VOLUME 169 NUMBER 28 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1975 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Woman wins election as leader of Britain's Conservative LONDON (AP) — Margaret Thatcher, a Whitelaw, thus capturing an outright what can be done," said Renee Short, party grocer's daughter with the reputation of a she polled in last week's first majority of the 276-member Tory caucus in another Laborite. round, which political battler, was elected leader of the House of Commons. toppled Heath but did not decide the victor. Britain's Conservative party Whitelaw, who had been the betting Tuesday. "This is a staggering thing for the favorite to win until the last hours of the She apparently benefited from votes of Women from both the Conservative and Conservative party," said Laborite Shirley race, said, "I congratulate her. She those who thought she should have been Labor parties hailed it as a historic will Williams, like Thatcher a product of have my full support and I am sure declared an outright winner on the first victory. Oxford's Somerville College. "I can't help the ballot. "To me it is like a dream that the next party will unite behind her." the list after Sir Winston admitting being pleased to see that in the Heath sent congratulations, and name on Tory party, of all parties, a woman has promises She is generally expected to Churchill, Harold Macmillan, Sir Alec of support came from the other defeated Tories to the right, swing the broken through." asserting a policy of Douglas-Home and Edward Heath is candidates, James Prior, Sir Geoffrey Howe individual freedom of choice and "There is a lot of prejudice self-help in Margaret Thatcher," she said after over¬ against and John Peyton II. such matters as education women in this place and she has shown and social coming four male candidates in voting by just Thatcher's 146 votes were 16 more than welfare. Tories in the House of Commons. The men she named were her pre¬ decessors as party leader, and all served as sy prime minister. With national elections possible at any time before 1979, Thatcher could become Britain's first woman prime minister if her Media unit funds groups party can topple Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labor party. By MARY ANN CHICK State News. State News Staff Writer March. That would give Britain both a woman as Every student organization that asked the They are: Grapevine Journal ($15,095), Spectacle is head of government and a woman monarch a biweekly paper with a Student Media Appropriations Board Spectacle ($9,575), Friends of the Lansing circulation of about 15,000. Some of the as head of state. As prime minister, Star ($5,295), Oracle ($3,690), Chicano (SMAB) for funding received at least part of SMAB allocations will be used for a film Thatcher would be the principal adviser to its Veterans Assn. ($2,100), Video Workshop request in the temporary budget series sponsored by the Spectacle staff. Queen Elizabeth II. released Tuesday. ($2,275) and Union Activities Board Friends of the Lansing Star, SN photo/Dale Atkins formerly the However, her title now becomes Leader SMAB will hear appeals to the budget at ($2,650). lluger. one of Germany's more popular contributions to the of Her Majesty's Opposition, and in that job 7:30 Thursday night in 328 Student Services The Grapevine Journal, estimated circu¬ Joint Issue, is published five times a term with a circulation of 15,000. fry of firearms, is featured at the Military Relic Shop in she will have no formal contact with the Bldg. A final budget will be out next week. lation of 10,000, is a newspaper geared The Oracle is a newspaper sponsored by ling. Several other varieties of war souvenirs are on display toward minority students. The paper's first the Inter Fraternity Council and Panhel - ie shop, which is visited on page 5 in issue in over a year will be published in today's Counterpoint. power than any woman i the history of (continued on page 10) grams. It is funded by a 50 cent tax on British politics. She was revolutionary _ undergraduate students. Starting spring u choice for the Conservatives, always the ^ = term, graduate students will also be taxed" party of tradition. "We didn't give some of the groups all that r d releases "I shall take on the work with humility and dedication," she told a news conference, adding, "There is much to do. I hope to do it they asked for, because we weren't sure about the success of their projects," said Dan Dever, temporary chairman of SMAB. Series decides against thoughtfully and well." assist The 49-year-old Oxford-educated SMAB allocated most groups enough money to do at least one project. If the first 2nd Ziegler invitation unemp research chemist and tax lawyer was education secretary in the 1970-74 Conser- vative government. project proves successful the groups come back to the SMAB for more money. can By SUSAN AGER The board has also put about $15,000 in a Ka Kan. (API - President Ford She said she had telephoned her oil State News Staff Writer inflation and economy move. Both Ford and special contingency fund to be used for new 1 billion in impounded federal The Lecture-Concert Series will not reschedule Ron his aides said funds will executive husband, Denis Thatcher, with Ziegler's originally planned go to states only if groups that form as the year goes on, Feb. 25 appearance at MSU because of Bunds Tuesday in a move to cope they are ready to start immediately with the news only to find he knew it already emergencies in the budgets of groups that scheduling difficulties and "the unusual circumstances following the original invitation." the office announced Iraing unemployment, construction projects. from Hews reports. had money allocated to them or new The decision not to reschedule Ziegler was made late Tuesday. ■jnnouncement came during his Asst. White House Press In the first leg of the Tory leadership race allocations. Monday by series director Ken Secretary John Beachler, vacationing in Florida. Ziegler decided Friday to postpone his lecture tour of Ttry campaign in search of support Carlson said mass transit systems could last week she toppled Heath. This time she Only eight student groups were awarded ■rgy and economic proposals. claim about $700 million of the $2 billion, defeated four others, receiving 146 votes university campuses until mid-March for "personal reasons." • $2,000. Five are newspapers that the In a statement released se officials said the release of (continued on page 8) against 79 for her closest rival, William board feels will provide an alternative to the Tuesday, series officials said it was "not feasible" to reschedule Ziegler "in view of the upcoming break between winter and |>uld provide 125,000 jobs in heavy spring bookings for University facilities, Lecture-Concert Series commitments spring terms, an and related industries. and the unusual circumstances a joint session of the Kansas following the original invitation." "We informed the agency that the only day we could have Je.Ford said he was ordering the brought in Mr. Ziegler Ithe funds in response to requests ltrnors he has met during his Still mishap burns freshmen was Feb. 25," said was not told Sally Murray, executive secretary of the office. She said the agency Tuesday of the other considerations behind the decision, but that the Lecture-Concert Series had sent the agency newspaper (round the country, clippings about the lunds are needed and can be put to controversy which arose over Ziegler's appearance here. Bv RALPH FRAMMOLINO happened between 10 and 10:30, he said. Originally, Lecture-Concert and ASMSU were to split Ziegler's $2,650 fee, and the ■use," Ford said to the applause of State News Staff Reviewer "It all happened so quick," said Barrons, who is scheduled to be series was to provide ushers and promotional services. The ■icaneont rolled legislature. Three MSU freshmen received first and second released from Sparrow Hospital sometime this week. agreement was made degree burns verbally between Beachler and ASMSU Great Issues director Steve Findlay. ■first priority would go to projects Monday night when a flask from the makeshift still in their Barrons said he returned to his room Monday night after taking On Jan. 28 the ASMSU board voted 7 to 3 to rescind its half of the fee. and 1 provide meaningful jobs" in an residence hall room fell, igniting the contents and a chemistry exam, and sat down at his desk to reiterated rd hit splattering study for a math test the decision 6 to 4 at a meeting a week later. Beachler then announced that as a result by the current recession. flaming rum over them. he was supposed to take today. of the decision, which left him with the entire bill, students would be a, he said, are highway safety David Barrons, B411 Armstrong Hall, suffered burns on his face charged $1 to attend Ziegler's evening speech on "The Use and Abuse of Power." its needed to complete "key links and neck when a flask containing heated rum bounced off of a desk, "My roommate was doing some sort of distilling process," Previously, students would have attended free, since ASMSU's half of the fee would state system." ignited and splashed on him. Barrons' roommate, Charles Patti, and Barrons said. He said the still, which consisted of two have been drawn from their 50 cent per term fee. Besides the 11 be given to urban mass Steven Gross, B413 Armstrong Hall, who were beakers, two speech and hour-long trying to distill Don alcohol-fueled biyners and a tin can with a wire coil, rested on a question period, Ziegler was to have held a press conference and afternoon seminar fcects" which local officials agree Q 151 proof Jamaican Rum into "reasonably pure alcohol," shelf over the desk. here. Bbstituted for highway projects. sustained burns on their hands and arms. I looked over three feet from where I was and saw Student and faculty comments received by the Lecture-Concert Series office were flames go up Though he intended to drink some of the finished product from the wall," Barrons said. He said that the next about 60 per cent opposed to Ziegler's appearance on lillion in highway the still, the nature of the venture was thing he knew, fire fell campus. trust funds was experimental, Patti said. on his head, chest and Officials from Ziegler's booking agency were not available 111 billion impounded by former Patti said Monday night was the first time that either he or Gross legs. Tuesday to say whether 'The cork in the flask was not positioned other universities on his itinerary had rescheduled him. ■ Richard M. Nixon in tightly," Patti said. an anti- attempted to distill rum into a purer form of alcohol. The accident "The cork popped out and caused the bottle to fall." ktafe board examines By BRUCE RAY WALKER have to rise if the union was established and be a residence hall fee increase to pay for the State News Staff Writer that these statements served to intimidate increased student wages the union proposes. Students and University staff testified at students into not supporting the union. a three-hour hearing Tuesday examining the Jack Breslin, MSU's executive vice Breslin said students in housing and food Student Workers Union (SWU) charge services could not be paid out of president, testified that 5,000 of the 7,200 general against the University of unfair labor student employes were paid out of the funds because the appropriations act passed practices. general fund. He added that the 2,200 by the Michigan Legislature allocating funds Though the hearing, held by the Michigan employed in housing and food services to MSU each year specifies that housing and Employment Relations Commissions cannot be paid out that fund. The union food services employes be paid out of (MERC), was wrapped up, a decision is not contended that if all students were paid out residence hall fees. expected for at least a month. of the general fund there would not have to (continued on page 9> The union claimed that the University interfered with union organizing efforts in four different cases: •By remarks allegedly made by Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president of student U-M graduate assistants affairs, in the State News about the union. •By remarks allegedly made by Donald Schmidt, an area operations food service manager, at a Residence Halls Assn. (RHA) strike, picket university meeting. •By remarks allegedly made by Bill By STEVE ORR disagreement over both economic and Drake, a residence hall manager, at a State News Staff Writer noneconomic issues, including job security, meeting for hall management, student Teaching, research and staff assistants at class size, affirmative action and sexual government leaders and advisory personnel. the University of Michigan went on strike preference clauses. •By allegedly intimidating remarks made Tuesday following eight months of fruitless At MSU. Steve Tyma of the Council of by a residence hall food supervisor to three contract negotiations with the university. Graduate Students (COGS), said COGS has students in Campbell Hall. The decision to strike came by a 689 193 kept in touch with the situation in Ann Joseph Bixler, the administrative judge vote last Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Arbor, though COGS has issued no official handling the case, gave the two parties two striking assistants are members of the statement in support of the strike. weeks after they receive the transcripts of Graduate Tyma Employes Organization tGEO), said such a statement might be forthcoming the hearing to present briefs to him and said formed last April, which at the next represents 1.200 of COGS meeting Monday. he would render 1 verdict after that. I' M s 2,200 assistants and is attempting to Tyma said MSU and UM graduate If Bixler rules for the University, the case negotiate the first contract between the student teaching assistants share many of SN Photo/Bruce Ray Walker will be dropped. But a ruling for the SWU assistants and U-M. the same non-economic grievances, but that Ka break in the Michigan Employment MSU, SWU organizers Doyle O'Connor, Jeff would force the University to post within 30 There is no intention to fully close down wages here are much better. days a public proclamation of guilt. the university, said Dave ■iBouiri °mmittee (MERC) hearings lues Greenwald and Tim Cain discuss the previous The Union attempted to show that there spokesperson for GEO, but Gordon, official He said there has been little interest IheV mto unfl"r practice charges witness's testimony. was no basis for the statements allegedly many classes was down. attendance in among COGS members in unionization, but I ludent Workers Union (SWU) against made by University officials that fees would The earlier negotiations stalled with (continued on page 9) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdilay. Febry. FDA approves contraceptivj By ROSE COL ASITO the individual doctor's discretion for the past three years, Director growth in beef cattle. The controversial "morning after" birth control pill, James S. Feurig said. However, because the drug had not for contraception, been ■ dietrhylstilbestrol (DES), was given formal approval by the Food "Its use is very rare here," Feurig said. "We prescribe it, on the manufacturers cou|H „T V(dkll and Drug Administration Monday. aveage, about once or twice a month. Most of the patients that we DES is used by doctors to prevent pregnancy in women who have deal with are already pursuing some other form of contraception." Measure would bar advisers had a sexual encounter without using another form of birth control. contraceptive. * an-* There is concern that DES may cause cancer when taken over Research recommending the use of DES as a "morning after" pill The FDA will require Sen. George S. McGovern, D-S.D said Monday he will , prolonged periods. Studies have also shown that female children of was first introduced in 1971. The drug has been used for birth and discover that they are labeling advising I introduce legislation to bar the use of American advisers for women who used DES during their pregnancy have developed rare control purposes since then. pregnant'to sI^H "military, paramilitary, police or other security or forms of vaginal and cervical cancer. Feurig said that the FDA health center's use of the rig .SSM intelligence forces" in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The University Health Center has used the pill for birth control at DES is also used to treat certain kinds of cancer and to speed are advised by health center drug. CurrentK wI He said the ban already applies to Cambodia and is a part physicians that?'* dangerous and that they should of the Paris agreement for ceasefire in Vietnam, but should contraception. a*'anotll« * also be written into American law. OFFICIAL CITES LOWER INTEREST RATES The FD A will require McGovern said the legislation was prompted by patient brochures and I,u- I that the drug should Administration requests for an additional $300 million Defining only be used an emergency will be up to m emerge ^H military aid for South Vietnam. however. Dock workers reach pact Foreign investment in U.S. lags "We define an emergency in broader who have had exposure and need it term, .k J Agreement on a new contract for dock workers at Pacific WASHINGTON (AP) A for Feurig said that doctors at the University contract*! ports that guarantees no layoffs through 1977 was top Treasury Dept. - official said ment policies that are contri buting to the decline in interest • An Environmental Protec tion Agency (EPA) official said. The economy will pick up "in the danger of cancer when HealthfvS announced late Monday. Union officials and shippers said they prescribe the drui the pact assures "peace on the waterfront. Tuesday that foreign invest¬ rates. He said a lower inflation recommended that oil compan the middle to final months of usage cannot be on a regular basis. ^ ment in the United States has rate means a stronger dollar in ies explore offshore areas for oil this year and start positive real 'The approval won't Officials of the Pacific Maritime Assn. (PMA) and the slowed down and lending to the long run. and gas under contract for the change the practice of u.i,tJ growth Init will still have what Feurig said. "Since 1971 practitioners have International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen s Union other nations has increased as a The value of the dollar this federal government, not with been you and I feel are unreasonable thought it was needed. (ILWU) predicted overwhelming ratification of the result of lower U.S. interest week was about 17.2 per cent leases entitling them to proceed levels of inflation," Simon told a "The major difference will be that rates. below the trade weighted value the mantita^ agreement. with development. news conference in New York. will now list this use of the Treasury Undersecretary of the currencies of the nation's The recommendation was drug." Jack Bennett said the lower Army enlistee wins discharge interest rates have also led to a major trading partners in the Organization of Economic made by Gerald M. Hansler, EPA regional administrator for Pentagon Philip Cameron Jr., who has sued the Army for foiling to drop in the value of the U.S. Cooperation and Development New York and New Jersey, in live up to a recruiter's promises, got an honorable discharge with full military benefits. "We're obliged to make sure the promises of a recruiter dollar on world money markets since September, though he said the over-all value of the (OECD). as compared with its value in May 1970. The lower value includes the two official public hearings on offshore leasing conducted by the Interior Dept. says supplie dollar remains strong. dollar devaluations of 1971 and are met," saidMaj. A. T. Brainerd, public information officer • The stock market declined "The main reason for the 1973. at Ft. Devens, Mass. "In this cose, someone must have dropped the ball when this man came in the Army, and he didn't get his training." change since September is the decline in interest Bennett said in an interview. rates," But last September, the dollar was only 13.8 per cent less than the OECD currencies broadly amid some concern the recent downward trend in the interest rates might be that to double for Cambod Cameron, 21, of Templeton, Mass. enlisted for three "There has been a pickup in The dollar was at its low point ending. in June 1973, at 19.6 per cent The Down Jones average of WASHINGTON (AP) - A U.S. financed In Cambodia, where years and served two. He was officially discharged Jan. 31 foreign lending and a slowdown military «l 30 industrials was off 2.82 at supply airlift from Thailand into hard pressed and now is working for a furniture store. in foreign investment here." below the other currencies. reported the lowest in six weeks, mi 705.57 after the first hour and a Cambodia will be doubled starting in a few days, What happens when interest A decline in the value of the government and Communist After graduating from high school, Cameron worked in half of trading. Losers out¬ the Pentagon announced Tuesday. forces** rates decline is that investors dollar compared to other cur troops to the lower Mekong River. ti(_ woodshops and then enlisted, receiving a written guarantee often can get a better return on rencies means the cost of goods numbered gainers by a 31 A spokesman said an additional seven U.S. Air channel vital to the virtually besieJI he would be assigned to Ft. Devens and be trained as on margin on the New York Stock Force C130 transport planes are being turned Phnom Penh. ■ their money by investing in the United States imports in entertainment specialist. Exchange. over to Bird Air, the civilian contractor other countries where interest creases, while the price of U.S. operating Sources said Cambodian govern the airlift since last October when the U.S. Air rates are higher. exports decreases. Meanwhile, the New York were preparing to launch a massivej Force withdrew its flight crews. Muhammad still critically ill But Bennett argued for In other economic and energy Stock Exchange reports that This will bring the number of U.S. - furnished clear five strategic points along thei3 maintaining present govern¬ developments Tuesday: most of its member firms Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam finished 1974 solidly in the planes used in the airlift to 12. and the The Pentagon spokesman said reinforcements probably i d| remained in critical condition Monday. black on the strength of a >pokesman said the number of daily flighta will increase from 10 to 20. former U.S. Air Force personnel. HtJ The77-year-old head of the separatist group known as the Black Muslims suffered congenital heart failure over the State Senate strong profit increase in the final quarter. Bird Air will add 56 more air and ground crewmen for the stepped covert involvement of American mi the guise of civilians. up operation, bringing weekend. He had been admitted to a Chicago hospital last "The temporary expansion ol • The bankrupt Penn Central the total involved to 96 men. the request thed| month for what a spokesman called a routine checkup due to The added cost of $1.9 million will be charged of the Khmer govern abruptly canceled plans to halt his age The spokesman said Muhammod's room was being more scholarship all its trains in two weeks after being promised swift govern to military assistance funds allocated to Cambo¬ dia by Congress. announcement said. Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capitifl guarded by several personal bodyguards. Muhammad The state Senate approved legislation Monday night providing ment help to meet an end-of Congress voted $275 million in military aid to under heavy Communist pressure J entered the hospital under an assumed name month payroll. Cambodia for this year, but most of that has been the $1.7 million in additional funds for scholarships to college students. convoys of food and other supplies! spent and Pentagon officials have said the till from South Vietnam have been The bill now goes to the House. • The economic recovery could be empty by April unless ;i| The measure, adopted on a 33-0 vote, would provide $490,000 for replenished. frequently. state hoped for later this year will President Ford has asked for an additional The Pentagon spokesman said theifl competitive scholarships and $1.2 million for state tuition still leave the country with high $220 million for Cambodia aid this fiscal year, but the airlift will last at least 60 days. F grants to private college students. rates of inflation, Treasury Of the 2,600 students that would receive the aid. about 100 attend prospects for its approval by Congress are The flights originate in L'tapao, ■ MSU. Secretary William E. Simon doubtful. remaining U.S. military bases in Th focus: The extra funds are needed to compensate for an underestima tion of state spending for scholarships deliberations. during last year's budget Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerome T. Hart, September Subtcrtp WORLD D-Saginaw, sponsored the bill. A resolution for the action was passed by both houses of the state legislature last week. Second don po»to 345 Student Ser.ke 4HS74 poid at foil taming V learning experiences in •r core of MSU M«».ng«, > fatt Lannny Ml 48874 Kissinger eyes Mideast pact Secretary of Stote Henry A. Kissinger reviewed Israel s 355 8252 355-8255 position on a further partial peace settlement with Egypt 353 4400 355 3447 Tuesday in Jerusalem and said he believed another accord 355 8311 was possible. Kissinger met privately with Premier Yitzhak Rabin, then year of study for college students the two leaders called in aides for an Israel's demands for political concessions from in-depth study of Egypt and the If you desire advanced Judaic/Hebraic and Israel study, or intend to pursue a career in Jewish teaching DID YOU FORGET??! NOW APPEARING | geographic concessions Israel was prepared to give in or Jewish communal service, a year of study at the co¬ M TO ORDER RED ROSES return. "I am making no effort at this stage to engoge in actual educational Hayim Greenberg College is for you. ■ The curriculum includes Hebrew Language. Literature, FOR VALENTINES DAY GEORGE BEI negotiations, Kissinger told newsmen after 7Vi hours of Bible. History, Education, Philosophy, Sociology, Tal¬ mud, workshops and field trips. ■ Credits for courses talks. "At this stage I am trying to get a full understanding of are offered by leading universities with Judaic or "om HARISES all the nuances of each side's position." Hebraic Departments. ■ Generous scholarships avail¬ able. Your F.T.D. FLORAL I "orl,t S. Koreans to vote on Park on Hgyim Greenberg or oiler educ*hor»t p-oarams contsci OF EAST LANSING I WORLD ZIONIST ORGANIZATION nomas wottpwipt 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 South Koreans vote yes or no Wednesday whether they Department of Education A Culture on approve the policies of strong-man President Chung Hee mo 915 Park Avtnu*. N.V.C. 10022. Park. The majority ore generally expected to (212) 752-0600 •(! 384/3S5 say yes. The nationwide referendum asks not approve bluntly: Do you or do you the major policies of the president? Some forecasts were that Park, o Art Auction 57-year-old former general who seized power in a coup in 1961, would get about 80 per cent of the ballots cast. Pork has said he would quit office MARTY'S (M immediately in case of a negative vote. Stock Red REDUCED CCVER & EARLY S M0NMY-1HURSDW Protestant killed in Belfast SLITS ,„s//o \(W Gunmen shot and killed a Protestant milkman SLITS i allies u, u - VOW Tuesday in Belfast, northern Ireland, and police said it was apparently SLITS ww von wr COMING NEXT in retaliation for the slaying of six Roman Catholics during the past three days. The latest killing raised doubts about the solidity of a SI'ORTCOATS mines in VOII *2*r SUN RA cease-fire announced by the predominantly Roman Catholic SPORTCOATS \„s no 1 \ yWi. MAMaGAr's GoiA)G TO GlVfc. VCJU */OO OFF Vouft SALE I fr'*rr worm's plos MALF OO ALL SOM/WIR ■ Mourns. IF Voa alaiacV uvi POLYESTER KNIT COORDINATES Mtrtt^Doo'-r fS.U. I LWT TMfc. COLD - etflMG 6cvH«- FAWiPS Cuo PLUfSfc/J) \f TV^tY ?*<=+* A LlASt^VoU 'LL SAVE /4 to 1/Q /3 [ ^ ■nlxt ooc* OFF Voufl MARCK ^fcKjr/A-iF Vexa LWt i/o erKAioGvtfY F\tu>s For, Poimg, twi Skirts, pants, shirts, jackets and tunics in pAVfc TM|AJ I or navy prints. . easy-moving coordinates to add to your wardrobe now for a fresh, spirit lifting touch of color And, you'll enjoy the handsome savings! Sizes 8 to 18 Now $12 to $29 Campus Bo Apartments & Townhouses Jacobsoris (across from Herkey) Susan Ager Editor-in-chief VIEWPOINT: EX Moureen Beronson Advertising Moooger R.O Campbell Managing Editor Help fight racism in 100 way Mike Arnett City Editor Diane Silver Campus Editor Chris Donielsor Opinion Page Editor Melisso Poyton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Wednesday, February 12,1975 Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor «» ** hwt fight Editorials ore the opinions of ft* Stote TomOren Copy Chief By MEG BEAGLE back?Tiu News l Viewpoints, column*ond letters lindo Sandel Night Editor and DOYLE O'CONNER ore personal opinions. PatNordi Staff Representative Racism, both subtle and blatant, is threatening many aspects of all our lives. It is being used to justify cuts in welfare aid, decaying housing, unemployment, poor emerged at over « EDITORIALS medical care, the destruction of education and declining real wages. public communities in thp .51 During World War II and the subse¬ Murder trial quent decade of civil rights battles, million* of people learned to recognize racism as, at problemloftMher. * least, a moral evil. Many saw it as a deadly Here at MSU there i, enemy to all. That tradition is under attack. such an organization. There is an attempt to substitute for it an organization wag ^ by State Jour outlook that views racism as socially correct and scientifically justified. This outlook bears great similarity to the Hitlerite ,rom th* mobilized over tern, U.S. students to stop formed dele* ^ break b, thr^tL, The Lansing State Journal hard "master race theory.'' It is just as false and tions of 18 pressed to sidestep the legal l.an§ing-trei lor»w. achieved a momumental leap back quicksand of jury prejudice vicious. Racism was then and is now an We have therefore enemy of all social progress. No gains in our committee to insure that ther»^" to the days of "yellow journalism" planted by the Journal story. fight to improve the conditions of our lives opposition to *uch stuck, j, by splattering a blood - and - guts Journal Managing Editor Ben can be made without a rejection of this false have also initiated, J murder story over the front page Burns said the issue of pretrial doctrine and its practical consequences. •exist cutback* and drive t, I The reasons that long-since disproven firing,. of its Tuesday editions. In doing publicity is not a pertinent one, racist theories still circulate can be so, it threatened the possibility of a since the trial is still months and There are a summarized as follows: hundred way, u, fair trial in the case involved. and possibly years away. Evidently, • To explain and justify the exploita we want to do them ,||. c,J. The East Lansing card players Bums feels his readership has a tion of races and classes on biological founding meeting at 1 p m m Feb. 15 in 35 Union. triple - murder case, in which the short memory. grounds. Racists assert that various races Finley Campbell, eochairperJ? Speakers!* accused allegedly shot four men, or classes occupy an inferior status in Perhaps it is true that readers Racism must be fought by all of us. Only Kathy Whiteside, admmiS will not remember all of the society, not because of fundamental social Germany. Remember that IQ tests set the killing three, had its pretrial story's n multiracial unity is there the strength we stage for the Palmer raids in which INCAR; L E. Pettigrew, profal problems, but because of the genetic- hearing on Monday. particulars. But the descriptions behavioral cultural makeup of the victims. need to win. It must be fought, not to do thousands of immigrant workers were metro studies, and a speaker Generally, responsible news¬ and emotional impressions left by This makes possible the continuation and anyone favors, not to be morally right, not arrested, marched through the streets in Immigration. We will also be papers display a more judicious the writer succeeded in creating a extension of abhorrent social practices that to be missionaries, but because racism will chains and deported. award-winning film "Attica" No - will be charged. attitude toward the intricate strong image in the mind of the lead to terrible living conditions for the destroy us all if we dont destroy it. Evervone is Remember that Dachau and Buchenwald This problem of racism will not tfo away bring your friends. workings of the court system than Lansing community of the circum¬ majority of people. • To split and divide the victims of set the stage for Stalingrad and Pearl by itself. Its cause is buried in the country's did the Journal. The reporting stances in which the killings took Harbor. Millions of people of all nationali¬ economic plight, a plight which cannot be exploitation from each other: black from Meg Beagle and Dovlt should stay well within the scope place. It is this sort of dramatized white, Latin from black, etc. ties died as a result of the racist upsurge in changed overnight. Our problem is: How are local INCAR organizers. of the factual. picture -painting which is danger¬ The Journal, however, reverted ous, and does not fade in time. to the sad days when journalism And, considering the jury may neglected justice and instead be chosen from people who read PIRGIM i preyed on the public's thirst for the Journal's story, the danger is In a recent article gore. intensified. critique by PIRGIM on the Mi " The paper's flagrant lack of It is too late now to do anything Service Commission (MPSCl entitled, "Economic Analysis or judgment could interfere with the about that article. If it was read, in Power Plant Construction in trial in two ways. First, even a the image was conveyed. One can Douse your fire The MPSC staff report had a cleirlj good defense has a hard time only hope now that its impact is Once again several people were smoking purpose, stated in the report u' combating gut - level prejudice. minimal, and that it does not in my classes today. Aside from being "With the recent announcement Second, no matter how soiled the unleash its full potential for legal unhealthy for the nonsmoker as well as the construction curtailments in mind, U to be addressed in this evidence, the prosecution may be smoker, this is extremely irritating for paper is wt* catastrophe. impact these reductions in const, many of those sitting in the general vicinity have upon the Michigan of the smoker. I cannot fathom how those economy ' this report is the examinaiton of people who smoke in class can be so (/) future generating JMC upon frightened inconsiderate towards the nonsmokers around them, and I would like at this time to make a plea for all smokers to abstain from smoking while class is in session. employment and I III) taxes Finm tions will be analyzed as prohibit these construction cutbacks and issuance, rising materials and Itto a/so be analyzed Finally, the qut- from Please? Thank you very much. gradingflex no Richard Woodruff 2701 Hopkins Ave. the construction delays mean in additional capital requirements Out to help prove how foolish" the program was. The article by PIRGIM ov Petty, naive realists might indication of intellectual achieve¬ Lee that it is a fact of life. say ment. Very often, it acts as an Cam trucking In practical politics such positions don't plea hit the major sections of this report the effect of future loss of really wash. So take your stands. Bob. and It is obvious from his column, "General JMC has begun to phase out one external impediment to innova¬ let us of the "loyal opposition" attack or capacity. If our state does Without A Country," that Bruce Ray of the last bastions of alternative tive and creative Ordinarily, I might find my duties as a hold our peace. But don't tell us you will be adequate generating capacity, thought State Senator sufficient to occupy my full Walker's conception of American Civil War education — the pass/no credit processes, that cannot function an effective advocate of reduced military expansion will be severely attention, leaving no time to get involved in history and his set of human values are woe¬ since industry has to have el system. With it goes the sense of under the expenditures and of continued defense fully inadequate. pressure of the controversies involving other elected offi¬ contracts for the 6th now and in the future before self-determination in education Congressional District. He wails about how the South just wanted necessity to memorize and parrot cials. to be left alone and never waged an offensive capital investments in plants ai that students have been allowed back what has been spoon-fed However, the recent Democratic sweep External capital may well be war. Strange that he should neglect the in¬ to have in the pass/no credit leaves me one of very few Republicans less power plan construction, but during the course. nocent citizens of Maryland, Pennsylvania method of learning. In order for students to fare serving this central Michigan area in state be recognized that this capital federal office. So, in and Missouri who were terrorized by Con¬ or the interests of for industrial growth in other The labor market is barring its weil in the labor market and federate troops. Even stranger that he providing that "loyal opposition" viewpoint adequate electrical generate ominous fangs and imposing its achieve the American ideal of necessary for proper governmental func¬ Sour note should speak of the South as a collective unit. guaranteed. It also may be u»' wishes on all segments of life. One Does he forget the countless southern Union personal success, the JMC College tion, I'd like to make a few comments on the housing starts, but if there are would have hoped that at least a Congressman Robert Carr Diamond Reo sympathizers who tried to persuade their industrial and commercial jobs small cubbyhole of intellectual Assembly has decided that other Corp. situation. on horn tooting hotheaded and foolish neighbors not to people will not be able to pir forms of individual success and secede? Does he also forget the millions of That the trucks are "essential military homes. Inadequate reserves cor" activity might have been spared accomplishment be stashed in the equipment" is a lame defense. Certainly we blacks who were held in slavery? load shedding during certain i: from the need for a material attic, perhaps and perhaps not to never heard a In view of the hundreds of thousands of congressman promoting a Union soldiers who were killed in the de day which would affect the useof measure of education, but it be discovered generations later as "nonessential" military contract for his such as air conditioners, teler home district. fense of their country and in their quest of appears that "real life" demands a peculiar relic of a past age. Theoretically, one might Yes, unfortunately, you are right. Issues freedom for all men, it is unfortunate that refrigerators. It could also the make a case for an all out effort to utilities not being able to accept sacrifice of educational The issue is a sad one, because such as the Ziegler visit often become Robert E. Lee, an undeniably capable soldier categorically cut defense spending as Can- customers. It should be noted that creativity. it is one of both individual and promised, and then, after the defense political footballs. This, of course, is who felt that seccesion was wrong, did not recommended by the Federal F. In the pass/no credit system, collective human potential. When precisely the problem I attempted to avoid have the moral courage to turn his back on budget is passed, make a similar all - out in my brief three sentence "open letter" to mission are 20 per cent; at the Jai students were granted the flexi¬ the slave-holding aristocrats of Virginia and the realists interfere, the real effort to bring as many of those defense hearing held in September 1974. you on Jan. 31. I was addressing some follow his conscience as did so many other bility and freedom of thought that humans must either resist to the contracts as possible to the home district comments attributed to you by the State loyal Southerners. Edison Co. indicated their reserve A little like some farmers who loudly be 2.1 per cent by 1977. students fettered by grades, tests hilt or capitulate completely. In News (Jan. 29), in which you lamented the decried as government interference, USDA In the PIRGIM article re ¬ and papers don't always have. A cases such as JMC's, there can be possible loss of free speech following the subsidies for crop limitations and then took made to the prevention of I concrete grading scale is not any ASMSU Board's decision to rescind its no really meaningful compromise. advantage of every possible payment "to share of the funding for the through controlling air poll" Ziegler Yet, somehow this simple rently, PIRGIM is not aw« appearance. issue of free speech versus paid speech was Charity for all Environmental Protection AgeKj almost totally ignored in your reply. ments upon electric utilities I would like to commend Bruce Ray scrubbers, flue gas precipitat £ Instead, I had the opportunity to read all Walker for his column of Feb. 6, in which he towers and lo - sulfur fuel. Am about what a terrible president Tim Cain & suggested granting full citizenship to Robert amount of agricultural product The Doctor's Bag makes. Well, that may be true, but it's a E. Lee. little off the subject. Luckily, directly to the strip mining of farmUwS Gen. Lee, while he fought for a cause it is below your letter was a column by Tom significance to Michigan s difficult to sympathize with, had the Wicker of the New York Times, addressing Michigan is not a coal wejaltJ. that very question of free versus strength to stick by his convictions. Though It should be emphasized ap BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. paid it must have broken his heart, he purpose of this report was weu m Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner at Copyrifht 1974 speech, so my day wasn't totally ruined. I wish to leave you with two thoughts. for personal gain (for what reneged on his oath to preserve the United States, not greater glory could there have been than to lead the Since the electric utilities direcuy lifestyles, a thorough undersW MSU Health Center. Names need not be If all this fails, you might benefit from might be in order. In any case, the foreskin First, Tim Cain's conduct in office is but a problems they face is essential, federal Army?), but because he heard his included unless a personal reply is re¬ occasional use of a muscle relaxant pres¬ should not be so tight that it cannot be minor subplot in the entire Ziegler affair at it is important that the ^ friends and neighbors call. His conscience, cribed by a physician. Aches and pains regularly pulled back and the area under¬ MSU. This should be obvious from the Michigan be made aware quested. obviously, would not permit him to wage following strenuous activity should be neath cleaned. If your foreskin is especially outcry being raised here and across the quences of not having su"1 After a day of hard physical work or war against his fellow Southerners. athletics my back will feel stiH and sore. As considered within the range of normal tight you may have a condition known as country in connection with the speaking That his generating capacity. It wM reactions. tours by Watergate characters. A loyalty was misguided is unquestionable, such an awareness that the a remedy I will lay face down on the floor phimosis. This should be brought to the sizable Can we, however, punish him for this? Masturbation causes chafing of my fore¬ number of people oppose the use of ASMSU and my friend will systematically step on attention of a physician. The treatment for skin, which be uncomfortable, though Since he did want his citizenship back can this consists of circumcision. funds to fatten Ziegler's wallet, sections of my backbone until all parts of it irrespective after the lapse of the cause for which he Dennis W. SchwarU. econ not painful. I discovered that putting Could you please tell my why of anything Tim Cain says or does. In have been "cracked." Is this type of the hair on fact, sacrificed so much, is it not mere treatment harmful to either my vaseline on my foreskin stopped this a person's head is always growing, whereas the supposed "representatives" of the vengeance Dept. of Planning and Econon* vertebra or to deny it to him? After the war, as Mr. unpleasant side effect of masturbating. the hair on a person's arms or legs grows to student body on the ASMSU Board (of Michigan Public Service spinal column? If so, is there another But. I also realized that the foreskin is thin Walker pointed out. Lee made many a certain point and then which you are a member) voted 7 to 3 method which would achieve the same and the vaseline can be absorbed stops? to valuable contributions to the through it The hair on a person's head is not rescind the ASMSU funds. While the exact healing pro¬ results without detriment? always cess. Are we to discount I wonder how many people into the body. I would like to know whether growing. All hair on the body grows to a wishes of the entire student body are yet to backs on him? these, and turn our Go reading this or not using it on a long term basis as I certain length and then stops growing and be determined, I think you'll have to questions reacted to this as I did? I gasped. admit Since Lee died thinking his described is in any way harmful. citizenship I have spoken harshly about ill advised I find it extraordinarily unlikely that eventually falls out, to be replaced by new hairs. Head hair follicles happen to be such that the question of whether or not should use its funds to pay for a Ron ASMSU was restored, it serves no purpose that he is I ... pleased t. f!J spinal manipulation in the past. Your much vaseline is absorbed Ziegler technically still deprived of it. Congress column "A chance to talk. ■ ■ through the that they produce much longer strands than visit is a valid issue. Paul took V girlfriend is liable to end her dance routine foreskin into the body, but there is another should set aside a few minutes, State News. eyebrow hair, hair on the arms or pubic adopt a one of these times and find you* paralyzed good reason not to use it. While vaseline is Second, you make the unanimous consent resolution, and set this exposing himself to em from the waist down, or worse. By jumping hair. Hair on different parts of the body case that Tim Cain house in order. Perhaps it would be rejection by showing some ■- slippery, it is also greasy. Greasy materials different purposes, some being more manipulated the Ziegler issue for personal fitting if making a temporary fnen on your back, she is serves forcing your vertebra have a way of trapping moisture next to the a Northern senator were to offer the resolu¬ related to sensation, others being more political reasons. This may be true; I don't to slide over each other in an unnatural skin, and I would be concerned that vaseline know. I have no loyalties to Cain or tion. Maybe even a bipartisan, multi- raised his eyes from that » fashion. related to possible reduction of friction, etc. any sidewalk we concentrate on under the foreskin could cause breakdown It would be guessing at the purpose of head other ASMSU figures. But I ask ideological could do so. ..A ran into, 0' W There are several possible remedies for you to I believe this would the aching back which would be much safer. of the skin. Lubricants used on the body hair, but it is not farfetched to assume that reread your letter of Feb. 4 and tell me who Lincoln's truly be in the spirit of P*"es by' smiling, unknown ot should be water soluble. A variety of such else is using this Second Inaugural Address, it One is to take a couple of aspirin before you lubricants (a common one is K Y serves as an insulating purpose against controversy as an ,. with malice toward none; with blurted "How goes'tr engage in strenuous physical activity and jelly) are heat loss in colder climates and against heat opportunity to do some political horn charity Even with the odds 63, available in drug stores. for all." gain in hotter climates. The significance of tooting. immediately following such activity. An The penis is meant to be handled worth the risk. other is simply to soak in a nice warm bath. gently. this for the modern human is questionable, Marty Kushler A little less vigorous self stimulation James E.Vander Roest of course. 213 Trailer Haven B421 Armstrong Hall 0 /POINT: NUCLEAR oysl-of displays lack of knowledge IbvANABELDWYER horrible and insane. But its projection is not not functioning. Consider that two reactors University of California, the permissible lrsitv hires professors presumably hysterical or disputable. in Virginia were half completed before the .17 Iwledeeable in their fields and to AEC was informed that they were being rads per person per day will eventually (,at knowledge. But Bruce W. Even now the accident rate is From Jan. 1, 1972, to May 30, 1973, 800 alarming. constructed over an earthquake fault. cause 32,000 additional cases of lethal and viewpoint on nuclear power cancer leukemia per year in the United Consider that the General lws Jan. 21) is a dangerously "abnormal" occurrences in nuclear generat Office found security at plutonium Accounting States. Almost any of the writings of Dr. I, description of serious questions ing and storage facilities were reported to areas totally storage Ernest Sternglass of the University of fuse and production of nuclear the AEC. "Many of them were inadequate after the AEC Pittsburgh could enlighten Mr. Wilkinson generic in nature and were not identified inspectors had certified the facilities about the effects of low-level during (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, November radiation. I the MSU Chemical Engineering normal design, fabrication, erection and 1974). That the supervisor of MSU's reactor is 1 its professors to be apologists for preoperational testing phases" (AEC Task ignorant of, and refuses to consider, the Force serious and ic Energy Commission (AEC)? Do Report, October 1973). And don't let Mr. Wilkinson kid himself well-documented arguments Jjans of the MSU reactor have no Has Mr. Wilkinson never heard of or anyone else. The filth spewed from these against the continued use and development L0f the materials with which they of nuclear power is profoundly disturbing. ■ they really think Strontium 90 is This is not a question for technicians alone. End Plutonium 239 like oil? In the sense of our plutonium legacy for all life, for all time, it is a moral i 239. ■ by-product of our question. In Consider that two nuclear reactors in the sense of L(ctorti, is simply the most lethal gathering more and deadlier f known. One millionth of a gram Virginia were half power by the powerful, it is a completed before the AEC was informed that political hium ran cause lung cancer. constructed over an earthquake they were being question. In the sense of offering to the C has • half life of more than 24,000 fault. world a plutonium police state with Biitever we dump in our waters constant terror of nuclear bombings, it is a lr atmosphere will be around for sociological question. ■ of thousands of years. It doesn't Though in theory it is technologically Iphistirated technology to make a 1 gjIf bomb from an amount of Kerr-McGee Co., which serious never reported a plants because of "normal" emissions and possible to generate electricity with nuclear reactors, claims of clean, safe and leak and lab shutdown in I the size of a soft ball. There is plutonium fuel plant in Oklahoma and its because of accidents, mistakes and inept production are simply not cheap supported by the VIEWPOINT: COMPETITION was construction is both deadly and iysterital about any of that. found by the AEC to be seriously lax in The filth is made up of long-lived. literature and the reality. Nuclear reactors ■[cycle quantities of plutonium for employe safety? The AEC investigated only exactly the same substances as that of nuclear bombs. supply us now with the same amount of tier Sports thousands of ship- after Karen Silkwood, who had does wood at huge human, beat reactors, energy as organized vear of plutonium and other the employe grievances, was environmental and dollar costs. apparently According to the Natural Resources A professor who does such s will be part of the national and murdered. Defense Council, the amount of inadequate ,.il scene by the year 2000. We Among many documented cases, consider plutonium research in his own field should be to which members of the Eoid theft, accident and a state that the executives of Consumers public are allowed considered incompetent. Mr. Wilkinson Re: Letter to the editor, "Hypocrisy," the junior varsity basketball team as Power exposure is Xnary concern is the guarding and Corp. in Michigan failed to notify the AEC times too lax. roughly 100,000 should be fired for incompetence as a Feb. 7. center, the previous year. He tries out for b of plutonium. The picture is both that its radioactive According to Dr. John University professor and for Dear Jeff Shipko, gas holdup system was Gofman, professor of medical physics, indecency as a I agree there are students who basketball again his senior year. You are human being. may want new to the school, and want to build a to know other's grades on an examination in "winning" basketball program as quickly as order to show their own superiority. If that possible. You drop the boy from the team IfPOINT: RACIAL DISCRIMINATION is one of the few ways they have to their own feelings of worth, support perhaps it is because you "don't have time to waste better to be charitable than resentful working on fundamentals with a boy who won't be there next year." Again the towards them. I would maintain, however, that most comparison and judgment of worth is clear. Existence of bias in students inquiring about other's As a physical education instructor, with nursing an exam grades on simply want to know their com¬ petitive position in order to gain an idea, seven classe» to teach a day, how much attention will you give the student at the low end of motor coordination? What will based upon their own efforts and in you do to prevent him and others from Biting in response to the front-page nursing instructor or associate her with the criminatory. It is that the students quoted relation to what they know about those making comparisons about athletic ability, ■t accused the School of Nursing to School of grade point was below the cut-off. I did not individuals, of how much more effort they Nursing. in the article felt they should be more than see one of these students get and realizing that everything slides down¬ pninatory towards blacks. This We were also charged with stereo¬ admitted, and need to expend on the course in order to hill and he is at the bottom? an equal. An i very unjust and unprofession typing the black patient. The article being example of this is Evelyn many had higher grade points than the achieve successfully. The student Shields. She came to our school in black student. compari¬ As a coach with limited time in a school ■en. In the past two years our so unjustly criticized was written by a black August son you describe, regardless of whether an requesting admission. Deadline date for where basketball is the only winter Is developed a scholarship fund instructor posts a detailed analysis of sport, physician, who felt that whites lacked applications was May 1. She had not sent in and the physical education period 45 ie government so we can accept education in the traits of her culture In the article Shields says that she grades or not, is one of the ways an group an application and was several minutes of "chore" twice a week, what will :y students into our program, which were important to know in order to points below dropped nursing because of discrimination. examination can serve as a the grade point cut-off. The school told her I think this should be clarified. After motivating force you do with the boy who has the desire, but arship fund allows us to accept 20 for study of the course. talking not the ability, to play? What will your to her, I found out that she |tudents over the 100 students we got a failing Now let me ask what you intend to do as a priorities be when you are the physical Jo fulfill the grade point require grade for not meeting objectives of hospital work which are physical education instructor, and as a education instructor, and the coach, all at Ipther they are black or white. required equally of every coach, given the following two very once? student, black or white, and true-to-life situations: Jg services are offered in chem- to each student at the were presented As I am sure you are aware, competition fciology. microbiology and phar- beginning of the One: a group of fifth grade students are and comparison occur in all areas of human Ifor the minority student. These term. These objectives are prewritten, and choosing sides for a softball game, except endeavor. As for myself, I have never wses offered by each student is evaluated for one boy who still stands alone between the University. by more than one experienced competition in the classroom so 1 they are classes required for instructor to determine if the student has the two groups. He is an extra man, and the met the objectives. She was not two team "captains" are damaging as the competition on the playing *o take in order to be admitted to the only arguing violently field. lof Nursing. Once accepted to the student who failed; however, she was the over him — not about which team wants In either case, the solution is not to ■oring is offered to the minority only black student who failed. him on their side, bi^t about which side gets eliminate grades and grading, or to "a one to one basis. I do not know give good nursing care to the black patient. "stuck" with him. He's heavy, slow, doesn't eliminate organized sports. The cocky they could not admit her because of the throw the ball well, and a sure "out" at bat. Jarship fund or tutoring services If one had read the article, it said ".. this is preceeding circumstances. Since she was As stated earlier, this is not a matter of athlete is no different from the strutting ■or the white student." not stereotyping and it should be noted that discrimination. It is just a matter of a couple Competition and comparison of a very scholar. Both are accomplished black, she went to the Equal Opportunity performers lelyn Sanders was quoted in the not everyone is going to demonstrate the Administration and the Attorney General's of minority students who have a personal damaging nature is reinforced every time in their respective fields, and both must r being prejudiced. How Dr. same traits or the same needs ." Also, hangup concerning their culture group. any kind of "team sport" is played, yet learn to realize that task . . office and said we were being discrimina¬ a accomplished, a |eels. I do not know. However, she black culture was not the only culture physical education is required in the school performance achieved, is only really tory. The school finally did admit her. Over of all students. in the MSU Microbiology studied. 300 white students did have applications in Cindy L. Hoort Two: A rewarding when the competition is also is unjust to classify her as a It is not that the School of Nursing is dis- on time, but were rejected because their high school senior has overcome equal to the effort. Charles G. Eberly School of Nursing many obstacles and finally earned a place on 242 S.Kedzie Hall NOTICE 10 ALL STUDENTS 1975 SUMMER OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES (July 7-August 15, unless otherwise indicated) ion england fashion and textile natural science MAYIN, GERMANY irican thought design centers *NS 111,112,113 "The Nature of Science I, II, III" 4 credits a german 1 language *HED 405C "Exploration of the Textile and 4 credits Apparel Industries" *NS 300 "Supervised Individual TOTAL: 8 credits Study" 2-4 credits B American Expression" (June 18- August 8) 3 credits *HED 405B "Special Problems in Retailing Fieldwork" Tj Supervised JP Writing Individual Study" 2-4 credits the Research Variable credit (1-4 credits) *HED 490 "Problems in Human Environment and theatre •GRM 321, 322, 323 "German Composition and Conversation" Report" 4 credits Design" (Two years of College German required) Total 9 credits ■ 'toll credits Variable credit (1-6 credits) (July7-Augustl) •GRM 421, 422, 423 "Advanced German TOTAL: 8 credits •THR 101 "Theatre Appreciation: Foundations" 3 credits Composition an< Conversation" •THR 223 "Introduction to Acting" 4 credits (Three years of College German required) Total 9 credits • humanities (non-majors only) G R 499 "Special Projects" Variable credit •THR 411 "Acting Practicum I" 4 credits TOTAL: 12 credits •HUM 202 "Humanities in the Western World" 4 credits P Greek Art" 4 credits •THR 421 "Creative Dramatics" 4 credits •HUM 203 "Humanities in the Western World" 4 credits H Roman Art" 4 credits 1 Special Problems" •HUM 300 "Supervised Individual Study" 2-4 credits •THR 476 "Contemporary Theatre Movements Since 1945" 3 credits Variable credit TOTAL: 8 credits K honors Work" 1-6 credits •THR 499A "Readings in Special Theatre Problems" europe including the J. political science •PLS356 "Western European Political Institutions and Behavior" 4 credits soviet union COMMITTEE FOR INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION I'arative education • •PLS 454 "Special Topics in Comparative Politics" 5 credits INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE *PLS 469 "Special Topics in International Politics" 5 credits STOCKHOLM-SWEDEN l01*) (Juno 20-July 30) •PLS 490 "Honors Study" 3-6 credits (Jun* 15-July 26) P "Education in the Western World" TOTAL: 12-16 credits social science 3 credits I seminars m Education" Variable credit (July 28-September 4) •AG or NR 475 "International Studies in Agriculture and Natural •SS 241 "Modernization: Political and Social" 4 credits Resources" Variable credit ■ C'edit 3nd Study in Education" social science •SS 242 "Modern Ideologies: Justifications of Political and TOTAL: 3-9 credits SS 241 "Modernization: Political and Social" 4 credits ■9n?lUa,e ■s 9'aduate students credits and teachers •SS 242 "Modern Ideologies: Justifications of Political and Economic Power" 4 credits •SS 243 "Revolutional Change and International Conflict" Economic Power" 4 credits 4 credits *SS 243 "Revolutional Change and International Conflict" *SS 300 "Supervised Individual Study" 2-4 credits mexico city Native arts and 4 credits •SS 300 "Supervised Individual Study" 2-4 credits *SS or *UC 492 "Integrative Studies: Swedish and American Public Policy" 3-5 credits Picture *UC 492 "Integrative Studies" 3-5 credits This course content is pending revision and •SOC 475 "Individual Research Projects" Variable credit COMMITTEE FOR INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAM IN MEXICO • approval *SOC 880 "Individual Readings" Variable credit l H'8,0ry °' 'nterior Design: Medieval to Rococo" TOTAL: 8-12 credits TOTAL: 8-12 credits (June 16-August 8) |o"Pmh°i?0, lnterior Desi9n: Modern" 3 credits (credit m Human Environment and Design" Financial Assistance to students is available under the n third and fourth year level Spanish Variable credit usual MSU arrangements. ■ s may be earned in the above combination • Socouw ol tpac* limitation., #«oct roquiromonti for cour*M »hooW b. chocked in tlw Description* ol Courtm wction ol th» 1975 MSU Cotolog. |ish literature Applications and further information may be obtained from: t!u'0nal" 1-5 credits pH"senn°?uWork''Va"«ble credit OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY I'Cm T°r.S E88aV" <-10 credits n. fc 'GrMuate rb°L 8!?' 8 Deflree C8ndida,M" 3 cr#di,» Rm. 108 Contor for International Programs B "Crch" S "2 Cour,e" 1-5 credits # Cs h Var,8ble credit Phone: 353-8920 or 353-8921 6 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Feb, 'niaryuj Highbrow comics bite the dus By FRANK FOX the economics of it, they get are not giving discounts to re tailers, which makes it kind of "Classics Illustrated" available. "A lot of people looking for Jthe SUte News Reviewer discouraged," Bransfield said. book poD Scholastic life just got a little At its peak in the mid-60s, difficult for retailers to handle them are adults buying them Van'sh- p0^ens«il harder. "Classics Illustrated" sold some them." for their kids," he said. "Or. "Classics Illustrated," the 20 million copies a year in people will say, 'hey, I need this Walsh said he did have some highbrow comic book versions newsstands, chain stores and for a book report.' " of famous novels that saved other retail outlets. In their countless book reports, is 30-year history, the series sold following the dodo and the some 800 million copies in two NEWS CAPSULE nickel cigar into objivion. dozen languages. The full-color, compact ren But increases in printing and derings of 'The Three distribution costs, plus the In depth reports on Musketeers." "20,000 Leagues reluctance of retailers to push Under The Sea" and scores of "Classics" — which came to be other titles are either totally seen as small-profit items — led The Mideast out of print or disappearing to the decline of the series. . .Unemployment from the warehouse of Twin Twin Circle Books, a New Circle Publishing Co., which York firm which bought the . Federal Agencies .Ziegler Visit purchased the series in 1969. series from founder A1 Kanter Even the last of "The Last of in 1969. stopped printing The Mohicans" will soon bite "Classics" about three years TONIGHT at 8 pm the dust. later. The firm sells the comics Of the nearly 300 titles pro through direct mail only for 39 duced during the publishing life cents each. MSN 640 AM of "Classics," about 80 remain "There are few retailers sell¬ in stock, publisher M. Declan ing them." said Ray Walsh, WMSIS UK \1E Bransfield said. owner of The Curious Book "The demand for them is just Shop. "They (the publishers) WEAK mi!/,, «« Starts Friday "IINNY" A great film 5:15 7:30 (CM$100 9:30 P. M. THURSDAY at 7:00 9:05 vv LAST DAY vv whose time has come. fTlarilyn Chambers "The lvoru Flakes Girl" From the ameeh euepense novel of the year. ; »»■<*•, «"0 c«cf> -in bw»> | J0N\QGHIn TKOOESSAFIlf «» KHIND "Lenny" M3RWND00R" n.\irr< urn KRuTiiF^Pr~ni \l\Rlh\CH\MBERS • JOHNNIE KEVES • GEORGE S. MrOONAU A Stanley Kubrick Production "A CLOCKWORK ORANGE' Starring Malcolm McDowell • Patrick Magee • in ,1 «»" from Werner >rot A Warner AdnennJ and Miriam Karlm • Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick • Based on the novel by Anthony Burgess • P'ofocMW Directed by Stanley Kubrick • tmui..» nt. i. n.m j, itwnii • o«|nui »on famous all-star footlall professional (you'll reiopinr for, in the aliptation of the underground classic "Behind the l.rrrn Door" NOW SHOWING- IVW «l jn.1 .iir« t*l b* JAMES and \RTIF. MITCHELL • Cinrmttofra^t bt JON FONTAYA 'irwiiul vorr Li DANIEL LE BL\NC • Eastman Color \ Adult* unit Tonite • Wed. SHOWTIMES 7:00, 8:30 & 10 Thurs. 2-13 Showploce: Rm. 100 Engineering Bldg. Mon. 2 17 Admission: $2.25 Tues. 2-18 THE YEAR'S YOU MUST BE 18, PLEASE BRING PROOF OF AGE Shows at 6:00 4 8:30 r.i.J x BEAL FILM pajfouminc, aums compAnv 10 BEST!" 1974 - 1975 Season TICKETS —Judith Crist, New York Magazii —National Board of Review —Baltimore AVAILABLE NOW Evening News —Washington Star News —Philadelphia Inquire? TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 - SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 —Detroit Free Press —Family Circle 8:15 p.m. —After Dark ^ -CBS-TV FAIRCHILD THEATRE co A Marvin Worth Production swing Valerie Perrme A Bob Fosse Film Dustin Hoffman David V. Picker "Lenny"' .Julian Barry directed by Peter Landry p'oaucedjv Marvin Worth. Bob Fosse M.,-,Cai sope^.w t, % United Artists IS 3 I mm. "0II0W pmwt lowormci. wuuau on unihd T F*0M« INF0MATI0N 33? MM RECOMMENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES i iT ri STARTS FRIDAY! l>y John ^ liili"r LENNY'S Tim HAS HHAUr COME! FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX QUICK OPEN MONDAY KRIDA V |2 - - 5 PHONE 355 - 01« Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 12, 1975 7 'e/son seeks aid for scieKcE project m ByDAVEGUZNICZAK system was operating last year. Hope said. "Our only problem is "We're going to have to solicit mmm ifw) State Newa Staff Writer A resolution for appropriat¬ ing $100,000 to finance waste Among those who witnessed a demonstration of it was Nelson. "I have already seen what the that public we can't continue to use funds for risk type invention improvements." grant money or get money from private sources to continue the small prototype. Ingham County is also proposing to apply for $100,000 in federal recycling research in Ingham prototype can do. It seems to financing it," Hope said. Community Development Act County was introduced into the me that with the Hope said they would keep funds to help finance this problem of financing the system if the Nelson's grant would help phase legislature Friday by state Sen. solid waste disposal being as it fund the estimated $150,000 of development of the Redker - Earl Nelson, D - money could be found from Lansing. is, the system could save pos¬ other sources. cost for refining and Young process. The resolution would provide sibly thousands of dollars in its modifying a grant for continuing the operation," Nelson said. research and development of Sode said the small the Redker - Young solid waste recycling process in Ingham type, located at 5611 Aureiius Road, is presently being mod¬ proto Legislators' seminar begins today County. ified and refined to handle eight A unique two day attempt to process, improvement of inter¬ normally do not have time to However, the process, called to 10 tons of garbage per hour. give Michigan legislators a nal operations, the pyrolysis or fractional distilla¬ It is pace of the consider, according to the semi¬ expected to be finished by better perspective of their jobs legislative process and the com¬ nar's prime organizer, Ilene tion, is hardly a waste. At March 3. 1975. begins this morning at Kellogg mittee system. Tomber. present, technology has Sode said the final phase of Center. reached the point where 80 per the Redker The - Young process The 1st Annual Seminar of groups will combine Tomber, a past president of J \. ill ^-1- /r&Tvl///, cent of common use can municipal ref¬ be recycled into usable would be further refining of the the Michigan Legislature opens senators and representatives the League of Women Voters in bigger system into a facility that with a talk by David and Democrats and Republicans Ogle, Michigan, said over 100 of the products. Ingham County drain could handle 800 tons of executive director of Connecti¬ and offer state solons the chance garbage state's 148 legislators plan to Commissioner Richard Sode over a 10 hour day. cut's Joint Commission on to talk about some and Leg¬ things they attend. process innovator Don However, one problem is that islative Management, at 9:30 1 II fcc «AM Redker say the Redker - Young county money may soon become a.m. in the Kellogg Center process can recycle 100 per cent unavailable for the process. } v of the garbage, auditorium. including glass Ingham County already appro¬ The afternoon session start¬ and metal, into at least 35 priated $30,000 to the process ing at 1:45 p.m. features Mar¬ salable products. These include last May. Another $50,000 was shall Harris, past chairman of liquid petroleum gas, ammon¬ approved by the county board of the Florida ium sulfate fertilizer, Legislature's Ap¬ acetone, commissioners in their last propriations Committee. acetic acid and burnable char¬ regular monthly meeting. After both speakers Michigan coal. "We financially support it," lawmakers will gather in small Also involved in the project is I orority offers Paul Young, who is to get the system marketed. attempting Ingham County Board of Com¬ missioners Chairman Kenneth groups to discuss the legisla- ture's role in the annual budget By controlling the heat and ■ght foot three, bow Iegged The valentines cost 25 cents valentines also but at additional trapping escaping gases, the 20 oh what a cutie you are and may be purchased in the cost. per cent of garbage lost in other t. So won't you be my lobby of the MSU Music Build itine?" ing on Wednesday and Thurs¬ The valentines will be by quartets of SAI women. sung recycling turned processes into useful can be MERIDIAN FOUR products Lldn't you love to send or day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Last year the group made $80, through the Redker Friday 9 a.m. to noon. - Young Ke this verse sung to the which went toward system. ■of Has Anybody Seen My The sorority offers a selec¬ scholarships. A small prototype of the • this Valentine's Day? tion of 35 sentiments and tunes "You can't buy a valentine ■verse was composed last both serious and comic, said card for 25 cents anymore, if |bv the same group which Annette Yared, a senior major you consider the 10 cents singing valentines ing in music and heading the postage," Yared said. valentine project. The list of tunes and verses is Lging valentines, written posted in the lobby of the Music lung by members of Sigma Building. For 25 cents anyone can send | Iota (SAD, professional k sorority, will be throbb- a singing valentine to any Vou?h telephone wires for person with a local telephone kecond straight year this number. Arrangements can be made to send long distance imitnmiL'f-j We have a large ■ selection of VALENTINE CARDS and a nice assort¬ ment of CANDIES by Sanders. I Remember that someone special this I Friday. l»inn$ Camera a Folk-Legacy recording artist \sitiging American and British traditional "1 E. Grand River • Frandor - Downtown 1 songs | Thursday, February 13 at 8:30 p.m. Gold Room (2nd floor of I nion Building) BE PART OF A PROVEN RETAILING IDEA —OPENING APRIL 1ST IN EAST LANSING- Admission *2 FREE refreshments OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will contain 200 separate individually owned mini stores and boutiques! If you ever wanted to be your own BOSS, here s your opportunity The specialized shops in OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will be small in size (from 100 sq tt up) and economical in overhead to sponsored by the operate Because this MINI-MALL is open ONLY during PEAK MSU Folksong Society in retailing hours. (Thurs and Friday 6-10 P M Saturday 10-10 and cooperation with the , Sunday noon-7 PM). you can operate your business without interfering with other employment or activities ECONOMIC TIMES Union Activities Board 231) 11SM ARE TOUGH Here is your chance to or turn supplement your income your retailing ideas into cash n Cirgill'i Producer I IDEAL STORE & BOUTIQUE LOCATIONS NOW AVAILABLE tor arts, crafts, antiques, uniques, men s clothing, women s clothing, shoes, toys, child's wear, sport goods, hobbies, leathers, flowers, jf .RHARJHRRJHR RJ-LFlRHARJ -iFLRJHR RJ-iP RJ-1A RHR RJ-IAJ^J-LP ; GROWTHGraduating Senior$ and M.B.A.'n: cosmetics, candy. iewelry, books, records, accessories, imports, fabrics, china, gifts, housewares, repairs, real estate, insurance. home-Improvements and on and on. SPECIAL GOURMET FOODS section featuring foods from around COMING THIS WEEKEND! * * * Accounting • Agriculture • Butlne»$ • the world like never before in Lansing (Still a few choice loca¬ * Engineering • Liberal Arit tions at unusual rental rates) TAKES OFF LIKE A * h,!'?1" -8' the leading edge. Active in agricul- CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE SHOPPING IN OLD WORLD VILLAGE BLAZING FOREST FIRE. WITH * *'• '"dustrlal, and consumer commodities MALL because of complete personal service The salespeople JULIE A THRILL A MINUTE!" * ■no products, and In a variety ot other related own the stores and boutiques CHRISTIE * ies?es' You cou,d b® there! We need top The OUTSTANDING proven EAST LANSING location will bring * tK«Pi 8 wide ran90 of positions, careers more traffic than any other possible retailing location Dynamic |OS£PH t UVINt,—.. * .til emulate , ,8(< ,0 management. Our policy (a to promotional program and special events sure to draw! Choice * leadership potential. To encourage GEORGE C.SCOTT locations still available Low rental rates. CALL OR WRITE TODAY * iS ,crea,ivity- To recognize and reward MIKE NICHOLS within achlevement- And to promote from FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION & APPLICATION 4 representative will be Interviewing THE DAY DOLPHIN oni/j Check with the placement OlflWOBW wice now for ■- - - • - 'Worship! -A J Village Mall Thurs, Brody 7:30 Thurs. Brody 9:30 Thurs. Conrad 7;30&9:30 4- Wilton 9:30 Fri. Wilson 7;30 & 9:30 Fri. 109 OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL OFFICE I Fri. 100 Eng. 7:30 4 9:30 Anthony 7:30 ^ Frl. Conrad 7:30 <9:30 Sat. Conrad 7:30 t 9:30 Sat. Wilson 7:30*9:30 9:45 sr-'— \\\\\{ J Sot. 100 Eng. 7:30 4 9:30 Sun. Wilson 7;00 Sun. Conrad 7:30 Brody 8:30 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F IttaXi J Sun. Wilson 9:00 Conrad 9:30 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, FebriUary 12, i Students design sola By JEFF MERRELL group of MSU engineering stu¬ lower than most in the con¬ shortage," said Ben Foster, that runs on solar power, ia not monitoring the amount of attempt to create a complement feasible in Lansing, limply energy being received by each to traditional energy sources. State Newe Staff Writer dents from attempting to tinental United States. junior, who is in charge of be¬ The group's project is an cause "they get more sun than of the three devices, and then The total cost of the project Only two things stand in the design a home that is as close to organizing student participa¬ we do," according to Foster. deciding which combination of will be about $10,000, and will way of developing a completely being self-sufficient in energy entry in the Student Competi¬ tion. So the group's project in¬ sources could best be used to be financed through company Self-sufficient, solar and wind- as possible. tion On Relevant Engineering Currently, the group is (SCORE), which volves four, and possibly five, meet the immediate needs. donations, Foster said. The powered home in the Lansing The group is designing the a contest selecting components for con¬ struction of the planned scale sources of energy, all allocated William Cowley, senior, said groups has already received area. household energy system for poses a problem every year for and the wind. the Lansing area, version. to the house through a com the decision making unit would $2,000 from SCORE to get The sun but both the college entrants to solve. A completely cost around $100, making it started. Or actually, the lack of both. winds and the solar energy "This project sort of hits at self-sufficient puter. available in the region are the right time, with the energy home, like in New Mexico A windmill, solar panels, an well within the limits of an But there are still problems. But that problem did not stop a one anaerobic decay chamber (to average household. 'The whole project, now, is produce natural gas) and con¬ Cowley said the MSU group, ventional energy sources will however, is using a mini com Schlesinger to cut full-alert force all be used to run the houa* hold. A fifth source, a fuel cell, may puter. "because we've got one." He also said the project is an WASHINGTON Secretary of Defense James R. (AP) - often. This hare (the United States) may be different," he of military Vietnam amounts aid to to South placing enough weapons and ammuni¬ tion to retain their indepen be included in the project only if the group does not have to A career in law- said. Saigon "on the military equiva¬ dence. He described South Schlesinger said Tuesday that buy it A new fuel cell costs because of the unlikelihood of a surprise nuclear attack by the At another point in the. 300-page report, Schlesinger lent of starvation rations." Vietnam as a "small state, still beholden to us. which still somewhere around $30,000. Foster said. without law school Soviet Union, he is reducing the said congressional reluctance to Schlesinger said the South struggles to maintain its The basic idea of the project What can you do with only a bachelor $ Vietnamese promised independence." decree? number of U.S. strategic provide recommended amounts were is to employ the computer in Now there is a way to bridge the bombers held full-time alert. gap betwL . on undergraduate education and a challenqmn rZ?| Schlesinger said 30 per cent s.bie career The Lawyer s Assistant ,s able KI instead of 40 per cent of the work traditionally done by lawyers 111 Hey, chicken lovers- NEJAC TV RENTALS" Three months of intensive American fleet of 415 B52 training can am ^"1 837-1010 the skills—the courses are taught bombers would remain on alert choose one of the six courses offered by layers v l to insure they were in the air - choow M by the time any enemy missiles hit Strategic Air Command come on over toThe Other fried! city in which you want to work Since 1970. The Institute for has placed more than 700 graduates in Paralegal I Traimni.1 bases. lor ill banks, and corporations in over 60 cities ia* iZ'l The defense secretary said a Michigan State University Students I Wednesday If you are a student of high academic Soviet surprise attack "out of Faculty and immediate family slandinasivil are interested in a career as a Lawyers AsX,l the blue" is "quite unlikely we d like to meet you s®ll under the current circum¬ JAMAICA stances. Montego Bay "A nuclear attack on the United States, even one which is limited to our strategic offensive forces, would most Family Night $25Q e { Mar. Round trip jet via 16-23,1975 During Spwg Break ' 1 nights Air Jamaica We will visit your campus on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 likely be preceded by a series of Party Jet crises, and certainly by a sharp • Gourmet meal service in flight WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 deterioration in our relations • in-F light Fashion Show with the Soviet Union," 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, e Rum bamboozles in flight The Institute for e 7 Night hotel Schlesinger said in the annual defense report to Congress. mashed potatoes and gravy, • e Jamaican Cocktails A NO MORE 1 Paralegal Training whot/s figc/fie A comparable proportion of tanker planes used in partner¬ hot biscuits. Phone: NANCY WEIR 355 - 8546 ship with the B52 nuclear bomber force would also be Great time to discover the toucha honey taken off full-time readiness, he difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Reg. 1.69 _ _ said. Now only unr- There was no immediate estimate of cost savings. Fried Chicken. Delicious batter, fried really crisp and all the way dipped-in-honey £ | # 25 DooLeys Schlesinger emphasized that the Soviets continue to go full through. No wonder people who cross speed ahead with inter¬ over to The Other Fried Chicken continental missile develop¬ stay there! ment. He said the American response will depend on how far the Russians go under the limits of the Vladivostok agreement limiting U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons. TONItr He said the United States would show restraint in developing advanced missiles in Muggers\ return for Soviet restraint in deploying a powerful family of new missiles. "In making their decision, they should remember that the tortoise won because the hare did not try very hard very Funds freed 'continued from page 1) Night j iviLiqs liAlf p«i( ( aII iNiqlu After his speech to the legislature, Ford motored to the ^ governor's mansion for a pri¬ vate luncheon with 10 Midwest¬ ern governors. doWNSTAiuS ; Earlier, he attempted to soft¬ pUyiNq .SB en rising fuel costs to farmers by offering them a special rebate NOW and declared he would not let Dmne American agriculture "run out of gas." Broadening his campaign in behalf of his economic and CoMEdy energy proposals, the President arranged to address a joint session of the Kansas legisla¬ ture before meeting with the governors. Ford also scheduled an even¬ ing news conference to cap a two-day swing which began with a series of appearances in Houston, Tex., Monday and Tuesday. He chose the setting in the heart of a fertile farm region to announce that he has instructed Federal Energy Administrator Frank Zarb "to design for the agricultural community the bate program to compensate the re¬ It takes a special farmer for increased energy costs. .." Ford said details would be announced "within the next few breed of cat... weeks" but White House offi¬ . . to work for Scott. All are carefully hand picked, with backgrounds as diverse as you would expect to cials said Zarb has yet to decide find in a company that encourages individuality and initiative. But they all share one thing in common. the precise scope of the pro¬ They demand excellence, of themselves and of SCOTT. gram. For each of them, SCOTT has been a good place to grow. To explore new opportunities, divisions and One possible method of grant¬ functions. And to match their skills against new challenges. ing the rebate, said Press Secretary Ron Nessen, would Our decentralized management system puts every employee right where he or she can learn and con¬ be for farmers to save their tribute the most . right where decisions are made, problems solved and opportunities explored. gasoline receipts and hand them over to the government, receiv¬ It's not likely that any organization, large or small, will have everything you're looking for. But if the basics ing a rebate in return of 15 cents are there, an important deciding factor should be whether you'll have the opportunity to shape your own per gallon. career in a way that suits your talents, interests and needs, as well as the organization's goals. At SCOTT, we allow precisely that. We offer more for the special breed. K? LET I I I I DOMINOS PLAY CUPID &| SCOTT SCOTT PAPER Campus. February 27th, 1976 FORYOUl^^J on | _ Sign up now at the placement office. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 12, 1975 9 [fate board examines SWU Linufd from PME® D Breslin said he was unfamiliar with the two court decisions. that in each of the four allega¬ would cause an increase in error, charges 1 sJlft when he actually meant okoujif 211 E Grand Rivei |epas professor of labor tions they had made against student fees. the Appropriations Act. Campbell Hall, testified lustrial relations, spoke Repas said further that the University staff members there Less said the statements admitted that he had not read He Next to the Sportsmeister g Union. He said the University officials involved was no basis for the remarks were made by Nonnamaker and Men, Tutt, Fri, Sit 9-6 had no right to tell students that the passage in ■Court and the Court of made about rising rates. question until Wtd.Thur It were accurately printed in the sometime after the \ have declared unconsti- residence hall fees would have to rise to cover increased The Union called on Rosanne State News. meeting. Bill Steinke, ASMSU execu¬ n 1 that part of the appro- Less, a State News reporter, SWU tive assistant, testified be $8 per month. f s act referred to by student wages, because the to organizers Jeff concern¬ ■ and asked Breslin why University could higher wages with cover the testify concerning remarks allegedly made to her by Eldon Greenwald, Doyle O'Connor and Tim Cain all testified concerning ing the allegation that Drake had informed a g CIGARETTES Tjent employes could not money from Nonnamaker, vice president of the allegation that Schmidt had meeting of the general fund. student government leaders JJ) completely out of ■funds. The union attempted to student affairs. Less reported attempted to block a vote at a and advisory personnel that if a : prove that Nonamaker said the SWU RHA meeting that would have union was formed residence hall e LIMIT 2 given support to the student fees would rise $50 e per year. Expiras Fab. It. 1*75 union. Steinke said that Drake told Eon laming Vara Only -M graduate assistants go on strike All three said Schmidt had told members attending the meeting that "he could not let the group he had gotten that figure in a meeting the week before with Schmidt. 3 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM them take this information Linued from page 1) honor it. much genuine sympathy for the about the SWU back to their The fourth allegation con¬ cerned three students who were PROCESSING & DEVELOPING 1 thinks the strike in Ann Many students are also refus¬ strikers. e NO LIMIT residence halls, because it was ■ might drum up support ing to cross the picket lines. allegedly coerced and intimi¬ Teaching assistants at U-M false." They testified that dated by Marjorie Van e Explras'TriMt 1*75 lnizati°n at MSU. Gordon said he thought the usually instruct the small lab or Schmidt had told the meeting Dyke, e Eait Lansing Star* Only the Ion said the Teamsters strike had widespread under¬ discussion portions of larger that what the SWU food supervisor for e Mjn Ann Arbor are honor graduate support, and a introductory lecture classes. proposed was against the state consti- Campbell Hall. Ko picket lines, and that member of the Michigan Daily The staff assistant Two students who worked in University worker unions newspaper staff in Ann Arbor includes category tion. the Campbell cafeteria with Van e KODAK FILM KODAK FILM other graduate Schmidt said that he might t Icide later this week to said his observations indicated students employed by U-M. have cited the constitution Dyke, Mary Fiegle, 317 Camp¬ by bell Hall, and Leslie Wess, 258 C126-12 99° C110-12 9 9c LIMIT! LIMIT 1 Expiras Fdb. 16 1975 East iKpirotVdTu. 1*7S Lansing Star* Only East Laming Stora Only PEPSI PRINGLES No Deposit — No Return Potatoe Chips 8 pk. 16 oz. 1 A 0 reg. $1.63 1 H 7 2Pk 6o = W 7 IijD . reg. 88* COUNTRY FRESH LIMIT 1 limit i 3301 E. MICHIGAN AVENUE, FalTu. COTTAGE CHEESE Expiras 1975 Eatt Lansing Stora Expiras Fab. It. 1*75 Only 2825 E. GRAND RIVER, East Lansing Stara Only 930 W. HOLMES ROAD, 15*487 N0R1* Close-Out! BUV 3-SAVE TO $L2Q W/tN-STORE COUPON- EAST ST., 52IO W- SAGINAW C. FRESH ± 30 % OFF ON ALL PAPERBACKS 2 LO-FflTMILK .... Best-sellers, newest releases & more! BUV 2- save 40/i MO OKI cotbV £ LIMIT t UMMMORN CHEESE P9 Koupon Expiras Fab. It 1*75 East Lansing Stara Vaseline Intensive Care Only Expiras Fab. It. 1*75 East Lansing Stora Transparent OnJj^^^ HERBAL REPORT ®SAVEHILLS 354 W/IN- STOREBROS COUPON - REG-COFFEE or 6l£C. PER* " k 2^ AAA BUBBLE BATH Jeg° $2.00 1 .24 reg. COVERS 25* | ^C ®B0Y8PAK UMIT1 SAVE I6< W/h- LIMIT 2 2- save (1.00 w/COCA in- STORE COUPON,COLA it 02. RET- BOTTLES Jr JiA *1* "Mecic-vooa" inpirmt Fob 14 1*75 Eost Lansing Store only E.piro/Fob01^. East 1*75 Lansing Stora Only I SAVE I0< A PAdCOdb" ON POLLY ANNA BUTTER FARM CREST CAKES & PIES |© HOT CROSS BUMS SIX PQK reg. 29f ea. ^ Expiras Fab. It. 1*75 4/88° ' / V U 69* Liquid SHOE SAVER VASELINE Petroleum Jelly SAVE 30* Lb 5 oz. 7QC 3% A7C SAVE 2k LB. 'SAVE 4CXlb reg. $1.39 / 7 reg. oz. 69f • YORK BRAND 3-LB- PK$- OR FIRST- cot M0RE,FRE5tf LIMIT 1 LIMIT 1 Eipira*CFab°14 1*75 Expiras Fab. It 1*75 r^BflCON YfflMBUIttYMK CHOPS Eatt Lansing Storo East Lansing Stora Onlj Only MULTI-SCRUB MYADEC Medicated Scrub ltj-9fofie Ddi Specials! ^'69^ 3301 E MICH. STORE pickle * ONLjj 204' eckrich ouk, pimento » reg! $1.75 1 .07 LIMIT) coupon Eipiros Fob. 14 1979 fOft Lonsing Storo only reg' $2.50 1.38 LIMIT 1 Expiras Fob. 14 1*75 East Lansing Stora Only loaf bw INTIMATE $a\j£ 204 lb! colbv bulk Body Moisturizer Lotion "BEST MEAT 14 OZ. "upon ^ 38 reg. $3.90 I SAVE 31* LB. FULL SLICES f £% sav£ 104 lb! mows bulk Lander's J ill8 BABY potato ULTRA SHEEN ROUND STEAK SAVE 31* LB. salad ^ 7(fc y5t, 16 SHAMPOO reg. oz. 89t c A c 04 8oz reg. $3.25 Condition 2 A. >J . 57/ J,| AA LIMIT 1 SIRLOIN STEAK !1 ™ Expiras Fa^ 14. 1*75 East Lansing Stora Only Fashion Orion Orion Ih-Sbre Bakery Speciab KNEE SOX KNEE SOX SAVE 50< LB BEEF 3301 E. MICH STORE ONLY j 4%#% ■ CUBE STEAKS 99i PLAitJ, ol' fashkm reg $1.50 88° reg. $1.25 78C fried II qa LIMIT 4 LIMIT t SAVE 504 STEHOUWER BEEF cakes w Eipiro$ fob 14 1*75 Eost Lansing Stora Oisly Expiras Fab. It 1*7> East Lansing Star* Only AA 1 £AV/€ sc41 suttn*ast SIZZIER STEAKS II ft OPAQUE PANTYHOSE 8SS? 79s0< - cinu.- halsth \ reg. $1.50 One Size Ixplraa Fab It IW5 lo*t Lansing Stara _ 78 _ SAVE 31* LB. BONELESS Af AA sweet Sheer ^ * ql RUMP ROAST ll^P I SUPPORT HOSE rolls prtA"™ .POTOTD DINNER ROUS 59* n0' r. ExpI-JnTh. 1*75 i 49 rfg. $2.95 lott Lanstng Stora Only 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 12 J Teach-in speakers back Boston busing By BOB OURLIAN children in Boston to have the that isolated with children," he said. incident where a white track Office of Black Affairs, said that races are million," Duncan said. "But State News Staff Writer Also. Duncan pointed to two team beat a white bus driver in racism is institutional and that same opportunities as white respect to the schools attended, where is Irene McCabe, who Buses in Boston must children, the buses must roll." Barwick said. talked about quality education all white schools in the black order to keep the bus from to eliminate it completely a Pate in continue to run in order to Duncan said if opponents of "De facto segregation is a when busing was an issue in community where whites are transporting black school cultural revolution would be Boston ^" prevent an eventual rollback of busing in Boston succeed in plan designed to 'keep blacks in Pontiac, when these cuts were bused daily. children. needed. "ns'KnuP logoff civil rights gains around the halting desegregation, the their place,' " he said. made? It is not the bus. It's us." Barwick, also a psychologist, Opposition to busing in "It would in fact be a step UDPdat .a" informatio^; country, said speakers at a danger of discrimination Duncan said the issue of Duncan also said that the stated that racism is "not Boston has also taken on backward if we were to nMaily Un'on. MSU ln racism teach-in Monday night against other minorities inborn. It is learned. It is part dimensions that spread beyond advocate desegregation on£L' schools, school districting is arranged About 50 people attended the becomes imminent and could neighborhood community control and quality such that students living in of an individual's or a group's the scope of education, Duncan said. Incidents associated with without advocating total " whow^JJ occommodated gj teach-in held by the National potentially spread to other education are used by racists to Columbia Point are bused to social conditioning." cultural revolution in our life Student Conference Against American communities. achieve the goals of maintain¬ Roxbury when they could walk "Racism affects all of us." busing or the schools indicates styles," he said. ^edu'ed from,o ,eive^ Racism in 35 Union. The teach- De facto segregation exists ing all-white lifestyles. to schools in South Boston. Duncan said. "Blacks most a generalized racist sentiment, Webb said the Boston con¬ Thursday the «» in was organized to gather when a school district isolates "Gov. Milliken has cut the "Evidently, neighborhood directly, but whites indirectly." he said. ference represented a new ?! 5 P;m' Friday J support for this weekend's various neighborhoods such education budget by $26 schools don't apply to black Duncan pointed to an Art Webb, director of MSU's surge in the student movement in TT, Ann Arbor. °' MiCi* conference at Boston University. "If we in East Lansing do nothing about racism, we are setting the pace for racism to 4//L run rampant throughout the country," said Walter Barwick, "Honest to Abe" asst. principal of East Lansing High School. "Historically, racism has been and still remains the thread that divides the country, and may lead to A combined celebration with the destruction of the country." The Boston anti-racism conference and Monday's teach- in were sparked by the busing situation in Boston where STEREO busing opponents threaten to halt desegregation plans. State Rep. Jackie Vaughn, D-Detroit, and Zolten Ferency, professor of criminal justice, were scheduled to speak but were prevented from doing so by other engagements. A1 Duncan, Michigan state¬ wide coordinator for the conference, said the rights of Boston students to an equal SALE! education have been denied and busing is needed to assure that the trend toward equal educa¬ tion is continued. "The buses must roll," he said. "In order for black Media funds lenic. continued from page The paper has 1) been Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 12 & 13 published twice this term and hopes to publish four times a term in The the future. biweekly newspaper put The Stereo Shoppe and out by the Chicano Veterans Assn. and the MSU Coalition of Discount Records have Third World Student Organiza¬ tions will focus on political news joined forces to bring you Save up to $60.00 that is not covered by other one giant celebration! on Sansui student publications. All of the money allocated to You'll get special discounts Amps! the Video Workshop will be Model Was NOW spent on equipment. The at each store with purchase 101 $129.95 $ 99.95 equipment will be used by the Video Workshop group this 505 189.95 149.95 receipt from the other. • year. However, SMAB will 6500 259.95 199.95 actually own it. The Union Activities Board SAVE $90.00 to $140.00 And there'll be valuable will use $2,150 of their 12,650 ! door prizes at both stores. allocation to show films daily in INFINITY the Union lounge spring term. Come join the fun! cated Six organizations were than $1,000. allo¬ speakers more They are: Alphabet 26 i$l,820>, MSU Infinity 2000AXT (above) 1 Broadcasters ($1,695). Le Cour- rier ($1,205), MSU Star xrek List price: $305 NOW JUST $260 SAVE UP TO 50% ON Club ($1,175), Red Cedar Re¬ You Soue $90.00 a pair 1 EVERY DEMO SPEAKER Save an honest view ($1,005) and East Complex Photo Club ($1,000). $110.00 on Marantz! Other allocations are: MSU INFINITY MONITOR (below) List price: $436 NOW JUST $366 I IN THE STORE! Advertising Club ($915), Media You Save $140.00 a pair [ Altec, Cerwin-Vega, ESS, Infinity, Marantz, MARANTZ 2245 STEREO RECEIVER Access Center ($800), Interme¬ Rectilinear, RTR, Sony, Tandberg, Bee, Fair trade price: $499.95 NOW $389.88 diary ($790), Spaceship Earth Dynaco, and others! ($745), Focus ($750), Karma MARANTZ 4100 FOUR-CHANNEL AMP. Film Society ($600), MSU Fair trade price:$499.95 NOW $389.88 Human Rights party ($600), Student Workers Union ($555), HUGE SAVINGS ON International Committee A- CAR TAPE PLAYERS! Be sure to register for gainst Racism ($339), Su* Yat Sen Study Club ($276), Gypsy VALUABLE Scholar ($200), Block and Bridle Club ($200). 30% OFF our regular low DOOR Only six groups received allo¬ Including a Marantz 1060 amplifier cations of less than $200. They are McChronicle ($175), Free prices on every foot of tape and two Sony recorders! University ($170), East Com¬ in the store! — reel-to-reel, plex Housing Organization Join the fun! <$100), Coalition for Episcopal cassettes, 8-tracks Ministry ($90), Videotaping Join the contest! Projects Club ($65), and the American Society for Medical SAVE UP TO HALF "Best Beard Contest" Technologists — MSU Chapter ($50). ON HEADPHONES! 9 p.m. Thursday You could win $100 in gift certificates! 555 E. Grand River Ave., East Lansing Hours: 10-9Mon. thru Fri. 10 -5 Saturdays Complete In-store Service For Everything We Sell ere with oppe A combined celebration Five Convenient Ways to Finance Your Purchase \l)elivery MEJAC TV RENTALS" K UP'S T&T fecofcO c Mia Sizes poOUTVVOJC, tSO SUssufc •mxss9- ol OK) SMJE UtJDA FCNSTftDT t-tfs - o ASILK PURSE "fcuwotk KWSTAOT . *OlFPWB£lJr DftuiA * SMfcUlti *Of (MfeOXS OKJ ASVUOM Uffeit i-MESTs RECDCO% 2. *£-0*0 SV WEB.« * Plx/% , 0kJ KlAvS OOLpiW4S.|t!s FEB 1*4 IS* w CROSS-COLLATWM? *£««( (OAM+o^EtA stavaei o*J ATCO SECOMO SOLO TWO DAYS stawu eiqunqc ,i OKI CAPiTOU RECORDS on NewseDft. RJ?CC*OS BAD BENSON GEORGE BENSON OtfDflU * * 3.^^ * OVJL"| * cAea —— * — ■ TUtS. f L.P. W2SK ACT TttS STAftLBS -His newest 600. 372 9525. 5-2-13 ency apartment $85, for single girl. 882-9119. 5-2-14 17 Student Services bldo- GERMAN AUTOMOTIVE CAMPUS, NEAR - One bedroom Phone 489-1276. 52-13 and efficiency. Furnished. Utilities UlJTOMOTIVE FORD 1963 Galaxie. New top, VW - PORSCHE - AUDI paid. Deposit required. 339 8481. TWO GIRLS, four bedroom good engine, $95 Oldsmobile CAPITOL AREA. Students share house. $50 each plus 1/4 utilities. fccoot*" « Cycles service 52-18 furnished apartments. Carpeted, 487 3929 anytime. 5-2-14 1963 Cutlass, little rust, good ■Parts * Sarvlca condition, $195. 355-9639. 7-2-14 332 - 5025 EAST MICHIGAN 2 bedroom, two bedrooms. $60. 339 8877, Uviation — 339-9294. 52-17 NEEDED. 1 girl for room in large 20% discount on V.W. formal dining. Unfurnished fcMPlOYMENT MERCEDES BENZ 1957. Restored except appliances. All utilities paid! $185 house, spring term. Call 332-5495. ton «NT inside/out. Beautiful automobile! m.p.s. cash 'n' carry parts '/» mile west of 627-4472. 52-18 ONE BEDROOM. Two blocks 52-14 ■ Apartments VW 1964, sunroof. campus campus. $170 unit! 5 pm, 337-0679. 351 9036. FEMALE ROOMMATE Nights, 332 6972. JHousti 2-2-12 ^ 235 S. Homer, Lansing y FIVE MINUTES from MSU. Fur- 2 2-12 Own room, furnished. needed. nished or unfurnished $80, no Booms MERCURY PARK Lane, 1967,' single bed¬ utilities. 482-4813, 417 Adams. AUDIO REPAIR: Car radios, tape room, carpeted, covered parking JfOR SALE needs body work, has registration, automatic, five new tires, new players, stereo equipment, turn¬ and laundry. $145/month. Short PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large 52-18 lAnimali tables, etc. Jim, 351-8498. 5-2-14 term lease available. Sorry no upstairs. Furnished apartment. FEMALE, OWN room spring. New bile Horn** points and plugs, $200 or best dogs. 487-1551. 52-18 One bedroom, offer. 353-7463. 10-2-20 carpeting Share house, close. Call after 5pm. koST I FOUND utilities. Adults only No dogs JoAnn, 351 1329. 2-2-13 $115. 351-7497. 0 2-28 PERSONAL MUSTANG II, 1974. Hardtop, COLLING WOOD JpEANUTS PERSONAL Red, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 18,000 AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't APTS. EAST LANSING - close - in, un¬ FOUR MAN, luxury with base¬ ment, March 1st. 337-1862, noon ■real estate miles. Must sell. $2,850. Call 393 worry as a representative you can 3 UNITS OPEN furnished 3 rooms and bath, hour or evenings before 9 pm. 8738 after 6 p.m. 5-2-14 ■recreation earn money in your spare time. I'll NOW! married couple or single women 3-2 14 ■service show you howl 482-6893. 20-3-4 only. $165/month. Phone 332 MUSTANG 1966. Runs good. CALL 351-8282 £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 5988 after 6 p.m. 52-13 ■instruction Body rusty. Studded tires. $175. 9411-BERKELtY CA 94709 (behind Zodys^ NICE ROOM in big house, near BABYSITTER WANTED full time. campus. $67, plus utilities. Park¬ ■Typing 353-0909, after 5 pm. 52-12- 9 month twins. Your home or PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. ■transportation ■wanted , MUSTANG, 1968 cylinder, auto¬ ours. Starting in March. Call 353-0958 after 6pm. 52-17 r"fr>lq»wr|[ii| si EAST LANSING-sublease spac¬ ious 1 bedroom apartment. Dish¬ Furnished studio, utilities paid. Available February 16. $125/ ing 332-1922. 1-2-12 LC CLY FURNISHED 2 bedroom matic, snows, $550. Auxiliary gas washer, carpeting, $175/month. ■car pool KEYPUNCH OPERATORS, exper¬ month plus deposit. 627-5454. house Close/campus, sublease to CAMP WATERFRONT Director. Utilities included. 337-1412, tank, mag wheels. 393-2172. WANTED: PART time permanent ienced only. Saturdays only - 2 7-2-17 September. $150 plus utilities. ■rates 5-2-14 shifts. Contact Darlene Rossow. Girl Scout Camp. Female, 21 years 349-1737. 10-2-18 bookkeeper-secretary. Experience old with current WSI. 349-3604, 372-6852 0 52-18 required. Phone Sally, 332-1391. 351 5240. 10-2-12 Camp NEEDED: GIRL to sublet, spring session from .'une 26 - '•RATES** MUSTANG II, 1974. vinyl top, excellent Autocratic, 9am-1pm. C-3-2-14 Call Chris, 484-9421. 52-14 July 28 TWO BEDROOM furnished mo¬ term only, close to campus, $60. GIRL: IN East Lansing, near cam¬ condition, DISSERTATION TYPIST with ex¬ bile homes. $25$35/week. 10 332-4523. 3-2-12 pus, nice, $75. References, fur¬ | 12 word minimum snow tires, $2400. 339-2057 PIANIST FOR established all style perience and own typewriter to STUDENT WIFE to care for infant minutes to campus. Quiet and nished. 332 6048 3-2-14 3-2-13 dance band. Fairly steady week type dissertations at home on peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or in my home. Own transportation. SPRING. 1-2 girls needed for end work. Must read. Call regular basis. ,55t page. Phone 484-5315. 0-2-28 spacious apartment. Many extras. WOMAN, OWN Ray Call 489-5118. 3-2-12 room, close, un¬ NO. DAYS NOVA 1970. 3 speed, 6 489-3569. 52-17 lo$ 20 mpg. Excellent cylinder, transportation I Kay, 373-5200, 8-5. After 5, 482-6513. 3-2-14 SPRING TERM, 2 men needed. Only $68.75 per person. Available 3-1-75. Call evenings, 349-2843. furnished, parking, $62.50 plus utilities. 337-7191. 3-2-14 5500 355-9809. 3-2-12 SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS 1 3 5 10 NEED 4 women, 4 hours, 4 days. Point O'Pines camp for girls. New Campus Hill, $68.75/month, 3-2-12 RETAIL NURSERY TRAINEE For appointment call 1-723-4654 or 349-3918 after 5 p.m. 10-2-25 THREE BEDROOM house. Stove York State jl au I2S 4.B0 6.00 7.80 9.70 15.60 19.50 PONTIAC, 1955 Star Chief!***) Must have related degree and able 675-5323. 52-17 tains. - Adirondack moun¬ Many positions open - FEMALE SUBLEASE immediate¬ FOURTH GIRL needed for spa¬ and refrigerator. Carpeted. First - negotiable. Very good condi¬ to relocate now. Experience cious 2 bedroom. Delta Arms. 332 and last months rent. $165 plus help¬ specialists, general. Contact 1.70 7.20 11.70 23.40 gn, easily restored. Tom, ful, excellent career opportunity. CHILD CARE for 18 month old Placement Bureau for interviews. ly. Furnished. $87.50. Near cam¬ 2771. 52-14 utilities 485 1330. 4-2-14 13.00 356-4786. B-1-2-12 Call Mr. Keen at CORPORATE girl, 20 hours per week plus light pus. Bus service. 3510464 eve¬ 8.00 26.00 Interviews February 14. 52-14 poo BUSINESS SERVICES, 394 1800. housekeeping, starting early nings. 52-18 FEMALE SUBLEASE immediate- 0WN R0°M In house spring B.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 PONTIAC CATALINA 1963. Runs 2-2-13 March, good salary, own transpor¬ ly. Furnished, $75/month, ideal term. $61.25/month plus utilities, SUBLET: THIRD man needed. good, cheap transportation. Any price reasonable Must sell. DIRECTOR OF NURSING tation, references, 353-3937. 52-17 332-0985, i For Rent |[Jj Two bedroom furnished apart¬ ment. Own room, spring term. music major location. 337-1541 evenings. 3-2-12 Very close/campus. 351 0463, Gordon 4-2-14 353-4240. 2-2-12 MODERN, 62 bed private psychia¬ TV AND STEREO rentals. Available LOOKING FOR art student $25/term. immediately. $80/ EAST LANSING - 10 minutes NEED 1 man to share house. Own tric hospital is seeking a registered $10.95/month. Free month, 4 blocks from campus. interested in performing logo and away. Country charm in spacious icellation corrections PLYMOUTH FURY Ml convertible, 1967, good condition, best offer nurse who has a degree in letterhead design for small student same day delivery and service. 351-1892. 1-2-12 1 or 2 bedroom with fireplace and room. month Close to campus. plus utilities. $75 per 351-7989. psychiatric nursing for the position Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 i one class day 651-6419. 5-2-T8 corporation. Call Mark Campbell, many extras. Call 489-0319 or 882- 52-17 of director of nursing. Two years 351-2682 evenings. 3-2-13 ONE OR two males. $80. Large 9119. 52-14 publication. experience including staff nursing, TEMPEST 1968. New shocks, teaching, supervision, administra¬ Apartieits ^ room, one block from campus. 332-2261. 7-2-14 MATURE FEMALE for in co-ed farmhouse, own room b ad is ordered it cannot ATTENTION SENIORS, grad ONE BEDROOM furnished or 7 miles/ muffler and paint. Snow tires and tion, organizational ability or the I cancelled or changed trailer hitch. $560 or best offer equivalent knowledge of hospital students: you don't have to stand WANT A nice place to live? Short unfurnished. Modern conven¬ campus 349 3522 3-2-13 in line to learn about job possi¬ MATURE FEMALE, spring, own iences. ^1 after first insertion, 485 5125. 3-2-12 policies and procedures required. bilities. Call between 57 pm to set on money? Let us help you I room, partially furnished, $75. Carport. Bus service. Available March 21. NEED A pad? s ordered ft All inquiries will be kept confiden¬ Short term leases available, Doug, Big 2 story 4 a date with us. 351-3622. 52-17 Mason Hills Apartments- from Knob Hill. 349-1503. 52-12 351-4620 or 484-3629 52-12 bedroom, shag carpet, new Icelled 2 days before tial and should be addressed to THUNDERBIRD, dition, 19687fli>ocUoii- Mr.Michael H. Payne, Administra¬ $145 a month. New one and two kitchen, furnished. $200'month. norust, new exhaust. $575. IF YOU ONE BEDROOM. That's only $50 each for 4 tor, Forest View Psychiatric Hos¬ are looking for an unusual bedroom apartments - with all Campus one job, and interested in beauty RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS block. Furnished, carpeted, $170 students! 655-3568 after 6 pm. 52°18 Eaton "aPid8 pital, 4620 Cascade Road South¬ secrets, are call VIVIANE appliances, carpeting, and drapes. Pets allowed. Located at 495 Students or best offer. 332-1946. 7-2-14 5-2-17 east, Grand Rapids, Michigan. WOODWARD COSMETICS. North Okemos Road in Mason. 10 Two bedroom furnished. 49506. An Equal Opportunity Em¬ VEGA, 1973 2 door, automatic, Mina Knott. 349-0384. 52-17 minutes from MSU. OWN ROOM in duplex, 10 - ployer. 52-18 Furnished Immediate occupancy through ONE ROOMMATE needed, knuts Personal ads must radio, 9,000 actual miles. own minutes from campus by bus. Like model open Monday through J une or September. room, one block from campus, $72, month. 351-0016. 3-2-13 prepaid new. 351-5747. 3-2-13 PROFESSIONAL CHEF wants REGISTERED NURSES full and - Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. 332-0111 $60. Call 351-0520 3-2-13 part time positions available on the Call Model at 6754874. Other part time job preparing dinner in p State News will be VEGA 1972 - 32,000 miles, ex¬ private residence or out in indus¬ afternoon and midnight shifts. times call manager at 676-4291 or SUBLET SPRING and summer. STODDARD, LARGE furnished LARGE SEVEN bedroom house. lonsible only for the first Minimum starting salaries $4.82 EAST LANSING REALTY AND Two complete kitchens. Two full cellent condition, 4-speed, $950 or try. Inquire Roy One man for two man. Capitol bedroom apartment, conven Is incorrect insertion. Morrison, per hour plus differential. Imme¬ one baths Carpeted. Students wel¬ best offer. 351-6560. 3-2-14 332 5555. 3-2-14 DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. Villa. 332-2787. 52-12 ient location, immediate occu¬ $390/month. EQUITY diate openings. Please contact 14-2-14 come. GRAND LEDGE large attractive pancy, $190, 351-4967 3-2-13 VEST, INC. 351 8150 or 351 3305. Ji are due 7 days from the VEGA 1972 Hatchback, 4 speed, Lansing General Hospital. 2800 CASHIER-CLERK, needed at one bedroom. $150 unfurnished, O-x-9 2-14 ■expiration date. If not quad tape deck, new engine, tires, Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. FOURTH GIRL for 2 bedroom 731 BURCHAM - 3 man, furnished Dairy Queen. Apply in person. 310 $160 furnished. Faculty or married 372-8220, extension 267. Equal furnished apartment. $68.75 per |l by the due date, a 50i ft service snows. Must sell. 349-1505. 5-2-18 West Grand River - next to Opportunity Employer. 7-2-19 month. Call 349-4859 anytime. preferred. Call collect, Westphalia lease until June. $76.67 each. Call FURNISHED TWO charge will be Greyhound Bus Station. 3-2-14 7-2-12 351-7212. 4-2-14 bedroom 52-14 house near campus, $180 per VOLKSWAGEN, 1968-automatic, PART TIME desk clerk, night 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart¬ month plus deposit. 487 3810. "CAREER SALES OWN BEDROOM, female. In rebuilt engine, new brakes, $750. Opportunity maid, and day maids needed. 3-2 14 duplex, $75, plus utilities. ment of Lake lansing Road, Call Call 487-5469 after 6 p.m. 3-2-12 for qualified college graduate FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted by by Apply in person, UNIVERSITY 332-5923. 52-12 489-6081 before 7 pm. 52-17 June. Immediate salary negoti¬ INN. 3-2-13 April 1, $60 includes utilities. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Good tires, able and adjusted over 40 month Bonnie, 487-1722. Sheri, 487-4996 TWYCKINGHAM, ONE male house, Sheridan School area, recent rebuilt training program. Earn while you PART TIME employment for MSU 3-2-13 engine. $750, needed immediately to sublet 4 CURNISHED 1 bedroom, heat and deposit, $165 per month. 651 - OBILE INSURANCE negotiable. 355-6013 after 5 learn Marketing in of finance students. 12-20 hours per week. - p.m. area water furnished. No children. Lan¬ 5542 3 2-12 and estate man until June. 351-0762. 52-12 tn save $$$. it pays to 3-2-12 counseling. No limit on Automobile required. 351-5800. PINE LAKE APARTMENTS sing. 627-4864. 52-18 round. Call us. You future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher C-3-2-13 HASLETT may be NEW CEDAR VILLAGE - 2 men NEEDED MAN for three man, >d 484 8173. VW at 484-8410. "Interviews by Short on Cash? Maybe we can 1 MAN NEEDED Spring term, O-B-1-2-12 1966-rebuilt engine, new own bedroom, own bathroom, $80 needed for 4 man. spring term. battery. $300 or best offer. Jim, appointment only." 20-3-5 work something out. One bed¬ close to campus, furnished, $72 WANTED PERSON 351-6498. 10-2-24 per month, $80 deposit. 3558954, B LESABRE1966. Automat- 351-6677. 5-2-13 to sell Oil of room apartments with month. 351-3777. 3-2-12 shag 351-6458 5 2-14 Mink cosmetics. Must be willing to i condition. $350 or best MODELS FOR Photography. carpeting, drapes and appliances. meet new SPRING TERM 3 - man apart¬ 351-5475. 3-2-14 people. Flexible hours, $150 per month plus utilities. 10 ONt" PERSON to sublet now thiu I Mnpfe Mr Jlftej Executive Arts Studios. 489-1215 between 10 am 6 pm. 0-2-28 - training provided. Start at 30 percent commission with rapid minutes from MSU. Located at 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of ment. Waters Edge, $82.50/per- son. 332-8484. 4-2-14 September. Two bedroom apart ment. Phone 882-0405 after 6 p.m. Rooms 68, 6-cylinder, 3- advancement in income and res¬ Lake 8-221 ECOLOGICALLY ORIENTED Lansing Road. Call Manager, ■body fair, mechanically ex- GO GO girls wanted. ponsibility. 372-0509 after five. 339-8192 EAST OKEMOS, UNFURNISHED two ■ low mileage, call 351-4792. CHAIR LUBE (non-spray! for Experience or LANSING bedroom apartment. not necessary but helpful, will train. 52-14 Ideal for ecologically oriented riders. 89£ REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-28 small family or students SUBLEASE, AVAILABLE March Call 882-0236. 14-2-20 with car. 15, nice studio, 2 blocks MSU, AIRPORT AREA, clean quiet com¬ quart. SHEP'S, Holt. C-52-14 $175. 349-2567. 52-17 NEED EXTRA MONEY? quiet, $155, 332-5144 3-2 14 fortable. Private entrance, parking, MSU AREA, Okemos, one and TOPLESS USHERETTES wanted Phone solicitors to set appoint bath, linens. $20. 484 1766. 7-2-13 two bedroom, furnished and un¬ SOUTH SIDE. One bedroom, apply in person. CINEMA X ments. No selling. Work 5 p.n furnished, air conditioned, carpet¬ upstairs. Furnished, utilities paid. THEATRE AND BOOKSTORE. p.m. Call Mr. Taylor, f ed, modern, $150-$ 185, heat in¬ 52-14 No children. Deposit. 393-3985. SAVE MONEY-do it yourself with 882-0236. 14-2-20 cluded. Call 349-2580. 10-2-13 3-2-13 ■ P PICK-UP 1974, a foreign car shop manual from I"11'*. $2,695. Excellent CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ K3-2?4fiC8' mU8, 8elL zoo. one mile west of campus. ■ iiHpick ■up' 1973~ 487 5066. C-2-14 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Lake O'Tbe Hills I ■?* «00d condition, Kalamazoo Street since 1940. Beautiful Alpine Apartments ■2.17 3935 after 4:30 Complete auto painting and colli¬ In the Heart of a Water Wonderland sion service. American and For¬ eign cars. 4850256 C-2-28 Valentine's Day Peanuts Personal Special AMERICAN, GERMAN, and FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to students and faculty on all cash 'n' 10 sweet words carry VW service parts. IMPORT Voir for$1.00 AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo Gateway to Year-round Vacation Living and Cedar. 4852047, 4859229. Ilk word Mastercharge and Bank Deadline: Wednesday u — x. auiomatic, Americard. C-2-28 * ««eo tape. Good Fab. 12 1:00P.M. 50 <89 Come to 347 Student Sarvlcas 6802. 3-2-14 U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. OPEN DAILY 9-5 P*°ne ^ and lat your swaatia know Do-it-yourself, free supervision. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-6 339 9683 w-tv-it, ^U22tm Ca"8u,om4tic' r 487-4619. Specials: Tune-ups, 120.98. Front Gas Heat Furnished 339 2278 rfi 1 1 1 M you cara disc brakes $24.46, parts included. Phone 882-8742. 17-2-28 ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Febi,ruary 12, uj^ I Rooms | For Sale ][5] (jrtHt Hans J Lost I Foul Rocroitioo flQ [ . PIANO $125. Plants, watertoed, TRAVELO 1,2x60 with expando, FOUND: MEN'S watch, Men's BOAT SHOW SALE FRENCH STUDENTS - Paris EAST LANSING. Male students. "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,066. resident last year, am fluent, will Single rooms, parking, refrigera¬ wicker Settee. Oriental rug. partially furnished. Call 351-3466 room, 212 Berkey Hall. Call 393 Miscellaneous. 351 -0997 after five. or 351-1194. 5-2-12 1726. C-3-2-12 "Sunfish" by A.M.F. $699. unravel your language hassle tor. Call 332-5791. 3-2-14 3-2-12 Complete line of American Day Bob, 351 5891. 5-2-17 WILLIAMSTON-STUDIO room, 1972 PARKWOOD Monterey. LOST: HEARING aid in small Sailers through 18' sloop with clean, private, parking, no pets, SONY TC-90A Portable cassette. Like new. Special floor design. brown box with attached brass chain. Reward! 351-2424. 3-2-14 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo, and drum lessons. Private instruction avail Announcements for It'sWhat's Happening must be received in the culture Club for this vZ^* drinking. $50/month. 655-3720, Like new All accessories included, Must be seen to believe. Located State News office, 343 Student 655-1177. 3-2-14 two microphones. 355-4786. in King Arthur's Court. Could 27'. Come in and see the largest able. MARSHALL MUSIC. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least DeHertogh, speakim ^ 204 Outdoor Bulbs'^,?/1" and most complete sailboat hard¬ 351 7830. C-1-2-12 X-1-2-12 easily be moved if so desired. two class days before publication. £9 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Extras include spacious utility ware andAccesaory display in the No announcements will Horticulture- ** area. All boats offered at be with washer and dryer, torn Hit rooms for spring term. Doubles SYNTHESIZER, UNIVOX room only. 541 Abbott. 332-2501. Korg. Brand new. Costs $600 completely furnished with tremendous pre season savings. Iwiil accepted by phone. Lay away programs welcome. Married Housing "Good Neigh¬ 10-2-1? asking $350. 332-6315. 3-2-14 specially ordered furniture, ANN BROWN typing and multilith GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts bor" Program Help encourage Culligan water softener. Complete offset printing. Complete service MENS PRIVATE, quiet, large, car¬ ALL NAM! brand stereos. 20%- fire and burglar alarm system, Road on the River, Dimondale. helpfulness and neighborhood Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 (or dissertations, theses, manu spirit among residents in every peted, furnished room. Refrigera¬ 30% off! Full warranties. I can separate storage building and tor but no stove. $65/month utili¬ removable skirting included. Best scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 area of married housing. Inter¬ beat your best deall 332-5039, years experience. 349-0850. ested volunteers meet at 7 p.m. ties included. 351-0473 before 8 332 5030, Mark. 5-2-18 part of all - priced to move at only pan am C-2-28 Sue. 5-2-18 $6,750. Can Tom Clark, 394-0020 Tuesday at the Married Housing p.m., CAMERA-QL17 Cannon, excellent for additional details. 4-2-14 FREE. . A lesson in complexion charter flight Office Community Room. Call 484-4519 East Michigan I'LL TYPE your term papers HASLETT AREA. Women only, condition. $75. Please call care. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE to london neatly, quickly, cheaply. 355-5871 Help graduate students obtain kitchen privileges. $20 a week. Call 332-1121 after 5:30 p.m. 3-2-14 1973 MOBILE HOME. 12*60, two the NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. Open to oil MSU itedents, 1111 H University Village. 3-2-14 opportunity to contribute to >. 3-2-14 bedroom. Immediate posseesion. pirgim. Carry a PIRGIM petition Holt area. Excellent condition, C-3-2-13 faculty, staff and their GUITAR, OVATION 1127-4 "Glen this week and have graduate PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, $7,000. Call Sonny. 372-2006. families. COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Campbell.'' Retail $430 plus $90 students sign it Pick up a petition South near Michigan Avenue. case. $375, 339-3201. B1-2-12 5-2-17 Departing Jwly 4 resume service. Printing, IBM at the PIRGIM Office, 329 Student Quiet for students. $65/month Detroit to London typing, binding. Printing from Services Bldg. plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-2-19 LANGE COMPETITION flow ski boots, leather Dolomite buckle boots, call 353-6268. 3-2-14 | Lost t Fond 0 Returning August 22 London to Detroit your plain paper originals. M.A.C. and Grand River. Jones Stationery Shop, Corner Below 9-5 Council on Adoptable Children invites all interested persons to a FOUND: February 6, gold filigree CLOSE. SHARE house, own Monday Friday. Call COPY meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday at pendant near North Kedzie. Call furnished room, big yard, parking, WASHER/DRYER, $145; sewing 351-8923. C-3-2-12 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Only $348.00 Round Trip GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 1315 Abbott Road. Leah Grahm, $83/March. 332-0460. 5-2-17 machine $30; electric heater $10; For more Information contact C-2-28 STANLEY H.KAPLAN Coordinator for Inservice Teacher black white TV, $10. Several other LOST: MEN'S Omega wristwatch TUTORING COURSES Hie Office of Overseas Study Service, will speak on "How to get At 8 tonight in 31 ROOM FOR rent, furnished house, items. Call 694-8960. 2-2-13 without watchband. Lost on Ui*»& Now being formed for the up¬ TYPING, ALL kinds, lowest prices the Schools to Help Your Child." Liberation will be utilities paid, excellent location, Saturday, Febrary 8. Reward. 353-8921 in town. Help starving grad stu disco* Please call, 353-4049. 3-2-13 coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, among other things, "TheVi $70/month. Call 332-2411. 3-2-13 NIKKORMAT Ftn with 50mm and ATGSB, GRE board exams. For dent. 694 0252. B-1-2-12 Frank Girard, Last year's Social¬ in Gay Sexual 35mm lenses for sale. Call EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to ist Labor party candidate for the Expression." information call 1-313-354-0085. Community Automotiv) (V 372-7524, evenings. 3-2-14 LOST: AIREDALE female, one London, Amsterdam from $259, E. PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate 5th Congressional District, Gerald MSU WEST, clean, linens, ex¬ 0-1-2-12 - is holding a membership im year old. Last seen at Frandor on U. Rail passes. TRAVEL BY Ford's old district, will speak at cellent location-environment, tele¬ inexpensive typing. Very near at 7:30 tonight at FIREPLACE WOOD. Dry split $20 Saturday. Reward. 332-4687. THE ALOHA HARRINGTON, 351-8800. 8:30 p.m. Thursday in 33 Union. 215 hfl phone, parking, 351-3212 after 6. campus 337-7260. C-2-28 Kalamazoo St., 5-2-13 face cord delivered. Call after 5pm, 3-2-13 C-1-2-12 The Socialist Labor party wiH Lansing (£1 645-7422. 5-2-18 'VALENTINE SPECIALS IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, you can't attend. 1 LOST: WOMEN'S tiger eye ring. sponsor an open public lecture on Brown Bag Lunch SIX CRATES of beer, an empty esped* MEN'S PRIVATE, quiet, clean, general typing. Formerly with Ann the current political-economic women HEAD SKIS, Henke boots size 6, Great sentimental value. Reward. fleet of buses! The ocean vowed: returning to school carpeted, furnished room for rent. Brown. Call 482 7487 C-2 28 situation at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in Call 355-3573 afternoons. 3-2-13 career after a number poles. Excellent condition. Price If I don't share it by 3-15-75, he's of homa Free parking. Refrigerator but no 33 Union. stove. All utilities paid, lease. negotiable. 351-6982. 3-2-14 leaving and won't return. Helpt THESES, RESUMES, typing and , making years, join us for noon lunjj LOST: SMALL red purse near Florida needs you! Call Linda, The University Duplicate Bridge today in 6 Student St $70/month. Call Sue before 8 pm. printing. Reasonable prices Club meets at 7:15 p.m. every Kedzie, personal I.D. needed. 332-1115. B-2-2-13 COMMERCIAL South Collegiate S51-0473. 5-2-12 PRINTING. FeUo«M Sentimental value. Reward. 355- Wednesday evening, at the will 7473. 3-2-12 r 351-4116. C 2-28 second floor Union. hold its Bible StuSTIl Saturday/Sunday. 3-2-14 Service tonight in 34 Union. For Sale ^ LOST: SILVER wire rim glasses. IT MAY be cold, but it's good for the soul! See you soon! T.H.E. TYPING, EXPPRiENCED. Fast Israel's Aliyah Shaliach Ai« \ WANTED: WOMEN'S alterations and reasonable. 371-4635 C-2-28 Students interested in learning Men's IM lockers. Thursday night. Rock. 1-2-12 Shapira will be at Hillel fromnw ASAHI TAKUMAR Telephoto in my home. Fast service. Call about local government manage¬ lens, 1:4, 150 mm, best offer over BOOK Reward. 355-6813. 3-2-14 lOUISE, ITS been a great two Dinah Cottrell, 332-1830. B-1-2-12 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. J)is ment are invited to hear Richard to 4 p.m. today and also fromil 10 tonight in 329 Case Hal! ton/ $90. Mike, 489-8600 evenings. sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN Conti, Meridian Township Super¬ with anyone interested in m FOUND: PRESCRIPTION glasses, years together. Happy Anniver- 6-2-14 SALE silver frames. Outside Chemistry sary. 1-2-12 _ FOR THE BEST Service on stereo equipment, see the STEREO 489-0358. C-2-28 intendent, speak at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Feb. 13 in 310 Agricul¬ on a short or long-term ba» | JUMBO FOLK guitar, excellent Building. Friday afternoon. Call 337-0310. C-3-2-13 Real Estate SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. EXPERIENCED TYPING term ture Hall. Attention married dents who received a Cc housing J condition. $125 or best offer. Call C-23-28 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur Center Survey in the mail, Kurt, 337-7104. 3-2-12 CHANDLER ESTATES 3 bed¬ service. 394-2512. C-2-28 pfcfl paper and FOUND: LARGE mens ring in - PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, ate Share Driving complete them and return thai room English Tudor. Cut stone hardbacks Meridian Mall. Silver with Tur¬ finest quality, reasonably priced your mail slots. Representor HEAD SKIS, 200 cm, marker fireplace, solid oak floors, 2 1/2 TYPING TERM papers and theses bindings, Rosemount boots size T«xt and R»f»r«nc» quoise. 12-3-pm 351-2371. baths, old english carm. For more BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, Experienced, fast service IBM FROM MSU to Oakland Unlvorsitv will pick them up Thursday! 11, poles. $60, 332-6197 3-2-12 C-3-2-13 information call ALBERT 482-5712. C-2-28 electric Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 Tuesday and Thursdays. Leaving Friday. We need the survtyil We buy books afternoons pm, returning 9:30pm help you. r BEKMANIS INC., 663-1531 or 694- anytime FOUND: RING in men's locker 1971. 10-2-21 INCOME TAX preparation. Can 489 3969 after 6pm. 3-2 14 Israeli dancing continues j FENDER DUAL Showman amp. 100 watts. Best offer over $300. 393-4967 3-2-12 Gibsons room last week. 351-4808. C-3-2-13 Cell Merrill CHANDLER ESTATES - 2200 B&B Accounting and Tax Service at 485-4651 or 332-8468. 20-3-6 r**rmi FROM ROYAL Oak to MSU. week in Women's Intrant Building. Begins tonight it n square foot colonial. 2 1/2 baths, Tuesday and Thursdays. Leaving Newcomers welcome. NeedtM FIND SOMETHING EDITING, OPPORTUNISTIC FEMALE throat 7am, returning 5pm. 353-5869 SAVE LADYS, DO it yourself. formal dining room, family room, 4 PROOFREADING, enter building. f in search of jazz-blues to 128 W.Grand River If you've found a pet or article of bedrooms 1/2 acre lot. For experienced. Dissertations, theses sing. Call after 8pm, 3-2-14 Save dollars, make your own 1 bt.W. of Union value, we want to help you return on a more information call ALBERT book and article manuscripts. Karin any hour, 337-9657. 3-2-12 imorelWHonpagelli I curtains, draperies, pillows, etc. it. Just come into the State News Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-2-13 instock fabrics, first, seconds, MthruFrl. BEKMANIS INC.. 663-1531 or 694- y \ Classified Department and tell us discountinued remnants, trims, aids, drapery hardware hooks, 9:00 - 5:30 f you want to place an ad in EAST LANSING STATE BANK'S Found 197TJ0-2-21 EAST LANSING - North of iBstnction j|^j Mill ]g cord, brackets, parts, etc. INCH & FROM GRAND YARD SHOP, 211 North Bridge, Column. As a public service EAST Bailey School, attractive three Rapids to Michi RUMMAGE SALE: Antique LANSING STATE BANK wiH rurt ' bedrdom colonial, 1 % baths, fire¬ YOQA: EGYPTIAN folk and belly gan State. Leaving 5:15pm, re¬ Grand Ledge. Monday - Friday, chairs, chess set, kitchen utensils, 9-5. Saturday 9:30 - 4. 627-4444. the ad at no cost to you! -place, remodeled kitchen, fenced dance. Taught by native Egyptian. turning 9-IOpm. 616-241-8141 be¬ lamps, stereo, etc. 337-7337. EAST LANSING ' Body conditioning. 351-4291. tween 8am-4:30pm; also 5-2-17 lot, excellent condition. 489-5919 STATE BANK before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 3-2-14 3-2-12 616-452-2414 after 5pm. 3-2-14 STAMPS & COINS Buy Cash for Sell - Trade AFGHAN COAT - Imported from Istanbul, mid-calf length, fur-lined, hand embroidered. 337-7337. Candles THE - 3-2-12 full line of supplies MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN KENWOOD KT8005 Turner, 4 weeks old, warranty cards. List Open for Lunch 1 B80H„i...Rd 332-4300 $389, $279. 353-1892. 3-2-12 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday STEREO COMPONENT Systems. Sansui AU7500, KR5150, Pioneer SA600, Dynaco Power amp 120 watt RMS, Dual Kenwood STATE Complete Luncheon Menu Special of the day every day 1209 Garrard Zero 100, Miracord 50HII. Albums and tapes, leather coats, camera, sporting goods, jewelry, household goods, musical instruments, guitars, amps, and SONY-DUAL stereo system. AM- FM. Speakers. New stylus. $260 negotiable. 353-2726. 5-2-14 NEWS Dinner Hours 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Monday - Thursday sticker bottoms, Electronic repair SEWING MACHINE Clearance Department. DICKER ft DEAL Sale! Brand new portables $49.95 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. SECONDHAND STORE, 1701 $5 per month. Large selection of South Cedar. 487 3886. Bankcards reconditioned used machines. 4 p.m. -10 p.m. Sun. welcome. C-5-2-14 Singers, Whites, Necchis's New Home and "many others." I19.S3 The Daily Newspape STEREO SYSTEM. Garrard turn¬ to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS On the corner of Abbott Rd. table, Olson receiver, Aztec speak¬ DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 North Washington. 489-6448. & Grand River ers, OFFICE Good 351-6265. 3-2-14 condition. FURNITURE: $245. desks, C-3-2-13 MOVING, MUST sell compact leading Campus Com Phone 351 - 7076 for reservations , tables, file cabinets, miscellaneous refrigerator. Like new, 33%" high, furniture. Please call, 11-5 p.m. $95. 355-5836 3-2-12 351-4680. 3-2-14 MEIJER THRIFTY ACRES EAST LANSING STATE BANK 100USED VACUUM Cleaners. FENDER QUAD Reverb amp, Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. STARBOARD TACK MERIDIAN 4 THEATERS $425. Excellent condition, 4 Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 twelves. Call 332-0367. 5-2-18 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING THE BRANCH LEON G. JEWELRY CHANCES ARE COMPANY, 316 North Cedar. BRAND NEW Henke Ski boots, Opposite City Market. C-3-2-13 TECH HIFI NEJAC TV RENTAL Mens 10 V4, asking $50 or will trade for comparable boots size 11%. PIONEER STUDENT BOOKSTORE MC SKI SHOP QUAD Pre-amp 337-0354. 2-2-13 YOUR FUTURE QC800A-$160, Sony full-logic THE HIGHWHEELER decoder $55. Chris, 353-1332. IMPERIAL GARDENS USED TEAC 350 Dolby cassett 3-2-13 GARY'S CAMPUS BEAUTY SALON SMITH FLORAL deck. Used Phase Lanier 4000 WONlj pre-amp. Sony 8-track tape re¬ WEDDING DRESS and veil, size corder. Garrard SL 95 changer. Sansui AU505 stereo amp. Sony 10-12. Call Barb, 372-4020, 9-4:30. 3-2-13 SENTRY INSURANCE MR. JEFF WILLIAMS DR. J. R. NIXON OptometriM CHILDREN Trinatron 12" color TV. 15 used CELj and guaranteed TV sets. Type¬ TYPEWRITER, ROYAL No 660 writers, Used 35mm sporting goods, camera tools. equipment, electric with 12" cartridge, all modern features, $150. 393-8280, HAVE SICKLE guitars and musical equipment, 393-8281 before 5:30 pm or Saturday before 1 3-2-13 DISEASE flutes, saxes, etc. WILCOX pm. SECONDHAND STORE, 507 East (this is but afew of the Michigan Avenue, Lansing. 485- leading re toileri getting 4391.9-5.30 p.m. C-16-2-28 L Animals V their share of the campus WESTERN GELDING, 9 years old, well-schooled, spirited. Must sell. $400 or best offer. community dollars) But, 351-7779. HARDBACKS 5-2-12- PAPERBACKS COMIC BOOKS SCIENCE FICTION SPORTS IT MAGAZINES and MUCH AKC AFGHAN Puppies. $100. dlack masked blond. 627-6190 7-2-13 If you're interested in whaj happens to those that do.. MUCH, MORE J07 E. Grond Op«nll:i0.tPM mom FREE CATS. 1 calico, 1 Sealpoint THE "TODAY NEWSPAPER" Siamese, 1 chocolatepoint Siam¬ SAFETY, HARDEN and coated ese, 1 Bluepoint Siamese All serving the Michigan State University Community lens. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 neutered Call and have shots. East Michigan, Lansing, 372-7409. 394-2856. 5-2-18 C-2 14 THE SHERWOOD S-7100A; Dual 1214; (Mobile Homes 371-5360 Ext. 274 Ventura Formula It's, 332-5039, Dave, must sell quick. 3-2-13 II STATE NEWS 1970 BROADMORE, 12x60, two FENDER PRECISION bass, 1974 bedroom, furnished. Occupancy April 1 Washer/dryer, awning, Student Services Building MSU, East Lansing Lansing Sickle Cell natural finish, maple neck, with shed. Call anytime. 484 1977 43,000 daily circulation Anemia Foundation case. $275. 487-0659. 5-2-13 5-2-12 ■ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 12,1975 1 5 THE SMALL SOCIETY [TODAY'S PROGRAMS by Brickmin Sponsored by: ■Video Everyday — All Rights Reserved — Dickinson Newspaper Services i WJIM TV. lon.ing 7WXVMV droll I WOTV. Grand •apldt U WJ*I tV, Flint Uoo ♦ OtlW TV. Wind** II WZ2MTV. Koiomaioo 23WKA* iv. Enllonttna &oY/ IFAfrZAtfAAA LINCOLN 12:55 (2-3-6-26) Cannon AUV£ TOPAY (M-10) Nam Lucas Tanner (12) National Anthem HE WOI)LP 1:00 (23) Great Performance 2:00 5:45 AM (2) Love Of Life (4-10) News T(J£N IN 10:00 M. Presents (3) Accent (2-3-6-25) TheManhuntar 3:00 H ISOfZA^- 6:00 (4) What's My Lina 4-5-6) Sandburg's Lincoln (2) News m Second Chance (6) jackpot 3:05 I (6) Martha Dixon ini S'i3^,1) G,t Chrirt" Love! (2) Menage For Todey 6:05 (7-12-1341) All My ChHdran lews (9-50) Movias 6:15 (10) Somerset It) Mldli 111 30 ,_je For Todiy 1:25 (23) The Great Batsto Furnace m& Horn* Show (2) News 6:20 m & Country Almanac 1:30 (2-3-0-25) As Tha World Turm (2-34-5-6-7-8-9- °° WEDNESDAY bar bq special 6:25 (4-5-8 10) How To Survive A (41) Tha Protectors I F College 6:30 (njSwi) Laf» Maka A Daal (9) Nightbeat 11:20 a chicken $2.35 CAMPUS CLATTER „,j Semester 2:00 11:30 ribs $2.75 by Larry Lewis It For Woman Only (2-3-6-25) Tha Guiding Light 2-3-6-25) The Lata Movie chicken & r1bs$3 35 (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Livat 4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show |0fM. Presents (7-12-13 41) Tha 110.000 (7-12-13 41) Wide World Of includes: jjj Bobby Show Pyramid Entertainment french fries urition Second Chanca (50) Movie salad bar firm Show ,jw4 Firm Raport KassSs** (7-12-13-41) Tha Big Showdown , , 12:00 MIDNIGHT (9) Film Festival pitcher nite reduced pitcher 6:45 3:00 1:00 AM prices •n bar and restaurant truing Edition (2) Young & Restless (4-54-10) Tomorrow 6:55 (3-0-25) Tha Naw Prica Is Right (7-12-13) News in Kerr Show (4-6-8-10) Another Worid (41) Afterhours Theatre §25) Newt KlO) Todiy Show 7:00 (7-12-13-41) Ganaral Hospital 3:30 (2-3-0-25) Match Game (50) Religious Message (2) Late Movie 1:30 Lizard's 1 am America (7-12-13-41) Ona Life To Liva (7) Religious Messege I'iBij Top (9) Gomar Pyle id Recer (50) Banana Splits in Capers 4:00 7:30 (2-3) Tettletales in Carnival (4) Somerset SHORT RIBS (5) Studio 5 ""vsr (0) Tha Attic by Frank Hill fe) Captain Kangaroo (7) Tha Monay Maze iming Accent (8) Gilligan's Island .SOR A MILITANT WHO' o Schools (9) Petticoat Junction J/Vad nesd _F e bru ar^ 12, Jfl75_ (12) "The Night They Raided 3AKES A DELICIOUS ne Stmt (10) Naw Zoo Revue Minsky's" Jason Robards. Bert N America (12) Marv Griffin Lahr. (1 968) L^MQN/;REAM PIE. 9.00 AM Story about 1:25 (13) Bonanza (7) "It Started With A Kiss" et Report (23) Sesame Street (PT.2) Glenn Ford, Debbie 8:30 (25) Yogi & Friends Reynolds. (1959) Story about 8:30 LmI 3 Clubhouse (41) Daktari Air Force sergeant, his new brida an (7-12-13 41) "Cry For Help" 8:45 (50) Three Stooges Robert Culp, Donald Montooth. and a fabulous car. 4:30 Host of a radio talk show tries to (2) Mike Doualas Show (13) "Beneath The 12 Mile Reef' find a young girl who plans to kill (3) Merv Griffin Show herself. Terry Moore, Robert Wegner. (4) George Pierrot Presents Adventure ebout Greek sponge (0) That Girl divers. 11:30 (7-)Mevte (8) Partridge hamuy 1:00 PM (2-3-6-25) "The Mystery Of The (0) Andy Griffith (9) "Great Man's Whiskers" Yellow Rose" Richard Boone, DOONESBURY Itk Mithewj Show | Mika Tar ly Giant Douglas Regan' Neighborhood (10) Gilligan's Island (25) Munsters & Friends (50) Little Rascals Dennis Weaver, Deen Jones. (1971) Little girl writes a latter to President Lincoln suggesting he Diana Muldaur. Hec a woman he once she is accused of murder. Ramsey aids loved when by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: ftariaft EVENING grow whiskers to hide his look of 5:00 PM sedness. (50) "The Roaring Twenties" iming PlaybKk (6-6) Ironside James Cagnay, Humphrey Bogart. 9:15 (9) Mickey Mouse Club (50) "Laura" Dana Andrews, (1939) Story of three World Wer rio Schools 1 buddies who clash while (10) Truth Or Consequences Gene Tierney. (1944) A detective 9:27 (13) That Girl falls in love with the portrait of a ligious Message (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood girl whose murder ho is . *9:30 (25) I Love Lucy IwVtu See It (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. 12:00 MIDNIGHT Bk Check (50) Tha Flintstones 4:00 (9) "Dreams Of Glass" John e Courtship Of Eddie's 5:30 (5) "Delicate Delinquent" Jerry Danes, Carline Barrett. (1970) Drama of teenage love during the (4) Bowling For Dollers Lewis, Darren McGavin. (1957) 60's. (9) Partridge Family Ex-delinquent decides he wents to (10) Beverly Hillbillies join the police force. en Door To Michigan (12-13) News kVdley Today (23) Ville Alegre 4:30 LaLenne (25) Hogan's Heroes (7) "Cleopatra" (PT.3) Elizabeth 9:55 (50) Gilligan's Island 1:30 ki t Cirol Ouvall Taylor, Richard Burton. (1963) 6:00 Story of Marc Anthony's love for (2) "Paid To Kill" Dane Clark. _ 10:00 (2-34-5-6-78 (1954) Bankrupt man hires his Bit Joker's Wild 1012-13 2541) News own killer so his wife can collect (I) Celebriry tha insurance. Sweepstakes (1) Bewitched «n« Street (23) The Romentic Rebellion THE DROPOUTS etper Room (50) Star Trek Itroit Today by Post _ 10:30 6:30 (34-5-6-7-10 2541) News WEDNESDAY'S (S) Gambit (9) I Dream Of Jaannie lO) Wheel Of Fortune FOit With Dennis Wholay (12) 6:30 Movie (13) Beverly Hillbillies (23) Zoom HIGHLIGHTS 7:00 Wednesday February 12,1976 near-successful attempts on his p Money Uue (24-7-6) News rZoo Revue life follow in quick succession. (3) What's My Line? 8:00 PM Cannon Incomes worried. f For Women Only (5) I Dream Of Jeannie J 11:00 (6)1 (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn (NBC) Lucas Tanner ■Donthue Show Tony's guest will be Andy "Why Not A Happy Ending?" ■ Now You See It (9)8 Griffith. Diana Baker ouest stars as a lit High Rollers (13) Truth Or Consequences mother, doomed by cencer, who w 30 (NBC) Little House On The faces the situation of having to (23) Perspective In Block Prairie turn over the care of her young Money Mua (25) The F.B.I. d In Pain" Pa and Ma Ingalls ^ All Stars (41) Other Pooole. Other Pieces ee over how to dael with a son to his estranged fether. »;Yoge ft You r «o Revue (50) Hogan's Heroes . drunken, child-beating father. 10:00 i. ,1:* 7:30 (CBS) Cher |we °f Life Cher in a star-studded special PROFESSOR PHUMBLE PHollywood Squares (2) Truth Or Consequences joined by Elton John and Bette rJ'lThe (3) Wild Worid Of Animals has difficulty resolving a Midler, comodian Flip Wilson and by Bill Yates My Court Brady Bunch (4) Masquerade Party friendship with a youngster after other guest stars. (5) Dragnet he decides to break up with the (6) Gut Ganakas Show boy's divorced mother. (NBC) Sandburg's Lincoln 11:55 (7) Name That Tune "Sad Figure, Laughing" Starring (6) Let's Make A Deal 6:30 Hal Holbrook as Abraham i 12:OoToON (9) Naws Nine (13) ToToNTheTnith (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The Lincoln and Seda Thompson as |'3)Niws (23) Book Beat "Cry For Help" Robert Culp, Mary Todd Lincoln. Aba Lincoln depends on humor and Restless (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show Eiayne Hoilvoil. When a nameless understanding in dealing with the ^wpot 6:00 of .oung girl phones in a suicide ^ord "lltl Gourmet All Stars (2-3-6-26) Char threat, a cynical talk-show host, pressures war. (4 5-6-10) Little House On Tha frantically tries to get his listeners (ABC) Get Christie Love! 'f :20 PM Prairie to locate the girl. "My Son The Murderer" Guest (7-12-1341) That's My Mama stars Michael Parks and (9) NHL Hockey E.J.Paaker. Christie helps a ■c 12:30 (23) Arabs' And Israelis Jtordi For Tomorrow (SO) Dealers Choice mother who's convinced that her son is a potential murderer. 6:30 ;k Check (7-12-1341) Wednesday Movie Of En. ^P1'1 ^cond The Week (CBS) Cannon 9:00 11:30 (ABC) Wide Worid Soecial R, (23) Behind Tha Lines (50) Merv Griffin Show "Tha Sat Up" When a woman he has never seen before greets him "Monty Hall -Hosted.Roasted & Toasted" with Danny Thomas as EfeShow 9:00 at tha airport, and two tha host. NUTS are those ei6hts or are (JELL, THE flRST JN£ IS AN ElfiHT, THE NEXT TWO ARE lS8S8fl3a those tiny snowmen ? SNOWMEN THE NEXT JHE IS AN 06HT AND THE lA