MONDAY, MARCH 3,1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 rustees study M Jublic comment A U.S. meets with tion Sunday congressional delegation a Viet Cong delega¬ in South Vietnam. From left to right: Rep. John J. ||me at meetings By PETE DALY State Newt SUf! Writer get that far, a request must be originally Flynt Jr., D-Ga., Sen. Dewey Bartlett, R-Okla., Rep. William V. Chappell Jr., D-Fla., and Rep. Paul N. McCloskey, R- approved by University administrators. Calif. Facing them is Maj. Gen. prill balloon being launched by the Martin, the board chairman, said Hoang Anh Tuan, wearing that Sunday ■ Board of Trustees may allow any a time slot would probably be public open for glasses, head of the Viet Cong T, citizen to speak at future board comment to the board either the Thursday night before each monthly meet¬ delegation. AP wirephoto I p|in u> increase public accessibility ing or on Friday morning at the opening of the meeting. Notice of a ■ regular monthly meeting emerged at desire to address the board would Lj meeting Saturday of the board and from one to three probably have to be made ■ administrators, and may have been days prior to the Id by the Feb. 21 meeting, where 20 meetings, he said. Lu disrupted the meeting in protest "We intend to publicize this so that ,e firing of two faculty members. anyone with an ax to grind can get up and L protesters read a statement and speak his piece before the board," Martin said. But he pointed out that a | out petitions despite the board's M to acknowledge their presence or time would probably be limited speaker's to 10 or 15 MIA STATEMENTS CALL C the group's demand for the rehiring minutes, and that the opportunity to speak ■ two faculty members. might be limited to certain topics, at least at N. Viet reps anger the Friday meeting. jts closed retreat Saturday, the board ■ted Trustees Blanche Martin, D-East 'Thursday night would be unrestricted Kg. and Pat Carrigan, D-Farmington in meet March 7 with MSU President to set guidelines allowing public (regarding topics), because we would have time to hear everybody," Martin said. "We will try to accommodate everybody." SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) — A. U.S. Dewey Bartlett, R-Okla., called North congressmen Trustee Rep. John J. Flynt Jr., D-Fla., than asked Americans |ent at the meetings, Raymond Krolikowski, D- congressional delegation's attempt to Vietnamese statements "hogwash." what steps were being taken to facilitate missing in action and little lour of the trustees contacted Birmingham, said he is all for the change in obtain information on Americans progress has been made since in Sunday missing in Other members of the U.S. delegation, the recovery of more than 900 Americans accounting policy. action (MIA) ended in a heated for them. key believe the change will be more exchange including Reps. Bella S. Abzug, D-N.Y., and listed as missing in action and more than "I think you will find Sunday with some of the lawmakers telling Rep. Paul N. McCloskey Jr., R-Calif., told | "paper change." The current policy we are going to have North Vietnamese Donald M. Fraser, D-Minn., were more 1,400 listed as dead, but whose bodies have Lg access to the board meetings a change of format (at the monthly newsmen that he felt Kissinger had to representatives they conciliatory, urging improved relations not been recovered. meetings) that will afford access to the were liars and murderers. become involved in efforts to achieve pes that a request must be made 10 between North Vietnam and the United Bao read a statement, a \ advance of a Thursday night public public," he said, indicating the change will Rep. Bill Chappell Jr., D-Fla., accused States. accusing the peaceful settlement of the Cambodian and be apparent North Vietnam of murder in attacks on United States of violating the cease-fire Vietnam Ig session, where the board would by the next meeting March 21. Bartlett said later that he believed the through spy flights over North Vietnam, wars. lil) consider the request. However, to I continued on page 9) Americans searching for graves of missing group will recommend that Secretary of through continued aid to South Vietnam, by (continued on page 9) U.S. soldiers in South Vietnam and State Henry A. Kissinger Sen. begin negotia tions with the Soviet Union, China and conducting airlifts to Phnom Penh and by not providing reconstruction aid to North North Vietnam to end the fighting. Vietnam. la/n examination Bartlett made the comment in a state¬ ment at Tan Son Nhut airport shortly Flynt told Bao: "Your answer to humanitarian and sincere question a very bears SN Petitions before the eight-member U.S. delegation no relation whatsoever to the question Petitions are still being accepted By MARY ANN CHICK left for Washington to report to President Cain said which I have asked. It is clearly a for the positions of State News SUte New. Staff Writer Saturday he has looked into the private and official Ford and Congress on their prepared activities of Stanley as they relate to his duties as Pop fact-finding statement containing many fabrications editor-in-chief and advertising sin if COMING SPRING TERM Police bowed to terrorist demands to release four jailed anarchists Sunday in West Berlin in a bid to save the life of hiia Mif ROGER MOON kidnaped mayorol candidate Peter Lorenz. At the jame time, a record number of West Berliners voted in city INI MJII / 111 My AM) EDDIE HARRIS elections. KIM I H||| /II1MVA/.H KENNY BURRELL Authorities released a tape recording from the 52-year- JOSH WHITE JR. old Lorenz in which he said his abductors had given "their word of honor" that he would be freed when their demands FREDDIE HUBBARD were met. Two men were released from different prisons in Bavaria AND MANY MORE and flown to Fronkfurt airport in ments were being made to helicopters. Arrange¬ DIM: IP 11m II fly two women to Frankfurt from II IM I Hill / III MV.AI. if prison in Berlin. Once together in the West German city, the four were to be given the chance to confer and go on ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK television to say whether or not country. they .-'anted to leave the flllM \y Mill IN I III I II Sill ! S1UFFED tl0c| PORK CHOPS $3-95| Fire slows rescue efforts FRIDAY A small fire rescue Sunday in a wrecked subway troin slowed workers efforts to cut their way twisted metal to at least 12 bodies believed through torn and remaining in mm SCALLOPS PERCH FRY. $2,001 $2.25| London's worst subway disaster. City Coroner Dr. David Paul said at least 37 persons died in the crash Friday at the Moorgate station ir> the heart of i•••••• SATURDAY London's financial district. He said 23 bodies, including eight women, have been BEEF KABOB $3 /5l removed and identified. Another body removed was badly DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES * SAIAD V mutilated and still unidentified. i, March 3,1Klichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 3, 1975 3 HOUSING CODE CHAN andlords list proposals of Building and IvFRED NEWTON Zoning and the •Equal ■lif News SUlf Writer ■ gast city a managers office, the the entire code enforcement for city. The association able number of tenants. Though Lansing Landlords group proposed the following feels that not all the landlords have no specific ■has developed its plan of changes on the housing code- housing is being solution, they would like to see a ■ against the city housing •A re-evaluation of inspected and made to comply more uniform city policy dealing housing with housing code Bud is prepared for battle. code ceiling height and stairway restrictions. with the measurements. ■40 landlords who showed clearance requirements. The •Dropping of supplemental rental licenses that cost ■ the second landlords group feels these restrictions land¬ lords $2 for each room Etion meeting elected of are too severe and would like to and require one of the they rent "There tions to the are no simple solu¬ see them eased. renters to housing code," said ■and discussed five propo- be responsible for the Steve Blethen, who was elected lr changes in the housing •A re-evaluation of parking The association feels house. restrictions in the this is a president of the association. |at the group drew up and housing code. waste of time and "The landlords association is for A various city officials. The group would like to money. see •A re-evaluation of the the housing code, but there are Better of recommendation parking restrictions taken out of surement of habitable mea¬ Tj city council, the Dept. the housing code altogether. living some impractical requirements spaces which affects the allow¬ that we would like changed." In other business, all land¬ letro Squad marijuana bust lords present were information package that tained a standard given an state con¬ of Michigan lease form, a copy of This is the canoe that MSU civil SN photo/Daniel Shutt the East Lansing tenant-land¬ engineering 1 hough the canoe is made out of cement and lord handbook and three Tenant students raced in last year's canoe race. weighs 135 pounds, it finished in third place. ises question of priorities Resource Center handbooks. IMSU student and an East Lansing man For several years, "The basic purpose of all this information is to let landlords know about the information Concrete canoeists some have contended the ■arrest t'd Thursday by the Tri-County Metro Metro Squad does a good job and only goes after that tenants are getting," Ble¬ | (or possession of and intent to deliver 200 marijuana dealers when the dealers have large then said. By SUE MC MILLIN to completely harden. The for design and the reporting of or lose, Mark Is of marijuana. quantities of the drug. Others State News Staff Writer groups must also make test Young, senior what the group did in building I East Lansing arrest came at about 1 a.m. force concentrates too much say the special Why would anyone build a runs to check out the canoe and said. "It's fun." on small the canoe. Idav, when Metro Squad officers, supported dealers while marijuana Though the association has concrete canoe? decide who will be in the race. The team may be building "You get to meet a lot of Et Lansing police, used a search warrant to ignoring hard-drug pushers. collected nearly $1,000 in dues, Besides being a technical people from other schools and Stephen Naert, East Lansing police chief, and The group said applying the two canoes this year — a Ja home at 139 Lake Lansing Road, where "at Ryan, it has not yet decided what to do challenge, several civil engi¬ knowledge they get in classes standard one and an exper¬ see something coming out of all Ingham County commissioner, re- the work you put into it," one (arrested the two men. The men were sponded oppositely to questions about the with it. It may decide in the neering students think that it to the designing and construc¬ imental one. One of their main student said. >d by the Metro Squad as Steven Glueck, and the arrest future to hire a lawyer. might be a good way to put tion of the canoe is important. priorities of the squad. goals is trying to keep the The group said it was plan¬ lr-old MSU senior, and Donald Courtois, 23 "Don't talk about priorities," Ohio State in its place. When the students finish, they Naert said. The association "The main weight down. The first year the ning to paint the W the Lake Lansing address. These people were will meet reason is that we will have spent about two canoe weighed 550 canoe green Eeck and Courtois were arraigned Thursday dealing in thousands and again March want to go pounds and and print MSU on the side. Last thousands of dollars. It was a on 27 at the down and beat Ohio terms designing the canoe. last year it was down to 135 Et Lansing District Court and released on fairly big operation." Pinecrest Elementary School to State," Paul Fletcher, senior year's canoe was also decorated Ryan disagreed. "The arrests were pounds. The group hopes to that way. I bond each. justified legally, but in terms of probably discuss possible use of its funds said. The Engineering Dept. has bring this year's canoe down to lusual, public officials differ in their views of priorities it's ridiculous," he said. "If they can't deal with and to plan more action in The collegiate concrete canoe recognized the work put into 80 pounds, Ruma said. The students are only heavy lobbying for changes in the race was started by Purdue the canoe and several students allowed to drugs full-time, they're incompetent." spend $100 for housing code. University six will be getting credit for their "The general technology of years ago. MSU supplies and would appreciate first entered the competition work on the project. Some will the boats has increased," said any donations of materials. four years ago. The rules are be experimenting with dif¬ Andy Gerst, last year's chair¬ Things which they will be set up by the American Con¬ ferent concrete mixes and will man. needing include lumber, styro- crete Institute, which also write up progress reports. foam, plaster, cement and wire offers trophies and awards. The students also empha¬ mesh. People who wish to Besides awarding the team sized the fun they had with the Most of the students involved donate supplies can contact that posts the fastest time in agreed that the competition project. Ruma in 156 the race, there is also an award "I don't Engineering Bldg. was a big part of the reason for really care if we win or phone 353-7224. h Monday the State News publishes a list of scheduled local building the canoe. Last year proposal for an advisory council of students and faculty to the kment meetings including campus, city and state bodies, board of trustees and the MSU team finished third, a report from the Educational Policies following the University of open pens are urged to clip this list for reference. Please contact Committee on Student Instructional Rating thursday and friday nights until n iging editor to include items here. System (SIRS) Toronto and the University of proposals. Today Michigan. ■Council of Graduate Students (COGS) will meet at 6:30 Wednesday The race will be held April 26 Miss J's open-ended dress shoe of p.m. The Intrafraternity Council will meet at 7 p.m. I Con Con room of the International Center to discuss a in 328 Student in Columbus, Ohio. The stu¬ Services Bldg. to discuss the spring rush and Greek lie PIRGIM referendum, minority graduate recruitment Week, which dents are presently designing kidskin leather. .SRO does it is scheduled to take place May 11 through 17. . Ittee and foreign student work permits. COGS will also The East Lansing the canoe and will begin con¬ City Council will meet at 8 p.m. in the council struction early spring term. all in soft, supple Spanish kidskin p the possibility of supporting the U-M graduate student's chambers at City Hall. Ron Ruma, chairman of the The East Lansing Human Relations Commission will meet both the covered Tueaday at 8 group, said that actual con wedge and p.m. in the conference room at City Hall. I Academic Coucil will meet in the Con Con Room of the struction of the canoe should The East Lansing Recreation Commission will meet at 7:80 the airily perforated upper. In Rational Center. On the agenda is a report from the at the East Lansing Board of p.m. only take a couple of days, but Curriculum Committee, further discussion Educationoffice, 509 Burcham Drive. it takes a week for the cement r on the important colors of terra cotta or true green, it's SUPER LOW the freshest way to go NO-FAULT DISCOUNT RECORDS breezing into spring 6Vi to 10 Narrow and IURANCE RATES1 Uleliomes Johnny Winter to 5 to 10 Medium Jeff Williams sizes $28 IMSU '68) at 332-1838 East Lansing I |L SENTRY ,)aLoP 111 INSURANCE ■ * «>0f too»Dtm«oou 110 Gainsborough Drive JOHN E*»t Phone Day Evening Lapwing or DAWSON WINTER SHARE THE RIDE III including: Jaeobsoris I WITH US THIS Raised On Rock Mind Over Matter mmm—- VACATION Rock & Roll People AND GET ON IA GOOD THING. Lay Down Your Sorrows Pick Up On X)ooLey's My Mojo Pans Greyhound, and lot of your a fellow students la'2 already on to a good thing. You leave when you I ravei comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time II save money, too, over the increased air Johnny Winter: in a class by himself on his new album, I Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. "John Dawson Winter III." With new songs by John Len- non, Rick Derringer and, of course, Johnny himself. f18- Greyhound. On Blue Sky Records and Tapes .greyhound service ■ 'CE FROM EAST LANSING TO DETROIT rive :2S a.m. 3:30 p.m. Friday only See Johnny Winter on rlw. (•*«*•«) a! <45a,m. 4:45 p.m. I Dally < (axpraii) Tuesday, March 4 at Jenison riv« 00 p.m p (local) « 9 p.m. !'*• 6,00 p.m. 35 0.m. (axprats) ' Trlday ortly n. dally axpratt, arrive 9:35 p.m. _ ' OS p.m. (Ixprati) 3 55 p.m. (Eapraw) Friday only I *0ur agent about additional departures and return trips L p GREYHOUND AGENT |L^ri"*' River Ay. Ea»t Laming 332 2569 'go greyhound •and leave the driving to us- Diatributed by Columbia/Epic Record* Susan Ager Moureen Beninson tditor-in-chief Advertising Manager RUSSELL R.D. Campbell Managing Ww Mik* Anwtt City Editor World ending at 1 q J Dion. Silver Compus Editor Chris Danieison Opinion Page Editor Melissa Peyton Sieve Stem Sports Editor Dole Atkins June Mono Entertainment Editor Tom Oren Cop* Chief Undo Sonde! Staff We are gathered at home to watch the was doing the night the world ended. How Henry Kissinger. Kissinger is smiling. PatNordi Representative end of the world on television. sad the children would be if they had to say, Why? Kalb says Kissinger believe* the end "I waa watching "Abbott and CoeteUo Meet of the world may make the Arabs and It is a special. We are watching it on cur Frankenstein." Israelis more receptive to peace negotia¬ old black-and-white set. A touch of tions. sentimentality here. Someday, they will thank us for this EDITORIALS A neighbor with color invited us over, but we felt the tug of loyalty. "At the end," we deprivation. John Chancellor is showing film dips of There is an working to build Exxon commercial. Exxon is a better life for everyone bectu* I > niceruY v 1 after the end of the world. said, "we'd rather be with our faithful old the events leading to this night's event The cata are bored. We see film of San e>»Mv.r CTOio.; '*"»» | • -m ~a black-and-white set that brought the family Pictures of the last oil well going dry. Of has been spent mastering M Student union need the earth's vitally essential osone layer breaking down under aerosol can cases. Of Oemente. Richard Nixon is watching the end of the world in aeduaion with a few old "la this the Mother. way the "What will the newspapers have to write about after it's all over?" asks "Not with Grandfather. a bang, but a i to curb bosse It is 1 o'clock in the morning. For months Mother wants to twitch to CBS. She feels that so long as Cronkite showing film 0f th, y* world running out of gaa. 11 the networks have tried to persuade the Walter Cronkite it handling the end of the world everything will "Just think." world to end in prime time. "In prime says Mother "iL turn out all right. get up tomorrow morninr tul As the first step toward the Those opposing the union argue time," they said, "it could top the ratings of have ended." 8 * the Super Bowl." No dice. The end of the formal representation of students that job conditions and wages at "Just like by a student workers union, present are not poor enough to world is not like a Republican National Convention. It is the last thing left that can Grandmother. yesterday 1 a-J CIa student employes should sign and warrant the creation of a union. say no to television. well dressed carrying briefcases saraastsj men - friends. turn in union authorization cards. This is transparent nonsense. President Ford will address the nation in paying 15 admissions to pornographic An interruption for a live ahot from Thirty per cent of the 7,100 While it may be true that there are movies. Of the rapidly mounting birthrate. America. a few minutes. According to NBC, which Zurich. We see the dollar collapse. student workers must turn in some decent managers and bosses Grandmother Bays the end of the world is broke the release date on his speech, he will "I always told you that credit cards and Fragments of the last nf a. signed authorization cards in order in the University, the fact remains say that the end of the world is historic automobiles would be the end of you," says very dull. She had expected a big bang. essential ozone a layer fill oo tU, for the Michigan Employment that merit raises, job conditions event for all Americans. Grandfather. "This is not rocket the sound of small icicles hub a launching from Cape Relations Commission (MERC) to and how a manager treats his or children plead to see the The children are restless. They would Mother wants to switch to CBS. She Canaveral," I tell her. "It is the end of the Costello. Why not? end ofj! hold an election. her employes are purely arbitrary rather watch "Abbot and Costello Meet feels that so long as Walter Cronkite is world." They considerations. What is needed is Frankenstein" on channel 8. handling the end of the world everything The children are fractious. If there is some way to remember the nX Some 2,100 cards are still ended, or else how will formalized Foolish, foolish childhood. Someday, will turn out all right. they a arrangement that nothing more to the end of the world than needed in order to meet this goal every body will remember exactly what he Marvin Kalb is entering an airplane with collapsing dollars, mounting birth rates, positively guarantees what is now (C11975 A/ew York Tmtt before fall. subject to the individual whims of Unless students have a formal MSU bosses. union to represent La them, issues Student workers should not such as grievance procedures, job With the last Saturdsy after* security and wages will continue to worry about questions such as ball game at home over already,] be handled ineffectively and arbi¬ wage demands, possible lay-offs why these games are played at ill and tuition hikes just yet. Such the afternoon. trarily by Univeristy officials, Every Sunday morning in th serving the interests of nobody questions can be handled by the union membership once the union Patroniiation papers, the University of Miri^ but the University power elite. As a black. I am accustomed to being ball team receives coverage and* is established. As long as the stereotyped no matter what the facts may picture on the front page of t A legally sanctioned agency membership is active and section. However, the story oil be. Thus, the stereotyping of my role as a empowered to fight for student involved, the union will be flexible domesticated housewife by women psychol¬ game will only be a paragraph a because of the late ending of thai employes' rights is a must to crack and capable of serving the inter¬ ogists, Elaine Donelson, Barbara Riemer the rigidity of the University ests of the united student workers. and Jeanne Gullahorn. is disappointing but early printing deadline of the on I don't know how this affects a bureaucracy and see that the not unexpected. Despite considerable press recruit when he reads coverage of my extensive professional, plenty dignity and self-respect of student Students who have received Notre Dame and other colleges, nondomestic involvements here in Michigan workers are preserved and authorization cards should sign and nationally, they choee to ignore those little about MSU. I do bow that them and turn them in. Students former Michigan high school ill- upgraded. undertakings for their own self-serving who haven't, should pick them up ends. playing at schools like North Student workers should not let If the women psychologists' concerns in¬ Houston. at the ASMSU Labor Relations I also wonder if Burt Smith sa* issues of personalities and the Office in 330 Student Services cluded the cause of all women, why then did column in the Detroit Free Pre* current union leadership interfere they not acknowledge the fact that I try to with their decision to form a union. Bldg. make a worthy contribution to MSU with was criticized because she pursued some of Presumption where Falls accused MSU of basketball program first rate The concept and importance of a Student must throw off their dalMn^ensation? Instead, they are pstro# izing tbout the role of wives as well aa 9row* husband's and heace her interestssocial neglected "dbties." It some would be I have seldom been so disturbed aa I waa when I read the article written by Terry runs it second rate. After all, that union has a far greater scope and fears and apprehensions of bosses cavalier about those of us who attempt the more equitable to separate these social ob¬ supposed to have caused the wA: ligations from administrative role expecta¬ Davis, "Fight Zionist Anti-Semitism." It program, not a program that doest implication than the immediate and get together to protest and dual role of wife and professional. seems to me that Mr. Davis is Mrs. Dolores D. Wharton tions. Why should a husband be expected to extremely its players enough. issues surrounding the union at demand in harmony. To strike out or have the right to "contribute" hia wife's quick in assuming that the bomb scare was Too Cowles House present. Questions of priorities as an individual can accomplish services? Furthermore, not all executive caused by "local Zionists." I seem to 418W- and leadership can be decided by little. Individuals banding togeth¬ wives have the skills or the desire to man¬ remember hearing somewhere that a person the union's membership after the er with other individuals to fight Elect First Lady age social and civic obligaUons. Thus may¬ (or persons, as the case may be) is innocent be, for example, we should elect a First until proven quilty. Yet Mr. Davis directly Let Stanley c initial organizational stage is com¬ for mutual needs is the only road attributes the bomb scare to these "local The cartoon you associated with our Lady to perform important social functiona pleted. for student workers at MSU. letter in Thursday's paper regarding Mrs. and pay her for this role. Zionists", saying such things aa. "There can What's the big hassle over Pill Wharton's collateral responsibilities might Elaine Donelson be little doubt that these terrorist and the director of ASMSU Pop be interpreted to imply that we were pre¬ Barbara Riemer harassing activities can be attributed to local ment? So what if he uses the Asst. professors of psychology Zionista" and "the hypocrisy of their claim is line to place his telephone cilli senting another put down to women in Postpone UF traditional roles. You depicted Mrs. Wharton in an apron — the way women typically are portrayed in children's story¬ Jeanne Gullahorn Professor of psychology made crystal clear by the fact that their bomb threat.. It seems to me that there is every bit as much a possibility that this scare was caused state. As long as he doesn't " the University's money, there any complaints. Here is a mu donated countless hours to the books. Our point was that wives of execu¬ tives are expected to be more than house¬ Ski solidarity by a member of UFARI wishing to condemn and built Pop Entertainment intr It appears the MSU Board of But the trustees must hear the wives. They must display complex social Zionists, as there is that it was caused by a ful organization, yet the Univo- Trustees lost its calendar on Feb. complaints about the March 20 skills to facilitate discussions at "social" With regard to Jim Dubroekfs letter Zionist. Unless Mr. Davis knows something willing to recognize this fact by' entitled "Ethnic revolt" in Tuesday's State that everyone else does not, I would advise make hia telephone calls. Ai 21 when it scheduled an open date by the middle of this week to gatherings, where actually business as well as socializing transpires. These skills are News, Fd like to make one comment: Right him to keep his mouth shut and not be guilty University doesn't pay for the* forum to discuss the United Farm be sure students are still on on! of the worst yellow journalism. not let the man use the telephone labeled achievement behaviors when people Kenneth A. Kukorowski Workers (UFW) boycott. campus and can be notified of any like psychologists perform them (and are 548 MAC Ave. Dana Lawrence free will, whether it be for his Unless changed soon by board change. paid for them) in their professional roles, 313 Milford St. gain, or to help another uni' action, the discussion will be held but social skills generally are not recog¬ Pickets charged a concert, or for Pop Enter! nized and compensated as achievements Come on ASMSU. let's get off while the campus is virtually void An all-University boycott of of students — 3 p.m. Thursday, non-UFW produce has been a when wives perform them. Thus many women are not esteemed and do not esteem I am sick and tired of the continuing nuisance that is caused by the slovenly Absurdity controversial issues and do is beneficial to the students for» ' March 20. major goal of MSU social activists In his viewpoint Wednesday, Terry Davis Robert K." themselves for important achievements. picket* rs in front of East Lanaing's stores. Trustee Raymond Krolikowski, for months. However, unless they Instead they must seek vicarious gratifies Because of them, I make a special effort to of UFARI presumes that the bomb scare 161N. D-Birmingham, says he will move can persuade the trustees to hold Uon from the socially defined occupational buy Gallo wine whenever poeaible. If these which disrupted the Palestine Liberation to change the date and advise the the forum at a time when the board to do likewise if students campus is not deserted, the issue and scholastic achievements of their hus¬ bands and children. Being "behind" a great idiots would really like to improve the quality of American life, they should start Project As one on Feb. 21 was made by a Zionist who should recall the liberation Cain need' demonstrate a desire to delay the may be decided not with a man means being in the back seat. doing their picketing in the center lane of struggles of the last decade within this It is good to see that at last bang, With reference to our example of the I-W- David Get. country, Mr. Davis must see the absurdity ASMSU president who h " discussion. but a whimper. First Lady, recall that Eleanor Roosevelt 626 Cowley Ave. of his own statement. During this period there have been numerous terrorist acts something. Events of the put attributed to revolutionary groups. Some of proven Tim Cain to be a president He exhibited the courage to fis- BETWEEN these have proven to be acta by agents of police and government agencies. In most he believes in and the character cases the token against Wharton and his "gMf; damage of such attacks 21, at the board of trustees — serves to incense the enemy and give them spoke out against racist and - M Endorsement time returns an excuse to take retaliatory action. Cer¬ on this campus and Wharton s tainly, the events of Feb. 21 could not be concerning the vital issue of construed to Zionist Johnson and Dr. Lois Hum serve a cause. Furthermore, to portray a general Zion¬ als from the faculty of MSU ist mentality by the actions of a minority By SUSAN AGER sentative from your college and 10 at-large such issues the Student Workers Union, Tim on hia actions andh»«* as points, explain their philosophies and, in the who persist in denying others their rights of Editor-in-Chief representatives to the Academic Council. risk of confrontation with procedures for choosing Great Iasues case of Tim Cain, defend some decisions and free speech is as slanderous and racist as Endorsements are not easy to make. Included with each candidate's statement speakers, philosophy on funding interest nondecisions. controversial issue. I f°r ®L the recent defamatory images of Arabs They take lot of thought, passion, or these two pages will be each Tim Cain and the Progressive a summary on groups like the United Farm Workers, Though interviews were scheduled to last within the American media. Only when all meticulous care and time. candidate's phone number. If you don't ASMSU's low credibility, the function of only 20 minutes each, Cain's interview sides of this conflict cease their violent dates in their bid for election^ A newspaper's endorsement is not just trust our presidential endorsement or want the board and its president and other items. lasted close to lVt hours. As ASMSU board at spring term regntrt- the paper's editors casting their vote. to know more about any candidate, call We also asked each candidate to list president this year, the burden of proof was propaganda smeara against each other can there be any chance of a nonviolent solution vinced that they will pi** Especially in local elections, where names them. political experience, involvement at MSU on him to explain his activities and thoee of to the problem. leadership this campus neeas and issues may be blurred or vague, Your interest this year is more essential and to rank 10 items in the order of their his board. and involved. newspaper's endorsement can serve to than ever. ASMSU has produced more importance or to add other items to the list Brian Grant clarify complexities and perhaps influence sparks and smoke this year than before, Those items we included were: student On Sunday at 11 ajn. editors, editorial 1012 Cleveland St the late-decider. though many question how much fire. The access to SIRS forms. University boycott of writers aad interested staff members met Some voters, in effect, let the newspaper Ron Ziegler episode, the Student Workers lettuce and grapes, support of integration in together In the State News office. Two make their choice for them. Union, two impeachment attempta, charges Boston, Student Workers Union, improve¬ hours later, we voted on whe to endorse and The State News will endorse a candidate of conflict of interest, racism and other ment of ASMSU relations with the Univer¬ talked aboit why we were endorsing that lor ASMSU president on this page tomor¬ row. But we will also present two full pages, heated issues have probably pushed student government more deeply into sity, improvement of student housing, increasing student confidence in ASMSU, candidate. We also discussed hew the endorsement weald be written, so aa to Letter Policy one briefly summarizing presidential can¬ undergraduate student life here than ever better speakers and concerts from Great convey the greatest confidence In the can¬ didates' backgrounds and programs and the before. Perhaps students even talk about Issues and Pop Entertainment, improve¬ didate's ability to lead the ASMSU board The Opinion Page welcomet dent, faculty or staffs other printing short statements from moat student government occasionally over lunch ment of ASMSU relatione with the State and the atndent body in the all lettert. Readert should if any and phone nu of the candidates for ASMSU eoDege coming year. now. News and the need for students on the follow a few rules to insure that representative and Academic Council seats. The increased visibility of ASMSU, long a board of trustees with full voting privileges. It was a grueling proceas for all involved. at many lettert at pottible Letters should be # If you are an undergraduate and did not body of uncertain credibility and certain Copies were made of the prepared less and may bt*r Many of us, admiring the candidates' appear in print. pick up your 50 cent refund this term from inaction, has spurred 10 candidates to run questionnaires and distributed to the stamina, concluded afterwards that it All lettert thould be typed on conciseness tofitmore the fee you automatically pay at registra- for president and the State News staff and editorial board to review. On Thursday ja tion for ASMSU's services, you may vote at more comfortable to ask difficult questions 65 the page. editors have spent hours deciding which night and Friday morning nine of the 10 than to anawer them. - tpace lines and triple - spring term early registration (beginning next week) and regular registration for an one of those 10 to endorse and why. candidates were interviewed by members spaced. Lettert mutt be signed, No unsigned l*tterS A questionnaire diatributed to all 10 of the editorial board and editorial writers. We believe we made the and include local addrett, stu¬ ASMSU president, and ASMSU repre- candidates asked for their comments on Candidates were asked to clarify vague We welcome your commenta. right decision. accepted. Lliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 3, 1975 5 SN photos/Charlie Kidd Jeweler creates unique pieces ByLYNNGRYMONPREZ I taught myself and started 58 an hour for labor." An old song said that dia¬ ring," he said. I never take a picture of it to producing." Trambley has a unique theory monds are a girl's best friend, Making jewelry is a learning remember the design," Tramb¬ but it never mentioned the Trambley enjoys selling his about the popularity of jewelry. process involving construction jewelry as much as ley said. "My designs are unlike creating it. "Turquoise and Indian style and creative design and practi¬ importance of a friendly jew¬ His major form of anyone else's and sooner or eler. advertising is jewelry is really selling now," he cal application of these ele¬ later, Til make to wear his a name for Mark "Chumley" Trambley, jewelry and go to said. "I think people are ments. the public. myself." 724 Ann St., is a professional beginning to grow up and "Some stones just can't be "I like to combine simplicity of Tin an extrovert," jeweler in all phases of the Trambley realize that instead of spending used for some pieces of jewelry,' construction with the extrava¬ said, putting some jazz on the money on liquor or drugs, which business. He designs, con¬ stereo. "I can talk to anyone and Trambley said, displaying his gance of design," he said, don't last, they'll buy jewelry, creations. structs and sells his jewelry eventually word gets around. "Jewelry should showing an onyx and silver which does." have a workable construction with a guarantee of uncondi¬ Someone buys my jewelry and bracelet. "It's almost gaudy, tional satisfaction. Trambley believes that that's comfortable to wear. but it's what I like best." tells another guy and hand-crafted jewelry has a big pretty Gigantic, heavy stones for rings Trambley, who has been soon I've got lots of contacts. market because Trambley is a straightfor¬ consumers are making jewelry for a year, is "I know what the materials are impractical. -You can't even ward, confident businessman concerned with the losing interest in assembly line put your hand in your pocket." who sells himself by selling his enormous cost and how much time it takes duplication. Trambley creates his jewelry ideas. prices people pay for manufac¬ to construct a piece. tured My 'My jewelry is less expensive by starting with a basic idea and "Not only do I make and sell jewelry. customers get an original piece than manufactured and "I knew I could make better of jewelry for the cost of people expanding on the piece as it jewelry, but I sell information get a kick out of knowing evolves. The final product is an about jewelry," Trambley said. k jewelry for a fraction of the materials, a 20 per cent handling "Chumley" Tramblev solders a piece of handmade jewelry in his price charged in stores," said personally who made their original, unique piece of jewel¬ "Someone who buys my jewelry lorkshop. charge, because I have to get my necklace or bracelet and that no the tall, bearded Trambley. "So own materials, ry- knows exactly what he's plus my profit of one else will be wearing their "I never duplicate a piece and bought." tlGARETTES 2 PK. SCHOLL'S EXERCISE SANDALS xtfo titaijf /79" $9 99 25c OFF OUR DISCOUNT PRICE ON 211 E. GRAND RIVER NEXT TO THE OT COFFEE 5* A MON. - SAT. 8 - 6 SPORTSMEISTER SUNTAN LOTIONS CUP WED. & THURS. 8 - 9 ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK & SEE YOU NEXT TERM! lARMCREST REG. PEPSI DIET 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM 30% OFF RETAIL PRICE I CAKES & PIES 8Pk. 16 1/2 OFF ON ALL ..2/44' oz. .. >.« — „ PROCESSING & DEVELOPING ON ALL SUNGLASSES I U PAPERBACKS TAMPAX MENNEN STAYFREE KODAK FILM KODAK FILM BATH TALC ULTRA BRITE $1 28 MINI PADS 30's cno-12 $ "1 09 $ 1.75 oz. 26c reg. $1.1 99* C126-12 C135-20 "J 2 9 9 reg. oz. $1.3 89' reg. 39* TRIAL SIZE IMON UP SHAMPOO $1 18 Coil loniing Stor« Only CEPACOL MOUTHWASH WOODBURY NATURE SCENTS 22c KODAK FILM KODAK FILM ULTRA BAN jti BODY BAR ANTI-PERSPIRANT O At BABY OIL 4.75 reg. oz. 29* Z *+ 76' KM13S-20 KR135-20 $ 1 49 I 5 reg. oz. $1.35 96" NOXZEMA $1 18 SKIN CREME UM1T, 88' Nil taming Ittrf Only Eatt I anting Stora only reg! $1.50 iTONS C0RRASABLE BOND piNG PAPER CRICKET FLASHCUBES MAGICUBES SCHICK II NATIONAL LAMPOON DISPOSABLE LIGHTERS BLADE CARTRIDGE MARCH ISSUE 96" $ 1 67 73' 99" - Only $ 1 38 reg. $2.50 reg. $1.00 Explrot March » 117S 79c KODACHROME SHEER POLAROID FILM SUPER 8 ALL OF OUR PANTYHOSE Type 108 MOVIE FILM PLAYTEX MIDOL BUFFERIN ONE SIZE CARTRIDGE C TAMPONS r) 3 9 $3" TABLETS LIMIT 1 (««. $2^ SINGLE ALBUMS no. reg. 620 89* 49' Expires March t. 1*75 Tg Stora Only reg. 49* 29c e* 46c 12's reg. 39* 1 5C LIMIT 1 (coupo.i) POCKET 20 coupon Explrot March », l»7S RECENT RELEASES: Eait taming Stora Only INSTAMATIC CAMERA Explroi March ». |»7$ Eatt laming Stora Only Expirtt March t 1*75 Eatt Lansing Store Only VIRGINIA MAID 95 PANTYHOSE reg. 129.00 .Jfin $21 VISINE HALL'S MENTHOLYPTl'S ONE SIZE CONTAC COUGH DROPS EYE DROPS COLD CAPSULES SHEER OPAQUE 99 $3 105 *k $128 49' no. oz. 10's KNEE SOX KNEE SOX 88' 30's reg. 89* reg. $2.09 I reg. $1.69 reg. 49* 36' reg. 69«« 39' reg. $1.00 67' Ming Stora Only TALL GIRL Soap PRO TOOTHBRUSH EVERYDAY PANTYHOSE DISHES TOOTHBRUSH HOLDERS CLOSE-OUT! LOW 93PH WOMEN'S SWEATERS 78' no. PRICE! reg. $1.50 100% ACRYLIC LIMIT! reg. 24* 19' reg. 69* 26' reg. 24* 19c 99 reg. $7.98 $2 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Group seeks to limit costs in halls a grate «h.t l..ta all breAk w„lS; By PAT NARDI halls are being actively sought keep room and board rates The taak force is chaired by H«ppy Hours residence halla for implementa- Dewhurst Mid. State News Stall Writer by a new conservation com¬ down to a "reasonble" level. "Some changes that might Ted L Smith, coordinator of How often do you see waste mittee. The 14-member committee Each residence ball now has seem minute, like the amount of food services, and James Mon-Fri4p.m.7pm and inefficiency in your resi The Conservation of Re¬ meets weekly to evaluate the autonomy to utilise or cleaning fluid used, could bring Andrews, coordinator of con¬ Reduced prices on dence hall? sources Committee Task Force money-saving suggestions sub¬ reject whatever suggestions it significant savings across the struction and maintenance. A your pitchers Suggestions to conserve the was named this month by mitted from students and staff pleases, but it is poasible that in board," he said. favorite drink, of toilet paper, energy, Robert Underwood, manager of of various residence halls. Ideas Other members include: use the future some suggestions Dewhurst said students labor, furniture and Residence Hall Programs James Sneathen, maintenance food, equipment used in residence (RHP) to reduce waste and to which have merit will be pub¬ lished and distributed back to may be made into policy for all halls to follow. should feel free to suggestions to bring their their hall engineer at the physical plant; Fred Kayne and Barry Latoa- entertainment "The object is to save money manager. T0NITE & TI ES without causing any crucial Katherine Yager, a student sewski. food service managers; . Thomas Stevens and Maxine change in life style," said Kurt member of the taak force, said Jack Hamilton College consortium plan Dewhurst, head advisor of Bailey Hall and a member of the the work of the new committee is "like applying the food waste campaign to other things." Harrison, building supervisors; Jack Thompson, editorial assis¬ tant; Roxanne Reeves and Paul Zuxich, advisory staff members Wed. - Starsed Dewhurst said some ideas Perhaps stickers will be put and Alice Creyts and Charles Thurs. would ease transferring that have been suggested in¬ clude reducing the volume of water in shower heads and on light switches to reduce their use. said Yager. 366 Campbell Hall. Staton, hall managers. - Carl & Amy turning out lights in areas not Yager said it will take time By STEVE ORR move home to live less expen president for University rela¬ used extensively. for students to become aware State News Staff Writer sively and study at an area tions, said he was not prepared Most suggestions for saving that the task force exists, but In thr<ulfr tradition "Consortium" is the word college when money gets tight. to comment on the idea's money are expected to come once they do they will con¬ lor ill Sen. David Holmes, D-Detroit, uses to describe the plan he has in mind for southeastern Mich¬ He also thinks it would save students who need just one or two classes to acceptability to MSU. He did admit, though, that it would from hall management. tribute their suggestions. Michigan State Univwsity Student] Faculty and immediate family tfjtp&rttat graduate from have "profound ramifications." igan MSU. universities, including having to attend school an extra term if their particular Holmes discussed his idea before the Senate Colleges and Mi i' CMps Special elAMAIGft Montego Bay school was not offering the Universities Committee. The Flali n' Chips with a Stain of boor What it means to MSU stu¬ needed classes, because the committee could not pass judg¬ $2S9 to. IS*23,1975 dents is that if Holmes gets his student could transfer to a ment on his resolution, how¬ mkfff "■J* (During Spring Break » way, they will be able to trans¬ 7 nights school offering the classes with ever, because a quorum was not fer back and forth almost at will Mon. — Thurs, S • 10 p.m. • Round trip jet vis Air Jamaica to a dozen Michigan schools and no problem. present. They will vote on it at Party Jet Holmes said the idea was still this week's meeting (if a e Gourmet meal service in (light take any class they like without in the early stages of develop¬ quorum shows up then) ighwheeler worrying about losing credit and it a In-Flight Fashion Show ment, and the committee he will be sent to the Senate for e Rum bamboozles in (light Holmes has proposed forma¬ wants formed would not have consideration. a T Night hotel Jamaican Cocktails tion of a legislative committee to report its findings to the restaurant ft loung* a to a AND MORE 1 study the creation of a con¬ Senate until the end of 1976. sortium of universities that He said he thought the con¬ 231 MAC. UT Phone: NANCY HEIR 355-8546 would simplify credit and stu¬ sortium idea might run into E LmiLii 11:30-2:00 am dent transfers and enhance tt*M?:001mt fcOO-lfcOOfea. opposition from universities cooperation among the schools that would feel the plan threat¬ within a 100-mile radius of ened their autonomy but Detroit. Holmes was inspired to offer Holmes said, "When you are spending the taxpayer's money, VISTA his proposal because, as he said, you can't waste it." Robert Perrin, MSU vice "There are too many young men and women who just can't afford school." Holmes believes PEACE CORPS Wednesday, March 5 at 8:15 pm University Auditorium the consortium and the easy "Sheer delight! You'll find Wax transferring it would bring Moratha Alternative employment in 50 American states and 60 detectable companion." would make it possible for a student to enroll in the college developing countries. Expenses paid plus subsistence -N.Y.Tima I of his or her choice but then living allowance. Readjustment allowance when terminating. Training for USA and overseas jobs Behind the tinkling fin de siecle gaiety of ttel "Bordello Steinways" was classic ragtime begins July, August. It was conceived and wrought in terms of serious craftsmanship and lasting values by a I small group of serious and dedicated Sign - Up for Interviews SCOTT JOPLIN, JAMES SCOTT and me Today through Thursday JOSEPH LAMB. (Not to mention GEOF Placomont Contor mgng|TT| M. COHAN and IRVING BERLIN.) Juu"HiSS Tickets available now at the MSU Union Ticket Office, open 8 1 5 - 4 30 weekdays. Public: $5.00 4.00 3.00 umiMmm MSU Students: $2.50 2.00 1.50 ssssmmm Max Morath "is a consummate entertainer His show is a surpassing delight on all levels- music, comedy, social history, sheer "A6O0FY SPORT- entertainment. He sings |ust enough and plays just enough and displays the timing of I TKMcoime a master without ever seeming slick ...and ANNOUNCES extraordinary balance and an extraordinary I show." -San Francisco Chronicle | AUDITIONS An MSU Bicentennial Event presented by for their Lacftjre-Concert Series (Lively Arts Serial I □INNER THEATRE Of THi MOST TintrYiHO MUSICAL-COMEDY REVUE*" IMPULSE MAR.4«>5 in PARLOR Gil 7SOOPM STUDENT UNION first class INFORMATION 355-3355 »OTK>«lK#NFIlM flavor in 'SftMS TIMOilNOI mart KXTTNO . AW« H>tai<|li«r4c*r* action Mtauy'i Uttfe HiM It mm. A*4 wtMft aw* H i erotic. A t—d lim-wt: ** fif •"* Wl Mtemy'i gr*M* A VStV HOT your pizza. "GUEST NIGHT" SUSPENDED r wtwt your m«imI prafermu My W, FOR THIS ATTRACTION Cot Tonight tTues. Open 7 p.m. "I THOUGHT IT) SHH IVIIYTMNO Hnt rmffy Mm ' . . . Htm I mw MUnif t Unto IMm.1 H". Hm harrfcor* mavto to • tonf. ton« Him. Are yew tired el the him el' I tor yMl" - Sol UWttel* HUAID-STAI Feature 7:20 -9:25 BELLS MSU Department of Theatre 225 MAC 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY FREE DELIVERY ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS WE ALL LIVE IN ELDRITCH TUESDAY "THE RIMERS TEQUILA BEST PICTURE NITEI BESTACTOR AH Tequila ttrlnki Dustin Hoffman BESTACTRESS 1/2 PRICE Valerie Perrine BEST DIRECTOR Bob Fosse Happy Hours BEST SCREENPLAY Julian Barry (Adopted from other moterx "Little Sisters 2 p.m. • 5 p.m. Mon. • Frl. Li v* Folk Entertainment BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Bruce Sui-tees Tsnlglit Mon.-Sat. 9p.m.-1 a.m. Shewtlmes: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Shewplace: 412 Csipatsr Cultr The Varsity Inn I Dustin AMarvin WorthHoffman Production ABobf"Lenny" ^Valerie Perrine ossefnm David V. Picker Admission: *2" Seal Film Tickets Available I Fairchild Box I 1227 E. Grand River t v..* Julian Barry Marvin Worth Rated X Iwm« —4or IS wW bo odmlnprf. Lhigun Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 3,1975 7 Out-of-staters face bureaucratic struggle in proving future Michigan resiliency . Jo« dent Nancy Britton. the clerk who does the trustees, he said. Students, ■example, the publiahed calling, said she presence of students. "cover" for them and make the too. often contribute to the student was rejected because ^ list nine factors which contacts "somewhat less than confusions of the procedure "We haven't had the need for decision. 50 per cent of all he or she "is in Lrators say are import students who simply by failing to carefully a face-to-face hearing," King King said that his decisions Michigan apply. said. "I have never heard of a primarily to attend school." A not conclusive, along read the rules. in such cases are not Other problems of the student trying to get into a "exemp¬ Shipley feels the letter is ist of seven factor! they resi For example, one tions and are based on the •barrier. no dency game include the rules student i helpful but not aa thought the administrators criteria. for married students. Students charge that nt as the first list, Under were a hear¬ What King called 'The student gets the letter current giving him a hard time ing ia "covering", and he generally troops in here ■inistrators said they regulations, a married because they did not tell him to a necessity. They argue some students charge is incon¬ student that because the determination if he is convinced he is in the ■ list specific criteria be- can be rejected even get a notarized letter from his sistency in the decision-making TL;ifics would be unfair though his or her spouse was of intent is so difficult the right," Shipley said. employer. The regulations, process. Knts who don't fit the accepted. Students say a which the student said he student must have a chance to The decision is usually made spouse of a resident student had personally present his Simpson contends ties. They also said read, state that "a notarized case. in a meeting of King, Henly, that r is such an intangible should automatically be Though students are blocked and Shipley. These three men administrators cannot assume granted letter from the student's in state status. from a formal that all students who think |t that it is difficult to "This is absurd." one student ployer" is required. em¬ hearing, some think they have found an in¬ are officially called the "desig¬ they jy define how to prove Students don't nates" of the Out-of-State Fees were unfairly rejected will aaid. "how can a wife even read formal hearing procedure. "troop in." be a it," King said. "I get a little Committee. reaident, and a husband not?" Charles Massoglia, consult¬ ■vagueness of the criteria frustrated with that. The rules At times, particularly during 'Theoretically, these people lo led many students to The student, who requested are there if they will only put ant to ASMSU Legal Aid, and Maria Simpson, Ohio student registration, when two of the have turned in every possible Mfused about the most that her name not be used, was some effort into it." "designates" are too busy to bit of evidence," she said, "the granted residency while her who gained ■ requirement for resi- However, there is one part of residency in 1973 attend meetings, one of the two average student may just quit," husband was rejected. and now assists 1 the 12 month period a the others, report men decides. convinced of doing all that can Students argue that a person residency game that the that several rejected students »t must spend in Michigan students who read the rules be done. gets married because he or she have gained Another problem students lify. Though the admin- find galling. Students are residency by per¬ intends not sonally contacting King. The face is the vague standardized _rs stress that students to live with their informed of the time or Henly contends it is impos¬ ■ have to drop out for 12 spouse. If MSU agrees that place of students say King has person¬ rejection letter. Students sible to list specific reasons for a the meeting where the decision ally reviewed their cases and charge that the letter's lack of X. many students, includ- wife has proven her intent to is made. And if the student will grant the detailed reasons for rejection rejection because the adminis¬ live in Michigan, how can jur interviewed by the refuse the husband? they appeals, he or she is not reasonable. request if it is make it almost impossible for a trators do not know what infor¬ mation the student failed to Mews, are convinced they informed of the locale or time of King said he has had less student to prepare an appeal. submit. ■ropout. Shipley agreed that "this is the Appeals Committee an obvious inconsistency in the meet¬ than four or five review cases pr rereading the 12-month The letter usually states the These ing. Students claim they are all term. He two perceptions jig agreed that it was parameters we work under." thus barred from a face-to-face emphasized that the student has submitted "in¬ symbolize the he does not consider those antagonistic rat ambiguous. However, Shipley said ad¬ hearing with the people who sufficient evidence." It notes views of the opposing sides in Listrators stress that ministrators must follow the cases informal hearings. When that a student may reapply at decide their financial future. the residency game. There the other two men who form Xueness of the criteria is rules. Such an inconsistency It appears that students are the committee with him are too any time and briefly reviews appears to be only one area | attempt to "stonewall" can only be changed by a barred by tradition and the fact the criteria for residency. where both sides agree: The revision in the regulations. A that they have never insisted busy to meet, King said he will Sometimes, it adds that the game is never easy. revision would have to be |e student has a question on being present. There is no jk cannot answer, either approved by the board of rule that specifically forbids the n Shipley, asst. to the *r, or Henly are avail- | After the student has Chicken & Salad ..J his application, if is a question, the regis- e contacts the stu¬ Platter. EVERY TUESDAY!! 3 pc*. of chicken, warm roll and all the salad you can eat! EAST LANSING'S ONLY ^OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS Reg. $1.99 _ $1 Mon. & Thurs. AM • 4 PM, 5 PM - 8:30PM 351 5330 or 9 AM"*! P F5>M you can enjoy Sat'., 9 A.M. to Noon 3 pet. of chicken. EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. CO-OPTICAL SERVICES DR. J. R.NIXON, OPTOMETRIST Wow in Brookfield Plaza BASIC OUTLINES FOR TOW PRIVAIE IlltM Summaries of readings and YOUR [nportant concepts for selected courses i9SPRING TERM BOOKS WAIVERS, AT SCI: all terms YOU GET A WHOLE LOT MORE OF WHAT YOU RE HUNGRY FOR J* RED iTL: First term IOIO I. CBANP RIVER, i. LANSING 1 BAKN'I DC: 201, 202, 203, 211, 212, 213 jUM: All terms |ATH: 108, 109, 111, 112, 113 FredjAstaire |$W AVAILABLE AT 0 DANCE STUDIOS All BMKSTMIS AW STUDENT SPECIAL |Acron from yn|on Shop- 332-4616 15 hours for $15.00 2'/i private lessons 2'/t group lessons 10 practice sessions Yon can learn to Foxtrot, Waltz Swing, Polka, Cha-Cha, Rumba and Tango. HELD OVER! Refresher DANCE STUDIOS, INC. 301 MAC Avenue, East Lansing course. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. Phone 332-8644 HAVING TROUBLE STUDIES LATELY? TAKE A BREAK- CALL D0MIN0S AND ENJOY FAST, EVERY FRIENDLY, FREE DELIVERY—OF A DAY DELICIOUS DOMINO PIZZAI tRAND RIVER S8S Across ha Mia at 421 E. SRAND RIVER 351-4110 From one beer lover to another. 351-MS0 THI STROM IREWERY COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4I2M Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday Frampton finds way out of his entire workout with Humble found time to do n ByDAVEDtMARTINO When he eventually left the an acoustic Stole Newt Reviewer group due to "conflicting musi Pie — could only lead Frampton spot, which worked out well, Peter Frampton finally cat interests." he released to believe that his musical and provided the right alterna got the message. His performance "Wind of Change," a classic solo strength lie in the realms of tive to the earlier, more frantic at the Brewery Thursday dis album that depended heavily on hard rock and roll. rock and - rolling. played new directions that have the acoustic, melodic side of been sorely missing from his Frampton's development Frampton that was not heard in continued until his onstage Frampton's band included old past work onstage. Humble Pie. friend Andy Bown, a cohort of performances were in a rut. the Herd (Frampton's But the album needed promo Much of his audience, while pre Pie Quite simply, Frampton has group); Camel drummer John learned how to pace his per tion and promotion meant tour enjoying a prolonged "Jumping Siomos and Doc Jack Flash," would have pre Holliday's Bob formance and has gained a ing and touring meant that the Mayo on keyboards and guitar. ferred hearing some of his realistic insight into the moods guitarist would have to find a No longer Frampton's Camel, and expectations of his audi¬ new band. Thus came Framp quieter, more melodic works. the group is officially the Peter Last week's show, fea ton's Camel and the start of the Frampton could not do this in H°P*fuUy, thu wme&J ence. the context of Frampton's Cam¬ Frampton Band, a retrogression turing an acoustic guitar inter lude that Frampton would ne¬ guitarist's creativity problems. el — the group was swiftly that allows Frampton the lee¬ ton s be apparentiajl J ^l1'future Frampton toured extensively becoming a "group" rather than way he deserves. The hiatus recorded J ver have dreamed of presenting and as a result his composing the solo and backup aggregation Wt»MB 1 a year ago. indicated his crea talents suffered a gradual de Clad in a t shirt bearing the doubtlessly give ^ J| that it was intended to be. rest inland tive uplifting. cline — not evident on his image of Steve Marriott. writjn» Hi. J m' *hich thu second album, but certainly Frampton's performance at Frampton looked every bit the the Brewery showed that he sUr onsUge. noting, is due [or rZ'l Onstage and off, Frampton prominent on "Somethin's Hap Once fairly has had musical conflicts of pening." has worked his way out of his awkward onstage — not used to " Promise, Frampton back on tk,l ?! interest since his early days in self imposed rut. Finally, he holding down all responsibilities track once Humble Pie. Responsible for again, ™ Touring seemed a two - fold most of the memorable acoustic problem for Frampton. First, pieces recorded by that group. Frampton was continually con his time was monopolized by performing and much of the TAKE A BUS ON US! Fined til he was little more than writing was done rapidly on the musical support for Pie show road, hardly a beneficial writing man Steve Marriott. Little, if environment. Second, his con¬ any, of his music was played stant exposure to live audiences onstage. during Camel's touring — and SN photo/Robert Koztoff Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot received a warm reception in the cool air of Munn Ice Arena Friday evening. Lightfoot, after 15 years in the music business, is finally drawing large audiences — as his sellout performance at MSlT testified. Lightfoot appeared on wooden sheets covering the ice floor of the arena which had been constructed especially for his show. During the intermission, the audience was given an opportunity to pass up written song requests to Lightfoot, who has a vast repertoire. His performance consisted of requested numbers, some of his standard songs including "If You Could Read My Mind," "Beautiful " and WE URGE YOUR SUPPORT. songs from his new album. RESEARCH PLEASE PARK OFF CAMPUS OR IN Y LOT. THERE WILL BE Pop Entartolnmant will FREE Busas to and from the beTupplyinj^ Thousands of Topics NO ENTRANCES FOR AUTOS $2.75 per page NEAR THE Johnny Winter Show March 4 HOBBIT TRAVEL CfectH**! FIEIDHOUSE. Send lor your up-to-date, 160-pige, Starting at 7:30 p.m. buses will be DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage . je (deli (delivery time is stopping at Y Lot (commuter lot), 1 to 2 days). HUBBARD and MCDONEL HALLS and MARCH 15(«orly).24(lot«), 1975 RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. MASON-ABBOTT and run continuous¬ includes: 'Round trip chartered air conditioned busses 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE *2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF 90025 ly. REMEMBER CONCERT SEATS AXE from E. Lansing to hotel ANNOUNCING: •Free beer 4 soda •Option to Disneyworld on the bus (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our rtuircft material it toM (or rUMrt.h llilitioti only. RESERVED. THERE IS NO REASON TO ARRIVE EARLY. RA POSITIONS FOR 1975 8 Days & 7 Nights in •Dsvtona's newest resort hotel- - 76 ACADEMIC YEAR THF. WHITEHALL INN (can Rose Thorn collect at 1 904-25&-5435) •It's brand new, huge, beautiful Off-campus students and students interested in applying for * t * ko« R.A. positions in halls oth'r than their place of residency AAA APPROVED. ON THE OCEAN with >135 may submit an application to the Hall Director of Head •2 heated freshwater pools and TOMORROW NIGHTI Resident Advisor in the hall of their choice beginning access to tennis courts and golf courses '•> Monday, March 3, 1975. •Each room Applications and additional information will be available at the Office of the Hall fully carpeted, airconditioned, Director or Head Resident Advisor and at the reception color TV, private bath, balcony desk in every hall. Deadline for return of applications is overlooking ocean, every 2 rooms March 14,1975. share a kitchenette (utensils included) HURRY-SPACELIMITED! Students interested in RA positions within their present Phone: Miss Kaplan 332-1115 or residence halls will be notified by the Hall Director of Head Mail $50.00 deposit to Hobbit Travel Resident Advisor concerning the application procedure. c/o Miss Kapha 4485 Janice Lee Dr. e-102 Okemos. Mich. 48864 nil(.A„ Have It 88S8 Your Way at Burger King We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. on weekdays Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays BUY ONE WHOPPER WITH CHEESE FABRIC AND YARN SHOPS along with fries, onion rings or coke AND 6EI 2nd WHOPPER FREEI WITH COUPON 417 E. Grand River Ave. EAST LANSING ONE PER CUSTOMER CHEESEWHOPPER ONLY OFFER GOOD Moo. Mar. 3 - Fri. Mar. 7 Jim Johnson * Fronk fTlaynard POP LTWERTANMENT PRESENTS JOHNNY plusTheJaiTiesQDfionBluesBcnd WNIER TICKETS NCWnNSAIFi 9PMTUESMAMOEMSOM n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Morn lay, March 3, 1975 9 lymposium criticizes capitalist system By BRAD M ARTISIU8 The imperial State New. Staff Writer position of the United States was successfully blamed the press and the Rockefellers for most challenged by Vietnamese guerillas and Japanese capitalists of the nationV party organ, The International Worker, which said the school of Lisskopf says the Big D is coming and it is going to get during the 60s," he said. "Everybody knows we are no problems. He said workers are demoralized and unablp to act criminal justice was being subsidized by the CIA to train an longer in a because of a century of war and because of the continual economic American position to dictate to the exporting countries of the Third world." bad news printed in the Gestapo to suppress workers. D is the depression, and enough people were concerned He said the press as it bows to the demands of the Keynesian economic policies used since the 1930s Rockefeller power coalition." "Newman added nothing to the discussion," Ferency said to fill the 510 seats of 109 Anthony Hall to over flowing contained the seeds of their own demise, as the solutions they gave However, he puzzled afterwards. "I hope I never see the man again." « nif?ht People sat on the floors and stood in the for depression raised a crop of new problems. These policies some members of the audience when he added to hear several speakers give radical solutions to a an An MSU freshman s control the level of demand apparent contradiction, saying that the "power of the was disillusioned after the symposium. through the use of taxation and coatescing working class is preventing military intervention in the (,hat has so far defied all attempts at a solution. hanking policies to stimulate or hold back spending. Middle East to solve the oil crisis." "I thought they were going to tell me how to make the best use Lopf, an economist from the University of Michigan was Runaway inflation of my money," said Nate Zoratti, 328 Snyder Hall. "All that ■ speaker in a symposium sponsored by the New American "We're suffering from runaway inflation and massive During the question and answer period following the high-flying economic stuff isn't going to reduce my bills. Tell them unem¬ symposium. Zolton Ferency, associate professor of criminal justice |nt (NAM*. He told the audience that the United States is ployment at the same time," he said as members of the audience at MSU, accused Newman of to call me when they actually accomplish something worthwhile." lorst financial crisis since the 1930s. He said the only nodded their heads in solemn agreement. "That's not supposed to printing "a bunch of damned lies" lis a planned economy. happen according to traditional Keynesian economic concerning MSU's school of criminal justice. Lopf attributed the nation's economic woes to "the basic he Keynesian chickens have come home to policy American Gextapo roost, and it's time Ferency Jctions of capitalism" and to the decline of America's Ejonal dominance. That economic and political dominance to try something totally new, because capitalism doesn't make was referring to an article by Newman in the IWP sense anymore. We need a planned economy." »tiy responsible fo; maintaining the American economy, he Colin Mccoy, another U-M economist, agreed'with WeisskopfscaU tor a planned ROUND Tlir economy. Capitalist economics He also said the economic crisis is causing educational systems jd some of the contradictions revolved around the cyclical to become more conservative, because fewer people can afford Ed bust tendencies of capitalist economies.There is a vast higher education and because of financial aid cutbacks which hurt tension of credit during the boom years, which then gets Ejtry in trouble during harder times, he said. working class and minority students. "The universities don't care about the students," he said. "They "IN LOOK" Lopf also said the United States was successfully make money from research, not from educating students. When OVAL ed economically and militarily for the first time during the funds are cut, students are the first to suffer." is yours Organization needed crisfc 8a'd °rgfUlization is the key t0 dealine with the economic AT N. Viet reps We must have what the New a coordinated, nationwide response, and that is American Movement is for." he said. "It is time to ;c^S^WALLACE'S alter American social structures." Fred Newman of the International Ltinurd from page 1) prisoners in this country Workers' party (IWP) are Kid he also visited the political prisoners, if that is the 7 Vietnam's national ■enter and "learned that lers. over half of not yet been off if "We're going to have to cut foreign aid under the law or TUESDAYNITE we give aid to this country, RECTANGLE they're going to have to change c()fl|c[ jp pskev said the political their policy and give a fair trial s .jjsue would weijfh Ion the vote for supple Iti.l to Saigon. I saw personally . to people that are charged with being Communists. At least they're entitled to a trial to determine if they are Com GRIT WIRE FRAMES [ed to privately have munists, not to have it deter- I jail three years, have Downtown Office mined secretly by some police." pen brought to trial, er ■ he said. been charged with "You have to a ■jgJJjWjJJJJ mSSSSSSm fZZL'&Z. Thurs 9 to 9 I then that half of the Don't Keep Your Graduation (continued from page 1) Seeret llic speech WALLACE a . . . political pressure to force me to fire Paul," Cain said. Nonnamaker was not available .announcements are now available at for comment. Ltinucd from page said the P. Martin and Wharton 1) proposal Hekhuis said the charges were ridiculous. "I thought I was raising OPTICIANS the MSI fliKtkstore service desk. customer * up Friday "should helpful questions that ASMSU Downtown Vine the sentiments should explore and find answers at Clippert ex 107 N. Wash Opposite Sears Limited Supply! I at the retreat Satur- to," Hekhuis said. 'I have no personal vendetta IV2- 1175 IV5 7137 against |l don't think there is Stanley." ent among thet Cain said he would see no Registered Optometrists pembers to" make the*' more open," Carrigan reason for not reappointing Stanley, a senior, as Pop Enter¬ 600 N. Homer at E. Dr. R.C. Jones Dr. W.C. Jensen Nil) tainment director next term, if ' Saginaw booh from rinsed meeting Satur- near Frandor Shopping Center Dr. R.J. he were re-elected president. Spagnuolo (f hoard also discussed . and a report >v their Audit Commit- ■e last monthly meeting, fee of the trustees Would It on those topics Sun- BEETHOVEN & CO. INVITE Audit Committee pili be resubmitted for at the next regular YOU TO ENJOY THEIR >n March 21? GREATEST HITS lm slated AT OUR GREATEST (candidates BARGAIN PRICE! »st nine of the It? ooyssey ooyssey ?s for ASMSU presi- H face siudents in a ■he Candidates" forufn at Monday night in Wilson Jditoriuni. ■ candidate will speak for Twtes. Students will be jle to i|uestion them, ■orum is ' osponsored by ■"th Complex Student ■""-nt and MSN (640 B»dio network. will be broad ■jive from from 8 Wilson H*ll p.m. to 9:30 *e candidates have said PI stick around longer if ■5 have question*.-; 1 ■ *ant students to make Tlfd choice rat her-than p a candidate for the fmphlet," said Matt I 'ratur of the forum. new york philharmonic ^0^°^ . avis schubert: "unfinished symphony" lily p0ns fENT-A-car A nation n0B.C<>"0 eileen farrell DEBUSSY Fecial DVORAK: "NEW WORLD" , SYMPHONY TCHAIKOVSKY NUTCRACKER SUITE TP oiwrHMAN*N°FF Mahier available 1 rates with •RAC SZELL/CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA brahms on EZIO PINZA g«Kg I Mileage. Ravel puccini 8-Track and cassette Capital City CHECK OUR SELECTION OF GREAT ALBUMS ALWAYS IN STOCK - 401 I. Grand River Ave. Airport COMPARE OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE M-F 10-9 SAT. 10-6 SUN. 12-6 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan % I Crucial home finale for eager! By CHARLES JOHNSON Purdue, victim of a 93-76 demonstrated rebounding dom converted 42 of 92 field goal State New* Sports Writer beating Saturday by Michigan, three way tie for second ination. Speed was also a big factor. We had the ability to get attempts for • .457 shooting GI»Ver wi" finish "•"•giate eligibility * J It's a "must win" situation for is in a percentage, they outrebounded T MSU's basketball team tonight place in the Big Ten with record. The Boilermakers are a 10 6 the breaking situations going the Illini 58-37. Center Hairston hauled down Lindsay as wi» reserve wmS forward '1 * y against Purdue if the Spartans a game Davis are to entertain any further 16 8 overall. MSU is now 9-7 in high 17 rebounds and scored 17 howe»er ■ thoughts of copping a post sea the conference and 16-8 overall. Big Ten points. Guards Pete Davis and gr.'mp(l an additio^l son tournament berth. Saturday's game against the W L Bill Glover pumped in 17 and 15 heeau* Illini witnessed 'njury that sidelinLf * i| The Big Ten scoring 17 points respectively. Illinois Spartans, after waxing Saturday, 96-82. in Jeni leader Terry Furlow leading the Indiana Michigan 10 0 6 Otho Tucker took game scor entir" 1972 P"*" 73 Si No son Pieldhouse, will face the way for the Spartans with a 22 Purdue 10 6 ing honors with 28 points in his decision i T rearhH yet Boilermakers tonight at 7:35 in point performance. The contest Minnesota 10 6 team's losing effort. The loss bylhecoJ% MSU s probable the final MSU home contest of wasn't one of the Spartans MSU 9 7 dropped Illinois' Big Ten record *21 the season. better outings, though. 8 9 to 4-12 and its overall mark to Ohio State "We needed to win over "We didn't shoot that well and 11 8-16. Iowa 5 Illinois," MSU coach Gus Gana it wasn't one of our best The games," Illinois 4 12 victory snapped a two- kassaid. "It was very important Ganakas conceded. "But some 4 12 game losing streak for the Northwestern Th(" to us for a possible tournament times when you have the game Wisconsin 4 12 Spartans. Boilermakers ,H I bid. If we win against Purdue. I feel we will have a under control as we did, don't have to manipulate the you Tonight's game will also mark the final home appearance for ?8CU' d 1,1 cent?J good chance W»l s 16 6) and Walter regardless of the final game ball as well. for us and that really made the four Spartan players, including (6-7) and guards j™ with Indiana (next Saturday "We got on top and stayed on difference." three starters. BruwP, in Bloomington.)" top throughout the game. We Though the Spartans only Regulars Hairston, Davis and J} »» Eugene'^ MSU's women cop third plac By ROBIN McINTOSH broke the game open and had a MSU defeated Adrian and State News Sports Writer 32 20 lead when the buzzer Michigan, but lost to Calvin MSU's women's bssketball sounded. before the consolation game. team ended its season with a The third quarter was all The MSU women's swim third-place finish in the state MSU as the defense held the ming and gymnastics teams tournament held here this past Hurons to a mere six points. continued to win this past weekend. Eastern felt the pressure late in weekend, as they both placed The cagers had no trouble the quarter, as a technical foul first in their meets at Central with Eastern Michigan in the was called against it which the Michigan. consolation game Saturday af¬ The gymnastics team cap¬ Spartans capitalized on by scor¬ ternoon, as they defeated the ing three points. tured first in the state meet Hurons, 65-41. The Spartans finished off with 98.4 points to Central The Spartans broke out to an EMU in the fourth quarter. Michigan's 89.71. Eastern Mich¬ early 6-2 lead, but for most of They built up enough of a lead igan was third with 73.47, the first quarter, the shots for coach Mikki Baile to empty Western Michigan was fourth weren't going in for them. The her bench. with 59.31 and Michi lead exchanged hands frequent Linda Stoick, in her last gan brought up the rear with MSU's Edgar Wilson collides with Illinois' Brad Farnham after the ly during the first half and it Spartan, scored a 50.84 Spartan looked as if Eastern would have game as a points. sophomore had driven in for a basket during the contest in Jenison game high of 22 points and shot Meanwhile, the wo¬ the lead at the half. 72 per cent from the floor. men's tank Fieldhouse Saturday. The Spartans meet Purdue squad captured first tonight in their last After a time-out late in the Diane Phillips was second with place in the Midwest AIAW home contest of the year. second quarter, however, MSU 12 and pulled down 10 re¬ meet with 434 points. Bowling bounds. Judi Peterson was Green was second with 277, third in scoring with eight U-M was third with 216.5 and leers hit road as U-M sweeps points and shot 50 from the floor. "We played a per cent really good Indiana fourth with 204 points. The Spartan 200-yard free¬ style relay team of Kathy game," Baile said. "The team Barrett. Dawn Jacobs. Vicki By MIKE LITAKER command of Saturday's home Rice stuck it to the Wol¬ been was a bit tired from playing two State News Sports Writer contest by jumping out to a 5-1 expected back for the Riebeling and Karen Waite set MSll's Diane No one had to tell MSU lead midway through the verines while he lasted in Ann Arbor, poking home two first- playoffs until team physician Dr. James games the day before, but we showed enthusiasm in a new in national record of 1:41.18 Phillips shoots over an Easter] hockey coach Amo Bessone second stanza. Feurw turned our play- placing first. Michigan player. period goals to raise his season thumbs down on tfcdtidtfa. | ing. Saturday night that he and his From that point on, though, total to 25. Wolverine forward Feurig said Colp has been "Linda played a really nice team would be getting another the maize and blue reeled off Dave DeBol clicked for four experiencing some pain in a leg game, as did everyone else on all-expense paid trip to Madi¬ son, Wis. this season. MSU came out on the short six straight unanswered goals, including markers, two power-play he broke 1 '/: months ago. Colp has had limited skating agility the squad. I'm really pleased with the results." Hoosiers dr to give Wolverine in practice. Western Michigan won the end of two goal-production goalie Robbie Moore the chance WCHA "It's a mater of pulling our¬ tournament, defeating defend¬ By DAN SPICKLER with a 46.91 timing. sprees this past weekend as the to show off his victory dance selves up by our bootstraps and State News Sports Writer FINAL ing champion Calvin College. MSU's 400 medley relay team of X University of Michigan sur¬ shuffle. Moore's mini dance Call it the 65th annual Big Ten swimming meet Outwater. Ken Holmes, Apsley and Wr® W L Pts. helping ourselves," Bessone prised the Spartans, 11-8, in marathon ended when an MSU said. "We haven't helped our¬ if you wish! but all that splashing Thursday finished second to Indiana by three seconds n Ann Arbor Friday and came fan hurled a perfectly good bag Minnesota 24 8 ih selves since we lost Colp." MSU tracksters through Saturday at the Robert Royer Pool in 3:29.41 timing. back to win Saturday's East of peanuts at him. Michigan Tech 22 10 44 MSU's Tom Ross extended Bloomington, Ind.. looked like just another Colorado Coll. 11 Holmes, a junior from California, placed sec Lansing matchup, 7-5. "Our problem in defense. It's 21 42 The double death suffered by been our problem for the last Wisconsin 19 11 40 his consecutive scoring streak both win, lose practice session for Jim (Doc) Counsilman's Indiana fish. by two-tenths of a second behind Indiana's Cbi the icers left MSU in fifth place four or five games," Bessone MSU 19 12 39 to 60 games with two goals and The Hoosiers' big red water crankers churned Keating in the 100 breaststroke with 15)1 four assists as he captured the in the Western Collegiate said. "They are young and they Michigan 17 15 34 WCHA scoring title and moved MSU's men's indoor track to their 15th consecutive conference champion timing. He was third behind Keating in breaststroke with a 2:11.02 finish. the^ Notre Dame 10 19 23 team closed out the dual meet Hockey Assn. (WCHA) after it make a lot of mistakes. If the past Colp as the Spartans' all- ship, touching pool side first in all but four events had virtually assured itself of a kids snap out Minn.-Duluth 9 20 21 portion of its season Saturday and totaling 582 points to Perhaps the biggest surprise for the Spar of it we'll do all time total point-getter. Ross second-place Wiscon was the outstanding performace b '""L home ice playoff spot several Denver 9 22 19 with a 87 44 loss to Wisconsin in sin's 284. right. We know what our pro¬ finished the regular season Mike Rado, who qualified for NCAA compel weeks ago. The Spartans lost blems are and we'll work North Dakota 4 26 10 Madison. The MSU women on with 35 goals and 53 assists for Michigan tallied 278 points for third place while in the 200 individual medley, finishing f« their final five regular season them." Ties: Wisconsini 2. MSU 1, tracksters, meanwhile, scored a MSU finished fourth ahead of Ohio State with 255 88 total points and 81 points in 65-48 victory in the double dual with a 1:55.71, in the 100 backstroke, pi games. Bessone faced with Notre Dame 3. Minn. Duluth 3, to 170 points. Last year the was a the WCHA. The MSU center meet. Spartans took sixth, fourth with a 53.71, and in the 200 backstn Wisconsin took three points depleted bench Saturday after Denver 1, North Dakota 2. i One of the four events in which Indiana now has 210 from Notre Dame over the defenseman Greg Ciungan suf¬ points in his three conceded first place was in the 100-yard finishing fourth with a 1:56.08. year career. The butterfly weekend to gain the final home fered a shoulder separation men had two in which MSU's John Apsley took first with a Outwater, a sophomore, grabbed sixth ill Saturday's home finale set a playoff post. The Badgers will Friday. He will be lost for the goals in the game. new attendance record at Munn against Wisconsin as Dane 50.69 clocking. The Spartan freshman was the 100 backstoke and seventh in the 200 backsti^ host the Spartans Tuesday and playoffs. Left winger Daryl If that wasn't enough bad Fortney placed first with a only Big Ten champ for MSU. with times of 54.08 and 1:57.25. Arena as 6,568 fans filed 2:13.2 in the 1,000-yard run and Wednesday in the first round of Rice also missed the game after news for the series, Bessone Apsley finished sixth in the 500 freestyle with a Spartan freshman Shawn Elkins turned i| through the turnstiles. The old Herb Lindsay came out ahead the WCHA playoffs. he got into a fight with Wol¬ found out his team is going to mark of 6,562 was set last Dec. 4:38.56 timing and second in the 200 butterfly, fine complement to Apsley's performance i J in the two-mile run with a After Friday's goal bonanza, verine Randy Neal FHday and have to make it or break it 14 when the Wolverines were hitting poolside in 1:51.85 behind Indiana's Bob 200 butterfly, winging his way to a fourth pB the Spartans came back to take drew 8:50.9 clocking. finish with a 1:52.857 timing. a match misconduct. without Steve Colp. Alsfelder, who won the event in 1:51.81. Colp had in town. MSU placed second and third in the 50 In distance events, MSU freshmen 0 Marjorie Grimmette was freestyle a as Glenn Disosway and Bruce Wright, both Forman took seventh in the 1,650 freestyle wfl double winner for the women MILKOVICH UPSET with 7.1 and 26.4-second clock¬ juniors, finished with 21.188 and 21,315 clockings respectively. Hoosier Tom Hickcox raced with a 16:27.45 clocking. In one-meter diving Jesse Griffin grwwi L ings in the 60 and 220 dashes, 21.173 finish. with 419 points. In three meter competition. I respectively. Wright finished seventh in the 100 Benson took ninth and Griffin 12th. freestyle A very takes league title ByPATFARNAN defending titlist in the competition, wound up second to State News Sports writer Wisconsin's Eld Vatch. Vatch payed dearly for the win, though, The 61st annual Big Ten wrestling tournament in Columbus tearing a ligament in the final three seconds of the match. He is Ohio, this past weekend had all the makings of a jigsaw puzzle. probably out for the season. And when it was all over, MSU's Pat Milkovich was the Spartan 190pounder Scott Wickard, who biggest was expected to missing piece. battle it out for first with Wisconsin's Laurent Soucie, was upset in The Spartans'defending 126-pound NCAA an early match and had to settle for fourth champion was upset spot. by Purdue's Joe Corso 3-2 in the finals. Spartan heavyweight A pair of surprises for MSU were Jim Bissell and Dennis Larry Avery mopped up his opposition to gain the conference title Brighton. Bissell (118), who has been struggling all year long, at his weight though, to give the Spartans a earned his tag as "tournament wrestler" by third-place finish. capturing fourth place. Defending champion Iowa made it two in a row, amassing 118 Freshman Brighton was also impressive, taking fourth spot at points to win the team title, while runner-up Wisconsin claimed 134. 85 Vz points. Steve Rodriguez, ailing from knee trouble, accounted for the Avery's 6-1 pounding of Iowa's John Bowlsby in the finals gave remainder of MSU's points, taking third place at 150. the Spartans 72'/2 points, enough to slip by archrival The other solo champions were Jim Brown, U-M, 118; Sam Michigan, which claimed fourth spot with 70. Komar, Indiana, 134; Andre Allen, Northwestern, 142; Chuck 'This tournament was so tough, it might even be a Yagla, Iowa. 150; Larry Zilverburg, Minnesota, 158; Dave preview of the nationals," said Spartan coach Grady Peninger. "Every weight Froelich, Northwestern, 167 and Soucie, Wisconsin, 190. class was nip and tuck and a lot of Corso was voted the tournament's outstanding wrestler for his outstanding kids didn't even place." win over Milkovich. Campbell earned the most falls. Avery and Milkovich were the only two Spartans who lasted to "It wasn't a bad tournament for us," Peninger said. "This was the finals. For the burly Avery, the win was sweet one of the very toughest Big Ten meets ever. Avery's four points revenge. He gained the upper hand on Bowlsby, who had beaten him once in for winning put us ahead of Michigan and any time we finish ahead two previous meetings, and won a title he was of them, it's not that bad. expected to win a year ago. "He just went out there and put it on 'em," Peninger said. "There weren't any doubts in his mind. For Milkovich, the loss Avery was super." Moss wins epee title interrupted a string of Big Ten titles. He won in '71 and '73, the only two times he has competed. But MSU fencer Jon Moss won the Peninger was not alarmed by the loss. epee competition at Saturday's Big Ten meet in Champaign, HI., but the Spartans placed just fifth "Sometimes blessings come in disguises," he said. 'There has of seven teams at the been so much pressure on this kid all league championship*. year long that the loss might Jim Scieszka was the only other do him good. He can go into the Spartan to place in the top six of "biggie" (NCAA) now without the each division as he took fifth in foil. fear of losing. He'll be just another wrestler and that'll help him." Illinois won the title with 35 points. It was followed by Ohio Spartan Larry Avery (right) puts the squeeze It was a bad meet for defending champions. Chris Campbell, on Iowa's John Bowlsby this past weekend to win Iowa's first team All-American selection and State (32), Wisconsin (31), Indiana (22),MSU(19) u>d Purdue and Bowlsby during a match the only other Minnesota. between the two in January. Avery beat championship in the heavyweight MSU teak third place in the meet m StateNews^Easa^ing. Michigan Monday, March 3,1975 11 *"* ■" " 5h,r,°9*» •» "6RIAT BUYS" «!», r.u shop th. d.ssHied Ads CALt NOW 355-8255 30 FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank Q^u]|g [jjitair TOYOTA CELICA 1972. 4 speed L HMSes £ RESPONSIBLE COUPLE, back¬ "SPSS* radials, new *"*•s,eei exhaust, $1750 ground in Social Science or Edu¬ UPPERCLASSMAN, Graduate. ONE NEEDED for three - man 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 312 South cation. Houseparents in Share furnished three bedroom spring term, own room, furnished, Hayford. Stove, refrigerator and Evenings, 339 2463 3 3-3 group home, live-in, days free, adequate apartment (Twyckinghaml includ¬ $65/month, Strawberry Fields, utilities included. $225 but nego¬ ■ONE 355-1255 Mtoiy. Call 337-1063, evenings. ing living room, den. Own room. 393-8038 after 5 pm. 3-3-6 tiable. Call 332-2419,5 pm - 9 pm. feudtnt Service! Bldfl. AM/FM radio, defogger $1725 Immediate occupancy. 10-3-7 $85/ pOMOTIVE Phone 4®-5i9i. 7^T month. Deposit. 332-3147. 3-3-4 •ONE THREE bedroom, $225. One two bedroom, $200. Both include CO-OP HOUSING for born again oferi t Cycle* AMBITIOUS PERSON. Neat Christian men. 428 Division, East , 1 Service VOLSWAGEN41U97lTsilver_4 door. flood character. Permanent; SPACIOUS ONE bedroom fur¬ nished apartment. stove and refrigerator and utilities. Students welcome. EQUITY Lansing. 351-7234. 4-3-6 automatic, AM-FM stereo opportunity for $200/week. Major Prefer grad feviotion radio, phone 487 0816. 5-3-5 company. No experience; prefer student, for spring term. 361 -8115 VEST INC. 351-8150 or 351-3305. PtOYMENT our methods. 8-11 pm. 3-3-5 0-5-3-7 NEED TWO people. Own rooms Phone 394-2911. in co-ed house. 2 blocks from IR RENT new NOW LEASING for fad. Colonial FEMALE NEEDED, spring term. campus. Low rent. 351-9619. portmenta engine, new brake sho«« INSURANCE SALES Business Cedar Village apartment, rent 3-3-5 radio, $650. 487-1716. or Arms, 126 Orchard. 2,3 and 4 i3-3 Grads. Check on a Life Insurance apartments. Call 337-1800. 5-3-7 man negotiable, call 332-3680 today. in 3-3-5 FREE ROOM/Board until April 1st. career Lansing IR SALE [ MMrcidR 6-3-4 area. training program. Phone 372-8679 3 year JUST COMPLETED! One block from campus, furnished, contem¬ NEEDED: 1 girl to sublease Cedar Great atmosphere. Good food! Maribeth, 337-9454. 5-3-7 ftnimoli Village obile Homes *./50 actual Sh3" miles, $450 or h»e« REGISTERED NURSES - fulTand porary living at its best. One or two person apartment, leasing for apartment, Call 337-0569. 3-3-5 spring term. MALE ROOMMATE needed, 2 ^st t found offer. 349-4192. 3.3T part time positions available afternoon and midnight shifts in on the immediate occupancy or starting blocks MSU, $225 includes utilities Mark at 332-2591. 5-3-7 rsonal fall term. Some available EAST LANSING - sublet 2 bed¬ spring UNUTS PERSONAL »»YQMe^c^ DEALS~aTebooming at SHEPS. Yamaha, Triumph ICU-CCU. Minimum starting salar¬ ies $4.82 per hour plus differential. "I CRAMMED MUCK FDR term only. Efficiency $ 150 - $ 160. Two bedroom $200 $230. 6 pm- room apartment. November 30th. $180. 332-3531 April 1st - NINE GREAT student houses. 3-7 Ul ESTATE BMW. Holt, 694-6621. Immediate openings. Please con¬ bedrooms. Completely furnished, C-5-3-7 ' m EXAM 1 GOT CONSTlPATON'." 7 pm, Monday - Friday. 234 Colleen. 3-3-5 {creation tact 2800 Lansing General Hospital, Center Street. 351-1177 or some with fireplaces, 2 baths. (vice CYCLE INSURANCE,"call foT our Devonshire, Lansing, 48909! 372-8220, extension 267. Equal 351-6088. 5-3-7 ONE BEDROOM apartment - Good condition. Ample parking. Very close. $400-$650. Phone Instruction £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 garage, laundry connection. $135 typing swj'ssrissr Opportunity Employer. 7-3-3 WHY PAY Rent? rent out second OwnVtraiter, bedroom. See plus electricity. 393-5557 after 5 pm. 5-3-7 aftw 11 am. J72-6K3_ 0-5-3-7_ WOMAN TO share room, knock Tansportation Unted Cm**]® CREW CHIEF jardening work. for lawns Fiji time - all terms in 1975. Some experience and Afartiieits ifSj?: Q Apartments 'MR Mobile Homes, Huron. 351-8841. 3-3-5 HOSE TO CAMPUS out house, fireplace, sunporch parking. 5 minutes to campus. $81 1-2 TO sublet for ONE GIRL |r pool VW ENGINES. Late model, low lecesary. TWISS LANDSCAPE spring, nice, immediately! Ameri¬ SHORT IBM LEASE includes utilities. Spring. 337-2036 mileage, from $195. available. Towing. Installation CENTER, 351-0590. 14-3-7 cjoee^ cheap, evenings, 351-2169. cana Apartments. June rent and deposit free. Negotiable. 332-1136 SUBLEASE TWO bedroom apart¬ ment, available immediately! Con¬ between 5-6pm. X-5-3-3 I "RATES" 17-3-7 372-8130. OPENINGS AVAILABLE in direct FREE HEAT Near campus. 5-3-4 venient to MSU, 394-2470, after 5 Beautiful Furnished 1,2 HOLT AREA - 2 bedroom du¬ pm. 5-3-7 - ■12 word minimum sales. Salary and or commission. plex, minutes from MSU. $170 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Luxury 1 bedroom unfurnished, air MALE NEEDED to share 2 bed¬ Call for appointment, phone 627- plus utilities. 694-8809, 676-4942. NO.DAYS Kalamaioo Street Since 1940. 4046. 10-3-7 conditioning. Leases to room apartment near Frandor. $85 NEED ONE girl for Cedar Village 5-3-4 r September. No pets. $185. 129 per month, spring term. 487-8587 Apartments. Spring term. $80. Complete auto painting and colli¬ 10 sion service. American and SECRETARY Highland. 332-0976. 7-3-7 5-3-4 Call 337-9211. 3-2-5 Special Low Rate! OWN ROOM. Spring, summer. 3 5 Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-6-3-7 SHORTHAND $120 deposit. $80/month. MSU ft 4.80 7.80 15.60 Full time positions. Accurate ONE MAN for four man, $55/ WANT A nice place to live? Short MALE GRAD needed. Luxury 731 APARTMENTS fou^blocltt; S3a-3670_5-3-4 » ft 6.00 7.20 9.70 11.70 23.4C 19.50 shorthand a must. openings in legal, advertising, Several ^Close to campus, 332- on money? Let us help you I Short term leases ava'lable, Mason Hills townhouse, central air, furnished, 1V4 mile. 332-2175, after 5 pm. 351-7212 NEWLY REDECORATED 2 bed¬ UNCOMPROMISING 1 5-3-7 room house. Unfurnished, $200/ insurance, consultants offices. Apartments - from $145 a month. ftc 8.00 13.00 26.00 QUALITY IN Career positions, excellent salaries FEMALE, SHARE 2-person New one and two bedroom apart¬ month includes utilities. 425 South AUtOKPAM PINE LAKE APARTMENTS ft: 10.00 16.25 32.50 SWfOISHIGMMAN Call OfficeMates, 694-1153. 3-3-3 apartment, close, utilities, fur¬ ments - with all appliances , SPACIOUS ONE bedroom, HASLETT Magnolia. Call 482-5544. 6-3-7 1200IAST OAKLAND nished, pool, air conditioning. carpeting, and drapes. campus, one block. Share or rent pets Short on cash? Maybe we can 337-2078. 5-3-3$ 3 BEDROOMS in house. Furnish¬ I DEADLINE IANSINO MICH 4M04 PHQNI: Sly/417-1714 WAITRESSES, PLEASANT allowed. Okemos Road in Located at 495 North own apartment. 332-1946. 5-3-7 work something out. One bed¬ ed, fireplace, excellent location. Tt. one class working conditions, $1.85/hour, all Mason. 10 room apartments with shag car¬ SUBLEASE ALL or part of Chalet minutes from MSU. ONE WOMAN for 4-man. $70/month includes utilities. Cou¬ I before publication. NOW FOR your convenience shifts. Call BRASS MONKEY, Furnished Close peting, drapes and appliances. 351-4711. 5-3-5 apartment. Call 351-3574 after 3 model open Monday through to campus. Nicely furnished. $70. ples/singles. 349-0740. 3-3-4 we're open until 8 pm $150 per month phis utilities. 10 Monday, pm. 5-3-3 Friday, 12-6, and Saturday 11-3. 351-2513. 3-3-5 Ration/corrections Wednesday and Thursday. BABYSITTER WANTED - light Call Model at 676-4874. Other time minutes from MSU. Located at MALE, OWN bedroom. Five min¬ i one class day CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 6076 Marsh Road, just north of housekeeping. Monday-Saturday SUBLEASE. NEED 2 men for 4 call manager at 676-4291 or EAST OWN ROOM, spring term. Close, utes from campus in Lansing. publication. CAR PARTS, 2605 East man, furnished, bedrooms, 2 Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager, $59/month. 484-5038. 5-3-6 in my East Lansing home. $2/hour. own LANSING REALTY AND furnished, carpeted, parking. $98. Kalamazoo, one mile west of blocks campus. $951month. Call 339-8192 or East Lansing Realty, Must have own transportation. DEVELOPMENT at 332-4128. 351-1963 after 5 pm. 3-3-5 §ad is ordered it cannot campus. 487-5055. C-5-3-7 332-4768. 10-3-3 332-4128. 5-3-7 OWN ROOM in co-ed house. Call between 7 and 9 p.m. 14-3-7 celled or changed 332-4531. 5-3-34 ' GIRL NEEDED to sublet spring $60/month. Prefer female. Susan AMERICAN, ONE GIRL needed for spring term. MAN TO share apartment. Fur¬ | after first insertion, ^ GERMAN, and term, Watersedge apartments, 485-5778. 3-3-3 is ordered b FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. NOTICE: NOW hiring steady Close to campus. $70/month. Spend This Spring rent negotiable, close, 351-4954. nished, new carpet. One block. 2 days 20% DISCOUNT to students and work. 337-2003. 3-3-4 $97.50 - offer. 332-1946. 5-3-7 URGENT: ONE girl for furnished I before Starting to take applica¬ 5-3-7 faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW tions for full time employment. A At ... house, close to campus. service parts. number of job openings to be APARTMENT. 2 or 3 man. Short WINTER 76 grad? I pick up the BRENTWOOD - FRANDOR near, month plus u— — " IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and filled. Phone the Personel term lease available. Close, rea¬ BURCHAM lease spring 76. Your place or mine? Jim, 351-1063. 10-3-6 2 bedroom unfurnished, available 3-3-3 Cedar 485-2047, 485-9229. Manager, 9-5, 394-2911. 3-3-3 sonable. 349-1141. 7-3-6 immediately, quiet adults only. Mastercharge and Bank WOODS 54 MILE from $180. Eteanor Fabian, 351-7633 669-9873. 5-3-7$ or 607 NORTH MAGNOLIA, 4 Americard. C-5-3-7 FEMALE, LARGE 2 girl apartment. Bogue Street bridge. students, close to Frandor, $260 ftuts Personal ads must Due Share apartment, Own room, $95, partly furnished, to some recent own room. plus deposit and utilities. 337-7866 close campus. 337-2587. 5-3-6 Spring $130/month. And/or sum¬ WATERS EDGE apartments, 1 7-3-7 dropouts we now hove mer, $80. Jim or Modhi, 351-1053. male needed for spring term, "CAREER SALES Opportunity comfortable and spac¬ 10-3-6 furnished, close, $75. 332-2027. ROOM, CO-ED house. $60. Short for qualified college graduate by ROOMMATE NEEDED for large 5-3-7 walk or bus. Until September. June. Immediate salary negoti¬ two bedroom apartment. Close to ious 1 bedroom furnish¬ 1 MAN NEEDED for 3 man. Spring Deposit. 337-0161. 5-3-7 able and adjusted over 40 month campus, clean. Bomb place. Call term, adjacent from campus, $70/ 371-1888. 5-3-6 ed apartments available ROOMMATE TO share 1 bedroom training program. Earn while you month. 351-3437. 10-3-6 TWO PEOPLE for spring. Own Bare due 7 days from the beginning April 1. Rick, 372-8220 learn Marketing in area of finance Spring Term. Extension 220 days. After 4:30, rooms, $46 plus utilities. Good Juration date. If not and estate counseling. No limit on FREE, ONE month's rent, one girl, $175 per month 124 CEDAR Street, 2 person, 1 location. 484-9601. 393-5942. 5-3-7 5-3-7 | by the due date, a 50£ REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher spring term. River's Edge. Close. Utilities included bedroom furnished apartment. e charge will be at 484-8410. "Interviews by 332-0270. 3-3-4 $170 per month. 351-2402 8-3 p.m. guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ MALE SUBLET 4-man spring MALE FOR furnished house near appointment only." 20-3-R 745 Burcham Drive After 4 p.m., 882-2316. 6-3-7 change. Free towing available term, $68.75/month. March rent Frandor. Own room, $65 per local areas. Installation as low as - EXTRA MAN needed for apart¬ 351-3118 or paid. 349-0995. 5-3-7 month. 337-2380. 2-3-4 $35. Check our repair prices and JANITOR, 6 days a week, 1 hour each morning for University Mall, ment, less than 1 block from cam¬ 351-3057. 5-3-6 484-4014^ SUBLET 1 bedroom furnished REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO pus, apartment, Cedarview, spring FEMALE TO share room, spring M.A.C. and Albert. Phone Jay "OWN ROOM" Male for 4 man. term, call 337-1137 please. 3-3-4 Houses PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and FEMALE ROOMMATES needed. $80/month. One block Olin. Lease term. Close to campus. $75/ fcADORAMC, 1966, must Cedar. 485-2047, 485 9229. Chamberlain. 351-2480. 4-3-5 includes utilities. 351-0304. 5-3-7 to June. Evenings, 337-0110.6-3-5 for best offer. 332-4892 Two openings across from PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE North. LARGE SEVEN bedroom house. n. 5-3-5 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri¬ campus, $75. Call 332-8828, Furnished studio, utilities paid. Two complete kitchens, 2 full INSURANCE. card. C-5-3-7 n»rt«t l[j 351-8991, 332-6246. 7-3-7 LARGE TWO bedroom, complete¬ ly furnished, carpeted. Very close, $125/month 627-5454. 6-3-7 plus deposit. baths. Carpeted. Students wel¬ come. $375/month. EQUITY ONE GIRL, own furnished room, in house. $78.75 spring term only. Iican save$$$. It pays to i Aviation K utilities, parking. Call 332-5296. VEST INC. 351 -8150 or 351 -3305. 351-9302. 5-3-7 TWO BEDROOM furnished 5-3-4 kind. Call us. You may be $ NOTICE $ mobile homes. $25 - $35/week. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, 2 0-5-3-7 TWO FEMALES — own room, TJ <84-8173. 0-1-3-3 PARACHUTING MOVIES, rap 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and bedroom apartment, own room, $65 and $75 available immediately. session Wednesday March 5, 7:30 All SPRING TERM: sublease 3 man GARDEN COTTAGES Cute one $100/month. Phone 351-1633. Men's IM, room 208. Student peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or apartment. $82.50 per person. - Call Cheryl, 487-8725. 6-3-7 I Good transpor- pm. 484-5315. 0-3-7 3-3-4 bedroom, beautifully furnished 361-0799. 3-3-5 Waters Edge Apartments. cottage available in March. Wide |Must _ sell. $700 or bast ADVERTISING TWO FEMALES, lawns. LARGE HOME, 5 bedrooms. 2 *14750. 3-3-3 must be MAGNIFICENT TWO bedroom 332-8484_ 5-3-4 Riversedge, Walk to MSU. $175, baths, fireplace, shag carpeting, .Uj 1973. Very clean, reli -- [ ](0] PREPAID with den, close to MSU, $165 including utilities. 332-3787. 5-3-5 1 MAN FOR 3 man, Close, $73.33/month. spring term, 332-4554. spring, large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, terrace, cooperative management. $82.50 each. 332-0363 6-9 pm, utilities included. 337-7111 after 5 and weekends. BI-5-3-7 400 Gunson, fully furnished, conveniently lo¬ cated to downtown or easy com¬ pd gas mileage. Includes AVON-NEVER sold before? Don't * NOW * 7-3-7 mute to MSU. 613 West Shiawa- SUBLET SPRING, 2 blocks from Therese, Diane. 5-3-3 J» Must sell, 361-4538, worry as a representative you can see, $65 per person plus utilities. In. 5-3-6 earn money in your spare time. I'll through the end campus. One bedroom, furnished. FEMALE NEEDED spring term. NEED ONE guy NEXUS CO-OP, 445 Abbott Road Damage deposit and lease. Mini¬ show you howl 482-6893. 20-3-4 of the term. Woodmere Apartments. 361- for spring for Old has Campus Hill, $68.75/month. Fur¬ Cedar Village. spring openings. $275/term mum of 4 people. Call Bob pE CONVERTIBLE, 1969 1722. 7-3-7 Call 337-1070. room-board. 351-0100. 8-3-7 nished, free bus. 349-0450. 3-3-3 ~-o-7 Homan, 349-3310. 6-3-7 J**. 35,000 miles, $3660. SUNDANCE SEEKS bass player, CLASSIFIED DEPT. 1^249 after 5. 5-3-5 some vocals Serious folk-rock. 347 Student Services TWYCKINGHAM ONE man 551 ALBERT STREET. One block SPRING TERM 1 CROSSWORD [TIAiTIAlB 484 9301,355-8816. 5-3-7 needed for 4 man. Spring term. from campus. Large 2 bedroom, needed. - or 2 girts iAlMi I ME TV AND STEREO RENTALS. Summer and fall. Campus Hill, $68.75. deposit. 351-8290. 5-3-5 unwell. $895. Phone PEACE CORPS Vista offers $25/term. $10.95/month. Free No furnished. Resident Manager, 351-5208 or 349-1957. 5-3-7 PUZZLE 1-71 Staion Wagon. 4 ACROSS ^or 372-9600, extension alternative employment. Interview today in Placement Center. 1-3-3 same day delivery and service. Call NEJAC. 337-1300. C-5-3-7 MAN NEEDED room, spring term. Share close to campus. $72/ 351-6676. 9-3-7 ONE FOR three girl anytime thru 1. Heaps 23. State: French 24. Afflict month. 351-3777. 3-3-3 MSU AREA - Okemos, 1 bedroom spring. $59/month. 337-933-1 4 Contests of 25. Like: suffix ®'967. Excellent condi- 1-3-3 ?HABLA ESPANOL? Find out unfurnished, air conditioning, car¬ nations 28. Spread #• Call 337-0014. 4-3-3 what Vista can offer you. j Apartments jty NEED MALE roommate for spring, Capitol Villa. peting, modem, $155, heat in¬ cluded. 349-2580. 9-3-7 / CHECK OUR \ 8. Many times: poet. 29. Demand payment R 1969. Through Thursday at Placement summer terms. Hydroangle Bureau. 1-3-3 MALE GRAD share apartment $7825/month. 351-4714. 3-3-3 ,1. Anthropoid 30. French river REPAIR PRICES e*haust. Roofrack, with two grads. Quiet. All utilities WOMAN NEEDED to sublease .2. Hanging on 31. Durable wood ^1795. 485-1471. paid. Parking, washer-dryer pro¬ ABBOTT ROAD: one bedroom, spring term in4-girl. Waters Edge. one side 32. Dress material FRENCH, SPANISH speakers; vided. Near campus. 349-3328 air conditioned, luxury apartments $80 plus utilities. 337-9360. 5-3-3 20% DISCOUNT TO [3. Author of 33. Embellish Business; Education; Social after 6 p.m. and weekends. 3-2-31 STUDENTS (t FACUL 7Y ON "Annabel Lee" 36. Point of |w1972, 2 door, 3 speed, blue. Call Science majors. interviews today Sign - up Placement for Complete with dishwasher, self cleaning range, refrigerator. Ex¬ cellent location and parking. QUIET, SPACIOUS, unfurnished, two bedroom 1K bath. Carpeted, CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE PARTS. .4. Stinger .5. Uncommuni¬ decline 37. Behold Center. 1-3-3 5 MINUTE drive to MSU. fur¬ $200-$250/month. DABCON dishwasher, carport. 349-9108, cative 38. Deserter nished or unfurnished, single bed¬ 332-0111. 10-3-3 ENTERPRISES. 371-4158. 7-3-7 .7. Gold: Heraldic 40. Exactly EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, room, carpeted, covered parking J* COUGARJl 1969. Con- Permanent position available. and laundry. $145/month. Short 8. Small tumor suitable power, new tires, FEMALE TO share comfortable .9. Plant again 41. Rice paste iwtsell. 351-4185. Superior typing, shorthand and term lease available. Sorry no NEED 1 male immediately. Cam¬ 5-3-3 one bedroom, spring term. Very >0. Black snake 42 Protection ability to work with figures dogs. 487-1561. 6-3-7 pus Hill. Free bus. $68.75/month. close. $80. 337-2570. 4-3-3 >2. Pallid 43. Corroded required. Some college preferred. Mike, 332-2377. 4-3-3 ' # AUTO PARTS ▼ 1 5- PjG1966, 6tuned cylinder, auto- Full benefits, $600 to start. Apply DOUBLE ROOM - campus one 5 8 r- I'250 353 0909. recently, 5-3-5 in person at 3308 South Cedar. Suite 11, Lansing. 5-3-7 block. Women or couple preferr¬ ed. $60 each. 361-3668 5-7 p.m. GIRL FOR a large 2 bedroom apartment, share room, $70/ NEED FEMALE, own room, close, spring and or summer. $70/month. 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar " % n 1 IT" please. 6-3-7 month. 349-3086 after 7 p.m. ft-3-7 337 1289. 5-3-4 Volkswagen complete repair ¥ : It 1 ii 18 PUBLIC RELATIONS personnel service. Repair & parts for needed to contact pre set appoint¬ MALE ROOMMATE needed. LARGE 2 bedroom apartment. 1 Yt EAST LANSING, close-in, unfur¬ most foreign and American 17 18 19 ments. No selling, full or part time. Real Estate license required. Spring term. 731 Burcham. Good guys. Mark, 361-4083. 6-3-7 baths, comer of Haslett and Hagadorn, available in March. Call nished, 3 rooms and bath, married couple or single women only. cars. Body shop & paint services. Exchange engines 10 %il % il jjMB Chevrolet, new Call 394-2825. 5-3-7 NEED ONE man, Cedar Village 361-4799. 8-3-7 $165/month. after 6 pm. 5-3-5 Phone 332-5988 & transaxles. 23 %% W IT iv J* parts, cabtop PART TIME student help to % % 'i * apartments, $75/month, spring EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS, 3-3-3 assemble artificial fishing lures. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, heat and id 19 So term, 337-9667. 3-3-4 North Lansing. $90 per month, Free wrecker service with % 29.Jeopardy %% di Experience required. Phone Salli, plus electric. References and de¬ water furnished. No children. repairs - local areas. City bus 31 Yi 30 Globe 332-1391. C-1-3-3 NEED MALE to sublet spring term, posit required. Phone 486-3420. Lansing. 627-4864. 7-3-7 service to our front door. {T' brakes. 18-20 Cedar Village. $80/month. Phone 31. Crude rnsta 8-3-7 *3 Si >' ^•111-72^2844. 3-3? NURSING ATTENDANTS. Saturday and Sunday openings. 332-8380. 3-3-4 STRAWBERRY FIELDS, own We buy and set VWs 58 33. Spirited hone FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1 bedroom and bath, male, for s? WoArl"INA 1968' Very Housewives and college students, help with the budget. Class starts SUBLET SPRING and summer, 1 block from campus. One bed¬ spring term, $90, 394-2760 be¬ 485-2047 485-3229 W i 34. 35. Half: prefix Bills agST*""- %h Deposit. Call 661-6642. tween 6-8 pm. 3-3-3 8-6 Monday-Friday. » t room. or 2 bedrooms, 1 block from cam¬ 36. Use 1 blue March 17. Good pay, luncheon pus. 361-1790. 6-3-7 W-4 9-2 Saturday pencil and parking. Transportation1 #• " i&®>. Hwciiback, must. INGHAM COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY, 3882 CAPITOL AREA. Singles to share PENNSYLVANIA NORTH, rooms and bath, furnished, $125/ 3 % 39. Moslem title ;3.& Strawberry Fields, $49.26/month. 2 bedroom apartment, Cad month plus deposit. 882 9880. Dobie Road, Okemos, Michigan. Thursday. 6-3-7 Bus service. 393-1947. 6-3-7 339-8877 or 339-9294 10-3-3 5-3-5 Phone 349-1060. 6-3-7 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mondi Hants I S>H |[5] PtfSUl Jl/ HI'S WNAIS HAPPENING MALE NEEDED for houae spring HOME GRAIN Grinders and bread TWO UTAH 12" three - way HAVE A job while helping others. term. Own large room, $62.50 mixers, electrical, world's best; for speakers, like new. Best offer. Peace Corp* - Vista interviews this negotiable. Call 487-2932. 11-3-7 great whole wheat bread. 356- 393-8038 after 5 pm. 3-3-5 week in Placement Office. 1-3-3 8132. 5-3-5 Announcements for It's Whet's You can learn "active listen Attention: AH "Girl Halfway' DUPLEX 3 bedrooms. East GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of Happening must be received in the ing." Come to Communication w.y In" £ ^MENSArwJ [ Recreation Jfe - Lansing near. Appliances. Base¬ WEDDING DRESS with chapel all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. State News office, 341 Student Skills Workshop at 1 p.m. Tuesdey way Houae volunteers are tQnight a, « 730 meeting ment. Garage. Available March length veil, size 11-12, never worn; BEST year 'round prices in SKIERS1 Services Bldg.. by 1 p.m. at least at 1118 S. Harriaon Roed. Every tonight in 27 Student 15th. East Lansing - immediate Alto Sax, Buescher, recondi¬ Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN NEED 2 females for two class days before publication, one welcomed. Services Bldg. Discussion topics occupancy. 3 bedrooms, large lot. tioned, $125; Pedler Wooden SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. condominium/Aspen, spring No announcements will be Accomplishment and Failures 371-2244. 0-5-3-7 break. $87 each, ride available $250 plus security deposit. Call Oboe, reconditioned, $100. accepted by phone. College Republicans will meet at 332-4739. 5-3-4 337-0918. 4-3-4 Sue, 332-2641. 5-3-3 8:30 tonight in 30 Union. All tzzsrssur* 3-4 person duplex. Street, East Lansing. Sublease to Lexington TWO ESSAMT5 speakers, wood- [ Animals ][§ PARACHUTING session. MOVIES, rap is a "New Way In" Halfway House Community Rehabilitation interested students are welcome, Tom Burke of the Students' P'm " Ul*UI|«y,L' grain vinyl C8binets. Brand new, MINIATURE SCHNAUZER, AKC, Wednesday, March 5, 7:30 pm. Men's IM. Center for male ex-offenders. We Dr Charles Mange will discuss International Meditation Society Tu®sday in 35 u* September. $280, utilites included never been used. $145 each. registered. Female, 10 weeks old. Room 208. need male volunteers who can "Legality. Mandatory Education, will give an introductory lecture on 351-5625. 5-3-3 356-5366. 3-3-3 $50. 484-1339 before 5 pm. 3-3-3 361-0799. 3-3-5 communicate and interact in an and Legislation" at 7 p.m. Tuee- Transcendental Meditation at 7:30 unstructured and informal setting day in 36 Union. p.m. Wednesday in 39 Union. FOUR BEDROOM fully carpeted, HARMON KARDON Receiver, 2 BASIC DOG obedience classes SKI UTAH. Spring break. Airfare, If you are willing and able, contact available now. 337-1862, noon or4 channel, BSR 710 Turntable, 4 starting March 31 for ten weeks. lifts, accomodations. From $289 Will Summers. MSU Volunteers. Come belly dance with us. The Company. That's what it's all hour or 5-8pm. 3-3-4 Sony Speakers. Call after 6 pm, $20. Sponsored by the Veterinary TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. Beiedi Group will hold open about. Call N. Randall Wilson for 332-5417. 5-3-5 Medicine Student Auxilary, call 351 8800. C-5-3-7 DUPLEX, 2 bedrooms, unfurnish¬ I * . .. If r» 1 dancing at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday information about the Company. ^ South Karen, 394-2309 or Arlene, Traasportation ^ in the Union Tower Room. Also Comply ed, carpeted, basement, garage. Service D® , 353-6816 after 6 pm. 10-3-7 _ ™en< VWNKTLCX! KENWOOD 5200 costume consultation. The Company is in production Presents a Walk-campus. $225 negotiable. SKIERSI COLORADO - Riders 332-0051 6-3-7 excellent receiver, 30 RMS. New $350, asking $225. 351-2396. SCOTCH TERRIER puppies, STUDENT MOVERS. Light to needed. Some sleep space avail The first general business meet- for "Company." Join on now for "Marat Sade" in the SEn,9hi ,w Presidential norrwj, 3-3-3 black, 3 males, AKC registered, 7 medium moving. able in motorhome. 482 9805 or spring. For n'9ht in Wilson GIRL TO share country estate with Low rates jng of the month of the Hospitality information about the Company audi Local and long distance. 394 1871 353 6344, John. 3-3-4 •nvited to attend. 3 others. Own room, quiet, lots of weeks_old._K1^»4; 6-3-7_ Assn. will be at 7:30 tonight in 106 call N. Randall Wilson. 9-3-7 .~ I_~Z.ZJ1ZZZ~.17"7" Kellogg Center. Membership land. Four miles from MSU. Mike, THREE - YEAR old Pinto gelding, ? J ® Gibsons" 394-2167. 3-3-4 over 16 hands, potential jumper FULL TIME , All the orr . BEER you can drink on the ^ cards will be handed out this time Senior Class Council will hold a CaH 694-3623 evenings. 3-3-5 babysitting wanted in We al80 discuu the NRA public meeting for all those inter my licensed University Village way down and back. Round tnp rnnuantinn ABBOTT ROAD, 2 bedroom, large home. 356-6150. 3-3-4 $56. Call quick, 337-0354. 5-3-4 ested in attending at 9 tonight in enough for 4. Stove, refrigerator. Mlkill Holts ■*' 328 Student Services Bldg. $175/month plus utilities. 351-5266 9-3-7 B00KSALE PARKWOOD 10x52, near campus, PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, - TWO SKIERS need ride to Utah TuSdav't! Colonel Arnold Gabriel will be skirted, gas heat, air conditioning, finest BOYNTON quality, reasonably priced. PHOTOGRAPHY asisr 36M617" ssttsr1—" the guest conductor of the MSU toons > Loads ofpap«r carpeted. 351-0917. 5-3-3 482-5712. C-3-7 Symphony Band at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the University Auditor LEISURE LIVING at Metrow ium. Admission complimentary DOUBLE ROOM, available 3/15, and hardbacks Mobile Home Park. 10 miles from FOR THE BEST Service on"s7ereo ™ vis j-j-d expenses. Book Store wji| ^ open from 10 low rent, close to campus, 351- equipment see the STEREO MSU. on beautiful Moon Lake, . t0 5 p m thi8 wmk „ win C|09e 0761. 5-3-5 Text and SHOPPE, 566 East Grand River Star Trek Club meets at 7:30 and lots for 30' - 70' trailers. C-3-7 ( gullJ W11161 IS] for exams and reopen when tonight in the Yakeley cafeteria SPRING TERM, board at Triangle R«f«r«nc« Students with family travel trailers welcome. Immediate occupancy. classes resume. All are welcome. Pick up your color Star Trek The MSU mee' at 9 Railroad 1 SHOES NEED photos. Maybe plot and plan tonight in 1«1 Fraternity. For more information 675-7212. 5-3-7 Fixing? Quality RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS Wine lovers, take a study break "BBldg diKussthil to call 332-3563. 7-3-7 work guaranteed. for Ourcon '76. Try our prices? looking for large furnished house, et 8 p.m. Tuesday at 609 W. Grand poop on the JOE'S SHOE REPAIR, 3132 South restoration We buy books anytime UNFURNISHED 12x60, available close, reasonable, summer or fall. River Ave. It's the wine tasters Isn't it about time to "come PRIVATE ROOMS, close, fur¬ 128 W. Grand River Cedar. BL-1-3-3 Please March 1st. $3700 or $86/month call^32-04^ 5;3-3 last meeting of the term. For more out?" Why not begin your new Ellipsis, the popui*. nished, sharp! Own entrance. cussion show will Ibl.W.of Union plus lot rent, utilities. 371-1898 Cooking. $80-$95,month. HOME REPAIRS: Paneling, wall¬ GREASE^ SPOTS"CAN *BE RE- Gfabe Gay life at 8 p.m Wednesday in 33 8 tonight by baM / 5-3-4 . Mthru Frl. the Mm* 332 1946. 5-3-7 v papering, painting, drywall, etc. MOVED from woolens or silk with ^ Union with Gay Liberation. Network, 640 AM \ 9:00 5:30 [ SACRIFICE! 10x45 - maximum by MSU graduate. John, a little talcum powder Let powder A MENSA metaphyseal pro- PRIVATE ROOM. Close, $80, 485-5354 B-1-3-3 stand on spot for a day month, utilities included. Cooking MAYTAG WASHER and dryer, storage, natural gas, air condition¬ bmshoff ^ then duction jn one act IS t0 pe ^ pets, parking. Call 332-0662 3-3-5 excellent $180. Solid double bed, ing, wooded park, Okemos. PROFESSIONAL SUEDE and v^h^stiWbru^ March 17. Contact Nancy Denton $50. Full size desk, $25. Call leather cleaning and refiniahing. IF YOU ARE A WOOD CARVING 11 curiou« 310 BEAL, unfurnished, 337-2147 after 4 pm. xl-3-3 HURON 10x60. Alterations and repairs. OKEMOS HOBBIEST and wish to harden Peace Corps/VISTA Expando living repreeenta now, $55, month. Friendly atmos¬ room, furnished. Fenced, double CLEANERS, 349-0910 1.« the wood after carving, boil the tives are interviewing this week at phere. Phone 332-2165,484-1868. SAVE MONEY. Shop here where lot. Shed, vegetable garden. piece in olive oil for eight to ten the Placement Bureau They are 3-3-5 the prices are low. We have TVs, Apricot tree, walking distance. minutes then dry with a soft especially interested in talking EDITING, PROOFREADING radios, stereos, 10- speed bicyles, $3200. 351-8841 5-3-7 experienced. Dissertations, theses cloth. Have power tools you no with people in business, educa SUNNY ROOM in nice house with leather coats, ski equipment, small longer use? Sell them fast with tion, book and ariticle manuscripts a language, social work. fireplace, spring term, after 3 pm. 332-4387 1-3-3 appliances, tapes, albums, fur¬ niture, electric and accoustic NEW MOON 1966. 10x50. New carpet, shed, air. Excellent condi¬ Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-3-5 Classified Ad. science, math and agriculture. Presenting... guitars, amplifiers, and even more. tion. Phone, 485-3950. 5-3-7 USED BIKE listing at the Veloci¬ Southern Africa Liberation FREE PARKING, Free laundry, Come on down, browse around, pede Peddler, 541 East Grand Committee meets at 7:30 tonight room and board for men. rooms. Call 351-5636, 351-7797. 5-3-7 Single enjoy the friendly atmosphere at DICKER & DEAL, 1701 South Cedar. 487 3886 C-3-7 8x38 MOBILE Home, carpeted, furnished, 2 bedroom, excellent River. Downstairs. 5-3-7 at United Harrison Road. Ministries, 1118 S. Everyone wel¬ DENNY condition, near MSU, $1,500. come. Phone 337-7733 or 663-8029 [Twi«| Smiti]@ TWO TO share room in house. Close to campus. Spring, summer THORENS TD - 160 turntable, Stanton 681-EEE cartridge. Hardly 3-2-2 THESES. DISSERTATIONS, and TWO RIDERS needed to Dsytona weni The Council of Graduate Stu¬ dents will hold a regular meeting BYRUMl [_ Lost t Fond ][^] 6:30 tonight in the Con Con 351-4829 5-3-7 used, must sell. $180. 355-7887. term papers at done by experienced or Orlando. $60 a Room of the international Center 5-3-7 typist. 393-8484. No after 7 pm. piece round trip. NEED 4 people, share house. LOST: WELLS Hall, black purse, 7-3-7 351-3673. 3-3-4 All interested graduate students Close, comfortable, own room. POPCORN VENDER. Dime slot, need returned personal items. Call are welcome to attend. $60-$70. 351-6256. 3-3-5 $400 new, $150. Phone Marilyn, TAKE THE SHINE OFF WOOLEN Marilyn, 627-6614. 1-3-3 IRENE ORR Theses, Term pepers 5L Piano Folk I lunch time, 355-4563 1-3-4 - CLOTHING by sponging garment OWN ROOM in house general typing. Formerly with Ann with one teaspoon of ammonia to - spnng FOUND: HIGH School claw ring Brown. Call 482-7487. C-3-7 fia quart of water. Then prats close to campus - 158 Stodderd ADVENT 201 Cassette deck - Holmes Hall area. Muet Reasonable. 332-3848. 3-3-5 identify. garment on the wrong side. Have $180. PE 2038 automatic turn¬ table $60. Metrotec 4 - channel, Call 332-3152. C-1-3-3 TYPING TERM papers and theses Experienced, fast service. IBM extra clothing but is too good to throw away? Try a Classified Ad Monday Nite, March! WOMAN SUBLET spring, one decoder, $30. 1800' Memorex FOUND: SET of keys Hagadorn electric. Call 349-1904. S-3-7 block from Berkey, own room in tape, $2.50/reel. 332-4353. 3-3-5 and Grand River. Call Union. EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for house, rent negotiable, Andrea, C-1-3-3 351-3718. 3-3-5 SKIS: LANGE 194 cm, year old, COMPLETE DISSERTATION and our graduates If you need a skill resume service. call us Individually taught with excellent condition, must sell. FOUND: MALE Brittany Spaniel Printing, IBM ROOM. MEDITATION house. $62 typing, binding. qualified instructor. 90 hour $55. Call 351 -0585. 2-3-4 Printing from 4UMM, pup in Holt area. Call 694-3623 month. Available 3-15. Utilities in¬ your plain paper originals. Corner course with choice of class hours, evenings. C-1-3-3 M.A.C. and Grand River. Below VA approved. Located on the cluded. Campus, close, 351-7587. CASH Jones corner of Jolly and Aurelius 3-3-4 FOUND: HUSKY Type Stationery Shop, 9-5 BI^EADumMLE dog in Monday - Friday. Call COPY Roads. Call 393-8615. SPARTAN Lansing, Sunday. Call 332-1177 or GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 5-3-7 GIRL, OWN room. Close to cam¬ pus, parking, furnished, babysit¬ 4®4:7756._ C; 1j^3=3_ C-5-3-7 ond |«w*lry ting or rent. 351-8415. 3-3-4 FIND SOMETHING Trades Too! If you've found a pet or article of ROOMMATE WANTED. Spring WILCOX SECONDHAND v8lue, we want to help you return EXPERIENCED IBM typing. term, own room, it. Just come into the State News Disaertations (pica elite) Mobile Home STORE Manor, 332-0483, keep trying Classified Department and tell us FAYANN, 489-0358. C-5-3-7 509 E. Michigan, Lansing 10-3-7 you want to place an ad in EAST 9-5:30p.m. 485-4391 EXPERIENCED, TYPING term LANSING STATE BANK'S Found GIRL FOR room needed immedi¬ Column. As a public service EAST papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ BRIDESMAID DRESS size 12. ate service. 394-2512. C-5-3-7 ately. $81 per month. Close to LANSING STATE BANK will run campus. 351-1924. 5-3-3 Perfect for garden wedding. the ad at no cost to you I Distinctive styling. $30. 351-1736. EAST LANSING PURPLE VICKI Fast Accurate ONE GIRL needed, carpeted, perk¬ 1-3-3 STATE BANK - inexpensive typing. Very near ing and it's close. $70 plus utilities. C-3-7 WEDDING DRESS. Size 12. campus. 337-7260. C-5-3-7 Call 332-0719. 6-3-7 Detachable train. Ivory, pearl 234 GUNSON, own room, HUGE, close to campus, embroidery. 351-1736. 1-3-3 Long veil $75. Persoul j(/j THESES, RESUMES, typing and $76/month, FREE BATTERY TV and radio printing. Reesonable prices. 332-1958. 5-3-4 tube testers COMMERCIAL PRINTING. ADVENT 201 Cassette Deck. 3 GULLIVER STATE DRUG. 1106 East Grand River. 351-4116. C-3-7 TWO ROOMS in furnished house, months old. $250 372-7082 0-1-3-3 1 block from campus. Call even¬ evenings. 5-3-7 ings, 351-8754. 6-3-7 FENDER STRATOCASTER - QUIET AND clean place for model 1960. Untouched condition student, close to campus. Call Sunburst Rosewood neck. Case. ANN BROWN typing and miltilith 337-2655 5-3-3 $285 355-8816. 3-3-5 offset printing. Complete service for dissertations, theses, manu¬ MEN: TWO rooms available OPEN 9-5:30 daily, closed Satur scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 spring term. Two blocks from day. OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 years experience. 349-0850. C-3-7 campus. Call 351 -3057. 5-3-3 East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409 C-3-7 BOARD EXAM TUTORING BOARDERS WANTED, Phi Mu STANLEY H KAPLAN TYPING' ELECTRIC machine, fast Sorority. Two blocks from MID-MICHIGAN'S largest audio accirate and experienced. TUTORING COURSES campus, board included. 332-8835 retailer with the finest in stereo Now being formed for the up¬ 372-4746. 10-3-7 7-3-7 products and electronic repairs coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, Shop the store with straight stereo ATGSB, GRE board exams. For JUDITH CARMAN, Pickup and I Fir MTH51 answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. C-1-3-3 information call 1-313-354-0005. 0-1-3-3 delivery at Owen for 10 pages +. Through 3/14. 393-4672. 5-3-3 The Beosystem 3000 Fine instruments for the 53 USED reproduction of music Sewing Machines. $12.50/up. Zig-zags and straight A quality stereo system must be stitchers, portables and cabinet How to form much more than distortion levels below 0 6% models. Singers, Whites, Ken- your own car pool an assemblage of sound with some degree of components that reproduce mores, Elnas. Many makes and must also be fidelity A system The Beogram 3000 automatic turntable which engineered so that all parts func¬ models to choose from. ELECTRO- As a public sorvlco at no chargo, the Stat* News will provido a fro* tion as an offers utterly simple operation, aut utc an 1 integrated whole, the performance of GRAND, 804 East Michigan. Hours classified advertisement for those each component skating adjustment, a pendulum *usP®ns'°" poople who would liko to sot up or having an exact relationship system, and is furnished wilh the Bang & Olutsen Monday-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9- join a car pool. to that of the others This concept of system Bankcard and SP-12A cartridge noon. Master development finds apt expression in the Charge honored. 11-3-7 Beosystem 3000, a selection of components Driving? r Riding? in fine balance, both The Beovox 3702 speakers three-way pres¬ electronically and sure chamber systems which produce ciea HEAD GK04 Marker M-4 Bindings, From aesthetically. uncolored sound across a wide tonal range 1 year old. Excellent condition. The Beosystem 3000 is composed of $100. 351-3573. 3-3-3 Leaving _ a-m- Returning The Beomaster 3000-2 receiver which delivers All of the components are supplied in hand p.m. 40 watts RMS per channel somely finished rosewood Teak, oak, or w Phono Time? into 4 ohms and has Cash for _ lacquer are available by special order SUMPS t COINS The State Nows will not accept responsibility for arrangomonts Buy - Sell - Trade conduct of participants. or Bang&Olufsen full line of supplies Tho Information Excellence in engineering-Elegance in design MID MICHIGAN STAMP A COIN requested below mutt bo suppllod In ordor for ad H0HHi...Rd 332-4300 to appear. Full Nam* HI-FI BlYS - -- 0 Two traditions from Denmark Evaluate Bang & Olufsen systems at 19 Address GOING TO Europe — Must sell _ Sherwood-7200, Sony EPI-110's. Joe 353 4068. 3-3-4 PS 1100, Phono Disc Shop Thi, coupon 323 EMt Grind STEREOS 20-30% off. Lowest may bo brought in or mailed to: Car Pool ClaatMedi, Mlvtr jbibjgo price in town. Full warrantees. 347 Student Services 332 5030 Building. No phono calls accepted. Mark, Larry. 6-3-7 NO CHARGE in¬ state News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 3, 1975 BILLY COBHAM THE SMALL SOCIETY Coming Next Monday 1 ODAY'S by Bricknan 1 PROGRAMS Sponsored by! * WJIMTV. | Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services K w*z0' twxyztv S WOTV Grond VlECSOTA PI ■iWWJ 'V Ropidt ■jWNfM TV » CKIW TV. Windsor '3 W22M1V, Kalamazoo \ 11H UP WITH (2) Phil Oonohue Show j 5.45 AM (3-6-25) Now You See It This Coupon Good for / ZOUTTiOtt - Instophers 6:00 (4-5-8-10) High Rollars 9n Second Chance )94 Take 3C '1M OFF ' (12-41) The Money Maze 6:05 (13) Password All Stars LARGE SQUARE | News (23) Liias.Yoga & You OR .—3-5 6:15 (50) New Zoo Revue Lfot Today 11:30 75c OFF ■M Presents (3-6-25) Love Of Life 6:20 (4-5-8-10) Hollywood Squares LARGEROUND I And Country Alman (7-12-41) The Brady Bunch 6:25 (9) Family Court (13) Split Second 337-1631 CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: 6:30 (23) Villa Alegre little Caesais Pizza Treat by Larry Lewis |unrise Semester (50) Bugs Bunny One Coupon Money Man's A'Coming I in Only 11:55 per Pizza (3-6) Midday News (9) Partridge Family M. Presents 12:00 NOON (7-12-1341) S.W.A.T. (10) Beverly HHIbillies |Bobby Show (2-5-6-6-13) News (12-13) News 9:30 jition Second Chance (3-25) The Young And Restless (23) Ville Alegre (2-3-6-25) Rhode ind Farm Report (4-10) Jackpot (23) Romantic Rebellion (25) Hogan's Heroes bow (7) All My Children 10:00 (50) Gilligan's Island 6:45 (9) Galloping Gourmet (2-3-6-25) Medical Center 5:55 ^ Edition (12-41) Pessword All Stars (7-12-1341) Caribe (41) Early News (9) Science Magazine 6:55 (50) Underdog 6:00 (23) Consumer Experience Kerr Show 12:20 PM (2 34-5-6-7- 7:00 (6) Almanac (50) Dinah 8-10-12-13-2541) News 10:30 lews 12:30 (9) Bewitched ■ Today Show (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow (9) Man Alive (23) Romagnoli's Table B America (4) News (23) Food For Life (50) Star Trek ■ Big Top (5-10) Blenk Check 11:00 6:30 (2 34-5-6-7-8- (7-13) Let's Make A Deal (34-5-6-7-10-25) News 9 10-12-13-23-25) News (8) Mike Oougles (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (9) Dick Van Dyke Show (12) 6:30 Movie (41) The Protectors SHORT RIBS on Capers (12-41) Split Second 11:20 (13) Beverly Hillbillies by Frank Hill 7:30 (9) Nightbeat (25) Dinah (23) Zoom Igon Carnival (50) The Lucy Show 11:30 (41) Wented Dead or Alive r ts Big Top 12:55 7:00 (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie guv ME A PglNK.CPWBOV^ 8:00 (5-8-10) News (45-8-10) The Tonight Show (24-7-8) News SURE in Kangaroo 1:00 (3) What's My Line (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of log Accent Entertainment (2) Love Of Life (5-10) Mod Squad Jh> Schools (50) Movie (3) Accent (6) Bewitched Km Street 12:00 MIDNIGHT (4) What's My Line? (9) Beverly Hillbillies (9) David Susskind ^25 (5)Jackpot (6) Martha Dixon (13) Truth Or Consequences 1:00 AM Ur Report (23) Spertan Sportlite (45-8-10) Tomorrow <7-13) The $10,000 Pyramid (25) The F.B.I. 8:30 (7-12-13) News (9-50) Movies (41) Friends Of Man |el 3 Clubhouse (41) Afterhours Theatre (10) Somerset (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour 8:45 (50) Religious Message (12-41) All My Children 7:30 1:30 1:25 (2) Truth Or Consequences 9:00 (2) Late Show (2) News Is Right In Kangaroo 1:30 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (3) Treasure Hunt (4) Hollywood Squares DOONESBURY ertaiqmoqt latrition (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (6) Let's Make A Deal by Gary Trudeau TOMoeeowNiTi la's Island (7) Rainbow Sundae MAeCH4 Marriage (8) The New Price Is Right TICKETS NOW ON SALE ■tung And Restless <7-13) The Big Showdown (9) Room 222 Mathews Show (12-41) Let's Make A Deal 2:00 (13) To Tell The Truth MONDAY . /mm class* believe (23) Weshington Straight Talk U£&VMARK SAY,WHATSUJTTH IT OR NOT, fly Giant kt Douglas (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (4-5-810) Days Of Our Lives (41) Wilburn Brothers FRIENDS 60? IWOU6HT ' HIM? HEHASNT HPS BEES 8:00 1 HE MAS 60IN6 HE HAP Rogers Neighborhood "] SmeQ60N6 SH0MN6BEN ■nates (7-13) General Hospital (12-41) The $10,000 Pyramid (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoke ROAD SHOW A CLASS TO CLASSES all week! THEU6ERAL King Playback (4-5-8-10) The Smothers Brothers . / / Arts t 2:30 Show VAUDEVILLE REVUE 9:15 (2-3-6-25) The Edge Of Night (7-12-1341) The Rookies cover $1. poSchools (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (9) News Nine 9:27 (7-13) One Life To Live capacity 200 hous Message (23) Special Of The Week (1241) The Big Showdown RESTAURANT SPECIAL (50) Dealer's Choice 9:30 3:00 SEA FOOD PLATTER 8:30 ou See It (2) The Young And Restless (9) Miss Teen Canada Pageant $2.35 Ibeck (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (50) Meiv Griffin Show khip Of Eddie's Father (4-5-8-10) Another World (7-13) The Money Maze (2-3-6-25) Maude 9:00 Lizard's l/0it (1241) Generel Hospital (45-8-10) Monday Night At The V 224 ABBOTT / 3:30 ■Valley T oday THE DROPOUTS (2-3-6-25) Match Game I LiLinne 9:45 To Look (7) Password (9) Gomer Pyle MONDAY'S by Post HIGHLIGHTS 9:55 (1241) One Life To Live § Carol Duvall (13) All My Children B8EESS253f CLAMS BEIN©^ ' I CAN BUY ANYTHIN6 ) STILL ALL 10:00 (50) Banana Splits I'VE 60T ' -y^OUR MEDIUM I WANT ON THIS < MY CLAMS ■ Jokers Wild 4:00 MORE CLAMS \ OF EXCHANGE. ISLAND BUT THERE '5 ) MAKE ME (2-3) Tattietales Mondej^March 3J 975 THAN ANYBODY..) I'M A VERY | Celebrity Sweepstakes (4) Somerset (ABC) S.W.A.T. "Coven of Tie Street Killers" Guest stars Sal Mineo, int Room (5) Studio 5 7:00 PM William Windom and James kit Today (6) The Attic (CBS) Gunsmoka "I Have Keach. An escaped mass murderer 10:30 (7) The Brady Bunch Promises to Keep" Festus is reunites his followers to plen the 1 Gambit (8) Gilligan's Island caught in the fniddle when en executions of all parties (9) Petticoat Junction f Wheel With Of Fortune (10) New Zoo Revue Eastern preacher wdlits to build a responsible for his conviction. Dennis Wholey church for the Indians and the issup (12) Merv Griffin townspeople. 8:30 (13) Bonanza (CBS) Rhoda .Bored with life Ida Iv Bunch (23) Sesame Street (NBC) Smothers Brothers decides to become a "now" ■Zoo Revue (25) Yogi & Friends woman and surprises Rhoda and (41) Daktari Women Only (50) Three Stooges (ABC) The Rookies "Cliffy" Brenda by announcing she's PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Mark Slade, Tyne Daly. A launched a whole new career. 4:30 retarded young man who dreams by Bill Yates (2) Mike Dougles Show 9:00 of being a policeman is falsely (3) Merv Griffin Show accused of a crime he witnessed. (CBS) Medicel Center "Survivors" (4) George Pierrot Presents Extreme tension develops among (6) That Girl 7:57 12 highly rated medical students (7) 4:30 Movie (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes when they learn that only the top (8) Partridge Family Narrator: Martin Balsam seven of them will be chosen for (9) Andy Griffith internship at the hospital. (10) Gilligan's Island F *25 PER TERM rAia (25) The Munsters & Friends (50) Little Rascals 8:00 (CBS) Maude. Maude suspects Walter's newly acquired devotion (ABC) Caribe "The Survivor" guest start George Grizzard, per month) to the church is bised on Lawrence Pressman who fight 5:00 P.M. something other than true time and danger searching for a required (6-8) Ironside P delivery religious feivor. (9) Mickey Mouse Club 7® SERVICE (10) Truth Or Consequences (NBC) Monday Night At The 1030 prance Available (13) That Girf (NBC) The Tonight Show McLean Movies "Winner Take All" (23) M. .er Rogers' Neighborhood IJAC starring Shirley Jones, Laurence Stevenson is guest hbst. (25) I Love Lucy LuckinbHI. A woman's addiction (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. to all forms of gamblingbecomes (ABC) Wide World; Mystery (50) The Flintstones "Won't Write Home, Mom, I'm progressively worse and threatens 5:30 Dead" starring Pamela Franklin. fi her marriage. (4) Bowling For Dollars PUTS IT MAY W00K 7 WHY DON'T W WHAT UI0U.P it*/ CO if I'D P0UNP Ht)U UNTIL THE LIKE I'M NOT 160 6£T ME A ITDIO SOU 7D 6c 6ET 5UN WENT GOWN, AND I'D KEEP \DiSN Of ice IT WVMELf ' ON P0UNDIN6 SOU UNTIL THE DOIMC ANYTHING \CttAM? 5UN CAME UP AND THEN I'D POUND fOU UNTIL THE S/NU6NT PMA6AJN *I6HT NOW, but actually I'VE oor 18 PfeOPLI on "HtLfr." . V 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan _ Monday. M-. ATTENTION Medical Dept. Faculty, Medical Departments and Medical Students. We invite you to browse in our newly expanded medical section in the MSU Bookstore! Over 1,000 additional reference books have been added to our medical section in the rear of the store. Books are listed under these section titles: 1. Anatomy 12. Orthopedics 2. Anesthesiology 13. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 3. Chemistry ft Biochemistry U. Pathology 4. Dermatology ft Allergy 15. Pediatrics 5. Dictionaries ft Terminology 16. Pharmacology 6. Gastroenterology 17. Physiology 7. Heart, Blood ft Circulation 18. Psychiatry 8. internal Medicine 19. Radiology 9. Microbiology ft Public Health 20. Surgery 10. Obstetrics ft Gynecology 21. 11. Ophthalmology Urology 22. Veterinary Medicine Here are some of the titles we stock: A.M.A. Drug Evaluations 2nd Merck Index The Merck Veterinary Medical Exam Revi Harrisons Principles Medici Stedmans Medical Lange Medical Series Gould Medical Dict Little Brown Medical Grays Anatomy 35 Difiore-Atlas Of Hum C.I.B.A. Collection Of M THE MOST COMPLETE MEDICAL REFERENCE SECTION IN THIS AREA. Money Man's A Coming With More $ For You! March 3 ■ 7, 1975 The STATE NEWS presents a special supplement, designed for ^XOMV U)AIT 'TlC ST. Patrick'S PA V ? iC. 1ms March 3,1975 r, 'V P»«V0||0} Buiaq sew ai| iem Buiiaaj am }0 snoiosuoo auieoaq an ajojaq aiuu Buo) e joj paries* ait HasuJ!M pascaid os sbaa sh Buoie pai|SO|S ag se Buis 01 Buot s dn apeixi u« pue Buiddiis Aohis One day, Corky O'Flanahan started out on The tentacles of the Blarney plant reached out what he thought would be a simple task. It to ensnare him, but Corky seemed his supply of Green was too quick. He was dwindling darted in and out of the Blarney's grasp, clutching rapidly, and he wanted to find a way to make it his purse to his chest. His last until spring came. problems where quickly multiplied as Blarney plants began to appear on all sides. Corky remembered hearing the tales told around the hearth-side concerning a place where Some people say that Blarney grows it was said bargains where born. It was called while others maintain it is naturally, "Savin' Green" and it could be found manufactured by a by device they caH a Media Machine. following a road so old no-one could remember it its origin, there is Regardless of not being there. only one way to defeat it, and Corky had had enough foresight to his rubber hip boots which bring along No sooner had Corky embarked allowed him to wade upon his Journey when he discouvered a strange phenom¬ through the infestation of blarney. enon — the road to Savin' Green was covered Little did Corkey realize what with other troubles Blarney. awaited him,on the road to Savin' Green .... Tayloring- y« can nm km uk proper fitting technique to lit those hand :: Sewing Classes """" •• | < ► ..y.»•Dressmaking Singer will help. Ui 3- t learn to make your own clothes and make* ► < ► a double saving. < ► | STUDENT DISCOUNT >hnv U t 3. « 5 ► presentation of od technique for today's material. LSKifiiSXj Meridian Mall 349-3130 %♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ SALE 20% off SELECTED STYLES Hours Daily 10:00 - 5:30 Thursday til 9 p 220 M.A.C. AVE. (UNIVERSITY MALL) East Lansing, Mich 517/332 - 2212 City feet need Roots. CLIP THIS COUPON This SAVE » Ih coupon is for 30^ toward the good TWO SIDES OF purchase of a GOOD VISION HALF-GALLON of Co-Optical has the best in optical care; Miller's Not only frames and lenses, but contacts too! IceCream All the We're specialists in fitting both hard and ... famous super-duper soft contacts. And flavors we give examinations tool . . . Regular or Stop by Co-Optical soon and see what we have to Deluxe. offer. Get the story on both sides of good vision. MILLER'S CREAM PARLORS East Eye Exams by 351-5330 Lansing: 116 W. Grand River, appointment only. corner of Evergreen. Dr. J.R. Nixon, Okemos: Hamilton at Okemos Rds Optometrist (Good thru Mar. 16.1975) Brookfield Plaza Office St.osry' ■ Cont."ir\\A.c» 8 - " . As Corky continued his trek, hi® came tcJ-'ervjoy slipping and sliding down the Blarney covered road. He even made up a song to sing as he sloshed along. He was so pleased with himself that he walked for a very long time before he became conscious of the feeling that he was being followed. At first he dismissed the idea, for the road was old and long untraveied. but the not-too-distant slithering sounds stayed at his heels. Now, Leprechauns are a brave lot, but when Corky spun xA around and found himself eye to eye with a Creeping Recession he couldn't help but scream. He turned to run in the opposite direction, only to find that way blocked by a Giant Inflation. Corky clung tightly to his meager savings, for the two beasts where well known for their shrivelling effect on the long green. Fprtunately for him, the Creeping Recession and the Giant Inflation were not used to co-existing in the same territory and soon began to fight each other for possession of the road. The monsters continued to battle awkwardly, allowing Corky to escape. As he ran down the road, the two figures were wearing a depression in the ancient thourough-fare. Corky kept running FOXHOLE PX ian q Over 1.000 Original Lithographs, Serigraphs and Prints, All Pre-Matted and Beautifully Chrome-Framed. v GI SALE GENUINELY INCREDIBLE! 10% OFF ANY PURCHASE WITH THIS AD * SPRING BREAK SPECIALS * OFFER GOOD UNTILMARCH 15, 1975 MUSEUM JEWELRY—IN REPLICA ORIGINAL ART by LOCAL ARTISTS Fingerprints 8x8 $8. Picasso, Miro, Chagall 16 x 20 $15. Vogue, Vararely, loutrec, Rockwell 24 x 30 $30 Fried la rider, Klee 24 x 30 J40 Plus Signed & Number Originals Storting At $30 210 Abbott Rd., Eas> Lansing (above Crossroad Imports) THEHANGUP Pj03^31^genMoj^olU^ Dairy Queen Coupons on a hot fudge sundae 20c off (coupon) Expires March 3!. 1*78 llmHono coupon por customer at a Mm* Free french fries w/purchaso of Big Burger Free onion rings w/purchase of Big Burqer ^ Expires March 31. 1975 Limit on* coupon por customer (coupon) AV VII IxplresMardiSl, 1*75 LlmHono coupon on a banana split 15° Off on purchase E ■ ¥. a f 'mS % w§ y ^ln 1J \ tmy^] East Lansing: 23 W. Gr. River 234 10 1024Gr. River 2040 E. Grand River more or Our Sto Early Bird Special $20 Cash Savings on all apartments leased before May 1st plus special reduced rates ... 8 convenient locations near campus. Furnished Carpeted - Air Conditioning - Some have balconies - - others swimming pools - all have parking facilities - efficiencies, one bedroom and two bedrooms. available now for summer and fall leasing HALSTEAD MAN Corky continued to run blindly down the road until he 351-7910 COMPANY crashed headlong into another large and fearsome beast. It was a Hostile Administration. Convincing himself that no animal could be worse than the two he had just left. decided to try to enlist the aid of the Administration. The monster bellowed so loud that Corky thought he Corky Your "Savin Green 99 would pop his WIN buttons. "Help you?! Certainly I'll help you save green. All you have to do is give me half of all the starts green you have now." East Lansing Since this proposal made no sense at all to Corky, he felt he had to ask for further explanation from the creature towering over him. Gathering all the nerve he could muster, he squeeked, "Why?" It is the nature of Hostile Administrations to hostile when confronted with questions and become more Where you find these Corky's question was one he had never even heard of before. "You impertinent little snipel Who do you think is the expert at this, anyway?" super fashion buys Seeing that this didn't impress the brave little leprechaun, the Hostile Administration turned to confer with some or you spring break! Economic Advisors that were hanging from a nearby tree. When he returned, the Hostile Admisitration explained, "If you must know, I'm going to take your green and feed it to the Creeping Recession so we can conquor the Giant Inflation. Or is it feed it to the Inflation to . . As the Administration did what that species. Corky crept passed for quietly away. thinking among Special Purchase of famous name Bikini _ Swimsuits • 1180 reg. *16 H.I.S. Gabardine Pants ANY MANUAL PORTABLE- Pretty, new spring colors $8.00 (regular$16.00) ELECTRIC PORTABLES- $11.00 (regular$18.00) INCLUDES: AIR CLEAN AND NEW RIBBON! % *1190 reg. #18 Plus — 10% off on any repair or platen Top Name Jeans AMERICAN BUSINESS MACHINES 1477 HASLETT RD. HASLETT, MICHIGAN $790 reg. *13 PHONE 339-8258 and SAVE GREEN! Great Assortment of Long With a Fish n' Chips Special Sleeve Print Jersey Shirts Fish n' Chips with a Stein of beer •09O ONLY 99c reg. *16 iThe Mon. - Thurs. 5-10p.m. ighwheeler restaurant & lounge Restaurant Lounge 11:00 - 2:00 AM 11:30 - 2:00 am 5:00 -12:00 Sun. 12:00 -ir.OOSan. East La AT PRICES LIKE THES "Ol GR SAVE OVER 30% l>j BASF „ O 7" -1800' rMlncwAqtafa List $7.50 O.J AKAI 6X 2850 Da*y,aate reverse real deck H.J.J750 5010 KOSS.HV-I Lightweight itiritphwif List $44.05 '21 BASF C-90 LH Super Super high performance cassettes. List $5.60 aa. $9 qq 4..WV MAXELL LNC 90 Cassette low noise tope List $3.50 aa. *1.99 Model 1226 complete with walnut base, dast K/X Mm aiKptical ECHNICS 3550 $0/1 a.rt„, colournticrophoitu R.g S79 95 *a. (34 y em self with yni taOriagSANSiii great m St. Patrick's Day. AM/FM itereo receiver with 25 Mtt« par cbaaael aader 0.5% THO* aver the Ml musical I DUAL Tern table, 1225/EMPIRE 66PE/X cartridge A wabiat base List $103.05 tino UA - - . • — •WfV. rm pVrTVnMKV ■ ftfVQiy gifgi - , „« 1||. A— — ■■■■iliiJii, WTTb T9f MHllllVliy WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AND PROVIDE Sa»ath recerd playback b prevMed by the an■ BS* 262 0 W THE BEST PROTECTION POLICIES • I ere better than any changer we've tried near its price, With foar channel gaining popularity every day, we decided to come •h base, cover and ADC eliptical Mopnitic ap with a real value in a system that will deHver super stereo now and For speakers we've selected the provide every type of four channel with the addition of two more s»i Lab Trend 4 «y«tem with 12" wenfer, 4" spankers. aridrange and 1 V«" pheneBc Hag tweeter. The sound is smooth and Technics SA800Q provides more value par doltor than any other open at afl listening multi-channel receiver available. Power In stereo is 36 watts RMS per channel under 0.5% THD* from 20-20,000 Hz. FM performance TOTAL LIST PRICE SEPERATELY '799" is better than nny quod near its prica. ALL TYPES OF QUAD BUILT-IN! Provides SQ, OS and CD-4 discrete. SANSUIS SR212 belt drive turntable is eur choice because wow, 40% OFF flutter and rumble are vary law and also because tone and mass is excellent (a with base, arm tracking vary critical parameter for CD-4) It comes cover aadf MPIRE 440D CD 4 discrate/stereo cartridge. HABMAN KAKDON 800- Multichain The final quality touch is provided by a pair of fp| j go Damns only. Slightly marred bat la perfect worhing loudspeakers. IPI speakers are famous for their high degree of ceadrtien with fad 2 year warranty. Regaiorfy clarity and accuracy. The linear sound of IPI is unsurpassed. Total $400.05 separately $1112.75 JBL L-16 JBL's smallest system at phsaomjnal savings, SAVE OVER 25% *879 legetariy $135 each, wa have a Bathed qeaatit) at To as, good music deserves to be played load and dear. This , -tj —g- * combination is designed to do - _ «• ipiwB pVM oT exactly that. Far pawer, clarity, taxability and FM superiority we chose the SANSUI 881 AM/FM stereo receiver with 63 watts RMS per channel RECORD SPECIALS under 0.3% tetal harmonic distortion* FM IMF MBOECOOf sensitivity is l.lmV, UST SALE selectivity is better than 70dB. Includes walnut enclosure. A 4.98 JBL L36 loudspeakers provide a high degree of definition and 2.99 B "musical" quality. The 10" woofer, 4" mid 4.98 3.29 range and 1 Vi" high C EAST frequency direct radiator respond accurately and with such efficiency 5.98 3.89 that clarity is maintained from soft to D LANSING ear-splitting levels. 5.98 4.09 Thn L-36's sail for thn Fair Tradn Prlcn of $198 ooch. E RECORD The newBir 93 belt drive programmable turntable delivers a new 6.98 4.99 F DEPT. degree of precision to the record changer mnrket. Has lower rumble 9.98 6.99 than any other changer. Walnut G ONLY base, cover and new STANTON 681 11.98 8.99 Triple f collibrotion cartridge. H List 14.98 10.50 Separately S123I.30 SAVE OVER 20% FOR MINIMUM RMS POWER PER FROM 20-20,000 HZ. CHAN. ALL CHAN. DRIVEN AT 8 OHMS ASK FOR PARK AND SHOP STAMPS WIT SALE ENDS BankA-mericard 1'SHOPWD MARCH 8 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING MUSIC C( ililiril 5 asm •••••••••• Hondo Fender Gibson Class J-40 Guitar Artist 5-String List '339 00 Model H310 Banjo List Price $avin s250 •75 00 List Price $70000 J-50 Guitar Savin Price $44 00 IG$avin Price $450°° List *399 ° $avin $270 Ovation Guitars List $385.00 1114-4 all Luthier f Yamaha 4 Piece List $495.00 1624-4 Savin *350.°° Guitar Set Drum List $360.00 1112-1 List Price $469.00 Savin $250.°° Strings List $455.00 1117-1 s5.00 to $8.50 $ovin Price Savin $300.°° value Fender Rhodes Harmony Piano Mandolin 133%List Price „ model Stage 73 model •Grover Machine Heac List s80000 List Price s89." DeArmond Pick-ups Cry Baby Wah-wahs $«mn Price ^600°° J \$UVIH Price Gibson & Martin Polish MPS WITH YOUR PURCHASE 9 SALE ENDS MARCH 8 THE wmi SlfOPFF. 2 0 JSIC CO. 402 $. WASHINGTON AVE, LANSING t> # • & • * sanuiiuon ^jq; A/ow SacJc to Oui" Story creature stuck in the middle of the road. He knew right away from the smell that he was being confronted by a Stagnant Congress. "Have you seen the Hostile Administration?" inquired the congress from its bubbling puddle of primeval ooze. "We're on our way to stop his destructive and misguided actions and we haven't much time." Not wanting to be impolite. Corky replied, "Yes, it just tried to take half of my green, but how are you going to stop it? You don't seem to be able to move." "That's gratitude for you," snapped one of the older heads of the congress. "Just see how far you get trying to save green without our help," added another head poking out of the muck. "For your information," piped up a junior member, "we've got more things tied up than you could even imagine, and you dare to say we're not moving! We're doing all this for you!" Seeing that Corky was about to move on, the Stagnant Congress decided to show him how they could move by giving themselves a raise. MO/V 203 E. Grand River Open Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30 E. Lansing Thursdays til 9:00 PM SAVE ON ALL OUR NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE (Thatsnot THIS WEEK ONLY! with coupon already 1reduced!) ,eep your COUPON mind from SAVE SPRING SAVE yawning. INCLUDES RAINCOATS - LEATHERS SIZES 6-18 SAVE Anyone $36.00 or MORE that is not currently reduced SAVE (One coupon may be used per item) COUPON SAVE SPRING SAVE GOING HOME INCLUDES LONG PANT SUITS MAY and REGULAR LENGTHS BE INCLUDED, TOO! OR AWAY FOR Anyone $24.00 or MORE that is SPRING BREAK? SAVE not currently reduced SAVE (One coupon may be used per item) COUPON SAVE SPRING SAVE INCLUDES DRESS KAIIVi IP CASUAL STYLES A|| Cordoroys and Denims Anyone $14.00 or MORE that is SAVE SAVE not currently reduced (One coupon may be used per item) COUPON SAVE SPRING STOP BY.... CHECK OUT AV? | THE LARGE SELECTION OF 'Hi <£•>'; I Anyone $10.00 or MORE that is T-SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS, not currently reduced JACKETS, SOUVENIRS. 'n!iJiu>MI|J S|4 UOJS OJ ABW jnO UO 8i,9m„ °azoo leasuiijd jo aippnd Buiiqqnq sji luojj ss9j6uod agi pajmbui .^uoiiejisiuiuipy aiuson aqi uses noA 3Aen,, ssajBuoo jueuBeis e Aq paiuojjuoo Suioq spaa aq jegj uatus am ujojj Abmb iqBii aa9u>| an 'pBOJ am /o aippiai aqi ui yonis ojnie&jo 06ubjis e moiob pauoddsq Aijjoq ejojsq 0uo| j,usb/v» if Another great coupon sal* at now on Eldorly. instruments, accessories A more. 1/2 off list I Darco Guitar St&| A regular $5.00 value, only $2.50 20% off Any music book in stock, offer good only March 3.4,5 "Oh, wow, man.. What a far out little personl" He . Corky looked around, but saw no-one. was about to move on when the voice spoke again. "I'll bet you're trying to save some green stuff..." The voice sounded rather Corky was sure he detected a note of sarcasm. Besides, the voice seemed to friendly, but be coming from thin air. "Man, I'm so high I don't think you can even see me up here. . Corky looked up and saw a strange looking creature road. Since he was in sgch an elevated lounging on a cloud high above the position, surely the High Cost of Living could tell him how far he still had to go. Corky was eager to share his burden with someone in so high a position in the world. "Golly, I really do want to save green, but it's been so hard lately." "Like, I know what you mean, man, and I mean to tell you. . . You got nothin' to worry about. . . Really, man . . ." assured the High one. "That's wonderful," exclaimed the naive leprachaun gleefully. "What do I do?" "Well, man, first of all you've got to get a new occupation A job, man. leprachaun will get you, like, nowhere. ... . . Being a no chance for advancement. . . . . Like, have you ever thought of being a Middleman, man?" Just as Corky thought he was beginning to understand, he was distracted by a rainbow in the distance. Remembering the oldest of Irish legends, he scampered off to find its end. . . US X. Coopon rr\o*-e \\Y )tocV\ooSe> yj TUES.. WED. Doily 10-10; Sunday 10-7 MENS KNIT SHIRTS WICKER STORAGE Our Reg. 4.96 NYMPH CHAIR CHESTS Sale Priced **96 Our Reg. 1.67" 100% nylon knit numbered tee Stylish wicker Woodgrain all pur¬ shirt. Mens nymph chair. pose storage chests. sizes. S-XL. Perfect for storing Cushion not Included. Charge It today. linens and clothing. Highback Chair. 32.66 STYROFOAM WHITE 20 9-oz CUPS ENVELOPES TUMBLERS Our Reg. 431 Our Reg. 341 Our Reg. 67* 38* 25c 58 51 plastic foam cups Box of 100 white Clear plastic wash ft J to serve party bev¬ envelopes 6% " size. n' toss disposable erages or coffee. Save today. / 9oz. tumblers. POTATO PLANTERS 2 SLICE CHIPS PEANUTS TOASTER Our Reg. 69* Our Reg. 1.13 Sale Priced 50 83 744 » Kmart chips are 16oz. Planters Automatic 2 slice fresh, crisp and dry roasted nuts. toaster with color really delicious. Extra crisp, crunchy. control. Save today. FAST RIVAL STEREO MR. COFFEE II CROCKPOT HEADPHONES Sale Priced Sale Priced Sale Priced 25" 15 74 1888 10 cup capacity 3'/j qt. Enjoy stereo with Rival Crock Makes 1 cup every pot. Slow cooking these quality head¬ 30 seconds. means better flavor. phones from K mart. MODEL SKH-120 6" HOUSE PLANTS POTTING 10" HOUSE PLANTS SOIL Your Your 3 Days Sale Priced 3 Days Choice Choice Yucca Tree Tree Philodendron Rubber Trees Palm 8 qts. of potting soil Palm Plants Schesslera False Aralia Dracaena Marginata for house plants or Dragon Tree terrariums. Save. Schesslera Kmart East Only • West Grand River Avenue • Okemos r^'iMyv tj&//s^r//0r r**/& ••• It's End . . . Corky could not believe his eyes. There it was before him — the pot at the end of the rainbow. It was a beautiful Savin' Green and sales and coupons, all pot, filled with bargains, designed especially to save is a year everyone some Green. Corky was so excited that he turned into a real live boy — or was that a different story? Anyway, he read each ad carefully and found out the best thing of all about the Savin' Green — The adventures of no Blarney! Corky O'Ranahan are being 'SAVfNsS round theme experienced by all of Recession and a Stagnant us News readers from Savin' Green! every day, but even a Creeping Congress can't keep the State <5«EEMcJ at Marty's. r slacks. Fill out Make Music a your Part of Your Life wardrobe with 1 THE INTERMEDIATE S429°° our fine selection ADVENT scott Cf olenqurn Long after the dust has settled on other things you buy, a good stereo system will go on giving you of Spring a tremendous amount of pleasure. Once music comes alive in your living room, you'll want it to stay forever. fashions. To make it come alive, we're offering a stereo system with absolutely convincing sound. The system is centered around the Smaller Advent loudspeakers, really amazing two-way systems that offer the full-ten octave range of music at low cost and small enough size to fit any living room. To power the Smaller Advents, we've picked the Spring SCOTT R 33 receiver, which not only has the right amount of power to do the job has the qualities needed for really well, but also essentials superb FM (and AM) reception. For playing records, we've offered the for now GLENBURN 2115 automatic turntable with Shure M75E cartridge, a combination that will treat your records gently. • backed by Hi-Fi Buys 5-year Protection Plan. ,r- 111-17 Bl'YS iio,e —;M7Eos,lon!in9 4810 W. Saginaw, Lansing 484-4589 Disc Shop Nf ' - bs :NS M£N S FASHION CLOTHING I1. Grand River. East Lansing Ph. 3b 1 5380 305 East Grand Ri*er BankAmericaro East Lansing Anniversary Sale Continues Paper Backs -20% off list price. General Hardbound Trade Books- 20% off list price. General Reference Books- 20% off list price. (Books under the shingles (Tradebook area) ) Sorry. : these books -textbooks -medical reference books -medical dictionaries. America's History Lands National Geographic Book reg.$9.95 NOW *5*95 supply limited Michigan State Jackets Reg. *24 »« NOW *17.S0 (yellow & orange, Main Store) Semi-wet look. Plain Jackets NOW *13.50 Plain Jackets NOW *9.50 MSU Sweatshirts (main store only) *2.95, sale price. Big 10, Notre Dame Sweatshirts $2.95, sale price. (Main Store only) Foreign "T" shirts Reg. *2 " Sale price, *1.7S Snoopy "T"shirts NOW*2.S0 Snoopy sweatshirts Sale price *2.9S Scarves & mittens