louse tax SHINGTON (AP)— If the House's $21.28 tax cut bill eventually wins out over President package would aid students economic boostgeneral refunds of a by distributing more than $8.1 billion in lump-sum 10 per cent of 1974 tax For businesses, the Ways and Means Committee bill rebate of $200. liability up to a top economic stimulus brings the party label. The task forces have tentatively planned a joint $16 billion proposal, it will mean an income mainly by hiking the investment tax credit to a general 10 per cent as incentive to buy meeting within a week to consider the product. 1974 for most students. . samet'me' l^e bill would give taxpayers an estimated $8.1 The depletion allowance, which machinery and equipment. The Democratic led Congress has voted to billion in additional take home pay through lower tax some oil critics seek to postpone the oil tariff repeal Ford put into effect by proclamation for 90 jer the House's recession - fighting plan, - this year. This would withholding retroactive to the start of this days while the reflect the bill's boosts in minimum standard year, permits 22 per cent of gross alternatives are explored. Ford has said he will veto the bill and the dv who paid under $100 in income taxes last deductions which benefit lower income persons and in the income from petroleum property to be deducted from taxable test will come when - income up to a Democrats try to muster two - thirds votes in ,0uld Ket il a" ba<*- ^ ot*ler taxpayers would maximum and percentage of the standard deduction used by those top of 50 per cent of taxable net income. both chambers to override. The House is who do not itemize. Congressional Democrats have made some progress in their expected to override, but minimum $100 to a maximum $200. The bill tilts individual tax effort to put together a total the outcome in the Senate is to close to call. leaders tentatively have scheduled action on the bill for relief toward lower income party program on the economy and In any alternative to Ford's oil k. * with 55.1 per cent - groups energy, backing their challenge to President Ford's tariff, which he proposed to reduce but ,t may be delayed by a drive spearheaded by some going to those with gross incomes up to $10,000, policies. consumption and therefore imports, an increase in taxes specifically 34.4 per cent to those with But, while they were able to L'mbers of the House Ways and Means Committee to tie to $20,000 and the other 10.5 gross income between $10,000 and agree quickly on a strategy aimed at blocking Ford's $3 a barrel tariff on imported oil, on gasoline could be a major component. Miiate repeal of the oil depletion allowance, above $20,000. per cent to those with gross incomes alternative program is settling on an Senate House agreement on this may be difficult. The House proving to be a longer and more complicated emergent-v tax measure carries cuts of $16.21 billion for It also grants job. task force program lists a stiff gasoline tax increase,modified by w ,n moderate income persons and $5.07 billion for a special new 5 per cent tax credit with a maximum such arrangements as a rebate to workers of $200 for the Separate Democratic task forces in the House and Senate have who must commute long working poor this year. The credit would be reduced each produced their own distances, as a possible option. starting with anyone earning $4,000 gross income and economy - energy packages of legislative individual taxpayers, the tax cut bill provides for a quick by the $6,000 income level. would vanish goals. The staffs of the two groups have been The Senate plan, not officially made public as yet, reportedly gross about a week trying to meld these into working together for looks less favorably on a gasoline tax, but would allow consideration one program that could bear of one that could be phased in as the economy improves. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Group protests firing of blacks before trustees By PETE DALY expires this spring, would not be renewed. State News Staff Writer Humphrey was director of Family Living It was business as usual for the MSU Education, a service of the MSU Coopera¬ Board of Trustees at its regular monthly tive Extension Agency administered by the meeting Friday morning, despite the noisy College of Agriculture. She was removed interruption of a campus group protesting from the directorship in the firing of two black women February 1974 and faculty was told her appointment in the Dept. of members. Human Ecology would be terminated on Leslie Shields, spokesperson for the April 30. 1975. International Committee Against Racism The statement asked the trustees to (INCAR), read a statement denouncing the reinstate the two women, with tenure, and firings of Dr. Georgia Johnson and Lois to prevent future legal litigation "in a futile Humphrey. Meanwhile, Provost John attempt to deny basic rights to these two Cantlon droned on, reporting routine per professional women or to any other women soune! changes in the opening minutes of and minorities." the meeting. ASMSU president Tim Cain, who is not a Though the report by Cantlon could member of INCAR, accused Wharton and hardly be heard, none of the trustees or the board of "disgraceful" behavior. administrators in any way acknowledged "You said in front of ASMSU and the the presence of the protesters. student body last spring that The group also presented board Chair¬ any campus group could get on the agenda." Cain told man Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, with Wharton. "We asked for normal channels petitions containing over 300 signatures. and you refused." The petitions demanded the rehiring of the Doyle O'Connor, a member of INCAR, two women, with tenure, and the refusal by then told Wharton that "We are the board to allow leaving "coming cutbacks in now, but we will be back next month. We education to be taken out on those who will keep coming back and we will be on A SN Photo'R.D. Campbell passing fad or sign of the times? Whatever the case, it's "A couple would be hurt the most, i.e. students, staff, back the rest of the year, to prevent years ago they were sold before we could even get your par that customers just aren't buying skulls anymore, says a them on the shelf. Now it or faculty, but rather be absorbed from the the firing of these two fine faculty '*> clerk at a seems nobody wants a skull. I know I top." Lansing import shop. wouldn't," she said. The INCAR members." group left the meeting Sunday, Wharton said that an item has to immediately after its five-minute protest, appear on the agenda before it will be which included the reading of Shields' discussed at a board meeting, and that statement and two short remarks ad¬ there are specific guidelines as to what can io more trustees dressed to ignored them. President Clifton Wharton, who The statement, read by Shields, said appear on the agenda. "If it is not on the agenda, and a University group wants it discussed, it can INCAR had requested a position on the be only if it is not undergoing litigation," ■ 8> BRl (E RAY WALKER agenda for the meeting, which had been Wharton said. Chairman of the board Blanche Martin, would decline use of their free cars. sent the letter, Gary Owen. D denied. Ypsilanti, Wharton said he first heard INCAR's I State News Staff Writer D East Lansing, and Trustee Jack Stack, The House Appropriations subcommittee said the trustees may be able to prove to "It was claimed that these cases were in request through Cain a week ago. R Alma, said Friday they plan to turn in on Higher Education had said in a letter to the subcommittee during the l~ MSU's Hoard of Trustees budget hear¬ litigation and that the board could not "I told a majority of the board about it, their 1974 Oldsmobiie Delta 88s rather than the board on Wednesday that especially ings that the discuss them. This is false. Neither of cars are a justifiable expense and they all agreed that because it involved pdfd in Kjve Up their University try to justify the expense of the cars to the during the state's present fiscal uncertainty but he thinks that will be these women have, as yet, filed civil a state House "nearly suits," an internal grievance and external legal Appropriations subcommittee. Trustees John Bruff, they could not justify "such questionable impossible and, at least, very unlikely." Shields read. threatened last woek D Fraser, use of taxpayer's money" as litigation, it could not be heard. This was to cut and Raymond Krolikowski, providing the "If they can justify to us, Johnson is a member of the J et next though, that the Dept. of because a discussion by the board might year. D-Birmingham, said in January that they trustees with cars. Last year MSU spent cars are a necessary expense, then we will Human Medicine who was notified almost a prejudice the cases," Wharton said, $9,066 to furnish the automobiles to the accept that." year ago that her appointment, which (continued on page 12) board. MSU is the only state university that C employes quit provides its governing board with cars. Martin said he was relinquishing use of his car because "I don't need the hassle." The four other trustees on the board Iter retreat incident indicated they still will continue to use the Patricia Carrigan. D-Farmington Hills, Warren Huff, D-Plymouth, and Don Ste¬ J B? Jamie conroy directors ihat decisive action be taken. vens, D-Bloomfield Hills, said they will not ■'W* New* Staff Writer give their cars up because they feel it would I*1"0 drinking by minors Sykes said he saw the firing of the two cost the University more to reimburse them during a employes as the only alternative available, for the use of their own cars than it would to Center (DEC) "coping but said the final decision belonged to the provide them with the Delta 88s. |£ember «of tworetreat has led to the directors. "It's cheaper for the University to employes of the East >ter because of heavy pressure With nine of 15 board members present, provide us with these cars and for us to pay report the DEC directors voted Thursday 5-2, with the gas bills than it would be for them to groups. two abstaining, to accept the resignations of pay us gas and mileage for our own cars," N DEC told Dennis Sykes, tri- the two workers. Huff said. "I'm just trying to save the A r^tor for the state Office of PAbuse Services (OSAS), about Immediately following the December University, money, but if the price of gas cowboy learns about the goes up I may relinquish my car and let the secrets of flight after a brief ride ""■tykes suggested incident, DEC issued a letter of reprimand to the DEC University pay for the gas my own car to the workers which w/»s approved by the uses." on a bucking bull at the MSU board. The workers said they realized that Stevens said he Rodeo held over the weekend. was not going to be serious had been made and a error stampeded into a decision by the legislature Being a cowboy definitely has its promised that the incident would never be and the other trustees. He said he felt that ups and downs. ror Positions it would cost the University more if he drove his own car. SN photo/Daniel Shutt Scott Huffman. DEC supervisor, said it "Martin and Stack live closer to MSU was made clear that DEC did not condone KZ"** »«epted for the ■L*"* News editor-in-chief and the incident and thought that was the end of than I do, so maybe they would save the discussion about it. University money by giving up their cars," ^ for 1975-76. In 10 Stevens said. "But if I P* charged the ypewritten pages or b na, University for all the trips I had to make to £7* would outline However, the Feb. 10 disclosure of the experience, MSU from my home, the mileage I would be incident to Sykes led Ingham County Ku^TT1 'or the Probate Court to stop DEC funding and reimbursed for would cost more than the Prelude example, of mwi- withdraw its referral of juveniles with drug use of the University car." »«ude Jr°P0#(,,« 'or new pro- or emotional problems to DEC programs. Aubrey Radcliffe, R-Lansing. said he will mm* detail on how continue to drive his car for the time ^ be implemented. Michael Moran, probate court adminis¬ because he has not given the matter much trator, said the court could not continue thought. U New» B*ard of "I was that the board had support under the circumstances. unaware !<*? I ' ServicM BUg. lN eligible for either Any The City of East Lansing budgeted received a letter from the legislature $41,000 for DEC in the 1974-75 budget, concerning the matter," Radcliffe said. (continued on page 12) The chairman of the subcommittee that Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M°nday, Febri "ary^l DIPLOMATIC SOURCES FEAR ESCALATION Cambodian situation could get wor$| PHNOM PENH. Cambodia (AP) - The U.S. financed airlift directions, but has settled since into a series of localiied actions, side." into isolated Phnom Penh is meeting daily battlefield supply according to military sources. In the past few days, the focua has In South Vietnam. Communist led for™. Union seeks anti-trust law shifted to the once peaceful, rice growing northwestern provinces South Vietnamese troops « requirements, but the situation could quickly become critical if fighting escalates, diplomatic sources say. where military observers fear a similar strangling attempt on the populous trying to northern coast below Da Nan? retake hik" ^ th f0Und The AFL-CIO proposed on Sunday new anti-trust They add that if the Mekong River remains closed to river region's largest city, the province capital of Battambang. reported. 8" ine »*'gon convoys much longer, an expensive airlift of rice and fuel may be Extra Aid Requested It said nine South Vietnamese legislation to break up the giant oil companies and place troops wor. l„ I needed to keep the Cambodian capital's population alive. But the $4.5 million U.S. airlift is expensive and money diverted wounded, "but North Vietnamese and them under strict government regulation. Viet cZ i H« The hardships suffered a year ago during the Arab oil Communist led insurgents, only six weeks into their dry season offensive, have consolidated their grip on all the nation's roads, for the U.S. civilian piloted planes means less ammunition, as all expenses come out of the Cambodian military aid budget. The known. The South Vietnamese North Vietnamese thrust into the operation" IS* * d embargo "pales into insignificance compared to what looms whittled down government troops trying to reopen the mined Ford Administration has requested an extra $222 million for the lowlands P to1* In Cambodia, rebel Airport Bla„t Injures3 ahead unless immediate and drastic action is taken," said , ^ UJ. Mekong and kept the capital's airport under daily rocket Are. current fiscal year in additional military aid for Cambodia. U , gunners fired the labor organization's executive council. five rockets im Fighting was most intense in the first two weeks of the offensive One Western diplomat called the extra money "totally essential airport, wounding three persons, authorities said Tk 7 In a statement approved by the council at its winter when insurgents advanced on the city from five different for Phnom Penh's survival and to prevent a victory by the other command said fighting also erupted near the meeting, the AFL-CIO blamed multinational oil companies Neak Luong, 30 miles southeast of Phnom Pen for the energy crisis and recommended "a comprehensive not known. energy policy" which would reduce imports, cut consump¬ tion and increase domestic energy supplies. Official says Israe A bipartisan congressional to arrive in Phnom Penh this delegation was oriiriMii, question, but has now cancelled out coming week to look • and work on enefrgy bills. indefinitely to ren"" Burger: U.S. courts misused Rep. Paul N. McCloskev n Sen. Dewey Bartlett, R Okla., are on a depends 10 day tour Federal courts are being used as "bush league ' training grounds for neophyte prosecutors and public defenders who on what and Cambodia at the request of the One diplomat said, "In the next four come, it's a question of the river or White House months m. money. Without botln3 leave government after a short time for more lucrative By ASSOCIATED PRESS what Israel's security than religious newspaper Hamodia a double negative and the chances Egypt is willing to do in assure of survival would be private practice, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger of the U.S. Israeli Foreign Minister both "political and said Israel will find it difficult to With one of the two, there would be a return, any formal American defense better chance" Supreme Court said Sunday. Yigal Allon said Sunday that strategic." guarantee, which has been reject U.S. guarantees "especi¬ Mekong Reopening Vital Israeli willingness to withdraw He also said general world ally since it is continually The Cambodian The large turnover rates on staffs of U.S. attorneys and widely mentioned as part of • government, and its backers at tk in Sinai will be influenced by detente would do more to Embassy, are attempting to put a priority on the re public defenders' offices, coupled with increasing crime and settlement. applying to Washington for added caseloads have outstripped the capacities of the His comments came less than •id." Mekong River, closed to vital ship convoys since Jan. 24 hours after an Israeli army The Soviet Union hinted that airlift of ammunition is seen by Western )| federal court system, he said. it diplomats u patrol killed one member of an would not interfere with temporary measure. "The standards for selection sufficiently attractive continue to be used as a so . . should be mode that the federal courts will not bush league facility to train trial Skyjacking victims Arab terrorist band trying to infiltrate north of the Shetula along the Lebanese village of efforts by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger to achieve another These diplomats acknowledge if rice and dangerous level, the U.S. airlift will have to be fuel itocfa Voluntary agency officials already are complaining that tU tj J disengagement in the lawyers for private practice, Burger said. border. Sinai on condition that the insufficient stocks .of rice for adequate Storms calm after ordeal Beside the body, the patrol Geneva talks resume soon 'This is a very expensive gas balloon," said refugee distribut one diploo rip through Oklahoma found weapons, explosive after. The Communist party gaining us time — time to reopen the Mekong River." One week ago. the Cambodian army sent charges, hand grenades, a loud newspaper Pravda conceded valuable J Hundreds were homeless Sunday in southwestern and BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — "Everything was all right. No one speaker and leaflets demanding that an Israeli pullback would down the Mekong in an attempt to retake a strategic id south central Oklahoma in the wake of a violent late winter got nervous, only the children cried from time to time," a the release of Arabs held in be a useful thing. Kissinger is were pushed back over the next two days with heavy cm_ schoolteacher said after a tense eight hour siege in a hijacked Israeli jails, the Israeli com¬ Another smaller attempt succeeded in storm that spewed out killer - tornadoes accompanied by Brazilian jetliner. mand said. expected to return to the Mid¬ reinforcing twol hail sleet and snow. east next month to try to work positions now completely dependent on Cambodian u The ordeal ended Saturday night when four policemen stormed Israel would like a nonbelli¬ it out. Four persons were killed in the Oklahoma storms and airdrops. the jetliner at Brasilia airport and shot the gunman. more than 125 were gerency pact from Egypt, but injured. A news director of the government radio said the hijacker was Egypt prefera to delay such an In the meantime, Arkansas authorities said hit in the head and chest, but authorities refused to confirm or Sunday they agreement until an overall were searching for more victims of tornadoes that claimed at deny a military official's report Saturday that the gunman was Middle East settlement is least one life in the Little Rock area on dead. reached. Saturday. The Air Ministry identified the hijacker as Joel Siqueira Jr., Allon told a news conference about 30, and press reports said he was a bank clerk. in West Berlin after a meeting Authorities reported the only other casualty was a pilot, who Poll shows optimism rising suffered a bullet wound in the hand. of the leadership of the Socialist Each Monday the State News publishes a list Tuesday International that U.S. defense of scheduled local governmental meetings in¬ The schoolteacher was one of fe3 passengers and six crewmen The East Lansing Housing Commu A majority of Americans continue to believe the guarantees could be useful to cluding campus, city and state bodies. economy aboard the VASP airline Boeing 737 jetliner Saturday when it was meet at 7:30 p.m. in 201 First State Savil will get worse in the next six months, but the Israel but that he knew of none Citizens are urged to clip this list for reference. proportion who commandeered by the bearded and long haired gunman. IxMn Bldg. predict the worst has declined sharply since last November, being made so far. Please contact the managing editor to include The East Lansing Library Board will I Passengers said the hijacker had boarded the Sao Paolo to Allon said detente was good items here. the latest Gallup Poll shows. Brasilia flight at its first stop, Goiania. 7:30 p.m. in the East Lansing Public Li1 for Europe and added: "Our In the latest Gallup survey. 56 per cent said the economic As the plane lifted off from Goiania. the schoolteacher said, the Today Wednesday European friends can render us The East Lansing Traffic Commission will The ASMSU Board will meet at d situation in the United States would get worse in the next six sky pirate put a gun to the head of a stewardess and said he was an indispensable service by in¬ meet at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at City Student Services Bldg. It will consider! months, while30per cent predicted it would get better. Ten taking control. sisting that detente should also Hall. the structure of the ASMSU and T per cent of those queried said the situation would remain the She said that during most of the flight to Brasilia, the gunman include the Middle East. The East Lanisng was in the cockpit where he could be seen through the open door. Mass Transit Committee Entertainment, the possibility of bring! same, while 4 per cent had no Otherwise, it is strategically opinion. will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at At Brasilia airport the hijacker demanded $1.3 million, gela Davis to campus and change in the I meaningless. This may even be City Hall. rules. parachutes and arms, the release of two political prisoners and more important than official The Steering Committee will that the meet at 3 p.m. in Thursday jet be refueled for a flight to an unknown destination. guarantees." A443 Administration Bldg. The committee will The East Lansing Fine Arts a He also sought to have a message broadcast over the national Israeli newspapers said discuss the agenda for the next Academic Council Heritage Committee will meet at 7:30 p.i| radio. A government spokesman said the message had "no American guarantees were an meeting. conference room at City Hall. political meaning in it. He talked a lot about the works of attempt to persuade Israel to Leonardo da Vinci I don't know why — and about Jesus Christ." soften its — The newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo published part of the position. The transcript of the hijacker's radio conversation with the control at Brasilia. Cypriots seek aid from UN the st MUM Greek Cypriot refugees oppeoled to the United Nations on MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE Sunday to prevent the seizure of their homes by mainland FOR NATIONAL aiBTUDBR Turks in the occupied port of the island. The protest was made by the Pan-Cyprian Refugee Committee, which represents the 200,000 Greek Cypriots forced to abandon their homes as a result of the Turkish NOW APPEARING invasion and occupation of nearly half the island last summer. GROVER Earlier this month the legislative assembly of the unilaterally proclaimed separate Turkish Cypriot state WASHINGTON approved a law extending Cypriot citizenship rights to the 40,000 troops of the Turkish invasion force and their families as well as the right to settle in the Turkish occupied part of the island. 26 years of hiding end Two Communist partisans, until recently wonted on charges of murder and anti-state activities, surfaced Sunday after hiding out in mountain caves in Crete for 26 years. They said their ideals kept them alive. George Tzombanakis, 55, and Spyros Blazakis, 59, are all that remain of a Communist guerilla group of 30 which took to the Cretan mountains after the failure of the 1945-49 leftist uprising, ended their hiding after the government in Athens dropped all charges against them last week. They said they had rejected general amnesties granted in 1952 1965, and by the former junta in 1973, as "suspect and unclean, always asking in the meantime that we compromise our ideals." Railway death toll up REDUCED CCVER EARLY ! MONDAY-THURSDAY The death toll to 27 rose Sunday in Norway s worst rail disaster, authorities announced. They said the victims were 26 Norwegians, including four members of the same family, and a 55 year - old American - born musician. - ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK The of the names victims were withheld pending STUFFED tfool notification of of kin. Officials said, however, the $3-91 next engineers were not among the dead because they jumped PORK CHOPS from their cabs seconds before the head on collision on Saturday. FR!DAY Bombs hit Eritrean SCALLOPS $2° villages PERCH FRT. $2.2 Government planes bombed suspected guerilla positions four miles northwest of Asmara in Eritrea province on Sunday. Reliable sources reported the U.S. government SAIURDAY plans to close its military communications station in the embattled province in June. In the first BEEF KABOB $3-7l military action reported in two days, two fighter-bombers swooped over villages where tanks, DINNERS INCUJOE FRENCH F WES A SALAD and artillery took planes part in heavy fighting Friday. Michigan s,ate News< East Lansin?> Michigan Monday, February 24, 1975 3 Report lists university presidents as highest-paid state executives By JIM KEEGSTRA free Cowles House, no car and State News Suff Writer a total of boards must compete in $7,237 for all fringe benefits. a national market board of trustees insisted The presidents of Michigan's public place," Miller said. "There upon a raise. is too much at In third place on the universities stake not to seek the best. If the compensation scale is - including MSU's Clifton Milliken's salary is set by the State president Raymond Smith, president of Michigan Wharton — are the state's Officers Compensation Commission. How¬ fails, students and the people who provide highest - paid Technological University, receiving $57,000 executives, surpassing even Gov. Milliken, a ever, Milliken financial support suffer." state survey shows. recently announced he is in salary and over $14,000 in fringes. Fourth taking a voluntary 10 per cent pay cut. Wharton said in his case the net cost to the is George Gullen Jr., Wayne State Univer The House Fiscal The college and University must be considered since he sity, who is also paid $57,000 but gets $7,190 Agency report lists university presidents' seven presidents with salaries salaries are set by the indr idual returns to MSU $30,000 received as a in benefits. above Mini- boards of ken's $47,250. control - such as the MSU Board of director of the Burroughs and Ford Motor Northern Michigan University's John Trustees — which govern Michigan's 13 companies, and his wife Delores devotes Wharton is the second Jamrich ranks fifth with a $55,600 salary, highest paid college higher education institutions. time and energy to MSU affairs without or university president in the state. His and $7,667 of fringes. Jamrich has followed The high rewards compensation. going to the men at the Milliken's pay cut example and announced i $57,500 yearly salary is topped only by top of the academic heap is explained by the University of Michigan President Robben "You have to remember the school is $2,500 of his salary will go into a scholarship fact that these Fleming's $65,600 annual stipend. governing boards search for getting two people for one price," Wharton fund. the best presidents possible, said Richard said. Fleming also receives $7,782 in retire¬ Miller, executive director of the Sixth in line is former Lt. Gov. James Michigan The ment and other fringe benefits, a free Council of State College Presidents. first three years of Wharton's Brickley, now earning more than his old boss five-year tenure he refused possible pay as Eastern residence and a free car. "To obtain Michigan University president. MSU's leader, on the other hand, ... the most able and raises, Wharton said. He did receive an Brickley gets $50,000 a year plus $10,750 in gets the experienced of these people, increase two years ago and said last year the governing fringes. Close behind is Western Michigan's John Bernhard, who receives $47,500 in pay and over $9,000 in fringes. The salary survey also shows top univer¬ COMMISSION EYES sity officials such as vice presidents and deans receive salaries related to the pay level of their president. Other state college and university presi¬ Unit to review dents falling below the governor's bench¬ By FRED NEWTON parking mark salary are: William Boyd, Central Michigan Univer¬ sity, $44,367 salary and $9,889 fringes. Donald O'Dowd, Oakland University, $43,500 salary and $10,773 fringes. SUte News Staff Writer Sorority Denied Variance Robert Ewigleben, Ferris State College, In January the Board of Someone in East Lansing government may finally be doing Appeals denied a parking variance for $42,800 salary and $6,0% fringes. the Pi Beta Phi something about the parking problem in the city housing code. sorority, 343 N. Harrison Rd., that may lead to the Arend Lubbers, Grand Valley State Col¬ eviction of 23 of the members because The East Lansing Housing Board of Appeals delayed a decision they do not have enough leges, $39,650 salary and $7,667 fringes. on granting a parking variance (exemption to housing code parking spaces to meet housing code requirements. Jack Ryder, Saginaw Valley College, The Kappa Alpha Theta requirements) Thursday night pending the outcome of a sorority, 303 Oakhill Ave., applied for a $39,500 salary and $5,408 fringes. Tuesday parking variance to allow 18 parking spaces for 54 Housing Commission meeting to discuss removing people Kenneth Shouldice, Lake Superior State parking Thursday night but the decision was delayed to await the requirements from the housing code and putting them in the less College, $36,190 salary and $8,686 fringes. commission meeting Tuesday. restrictive zoning code. Compensation for Michigan's 29 junior "There are some questions of where Angry Board parking variances should college presidents, based on a year - old The Housing Board of go," said Bob Rice, head of the Housing Board of Appeals, which is made up of members of will have to decide Appeals. "We survey, ranges from $25,000 to $39,950. the Housing Commission, has previously expressed anger with the something at our Tuesday meeting." city's lack of action in dealing with the parking problem Hot Dispute by denying most variances from the code Whatever the commission decides on restriction that requires two Tuesday night, it will most parking spaces for every two unrelated individuals. By this the board had hoped to flood the city with thus prompting some action from the complaints, likely cause waves in the most hotly disputed part of the city housing code. In other business Thursday, the Board of Filing deadline city. Appeals granted a The Housing Commission will meet variance permitting two individuals to live in a small Tuesday and discuss taking "efficiency" parking out of the Housing Code altogether and referring it to the house that has less than the required 200 square feet per person set for Feb. 26 zoning code, under which much of the city's rental housing would requirement. be free of parking space requirements Grandfather Clause Lansing Code Due to the fact that only four students The Lansing Housing Code has a clause The city zoning code contains a allowing two individuals have petitioned for the 10 seats available on "grandfather clause" which to live with below minimum - square footage requirements as long states that all the Academic Council, the deadline for SN Photo/Dave Old* housing built before 1966 and zoned a certain way as it is comfortable and safe. lith weekend temperatures ... before then which includes most student rented rising into the 40s, much of the — housing — does "If there is any place that needs an filing for election has been extended to not have to efficiency rule it's East pow and ice is not gone, but has only melted and flowed to the comply with zoning code. The housing code has no Lansing," said Mary Luttrell, member of the Housing Board of Wednesday. Feb. 26 at noon. iwpoints on campus. This tree shows its reflection in a pool of grandfather clause, and thus all housing is subject to Any student wishing to pick up housing code Appeals. a restriction. candidate's petition can do so at 101 Inter as proof of the rising temperatures in the The residence in question was granted a variance springlike Enforcement of the parking restriction can lower the number of because it has a front and back yard and is comfortable and mainly Student Services Bldg. There are seats individuals allowed to live in a residence. open for three blacks, one ohicano, two convenient for the people living there. nonwhites and four women. open thursday and friday nights until nine H< rstyling for JVjn and Women F rediAstaire fli DANCE STUDIOS "/*■•»* Fc* a; CI STUDENT SPECIAL fixing? Den below Jones Stationery 15 hours for $15.00 2'/r private lessons 2'/i group lessons 10 practice sessions You can learn to Foxtrot, Waltz Swing, Polka, Cha-Cha, JOS. .MOUNTAINS-.^D MORE Rumba and Tango. HELD OVER! A* DANCE STUDIOS, INC. x < Open 1 to 10 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 301 MAC Avenue, East Lansing Phone 332-8644 fH THESE NEW PENGUINS f MINDS lOC OMK. John A startling BASK OUTLINES . K' i'\ii.i"iilin;iry potentials and awe angers of the • ol ihc future. Lii' LT a" A«|* "('I ' : ^ Notel of Syniholically Authentic YOUR PRIVATE TUTOR i-iitiircs ill Mountain ('linihiiii*. Rem' Dan null, hii'oiliifiion by Rouer Shatliuk. Postfm- by ^•'iinul's last work, this extraordinary novel tells the Summaries of readings and Pcd si unajjc aboard the yacht Impossible and the important concepts for selected courses >i vmbolic mountain. $2.50 ' 1 lv NAT SCI: All terms WOR|.|> ATLAS, I'.diieil by Pete, Hull This ATL: First & Second Terms cartography presim-.. aricty — of physical r -.- sun or shower, Miss J's slicker keeps ~s together the same maps. Published SOC: 201,202,203,211,212,213 [with] 1 I - s on paecs of maps in lull color and a gazetteer HUM: All terms on shining in the bright new springtime " 01 \\|/ VRIJS; MATH: 108,109,111,112,113 Psyche, Science, and Symbol in colors. Ot wipe-clean and water HIST: 121,122 repellent i ''1 ''"mv. The first book to expose the hidden link human psyche and the world of the occult. *2.50 STAT: 315 polyvinyl-coated cotton with deep patch D!\"< ll()\, I ODAY \\l> I O.MORROW, i'diwd by ANTHRO: 100 lls the m unique anthology surveys the role of science pockets, snap closures and corduroy-trimmed 1 «orld T he most interesting volume dealing SOCIOLOGY: 241 '.it I have read." Isaac Asimov. $2.95 ever PLUS THESE BOOK DIGESTS hood. In shades ot vibrant green, navy, •V < OM I U | |\ ( llll DRKN AND Airtight Cage Malcolm X - Puritan Dilemma - < < ". A/./). An intimate look at children and Autobiography of Ben Franklin — Cltli*n Tom Pain* F^'Pin w"h their anatomical sexuality that they seek powder blue or white 6 to 14 sizes, $26 to Black Cloud — Undo Tom'i Cabin — Poor Whit* — D*vil in Ma»achui*tti - Afro - American Hlitory Lfri ^ M'l ( IAI : and Other tinns with ONLY AT hj; , "»• West. Protected Bootleg Franchises, Slew U. , 'K,ll"l "witless Banks. Shot Husbands Purposely and Camp^Maiu; Presidents-1ojjefher with the Debate over I,;""' si, mill. A shocking report on the role [* American life. $2.75 These n t Across from th* Union 332-46 Jacobson's Susan Aflw "ttitor-in-chitf Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager Some graduate R.O. Campbell infused by ,n studenu MilceArnett Managing Editor Gtylditor inaccu^Jie Diane Silver Campus Editor which" Wedn^« « Su," Chris Danielson Opinioft Page Editor Melissa Payton * Monday, February 24, 1975 Steve Stein Dole Atkins Sports Editor Adulterated story Taxes June Delano EntertammmMltor Editorials ore the opinions of the State TomOren The State News' of New York Times News Viewpoint^ column*ond letters Undo Sonde! -Night Editor columns, use Riving MSU gradual S ore personal opinions:' PotNord. Staff Representative news analyses, and news stories adds significantly to the value of the paper. These features provide depth that helps right to th.tundVd^i- contribute voluntarily to theyreguter f°r classes, if prevent the paper's becoming a campus We briefly events newsletter. explored the svsL student governments EDITORIALS But when the State News adds to an article printed under the New York Times student publications system. We soon (includl -an/ by-line, without giving any notice as to the confusing for graduates decided?,' insertion, the staff has cheapened the system than to J? 6U9 crew can paper's quality. Furthermore, it has broken the most lenient rules of journalism, not undergraduates that idea no further. The proposal for which COGS ' mh to mention the fact that such insertions asked is to hold a probably violate the law. sanction of the University, while a Union referendum Lettuce rescind would have the sanction of the law and its studenu which would Tuesday's front page article on student for graduates like the fiscal fat cel use of newly granted access to files is clearly an example of such an insertion. In the middle of a discussion about the results Any returns from the Holmes Hall referendum concerning non-UFW lettuce a few weeks ago can't truly be considered members in dealing with unfair labor practices. We also feel the Union should be uates have had since student to mark "Yes" one wh? ' 1972, It 0r "N • It is especially difficult in an function in the world, one must not of a Times survey, the reader finds a accurate. all students who are employed by the open to PIRTIM1'0" IT 10 'nd'Cate wk'° IIRGIM contribution is author^ individuated culture to react to paragraph describing MSU student use of those checking "Yes" make the mistake of supposing files. Obviously, the State News added that I know that as for myself and friends of University, not just cafeteria and mainten¬ added to their fees, to would ha? adversity with creativity rather there is a direct correlation be¬ paragraph to the Time's article. mine who voted in that referendum, there ance workers. On these points we do "not be collects than defensiveness. tween wasn't sufficient knowledge of the issue. fully support" the current Student University for transmittal tlT quality of service and Material written by the Times is better We assumed that our choices were either to Worker's Union. We do, however, support student board. to Creativity in a sense implies money available. If this were true, off printed as received by the State News staff. encourage boycotting all non-onion lettuce a Student Workers Union. Many graduate and professional integrating the self with the ... then it would mean the demise of or to accept the dorms' purchasing of any like the idea of a Richard W. Wiggins student • - whole, realizing that the two are many of the University's current lettuce, union or non-union. organization working to affect stiu B314 Emmons Hall entwined. President Wharton's contributions to society during a Now. thanks to your front page article in on utility rates, health laws, the Feb. 19 State News, we realize that the government records, consumer analogy in his State of the prolonged economic trauma as Editor's Note: The State Newe localizes choice really was to either encourage unemployment, environmental-^ University address of the ship analysts are now predicting. national wire stories with related informa¬ the other issues on which whose crew must determine what The alternative exists in fully tion relevant to area residents whenever boycotting of all non-UFW lettuce, the UFW could monopolize the unionization so that Aggies, even and professional staff PIRGftj work. is the best port, the best course to possible. If such insertions involve more But let it be clear that tapping human resources we al¬ than a paragraph or two. the article will be of this field of labor, or to allow the dorms to George Burgoyne must be kidding! Or nooneij get there and the best way to trim continue purchasing union lettuce from about a "tax." We're ready have available. In addition by-lined "By the New York Times and SUte else he's spending too many late hours in of individuals to have an talking abow the sails to accomplish the mission to departments devising contin¬ News." This procedure is used by many other unions as well as the UFW. some campus animal easy wty We want to rescind our votes in protest husbandry lab. His 25,000 others in suggested this. Feb. 13 accusation that the State News is supporting anor- gency budget cuts, individuals newspapers, and is not illegal. of such purposely vague presentation of the that works for them and for If each crewmember, using within departments should also be "ignorant" in using "Wolves" as an abbre in Michigan. Why would every issue. anyone Wharton's analogy, has indivdual viation for the University of Michigan's thinking of every possible way to Donald J. Bloom deny graduate students the r Wolverines is typical of armchair quarter¬ desires and goals which differ, conserve on money and expand on Silent antagonism 662 E. Holmes Hall backs. contribute to it if they wish to? then the ship is doomed to internal And four others Patrick7 quality. Utilizing all possible PIRGIM MSUchai strife and the mission ultimately resources both on and off campus, Perhaps he should be equally upset when will be subverted. Crewmembers I read with great interest your Feb. 14 Minnesota's Gopher's are deprived the Joseph S> must realize their need for one devising new and better methods, contributing more time and more article about the separate life black and white students are living on campus. Flexibility "Golden" prior to their official name. Maybe PIRGIM executive no one would another and work around their recognize Digger Phelp's Irish utilization of their talents by To me, absolute indifference is rather I would like to clarify "A Proposal to the without the "Fighting" in front (Notre Corrosi/e differences. Dean of Engineering by ooz professors are but a few of many difficult if not impossible to achieve. The the Metallurgy Dame. George). Certainly the UCLA If you feel Nixon's But when individuals separatism is nothing else than a silent Group," printed in the State News Tuesday. Bruins should rectify such atrocities as Watergate are accus¬ possibilities. In view of the worsening economy, the demoralizing can of worms, hangoa tomed to providing for themselves But this is not to suggest that antagonism. "Uclans" commonly used in national news¬ ears! More corrosive ooze belt Raymond Laurin metallurgy faculty are willing to make — with only incidental regard to the underlings tighten their belts, reasonable and necessary sacrifices in order papers. from Pandora's Box. 1541 H Spartan Village It matters little what they call us, Predictably, their reliance on others — then while the powerful pour another to maintain the continuation of the metal¬ away the protective shroud from whether we're the Spartans or Sparts. adversity only aggravates the lurgy programs at MSU. We are not taking investigative - intelligence actir-' goblet of imported wine. hard and impossible stand. After we take the roses next January in tear at the very fabric of th- individuation. President Wharton thinks there Back to nature a Pasadena, it won't matter if we revert back In fact, on several occasions when the American Dream. Thus the situation at MSU has is no fat in the MSU to the Aggies (a little become one where individuals budget. Metallurgy faculty talked with Dr. L.W. green trivia for you). Does Dick Gregory speak the Perhaps one fat cell cannot recog¬ On behalf of my staff in the Lecture- Von Tersch, Dean of the College of Can we again survive? sometimes perceive only a choice nize another in an organism, but Engineering, we had expressed that our Robert S. Nelson Fnl between more money or less Concert Office, I would like to offer thanks 3215 W. Willow Highway 629E.0I the fat is there — much in the position was flexible. The dean would twist and praise to the State News for its our words and accuse us of quality. central administration — and understanding of the delicate nature of the being inflexible. We have strong reason to believe now that Creativity often, in the end, should be cut out. contract we held with the Leigh Bureau in the decision to abolish needs money for full effectiveness. New York for the anticipated appearance our undergraduate Yes, the University must adjust metallurgy program had been made long But money is not a prerequisite for to the economic crisis. But on Feb. 25 of Ron Ziegler. In every ago. on or before Nov. 15, 1974. It ia a the initial creative process. quality instance, your reporting was well - re¬ and creativity need not, and must typical case of "accessory after the fact" as searched, factual, and fair to all concerned. In reassessing the University's pointed out by Trustee Warren Huff. not, be sacrificed. We were contacted by at least 12 State News reporters, and each was courteous, Chuan-Tseng Wei yet professionally investigative. Professor of metallurgy Renter rating We would also like to commend the chairman of ASMSU Great Issues, Steve Findley. Despite an extraordinarily embar Qualified support assing situation, Steve had made detailed malicious minority. Rents could be plans for the Ziegler visit, enlisting the Lansing landlords have begun cooperation of several campus depart¬ In Paul Parker's article on Feb. 17, about rating renters in order to deter¬ based on a renters' records, much ments, classes, and facilities managers. His ASMSU candidates, it was stated that mine whether or not they pose a like auto insurance, so that those "Phillip Elliott and J. Brian Raymond are scheduling of the "day on campus" was a the rent risk. with good records pay lower rents model of its type. He offered to continue his only two candidates who do not fully While the personal services, even without ASMSU support the idea of a student union." rating practice has not than those with not-so-good re¬ funding, in honor of the commitment. Now Many who read this felt that I and yet begun in East Lansing, such a cords, who might also pay in "Students for Better Government" were that the Ziegler date is not possible, we development is likely considering advance. hope that Steve will direct his energies to opposed to the Union completely. I would the tension that presently exists On the other hand, the like to clarify the meaning of "not fully rating presenting other, less controversial, support" for at least myself. between landlords and tenants, system could only go to add to the speakers on behalf of ASMSU during spring It is my feeling and the feeling of the slate and problems plaguing the rental sharply increasing power land¬ term. The ASMSU Board should reinstate (%th's of whom work in the cafeterias of market in general. lords already brandish. Given the programming funds while they have such a this university) that the issue of wage fine program chairman. Depending on the way in which inelasticity of the rental market We also appreciated the kind considera¬ increases is not a vital question for the ratings are conducted both now (renters need to rent regardless of tion of Time, CBS News and ABC News in Union to be concerned with. We do feel that and in the future, the system has the Union should be established to deal with price or conditional circum¬ New York, and to the many citizens who unfair labor practices. Any sort of Labor some potential for stances), landlords could use the sent us clippings from all the country, positive results over Relations Board would merely have the and tremendous potential for as well as the London edition of the Herald rating system as a deadly tool for Tribune. negative results. discrimination. To those who were so terribly upset at Provided that the criteria for Without cut-and-dried objective the prospect of a Ziegler appearance, we VIEWPOINT: HIRING FREEZE rating do not go beyond payment standards, there is also the danger apologize. We hope they will join us this of rent and care of property, with that the ratings may serve coming July 17. when we present Euell only to strict objective rating system could serve as a standards, the systematizee and personal complaints of landlords revenge Gibbons on the intriguing topic, "A Taste of Nature." Profs should share the wealt means by which the majority are against tenants — with tenants Kenneth C. Beachler, director not penalized for the antics of the By C. PATRIC LARROWE Then we have 110 administrators whose having little or no recourse. Lecture Concert Series I'm in the john at the IM, lost in thought salaries average $33,000. If they, too, went teaches a large class is wort (remember the 100 pairs of shoes- about petrodollars, when I hear somebody without a 5 per cent increase, that would gets a higher rating than a prof w"1 say, "Hi, Lash." I look around, only other come to another $166,500. a few students. ART BUCHWALD ry person in there is a young guy in a green uniform. He's got a bottle of TyD bol in his hand, and he's briskly scrubbing out the to Taken together, that'd give us $1,291,500 play with. With that, we could hire 103 brand new assistant profs at $12,500 apiece. The mossbacks who rank low on scale, therefore, would have a lar[ taken out of their salary bowls. Doin' a real good job, too. I'll have to admit that when I saw my more productive faculty, who II n Beginning They're getting mighty cheeky these results, I got off on those numbers. Oh, I CPL would keep most ol tn part score, days, I thought to myself. Was a time realized, of course there'd be opposition to sheer fairness, you'll have to « l* It's very hard at a party to get any "I get 45 miles to the gallon." leader." they'd address a prof with the respect he deserves. Then I take "Hey," I says. a second look at him. "I know you. Last time I across • the board cuts like that because they don't take into account differences in quality of profs and administrators. can't beat CPL. What excites me most about my though, is that using either the acr attention. Nothing shocks saw you, you'd just been hired as an people any more "Arnold Palmer borrowed my putter." "Bobby Fischer hates my opening move." Fortunately, being an economist, my board method or CPL to c and you really have to be on assistant prof in philosophy. You moon¬ your toes to get "Billie Jean King always has trouble with "My daughter works in a massage discipline provides me with an alternative increases, if we hire 103 new profs somebody to listen to you. lighting?" method. In industry, a man who makes 100 able to add more minorities ana my second serve." parlor." I realized this the other "Nope," he says glumly. "Department's pairs of shoes a day is worth more than one at night when I was dinner and someone turned to Don Cook "I just hired Spiro Agnew to work for "The Shah of Iran owes me $10." budget got cut in the provost's hiring who only makes 10, our faculty than we've hired su« me." "Gloria Steinem irons my shirts." freeze. I got the axe." right? (I'm assuming a started its "affirmative action pn and said, "Where are nonunion shop, of course, where there are you going after you "Gen. Brown spoke at our synagogue last "I went duck hunting with Lt. Calley last couple years ago. leave Washington?" "Tough," I says. "But if the 'U's going to no restrictions on initiative.) What's more, while we're addin night." weekend." live within its means, some of us gotta make "Los Angeles," he replied. This landed Applying this Classical Productivity Law, like a dull thud until he "My son has never smoked pot." "My brother drives a school bus in sacrifices." new people, we should be able or CPL, know it in econ, added, "by train." "My husband has never looked at another Boston." "I can see that," he admits. "But why do as we we can young friend from his TyD o Everybody dropped their knives and woman." "Masters and Johnson asked me to separate the good profs from the moss- on course again in the tenure s^ the sacrifices always have to be made forks, and suddenly Cook was the man of "Woodward and Bernstein dropped by volunteer for an interesting experiment." by backs. According to CPL, a prof who C. Patric Larrowe is a professor of" the hour. the people least able to afford 'em? How "Ann Landers just called me up and she come the fat cata in the 'U' never make It got me to thinking about any party Gloria Steinem irons my was crying." of the sacrifices?" stoppers; things you can say which will "The CIA rented my house." make people sit up and take notice. Here shirts and my daughter works in "Just how do you propose the 'fat cats,' as are a few for starters. "1 still think Nixon is innocent." a massage parlor since my "John Dean used to be my lawyer." "My cousin is Linda Lovelace's dentist." you call them," I asks acidly, "should go about making sacrifices?" Letter Policy cousin is Linda Lovelace's "I flew in from Chicago with Erica Jong." "The electric company just notified "What if you high paid profs went me dentist. The Opinion Page welcomes dent, faculty or staff sW that it was lowering my rates." "Billy Graham is in my Bible class." without a salary increase this year?" he "Nelson Rockefeller has asked me to the house the other "My sister and her fiance are going to be married by Judge Sirica." asks. "Think how much bread that would all letters. Readers should if any and phone numb morning to ask me some free up to hire new people at the bottom." follow a few rules to insure that Letters should be 251 write a book." questions." "Jane Fonda joined our America Legion Foolish as the kid's idea was, I couldn't "I sold Wilbur Mills my car." "I talked to as many letters as possible "If Henry Kissinger calls, tell him I'm not a man who read J. Edgar Women's Auxiliary." get it out of my mind. Later that day, I ran less and may be e Hoover's diary." "The Secret Service wants a list of my appear in print. here." "I'm going to have some numbers through my desk computer. AU letters should be typed on conciseness to fit more "I played softball with Robert Vesco last a vasectomy." guests in advance." The 'U'has 900 full profs, who get, on the I shared a taxi the other day with 65 the page. week." "Ronald Reagan gave me a subscription average, $25,000 a year. All told, that ■ space lines and triple ■ Howard Hughes." to Rolling Stone." "Earl Butz told me a funny story the "I gave Jerry Ford a comes to $22,500,000. If they went without spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters other day." piece of chewing "Patty Hearst ia getting awfully fat." a 5 per cent increase, we'd have $1,125,000 and include local address, stu¬ gum once, when he was House minority [C)1975 Los Angles Times we could use to hire new accepted. faculty. t ichigan,an State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, February 24, 1975 5 tereotyped -PATRICE LOCKE They are very unhappy about that idea is a total Arabs un Staff Writer the emotional reaction to the fake," said Fauzi Najjar, professor of 'They (Arab investments) Sami Esmail, 218 E. Holden age the student to study engin¬ form stereotypes on the basis of won't find the stereo- purchase by Ghaith Pharaon, social science and adviser to the are a transfer of capital. a Hall. Though he was born in Why eering, agriculture and educat- Saudi Arabian the Arabs student organization, movies, which he says show ^rab student riding businessman, of United States, Esmail, get so upset about the Arabs tion. Arabs as sneaky, stupid and controlling interest in Detroit's an elec¬ said many Arab students wel¬ campus on a camel, trical when other foreign money is "There is much less emphasis Hv' rubbing his hands at Bank of the Commonwealth engineering major, spent come the investments as a coming into the United States?" cruel. 16 of his 20 on humanities. You probably early this month. years in Palestine. promotion of Arab-American Maddur went further, saying ht of the millions of He said the investments work he asked. won't find an Arab student here Arab students relations. he thinks the media have a well- 'his countrymen have say that the against all poor countries of the "We are not so important to majoring in literature," he said. "in American banks and investors are not "Of course the priorities be the butt of jokes all the planned plot to assassinate the average world. "Africans are time," Zarrugh said that it is a Arab image. Arabs. "Pharaon is the son starving; should be for Arab countries said Abubaker Maddur, 1316 of why help the United States?" he mistake to assume that there is of first, but Arab countries can't "Cartoons of Arabs are al¬ tsbecause Arab students King Faisal's highest one asked. University Village. Maddur is a hostility between individual aides," said Sadeg absorb all of that money," he ways negative. Arabs are ■U are almost as upset Zarrugh, "Arabs should go and visit graduate student in agriculture Jews and Arabs. president of the Organization of said. shown as fat, short, big-nosed tl,e spate of investments other Arab countries from Libya. "The conflict is between Arab Students at MSU. before Yousif Hassan, 1633 Spartan people who can be bought are about the camel There are about 140 Arab investing in the United States," Arabs and the Zionist move¬ money grubbing image "American people seem to Village, graduate student in students now at MSU. cheaply," he said. think that the Arabs are said Zarrugh, 6100 Columbia St. resource economics, said Najjar ment," he said. Tibs have in the United coming people said that most of them are here Straight news stories tend to to take Zarrugh is a graduate student in who react Zarrugh said that since Arab over the country, but urban planning from negatively to the on government scholarships. performers have not been in¬ present a bad picture of Arabs Libya. investments are naive. The Arab governments as well, the students said. encour¬ vited to MSU, people can only "When oil prices go up, it's JEWISH STUDENTS, the Arab countries' fault. When prices go down, stories say 'Persian Gulf states' lowered prices," Zarrugh said. ears aroused by Arab investments "Magazines like Newsweek seem to quote everything that Israel says as fact and every¬ thing that the Arabs say is PATRICK LOCKE might cause Jews to lose jobs ment doubted," Esmail said. l>y a Saudi Arabian permeate the personal relations News Staff Writer or job opportunities. "I'm very indifferent toward "If it wasn't for the media, we businessman in Detroit's Bank of Arab and Jewish Arab students investments in Rabbi Rudolph said there is students, Arab students," said Howard are at a disad¬ of the Commonwealth wouldn't get all the bad vibes," early this however. Burlak, 1200 Grand River Ave. vantage when it comes to lvin banks and businesses no way to predict the effect of month. said Cindy Balzer, A413 Arab investments in the United Alan Herbach, 201 N. Case responding to the increasingly Arab economic boycott Besides Butterfield the investments, Hall, says he has many Arab He said that he is "halfway Hall, member of negative publicity in newspa¬ Mlmay not have directly States since there is no his¬ there is also uneasiness about Hillel. friends. friendly" with some Arab stu¬ pers toward Arabs, Zarrugh sd Jewish students at torical precedent. Arab boycotts, started in dents and 1952, "Sometimes we have to be a does not feel said. but the actions have He said that the recent She said that she doesn't boy of companies and individuals little more cautious threatened by them in any way. 1 some long-term fears, cott of Arab around know any Arab students and organizations of who have helped the Israeli each other, but He said he would like to write bi William Rudolph, Jewish-owned banks in Europe as long as we Cartoons and articles in does have a negative view of cause. Recently, Aabs have stay off the subject of the an article every day, but the excluded Jewish-owned banks newspapers have helped Arabs in general. "But I'd time it takes him, and most Middle East, everything will be establish stereotypes in the from international money OK," he said. probably change my mind if I Arab students, to write in minds of some students. knew any," she said. market deals. English makes this impossible. ZARRUGH The investments might cause some Jewish students to shy Forum away from applying for a job delayed with the Bank of the Common¬ wealth, Rabbi Rudolph said. Some students, however, said their reactions would take a By PAUL PARKER ing failed to turn up a bomb. nian more immediate form. State News Staff Writer psychological scare tactics. "That's my land for which I out of a Pan Am While police checked the plane as one of Betsy Edelman, 437 Abbott A bomb threat caused the "Yesterday a Zionist came to have a longing to return?" the State News' racist cartoons. Road, said her family did have building, the crowd joined with me and said that he was going Schiller said. evacuation of over 150 students Arab students in "That's a lot of The cartoon was drawn some money in the Bank of the singing songs to bring 300 people and not nonsense." by Friday night who were attend¬ and chanting such slogans as allow anybody to speak," Bara Paul Oliphant of the Denver Commonwealth, but they took ing a forum on the Palestinian "We'll never be defeated, the Other speakers informed the Post. it out. kat said. "We don't think that audience of political repression Israeli controversy. She said she does not feel people are united." they would dare put a bomb in in Iran and the wars in Dhofar, After a 45 - minute search, Spokespersons for UFARI this building because this is the Terry Davis, a member of personally threatened by the the MSU Dept. of Public Safety and the Organization of Arab an area in the southern part of UFARI and organizer of the first time that many Americans the Arabian peninsula. Several investments, but has "bad declared Kedzie Hall safe. The ' Students said they forum, proposed that UFARI were have come to listen to the feelings" about foreign invest¬ program was sponsored by the pleased by speakers attacked the media and the Organization of Arab BALZER ments in the number of Palestinian side. and BURLAK general. United Front Against Racism singled out the State News Students hold a demonstration students that attended the "This will hurt their image as "Maybe I'm getting to be an and Imperialism (UFARI) and forum. as a newspaper that "almost against the State News to isolationist in my old age, but I the Organization of Arab Stu¬ peaceful Zionists that the Ar¬ daily runs anti Arab articles protest the policies of their -of the Jewish student may, however, be Hayssam Barakat, treasurer - an example hope not," she said. dents. abs want to throw into the sea." and prints racist cartoons." editorial staff and iiation Hillel, character- of what might happen. of the Organization of Arab "expose their Rick Bloom. 1200 Grand Dave Schiller, spokesman for Barakat said the actions for what he fear as two-fold. A female caller informed the news media they are!" "There is no reason, though, Students, said the bomb threat Jewish Americans in River Ave., said he does not Public Safety Dept. at 7:41 p.m. - support presents all Arabs as rich and \ he said there is the fear why the investments can't be and evacuation helped the au¬ feel threatened in future of Palestine, said that Israel the inv(stments might be made. At the moment, there is job that a bomb was set to go off at dience understand the prob¬ exploitative, while in fact 90 An organizational meeting should be dissolved and that 'ustries critical to the sur- hunting, but does fear long-run 8 p.m. in Kedzie Hall. East lems of the Pafestininas and per cent of all Arabs are Door. for the proposed protest is no one ready to commit suicide, Arab control of Israelis should stop tormenting He cited of Israel, such as defense to American Lansing police received another was a vivid Friday's cartoon being held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. or sabotage the Bank of the industries. example of Palesti- the Palestinians. and second, that bomb threat at 7:35 p.m. This showing a sheik being kicked in 35 Union. ,, Commonwealth," he said. Tension about hostilities in control of industries threat did not mention a time. some He was referring to invest the Middle East do not always A thorough search of the build¬ POP tXTHUMNMEWT PRESENTS GORDON ART EXHIBITION & AUCTION UGHTFOOT MARC PICASSO CHAGALL GROWTH Graduating Seniors and M.B.A.'s: SAVADOR MIRO Accounting • Agriculture • Business • Engineering • Liberal Arts Cargill —at the leading edge. Active in agricul¬ DALI tural. industrial, and consumer commodities and products, and in a variety of other related businesses. You could be there! We need top people for a wide range of positions, careers that lead to management. Our policy is to stimulate leadership potential. To encourage personal creativity. To recognize and reward individual achievement. And to promote from within. A Cargill representative will be interviewing CHARLIE on Feb. 25-26 Check with the placement BRAGUE office now for the dates and location. Look into BRAGG Mum ICE ARENA FRDtyFER28'8PM 0l*s65Qs55O&MOOResefveclSeats _Aqjiabteon^attheMSUnion ... An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F World Famous European Art The American Legion invites you to a public art exhibition & auction on coupon Wednesday, February 26, 1975 3 FREE COKES! Exhibition: 2:00 p.m. & * ifir with any Ig. From Pizza Auction: 7:00 p.m. Trowbridgs 351 - 7100 Cr. Rive 351-88 Held at American Legion Post 42 1000 W. Lawrence, Charlotte Address I Purpose: To raise money to assist and support the -/ iV Oj ONE COUPON PER PIZZA efforts of the American Legion volunteer hospital MAY NOT BE workers at Michigans five Veteran Administration COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. Hospitals. Sponsored by: The American Legion Department of Michigan \ 6 Michigan State News, EaSt Lansing, Michigan Mond')'.febru,ty2ti( "Premieres of New Music," the annual MSU Music Dept. Brewery to fealur. Rush show tonigj event featuring new works by graduate students majoring in Rush, one of Canada's more prominent rork 1 composition, was be appearing tonight at The Brewery (•„'.?rn|1 Hi , presented Friday new album on Mercury records, the group „ X Pro^J for lU outstanding performance at the night in Erikson Hall itr,J y rem^bJ Due to very swift ticket sales, the kiva. Seven composi¬ group will IfJ? tions were per¬ Tuesday night. B P also >* Tickets are also on sale for Peter Framntn I formed, drawing • from such varied ins¬ Thursday night. Frampton. once a member of i very successful solo artist, will be version of Camel that features bassist performing Jh ,„ pirational sources as Andy R™ r *4 Edgar Allen Poe's performance last year at MSU with the Steve of the year's most artistically successful Mill! k 'The Cask of Amon¬ concert! "I tillado," to two poems by Emily Dickinson. RENTERS! Highlights included Eric Culver's "Free Doluxo Zero Deductible Textures For Sax Insurance Quintet" and Howard Pennies a day. Buss' "Grand Lake Morning." Pictured Call J«ff Williams is James G. Hughes, (MSU '68) at 332-1838 conducting his comp¬ osition, "Quintet No. 1." SN Photo/Dave Olds 4-SENTRY fflNSURANU ■"« ¥«x tooHoiKiomoti i\* T ■■ 710 Gainsborough Drive ^ K*gt Lanaing Phone Day or F.vei Orchestra offers By ED ZDROJEWSK1 and brass a more prominent full-bodied sound. of the concerto. The piece aspects of Haydn's music such State News Reviewer place in the music. This is prob¬ Gluck's brief overture to ended in a pyrotechnical dis¬ as the mimicking echoes in the The Chamber Orchestra H ably more accurate in terms of "Don Juan" set the tone of the play that is almost as difficult bass instruments. The trum¬ premiered Saturday night with what an orchestra of the 18th entire concert. The woodwinds for the orchestra for the as pets played an extremely diffi¬ a unique sound. century sounded like. and brass tended to stand out soloist. cult and high part exception¬ This sound was due to fewer Chamber Orchestra II is a against the miniature string Haydn's "Symphony No. 103 ally. strings than Chamber Orches¬ small orchestra designed for section. This gave the ensemble in E-Flat (Drum Roll)" finished tra I. This gave the woodwinds string players not majoring in a brilliant, piercing off the evening. Though the quality. music, players who did not Bartok's "Rumanian Dances" woodwinds had some intonation jSP^JWinEastl Canada's make it into the MSU National was a charming piece with a lot problems at first, the whole "MMM'KCIIKSOiraUIOt Percussionists Symphony Orchestra and of clarinet in the background. work came off well. Griffith wwow nounaooiiPmxc'oi new Symphony Orchestra players Griffith never let the tempo brought out the humorous Arts who want more experience. drag which added to the folk to give concert This orchestra is under the ACATIU supergroup feeling of the work. Concert Unusual sounds and instru¬ direction of Michael Griffith, master Katie Smith perform (imisnrs Centre ments can be heard Monday the asst. director of the ed the violin solo beautifully. when the Percussion Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra. The strings and harpsichord MURDER ON Till under the direction of Mark Griffith displays many of the _ alone accompanied faculty ORIENT EXPRESS Johnson, performs in the music building auditorium at 8:15 p.m. conducting traits of Dennis Burk. director of the Symphony. Griffith likes to MSU member James Niblock in Vivaldi's "Violin Concerto in A Minor." Orchestra Works to be played Hovhaness' "Burning include House emphasize the inner voices of the string section (viola and Niblock has a lyrical tone and great technical skill. His per¬ _ of, Overture," Killer's "Machine Music for Piano, Percussion and Tape," Cage's "Amores," second violin). He carefully balances the various voices of the orchestra to achieve a rich. formance in the first movement was a bit mechanical but he a lot more feeling into the rest put Canada Mozart's "Adagio and Rondo in C Minor for Glass Harmonica. Another Special Event In The American Film Theatre Season Of Special Events. 'S.L O.ndQpg I Twt. Mr 4:90 Tonlfe ot 4:00 0:00 5:00 Adults 125 Max Freebie and the Bean MoRaTH Wednesday, March 5 at 8:15 pm MARIO BERNARDI, Conductor Thefiseof the National Aril Cent™ < jrcfiesl a position of international Commence has I) amazingly rapid. Sax) TIME They sound i "Three absolutely University Auditorium balanced, fle«>t>ie. stylist''aiiy,ima;.ngiv t0ri stunning performances." In 1973, the Orctiesna made a triumphant ti Alan James "Sheer delight! You'll find Max Morath a ««ek tour of Europe and the Soviet Union Tickets $5 00 Evenings $3 SO Matinees ($2 SO for Arkin Caan 9th WEEK delectable companion." -N.Y.Times Four distinguished soloists will be faatu'ed t MSU ANTON KUERTl. Puno WA PRYSTAWSKI. Violin. ROBERT CHAW t Senior Cnuens/Students at Matinees ) Available after 0» * GERALD COREV, Bassoon AFT Season Ticket holders Behind the tinkling fin de siecle gaiety of the BACH Triple Concerto in A minor "Bordello Steinways" was classic ragtime. MO'AST Sympltony No. 39 in i f iat It was conceived and wrought in terms of MENDELSSOHN Piano Concerto serious craftsmanship and lasting values by a small group of serious and dedicated men: SCOTT JOPLIN, JAMES SCOTT and WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 76. tt S1SPM JOSEPH LAMB. (Not to mention GEORGE M. COHAN and IRVING BERLIN.) A WOODY ALLEN Tickets available now at the MSU Union TONIC KT Ticket Office, open 8:15-4:30 weekdays. DOUBLE FEATURE IS Public: $3.00 4.00 5.00 GUEST MSU Students: $1.50 2.00 2.50 3 / MICIfT! WOODY ALLEN Max Morath "is a consummate entertainer. YM and anothtr His show is a surpassing delight on all levels- Muh atfmittsd TAKES A music, comedy, social history, sheer for tlit price NOSTALGIC LOOK entertainment. He sings just enough and •f ont AT THE plays just enough and displays the timing of FUTURE a master without ever seeming slick...and . . . at these extraordinary balance and an extraordinary showcase show." Theatres. " —' -San Francisco Chronicle )f ; ;c An MSU Bicentennial Event presented by W Gallci Lecture-Concert Series (Lively Arts Series) Fiddler, cWoody^AIlei^aiKiTHaiie cK£aton "Sleeper" ontheRpoF plus the second hit "■ 2 woody aliens Feb. 27.1&, AV 1 One of Hie l*«t in If74 "Harry* "bananas" TONIGHT showtimet: uni'fcn "uMs'jnsaknju Tokto" COLO* BY DC LUXE e "Sleeper 7 g 10:00 "Bananas" once only at 8:40 Siom Fellinl • W.dn.,do, AMAtCOtO (howpiace: 402 Computor Center rk^rre 8:IS,JMmly^ admission: $1.50 SEAL FILM |V Ingaii State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, February 24, 1975 7 >,anelists debate Ibradmarhsius Robert Anderson, of religious studies, professor said "A person who is has human potential. News Staff Writer said, "Life really no circumstances should a i« an unalienable living is pursuing projects, "If a fetus remained three Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl, D- tjji/j hours of heated claim, but the goals and intentions. That defective child's life be actively East Lansing, said the practical iion Thursday night, the importance of the quality of life son is per¬ weeks old forever, nobody ended Lg six distinguished must be recognized." .attempting to actualize would seriously consider its answer to the question of who dreams. "However, if a retarded child has the -ts could agree on con He said the ultimate deter right to life," she said. "A fetus is right to life is decided Does likely to die because of a { who had the right to minant of the morality of abor a hopelessly retarded does not have a serious claim to physical defect, it is by which side has the most person have the the votes. Jondahl is also an s that it has to be tion hinges on the right to life the right to life." point at merely because he is alive? If parents' decision whether the ordained minister in the United pd when life begins. which life begins. Dr. Thomas A. Helmrath, so, we must extend child should have corrective that right Church of Christ. et none of them "According to the Bible, one to all associate professor of human surgery." does not become a species, or be guilty of I on when life begins. person until human chauvinism." development and a pediatri¬ "No rights exist in the absence 30. Where do we draw the cian, skirted the abortion issue Kavanagh, who § views ranged from the line? Goldman called the right to seemed to of the community which grants When does one become a find the complex ical of University of per¬ life a difficult and <»mpletely, addressing himself arguments of those rights," he said. son?" he asked. complex instead the two , philosopher HoUy question and said she couldn't to the dilemma pre philosophers highly All the panelists agreed that who believes that Marilyn Frye, asst. sented by children bom defec¬ amusing, said simply that he provide too many answers. tive. did not know what the it can never be determined (have no rights, to the professor of philosophy, said She told right to the attentive life is. whether abortion is moral un¬ Kitive of Thomas G. the line should be drawn be¬ audience that rights could be "The parents' decision to less the beginning of life can be \h, the Roman Catholic tween those that are merely gained or lost, and that they bring a child to life says they "I do thiAk abortion is a defined. None could see X Supreme Court chief alive and those that are "really often conflicted. She added that are then morally obliged to care mortal sin, although it is not immediate or simple answers to any l« ho believes abortion is living." the right to life is not a result of for that child," he said. "Under necessarily a crime," he said. that question. 111 sin. "Living is something you do, human descent and thA it could ■Aspects of the abortion not something you are," she not be claimed because a fetus ■were represented by L of the legal, religious, ■find philosophical corn- RESEARCH Thousands of Topics Dr. J. R. Nixon $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, Dr. J. R. Nixon is now at ths Brookfisld mail order catalog. Enclose Plaza offlcs of $1.00 • Co-Optical. He's ready to help you with the best in to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). optical car*. Glasses and contacts arc his v W 0 specialty! RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. r'C° o Mon. 4> Thurs. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE #2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 j fr;. Service lyielMI)/ J J o 30 EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT M • 4 PM, 5 PM - 8:30PM Tu«„ Wed., Fri. ) AM • 1 PM, 2 - 5 PM Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon (213)477-8474 or 477-5493 Lactv rentals v CO-OPTICAL SERVICES ONLY. DR.J.R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST AS LONG as Wow in Brookfield Plaza you are going to spend the Lstate University Student Illy and immediate family MSU Pre Law Association money for a good pizza, why not pAMAlEA J Montego Bay Presents spend it and get 9 Mar. 16-23,1975 a great pi^za at i Du'mg 7 nights Break I David J. Benson WlMV_Name_ BELL's via Air Jamaica ;ervice in flight of 225 M.A.C. AVENUE ^^__Street ■ Ohio Northern University 332-5027 Law School OPEN 11 AM EVERY DAY MEE DELIVERY ^Sze (S. M, L, XL) | NANCY WEIR 355-8546 Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Feb. 25, 1975 Room 104 Eppley HAMANF FOR PURiM FEST YOUR TONIGHT: BOOKS 7 p.m. - Megillah Reading JACOBSON'S 8 p.m. ■ Spiel Hamantaschen Israeli music & dancing WILL BE CLOSED FOR INVENTORY Ballroom C of Union ON Free - All Welcome TUESDAY, FEB. 25 ton pM 'ttlJcjrvrt btftxrt MfcJ i throi bJy ^raKam Jacobsoris New Image gh Ithursday rUGAN THEATRE ISHOWTIMES 1 MM 9:15 In Life Style mm .Talent Search Singers, musicians, dancers, technicians, magicians, banjo players, acrobats, piano players, puppeteers, novelty acts it takes all kinds of talent to entertain Cedar Point's 2,500,000 summer Quests, and the search is on. So, check the audition schedule, polish up your act and come show us your talent. Technicians, come for an interview with Cedar Point's Live Shows. YOU'LL COME ALIVE IN '751 AUDITION AND INTERVIEW SCHEDULE EVERY To a man of taste... DAY Style is one thing quality is another. Wallace puts them together ii , glasses. 40 years of expertise and reputation for customer satisfaction Live Cedar Point Show Dept., Cedar Point. Sandusky, Ohio 44870 ON LAKE ERIE, SANDUSKY, OHIO 107 DR. R.C. JONES DR. R.J.SPAGNUOLCU N.Washington 1V2-1175 DR. W.C. JENSEN Vine at Clippert (Opposite Sears) 332-8628 SBS Across from Olin •« REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS 421 E. GRAND RIVER 351-4110 We welcome Bank Americard and Mastercharge • 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Febn'Uary 24, J Milk' rips Carr as grapplers ByPATFARNAN Kentucky took the early lead as Garret Hadley State News Sports Writer outpointed Spartan 118 pounder Chuck Wolf, a Your«winner, ladies and gentleman, and still substitute for injured regular Jim Bissell. tidpi UP fc* • champion, Pat Milkovich. Milkovich, MSU's 126 pound defending NCAA After Milkovich's win. highly touted Kurt Mock nipped MSU's Dennis Brighton, 8-6. Mock champion, stripped Kentucky's Jim Carr of his has lost only twice in 28 matches. A distinction as "the most outstanding young wrestler in the country" Friday in the Men's Intramural Building sports arena with a convinc¬ ing 9-2 triumph. "Milkovich was scintillating.1' said Spartan was But Spartan 142 pounder Don Rodgers pulled a bit of an upset to tie the match. Rodgers tripped up Tim Mousetis.7-5. The loss Mousetis' second in 23 bouts. The Spartans'only other loss against Kentucky coach Grady Peninger." He was real psyched up. was dealt by Joe Carr, who decisioned MSU He needed something like this. 167 pounder Mike Brook, 14-5. "He needed something to get motivated about. Another MSU substitute. 150-pound Mike Milkovich has been down lately. He's got a fiance Owen, won twice over the weekend in place of out in Oklahoma and this long distance love stuff Steve Rodriguez, who has a knee injuty. Owen is nothing to get excited about." won convincingly over Kentucky's Joe Murray, The controversial Carr, afforded a five-page 7-0, Friday, then picked up his second straight layout in the most recent issue of Sports with a 5-2 decision over Southern Illinois' Fred Illustrated, never really got into the ball game. Hoef. Milkovich earned a quick takedown in the Spartan 158 pounder Rick Greene earned a 6-1 opening seconds of the match and Carr could only triumph over the Wildpts' Scott Cromwell, spin his wheels as the leathery Milkovich was on 190 pound Scott Wickard Breezed to a 17-3 major him like a spider. decision over Brian Willson and Larry Avery Carr, a former Olympian and Midlands squeezed a 5-4 win out of Pat Donley to complete champion, earned his two points on escapes, the scoring over Kentucky. never posing much of a threat. The trio wrestled their final dual season The Carr Milkovich duel was the highlight of matches for MSU Saturday against Southern the Spartans 25 9 win over Kentucky. MSU Illinois and only Greene failed to get the winning complemented that win with a 23-12 home nod. He lost in the final seconds against Jim victory over Southern Illinois Saturday. The Spartans, who finished their dual meet Horvath, 7-6. season with a 10-6 record, now must But Avery and Wickard went out with prepare for a bang. the Big Ten meet this weekend in Columbus, Wickard narrowly missed his second straight Ohio. major decision as he riddled Tim Swoboda, 15-7. Against Kentucky, which entered East Lans¬ Then Avery, with his flair for the dramatic, ing with a 24-4 record and a budding reputation pinned Saluki heavyweight Ken Karwowski to as a southern wrestling power, the Spartans give the Spartans their ninth consecutive victory were in control most of the way. over Southern Illinois. Two women's squads capture Big Ten titles By ROBIN MCINTOSH day, overwhelming host school Cocaptain Ann Weaver had State News Sports Writer Indiana. 505-250. MSU's women's swimming an outstanding afternoon, cap¬ The gymnastics team, mean¬ turing titles in both the vault team continued its dominance while, won the first conference ing and the uneven parallel ov^r the Big Ten, while the meet held. bars. She also placed third in women's gymnastics squad The Spartans tankers placed floor exercise. proved once again it is one of first in seven events and set Kathi Kincer took first in the best teams in the Midwest three Big Ten records en route both the all-around competition at two conference meets this to their lopsided victory. This is pretty much how things went Friday for Kentucky's Jimmy Carr and the balance beam, placed past weekend. The 400-yard medley relay second in floor exercise and (left), who came to town with a dubbing by Sports Illustrated as the MSU's women's tank squad team of Suzy Brevitz, Lynn third on the uneven parallel nation's outstanding young grappler. Pat Milkovich, MSU's 126 - pound splashed to its third straight Hughes, Bernadine Kenney and bars. star, obviously wasn't too impressed Big Ten title Friday and Satur- Vicki . . . Riebeling set a new The gymnasts' other cocap¬ record of 4:11.7 in capturing the tain, Diane Chapela, won the title in the event. The 400 floor exercise and tied for Setbacks drop freestyle team of Becky third with Kincer in all- -S Hastings, Hughes. Kathy around. Barrett and Riebeling also set a Other team members wfco new record of 3:43.3. figured in the team scoring The winning 200 medley re¬ were Terry Haenlien, who took By MIKELITAKER "It's still wide open," said "We played well for two in both of lay team of Brevitz, Hughes, State News Sports Saturday's scores to third in vaulting. Maxine Writer MSU coach Amo Bessone, sizing period but those two goals killed gain him 59 points on the year Chris Swendiman and Karen Ceccato, who took second place Up in Minnesota this past up the congested WCHA race. us and we never did recover," and praise from Bessone. Waite was clocked in 1:55.2 and in both all around and the SN photos/John weekend it was the gopher and "That's been our goal all year — Bessone added. "Minnesota is as he here raises his in triun "Sturges played well both the 200 freestyle relay team set ... arms not the groundhog who saw his uneven parallel bars and Pat to get that home playoff spot." the best team we've played all nights and Tom Smith played a new record of 1:41.15. Milkovich, the defending NCAA champ shadow, which meant another The teams Murphy, who placed third on played on equal year." well defensively," said Bessone, Individually, Riebeling the balance beam. defeated Carr by bad week for the MSU hockey terms through the first two Two cap¬ an overwhelming 9-2 mar 1 team. third-period markers who was also happy with the job tured first place in the 100 periods in both games before Saturday by John Sturges and turned in by goalie Ron Clark. butterfly in a time of 1:00.6, The two - game series in the Gophers turned to their Brer.don Moroney brought the missing the record by two I Minneapolis ! saw the drop a pair to the Minnesota Spartans third stanza red light magic. Tallies by Tom Ross, Dave Clark turned away 31 Minne¬ sota shots in Saturday's contest. Center Tom Ross moved his tenths of a second. Hughes won the 50 and 100 backstroke in Indiana whips I Gophers, 8-3 Friday and 4-2 Kelly and Jim Johnson left MSU ; Saturday. The victories sewed tied with the Golden Gophers WCHA consecutive scoring streak to 58 29.4 and 1:02.93 respectively. in his weekly rewrite of "It was a total team per up the Western Collegiate Hoc- going into the final 20 minutes W L Pts. games the MSU record book. formance and everybody did os women sco key Assn. (WCHA) champion- Minnesota 24 6 48 ; Friday until Minnesota came The WCHA scoring leader well," coach Jennifer Parks • ship for Minnesota. back to score five unanswered Michigan Tech 20 10 40 said. I While the Gophers were Colo. College banged in goal number 33 on the By STEVE STEIN scores in eight minutes to sew 20 10 40 State's 19 points. Sue Latter captured t* ; MSU 19 10 year and carried his overall "Hughes won two champion¬ State News Sports Writer counting down the days until up the win. 39 for MSU as she won the 440 and 600 yar the start of the Wisconsin 18 11 37 point total to 82. Ross has 30 ships and Riebeling one, so you A moral victory. postseason "They busted the game open In all. the MSU squad won six races am goals and 75 points in WCHA have to say that they did out¬ That's what MSU men's track coach Fran j playoffs, the Spartans fell to with two quick goals at the start Michigan 15 15 30 action. seven fieldhouse records. ; fourth place in the WCHA race. of the third period and then they Notre Dame 10 18 22 standing jobs, too. They were Dittrich termed the'Spartans 92 39 dual meet MSU will wrap up the regular also on three relay teams, and Several strong individual performann The battle is now between four Minn.-Duluth loss to Big Ten powerhouse Indiana got another on a screen shot," 8 20 18 season this weekend with Saturday in lighted the Spartan men's squad's perfo Denver two that is a good indication of what Jenison Fieldhouse. • teams for the final three home Bessone said. 8 21 17 meetings with cross-state rival kind of swimmers they are." Last year in a dual meet against the Hoosiers against Indiana. » ice playoff berths. North Dakota 4 27 9 Dane Fortney posted an NCAA Ties: MSU 1, Wisconsin 1, Michigan. The Wolverines split The four relay teams quali¬ in Indiana, the Spartans scored 42 at home last weekend with fied for the national meet by points in 1:51.5 time in winning the 880 ahead of Notre Dame 2. Minn. Duluth 2, absorbing an 88 42 loss. But MSU had star Steve Heidenreich. ninth-place Denver. MSU's standards. which G-men lose Denver 1, North Dakota 1. Injured MSU center Steve demand getting a time that nationally known track stars Bob Cassleman and Marshall Dill on its squad then. In perhaps the most exciting race Colp will almost definitely sit would have placed eighth or afternoon, MSU's Charles Bvrd nipp Cassleman has since graduated and Dill is Spartans back before the out the final series of tha year, Hoosiers' Steve Bjelich at the wire to cap better at last year's meet. academically ineligible to compete this term. mile relay. Howard Neely, Fortney 11 Gophers rallied for a pair of in final home their own for the victory. giving his fractured leg an extra week to recuperate before the MSU's women's gymnastics team amassed 101.1 points Sat¬ "We thought if we scored 40 them it would be a moral victory, and we points against Cassleman carried the baton before Byrd "We played well for only it out. The team's time also qualified it two playoffs now that the pressure urday en route to becoming the missed by one," Dittrich said. periods Saturday, too, but we to win the league nationals. MSU's men's gymnastics team wrapped up its home season on a championship first Big Ten women's gym¬ While the men's team was losing to Indiana, made a couple of mistakes that is off. nastics champion. The Spartans MSU had one clean sweep, in the tw< : disappointing note Friday night as the Indiana Hoosiers defeated MSU's women's team was cost us the ballgame," Bessone winning a triangular run, as all three top finishers ran the • the Spartans, 202.50 to 196,95. Playoff tickets for the first dominated the meet, taking meet with Central Michigan and ChicagoState in said. and second rounds will go on first in every event and placing under nine minutes. As a team, the Spartans performed well against Indiana as the Jenison. Moroney's goal was his 20th sale today at the athletic ticket at least two people in the top Herb Lindsay led the Spartan brigade • 196.95 score marked the season high for the The Spartan women's squad scored 80 squad. of the season. Sturges figured office in Jenison Fieldhouse. three spots in each event. points 8:51.0 time, followed by Fred Teddy 18:5! "It was a fine over all performance," Coach to Central Michigan's 57 George Szypula said. points and Chicago Jeff Pullen (8:59.4). We only missed on a small number of • routines, but you have to have no misses to win." • MSU started out strong in the floor exercise and pommel horse I events. • . • Senior captain Rich Stout made his final performance count as he captured first place on the floor exercise with a fine 9.1 routine while junior John Short took second with an 8.9. Steve Murdock turned in an excellent routine on the ! horse with a second-place 8.95 score. " pommel Fifth-place cagers face Northwester As expected, however, it was Indiana's By CHARLES JOHNSON extended its home Meanwhile, senior Spartan 15-7 on the year. ring team which turned State News Sports Writer games, court steaming from its 69-68 loss to guards Billy MeKinn_ I ePe*'h|)lij tickets as long as he or she has Wisconsin, which entered eight ID cards. held to only six points in the comeback. Though sporting also pleased with the performance of sabre man a The ticket office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday's game with only two second half. The 6-5 junior Wisconsin is now 3-11 in the 3-11 record in conference a measly 1 conference play. Tintera took two of three matches against i victories in 13 forward finished with 17 points. league and 6-18 overall. MSU is Northwestern should be outstanding squad. ■Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, February 24, 1975 9 Used car By NANCY E. CRANE which they sell. guarantee The citizens' lobby study proposed fine of up to $1,000 and 90 State News Staff Writer days the buyer could request that criticized the quality of cars in in In response to a study done Plawecki said he has been 15 Detroit used car lots. Of 15 prison. the car be taken to a dealer to by the Michigan Citiaena' working with the lobby on the cars tested Though the citizens' lobby have a checkup done on it," by .the lobby, all has said it hopes for legislation Lobby, Sen. David A. Plawecki, legislation and said the group's required major repairs and Plawecki said. D Dearborn to protect consumers in Heights, has re¬ study this month of used car some were unsafe to drive. The private Plawecki also said that the introduced a bill which would used car transactions, guarantee provided by the bill dealerships in Detroit was average price of each car tested Plawecki's bill would only cover require Michigan used car prompted by the failure of his was $1,300. would not cover "minor repairs dealers to guarantee for 120 state-licensed used car dealers. due to natural wear and used car Plawecki said his legislation up¬ warranty legislation to "We don't think people want days parts and labor on cars pass in the past session. would require car dealers to keep." Plawecki's bill does not legislation which would cover define minor repairs or natural certify that certain parts of cars private transaction. However, wear and such as brakes, lights, steering this bill would help upkeep. He said that people in job would be left to the secre Medical unit and exhaust systems are in proper working order. individual transactions because tary of state. The bill provides for a repair system which would require answering qu dealers to make certain on a car — less as the repairs car is DAYT0NA BEACH FLORIDA owned longer by the buyer. The Ingham County Medical not know of the society's Plawecki's bill specifies that MULTI-UNIVERSITY Society has voted unanimously pro¬ RECESSION BREAKER PROMOTIONAL TOUR to defer posed directory. the dealer must make all re- answering a six-page "Kathy Cowles pairs on the car during the first MARCH 15 questionnaire for a Public did make i • MARCH 24, 1975 contact with the state medical 15 days after delivery. Between Interest Research Group in includes •«-« society before we even began to 16 and 45 days after sale the Michigan (PIRGIM) doctors' sponsor her project and dealer must pay for 75 per cent they •Op*o"o9o*oD*«0f«o'd directory, but will meet with were in touch with the of the repairs. Between 46 and •lof?occM«t0J« A O. G'*,*ou«dlo< "9 PIRGIM Executive Director Ingham County society," Tuchinsky 120 days after delivery he must Joseph Tuchinsky and the di¬ said. "Everyone rectory's initiator, Kathy Kathy talked to expressed enthusiasm about make 50 per cent of the repairs. If the car dealer breaches 8 DAYS & 7 NIGHTS Cowles, today to discuss the the directory, and this guarantee he will face a just said she HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT DA VTONA'S project. should keep in touch with their 30-day suspension of license, a NEWEST (OPENED JAN. 15,1975) HOTEL Conflict arose when public health department. Lansing area MDs (doctors of "At that time no one from the medicine) and DOs (doctors of osteopathy) received question¬ naires early last week request¬ society ever made mention that they were going to write their own directory. We've heard '135™ THE WHITEHALL INN ing information about the plus io'/o to* & that they've only been writing doctors' fees, education, theirs a month. Services . ° advanced training, hours, "I anticipate an entirely services and policies. cooperative attitude on the part The society, a professional of both PIRGIM and the organization representing medical society," he said. • Air Conditioned about 325 MDs, said it had not PHONE: MISS KAPLAN-332-1115 rJTTkeBOr known about the directory and AP wirephoto A lamb at the Nalwalk farm in North was writing its own. Its would Stenington,, R.I., rides atop its MSJ&ctmy include information on health ther. The little one climbed aboard when mom services was lying down. as well as a listing of MDs and DOs. Tuchinsky said PIRGIM did Se\ec\eA v**. ■commodore [00 (calculators $24 FULL SERVICE I6C8 Your Way BEAUTY SALONS *\3e->d.ev 0000 at Convenient locations Meijer One-Stop Shopping in your 0\i^rrA\T\T\v dt\er$ 113" • fill Frar Function | Burger King Center r r r*o p\c> S>ccts Open evenings • Pocket-size We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Eight-Digit Display We accept Master Michigan BankAmericard Charge and rb) • on weekdays Retail Center with many top Automatic Constant • • Floatiog Decimal 5!!J!L*JL&tei Saturd5s professional beauty care • Standard 9-Volt "buy wi CALL FOR ) Or A.C. Operation With Optional Adapter cheese whopper APPOINTMENT on get thin calculator for one weak only with a full Three locations to serve you: orguarant** at: get one free! 487-6323 5125 W. Sagniaw UNION DISCOUNT SALES WITH COUPON 487-6324 ONE PER CUSTOMER CHEESEWHOPPER ONLY 6200 S. Pennsylvania 2843 E. Grand Riv«r Suite 4 487-6325 Eost Laming Open 1 ■ 5 OFFER GOOD Men. Fab. 24 Frl. Feb. 28 2055 W. Grand River Dally J - 3 £5 Memorex CANDLE MEMOREX 60 BUY TWO GET ONE FREE! Buy two- I Get one Free! MEMOREX # ■#) 60 SALE! 60-Minute Cassettes MEMOREX * ■*) 60 50% off $468 Sweatshirts and other cotton 120-Minute Cassette Buy one at regular price- Don't Keep Your Graduation goods are get the other at 1/2 price a Secret . . . still on sale , .announcement!! are now available at $588 the MSU Bookstore customer service desk. Limited Supply! Mil - MEMOREX Recording T«p« N STORK 1 0 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan f JMC offers tour of New York By SUE MC MILLIN pools can be formed at that She knows the ins and outs of ductions they see. Anyone interested in going State New. Stall Writer time, Ward said. the city well, he said. Ward said it <• good on the trip should contact Ward If you are looking for an Students will be charged $40 The students will be seeing opportunity to me. in 47 Snyder Hall or phone her alternative to the Florida sun for all tickets and a $16 JMC about five plays, including the interesting people and that at 363-1707 or 3616586. for spring break, how about a administration fee. The total Broadway musical "The Wis," encounters in the pact have led fast-paced arts tour in New cost of $98 must be paid to the best play of 1974, "Hot L to jobs for some graduates. York City? Dorothy Rhines in 61 Snyder Baltimore," and an off Broad¬ Justin Morrill College (JMC) Hall by March 7. Participants way production by LaMama is sponsoring its eighth will be on their own for meals, Experimental Theater. They FIND Seminar in the Arts from transportation around the city will also be observing a class WHAT March 19 through 22. Tickets and other for both Broadway and off- expenses. any personal and a performance of the Joffrey Ballet with a backstage YOU'VE BEEN CIGARETTES 2PK. Broadway shows and other activities have been reserved. The program is open to all Lon Graves, who went trip three years ago and is going again this year, said it on the visit after the show. Other activities include a walking tour of SOHO art galleries, a visit to LOOKING FOR! CAll * 1. IWf /79< MSU students. Twenty-five was worthwhile. Greenwich Pottery Shop, a tour STATf tffWS 10% OFF OUR PRICE ON ALL spaces are available. Barbara "There's could see no and possible way you of Lincoln Center for the Per¬ 'livery CLASSIFIED 9 iil ujj KODAK FILM* Ward, coordinator of the trip, do the things ■ - forming Arts and Space for • PROCESSING & DEVELOPING . said that a larger group is too MEJAC TV RENTALS" we're going to do for $98." he Innovative Developments and a 1 hard to keep together and get said. visit to the studio of Behrnard SJ7-1I10 into the places they will be He said that it was a great Leitner, a sound architect. visiting. opportunity to get into places Reservations have been that are not ordinarily open to Students will also meet or We Now Have made at the Taft Hotel, 7th Avenue at 50th Street. The cost the public. He placed much of the success of the trip on Ward. visit backstage with actors and directors from most of the pro- ANNOUNCING: will be $10 per night per person plus a $1.40 tip. There will be RA POSITIONS FOR 1975 HOT COFFEE three or four students to each Fish iT Chips Special • 76 ACADEMIC YEAR THIS WEEK SPECIAL ONLY: room. Transportation to and from Fish n' Chips with a Stein of b»«r 8 A M -11AM ^ A CUP the city will be up to each only W Off-campus students and students interested in applying for R.A. positions in halls ether than their place of residency Monday - Saturday student to arrange. All partici¬ ■ay submit an sppMcati— to the Hall Director of Head pants in the trip will be required to meet once before going and it is possible that car iThc Mon. — Thurs. 5 • 10 p.i Resident Advisor in the hall of their choke beginning Monday. March 3, 1975. Applications and additional DR. SCHOLL'S information will be available at the Office of the Hall 30% OFF RETAIL ighwheder restaurant & Director or Head Resident Advisor and at the reception desk in every hall. March 14.1975. Deadline for return of applications is EXERCISE SANDALS PRICE ON ALL lounge Restaurant 11:00 - 2:00 AM 231 M.A.C. E. Lansing Loungs 11:30 2:00 am Students interested in RA positions within their present residence halls will be notified by the Hall Director of Head $9 99 SUNGLASSES LIMIT I 12:00 • ir:00 San. 5:00 12:00 Sun. Resident Advisor concerning the application procedure. If»«■: March J 197$ **** laming Uatm °„l, STEREO LP DAN FOGELBERG SOUVENIRS $329 HAVE JOHN LENNON ROCK N' ROLL $329 KOOL & THE GANG GREATEST HITS $379 THE TEMPTATIONS YOU A SONG FOR YOU $379 ROBIN TROWER FOR EARTH BELOW $379 SEEN ALLERGAN CLEAN-N-SOAK ULTRA BAN LOTION ANTIPERSPIRANT tw 8- ? 20 a i 1WI lot* lamina itor. Onl, *1*7I 1.6 OZ. IS reg. 1l.do r»a |a»t (co.pe.1 l"P THIS CONTAC 10's re*. COLD CAPSULES 1.1 88* Vioz. reg. 1.39 SINEX NASALSPRAY 88' 100's reg. ASPIRIN 39f 5 GRAIN 2J APE 1/2 OFF ON ALL PAPER BACK BOOKS LIMIT 1 (caupan) E.plr., March 1. 1*71 tail I anting >tara Only OLD SPICE Q-TIPS COLGATE AFTERSHAVE toothpaste 4 $ 1 38 170's V OI. It could be worth $875 to reg. 2.00 reg. 1.19 67< reg. 129 you MONDAY THRU THURSDAY of this week, the TECH HI-FI APE will be roaming the streets handing out flyers with individual numbers that may win you an $875 STEREO SYSTEM. The drawing for the COMPLETE STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM will be held MIDNIGHT THURSDAY EVENING, the 27th. NEUTROGENA UNICAP AYDS You must be PRESENT when the number on your flyer is called to win — but absolutely no other obligation. SOAP MULTIPLE VITAMINS REDUCING PLAN CAlj 3.75 $9' 73' $] 99 OZ. 100's 24oz. GIMME CARDS will also be passed out when the mood reg. 1.25 reg. 3.19 A 9IR strikes the TECH HI-FI APE. These certificates are good for items ranging from record cleaning equipment to free head phones. (Absolutely no obligation). fart laming Stara Only TALK TO THE TECH HI-FI APE. HE CAN BE VERY FRIENDLY. The logical place to buy yourhifi. VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE $] 38 hi§i 15 oz reg. 2.25 l>plm March I, mi ■art laming Jtora Only tech FASHION 0RL0N KNEE SOX KNEE SOX ORLON KNEE OPAQUE SOX 122 East Washington St., Ann Arbor / 619 East Grand River 14615 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit / 20715 Kelly Rd.. East Detroit Ave., East Lansing / 430 North Telegraph Rd., Dearborn / 4526 North Woodward Ave., Royal Oak 79' 69< reg. 1.00 125 Main St., Rochester / 12755 Eureka, Southgate VIRGINIA MAID PANTYHOSE No. 106 reg. 89* ONE SIZE ,y^*) Nw March I, mi 49' ■■MmmMBMSBSSSLSSSSSSbB n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, February 24, 1975 ] | Mako a List •< ol idle Hems then coll 355-S255 . OBd Place a Result-Getting Classified Ad II DiemM FRANKLY SPEAKING,.. by Phil frank Apartments Houses Rooms VW, MUST sell. 1971 Super CAMP WATERFRONT Director. Beetle, new tires, excellent con¬ GiH Scout Camp. dition, $1350 or offers. 484 7395 Female, 21 years NEED TO sublease April through old with current WSI. WANTED, 1 or 2 female to share 607 VIRGINIA, East Lansing. $60 5-2-27 Camp September, 1 bedroom spacious nice house. Campus 1 block. See session from June month plus, own room, prefer male, 26-July 28. Call qpartment in Mason. Shag car¬ to Chris, 484-9421. 5-2-24 appreciate. 351-&462. 5-2-24 332-0435. 3-2-25 Lone 355-8255 VW CONVERTIBLE, 1967, red peting throughout, all new Hot A Student Services Bldo with black top, 30 mpg, runs good. pant appliances, air conditioning, MALE NEEDED for 3 bedroom REGISTERED NURSES SUNNY ROOM, nice house with (utomotive $495 firm. 655-3205. x3 2-24 Part time RN's needed on the 11 walk in closet, country living for duplex. California Ranch Style, fireplace, near, $77.50 plus utilities, ■mooters ft Cycles pm- 7:30 am shift. Good $140 a month. 676-2291. 5-2-28 fireplace. Near Frandor. $80. 332-4387 after 3 p.m. 5-2-27 ■arts ft Service Aviation ! Hrtrcjcte Jab; working conditions. Personnel Department, salary and Apply Ingham ONE MALE. Own room, new 489-0437. 5-2-28 VERY CLOSE, clean, parking, CYCLE INSURANCE call for our Medical Center. duplex. Partially furnished. $80 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 312 South (PLOYMENT low rates, LLOYDS OF 401 West plus utilities. 351-6662. 5-2-28 cooking, nicely furnished, excel¬ LANSING, Greenlawn.lansing, 48910. Phone Hayford. Stove, refrigerator and lent environment. A great deal! |0R RENT 485 0528 or 339 9535. 0-1-2-24 371-2121, extension 249. 5-2-24 utilities included. $225 but nego¬ 351-3212, 3-5 p.m. 5-2-27 GRAD STUDENT working girl, portments own or tiable. Call 332-2419, 5pm-9pm. GET RID Of those gas budget WANTED PERSON room, very nice, spring term, 10-3-7 SUBLET: to sell Oil of Okemos, $75. 349-1503. 5-2-28 CLOSE/campus fur¬ bluest Yamaha, Triumph, BMW Mnk cosmetics. Must be willing to nished, kitchen, share refrigerator, SHEP'S, Holt. C-5-2-28 meet new FEMALE NEEDED Spring term. carpeted, sunny, 351-3259, Tom, [or sale people. Flexible hours, training provided. Start 12x60, furnished, like new in East Share room, close to campus, nice 332-5292. 3-2-26 at 30 jinimals Lansing. 2 bedroom, $185/month • Homes 1-MilWa 1(71 percent commission with rapid advancement in income and plus utilities. Days 393-9510, house, 351-3045. 3-2-26 MALE, 1020 Short Street, kitchen, 4 after 6 pm. 5-2-28 Kost ft found VW ENGINES. Late model, low responsibility. 372-0509 after five. HOUSE NEEDS three people parking, spring term, $85, utilities krsonal 5-2-24 spring,own bedroom, $60/month. paid, 332-2832. 5-2-28 fiileage, from $195. Installation NEED MEN for 4 man apartment in 487-6534 after 5 pm. 5-2-28 Ianuts personal available. Towing. 372-8130. BARTENDERS: PART time and Fee Hall. Spring term. 353-1880 OWN ROOM in 3 woman duplex. iai estate 17-3-7 full time. Must have experience. 3-2-36 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 631 South Spring/ and or summer. 1 block Neat in appearance. Must Francis, $50 deposit, $150/month, from campus. 332-2345. jcreation NOW FOR your convenience we're person apply in between 2-5 p.m. Tuesday- 731 BURCHAM -3 man, furnished utilities not included. Call 485-4943 5-2-28 ■nice open until 8 pm Monday, Wednes¬ lease until June. $76.67 each. Call Saturday. See Greg Marks. anytime. 5-2-28 ROOMMATE WANTED. Spring ■struction day, and Thursday. CHEQUERED LONGS 351-7212. 5-2-28 RESTAURANT, 6810 term, own room, Mobile Home Trping FLAG FOREIGN CAR 2605 East kalamazoo, one mile PARTS, South Cedar. 5-2-25 1-2 TO sublet for NEWLY REDECORATED 2 bed¬ Manor, 332-0483, keep trying. spring, nice, J,IMPORTATION west of campus. 487-5055. close, cheap, evenings, 337-7168: room house. Unfurnished. $200/ 10-3-7 ■anted C-5-2-28 351-2169. 10-3-7 month includes utilities. Call ROOM FOR rent, 526 Tar pool 482-5544. 10-2-26 $80 inducting utilities. Evergreen, WOMAN OVER 21 to share 2 351-1744. bates MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Yoor Around Employment. NEW CEDAR VILLAGE, 1 man NEW CEDAR VILLAGE - 2 r TWO PEOPLE to help share 5-2-28 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. bedroom apartment, with same, needed for 4 man, spring term. house, own rooms, very close to ••RATES** needed for 4 man. spring term. 351-9352. 5-2-28 112 word minimum Complete auto painting and colli¬ sion service. American and For¬ St. 337-2462 5-2-24 351-6498. 10-2-24 campus. $80/month plus 351-6195. 5-2-26 utilities. for Sale % Joseph Mo. 44502 WATERS eign cars. 485-0256. C-2-28 EDGE apartments, 1 ' NO. DAYS SUBLEASE. NEED 1 man for 4 STEREOS 20-30% off. EAST LANSING - close - in, male needed for spring term, 3 BEDROOM, ALL electric. Car¬ Lowest HOTEL HELP wanted. man, furnished, own bedroom, 2 furnished, close, $75. 332-2027. price in town. Full warrantees. Mackinac blocks campus. $95/month. Call unfurnished 3 rooms and bath, peted. Appliances. Furnished. Gar¬ 10 Island, Michigan. Waitresses, married couple or single woman 3-2-26 Available 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 5-2-26 3 j 5 busboys, dishwashers, bartenders 332-4768. 10-3-3 age. 882-8646. 5-2-27 February 20th. only. $165/month. Phone J" 4.80 /.80 15.60 and cooks. John F. Ross, 3821 332-5988 after 6 pm. 5-2-24 SPRING TERM, female needed, GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of WANT TO be alone? Pretty, all kinds. i 6.00 9.75 19.50 Bishop, Detroit, Michigan 48224. own room, close to campus. NEED 2 people. Own rooms in Buy, trade and sell. BEST 29 11.70 23.4C (313(881-3470. B-1-?-?4 comfortable, clean apartment for WANT A nice place to live? Short 332-8520 after 6 pm. 3-2-26 nice house spring term. Close. year 'round prices in Southern ) 7.20 one. 4 miles from campus. $110 Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP, ! ) 8.00 1 J.00 26.00 includes utilities. 332-3398. 5-2-24 on money? Let us help you! Short 337-9698. 3-2-24 FULL TIME clerk-typist to assist in term leases PINE LAKE APARTMENTS 2412 South Cedar. 371-2244. available, Mason Hills 10.00 16.25 32.50 HAS LETT s library. Previous library experience Apartments - from $145 a month. TEN ACRE horse farm. 0-11_-28_ j 29 m DEADLINE AMERICAN. FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also GERMAN. and and above average typing and general office skills required. 332- SUBLEASE, AVAILABLE March 15. Nice studio, 2 blocks MSU, New one and two bedroom apart¬ ments \Mth all Short on Cash? Maybe we can work something out. One bed¬ modeled 3 bedroom house. miles from MSU near Perry. $250, Re¬ 14 TWO GIBSON guitars; antique - appliances acoustic electric and standard quiet. $155. 332-5144. 3-2-25 , ■ ids 1 p.rn. one class BODY 20% DISCOUNT to 6544 for interview. 5-2-25 carpeting, and drapes. pets room apartments with sh$g per month. Call 482-0879 or classical. $110 each. 351-3438. . before publication. students and faculty on all cash 'n' allowed. Located at 495 North carpeting, drapes and appliances. 625-3888. 5-2-26 MAN TO share apartment. Fur¬ $150 per month plus utilities. 10 3-2-24 I79 illation corrections carry VW service parts. IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo and Cedar. 485-2047, 485 9229 HORTICULTURE AND Landscape Architecture students; Saturday nished, new carpet. One block. $97.50, offer. 332-1946. 5-2-27 Okemos Road in Mason. minutes from MSU. model Furnished 10 minutes from MSU. Located at 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of 3 BEDROOM, (417 North Francis) CASH class day and Sunday retail sales of plants open Monday through with furniture, 2 baths, $150. Call Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, publication. Mastercharge and Bank and garden supplies. Guaranteed Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. 485-4917. 5-2-26 WINTER '76 grad? I pick up the Call Model at 676-4874. Other time 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Americard. C-2-28 base plus commission. Experience lease spring '76. Your place or call manager at 676-4291 or EAST REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-20 GRAD STUDENT to share house. jd is ordered it cannot helpful. Orientation prior to early mine? Jim, 351-1053. 10-3-6 V ■ mcelled after first or changed insertion, U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. Do-it-yourself, free supervision. April start. TWISS LANDSCAPE CENTER, East Lansing, 351-0590. % MILE from Bogue Street bridge. LANSING DEVELOPMENT 14-3-7 REALTY at AND 332-4128. QUIET, SPACIOUS, unfurnished, two bedroom 1 % bath. Carpeted, Own room. $98 a month. 373-0201 or 372-7219 nights. ond jowolry Trades Too! Specials: Tune-ups, $20.98. Front 11-3-7 5-2-26 WILCOX SECONDHAND Share apartment, own room. dishwasher, carport. 349-9108, disc brakes $24.45, parts included. STORE Spring $130/month. And/or sum¬ 332-0111. 10-3-3 Phone 882-8742 17-2-28 REGISTERED NURSES TWO BEDROOM furnished NEED A pad? Big 2 story, 4 bed¬ - full and $80. Jim mo¬ 509 E. Michigan, Lansing mer, or Modhi, 351-1053. bile homes. $25-$35/week. part time positions available on the 10 room. Shag carpet, furnished 9-5:30p.m. 485-4391 [ Eiployint ify] afternoon and midnight shifts in ICU-CCU. Minimum starting salar¬ 10-3-6 CAPITOL AREA: minutes to campus. Quiet and peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or ( Houses JU) $200/month. That's only $50 each for 4 students. 655-3568 after 6 JRESS MEATS. Beef and one bedroom, 484-5315. 0-2-28 p.m. 3-2-25 pork, ies $4.82 per hour plus differential. dining room, basement,' pets. NEEDED; 1 or 2 persons, country young and tender USDA AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't Immediate openings. Please con¬ home, $37.50 or $75. 641-6557, inspected. ■nuts Personal ads $130/month including utilities. 131 BEAL, 3 bedroom, across Processed and de- must worry as a representative you can SPRING TERM, 2 men needed. 882-2367. 5-2-24 tact Lansing General Hospital, 485-7940, 373-7590. 5-2-27 69,56 R°V Donald, earn money in your spare time. I'll 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. Campus Hill, $68.75/month, from campus, $300/month. 394-1092. 5-2-24 show you howl 482-6893. 20-3-4 349-3918 after 5 p.m. 10-2-25 WOMAN TO share room, knock 337-1447. 5-2-27 372-8220, extension 267. Equal NEEDED: 1 male roommate for I State News will be Opportunity Employer. 7-3-3 Christian household. Available out house, fireplace, sunporch RANGE, ELECTRIC 4 burner, treble only for the first GIRL WITH hospital experience to THREE OR four bedroom, $150/ double over, stainless, work March 1. 337-7421. X5-2-26 parking. 5 minutes to campus. $8 light ■ incorrect insertion. assist arthritic lady 3 hours on TAXI DRIVERS wanted, full and MERIDIAN MALL includes utilities. Spring. 337-2031 month plus utilities. 487-5422 or wth deluxe fruitwood base cabinet between 5-6 pm. 5-2-28 371-4554. 3-2-25 $70. 669-9143. 5-2-23 Saturday/Sunday mornings.' part time, must have excellent MSU ONE block. One bedroom Jare due 7 days from the ED2-5176. 1-2-24 driving record, apply VARSITY furnished. Modern, Immediate ment'walk^d! FEMALE, OWN room, carpeted, 53 USED nation date. If not CAB, 122 Woodmere, East Lan¬ shopping jui CUTE TWO bedroom bungalow. Sewing Machines. occupancy. $180. 351-7731. Only 10 minutes nice, close. $70 plus utilities. Call $i2.50/up. Zig-zags and straight • by the due date, a 50c EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for sing. 3-2-25 5-2-26 h. Please coll 335 5877 to campus. Bic our graduates. If you need a skill yard. Pets ok. Prefer marriet 332-0719. 3-2-25 stitchers, portables and cabinet ■ service charge will be models. Singers, Whites, Ken- call us. Individually taught with couple or grad students. 332-4240 ffj . TO SUBLET spacious one bed¬ qualified instructor. 90 hour course \Mth choice of class hours, VA [ For Rent room 8partn*,ent. Close to campus SUBLET ONE bedroom furnished 5-2-28 THREE BEDROOM house, garage and finished base¬ furnished mores, Elnas. Many makes and models to choose from. ELECTRO- TV AND STEREO rentals. Great location. 332-5742. 7-2-28 4 OR 5 bedrooms, close to ment. Available April 1 to Septem¬ GRAND, 804 East Michigan. Hours approved. Located on the corner apartment. Cedar View. Spring campus mm of Jolly and Airtelius Roads. Call $25/term. $10.95/month. Free term. Call 337-1137. 3-2-25 spring term. New, furnished. ber 1,1975. Roseland Avenue, one Monday-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9- ' SPRING TERM, 2 girls needed to mile from campus. No pets. $230, noon. Bankcard and 393-8615. Spartan Keypunch same day delivery and service. 332-8300. b-1-2-24 Master MOBILE insurance. sublease 4 person. Riversedge, plus utilities. Deposit. 351-0456. Charge honored. 11-3-7 Academy. 5-2-28 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. 1 fcucan save$$$. It pays to 351-4306. 5-2-26 2-2-24 pund Call us. You may be bedroom, comfortable, close to FARMHOUSE, 4 bedroom, semi Rent furnished. Carpeting, washer Cash for ■* 484-8173. 0-1-2-24 RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST: NOTICE ONE MONTH free. Third female campus. negotiable. 5 351-9214. 5-2-27 dryer. Garden spot. Faculty. MALE NEEDED for house spring Student to work from 2-5 pm daily All for two bedroom apartment. Sub¬ 332-3957. 5-2-28 term. Own large room, $62.50 STAMPS & COINS 1972, 350, automatic, Monday thru Friday, spring term. lease spring. Call after five. 337- Buy - Sell Trade State News Classified Department. Student IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY for negotiable. Call 487-2932. 11-3-7 - power steering, snow 7386. 5-2-25 full line of supplies one in two man apartment, shag, LARGE SINGLE 4 girl in sharei Apply in person only Tuesday 2-4 ADVERTISING NEEDED: MID - MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN pgreati $1500. 355-0616. pm. 347 Student Services Building NEEDED 1 male spring term only, on river near campus. $92.50. house. Nicely furnished, parking woman to LIBERAL minded share house. Own 2-2-25 Cedar Village, 337-1581. 2-2-24 very close. $65. 351-2477. 880 Moslett «d. 332 4300 $78. 351-3101. 0-5-2-28 room. $87.50,everything included. - P57' 4 cylinder. 4 speed, 4-2-24 489-6359 immediately. Cindy. 1 MAN NEEDED for 3 man. Spring SONY TA-1130 Integrated stereo condition. $1300. RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY, * NOW * 10-3-3 Doctors office needs responsible term, adjacent from campus, $70/ COZY DUPLEX anplifier. '"'"pm. 5-2-26 WANTED GIRL to share 2 bed¬ month. 351-3437. 10-3-6 Needs girl to share room spring. Original packaging, individual to handle busy front through the end room apartment, $95, Okemos, excellent condition. $295. $75/includes utilities. 351-0304. N«, 1970. Many desk, east side location, call 694 1153, OfficeMates 5. 3-2-26 of the term. 353-3994, 349-1258. Jeri. 5-2-25 ONE WOMAN needed immediate¬ 5-2-25 - noons > 355-2955, evenings. 5-2-28 Cal1 aftw 6 pm. CLASSIFIED DEPT. NEED ONE female to sublease ly. $68.50, Campus Hill. Furnished, DVNACO STEREO. Must sell. bus service, dishwasher, 349-4617. 2 WOMAN CLOSE TO campus, 214 Bailey. MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST, NEEDED to share COW amplifier with pre amplifier 347 Student Services spring term, Cedar Village. Call Own room in house. $100 'month. J^*]972'2door, 3 speed, ■JWH) miles, blue. Call part time position, 20 25 hours per week, East Lansing Medical Office, Sue, 332-6066. 3-2-26 62-28 duplex, utilities. $78.33 a 351-2406, month, plus 373-2690. 353-7740. 4-2-25 aid cabinet. 52-28 $250. 337-2744. NEED FEMALE: own room in Leone. 5-2-25 ^ 10-3-7 knowledge of dictaphone and medical Apartments ^ ONE MALE spring term. furnished, carpeted, $98. Own furnished 2 person, spring term, CROSSWORD cnaiana aaou terminology. Available room, J969, 6-cylinder. immediately. Please send resume Camp us 6 blocks. 351-1963, after 5 close, 351-6278. 3-2-25 OWN ROOM - quiet, mature anaaaciB aaas P rMlent condition. snows. 41,000 to Box B-2, State News. B-1-2-24 MALE GRAD share apartment with two grads. Quiet. All utilities pm. 5-2-28 5 MINUTES TO MSUI Nice, car¬ person, coed, very close, river PUZZLE $85" Street, spring. 351-2396. 3-2-24 ACROSS □oaa heq □□□ f Wore 6 pm. paid. Parking, washer-dryer pro¬ peted 1 bedroom, deposit, lease. 3-2-26 MARKETING REP Recent grad. vided. Near campus. 349-3328 EASTERN/SPARRROW cute, $135. 485-8615. 5-2-27 aaa ssbsemsb $10,000 -15,000 first year earnings. compact, one bedroom, furnished. 1. Beverage S00 E3B3D If4 Cu«'steering, Wfower om Coupe, 350, under Unique progressive firm, female male. Phone 349-3933. CAREERS after 6 p.m. and weekends. 3-2-31 $120 plus gas. 663-8418. 5-2-28 References. CEDAR VILLAGE. Male, $55/ 4. Anthropoid J. Windmill sail ONE THREE bedroom, $225. One month, negotiable - call Linda I til Pat, 482-2591. UNLIMITED, Divison Sherman two bedroom, $200. Both include after 3:30 p.m. 349-3339. 5-2-27 3. Ti e extreme Associates. 5-2-28 SINGLE UPPER flat in Lansing. point stove and refrigerator and utilities Two miles from campus. $106. 1. '900 series. 20% DISCOUNT TO Barbarity 2-door, except electricity. Students wel¬ 14. Maple or corn W excellent conditionl OPENINGS AVAILABLE in direct 482-3464, or 351-4188. 2-2-25 PRIVATE FURNISHED apartment STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON 37, Pronoun come. EQUITY VEST, INC. 351- 575 down, low sales. Salary and or commission. near Ingham Medical, $140/month CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE 16. Prior to 38. Productive ■ Mvments 8150 or 351-3305. 0-10-2-27 TWO MEN needed for 4 man. 17. Function bj's auto Call for appointment, phone 627- plus deposit. Call 393-8547. PARTS. 39 Profjt 4046 10-3-7 Chalet Apartments. $72.58 per 18. Thresholds Is® Grand River, PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large month. 337-0514. 5-2-28 5-2-26 40. Heavenly 2. Martini 9 Disease of rye POLL WORKERS needed for upstairs. Furnished apartment. on ur!!. 20. With regard to 43. Five-dollar bill , decorations 12. Intoxicating FURNISHED 1 bedroom, heat 44. Cathedral 3 Shaved One bedroom, carpeting. Share pepper plant ^Plymouth Barracuda spring ASMSU election. $2.05 an hour. Will Work during early and utilities. Adults only. No dogs. FRANDOR - LARGE attractive bedroom one and water furnished. No children. 21 Spread hay 22. Crowbar 45 Ladle 4 Egyptian cobra 13 Days gone by fcS^der, automatic. $115. 351-7497. 0-2-28 completely furnished. Lansing. 627-4864 5-2-26 46 M.scalculate 5 Dad 15. Uncle Sam £*'•881. 7-2-27 general registration for spring term. If interested, call 355-8266 Carpeted, laundry. Bus. Shopping All utilities paid. $170. No pets. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. 2 bed¬ ' • AUTO PARTS ™ 23. Despise 24. Equally 6 Each one 19 Shot forth, NEW FURNISHED Apartments. 7. Advanced as rays ■ty '• 19® new - battery, and leave name, student phone number and days available number, One block from campus, 234 Center Street. Call collect, Westphalia. 1-587 6680. 5-2-28 room apartment, unfurnished Capital Villa, air conditioning, $185 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar 25. Penetrated 27. Offender 1. Spanish years 20. Vogue to work. 3-2-25 Contemporary ltt0verhau|8d trans¬ living at its bestl Efficiency, 2 351-6033. 3-2-24 I * 5 1 e 1 it °r 6681 offer- ■75 p.m. 3-2-25 "CAREER SALES Opportunity bedroom units, one and two ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHED Volkswagen complete repair service. Repair & parts for I '{i % persons. $150-$210. 6-7 pm, spacious, quiet, two bedroorr GIRL TO share nice apartment, 10 n. J for most foreign and American 23 Possessive qualified college graduate by 351 6088 5-2-24 upper duplex, two miles west 01 spring. Free bus-campus. $68.75/ June. Immediate salary negoti campus. $185. 489-4336. 5-2-28 month. 349-2833. 5-2-26 cars Body shop b paint * if >e iT pronoun able and adjusted over 40 month training program. Earn while you UPPER APARTMENT in old home in East Lansing. Nice view. Avail¬ SPRING TERM, 2 man apartment. services. Exchange engines & transaxles. e % w % JO w 0°0 miles, learn Marketing in area of finance and estate counseling. No limit on able immediately. $167. Walking Woodmere Apartments. 351-90# 1 GIRL for apartment. $50. Call Nancy, 349-1704 or 351-5344 after 5i % \Y %» 26 27 Stinger Laborers Rry distance MSU. No children, no (days) or 337-7991 (nights). 5-2-2t 6 5-2-26 Free wrecker % % 28 tear" future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher pets. 337-1247, 337-9633. 5-2-27 repairs - locAl service areas. with City bus J* % 23 29 More osseous Deer's horns %% at 484-8410. "Interviews by 3RD PERSON needed, large 3 NEED MAN spring term, own sen/ice to our front door. 30 Climax appointment only." 20-3-5 BRENTWOOD-FRANDOR near, 2 bedroom apartment, room, air conditioned, pool, Cata I7 spring term, KURA 19;3- V-8, MODELS FOR Photography. bedroom unfurnished, available immediately, quiet adults only. $74/month. 349-3071. 5-2-25 to campus, $92.50/month. first month. Call 337-2508. 3-2-24 $80 We buy and sett VWs % So % i2 % 31. 33. Bards Amiable KLseenn0/bf«k-«. Executive Arts Studios. 489 1215 $180. Eleanor Fabian, 351-7633 or PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. % % 33 1 35. Ideal golf fi rW8« «2.050.a,dL,in,»d win- between 10 am 6 pm. 0-2-28 485-9343. 8-2-28 Funished studio, utilities paid 485-2047 485-9229 il 15 £ score 372-7543. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, $125/month 627-5464. 7-2-26 plus deposit. 5 MINUTES FROM MSU. nished or unfurnished, single bed¬ Fur¬ 8-6 Monday - Friday, 9-2 Saturday J7 % 38 y//, 36. Thoroughfare abbr. CREW gardening work. CHIEF for lawns Full time and all North Chestnut, Lansing, garage, room and carpeted, covered parking laundry. $145/month Short % % V? 38. Retainer ^ 'iwi Two do<*. • terms in 1975. Some experience laundry connections, $135 plus CAPITOL AREA. Singles to share 39. Bullfinch djgjjn business. tecesary. TWISS LANDSCAPE electricity. 393-5667 after 5 p.m. 2 bedroom apartment, Call term lease available. Sorry no w •« 41. That man 45. Three-toed CENTER, 351-0590. 14-3-7 5-2-25 3398877 or 339 9294. 10-3-3 dogs. 487-1561. 5-2-26 % 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan M°nday, Feb, trtmyj For Sale Homes W Service I MIRRORS, WATERBEDS BIG HITS GIANT FABRIC and craft sate, 1973 MOBILE Home. 12x60, two SHOES NEED fixing? Quality 75% offlll Call 349-3714 4582 bedrooms. Imnacliate possession. 'adult IV work guaranteed. Try our prices! Bay Meadows Okemos 9-9 daily CRITERION - 10" Paddock Farms 4-2-25 three • way Holt area, only occupied 3 months fully furnished, excellent condition $7,000. Call Sonny, 372-2006. 4-2-25 JOE'SSHOE REPAIR, 3132 South Cedar. B-1-2-24 INCOME TAX preparation. Call California speakers two years old, excellent 197C BROADMORE, 12x60, 2 bed B&B Accounting and Tax Service From WIRE SERVICES condition. S70/pair. 355-8103. at 485-4651 or 332 8468 20-3-6 room, lurnished, shed, washer/ Los Angeles — In 1970. when 3-224 dryer. 10x20 foot awning. Excellent "swinging" had barely been -Sh""n Bloom FOR THE BEST Service on stereo condition. $4,500. Available April introduced on the national mwnage counsel i| J, 1st. Call 484-1977. 5-2-27 fomiqi equipment, see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. sexual scene, an enterprising sat-5? Gibsons' [ Lost i FIND SOMETHING If you've found a pet or article of C-23-28 PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, finest quality, reasonably priced. Hollywood attorney converted a dingy, downtown motel into a low-lit, suggestively furnished establishment aimed at middle •£d4'j BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY, But they were value, we want to help you return aged, middle-income married fon.. it. Just come into the State News 482-5712. C-2 28 tne mirrors loads of couples and called it "The on the »ii Classified Department and tell us From the paper and you want to place an ad in EAST EDITING, PROOFREADING, Experience." tag standpoint, marriJ% Since then, other similar LANSING STATE BANK'S Found eiqserienced. Dissertations, theses thinks the BloojJ hardbacks T«xt and Column. As a public service EAST book and article manuscripts. Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-2 26 establishments, called "adult motels," have sprung up here. benefits. motels coj ^1 LANSING STATE BANK will run Rcferanc* the ad at no cost to you I Authorities say there are six to "I don't bad for think thi,i,l EAST LANSING PROFESSIONAL SUEDE leather cleaning and refinishirtg. and 10 in Southern California. There anybody,- J STATEBANK Alterations and repairs. OKEMOS Business is thriving, the own¬ is no rule. bJI LOST: CAT, black, grey and CLEANERS, 349 0910. 0-1-2-24 ers say. because adult motels idea "whose time has ^ It advent*! We buy books anytime white striped, Spartan Village are an certainly is 128 W. Grand River Vicinty. Reward. 355-3238. CRUTCHES AND wheelchairs come." {•ringing more , 1 bl.W. of Union 3-2 24 rented or sold. Telephone At The Experience, many of breaking the 332-2011. GULLIVER STATE the 24 rooms are already marriage." _ M thru Fri. v \ 9:00 5:30 f [ PUPPY, FOUND, black and tan- red collar. South Francis area. Call DRUG, 1105 East Grand River reserved through next week with At The a ExperiJ 0-1-2-24 and there are waiting lists for regular bed 482 3624 C-3-2-25 some weekends. during the day and YOUR MONEY GOES Farthest; Rooms with a DICKER AND DEAL. We have FOUND: OUTSIDE Chemistry lyfi'l Seniet The Experience was born $17 during the waterbe* stereos, albums, tapes, musical when Don Leon, an attorney, day u Building, prescription wire-rim equipment, cameras, leather read a magazine article about night. glasses. Call LeRoy, 351-3482. COMPLETE DISSERTATION and coats, furniture, T.V.'s, X rated films being introduced Prices at another ■ sporting C-3-2-25 resume service. 'Printing, IBM for $13.95 for goods, guns. Hand and power typing, binding. Printing from into Japanese motels. Leon thml $20.40 for six hours tools. Jewelry, head supplies and much much more. Check out our FOUND NEAR Akers, man's class your plain paper originals. Corner decided that his motel, on a chandeliers. Closed-circuit sized bed, two king-sized other and many are such for all night. uH ring De-La-Salle. Must identifiy M.A.C and Grand River. Below business street near the down¬ television was installed in the — ■ ski equipment for an inexpensive waterbeds and a hanging initials. Call 355-8576. C-3-2-25 Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 town convention center, was rooms. pillars of the community as The Mansfields said I way to start a skiing hobby. Come wicker basket chair. It gets the day visitors Monday Friday. Call COPY "the perfect place" for a similar doctors, lawyers, socialites and i on down to DICKER AND DEAL. LOST: LADIES glasses in blue Rooms at motels like The used two or three times during Check us out for the lowest prices. GRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 effort. politicians. Even policemen Experience are not i case, near Wells Hall. Call C-2-28 the week and is booked up have been known to drop DICKER b DEAL SECONDHAND The beds were replaced with Experience rent by the day or by in "Mostly, they're busifl 332-6018. 3-2-25 every weekend. STORE, 1701 South Cedar 487- water beds and fur bedspreads, night — and. at some, by the uniform to make reservations. with their secretaries* PURPLE VICKI Fast accurate hour. The length of visit also 3886 Bankcards welcome. C-2-28 FOUND: CALCULATOR Texas a "We get attorneys, The manager o( the a inexpensive typing. Very near mirrors were hung on the walls varies. A Louisiana city Instrument SR-10. Found on and ceilings and the rooms At motel you can get a couple, in officials — everybody upper- suburban Culver Cm campus. 337-7260 C-2-28 one town for a garment convention, SCOTCH BRAND. 131 profes¬ Bogue Street. Thursday 2-13-75. 332-6717 C-3-2-24 decorated with dimly lit "group room" with a queen spent almost a week at The middle class and above." said asked not to be identifil sional recording tape. 5" reels, 1.5 IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, Lois Mansfield, who "Most pay cash and J manages mil. Used. $1/each. 349-0645 general typing. Formerly with Ann Experience, the longest stay to The Experience with her hus¬ names during the di; 3-2-24 FOUND BLACK and white cat, date. Brown Call 482 7487 C-2-28 band, Walter. lot of people Milford- Gunson Street area Call The indoor record for the going bci She said 90 per cent of the other's backs, 351-7055. C-3-2-24 CURIOUS USED THESES, RESUMES, typing and shortest stay was recorded by a clients are local residents — and women." printing. Reasonable prices. local businessman who checked BOOKSHOP FOUND: LADIES ring behind COMMERCIAL PRINTING, in with a woman friend at 10 are over 35. As for nighttime vi§ HARDBACKS Wells, Friday 2-14. Must describe. 351-4116. C-2-28 "On a Friday night if we've Encore manager PAPERBACKS si COMIC BOOKS 351-4571 after 4 pm. C-3-2-24 a.m. one weekday morning and got a 1972 car sitting out there, customers are all upn SCIENCE FICTIOI checked out again at 10:17 a.m. it's an old car," she said. "Most well-to-do people. YoM SPORTS ITEMS FOUND: GREY And white tomcat Announcements for It's What's According to motel owners, are brand new Lincolns, prised if 1 were to tell and MUCH outside of Union February 14th. The Big D is coming. New most of the couples who rent MUCH MODE Happening must be received in the American Movement is holding a Mercedes, Cads. No Rolls. Got a who some of our best or Call 485-8497. c-3-2-24 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. rooms are married — to each 507 E. Grand River Dis¬ State News office, 341 Student Bentley, though. And male and female- public forum on the Depression, its a — Op*n 11:30-4 PM sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN LOST: FEBRUARY Services Bldg by 1 p.m. at least causes and political actions for 10, near 489 0358 C-2-28 , jobs two class days before publication. AM FM STEREO and turntable. Kedzie Hall. Woman's ring - silver and protection of our standard of All pecan console. No announcements will be ac¬ Excellent band, pink stone. Phone 349-3807 TYPING TERM papers and theses living. Speakers followed by condition. $225. 655-3422 5-2-26 4-225 Experienced, fast service IBM electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 cepted by phone. The Tri-County Family Planning workshops at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 109 Anthony Hall. Trustees hear protests on faculty firil TANDBERG300cassette deck. 3 Center, 701 N. Logan St., Lansing, motor. One year old. $275. EXPERIENCED (continued from page 1) TYPING term is offering two workshops, dealing meeting like this, where the 676-4736, after 5 pm. 3-2-26 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur All Inpatient Psychiatric Staff be heard," Carrigan sai with the community problem of Aides at St. Lawrence Hospital According to Wharton, both board holds a public session, "The problem in thifl ate service 394-2512. C-2-28 CANON FT -B 1.2 lens, case teenage pregnancy. Feb, 26, 1 to should plan to attend the monthly cases are currently before the there has to be orderly proce that a natural irrita 4:30 p.m., all area professionals Equal Employment Opportun ckided, never used, 355- volunteer meeting at 7:30 tonight. dure," Martin said. arise and cloud c EXPERIENCED, FAST, typist. and paraprofessionals are invited We will discuss the new informs weekdays only x-5-2-28 Term papers, general typing Near ity Commission and the Michi "If you heard people like that cases. We really are! to Ingham Medical Hospital audi¬ tfon about the unit and role-play gan Civil Rights Commission. Gables. Call Marilyn, 337-2293 torium. March 6,7:30p.m., all local some patient randomly, you'd have 20 groups in them," she said. MID-MICHIGAN S largest audio interaction situa In addition, Wharton said at the next meeting," he said. 10-2-7 parents are invited to Sparrow Wharton said he | retailer with the finest in stereo tions. Cars will leave from the Johnson's case was currently BOARD EXAM TUTORING Hospital auditorium. Trustee Pat Carrigan, D • Cain to submit a re products and electronic repairs. Volunteer Bureau at 7. STANLEY H.KAPLAN TYPING- ELECTRIC machine, fast being heard through MSU Farmington Hills, said the board hearing throughH Shop the store vwth straight stereo TUTORING COURSES accurate and experienced. The Mensa dinner group will grievance procedure. group was partly correct in its ular procedure, whicT answers MARSHALL MUSIC, 372-4746. Now 10-3-7 at 6 p.m. Trustee Blanche Martin. 245 Ann Street. C-1-2-24 being formed for the up- meet Thursday at Pre-Vet Club: asst. deans of assumption that anyone can submit such a reques| coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, Bonanza Sirloin Pit, 6727 S. Cedar related fields will discuss "Alterna D-East Lansing, said after the address the trustees at their board secretary at leasfl ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For ANN BROWN typing and multilith St Reservations are necessary tives to Veterinary School" at 7:30 Friday meetin$ he was sur LENS PRECISION ground in our meeting. before the meeting. B lab. information cail 1 313 364-0005. offset printing. Complete service through Roy Saper by today. tonight in 109 Anthony Hall. prised at the appearance of the "That time is allowed at OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 our secreary Jack Breslin( East 0-1-2-24 for dissertations, theses, manu¬ Mchigan, Lansing. 372-7409. protesters. Thursday night briefing ses¬ received no scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 Southern Africa Liberation Worried about employment has¬ C-5-2-28 "If it had been just me sitting sion, but first a group has to anyone. Peavts Persoui j£ years experience. 349-0850. Committee meets tonight at 7:30 at sles because you are gay? Come to there, I would have been will submit C-2-28 the Peace Center, 1118 S. Harrison Gay Liberation's 8 p.m. Wednes a request and then it O'Connor lashed oi FOUND-FOUR month old MOTHER DEE. Al, KT, and Flicker: Road. Everyone welcome. day meeting in 33 Union. ing to listen to them. But at a must be approved before it can at these procedures. Shepherd and Husky puppy, on 2-14-75. John, 332-3830. C-3-2-27 May we have the next dance? "At their ThursdJ Great job! FarmHouse. 1-2-24 Wanted The Shalom Center, the perfect closed meeting the tna FOUND: GLASSES, grey frames, place to relax before or after a The American Chemical Soci¬ over everything they ■ Drug ads' ban LINDA, EDNA, Lovella, Gertrude, TRIED UNSUCCESSFULLY for a class, is open 10 to 5 p.m. Monday ety-Student affiliates will meet at 8 on the next dfl on Michigan Avenue near campus. it was a great weekend without refund after dropping a class? If so, to vote through Thursday, over the p.m. Tuesday in 211 Chemistry 351-0235 persistently. C-3-2-26 her. Thanx. Peaches. 1-2-24 call Pete. 355 8252. 5-2-27 Campus Book Store Congenial board is rehearsed f Bldg. Dr. J. Gibsen, toxicologist, they can say and wll company, coffee, nice sofas and from the MSU Pharmacology □Animals Real Estate jJTraasportatioi study places. Dept. will speak. (Note: final lifted can't say," O'Connor sf REGISTERED OLD Sheepdogs. 7 weeks old, $100. Call 517-855-3626 3-2-24 English EAST LANSING Gift sale Shop for Excellent opportunity for prosperous, enjoyable, experience. GOING TO Orlando Marci. 355-7321. 2-2-24 spring break? Need riders? Call Mary, 337-1861 Purim will be celebrated campus with a variety of festivities this evening in Ballroom C of the on arrangements for the trip to Argonne National Laboratory dur¬ ing spring break will be made.) Are your colleagues gay? Is your by board er's He also criticized ing of the United lettuce Wharton had announcT boycott! Far® tJ Owner leaving state. 351-1911 Union. Begins at 7 with Megillah boss? It's possible. Come out to By NANCY E.CRANE against Meijer Inc. meeting Friday that tl 332 8553 reading, continues at 8 with spiel State Newa Staff Writer A declaratory ruling of the SCOTCH TERRIER puppies, black, 5 2 28 Share Gay Liberation at 8 p.m. Wednes would hold a public h«B 3 mates, AKC registered, 7 weeks Driving ^ music, dancing and hamantas- day in 33 Union. Discussion topic: The State Board of Pharmacy board Thursday states that the boycott ThursdijH old. 351 6994 5-2-27 chen All welcome - no charge. Gays at work. lifted its ban Thursday on ad¬ promotion, as defined by the Recreation (fi FROM Perry to Flint. Leaving vertisement of prescription 20, at 3 p.m. 7:15am, returning 4-5pm. Phone Let's show whales a little hu¬ Pharmacy Law, does not in¬ "They really : "How to Get the Most Out of clude IRISH SETTER pups, AKC regis¬ BOAT SHOW SALE 325-7519, after 6pm. 3-2-25 manity. Join with Save the Whales drugs. either the posting or UFW." O'Connor said. ■ tered, champion lines! Life!" is sponsored by Campus The board also rescinded its Phone "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095. to stop the killers. Office now at Crusade for Christ with a speaker, advertising of prescription with setting the heari® 371-3704 5-2-24 "Sunfish" order to take action prices. against . FREE PUPPY by A.M.F. Complete line of American Day $699. FROM HOWELL to MSU. 3-9am. Returning 5-6pm. 546 3363, Leaving 425 Natural Science Bldg. entertainment and music by John Mallon at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in Muir's Pharmacies for adver¬ The board is setting up an middle of spring Teamsters invited, break^ 11 months, female, Sailers through 18' sloop with 3fter 7pm. 3-2-25 The Indochina Mobile Education tisement of drugs. It had advisory committee, which will collie-shepherd mix, has shots. Brody Hall south dining room. pre¬ no one else will be an Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of Project is designed to viously dropped similar charges include representatives of con¬ 373-6987, Betsy. 5-2-28 Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', convey to The Foods and Nutrition Club "They are just look® the American people the beauty invites all members to enjoy some sumer groups, to further define 27'. Come in and see the largest Driving v* and resilience of the culture and wine and cheese accompanied by a the term way tn vote it down.' r BASIC DOG obedience classes promotion and to and most complete sailboat hard¬ lives of the Indochina people. Resignatij demonstration at 7:30 tonight in 34 starting March 31 for ten weeks. $20. Sponsored by the Veterinary ware andAccessory display in the FROM EAST Lansing to Albion. It includes poems, photographs, Union. 50£ admission. Women protest make rules which would pra hibit the exploitation of pre¬ Medicine Student Auxilary, call area. All boats offered at Leaving 7am. Returning 7pm. artifacts 8nd hand-made items - tremendous pre season savings. 337-0110 after 7pm. 3-2-25 all dealing with religion, culture and Ohio Northern University Law scription drug advertising. Karen, 394-2309 353-6816 after 6 pm. or 10-3-7 Arlene, Lay away programs welcome. customs of the Indochina people. School representative David J. slides of nudes The board took its action in GRAND POINT MARINA, FROM COLONIAL Village to MSU. response to a petition from (continued from pi Creyts On display in the lobby of Inter Benson will be sponsored by the Road on the River, Dimondale Leaving 7:30am. Returning 5pm. national Center all day today and Assn. of Pre law students at 4:30 Joseph Tuchinsky, executive Probate Judge I Mobile Homes Phone 646 6733. 25-2-27 355-0296, 8-5pm. 3-2-25 tomorrow. Tuesday, in 104 Eppley Center to in dental school director of the Public Interest Drake, in a letter M discuss admissions. Research Group in Michigan 1969 2 BEDROOM, refrigerator, EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to FROM FLINT to Lansing. Leaving The film "The Year of the Tiger" BALTIMORE. Md. (AP) A - (PIRGIM), which was filed in Worby. acting pre# London, Amsterdam, from $259 7am. Returning 5pm. is beautiful MSU Employees Assn. will hold 23-year-old sophomore at the DEC directors, sai® stove, utility shed, drapes, swag TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON a award-winning December. Tuchinsky asked 313-732-7819, weekends. documentary of Vietnam which a general meeting to discuss and University of Maryland Dental would be discontin# lamp $3,700. 651-6325 3-2 26 351 8800 1 2 24 382 ?%1, the pharmacy board to clarify evenings. 3-2-25 shows and portrays the lives of the Indochina people. Showing 8 p.m. vote on revised constitution at 5:15 School has started a contro¬ confusing portions of the state DEC "becomes a treatment facility si| p.m., Tuesday, in 111 Olds Hall. versy over the use of slides of Tuesday at the Con Con Room, Pharmacy Law. involve our children. "■ Hon to form your own female nudes interspersed with DEC has a contract* car pool International Center. welcome contributions to the Everyone There will be a Radio Drama slides of molars and incisors as This ruling is everything we Indochina Mobile Education meeting at 9:15 p.m. Tuesday. Writers, voice actors and technical a "tension-breaking" device in asked for," Tuchinsky said. Ingham County Hell As a public service at no charge, the State News will the classroom. "We thought we would have to for drug treatment! classified advertisement for those provide a free Project. assistants are needed along with all that could face w people who would like to set up or ambitious people. See John Nagy Mandy Blumstein, in a letter go to court to get it." join a car pool. in 8 Student Services Bldg. to the school's campus news¬ next year because "Company" is coming soon. To find out more about the show letter, said that "the practice of Tuchinsky said PIRGIM dent, Huffman said. I talk to the people in the purple Ellipsis, the popular radio discus certain professors in the dental would fight any attempt by the The health depart® Driving? 0r Riding? aion show will be presented at 8 school of repeatedly pharmacy board to limit the vides about $60,000 i "Company" skirts. showing From t0 tonight by the Michigan state slides of naked women during type or amount of advertising $138,902 budget (or J The Union Activities Board will network, MSN 640 AM. class time" is "a blatant promo¬ which could be done by phar This is separate frot" be holding a meeting tonight in the macies. Leaving a.m. tion of sexism." Court funding. R#turning Mural Room, second floor Union, "Satguru Has Cornel" This . Phon# P for anyone interested in working documentary on the life of Guru Errol L. Reese, dental school John Spicer, president of the Though several Time? ^ for the Publicity Dept Maharj Ji will be shown at 8 p.m. dean, called a meeting of pharmacy board, said he did not employes felt that Wi tonight in the Mason Hall base women students to explain that think Thursday's ruling would tion was unreasons® conduct* ol**"*** r*«P*wlW*ty for orrang*m»ntt «r Climbing in the Grand Tetons is ment study lounge and at 8:30 p.m. use of the slides constituted give pharmacies a free reign in agreed that it was for the continued exi f the subject of a special program at Tuesday in 34 Union. only an innocent tension- advertising. ♦olppwr rm0t'0n "qU#,t#d b#'0W mu,t b* ,uPP"«d order for ad this week's Come at 7 p.m. Outing Club Meeting. Tuesday to 118 It's our year. Come help us plan breaking device. He said only one such slide was being used. "We will still be against DEC. "The , empwyes L . J Full Name Physics Bldg. for International Women's Day to "And I would never condone advertising of one, two or three realized that either t| be held at 6 p.m. March 8 in the Oak drugs at a time. We don't want Address Learn about the sport of soaring. Room of the Union. Sisters unite. being offensive," Reese said, the pharmacies to play games have to go or thej Contact Mary Fiegel or Marcia insisting that the professors would have to, Hu»P Meeting of the Soaring Club at 7:30 with drug advertising," Spicer Wednesday in 213 Men's Garrison for more information. who use the slides meant no "They felt their resign City p.m. on said. Phone Intramural Bldg. offense, either. in the best interestsj This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds Hey Students, we're in luck Blumstein said that there is Tuchinsky said he would Worby said that 4 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls accepted MSU Sports Car Club will meet again. We get a chance to visit MSU's Osteopathic School and more than one slide being used. agree to placing restraints on changes will probaJJ* NOCHARGE 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, in 37 Union to plan the spring road rally. New have discussions later. Meet at 7 She added that all but one of the instructors apologized and advertising which suggested because public ronfj members welcome. p.m. Friday in E105 Fee Hall. stopped using the slides. that people use drugs they do been shaken as a rey not need. incident. Icliigan Sta News, East Lansing, Michigan -an State Monday, February 24, 1975 1 3 THE SMALL SOCIETY rODAY'S PROGRAMS by Brickman Sponsored by: | Video Everydoy - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson N«wspap«r Services 25 WEYI TV. So Ucp-fcY/ OJiZ 41 WUHQ-TV, B Ncf OMLY TALK«-•• SOWKBDTV, D &JT IT HAS 11:00 5:45 AM v (2) Phil Dononue Show L£A£MeP TO (3-8-25) Now You See It SfiSAK £VEJ2Y ■ This Coupon Good for Ichriitophers ■ (4-5-8-10) High Rollers / 600 (8) Tike 30 jn ' Second Chance (1241) The Money Maze (13) Password All Stars 75c OFF LAtkZlJA&E- ~ 6:05 LARGE PIZZA (23) Lilias.Yoga & You ion News 6:15 (50) New Zoo Revue igefor Todiy 11:30 (3-6-25) Lova Of Life 60' OFF |()f M. Presents (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares MEDIUM PIZZA 6:20 ind Country Almanac (7-12-13-41) The Brady Bunch with one or more items 6:25 (8) Family Court | Collie 6:30 " (23) Villa Alegre (50) Bugs Bunny 337-1631 CAMPUS J) Sunrise Semester 11:55 little CaesacsPtoa Treat by Larry Lewis I For Women Only (3-6) Midday News broom 12:00 NOON pf M Presents (2-5-6-8-13) News 8 10-12-13-25-41) News d, Bobby Show (3-25) The Young And Restless (9) Bewitched 11:00 gn Second Chance (4-10) Jackpot (23) Romagnoli's Table (234-5-6-7-8 ws And Farm Report (7-12-41) Pessword All Stan (50) Ster Trek 8-10-1213-23-25) News (8) Galloping Gourmet (41) The Protectors m Show 6:30 f another n* 6:45 (50) Underdog 11:20 (3-4-5-6-7-10-25-41) News (8) Nightbeat p. three si* ling Edition 12:20 PM (9) I Dream Of Junnie 11:30 hours in 6:55 (6) Almanac (12) 6:30 Movie (2-3-6-25) The Lete Movie fit. nsfields ham Kerr Show 12:30 (13) Beverly Hillbillies (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show said 7:00 (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow (23) Zoom visitors i !5I News (4) News (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of 7:00 e are not (5-10) Blank Check Entertainment || Today Show (2-4-7-8) News they're bus (7-12-13-41) Split Second (50) Movie (3) Whet's My Line secretaries.' IM America (8) Mike Douglas (5-10) Mod Squed lager of the | a'sBig Top (9) Dick Van Dyke Show t (6) Bewitched Culver Ci ted Racer (25) Dineh to be (8) Beverly Hillbillies identiE rtoon Capers (50) The Lucy Show (13) Truth Or Consequences '1 cash and j 7:30 12:55 (23) Spertan Sportlite SHORT RIBS (9) David Susskind ring the da; Carnival (5-8-10) News le going bei rtoon jo's Big Top (25) The F.B.I. 1:00 AM by Frank Hill 1:00 (41) Friends Of Men (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow backs. M( 8:00 (2) Love Of Life (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour (7-12-13) News ) Captain Kangaroo (3) Accent 7:30 (41) Afterhours Theatre lighttimevii ling Accent (4) What's My Line? (2) Truth Or Consequences (50) Religious Message lanager sai irio Schools (5)Jackpot (3) Treasure Hunt 1:30 are all up ami Stmt (6) Martha Dixon (4) Hollywood Squeres (America (2) Late Show people. You' (7-12-13-41) All My Children (6) Let's Meke A Deal 8:25 (7) Religious Message were to tell (8-50) Movies (7) Rainbow Sundae af our best c (12) National Anthem ither Report (10) Somerset (8) The New Price Is Right 2:00 id female - 8:30 1:25 (8) Room 222 (4-10) News mel 3 Clubhouse (2) News (13) To Tell The Truth 3:00 8:45 1:30 (23) Washington Straight Talk (2) Operation Second 1' 1 ■ Ami (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (41) WMburn Brothers Chance ■ 9:00 (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A 8:00 3:30 lis Right Marriage (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoke (2) News tain Kangaroo (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal (4-5-8-10) The Smothers Brothers Carrigans nutrition 2:00 Show 3:35 DOONESBURY igan's Island (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (7-12-13-41) (2) Message For Today pblem in th (4-5-8-10) DeysOf Our Lives (8) Windsor Plus The Rookies by Gary Mean (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 (23) Special Of The Week b Mathews Show Pyramid (50) Dealer's Choice is coming! jndly Giant 2:30 8:30 LOOK, BEN, ALL I'M PREfmNG YOURSELF TO ke Douglas (8) News Nine TMTS RXKULWS! (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night JRY/N6 TO SAY IS THAT BE A DOCTOR. SHOULDN'T A DOCTOR NEEDS SKILLS." ft. Rogers' (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (50) Merv Griffin Show , BY TAKIN6 NOTHING PRECLUDE DEVELOPING I'M NOTGONG TO/N- (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown 9:00 BUT PRE-MED COURSES, f YOURSELF AS A PERSON ' ■ DULGE IN INTELLECTUAL ng Playback 3:00 (2) The Young And Restless (2-3-6-25) Meude (4-5-8-10) Mondey Night At The MONDAY YOU'RE MISSINGOUT ON THE REAL VALUE OF A A GOOD DOCTOR. IS MORE THANJUSTATEOHOAN- . r FINGER-MINTING' MY FUTURE FKTIENTS gcN UBERAL ARTS EDUCATION! HES A HUMANIST' no 9:15 Schools Movies FRIENDS \ \ L DESERVE BETTER! jusj (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (8) To The Wild Country 8:27 Nifious Message (4-5-8-10) Another World (7-12-13-41) Generel Hospital (7-12-1341) S.W.A.T. 8:30 ROAD SHOW 9:30 3:30 (2-3-6-25) Rhode VAUDEVILLE REVUE fteYouSee It (2-3-6-25) Match Geme (8) This Is The Law cover $1. V Check (7-12-13-41) One Life To Live ftship 01 Eddie's Father (8) Gomer Pyle 10:00 capacity 200 (50) Benene Splits (2-3-6-25) Medicel Center restaurant special itrition 4:00 (7-12-2341) Ceribe SEA FOOD PLATTER laliOut (2-3) Tattleteles (9) Science Megazine $2.35 pVilley Today (4) Somerset (23) Consumer Experience pLilanne THE DROPOUTS 9:45 imTo Look (5) Studio 5 (6) The Attic (7) The Money Maze (50) Dinah (8) Man Alive 10:30 t Lizard's224 ABBOTT 4 by Post 9:55 (8) Gilligan's Island (23) Food For Life Ji'iCirol Duvell (8) Petticoat Junction A LOTTAGUYS INI 10:00 (10) New Zoo Revue 8) Joker's Wild (12) Merv Griffin MONDAY'S ORITEA \ JAIL ARE IDRITIN6 I'll Celebrity Sweepstakes (13) Bonanza Street HIGHLIGHTS (23) Sesame Street [•"Per Room (25) Yogi & Friends •it Today (41) Oaktari 10:30 (50) Three Stooges Gimbit 4:30 •11)Wheel Of Fortune (2) Mike Oouglas Show 8:00 PM •it With Dennis (ABC) S.W.A.T. Wholey (3) Merv Griffin Show (CBS) Gunsmoke (Special Weapons And Tactics) A "Hard Labor" Matt Dillon is (4) George Pierrot Presents new kind of police drame, which sentenced to life imprisonment at (6) That Girt goes far beyond familiar pMowy M«e (7) 4:30 Movie hard labor for shooting a fugitive boundaries. Starring Steve pZoo Revue (8) Partridge Femily in the town of Bedrock. Forrest, Rod Perry. (9) Andy Griffith (10) Gilligan's Island (NBC) The Smothers Brothers 8:30 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Guest stars: Stanley, Myron (25) The Munsters & Friends (CBS) Rhode by Bill Yates Handleman and Don McLean. (50) Little Rascals Brenda decides to break out of her "nice, warm rut" and move to EVENING, (ABC) The Rookies San Francisco, a plan that Rhoda 5:00 PM "A Deadly Image" Guest stars me POTLEZ isn't discouraging, but one that (6-8) Ironside Jane Actman and Richard Hatch. Joe thinks is rotten. 6WZ Mr* AT (8) Mickey Mouse Club Lt. Ryker takes a paternal interest (10) Truth Or Consequences in a navie 18-year-old arrested for TH£ OPERA (13) That Girl soliciting. TofJ|&HT. (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (25) I Love Lucy 4 8:57 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes (50) The Flintstones Narrator: Dr. Frank Baxter. 11:30 5:30 (NBC) The Tonight Show (4) Bowling For Dollers Don Meredith is guest host. (8) Partridge Family (CBS) Maude (10) Beverly Hillbillies (12-13) News (NBC) Monday Night At The (23) Villa Alegre Movies (25) Hogan's Heroes "Butterflies Are Free" Goldie 100 AM (50) Gilligan's Island Hewn, Edward Albert. (1972) A 6:00 young blind men tries to make it (NBC) Tomorrow FRANK & ERNEST Late,Late talk show hosted by (2-3-4-5-6-7 on his own in San Francisco. Tom Snyder. by Bob Thaves Sponsored by: > X RfcPUSt To (mm u>ves\ 5HE TAK65 ME WITH HER ^RAIN OR ) J. ANSttttf THAT WHEREVER SHE 60E5.. fvBiKE... V -JK ftUC*TION OM Tut Hi K: ground* that lAI this courthouse Dots N'T HAVE A • innw w mmisitgi U Hp WICHTMIMC Rod! ThA** 2-iH 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Febr ,ruary2J SPIRITED RUMBAS TUR MS dance marathon nets over $ 18,00| By DIANE SILVER and The marathon, sponsored by May. Last year Young and his ice pack strapped to her knee. One couple danced on their SUE WILLOUGHBY Delta Tau Delta fraternity, partner Jamie MacKercher, "My partner had worked so hands for one minute and gained State News Staff Writers collected $18,030 for multiple went on to take first place in the hard on pledges I just couldn't $50 pledge. a One hardy After more than 50 hours of sclerosis (MS) research. The national event. let him down," Topping said. "I student carried his partner on dancing, Lynn Seeber, 343 N. winning couple collected $5,217 Only 28 dancers remained on will probably be going to Olin his shoulders while he danced Harrison Road, and Rick in pledges. their feet from the field of 43 (University Health Center) af¬ for 10 minutes to earn another Young, 593 S. Wonders Hall, Young, who took first place who started the ordeal Friday ter the marathon is over." $50. Two students raised $75 by sagged into the finish and were last year, and Seeber will afternoon. Though one dancer, In the last hours of the swallowing goldfish. declared the winners Sunday of receive a seven day trip to Karen Topping, 365 N. Harrison marathon the pace picked up, As the emcee announced that the second annual "Dance for Jamaica and will be eligible to Road, developed water on her the music swung and the stu¬ the dancers had only two hours Strength" marathon in Meri¬ compete in the national mara knee Friday afternoon, she dents increased their breathless to go Sunday evening, a ragged dian Mall. thon competition at UCLA this finished the marathon with an efforts for pledges. cheer burst from the marathon floor. By that time most were 376 'n idrrs Hall, dfl limping badly and their once t.ia. (he Nobil Shoe ^ SN PHOTOS spirited rumbas had turned into the most comf a weary shuffle which consisted BY ROBERT KOZLOFF pets in town. _ of an unspirited shift of weight CRAIG PORTER "Right about now,| from one foot to the other. even care if I Though most students agreed w'"j' *■ Peterson said as she J the marathon was fun and that they would do it again, Marci with canisters asking for dona tions and cheering their favor out for is now her .1:30 P-mJF mainly for8 K0*! Milster, 235 Yakely Hall had ites on. other ideas, However, the martl Every four hours, the hardy not all wearv shultof "No way am I ever coming out dancers were allowed a 30 here, again," she said. minute break. day Nancy Golden, i'J One of the Many students found the Lane, and Clark Burt I favorite break activities con¬ marathon dancing a bit of a bore sisted of soaking their tired feet prize in the costu^C after three days. One woman in the mall's fountains. Mickey and M.nn Other winner* J solved the problem by reading a "The security people must comic book while quietly hoof¬ Bonnie and Clyde-» f figure we have enough hassles," ing it around the dance floor. Art Mordante said as he dan¬ gedy Ann and Andy-■ Other students talked to par gled his feet in the fountain. When it wasallo"! ents and boosters on the side¬ lines as they danced on and on. "They are leaving us alone." planned a "Marath»J spring term as they During breaks, between | About 250 to 300 people watched the finale on Sunday, fountain foot baths and dashing addresses and "You really pho*| Kel 1 for a pretzel at Hot Sams, while the couple's boosters several dancers explored the someone when yo»| circulated through the crowd mall's luxuries. Susy Peterson, hours with them. *1