Faisal's murder shocks world, brings uncertainty to crisis area BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) The t See analysis of assassination repercussions, ation of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, shot to crown prince, and diplomats in Beirut said death in his palace by his "deranged Pj he is likely to take the reigns of government nephew," shocked world capitals Crown Prince Khaled Ibn Abdul with Khaled serving in a ceremonial Tuesday Aziz, 62. or and added new uncertainties to the Middle Faisal's age was variously interim role. given as 69 or 70. East situation. The official radio in Riyadh said Prince Both Khaled and Fahd are The first reaction, in the Faisal Ibn Musaed Ibn Abdul Aziz expected to United States ap¬ follow in the path set out and elsewhere, was the hope that the proached the king to offer salutations by Faisal — leaving an audience for during Saudi Arabia as a staunch friend of the conservative, pro American monarch's princes and commoners, United States and bankroller of the Arabs in successor would continue the basic policies pulled out a gun and fired several times. The of the their conflict with Israel. key oil - rich state. king was taken to a hospital where he died Within hours after Saudi Arabia now produces about 6.5 the assassination, shortly afterward. Faisal was replaced Khaled named Prince Fahd, 53, million barrels of oil a day — down from by an ailing brother, as the new around 8 million a day last year. It exports around 600,000 barrels a day to the United States. Faisal's death The official Saudi radio broadcasting from Riyadh, the nation's winter capital, said Faisal was shot several times by his nephew during an audience on the birthday of the by Ford, world Prophet Mohammed, Moslems. a major holiday for The radio quoted a palace spokesman as By ASSOCIATED PRESS and "I don't feel very bad about it," said saying: "Investigation established the as¬ KING FAISAL STATE NEWS sassin acted alone, and no one else is behind Abubaker Maddur, a graduate student in King Faisal's assassination plunged the crop and soil science. "He's not a very the crime." flag in the Moslem holy places of East Arab world into The account gave no hint as to the fate of mourning Tuesday and popular person among the Arab people." Jerusalem, now occupied by Israel. raised new uncertainties about the the assassin. Faisal was known to have had future of A major source of Faisal abhorred communism and extreme the volatile Middle East. worry was the possible Bedouin bodyguards who normally carried effect of Faisal's death the Arab leftist movements. He distributed his aid President Ford and other leaders eulo¬ on - Israeli submachine guns and daggers in dispute. golden judiciously as a means of gaining influence gized the Saudi Arabian monarch, a staunch Western diplomats in London said Faisal scabbards. among the Arabs. anti Communist, as a friend - Saudi Arabia lives by the strict Islamic of the West. had long acted as a moderator in Faisal was one of three leaders Israel's ambassador Arab code called Sharia, which regarded - designate to the and had kept his soldiers more or less requires the as moderates in the Arab fold. The others United Nations, Gen. Haim away beheading of murderers. Herzog, said "it from the fighting zone. Yet it was his are President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and may be" that Faisal's death could King Faisal had been regarded by officials open the burning ambition to pray at the Moslem holy King Hussein of Jordon. door to Soviet penetration into the in Washington and other Western oil rich - places in Jerusalem —meaning an Arab capitals as Faisal was the most powerful ruler in the country. a voice of moderation in the Arab world. But Arab world because of his AP wirephoto reoccupation, as he saw it, of at least part of he remained a leader in the Arab cause standing as a s and motorcycles, loaded with refugees, roar Herzog added that assassination "does the Holy City taken by Israel in spiritual leader of 500 million Moslems and 1967. Bin highway from the old imperial along the open up the possibilities for a widening of the against Israel and once said that before he because of the wealth oil brought to his capital of Hue to the port city major (continued on page 20) died he wanted to power confrontation in this area." worship under an Arab (continued on page 20) 4 Da Nang, about 50 miles south of Hue. In Arab capitals, radio stations Hue's 200,000 canceled uits have been regular programs and broadcast chants from streaming southward since the Saigon the Koran, a traditional nent's decision to abandon the h Vietnamese city in the face of a heavy the Islamic world. way of mourning in LETTUCE ISSUE buildup. "We are from God and unto Him we return," the Saudi state radio said in |S. wi4l evacuate announcing the death of the President Anwar Sadat of monarch. phoned his condolences to the new king, Khaled Ibn Abdel Aziz, Egypt tele¬ saying Faisal's Trustees reject boycott achievements will "ever stand out as a By DIANE SILVER "I question the propriety Nang refugees towering edifice to illuminate paths of Arab State News Staff Writer of the board using this institution as a generations to come." Though the MSU Board of Trustees pawn in labor disputes in California" — Trustee Raymond "What can I say? Faisal fell down like a real commando, a voted down a proposed boycott of Teamster Krolikowski, D-Birmingham. martyr," said a spokesman lettuce Friday, the issue appears to be far DON, South Vietnam (AP) — The in Beirut for the Palestinian Pentagon confirmed in Washington that the guerilla from dead on the MSU campus. I States on Thursday will start airlift had been extended for 30 days with organizatioin al Fatah. He said the death Since the meeting, the MSU Student The third vote tied 4-4 on a tives of ASMSU had j 10,000 persons a day from the transfer of $8 million from would only "strengthen our determination proposal to approached committee (Med Da Nang, the northern nonmilitary and sharpen our Boycott Committee has announced tenta¬ have a referendum by each residence hall members after the board aid funds. strategies to uphold the tive plans to hold a referendum of students that would decide the meeting with the idea of holding a referendum. The exact | isolated and menaced by North Government infantry and armor principles for which he lived — to regain on the question before the next board individual hall. policy in each se forces, Western diplomats said battalions, supported by T28 fighter- Jerusalem and all of Palestine." question and form of voting has not yet Arab students and faculty members at meeting, April 18. Several trustees also The trustees emphasized that been determined, Youmans said. bombers, moved from the south and west said that they expect the issue to they would kt biggest airlift of the MSU had varied reactions to Faisal's death. appear on have followed the results of a student "We want to show the trustees war, the into the heavily mined and well-manned the next trustee agenda. by the 'J, commercial aircraft will fly "This is a tragic and referendum. next meeting that beyond the shadow of a insurgent belt six miles northwest of the unsettling develop¬ On Friday, the board voted three times felted 350,000 doubt MSU students want a refugees from Da airfield and 12 miles from the center of ment," said Fauzi Najjar, professor of social on the boycott issue and defeated any sort MSU's current purchasing policy does not boycott," he said. p)miles "Iff south to Cam Ranh Bay, a Phnom Penh. science and adviser to the Arab student of a boycott each time. Its first vote tied 4-4 discriminate between Teamsters and UFW Trustee Don Stevens, D-Bloomfield Hills, port and once one of the biggest But the troops were forced to pull back organization. "Faisal was the stabilizing lettuce. The university does not purchase on a proposal to end MSU's purchase of said itffy complexes in the country. and call in reinforcements, field element in the Mideast." Teamster lettuce. nonunion lettuce. MSU officials estimate Monday that he is "hopeful we can Knited States is already reports A graduate student in resource that 85 per cent of the nearly $85,000 worth come up with a good proposal at the next financing an said. develop¬ *0' airlift of food, ammunition and The rocket belt operation is considered a ment, Yousif Hassan, agreed. The second vote defeated 5-3 a motion for of lettuce purchased by MSU is meeting." picked by However, Stevens said he does not plan m Penh, the besieged capital of key battle by military observers. On "King Faisal was the umbrella that covers a University-wide student referendum that the Teamsters. [ring Cambodia. all the minor disputes among the members of could have banned Teamster lettuce in all An MSU boycott committee to bring up a proposal unless he is certain Monday, rebel forces overran the govern residence halls and restaurants on spokesman, he has the support of five of the Dept. spokesman said in the royal family," he said. Ed Youmans, said trustees. Monday that the group * ment garrison at Tuol Leap, campus. on there will be a sealift from Da consolidating The trustees said this motion was voted Stevens supported the boycott their hold of an area that is within howitzer plans to hold a student referendum with the proposals P»ell. He estimated there Others, however, expressed less favor¬ down because it was that were discussed may be of the airfield. logically inconsistent help of either the Residence Halls Associa¬ Friday. range able opinions of Faisal. "I will be talking to the other trustees 1250 Americans still in Da and badly written. tion or ASMSU. He said that representa- to Nang, see if we can come ■Wnam's second largest up with a better proposal city. than anything we could have officials said negotiations are adopted at py with World Airways of Oakland, (Friday's) meeting," Stevens said. "I would Fthe use of a support a referendum that is University- Boeing 727 transport wide." P»is understood discussions were |w way with tcontinued on page 20) Flying Tiger Line for |«i Boeing 747 jumbo jet. ■wh Ray is only a 30-minute flight I™?. and a jumbo jet could carry ^Vietnamese refugees per flight, State senate te sources said U.S. aid already South Vietnam would Wic sources pay for said Da Nang was passes bill ■Wended and vulnerable after the £ W Hue to the north and the fall of pnces to the south. Government outnumbered 2 to 1 by North hiking taxes ^divisions and tanks in the area, By JIM KEEGSTRA State News Staff Writer xdia, government Personal income taxes for * troops, armor Michigan launched a new drive Tuesday residents will rise from 3.9 to 4.6 per cent tr7 belt" from which Communist- May 1 as the result of legislative approval J* daily shell the Tuesday of a much-debated tax bill backed capital and its P* the attack stalled under intense by Gov. Milliken. r1 "eld reports said. The seven-tenths of 1 per cent hike, Chinese-made rockets requested by Milliken as a necessary J° P°chentong airport and into replacement for the $210 million generated l I "P't"l in the 84th straight day annually by the food and drug sales tax . r 20 bombardment, the reports said, repealed by voters last November, passed rockets hit the airfield, but the Senate 24-12 Tuesday after two hours of speeches. f^'ftammunitionthat is Phnom Penh's only Ten minutes later the House concurred and fuel was not Six Cambodians 76-28 with a Senate amendment were the tax rate to 4.4 per cent on dropping July 1, 1977. m * turned Monday after a The House had passed the main bill March 13 by a vote of 59-42. ■»Jljnsion order®d when two U.S. ~ damaged by rebel shells. The The new 4.6 per cent tax translates into an effective rate of 4.36 per cent for the entire calendar year 1975 since it will only be applied to two-thirds of the year. Under the legislation, H B 4354, a family of four with an annual income of $10,000 a year Kh?°f will pay $28 more a tax. year in state income Senate passage of the tax measure was made possible Tuesday morning when President Wharton tries to dodge a snowball hurled at him registration. Wharton said it wouldn't bother him to have to go Milliken agreed to a Tuesday morning by his assistant, Al Ballard. The two had just compromise with through the registration process. legislative leaders calling for the 1977 tax |ejt the Intramural Building where they wandered through reduction amendment and a Democratic (continued on page 12) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdjlay. March 26, mi Faisal's death may have few effec By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press personality, disinterested in man and in any case it governing u I Nations with huge stakes, shocked by the sudden removal of King Faisal's strong personality from the sensitive Middle East ~~ ^ a :r"r:^ doneby Fahd. Americans who seems likely onT"'he» A most of the and oil scenes, are anxiously wondering what changes it will mean. responsible on the political and know Tm^Vtrni»l m p{ reK«rd Fahd ("n But known to have faithfully reflected his views. noUbly with respect Campus espionage illegal a at all in good chance exists that there will be little immediate Saudi Arabian policies. change to relations with the Arab world, the oil nations and the United JJJJJJ 'Eatteoi^t«*Sfi?wl,°n &»*** The assassination does generate States. Persian Gulf and the lhe «wen| The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that the for world economies. It has removed an uncertainties, always bad news What impact on' the OrZ outstanding leader from a seems most important is the strength of personality of Exporting Countries (OPEC). routine stationing of undercover police agents on college highly explosive world area at a critical time. King Khaled and Crown Prince Fahd as this affects the domestic something of an internal That art of P4 campus is unconstitutional and a step scene. There is some ferment in Saudi Arabia from the sudden In the Middle East crisis. " I away from "the But the reputation of Faisal's successor peace search, suggests that he intends enormous influx of oil wealth and an Faisal', censorship of totalitarian regimes." nothing in the way of revolutionary change. Quite inability to absorb it quickly His successors will likely reflect a In a unanimous decision written possibly, one enough to meet rising expectations, all of which can have need not be "driven similar cnV"" was by Justice Mathew danger now is that nations with big stakes will overreact. backlash. political into the sea." vitw Tobriner, the court said police officers cannot The man—in fact, the men—who succeed the Saudi Arabia's pose as slain autocrat are There could be a problem here. Khaled is ruling the United States, its family seems unlikelv tn university students merely to compile intelligence dossiers reputed to be a weak main source of on students and professors for possible future use. regards as ominous Communist designs protect,on7rom'"I I Faisal's death According toCapt. Adam Zutaut of the MSU Dept of Public the shock of failure of came at a critical moment fniu«, I Safety, undercover police are not routinely assigned to MSU. Ingham County Metro Squad officers occasionally are on duty on campus, however. Congressional conferees agree Faisal was widely regarded the American Egypt and Israel which raises fears diplomat! n'*M1 as a of voice of another?^! mcZJ*! de^rturenow credited by somemove Egypt's President Aw °S J Fertile lion faces sterilization tax bill to include rebate for It seems unlikely. Sadat is moderate to a with a moderate view int ' m° a new I T point, but not to the militant allies. Faisals point of off J moderation stopped at th The days of parenthood Jerusalem. But the two were A may soon be coming to an end for the prolific patriarch of the Louisville zoo's lions Bobo. WASHINGTON (AP) - somewhere around $25 billion, How about the Persian actually in different Gulf power picture'' Zi Zoo officials say Bobo has fathered so Senate House conferees though tax increases, chiefly for most Americans a $40 tax cut million for Chrysler Corp. past have been supicious of the intentions of heavily The s, !i the cubs are so hard to many cubs — and agreed Tuesday that a major the major oil companies, would for 1975, and deciding whether •A Senate provision what the Arabs call the Arabian Gulf. But ,11 have to be sterilized. give away — that the animal may tax cut bill will include a 1974 cut the net revenue loss to about to concentrate those families that tax relief on ing the federal repeal¬ excise tax on nations have common stakes in these daTl tax rebate of $100 to $200 for take the trucks and buses, which international Communist aims and protecting the Robert Bean zoo director, $21 billion. standard deduction would thus a reason says a vasectomy would solve most Americans. or those have cost the Both also rely on to In striving to Treasury $700 continuing American the problem of too many cubs and would still leave the As the conferees complete work that itemize. In the world of oil. the friendship °° began trim¬ on a compromise tax cut, the million. new king and crown - 17-year-old lion with his masculine traits and thick mane. ming the bill below the $34.3 conference also accepted a spe been highly visible, having represented Faisal inprince h.l billion voted by the Senate, cial $1.5 billion program of Also still in dispute is how •A Senate amendment negotiations in the United States, such ra J President Ford told reporters refunds up to $40*0 for poor much oil industry tax breaks, ding $700 million worth of tax provi¬ producers' summit and various attendance at the diplomatic All he is delaying a final decision on including the oil depletion al¬ chores. Big Three auto sales down whether to fly to California for a working families. The conferees approved a lowance. should be reduced. In benefits home ; to persons insulating who buy material or While the nervousness new ruler seems likely to reflect Faisal oil nine day vacation until he sees approving rebates on 1974 generated by uncertainty seems Senate provision calling for taxes for most convert to solar heating OPEC. At the moment it faces its inevitable wjl The nation's Big Three auto makers the size of the final tax cut. individuals, the or own glut of oil on the world marketdeveloping crisis 1 Tuesday reported $200 million in cooling. Such a provision is The emergency be¬ conferees accepted the $8.1 on by the figure sharp sales declines conflicting il in mid-March, ranging from 25 per cent must be held nefits to the hard - and down, Ford said, lest Congress core billion total figure originally expected to be in the big energy within the cartel to 30 per cent from last unemployed, and agreed tax bill being regarding production cutbacks as opJ year. make the bill "so bad it's to suggested by the House. prepared by the lowered prices. OPEC This must ask itself: What if the « General Motors, the largest of the easy to authorize increased tax bene¬ House Ways and Means Com¬ rulers should decide to companies, said its veto." will mean that sometime in May, tip the scales toward a break sales of 92.609 were down 30 fits. totaling about $90 million a mittee. front? in t per cent from a relatively If Ford vetoes the bill, said taxpayers will get a goverment strong 132,648 of last year year, for working families who check amounting to about 10 Press Secretary Ron Nessen, per Ford Motor Co. said its car sales in mid-March have to hire babysitters. fell 25 per the cent of their 1974 tax President might call After 1'/» days of work on the liability. cent from the some If a family paid under $100 tax year-ogo period, and Chrysler reported a Congress into special session tax cut legislation, the confer¬ Carr fighting 31 per cent drop in deliveries. next week, forcing the law¬ in 1974, it will receive a total ees had eliminated $6.6 billion makers to give up their own recess, to approve a recession from the $34.3 - billion bill refund. income was If adjusted up to $20,000, the gross In oil - approved by the Senate on rebate will bie the maximum an unusually bold move for need shelter and ICC OKs railroad rate hike fighting tax cut more to his Saturday. The reduction in¬ a fledgling congressman, East energy. They need basic nutrition and health Carr decided to petit,! liking. $200. As the income figure rises cludes $3.91 billion in individual Lansing's Bob Carr, D-Mich, special meeting of the! above $20,000. the rebate will care. They do not need Ford has recommended a introduced a successful resolu to send Democratic Caucus on 1 tax relief voted The Interstate Commerce Commission $16.2 billion tax cut to stimu¬ by the Senate drop back toward the $100 their tax dollars to govern- (ICC) Tuesday and $2.7 billion intended for tion March 12 to the House By that afternoon he granted the nation s railroads late the economy. The final minimum. Democratic Caucus calling for ments that do not even have required 50 signatures! i, permission to increase freight business. the rates 7 per cent, but version of the The conferees agreed to a support of their own exempted hard-hit industries such as automobile manufacturing and construction from measure is congressional expected to be Several major issues remain to be settled if the Senate amendment authorizing rejection of supplemental aid to Indochina. people." Carr said. gressmen needed to meeting. cf the boost. conferees are an extra 13 weeks' The ICC order permits the increases to to emergency President Ford has asked for become effective 15 complete work on the bill so benefits to jobless persons days after formal public notice. A commission the House and Senate $522 million spokesman can give whose one year of benefits has emergency mili¬ said rates probably would be increased effective in the Financial aid final approval before Easter starting an been exhausted. tary aid for South Vietnam and Cambodia. second week in April. recess after Wednes¬ These special benefita, day's session. expir¬ Carr feared pressure exerted S«ond clost potlog* pod ot (oil Among the items exempted from the vehicles, motor increase vehicle parts and motor vehicle were motor applications due These include a Senate provi¬ ing available on June in 30. would California, be by Ford and Secretary of State Also exempted equipment. sion for a $100 across the Henry Kissinger on the ques¬ was lumber. Applications for summer board bonus for Massachusetts, Michigan, New tion of U.S. commitment to cor* of MSU Motwngof Sofvico tait lont.ng Ml 48834 term financial every Social Jersey, New York, Oregon, aid are due Southeast Asia would result in Security and^ railroad retire Pennsylvania. Rhode Island and Tuesday April 1 in 264 Student ment system beneficiary; a a compromise on the aid. Veterans' benefits increase Services Bldg. Financial aid special credit for homebuyers: Washington. 'The whole world is watch¬ applications are available in The conferees eliminated: reducing the tax rate on the first ing—not to test our commit¬ that office. Applications for aid •A $500 - million special tax ment, but to test Clouitiod Ad* Veterans who need financial aid to $4,000 of taxable income by 4 our sanity." continue their Gl Bill for fall term are due reduction for financially ailing May 1. per cent, which would grant Carr said in the resolution. education, and are full time students, business, including about $150 "Our people need jobs. may now receive a They maximum of $625 per term in aid. said Richard L. Roudebush administrator of Veterans Affairs. Veterans must agree to work 250 hours per term for the agency, according to a Dec. 3 law (PL 93-508) which increased benefits under the (VA) work-study grant program. Those interested in Veterans Administrations work-study grants are urged to apply f^V to VA regional offices which maintain their records. THE STABLES jHHMHta.Eiiiuran UI UN Court rules on prosecutions MICHIGAN SHOWCASE The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a defendant may be TOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT prosecuted for both an illegal conspiracy and for illegal gambling even though both offenses stem from the activities. same NOW APPEARING In other action Tuesday, the court ruled that an Army captain who claimed the military had not jurisdiction over crimes which are not service-connected should be tried court-martial before civilian federal by a courts can enter the case. The court has also placed restrictions on the use of three-judge district court panels as a way of bypassing the circuit court of appeals. . - —. SLSNJ fAUStCS American people continue to President Ford a low give QttAD LAND QUAOTFT / GONFtREM rating on the job he is doing, the Harris survey reported Monday. The figure is the same as January's. In questioning a cross-section of 1,536 adults, the pollster reported that 67 per cent opposed Ford's economic program, J ff>OM 1 and 83 per cent doubted that his anti-recession program f ^"t>Nique J ■* , would do the job. A similar 83 per cent said they had no ^ confidence in the President's ability to stem inflation, and 80 per cent said they did not believe economy healthy. he was keeping the LES MfCANN , MARCH 25-30 (EASTER SUNDAY) REDUCED CCVER & EARLY SHOWS MONDAY THURSDAY - "^STlSTS INCU/RS. ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK •CHICK COf>=Av SIRLOIN TIPS $2.95 IN MUSHROOM WINE SAUCE •Tsfty* rypdav<_ Portuguese cabinet formed -PRtSST FRIDAY Premier Vasco Goncalves **** has formed a new ifcWUKrt -tlWl* SOUP cabinet that gives representation to a second Portuguese FISH FRY $2.25 group, the Information Communist Up,UVTtjr IS TVf- onxut oc*Jo-aT The 20-mon cabinet, Ministry announced Tuesday. *AU- OS *T A. military men and 13 civilians, including Goncalves, a shift from the contains seven SATURDAY military-dominated cabinets. previously Communist party leader Alvaro BEEF VMS0sft Cunhal and Socialist leader Mario Soares were portfolio. The centrist among four ministers without party STROGANOFF $2.25 Popular Democratic party and the Portuguese Democratic Movement DINNERS INCUJOE FRENCH FRIES S SA1AD BM (MDP), a Communist satellite, also were given cabinet posts without portfolio. 351-04 60 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 3 Landlords fighting development plan By JOE KIRBY State News Staff Writer 'They (Tri-County Regional The East Lansing City Coun¬ Some East Lansing landlords Planning subcommittee) lis¬ cil is currently considering a tened to us, which is are doing their best to delay the something number of changes in the the city council hasn't done," city's Community Development said housing code. Many of these Steve Blethen, East plan, particularly the money changes would deal with the Lansing Landlord Assn. pres¬ complaints the landlords have budgeted for enforcement of the ident. raised. housing code. The East Lansing Landlord The landlords have said that Money for code enforcement Assn. achieved a minor their complaint is with the was included in the plan in victory on March 13 when a Tri-County housing code itself, and not with response to residents who were Regional Planning Commission enforcement of the code. concerned that neighborhood subcommittee did not make any balance and health and safety They complained specifically standards of the city be main recommendation on East about the parking and ceiling tained through increased en Lansing's Community Develop¬ height restrictions in the code, ment plan. forcement. and also that the code is being If the plan is approved by the Instead of making a decision used to exclude student renters commission it will be sent to the on the plan, the subcommittee from the city. The landlords plan to draw Housing and Urban Developm- sent it to the full up a more compre¬ Tri-County hensive list of complaints for the ment office in Detroit for final Regional Planning Commission. approval. The city could begin The commission commission. will hold a receiving the $164,000 in June. meeting tonight and both the Michael Conlisk, director of city and the landlords have the city planning department, indicated they will have repre¬ said he did not see the nonrec- uftr ^... sentatives present. ommendation as a setback. He said it is a The 1974 Housing and Com¬ question of *"1 s ouzzarq- A whether the review process will Lniluth a 40-mile stretch of munity Development Act is get involved in the city's inter¬ expressway near Duluth. intended primarily to help im¬ nal matters. prove housing, though the money can also be used for other EMrustee thursday and friday nights until community projects. East open nine I By DIANE SILVER policy students or faculty members the Union. protest planned Lansing will receive $164,000 in the first-year fund and an expected total of $1 million in the following two years. East JACOBSON'S NEW LOW PRICE ON BOWMAR CALCULATORS State News SUM Writer who try to talk to them," said Stack said that unilateral Lansing landlords have The controversy way." (mSI' s chapter of the Inter- Doyle O'Conner, an INCAR surrounding the right to speak at a trustee action by a governing board or Also at the Friday meeting, complained about the $35,000 budgeted to hire a housing nl Committee against Ra member. college president could result in meeting was sparked by INCAR the board approved an internal inspector and record keeper, ir, INCAR) vowed Tuesday O'Conner said that the provi¬ actions like the firing of a on February 21, when it inter¬ faculty audit of their personal but they felt they had been [protest the MSU Board of sion will make it impossible for rupted the boards meeting with member because of his or her to determine if their expenses expenses ignored by the East Lansing lustees new meeting policy at the board to discuss political beliefs. controver¬ a five conform with the guidelines. I trustees April 18 meeting. sies like the Kalamazoo - minute protest against Though the City Council. Street the firing of two women faculty new meeting ■Thenew policy, approved last project because that project policy generated a heated argu¬ members. The group had been rs to open access was under litigation. During denied a place on the trustee's ment, two of the trustees other open thursday and friday nights until nine | the trustees meetings to spring term 1974, the trustees agenda. actions Friday drew little com¬ bdents and faculty who wish refused to approve construction ment. The board approved the President Wharton said after (address the board. It extends on Kalamazoo Street that would the meeting that the new bylaws for academic gov¬ ne for applying for a place have destroyed part of a wooded group was ernance at last denied a hearing because the Friday's meeting the agenda and allows people area on campus. plus approving an internal audit two cases were of trustee expenses. ipeak at the last minute, if the The provision would also not currently under fcstees approve, allow discussion of a labor litigation. The board voted 7 to 1 INCAR was Fridy lowever. the policy does not dispute if the dispute was before protesting the to approve the new bylaws for »• appearances of people a state agency, firing of Dr. Georgia Johnson, academic governance. The O'Connor said. asst. ho will speak on a matter This would professor of the Dept. of bylaws set up the structure and mean that the MSU Human rrently under formal litiga¬ trustees would be unable to Medicine, and Lois procedure of MSU's faculty and nt, in the I'niveraity's grie- allow members of a Humphrey, associate professor student legislative bodies, the striking of family ecology. Academic Council and Acade * procedure or before a union to speak. The Univerity ,, lieral or state Trustee Patricia Carrigan, D mic Senate. agency. of Michigan regents recently Farmington Hills, who submit¬ The new bylaws simplify the pCAR charges that this allowed representatives of the ted the litigation provision, governance procedure slightly >n provision will make it striking graduate assistants to defended her action at last by reducing the number of ssible for any controver speak at a meeting, he said. Friday's meeting. standing committees of p matters to come before the INCAR members said they "I'm concerned that airing of the had not yet finalized Academic Council. Thev also plans for personnel matters may well reduce the power of the Aca¬ "No recourse" the protest and that "The board has set itself up so they will lead to discussions that are not demic Senate. MX 140 MOO discuss the matter at a It there is no r meeting in the best interest of indivi¬ The senate, composed of all Wednesday, April 2, at 7 p.m. in duals the or University," 2,000 MSU tenured faculty, "Advanced Scientific" Bowmar Brain Carrigan said. "I'm concerned previously had complete veto that with those matters in power over Academic Council It's the scientific notation, trig and log |udge to rule soon formal litigation that public exposure of one side of the issue would lead to embarrassment. It would put the board in the a proposals. Under the laws, the new senate cannot vote on proposal unless they have per cent or 200 member quo¬ a by¬ 10 function, rechargeable electronic lator. . .with Nested 2-Level Parenthesis. calcu¬ bar proceedings position of hearing selective data without hearing any data from the other side." rum. In the past the senate has rarely achieved a 200 member 10-digit display panel, full floating deci¬ quorum. mal. Does full algebraic operation and ffut Lansing District Trustee Jack Stack, R Alma, Trustee Warren Huff, D - Judge Daniel L. Tschirhart has yet to W a decision on the city's court case supported Carrigan's provision. Plymouth, refused to vote for has full memory with register Wirhart will decide if the bar is against the Alle-Ey bar. exchangers. "It is my understanding that the bylaws, because he said guilty of violating city and state they kcodes. these processes (grievance pro¬ did not "satisfy him." Operates on AC or rechargeable batteries TOe Alle-Ey is cedures) were designed to allow Time - consuming charged with being 156 people over the patron and has a switchable world-wide adapter/ Tof 419 on Oct. 25 of last year. issues to be decided in a Huff said he realized that if Tschirhart received written briefs from both lawyers—Les process and not case by case by defeated the process of amend¬ charger. With pouch case. Hand size. Her, who represented the a governing board," Stack said. ing the bylaws would be too Alle-Ey management, and city "The danger of doing this is the he.v Dennis McGinty—a week ago. time consuming. - n»e may be an oral danger of repression. Those Huff drew a hardy laugh from argument scheduled," McGinty said. • ilso said that Turner would be who worked for decades at the trustees and audience when Pksand that Tschirhart leaving town for two or three may elect to do something else. getting democracy fear the he noted: BjtGinty said the briefs which were submitted concern various president and trustees moving "If I thought enough of my r questions raised in the trial. unilaterally without allowing collegues would vote with me to to work." defeat it, I wouldn't vote this tivi MX100 *85 the scientific Brain by Bowmar. it takes the Wright man .. in knit slacks of Milliken's sophisticated 20-function hand-held elec¬ tronic calculator with Visa? a texturized polyester, memory bank and to be in the omni-constant. Features: 13 scientific right place at the right time cool, functions, radians and degrees notations, extra large LED eight-digit display, full composed, moving freely and easily without a care about floating decimal, full memory and wrinkles. omni-constant with register Navy, brown, exchangers. tan or black $16 Rechargeable NiCad battery operation. AC adapter/charger, vinyl carry pouch, instructions included. 5"x3"x1%" with 1 year warranty on parts and labor. Jacobsoi t's 111 m Shop Jacobsoi Vs SosonAger Maureen Benin ion Editor-in-chwf Advertising Monager VIEWPOINT: R.D Campbell Monoging Editor MikeArnett City Editor 'U.S. aid Dione Silver Campus Editor Editorials are the opinions of the State Melissa Payton GorylaRoy Steve Stein Dale Atkins June Delano TomOren Opinion Page Editor Notional Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Entertainment Editor only prolongs fightiin< s. Viewpoints, columns ond letters Copy Chief By BOB CARR million to Vietnam and $200 million to Linda Sondel Night Editor The following statement was made re personol opinions March Cambodia in 1975. Now, that PatNordi Staff Representative 12 by U.S. Rep. Bob money spent, Can, D-Mich, on the floor of the House Democratic and the government it was to save caucus when he introduced his resolution faltering, the Administration is asking for to reject sending any more military aid to Cambodia or South $222 million for the next three months. Vietnam this year. The caucus Our people need jobs. They need shelter passed the EDITORIALS resolution by a vote of 189 to 49. to We are meeting to decide on a resolution and energy. They need basic nutrition and health care. They do not need to send their reject sending any more military aid to tax dollars to a government that does not Cambodia or South Vietnam this even have the support of its own people. Redress lettu It is not appropriate imperative we do so. The President of the United we do so. it is year. And yet the same tired locked this country into a arguments that 20-year quagmire States, along in Vietnam are being used to escalate our With students away, MSU trus¬ board not only backed out of with his secretary of state, has asked involvement. tees turned to play during spring taking Congress to prolong the fighting in war torn For instance, we are being told that an official University position, but and ravished countries. He has our break. And play they did, as board asked us to commitment is being tested and that the lacked the gumption to back into a deepen the miseries of battle in the internal whole world is watching. Well, the whole members disposed of several hot position via a student referendum. struggle of countries of slight security world is watching—not to test our commit¬ issues in the relative vacuum of The board must reconsider their interest to the United States. The ment, but to test our sanity. For this is a their March resolution we are meeting. action at their April considering here would unilateral action with its basis on the same For the returning student, two meeting. abate the fighting. murky foundations as our incredible Boycott opponent Raymond Kroli- When a similar resolution was Vietnam. The government we are folly in issues that have adopted by helping long roused kowski would do well to re-read the House Democratic Caucus on Jan. 2, Lon Nol fight is recognized support and raised tempers have the Democratic by over 60 other 1973, it eventually brought about a mora countries. been handily dismissed and are party platform he torium on the bombing of Cambodia. If now public record. The successfully ran on in November, a first step then and proved most effective It was we really want to help the people of issues which supported the Cambodia and the people of South — boycott of when the issue was taken to the floor of Vietnam, the proposed Teamsters lettuce is it wiser to end the killing? Since most Teamsters lettuce. A switch Congress. boycott and public access at by credited analysts of foreign policy admit Krolikowski will break the board's We once again have the opportunity to that the Lon Nol regime cannot survive, trustee meetings — were deliber¬ 4 to 4 deadlock on the assume the kind of ated at lettuce leadership role and it is won't the granting of further aid only a time that could be boycott. essential that the Democratic prolong the fighting and, with party in it, the considered, at best, conveniently The trustees, did, however, act Congress speak out. This action has killing? inconvenient. precedent and clout. Recently, the Senate subcommittee in the students' interest on by liberal¬ With the signing of the Paris peace foreign aid voted 4 to 3 to grant the At least temporarily, the board izing their policy regarding public accord two years ago, the American people With the exception of one defection, it was a request. has nixed the chance for a speech at meetings. Students — were led to believe that the U. S. party vote. Now the Senate Committee on and all citizens involvement in Indochina had Foreign Relations and the House Commit¬ — will now have finally come V University-authorized boycott and freer access to trustee to an end. If the Democratic members of tee on Foreign Affairs (both with Democra¬ a motion to conduct a University- But only time, and the board's meetings. this Congress are to live up to that tic majorities) and, indeed, the people who wide referendum on the lettuce agreement, they should go on record and gave us our mandate just four months arbitrary decisions on which opin¬ demonstrate to the American waiting for the House Democratic ago, boycott, trustees flouted student ions should be heard, will tell the shaping of U. S. foreign policy does not people that are if Caucus to act. In light of that fact, and sentiment and revealed a spineless board belong solely to President Ford and Henry in posture on national issues. meetings do become more light of the fact that leadership is not open. Kissinger. forthcoming from Mr. Ford, we must Some 9,000 student When the Congress signatures Issues as salient as those discus¬ Assistance Act in 1971, it was passed the Foreign express the sense of the caucus as the in support of the specifically cutting edge of our policy on this matter. boycott, pre¬ sed at the last board sented to the board by the Student should always be heard, and heard meeting stated that the aid to Cambodia "shall be construed as a commitment by the not Again, it is not only appropriate that we reject this proposal for aid, it is imperative. Letter policy Boycott Committee, were nullified when students are here to United States to Cambodia for its defense." The whole world, and by the trustees' inaction. The voice particularly the The Opinion their opinions. The 93rd Congress also appropriated $700 people we represent, are watching. Page welcomes dent, faculty or sfatfstawfJ all Utters. Readers should if any — and phone numfal follow a few rules to insure that Letters should be 25 as many letters as possible /tnj Biggie leaves appear in print. 65 All letters should be ■ space lines and triple ■ typed on less and may be conciseness to fit more lette I the page. The late spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters Biggie Munn, MSU sports complex. The Men's Intra¬ and include local address, utl| athletic director from 1954 to mural Building is his brainchild, as MSU asset searched the guide, there is over how to allocate some question stu¬ accepted. 1961, was a man who not the income generated. wmmmm is the newest of solid foundations but also only laid MSU's facilities, MSU is missing a good bet to produce A third argument is that the money should the Munn Ice Arena. He the finest of detail on the etched the upgraded new revenues while polishing its tarnished go to the University General Fund. Student rights Christians, even though they are J quality of the Women's Intra¬ affirmative action image. The Given the minority, hold important posts in all J he undertook. projects University University's financial condi mural Building, the has something to see that corporations tjon, any countries. The population of Lebanon! golf course and want: revenue-producing activity, how¬ A few years ago the age of majority was the football stadium, not "Women and Minority Recruit¬ ever small, which would help MSU (depart lowered to 18 years. It approximately 50 per cent Christian! With his approach of undis¬ to men¬ ment—A Resource Guide." This invaluable gave a group of per cent Moslem. The Lebanese pres tion Jenison Fieldhouse mentally or university-wide) should be Americans the right to and the directory, thoroughly and accurately aggressively pursued. participate in the now a Christian, the prime tninistfl guised sincerity mingled with an outdoor track facility. re¬ At the same time, democratic process and by law declared Moslem and the representatives searched, was published last June, and has MSU's promotion of this inl astonishing capacity for invective Thanks largely to Munn, since been distributed to all could make a significant particular work anyone above 18 a responsible adult with all ment are equally divided among; ST when needed, Munn constructed MSU's departments as contribution to the duties and rights accorded. I an aid to implement women's and minorities' wonder if and Christians. If these countries! a sports program vaulted the Uni¬ faculty and graduate quest for equal the student collegiate athletic program that versity into the Big Ten, a program recruitment (affirmative action- employment opportunities. government or the MSU examples of secular democraciel administration was informed? which helped to attract thejump captured the admiration of an females and minorities). Hamburger, please tell me i ' Marcia Macomber I question the legal entire nation. re¬ In essence, this guide tells Women's Advisory Council right of any state If God says that the Jews s sources which make employers supported university to regulate where an land of their own I certainly do not I Munn's unlimited MSU one of how to find women and minority college June 1974 to December 1974 adult lives or where his or her foresight is the top educational institutions in graduate and experienced professionals. Gail M. Braverman Asst. Director spouse parks disagree with God. However, if voir primarily responsible for MSU's the United States According to the few outsiders who have or drives their automobile. I do not see care to check around I am sure that j| today. been privileged to peruse it, the MSU Placement Services anywhere within the Constitution the notion find that there are a substantial nu guide is the that, by best of its- kind they have ever seen: becoming a student at a state Christians (and Jews) who do not be by conservative estimates of employers supported university, a person forfeits any the Old Testament claim to Jewish! Gold standard Mideast lo (who often pay several thousand dollars the opportunity to attend career fairs for On Dec. 23, 1913, the U.S. government right granted to the general population. I realize that before the was lowered, there was a age of majority moral and physical macy or in the God given right of Jeff promised Land of Canaan. Excuse me. Mr. Hamburger. 1 featuring women and minority applicants) established the Federal Reserve this resource guide could System obligation to protect minors attending any letter appears to me as a case of ■ The egocentricism of easily sell for $25 (FRS). Its primary purpose was to make the state Americans an anti-Zionist extremist and reac¬ or $50 per copy. supported university. But I do calling the kettle black. If you are iuT often leads to money supply more elastic (i.e. believe the rules have judgments on tionary anti-Communist. Last July the Women's Advisory Council money easier to get), thereby — make What bothers me most, changed just a little. Bible to support your claims to a I foreign affairs based solely on the The epilog of the assassination is voted to recommend that the guide be made keeping the hopefully student government. I though, is the state, I fail to understand how you cJ American interests available to employers at a reasonable economy in a constant boom thought that it was the Arab states as lacking in toleri® at stake. Such that the royal price state. This move totally voided the is the case with the death of Saudi family remains in with the idea that this would standard that existed gold concerned with the problems of the student other religious groups. I can well! power, as do all the various generate body as it relates to the University, funds for the Offices of Women's previously. The stand how. in times of ignorance Arabian ruler King Faisal. emissaries who answered to and individual banker was left paralyzed and community and individual. I doubt sincerely of years ago, Jews might have cc th<£ Minority Programs. Since then, most could Though Faisal led the develop¬ Faisal. While what copies of this directory have probably just not deal effectively with that it has served the student body in good themselves as God's Chosen PeopM ment of the 1973 Arab oil Henry Kissin¬ gathered dust wild speculators and their economically faith with regard to the problems in its really, Mr. Hamburger, how many I embargo, ger called "the moral conscience on administrative shelves, in unwise business ventures. own he later mint condition. This govern¬ backyard. Jewish friends believe these things ■ spoke out against greater for many Arab leaders" is gone Further, the University mental intervention created the If the student government would increases in the price of Middle itself has buried the book in setting for wake up One point you seem to be makingj with the death of bureaucratic the Great Depression. a bit it would see Eastern oil. His role in determin¬ King Faisal, the red tape, preventing interested employers A re evaluation of America's the students that over twathirds of the Jews, being a persecuted n patchwork of factors in the world from buying and using it to implement their - economic attending MSU do not live on throughout history, deserved a J ing the price of oil and his situation that launched him into history will illustrate the need to totally campus and have some hairy problems of themselves to insure that they pro-Western attitudes were bene own affirmative action plans for women and abandon the FRS and re establish a 100 per their own. Granted some of the wiuj prominence remain. minorities. cent gold standard. problems persecuted more. Tell me, then - ficial to American interests. I believe a free are small, but to each individual his also set up exclusive sovereign All that is needed now is a How has the University done this? enterprise system is our only hope. - problems are enough to force or her stateaj knot dropping out of American Negro, the American But while it is true that Faisal to replace Faisal that would make First, an official spokesman for the of Human Relations claimed that Dept. Students of business, economics and school or cause poor scholastic performance. all the other peoples who IndlJ was a moderating influence in the sure the patchwork doesn't spring much trouble to set it was too history, it's time you demand the truth about I realize that the student government and discriminated against in the past. havj Middle East, up a revolving account the past from the school administration your professors. ^ politically and econ¬ apart and thrust the world into for the guide. Also, departmental politics professors, it's time you give the truth. And damn it - all, the road to hell is mean well. But also, Mr. Hamburger, why a s" omically, it is also true that he was catastrophe. hinder direct action. Since both the Offices paved with number of the Jews leaving K Chuck Bean good intentions and stop - gap solutions. of Women's and Minority Programs re- All I am asking for is that the immigrating to countries other than | 140 Orchard St. 40,000 Israel is as much of a haven ■ students and their families be treated with persecution as you seem to imply. I equity by the administration, and that the Please give me a source student government aids the administration idea of the ". continuing supportij Ara| f . . in that task. The Doctor's trade." Where exactly is this happen® Bag 0 Robert A. Hyduke the way, it happens that the Koran Haslett some of the sources you base your cian | specifically forbids both slavery and] BY ARNOLD religious discrimination. It might ■ WERNER, M.D. Letters may be addressed to Dr. Copyright 1975 Hamburger fried you to note that many Arabs have so I fail to understand why you w Werner at way to find out what is happening is to visit blacks to rise up against theirownpe 2 MSU Health Center. Names muscles, and Dear Harry Hamburger, need not be doctor and change to an alternate form pushups, which improve understanding is that they Z included unless a personal your posture. Some people have trouble are a stock item I am writing in response to your recent Suday it happens that a small group- ] reply is of birth control for a doing in the medicine £ quested. re period of time to see situps. They can be aided by anchoring cabinets of marijuana letter to the State News (March 4). This Christians rose up and demanded a* whether or not the situation remedies itself. their feet under a piece of furniture and/or year I have had the their own, apart from the blac 1 I'm not unhappy with As you opportunity to become My question concern* what effect, if any, my weight (145 doing them with the knees bent. Bicycling, probably know, the occasional use acquainted with more than a few majority, and got it. Is this what ft pounds, 5 feet 10 inches tall), but I would of marijuana has so far proved to be a Arab the pill might have upon a woman's sexual swimming and jogging are other exercises students, and naturally I find referring to as genocide. L like to redistribute some of it because I harmless activity for most people, though myself response. I have been taking birth control pills continuously for about four years. getting a bit of a "potbelly." I would like to am which will improve your tone. abdominal muscle illegal. Daily or Irequent consumption of interested in what you wrote. I you can clear up some of the hope that Finally. Mr. Hamburger, know that some of my best f J 9 Owf vaginal can orgasm? Though I routinely secretions seem to be almost Your weight is fine for we correct the situation without reducing this, I have never seen it discussed. experience immediately after the Jews as people Hitler your height and I • nonexistent. This often makes for an our wanted to doubt if the problem is one of consumption?" exterminate, I want to ask you extremely tight and painful sensation tion. In people of normal redistribu¬ In a sense, the answer is obvious in that Nor have I. It seems to have to approach me you would what it is specifically that makes the Arabs Foul play during intercourse. Is it possible that the weight, potbellies there is something in the orgasm for an awfully 80 Pr<» Naxi. pills are affecting me adversely after are a result of decreased abdominal muscle marijuana which long time to become thirsty. On the other • taking tone and causes the small blood vessels in the whites hand there are so My Palestinian friend, whose ill admifl them for four years? poor posture. Long periods of of the eyes (sclerae) to many unique reactions to were forced to parents Sometimes, I think, you time spent dilate. leave their home in i. Apr these blood vessels are so small Normally, sitting also make things worse. sexual stimulation 1948, editors work in > One of the side effects of birth control Weight belts are not advisable. They are that they involving so many m'Rht haved a little more to myslcr'0US,W8{«vp, jS pills can be a decrease in vaginal secretions. are not visible to the naked eye, but when senses, I am not surprised to hear that murder and rape than either say about example of this was intheMarchfiN unbalancing, can throw your posture out of thirst might be one of them. of us, but what I Times. 01 have heard other women say that this has they dilate, they become quite apparent. Sensations of really want to know is by what p-0( $ occurred after taking them awhile, alignment and produce back trouble. thirst often accompany a dry mouth which criteria you The story concerning ' There are a variety of are calling the Arabs "... a . though Exercises that can be done in eye drops on the 5 not having been present initially. The best include situps, which your room market which contain blood vessel can be produced by mouth breathing, the "ever believed in secular people who have Kallen's sex study was carried constric¬ type of breathing usual during well done government or strengthen abdominal tors which clear up the red eyes. democracy." As a matter of fact pages. My intercourse. Lebanon Jordan and Syria are all democracies, and Director of N Michigan State News. East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 Rep proposes more financial aid based on academic achievement By BRAD MARTISIUS students when they are State News Staff Writer graduated." use the funds to develop colleges to meet The bill would also allow students to National Direct Student Loans local needs. The If you are a (NDSL) money can be used for qualify for work-study programs without bright student who is getting would be phased out under the new financial aid, for building new schools or for bill. discouraged because your academic Last year, 4,545 MSU students having to demonstrate need. prowess is netting zero financial received improving existing facilities. "We think students want a chance to returns, $3.5 million through the NDSL you can cheer up. Someone in program. work and we propose to give them that Washington The money saved would be used "I think we have to is on your side. for the get away from the chance," Buell said. State Student Incentive Grant idea that the federal A bill, HR 3471, introduced program, government can by Congress¬ which O'Hara wants to see man James G. expanded from always do a better job than state and local O'Hara estimates that the bill would cost O'Hara, D-Michigan, calls for the present $20 million to $200 million. The increased financial aid to governments," O'Hara said. "The states and the federal government about $1.85 billion "academically federal government matches state funds cities can best judge the in promising" students. The bill, undergoing this program and the states are way to use per year, which is only slightly more than allowed to educational funds to greatest preliminary hearings in the U.S. House of advantage." the $1.65 billion now being spent. Representatives, will probably not take effect for several years if passed. The bill is designed to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965, which considers need in the award of would allow both need only financial aid. The bill LCC student con and academic promise to figure into the award of aid. Web Buell, counsel to the special sub¬ committee on education, said the bill, if passed in its present form, would allow By PAULPARKER Services. The pickets were from the Detroit more students to qualify for more aid. State News Staff Writer "They were really nervous about this, A chapter of the International Committee said Doyle O'Connor, an INCAR member. About 38,000 federal aid awards of all kinds Lansing Community College (LCC) Against Racism, the Worker's Action student faced with Kabia said he hoped to attend MSU after were made to MSU students in 1973-74. deportation Friday was Movement and the Progressive Labor Four granted a reprieve to continue his studies receiving an associate degree in accounting hundred ninety-seven MSU party. from LCC. But Salturelli said it is students received Tuesday. 'There unlikely nearly $110,000 under was no particular reason other that he will be able to continue studies in the Basic Educational than documents that he Opportunity Grant The student's voluntary departure from was progressing the U.S. after breaking the law once. (BEOG) in 1973-74. The average award was the United States was satisfactorily," Salturelli said. Kabia does not understand why he should about $220, requested as a result INCAR members disagreed and said though federal regulations of a bust of local Meijer stores by the that not be able to work. allow recipients to get as much as $1,400. Border Patrol of the they received special treatment when it "If the U.S. can help Recipients cannot qualify for more than half Immigration and people who are far Naturalization Services on Dec. 14,1974. was discovered that the pickets outside off, what about those of us who come to it of their total tuition, however. Twelve members of the MSU were for Kabia. and are right below its knees?" he said. The new bill would chapter of drop the upper ceiling the International Committee of the BEOG to $800, but it would allow the Racism (INCAR) Against BEOG to cover any fraction of accompanied the student, the student's Mohammed Silla Kabia of Sierra Leone tuition costs. Buell be a more effective argues that this would way of awarding aid. Africa, to the immigration offices in Detroit Tuesday. in Local board supports UFW "This would also At Kabia's encourage students to hearing on Feb. 22, Immigra¬ take advantage of lower tion Court Judge Robert F. Though the MSU Board of Trustees is deadlocked over the United Farm Workers (UFW) cost schools where tuition is lew," he said. "The Bode told Kabia boycott issue, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners voted 11 to 8 on March current to leave the Education Act does Higher country by Friday or be support the UFW in its efforts to hold union 11 to not provide much help deported. A. J. Salturelli, district director representation elections in California. for students at low-cost TVice in the past five years, the UFW has schools, because it of the immigration service, overruled failed to win board support because the does not pay for more than resolutions called for outright half of the Bode's decision Tuesday. support of grape and lettuce boycotts. student's tuition. Kabia was one of 18 students However, the adopted resolution, introduced by East Lansing Democratic ■M The BEOG would still be based only on local Meijer stores with an working at Commissioner Lingg Brewer, asked only for board support for "the peaceful measures used need, but the Supplemental Educational improper visa. by United Farm Workers organizers in the mid-Michigan area" Foreign students must receive special elections. "Peaceful designed to bring about the Opportunity Grant (SEOG) would be permission from immigration officials to measures" are not defined in the resolution. expanded to give more help to work at However, despite the board's support of the UFW, the academically off-campus jobs. Salturelli said which receives a $500,000 Ingham County Sheriffs Dept., promising students. The SEOG provided that foreign students can work at off- budget from the board, has not changed its produce purchasing 1,600 MSU students with $866,000 aid policy. The department's supplier, the Lansing Fruit House, will continue to campus jobs only after they show him that use both during 1973-74. Teamster and UFW produce. their financial situation has "The SEOG would become changed since Marvin Lott, R-Williamston, said he analogous to entering the country. vigorously opposed the resolution because he feels it the full-ride is an effort to get boycotts scholarships given to football Though it is not unusual for the judge to going again. and basketball players," Buell said. "I do not feel we, as a board of SN photo/Daniel Shutt be overruled if the student can produce commissioners, should get involved in what is really a "Students would be rewarded for documents that he is jurisdictional dispute between the two unions," he said. in doing well progressing satisfac¬ Lott also said the UFW does not want to come school." under the National Labor Relations Board (Jod bless time warps and torily in school, Salturelli implied that photography. Outside with the locust Another goal of the bill will be to reduce Kabia will again be requested to leave if (NLRB) which prohibits boycotts. The Teamsters are under the his NLRB. snow slicing new wrinkles into the forehead, it's a small pleasure student dependence on loans. "The UFW wants to be able to academic work drops in boycott and have free elections, too," Lott said. remember the vacation that seemed it would "I am deeply quality. James Heyser, D - East to last forever. opposed to the currently He said that his decision to allow Kabia to Lansing, said the opposition to the resolution was somewhat fashionable effort to put most student aid finish was not affected confusing. on a loan basis," by the 12 students "The opposed commissioners O'Hara said. "It just defers from MSU or about 40 are telling us this is none of our business, but they're a large debt and pickets outside the mixing that with reasons why we should makes it harder on the offices of not support the UFW. The resolution has been a Immigration and Naturalization very emotional issue," Heyser said. CHECK US FIRST FOR SPRING TERM BOOKS... NEW AND USED! CAMPUS BOOK STORE JLCMSS KON KRKEY MALL OPEN 12HOURS-S:30 to 8:30 WED.THURS 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 2 Students prefer triples to U-M's lotteh ByPATNARDI triple rooms to deal with the avoid State News Suff Writer overcrowding rooms. of giving housing preference high demand for on-campus U-M has a policy of giving to He added that overcrowding "I don't think it's a big themselves who Would you prefer to be freshmen is very common in were denied put housing than hold a lottery like housing preference to fresh Big is usually only a fall term problem to be overcrowded. I freshman, I into a tripled room or take U-M did to decide who will live The move produced an Ten schools, U-M should not housing for next fall. Won th. i your men. phenomenon because RHP put up with it for two terms and Not enough chances on a lottery that in residence halls. have waited so late in the warning might uproar from U-M students, year helps alleviate it in many ways, it didn't bother You meet kick you out of a residence hall Since an unusually especially since the lottery was to hold the lottery since stu me. 'They just didn't give us high num dents would have a difficult time including offering a housing more people that way." enough warning about the altogether? ber of students held after most area apartment waiver to sophomores who are lot signed up to leases had been signed for fall. Thomas Savoie, sophomore. tery." said UM Reaction to the housing lot¬ return to the Ann Arbor resi finding off-campus housing in normally required to live on 605 W. McDonel freshman tery recently held at the Uni- Originally 1,200 lost the lottery, the city. Hall, also Karen Bergman. They told us dence hall for next fall, a campus and allowing women lottery but that number has fallen to North said that MSU will not prefers MSU's system to the five days before it would verysity of Michigan has shown was held to determine who students in residence halls to U-M hap¬ that MSU students and staff would be able to stay. Univer less than 800 because some hold a lottery because its lottery. pen. It was a bad time, students have since canceled policy move into vacant married hous "In the first place the coming prefer the tripling. gives equal housing preference tripling right after the strike and just Gary North, coordinator of Residence Hall sity officials hoped that with the help of the lottery, they could their housing reservations. to returning students. "We feel our ing apartments. The bulk of MSU's 800 triples last fall was isn't that bad and doesn't last that long. Usually something is before exams. It scared body. It really threw every fin() other apartments h,H,::nV;| Werp Programs upperclassmen (RHP), said he would rather make room for the large num ber of upcoming freshmen and Common policy are valued customers and we caused by an unusually high number of females who signed done to relieve it before too parents, too." my February. John Finn. r"nf housing information dij_ North said though the policy long," Savoie said. U-M's depend on them. There's no up to return to residence halls. Bergman said she will board question about that," he said. Lottery disliked One senior, John Mehne, 234 in a sorority next year which the J4 Because of MSU's approach Mayo Hall, said it was hard to will be at least $100 popularly of tl|' Transit committee Apparently MSU student ha"s ,0 ,ht' more however. North acknowledged agree that tripling is preferable say which system was better, expensive than the residence rising cl proposes that the residence halls have temporary tripling problems. to being arbitrarily ousted from residence halls via lottery. but added: "It seems the tripling may halls. U-M's residence halls rent for apartment Room and |,f, |,„ar„ rj, residence halls o{( J have some advantages because $1401.75 a year, will Though overcrowding is less "It's not fair to kick seniors including only next fall. n than pleasant, he said some you have more of a choice. Down 13 meals a week without MSU, city bus lines merger students would quit school en¬ tirely if forced out of the out (of residence halls) by a lottery." said Linda Palmer, there (U-M) lottery you if you lose the don't have any service. Ann Arbor and houses are also linen apartments known for Finn said U M is h,J freshman. 675 W. Akers Hall. choice." with its board As the American automotive residence halls. "If that happened to I'd be having some of the highest rents possibility of leasing of r,gj dream slowly bites the dust. Mass transit members said that MSU has committee on the implications of partial "When it becomes a choice of really mad." me More vehement came from the U-M students opinions in the country. Jim hotel to alleviate the hi orb] East Lansing is integration. The discussions even going to school at all, we Shine, another U-M beginning to indicated a desire to be out of would also look ahead to the feel it is better to endure the shortage. ^ develop its long - range mass the transportation business and short run discomfort of over¬ transportation plans. this could be accomplished possibility of total integration. The East Lansing Mass Tran¬ by crowded rooms," North said. integrating the two systems. sit Committee met transportation in the city. Monday night to discuss the future of bus In the past the major stum¬ bling block to integration has been the fact that CATA has BICYCLE AUCTION CONTRIBUTIONS The committee is working on been losing money while the a report which will recommend the merger of the MSU and MSU system has been breaking even or showing a profit. TO LANSING Capital Area Transportation The mass transit committee Authority (CATA) bus services. This merger would be the long - range goal, while a more hopes to have a report prepared for the April meeting so citizens can have a chance to react to the SICKLE CELL immediate goal would be a plan before it is sent to city partial integration. Under par¬ tial integration the two would maintain systems separate man¬ council. If council approved the discussions could begin between plan ANEMIA agements but CATA routes MSU, CATA, the City of East would be allowed to enter campus. A completely integrated sys¬ Lansing and the Tri Regional Planning Commission - County FOUNDATION THE LATEST tem would operate under the single management of CATA. IN MEN'S SPRING are tax deductible FASHIONS ARE NOV Thursday March 27 1:30 PM AVAILABLE AT .. ,| MSU SALVAGE YARD Lansing Sickle Cell 1330 S. Harrison on Campus Anemia Foundation It's Spring! Various makes and conditions. Bikes, watches and may be seen at the salvage yard March 26 and 27th fromrings MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING Get rid of the winter 8:30 1801 Ilest Main to 1 a.m. Lcjon Building Items are offered is all sales blahs with a great as — are final and not Lansing . Mich refundable. | 305 East Grand KiverJ new natural look! 371 5360 Ext. 274 Terms: Cash East Lansing : GARY'S CAMPUS ; : BEAUTY SALON « [across from Berkey ] -549 E. Gr. River CALL 351-6511 « COmPUTER SHORTCOURSES 000 Hewlett-Packard Day Computer Laboratory will present a series of non-credit shortcourses during Spring term, 1975. at There is a SI fee covering computer time and materials for each shortcourse. Registration for the Student Book Store shortcourses must be made by April 4 at the User Information Center Rm. 309 For full shortcourse Computer Center. descriptions, contact the User Information Center, 353-1800. GRADER a program designated to o* large and medium enrollment 00®8 to?8wal 8 coi (Section I April 10. 3 * 5 p.m. Section 2: April 30. the Statistical Package for th {Apr,I 77 ft 24 3 5 pm, CISSR2 the Stotitttcol Package o* the Computer Institute for Sociol Scier (Section 1 April 28 ft 30 3 5 p m Section 2 April 29 ft May 1. 7 . 9 p.m.) STAT the MSU STAT system with programs for distributional onolys.s of vononce ond least squores analysis correlate analysis (April 21 23 ft 25 3 • 5pm) STAT TRANS ond FETCH the FORTRAN user supphed subrouting that allow d« RESEARCH DATA PREPARATION instructs in bosic handling of ret is to be analyzed by the computer (April 7 ft 9 3 5 pm) CENSUS E*plain 1970 ce The only calculator in its price range that gives you all basic log, trig and exponential functions, plus: conversions, full register arithmetic, two rectangular/polar trig operating modes, full display formatting, and HP's error-saving RPN logic system. Provides more power than the UPDATE A product to roomtoi popular HP-35. disk or tape and allows sepc (April 14 16 ft 18 7 8 30pm SORT MERGE A product to Thursday, March 27th (April 28 30 Moy 2 1 8 30 p Mr. Ron Stevenson MUSIC46F Instruction in Ml will beatSBS / * 12 3 5 p from 11 a.m.to3:30p.m. to demonstrate all the Hewlett-Packard seminar calculators and answer This seminar will any questions. present an introduction to the Michigan Time-sharing System (MTS) in operation at ('ill Oil Ol'l'r Linns Camera the University of Michigan and to the computing Shops facilities available at U of M. Instruction on the use of MTS from S B S MERIT Network will also be (April 10; Bldg.) 10a.m. Michigan State 12 and 1 - University through the given. (No Charge) 3 p.m.; room 31, Union East check ill''"' old' 421 E. Gd. River ACROSS FROM OLIN 351-4210 Lansing Store Only Wednesday, March 26, 1975 Rail hearings end today outcome may hurt state By JEFF MERRELL Bailey also said the rail State News Staff Writer alternative Michigan has if the cutbacks in Michigan were 1,300 miles are not included in Public hearings on an un¬ greater than cutbacks in other the Conrail system would be popular federal rail proposal for states. the federal subsidy Michigan will end today in program. The federal government will Traverse City, putting the brakes on three weeks of pleas contribute 70 per cent of oper¬ from state officials. ating costs if the state provides the remainder and operates the The railroad. preliminary U.S. Rail¬ way Administration (USRA) But the program only lasts plan to exclude some 1,300 for two years, which could lead miles of Michigan rails from the to the eventual abandonment of federally supported Conrail the lines, Wilner said. system has aroused the concern of numerous state officials and community groups, including Gov. Milliken and Public Ser¬ FIND vice Commissioner William WHAT Ralls. YOU'VE BEEN Testimony gathered at the LOOKING two public hearings will be FOR! reviewed by USRA before a CAl i final plan is submitted to Con¬ state news CLASSIFIED A dangling lock is more serious than it looks, SN photo/Robert Kozloff gress in June. 355 S25S of people's forgetfulness, an open causes them loss of use money and valuable Affects economy Both Milliken and Ralls have testified at separate hearings in Lansing and Traverse City that $1,500 TAKEN IN IM ROBBERIES the abandonment of rail service could have drastic effects on Michigan's economy. pen IALPH FRAMMOLIN'O lockers invite theft reported winter term, 33 invol- And Bill Bailey, State Dept. of manager of rail freight systems for the Transportation, said the effects will not be confined to unemployment of and mirrors. He said that to rail workers. *New» Staff Writer veid unlocked lockers. implement these suggestions But none of the -|e who use MSU Intra- "Maybe you just go security around would be too expensive. "The total impact will be the corner to comb systems can beat the idea of on ISports facilities to get in your hair for Beeman said that a method of the user economy," find that they lose a few locking lockers to keep the Bailey said. may seconds, but if your locker surveillance which involved a Agriculture and industry may than just a few pounds of is unlocked, sticky fingers of theives out of people can come by uniformed police officer be forced to ship by truck an and just take was helpless pockets. things," Beeman especially effective in deterring "One time, years ago, there was expensive alternative," he said. term a total of $1514.75 said. thefts. and money was stolen Thefts from locked lockers a professor with a $1,500 check Businesses relocate He also recalled receiving a in his pocket who came here, the lockers at the Women's only contributed J403.30 to the "Other businesses would find suggestion for wiring clothing found an empty locker, and lien's Intramural buildings total last term. to electrodes so that if put they are at a competitive any item his stuff in it without GL0D»0i©lw>, Jenison Fieldhouse. Beeman said campus police of clothing was disturbed, a locking it, disadvantage, and move to a Frank Beeman, Director .. .Beeman said. have suggested different reme better location," he said. , light would flash and warn "They found the check in a iramural Sports and Re- dies to keep thefts down. He >6ACKn^2^ against a possible theft. That, parking lot later," he added. "The dislocation effect could ve Services Program was said that one suggestion that too, was ruled out because of "He to point out that the was lucky." be severe," he added. was put into practice at the ;~ty of the thefts resulted a people not locking their Of the 45 cases beginning of the fall was the checking of student, faculty or alumni IDs. Currently, only £5^ VfOeo people who present these ID cards may use the IM facilities after 3:30 p.m. on weekdays and all weekend. "It goes beyond our philos¬ Early Bird Special not meet ophy as educators, though, to $20 Cash Savings on all apartments leased before May 1 st plus restrict the use of the building," special reduced rates ... 8 convenient locations near campus. 318 Beeman said. Furnished Carpeted - Air (Principles of - Conditioning - Some have balconies - :'opment Laboratory) will Checking IDs is not the only others swimming pools • all have suggestion that the IM director parking facilities - "t this week. The first efficiencies, one bedroom and two bedrooms. M will be Monday with has received from the campus [lection meeting according police. Beeman said that re¬ times listed in the commendations also included turnstiles, metal gates, cameras 1591 LAKE RAWING RWLE1T GOOD FORI Km FROOTHE «MEf)ENT A&RK 35< HERMANN'S LOW LOW SUMMER RATES: efficiencies $130. 1 bedroom $140. 2 EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. $ bedroom $150 £f up 195, and 2 bedrooms fr. $217 .live in one of our spacious 2 bedroom 4-men units for as low as $60 . HOUSE DRIflK PJTCWGRM.90 Year of the Woman' HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY 351-7910 per month . . . LimiT I PER CU/TO(T16R O05T BAR DRINK*-75 btochu« ■"* F°" pendant in pewter Filet 0'Fish Sandwich Tender, crisp, golden A brown Filet, topped with O Deep Sea Adventure mellow cheese and tangy tartar sauce hot, steamy bun on o \ ^j^From \ ^ | McDonald* Try if for a change1 re« familiar symbols artfully combined 9raphic artist, Valerie Pettis, to make a Ming and distinctive adornment. : Style is one thing quality is another. Wallace puts them , together in glasses. 40 years of expertise and reputation for customer satisfaction YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY. AT McDONALD'S £ast lansing 209 e. grand river downtown 113 s.washington 8Michigan State News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March 26, ij BURROUGHS BAC 'Exterminator' renews frenzy By FRANK FOX ample evidence that Despite such substantial sate News Reviewer "Exterminator!" continues concerning his days as a cock¬ Burroughs, a shadowy legend praise, Burroughs remains an the frenetic roach exterminator, doubtless¬ Discovering a new novel by in the literary underworld of obscure and ominous figure in literary style William Burroughs is a bit like three continents, is still American Burroughs pioneered in his ly a metaphor for God knows very letters. His ex¬ scandalous what. But Uncle Bill soon finding a message from the much in business. novel, "Naked tremely bizarre personal life Lunch," finished in Tangier in leaves the recognizable world Titanic in a bottle on a lonely Burroughs has been praised and the inspired literary 1959. of bedbugs swarming in your beach. and admired by such varied excesses of his novels are too Burroughs weaves There is no reason on God's characters and images, per¬ mattress far behind: authors as Norman Mailer, lurid a mixture for earth for it to be there, but it is many verse impressions, autobio¬ "TB sanitarium on the out¬ Allen Ginsberg, and it must be read. Terry potential readers. Yet he does graphical sketches and raw skirts of town cool blue Southern. Jack Kerouac and . . . have an avid following Burroughs' latest volume is Ken Kesey. Kesey, in fact, once among nightmares into merciless basements fluoride dust drift¬ those who enjoy called "Exterminator!" and said Burroughs was the having their verbal symphonies which ing streaks of phosphorous only sensibilities battered by flutter at the farthest extremes features a dead roach lying writer that had paste on the walls . . . grey really done Burroughs' demonic evocations of emotion and sensation. smell of institution belly-up on the title page. This anything new with writing of hellish vistas which would cooking . . . Viking Compass Book gives since Shakespeare. astound Dante. Burroughs begins "Exter¬ heavy dark glass front door .. . minator!" with an anecdote Funny thing I never saw any patients there but I don't ask questions. Do my job and go a Jazz pianist McCon man who works for his living .. Remember this janitor who broke into tears because I said shit in front of his wife it wasn't Les McCann, who has been me actually said it was Wagner who was dyspeptic and thin called the most controversial with knobby wrists and stringy pianist since Dave Brubeck. will yellow hair . . . and the appear at The Stables tonight fumigation jobs under the table through Sunday for two shows I did on my day off. . each evening. Like his other books. McCann is a leading, though "Exterminator!" is populated atypical, figure in the world of with ja/z music. His great showman Burroughs' own special cast of desperate, frenzied, ship and strong rapport with his end-of-the road characters who audiences are unique in his appear and disappear into medium. McCann's throbbing mists of dreams and exciting perfor¬ half-light moods, suddenly mances have made him exploding into glaring tremendously popular in the phantasms which overshadow United States and a celebrity in the wildest opium dreams of Europe. His first European Poe. appearance, at the Antibes Jazz Quite simply, Burroughs has Festival in 1961, resulted in a 30 minute ovation and repeated captured the horror and cries of "Revolution de Jazz" insanity of this century in a definitive vision that stamps from the frenzied audience. our time as his own. He has played concerts and "Exterminator!" is now the clubs all over Europe, but the most accessible of Montreaux Jazz Festivals in Burroughs' 1969 and 1971 have been the published works. His books and other works are high points. notoriously Maria Muldaur, a veteran The excitement of the hard to find, even though most performer who has recently Montreaux performances has of his writings were published superstardom, will appear Wednesday at the Auditorium in a P been captured on two albums in the 1960s. Entertainment concert with guest star Tom Rush. Tickets "Exterminator!" is a kick in are $4 and $5 entitled "Swiss Movement" and the Union ticket office. the head not to be missed. "Live At Montreaux." and con¬ firms the following observation by a London reviewer: "It is remarkable that a musician such as Les McCann not only has the reputation and musical ability, but also has the magnetism and capacity, to get an audience to react as presents the Spring 1975 they would to. DIRECTORS' CHOICE FILM SERIES aft, Ike and Tina Turner orVthe late Otis 1 FILMS BY v Redding." found Classical audiences, too, have real substance in ★JOHN FORD* f AMERICA'S GREATEST DIRECTOR McCann's music. The Cincinnati Symphony honored him a few Wednesday, April 2 years ago by performing "Beaux The Informer J. Poo Poo" from his album (1935) 100 minutes "Invitation to Openness." Victor McLaglen McCann performed with the Symphony Orchestra in what he Wednesday, April 2 described as "one of the high Special Bonus Film State senator faces • points of my life." Directed by John Ford drug charge trial After 15 years as a major (1973) 99 minutes A trial date has been set for force in progressive jazz music, Peter Bogdanovich documentary car in Delta must have been State Sen. Basil Brown, D Township because accidentally left McCann is now enjoying some of they claimed he was driving in his car by a friend or Highland Park, who faces erratically. When they ap¬ legislative aide, and that he had the widespread popular recog¬ Friday, April 4 nition he has long deserved. charges of possession of maji- proached his car, they said they no knowledge of their presence. The Plough and the Stars juana and hashish. detected the odor of marijuana. He has ruled out the Brown, whose trial begins at possibility (1936) 72 minutes ' A search of the vehicle turned of a frame Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster 10 a.m. on April 18 before - up. a jury up a small bag of marijuana and Barry Fitzgerald in Easton County District two Man & Women sugar cubes containing Brown, 47, has been Court, was arrested Jan. 9 by hashish oil a senator Wednesday, April 9 Eaton County shefiffs officers. for 18 years and is chairman of Learn The officers stopped Brown's Brown has claimed the drugs the Senate Judiciary Commit- Stagecoach (1939) 100 minutes A DAMIANO DOUBLE FEATURE KARATE John Wayne. Claire Trevor John Carradine, Thomas Mitchell Monday, April 14 2 GREAT HARDCORE FILMS ON The MSU KARATE Club will term Thursday March 27 at give a demonstration and hold Its first 7:00 p.m. In the Sports Arena of the meeting of the Grapes of Wrath Co-ed classes for Men's I.M. (1940) 115 minutes beginners, intermediates and advanced karate students will be ONE ASTOUNDING PROGRAM held this term. Everyone welcome, for Henry Fonda, John Carradine Jane Darwell more Information call 351-4477. No matter what your GERARD CWMlANO.o^^. Wednesday, April 30 fantasies might be... Deep Throat ondwi'DevN In Miss Jones' *os no serious mial on the hard core scene How Green Was My Valley Semsatwoyj sport & self defense — pectcxmed witn leemo ft ho Nmj but MiSS - Aggie bnngj (1941) 112 minutes om real characterirohon and story values ' Walter Pigeon, Roddy McDowall Donald Crisp, Maureen O'Hara Friday, May 2 TISE. DEFT, DARING AND DISTINCTIVE KXPfR- SKILLFULLY ARTFULLY My Darling Clementine If all you have (1946) 97 minutes Henry Fonda. Walter Brennan Most Hardened Erotic, Victor Mature, Ward Bond Yet Joyously Lite • So Superior Affirming Film Ever Mode to como home Any Major Studio Would Be Monday, May 5 Proud to Is an empty The Man Who Shot refrigerator... Liberty Valanc e (1962) 122 minutes MEMORIES James Stewart, John Wayne From the director of "Deep TREAT Vera Miles, Lee Marvin All films shown twice Throat", "Devil in fTliss Jones" 7:00 & 9:15 pm in Fairch.ld Theiter Special times to be announced ond "memories within fTliss YOURSELF! lor April 2 films Aggie", Gerard Damiano now u; To fast, friendly, free, delivery 7filmsfor$5 Series tickets are now on sale. vmmiTONIGHT punth" (Each terns ticket i» 9°°d '<" 7 This picture is rated X which may be used to edmii one perso to 7 films. 7 people to one film. etc. Showtimes. Miss Aggie: 7:00 & 9:45 Portrait: 8:30 & 11:05 DOMINOS Individual tickets at the door.) are Union Ticket $1 25, available only Ofttce Showplace: 100 Engineering Admission: $2.25 PIZZA IROWBRIDOE 351-7100 8 15 4:30 p m weekd«ys Rated X - All patrons will be checked for CHAMP RIViR proof ot age. BEAL FILM 351-8880 Stale News. East Lansing, Michigan Ijcliiga" Wednesday, March 26, 1975 9 CONGRESSMAN EYES PARLIMENTA Hara calls for By MARY ANN CHICK State New« Staff Writer review of Constitution an James G. O'Hara, D-Mich.. called for a chairman chairman of the » House *ader of the mai°"ty party," said O'Hara, firmly in the saddle than they are already in this country, which is "serious, Committee on Education and Labor. Four honorary degrees also awarded at the winter term Jul review" of the United States Constitution during the saying a lot when you consider how entrenched and sure of itself were ■ observance of its bicentennial, and inkikl u leader and m«jo"ty party more accountable the American bureaucracy has become," he said. commencement exercises including: O'Hara, honorary doctor of time »<• ™ised the 1uestion in Pub,ic that many students branched PaSS'ng betW*en th® executive and legislative O'Hara said that despite the parlimentary system's short¬ law degree; Dr. Martin D. Young, visiting professor at the University of Florida's College of Veterinary Medicine, honorary jcipants of government have been asking themselves and Sa'd comings, it might be possible to "marry the virtues of the two other privately for some time," O'Hara told the 1975 f parUamentary sy8tem w<>uld make it easier and systems and divorce ourselves from their inherent vices." doctor of science degree, Dr. J. Franklin Hyde, retired research P degree candidates at MSU's winter commence- ennf h? T 88 t0 remove a chief executive who had lost the The need for action, the chemist at Dow Corning of Midland, honorary doctor of science •lithe system working as well as it should or could?" D°~^of protracted Clt,zens nor as an<* the legislature in a manner neither traumatic as nationwide polls which disclose the congressman said, is evident in public's low regard for degree; and Perez Malande Olindo, director of the Kenya National Parks. criticized the separation of powers the founding fathers as impeachment. government and politicians. the Constitution, all all costs, 0 HaratS °fsaid. parliamentary system must be avoided at "The people have a right to In addition, two "Distinguished Alumni Awards" were wo expect the government to govern presented to Clare Fischer, jazz musician and composer, and se of the separation of powers, our efforts at and represent the government -ented and disjointed, scattered and diffused," O'Hara ,tZnrliamen,U sometimes stamps completely dominated thoroughly housebroken rubber people right," O'Hara said. O'Hara was critical of the "spectacle of one part of the Admon Ganem, a director of the Banc" do Brazil. by prime ministers," O'Hara said. •fe spend our lives trying to balance the powers of the government sitting at one end of Pennsylvania Avenue and the U, and executive branches." Drinrfn? "J* vote 43 r°bots, sometimes rising above other part sitting at the other end, each demanding that the - urged a constitutional review to look at the possibility of O Hara said PUrSU,t °f party loyalty and Personal ambition." avenue become a two-way street, with each meaning that it was ---some of the features of a parliamentary system. time for the other to ,parliament, the nation's chief executive is a member of the inc^1'!11.!8'the instead of the system leads t0 the elevation of the mediocre uniquely "Since our come down that street and surrender." present governmental patterns were put in place "A qualified. the by parliamentary system could leave the bureaucrats Constitution, we must look ultimately to the Constitution for a more solution," O'Hara told the graduates. "We can hardly be called fickle or inconstant if, 186 years after x relief to Michigan farmers the fact, we question some of the assumptions on which the founding fathers based our Constitution, in the light of the instruments of government that have sprung from it." O'Hara said a revision of the Constitution would not be easy but it would be less difficult than the challenge which faced the ay preserve agricultural land politicians of 200 years ago, who had to start a government from scratch. JAMIE CONROY and available by May I. income. This credit could be -»ws Staff Writer Nearly 1,600 farmers have state program Sit Michigan farmers tax ^exchange for a promise which said they wish to prog, am and 3,000 apply to the more requested additional informa have used to offset tax returned as a refund. An exemption from liability or be special quired to repay the last years seven of tax benefits without interest at the time the land is sold. AUDITIONS Department of Theatre tion about it. assessments for real estate develop- sanitary sew Open space lands are eligibile tssures for at least 10 "Some are enthusiastic and ers, water, lights or nonfarm for exemptions from PAINT YOUR WAGON drainage special lis caught the attention want to sign would be the second assessments for improvements, (a musical MSU's 1st Bicentennial but a lot of farmersimmediately, up — event) benefit. ^ 1,600 farmers who are want to sit The minimum and for tax benefits, if the -toapply for the plan. back and see how their 10-year period owners agree to keep the land 'Agriculture and Open bor does before neigh¬ they venture of time for a nondevelopment undeveloped. BRECHT ON BRECHT in." said Dennis Hall, agreement may be renewed for Act, passed by the director Landowners interested in of the Agriculture a longer term. But for agree¬ jjre last year, created a ' of conserving the most Space Act and Open ments which are not renewed program applications can write to the Office of Land Use, Mon. March 31st program. after their full term is com¬ Dept. Farmland and open space are | farm land by offering protection from high the two classes of land pleted, the landowner is re- of Natural Resources, Mason Tues. April 1st eligible Building in Lansing. resulting from nearby for assistance under the act. -te development. Farmers can receive two Room 35 Auditorium Smith, executive dir- of the Michigan Farm kinds of benefits from the Show off your program. The first would be has been OPEN TO traveling the state for several tax credit property tax for Michigan state exceeding 7 per Florida tan at urging farmers to join, d started this 15 years cent of an individual household ALL MSU t wouldn't ill sprawl we have have the theGABLES! STUDENTS! In said. "The sprawl has Now Appearing- place on the very best The farmers don't . in the showbar —■n TODAY ■quit, but they're forced the higher taxes that •Kl OPEN 1 P.M. "»v development." Tact's administratis Silver 5:20-*9:25 r» approved March 14. lions should be printed Also 6 Friday and Saturday ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS with Jack Hamilton ,01111Y HAPPY HOURS BEST PICTURE WED. 8-11 pm. BEST ACTOR Dustin Hoffman today BEST ACTRESS for Valerie Perrine BEST DIRECTOR MpP Bob Fosse BEST SCREENPLAY Julian Barry BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Bruce Surtees Master Flamenco Guitarist |nr Dustin Hoffman "Lenny Saturday, April 5 8:15 pm $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 co »™,Valerie Perrine David V Picker MSU Students $3.00 $2.50 Julian Barry Marvin Worth $2.00 t phocmm mtqmiation 33? mi 7 Ends open Thursday 7:00 P.M. Feature 7:35 MADRID - 9:30 RTV SYMPHONY Conductor Odon Alonso with soloists Thunday, April 10 8:15 pm $7.50 $6.50 $4.00 MSU Students $3.75 $3.25 $2.00 Classical Ballet from Salt Lake City Tuesday, April 15 8:15 pm $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 MSU Students $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 Alio available now ara lariat tickats for tha special spring tarm Directors' Choice Film Sarias tribute to America's greatest director, JOHN FORD. (7 films for $8) UNION TICKET OFFICE 8:15-4:30 weekdays phone 355-3381 DIRECTED BY UNA WERTMULLER SHrnnjGIANCAflLO OANMM as Mm A TRMAN PRESENTATION RMSI1IU I * COLOR PI**' N«W UNt CMEMA Starts Friday Jeannie Berlin "SheilaleVme. Roy Scheider is dead and living in NewVbrk" pq r 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan UMWlSWH \ WMSN and MSU BOOKSTORE Celebrate the Arrival of Spring,., And Welcome You (flgj Out PRIZES GALORE! Just Listen to or Stop Down and Wai WMSN Broadcasting Live From the Front Lobby of MSU Boot pe- of the International Center. u„i„u,,n Slate News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 1 Special Hours for Registration Week March 24-29 Monday and Friday 7:30 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday 7:30 a.m. — 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. "Happy Easter, Everyone" 2nd week March 31 — April 4 Monday — Friday 7:30 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. - 1 'Mr dial) e-on the Lower Level ] 2 Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26. 1975 South Viets' exodus from Hue grows By ASSOCIATED PRESS The mass exodus by sea At dawn Tuesday an armada DA NANG. South Vietnam - followed a decision Monday to Nang, about 50 miles to the Wednesday morning Da Nang They live under blankets, pon the ring tightens around of Vietnamese navy and civilian south. neaa as In a desperate military opera¬ abandon Hue rather than de¬ itself is cut off from the rest of chos and pieces of plastic spread the vessels of all sizes had assem¬ When city, hour by hour. In tion reminiscent of the British fend the old imperial city bled off the Thuan An beach. they arrived in Da South Vietnam except by air over fences. addition to the loss of Hue, two evacuation of Dunkerque in Nang harbor, crowds of women and sea. And Western Diplo¬ De Nang, South Vietnam's This World War II, tens of thousands against what South Vietnamese military officials claim was an Several large transports had were waiting at the dockside mats said a U.S. financed airlift second largest city, ordinarily provinces to the south of Da disorganized, of men honl of Vietnamese soldiers and moored to a jetty and were crying out the names of loved would take 10,000 refugees a Nang have been overrun by the were unTI redded an I has a population of 500,000. civilian refugees are scrambling overwhelmingly superior force. A Vietnamese photographer, loading heavy 175mm artillery ones and wailing when they did day out of the city. Now it is believed tripled by in the last 24 ^ksago. two infantry divisions inl guns and trucks. There were not appear. A freighter with to evacuate from Communist who was on one of the last thousands of vehicles and artil a capacity the influx of one million refu As the soldiers left the country. M u| shelled beaches of northern Most of the men who disem for about 7,000 passengers boats, In Hue South Vietnam. helicopters to land at Hue lery pieces in and around Hue. barked were without boots. sailed to the Hue beaches early gees. they just drifted off into the Division, there was thJ "It was an ocean of people on Monday afternoon, said troops Vietnamese sources said it was Some were without trousers. Tuesday from Da Nang. Unlike some other Vietnam¬ crowd. There seemed to be no two brigades?! the Thuan An Beach waiting of the South Vietnamese 1st Division were fleeing with their unlikely that many of these could be moved out in time. About half of them had no The crowds of soldiers and ese cities, there is no sign of anti Americanism in Da Nang. attempt to organize them. Mingling with them mes. two *nd parts brigade, 0f two of aJJ ami from early morning," said a civil families down the 10-mile high weapons. refugees from Hue will swell in But there is on the regiments. They servant who arrived on the first way to the beach. He said they The first swimming soldiers By evening about 3.000 had what is already a city bursting a sense ofjiogeles^ ^idewdk^o^^^slar^^ere -as ma"v anj ship. "We fought to get out did not seem to be quickly filled several small arrived. The major part of the at the seams with refugees. "20,000troops, | withdrawing boats. The vessels headed off on armada was expected to The refugees are camped on there." in units. pull the six hour journey to Da into Da Nang Tuesday night and the main highways in Da Nang. Mr. B's Wearhouse ASSISTANTS GA GEO ratifies contract at U-M Coupon By STEVE ORR State News Staff Writer Organization (GEO) at U M, which called a strike Feb. 11 went back to the classroom and either join GEO or pay a service $2.00 Off any purchase of bookstacks with an 8 per cent at its outset caused disruption after eight months of contract fee to the union, and an all pute Settlement of a contract dis¬ between University of talks with the administration produced no results. salary increase retroactive to last fall and another salary raise of at least 5.6 per cent due in fall inclusive clause. nondiscrimination and cancellation of some liberal arts classes. $10.00 or more. Berger said the individual Michigan (U M) graduate of 1975. Bargainers for both sides had colleges assigned outside work One coupon per customer assistants and the university Talks continued reached agreement on the con Ends April |'{" j has ended a 29 day strike during the The contract also put a ceiling and set up alternative class by strike, which began effectively of $440 on the tuition a tract by March 11. but GEO meetings for those students. the assistants and given graduate signifi¬ but lost much of its student assistant must pay. In the insisted on a letter from the In the midst of the GEO cant financial and nonfinancial past, We have in stock support after several weeks. On in state graduate assistants university guaranteeing no aca strike, another student group benefits to the assistants. March 14, the strike have paid up to $548 tuition and demic reprisals against those officially staged a protest of its own. Jeans $6 to 8.50 ended. out of state up to $1,420. graduate assistants who parti¬ Several hundred minority stu Mens slacks The contract was ratified up to $13 March 12 and 13 by an over¬ Nonfinancial agreements in¬ cipated in the strike. dents organized as the Third U- M's 2,100 graduate assis clude an U M administrators wrote World Coalition Council and Dress, Western, and casual shirts whelming majority of the mem tants — most of whom teach agency shop clause, and circulated the letter and the bers of the Graduate which stipulates that all occupied part of the U M Sport coats $15 Employes classes or conduct research grad — uate assistants at U ■ M must contract was ratified, but the Administration Building. The Leisure suits $35 guarantee in the letter will not students left after2' i days with Shirts, tops, and slacks for women affect some 60 GEO picketers a promise from U M President Bill will increase state income tax .7% who were arrested during the strike for trespassing and fail Robben Fleming that the stu dents and the administration 529 E. Grand Rlv«r, East Lansing ure to obey the lawful command would get together to discuss Open Mon.-Frl. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. continued from page 1) of a police officer. for the 1976 election. upset the income tax hike, minority students grievances. Sun. noon to 5 p.m. All of those arrested have There plan to place a property tax has been only one possibly through a petition been released on personal re¬ relief constitutional amend¬ The replacement Tuesday of drive. The group meeting between coalition has already cognizance bond. members and the adminis¬ ment before voters in the 1976 the money lost from the food proposed replacement reven¬ U M information services FOR ALL ©FYS® general election. sales tax does not end the tration. and one U - M official ues come from increased busi official Joel Berger said under Before the compromise, the said the students are state's financial problems. Ad ness, nuisance, luxury and capi graduate students studies were "doing chairman of the Senate Taxa ditional increases in other taxes tal groundwork" for future nego gains taxes. not affected by the strike, which tion Committee, John Bowman, tiations. or sharp cuts in state spending D-Roseville, refused to report for the coming fiscal year CYCLIHS REEDS! ss the bill out to the full Senate beginning July 1 were pro¬ despite mounting pressure to mised by other senators who DooLeys have it considered before the said Michigan's budget is still in legislature's 11 day Easter va¬ deep trouble due to falling cation begins Thursday. revenues caused by a failing Milliken has pushed for early economy. passage of the tax increase, Earl Nelson, D-Lansing, cal¬ claiming each month of delay led the tax increase bill "abso¬ past May 1 would require lutely inadequate". another one-tenth of 1 per cent increase to produce sufficient Charles Zollar, revenue. The immediate need for passage this week was Harbor- Mid- "We R Benton cannot have budget which meets the TONITE explained as necessary to allow minimum needs of this state even with employers to prepare the passage of this bill." changes in payroll withholding Both senators are members Muggers deductions. of the Appropriations Commit¬ Several tee. senators reacted with skepticism to the compro¬ mise. however, pointing out Meanwhile, the Michigan Cit¬ izens' Lobby is that the 1977 drop to a 4.4 per vowing a fight to roll back the income cent tax rate can be changed in tax the future and that there are increase. The lobby spear Night bills already written which headed the food sales tax repeal could provide property tax last year and now says it will relief now, rather than waiting present a plan in two weeks to The VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER is proud to announce, that after many months careful selection, we have proudly prepared our 1975 line of Fine Bicycles, On.,. Components and Useful Accessories We feel that we have the WAHTED Muqs Iwlf pracE aII Niqlu v Selection and Most Reasonable the attainment of YOUR Best Values. W Prices, all to assure vou the utmost satisfaction CYCLING NEEDS Liberal Arts Seniors doWNSTAKS Interested in Teaching Elementary or Secondary Schools BRfl A 15 month ■^mji program leading to an MAT degree and teacher certification - AUTOMATIC PARTIAL TUITION SCHOLARSHIP for o flexible program of graduate study which includes teaching experience and offers opportunities for paid teaching internships. Open Thurs, and fn. til *00 P.M Masters of Arts MUM in Teaching Programs Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois 60201 For informotion & on Applicotion Form Clip and mail to: MAT Office 2003 Sheridan Road Evanston, III. 60201 ^ NAME 00, Aij. tHi k QrMj, Co MpA •i MAJOR SECONDARY Birmingham Northland Detroit east lansing Velocipede Peddler QRQSSE POINTE DEARBORN GRAND RAPIDS 541E. Grand River 351-7240 PONTIAC MALL ANN ARBOR Michigan Slate News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 13 Campaign for political reform planned NANCY crane gv Dr NfW*SUff Writer The proposal a six would create member political to take the steam out of the general elections. The funds for I cut?Wn ^ Common Cause Michigan i„ P*tition c,m 8 commission which would ethics have subpena power and which would petition drive," said chairperson of Doug Rosa, Michigan this would be provided by a $2 check off on state income tax - primary funds. In general elections the major occupations of anyone contribu¬ ting $50 or more to an election commission would enforce other proposals in the bill of in-kind contributions. Re¬ Common Cause. party candidates would qualify on a ports on funding must also be to enact political reform enforce the legislation. returns similar to the one on and regulating the use of politi¬ Common for a maximum of $750,000 in complaint basis. done before and after elections. Aorinifthe state legislature One bill Cause has been federal tax returns. cal slush funds. Common Cause said the pas¬ act to improve state The organization feels preparing its proposals since public aid. They could also raise •Strict regulations on public 'The ,ot that all Matching system $250,000 in contributions of important thing in en¬ sage of the present law was a ,aws by that date. its political reform last September, forcement is to have the laws when the state In primary elections the officials' use of office for person¬ proposals legislature passed can¬ under $100. Any contributions political move to reap campaign ■Common Cause has announ should be incorporated campaign re didates would receive money al gain. and an enforcement agency to * into one form legislation which of $100 would reduce the benefits in last year's elections. \3 comprehensive reform bill. said is not the group from the fund through a match over amount of •Forbidding former public pursue them," Ross said. The group said that its reforms e which would include "If all the comprehensive. public aid available to officials from becoming lobby¬ proposals are not ing system. For each $1 raised the candidate. "The key point is that the would correct loopholes in the Ution of campaign contri- together in one bill the Included in the Common in contributions of under ists in front of government legisla Cause reforms is one $100, Third party candidates could legislature is genuinely inter¬ legislation. 1S, politicians' conflicts of ture might try to which the candidate would receive $2. bodies in which they were pass three out ested in reforms. st and lobbying. of four of the would provide partial funding qualify for aid by raising a associated for at least one year It is a proposals in order for Candidates would have to raise certain amount of somewhat different legislature gubernational primary and $50,000 before qualifying for qualifying after their term of office ex¬ donations (about $50,000) and this year because a good num¬ then apply for pires. ber of people ran and were matching funds. •Requiring lobbying organi¬ Or they could apply for elected on a political reform expert views money zations which expend more than economic problems after the election to debts. pay off $1,000 a register, re¬ year to platform," Ross said. Other regulations quiring lobbyists to file monthly Under the present reform financial statements and pro¬ legislation, which went into No candidate could \rob oil position spend more than $1 million in either primary or general elections. Other regulations include: hibiting lobbyists from giving gifts of over $10 a month. Ethics commission effect in April, requires office holders to file disclosures on fund raising done while in any •eliverv |NEJAC TV RENTALS' Ross said the political ethics office and also requires 337 - 1Q10 reports |^bd ' "ihman al Zamil, dis- president of the Organization of •Limiting the amounts of contributions which individuals (pjishcd lecturer for the Arab Students. He is also the i00'5! "The Effectiveness and the Information Experts Com¬ and groups, joerican Assn. of Petroleum author of many articles Credibility of Arab Propaganda mittee of the Arab including labor ogists. will speak on the „.omics of oil tonight at 8 in economics of oil and its use as a on the potential in the an USA," will soon appear in English translation. League and the Advisory Committee to the unions and union members, can contribute in elections. SWEDISH SAILING political weapon. His Saudi Arabian |e veterinary clinic auditor Al Zamil is also • a member of Government •Requiring multiple repor¬ Ministry of Information. |aI Zimil's speech, "Oil as an ting of names, addresses and JACKET .irument of Development and reign Policy: An Arab $15 [*," is sponsored by MSU's ®t. of Geology and the Michi L Basin Geological Society. ■ Since 1972, al Zamil has BURGER HavcIt ^rvtd ge as al Studies chairman of the Dept. of the of Petroleum and Min KING Your Way inDhahran. Saudi Arabia. It of the most modern schools J engineering in the world v. He is also director of the Gulf Data Bank. The je ill bank will eventually incor- TWO SIDES OF V Burger King Lite all available data and This shiny bright "City Slicker," with important Indies related to the Arabian We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. big-coat styling, will put sunshine in your GOOD VISION life during any weather. In a favorite Ieaforresearch purposes. While in the United States, al imil received an M.A. and J).in International Relations Co-Optical has the best in optical care; Not only frames and lensei, but contacts tool weekdays Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays on pants length, it's fashioned of a new polyester/ vinyl/cotton face with cotton backing. What this means to you is a slick, shiny fashion Uthe I'niversity of Southern We're specialists in look that is also hand- or machine-washable fitting both hard and and drip dry. It's nice and soft, too, so it pfornia and was elected USC soft contacts. And we give examinations tool won't crack Or fe£l stiff. In Stop by Co-Optical soon and see what we have to pink, blue, green and yellow. offer. Get the story on both sides of good virion. S, M, L EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT along with fries, onion rings, or coke ONLY. CO-OPTICAL SERVICES And get 2nd Whopper with Cheese DR. J. R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST Jnejac tv RENTALS! Now in Brookfield Plaza FREE! 337 1010 WITH COUPON -SB 11 A ONE PER CUSTOMER CHEESE WHOPPER ONLY Offer Good Wed. Mar. 26 thru Sun. Mar. 30 203 E. Grand River Ave. CIGARETTES 2 PK. WELCOME BACK STUDENTS!! /79" TIDE DETERGENT I CACHET S1ft Dis&oUjtf 211 E. GRAND KIVER 20 reg. oz. 75* 53' I HAND I 15 oz. & BODY LOTION 1.87 MEXT TO THE SPORTSMEISTER EXERCISE SANDALS SPECIAL HOURS THIS WEEK: reg. 12.95 Expires April 5. 1f7S 9.99 1 i SUN-IN hair lightener TAMPAX 10% OFF OUR PRICE ON ALL KODAK FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING VISINE 1 fluffies cotton balls "j y y TAMP0NS„„, 1.28 eyedrops 1 .oz 1 fee. •> 50 im 40's re*' 0 no 2 09 coupon E«pir.. April S. 1*75 MM.StareOnly No Limit Expires April 5. 197$ % oz. LIMIT 1 lc•«• *pf II (. 1975 54 LIMIT 1 (coupon) LIMI T 1 (couf reg. 24* LIMIT 1 Store Only East lontlna Store Expires April 5. 197$ Expires Ap ril S. 1975 Only ^Eestlenslng StoreOnly^^ East lonsing Store Only last Lonsing Store only Expires April 5. 1975 EostLansing Store Only Iayds i^plan ULTRA SHEEN C0NDIT™, sunlamp BIC paper towels northern DOWNY l&oz. candy «■", 2.79 9 qo KIT MEDIUM PT. 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I97S +7 -T I sheer FASHION FURNITURE POLISH FELT TIP PEN EATONS Lansing Store Only Ianty orlon knee sox Hot 1 QO hose LIMIT t QO^ reg. 2.00 LIMIT 1 1 • V/ A. reg. 59* 36 typing paper 3 prong adapter LIMIT » 89(1 reg. 1.50 \m OO (coupon) I coupon i M 70? l>pi'*i April 1. 197ft ™ ' foil laming Stare Only Expires April 5. 1971 East Lcntlrg Store Expires April 5, 1971 reg. 1.09 Expires April 5 1975 / O qo* Only Eost Lansing Store Only EastLansing Store Only Explres^priTs. 197ft 07 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26, iU> inaloffense. And whether you choose to live and work in the heart of the city, or in the relaxed atmosphere of Chicago's beautiful residential or suburban areas... with a hospital that makes major medical discoveries . _ , _ Tbs , or implements them... you'll experience a (' rich and rewarding career... and life. «£ ik '« 5*?? ^^ , CHOICE-Chicago: 25 opportunities for More Rewarding Career... And Life. CH 01 CE-Chicago Hospital Council 500 North Michigan Avenue The choice is yours, we only make it Chicago. Illinois 60611 401 £|\J5IL' pJACTVRENTALS~J Z5\-& WORLD He? CAMPUS \n exciting new concep AFLOAT Seal of Love from Mity The mountings are bold and beautiful and History-making loan direct from the Louvre. French Painting 1774-1830. they carry a hidden message symbolic of your marriage THE AGE OF REVO TURMOIL AND TRIUMPH • GRANDEUR Ml W! * See the first U.S. showing of Delacroix's heroic Liberty Leading the People. \ 150 masterworks from the turbulent Revolution-and Napoleonic era including David (Death of Socrates), Ingres (Napoleonon Imperial Throne), Gericault ( W ounded Cavalryman), Fragonard (The Lock). Cfuary, in September wdh the ship THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS • THROUGH MA ciassr°om and the Six days ■ IW » ra"'Pl,s com * weekly 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (closedMondays). Also Fridays until 9 p.m. > ^ II •iscin,.C,et,,,ed X s,us| But talk of a feud is misconstrued because we goal-oriented. remained friends. Individuals capture We had a very close head coaching job." relationship. He recommended that I get his Biggie was Duffy's line coach at Syracuse and he said that Munn never "Biggie was a fair challenged. Our "And he always had his door man. He team was was a honest and his close-knit family. integrity] open for former players. H gave him the opportunity to play as a sophomore. good friend after we got out of college. special accolades "I was naturally saddened by his death," Duffy said. "It hit me very hard when he had his first stroke. He had active. always been so "He instilled a winning attitude in us and we had a great« respect for his decisions." Both men agreed that Biggie was a disciplinarian. "I remember with "He was a difficult taskmaster." gratitude all the things he did for me. He was Dohoney said. "He * Despite losing its last game to Indiana, 94-79, and being denied a tremendous person from the very hard. But we won a lot of games in the fourth a standpoint of getting things out of postseason tournament berth, MSU's basketball team won some people. I am very fortunate that our lives did parallel." "He demanded the best out of you," Guerre added. "Hm quarterj individual honors to help remember its best season in Bob Reynolds of WJR radio in Detroit delivered nack of more than a decade. a eulogy for developing the utmost out of a player with sbility. | Munn at his memorial service Reynolds summed things up in his eulogy. The Spartans' 17-9 overall record last winter Friday at People's Church in East represented the Lansing. "Look about you most victories by an MSU team since on the campus of the University that 19 contests. However, coach Gus Ganakas' 1958-59, when the squad team had to settle for won "There are so many things I remember about our he said. "I remember association," and served so well for almost 25 years, and you will hej fifth place in the Big Ten with a standing with him in the locker room in Ann monuments he has left as a disappointing 10-8 mark. Arbor in 1947 inches deep in debris from a clogged drain, and legacy," Reynolds said. The sj Senior center Lindsay Hairston and Biggie varsity intercollegiate program, bigger and better intra junior forward Terry was crying unashamedly . Not because Michigan had programs, the new ice arena named for Biggie. . . Furlow were both named to the Associated Press drubbed his team by such a score (55-0), but because first team. The pair led the conference's two All-Big Ten he had to "Concrete and steel? Perhaps. But more than that, all or major individual subject his kids to such conditions. categories — Furlow in scoring with a 21.4 point average and BIGGIE MUNN "He turned to me and said, 'Bob, there will Biggie stood for is Michigan State. And that is dedication to yi Hairston in rebounding with a 11.3 per come a day, I swear, "Isn't that what game mark. there will come a better day.' a great University should stand for? Ana Hairston grabbed the carom title for the second MSU won the mythical national championship in 1952 and the that what Biggie's life was devoted to? Indeed it was. straight year, as he ended his career as the fifth leading Spartan Spartans tied for the 1953 Big Ten title. Munn came scorer ever. roses that up smelling Graduating senior Bill Glover took fifth in conference season as MSU won the coveted Rose Bowl fieldgoal UCLA. 28-22. game over *1 average, fourth in freethrow average and third in assist t average. After catapulting MSU into athletic Furlow was third in free throw prominence with a winning average. The team's shooting mark of .502 in all football program, Munn then undertook the games set a school task of making record. athletics big time at MSU. Ganakas Munn was not concerned was runnerup to Indiana's Bobby Knight in the only with intercollegiate athletics, balloting for the Big Ten Coach of the Year. though. The Men's Intramural Building was built In other season tenure as athletic director and he also during Munn's ending action, MSU's defending 126-pound expanded the facilities for women. The Health, wrestling champ, Pat Milkovich, lost his title to Penn State's John Physical Education and Recreation Dept. also Fritz at the national tournament in Princeton, N.J. The two were grew during Munn's tenure. tied after regulation time in the final match, 5-5, but Fritz won the Forty new tennis courts and nine and 18-holc golf courses were overtime period, 3-1. also built for use by MSU students, faculty and staff. Fritz and Milkovich met at MSU in a battled to a 1-1 tie. Milkovich ended the Spartan heavyweight Larry Avery took sixth in his division. dual meet on Dec. 2 and year with a 14-1-4 mark. weight spartan Stadium gained its original Tartan Turf field Munn. Jenison Fieldhouse and the received new surfaces. A room for the at the stadium. Ralph Young Field also under Varsity Club was also built >i As a team, MSU scored 23'/i MSU's intercollegiate points for 15th place. Iowa won the program, now one of the largest in the title. A total of six Big Ten schools finished in the top 15 in the country, became strong and powerful under Munn. Munn and country. president John Hannah convinced Notre Dame and come to East Michigan to MSU's men's indoor track team recorded I^ansing for home-and-home series. Spartan Stadium its lowest point total ever in a Big Ten indoor meet, as it became a major college stadium as it was scored only 10 points in enlarged to 76,000 seats, finishing in a tie for eighth place. The only two trackmen to score up 25,000 from its capacity when Munn arrived. for the Spartans were Herb MSU's monument to Munn, the new ice arena time of 8:44.8, and Dane Lindsay, who won the two-mile in a was dedicated in named after him, Fortney, who grabbed second in the 1,000 ceremonies last November. walk Despite having to yard run. on crutches with the aid of two Varsity Club members at his Lindsay scored the Spartans' only point at the NCAA meet in side, Munn appeared at the ceremonies and waved his cane to Detroit's Cobo Hall as he finished fifth in the crowd the two-mile. The point - a symbol of his winning attitude in one of his final enabled MSU to retain membership, however, in a select group of public appearances. schools who have scored in each of Munn suffered a severe stroke on Oct. 11 national meets held in 7, 1971, just two days SN photo/D Detroit. before the annual MSU U-M football battle in Spartan Stadium, a Biggie Munn raised his cane to the crowd at the cheered The only others are Michigan and Villanova. game he had worked hard toward and succeeded national television. in getting on ice arena named after him ceremonies last November. during dedication during as a portrait of Munn was the festivities. It was one of nigK u"v^ Nearly 6,000 fans final public appearances. Slate News, East Lansing. Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 17 HITTING PROSPECTS Batsmen wrap up Florida By MIKE LITAKER State News Sports Writer Evans and Todd Hubert. cause Monday night against The two surprises of the trip The pair have each won occupied centerfield before a Florida State by MSU's baseball squad will game in starting roles along turning in spring though have been graduating to go into pro three strong innings of pack up the Florida sun with with some stellar mop-up Tyrone Willingham and Pat football. performances duty while fanning five. today's final game of Miami's in relief. It was Hubert Simpson. who Hitting is something the Simpson has been hitting at Hurricane Twin Tournaments went the distance Willingham, the back-up a in Coral against Spartan batsmen haven't been quarterback the MSU foot¬ .353 clip and is locked in a battle Gables, Fla., against Buffalo to clinch MSU's second- on short on, though. Catcher Rick ball team, raised some for the third base job with Army as the Spartans wrap up place finish in the first round of eye¬ their southern Seid and outfielder Amos brows by coming out for the Randy Pruitt. trip before head¬ the tournament. Hewitt have been ing back to East Lansing. Hubert gave up three first carrying the baseball team this spring. The What has been a turnaround loaded lumber in the Spartan coach Danny Lit- inning runs in the tourney. speedy outfielder was hitting from last spring has been the contest Seid carried a .320 whiler and company settled for average .500 at the end of the first week before shutting the door on the after the first week of the hitting of outfielder A1 Weston. a and is a strong candidate for a Weston has had a slow start at second-place finish behind Bisons the rest of the way in season and had 15 hits host school Miami in the first fashioning a five-hit, 7-3 vic¬ through starting outfield role. the plate after bouncing a few the first 12 games. Hewitt had round of the tournament. The tory. Simpson is the younger grapefruits over the wall dur¬ team had posted a 6-6 driven home 10 runs and Seid brother of Bill Simpson, who record Despite the fine showings by nine. ing his freshman Florida spree. before Tuesday's doubleheader Both hit two round the right-handed trio, the rest with Army. of the Spartan mound trippers. corps has Shortstop Terry Hop Senior right-hander Duane been a little slower in was Bickel has been getting carrying a .370 average impressive in their arms ready for the the early-season Florida with a 2-1 mound record to his trip, lar campaign. Jim Kniivila has been the regu¬ through the action. first week of Outfielder Mike Spartan stickmen credit. Fricke's .304 mark and six RBIs Besides Bickel's en¬ early hard-luck pitching story placed him among the team couraging comeback from a last season's arm injury other so far, dropping two close decisions because of wildness leaders in both departments. Fricke led the team in Hillsdale today bright spots have been the jobs and untimely errors. triples and hit safely in his first three turned in by righties Scott Two of last year's starters MSU's lacrosse team will host Hillsdale College at 3:30 at bats in Monday's 11-3 loss to p.m. who figure today in Spartan Stadium in its first taste of intra-state prominently in this Florida State. season's pitching rotation, Rick competition this season. ( Club SMrtk^ Moore and George Mahan, have Coach Fred Hartman's yet to pitch consistently well in squad goes into the contest with a 2-1 record after opening the season at home MSU's Women's Lacrosse the early going. Moore racked with a 16-7 victory over West Virginia and Club will hold an up a 7-1 record last year in splitting two on the road losing 9-3 to New York organizational MSU's soccer team will hold Tech in Long Island and winning, 14-3, Oberlin meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in gaining a berth on the second- Midwest Lacrosse Assn. game. over College in a the Women's team All-Big Ten squad. a meeting concerning spring Intramural practice at 4 p.m. John Lincoln and Moe Daniel- Thursday. The Spartans have 16 returning lettermen and Building. wicz have been Players should meet are considered All beginners are invited to fighting for a by the by their coach to be strongest in defense and midfield. relief job. Lincoln helped his press box entrance to attend. Spartan The Spartan lacrosse team is aiming for the first winning season Stadium. in its five-year history as a varsity sport at MSU. AP wirephoto I Chuck Wepner talks about his fight with Muhammad Ali Monday night after taking a 15th-round knockout punch from the Cleveland. heavyweight champ in For over 130 years I STATE NEWS SPORTS PHONE Folk we've been using Instrument the word 355,1320 Workshops Equality" in our advertising. Once again, we'd like to tell you what You can learn to play Guitar we mean by it. J °Sign Up no%* Banjo Mandolin Fiddle doK W 355-1913 It. the better H looks- |mk-1iiP»" Sljtc News- East Lansing' Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 I9 "Welcome back students, faculty and staff.' Miss our first edition?! Check the rate column for deadlines. M FRANKLY SPEAKING. .by phil frank | ||¥' TRIUMPH 1970 GT-6. Good . frrfcrt, [ tees i *•« rubber, good condition. With WANTED, RELIABLE babysitter for nine month old overdrive^ o pm. 6-4-111496. 393 7659, after 5pm- Weekdays in infant. 8am to ONE MONTH rent free! bedroom apartments. 6 month 1 COUNTRY FARM house with PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, my home, to barns, acreage, and garden. Has begin immediately. Near South near Michigan Avenue. ■phone 355-8255 Phone 353-9160 campus. lease accepted. 485-3140. 4-3-31 room open for woman. ■47 Student SjrviCM Bldfl. y"iUMPH 1972. SP'TRRE Unvertble and ask for 651-6437. Quiet for student. $55 month ■ automotive Body and motor A-1 Marilyn. 3-3-28 ONE MAN needed four man 3-3-28 plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-3 1 Scooter* t Cydei tires. AM radio.h4'000^'68- Rad'al 882-7703. 5-4-1 EXPERIENCED BICYCLE mech- apartment. $61 month. from campus. Call Nate, 351-4507 14 mile OKEMOS-DOLL house in country, Porti * Service «n.M only. 2-3-27 with room for garden. Partially TWO ROOMS to rent. Grove Apply in person at J Aviation VW 1968, good condition, depen¬ THE WEATHERVANE, 2283 West furnished, 2 bedrooms, carpeted, $175. $100 security deposit. Call Street, graduates preferable. Co¬ i EMPLOYMENT dable transportation. $650 or best Grand River, in Okemos. 2-3-27 EAST SIDE of Lansing - 3 blocks 351-7233, after 3 p.m. 3-3-28 op House. $55 - $75. 351-0969. reasonable offer. ■ for rent 332-3716. 5-4-1 from Sparrow Hospital. Girl 1 Apartments REGISTERED NURSES • full and needed to share house: own MATURE WOMAN to share part time positions room. Call SINGLE ROOMS, 2 blocks from I available on the Kathy Monday - Friday house in country with Houitt afternoon and 8 am - 5 pm. 487-1885 extension communally campus. Paved parking. Utilities midnight shifts in oriented people. 5 miles to MSU, J Roomi motorcycle insurance 'CU-CCU Minimum starting salaries $4.82 per hour 241. 5-4-1 349-4634, after 5:30 p.m. 3-3-28 paid. Cooking and laundry facili¬ ties. $225 per term. 337-2417. ■for sale Lowest rates on cycle plus differ¬ insurance. ential. CHALET APARTMENTS - two 1 Anlmoli f'edler Immediate openings. CO-OP HOUSING for Born 676-2449. 0-1-3-26 insurance Please contact bedroom furnished, immediate Again I Mobil* Home» Lansing General Christian Men. 428 Division, ROOM IN house. Sunny. Nice. Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, occupancy for spring term, one, ■ LOST I FOUND Campus Action. 351-7234 3-3-28 Quiet. Clean. $70+. No lease. B.M W. 1971 R76-5.~ 14,500 miles. Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, exten¬ two, three or four persons. Call ■personal Excellent condition, Windjammer sion 267. Equal Opportunity 332-6197 or 351-2211 5-4-1 MIFFLIN: 3 bedroom, furnished, 485-0505. 3-3-28 ■peanuts personal Employer. 8-4-4 ■ real estate St&T PERSON TO assist MSU AREA: Okemos, room, furnished, air conditioning, one bed¬ carpeted, big yard, screened porch, clean, close, 487-3821. LARGE ROOM, 400 square feet, clean, close to campus. Phone ■recreation handicapped ' and carpeted. Modern. $165, heat 3-3-28 evenings, 351-8154. 5-4-1 72 KAWASAKI 350 attorney part or all weekends. ■service miles. M~F9 3600 484-9657, afte 7 pm. 3-3-28 r CAN ASSURE YOU THERE WIU. included. 349-2580. 10-4-8 Terrific condition, extras NEED ONE, 4 man duplex. Spring FREE ROOM board until April 5. I imtructlon reasonable, 484 2646 3-3-28 TWT1ON and/or summer. $67.50/month. Boarder Sorority. Great atmos¬ WANTED ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed. J Typing - or two days i 10U ATOILET m Fcm KHVJ $75/month. Own bedroom. Call 332-2927 3-3-28 phere, Maribeth, 337-9454. 3-3-28 ■transportation bSvII BMW, vN th# ltre®t Yamaha, " triumph, £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 349-0549. 54-1 FEMALE, OWN ■wanted prices too. 4-3-31 shep's, lower campus. room, close/ FOUR BLOCKS from campus, ■car pool COSMETIC CONSULTANT HASLETT AREA: new luxury 2 _ $70/_month includes $52.10. Available May 1. Kitchen, good community. «*S»w» / Part house, or we full time, no house to ment call ALOE will train. For appoint¬ Apartments l(j) Apartments ^ bedroom - 1 % bath apartment. Fireplace in living room. Over 1100 square feet with deluxe 332-4292. ••RATES" CARE, Lorenz RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS need THREE BEDROOM, just remo¬ MASON BODY SHOP. 812 Chase. 351-4550. 2-3-28 ROOM IN house, close, campus. I 12 word minimum East FEMALE, $68 per month. Close. carpeting and drapes. Gas heat, deled, four minutes to campus. Kalamazoo Street Since two women for Kitchen, 1940. spring term $70.50 Collect, 517-725-5001 or 332-2784, central air. $265/month. Call 372-1336 3-3-28 laundry, . parking Complete per month, close to John Hargett, 487-1231 privileges. Low 332-1918. Jjj auto campus after 6 pm. 3-3-28 rent. NO. DAYS painting and sion service. American and colli¬ L f»' 332-3458. 5-4-1 339-2357 evenings. days, Pets con¬ FIVE BEDROOM house available 3-3-28 Foreign cars. 485-0256. C4-3-31 TV AND FEMALE NEEDED, spring term, sidered. 5-4-1 STEREO RENTALS. ATWOOD EVERETT area. Beauti¬ immediately. 2 baths, furnished, SINGLE, MALE. Walk to campus, $25/term. $10.95/month. Cedar Village Apartments. $70 per parking. East side Lansing. 4 7.80 15.60 AMlRICAN, GERMAN, and" same day delivery and sen/ice. Call Free ful deluxe 2 bedroom unfurnished month. 332-3680. Desperatel CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue - minutes drive. Only $225. cooking. 334 Evergreen Furn¬ FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also apartment. Lots of closets. Full 2-3-27 large 2 bedroom furnished. Single ished. 489-1893 5-4-1 body NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-3-31 carpet, air, kitchen appliances, 372-6853 4-3-31 20% DISCOUNT to students girls or married couple only. $210. and faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW' good location. $170/month plus THREE BEDROOM mobile home, 489-5922. 54-1 EAST LANSING. Male students. GARDEN PLOTS. 25' x 50'. FOUR BEDROOMS. Furnished 13.00 26.00 service parts. lights. Call 393-7934 or 393-6372. furnished, nice, great location, Single rooms. Refrigerator. IMPORT AUTO Ready Mid-May. One mile east of 8-4-4 house. 2 baths, rec-room, close to 13/75 10.00 J6.25 32.50 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Meridian Mall. $11. 371-3033 leave message. Paul, 332-3147. ACME BEDDING CO. MSU. $350. Students welcome. Parking. 332-5791. 3-3-28 Cedar. 486-2047, 351-4676. 3-3-28 3-3-28 EQUITY VEST IMC. 351-8150. 485-9229 JUST COMPLETED one block 49.95 Twin Size DEADLINE Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 4-3-31 SPRING TERM. 2 rooms, each card, from campus, furnished, contem- 54.95 Double Size with free waterbed. Available in c-4-3-31 RAINTREE APARTMENTS. One p.m. one class COMPACT REFRIGERATORS"- ' porary living at its best. 1 or 2 new duplex $70 month. I before publication. T.V.'s. Term bedroom, unfurnished, carpet and 405 Ch«rry at WANTED: ONE male roommate All rates. Free delivery person apartments. REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines DORM RENTALS 372-1795. Leasing for drapes, pool, balcony. $180/ for house on Virginia Street. Rent kitchen appliances and fully fur¬ guaranteed 5-4-1 immediate occupancy < starting month. MSU close. nished. Near Lake Lansing. as low as $175 ex¬ 351-9306. negotiable. 351-9270. 3-3-28 fall term. One 2 bedroom avail¬ 339-2463. 5-4-1 change. Free towing available - GARAGE SPACE for able spring only. One 2 bedroom 5-4-1 local areas. Installation as low rent one as block from campus. $15/month. NEED MAN for 3 man, need bed, DUPLEX FOR rent 3 bedrooms,- $35. Check our available spring and summer. MEN- CLEAN repair prices and Call 351-7044, after six. CAPITAL AREA - Students share $72 + utilities. furnished. Off Beech Street. quiet rooms, Knob Hill, REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO 3-3-28 Efficiency $150-$ 160. 2 bedroom furnished 2 bedroom apartment. 349-3722 before 10:15 am after Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-8 cooking, close to MSU. Phone icead is ordered it cannot $200-$230. 6pm-7 pm. Monday - 339-8877 or 484-0622. 54-1 351-8563 485-8836 20-4-22 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 11:15 pm. 3-3-28 or I cancelled or changed Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Mas¬ REFRIGERATORS Friday, 234 Center Street. SINGLE PERSON to share expen¬ Rent them at AC&E 351-1177 or 351-6088. 5-4-1 r after first insertion, tercharge and Bank Americard. RENTAL, FANTASTIC OFFER. Married UNIVERSITY TERRACE, spacious ses in house, 651-5890. 601 West SUMMER SINGLES no doubles. 1790 Grand River, Okemos. is ordered b couple. Sublet 1 bedroom apart¬ two bedroom apartment, sublease Grand River, Laingsburg. 3-3-28 Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, C-4-3-31 Phone 349-2220. $18 per term. : days before ment, spring. Completely furn¬ across from campus. TV, lounge, parking, very close. Deposit refunded on return. 5-4-1 $250. YES f Iwpleyaat Iff?) per ... two apartment! |ohn« ished, furniture, dishes, piano, telephone, etc. $100. 3555842. 351-1971. 3-3-28 OWN ROOM in friendly house. Lansing, east side. $65/month. $65 and up. 337-9452. 4-3-31 MALE STUDENT, Apartments 54-1 HUGE TWO bedroom apartment After 5 pm, 485-0335. 3-3-28 Private en¬ FEMALE, PART - time recep¬ And balconies too. in Okemos. $185. Furnished. trance, bath, telephone, refriger tionist in Doctor's office. OWN ROOM, 3 man MALE STUDENTS ROOM WITH private e ator, limited cooking 607 Walking duplex, - furnished, Immediate occupancy. Call Kiptwg distance to campus. Call 332-5055 modern, near Frandor. Call Tom, RIVER'S & two rooms, bath. First floor, 485-1945. Call after April 1st. its Personal ads must 3556540 before 5. 349-2976 after exchange for babysitting. ipaid. for interview. 5-4-1 353-7289/489-0437. 3-3-28 WATER'S EDGE parking, one term or longer. 4-9 5. 54-1 372-1727, call after 3 pm. 3-3-28 pm only. 485-3817. 1-3-26. (e State News will ISLAND HOUSE and Lakeview SHARE WITH grad. Free air. Apartments WOMAN NEEDED to sublet apart¬ WANTED, QUIET person to share MALE ONLY. In home with father be and three sons. Near Bogue. Hotels on Mackinac Island are Neat. Quiet some classical FEMALE, OWN room, close ment spring term. Near house in Lansing with 2 males. nsible only for the first — (next to Cedor Village) campus. 351-8800. C-3-3-28 seeking summer employees. Jobs music. Two males $70 each, own campus, furnished new duplex, Pool. Lesley, 332-6521. 3-3-28 Call 485-7594 evenings. 54-1 to incorrect insertion. available room $110, $80 plus utilities. 351-3852. 1-3-26 are maids, kitchen, John, 351-1182, Now leasing ROOM Jsa-e due 7 days from the ©ration date. If not service and sales. Interviews will be held April 2,3 or contact Mr. 353-2971. 1-3-26 332-4432 DISCOUNT. 731 Burcham [_ Houses SUBLEASE TILL September. 2 bedroom, new shag, $185. 513 Profit person." AVAILABLE Lawrence Hospital area, $60, St. "Non- Nowlin, 1-313-698-2043. 7-4-3 ONE WOMAN needed, spring. Apartments. One man needed for 4 BEDROOM duplex for Regent, 487-8632, evenings. 371-5645 kdty the due date, a 501 2 man. $100. 1-313-f spring, evenings. 5-4-1 Spacious, quiet, 2 woman. One summer or fall. 337-1862, noon or 3-3-28 ■ service charge will be GIRL NEEDED immediately for bedroom, $90 per month. GIRL DESPERATELY needed. 54-1 58 pm. 54-1 337- Cedar Village 4 woman. ONE OR two bedroom apartment, MALE OR female room and board phone work and light office duties, 9629, soon. 3-3-28 Spring term. Call 337-7577. 54-1 $275 per term. Ellsworth Co-op 5-9 pm. $2.50 starting, with 131 BEAL, three bedroom, garden, newly redecorated, furnished, paid Yes .We have utilities, seven minutes away. 332-3574 3-3-28 unlimited advancement. For inter¬ garage, $280, available now, call HAiSTEAD .. peine J1'00 IS :«j view, 10-4 pm. Mrs. Blanding, 394-0020, 3-3-28 MANAGEMENT CO. ONE MALE wanted to sublease four man apartment. $68.75/ location! 337-1447 after 5 pm. 54-1 372-1336. 3-3-28 ONE spring. NEEDED Own for house for $50 plus 1973. 34,000 miles. month. Free bus to campus. HUNTER PARK - East side. 3 room. ■Ws tires. AM/FM 8 treck 349-2821. 54-1 utilities. Call 351-2107. 5-4-1 COUNSELORS WANTED FOR RIVER'S and WATER'S carpeted bedrooms, partially fur¬ To 393-0605 5-4-1 CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS nished, TV, 2 refrigerators, stove, GIRL FOR large two bedroom EDGE Apartments NEEDED: MALE roommate, share FALL: SINGLES or doubles. AND CAMPUS COBBOSSEE hardwood interior, immediate. l*R0 1969. AM/FM, new FOR BOYS. apartment, share room, $70/ $225. 3714916. 54-1 3 bedroom, furnished house. $67 Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, Require men and TV, lounge, parking, very close. > radials. exhaust, battery, month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. plus 1/3 utilities. 487-9328. 3-3-28 women highly skilled in camp ONE GIRL needed. $80 and up. 337-9452. 4-3-31 *"0. 356-0739. Spring and 10-4-8 NEAR FRANDOR. Own activities, at least 21 years of age, room. summer. Close to campus. Furnished. FIVE GREAT Student houses. 4-6 with previous camp counseling Carpeted. Lots of WALKING DISTANCE TO MSU $57.50/month. 351-2643. 3-3-28 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS room. $55. 372-7524, John. bedrooms. Nicely furnished; experience. Camps are located in NOW LEASING Furnished rooms starting at $80, BEL- AIRE, 1965 clean HASLETT 3-3-28 fireplace, parking. Very close. Maine. Girl's camp needs sail, includes utilities. EQUITY VEST PtoHe must sell, $325 or best AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY one Short on Cash? Maybe we can $440 $500, plus utilities. June swim, (WSI) golf, scuba, riflery, - 332-4432 - - INC. 351-8150. 4-3-31 and two bedroom apartments, work June lease. 372-6853. 4-3-31 | ^one 339-3134 after 6 pm. tennis, ski, canoe, arts-crafts, something out. One bed¬ TWO ROOMS, nice house, $65 secretaries. Boy's camp needs: luxury at a modest price. For room apartments with shag car¬ per month including utilities. 1 GIRL NEEDED for 2 information call Joe peting, drapes and appliances. MOUNT HOPE. Unfurnished, 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED bedroom swim (WSI) tennis, riflery, shop, Miller, 487-6347, early evenings. 3-3-28 in¬ 332-4240. 5-4-1 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 mobile home. $70 a month Spider Convertible. ski, sail, golf, scuba, trampoline. garage, fireplace. $185 deposit. cluding utilities. $300'month. 607 plus "I minutes from MSU. Located at Call 3551120. 3-3-28 North Francis. Phone 332-2785. utilites. Brenda, 332-0743. 5-4-1 condition. 487-6947. Married couples accepted. Write EXTREMELY CLOSE. Room and CEDAR VILLAGE. Male to sub¬ 6076 Marsh Road, just north of board available for women. 3-3-28 full details to camp office, 225 East QUIET AND clean place for lease spring term. Call Mike at Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager HUGE PRIVATE room in two-man Comfortable 57 Street New York, New York house, friendly student, private entrance, close to - 3 '972, Sedan. 28,000 10022 5-4-1 351-2023, afternoons. 3-3-28 339-8192 or EAST LANSING No lease. Reasonable. Immedi¬ atmosphere. 332-8835 or 337-9706 Call 485-5713. 3-3-28 campus, 337-2655. 54-1 |*.0R ve^9«30 mpg. BEST AM/FM. FALL '75' - Spring '76'. Apart¬ REALTY, 332-4128. 26-56 ate. OFFER. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, per WOMEN TO share double in ONE BEDROOM { 3-3-28 manent position available ment in Cedar Village for next PENNSYLVANIA South. Furnished, 1 bedroom. AVENUE, apartment. Walking distance to MSU. Stove OWN ROOM. Share 3 bedroom OWN ROOM in house, East side, house. $81.00 per month. large No year. Two males needed. Call house with 2 guys. Lake Lansing immediate 81. V-8 Flat-Head, runa Superior typing, shorthand, and Mike, 351-2023. 2-3-27 Utilities paid. and refrigerator, $140. Includes occupancy. 329 utilities, 2 blocks from MSU $150/month plus Road in East Lansing. $60/month Clemens. 482-8204 5-4-1 ■ }°od snow tires. ability to work with figures re¬ deposit. Phone 627-5454. 74-3 utilities. EQUITY VEST INC, 337-2036 5-4-1 666-1511. plus utilities. 332-6607. 3-3-28 quired. Some college preferred. 351-8150. 4-3-31 Need 1 Girl for Full benefits. $600 to start. Apply in person at 3308 South Cedar, ONE BEDROOM furnished, all NEAR FRANDOR. 2 bedroom. CROSSWORD I'®. CJ5 New transmia- 4 Man apartment utilities paid, close to campus. MINUTES TO MSU. One bed¬ Range and refrigerator. One car ^ 5-4.shocks, •4, j $925. Call Suite 11. Lansing. 7-4-3 Spring Term $175/month. Call 6553728 after 5. 204-22 room apartments. 6 month lease. 351-0866,489-6561. 4-3-31 garage, basement, $160 plus utili¬ ties. 489-4508, after 5 p.m. 3-3-28 across PUZZLE 21. Masonic WAITRESSES WANTED daytime Next to Campus I. Horsefly larva doorkeeper ■J6 1974 standard, green only for businessman's lunch in the lounge at THE BREWERY. 332-4432 MALE ROOMMATE needed 4. Degree of 22 Length V ■ ,4>000 ,rinLAM'rust proofed. miles. ""880. B-2-3-27 $2475 Apply in person after 3 pm. 5-4-1 TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished immediately, apartment air own room luxury conditioning, dish¬ washer, disposal, etc. Two blocks DON'T WAIT progress Turkish chamber 24. Apprehend 27 again Winged CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. No 124 Cedar Street, UNTIL THEY'RE apartments: from campus. 351-1892. 1-3-26 II. Needle-shaped 28. Shipworm waiting in line. Call 351-3622. |®[S 220D 1969, $2100. 8 4-4 $177,; 129 Burcham, $147,; Kedzie Drive. Year leases only. 135 AVAILABLE SRING term two 13. Steep 14. Pert, to a 32 Weathercock 33. That thing lfi!oLrad,° m8nual Starting June or September. Heat furnished. 135 Kedzie. ALL GONE... man ■»' 9304 353-9340. 7-4-3 CLEANING FOR 2 hours a day. included. Damage deposit, call 482 2937, 351 2400, 882-2316. spanking 15. Converged 34. Thebes deity 35. Unsorted Monday Friday mornings. $25, 8-5, 351-2402, 6-10 pm, 882-2316. |'S ,97° No rust - from I» 37,000 miles. must - have transportation. 0-4-3-31 10-4-8 16. Bib. kingdom 17. Myself Indian flour 36. Torpid 332 8459. 3-3-28 ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom. Near C«II 349-3530 18. Napoleonic •• iIh !9 starter. New , OWN ROOM available imme¬ downtown. Carpeted, appliances, To reserve your apartment victory 38. Solidify 39 Merchant ■ lo,„ Must see end CAREER POSITION FOR college diately. Furnished, pool, air condi¬ utilities, furnished. $150 per for summer and fall 19. Greet 40. S-shaped curve i;t:r graduate with finance banking or business credentials. 3 year sales tioning, $92.50/month includes utilities. 337-2508, after 6. 2-3-27 month plus deposit. Call 487-2407 after 6 pm. 3-3-28 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. z 3 * % • 8 % 9 - and sales management training T wii197,1 needs routine NEED FEMALE, block from SUBLET SPRING, $140°° Kn J "cnfice $1200. program. Salary commensurate one summer. 1-2- " a 13 \ 5 332-5236 with background. Contact Mr. Brye, Prudential, 482 0853.4 3-31 campus. Spacious apartment, rent reasonable! Call 351 1306. 3-3-28 bedroom. Beal Street. month's rent. 351 1799. 8-4-4 Free % IS 1 16 17 % 18 BEDROOM apartments 1 MONTH'S RENT FREE 5o 21 •■org* 1250 Oak ridge, E. Lansing, on* bedroom apartments In Furnished 1 Bedroom $165 Apartments Unfurnished (150 G4MPUS HILL % 2S y> i> a modem, quiet building 600 River St. 7 Minutes to MSU. - off Kalamazoo in All utilities except Lansing 47 % is 'f/, % J? 3o 3i ta. '175 electricity paid. 32 y ». R«i Mgr. hi-tom Res. Mgr. 485-9223 * Month Lease Available 35 % % 57 349-3530 fe Viler Co. [B Walter Neller Co. Property MtuiMRcnit nl IH'iM. _ , QJ •CENTRAL AIR COND. FREE BUS SERVICE. FREE BUS SERVICE- FREE BUS S£RVKE~ 56 % 4$ Ll-u. " h* "' Drpt Equal Opportunity Paul Gentiloui 419-6561 Equal Opportunity l»c ; K^'i 419-6561 Housing Housing : Hi ASK ABOUT OUR SPKCtAL FALL RATES Ya 20xl ichigan StatiTNews, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1915 Rooms \\P [ Fir Sail ~)(5) f~Ft Silt )[$) I »'»< Ml Lettuce boycott issue not settled by trustees' TWO TO share room in house. Close to campus. Spring, summer 351 4829 X 2 3/27 SONY warranty, TC 270R.R $380, 332 5030. Mark, Larry. 1-3-26 Now New, full $280. LADY'S bicycle, like SCHWINN new, five speed cell 332-0624. OKEMOS room, 2 - BRIARWOOD, 3 bed¬ bath, 1700 square foot leentinaed from page 1) Carrigan said that the signatona of students, but reject 2-3-28 ranch. Less than 1 year old. The tie votes represent two trustees should make this testimony from the presidents "uaent Vou- OWN ROOM, kitchen, parking, SALE- SELLING out Head items. Professional landscaping Backs coalitions of trustees. The decision because the current of the Residence Hall furnished. One block from cam¬ pus. $80/month. 332-4768, Cheap at THE DAY BEFORE ; Animals V up to the park. 349-2020. 5-4-1 liberals who support either a policy supports the Teamsters. student Assn. and body and other student FOREVER. 254 West Grand River, IRISH SETTER pups, AKC regis¬ "We are currently operating 351 6652 3 3-28 boycott imposed by the organisations," Bruff said. J1* board's next to Arby's. Open 12 to 6. tered. $75 to $100. Phone RicrutiM trustees or a University-wide under a policy which allows us c«me u i v, SINGLE ROOM, private entrance, 371-3704. 3-3-28 student referendum are to purchase 85 per cent of our The student ®UrPrise DUPLICATE BRIDGE boycott com parking Shown 3-28,29,30. 10 to BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. AT STUD Regional Stevens. Patricia Carrigan. D- lettuce from Teamsters," mittee collected 9,000 - Black Eagle, purebred Masterpoints, student 4 253 V? Gunson. 3-3-28 French built light weight touring Arabian Stallion, Grey, call Kris, Wednesday 3 26 Farmington Hills, Blanche Carrigan said. signatures on petitions support 7:15 pm Second floor MSU Union. MOBILE HOME to share, female, bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. 676-2277. 5-4-1 All duplicate bridge players Martin. D-East Lansing, and Bruff agreed with Carrigan ing the boycott in the two Ctr"gw Slid that Save on top quality handmade welcome. 1-3-26 John Bruff, D-Fraser. The and said students support a weeks following the one mile from campus. $77/ bikes. 645-2127. 3-3-28 trustees month. Call 332-8485, after 6 p.m. LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups. AKC Sired by AKC conservative view is repre¬ boycott. February meeting and the end .Huff noted afUrthe Champion. sented by Warren Huff. "Not only do we have what is of winter term. 3-3-28 Blacks-yellows. 337-1486. W-1 L Smlct |(^j D Plymouth, Raymond Kroli purported to be 9,000 "I have no objection to a t get toget SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Board kowski, D Birmingham, policy." at Triangle Fraternity. 3563 for more Call 332- information. 3-3-28 Gibsons Mobile Homos LEISURE LIVING at Melrose » EDITING, PROOFREADING, perienced. Dissertations theses, book and article manuscripts. ex¬ Aubrey Radcliffe. R Lansing, and Jack Stack, R-Alma. BOOKSALI Mobile Home Park, 10 miles from Anne Cautey. 337- Martin and Huff both think Witnesses give MSU boar EAST LANSING, male, close to MSU, on beautiful Moon Lake, 1591. 2-3-27 the issue will come before the Union. Call 332-0205, 443 Grove Street 3 3-28 Loads of paper and lots for 30'-70' trailers. trustees again. Students with family travel trailers FOR THE BEST Service At the meeting the argument and hardbacks on Stereo Equipment see the STEREO centered around whether it is views on UFW welcome. Immediate occupancy. MSU, 2 blocks, room in 3 bed¬ Text and 675-7212. 54-1 SHOPPE, 566 East Grand River the trustees role to unilaterally controversy room apartment. $100, furnished, utilities. 337-9927 3-3-28 . Reference C-3-3-28 impose a boycott on MSU. 1973 MOBILE Home. 12x60, two "I am concerned that in For Sale We buy books anytime bedroom, immediate possession. PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, making - finest quality, a moral judgment and By JUNE DELANO Conference, the Michigan AFL 128 W.Grand River Holt area. Excellent condition, reasonably priced. then inflicting that moral judg¬ State News Staff Writer CIO, the Communication Work LARGE SELECTION OF frames •. $6800 Call Sonny, 372-2006. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. lbl.W. of Union ment on the student body this Two dozen witnesses in six of America, the MSU glasses for everyone OPTICAL 5-4-1 482-6712., C-3-3-28' ers that the board sets a bad precedent," hours of testimony tried to DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, thru Frl. f Krolikowski said. "It is making Residence Hall Assn. and situation simple jurisdictionalA w Lansing. 372-7409. C-4-3-31 9:00-5:30 [ PARKWOOD 10x50 unfurnished. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTING a moral clarify the United Farm Work ASMSU. tween labor uni Gas heat, air conditioned, skirted, anytime from noon to midnight. judgment outside its ers - Teamsters Union contro¬ A representative of the MSU GIBSON SG Deluxe guitar and CASH. the Teamster and utilities shed, 351-0917. 54-1 constitutional responsibility. versy for the MSU Board of co... Gibson Skylark amp. $225 both. CASH for your My home or yours. 349-3353. Boycott Committee presented «ve "I question the Trustees last week. agreement « Al, 355-3584 5-4-1 camera equipment, stereo com¬ 64-1 propriety of the board with 9,000 signatures h*ye been ponents, TV's, camping equip¬ STONEGATE MOBILE Home the board using this institution The trustees are under illegal pres¬ collected on campus in support ment, bicycles, scuba gear, jewel¬ Community. 10 minutes to MSU - REWRITING, RESEARCH, Editing as a pawn in labor disputes in sure from students and of industries. LENSES FOR Pentax - wide angle, Mobile home sites faculty a University boycott. • ry. guitar and musical equipment, for rent. Experienced. Theses, term California," he said. to initiate a new Inclusion of farm Fisheye and Takumar 135mm, 393-1850 54-1 , purchasing Spokesmen for the Teamsters under the antiques. WE MAKE TRADES. papers, professional. $1.2&psg« - Stack and Huff also felt the policy for grapes, lettuce and NlRA w« prices flexible. 4€9 7257. 3-3-28 and Gallo Wine declined WILCOXSECONDHAND STORE, up 332 8498. 64-1 to cial provisions trustees should not impose a wine in support of the United attend the hearing, would: HOLT: 1972 Royal Couchman SPRING TERM bicycles - We have 509 East Michigan, Lansing. 485- boycott. Huff noted that this Farm Workers (UFW) explaining them of their right 4391 (C-4-3-31 12x65 with 8x14 expando on boycott by letter that they had other used ten speeds from $40. Also livingroom. 2 bedroom, listnctiii decision involved a moral issue of non UFW produce. during harvests, »i- one bath, commitments. The Teamsters proacribes tapes albums, TVs, radios, washer dryer Extras! 694-9278 and that the board had no Supporters of the UFW posi a 90 day 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. submitted written material to period before strikc camping equipment, stereos, 54-1 GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum business making such a moral tion included official small appliances, leather coats, Tanks, cannisters and uprights. spokesmen the board. longest harvest Guaranteed one full year $7.88 lessons. Private instruction avail¬ decision for the student body. for the United Auto Workers, cameras and even more. Used able. Both men support s student Supportefs of the UFW boy days. and up DENNIS DISTRIBUTING NEAT MOBILE home, 12x60, on MARSHALL MUSIC, the Ingham County Democratic golf club starter sets from $20 cott, the large majority of the • The COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, lot in Holt, easy driving distance to 361-7830. C-1-3-26 referendum. a Come on down to DICKER AND party, the Michigan Catholic witnesses, reiterated the Opposite City Market. C-2-3-27 MSU. Reduced in price. Call fol¬ attempt to force grow DEAL. 1701 South Cedar, lowing points in addition free and 487 3886 4-3-31 SEWING MACHINE Clearance 393 9654 or 485-6160, WESTRIN REAL ESTATE. 2-3-27 I Wu Sink* B formal endorsements of the to secret gardless of their out- elect1 HANDMADE STAINED glass ter- Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, bycott: not an endorsement of $5 per month. IRENE ORR - Theses. Term • Agricultural wortters rariums. Hanging and table Large selection of are per se. designs. Reasonably priced. Craig 332-8536 3-3-28 reconditioned used Singers. Whites, Necchi's, New Home and "many others." $19.95 machines. lost i FiiWJU papers, general typing. Formerly with Ann Brown. Call 482-7487. C-4-3-31 excluded from the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), Speakers against1 port of the boycott - FIND SOMETHING which makes secret ballot elect spokesman from the to $39 95. Terms. EDWARDS SPINET PIANO with bench, ex¬ If you've found a tions mandatory for most Amer¬ pet or article of EXPERIENCED, Farm Bureau and t' cellent condiiton, Howard, $675 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 value, we want to TYPING term ican workers. North help you return papers, theses, etc. Therefore, an ers. All were conce- Call»4 3730 or 373-2426 5-4-1 Washington, 489-6448 it. Just come into the State Rapid, accur¬ News ate service. 394-2512. c-4-3-31 Announcements for It's What's employer of agricultural work¬ MSU boycott of C-2-3-27' Classified Department and tell us A World Hunger Happening must be received in the Symposium is ers can chooee a union for his grapes now CONGA AND stand for sale. Good you want to place an ad in EAST being planned for mid-May. might shape $70 call 372 7058 after 6. INFLATE-A BED LANSING STATE BANK'S Found EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ State News office 341 Student employes without their consent boycotts of other pn Persons concerned about world¬ 3 :• :s Spare bedroom in a bag. Air coil Column. As a public service EAST sertations (pica - elite) FAYANN, Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. st least and enter into what is commonly future. They construction. 489-0358. C-4-3-31 wide starvation, over quest Permanent bed- two class days before publication. consumption called a "sweetheart contract." LANSING STATE BANK will run in America, fasting, nutrition, etc. validity of testimony Cash for overnight guest. Campers - tent- the ad at no cost to you! No announcements will be THESES, RESUMES, are invited to a planning aession at supporters and asked STAMPS & COINS vans-lounging - resorts - trailers - EAST LANSING typing and accepted by phone. • In 1970, the UFW organized to thoroughly research 5 p.m. at United Ministries, 1118 sunbathing or doze across a lake STATE BANK printing. Reasonable prices. California vineyard workers Buy - Sell -Trade surface. Will not wash off or fade. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 361- S. Harrison Road. before making a deci: Start the term off right. Come and signed contracts full line of supplies One year guarantee. Three sizes: C-4-3-31 4116. C-4-3-31 out to Gay Liberation's Easter covering Considerable debit A visiting Russian scientist, Dr. 80 per cent of them. Lettuce MID-MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Twin $46.95: dance at 9 p.m. Friday in the the hearing centered Double-$53.95; Lev, will give a seminar entitled growers, afraid their Queen $63.95. Available in COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Unitarian Church, 866 Grove St. employees ther MSU's current » Hasleu Rd. 332-4300 - red, avocado green and black. bright Persoial / resume service. "Possible Influence of Ionic Com¬ would be organized by the Printing, IBM position on the Structure of militant union, signed sweet¬ buying only union' Sales bv GRAND DISTRIBUTING, typing, binding, RALEIGH "COMPETITION, Printing from grapes, which r mens, 211 North Bridge Street, Grand FREE A lesson in complexion Bilayer Lipid Membrane*" st 4 heart contracts with the Team¬ black, 25" ten speed, new in care. Call 484-4519 fast Michigan p.m. today in 138 Chemistry Bldg. chasing 85 per cent Ledge, Michigan. 627-4444. sters Union. ■ " ,f December, used very little, must Show or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE Jones produce, is a neutral sell. $225 or best offer room open Monday - Stationery Shop, 9-5 Mon¬ Start the term off When the vineyard contracts and whether or not Call Saturday 10-6: Friday till 9 pm. As NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. day rightl Join The MSU Soaring Club will 353-5111 9 - Friday. Call COPYGRAPH ran out in 1973, the grape to 5 485-9986 after 5 MSU Promenaders for square, meet st 7:30 haa the right to mike seen m Better Homes and Gardens C-2-3-27 SERVICES, 337-1666. C4-3-31 tonight in 203 Men's 3-3-28 folk, and round dancing at 7 Intrsmursl Bldg growers also signed sweetheart decision and impose ' and Playboy. 54-1 A movie on BOARD EXAM TUTORING tonight in 34 Women's Intramural contracts with the Teamsters. ANN BROWN typing and multilith cross-country soaring as well as a student body. CALCULATORS T.I. SR-50. only NEW JBL100 Speakers. Full STANLEY H. KAPLAN offset printing. Complete service Bldg. Everyone is general introduction to aoaring will $99 95: T.I. SR-51 only $185 95. be given. warranty. $600, Now $475/pair. TUTORING COURSES for dissertations, theses, manu¬ New members and New with full warranty. Send 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 1-3-26 Now being formed for the Sailing Club will meet at 7:30 power pilots welcome. scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 bank check or COLLEGE CALCULATORS, P.O. money order to Box 367 Amherst, Massachusetts NEW TEAC 360S Cassette. Full warranty. $380. Now $310. coming MCAT, DAT, ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For information call 1-313-354-0086. LSAT, up¬ years experiences. 349-0860. C-4-3-31 tonight in 208 Men's Intramural Bldg. for all old members to organize a membership drive and King's death shocks w 01002. Add $2 for 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 1-3-26 to vote on the postage 0-1-3-26 .TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast racing team budget. handling. Full price list $1. Allow and Reasonable. Please attend. Your ideas are The MSU Tai Chi Club will meet si) 14 days for delivery. Call 1-413- NEW DUAL 601 Turntable, $270. 371-4636. Riyadh in the past - at 5 p.m. every Tuesday and at desert country. 549-1316 evenings for further in¬ Now $200. APPLICATIONS FOR Student C-4-3-31 5:30 p.m. Thursdays in the Union that Khaled had si Full warranty. formation. SAVE THIS AD'" 332-5030. Larry, Mark. 1-3-26 Media Appropriations Board Volunteers are needed in an Tower Room. Beginners accepted Though a friend of interest in succeeding 1-3-26 Funds for spring term are avail¬ TYPING BY the hour. Drop - off after school recreation Americana, he led the Arab oil These sources add service. Secretarial assistance. program in during the first two weeks of the NEW PIONEER 1010 recevier. able in room 334 Student Services Lansing elementary schools. If term only. boycott againat the United Khaled was named cro GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of Completed applications are due by 694-0222. 54-1 States and other Western na¬ Full Warranty $700. Now $575. you are interested, please come to — or next in line for t" all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 1-3-26 the tenth day of classes. 5-4-1 an orientation The tions that supported Israel in TYPING meeting at 7:30 Campus Hostel Club will — because he was Far BEST BLOCK campus. tonight in 6 Student Services the 1973 Middle East war. year round prices in plan its cycling and hiking activi¬ brother and it was Southern Theses, term papers, manuscripts. Michigan. BOB'S GUN STEREOS 20 - 30% off Lowest Far, accurate, reasonable. Elec¬ Bldg. or contact Tony at the ties for April at 8 tonight in the Saudi Arabia is one of the key dangerous to skip him SHOP, 2412 South Cedar Price in Town. Full Volunteer Bureau. fifth floor northeast members of the Organisation of 371 2244. 0-4-3-31 Warranty. tric. 332-8498. 54-1 lounge of Fahd. 332-5030. Mark, Larry. 7-4-3 Volunteer McDonel Hall. Come and help Petroleum Exporting Countries transportation re¬ While Prince Fahd sumes Monday. Please plan activities that you want. sign up for (OPEC) and Faisal's death could given diplomatic and Wiatitf spring term as soon as possible In come as a severe 27 Student Services Bldg. Trans¬ Free University announces free jolt to the mental chores by classes and events. cartel, which is close to s critical Khaled's duties were portation for Lansing schools People inter¬ IRONINGS TOUCH UPS wel¬ ested in information dissemination situation because of a glut of oil to ceremonial functkr - begins April 7. SMAB 50£ tax refunds can be come. Guaranteed perfect. Minor should come to our office on the on the world market. But whatever hap" picked up in 334 St. Services the repairs and buttons free. 882-1962 Volunteer tutors and classroom first floor of tho Union. Om Faisal's successor, Prince matic sources said, first ten days of classes. 5-4-1 aides Shantil Khaled, named in Bring are needed for Otto Junior was a hurried likely that either wills your fee receipt card. 54-1 High School students. Contact meeting of five senior princes in the course set by Ft Mark Giffels at the Volunteer The Uncoupled Club is having a the ASMSU 50c Riyadh royal paliaee after backing for the Anb tax refunds can be Bureau. special Taco Party for all single the picked up in 334 St. Services the adults at 7 tonight in the Sher shooting. against Israel and i mi first ten days of classes. There will be a Penance Service wood Forests Clubhouse on Canal Their rapid choice of Khaled the - road stance on * Bring at 7:30 tonight at St. John's quelled speculation that the your fee receipt card. 5-4-1 Road aouth of Saginaw Street. Student Center East on Hagadorn throne would go to Prince Fahd, Road. The Holy Thursday services King mou MOUNTAIN RECREATION AND Social Work who wielded considerable influ¬ are at 6:30 p.m. at St. John's Undergrads: There Science: Colorado East will be a meeting at 8 tonight at ence as interior minister and State and at 9 p.m. at St. John'a on University's summer program for 555 Baker St. We need your personal M.A.C. Avenue. emissary of Faisal on science and non-science students support. several (continued from offers wide variety of non-tech- important diplomatic The missions abroad. In Washington, nical, Gay Liberation will hold a The Assn. for Shared Childbirth interdisciplinary science- Khaled ia expected to rely related courses combined with WANTED, BABY Sittirvj in my Social evening at 8 tonight in 33 will be presenting a free Ford called Faisal home, Union. ahowing heavily on his younger brother, long weekends of white-water own transport at .on, irre¬ of the film "The Story of Eric" at friend" and gular daytime hours references. and many predict that Fahd will river trips, 7:30 tonight in the East achieved so much for backpacking, camping, summit ascents in the Colorado Rockies. June 16 July 18. For - 486-2171 54-1 fsbm Driving jfcj Public Library An instructor will be available to answer Lanaing questions be the real power behind the Saudi throne. and those of the A and Islam and wh; brochure write: FROM GRAND Rapids to Lansing. afterward and refreshments will be Khaled haa been plagued by M.R.S. Box 6, RIDE TO Eaton Rapida, after¬ and stature earned t Physics Department, C.S.U. Fort Leaving 7:46 am, returning 2 pm. served. ill health. He underwent noons, 2:30 p.m. or later. Call open of the entire world. Collina, Colorado 80523. 3-3-28 663-8375. 616-243-0415 after 2 pm. 3-3-28 heart surgery at a clinic in C-4-3-31 Secretary of St» The Company announcea Cleveland, Ohio, several years Kissinger said Faisal —.arid now We Want To Help You Do Someone A Favor. [ Driving ]fc>] auditions for Peter Weiss's Marat/ Sade tonight, tomorrow and Fri¬ open ago and palace intimates say he has spent more time on falconry greatly because ofhis"wiK missed" pJ jjM the next move! day. For information, contact Bill and camel in Middle East peace FROM LANSING to Jackaon. racing than grooming Leaving 7:16 Smith, Holmes Hall, or see the ad himself for the succession. British Foreign ■ am, returning 6 pm. in this paper. 394-1619 after 6 pm. 3-3-28 Fahd, on the other hand, haa James Callaghan » displayed great interest in af¬ had lost "a good men You've found FROM EAST Lansing Anyone interested in women's fairs of state. your apartment now for the to Ann lacrosse? There will be a Last year he but stressed it was t Arbor every week. meeting furnishings' Leaving Friday at 4 p.m. represented Faisal in Waahing forecast the conseq pm or Saturday am, returning Thursday in the fencing ton to negotiate a massive room of the Women'a Faisal's desth. If your Wednesday pm. 351-5620. 3-3-28 Intramural budget is limited, and whose isn't these Building. military and economic pact The Arab w days, between Saudi Arabia and the your next best move is to read the advertisements in mourning, with ^ the Classified pages of your newspaper. That's where you'll find many bargain buys in furniture, appliances, ATTENTION GOLFERS! United States. He also figured in some highly ing meetings »nd functions. Jordsnj'; lamps ... all the things you need to Shag balls $1.50 $2.40 ■ per dozen publicized adventures with Minister ZsidAIRif* make your apartment the homey place you intend it Plastic practice balls only • gambling and women, most chairman of * cU to be1 So we will continue handling the cott of FOUND adt In the Stale News. Just drop Into the State Newt Cknlfkd 8/$1.00 recently in Monte Carlo where foreign ministers Shouldn't Dept., he was reported to have lost $« you be reading those ads right now? 34 7 Student Services, and have Ihept write up a FOUND ad Cairo, suspended tne for you. We'll continue to take care of the cost. million at the tables. denounced the assas Radio Riyadh said Khaled a "this criminal «t. »; STATE NEWS A Tennis racked • $9.95 and Tennis balk, popular brands can up ascension wa« unanimously ap¬ proved by all the Saudi royal ministers would "grant Fai»l all p£' Continuing Public Service of family. Defense Minister Prince preserve his kingd ■ Classified Ads East Lansing State Bank of 3, $2.89 and Abo badminton birdies in stock up Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz allegiance on behalf of all pledged harm." Pedestrians in be . _J branches of the armed forces transistor radios in 355-8255 Larry Cushion "beseeching Allah to make you to keep up with the "Your Hometown Bank" Sporting Goods PM -'«? the best successor for the great others telephoned 3020 VINE STREET cies to follow re Saudi and foreign sources in Riyadh. the Saudi« Ligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March 26, 1975 Tlckots Now on Solo for THE SMALL SOCIETY Passport and Chick Coroa by Bfickman Sponsored by: ■ Video Everydoy - All Rights Reserve) - Dickinson Newspoper Services V Boy City » CKIW TV 25 WEYI TV. Saginaw I COte>MA6 APJoOPttEP Wmd%or 41 WUHQ TV, Battle Crmk SO WKBD TV, Detroit Fo£ TUB HtfLiRAY- THAT'-S A uMi_rch_28J975 (9) Galloping Gourmet (SO) Underdog (23) Book Beat 5:45 AM (2) Late Movie I'D 12:20 PM (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive Of M. Presents (7) Religious Message 6:00 (6) Almanac 7:00 (12) National Anthem / 1\\000\\T 12:30 (24-7-8) News th&Y'P ftpintion Second Chance (2-3-6) Search For Tomorrow (3) What's My Line? 2:00 AR?AIP To •rtoons (4 10) News (4) News (5) I Dream Of Jeannie go worn- 6 0S 3:00 (5-10) Blank Chock (6) Bewitched Ltion News (9) Beverly Hillbillies (2) Operation Second Chance 6:15 ieiu':!3"!1* \o) Mike l,t $ M,k# Douglas A DmI (10) Mod Squad (2) News 3:30 3-26 r For Today (9) Dick Van Dyke (13) Truth Or Em & Home Show " (25) Dinah Consequences (23) Arabs 8i Israelis 3:35 6:20 (2) Message For Today (50) The Lucy Show (25) The F.B.I. Country Almanac 6:25 12:55 (41) Other People. Other Places If College (5-8-10) News (50) Hockey MOVIES CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: 6 30 7:30 I Sunrise Semester 1:00 (2) Truth Or Consequences 4:00 by Larry Lewis (2) love Of Life (3) Wild World Of Animals (5) "The Oscar" Stephen Boyd, |ot For Women Only (3) Accent (4) Masquerade Elke Sommer. (1966) Actor uses Opon tonight til 9:00 Jeifoom Party (4) What's My Line (5) Dragnet everyone to further his career. Iof M. Presents (5)Jackpot (6) Wild Kingdom 6:30 Kit Bobby Show (12) 'The Guy Who Came Back" (6) Martha Dixon (7) Name That Tune Jterition Second Chine* (7-12-13-41) The (8) Let's Make A Deal jnflS Firm Report $10,000 Pyramid (9) Room 222 8:30 Kirni Show (13) To Tell The Truth (712-1341) "The Girl Most (9-50) Movies (Vinous Programing (10) Somerset (23) Behind The Lines Likely To" Ed Asher, Stockard 6:45 (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show Channing. An ugly duckling, Liming Edition (2) News 1:25 8:00 dreaming of love, becomes 6:55 (2-3-6-25) It's The Easter beautiful after plastic surgery. Inharn Kerr Show 1:30 Beagle (2-3-625) Edge Of Night Charlie Brown 7:00 (4-5-8-10) How To Survive A (4-5-8-10) Little House On The 11:30 125' News Prairie (2-3-6-25) "Gold Of The Seven nOI Today Show Marriage (7-12-1341) That's My Mama Saints" Roger Moore, Clint || am America (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (9) Excuse My French Walker. (1961) Two men discover lo's Big Top 2:00 (2-3-6-25) The Guiding Light (23) Theatre In America gold in a frontier town. M) Racer (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives 8:30 Jftrit Of '76 (7-13-41) General Hospital (2-3-6-25) The Easter Promise (50) "Higher And Higher" SHORT RIBS 7:05 (12) Money Maze (7-12-1341) Wednesday Movie Michele Morgan, Frank Sinatra. |[iitoon Capers The Week Of (1943) Man, unable to pay by Frank Hill 7:30 2:30 (2-3-6-25) Search For Tomorrow (9) Stompin' Tom servants forms corporation with n» Carnival them. (4-5-8-10) Tha Doctors 9:00 luosBig Top (7-13-41) One (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner 12:00 MIDNIGHT Life To Live 8:00 (9) 'The Hellfighters" John (12) Lucy (9N) News Nine ) Captain Kangaroo Wayne, Katherine Ross. (1969) (23) Human Relations & 9:30 niiig Accent (9) Opening Night Young woman falls in love with Motivation a rio Schools fire fighter. 3:00 10:00 ime Street (2) Young & Restless (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando Easter 1:30 AM J America (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right Show (2) "Little Bear Died Running" Rogers Neighborhood (4-5-8-10) The Robert Culp. (1970) Reporter 8:25 (4-5-8-10) Another World Law (7-1341) The Money Maze (7-12-1341) Get Christie Love! goes to New Mexico to find out Report ' (12) General Hospital (50) Dinah! why a young Indian took the life 8:30 of his friend. Liitel 3 Clubhouse (23) Sesame Street 10:30 3:30 (9) Ceilidh (2-3-6-25) Match Game 11:00 (7) Password (2 3-4 5-6 7 8 9 WEDNESDAY DOONESBURY Sponsored by: (P0P 10-12 13-23-25) News by Gary Trudeau |ica li Right 9:00 (9) Gomar Pyle (12) One Life To Live (41) The Protectors BAR BQ SPECIAL taiqmeijt (13) AH My Children 11:20 '/z CHICKEN am Kangaroo (9) Nightbeat $2.35 intrition (41) Batman RIBS $2.75 (50) Banana Splits 11:30 lie's Island (2-3-6-25) The Lata Movie CHICKEN & RIBS$3.35 NOW, THEN, MS. LOPEZ ban; & Restless 4:00 TUB STATE CALLS (2-3) Tattletales (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show INCLUDES: ON THE NI6HT OF FEBRUARY | Mows (4) Somerset (7-12-1341) Wide World Of TO TUB STAND FOURTH, AT APPROXIMATELY YEAH, YOU Jrt Mithews Show (5) Studio 5 Entertainment FRENCH FRIES SALAD BAR j MS. LULU LOPEZ, THE PLAINTIFF! 8 -30 PM., YOU WERE UA1KIN6 GOT IT RI6HT! Jiodly Giant (6) The Attic (50) Movie ALONE 7HROJ6H &OLPEN CLYDE.. SAY. 6INNY, ■ Mike Oouglis (7) The Brady Bunch 12:00 MIDNIGHT PITCHER N1TE J GATE PARK, /S THAT U/HAT TIMES me Street CORRECT? , DINNER 1VNI6HT? (8) Gilligan's Island (9) Film Festival reduced pitcher prices letiles (9) Petticoat Junction 1:00 AM in bar and restaurant. wing Playback (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 9:15 (10) New Zoo Revue (12) Merv Griffin (7-12-13) News rio Schools us 927 Message (13) Mickey Mouse Club (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (25) Yogi & Friends (41) Afterhours Theatre (50) Religious Message 1:30 Lizard's 9:30 (41) Daktari |* You See It (50) Three Stooges p Check 4:30 Courtship Of Eddie's (2) Mike Douglas Show (3) Merv Griffin Show THE DROPOUTS (4) George Pierrot Presents by Post Mnttttion ha Valley Today (6) That Girt (7) 4:30 Movie ftk laLanne (8) Partridge Family 9:55 _yVod nesday JMarc h 2 6 J 97 5 Channing. An ugly duckling, (9) Andy Griffith _ dreaming of love, |" s Carol Duvall (10) Flipper beautiful after plastic becomes 10:00 surgery. (13)1 Love Lucy 8:00 PM ■15) Joker's Wild (23) Villa Alegre (CBS) It's The Easter Beagle, PHI Celebrity Sweepstakes (25) Munsters & Friends Charlie Brown p. Voga & You (50) Little Rascals Animated special; Eastertime erRoom celebration is in the air, colored litriit Today EVENING 10:00 eggs, candy baskets, new shoes, (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn 10:30 5:00 PM ate. Easter Show Sambit (6-8) Ironside I'll Wheel Of Fortun* (9) Mickey Mouse Club Guests: Nancy Walker and (NBC) Little House On The Demond Wilson. With Dennis (10) Truth Or Consequences R Wholay Prairie (13) That Girl "Country Girls" Despite (NBC) The Law P" Brady Bunch (23) Romantic Rebellion assurances from their father, "Prior Consent" TjiAlqrj (25) I Love Lucy Laura and Mary worry Starring Judd as they Noo Revue (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. prepare, for the first time in their Hirsch. Attorney Murray Stone finds himself in a delicate PROFESSOR PHUMBLE I" For Women (50) The Flintstones legal Only lives, to go to school. (R) area when a by Bill Yates 1 11:00 5:30 client, who demands ■tinahui Show prosecution of the man who (4) Bowling For Dollars (ABC) That's My Mama raped her, turns out to be an f low You See It (7) Hot Dog "Stephanie's Boyfriend" Clifton's admitted prostitute. ("High Rollers (9) Partridge Family romance with Stephanie, a former Pit (10) Beverly Hillbillies love, is threatened to be broken (ABC) Get Christie Love! P'l'istword All Stars (12-13) News up by her ex-boyfriend. "A Few Excess People" Guests: p'oo Revue (23) Zoom Phil Silvers, and Rose Marie. Christie 11:30 (25) Hogan's Heroes 8:28 and Gallagher cope with I1* Of Life (50) Gilligan's Island (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes the letter's elderly uncle 5:55 1J Hollywood Squares (41) Early News Finnegan, who endangers their f|*VCourtBunch 6:00 (CBS) The Easter Promise 8:30 lives by meddling in an industrial (2-34-5-6-78 robbery investigation. Split Second Starring Jason Robards, Mildred 10-12 13 25-41) News Bunny Natwick. Story of a family in a 11:30 (9) Bewitched Nebraska town in the „ 11:55 (23) Perspectives In Black (NBC) The Tonight Show News 1940s. (50) Star Trek Johnny Carson is host. I 1200 NOON 6:30 U13' News I ""t* (34-5-6 7 10 25) News (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The Veek (ABC) Wide World Special Restless "Premiere Of The Movie (9) I Dream Of Jaannie (12) 6:30 Movie The Girl Most Likely To" "Tommy" David Frost is the FRANK & ERNEST r^Wv Children (13) Beverly Hillbillies Starring Ed Asner, Stockard host. by Bob Thaves (nutT exactly how f THEV SAV A SLICE OF T&JFFLE I WOULDN'T KNOdLTHAT ON TOP Of £665 BENEDICT nad \$ thfc ROUND-HEADED KID NEVER 15 INFINITELY SUPERIOR!D SERVES ME £665 BENEDICT! oovfcrnmertt - "F black olive TZ>— at us dollars and CIHTS, that t$. TH Mf* 3-2fc 22Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, March26l) tudent tore YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER Located on GRAND RIVER at 421 across from Olin Health Center Course & # Author Title You New Used Save Adv. 205 Dunn Anthro. 100 Advertising 13.95 10.95 3.50 Barnouw An Intro to Anthro. Anthro. 171 6.95 5.20 1.75 Hamdnond Int. to Cult. Soc. Anthro.& Chem. 131 11.50 8.65 2.85 Mortimer Econ. 200 Chemistry 13.50 10.15 3.35 Miller Econ Today Econ. 201 12.95 9.70 3.25 Suits Prin. of Econ. Ed. 200 11.95 8.95 3.00 Henderson Indiv. & School Math 108 & 109 8.00 6.00 2.00 Fisher Integrated Alg. & Trig 11.75 8.85 2.90 Math 111 Swokowski Fund. Alg. & Trig. Math 112 & 113 11.50 8.65 2.85 Thomas Calg. Anal. &Geom. 15.95 11.95 4.00 Psych. 160 Ruch Psych. Life & 9.95 7.45 2.50 Psych. 225 Lidz Origins Treat, of& Schizoph. 7.95 5.95 2.00 Psych 245 Lefrancois Of Children Pis. 100 11.95 8.95 3.00 Cummings Dem. Under Pressure 10.95 8.20 Pis. 301 Adrian 2.75 State Local &Govt. Pis. 302 10.95 8.20 2.75 Adrian Gov. Urb. Amer. Soc. Sci. 203 11.95 8.95 3.00 Atwater World Tensions 4.95 3.70 1.25 BUY Wt M SiS 8531 IS HI YOUR SAVE USED MORE 111 H YOUR 25% A Complete Selection of MSU Imprinted Sportswear Visit our Art Department for the finest From Champion Products and Velva-Sheen Company in quality art and engineering materials Sweatshirts Permanent Pigments Paints T-shirts Speedball Supplies Jerseys Post-T-Squares,Boards, Vellums, Sweaters Drawing instruments Jackets Paratone-Pressure Lettering Gym shorts & Sweat pants Crescent Cardboard, Mat Board, Posterboard Plus Related Art & Engineering Supplies STORE HOURS: WID., THURS. FRI..SAT. 1:30 a.m. 9:00 p.m. • 1:30a.m. 5:30 p. • 421 E. GRAND RIVER