1. S. C. Library ■•t Unalng, Man. I HfichigaiT 6tatc News HAST I.ANSINlI, .MICHHiAN, TUESDAY. SEITKMIIEH I!»:t of Doctor Elba Watson Former Grid Coach FIVE INDUCTED DeathRecalls Study of Sunflowers DR. E. WATSON. Blue Key Party Will And Star Halfback INTO EXCALIBUR Grtman Profftior Wa. Well Known Among RoUnitli as GERMAN PROF. Be Social Highlight Eiprrt Hi. Specially. To Be Honored Here IT T'RST PARTY an m DIESONSUNDAY For This Week End OHtrs, Christian, Rosa, Zmdel. Lo.i of G«m«l Educalnr Foil fl*,trr Brewer. One-lime Spartan Football Mentor, anj P. G and Hammir (K) Sale by Member., ol Union De.k, ond MrKenna, Captain, arj Star Pupil Under Him, to be Tapped for Throughout Faculty; Hod Sandy's Grill ot Eighty Cent, a Couple; Group Honored Hrre at Homeroming. Participation in Activities. Been With College IS Yeori. to Tap Members Later in Fall. |„ Brewer, former Michitrnti State i.meh. tinw with 250 COUPLES ATTEND RITES THIS AFTERNOON IU Fdts Priest Blue Key will hold its aiinn d. Fall term party next Fri Ik,, t'niteroity of Mlnoouri. an.l I'arttell ti. MiK.niu. f..rm,-r Informal Initiation Held lall'l'.-nk ;i»>l iHl't.'lin of Muhifnti State teams, will In' the Sunday Doctor Aided Several Students ilay night. n which the different firs' in HkVL Brewer coached until ItMo. After leaxing this mh-i'i-'l » Five men, singled out from The death early Sunday w;>* resolved t»> increase greatly hapters are located. F.ach fall Blue Key sets . minimum *>,*1. be returmxi in DM7.9 senior rank* la-cause of their , morning of Doctor F.Uut F ami again from 1910-1921. holarshtp requirement and all juniors having records alNxve H-t wcr was one of the fir*t WAA TO CHANGE participation in atudent get- iv it it's during their three difficult group of plant*. That i* why he was touring in his Ford, to collect and study his Dr. Watson, professor of German, leaves an irreparable loss __scales on which they check #the minimum are sent rating of college, chosen e extra-curricular in tivities HOCKEY SET-UP years as tu u were .members of Fxcalibur, While studying at Fast Lansing within the Michigan State college faculty. Dr. Watson.: which they have participnl- hit ween field trips he planted and who last week passed his I in college. fV.r? marked the U*ginning senior honorary, Friday night thousand* of suntto g r e w tenth year as a faculty mem¬ From the rating scales, the nf faculty recognition for ath- Ericson Sets Fencing Hours, to The men flipped were Don- coaches. ber, carved a particular niche. |^tve Beginner* an(j Ad- aid O'lLsra. business ma nag vanccd Groups. REVEAL FROSH MSC STUDENTS ORIENT TALKS ATTEND CONVO Traditional Lectures of Campus Rath Sp eaks c Enlifhtment Listed With for the Rural Dates. Speakers.- ! M1CHIGANDERS OPEN UP UNION: i. xx 11. : September 29 and CX-tober 1: The theme for the ronfei t-nce : All Slalr Students Invitfd lo At pi «'m nt Hushing miW *x»ror»- (i wa» "Educating Youth for Demo¬ ^ cracy* and the speaker* j tend Annul Victory Stomp I UIH' eiiquitte at tea* and other among Miss Ruth Lindquist. former j foothiilI was at Ann Arbor Citadel. (Xtobrr 0 and 8 (Lecturel. Mr mem!* r ot the home economic*; ol Mu'higun m H93. hl> A. M rip- : € \t ti.i> nar was u ill talk about campus Sh» rpeke op "problem* of i gre*; from the aame *ch«M>l in 1918.1 tra«lit»«>n» and their value the Rural Home" ami was awarded u tioctor of t n Ths iites providi I girls will discusa study the weh*orru" ami recreatbm for * problem* jthe find night's conference. Stu (1 xc ^ October 20 and 22: Study problem*. (Di*cu**ion J drnts front here wh.» attended ; Ul.r,. Junt- llungerfotd. official , 2\ Un<1. " ' j Grange delegate George Bird. 4-11 flub representative; Marian Irwin, November 3 and 5 the o^renmg night were Melvto si on i Krtsliman Mieial problem* 1 Andru*. Myrtle Winalow. J«h* November to and 12, (lecture) Shull. William Anderson and Cewle Dean F.mmon* will explain th? literary departments of the col-: First meeting of the Grange will lege and what they offer Im> held Saturday evening at 8 Nitfember 17 and |il: tlas-ture) o'clock in room 4«h» Ag llall Ati. Ail-Star Set-up Starting Bette Hatch. Jean Van Brockl n Were Pies Robert S Shaw, Dean* for Coming Year. Ernst Bessey aiwi L C. Emmons, j id Jean Ballard were the thtC'.* September 30. Profeuori tieZecuw. Johnston and mor girl* who ipoke on this' Harper Takes First, Smith Third ia Civil Service Eiam Hughes Interment was in Okemo* Ar Specialists at Capitol. Assist Dairymen HOTC Buys News Cavalry Horses Lit was learned today when result* Fifteen Mwut. Arrive fur State i"' " c,vil •"**"• I Kay Thompson. Ray Heatherton ; j reached here from Washington. D and the Rhythm Singer* will con- ; jC The examination was taken by Path? A'o-- It s a the natural tinue to hold the spotlight on En -! all forester* wishing employment s for Or- ta>>, with a new broadcasting tlmej The Cement Walk Note cavalry department an- i with the United Slate* Forest of 8 30, E S T. and a re-broad - vunces that fifteen new remount* ! Service, x on Tuesday. Septerr^ber 28. tast <>i the entire show from New j have arrived. The horse* are all j Bernard Kirk, graduate assistant probably alt noticed in j ■ 7 00 p m . and will be held York at ll 30 for listeners in thei0f ^.jiceUpnt breeding Ten of them ! in the Michigan State forestry de- e«s of construction the {every Wednesday night after the wt9i are half blood* or better. Very j partment. scored third best of all that will lead up to the week. Eight hours' practice RIVER RELIEF PROJECT ■ first The Martini programs on Wed-j little ia known about the other j forester* taking the exam Kirk, nesday evenings will also feature j five. j with one year of graduate study, UNDER STATE ENGINEER The new*horses, geldings, were j outclassed many older men who oi ,hiit "ld "v nii NEWMAN CLUB INVITES mixed voices which Kost eland/ picked by Col. Edward N. Hardy, ( had had many years of practical The project for cleaning out the weeks selecting who judged the hunters and jump- «"». ■■: unt,J". I STUDENT BODY TO TALKS has spent many and rehearsing. ers in the Horse Show last spring. jexperience Don Smith, a four-year man of Looking Glass river has been ap¬ proved by the WPA and is tfcmt ^ P-ar.ted to ,Tvn -ilr-« the prevent students '••■ry With the same background of All come from Fort Robaon, j State's '30 graduating class, placed ready for construction. Ad short cut in front j The Newman club, Catholk Kostclanetz dance music on Friday Nebraska. 1 ] till in competition with students Ioist spring there was much con¬ ^'r" an building. | Now they're student!' organiaitkin of M SC. evenings, the Kay Thompaon-Ray Except for three, al! of the fe-iof other schools, many of whom troversy over the towering of the asphalt sidewalk-right e xtendi an invitation to the stu¬ Heathertcn combination accom¬ mounts are broken for riding. Al- I had taken five-year courses, °Wr the old water level in Round lake, near short-cut—It just goes dent body to attend an open forum * sho% panied by the Rhythm Singers will though they were on the road four j First place was also taken by a Laingsburg. This difficulty has Ebe 4!* you haven't heard why the Home Economic* building. vocal novelties. : of experience in the field in addi- the water of the lake at the same • building the sidewalk so The discussion will be conduct¬ Here's the reason-(don't ed by Rev- C M. Winter of the rauai avaaraa man baan Uon to hU college instruction. or higher level. CAVALRYMEN WEAN ROOTS took off the top honors This is one of the first examples •*g*cyboy). Next term when the Resurrection church of Lansing. "wegll line Up outside the ad- Topics of religious, social and edu¬ —— An even 74% of State's gradu- of -upstream, engineering" in The sophomore cavalry claaaes sting class, all of them four year building to pay their cational Importance will be dis- this year will wear high top taecd man, paaaed the civil service ex- T* can brine their can cuaaed thus evotd *11 the d.s- will be continued throughout the fall term. MICHIGAN STATE NEWS licMgatt State News -J To™8* Rambles College Bulletin . . Campus Sidelights Some time airo when the Michigan Ajrri- culturist halted puhlication and left the ar*i- " »— l.i.-iia - and - .v h»w • * • • - there was a sharp increase in rranfte polices „4 * • <> * •• The f ellece \ M C \ 'VT that came into the State News office. Soon other* followed—<11 club news, notices of Rumbles •*;:h the meeting ne*t Tuesday. 0 viock ««\ retro* 5.^.! ,t,v1i and dairyfnjr activities. and other com- Septrwibrr 2*. at ? 30 n Old* Hall. * pc,y m«WK» Strati* After hearing an aw ful fiery of ^ (»nent news of the division. mm* •ssoettrr _-t |u ! Today the News is the sole mediant for u c w-rr/t speak to the pbysfc* de- lain junior to most -|^rtI the injury to Pal ,.t»r I!—..* "• ^ *11 such notices and realires that with evert' •• "cheer the hero and $he ftmshed by Wivtr ittm of an atrricuhtire nature comes the ty.i- a *i-j-.h«*nore *s« begin tr the «?:;dent parl.tr of • the v' during a movie «ht, WOii"d be'. T to 5 on Sf thvVkt'if during. :-v< of his vara- The People* church on Friday eve-' h» •. "*.■>«< honest evidence of hoi Mint: for a rural future. a I> in physic < • ' " ".**" V Orlohrr J at fl o .-look C\ It is a healthr siirn that is Ho ir.f.fVd thai hud mark* lfc»: tv Tnemblay will be .n charge. New ir-ir-r: d merit C. and. toid the front Mary Mayo w ishes i a ou a rimber* are invited to jom The I*..-. *. • - m tie. It history that the American farmer ; iUvr«.- 7 • . has long Nvn the i»u< ker of a PajTiim wfopi* - " i? j, history also that there never breathed ~7h1* \,Tsv.i.cs- n»n, a more dojrmatie an.l o hat in ate crest are .. _ \»cs - •» . 7V-YV»« .v-V.? **?. ' x * ; than the farmer. His at Urn* rwveasitateii his <.-•< i «s w' * r»*«* |(t nflfure Long have packers regulated hi* <*.•• «• *'vwV.-' • V'... * ; meat prices: and (Train brokers controlled ' r ** ~7 r h, , . « os... hi* (Train rrtom# He *x* the exp«rimer*ai Vt . «»-"•-/ h-.-wf* ! footbatl of a whimsical jrovemment mih h ,,«ti. — — ' " to h> own ill-fortune. Hwtvrr. the*e cme y o;ce .n the regi-la* " of •. ^ .7 offlciallv withdrew Polly Th. m- . ' e'a«« :« whedtiled to meet mtlk price# which aupfhmta the former price • -w * Th.ir-.iav ilftcrncw t- discus. * vers' !«• nwnopoly of the creameries. mA.iv undt; a *ado.d. I-. the lil'smate .««p»v*al of And ihr..«urh the ftl rv .< all m.>!ern funds that ir.»v he fc-ft in its treasury culture dee*!, pment run* the ir re f •'-« _ s. o..n-ni.etn. rit tmw n< \t Jure -r .iJ. rrr frans* of v cstenl*y The American , ■ r ■ uv, that Bid trtwir. YMCA • tirviin*; ;r tr- f.*w year, such fsrtner—ar.d there is r.. so.VS.r.jr hi. * ' ri- - • morf. h*s l»sn' left >.n the stud. •:? loatt ^uet "ivas-klwr.e of the nati-r."—.« shoainir «t-T n»v€;» ,ar.« f.j. • However. »* that fund now has a the rffrsts of expansion throuch learniDf.— : ♦ahstarti*! i»lance, other possible uses for K. l>. B. ^ .. thre of the Wat fUns. and a realty wwrth- .Mono - Mono - Monev CLASSIFIED whi'.e ue. v» o 'e places! Isf- iv the senior* Thnrsitav If the clssa approves this fdan ihigAtt SThW is Ml. hifan fta'e * I n have a shell. tHsjivting*— new ctormitor.'Ch. i ifttVetKaxvUlepillcIled All ■Ml amphitheater f-w c-neerr-. pia.s anc. fI always. t»e it because an a I utori##.. Afitiifk»rial futvi* mu* l t>ST -Klgi;t wrist wan ? sim .it- -f- roer near the chem- fv-T sjii.trit initials A H and date il * j» r.upkesp The .ng that And fpeokirt of fT.ii*!>- y -u .13. Friday. Sept 18. between jTjpfM*t?rvr2 •«»»• off#rod the imp Ru<*ian hasaettes, thv whole H» ••,e"s'i-r nf f The »Um rhitnut if patting up a howl for j : ward \ . HaR. ft4 M • K evfr.! Y«mt.S C«A«n ■ a «h< l! the . Uv* »c LOST - Aiivfca Gamma*Rh.» - | .if the w 'tt- fuAiicfitv varir* hi* t t • v« r- 1.» \ pr Deif.i house Reward s -;c 11 pc' Ho , ;s only iookiTyg for a Patton tuintr g parer/s writh the mirg r», Pay pwweii at ( ... r. use* "SWING"- - | r*.; far •». • • < Rt*cfing it Whiio the suwiav:»r> s- >tiIJ open cv, Don Hoffman nnd Hi> Band frser.t?* and asimviATrs :n all par!* tlltr W. f^l ■Tr, !ht 4 M.v h'sfan sT i ••: t. State Theater ru: .n U-an tend.-: t.v j ThwhiH' cne AJk1 r* * N "jPir@VK®§' had no contact witn men • La; - ! Oiled Silk Students Junk Hunk T ■ • . ;f . \ r. a .> *«>vK Raincoats her" Wha» fun the dear. CouM ' have tlwit $<*'. a thing or ' rvAgmr-ta. mu. W.Th • tore 4a**' r. *t the .... - ,M;\h •« f ' Umbrellas ... aitacks. there fr:?e'ct« abo much rnThier..' Murder wiH out u> they m> j At least the reeuiu of a sane and stuckbt f^I- — K A > i Re.1 ~ Green - Brow: I BIim Biack Natural in Physic4r>jgy Brown's laboratory ; j RAINCOAT* Thuradav The class meaaured The rivpiraUon of aU ci its men- ! 2.95 - .195 « . -<1 r el AC ~ Sweet Violets cfcarrh a'«i hat ie. lined ivrsee ar AiSines. suff by a duwn- 1 heet. hut cants.-.t resist a h dair.ly . ..... ire tk..ne a bit rrf : r v ..ar | A- RIFUS NOLO :N ^e»taanxtaire \*18 brt-.rv r*-.er.?h\ out \Yr tbi* ,^,r FIR5T «ET II DLH HALL" Gold Stripe ■ the iSeath nrht to sat r - T ARR,VED:-a,T,r Tb» is a .'.at ph.-aw • the Fretwh dtwesasir twit. gosh. ou>\ yam »e* where wt'd *«tw irwhahuv .ata*Mtea h-.s "freedom of ,u*» *•» jr. : tp u, hi» ks*i Uo? wpeesh" phubws^ hy to aj?v|» |« ho&est, ever ' « «• •»« a Utile sweetie pie. Kaae tt* pewmd pf "Kanaagalxuatty ptui Uw ftm4ntm bestowed esa »ii IVsujh mistakes- ishirfs, * and *rn in yvurr cew»T little sheet. I i ht iwlicAtr* •rw-bom Using*, - Srwkvta «ur.t Udiev* the bulk of potanai W r nt ear. y<*t can find plenty to complain ppo{siaar,.a, tvecau*. as Ituihins jersorrs. ;reurard to our pdiciea. M e can't rrjn»i hthey ran t convince .themselves that the I ^*1*** the fcoauasa staff ia so far ahead of .tsbeeiy Leaaue a Trviaeieteate or «rifinat':.ri Wvece the atirf. '-fu rest of u*. ao turn ft or_ . jSenji;,. Pajut Vftnd. awd fM- ^ He ^ ft srpuii be word trtftie. or « poor ade* te vote far ■ Brtswder. »ftr! aU thai ' in tie mci« two «r three lukftdreci Maybe wreVe beers an expansion Contrary to i Wolverine «Uff * * *12 rrporUw the : 4» not ccr.*rd«'raiy| cf the pobtxity DeCIWt SHOES "ITS A COLLATE TUAMTIOV te&Tg wifhrt aU Ak*g and ft fttvitnoo. This cWv*rtToerit, they pertapf eehaaticc. dew» has* ita advmr- Lore and kisses. ' n >Jh ? . n,. «vcfe a hot wotkf after ail— ' say. box beets functsotuai very. IN W. Grsad llrrr An. |m %fe* after alL—R. A. T. ' Cs. X As T- ! wwa riday Night Blue Key Party nmcjfiiy t lupjday, Scptfmltor 5ft>, 193® MICHIGAN STATU NKWf state eleven primed for wolverines 14 Spartans Point SPORTORIALS Harpster, With Sixteen Veterans, To Their 3rd Game n. AL TIIKIITR. Sport, Editor Pacing Good Year at Carnegie Tech t'dfh ttnrhm.in gut Itv thp Wayne pump in pretty good Against Kikpe Team shape. most Hp didn't hnve to push his eleven much, and kept of the flreworks he intend* to shoot uguinst Miehi- ir-. N.-tr w the tMr.1 in » greatest Carnegie back: «n« *j|,Bf«ce^the 'rtiln* t*^s« °f 192(1 fume. he W'tl , ,-jp 11f||- * gnn this week well, under cover. For the most part, .the krttii*it<'?Tiirt(T*M.ST h** dr*:' than likely be given the j post. The blond speed demon is Si AKIANw WIN Contemplates sP"rt.to,theus,si only six plays in defeating Wayne, and al- h sixteen returning letter- reported to perform as well nave four as any rhlM1(Cr flo| Startiaf Veteran in ■round whleh to mould a "teet halfback at he rut, and pivot, Sntlu>rl«n P'«c Wavtif Shows a Well Coached ' "Will Experience pits divi. lowrver. were very etlleient—and tivk t>age after pagi' wth Mutcton tvn Fou backs, as the Reoutlan, and AA'u Team and Genihis. Punter it dends?" f notes. They followed every State player on the play— haekflctit ts reputed power runn >!indent Player on Field. ™a,.'s (,.h" W* ''""'if night in the mind of clmrW hn t what his job was callable for duty Or the sophomore prospeets . on performance. They could do Hut then, wv haven't ■nerd b:u'k> nnlv halfback STATE SOPHS SHINE lWhm"n- s,a,"'> with the i,hl" irv. seem to i all lots ' contacts Knpt'«ak. whose two older higan of them "sneker plays" and MEl. ruonn game only four das ay. didn't think t Baehman will sent »toran against the \V»»1 Sh nring the usual opening eleven into the csr'c form, the Spartans of battle. If he so Ma higan State overpowered ean start, and Wa> tie I'niversitv of Detroit pro win in the second half of ,r" >"«>'er* who boast ho came plaveil Saturday at v<"',rs 01 var,i,v ew Maeklin Field. The score " s r^'h,**n' "n """"" ' will top rrpt ewmtr.1 by at len< ra> 27 to (. sophomores a*, the opening w! Wayne, playing its tirst «eeordin« to at! or the late, ante with a major opponent, porta howei .1 world of team spirit: Siadlam lild sialt COLLEGIATE TENNIS When State ■ -he help e( the aitted Flavin* in the itadlun at CONTEST STARTS TRACKMEN START FALL PRACTICE goes down to beat Varsity and Freshman Letter- men Hold Matches. Michigan next Sat- urday,you're going too! NATE FRY and In. MUSIC A. F. of M Phone 5-2764 gti hand in hand. Howl Regularly fur Health and Rerreation. RAINBOW RECREATION 1 GIFT STATIONERY New and Attractive 25c ,.$1.0O REX CAMERA SHOP ltd F (.rand Blver Ave. Kaat la~.ni The team will give n creditable performance, the rooter* will do their part. We'll all have u in week, ago good time. Bl'T— * < Kadi-k JEAN'S KEWPEE ■'< rtpukivd Mc * I a g a i n \» ; 1 i * ■■ and punted oui r>f I wvtrh pro- ' the Wayne eight-yard, ceedungs 11 - cn What About Appearance? Gembw' kick was return* the sidelines. C -nrdgp an the State 4«- j T her • it no Let'a leave better a impre*»km bv being properly drevsed m !:r* Kovarich circled his j chance of his Hamburg on a reverse to make it j playing Satur- - VARMITY-TOfl'N" sown ripped cn Wayne« 37 and | day tackle for an- .say Doctors All-Steak And over he'll be down "INDCIGMD" on the Wayne !T | lucky U) ba back in tune tor Uw Hot I)og $3.50 to $18.00 1 superior reserve ttren('h I Missouri game. Oetobar If a on : Rarin' to go after being kept out Saturday with knee trouble. Vui- • j • Slits & Topcoats j j cer-t Vanderoerg eont.nues to botri the inside • < $22.50 to $.35.00 "Cord" Coats Cafeteria $7.95 Fountain Service Amw Starts $2 and $150 Large Special Malted MiOt Coca Cola - Tuesday. September 29. I93fl MICHIGAN STATU NEWS MILITARY GROUP MEETS SOPRANO OPENS Shortage of Iceberg Glade, campus tap, tap, who's there? Scabbard and nitttary honorary, met for tunch- ttcalibur offrr, new version of game Saturday CHORAL SERIES Lettuce Due to Strikes ,m in the I't-uiu Memorial build- I Rabbit Food Becomes Scirce Due to l.«ck of Cooperation Kirilrn FlaRstarl of Melropoli- Among Workers. Of come it wan the Kxr.ilit n:nt> the. \\. Mars tilt to Inaugurate Ann Arbor . . Ih.-y r«t it over at Werr thi ^Vt"< of th«- I'tofli' f oncer Is Oct. t9. on hand !.- -t.nltho show .. I-1.' firls . n.-t that the. intended BEAN STACKING NOTED but there w. vt mam-rf them there and they all looked so ivk-n";:! and -mart in I heir new fall dr.-s.-s . A majority of the dress.', worn in the currently popular princess I.m- . with r■■ >-bt titlinit »»>'t line, a -kirt that Mayo Co-eds Find Hare* frra.. fit':. or th. Is-ttom. and leult up and tr mm.-d a Lovelorn jiotneo should. !- line (an,-., another popular note this fall, were seen often in the I'nion bnllro. m Friday night . rust, Moonstruck Frosh locked Alarm Awakens frwn. and I'la. k were most prominent in the color scheme Out of Dorm: so Whistle Practice House .. . . we like year dresses, young ladies. to His Love. Co-fdf Study to Become Cooks, Thin will t>e stomping at the V . . if., th. |th:e Key til. t. Di*Hwa#hers, and Home Managers. Splosh Society I Seeks Splashers *E t FKTIFY that we have inspect e.1 the Turkish and IkmiearicTobaeeos blende.) in TO ENTV CltANG cigarette. Ami .1, ■ • irv as those used ill cigarette, coating Spartan ">>• NOW ON LIBRARY DISPLAY as much as 50 Aj more. Ant: Ar'er : havrnu't he ivsmi Fed, Putt & Ruabv Inc. about i- - t.. UK AT Ml' I Siimt KipD* CHEMISTRY PROF GIVEN PROFESSIONAL HONOR 'The Texas Rangers' wednesday iesd Thursday The Dancing Sensation of the Nation.... ~ 1 he dancing-singing star of **E%er»rreen" and -First a Girt" Now she's a charmer from the c«isl . . Mho charms the north . . . south, east and west. , Jessie Alpha mflTTHEUJS DRAKE RIDES FOR TOP PLACE IN HORSE SHOW Typewriters hS^t AGAIN ROBERT YOUNG -added— charlie chase Friday - Saturday comedy MY AMERICAN WIFE" Kappa IV lu Magazine Subscriptions cartoon ENTOMOLOGISTS SPRAY ROBERT R. BENGRY Ray Button Prank! -STATE'S SMARTEST DAM E Ml SIC Ar. FV»t CYwnmitte* ha* | been vWiinj tc ileal with matter* ; f-if eiUj-yeUr Ixxa H«)*t i* the | rKslrmar? t»f this committee. which \ \ alac include* Jo Csnvw and Ruth i Clark . aeems ta have amen from the , When the Swth Hall ittria start- j fact that Monday, Tuesday and . ed eating at borne, Uvry found tu'| Wednesday -are on three-seventh* } their surprise that they Had more ■;I of the weeks,.and that the remaind¬ | girl# than dining room, hi ether •er cit the week* conwt* of lour* Which she left tart week and; A MMriur we* he id Sunday;] weed*. in order to avoid fofoS I bo*' the aifhti tc- Edia Arm- :• night at T 30 foe the Ijamhda Chi;| wilhoiit their dinner entirely, it | ig, Chi O fr«c Wmenbws and j Alpha* at the fraternity bcuae. j wsj, fiktmf Y to eat in shifts, and • Icsrt of East 1-anung tor the < mi Kappa Taa Uo it is that on Monday* Tuesday! HMT hiii i" n Urt July East Saturday the Phi T»us held Wand i Wednesday the first floor.. j durlier* eat at 5.30 while the see-1 | ond floor watchea and wait* with • | a show of indifference until < :i j j arrives and they, too, can eat. The j