13, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 rd expected to OK agreement ir Iran to fund American airline InGTON lAP) - President Ford troubling the Ford Administration in recent Mohammad Mahgoub, commissioner- ■ted to approve within days an months. which began in March 1973. general of the boycott office, said a [t T for Iran to provide new funds for Pan American has refused to discuss de¬ company normally is placed on the blacklist The Dept. of Health, Education and aiiing Pan American World Air tails of the agreement. The Civil Aeronau¬ for carrying out Welfare estimated that 10,850,000 persons te House source said Wednes tics Board (CAB), which activity to support the were receiving Aid to Families with De¬ regulates the air¬ Israeli economy, develop lines and which may have to rule on aspects industry or add to pendent Children in October, a .5 per cent Jd not expect it (the decision) to be of the agreement, said it had not military power. The boycott has not pre¬ increase over the previous month. received viously been enforced against banks. l|e the source said, adding that copies of the proposal and had no informa¬ The KIC source said the firm •Home mortgages with interest rates lident had not yet approved the tion as to what was The CAB is required being proposed. asks other Arab investment occasionally companies such that rise or fall with other interest rates in the economy were by the Federal as Intra Investment Co. of Beirut, to follow proposed Wednesday by -rreement was submitted to the Aviation act to rule on changes in airline its position, but this was the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Eise last week and has been under ownership and arrangements which might mand." Intra and Union des "advice, not a de¬ Under the proposed place a U.S. airline under direct or indirect Banques regulations, savings and loan associations and other thrift Eon could come before the end of control of foreign interests. Arabes et Francaise were identified as the Arab banks involved in the $50 million deal. institutions could sell so-called variable T the source said, In Beirut, Lebanon, the Kuwait rate Invest¬ mortgages to home buyers in which the liestion of whether oil producing ment Co.(KIC), most experienced of the "The power of money is now in the hands mortgage interest rate could rise a maxi¬ | should be allowed to invest Arab institutions investing in the West, is of the Arabs," said Adnam Khashoggi, mum of 2'/» per cent if other interest rates n U.S. corporations has been pushing a boycott against Europe's Jewish- Saudi Arabian business magnate. in the economy rose run merchant banks. substantially. In other economic A source at the investment developments Wed¬ The variable rate mortgage is not a new company said nesday: idea, and it produced considerable contro¬ it is an individual initiative by the company •The government reported to boycott banks and Wednesday versy in Congress before. Board member companies listed by that the nation's welfare rolls inched the Arab Boycott of Israel Bureau based in ward last October for the fourth up¬ Grady Perry said the board would "move Damascus. straight forward" with its proposal unless month, continuing to reverse decline Congress a acted to block it. UNOPPOSED PRIMARIES END Daley CHICAGO (AP) - Mayor Richard J. — or Singer — faces who is bidding for the black continues to rebuke the media for what he Daley, unopposed by fellow Democrats since liberal vote. he won his first mayoral race 20 calls unfairness. years ago. is A third facing a serious challenge in his party's Feb. challenger is Edward V. The recent indictment and conviction of 25 Hanrahan, the former state's attorney once many top Democrats and Daley political primary. thought to be Daley's political heir. The 72-year-old mayor is still allies, and reports that Daley's son earned expected to Hanrahan lost appeal after his office con¬ win and go on to gain a fifth term in the huge commissions on city insurance policies IRGARET THATCHER April ducted a controversial Dec. 1969 raid which also are issues. election when Republicans, as usual, are left two Black Panther leaders dead. offering only token opposition. The winner, who needs only a Hanrahan was rebuffed in a bid for plurality of But a primary campaign itself is some¬ the vote, will face Alderman John lie clubs thing new for Chicagoans, accustomed to Daley re-elections which have consisted of the only Republican in the April. Hoellen headed a Hoellen, city council, in committee to find 1 he statue of Abraham Lincoln looks down as President Ford a buttons, signs and very little of Daley him¬ uuyoral candidate and forced to accept offers remarks during ceremonies honoring Lincoln's 166th Itated was by self. The mayor declared himself date, predicted a a candi¬ victory and remained isolated in his office until election the nomination when teered. no one else volun¬ birthday Wednesday. anniversary at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington night ®N fy head(AP) - London's exclusive returns proved him right again. This time, Daley has been campaigning like a political novice, hard and often. Much of his campaign oratory is a defense of his Health center concedes doctor ■s clubs, bastions of the Tory male 20-year reign over the city, a sign to some i thrown into a dither Wednesday political observers that the mayor has more fterthe new head of the Conserva- failed to treat student properly than a passing respect for his rivals. ■ party should be welcome as a The major challenger is William S. Singer, 35, an independent alderman who led a (first time in history, the party is delegation which unseated Daley's at the an. Margaret ByNANCYCRANE When she was brought into the health center the nurse called for Thatcher, 49, who 1972 Democratic National Convention. state News Staff Writer a doctor and proceeded to take Hendricks' blood jdI to the post Tuesday. Singer has been running since Oct., 1973 and The University Health Center has publicly admitted that one of temperature and pulse. pressure, certainly faced with a difficult has focused his campaign on school its doctors mistreated and lsaid John Clemow, problems improperly diagnosed the illness of an According to three witnesses who were waiting in the waiting secretary of and what he calls fiscal MSU student when she was brought by k-old Carlton Club, which tradi- irresponsibility. He ambulance to the center at room, the doctor. Harold E. Reid, barged into the room and ran into hopes to get most of the liberal vote. 1:30 a.m. Sunday. the door before slamming the door back into place. » Conservative leaders SINGER to join if Singer already has spent more than Dr. Harold Reid allegedly insulted and prescribed "He looked like he was really mad. I heard him say, 'What the hell only a sedative Jot already members, $600,000 in the campaign, much of it for re-election as state's attorney in 1972. In for Diane Hendricks, a sophomore nursing student, who was are you doing here at this time of night. Don't you know that you leader of the Tories has been a television commercials. diagnosed a day later by had to get me out of bed?' " said Holly Sponseller, an MSU November, he ran for Congress in a a private physician as having viral I the Carlton Club, but this has A second candidate is state Sen. Richard pneumonia. freshman. suburban area and was beaten again. Then 1 by way of an understanding Newhouse, a black with a comparatively he announced he would 'This was a total and flagrant violation of health center Hendricks said the doctor asked the nurse, "What's challenge Daley. wrong with |i a hard and fast rule," Clemow small power base for a citywide campaign. Hanrahan is basing much of his campaign procedures. It was strictly the physician's fault. The physician is her? Did she booze it up?" Neither Singer nor Daley supporters believe totally at fault," said James S. Fuerig, director of the health center. "He said, 'How come you couldn't come in the morning? If on Daley's health. The mayor suffered a Reid said he could not comment on the situation. you erThatcher will be asked to Newhouse will have much impact on the Fuerig said Reid want any tests run, I'll give you the name of a sympathetic doctor join, stroke and was away from City Hall for more has been with the health center for 15 years and is a Rat will be a matter for the club competent and you can come back next week,' " Hendricks said. primary race and neither side is sure than 100 days last summer. But he appears ■ to decide. This whole member whether his presence will hurt Daley — who physician. Hendricks said the doctor did not really examine her thoroughly - as robust and spirited as ever I during "If she has a complaint she should complain to the head of the staff and asked her personal questions about her continued on page 14) has always taken the black organization vote speeches and news conferences where he — now I'm very busy, goodbye," Reid said. relationship with her (continued on page 14) irthday present lea ByELLENSPONSELLER then put sheets of newspapers across the State News Staff Writer entry door, and waited for Lewis to return. A week ago Curtis Lewis opened the door "We were careful to take all the electrical to his room, 217 E. Holmes Hall, only to be things out of the room," said Dave Williams. engulfed by a flood of newspapers — a happy Lewis' other suitemate. "We had the heat birthday gift to the resident assistant from turned off. a "no smoking" sign on the door, his friends on the floor. and a fire extinguisher on hand. We didn't Now the newspapers are still there by want our RA to burn up." Lewis' own choice — he likes them. "It was an unbelievable pimp," Lewis When Lewis came back and opened the said. "I don't want to ruin it. Besides, the door, the newspaper room is really comfortable." came pouring down on him. "We don't believe he likes it so much!" said Tom Peterson, one of Lewis' suitemates. "I couldn't believe it; all I could do was "We thought he might be mad." laugh," Lewis said. "That was a pimp that Lewis' 20th birthday was Feb. 5. He left took work." that afternoon to see a friend. He began to gather the Little did he know that his devious paper up later that suitemates were planning big things — the day. but gave up when he realized how much ultimate pimp. paper there really was. As soon as Lewis had gone, the plotters "The first night I was sleeping on the bed. stealthily snuck through McDonel, Holmes, and when I woke up I was over on the Akers and Hubbard halls, swiping stacks of other side of the room on the old State News', Free Press', and New York newspapers. I found out that they were Times', and delivering them to the 217 E. really comfortable." Lewis said. Holmes Hall headquarters. There they began to crumple the papers up piece by Lewis dug out his radio, clock and clothes piece and throw them into the absent RA's and invited his friends to see his new room room until the heap began to grow. arrangement and to play in it. "We love our RA. We wanted to do something really special. Jim Pendergrass, Now, a week later, the newspapers are our floor president, thought of the idea, and still there, a little crushed to be sure, but about five of us actually did it," Peterson still knee-deep. said. Three hours after the group had begun the "We'll probably take it out after a 16 past Week task, the entire room was filled with while," Williams said. "But we'll take it East News papers his floormates stuffed into his crumpled newspapers, covering everything up to fes H*ll, has of State The paper caper was a birthday gift. room. wall to wall, window to door. The pimpers another floor and pimp them. It would be a shame to waste all that work. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Febi ,ruary ij J GRAND JURY INVESTIGATES Dems 70, '71 finance records sougf WASHINGTON (AP) - The documents, which are no longer The subpenaed reports cover the period in tions on such mattef,L I Watergate Special Prosecution public. which Strauss, who was then party treasurer, Force has subpenaed finance Coastal gas, oil unit sought reports of the Democratic party er The subpenaed reports cov¬ the period in which Strauss, accepted Inc. a $50,000 cash gift from Ashland Oil The oil company admitted last year that was made February 1972 soib^I for 1970 and 1971 in a grand reach now. who was then party treasurer, jury investigation into possible the money was an illegal corporate donation. violations of a campaign re¬ accepted a $60,000 cash gift H°wever. any New York state proposed Wednesday that Atlantic coastal from Ashland Oil Inc. The oil ■ states form a commission to manage any new oil and gas porting law. Democratic Chairman Robert company admitted last year reportmg re,|lllre^ji Corrupt Practices donor in public reports that he tees operating in two or more $100, he did not feel obliged to development off their shores, taking over that responsibility Strauss and a spokesman for that the money was an illegal states disclose publicly the «; Prosecuted from the Interior Dept. filed at the time, but lumped it report the source. the Watergate prosecutors de¬ corporate donation. instead under unitemized misc¬ names and addresses of all No further prosecution can The proposal was mode by Stephen L. Gordon on behalf of clined comment Wednesday on Strauss has said he was un ellaneous contributions. donors of $100 or more. be New York Gov. Hugh L. Carey at a public hearing by the brought for the the investigation. Strauss also aware of the illegal nature of The Corrupt Practices Act, Strauss said since the $50,000 $50,000 gift itself because on Interior Dept. on federal plans to lease new areas off the declined a reporter's request to the gift. He also has said he did which was in force at the time, gift came originally from many New Year's Day, a new law Atlantic, Pacific and Alaska coasts. view copies of the subpenaed not disclose the identity of the required that political commit¬ donors who each gave less than shortened the statute of limita¬ "Coastal states should form a commission, as an institutional mechanism, to deal with the many aspects in managing the resources of the continental shelf," Gordon said. Truman Italy plan revealed Senate unit OKs WASHINGTON (AP)-Leg gress is wasting time trying to Ford's energy plan, based on it can be passed without four or on imported oil, without need islation to block the first part of delay action" and should be higher fuel costs, because it is five days of discussion, though The State Dept. has just published documents showing ing congressional action. En 1948 President Truman was so concerned over a President Ford's energy pro¬ working instead on his econom better than rationing. plana for a filibuster have been actment of the that in 90-dayy-( 222 SpeciAl NEXT 1961, would get as much as the 91 per cent vote he won in a 1972 referendum. • • Round trip jet via Air Party Jet Gourmet meal service in Jamaica (light Love is a giving thing. SINCE 193a 21711 W. Ten Mil* Rd. SouthflOd, Mich. 4807S SSSu/Et k TIIURSCIAV • In-Flight Fashion Show Israel may join Red Cross • • Rum bamboozles in flight 7 Night hotel • Jamaican Cocktails Israel asked Wednesday that its Magen David Adom • AND MORE ' op*n thursday and frldoy nights until nine I Plme: NMCY KIR 355-8546 Society be admitted to membership in the International Red Cross. The Society was refused membership in 1949 on the A perfect Keepsake diamond says it all, grounds that the Red Cross could not recognize the society's emblem, the Red Shield of David. reflecting your love in a heart-shaped box Ambassador Shabtai Rosenne presented Israel's request Rest Assured its brilliance and beauty. of Blum's chocolates to Swiss President and Foreign Minister Pierre Grabler, And you can choose with chairman of the current diplomatic conference on BED BOARDS confidence because the expresses your updating By Nova humanitarian law, inserting a potentially explosive issue Keepsake guarantee assures affection sweetly on into the 126-nation meeting. perfect clarity, fine white up It was not immediately clear when the issue will be taken by the conference, which went into commission meetings after losing several days in acrimonious debate on a North K I no color and precise modern cut. There is finer diamond ring. Valentine's Day assortment of dark Vietnamese demand to admit the Viet Cong as a participant. chocolates and milk Rounded corners Keepsake' chocolates plumped with Canadian Indians make threat prevent fillings of the purest, most A Canadian Indian spokesman threatened "aggressive bedding snags Box90.SyracuK.NY 13201 delicious confections action" by Indians across Canada if a group occupying a TWIN large federal building a few blocks from Parliament is SIZE T Plea* *end new 20 pg booklet, 'Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" plus full color folder and 44 pg Bride'» Book gift offer all for only 2 54. Shown, 14-oz, 6 75 evicted. DOUBLE The selection. "The government hasn't seen anything yet in terms of what the native people can do to fight back," said Louis SIZE T 1.25 to 12.50 Cameron, leader of the Kenora, Ontario, Ojibway Warrior Society, Tuesdoy. A number of Indians have occupied the old Carbide Mills building on an island in the Ottawa River since Sept. 30. The occupiers say they intend to hold the building as an Indian cultural center. 3121 S. PENNSYLVANIA PHONE M2-Q276 Find Kecptake Jeweler* in the Yellow Page* or dial free 800-24>-6000. JajodbfloiVfl CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTION RAISED [ague guidelines hamper media board Ifly MARY ANN CHICK Services Bldg. A final budget will come out when a temporary board allocated funds to Lute News SUM Writer next week. Good Times magazine, Grapevine Journal Spectacle received their money. The board's first action was to new available to the public, as SMAB does not validity of the board if it does not meet the Tjdpnt Media Appropriations Board SMAB was formed last fall to allocate and Spectacle, tion. stop the alloca¬ yet have access to a typewriter. guidelines set by the two student organiza¬ Erastically revised its temporary funds to alternative student media pro- Other student organizations protested Good Times magazine had The code includes guidelines for choosing tions. Tuesday within five hours after it grams. It is funded by a 50 cent tax on that the board had not even looked at their already re¬ ceived and spent an allocation of about which groups should get allocations and "SMAB members are not experienced undergraduate students. Starting spring applications before allocating most of the how much each type of should get. $6,900 before the permanent board group enough with handling this magnitude of lonlv one example of the confusion term, graduate students will also be taxed, fall term funds. The students also criticized was A group's project is judged for its inno- appointed. money," said Scot Smith, a member of Lrrounded SMAB in iU first three SMAB has already allocated $54,375 of the board for operating without a formal vativeness, need for funding, production Focus magazine. the $75,552 it The board then started ■ existence. expects to receive from the code of operations. working on a code potential, number of students served and A letter sent to SMAB of operations which was finished temporary chair¬ L t0 the temporary budget will be student taxes in 1975. A permanent board by the the financial practicality subject to the limi¬ man Dan Dever from ASMSU President was appointed by second week of January. Light at 7:30 in 328 Student The confusion began early November ASMSU before Grapevine Journal and tation of SMAB funds. Tim Cain said ASMSU has written However, copies of the guidelines are not The vagueness of the guidelines is one eight letters to professional journalists in the reason why a 120-foot tunnel connecting the area. Cain said ASMSU two music expects to make an buildings will be painted with appointment soon. "supergraphics" this spring. SMAB allocated $200 to a group of 10 students in the Alphabet 26 organization to pamt the tunnel. Approximately, 300 stu¬ dents walk through the tunnel each day. Some of the other projects funded include a puppet show, a conference against racism Furthermore, not all of the members on and daily showings of films in the Union the board have Thursday, February 13, 1975 lounge spring term. been coming to the meetings. Another problem of SMAB is that until Robin Jones, 518 M.A.C. Ave. and last night, SMAB had only five of the re¬ Demetri Cotton, 507 Holden Hall have not quired nine members sitting on the board — attended at least the last three four representatives from ASMSU and meetings, where most of the budget was set. Neither 'W II: one growth elected student council representative. of could be reached for comment. According to COGS and ASMSU There could also be a possible conflict of guidelines, and SMAB's own code of interest involving two of the seven mem¬ operations, the board should consist of four bers of SMAB. L st 1945 is the second in a series of ASMSU representatives, two Council of Jones and Mike Blust, 729 E. Grand River | MSU's past years that will appear Graduate Students (COGS) representa¬ Ave., are members of the Greek system at in the State News. tives, two elected student council members MSU. Both were appointed by ASMSU as and a professional journalist. LbRI CE RAY WALKER One ASMSU representative was representatives from both Panhellenic and |SUte News Staff Writer appoint¬ Interfraternity Council (IFC). ed to SMAB Feb. 8. But he has never been „„1 conflict that was rocking The Oracle, a newspaper to a meeting, seen any of the organizations sponsored by he Pacific, Asia and Africa in 1945 Panhellenic, and IFC received a $3,690 I first glance to be far away from applications for funds or a copy of the bud¬ allocation from SMAB. get because he has been ill. jit strolling past Beaumont Tower, Tuesday night, two representatives from Several students have raised the ques¬ la day went by without a glaring tion of the fairness of COGS showed up for the first time. having two Greeks on Jus headline charting the progress Graduate students will not be taxed until the board when the Oracle, a Greek news¬ ■that had already claimed 800,000 paper, is asking for funding. spring term, so COGS did not feel it should J casualties. have its representatives on the board until Tom Price, a member of the Spectacle 1 4 headline declared: "YANK staff, said Spectacle will not charge the then. J ARMY HITS GERMAN'S About the middle of last week, COGS board with a conflict of interest. n BI LGE" appointed two representatives because it Blust also said he has worked for two of Jr machine needed men to drive it, realized that the 1975 budget would include the 31 student organizations that asked for |they had all left for "over there," money gathered spring, ■ very few left to attend MSU. summer and fall funding. He said he would rather not name terms. which groups they were. nter term of 1945 only 845 men A professional journalist has not been He did say he is no longer Jed, compared to 2,649 women, working with appointed to the board, despite the fact that them. lily column in the State News COGS and ASMSU guidelines state one (earest Johnny" was very popular must be there. Blust said he had no comment about a possible conflict of interest. illustrating that though the Some students have questioned the Jones was not available for were out of sight they weren't comment. |nd. The column was a capsulized if the week's events at MSU B the form of a love letter to a boy- |rscas Signed "With love and my Pizza deliveryman sed, Peg" the letters are even years later, as they epitomized I that robbed, nabs suspect loved ones would return Archives Photo |AVY forces ATTACK JAP Students at MSU started planning for the end Drive to provide clothes for the war |BASES" Jan. - 17 of World War II early, and refugees m rose up to victory while many planned to heal netted over 1,125 pounds of clothes as students A Domino's Pizza deliveryman who was his throat. some of the wounds. The National Clothing robbed by two men armed with knives uvinists were off to war. The donated old garments. The deliveryman tried to wrestle the outside of Butterfield Hall JWnmen Students were victorious Wednesday weapon from the suspect and sustained cuts ■ MSI' administration when they Truman took over the reins of the morning managed to apprehend one of the on both hands and a superficial cut on the presi¬ when nuclear blasts leveled Hiroshima and The battle-trained veterans had another suspects and detain him until the police throat. The deliveryman fought with the p to remove the "lights out at dency and told reporters, "Pray for me Nagasaki in August. Jack Breslin, now arrived. e. Administrators said that if the battle to fight upon their return to academic suspect who grabbed him from behind, but boys." executive vice president at MSU, was a The deliveryman was assisted by several Indents stayed up past 11:30 p.m. "RUSSIANS CUT LAST NAZI ESCAPE studies. They found that the University had the other suspect fled on foot with the student then, and said students didn't students, one of whom lives in Armstrong th would be impaired. ROUTE" really imposed a ban on cars on campus. The money, pizza and cokes. - Apr. 27 think about the implications of the A-bomb. Hall. lAmenrans were cheered up in Finally the long-awaited day and veterans argued that if they were good After a brief scuffle, the robber escaped came, "We were all awestruck by the tremen¬ "The victim and a couple of other people ■uary by President Roosevelt's enough to defeat the German and tried to run away. The the front of the State News screamed dous power of the thing, but army, they deliveryman t that gave baseball the go "GERMANY GIVES UP" in letters that everyone should be allowed to drive their own cars. caught him," said Captain Feraan Badgley cried for help to several bystanders and with wanted the war over with and this did it," of the campus |the season. Panic had almost set One student complained that he could just police. their assistance disarmed the robber and nearly engulfed the page. But at the same Breslin said. The deliveryman was robbed of $45.10, a it was rumored the war would time, speakers at VE Day celebrations see all the people at a dance trying to kept him in the lobby of Butt erfield Hall until With the war over, MSU had to cope with pizza and two cokes in front of the main pratorium on baseball. warned that it was just two-down-and-one- summon one of the three taxicabs East police arrived. the influx of reti ming students. There just entrance of Butterfield Hall at 1:30 The robbery of the Domino's advance SHORTENS to-go. The nation's attention turned to the wasn't enough living space to go around. Lansing had at the time to get home. a.m. deliveryman ground rerun- - Feb. 3 Pacific. A familiar face appeared on campus for Wednesday morning. comes a little more than a week after a About 400 government trailers were order the first time in 1945 when Sparty was ded According to police, one suspect came up similar ;s had been felt before and ad V-J Day came quicker than expected robbery of a Mister Mike's pizza ed to handle the new students. behind the deliveryman and held a knife to ■but in early February even more icated. deliveryman outside of South Case Hall. ■ belt tightening was called for. lent council voted to ban m all open City holds last community funds hearing college dances. f-'F.S MOVE INLAND ON IWO (Feb. 20 ts were determined not to let it the thousands of POWs in Jid Japanese prison camps. Every PtMSU By JOEKIRBY could offer suggestions on how the city death," Taylor said. "Maybe you should give make the restrooms in the was named after a former State News Staff Writer should spend the $168,000 in first-year Valley Court Mark Charles, a coordinator of TRC, lent who was then incarcerated in It may be a case of too little too late, but it to the Listening Ear so handicappers can Community Center accessible to the handi¬ federal Community Development Act funds. explained the services the center provides to ■camp. The students would go have someone they can call and talk to." capped. tenants and said he hopes council would some MSU students finally showed ■"coke or up at a Most of the criticism at the hearing was something" so they could public hearing on the Community Develop¬ Taylor said the handicapped were not "I would like more opportunity than just consider giving them the $2,880 1 prisoners leveled at the $35,000 tentatively budgeted necessary to some magazines or ment net. asking for luxuries but for things necessary being able to go to the bathroom in public continue their existing programs. for enforcement of the housing code. Both for survival, like access to public buildings p would sometimes raise $400 in East Lansing City Council held the final places," Gentile said. landlords and tenants felt this would reduce and more curb cuts. public hearing Tuesday at which citizens Representatives from the Tenants City council will now review all the P. MSU's available housing in the city. Eric Gentile, asst. coordinator for OPHS, overseas fighters prov- Resource Center (TRC) were at the hearing suggestions before drawing up the final pfitable. The I ibrary added to its Steve Blethen, a landlord and spokesman said the only provision for the handicapped to ask that their funding be increased from plan, which must be sent to the Tri-County Iof foreign books when a former for the East Lansing Landlords Assn., said it in the Community Development plan is to $1,000 to $2,880. Regional Planning Commission by March 1. Tent sent back a number of books would be ridiculous to spend that amount to Jerated" in Germany. frePt over the campus and the Background: enforce the code until the code has been rewritten. P April 12, when The Housing and Community "The way the code is now written it is Franklin ■Bled. 1'he front Development Act, which was signed page of the State unworkable and unenforceable," Blethen Wurni'd almost into law August 22,1974, replaces and nothing but huge said. 'To spend $35,000 on code enforcement 1%of"roosevelt DIES" and rp a combines earlier federal programs is like the hunter who puts powder in his gun the dead president. such u Urban Renewal, Model Cities, Harry without the ball. There's a lot of smoke and Neighborhood Facilities and Open noise but nothing happens." Space Land. Heavy criticism also came from a number The City of East Lansing, which is dies; of people who live in co-op housing. Many felt classified as a central city, is eligible to that enforcement of the housing code would receive $1,173,000 over the first three bring them trouble. years of the program. Patrick Wahl, speaking for the Inter 'ices set The city held five public meetings during November, which were Co-operative Council, said the present code, if enforced, would eliminate at least attended by about 250 people who one-third of the spaces now available in recommended ways to spend the Friday money. The East Lansing Planning Dept. then wrote a preliminary plan based coops. Wahl recommended that the $35,000 for code enforcement be withheld for at least one year until the code is rewritten. on citizen suggestions. The Planning Others, like Vivian Hixson, said code ■l'L^aCn professor Commission held a public hearing to I ^''f n^C°l|eKe who died obtain citizen reaction to that plan. enforcement is necessary to regulate health If* ■ '' ('°Pal ^Id at 11 a.m. Friday in Church. The city Planning Commission then and safety and it is not anti-student. In the Planning Commission report on 800 Abbott wrote a new plan and gave it to the Community Development only $600 was |i«me to MSU in 1946 as a city council, which held a public hearing Tuesday. budgeted to study the needs of the handi capped. The planning commission plan bud¬ Judy Taylor, coordinator for the MSU geted $35,000 for enforcement of the Office of I'rograms for Handicapped housing code, $36,770 to purchase Students (OPHS), said she was disappointed ■ involvement with foreign park land, $24,230 to expand the Drug in the amount being spent on SN photo/Larry Gunsberg Education Center and $20,000 to handicapped East Lansing residents attend a public hearing funds. Several persons protested the request programs. PCV:!Urn to MSU, he helped establish the position of Community "I propose that you take the $500 for this held Tuesday by the East losing City Council for $35,000 to be used for stricter housing code ^llege ence initiate an experi¬ Development director. token study and give it to other programs. to solicit citizen opinion on proposed requests enforcement. in biology. J '.*'ke other minorities, we've b» i u studied to for federal Community Development Act TOM W Tax cut shou poo Editorials the News ore opinions of the State ; Viewpoints, columns ond letters are personal opinions. In the current zeal for tax-cutting to infuse buying power in a recessionary economy (George Meany says it's really a depression), it would be all too easy to EDITORIALS forget two longer-standing needs — for general tax reform in favor of lower income persons, and for some adjustment of the regressive Social Security payroll tax. Huff deserves The Committee has Congressional Joint Economic just published evidence of both needs in a startling report that shows the biggest increases consumer* had to pay in metallurgy in 1974 the Social were in their income taxes and in Security levy-26.5 per cent for the former and 21.6 for the latter - against only 14.3 per cent for transportation, 13.5 University officials who would industry. per cent for housing, and 11.9 per cent for like to drop MSU's metallurgy Huff should be commended for food i all percentages baaed on a family of four with an income of 114,446.) major have found a formidable his stand, but he cannot save the The committee report was full of other opponent in Trustee Warren Huff. metallurgy program alone. He evidence that under the American tax and Huff recognizes that the metal¬ needs the support of others in economic system, the rich generally get lurgy program is an important positions of power in the Uni¬ richer and the poor get poorer, all part of the University and has versity. soak-the rich myths to the contrary. said he will fight the move to Prices increased in 1974 at a greater rate incoporate it into the Mechanical The other trustees will not for food items frequently consumed by low income families than for foods favored Engineering Dept. comment because they say they by the affluent; plus-$50,000-a-year families * The College of Engineering are not familiar with all aspects of added up to 12 per cent to their incomes points to the low enrollment in the the issue. These trustees should without going into a higher income tax program to justify the proposed recognize the seriousness of this bracket, while poorer families with similar 'I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW WHERE WE ARE . move, but this argument makes threatened academic hatchet job percentage increases in income had to pay little sense. There are at least 19 and its implications for future taxes at higher rates in 1974; federal, state and local income taxes rose an average of 31 up to $40,000 on the theory that these sharp in some caaes - of state and local Security taxes are levied be J majors at MSU with smaller unjustifiable cuts in times of per cent from 1973 to 1974 for families of higher-income families will more likely $24,000. At present spend the rebate on "big-ticket" items such rates. m undergraduate enrollments than economic hardship. They should four earning $9,320, while in the same as refrigerators, washers, more heavily on the upper-bracket tax¬ mean that anyone earning that HI dryers and autos. ought next to engage the Ways and metallurgy, and metallurgists are follow Huffs lead in defending period these taxes increased only 26.5 per payer, pay $1,404 against the maxim™1 Stimulating demand for such Means Committee. The liberal he or she will pay this urgently needed by Michigan MSU's metallurgy program. cent for similar families earning $14,466 and consumer durables will most quickly put more people majority of that panel, charged by the new far toward year. Till $20,883. As the committee concluded: eliminating regrnJ back to work, the AdministraUon theorizes, Constitution with originating tax measures, "Not only are (the poor) less able to cope while bigger rebates for lower-income also would do well to turn to the would greatly increase aJfl with inflation because of their limited soon revenues without a further rise J Too much discretionary income, but low-income fami¬ lies and individuals have also suffered price families would mostly go for food, an expenditure which would have far less burdensome Social Security payroll tax. This year, workers earning from virtually rate. As the system is it would also mean presently! substantial effect on unemployment. increases significantly greater than those nothing up to $14,100 a year pay a full 5.58 retirement benefits for the! experienced by upper-income But that argument for weighting the against the present maximum oil in i per cent of their earnings in Social Security monthly for try to save That is one good reason why members of congress, including the crats on the House Ways and many Demo¬ rebates to the higher brackets is hard to sustain against the evidence showing that low-income people are hit so much harder taxes— a total of $824.85 at the maximum. But people earning $20,000, $50,000, $100,000 while they pay the same total of Such however, a a husband and wife. rise in the wage base m ease the Means heavy bi Hickory dickory dock. The shaking. DST proponents point to Committee, want to revise President Ford's by inflation than the more affluent. Where $824.85 on their first $14,100 of income, per cent payroll tax on low incoJ legislature ran up the clock. The the havoc in business, broadcast¬ tax reduction proposals to provide greater buying power has most sharply declined is obviously pay a declining percentage of and it would be at the lower end of the scale; weighting tax their earnings as the latter rise. And even deflationary in tin clock struck one did it strike recession. Why J — or ing, and transportation schedules benefits to low income persons, despite the rebates and reduction to that sector ought disregarding the extreme regressivity of not institute a two? that would ensue if Michgian were strong "big ticket" argument put forward payroll tax now, providing mortl therefore to be highly stimulative, as well the tax, the 5.58 per cent rate is a This is the crucial issue which by Ford and his economic advisers. heavy this year to low income world to go out of step with the nation. as providing justified relief to the hardest burden the The Administration wants a significant on earnings of low-income higher wage base to take up tU has commanded the attention of Opponents are concerned because pressed. persons. revenues after the proportion of its proposed $12 billion rebate For the long pull, however, the clear need economy lit Michigan's lawmakers this week, DST would force children to walk The Social Security Advisory Council is upward? on 1974 personal income taxes paid In sums for a general reform of the income tax reported to be considering a recommends just as it has for several years. to school in the dark. as high as $1,000 to families with incomes structure, taking into account the impact - tion that the wage base on which Social The (C) 1975 New York Times perennial debate over Daylight Saving Time (DST) will Many problems more important undoubtedly drag far into the than synchronizing Michigan's Encore for Al future, too. clocks face the legislature this Despite the amount of time, year. The lawmakers should drop money and hot air expended, the the nonissue quickly and turn to issues at stake are hardly earth- more important business. A local film company, RHA.fa should throw together Sparts vs. Boils? Mandelstamm's Greatest Hits'i Aid move en You display your ignorance when you call would be a smash on campus. P flock to see "Handsome Al" do hj ♦he University of Michigan's athletic teams More the Wolves." If you check with the wildlife Michigan college students students who really need that or zoology departments you will find that applied for state financial aid this financial aid. wolves and wolverines are very different year than anticipated and, unfor¬ animals. tunately, funds ran dry. SN goofs Your abbreviation for "the Wolverines" But the state Senate proved makes as much sense as calling the MSU I would like to express ray dii Monday that its heart was in the athletic teams "the Sparts" or the Purdue unethical tactics employed by ml teams "the Boils." right place. It approved a bill Not too long ago French Presi¬ tion known as the Campus Cr which is headed toward House dent Charles de Gaulle liked to George Burgoyne Christ to lure nonbelievers to itsl 720 Armstrong Road On Feb. 6 the following ad wish passage, to pay off the 2,6 say that Britain would only enter It's What's Happening section oft students who qualified for state the Common Market over his dead locked the door" before returning to their News: tuition grants and competitive body. De Gaulle is now dead, the Danger zone windows to watch the show at Ms. China trips scholarships, but lost out before Gaullists have lost power and Genovese's expense. "Tired of the cant of religiarfj they could collect. Britain has entered the Common It's such a comfort to realize that two This is to clarify some confusion that has Campus Crusade Against \ As two students at MSU, feel safer we caring individuals such as Dellamora and her arisen over the article on campus atheist group. 0r| Market. "Trips to China" If the bill is signed into law, knowing that two Samaritans like Ann roommate can make this campus as safe as a in the State News on Jan. 6. The Asian meeting is at 7:30 tonight in 0* $490,000 will be Earlier this week, President Dellamora and her roommate have such Studies Center is in no way affiliated with Hall, Union." distributed big city with their healthy attitudes. Ford said gasoline rationing will compassion for their sisters. These ladies the U. S. China through Michigan Competitive were interviewed by the State News If either of us should ever have the Peoples Friendship Asst. Similar ads were run on Feb. 4j be enacted in the United States (USCPFA) of Greater Lansing. Scholarship awards to 1,200 stu¬ concerning a streaking incident. Dellamora misfortune to need to call rape, we sincerely The Asian Studies Center is neither 5. dent winners (100 at MSU) who only over his dead body. Gas stated that she thought the commotion was a hope that it is not in the vicinity of room 2074 organizing nor sponsoring the trips to A friend and I walked from Holil never received their award. rationing is the best means of rape and said her roommate promptly flew, Van Hoosen Hall. China. The center does not disseminate to the Union against the wind a not to the rescue, but to the door to lock it. coping with the energy crisis, and Rosemary Dow information regarding the activities of the attend this meeting and whatdo« In a time when a "tough luck" Interesting. hopefully it will soon be imple- . . Janet Nixon USCPFA of Greater Lansing and does not a room full of Jesus freaks! attitude is an easy one to adopt, mented. Perhaps these ladies are familiar with the 471N. Caae Hall sponsor these activities. it's encouraging to note that the America cannot afford to lose plight of Kitty Genovese of New York City. People who are "professionals" may state legislature is taking action She was stabbed in front of her own apply for the trips. The trips, however, are another president now. Let's to correct a situation that could pray that Ford proves apartment building and then dragged inside and killed. The entire incident Take-home exam not intended to be used for "professional Editor's Note: The Vuaf®Cr was observed purposes." Julie Griffing cause a lot of headaches for prophet than de Gaulle. by some 37 people who no doubt "ran and Christ has reserved OW Cofotf Graduate assistant Exam abusers do not discriminate, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdi?'"- Asian Studies Center whether the test be a multiple-choice exam Ckrt.liflmn VIEWPOINT: GUN CONTROL or an essay exam or what-not. However, I Nursing roon at 9 p.m., as the f' ■ , feel that the take-home exam as employed We object to the biased article announcements indacnted by many Justin Morrill College (JMC) concern¬ classes has been unfairly demeaned in ing "racism" in the School of Nursing. We caused byatypograpM"™ ^ your have never seen Instances of such 6 announcement resulted Reps must ignore lobbyist plea Feb. 6 editorial. The State News any says that "only through in-class exams" can a inequality in our classroom or clinical area. Our nursing program is difficult for professor achieve the goal of "completely original" exam answers. I disagree. everyone, not just the black students as the article implies. An instructor Bloody points out errors in all students, and By GARY MITCHELL each year, but somehow we always find a on gun control. Crime in Detroit is up 320 I have had numerous JMC "take-home" may choose to Hey there, you in the refuse to give information when she feels Gun control is one of the most con place for them. They are very useful, per cent in the last 10 years, and 50 per cent essay tests which would have produced of animal was it before it troversial issues of the day, especially in that the student has not hidden under a pillow, tucked into a belt, on of this year's homicides have been embarrassing results if I had been forced to attempted to seek killed? Detroit, which is fighting the unwanted out the information herself. If we took each top of the dresBer or stashed away in the committed with guns. Barring hand guns write them in the always too-short class title of "Murder — USA." piece of criticism we receive from our Did you know you are glove box of a car. From the standpoint of will not be popular with everyone. And hour. To me, the purpose of Given a certain number of guns homicide prevention, it is meaningless to taking the instructors in such a personal of agony on your back? in a because the current laws are not enforced, a exam home ia not to "pool knowledge" with light, we particular community, debate whether the gun is registered. The could all claim discrimination. Yes the a predictable mandatory sentence should be imposed on other students. It is to write an number of accidents, suicides and homicides original instructors discriminate, they discriminate of those animals you ^. simple presence of the gun, regardless of its anyone caught carrying an illegal gun. short paper which demonstrates a involving these weapons will result. The legal status, creates a strong possibility for The time has come to thorough against students who are not well prepared. escape that trap by chewing stop pretending understanding of the material and an ability Discrimination claimed by these students is And that beavers are ti biggest obstacle to establishing a reason¬ the occurence of a lulling. that the gun control argument is based to mentally dissect and abstract the able gun control law is the tremendous Public demand for gun control seems to on philosophical differences. only material, perhaps integrating it with your a cop out. and it takes them 20 nunutf10 Guns have amount of money made on hand guns. The State News should reexamine this Hey, you with the seal JjjJ come and go with the same breath. helped to establish a way of life in America, own thoughts. From those we've spoken to, both know those seals were c W case. Selling guns is a very big business. Some $2 Demands seem to reach its emotional to put it modestly. Could billion a year is spent on guns. The biggest anything be more M«k ai>d white, few student nurses see height after the killing of a public official or American than the husband who shoots his Taking an essay exam in the class hour discrimination in our school. We would like And you in the white sedsW - tragedy is that this money keeps Congress police officer. In 10 years time, John wife because she turns the TV channel know those skins were ripp ■ and the state legislatures from acting on may indeed insure originality as the State to see a Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Lurther King, while he's watching a football game? The News asserts: a vapid more accurate pool of student of baby seals while their J ^ this vitally important issue. Politicans are Robert Kennedy and George Wallace were originality composed opinion. If there 645 students in the party host who shoots the next-door perhaps of regurgitated lecture notes with are defend them? And in acutely aware of the gun manufacturers, shot by assassins. After each killing there neighbor for making a pass at his wife? Or nursing program, how can a poll of less than baby seals were still «!■* retail gun dealers, gun magazine pub appendages of underdeveloped fresh ideas. 5 per cent of the students was strong talK ot gun retorm, but it soon the two teenagers playing Russian be deemed skinned. However, taking an exam home and accurate? lishers, hunting resorts and others who subsided. There have been over 50 million roulette? At any rate, the real question ia, Surely any journalist would form a strong lobbyist group. loose guns made in the United States since how much do we value human life? composing a well thought out paper can be much more gratifying both to the professor know that a dissatisfied person is more And for what reason' committed? For fun and p ^ i Since we already have millions of guns President Kennedy's assassination. In and to the student. likely to want to be interviewed than one floating around, it isn't always easy to essence, those murderous years have that has no strong feelings on the matter. Forstatussymbols! For •inure out what to do with the five million brought us nowhere. Linda Pynnonen about it. you with that bloody « Gary Mitchell, 5035 Campus HUI Drive, It a Paul Lipsitz new guns that pour off U.S. assembly lines The time has come to take a strong ttand radio and television major. 239 Bogue St. 246 Phillips Hall and 4 others Thursday, February 13, 1975 5 183 STORES ON ONE levelopers readying market-style mall By NANCY E.CRANE opening up another branch because it might State News Staff Writer Shopkeepers will also have to pay $20 a cause problems," said Allen Ginsburg, month for For only $200 monthly rent, you can have advertising and $10 for each day developer of the project. they do not keep their stores open when the your own plywood shop the size of an outhouse. Ginsburg's company, the Colony rest of the stores are open. The mall will be You can do business next to both Development Corp., is developing the open four days a week, a total of 24 hours a a kosher deli and a coney island. project for the Gould Investment Corp. of week. New York. Developers of a bazaar-like Perry said the mall will cater to students You can sell plants and macrame and fulfill shopping center in Port Jefferson, N. Y., and the East Lansing market. your wildest dreams of becoming a business planted Gould with the original idea for Old "But don't get this wrong. This will be a tycoon. World Village Mall. You can do all this and more if legitimate business operation — not a flea you jump on "It will be like Asian or European markets market the Old World Village Mall or junkie headshop," Perry said. bandwagon that where people have small, specialty Neither economic the fact that has hit East Lansing. shops woes or open for only a limited time," Perry said. some specialty shops are closing in East Old World Village Mall will be a con¬ But unlike Asian or European merchants, Lansing daunt the developers. glomeration of 183 stores from 9 by 11 feet to the people who rent shops in the mall will not "It's going to be super-successful. I think i • 24 by 13 feet stuffed into the old Zody's store be able to pull up their tents anytime. They we will draw people from 75 miles away to on Grand River Avenue. will have a one-year lease to contend with. shop here," Ginsburg said. Old World Village Mall is now only an acre of neat squares plotted with masking tape on a gray linoleum floor. In the middle of each plot there is a sign which reads, "Lot No., Name, Business." Only one of the little signs has been filled out. "That is to remind one of our salesmen Ex-Florida legislator that that lot is already sold. He keeps trying hits Mil liken budget The mall is based on the theory that everyone wants to own a By JIM KEEGSTRA The Florida system of having half the business. " We 're after the State News Staff Writer appropriations committee formed of other The fundamental problem with Gov. committee chairman would not work here, semi-retired person, the gradu¬ Milliken's proposed $3.04 billion state Hart said. But he called Harris' suggestion SN photo/Bob Kaye ate student, the person who has budget is that it pretends to be something it to require concerned is full-scale model of one of the larger World standing committees to JS a Village Mall. People who rent the spent all his life working for is not, according to a former Florida examine reports from Michigan's auditor tnistores which can be rented in the Old spaces must build their own store fronts. someone else and finally wants legislator. general an "excellent idea." to strike out on his own." Four-term representative Marshall S. Harris, past chairman of the Florida House Currently, the state auditor sends copies —Charles Perry. of each report to all 148 Michigan legislators. Appropriations Committee, told some 50 ew sterilization method eyed Michigan legislators Wednesday the state has some problems with its budget process, which is now getting underway for the fiscal In most cases, Harris said, the probably "find the shortest route to the wastebasket. copies to sell it to other people," said Charles Perry, year beginning July 1. "This has to be a tremendous waste of KINGTON (AP) A medical official for the Agency for manager of the whole operation. "Milliken's is one of the worst budget — or just beneath it, where the scar will hardly show. The surgeon paper and printing." "We've already sold about 50 per cent of documents I've ever seen put together," Jonal Development says a new method of sterilization by then peers through the cylinder and emplaces a set of tiny rings that the lots, though," he added. Despite a two-week study of Michigan ■through the navel may offer a quick and relatively safe way close off the fallopian tubes. Harris said in Kellogg Center at the first operations, Harris said he found no money fc child bearing for many women. The fallopian tubes Perry would not say how much money has annual seminar of the Michigan Legislature. allocated in Milliken's budget to ordinarily carry female egg cells to be been invested in the project. He did say that Lawmakers have long complained it is ijnplement |T. Ravenholt, head of the agency's Office of Population, fertilized by male sperm. about one-third of the shops in the mall the governor's pleas for better management \ the method as one of a few that represent "very Dr. Theodore M. King, director of obstetrics and impossible to make sense out of the through program analysis. It progress in the last few gynecology at would be owned by people who have never governor's figures and that not enough This logical method of budget study could years." Johns Hopkins, said the main advantage of the operation was its been in business before. meaningful information is offered in his be used by the legislature with the same ist back from Asia and I'd say that 50 million women in such relatively great freedom from risk. L as India, Pakistan. Bangladesh. Thailand and Nepal, The mall is based on the theory that lengthy budget packages. amount of money it has now if it shifted staff For the past few years, many American doctors have been The young, Detroit-born Harris also workers away from the leadership and fiscal everyone wants to own a business. |rho have already had as many as four children, have an sterilizing women through a similar cylinder, or laparascope but "We're after the semiretired person, the suggested the Michigan Legislature open its iesire to be sterilized," he said. then closing off the tubes by agencies to provide support for all electrocauterization, or burning. graduate student, the person who has spent appropriations system to more lawmakers committees, Harris claimed. deration was described Monday by Ravenholt and doctors That procedure is described as more effective than the older than those all his life now on the House and Senate "This is important enough that if you don't Ins Hopkins Medical School and Hospital, Baltimore, at a method of typing off the tubes but more working for someone else and complicated than the belly money committees and said it was "difficult have the money you ought to do it anyway, perence here. *. ~ button method. finally wants to strike out on his own," Perry to understand" the lack of si. said. staffing for other even in a year of declining state revenue," as developed by Dr. InBae Yoqp. a Korepn trained JUng said the new method costs $400 at Johns Hopkins. &d far standing committees. Harris said. „lje „ In who is an asst. professor of gynecology and obstetrics at But others will be involved. said, there have been few serious nnnilii ■fifiti and no failures, State Senate Appropriations Chairman The seminar ends this morning with Wins. It has been tested on 1,050 women at Johns "We cannot release the names of all the "But we'll have to wait until fall 1975, Jerome T. Hart, D-Saginaw, said he has Hopkins t#,)u(?e observed all our ^businesses because some East Lansing reactions from House and Senate leaders of Korea and the Philippines, spokesmen said. women for a full year." been working for more openness in the both parties. The unique attempt to ■ethod consists of inserting a slim, businesses are opening up discount shops in give telescoping set of The Johns Hopkins method was developed and tested with funds budgeting process for several years and has state lawmakers a better perspective of the mall under other names. They don't want ■ through the woman's abdomen, in the navel's lower crease from the Agency for International already begun holding joint meetings with their jobs was sponsored by MSU and seven Development. their other operations to know they are other committees. other organizations. M UP NOW OPEN TONITE II -l ~ f SALE LASTS THRU TIL 9:00 nT^SI&lS SAT., FEB 15 203 E. Grand River Avo. STOCK-REMOVAL SALE SELECTION AND PRICES YOU HAVE TO SEE TO BELIEVE! OI/IIJTO Our Complete Stock — Our complete \n|K 1I V Vlllll A « of Fall & Winter Tweeds, 25" Fashion Styles, Solids 1RESSES- Stock of Fall & Winter Styles Now NO EXCEPTIONS From Jrcoo || UP f* fl A T O SWEATERS-SSr— LI 111 |^ \ ~ You 11 N*v" s°°this selection at these prices again! Don't miss out! From JgOO compi~ 1/2 off New Spring PANT SUITS -«3£. TOPS-SHIRTS- Styles, Huge Variety * - - 50% off $000 yp 9VV lAOI/CTC jAiivtio- Suedes, Parkas, ROBES- PJ.S- Our Complete f a-r Stock i 1/2 Off or more! 50% THESE 3 BIG DAYS ONLY! LIMITED every NEW SPRING PANTS 20% o ff! W SPACE- ALL SALES FINAL! NO EXCHANGES REFUNDS! HURRY! or te!cLpcATcKAGEs V STAFF. OPEN ONLY TO FACULTY & THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILIES *n,« secured with Travel By Harrington Easi landing Michigan gladly accepted Park conveniently in lot behind stor~> 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Febru Sarcastic songster's concert SHARE THERi to follow new album release to the Nth Degree" stacks cliche upon cliche in a WITH USTHRl By JUNE DELANO State New* Reviewer Loudon Wainright III is not a songwriter for romantics, sentimentalists or young lovers. His sarcastic, unpredictable lyrics take sharp delightful song about a spurned lover who plans to do himself in. He concludes: "Not only would you miss me, but you'd feel guilty too, Oh, Fd be dead, but it'd be too late, the joke would be on you." Thia WEEKEND pokes at the most unlikely topics and the results are hilarious but not exactly good, clean fun. "Unrequited" is Wainright s new album, is followed by an audience "laugh-along." There's no point in trying to detail all the tunes, because the nuances of Wainright'a voice and AND GET ON released this week just prior to his appearances guitar would be lost and they are half the humor. TOAGOODTHll tonight and Friday at Mariah As a matter of fact, there is probably more to his One side of the album has Wainright and a act than appears on the record, since the audience back up band parodying half-a-dozen musical laughs frequently over things not apparent to the styles with amazing proficiency. ear. The most distinguishing facet of Wainright's Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your "Lowly Tourist" incorporates all the intricacies fellow *** music is that the music is as good or better than who of reggae with classic lyrics about an unhappy traveller, "Kings and Queens" is reminiscent of the lyrics — an unusual thing for performers who like. are already on to a good thing. V0u Travel comfortably. Arrive leavsSl the Byrds, and "Crime of Passion" is a great song lean toward comedy. You'll refreshed and on till which is too weird to describe in words. So. all in all, the shows at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. save money, too. over fares. Share the ride with us the increased air 1 on The second side is probably the key to tonight in McDonel Hall kiva and Friday in weekends HolirU.1 Wainright's personal appearances, because it was Erickson kiva should be fantastic and well worth Anytime. Go Greyhound. " recorded live with him as a solo performer. Basing the $2 advance ticket cost. a prediction on the live cuts, the Mariah concert If Wainright doesn't perform it on his own, the should not be missed. The songs on this side of the album are gems of audience might ask him to sing "Rufus Is a Tit Man." The song is as tantalizing as its name and is GREYHOUND SERVICE SERVICE FROM EAST LANSING TO sarcasm and parody. As an example. "Unrequited probably the catchiest tune on the new album. DEffl Folksinger Joe Hickerson, who has performed at many major folk ———— festivals and coffeehouses throughout the United States, will appear at 1 HAVE AN I the Ten Pound Fiddle coffeehouse at 8:30 p.m. in the Gold Room on the second floor of the Union Building. :i;\ii:rno\Ai: * DAY! {***************** ** ski THE BEST ORGY YET1 cross-country equipment Skis, poles, boots and bindings rent for |ust $5.00 per day or $7.50 for the weekend Full week rate, $10.00 Try cross-country skiing. It's fun. Vincent Prize — Pit ft the Pendulem RAUPP W.C. Fields — The Fatal Glass of Beer Campfitters Laurel ft Hardy — Men at Road Runner cartoons War $1.25 Fri. - Conrad 12:15 /Sat. G-8Holden Hall 9:304 12:00 SPONSORED BY 3 SOUTHEAST HOLDEN HALL FOR 1 SOMEONE SPECIAL ON VALENTINES DAY- THETA CHI Buy one banana FRATERNITY split and get one announces it* winter term pledge class FREE! (offer good Fri. thru Sun.) GORDON LOUD KEVIN KIRKLAND NEAL HANNA TED ALFARO RICH BAES JOHN BRESLIN KEITH PRITCHARD JERRY PASSIAK Good grades, good sports, good times. NOW QT mSU$H06RC?R\R , ^ • CAmpos l$t NftTL pHAHmaoj 310 W. Grand Riv»r "TRYIT lyuI B"SHoeDtPT, i BfiNKtU (n«xt to the bus station) open 11 a.m. • 11 p.m. iioo PvcH yv out, $oy+R it on 71 t^SU SHOt 1 Sun. thru. Thurs. and 11 a.m. - midnight 1~ famousNwfte'Bwwtjs SAXWTMS - V..VTV-. Fri. & Sat. •®Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Am. D.Q.Corp.© 1972 Am. D.Q. Corp. 453 ABBOTT ROAP Hours ^o-5-30 ^ _ rr>0to-SfcV. NOTICE TO ALL FACULTY, STAFF & STUDENTS THE OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY WISHES 1 M.S.U. PAN AM CHARTER FLIGHT TO LONDON 00 $348 ROUND TRIP July 4 ■ Departure from Metro Airport, Detroit August 22 " Return from London Eligibility: M.S.U. faculty, staff, students, parents, spouses, etc. For further information contact OFFICE OF OVERSEAS STUDY ROOM 108 INTERNATIONAL CENTER I PHONE 353-8920 OR 353-8011 l-hir.i" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 13, 1975 7 FANTASY ARTIST ILLU Abrams offers cosmic art show The eerie world of the plan has also created illustrations ets Lakes area after Feb. 25. beyond the earth, painted for Family Weekly, and an showing "The Last Question," by an artist who illustrates for up¬ based science fiction story Admission free on a coming publication entitled The Fantasy and Science Fiction Ultimate Frontier. Admission to the exhibit hall by Isaac Asimov. magazine, is the theme of a is free. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to Widely exhibited 17-painting exhibit currently on display ium. at Abrams Planetar Dixon created the animation for the NASA film "Jupiter noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The hail is also rTUt- STATE. ** MfcUiS HAS The Odyssey" and is working on open during Sky Theatre CLAS=A?l£t> j paintings, which include other film strips. He has exhib shows, presented Fridays and IN1FC*MAT(£* depictions of orbiting ice, the ited his paintings throughout Saturdays at 8 and 10 p.m. and Milky Way, Saturn rising, a the country, Sundays at 2:30 and 4 p.m. space shuttle and including the Mu- an aerial view seum of Science and The Sky Theatre is of Mars, Natural currently are the work of California artist Don M. Dixon. History in St. Louis, Mo. The spacescape exhibit at the The 24 year-old artist, who planetarium, including several studied astronomy and at the University of physics California, paintings on display for the first time, will tour the Great ELLIPSIS.... Tonight at 8 pm Ellipsis investigates § students and business in c/> St your eyes, Rosco. I'm going to blow you ,y" Guns and gunmen are an essential part ITC. d SN photo/Dale Atkins 8unP,e country boy, born in a loir "Business . . .Why Me?" 2 cabin, grow up to be Jesse James? inericana. Where else but in the good ole' A WKME WBRS 640 M WEAK WMSIN WMCD bok satirizes U.S. k FRANK FOX the landscape. But as viciously hilarious dies, relatives, friends and even time in pointing out the obvious PRESENTS |jt News Reviewer as total strangers in impassioned fact that a gun is a gun is a "The Saturday a will doubtlessly be Night Special" acts of violence gun. Frannie Malincanico and d as a nation that may be, it is also an or frivolity. Cheap or expensive, any gun exception¬ Cheap hand ally insightful, illuminating guns, however, will kill you just dead. Annie Yuckamanelli invite | to death for the pure have an odd way of wasting as you study of the venal hypocrisy, people in much the same way as to meet their IdIIows is a tale of our sanctimonious greed and nean derthal political corruption that do expensive hand guns, rifles boyfriends. love for The Gun — a and shotguns. Sherrill loses no lc from the days when has combined to protect the ■ red in the streets at rights of any American to fc - dedicated with a accumulate enough firepower fondness to Detroit to instigate a small Balkan war or, at the very least, to ■spiritual home of The enjoy a weekend cruising Woodward [Night Special. Avenue. Saturday Night But as much as the book is BlPenguin Books), au- the story of Tert Sherrill casts a why we are I eye on our beloved inundated with guns in the Jr blowing one another United States. "The Saturday J THE LONGEST RUNNING FILM IN TOWN! J ■rheap thrills and ."all this con- gunplay Night Special" is graphy of the guns also a themselves. bio¬ Bunuelsaiditisthe only film about what the . I part of America. It's Sherrill lovingly chronicles the Thurs. Brody 7:30 y it more than we history of heaters from the Holden G 8 9:30 marvelously deadly Thompson modern world really means. • submachinegun, immortalized in countless gangster films, to the cheapjack hand guns favor ed by candy-store robbers everywhere - the Saturday Night Specials themselves. A Saturday Night Special is a cheap, poorly made hand gun traditionally used to play havoc with the internal organs of liquor store proprietors, wives, husbands, lovers, drinking bud IND •CRKNDOOR PlFRs . JOHNNIE KEYES • GC0ME S. McDONALI ■jI 'J,an''lhf'H1 '®mous a" sla' foolliall prolfMinnal (vou'll reiog nue hit. ""Vound cUwr "Behind the Green Door" I ' ■ ' \m MITCHELL.b> JON KINTANA ISWn I « r F'I LEBUNC'^m«C^ \ Ailult»OdK 5 IKES 7:00.8:30 4,0 1 Admlnio*' $22516 Aflr,eul,uralEn«,n##rlnfl |UST BE18- PL£ASE bring proof of age ilALFlUI 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Feb, •ruaryijJ Board delays action on UFW resolution By DAVEGUZNICZAK The resolution was intro¬ efforts of organizers working the bargaining agent for the whom he referred said he appropriating $4,000 to the facility would be run by the SUte News Staff Writer duced by Democratic Commis¬ on behalf of the California California agricultural supported it Ingham County Board of Public University, handling paper A resolution backing the sioner Lingg Brewer late in the workers in mid-Michigan. Pre¬ workers," Brewer said. "Yes, I support it," said Works for a joint venture wastes collected on campus. United Farm Workers (UFW) commissioner's board meeting. sently, the farm union is trying "The union is Democrat commissioner between the MSU Waste presently suf Republican Derwood Boyd, a union in its attempts to obtain The commissioners voted to to get union elections held Richard Conlin. "However, I Control Authority and the fering from the abuses of strong advocate of the project, free union elections for Califor¬ refer it to the County Affairs & through a secret ballot. It is outside unions that have signed thought it would be better if it Community Action Work said 12,760 of the $4,000 would •Decided t« nia agricultural workers was Policy Committee pending also 'sweetheart' contracts with the went through committee first. Center (CAWC) in Lansing. $100,000 in Pede^S boycotting non-UFW let¬ go toward purchasing addi¬ introduced and then referred to further study. Without preparation and pub¬ The project involves creating tuce and Gallo wine produced growers," he said. tional recycling equipment for Development Act tL committee Tuesday by the Brewer said the resolution licity, the resolution doesn't jobs in the center for work at Ingham County Commis¬ would indicate Ingham commis¬ by California growers. "The resolution would sup¬ Brewer said negotiations have much impact," the MSU paper recycling facil¬ increasing the output of the the pre* between the other unions and paper baler at the MSU facility. development of tk, » sioners. sioner's moral support for the port the right of the UFW to be growers were not carried on for Conlin said the resolution ity located on the corner of The equipment would be the *0UnK solid , * the good of the workers. would be studied and brought Aurelius and Jolly Roads. system. Those hired would be paid by property of the CAWC. Brewer said he was fearful back on the agenda for the March board meeting. He said county funds to work at the During Birth control re that if the resolution had been put to vote Tuesday, it have failed due to opposition may time was needed to give it proper exposure to the commis¬ facility during the morning. They would be recycling paper board also: the meeting •Approved four resolutions the •Tabled a ^ entering into a $2 Sm Ingham County commission- of the parents," Republican minors should use contracep¬ from a few Democratic commis sioners and public. , , collected by the center in the which would appropriate fed with Dr. writing Lembi Sj ; bicente^ , a ers again faced internal squab- commissioner John Bos said. tives. He said government was sioners. However, one of the Also during the meeting, the greater Lansing area. eral grants through the slate of the role of Democratic commissioners to board passed a resolution During the afternoon, the Office of Criminal Justice Pro- f,rra J" | bling Tuesday in their 15 -5 Bos said parents, not the taking an increasing role in Southern Michigm, [ passage of a resolution allowing government, must decide if family decision making. | minors to obtain contraceptives J J without parental approval. Last November, the commis- SPACESHIP EARTH ! ' sioners faced a similar resolu- tion calling for an extension into 1975 of the Family Planning Art Auction THE FUTURIST- wanfs: GENERALIST MAGAZINE ! Program for Ingham County. | The program is funded through PEOPLE interested in working for this the Michigan Dept. of Health. student magazine; reporters, a copy The November resolution editor, and a circulation manager was opposed by some commis¬ sioners who felt that the ARTICLES written by free - lance writers government was assuming the role of parents in this issue. interested in world systems: governing, However, the resolution passed. education, business, ecological, and The same argument again distributive; and announcements about cropped up in the commissioner relevent activities, letters, criticisms, and board meeting Tuesday. observations "The government is eroding and encroaching TOO SEE you at an organizational meeting in the Union on Friday, Feb. 14, at 6:30 p.m. or write P.O. Box 208 E. Lansing, Michigan 48824 A ONE wJ^H^HTR FEBJ3&M SHOWSAT8&io;3k>--THURS*MCDONEL/FR]*ERKKSON $2DOhcxhoTce/$250atlhedoor Tickets availabte at Elderlylmtnimefits«thpMSlJmon "A BRILLIANTLY CONCEIVED AND EXECUTED FILM. Directed with stunning style by Bob Fosse'.' "JiuUtli Ciisi No* Yoik Mmi,""*' " Dustin Hoffman again asserting his claim to being today's great character leading man. What is awesome is the range of emotions LENNY'S he commands in the intimate scenes HE ALONE MAKES LENNY'WORTH SEEING!'* TIME RidhntlSchKkct, "DUSTIN HOFFMAN QUITE POSS¬ ACADEMY HAS IBLY WILL EARN AN AWARD NOMINATION FOR HIS PERFORMANCE. ValeriePerrineis FINALLY stunning" -So"""'Sw"e "BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT COME! FILM OF 1974. It is acted movie - a beautifully with Dustin Hoffman and Valerie Perrine -certain to be front runners for Best Actor and Best Actress Academy Awards!' "VALERIE PERRINE STEALS THE MOVIE...a performance that turns the screen into art re-lived, a singular triumph that burns into the memory." A Marvin Worth Production A Bob Fosse Film Dustin Hoffman "Le1®. „Valerie Perrine EatculixPfoduct' Dsvid V Picker I Bob Fosse "scssr urnm*™" STARTS FRIDAY! Open Fri. 6:50 • Shows 7:25 • 9_13 B| Sat. S Sun. 1:25 • 3:25 • 5:25 • ^ M lichigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 13, 1975 9 \A1 Food drive to help VALENTINES area needy planned In these tough economic times it's rough for a meet family to make ends especially if the main income earner in the family is laid off 700 — and there is temporarily no money for food. To help ease the plight of Lansing area residents without enough food, volunteers from the United Ministries for Higher Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road, will be knocking on area doors collecting VARIETIES food Saturday. Diane Deutsch, codirector of United be collected for the Ministries, said the food will Housing Assistance Foundation's Emergency Food Bank Program for the "We'll be going around tricounty area. asking people to donate any kind of goods for the kitchen such as canned goods and baby food," she said. SOMETHING Currently the food bank, located in Lansing, is especially low in its food supply. "We're having a run on food," said FOR Mabel French, director of the food bank. "Where small families of days supply of food, we now used to have many come in and take a couple EVERYONE and large families coming in taking larger amounts of food." The Emergency Food those who need short-term loans Bank, a Model Cities agency, gives food to of food such as persons From 15' to s5°° public assistance checks and in the meantime run out ofwaiting for money for We food, or those who have been in a fire and temporarily need food. United Ministries will be to help replenish the low going door to door asking for donations supply of food at the food bank. All those wishing to volunteer their services can call Deutsch at Card S SN Photo/Dave Olds 309 E. Grand Rlv.r 332-6753 knthia Heister finds the solution to her tax tremendous response to the 332-0861 before Saturday. East Lansing, Mich. 48823 I'oubles in the Student Services Building office a need for more program has led to volunteer workers. [ the volunteer tax help program. The WANTED Undergraduates to fax program seek Participate in Behavioral Research If chosen, you will be paid^5/houjr for 1 -3 hours of I volunteer income tax in the community who can't work time. If interested, come for your related," Vazquez said. Student Services In, is in need of about 20 to afford to pay for help." "Most Building interview a "pre-employment" Jn volunteers following a Students wishing to volun¬ cases can usually be done within a half hour," staff (353-4400 Ext. 306) are open — forwhich^ou^wilJJje^— at any one of the times listed below. OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will contain 200 separate individually fcdous response during teer as workers should call Monday through Thursday from owned mini stores and boutiques! If you ever wanted to be worker Dale Honeck, freshman, 6 to 9 p.m. Come to Room 104 Olds Holl BOSS, here s your opportunity your 1st week of operation. student coordinator Centers at the LeJon of one of these times. own Curtis said. "Except there was one The specialized shops in Irram directors had anti- McKinnon, 355-9914. Building, 1801 Main St. OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL will be person who came in with a box (353-9555) and Student Services Tuesday, Feb. 11:7, 7:30, small in size (from 100 sq ft up) and economical in overhead to Jd ■ this handling about 1,200 "Some of the student's prob¬ full of information that took Building are open Saturdays 8, 8:30, or 9 PM. operate Because this MINI-MALL is open ONLY during PEAK year, staff advisor lems are not knowing when they about 2'/t hours to go retailing hours. (Thurs and Friday 6-10 P.M.. Saturday 10-10 and In do Vazquez said. But can claim a double through." from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 12: 7, 7:30, 8. 8:30, or 9 PM. Sunday noon-7 PM), you can operate your business without exemption Income tax aid centers at Clients should call for Servicing about 150 cases for living with their parents and Cristo Rey Community Center, an interfering with other employment or activities ECONOMIC TIMES leek, they now expect to at school. And also that appointment. Thursday, Feb. 13: 7, 7;30, 8, 8:30, or 9 PM. ARE TOUGH Here is your chance to supplement your income they are 1314 Ballard St. (482-1387), or turn your retailing ideas into cash 1 about 2,000 this year. not allowed to write off school West Jr. High School, 500 W. IDEAL STORE & BOUTIQUE LOCATIONS NOW Iquez said volunteers need AVAILABLE for ■have experience in filling expenses^x^rwher^ej^r^ j^nawert income tax iy forms. of the students we V&mmMmmW cosmetics, candy, lewelry. books, records, flowers accessories, imports, fabrics, chtna. gifts, housewares repairs, real estate, insurance, _«th Aave are foreign students trouble with the KINGSPOINT SC-40 For Your Valentine home-improvements and on and on SPECIAL GOURMET FOODS section the world like never before in featuring foods from around I Vazquez said. "We also THE FULL SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR Lansing (Still a few choice loca¬ tions at unusual rental rates). lith senior citizens, fixed (Friday, Feb. 14th) k people and other people The SC-40 — A truly Scientific Calculator that offers Algebraic mode entry with 2 parenthesis levels The CUSTOMERS WILL LOVE SHOPPING IN OLD WORLD MALL because of complete personal service own the stores and boutiques VILLAGE The salespeople IS DANCE feature no other scientific calculator has. — a (Close - Pendants The OUTSTANDING proven EAST more traffic than any other possible LANSING location will bring retailing location Dynamic promotional program and special events sure to draw' Parenthesis and Bracket Key). Choice IRATHOHL ThflfciOcJyoneof the lectures thpt makes the SC-40 a better calculator than the others. OPAL, GARNET, PEARL, CAMEO locations still available Low rentakolN CALL OR FOR COMPlfTf-WTOWWrngN & IMPLICATION WRITE TODAY 1337.1721 AND OTHER GENUINE STONES *0* jjtO WO®*# )MINOS N you Oi Village Mall Ore H?- beautiful solid- OLD WORLD VILLAGE MALL OFFICE piece j ;dent to wrap around It what's hap- f, rer.:nc - todiv By Speidel, MM |1 . null in yellow or white *7« \) ILL \J!I1 Ijll / ^ IV. tfiM P f\® AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES 1477 HASLETT RD. HASLETT, MICHIGAN PHONE I1M3M JI.WELRY VM> \RT OMIR JEWELRY and LAST CHANCE! .519 I. (,raml Rucr ART CENTER IjM l«M»inj. Midi. 319 E. Grand Rivt< Ave. TO SEND A that's VALENTINE UOc.ate.0 at right,vou ths. com€ ojo out to psajmy l-aaj€. CoKMifc Cff- jou-v \ amd po/ockel to those f^oaoj anip just fbr uooklnjcb at a mopfct of a\i you love! apaktmcmt o* a a or 3 touaououss from tktst fc*y G\rls *«£ gcxmg To l'tt Vou. ■have. vouk cno\ct c* CAMPUS BOOK STORE a al&um (cuR/i^Air (across from Berkey) or a m\ct O/O-V^'PfcT FOOD FOR Woufc ODG OR CAT, plahst— 0ost for. usoklate/ Bar if vou Notice: uk£ Tv\t ma/^agw's goi/mg to gtvs. vou s3eje. v skb/o a */oo off Voufc st Week for Winter Term Books b*st momtm's ajfctft plos malf oo au. MoMTW3. IF Vou ALRtACV UVt ^DOAJ'T out im tht gold (Beginning s«i*xd cmo - 9*\wps next week, we will begin setting up books elu&.l)lr if tfcfcf a ltas£,V©u'u_ | to spring quarter, 1975. RtCfciVfc. *50 OFF VouR M4RCK RtKJT/ p'e'll still try to help you find your winter term book, I but we suggest you don't delay. Thanks NIIH Open 7:30 to 5:30 BOOH 1TQ11 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Solzhenitsyn ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) staple on international best¬ living the life of a recluse. Un¬ ternational law seem to agree unscathed. dreams facelessly to smuggle out and honiTwelve yejr-ofo — One year after banishment seller lists. But his voice seems opened letters pile up between that forcing someone into exile "Superficial detente" ia a publish his works while he was from her ^ from his homeland, Alexander to be losing force. icons and crammed is a violation of human rights. favorite subject raised by in Russia. book ™de Solzhenitsyn broods in self-im¬ "Solzhenitsyn is not a prob¬ shelves. But efforts to take the case be¬ Solzhenitsyn on the rare occas¬ Natalya, Solzhenitsyn's 34- remarkable^?* posed isolation, disturbed by lem," Soviet party chief Leonid "He has clammed up com fore the United Nations Human ions he has chosen to speak to year-old second wife, and her Schwyzerdeutl(h^ what he feels is pseudo-detente I. Brezhnev told newsmen after Rights Commission the press since his arrival. mother share the writer's iso¬ pletely," his Swiss lawyer Fritz never *Und even ™ between East and West and the secret police had put the Heeb said. "I had very few con¬ materialised. The laureate also has come lation. Like him, they feel that daydreaming of going home to a author on a plane to the West. tacts with him recently. He has Solzhenitsyn's exposure of under fire from some of his fel¬ under pressure in Moscow German,speakers. country not ruled by Commun¬ "Exile is the worst thing that received thousands of letters. the Gulag chain of labor camps low dissidents who termed his "people were closer and warm Dmitry » old ^ ists. can happen to a writer," said But he works so hard that he evidently failed to impress views on future Russian policy er in their relations than in the ma.ntain his about Russian?? "Gulag Archipelago," of his the Heinrich Boell. the German has no time for reading them." most delegates at the 1 Do¬ nation International Labor Con¬ as "Utopian and potentially dangerous." West." The Solvit,.J younger sons, tfmj; ' fierce denunciation novelist and fellow Nobel Prize While he has been here, four Solzhenitsyns retain 18 months? SOLZHENITSYN Soviet penal system, still is a winner who was Solzhenitsyn'a new books by Solzhenitsyn ference here last summer. A And there is growing unease much of the tradition of their Will tj, first host upon his arrival in the have come out, including the committee of experts, acting among some emigres with what homeland, including Russian German-speaking West. three volumes of "Gulag from non-Gulag evidence, sug¬ they see as Solzhenitsyn's in¬ cooking that sends frequent "I do not at all Oakland U crowd Both have yet to be proved wrong. Archipelago" and, just this week, a 630 page work titled gested a vote Soviet Union for of censure of the alleged viola¬ tolerance for any opposing view, with his disdain for any whiffs of pickled cabbage and cucumber through the eight self an * ^migrant" Sa1»u< Mys- "1 will, I must I But exile certainly did not "When the Calf Horned the tion of a 40-year old convention Russian who accepted exile room house. turn to Russia." slow down Solzhenitsyn's pace Oak." abolishing slave labor. But voluntarily, and with what they hears Dean speak of work. In the 12 months he The political impact of Third World countries abstain¬ consider his overbearing de¬ Free ROCHESTER (UPI)—Watergate conspirator John Dean III said has been here he has written hundreds of pages and read through and edited thousands Solzhenitsyn's deportation has been minimal. Experts on in¬ ed in the vote, leaving Moscow mands on men who worked Soup... Tuesday night Watergate was inevitable because a "do-it-yourselT ...at with the purchase attitude prevailed in the White House. of others. He spends a 14 hour day in DID YOU FORGET?? of noon a lunch "We really believed we could get away with the coverup," Dean the study of the plainly fur¬ or sandwich. said. "Everyone believed that somehow, someway Watergate was nished duplex, where he moved TO ORDER RED ROSES We have a new and more varied going to go away. This do-it-yourself attitude still prevailed after with his family last spring, menu for lunch and dinner. For dining Watergate." ^ FOR VALENTINES DAY have Rick Reuther and his guitar on entertmiL Speaking to a capacity crowd of 3,000 at Oakland University, in this Detroit suburb. Dean said the attitude was evidenced by a plan Kj I LET ] § from BARNES Fri anj - that was developed to reorganize the executive branch and place all the power in "a handful of men." Q DOMINOS I slivery Your F.T.D, FLORAL Jh ChaUt "The world that exists there in the power center of the White I PLAY CUPID NEJAC TV RENTALS' OF EAST LANSING House is very seductive," Dean said. "People went out of their way to be nice to you. It's easy to think you're important when you're | _ JpJL™1!! "J UMtlO 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 really not." The speech was the first since Dean, former President Nixon's counsel, interrupted his national college tour last week because of a death in the family. Deeply tanned following a vacation after his release from federal prison just over a month ago. Dean said he was heavily in debt but Today starts a very wished he could "come out here and speak for free." special sale! This is where PLAYBACK closes out merchan- 401 I HAND RIVER AVE. dise for inventory.at M-f 10-9 drastic reductions.„ SAT. 10 • * in many cases below SUN 12.« our cost! All merchant dise will carry colored tags, each color rep¬ resenting a special saving, on some of the most respected names in the industry, But the sale is for as long as the merchan- dise lasts! And the items are many one- of-a-kind - with quan¬ tities limited. So hurry-these infla¬ tion-fighting prices won't get any better! AR, B*I*C, BIC/ VENTURI, BSR, CERWIN/VEGA, CRAIG, D0K0RDER, DUAL. Look for the YELLOW ELECTRO/VOICE, Tags in all EMPIRE, EPI, HITACHI, Playback Hi-Fi Centers...this as¬ J.I.L., KINGSWAY, f 30% OFF! sures you of even greater savings KIRSCH, MARANTZ, on top names like selected SAN- MIIDA, PHASE SUI, MARANTZ, EPI, PIONEER. LINEAR, PIONEER, As long as the supply lasts, you can save up to 30% on PROJECT/one, RCA, all GREEN Tagged merchandise. This represents some SAE, SANSUI, SHARP, of the finest values on big-name audio gear... names SHURE, SONY, like GARRARD, PROJECT/one, BSR, SONY. SYLVANIA, TEXAS 40% 00K0RDER, CERWIN/VEGA.. .included, of Playback s famous 5-year Warranty course, is on all Sale- INSTRUMENTS Priced complete Systems. OFF! BLUE Tags mean The RED Tags assure you of the greatest savings possible...prices generally lower than dealers' cost!! With once-in-a-lifetime some of the savings. Cassette Decks. Portable Radios, 5-Bands, Automotive Stereo, Stereo Head¬ biggest savings in phones.. .even selected top-name Stereo FM/AM Receivers...and it's all happening GROWTH Graduating Seniort and M.B.A.'a: sound equipment, for 3 DAYS ONLY!! Accounting • Agriculture • Butineu • Engineering • Liberal Aril dock radios and OPEN SUNDAY TIL 5 P.M. Cargill — at the leading edge. Active in agricul¬ tural, industrial, and consumer commodities and products, and in a variety of other related You Can Always Charge It At Playback! businesses. You could be there! We need top people for a wide range of positions, careers T.V.'s PLAYBACK ARRANGED FINANCING • BANKAMEBICARD that lead to management. Our policy is to stimulate leadership potential. To encourage AMERICAN EXPRESS • MASTER CHARGE personal creativity. To recognize and reward individual achievement. And to promote from within. A Cargill representative will be interviewing 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mm. - Friday Ploybac on Feb. 25-26 Check with the placement office now for the dates and location. Look into leadershipl 10 - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 12-5 p.m. Sanday phon. 351 - 7270 eleCfrOOiC plo^0 523 Frudtr Lent Frandor ShooDinn Cent An Equml Opportunity Employer M/F Liiigun un Sta State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 13, 1975 1 1 Confidence pays off for MSU ByPATFARNAN State Newa Sports Writer On 12 occasions this Wickard has returned from year, ment. He finished only fourth in grappler misses a day. Wickard, who ion), Doug Blubaugh, (former the Ohio prep tourney the bench presses 385 pounds, real¬ About 10 minutes before he battle with a year MSU assistant) and MSU aide- victory. He has before. For two years at MSU izes the importance of his wrestles, Scott Wickard looks won more often than any of de camp Stan Dziedzic. like he might be he did very little. seething at Grady Peninger's other Spar¬ strength. "My improvement Then, like a caged lion, he Tm began you. But he is not even mad. tans, and has the best percent¬ not as big as most after I arrived at Michigan Really. sprang into action. He was one 190-pounders," he says. "I don't age of any wrestler in the Big of the best in the Big Ten last State," Wickard says. "I just Wickard likes to be alone have the weight problems that Ten. came in contact with a lot of with himself before he has to year. Possibly the very best. most wrestlers do. But I like But it has not always been But he could not convince him¬ people that knew what they step onto the mat and do hia grins and Gatorade for being small. I'm quicker." were doing. Dziedzic, especial¬ self that he was better than his duty. He gets psyched up and Wickard. When he was a fresh¬ Again this year Wickard is a ly. He's a real technician. does all those other things 190-pound University of Michi¬ strong candidate for the no. 1 man, Peninger had to hold him gan counterpart. That has seed in the Big Ten. This Sat Wrestling moves are fairly wrestlers do before they wres¬ up for anyone to spar with him. standardized all over the coun¬ tle. But when the roll call "If anybody told me he would changed, too. Wickard has beat¬ urday when the Spartans travel en Dave try, but the finer points of those reaches the 190-pound frame, be a wrestler back then I would Curby the past two to Wisconsin for a dual meet, moves are what wins matches. Wickard emerges from hiding. times they have met. Wickard will find out just have laughed," Peninger That's where Stan (Dziedzic) Like an angered kodiak, he says. And now, Scott Wickard where he stands. Wickard has had knee opera¬ really helped. After that it was thinks, or hopes, he is ready. "If I beat Laurent Soucie emerges. tions the last three just a matter of working at it." His short, straight springs and "This has been my most con¬ (Wisconsin 190-pounder), I'll be hair is now wears a pair of scars and sistent year," he says. Tve got Wickard does work very brushed forward, his the top seed. I'd like that," he bangs four elastic bandages as a re¬ much more confidence than I've hard. He attends wrestling touching the single eyebrow sult. A week ago he smiles. sprained an ever had before and I've camps each summer and never which spans his forehead. Slow¬ ankle in practice. He has got Wickard is one of the five top allows himself to get too far re¬ always mental toughness. Now I feel rated ly, deliberately, he divests his managed to shrug off such 190-pounders in the coun¬ moved from wrestling. like I have to win. For all the kelly green warmups, exposing problems, though. try. He got there with hard His father has had a great a torso which work I put into it, it's ridiculous work. faintly resembles Perhaps his biggest problem not to." impact on him. a bulging sack of potatoes. has been confidence. After all, "Anybody can get beat, ya "He'll go anywhere to watch Wickard pulls up his double Aside from daily practice know. Really. But training and when the muscular senior first me wrestle. He's given me strength knee pads and walks arrived at MSU he was not during wrestling season, mental toughness maximizes Wickard lifts weight five days a every opportunity to win. He's to center stage for battle. considered a blue-chip invest¬ your chances. In the past I've been a tremendous influence week. In the summer he seldom had a tendency to get lackadai¬ and I'm thankful," the younger sical and I got beat. This year Wickard says. I'm determined to be aggress¬ Nah. "Wick's" not mad at you Spartans' ive, always" he emphasizes. 10 minutes before he wrestles. Wickard ascribes his success He's a nice guy. Quiet sort of to working with a number of person. He is just thinking people — Dan Gable (former about winning, something he Olympic champion), Geoff has been doing quite a bit of Baum (two-time NCAA champ¬ lately. put on pr SN Photo/Leo Salinas i 190-pound wrestler Scott Wickard intently watches a By CHARLES JOHNSON plications that the decision In announcing his ruling, bile mentally preparing for his own upcoming battle on the mat match State News Sports Writer could have for similar situations Duke said that both MSU and kOhio University opponent. Wickard went out and against Big Ten Commissioner in the future. Illinois had been notified of the won his match over Wayne Duke announced late It only after viewing decision and "concur." e Foster, 7-3. was Wednesday afternoon that game films that Furlow's punch "It is my conclusion that MSU forward Terry Furlow to Schmidt's jaw was Furlow be placed on probation will be on probation for the re¬ seen by Illinois coach Gene Bartow. Re¬ for the remainder of the 1974-75 mainder of the conference bas¬ season," Duke said. "Further, jartan women ketball season for punching Illinois player Rick Schmidt in a portedly at the insistence of Schmidt's mother, Illinois offi¬ cials filed the complaint with any act of unsportsmanlike conduct during this period shall game Feb. 1. the Big Ten office. subject Furlow to suspension The reprimand Neither of the game officials for the remainder of the 1974-75 against )st upset ov Furlow, a 6 foot 5 inch junior and conference allows him to continue scoring leader, saw the incident at the occurred, and had it not been time it basketball season or further action by the conference." playing for video tape replays, the The ruling, according to for the Spartans, but Duke, falls under the Big Ten's B> ROBIN McINTOSH was a total team effort." strictly incident apparently would have forbids any other actions which State News Sports Writer gone unnoticed. recently instituted code of con¬ Baile feels the team has improved could be considered i women's basketball squad greatly since "unsports¬ Instead, the investigation duct which applies to "any upset the beginning of the season. manlike." In Michigan, 61-56, at home Tuesday night, was instigated by television person who strikes or physical¬ "We've improved our passing and defense, but The decision by Duke came display of the ly abuses an official, an oppos¬ ftpartans took command of the game from most of all, we have improved our movements," almost a week after Illinois Bartow's weekly television pro¬ incident. ing coach or player." It, and by the half the •cor» was 28-M in Baile aaid. atW«ic officials lodged«-fp|m- The rule also reads, "Such Ivor, The Broncos had previously been gram reportedly ran the film of Meanwhile, the MSU women's swimming team plaint with the Big Ten office the punch 11 times. The inci¬ person may be ejected from the ■ted and have always been one of MSU's will host Lake Forest College at 7:30 Feb. 6. The p.m. in the delay was report dent also gained widespread contest and may be suspended p opponents. upper pool of the Women's Intramural Building. edly necessary due to the im¬ for such additional contests as ans' Linda Stoick coverage by the print media. again led all scorers Coach Jennifer Parks thinks the meet will be a the commissioner deems ap¬ I points. Other Spartans to score in double good opportunity for members of her squad to ■were Judi Peterson, who put in 12 points, propriate in the event of a qualify for the national meet. flagrant violation." jPrudden, who sank 11. Ji Mikki Baile was pleased with the way Irformed. "Lake Forest is They're a only bringing six swimmers. good but small team, coached by MSU graduate Rich Mull," she said. "There should be Spartan tr In justifying his decision, Duke said, "Had such conduct been observed by the game ■ was a really big game for us and I'm travel some good races, but most of all, our swimmers officials, it is my judgment and 1 with the results," she said. "We played Mature ball and we were more consistent will be concentrating on time cuts for the nationals. to that of the supervisor of offi¬ cials that Furlow would have It have been in the past. "Our relay teams are within one second of After opening its season with been ejected from the contest." I defense played really super. It was quite son March 1 before the confer¬ qualifying. Vicki Riebeling is near to qualifying in three straight relay events, Furlow suffered his poorest ence meet in Bloomington, Ind. ft to hold the Broncos to only 16 points in two events and Suzy Brevitz and Lynn Hughes MSU's men's track team now offensive game of the season alf. Everyone helped and the victory March 7-8. are also close." last Saturday against Michigan, turns its attention to some Spartan asst. coach Jim head-t^head competition. Gibbard said he really didn't scoring only 12 points. The Spartans will face arch¬ know what to expect against in gymnasts trounce EMU, rival Michigan Saturday in Ann Arbor in the first of three the Wolverines. "They don't have as much Marshall OKs SN photo/Craig Porter straight dual meets. The meet depth as we thought they had," MSU forward Terry Furlow was placed on bvel to Michigan Saturday against the Wolverines gets underway at 4 p.m. in Michi¬ gan's new track-tennis building. Gibbard commented. coming along real well now, "We're Dodger's 1975 probation by the Big Ten late Wednesday for punching Illinois' Rick Schmidt during a though we have more work to MSU will play host to Big contract offer conference game Feb. 1. Furlow is the do in the middle distances." league's By ANN WILLIAMSON Junior Steve Murdock captured first place on Ten favorite Indiana Feb. 22 in Herb Lindsay, the MSU LOS ANGELES (UPI) Los leading scorer. Sute News Sports Writer the pommel horse with an 8.55. Freshman Paul Jenison Fieldhouse and then do sophomore who won the two- - (s battle with Wisconsin in Madi- Angeles Dodgers' relief pitcher nothing like a real trouncing. Hammonds landed a 7.55 for third. mile race at the MSU Relays Mike Marshall, winner of the ■hat's exactly what the men's last weekend in fieldhouse and gymnastics Senior Nelson Gaines turned in a strong to Eastern meet record time, will run in Cy Young Award last year, has Michigan Monday night at performance on the parallel bars for MSU with an agreed to contract terms for |itcrushed the Hurons, 192.45 to 143.15. f kept MSU's record against the Hurons 8.85 second place finish and Joe Shepherd took third with an 8.5 routine. Junior Glenn Hime led Hall inducts both the one and two-mile against the Wolverines Satur¬ races the 1975 season, the club an¬ nounced Wednesday. ished at 5 0 and day. upped the Spartans dual the way on the high bar with a fine 9.1 first-place Marshall was the first relief Jtfk to 2-4 ■ Spartans for the season. will travel to Ann Arbor finish and Short took third with an 8.65 mark. MSU coach Spartan Dane Fortney is ex¬ pected to go in the 880 and pitcher ever to win the Cy MSU's men's bowling team took first place in the Assn. of College Young honor. He also finished Unions International Region VII tournament last weekend to p10 face Michigan in a Big Ten dual meet Freshman Dan Waterstone and all-arounder Shepherd tied for first place on the still rings with Veteran MSU men's gymnas¬ tics coach George Szypula, a 1,000-yard runs, Stan Mavis is scheduled to run in the mile and third in the voting for the become one of 16 teams which will compete in a rolloff for ■'ere still a little National League's Most Valu¬ eight shaky in some spots but 8.55 scores. Waterstone has been one of the star 1,000 and Todd Murphy is national tourney berths. performer as an under¬ able Player last year. WMegood performances here and there," Spartans' most pleasant surprises this season as slated to run the high hurdles Forty teams participated in the regional tournament at Central graduate at Temple University, The agreement brought to 24 Twrge Szypula said about the EMU meet. he has given the team some much-needed has been inducted into his alma and the 600. Puke we're support the number of Dodgers who Michigan, including Big Ten opponents Michigan and Ohio State. getting close to the 200 on the rings event. mater's Hall of Fame. Other trackmen being count¬ The Spartans were led by junior Jim Esch, who knocked over point have either signed or agreed to The honor was extended to ed upon for points include high terms. 1,635 pins duringthe nine-game meet. MSU"s Bob Zeiger, Rick Gatt, P°r exercise team started Waterstone was not the only surprise Monday jumper Mike Lyons, hurdlers things out right Szypula and eight other Temple Other regulars who have Roger Basse and Pat Keast followed Esch with 1,627, 1,622, 1,620 T.'fa!nst Eastern as John Short, Jay night, however. Floor exercise specialist A1 graduates this year in recog¬ Paul Zolynsky. Luray Cooper, and 1,504 scores respectively. M Jeif Burchi vaulted for the first time since his high signed contracts are second Rudolph swept first, second and nition of their undergraduate Claude Geiger and Howard baseman Dave Lopes, center MSU's Women's Rugby Club will practice tonight « w'th respective school days at North Farmington and tied for first Neely and between 7 and scores of and accomplishments and subse¬ quarter-miler fielder Jimmy Wynn and right- 9 in the Men's Intramural Building Turf Arena. place with all-arounder Rudolph with an 8.6 vault. quent career activities. Charles Byrd. fielder Willie Crawford. Club dues are due and new members are invited. Kushida, a »|l>;level black |i Aikido instruc- I'deoonstrates his [ "torts '°re a crowd in arena of !n s Intramural u Jg last week- r '"edemonstra- J1 Was sponsored |*Ver*lutsof MSU's " clubs, *lso per- I Photo/Daniel Shutt J 2 Michigan Micl State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Feb,Iruary 13 J ( CHEW TODAY'S BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY FOR trtwitm ||5[ r&flqwn ft!] FRANKLY SPEAKING .. by phil frank RETAILERS EAGER TO SERVE Y||| [ UprtHrt j® | Emm AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't MERCURY PARK Lane, 1967,* ONE BEDROOM. Campus on* NEEDED: MAN for three man, RUMMAGE SALE worry as a representative you can needs body work, has registration, block. Furnished, carpeted, $170 own bedroom, own bathroom, $80 chairs, chess set kitd* earn money in your spare time. I'll automatic, five new tires, new or best offer. 332-1946. 7-2-14 per month, $80 deposit. 3568954. lamps, stereo show you howl 482 6893. 20-3-4 ICI.tUM R.0.14 mc , 1 points and plugs, $200 or best 361-6468. 5-2-14 ri ID offer. 353-7463. 10-2-20 FURNISHED 1 bedroom, heat and VtALE AUDITIONS for exotic P'ONEER PHONE 355-8255 water furnished. No children. Lan¬ LARGE SEVEN bedroom house. QUAD- 347 Student Services Bldg. MUSTANG II, 1974. Red, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 18,000 Hardtop, lancers. 489-5874 \sk for Joe. 1-2-13 after 5 pm. sing. 627-4864. 5-2-18 Two complete kitchens. Two full QC800A $160, decodef £L miles. Must sell. $2,860. Call 393 baths. Carpeted. Students wel *55. Chm *9 * AUTOMOTIVE come. $390/month. EQUITY 3-2-13 8738 after 6 p.m. PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large 5-2-14 VEST. INC. 351-8150 or 361 3306 Scooter* I Cycles BABYSITTER WANTED full time. upstairs. Furnished apartment. Part* & Service MUSTANG, 1968 cylinder, auto¬ 9 month twins. Your home or One bedroom, carpeting. Share O-x-9-2-14 WEDDING DRESS aw.,1 Aviation matic, snows, $560. Auxiliary gas ours. Starting in March. 353-0968 after 6pm. 5-2-17 Call utilities. Adults only. No dogs. $115. 351 7497. &2-2B FURNISHED TWO bedroom 13 2213Ca"Bafb * EMPLOYMENT tank, mag wheels. 393-2172. house near $180 FOR RENT 5-2-14 WANTED: PART time permanent Pimm IBB month campus, plus deposit. 487-3810 per TYPEWRITER, electric with 12" Vovai'J Apartments bookkeeper-secretary. Experience 3-2-14 Houses MUSTANG II, 1974. Autoniatic. required. Phone Sally, 332-1391. modern features, $150 vinyl top, excellent condition, EAST LANSING 10 minutes 393-8281 before 9am-1pm. C-3-2-14 - 530 Rooms snow tires, $2400. 339-2057. away. Spacious new 3 bedroom Rooms Saturday before I prr , •FOR SALE 3-2-13 PIANIST FOR established all style duplex with dining room, car¬ Animals PLYMOUTH FURY III convertible, dance band. Fairly steady week peting and attached garage. Call STUDENT, CLOSE to campus, 100USED VACUUM b 882 9119. 5-2-14 quiet, clean. CaH 337-2666 5-2-17 Tank«. cannisters Mobil* Homos 1967, good condition, best offer, end work. Must read. Call Ray and» •LOST ft FOUND 661-6419. 5-2-18 Kay, 373-5200, 8-5. After 5, 1 Guaranteed one full yj 482 6613. 3-2-14 TWO GIRLS, four bedroom AIRPORT AREA, clean quiet com- •PERSONAL house. $50 each plus 1/4 utilities. DlSTW THUNDERBIRD, 1968, good con¬ fortable. Private entrance, parking, nn™ > ' » .PEANUTS PERSONAL 487 3929 anytime. 5-2-14 r dition, no rust, new exhaust. $575. RETAIL NURSERY TRAINEE bath, linens. $20 484-1766. 7-2-13 0pposi,e Cl,Y Market C •REAL ESTATE Phone 663-4960, Eaton Rapids. Must have related degree and able 5-2-18 to relocate now. Experience help NEEDED, 1 girt for room in large •RECREATION * SERVICE ful, excellent career opportunity. house, spring term. Call 332-5495. 5-2-14 SPACIOUS immediately, ROOM, near available bus, mile from io°oDisi VEGA, 1973 - 2 door, automatic, Call Mr. Keen at CORPORATE £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVtCES-BOX 9411 BERKELEY CA 94709 campus, nice house. 485-6547 to all Instruction MSU radio, 9,000 actual miles. Like BUSINESS SERVICES, 394-1800. 5-2-19 NEED OLDER / or graduate Typing new. 351-5747. 3-2-13 2-2-13 students •TRANSPORTATION •WANTED VEGA 1972 - 32,000 miles, ex- DISSERTATION TYPIST with ex¬ |~"Apirt«iits"l[V! . | Apartants female roommate to share house, close to campus, $65, own room. Call 351-2477. 0-3-2-17 OWN ROOM, furnished. minute bike ride from campus. 15 on "f purchase! of |] rnore.yoguru I L cellent condition, 4-speed, $960 or exdufcj I •CAR POOL perience and own typewriter to $60 deposit. $70/month plus % •nd breidj best offer. 351-6660. 3-2-14 WANT A nice place to live? Short CAPITOL AREA-near LCC, 2 bed¬ •RATES type dissertations at home on THREE BEDROOM, all electric. utilities. 2010 E. Kalamazoo regular basts. 55c page Phone on money? Let us help you! room furnished, carpeted, utilities, 487 3426. 3-2-17 VEGA 1972 Hatchback, 4 speed, 489-3569. 5-2-17 Short term leases available. $165. For girts or married coupie. Carpeted. Appliances furnished. RANDALL HEM ••RATES** quad tape deck, new engine, tires, Mason Hills Apartments- from No children or pets. Also effici¬ Garage Available February 20. SUBLET: STUDENT, close/ snows. Must sell. 349-1506. 5-2-18 NEED 4 women, 4 hours, 4 days. $145 a month. New one and two ency apartment $85, for single girl. 882 8646. 5-2-19 campus, kitchen share refrigerator Brookfield Plui I 12 word minimum For appointment call 1 -723-4654 or bedroom apartments - with all appliances, carpeting, and drapes. Phone 489-1276. 5-2-13 NEWLY REDECORATED 2 bed¬ Carpeted, two windows. 351-3259 1381 E. Grand Aw| VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Good 675-5323. 5-2-17 Pets allowed. Located at 495 room house. Unfurnished. $200/ Tom 3-2-17 332-6892 NO. condition, GT interior. Call ~7.TT~r7~~ TWO BEDROOM furnished mo¬ month includes utilities North Okemos Road in Mason. 10 Call WORDS 393-6663, after 5 pm. 5-2-19 CH,LD CARE ** 18 month 0,(1 bile homes. $25-$36/week. 10 482-5644 10-2-26 PENNSYLVANIA SAFETY. HARDEN minutes from MSU. Furnished AVENUE. lens. OPTICAL girl, 20 hours per week plus light minutes to campus. Quiet and South near Michigan Avenue DISCOUNll 1 3 5 10 model open Monday through /OLKSWAGEN, 1973, housekeeping, starting early peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 qt SPACIOUS 5 bedroom. Spring Quiet for students. $66/month East Michigan, Lansing 3?' Super Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. March, good salary, own transpor¬ 484-5315. 0-2-28 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 ieetle. great shape, radio, ear¬ Call Model at 676-4874. Other term on. Spartan Avenue. Close plus deposit. Phone 627-5454 tation, references, 332-0985, to campus. 351-3225. 3-2-17 7-2-19 15 18 2.25 2.70 6.00 7.20 9.70 11.70 23.40 19.50 ning, rust proofed, morel Must sell. $2350 669-9143. 5-2-19 353-3937. 5-2-17 times call manager at 676-4291 or EAST LANSING REALTY AND SPRING TERM, 2 men needed. LANGE COMPETITION boots, leather Dolomite! 4 Campus Hill, $68.75/month, LOG CABIN on Red Cedar in CLOSE. SHARE house, own 20 3.00 8.00 LOOKING FOR art student DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. 349-3918 after 5 p.m. 10-2-25 boots, call 353 6268 3-2 )«l 13.00 26.00 Okemos. Fireplace, 1 bedroom, furnished room, big yard, parking, VW 1965-rebuilt interested in performing logo and 14-2-14 25 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 engine, new utilities $83/March. 332-0460. 5-2-17 battery. $300 or best offer. Jim, letterhead design for small student paid. $170/month. FEMALE SUBLEASE immediate¬ 351-6677. 5-2-13 349-4791. 3-2-17 corporation. Call Mark Campbell, ATTRACTIVE, ONE bedroom, ly. Furnished. $87.50. Near cam¬ DEADLINE furnished Near ROOM FOR rent, furnished house, 351-2682 evenings. 3-2-13 Sparrow, facing pus. Bus service. 351-0464 eve¬ utilities paid, excellent location, New ads 1 p.m. one class GIRL FOR large house. Own - park. Only $34/week. 663-8418 nings. 5-2-18 day before publication. m 3-2-17 room. $70/month. 372-2911 or 487 1822. Askforjohn. 3-2-17 $70/month. CaH 332-2411. 3-2-13 GO GO girls wanted. Experience NIKKORMAT Ftn whh 50n ECOLOGICALLY ORIENTED not necessary but helpful, will train. HOLT 1 bedroom, carpeted Cancellation/corrections FEMALE WANTED spring term. EAST LANSING. Male students. 35mm lenses for s CHAIR LUBE (non-spray) for Call 882-0236. 14-2-20 ipartment, $140 plus electric NEED 1 12 noon one class day Cedar Village, $78. Parking avail¬ 184-4188. Deposit and reference. man to share house. Own Single rooms, parking, refrigera 372-7524, evenings. 3-2-141 before ecotogicalty oriented riders. 89£ able. Call 332-1869. 2-2-14 room. Close to campus. $75 per tor. Call 332-5791. 3-2 14 publication. >-2-19 quart. SHEP'S, Holt. C-5-2-14 TOPLESS USHERETTES wanted apply >in. person, , fitt month plus utilities. 5-2-17 351-7989 WILLIAMSTON-STUOIO room, FIREPLACE WOOD. Dry face cord delivered. Call afti <| Once ad is ordered it cannot THEATRE, AliD.BQQglfoR^ £ GRAD, share apartment. clean, private, parking, no pets, 6457422 5-2 11 Mi Sara ' be cancelled or changed until after first insertion, w-oa^W-® J i I | 337,73*1 3-Wl r, i ^ furnished, laundry, parking. MATURE FEMALE for own room drinking. $50/month. 655-3720, >tear campusl 349-3328 after 6 unless it is ordered & in co-ed farmhouse, 7 ml mles/ 655-1177. 3-2-14 HEAD SKIS, Henke boon J Dm., weekends. 2-2-14 SAVE MONEY-do it yourself with ONE MONTH free. Third female campus. 349-3522 3-2-13 poles. Excellent condition.B cancelled 2 days before DIRECTOR OF NURSING a foreign car shop manual from needed for two bedroom apart¬ ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for negotiable 351 6982 3-2 MT publication. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN MODERN. 62 bed private psychia¬ CHEAPI GIRL needed for 4- NEED A pad? tric hospital is seeking a registered ment spring. 337-7386. 3-2-17 Big 2 story 4 rooms for spring term Doubles CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ aerson. Spring term. Weekdays bedroom, shag carpet, new 10,000 BOOKS1 Old, lib who has degree in only. 541 Abbott. 332-2501. There is a $1.00 service zoo, one mile west of campus. nurse a anlyl $40. Old cedar Village. kitchen, furnished. $200/month. 10-2-1? children. 25c each, 669-93111 NEED THREE males for apartment charge for an ad change. psychiatric nursing for the position 351-9124. 3-2-17 487-5056. C-2-14 of director of nursing. Two years spring. Berkey one block. That's only $50 each for 4 Saturday Sunday. 3-2-14 V Furnished. $80. 337-0145. 2-2-14 studentsi 655-3568 ifter 6 pm. MENS experience including staff nursing, TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENT PRIVATE, quiet, large, car MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East 5-2-17 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. teaching, supervision, administra¬ One female to sublet a four girl. peted, furnished room. Refrigera CURIOUS USEII CUTE ONE bedroom apartment, tor but no stove. $66/month utili¬ Complete auto painting and colli¬ tion, organizational ability or the furnished. Carpeted, $115. $70. 351-1566. 6-1-19 OWN ROOM in duplex, 10 ties included. 351-0473 before 8 bookshop! The State News will sion service. American and For¬ equivalent knowledge of hoepital minutes from campus by bus. HARDBACKS be Evenings, no pets, 482 5450. p.m.. Sue. 5-2-18 eign cars 485-0256. C-2-28 policies and procedures required. MALE ROOMMATE for three man $72/month. 351-0016. 3-2-13 PAPt MACKS responsible only for the first All inquiries will be kept confiden¬ 5-2-19 COMIC BOOKS apartment, own room, pool, sauna days incorrect insertion. tial and should be addressed to HASLETT AREA. Women only, SCIENCE FICTION . $66 882 3828. 5-2-19 FEMALE ROOMMATE SPORTS ITEMS VW ENGINES. Late model, low FOURTH GIRL for 2 bedroom needed. kitchen Mr.Michael H. Payne, Administra¬ Own room, furnished. $80, no privileges. $20 a week. Call MAGAZINES Bills are due 7 days from the mileage, from $195. Installation furnished apartment. $68.75 per 339-9486 3-2-14 tor, Forest View Psychiatric Hos¬ FEMALE NEEDED to share apart¬ utilities. 482-4813, 417 Adams. ad expiration date. If not available. Towing. 372-8130. month. Call 349-4859 anytime. pital, 4520 Cascade Road South¬ paid by the due date, late service a charge will be 50£ 17-3-7 east, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 49506. An Equal Opportunity Em¬ 5-2-14 ment, own bedroom, over 20, pool, 487-5122 6-10 pm. 4-2-18 5-2-18 | fir Sale |fcl STEREO COMPONENT M FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted by FEMALE. OWN room spring. New ASAHI TAKUMAR due. ployer. 5-2-18 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed house, close. Call after 5pm. Telephoto Sansui AU7500, H April 1, $60 includes utilities. lens. 1:4, 150 mm, best offer over PROFESSIONAL CHEF wants Bonnie, 487-1722. Sheri. 487 4996 spring term. One JoAnn, 361-1329. 2-2-13 $90. Mike, 489-8600 evenings. KR5150, Pioneer Power amp SA600JI 120 watt RMSp >. Call 351-9214. 3-2-13 6-2-14 part time job preparing dinner in 3-2-17 FOUR MAN. luxury with base 1209 Garrard Zero 100, «L Automotive ~ private residence or out in indus¬ ment. March 1st. 337-1862. noon 50HII. Albums and tapes.■ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS SONY-DUAL stereo system. AM coats, camera, sporting® try. Inquire Roy Morrison, FOURTH GIRL needed for spa hour or evenings before 9 pm. HASLETT FM. Speakers. New stylus. $260 BUICK LESABRE 1966. Automat¬ 332 5665. 3-2-14 Short on Cash? Maybe we can ckHJB 2 bedroom. Delta Arms. 332 3-2-14 jewelry, household gooAJ ic, good condition. $360 or best negotiable. 353-2726. 5-2-14 instruments, guitars, a"M work 2771. 5-2-14 offer. Call 351-5475. 3-2-14 CASHIER-CLERK, needed at something out. One bed¬ sticker bottoms, EWont| AUDIO REPAIR: Car radios, tape LOVELY FURNISHED 2 bedroom SEWING MACHINE Clearance Dairy Queen. Apply in person. 310 room apartments with shag NEW CEDAR VILLAGE - 2 men house. Department. DICKER & I players, stereo equipment, turn¬ West Grand River - next to carpeting, drapes and appliances. Close/campus, sublease to Sale! Brand new portables $49.96 SECONDHAND STORE* CHEVELLE SS 396, 1970, Many tables. etc. Jim, 351-8498. 5-2-14 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 needed for 4 man. spring term. September. $150 plus utilities. $5 per month. Large selection of South Cedar. 487 3886i*" Greyhound Bus Station. 3-2-14 extras. Interested buyers only. minutes from MSU. Located at 351-6498. 10-2-24 349-3604, 372-6852. 0-5-2-18 reconditioned used machines. welcome. C-5-2-14 Call Paul, 351-8058. 4-2-14 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of Singers, Whites, Necchis's, New AMERICAN, GERMAN. and Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, SPRING TERM 3 - man apart GIRL: IN East Lansing, near cam¬ Home and "many others." $19.95 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. ATTENTION SENIORS, grad SHERWOOD S7100A;W :HEVY IMPALA, 1966, good 3398192 or EAST LANSING ment. Waters Edge, $82.50/per pus, nice, $76. References, fur¬ to $39.95. Terms EDWARDS BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to students: you don't have to stand nished. 332 6048. 3-2-14 Ventura Formula IK ® :ondition, good tires, very good REALTY, 332-4128 20-2-28 son. 332-8484. 4-2-14 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 students and faculty on all cash 'n' in line to learn about job possi Dave, must sell quick. ' ransportation, 332-4425. 3-2-17 North Washington. 489 6448. carry VW service parts. IMPORT biRties. Call between 5-7 pm to set AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo OKEMOS, UNFURNISHED two WOMAN, OWN room, close, un¬ C-3-2-13 a date with us. 351-3622. 5-2-17 CHEVY LUV pick - up, ~1071 and Cedar. 486-2047, 485-9229 MSU AREA, Okemos, one and two bedroom, furnished and un¬ bedroom apartment. Ideal for small family or students with car. furnished, parking, $62.50 plus utilities. 337-7191. 3-2-14 24,000 miles, good condition, Mastercharge and Bank IF YOU are looking for an unusual $275.4 $1,900. Call 351-3935 after 4:30 American! C-2-28 furnished, air conditioned, carpet¬ $175. 349-2567. 5-2-17 case. job, and are interested in beauty THREE BEDROOM house. Stove pm. 5-2-17 ed, modern, $150-$185, heat in¬ secrets. call VIVIANE cluded. Call 349-2580. 10-2-13 and refrigerator. Carpeted. SOUTH SIDE. One bedroom, First ~ ~ ~ CORVETTE COUPE 1968. Very U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. Do-it-yourself, free supervision, WOODWARD Mina Knott. 349-0384. 5-2-17 COSMETICS. upstairs. Furnished, utilities paid. and last months rent. $165 plus CROSSWORD No children. Deposit. 393-3985. utilities. 486-1330. 4-2-14 good condition. 327, 4 speed, must sell. 393-8890. 4-2-14 Specials: Tune-ups, $20.98. Front disc brakes $24.46, parts included. REGISTERED NURSES - full and RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS 3-2-13 PUZZLE Students Phone 882-8742. 17-2-28 pert time positions available on the Two bedroom furnished. 27. Billids CUSTOMIZED FIREBIRD 1971, afternoon and midnight shifts. ONE PERSON to sublet now 1. Widely 28. Aid Immediate occupancy through thru 350 3 speed, power steering, 4 j"'~ r Minimum starting salaries $4.82 11 September. Two bedroom apart accepted 29. Full June or September. Goodyear white letter tires - ] tipiojlbhi :|1t| per hour plus differential. Imme¬ 332-0111 ment. Phone 882-0405 after 6 p.m. 8. Hindu prince 31. Give chromes, four Goodyear snows- diate openings. Please contact 8-221 12. Mean 33. Football 20% DISCOUNT TO sport wheels, hoodtach spoiler. CAMp WATERFRONT Director, Lansing General Hospital. 2800 13. Hiving wings STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON position: abbr. stripes, morel $2,000. 361-4452. Girt Scout Camp Female. 21 years Devonshire, Lansing, 48909 SUBLEASE, AVAILABLE March CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE 14. Various 34. Girl's nime ONE BEDROOM apartment. Fur¬ ^"2 old with current WSI. Camp 372-8220, extension 267. Equal nished, utilities paid. South Hay- 15, nice studio, 2 blocks MSU, PARTS. 15. Stiff of 35. Both: comb. Opportunity Employer. 7-2-19 quiet, $155, 332 5144. 3-2-14 office form EL CAMINO 350 1970, automatic, ,r™ J"n" ,"iu,v 28 ford. $125. 489-9760, 7pm-mid- 16. The nahoor Qxtobi power, AM-FM stereo tape. Good 08,1 Chr,s' 484"9421' 5-2-14 37. Rontin bronze clerk, night. 5-2-17 condition. $1250 489-6802 3-2-14 PART TIME desk night 17. Ricing car 40. Quote DOWN maid, and d8y maids needed. EAST LANSING - close - in, un¬ SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS CAMPUS, NEAR - One bedroom 19. First diy 42. Thorn 1. Bridge bid furnished 3 rooms and bath, Apply in person. UNIVERSITY 20. Tike place 44. Sun disk 2. Kiln FIREBIRD 1971. V-8. automatic. Point 2'Pin* ,or 9ir,s New INN. 3-2-13 and efficiency. Furnished. Utilities married couple or single women 21. Mountain 45. Heir ointment 3. Small Really sharp! $2200. Call 487-4619, York s,ate ' Adirondack rnoun- paid. Deposit required. 339 8481. only. $166/month. Phone 332- W W AUTO PARTS armadillo after 6pm. 3-2-14 .tains ManV open 5-2-18 5988 after 6 p.m. , ringe in Penn 46. Minus . PART TIME employment for MSU 5-2-13 specialists, general. Contact 500 E. Kalamazoo at C*dar 23. Spts 47. Beg 4. Scotch mist students. 12-20 hours per week. ,-rr, . . Placement Bureau for interviews EAST MICHIGAN - 2 bedroom PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. F i Automobile required. 361-5800. good condition, very "25; reliable, $450 Interviews February 14. 5-2-14 C-3-2-13 formal dining. Unfurnished except Furnished studio, utilities paid. Volkswagen complete repair appliances. All utilities paidl $185. Available February 16. $125/ service. or best offer. 355-3148. 5-2-17 Repair 6 parts for 627-4472. 5-2-18 month plus deposit. 627-5454. most WANTED PERSON to sell Oil of foreign and American "CAREER SALES Opportunity 7-2-17 _ ,__ ... , „ Mink cosmetics. Must be willing to cars. Body shop 6 paint FIVE MINUTES from MSU. Fur¬ , FORD LTD Wagorv 1969' fuM meet new people. Flexible hours, for qualified college graduate by services. Exchange engines June. Immediate salary negoti¬ nished or unfurnished single bed¬ b transaxles. SSTiSl* $600 372-9525.5-2-13 ,rainin« providad s,Brt 81 30 able and adjusted over 40 month room, carpeted, covered parking ONE ROOMMATE needed, block from campus, own percent commission with rapid room, one FORD 1963 Galaxie. New top, advancement in income and res- ponsibility. 372-0500 after five, training learn program. Marketing in Earn while you area of finance and estate counseling. No limit on and laundry. $146/month. Short term lease available. Sorry dogs. 487-1561. 5-2-18 no $60. Call 361-0520. 3-2-13 STODDARD, LARGE furnished Free wrecker sen/ice with repairs local areas. City bus i good engine, $95. Oldsmobile 5-2-14 future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher service to our front door. bedroom apartment, conven¬ 1963 Cutlass, little rust, good I one at 484-8410. "Interviews by condition, $195. 355-9839. 7-2-14 NEED EXTRA MONEY? ient location, immediate occu¬ Phone solicitors to set appoint appointment only." 20-3-5 EAST LANSING - 10 minutes away. Country charm in spacious pancy, $190, 351-4967. 3-2-13 WebuyanduHVW'i ments. No selling. Work 5 p.m.-9 1 or 2 bedroom with fireplace and LINCOLN CLASSIC 1967 Deluxe (rock'ri' roll doors). Excellent p.m. 5-2-14 Call Mr Taylor, 394 2826 {~"hr teTlff] many extras. Call 489-0319 or 882- 9119. 5-2-14 731 BURCHAM - 3 man, furnished lease until June. $76.67 each. Call 485 2047 485-9229 8-6 Monday - Friday, 1 condition. Be the first fret with 351-7212. 4-2-14 9-2 Saturday TV AND STEREO rentals. your own limo. Best offer over MODELS FOR Photography. CAPITOL AREA. Students share $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart $1000. Most sell, will negotiate on Executive Arts Studios. 489-1215 furnished apartments. Carpeted, cash. 351 2642.337-9377. 3-2-17 between 10 am - 6 pm. 0-2-28 same day delivery and service. two bedrooms. $60. 3398877, ment of Lake la rising Road, Call Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-2B 480-8001 Mfore 7 pm. 5-2-17 339-9294 5-2 17 lichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 13, 1975 ]3 i siit l!ty tUNlRl ! tetridiN )W It's what's I happening | l ESIZER. UNM« ■ Rrand new Costs S«W, "J1 FOUND: PRESCRIPTION glataea, silver frames. Outside Chemistry FRENCH STUDENTS - Paris Announcements for It's Whafs Undergraduate Economics Club Impression 5 Workshop is an The Free U Motorcycle Msulim Student Assn. will be Happening must be received in the Repair IS 332 6315:3:2-14__ Building. Friday afternoon. Call 337-0310. C-3-2-13 State News office, 341 Student Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least meets at 6:30 tonight in 38 Union. Alumni of the department will exploration into exhibit making and the senses at 7:30 tonight in Class meets at 7:30 tonight at 216 Charles St., near the Campus holding its annual function at 7 p.m. Saturday at 1118 S. Harrison brand stereos. 20%- discuss their careers and the 306 Natural Resources Road. two class days before publication. Bldg. Theatre. Brother Mohmoud Rash- fL, FOUND: LARGE mens ring in relevance of economics to their warranties. I can L Fu|| best Mark. deal! 332-5039, 5-2-18 Meridian Mall. Silver with Tur¬ quoise. 12-3-pm 351-2371. ANN BROWN $»r»ici](jj) No announcements will be ac¬ cepted by phone. careers. Everyone welcome. Not only does Gay Liberation QST de W8SH. news at 8 Meeting and tonight in 252 Engineer¬ dan, president of the Muslim Students Assn., will be our guest speaker. Please buy your tickets 10, C-3-2-13 typing and multiHth Registration for Dance for offset printing. Complete service have dances but we also have ing Bldg. in advance by l ql17 Cannon, excellent Strength '75 marathon is now in calling Mr. Saleh for dissertations, theses, manu¬ Lansing Emergency Food Bank enjoyable meetings at 8 p.m. Attention all people who are Nasser. FOUND: RING in men's locker progress at Delta Tau Delta, 330 T,n $75. Pleas® cal1 scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 needs food. Help canvass East N. Harrison Road. Wednesdays in 33 Union. interested in building a new world room last week. Call Merrill gl after 5:30 p.m. 3-2-14 351 4808. C-3-2-13 years experience. 349-0660 Lansing from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday. order. There will be a meeting Community Forum presents C-2-28 Call the United Ministries for more Attention married housing resi¬ Bahai Fireside with Steve Dimler Albert Marble, founder of the 3 "reel* tape deck Teac LOST: SR-50 Calculator in North information. AH atheists and agnostics inter¬ dents: those who received a at 8 p.m. Friday in the Mason Hall Michigan Credit Union League, at ■/V with auto rever^and Kedzie Lobby. I need it very badly. COMPLETE DISSERTATION and resume service. ested m and spread of combating the growth Community Center survey in the mail should complete them and Library. 7 tonight at Hedrick 140 Co-op House, If found please call Mick or Printing, IBM Alpha Phi Sigma, the club for religion are invited Please join us for an experimen¬ CoBingwood Drive. Janet typing, binding. return them to your mail slots. 353-2558 or 353-3508. Thanks. Printing from criminal justice majors, is holding A™? ampus Crusade Against tal worship service at 5 p.m. The Company invites directors your plain paper originals. Corner Christ meeting at 9 tonight in 37 Representatives will pick them up elections of officers for the 75 Sunday at 1118 S. Harrison Road. to submit K'Sirt 1-2-13 proposals for spring l:s inaudible distortion. $140. FOUND: SET of keys near M.A.C. Jones Monday and Grand River. Stationery - Friday. Shop, Call COPY Below 9-5 school year at the meeting p.m. Sunday in 35 Union. 7:30 Union. ^ today and Friday. We need the surveys to help you. Call United Ministries if you need a ride or further information. productions. The meeting is at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Com Chemistry, Tuesday 3 GRAPH Help save the whales. MSU pany office, lower East McDonel *514491 5-2-19 363-8311. C-3-2-17 pm. Call SERVICES, 337-1666. Get your dance cards ready. students for animal rights needs "How does the Mosaic taber¬ Pub^ Socie Relations Student Hall. Contact Marilena Tonti for C_228_ Gay Liberation is throwing a dance people to help with Meridian Mall nacle and the law of Moses show MjVpt,;' will meet at 7 more information. I rugs, hanging plants I'LL TYPE your term display Call Jane McCollough or the New Testament today" will be tonight in ^ will be Jior material, pillows, 1312 LOST: SKETCH book with ink neatly, quickly, cheaply. 356-5871, papers at 9 p.m. Friday in the f Deb Lowe. one topic of free lectures given by a speaker and ever ** encour¬ Want to learn GO? MSU GO Club offers Kersity Village- Fnday. drawings, valuable only to owner. Reward. 351-7275. 3-2-17 1111 H University. Village. 3-2-14 Church on Grove Street. the Students of Yahshua at 8:30 aged to attend. introductory lessons by K.W. Chen and members in the 1-2-13 For friendship and alternative Graduate students in the college tonight and at 1 p.m. Sunday in 34 ancient oriental games at 7 of Education: A Christian fellowship, come to the p.m. WILL DO typing in lounge is now Union. Discussion and questions Sundav in 30 Union. LOST: MEN'S Omega wristwatch my home. Call Frank Ecclesia at 7 tonight in C107 Wells JlADYS. DO it yourself. without watchband. Lost on 393-8484 between 9 am 5 Girard, last year's Social¬ open for your use. Open 8 a.m. to following. Hall. If you thought none of your ■ dollars, make your own 5-2-19 - pm. ist Labor party candidate for the 9 p.m. weekdays on the first floor Especially for lonely and friends were in "Company," think Saturday, Febrary 8. Reward. 5th Congressional District, (Gerald of Erickson Hall. The Socialist Labor party will frustrated people. te draperies, pillows, etc. Please call, 353-4049. 3-2-13 again. People interested in work¬ i' fabrics, first, seconds, PURPLE VICKI - Fast accurate' Ford's old district) will speak on sponsor an open public lecture on Artist Spotlight on MSN 640 ing on the show, call N. Randall mtinued remnants, trims, inexpensive typing. the current economic crisis at 8:30 Five graduate student seats the current political - economic AM, will feature Loggins and Wilson. LOST: AIREDALE female, one Very near I draperv hardware hooks, year old. Last seen at Frandor on campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 tonight in 33 Union. available on the College of Educa¬ situation at 8:30 tonight in 33 Messina at 7:30 p.m. Sunday Students interested in environ¬ Itackets, parts, etc. INCH & Saturday. Reward. 332-4687 tion Assembly. Pick up petitions Union. along with rock'n'roll news and a mental research or legislative I SHOP, 211 North Bridge, IRENE ORR. Theses, term in 252 Erickson Hall. Involve review of 3-2-13 papers, Observatory new music. issues can volunteer at the Michi I Ledge. Monday - Friday, general typing. Formerly with Ann open house is yourself in scheduled for 7:30 p.m. your college. Due Feb. The Russian and East gan Student Environmental Con¬ Saturday 9:30 4. 627-4444. Brown. Call 482-7487. C-2-28 Saturday 21. European Buy your "sweetie" federation. For LOST: WOMEN'S tiger eye Weather permitting, the 24 - inch Studies Program presents "Para¬ a Valentine more information, ring. flower. The Floriculture Forum is Great sentimental value. Reward. reflecting telescope will be used doxes of Soviet and U.S. Aid to see Tony at the Volunteer Bur THESES, RESUMES, typing and Find out why you should boy¬ having a Valentine flower sale Call 355-3573 afternoons. 3-2-13 for observing current the Third World" at 3:30 eau, 27 Student Services Bldg. Cash for printing. Reasonable prices. objects of cott Gallo wines. Stop by the today in from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and interest. Conrad Auditorium. COMMERCIAL United Farmworkers' information Friday in the Horticulture Building. ■amps & coins LOST: HEARING aid in small 351-4116. C-2-28 PRINTING, Values clarification table between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. More IWH on pg. 14 T Buy-Sell-Trade brown box with attached brass workshop today in the Union lobby. Join our J full line of supplies chain. Reward! 351-2424. 3-2-14 will be Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. and Feb. How ImiCHIGAN stamps coin TYPING, EXPERIENCED. and reasonable. 371-4635. C-2-28 Fast 22 at 9 a.m. at United Ministries, struggle to gain justice in the fields of California. to form your own car pool 332 - 4300 I PWSDMI ](/] EXPERIENCED IBM typing Dis¬ 1118 S. Harrison Road. Call for reservations. Help graduate students obtain As a public s«rvic«of no charg«, the State News will sertations (pica-elite) the opportunity to contribute to classified advertisement for those provide a free FREE. A lesson in complexion FAYANN ipd special Record . . 480-0358. C-2-28 Communication skills work¬ PIRGIM. Carry a PIRGIM petition people who would like to set up or L values to $5.98, $1.97 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan shop, an ongoing personal growth this week and have graduate join a car pool. or 485 7197 Lansing MaH. MERLE for two for $3.00. NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. EXPERIENCED TYp7NG~te7m group, meets at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday students sign. Pick up petitions at Shall music. East papers, theses, etc. Rapid, at United Ministries, 1118 S. MSU PIRGIM office, 329 Student Driving? C-3-2-13 ate service. accur¬ Harrison Road in the Aldersgate or Riding? _ j C-1-2-13 394-2512. C-2-28 Service Bldg. Room. From I SKIS 3 piece Brownie - TYPING TERM papers and theses. Muslim Student Assn. will be Jn, girl's ice skates, vanity/ Experienced, fast service IBM "Aria Da Capa," a one act holding Islamic classes for children Leaving _ '• Returning a.m. Hoover vacuum. 355-9272, electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 comic - tragedy by Edna St. at 11 a.m. Sundays on the i. Phone p.m. Vincent Milay will be presented at Sunporch of the Union. Anyone Time? 8:15 tonight in Studio 49 of interested Waited can attend. For more The State News will not accept pjE DESK - glass top, $30. Fairchild Theater. information, call Saleh Nassen. conduct of responsibility for arrangements or pr dorm, $50. Call Tom, PIANIST FOLK rock interested in participants. D. 2-2-14 The information composing, recording with Gay Liberation wants Friday requested below must be supplied in order for ad guitarist. Phone Paul, 694-1317. 3-2-17 |hare Driving ^ night's dance to be the best ever so come out and celebrate your to appear. Full Name BOSS N. FROM MSU to Oakland gayness at 9 p.m. in the Unitarian - Botched it again. The University Tuesday and Thursdays. Leaving Church, 855 Grove St. only surprise left in this message is Driving afternoons pm, returning 9:30pm. r Address the date. Happy Valentines Day! 489-3969 after 6pm. 3-2-14 Zoology Club will meet at 7 Love, Sapphire. 1-2-13 FROM GRAND Rapids to Michi¬ tonight in 404 Natural Science City Phone gan State. Leaving 5:15pm, re¬ FROM ROYAL Oak to MSU. Bldg. We will discuss our plans ANN, DON'T hide in the closet, turning 9-IOpm. 616-241-8141 be¬ *This coupon may be everybody turns 21 sooner or later. tween Tuesday and Thursdays. Leaving for Florida this spring break. Need brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds 8am-4:30pm; also not be a club member to partici- 347 Student Services Your favorite AGR. 1-2-13 616452-2414 after 5pm. 3-2-14 7am, returning 5pm. 353-5869 Building. No phone calls accepted after 8pm. 3-2-14 NO CHARGE THE WAY is clear, the day is here. It may be coW but we are bold THE STATE NEWS YELLOW PAGE T.H.E. Rock. 1-2-13 ini*Hwi vibnuel hiHaimu" DESIGNER GREG: Happy 21st _ - Business Service Directory and many more. Best wishes from Mary, BJ. 1-2-13 J TEAC 350 Dolby cassett . Real Estate A ■Used Phase Lanier 4000 lp. Sony 8-track tape re- EAST LANSING - North of *S3YB Tini6 ^ J Garrard SL 95 changer. IAU505 stereo amp. Bailey School, attractive three bedroom colonial, 1 Vi baths, fire¬ Mgiigy Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager Sony Tin 12" color TV. 15 used place, remodeled kitchen, fenced laranteed TV sets. Type- 1 sporting goods, tools. lot, excellent condition. 489-5919 before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 3-2-14 Auto Service to serve yoi ISmm camera equipment, CHANDLER ESTATES - 3 bed¬ Dancing lessons Laundry I and musical equipment, room English Tudor. Cut stone Travel Typing Service I saxes, etc. WILCOX UN'S BELLY DANCE WASHDAY ■DHAND STORE, 507 East fireplace, solid oak floors, 2 1/2 p Avenue. Lansing. 485- baths, old english carm. For more SAVINGS TYPING 1-5:30 p.m. C 16 2 28 information call ALBERT AIITO PARIS, Al* • RAIL BEKMANIS INC., 663-1531 or 694 1971. 10-2-21 25* Per Load TOURS • CRUISES Papers Theses HOTEL RESERVATIONS hals CHANDLER MC. WENDROW'S Dissertations ESTATES - 2200 YOGA; EGYPTIAN FOLK COUECE TRAVEL in my home. square foot colonial. 2 1/2 formal dining room, family room, 4 baths, LATE MODEL A BELLY DANCE. BODY ECONOWASN • Three full time professionally ■ OFFICE trained technicians bedrooms on a 1/2 acre lot. For MOTORS AND CONDITIONING. ' 130 W. Grand River Electric Type - Elite Complete Test facilities more information call ALBERT (Taught by native of Cairo, Special Texas ' 3 - month warranty on all work East Lansing Reasonable Rates PARTS A SPECIALITY BEKMANIS INC., 663 1531 or 694 EgyptI B.A. and M.A. in Waiher 50c ' Loaner amplifiers available FS ' calico, 1 Sealpoint •M-21S4 danca. Small classes 351-6010 Pick Up and Delivery 1971. 10-2-21 open 24 Hrs. a day F ' chocolatepoint Siam- 3006 Vine St. "THE TRAVEL CALL 655-1611 ■ Bluepoint Siamese. All 351 - 4291 7am to 11pm. 1 Uk W. of Sears PROFESSIONALS!" or 655 1542 £ p. 5-218 and have shots. [ Recreation |[g| Barter Simp For Sale Optometry! BOAT SHOW SALE THE BARBERS le Homes S "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. » r pL V Now Hear This Prom The Top dr. d.m.dean "Sunfish" by A.M.F. $699. Unisex Haintyling *C\ ^ Hinge At The fARKWQOD Monterey. Complete line of American Day Store With Special floor design. Sailers through 18' sloop with TWO CONVENIENT The Red Door! OPTOMETRIST P seen to believe. Located fc Arthur's Court. Could Jw moved if so desired. ■ "elude spacious "Wi,h washer utility Cuddy Cabain, Complete line of Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', 27'. Come in and see and most complete sailboat hard¬ the largest LOCATIONS Meridian Mill: 349 2760 imported Pipes 'Cigars 'Cigarettes VISION CARE CONTACT LENS WtiLiLiiify Co&awwt ware andAccessory display in the and dryer, SERVICES 1 furnished with area. All boats offered at Lansing: 'Tobaccos tremendous pre season savings. Block One M.A.C. -• ordered furniture, 482 2420 Pwater softener. Lay away programs welcome. 332 4269 210 Abbott Rd. Complete 113 Washington T ""B'ar alarm system, GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts 332 Bridal Stop Jewelry (in Koshchek's) 6563 p storage building 8nd Road on the River, Dimondale. Shop THE COMPLETE rje skirting included. Best Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 Jacobson's I r ?riced ,0 move at only WEDDING SERVICE i w» Tom Clark, 394-0020 SKIERS, UTAH or Colorado. Horstmver's CO-OPTICAL JEWELRY: Orange Blossom nnal details. 4-2-14 Spring packages from $289. UNION an outstanding Gold Fashion 3BILE HOME. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Sugar House SERVICES selection of Art Carved 12x60, two 351 8800. C-1-2-13 BUILDING IfatUMhi'iMr gowns GIFTS • Immediate possession. Custom Picture Bet Supplies Row Honey Ceeperalive OptM) traditional and Framing I r ^xcellent condition, BARBER Of. J. *. Nixon. Optometrist SIX CRATES of beer, an empty brett's printing | 1811 s°nny. 372-2006. fleet of buses! The ocean vowed: Maple Syrup • EYES EXAMINED avante garde SHOP service If I don't share it by 3-15-75, he's • GLASSES 2435 SOUTH RUNDLE 1^ Found Ifq] leaving and won't return. Helpl Florida needs you! Call Linda, • By Appt. 5:30 Mon. • Frl. or Walk In Come to 5236 Curtice Rd. Mason, Michigan One mile south ol • CONTACT LENS 'Traditional 489-2687 and Customiied Bridal Salon Second Level JlWllRY ml f 332-1115. B-2-2-13 . Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left OJII.fcwitNer PND SOMETHING 355 - 3359 •reekfieMMra •One day service available. T,0und a pet or article of 1SI • JJJO Brifal Regisfr Jlvvant ,0 help you return l^'nto the State News I s«"'« ]§ Cmsellij Sports Equipment PROMOTION Receptions T° Apartment and tell EDITING, PROOFREADING, Jacobson's The us Spring Bride is Highland Hills Golf Club KT^Tcrean -ESTATE ad in EAST BANK'S experienced. Dissertations, theses book and article manuscripts. PROBLEM PREGNANCY BRIDAL REGISTRY Banquet Facilities |g VtSTJ'0 service EAST Found Anne Cauley, 337-1581. 3-2-13 372-1560 24 Hours LOWER LEVEL planning now for IE? T*«* 10 vou! TE 8ANK wi" ™ Visit our complete shops Advertise in the Wedding Receptions FOR THE BEST Service on stereo MARITAL PROBLEMS? for the home- M0 people 1 ^ST LANSING NEED TO TALK? Stuffed ami take advantap "ATE BANK equipment, see the STEREO , SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. AnlmeUOur Specialty Pock Ami of our Bridal Registry Wedding Column reasonable rates C-23-28 CATHOLIC FINE JEWELRY |U°'ES SIVER Timex - Toy Village STREET FLOOR catered meals, cocktail lounge , W,I,B Plastic band, PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, SOCIAL 3105 W. Saginaw Pedal Pre Shep Marge 5 32.17An,honv/Phillip». finest quality, reasonably priced. IV7 0851 - Precious Stones Jgp corner of US27 North and BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, SERVICES 'The Big White Haute Beautifully Set and 355 - 8255 Atward Rd 482-5712. C-2-28 'Can Help' >M1 w. Saginaw, Bands for Bride A Ooom phone 669-9873 Bl locket? rim glasses. :«ll 372-4020 Lansing fl*A INCOME TAX preparation. Call B&B Accounting and Tax Service 355-8255 4S»-41fl7 at 486-4651 or 332-8468. 20-36 CALL Convenient CLIP 'N' SAVE 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, Feb,,ruary 13 J Dinner planned to honoi faculty award winners The recipients of $18,000 in award money for the Distinguished granted for teaching, research or public servir* The aix junior faculty who will receive More IWH Faculty Awards. Teacher-Scholar Award* and Excellences Teacher h KnH«ri Dept. of Psychology; Robert Jt dPandolfi j . ' Store. sciences and geology: James L. Meyers, farm management district extension agent with the MSU Cooperative Extension Service; Soil Sciences and Zoology, and Beverly T. l'urrmL r2l Open recreation for married Sociology. 8 "■ Clarence H. Nelson, professor. Office of Evaluation Services; housing adults is from 7 to 9:30 Harold L. Sadoff. professor of microbiology and public health, and These awards recognize the care and skUl p.m. Fridays in the Red Cedar and the assist,,^ Spartan Village School gyms. Call R. Glenn Wright, associate professor and director of literary in meeting classroom responsibilities. ®l" Community Education office for studies in Justin Morrill College. more information. Junior faculty The Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes outstanding The Corp. for Public Nonsense, contributions to the intellectual development of MSU and are proud of its victories in the Ziegler flap, will meet in triumph at 7 p.m. Friday in the Union main lounge. Countdown: Venus and Jupiter For Valentine's Day.. four degrees apart, near moon in western sky earty tonight. Come to front of Abrams Planetarium for outdoor p.m. viewing sessions 7 to 7:30 each clear evening now through Feb. 22. We will provide President's Days I G telescopic views of those planets as well as the moon, Saturn and others. SALE The filing deadline for the spring (Downtown Store only) ASMSU elections is 5 p.m. Feb. 21. Requests must include tures of all signa¬ candidates wishing to The icy-looking gentleman on the left and the icy-looking lady on the AP wirephoto right ovor 125 prs. Heart be associated with the slate, had a short-lived romance in Richmond, Va. Warmer weather arrived names, student numbers, college in, office running for and the slate name. Turn them in to 326 or 334 and left only a damp park bench. WOMEN'S Pendant I Student Services Bldg. discontinued stylos • odd lots Lansing Area Lesbians once Valwos to in again sponsor game night at 8 tonight at 547 Vi E. Grand River ASMSU appropriates funds $24 $200 Ave. There's ping-pong, cards. Pewter A rap group for lesbians with drinking problems continues at 6 for Courselector class guide ovor 350 prs. p.m. Sundays at 547 to E. Grand River Ave. Share your concerns By SUE WILLOUGHBY Finally. Alan Fox. ASMSlTs with your sisters. State News Staff Writer ASMSU appropriated $160 priate for the book. Courselec¬ tor can hold up to 600 complete director of legislative relations, resigned from his position. Fox WOMEN'S Lansing Area Lesbians will cele course descriptions. Shoos and Boots brate Susan B. Anthony's birthday Tuesday to help offer students Later, Raymond expects the said he had accepted a job with a more comprehensive Valuot to $25 now with a potluck dinner at 7 p.m. guide to cooperation of the faculty to fill the state legislature and the job Saturday at 547 Vi E. Grand River MSU courses. out questionnaires on their would result in a conflict of .With the approval of the From our fascinating collection of jewelrl Ave. Bring a dish to pass. A party foltows at 9 p.m. ?_-: Elected Student Council (ESC), courses. - *»• 1 interest, Fox's assistant, Jeff Sobel, i r«>:' 2 K; *14 fashionod by Scandinavian craftsmen., action could be started Thurs The $160 is less than the $400 will take over his duties until an a burnished square with incised MSU GO Club is planning a visit day to bring Courselector mag¬ Raymond requested, but it is interim director can be appoint¬ ovor 100 prs. oxidize^ to Ann Arbor on Feb. 22 or 23. azine to MSU this spring. enough money to get the first ed by President Tim Cain. hoart. 5/8". Interested? Call Kenneth Kawa- Courselector is a magazine issue out. $500 mura or Vogel. printed in Boston, offering more complete information on "After three months probably have to go to the we will MEN'S Yoor round stylos Ellipsis, the popular radio dis¬ cussion show, will be presented at 8 tonight on MSN, 640 AM. how each course magazine was proposed by is run. The Student Media Appropriations Board for more money, but this Health center Voluosto$35now Brian will hold us for now," Raymond Owen Graduate Hall is having a Raymond. Academic Council representative for the said. (continued from page 1) $8 o pr. or 2 pr. for $14 Valentine Day Dance featuring College of Social Science. With Courselector is totally finan¬ parents, a male friend and OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM Madonna at 9:30 p.m. Friday in ESC approval, Raymond plans ced by advertising, but funds whether she was on birth Owen Graduate Hall. All graduate to send out letters to heads of are needed to pay for the ad¬ control pills. students welcome. Free refresh¬ ments. Students interested in learning each department to determine which courses would be appro- ministrative expenses at Raymond expects that the first issue will be available to stu¬ dents by May 19. MSU. When Hendricks protested that the doctor had not checked her for chest pains, the doctor told her not to be sassy. ! iepard s about local government manage¬ ment are invited to hear Richard Conti, Meridian Township Super¬ intendent, speak at 7:30 tonight in Release of ASMSU also amending its constitution on considered the spring ballot to consolidate your "He then told me, 'I feel that problem is emotional,' " Hendricks said. purely * Jm(J)esDowntown Lansing 326 South Washington East Lansing 209 E. Grand Rive 310 Agriculture Hall. funds may ASMSU and the Student Aca¬ demic Government Association Hendricks' accusations were confirmed by the three people slmSAVEmSAVE»S»SAVEmSAVEtWWSAVEmSAVE8 m Downtown — — 113 S. W Washington Applications are still being ac¬ (SAGA) to provide for a more who were also at the health cepted for the Spring Business Law program in the Netherlands by the Office of Overseas Study, help state united association of under¬ graduate students. The current SAGA proposal includes the center. Jeannette E. Milam, director of nursing at the health center, CLEARANCE ON SKI EQUIPMENT 108 International Center. Deadline Elected Student Council and said the supervising nurse at is Saturday. LANSING (UPI) - The re¬ the heads of the Student Ad¬ the time reported the incident lease of $2 billion in federal visory Committees. to her and she reported it to Do you fence? Want to leam? highway funds by President A MSU Fencing Club meets at 6 Ford will more than double SAGA would deal primarily Fuerig. all p.m. Thursdays in 118 Women's Intramural Bldg. Bring shorts and highway contract lettings with academic standards and policies, while ASMSU would Fuerig and Milam both said the health center tries to work WIDE sneakers. Everyone welcome. planned for Michigan in the first six months of this year, accord¬ deal primarily with nonacadem- ic issues. out problems like this within the health center system. They said SELECTION ski Spirit of Christian Fellowship ing to Gov. Milliken. The proposal is being consid¬ that each time an incident like OF 1975 will present a teaching "The Enemy" at 6:30 tonight in Shaw It is expected the State High¬ ered in an effort to organize the this is reported a full investiga¬ clothing | Hall's lower lounge. All are way Commission will be auth¬ lines of communication between tion of the circumstances takes MODEL orized to increase its construc¬ the two groups and to unify the place. Each said that few invited. tion program in the January through June period by actions of undergraduate stu¬ dent government. serious complaints against the health center. are lodged SHORT SKIS 20 • 50% Live coverage of the MSU-Wis¬ up to consin series will begin at 7:25 both Friday and Saturday on $88.8 million, for a total of up to ARE ON SALE! off! p.m. $158.8 million. the Michian State Network, 640 The commission had planned Tory stirs male clubs AM. The Council on Adoptable to award about $70 million in the same period. The $88.8 million is up Children invites all interested per¬ Michigan's share of federal (continued from page 1) 1832 SKIS BOOTS by the Duke of Wellington sons to a meeting at 8 tonight at Eastminister Presbyterian Church, highway trust fund money, which was impounded last year ship thing is unprecedented." and Sir Robert Peel, long-time All 1975 BOOTS ON SAIE "Of course, Mrs. Thatcher Tory prime minister. 1315 Abbott Road. children waiting Pictures of for adoption will to combat inflation. would be welcome here if she Boodle's Club, also on St. ALL K2's, 25% OFF LANGE DEVIL 10.„, NOW 8' I „ Milliken said Wednesday (OR MORE) be available. most of the funds will be spent came along with a member," James' Street, was less equi¬ RIG $i3s on construction in high un¬ Clemow said. Women con¬ vocal; "A gentlemen's club is a Help encourage helpfulness and employment areas. sidered it a break-through in gentlemen's club," a spokesman ALL DYNASTAR's 30% OFF TECHNICA ELITE neighborhood spirit among resi¬ dents in every area of married "The release of these funds 1963 when they were first allowed into the Carlton Club said. "Mrs. Thatcher could come RIG $140 NOW S^| housing. Interested volunteers will be of statewide benefit, as to the club annex as a guest." meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the because it will affect supplies of guests. Buck's Club also said, "Mrs. ALL KASTINGERS Married Housing Office's Com¬ In several Conservative clubs Thatcher would have to ALL LANGE SKIS 30% OFF 0FFJ cement, aggregate and other be munity Room. materials — as well as construc¬ in northern Yorkshire, how accompanied by a member." 25% Volunteers: Learn how to make the materials you need to use in tion workers immediate — area beyond the of construc¬ ever, the rules are even and spokesmen, interviewed by stricter Asked what she would do about joining a club, Thatcher HEAD HRP COMP ALL CABERS 25%0ff| your school assignments. Faculty the British Broadcasting Corp. replied, "I have more important tion," he said. members will demonstrate how at said the clubs were male pre¬ 7 tonight in 35 Union. serves and Thatcher would not matters for consideration." The party leader was wel¬ REG $195 NOW ' 1 1 9°° be admitted under any circum¬ comed in one club, however. In Rodeo Club will have an impor¬ stances. one of her first tant meeting at 8 tonight in the But a Conservative party Conservative appearances as chief she ROSSIGNOL ROC 550 Judging Pavilion. There will be a was committee meeting after the gen¬ spokesman said. "I rather guest of honor at a dinner of the eral meeting. believe that when Mrs. Conservative Group for Europe REG $315 NOW'139" *}'■' In Tuesday's State News, an Thatcher visits a town you will at St. Stephen's Club, West¬ Spaceship Earth, the futurist - article about the pet placement find that they will waive the sex minster. generalist magazine, is holding an WE'VE STILL GOT A GREAT bureau incorrectly stated that ban during her visit." St. SELECTION SPORTING GOODS organizational meeting for all in¬ Stephen's secretary, Of 1975 EQUIPMENT AT the bureau would be open only The Carlton, on St. James's Peter Browning said, "The FANTASTIC terested journalists and generalists SALE PRICES I • 6:30 p.m. Friday in the Union. on Mondays. The bureau will be Street, Piccadilly, describes it¬ committee is likely to invite 5002 W.SAGINAW Check the elevator list for the open Monday through Friday in self as the world's foremost Mrs. Thatcher to become an [JUST EAST OF LANSING MALI I 327 Student Services Bldg. political club. It was founded in honorary member." 417-1853 OPEN DAILY 10^ L tugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, February 13, 1975 J5 THE SMALL SOCIETY kf Brickman rODAY'S PROGRAMS Video Everydoy All Rights Reserved — — Dickinson Newspaper Services 10 wax TV, Jacktor 25 WIYI TV. Saginaw 12 WJRT-TV, Flint 41 WUHQ-TV. Battle Creek 13 WZZM-TV, Kolarr JO WKBO TV, Detroit 23 WKAR TV. Eon Looting ■ Livingston Countlaa Entertainment Capitol 5:30 (4) Bowling For Dollars (2-3-6-25) The Thursday Night The Golden Hunter (9) Partridge Fimily (10) Beverly Hillbillies Movie (12-13) News (23) Villi Alegre (4-5-8-10) Archer porld'i Numbar On* Neighborhood Restaurant" (25) Hogan's Heroes (7 12-13-41) Straits Of San Francisco (50) Gilligan's Island (9) News Nina WOOtEjf KSG_i< 6:00 (23) Japanese Film (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- LI VI INTHtTAINMNT 1 NIGHTS 10-12 13 25-41) News 9:30 (9) Bewitched (9) Feature (23) Women 10:00 (50) Stir Trek (4-5-8-10) Movin' On of Howall (7 12-13-41) Harry O 6:30 (50) Dinah 125 Holiday Ln. <3-4-5-6-7-10-25-41) News (9) I Oreim Of Jeannie 10:30 1 Howall, Michigan 48843 I 94 At Plnknoy Exit (12) 6:30 Movie (9) Pacific Canada CAMPUS (13) Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 (23) Zoom (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- I) Larry lewis (9) Take 30 10-12 13-23-25) News 7:00 y>i- (12-41) The Money Maze (2-4-7-8) News (41) The Protectors 5:45 AM 11:20 (13) Password All Stars (3) Whet's My Line? can Religious Town Hail (23) LHias, Yogi & You 6:00 (5-10) Mod Squid (50) New Zoo Revatjri^j j| 11:30 Lration Second Chinct , (6) Bewitched 11:30 (9) Beverly Hillbillies (2-3-6-25) The Lata Movie I (3-6-25) Love Of Life (13) Truth Or Consequences (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show 6:05 (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squires (23) Tele-Reviste (7-12-13-41) The Bridy Bunch Entertainment 6:15 (25) The F.B.I. (9) Family Court (50) Movie (41) Outdoors Lsage For Today (23) Villa Alegre (50) Hogin's Heroes Hour Presents 6:20 (50) Bugs Bunny 7:30 Ind Country Almanac 11:55 (2) Truth Or Consequences 6:25 (3-6) Midday News (3) Michigin Outdoors 12:00 NOON (4) Jeopardy (2-5-6-8-13) News (3-25) Young And Restless (6) $25,000 Pyramid (7) Let's Mike A Deil THURSDAY RESTAURANT (4-10) Jackpot SPECIAL (8) Hollywood Squires (7-12-41) Password All Stirs (9) Room 222 ROAST BEEF PI M. Presents (9) Galloping Gourmet (13) To Tell The Truth $1.95 SHORT RIBS (50) Underdog (23) Civilization: A Western Friday lie Bobby Show ws And Farm Report 12:20 PM Perspective FISH SANDWICHS1.95 ky Frank Hill rm Show (6) Almanac (41) Jimmy Dean Show TROUT $3.25 ion Second Chinct 12:30 8:00 6:45 (2-3-6) Seirch For Tomorrow (2-3-6-25) The Wiltons TONITE'S MUSIC (4) News (4-5-8-10) Mic Davis Show kning Edition (510) Blink Check (7 12-13-41) Birney Miller 6:55 TAPE BLUES BAND (7-12-13-41) Split Second (9) Funny Firm |ham Kerr Show (8) Mike Douglas (23) Civilizition:The Great Thaw 7:00 B5) News (9) Dick Van Dyke (50) Deeler's Choice pCiM Today America Show (25) Dinah (50) The Lucy Show 12:55 (7-12-13-41) Karen (9) Beachcombers 8:30 Lizard's^, ^^24ABBO^^^ o's Big Top (5-810) News (50) Mere Griffin Show |eed Racer rtoon Capers 1:00 7:30 (2) Love Of Life irtoon Carnival (3) Accent kzo'i Big Top (4) (5) Whit's My Line? Jackpot THURSDAY'S f 8:00 DOONESBURY ■ Captain Kangaroo ping Accent prio Schools ne Street (6) Mirthi Dixon (7-12-13-41) All My Children (9 50) Movies (10) Somerset HIGHLIGHTS 8:00 well-meening attempts it comfort by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: ffcriafit Loudon Woinwright III k America 1:30 | (CBS) The Waltons by her fimily ind friends. U-M-25) At The World Toms John Boy writes (NBC) Archer 8:25 a story based on * »r Report ' ' »! ^Misj Emily lalivttn's fantasizing about her imaginary lover in the "The a»dr Owutiful" guest «ars Kim Darby and Neve Patterson. P~ Henry, it aoems the K: Ws amid get the money. 8:30 , invasion option is no longer It could be arranged. I ami 3 Clubhouse (7-12-13-41) Afternoon Playbreck mistiken idei that nobody in Archer gets involved with the j viable. My budget people know where it could be 2:00 Walton's mountain will see it. physical fitness set when he is : tail me tharuls nowsy we 8:45 gotten. It is not easy, hut (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light hired to obtain pornogrephic 0 could pay fir it. H>o much it could be done! (NBC) The Mac Oivis Show (4-5-8-10) Diys Of Our Lives Mac's guests will be Nancy Wilker photographs. " irmey invttfvBd. 9:00 2:30 and Aretha Frmklin. (ABC) The Streets Of San fce Is Right (2-3-6-25) Tha Edge Of Night Francisco (ABC) Barney Miller ■tam Kangaroo (4-5-8-10) The Doctors "Grift" Birney's men "River Of Fear" A menhunt is on 3:00 ire iccused ■ctntration of being on the teke when i when it is discovered thet the lives I Flmtstones (2) Young And Restless of two children ire it stike former detective from his squid ■in; And Restless (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right beciusi they hive iccess to becomes i member of Internil (4-5 8-10) Another World thousands of dollars in illegal [Movies (7-12-13-41) General Hospital Affairs, the depirtreent's Ik Matthews money. 3:30 self-policing unit. fcndly Giant 8:30 10:00 1 Mike Douglas (2-3-6-25) Match Game (NBC) Movin' On (7 12-13-41) One Life To Live (ABC) Keren er Rogers' "Tattoos" An elusive lady truck "The Visitors" Keren's former bttletales (9) Gomer Pyle driver steals the heert of Sonny's (50) Benana Splits high school chum, Mery Alice and Wnmg Playbreak 4:00 her husbend come to visit from A.W.O.L. Nevy buddy. 9:15 Cilifornii ind Karen is in for (ABC) Harry O rio Schools (2-3) Tattletales "uite a surprise. "Double Jeoperdy" A big boss' THE DROPOUTS 9:27 (4) Somerset daughter is killed end he seeks |ligious Message (5) Studio 5 9:00 (CBS) The Thursday Night Movie revenge on Hirry's client. by Post 1 9:30 (6) The Attic "Queen Of The Stardust 11:30 l»Vou See It (7) The Money Maze (ABC) Wide World Special 8) Gilligan's Island Ballroom'' Starring Miureen (k•> Check (9) Petticoat Junction Stipleton and Cherles Durning. "Chirles Manson: Portrait In Courtship Of Eddie's Drami of a widowed housewife Terror" "An Unauthorized (10) Friends (12) Mere Griffin who finds that her acute problems Biography" The story of the are loneliness and the "Crime of the Century." ■centration Jnsumer Survival Kit Ufcw Valley Today (25) Yogi & Friends THURSDAY MOVIES %k LaLanne (41) Daktari J 9:55 (50) Three Stooges 4:30 Jhu^ilKifbruirY. 13J975_ Guleger. (1970) Story of e big P's Carol Duvall 9:0f AM heist of e cergo plane (2) Mike Douglas Show carrying \ 10:00 (3) Mere Griffin Show (7) "The Opposite Sex" (PT.1) three million in cesh. Joker's Wild June Ally son, Dolores Grey. ■01 Celebrity Sweepstakes (4) George Pierrot Presents 9:00 (6) That Girl (1956) Remeke of the 1939 film ••me Street clessic "The Women." (2 3 6-25) "Queen Of The (7) 4:30 Movie Stardust Ballroom" Miureen ppir Room (8) Partridge Family (13) "Nice Little Bmk Thit poit Today (9) Andy Griffith Should Be Robbed" Tom Ewell, Stepleton, Cherles Durning. Bei J 10:30 Mickey Rooney. (1958) Two Asher, a suddenly widowed V" Gambit (10) Gilligan's Island imiteur crooks bungle en housewife, finds thet her PROFESSOR PHUMBLE BO! Wheel Of Fortune (25) The Munsters 8. Friends ecute problems are loneliness end With Dennis Wholey (50) The Little Rescals eleboritely plenned benk robbery. the well-meening ettempts et by Bill Yates ■ O'RSUP EVENING comfort by her fimily ind 5:00 PM 1:00 PM friends. (6-8) Ironside (9) "Lovely Wiy To Die" Kirk 11:30 AP! WW (9) Mickey Mouse Club Douglis, Sylvi Koscini. (1968) (2) "Piranha, Pirinhi" Piter (10) Truth Or Consequences Mm is hired to ict as bodyguard Brown. (1972) A trio set out to (13) That Girt for a beeutiful woman. photogriph the jungle wildlife of (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (50) "The Boy With Green Hair" the Amezon River. (25) I Love Lucy Dean Stockwell, Robert Ryan. (3-6-25) "Beg,Borrow Or Steel" ?piTopifii< (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (1948) Story of a boy who Mike Connors, Micheel Cole. AtfoUTY&i): (50) The Flintstones awakes one morning with green ■sony hair. Three hendicepped men execute e —Wr^Af daring heist after they lose their 4:00 ^ue»AP jobs. (5) "You're Never loo Young" (50) "Angels With Dirty Faces" CO6T6 Too I Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin. (1955) James Cegney, Pat O'Brien. MHO* Motitf! A whicky birber is forced to pose (1938) Two young men grow up as e child when i murderer is on in New York s tenement district: his trail. one becomes e priest, the other e 4:30 killer. (7) "This Property Is 1:00 AM NOW Am**ING Condemned" (PT.1) Natalie (41) Will Be Announced hp*, GREAT STORES Wood, Robert Redford. (1966) 1:30 Young girl longs for idventure (2) "Beg, Borrow Or Steel" Mike FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: and true love. Connors. Michael Cole. Three 7KS STASLSS 6:30 handicapped men execute e by Bob Thaves 351-1200 ^ans.ng MallsMeridian MalloWestwood Mall (12) "Sin Frmcisco International daring heist after they lose their ■GEORGE BENSON1 Airport" Pernell Roberts, Clu MISTt* lift. MAKTOM is fAT H£D? / MAffSTON WOULD LlfCfc IVtftYoNt TO WfflTfc TNI MOftD 'HftJIft' OM A snttr of PAPtR. 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, peb] 'nuryij. Problems of war, o By FOX BUTTERFIELD method — letting ducks loose in based their output will drop. And for Vietnamese have grown accus¬ ingleas. products in the last year, expensive. Like insecticides, New York Times their rice paddies, now ripening and with a simultaneous cut¬ they were innovations brought the 5,200 people of I-ong Trach, tomed to an occasional thump of Nguyen Van Thanh, a melan •T'Amka,, wiJunf, I97i LONG TRACH, South Viet¬ under the relentless tropical sun back in American aid, which to Vietnam in the 1960s by oil has become as important a artillery in the distance, green choly, fragile-looking former »nd nam — The farmers here have in this village 20 miles south of financed virtually all imports, American aid, and — where the problem as the war. army fatigue uniforms drying teacher for the Viet Cong who underwej^ insecticides have simply becone The village, a thin line of on the family clothes line and was taken prisoner by the never heard of protecting the Saigon on the edge of the war permitted — they helped "We j"st houses spread for a mile along a rifles stacked like umbrellas in Americans, nbw sits home wantto ecology. But they have stopped Mekong Delta. too expensive. many Vietnamese increase rice at a,lv®. it For the farmers the change Chemical fertilizer and gas for narrow dirt road, has been lucky the corner of the mud-walled awaiting for some word about doesn't using American insecticides to production and achieve a mea side he is kill the in their rice. was a simple matter of eco¬ the sure of prosperity. to escape the recent intensified village office. his son-in-law. He, too, worms water pumps that the was Instead they have reverted to nomics, with the vastly in¬ villagers use to irrigate their Now, with the high price of fighting. The only visible signs But the all-pervasive war still taken prisoner. But in the the traditional Vietnamese creased price of oil and oil- fields have also become too oil, the farmers are worried that of war in Long Trach are that all reaches out to claim its victims prisoner exchanges in 1973 in Long Trach. provided for by the Paris peace Take the case of Pham Chanh agreement, he was apparently Truyen, a tall, gaunt 3&year-old turned over to the Communists Ms. Elizabeth man who was a Communist somewhere in the jungle. The Carmichael, presi¬ guerilla in the days when the family has had no word of him Viet Cong controlled the village. dent of 20th Century It was under the Communists Motor Car Corp., is from the beginning of the war shown in her Dallas, against the French in the late Tex., office earlier 1940's until the American Ninth this month with a infantry division swept through model of the auto Long Trach in 1968. that was supposed to Truyen was wounded in the be the Great fighting. An older brother was killed. American Dream. Last month Truyen learned She announced the that his younger brother, a two-cylinder, three- soldier in a government militia wheeied vehicle unit, had been declared missing would get 70 miles in action when his company was per gallon and sell for overrun by North Vietnamese $2,000. Five offi¬ troops. This arbitrary division of cers of the controver¬ families has been common in sial 20th Century Long Trach, where the war, like Motor Car Co. sur¬ a malignant typhoon sweeping rendered Monday on in off the South China Sea, has charges of conspiracy to commit grand scooped up the people and deposited them seemingly at istock . random on the different sides. mm?TfmT?TTfTTr theft. For many the process has AP wirephoto gone on so long that the dis¬ tinction between the two sides tends to blur and become mean IMTY ma.c./gd. river COUPON 28, OFFER GOOD THROUGH FEB. 197$ 15% DISCOUNI ON ANYTHING IN THE STORE EXCEPT FAIRTRADE ITEMS OR SALE MERCHANDISE hkdiumkh BRING THIS COUPON FOR YOUR REDUCTIONS I / V AT THE UNIVERSITY MALL — 332-8*11 V €> DANSK r Levis SALE UP TO Heavy Denim Jvani • Cords • Big BeN Cords 25% OFF Brushed Denims • Poly cotton Joans GENERATION MIST, GENERATION BLUE, Women's Shirts 6- Josns • Boy's Shirts Ir Josns THISTLE FLATWARE, KOBENSTYLE (KUM- QUATONLY) LINDEN & BLUEUMBER Dresses, skirts, jumpers • Western Shirts CHINA, TEAK SALT/PEPPERMILLS!! Hsts, wallets, carry bags, belts Stangers The Only AII Levi's Store in the Greater Lansing Area 220 Houf» MAUV J W & Sal 10-6 00 UNIVERSITY AT THE UNIVERSITY MALL - 332-8611 . ■ ■ Th.-Fri • 10-9 AC. I Reasons No. 4. for Roots. Naturally shaped toes. ' Roots roomy uppers aren't shaped like ordinary shoes. But they are shaped like ordinary feet. Your Cards, The University N toes will stay healthfully uncrowded Gifts & Posters^ 220 m.fl.c. like you've East Lansing never seen. Sold only at Roots shops. RK MENS BAR I Gift certificates available. ■t Redken Amino Ron * 220 M.A.C. AVE. (UNIVERSITY MALL) Beauty Bar with S East Lansing, Mich 517/332 - 2212 StyUUt $1.50 »g|„" City feet need Roots.