§. S. C. Library Wst Lansing, HtcX. :.VST l.ANSINC. MU lllliAN. FRIDAY, SKITF.MHF.lt S< Student Council to Start "ONORm ML Edict Dispels Unlimited-Cut H°Pe« With Explicit Definition fad) l'li«rin(t Sfction lo Function First Tim. at It Esralibur Plans Tapping Five Of New Attendance Statutes Gsmf Oarlock Announce, at Council Decide* Abolish to ANNUAL GROUP Sensors Wbo are Active on Compulsory Wearing of Pols. RFPflPTQ CAIPC CMnp,,, DMr'n* lnlfrml"i"n i SENIOR CI.ASS—IMPORTANT MEETING Instructor and Department Head Remain Sole Judge of Ahsrncet The Stmlont Council Tnc.ilny night outlh ■•I plans amini: year that if chitIciI out «ill place nlinnJ„„Jr,S, RECORD PLAN FOR 300 COUPLES Excuses offered; Maximum Cuts Instructor to Inform Dean When are Exhausted; Former 25 Per a now piano of worthwhile activity. First ami Toronto BROKEN Fergie to Pl.y for Party Held in Cent Maximum to Remain in Full Force. b, h«t is to ho tho ilpyolopment of more spirit at homo Union Ballroom; Tickets all gumos through a froshtnan churn ing ana ion. The impression many students have gained that the col¬ I Sflfl Copies Sold During Fresh- Priced at 80c per At tho santo timo tho f'ouneil took a forward sli Couple. lege authorities have granted unlimited rut privileges was p it man Week More Than Double rowiltg-up proooss of tho college hy rofusing fo pa«* n it* IIARVFY HARRINGTON dispelled yesterday with the issuing of supplementary rules Total for Last Year's Drive. attendance. leu reietnmentling that freshmen he mailt' lo wear Michigan State college's on so* nth P- onforcomont holng in Iho hands of the sophom rial season will start at nine The additional interpretations serve to make clear just The freshman ohooring station that i. hoing orgai TO EXPAND SECTIONS o'clock tonight, when Kxcf^li- what constitutes excessive absences, a matter left uncertain •ili, ei all probability, appear at tho State l»y the original list. Kxeessive absences will be those over and Missouri g bur. senior men's activities ftn, !| will lH' hold hero the week following Hit Mi. I All College Men and Women a I H»ve the riumlnT of times a class meets each week. When »nv A committer composed of Conxion I*»»!»L»\* a hair * How aril Zin.lt l, and tin itrtl Wishing to Join Wolverine Staff Invited to Sign Up. honorary, holds its fall term party in the Union ballroom. | Michigan State News, the absences reach thi* number the instructor must report the matter to the proper dean. 1-Yrgie's orchestra will play Room 8, Union Building However, the system RESEARCH HEAD • »!' the pn-uvt. inl lo With the first drive for for the event. Plans are being laid to ac¬ Tkc Number M.y Nol Mean a Thing, Rut Just the Same. and the department are remains flexible in that the instructor the judges of what constitutes rea- rltvk, president! Wolverine sales now finished, comodate VISITS COLLEGE K I, has conferred | the pubilcntiun staff reports .'100 couples,- The J! Thai's Now Our Address, So Look Us Up. This will allow for more cut¬ with rotHltg, assistant j'a total of 1500 sales during luetic*.. ami ha*' freshman week and a new nil- ting in some classes than in others, provided the student, WAA ANNOUNCE Otitito lab Director Confers With Ch.mbrrlair tion on Problems. Insula¬ can convince his instructor he was justifiably absent. SPORTSTROPHY ( hie point definitely cleared Award Will br Made lo Highrst up ua* that the former 25 per cent rule holds good. No cred¬ Total Athlrtir Point. During it will lie given in any suh- School Year. «, and In distill bed as a result i tri. is shoved together so that j of work the night befoi run hardly move. K\ rything j Hut those who used i oranged that there plenty down to the old place in the the center In which J uent^r will mat vet at -the tin place to place (Now th«re is light and air, ft you will lind tw.) beftjrjs there was darkness ai r-s, frosted glass en- but what air Wider, longr higher, the new set of ..ffi what of an jmproveme HUNT ARRANGES SURVEYCOURSE Kirblrr Announces That Phase, of Many Sciences Will he Combined PLANS MADE FOR Iht-n. but the heavier ttulT he. wait until later. SCOUT JAMBOREE The B and G gang was r« again Thursday and finally &h 'led lute in the aftrrnnonn HOLD ANNUAL TEA Pickle Promotion shortly at! was finished and I Alpha Phi Omega, Local Service Proves Pleasant; ! Fraternity, to Aid in Con¬ new quarters were ready for o cupancy. Reporters had tables FOR LOCAL FROSH Substitutes Used vention Saturday which to work, chairs on which Dr. II R Hunt. "The Evolution engineers. Once eve. y sit, and typewriters on which Tower Guard to Entertain 1 American Society of Of Man " Dr. F. W. Fabian and A.aoci- Phi Omega held Its sec- I" n Dr. R A Fennell, "Man's Animal Town Girls Sunday Engineers and the with fee.«- $1.75 J <>nd meeting of the year in the Ancestors" (six lectures) Everything was in readme Society of Healing an i ate. Dijcover Va.t Possibili- r term and 12 00 Union Thursday at which time and soon the wheels were Dr R II Hunt. "Heredity and *8 Engineer* hold a joint tie. for Lactic Acid. j plans for freshmen visitations Mechanism of Evolution." (three motion, with no apparent chart; year the joint m< ef- and Helen have ane* the annual Scout Jamboree In system or notice of the mbvir lectures). managed by J eon Hi • two societies was held at were discussed. These project- Thr show must th, !*•«« *a Dr Chamberlain was pickles to the left of them—Swc t were taken up at the recjuest of Dr K W Young. "Structure jf W..UKI not w»lt Copy had to t„ j S«nk!r" start until after the val, though teams i man." (five lectures). u,r J? fji4, Mi,ry Mav„ speaker at- the meetlnj. Dean Mitchell to aid th college in written and edited. No time f«*r <•&.« on "Principles pickle*, sour pickles, real pickles, Prof. B B Roseboom, "Physic ; - , . 3 to a otlocx . , . .,, All .. msi , , lomsing and and collecting data on the housing sit¬ nowl , , housrwarming, , . . of the Heat synthetic pickles and behind logy of Man." »» land Un.mg ar. ,„ul„l The same system Pump" was thus pickles is more than six uation and to be -of assistance to ' m the August number Dr. E. A Bessey, "The Pantry invited to attend years c.f serious research and study by the Wol- 'he visiting Scouts at the Wayne •it Mankind' (seven lectures). In the receiving hue will Ik? Mr* ■frigeration Engineer football game. by Dr Fabian and his a.s*ocuit.. Prof Ray Hut«»n. "Man's Ex¬ Robert S Shaw. Dean EUsahe •> tor mingy department, During Freshman Week the ternal Enemies " (five lectures). rad. Dean Marie Dye. Jean College Y.M.C. A. a part of ' the new.y acquired sci nee of Chmurgy or group worked under Dean Mitchell's office acting as assistant* Dr W. L. Chandler. "Man's In¬ ternal Enemies." j Guard, lioliard,and vice-president of Tow* r Salty langdon. p Starts Program the utilisation of farm wast to the secretaries of the various Dean Ward Giltner, "Bacteria " | dent of Tower Guard lust yeor. Debate Coaches AJ! . materia! by conversion into use Fischer to Speak deans in enrolling students for fall term. (seven lectures). Illlttuin filllTCnArrives! an A« The cwnmrnw In rhnrg. of tin Frttkate I anted I* Ah#J *ul chemicals, a fore-runner . Mr R B. Brown, "Structure liuimill !ea foWows Attend Chi Meet to! At YMCA Sunday are arrangement I The society is open to all men rv modern magic that threatens and Function of Man's Nervous . UrieaUb®« Strict . . . ia , r, place the clothes we wear, the' who were at one time Scouts and System" (five lectures). Infanfrv Hpail AlliailUJ lirau lu.tryf)oro,hyMacpher^v,r«ini|l« Await service fraternity whose aim it is Environment of Man." The officer who is to take charge trude Srcbiitger; invitations, Jean Decision on Season's Aryn- lege Y. M. C. A. will j rived from what formerly wa* --- Dtptrtmnt to Addrru to be of assistance to the students Incidentally, Dr. R. A. Fennell, of an infantry unit of Michigan HolUrd, Gertrude Sidebothan. tpo&sor and the college. Although the or¬ ■eotttive Qoeitioo. freshman orientation [only waste. By substituting laebe who will deliver few lectures in State college. Major William M Wilma I Ian by. •■tram ganisation is still only a local a Marjorie .Tribe; starting next Tuesday.) acid, a by-product of fermentation tho course, is a new member of Hutson, has just reported at the publicity, Magrteta Gunn, Ger¬ J D. Menchhofor, assistant pro* 29, in Olds Hall at 7:30 f of milk and other farm waste, vast Gordon Fisher, new faculty group It has every opportunity to the m. S. C. faculty. He is a college R. O. T. C unit. trude Brummelhoff, Jean net e lessor of speech, and J. M. Mc- member of the college speech de¬ go national when the strength of '■ possibilities for substitution have the group is acceptable to the na¬ graduate of Birmingham Southern Major Hutson took his bachelor Monaglei instructor of speech, will Heading the first of a series'jfceen as yet barely touched will address the Y. M » talks Jean Ballard. Y. W. C.1 common acetic add used in pick- for the Cpartment, A. AU-"Y" meeting at 8:00 Sun- tional fraternity. ollege of Birmingham, Ala., and go to Chicago to attend a meeting waa an instructor there for a time. cultural and Mechanical college c4 of the Mid-West Debate confer* * Prudent, will, appear before!ling- A more tasty, economical. The group was formed on the ICE MAN IMPORTANT AT He received his Ph.D. at Johns South Carolina in 1917. He gradu¬ once to be held at the Auditorium I*At the second meeting, j and healthful medium has been of Peoples church. Mr. Fisher, campus only last spring and git STATE CHID DRILLS Hopkins in Baltimore last spring, ated from the Company Officers hotel Saturday. September 28. C*cxl fickle, of the speech depart- ' reached. Because of iU excellent president of the Michigan State off to a good start by having its being connected with the research The debate proposition for this 11 speak. His subject will, digestive qualities It is abo being "Y" in 1933, will speak on the pro¬ depairtment. year for the Mid-west conference, ing the Most Out of Col- used in mayonnaise, salad dressing gram, following a peppy soap¬ of which Michigan State college "he third meeting will be and baby foods. iest. is a member, i 1 for the freshmen mem- Pickles from every state In the rhoose their own speak- • union are used in this research c. which i* being watched with in- "ouncing these meeting.*, terest not only by leading Air.cn- enne. "Y" secretary, aald can universities amd chemical con- oilege freshmen are cordi- cerns. but by famous foreign con- twicRcll MICHIGAN STATU NEWS Jfrlday, Soptemt>ei^(i, i!>:u with plenty of teeth in it and those groups Michigan 6tatc Ncu*$ ■*- • that have in ehallenped the Council the matter might better reconsider. State Theater Rambles r>r. In addition to the nbovc wenpon there »> ».t ta'r.w.ra m».k . thp weapon of publicity. Thi* paper i* whole- and ,r aevnt»r >i Utr mtartcfily behind tho Council in its rr..w-nr« 4to clean up the honoraric*. We have in mind some in particular that have no apparent Rumbles w reason for existence. In the event that meet- Lsrr#c ,T»wwtw i-ui. social gathering*. etc. are considered jput th TrkHbs.tH *»« j reasonable cause by the orgnnriation* we »"* * r»b-r.e might add that we do not consider "clam-' m' •»'* hakesH as ju«t cause for fancy fees for in- ;!v " llrrvr'V lV-lu jtjatOS. ^ *• x,,- * a'..rd *►••:* In its efforts to draw up a workable consti- u ! tut ion the Council is really making progress. s > ■ JX na.'w spring, following controversy, it develop- <#,'rt >yf j ed that neither of the two most important - , H. -.I H.-r-P* ' bodies on this campus had any written au- a*Ta*?*k ftherity for its acts. ' oiw Mr- Fw.t«. ***> Sow the Council has started on the way j'u ' TURN NOW ! V*"' to forming such a constitution. The Board : a • "SWING-IT" TO PAGE 3 r,:v n of Publications is doing likewise. Some of the . • • CAMPUS COATS • other organisations now without one are con- ; - Hviv't a hat in tvnii femplating following suit. In other words. with niodrrti times a- : from a state of k h- a« the student groups :r, i *. tunes — just I he pre|. AvvoceAxi Co8ofla*v fJppjt • control ar»» slow !> coming to a well-organi?e»t t, ! state that will eventually lead to better rtAi-j^sain* ColofMaleOiPsI • ministration of student affairs by their dub ' ' * i elected representatives. i b>st In a Fog The frietully emit of ite New* has trie*! in the |w»st week iluroy. hlnnket-Uueii t to stUitetits a dear picture of the , Pots and Spirit slieker Inter-lining—a Student Council Backs that van take it! 17.S new attendance rules. We ha\*e.not in any ; The Student Council T Mcoe for School Spirit way attempted to misrepresent information.;,^^ a mot^nn Woj.| TepetVat. atnl Over nor have we at any time statt^i that unlinv- i ^ that'the ft ami smart furnishings ifed cut pn\degi gs had been grante*! all »tu- are moderately prievxl jm| nt { i ^ jn der-tji. j! The defeat of the mot Tuesday that 1 unsuceeasfti! efforts »rrons to rex re ae the traditum GREGORY MAYER couki nc accuracy of out I in terptH t* the past three years have Iwr finally ac- i t TNOM CO. MAY BBOa jn pteit as somcwha! com iusne. The tradi- Yltc li«il Store of Uic Town* jtson is dead and trying to bring it back to SS5 S tt*«liiiui«»ii Avf. | 'u(e is not worth the bother. for this feeling lies in the other attempts that ha\» !«een ma -e to «-n- ( forte -wearing. Pots have bloomed for »i* «i a month and then they disappeared ' Fraternities and with apparently enr missing then. The »bor? jjerhai enough to of l.fe certainly warrant c was not nsnkiatlon of pots lottg a> j j Sororities . . . a nreewaary thing. Pot enthusiast* oemtended that lack of pet* ' For your sptx'ial dinners wo would tend to discourage school spirit, ihir j sujrjrest our line of pastries, answer to that is that there are Ipsa) fresh-1 cakes and desserts, which m«-n and aU*ut ifitk) upprrv lassmer, It th*»*e uppervlaasmen show the projwr spint the , may l>e arranged for and fn*h w U do likewise, ptts or rw> pets. delivered at the time de¬ The Stut.h nt 1 ouncd is gojng * o gt tem51 i sired. to ueveiop ixvti h hool spirit, llppeiviassmen roun LOOSf CHANCt r,|'So They Say #«:•—f*«'l Hoa yIron out -A I tit Tkem OH- your laundry 5 worries I On the Wav y : smifTtr - SAftir - ;i STANDARD DUALITY dp Ute Railway. Exyus* Route... sjxnd* thv f:«nr fwr? Let that d<**adsU. coll.at p*t. R.ilw.r Eipr«.i '■ It is naUutig m« for :h. ( eunril to open A driv* for Khorf .;• v,t a> :t tins That : 21iH*>amJ lank? u.th lilKi A MThJJt Uh o{ Cktfvtot rsa out ■»> »ol You «vU Lad it (lossy foin. fast. iaoaprasiTt. - I -4. at the screen v*.!h- AT A STANOARO MIC I M.r.ly notify iht folks you will s.od tlx ysck has bern o vtm t«>f. n * :th iroVflerettt s«t by *.il»iy tipim, sod s»k ihsm to return it but that »> »!J ttiseas* nmbrr. There >.50 tb. MX w.y. Too can atod it cot)set too. yo i other taunts the Co«;: rek-ntlesw unaUi{>pat a w.man van move her head. With at- ^ ek»i ;scovi.ah ingrnuitv. she fotwers fht- next T^k' ' * IVrl of all *iS the honoruieo this • come oa move of the unfortunate immediately behind' Sr tab catDfeus There are mar.) <>{ thvm. nrx: m>re her, and the feather* describe a tremendous that, a few at Uura have little jusuioaUun jaex., to wane te rest—always—in the only T-!I . It's the far their existence. Information concerning .clear space within ranis. sts* tr these group* is new available and action may I .lion* A few sturdy souls have rw|Uestssi, in i hetty : : .fca expected. |widely Mattered instances, that the ..rtrnd- i Just what the found! ran do about it is irtyr tower 1* removed. However, these pion- ' its EAST LANSING. MICH. rather clear. It baa exuef 's te control over the eera are all too few. forward. » sutTm.-sf to »'r.*: -egeratiit of hotxmriea aisi in the emit it the cause! wxiae IKsy C r *wld feel that such action was warranted Off with their bats! j;»*in It attrbt revoke the charter* of inactive or- ^ytintxnfv The Council ha* a weapon here Green and White (Ohio V.) Uwj. Vr ilay. September -'5, 1996 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS STATE GRIDDERS OPEN WITH WAYNE TOMORROW if* during hit high school davs . (ornia back into prominence iri the Record Crowd Slated SPORTORIALS Oklahoma, upset the dope bv oiling at the University of! football sun thin fall, If their home state idol Uvea up By At TMRII F.lt Sport* Fdllor To See Rivals Meet\ lahoma lav. week. Matthews to expectations. Oklahoma should been expected t«» lead the at •. cause the other Big Six football t aimed at piaeina the once, in- We have it from George Alderton, who has it from John mentors plenty of headaches next cable Trojans of Southern Call- fall. In Spartan Stadium J he plenty tough. The Detroit fans , McManus of the Detroit News, that Wayne University will are guaranteeing that their eleven will score at least once on the Spartans—maybe Joe Gembu Bn«|s Veteran j Spartans Could Use More Prac-. more. And with the Spartan* looking as they did in practice Sipiad With Heary Line to' tier; Barbman Fail this week, it seems quite a certain thing that they will. Rattle Stale. Starting Team. The point we want to get over is this. Dont stay away from tomorrow's game just because you think it will be a run It* GFOROR MASRIN ifninji their ||W6 season i away. Bring the folks from home down—take the best girl the tough#*! opponent j Despite throe weeks of con¬ akmg—bring a couple of blankets -tlx yourself for an after- ho school's history, the, ditioning. .Michigan State's noon of real football—because the football team was in dire need Waviie-Htate game is hi* ot* Wavnc University going to be nist that. j of one more week of practice invado Foist Lansing to-! on the eve of its season's ■c\\ afternoon to Michigan State's Spar clash 1 opener against Wayne University eleven. a strong TRACK TEAM IN 'Oklahoma U. Gains So. California Star at Mack tin Kiel.!, - at h Joe himself a G#mhi*. star . player for i i r, the games of the nation will FIRST STAGES { A (lor iilnvma » vmi of n-nu- 11tonal ball for the Southern Cali¬ turn out. The general impres- fornia Prosh eleven. Orville Ma.- th« IM sion tm o(viung any sports writer day is that can sit down OF FALL DRILL j thews, alt-state back for two ** jj. *nd K*it l oon lions But .Mist take in his « pmlic- look at Ih iVrlrran Tram Mm Rrturn for CLASSIFIED m- this list of games, and then Coadl Yooni; Expect to Ki'H KKNT limiM? rnnm. mar ' .divide for yourself jllst how Have Good Sraton. •" 'k eas> it is Get into the swing 1 k them yourself— Unking up where the\ left j T hist year, u galaxy of tv week let us know came out. other M1,1uing varsity and freshman I Vo Ankrd One Qumtioii «if 2(M» iMrn niul Women Auiis- track and held men have re-, With i ii eye to the future. "IT/uY/i An in Vmir Choice for tut*/ 'FentiTy nit vv it h >ur reputations tuck oUier j fall ported tp track C oach Young for And 2 to 1 Sclertcd Piirl»er*n l.ainioulerl IVurl* While many letter winners —The Mi le** laeiiniatie »rith f irr-l i si hie Ink Supply niul 10?% More Ink Or/melt* than in,i style — i.i tm\ ri:t;n Mechanically Perfect W A N T K 1) 0«-Kd Sinjrt'r ANNOUNCE M. S. C. enlr.l I'.irkrr lillrr Thru-'* Ho {i' fyjL campus aud sports¬ ARBOR. Sept 23 —"Beat Storj Has (hin«f4 25c with the im n wear. liey ' •' '■ «>n the lip* of Michigan focn. The story has changed.... Mirth- ^ " - hcs_ and playora as th«y on is the underdoa now. a role, The thing thai most of all at the impressed me Olympics v.a> [ - " '"**v'sL;..7-^^"*" j " themselves (or vhe big gam* fhich 3tatc pla> td lot mai\> This a In w St'UUKY Mwhsgan State here next »»aon. From ail aourctx Michigan will N.wrulh, onginalof ol taUclb,.;: ■ ParLer QlllitAI«« moUul is the "UDO" ''' serine alumni throughout! : ;se out ql the slumps during th^ l-nited States are uttermg the co/rung | _Tulal4^,.!vau MVC 11.7X Q Sport writer*. * AGrds. So are campaign Michigan ; including Uw popular Bud Shaver. C'aiuate*, busineas mm. Bob Murphy and Tod Rockwell Itrjl v*u'lndL!*y^inUy I'mIm v -»fw ! ii«y IIO.MIiKKtl HATS *'• J grammar ; RAIKFAIK school Js*ia, ;are unanimous ui atating the hven the newspaper boys on the Wolverines are heading to better A UN O WEISS ting SIZE, i'/i «>W (man tar woman »>; By BKK(> CAMPUS COATS "Mratd »nd yriur name and addrew Then■ Again Horn burg Hats wtl> 1* «i |>*«puiar "^aantcbancaatocmgucrUw "f ov" j^ The naturally «■"«.iSmJthm. i fullback Suck fctcbu- «,