances. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 room, one block from campus, $60. Call 351-0520. 3-2-13 CROSSWORD minutes from MSU. Located at corporation. Call Mark Campbell, 1 IT IN WORDS! mile west of campus. Towing available. Phone 372-8130. 29-3-7 351-2682 evenings. 3-2-13 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, STODDARD, one LARGE furnished bedroom apartment, conven¬ PUZZLE ACROSS CAMP WATERFRONT Director. 339-8192 or EAST LANSING ient location, immediate occu¬ I. Hamlet 24. Steeple Girl Scout Camp. Female, 21 years REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-28 pancy, $190, 351-4967. 3-2-13 HONEST, RELIABLE, guaranteed. 5. In comparison 25. Frighten Automotive repair. All types of old with current WSI. Camp ONE OR two males. $80. Large 731 BURCHAM - 3 man, furnished with 28. Unclose: poet. work. All makes and models. session from June 26 - July 28. II. Stair part 29 Domesticated Call Chris, 484-9421. 5-2-14 room, one block from campus. lease until June. $76.67 each. Call N.I.A.S.E. certified mechanic. Call 12. Garland 30. Substitutes 332-2261. 7-2-14 351-7212. 4-2-14 349-3748. 5-2-11 13. Eaglestone 34. Greek letter STUDENT WIFE to care for infant MATURE FEMALE, spring, own 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart¬ 14. Today 35. Regimen in my home. Own transportation. room, partially furnished, $75. 15. News wire: 36. Rodent | Aviitioi ][*) Call 489-5118. 3-2-12 Knob Hill. 349-1503. 5-2-12 ment of Lake lansing Road, Call 489 6081 before 7 pm. 5-2-17 37. Half em 16. Goddess of 38. Present: Scot, MARDI GRAS SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS - Learn to fly on the FEMALE GRAD needs roommate infatuation 39. Frame for Point O'Pines camp for girls. New ONE BEDROOM furnished or way to and from the Mardi Gras - Hippies' controlling 5- Orchestras York State - Adirondack moun¬ to share mobile home. Own room. unfurnished. Modern conven¬ New Orleans I Leave Friday 2-14-75, apartments horses 6 Adam's return 2-16-75. $190. Now tains. Many positions open - Close/campus. 351-8910 after 6 iences. Carport. Bus service. 19. Bombyx 41. Guide grandson specialists, general. Contact p.m. 5-2-11 Available March 21. Doug, scheduling term break flights to !0. Artillery shells 43. Corroded 7. Witnessed Florida. $345 solo guaranteed. Placement Bureau for interviews. 351 4620 or 484-3629. 5-2-12 - >2. Copycat 44. Meadowsweet Common FRANK'S FLYING SERVICE, Interviews February 14. 5-2-14 RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS ONE BEDROOM. !3. Morsel 45 Stiins contraction 676-4860. 4-2-11 Campus one Students block. Furnished, carpeted, $170 I r 5 T~ 7 8 T~ 10 9 More lannni llfil GO GO not necessary girls wanted. Experience Call 882-0236. but helpful, will train. 14-2-20 Two bedroom furnished. Immediate occupancy through or best offer. 332-1946. 7-2-14 % u % 12 expensive 10. N Y. State 11 Paper measure June or September. SHARP EFFICIENCY. For one or 13 11 15 18. Skill 33 Eng gun 35 Gambling cubes 38. Convert to •odllne of m Judaism Wednesday, Fob. 12 future earnings. CaH Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. "Interviews by ments. No selling. Work 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Call Mr. Taylor, 394 2825. room. Carpeted, dtapes, balcony $170 plus electricity No pets or furnished, air conditioned, carpet ed, modem, $150-$ 186, heat in¬ cluded. Call 349-2580. 10-2-13 % % 40 Shaft of light 42. Little Rhody appointment only." 20-3-5 5-2-14 children. 361-4799 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, ] lbpU||yj | Fir Salt ||$] | FifSm ||5l [ IbI I Flirt |q; Police ASAHI TAKUMAR lens. 1:4, 150 mm, best Telephoto offer over PIANO $125. Plants, waterbed, wicker Settee. Oriental FOUND: February 6, gold filigree pendant near North Kedzie. Call conside rug. $90. Mike, 489-8600 6-2-14 evenings. Miscellaneous. 351-0997 after five. 3-2-12 361-8923. C-3-2-12 new m LOST: MEN'S Omega wristwatch Announcements for It's What's MSU Pre-Law Asen presents SKIS, 175cm Kastle Sprint, poles, without watchband. Lost Israel Aliyah Shaliach Arieh RUMMAGE SALE: Antique on Happening must be received in the Dean David T. Link of Notre Deme womens size 6 Humanic boots. Saturday, Febrary 8. Reward. State News office, 341 Student Shapira will be at Hillei from 12 to chairs, chess set, kitchen utensils, 4 a.m. Wednesday and from 8 to Law School at 7:30 tonight in 36 Good condition, $85. 489-7948. examining rQD Please call. 353-4049. 3-2-13 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least lamps, stereo, etc. 337-7337. Union. 3-2-11 3-2-18 two class days before publication. 10 p.m. Wednesday in 329 Case LOST: AIREDALE female, one No announcements wilt be Hall, to meet with anyone interest¬ ac USED TEAC 350 Dolby cassett ed in Israel on a short or long term AFGHAN COAT Imported from year old. Last seen at Frandor on cepted by phone. If you deck. Used Phase Lanier 4000 hove ever taken a Spanish Istanbul, mid-calf length, fur-lined, Saturday. Reward. 332-4687. course, your expertise is des¬ pre-amp. Sony 8-track tape re¬ hand embroidered. 337-7337. 3-2-13 Send a singing Valentinel From By SHELLY COHEN corder. Garrard SL 95 changer. 3-2-12 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday perately needed in the Lansing Aaeeckted Press unw«ntedpu„,r Women's rugby-practices rommunitv to serve with the MSU raP* victims Sansui AU505 stereo amp. Sony LOST: WOMEN S tiger eye ring. and Thursday and untH noon on - „ from 10 to 11 p.m. tonight and 7 to Volunteer Income Tax Service. WALTHAM. Mass. exact|y howrnj* Trinatron 12" color TV. 15 used _ KENWOOD KT8005 Turner, 4 Great sentimental value. Reward. Friday, singing Valentines may be "We're going to aak you to 9 p.m. Thursday at Men's For further information please call and guaranteed TV sets. Type¬ weeks old, warranty cards. List Call 355-3573 afternoons. 3-2-13 selected at the Music Building Intra¬ help crime go unreported 1 mural Building Turf Arena. Bring us," the policeman told the In addition writers, sporting Used 35mm camera equipment, goods, tools. $389, $279. 353-1892. 3-2-12 lobby. Sponsored by Sigma dues. New members welcome. woman. "Our main to J LOST: SMALL red purse near Alpha lota. concern is training progrlnisT guitars and musical equipment, Kedzie, personal I.D. needed you." flutes, saxes, etc. WILCOX Sentimental value. Reward. 355- The ASMSU Legal Aid Dept. The policeman was Lt. John T ,chanPng rapTkL SECONDHAND STORE, 507 East Brothers and sisters, are you Bukunt ofWaltham, Mass. The 7473. 3-2-12 Horticulture Club presents Dr. Michigan Avenue, Lansing. 485- HARDBACKS August De Hertogh speaking on will have a lawyer available every interested in learning modem woman ****** »rrob«I2l 4391. 9-5:30 p.m. C-16-2-28 PAPERBACKS LOST: SILVER wire rim glasses. "Growing Outdoor Bulbs" at 7 Wednesday during winter term. MSU students who desire ap dance? Dance Shades of Darkness Club is looking for new was actress Maureen Kerrigan. And the setting was proof victim fought Presjf off th, J SCIENCE FICTION Men's IM lockers. Thursday night. p.m. Wednesday in 204 Horti¬ pointments are asked to contact a classroom at Brandeis Univer- A bil' PORTABLE STEREO, excellent culture Bldg. members. For more informa passed a J Reward. 355-6813. 3-2-14 the ASMSU Business Office, 334 and MUCH contact Toni King oi aity, where policemen last yw condition, great sound, headphone jack, good deal, $60. 351-3061. ■AZINES MUCH. MORE Student Services Bldg. tion come at 7 p.m. Tuesday or learning how to treat are questions prohibit, 1 5-2-11 907 E. Grand Rtvw FOUND: MEN'S watch, Men's Thursday to West Holmes Hall victims. rape during tJl 11:30-4 PM MM'" 212 Berkey Hall. Call 393- Anyone interested in the sum¬ rape victim's prior room. The MENSA Civic lower lounge. ia■ 1726. C-3-2-12 mer London American Thought Action group will meet Study and Kerrigan portrayed the vic¬ similar measure j, y BACKPACK, frame, accessories. SAFETY, HARDEN and coated and Language Program should Tuesday at tim. Bukunt and Detective fered in New Good condition. Great for be¬ lens. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 come to a meeting at 7 tonight in 4625 Palmer St., Lansing. Topics Diana C. White, a year. York ?!1, of consumer credit and Attention: All graduating sen¬ security ginner. Call 882-8338, after 5 1-2-11 pm. East C-2-14 Michigan, Lansing, 372-7409. Persoul / 104 Bessey Hall. Faculty will be children education will be investi¬ gifted iors have one last chance to serve officer at the University of The initial 110 on J present to answer questions. the community which has been so Massachusetts at Amherst, in gated. If you are interested HIGH QUALITY stereo, Crown FENDER PRECISION bass, 1974 DOG HOUSE INSURANCE contact John Peck or Patrick good to you in the past four years amp and pre-amp, large Advent natural finish, maple neck, with RENEWAL TIME FEB. 14 Wolf. The MSU Income Tax Volunteers speakers, Pioneer turntable, Stan¬ ton cartridge, Koss headphones. $850 or best offer. 353-2057. 5-2-11 case. $275. 487 0659. 5-2-13 SAMPLE POLICIES FANNY FARMER CANDIES Not guaranteed to keep you out of People interested in any area of newspaper publication can come to meeting a 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 240 Men's Intramural Bldg For The Shalom Center, a congenial will start working in the commun¬ ity today. contact For more information, the Volunteer Bureau. "What we tend to iCSid to cost the same 129,000, wiiijl Animals 'Vl the Dog House, but every little bit place to study, talk or just drink forget is way. I further information contact MSU The 23 men helps. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, Ski Club. coffee, is open from 10 a.m. to 5 that rape is a violent officers enrolled in and t**| 10% DISCOUNT WESTERN GELDING, 9 years old, 1105 East Grand River. 0-1-2-11 p.m. Monday thru Thursday over Lansing Emergency Food Bank crime, among the one week session tb, J well-schooled, spirited. Must sell. the Campus Book Store across needs food. Help canvass East to all MSU $400 or best offer. 351-7779. from Berkey Hall. most violent crimes. are not only Lansing, between 2 and 4 p.m. being m students 5-2-12- I Striict ^ The Socialist Labor party will Saturday, United Ministries in Higher Education, 1118 South It's not just a sex crime." investigation technic also are being shapjl on purchases of S2 AKC AFGHAN Puppies. $100. Ml. HOPE Day Care Center, Harrison Road. sponsor an open public lecture on teaching group. V Black masked blond. 627-6190. located at Mt. Hope and South and breads excluded 7-2-13 Cedar has openings for pre¬ the current ecomonic slump at They are expectedto 1 8:30 p.m. Thursday in 33 Union. schoolers. Full time students, Undergraduates interested in. regional training J $27.50/week. 484-7012. 5-2-11 throughout the state bL RANDALL HEALTH FOOD FREE MALE black and white cat. Landlord says must go! Call FREE. A lesson in complexion women's studies: the thematic concentration has been approved. 600 fellow officers. ]£l . The Holy Eucharist of Ash terviewed her. while the rest of date for Brookfield Plaza 351-7474. 5-2-11 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan FOR THE BEST Service on stereo Wednesday Imposition of Ashes Come to an open meeting to learn the class of 25.looked on and completingthelfl 1381 E. Grand River or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE will be offered by the Episcopal about women's studies at MSU at of the special units is J NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. equipment, see the STEREO 8:30 tonight in 38-39 Union. prepared to offer criticiam and In addition to lw«3 332 6892 Mobile Hones <■> SHOPPE. 555 East Grand River Community at MSU at 5:15 p.m. suggestions C-3-2-13 C-23-28 Wednesday in the Alumni Chapel. The training program is discussions, the officii STEREO COMPONENT Systems. 12x60, FURNISHED, like new, in All are welcome to the celebration pate in "real life sinf of the beginning of Lent. MSU Sports Car Club wiD meet being conducted in accordance like the one Sansui AU7500, Kenwood East Lansing. 2 bedrooms, $185/ PeattPersMl ® PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, 8:30 tonight in 37 Union to plan with a Massachusetts law that involving M KR5150, Pioneer SA600, Dynaco month plus utilities. Days, finest quality, reasonably priced. at winter and spring activities. took effect last October and Rogovin explained. 1 New Power amp 120 watt RMS, Dual 393- 9510, 694-8364, after 6pm 5-2-11 GILBERT - PLEASE sit in my flat BOYNTON 482 5712. C-2-28 PHOTOGRAPHY. Brown Bag Lunch especially for members welcome. requires all police departments Bukunt interviewed^ 1209 Garrard Zero 100, Miracord hat forever - Love always, women returning to school or gan for half an hour. J 50HII. Albums and tapes, leather or combinations of police de¬ Flanagan. 1-2-11 career after a number of home- "rape" was never ml coats, 1972 PARKWOOD Monterey. partments to have specially the words "sexual camera, sporting goods, INCOME TAX preparation. Call making years. Join us for lunch Why not poke your head out of attiq jewelry, household goods, musical Like new. Special floor design trained Must be seen to believe. Located B&B Accounting and Tax Service and discussion at noon Wednes¬ your closet door this week and rape investigation used only once and od instruments, guitars, amps, and at 485 4651 or 332-8468. 20-3 6 units. did the victim desoi in King Arthur's Court. days in 6 Student Services Bldg attend the Gay Liberation meeting sticker bottoms. Electronic repair Could at 8 p.m. "If we can train police to near T.H.E. Rock. 1-2-11 Wednesday in 31 Union? attack and then in onljB Department. DICKER b DEAL easily be moved H so desired. EDITING, PROOFREADING, handle investigations more suc¬ terms. SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 Extras include spacious utility experienced. Dissertations, theses The MSU Paddle and Racquet cessfully, we can get better He explained in di South Cedar, 487-3886 Bankcards room with washer and dryer, Real Estate « book and article manuscripts. ball Club will have a meeting at 9 prosecutions." said Charles H. she would be tab I welcome. C-5-2-14 completely furnished with specially ordered Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-2-13 tonight in the Men's Intramural "What's to Living Off Cam¬ Rogovin of Criminal Justice unmarked car to the ■ furniture, CHANDLER ESTATES 3 bed¬ - Bldg. Information on equipment pus?"-Off Campus Housing Of¬ Associates, which is conducting Culligan water softener. Complete room English Tudor. Cut stone will be available. All interested fice, East Lansing Housing Com¬ interviewed in privilfl fire and burglar alarm system, the training sessions for the and examined "more ll separate storage building and fireplace, solid oak floors, 2 1/2 iRStnctiOR & persons invited. mission, and Tenants Resource state's Criminal baths, old english carm. For more Center Justice benefit than for ours." | removable skirting included. Best are sponsoring information RECORD SPECIAL, record information call ALBERT YOGA: EGYPTIAN folk and sessions for students interested in Council. Bukunt and Detecti albums, values part of all - priced to move at only BEKMANIS INC., 663-1531 or 694 belly to $5.96, $1.97 dance. Taught by native Consumerism and department living off campus next year The Similar units, many of which offered to explain the! each for $6,750. Call Tom Clark, 394-0020 1971. 10-2-21 Egyptian. or two $3.00. store retailinjj' Ve discussed by sessions will be held at 7:30 p.m. team up male and female police MARSHALL MUSIC, East for additional details. 4-2-14 Body conditioning. 3-2-12 351 4291 chain-store owner Fred Meijer at tonight in Brody Complex Multi¬ officers, are already in exis¬ to the victim's care of the children J husbandf Lansing. C-1-2-11 CHANDLER ESTATES 2200 11:05 p.m. tonight on "Horizons" purpose rooms, Thursday in Yake tence in the urban 1973 MOBILE HOME. 12x60, two square foot colonial. 2 1/2 baths, student radio series. On WFMK ley Hall Cafeteria. Monday in W. areas of New them to relatives andlij SONY-DUAL stereo system. AM- bedroom. Immediate possession. formal dining room, family room, 4 FRENCH STUDENTS - Pans (99.1 FMI. York, Philadelphia, Miami. Chi¬ victim some coffee. Holden Hall Main lounge and Feb. FM. Speakers. New stylus. $260 Holt area. Excellent condition, resident last year, am fluent, will cago and St. Louis. "We'll be with voi| bedrooms on a 1/2 acre lot. For 19 in McDonel Hall Kiva. $7,000. Call Sonny 372-2006. unravel your language hassle They are designed partly to negotiable. 353-2726. 5-2-14 more information call ALBERT way, to support you.'DT 5-2-17 Bob. 351 5891. 5-2-17 BEKMANIS INC., 663-1531 or 694- Community Automotive Co-op meet complaints that police White said. ! SEWING MACHINE Clearance 1971.i. 10-2-21 is holding a membership meeting treatment of rape victims is There w as only one A TRAVELO 12x60 with expando, j lr- If you think you know the Lord Sale! Brand new portables $49.95. $5 per month. Large selection of reconditioned used machines. partially furnished. or 351-1194. 5-2-12 Call 351-3466 Ittro^T jlflBl ANN BROWN at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at 215 East Kalamazoo St.. Lansing. Call if you can't attend. get in touch with him as he is in you and others every week with insensitive, with the officers suggesting that the women led about whether the vktiT or might have kwj typing and multilith the Students of Yshshua at 8:30 their attackers on or at least assailant. There Singers, Whites, Necchis's, New BOAT SHOW SALE offset printing. Complete service failed to fight them off. Home and "many others." $19.95 1970 BROADMORE, 12x60, two "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. for dissertations, p.m. Thursdays and 1 p.m. questions suggesting ■ bedroom, furnished. Occupancy "Sunfish" theses, manu Sundays. Lectures and rap sea- The FBI reports iU statistics man had somehow an to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS by A.M.F. $699 April 1. Washer/dryer, awning, Complete line of American Day scripts, general typing. IBM, 25 Attention: Any person with a show 10 per cent more rapes attacker. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 years experience. shed. Call anytime. 484-1977. Sailers through 18' sloop with 349-0850 WSI or senior lifesaving certifica¬ North Washington. 489-6448 C-2-28 were reported in the first six Rogovin said by tn 5-2-12 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of tion interested in working with months of 1974 than in the C-3-2-13 Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', deaf students please contact Tony Let's boogie, all you gay people same victim with compassiaj COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Lush at the Volunteer Bureau. period of 1973. There is one can get more inform ][^j MOVING, 27'. Come in and see the largest out there. At 7 p.m. Friday Gay MUST sell compact lost i found and most complete sailboat hard¬ resume service. Pnnting, IBM forcible rape every 10 minutes, better information *1 refrigerator. Like new, 33 '<* " high, Liberation is sponsoring a dance the FBI says. $95 355 5836. 3-2-12 ware andAccessory display in the typing, binding. Printing from at the Unitarian Church, 866 Grove provide more convidl FIND SOMETHING All boats your plain paper originals. Corner These statistics, however, accused rapists. area offered at International Folk Dancing will St. If you've found a pet or article of M.A.C. and Grand River. Below apply only to rapes that are "What we tend to 100USED VACUUM Cleaners. tremendous pre season savings. be held at 8:30 tonight in the Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. value, we want to help you return Lay away programs welcome. Union's Tower Room. reported to police. Fear of sometimes is that n Monday - Friday All are it. Just come into the State News GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts Call COPY harsh treatment by authorities, violent crime, an Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 invited. Tourism Club TG at 9 Classified Department and tell us Road on the River, Dimondale. p.m. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING belief that the attacker won't violent crimes." you want to place an ad in E - Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 C-2-28 tonight at Dooley's upstairs. Party COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. down with us and find out what be convicted and worries about "It's not just a s< LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Opposite City Market. C-3-2-13 tourism is all about. Column. As a public service EAST EXPERIENCED TYPING term International LANSING STATE BANK will run PAN AM Committee papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ Against Racism will meet PIONEER QUAD tonight Pre-amp CHARTER FLIGHT tal the ad at no cost to you! service. 394-2512. C-2-28 QC800A-$160, decoder • $55. Sony full-logic Chris, 353-1332. EAST LANSING TO LONDON ate at 7 in 37 Union. This is the final planning meeting for the founding It's your lifel Join the MSU Libertarian Alternative, and tell the Dean postpones 2 STATE BANK TYPING TERM papers and theses 3-2-13 meeting, Feb. 15. Everyone State where to get off. At 8:30 Open to all MSU stvdenti, Experienced, fast service IBM welcome. FOUND: PRESCRIPTION glasses, faculty, staff and their electric. Call 349^1904. 20-2-28 Wednesday in C112 Wells Ha«. WEDDING DRESS and veil, size silver frames. Outside MOUNT PLEASANT (UPI) how he cheated the ^ 10-12. Call Barb, 372-4020, 9-4:30 Chemistry families. Edwards said. 3-2-13 Building. Friday afternoon. Call PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate The Tourism Club is — Watergate figure John Dean 337-0310. C-3-2-13 Departing July 4 - sponsoring interrupted his $100,000 college Detroit to London inexpensive typing. Very near a trip to Sault St. Marie, Canada to Is altruism a virtue? Discuss the Dean, former sp«u| TYPEWRITER, ROYAL No 660 campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 take the Agawa Canyon Snow lecture tour due to an illness in FOUND: pros and cons, with the Libertarian to Richard Nixon, r« electric with 12" cartridge, all iARGE mens ring in Returning August 22 Train. For more information see Alternative philosophy group. For his family, postponing two ap released from modern features, $150. 393-8280, Meridian Mall. Silver with Tur¬ London to Detroit IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, the poster on the HRI board on the pearances in Michigan until pr«j 393-8281 quoise. 12 3-pm 351 2371 first floor of Eoolev Center. information, call Bill Felton. serving seven monUl before 5:30 general typing. Formerly with Ann later this month. sentence he received® pm or Saturday before 1 pm. 3-2-13 C-3-2-13 0n'> $348.00 Round Trip Brown. Call 482-7487. C-2-28 Dean had been slated to For more Information contact spiracy in the Waterjr KLH 22 SPEAKERS, $60 FOUND: RING in men's locker THESES, RESUMES, typing and appear on the Central Michigan - a pair, the Office of Overseas Study The truth manifested itself in its He has been d good sound, call 349-9613 after 6 room last week. Call Merrill printing. Reasonable prices. The Tourism Club is having an University campus tonight and pm. 3-2-13 351 4808 C-3-2-13 353-8921 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, informal get-together tonight at 9 entirety in the life of Jesus Christ. We study the Bible from 7:30 to at Oakland Rochester Friday. University in lecture fee of J3.5<#| 351-4116. C-2-28 at Dooley's upstairs. pearance. LOST. MALE Samoyed puppy. 8 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday SHERWOOD S 7100A; Dual 1214; SKIERS, UTAH or Colorado evenings at He received word Wednes 131 Bogue, St. weeks, in area of MSI Gas, Spring packages from $289 Ventura Formula It's, 332-5039, day in Cleveland that his moth Williams Hall at Michigan TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Dave, must sell quick. 3-2-13 Michigan climber? Michigan er-in-law was ill and he re¬ Avenue. Call 332 5048. 2-2-12 351 8800 Rationing 1-2-11 Alpine club meets tonight at 8:15, turned to California, missing a EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ Ash 118 Physics Bldg. Film "Solo" Wednesday services at 7:10 scheduled Wednesday night sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN How to form your own and slide presentation shown. a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. booking at Illinois State Uni¬ car pool 489 0358. C-2 28 Breakfast follows the 7:10 a.m. service. All saints versity. Episcopal (continued fro® W As A program on winter cumoing in Church, 800 Abbott Road. The Oakland University lec¬ public service at no charge, the Stote News will provide a free LJ^JS) a classified advertisement for those the Presidential Range in New ture was rescheduled for Feb. Commerce was the \ people who would like to set up or join a car pool. CLEAN PIANO KEYS WITH a soft Hampshire will be shown at the 11 and the CMU appearance for two-day series of sp Outing Club meeting, tonight at 7 meetings by Ford in cloth dipped in alcohol Or make a in 118 Physics-Astronomy Bldg Feb. 20, school officials said. tHj paste of whiting and lemon juice. A free lecture series, A small group of picketers midsection. Driving? >r Riding? Wipe keys clean with a damp cloth Cross-country skiing trips will be Charm of Winter "The had planned to greet Dean on discussed. Everyone welcome. Gardening", will From after each application. If you no be taught at 7:30 the CMU campus and a radio p.m. every longer need you piano . . sell it Wednesday in 206 Horticulture station, WCHP, had urged stu¬ with a Classified Ad. Bldg. This week's topic: orchids. Leaving '• Returning The African Studies t-orum dents to boycott the event. I. Phone Time? speaker today will be Billye A university spokesman said _ OPPORTUNISTIC FEMALE throat Suttles, graduate student in the omy worsens. in search of jazz-blues to sing. Call 1,017 advance tickets had been Sociology Dept., on: "Developing The MENSA lunch group col5:XXw.ll0°' °",p' The information "" Karin any hour, 337-9657. 3-2-12 Tourism within a Dependency Network: The Case of Gambia" meet at noon today in the Crossroads Cafeteria in the will room B at sold at $1 apiece for the lecture and question and answer ses Ford's Ellington j*®* Air For« | requested below must be sion. CMU's Rose Center holds at 2:4«P to appear. supplied in order for ad REMOVE STARCH FROM YOUR IRON by rubbing hot iron over !rom 12 to 1:30 p.m. in 106 International Center. International Center. Interested nonmembers welcome 6,100 persons. Houston he headed by » J raJ Full Name brown wrapping paper over which The planned demonstration downtown hotel« _ you have spread some salt. Make had been organized by Madison to address a com "* Address space in your closet needs" with Classified Ads. sell "don't Support the farmworkers. Be informed. Drop by our informa¬ New Way in Halfway Houae Heights freshman David sored by of Commerce. the Ho^jJ Volunteers requests the donation Edwards, with some 200 to 300 City Phone tional table today at the Interna¬ of magazines of recent the White Hou* T Car Pool tional Center lobby between 10 tions like publica¬ students expected to partici¬ red for 90 Downbeat, 347 Student Services m,ay bzbr,^9ht ,n or maii*d to: c°r p°o1 aoum.*. Flint to Lansing. a.m. and 2 p.m. recent Find out about happenings in the Lansing World, Billboard, Popular Mec Animal pate. Gnomic »dvi^l Building. No phone calls accepted From Leaving hanics and others. They "We don't question his NO CHARGE 6:46 a.m., returning 4:30 p.m. 337- area that affect you as a con may be right 2646 anytime. 3-2-11 sumer. Boycott Galk) Wines. left at 27 Student Services Bldg to speak, but we do object to his deepens, pre10 J or contact Will Summers. becoming rich by explaining retary R<>n NeJ^ p n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 11, 1975 1 1 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman PROGRAMS Sponsored by: ■ Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services 6 W JIM-TV. I anting 7 WXYZ TV Detroit \7 WJRT TV Flint n WIYI TV. 41 Saginov. o30®K&c 8 WOTV Crond Ropid« WUHQ TV, lottle Cr« 13 W24M-TV, Kolom JO WKBO TV. Detroit 9 CKIWTV, Windsor / WOO-$oy! Uwe\Me 73 WKAR TV (oil Loosing AtioTUztz gaoK. 12:00 NOON (6) Bi (2-5-6-8-13) News (9) BL (2 34-5-6-7-8-9- 11:00 y OF j 5:45 AM (3-25) The Young And Restless (10) Mod Squad ' 0Y A 6tlY WM<9 | The Life (4-10) Jackpot (13) Truth Or Consequences 10-12 13 2325) News COOLVH'T 6:00 (41) The Protectors (7-12-41) Password AN Stars 23 The Humanist Alternative jn Second Chance (9) Galloping Gourmet (25) The F.B.I. 11:30 is (50) Underdog (2-34-25) The Late Movie 6:05 (41) Country Race 4 ^8-10) The 12:20 PM (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour Tonight Show (6) Almanac (7-12-13 41) Wida World Of 7:30 Entertainment , 6:15 12:30 (2) Truth Or Consequences Le For Today (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow 3) Good Ole Nashville Music (50) Movie 1IM. Presents (4) News (4) Wildlife Theatre Jt 12:00 MIDNIGHT 6:20 (9) Film Festival (5-10) Blank Check (C) Wait Til Your Father Gets I And Country Alminic 1:00 AM (7-12-13-41) Split Second Home 6:25 (4-5-8) Tomorrow (8) Mike Douglas (7) The Price Is Right !9e (7-10-12 13) News 6:30 (9) Dick Van Dyke Show (8) Hollywood Squares Sponsored by: (41) Afterhours Theatre (25) Dinah (9) Room 222 ,ise Semester Women Only (50) The Lucy Show (13) To Tell The Truth (50) Religious Message CAMPUS 12:55 (23) Assignment America 1:30 mm (5-810) News (41) Super Stan Of Rock (2) Late Show ky Larry Lewis J||. Presents (7) Religious Message ■ Bobby Show 1:00 8:00 (12) National Anthem (2) Love Of Life (2-3-25) Good Times lperation Second Chance I And Farm Report I Show (3) Accent (4) What's My Line? (4-5-8-10) World Premiere Movie (6) Partridge Family (HI) Don 2M 6:45 (5) Jackpot (6) Martha Dixon (7-12-1341) Happy Days (9) Swiss Family Robinson (21- *" Lg Edition (7-12 13-41) All My Children T 6:55 (23) America L Kerr Show (9-50) Movies (50) Dealer's Choice 7:00 (10) Somerset 8:30 ews 1:25 (2-3-6-25) M#A*S*H _ ■ Today Show (2) News (7-12-13-41) Tuesday Movie Of M America I Big Top 1:30 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns The Week (9) House Of Pride TUESbAY Id Racer (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (23) The Ascent Of Man lion Capers w 7:30 Marriage (7-1213-41) Let's Make A Deal (50) Merv Griffin Show 9:00 COUNTRY tn Carnival 2:00 (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (2-3-6-25) Hawaii Five-0 (9) News Nine FRIED is Big Top (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives with 9:30 8:00 (7 12-13 41) The $10,000 (9) Front Page Challenge ALAN LEE SHORT RIBS ^ptain Kangaroo Pyramid (23) Consumer Survival Kit nj Accent 2:30 10:00 RESTAURANT by Frank Hill |o Schools (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night (2-3-6-25) Barnaby Jones SPECIAL me Street (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (4 5 8-10) Police Story (7-12-1341) The 8ig Showdown ITALIAN $2.35 8:25 (7-12-13-41) Marcus Welby, M.D. 3:00 (9) Up Canada |tr Report (2) The Young And Restless (23) Dialog 8:30 |<| 3 Clubhouse (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (4-5-8-10) Another World (50) Dinah! 10:30 W Lizard's 224 ABBOTT 7-12-13-41) General Hospital i (9) News Magazine 9:00 3:30 bs Right (2-3-6-25) Match Game (7-12-1341) One Life To Live jjn Kangaroo (9) Gomer Pyle (50) Banana Splits TUESDAY'S 4:00 (2-3) Tattle tales (4) Somerset (5) Studio 5 HIGHLIGHTS (6) The Attic DOONESBURY (7) The Money Maze (8) Gilligan's Island (9) Petticoat Junction Jj)esday_FebnjaryJJ[J_975 8:00 PM only U.S. Navy officer ever to be courtmartialed solely on a charge by Gary Trudeau Sponsored hv: tjariaf^ (10) Friends of adultery. (12) Merv Griffin (CBS) Good Times (13) Bon»n*a An elderly neighbor comes to MR PRESIDENT, COULD YOU 9:00 pio Schools (23) Sesame Street dinner and brings a meatloaf she COMMENT ON RECENTAUBWIONS (CBS) Haweii Five-0 BOB. l HAVE SAID MOREOVER, EM SICK AND WED has made herself. The Evans THAT YOU KNEW THERE MS A 9:27 (25) Yogi 8i Friends " A Study In Rage" Guest stars - - A THIS BEFORE, AND OF THIS OBSESSION UTTH RECES¬ (41) Oaktari family suspect it has been made j RECESSION AS FAR BACK AS n I WILL SAY IT AM/N¬ SION! THERE ARE OTHER MORE us Message with pet food. Peggy Ryan, Linda Ryan. " YEAH- NEXT WEEK (50) Three Stooges Untwisting the psychotic mind SEPTEMBER. BUT THAT YOU OW ABSOLUTELY PRESS/N6 PROBLEMS TO CONSIDER' WHEN ARE BUTONLY IF _ 9:30 4:30 PMKfmD IN A CDYER-UP NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE FOR INSTANCE, ASK ME AN ARAB WEINVADIN6? WE'RE 8EIN6 lYouSeelt (NBC) World Premiere Movie depicted in the unfinished 1 Check (2) Mike Douglas Show surrealistic painting of a murdered I UNTIL THE NEW UNEMPLOYMENT OF THE RECESSION! QUESTION! ANYONE 60T AN ARAB 1 STRAN6LED "Sara T." Linda Blair, Verna 1 Courtship Of Eddie's (3) Merv Griffin Show psychiatrist. QUESTION? Bloom. A 15-year-old girl joins (4) George Pierrot Presents the ranks of teen-age alcoholics 10:00 (6) That Girl when she can't cope with her (CBS) Bamaby Jones (7) 4:30 Movie (8) Partridge Family problems. "Dangerous Summer" Barnaby Jones is hired to locate a missing ■ Valley Today (9) Andy Griffith (ABC) Happy Days collage student whose father is ■ LiLanne (10) Gilligan's Island "Cruisin" Richie, Potsie and unaware that his son is hiding 9:55 (25) The Munsters & Friends with critical bullet wound Ralph make a bet with Bag that a Is Carol Duvall (50) Little Rascals acquired while committing a they can beat him at latching 10:00 EVENING onto new "chicks." taker's Wild 5:00 PM I) Celebrity Sweepstakes (6-8) Ironside 8:28 (NBC) Police Story 1ian Schools (9) Mickey Mouse Club "Sniper" Tony Lo Bianco and to Street (10) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Narrator: Merle Haggard. Glenn Corbett as two detectives THE DROPOUTS nr Room (13) That Girl bit Today (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in a frantic chase to locate a mentally disturbed by Post 8:30 gunman. 10:30 (25) I Love Lucy (CBS) M*A*S*H ibit (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (ABC) Marcus Welby, M.D. Henry has a difficult job- finding el Of Fortune (50) The Flintstones three volunteers to go to work at "Jake's Okay" Guest stars Belinda lit With Oennis Wholey 5:30 a medical aid station currently Montgomery and Scott Jacoby. A (4) Bowling For Dollars under enemy fire. teenage boy with minimal brain (9) Partridge Family damage does poorly at school. (10) Beverly Hillbillies (ABC) Tuesday Movie Of The (12-13) News Week 11:30 (23) Villa Alegre "The Trial Of Chaplain Jensen" (ABC) Wide World Mystery ■ forWomen Only (25) Hogan's Heroes James Franciscus, Joanna Miles. "Run.Stranger.Run" Starring 1 11:00 (50) Gilligan's Island True account of a chaplain, the Patricia Neal and Ron Howard. Jonohue Show 6:00 ■Now You See It (2 3-4-5-6 7 8-9-10 ■iHijh Rollers 12 13-2541) News ■ 30 (9) Bewitched Ihe Money Maze (23) A Look At Lincoln e get it. This is a with a description of the animal University will have to spend on totally nonoffensxve thing and Raymond said if the plans are More Effective Course Selection and the "the is the instructor has nothing to fear. What he has finalized there will be a lot of reason owner the project because Courselec¬ work to be done, and that it will getting rid of it, is kept on file tor is totally financed by adver got is a chance to interest students in taking his Fall 19 74 be done by volunteers. He in the office. The bureau does tising. Printing and shipping of class." — Brian Raymond stressed that anyone wishing to not have the facilities to keep the Courselectors costs the pets until a home is found. help out would be greatly University nothing. The Cour¬ appreciated. Also, people who are looking selectors would be free to stu¬ "I hope everyone realizes for a pet can leave their name dents. mation will be printed in a mag¬ lower-level courses because what a good thing this is," on file with the bureau. The Raymond said the only thing azine with national and local ad¬ most students are familiar with service is free. that will cost the University is Raymond said. "It helps both vertising. Courselector will the courses in their department the instructor and the student Students for Animal Rights the postage to send the course then ship the guides to MSU. when they get to the 400 level," and it's totally free. What more was organized in October and information to Boston and the Raymond said that if the $400 has had several Raymond said. can you ask?" programs instructors' time to fill out one- needed is allocated at Tuesday's Raymond said the group may aimed at promoting humane page questionnaires. ASMSU meeting, to be held at 5 have problems financing the op¬ treatment of animals. They will The questionnaire asks for p.m. in 328 StudenJ Services eration if ASMSU does not have a booth at Meridian Mall the office hours of the instruc¬ Bldg., then the first courselec¬ appropriate the funds. He noted this weekend to distribute anti tor, the number of students tors could be distributed to stu Pictures taN - there might be two other trapping and Save the Whale usually enrolled, whether there dents in May for the fall term. information. is a teaching assistant, the test- problems as well, of distribution Afterwards, the guides would and cooperation. SomeEttk boys don't I Some inner cities have special schools. For little boys who don't talk. to describe, to communicate. And nels of communication had been oncen^ opf" t(l Not mute little boys. But children so withdrawn so afraid of failure, began to learn. .. ■ 9ui they cannot make the slightest , What does Kodak stand to gain from n 5 attempt to do anything at which they might fail. we're showing how our products can help a Some don't talk. Some don't listen. Most don't A -and maybe creating a whole new mar behave. And all of them don't learn. we're also cultivating young customers i One day someone asked us to help. someday buy their own cameras and film i l Kodak responded by working with the teachers. than that, we're cultivating alert, educaile -l Showed them how, through the language of pictures, Who will someday be responsible for ours ■ the children could communicate as they never could depends on s before. And the teachers sent the kids out to take After all, our business we care what J pictures with their cameras. happens to it. And then the miracle. Little boys who had never said anything, looked at the pictures and began to talk. They said "This is my house." "This is my "This is where I like to hide." dog." They began to explain, More than a< ■f" - f i