18, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 [ebel fire halts reopening if Phnom Penh PHNOM FROM WIRE SERVICES PENH. Cambodia - Hundreds will lose the war President Ford has asked in a few months." Congress for an supply line military analyst said, "It will now be very Phnom Penh, urged ■Lrnment troops under heavy rebel additional $222 million in aid for Cambodia, difficult, if not impossible, for the govern¬ Americans some of the 350 other to leave for their "own .abandoned all their positions on the but is meeting ment to open the Mekong River. They do safety opposition in Congress. and welfare." Mekong River on Monday, tempor About 500 government not have the . troops launched a troops." The Cambodian The government suffered jiving up their attempt to reopen the major amphibious assault on the Communist-led rebels have other setbacks over the weekend river 40 5 supply line to Phnom Penh, military miles southeast of Phnom Penh over the blockaded the river since late last year, northwest of Phnom Penh, where 12 miles weekend, but they suffered virtually choking off supply traffic from Khmer Rouge attacks drove a heavy CmPenh is being resupplied tempor ties and had to be heavy casual¬ South Vietnam to Phnom Penh. brigade from evacuated by boat to the Only three its headquarters, and in northwest bv a 24 hour emergency U.S. airlift, small convoys have . navy base town of Neak gotten through since Cambodia, where insurgents captured the J U.S. official said, "There's no money said. Luong, the sources Christmas Eve because of the rebels' guns, district town of ■v |(ir a long airlift. The Cambodians Observers said the assault rockets and mines. Mong Russei and 2,000 tons of rice. The fate of 100 defenders J. h8ve to get the river open or they to little, too late," and one amounted to diplomat and On Friday, the U.S. Embassy, which had civilians in the town was not known. and 10,000 already evacuated dependent families from The number of government troops involved in the Mekong operation is being carefully guarded by both American and I.S. ammunition airlift Cambodian officials, but the available reports indicate that so far it is not more than 1,000 or so. This is nowhere near enough to dislodge the 4,000 or more insurgent troops who lids Cambodian have seized control of two-thirds of the 60-mile stretch of the troops Mekong from Phnom Penh to the South Vietnamese border. The main reason for the shortage of troops in the Mekong operation is the heavy I PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - The Cambodian rebels' two weeks if an ammunition convoy does not make it toll taken by the Ljveek old dry season offensive has severely crimped the South Vietnam. The airlift can now upriver from insurgents' current dry bring in shells and bullets to season offensive, which began on New Lrmment's supply line and is forcing the United States to mount allow the government to just hold on, officials say. Year's Day. The government has suffered tnpensive ammunition airlift with aid funds that are running While the Mekong River is one acute problem, another is continu¬ at least 10,000 killed and wounded out of a AP wirephoto ed U.S. A Cambodian soldier cradles military aid. Congress initially authorized $275 million but total combat force of at most 50,000 a wounded child in his arms as they [Casualtieson both sides have been estimated at 25,000. Western U.S. officials say this is not sufficient and it will soldiers. The total armed forces ride a tricycle taxi to a nearby hospital in Phnom Penh. The L,sts say about 10 per cent of these were killed outright. early April at present rates of usage. run out sometime in over 200,000 but most strength is of these men are youngster was hurt in an insurgent shelling attack which ■ Most significant for the Khmer Rouge — the Cambodian President Ford's supplemental either desk soldiers or have other Tffniinists who are regarded as holding blanket command of sev- rAjuest for another $222 million is rear- inflicted numerous casualties in the downtown meeting opposition in Congress. echelon functions. section of the CireM groups - has been the closing of the vital Mekong River Gen. Sosthene Fernandez, Cambodia's Cambodian capital, where many civilians were armed forces commander, In other Indochina shopping. ip:ngchannel to vessels supplying this capital. Only three small says, "If we do not get more aid we will lose the war in a developments: jts have made it up the river since Christmas year." • South Vietnam's Interior Eve. Though insurgents have a strategic edge with their Ministry Ik* the end of January, anti-government forces have mined the the Mekong, heavy blocking of announced it has dropped suits against six manpower losses caused them to break off their prudhave sunk 16 commercial vessels and to craft. ■Tjfi the river blocked, government forces have had to take a number of navy attacks around the capital. Battle action has slowed but the rebels continue shelling Phnom Penh and its Rebels have fired 627 rockets, international airport. opposition newspapers accused of slander ing President Nguyen Van Thieu. The government closed four of the papers on Curious students ask n conservation measures while killing 98 and wounding another Feb. 3, charging that their editorial staffs in this city fuel for 452 persons, police report. included Communist agents. Kpower and cars has been cut back sharply. There were also Despite rocket attacks and fuel anfl poyqy.cnU. there is pofopd msthat rice will be rationed shortly. | I»ke»p bullets coming, the United States has expanded its small kairlift into a round the-clock operation shortage, and rice is in good supply. Most citizens are concerned about the rockets, but even more to make enough pressing to them is finding a way • * h!tka formal Contacts and it is tskhif-stepT"tcr estab' ish more direct relations" with the Viet Cong. Officials said talks were access to their files bringing in a total of money to get by. ids of supplies a Mem Yin, 45, poking under way in Hanoi to determine what the day. through the ashes of his house on the east By EDWARD B.FISKE school records, one of the first in line at iTsisairlift is damned expensive," said an American bank of the Mekong River said, "I lost relationship would be. They indicated India New York Times Brown University was Wilma Schiller. diplomat. my whole family. I came back Til wouldn't do it unless things were to look for would permit the Viet Cong to tight." something to pick up to sell. I am living in a temple, open a NEW YORK When a new Federal law "I needed an ego boost after the debacle of I Some American supply experts predict a "critical situation" in mission in New Delhi, though the level of went into - my exams," explained the junior premedical (continued effect last fall giving parents and on p. 8) representation was not yet known. adult students the right to examine their student from Pepper Pike, Ohio. "I was brilliant in high school, so I wanted to see my high school transcript." Ego trips were presumably far from the mind of Sen. James Buckley. Republican- Conservative of New York, when he pro¬ posed what subsequently became the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. but they seem to have become one of its more popular consequences. A New York Times survey of the initial Drowsy students of East impact of the new law on 14 college cam¬ Holmes Hall huddle in the cold puses indicates that only a modest number of students have taken mist of early morning (top left) advantage of their new rights — mainly out of curiousity about as East Lansing fire officials items such as their IQs or their high school extinguish and check the cause letters of recommendation. of two fires which filled the hall Interviews with a dozen secondary school with smoke (below). Police and officials from various parts of the country disclosed a similar pattern of fire officials suspect arson as the only modest response by parents. cause of the blaze, which dis¬ MSU students apparently are not turbed the sleep of the students. lining up to see their records either. In the few- SN photo/Michael Richelieu days after the law went into effect in November, only one student had asked to see his records. On the other hand, there is evidence that both schools and colleges have moved to simplify their files and remove materials that could be judged inappropriate. As a result, backers of the legislation seem gen¬ erally pleased with its effect so far. "The purpose was not to have everyone run in to look at their files, but to enable them to do ARSON SUSPECTED so," said John Kwapisz, an aide to who was instrumental in Buckley drafting the bill. The new law, popularly known as the Buckley Amendment, gives parents and Fires hit reside adult students the right to examine their school records and challenge their contents. It also restricts the right of schools to data to outside sources without the pass on consent I !,RALPHFRAMMOLINO ** News SUH played a birthday prank on him by stuffing Most of the males on the floor jumped out of the student involved. The legislation went into effect in Writer his room full of newspapers. the windows, Lewis said. The jump is November, but in January was amended to roughly 10-foot drop. meet a series of ■l2ned arsons faus*d and robe<1 more ^an Students shivered in the cold, damp a objections raised by college administrators after its enactment. The new Students of East morning air after freshman Jon Morris, 263 "Some people were able to run version exempts confidential letters EL through of t "lost i to aneyacuate their rooms and E. Holmes Hall, pulled the fire alarm when the hall," said Gary Efronson, freshman, 257 recommendation written before the law hour in the his typical allergic reactions — watery eyes freezing mist E. Holmes Hall, who jumped out his window went into effect and allows students to waive C™!' '^proximately 25 of the and coughing — alerted him to the smoke in when he saw the dense smoke. "I thought their right to see specified documents. EL f.e(i 1,1 from the second the corridor. that it (jumping out of the window) was the The survey showed that I th*1 fires began. only a modest best thing to do. I did end number of college students have up hurting my taken pbdi "I woke up and I thought I smelled the back." advantage of their •w... ®v#fuated after a second smoke." Morris said. "When I started new rights. Both students and administrators ■St H,' n was warned about the getting my allergic responses, I looked out Most of the students report were back in their that the biggest motivation on the h-v a and couldn't see across the hall." part of fire alarm lifelong smoke rooms by 5:30 a.m., according to Michael college students seeking records was curios¬ at 4:39 Am. Pittenger, director of student affairs at ity. Lewis said that the wastebasket that was Holmes Hall. Some students, however, had serious ^ionoT Slarlpd 'n the compactor set on fire was right next to his room. purposes. At Stanford one of the applicants W„,rin 01 a filled wastebasket the corridor There were only a few minor injuries was a member of the university's staff who an of the second "I set it (the wastebasket) out there," suffered by people who jumped out of had been a political activist as a student est|mated$i and goo damage to Lewis said. He had placed it, after finding it windows. Lewis was treated and released asked to see "anything and part of the hall. from University Health Center for smoke in- everything in my in the hall, next to his door so that the file that might have an impact on my future hvtndM|Shal thouKht might K« aKamst me'" be "'d Curtis a custodians would put it back where it belonged in the morning. The fire in the Students of the second floor were career." Some of the persons who sought out wastebasket also spread to a box of old kept out records said afterward that PRrW'strongly °f the win*' He implied" clothes that Lewis had set out and had of their rooms a few hours as East fire officials investigated the scene. Lansing gratified to have the new they were opportunity. mia forgotten to bring back into his room. For many others, however, the experi¬ roo firty J!'ve bf,en trying to set ence was a letdown. One student said, "It ■1'*• 13 tol(1 Ut® News- M 'They (the clothes) were for the Salvation Investigation of the cause of the fire didn't give me an egc boost. It was so ' how Uwis' friends continues. Army." Lewis said. teMtJned on p. 8) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February i8 Bentsen to run WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Jackson of Washington, Rep. cally about the New Hampshire role to play beyond the United outlooks, of Washington and Lloyd M. Bentsen became the Morris K. Udall of Arizona, primary, usually the nation's States Senate." non - Washington viewpoints fifth formal Democratic entry former Gov. Jimmy Carter of first, he said it was important and legislative as well as ad¬ He said "the paramount issue in the 1976 Georgia and former Sen. Fred but that he has made no ministrative experience is what presidential race is economic recovery" and that R. Harris of Oklahoma in decision. is required of the nation's Monday, expressing confidence a race he would bring to the campaign Nixon to give early papers he could win support and raise likely to include quite candidates before a few the He said in his 10 minute "leadership which is at once , leadership in the last half of this turbulent decade." n money outside his native Tex¬ more positive, unafraid and candid." Former President Richard M. Nixon as. first primaries. statement that he had decided plans to donate 1,300 Noting that he had a suc¬ In response to questions, he cubic feet of prepresidential papers to the United States, the "I wouldn't have entered this to run for president after Bentsen said he "would cessful business career be¬ said his net worth at the time race unless I thought I was ex¬ traveling in more than 30 states General Services Administration (GSA) said Monday. pect to be in tween his three terms in the he entered the Senate was $2.3 going to win it," the 54 year - a representative "to determine first hand the GSA Administrator Arthur F. Sampson said he had old Texas Democrat told sev¬ number of primaries" but de¬ views and attitudes of the House from 1949 to 1955 and his million and that he would make accepted the materials from the 1946 to '66 period on behalf eral hundred backers and re¬ clined to say which until states American people towards their election to the Senate in 1970, public his income tax returns of the United States and that they would be stored at a finish their delegate selection national leadership and to as¬ Bentsen said he believes "this "for the years I have been in i porters in the Senate Caucus National Archives facility at Laguna Niguel, Calif. plans this July. Asked specifi certain if I had a constructive blend of private and public Room. public service." LLOYD BENTSEN! Papers and other materials dealing with Nixon's years as Nevertheless, he said he president remain in Washington under court order. would seek simultaneous re - election to the Senate from Texas next year, as did Lyndon Commission With half of its investigates CIA members absent, the Rockefeller B. Johnson when elected vice president in 1960. Bentsen conceded that most he was Governors rap energy plan of the $1 million he has raised WASHINGTON (AP) the South, Southwest and Commission met Monday to question Howard J. Osborn, the - ticularly his proposal to spread prices during the past year Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) former chief of security so far and most of his tangible President Ford's energy pro¬ Middle West, an Associated price increases over all petro¬ have cut U.S. petroleum 'World crude oil begun to sag noticeably prices h,I political support is from Texas. posals enjoy only minimal Press survey showed Monday leum products, not just unfl about the agency's domestic surveillance activities. Most Texas congressmen were consumption by "at least one the impact of reduced consul support from the nation's that few state executives back gasoline," said Gov. Milliken, million barrels a day. Osborn, who was Watergate burglar James McCord's boss on hand. ti°n by the industrial natiofl governors as they gather here it, and some do only because of adding that this would mini¬ "Present consumption would at CIA, left the agency last year after it was revealed that a Asked for specific examples for their annual midwinter a lack of an alternative. mize the impact on his state's Though no major price break! have been at least one million CIA agent witnessed the destruction of documents linking of support outside Texas, Bent¬ expected, industry sP meeting opening Tuesday. Responses from about half of automobile-dominated economy. barrels a day more if prices had the experts McCord to the agency. sen said he had been asked to Energy and the nation's the governors, representing a "I don't favor the import tax not risen so sharply," Zarb told should present price weaknl CIA Director William E. Colby also has acknowledged that keynote last year's Democratic economic cross-section both regionally soon be reflected! woes dominate the on oil," said Utah Gov. Calvin L. the House energy and power small Osborn's office infiltrated agents into American radical state convention in Connecticut agenda for the conference busi¬ and politically, showed virtual¬ Rampton, a Democrat, this subcommittee. consumers. cost reductions f and that he found "strong ness sessions ly Democrat opposes groups in an effort to gather information on planned Wednesday and every year's conference chairman. If Zarb defended President demonstrations and break-ins against agency facilities. support ... in all the major Thursday. Ford's energy plans, while the price has to be increased to Ford's energy program, which states I've gone into." pespite the President's Republicans are split. lower consumption, he said, "I'd includes a plan to cut U.S. oil By declaring active candi¬ recent efforts to sell his energy "I am basically supportive of much rather see it on direct consumption by imposing a Fund requests! Policewoman disarms dacy, he joined Sen. Henry M. package at regional meetings in the President's approach, par- gasoline consumption than to man $3per barrel import tax on put it on crude." petroleum. A 5 foot 4 inch off-duty New York City policewoman fought Minnesota Anderson, Gov. Wendell Democrat, called • AFL-CIO President George finalized tonigl Ethiopia a Meany called for a $30 billion with an armed man carrying a snubnosed ,38-caliber gun Sunday, wrestling the man to the ground, disarming him and winning the commendation of superior officers for "acting seeks Ford's won't have proposals "completely unacceptable" and said, "We a national energy tax cut, saying the $20 billion program swiftly gaining ground in Congress will not be enough East Lansing City will present its final CoiL plan fori above and beyond the call of duty. that's acceptable until first program to turn the economy around. - year federal Commul Officer Arlene M. Egan was having an after-work drink when she noticed a man at the bar playing with a revolver. to combat gu we are ready to use all the tools that are available to us." "That may mean mandatory 'Things are getting worse by the day. I think it might have to Development Act fund T quests at tonight's eouL When the man left the bar, she sent a friend to call the ADDIS ABABA, go as high as 130 billion to give meeting at 8 in the coul Ethiopia ammunition and become Ethiopian sources said the allocation or rationing or both, the incentive that will get the chambers at City Hall. police, while she followed the man outside. (AP) — Ethiopia's military involved against Arab states secessionist guerillas are and r She identified herself as a policewoman, and when the leaders have asked the United being we might as well get on economy turned around," he Council's final plan will t with whom it seeks a Middle reinforced with with it," said the Mimhesota and man reached inside his jacket, she wrestled him to the States for up to $30 million in East settlement, or not supply men said. be sent to the Tri Coul artillery before an expected governor, who is chairman of • The nation's car dealers Regional Planning Commisj ground and disarmed him. ammunition to fight secession¬ the ammunition and risk a resumption of their assault on the Democratic Governors want the hard pressed auto for review before being senl ist guerillas in Eritrea break in relations with Asmara, 450 miles north of Conference. province, and the United States industry to extend cash rebates the Dept. of Housing and IrL Ethiopia. Addis Ababa. Republican Gov. Daniel J. Drinking youths riot in LA said Monday it is "studying this On the fighting front, uncon¬ The said the guerillas Evans of Washington, last on new models into the spring Development in Washing! request." firmed reports said govern¬ sources obtaining for the first because, they say, the program D.C. f A rock-and-bottle-throwing melee resulted after 2.000 Ethiopian sources said the ment troops killed 700 out of were time year's conference chairman, is spurring sales. Council will also hold a pj through a clandestine also opposed Ford's plan. In a nationwide Associated hearing on a request by | teenagers and young adults were ejected Sunday night from emergency ammunition airlift 1,000 prisoners Friday shortly supply route from Sudan When asked for alternatives National Cable Co. for a Press survey, dealers said the a surburban Los Angeles country club where a rock group sought by the military leaders after they staged successful, artillery to counter the heavy to Ford's energy proposals, TV fee increase. would rebates, scheduled to end Feb. replace rifle and guerilla-aided breakouts at two was performing. guns of the 2nd Army Division more governors suggested a 28, have provided the only The Mass Transit Comn,.. Rocks, bottles and chunks of concrete were hurled at a machine-gun bullets already Eritrean jails. in Asmara. They said the return to mandatory allocation will also recommend that cd used in combating the Arab- The bright note in an otherwise patrol car and several club windows were smashed as 50 law reports said para¬ guerillas camped around the than any other proposal. cil extend Saturday bus si backed guerillas in Eritrea gloomy year of tumbling enforcement officers troopers caught up with the city were being increased to Democrats Sherman business. until June. were called to the scene in Lakewood. province. The dollar value of fleeing prisoners north of 7,500 men from 6,000. Tribbett of Delaware. Thomas Deputies said the crowd began getting out of hand shortly the request is a third greater Asmara, the Eritrean capital. The Moslem and Marxist after 10 p.m. during a performance by a rock group. A L Judge of Montana and Ella than all U.S. military aid and Another version said Eritreans rebels stepped up a 12-year old Grasso of Connecticut all said deputy said juveniles and adults apparently were buying sales to Ethiopia in 1974. a 7-DAY WIN among the escapees gunned independence campaign by either mandatory allocation or liquor from a bar set up by a private party. "Liquor was being In Washington, a State Dept. down non-Eritreans in the attacking Asmara on Jan. 31. rationing would be better than VACATION IN sold to everyone, just about," one deputy said.- spokesman said: "We have had group, and were in turn shot by Hundreds of soldiers are being the Ford program. continuing discussions with the government forces. flown to Asmara to bolster an In other economic and Georgia rejects equal rights a Ethiopian government concern¬ ing military supplies, including recent request for ammuni¬ estimated per cent 20,000 troops in Eritrea — about 40 Ethiopian of the country's armed energy-related • strator Federal Frank developments Energy Admini¬ G. Zarb said jnmmcfl tion. We are studying this forces. The Georgia Senate voted 33 to 22 Monday to reject the request. No decision has been In that skyrocketing petroleum Via air Jamaica Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. made." Thursday's State News an Tha Sfota Naws is published by tha studantt of The vote followed a one-hour debate before a packed article about the Student Media Michigan Stafa Unhf»f*ity ovary dost doy during Foil. Winter ond Spring school farm*, Monck in Delta Tau Delta's gallery. Afterwards, opponents of the measure broke into The U.S. government put its Appropriations Board (SMAB) Fridays during Summer Tarm, ond o special Wakoma Waafc * aid program under review and, incorrectly identified Robin September Subscription rate is $20 per year applause and were gaveled to silence by Lt. Gov. Zell Miller. Jones and Mike Blust as the Second doss postoge paid at East Lansing Mich. Editorial or ss oHices at in effect, suspended it last November after the military representatives to SMAB from 345 Student Services S!dg 48834 Michigan State University. East 345 St. MS DANCE FOR STRENGTH 75 | council shot 60 former govern¬ Panhellenic and the Interfrater- s a benefit for National Multiple Sclerosis Society ment leaders without trial. nity Council. Blust and Jones on Feb. 21 - 22 23 1975 at Meridian Mall - Those killed included the were appointed by ASMSU as military chairman, Gen. Aman ASMSU representatives to Andom. SMAB, not as greek The Ethiopian sources said the United States faced a tatives. Both members. The are error was represen¬ fraternity due to WIN PRIZES difficult choice: supply the a mistake by the copy desk. WEEK - END IN TORONTO, JOHN DEERE] 10 SPEED BIKES, K2 SKIS, TV's CAMERAS, DOWNF1LLED VESTS_AIiBL A COLOR TV FOR YOUR ORGANIZATIOlJ Ford will confer in Europe IlltMIHM 1 I M I IS ItHN President Ford is planning a swing through some of ENTER NOW 337-1721 Europe's key capitals this summer — either before or after the projected summit conference on European security takes place in Helsinki, Finland, allied diplomats said Monday. r*>eil« The informants stressed no dates or other arrangements have yet been made for the presidential journey. This is be¬ cause are not 35-nation talks on a new security system for complete. Once the Helsinki meeting is fixed the U.S. leader will be able to respond to invitations from various Europe TUKDaVT European leaders. IDEEC HALF PEICIE Ford has already accepted invitations from the leaders of All NITE West Germany, Great Britain and Yugoslavia. New AH I AKIS4 28 paintings stolen in Italy TUESDAY Art thieves broke into Milan's municipal museum before chun ivy uivision i GROWTH! dawn Monday and carried off 28 impressionist paintings estimated to be worth $1.5 million to $3 million. It was the TEQUILA second major art theft in Italy in two weeks. The stolen paintings included works by Von Gogh, NITE! Graduating Senior* and M.B.A. s. Cezanne, Gaughin, Renoir, Corot and other French, Dutch Accounting • Agriculture • Business • and Italian artists. Engineering • Llberel Arts The thefts brought new calls for the All Tsquila Drinks Cargill — at the leading edge. Active in agricul¬ government to pro¬ tural, industrial, and consumer commons vide money to protect Italy's art patrimony. More than 10,000 and products, and in a variety of other:rela works were stolen in 1974, double the 1972 number. Most were taken from churches, museums and 1/2 PRICE businesses. You could be there! We need people for a wide range ot positions, careers P art galleries un¬ that lead to management. Our pwW ® protected by guards or alarm systems. 6pm-lam Villi VI I I HI < IM || S! stimulate leadership potential. To encotii g personal creativity. To recognize and individual achievement. And to promote within. Coffee prices to increase Happy Hours A Cargill representative will be , 2 p.m. • 5p.m. Mon. • Frl. Live Folk Entertainment on Feb. 25-26 Check with ' man, claims resi- more than their share of large one remained. refused at first because the University did gaining. An accurate count of the cards already collected is not avail¬ is needed at MSU. Other speakers in some cases, had led to effective treatment "It took me a while to figure out why they of not want to assist union activities, but was will address themselves to the activi¬ some important health problems. Tjf* He' s Pminguishers shot had beer thrown at him took the small and left the large," he said. finally granted after continued pressure able. ties the union has already engaged in. at him. 'Then I realized that the large had from ASMSU. The union has set a meeting to be The SWU also hopes to break into Mahoney said fetal research, for example, •ttampus aren't too good, either," anchovies on it and that they must not have held at 7:30 tonight in B106 Wells had enabled doctors to detect virtually all T ~he residential areas of East Any organizations outside the University small groups after the meeting and aberrations of the chromosomes of the liked them." (like insurance or sales companies) who Hall to inform students how far the talk with the workers about the P*'much better. And Prank calls are also a problem. People human fetus while still in the womb. occasionally solicit students by phone or by mail union has come, what its plans are in problems in their individual parts of Mr°[> "ho have moved off campus often find out about a wild party and order a "certainly did not get any lists from us," the near future and to answer the campus. Chromosome abnormalities generally pre¬ | early training and give you a pizza to be sent there, apparently to said Phyllis Wilkie, assistant to the sage serious, sometimes fatal, development¬ al defects. embarrass the delivery person. ry persons say F®e they took their Once, Zimmerman said, another Bell's they couldn't find anything deliveryman took a pizza to an orgy of about f the money. 15 to 20 people who had not ordered the ■j?' a ® per cent commission or pizza. Blum!' wtlifhever is greater. Its "They were mad, but they told him to |™s must drive their own come in anyway. They took the pizza out of y 10 r own Ras- *1°l b°xes sympathy." he said. "I'm just glad that it tap the pizzas warm. wasn't my delivery." fidemic group to vote changing of bylaws j.la*'s for afademic governance 279 to 126. This was a drop from 179 faculty pwpyotes"t0 e to realityif the and administrators to 91 and a decrease in approve them student membership from 100 to 35. Another change that would be brought l8ai. meet at 3 P-m- in 109 about by the adoption of the bylaws would be to establish a 10 per cent quorum for iNn?'!!8^8 Wfrc pas9ed at the senate meetings. If a 10 per cent quorum •lobe I, Academic Council was not achieved (about 200 members) then iwd of rd I Trusteesby the senat®and before any business before it would automatically they go pass. In the past, senate attendance has rarely been over 100. prewritten to stream All persons appointed under the rules of Iii£anrp-The*cut the Academic tenure and holding the rank of professor, associate professor, asst. professor, in¬ -ucuui gaincu structor, or librarian are members of the J7 Prw«M While faculty Senate. f 17' Only members may attend the meeting. l^8?n,doinRcommiltM8WM If the senate votes down the proposed rw2; ■ ^"imitteegThe numbw of bylaws then they will be returned to the Students find themselves SN photo/ Daniel Shutt dropped from Council for further study. spattered, splattered and splashed as they attempt the soggy trek across Grand River Avenue on Monday. Susan Ager Editor-in-chief TOM WICKER Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager R.0. Campbell Manoging Editor Israeli support not eroded MikeArnett . . City Editor Dion* Silver Campus Editor Chris Danielson Opinion Page Editor Melissa Poyton National Editor Steve Stein Sports Editor Tuesday, February 18,1975 Dal* Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials or* the ooinions of the State Tom Oren Linda Sonde! - Copy Chief Night Editor Sen. Charles Percy of Illinois recently home from the Middle East to say that skilled Israelis. Henrv vs. I Staff Representative came prestige - no, PatNardi Israel should no longer count on automatic FA.I4AL-Y*UAJkM\ 1$ BULLISH OH AMBRlCA once committed to the East, served affair, nf fil American support for any policy she might choose. This week, Rep. John Rhodes of to dangers and complexity 0f focU5 atle£*| Arizona said that "as a matter of justice," th, J Hifcs, enl ghtening what EDITORIALS Americans should be better acquainted £ with the position of the Arab nations in their controversy with Israel. Does this reflect the "erosion" in Ameri¬ Is that really "erosion" Ford °ffers can support for Israel that many Jewish and other pro - Israeli leaders fear? Un¬ support, let alone some anti-Semitism? kind The Gelb 0, ,u! S£ „ doubtedly these statements do represent a kind of "erosion" in "automatic" support for example, disclosed no threat the provision of iaS Sprinkling peanut shells here a glove compartment of highway ample miliUrv Israel: and it is hard to believe, moreover, if not every dollar that might b, d« and there, President Ford has funds. It did show that Percy, a moderate and thoughtful widespread belief Even the 8.2 per cent th been traversing the nation trying national Republican, and Rhodes, who succeeded return to the Arabs of most of tk,E to create an image that his unemployment figure is a decep¬ President Ford as House minority leader, captured in the Six Day W*r would Administration is doing something tive one. In Michigan, where would have spoken out if they had any be part of any political settlement most serious about unemployment — which it unemployment is at 13.7 per cent, reason to believe that what they said would distress or hamper Secretary of State never Middle East really questioned that- thei J isn't. the real number of people hurting the timing and Arab Ford unleashed his latest attack from the recession's brutality is Kissinger in the current Middle East talks. of captured territorv are response' to thel But the word "erosion" implies something the real is J last week, announcing he will free wholly understated by bureaucra¬ crumbling from underneath, perhaps at an there now is a greater America1 $2 billion in impounded federal tic statistic doctoring. accelerating pace. An extensive survey of standing on this point, the r sentiment in Congress by Leslie Gelb of the attitude here might highway funds to create jobs for People who stop looking for New York Times suggests rather a process to more nearly \ftm an acceptable settlement thu to J the unemployed. The funds, if jobs, people whose incomes are of development in the congressional view of an ultimately untenable isoUtion \ they achieved their theoretical totally inadequate and people with the Middle East. Congress, Gelb concluded, give the Israeli leaders who make! efficiency, would create 125,000 only part - time jobs are not was "not less pro - Israel" but more widely- settlement the necessary i jobs to help alleviate the nation¬ included in the figure. More concerned about war in the Middle East and support for doing so. of the Arab position. He found, wide 8.2 per cent — or 7.5 million startling, almost half of the unem¬ more aware individuals — unemployment rate. ployed are not covered by any kind moreover, as have most public opinion that Israel is not being blamed by Ameri¬ polls, Similarly, the Palestinian always one that sooner or later was J quesJ Under this plan, the highway of benefits. have to be faced by the cans for the oil crisis. [If anything, the Israel Israelis?! fund program would affect only Of those who do receive bene¬ Arabs are probably being unfairly criticized the strong emotional identification with the nearly universal American admiration was to go on indefinitely as anl Israel that has been, and still is, evident in and threatened outpost, three out of every 200 unemployed fits, the average is a mere $65 per for using their economic resources as most for the Israeli triumph in the Six Day War possibly tl Western nations have always done.] this country. That identification — at least of 1967. Coming when it did, the Israeli point of a New World War. It da people. Ford's big gun looks more week, about a third of the average It is not at all clear, therefore, that some in one amateur analysis — was not based on victory was just the kind of lightning prejudge the ultimate resolution] like a schoolboy's pea shooter. weekly take - home pay. kind of "erosion" that threatens the the machinations of a "Zionist" lobby, stroke everybody wanted, but few believed question to say that if it is spetl Even at that, program officials The most extreme offer of aid to existence of Israel is at work in Congress, either, or entirely on the strategically American anxiety to avoid war possible, in Indochina. say that as much as half of that sum the unemployed comes from a or among the people Congress represents. important "Jewish vote," but mostly on But that was seven years, three presi¬ Middle East and in general, and by would go to transfer civil servants American sense of the group of senators who are pushing To deal with one bit of mindless rhetoric, if American sympathy for the homeless and dents and three secretaries of state ago. complexity Arab Israeli conflict, the cause of from local and state payrolls to the legislation for $8 billion to create American support for Israel ever had been persecuted Jews of Europe after World Detente has blurred the old cold war "automatic," no matter what Israel chose to War II; on the natural affinity between framework within which most Americans survival could be well served. Thi federal payroll. new jobs. Even this extreme is not will be in the pudding, but meant do, surely that would have been dangerous Americans and another hard working, used to see the world. Both the Yom Worse, only states immediately nearly enough. for both nations; and a more judicious technologically skilled, militarily tough, beggars reason to argue that ai Kippur War of 1973 and the developing ready to begin construction that The country has viewed far too relationship between them would be wel¬ democratically governed people, who were Arab of oil economic weapon short of unquestioning support fo use as an have much of Ford's and Congress' Israeli defiance is an indefensible "e qualifies under the highway fund come. in the position of underdogs; on the position helped dispel the notion of the Arabs as a of the true faith. More likely, however, there never was of Israel on "our side" and the Arabs on the hopelessly primitive band of fanatics who program will receive funds. Exper¬ dabbling in finger paints to paint a any period of "automatic" support, despite "Communist side" in the cold war; and on could not really threaten the tough and ience has shown that state bureau¬ pretty veneer around their incom¬ IC) 1975 New York Times cracies often have a hard time petence and inaction. The move applying federal money to imme¬ now must be to tell the truth about diate unemployment relief. AAUP bylawsl unemployment and get massive The road to recovery from aid to those millions suffering from Letter Policy The Executive Council of the Assn. of University Professors |< An| unemployment will not be found in its venom. The Opinion Page welcomes dent, faculty or staff standing urges faculty members to atteJ - all letters. Readers should if any — and phone number. Academic Senate meeting at 3 p.m. tT As 109 Anthony Hall. Consideration I follow a few rules to insure that easy as Ignorance as many appear in print. letters as possible Letters should be 25 lines or less and may be edited for revised Bylaws for Academic Govel will be the main item on the The MSU Chapter of the AAUP AgendJ J Some Americans have been porations, controlling the everday All letters should be typed on conciseness to fit more letters on tributed to each chairperson a sumnl issuing grave warnings about affairs of the nation. the page. the major changes in the revised li As a staunch defender of the justness and 65 - space lines and triple - Arab imperialism in the United These same prophets of doom the necessity for modern, regulated hunting spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters will be We hope that the chairpersons havl States. They are afraid the Arabs and trapping, it has always amused me that able to make these summaries a\ also decry the deterioration of and include local address, stu- are buying America. people such as Peter Viviano (State News, accepted. the members of their units. American interests abroad. Amer¬ Feb. 13) claim that trapping is so horrible By studying these summaries «| Their fears stem from recent ican corporations no longer own ind then back their positions with "facta" lines before you arrived at that "fact." discussing the bylaws today, the I reports that Arab investors have rights to all the Middle East oil that only serve to expose the blatant Reviews help should be able to arrive at a decisio bought interests in several Ameri¬ fields. Governments of developing ignorance of those who would use them. I claim that anyone who is merits of the revised bylaws. can corporations and are negotiat¬ nations around the world are The majority of fur coats on campus are anti-hunting/ trapping would have no reason for such moviegoer Roy T. Matthews, pi ing with several others. U.S. rejecting American economic dom¬ uade of rabbit fur, 100 per cent of which opinions if they would bother to expose consumers are reminded of the ination and demanding control were raised and killed on rabbit farms much themselves to the facts. You who are Thank you for including weekly movie reviews by Edd Rudzats in the State News. Arab threat enormous financial power of the over industrial exploitation of like chicken farms. You do eat chicken, anti-hunting/trapping, what kind of back¬ Whenever I want to see an excellent movie The purchase of American banks Arab world every day when they their resources. don't you? You say that most baby seals are ground do you have in population biology, Arab nations is not just another par I simply wait for Rudzats to dish out a skinned alive. I say that's pure bullshit, but wildlife biology and management, wildlife "Jewish problem." Anyone who I visit their local gas stations and If this concern about American habitat analysis and wildlife pathology? terrible review and then rush for the ticket ! guess you've seen the skinning, haven't this is a victim of Arab prop booth. On the other hand, I can save my $2 attempt in other ways to satisfy foreign interests seems slightly you? Sure the seals are clubbed to death. I Your claims are based on pure emotionalism American banks owned by foreign a their and ignorance. I am backed up by years of if Rudzats praises a movie highly. Anyone enormous gluttony for en¬ hypocritical, it also presents an guess you just forgot that the Canadian who advocates seeing "Freebie and the are American problems. The econon| scientific study and fact. And if you want ergy. Americans, who have a obvious solution to the supposed government conducted an extensive study Bean," but lists "Young Frankenstein" as of our country can benefit in no wi traditional fear of foreign influ¬ problem of Arab that found clubbing the most efficient of emotionalism, there is plenty of that to the banking system being control! imperialism. several methods to kill the seals. It takes support me. "tedious and sophomoric" ought to have his possibly manipulated by a foreign | ence, conjure up images of sheiks Wait until the Arabs own 80 Rudzats examined. per beavers 20 minutes to drown, huh? I can tell Paul N. Vicini Especially a foreign power that in' and shahs sitting on the boards of cent of America, and then national¬ Scott Grenfell that you've personally inspected many trap 649 E. Holden Hall year has showed its love and respe directors of America's major cor¬ ize it. 420 V, Abbott Road country by oil embargos, price hill using its blackmailing power to br| economic stability. RUSSELL BAKER It is time for people to put a "Jewish question," and realize tl A recent editorial stated that ASMSU American nation will not be helped had allocated $1,500 for the march on Arab countries' owning and runn banks. I urge you to think about thi Moe Lansing for jobs and the National Student A power fou Conference against Racism in Boston. The $1,500 was a proposed total allocation; the final appropriation waa $375. then act! Betsy! 437 Abb< man telephoned and said come over and meet Morris Udall who is in New York George Washington." VIEWPOINT: /METAttURGY "Humor!" I cried. "Terrific! Abraham running for president. I was tired of meeting people who were running for president. I had already met five Lincoln had a great sense of humor. You'll need a big mole, of course, on one cheek, but Prof urges second loj that day and had had to tell all of them they're doing miracles in plastic surgery they these days. Were do you stand on slavery, Speaking as the senior member (in rank is also requested. wouldn't do. It isn't easy telling a man Udall?" only) of the metallurgy faculty, and for my 5. To put the existing laboratory « running for president that he won't do. Sen. back in top working condition lo',ef*cm Jackson refused to believe it. "Just call me Moe," he said. loyal colleagues, our position with respect to the metallurgy programs in this research purposes, the support ofthe | Meet it waa perfect. The country had University remains the it also requested. A precision heat * "Scoop," I said, "youll never make it. You same as was furnace and controls for existing 1 don t have the teeth for always loved Abe. It didn't take much presented to Dr. L. W. Von Tersch, dean of should be purchased. A scanning J a winning political savvy to sense that it would the College of Engineering, on Oct. 18,1974. campaign." He couldn't accept the bad news microscope should be added as I'm stampede to a Moe to match its Abe. A copy of the document entitled "A and is still running, poor guy. long-range acquisition. Efforts will bem "Honest Moe Udall." It would look stunning Proposal to the Dean of Engineer^ g by the seek external funding of such equip'| "Look," I told my caller, "I've had a hard in print. It didn't matter where he stood on Metallurgy Group" is below. 6. A minimum period of five years ism day and can't bear to cap it off by telling slavery. /. The merging of the former Dept. of to rebuild the Metallurgy Dept. in "sPf Udall face-to-face he can't make it because Mechanics into the Dept. of Metallurgy and the research activities and its rePu'f' 1 the country isn't ready for a president "Moe," I told him, "You could take it all." abolishing of the then existing Foundry Labor¬ and high academic standard will be \ named Udall." "On the subject of slavery," Udall began, atory at MSU has been an accident and a ed. We ask a relaxation of the 5-lu-m "I believe-" mistake. It will be in the best interest of a offering the courses at various levem "You're successful metallurgy program to create a period. The existence of the depa / " ies. The contract now being is, students and gen- •The right of all workers to The meeting with Krasny Picketing by up toA.OOttgrad negotiated will be the first B Ktraged citizenry will strike. forced cancellation of scheduled uate assistants and sympathi¬ between U-M and graduate ip on Lansing Wednes- ln'Jobs or Income Now" •No cuts in state aid to bargaining between the two adversaries. A bargaining ses¬ zers has officially suspended assistants. 6th ANNUAL MSU INTERCOLLEGIATE colleges and universities. regular meetings of Residential While the University will not kud rally culminating in The march and rally have sion was set for this morning. College classes. Mary Paden, make any comment on the pro¬ ijf it the Capitol at 1 s{ a long list of de- been backed by the United Auto Workers, teachers and other unions in Detroit and by RODEO | intended to rescue several student groups. i'i economically li group predicted by de¬ Locally, ASMSU and the HUNG DEADLINE: in of at least 500 will Internum Organizing Commit¬ I«the north side of tee of the MSU Student Work ptomeet and hear union tat speakers. ers Union have also endorsed the march. SPRING 1975 ASMSD ELECTION It thin 10 bus loads of Rides to the rally are avail¬ We due from Detroit. able by calling local organizers P gather at Central St. at 484 - 5055. Deadline for filing slates of candidates for tho id River Avenue in Spring 1975 hit 10:30 a.m. ASMSU Election is Friday, ■tbere the congregation February 21st by 5:00 P.M. Requests must include tho signatures of tho students on ra to the Capitol and the slate, their Iwnds that include: names printed, student numbers, college they are running in Fri. — Feb. 21 — 8:00 p.m. 's of work for 40 if or they are running for President, and the name of the slate. Sot. — Feb. 22 — 2 & 8:00 p.m. ipbyment compensa- Sun. — Feb. 23 — 2:00 p.m. at MSU Livestock Pavillion Pta full term of unem- Tickets at MSU Livestock Pavillion All Knapps Credit Depts. or call: 355-8400 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 00 P M *STUDENT SPECIAL — FRIDAY NIGHT* Any College Student with validated I.D. Admitted for ONLY $2.00 (reg. ticket price $2.50) wands of Topics "US ■ K '5 per page up-tc date. Ptitiloj Enclose $1.00 K? i(l6'uer¥,im* is 160-page, SALE Jacobson's Own Necklaces and Bracelets X)ooLeys now through March 8 30% I foSDAY save on a very lovely selection of our VILA variously styled rope INIII! necklaces in 13J6" and 27" lengths, and sleek Drinks bangle bracelets in a pWl.m PRICE variety of widths. To complement all manner and moods of dressing in tones of gold ISHoun or silver |V Mon.-Frl. Ropes, 3.75 to 4.50 |,u nt,r,oinm«nt now I ' Bangles, now 2.50 to 3.50 now pUyiNq Spacecoast Kids Jacobson's I Ml 77 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday. Feb,•ruarylgl "Lenny"—tremendously executed cinemi ByEDDRUDZATS mately, along with narcotics somewhat superficial telling of might see as tragic, a victim of "Lenny" is taped interviews his actors in "Cabaret." Here, Honey's involvement with les H« "ubtly State New» Reviewer addiction, brought his disillu¬ the Bruce phenomenon. social injustice, but it does so with the comic's wife, mother he reinforces the viewer's bianism, their divorce and fin shaded per, J Rifo inconieft;orl fortunately Lenny Bruce, considered dur¬ sionment with life and subse¬ "Lenny" is fictionalized with an objective eye. Though a and agent. This device allows awareness that he can handle ally, the quick rise and shocking ing his lifetime as sick, foul quent death. version of actual a biographical few people may feel sorry for for numerous flashbacks that the complexities of film with fall of Brace as a social comic. Braces descent iu J mouthed and morally degener¬ The story of Bruce bursts incidents, which accounts for Bruce at the fUm's conclusion, enlarge upon information re¬ nary a wrong move. The characterizations are into,J ate. became a cult figure in the upon the screen via Bob Fosse's the wealth of detail, the highly Fosse has avoided subjecting layed in straight confessional Fosse has a visual style that ia "ny" superb, with Valerie Perrine faces un(lUfstionabll late 1950s and early 1960s. expressive cinematic style. dramatic scenes and the unu¬ his audience to a weepy climax. style. fast, alluring and dynamically outshining Dustin Hoffman in as one come out of the be,ul His approach, how to talk "Lenny " manages to capture the of the times that made sually detached tone Fosse has Yet the film does not really Julian Barry's screenplay, charged. He catches the seamy her arresting portrayal of this year it (ul dirty and influence people, led aura given his film. reach the essential Bruce — it is side of the burlesque joints and Brace's lesbian wife, Honey. In him into an involved bout with Bruce the figure he was. As a Fosse's film details the life of too detached. based on his original theatrical dive bars with a quickness of fact, since the film is built the legal system and, ulti¬ film, it provides a condensed. an individual that the public The framing device for piece, allows Fosse the chance vision that is amazing. "Lenny" around the fictional device of to shine and provides the actors is a visually evocative film, full interviews with Brace's inti¬ with tension laden, emotionally ances. of nuances and shota that say mates, much of "Lenny" is charged sequences. Yet these moment than pages PROGRAM ADAPTED FOR THE ROAD sequences become the minor more of in one Honey's story as well, giving But to get to the heart! dialog could. flaw in an otherwise tremen¬ . Perrine ample opportunity to display her abundant talents. essential Bruce, it to read Ladies might J dously executed piece of cinema This intelligently constructed and Gentl Planetarium show - the parts emerge better than the whole. film relates the story of the Braces, from Lenny's first en counter with Honey, through Perrine manages to steal the show from Hoffman in a number of scenes, delivering an award - Unnjr Bruce!" for detailed portrait inobj| whose humor lay of » thisl ■ There is a curiously imper¬ words. Florida beckons snowed in their marriage and departure to winning performance. Not that several modern art forms in a around as the lights do." MSU in 1970 and has been one sonal tone to "Lenny" that stops MSU students with visions of California, their subsequent ex¬ Hoffman is not good — he ia — it controlled environment to Benedict said he would take of Abrams' most successful it from being a truly devastating "Lenny" is currently pi sunny beaches, beer and Elvis produce an entertaining several pieces of light show attractions. The A.R.C. concept perimentation with drags, is just that he has been better. *t the Campus Theater. I film. Instead, "Lenny" emerges Presley movies. medium unlike anything else equipment to Florida as well as combines either recorded or as a brilliant cinematic exercise But for Steve Benedict, a today," Benedict said. "Our a recorded sound track featur¬ live music with a multimedia by a director whose sense of MSU STUDENT spring means vacation work in a in Florida dark, very special effects are created using nearly every sort of audio and ing various pieces of music and sound effects. light show projected on hemispherical dome to create a a what film can do is tantamount. GREEKS WORKERS! sunless, planetarium. visual device including the The A.R.C. planetarium total environment of enter¬ MASS MEETING Benedict, a technician at planetarium star machine, show concept tainment. discovered originated at Abrams Planetarium, and one assistant recently departed for custom lenses and projectors, lasers, lumias and phase shift¬ almost everything 7:30P.M. TONITEl Fort Lauderdale, where they ing multichannel sound. MS DANCE except pizza. B106 WELLS HALL will produce an A.R.C. type Now "The Buehler Planetarium is thay can show, similar to the ones first smaller than Abrams. which is MARATHON claim that thoy COME AND HELP UNIONI2S developed at MSlTs Abrams why we're using a recorded Planetarium. program rather than a band. improved that STUDENTWORKERS The program will be "We're going to use four to = 337-1721 too. presented at Buehler Plane¬ six speakers which will provide tarium at Broward Community sound throughout the plane¬ — OR — College on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings throughout March. tarium. The sound will travel BELL'S ASK ANY QUESTIONS YC 'The program combines ntsacwttimtMitpoHKWs 225 M.A.C. AVENUE MIGHT HAVE ABOUT 332-5027 4MIIU OPEN 11 AM EVERY DAY HKt PttlVttY UNION (imisnn THIS WINTER TAKE A MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS DtOR WEMPIOMCTIM-A WUMOUNTREIEASE ' MERIDIAN FOUR 4'ltlTi PAUL 20 MINUTE VACATION Pelivery STtVt NEWMAN m McQUCiN WILLIAM HOUXN MEJAC TV RENTALS' TRANSCENDENTAL 337-1010 Towering — MEDITATION MANAGEMENT STUDENTS inferno »»)•• twice ■ day and It Milly Uor. & MAJORS /-k__ »l. !•«*.■» 5:00 I H U T»l. Hf. 4:H t:K CovrMS added Spring Tertn- ■ FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTLRES Mgt. 305 — "Materials & Purchasing Management'' WF 12:40-2:30 Reck Tuesday February 18 MGT. 414 "Human Relations'' TT 8:00 - 9:50 Ford 1:00 pm 207 Olds Hall — MGT. 821 U. "Productlonkontrol" TT 12:40 - 2:30 Carter 1:00 pm & 7:30 316 Berke* Not*: Mft 101 ClMtifcd Sm «uppi*m*nt to th» kHmJuU of IMUI Alan James pm Arkin Caan STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY (SIMS) We're Wailing. Freebfe and the Bean 353 - 3910 or 351 -7729 for yoai Gary's Campus Beauty Salon with the latest natural looks, blow-dry cuts, and llnicare Hair Products Fiddler. S49 E.Grand River Ave. jCallM^l^ °ntheppoF Starring ANDREA TRUE if.im t>, JONAS MIDDLIT0N "THE LAST OF THE QUALITY* HARDCORE FEATURES. UN¬ DOUBTEDLY OFFERS ALL THAT A SEX BUFF MIGHT FANTASIZE." -Addison Verrill. VARIETY 'HIGH VOLTAGE SENSUAL¬ pa?|oi?mmc, ah is compAin 1974-75 Season lf-1 if uf flk 'JriiwKjt W^ICg 8-IS fM SMcnk* • 2 ITY! ANDREA TRUE'S ATTRACTIVENESS AND GOOD LOOKS-ALWAYS A TURN ON, HAVE BEEN COMBINED WITH ACTING OPENS TONIGHT PROWESS." -Al Goldstein "THIS FILM IS LIKE A GREAT ADVENTURf I TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18- RORSCHACH TEST GONE MAD AND DELIVERS WALT DISNEY'S SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 IN SWIFT STYLE." -SWANK "THE FIRST 'X'ER NOTE: SEASON COUPON BOOK HOLDERS-NO MORE SUNDAY WITH A GENUINE ELEMENT OF PERFORMANCES EXCHANGES AVAILABLE AT BOX-OFFICE SUSPENSE." GENESIS COLOR * ADULTS ONLY FAIRCHILD THEATRE 8:15 pm directed by Peter Landry Tonight Showtimes: 7:00,8:30, 10:00 Showplace: 1 HOLDS "Hjumy RECOMMENDED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES Admission: (2.25 All patrons will be checked *TMTO" COLOR BY DE LUXE by John Whilinj! Rated X FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX OFFICE OPEN for proof ologe. A SEAL FILM MONDAY-FRIDAY 12-5 PHONE 355-0148 I MH.!iigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, February 18,1975 7 Don't Ut this Winter Woofer Stop Ym ... Shop Hw Classified Ads ... CALL 355-8255 "THE EASY WAY 10 SHOP" Db^DSS FRANKLY SPEAKING. . . by Phil frank (jSV [ ten ffi | F« sale |(^ TOYOTA-CROWN Wagon 1971. TYPIST PART time Needs engine work. $600 or best must be able to type 60 to 65 offer. 332 1946. 5-2-21 w p.m. Call for CAMPUS, NEAR One bedroom PERSON TO share houseiown appointment. 482 1504. 2-2-18 and — SPEAKERS 12" 3-way acoustic efficiency. Furnished. Utilities bedroom) M-78 and Hagadorn. suspension 20-20, OOOHZ 25 paid. Deposit required. 339-8481 I PHONE 355-82 55 VEGA GT 1972 Hatchback 4 GROUND FOREMAN. Respon¬ 5-2-18 , $50 plus utilities. Call 351-7730 WRMS inaudible distortion, $140. speed, quad tape deck, new sible to the Director of 6-10 pm. 3-2-19 ' John, 351-4491 5-2-19 I U7 Student Services Bloo. engirwT" tirea, snows. Must sell Physical Plant for the daily PINE LAKE APARTMENTS ^automotive Ground Maintenance operation of the 251 GUNSON. 3-4 bedrooms, 2 ^ENDER °UAD Reverb amp, Program for HASLETT 1 Scooters £ Cycles VEGA HATCHBACK 1973. Good approximately 65 building sites. Short on Cash? Maybe we can blocks/campus, $336/raonth *425- Excellent condition, 4 ft I Service Minimum 2 year degree in 337-9227. 5-2-21 ' twelves. Call 332-0367. 5 2 18 " condition, GT interior. work something out. One bed¬ Call Nursery I Aviation 393-6663, after 5 pm. 5-2-19 and Landscape management or room apartments with sh^g TWO ROOMMATES for hoUse, STAINED GLASS. Opalescents i, employment equivalent experience. Landscape carpeting, drapes and appliances. March. Own rooms. $41/month. and cathedrals. Good color for rent VOLVO 142 1973. Two door, design ability and a thorough $150 per month plus utilities. 10 530 Clifford. 486-7957. 5-2-21 selection. By appointment. Call 35,000 miles! Used in business knowledge of plant materials and minutes from MSU. Located at 332-4192 10-5. 3-2-18 I Apartm«n,s Call 393-0776. 5-2 24 turf maintenance is essential. 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of ROOMMATE NEEDED for 2 bed¬ I Houses Must have proven leadership and Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, room house. CURIOUS USED Garden, 1 acre, I Rooms VW 1966 Beetle, good condition communication skills. Salary 339-8192 or EAST LANSING quiet, close. $7 BOOKSHOP i 'for sale range $11,200 to $12,700. Liberal REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-28 3-2-19 good gas, $300 or best offer' fringe benefits. We are an Equal I Animols % 882-0315. 3-2-18 Opportunity Employer. NEW CEDAR VILLAGE 2 men PAPERBACKS COMIC BOOKS Send I Mobil* Homes - ONE - TWO people to rent room. SCIENCE RCTION _ resume To Robert G. needed for 4 man. spring term. VW 1970 Beetle, perfect condition, Vernon, Campus, 1 block. Linda 351-0384. I.10sti found director of Physical Plant, Lansing 351-6498. 10-2-24 9-5. 5-2-20 SPORTS ITEMS MAGAZINES I PERSONAL must sell 351-1737. 4-2-21 $950 or best offer. School District, 430 North Larch 'IfVUR ^TUATldN CHAA6JE6 ondMUCH MUCH MORE ■ .PEANUTS PERSONAL Street, Lansing, Michigan. 48912 307 I. Grand Riv« 3-2-19 AMP )Ol) 6WOEmy PIMP EAST LANSING - close - in, ASTOR STREET - attractive 3-4 _Oyw 11:30-4 PM l.REAL ESTATE VOLKSWAGEN, 1973, Super unfurnished 3 rooms and bath, bedroom home with basement. i. recreation Beetle, great condition, radio, BE A SIMULATED PATIENT VDUKE A MINORITY FEMALE- married couple or single woman Washer, dryer hook-up, nice yard, FIREPLACE WOOD. Dry split $20 face cord delivered. Call after 5pm carpeting, rust proofed, morel only. $165/month. Phone ideal for two or three grads or Students wanted immediately to ■ •service Must sell. 669 9143. 4-2-19 6ET" BACK fM TOUCH ^IU| U6IV 332-5988 after 6 pm." 5-2-24 married couple. $185 per month. 645-7422. 5-2-18 I instruction serve as simulated patients for Deposit required, pets ok. Call routine physical examinations in 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. I Typing medical school course, Q COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 WANT A nice place to live? Short 332^240. 5-2-20 Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. i.transportation i■ wanted M larly interested in persons who have an unusual medical particu¬ -BERKELEY. CA 94709 on money? Let us help you! Short term leases available, Mason Hills WANTED, 1 nice house. or 2 female to share Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING •CAR POOL YAMAHA 250 Dirt bike, 1973, fully rebuilt, fast, dependable machine. or detectable clinical such as heart murmur, history conditions respiratory Apartments ](W [_ Apartments ^ Apartments - from $145 a month. New one and two bedroom apart¬ to Campus 1 block. See appreciate. 351-6462. 5-2-24 COMPANY. 316 North Cedar. Op- Dosite city Market. C'3-2-20 |RATES_ $550. 351-3438. x3-2 19 condition, visual or speech diffi¬ CUTE ONE bedroom apartment, GRADUATE OR working female ments carpeting, - with aid all appliances drapes. pets , FEMALE FOR own room in farm¬ "urates" culties or others. Some normal furnished. Evenings, no Carpeted, $115. pets, 482-5450. for quiet 2 bedroom unfurnished allowed. Located at 495 North house. $56. 371-3662 days, SONY-DUAL stereo system. AM- I 12 word minimum TURN THAT Pig slug car In. Get a patients are also needed. Call Dr. own room, $96. Okemos, 355-5067 Okemos Road in Mason. 349-3522 after 5. 3-2-20 FM. Speakers. New stylus. $260 5-2-19 10 motorcycle from SHEP'S, Holt Taylor (8 am - 5 pm) for details. (days) or 349-3168. 5-2-20 minutes from MSU. Furnished negotiable. 353-2726. 5-2-18 NO. DAYS c-5-2-21 353-4735. 2-2-18 model open Monday ONE PERSON to sublet now thru through loons SEWING MACHINE Clearance "CAREER SALES September. Two bedroom apart¬ ONE THREE bedroom $225 One Friday' 12"6' 3,1(1 Satu"*ay 11-3. Sale! Brand new portables $49.95. 10 M 3 5 Art) Service / for qualified Opportunity ment. Phone 882-0405 after 6 p.m. two bedroom, $200. Both include Ca" Model at 676 4874 0thef time SPACIOUS ROOM, available $5 per month. Large selection of college graduate by 8-221 stove and refrigerator and utilities ? A^^r18' 8,67^4^J ** immediately, p U$o /.so IS.60 June. Immediate salary near bus, mile from -econditioned used machines. negoti¬ mp. (!.25|4.00 ; j 19.50 AMERICAN, GERMAN, and able and adjusted over 40 month 1723 EAST .teDEVELOPMENT ^t^EJ2-4t28 campus, nice house. 485-6547. Singers, Whites, Necchis's, New 1 1 70 ?3.4C FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also training program. Earn while you Michigan Avenue, 14-3-7 Home and"many others." $19.95 pO 770 1 J.00 26.00 BODY 20% DISCOUNT to learn Marketing in area of finance Lansing. Unfurnished. oedroom, four rooms. No children One 4 BLOCKS FROM Union, ntee to $39.95. Terms. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 EDWARDS students and faculty on all cash n' and estate lb.r'j counseling. No limit on or pets. Utilities furnished. $135. ROOMMATE WANTED. Own 731 BURCHAM"3 man, furnished, neighborhood private entrance, North Washington. 489-6448 175 J 10.00 32.50) carry VW service parts. IMPORT future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo at 484-8410. "Interviews by 184 1488 or 332-6617. 5-2-24 room. Furnished, carpeted, very Ju"e_ $76 67each- Cal1 balcony, parking, $19.50/week. C-3-2-20 DEADLINE nice. Deposit required. Call 393- •R>1"/Z1Z- 4 2 21 484-2404 or 373-0410. Ask for Roy and Cedar. 485 2047, 485-9229. appointment only." 20-3-5 6065. 6-2-21 r Oson. 5-2-24 SPRING SUBLET. Furnished 2/1 ONE MAN for 4-man, just off USED TEAC 350 Dolby cassett ■^ads 1 p.m. one class Mastercharge and Bank nan, parking. 2 block deck. Used Phase Lanier 4000 Ifc before publication. Americard. C-2 28 CREW CHIEF for lavins and campus. campus, $55 a month. 332-4959. VERY CLOSE, cledn, jardemng work. Full time all Trowbridge Apartments. 351-6760 TIRED OF NOISE? 3-2-20 parking, Dre-amp. Sony 8-track tape re- 4-2-21 cooking, nicely furnished, excel¬ ;order. Garrard SL95 changer. Mon corrections terms in 1975. Some experience CLEAN ONE bedroom. lent environment. A great deali Sansui AU505 Stereo amp. Sony n date If not r. GERMAN AUTOMOTIVE show you howl 482-6893 20-3-4 337-2462. 5-2-24 1-3 FEMALES Americana Apart¬ ments. Two blocks MSU. Feb./ FIVE MINUTES from MSU. Fur¬ headquarters for everything in music. Brookfield Plaza 1381 E. Grand River GO GO girls wanted. Experience SUBLEASE. NEED 1 for 4 June free. 332-1136. 5-2-20 Guitars, sheet music, fby the due date, a SOt VW man - PORSCHE - AUDI, nished or unfurnished single bed¬ records, stereos, TV's, and com¬ Wvice charge will be not necessary but helpful, will train. man, furnished, own bedroom, 2 332-6892 service Call 882-0236. 14-2-20 SPRING TERM, sublet, male, own room, carpeted, covered parking plete accessories. MARSHALL blocks campus. $95/month. Call and laundry. $145/month. Short MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1-2-18 332 • 5025 332-4768. 10-3-3 bedroom; close to campus. 351 term lease available. KNEISSL RED Stars, used 1 year TOPLESS USHERETTES wanted 0706 or 351-9036. 5-2-20 Sorry, no Factory reconditioned, dogs. 487-1551. 5-2-18 FENDER PRECISION bass. Model like new 20% discount on V.W. apply in person. CINEMA X WANT TO be alone? Pretty, $75. Must sell. 353-1329 Fr) 1972. Custom black. Uke new. 3-?-l8 THEATRE AND BOOKSTORE. 2 1/2 MILES WEST of campus. m.p.s. cash 'n' carry parts comfortable, clean apartment for PhEALY'S •■W sprite with Classic. 1959 '/t mile west of campus 882-0236 14-2-20 "one. 4 miles from campus. $110 includes utilities. 332-3398. 5-2-24 Attractive furnished two bedroom upstairs duplex. $220 including r^ngi. $200. Ken. 351-1277 4-8 4-2-21 pm. KODAK INSTAMATIC Bectric eye MllNr. Michelin tires, 1969 com- ^235SJi^ REGISTERED NURSES full and utilities. 489-4336. 5-2-20 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Cash for glass lens, case. $17. Call 332-6247 after 4 pm. 1-2-18 part time positions available on the CEDAR VILLAGE: One male Own room, furnished. $80, no PpMomized No rust. Many U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. afternoon and midnight shifts. needed spring term. $75 per LOWER APARTMENT, five utilities. 482-4813, 417 Adams. STAMPS A COINS P«cWing original engine. A Do-it-yourself, free supervision. Minimum starring salaries $4.82 month.* 351-9255. 3-2-20 rooms, unfurnished, northeast, 5-2-18 Buy - Sell - Trade DRESS MEATS. Beef and pork, "I* 355-7819. 3 2 18 Specials: Tune-ups, $20.98 Front full line of supplies young and tender USD A per hour plus differential. Imme¬ utilities furnished, 489-5388.3-2-18 disc brakes $24.45, parts included. MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN inspected. Processed and de¬ diate openings. Please contact NEW FURNISHED Apartments. NEEDED: LIBERAL minded Phone 882-8742 17-2-28 livered. 69db. Roy Donald '966, automatic, Lansing General Hospital. 2800 One block from campus, 234 UPPER APARTMENT, five rooms, woman to share house. isaoHotMtRd. Own 332 - 4300 394-1092. 5-2-24 «g reliable. New tires Devonshire, Lansing, 48909 Center Street. Contemporary furnished, northeast, utilities in¬ MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East cluded. 489-5388. 3 2-18 room. $87.50,everything included, 372 8220, extension 267. living at its best! Efficiency, 2 tlniSn,em Snow tires. f Bl-1890 3-2-20 Kalamazoo Street since 1940 Complete auto painting and colli¬ Opportunity Employer. 7-2-19 Equal bedroom persons. units, one $150-$210. and 6-7 pm, two GIRL. SPRlNG/summer. Own immediately. Cindy. TWO GIBSON guitars; antique acoustic electric, and standard 8-TRACK RECORDER player receiver by Panasonic. Includes sion service. American and For classical. $110 each. 351-3438. two speakers. Entire unit $175. 396 1970 351-6088. 5-2-24 room, air, pool, modern furnished. THREE BEDROOM, all electric. 3-2-18 ManV etgn cars. 485 0256. C-2-28 PERSONS TO role play client role 351-3235. 3-2-20 $95 plus electricity. Close/campus. Carpeted. Appliances furnished. n study on counselor training. No IS2 24 Callaf1er6Pm' acting experience necessary. FREE RENT! Utilities paid, want 332-3110. 5-2-20 Garage. Available February 20. OVER 25 YEARS experience. SONY PORTABLE Cassette, $100 [ Employment $4.50/hour. Approximately 6 lourswork. February25,8-11 am, girl for few hours domestic work, mornings. 332-5977. 5-2-24 ONE ROOMMATE, own room, 882-8646. 5-2-19 OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. value, only $60. Excellent con new apartment, partially furnished, NEWLY REDECORATED 2 bed¬ 372-7409. dition. All accessories. 355-4786 DIRECTOR OF NURSING 4-7 pm. Call Pat, 349-4115 and C-5-2-21 B-1-2-18 SECOND PERSON for $80 plus utilities. 351-6662. 5-2-20 room house. Unfurnished. $200/ MODERN, 62 bed private psychia¬ 353-3798. 2-2-19 large furnished apartment, own room, month includes utilities. Call tric hospital is seeking a registered nurse who has a degree in PART TIME employment for MSU spring. $70/everything! 882-6591 CAPITOL VILLA apartments, 1-2 482-5544. 10-2-26 CROSSWORD students. 12-20 hours per week. 3-2-21 girls, spring'term, pool, other psychiatric nursing for the position of director of nursing. Two years Automobile required. 351-5800. facilities, 351-1891. 3-2-18 WOMAN: SUBLET 0 PUZZLE experience including staff nursing, C-3-220 NEEDED: 1 male roommate for furnished carpeted, clean. $75/ 25. Sage, thyme, STRAWBERRY FIELDS, OWN etc. J pARK Lane, teaching, supervision, administra 26.Mocked 1967,' tion, organizational ability or the bedroom/bath. One male for MODELS FOR Photography. has registration' spring term. 394-2760 between 1. Moroccan 28. Took for equivalent knowledge of hospital Executive Arts Studios. 489-1215 ABBOTT ROAD, 2 bedroom, silver coin Km nevv "res. new 6-8 pm. 5-2-21 large granted i policies and procedures required. between 10 am - 6 pm. 0-2-28 RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS m$A$200 ■*'<63 10-2.20 or ^ All inquiries will be kept confiden¬ Students TWYCKINGHAM APARTMENT. enough for 4, stove/refrigerator. $175 plus utilities. 351-5266. 5. Book of the 30. Jewelry setting tial and should be addressed to E^G 1969 Six cylinder, Mr.Michael H. Payne, Administra tor. Forest View Psychiatric Hos¬ ; F01 Rem ][$] Two bedroom furnished. Immediate occupancy through One female to sublet a four girl. $70. 351-1565. 5-1-19 5-2-21 TWO, SHARE house, 131 Beal, 8.Insane 11. Unripe 31. High hill: ■"^"ows 41,000excellent. $900. 353 miles, pital, 4520 Cascade Road South¬ TV AND STEREO rentals. June or September. lease until September, $75 plus 13 Greek letter 32. Science MALE ROOMMATE for three man 14. Tumor: suffix workshop ™°p.m. 3-2 18 east. Grand Rapids, Michigan. $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 332-0111 utilities, 332-8871. 3-2-18 same day delivery and service. apartment, own room, pool, sauna 15. Danish measure 33. Egypt. 49506. An Equal Opportunity Em¬ Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 $66. 882-3828. 5-2-19 16. Filthy place dancing girl ploye*. 5-2-18 ROOMMATE NEEDED, own room ROOMMATE MALE to share ■%35i°Zl,a"st)or,ation, furnished. $65 including utilities. house in South Lansing, own 17. Toward 34. Susceptible 3218 evenin0* «r>d CAMP WATERFRONT Director. RELIABLE INSTRUCTOR, grad Free bus/campus. 394 0785. FEMALE NEEDED to share apart room, no deposit, no lease, $80 per 18. Taps to remedy 5-2-21 ment, own bedroom, over 20, 20. Eire legislature 36. Sun god Girl Scout Camp. Female, 21 years student, married couple rent my month plus utilities. 882-7628. pool, 487-5122 6-10 pm. 4-2-18 22. Threefold: 38. Soft food NuRYlllronvertiwe, old with current WSI. Camp north woods cabin week/month/ year. References preferred. SPRING TERM, 3-man apartment. 5^20 comb, form 40 Siouan Indian Effion. best offer, session from June 26-July 28. Call Chris, 484-9421. 5-2-24 484-0152. 3-2-19 Waters Edge, $82.50/person. 23. Therefore 41.1/1000 inch EL]®5' flood condition, REGISTERED NURSES j Apartment; )§jp] 332 8484. 5-2-21 SPRING ONE man Inn America New Low Price II T" T~ ii 5 0 T- % r~ T~ io- 3- ^ runs fine. - $300. Part time RN's needed on the 11 |^*M786. B 1 2-18 pm- 7:30am shift. Good salary and HOLT 1 bedroom, / carpeted studio. $137.50 includes kitchen and utilities. Bloomer, 337-0232 or BOMAR MX-140 H 15 V/< * & ■ jblll"2' 9ilver 1973, working conditions. Personnel Department, Apply Ingham ipartment, $140 plus electric. 184-4188. Deposit and reference. 353 9596. 3-2-19 Advanced Scientific ii % >9 (9 ft**. AM/FM, m V 882-6127. air. Medical Center. Greenlawn.lanang, 48910. Phone 401 West >-2-19 ATWOOD EVERETT area. Calculator io % il % 11 % V//< zF 371-2121, extension 249. 5-2 24 TWO BEDROOM furnished mo¬ Beautiful deluxe 2 bedroom un¬ furnished apartment, lots of '4 5s ii % 5r wheel WANTED PERSON to sell Oil of bile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 minutes to campus. Quint nnH closets, full carpet, air, kitchen appliances, good location, married Provides full 15 % 29 36" Trig and full Log functions, 10 -99 to 10 l>e5-2c;, Mnk cosmetics. Must be veiling to 08,1 meet now people, flexible hours, peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 484 5315. 0-2-28 couples, $170/month plus lights Call 393 7934 or 393 1080 5-2-21 +99 with 10 digit mantissa. 2 level parenthesis, full 3l 52 v/(, training provided. percent Start at 30 commission wrfth rapid SPRING TERM, 2 men needed. ONE BEDROOM. Campus one memory with register exchanges. Includes case and 115/230 volt recharger. AC adaptor. %35 3T % advancement in Income and reason si bility. 372-0609 after five. CamDus Hill, 349 3918 after 5 p.m. 10-2-25 $68,75/month, block. Furnished. Sharp. Rent reduced from $185 to $150. %% 39 4o % 5-2 24 332 1946. 6-2-21 VA % J ii 4 GIRLS, 4 hours, 4 evenings per week. CaH 676-5323 or 2-219 723-4664. FEMALE SUBLEASE immediate ly. Furnished. $87.50. Near pus. Bus service. 351 -0464 cam¬ eve GIRL NEEDED, Old Cedar Village. Spring term, 176/month. 351-6465. 3-2 19 Call MUSIC 245 Ann, E. 402 S. Wash., Lansing Lansing 1 M6 *1 nings. 6-2-18 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Februilary 18, lgl For Sale "]® list * ALL NAME brand stereos. 20%- 30% off! Full warranties. I can LOST: MEN'S grey Charles lense glasses. Ann Street ^ Prescription Photo- Reward. 337-9578. Funds solicited to study farm have worrier beat your best deal! 332-5039, area. By DAVE Gl'ZNICZAK The interview will be conducted with farm women of differing women developed a culture that is uniquely their 0Wr 332-5030, Mark. 5-2-18 3-2-20 ages who have each lived in a particular time period since the early State News Staff Writer Kongas said the way farm women have related to on*. GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. BEST [ Ptrsoial ][/] A former MSU asst. professor of anthropology is requesting money from Ingham County to help fund a $28,554 study examining 19The reject has been endorsed by tne project the MSU Womens Studies. Eileen R. Van Tassell, coordinator of the MSU Committee on mau wwnmiww through group KrouF activities in™uKn group liij—1— —J such SWu as quilting bees, u quuiing homemakl21 Dees, homemakin» child caring and other gatherings may surest thin! "wng ciulfl1 J year 'round prices in Southern FREE. A lesson in complexion the changing role of southern Michigan farm women since the said the project would determine if farm have developed a culture all their own. . . Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP, ;«re. Call 484-4519 East Michigan 1900s. studies program, women 2412 South Cedar. 371-2244. ar 485-7197 Lansing MaH. MERLE Dr. Lemhi Kongas said the one year study would consist of a 0-11-28 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. series of 50 interviews with farm women throughout Allegan. Rebels' offensive forces airlift to Cambodian C-3-2-20 Barry, Eaton, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland and Macomb counties. WOMEN'S HUMANIC ski boots. Fit shoe size 10. $30. 351-6267. 3-2-19 Hardly worn. DAILY FILM Service. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, 1105 East Grand Eight interviews would be conducted in Ingham County. Kongas said the study will determine the extent to which life has troops River. Telephone 332-5171. changed for farm women in America since the turn of the century and the ways the women have coped with these changes. CLASSICAL GUITAR Yairi condition, 1V4 years, hard shell - good 0-1-2-18 Kongas said different organizations have already committed (continued from p. 1) middle-class families do not want to send their serve Cambodian society, Gen. Fernandez sons to battk. J $160. 337-1174, 3-2-19 "I think most about my smallest child. I had six children. They maintains P1 case. [MNMIJIIJ themselves to contributing $13,280 in services and equipment for were all taken by the Khmer Rouge. My baby was only a year old." An unemployed office worker, Moni Vann 21 said "u I funding part of the endeavor. The equipment includes machinery Communists win I will follow them like I follow the BRASS BED, full size, head and for taping, transcribing and editing each of the 50 interviews so Most of the capital's citizens are unaware of any ammunition governmJ! J foot, $250. 372-8158 between 2-8 TASHA, YOU'RE just too friendly, Decided on Shepherds. Tell your they can be put in publishable form. shortage or U .S. aid crisis. Rising prices, few jobs, refugees crowd¬ nobody likes the Communists. I don't see how they can About 400,000 people have fled Khmer w? :1 pm. 3-2-19 friend thanks for ing the city and getting enough to eat are the immediate concerns. Rouge zones in 197i 1 good advice Kongas is presently seeking funds from the Henry Ford Museum agencies say. ,re| Saturday. "Hiawatha.'' 1-2-19 in Dearborn, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation in Flint, private Military recruitment has lagged because the rich and EL NIKKORMAT with f2 lens. $250. 105mm f2.5 Nikkor lens. historical societies outside Ingham County and area oil and farm TO TH E boys of the house, Than ks $145. Olympus OM-1 with f 1.8 for the best 21st Birthday ever! equipment companies. lens. $250. 393-8900 weekdays, However, a remaining $15,274 is still needed. Jim. 3-2-19 -Cupcake. 1-2-19 A resolution for appropriating with a matching $2,500 from the $2,500 in Ingham County funds Michigan Historical Division for Curious students ask to see their files Animals ^ the study will be discussed by Commissioners finance committee Thursday. the Ingham County Board of 1 continued from p. 1) of the new legislation do not College, called the paperwork it Most TOTALLY SPOILED, AKC male Democratic Commissioner Richard Conlin. finance chairman, seem to regard this as a major requires "a big headache." In a administrators, The spot check revealed no Cairn Terrier, age 3, needs new Recreation (fi said the funds would go towards printing a separate publication major incidents of persons ob¬ problem. policy memo to Stanford per ever, seem to take the that while the first jus,, parents. Like Toto in Wizard of about Ingham County farm women only. It would be done in con¬ A number of college adminis¬ sonnel, James Siena, legal ad¬ the law was a potential versJ Oz. New baby forces separation. BOAT SHOW SALE jecting to the records they saw. nil trators remain frankly annoyed visor to the president, describ¬ Want to adopt? 339-2057. 3-2-19 "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. junction with other bicentennial projects proposed for the county. boring." mare, they can at least live! Of the $15,274 needed for the seven-county at the new legislation. Marvin ed the law as "ambiguous and al¬ "Sunfish" by A.M.F. $699. project, which en¬ the current one, and some J IRISH SETTER pups, AKC regis¬ east-west strip across the central part of southern Levich, the provost at Reed most noxiously burdensome." Complete line of American Day compasses an Some of the students survey¬ see advantages tered, champion lines! Phone Sailers through 18' sloop with Michigan, $10,000 is for Kongas's salary, $3,000 is for transports 371-3704. 5-2-24 ed expressed doubts about Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of tion and $2,274 is for purchasing, transcribing and editing the Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', whether they had been shown tapes. Of these costs, over $2,700 will be needed for interviewing WILL THE people who gave Sophie a home call 394-2856 urgent. 1-2-18 - 27'. Come in and and most ware see the largest complete sailboat hard¬ andAccessory display in the work done in Ingham County alone. all of their records, but backers Closed primary area. All boats offered at ST. BERNARD, male 10 weeks old. tremendous pre season savings. sought byleaderspa Shots, good with children or as Lay away programs welcome. Fraternity Mascot. 487 1688 after 4 GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts p.m. 3-2-18 Road on the River, Dimondale. Phone 646-6733 25-2-27 Mobile Homes * LANSING (UPI) - If it was precisely because it is a Democratic Committee, PAN AM minority party in this state, TRAVELO 12 * 60 with expando, Announcements for It's What's up to the leadership of the delegations to the | partially furnished. Call 351 -3466 or CHARTER FLIGHT Happening must be received in the Do the ends justify the means? The Dept. of Communication Republican and Democratic depends upon the participation National Convention ct_ Why does man have rights? These Undergraduate Student Board of a great many independent 351 1194. 5-2-20 TO LONDON State News office, 343 Student and other thrilling questions dis¬ meets at 1 p.m. parties, primary elections in refused credentials if the 1 todsy in 100 S. voters for its electoral 1970 BROADMORE, 12 60, two Open to all MSU students, services Bldg. 1 p.m. at least cussed at the Liberation Altema- Kedzie Hall. Michigan would be closed to those and should success gate selection process ijl * two class days before publication. tive philosophy group at 9:30 voters who refuse to not push these limited to Democratic votT bedroom, furnished. Occupancy faculty, staff and their No announcements will be tonight. Contact Bill Felton for Attention! Moosuski (ski clubl register by party. independents into the other There are few in the ] April 1 Washer dryer, awning, families. accepted by phone. information. will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at But Democratic leaders have party." leadership who see s shed. Call anytime. 484-1977. been unable thus far to In addition, Gov. Milliken, 5-2-20 Departing July 4 Coral Gables. Discussion will in¬ development as a real tL All Lansing area middle and Detroit to London Can Freedom and communism clude the Intercollegiate Carnival convince legislative leaders of titular head of the state GOP. But they feel they shoull elementary teachers and librar- be compatible? Dr. Henry Weekend this week at Boyre. the need for a change in current owes election victories in 1970 HOLLY PARK, 1970. 2 bedroom, Returning August 77 ians, and interested persons are Dilveman of ATL will address the through the motions of pua 8x10 expando, redwood porch election law, under which and 1974 to the independent for a closed primary, so ■ London to Detroit invited to attend the annual Libertarian Alternative on Venus and Jupiter one degree with awning. Present owner will language arts film festival at 10:20 Anarcho-Communism at 8:30 p.m. primaries are open to all voters voter. Predictably, he opposes can at least say they m apart tonight and increasing in pay first months rent, must sell! Only $348.00 Round Trip a.m„ 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Thurs- Wednesday in C112 Wells Hall, separation. Abrams Planetarium and there is no registration the closed primary. effort. Will listen to offers, 484-7262. For this reason, even if the For more Information contact day in Erickson Hall-kiva. Different has outdoor viewing sessions from requirement. That's about all there | 3-2-20 children s films will be shown at And Republicans are having Democrats could muster legis¬ the latest mover the Office of Overseas Study Brown Bag Lunch for women 7 to 7:30 p.m. each clear evening each session. lative support for the closed 1972 PARKWOOD Monterey. Like 25 + features Carolyn Stieber on . this week through Saturday. difficulty selling the idea to the closed primary 353-8921 "Resources of the Ombudsman's party membership. primary, it would face a likely Michigan. The die! lew. Special floor design. Must be Jug and Mug Ski club invites All junior women interested in Office." at noon Wednesday in 6 What both parties are trying veto from Milliken. supporters are simply f seen to believe Located in King skiers, 21 and single, to its SIX CRATES of beer, an empty Student Services Bldg. being considered for Mortar Board to eliminate is the practice of The whole question poses Arthur's Court. Could easily be fleet of buses! The ocean vowed. monthly meeting at 7:30 tonight at —— cpembfrsh*, pfcKufl an informs through the motions. Tioved if so desired Extras the Knights of Columbus Hall, tion at 101 Student Services cross-over voting, whereby more of a problem for the This alone should say J If I don't share it by 3-15-75. he's Mason and Abbot Halls Educa- nclude spacious utility room with tfcmocratic voters, for Democrats than the Republi¬ thing about the strength! A-asher and dryer, completely eaving and won't rstun. Help! Grand River Avenue at Waverty^ tional Program Committee pre- B)dg> ROTlfrn it by Feb. 28. " furnished with specially ordered Rorida needs you! Call Linda, road sents "Love and responsibility" j t ** m ■. - instance, could cross party lines cans anyway. Under rules wielded hv the indepefl 332-1115. 1-2-18 The Russian and East European to vote for the man they adopted by the National voter. geek Hellingworth at 9 firniture. Culligan water softener, Studies Program presents Andrzej consider the weakest of the two ;omplete fire and burglar alarm SKI UTAH, Spring break. From Typing Service tonioht in Abbot Ha" cafeteria. Wajda's first feature film, "A candidates in the GOP contest. system, separate storage building Generation," at 7:30 tonight in 106 and removable skirting included. $289, includes air lifts, hotel, and ANN BROWN typing and multilith The Council of Graduate Stu- The Democrats formally transfers. TRAVEL BY S. Kedzie Hall. Black and white Best part of all - priced to move. offset printing. Complete service dents' vice president for graduate endorsed the closed primary HARRINGTON, 351-8800. with subtitles. Call Tom a ark, 394-0020 for for dissertations, theses, manu- welfare will be available Tuesdays concept at their January state C-1-2-18 additional details. 4-2-21 scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 and Thursdays afternoons in the convention in Detroit, though years experience. 349-0850. COGS office, 316 Student Women's Studies colloquium: the label they attached to it was vOUIWoHfcj Service MODERN MOBILE Home. 12x52, 2756 East Grand River. Furnished, ^ C-2-28 ; — Services Bldg. to assist graduate students. Elizabeth Nail of the Sociology "the fair and honest primary." EXPERIENCED TYPING teem Hope is here, love is now. Come Dept. speaking on, "So you want Being the minority party at a available now! 351-4820. 5-2-21 EDITING, PROOFREADING, to start a Women's Center?" at time when politicians in general experienced. Dissertations, theses papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur- study second Corinthians with us. 8:30 tonight in 33 Union. held in low esteem, the Cafe" Lost & Found book and article manuscripts. ate service. 394-2512. C-2-28 It's real, it's free for you. At 7:30 are "A Pleasant p ■ Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-2-20 tonight at the Way Station, 131 apparent feeling among grass- Block One M.A.C. The Women's Resource Center FIND SOMETHING TYPING TERM papers and theses. Bogue St. is now acting to facilitate the root Republicans is that they If Experienced, fast service IBM can't afford to alienate the you've found a pet or article of FOR THE BEST Service on stereo organization of consciousness- value, we want to help you return electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 The Minority Advisory council raising groups. If you are inter¬ increasingly powerful indepen¬ equipment, see the STEREO will meet at 2 p.m. today in 443 Tuesday Olde World it. Just come into the State News ested call or stop by the center for dent voter. SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. Classified Department and tell us C-23-28 PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate Administration Bldg. more information The proposal that will be SPECIAL you want to place an ad in EAST inexpensive typing Very near ........ submitted to a convention vote from 2 -5 LANSING STATE BANK'S Found PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, campus 337-7260 C-2-28 Come to the free ground school goes so far as to note: offered by the MSU Soaring Club, "The Column. As a public service EAST finest quality, reasonably priced.' "Hidden Lake Gardens in "A party registration Vegetable Lover Special LANSING STATE BANK will run BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, « 7:,30, Pm Wednesday in 203 Pictures," by Mr. Jake Wikle, staff requirement in Michigan would 1 cup minnestrone soup the ad at no cost to you! 482-5712. C-2-28 general typing. Formerly with Ann Men s lntram4ral Bldg. naturalist of Hidden Lake Garden, aid the Democratic party, $1.49 EAST LANSING Brown. Call 482 7487 C-2-28 _ will be presented at 7 p.m. u STATE BANK ^ Student teachers interested in because it would push many vegetarian sandwich INCOME TAX preparation. Call Wednesday .in 204 Horticulture genuine independents into that LOST GRAY Male Tabby cat, 2 BbB Accounting and Tax Service THESES. RESUMES, typing and J*®** °verse«t * bldg. party. The Republican party, weeks ago, Spartan Village - want at 485-4651 or 332 8468. 20-3-6 printing. Reasonable prices. ,L3ken^a^: En?la,nd'f.n6Kt to send home; silver link bracelet; 2 COMMERCIAL PRINTING, 'erm should apply foirtfje^project The Students of Yahshua are 351-4116. C-2-28 f.1 P m.,odav ,n I28 Erk**?" offering free lectures on religious keys on fastener. 355-2997 5-2-20 iBStriCtiBR v* Hall. Individual interviews will be prophecy, history and the bible by TYPING. EXPERIENCED. Fast scheduled following this informa- the divine patterns of the Mosaic Buck Nystrom FOUND GRAY tiger-stripped cat, YOGA: EGYPTIAN folk and belly dance. Taught by native Egyptian. and reasonable 371-4635. C-2-28 tional meeting. Tabernacle at 8:30 p.m. every deformed paws, vicinity trailer park Thursday and at 1 p.m. Sunday in by Warrens. 332-2018. C-3-2-18 Body conditioning. 351-4291. B-3-2-19 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis- Married Housing "Good Neigh- 34 Union. named to Hall FOUND Garnet ring in Hubbard sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN *>r, Pr09ram " He,P. 489-0358 C-2-28 helpfulness and neighborhood "In Our Time" by Hemingway ground floor ladies bathroom Call 355 8546. C-3-2-18 rw»t s»»ic» !M spirit among of married residents in every will be the book discussed next Former MSU All-American area housingl Inter- week at the MENSA Great Books FOUND: FOUR month old pure COMPLETE DISSERTATION and resume service. Printing, IBM Wanted ' 4? J[5*j ested volunteers meet at 7 tonight in the Married Housing office's group. come. Interested friends wel¬ football guard and asst. coach Carl (Buck) Nystrom has been ROOTS OF PSYCHIC PHIHOMEHl ared German Shepard puppy. Call typing, binding. Printing from TRIED TO change out of state community room, elected to the Upper Peninsula A FREE PUBLIC LECTURE PRESENTED BY THE John, 332-3830 C 3-2-21 your plain paper originals. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Below residency status? Successful or Introductory lectures explaining Prof. Julius Preminger will give of Michigan Sports Hall of ROSICRUCIAN ORDER [AMORCj FOUND: FRIDAY morning male Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 not Call Diane 355-8252. 5-2-20 Transcendental Meditation will be a talk, "A Retrospective on Polish Fame. Nystrom's home is presented by the Students Inter¬ Jewry," at 8 p.m. Wednesday at weimaraner puppy by Natural Monday Friday. Call COPY national Meditation Society of Marquette. Science Building. Call 332-6262 GRAPH SERVICES, 337 1666 PUT SPARKLE BACK in your congregation Kehillat Israel. 885 MSU at 1 p.m. today in 207 Olds Grove St. C-3-2-19 C-2-28 aluminum pots and pans by Hall and at 4 and 7:30 tonight in rubbing briskly with steel wool, 316 Berkey Hall. Also at 7:30 p.m. Free Aspen drawing at 7 p.m. Thurs., Feb. 20, at 8:00 p.m. FOUND: LADIES watch, west then rinse and dry. Get a new TV? Shaw lane near Wells Hall. 353 2789. C-3-2-19 WILL DO typing in my home. Call 393 8484 between 9 am - 5 pm. °ell that Classified Ad. extra one with a Wednesday in 39 Union. Wednesday at Coral Gables. Ski Club members only. Don't forget State E. Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbott j 5-2-19 Registration for the Dance for cards and tickets. Strength '75 Marathon now in How to form yrtur own car pool progress. Delta Tau Delta, 330 N. Harrison. p.m. Gay Liberation will meet at 8 Wednesday in 33 Union. News Do you know all you Come outl All Merchandise Now As a public service at no charge, the State News will provide a fre< should about your body? come to Petitioning opens Monday for classified advertisement for those people who would like to set up o the Self Help at 7:30 Wednesday Student Media Appropriations 1 2 price including: join a car pool. at the Women's Center, Union Board positions. Petitions may be Student office and find out what the doctor won't tell you. picked up in 334 Student Services Classifieds Arrow Driving? or Riding? Bldg. From to The birthday of suffragette What would you like to know Levi leader Susan B. Anthony will be about the Independent Study Leaving a.m. p.m. Returning commemorated by a community celebration sponsored by the Colloquium? Asst. Prof. Gervasi of the Philosophy Dept. and Lucia Sell Cheap leans Phone Time?. Lansing National Organization for Mitchell, Honors College graduate The State News will not Women at 7:30 tonight at the advisor, will respond to this etc. accept responsibility for arrangements or downtown Lansing YWCA. practical question at 4 p.m. Wed¬ conduct of participants. nesday in the Honors College The information requested below must be supplied In order for ad A free lecture series, "The lounge, Eustace Hall. All invited. Closing Store Forever to appear. Charm of Winter Gardening," will Full Nam# be taught at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday in 206 Horticulture Come to this week's Outing Club meeting for a program on Saturday Night 2 22 75 Call __ Bldg. This week's topic: cross-country skiing. Join week Address ' Bromeliads. International Folk Dancing will end trips. Tonight at 7, 118 Physics Bldg. (The (Eantcrlutr City , Phone *This coupon may be brought In or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds be held at 8:30 tonight in the Union Tower Room. All invited. at The MSU Sailing Club will meet 7:30 tonight, 215 Men's Intra¬ 355-8255 347 Student Services Building. No The MSU Block and Bridle club mural Bldg. Last minute details for phone calls accepted L will meet at 7:30 tonight in 110 this weekend's ski trip. Movies on NO CHARGE Anthony Hall. » by Andy. 1 News. East Lansing, Michigan |higjn Slate Tuesday, February 18,1975 9 THE SMALL SOCIETY 11 Brickman PROGRAMS | Video fverydoy - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspoper Services 25 WfYI TV, Saginaw I "TVliNK EfZi^^N/Afe^iP 41 WUHQ TV. Batll. Cr« 50 WKBO TV, Detroit (50) Now Zoo Revue 5:30 11:30 (4) (50) Merv Griffin Show Bowling For Dollars J 5:45 AM (3-6-25) Love Of Lift (9) Partridge Family 9:00 lift! Life (4-5-1-10) Hollywood Squirts (10) Beverly Hillbillies (2-3-6-25) Hawaii Five-0 6:00 (7-12-13-41) The Bridy Bunch (9) News Nine (12-13) News Second Chinee (9) Family Court (23) Villa Alegre 9:30 (23) VMi Alegre (9) Front Page Challenge " (25) Hogan's Heroes 6:05 (50) Bugs Bunny (23) Consumer Survival Kit (50) Gilligan's Island 11:55 10:00 6:00 6:15 (3-6) Midday News (2 34-5 6 7-8 9 10 (2-3-6-25) Barnaby Jones Lfoc Today (4-5-8-10) Police Story 2-/d$#,cK»Ar»U 12:00 NOON 12-13 25-41) News Hi Presents (2-5-6-8-13) News (9) Bewitched (7-12-1341) Marcus Welby, M.D. 1 6:20 (3-25) The Young And Restless (9) Up Canada 1^4 Country Almanac 6:25 (4-10) Jackpot (7-12-41) Password All Stars (23)^Oren Lee Staley 8, The (23) Ask The Lawyer (50) Dinah! (50) Star Trek 10:30 6:30 (9) Galloping Gourmet 6:30 (9) News Magazine CAMPUS CLATTER (50) Underdog (34-5 6 7-10 25 41) News L Semester (23) Bottom Line by Larry Lewis 12:20 PM (9) I Dream Of Jeannie Lwomen Only (6) Almanac (12) 6:30 Movie '1:00 (2-34-5-6-7-8 9 12:30 (13) Beverly Hillbillies 10-12 13-23 25) News (2-3-6) Saarch For Tomorrow (23) Zoom (41) The Protectors (4) News 7:00 (5 10) Blank Check 11:20 (24-7 8) News (9) Nightbeat (7-12-1341) Split Second 11:30 (8) Mike Douglas (3) What's My Line? (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie (9) Dick Van Dyke Show (5) Ironside (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show 6:55 (25) Dinah (6) Bewitched (7-12 13-41) Wide World Of (50) The Lucy Show (9) Beverly Hillbillies laKtrr Show Entertainment 7:00 12:55 (10) Mod Squad (50) Movie (5-6-10/ Nem (13) Truth Or Consequences 12:00 MIDNIGHT 1:00 (23) The Humanist Alternative ■TtJiySHow (9) Film Festival (2) Love Of Lift (25) The F.B.I. 1:00 AM (3) Accent (41) Country Place I (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (4) What's My Line? (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour llS Top (5) Jackpot (7 12-13) News 7:30 | Dice' (6) Martha Dixon (2) Truth Or Consequences (41) Afterhours Theatre SHORT RIBS pCtpers (50) Religious Message (7-12-13-41) All My Children (3) Candid Camera 7:30 (9-50) Movies (4) Wildlife Theatre 1:30 by Frank Hill (2) Late Show (10) Somerset (6) Wait Til Your Father Gets 1:25 Home (2) News (7) The Price Is Right 1:30 (8) Hollywood Squares (2 3 6 25) As The World Turns (9) Room 222 (4 5-6-10) How To Survive A Marriage (13) To Tell The Truth (23) Assignment America TUESDAY (7-12 1341) Let's Make A Deal (41) Super Stars Of Rock 1:25 k Report 2:00 8:00 COUNTRY (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (2-3-25) Good Times 130 Clubhouse (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (4-5-8-10) Adam 12 FRIED 145 (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 (6) Partridge Family with Pyramid (7-12-1341) Happy Days ALAN LEE 2:30 (9) Swiss Family Robinson (2-3 6 25) The Edge Of Night (23) America RESTAURANT (50) Dealer's Choice SPECIAL DOONESBURY (4-5 810) The Doctors (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (2-3-6 25) M#A*S*H 8:30 ITALIAN $2.35 by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: laiqmoqt Gordon 3:00 lightfoot (2) The Young And Restless (4-5-8-10) World Premiere Movie February 28 (3-6-25) The New Price (A5 8'UD A 1-2 O 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Feb,TUaryl MSU club hosts Over 100 of the best paddle¬ and doubles for men over 45 men's singles champion. He will paddleball tourne* the men's doubles competition. team that won the open doubles teammate u„ in the men's singles Greg Novack, president of nationals last year, and his ball players in Michigan will be gathering at MSU this weekend years of age. Participants are required to return competition and also team up the MSU Paddleball Club, and partner Rob Birr Hekhuis J* There was no stopping Smoke on the Water, an independent for the 1975 state paddleball join or show proof of member with Renaul Valenciano in John Scheppele should provide A matters doubles entry to rond * the ruS team, at the women's intramural all-university team swimming tournament. ship in the National Paddleball doubles. stiff competition. Another team watch ia the team of Lou tourney I* yeir10» Assn. The team of Bill Terry and to look for includes Lenny Hekhuis, codirector of the , w°men's » championships Thursday as the squad grabbed the coveted title. doubles Though the squad managed three firsts and three seconds in the Sponsored by the Paddleball Racketball Club and MSU The schedule for first round Tom Connin is the favorite in Baldori, who was half of the tournament with Novack. and favorites competitS are K»tk eight events, its most impressive performance was in the diving matches will be available by 1 sanctioned by the National competition. Paddleball Assn., the tourna¬ p.m. Thursday in 104 Student Callie Eikner, with four well-executed dives, not only routed her Services Bldg. opponents to win the gold medal but. with 155 points, set a new women's intramural diving record. ment will take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Men's Intramural Building. Play begins at 8 p.m. Friday. The action Saturday will run all Women cagers "aft host isssSiCommunity Col Smoke won the two relay events of the night. Pat Chinery gave day. beginning at 8 a.m.. and MSU's women's basketball "Our team had very balanced scoring against AP"' squad will be trying 15 through nf the team a substantial lead in the 100-yard medley and Carol the tournament should end by Ball State Saturday and should continue to Play will take place in three to improve its 8-8 record tonight when it hosts play Schauer, Carra Sheridan and Lucy Johnson kept the pace up to categories — men's singles and noon Sunday. Oakland University in the lower gym of the well." win the race in 1:00.07. doubles, women's singles and Dick Jury, an MSU graduate Women's Intramural Building. Tipoff time is 6 The MSU cagers defeated Ball State from Flint, was last year's Saturday Johnson was also part of the team's other winning relay squad, doubles and master's singles 71 67 as Linda Stoick hit a season's high total of 28 p.m. as she joined with Sheri Newton, Nancy Zimmer and Lori Knopf to The points in leading the Spartans to victory. Spartans have never played Oakland Judi Peterson netted 15 points and Jill Prudden capture the 100 freestyle. Gamma Phi Beta, who won the sorority division and was MSU cagers before, and coach Mikki Baile has Rochester school play. never seen the added 11 points for the Spartans. runnerup to Smoke in the over-all competition, claimed two firsts, "We have never played Oakland before and I "We played a really good game against Ball both from the same swimmer. don't know that much about them, so the game is State," Baile said. "We played our type of game, a Lisa Cornelius was the meet's only double winner. She captured to complete really up in the air," Baile said. "I know, though, more flowing style between the offense and the 25 and 50 freestyles, edging out Johnson and Schauer of the that they have a strong team with good shooters. defense." winning independent team for the titles. Michigan State's basketball in the second half. Other winners in the meet included Pat Finn of Chi Omega, who The won the 25 backstroke in 15.5 seconds: Pat Hartsoe of the Flying team toasted an easy 90-78 Hawkeyes, who victory over Iowa Monday whipped MSU a month ago in JUST OUT-the only Water Babies independent team, who won the 25 breastroke in 17.15 seconds, and Jan Potter, also of the Flying Water Babies, night in Jenison Fieldhouse to Iowa City, fell to 4-10 in the WEDNESDAY comp avenge an early season loss. conference and 7-15 overall. guide to the psychic wor who finished the 25 butterfly in 14 seconds. Managers of men's intramural basketball teams in the playoffs Led leader by Big Ten scoring ferry Furlow's 31 Michigan State increased its Big Ten mark to 8-5 and its overall SPECIAL should call the office daily for their schedules. Playoffs began points, the Spartans held a record to 15-6. Fob. 19th - Cash A Carry Only Sunday. 41-38 advantage at half time Guard Bill Glover added 20 There will be no recreational swim at the Men's Intramural and then broke the game open points for the Spartans. Plant your own Building Wednesday because of the fraternity swim meet. A men's intramural individual swim meet will be held if □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a Torrarivm or sufficient interest is shown. Those interested should sign up in 201 Dish Cordon Men's Intramural Bldg. £z* For all MICHIGAN STATE University Students. Faculty and immediate family Soil furnished if LJ o»"*" you plant your □ container HERE. Fish n' Fish n' Chips Special Chip* with a Stein of beer □ □ JAMAICA FOUACE PLANTS r»g. 75* ,ft( OU only 99' S$9C000 Montego Bay ea. now ea. iThe Mon. — Thurs. 5 - 10 p.m. '259' March 16 - 23, 1975 7 Nights ( During Spring Break ) ighwheeler & • Round trip jet via Air Jamaica Party Jet • Gourmet meal service in flight • In-Flight Fashion Show , hard-to-find information in kl Psychic organizations, periodicals, ■ one I restaurant lounge • Rum bamboozles in • 7 nights hotel flight . . bookstores • Fields of life and cosmic influences! Restaurant Lounge 231 M.A.C. • Jamaican Cocktails aura and out-of-body experiences • Divination r-eM 11:00 - 2:00 AM 11:30 2:00 am - and psychics ■ Spiritual healing • Time and the ■ E. Lansing • AND MORE 1 12:0P - '?:00 San. 5:00-12:00 Sun. dimensional self • Plants and pyramids PLUS o*i MSU STUDENT WORKERS! Phone: NANCY WEIR 355-8546 1 [GARDEN CENTER1 24 C. Mt. Hop* Illustrations, addresses of publishers ONLY $5.00 at your bookstore now-or o from Q.P. PUTNAM'S SONS. 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ mSm MASS MEETING 7:30P.M. TONITE! GENERAL MERCHANDISE B106 WELLS HALL WINTUGK, 4 oz SKEIN PYREX BAKEWARE COME AND HE LP UNIONIZE LOAF DISH STUDENTWORKERS — OR — SQUARE CAKE DISH OBLONG BAKING 1.19ea. YARN 88 CASSEROLE ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU MIGHT HAVE ABOUT A UNION w Coles I# pkg. imi|- GARLIC BUTTER Hootherwood Fresh '/j Gal. Pltc. FACULTY BREAD 66< SKIM MILK 59< HEATHERWOOD ALL STAR Vi GAL. Great effort ond serious purpose Have brought forth ICE MILK all flavors SPARTAN, 2 ff PKG. the revisions before the Academic Senate. We — respect our colleagues' efforts and applaud the intent to MIDGET LONGHORN increase the power of the faculty to guide MSU. We support those provisions which work to that end. Our 79'y 1.19 support for review of Deans ond our demands for GRAND PRIZE BEEF odministative accountability were voiced long ago. We r have met our responsibility to inform our the consequences inherent In continued colleagues of acquiesence in administrative rule. We understood that President |mm BONELESS CHUCK ROAST LEAN OR BETTER - 3# OR MORE Wharton's appeal to' collegeallty" three years ago was GREEN CABBAGE HAMBURGER designed solely to defeat collective bargaining. (FROM GROUND CHUCK - 80%) 8 PACK, 16 oz. BOTTLES Attorney Carr's recent legal opinion deliverd in an lOVib. PEPSI COLA R.g 1.28 unprecedented appearance before the Academic 3# BAG FARMER PEETS Council has ripped the mask from "collegeallty," The Diet - | + fepo.it YOUR administration has mode I! clear that the foculty has COOKING ONIONS SUNSHINE, 1# BOX PLAYTIME FRANKS CHOICE I no authority and that it must accept as its only legal KRISPY CRACKERS 49* status, its role as advisor to the court. 28*/bag RING BOLOGNA 777J WESTERN, 5# BAG SHOPRITE, 14 oz. BAG We do not belittle the efforts of our colleagues, the POTATO CHIPS 69* LARGE BOLOGNA administration has done that. Nor do we oppose the CARROTS 77* revised Bylaws our colleagues fought to strengthen. SURFINE, Whole Ker. t Cream Style The administration has mode it dear for all, however, that the power is theirs and will not be shored with the CORN 17 oz. cans 28'ea SMELT 6971 faculty. The administration will continue to set the priorities of this University and the faculty will be bakcrv- MADRI GRAS, 140 COUNT V expected to follow. Attorney Carr's "ruling"' has turned NAPKINS Asst. Designs 2/88* academic governance into a shorn. SPARTAN, 24 01. LOAF JUMBO BREAD SPARTAN, 16 oz. CANS We who believe in collective bargaining know that 2/88* TOMATOES 4/1.00 another legality authorized by the Michigan legisla¬ ture stands available to this GOLDEN HEARTH BAKERS faculty. The low JIF, 18 oz. JARS. facilitating collective bargaining will raise this faculty from its debased role and con transform academic DOZEN ROLLS 49