How do you keep warm? Or dry? her neck muscles. One twitch If you stay inside, or if you're a squirrel, it's and, sooner than you problem. no can say David Janssen, your neck is full of snow. You might try using a But life wouldn't be life without problems, and grocery bag, a high school yearbook, a Reader's Digest condensed novel snow wouldn't be snow without being wet, cold, collection or a newspaper maybe even reading a persistent, endless and if you try - walking in it line or two as you ploid — humiliating. — along. Again, there is little visibility, and should the print run, you may be There are ways to try to reading your forehead in the mirror to finish a fight it, though few of them seem to work chapter. for long. You can try crowding your face with a hood, a scarf Lastly, there is the method demonstrated by the (or both) or something dry that looks like a hood or more daring (the above model is distinguishable by scarf. This method often impairs the presence of his tail). You vision, however, simply give in to and nature's whims and, if you have requires that the practicioner not move his or any, chew a few nuts. SN photos/John Dickson Minority students seize building at U-M By STEVE ORR building when they stayed on after its The students had occupied the first and | Sutf N*w» Staff Writer normal 5 p.m. closing time, and were second floors of the Administration Build •d minority students, most of expected to sUy there negotiating with ing by 8 a.m., concentrating outside Stocks, took over portions of the administrators until at least midnight and t of Fleming's second-floor office. Michigan Administration possibly all night. The takeover brings added pressure on ■l Tuesday, presenting administra¬ an administration hit last te of demands and vowing not The demands included Tuesday with a recognition of the contract strike by graduate assistants that Kmitil positive action is taken by protesters' group, the'Third World Coali¬ has closed many classes this week. Some in tion Council, as the official Ann Arbor say the minority bar¬ minority takeover was Wrtsident Robben Fleming talked gaining agent at U-M; opening and staffing at least indirectly motivated by the T| protesters but refused to act of an Asian American office at U-M. and full Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) Jy on the demands, saying they amnesty from prosecution for the pro¬ strike. hbt met in one day. testers. Protesters Bill Hunter and Sam Riddle, 10 arrests or violence as of Fleming refused to grant a blanket speaking from inside the Administration ||( sight. amnesty that might cover illegal acts, citing Building Tuesday afternoon, said their rs were not evicted from the a school policy. group planned to stay in the building "until the university indicates it is going to deal with us in serious negotiations," as Riddle ew bylaws passed put it. Hunter said the protesters were prepared to stay days. Riddle, the first black member of the ASMSU when he attended MSU, was a Academic Senate leader of the May 1970 strike at MSU following the killing of four Kent State students by the Ohio National Guard in a protest against U.S. activity in Cambodia. 11>BRl'CERAY WALKER • The establishment of a 10 per cent The group has other demands, but cited | Sutf N,«, Staff Writer quorum rule on the Senate. only the above Tuesday. votes, the Academic Senate, Some of the more involved demands that Numerous speakers raised arguments ■jjkrdsy • wscademic to approve the proposed governance and pass against the document but only a few the protesters want to discuss soon with U-M are: addressed themselves to the above changes. •President Wharton and the MSU • Control by the U-M Black United Front Thomas Greer, professor of humanities, ■•Trustees for approval. of one-quarter of the U-M ^ 270 attacked the provision that requires the budget, which votes cast to would amount to about $40 million. I which ratify the Senate to obtain a 10 per cent quorum before streamlines the academic • Increases in black student « being able to pass on any business sent to population at system and limits to some U-M to about 12 per cent by 1977, and AP them by the Academic Council. If the 10 per University of Michigan President Robben wirepboto B*power of the Academic Senate increases in Native American, Chicano and tion cent quorum is not achieved then any Asian-American student enrollment. Fleming listens to representatives of the Black Building at U-M since 7 a.m. Tuesday. TTie J® ® favor of ratification and 132 business before them automatically passes. • No grade other than "A" for minority United Front. About 250 demonstrators have demonstrators are demanding that minority In the past, the Senate has rarely had 10 enrollment be increased to 10 per cent. changes in the bylaws, which students until the enrollment demands are occupied the first two floors of the Administra- "roved by the Academic per cent of its members present at meeting, met Council ft so issues like that of student access to Some of those issues originate from a student ratings of instructors would have Pjwion ■wo'the of the number of standing 1970 U-M Board of Regents agreement with IMPOUNDMENT Academic Council from 12 passed the Senate for lack of a quorum. Other members were upset with the blacks to increase black enrollment at U-M to 10 per cent by 1974. CA clause in the new bylaws which takes away l^onstanding Pmthe °f the number of faculty committees from the Senate's power to amend a document the Current black enrollment there is 7 per cent and dropping, and the failure of the ■ w the reduction pwra 100 to 35. of student second time it is submitted to it. Under the new to provisions it would only have the power return the proposed document to the Academic Council for further university to enact the Regents' agreement has caused grumblings in U-M*s black community. Nixon loses court case study. The university said it has not met black Donald Gochberg, associate professor of enrollment guidelines because economic WASHINGTON (AP) - Ruling for the iistees humanities, said that he was concerned about the loss of that power and attacked the conditions have led fewer blacks to enter higher educational institutions. first time on the impoundment issue, the Supreme Court declared Tuesday that Justice William 0. Douglas wrote solitary dissents in three of the cases, despite his absence due to a stroke. Douglas has been denying aid to students at four year colleges, Four women otherwise idea that the Senate could possibly ruin a Early Tuesday, GEO officially asked the former President Richard eligible for M. Nixon doing court work in a hospital room. welfare, contended in appeals that the state hear document by adding useless amendments to administration for "good faith, around the exceeded his authority in it. withholding Justice Thurgood Marshall, hospitalized was denying them equal protection of the clock negotiations" with the minority pollution control funds. with pneumonia, was the author of two of law, since students in two-year vocational Many of the members feared that the new group, and also asked that the protesters The decision was one of six handed down the majority opinions. The decisions, training programs may receive welfare. bylaws would take power away from the not be evicted from the administration by the high court with only seven of its written before he became ill, were read for Currently, both two-year and four-year issues (continued on page 12) (continued on page 12) members on the bench. him by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. In one of the opinions written by Marshall, college students in Michigan are eligible for welfare, if they qualify under standard the justices ruled 8 to 1 that employes may welfare regulations. inipJ?ithe United Farm Italian not go outside union channels to bargain The impoundment case concerned water L lFW> lettuce boycott con- have thelr »*? court says with employers over alleged racial discrimi¬ nation. Douglas said the decision made the pollution control funds for fiscal years 1973 through 1975. Congress authorized $18 JMSl) Board of Trustees. employes "prisoners of the union." billion, but the Nixon administration [Jwen Huff, D Plymouth, In the other decision written by Marshall, allotted only $9 billion. M1 P opposed object has been so L *l a date to settle the often that if woman's health the court ruled 8 to 0 that companies are not required to grant vacations to returning veterans under labor agreements The court ruled stration unanimously that admini¬ officials, who acted under orders from Nixon, lacked Two bring the boycott which authority to do this *» board make the vacations conditional on having under the Water Pollution Control Act of , meeting at 10 ROME (AP) - Italy's highest court, crossing swords with the trying a woman who claimed she turned to abortion after doctors worked a certain number of weeks in the 1972. "wrth floor Vatican, ruled Tuesday that abortion is legal in this Roman boardroom of warned her that pregnancy was tantamount to a death sentence. preceding "As conceived and *»*tion Catholic country if pregnancy threatens a woman's health. year. passed in both houses, Building. The high court's ruling said: In an unanimous decision which will affect the legislation was intended to provide firm iinVV j date ** f°r ««rch when the entire The Vatican reacted in a broadcast, saying, "The ruling is questionable and of extreme gravity because it backs killing of the "Pregnancy can be interrupted when its continuation can cause serious damage or risk to the physical and psychological health of criminal procedures in a number of states, commitments of substantial sums within a the court ruled that a defendant may not be relatively limited period of time in (■LP with a"y the one to be bom." the mother which is to be medically ascertained and is such that it held in jail for an extended period without a to an effort achieve an early solution of what was "Pu^c\? hear the pros and The ruling by the constitutional court, equivalent of the U.S. cannot be avoided in any other way." court hearing to review the evidence against deemed to be an urgent problem," Justice J*. Huff Mid Supreme Court, came amid a massive campaign by feminists and In the absence of parliamentary action, the ruling has the effect Byron R. White said for the court. b (lme,"ber8 have fielded most political parties for a reform of Italy's Fascist era abortion of law. But the court failed to specify to what stage pregnancy can The court agreed to review in its term ^ spokesman for the Environmental Kit United Fruit IftW. be terminated or define proper medical consultation. beginning next fall cases involving a Protection Agency said the decision would YJofficitl Msu pofo* Specifically, the court declared unconstitutional Article 646 of France adopted an abortion law last month permitting abortion Maryland program of state aid to private have little practical effect. Funds can Kfc lurrentlythe the Italian penal code. The law barred abortion under any until the 10th week of pregnancy on the demand of the would-be colleges, a decision exempting health actually be spent only after they are ^'na battle with the circumstance, and set a prison term of two to five years for women mother, an action which encouraged the proabortion lobby in Italy. professionals from a law imposing stiff obligated for specific projects, ^ Calif rcpresenta- who underwent abortions, as well as for doctors, nurses and penalties for illegally dispensing drugs and a The spokesman said EPA already had workers who anyone else involved in the operation. Most of Italy's political parties favor a liberalized abortion law. federal appeals court ruling allowing -,nd vegetables. The law was widely flouted. This nation of 56.6 million persons But the dominant Christian Democrats control the votes in access to Air Force public been able to obligate only $4 billion of the $9 has 1.2 million abortions a year, according to UN estimates. parliament, and they, along with the Vatican, favor the present Academy files in honor billion available before the court's ruling, code actions. Though a number of lower federal courts Moat of them are performed outside hospitals under crude medical law. It was adopted during World War II to "protect the national The court also ordered a lower federal had decided impoundment cases against the conditions. stock" as part of dictator Benito Muaaolini's dream to resurrect the court Tuesday to reconsider its decision administration, this waa the first one to The court acted on a request from a Milan judge who had been Roman Empire. upholding New York welfare' regulations reach the Supreme Court. 2 Wednesday, Februilary 191 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ford threatens to veto oil WASHINGTON (AP) tarl - •Several top AHmj. President Ford held out both economic officii Z| the attek and the curot to Congress Tuesday on his ener¬ &*** a cautiously oJ Calley case loses 2 judges gy program, threatening to prediction of recoJl "in* this year M 21 veto oil tariff legislation but offering to "make accommoda Ford's budget Alan Greenspan"" pr ^ Two of the 15 federal appeals court judges scheduled to lions on details. hear an appeal in the conviction of William L. Calley Jr. for the Council V deaths at My Lai withdrew from the case Tuesday. The President telling was Republican quoted as Advisers, predict ' congres- ing out in the Chief Judge John R. Brown of Houston removed himself sional leaders he will veto mid-year." after being challenged as biased. Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee expected legislation which •Gov, Calvin L R would delay his increases in of Jacksonville, Fla., withdrew due to his background as a D-Utah, chairman tariffs on imported oil. National former Air Force officer. Governor's Senate Republicans indicated ence, said Calley, free on bail, was in court for a hearing by the full they have an even chance of unable to take many statesi 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on an appeal filed by the sustaining that veto. $2 billion in advan J Army after a federal judge in Georgia overturned an Army funds released federal! court-martial conviction. "We told the President that by Fori In its briefs, the Army said what Calley really seeks "a AP wirephoto we're rather close to the num Congress gives them1 ate fiscal relief. He judicial declaration of absolution for his deeds because their ber of votes that is needed aj U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, left, conference in Zurich, Switzerland Tuesday. without canvassing the Demo at least part of thel notoriety attracted widespread media coverage." . , smiles at the Shah of Iran during a short press cratic side at all," said Senate mentf. ^or states to GOP leader Hugh Scott of matfh>nK •James L. Hnds be Pennsylvania. "We're rather Mitchell- hopeful." secretary of the DeptJ Ford opposes housing relief DEPENDS ON OILF Senate Democratic leader ing and Urban said the Devil Mike Mansfield of Montana said housing indj the vote to override the veto already on the brinSl The Ford Administration opposes emergency housing Would be close. upturn. He opposed eJ Iran may give Israel oil relief proposals to lower mortgage rates and help avert The veto possibility was dis¬ measures to rates and lower J housing foreclosures, a housing official said Tuesday. closed by help i presidential Press closures. James L. Mitchell, undersecretary of the Dept. of Housing Secretary Ron Nessen, who •Chrysler Corp., and Urban Development, said the housing industry already % quoted Ford as telling the $52 million last year, 1 is on the brink of an upturn. PARIS (AP) Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi gave assurances another supply. Israel already gets moet of its remaining oil from Republican leaders at a break — Iran. also losing money in J He opposed proposals to lower mortgage rates for the Tuesday that Iran would replace any oil Israel loses as a result of fast, "The first thing we have to ter and probably will Iran won't boycott do is sustain the veto." initial payment years, and to guarantee government subsidy returning the Abu Rudeis oilfields to Egypt as part of a Sinai of mortgage payments if a homeowner's income drops agreement. The shah, who interrupted a skiing vacation see Kissinger, reduce its tions further. worldwidj "Once the tankers are loaded, we don't mind where the oil goes. emphasized to newsmen that Iran would not join in any economic Secondly, Nessen quoted precipitously. boycott of Israel. Ford as saying, Congress must •Sen. Edward W, | It is a purely commercial transaction for us," the shah said after he act on an R-Mass., said "We have never really boycotted any country," he said. energy program. and Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger lunched in Zurich, If that is done, he quoted hearing that repeal of I Switzerland, on chateaubriand steak and Beluga caviar. "We think that politics and commerce are separate." He also reiterated that Iran would not be part of any oil embargo Ford as saying, "we might be laws which allow mJ The two men met amid the tightest security in the history of the ers and retailers toT able to make accommodations CIA More than 300 policemen, including against the West. spied on Jane Fonda Swiss financial capital. sharpshooters, ringed the hillside hotel, and explosives experts On oil prices, the shah said he does not expect them to be on details." would save American* ers $3 billion a year. searched the hotel's 220 before the meeting. formally lowered but that the declining value of the dollar and In other major economic J rooms inflation are effectively lowering them anyway. •Stock prices drJ The Justice On to Paris news Tuesday: active trading due tol Dept. confirmed Tuesday that the Central From Zurich, Kissinger flew to Paris to dine with Foreign Intelligence Agency (CIA) intercepted personal overseas Minister Jean Sauvagnargues and have breakfast Wednesday from some blue chip J mail addressed to anti-war actress Jane Fonda in the early •Chemical Bank f with President Valery Giscard d'Estaing. York, the nation's s 1970s. Justice Dept. officials said the CIA's practice of intercepting Fonda's mail from foreign countries would be In London earlier in the day, the secretary sought to insure that the Soviet Union will not block another interim Mideast Planetarium offer bank, cut its prime leifl to 8.5 per cent from agreement, by promising not to exclude the Soviets from his Several other banks | explained formally in a brief to be filed in U.S. District Court efforts. their rates to 8.75. in Los Angeles, possibly later in the week. "I hope the Soviet Union will understand that any step toward The brief will respond to a private law suit in which Fonda is seeking$2.0 million damages for an alleged conspiracy by peace is in the interest of everybody," he said. "We have always asserted that a final settlement will require the participation and cooperation of the Soviet Union. converging planeta The current battlj Ford and Congress on legislation to def is! government officials to harass her because of her war Geneva peace talks If old Star Trek reruns have whetted your viewing sessions from 7 to 7:30 every night that days his imposition oT criticism. Former President Nixon is one of many The Soviets, feeling left out of present Mideast negotiations, latent interest in astronomy, you might take a weather permits, for this week only. barrel tax on importJ defendants. favor a quick resumption of the multilateral Geneva peace talks, gaze heavenward some evening during Februry. Robert Victor, a staff astronomer at the Nessen also said Fa whkh the United States fears would break down into disputes planetarium, said that though the celestial display ■- will be visible for the rest of February, it will by executive order t" business without ■k,!"1"1 other employment or activities ECONOMIC TIMES ■j.'WW Here Is your chance to supplement your income Miss J's natural ly inclined TONITE |j*"Wur retaiSling ideas into cash . BOuti washer for the kitchen faucet So what," Carlton shrugged, 'The In recent weeks, I have noticed quite a bit lining a pocket, the money was being for¬ KW day »nd st0PH by Carlton's economy comes first. We've got to of controversy over the I get this appearance of Ron warded to an organization dedicated to « Emporium- Carlton was at the Ziegler at MSU. More specifically, the dis¬ pro¬ tecting the right of many persecuted faster adding up the day's receipts. putes have not simply been over the issue of Americans. Much more important than the TlmlRS 1040 tax form on the counter "How are you going to do that." I asked. his appearence, but the financing of it. money involved, though, was the content of Jjofhin and I asked what he thought Easy," Carton replied. "Ill buy about $4 There are those who feel that Mr. Ziegler this man's speech. [tt, rebate plan. L worth of market Then 111 vegetables at the Farmer's has got something worthwhile to whether they agree or not, are say, and Bob Yellow Bird, representing the vou kidding?" Carlton asked. I get some ground beef willing to American Indian Movement fv.—it! It's just what we need to from the supermarket. provide the necessary funding. Mr. Ziegler [AIM], That'll help out the appeared recently to speak about AIM, its II money back into the economy." grocery and cattle industries at the same has been a significant man in American history, goals and problems. Speaking in an Lvhit if people don't put it back into time and only cost about politics; certainly $2." no one can deny him the open lecture and several classes, he told of fI asked. "What if they save "Are you going to fame he has earned help out dime stores, through his constant the problems facing American Indians old bi'ls'.'" too?" I inquired. support of the Nixon regime. today. He talked of job discrimination, Carlton said, its every "Yep," Carlton said. "If I spend 10 cents Apparently, Mr. Ziegler and his agents poverty, hunger and sickness; yet his in all the have taken this fame into account when fS duty to buy new things with big ones it should only run me message was one of sincere hope for a Kx rebates. I get $152 back and. if 1, was a good American and used ■ about $1." "I suppose you've also announcing his speaking tour. The exorbi¬ tant fee of $2,650 for one stronger America through the abandon¬ figured out how to speech transcends ment of the racist attitudes which have put Kbttes like I'm going to. we'd have help the stock market," I said. the necessary financing and indicates that Mr. Ziegler has a good deal more on his the American Indians on reservations and Tjnonthe run in no time." "Oh. sure." Carlton said. "I'll taken away from them shares of stock and buy a few $3 mind than simply everything but their Lj that?" 1 asked. counting brokerage fees helping ex-President heritage. The goals that AIM is working for it shouldn't cost Nixon "take it on the ear." ij Tin not going to spend it al) on one more than $25." are worthwhile enough that many people LkMH." Carlton said. Til spread H "What about the rest of the Meanwhile, there is another man who have dedicated their whole lives to money?" *i wanted to speak to the students here at the 7 First, I'm going to buy a 1975 asked. "I've got plans for It all," MSU. This man's fee was just a fraction of cause. ,( mirror for my *64 Chevy u> help "Ill buy a W inner tube for Carlton said. MARY ANN Though the plight of the American Indian Lntomakerh. That'll cost about $13." my son's bike to To what?" 1 asked. help out the rubber companies and send a is much less publicized, and thus less known, than JJ. I'll buy a steel paperweight for $14 I the steel industry, and HI have a package by commercial airliner for $3 or $4 to aid the airline believe'it is all the current political news, I important. Just Take more as industry." Lading company make me a bird- Iforibout $22." "Is that itr I asked. "No, there's more," Carlton said. "I'm a week off, jostlers we enthusiastically supported the rights movement in the '60s, continue to do so in the 70s. so we civil should Iron live on the 42nd floor of a high- going to donate $10 to the Humane Society [irtment building," I said. "What are to help support abandoned animals, spend j» to do with a bird house? That's a about $17 on a few The forces of discrimination and transistors, resistors and pre¬ diodes to give the electronics judice which hamper the lives of thousands industry a Hey world, I have a favor to ask of you. ramps that boost and take out an $8 Next week, I were too steep and people who watch out. of American Indians are no different than magazine suth am going to try walking all by were too scription to aid the publishing business." myself again pushy. The day came, and the those which have opposed the black — no wheelchair, no crutches, doctor said, U, what about the utility companies?" "That's all really nice Carlton," I said, no cane for the first time in five months. The very "Throw away your sticks, thou shalt walk American. The basic problem now facing Ei. "They seem to be hurting some." "and first day in my chair, someone with a cane." AIM, outside of racism, is the lack of public super-patriotic. But how can you What I want is a two-week bumped into my chair and sent me flying Li jnd I'm going to help them out, afford to blow $152 like that? I need that no one or no vehicle will hit guarantee awareness of its cause. It was with this every knock into a brick wall. I was sent back to bed for True to form, my first Erlton replied. "I'm goine to use cent I get." me over or me, bang into me. I would prefer a a few days. day out with my aluminum third leg, a cane, someone problem in mind that Bob Yellow Bird came Hps.electricitv and water. About $18 "Oh, that's no problem," Carlton said. "By lifetime guarantee, but no one issues those bumped into me and knocked me down. to MSU to speak, and encourage support for likuld be a good amount" raising the prices on the merchandise in my anymore, so I will realistically settle for two Three weeks later, the doctor said, "Thou his organization. E you'd have to waste energy to do store I Actually, it was a good Samaritan who can make it all back in a week!" weeks. shalt leave your wheels and walk with tried to help me down the steps of Berkey The campus news media was thorough in crutches." Hall by placing a hand on Five months have passed since the fateful my shoulder. At their coverage of Mr. Yellow Bird's the same time he tried to help, his gentle¬ Letter Pol icy day when a motorist completed her left turn into my bicycle. When her vehicle con¬ With much innocence, I ventured onto this campus, four-legged and man friend knocked into me. Three months have passed and the doctor appearance. Yet student support, on the average, still seems to be little more than nected with mine, I went moving. Only verbal. I strongly urge the kt Opinion Page welcomes flying for the first three hours out and a mad bicyclist ran into has said "Thou shalt become expansion of dent, faculty or staff standing — time in my life. human. You student awareness to the American Indians' ■letters. Readers should me, knocking me down. His move com¬ may walk by yourself on your own two if any — and phone number. mitted me back to bed for few It is only a legs. plight, and consequently, the reconsidera¬ The flying part was neat, the a more three-day experiment Jut few rides to insure that Letters should be 25 lines or not. The last five months landing was weeks. my legs will stand up to the to see if tion of priorities regarding "distinguished have been worse. pressure. If no speaker" appearances and their subsequent |Ktnv letters as possible less and may be edited The first three weeks were one hits me with a body, bicycle, bus or car, win print. for spent in bed Eventually, I took up my crutches again I will be on my funding with student money. conciseness to fit more letters on watching the leaves on a maple tree change to conquer the MSU portion of the world. way to recovery. fcfetfers should be typed on colors and eventually fall. If someone hits me, it is back to bed and the page. My crutches now had fluorescent orange the silver cane. Please, take the The day came, and my doctor said, "Thou |ipoce lines and triple ■ stripes down them to warn the world to week not to jostle time this Marty Studer, 528 Holmes Hall, i Utters must be signed, sh^lt leave your bed and conquer the world anybody, anywhere. enrolled in No unsigned letters ivill 6e from a wheelchair." Lyman Briggs College. >ide local address, stu- accepted. The wheelchair was liberating, but 1 was frustrated by doors that were too small, HAPPINESS is... EAST LANSING ANNUAL BARGAIN DAYS Brad Deenng Graduated .in Cargill's Producer in 72 with Doing well - and moving forward - Marketing GROWTHGraduating Seniors and M.B.A.'s: Accounting • Agriculture • Business • Engineering • Liberal Arts Cargiil — at the leading edge. Active in agricul¬ tural, industrial, and consumer commodities and products, and in a variety of other related businesses. You could be there! We need top people for a wide range of positions, careers that lead to management. Our policy is to stimulate leadership potential. To encourage personal creativity. To recognize and reward individual achievement. And to promote from within. A A Day Without A Crisis on Cargiil representative Feb. 25-26 will be interviewing Check with the placement office now lor the dates and location. Look into leadership! Lansing Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation Call 371-5360 Ext. 274 2406 Lake Lansing Road m An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F m WATCH TOMORROWS ST AND PAGES " Lansing Storti Now Open Thurtday Most Stores Will P-1'15 A and Frl. ,009lit S Sponsored by C.E. 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Februaiiry 19, i J Doctor put on FROM WIRE SERVICES BOSTON - Dr. Kenneth C. whose mance professional perfor¬ has been and continues William P. Homans, Edelin's attorney, said the doctor was probation for fetal deatl any malice in his heart" Prosecutor Newman A. secutors customarily recommend sentences. do states may not prohibit abor¬ tions in the first six months of appeals across the country for aid in meeting Edelin's legal performing abortion, j. I second trimester, or lhey Edelin was sentenced to one to be at the highest level. His Edelin remained outwardly expenses that now approach year's probation Tuesday for actions and medical practice "delighted that the Boston City Hospital board has acted so Flanagan also declined to recommend a sentence. Asked calm after the sentence, as he pregnancy. Edelin's manslaughter con¬ $50,000. 'o»th.7a have been consistent with the viction has stirred controversy The demonstrators, The his manslaughter conviction in speedily, and he is ready to go later whether this amounted to had throughout the trial. verdict < the death of an aborted fetus. highest prevailing standards of back to work right now." a recommendation of leniency, Homans said he would carry around the country. Two organized by Boston women's however, as a major victor] Edelin was immediately in¬ medical care, and we strongly Homans had asked McGuire Flanagan suggested to the appeal to the U.S. Supreme thousand supporters in Boston groups, chanted. "Not the members of a church, not the state, women "right vited to return to work at the reaffirm his continuing staff for leniency, saying that Edelin reporter that he "draw your Court if necessary. The high staged a ra.lly Monday night, hospital where he did the appointment." "is not an individual who has own inferences." He said pro¬ court ruled two years ago that and a defense fund has sent must decide their fate," as they ?rrrand Catholic ^ hierarchy jn m gathered near the Boston abortion, and his attorney said the 36-year-old obstetrician was Common. ^eSupreme UJS. 10 limit the effect,! Court ruj ready to return. WILL ASK COGS FOR SUPPORT Meanwhile, telephone calls of support were being made to the 1973 against sweeping L abortion legislation Suffolk Superior Court Judge office of Edelin's by m,,l lawyer as pre¬ James P. McGuire, who could have sentenced Edelin to up to parations began for the appeal. PIRGIM Homans said that about 100 postpones The 20 years in prison, said he calls offering aid had come in by would stay the sentence pend¬ late Monday afternoon. ing an appeal. Edelin's lawyer Edelin's conviction Saturday said he would file his appeal spread shock and dismay Tuesday afternoon. throughout much of the medical By MARY ANN CHICK board of trustees guidelines, an "One set of guidelines say we help foreign students obtain session concerning foreign Edelin, who was convicted State News Staff Writer organization must collect signa¬ have to go through COGS to work permits. students' work permits. community and among women's Saturday in the death of a fetus Graduate students received , he aborted in a legal abortion at a tures from one-third of the hold a referendum, but another A policy change last summer COGS representatives were rights advocates, who feel it reprieve on another tax when student body within a seven- set says no," Tuchinsky said. made it harder for foreign also asked to look at the budgets will make doctors fearful of Boston City Hospital on Oct. 3, PIRGIM representatives week period before a referen¬ Also at the COGS meeting students to obtain work of individual departments as 1973, called the sentence "extremely fair." decided they could not meet the dum can be held. Monday night, COGS allocated permits. each started to set up next going tight time schedule necessary to PIRGIM executive director $25 to two graduate students, "Last summer, 150 tried to year's budget. on all "I'm hopeful we can get along hold a referendum spring term. Joseph Tuchinsky will be at the Laura Williams and Robert "With the possibility of get a work permit, but only 20 an week with the appeal," he said. PIRGIM cancelled its presen¬ next COGS meeting, March 3, Rice, who will be dancing in the all cut, departments actually got one," said Steve over are The trustees of the hospital tation, scheduled for the Council to ask for COGS support of a annual "Dance for Strength" likely to set up a list of Tyma, vice president of internal issued a "statement of support of Graduate Students (COGS) referendum. marathon for affairs for COGS. priorities," Brashler said. Multiple and outrage" at his conviction, meeting Monday night, after PIRGIM is not sure yet if it Sclerosis this weekend at Brashler urged "Some departments might list the COGS hospital administrator said. the decision to postpone the a needs COGS support to hold a Meridian Mall. representatives to write to their graduate assistantshipsas a low "He can come to work this referendum. COGS also decided to support referendum, but is still planning congressmen about two bills priority if they don't hear from afternoon," the administrator The earliest that graduate to ask for it. any action by anyone that will that have been introduced this the graduate students." said. students will vote on taxing The statement called Edelin themselves for PIRGIM is next "an outstanding physician winter term. According to BELL'S PIZZA One of a kind. All the others Look Who Cam FISHER ^■JoO 225 MAC 332 ■ 5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY FREE DELIVERY HOT DOC SPECIAL! System Wednesday, Febnrary 19 __ Hot Dogs 25* HALF-PRICE! „ ul nc pin ~ SAVES223I ighwheelei* Full-feature Fisher 290 Restaurant 11:00 12:00 - 2:00 AM restaurant m a r ft lounge Lounge 11:30-2:00.m Stereo FM/AM Receiver with advanced circuitry for outstanding performance! Precision tuning meter. Front panel pMTEcflOMMUj - :":0Q Son. ' 5:00 -12:00 Sun, „ headphone and recorder output jacks' Drives 2 pairs of speaker systems. BSR 1 -Year Speake Okemoi, East Laming, Laming, ML PtMssnt, Grand Rapids1 260A/X Changer, base, dust and Exchange cover cartridge •sstfsggl Two dynamite JF-6A 2- Way Bookshelf Speaker Systems. An unbeatable audio value! 60-Day Lowest-, RainCtieck_P^J'j Speaker Spectacular! SAVE 50% Or More! & 1 • • SAN8UIAU-6500 Amp-Sl| Sov* 12 3-Way-V2 0FF! 2K An incredible value for anyone During Our 5th Annual V in the market for a top-notch One of the most popular a stereo integrated amplifier1 1 airsuspen- Now In SKI SALE Progress Clearance On All . . . sion units around. A best buy! »"9-*"«.»5 FAQ"! Jill®' OYNACO 400 Amp-SAVE 8170! The highly-acclaimed Stereo Assembled Outstanding performance1 Superb versatility! Features galore! SHUREM 400 is one of the very finest Reg. $599.00 Elliptical 10 2-Way-SAVE power amplifiers on the mar¬ Verf ^30% to 60% off 429°° 50%! Delivers rich, ket! Extremely advanced pro¬ List $24.95 wide-range tection circuitry! reproduc- Re9- tion with HHQi Kit-Reg. $449.00 339°° solid bass J||9l and silky UO » Clothing . Upr to 90% off highs! BASF Cassette SALE!—Buy 1-Get 1 Free! Hours Low-Noise Chromium AH Solo, Final Toko 10 am-9 pm Monday thru Friday High-Output Dioxide Advantage of Outstanding Savings On C-90LH C-90 . 10-5:30 pm Saturday Cassettes Cassettes C« Nylon Rlpstop Now $22.80 12-5pm Sunday &0/40 Cloth, Irregulars Now $39.99 40/40 Cloth, Rogular$59.95 Now $47.95 phono 351-7270 523 Frandor Lane Okomos 2283 W. Grand River Frandor Shopping Center Lansing 4310 W. Saginaw V Mii*n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 19,1975 7 Sadat's wife on goodwill trip sfifc tajtf ■•nNN West Germtnu (AP) woman cabinet officer. where centuries-old ■ The visit, 11 Sidat, wife of Egyptian coming two years family laws and equal pay for women. But I a-half years ago. after Bonn and Cairo guarantee male ,,Anwar S«d»t. arrived repaired a dominance. believe at the same time the Her interest in social and two years ahead of her. 'This is International welfare yr on b tradition- seven-year diplomatic breach men's Year and it's Wo¬ husband must be the head of the goes back at least as far as Mrs. Sadat said she was tour which is expected over German our 1967, m. recognition of oppor¬ tunity to get as much as we can," family," she said. when she started a "thrilled" that Margaret That¬ enhance her progressive Israel, was seen here as an The wife of Sadat's self-help Mrs. Sadat said in an predeces¬ vocational program for cher had been elected the new in the Arab world. important goodwill mission. before her trip. interview sor, Mrs,. Gamal Abdel Nasser, women in her native Nile poor leader of Britain's Conservative EL Sadat, on her first But in the Arab delta trip world, where "Of course we have rarely appeared in public in the village. The venture has been so party. ■2 without her husband, wives of heads of state seldom people who are not some 18 years Nasser was a world successful that other "It was a good Expend vMUng make official visits provinces beginning for five days >m»n wejare inaUtu- seen as another alone, it was step in the of the willing, some religious people. I'm not figure. Most Arabs never what she looked like. knew send people to be trained there. International Women's Year. CIGARETTES 2PK. accompanied by Aisha \ the Egyptian social Egyptian First Lady's campaign to secure rights and recognition trying to ean women. catch up with Europ¬ I know our traditions and customs. Mrs. Sadat broke the mold with an appearance at her Following the war with October 1973 Israel, Mrs. Sadat spent up to 18 hours a day in My husband said, 'Pretty soon we will have to have a men's year,' and I replied, 'You have /79' J minister and the only for the women of her country, believe in equal I husband's side the night of the rehabilitation centers for had thousands, don't forsret.' " participation first official reception four-and- wounded soldiers, getting to know the men by name and I Official backs bar trying to comfort them. Her latest project, the Wafa Wa Amal Faith and Hope — Tbe Tech Hill 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM PROCESSING — Society, is contracting a center DEVELOPING & By RALPH FRAMMOLINO State News Staff Writer attorney Les Turner to finish up his cross-examination. near Cairo to provide 3,000 Washington's IA Michigan State Police fire marshal testified Tuesday in the In his testimony, Rucinski said he did not include ladies lounge, the dance bathrooms, the crippled care, veterans with medical social services, vocational Birthday day of East Lansing's overcrowding case against the AUe-Ey floor or footage of the establishment. storage rooms in the total square training and (This calculations supported the patron limit set by city fire He said that exclusion recreation facili¬ ties. The center will be Xils for the bar. out in the Public of these areas is not specifically spelled civilians. open to ■JTwilliam Rucinski said he figured out the total square footage two other codes. Assembly Regulations and that he referred to "We want Rucinski said that he used the our soldiers to feel Mw osed for patron limit computations by applying the State of Code to exclude bathrooms Southern Building useful," she said. "Medical care fin Public Assembly Regulations and various and kitchen areas and the —Jed codes on Feb. 2, and his calculations agreed withnationally and Safety Code to National Life is not enough for the disabled. exclude dance floor areas. the limit In They must be trained IbyEast Lansing fire officials in 1973. cross-examining Rucinski, validity of using other codes that Tuesday, Turner challenged the can have a so meaningful life." they ■Eist Lansing and state fire officials measure areas of an the Public are not specifically recognized by Mrs. Sadat, 41, speaks fluent iblishment to determine occupiable square footage and then Assembly Regulations. Rucinski also said that the English and French. She is ft that figure by 15 to arrive at a patron limit, space between the exits at the jjski will be on the stand this afternoon to enable AUe-Ey Alle-Ey could not afford to accommodate more than the working for a college degree at limit of 419 set for the bar. capacity Cairo University, where her two married daughters are one HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GEORGE!! i tastic We P°««BLa»n?t.Y?u ,or Wantin9 t0 Spend Your Birthday at TAG SALE! Playback EXTRA SPECIAL-Cause We'reDuring Our Fan¬ And the Savings Are CLOSE-OUT! Two Events! You Can Save the 20%, 30%, 40%, even 50% on 30% OFF ON ALL From Names Like PIONEER, MARANTZ, SANSUI, AR, Specially Tagged Items... DUAL...the List Goes On and On. HITACHI, RCA, SONY, GARRARD, But it's FIRST COME, FIRST Eiplrot Fob. JJ. 1*7J ! Fighting Ole George Would be SERVED...tor Inflation to«1 Lon»;»g Storo Only Proud of!! MISS BRECK STAYFREE HAIR SPRAY MAXI-PADS 13 7Q* fori oz. 12's 58' m reg. 1.25 ' ' reg. 79* NYQUIL COLD MEDICINE BEN-GAY RUB-OINTMENT reg. 1.50 1.07 '1S| reg. 02. 1.39 87c Calculator Sale! EXTENSION CORDS 6 Ft. reg. 69* 48' JERGENS PLEDGE CLEAR FURNITURE POLISH COMPLEXION BAR TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 14 reg. oz. 2.00 1.19 3'Aoz. reg. 59* 38' SR-10,9-Function 8-Digit Scientific. With NiCads. /&$ COMET PRINGLES CLEANSER POT ATOE CHIPS 14 19c oz. 2PK. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS reg. 24* reg. 88* 73c 1-50% OFF! SR-16,17-Function, Digit Scientific. With 8- pie home entertainment center! Memory toil E"ecord Changer, r™«y Stereo 8-Track And QQ95 looting Storo Only Tape Deck and sensitive AM/ P10 Plus a pair of wide-range 2- NiCads! Oil i PEPSI pSuspension speaker systems. Com- Rpr KEjU- 8 PACK 16 oz. nipT ffli'y Pro nght match! sound without the hassle of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS NO DEPOSIT-NO RETURN ulCjl SKANDA FM Auto Converter. 1.49 S, 1.38 SR-50 25-Function Tunes in your favorite FM broadcasts I *as $289.95 Deluxe Scientific through your car's AM radio! Reg $29 95 .Installs quickly and easily! A super value! 12495 J| KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Budget 'Phones. reg. 1.25 "J Q C reg. 1.00 63' Super sound! Cush¬ LIMIT 4 LIMIT* ioned ear pieces and (coupon] tiplroiFoTll. 1*75 Expirot Fob. 11 WS adjustable head¬ Cost lent Ing FO SPEAKER BONANZA! Storo Only lost Lanting Storo Only band for maximum TALL GIRL *lker» In Playback's Huge Automotive Department: comfort. VIRGINIA MAID Special Buy PANTYHOSE PANTYHOSE ; TEXAS INSTRUMENTS HALF-PRICE!! SR-51 45-Function No. 93PH 7Q* No. 105 A QC SE* 224®® reg. 1.39 / U reg. 89* 4/ umnt LIMIT 4 Up4rot Fob. n. im faflmfeTn. 1T7S [Qrehouse Outlet Only to it looting Storo Onty lot! looting Storo Only , •8 Cedar „ *149.95 Quantities T.v. SALE and B i W Portable Playback ifie electronic FARMCREST CAKES & PIES 4/88 N«"'w.00 U„H«I TV Special I ond UMF notloni plcxjcjround reg. 29< ea. (tO»»M) E.plrot Fob. 11. I«7S loot looriof Storo Ooty Save $50f# ENVELOPES 100 CT. reg. 79* 48 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Februi,ary i9,iI Avant-garde rockers create uniquely memorable albums By DAVE DIMARTINO 1974" to his credit, a live album able follow-up to the un¬ State News Reviewer on which he performs along with approachable "Index," was a John Cale and Nico have Nico. Kevin Ayers (ex-Soft more simplistic work and barely shared much in common since Machine), and Eno (ex-Roxy half hour in length. a It was a their rise to fame — or notoriety Music), Cale, no doubt to his small V\ glimpse of Nico's in the 1960s' most controver¬ disbelief, is a viable, commercial frightening vision that one — sial group, the Velvet Under¬ artist. hoped would be elaborated ground. "Fear" has enormous poten¬ upon. Both are elite figures in the tial. Featuring Roxy Music's The elaboration has taken rock avant-garde, not only be¬ guitarist Phil Manzanera and five years. Nico loosely answers cause of their contribution to Eno, as instrumentalists and all the questions regarding her the Velvets, but also for their executive producers, Cale's absence with "It Has Not Taken own stunning solo works that effort is strictly first class. His Long," the introductory track. followed their departure from lyrics are as literately obscure Then things become slightly the group. Cale has as ever: "You know it makes more unfocused, climaxing with m - produced five sense/Don't even think about a rousing version of "Deutsch- albums since the split, each a it/Life and death are things you land Uber AUes." totally unique entity. "Vintage Violence," released in 1970, is just do when you're bored." Nico's lyrics beat Cale's for * \ "Fear," a calculatingly com general desperation and generally regarded as a classic. merical effort, will certainly not obscurity once again: "When I Consisting of short, related alienate any of Cale's present remember what to say/You will songs in several musical styles, following and will most likely know the album seemed to be proof me again/And you forget expand it. to answer... You seem not to be that John Cale, of screeching- Nico's audience, a question¬ listening/The high tide is taking Sun Ra and his 16-member ensemble played their unique, vibes, saxophone, oboe, basoon, two drum sets, cong»g w viola-solo fame, was capable of able group in itself, will be everything/And you forget to sounding like the Moody Blues pleased with 'The End," her answer . .." far-out music for 4Vi straight hours Monday night at the other instruments in their performance. when he wanted to. first release since 1970's Cale again takes credit for Stables. The group, appearing through Saturday, includes With that out of the way he "Desertshore." It shows that an most of the incredible music produced "Church of Anthrax," evolution of some sort has heard on "The End." Though a cooperative effort with Terry Riley, and "The Academy in clearly taken place since that time. One need only look at her Eno and Manzanera are present RESEARCH RHARHftRHARHftRHARl-^^ here as they were on "Fear," Peril." Both were basically in¬ past three albums to note their they are not as prominent Only COMING THIS strumental albums, though the differences. in the last few minutes of the Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page WEEKEND musical realms explored in each "Chelsea Girl" featured the title track — Jim Morrison's Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, were quite diverse. Hardly Velvet Underground backing up "The End" — does the Cale- mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 commencal efforts, neither Nico on several selections and Manzanera-Eno nucleus take off to cover postage (delivery time is INGMAR BERGMAN S album sold well. was thus appropriately raw and for a brief respite from Nico's 1 to 2 days). "Paris 1919" came as a true metallic-sounding. unearthly droning. It is one of RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. surprise. Structurally reminis¬ cent of "Vintage Violence," it was a moody work that easily "The Marble Index," her best work, featured the playing and the most memorable moments on the record. Cale truly 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE *2 LOS ANGELES. CALIF 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477 5493 OOESAND arrangements of John Cale. The An American stood as one of 1973's best albums. album is true masterpiece, because it had an ethereal feel dominates the proceedings with his superb arrangements and impeccable production. Our rettirclt mattrlii It sold n«arch assistance only. for Thurs. Wilson 7:30 Odyssey WHISPERS With all that behind him, Cale and unity to it that has yet to be Brady 9:45 Thurs. Brady 7:00 has now produced "Fear." equalled by any of the Velvet Fri. 109 Anthony 7:90 A 9:30 Thura. Conrad 7:30 A 9:30 Wilson 9:30 This newest work arrives at alumni, Cale and Lou Reed Sat. Conrad 7:30 A 9:30 Fri. Wilson 7:30 A 9:30 Fri. Conrad 7:00 & 9:301 precisely the proper moment. included. Son. Wilson 7:00 Sat. Wilson 7:00 & 9:301 With last summer's "June 1, "Desertshore," a commend¬ Conrad 9:30 Sat. 109 Anthony 7:30 A 9:30 Sun. Conrad 7:00 ALL DEGREE CANDIDATES AND FACULTY! I Hichigan Stale News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 19, 1975 9 oston demonstration By BOB OURLIAN State New* Stall Writer -higWysignifieant." Marcia Garrison said. "I think that if Martin Luther peop e decided to set King Jr. M demonstration wUI be held in Boston May 17 to support up a commission to study the problem, A student that drew 1,100 people. as an group in Boston sparked the idea for The next day, some 15,000 to 20,000 kvu, 0f minorities to an equal education and combat what IV" s fj|i gn organized racist offensive. *-r*PThe mass yaction would ve been copping out. movement by a national people marched through Boston in support of continued approach is one that is needed. organizing a teach-in Dec. 13 at Harvard University forgotten what People haven't desegregation. demonstration call came at the National Student was learned in the '60s." 'JTagainst Racism at Boston University last weekend. Iwthree MSU and local high school students were among »than 2,000 that attended the three-day conference of hm and speeches given by Dick Gregory, author Jonathon Rich Herold, said the conference itself tors expected a about WMSN newsman who went to the suffered from 1,000 people, and conference, disorganization. Coordina¬ Show to focus on said. more than 2,000 came, he 7|)r Benjamin Spock and civil rights activist James A special television program about some of the housing problems of students and other residents who live near the business district, low-income people in the East particularly those who "fjLon NAACP asked conference organizers to support Herold also said that not everybody was at the conference for will be shown at 7:30 Lansing area tonight on the public access cable channel 11. live near Dooley's and the location of the proposed 24-hour f request for a national program to combat racism, the conference instead of itself. "A lot of people went there to play politics The show, which lasts about 20 minutes, focuses on neighborhood restaurant. The point is brought home by a use, an overwhelming majority of conference participants rolling up their sleeves and doing opposition to a proposed 24-hour restaurant at M.A.C. segment near the end of the show j tfc, idea of a mass demonstration, according to local something," he said. Ann Street. Avenue and which uses actual sounds recorded at 2 a.m. as the Herold also said he felt that rowdies head it the conference. not all those The proposed restaurant was home from the bars. .it conference were satisfied with what attending the recently made possible when its _JjiGarrison, ASMSU presidential candidate, was optimis that a lot of went on there. "I people thought it was a waste of time," he said. got the idea backers were granted a parking waiver for 59 parking spaces by the The show was put together by Delta Productions, an informal Kjjj the consequences of the Boston conference and the " East Lansing Planning Commission despite opposition from group of public access nonstudents. The group video makers made up of both students and »that came out of it, the National Student Coalition "But it was a statement," he students and other neighborhood previously did a show which featured said. "It was a statement of student groups. a concern and interest in the issue." The show uses interviews with group of Vietnam veterans who favor unconditional amnesty and a residents, many of whom criticize Sconference has huge potential for a resurgence of the civil In addition to the May the city for being more interested in business developments than program about labor organization among young people in the East Lmovement." she said. "From what I saw, most of the people teach-ins are in demonstration, local workshops and people, to explain the problems of tenants. Lansing area. Looted and dedicated. They were serious about doing planning stages for April 4 to commemorate Special emphasis is given to the noise problems encountered For those who miss it the first time around, the housing show will by be repeated at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 24. 's husband Jim, an MSU student coalition organizer, E ^ Boston conference met its two goals: to establish a ul organization and to come up with a national program to and to battle racism in Boston in particular. cberhard [■troversy over busing has been raging in Boston ever since Ljjbegan to comply with desegregation orders which are now Lfbught in c°urt by lhe Boston School Committee, the city's U of education. |dh Jim Garrison L were elected and Art Webb, director of the Office of Black as local representatives lL Committee of the student coalition. to the National FOOD STORES SUPER SAVINGS SOLE IV fact that we are planning something really big and broad • 3301 E. MICHIGAN lender-lean BEEF • 5210 WEST SAGINAW MOCWM WOWUTlOH 48? WOi • 930 W. HOLMES ROOD SAVE 30i. ECll »«»i . 90« POT PIES o- 1 Buy 2 t *ve 60* PEANUT BUTTER W BUY } C0UNTHV CNES" iA* TO QQi W/PURC4IASE OF ONE ON. 0T SEC PRICE LOW FAT MILK (*77 ah J ih-sfoi-e coupon 1 58 I6-0Z. RETURN 8-PMC PEPSI •«» i SAVE COUNTUt dOLPtH Htlf QQ ABLE BOTTLES, 60« VAN. ICE CREAM O? REGULAR OR fuv 1 muu C A. DIET »A»e 60- EX. LARGE E6GS ooiOif BUY 2- BUY 2-SAVE 40* ON JOY'S l»v( 60' SUCEO CHEESE 24^1^ POTATO CHIPS ■uv i SAVE 52' CASINO CHEESE - Oif BuV 2 2.0* OFF ON ANY JA* -« VA8ltr,SS lAvr 40' FLAVOR HOUSE NUTS •wit CkMPIIli.'! CM'CKIN A,»V>I WALT DISNEY 5**E 76« NOODLE SOUP O « 1 BUY 12- SAVE 7S*- Buv 4 SAVE COHONBT 100 CT 2 7C W/IN-STORE COUPON-CAMPBELL SOUP 2V FACIAL TISSUE fob BUv 1 %Avl 80' Mr CAT LITTER 25UB QC CHICKEN NOODLE wons (A v( ■*••' Q^AC 6£i°-° I.3C TECHNICOLOR" JE; PANAVISION [GJ Lochs Of Scot 3- SAVE 30*. SCOT LAD i WNMd by BUCMA VIST A W8TRWUTK5N CO * dinnerware THIS MEK'S TEMJRE- DINNER SOLTINES - 39 PLATE LIMIT « PLEASE tus 10- SMt 90* U MM-M IH-STO TENDER KRUST FRESN I W/IM-ST* COUPON. <> V#H FROIEN ■ 3301 E. MICHIGAN STORE ONLY1 Candles WHITE BREAD BAKftUET POT PIES I [M] 0C FASHION LOAF 6™" 79 Open for Lunch | HO ECKRICH SALAMI *.» 89 11 -2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday HEi BAKED BEANS .79 Complete Luncheon Menu ® sP«ial of the day Mueftstet" Cheese 65' every day Dinner Hours < ^ V • ^ BUY 2- SAVE 60* Win-store c»vk>h catiF U.S. NO. I KMITIES APPUS 3>7» #u purpose wN !•' v-V :> SAN ANTONIO • - • ■ ' - , foment, $M00. Please 3-2-21 < v . - 332 Gary. 3-2-21 BABYSITTER WEEKDAYS 2-4 SUNSHINE HOLIDAY p.m. for 2 schoolage children I 3 6 6 r silver AM'FM, 1973 air.' Some cleaning-$2.25 per hour. References. Call 485-4155 after 5 March 16-23, 1975 1 % fir % 1 to | Roat, 882-6127. p.m. 5-2-25 _ P*r P*"on i5 % vV ■ foLi"'E Flon' whe#l FULL TIME clerk-typist to assist in library. Previous library experience $266.00 n 16 % w to" T^ngs. 5 2-21 car c®« and above average typing general office skills required. aid 8 DAYS-7 NIGHTS % U % vs 6544 for interview. 5-2-25 332 % 27 a % 29 | ^ a,1er 6 Pm- Excellent GO GO girls wanted. Experience •Round Jet Flight/Braniff International •Welcome Cocktail %% So St 3z % J* & not necessary but helpful, wfl train. Call 882-0236. 14-2-20 •8 days/7 nights accommodations four 35 It, V, jf $8 %% Gateway to Year-round Vacation Living TOPLESS USHERETTES wanted •Breakfast each •Texas BBQ/Horseback morning riding M, % m % 4h PIto t-n ' |i|.iS "" °Pen price. 363- many apply in person. CINEMA X •Pool/Tennis k-7 % % THEATRE AND BOOKSTORE. •Transfers Baggage Mjwjjinrn My cryetd end e«r urfSwd UtaM |wt HmImHm VA 882-0236. 14-2-20 •Excitement Plus! 5i 5i w Phone fej"! w,9°n 1971. CONTACT: ANN BANKEMPER OPEN DAILY9-5 SATURDAY ft SUNDAY 12-6 339^9683 VA y MODELS FOR Photography. Executive Arts Studios 4891215 between 10 am 6 pm. 0-2 28 351-5500 Gas Heat Furnished 339 2278 fYl 1 1 '» VA % '& 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Februarys ] [ Far Sale ](5| "»« Recriatioi (fi Academic unit OKs WOMEN'S HUMANIC ski boots. HOLLY PARK, 1970. 2 bedroom, BOAT SHOW SALE (continued from pagel) w"tlen that by|;W0U|H Fit shoe size 10. Hardly worn. 8x10 expando, redwood porch "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,005. faculty and give it to the $30. 351-6267. 3-2-19 wth awning. Present owner will pay first months rent, must sell! "Sunftsh" by A.M.F. Complete line of American Day $699. adminiatrators. They felt that CCy."the righU < Will listen to offers, 484-7262 the parts of the document giving CLASSICAL GUITAR Yairi good Sailers through 18' sloop with Announcements for It's What's Radio and television majors; Petitioning opens Monday for condition, 1V4 years, hard shell 3-2-20 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of come to the MSU Broadcaster* SMAB positions. Petitions may be faculty "shared responsibility" case. $160. 337-1174. 3-2-19 1973 MOBILE HOME. 12 x 60, two Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', 27'. Come in and see the largest Happening must be received in the State News office, 343 Student meeting at 8:30 tonight in Union. 35 picked up in 334 Student Services with administrators in making certain decisions were written chairpersons committees and the 0f J"?! Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least bedroom. Immediate possession BRASS BED, full size, head and foot, $250. 372-8158 between 2-8 Holt area. Excellent condition, and most ware complete sailboat hard¬ andAccessory display in the two class days before publication No announcements will be accept What would we do without you "Hidden Gardens in Pictures," in a way that put faculty in only an advisory role and gave them committee down by the memb£ 1 new $7,000. Call Sonny. 372-2006. to work on "Company?" Put the by Jake Wikle, staff naturalist of pm. 3-2-19 5-2-25 area. All boats offered at tremendous pre-season savings. ed by phone. question to the test, call N. Randall, Hidden Lake Garden, will be no ion. power in making the decis¬ criticized by •Mt-professor of Harry? *1 EL NIKKORMAT with f2 lens. Lay away programs welcome. The Parents Without Partners Wilson Hall, Soon. sponsored by the MSU Horticul¬ $250. 105mm f2.5 Nikkor lens. 8 x 38 MOBILE HOME, 1 bedroom, GRAND POINT MARINA, Creyts are having a potluck supper at 7:30 ture Club at 7 tonight in 204 Horti¬ Alan Fisher, associate pro¬ executive have the power committal $145. Olympus OM-1 with f1.8 carpeted, furnished, excellent Road on the River, Dimondale. p.m. Thursday at the First Presby While another hundred just got culture Bldg. fessor of history, said he was t0 I lens. $250. 393-8900 weekdays, condition, 1/2 mile from campus. Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 terian Church, corner of Ottawa off the train, the Company is re¬ "shocked" by the lack of power emergency in certain J > $1500. Phone 337-7733 after 6 The Students of Yahshua Jim. 3-2-19 Drive and Chestnut Road in hearsing "Company." People in¬ are the new document would give Manderscheidl 3-2-21 hoc ' J p.m. terested in finding out about the offering free lectures on religious ™n of the ad PAN AM Lansing. Bring a dish to pass. faculty to "choose, remove or Company call N. Randall, Wilson prophecy, history and the Bible by that drafted the by|J HARDBACKS [lost t Find (<^| CHARTER FLIGHT TO LONDON The University Duplicate Bridge Club meets at 7:15 tonight and Hall. the divine pattern of the Mosaic tabernacle at 8:30 p.m. Thursday make sure a chairperson of a department is responsive to the academic the governance bylaws and asked! dX PAPERBACKS FIND SOMETHING every Wednesday on the second The African Studies Center pre¬ and 1 p.m. Sunday in 34 Union department." opposing them to comij COMIC BOOKS If you've found a pet or article of Open to oil M$U students, floor of the Union. sents "Bwana Toshi" a film by Bldg. Harold Marcus, professor of proposed by laws to SCIENCE FICTION value, we want to help you return faculty, itoff and their Japanese filmmaker, Susumu history, said he disagreed with ones, instead tl ' SPORTS ITEMS MAGAZINES it. Just come into the State News families. All Lansing area middle and Hani, focusing on the attempts at the "tone" of the document and of "yj MUCH. MORE Classified Department and tell us elementary teachers and librarians cross-cultural communication be¬ Independent Study Colloquium: said he felt it gave faculty and some Utopian When the document! 307 t. Grand Rl.« you want to place an ad in EAST Deporting July 4 are invited to attend the third tween a Japanese engineer and the What would you like to know? students less power in Univers¬ ballot were resultsoftlj Dp#n 11:30-4 PM 332 01H LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Detroit to London annual language arts film festival at people of an East African village. Assistant Professor Gervasi, Dept. announced I Column. As a public service EAST 10-.20 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. The film will be shown at 7:30 ity decisions. members were 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Returning August 23 of Philosophy, and Lusia Mitchell, "The parts of this document surprise® tonight in Parlor C, Union. stood up and said Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you I London to Detroit Thursday in the Erickson Hall kiva. Each session will be a different film. honors college graduate advisor, that supposedly give faculty a of the close vote that bl will respond to this question at 4 Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 Attention MSU Marketing Club share in making decisions is just the | and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING EAST LANSING STATE BANK Only $348.00 Round Trip members and Human Ecology stu¬ p.m. today in the honors college much window dressing," should be sent back fori Plan on attending the Gay Liber¬ so COMPANY. 316 North Cedar. Op- For more Information contact dents. The MSU Marketing Club lounge, Eustace Hall. All invited. study. Other membej ation meeting from 8 to 11 tonight Marcus said. "This is an aosite city Market. C-3-2-20 the Office of Oversees presents Famous- Barr, a retailing agreed, as they LOST: GRAY Male Tabby cat, 2 Study in 33 Union. Petitions for positions on the administrative document and I firm from St. Louis, at 7:30 tonight "Siddown" and 1975-76 College of Agriculture and think a new one ahould be put 0 STEREO, JBL L-200's, Marantz weeks ago, Spartan Village - want 353-8921 in the Teak Room of Eppley Center. coats to leave. to send home; silver link bracelet; 2 All junior women interested in Natural Resources are now, vailable 19, Thorens TD165, BNO SP 12 keys on fastener. 355-2997. 5-2-20 in 121 Agriculture Hall, during PBX 117, new-$3100, sell for EUROPE FLIGHTS. Toronto to being considered for Mortar Board Israeli Dancing continues at 7:15 membership, pick up an informa¬ business hours. Further informs Students seize U-M built $2100. 332-8823 or 332-0666. Gary London, Amsterdam, from $289 each Wednesday night in 218 LOST: MONEY clip, silver with tion sheet at 101 Student Services tion is also available there. 3-2-21 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 351- Women's Intramural Bldg. New¬ gold square engraving. Senti S800 C-1-2-19 Bldg. Return it by Feb. 28. comers always welcome. Need ID mental value. Reward. 349-3071. KING SIZE water bed and plat¬ to enter building. 1-2-19 The Council of Graduate Stu¬ form frame. 6x7, $80, 485-2901 The first Socialist Labor party (continued from page 1) close after 5 p.m. 3-2-21 Real Estate « dents' vice president of graduate Enchiladas, frijoles, rice, chicken study class on Marx's critique of was on FOUND: FOUR month old pure welfare will be available Tuesday building at its regular 5 p.m. economic issu< mole and a cold, foamy beverage capitalist political-economy as ex¬ ared German Shepard puppy. Call and Thursday afternoons in the closing time. others left after that I YOUR MONEY GOES Farthest at MASON AREA, 20 acres, 3 bed¬ The "Great Grapes" Mexican pressed in "Value Price and Profit" John, 332-3830. C 3-2-21 A GEO spokesperson said DICKER AND DEAL. We have room ranch, full basement built in COGS office to assist graduate Dinner, a United Farm Workers will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in agreed upon. There L that the minority group had stereos, albums, tapes, musical FOUND: FRIDAY 1969. 2 1/2 car garage, mainten¬ students. benefit, will be held on Sunday. 33 Union. supported GEO's strike, and widespread economic disa^reemej morning male ance free. $5,000 down on land February 23, from 5 to 9 p.m. at St. points. equipment, cameras, leather weimaraner puppy by Natural contract. $48,500 Call Jo Ann John's Student Center, 327 Attention all cyclists. Applica¬ that now the minorities were coats, furniture, T.V.'s, sporting Mason-Abbott Educational Pro¬ goods, guns. Hand and power Science Building. Call 332-6262 Redmund, 372-5216 or ROGER M.A.C. Ave. Live entertainment. tions for the TOSRV ride are now asking for reciprical help. C-3-2-19 PAVLIK REALTY, 371-2890. gram Committee presents "Heavy available. For more information call There were a number of GEO tools. Jewelry, head supplies and Hand and the Man" with Zolton much much more. Check out our B-1-2-19 KP Food Stores have reneged on John Stein. pickets outside the administra The FOUND: LADIES watch, west Ferency at 9 p.m. Thursday in their agreement not to reorder ski equipment for an inexpensive way to start a skiing hobby. Come Shaw lane near Wells Hall. Abbot Hall cafeteria, and the film Gallo wines. Come join the picket RHA will meet tonight at 6:30 in tion building while minority Tech Hi) Service protesters were inside. on down to DICKER AND DEAL. Check us out for the lowest prices. 353 2789. C-3-2-19 ^ "Black Women in America" at 7 p.m. Sunday in Mason Hall cafe¬ line where Grand River and Michi¬ gan avenues meet. Daily from 3 to Landon attend. Hall. All are invited to The spokesperson said, "This DICKER & DEAL SECONDHAND LOST: MEN'S Prescription Photo- EDITING, PROOFREADING, teria. 5 p.m. Support the United Farm may put more pressure on the administration, and we're Birth STORE, 1701 South Cedar. 487 e*>erienced. Dissertations, theses Workers. Boycott Gallo wines. Ellipsis, the popular radio dis¬ grey lense glasses. Ann Street Women! Do you know all you 3886 Bankcards welcome. C-2-28 Charles area. Reward 337-9578. book and article manuscripts. should about your body? Come to cussion show, will be presented at hoping they'll want to settle 3-2-20 Anne Caiiey. 337-1591. 3-2-20 Spartan Sports Scene can be 8 p.m. Thursday by the Michigan with us because of it" self-help at 7:30 tonight at the heard tonight at 8 on 640 AM. the State Network, 640 AM. FOAM LAYTEX rubber double Women's Center, Union student Negotiations between GEO FOR THE BEST Service Michigan State Network. mattress, box spring and frame. FOUND: CONTACTS under on stereo offices and find out what the doc and U-M continued Tuesday. It GOING Excellent condition. All for $50. equipment, see the STEREO was reported that settlement 351-0289, after 7 p.m. 3-2-21 Hagadorn Bridge. See Doug Wipple - Hubbard Hall. Call SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. tor won't tell you. Can freedom and communism Investors and those interested in ON ALL I C-23-28 be compatible? Dr. Henry investments are invited to attend WEEK 353-8198. C-3-2-21 Prof. Julius Preminger will give a Silverman. ATL professor, will an investment seminar at 7:30 talk, "A Retrospective on Polish ' PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL~ address the Libertarian Alternative tonight in the Community Room of BOOK v FOUND: LADIES gold faced Timex watch. Near Yakley. To finest quality, reasonably BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY varieties, priced Jewry", at 8 tonight at Congrega¬ tion Kehillat Israel, 855 Grove St. on Anarcho-Communism, at 8:30 tonight in C112 Wells Hall. the MSU Employees Credit Union. claim call 355-7268. C-3-2-21 482-5712. C-2-28 SALE Petitioning opens Monday for 1000's of FOUND: SATURDAY morning on Red Cedar, men's wire rims. Call 355-7848. C-3-2-21 INCOME TAX preparation. Call BErB Accounting arid Tax Service m SMAB positions. Petitions may be picked up in 334 Student Services Wine tasters: at last! Come and get itl Thursday at 8:30 February 20, Kings Point North, p.m., at 485-4651 or 332-8468. 20-3-6 paper and ANN BROWN typing and multilith Apt. D-3, Abbot Road one-half Free hardbacks offset printing. Complete service Asperrdrsvrfng at 7 tonight mile across M78. For more infor¬ YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY Taxt and Reference Persoial / listrectioi I* for dissertations, theses, manu scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 8t Coral Gables. Ski Club members only. Don't forget cards and mation, call Eldon Grabemeyer, We buy books YOGA. EGYPTIAN folk and belly tickets. /ears experience. 349-0650. anytime dance. Taught by native Egyptian. C-2-28 Body conditioning. Free lecture series "The Charm 351-4291 B-3-2-19 of Winter Gardening" will be Gibsons KNOW THYSELF" EXPERIENCED papers, TYPING term theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ taught at 7:30 tonight in 206 Horticulture Bldg. This week's With contacts from PERSONALIZED PALMISTRY ate service. 394-2512. C-2-28 topic is bromeliads. East Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs 128 W. Grand River WITH Rabaran and No»o»ho 1 bl. W. of Union Sign up at the Is there a God? Campus Crusade TYPING TERM papers and theses 3 M thru Fri. Against Christ will discuss the FREE. . . A lesson in complexion MAYFLOWER BOOKSHOP] Experienced, fast service IBM 351-5330 A :are. Call 484-4519 East Michigan argument from design at 9 p.m. I 9:00-5:30 f or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 Thursday in 37 Union Bldg. We will NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. also discuss religion and the law, FENDER PRECISION bass. Model C-3-2-20 and religion and psychology. EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY | 1972. Custom black. Uke new. $200. Ken. 351-1277 4-8 pm. GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and drum lessons. Private instruction avail¬ able. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- Waited ](g South Collegiate Fellowship will CO-OPTICAL SERVICES DR. J. R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST 4-2-21_ _ MARKETING 7830. C-1-2-19 TRIED TO change out of state hold it's Bible Study at 9 tonight in Now in Brookfield Plaza DRESS MEATS. Beef and pork, residency status? Successful or 34 Union. All are welcome. young and tender USDA CLUB not Call Diane 355-8252. 5-2-20 inspected. livered. Processed and de¬ 69db. Roy Donald, : Ijpiij Ser«ice][a) Come and learn dancing in the olden days. Renaissance dance 394-1092. 5-2-24 Presents Representatives From FAMOUSBARR, a St. Louis COMPLETE DISSERTATION and resume service. Printing, IBM REMOVE STARCH FROM YOUR IRON by rubbing hot iron over brown wrapping paper over which class at 8:30 Thursday in 106 Holden Hall. Sponsored by the HUNG DEADLINE: 8-TRACK RECORDER/player/ Retailing Firm. typing, binding. Printing from Society for Creative Anachronism. receiver by Panasonic. your plain paper originals. Corner you have spread some salt. Make two speakers. Entire unit, $175. 351 3235. 3-2-20 Includes Wedneaday M.A.C. and Grand River. Jones Stationery Shop, Below 9-5 space in your closet needs" with Classified Ads. sell "don't an Join the MSU Promenaders for evening of folk, square and SPRIN6 1975 ASMSU ELECIH Monday Friday. Call COPY round dancing at 7 tonight in 34 OVER 25 YEARS experience. February 19 Women's Intramural Bldg. Teak Room, Eppley Center GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. GREASE SPOTS CAN BE RE¬ OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East C-2-28 MOVED from woolens or silk with 7:30 PM UFARI will have a literature table Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. a little talcum powder. Let powder Deadline for filing slates of candidates for C-5-2-21 stand on spot for a day . . then from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday in the Spring 19] WILL DO typing in my home. Call the International Center. Stop by ASMSU Eloctlon it Friday, February 21st SEWING MACHINE Clearance THE ALOHA 393-8484 between 9 am 5 pm brush off with a stiff brush. and find out about the Palestine by 5:00 P.M. Requef must include the signatures of the students on the slate, thJ - Sale! Brand newportables $49.95. 5-2-19 Liberation Project! $5 per month. Large selection of econditioned used machines. SALE) Hawaiian Candles, TYPING, ALL kinds, low rates, [Transportation]^ Interested in linguistics? Visit names printed, student numbers, or If they are college they are running | Sngers, Whites, Necchis's, New Home and'Ynany others." $19.95 etc. drop off and pick-up on campus, RIDE NEEDED to Toronto this Free U's cognitive linguistics class running for President, and the name of the slaF week-end. Help with gas. Please and share your ideas and maybe to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS 694-0252. B-1 2-19 351 - 1911 call 351-2513. 2-2-20 get some new ones. At 8 tonight in DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 A634 Wells Hall. Note room North Washington. RIDE NEEDED to New BOARD EXAM TUTORING PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate Jersey for jel C-3-2-20 STANLEY H.KAPLAN inexpensive typing. Very near spring break. Will help with ex¬ TUTORING COURSES campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 penses. Sharon. 356-4945. 3-2-21 USED TEAC 350 Dolby cassett Now being formed for the up¬ deck. Used Phase Lanier 4000 coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, jre-amp. Sony 8-track tape re¬ ader Garrard SL95 changer. Sansui AU505 Stereo amp. Sony ATGSB, GRE board exams. For information call 1-313-354-0085 0-1-2-19 general typing. Formerly with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487 C-2-28 i Driving ][^] |I Hey, chicken lovers- Fried! trinatron 12" color TV sets. Type¬ FROM ANN ARBOR come on over to The Other to East writers, spa-ting goods, tools. THESES, RESUMES, typing and Lansing. Leaving Wednesday Used 35mm camera equipment, printing. Reasonable prices. afternoons, returning Friday after- | juitars and musical equipment, STUDENT LOANS COMMERCIAL PRINTING, noons. 351-5620, Jim. 3-2-21 flutes, saxes, etc. WILCOX 351-4116. C-2-28 Wednesday SECONDHAND STORE, 507 East UrxJ.rgroduot. •tudantt may obtain Riding lit 3 wwk loans up to J35 tram tha Michigan Avenue, Lansing. 485- ASMSU lutlnai. Offlca. *oom 307 4391. 9-5:30 pm C-16-2-28 FROM ALMA to Michigan State. I Family ilyNiaht EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Leaving 6:30 a.m., returning after Nigl Animals V Dis¬ sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN 1:30 p.m. 463-2729, 6-10 p m TOTALLY SPOILED, AKC male C-2 28 3-2-21 Cairn Terrier, age 3, needs new po^prswi a parents. Like Toto in Wizard of Special Oz. New baby forces separation. Want to adopt? TO-2057. 3-2-19 IRISH SETTER pups, AKC regis¬ TASHA, YOU'RE just too friendly. Decided on Shepherds. Tell your friend thanks for good advice WANTED tered, champion lines! 371 3704. 5 2-24 Phone Saturday. "Hiawatha." 1-2-19 Undergraduates to 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, ^ TO THE boys of the house, Thanks Participate in Behavioral Research mashed potatoes and gravy, Mobile Homes J(H for the best 21st Birthday ever! Cupcake. 1-2-19 If chosen, will be paid£5/h2J£for -3 hours of your hot biscuits. —*9 yornt/s r you TRAVELO 12 x 60 with expando, time. If interested, come for a "pre-employment" partially furnished. Call 351-3466 or DARLING-WE'VE found the key 351-1194. 5-2-20 interview ™fon^hicfwoyjjnM-b££Oid^— of any one Great time to discover the toucha to OUR life-l love you-Suaar. timesTisteTTelow""""" honey Reg. 1.69 *1.2! of the 1970 BROADMORE, 12 x 60, two 1-2-19 difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Come to Room 104 Olds Hail of one of these times. bedroom, furnished. Occupancy April 1. Washer/dryer, awning, CONGRATULATIONS TO our Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey Now only shed. Call anytime. 484-1977. new little sisters, Angie, Arlene, Tuesday, Feb. II: 7, 7:30, I, 1:30, or 9 PM. batter, fried really crisp and all the way 5 2 20 Laura, Mary and Robin. The men through. No wonder people who cross 1900 E«st Kalamazoo 5 minutes from M.S.U. - of AGR. 1-2-19 Wednesday, Feb. 19: 7, 7:30, I, 1:30, or 9 PM. 4500 South Cedar MODERN MOBILE Home. 12x52, 2756 East Grand River. Furnished, ^over to The Other Fried Chicken stay therel 3007 N, East St. IU.S. 27 North) available now! 351-4820. 5-2-21 Thursday, Feb. 20 : 7, 7:30, I. 1:30, or 9 PM. L-hican State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 19, 1975 13 THE SMALL SOCIETY Sponaored by; by Brickman PROGRAMS 6 WJIM TV. Looting | Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services 7 WXYZ TV, Oatroil .10 Wit* TV, Jack ton 25 WEYI TV, I WOTV Grand Rapid. «CKIW TV. Wlltdtot 17 WIRT TV Film 13 WZZM TV, Kalamo n WKAR TV Eati loi Saginaw 41 WUHQ TV, Rattle Cr..k 50 WKBO TV, Detroit How To 6PLITTH& ATOM." °^T TO WO W (41) Naw Zoo Revue MOW TO (50) Not For Women Only (50) Gilligan's Island (4-5-8-10) Petrocelli SPLIT 11:00 (7-12-1341) Get Christie Love! 5:45 AM (2) Phil Donahue Show 6:00 (50) Dinah! WE Of M. Presents (2-3456-78 ' 6:00 (3-0-25) Now You See It 10 12 13-2541) News 10:30 PIFF£f2aHcP-j ^jon Second Chance (4-5-8-10) High Rollers (9) Bewitched (0) Take 30 (23) The Romantic F (9) Ceilidh mons 6:05 (12-41) The Money Maze (50) Star Trek (23) What Price Knowledge (13) Password All Sun 6:30 11:00 6:15 (23) Lilias. Yoga & You (34-5-6-7 10 2541) News (2 345-6-7-8-9 Z-/9 (50) New Zoo Revue (9) I Dream Of Jeannie 1012-13-23-25) News w For Today (41) The Protectors - jHome Show 11:30 (12) 6:30 Movie 6:20 (3-8-25) Love Of Life (13) Beverly Hillbillies 11:20 (23) Zoom (9) Nightbeat M| Country Almanac (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares 6:25 (7-12-1341) The Brady Bunch 7:00 11:30 CAMPUS CLATTER (9) Family Court (2-4-7-8) News (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie V College 6:30 (23) Villa Alegre (3) What's My Line? (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show by Larry Lewis (50) Bugs Bunny (5) I Dream Of Jeannie (7-12-1341) Wide World Of Sanrisa Semester Entertainment „ For Women Only 11:55 (6) Bewitched (9) Beverly Hillbillies (50) Movie (3-8) Middey News 12:00 MIDNIGHT I.0IM. Presents 12:00 NOON (10) Mod Squad (2 5 6-8 13) News (13) Truth Or Consequences (9) Film Festival t|(j, Bobby Show 1:00 AM Operation Second Chance (3-25) Young 8i Restless (23) Perspective In Black (4-10) Jeckpot (25) The F.B.I. (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow lim& Firm Report (41) Other People, Other Places (7-12-13) News Finn Show (7-12-41) Password All Stars (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour (41) Afterhours Theatre Vinous Progriming (9) Galloping Gourmet (50) Religious Message 6:45 (50) Underdog 7:30 1:30 knting Edition 12:20 PM (2) Truth Or Consequences (2) Late Movie 6:55 (8) Almanac (3) Wild World Of Animals (7) Religious Message jriim Kerr Show 12:30 (4) Masquerade Party (12) National Anthem 7:00 (2-3-8) Seerch For Tomorrow (5) Dragnet 2:00 1251 News (4) News (6) Gus Ganakas Show (410) News (-111 Today Show (5-10) Blenk Check (7) Name That Tune 3:00 ||*M Americi (7-12-13-41) Split Second (8) Let's Make A Deal (2) Operation Second Chance lie's Bi TOP (8) Mike Oouglas (9) Room 222 3:30 H Racer (9) Dick Van Dyke (13) To Tell The Truth (2) News SHORT RIBS Cartoon Capers (25) Dinah (23) Book Beat 3:35 7:30 (50) The Lucy Show (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show (2) Message For Today by Frank Hill Cartoon Carnival 12:55 8:00 bio's Bis Top (5-8-10) News (2 3-6-25) Dr.Seuss: The Hoober Bloob Highway (4-5-8-10) Little House On The (2) Love Of Life 1:00 Prairie WEDNESDAY BAR BQ SPECIAL (3) Accent (7-121341) That's My Mama (4) What's My Lina (9) News Nine '/: CHICKEN $2.35 (5) Jackpot (23) Arabs ft Israelis (6) Martha Dixon (50) Dealer's Choice RIBS $2.75 (7-12-1341) All My Children 8:30 CHICKEN & RIBS$3 35 (9-50) Movies (2-3-6-25) Maurice Sendak's INCLUDES: (10) Somerset Really Rosie FRENCH FRIES 1:25 (7-12-1341) Wednesday Movie Of The Week SALAD BAR (2) News 1:30 (9) Canada Winter Games PITCHER NITE (23) Behind The Lines (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns reduced pitcher prices DOONESBURY (4-5-1-10) How To Survive A Marriage (50) Merv Griffin Show 9:00 in bar and restaurant. by Gary Trudeau Lertaiqmeqt (7-12-1341) let's Make A Deal (2-3-6-25) Doris Day Special i/\ iX (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner Lizard's / Mf & ' Resttess 2:00 • (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (23) theatre In America 10:00 UiyuuA (4-5-610) Days Of Our Lives (7-12 13-41) The $10,000 (2-3-6 25) The Manhunter . ME OFF! Pyramid EXCELLENCY, McARTHUR r* m LOSTMtYTHN&!- THE NOT 727 0 * TEUS ME YOU HAP A T ROSES, THE PETUNIAS, THE 2:30 MENTION A OH,REALLY7 (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night WEDNESDAY'S SPOT OF LAVA TROUBLE j IN YOUR 6ARDEN LAST BEGONIAS, SOME SENSATIONAL ORCH/DS AWAFRICAN VT0LET5 OWN FINE 6AR0ENER! YOU LOST RALPHIE? (4-5-810) The Doctors WEEK THAT M5TKN0CXED MR EYES HIGHLIGHTS (7-12-1341) The Big Showdown \ \ 3:00 (2) Young & Restless (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (4-5-6-10) Another World _Wrtn«da^_Februa_r^191_1975 wife who face many (7-12-1341) General Hospital complications when they adopt 4:30 PM 12 racially-mixed children. 3:30 (ABC) Afterschool Special (2-3-6-25) Match Game "Santiago's America" Santiago 9:00 (7-12-1341) Ona Life To Live helps his friend John, an old man (CBS) Doris Day Today (9) Gomer Pyle with a horse and (50) Banana Splits buggy, over Guest stan Tim Conway, Rich come his fear of new places end 4:00 Little, The Lockers and special new experiences and then they set guest star John Denver. THE DROPOUTS (2 3) Tattletales out to see America, Reuben (4) Somerset Figueroa, Marc Jordan. (NBC) Lucas Tanner by Post (5) Studio 5 (6) The Attic 10:00 (7) The Money Maze (CBS) The Manhunter »l (6) Gilligan's Island Mibrity Sweepstakes (9) Petticoat Junction "Death Watch" Dave Barrett ■hum Street New animates seeks the killer who set Off an (10) Naw Zoo Revue by Room Theodor(Dr.Seuss)Geisal. The explosion in which his friend was (12) My Friend Flicka |h(nit Todiy (13) That Girl Hobber-Bloob is the route all critically hurt. 10:30 creatures follow when they are Gambit (23) Sesame Street first "dispatched" to earth. (NBC) Petrocelli (25) Yogi ft Friends Ujl WIieel*Of Fortune ' (41) Flying Nun "A Lonely Victim" Anjanette Dtnnis Wholay (50) Three Stooges (NBC) Little House On The Comer, Madlyn Rhue guest star. Prairie A woman is having an affair with 4:30 "Money Crop" Julia Cobb her boss and becomes the prime (2) Mike Douglas Show guest-stars as a mother-to-be who, suspect when the man is found (3) Merv Griffin Show with Pa faces mob action by (4) George Pierrot Presents (6) That Girl angry farmers. (ABC) Get Christie Love! (7-12-1341) Afterschool Special (ABC) That's My Mama "The Big Rematch" Guests Karen PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (6) Partridge Family "Trill And Error" Leonard is Machon, Rick Jason. Christie and by Bill Yates (9) Andy Griffith arrested by the police at Foxy her partner are loaned to a small (10) Flipper Flo's establishment while Tracy is town desert resort to help control (25) Munsters ft Friends out of town. crowds during a tennis IA& Ofi? (50) Little Rascals 8:28 tournament. Bobby Riggs and OFTHf Rosemary Casals EVENING (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes FAMll/f- 5:00 PM (6-8) Ironside Narrator: Rich Little Oti PUMAS' 11:30 (9) Mickey Mouse Club 8:30 (NBC) The Tonight Show (10) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) Maurice Sendak'ss Really Johnny Carson host. (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Rosie (25) I Love Lucy Starring the Nutshell Kids the (ABC) Wide World Special (50) The Flintstones animated special revolves around "A Portrait Of Jacqueline 5.30 an imaginative little dynamo Kennedy Onassis" Peter Lawford In, 8:30 (4) Bowling For Dollars named Rosie, dressed as a movie is the host along with guests >-17 Family (7) Hot Dog Kenneth O'Donnell, Evelyn (9) Partridge Family Mil,?". ShlrteV Jonas. (10) Beverly Hillbillies Lincoln, Cecil Stoufgton, end K1"' and hit (12-13) News (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The fashion designer Halston. I, .."'nv complications Week KV? '"°Pt 12 (23) Villa Alegre "The Family Nobody Wanted" 1:00AM FRANK & ERNEST (25) Hogan's Heroes Starring Shirley Jones, James (NBC) Tomorrow (41) Family Classic Olson.Story of a minister and his Host Tom Snyder. by Bob Thaves Sponaored by: z knew lajt U/E 60 MOVHD THIS CHSI5TMA1 WAS ...I CHAH4IO 7W?N. AND DOWN BETWEEN TN0$t TWO TREES OMt x Would Everything, S.ONC UNtMlt ••• 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Feb, ,ruary 19J Franc up; dollar down A SAMPLE m since 1971 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Swiss franc rose 68.9 per OF THE cent in value against the U.S. dollar between May 1971 and the end of last month, the Swiss Credit Bank said Tuesday. The dollar's decline against the strong franc was worse than imeiJERi that of most other major cur¬ SAVINGS! rencies. The bank, one of Switzer¬ land's three largest, said the franc had risen an average of 47.2 per cent against 20 major currencies since May 1971. thrifty The Swiss franc rose 74.4 per cent the against the Italian lira in same period and 73.6 per cent against the British pound. acres It rose only 10 per cent against the West German mark, 34.1 per cent against the French ASSORTED PICTURE ^ EARTH franc and 38.4 per cent the Japanese yen. against FRAMES SAVE 25% BORN a spectol purchose of some of the most Among other developments abroad: economic populor 5*7 and 8 * 10 picture SHAMPOO frames Choose from • of the The executive commission European Common Mar¬ frames the following 12FL.0Z. ket reported in Brussels that in¬ IfC. $3.47 '1420-M1 S"i 7" Special package vestment, industrial production OVAL HUM! WITH Health I Beauty Aide Dept and consumer prices are all WALNUT FINISH $2.59 showing a tendency to slacken RK Mi7f14»UI ■ ir in the nine market countries. OVAL FRAME WITH • A survey published by the Economist in Britain showed oil WALNUT FINISH $3.47 m sj a mo* $"i r exporting countries were far more generous in sharing their CAfVID FRENCH PtOVINCIAl wealth with poor countries last ANTIQUE GOLD FINISH $2.59 year than were the Western, nc. $4.4t #umi ir industrial countries. But it said CARVED FRBICN PROVINCIAL the grants and loans were often handed out in haphazard fashion ANTIQUE GOLD FINISH $2.97 ANT1- AND- IK. Sl.ff fllPMtl J"i 7" with little investigation of pro¬ PERSPIRANT PEtSPItANT PfRSPttANT GOLD EMftOSSID posed projects. UNSCENTED SCENTED • The Kredietbank in METAL ftAME *1.09 STICK SWAT 3 OZ. SPtAT 3 OZ. 3 0Z Brussels announced that infla¬ iKiiifiri ir tion appeared to be receding in GOLD EMBOSSED Belgium. It said the country could finish 1975 with 7 to 9 per cent inflation, compared to 15.68 ^METAL FtAME Gtfti 1 $1.39j $|87 $]87 $yr laap Dept. Cosmetic Dopt. Auto per cent last year. Supply Dept. The upward march of the Swiss franc has caused increas¬ ing concern to the country's export and tourist industries MEUER HI-PRO BURGER 39? and prompted the national bank to take drastic measures against the continued inflow of specula¬ tive foreign funds. Nonresidents of Switzerland who have opened Swiss franc deposits exceeding 100,000 francs or increased them after last Oct. 31 are now taxed with a FOOD ClUB GENUINE U S Ni l HALF IDAHO punitive commission of 10 per cent per fiscal quarter. LOW FAT The measure has not signifi¬ cantly helped the dollar, which BAK1HG has recently traded at less than 2.50 francs, compared to 4.32 francs before May 1971. The dollar has been formally de¬ LIQUID 3m valued twice since then and has also been allowed to float to find WSM oz (ao its own level. DETERGENT 90X1X1 TROPICANA FROZEN CALIFORNIA no. 24 size ORANGE JUICE 12 fl oz. can 3/$l LETTUCE 2^ each FOOD CLUB MACARONI & CHEESE Iwti I TP » SAVEW 0 wracowM CO* DINNER FOOD ClUB CRAPE A " 7Va oz wt. box 5/$l LARGE EGGS 49* SAVE 40* _ 5 SAVE with thli coupon y toward (ho purchato of: & - raoo CUK CO* SW-PUF CONCENTRATED FABRIC j P1NT0 BEANS I I M «*(<»■)* Mknbk^U ft mi SOFTENER Mft.« ItltH) Mk w M Nn Ittwfaf ht tt mi SHE) Thrifty acres' / -T'SUPYR M7RK{*TS □ ■("] TH R! FT Y ACRES SUPE R M ARKEfs PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAT FEBRUART 22,1975. 5125 W. SAGINAW Ltechh&i) - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. — - 6200 S. SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. PENNSYLVAN