Trustee dissents over closed audit discussion By PETE DALY employment of Ernst & Ernst, so he fought treat State News Staff Writer for approval of the entire Saturday, I figured, why not discuss it report. then?" After Trustees Blanche Martin, D-East Lan¬ pigeonholing the issue in open Those recommendations include session, the MSU Board of Trustees will sugges¬ sing, and Jack Stack, R-Alma, were also is it. They have finally gone discuss its annual report on MSU appointed to the board Audit Committee in tions from the public auditor on ways MSU In East Lansing, busi- in a closed auditing can improve its business management, re¬ meeting Saturday, much to the January, with Huff as chairman. But Martin view of medical service funds and account¬ ire resorting to gorilla chagrin of Trustee Warren Huff, D-Ply joined the other trustees in voting six to ing in those areas and recommendations on raouth. one against Huff to table the extra recom¬ the defense and protection of the Huff wanted the board to mendations until Saturday. Stack was out computer Monday, a gorilla has been Audit Committee report at the approve his of town during the data bank. Friday meeting. Thursday Huff criticized the reluctance of ting up and down Grand monthly meeting Feb. 21, but it balked at open "My only objection to approval of the re¬ board members to ask technical questions venue, through Residence blanket approval of the port was a lack of time to discuss the clause report, which in¬ at the open meeting, and the tendency to d across campus, handing cluded several recommendations in addition concerned with the board's relations with to the traditional the auditor general of delay discussion until it can be done in a rs for a local store. naming of an accounting Michigan," Martin closed session. He stressed the amount of firm for the annual MSU audit. said Thursday. "Since we were ■ to tell you, but it is not a having a re¬ (continued on page 10) Huff, an avowed opponent of secret 'la. It is John Phillips, meetings, was irritated by the board's de¬ ior, dressed in a gorilla cision to approve only the hiring of Ernst & i a Dearborn costume Ernst, a Lansing auditing firm that has having ng the publicity work, a lot of fun scaring do»e MSU's annual audit for 28 years. The board will discuss the other recommenda¬ tions on Saturday at a closed retreat in Auditing never done especially the girls," Phil- Kellogg Center. "But I only go out about "In my own view, we should have dis¬ of trustees' expenses . cussed right then in the day. Dancing around act meeting whatever needed discussing," Huff said. "I had the in¬ a gorilla is reaJly tiring — I formation." ow how real gorillas do it." Apparently, it was more than a lack of in¬ SN photo/Bob Kaye formation that was bothering the other By ROSANNE LESS "The trustees' expenses have never been trustees. State News Staff Writer audited," Blanche Martin, board chairman, "The traditional function of the Audit The expense accounts of the MSU said Thursday. "We need to Board check on Committee is to recommend an of Trustees, questioned and criticized since ourselves. It's possible that we are auditing doing company for the University," said Trustee the January board meeting, have never something wrong, in the opinion of the state Patricia Carrigan, D-Farmington Hills. "But been audited, auditor general." according to the board this report included some other chairman. Both Trustees Warren Huff, recom¬ mendations. We felt the role of the commit D-Plymouth, While trustee expenditures have and Jack Stack, R-Alma, tee should be discussed been say that the by the board before audited as a single account, there has trustees should institute specific cost- we voted to approve the been report." no examination of specific expenditures. accounting of trustee expenses. Both were Carrigan broke the deadlock on approval After five years of appointed to the audit committee in of the report when she moved for apparent inaction, the approval Trustee Audit Committee, created to January along with Martin, who has been only of the hiring of Ernst and Ernst, de¬ on the committee since 1973. explore the possibility of having specific laying discussion of the other points until audits for all Huff, now chairman of the committee, Saturday. University expenses including said the committee has never had a trustee expenses, will meet in defined Huff feels that the recommendations in closed session tomorrow to consider role, and though it has met three times in the report should have been conditions of changing that practice. February following critical newspaper accounts of trustee expenditures, its purpose remains uncertain. .S. begins rice airlift Questions concerning the funds by the trustees first January board meeting, when members use came of public up at the the newest of the board, Raymond PENH, Cambodia (AP) - Three will provide about 18,000 tons of rice. Krolikowski, D-Birmingham, has enough ammunition at present level of flown in, there is still no and John jets flew a total of nine missions While most people in Phnom Penh have combat around the capital to last about a manpower," one American civilians and Cambodian soldiers Bruff, D-Fraser, declined the use of cars on the first day of a month-long diplomat said. "What can this side do? unloaded South Vietnamese rice. Pilots of that the enough to eat, international relief agencies month. University normally provides to airlift of rice for beleaguered Nothing." the cargo planes kept one of four trustees. report thousands of refugees, many of them In Washington, the Pentagon announced He engines "h's two million residents, said of the 250,000 troops the The Detroit Free Press reported later children, are starving because of inade¬ the number of daily ammunition idling during the half hour layover to avoid 'ght brought 50 tons of rice — flights Cambodian army is supposed to have, quate rice supplies since insurgents blocked from Thailand to Phnom Penh would be 70,000 or more are "ghost soldiers" who having to hook up to unreliable airport that the University apparently paid for Iwd 120,000 people a day — from the Mekong River shipping channel last generators in case of rocket attacks. walking and bus tours taken by Stack's wife increased from 27 to 30 beginning March 1, exist only on the payroll so that their the Cambodian month. Military and two children at a capital, whose enough to haul more than 500 tons a day of commanders can pocket their sources said insurgents con¬ meeting in New have been strangled by With the beginning of the food airlift, the pay. The tinued to tighten their grip on Neak Luong, Orleans of the Assn. of ammunition, medical supplies and other soldiers who do exist "are Governing Boards taking heavy ' led insurgents. amount of ammunition being flown into the the key government naval base 30 (AGB) in March 1974. critical items if they operate at full capacity. miles lift will cost $5.5 million, casualties," the diplomat said. from Phnom Penh used to paid from capital was decreased by about half. The total amount of ammunition would The number of rocket attacks supply mine An invoice from a Louisiana travel nds previously on the clearing operations appropriated, and Military sources say the Cambodian army still be about half the 1,000 tons airlifted capital fell off Thursday, but one attack on a on the Mekong River. agency was billed directly to Executive Sources reported increased shelling on Vice President Jack Breslin's office daily before the rice operation began, market near the airport killed seven the town killed 22 civilians and wounded for $18. because the three DC8s now used to airlift civilians and wounded 17, sources said. The invoice charges Breslin's office 30 others. Neak $18 rice were previously used to supplement No one was hit in attacks on the Luong has about 50,000 for four $3 bus tours and three $2 airport refugees and walking eblo Indians the 12 Cl30s on loan to Bird Air, the private firm contracted to fly the ammunition to itself where perspiring, sport-shirted town faces rice some reports have said the shortages. tours. (continued on page 10) Phnom Penh. In Saigon, a U.S. congressional fact¬ lichman's wo finding delegation met with South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu to discuss the Ford Administration request AN PUEBLO, N.M. (AP) - The New Mexico Indian Pueblos where John D. " for $300 million of additional military aid to "id he would be working, while appealing his Watergate coverup conviction, South Vietnam. Ehrlichman. The eight-member delegation plans to fly Pueblo Gov. Herman Agoya said Thursday that seven of the eight governors of to Phnom Penh Saturday to discuss a Northern Indian Pueblo Council met late Wednesday and voted ' unanimously to request for an extra $222 million in military Lman's request to work with them on land problems. aid to Cambodia, and return to Saigon to Ehrlichman had been advised in Seattle of the decision. The governor said he meet with representatives of the Viet Cong Ehrlichman's reaction but, "I imagine he was disappointed." I *m sorry that the on Sunday. governors have withdrawn their prior invitation due to . While Pentagon officials hope the uent inordinate press attention and publicity," Ehrlichman told Agoya in a additional U.S. aid would help support understand their present reluctance and will now the to contribute to the begin again looking for the government of President Lon Nol long " well-being of others." enough to achieve a negotiated settlement, was disclosed by Ehrlichman's attorney, Ira Lowe, in Seattle, diplomats here say no amount of American governors, with only San Qdefonso Gov. James Martinez absent, issued this aid can prevent the government's collapse. "At a council meeting.. .the governors jointly and unanimously denied John Congress itself is resistant to Administra 'request to work with the Eight Northern Pueblos. This decision 'J tion warnings that Cambodia will fall Position of the Eight Northern Indian Pueblo Council." "within weeks" without the aid. "Even with ammunition and fuel being WANTS MATTER DROPPED olizzi will sell stock East Lansing City Clerk Beverly Colizzi conflict, Colizzi said she had not given much has decided to sell the stock she owns in a thought about whether or not she would sell California-based computer company that the stock. , does business with the city. Colizzi said she and her husband decided Colizzi said Thursday that she and her to sell the stock, not because it is a conflict husband have decided to sell the $1,775 in of interest, but so no one will bring the Group Computer Election Systems (CES) stock in the future. asks matter up which charges. had raised conflict of interest On Feb. 4, Mark Grebner, an MSU senior, She said they probably will not get a chance to sell the stock until sometime after the March 10 East Lansing millage election vice The price of vice may be hiked again,and three vices MSU stu- when compared to the inflation rate charged that Colizzi was in violation of the when she won't be quite so busy. on some of life's necessities," a dents would have a hard time doing without are involved: cigarets, council press release says. city charter because she owned stock in Grebner, who was not available for W CES, which has done a substantial amount of business with the city. comment on Colizzi's decision, made another charge on Feb. 4 that is still being The^ state ^Council on Alcohol Problems, an ecumenical relig- U U.S. Dept. of Labor figures showing the price of beer has On Feb. 18, Colizzi was cleared of the investigated by the city manager. ious-affiliated group, has suggested that Michigan increase taxes *°ne UP 15 Per«'"t whisky has risen 3 per cent in the last on beer, whisky and conflict of interest charge when the city He charged that the city had violated its cigarets. That would be increases of a penny year' f8 <> * 274 <*nt increase in sugar, a 45 per cent attorney discovered that a state law took charter by neglecting to take bids on the per bottle of beer or shot of whisky and a nickel per pack of - f°?m toilet in lhe pnc* of corn flakes and a 44 Per «nt rise the cost of cigarets. paper. precedence over the city charter. election tabulation and voter registration The council claims this would raise over $100 million in state * All this, says the council, is good evidence to support According to the state law, Colizzi would maintenance contracts. He also charged revenues if past charging a have to own at least $25,000 in stock to be in that the Lansing computer service doing drinking and smoking practices continue as it little more for the three "luxuries of life." believes they would. The proposals has been submitted to Gov. Milliken and conflict. the work, Compu-Link, has been over members 'All three commodities have maintained relatively stable prices of the state legislature for their Immediately after being cleared of the charging the city. consideration. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan FrWay.Feb, iSHL. House clashes over tax cut NATION WASHINGTON (AP) - The House began debating a $21.3 billion tax cut bill Thursday after agreeing to a floor vote on of strength and then 242 to 162 in the key ballot to accept the Rules Committee's plan for debate and items to be considered. depletion amendment*. The caucus thus directed the Rules C whether to attach an amendment abolishing the oil depletion That showdown developed after the tax writing Ways and make eligible as tax cut bill amendmems WiUiam J. Green, D Pa.. to kill the th. allowance. Means Committee refused to attach a depletion allowance repeal Colby pledges no secrecy The opening clash came on the baaic question of whether to even depletion Il|PrOp0M^S^ take up the legislation under conditions recommended by the provision to the tax cut bill. The drive to abolish the depletion allowance then began in the virtually all natural gas effective at the Rep. Charles Wilson. D-Tex., to startle'"J CIA Director William E. Colby has given assurances that Rules Committee. caucus of all House Democrats which rejected the pleas of its modify J Basically, the Wilson modification agency officials will not be bound by secrecy in testimony Republicans protested that a Democratic leadership and voted 152 to 99 to demand that the 11 Democrats independent oil producers gain a depletion dwouldToM.^^l before a select Senate investigating committee, chairman dictating how Congress could act on Uxes. caucus ruling was running the Rules Committee quickly clear the tax cut bill for 3,000 barrels of production a ^ J Frank Church said Thursday. In the initial showdown, the House first voted 222 to 180 in day. or a relaJ action and to let the House vote on whether to attach petroleum gas, if these oilmen have no interest in "I have a test servie/.f'?0""1 ^ J no reason now not to believe that he will not be The Ways and Means Committee billion tax cut proposed for reS^fl forthcoming in giving the committee the information it needs.'' Church said following a 40 minute meeting with bates from 1974 and half in 1975 individuals be divt&uN Colby and committee vice chairman John Tower, R - Tex. Church said Colby has agreed to provide the committee New government statistics show $5.07 billion for businesses be made vestment tax credit as an incentive tax to cut, chiefly buy !t bvm m., ""^ -i with a waiver releasing all current and former CIA employes The individual tax relief in this cent to those with gross measure H£?' from any agreements they have signed pledging not to income up to $10 000 ^ reveal agency activities. further economic troubles ahead those making between $10,000 and $20,000 cent to those with income above $20,000 The committee-approved bill's 1974 anH th. neotl)«lU Rocky: age rules ambition for a general 10 per cent refund in a tax rebate f., lump sum to feSl* I By Associated Press The index, based on 12 Democrats in nations in the Organization of in May. with a top rebate Congress Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller sees no chance that The federal government economic factors, is designed to recommended an energy Petroleum Exporting Countries anyone of!|200 and a minimum of who paid under $100 in federal Uxes l*,tv. iitt?% issued new statistics Thursday show where the economy is he will ever again run for the presidency because his age that show package Thursday that includes said they also finished drafting ply get all of it back. * W(*lil poses the reality that I'm not a competitive factor with rising more economic heading. Of the nine factors for a 5 cents per gallon increase in principles for an energy For this year, the bill carried tax troubles ahead for the United which figures were available, cuts stars" on the Republican political front. gasoline taxes. The package dialog with major consumer giving mm pay through lower tax withholding At the same time, Rockefeller said Thursday, his 66 States. seven pointed to further also rejects proposals to nations, expected to be held in starting Mav l re(i years legislation's boosts in minimum and maximum serve to enhance his bond of trust with President Ford and The Commerce Dept. said deterioration. The only positive remove federal price controls Paris in late March. tions. Furthermore, low-income sUnda^ul hence the prospect that he can become, unlike other vice the government index of lead factors were higher stock on oil and natural gas already In another economic matter. persons would tax credit, up to a top credit of $200. ret p.a . i ing indicators fell to a record prices and lower consumer discovered and calls for a President Ford was expected to With President Ford promising to veto presidents, a powerful policy and planning force within the low for the second installment debt reduction of petroleum imports, legislation sum«j straight sign a measure authorizing higher oil tariffs. House Republican Leader John J. Administration. month the sixth consecutive The work week — average a graduated tax on new auto¬ $347 million for the Penn Rhod«J "If I in my was not sure whether there should be a tax cut were 40s, or 50s even, then I would think that month of decline. shrank; new claims for unem mobiles that get subnormal gas Central and other financially now until t different," said the former New York governor pute between Congress and the White House is was and ployment rose: spending and mileage combined with a rebate troubled rail lines until a U.S. finally r« three time loser in bids for the White House. But I'm planned spending on new that get better Rhodes said he might vote to not a • competitive factor." just Airline reveals manufacturing facilities on than new cars average mileage, and Railway Assn. plan to consoli date seven of those lines is ance if it is recommended as eliminate the oil deDletioo part of some tax reform buth. J ] dropped, and the number of creation of an independent vote against putting such Ford seeks Defense review building permits issued acted upon. a repeal provision aboard'this I reduced fares, new fell. energy conservation board to decide future policies. In some good news for con¬ emergency tax bill. Rhodes said there is no w sumers, the J.C. Penney Co. way to tell how big the bu At the same time, petroleum In Vienna, Austria, ministers will be until the fate of the oil tariff is President Ford asked the Defense Dept. announced a reduction in the determined. Thursday to frills' review its policies concerning the assignment of Jewish no plan imports jumped to the highest level in two years, pushing the of the world's major oil ing nations Thursday shelved export¬ retail cost of some of its men's Instead of the committee-approved $16.21 1974 rebates and 1975 tax cuts. billion mumi officers to Arab countries. clothing because of reductions Republicans pressed fold nation's trade balance into until their next meeting a plan in the wholesale costs of those billion substitute lumping it all in 1974 White House Press By Associated Press tax refunds on Secretary Ron Nessen said at a news National Airlines joined the deficit again. And the Labor to boost the dollar price for oil item, percentage scale up to a top rebate of $430 briefing that Ford wanted to know about any applicable parade Thursday of businesses Dept reported that produc¬ and authorized one country to federal lows and if there are "foreign policy questions that trying to boost sales by cutting tivity by individual workers make small price cuts. ■■■■— ——ai have to be looked into." declined last year for the first Senior delegates to a meeting prices. The move followed an A few minutes later, Nessen was handed a note and then of oil ministers from the 13 announcement by J. C. Penney. time s,DCe 4t least 1959- X)ooLeys told reporters that Secretary of Defense James the nation's second-largest re¬ Schlesinger already had begun an inquiry into such personnel policies. tailer, that it was reducing prices on some items of men's Committee OKs nomination clothing by up to 25 per cent. National said in Miami that its The Senate plan — which must be approved Banking Committee voted Thursday to by the Civil Aeronautics Board approve President Ford's nomination of Carlo A. Hills to be secretary of the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. In another appointment Thursday, Ford nominated (CAB)- would reduce fares by more gers than a third foa passen¬ willing to give up things 15CER Secretary of Commerce Frederick B. Dent to be special 7 HOT DOGS such as free food and drinks and representative for trade negotiations, clearing the way for the fifth Cabinet change of his presidency. accept certain conditions. National said its "no frills" plan would go into effect April \ Filibuster plan gains ground 14 on all jumbo jets. The airline IROM 2-5 will start selling reduced-fare Senate Democratic Thursday "some Leader progress Mike Mansfield reported has been made" towards tickets on Monday and promised full passenger refunds if the FRIDAYS CAB refused to approve the agreement on a compromise plan to make it easier for the I SI I I VI I program. IS II UN £ Senate to limit filibusters. Under the proposal, one-way Pile ht r Spt c i41 2 io 6 But Sen. James B. Allen, D against - Ala., leading the battle day coach fare from Miami to ill Mil ° • a more sweeping change, said he opposes New York would drop from $98 Mansfield's plan to permit 60 per cent of the Senate to be to $61, a decrease of 38 per cent; MM \\ MAI My J iq. able to halt debate. day coach from Miami one-way to Los Angeles would go from Ml i M Mil (sn • Inmates take over prison wing $183 to $112, down 39 per cent. A group of black inmates took over a wing of the National Airlines does not have flights from Detroit. WIHIZ 1 11 S I * Hit? Club W SHOWMEN 40 inmates involved in the takeover at the south state McDaniel said about five prison detained in the area by the inmates but said wing. employes were being NEJAC [delivery TVRENTALS~~J *••••••* they had not 337-1010 been taken hostage. Hobbit Travel sss Daytona Beach Florida fmdaVT MARCH 15(«arly) • 24 (lot*), 1975 includes: «R«und trip chartered air conditioned busses from E. Lansing to hotel SUPER 16 India, Soviets reinforce •Free beer A soda on the bus »-<) i n i % l ul l ties •Option to Disney world India and the Soviet Union reinforced their military ties 8 Days & 7 NIGHTS IN Thursday and issued a joint attack on the United States for lifting the arms embargo The move, at the end of a three on Pakistan. - day visit by soviet •Daytona's newest resort hotel THE WHITEHALL INN (call SATURDAY Defense Minister Andrei A. Grechko, underscored a Rose Thorn collect at 1-904-258 5435) •It's brand new, huge, beautiful only I f fl I AI I 11 M l: III 8 continuing U.S. - Soviet standoff in south Asia despite worming relations elsewhere. AAA APPROVED, ON THE OCEAN with $135°° I AM MAI If VI S:H •2 heated freshwater pools and A communique released as Grechko orrived back in access to tennis courts and golf courses Moscow said the Indians and the Soviet defense chief •Each room SUNDaVT expressed "their grave anxiety at the actions taken by fully carpeted, aircondltioned, certain quarters to step up the arms race." color TV, private bath, balcony overlooking ocean, every 2 rooms share a kitchenette (utensils included) SPAGHETTI PIZZA HURRY- SPACE LIMITED! _ SPECIAE RESERVATIONS ARE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. A $50.00 DEPOSIT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION TO HOLD YOUR RESERVATION. I I I I I IM II//A NAME PHONE ADDRESS 926 792 I will need roommates □ I would like to be roommate* with: 1 Phone or Mail to: HOBBIT TRAVEL i•••••* 2 c/o Mi»* Kaplan The $1 Jackpot gold ticket numbers: 3 4485 Janice Lee #E-102 084717 26567 945 Okemos. Mi. 48863 NAME 332-1115 Million dollar number: 926792 PHONJ SMSU takes no action By MARY ANN CHICK State News Staff Writer Most of the proposals that came up at the meeting were sent to any action. In other actions, ASMSU on Davis visit wfrhour meeting Wednesday night, further committees for "If we decide the board approved seven tion inside the building." study, including one does have the The amendment would allow a referen¬ ! decided not to do anything about asking the temporary election amendments, including board to support the Great authority to tell, the cabinet directors what two Posters forbidden dum to be held 15 class days after 10 Angela Davis to campus, ordered in bringing Davis to Issues director to do, I will forbidding campaigning or leafletting The amendments also forbid candidates per give Leslie (Shields) two weeks inside the Men's Intramural cent of the undergraduates or a majority of Lgu iabor relations cabinet to stop The proposal was sent campus. to committee notice," O'Connor said. spring registration. Building during from placing posters or other campaign the ASMSU board asks for one. , student worker and decided to after literature inside the Men's a motion to waive the standard Statistical aide "Inside, you should register, outside Intramural apologize to Ken Beachler, direc- sending it to committee procedure of Shields, 136 Homer St., you Building during registration. L Lecture-Concert series. failed. been working for the Lansing, has can campaign," said Steve Politowicz, Students will be asked Board members could also request to hold Pat Dranginins, one cabinet since Jan. 2 as election commissioner. to vote on a referendum at any registration, instead of of the students "Students do not trying to bring Davis to campus this a statistical aide. She was hired to allowing referendums to be held at times spring, create a student help need any more hassles other than registra¬ other than spring registration. only at spring registration as the present said several employment document file. Constitution allows. organizations have pledged Petitions due money in support of Justin Morrill Davis, including: Approximately $250 was originally allocated by the board for College, $100; Philosophy for this file. computer time jtjons are int due today for the Media Appropriation! Board Dept., $100; Office of Black Affairs, $400 and Great Issues, $300 to $700 to $800. The Karl Bush, College of Business WAIVER ANNOUNCED FOR '75-76 repre¬ Four seats are open to College of Social Science and James sentative, asked1 if the worker was really •graduates. Petition* are avail- Madison College have necessary since the University had sent the pledged money but Labor Relations cabinet two sets Sophs to live off-campus to 334 Student Services Bldg. All have not yet set of an amount. labels for each student mailing ■aduates are eligible except Apology to Beachler worker about two ASMSU also voted weeks ago. I who are officers of another unanimously to K. C. Pullman, ASMSU ent organization. SMAB allocates apologize to Ken Beachler and his staff for comptroller, . t0 alternative media at MSU. the difficulties the board approved the hiring of Shields because it him by might have caused created another student J candidates for ASMSU college withdrawing funds from the Ron job on campus. Ziegler speech. Shields was hired to compile ByPATNARDI Last year's uentatives seats and Academic a list of State News Staff Writer announcement about the to school than to get a full-time job. Gi Bt ■ large student seats are "While we don't think we were student workers for the waiver was made in same amount of The office of Student Affairs July. Eldon In order to qualify for the waiver, a stu¬ wrong, we announced Etoturn in campaign statements realize he is in a difficult situation," Tim money the cabinet would have paid for Thursday that they are continuing the Nonnamaker, vice president of student dent must have earned more than 40 credits L state News by noon Sunday, Cain, ASMSU president said. computer time. affairs, said more students would have sophomore waiver policy for the 1975-76 by next fall. bments by both groups of candi- ASMSU ordered the labor Handles computer work taken advantage of the waiver had the relations "She is now school year because of expected over- University officials have admitted in the L must be 100 words or less and cabinet to stop handling all incoming work announcement been made earlier. paying a student worker assignment in residence halls next fall. past that the rule requiring freshmen and and computer work we Lje name, major,'class level and because no money had been have," O'Connor Under this waiver, This will be the second consecutive sophomores to live in residence halls was L number. If statements are not allocated in the said. "We also have a vast sophomore students year budget by ASMSU for student wages. number of who are normally that the policy is waived. Last partially an effort to insure enough income (Union) authorization cards to be verified required to live in year over 450 Ld in by noon Sunday they will not Despite the board's directive. Cain said University housing will be permitted sophomores took advantage of the sopho¬ to meet the debt payments on the halls. he will and she helps out." to live [printed in the State News. probably not take the worker, Leslie off-campus. more waiver and moved off However, the overcrowding problem in the Pullman said, "as long as the same end campus. With¬ Lnts can get into the State News Shields, off the payroll because he does not was achieved with "We are announcing this much earlier in out the waiver, last year's number of over¬ last two years has made the rule impracti¬ Ljn 341 Student Serivces Bldg. on feel the board has the the same amount of the cal. right to tell the money, I thought it was a good idea." ballgame than usual, so students have crowded rooms would have been over 1,200 iy by enteringby the door of the cabinet directors what to do. time to make The possibility of making the Shields is being paid $2.52 arrangements for next fall," instead of the actual 800 triples. sophomore Cain and Doyle O'Connor, labor per hour for said Robert Underwood, wiaver permanent has often been discussed relations about 15 hours of work each manager of Resi¬ Increased enrollment at MSU has been cabinet director, said they will look into the week. She has dence Hall Programs (RHP). credited to the economy. Gary North, coor¬ by University officials but no decision will been paid $293.58 so far this be made this year, they say. ASMSU code of operations before term, $43.58 Many apartment complexes in the area taking over the dinator of RHP, has said in the original $250 allocation. allow leases to be past the Details of how to sign up for the waiver signed as early as March. economy makes it easier for students to go will be announced early spring term. Violence panel here next week Coretta Scott King, Detroit Mayor discussions. Congressman Andrew Young, Coleman Young and Detroit Police Chief D-Georgia, will preside over the conference. Phillip Tannian will be among many It will continue at 8:30 government and law enforcement officials a.m. Monday with Charles Hamilton, professor at Columbia who are participating in a conference on the Friday, February 28, 1975 "Nature and Causes of Violence in America" University, and Tannian giving reaction to the discussion paper. At 10:30 Sunday and Monday general at MSU. responses to the paper will be given. The conference, sponsored by the College At 1:15 p.m., Rep. Young will give a of Urban Development and the Martin summary of the remarks. Luther King Jr. Center for Social |hild abusers will be centered around a discussion Change, A public issues and answers session will find help, solace paper be held at 2:30 p.m. in the that was sent to all Kellogg Center participants. auditorium. The first half hour will be The paper begins with the following devoted to a discussion between a partici¬ guidelines: 1) crime and violence is escalat¬ pant panel and a press panel. Members of ing in the American society; 2) the urban the panel include poor are the major target of violent crime; King, Reginald Eaves, commissioner of public safety for Atlanta, Parents Anonymous members 3) crime has soared with inflation and unemployment, and 4) most urban crimes are committed by blacks against blacks. It also discusses various views of and Coleman Young. The are Ethel press participants Payne, Chicago Daily Defender; Austin Scott, Washington Post, and crime Douglas Underwood, Lansing State Sj »c6nd of a two-part series dealing abuse The following is an interview the present, in which she is separated and I_ hitting him, and usually resorted tA . " il1"' .V ■%. 4* "Meanwhile, my mother would be out in and crime control. The conference will open at 7 p.m. Journal. Following the panel discussion the session will be open to discussion with the awaiting a divorce. ]m members of Parents Anonymous, a screaming before she became physical. the yard suntanning, or off somewhere Sunday in Kellogg Center with three group audience. Sharon, the most talkative of the three, "Once when he was two he took a kitten >r child abusers. taking a stroll," she added. said she joined Parents Anonymous, a group and threw it into a container to see if it would It was in her senior year of for abusive parents, a high school year ago because she bounce," she said. By ALLAN LENGEL that she decided to pack her bags, after | State News Staff Writer seeing one of her brothers beaten with belt j not friendship that originally straps by both parents. Sharon then moved ft the three parents together. It was "Igot so angry / started kicking him all over the basement like in with her aunt. ■union problem of abusing their a soccer ball It mas like Dorothy, 32, is one of the parents who has somebody else was doing it and I mas also been visiting PA on a regular basis. I explained that their problems just standing there matching and couldn't do At present, she is unable to work because a member anything about it." of Parents Anonymous — m from their childhood, when they of a nervous breakdown she experienced, abused by alcoholic and receives financial assistance. m'-tpmnil*" it' ~ rnxin sss M 'I remember once I told my mother, who fcree, members of Parents Anony- had was wearing a skirt, that she looked like a difficulty dealing with her hyperactive, "I got so angry I started kicking him all VAi.sat around the living room of an pig." she said. "Next thing I looked up and 7-year-old son. over the basement like a soccer ball," she saw a pound of butter flying by me. I waited wising home telling their stories "He has such a short attention lee, cigarets and the music of span and a said. "It was like somebody else was doing it outside until my father came home." voice that shoots right through the K Roe that played softly from the ceiling," she said. "I told the teachers that he needed and I was just standing there watching and Dorothy recalled several occasions in ASMSU pays SWU booklet costs tk stereo. couldn't do anything about it." which her stepfather would take a to be in special ed, but they just stuck him in shotgun »,32,whois eight months pregnant, or knife and threaten her mother. The eight-page booklet explaining the Student Workers Union that all student a regular class until he flunked kindergarten While her son has been exposed to some Iber past, of the times her mother abnormal child rearing, Sharon herself was "She would always grab me and hold me in employes will receive by mail this week was paid for with over $510 of ASMSU twice." V) and mentally abused her and of front of her, so he wouldn't do student-tax money. The ASMSU Labor Relations cabinet sent She said she loved her son and disliked Just 88 unfortunate. anything," she 7,500 pamphlets, said. "But there were still times when authorization cards and postage - paid my envelopes to all student employes of MSU. If mother got beat." students return their signed card with the "My mother drank all the time and was a envelope, the total cost of the mailing violent lady," she said. "I took a lot of Dorothy said that she has been seeing a will increase, as the cabinet must pay 12 cents postage on each envelope mailed physical, as well as mental, abuse when I was psychiatrist for the past three years. back to them. "In the beginning when I would come into younger." his office he would ask me how I was doing. She explained that some of the mental I'd just knock everything off his desk," she Beef will be rare as U' slices frills abuse included having her mother accuse said. her of having sexual relations with her Though she has had problems handling As one of the obvious first moves in an admitted austerity program, the Student brother at the age of 9 and being forced to do her two children, Dorothy said she is Advisory Group, which has met over dinner with President Wharton and the vice all the household chores at 11. managing without her husband with the help presidents for years, will do so no longer. The group, which includes abut 20 of PA and the psychiatrist. She left her student government and "I would come home from school and there husband after he attempted suicide for the organizational representatives, has met monthly for would be a note en the kitchen table soup, salad, dinner and desert at Kellogg Center. Until this month, that 10th time. is, when the meeting was called for the President s Conference containing a menu and the words, 'cook it' at Roger, the youngest of the three at 29, Room — over coffee. the bottom." she said. The cutback, which Wharton began attending PA meetings, because he says is only one of several selective cuts which he will detail in a statement next week will save the wanted to better understand his wife's dinner. University about $100 per problems with their daughter. He soon realized he had similar problems. At present, he said the main problem is their youngest of five children, a 5-year-old Speaker has clean story at half-price daughter. A former editor of the Republican party publication, Monday, has offered to "She was an unwanted child and speak at MSU and claims that though he has never "been convicted of even so much anything she did would irritate my wife," he said. as a misdemeanor," he will be worth more and "She couldn't do anything right." charges less thou Ron Ziegler, John Dean or Dick Gregory. In a letter to Lecture He - Concert Series director Ken Beachler explained that after a while the (one of the half dozen he sent to universities after - daughter would do things that she knew reading about their speaker controversies). John Lofton Jr. explained that though he too worked for Richard were wrong and expect to get scolded or hit. Nixon's re election, he was Roger said that he was in the same - "totally uninvolved in Watergate," "had found Christ situation when he was a child and remem well before the June 72 break-in, committed no felonies, did not lose my moral bered angering his alcholic father. compass,' and was not in the slightest bit corrupted by anyone.' "I knew it was going to get him mad but Lofton, now a syndicated columnist and editor of Battleline. the American after a while it was fun seeing him storm off Conservatives Union newspaper, says he thinks $1,000 somewhere when he couldn't catch me." plus expenses is a reasonable fee. Roger recalled pulling pranks on his father along with his two sisters and brother by emptying his hidden liquor bottles and U' names in the media: filling them with Vernors. • "We used to hide up in the oak tree and GeorgeGraeber, 1218 Red Oak Lane, is on page 58 of the March issue of Better Homes and Gardens, with his watch him come home," he said. "He would recipe for Stuffed Mushrooms Parmigiana. Graeber, out shaking his fist, who taught in the ATL Dept. last fall, submitted come screaming for us to the recipe a year ago to the come down." magazine's Vle Cooks department, and won $50 for it. He is pictured, apron his wife Susan made specifically for the smiling, in an Roger said that with the help of PA he and picture. When he is not stuffing his wife have been able to come to grips with mushrooms, he is writing his dissertation on Jane Austen for a their problem and, as in the case of the two doctorate degree in English. mothers, Roger is no longer hitting his • And on a three page spread (24, 25 and children. - 26) in the March 3 edition of TIME. Dolores Wharton's name is buried amidst 39 other "Before I'd come home and I'd take my names, all of whom have pledged to spread the message of the bicentennial that there is much problems out on the kids," he said. ahead. A two page spread is titled "A Bicentennial — work still - 'The reason you beat or scream is because Declaration" and the asks readers to join the«Bicentennial, flip page you're mad at someone else." Spread the Word (by buying copies of the Roger paused for a second and said, declaration at 10 cents each) and Stay Informed (by reading a monthly publication, "You're never going to stop screaming but at subscription cost $15). Other names listed include Lady Bird Johnson, Robert S. least we've learned that belts are for McNamara, Margaret Mead Dr. Jonas Salk, John D. Rockefeller IV and Elliot wearing and our hands are for constructive¬ Richardson. Mrs. Wharton is vice chairperson of the Michigan Bicentennial ly manipulating things." Commission. TWC FBI n* MAkI Susan Agar PETE tditor-kwhiif Moureen Beninson Advertising Manager R.D Campbell Managing Editor Mike Anwtt CHy Editor 'Fairness Drane Silver Chris Danieison Melissa Peyton SteveStein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Notional Editor SportsEditor fuzzy' in . Friday, February 28,1975 tongue-lashy Dole Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials or* th» opinions of ft* Stot* Tom Oreo Copy Chief News Viewpoint^ coKxrmfqnd lotttrs Linda Sandel Nitfht Editor ore personol opinions.' Pot Nordi Staff Representative I'm perusing the paper when I come across this piece by C. Patric Larrowe, who's hacking through the underbrush of MSU payroll policy. Tie geod Dee says we can (reeae rSf yakking, some are ^Eli*- ^ EDITORIALS increases ter profs and bureaucrat. and save ua a hudle et aesey. Aad that's geod fer pay a taking notes. And a fcwnti, ^11 like me. But I donw ^ to Start Give speeders points But. says Lash, he is fortunate in , he rigfctly being an economist, cause he sees another alternative for distributing the green. That, The Michigan House has finally he says, is problem by not giving points to to compare the classroom to s shoe factory. passed the permanent 55 mile per speeders in the 55 to 70 mile per The more shoes you makes, the more hour speed limit legislation, but dough hour range." you makes, he deduces. •^demic department. *1 has left off the critical provision for But a logical consideration bf the Oh, oh! I says to myself. I cringe as I reads penalty points against violators. necessity for points involves an on. J figure if a prof teaches moNdJ being more In considering the House ver¬ "According to CPL (Classical Productivity productive But what is he cause 2j independent analysis of what Law), a prof who teaches a large claas is more personi^ sion of the legislation, the Senate way of increased Michigan needs, and not just a worth more (remember the 100 pairs of enrollment is upped from production should amend the bill to allow for 10J* perversely putting a plus where shoes?) and he gets a higher rating than a Carryin' this here Soft Shoe TU penalty points against offenders the federal government puts a prof who teaches a few students. further, the prof who holds before passing it. "The mossbacks who rank low on the CPL clasikl minus and a minus where the Stadium-packed so full th,tl' Under the House version of the scale, therefore, would have a large chunk federal government puts a plus. taken out of their salary increases. The more law, speeders records will remain 13,800,000, not counting The very least the Senate must productive faculty, who'll have a high CPL what-not per year I clean if they are ticketed for score, would keep most of theirs. For do, in lieu of adding penalty points sheer Could be this here driving between 55 and 70 miles fairness, you'll have to admit you can't beat taken to chawin' Lash LmJ to the bill, is to attach a rider tobacca. per hour. A speeder could receive CPL," says the old mossback smugly. that s his EitbwJ specifying that the tongue pokin* out his ck 10 such tickets without damaging money from his or her record one bit. speeders ticketed while driving between 55 and 70 miles per hour The penalty points provision be channeled into a fund to PIRGIM & CO must be added to insure better research and develop alternative Letter Policy In letter compliance with a law which would a to the editor from PI result in the saving of more gas energy sources. In this way, The Opinion Page welcomes executive director and MSU something constructive will have dent, faculty or staff standing - Monday, the implication and lives. Otherwise, the law is all letters. Readers should was clwrfl Women if any and phone number. Council of Graduate Students little more than a token measure to come tion. from this exercise in nonac¬ slighted follow a few rules to insure that not cooperated with PIRGIM a (CQG qualify for federal highway funds. Letters should be 25 lines or attempt to establish a voluntary td Hey, sports writers! MSlTs women's as many letters as possible Rep. Thaddeus Stopczynski, D-- But the only way to enact a truly less and may be edited for system for graduate students. N swimming and gymnastics teams each won appear in print. further from the truth. Detroit, says, "When Big Brother a Big Ten All letters should be typed on conciseness to fit more letters on COGShua meaningful law will be to insure championship this weekend! PIRGIM on several occasions la starts dictating to Michigan, it's that all speeders are penalized by When was the last time the men swimmers 65 the page. - space lines and triple - arranged meetings with the vwhI time we at least alleviate the captured the same title? Or how about the points on their records. basketball team? Quite awhile? You bet. spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters will be for student affairs to clarify the I and include local address, stu¬ PIRGIM must follow to estaiJ Then why is it that all these outstanding accepted. collection procedure for graduateiH achievements in intercollegiate athletics Wash out de deserve is one small article, without pictures, between them? (One article. I note, is no bigger than the biweekly As the major student graduate students, we believe it governinjaj pervue to review any requests ibJ basketball report of another MSU loss, this time to mately result in the solicitation of fd "lowly Wisconsin.") our constituency COGS hu J MSU has been without a dean of smoothed over by redefining Non- Sure, Pat Milkovich (also in Monday's supported nor rejected PIRGIM's >1 students ever since Eldon Nonna- namaker's and White's responsi¬ paper) is great, but so is a swim team which In point of fact, PIRGIM has not maker stepped up to his position as scores more than double the points of its made their request to COGS, buty i] bilities. closest competitor. So is a gymnastics team vice president for student affairs sought to bypass our established J which places first in every event. Where is three years ago. Both Gov. Milliken and Presi¬ a picture of the regarding referenda affecting a Big Ten record-setting students. By virtue of the fart During this time he has taken on dent Wharton have called for freestyle and medley relay teams? Or, how the major graduate student j that] many of the duties of the dean of serious budget tightening. Instead about a shot of one of our women gymnasts group, recognized and approved t students, and has relayed any he of earmarking money for an performing enroute to a victory? And don't university administration and'lKei could not fit into his schedule to try to tall me you would miss a record by expendable position, the dollars Lindsay Hairs ton (if so), especially at so trustees, our referenda procedure is{ Kay White, vice president for should be spent on something on any student organizations seel impressive an event as a Big Ten champion¬ solicit support from graduate studa student affairs. more beneficial to students, like a ship. No way! So far, there have not been any School of Metallurgy. How do people expect interest in Bypaasing COGS in this is detrimental effects due to the women's athletics to increase with such a dangerous precedent which could uhl nonchalant attitude in reporting women's vacant dean of students office, and affiliation of the management were re¬ destroy the effectiveness of the j events? Help charge people up to with the present budget crunch our women support athletes. Give them the credit quested (!) and it turned out the firm was Close primaries academic governance process. facing all departments, there is and publicity they deserve for such out¬ owned by Jews. The second involved a In your editorial of Feb. 25, you showed a contract with another firm which was apparently no reason to fill it. standing feats. Let's be proud of all our misunderstanding of the purposes of It is offices like this one, which athletes. completed, but the next day three Jewiah executives were fired. Already the crunch primary elections. Primaries are intended could be cut from the administra¬ One of Thursday's editorials was Patrice Hartaoe to has hit give the parties the opportunity to 807 S. Larch St nominate their candidates for office. If our tive bureaucracy with no loss, that entitled "End parking overkill." Most significant about these sad develop¬ parties are to have any meaning, their Trekkies bit by bit chew away the budget. As it turns out, the overkill was ments here is that there is no evidence that candidates must be chosen by people with By trimming the dean of students ended before it began. The editor¬ Future now any of the Jews involved in these transac¬ some minimal identification with each Not to deprecate Ed Zdrojewskfj position from the planned payroll, ial tions were ex-Israelis or card-carrying (Feb. 21) on the Trekkie conventid wrongly stated that East These are fast moving, distressful times. party. are a few facts I think should be MSU would - Zionists of any degree. They were only save $45,000 in the Lansing police issue parking tic¬ In the recent State News story about Arab Jews. The truth is that, despite frequent States requiring party registration do not sized. "Star Trek" ran from 19661 and cannot place any restriction on how a way of the dean's salary, the kets on campus. All campus investments, I was quoted (correctly) as Arab denials (including the local Organisa¬ 1969. Bill Shatner's appearances* dean's secretary's salary and office person votes in the general election. parking tickets are issued by the saying American Jews had no immediate tion of Arab Students' president who tells This makes the minimal identification for marked by general hysteria - the# supplies. Dept. of Public Safety. Fines for cause for worry but that the future might us that it is a mistake to assume that there "take it off were elicited when he f bring problems. Almost unbelievably, the participation in choosing the party's can¬ his suit coat. In response to the fl Nonnamaker says that if it were violation of the Student Motor is hostility between individual Jews and didates very marginal. At the same time, future is already here. Accounts have been Arabs), there are an awful lot of Arabs — "We love your bustline," IsMt necessary, budgetwise, the dean Vehicle Regulations are paid into party registration would reduce the published in recent days of two incidents on especially ones at the top — who don't like unbuttoned his shirt, an action ffl of student's position could be the Student Loan Fund; all other the West Coaat in which Arab business chances of nominees who are chosen with Jews. This is not a happy realization, but the, participation of people who identify with a portion of his speech * eliminated permanently. This fines are paid in district court in transactions were accompanied by blatant with sexism. people should not be fooled into thinking with the other party. should be done as soon as possible East Lansing or Mason. The State anti-semitism. One was the cancellation of a otherwise. contract between Saudi Arabia and a Registration in any one party does not Speaking from experience, most and any resulting News regrets the error. large Rabbi William D. Rudolph rough spots engineering firm when proofs of religious lock anyone in for the rest of his or her life. did not take in vast amounts of mow 319 Hillcrest Ave. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that fanzine people were there mainly t only registration deadlines may apply in old friendships, strike up new acqua^ determining how late a voter may change and compare fanzines. And at m PIRGIM REPORTS Caring party registration. prices were negotiable. George Wallace, with the help of many On Feb. 20, there appeared a letter on the Republicans received a majority in the If a guest list is to be quol Better drug sales prescribed Opinion Page about dating. The wrote it said that it would be a pleasant guy who 1972 presidential primary in This happened in spite of the fact that his Michigan. Barret Roddenberry, Lansing and the Hal Clement Andromeda Ugl surprise if some girl would call a guy up and views were not shared by the should have been included, witn ask him out. majority of By JOSEPH S. TUCHINSKY increased price competition would favor the Michigan Democrats. I do not want a Ware Theiss. though they were not obligated to do it This letter is about something a little PIRGIM Staff Member repetition of this kind of distortion. Such larger chain stores, have advocated legal even then. different. It concerns something called distortions can only be prevented Ed seemed to find the word 'i In PIRGIM's 2-year-old effort to reduce bans on price advertising. through the cost of prescription drugs, there are Backers of the law intended to allow caring. If a girl cares more about a guy she's party regiatration. applicable as applied to the cot Though it had been notified only two pharmacists the freedom to substitute dating than just aa a free evening out, or as a Pshaw! He also seemed to currently two bits of good news, and one bit months earlier by the Attorney Martin Fox General's whenever the physician had not forbidden warm body for her bed, she should let the Professor of statistics impression that the convention of bad news, which we hope to turn into office that it could not legally discipline the it They also intended to require substitu¬ guy know. So it would be nice if she were to and tended by groupies. Pshaw ap»- good. Osco drug chain for a newspaper ad listing probability 0 The good news is, first, that on Feb. 20 tion on request of the consumer, but this pick up her phone and call him up and just me quote Isaac Asimov: . • ■ prices, the board voted in Janaury to provision was removed in a parliamentary say hello. But let him know she cares for witnessed any group of P*>Ple the state board of pharmacy adopted a set initiate action against two other chains that him. She just may find that he's more of a of rules to implement last year's substitution and generic- had advertised prices, Meijer's and Muir's. maneuver during House of Representatives debate and never restored. warm and compassionate person than she Hypocrisy able, as orderly and as good nu When there was an «utogr»P» price-posting law which Shortly after the newspapers learned of its thought. One need look no further than the United meet most of the objections raised by Since the Kelley ruling would deny the there was a long line formed j action, it voted to rescind the action against Front Against Racism and savings of generic substitution to consum¬ Imperialism waited patiently for half an hour legislators, PIRGIM and other consumer the highly-regarded Meijer's chain, but let (UFARI) and Organization of Arab Students organizations. the Muir threat stand. ers who don't know about or understand the (OAS) spokesmen for primary examples of to get to me. These were the Following strong protesU at a public new law, discussions are now underway to these were the supposed Seeing the board's attitude. PIRGIM return the law to the legislature for subterfuge and hypocrisy. hearing, the board held several meetings made preparations to take the issue to Subterfuge in trying to draw attention jumping - up • and down U-J with consumer advocates and the corrective amendments. In addition to Not so at all. There were ent sponsors court, since clear precedents in other states away from the real issue, which is Mr. of the generic drug bill, Rep. Joseph supported the legality of drug price reversing the Kelley ruling so that pharm¬ Okemos insult Yamr Arafat's Rabat people of all ages who had take F Forbes, D4)ak Park, and Rep. H. Lynn acists can substitute generics without a program to forcefully "Star Trek" experience, who had l advertising. turn Israel into the 20th Arab state. Jondahl, D-Eaat Lansing. Compromises consumer request, supporters plan to try To: David Jones, in response to your letter Hypocrisy in distribution by the OAS and were participants in the mos P were adopted which removed Surprisingly, on Feb. 20 the board voted again to make substitution mandatory if the of Feb. 19. example of science fiction on he nearly all unanimously, evidently on advice of the UFARl, an "anti-racist" group, of screen, and a little of whose live cosumer requests it, unless forbidden restrictions of by I'm sorry for not writing sooner, but I did on use price signs within attorney general's office, to approve a decla¬ the physician. propaganda by the white supremacist drug stores, amended a services list and want to tell you it was not my intention to National Youth Alliance. permanently marked as ratory ruling which stated that the law PIRGIM had proposed two additional insult Okemos High. It was my intention to Trekkies are intelligent, " added information generic equivalents to on "shall not be interpreted by the board to Further, as a "Zionist" who sat quietly the signs. provisions. One would give consumers the insult Ohio State. holding his volved people with whom itjsap prohibit either the posting of prescription peace Feb. 21 through the closed right to prohibit substitution if they Why els ' The second bit of good news is that the I do want to say how I admire the tenacity be. in any numbers. ^ prices or the advertising thereof." desired. The second would add more uaeful "forum," during which no comments were board of pharmacy has responded favorably At the same time, the board canceled its and courage of the Okemos team. I was permitted. I resent the hypocritical equation have been involved in Stt information about services and generic to PIRGIM's petition for a declaration that complaint against the Muir chain. wondering who those beefy idiots were up by UFARI spokesman Terry Davis of a intelligent, interested and it is prices to the official price signs. the roof of the Computer Center the other ^ on legal for a pharmacist to put prices of The bad news is that on Feb. 5 official In stupid and childish prank, namely the bomb "Star Trek's" appeal is prescription drugs into newspaper ads, an Michigan, thi- numerous anti¬ day, running about in their snowshoes. But television or radio commercials and mail¬ opinion was issued by Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley interpreting the language of the competitive rules created by pharmaceuti¬ cal interests now I know they were the valiant Chieftains, scare (perpetrated by those who seek to gain by such publicity?) with "terrorism." This is CUM .how mm,.to "»»»"$ i,currently »bowni»»,,r ings or flyers. are rapidly crumbling. bused especially to campua in that Grey¬ generic substitution law in a way not the same word used to countries.) (,PIRGIM Reports is a column provided to hound with the Ohio plates. describe the Only a month earlier, at the board's contemplated by either its sponsors in the cold blooded campus newspapers by the Public Interest At least I think it waa the Chieftain slaughter of Israeli children by Moat Trekkies are literate P Janaury meeting, it heard contrary argu¬ legislature or the organizations that sup¬ Research Group in Michigan, containing re¬ Mr. Arafat's PLO, an football team. Are your school colors scarlet organization of which ments from a professional association ported it His opinion meant that, except in ports for PIRGIM's student constituency on the Mr. Davis and the OAS enjoy other speculative fiction. and approve. The use of representing primarily the pharmacists one rare circumstance, pharmaciata could effects of PIRGIM's work, information from the gray? this analogy is indicative of the groupies of the Space Age who value placed run independent drug stores. Many provide less expensive generic equivalents Capitol acquired by the PIRGIM professional by pro Arab extremists on Jewish life. independent' druggists, fearing that only on specific request of a consumer, staff end current Issues PIRGIM is researching Peter Walilko President] or working on.) 914 lilac Ave. Larry Weber 317 Yal 285 Delta St JAMES RESTON U.S. may guarantee Israel The one new thing in the Middle Eastern diplomatic tangle is that Secretary of State Kissinger is back home talking more publicly, if still vaguely, about an American "guarantee" of Israel's political dence within indepen- secure and internationally recognized boundaries. ^ It has been Vr* argued in this that 130 million Arabs would space for years never accept boundaries, for an independent, secure Israeli state of a variety of reasons. and elsewhere to cooperate for peace in the •p&l 3,000,000 unless it was clear, both to the Arab states and the Soviet On the Israeli side, the that an American argument was "guarantee," even in Middle East, even to limit the flow of arms into such inflammable areas, but Union, that the treaty form, might limit Israel's freedom of they do United States, for its own and not not really cooperate for peace, but keep Israeli action. Washington would reasons, regarded the security of Israel as a to be consulted on what obviously want smiling and pretending, and shipping the vital American interest and action should be latest weapons to both sides. would not taken in a military crisis if it was tolerate its destruction. expected Even Kissinger's strenuous efforts to find to defend Israel. This Until recently, however, neither the could lead to a way out of all these problems have differences of opinion and dangerous United States nor the Israeli government delays become a major source of controversy. His about when or whether to strike, has shown much interest in an and, in the style, tactics and prominence are now American end, prevent Israel from guarantee of Israel's independence and defending herself discussed more in Washington than his without assuring American TOM SLATER Also an American commitment to military action. defend policies and objectives. Personality and procedure are now the main topics of Israel from military attack would lead to a Soviet commitment to probably conversation in Washington and here in defend New York at the United Nations. Syria, Egypt and the other Arab Questions states Now that he's back, he is from an Israeli attack, and turn trying to bring every the question down from procedure to rust Arab-Israeli military crisis into a military confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. potential substance. He has traveled 16,000 miles to 11 countries in 10 days, listening to the arguments in Israel and the Arab states, On the American side, in addition to reporting to the European allies, and finally mr Miami FBI operative Joseph A. Congress and the people could have more these obvious risks, there was the further Arosemena of Ecuador in the to the President and the leaders of ■ has charged that a program of influence in the intelligence early '60s and operations. the recent Nixon have H. R. Haldeman tell former CIA objection that such a guarantee to Israel Congress. counterintelligence against leftist ousting of President Salvador director Richard Helms not to would limit America's freedom of Allende of Chile. Agee also feels the investigate action, Within a month, he will have to The current Senate go back to ■groups, supposedly stopped in 1971, committee investiga¬ should know of the CIA "horrors" public the Watergate break-in because "it enrage the Arab states, separate the Middle East with the ■tally still operating until 1974. ting the CIA cannot exactly be termed a practiced might proposals of the in Chile, Brazil, open up the whole Bay-of-Pigs thing again?" Washington from its European allies and U.S. government for a compromise settle¬ Ey, the FBI claims all of Burton's H bunch of dirty muckrakers. moderate Democrat Frank Church of Headed by Iran, Greece and Portugal. Congress itself would benefit from a What does Nixon know about that that has Japan, who tend to be more interested in ment. Meanwhile, he is being told by the are either distorted or false. Idaho, been kept under Arab oil than Israeli thorough investigation of these allegations. wraps? security, and threaten Russians, and oddly, by the Israelis, that he Lid he can refute any FBI denials, the committee Republican leadership comes To operate To get even more the larger objectives of detente between should go to a Middle Eastern conference at effectively in both foreign and seemingly absurd, but Jith if necessary, and so a familiar from defense-minded John with old hawk Tower of Texas, domestic areas, Congress should know not out of Nixon's range of possibility, why Washington and Moscow. Geneva, even before he has an agreement ■of events have followed. Barry Goldwater of Arizona the was Howard Hunt These are clearly serious about what should be settled there. also aboard. Church has complete workings of CIA activities. ordered by Charles arguments L expressed surprise Colson to get against a formal U.S. guarantee of Israel's the Watergate and CIA cases, that some something from gunman Kissinger is now saying that this is not people think his committee is out The Watergate Arthur Bremer's independence and frontiers, but most of the ks has appointed a select committee to wreck these intelligence investigation left large apartment immediately risks exist anyway, and this is the dilemma. sensible but probably inevitable. A few agencies. areas of important after the attempted assassination > the FBI with a possible allegations unanswered. of George weeks ago he was saying that "if we go to Anyone else should be surprised, too. It would be Wallace, It is hard to imagine the Arab states Itofollow. Whether or not Burton's It is doubtful that the interesting to know just what a leading Democratic presidential Geneva without an agreement beforehand, committee will even control Richard Nixon had over former CIA candidate at the time? And what is the reconciling themselves to the permanent you will know that jig true, this investigation should be press for answers to questions raised director Richard Helms and how a existence of no agreement is ed until the American public knows by CIA president connection between the Dallas police picking a secure Israel, or Israel possible." director William E. h His allegations have added to the Colby. might be able to use the agency. Jeb up a man who looked like Hunt a few blocks persuading itself to withdraw to its But still he is searching for some insecure 1967 borders, unless both the way out Colby has admitted that the CIA kept flies Magruder made the claim that if Watergate from the Kennedy of his troubles, and, in the Isturbing questions about America's on four hadn't been uncovered the Nixon being assassination and Nixon in Dallas the three previous days? Arabs and the Israelis know these borders process, he has Ltivities raised over the past decade. Congressmen, some of whom were Adminis¬ will be defended by the United States. ordered a study of an .American guarantee "anti-war." But how can the public be sure tration could have become a Only because of Israel's independence and perpetual so mainly basic questions security, in Jiuny haunting questions from the that only four were under surveillance? presidency, electing whoever they wanted are unanswered are these last speculations As things now stand everything is return for an Israeli withdrawal to its 1967 lite hearings and the current CIA How can even Colby be sure? And what to every four years. He claimed this possible even conceivable. But as long as Congress imprecise because no nation has any borders. [main unanswered. The because Nixon had control of the "levers of allows wide areas of the CIA, FBI and assurance of anything. The Israelis have no continuing about Charles Colson's charges that the CIA In short, he is trying to find some way to Ji( unresolved allegations produces participated in the break-in of Daniel power." Watergate activities to go unaccounted for, guarantees and no freedom of action. They break the diplomatic conflict between Israel (about the morality of the secret Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office? charges will continue to grow wilder. are utterly dependent on money and arms and the Arabs, and to bring Washington It also leaves open the Former CIA agent Phillip Congress should find out if the FBI and Digging out the facts would provide a boost from the United States. The Arabs are in and Moscow to a point Agee in his CIA were among those levers. the same position with the Soviet of decision in the Jtvthat otherwise inconceivable acts book, "Inside the Company — A CIA Diary," should not forget the rumors in 1970 that People for American's confidence in the govern¬ Union. Middle East. And the idea of an American urred. outlines areas of foreign involvement that ment's activities. They can make war, but not for long "guarantee" of Israel's security seems now rs could be Nixon was trying to call off the '72 election. The without supplies from Moscow. a key to providing have received little questioning from answers might also inform the to be the most relevant, if difficult, Nixon himself is such a shady character, jk with the knowledge of the actual Congress. He begins with the overthrows of American people of the workings of power, The United States and the Soviet Union compromise. Is of their government. As several otherwise inconceivable a result, reformist Presidents Velasco questions and restore to them some moral control over are equally suspicious of one another. They and should be answered. For have signed noble proclamations in Moscow example, why did their government. (C)1975 New York Times A |e Nicest Things MSII HOCKEY ppen On This UMPERCRAPS vs MICHIGAN limine Lambswool Skin. Petitions to sit on next years Student media Live Coverage Appropriations Board must be returned to Friday and Saturday at 7:25 pm 334 Student Services Building - MSN 640 AM Michigan State Network Today February 28. WBRS WMCD WMSN WEAK WKME THE PAST LIVES ON... Minnie Riperton plays her voice like an instalment. She makes it soar and ttail through an incredible five-octave range, and she makes beautiful music all along the way. "Perfect Angefdisplays Minnie's sensitive writing talents as well as the amazing voice that people began to notice when she was lead singer with Rotary Connection. Her new album also has two songs w written just for Minnie imagination soar . . . think of all the exciting. li can use this 1 ()<)'» lambswool skin. tjxuriousK thick (2"-3") cuddl\ fur is so soft farm to the skin. Just imagine stepping on it. ' °n ■tfnuinc it or laying on it, on a cold, chilly morning n'(fht. I i,like imitation fur. the lambswool, that measures 8 to 9 square deep pile on ilMinnie's An Angel maintain its sensuous softness for years to what great gift giving this lambswool ■ *all Hang it on the wall and it becomes a fan- decor ... I se it as a throw over a chair or ■ accent on a bed . . . And if you have a loved one Minnie Riperton |* confined to a wheelchair, the lambswool make?. Perfect Angel " iiiinlortable and including; relaxing. Reeeons The Edge Of A Dream/Our Lives Take A Uttle Tnp Every Time He Comes J ffnuine Around lambswool skins can be ordered in ■'°f 3 colors: creamy beige, snow white or I because they VJ | are distinctive, you'll have to receive them. Hut believe us. they to ™ waiting for. by one of her biggest fans, Stevie Wonder. know how long we will be able to offer this Chicago today said, "'Perfect Angel' is skin at the low price of $29.50. So if you very nearly the perfect album from one of '* now. we will the most perfect singers alive;' prepay all the mailing and Minnie Riperton's "Perfect Angel!' costs. If you are not completely satisfied, Featuring her new single, "Reasons!' r Prfpaid within 5 davs of They're heaven-sent receipt and we will jy°Ur money. On Epic Records and Tapes and find out what nice things can happen lnt' lambswool skin. UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS AMERICAS laboratory. . . . where all of Mexico is your research whether your interest lies in anthropology, art, education, 401 I (rand River Ave. s3" ip f"*• ' ,{ VI)IN(; CO. P.O. Box 6006 inter-American business, Spanish, or any of the 15 other majors offered, ARIZONA 85733 you wiU find the UA an exciting place to learn. Located in central Me¬ xico, it is fully accredited in the U.S. Classes are offered in both M-F 10-9 English and Spanish. Summer sessions: June 16 - August 22 8 June 30 to August 8 SAT 10-6 COLORS SUN 12-6 n CREAMY BEIGE univeRsifud samepiCAS \Leb □ SNOW WHITE □ JET BLACK Apart ado Postal 507, Dept. A-25, Pueola. Put., MEXICO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, FebruaryJ Dems affirmative a By JIM KEEGSTRA spectrum of representation on The proposed plan is sched¬ The affirmative action pro¬ The plan will hopefully cover party base at the grass roots of staff ia supposed to tend State News Staff Writer A detailed plan designed to the committee, among party officers and among delegates to uled for approval by Central Committee March 15. the state posals are required for sUte Democratic party organizations the full range of minority groups and mentions specifi¬ precinct delegates and party members. kit* to every daily and newspaper and broadcast sia press weekly lineof March ar J increase minority participation the 1976 Democratic National Party officials said comments under broad guidelines stated cally native Americans, women, This would hopefully be ac¬ tion in Michigan ve fninorit.T1! in the Michigan Democratic Convention, the affirmative ac¬ detailing the - or suggestions on the plan from in the 1976 delegate selection senior citizens, youth, ethnic complished by a well planned national delegate selection tion plan will be brought before pro party now stands before the interested Democrats may be rules drawn up by the Demo groups and "persons of various publicity campaign beginning cess and how precinct delegates party's State Central Commit¬ a public hearing at 10 a.m. Sat made to Morley Winograd. cratic National Committee in economic status." July 1. choose representatives to se tee (or adoption. urday at the JFK House, 321 N. state chairperson, at the JFK the Kansas City convention last The thrust of the plan, it At that time, 50,000 bro lect top party leaders. Aimed at assuring a broad Pine St., Lansing. House. December. says, must be to broaden the chures — including Polish and The affirmative action plan Spanish translations — describ¬ even reaches into next year. It ing how to become a part of the would require in February and WOMEN BLAST MORN party structure would be sup¬ March 1976 "when interest in plied to local party committees, unions, women's groups, ethnic the preaidential primary is greatest before the 1"'"««• w°rkers and,»£ filing dead ethnic clubs and Jaycees. groups. ' Senate hears drug testimony have Political parties frequently a difficult time encourag¬ ing enough party members to fill all of their precinct delegate I I MINI WASHINGTON (API Two "It was a miracle. It was pregnancy and, as a result, positions. The Democrats' ac¬ very guilty. She was a woman - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, nvui t-n women who said they lost going to save my child," Malloy Luder underwent who was in danger of losing her tion plan calls for a special cancer D Mass.. called DES a "drug teenage daughters to cancer said. surgery and cannot have child. She put her faith in her effort to be made by mid-Sept¬ out of control" which should be and a third who said she was But her daughter later children. doctor," Luder said. ember to have various party n\S!l V used with great caution sterile asked the Senate developed rare vagina) cancer Luder told the Senate panel, The three women said that groups and unions tell their • VI VI I IM "because it does cause human Thursday to ban the drug DES. which spread throughout her "The most tragic thing in my DES since has been proven members about filing petitions cancer." They were the leadoff body and killed her at age 16, life ... is that it has rendered useless in preventing mis to become precinct delegates witnessses before the Senate health subcommittee on government's new approval of the she said. "It is a terrible, horrible thing to watch a child suffer," me sterile. "Sometimes I could cry when I see her (my mother). She feels carriages and urged its removal from the market. The subcommittee chairman, to the Kennedy said he is prepared reintroduce legislation to ban use of DES in cattle feed. and how national convention delegates are selected. Also by Sept. 15, the state !a l"-' DES (diethylstilbestrol) as an Malloy said. "When she dies, Democratic public information A emergency postcoital contra¬ ceptive, or "morning after" you think this is easier than r~ jl /Ml birth control pill. watching her suffer." Green said her daughter, 310 N. Hagadonl] Study Period lfcjj FISH - Mrs. John Malloy of San born in 1951, died of cancer at Worship - li:oo, Diego and Mrs. Albert Green of age 18. CENTRAL UNITED S1ng.sp1rji10n-7.5L Chicago said they took DES The third woman," Janice METHODIST Transporting] under doctors' orders in the 1950s to prevent miscarriages. Luder, of Los Angeles, said her mother took DES during DINNER Across from the capitol Sermon Topic: Provided Be honest with yourself- CHILDREN'S DANCE CONCERT MSU Repertory Dance Company '1™ you'U like it! by Dr. Howard A. Lyman Worship Services 9:45 a.m. East Lansing High School Auditorium Sun. thru Thurv 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. 11 00 a.m. Frl. ft Sit. 6 a.m. to 4 a.m. 2820 E. Grand Riwr CHURCH Alumni Memori (1 block Saturday,March I GRADUATING NURSES t At Mercy Hospital & Medical Center in peoples Chicago cbuRch You have time to be a Total Nurse Inter dtnuminalnmal 200 W (iranj Kncr / li Patient centered care is an everyday reality hers ... carefully planned ... and built-in at Michigan 332-5073 our facilities and philosophies geared to the needs and . .. aspirations of the new R.N. Our new modern medical center uset The Frieten Design "The work of the Master" Concept. .. patient rooms have Nurservers supplied by non nursing personnel to provide com¬ plete supply and disposal facilities on the spot... Mercy utilizes the unit by Dr. Wallace Robertson dose system for all med,cations, prepared by the pharmacist and delivered to the Nurserver .. your only paperwork Is Charting .* unit secretaries „ *H|JI handle all other detail work. . CHRISTIAN There's much more we could talk about of importance to you, Church Sthuol the graduating R.N. . progressive ideas . extensive in-service and continuing education programs 9: 30 jnd 11 OO a.m. REFORMED .. . leadership training . . . and our Quality Assurance Program. We'd like to Crib through Adult tell you about them . .. (ust give us the nod by filling in this coupon and CHURCH sending it to Mercy Hospital, Stevenson Expressway at King Drive in Chicago. We'll rush our 'Total Nursing" story to you immediately. Professional Recruitment Manager (ftSCOAi OKMCH Mercy Hospital & Medical Center WIKOMR TO Stevenson Expressway at King Drive Chicago, Illinois ODDD or Call Collect (312) 567-2136 THE STABLES On the MSU Campus auLitinnusTuxsni s:-un Sundays EVENING SERVI S:00 Eucharist & Sermon 6:00 p.m. MICHIGAN 3 SHOWCASE An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F at ALUMNI CHAPEL TOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT 6:IS p.m. Student Dinner "Giving to the wrong by A1 Hoksbergl Rides from Chapel 6:00 NOW APPEARING open thursdoy and frlday nights until nine The Rev. John Mitman, GROVER Chaplain Chaplain's House WASHINGTON 520 N. Harrison 351 7638-Home 351 7160 - Office - All Saints Parish 800 Abbott Rd. Services - 8:00 & 10:00 The Rev. Wm. Eddy, Rector 351 • 7160 Miss J is naturally caught up by the crunch- UNIVERSITY iness of these textured cotton/polyester coordi¬ BAPTIST CHUFj nates and the 4608 S. Hagadorn earthy Worship Service: 10:00 a m. colorings of mango or Sundav School: 11:15a.m. School Discipleship 6:00 p.m. cafe au lait. Ardee gives for Bus Service Call: 351 - 4144 or 351 6491 them a freshness to suit John Walden, Pastor the coming season in sizes 5 to 13, the shirt REDUCED CO/ER & EARLY SHOWS MONDAY THURSDAY - and sweaters in S-M-L. South Baptist 1518 S. Washington Churcj ,'ansl Left: Wrap skirt, $21 Sunday-7:00 p.m. ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK Acrylic knit rainbow- "When life comes apart" SIUFFED striped cardigan, $17 PORK CHOPS Cap sleeve pull-over, $13 $3.95 Right: Jacket with tunnel- FRIDAY 9:45 A.M. tied waist, $26 College Bible Class SCALLOPS $2.00 in the fireside room. Pants, $19 PERCH FRY. $2.25 Long sleeve cotton shirt Sunday 11:00 a.m. SATURDAY in zig-zag cafe' print, $14 "God makes a man' BEEF KABOB $3.75 ,]Aop' □NNEftS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES A SALAD BAR Jacabsoris FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Call 4S2-07S4 for Informatlop Eveni* I ■higan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 28, 1975 uslim head: West Lgo (API-Wallace Lad, ns, tPi new — WilliceD. leader of the said Wednesday D. 15.000 fnllA®.,. 15,000 followers Muslims' Savior tion as successor .♦ at .L- the «.. Black Day celebra to his . integration come apart at the very seams" while the Black Muhammad, work. and to his great decoying West weaken and break." * CAPITOL SOUNDS TOP40 SOUNDS FOR YOUR LISTENING AND father, Muslim movement Ali hailed Elijah Muhammad Jestern civilization is Elijah Muhammad, who died of preaching In these '70s, we are Referring indirectly I, while the "divine heart failure blacji separateness and econo^ begin¬ to the as a man who reached out to him DANCING ENJOYMENT Tuesday at the age mic independence was growing. ning to see the church influence, counterculture movement of the and changed him, "a Negro," ■of the black separatist the synagogue 1960s, he said, "We have seen FRIDAY ft SATURDAY NITES influence, even into a black man who believed in 1 flourishing. Wallace Muhammad said that u He said former critics now the orthodox mosque influence, some of the old, established himself. Ali said, "He honored Tnmad. in these 1970s we have seen pay tribute, to the great man, the Honorable Elijah weaken in its vital seams. .all these vital institutions of . the generations, of learned men and women, leave the homes of their me and blessed me with his son, Brother Herbert," who Ali said NO^COVER MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS parents, with college educations had been his guiding influence filling their heads, put since he became a Muslim in the on PIZZA CLUB pe case murder suspect freed sneakers and ratty old honky,dirty T-shirts and grow pants, their hair long like a woman and their beards fill their face mid 1960s. Herbert Muhammad is Ali's 12" PIZZA FOR 12f + items manager. to, N.C. (AP) - murder in the slaying of a white ti°n building with her the dignified hiding The ASK FOR DETAILS AT THE BAR. lawyers The attorney, image of a man and small, mustachioed ■Little, charged with jailor last year in Washington, and two Jerry Paul, Wallace Muhammad was inter¬ N.C.. where she was being held bodyguards. One of her said Little will take a giving the semblance of an EVERY TUESDAY In the killing of a jailer attorneys read a brief state¬ job out of North Carolina until her trial animal behind bars." rupted by applause and chants | tried to rape her, left on a breaking and entering several times >lina's women's pri- conviction. She has said that the ment for her. begins April 14. Paul would not say where the job would be Muhammad, a minister of the Nation of Islam, was flanked on during his speech. The audience of Muslim men TACO NIGHT ,day on bail, free for jailer. I don t know how to x months. Clarene Alligood, was explain because Little's life has been the dais of the and turbaned women in white TACOS FOR 251 trying to how I really feel. I International rape her and that she stabbed just feel good threatened. Amphitheater by about 30 in being free oince ankle-length dresses leaped to I released after again. I thank T for her bond was him in self defense. - God most of all that he has set The bond represents bail on two charges - the first degree Muslim ministers, brothers including his Herbert their feet several times to chant: "Long live Muhammad! fcBRASS me free. I and 1MOIVKEY - L several groups across Little broke into loud sobs only have to say that I murder charge, which carries a Nathaniel. Civil rights as appreciate all that my support¬ organi¬ Long live Muhammad!" (and nation, she was surrounded by repor ers and friends have done for mandatory death sentence upon zer Jesse L. Jackson and heavy¬ Earlier, nearly a dozen Nation a 20 year old black, ters and photographers while conviction, and the breaking weight boxing of Islam leaders pledged their me. I will not let any of them champion „j with first • degree leaving the prison's administra and entering conviction, which Muhammad Ali were also pre¬ support to Wallace Muhammad. down," her statement said. she is appealing. sent. (EDAR VILLAGE "Michael Murphey is that rarity among songwriters: begins leasing a humanist.What he has done MARCH 3 and is doing is invaluable." ssse. For SUMMER Michael Murphey's songs bring the open, natural feelings and beauty of the and country. "Wildfire," "Medicine Man" and LiState University Student llty and immediate family FALL "Carolina in the Pines" are just some of the real tfAMfllGfl T Montego Bay TERMS new sounds of Michael Murphey's new album, 9 i During - 23,1975 Mar. 16Spring Break ) "BlueSky-NightThunder."It'sanatural. 1 mchts 2 Bedroom On Epic Records jet via Air Jamaica Apartments tat service in f Fashion Show (light $80, $83, or $85 Ibaifboozies in flight per person per month in Cocktails ■more ■ NANCY WEIR 355-8546 For information call 351-5180 315 Bogue Street STATE NEWSffitnmg (glutei he Highwheeler Is Also available on tape 401 E Grand River Iwo Restaurants MTOF 10-9 SAT 10-6 In One SUN 12-6 lb public wanted an in- different look. _^««ive place to dine and Since students are the ■tkf public waa given not major dientel of the High¬ ~- but two. wheeler, the lounge menu k Highwheeler re«Uu- waa dropped and a new one P tad lounge, formally installed. The same menu fUMoneaide, offers the now services both dining k two different and areas with all food items methods of dining. being under 12.25. _IV lounge which The choice is up to the opened HMit of 1973, waa estab- patron to dine on either aide depending on what ■i restaurant which at mood you're in. I time was right next I* It was to be a more The Highwheeler is open from 11:00 Tpflt ityle of dining. ajn. to 2:00 P its seductive atmoe- a.m., Monday through Sat¬ * *nd corv urday and from 12:00-12:00 seating -Mnents, the High on Sundays serving a wide ' had array of both food and everything N'wit except for one drink. Mixed drinks can be V- its prices. obtained in both area's. * prices were origin Every Monday through [ to "pensive for the Thursday from 5 p.m. til 10 » trowd which ac- p.m. the Highwheeler runs a fish and chips special, as ? 'or 75% of the well as a pitcher special on suffered. those same nights. Urn's franchise waa On Wednesday night is 1 "»pped and the reat- the famous hot dog special M was then and on Sunday nights it's purchaaed _ I4* owners of the High- spaghetti. Other menu items range k Wwly acquired din anywhere from the Deli P* then went through ■Modeling process with ' •dded, wall-to-wall Special, roast beef, and pastrami, to chili dogs, steak sandwiches, salads, * ,w •W''' Candles 351-7076 %,«nd«new paint 1*1^ it a somewhat ON THE CORNER OF ABBOTT 1 GRAND RIVER THE STATE Room Kellog Center The De I rac|ous dining in a nostalgic campus atmosphere. MICHIGAN'S SHOWCASE RR RESTAURANT COMPLETE DINNERS, SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOOD - STEAKS - (HOPS 1203 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING the stables I ».« fn tulk*. ti 00 <« I Wl" facial-UO rkl*Lu _ t-7 OO ISO I '"•'S' The Dining Guide la sponsored by the above Restaurants. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, p TRADE AGREEMENT Egypt, USSR sign pact for a perfect vacation By ASSOCIATED PRESS peninsula after U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger s next Egypt and the Soviet Union (USSR) signed a 1975 trade agree¬ ment in Moscow Thursday and Egyptian sources said it would mediation effort in March. The statements from Syrian President Hafez the ultimate trip jn boost exchanges between the two countries by 8 to 10 per cent to Damascus and the PLO indicated they had little faith in Sadat's $923 million. assurances that such a pullback will not lead to a nonaggression The agreement provides for sales by the Soviet Union of pact between Cairo and IsraeL machinery and equipment, coal, oil products and other goods in In other Middle East developmental exchange for Egyptian cotton, rice, citrus fruits and some manu¬ •Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon discussed economics and factured items. oil questions with West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt in The agreement does not cover arms shipments by the Soviet Bonn and was assured by other officials that West Union, the chief supplier of weapons to Egypt. Germany would again provide $56 million in capital aid to IsraeL The same amount Two of Egypt's allies in the Middle East, Syria and the Palestine was granted last year. Liberation Organization (PLO), issued tough statements indicat¬ •In Cairo, Mohammed Mahgoub. commissioner general for the ing concern over a possible Egyptian-Israeli peace pact. Arab Boycott of Israel, defended the blacklisting of companies Egyptian President Anwar Sadat has already advised his allies dealing with Israel as "a legitimate means of self-defense that con¬ v to expect a further Israeli withdrawal from Egypt's occupied Sinai forms with international law." Jazz to replace UNION ACTIVITIES as commencement OLD TIME MOVIE SERIES For the first time in winter term commencement, "Pomp and "TREASURE OF Circumstance" will not be serenading MSU graduates. SIERRA MADRE" I At commencement, March 8. the traditional piece will be re¬ placed by a jazz piece: the premiere performance of "Canonic Passocaglia, Blues and Vamp 'til Ready." The piece, composed by MSU alumnus Clare Fischer, will be performed by MSU's Jazz Ensemble. The 18-member group will STANLEY KUBRICK'S perform all commencement music, including a special composition for the processional, titled "Funktional Musik," composed by Tom Arvidson, Jazz Ensemble director and doctoral candidate in music 2DO|:A SPACE ODYSSEY composition. Fischer will be honored as a "Distinguished Alumni" at ANO AITWj* C cum • PtOOUCtD AND DIIECTED »VSTANlVv rUStlo"* © Frl. Conrad commencement. The composer is a resident of California who wj miHMd Kwu United Artists su«» mnavision* and mct*ocoioi 7:30 ft 9:30 works as a free-lance musician. Sat. 100 Frl. Wilson 7:00 ft 9:30 Engineering 7:30 & 9:30 Brody 8:30 Sun. Wilson 9:30 Sal. Conrad 7:00 ft 9:30 25 S«i. Wilson 7:00 $1 FEB. 28 at 7:00 and 9:15 — 107 S. KEDZIE MARCH 1 at 7:00 and 9:15 — UNION PARLOR MARCH 2 at 2:00, 7:00 and 9:15 - UNION PARLOR TICKETS 1.00 at tho door, 501 (under 12) "SPINE-TINGLING! JOLTING... Alex deRenzy's Little Sisters' •» spine-tingling! Loaded with the most jolting hardcore action ever seen. And what's more, it's erotic. A real turn-on; exciting and stimulating. It's deRenzy's greatest. A VERY HOT "SOMETHING FOR EVERVONE... No nutter what your sexual preference may be, you'll find something to tickle your fancy! The five young girls are fantastic. Nothing's too far-out for them. They're wild. And wanton!" & -It L , EROTIC REVIEW *1 THOUGHT ID SEEN EVERYTHING... Private Monara Max then I new tired saw deRenzy's Little Sisters,' Ifs the first really hardcore movie in a long, long time. Are you of the same ol' thing? This is a movie for —Sol SUverttetn, HERALD-STAR you!" Parts K "AJex deRenzy is the / Wednesday, March 5 at 8:15 pm University Auditorium Ceci B. DeMille of blue movies." Brace -New Times "Sheer delight! You'll find Max Morath a yourself delectable companion." "deRenzy has a Winner!" for the -N.Y.Times -Underground News Behind the tinkling fin de siecle gaiety of the "A different kind of movie ultimate "Bordello Steinways" was classic ragtime. It was conceived and wrought in terms of from the fearless Alex deRenzy. transplant. serious craftsmanship and lasting values by a small group of serious and dedicated men: Verydifferent And very goodr The SCOTT JOPLIN. JAMES SCOTT and JOSEPH LAMB. (Not to mention GEORGE human \~y .a M. COHAN and IRVING BERLIN.) soul. Tickets available now at the MSU Union Ticket Office, open 8:15 - 4.30 weekdays. Frl. 100 Hoi at 7:00 ft 10, - Enginooring Private Farts at 8:2 Public: $3.00 4.00 5.00 Sat. - Wilson Aud. MSU Students: $1.50 2.00 2.50 Both Films for Sun. - Conrad Aud. only $1.25 Max Morath "is a consummate entertainer. deRenzy's His show is a surpassing delight on all levels- music, comedy, social history, sheer entertainment. He sings just enough and plays just enough and displays the timing of MIDNI6H1 a master without ever seeming slick...and extraordinary balance and show." an extraordinary -San Francisco Chronicle MOVIE An MSU Bicentennial Event presented by Lecture-Concert Series (Lively Arts Series) 0RCY Featuring The Best of .| "Little Sisters" Leave It To Beaver "Very rarely is a movie worth a high admission. But Twilight Zone Alex deRenzy's 'Little Sisters' is a very rare movie. It's Thriller worth it. In fact it's worth more. For several reasons: the superb quality and explicitneu, the unique subject Three Stooges and matter, the unusually attractive girls (the little Oriental gal is exceptional), and the strange games they play .. ft special treat.. • °'l de Renzy has a winner this time. 'Little Sisters' i* a lot Is that Trek? For fans of movie for the money." Spock, Kirk & ^cCoy.f Aiex deRenzy's Plus much, much more!J "Little Sisters" Program A ■ Tonight ft Saturday Fri. - Conrad 12 MidnighJ Showtimos: 7:00.8:30.10:00 Sat. - Wilson 12 Midnign| Showplace: 102B Walls Program B 1 Admission: $2.25 BEAL FILM Fri. • Wilson 12 Midnight® RATED X tooli, I think In units sloteTin kcMidnight itnp Org* Sat. • Conrad 12 MidnighP n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 28,1975 9 jjudonce \rformed 'Orient Express' lacks tension By EDD RUDZAT8 press" begins in 1930 in films as "The Long children State Newt Reviewer Fourteen internationally like N Y- with kidnapping of a Lingbergh Seagull" and "Murder on the Orient Ex¬ and the camerawork verges on the pedestrian. Furthermore, lem is that ents are though the ingredi¬ perfect, what the chef known stars board the train a baby girl. press." too much time is taken The child is found dead up by has done with them leaves a MSU Repertory called the Orient Express in after Lumet, it appears, was lucky innumerable shots of the train the ransom has been great deal to be desired. Lumet t Company will pre- Istanbul to enliven the pro¬ delivered in "Serpico" to have a terrific chugging its and further way along, while ends up with a draggy film, one I", special dance concert ceedings of director Sidney tragedies ensue. The main bulk of this screenplay to work from and a the bloody events take place that suffers from a talky Children at 2 and 8 p.m. Lumet's film version of Agatha however, is set five years after film, high-powered performer to within. It seems that Lumet felt and his noncreative direction. script trday. >n the East Christie's "Murder on the Ori¬ the fact, as a cast of work with. In this murder mys¬ the audience had to be rein¬ Ling High School Audi- ent Express." Luckily, it's this characters find themselves to¬ various tery he has all the talent he forced that the events do in¬ Though it boasts a number of stellar assortment of could want, but fails to use it to fine performers, suspicious gether on a train traveling from deed occur on board a railroad they can do ,e concert, under the characters who inject this its fullest. What results is an car. That's little to rescue the tale from the of Diane mys¬ Istanbul to Calais. why he keeps cut¬ tery with what little fun it does overly talky film without the ting to the outside. cloddish guiding hands of their is aimed at contain. Lauren Becall Originally entitled "Murder slightest bit of tension or imag¬ This classically delineated director. A sumptuous movie plays on the Calais Coach," inative direction. the obnoxious American Agatha murder mystery will prove a gloss isn't all a film needs to widow, Christie's mystery has a com¬ Ingrid Bergman portrays the Everything about "Murder mildly diverting evening for make it work. It definitely plexity of plot that will baffle on the Orient In dance. neurotic Swedish spinster and the most ardent fans of Express," re¬ those aficionados of the who¬ helps, but in the case of "Mur¬ eight works to be the garding its execution, is strictly der the Orient ie missionary. Jacqueline Bisset whodunit genre. Dame dunit. All the right ingredients on Express," it irmed are a diverse and Michael York Agatha mechanical. The uniqueness are here: a trainload of sus¬ just isn't enough. There's got appear as the is world reknowned as the mis¬ and of original chore- chic traveling style dominant in the film pects, the murder victim with to be some in a mys¬ diplomatic couple tress of mystery. With the con¬ suspense Iphy. Dances range and Richard Widmark come from the outstanding art an unknown tery. That's the main ingredi¬ turns voluted concoction that "Mur¬ past, the famous I the lively and colorful nasty employer to his em¬ der deco set design and the super¬ detective who just happens to ent that's sadly lacking in on the Orient Tesis." choreographed ployes. Also on hand are a Express" bly rendered costumes by Tony be on board and a snow drift Sidney Lumet's brew. proves to be, one can see Impany directors Dixie twitchy Anthony Perkins and a It's a fiendishly clever idea that why. Walton. Yet this isn't quite that causes the train to be Agatha Christie's "Murder I and Marylou Duschl, clipped stiff-upper-lip butler, enough to carry the film over snowbound after the murder breaks some of the convention¬ the on the Orient Express" is cur¬ |he soft interplay of John Gielgud. al associations that intermitably draggy spots has occurred, allowing enough rently showing at the Spartan lament, voice and bells With Albert Finney, as addicts may have formed. mystery as Finney grills the suspects time for the solution. The prob- Twin theaters. a Herrick's "Sound Hercule Poirot, marvelously Unfortunately, presiding over the proceedings Sidney Lumet's treatment of the tale r dances include a in a curled mustache, slicked is, at best, mediocre md sweet solo by hair and a thickly applied cinema.. Lumet is an uneven director, Open 6:45 p.m. /I Herrick; "Steppin' French accent, "Murder on the having turned out such fast- Shows 7:00-9:05 p.m. Karen Sprecher's Orient Express" is devilishly moving, feverishly pitched I choreography at its stylish, but ultimately sus- films as "Serpico," but then 1 and a rhythmic dance THE BIGGEST penseless. proving himself tedious, JspiralinK energy SN Photo/Dave Olds a "Murder Borah Vogel. by on the Orient Ex- workmanlike director with such organization, inspired pri¬ WOtaM WFOMMTWM 4IS«C ie repertory company marily by an urge to younger audience could be Open at 6:45 P.M. ) drawing Its of its young appren- on the expand ities for dance opportun¬ a stimulating direction for the company's energies. STARTS TODAY.. at 7:25 - 9:25 P.M. LAFF LIFTER performers, chor¬ Sat. -8u. At 1:25 -3:25 Bcompany, members of ji are performing in eographers and audiences in this area. During its Performances will last about one hour. Admission N. WASHINGTON • DOWNTOWN 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:30 P.M. 01 THE WEAR! /n choreography as initial meetings, it was will be $1.50 for adults and TV and Radio [as liula "A Fish in the Sky" suggested by company $lVor children under 12 Spiteri and Debra member Newman that, Mr since children years old. Tickets are readily re¬ available at MSU Repertory spond to dance, a concert Campbell's Smoke Shop and Marshall ^Company is a young designed especially for the Music in East Lansing. )U Symphony ipears Sunday P conductor Francesco will be Czech violinist Aladar I lead the MSU Mozi. Mozi, who appeared in HcWty5Q«550a1MOOlteer^Seot pj Orchestra in concert ild Theater Sunday at recital at the Kellogg Center in Janaury, is the concertmaster of ■Mn« fi» the artistic director National the Bratislava Radio Symphony Orchestra and the leader of two There Symphony string quartets. i of Johannesburg, are some This concert is free and open and the chief pizzas , to the public. lor of the ORTF of Paris |Hel Gelders Orkest of 1 Netherlands. I orchestra will play IMPULSE bigger but [i "Essay for Orchestra, WILLIAM SHATNER RUTH ROMAN no pizzas Bust Joe Eve |Martucci's "Notturno », Op. 70. No. 1," Harold "Odd Job" Sakata Russell Hynn Alien li "Concerto No. 5 in A better than Cesar Romero Mill Silvers ►Violin and Orchestra" """Sau ANDERSON | Beethoven's piathf Mozart concerto "Fifth PROGRAM INFORMATION 332-5817 NOW BELLS 225 MAC 332 ■ 5027 OPEN 11 AAA EVERYDAY "A Goofy SPOKT-acular* SHOWING FREE DELIVERY A WAIT DISNEY CARTOON FEST • TECHNICOLOR c « 215 ABBOTT RD. - DOWNTOWN "AMARCORD' MAY POSSIBLY BE FEDERICO FELLINI'S MOST MARVELOUS FILM... extravagantly funny. It is as full of tales as Scheherazade, some romantic, some slapstick, some elegiacal, some bawdy, some as mysterious as the unexpected sight of a peacock flying through a light SALE snowfall. It's a film of exhilarating beauty." —Vir»c«nt Canby. The New Yo* Wool "AMARCORD' IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOVIE FELLINI HAS EVER MADE and a Pants Reg. 19. $690 landmark in the history of film. It is a sprawling, hilarious, touching, evocation of life. 1 [MarvinWorth Production Lpl"'Fun Cartoon "THE DOGFATHER ValeriePerrine —Pmtl O Zlmm»rm»n, town*# ROGER C0RMAN Presents 00 Tops $6' FRANCO rril Rog. 14. ""WSS FEfeNS ARLtTBMIV!oZ,"\ f WEST OF WAVERLY fhone 372-2434 A $|| ^ ft Shirts coo entertainment MID-WINTER J PER Rog. 12. TjJJ SPECIAL U CAR ■ouS?".. ;h°wn*' Robes ^ioff JnofDmcuIa Accessories TP\ V20H ^FRANCO CRISTALDI .^FEOERICO FELLINI Soiw^^SiinW'lMltlCOHUKmM IWIWGUUM-O^ttwoiPtictor^GWV** to WW Distributed by NEW WORLD PICTURES §) Qxufty* Fri A Mon thru Thurs oped 7:00 P.M. AMARCORD at 7:15 - 9:25 Sat A Sun - open 12:45 P.M. E. Grand River AMARCORD at 1:00 *t*RTS TONIGHT — OPEN AT 4:30 R Next to the CAMPUS 3:05 - 5:10 • 7:25 - 9:35 _WE HAVE IN-CAR HEATERS 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, Febrya No auditing done o (continued from page 1) himself and his wife. At that time, in a letter to great deal of quibbling end when contacted this week that Martin, their spouses and just so long aa it is done." Stack's two children. Bruff said he is sure there is The State News learned "I didn't go on any tour," Breslin, Stack recommended a uncertainty, rejected the they believed that the audit Martin said. 'I don't even Stack said he wanted to no specific cost breakdown Thursday that Martin has billed regular audit of trustee recommendations of the Huff question would be discussed at remember signing up for any committee. the trustee retreat, to be held reimburse the University audit He said he requested also the executive vice presi¬ expenses "to catch similar because "I have tried to pursue such a breakdown at the dent's office for $6 for two bus tour, though I may have errors, like this $18." The board then voted to Saturday at Kellogg Center. tours of New Orleans at the checked a box off saying I was Huff originally recommended accept an alternate proposal, The retreat is one of the a policy of not billing MSU for January meeting, but has not interested. to the board at the trustees' introduced trustees' closed work sessions. any personal expenses. When I received it' yet. same meeting. by Patricia "I am going to SUck and Martin indicated who would be Trustees Carrigan. Martin said he does not pay this $6 bill monthly meeting last Friday Carrigan, D Farmington Hills, Both immediately." the that deleted any mention of believe that the University waa accompanying me (on the trip), Krolikowski and Don Stephens, remember sending any bill to adoption of exactly what Breslin's office, nor is he sure Stack sent an $18 reimburse¬ Stack wrote in his letter to regular trustee audita. Most mistakenly billed for a the AGB probably just set it all D-Bloomfield Hills, said they ni,Th^ ment check to MSU on Feb. 20. Breslin, but the board, after members of the up. Regular audits of truatee would favor regular, specific he even requested the tours for a board said packaged, tour-type arrange¬ ment by the travel agency that expenses are necessary to catch audits of trustee expense conducted the arrangements such similar errors in the accounts. business and r,„a for the AGB meeting. future. Regular audits could The University's books are kn°w whether ^ Trustee dissents about closed audit report discussion Effectively, this means at least $24 of public funds helped mean once a how year. I don't they do it in setting it care up, subject to four types of audits: an internal audit conducted by trustee thl1 expensesu! * audited or not I to pay for some aspects of the AGB meeting for Stack, (continued from page 1) sity policy — was good for closed meetings. ments on some of the items re¬ flected than just a cold THIS COUPON GOOD FOR time he. Stack and Martin had background information, "but "The Audit Committee was more not for decision making." reading of a report," Carrigan put into the report — over 11 approved in an open meeting in said Thursday. "The board hours — and their ability to an¬ "I have told the other board January." Huff said. "And I 75c OFF swer any questions that would have been asked. meetings that this is a danger, that topics are going to be said I could see no reason why it should report in a retreat. So should discuss juat what the function of the Audit Commit¬ tee is." A 0R 60' OFFA "This has been the same transferred over from an open I refused to do so." problem all along," Huff said. meeting to an executive ses¬ LA MI PIZZA "The trustees are committed to Carrigan said none of the Saturday's meeting is one of pizza sion," Huff said. recommendations per se sound¬ one or two such closed meet¬ open meetings but when you want to discuss certain topics in Carrigan, however, told the ed bad to her. Instead, she ings held by the trustees each State News that decision¬ challenged their appearance in month. They meet to discuss open session they become tim¬ no id." a report which had previously financial affairs and other in¬ making would be done at the He said Saturday's scheduled closed meeting — defined as a "retreat," according to Univer¬ Saturday retreat. But that doesn't soothe Huff, who brands himself an opponent of included only the recommenda tion of which auditor to hire. "I think Trustee Huffs com¬ ternal matters that they say might be jeopardized by ad¬ vance publicity. 337-1631 Y«i tmwm. «aWE. GRAND RIVER, EA8T LANSING 9C ni0"* THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY A SUNMtV - ONtV l] Ktl/ Chessfi 7-V I 'gk*g«tmd«y «t I ilt, 4,N.7,N. 10,N % Ijclugan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 28, 1975 ] ] frican symposium opens Lposium on the Maghreb region of Northern Africa will be tonight Strong like Bull! light and Saturday. Algeria and Morocco, asst. professor of are not well known, said Kenneth Harrow, humanities. The symposium is an ■three Arab countriea that make up the Maghreb. Tunisia, what the region and its attempt to show people are like, he said. A film. "Ramparts of Clay," will be shown at 8:30 tonight in 34 Union. The film is about Tunisia and will Lfe House vo discussion. The symposium will continue be followed by a at 9:30 a.m. Hall. Fauri Najjor, professor of Saturday in B102 Wells social science, will speak on fll Q It Gil T lower Speeci IniA/O r Muslem North Africa: An Historical Pespective." He will be I followed by David Stephenson, asst. professor of geography, speaking on the cultural aspects of the speaker will be Alford Welch, asst. Maghreb. The final morning pSING (UPI) - The to cut off federal professor of religious studies. J has voted to make 66 states not highway aid to He will be discussing the coming of the Islamic religion to the passing laws embrac- region. ■per hour the permanent ing55 m.p.h. as permanent. * limit, but not to levy The measure should The afternoon session will \ WMT 11 THE MAGHREB ? clear the begin at 1:15 with a slide show on two |y points against motorists L up to the old 70 m.p.h. Senate with little debate, but Roman cities in the Maghreb. It will be presented by J. Wilson ' A SYMPOSIUM ON year and Tuesday, Myers, associate professor of humanities. L 94-13 vote Wednesday Lt debate, the House ap- makers refused to points against the licenses of law¬ levy penalty professor of romance languages, will then the Maghreb and Georges Joyaux, speak about literature of Algerian independence. The final speaker will be THREE NORTH AFRICAN COUNTRIES IT Jd making 55 m.p.h. per- drivers exceeding the new by up to the old limit. limit Harrow, who will be talking about the role of in the Maghreb. women and literature MOROCCO, '...from Kt in Michigan. The state Consequently, motorists tic¬ ■ must approve ■by June 30. or the state I to lose $200 million in the legis- keted for hmit some - driving up to the old 70 on freeways and 65 on other roads - are fined, The symposium is sponsored Humanities Dept., the Geography by the African Studies Center, the Dept. and the Religious Studies Dept. It is open to all interested persons. There will be admission charge. no ALGERIA, •IheBRftnCH Your friendly neighborhood all C37 store. U highway funds, but not assessed points. 1208 S. University, Ann Arbor tr orders from Congress. 220 M.A.C., East Kite legislature dropped Lansing feed limit from 70 to 56 |lut March for 16 months to save fuel. nn UNiyi'R'Si.T.Y Southgate Shopping Center ^^^ear^s^inoaln^ark^hoppin^Cente^^^^^^ ,_js recently voted to n>an-bji jiv>PH>JIN Ithe Ihowever, slower limit perma- and threatened offers II ALL BELONGS TO ONE YEAR PROGRAMS SPRING SEMESTER YOU! SUMMER & ARCHAEOLOGY and the UNION DISK has Jrofessional I theatre PROGRAMS everything you PRESENTS Information & applications: IPARKLING MUSICAL ONE YEAR PROGRAM SPRING & SUMMER PROGRAMS need... (amesatsea American Friends ol the Tel Aviv University Israel Program Center - AZYF 515 Park Avenue • School Supplies |r Sun. thru March 2 EHH3 342 Madison Avenue • New York, New York 10017 New York. New York 10022 Magazines and (212) 753-0230/0282 CUItAJN »p« (212) MU 7-5651 paperbacks • Greeting Cards • MSU Souvenirs OPEN: M-Th 10 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. 10a.m.-12mldnlte 01 SALE • Candy Sat. noon-mldnlte • Cigarettes Sun. noan-11 p.m. Genuinely Incredible! • and lots more ... Coleman Fuel MSU lUNION BILLIARDS $1" gal 'a statement that as much sense UNION BUILDING ten years from Union Desk Hours: Coleman Camping now as it does today' Mon.-Thurs. 7 a.m.-l 1 p.m. -university review Products Fri. and Sat. 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m.-11 p.m. All below Wholesale I ANNOUNCING: FRIDAY 'FEBRUARY 28 7=15 & 9:15 |A POSITIONS FOR 1975 Mountain Products Tents '/j off 105 S.KEDZIE LAST 2 DAYS Cannot be held over 76 ACADEMIC YEAR $1.00 by UFARI A WOODY ALLEN input students and students interested in applying lor DOUBLE FEATURE k. positions in halls otlrr than their place of residency limit an application to the Hall Director of Head t . Advisor in the hall of their choice March 3, 1975. beginning Applications and additional ATTENTION a will be available at the Office of the Hall SPECIAL CALCULATOR SALE >f or Head Resident Advisor and at the reception kk in every hall. Deadline for return of applications is th 14,1975. FOXHOLE PX - FRANDOR THIS WEEK 0N1Y lents interested in RA dence halls will be notified positions within their present by the Hall Director of Head OPEN 7 DAYS 351-5323 WHOLESALER OVERSTOCKED t •dent Advisor concerning the application procedure. (across from Krogar - Frondor Cantor) MUSI SELL OU! MC SKI CLEARANCE 24 31 CONTINUES! CLOTHES 25% to 50% OFF <^cKiycAlleq or 484-4014 ^ $35. Check our repair prices and working conditions, $1.85/hour, all [[[CONVERTIBLE, 1969, *.35,000 REPUTATION IMPORT AUTO shifts. Call BRASS MONKEY, ONE GIRL needed for spring term. Close to campus. $70/month. MALE NEEDED to share Capitol miles, $3650. 124 CEDAR Street, 2 person, 1 Villa apartment. Own [49 after 5 5.3.5 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 351-4711. 5-3-6 room, nice, 337-2003. 3-3-4 bedroom furnished apartment. $112/month plus lights. 332-5953 Cedar 485 2047, 485-9229. I1'9" Station Wagon. 4 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- MODELS NEEDED for legitimate $170 per month. 351-2402 8-3 p.m. 3-2-29 w well, APARTMENT. 2 or 3 man. Short After 4 p.m., 882-2316. 6-3-7 $895. Phone card. C-2-28 photo publication In national " term lease available. Close, rea¬ 372-9600, extension magazines. Do not apply unless MSU AREA Okemos, 1 bedroom - sonable, 349-1141. 7-3-6 SUBLET 1 bedroom furnished you have an attractive face and unfurnished, air conditioning, car¬ well kept hair. Body optional. Call apartment, Cedarview, spring peting, modem, $155, heat in¬ -LAXIEXL ■ ««, extra sharp, $400. 1965~~352, UNCOMPROMISING Dick, 351-1477. 2-2-28 FEMALE, LARGE 2 girl apartment. Owr: room, $95, partly furnished, term, call 337-1137 please. 3-3-4 cluded. 349-2580. 9-3-7 > 22-28 close campus. 337-2587. 6-3-6 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. BABYSITTER. WANTED - light Furnished studio, utilities paid. housekeeping. Monday-Saturday ONE BEDROOM furnished apart $125/month Cellem condi- plus deposit. f1 « 337-0014. 4-3-3 /4i71714 ——1,1 in my Esst Lansin0 home. $2/hour. ment. 1% miles MSU on bus 627-5454. 6-3-7 Must have own transportation. route. $145 includes utilities. Im¬ AMERICAN, GERMAN, and Call between 7 and 9 p.m. PSER 1969. mediately. 482-2490. 1-2-28 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, 2 Hydroangle FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also. 332-4531. 5-3-34 J* Wnuit. Roofrack, bedroom apartment, own room, BODY. 20% DISCOUNT to ROOMMATE NEEDED for large $100/month. Phone 351-1633. 51795 485-1471. students and faculty on all cash n' two bedroom apartment. Close to 3-3-4 carry vw service parts. IMPORT campus, clean. Bomb place. Call 2 door, 3 speed, AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamzoo 371-1888. 5-3-6 DESPERATEI SPRING. Modern, > miles, blue. and Cedar 485 2047, 485-9229. clean, many privileges, close. $95. Call CAREER SALES P 10-3-7 Mastercharge and Bank Opportunity FREE, ONE month's rent, for one girl, Leave message! Angie, 337-9885. Americard. C-2-28 qualified college graduate by term Rjvef.s Ed c,ose June. Immediate salary negoti- 1-2-28 JlCOUGAR 1969. con- 332-Q270 3.3.4 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 Fast able and adjusted over 40 month 1 l powei, new tires, ». WINTER '78 grad? I pick up the T*W|. 351-4185. 5-3-3 Kalamazoo Street since 1940. training program. Earn while you learn Marketing in area of finance extra man needed fof apar1 lease sj^ng '76. Your place or Complete auto painting and colli¬ mwlt< ,e88 than , block from cam.. mine? Jim, 351-1053.10-3-6 sion service. American and For¬ and estate counseling. No limit on PERTlBLE, 1970, $1000 351.3057 5-3-6 future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher _1_ eign cars. 485-0256 C-2-28 _ _ _ v* MILE from Bogue Street bridge. to/f1 T'. 6-3-7 a,1er 6, week at 484-8410. by BRENTWOOD-FRANDOR near. 2 Share apartment, own room. appointment only. 20-3-5 pinnm ]fjjj bedroom unfurnished, available immediately, quiet adults only. Spring $130/month. And/or mer, $80. Jim or Modhi, 351-1053. sum¬ _J!:.,1973' AM-FM, 2 AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't JANITOR, 6 days a week, 1 hour $180- Eteanor Fflbian, 351-7633 or 10-3-6_ f&U258' - _ each morning for University Mall, *85-9343. 8-2-28 worry as a representative you can 1 MAN NEEDED for 3 man. earn money in your spare time. I'll M.A.C. and Albert. Phone Spring Jay show you how! 482 6893. 20-3-4 Chamberlain. 361-2480. 4-3-5 CLOSE-SUBLET one bedroom term, adjacent from campus, $70/ 6 month. 351-3437. 10-3-6 cylindef, auto- furnished, air conditioning, water PART TIME student help to paid, $165. 351-9415 after 2 pm. assemble artificial fishing lures. Experience required. Phone Salli, Hit ft Iff! 42-28 ONE WOMAN needed immediate¬ ly. $68.50, Campus Hill. Furnished, bus service, dishwasher, 349-4617. 332 1391. C-1-2-M TWO BEDROOM furnished ■ J9® Convertible. ______ mo- 52 28 Ifltoi Vnd ,ran» MODELS FOR Photography. ♦25/term. 5K/° $10.96/month. Free ** hom~- *25-$36/week minutes to Quiet and 10 fe-28 m phone Executive Arts Studios. 489 1216 ruTwF Call NEJAC,iI00 337-1300. C-2-28 campus. 8 641-8001 or CAPITOL AREA. Singles to share 2 bedroom ^jartment, Call between 10 am - 6 pm. 0-2-28 484 5315.0-2-28 339-8877 or 339-9294. 10-3-3 n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, February 28, 1975 J5 THE SMALL SOCIETY ALAN LEE ODAY'S by Brickman Sponsored by: MONDAY [PROGRAMS I Video Everyday - AD Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services TWXYITV.0 .10 WIIXTV, Jackton I LfcT MlAA O^TfZl&JmTaN I WOTV, GfOf ♦ CKIW TV W 1JWJIIT TV Flint 13 WZ2M TV. Kola 7HOJSANP TO AAY CAMPAIGN. AMP » WKA* TV, East 12:00 NOON (9) Beverly Hillbillies jo (2-6-M-13) Nam 3:00 15:45 AM (3-25) Young And Restless (10) Spirit Of'76 (2) Mayberry RFD f , UP AN ^ [Presents (4-10) jackpot (13) Truth Or Consequences (7) News 6:00 (23) Aviation Weather (7-1241) Password All Stars 3:30 WITH m ^Second Chance (9) Galloping Gourmet (25) The F.B.I. (41 (Safari To Adventure (2) Operation Second Chance 6INC&- ' (SO) Underdog (7) Religious Message 6:05 (50) Basketball 12:20 PM 4:00 N6) Almanac 7:30 (2) News 6:15 (2) Truth Or Consequences 12:38 4:05 ft For Today (3) Name That Tune (2-3-8) Saarch For Tomorrow (2) Message For Today A-*> lhRiH (4) Nam (4) Hollywood Squares 6:20 (8) The Price Is Right (5-10) Blank Chack Lnd Country Almar (7-8) Let's Make A Deal (7-12-13-41) Split Second 6:25 (9) Room 222 (8) Mike Douglas (10) Michigan Outdoors CAMPUS CLATTER 6:30 (9) Dick Van Dyka (13) To Tell The Truth by Larry Lewis L Semester (23) Off The Record (25) Dinah Iwomen Only (58) Tha Lucy Show (41) Bobby Goldsboro Show 4:00 8:00 (5) "Fathom" Raquel 12:55 Welch, (2-3-6-25) Khan! Tony Franciosa. (1967) Woman is (5-8-18) Naws hired to recover a | Presents 1:00 (4-5-8-10) Sanford And Son stolen figurine. ibby Show (2) Love Of Lifa (7-12-1341) Kochak:The Night kail Firm Report Stalker 4:30 (3) Accent (9) Pig & Whistle (7) "Blue Hawaii" Elvis (4) What's My Lino? Presley, (23) Washington Week In Review Joan Blackman. (1962) (5) Jackpot soldier takes a job with a Returning (6) Martha Oixon 8:30 tourist (4-5-8-10) Chico And The Man agency against his parent's wishes. (7-12-13-41) Alt My Children (9) This Land 6:55 (9-50) Movies | Kit Show 6:30 (10) Somerset (12) "Horizons Of The Sea" 7:00 (23) Wall Street Week 1:25 (2) Nam 9:00 (2-3-6-25) Friday Night Movie 9:00 1:30 (2-3-6-25) "Golden Needles" (4-5-8-10) The Rockford Files Joe (2-3-6-25) As Tha World Turns Don Baker, Elizabeth (7-12-1341) Hot L Baltimore Ashley. (4-5-8-18) How To Survive (9) News Nine Tale of a priceless ancient Chinese M Capers ttSlMl) Lefs Mak. A Deal (23) Masterpiece Theatre (50) Merv Griffin Show statue pursued across the globe. SHORT RIBS 2:00 7:30 (2-3-8-25) Tha Guiding Light 9:30 (23) "Country Matters" (4) 'The Mill" A naive young girl by Frank Hill Li Carnival (4-5-810) Days Of Our (7-12-1341) The Odd Couple keeps Lives house for an invalid old | Big Top (7-12-13-41) Tha $10,000 (9) Sports Scene and her husband. woman 1:00 10:00 Pyramid Ltiin Kangaroo (4-5-8-10) Police Women 2:30 11:30 (7-12-1341) Baretta (2-3-6-25) Tha Edga Of Night (9) Tom Hunter Show (2) "Not With My Wife You (4-5-8-10) Tha Doctois (23) Soundstage Don't" George C.Scott. (1966) (7-12-1341) Tha Big Showdown (50) Dinah Air Force major discovers his 3:00 friend is becoming to (2) Youna And Restless 11.00 friendly with his neglected wife. (2-34-5*7-8-9- (3-8-25) Tha Prica Is Right 10-12-13 23-25) News (41) The Protectors (3-6-25) 'The 500 Pound Jerk" (4-5-8-10) Another World James Franciscus, Alex Karras. 11:20 (7-12-1341) Gonaral Hospital (9) Nightbeat (1972) Hillbilly is being groomed 3:30 as an Olympic hopeful. 11:30 (2-3-8-25) Match Game (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie (7-12-1341) One Lifa To Liva (4-5-8-10) Tonight Show (50) "Amazing Dr.Clitterhouse" DOONESBURY (9) Gomer Pyle (50) Banana Splits (7-13-41.) Wide World Entertainment Of Edward G.Robinson, Claire Trevor. (1938) Criminal medico, by Gary Trudeau oftaiqmoqt 4:00 with a woman fence, takes over a (12) Rock Concert (2-3) T attletalas gang and stages robberies. (50) Movie (4) Somerset (5) Studio 5 12.00 MIDNIGHT 12:00 MIDNIGHT THAT STUFF HE (8) Tha Attic (9) "Three Hundred Spartans" (9) Film Festival SAID ABOUT MANET (7) Tha Money Maze Richard Egan, Ralph Richardson. 1:00 AM IT HJAS INSPIRING1 (8) Gilligan's Island (3) Late, Lata Show (1962) three hundred Spartans I MEAN .1 MEAN. (9) Petticoat Junction against mighty invading army of I. J LIKED IT! I (4-5-8-10) Midnight Special (10) Naw Zoo Revue tha King Of Persia. &ALIV LIK& IT/ (12) News (12) Merv Griffin (50) Religious Message (13) Bonanza 1:00 AM 1:30 (23) Sesame Street (3) "Outlaw Of Red River" (2) The Late Show | 1:27 (25) Yogi 8. Friends (7) Rock Concert 1:30 k Message (41) Daktari (2) "Monster Maker" Ralph I 9 30 (12) National Anthem (50) Three Stooges (13) News Morgan. (1944) Doctor creates I See It 4:30 monster by his secretly-invented Vk (41) Afterhours Theatre (2) Mike Douglas Show 2:30 glandular injections. (3) Mere Griffin Show (4-10) News (4) George Pierrot Presents (41) "Will B (8) That Girl (7) 4:30 Movie THE DROPOUTS (8) Partridge Family (9) Andy Griffith FRIDAY'S by Post JI"»5Puppetry & (10) Flipper (25) The Munsters & Friends (50) The Little Rascals HIGHLIGHTS J[ridax_^bi^ary_28t_1975 "Just By Accident" A stick car EVENING driver dies in what police term a 5:00 PM traffic mishap, but Rockford 8:00 PM (8-8) Ironside investigates the case and uncovers (9) Mickey Mouse Club (CBS) Khan! V Sweepstakes 'The Murder Of Khan's Friend" a clever-insurance claim-racket Schools (10) Truth Or Consequences A doctor, is linked to an (13) That Girl (ABC) Hot L Baltimore international crime syndicate (23) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (25) I Love Lucy dealing in gambling and narcotics. 9:30 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (ABC) The Odd Couple (NBC) Sanford And Son (50) The Flintstones "Laugh, Clown, Laugh!" Felix "The Stung" Frad asks a 5:30 sets out to prove on Richard (4) Bowling For Dollars professional gambler to teach Dawson's TV show, co-hosted by Lamont and his friends a lesson. (9) Partridge Family Oscar, than an act he and Dawson PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (10) Beverly Hillbillies once did together wasn't as bad as [•VMue (12-13) News (ABC) Koichak: The Night Dawson says it was. by Bill Yates I Revue (23) Villa Alegre Stalker ■Women Only (25) Hogan's Heroes "Horror In The Heights" With 10:00 (50) Gilligan's Island guest star Phil Silvers. A trail of (NBC) Police Woman I 11:00 6:00 murders leads Koichak into "Ice" Guest star Michael Parks. A Show ■Yon See It (2-34-5-6-7 8- confrontation with a creature that key figure in a ring of jewel HO/V\£ &OT 10-12-13-2541) News assumes the likeness of a trusted thiaves bing entrapped by (9) Bewitched friend. undercover agents. (23) Consumer Experience J*"«V M we (50) Star Trek (ABC) Baretta Yot)r &o 8:57 1W Stars 6:30 (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes "Ragtime Bill Poaches" With 1'I.L IT IP & You (34-5-6 7-10-2541) News Narrator: Pamela Mason. guest stars Richard A.Dysart and J Revue (9) I Dream Of Jeannie Mag Foster. Tony Baretta gats OfJTofJPP. ■1130 (12) 6:30 Movie 9:00 involved in a bewildering case. (13) Beverly Hillbillies (CBS) The Friday Night Movie ® PCO-I 4-Chenne! 699. WMMD KM HOC PIONEER flT-2100 PIONEER STEREO mam. QUAD 8-TRACK DECK HEADPHONKS 110 watt IMs ritfc case $1ff Ust $299.95 *199 List $24.95 lw FINE DIAMONDS WktGoldM come & see these plus many, many more styles of engagement & wedddingl POP ENTER1WNMENT PRESENTS Lhn « ' W $559.50 1/3 JOHNNYWNTER ct. diamond ring $279.50 $960. 1/2 ct. diamond ring $480. plusThe JamesConon Blues Band TOTAL JEWELERS espart watch & $150. Ladies Wedding TICKETS NCW ON SALE! $377. X ct. diamond ring $93.14ct. wadding ring $46.50 S18&50 jewelry repairs, plus professional engraving $177. Mem Wedding R'"9 Stare Havre: 9PMTUESMARAJEMSON Man. & Fri. Tickets 84 sod 85 en sale al Maostralfe art MSllnion. Free crolimaB fa service Ic awl from the shev^ leaving 7iCrpOT^V Ld,M(%nel,HuM>srt and AWirt 9:30 ta 9 p.m. Tuai., Wad., Thun., Sat. 9:30 ta 5:30 p.m. LEONARD Wholaula Diitributors _3Q9NJVaihington Ava. Loonard Downtowi