EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 ^wer plant request Ford: Cambodia lore money could fall soon ■! will have to increase its 1975-76 state Joriations request by $6.6 million to Et|,F power plants to burn coal and still Doug Parkin works inside his¬ 'IMirhigan >r antipollution standards. E. Wilkinson, MSU vice president Jnessand finance, said that engineer- L5uitants told MSU that the project toric clock on Salt Lake Main Street. It is not known when the clock was erected, but City's without U.S. aid ■ originally cost about $8 million. But WASHINGTON (AP) - The Ford Ad¬ 1868 photographs show the ministration warned Congress Tuesday that * the price of anti pollution equip- The Administration is faced with an street without the uphill j»s risen, the basic bids for the project clock, while Cambodia is running out of ammunition and struggle in its supplemental requests. luge >9.2 to $10.1 million. 1880 photos show it in place. The will fall to Communist insurgents within the next few weeks unless it is given $222 million Congress has appropriated $700 million for ■project, approved Friday by the MSU lock, its pedestal made of bronze military aid to South Vietnam this year, half I of Trustees, would reduce particle iron, was first run by a water- in supplemental military aid. the $1.4 billion the Nixon administration Ton from Plant '65, on south campus, wheel, then by springs and "This is a moral question that must be initially requested. For Cambodia, Congress faced squarely," President Ford said in a has set ichigan Air Pollution Control Division a $200-million ceiling. ^satisfied with the levels of particu- batteries, then was connected to letter to Speaker Carl Albert, which was Ford, in his letter, said the Communist a master electric read to the House. "Are we to forces ■ emitted from the University-run system inside a deliberately attacking the Phnom Penh govern¬ abandon a small country in the midst of its ment "have a constant, ft plant. nearby bank. Parkin is not life and death struggle?" massive outside plants are not creating any air source of supply from the North as has been dismantling the old timepiece Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, in demonstrated by their ability to sustain the ion yet because natural gas is burned; for good - it is going into much the same terms, told a news con¬ current heavy offensive. ier, the gas supplier has the right to ■ service for up to 90 days per year. storage until the city completes ference that "if a supplemental is not voted "If additional military assistance is with¬ its Main Street within the next few weeks it is certain that held or delayed, the government forces will Lethe plants are also designed to burn remodeling Cambodia must fall because it will run out of Lfaich generates fly ash, MSU must be forced, within weeks, to surrender to the project. ammunition. ■ new equipment on two of the three AP wirepboto insurgents." "Therefore, the decision before is In an emergency, supplies could be flown | in its main power plant whether the United States will withhold us to Cambodia within a few days from ft hope to make some modifications that ammunition from a country which has been Ljuce the cost of the bids and still associated with us and which, clearly, wishes Okinawa and Thailand once money was lustomaintain a high level of environ- to defend itself. This is a serious res¬ approved by Congress. Pentagon officials Tl quality," Wilkinson said, have told Congress that Cambodia will start it $2.8 million has already been ponsibility to take." to run out of essential ammunition and other ed for the needed equipment by the Appealing also for support of a $300- supplies completely in March or early April. million military aid request for South As the controversy stirred in re's Joint Capital Outlay Commit- Washington, Vietnam, Kissinger said, "We are facing a rebel gunners in Cambodia bis money is separate from the MSU more long-term situation of the same stepped up order." shelling of Phnom Penh, and military He added: sources reported that the isolated "There is no possible provincial way that Vietnam capital of Oudon, 21 miles to the north, fell to can acquire the arms that are needed to insurgents. defend itself unless its economy has reached officials wait for outcome On other foreign policy issues, tate a point where perhaps there is sufficient surplus from oil income or other economic developments. And there are many other said: • He considers the statement President Hafez Assad that he would Kissinger by Syrian countries in the world that find themselves sign a peace treaty with Israel under certain in analagous circumstances." conditions "a major step forward." f Alley-Ey overcrowding While Ford has held out some promise that support to South Vietnam could be • The United States would negotiations resumed between Greek like to see I; RALPH FRAMMOL1NO to their case ended in three years, Kissinger said that was "the second best course" in appealing to Congress for funds. It would be preferable, Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders even if Congress does not restore U.S. military aid to Turkey. preconceived notions, instead of The prospect that Tschirhart Kissinger said, to recognize that Saigon will • A special government strategy group Sute News Staff Writer may rule to consult various codes to exclude these need U.S. help until it is capable econom¬ taking them as they were written. He said that the Alle-Ey was not will meet today to consider Ethiopia's fttr.d building code officials throughout that the officials carefully selected other guilty i> not too areas and why they all were not included in ically of defending itself. far-fetched. There are pervading questions request for continued U.S. military aid while ite will be looking forward to the out- codes to one code, In a gloomy forecast, Kissinger said that help create a definition of the East about the vagueness and consitutionality of it tries to suppress the Eritrean rebellion. I of East Lansing's overcrowding case Lansing code. "They (the various codes) are too vague," "if Vietnam falls as a result of an American building and fire ordinances and the Rucinski said. decision to cut off its aid that will have, over He has made no decision to pt the Alley-Ey because of its possible • If Tschirhart finds the ordinances resign by the uncon¬ arbitrary or unreasonable interpretation of The courtroom silence was interrupted by end of the year to avoid nage effects. stitutionally vague and the officials inter¬ such ordinances by state and local a period of time, the most serious con¬ becoming a focal It Lansing District Court Judge Daniel pretations arbitrary, McGinty said that the laughter. Even Tschirhart had to cover his sequences for the conduct of our foreign point in the 1976 presidential election authorities. mouth to stifle t will consider written briefs a chuckle. policy. campaign. city would be forced to pass more ordinances On the surface, it would seem that the td by Alle-Ey counsel Les Turner to define what could be used for McGinty refused to say that the testimony "This will not be immediately apparent, areas testimony of expert witnesses presented by "I believe that one's service should be tied of the experts was detrimental, but did say but over a period of years it must raise the tj Attorney Dennis McGinty next computations. to the period in which one can be useful, and that touch on various legal ques- city attorney McGinty to prove that Alle-Ey Rucinski's comment was disappointing, The need to be more definitive, however, was overcrowded gravest doubts in the minds of many that is a decision that has to be made ed in the case, before may aid in convincing the (continued on page 10) countries that have been associated with largely rendering his would affect every community in by the Prelident," Kissinger said. Ira in approximately two weeks, Michigan. judge that the ordinances are indeed too Each city in the state is governed by the vague and interpretations of the ordinances ftAlley Ev was charged with violating a State of Michigan Public Assembly Regula¬ by the officials are unfair. Lt. William piilding code when police and fire tions (MPAR), the code used by state fire Rucinski of the Michigan State Police Fire Pop k prompted by a complaint from a Entertainm marshals. Also, by virtue of a state law Marshal Division, Robert Jipson, East a headcount Oct. 25 and con- passed in late 1972, every city in the state Lansing Dept. of Building and Zoning head, ■that the bar had 575 people, 156 over must adopt a nationally recognized building and Patriarche were among those who W patron limit. code to aid in construction and patron limits. testified. k trial, which ended last week, revolved George Weinhagen, chief of the state Under cross-examination, it seemed that ■I what areas were to be considered in subject building division, said that nationally recog¬ of the officials were often guilty of If to arrive at a patron limit. nized standards vary only slightly picking and City and choosing various parts of the code that they pcials told how they designated the language and that the intent of the codes are felt were applicable and for the Alle-Ey. Turner, however, the same. Most cities use the Building disregarding other ' parts that were at variance with their that the laws were improperly Officials Code of America regulations interpretation of the law's intent. 1 and that a By MARY ANN CHICK patron limit in excess (BOCA). East Lansing uses the Uniform The officials, expecially Rucinski and B*ould not be illegal, State News Staff Writer Building Code. The impending decision Jipson, seemed to strain in making the Paul Stanley, director of ASMSU Pop flying ppretive this conflict was the question power given to state and local would mean just as much to every other city in the state as to East Lansing. ordinances fit their notions of what areas of Entertainment, is being investigated by the an establishment should be measured and Jfto determine the procedure to be "I can tell you right now, every city in the used in computing the patron limit. ASMSU president and executive assistant ■The state and local ordinances them- State of Michigan has its eyes on East for a possible conflict of interest, the State The high point of contradiction came when T*ne attacked as News, learned Tuesday. possibly being Lansing." said East Lansing Fire Chief Rucinski was testifying. He said that, as ^titutionally Tim Cain and his executive assistant, Bill vague. Phillip Patriarche. Patriarche maintains state fire marshal, he was entitled to use Mid that he was Steinke, started the investigation about trying to show in that so far he has received calls from two other nationally recognized building codes to three weeks ago at the urging of Louis [^examination that state and local cities who say they are watching for the help define the Public Assembly Regula¬ w interpreted the laws according results of the trial with much interest. Hekhuis, associate dean and the director of tion's intent. Turner asked him why he had student government, and his two asst. directors, Jeffrey Humphrey and Hugh Surratt. SECT'S FUTURE UNCLEAR Throughout fall term, Stanley's owner¬ ship of his own entertainment management agency was common knowledge and often mentioned before the ASMSU board, but :lijah Kirn0-®ervieM *nd State Newa Muhammad Muhammad and stand shoulder to shoulder urban and metropolitan studies. questions of conflict of interest raised. were never Though Hekhuis refused to be specific about details, he said he has forwarded to Cain phone bills and other information he ft, Elijah Muhammad, a share with the members of his organization (the "His death won't destroy the continuity says he found late last fall that might prove C'!?n who became the leader of the Nation of Islam)," said Malcom Askia. of the religion, but it is tragic," said Eric Stanley used University facilities for ",llm rel'giou3 sect that advocated editor of the New Awareness newsletter of Winston, asst. dean of the College of Urban private gain. Ration for blacks, died Tuesday the Office of Black Affairs. Development. Winston stressed he was He said he would publicly reveal his ■JWk-longmillionaire and leader for a illness. He was 77. "The Black Muslims lost a great and their future will depend on leader their speaking as a black faculty member and not evidence only after ASMSU finishes its as a representative of the college. investigation. KbLk ^ears Nation of Islam, preparation for someone to succeed him," After hearing of Muhammad's death, "The problem is within ASMSU, so they E? were Popularly known as said Joseph Darden, asst. professor of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley said, "He can deal with it first," Hekhuis said. "But if EJ™8' V ha. *1.79 521E. Grand River onl* 91* J at Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner MSU Health Center. Names need not be included unless a personal reply is request¬ The Doctor's BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. through the odors they excrete is uncertain. Such odors may even be repellent. In any case, the perception of odor is a highly indi¬ Bag Copyright 1974 Treatment consists of rest until the subsides and then the gradual reinstitution of exercises. Aspirin helps with the pain pain. It ed. vidual matter and possibly your friend's probably can be prevented by not going full My friend says he can always tell when I perception might be right. This would ob¬ tilt at an athletic endeavor until you are in am sexually aroused because I have a viously be a difficult area to study in a good shape. distinctive odor. He says that I smell like scientific way with humans. We are also I would like your opinion of a tuna fish. I have never heard of that before. hindered as we lack the language to describe recently ad¬ vertised weight reducing aid Is that normal? odors with the same precision that we de¬ consisting of cider vinegar, lecithin, kelp and vitamin B6. scribe other sensory experiences such as Lower animals and insects have This combination of substances is taken in long been visual, auditory or gustatory (taste) percep¬ recognized natural form or as a pill. The ingredients are as excreting specific chemical tions. What is tuna fish to your friend could substances under a variety of circum¬ not supposed to take off weight alone, but be Chanel No. 5 to someone else. stances. These substances serve the purpose are intended to increase weight loss when of transmitting messages, since each sub¬ Recently after playing basketball, I ex¬ taken along with an average low calorie diet. stance has a distinctive odor. Some of these perienced a pain in my leg which Tm told is Can these substances do what is claimed? signals serve protective purposes such as shin splints. I would like to know a little The continual quest for a the odor excreted by a skunk, whereas other more about shin splints and, if possible, how fool-proof method of losing weight has led to more odors attract prey or males. The substances to get rid of them. What precautions should be taken next time to specialized diets and things to eat or wear which affect the behavior or function of keep from getting than one can keep track of. All these another member of the same species are them? systems have one thing in common, known as pheromones. Shin splints are pains that occur in the somebody has Sexual pheromones are well recognized in something to sell along with them. What is THESE PEOPLE JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND MY DEEP CONCERN FOR THEIR WELFARE!' front part of the leg along the shin which are also striking is that they are short-lived fads lower animals. The capacity of a female due to the strain on certain muscles that dog and not one of them has become a permanent in heat to attract male dbgs from far and attach to the shin. This condition is a feature in weight control. wide is only one such example. Males of some common athletic injury also seen in dancers. species use sex pheromones to stake out It is most likely to occur after an especially Weight control is a difficult matter in which the individual battles long VIEWPOINT: ECONOMY territory. ingrained vigorous period of exercise, particularly dietary habits, general low levels of activity, There seems to be little doubt that early in the season when a person is not in employmeJ maladaptive behaviors and at times an un¬ humans excrete odors when sexually aroused. Whether human males or females have the capacity to attract each other good condition. Once injured, the pain can be duplicated by flexing the foot upward against mild resistance. fair genetic disadvantage. Diet, exercise, determination and vanity remain the basis of any weight loss program. Organize to get full By the New American Movement toppled from its throne both economically even a penny? Have any high-paid cor, Red Cedar Chapter (the disastrous deterioration of the balance executives or government officialsbaL Susan VIEWPOINT Why are MSU students getting up at 3 in of payments and the two consequent forced off? These people are in the positionstl Age' Editor-in-chief the morning to stand in line at the Placement devaluations of the almighty dollar) and jn supposedly because they h»i Maureen Beninson Advertising Manage* R D. Campbell Bureau? Why are over 10 per cent of the politically (the ignominious defeat of the and the expertise to run the cc» Managing Editor 73-74 MSU graduates unemployed? Why is world's most powerful military machine.) when they screw MikeAmett City Editor things up. no mL Diane Silver Chris Daniel son Melissa Payton Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Notional Editor Fight Z every economic indicator telling us that we are well into the worst economic disaster since the Depression of the 1930s? Why is Whose fault is this mess? Many attempts have been made to find scapegoats: Arabs, aliens, women the and minorities, selfish badly, it's the rest of us, with no rjl in political or economic decision bear the burdens. mi Steve Stein President Ford, with the advice of the and wasteful consumers. But the depression What can be done about the Sports Editor deprt- Wednesday, February 26, 1975 Dale Atkins Photo Editor nation's most eminent economists, unable to was well on its way in 1970-71, long before What kinds of solutions are Editorials or* the ooinions of the State June Delano TomOren Entertainment Editor Copy Chief anti-Semitism turn the economy around? The roots of the present crisis go back to the increases in oil prices or the boycott. Aliens comprise only a tiny percentage of pictures in the State News showed possible?™ News Viewpoints cotumnjrand letters sleeping in the Student Services Boj. Linda Sonde! Night"Editor World War II and the position of un the workforce and cannot be blamed for the attempting to get interviews for t3 ore personol ooinions. Pat Nordi Staff Representative By TERRY DAVIS challenged world dominance in which the scarce jobs. Yet if only a few jobsexl United States emerged from that war. The A bomb scare disrupted and delayed-the a large number of students will neverll postwar prosperity waa baaed oo the re¬ The to find jobs. Individual solutions tf Palestine Liberation Project at MSU last building of Western Europe and Japan, the only feasible solutions Friday night. The program sponsored by studying harder or getting up at 3 il collective EDITORIALS United Front Against Racism and Im¬ perialism (UFARI) and the Organization of bottomless pit of the Cold War military machine and the suburbanization and con- sumerization of the middle claaaes. But aD are ones. never solve the problem of too people who want to work. The onlyiJ solutions fewji Arab Students (OAS), sought to counteract are collective ones. Instd three of these wells are quickly running dry: hundreds of thousands of layoffs. The same the prevalent anti-Arab media bias by fighting over the few existing jobs, J Fish out W informing people about Palestine and stimulating efforts in its behalf. Shortly Western serious Europe and Japan have become challengers to U.S. economic might, the U.S. military and its allies have met with is true for women and minorities, who, in fact, are very quickly losing the very small organize together to demand full eq ment for all who wish to work. The New American Movement iN, after the program started at 7:45 p.m., an gains they achieved as a result of affirmative strong resistance at home and around the action programs. And exhorting consumers sponsoring a public forum to di anonymous bomb threat was phoned in and The sentencing of the four top stretch of the world, and have reached the limita of imagination. the building had to be evacuated for half an we to "bite the bullet," drive slower, turn down causes of the current depression J men in Richard Nixon's adminis¬ Questions like those surround¬ hour while police made a thorough search. suburbanization and mass consumerism, thermostats, etc. is merely blaming the begin to develop some collective J while our cities, aa a result, have become un- victims while diverting attention from the which can be taken now. We believed] tration adds the final footnote to ing the FBI and the shady legality The threat, presumably made by a livable. fundamental causes of the crisis. only way to develop collective actions,! one of American Zionist, also disrupted two films which were history's most of counterintelligence practices, In thia context, the importance of Vietnam We can get a better idea of whose fault it is will truly reflect the needs of the pei horribly ironic periods. and the issue of the multinational being shown i« the building at the same looms large. Because of the unpopularity of by looking at who benefits from the crisis. this time, is for people to start talking time. These films were sponsored by Watergate appears on the sur¬ oil companies' involvement in the student groups and had no connection the war President Johnson chose to finance Chrysler, for example, has laid off tens of solutions among themselves. We hi face to be over and done with. The energy hoax all point to violations whatsoever with the Palestine Liberation it largely by printing money, thus touching thousands of workers and is crying about its forum can help start this process. off the inflation which still plagues us today. losses. But has Lynn Townsend's multi- The public forum will take place Tl special prosecutor has long since of power and the public trust by Project. Few of the audience of 225 people deterred Internationally, the .United States was hundred-thousand-dollar salary been cut by evening, Feb. 27 at 7:30 in 109 Antho resigned, and the chief prosecutor those who are expected to act in a were by the scare and the has returned to Nashville and program successfully resumed with a film, responsible way. "We the Palestinian People," and speakers private practice. And at that, these are just the from the Arab John Mitchell, H.R. Haldeman, Community Center visible, more sensational of in¬ (Detroit), Jewish Americans in Support of John Ehrlichman and Robert Palestine, the Iranian Students Assn. and stances. More subtle, behind-the- Mardian have received sentences the OAS and UFARI. One more disruption of up to eight years for their roles scenes Watergates could be hap¬ occurred, however, when the fire alarm was in the affair. Other underlings pening from ASMSU to the East Lansing City Council to Michigan's pulled. This time the audience refused to be intimidated and remained in the building. >1 have served time, and some have As expected, it turned out to be a false executive office to the U.S. State already been released. Dept. alarm, causing a considerable amount of Bogey The absolution of the top man noise but no damage. himself is the only apparent Americans must intensify their There can be little doubt that these Friday's State News states that I had blemish on the resolution of this awareness of the nation, the world terrorist and harassing activities can be previously read President Wharton's State attributed to local Zionists. The Zionist of the University Address and, indeed, had and their locality. The episode of ruthless exploitation of wealthy mentality was further illustrated at one of helped to write it. Candor compels me to and powerful must be watchdog- power. But Nixon's pardon is long our literature tables the day before the confess that I actually was on vacation past, and now serves merely to ged and their propensity to tram¬ program, when one of these rabid Arab during the week the speech was written. But since the State News ple on everyone and everything for haters denounced ■ head the list of Gerald Ford's an Arab student as a customarily selfish gain bottled. More reading, "dirty Arab" and threatened insists on independent verification of con¬ mistakes. to bring 300 goons to the program and prevent anyone flicting evidence, I will make the sacrifice of Thus the Nixon loyalists and more thinking and, most impor¬ from speaking. returning to Florida with campus admini¬ those embarrassed by corruption tantly, more involvement are The Zionists claim to speak for and stration reporter Pete Daly (at State News are saying the tragedy of Water¬ vehicles to this necessary self - represent all Jews. However, the hypocrisy expense) so that he can personally examine of their claim is made crystal clear each of the golf courses now gate is behind us. The system protection and protection of the by the bearing my fact that their bomb threat and threat to indelible imprint. works and we can wash our hands world. silence all the speakers were directed not Actually, it is my understanding that Arrogant board her case, the board continued she wasn't there! This was an speakinl appall! of Watergate, they say. No, we must not wash our hands President Wharton wrote the initial draft of I would like to only against the Arab speakers but against use this forum to alert the disgusting display of lack of simple ■ Perhaps it is true that Water¬ of Watergate. In order to improve two antiZionist Jewish speakers and the speech himself, as is his usual practice. University community of the alarming ir¬ respect. ; gate as the lives of all, we — the press and against the Jews in the audience who came The editing and polishing process — responsibility and callousness of our board of a contemporary event is again What interest or what motivation! to hear those speakers. in accordance with usual practice — trustees. over. But "Watergating" as a the people — must bait our hooks of trustees could have in adamant* The close-minded hypocrisy of included the reactions and suggestions of I attended the Feb. 21 universal, as the practice of and cast our lines into the vast many meeting to hear an rudely refusing to hear valid protest oP Zionists was also illustrated by another two administrators, one dean, two faculty appeal to the board by the International and sexist firings is a question we all < corruption by the wealthy and cesspools of Watergate with no¬ incident at the literature table, when a Jew members and at least one student. Committee Against Racism (INCAR) re¬ ask. The board of trustees has a resp powerful, is not over by any thing short of militance. who had lived and worked in a kibbutz in Pack your bags, Pete. garding the firing of two women faculty ity to us. Its arrogance and contet Israel was explaining how he had been Elliott G. Ballard members. Having been denied a disillusioned by the exclusive Jewish state Assistant to the President place on the public concerns is not appropriate Uj agenda on false grounds (that the cases were servants. We have a right to be W Ban pff"> save BIT because of its oppression of the Arabs and its treatment of Oriental Jews as second class citizens. A Zionist told him to Editor's Note: Candor compels confess that he was in Florida Daly to playing golf when Friday's story was written by another in litigation — they aren't) before the meet ing, INCAR came to the meeting to again appeal to the University communitjl mand those rights and to support if get attempt to be heard. The approval of the away from the table because his "mind was reporter. Unfortunately, Daly missed agenda was railroaded and a student being poisoned." Instead, the anti Zionist Ballard's indelible imprint. speaker was ignored. Even as she presented Right Guard, Dr. Scholl's Spray would eventually make some Jew shook hands with the Palestinian Arab Foot Powder, Freon and Ucon are plants like tomatoes and grains with whom he was talking. proliferating and, unless a bill impossible to grow. The conclusion to be drawn from these VIEWPOINT: recent introduced by Rep. Perry incidents is that Zionists have no respect for Studies by the DuPont Corp. to the rights of Arabs or even of their fellow Bullard, D Ann Arbor, is discount the present bad publicity supported and passed, this may doom the BLT. for their Freon products have served to reinforce scientists' dire only Jews who question the Zionist the world. The Zionists in fact hold and concept of Leaflet's case against Israel distorte promote racist anti-Semitic attitudes Bullard's bill would eliminate Leaflets have been circulating around Zionists are cited aa aerosol cans using fluorocarbons conclusions about the propellants, toward Arabs and often Oriental Jews. All the while they times against campus concerning 'The Other Side of the "segregationists." Thia is an outright lie. The leaflet Once again, the facts are L says Mike Novak, of the Clean Air try to Story" in the Arab-Israeli conflict. This goes on to bombings were done by the portray Jews as the only victims of anti- say that there are Jews that always have (such as Freon and Ucon) as Movement in Detroit. leaflet purports to show facts that prove the been and will be opposed to a Jewish state in radical Israeli group, against t ■ Semitism by obscuring the fact that Arabs propellants. The bill must be are Semitic also. illegitimacy of the state of Israel. Number Palestine. The leaflet neglects to during occupation immediately a e ■ Since aerosol cans were not used say that The Arabs had been ordered m one is the picture of the growing size of passed if the protective ozone until 1961, the effect of It is time for all opponents of colonialism these are the very religious Jews who will Palestine by their Grand Mufti. HaH layer in the earth's atmosphere is taking and of racism to take a firm stand in Israel. It ia implied that Israelis or "Zionists" not accept Iarael because it was not given to El Husseini, against the wishes ■ most of them off the market should are imperialists infringing on Arab terri¬ the Jews directly from God. to be protected. opposition to all forms of anti-Semitic Ironically it is Israelis so that the Arabs cou not be crippling, because other tory. This ia not quite the caae. Each of the this religious sect, rather than the Flurocarbons have been found bigotry whether it is directed against Jews, Zionists, on Israel. When the Jews won the 1 territories has been taken for border pro¬ that would be more inclined to to rise into the atmosphere's ozone propellants can be used in aerosol whether it is directed against Arabs or tection in a defensive battle. It is ludicrous to "segregate." battle, these Palestinians were iei| To quote this paper, "all the Palestinian cans. whether it is directed against Oriental Jews k" layer, chemically react with it and by so-called civilized Western Jews. To think that a small country with the size and liberation organizations favor a democratic To be sure, it Is greatu.be on J destroy its light absorbing proper¬ The costs of using fluorocarbons manpower that Israel has would be trying to secular state with succeed in destroying anti-Semitism it is overtake several large neighboring coun¬ equality for all religions." a country, where all Ideas can ties. The results of continued far outweigh the benefits they If this is true, then I am curious to know But facts that are distorted imperative that Zionist Jews be distin¬ tries. why they don't accept Iarael aa is. The wars Side of the ozone destruction could be far provide. The health dangers are guished from anti-Zionist Jews, and that Zionism be attacked head on and exposed as This leaflet states that Araba receive a fought so far have been "Holy Wars."It is the turbing. "The (Hher twisted version. «| too risky to allow their continued reaching. the bigotry which it is. "mere 15 cents per gallon of gasoline" while Zionists that are more tolerant than the Tolerance in Israel is a fact' p _ There could be an immediate use. Americans pay over 50(6. Understanding a Palestinian "liberators." It has not been a A similar anti Zionist and pro-Palestinian small amount of economics, one would faiths are fully eligible to be J increase in skin cancer and wea¬ Before bacon, lettuce and question of Jews accepting their Moslem There is Arab representation in 1 program will be presented in Detroit and realize that there are costs between the raw ther patterns might change. The tomato sandwiches and Ann Arbor on Feb. 26 and 27 respectively neighbors, it haa been a question of the Arab Knesset. Israel may be a Jewish «| weather changes would cause spaghetti by the Revolutionary Student Brigade and and finished products such as shipping, re¬ nationa tolerating Iarael. which we all know certainly does not Persef"'f '|esfletl sauce become extinct, the insi¬ the OAS. fining. storing, financing, etc. And if the they have not done. citizens. The purpose of he J photolysis — stunted growth in dious fluorocarbons pfff must be Arab oil magnates are really hurting, I'd like plants from intense sunlight — and silenced. Terry Davis, 708 N. Walnut St., member of UFARI. la a to know why they have enough apare pocket There is a part in thia leaflet about terror bombings directed at Palestinians by Zion "show the other side. " would have been more Un^jT imp* J money to buy into American firms. i«ta. rendering 700,000 Arabs homeless. sided distortion is never convw VIEWPOINTS: Search for consensus continues I have been following with interest, and ment. some amusement, the continuing campus This then is my point: though I myself am controversy on animal rights, hunting and trained in wildlife ecology and the tenets of trapping. It seems to me that both sides have conservation, none of this • education is been missing the most basic needed for question, which me to hold the perfectly valid I hope to you concern clarify. My points shall mainly the leg-hold trap, which some people opinion that the leg-hold trap is cruel and unnecessary. We could ban the traps would like to see banned. [WfUOME To begin with an example from a recent tomorrow, and I can assure you that no adverse ecological unbalances would _T T0 letter, Paul Vicini (Feb. 18) attacks an The trappers would either find a occur. more the "sportsman's position" in regard to anti-trapping writer on the grounds that the acceptable trap, or skip the whole thing. Any pulled? The concern that he has done good latter must be ignorant of wildlife extra animals that hunting and trapping cannot be given full to the environment? That the manage¬ might have become fur credit for using the scientific process, nor is misery of the ment because of his animal has ended? positions. Mr. Vicini coats would now repopulate new habitat, I think not. The defends the clubbing of it immune from emotionalism. I baby seals, since the become food for predators, die of recently recognition of the higher laws of nature Canadian government found this the most disease, or read a pro-trapping petition which included simply go on living. All of these fates are negates the negd to take life, and all reasons efficient way of killing them. This com¬ the following gem of reasoning: since it is for doing so are only expedients. perfectly normal in any ecosystem: known that wild animals can walk over pletely ignores the question of whether the "Nature's Way," as they say. Living is justifiable, the taking of life is seals ought to be killed in the first This brings up another frozen, rocky, harsh terrain without place, for point of philosophy the mere frivolities of fashion. At I would like to advance: It is often said apparent pain, then we can infer that they any rate, that if the population of have no feeling in their feet, and could not be Harp Seals has been shown wildlife were not harvested by trapping, to be declining, so this blows in pain while caught in a away the they would merely die trap! I hope that any a cruel death in the true friends of the scientific argument that clubbers are harvesting a jaws of some predator, or other equally process would population surplus. Most of the other points find it difficult to sign their names to that horrendous death. But cruelty is a man- in the letter boil down to the same matters little how thing; it long it takes a beaver to made concept, seems a and to apply it to nature tremendous copout. Nature isn't Ignorance prevails drown, but whether it is right to take cruel. Nature merely "is." To state that a If you are one of those who likes to hunt beavers with leg-hold fox I don't believe it. I write a letter (Feb. traps to satisfy the is committing an act of and trap, then please defendyour immorality while position by 18) trying to expose anti-hunters to their demands of fashion is a true moral question, killing a rabbit seems absUrd. stating that you believe it is right, and stick and not one of ecology or wildlife I to that point. Please don't go ignorance and I get a reply (Feb. 21) that manage¬ might take the liberty to point oat that dragging up all looks like the collective work of some of the sorts of over used ecological cliches that are world's top ignoramuses. neither applicable nor necessary. RUSSELL BAKER You want surplus animals "tranquilized and taken to other areas where the The whole question will be decided population was not so dense." Pardon me if eventually by-, ballot or legislative edict I enlighten you. Tranquilizing and reloca¬ based on public opinion. I hope it will cease to tion of animals is extremely expensive. Congress ■ Administration is trying to get a visits Disneynam be a problem, so that sportsmen, women and animal sports¬ rights fighters will be able to unite to tackle the most critical threat to wildlife that exists: human encroachment on its habitat via pollution and the bulldozer. Such programs would necessarily be con¬ ducted by state game departments which are funded by hunting license fees, not by contributions to the Fund for Animals, et al. Once tranquilized, where are surplus ani¬ spend two days in one of the Kennedy I asked to see some of the Rockville mals to be takeh? They must be put in Tf congressmen to go to Vietnam and Airport holding patterns, and then land at Vietnam's devices for 'We always keep a large cast of that American policy there is Rockville where persuading Congress- captured enemy soldiers in case they do," suitable habitat where the resident popula¬ t briefings begin immedi¬ men, and Sensenbaugh took me to a large he said, showing me a James Harding tion of the same species is below the ately. well-lit room full of writers. compound where a 1444L Spartan Village carrying capacity of the land, or they will be (i routine that was developed in the The man who plays President Thieu at large cast was practicing looking captured "These writers are Winson period. Whenever, as now, the Rockville Vietnam is mostly old fiction and hostile. no better off than where they came from. a retired actor writers from dead magazines — Collier's, "It's the chorus of the Metropolitan Unfortunately, there is very little land jb threatens to balk at financing our named Slim Sensenbaugh, and I asked him The Kvirs out there the Administration s a i?roup of them to Vietnam to recently what sort of policy successes he Saturday Sensenbaugh said. Evening Post, Life," Opera," he said. money." "They always need the Killing unjustified which meets this requirement. After a very short time of an extensive would show the visiting Congressmen. "Right now they are all busy composing Don't tranquilizing/relocation program you will it policy successes on the scene "ItH be a little different from the old visiting Congressmen ever object m back a rosy days captured enemy documents that will prove to being sent to the Rockville Vietnam? I would like to comment find yourself right back where you started: report. when we used to get Bob McNamara and on the letter to Congressmen that the Communists The too many animals and not enough land. L group ever gets off the ground, it Gen. Max Taylor only man who ever objected, said (State News, Feb. 18) appropriately entit¬ up here in Rockville," believe the United States is too Face the facts, man, the animal surplus bee the Asian Vietnam of course. cheap to Sensenbaugh, was George Ronnie v. He led "Ignorance." Indeed, the staunch Sensenbaugh explained. "In those days we keep up the good fight." came back from Rockville must be harvested and relocation just is not Sverv important has been allowed in gave them a simple rosy-outlook briefing. He showed saying he had defender of the doctrine expressed in that ce 1967. AU they wanted was me a freshly inked captured .been "brainwashed" and everyone became letter is ignorant. Ignorant of any higher an acceptable answer. You want to enough to be able to be enemy document. "Top secret from Hanoi," rearrange the mess, not clean it up. Uiyear the government realized that back and say there was a so angry that Romney had to stop running law that is within one's grasp. Ignorant of light at the end of it said. "Unless the Congress of the United for president. the poetry of life, and the Then you ask, "Does death turn you on?" e thing might collapse at any the tunnel if we just had the patience to States gives Prof. Kissinger $300 million necessity for "He had broken the rules of the game," I Do you really think I blow my wad or L, and naturally it did not want to spend a few billion more dollars.™ contemplation of that life. In his years of right away, communism will triumph by scientific study and fact, he has learned something when I harvest a surplus game Lt of congressmen who had been sent Nowadays, the situation is different. springtime." "It wasn't that," said almost nothing, for in him is vacant the animal? If you even remotely do, I suggest * how spendidly the policy was There is no hope that Congress will send A writer handed Sensenbaugh. billions to Vietnam this year. Sensenbaugh a draft "Everybody saw Romney was a dangerous respect for living things. He speaks of the you seek professional help immediately. Prof. and asked what he thought of it/ It said, when he admitted we brainwashed him Please, do yourself, and me, a favor and feitiona! Security Codncil decided it man justice and necessity of modern, regulated Kissinger will be happy if he can get just a "Top secret and eyes only to our brave her* at Rockville. A guy like that could contact: p safer to demonstrate our Vietnam few hundred millions. hunting, his justice being blinded by his captured soldiers — if Kissinger gets the have gotten this whole country ignorance of higher laws, and the alleged Michigan United Conservation Clubs i less troubled setting. "For this kind of thing," Sensenbaugh $300 million from Congress it's curtains for trapped in the quagmire of reality. What's more, necessity for hunting and trapping only P. 0. Box 2235 Teators of Disneyland and said. "We'll show them evidence that the Communism in Aeia." Congressmen might have had to start going excuses to satisfy his blinded sense of Lansing, Mich. 48911 kbuilda brand new Vietnam on the other side is determined to humiliate the "A little obvious for my taste," said to the real Vietnam again. We could lose a justice. Ask for a copy of "The Hunter and Jit of Rockville. Md. ■i where signed for United States by crushing us, but that we Sensenbaugh, "But a Congressman should lot-of Congressmen that way. What thoughts flow through the mind of Conservation." The facts might startle you. congressmen on can hang on if Congress will come across love it." AC) 1975 New York Times the hunter the instant that the Paul N. Vicini juration tours go when their plane with a trifling three or four hundred I asked trigger is Sensenbaugh if visiting Congress- 649 E.Holden Hall [Washington. They fly to New York, million." men ever asked to see some captured Mthursdoy and friday nights until nine HOBIES... End of PONDERING February SOUP SPECIAL! A Help celebrate the end of NEW February by purchasing any sandwich, allowing you to enjoy acupofour LOOK? delicious soup... for only 251! MON - FRI - ALL DAY - Feb. 24 28 - try the look at Hobie's the SANDWICH PEOPLE MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING 305 East Grand Hiver East Lansing Hey, chicken lovers- Piss J in pursuit come on over to The Other Fried! of the natural look, ■aspiration and right. . shirtjackets taking their from the tropics to the Alps both Wednesday |ln breeze-light ■^tailed, I'^ir sleeves, cotton Madras cloth from India top-stitched and wearing pockets on they're the non-colored naturals to Family Night ■toP l^1 anything in your Swiss sport wardrobe. S-M-L sizes Special 3 pieces of chicken, cole slaw, army styling with epaulets, $14 mashed potatoes and gravy, |'9to Safari-style with metal tab accents, $16 hot biscuits. mm* %ec/pe wa, | Aojp* Great time to discover the toucha honey Reg. 1.69 difference in Famous Recipe, The Other Fried Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey batter, fried really crisp and all the way Now only *1.25 Jacobeoris through. No wonder people who cross over to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 1900 East Kalamazoo 5 minutes from 4500 South Cedar 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) M.S.U. • 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Februs Friends By FRANK FOX descend they have to follow patterns State News Reviewer and do what people say," An invasion of madmen and Strong: said. "So they are musicians in tuxedos and tennis marched into the gym. or shoes is upon us. auditorium or wherever we are Like a host of frenzied rev¬ playing and ... we go in and elers from the dark side of the demolish the whole idea for moon, "Friends Road Show" about 45 minutes. We create will soon descend into the illusions on stage and let them underground arena of Lizard's escape someplace else for a bar in East Lansing. while." Friends. a vaudevillian Strong said Friends' routines smorgasbord of music and were original and came from a unrestrained looniness, will variety of inspirations. Oral appear at Lizard's Feb. 27 Bob. for instance, came from a through March 3 and every Monday night thereafter. The road show will doubtles sly bring many friends of their own. These worthy fellows include The Reverend Oral MARCH 15 (early) - 24 (loft), 1975 Bob. a fiery evangelist who chews gum and saves souls at includes; "Hound trip chartered air rondiiinn^ k the same time; The Great from E. Lansing to hotel ** bus*> •Free beer & soda on the bus Zandu, who leaps headfirst from a lofty perch into a paper •Option to Disneyworld cup full of water; the acrobatic 8 Days ft 7 Fabulous Nights in Flying Spumoni •Day tona's newest resort hotel Brothers; Jumpin' Jack THE WHITEHALL INN (can Jackson, a traveling toilet-seat Rose Thorn collect at 1-904-258-S435) salesman, and the Fearless •It's brand new, huge, beautiful " Fire-Eater, who will .broil your AAA APPROVED. ON THE steak. OCEAN with $li •2 heated freshwater pool* and * And let's not forget Earl access to tennis courts and Slick, the rock singer with a •Each room • golf courses I greasy heart. fully carpeted, airconditioned. These characters and more color TV, private bath, are the theatrical creations of balcony overlooking ocean, every 2 rooms Friends, a troupe of performers share a kitchenette (utensils included) and musicians from Milan, Mich., who have been appear HURRY-SPACE LIMITED! Phone: Miss Kaplen - 332-1115 or ing regularly at Lizard's on Mail 150.00 Monday evenings. deposit to Hobbit Travel An encounter with Friends c/o Miss Kaplen 4485 Janice Lee Dr. e-102 Okemos, Mich usually begins with selections SN photo/John Dickson of jazz-rock provided by the Open Thurs. and road show's five musicians. A member of the Friends Road Show performs one of the group's many Crowded into a dense array of zany skits and parodies. Friends includes members from Europe, the instruments and amplifiers at United States and South Africa. the side of the stage, the band Johnny Winter coming to MSU Reserved seat tickets will go for $4 and $5 each. Tickets are X)ooLey's on sale today for the March 4 available at the Union Ticket Johnny Winter concert at Jenison Fieldhouse. Office and at Marshall Music. The Johnny Winter Group TONITE Reserved seats will be sold will appear with The James Cotton Blu«s Band. Doors will open at 8:36 p.m. Concert-time Canadian group is 9 p.m. Paul Stanley, director of Pop Entertainment, said special set to interpret measures will have to be taken to avoid traffic and parking con¬ Bach selection flicts with an MSU hockey game, which will also be held at The National Arts Centre Munn Ice Arena on March 4. Orchestra of Ottawa, Canada, "There will be no parking will perform at 8:15 p.m., Feb. around the fieldhouse," Stanley 26. in Fairchild Theater. said. "If people must drive, they The appearance by the 46- should park off campus, in Y lot ' piece Canadian orchestra will be or the opposite side of campus the final 1975 attraction of the MSU Lecture-Concert Chamber from the fieldhouse." "Pop Entertainment will be Mtqs Iwlf price aII (\ic,hi Music Series. Tickets for the concert are $6. supplying free buses to and from the concert. We will be doWNSTAKS 7 i.WasnM T.:U' MSU students with ID will be entitled to a 50 per cent dis¬ running buses from (commuter) and from Hubbard Y-lot jl 5b>l3. X» -ntctifi ®t- count. Tickets are available at the MSU Union Ticket Office. The orchestra is conducted by and McDonel Halls and from Mason Abbot. ROYAL AMERICAN mL Utt fk-»^ "Buses will be leaving at 7:30 BIRMINGHAM NORTHLAND DETROIT EAST LANSING . Mario Bemardi, who holds Canada's highest civilian honor, p.m. and will run until 12:30 p.m. continuously SHOWMEN GROSSE POINTE DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS PONTIAC MALL ANN JR60F a membership in The Order of Stanley added that there will Canada. be no entrances for autos near The orchestra will play un¬ the fieldhouse. usual works by Bach, John Weinzweig, Mendelssohn and Mozart. Looking for Values? Love tap The Bach selection, "Concerto for Violin, Flute, Piano and Strings," is the only concerto of this type that Bach wrote and is ^^ ranked with the Fifth Branden¬ burg Concerto by critics. ABM Has what you From one beer lover to another. Panasonic Olivetti Brother model 4512 NEJAC TV RENTALS] Lfe 337 1010 12" carriage I10.M p»r month Panasonic Free Service MEJAC TV RENTALS" percent, 337 1010 memory memory, square root Kingspolnt BARNES ONLY FLORAL OF EAST LANSING Panasonic JE-840 8-digit ave a beautiful way of saying with "I love you." adaptor We telegraph worldwide Call for fr*« 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 d»mon»trotlon ft 1975 7 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February2jilf MUSICIANS USE BIRD Percussionists present unusual show ByEDZDROJEWSKI to the most avant-garde. long. hammers. "Five Dream Sequences for ence that the breaks between State News Reviewer Special honors go to percus¬ Lejaren Hilier's "Machine A Piano and Percussion Quartet," works were extremely long in thoroughly charming Bird calls, musical toy lawn- sionist Robert Rosen, who not Music for Piano, Percussion and Moiart work was arranged for by Walter Ross, dispensed with this sort of concert. For a whistles and the only soloed through some Tape" was much more interest¬ two the restrictions of tempo. It concert unusual this, mowers, , vibraphones. Despite its as as human voice were all used by extremely difficult material but ing. Rosen had to jump from long name, "Adagio and Rondo depended on various tone however, it was worth the wait. the Percussion Ensemble in its Monday evening concert. conducted, too. The evening opened with a work by Alan Hovhaness, "The one instrument to the next in backbreaking percussion part. Faculty pianist Ralph Votapek a in C Minor for Harmonica, Flute, Oboe, Viola and Cello," the Glass piece was short, colors of the instruments and waves of crescendo for effect. Ross showed that even the National The Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Mark Johnson, played a wide variety Burning House Overture." This is a conservative, repiti- tious work that features a flute performed his share of the piece brilliantly, plucking the strings inside the piano. Unfor¬ perhaps too much so. Mozart played on vibraphones has a human voice could be used as a percussion instrument. FIND WHAT YOU'VE Arts pleasantly different sound. ^Centre of music The concert ended with BEEN ranging from Mozart solo. Fortunately it was not tunately, the tape had a lot of Paul Steg's "Colloquy" for Carlos Surinach's "Ritmo LOOKING background noise, which could Jondo," a suite of dances for have been reduced, and detrac¬ straight percussion ensemble FOR! Coffehouse p ted from the entire perfor¬ mance. was somewhat tive than the Although it was more conserva¬ Cage or Hiller. pointillistic in trumpet, clarinet and percus sion. The dances had a distinct Latin flavor and hand-clapping added to the color of the CAll ITATI NEWS CLASSIFIED Orchestra "Amores," the classic piece sound and the rhythms were piece. Ringer and Mby the wildly avant-garde John complex, it followed a strict At one point in the concert, The Ten Pound Fiddle coffee- house will present an evening "unusual, ethereal melodies of Cage, was next. The most interesting part of this piece was the section for prepared tempo. Johnson mentioned to the audi¬ Canada striking beauty." piano. The sound of the piano with singer songwriters Jim This concert is sponsored by was altered by placing objects Ringer and Mary McCaslin at ~ • on the strings or on the 8:30 p.m. Thursday. This special concert will be held in the Gold Room on the second floor of the Union. The $2 admission in¬ cludes free refreshments. Ringer, born in Arkansas in 1936, has spent most of his life in California. He looks like a logger; a truck driver or an ex- convict and he has been all three. Yet his singing voice is surprisingly gentle and his original songs reveal sensitivity and warmth. Ringer's musical career MARIO BERNAROI. Conductor started when he joined the T he tile ol the Natiorwi Am Centre Orchest-a I Sweets Mill String Band in a position of international prominence has California. Since his debut as a amazingly rapid Said TIME Thayioundi.it, line European chamber orchestra. solo performer, he has appeared beautifully balanced flexible, stylistically amatingly ecu re. t at folk festivals and coffee¬ In I9TJ, the Orchestra nude a triumphs f,>(. *»ek tour ol Europe and the Soviet Unon houses around the country. Four distinguished soloists will'bs featured at His albums on the Fold- MSU ANTON KUERTI, Piano. WAITER Legacy and Philo labels offer PRYSTAWSKI, Violin, ROBERT CRAM Flute GERALD COREY. Bassoon many of his own compositions as well as a variety of other BACH Triple Conoarto m A minor MOZART Symphony No. 39 in EFlat country-flavored songs, and his MENDELSSOHN Piano Concerto records have been favorably No. I In G minor reviewed in such nvagazines as WEINlWftC Diverfmento lor Bassoon & "Sing Out!" and "Bluegrass Strings Unlimited." WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. at 115 PM McCaslin was a member of the California folk circuit for years, but her real fame started when she began composing. Her songwriting, as country influenced as Ringer's, is en¬ hanced by her unique guitar work. She employs several different guitar tunings to create what Rolling Stone called Fiddler, onfheppof Feb. 1 TuHvfsOftSjktUU ■iffMniwRju'tocc -sj.jj 9 ir,M. sivtahAw SATURDAY»SUN0A| Open 12:45 P.M. Feature 1:00-3:05- 5:10-7:25-9:35 Fellini the Devil. Fellini the Lover. Fellini the Fantastic. "Amarcord' may possibly be Federlco FeHlni's most "Federlco Fellini makss mo»i"| the way Picasso painti marvelous film...extravagantly pictures. Amarcord is funny. It la as full of tales Scheherazade, some as the history of film. It is a unforgettable dream mKWn* ■ romantic sprawling, hilarious, touching, some slapstick, soma elegiaca'i, abrim with things to smszs some evocation of life." bawdy, some as mysterious tha unexpected and gratify any mflviegow | sight of a as peacock still capable ol responding ■ flying "What a triumph! Felllni s new s sonnets." through a light snowfall. It's a 'Amarcord' is even more film of exhilarating beauty." beautiful than '8'V. It is a wonder st ruck, •"Amsrcordispur.pl*"" affectionate 'What a film! One of the rare f"m. f Instantly one of work. One wants to shake can let car... »o« _ the ten beat movies of the someone by both his hands year. Federlco Fellini is a sheer seneuousna.. °'J® ■ director that I admire above art. Fellini resloi.s mas" all others." g.« ncc,, ^ HOGtR CORMAN Presents I rami h«n>,fEDERICO FELLINI -,«,„„FRANC0 CRISTALDI Lin State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 26, 1975 9 iverdramatic acting ByEDDRUDZATS Theatrical acting State News Reviewer Part of the problem with have deserved plaudits but it 'The Maids" ^was that much of the as was deserved a bucket of cold f 95 minutes, Jean Genet's masquerade of acting was of a theatrical nature and not oriented towards water to cool the feverishness. fantasy. Genet points out how much of the behavior exhibited by the two sisters is filled with falsehood. ^ malevolence, "The Maids," explosively burst upon sensitive quality of the motion-picture camera. What would have the Jackson less feverish Everything about their the second of the American Film Theater's looked great on Far less feverish was Glenda Jackson's relationship to the world is built on illusion or role-playing to the stage appeared exaggerated on film. The basic portrayal of the second point where it intrudes and controls even their private lives. They L it burst» bil 100 ®*P,osivelyin fact< w Christopher premise behind the Landau half of the eternal couple, the criminal and the saint, as the two concept of American Film Theater is must alternately play the role of mistress and servant when their irritatingly intruded on the action via obtrusive one of exceptional theater brought to film. In the case of 'The women called themselves. Jackson, while noticeably strong in her mistress is gone to vent their agression and also L nd Susannah York, normally a restrained actress, Maids" that was characterization, at least built to a higher pitch than what she had indulge in their exactly what the audience got, pure unadul¬ fantasies of wealth. V a frenzied overblown performance. terated theater and little cinema. started with, a feat York was never able to accomplish, having Miles was not able to tone started out at an intense level and Ambiguous and bizarre down the performances of his only able to drive the shrill Genet's work is a powerful one, it is also a very ambiguous and actresses. As a result, much of what hit the screen in "The Maids" intensity of her performance to unbearable heights. Yet Jackson still fell prey to the demands of an bizarre one. Unfortunately, Christopher Miles' direction did not was excessive. Each of the three talented overly dramatized soliloquy, guest performers, Vivien illuminate much of the play, settling for conventional techniques or ipec Merchant, Glenda Jackson and Susannah York suffered from an over-all theatrical performance and a tendency to over-emote in allowing the audience to admire the craftsmanship of her acting rather than to empathize with the character. obtrusive shots that interfere and distance the viewer from the action, while Miles' intent is exactly the opposite. Furthermore, certain scenes. "The Maids" is Jean Genet's tale of two sisters, both maids in a "The Maids" suffered from the most atrocious sound track 1,r a with o But it was York who fared the nervous worst in her sister Claire. York delivered portrayal of the performance filled with a luxurious household, who plot to kill their mistress. But the plotting is actually part of the ceremony, a game in which the women release their frustrations Laurie Johnsen, which orchestrated the proceedings with the trappings of a cheapie horror film. More than Miles' inept by The featured violinist will be gasps that increased in volume and with their social roles and their frequency, rolled eyes and cloistered self-identities. But within the course of Genet's direction, the soundtrack destroyed a great deal of Genet's intent. Aladar Mozi of Czechoslovakia, darting glances, clutching gestures slicing the air and howls that work it As the second offering from the American Film Theater, "The pierced the dialog. It was a performance that, toned down, would becomes apparent that these women an artist in-residence at MSU may not have real Maids" was not up to the standards set self-identities at all, for they are constantly in need of by the first film of the winter term. enacting a Mander, artistic director of the National Symphony Orche stra of Johannesburg, South Africa, and chief conductor of ggfRSfS HERE'S the Radio Corp. of Paris Symphony and Hel Gelder Orkest of Arnhem in Holland, WHERE THE BSM1 began his conducting career after World War II with the ts are free to the Maggio Musicale Orchestra of Florence. Piorentino SAVINGS ARE! ROUND STEM REAL SAVetlUB! 1# TENDER- LEAN good and rich. And the price tSAVES*)* [ WITH ML EBERMARD SIRLOIN STEAK is right at IN STORE COUPONS SAVE 20UBI ROTH ROU7 BELL'S save 26< mlly ana |00**n WHEAT.. split top bread -v«f 2 smm PIZZA 225 MAC 332 - 5027 OPEN II AM EVERYDAY ■I buy j any shc turkey1"' ITIHOWU IW JlAQ „ . , FREE DELIVERY m' sizzle steaks'ljh - i buy * VAN KN mink , ,iiqq ' fBananas" save *1.00 mamflavorlqaf2 1 - < SAVE oncor frozen < up TO "Sleeper" ♦i.os buy z SAVt meat dinners fla red or white grapefruit ba6 6 or 0f£«|. < \ |tarts again 40* buy z save 20* florida pascal celery ea£t oq> mm Thursday- BUY 5 save >1.00 lachoy frozen-15ct. eggjiolls r/v leal Film buy l save country hu$h half lqf1 20* orange juice buy i SAVt 60* v/8hcea&mS;68< buy l savt 604 s»n.no^|m buy b KRAfT mac-l> cmhii save 48* dinners v**! buy l I save 3* pie filun& r 59* ~ * £\1 BUY i save 40* potato chips 59f JW J BOX OFFICE OWNS AT 6 30 SHOW STARTS DUSK boy 2- club crackers '" g94 sav« 4?< buy 2 savc M.to cocjtcola 8-11 BUY 4 save 20* ®0 towels&w buyz mirtv trath m tr $1tq >Ave 40* can liners1*? eeJ>er" P0 -» 3301 e | THURSDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY! SUNDAY-ONLYl] WICMtCRN STORE ONLY Ift-S/ofie Del/ And Baket-V specials ! ; ■ ^ SAVE 20< 1 ECtcRlCW ^ fyV ALL MEAT BOLOGNA £ W Company Presents SAVE «0 nf A/\ DANISM ROLLS tfvc 10*! b*Kr a DUTCH CRUST BREAD S 45* frefn »ak«> (save iOi) AA cwerry pies »r 99* p. 28, March I, 2 Wonders Kiva Wcl, 7, a McDonel Kiva i *15 p.m. $2.00 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Febru Elijah Muhammad dies; future of Black Muslims' sect not certain (continued from page 1) newspaper and farms that pro¬ These principles caught the whites, informing the descen ophy the Nation of Islfcm more than 70 cities. duce beef, eggs, poultry, milk, imagination of hundreds of dants of slaves the (rue nature espoused long before the rest of In his 41 years as its spiritual fruit and vegetables that are thousands of mostly young, of their former slavemasters America began talking about it Announcements tor It's What's RHA will be holding its elections leader, Elijah Muhammad delivered across the country in male, lower-class black Ameri¬ and the slavemasters' descen that black was beautiful. The Happening must be received in the for president and vice president at Nation of Islam taught blacks to State News office, 341 Student 6:30 tonight In Van Hoosen Hall. molded the Nation of Islam into Nation of Islam-owned truck can former Christians whb be¬ dants. love themselves, to appreciate Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least one of the country's largest and air transport. came followers of Muhammad. There were thugs, dope ad¬ two class day? before publication. Come play Compacts religious bodies — larger than Though Elijah Muhammad These principles also brought dicts, prostitutes and hoodlums themselves and to care for each - a No announcements will be most American denominations, did not create the Nation of down upon the nation of Islam in the Nation of Islam. But other. Where home, school and church had failed, Muhammad accepted by phone. simulation game on community organization and planning. Learn Phi « 6 Gamm» tonight Nui J1 sects and cults. Islam, he built it on a number of scorn from black and white their conversion from criminal The number of births to about how community in to believer was viewed in black had succeeded. un¬ organizing Conference At the same time, he devel¬ principles. Among them: Americans. But Elijah married teenage women in works, or doesn't. At 6:30 tonight Center. Islam is the true religion, Muhammad contended that to communities as a near miracle. "Muhammad never advo¬ oped the nation of Islam's Ingham County has almost tripled in 34 Union, all invited. knowledge of self is vital, doing call whites "blue-eyed devils" Blacks admired the discipline, cated anything more than self empire of schools, restaurants, in the past 10 years. Two com¬ Is destiny determined by cir stores, a bank, a publishing for self is necessary, the black was neither to hate them nor to the orderliness and the faithful¬ help," Winston said. munity workshops dealing with cumstances? Is the prospect of life company that prints the coun man is supreme and the white teach hate. ness the followers displayed. teenage pregnancy and child- decided by "fate?" Jesus did not man is a devil. Essentially, Elijah Muham bearing will be given at 1 p.m. try's largest circulating black He was, he said, assessing They appreciated the philos- mad's impact was a religious yield to fatalistic interpretations! today at Ingham Medical Hospital Share with us at 7:30 tonight at leader. "We can sustain reli¬ auditorium and at 7:30 p.m. March 131 Bogue St., The Way Station gious organizations longer than 5 at Sparrow Hospital auditorium. The first meeting is for area The National Student we can sustain secular organi¬ Coalition Pop Entertainment head subject of ASMS!) probe zations," Hamilton, a said Charles Columbia Univer¬ professionals and the second for tri-county parents, call Family Planning Center for further Against Racism will hold a plan ning meeting at 8 tonight in 30 Union to discuss future activities sity political scientist. "And he information. on the local and regional level (continued from page 1t ment director summer term, senior at MSU. The action was one of the was once one of the few who Tom Burke of the Students leading to the May 17 march John Grayky l Hal1 formal , I yet." 1973. "I haven't asked my parents reasons that some of the has been able to combine reli¬ International Meditation Society, against racism in Boston Ra« Relation L, " Leonard said this is the first He first became involved in for any money in over a year," ASMSU board members tried gion and race with a rather | will give an introductory lecture on Campus Crusade Against Christ Ali are invitedA time anyone has ever offered to Standback Productions and Stanley said. "It hasn't been to impeach Cain in November. continuing economic influence." Transcendental Meditation will meet at 9 p.m. at 7:30 Thursday in 35 for a personal long distance Elliotness Productions in fall easy living, though." tonight and Wednesday in Union. We will plan ASMSU Boa., pay every spring term phone call without being asked term 1973. The two Detroit- Cain said he did not think he 39 Union. activities and hear "The Concepi 'oday in 328 I to. based companies organized would take any severe action of God" by Dr. Nathaniel Branden Women. Do you know all you Stanley admits he has concerts in the Allen Park area against Stanley even if he finds U-M grad staff still on strike should about your body? Come to arranged concerts for outside throughout the summer and the anything in the investigation. self/help at 7:30 tonight at the rest of 1973. "I'll probably just tell him to Woman's Center, Union Student entcttmnmkvt sources, including Henry Ford Community College in Dear¬ About 1V» years ago, Stanley watch it for the last two weeks ANN ARBOR (UPI) - A ly remain deadlocked. Presi¬ Offices and find out what the Dr. dent Robben W. Fleming said GORDON born. Stanley arranged for started his current company. of his term," Cain said. strike by 1,200 University of won't tell you. Paul Stanley Talents. A The new ASMSU president, Michigan graduate teaching the university cannot meet the MSU Finance Club invites all George Carlin to speak on that business card for the company who will be elected during assistants and researchers en¬ two demands for economic interested persons to a discussion campus on Dec. 12 less than two months after he had spoken lists an East Lansing Post tered its third week Sunday reasons. with the Senior vice president and spring registration, will appoint at MSU. Office box as the address. new ASMSU cabinet directors. with no sign of a break in key Patrick McDonald was desig¬ personnel director from the Union obstacles to a contract settle nated fact finder by Bank and Trust at 7:30 p.m. "Someone from the college . Stanley said the only office Cain clashed with Stanley in as the Michigan Thursday in the Teak Room of came to me personally and for the company is in his head, November over the opening of ment. Employment Rela The two sides met for seven tions Commission, but strike Eppley Center. asked for my help as a person in although most people contact the Union doors for students him at the Pop Entertainment who were waiting in the rain to hours Saturday, then broke off leaders said his appointment The University Duplicate Bridge setting up a concert program Club meets at 7:15 every like ours," Stanley said. office. buy tickets to a Pop Entertain talks until Wednesday when was not acceptable because of both sides will confer in Detroit his previous stand against Wednesday night at the second Stanley said he charged the "People contact me here ment concert. floor Union. organization a flat, standard fee because they know that's Cain went to the University with a state fact finder. cross-district busing in Detroit. of 10 per cent. The school kept where I am," Stanley said. administration to have the The walkout began Feb. 11 The Block and Bridle Club and the concert's profits. Stanley is not sure how much doors opened despite an after several months of nego¬ Michigan Walking Horse Assn are Stanley has been involved in money he made from his ASMSU ruling that only tiations between the university sponsoring "Walking Horse three companies since he was first appointed Pop Entertain¬ private business activities last year. He is a self-supporting Stanley had the authority to have the doors opened. administration and the Grad¬ uate Employes Organization, which represents Alle-Ey Films" at 7:30 tonight in 109 Anthony Hall. All are welcome. 1,200 of the Federal Aviation Regulations is university's 2,200 teaching, (continued from page 1) the topic for tonight's free ground research and staff assistants. The officials themselves justify school offered by the Soaring Ford confident on oil tariff; At out, one time absenteeism during the walk¬ in classes any confusing answers by say ing that the interpretations of Club, at 7:30 in 203 Men's Intra¬ mural Bldg. All are welcome! Parents Without Partners are the ordinances and procedures conducted by the graduate holding a discussion on "Why used by them are difficult to assistants hit 80 per cent, but remarry?" and "What is the predicts cooperation of Dems strike leaders conceded Sunday that attendance is rising. understand from a layperson's point of view. Patriarche said that state fire marriagable personality?" at 7:30 tonight at the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Ottawa and 'They're under the academic officials are watching the case Chestnut streets in Lansing HOLLYWOOD. Fla. (AP) - the afternoon sunshine for his panied by his wife. A White gun," said Donna Gabaccia, a closely. He said if the ordi¬ The MSU Horticulture Club is President Ford voiced confi¬ airport arrival and motorcade to House spokesman said Mrs. graduate organization repre nances are nullified the courts proud to present Mr. Merlen Kraft dence Tuesday he will win his the oceanside resort hotel Ford planned to rest "and get sentative. 'They feel they can't may well jam up with cases speaking on "The Apple Growing fight with Congress over oil where he is staying. some sun." sacrifice their academic careers when bars all over the state get Industry." He will speak at 7 import tariffs. He also pre¬ Ford flew to Florida this for the strike and we can wind of the decision by Tschir- tonight in 204 Horticulture Bldg. dicted that Democrats will "join hands and work together" with But as his limousine reached the hotel, it passed a group of morning on the fourth trip he has taken around the countryto understand that." Soma minor is&ues have been hart if the ordinances are nullified. Women's toumement March rugby - possible 15. Practices MUM ICE/ him in solving America's energy elderly persons who hoisted signs complaining about rising try to sell Sis economic ted l I in »k_ the i_ nearly r. March t l»T5 menad#rs ^nd and34 folk ln danc Women's THRIFTY ACRES SUPER MARKETS ,01 Publ'c Nonsense J88c*. Idge end hun< the Snark at r^nd 8:30 tonight PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY MARCH I I97S -'patetic researchers. ^"tfor graduate a J ** of Graduate available after- ni Thunday B'aduate students and a,ed problems. ? series gardening" "The will 5125 W. SAGINAW - 2055 W. GRAND RIVER - 6200 S. PENNSYLVANIA 8J'°nigh« in 206 SHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY HAM TO 10 30 P M SUNDAY 9AM TO 7 P M 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February J Noose tightens on By CHARLESJOHNSON year. offering from the NIT. Sub¬ the standings with 9-6 marks, MSU stayed within reach in eight seconds remained on the State News Sports Writer The only possible way that sequently. an MSU third-place and the Spartans fate also the second half, but could not clock and MSU called time out. The noose continues to MSU can save enough face to conference finish could be good depends on what those two overtake the Wildcats until a The Spartans got a miracul¬ tighten around the tournament even be recognized by any of the enough for a Conference Com¬ teams do in their final games. free throw by center Lindsay ous break on the inbounds pass fortunes of MSU's basketball three March tournament com missioners' tourney appear Against Northwestern, MSU Hairston put the Spartans when McKinney fouled White. team as the Spartans now find mittees would be to win its ance. ran into trouble by ahead 53-52 with 8:05 remain¬ The Spartans' 5-9 junior guard turning over themselves just barely hanging remaining three games, added The "ifs" are numerous and the ball 21 times. Except for a missed the first free throw on a ing. on after Monday night's upset with a hope and a prayer. The maybe too much for the brief period at the start ahd in With the score tied at 66 66, one-and one, and the Wildcats 67-66 loss to Northwestern. latter might be the surest bet, Spartans. the closing minutes, the Wild MSU forfeited its chance to win grabbed down the rebound. MSU's hope for a chance at a since the Spartans have to face Only last week MSU was in a cats held the game in their the game when guard Benny MSU was led in scoring by postseason tourney bid suffered the No. 1 nationally ranked position to take second place in favor. White fouled Northwestern Terry Furlow with 21. Furlow, another severe jolt with the loss Indiana Hoosiers in Blooming- the conference by simply win¬ The Spartans trailed by seven guard Bill McKinney. McKinney the Big Ten's leading scorer to the last-place Wildcats. The ton in the season finale. ning its remaining games. Now, converted the first shot of a with a 21.4 average, was follow¬ points at one time in the first one- defeat dropped the Spartans Illinois and second-place both Michigan and Minnesota half and were down, 36-32, at and-one free throw situation, ed in the Spartan scoring Purdue are slated to make guest have moved ahead of MSU in the half. but missed the second. Only column by Hairston with 13. appearances at Jenison Field- house Saturday and Monday Big Ten respectively. Illinois is Indiana Purdue W 16 10 L 0 5 currently 4-11 in the league, while the Boilermakers stand at 10-5. Purdue beat the Spartans in Milk's' troubles pinned: Michigan 9 6 Minnesota 9 6 the Big Ten season opener, tag team' Pat's solution MSU 8 7 93-86, in Lafayette, Ind., but Ohio St. 8 8 MSU won over the Illni. 75^0, in Illinois 4 11 the two teams' first encounter. Iowa 4 11 In all practicality, the Wisconsin 4 11 Spartans do not have even an By PATFARNAN Aug. 24. And guess where? Oklahoma, home of the range and the Northwestern 4 11 outside shot at getting a bid for State News Sporta Writer wrestling capital of the country. Fitting, eh? the NCAA tournament, which Of the nearly 2,500 curious wrestling fans who had stopped by to Milkovich met his fiance while working in Florida last summer. decides the nation's collegiate see Pat Milkovich take on Kentucky's Jim Carr Friday, only 100 or Before returning to East Lansing, he vacationed in the West, record to 8-7 in the Big Ten and champion. But depending upon so now waited their turn to file out of the Men's Intramural honoring Blumenthal's invitation to visit her. 15-8 overall. It also ended a what happens during the final Building sports arena. "She showed me that I can be human. I've always been defensive dismal weekend road trip for two weeks of the season, MSU Milkovich stood three rows up on the bleachers, scanning the with people. Never could open up because I was afraid of getting Gus Ganakas' Spartans, as MSU could earn a look-see by the crowd for his brother. A fair-haired bobby soxer stood below hurt. But it's different with her. I don't have to hide ... ah, its a also fell to coce'.lar dweller National Invitational Tourna ogling Milkovich as though he were some kind of Greek god. gut-level kind of thing," Milkovich said. Wisconsin, 103-96, Saturday. ment (NIT) in New York. Finally she summoned the courage. Milkovich will be vying for his third NCAA title thi« year and Northwestern, in the spoiler Should Purdue hold on to "Hi Pat," she said sheepishly, then hid her blushirtg face in her possibly his fourth in 1976, but the slender junior doesn't expect role, increased its conference finish in second place in the Big parka any complications with his newfound responsibility. record to 4-11 and 6-17 on the Ten, it would probably get an "Hi cutie," he smiled. And quicker than Milkovich could take "Wrestling has taught me a great deal about responsibility. down an opponent, the toddler vanished, lickety split, into the Getthig to practice on time, taking care of my body, etc. I certainly crowd. don't expect any problems with her and wrestling. I've never been Everybody wanted to be friends with Milkovich that night. a barjump or anything, fm a homey person. Besides, she's a big Everybody wanted a look. Everybody but Carr. He'd seen enough girl and she'll carry her own load," he said. of Milkovich for one night. So now that our man Milkovich haa found at least a temporary The name Milkovich has become synonymous with outstanding panacea to his problems, hell move unimpeded toward his third wrestling at MSU. Pat, the latest entry in a long family line, and fourth Big Ten and NCAA titles, right? Wrong again. whipped the shorts off Kentucky's Carr, who has become the 'The chances of that are slim. That would be a phenomenal Bluegrass State's top billing since Adolph Rupp's retirement. accomplishment and I don't consider myself a phenomenal The score was 9-2 and when it was over the dejected Carr could wrestler. Fll be lucky to place in the NCAA this year and next," he Winning the final two races grabbed a victory in the 200 only banter with the partisan Spartan crowd. said. of the meet, Lambda Chi Alpha freestyle in 2:03.17. "Wait and see what happens come nationals," Carr told the fans. Erik Thorsurd recorded two Strange words coming from one of the few wrestlers ever to surged past Delta Tau Delta, For the time being, however. Milkovich is still the "outstanding have a shot at four NCAA titles 72-57, last week to capture the of Delta's firsts as he recap¬ (though it has never been young wrestler in the country," an honor conferred on Carr by accomplished), but perhaps true to form. Milkovich's feats do not men's intramural fraternity tured his 50 and 100 freestyle Sports Illustrated the day before the match. warrant what he calls "recognition." In fact, he often becomes swimming championship. titles from last year. Thorsurd Milkovich has been winning wrestling bouts since he was old self-conscious about wearing a varsity jacket. Lambda entered the last two bettered his times in both races enough to say "gotcha." Yup, with two Big Ten and two NCAA events with 48 as he finished the 50 in 23.21 "People see the jacket and label me 'jock,'" he said. "You have to points and a 126 pound titles already to his credit, you'd think "Mighty Milk" put up with that bilge but I think it's unwarranted. 'Jock' connotes four-point lead over Delta. and completed the 100 in 51.98. has just about got the world by a head scissors. Nope. arrogance and stupidity, and I don't think that's always the case. Sigma Chi was in third with 41, "Wrestling's been my life," he says. "I love it and Fll always be while Phi Delta Chi was close Kevin McCormack was involved with it one way or another. It's taught me a great deal. I'm an athlete and I'm proud of it and that doesn't make me stupid SN photo-John j behind them with 38 points. or arrogant. MSU's two-time NCAA 126-pound wrestl Delta's only other gold medal¬ Hell, I could ramble on all night about the things wrestling has "I don't mean to criticize anyone, really, But Lambda broke it wide ist, as he defeated Dave Barker done for me. But it's not everything." especially not the fans. champion, Pat Milkovich, exhales after wioiL They're the greatest. When I win a big match and do something open in the final two races, as it of Sigma Chi in 25.28 for the 50 It seems that someone has a hold on Milkovich for a change. that might be considered cocky, fm not trying to flaunt my stuff. a 9-2 decision over Kentucky's Jim Carr Frfl received an unexpected victory butterfly title. That's right, the consummate example of the scrappy wrestler has Carr is considered MilkovichV biggest in the 50-yard backstroke and been outscrapped. It's merely my way of saying 'thank you,' my way of sharing it with his quest for a third straight NCAA title. hurdkj the crowd." another gold metal in the Sigma Chi, who finished third - Tve always been introverted, even downright lonely," he says. ] 200-yard freestyle relay. with 47 points, picked up its "Wrestling has been a partial outlet for me. I can take out my Pete Owens, who placed fifth lone first in the diving competi¬ frustrations by wrestling re«lly hard. But there are other in the preliminaries, surprised everyone, improving his time by almost two seconds and tion, event points. as Reid Williams won the with a total of 132.10 frustrations that wrestling can't satisfy. I hate to get maudlin, but I'm talking about love and understanding." Enter Marsha Blumenthal. She and Milkovich will be married Boog and Robby winning the backstroke in 32.29 MIAMI (UPI) — Boog Powell, the American League's Most league championship series and three times was chowsB seconds. Valuable Player in 1970 and the second all-time leading home run starting first baseman in the All Star game. j The fraternity's freestyle hitter in Baltimore history, was traded to the Cleveland Indians team of Mark Butler, Scott Schmeichel, Chip Lydy and Dan Hunter set for training grind Tuesday in a four-player swap that brought catcher Dave Duncan the Orioles. to However, the big first baseman's power declined sharply! two years and in 1974 he played in the fewest games, 110,1 the lowest RBI total, 45, of his career. He hit 12 home ru; Jensen then iced the meet with Bon Hood, a promising lefthanded pitcher, also went to the FT. LAUDERDALE (UPI) — "I'm just here to me with them." was just one more than his all-time low in 1973. its victory in 1:36.99. Indians in the deal while the Orioles received minor league do what I'm told," Jim "Catfish" Hunter told There was quite a commotion early in the Lambda won the first two outfielder Alvin McGrew, who will report to their Rochester farm races as Mark Rex, Owens and manager Bill Virdon at Tuesday's official opening workout as relief ace Sparky Lyle came on to the club in the International League. Chip and Dave Lydy captured of the New York Yankees' spring training camp. field with his left arm and right leg in casts. It did The trade reunites Powell with former teammate Frank No hike infa the medley relay and Jensen Hunter, officially in a Yankee uniform for the not upset anyone, but did get the laugh the Robinson, now the manager of the Indians. The two sluggers were first time, had been asked by Virdon if he had any practical joker wanted. teammates for six seasons at Baltimore and averaged 56 homers per special ways to get into shape and how many Sta/ots I "I never gave it a second thought," Virdon said. Takedown Club innings he felt he would like to pitch during the "Anyone but Sparky might have shook me up. He year between them. "I like the deal," Robinson said. "Hood will be given a chance to at Tiger exhibition schedule. sure ripped up a good pair of pants with that gag." start and I think he could also be valuable in the bullpen. The trade honors wrestler "I would like to work about 30 innings," Hunter "First time I get to camp early and look what also gives us a set lineup. With Powell at first base and John Ellis It looks like there will be no increase in parking fees arouni said. "But I would rather train their way, not happens," Lyle said. 'They don't drive very good behind the plate, we have solidified two positions." Stadium during the 1975 baseball season. The last weekly luncheon of mine. I don't want to be an individual, but just one down here, do they?" Powell hit 303 home runs in his 13 years with the Orioles and the MSU Takedown Club will be of the guys doing it the way they do it. Rookie Rick Sawyer and Mel Stottlemyre Members of the Tiger Stadium Parking Lot Assn., which® ranks second to Brooks Robinson in six different club offensive held at noon today at the Pretzel "Sure, it was quite different since I don't know most of the parking space in the immediate vicinity of the if officially signed before the workout, and all categories. His best season was the Orioles' World Championship Bell restaurant in East Lansing. anyone here. I have pitched against most of them, have announced a "hold-the-line" policy. batterymen were on hand. Joining the battery- .year of 1970 when he hit 35 homers and drove in 114 runs to win Pat Milkovich will be honored but I don't really know them. Most all of them just men were regulars Elliot Maddox, Craig Nettles, league MVP honors. as Spartan of the Week. said hello and told me there were happy to have Lou Piniella and Bob Oliver. He has played in four different World Series, five American Parking fees at the privately owned lots are $1.501| depending upon the distance from the stadium. Spartan Neely a camera buff By STEVE STEIN State News Sports Writer The proverbial "photo finish" may mean more to MSU's Howard Neely than it does to other trackmen. Neely, a sophomore hurdler and quarter-miler from Lansing Everett High School, has a great interest in photography and is a free lance photographer for the State News. The slender, 6-foot-tall, 160 pounder took his camera on the track with him when the Spartan indoor track squad met the University of Michigan in a dual meet in Ann Arbor Feb. 15. But he doesn't think he'll do that again. "It did feel quite funny," Neely admitted. "It was an interesting experience." Last fall, Neely photographed all of the home and most of the away meets of MSU's cross country team. Neely explained that he-always had an interest in photography, but his hobby was getting too expensive. He felt shooting for the State News would help alleviate the situation and, more importantly to him, give the cross-country squad more publicity. Since he lists "sports, mainly track" as his principal photographic interests, there was no problem knowing how to shoot the meets. Neely has displayed his skills on the track so far this season, too. At the Western Michigan Relays in Kalamazoo Jan. 31, he was a member of three winning relay squads — the shuttle hurdle, sprint medley and mile contingents. 1 At the dual meet against the Wolverines, Neely led a trio of Spartans across the finish line in the 70 yard high hurdles as MSU put the slam on U-M. Neely's winning time was 8.7. Before the home fans at the MSU Relays Feb. 8, Neely was a member of the runnerup shuttle hurdle and sprint medley relay teams. And Neely led off MSU's victorious mile relay team againat Indiana here Saturday, which won the race in the NCAA qualifying Spartan trackman Howard Neely rests before his race during the recent time of 3:15.7. MSU Relays. Neely, who says he has a Neely's father, who is also named Howard, was his coach at great interest in photography, is a free-lance photographer for the State News. He shot most of Everett. The younger Neely said it didn't cause any problems. MSU's cross country meets last fall. An "My father always thought that I should work harder than example of his work is shown at the far anyone else anyway," he said. right. Neely'a father waa a hurdler at MSU in the middle 1960s. 14m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. Fehm, Hoases £ Fir Sale ]($►) ( List t Foaid j[C£ [ Ricrntiii ][g§ STATE NEWS DOUBLE MATTRESS and box TWO PEOPLE to help FIND SOMETHING THIRD ANNUAL share house, own rooms, very close to spring. Good condition, $40. If you've found a pet or article of PAN AM 332-6246. after 5pm. 3-2-28 campus. $80/month plus utilities. value, we want to help you return CHARTER FLIGHT 3M-619& 5-2-26 it. Just come into the State News SONY PS5620. Belt Drive, «emi- Classified Department and tell us TO LONDON NEWLY REDECORATED 2~bed automatic turntable with Stanton you want to place an ad in EAST Open to oil MSU stwdents, BUSINESS BIOGRAPHY room house. Unfurnished. $200/ 681 EE cartridge. Excellent condi¬ LANSING STATE BANK'S Found month includes utilities. tion. $110. Call Denny, 372-9600. faculty, iteff and their Call Column. As a public service EAST 482 5544 10-2-26 3-2-28 families. LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you! Departing Jaly 4 Rooms jl>) USED PENTAX Spotmatic II sys¬ tem. Kodak pocket instamatic 60 camera. Polaroid 110A collectors EAST LANSING STATE BANK Detroit to London Returning Augvit J1 TWO BLOCKS. Own room in item. Used Canon Pellix system. London to Detroit house, $120/month includes utili¬ ties. 214 Bailey. Couples welcome. Minox B spy camera. Range finders 16mm miniature and an¬ FOUND: WATCH between Wells and Case. Identify. Call 337-7930. Only $348.00 Round Trip GULLIVER 1891 353-7740. 3-2-27 n C-3-2-28 tique cameras. Movie cameras and OWN ROOM in duplex. In East projectors. Much more fine quality FOUND 2-19-75 Gold wire rims on For more Information contact the Office of Overseas Study STATE flirqucrtM merchandise! WE TRADE. Lansing. Parking, quiet. Real nice. WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, Ann Street. 332-5095. Ask for 351-4063. 3 2-28 509 East Michigan, Lansing. Amy. C-3-2-28 353-8921 DRUG 485-4391. C-3-2-28 EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to 234 GUNSON, own room, HUGE, FOUND: 18kt. Man's ring 2-24-75. 1105 E. CO. RIVER close to campus, $76/month, 332-1958. 5-3-4 POSTERS 3 for $5. and black light bulbs reduced price. 696. GULLI¬ Must identify. Call after 5pm. 337-7121. C-3-2-28 London, Amsterdam, from $259 TRAVEL BY 351-8800. C-1-2-26; HARRINGTON. SILVER LEAD EAST LANSING, MICH. to 0ur OWN ROOM in nice house on VER STATE DRUG, 1106 East PAINT COMPANY Pur|* was to Snyder. $65 plus utilities. Grand River 0-1-2-26 LOST: RED mittens in Wilson, morning 2-20-75, please - got j L— SirViCI ^ 'I—3 300 E. Oakland Ave. Gulliver State Drug fulfill need we 337 7218. 3-2-28 KENWOOD 5002, Bose 501's. cold hands. 882 8911 evenings. STUDENT MOVERS. Light to Frandor BrookfmM Wast Side Has Been Established thou, Thorens TD 150, Incredible, $450. 1-2-26 medium moving. Low rates. Center Plaza 602Etmwood existed SINGLE ROOM, male student, Local and long distance. 394-1871 [Across For Over 25 Years, linens furnished, near campus. 332 1682. 3-2-27 Panasonic AM-FM Digital, month old, Parabolic Mirror, Must sell immediately. 351-1364, mornings. LOST: REWARD, pair of brown and tan gloves in Anthony Hall, 9-3 7 EDITING, PROOFREADING, from Meier's) Founded By Robert Gulliver (Owner- 1972 area - replacement ^ t0 SU| 2-247 very valuable to me. Call 332-1204. QUIET AND clean place for 2-2-27 e^jerienced Dissertations, theses Pharmicist) In Nov. and accesories student, close to campus. Call book and article manuscripts. 337-2655. 5-3-3 GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of all kinds. Anne Caulev. 337-1591. 3-2-26 g o» point, and tha llr»t location «n Of 19*9., We Are A 1967 imported carl C( Buy, trade and sell. BEST LOST: 2-21-75, near Administra¬ tha 100 block o» fo»t Ottawa St. Full Service Pharm¬ MEN: TWO rooms available year round prices in Southern tion Building, woman's Gruen FOR THE BEST Service on stereo I anting In 1S4] tha uya^lun w supplemented Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP watch. Reward. Mary, 8-5, equipment, acy Offering Such our expert advic STEREO BELL'S spring term. Two blocks from see the 2412 South campus. Call 351 -3057. 5-3-3 0-11-28 Cedar. 371-2244. . 3-2-28 SHOPPE, 566 East Grand River Benefits As 3rd Party Our success in t! C-23-28 FOUND: FOUR month old Pay Prescriptions - OWN ROOM in house. Spring/ Cash for Patient Profiles WAS THE FIRSTONE area has led to and or summer. $75. 208 Bailey. Shepherd and Husky puppy, on PHOTOGRAPHY-ALL varieties, . — STAMPS I COINS ever 351 0353. 3-2-27_ Buy Sell 2-14-75. John, 332-3830. C-3-2-27 finest quality, reasonably priced BOYNTON Emergency Service. TO BRING THE increasing! - - 1 raoe PHOTOGRAPHY, Gulliver State Drug Is ventory and j QUIET, CONSERVATIVE girl. full line of supplies FOUND: GLASSES, grey frames, 482-5712. C-2-28 House MID MICHIGAN STAMP h COIN on Michigan Avenue A Home Owned Phar¬ GREEK PIZZA AND proved service near campus, furnished, - near campus utilities 332-5497 included. . 3-2-27 349-9143 or i880Ho,i.«nd 332-4300 351-0235 persistants. c-3-2-27 FOUND: GLASSES near Psy¬ lislrictioi ]@ GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and drum macy Walgreen Specializing In Agency THE HOT OVEN our much op( ciated customi SUBLET: YOUR MONEY GOES Farthest at lessons. Private instruction avail¬ Products. GRINDER TO CLOSE'campus fur¬ chology Research. Black, wire nished, kitchen, share refrigerator, DICKER AND DEAL. We have able. MARSHALL octogon shape. Call 351-7479. MUSIC, carpeted, sunny, 351-325&, Tom, stereos, albums, tapes, musical C-3-2-27 351 7830. C-1-2-26 In Stlvaf Load THE MIDWEST! tfibutor of Sharwin William 1 Point 332-5292. 3 2 26 equipment, cameras, leather Bob Hughat iotnad tha orgonnation in coats, furniture, T.V.'s, sporting LOST: SILVER bracelet. EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for 1934 Hit primary ro«pon»ibllity wo» 1955 1V tho Contracting Ooportmant Ho wot 1969 1972 MALE, 1020 Short Street, kitchen, goods, guns. Hand and power wide, six oblong stones, senti¬ our graduates. If you need a skill tools. Jewelry, head supplies and jomad in thit aWort by J 6 McKanita parking, spring term. $85, utilities call us. Individually pad, 332 2832. 5-2-28 much much more. Check out our mental value, reward, 355-0754. 2-2-26 taught with qualified instructor. 90 hour in 1948 Tho Frandor Cantor Branch Stora wot oponad in l»J4. Dava First ski equipment for an ir.expensive course with choice of class Olaory jolnad Si Ivor laod In l»5J hours, ROOMMATE WANTED. Spring VA Tho Main Stora location wot movod to National skiing hobby. Come mrl way to start a LOST: MAN'S Chrome calendar approved. Located on the 430 N Wathington In 1960 Arrange term, own room, Mobile Home on down to DICKER AND DEAL. watch. corner of Jolly and Aurelius Caravel le Near man it wara modo with J. W Knopp Manor, 332-0483, keep trying. 10-3-7 Check us out for the lowest prices. DICKER & DEAL SECONDHAND Journalism Building. 10 am Friday Roads. Call 393-8615. Spartan Bank 2-21. 353-2197. 3-2-27 Keypunch Academy, 5-2-28 STORE, 1701 South Cedar 487- ROOM FOR rent, 526 Evergreen, 3886 Bankcards welcome. C-2-28 FOUND: Wholatola Art Oaportmant wot opan East $80 including utilities. SMALL sum of money 351-1744. FebruarY 24th. 5-2-28 SEWING MACHINE Clearance Sale! Brand new portables $49.95. 355-8252 or 484-6431. C-3-2-27 Pete, COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Lansing 515 W. Grand GOOD ROOM for quiet day em¬ $5 per month. Large selection of resume service Printing, IBM Rivtr| typing, binding. East ployed person, parking, phone, Printing from Lansing $50. With light cooking, $70. reconditioned used machines. Singers, Whites, Necchis's, New Pcrsoial / your plain paper originals. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Below 372-7973. 8-3-7 Home and "many others '' $19.95 Jones Mr. Mike's Pizza andSaJ $39.95. Terms. THE ALOHA Stationery Shop, 9-5 to EDWARDS wich Shoppe opened I ROOM: FEMALE, $17/week, Monday Friday. Call COPY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 GRAPH SERVICES, 337 1666 nowly conttrvctad building at 300 I. first store at 515 W utilities included. Near union. North Washington. 489-6448 337-1232, 3-5 pm. 3-2-27 C-3-2-27 i20%Sale C-2-28 JUDITH CARMAN, Pickup end The Cave of the Candles Grand River, East J sing, in April of 1972.S GIRL FOR room needed immedi¬ original founders - ~ 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners delivery at Owen for 10 pages +. t opened on March 1Z 1969. ately $81 per month. Close to Tanks, cannisters, and uprights. 255 Ann 351-1911 Dan Rahfetdt. the owner, was MeCormick, John B. { campus. 351-1924. 5-3-3 Guaranteed one full year $7.88 Throug^3/14. 393-4672. 5-3-3 1914 and Sharon P. Halper FREE. A lesson in complexion traveling in Europe as a ~ and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING . . PURPLE V1CKI - Fast accurate musician when the idea came from various an For Sale SONY TA-1130 j(§ COMPANY 316 North Cedar, Opposite City Market. C-3-2-27 care. or Call 484-4519 East Michigan 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO. inexpensive typing. campus. 337-7260. C-2-28 Very near The First National Bank of East Lansing was formed in occurred to him to open a restaurant when he returned the business world (d than the food indinfl Integrated stereo to the States. The building the Therefore many tr C-3-2-27 IRENE ORR. Theses, term papers, 1955 by ten local businessmen amplifier. Original packaging, RANGE, ELECTRIC 4 burner, Cave of the Candles now general typing. Formerly with Ann research and testing «i excellent condition. $295. double over stainless work light and residents of East Lansing occupies was an abandoned 355 2955, evenings. 5-2-28 Brown. Call 482-7487. C-2-28 in order to offer additional involved in develoJ with deluxe fruitwood base drugstore. Mr Rahfetdt de¬ cabinet $70. 669-9143. 5-2-28 banking services to the com¬ cided this was the place to recipes for our product! WOMEN'S WINTER Skirts and FORMER COLLEGE Adminis¬ munity. Now in 1975, First open his new restaurant and TANDBERG 300cassette deck. 3 trative secretary desires typing slacks, Vi price through March 15, National Bank proudly com¬ he and his grandfather did all Our second store at term papers, theses, etc. 9-4:45, 6 days, GOODWILL motor. One year old. $275. My memorates 20 years of fine the carpentry and brickwork Waverly in the si RETAIL STORE, home near University. Reasonable 1110 Center 676-4736, after 5 pm. 3-2-26 service to this same commun¬ themselves The bar is solid section of Lansing "wL Street, Lansing. 4-2-28 rates.Phone^332-2616 3-2-27 ity. The bank is owned by copper, made in 1910, and in November of 1973.1 CANON FT -B 1.2 lens, case in¬ approximately 200 stockhold NIKKORMAT FTN with 50mm BOARD EXAM TUTORING THESES, RESUMES, typing and was given to the Cave of the third store at 213 W.lT cluded, never used, 356-0863 STANLEY H. KAPLAN ers, of which about 90% still Candles by a friend in and 35mm lenses for sale. printing. Reasonable prices. ison in downtown Laii Call weekdays only, x-5-2-28 TUTORING COURSES COMMERCIAL live or work in the East Owosso. 372-7524 evenings. 3-2-27 PRINTING. is due to open in Mil Now being forned for the 351-4116. C-2-28 Lansing area. The officers of The Cave of the Candles LENS PRECISION ground in our coming MCAT, DAT, up¬ First National Bank have 143 started out in one room — 1975. Our present f lab. OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 LSAT, GUITAR. YAMAHA FG180. Ex¬ ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For combined years of banking there are now three rooms agers of the firm art! cellent condition with case. $100. East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. B. Mion, Kathrvn Star information call 1-313-354-0065. experience. Total assets of plus the bar. They received 337 7218 3-2-28 C-5-2-28 the bank have grown to their liquor license 14 months Walter Davis, RogerGd HART JAVELIN skis, Henke FOUND-FOUR month old 0-1-2-26 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ TETANY PLACE GOOD fOOD AND DRINK $19,000,000. The main office is at 435 E. Grand River. Our after the restaurant opened - the first liquor license in James Kenny. James (I sertations (pica-elite) FAYANN and Brian Morrison. boots, Marker bindings, poles, ex¬ Shepherd and Husky puppy, on north office at 3221 Lake downtown Fast Lansing. The 489-0358. C-2-28 cellent condition. $130. 337-0342. 2-14-75. John, 332-3830. C-3-2-27 Lansing Rd. and Whitehills Cave of the Candles was the 3-228 TYPING TERM papers and theses. office at 241 E. Saginaw St. first seafood restaurant in Our menu features pj FOUND: GLASSES, grey frames, Experienced, fast service IBM DOWNTOWN First National Bank offers six Lansing. Mr. Rahfetdt is very submarines sandwiched SPEAKERS! JVC3's, new never on Michigan Avenue near campus. electric. Call 349 1904 20-2-28 days complete banking ser¬ proud of the excellent service soup bar & snacks. ■ used, full warranty, $340/now 351-0235 persistently. C-3-2-28 LANSING vice from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM of his employees. East Lansing store is 4 EXPERIENCED TYPING $200. 332-5039. Larry. 1-2-26 PANASONIC SE-850 compact papers, theses, etc. Rapid, term accur- Harry D. Hubbard, a promi¬ The Cave of the Candles for coffee & rolls at | SINCE nent attorney is Chairman of now features fresh fish flown AM Mon Fri. All on . JBL-100 Centuries new, never stereo-excellent condition - great ate service. 394-2512 C-2-28 the Board. Richard T. Coyne in and live lobsters. They offer cations are open for II opened, 5 year warranty. $500. for dorm or apartment. 351-9083 is President and Chief Execu¬ 332-5030, Mark, Larry. 1-2-26 3-2-27 ANN BROWN typing and multilith 1914 tive Officer. 20 years of ex¬ the largest wine list in Central and provide dine in-® offset printing. Complete service cellent banking serivce May Michigan and have quiet en¬ out and fast freedelivB for dissertations, theses, manu¬ tertainment every night. CALCULATOR WHOLESALER Animals scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 be that's why they call it Lunch is served 11:00-2:00 overstocked. Must sell all Regular "first' I GERMAN SHEPHERD and years experience. 349-0850 Monday Friday. They are $39.95 will sell for $24 each. Union MUCH HAPPINESS on your 5th Keeshound Puppies. Free. 8 C-2-28 PLENTY OF open for dinner 500-10:00 Discount Sales, 2843 East Grand Ozzie and Harriet. Love Ricky and Member FDIC and PM Monday-Thursday, 5:00- weeks old. Males/Females. FREE EVENING PARKING River, East Lansing, 1-5 p.m. This week 655-2245. 3-2-27 David. 1-2-26 EXPERIENCED. FAST, Term papers, general typist? Federal Reserve System 11:00 PM Friday and Satur only, 351-6152. 3-2-28 typing. Near day, 4:0010:00 PM on Sun¬ TEKIO: BEAUTIFUL, black, and all Gables. Call Marilyn, 337-2293. 1916 1909 SCOTCH TERRIER puppie ., black, mine! I love you. Happy 1st anni¬ 10-2-7 1955 day. 3 males, AKC registered, 7 weeks Gibsons1 old. 351-6994 5-2-27 versary. Lisa. 1-2-26 TYPING- ELECTRIC machine, fast EAST 1971 BASIC DOG obedience classes starting March 31 for ten weeks. LANSING j ■ ^ 1, $20. Sponsored by the Veterinary B00KSALE Medicine Student Auxilary, call Karen, 394-2309 or Arlene, ! Real Estate [ w*w TRIED UNSUCCESSFULLY for a jit; STATE m sin INN 353-6816 after 6 Dm. 10-3-7 EAST LANSING Gift Shop for Loads of paper FREE HEALTHY puppies, with sale. Excellent opportunity for refund after dropping a class? If so call Pete, 355 8252. 5-2 27 BANK THE STABLES prosperous, enjoyable, experience au t«i lira uiTurcsi and hardbacks Labrador markings. 7 weeks old. Owner leaving state. 351-1911, Call 676-2527. 3-2-2R FARMGIRL/STUDENT jcxai: ma ra jcta: mtam .arming po*< *• Text and 332 8553. ^2 28 desires FREE KITTEN, 3 months old, half work as "Mother's Helper" for j'oWOOO P» Reference room/board. Spring. 337-9540. jub»iJ* ,">m Siamese, 351-9431 after 6 pm. ! Recreation 22-27 FOOD & B00ZI tprlng tha it< 353 3906. 4-2-28 The Stables opened as vanity opp'oi a 1227 E. Grand Rlv»r itwi >ubiidy <4 SKIERS! NEED 2 females for UM/MSU Hockey tickets for this restaurant in May of 1971. We We buy books anytimo 128 W.Grand Rivar Mobile Homes ]fwj condominium/Aspen, break. $87 each, ride available spring Saturday night. Call 355-7398. 3228 The East Lansing State Bank was founded in 1916, were founded by Mr. George tyde and Mr. Louis Eyde. nity budgal P ,ol$3 2 000 H 1969 2 BEDROOM, refrigerator, 1 bl. W. of Union Sue, 332 2641 5-3-3 by a group of local busi¬ Of ms fey Rock and Roll bands were our stove, utility shed, drapes, swag WANTED: TWO Gordon Light- nessmen and MSU educa¬ primary entertainment. The V M thru Fri. f lamp. $3,700. 651-6325. 3-2-26 BOAT SHOW SALE foot tickets. Barry, 373-6806 days. tors to serve the East Cfc» mi Vtbw Holt n* Varsity It* "Mushroom cheesburger" \ 9:00-5:30 [ "AQUA CAT" Catamaran $1,095 Maryanne, 349-3440 evenings. Wcm a«ta of tfca first pins bourn was born and this has remain¬ PARKWOOD 10x52, near campus, "Sunfish" Lansing area banking ■ *«' l«wl«9 >rN TIM by A.M.F. $699. 1 2-26 needs. ed one of our most popular STEREOS 20-30% off. Lowest skirted, gas heat, air conditioning, Complete line of American MM* am raalacad by • tta. Day dishes. price in town. Full warrantees. carpeted. 351-0917. 5-3-3 Sailers Through the years the MMtal nrf « hh mtwwMt la through 18' sloop with RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS Dacaatkar at H/J. Tho 332 5030 Mark, Larry. 5-2-26 Cuddy Cabain. Complete line of East Lansing State Bank Vanity Inn 8x38 MOBILE Home, carpeted, looking for large furnished house, The new Stables image Buccaneer Sailing Yachts, close, reasonable, summer or fall. has expanded to serve the 53 USED Sewing Machines. furnished, 2 bedroom, excellent 21', 24', Ira fofc tntartainmant about in January of 27. Come in and see the Please call 332-0405. 5-3-3 City of East Lansing and nightly. came $12.50/up. Zig-zags and straight condition, near MSU, $1,500. largest Im'i ganarai manegar It and most complete sailboat hard¬ Gary A. 1973, when under the man¬ stitchers, portables and cabinet Phone 337-7733 or 663-8029. Michigan State University, agement of Fred Mulhauser, models. Singers, Whites, Ken- mores, F.Iras. Many makes and 3-2-2 ware area. andAccessory display in the All tremendous pre season boats offered at (Trmsporlilioi ifjfcj WANTED: TWO riders with four offices and the banking needs of the com¬ we switched to a national en¬ tertainment format of the jazz, models to thoose from. ELECTRO- UNFURNISHED 12x00, available savings. to Florida munities of Okemos and tawricai ttmari phia and a fall blues and folk variety, unlike March 1st. $3700 or $85/month Lay away programs welcome. during spring break. GRAND, 804 East Michigan. Hours GRAND POINT MARINA, Leaving Haalett. *"• •< ««*»lcH.i and I oaf I. Tlta anywhere else in Michigan. Creyts 3-13-75 and will return in time for Pacamokii' A"°' Mondayday 9-5. Saturday 9- plus lot rent, utilities. 371-1898. he effan en ampla lalactlon of We also IB 5-3-4 Road on the River, Dimondale start of term. Call Mark, (351-3398 began emphasizing noon. Barikcard and Master Phone 646-6733. 25-2-27 our food, along with our en r Charge honored. 11 3-7 or Barry 1361-1224). 4-2 28 aproiHmo'a'r ,U 1970 BROADMORE, 12x60,2 bed¬ tertainment, offering moder¬ AM/FM STEREO and turntable. room, furnished, shed, washer/ PARACHUTING lower rates until LESSONS~ at NEEDED: RIDERS TO FLORIDA. ately priced fuH service din¬ ners. All pecan console. Excellent dryer. 10x20 foot awning. Excellent spring. Group All the BEER you can drink on the condition. $4,500. Available April rates available. 351 0799 543. corditicii. m, 8K T* ?-2-28 way down and back. Round trip 1st. Call 484-1977 5-2-27 6731. 3-2-27 $55. Call quick, 337-0354 5 3 4 n Slate News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, February 26, 1975 15 THE SMALL SOCIETY Sponsored by: rODAY'S PROGRAMS by Brickman ■ Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved Dickinson - Newspaper Services 6 WJI^ TV, laming 7 10 WIIX TV Jockton WXYZ TV Detroit 8 WOTV. Grand 12 WJRT-TV Flint Rapid* >3 WZZM- 41 WUHQ-TV. Battl. CrMk 73 WKAR tV, Eo»t o\\iX (7-1241) Password All Stars / fbLlTI£lAK* ' (13) Truth Or Consequences MAP FiFTY- (9) Galloping Gourmet 2:00 5:45 AM (23) Perspective In Black (SO) Underdog (25) The F.B.I. (4-10) News QoLLtf-- |m Presents 12:20 PM 3:00 A-PLAte 600 (41) Other People, Other Places (2) Operation Second Chance (6) Almanac ,n Second Chinee 12:30 (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour 3:30 plNN&fSS- $ (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow 7:30 (2) News 6:05 (2) Truth Or Consequences (4) News 3:35 News (3) Wild World Of Animals (5-10) Blank Check (2) Message For Today 6:15 (4) Masquerade Party (7-12-13-41) Split Second (5) For Today (8) Mike Douglas Dragnet (6) Gus Ganakas Show [g Home Show (9) Oick Van Dyke (7) Name That Tune 6:20 (25) Dinah (8) Let's Make A Deal |n & Country Almanac (50) The Lucy Show 6:25 12:55 (9) Room 222 CAMPUS CLATTER ije (13) To Tell The Truth 6:30 (5-8-10) News (23) Book Beat 1:00 PM by Larry Lewis Semester (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show „se 1:00 (50) "Public Enemy" James |for Women Only (2) Love Of Life 8:00 Cagney, Jean Harlow. (1931) (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando And Story of (3) Accent Dawn two gangsters in the M. Presents 1930s. (4) What's My Line |c Bobby Show (4-5-8-10) Little House On The (5) Jackpot in Second Chanct Prairie (6) Martha Dixon 4:00 Ls& Firm Report (7-12-1341) That's My Mama (5) "One Hundred Rifles" Raquel (7-12-1341) All My Children (9) Excuse My French [in Show (9-50) Movies (23) Arabs 81 Israelis Welch, Burt Reynolds. (1969) us Programing (10) Somerset Three people help save the 6:45 (50) Dealer's Choice 1:25 Mexican-Indians from a military Ling ' Edition (2) News 8:30 6:55 (7-12-1341) Wednesday Movie Of 1:30 The Week lim Kerr Show (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns 6:30 7:00 (9) Stompin' Tom (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (12) "Love, American Style" fel News (23) Behind The Lines Marriage (50) Merv Griffin Show ||) Today Show (7-12-1341) Let's Make A Deal 8:30 JM America 2:00 (7-12-13-41) "Someone I ^ s Big Top (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light 9:00 Touched" Cloris Leachman, ed Racer (2-3-6-25) Cannon on Capers (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner James Olson. Venereal disease infects a young woman, a SHORT RIBS (7-12 13 41) The $10,000 (9) News Nine 7:30 Pyramid (23) Theatre In America expentant mother and her by frank Hill 2:30 Ltoon Carnival 9:30 (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night (9) Another Smith For Paradise 1i just Bought one \ bo's Big Top 8 00 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors 10:00 11:30 (2-3-6-25) "Trapped" James Iopihose new beds. ! water bed?^ lAN OIL BEDJ J (7-12-1341) The Big Showdown (2-3-6-25) The Manhunter BCaptain Kangaroo 3:00 Brolin, Susan Clark. (1973) Man ■ning Accent (4-5-8-10) Petrocelli is trapped in a (2) Young 81 Restless department store Lite ^j|l| irio Schools (7-12-13-41) Adams Of Eagle after hours. (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right Lake me Street (4-5-8-10) Another World (50) Dinah! (50) "Dispatch From Reuters" § America (7-12-1341) General Hospital Edward G.Robinson, Eddie 8:25 10:30 3:30 Albert. (1940) Story of the Report 8:30 (2-3-6-25) Match Game (9) Ceilidh founder of the world-famous Ml 3 Clubhouse 8:45 (7-12-1341) One (9) Gomer Pyle Life To Live (2 34 5-B-/-8-9- 10 1213-25) News 11:00 British news agency. 'On. Rvt rTT (23) Human Relations 81 (41) The Protectors POP Motivation Preview 11:20 WEDNESDAY DOONESBURY Sponsored by: (50) Banana Splits 4:00 (9) Nightbeat 11:30 BAR BQ SPECIAL by Gary Trudeau ^taii|mOf|t johnny winter (2-3) Tattletales (2 3-625) The Late Movie March 4 1975 (4) Somerset (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show V4 CHICKEN $2.35 Tickets now on Sal* . (5) Studio 5 (7 12 1341) Wide W*rld,Of RIBS $2.75 (6) The Attic Entertainment I THINK YOU CM CHICKEN & RIBSS3.35 PILGRIM, If VOUCAttSnCK (7) The Money Maze (23) News HMM. LETS see -tarns IT, BEN MTH IT, I'LL HELP YOU (8) Gilligan's Island (50) Movie INCLUDES: i Ttmrusmw Htsmoe AFTER. THAJUE'LL THROU6HTHE VALLEYS AND (9) Petticoat Junction 12:00 MIONIGHT FRENCH FRIES 1 YOU OUT HJTTH A API? DO YOU MOVE ONTO UTEP- MOUNTA/NS OF THIS EXPER- : SEE! NOW SALAD BAR msm/OFART THINK THAT ATURE THEN PSYCH, IENCE! YES, IF WU CAN VHO? (10) New Zoo Revue (9) Film Festival YOU SHOULD WISE? THEN PHILOSOPHY/ (12) My Friend Flicka (13) That Girl 1:00 AM PITCHER NITE J COURSE.. HACK IT, I'LL BE VIR&IL ID YOUR DANTE1 1 KNOW THAT' (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow reduced pitcher prices (23) Sesame Street (7-12-13) News in bar and restaurant. (25) Yogi & Friends (41) Afterhours Theatre (41) Flying Nun (50) Religious Message (50) Three Stooges 1:30 ■You See It 4:30 (2) Mike Oouglas Show (2) Late Movie (7) Religious Message Lizard's 1 Check (3) Merv Griffin Show (12) National Anthem ^ 224ABBOTT J II ■ Courtship Of Eddie's (4) George Pierrot Presents (6) That Girt Jrrs Jr (8) Partridge Family (9) Andy Griffith WEDNESDAY'S THE DROPOUTS (10) Flipper ■Valley Today fLaLanne (25) Munsters 81 Friends (50) Little Rascals HIGHLIGHTS by Post 9:55 Carol Ouvall EVENING Wednejday February 26,J975 (CBS) Cannon 10:00 5:00 PM "The Investigator" Police I) Joker's Wild (6-8) Ironside 8:00 PM corruption that erupts in a series 1 Celebrity Sweepstakes (9) Mickey Mouse Club (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn of of warehouse burglaries Pi Street (10) Truth Or Consequences Guest stars Dom DeLuise and prompts a mid-western mayor to seek Cannon's help in cleaning fpn Room (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Tammy Wynette. up *il Today the scandal that plagues his city. (25) I Love Lucy 10:30 (50) The Flintstones (NBC) Little House 6n The (NBC) Lucas Tanner |l Gambit 5:30 Prairie p)Wheel Of Fortune (4) Bowling For Oollars "Survival" Jack Ging and Robert 10:00 It Dennis (7) Hot Dog Tessier guest star. A "renegade" Wholey (9) Partridge Family Indian and Indian hunter and the (CBS) The Manhunter Ingalls find shelter against "To Kill A Tiger" Banett is hired (10) Beverly Hillbillies ' a raging B"®wy Maze (12-13) News blizzard in the same abandoned* to find the potential assassin of a ■Zoo Revue (23) Villa Alegre cabin. powerful governor and learns that his quarry is a professional hit ■'"Women Only (25) Hogan's Heroes PROFESSOR PHUMBLE 11:00 (41) Family Classic (ABC) That's My Mama whue Show (50) Gilligan's Island "The Image Maker" Clifton never has been seei by Bill Yates H*«w You See It 6:00 becomes one of the subjects of a (NBC) Petrocelli J High Rollers (2-34-5-678 news documentary on modern m black businessmen and is 10-12-13-2541) News Money Maze (9) Bewitched embarrassed when his old (ABC) Adams Of Eagle Lake Kd All Stirs fashioned relatives come into the "The Treasure Chest Murder" The (23) Feature city for visit during the filming. of a cache of gold coins r^iaS, You (50) Star Trek a jjiscovery , srupts the quiet of Eagle Lake J too Revue 6:30 with both townspeople and _ '1:30 (34-5-6-7-10-2541) News 8:30 (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The Pj*t0f Hollywood Life Week Squares rg)l Dream Of Jeannie 11:30 "Someone I Touched" Starring T'l The Brady Bunch (12) 6:30 Movie Cloris Leachman James Olson. (NBC) The Tonight Show flCoun (13) Beverly Hillbillies McLean Stevenson is guest host. Venereal disease infects a young |">|r. (23) Zoom and expentant mother Jl«nny 7:00 woman, (ABC) Wide World Mystery and her husband. 11:55 (24-7-8) News "The Crazy Kill" _ INaws (3) What's My Line? 8:57 (5) I Dream Of Jeannie (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes 1:00 AM (6) Bewitched Narrator: Forrest Tucker. (NBC) Tomorrow Restless Litejatt talk show hosted by (9) Beverly Hillbillies (10) Mod Squad Tom Snyder. Kits THfc LAST THING Z REMfcMtt* IS lOMtgODY *HOVTlNOy **I.OOK OUT SfcLOWi " 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday CR-NC system Bv PATNARDI told to get evaluations for State News Staff Writer several classes taken either While some students may CR-NC or P-N. consider the credit - no credit She went to the registrar's (CR-NC) grading option a bles¬ office, hoping they would sim¬ sing, those contemplating grad¬ ply send the earned grades to uate school may find it can be more hassle than it is worth. Students applying for gradu¬ U-M. Though she to see her was allowed grades earned in the cigarettes | ungraded classes, the office ate school with several un¬ graded courses in their back¬ ground may have problems said those grades could not be released request. even upon her LIMIT 2 (coupon Uplrat March 2 2pk/7 ' / 1 1 Loomis then had to hunt 1*7} getting written evaluations from professors, becoming el¬ down each instructor, including igible for financial aid and a graduate assistant whose 10% OFF ON W getting accepted into the more name she had forgotten, and KODAKfl competitive fields. ask for evaluations. One PROCESSING & , DEVELOpJ According to several Michi¬ instructor did not remember NO gan universities, students hop¬ her at all because the class had (<* ing to attend graduate school hundreds of students in it, but litres M last Lonilfi shold avoid CR-NC classes like took her word about the grade the plague if they are going into she earned and fudged an a competitive field like law or evaluation. medicine. The schools veyed included University of sur¬ "What a hassle," Loomis said. "Even now I'm afraid U-M puffs stayfre TISSUE Michigan (U-M), Wayne State, won't consider me as much as MAXIPADS ] Eastern Michigan (EMU), Western Michigan and Michi¬ other students with all numeri¬ cal grades." 2/79' 30's reg. 1.59 ) I | ti gan State universities. Surprisingly, U-M's associate dean of graduate study said If this student hopes to go to graduate school, SN photo/John Dickson LIMIT 1 credit - no credit basis. (caapan) "If the field is very competi- liplm Man* 1. 1*71 evaluations are given "as much she should think twice before taking classes on a Ion looting Storo l«plr«t March 1 in Onlr tive, there is ' a strong possi¬ or more" consideration as bility that we would choose to numerical grades." is not just admissions but difficult to receive these grants, CHILDREN'S DANCE CONCERT GILLETTE admit students with numerical Prefer grades grades over the pass-fail option," said Neal Hoover, asst. Other schools, however, said financial aid," he said. Minkel said graduate students apply¬ he said. A student can also spoil his MSU Repertory Dance Company scope techmai dean of EMU's graduate school. they definitely prefer specific ing for financial aid are judged chances for getting on the MOUTHWASH ADJUSTABlj grades. BAND BLADE for some grants largely on dean's list if he takes a course Judith Krupka, asst. dean for "When we have to seek scholarship, with only a small P N. The student must have at East Lansing High School Auditorium 12 08. zq plr.< Monti 1 l( vant classes on an ungraded tax l.nalnf Storo Only loit lootlitjStfl'tW basis — whether P-fJ or CR-NC — most universities will request the student to get written evaluations from the northern ENVELOP instructors in those classes if PAPER TOWELS they wish to be further con¬ sidered for admission. Hassle involved reg. 541 42 c ioo ct. reg. 79C a ] LIMIT 2 limit i Jean Loomis, senior, 252 River St., discovered the hassle Icaapaal