By SYDNEY H. SCHANBERG the countryside, who have New York Times massed in this handout. "He's in good health by our isolated Some food is supplied by parachute drops NEAK LUONG, Cambodia This is a Mekong River town 38 milqs standards." — southeast of Phnom Penh. A few and by helicopter, but almost all of this is town where fear has become so normal can bribe The children gather by the dozens around that their way out on for the military garrison. The civilians, as people hardly ever talk about it any more. government helicopters, a Western but the rest are newsman, holding out their always in this five-year war, have no They simply spend their lives under¬ trapped here until what hands like the mendicants they have been ever is priority. ground and out of sight — going to happen happens. forced to become. sleeping, eating A month ago, in the A few shops remain open in the center of Cambodian and sometimes ren as hushing their crying child¬ they huddle in sandbagged bunkers, in trenches under their stilted houses or from are new the early days of the siege of Neak Luong, the danger was all insurgents' shelling. Now there Some have swollen bellies. Some are shrunken. A 10-year-old girl has drated to the size of a 4-year-old. Harsh dehy¬ town, but are acting out of habit, for they have nothing of present value to sell — only old stocks of rubber sandals, beer, deep in the recesses of half-destroyed enemies — hunger and disease. bronchial coughs come from their throats, flashlight A fraction of the civilians — about 6,000 battefies and toothpaste. buildings. are being fed at marking the beginnings of pneumonia and Even when some rice does find its subsistence level survives Even so, the shells and bullets of the Communist-led insurgents that periodically explode and whine through town find their humanitarian agency, Catholic Relief Ser¬ vices, whose American-provided supplies by a tuberculosis. All have dysentery. Their noses run continuously. Their skin has turned scaly. Every scratch on their smuggled as way to the market, it costs twice much as in Phnom Penh, and very few will stretch only that far. The rest of the legs can afford to buy it. way to the people huddled there. The and arms becomes an ulcer. civilians are No river convoys have made the trip casualties mount children, women, living far below subsistence, on Without — rice gruel or less. help, these children are slipping upstream from South Vietman for nearly a soldiers — but always more civilians than toward death. Others have already died. Every child in Neak month. soldiers, because the shelling and shooting Luong is in some Malnutrition is serious in Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh is being temporarily are blind. stage of malnourishment. "He's the best sup¬ we the capital. But in Neak There is no government evacuation have here," said a Filipino nurse, Luong it will soon plied by airlift, however, and it already had plan to a pointing become a disaster unless enough food is sizable stocks hand when the blockade for the 30,000 bony 6-year-old boy hanging around the on people, mostly refugees from small Catholic Relief brought in to sustain these people began. Neak Luong's stocks are marginal Hospital in hope of a adequately. and the town lives from day to day. VOLUME 169 NUMBER 37 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 multiple scler Trustees will review I ■HH DELTA TAU DELI public SIGN COURTES ,C ^ display* By PETE DALY comment submitted to the appropriate University policy said all of the State News Staff Writer officer or officers for consideration," the governors' meetings are open to public remarks except for executive In response to State News policy statement says. "This is necessary so questioning, sessions where uncertain financial or em¬ the chairman of the MSU Board of Trustees that the Trustees at the public briefing said Monday the board will review its policy ployment action may be taken. session will have access to informed re¬ of not allowing public comment at the action from the officials to whom they have "We must have the request 72 hours in body's regular monthly meetings. delegated executive responsibility under advance for a topic already on the agenda," Article IV of the Bylaws." The statement Hubbard said. "But the board can and has The meeting Friday was interrupted by a says further that if time allows, un¬ waived that requirement." group of 20 students who wanted the board scheduled appearances requested after the These topics must be approved by the to reinstate two faculty members recently fired. But the board pointedly ignored the protesters, who left immediately after reading a statement and presenting signed petitions to the trustees. Blanche Martin, D-East Lansing, said Monday that as chairman of the board he will raise the issue of public comment at the board's closed meeting Saturday. "We do it (hear comments from private citizens) some¬ Martin was asked why the board does entertain comments not times, like when we have or questions from any private citizen at its monthly meeting. Both experts there or people who are Wayne State University and the University supposed to know what they are of Michigan have few restrictions against talking about. I think the policy the practice. Neither does the East is: If you aren't asked, you can't Lansing City Council. doit."... Blanche Martin, board SN photo/Robert Kozloff "We do it sometimes, like when we have of trustees chairman A Young of Sigma Chi fraternity and Lynn sclerosis. The couple danced for 50 hours and experts there or people who are supposed to know that they are talking about," her of Pi Beta Phi " sorority accept their raised over $5,000, Young, who was last year's Martin said. "I think the policy is: If you is as the winners of the Delta Tau Delta national champion, says he plans to sell the aren't asked, you can't do it." e for Strength" marathon organized this Jamaican trip that they won to help raise more it weekend to raise MSU policy provides for money for multiple money for the national marathon. a "briefing session" where the board considers ad¬ ditions of items or speakers to the agenda of the monthly meetings. Such a request is AUTHORITARIANISM' channeled through administrators briefing session, or may be raised there by to the 10-day deadline can be granted. board's Agenda Committee, which is com¬ an individual trustee "That sounds like that would be a good posed of two board members and the presi¬ responding to a personal request. waj; to keep these requests off the agenda," dent of Wayne State. Martin said. He said he did not think it lissinger diplomacy hit would be a bad idea to allow people to But Hubbard pointed out a clause that The policy statement says that a "public allows any two members of the address the board at its regular meetings, eight-person briefing session," usually held each Thurs¬ board to include any item but that "we would have to schedule they wish on the day night before a regular monthly meet¬ agenda if they do so in writing at least ing, is an open meeting-of the board "held regular times. We probably would need four hours (to hold a meeting) rather than seven days before the meeting. Bt LESLIE H.GELB Nixon Administration and the have primarily for the purpose of acquainting the Robert Perrin, MSU vice president of beginning of by their own testimony spent a lot of trustees with relevant background infor¬ the two we now take." New York Times Ford's. time recently contemplating their response public relations, said sometimes a person mation on important policy matters or That to be exactly the case at the pro¬ seems not previously scheduled can address BNGT0N - In the final days of the to Congress. posals which may require subsequent the lustration and the early At one point, when Kissinger's role in the As they described these deliberations, University of Michigan. A staff member MSU board at its monthly meeting, "but days of wiretapping of government officials and decisions." from the office of Richard Kennedy, that is very unusual." pAdministration, Congress viewed Kissinger sees himself facing a dilemma. If Tjof State Henry A. newsmen seemed about to embroil him in he seeks only to placate secretary for the U-M Board of Regents, Kissinger as in- Congress, the It says further that representatives of "This is not a public meeting in the sense ^ and unassailable. the Watergate scene, legislators rallied to Democratic majority will impose its will. If reported that its regular monthly meetings Now. a few his side. A number acknowledged that they groups having a "direct, legitimate interest last from noon Thursday to noon the next of a forum to hear everybody's opinion. It is to. an increasing number of he challenges that majority, he will be nt legis- did not want to see the secretary of state accused of playing partisan politics. in the policy question at hand" may make day. She said the first hour on Thursday is actually a meeting that is just held in either Kissinger's public," Perrin said. power dis- tainted by Watergate. their views known to the board at the granted to people wishing to address the Pfhis services dispensed with, Kissinger ended up deciding to do both, Former Democratic officials and scholars officials said. He called for a "new "public briefing session," but only if it board. She said these requests must be weeks Democratic senators partner¬ follows guidelines established for that made in advance and that each person gets Perrin said it was not the purpose of the had long criticized Kissinger's policies on ®Wy URRed Kissinger with "one- ship with Congress" and began to meet pri¬ board to act upon cases involving internal Vietnam. They also charged him with purpose. The guidelines state the request a "few minutes." Though only a limited witarianism" for putting himself vately with legislators. He also encouraged must be made to the and external grievances. Administration officials to continue their secretary of the board number of requests can be heard, they are I'm dictates of law," and have at least 10 days before the briefing session, "We have all kinds of machinery for that charges of congressional irresponsibility. granted first-come first-serve and no formal his diplomacy blend of and that priority will be given to kind of procedure. It is not the board's as a There is little agreement among Demo¬ topics approval is necessary for a request to be | »lse promises and gesticulations cratic legislators on where to go from here. already on the agenda for a forthcoming heard. business to listen to complaints that have of world regular board meeting. been turned down in the normal channels," opinion." All parties seemed to agree on only one Robert Hubbard, secretary of the Wayne he said. ^accounts, grace and Kissinger has fallen spending too must time courting the point — it will be a hard year for Kissinger "In general, requests of other kinds will State University Board of Governors, said Perrin then repeated the above listed untouchability on and his diplomacy and a good year for be approved only after the particular his school has a new policy allowing public Russians and various dictators and paying requirements necessary for an item to be f P«t too little attention to Western Europe, politics. problem or proposal previously has been comments to be addressed to the board. He added to a board agenda. critiques that focused on .. ... policies, the issue is now in large JaPan and human r,ghts- "w himself — his personal style >f vast power. The criticism evoked little response in ^Political P Solving J™President vulnerability also drama- struggle between Con Congress. For years, Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., stood virtually alone in challenging Kissinger. Funds sought for over the proper Last summer, several forces began to ["Power in foreign affairs. come together and things began to change By MARY ANN CHICK At the time of the ASMSU board vote, President Tim Cain said the there is the political State News Staff Writer board's action was appropriate "in view of what Ziegler represents "Ms in the aspect for Kissinger. Democratic-controll- An ASMSU board member will ask the board Wednesday for — lying, cheating and stealing." Spitzer voted against funding the M One force consisted of former Kissinger J®0"1 being blamed by the $500 to partially fund a speech by Angela Davis at MSU. Zeigler speech. Ihlrletnamausin8 and P°l'cy failures in aides with close ties to Democratic legisla Mike Spitzer, ASMUS representative for the College of Natural Spitzer said Davis would like to speak at MSU and is available in ■- on detente, and the tors. They called attention to what they Science, said he will bring up funding for Davis at the meeting April. Davis wants $2,000. The College of Urban Development, the f Administration officials that charged were inconsistencies between the scheduled for 4:30 p.m. in 328 Student Services Bldg. Philosophy Dept. and the Office of Black Affairs have been asked to their hands only to pander secretary's words and his deeds. Davis would be brought to MSU as a Great Issues speaker. supply the remainder of the funds. .. Nitical interests, Steve Findlay, director of Great Issues, said: "My job is to get "This is different than Ziegler," Spitzer said. "He was Another force was sentiment in Congress going to jjij P^ted, as Kissinger has so in favor of a more substantial institutional some good speakers for Great Issues. She is one of the best for the pocket the money. She gives it to good causes. Davis will only J"15*", that his power and long- eventuallv make him voice in foreign affairs. money." pocket personal expenses. She gives the rest away." a conten- Also at the meeting, the board will consider a proposal to change Spitzer said Davis gives money to causes like the National "Wwhington, but the reasons Then came the Cyprus crisis, and the dam the undergraduate government into a bicameral system and raise Committee Against Racism and also Political Prisoners. burst In the eyes of legislators. Cyprus the current ASMSU tax 60 cents to a $1 refundable tax each term, Findlay said he would not sign a contract until the board tells him seemed to confirm the warnings about The board will also look at a proposal to revise election regulations what to do. CkBJ?RPrsliPfrom congressional Kissinger s manipulations and the criticism for the spring election. "I am being very careful with this controversial figure," he said. PFnn) jlts he Wlen i> How are of his foreign policy priorities. They blamed The ASMSU board voted a month ago to withdraw their funds for "The board might take my dollars away if I am not careful." L lnd Kissinger planning to Spiteer said he will also ask ASMSU to formally apologize to Ken Kissinger for allowing the Greek military an appearance by Ron Ziegler. Ziegler, who would have been paid •»th,rHKrM!,ionaI I "wertiveness? dictatorship to topple Archbishop Makarios $2,650, would have appeared on campus this week. However, two Beachler, director of the Lecture-Concert series, for withdrawing democrats really driving at? funds from the Ziegler speech. Beachler signed a from the presidency of Cyprus. They excori weeks ago he postponed his speaking tour and the Lecture-Concert legal contract with ated the secretary for doing so little to stop Ziegler on Dec. 5. i«iWifPlom8lic 8uccesses *nd un- Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Series decided not to reinvite Ziegler. lecture-Concert coaponsors most Great Issues speakers as well as supplying half the speaking "An apology is necessary because ASMSU does not have fc^nce made him inviolate as the subsequent .WMteliouse otfcinis ttnd Kissinger aides fee. Great Issues chooses the speakers. enough the- •WrfW (continued on g) page ANGELA DAVIS 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday ^bruaryJ Rebels attack U.S. PHNOM PENH, (AP) — Rebel gunners firing clmbodia agency U.S. ends captured American howitzers on Monday forced a U.S. volun¬ t'Wfp arms embargo tary relief agency to evacuate its 19 - man helicopter relief i team, including an American, The United States formally announced ment of a 10-year-old arms Monday replace¬ embargo against Pakistan and from the embattled naval base town of Neak Luong. !%fP jjafe)'* India with a new cash sales The announcement policy on a case-by-case basis. by the State Dept. said the It was the first such pullout of the Cambodian war and came wf- modification in policy brings the United States into line with other major Western arms amid reports that insurgent forces had massacred about \W»'< suppliers such as Britain and 1,000 refugees in the northwes¬ France. The change came despite opposition tern part of the country. by William B. Saxbe. Rebel gunners also rained 27 the United States' new ambassador to India. India rockets into the Phnom Penh was expected to protest that the resumption of U.S. area, wounded nine persons, arms sales to Pakistan would touch off a new arms race. killed a top Cambodian general and provincial governor, wounded another general and 20 Indians take over plant tightened the noose around the capital by severing a key high¬ way and routing government A band of about 20 armed men identified troops from a strategic Mekong by police as River island. members of the American Indian Movement took over an electronics plant on the Navajo reservation in Diplomatic sources said the Shiprock, U.S. - financed airlift of ammu¬ N.M., Monday and briefly held a security guard hostage, nition into Phnom Penh may r- authorities said. soon be t# & /k-r expanded to include Mercer Curtis, manager of the Fairchild Electronics Plant rice and gasoline because of in northwest New Mexico, said the Cambodian refugees carrying belongings rush to get aboard a guard, a Navajo, the deteriorating situation. Communist force* which have blockaded released unharmed. was An American with the Cath¬ helicopter to escape the fighting around the besieged naval town which holds about 30,000 the Mekong Curtis said he was "waiting for AIM to contoct to olic Relief Services' Refugee base town of Neak Luong southeast of Phnom Penh, refugees, have increased th me see Relief Agency, whose work is attacks in recent days. what are their demands." artillery on an island across the 105mm round landed just below The plant employs mostly Navajo Indians, Curtis said. paid for by U.S. economic aid swimmers headed for Neak Mekong River. the chopper, owned and run are sitting in trees ove r there He said a little more than 20 per cent of the total work funds, said he evacuated his He said the helicopter evacu¬ Luong, I knew it was time to taking pot shots at us." daily. under U.S. government con¬ In force was laid off last Thursday. team from Neak Luong after ation team was barely off the leave," he said, asking not to be The American said the rebels northwestern Ci the base started tract by Air America, the CIA identified. "Most of the men stragglers coming taking heavy ground with the last of three airline. have at least, three 105mm fire from captured U.S. 105mm just dropped their fallen rice loads of refugees when a "When I heard there were fled. guns and howitzers, captured earlier growing! Now the Khmer Rouge from government Muong Russei reporter troops, a Hills tells of HUD plans round the base and are firing at 1.000 civilians werenL least 20 artillery rounds and by insurgents during I Carla A. Hills told the Senate that if confirmed as Banking Committee Monday House Dems forcing showdown Chinese - made rockets into Neak Luong daily. out from headquarters compound, into a besieged! comp secretory of Housing and Urban Neak Luong is 30 miles Development she will try to use housing southeast of Phnom Penh. refugees from the sui. programs to combat countryside had fled,! rising unemployment. Responding to questions, Hills said that in all cases where the housing laws passed would feel it her <$uty to by Congress are not confused, she on petroleum depletion allowance There are about 30,000 refu and a contract. Some Burstyn, "Alice Doesn't Live 28 in Wonders Hall kiva. marriage to talk about such ' Here Anymore;" Diahann The play will also be pre¬ pressing issues as loneliness Carroll," "Ciaudine;" Faye sented on March 1 and 2 in and insecurity. — how people tional mix." Dunaway, "Chinatown;" Wonders Hall kiva and on try to soothe its presence Valerie Perrine, "Lenny," and March 6. 7 and 8 in McDonel through marriage and whether Gena Rowlands, "A Woman Hall kiva. All performances will they succeed or not. Under the Influence." be at 8:15 p.m. "But it's about Fred Astaire, who something won an During its .Broadway run, else too. something hard to honorary Oscar in 1949 but has "Company" swept up a hoet of state." Charles Burr said in his never been nominated for notes for the cast album. an glittering awards. The play acting performance, was among was awarded the New York "Something like the real es those nominated for best Drama Critics Award for the sup¬ porting actor. He was chosen for "Best Musical of 1970," plus five his performance in "The Tower Tony Awards. These were ing Inferno." Another Special Event Also nominated were Jeff In The American AP wirephoto Bridges, "Thunderbolt and TUESDAY Nominations for best performance by an actor in Lightfoot;" Robert De Niro, Film Theatre Season right, "Murder on the Orient Express;" Art Michael V. Gazzo this year's Oscar Awards were announced and Lee Of Special Events. Carney, bottom left, "Harry And Tonto;" A1 Monday in Los Angeles. They are: Dustin Pacino, bottom center, "The Godfather Part H;" Strasberg, all for "The God father Part II." TEQUILA LAST 2 PERFORMANCES Hoffman, top left, "Lenny*," Albert Finney, top Jack Nicholson, bottom right, ''Chinatown." Ingrid Bergman, who Oscar as won an best actress in 1944 for NITEI T0DAYat2&8PM. Oscar snubs Bergman movie "Gaslight" and in "Anastasia," was 1956 nominated for for All best supporting actress in "Mur T*q«lhi Drinks By TERRY BOEDGIEFF Despite the Academy's initial After observing the ads in der on the Orient Express." State News Special Reviewer Director Ingmar Bergman's decision to exclude "Scenes" from competition, two large ads the public press and receiving many individual requests ask¬ Also nominated Valentina Cortese, "Day for were 1/2 PRICE film, "Scenes From a Mar¬ asking the board to reconsider ing the Academy to reconsider Even if the Academy changes Night;" Madeline Kahn, "Blai riage." will not be on the roster were placed within a week of their ruling on "Scenes," the its ruling now, it would be too ing Saddles;" Diane Ladd, of movies considered for each other in both the New Board of Governors held a late for "Scenes," as prelimi¬ "Alice Doesn't Live Here Any¬ Academy Award recognition York Times and the Los special meeting on Jan. 24 to nary selections had already more," and Talia Shire, "The this year. Angeles Times by Donald reconsider its position. started when ballots were Godfather Part II." Happy Hours The nominations, 2 p.m. -5 p.m. Mon. • Frl. The critically acclaimed film Rugoff, president of Cinema 5, By unanimous vote the board mailed to 3,242 voting members compiled stunning performances." has garnered as much contro¬ distributor of "Scenes From of the Academy on Jan. 30. from 3,200 industry Liv* Folk Entertainment a again declined to change the ballots, -to* Angel*! It met versy as it has praise in the Marriage." ruling, stating that a film which were announced at the Holly¬ Mon. - Sat. 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. Ticket*; IS.00 Evening* past month, on the grounds of Both ads were addressed to was made as a TV movie in 1973 Had Bergman's "Scenes" S3 SO Matin**! (12 SO lor its eligibility in this year's the Academy's Board of Gover¬ cannot qualify in 1974. They been eligible for consideration, Senior Citizen*/ Students at Oscar ONfOfTHfYfAIS race. nors. The first ad reasoned that if the rule it would requested was have probably Originally the Board of Gov¬ that Liv Ullmann, the star of changed, any television movie received nominations in several ernors of the Academy of "Scenes," be made eligible for shown theatrically in 1973 top categories, including best f Motion Picture Arts Aeademy Award consideration would affh qualify. Actually. and; picture, director, editing, cine¬ Sciences declared Bergman's for her performance in the film. "Scenes" #as not a tailored-for matography, original script and film ineligible for Academy Ullmann won the New York TV movie, but a series of six best actress and supporting Award consideration because of Film Critics Award for best individual 50-minute programs. actress. a technical bylaw. actress of 1974 for her This second ruling angered perfor¬ According to the Academy's mance in the movie. The re¬ many who claim that "Scenes" rulebook, an eligible film may quest was endorsed by 13 film was re-edited into its present be presented in another actresses, six of whom were in state, a two hour and 48 minute Johnny Winter medium such as television, but consideration for Oscar film, and first shown in its is coming... it must be exhibited for at least nomination themselves. present theatrical film form in one week during the same The second ad requested that the Los Angeles area in 1974. calendar year as it plays its the Academy's board amend Making the film eligible for March 4 qualifying engagement in the the rule which made Bergman's qualification, regardless of Los Angeles area. "Scenes" ineligible for The board rejected "Scenes" Academy Award consideration. because it was shown on Scan¬ It was endorsed by two dozen dinavian television in 1973 and film directors, eight of whom not in the qualifying year of could have been considered for 1974. The bylaw was not speci an Oscar nomination. fically established to exclude "Scenes," but when a rule change was proposed last fall that would have made "Scenes" eligible, the governors voted the proposal down 34 to 1. *unu (Musnrs MURDER ON THE Knwnccmsu e jo sum suns tg» 'WSody'cAlleq^Diaqc 'Keaton ORIENT EXPRESS . rou have in see* «tthik , & - \ \ "Sleeper" im. ■ UUIMI - T J ANOu™™S"*t AND""'' EVERYTHING*! El *555^ to taw? plus th« second hit ■ woody aliens "bananas" TONIGHT showtimes: "Sleeper" 7 I 10:00 "Bananas" once only at 8:40 showpiece: 100 Vet Clinic admission: $1,50 SEAL FILM "It represents some of the finest work ;ollcrv Fellini has ever done—which also means fiddler. that it stands with the best that anyone in films has ever achieved." —Time Magazine °nthePpof Feb. 27 ROGER CORMAN Presents hcu urtt'nn 7icW.sjn.i.iknju 1,1 JMMnunKtttffui, FEINS i J.: 4 i r e 3 IS., m*-- ^FEDERICO FELLINI »<**»FRANCO CRISTALDI n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan February 25,1975 7 / Put no-longer-needed items back into Circulation. V. Call Now 355-8255 _Pjaco a Classified Ad today ( tUMitwi ||«j FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank Apartments Rooms P VW, MUST sell, 1971 Super FULL TIME Beetle, new tires, excellent con¬ clerk-typist to assist in dition, $1350 or offers. 484 7395 library. Previous library experience NEEDED: 1 male roommate for NEED A and above pad? Big 2 story, 4 bed¬ 607 VIRGINIA, East 5-2-27 average typing and Christian household. Available Lansing. $60 general office skills room. Shag carpet, furnished. month plus, own room, prefer male, required. 332- March 1. 337-7421. X5-2-26 $200/month. That's only $50 each VOLKSWAGEN 1964, body mint, 6544 for interview. 5-2-25 332-0435. 3-2-25 for 4 students. 655-3568 after 6 new engine, new brake shoes NEED ONE female to sublease p.m. 3-2-25 radio, $650. 487-1716. 5-3-3 TtAVf l 'ROUND TMI WORLD ROOM: FEMALE, $17/week, ON FOREIGN SHIPS. spring term. Cedar Village. Call utilities included. Near union. No f-p.rl.nt.. Good Sue, 332 6066. 3-2-26 131 BEAL, 3 bedroom, across d Coy. M.n *"xcitlng Summer pr ONE MALE spring term. Own from campus, 337-1447. 5-2-27 $300/month. 337-1232, 3-5 GIRL FOR pm. room 3-2-27 needed immedi¬ GET RID Of those gas room, furnished, carpeted, $98. budget ately. $81 per month. Close to Wuesl Yamaha, Triumph, BMW - Campus6blocks. 351-1963,after 5 THREE OR four bedroom, $150/ campus. 351-1924. 5-3-3 SHEP'S, Holt. C-5-2-28 pm. 5-2-28 month plus utilities. 487-5422 or 371-4554. 3-2-25 HORTICULTURE AND Landscape EASTERN/SPARRROW cute, Fir Sale MtSnin / - compact, one bedroom, furnished. MALE NEEDED for house spring Architecture students; Saturday and Sunday retail sales of $120 plus gas. References. term. Own large room, $62.50 SONY TA-1130 Integrated stereo Ml SALE VW ENGINES. Late model, low plants 663-8418. 5-2-28 amplifier. Original packaging, noli mileage, from $195 Installation and garden supplies. Guaranteed negotiates. Call 487-2932. 11-3-7 excellent condtion. $295. base plus commission. available. Towing. 372-8130. Experience SINGLE UPPER flat in Lansing. TEN ACRE horse farm. 355-2955, evenings. 5-2-28 obil* Homes 17-3-7 helpful. Orientation prior to early Re¬ Two miles from campus. $105. ' modeled 3 bedroom house. |)st i found April start. TWISS LANDSCAPE 482-3464, or 351-4188. 2-2-25 miles from MSU near Perry. $250, 14 WOMEN'S WINTER Skirts and ersonal CENTER, East Lansing, 351-0590. per month. Call 482-0879 or slacks, % price through March 15, kNUTS PERSONAL TWO MEN needed for 4 man. 625-3888. 5-2-26 9-4:45, 6 days, GOODWILL UNCOMPROMISING RETAIL STORE, 1110 Center \[ ESTATE QUAIITY IN REGISTERED NURSES - full and Chalet Apartments. $72.58 per |CREATION AUTO RIP AIR SWEDISH S GERMAN part time positions available on the 'NO. NO. JERRY! THE PITTTON month. 337-0514. 5-2-28 3 BEDROOM, (417 North Francis) with furniture, 2 baths, $150. Call Street, Lansing. 4-2-28 (VICE afternoon and midnight shifts in IMOEAST OAKLAND ICU-CCU. Minimum starting salar¬ 60ES ON AFTER YOU GET PRESSED!" FRANDOR LARGE attractive one - 485-4917. 5-2-26 NIKKORMAT FTN with 50mm action LANSING MICH 4ttM bedroom completely furnished. and 35mm lenses for sale. Call PHONE: ies $4.82 per hour 6.7;4«7.,y|t plus differential. GRAD STUDENT to share house. 372-7524 evenings. 3-2-27 Jping Immediate openings. Please con¬ Carpeted, laundry. Bus. Shopping IMPORTATION U-REPAIR AUTO Service Center. tact Lansing General Hospital, ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 -BERKELEY. CA 94709 All utilities paid. $170. No pets. Own room. $98 a month. HONDO CLASSICAL Guitar, Tanted Do it-yourself, free supervision. 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. Call collect, Westphalia, 1-587 6680. 5-2-28 373-0201 or 372-7219 nights. 5-2-26 model 310. Lists at $75, Specials: Tune-ups, $20.98. Front ■kR POOL Ites disc brakes $24.45, parts included. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal Opportunity Employer. 7-3-3 L |v: Apartness ^ MARSHALL'S regular price $49. Now $44. Through March 1st Phone 882 8742. 17-2-28 ATTRACTIVE, FURNISHED FEMALE, OWN room, carpeted, SUBLET ONE bedroom furnished ONE MALE. Own room, new MARSHALL TAXI DRIVERS wanted, full and spacious, quiet, two bedroorr nice, close. $70 plus utilities. Call MUSIC, East ■••RATES" NOW FOR your convenience we're apartment. Cedar View. Spring diplex. Partially furnished. $80 ipper duplex, two miles west ol 332-0719. 3-2-25 Lansing. C-1-2-25 part time, must have excellent term. Call 337-1137. 3-2-25 ■12 word minimum open until 8 pm Monday, Wednes plus utilities. 351-6662. 5-2-28 campus. $185. 489-4336. 5-2-28 day, and Thursday. CHEQUERED driving record, apply VARSITY GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of CAB, 122 Woodmere, East Lan¬ TWO PEOPLE to help share NO. DAYS FLAG FOREIGN CAR FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. 1 GRAD STUDENT SPRING TERM, 2 man apartment. all kinds. PARTS, or working girl, house, own rooms, very close to Buy, trade and sell. BEST 2605 East kalamazoo, one sing. 3-2-25 bedroom, comfortable, close to own room, year 'round prices in Southern mile very nice, spring term, Woodmere Apartments. 351-903* campus. $80/month plus utilities. 10 of campus. Rent negotiable. Okemos, $75. 349-1503. 5-2-28 Michigan BOB'S GUN SHOP, 3 | 5 west campus. 487-5055. MODELS FOR Photography. 351-9214. 5-2-27 (days) or 337-7991 (nights). 5-2-2J 351-6195. 5-2-26 2412 South C-5-2-28 Cedar. 371-2244. Tto /.so 15.60 Executive Arts Studios. 489-1215 12x60, furnished, like new in East 9.70 19.50 between 10 am 6 pm. 0-2-28 MALE, OWN bedroom, furnished, WANTED GIRL to share 2 bed¬ NEWLY REDECORATED 2 bed¬ ojvaB 6.00 Lansing. 2 bedroom, $185/month room apartment, $95, Okemos, room house. Unfurnished. $200/ shag, pool, air. 53 USED Sewing Machines. 7.20 11.70 23.40 Free bus to plus utilities. Days 393-9510, 353-3994, 349-1258. Jeri. 5-2-25 month includes utilities. Call CREW CHIEF for lawns and campus. $85. 394-0620. 3-2-27 694-8364 after 6 pm. 5-2-28 $12.50/up. Zig-zags and straight boo 13.00 26.00 482-5544. 10-2-26 gardening work. Full time - all stitchers, portables and cabinet 10.00 16.25 32.50 AVAILABLE ONE MONTH free. Third female models. Singers, Whites, Ken- terms in 1975. Some experience MARCH 15, five NEED MEN for 4 man apartment in lecesary. TWISS LANDSCAPE minutes from campus in Fee Hall. Spring term. 353-1880. for two bedroom apartment. Sub¬ Rooms mores, Elnas. Many makes and Lansing, I DEADLINE CENTER, 351-0590. 14-3-7 4 large rooms and bath. $130/ 3-2-36 lease spring. Call after five. 337- 'CLOSE TO campus, 214 Bailey. models to choose from. ELECTRO- : • 1 p.m. one class month including all utilities. 7386. 5-2-25 GRAND, 804 East Michigan. Hours Own room in house. $100 'month. I before publication. "CAREER SALES Opportunity 351-7283. 2-2-26 731 BURCHAM 3 man, furnished - 353-7740. 4-2-25 Monday-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9- AMERICAN, GERMAN, and for qualified college graduate lease until June. $76.67 each. Call 3RD PERSON needed, large 3 noon. Bankcard and Master FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. by pilation corrections June. Immediate salary negoti¬ FEMALE, SHARE 2-person 351-7212. 5-2-28 bedroom apartment, spring term, SINGLE ROOM, male student, Charge honored. 11-3-7 BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to able and adjusted over 40 month apartment, $74/month. 349-3071. 5-2-25 n one class day close, utilities, fur¬ linens furnished, near campus. students and faculty on all cash 'n' nished, pool, air conditioning. 1-2 TO sublet for spring, nice, publication. training program. Earn while you 332-1682. 3-2-27 10% DISCOUNT carry VW service parts. IMPORT learn Marketing in area of finance 337-2078. 5-3-3$ close, cheap, evenings, 337-7168, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo and estate 351-2169. 10-3-7 Funished studio, utilities paid. QUIET AND clean place for )id is ordered it cannot counseling. No limit on to all MSU and Cedar. 4852047, 485-9229. future SUBLEASE ALL $12>/month ■mcelled or changed earnings. Call Mr. Durocher or part of Chalet plus deposit student, close to campus. Call students r first Mastercharge and Bank at 484-8410. "Interviews by apartment. Call 351-3574 after 3 WOMAN OVER 21 to share 2 627-5454. 7-2-26 337-2655. 5-3-3 insertion, Americard. C-2-28 appointment only." 20-3-5 pm. 5-3-3 bedroom apartment, with same, on purchases of $2 is ordered ft CAPITOL AREA. Singles to share 351-9352. 5-2-28 MEN: TWO rooms available i 2 days before MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East SUBLEASE. 2 bedroom apartment, Call POLL WORKERS needed for NEED 2 men for 4 spring term. Two blocks from and breads excluded Kalamazoo Street since 1940. 339-8877 or 339-9294. 10-3-3 spring ASMSU election. $2.05 an man, furnished, own bedrooms, 2 WATERS EDGE apartments, 1 campus. Call 351-3057. 5-3-3 *? t £ompl«i* *uto {Minting and colli- hour. Will work during early and blocks campus. $951 month. Call male needed for spring term, RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 3Sfi . general registration for spring SSM768. 10-3-3 furnished, close, $75. 332-2027. Noises OWN ROOM in house. Spring/ term. If interested, call 355-8266 3-2-26 and or summer. $75. 208 Bailey. TWO MEN to sublease four man Brookfield Plaza and leave name, student number, MALE NEEDED for 3 bedroom 351-0353. 3-2-27 Cedar Village Apartment, SPRING TERM, female needed, 1381 E. Grand River us Personal ads must Aviation ^ phone number and days available to work. 3-2-25 term. 351-6599. 4-2-28 spring own room, close to campus. duplex. California Ranch Style. Fireplace. Near Frandor. $80. TWO BLOCKS. Own room in 332 6892 332-8520 after 6 pm. 3-2-26 house, $120/month including ACCELERATED INSTRUMENT 489-0437. 5-2-28 SPRING SUBLET. ground school. March 20 through 22. $59. Call 353 8302. 2 2-26 ; For Rtit ][$] for four person. Collingwood One female $66/month. Apartments. PRIVATE FURNISHED apartment near Ingham Medical, $140/month 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 312 South utilities. 214 Bailey. welcome. 353-7740. 3-2-27 Couples STEREOS 20-30% off. price in town. Full warrantees. 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 5-2-26 Lowest TV AND STEREO rentals. Hayford. Stove, refrigerator and 351-2065. 3-2-27 plus deposit. Call 393-8547. QUIET, CONSERVATIVE girl. PARACHUTING LESSONS at $25/term. $10.95/month. Free utilities included. $225 but nego¬ 5-2-26 House near campus, furnished, SEWING MACHINE Clearance pdue 7 days from the lower rates until tiable. Call 332-2419,5pm -9 pm. spring. Group same day delivery and service. GIRL SPRING, summer. Own utilities included. 349-9143 or Sale! Brand new portables $49.95 Vpiration date. If not rates available. 351-0799, 543 Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-2-28 room. Air, pool. Modem, FURNISHED 1 bedroom, heat 10-3-7 332-5497. 3-2-27 $5 per month. Large selection of pr the due date, a 501 6731. 3-2-27 furnished. $95 plus electricity. and water furnished. No children. FEMALE NEEDED Spring term. reconditioned used machines. :e charge will be Close campus. 332-3110. 5-5-3 Apartments V Lansing. 627-4864. 5-2-26 Share room, close to campus, nice VERY CLOSE, clean, parking, Singers, Whites, Necchis's, New [ Employment (4 MALE GRAD share apartment NEW FURNISHED apartments. One block from campus, 234 QUIET, SPACIOUS, unfurnished, two bedroom 1 Vi bath. house, 351-3045. 3-2-26 cooking, nicely furnished, excel¬ lent environment. A great deal! Home and "many others." $ 19.95 to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't with two grads. Quiet. All utilities Carpeted, HOUSE NEEDS three 351-3212, 3-5 p.m. 5-2-27 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 Hive A Center Street. Contemporary dishwasher, carport. 349-9108, people North Washington. 489-6448 worry as a representative you can paid. Parking, washer-dryer pro¬ spring, own bedroom, $60/month. vided. Near campus. 349-3328 living at its best. Leasing for 332-0111. 10-3-3 SUBLET: CLOSE/campus fur¬ C-3-2-27 earn money in your spare time. I'll immediate occupancy or fall term. 487-6534 after 5 pm. 5-2-28 [). 1972, Mi 350, automatic, show you how! 482 6893. 20-3-4 after 6 p.m. and weekends. 3-2-31 1 or 2 person, efficiency apartment nished, kitchen, share refrigerator, power steering, snow 1 MAN NEEDED for 3 man. Spring 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 631 South carpeted, sunny, 351-32SS, Tom, 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. rg'Mti $1500 355-0616. $150-$160. 2 bedroom apartment 332-5292. 3-2-26 PART TIME employment for MSU CAPITOL term, adjacent from campus, $70/ Francis, $50 deposit, $150/month, Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. AREA, 1 bedroom, $200-$230. 6 pm - 7 pm, Monday - students. 12-20 hours per week. month. 351-3437. 10-3-6 utilities not included. Call 485-4943 Guaranteed one full year $7.88 furnished, carpeting, $145 plus Friday, 351-6088 or 351-1177. Automobile required. 351-5800. anytime. 5-2-28 MALE, 1020 Short Street, kitchen, and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING P. electric, deposit, phone 646-0126. 9-3-7 4cy!inder,4speed, C-3-2-27 3-2-27 ONE WOMAN needed immediate¬ parking, spring term, $85, utilities COMPANY. 316 North Cedar I condition. $1300. COZY DUPLEX paid, 332-2832. 5-2-28 Opposite City Market. C-3-2-27 TWO ly. $68.50, Campus Hill. Furnished, |lft*4pm. 5-2-26 EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for EXTREMELY CLOSE! One or two FEMALES, Riversedge, spring, large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, bus service, dishwasher, 349-4617. Needs girl to share room spring. 6-228 $75/includes utilities. 351-0304. OWN ROOM in 3 woman duplex. RANGE. ELECTRIC 4 burner, our graduates. If you need a skill person apartment. Available terrace, cooperative management. 1967, Dependable 5-2-25 Spring/ and or summer. 1 block double over stainless work call us. Individually taught with spring term, call 351-4922. 3-2-27 $82.50 each. light if, clean, vinyl interior 332-0363 6-9 pm, NEED FEMALE: own room in from campus. 332-2345. 5-2-28 with deluxe fruitwood base qualified instructor. 90 hour course Therese, Diane. 5-3-3 V $350 355-8286 furnished 2 person, spring term, 2 WOMAN NEEDED to share cabinet $70. 669-9143. 5-2-28 _ with choice of class hours, VA MSU AREA - Okemos, 1 bedroom l»3 epproved Located on the corner unfurnished, air conditioning, car¬ close, 351-6278. 3-2-25 duplex, $78.33 a month, plus ROOMMATE WANTED. Spring WANTED: TWO People for 2 man term, own room. Mobile Home TANDBERG 300 cassette deck. 3 of Jolly and Aurelius Roads. Call utilities. 351-2406, 373-2690. peting, modern, $155, heat in¬ apartment. Available June. Manor, 332-0483, keep trying. R'971 White, 4-door, 393 8615. Spartan Keypunch cluded. 349-2580. 9-3-7 5 MINUTES TO MSU! Nice, car¬ Leone. 5-2-25 motor. One year old. $275. !•« 6 cylinder 337-0256, after 5 pm. 2-2-26 10-3-7 676-4736, after 5 pm. 3-2-26 $1300. Academy. 5-2-28 peted 1 bedroom, deposit, lease. 19-3-7 $135. 4859615. 5-2-27 CLOSE, VERY large 1 bedroom WOMAN NEEDED to sublease ONE GIRL, sublet. RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST: Spring term. duplex, unfurnished, newly re¬ ROOM FOR rent, 526 Evergreen, CANON FT -B 1.2 lens, case ir F1972,2 door, 3 speed, spring term in 4-girl. Waters Edge. Furnished. Americana $80 including utilities. 351-1744. eluded, used. Student to work from 2-5 pm daily $80 plus utilities. 337-9360. 5-3-3 CEDAR VILLAGE. Male, $55/ modeled, utilities included. $200. never 355-086 Apartments. $83/month. Call 5-2-28 fig*, blue. Call Monday thru Friday, spring term. State News Classified Department. ONE THREE bedroom, $225. One 332-2191. 3-2-27 month, negotiable after 3:30 p.m. - call Linda 349-3339. 5-2-27 351-2039. 3-2-27 weekdays only, x-5-2-28 AR 1969. Con- Apply in person only Tuesday 2-4 two bedroom, $200. Both include CLOSE-SUBLET one bedroom TWO BEDROOM furnished ABBOTT ROAD, 2 bedroom, enough for 4. Stove/refrigerator. large CROSSWORD 347 Student Services Building stove and refrigerator and utilities pm. PUZZLE mo¬ . ver, new tires, furnished, air conditioning, water $175/month plus utilities. 2225 except electricity. Students wel¬ bile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 f*sell. 351-4185. 5-3-3 come. EQUITY VEST, INC. 351 paid, $165. 351-9415 after 2 pm. minutes to campus. Quiet and 351-5266. 9-3-7 23. Experimented 4-2-28 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY, 8150 or 351-3305. 0-10-2-27 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or ACROSS with _ 6^y1inder. Doctors office needs responsible 484-5315. 0-2-28 WOMAN TO share room, knock 25. Article P'tfo, snows. 41,000 MALE TO sublet April 1 June. out house, fireplace, sunporch 1. individual to handle busy front PENNSYLVANIA NORTH. Large - Frame-up 26. Commercial condition. $850. Very close. Call after 6 pm. Ken, parking. 5 minutes to campus. $8 * Edge 27. Army officers desk, east side location, call upstairs. Furnished apartment. SPRING TERM, 2 men needed. J Wore 6 pm. 32-26 694-1153, Office Mates 5. 3-2-26 One bedroom, carpeting. Share 337-7018. 1-2-25 Campus Hill, $68.75/month, includes utilities. Spring. 337-2031 7. Black-backed 31.Veri,y utilities. Adults only. No dogs. between 5-6 pm. 5-2-28 full 34. Close at hand 349-3918 after 5 p.m. 10-2-25 ^ Custom Coupe, 350, jWwr steering, under GIRL TO occasionally prepare $115. 351-7497. 0-2-28 551 ALBERT STREET. One block from campus. Large 2 bedroom, 3-4 person duplex. 10. Egg: comb. form 35. Algerian Lexington __ dinner and stay the night with WANT A nice place to live? Short seaport | "I Pat, 482 2591. arthritic lady. 332-5176. 1-2-25 BRENTWOOD-FRANDOR near, 2 furnished. Summer and fall. Resident Manager, 351-5208 or on money? Let us help you I Short Street, East Lansing. Sublease to 11. Keel-billed 36. Ruler of the bedroom unfurnished, available September. $280, utilites included cuckoo 351-6676. 9-3-7 term leases available, Mason Hills universe immediately, quiet adults only. 351-5625. 5-3-3 12. Heraldic fillet 37. Apartments - from $145 Jumbled type S"IF85' 1968 ra"v EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER for $180. Eleanor Fabian, 351-7633 or New one and two a month bedroom apart 14. Legal hangman 38. Etruscan god V"7 «iow tires. Call 8 month old, East Lansing, own 485 9343. 8-2-28 TIRED OF NOISE? SPRING OPENINGS - Hedrick 17. Indigo DOWN **'•2358 5-3-3 transportation, 15-20 hours per ments - vwth all appliances , House Co-op. $260/term includes 18. Mythical lance 39. Enlightening week. 332-5612. 2-2-26 carpeting, and drapes. 42. Ten: prefix BEDROOM APARTMENT, WE HAVE pets room, board, utilities. Call Mike, 974. 1 1,2 AND 3 allowed. Located at 495 North 19. Man's name 43. Energy unit Automatic, North Chestnut, Lansing, garage, BEDROOM UNFURNISHED 332-0844. Mary, 332-0846 6 pm 20. Repentance 44. Mark aimed it |J??^ I*®9 Better than B-,-2-25 INSURANCE SALES or Business Grads. Check on a Life Insurance laundry connections, $135 plus APARTMENTS Okemos Road in Mason. minutes from MSU. 10 Furnished 12 am. 2-2-26 21. Small in curling electricity. 393-5557 after 5 p.m. model neoplasm 46. Surpassed career in Lansing area. 3 year 5-2-25 open Monday through LARGE SINGLE 4 girl in shared ■J Plymouth Barracuda training program. Phone 372-8679 $155- Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. Call Model house Nicely furnished, parking ru,ns 48 Fodder plant automatic, 6-3-4 5 MINUTES FROM MSU. Fur¬ at 676-4874. Other time 5. Toughened r*'j5281 7-2-27 (INCLUOtS 3AS H«AT A WAtER 1 call manager at very close $65. 351-2477. nished or unfurnished, single bed¬ 676-4291 or EAST " 4 < F" 9 LANSING 0-5-2-28 REALTY AND flUfURV |, jgog _ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, no waiting in line, call 351 3622. 6-3-3 room carpeted, covered parking and laundry. $145/month. Short call DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. 0 1 M "ew battery, $75 FOR own panelled room in iJL 3 overhauled trans¬ term lease available. Sorry no KNOB HILL 14-3-7 ■ co-ed house, five blocks from w 15 k> MARKETING REP Recent grad. dogs. 487-1551. 5-2-26 APARTMENTS it Pm. or best offer. 3-2-25 $ 10,000 -15,000 first year earnings. SUBLEASE, AVAILABLE March campus. Immediate. Call after 6 17 __ pm, 332 0697. 3-2-27 *£■*• automatic Unique progressive firm, female male. Phone 349 3933. CAREERS 1 GIRL for apartment. $50. Nancy, 349-1704 or 351-5344 Call after 349-4700 5 miles from campus 15. Nice studio, 2 blocks MSU, quiet. $165. 332-5144. 3-2-25 20~ 21 1rr P TWO RESPONSIBLE women. UNLIMITED, Divison Sherman 6. 5-2-26 Community atmosphere Kj Rat 1969, $400. Associates. 5-2-28 Sorry, no.pets MAN TO share apartment. Fur¬ Own rooms, nice house. Close. IT OPENINGS AVAILABLE in direct PINE LAKE APARTMENTS MSU ONE block. One bedroom nished, new carpet. One block. March 1st. 487-1508 evenings. 12-25 ET p i ww & sales. Salary and or commission. Call for appointment, phone 627 HASLETT Short on Cash? Maybe we can furnished. occupancy. Modern, Immediate $180. 351-7731. $97.50, offer. 332-1946. 5-2-27 3 BEDROOM, ALL electric. Car¬ 31 p 5r W ST 4046. 10-3-7 work something out. room apartments with shjg carpeting, drapes and appliances. One bed 5-2-26 WINTER '76 grad? I pick up the lease spring '76. Your place mine? Jim, 351-1053. 10-3-6 or peted. Appliances. Furnished. Gar¬ age. Available February 20th. 882 8646. 5-2-27 3a~ — P ST p BARTENDERS: PART time and TO SUBLET spacious one bed $150 per month plus utilities. 10 W 41 full time. Must have experience Neat in appearance. Must apply in minutes from MSU. 6076 Marsh Road, Just north of Located at room apartment. Close to campus Great location. 332-5742. 7-2-28 % MILE from Bogue Street Share apartment, own room. bridge. NEEDED: LIBERAL minded _ w I % person between 2-5 p.m. Tuesday Saturday. See Greg Marks Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, SPRING TERM, 2 girls needed to Spring $130/month. And/or sum¬ woman room. to share house. $87.50, everything included. Own L L is 339-8192 EAST LANSING mer, $80. Jim or Modhi, 351 1053. LONGS RESTAURANT, 6810 South Cedar. 5-2-26 or REALTY, 332-4128. 20-2-28 sublease 4 person. 351-4306. 5-2-26 Riversedge, 10-3-6 489-6359 10-3-3 immediately. Cindy. msMZMmumum 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesdsy F^briur, s 1 fur Sale ]($] [ l«l I If* |[Q] Strrlce )l^ INTRODUCTION B GIANT FABRIC and craft sale, FOUND: SMALL sum of money STUDENT MOVERS. 75% off!!! Call 349-3714 - 4582 in Light to Library, February 24th. Pete, Heroin medium mowing. Low rates. rising in Vietnai Bay Meadows ■ Paddock Farms - 356-8252 484-6431. C-3-2-27 use or Local and long distance. 394-1871 Okemos 9-9 daily. 4-2-25 9-3-7 LOST: GOLD high school 1973 LENS PRECISION ground in our class ring. Silver tourquoise ring. FOR THE BEST Service on stereo lab OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 Wrist watch. Women's I.M. equipment, see the STEREO By FOX BlITTERFIELD Communists' offensive in 1972 Into South Vietnam from Thai East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. Thursday, 355-0447. 1-2-25 SHOPPE, 566 East Grand River. New York Time* and then the ineffective Paris land, the usual source. C-5-2-28 C-23-28 troops is murky. ail _ PLEIKU, SOUTH peace agreement in 1973. The The wholesale drug business The ranger who FOUND-FOUR month old FOUND: FOUR month oW Shepherd and Husky puppy, on PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varietiee, NAM — In the dingy, dimly lit VIET¬ problem ia most acute in iso¬ In Vietnam is thought to be in the house near the bought a dose cathedra) nameJJ^Nl can twin, lp*»l Shepherd and Husky puppy, on 2-14-75. John, 332-3830. C-3-2-27 finest quality, reasonably priced. beck room of a house near the lated garriaons such as Pleiku carried on by Chinese networks here said that his former 2-14-75. John, 332-3830. C-3-2-27 Roman Catholk cathedral here, where there has been little operating from Choion, the mander, com low.rgnki°"^ FOUND: GLASSES, grey frames, BOYNTON 482-5712. C-2-28 PHOTOGRAPHY, two soldiers lay sprawled on a actual fighting recently and large Chinese section of Saigon. a major, had heroin at their border once Mid quarterso, 5^' FOUND: GLASSES, grey frames, boredom is almost as big an outpost in Pleiku. on Michigan Avenue near campus bed. their eyes closed. on Michigan Avenue near campus. 351-0235 persistently, c-3-2-27 [Wu Senrice IS] the North Vietnam¬ Another soldier, in the mot¬ enemy as 351-0235 persistants C 3-2-26 tled green camouflage uniform ese. FOUND: GLASSES near Psy¬ State of a South Vietnamese ranger, In the view of investigators, Cash for STAMPS & COINS chology Research. Black, wire, octogon shape. Call 351-7479. C-3-2-27 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and resume sen/ice. typing, binding. Printing, IBM Printing from entered the room and approach ed a tired looking old man the heroin problem is also a direct legacy of the American time causes Buy - Sell - Trade your plain paper originals. Corner squatting in the corner over a presence in Vietnam. full line of supplies M.A.C. and Grand River Below LOST: SILVER bracelet. 1H" water pipe. "Dad, may I borrow travelerconfu$J MID MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 "We always had some opium 880 Haslttt fld 332-4300 wide, six oblong stones, senti¬ mental value, reward, 365-0754. Monday Friday. GRAPH SERVICES. 337 1666 CaM COPY the bowl and sword?" he aaked. These were the code words used smoking, but we didn't know what heroin was until the GIs some 2-226 to ask for a heroin injection. C-2-28 brought it." a South Vietnamese YOUR MONEY GOES Farthest at This is an example of a LOST: MAN'S Chrome calendar official remarked. He was Michigan's one - hour time apokesperson said. DICKER AND DEAL. We have stereos, albums, tapes, musical watch. Caravel le. Near JUDITH CARMAN. Pickup and growing heroin addiction prob ferring to the epidemic of heroin re¬ lag behind the rest of the nation But a North Central Airlines an hour earlier, wl delivery at Owen for 10 pages +. lem throughout the South Viet¬ has caused some confusion a- ers have been few equipment, cameras, leather Journalism Building. 10 am Friday use that spread rapidly among spokesperson had a different b< armed tune coats, furniture, T.V.'s, sporting 2-21. 353-2197. 3-2-27 Through 3/14. 393-4672. 5-3-3 namese forces and American soldiers here in 1970 bout bus, airline and railroad version of airport customer change is bUme, goods, guns. Hand and power among some well-to-do young schedules, but employes are confusion. legislature and not tri and 1971 as United States parti¬ North Central also tools. TYPING, ALL kinds, low rates, people, especially in Saigon. tion services, Jewelry, head supplies and PUPPY, FOUND, black and tan- cipation in the confident it wil be short ■ lived has adjusted its schedule. _ drop off and pick-up on campus. war was phased The only much much more. Check out our red collar. South Francis area. Can 694-0252 BL 1-2-25 According to military inves¬ out. because customers have been "Despite what United said East confuswnl ski equipment for an inexpensive 482 3624. C-3-2-25 tigators in this dusty central well - informed about the time we had to pick up six of their Lansing Ami way to start a skiing hobby. Come The most commonly used «t the corner FORMER COLLEGE Adminis¬ highlands garrison dty. about difference. passengers who of Harrid on down to DICKER AND DEAL. FOUND: OUTSIDE 30 per cent of the airmen and Vietnamese term of heroin, missed nue and Chemistry trative secretary desires typing Greyhound Bus Lines in East Trowbridge M Check us out for the lowest prices. Building, prescription wire-rim combat soldiers stationed here "sike," does in fact suggest an flights," said Rick Capel of been DICKER & DEAL SECONDHAND term papers, theses, etc. My Lanisng said the only time North Central. among the J glasses. Call LeRoy, 361-3482. home near University. Reasonable now use heroin in some form. At American origin. It is a corrup Amtrak time STORE. 1701 South Cedar. 487- C-3-2-25 changes involve lines that run He estimated that 25 to 40 schedgi rates. Phone 332-2616. 3-2-27 least part of this heroin is said to tion of the GI slang word also been 3886 Bankcards welcome. C-2-28 "scag." out of state. All intrastate bus passengers will miss flights moved to 1 be sold by South Vietnamese earlier. k AM FM STEREO and turntable. Pirsiiil 7 PURPLE VICKI inexpensive typing. - Fast accurate Very near officers. Moreover, narcotics special¬ ists believe, much of the heroin lines will run on the present schedule. before the week is out. Both airlines agree that in¬ "Reservation people! There have been no known All pecan console. Excellent FREE. . . A lesson in complexion campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 instances of plane crashes or being sold in Vietnam now is left A United Airlines spokes¬ creased passenger flight veri cago were a little because we're now on! f condition. $225. 655-3422 5-2-26 over from the large person at Capitol fication by phone care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan avoidance of combat because of stockpiles City Airport haa kept time," said or 486-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, accumulated in those earlier in Lansing said flight opera potential customers from mak Terry Amtrak employe. PANASONIC SE-850 compact NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. general typing. Formerly with Ann this use of narcotics. But there years to supply American ser¬ tions have been running ing needless trips to the airport the trains have been "Boil stereo-excellent condition - great C-3-2-27 Brown. Call 482 7487. C-2-28 have been several cases report¬ mi for dorm or apartment. 351 -9083 ed here recently of deaths vicemen. smoothly because publicity and to catch flighta that now leave time." customer reminders have made 3-2-27 PmbPraHljfij THESES, RESUMES, typing and among pilots and soldiers be¬ "The smugglers hadn't anti¬ known the fact that the flights Animals V DALE, CONGRATULATIONS to printing. COMMERCIAL 351-4116. C-2-28 Reasonable prices. PRINTING, cause of overdoses. The drug problem began, Vietnamese familiar with it say, cipated a drop in the market so soon." a Western specialist now leave an hour earlier. "The only problem we've run PA system set for coffeehol my outstanding P.A.M. Senior. suggested. As evidence of his Don't throw GERMAN All my love always; Deb. with the into concerned a travel agent a Tupperware Two Ampeg speakerl SHEPHERD and 1-2-25 national mood of theory, he added that no heroin giving a customer the wrong party. Throw a coffeehouse. channel board and Keeshound Puppies. Free. 8 despair that accompanied the was now known to be moving A publk address system for foj weeks old. Males/Females. flight time on a ticket," the microphones were puitf 655-2245. 3-2-27 Real Estate coffeehouses is available from the group about four »1 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ Four Corners Coffeehouse, a EAST LANSING Gift Shop for sertations (pica-el itel FAYANN so that organizations J SCOTCH TERRIER puppies, black, part of the Union Activities sor coffeehouses withgL sale Excellent opportunity for C-2-28 Board. The system is rented to 3 males, AKC registered, 7 weeks ing the more expensivj prosperous, enjoyable, experience. old. 351 6994. 5-2-27 EXPERIENCED, FAST, typist. organizations for $36 the first equipment. An operate! Owner leaving state 351-1911, time and SIS each 332 8663. 5-2-28 Term papers, general typing. Near subsequent equipment is availabM BASIC DOG obedience classes GaWes. Call Marilyn, 337-2293. time. additional $10. starting March 31 for ten weeks. 10-2-7 $20 Sponsored by the Veterinary Recreation MecScine Student Auxilary, call TYPING- ELECTRIC machine, fast Announcements for It's What's Davis speech funds sou Karen 394-2309 or Arlene, BOAT SHOW SALE and The MSU Women's Studies Tom Burke of the Students accurate experienced. 353-6816 after 6 pm. 10-3-7 "AQUA CAT" Catamaran 11,095. 372-4746. 10-3-7 Happening must be received in the Committee will meet st 4 p.m. International Meditation Society, State News office. 341 Student "Sunfish" by A.M.F $699 Wednesday in the Union Osk will give an introductory lecture on Services Bldg.. by 1 p.m. at least Room to discuss the thematic FREE KITTEN, 3 months old, half Complete line of American Day TYPING TERM papers and theses. Transcendental Meditation at 7:30 two class days before publication. concentration. Students are wel Siamese, 351-9431 after 6 pm. Sailers through 18' sloop with Experienced, fast service IBM No announcements will be ac¬ p.m. every Wednesday in 39 < con tinned from page 1) 353-3906 4-2-28 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of electric. Call 349-1904. 20-2-28 come to attend. Union. happen again. ■nutrition cepted by phone. money to do a ahow on our own The board is also ex ■Stones Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, 21', 24', 27'. Come in and see the largest Free ground school I MSU Students for Eckanker of MSU (and needs Lecture-Concert consider a proposal t Mobile Hones » EXPERIENCED TYPING term Hey students, we're in luck 1 young And 1 and most complete sailboat hard¬ papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ Soaring Club meeting at 7:30 p.nj. are having an introductory lecture aeries)." Spitser said. "The the structure of undei Movies ate service 394-2512. C-2-28 again. We get a chance to visit Wednesday in 203 Men's Intra- on Eckankar at 8 apology is needed to let 1969 2 BEDROOM, ware andAcceseory display in the MSU's Osteopathic School and 1 tonight in C107 government. a Mathews SI refrigerator, mural Bldg. All are welcome. * stove, utility shed, drapes, swag area. All boats offered at have discussions later. Meet in Wells Hall. Beachler know H will not The proposal wouk ■Mdly Giant tremendous preseason savings. lamp $3,700. 651-6325. 3-2-26 ANN BROWN typing and multilrth E105 Fee Hall at 7 p.m. Thursday John Gray will speak on race Student Academic Go1 IMiItt Oougla: Lay away programs welcome. Attention all members of Phi offset printing. Complete service relations at 3 p.m. Friday in East Assn. (SAGA) on tl r. Rogers' Neic GRAND POINT MARINA. Creyts Gamma Nu. General meeting at PARKWOOD 10x52, near campus, Road on the River, Dimondale. for dissertations, theses, manu¬ It's our year. Come help us plan Akers Hall Formal Lounge. All are 6:30 tonight in the second - floor Carr critizes term ballot and if ! scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 for International Women's Day to invited. Met skirted, gas heat, air conditioning, Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 conference room of Eppley Center approved, the propos years experience. 349-0850. be held at 6 p.m. March 8 in the carpeted. 351-0917. 5-3-3 bring dues. join SAGA with amnj Pliybac PAN AM C-2-28 Union Oak Room. Sisters unite! Contact Mary Fiegel or Marcia The vice president for graduate official junkets SAGA would be equ 9:15 8x38 MOBILE Home, carpeted, welfare, Council of Graduate stu¬ Phi Gamma Nu plege meeting at ASMSU board and ei Uno Schools furnished, 2 bedroom, excellent CHARTER FLIGHT Waited Garrison for more information. dents, will be available afternoons, 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Eppley 9:27 operate separately, wi condition, near MSU, $1500 Phone 337-7733 or 663-8029. TO LONDON TRIED UNSUCCESSFULLY for a "Satguru Has Cornel" This Tuesdey, Thursday and Friday to assist graduate students with Uni- Center second - floor conference paid by public covering academic con Ijious Messag Open to ell MSU stvdents, documentary on the life of Guru ASMSU covering not 9:30 refund after dropping a class? If so, veristy - related problems. EAST LANSING (UPI> Maharaj Ji will be shown at 8:30 - issues. i Von See It focarfty, steff and their call Pete, 356 8252. 5-2-27 Women's Rugby - possible 1973 MOBILE Home. 12x60, two families tonight in 34 Union. "The Yeer of the Tiger," an tournament March 15. Practices Michigan Congressman M. Under the current it Check bedrooms. Immediate possession. RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS award - winning documentary of from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and Robert Carr plans to launch a SAGA would consis ■ it Courtship Holt area, only occupied 3 months Deporting Jvty 4 There will be a Radio Drama Vietnam, will be shown at 8 tonight Thursday and 8 to 9 p.m. Wednes¬ campaign against cruises and students on the Acadei looking for large furnished house, meeting at 9:15 tonight. Writers, fully furnished, excellent condition Detroit to London in the Con - Con Room of the day in the Men's Intramural Bldg. trips taken by officials at public cil and the chairperso jetties close, reasonable, summer or fall. voice actors and technical as¬ $7,000. Call International Center. Turf Arena. expense. Sonny, 372-2006. Returning Augvst 22 Please call 332-0405. 5-3-3 sistants are needed along with all college student advia Mtration 4-2-25 London to Detroit "Being anti-junket doesn't mittees. ambitious people. See John Nagy Michael Kutiled, graduate stu¬ 1970 BROADMORE. 12x60,2 bed¬ room, furnished, shed, washer/ Only $348.00 Round Trip Traisportatioi WANTED: TWO riders ]§] Florida in 8 Student Services Bldg. dent in the Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, will be the speaker at the The Block and Bridle Club and Michigan Walking Horse Assn. are sponsoring "Walking Horse Films" attack executives, the Presi dent or corporations." Carr said With this proposa would have the m< i Valley Todai 1lilannt dryer. 10x20foot awning. Excellent For more Information contact to MSU Employes Assn. will hold a in a weekend interview. "Being facilities to watch 9:55 African Studies forum from 10 to at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in 109 condition. $4,500 Available the Office of Overseas Stvdy during spring break. Leaving general meeting to discuss and anti-junket really attacks clos i'i Carol Duval April 3-13-75 and will return in time for 1:30 p.m. today in 106 International Anthony Hall. All are welcome. my concerns more 1st. Call 484-1977. 5-2-27 vote on revised constitution st 5:15 fellow colleagues who start of term. Call Mark, (351-3398 Center. are ASMSU currently dm 10:00 353-8921 today in 111 Olds Hall. The MSU Packaging Society wilt travel-oriented at taxpayer The two houses, S, 51 Joker's Wile or Barry (351-1224). 4-2-28 Lost & Found SKIERS! A free lecture series, "The meet at 7:30 tonight in 106 expense." ASMSU. would be co 1) Celebrity ! NEED 2 females for Ohio Northern Univeraity Law Charm of Winter Gardening," will International Center. Elections for The Democratic represents through the comptn ifai Schools FIND SOMETHING condominium/Aspen, spring Share Driving School representative David J. be taught at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdsy treasurer will be held. Mr. Floyd tive break. $87 each, ride available. from Michigan'! 6th combined organiatio *m Street If you've found a pet or article of Benson will be sponsored by the in 206 Horticulture Bldg. Sue, 332 2641 5-3-3 This French from Dow Chemical Co. in District said he imagines his also share some comn ■W Room value, we want to help you return FROM Perry to Flint. Leaving Assn. of Pre - Law Students at 4:30 weeks topic: African violeta. Midland will speak on aerosol stand will make him "unpopular The board will also hit Today it. Just come into the State News 7:15am, returning 4-5pm. Phone p.m. today in 104 Eppley Center to production. Classified Department and tell us PARACHUTING LESSONS at 525-7519. after 6pm. 3-2-25 discuss admissions. Women I Do you know all you among members of Congress Wednesday night to i 10:30 lower rates until for a few months." 5) Gambit you want to place an ad in EAST spring. Group should about your body? Come to Come play Compacts election regulations. rates available. — a 351-0799 543- "How to Get the Most out of Carr aaid he haa received five •I Wheel 01 Ft LANSING STATE BANK'S Found 6731. 3-2-27 FROM HOWELL to MSU. Leaving Self help at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday simulation game on community gested change woui 3-9am Returning 5-6pm. 546-3363, Lifel" Speaker entertainment, junket offers since he took Nil With Den Column. As a public service EAST music by John Mallon. at the Women's Center, Union organization and planning. Leam campaigning or dii LANSING STATE BANK will run after 7pm. 3-2-25 Every¬ student office and find out what how community organizing works office in January but he turned liisstip SKI UTAH, Spring break. From body's welcome at 9:30 tonight in campaign literature i the ad at r.o cost to you! the doctor won't tell you. $289, includes air lifts, hotel, and or doesn't. Sponsored by the MSU them all down because "there Men's Intramural Bui EAST LANSING Brody's South Dining Room. Volunteer Bureau 6:30 p.m. ing registration. Stud •Honey Maze at was no reason to STATE BANK transfers. TRAVEL BY Driving Sponsored by Campus Crusade for The University Duplicate Bridge Wednesday in 34 Union. All go." On another subject, Carr said •Zoo Revue HARRINGTON, 351-8800. C-1-2- Chriat. Club meets at 7:15 p.m. every interested people are welcome I during spring registri LOST: FEBRUARY 10, near FROM EAST Wednesday on the second floor of action will be taken this week in Candidates would t 'fw Women C Lansing to Albion. the U.S. House and Senate to Kedzie Hall. Woman's Leaving 7am. Returning 7pm. the Union. distribute literature 11:00 ring - silver Jesus either for real Spaceship Earth, the futurist, Service was he band, pink stone. Phone 349-3807 4-2-25 ^ 337-0110 after 7pm. 3-2-25 was the or biggest liar to ever live. Join us at 7:30 tonight in the Way "In Our Time" by Hemingway generalist magazine, is meeting tonight at 6:30 In the Union Oak help the battle recession. average American paign in front of the to its steps or the side* Oonohue Show low You See FROM COLONIAL Village to MSU. will be the book discussed at the Room, north wing. We will be FOUND NEAR Akers, man's class Station, 131 Bogue St. Call Bob Leaving 7:30am. Returning 5pm. Mensa Greet Books Group at 7:X establishing our schedule. ring De-La-Salle. Must identifiy Grigg for more information. 356-0296, 8-5pm. 3-2-25 tonight at Sue Hildebrand's 626 initials. Call 355-8576. C-3-2-25 Charles St. Interested friends Brown Bag Lunch for 25t, When does a chock become a ITTtlTIII' EDITING, PROOFREADING, FROM FLINT peg? Michigan Alpine Club, 8:15 LOST: LADIES glasses in blue to Lansing. Leaving features a group discussion, at experienced. Dissertations, theses 7am. Returning 5pm. noon Wednesday in 6 Student tonight, 118 Physics Bldg. case, near Wells Hall. Call book and article manuscripts. The Psrents Without Partners 313-732-7819, weekends Services Bldg. Sponsored by the 332-6018. 3 2-25 Anne Cauley, 337 1591. 3-2-26 382 2561, evenings. 3-2-25 Women's Resource Center. will discuss "Why Remarry?" and Seven area groups will provide SPECIAL CALCULATOR "What is the marriageable per¬ entertainment for a coffeehouse sonality?" at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Friday, Feb. 28 in the Shaw Hall How to form your own MSU Sports Car Club will meet the First Presbyterisn Church, lower lounge, 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. A WHOLESALER OVERSTOCKED & car pool at 8:30 tonight in 37 Union to plan the spring road rally. New corner of Ottawa and Chestnut variety of Christian music will be Streets in Lansing. A« a public service ot no charge, the State Naws will members welcome. featured. There is no charge and MUSI SELL OUT provide a free refreshments will be provided. All classified advertisement for those International Folk Dancing will people who would Ilk. to set up or be held at 8:30 tonight in the Union |oin a car pool. r fhe American Chemical Society Tower Room. All are invited. Jean • Pierre Debris, French op Driving? >r Riding? Student Affiliates will meet at 8 tonight in 211 Chemistry Bldg. Or. Gibson, toxicologist from the Dept. The MSU Horticulture Club is school teacher, imprisoned by the Thieu regime will speak on "The 24 in in proud to present Mr. Merlen Kreft Role of the U.S. in Indochina" at 8 From of Pharmacology at MSU will be speaking on "The Apple Growing tonight in the Con - Con Room of the speaker. Final the International Center. arrangementa Industry," at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Leaving a.m. for the spring break Returning trip will be 204 Horticulture Bldg. m Phone Let's show whales little hu¬ Time? _ Discover the flow of universal a AUTOMATIC CONS'*1"' manity. Join with Save the Whales HOMING OCCIMAl Full WIWOHMANCI « harmony in you and get in touch The Big D is comingl New to stop the killers. Office now at VOlT HAUtHy 0« AC OH«ATION WltM with It, with the Studenta of American Movement is 425 Natural Science holding a Yahshua at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Bldg. public forum on the Depression, its 1 p.m. Sundays in 34 Union. t. b"ow •» "MM I" I., od causes and political actions for jobs The Shalom Center, the and protection of our standard of perfect Full Nam* place to relax before or after a living. Speakers and workshops at Child Development Club is hav 7:30 p.m. class, is open from 10 s.m. to 5 Thursday in 109 Anthony Address ing an organizational meeting. We p.m., Monday through Thursdsy need ChHd Development majors over the Campus for support and participation. Bookstore. City Congenial company, coffee, nice Phone Meet at 7 p.m. Thursdsy In 207 sofas, study places. Climbing in the Gran Tetons is Humsn the subject of a special program at Ecology Bldg. We need ■«« « 347 jOUPr n m0y Student Service brou9ht ,n or mollod to: Car Pool Classifieds this week's Outing Club meeting. youl ASMSU Board wHI Join Gsy Liberation at 8 Building. No phone calls accepted Come at 7 tonight to 118 Physics meet at 4:30 p.m. UNTIL SOLO OUT NO CHARGE p.m. Wednesday in 328 Student Wedneeday In 33 Union to discuss Bldg. Services Bldg. "Gays at Work and on the Job." lichigan State'News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday February 25, 1975 THE SMALL SOCIETV TODAY'S PROGRAMS by Brickman Sponsored by: I, JVVJBKtV, 6 WJIM TV. lontlng J Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services J WXYZ TV Detroit 10 WltX TV. Jack ion 3 WKZO IM 25 wtri TV. e WOTV. G.ond Soglnow Hopld. Check h (5) Studio 5 ) Courtship Of Eddia's (6) The Attic (7) The Money Maze TUESDAY'S (8) Gilligan's Island ieValley Today (9) Petticoat Junction (10) Friends (12) Merv Griffin HIGHLIGHTS THE DROPOUTS plilinne 9:55 (13) Bonanza Ju«day_FebruaryJ5u1975_ ^'s Carol Duvall (23) Sasame Street by Post 10:00 (25) Yogi & Friends (41) Daktari 10:00 PI Joker s Wild (50) Thraa Stooges (CBS) Barnaby Jonas II) Celebrity Sweepstakes 4:30 "Fantasy Of Fear" A woman only Schools (NBC) World Premiere Movie (2) Mike Douglas Show recently recovered from a ai Street "Journey From Darkness" breakdown apparently hears the W Room (3) Merv Griffin Show Starring Marc Singer, Kay Lenz. A voice of her dead daughter on the lit Today (4) George Pierrot Presents brilliant blind student Tights a telephone and thinks she is really 10:30 (6) That Girl (7) 4:30 Movie seemingly losing battle to enter losing her mind. Gambit medical school. (8) Partridge Family p#ll!Wheel Of Fortune (9) Andy Griffith (NBC) Police Story With Dennis (ABC) Happy Days Wholay "The Man In The Shadows" (10) Flipper Guest star Leslie Charlason. "Gat (25) The Munsters & Friends Starring Robert Forster, Pat A Job" Richie Cunningham is Crowley. A woman's effort to P*oney Maze (50) Little Rascals smitten with an "older woman" a avenge her husband's death-by i»Zoo Revue beautiful young divorcee, after tipping detectives to the PfiiWomen Only she hires him to fix a fence. operation of one of the country's i 11:00 top narcotics rings-results in PROFESSOR PHUMBLE BOonohue Show 8:27 some radical police work. |low You See It 5:00 PM (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes by Bill Yates W'lHigh Rollers Narrator: Hugh O'Brien. . (ABC) Marcus Welby, M.D. 110 (6-8) Ironside "Tha Unindicted Wife" With (9) Mickey Mouse Club I OUfrS HK£>MATl9£ PIG4VT1 i P'Money Maze 8:30 guest stars Patty Duka Astin and 3D6T All Stars (10) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) M*A*S#H John Astin. A politician's wife, TOO-TOO-iJH-WHAT* j fcVogaUou (13) That Girl Dreams of fame, glory and honor suffering from hypertension, W \Afc>gp I'M l^OKING FOP? i (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood dance in the heads of almost F^oo Revue nearly succumbs when she finds ^ \ everyone execpt Hawkeye and out that her husband is accused of "'tddiagonolly SONY Trapper John when the unit taking a $750,000 kickback. learns that tha supreme [on. gun/on. Commander himself, General 11:30 m j On# button control Douglas -MacArthur, is going to (NBC) The Tonight Show k'K?.Tl""ng Co,°'«Hu. FiZ! ""~,m *' ,#l«'lon • No * Wolnul groin hem a visit. McLean Stevenson is guest host. 1 t fiii j forphan, include (ABC) Wide World Special (ABC) Tuesday Movie Of The "Clark Gabla: Tha King Week Remembered." "You Lie So Deep, My Lova" NOW APPEARING Don Galloway, Barbara Anderson. 1:00 AM GREAT STORES A desperate man wants love and money. (NBC) Tamorrow Lata,lata talk show hosted by FRANK ERNEST & r^ansing Mall.Meridian MallaWestwood Mall Tom Snyder. by Bob Ihaves Wis '/mjm takes me t> THE Sl/PKMAkW /.on her bike ID THE SEAl/TY SHOP.. (Wherever $he goes 10 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday FebnuiyJ Indians' Robinson NEW YORK (UPI) - Frank training program underway at "I have given everyone a of leaser talented P'*ye« Robinson, one of baseball's Tucson, Aria., when he greets weight which I would like them players, Robinson feels he has »re Tt... all time great players, officially the pitchers and catchers and successfully to report at," Robinson aaya. conquered that etches his name into the history books puts them through their first "But I did not attach an 'or elae' Hn How ofthe hZ wiH Wednesday when he workouts. to it. If a guy comes in five or 10 "I think that's Fr,.i , one thing that , performs his initial on-the field duties as the major leagues The 39 year old Robinson, a player manager, will not greet pounds I'm over what I prescribed not going to make a big deal managing in Puerto Rico helped me overcome," Robinson says. ■pw. Robinson, play.r,!^JV; first black manager. Robinson, whose only pre¬ the full squad until March 2. He has promised that the Indians' out of it. He should be able to "My first year managing there I used to scream at self in team j 4?!"'2? designated htt get that off with no problem. myself on the vious managerial experience 0ne of hi* spring training session will be But if a guy is 15 or 20 pounds bench whenever a many guy bungled ?Prin8 training. has been in the Puerto Rican tough, with great emphasis put overweight, I might give him a a play: 'Why didn't he make ££ winter league, will get the conditioning and funda that play? I would have S-av on week to get it off. . . or else. done it Cleveland Indians' spring mentals. "We will be doing a lot of this way.' But now I'm able to exercising with calisthenicsand look at each individual and say, running during spring training. if he gave me 100 cent! Regular slate ends per 111 have In most camps they believe in that's all I can ask. But to hit *- give me 100 per cent running the pitchers more than the rest of the players because when'everyone n *re d°ne hitting- el« |- "Every manager feels he can tor women cagers they feel it's important to keep a pitcher's legs in shape. But I get the most out of every player. Some players you have ""•mng-IfeeUeh,;, ,,x «P»*>le of «n the dub plan on running everybody an homer, thishitting 20 to ignore, others you have to - MSU's women's basketball team will close out its regular season equal amount." pat on the back and still others sider myself year J. today when it takes on Central Michigan at 6 p.m. in the lower gym While it has been the tradi¬ have to one of th!l you baby completely. WOn'1 »* of the Women's Intramural Building. tion of baseball that moat Some you can chew out. others any problem The cagers are hoping to rebound from their 50-40 loss to CMU myself out of the superstars do not make good you can't. As a player myself. I "* liQeup earlier this season. think I have a better idea of going well. I've managers because of their in¬ before as a The squad is coming off a loss to Calvin, 72-68, Thursday. Linda ability to understand the short what the feelings of other player wbcol wasn't Stoick continued to lead the Spartan scoring, netting 22 points, while Beanie Goldschmidt and Dianne Phillips added 13 and 12 contributing SN photo/Craig Porter points respectively. A member of MSU's women's indoor track squad has qualified (or the Amateur Athletic Union I AAt'i national meet which wID be held G-men meet Bill Terry smacks a shot during the state paddleball tournament held here in New York Madison Square Garden Friday. MSU's men's gymnastics high bar team pulled out the last weekend. Karen McKeachie qualified in the two-mile run with a time of team will The Broncos, Ifo try to end its regular victory for MSU. tin 11:07.5 at a recent meet at Western Michigan. The senior transfer tans, have a season on a winning note to¬ MSU all-arounders Jeff young t- from the University of Michigan led the field by a full minute at the year, but WMU coach night as it travels to Kalamazoo Paddleball tournament finish. To be eligible for the nationals, runners must post a time of 11:10 or better. Since women's sports at MSU are not sponsored by the AAU, to face the Western Broncos. Michigan Rudolph and Joe Shepherd will be competing against WMU all-arounder, cocaptain a strong Orlofsky said his team ii of The scoring 194 points or Spartans have r The Spartans have defeated Mark O-Malley. ..—-j team ion high mgn oi of 196.95 iye.95 this McKeachie has to pay her way to the meet. It does not bother her, the Broncoa in both of their two draws over 100 entries though. "I can see the University's point on the matter," she said. "It meetings in past Western is always years, more but than Wildcats Northwestern would be nice if the AAU sponsored some of the sports here, but anxious to knock off MSU. ended a Lou Hekhuis sounded tired disasterous road trip for MSU's Wildcat guard at MSU, and Greg Novack, combined with her sister, sponsoring track would be a waste because national AIA W (Assn. of In last year's competition the on the phone Sunday night. president of the club, directed Carol, to win the women's Intercollegiate Athletics for Women) meets are already paid for by Broncos led the Spartana up un¬ basketball team Monday by MeKenney dropped in "I think this was the largest the affair. doubles event. the school." til the last event, when defeating the Spartans, 67-66, 1,1 row with eight paddleball tournament ever Former MSU student Dick a strong in Ennaton, Illinois. for thf winning | The masters doubles event held," said Hekhuis, codirector Jury was the star of the men's of the 1975 state paddleball was won by the Flint team of singles and doubles competi Lee Middleton and Joe Conroy. tourney. "We had 215 matches tions. Hekhuis combined with Max ADVEKTim and 132 entries. It really mush Jury defeated University of Kreinin, MSU professor of roomed since we first started Michigan student Chip Curtis economics to take third place. Government spending that planning it. The competition held over the weekend in the Men's for the singles title, 21 13, 21-14 and teamed with Renaul Valenciano to win the doubles A1 Hosner of Kalamazoo won the masters singles play. The masters competition was im keeps on even after it has used all your tax money is "There's no major Intramural Building and championship, 21 18, 21-17 over for men over 45 years of age. a sponsored by the MSU Paddle¬ MSU student Tom Connin and ball Racketbail Club, attracted former student Bill Terry. force driving up the price of Michigan's best players, who Novack copped third in men's Watch for thing from hamburger to hour tried to improve their chances for getting a higher seed in vpril's national tournament. singles play. Terry Davis of Plymouth won the women's singles event, Johnny Winter such thing as a Only you can make it stop Hekhuis, a member of the with MSU student Connie March 4 club and asst. dean of students Stewart taking second. Stewart free lunch." THE machine service away ? Why do expenses now to exceed income3 call take your There is an easy one-word an all these questions-in/town, * to It's a dull term, but something called the "public debt" has been piling up for years "SECRET do we really understand what i, tion is, and why this "seem r because our tax dollars haven't come close to paying for all of the services and programs we've TAX" keeps chipping checks' away been demanding. In fact, just the annual Many factors have exace interest charge on this debt recently hit a cool AMERICA this dollar-dissolving inflation energy crisis, crop prices, 1 $29 billion. Nevertheless, many politicians say, "Relax, Uncle Sam can simply print the money CANT sive and ill-advised govern regulation, wages outrunning to cover the cost." Not so, as this story from ductivity. But the basic cause * The March Reader's Digest makes clear. For with skyrocketing prices people stopped .AFFORD. flation is seem one that largely unaware of: spr' most Ame: that hasn't been earned ALIYA-MOBILE buying. And now we've got recession. How to money In short, inflation is the cr~ Ee* wonder why you get out of the mess? Read on... feel poorer even though of debt, and the most inflar Coming to MSU, WednesdayFeb 26 you're probably mak¬ ing more money than kind of debt is the one we-" our democratic system-arc your father ever most responsible for: the public 9-5 Union—Room 30 dreataed of ? You finally bought that Deaders The officials we elect run up house. You drive a nice car. Maybe debt to provide the loans, 7-10 Holmes Holl-CIOl you're making payments on that services and programs that wc Information about short and IV Digest boat you always wanted. But did that new tile in the kitchen cost why come to believe should be "paid by government." long-term Israel so much more than you expected' Why did the bill for that washing- We forget, of course, that "pai by government" means paid fa programs, and also about professional opportunities and Garinim. ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISED us. Government may print money, government incurs after our tax oldest of economic laws takes effect. but this is only the symbol of wealth. money has run out. We pay be kept under control so we do Real wealth is the value of the goods by shell¬ With more money around than wind up compounding the infla ing out that secret tax that adds ten available goods, prices rise—and in¬ which brought about the rece* aanr s and services produced by working men and women. It is their cents to a pound of bacon, $5 to a flation is upon us. in the first place. pay for pair of shoes, $20 to an electric stove. Okay. Everybody talks about it. If we expect government t< making cars, houses, clothes, books, Now this is the part of inflation Almost everybody feels it. But what poolers pg furniture and all the other myriad that most of us don't fully under¬ spending, however, we "insi can we do about it ? cut our expectations nf gnvernn things we are accustomed to. Gov¬ stand: How the government's in¬ debtedness pushes up the prices of Ortainly, increased productivity Businessmen seeking speciaU ernment depends upon this wealth -each of us producing more for the that we create, and takes from each the things we buy. ment to pull them out of a nole dollars earn—is of the of us a portion of it through taxes It works this way: We can't print wc one most by their own inefficiency mustffl effective counters to inflation. Many do with their own resourceful and other revenues. money to cover our own debts. The businesses and dedicated workers Last year we paid out $255.4 bil¬ federal government, however, can; Special-interest groups must have performed amazing feats of and consider the overall eftect; lion in federal taxes. Unfortunately,' through a complex procedure called TONITF the government not only spent all "monetary policy," the Federal Re¬ this money ; it kept right on spend¬ serve creates dollars and transfers productivity, enabling them to in¬ crease their wages and profits while their requests upon government^, thus upon inflation, (.itizens cutting the price of their products to realize that government install, Wi ing, doling out $3.5 billion more than them to banks. The banks make remain competitive.• wc gave it. And it has generally loans from these new "assets." Thus, But productivity increases cannot may close in their area. Because done the same for years—spending money is "pumped into the econo¬ money is not available, certain $66.8 billion more than income in my"—money that was originally indefinitely make up for the steady essential programs may have cheapening of the dollar brought on delayed or even discarded. 2 PRICE the five years 1970 through 1974 nothing more than the figures on a alone. by the government indulging legis¬ Wc. all of its, arc trying t» holt Federal Reserve check; soon more lative whims with more "thin air" That is where the trouble starts currency has to be printed to cover line on spending at home. anc« money. It's time for some tough de¬ should expect government t» — when we, .is electors, allow gov¬ the new dollars. Many of these dol¬ cisions in Washington. Decisions same; Wc only fool ourselves 1 ernment, often for individually per¬ lars originate through bank loans of on All Uquor dmisks that will not be made unless citizens think real progress can I* suasive reasons, to spend dollars it various kinds. They find their way doesn't have. It goes into debt. —businessmen, farmers, workers, Without getting the g»vcrn into the economy through various housewives, pensioners—demand fiscal engine back in tunc. But government and the average commercial transactions. But who them and arc citizen go into debt under different has established the need for these willing to accept the And remember, we arc W gag sacrifices that must be made. ernmenr. That's whv we < rules. Government is the dominant new dollars in the first place? We Particularly 8:>o to n dowNST/xhs borrower in the market, both from have—through the many things we individuals (mainly through selling ask government to "do" for us; no one resources to would in times such as these, deny the use of federal take'care of the truly something about have the sense to discipline" 'and the ingenuity to get ni<>rc« savings bonds) and by depositing through loans and grants to busi¬ needy. And to alleviate the rigors the considerable human ant » IOUs with banks, then writing nesses, schools, research groups; B now pUyiNC, checks against them. Result: Wc tax payers have to pay various banks and through "aid" programs of all kinds. Remember, most of these deficit of recession, job programs and other relief may well be essential. But with additional costs, it is even more al resources we already have. other lenders some $29 billion in dollars have been earned by pro¬ m ROYAL AMERICAN not imperative that the rest of the budget ■■■ '< yearly interest on the public debt. And that's why we are in trouble. ducing anything. They merely com¬ , I'li.wnivili SHOWMEN ** T We pay all the government's bills, and wc bear the burden of those bills pete w^th our paycheck dollars for whatever gds and services we and others have produced. Result: The r This message is prepared by th* editors of The Iteado •» Digest and presented hy The Business