VOLUME 169 NUMBER 48 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 aymond wins ASMSU election ith narrow Bv MARY ANN CHICK ter victory over Cain working within the system seemed compared to Cain's vigorous lacklus¬ Raymond, who was reading the ASMSU PAUL PARKER campaig¬ Constitution when he was notified of the ning and activist platform State News Staff Writers Student Worker's Union centering on the results, shortly before 6 p.m., said he had and an end to heard . Brian Raymond defeated incumbent racism and sexism. rumors that he had won the election C»in for the ASMSU presidency by 240 Cain congratulated Thursday afternoon. as the number of students Raymond over the Raymond received 1,848 votes to Cain's voting phone within an hour of -ped 18 per cent from last spring election results. receiving the 1,608. The results for the other candidates ing to unofficial results released Cain said the were: Phillip Elliott, 822; Marcia Garrison, Jay night. About 6,647 of about Progressive Action slate 731; John Baird, 426; Tom Bustillos, would take a closer 194; look at some of the Richard Armstrong, 416; Edward eligible undergraduates voted, races. He would not comment on the Aho, 169. results of the Academic Council Tom Somers and Lawrence Eric e chances of his slate Leins, who ■ion will be available this afternoon, filing any appeals to the both withdrew from the election results. race, received 241 vmond's campaign and his platform and 89 votes. About 100 write in votes The slate won three of - the 10 college were cast. (primarily called for the strenghening of seats and finished second in the six others it tions with the University and for The results of the elected entered. representatives races are: CHARGES 'SMEAR TACTICS' ain may By PAUL PARKER State New* Staff Writer libel in a appeal results leaflet that suggested that Cain impeachment forces. Or are we to believe 1 bought a vote at his impeachment trial. that it was only by chance that a board thought he was paranoid, but I had to Cain may appeal the election because my job," said ASMSU election com- the member who had helped draft the articles padlocks were not used for two days and of impeachment ioner Steve Politowicz. explaining his overnight became an out¬ also the possible effect of the "smear -M on Tim Cain's charges that spoken critic of impeachment?" greater tactics." New ASMSU President: J. Brian lion security was needed because high "We'll seriously look at the results of There were 7900 of these leaflets dis¬ Raymond versity officials tampered with last tributed by Students Who Give A Damn, an some of the elections because of the lack of ig's election and other charges of organization recently begun by John security of ballots and unethical cam¬ car tactics" by a student interest olitowicz bought a padlock and chain for file cabinet that held the ballot boxes group, paigning practices," Cain said. "I'm pissed as hell about those smear tactics." Braden, who is also the president of the MSU College Republicans. His organization also distributed 700 Ford to wait on fate The alleged "smear tactics" included a ight after Cain's insistence on in- leaflets endorsing Philip Elliott for ASMSU leaflet that said, "certain evidence rd security and investigated possible at least one vote being points to bought by the anti- president. A loophole in the elections regulations would allow an appeal to make Elliott add the cost of the leaflets to his of tax-cut legislation expenditures because there is no policy on endorsements by interest groups. Thursday afternoon to begin reviewing the Elliott said that it would not be any bill. problem for him to add the cost of the Nessen told reporters that President has leaflets to his expenditures because he noted that the bill contains some "far- spent only $8. reaching provisions," including repeal of the Cain also asked Politowicz to look into oil depletion allowance, on which no increased security measures two weeks hearings were held in Congress. before the election began because he sus¬ Nessen did not specify which provisions pected administration tampering with last Ford was concerned about, but Ford is year's election. known to oppose the repeal of the depletion "He first said it was Wharton, Breslin and allowance. Nonnamaker in an attempt to fix the Nessen said Ford wants his own advisers (continued on 16) to calculate what page they think the tax cut adds up to before he decides whether to sign it. Ford wanted a tax cut of $16 billion to $20 Student eligibility seen as likely billion and pressured Congress to that figure. House Minority Leader John Rhodes of keep to Arizona, who talked with Ford after the House-Senate conferees finished work on for pending tax rebate program the tax bill Wednesday, predicted that Ford would veto it. Rhodes said again Thursday in Phoenix By ASSOCIATED PRESS that Ford probably will veto the bill. "I "It's just an out - and - out dole," he said. "I would rather see would say that there is a very more immediate action for 1975, like an good chance STATE NEWS adjustment in the that the House would sustain his veto," Students will probably be eligible for both the rebates on withholding schedule. We withhold too much now." Rhodes said. 1974 The bill has not yet been signed by President Ford, and income tax paid and the $30 tax credit on 1975 income Carr He also indicated that the President was included in said the consensus of opinion in the tax cut bill approved by Senate and House Congress is that Ford will not sign reconsidering the whole idea of a tax cut. conferees on the bill. Wednesday. But Nessen said Thursday that the Sen. Philip Hart, R - Mich., said at a press conference A spokesman at the office of Rep. Bob Carr, D - Mich., said Thursday President "stands by his original belief that the bill stands it appears that students who are claimed as morning he thinks Ford will sign the bill. the country needs an an anti-recession tax by their "If I were king I would have made some different provisions, but parents but also pay taxes themselves will be eligible for the cut." it will be effective for the economy in rebate. general," Hart said. The Office of Management and The greatest benefits in individual tax cuts Budget The rebate provision of the $24.8 billion bill approved in the bill (OMB) estimated that the tax cut would add gives taxpayers will go to lower - income persons, thus back 10 per cent of the total 1974 income tax. But continuing the pattern of at least $4.9 billion to this year's federal by guaranteeing income tax collected in recent years. a $100 minimum refund, it budget deficit. The bill would increase next greatly helps lower income persons For middle - income families earning up to $20,000, benefits whose total tax was far less than the $1,000 it would take to year's expected $55.5 billion deficit, at least get a vary. But the bill apparently would still leave such $100 refund under a strict 10 per cent taxpayers $60 billion, the OMB said. arrangement. paying a slightly smaller than proportionate share of total income By contrast, the rebate provision has a ceiling of $200, thus In addition, OMB said another $1.7 in income tax in terms of their share of total individual giving proportionately less help to taxpayers who paid more than income. (continued For families earning more than $20,000, benefits are on page 15) $2,000 in total tax. The rebate is further curtailed on a slight. scale from $200 back to $100 for sliding These people will still pay a greater than proportionate share of taxpayers earning from $20,000 to total income tax. $30,000 or more. However, persons who paid less than $100 in 1974 federal taxes A special tax credit provision for low income families with Refund will receive checks for only the amounts children provides up to $400 for families earning up to $4,000. Students carrying 10 credits or more who they paid. The tax credit of $30 per Benefits scale back down above $4,000 and aren't provided at all to do not wish to read the State News dependent will be paid equally, or use AP wirephoto regardless of income. As families earning above $8,000. its services may receive a $1 a proportion of income or income tax, This credit is designed to refund ^ apor trails from this is most helpful to lower income families. two jets formed this huge cross in the sky over compensate for Social Security taxes, which hit lower and lower - authorization by presenting their fee re¬ Salinas, Calif., Wednesday, towering over the cross atop the "The bill is generally good," Carr said. "It is an important middle income families hardest. ceipt cards at the State News business stimulus to the economy." Changes in the minimum and maximum standard deduction will Lutheran Church of Our Saviour. Carr said he is unhappy with the rebate, office, 346 Student Services Bldg., through _____ though. (continued on page 15) Wednesday, April 2. fficials estimate $ ByPATNARDI hike of $10 a term has proved to be a A State News survey shows that student based only on tuition fees. State News Staff Writer "mistake." reaction to the expected increase ranges in-flat-ed (In flS'tld). adj. 1. distended with air or MSU officials are now "It doesn't in any way meet our rising from calm acceptance to vows to move out of Shirley Lightfoot, freshman, 266 Landon gas; swollen. 2. puffed up. as with pride. 3. estimating Hall, said she figured rates would go up "for turgid or j Ml hike in residence hall room and costs," he said. residence halls. sure." Lightfoot has made plans to live in a bombastic, as language. 4. unduly increased in level: r«tes will be about The official figure will not be announced Several students said $100 for the year or they expected the sorority next fall, which she says despite inflated costs. 5. unduly expanded in volume, as cur¬ *33 more until sometime in May after the board of large increase, and appeared almost apathe¬ per term. initial activity fees will be cheaper than rency. 6. Bot. hollow or swelled out with air: "ough that figure is unofficial, adminis trustees have received and approved a tic. inflated residence halls in the long run. perianth, [inflate + -ed2] —in-flat'edly, adr. —in- who asked to remain nameless recommendation from MSU administrators. "in the $100 say an "It's nothing I can't cope with," said A few students who do not have flexible flat'ed-ness, n. range" is needed to Though the trustees have the power to turn Jeffrey Knoll, sophomore, 352 Abbot Hall. In fla tion (in flil'shon), n. UP for the increased cost of energy, down the increase they usually approve the budgets complained bitterly that coming up 1. undue expansion or "I'm surprised they didn't raise it more for 'id inflation in general. recommendations. with an extra $100 would be difficult. increase of the currency of a country, this past year." Knoll said his father could esp. by the issuing Though some other state schools have Marianne Jordan, freshman, 635 W. of paper money not redeemable in specie. il*P'n the C08t* are est'mated t0 ^ave already announced rates for the '75-'76 year, afford the extra $100 without a problem. Holden Hall, said the higher rates would stantial rise of prices caused by an undue 2. a sub¬ past year, paper products like Another girl said the increase would not expansion in P>per have doubled, food prices are up MSU is waiting "until the last possible be burdensome because she receives a really hurt students like herself who are paper money or bank credit. 3. the act of inflating. ent and moment" so they can better predict how large 4. state of being inflated. ■ sugar has almost tripled in scholarship. trying to put themselves through school and [ME inflacio(u)n < L in- much of an increase will be necessary. who do not have much financial aid. fl&tifin- (s. of inflate). See inflate, -ion] A!100 r®te hike would be about an 8 per "All institutions in the state will have "The state will probably just pay me that much more," she said. ln-fla-tlon-ar-y (in fla'sho ner'e), adj. of, pertaining rates in the $1,350 to $1,400 range next "The rates are too high now. If they go Uo|1"eaSp' current rate year," one official said. However, according to Henry Dykema, I just may go to a smaller college that's up to, or causing inflation: inflationarx prices, [inflation of $1,245 a year is the -■ lowest room and board rate in the ' Rates for MSU's married housing apart¬ director of financial aids, state scholarships cheaper or even a community college," she + -ary] will not compensate for a rise in the cost of £w more than Grand Valley College, ments are also expected to rise, but it is not and board. inflationary spl'ral, Econ. See under spiral •dniinistrator yet known by how much. room State scholarships are (def. 7). said last fall's modest 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Frid»y, Mam *. LED | focus: BY FORMER NATION S, Viet politicians ask Thieu to South Carolina kills ERA SAIGON. South Vietnam (AP) — Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and other opposition Former suggestion by Thieu himself during a meeting last week with three respected national leaders. at least three other government Dinh Province, positions in Binh lery concentrated their qu politicians formed a committee including Binh Khe. a district fi«. Thursday to ask The men had urged the president to overhaul his howitzers that , The Equal Rights Amendment was killed by the South President Nguyen Van Thieu to give up his government thoroughly and he had advised them capiul 25 miles inland from Qui Nhon, which is South Vietnam's third killta, 13 p.m.M shel£ pK ^U ™ PM powers because of the largest city. Carolina House on Wednesday by opponents who called for military crisis. to present him with a "concrete scenario" for the The Communists, «id The move was announced already in control of the ,h, a showdown vote. as North reform. central highlands and the five knocked out. But Vietnamese forces drove east and south provinces in the the T The vote to table the ratification bill along However, when the three men began holding rebel "rocket '• That means ERA is dead in the state was approved 46-43. legislature for at least the central coast and American planes airlifted panicky refugees from the isolated northern talks with other conservative, anti - Communist northern part of South Vietnam, now be opening a new front on the appear to central coastal government belt" stalled^?*, troops refused the remainder of the 1975 session leaders, including former Premier Nguyen Cao ta well. and probably for 1976 as stronghold of Da Nang further Trang and to Saigon. south to Nha Ky. their drive apparently went too far for Thieu. strip, the last remaining government the upper half of the country. territory in flacked leadership lnd f The state's legislature is "We request President Thieu In Da Nang, thousands of a two-year continuing body and delegate full The arrests and the government's charge that and fought to board overloaded refugees scrambled •Representatives of the U S the legal consensus is that a bill killed powers to a new government of new planes to escape ments met in am n. during the first half ties with new policies effective personali "a number of narrow minded elements" had the beleaguered Bangkok to plan ^ remains dead during the second. for the national tried to oust Thieu, underscored fears city on the second day of the withdrawal of the salvation," a spokesman for the new among U.S. airlift. Da Nang, South Vietnam's second aircraft from remaining uV Saigon. group said in South Vietnamese officials that Thieu's on the regime is verge of collapse in the face of the military largest city, is the government's last remaining first such Thailand withinL^ meeting since Premier „ Morton slated for The formation of the group, the Action debacle sweeping South Vietnam. bastion on the northern coast. LJ. new job Committee for National Salvation, followed arrest earlier in the the Three hundred miles northeast of Saigon, the Military police fired shots over the heads of crowds of ofn25000 °l #,000 U.S. >earUrKetfor ^ u7 servicemen snd day of seven politicians North Vietnamese overran the district people lacking proper identification stationed at Thai bases. President Ford announced affiliated with Ky who were accused of capital of who were massing at Da Nang airport hoping to Detail, weif today he will nominate Interior to overthrow the plotting Tam Quan after a seven hour assault, the make their way •The World Council of Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton to become government. But Ky denied he through a traffic Saigon command said. Tam Quan is on the coast clogged church agenciesChurches in - secretary of highway and over rolls of barbed wire. appealed to was planning a coup. commerce. According to Vietnamese involved in the pf Binh Dinh Province 120 miles southeast of Da In other Indochina throughout the world to and nhl Informed Administration and Nang. developments: help the estimated one contribute $1 congressional sources said supposed scheme, it actually grew out of a •Cambodian government warplanes and artil- million refu*1 Ford will nominate former The command also reported Vietnam. u"tM Wyoming Gov. Stanley K. heavy attacks on Hathaway to succeed Morton as interior Both nominations secretary. require Senate confirmation. Nessen said President Ford wants secretary, to stimulate private Morton, as commerce industry to use new energy Rocky: Sadat me processes such as coal gassification and expedite the conversion of plants now liquefaction, and to By the Associated Press In other Middle East rnor burning oil or gas into Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller said developments: coal-burners. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat expressed dedication to • Sen. men in Beirut, George McGovern, D S.D., told news¬ Lebanon, that all the Arab Early Bird Special finding a rapid solution to the officials he has talked to want the I I $20 Ca h Middle East problem during a 75-minute meeting to exert more United States Saving* on all apartments leased before Tornadoes hit southwest they had in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Thursday. pressure on Israel to make more concession on withdrawal from f I special reduced rotes .8 convenient May 1st p|us location-, near campus. Rockefeller, in Riyadh to pay last respects to territories. "This is their No. 1 occupied Arab fpy LV Furnisl ed Carpeted ■ Air Conditioning ■ Some have balconies King Faisal, a friend of the U.S. government who priority," said the others - vim iln^ pools - all An estimated 200 was assassinated on South Dakota Democrat, who is on a Mideast have parking facilities persons were left homeless Tuesday, called his session effic.encies, one bedroom and two lefors, Tex. when a tornado Thursday in with Sadat "useful." but tour as new chairman of the Middle East Sub¬ bedrooms. ' gave no other details committee of the Senate devastation snaked to earth in the spewing death and before flying home. Fortign Relations Panhandle oil town Sadat Committee. striking again at Higgins, a small was a key figure in Secretary of State '/ V » nu I > * *11; community 60 miles away. Henry A. Kissinger's latest Middle East Pentagon sources in Washington reported that 1-1 • A 3-year-old Lefors peace both Israeli girl was killed and rescue workers mission that collapsed last and Egyptian forces have been sought the bodies of at least two weekend. Rocke¬ missing persons believed feller's press secretary, placed on alert following the collapse RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT buried in rubble left in the storm s woke. session with Sadat was Hugh Morrow, said the Kissinger's peace mission. They said it of HUM. WHILE THEY LAST. sOggested by President to be appears LOW LOW SUMMER RATES: efficiencies 1130. I Some 50 persons were Ford a case of both sides bedroom $140. 2 bedroom injured, said Sheriff Rufe Jordan, and Kissinger who both taking precautions EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: who estimated two-thirds of the "thought the against a possible surprise attack. efficiencies fr. $146. 1 bedroomfr $150 & UD *195, and 2 bedrooms fr 1217 buildings in this town of 900 meeting would be useful." But Moshe Dayan, former . live in one of our spacious 2 bedroom 4-men units for as low received damages. Rockefeller also met with Israeli defense as $60 p Saudi Arabia's new minister, told a group in monarch. King Khaled, and Crown Prince Fahd Tokyo that he thinks HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT COMPANY in Riyadh and said chances for Middle East 351-7910 they assured him that the peace are better than at Saudi government would continue any time in the last three years. He its efforts to said peace chances have improved because the Rocky aids son's business expand cooperation with the United States. superpowers Paul Stanley Presents are pushing an eventual settlement. Vice President Nelson A. T»» Stot# N*wt >1 pub'iftHvd Rockefeller, who told bv Ih« »tud«rt« o» during his confirmation hearings that he would Congress take "no clou dor durmg foil W,nt 1 and Friday. during Svmmar I«rm and a Michiflpo Stat* Unlvvntty •vary «»n to the feds decisions must be approved by an open vote ASMSU president, according to Tim Cain, former ASMSU Wednesday after a comprise a majority of the city's electorate, had been supplied no information to president. sion on the city's policy toward Brookover said the city obviously has indicate that there was any significant in the public meeting. Raymond, who sent the memo on March 17, said, I cleared it with Mrs. Leonard «t housing. some serious housing problems and that the student exodus from East Lansing due to "We won't be able to authenticate first." any Tri County commission code enforcement. decisions that we have to make in an Mrs. Leonard is the ASMSU office approved the code was intended to improve the general manager. "W first year executive session until the next plan in a 10-1 vote with condition of the housing and not to She reiterated the concern that it is not monthly Pm County Commissioner James meeting," Huff said. "Some financial eliminate it. proper for the Tri-County body to be con¬ " Last decisions may involve a time limit that can't Lansing, the lone dissenter, "In the process there may be a few people sidering the merits of a particular municipal discussion was inspired by an East r Landlord Assn. complaint that the , less in the houses," he said. "But if you code but rather their function is to review wait for the next meeting to be aproved." Huff said the fears of "rehearsed" Tony, Lena to sing for PAC looked at some of the situations I think the implication of municipal action. housing code, which was alloted you'd agree they hadn't ought to be there. Heyser said he voted "no" because East meetings may have been valid at one time, HO for but no longer are. The fund-raising drive to net $16 million for the new enforcement, is inequitable and He noted that East Lansing is simply Lansing seemed to be trying to ease its Performing Arts Center ■ffiiK students out of East "I think the executive session should (PAC) will officially kick off April 19 when vocalists Lena Home and Tony Bennett ■Bit's Lansing. limited by space when it comes to housing problems instead of trying to solve them. VundeBunte, attorney and land all 43,000 MSU students. "I would like to He said the East Lansing plan did not proceed the public meeting, and I think the appear at a benefit performance in the acoustically atrocious MSU Auditorium, leaking Withe tor the group, said that indicate that MSU is a significant institu¬ address the needs of the student renters whose situation brought the monies to the public will understand that this is not a subterfuge," Huff said. which the PAC is being built (across from Owen Hall) to replace. Tickets for the group found the code "arbitrary, tion for the entire region," he said. benefit range from $100 to $6.25 for students. About 6,500 invitations and ■Wical, inequitable, discriminatory and James DeWitt of the Red Cedar Com- city. Carrigan told the State News, however, that there are provisions "that allow the brochures describing the project were sent to faculty members, Lecture-Concert ts, unlawful." the group was munity Assn. presented the Tri-County Brookover said the first-year monies are administration to proceed accordingly (in and Chamber Music Series subscribers and select local citizens. lw'ng its complaints because city group with the results of two polls of home- devoted primarily to planning use of second Already in the members have since indicated that decision making), pending qualification coffers for the Center is about $30,000, the total of several modest donations. owners and renters in the Red-Cedar area and third-year funds which will directly by »r»—••»»*» southern part of campus and which handles all construction of crossings over its tracks. there but it was moved to Ag Hall winter term 1974 in the generate more sales there. Besides Ag Hall and the Student Services hope that it would It nionie Community Develop t™» •» «■» 10 th* l""*s " *" u"m*rke l" flnd solution until we find f «>me other temporary parking lot. Since purchasing the houses, the some more housing," city has ft (from City Hall in a 3-2 vote at its Brookover said. Oouncilwoman Mary Sharp voted in favor been renting them out while J18 meeting. of the parking lot because she felt the city deciding how — Griffiths suggested some the land should be used. ■houses at 410,416 and 418 Park Lane alternatives to employes needed parking places. tearing down the houses. He said instead of The new lot will furnish between 39 and Griffiths said the houses were purchased for the purpose of expanding City Hall, not - ACLU OPPOSES to build a parking lot. . & REFORM LAW Scott Huffman, director of DEC. said the center wasn't too surprised or upset about being displaced by the parking lot. 'ampaign bill finds foe "We've been looking for a place for a couple of years," Huffman said. "We wanted to move anyway." Brookover said he wasn't too worried By FRED NEWTON comprehensive campaign reform about DEC, since they were package already looking Sute News Staff Writer April 7. If the legislature takes no action by disclosure of names would be discriminatory for another building. L American Civil Liberties Union then. Common Cause is by in the sense that opposing parties would H of Michigan has come out in wide petition drive to planning a state have lists of contributors to others. "We won't tear it down until place the campaign "We can't provide they find _jn to proposed campaign reform reform proposal on the every winning candi¬ another place," Brookover said. ■h«t require public disclosure of the November 1976 date with a ready-made list of citizens ballot. he Huffman said he has talked to city J of contributors to political candi Though it supports the rest of the might consider enemies," Smith said. "We officials and they have assured him the ■ committees or parties. campaign reform already have enough enemy lists." city package, the ACLU is She said the ACLU feels will assist the center in relocating. He said | A('H"s stand is in direct conflict with against a proposal in the package strongly about the city owns some other houses that DEC jn Common Cause, a public interest disclosure of the sources of requiring individuals rights to associate with and could Iwhich wants the names of all persons campaign contribute any amount to anyone use if it is unable to find anything contributions because "it is an unconstitu in privacy, regardless of who they want, better. [contribute more than $50 to any tional abridgement of the rights of privacy, they are. pi made public. freedom of speech and association." "Many people make the assumption that The major problem in finding a new n Cause is seeking to have the location is that DEC has only $300 a month SN photo/Rob Kozloff According to Kathleen Smith, associate everybody that contributes a lot of money to m The n „, _ Drug Education Center, 405 Grove St., is slated to be torn Lin Legislature begin adoption of a director of the ACLU of to spend on rent and it needs place with Michigan, the public a campaign is corrupt, but that isn't so," she a down to make way for a new said. about 15 rooms. parking lot for city employes. A new location is being sought to house the center. However, a spokesman for Common lichigan seeking federal help Cause said it is planning to go ahead with its campaign reform package, including the campaign contribution disclosure portion, Free Soup... shut down Reserve despite ACLU's opposition. FISH Mining Rep. Lynn Jondahl, D-East Lansing, an ACLU member, said he does not agree with ...at noon with the purchase NSING (UPI) — Gov. Milliken said The EPA has argued that a March 14 his organization's stand and was outvoted at of a lunch or sandwich. ; Michigan is continuing to seek Court of Appeals decision a recent meeting which decided on the stand. represented a We have a new and more varied menu Iter: ion by the U.S. Supreme Court in for both e s Mining case. statement was prompted by victory because it found that the company's discharges are a potential health hazard. a "While I recognize the fear of enemy lists, political party is still a public institution and the people have a right to know about $*|79 lunch and dinner. For have Rick Reuther and his dining entertainment, we guitar on Fri. and Sat. isclosure in Washington that the U.S. Michigan and others, however, said it n'al Protection Agency (EPA) was a defeat because the court held that larger contributors," he said. immended against further legal i to immediately shut down danger to health is not imminent and there is no reason to force Reserve to terminate Jondahl said it is hard to argue for secret support for a political party. ChaUt the Frl. & Sat. its disposal activities immediately. Mining operations on Lake "The answer to the ACLU's fear about 6 a.m. to 4 a.m. an Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin have enemies list is to provide other mechanisms 2820 E. Grand River im Sunday Furniture . ■ mining ' company is dumping iaconite asTted the Supreme Court to enter into the within the law to make sure these lists don't P into the lake. suit. exist," he said. open thursday and friday nights until nine PLAN TO SAVE MONEY Let Danskins be your second skin while bodydressing dancing, exercising . or one-step full-fashioned nylon leotards and run-resistant tights that move with you, and still retain BUY their or shape. Choose ballet pink black. Shown: Child's pullon leotard 5.75 Seamed tights, USED with feet. leotard. $8 $4 Women's pullon Seamless tights, with feet. $5 Not shown: TEXT Short sleeve leotards for children. 5.50 Women's sizes. 7.75 BOOKS! Dance Fashions — Children's Shops Graceful beauty, superb craftsmanship, and the unique "Balanced-Design" combine to make Selva, the leading name in dance footwear. Shown here: AND DON'T IFORGET EASTER CARDS TOO! "Flex-O-Tie" lightweight "Princess", pink toe "Italien", toe shoe for the "Crown", teacher's CAMPUS BOOK STORE black patent tap shoe. shoe, designed especially more advanced dancer. In „ choice for ballet. In pink, Children's sizes. 10.50 for the beginner. Child¬ pink for adult sizes. $13 black or white; children's Adult sizes. 11.50 ren's or adult sizes. $12 or adult sizes. $7 (ACROSS FROM BERKEY) 351-5420 OPEN 12 HRS 8:30-8:30 THURS Jacobs® i's £ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fri(fey. March 2i NORTH VIET5 POISED TO STRIKE CITY Da Nana situation New York Times DA NANG, South Vietnam ern officials expressed pessi mism about how long Da Nang their routs from Hue and cities south of Da Nang during the refugees who have flooded into the growing desperati where their units were or officials began an evacuation American officials, who — Western officials reported could be held. city from the four northern where to report for duty. One Wednesday of the 344 in- Wednesday that there are now Though no accurate statistics past week. To make matters worse for provinces that have been given major from the first division, American residenta and sis ted publicly that they were rp °fj the equivalent of seven North up to the Communists over the who fled from Hue by Sampan many not leaving Da Nang, declined were available, knowledgeable the government, these troops past two weeks: Tuesday, remarked bitterly, "I Srifel Vietnamese divisions able to officers estimated that the Quang Tri. abandoned most of their artil¬ strike at Da Nang, South Communists now have from don't know where my wife or With only the demoralized remnants Vietnam's second largest city 35,000 to 40.000 troops in lery and tanks in their hasty children are, why should I care South Vietnamese divisions to of three ?' u* h,.,J and the last remaining area in retreats and their weapons are where the first division is?" defend the city, military region 1. On the other presumed to have been Vietnamese and Western officials the northern part of the coun¬ hand, the government has per tured cap The major added that his expressed try under government control. by the Communists. commanding officer at Phu Bai pessimism about how long Da Nang could be haps only 15.000 to 20,000 Wednesday many soldiers With only the demoralized serviceable soldiers to had fled without giving held. defend wandered aimlessly around Da any remnants of three South Da Nang, Thua Thien, Quang Tin and orders, either to hold or to including what re¬ Nang without their rifles or Vietnamese divisions to defend mains of the first and second even their boots. Quang Ngai. retreat. of their Vietnamese the city, Vietnamese and West¬ They mixed Many soldiers, including offi¬ With Da employes to disclose how many divisions and the Marines after with the estimated half million Nang under threat as well as some Vietnamese people cers, did not seem to know of falling at time, American were being evacuated. But any officials. Air America, the airline which flies charters for the U.S. Jens of thousands oil refugees jammed ment in Southeast govern '>on* thj Asia, carried Han J Utility bombings black out a series of River flights all day throughDaN,ttgiIOffl(| out San Jose Wednesday persons World War II engine aircraft. with up to 100 jammed into a C 46, vintage - two a for the arrival Hue and Passage ^K® to Saigon on a of relativj others tryin, ■ Gahin. J SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - A awake in a two-mile area. Last series of bomb explosions at a week an organization ern California, said five pipe which feeds off the misery of Later this evening a calling stating that, but it looks similar wrecked." There 727 jet was pressed into Boeing Pacific Gas & Electric Co. bombs destroyed three banks the poor." was i itself the New World Libera to other such explosions." I PG&E I substation blacked out of transformers in south San The Santa Clara damage to the FBI office on the service tion Front claimed County FBI to speed 35,000 homes Thursday in the ity for bombing six PG&E responsibil¬ Jose, about 60 miles south of sheriffs office said witnesses spokesman Pen-one in San Francisco said Frank 10th floor. up the evacuation. university! second case of utility San Francisco. There was no saw male adult An Air American christian sabotage transmission towers to demand immediate damage estimate. a fleeing the there have been 30 to 35 News media received which was trying to helicopter church in a week. scene in an old white lower utility rates. pickup bombings in the San Francisco anonymous phone calls warn¬ fly another The Front claimed it truck. An all points bulletin was Service was wiped out to "It's obviously planted Bay area during the last four ing of the blast. 310 N. customers in sabotage and the bombs that damaged six issued for the driver. HagadornRi a 20-square mile we assume some sort of terror years and that 80 per cent were Meanwhile, in Los Angeles a CENTRAL UNITED Study Period 10:0cl and transmission towers last week Sgt. Lloyd. Timmons, - area gradually was being ist organization did it," said a bomb in 1974-75. Worship-11 :Oojj restored. PG&E spokesman Paul Girard. in Alameda and San Mateo expert, said each pipe bomb man claiming to be a member of METHODIST counties to demand that the The explosion in Berkeley, 50 a Cuban group said he planted a Across from the Sinppiraiion- 7 oo 1 About 2'/« hours after the Authorities did not know if was equivalent to lVi sticks of miles north of San Jose, capitol utility cut its rates. homemade bomb that caused "Transportation! San Jose explosions, another the two PG&E attacks were dynamite. occurred in a 13-story Sermon Topic: bomb went off in a It called PG&E "a rich, Asked if building. minor damage early Thursday Provided Berkeley related. a terrorist group A fire official said one fifth of to "Don't let death building that houses FBI No injuries were corporate enemy of the people" was responsible, Timmons said, a building housing the reported in and a "parasite the 11th floor, where the bomb Panama Government Tourist define your life" offices. corporation "We haven't received either case. any claim was located, Bureau. CALL 332 5131 A group calling itself the Red was "completely by Dr. Howard A. Lyman PG&E, which serves North- Guerrilla Family claimed re¬ Worship Services sponsibility for the Berkeley 9:30 am Iff you think Kodak blast, which reportedly caused Rent TV's and 11:00 a.m. $100,000 damage. Authorities Refrigerators Nursery Available said they had never heard of 485 9477 ■t Dorm ■ the organization. The early morning utility RINT-A 11 CHURCH ChJ , is just pretty pictures, Alumni Memorial company blasts shook residents (1 block Strong like Bull! peoples Auditorium I 9:30-Study Groups FL Adults and Sunday Sell chuRch 10:30 Coffee Hour • T you ought to have 9:30 a.m. WnRh, Interdv iyimiRJlniii.il 11:00 200**. (.land Knu a.m. - WoisispSei ji Mkhwjti Kor rides call 355-flll after 9:00 a.m. JM SOU Sundl your chest examined. 6:00 • Evening worsJ 9: JO a.m. and II 00 t m Tom Stark, Pastor 1 Fred Herwalt, Associated Because He live*" Kathy Lang, Staff by Wallace Robertson Associate | taft«rMtiu»i"i' CHRISTIAN RffH CHURCH IffiCOMQIin W1K0MB TWJ "Gods way with us f by Al Hoksbersen I •ihcBRAIKH* Your friendly neighborhood all CD store. On the MSU Campus Sundays S:00 Eucharist A Sermon 1208 S. University, Ann Arbor at 220 M.A.C., East ALUMNI CHAPEL Lansing Ju„ tatt of tha Kraw Aft Ctntar Southgate Shopping Center Sear's Lincoln Park Shopping Center 6:15 p.m. Student Dinner "Is that oil there is?"| V M-T-W-Sot 106 TH-Frl 10-9 Hides from Chapel # 6:00 by Rev.Tim limburgl / The Rev. John Mitman, Chaplain PIANO & ORGAN Chaplain's 620 N. Harrison House 351 7638 - Home SALE! 351 • 7160 - Officr All Saints Parish For Transportation Call: 351 6360 800 Abbott Rd. or 332 8189 Services - 8:00 & 10:00 1509 River Terrace rhe Rev. Wm. BALDWIN 351 7160 Eddy, Rector PIANOS & ORGANS 20%-40% OFF UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4608 S. Hagadorn LARGE SELECTION Worship Service: 10.00 a m. Sundav school: 11:15 a.m. School Discipleship 6:00 CONSOLE PIANOS for Bus Service Call 351 1144 or 351 6491 p.m. John Walden, Pastor FROM$65000 UP South Baptist Church | LARGE SELECTION 1518 S.Washington bnsin* NEW CONSOLE PIANOS Sunday - 7:00 p.m. "Behold Your King" FROM $595°° UP Musical When a chest x-ray shows that you have a radiologist-and, most important, reduced radi¬ potential killer like TB or cancer, it's not a ation exposure. pretty picture. But it's an important picture because it MAC LAUGHLIIM'S can help the doctor detect and catch the killer Researching and creating better x-ray films is good for our business, which is 1:41 A.M. College Bible Class and Fellowship refreshments in time. why we went in the fireside room. 8:30 p m. into them in the first place. But it does our soci¬ PIANO & ORGAN MART When doctors are out to catch these in ti« fireside room poten¬ ety good, too-which isn't a bad feeling. After tial killers, they want the sharpest, clearest x-ray all, our business depends on our Sunday 1100 a.m. 1606 E MICHIGAN AVE films they can get. And that's society—so we why people at care what happens to it. LANSING, Ml 487 5995 Kodak spend so many hours Beyond deoths grospi" creating new and better x-ray film equipment. Already, the results include convenience for the patient, economy FREE BUS SERVICE Morning and Evening for the hospital, an even more useful tool for the More than a business. Call 482 0754 for Informatiop Your One - Stop - Shopping Center Offers: School Supplies A Complete New and Used Book Service If We Don't Have It - electronic calculators We'll Get It Large and Well Organized Office Supplies As Well \£ya y C& ) Rockwell ~ <1 EXCELLENT Books for Adults COPY SERVICE The Mezzanine at SBS proudly presents • Lots of Titles • Friendly Qualified Service • Gift Wrapping Free 3 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, i, ml Change in 'U' bylaws By BRUCE RAY WALKER reorganize the standing committees. And officials causes confusio State NewB"Stafl Writer are wondering board did not set a specific date for the bylaws to take effect when dl tito maintain present council just how soon they can accomplish this. number of faruitu , Though the MSU Board of Trustees voted March 21 to they voted for its passage. council »l uuntil the next accept Secretary of the Faculties Gordon Thomas, the man the proposed revisions to the bylaws for academic governance, responsible for publishing the new rules to Les Manderscheid, chairman of the ad hoc committee that He said tk.< _ ielo>»'rs herself in a society determined to defeat the individual in all of us. With Lena Nyman. Borje Ahlstedt, Deiniterdme Tonight & Saturday Peter Lindgren, Vilgot A Swedish film with dubbed in English subtitles. Sjoman. English/ Showtimes. 7:30 & 9:30 Tonight & Saturday Showplace- ° H C «'•-"»bw.ii. Showtimes: 7:30 & 9:30 SAT 106 B Wells Admission: $1.25 Showplace: 102 B Wells Beat Film Admission: (1.25 Beal Film SHOWTIMES FRI 8 and 10PM SAT 8 and 10PM SUN 2:30 and 4 PM Sky lecture and outdoor observing after 8 PM shows. Album and light show after 10 PM shows. ADMISSION Adult 125 MSU Student '00 Children ^ (12 & under) no preschoolers admitted eCDfATIHEES MAMA INVESTIGATES THE WORKS OF MULDAUR APRIL 3- 8 pm-Auditorium ERICH VON DANIKEN AND Tickets $4&$s Available at the Union CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, i Special Guest TOM RUSH ftaTW inAbrams I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28, 1975 By CAROLYN FESSLER about 25 miles, and for those riders in excellent SUte News SUH Writer 40 miles or more." shape we will run Lansing was dumped with four inches of snow. Hostehng is the art of traveling under one's Stein encourages the owners of the own steam and Day hikes are being planned around Rose Lake in Clinton nearly 10,000 registered bicycles on campus and the thousands who are not registered to u„e,,n.Le S^m J* Hostel Club (CHC) is hikinS' bicyclinK or canoeing, the Campus County and Yankee Springs, near Grand Rapids, recreation areas lostelers plan In existence since late branch of the eager to organize a trip. fall term, the campus club is a large American Youth Hostel (AYH) organization fledgling and a repeat of last winter's trek from campus to Fenner Arboretum in Lansing. "That was a beautiful hike," Stein reminisced. "We walked participate in the Belle Isle Marathon in Detroit May 17 and 18. For 24 hours the riders will circle the island and try to accumulate as many miles as they can. 'There's trophy and a lot of publicity for the mi u With the S C'ub in Detroit and a hostel in Milford. Mich. coming of warmer weather, hiking and along the railroad tracks and later in the day the sunset reflected a group with the greatest number of miles," he said. "If we could get 100 or more likes, bike trips off the ice formations on the Red Cedar. It was enthusiast* will be pleased to know that there biking fantastic." people from MSU with transportation and tents, there would be a will be many Stein said the expeditions opportunities to participate in excursions 01 give people a chance to open their very good chance of bringing home a trophy and recognition for varying distances and eyes to the much - ignored scenery in the area. difficulty. "There's a lot of beauty in the countryside south of our club." John Stein, president and main coordinator of the club is said. campus," he currently pulling together three different bike For those who would rather wear out their Vibram soles instead trips for every So far, the club's bike weekend in April. trips have not prospered as much as the of their tires, an overnight hike at the Allegan recreation area will hikes. "They will be on be held the weekend of May 10 and 11. three levels of endurance," he explained. "The Organizational meetings slowest will be held soon for would - be paced ride will go for about 10 or 12 miles; the middle participants in these two events. range trip, for the average rider who is • Stein said the club is also going to try to launch a moderately in shape, is One of the trips was scheduled to take canoeing place on the weekend program. The Ten Pound Fiddle Permanent lower presents KNSING (UPI) s (been permanently lowered - maximum speed limit The day to a lowering the bill permanently speed limit to avoid the loss of $200 law vision despite the no-points which the pro¬ governor this year. In other action before break¬ were wounded to qualify for Harry Tuft million in state bonus checks. IBS miles per hour, but federal highway funds. opposes. "We have to sign the bill ing for a 10-day Easter recess, The Senate defeated two singing traditional and (v continue to travel The vote was 36 1 with Sen. the Senate sent Milliken Sen. a bill moves to levy penalty points Gary Byker, RHudson- last as 70 m.p.h. without John Welbom, R Kalamazoo, because of the federal law," setting back the effective date the driver records of motorists on ville, offered an amendment re¬ contemporary folk music said Patrick Babcock. Milliken's ■g assessed penalty points, the lone dissenter. of the state's new campaign who exceed the 55 m.p.h. limit instating the normal point legislative lobbyist. "We don't e state Senate gave lative approval Wednes¬ final Aides would said sign the Gov. Milliken measure into have a choice. The points issue finance law from April 1 to July 1 and correcting technical over the objections of senators who said enforcement would be system but his proposal fell short with only 13 supporting Friday, March 28 at 8:30 pin is lost." errors. votes. Congress mandated impossible without the points. Union Grill *2.00 Loan assures lay-off benefits speed limits be reduced to 55 that The upper chamber also gave final legislative approval to a A driver ordinarily would receive three But a compromise version, Sponsored by the MSU Folksong Society in m.p.h. as an energy conserva¬ points for ex¬ which would have levied one bill allowing families of veter¬ IANSING tion move in March 1974 and ceeding a speed limit by 15 penalty point for speeds up to (UPI) The "The other is the extension of led States - made that action ans reported missing in action m.p.h., two points for 10 m.p.h. 70 m.p.h., came within one vote cooperation with the I'nion Activities board Dept. of Labor benefits for an unprecedented permanent in Vietnam and veterans who and one point for 5 m.p.h. in of being approved. ■approved a $30 million loan third 13-week period." leep checks going out to Without the extension, state workers when the welfare officials say thousands unemployment fund of families could be forced on to I up in April. public assistance rolls when Milliken said Tuesday their unemployment benefits I Labor Secretary John T. expire later this spring. lop has pledged there will The extension has been in¬ »interruption in benefits to cluded in the tax cut bill now in ■off Michigan workers. a U.S. House-Senate conference e transfer of $30 million committee. | April 1 is one of two major The jobless rate in Michigan underway to assure the last month topped 15 per cent. Inuation of benefits to laid- liehigan workers," Milliken "J Q Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan March 28,^5 Auditions set for 'Marat-Safe By FRANK POX actors — some of the beat parts Marat symbolise and summarise the State News Reviewer in modern theater," Stern said. entire political and social situs "At the same time, there are For "therapy," the inmatea put on a play for the amuse¬ tion of the times." SStK??* The Company will hold open numerous really nice spots for ment of an unseen audience of And what times auditions at 7:80 p.m. Monday they were: and Tuesday in 209 Bessey Hall first timers range and the entire of roles in between is visiting decadents seeking cheap thrtlla. The Marquis de the inmatea have taken the aaylum and the fat bour over Jjrge.campus. on empty n,e room for Peter Weiss' "Marat covered. There's really some¬ Sade actually directed such geoisie have taken over the Sade," of the moat demonic Ul theater one thing for everyone in the performances in the asylum. powdered wigs of the beheaded pre*nt,t10ft^ works of modern theater. show." Stern explained. "Marat Sade" is the popular • title for a play which is properly "Marat - Sade" ia set in a madhouse in France in 1808. "If you wanted to take all the turbulence of postrevolutionary aristocracy. In their enthusiaam for forming the play, however, the per JrarH W- There „ * known as 'The Persecution and The central focus of the play is Assaasination of Jean • Paul a mythical meeting between France and condense it into man. that man one would be the inmates go too far and abuse the sensibilities of the TPS I«. Sternenvi"nme„uU explained Marat as Performed by the the notorious libertine de Sade asylum's audience will - Marquis de Sade," Stern said. director. They strongly nov hl Inmates of The Asylum of and the sickly revolutionary sug in the action. "Weiss employs de Sade to gest that the lauded French Charenton Under the Direction "The play jg j Revolution is a sham — that the of the Marquis de Sade." people have merely substituted ' Lke a cir««- There i'J Originally published Germany in 1964. the play in Passport, Corea here one group of rulers for snother. "Do we have to listen to this thousand things once. There are 3C mers in going or 40 w j perlJ sort of the piece, thing?" the ssylum enjoyed its greatest the English - success speaking theater in for Brewery jazz gig director demands. ever inactive. .oneof.w, leave the stare or b* as Peter Brook's production "We're citizens of a new _ with The Royal Shakespeare Passport, an up - and - com¬ appeared on campus last sum¬ enlightened age. We're all ated "Jhe P,a-V's effect is tt J Company, which featured ing entry on the German jazz will mer and enjoyed an immensely revolutionaries nowadays, but this is plain by having type moodat the a gay. 0lrtuil Glenda Jackson in the role of scene, appear at the enthusiastic reception. treachery. We and in sametinif j Charlotte Corday, Marat's as¬ Brewery Sunday night can't allow it" opposition to - 1 Tickets for both shows are starkness of the sassin. The group, a quartet let But he can't stop it for it is asylum." available at the Brewery lounge by multi instrumentalist Klaus all around him. The Company's interprets and will be sold at the door. Doldinger, has released three "Marat - Sade" will be all tion of "Marat - Sade" will be an albums in this country. The opportunity for new people who newest release, entitled "Cross want to act, said Dave Stern, director of the play. Some 40 Collateral," is the group's best album and in the few weeks parts will be open for tryouts. since its release, is 'This production of 'Marat swiftly Sade' will serve as a becoming its moat popular. I spring¬ board for many new people who Monday and Wednesday Jose Feliciano, who sings the theme wish to become involved with song for the popular TV show "Chico nights, The Brewery will pre¬ and the Man" will appear at 8 and 10:30 The Company." Stern said. sent Chick Corea's Return to p.m. Saturday at Long's Banquet and Convention Center, 6810 S. Cedar St., "One of the appealing aspects Forever. Corea's group, con¬ Lansing. Tickets are $7 and $6 of the play is that with its and are on sale at area Knapps stores, Marshall Music in East large sisting of baasist Stanley Lansing and cast you have a sizable number Clarke, guitarist Al DiMeola at Long's. of absolutely virtuoso parts for and drummer Lenny White, r The COMPANY announces Open Auditions for Peter Weiss's Marat/Sade """""I BUTTERFIELD DRIVE- IN THEATRES —> Monday March 31 and Tuesday April! STARLfTR 7:30 pm 209 Sfor Information call 351-5407 I Bessey Hall I US 27 WIST OF WAVERLY PNjoe 372 2434 L LANSING 5 CEDAR ST NEAR Phone 882 2429 JOUY RD | Kvjl pJj "KeoPEMg! Spring Is hor* bringing FREE ORCHIDil I to the first 100 ladys. Alto in the snack I bar 2 FREE COKES I with the of a pizza. purcho* | Two of tho most talked about of tha year In on* picture) I outstanding all sta I program! t Injun State News, East Lansing, Michigan McCann charms crowd with warmth, The development of contem¬ the raucous response common sincerity Rankin, Mary Travers, Buffy porary music in this country with other bands of this genre. St. over the past 10 years has Marie, Barry Manlow, When McCann's voice enters, Freddie Hubbard, Neil Sedaka, paralleled the progression of he has forged an indelible link Gil Scott Heron, Joe Farrell, our outlook, moving through with his audience. The music is Esther brief flashes of commitment to Phillips, Ellen totally absorbed in its own Mcllwaine, Stanley Turentyne noninvolvement and beyond, smoothness and and Asleep at the Wheel. shifting tex¬ turning continually inward in tures, carefully doing nothing The Stables has definitely the search for new definitions. to break the mood. As more and more By the time become the major musical out¬ people McCann leaves the stage, smil¬ let for the area. abandoned the structures of the Hopefully it ing at, touching and hugging will supplement its list of cities, the factories and modern people, there are few faces in regulars, appearing several social conventions, the tradi¬ the audience not lit up with times a year, with some more tional harmonic orientation of grins. ambitious programing. our music was also left behind. McCann's greatest strength Those who were fortunate The focus shifted to the pulse, is his relationship with the enough to witness Oregon's one of the most basic sources of audience. He is the essence of unheralded arrival in East music. sincerity, instilling a strong Lansing during finals week Leg McCann and his band, sense of personal gift. His were treated to the musical happily ensconced at The nonspecific spirituality easily event of the season. The return Stables through Sunday, per induces the audience to join his of Oregon, and the presence of fectly exemplify this rhythmic rhythmic caravan back to the such people as Thelonius Monk orientation and the new rela¬ womb. or Michal Urbaniak's Fusion, tionships it forges with the Other musicians scheduled would be major contributions to audience. for this term at The Stables the community, and Using guitar, bass and drums include Kenny Burrell, Kenny certainly less than harmful to the till. to back up his vocals and piano work, McCann creates a semi- religious, communal feeling in the audience. McCann's piano FIND FIVE work swirls in rhythmic coun¬ terpoint with both himself and the pulse set up by the bass. Waves of pure rhythm ■larry Tuft, a well known folksinger from Denver, surge Ben Pound Fiddle coffeehouse at 8:30 Colo., will appear at the through the audience, which are felt rather than listened p.m. tonight in the Union GrOl.Tuft, to. Ivho has run the Denver Folklore Center for The audience readily aban¬ many years, plays both dons itself to the VflSTEAKS* traditional and contemporary material. quickly Admission to the MSU Folksong >ciety event is $2. spreading feeling of nonhyster- ical warmth, so different from lnt\! to ■moking habit? [Day Plan If•ap , M ARCH 30 . BEALGARDEN7:00AttNN J^uskj ^ord'i- OOp m Merchll only I lot Fj.« ••tplratory Sponsored by His Houss ■ ^upp&r. 1 Vital Capacity "hon. Ml MM and House East orMIItSt Unlike other bass-reflex designs, Ohm D IM'APftll loudspeakers provide deep, powerful bass response SALE SYSTEM TWO without a trace of annoying "boom." We're not fooling around when we Combine say that them with a high quality stereo receiver like Tech Hifi offers you the lowest prices on quality iiiiiMJiififiii the Nikko 4030, and you have the component music systems. Where else can you makings of a really fine music system. The Nikko receiver get an Advent/Nikko/BSR system for only $299? offers ample power, noise-free FM reception, and The Advent/2 loudspeakers bring the accurate, full component flexibility. For your records, Tecb wide-range, "Advent Sound," to the economy price Hifi includes the no-nonsense Glenburn 2155A range. The Nikko 1010 sterio receiver provides automatic turntable with bi-directional, viscous plenty of power for these efficient Advent lowd- damped manual cueing. A bass, dustcover and a speakers. And the light-tracking BSR 2260X factory installed Shure M75E magnetic cartridge of the membership of the are included. You'd be foolish to pass up the low automatic turntable a base, dustcover and comes a fully-equipped with Shure magnetic cartridge. a price of only $409 for this excellent music system This would be a great system at any price, but its (you $156!). MSU EMPLOYEES N,KKO save BjSH also a great value at only $299! NIKKO OLENBURN mnADVENT eu MONDAY, MARCH 31st MSU AUDITORIUM DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. You must be registered by 8 p. m. to be eligible for doorprize drawing Annual business meeting • Door prize drawing Consumer information displays Family entertainment • Election results NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! Join the credit union by 3 p.m. Mon., March31 - thenjoin the festivities! come, hear. m[tech hifi] Grand Door Prize 1975 FORD PINTO 122 East WsQuality Components at the Right Price m 5 Washington St., Ann Arbor/619 East Grand River Ave., East 14615 West 8 Mile Rd„ Detroit/20715 Lansing/ 430 Nortn Telegraph Rd„ Dearborn Kelly Rd„ East Detroit/4526 North Woodward Ave 125 Main St., Rochester/12755 , Royal Oak Eureka, Southgate 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28, 1975 Listening Ear offers empathy, guidanc By JAMIE CONROY something they learned in high scares, callers are worried "A lot of our callers State News SUlf Writer school. are afraid volunteer. A service card may auto mechanics and But, though Jim and about family problems, teenagers, is not Jim is 17 and is losing sleep Susan in a potentially sexual to go to a county health contain information such as the program designed to toth for are fantasies and sexual problems among others. The present 100 snare unsuspecting potentials particular problem that department because there are graduates un,lergradu^ over a desperate situation, there are such caller'sproblem, the Ear's sug¬ volunteers range in age from 15 into signing their lives he has never had before. impotency, loneliness as forma to fill out," Sossi said. "At away, is offered tWi people who can help them pave and gestions in dealing with the to 46, but there is no but to give them a chance to His girlfriend, Susan, thinks she is pregnant. the road to a solution. depression. About 16,000 people call or the Ear, callers always remain anonymous and are not treated situation and the age and sex of requirement and a psychology age view Ear operations first-hand. EXui\ Wails ah°ut (hat „ The Listening Ear, 547'/i E. visit the Ear. which the caller. But the name of the background is not required to discussed at Jim and Susan don't know opened in as a number." the Grand River Ave., is a nonprofit 1969, each year. Jan Sossi, the caller visitor, even if known, or become a volunteer. The spring programs. where to begin to look for the crisis intervention center with Each time a volunteer makes is recorded. never Potential volunteers may training program community coordinator of the for new volunteers will be solution to their problem. at least two volunteers available acontact, which includes The Ear works under the idea come to one of two orientation from Thp Ear, attributes the large num¬ any¬ April 17 to 27. It only thing lh, Where to go for a confidential, one from callers is a compact for conversation at to business that everyone needs help at requires of iU free pregnancy test was not any hour of ber of callers to the personal contacts to just visitors, a programs: from 7 to 10 p.m. program that contains 70 hours vol * the day. Besides pregnancy attention each caller receives. some point and it is a strength Thursday or from 10 a.m. to 1 worth of training. wJl'ngness to listen tS service card is filled out by the rather than a weakness to ask Volunteers p.m. April 5 in Olds Hall. The for it. are not paid, but college credit people who ways to are in!! The volunteer tries to estab help themlS?, Store bans food lish empathy with the callers to let them know someone cares, [ Jim Jim Johnson John * Frank nflaynord but at the same time the volunteer makes it clear that nm Wmm everyone is responsible for his despite or her own actions and deci allowable sions. Only the callers can find the right solution to their problems. However, the Ear can refer the callers to the UHLS-flii By CASSANDRA SPRATLING Dr. Allen Hoeteing of the mixed the fire while proper clinic or agency. Many Sute News Staff Writer retardent they agreed with the United States Dept. of Agri¬ chemical with feed fed to cattle, times callers know what kind of guidelines taken by the various Despite Food and Drug Ad¬ culture. pigs, chickens and agency to contact but are afraid ministration assurances that other regulatory agencies, they felt it However. Meijer officials say animals. wise to include to do so because they don't know stereo m food products meeting their additional safe¬ they will only sell those pro¬ guards to protect their custo¬ what to expect. An Ear guidelines for polybrominated ducts that are noncontaminated Thousands of head of live¬ mers. volunteer can explain to wor biphenyl (PBB) content are safe stock died PROGRESSIVELY BETTER as proven by their regular as a result of the ried callers what will happen for human incident State officals had consumption, testing program in a Wisconsin or were killed because previously after they dial an agency num¬ Meijer, Inc. supermarkets re¬ of it. But scientists and state been successful in laboratory. persuading ber. But if people just want fuses to sell any dairy, meat or officials insist that humans will Meijers, one of Michigan's information, they don't have "Because have always we to egg products found to contain suffer no ill effects from largest grocery chains, to post¬ tried to take the consumer's eating prove they need it to get it. pone its ban on Michigan meats any trace of the chemical. position we felt that we should food products containing less and dairy products. Volunteers have been house Central Michigan Largest Display Milk and egg products con¬ than the required limit of PBB. wives, take this extrasaid step," businessmen, students, taining less than .3 parts per Meijer officials said that million PBB and egg products Harvey Lemmen, vice presi¬ dent and general of Ready to Finish manager of containing less than .05 parts Meijer. Inc. in a statement per million are considered safe by federal authorities. "There is absolutely no rea¬ issued March 25. PBB was introduced into the DESKS r 19 Styles to choose from son for any concern for the Michigan food cycle in 1973 1' safety of any dairy or meat products that contain 0.3 parts per million or eggs that contain 0.05 parts per million consumed when Services the Michigan Farm Bureau mistakenly r Tiff; by humans in Michigan," said * ikxumioyai; t* DAY ! HAVE AN ^ I NERVOUS ABOUT EXAMS? During Spring Term the counseling center will be offering a research treatment program on test anxiety 3 ***************** reduction. If nervousness over exams is of concern to Reg 143.95 now $99.50 129.99 you, perhaps you would like to sign up for this program. PX STORE IN Open Daily! a.m. to 5:30 p.m. . Participation in the program will involve approxi¬ 3121 S. Pennsylvania 1 mately 7 hours of time over a 6-week period. Attempts will be made to arrange the meetings according to free FRANDOR Lansing times in your class schedule. MB OVERALLS PHONE 882 0278 m If you are interested in signing up for the program, or in 12" learning more about it. call the Counseling Center at 355-8270. Mr. B's Wearhouse TREE* FROM 5.99 delivery SWALLOW Coupon starts new at 4:30 pm OUR PRIDE... $2.00 Off any purchase of on Easter Sunday from The Easter dinner special $10.00 or more. is ROAST TOP SIRLOIN . JUNGLE BELL'S OF BEEF or enjoy a One coupon per customer BOOTS Ends April III gourmet selection from our dinner menu — BOOK BAGS 16.99 Serving dinner from 12 o'clock PIZZA noon to 8 p.m. Mon Fri We have in stock 225 MAC 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY HAPPY HOURS 4-7 p.m. I Entertainment nightly after 9 p.m.l PX STORE Jeans $6 to 8.50 Mens slacks up to $13 FREE DELIVERY JAZZ Gary Blumer Trio OPEN 7 DAYS 351-5323 Dress, Western, and casual shirts MAILTHIS Sport coats $15 Leisure suits $35 The Gold smith Lounge will close iCOUPONFOR Shirts, tops, and slacks for women ^hepards... i at 8 p.m. on | Easter Sunday, iFOLDERSON* I • LOWEST-COST ■ 529 E. Grand River, East Lansing Op«n Mon.-Frl. 10 |FARES&TOURS| InrttfStfiUT traiha 246 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sot. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. TOEUROPE JL C. Sapntw of any scheduled airline TO: ICELANDIC AIRLINES Jp mm HRnr 6305th Ave N.V ,N Y. 10002 I . Phone (212)757-8585 • X)ooLeys : For Toll Free Number outside1 Meet Us Under The Parachute I | Ngme_ for... | Street _ | City Cork and Crepe | State — _Z.p_ What combination!!! Y 15CER X3 Please send folders on: a I | LOWESTYOUTH FARES Save money no matter when I you leave, how long you stay1 ■ 7 HOT DOGS 1 CAMPING TOURS Deiuxecamptng for 18-30 I age groupBig choice of ■ toursincluding Eastern • Europe SKI THE ALPS Thur mid-April Low prices I I (rom 2-5 fori ft 2 week tours FRIDAYS ■ CAR ft RAIL TOURS 1 Choice oil ,2&3weeMours Go where you want Campers, | ^ ICELANDIC TOURS I Expeditions for naturalists, geologists Viking history ' | PircllER SpECIAl 2 10 6 AFFINITY GROUP TOURS I Form your own school club I group ol at least 25 members " traveling together Save | money. Havefun with friends. . is weekly from " Chicago, to I ■ 1 Luxembouro in the heart ot I Europe At lower fares than other scheduled airline any I ■ J/nd, o j- ' doU/NSIAilW Since 1952' 5 106 I SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT I NO COVER ^ OH ! ICELANDIC! leparas ; AIRLINES ; ^ Your Best Buy In The TneSKy Sky \ j HtpES Downtown — East Lansing 4M (M.nw\s » Michigan Stale News, East Lansing. Michigan Friday, March 28,1975 13 Michigan destined n., iviivrrrcTDi By JIM KEEGSTRA State News Staff Writer Common Cause initiates its citizen petition drive for reform on April for political reform litical reform appears destined to come to Michigan « as planned. leaders, House Speaker Bobby Crim, said Thursday it was his "It's our insurance, our protection that come hell or high water e questions now are how extensive will it be, whose The drive would impression that the legislature is taking Substantial action on proposals attempt to collect 275,000 signatures in three reform and the Common Cause Michigan will have a more open government," Ross said. vin out and when. months, though only 212,000 are leadership understands this. The April 7 deadline date was issued in a necessary, and would culminate "No other subject, by Common Cause in early P immediate answers to this landmark issue will have to come statewide ballot proposal in the 1976 election covering cam¬ except the budget, has consumed more time of February. Ross said it still stands even though the full legislature four men sometime during the next week, paign financing, conflict of interest, high level staff people," Fedewa said. lobbyists and enforcement But Doug Ross, executive director of began an 11-day Easter vacation Thursday and will not return until esc men, the bipartisan leaders of the state House and measures. Common Cause, said Senate, April 7. determine by their action or inaction whether Substantial action Thursday the group has received no assurances of action from the Michigan Stan Fedewa, the executive 'Powerful hammer' secretary to one of the legislative leaders themselves, despite several months of extensive The lobby holds what one senator has called a legislative and lengthy discussions with their staffs. "powerful hammer" with the threat of a petition drive. A similar Son Rise' "Unless we get some drive in California was By SUE WILLOUGHBY celebration planned ahead," Ross said. "We just have to meaningful indication officially from at least the leadership that they intend to initiate reform action, well go play this drama through," he added. "The vastly successful, but left both reformers and entrenched politicians unhappy because of poor legal language. If the four legislative leaders do make some official move which next causes Common Cause's when he started the 10 days should be interesting." policy board, meeting April 0, to postpone Sute News Staff Writer journey, and he didn't have any help." the drive at least until it sees if the The 175-pound cross was made Common agreement legislature is serious, the actual poup of MSU students who want to do more on Ka- tor than then donated to the by a member of His House and Both bill package of reforms would not appear for another month at the |y attend a church service plan to drag a 14 foot wooden cross group as a gift. legislators and Common Cause agree that a single bill earliest. After the service, MSU student Tom package of political changes, if passed in the legislature, would be id campus at 6:30 Sunday morning. Hendricks will be baptised "If this came out within the next month it would be record in the Red Cedar River preferable to the petition method since it would probably result in a time," . outdoor "Son Rise" Easter celebration, sponsored by His by a member of His House. Hendricks, who Fedewa said. -and His House East, will begin with the drai; became a Christian just three weeks ago, chose Easter for the better written law in shorter time, at less nn>- <»•' i he cross expense. The package could likely ice because it symbolizes a Ross readily professes the appear from Sen. Patrick His House East at 4920 S. Hagadorn Road to the Beal sen rebirth, Riness said. meetings with leaders' staff have been D-Dearborn, who has followed the discussions with Common McCollough, The service is open to the held in good faith and reflect sincere efforts. But Cause orial Gardens. public, and members of all faiths are he said the citizen closely. To be assured of success among the often recalcitrant service will also include songs from a student encouraged to attend. Last year more than half of those lobby group cannot give up the petition option until the reforms it e choir, a the service were not from His attending wants are in the law. legislators themselves, however, it would need the strong ;e from the asst. campus minister, the ohservame of the House, Riness said. and pressure of the support "This year, we're leadership. Supper and a baptismal service in the Red Cedar Hiver. hoping that most people aren't from our wanted an outdoor service, because there are fellowship," he said. "We'd like to get the opportunity to interact \ery few w ith members of other churches." se Easter services in the area, and it's de where it's so fresh and clean," said Mike us minister. much nicer being Riness, asst. "It's also symbolic because it's believ.-d that Reactions from people observing the year weremostly favorable. dragging of the cross last CANADIAN $2 BILL REBATE "Last year we met some it was resurrected in a garden." really nice people on our way back to His House East following the service, and we had e students carry the cross alone, a chance to talk," taking turns as t hey get tired, arrying the cross is really quite an experience." said Riness, Riness said. The service at Beal Garden will last ^ Canadian Quality Cool leather Built-in helped to carry the cross last year. "You get tired really soon, about an hour. After the service, the cross will be returned to its resting leathers. \ craftsmanship, lining. heel support you can just imagine how Jesus felt. He was weak and beaten place in front of His House East. CLOSE-OUT RECEIVER SALE! lift $259.95 FISHER 140 WATT AM/FM KENWOOD-PE AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER FISHER 4 CHANNEL OQ Naturally Rocker Sole. 1 Comfortable Gently shaped toes. arch support recessed heel. STEREO RECEIVER W/TORNTABLE STEREO RECEIVER Sold only at Roots Shops. 220 M. A.C.AVE. DAILY 10-5:30 Gift certificates available. (THE UNIVERSITY MALL) THUR. 10-9:00 City feet $229. $129. $299. EAST LANSING 517/332-2212 need Roots. Other Famous Receivers & Speakers at Similar Savings SPRING SAVINGS SALE AT NIKON CASH BASEBALL BACKPACKING SPORTING GOODS REBATES Select gloves from WILSON- RAWLINGS-SPALDING- MacGREGOR WORLD FAMOUS BACKPACK #243 reg. $34.95 NOW $26' Plus our low, low prices! Complete selection of CAMPWAYS BATS-BALLS-SHOES CONDOR #592 $49.95 $39,! 15% OFF ON ALL HIKING BOOTS TENNIS Name Brands see our complete selection of List $724 List $584.50 SPALDING-WILSON- U CAMPING & BACKPACKING equipment This '25. 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Men's $7950 .§ j shoes and receive $25 OFF I I $2 towards purchase of new sports footwear ( Store Hours: FREE I REGULAR PRICE LEONARD Mon. A Fri. 9:30 to 9 p.m. Adjacent Ramp I $2 OFF With coupon i Tuos., Wed., Thurs., Sot. & shoe trade-in. 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Parking good thru April 3 J Limit one pair of shoes per coupon. I 5002 W. SAGINAW [just EAST OF LANSING MALL I Evenings Sat. I Good thru April 3 ! 487-1853 OPEN DAILY 10 -9 ] 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Fnday' March 28,19751 Davis, Furlow not to press By STEVE STEIN but neither party (Furlow State Newt or Sports Writer Davia) wanted to Campus police have ended sign the necessary papers. their investigation of the fight The investigation stemmed Dfvis also repo^ .J between MSU basketball from an altercation play- between era Terry Furlow and Pete Furlow and Davia 0 r,ce and it Davia. Both athletea have pickup baaketball game Monday during a still app^ decided not to preaa charges. in the upper 1 lodged. I haven t heard Police said Thursday they did Fieldhouae. gym of Jenison Davis complained «J have enough evidence to contrary," go to to the prosecutor's enaud, the Ingham County office that director of ml prosecutor's Furlow had punched him grams. ™ office with charges of assault. and the case was sent "ft'* a shame back to the the ivi fo receive media eiwM 1 critical Jrjl Bruins' experience recruiting,'' MSI' «*rh GusGanakasJI lIP Jay-, "Thc sad thJ"J JJnt help Terry won't help-Wooden Ganakas SAN DIEGO (UPI) — UCLA's fered no said that [ilnA 11th NCAA basketball tournament Bruins will be appearing in their fight, external but asst. injurjJl Saturday, but John Wooden says that doesn't final round of four in 12 years Payne took him to rouh vj they have any edge in playoff experience. necessarily mean Health Center ijJ "No one has the edge in because Payne after tkel experience." said the Bruins' coach. "That must be out of deference to about Daviss my age." Wooden, whose Bruins face Louisville in the suffering i q is 64. but pointed out that he NCAA semifinals, Bob Petersen (right, No. 30) and has only two seniors on another unidentified his squad. Ganakas do their best to Spartan victory over the Chargers Wednesday in Spartan Stadium. "As far as tournament experience is concerned, we have said he «,,<■ stop a Hillsdale pass during MSLTs 9-0 lacrosse one player back who only glad the chirget wnl played much in the tournament last pressed. said. year," he P Athletic Director "By now, with the extra game added this year, all the teams left said he Bun J disappoint^] Stickmen have played at least three was tournament gsmes," he added. thing like meet this would Jj Kenyon The one Bruin who waa a a 6-8 senior regular ail last season is Dave Meyers, between two forward and an All-America this varsity vt year. However, Meyers has been hampered by a severe "I'm concerned By LARRY MORGAN against Washington in Seattle Feb. 22. He charley horse suffered with "Once we calmed down, it in the will not be at pact on the public and State News Sport* Writer let them do the hitting and was bag. We condition against the Cardinals. peak tlx J in the The MSU lacrosse team will take a 3 -1 season game," Hartman said. kept our minds on the Kentucky, the Mideast regional champion and community, "I'm glad it didn't I Sntla record into 25-4, plays Saturday's game at Kenyon after Attackman Steve Wilson and midfieldman Syracuse, the East titlehoider and 23-7, at 2:10 court suit." shutting out Hillsdale Wednesday, 9 • 0. in time Saturday. p.m. East Lansing Spartan Stadium. Doug Peterson led the Spartan attack with a pair The Women's Intramural UCLA, winner of the West regional and Building will be closed Sunday matched against Louisville, 26-3, is Neither Ganakas or J of goals and an assist because of the Easter champion of the Midwest and 27-2, at The whitewash was only the second in the five apiece. holiday. 4:10 p.m. said Dave Sorrick, another attackman, who There will be • meeting for all they discussed theaj • year varsity history of the team, the last with students interested in with the two coming Wilson leads the team in men's intramural noftball at umpiring players. against Illinois in 1972. scoring, also added a 8 p.m. The goal and an assist to boost his seasonal total to 12 Intramural Bldg. This is a Tuesday in 208 Men's Spartans were minus two starters against mandatory meeting for all those who Hillsdale, as attackman Ron Hebert and mid- points. want to umpire this spring. fieldman Ernie Burkeen were ineligible for the Spartan goalie Andy Obelnicki was kept just Residence hall Softball managers meetings will be held at 6 SWIMMERS 19th IN NATIONALS game. Hebert was misadvised and needed to busy enough to keep his joints from freezing, as Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday in 208 Men's IM p.m. he made a total of 14 Bldg. pick up additional credits, and Burkeen had not saves. Independent A and B and fraternity Women "That's pretty low for a game (14 held at 7 p.m the same managers meetings will be registered for spring term. Both are gymroll saves)," days and in the same expected to Hartman said. "But since it was so cold, that room. play Saturday. was Entries will only be accepted at these times and managers will Wednesday's plenty." be given guidelines contest began with a battle for Hartman and the concerning spring term softball. game control as Hillsdale tried to rest of the lacrosse team physically leave today for By ANN WILLIAMSON intimidate the Spartans. But once the first Saturday's game with Kenyon in State News Sports Writer The MSU women's swim team, measii period was over, MSU had the upper hand and Gambier, Ohio. battled its way to a 19th MSU women's gymnastics coach place finish never relinquished it. Kenyon. which finished seventh, one spot Peacock is proud of her team this Barbara teams arc^fl competing in the national "They were so physical that their minds ahead of MSU in the Midwest Lacrosse Assn. last good reason. year, and with hosted by Arizona State March 13 AlAWf weren't on the other aspects of the game," said year, should provide a tough opponent. to 15. f "They are a real strong team and I'd have to The Spartans, represented by a nine-a MSU coach Fred Hartman about The women gymnasts the Charters. rate them ahead of u» on captured second place contingent, totaled 57 points in the meet I While the Chargers concentrated experience." Hartman with 101.6 points in the Aun. on bodily of Intercollegiate contact, the Spartans kept their heads said. "We lost experience (in graduating players) The MSU ROTC Rifle Club team will close out its season Athletics" for Women (AIAW) University of Miami, Arizona State udW regional meet in scored goals. up and and that's what they have. We'll have to play hosting the Southern Michigan-Northwestern Ohio ROTC by Normal. III. March 21 and 22. Southern Commonwealth took the first, second heads up to beat them." Rifle Illinois, place honors. League meet Saturday. first in the nation in women's Seven other teams, gymnastics last MSU's 200 yard freestyle including Michigan, Western Michigan, year, took first place with 106.7 relay teamoIDB Eastern Michigan and the points. Jacobs, Vicki Riebeling, Karen Waite and II Spartan linkmen range. University of Detroit, will compete in the match, which begins at 9 a.m. on the MSU will carry a 4-3 season record Demonstration Hall rifle MSU's success in Illinois the AIAW national meet University of California at qualifies the team for April 4 and 5 at the Barrett captured second place in the co finals, while the 400 freestyle Becky Hastings, Riebeling. Waite and id relay k into the competition. EMU is Hay ward. The team tavored in the meet, with was required to meet both MSU's and the finished fourth. defending champion at Bowling Green a early distant second, said AIAW's qualifications to Maj. John Crossman, MSU coach. MSU would compete in the nation The 400 medley season nee3 a good day to finish third, he Freshman Loretta Pulley of the MSU Judo added. als. Suzie Brevitz, relay team of Lynn Riebeling and Barrett todfl in the women's division at the Club took third place MSU rules state that the team must finish place in consolation finals. Midwest bactor By DAN SPICKLER Fossum actually started the Red national Amateur Athletic Union second in regional champion Hughes also finished fourth State News Sports Writer ment nine years Fox tourna¬ (AAL'i tournament held in Los Angeles last week. competition to qualify and AIAW rules require a team to consolation 100. tj Several members of the MSU men's ago. He visited the Pine Crest Pulley, from Owosso, became the first Michigan AAU score 96 points in golf team the regionals for appear to be putting together both the course, owned by the brother of a friend, and to place in the tourney. competitor eligibility. Diver Barbara Harding placed sixth intkj exper¬ was so impressed with the links that he decided ience and talent Next on the agenda for "Our team has done better meter and ninth in the three meter funn necessary to make the Spartans to start a preseason tournament there for Pulley is the national collegiate meet, this year than top contenders in the Big Ten and, on an teams which will be held April 4 and 5 they've done in quite some time," Peacock said. at the individual level, in national interested in some early University of Pittsburgh. "We finished the season with Despite the team's less successful finil competition. training. Wofford a fine 15 - 1 dual last year's 13th Coach Bruce Fossum's College now sponsors the action. meet and improved on our place bid, the Spartans didM squad is loaded with Low men for the fourth place finish in a very favorable 1975 season. seven seniors and juniors Spartans at the Red Fox were the regionals last year." linkmen on the team. among the top nine senior Brad Hyland from with a 236 total, and senior Grosse He. who finished Buc series st Kathi Kincer finished fourth in all The women boasted a flawless 8 0 4 The Spartans recently Steve Broadwell from - around completed two tourna¬ Midland, who with 34.25 season record, placed first in the Bi|{T(il came home with the points, with cocaptain Diane ments in North Carolina, finishing eighth out of same score. Chapela and captured the Midwest regional title H 15 teams at the Red Fox Invitational and seventh out of 15 Intercollegiate At the Iron Duke, held Durham, N.D., Wake Forest, last March 23 and 24 in year's NCAA gets his walkin and teammate Maxine strong all around Ceccato also scores turning in of 32.5 and 32.4 second consecutive year. All nine*1 squads at the competing in the nationals for MSU Iron Duke Invitational champion, captured team honors. According to BLADENTON, Fla. (UPI) respectively at the regional meet. American honors, with divers Laura New gaijw Fossum, the Iron Duke has - Veteran pitcher Steve Blass, the "We were competing in these a more competitive hero of Cocaptain Ann Weaver took third place in tournaments for tone to it than the Red Fox. Pittsburgh's World Series success in 1971. was placed on Harding qualifying to represent the Spam preseason training," Fossum said. "These two waivers for the purpose of vaulting with an 8.75 mark. Kincer fourth with the AAU championships April 5. tournaments represent our first effort Hyland was again one of the low men for giving him his unconditional release an 8.7 and Ceccato sixth with an outdoors." MSU, totaling 187 for 45 holes (one of the Thursday in a move that Pirate manager Danny 8.55. Weaver "The girls swam fairly well," coach At the Red Fox, held in Tryon, N.C.. on March was rained out). Gary rounds "a heartbreaking decision." Murtaugh called and Kincer also fared well on the uneven parallel Parks said. "Three girls were clocked atT Jaj 19 through 21, Skeeter Heath, one of the best Domagalski. a sophomore, bars with 8.55 and 8.5 scores. also shot 187. Wake Forest's Bob Byman won the Following a 19-8 campaign in 1972, when his earned run best times for this season but the others« amateur golfers in the country, shot of 2.48 was the best average a five over individual title, carding among National League starters, and what he The Spartans' -par 221 to take individual honors in the 54 hole a 178. called his best top performances on the balance quite as fast. We had to peak three timesW MSU's linkmen go back to action spring training camp in 1973, Blass inexplicably beam came from Kincer and tourney. Heath led his team, East Tennessee on April 18 Chapela with 8.7 and as a team during the regular season andtt through 20 at the Kepler Invitational at Ohio developed a wild streak that he never was able to overcome. In 8 8.35 marks, with Chapela also landing the high again was difficult." State, to the championship. 2 3 innings of work this for MSU State. spring, the 32 year old righthander score on floor exercise with allowed 13 earned an 8.7. Anyone interested in joining the w runs and 17 walks. team should contact coach Mary loss 3335. G-men face tough Big Ten test By ANN WILLIAMSON State News Sports Writer performances. The MSU men's "I think Michigan will be the gymnastics team will face its ultimate test of favored team with Iowa and the year today and Minnesota being the dark horses of the meet," Saturday at the 67th annual Big Ten Meet in be fighting for fourth or fifth Szypula said. "We'll Ann Arbor's Crisler Arena. place, but as far as individual The Spartans, who performances are concerned, it should be a wide posted a disappointing 3-7 dual meet record open battle." for the season, managed a mere seventh place finish of "Steve Murdock and Dave last year and are not eight teams Rosengren on the pommel horse, figured to dominate the meet this year. John Short on floor exercise snd vault and Glenn Hime on Both head coach George Szypula and asst. coach Bob Wuornos all stand a good chance of high bar believe, however, that MSU should make a placing in the top six if they hit their good showing in this routines," Wuornos added. weekend's competition, both as a team and ir individual Competing for MSU this weekend are Jeff Shepherd in all-around, Bob Holland and Tom Rudolph and Joe rings, Murdock and Rosengren on pommel horse,Meagher on still SN will feature Short on floor exercise, on the high bar. Rich Stout and Craig MacLean on parallel bars and Hime new letter column Junior Jim Tuerk, one of MSU's most vault and floor exercise, is a steady performers question mark for the meet as on he is Well, what do you think? suffering from a back injury. Almost everyone has opinions, criticisms and questions Iowa took first in the •bout sport* that need Big Ten last year with 329 points, with circulating. We want them out in the Michigan finishing a close second with 322.20 points. open. Michigan's rank as the favored team this Despite Starting next Friday, the State News will year, U-M coach Newt letters from readers and fans. begin printing Loken does not expect the meet to be a runaway. A trivia quiz, a an athlete, a fan, a sportswriter, or grudge against whatever, you name it. "Iowa has got to be It can be about a factor," Loken said. "They are the anything, as long aa the letter has defending champions and have lot better talent than the to do with sports. something have indicated." a scores Chances of getting the letter printed will increase if it is typed, double spaced and on a 65 - Last year's defending individual space line. Letters can be champions, Dave May of Iowa addreased to Sports Editor, State on floor exercise and Bldg., or delivered to the State News News, 34S Student Services Michigan's Richard Bigras and Bob Darden MSU freshman all arounder Jeff on office. vaulting and high bar, should Rudolph outstanding performers of the meet. prove to be some of the displays his form before the big crowd at the January. Rudolph will compete in his ^ B'g Spartan-Penn State double dual Ten meet this weekend along with h.s Spartw meet last '•1975 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'ide rebate Friday, March 28, 1975 15 ax eligibility likely I continued from page 1) couples couples the amount „r of ;income ges (fit low income families and y middle income families they must earn before to pay any income tax having at all. |0 not itemize tax deduc- Changes in the maximum deduction will enable Police foi some increase in the minimum taxpayers to take a 'dard deduction will raise deduction from income bigger and thus for singles and $600 for pay less taxes. rfssjL as; Drd to wait continued from page 1) on bill's fate within 45 days, ;d'dirKtorof^ would be added to the Revenue an Internal Service spokesman '»shame the ^ :it for either this year or because of a speed up in estimated. tudent tore Kmed»«2 ra| payments to Social Meanwhile, the govern¬ ; cntif>l P«nj ment index of K" Msuli s irity recipients. mic leading econo¬ ii> budget year affected by indicators increased in Ganakus^jj speedup would depend on February for the first time in 'T|,e kip «ad thm.^ 1 month the Treasury gets seven months and its monthly Terry foreign trade surplus was the ■hecks out. (,p-am. •"PP"" it time J ■esident Ford had urged i>ii?gest on record, spokesmen said INTRODUCES THE n Karnes like t^ rress to get him a tax cut Thursday. >efore it began the Easter While ^kas said that Din, a government econo¬ Rockwell Calculator '> external injuriei Congress acted just mist said it was too soon to tell put asst. roach V re midnight Wednesday, whether the rise in the the House voting 287 125 economic ,took him t«t* indicators was a (,<,nter after he oanate 45-16 to pass the definite signal of economic re¬ U» covery, the trade balance sur¬ ; »« |>av.s suffering,, iures, Ford does taxpayers sign the would plus was some of the best news in months for the At a Price You Can Afford embattled it receiving rebate checks U.S. dollar. Ms said he »u.j lhe charges (note act introduced ftic Director Bun | travelers' protection *'as disappoint, r this would k two varsity cy iNSING (UPI) - Legisla and would force promoters to foneerned with 4 he public which would protect post a corporate surety bond in andHij •lers from fly-by-night trip an amount which at least equals mimunity. Snaj loters has been introduced the amount in the trust fund. p it didn't be« ' state Senate. proposal, sponsored by William Fauat, D-West (r Ganakas or I discussed theii would require promoters two players. lotify clients of a trips's can- ation at least seven days jre the scheduled departure return all money within 24 [LS isure that money paid a trip is refunded, roll bill would require pay- its be placed in a trust fund iim team, UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ilace finish iitioi 12R 8-Digit 21R Electronic Calculator national AIAff GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS with Memory and Percent. larch 13 to 15. THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS Electronic Calculator. The Answer. The Answer. 31R Slide Rule Memory del by a nine • ■ comprising 350 outstanding Boys. Girls. Brother-Siitor nd Co-Ed Camps, located throughout lho Ntw 95 Electronic Calculator. pts in the meet ina State and Vj It Atlantic States and Canada. INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summti England, Mid- employment ai Head 29' 195 49 The Answer. |rst, second d -t ielors. Group Leaders. Specialties. General Counselors. 59'195 J|i Rockwell's 21R electronic calculator with Writ*, P>ioi;r. or Call In Person Problems in the kitchen? Home le relay teamof memory and percent capabilities puts iren Waite audi Association of Private Camps — Dept. C workshop? This Rockwell 12R electronic the answers at your fingertips. This ice in the cow Maxwell M Alexander F*ecc*iVe Diierfor calculator is The Answer. It features: Anyone who works with reciprocals, '■style relay :ta 55 West 42nd Street, OX 5-2656. New York 36, N. Y. 4 functions ( + - x -+•), square root, simple-to-operate machine can also squares or square roots will be impressed handle discounts and mark-ons |, Waite and" repeat, 8 digits, floating decimal. Battery with the speed and accuracy of operated (AC adapter included) automatically and has a built-in memory Rockwell's 31R electronic calculator. It's Lm of Lynn Hi so you can carry out two separate a Slide Rule with a fully addressable hd Barrett toot calculations at the same time, and then memory, automatic constants, register Midwest bacto lished fourth COmPUTER intermix them. Has rechargeable exchange, sign change, automatic mark- batteries, too! It's The Answer for most on and discount capabilities and SHORTCGURSES business problems. rechargeable batteries. uccessful final Computer Laboratory will present a series of le Spartans diii ion-credit shortcourses during Spring term, 1975. here is a $1 fee covering computer time and naterials for each shortcourse. iwless 8 0 iq Registration for the hortcourses must be made by April 4 at the User |n the Pig T« nformation Center, Rm. 309 Computer Center, regional title h "or full shortcourse All nine descriptions, contact the User nformation Center, 353-1800. |>r«MSt' gaind Laura Siebdl lent the Spi li5.L led lo relieve the drudgery ot grading (of ini |>ll," coach Jti i Section 2: April 30. 7 • 9 p.m.) ire clocked ill the others three timesil Iseason and fct 'anted SPSS the odvonced feature! ol the Statistical Package lor the Social incej including permonent fit* and magnetic tope usage nl 22 4 24. 3 - 5 p.m.) CISSR2 the Statistical Package ol the Computer Institute lor Social Science Section 1 ■ April 28 » 30, 3 • 3pm: Section 2: April 19 H May 1. 7 • » p.m.) eMSU STAT system with program! for distributional analysis, correlation, (Apnl 21. 23 t 23*3 • 5p m.)*' ",U ">e analyzed by the computer 63R Scientific Slide Rule 719; 3 • 5 p.m.) 80R Printer 61R Advanced Slide Rule Electronic Calculator. CENSUS Explain 1970 census data tapes availability and corresponding reti Electronic Calculator. land display programs usage. Electronic Calculator. The Answer. ifMay 5 1 7; 3 5 p.m.) The Answer. The Answer. (TIC TAPES ). 14 • 19: 7-9 Discussion of Mognetic Topes p.m.) Terminology and Procedi ► 95 99" 13995 ! tape A cards. product to maintain program or data files on a permanent medlu and allows separate maintenance of different routines, os wi 79< For anyone who needs scientific Rockwell's new 80R electronic calculator It 118: 7 8 30 p.m.) The Rockwell 61R Advanced Slide Rule notation plus economy, the Rockwell with thermal printer is the ideal Answer for SORT/MERGE A product to sort ond can handle trigonometric, inverse trigono¬ 63R is The Answer. It performs factorial merge Input files of a variety of ri anyone who needs printed records. This (April 28, 30. May 2; 7 8:30 p.m.) metric, logarithmic and inverse logarithmic computations, degree/radian ■ 4-function desk model uses commercial «IC48f functions. But that's not all. This easy-to- conversions and parenthetical instruction in MUSIC4BF "ten almost entirely in FORTRAN o widely used sound synthesis pro) operations. Has a fully addressable logic and offers 10 digits plus 2 columns of °v5, 7 4 12. 3 operate electronic calculator computes 3 p.m.) symbols; subtotals, group totals and grand roots, powers, reciprocals, squares, sum of memory and exponent capabilities. Trig totals; floating or dollar decimal with the squares and more. All this plus a full (and inverse trig) functions. Log functions override, and automatic constant and seminar accumulating memory. and antilogs. Yx. Constant pi. And much, much more-including an extra-large repeat. L"i* seminar will present an introduction to the display. "ichigan Terminal System (MTS) in operation at he University of Michigan and to the computing acilities available at U of M. Instruction on the use 'MTS from Michiyon State University through the E*IT Network will also be given. (No Charge) (April 10; 10 a.m 12 and 1 -3p.m.; room 31, Union K) 241 E. GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM OLIN 351-4210 r 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, ^arch J Cain questions ASMSU (continued from peg* 1) results. any safe deposit boxes in the and the election commission did election," Politowicz said. "I Politowicz looked into pro¬ area that would be on Tuesday of Finals week locks from the University that Cain is large not have that much money left which was held the next going to try and checked the source of that story viding greater security by enough to hold the ballot boxes, in its budget. day. stores at a cost of about $28. hold up certification of and it wasn't what it was using wax seals, chains and The other members of the the re but Cain found a Meridian Still dissatisfied with Polito¬ Politowicz also added a suits by cracked up to be." padlocks a nd safe deposit boxes election commission looked into making appeals of all branch of a Lansing bank that wicz' attempt to provide the same security measures second chain to the outside door kinds," Politowicz said. "That is R«ymond t( Cain later told Politowicz but ruled these possibilities out could have been used. The cost to the Men's Intramural Build that last year Wharton only as impractical. Politowicz said of renting the safe deposit box greater security for the elec¬ tion, Cain requested a that Politowicz had and settled on the decision to ing gymnasium the election was my rationale for major appeals to AUSJ." sending all ^;,wouldb^uki„r' wanted to find out the election that though he could not find would have been around $190, hearing buy a 40- being held in. from the election commission foot chain and five Yale Raymond said that Cain had pad Following the ASMSU Con told him that he might try to 'ol'towiczmay .1 sitution, Cain will remain in stall the final results of Pass, ^Ppeals IZr Senate OKs office until all appeals have the easily. K ombudsman post election by using appeals. been heard and judged and results are made official. "He's just shots now trying to Uke to save his pot we'll11 7awpt liU'f h,rdtJ neck, and any Appeals are made to the elec .annK ^ tions commission, and to me that looks immature." m*»on the eleZl LANSING (UPI) Senate has approved - The state legislation ture recessed Easter break. for a 10-day while appealing their cases. tracts, is aimed at preventing offered by Sen. Hal of their decision are heard by appeals Raymond said. "I guess we'll first." chairman of AUSJ, saidtt1 The House, meanwhile, gave consumers from Ziegler, the establishing an ombudsman to The Senate also approved getting tricked R Jackson, which would have All-University Student final approval to a bill which handle complaints of prison by shady salesmen of gold and Judiciary (AUSJ). Further legislation exempting hotel and would regulate the sale of gold silver, who often promise to sell substantially weakened the om¬ inmates in hopes of avoiding restaurant employes from the budsman's powers to investi- appeals are heard by the and silver bullion. The House metal they do not have in their Attica-like outbreaks. minimum wage law, gate. Student-Faculty Judiciary and The Senate adopted the meas¬ allowing sent the bill, sponsored by Sen. possession. then abandoned buildings to be con Other senators said by Eldon Nonnamaker, Donald Bishop, R Rochester. 10 they ure and sent it to the House on a 31-5 vote in a flurry of activity demned and allowing injured workers to receive 7 per cent of Gov. Milliken on a 90-14 vote. The ombudsman legislation, sponsored by Sen. Earl Nelson, opposed creating the because it would be office vicepresident of student affairs. "I have heard many Hairstyling for strong Men and Wednesday before the legisla¬ their compensation benefits The measure, which would regulate all commodity con- I) I.ansing, would legislative Council allow to hire the money and a new a waste of layer of rumors from many candidates Woid I an official to bureaucracy. investigate com¬ The Senate also also plaints made by prisoners adopted bills we feature or allowing cities to increase the R. K. Dorm room, board rate persons living near prisons. Nelson said the broad investi¬ interest rates on municipal Products gative powers granted to the ombudsman would help prevent bonds from 8 to 10 giving residential builders a per cent, Clje £' estimated to prison disturbances while assur grace period in which their license and to renew prohibiting i^ingjsDfn continued from page 1) jump $100 ing quality of amendments care for inmates. The Senate shot down a series to the bill. townships from lowering the salaries visors. of township super¬ below Jones 208 MAC Stationery Jordan said she would also cheaper to live off campus, but Senior Gary Huttenstine, her parents want her to live in a G043 E. Shaw Hall does not consider looking for a house or residence hall. think the increase will lessen apartment in East Lansing that One Campbell Hall resident the demand for would be cheaper than the spaces in resi¬ E.O.M. BLAST! who does not like her all girl hall dence halls. residence halls. thinks the rate hike is "ridicu¬ "I don't think it will Another student, Paulette lous." stop the kids from living in the dorms. Kish, sophomore, 260 Landon Look at the increase in enroll¬ Hall, said paying another $100 "If I have enough credits to be would be ment and how they cram the a problen^. a sophomore I'm moving off for dorms all full." he said. "My folks are already paying sure. It's a lot cheaper to live in Huttenstine thinks the resi¬ outstate tuition," she said. a co-op," said Kathleen Day, dence halls are End of March Kish thinks it might be freshman, 320 Campbell Hall. cheaper than off-campus apartments. March is really going out like a lion with our special electronic sales explosion, AKAI F0R Khh 0f Y03R ThernoMotocs Akai's GX400DSS stereo four channel recording deck hat CYCL1RG HEEDS! received many excellent test reviews. A lop value I FEATURES INCLUDE: Three motors, three heads. 10'}" Pick up on Sensui's reel capacity, FULL highly rated We also have the LOGIC solenoid control, Four AU9S00 integrated amplifier. 80 matching TU tuner channel quadro-sync, Stereo watts win. RMS per channel, both specially priced. Withitsli^j autoreverse and much more. driven into 8 ohms at lets than sensitivity].7mVIHF ond telecl 0.1% total harmonic and IM [80dB] you get greet t distortion. You alto get a multitude every time. Some demos. We're sefflHg our demos with full 5 year of feat«ret warranty protection including four tape and monitors with independent our exclusive tape dis¬ tape count policy at copying. Triple stepped tone charge. no additional REGULAR $1495.00 '1195 controls, each with three turnover frequencies offer unlimited flexi¬ bility. HURRY) ONLY A FEW LEFT w SANSUI'S 441 receiver delivers a lot of performance for a budget price. Its ® MODEL 1226 power, low distortion and FM AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE performance rival many ;• $iccoo more expensive components. *^ rfl Separately $237.80 lUU Regularly sells for $229.00 Itlil • Complete with walnut base, dust cover and EMPIRE 66PE/X The VELOCIPEDE PEDDLER is proud to announce • magnetic elliptical careful selection, we have cartridge. Other DUAL models specially proudly prepared our 1975 Components and Useful Accessor We feel 9 priced too. We've assembled that we t a greo* buy on a Selection and Most Reasonable complete system featuring the Prices, all to assure yot J REPEAT Of A SELL-OUT! $38!| the attainment of YOUR CYCLING NEEDS SANSUI 441 AM/FM stereo re¬ Response •ruggedly to our special sale on the built SANKYO portable ceiver. FOR Also included is the new BSR 2S20 • cassette was fantastic so we talked automatic turntable with a walnut WITH OUR COMPLETE 5 I 0 SANKYO into letting do it again! YEAR WARRANTY POLICl us gram base, cover and ADC magnetic elliptical cartridge. S MODEL ST-220 Filling out the system is a pair of WEST Lab Trend 4 speaker systems. 12" woofer, 4" f built-in condenser mic, Volume and midrange and 1V*" tweeter. ^ tone controls, 4" speaker. AH push button controls with a separate Total retail separately *649" • eject. Includes AC cord.* a J Regular list 49.9S jj •MODEL ST 235 • AM/FM portable radio/cassette. Technics by Panasonic • AN the above features plus Full Auto TW0 0F m *0ST HIGHlY REGARDED NAMES STdNTOIl IN THE AUDIO % Stop, Auxiliary input ond Variable INDUSTRY q record monitor [Sankyo's exclusive] testing hat proven Technics' claim of ^ Includes AC cord $£487 lower rumble, wow and flutter with their direct drive f Regular list 89.95 BOTH JANKYO WODIIJ INCLUDf D*? turntables than any other brand. The assures greater construction also _ 9 a run ONI VIA* PAST t 1ASO* CUARANTII reliability since there is only one moving part. We've combined the superlative SI 1200 direct drive turntable-base-cover-arm with the now Macon SO S3S run jciiNTtric iiictsomic caicuiaio* STANTON 681 TRIPLE E calibration for unbeatable performance. standard cartridge (5 YEAR WARRANTY) Separately retails for $361.95 Floating point or Scientific Notation operation •Sin, Cot, Tan, Sin -1, Cot -1, BARGAIN BASKET tan -1, SUPERX ST-M $ir log, In, Ex, Xy •Degree or radian capability woof«r Iwetfer tterophones R»g. 2f.?5 |^J BASF C9D SKLH CASSETTE $r •Separate pi key DESIGN ACOUSTICS D12C Sp«ak«rs lancing demos SOOQ IBl 1-16 SPEAKERS •More functioni than lUq |375 •och any Only 10 Mt Iniludlng d«mo» —»■ - ' other unit near itt price 20' EXTENSION CABLE *0" . .. CRAIG 3305 AM/FM 8 TRACK >|J j ONLY *97 MAX WE L LL NC90 CASSETTE low nol» ..t.nd.d ran,. U„ j M $199 | Recording BASE 7" gygttm w/tp«ak«rs. - 2400' TAPE 11 : SALE ENDS MAR 31st HURRY DOWN TO PICK IT THE BEST SAVINGS YOU'LL SEE ON QUALITY QUANTITIES ALL SALES FINAL BUT INCLUDE OUR LIMITED, ELECTRONICS FULL EXTENDED WARRANTY ON MOb COMPONENT PURCHASE; 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING 402 S. WASHINGTON AVE, LANSING •• Michigan Stat^lews. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28, 1975 17 Have a happy [aster ( tatmtin )(«) «i $«w](ZI FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank Apartneits Ijf?! Apartments Apartments ^ FIAT 128 1972, Sedan. 28.000 miles. Average 30 mpg AM/FM. AMERICAN, .GERMAN, andi TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS need NEED MAN for 3 man, need bed, $1400 OR body. IS 4850255 3-3-28 BEST OFFER 20% DISCOUNT to students faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW' and apartments: 124 Cedar Street, $177,; 129 Burcham, $147,; 135 two women for spring term $70.50 per month, close to campus, $72 + utilities. 349-3722 before 10:15 am after Knob Hill, ione 355-1255 Kedzie Drive. Year leases only- 332-3458. 54-1 service parts. 11:15 pm. 3-3-28 In Student Services Bldfl. FORD MAVERICK 1970 ~Tw IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Starting June or September. Heat Tautomotive door, yellow, 6 cylinder, automatic included. Damage deposit, call EAST SIDE of Lansing - 3 blocks transmission Cedar 485-2047, UNIVERSITY TERRACE, spacious $1100. 355-3241, 485-9229. 8-5, 351-2402; 6-10 pm, 882-2316. from Sparrow Hospital. Scooters & Cycles Giil after 5 pm. 3-3-31 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 04-3-31 needed to share house: two bedroom apartment, sublease Parts I Service «»rd. C-4-3-31 own across from campus. $250. room. Call Kathy Monday - Friday I Aviation FORD 1951, V-8 Flat-Head, runs NEED FEMALE, one block from 8 am 5 pm. 487-1885 extension - 351-1971. 3-3-28 MPLOYMENT good, good snow tires. 655-1511. campus. Spacious apartment, rent 241. 5-4-1 reasonable! Call 351-1306. 3-3-28 HUGE TWO bedroom apartment Ifor rent in Okemos. $185. Furnishec. I TWO BEDROOM furnished Apartments JEEP, 1967, CJ5. New transmis¬ REDUCED RATES: One or 2 men Immediate occupancy. Call I mobile homes. $25 - $35/week. 355-6540 before 5. 349-2976 after Houses sion, new shocks, $925. Call desperately needed. Chalet 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and I Rooms 337-0014. 5-4-1 Apartments. 337-0514. 6-44 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 5. 54-1 IFOR SALE 4845315. 0-3-3-31 I Animals MAVERICK, 1970, 6 door. cylinder,"2 1 BEDROOM WITH fireplace, 600 WOMAN NEEDED to sublet apart¬ Good engine, body, tires. REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines ment spring term. Near campus. Stoddard, furnished, $120/month. I Mobil* Homes $900. 371 3340. 3-3-31 guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ 3514093 after 3:30 pm. 34-1 TIRED OF NOISE? Pool. Lesley. 332-6521. 3-3-28 (LOST C found MERCEDES 220D 1969, $2100. change. Free towing available - WE HAVE NEEDED ONE girl for apartment local areas. Installation as low as NEED MALE roommate for 3 man, 1,2 AND 3 [personal Becker FM radio, manual shift $35. Check our repair prices and $75, Immediate 731 Apartments, BEDROOM UNFURNISHED bordering campus. $70 per peanuts personal Call 337 9304, 353 9340 7-4-3 REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO pool, call 351-4083 after 4 pm. month. Ca!l 337-2524. 74-4 seal estate APARTMENTS PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 4-42 MERCURY COMET 1966. ONE MAN 'or tv/o bedroom. [recreation 6 [service cylinder $280. Runs good. 355-1195. 1445-D Spartan Village. Cedar 485-2047, 485-9229. Mas¬ tercharge and Bank Americard. ONE GIRL needed for four woman FROM $155 per month Campus Hill. 568.75. ately! 349-2458 after 9:30 pm Immedi¬ 1 Instruction 2-3-31 C-4-3-31 Two blocks from campus. $80.50 (INCIUDIS 5AS HEAT S WATER Bafore 9 pm, 372-0379. 3-3-31 monthly. June free. 332-8525 Typing 5-4-3 call Wanted asportation MG MIDGET 1970. No rust from North Carolina - 37,000 miles. , Emplopcat |[j|| ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 HASLETT AREA: New luxury 2 KNOB HILL 3RD GIRL needed for nice duplex, own room, $70 a month. 332-6883 New clutch, brakes, starter. New ISLAND HOUSE and Lakeview APARTMENTS 3-3-31 [car pool Sempert radials. Must see and drive to appreciate. 487-6301, Hotels on Mackinac Island are seeking summer employees. Jobs Drnrnm f~friwt iff bedroom - 1 V> bath apartment. Fireplace in living room. Over 1100 square feet with deluxe 349-4700 NOW LEASING for fall - Colonial 5 miles from campus after 6 pm. 8-4-4 available are maids, kitchen, Arms, 126 Orchard, 2,3, and 4 man ••RATES** service and sales. Interviews will carpeting and drapes. Gas heat, WANTED, RELIABLE babysitter central air. apartments. Call 337-1800. 54-2 12 word minimum TV AND STEREO RENTALS. $265/month. Call MUSTANG 1971, needs routine be held April 2,3 or contact Mr. for nine month old infant. 8am to $25/term. $10.95/month. John Hargett, 487-1231 days, Free ONE MAN repairs, will sacrifice $1200. Nowlin, 1 313-698-2043. 7-4-3 5pm. Weekdays in my home, to 339-2357 evenings. to share large, quiet NO. DAYS same day delivery and service. Call Pets con¬ FEMALE, $68 per rronm. Close. «DS 371-2400 9 to 5. 332-5235 sidered. 0-4-3-31 apartment, downtown Lansing begin immediately. Near campus. NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-3-31 Collect, 517-725-5001 or 332-2784, evenings. 7-4-3 COUNSELORS WANTED FOR Phone 353-9160 and ask for own room $85'month. Call after 6 pm. 3-3-28 1 3 5 10 CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS Richard, 483-1538. 3-3-31 Marilyn. 3-3-28 GARDEN PLOTS. 25' x 50'. MILFORD STREET 126. Two MUSTANG, 1965, 2 *2 Three AND CAMPUS COBBOSSEE blocks from campus. Deluxe, air 1.80 4.80 7.80 15.60 speed, 289, V-8. completely re FOR BOYS. Ready Mid-May. One mile east of THREE BEDROOM mobile home, Require men and TYPIST NEEDED. 501 per double 2.25 6.00 9.70 19.50 stored $600 355-6987. 2 3-28 Meridian Mall. $11. 371-3033. conditioned, furnished. Two man, furnished, nice, great location, Yes A .We Save women highly skilled in camp spaced (elite) page, more for 351-4676. 3-3-28 $190. Three man, $210. Now ?. 70 7.20 11.70 23.4C activities, at least 21 years of age, special formats. Average 5-10/ leave message. Paul, 332-3147. location! leasing. 332-3418, 489-1656. 3-3-28 J.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS. 1970. with previous camp week. Must cope with professor's 104-10 2 door, newly painted, a>r, auto¬ counseling COMPACT REFRIGERATORS - experience. Camps are located in scribble. Close to campus. 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 T.V.'s. Term rates. Free delivery. matic, console, power brakes/ Maine. Girl's camp needs sail, 351-3561, after 7 pm. 5-4-2 EFFICIENCY, NEAR campus, RAINTREE APARTMENTS. One RIVER'S and WATER'S DORM RENTALS 372-1795. 54-1 bedroom, unfurnished, carpet and steering, $1100 489-5767. 8-5 pm swim, (WSI) golf, scuba, riflery, quiet building for mature student, DEADLINE 33-31 drapes, pool, balcony. $180/ EDGE Apartments tennis, ski, canoe, arts-crafts, WANTED: MALE and female go $150. Call 351-7239. 34-1 GARAGE SPACE for rent one month. MSU close. 351 9306. secretaries. Boy's camp needs: go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, block from campus. $15/month. TEMPEST, OHC-6, 1967. engine swim (WSI) tennis, riflery, 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236 20-4- 54-1 needs some work but does run, ski, sail, golf, scuba, trampoline. shop, 23 Call 351-7044, after six. 3-3-28 ACME BEDOMG CO. ■ncellati on/corrections $200. 337 1264. 3-4-1 CAPITAL AREA - Students share Manied couples accepted. Write 49.95 Twin Six* REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS - furnished 2 bedroom apartment. f noon one class day full details to camp office, 225 East MOTHER'S HELPER needed. Dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH AP¬ 54.95 Double Size NOW LEASING 57 Street New York, New York Two or three afternoons week. 339-8877 or 484-0622. 54-1 publication. TRIUMPH 1970 GT-6 Good - 405 10022. 5-4-1 Own transportation preferred. PLIANCES. 315 South Bridge, Cherry of 332-4432 rubber, good condition. With Grand Ledge. Call 627-2191. 5-4-2 Would suit student wife. 351 -4480 FANTASTIC OFFER. Married :e ad is ordered it cannot overdrive. $1495. 393 7659 after after 5 pm. couple. Sublet 1 bedroom apart¬ | cancelled or changed 6 pm. 5-4-1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, 2-3-28 ONE MONTH rent free! I after first insertion, is ordered & TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Convertible manent position Superior typing, shorthand, and per¬ available. ATTENTION - ARTISTS, Old [ Apartments \\^f \ GIRL DESPERATELY needed. ment, spring. Completely furn¬ ished, furniture, dishes, piano, bedroom apartments. lease accepted. 485-2140. 4-3-31 6 month 1 OWN ROOM, 3 man duplex, Cedar Village 4 woman. Spring telephone, etc. $100. 355-5842. incelled 2 days before 1972. Body and motor A-1 ability to work with figures re¬ Town Arts and Crafts now taking term. Call 337-7577. 54-1 54-1 modern, near Frandor. Call Tom, itolication. condition 24,000 miles Radial quired Some college preferred. original art work on consignment. FEMALE, DESPERATELY needed tires. AM radio. 882 7703 5-4-1 Full benefits. $600 to start. Apply For further information call John 353-7289/489-0437. 3-3-28 . ONE MALE wanted to sublease $68/month, close/campus, after 6 in person at 3308 South Cedar, DeRosa, 694-3102 or 699-2779. four man apartment. VW 1968, good condition, depen¬ Suite 11, Lansing. 7-4-3 54-2 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - one month. $68.75/ YES two johns E.m- ^53-8106 0^353-8356. 3-4-| Free bus to campus. ... dable transportation. $650 or best and two bedroom apartments, HASLETT AREA: new lutury WAITRESSES WANTED daytime HARD WORKING enthusiast to luxury at a modest price. For 349-2821. 54-1 per apartment! Z£ reasonable offer. 332-3716. 5-4-1 bedroom - 1 Vi bath apartment. >* only for businessman's lunch in help restore classic antique and information call Joe Miller, And balconies too. Fireplace in living room. GIRL FOR large two bedroom Over VW BUG 1965. $150 After 5 the lounge at THE BREWERY. sports cars. Only experienced 3324240. 54-1 1100 square feet with deluxe pm, apartment, share room, $70/ RIVER'S & 622 Leslie, left off Kalamazoo Apply in person after 3 pm. 5-4-1 bodymen with tools, please. month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. caipeting and drapes. Gas heat, ! State News will be Phone 489-5656. 3-3-31 CEDAR VILLAGE. Male to sub¬ Street 2-3-28 104-8 WATER'S EDGE central air. $265/ month. Call xinsibte only for the first GIRL WANTED To help invalid lease spring term. Call Mike at John Hargett, 487 1231 days, s incorrect insertion. lady, 8 am 1 pm, no weekends/ PI2ZA DELIVERY nights, full or 351-2023, afternoons. 3-3-28 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS Apartments 339-2357 evenirgs Pets con¬ no holidays. 332-5176. 2-3-28 part time. Must own good sider'^. 5-4-1 HASLETT (next to Cedar ■Is are due 7 days from the running insured car. Hourly rate ONE WOMAN needed, spring. Short Cash? Village) REGISTERED NURSES full and Spacious, quiet, 2 One on Maybe we can ^ expiration date. If not VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 looks fine, part time positions available on the plus mileage paid. Apply after 4:30 pm, 203 M.A.C. Avenue, bedroom, $90 per month. woman. 337- work something out. One bed¬ Now leasing CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue - d by the due date, a 50t runs great Good deal at $675. room apartments with large 2 bedroom furnished. Single 11 pm 7:30 am and 3-11 pm 9629, soon. 3-3-28 shag car¬ e service charge will be Call 339 3274 after 5:30, 482 1437 351-8870. 3-3-31 peting, drapes and appliances. 332-4432 girls or married couple, only $210. shifts. Excellent working con¬ 489-5922. 5-4 1 days. 5-4-2 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 ditions, salary and fringe benefits. CAREER POSITION FOR college FEMALE NEEDED for 4 woman, minutes from MSU. Located at Apply personnel department, graduate with finance banking or spring term. $72.50, close to MOUNT HOPE. Unfurnished, 6076 Marsh Road, just north of DISCOUNT 731 Burcham lutomotive » Ingham Medical Center, 401 West business credentials. 3 year sales campus. 332-2395. 3-3-31 garage, fireplace. $185 deposit. ![u can save $$$ It pays to Lowest rates on cycle insurance, $66.25/month. Hagadorn and Walking distance to MSU. Stove PART TIME employment for MSU afternoon and midnight shifts in ►round. Call us. You may be Any size. FIFDI ER INSURANCE, ICU-CCU Minimum starting Service, 351-2794. 3-3-31 and refrigerator, $140. Includes ■" students. 12-20 hours per week. ONE BEDROOM furnished, all 484-8173. 0-1-3-28 676 2449. 0 1 3 28 utilities. EQUITY VEST INC, Automobili required. salaries $4.82 per hour plus differ¬ utilities paid, close to campus. 351-5800. 7 MINUTES TO MSU. One bed¬ 351-8150. 4-3-31 C-2-3-31 ential. Immediate openings. $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our room apartments. 6 month lease. IAR0, 1968, good condition, Please contact Lansing General 204-22 I tires, only 49,000 miles, low rates, LLOYDS OF LANSING, 351-0866,489-6561. 04-3-31 WANTED: VOLUNTEER. Senior Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, CEDAR GREENS apartments 485-0528 or 339 9535. 0-1-3-28 - EAST LANSING. Available imme ■ $750 Call 332-0313. 1-3-28 Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, exten near Brody complex. 1 bedroom, lifesavers, water safety instructors TWO BEDROOM, diately, one bedroom, furnished. sion 267. Equal Opportunity sharp, fur¬ SUBLET SPRING, summer. 1-2- furnished. Available immediately. and other recreational aides, to Good location. 337-1564. 2-3-28 IaRO 1969. AM/FM, new 1969 HONDA CL-175. $125, car assist in afternoon or evenings Employer. 8-44 nished, campus one block. $240- bedroom. Beal Street. Free 351-8631. 54-3 Is. radials, exhaust, battery carrier, $15, must sell, 351-4185. $300, depending on arrangements. month's rent. 351-1799. 84-4 recreation program at Michigan 332-1946. 54-2 SPARROW HOSPITAL, 543 PERSON TO assist handicapped 2 LARGE, 1 l»>droom at; >rtm< $800. 366-0739 School for the Blind. Kathy Ryan, ,'3 3730 extension 63 after 1 pm. attorney part or all weekends. CHALET APARTMENTS - two Furnishe.J 1 block from ca npiis. 72 KAV.ASAW ?60 re F ). 3500 MALE STUDENTS - furnished, 5-4-3 484-9657, afte 7 pm. 3-3-28 bodroom furnished, immediate Brian. 361 3269 or 0»ch 351 8-151 i miles. Terrific condition, extras, two rooms, bath. First floor BEL- AIRE, 1965 clean occupancy for spring term, one, after 5 pm. 5-4-3 Indable must sell, $325 or best reasonable, 484 2646. 3-3-28 WANTED ONE parking, one term or longer. 1214 QUALITY ARTS and crafts or two days a two, three or four persons. Call East Kalamazoo. 54-2 I Phone 339-3134 after 6 pm. DO IT ON the street Triumph, needed. COLONIAL CRAFT SHOP, Old World Mall. Consign week, person to do housecleaning 484-9657, after 7 pm. 3-3-28 332-6197 or 351-2211. 54-1 CROSSWORD BMW Yamaha, SHEP'S, lower AVAILABLE SRING term two prices too. 4-3-31 ment only. 882-5179. 5-4-3 COSMETIC CONSULTANT man furnished. 135 Kedzie. MSU AREA: Okemos, one room, furnished, air conditioning, bed¬ PUZZLE I/ROLET 1968. Caprice, 4 Part or full time, no house to 482-2937, 351-2400, 882-2316. and carpeted. Modem. $165, heat 2?. Teamster's 1 Blue black vinyl hardtop and V excellent, $875, 1035 Jr Lane, 337-0327 evenings. [ MM WANTED: PART time male bar¬ tender for weekends at PAUL REVERE'S. Call 332-6960 after 6. house, we will train. For appoint¬ ment call ALOE CARE, Lorenz 104-8 included. 349-2580. 104-8 , 1. t ACROSS Encouraged j command 24. Old Siamese ^ MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Chase. 351-4550. 2-3-28 6 Detecting 25 Windmill sail Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. wing .1 flat Heraldry 49 Contribute 3 Cyclops f 1969, Spider Convertible, Specials: tune ups, $20.98. Front (less than 15 minutes from campus) breastbone ent condition. 487-6947. disc brakes, $24.45, parts included SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. 10 13. Smallest Phone 882 8742. 0 13-28 /A 18 Ice, iron or >00 STUDIOS: $109 fl ATTENTION GOLFERS! Sh*| balls - $1.50 $2.40 per doze ONE BEDROOM: *139 Plastic practice balls • only 6/$1.00 74' folf rule book 35* each CtMPUS HILL CARPETING NONE HIGHER! ALL APPLIANCES just off grand rtvar-okamoa DRAPES TENNIS COURTS Tennis rackets $9.95 and up • AIR/COND PICNIC PAVILION Tennis balk, popular brands - ran 2 BEDROOMS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY of 3, $2.89 and up Abo badminton birdies in stock 1147 W. GRAM) RIVER AT WILLIAMSTON CITY LIMITS Larry Cushion PM, 332 • 1M7 •ST 349~3530 •CENTRAL AIR COND. 1HF& free bus service— 655-2642 Sporting Goods „ o» MlChlqii J 3020 VINE STREET at s»«-t ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 1 8 Michigan State Npws, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28, 1975 | Apartments ^ Hoises Rooms Rooms For Salo ^ [ Mobile Homes SUBLESE APRIL 1 ■ August 1. COUNTRY FARM house with One bedroom completely fur¬ TWO ROOMS in house, close. OWN ROOM, kitchen, parking, LADY'S SCHWINN five speed barns, acreage, and garden. Has LEISURE LIVING at Melrose nished (linen etc.) Air conditioned Available immediately. On furnished. One block from cam room open for woman. 651-6437. bicycle, like new, call 332-0624. Mobile Home Park, 10 miles from swimming pool, Trowbridge Road. Spartan Avenue. Call 351-0341. pus. $80/month 332-4768. 2-328 MSU, on beautiful Moon Lake, 3-3-28 Prefer faculty, staff or grad 5-4-2 351 6652. 3-3 28 and lots for 30'-70' trailers. student. 351-8215, after 6 OKEMOS-DOLL house in country, INFLATE A BED Students with family travel trailers pm. 5-4-2 ROOM IN large house, spring, SINGLE ROOM, private entrance, Spare bedroom in with room for garden. Partially a bag. Air coil welcome. Immediate occupancy summer. Close to campus. Call parking. Shown 3-28,29,30. 10 to construction. Permanent furnished, 2 bedrooms, carpeted, bed 67^7212. 5-4-1 ONE GIRL, near MSU. Share $175. $100 security deposit. Call Lee, 332-3670. 5-4-2 4. 253 Vi Gunson. 3-3-28 overnight guest. Campers tent- Announcements for It's What's small, one bedroom, furnished 351-7233, after 3 p.m. 3-3-28 vans lounging resorts trailers 1973 MOBILE Home, 12x60, two Happening must be received in the 9n "P for S°ro"« e»pim SMmajj $72.50 month. Great location. and three sons. Near Bogue 1880 Haslett Rd. 332 332-5757. 3-3-31 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED in¬ ROOMS FOR Rent. Board in¬ 351 8800 C-3-3-28 12x28' TRAILER on lot near PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, cluding utilities. $300 month. 607 cluded. Nice living area. Ask for finest quality, campus. Carpeted, partly fur¬ reasonably priced NEED ONE female roommate for North Francis. Phone 332-2785 Tom. 337-2381. 3-3-31 ROOM AVAILABLE nished, $1200. 351 0097 1-3-28 BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY The Good 3-3-28 Lawrence ice Hospital area "Non- 482-5712,. C-3-3-28 ' Cross Friday . spring term. Cedar Village, rent area. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan will be kew reasonable. Call 337-0569 3-3-31 MALE ROOMMATE Profit person $60. 371-5645 . ... TlfTVl Church. « JOIN BOWER CO-OP -127 White- share large Furnished, wanted, evenings. 5-4- Lansing. 372-7400 C-4-3-31 LOSt I FOHIEl W Atom 12 to 3 p.m., ,£J hills - openings now! Call 351- room. next Road. FrtJ", 1 BEDROOM PLUS apartment. block from Berkey % 4490 and ask for Eugene or to campus. $85. 351-2354. 3-3-31 MALE OR female room and GIBSON SG Deluxe guitar and Gibson Skylark amp. $225/both FIND FIND SOMETHING If you've found a Lfifti ^r*'C8 ^ Mitman, Episcopa! MSU-will Chi^ and fall term. $140? Renting Now. Rent now Malcolm. 2-3-28 FEMALES, OWN room. Space, $275 per term. Ellsworth Co-op, Al, 355-3584. 5-4-1 pet or article of value, we want to help you return IRENE ORR Theses, Term give the ,1*2! to fireplace. 2 miles from campus. 332 3574. 3-3-28 it. Just come into the State go up when apartment is News papers, general typing. NORTHEAST LANSING 2 bed¬ $70 332 2359. 3-3-31 LENSES FOR Pentax wide with Ann Brown. Formerly Easter will renovated. 372-3172, 484-3503 room brick, - - angle. Classified Department and tell us Call 482 7487 be CMt. 3-4-1 unfurnished, garage. For Sale Fisheye and Takumar 138mm you want to place an ad in EAST Sunday at All Saints Ed* Married couple, no children pets. 334 MICHIGAN, East lansing. v prices flexible. 489-7257 3-3-28 LANSING STATE BANK S Found C-4-3-31 Church, 800 Abbott $145. 663-4345, 482 8667 5-4-3 Furnished rooms Close tocampus Pom , 551 ALBERT STREET, one block Column. As a public service EAST EXPERIENCED. Festal Eucharnt and RALEIGH COMPETITION, mens, TYPING term wrrxm, from campus. Large 2 bedroom, Parking. Call 332-5906. 3-3-31 SPRING TERM bicycles - We have LANSING STATE BANK will run papers, theses, etc. and 10 a.m. THREE BEDROOM black, 25" ten speed, new In Rapid, accur furnished, summer and fall. duple*. December, used very little, must used ten speeds from $40. Also the ad at no cost to you! ate service 394 2512. Resident manager, 351-5208 or Whole place or own room for one. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, C-4-3-31 sell $225 or best offer. tapes, albums, TVs, EAST LANSING Furnished. 351-3227 5-4-3 cheap rent, close Call radios, 351-6676 10-4-10 to campus, call 353-5111 9 to 5. 485-9966 after 5. camping equipment, STATE BANK EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Volunteers are needed Linda after 5 pm, 355-1291. stereos, Dis- the persecution ton 3-4-1 small sertations (pica - elite) FAYANN in OWN ROOM. 3-3-28 appliances, leather coats, C-4-3-31 and asa#, ROOMMATE Nice house. 489 0358 C-4-3-31 tion of Jean-Paul IMMEDIATELY. cameras and even more. Used Marat Own room, Furnished. Pets. $40 plus utilities. COZY ROOM Excellent location. LOST: GOLD loop information, luxury apartment, air golf club starter sets from $20 earring, chain contact the Mm Until 6-30-75. 372-2753. 5-4-3 Parking, no lease, no deposit. TELESCOPE. 4 54". reflector, look. 2" wide. 351-8972. Reward THESES, RESUMES, de Sade or conditioning, dishwasher, disposal Come on down to DICKER AND typing and come and autfa $88 month Available April 3. Call equatorial tripod, rack and pinion 2328 7:30 p.m. Monday or" etc. Two blocks from campus, DEAL. 1701 South printing Reasonable prices ROOM, $75 or less 351-3212 after 6 pm. 3-4-1 focus, magazines, $65 355-4094 Cedar 209 Bessey Hall. 351-1892 1-3-28 per month, 487 3886. 4-3-31 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351 Haslett Hagadorn 2-3-31 - area, un¬ FOUND: BLACK female puppy. 4116. C-4-3-31 FEMALE ROOMMATE for com¬ furnished. 351 7843. 2-3-31 MEN - FURNISHED rooms, close Otin, March 7th. HOTPOINT HANDMADE STAINED glass ter Approximately 3 Come to the Vemai fortable one bedroom. Very close, to MSU. cable TV, Mark, 332-2591 REFRIGERATOR, rariums. months old. 641 6802 C 3 3-31 COMPLETE DISSERTATION available FIVE GREAT Student houses. 4-6 after apartment size, $25 or best offer. Hanging and table and Dance at 9 tonight attfc £ immediately! 337-7386. 3-4-1 332 0396, Bob Stuart. 1-3-28 designs. Reasonably priced. resume service. Printing. IBM Church, 855 Grove sZ _ 337-2570. 3-4-1 bedrooms. Nicely furnished; fire¬ St PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Craig, 332-8536. 3 3-28 typing, binding. Printing from by Gay Liberation ^ place, parking. Very close. South near your plain paper originals. Corner FEMALE NEEDED, Cedar $440-$500, plus utilities June Michigan Avenue. SONY CASSETTE deck with apartments, $65 month Village Good June lease 372-6853 0-4-3-31 - Quiet for student. $65, month plus SPINET PIANO with bench, f M A C. and Grand River. Jones Below deposit. Phone 627-5454 *-7-4-4 or best offer Dave. 353 1067. Stationery Shop, 9-5 Mon Join our location, nice roommates, Call184 3730 or 373-2426. 5-4 1 day Friday. Call COPYGRAPH experimental... 351-1739. W-3 FIVE BEDROOM service on Easter house avail¬ WANT TO study? SMAB 50C tax refunds can be SERVICES. 337 foltowsd Quiet room, 1666 C 4-3 31 dinner at 5 p.m. able immediately 2 baths, fur¬ Sunday atIM private home, CONGA AND stand for sale picked up in 334 St Services the nished, parking. East side Lansing women. Close-in, ANTIQUE VICTORIAN Loveseat, Good Ministries for Higher EducH IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 1 shape. $70. call 372-7058 after 6 ANN BROWN Minutes drive. kitchen, no parking 332 0647 2 side chairs (set), tufted horse¬ first ten days of classes Bring typing and multilith Call for rides or more block from campus, furnished, 2 Only $225 after 5:15 pm 3-328 offset printing. Complete service x-2-3-31 hair. Call 355-3033. 1-3-28 your fee receipt card. 5-4-1 bedroom 2 person apartment in 372-6853 0-4-3-31 tor dissertations, theses, manu¬ just completed building Available spring and summer. $200 month. ROOM IN house. 138 Linden BEAUTIFUL ~ PLANTS, "books, ™EJ ASMSU 50c tax refunds can be scripts, general typing. IBM. 25 United Ministr (Sin High),| broiler over, vacuum cleaner, tele picked up in 334 St. Services the years experiences 349 0850 cation's spring 6-7 pm Monday - Street. $80 month. Friday 234 Kitchen, first ten days of classes include a male female Center Street. 351-1177 or SSI- living and dining rooms. 332 4938 GIRL S SINGLE room, 3 blocks vision, bureau, dresser, bookcase, Bring C-4-3-31 rap'/ 9'x12' gold shag rug, other house¬ your fee receipt card. 5-4-1 on sex roles on BOSS 5-4-3 3'3"31 from Union. GRETSCH CHET Atkins, nashville TYPING, EXPERIENCED and Wednesday^ Phone 351-5076. hold items. 1968 Camaro. Fast a gestalt personal gn 5-4-3 model electric guitar, case MOUNTAIN RECREATION AND and Reasonable NOW LEASING efficiency LEASE WITH option to buy. New 332-0313 1-3 28 and 371 group on Tuesday nights, ci apart¬ cord. $250 Call 355-6150 Science: register or for more informfii ments for 12 month leas* Ranch house in country. 5-4-2 Colorado State starting Campus MALE OR female. Own room. NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with University's fall term, 1 block to MSU. 10 minutes. $300 month. summer program for 1 '/4 baths FURNITURE MOVING Sale! Oak Furnished, Evan Harrison, Dishwasher, garbage $50 Empire cartridge. $150 science and non-science students TYPING BY the hour. Drop • off $160/month. Just 332-1946 or disposal, parkino space, fireplace. dresser $35, oak buffet $75, Oak Discover the co-ops! Well completed building. 6-7 pm PROGRESSIVE REALTY, 372- 539 Park Lane. 3516599 10-4-10 oHers wide v8rie,Y of non-tech- service. Secretarial assistance a multimedia presentation! 5512 5-4-2 Furnished. upright piano $50, etc. Also color nical' interdisciplinary science 694 0222 5-4-1 Monday - Friday. 234 Center 332 1922 3-4-1 Motorola TV, $125. p.m. on April 6 in 35 Uwi Street 351-1177 or 351-6088 NiKON PHOTOMIC F2 chrome Thursday elated courses combined with everyone interested in Im 5-4-3 "Join the $30.1. Nikon F Black body $150. Friday, Monday 351-3119, 2 3-28 lon0 weekends of white-water TYPING. ALL kinds, absolutely Co-op ' SPRING TERM. 2 rooms, each river trips, backpacking, lowest rates in town. On co-ops this summer or fall. I N.kkor Lenses; 35/2.0 $135, 50/1.4 camping, campus with free waterbed. WANTED, ONE or two males for a OPENINGS Available in $105, 105/2.5 $145. Vivitar lenses; TURNTABLE BSR 310, like new, summit ascents in the Colorado 694 0252 B-1 3-28 need co-op housing right Christian household, immediate Now and Summer. new duplex. $70/month. All 200/3.5 auto Nikon mount $70, $40. 8-track recorder. Rockies. June 16 July 18. For contact the Co-op Office. Jl $30 kitchen appliances and Student Services Bid occupancy. 337-7421. 5-4-2 Coll 355-8313 or fully fur¬ 55/135/3.5 auto zoom T4N mount 353-2713 3-3 31 brochure write: M R S. Box 5, UNIGRAPHICS offers COM nished. Near Lake Lansing. PLETE $90 355-6094. 1-3-28 Physics Department, C.S.U. Fort DISSERTATIONS and GIRL NEEDED, stop in at 339-2463. 5-4-1 EARLY SPRING SALE! Recondi Collins, Colorado 80523 3-3 28 Resume service: spring. Cedar IBM typing, 311 -B Student Services tioned Mens and Dog obedience classes«! Village. $70 per month. Womens editing, offset printing and binding MEN- ginning at 7 p.m. Wednesdifl 332 3996 5-4-3 WANTED: ONE male roommate CLEAN, quiet rooms, 10% DISCOUNT bicycles. $25. Cash and carry We encourage comparative shop¬ each subsequent Wednesd* cooking, close to MSU. Phone your choice. 675-5218. 3-3-31 ping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 for house on Virginia Street. Rent 10 weeks in the Livestock to all MSU East Grand River or Houses £ negotiable. 351 9270 3-3-28 YAMAHA FOLK guitar, model FG 8414 6 4 4 phone 332 For registration or more into TWO ROOMS students 4 to rent. Grove 180, plush case, like new After tion, right MSU-SAR. 327 St4 BEDROOM duplex for spring, DUPLEX FOR rent 3 bedrooms, Street, graduates preferable. Co¬ Services Bldg. summer or fall. on purchase! of $2 six, 332 0309. 3-3 31 337-1862, noon or furnished. Off Beech Street op House $55 5-8 pm. 5-4-1 Clean. 669-9939 10-4-8 5-4-1 $75. 351 0969 or more, yogurts Wanted X and breads excluded SLEEPING BAGS two over¬ BOARD EXAM TUTORING Does the Great Bird i 131 BEAL, three bedroom, sized. White stag dacron 88 garden, SINGLE PERSON to share expen¬ SINGLE ROOMS, 2 blocks from STANLEY H. KAPLAN IRONINGS TOUCH UPS wel¬ Galaxy leave colored eggs garage, $280, available now, call 337-1447 after 5 pm. 5-4-1 ses in house, 651-5890 601 West campus. Paved parking Utilities RANDALL HEALTH FOOD bags. Very warm. Seldom used, $20 each 349 3954 2 3 28 TUTORING COURSES come. Guaranteed perfect. Minor Easter? Come to the St#' Grand River, Laingsburg. 3-3-28 Now being formed for the repairs and buttons free Club meeting at 3 p.m. paid. Cooking and laundry facili¬ up¬ 882 1952 $un« ties $225 per term. 337 2417. Brookfield Plaza VW coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, the Yakeley Cafeteria and Ml CONVERTIBLE 1965 New HUNTER PARK East side. OWN ROOM 1381 E. Grand River Pick up Warped Space ft - 3 in friendly house 5-4-1 top, good tires, runs well, $200, ATGSB, GRE Board exams For carpeted bedrooms, partially fur¬ information call 1 313 354 0085 CASH PAID for junk cars. discuss Ourcon '75 and M Lansing, east side. $65/month. 332 6892 best offer. 351-8662, after 5. Free nished, TV, 2 refrigerators, stove, After 5 pm, 485 0335 3-3-28 ROOM IN house. Sunny. Nice. 3-3-31 0-2-3-31 haul.*) Call 489 3080 5-4-1 slides until your ears point. hardwood interior, immediate Quiet. Clean. $70 +. No lease. $225. 371-4916. 5-4-1 CASH. ROOM WITH private entrance in 485-0505 3-3-28 CASH for your TWO DRESSERS for sale or trade APPLICATIONS FOR Student exchange for babysitting camera equipment, stereo com¬ for couch or chair. After 6 pm, Media Appropriations Board Enjoy the savings benefits of CVcl® <° Mason °nJ** TWO ROOMS, nice house, $65 372 1727, call after 3 pm. 3-3-28 Funds for spring term are avail¬ Classified Ads. Ads R««H th«m Read them r«n„ *"h the Campus Hostel M LARGE ROOM, 400 square feet, ponents, TV's, camping equip¬ Jenny, 694-3623. 3-3-31 regu per month including utilities. able in room 334 Student Services larly for real buys. Meet at the Administration W clean, close to campus. Phone ment, bicycles, scuba gear, jewel¬ 487-6347, early evenings. 3-3-28 WANTED, QUIET Completed applications are due by Distance person to share evenings, 351-8154. 5-4-1 ry, guitar and musical equipment, NEED A new spring outfit? Sew house in Lansing with 2 males the tenth day of classes. 5-4-1 RIDE about 25 miles at a moderated antiques. WE MAKE TRADES. your own! Fabric for sale. After 6 TO Eaton EXTREMELY CLOSE. Room and Rapids, after For more information, call Si Call 485-7594 evenings. 5-4-1 FREE ROOM/board until WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, pm, 694 3623. 3-3-31 2:30 pm board available for April 5. or later. Call Gretchko. women. Boarder Sorority, Great atmos¬ 509 East Michigan, 663 8375 4-3-31 Comfortable house, friendly SUBLEASE TILL September. 2 phere, Maribeth, 337 9454 3-3 28 4391 (C-4-3-31 Lansing. 485- GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of I PoMrts Persoul $ atmosphere 332-8835 or 337 9706 bedroom, new shag, $185. E^I all kinds. Ml QUERIDA Buy, trade and sell. ipelerojai. Happy Tolkien Fellowship Sod Regent, 487-8632, evenings. FOUR BLOCKS from BEST year round prices in Easter and Happy celebration in honor of $52.10. Available May 1. campus, BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. Spring Te hosts a OWN ROOM Share 3 bedroom good community. Kitchen, 332 4292. French built light weight bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed, touring Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. quiero, Love Gregorio. and 1-3-28 me forever. "c'uiiious departure of the Shadow from East at 8 tonight in lower HoM house with 2 guys. Lake Road in East Lansing. $60/month Lansing ONE OR two bedroom apartment, newly redecorated, furnished, paid Save on top quality handmade 371-2244 0-4 3-31 USED "a Hall lounge plus utilities. 332-6607 3 3-28 utilities, seven minutes away ROOM IN house, close, campus. bikes 645-2127 C-3-3-28 AR3as SPEAKERS. One month Real Estate bookshop^*^ 372-1336 3 3 28 Kitchen, laundry, old, $600 new, $400! Full warranty Remember the last time THREE parking ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE OKEMOS BRIARWOOD, 3 bed- BEDROOM, just remo¬ privileges. Low rent. 332 1918. 332 5039, Mark. 2-3-28 room, 2 bath, 1700 square WANTED. BABY Sittir. in my one helped you through a selection for audio, guitars and foot deled. four minutes to campus. NEED ONE home, own - two. Room in band instruments with a full line ranch. Less than 1 year old. transportation, irre¬ Now you can help J> 372 1336 3 3-28 furnished house, gular daytime hours one block from sheet music department to serve GOLF CLUBS, 2-9 irons, Professional Orientation meetings for PRIVATE ROOM available. Fur¬ landscaping Backs 485 2171. 5-4-1 references campus. Inexpensive, utilities nished, $65 monthly, complete your every music need. woods. Used only 1 season. ( up to the park. 349-2020. 5-4-1 tening Ear's spring training 9 COMMUNITY paid. 332 2411 3 3-31 MARSHALL MUSIC, 245 Ann after 5 pm, 349-3813. 3-3-31 gram are i,e at 7 p.m. Thursday* kitchen, cable TV. Call 332 8348 Saturday m 01® ™ Street, C-1-3-28 OKEMOS HIAWATHA Park. By Clean out those closets and , on BICYCLE FEMALE, OWN room, close/ owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on items you will no sell Call the Ear for m e inform"'0 CO-OPERATIVE campus. $70/month utilties, Marty 332 4429, 351-0100 includes ROOMS FOR VITAMIN E, 1,000 International Animals V 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2 ft baths, longer use with a rent. Two blocks 2 fireplaces. from campus Free utilities Board Units. Bottle of 50 2 $ 11.99. IRISH SETTER pups, AKC regis¬ Selling at appraised Car pools are forming at t Come in and check our other value. 349 4268, for appointment. 0T0 available. tered. $75 to $100. VOICE TEACHER. Extras. 332 5053, Phone 10-4-9 Experienced. a.m. ewy Saturday and Sujw ONE OR two rooms in coed Males. 7 4-4 Walgreen specials. GULLIVER 371 -3704. 3 3-28 Will pay going at the south entrance of the house. Spring or summer, $60 STATE DRUG, 1105 East Grand number wage. Please leave message. 355 4887 for those interested in soa" UJ* AT STUD 482 1931 evenings, Nancy, 332 WALKING DISTANCE TO MSU River, 332-2011. 0-1-3-28 - Black Eagle, purebred Arabian Stallion, Grey, call Kris Recreation m 33 31 The Soaring Club welcomes » 6521 2 3 28 Furnished rooms starting at $80, 676-2277. 5-4-1 includes utilities. EQUITY VEST B&O 4000 System, with DBX, EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to TUTOR NEEDED for partially NEW DUPLEX, clean 3 bedroom, INC. 351 8150 4 3 31 good condition, must sell. Call LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups. London, Amsterdam, from $289 sighted 8th grade girl in math, A special showing of tt carpeted, need 14 people 351 9126. B-2 3-31 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON 351 science, social studies. Must have Schaal film, "Memories» Call EAST LANSING. Male students. AKC Sired by AKC evenings, 337 0067 2 3 28 Champion. 8800 0-2-3-31 car versation," wi" be at 7 i ond CONTROLLED nc Single rooms. Parkinq. 332 5791 Refrigerator. HASSELBLAD 500C. Excellent Blacks yellows. 337 1485. 5-4-1 ^Phone 353 3647, after 10 pm. 105 S. Kedzie Hall. $245 ROOM AND board 3 3 28 condition. Many accessories. PARIS IN April. One 15 way ticket HORSES BOARDED $40 per openings (Co edl Montie House Asking $700. Call 355-3873, after 7 Toronto to Paris. 332 2575 Jeff' Co op, 548 M A C 332 8641 ROOM, IN five person house. $70 pm. 5-4-3 month, includes hay and grain 1-3-28 Share Driving monthly plus utilities. East daily, riding trails and outdoor Easy terms. 2-3 28 Catholic Center ate at Lansing 337-0255. 3-3-31 CONCORD 26". New paint, ring. Excellent care. Four miles FROM GRAND Rapids to Lansing. | at St. John s onMA( , ONE PERSON for very clean, four person. 485 0505 3 3 28 quiet NFED PERSON for house summer. Own room. 2 blocks through excellent condition. bargain. Paul, 351 6167. 1-3-28 $150. will south of MSU 882 8779 1-3-28 REGISTERED APPALOOSA Service ||^J Leaving 7:45 am, returning 2 pm. 616 243 0415 after 2 pm. 3-3-28 and at 7:30 tonight Eas, W Holy * S"l«« 3 FULL TIME campus 351 0053 after 5 pm. 5-4-2 Gelding, 6 years Chestnut grey, babysitting wanted in Service is at 8 p "1. Sl)( 10 SPEED, 21" Batavus Mixte. my licensed home 3 NEEDED: MALE roommate, share bedroom, furnished house. $67 FREE LAUNDRY, free parking. Also girl's 3 speed. 337 9516 has been shown. Bambi, 355-2082 B23-31 54 3 Call 355-6150. | Driving ]B Avenue. There wi Service at 5:30 a.m. o plus 1/3 utilities. 487 9328 3 3 28 3-42 St. John's East Room and board for men near WILL FROM LANSING AFGHAN HOUND, AKC. Elegant BABYSIT, days nights. In to Jackson. campus. Call 351 5636 or 351- our apartment close to Leaving 7:15 am, Rooms /* 7797. 5-4-2 SALE- SELLING out Head items. puppies for show or companion. 337 0582, anytimi) 2 3 campus. 394 1619 after 6 returning 5 pm. OWN ROOM in house, East Cheap at THE DAY BEFORE 349 0895 after 10 pm. 3-3-31 28 pm. 3 3-28 Jewish Dorm Slude^1 immediate occupancy side, 329 SHARE CLEAN roomy coed house. $80/month plus deposit FOREVER. 254 West Grand River, next to Arby's. BASENJI PUPS AKC. (hots, 4 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTING FROM EAST Lansing to Ann reach Project is showing of "The„Dv. 9 p.i sponsor^ ,, Open 12 to 6. anytime from noon to Arbor every week Clemens. 482-8204. 5 4-1 489 5655 5 4 2 months, $75 $100. 332 0040 after My home or midnight. Leaving Friday Jewish "Exorc'®' Ha#' yours 349 3353, pm 8 pm. 3-3-31 or Saturday am, returning Saturday in 339 Case Wednesday pm 351 5620. 3-3 28 welcome. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28, 1975 1 9 Tickets Now on Sole for THE SMALL SOCIETY Passport and Chick Corea ^ by Brickman Sponsored by: We lcom> W\6W ANP LOW IMaaaJ3 jy^Mirch. _28J 87_5_ _ (3-6) Middiy News (50) StarTrik 5:45 AM 12:00 NOON 11:20 6:30 Of M. Prwnts (2-5-6-8-13) News (9) Nightbeat <3-25) Young And (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) Niws 6:00 Ristltss (9) I Drum Of Junnii 11:30 Ipirition Second Chine* (4-10) Jackpot (12) 6:30 Movii (2-3-6-25) Thi Lit! Movii lartoons (7-12-41) All My Childrtn (13) Beverly Hillbillies (4-5-8-10) Tonight Show 6:05 (9) Galloping Gourmit (7-12-1341) Widi World Of (23) Off Thi Ricord Ink (50) Undirdog Entirtiinmint (41) Winted Deid Or Alivt 6:15 12:20 PM (23) Ciptionid Niws (6) Almanac 7:00 (50) Movii lissage For Todiy (2-4-7-8) News (ith This Ring 12:30 6:20 (2-3-6) Siirch For Tomorrow (3) Whit's My Lini? 12:00 MIDNIGHT And (4) News (9) Film Festivil Country Alminic (5) Riymond Burr Show (6-10) Blink Chick 6:26 (6) Biwitchid 1:00 AM (3) Lite, Liti Show CAMPUS CLATTER V College 2;1£!s4i)L,t l M,k# A 01,1 (8) Beverly Hillbillies 6:30 (8) Mike Oouglis (10) Spirit Of '76 (4-5-8-10) Midnight Spiciil by Larry Lewis (9) Dick Vm Dyke (7) Rock Concirt Sunrise Semester (13) Truth Or Consiquincis ot For Women Only (26) Dinih (12-13) Niws (23) Wishington Week In Riviiw lissroom (60) Thi Lucy Show (41) Aftirhours Thutri (25) Thi F.B.I. 12:55 (50) Religious Message opt (41) Sifiri To Advintura Of M. Prmnts (5-1-10) News 1:30 (50) Hogin's Hirois 1:00 (2) Thi Liti Show nclt Bobby Show 7:30 And Firm Riport (2) Love Of Lift (12) Nitioml Anthim (2) Truth Or Consiquincis (3) Accent 2:30 (3) Nimi Thit Turn /■rious Pr (4) Whit's My Line? (4-7-10) Niws (4) Hollywood Squirts 6:46 (5)Jackpot (6) Formuli XI 3:00 Edition (6) Mirthi Dixon (2) Miybirry RFD (7-8) Lit's Mikt A Dul (7) Religious Missige 6:55 (7-12-13-41) Thi $10,000 (8) Oral Robirts rihtm Kirr Show Pyramid 3:30 (10) Michigin Outdoors 7:00 (9-50) Moviis (13) To Till The Truth ■251 News (10) Sommit (23) Will Strait Wiik Notts from Horo ■10) Todiy Show 1:26 (41) Bobby Goldsboro Show AM Americi (2) Niws 8:00 & Thtro no's Big Top 1:30 ROLE REVERSAL (2-3-6-25) Grindpi Mix Ricer (2-3-6-25) Thi Edgi Of Night "No, (4-5-8-10) Sinford And Son no, I am not afraid of pirit Of '76 (4-5-8-10) How To Survivi A (7-12 13-41) Kolchik: Thi Night flying in real life," says Suzanne SHORT RIBS 7:05 Marriage Stilker Pleshette, who plays Bob New- (7-12-13-41) Thi Big Showdown (9) Pig & Whistle hart's wife on his CBS by Frank Hill 2:00 Saturday irtoon Cepers (23) Grait Performance: Blick B night series. "But Bob really is 7:30 (2-3-6-25) Thi Guiding Light Minor Miss afraid of airplanes, so the irtoon Cirnivil (4-5-8-10) Oiys Of Our Livis (50) Dulir's Choici writers took his phobia and oio's (7 13-41) General Hospitil transferred it to me (as Emily).'" Big Top 8:30 00 (12) Money Mui (2-3-6-25) We'll Get By BELIEVES IN SHARING 51 Ciptlin Kingeroo 2:30 (4-5-8-10) Chico And Thi Min THE WEALTH rning Accent (2-3-6-25) Siirch For Tomorrow (9) Sports Scene Asked why he hasn't joined terio Schools (4-5-8-10) Thi Doctors (50) Merv Griffin Show other major stars in (7-13-41) Om Lift To Live doing isime Strait television commercials, actor (12) Lucy 9:00 M Americi Charlton Heston explained: 2:53 (2-3-6-25) Fridiy Night Movii Rogirs' Neighborhood 'That is the only living some (23) ID/TOM (4-5-8-10) Greatest Story Evir 1:25 actors have. I can make a Told living ■ther 3:00 doing parts." Riport (7-12-1341) Hot L Baltimore 1:30 (2) Young And Ristliss Heston is well aware of the (8) Niws Nim mnil 3 Clubhouse (3-6-25) Thi NawPrici it Right surplus of actors and the scar¬ (23) MistirpiKi Theatre POP .eirn To Look (4-5-8-10) Anothir World (50) Mirv Griffin Show city of jobs. He is the former DOONESBURY 6:45 president of The Screen Actors' «Ami (7-13-41) Thi Momy Maze 9:30 Guild. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: (2-3-6-25) Fridiy Night Movii Prose, Puppitry (12) Giniril Hospitil 90 S REVIVAL CONTINUES & (23) Sisami Strait (7-12-13-41) Thi Odd Coupli Last year's television movie Ma'aMuldaur (9) Tommy Huntir Thursday. Aprils 9:00 3:30 based on the tro-life adventures TICKETS NOW ON SAU 10:00 > Is Right (2-3-25) Mitch Gimi of G-Man Melvin Purvis and the NOW THEN, MISS (4-6-8-10) Police Womm YOUR BOY¬ (6) Harlequin misadventures of desperado LOPEZ -1WONDER (7-12-1341) Biretti FRIENDS, MISS I DON'T YOUR, icentrition (7) Pissworri Pretty Boy Floyd was such a IF YOU COULD TELL MY MAM LOPEZ-WE (9) Tom Huntir Show UKB WHAT "FIANCE"? igin's Island (8) Gomir Pyle success that a sequel is now in THE JURY A UTILE ACQUAINT- UNDERSTAND YOU'RE DRIVING ynUR mr- (12) One Life To Live (23) Profili In Music production. ABOUT YOUR MALE ANCES? -'SNICKER!- '"kinpl >OU And Restliss ries (13) All My Children (50) Dinih Repeating their roles are YOU HAVE A NEW ONE' ATI HE'S, MY FIANCE! 0W LITTLE 10:30 N HUSSY' ick Matthews Show (41) Bitmin Dale Robertson as FBI man, (23) Ciptiontd ABC Evining Giint (50) Binim Splits Melvin Purvis and Bo Hopkins News 2) Mike Douglas 4:00 11:00 as Floyd. The new TV movie, Strut (2-3) Tittlitilis which ABC will air at a date to (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- rattletales (4) Somerset be announced, focuses on 10-12-13-25) News (5) Studio 5 1930's gangster ambush which Morning Pliybreek (23) Off The Ricord 9:15 (6) Thi Attic became known as 'The Kansas (41) Thi Protectors ntario Schools (7) Thi Bridy Bunch City Massacre." (8) Gilligin's Island 9:27 (8) Petticoat Junction Religious Message 9:30 . (10) Niw Zoo Revue (12) Mirv Griffin FRIDAY'S You Sm It THE DROPOUTS ha < Check Courtship Of Eddie's (13) Mickey Mouse Club (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (25) Yogi & Friends HIGHLIGHTS by Post ittletiles (41) Diktiri (50) Thru Stoogis J^idix_Mwh_28A1975 y TH6 R.U6 10AS incentretion 9:00 EASY. BUT he 4:30 LOCATING A FOUR. INCH ELECTRIC Valley Todiy (CBS) Fridiy Night Movii lick LeLanni (2) Mike Douglis Show GUITAR IS A WHOLE 'NOTH6R (CBS) Thi Fridiy Night Comidy "Forci Fivi" Stirring Girild (3) Mirv Griffin Show THIN6. 9:45 Gordon, Bill Lucking. (9:00 to (4) Giorgi Piirrot Presents Speciil Prosi, Puppitry & 10:30 "Stata" Starring Frank (6) Thit Girl "Grandpa Mix"Lirry Bist, Michael king Converse, Mike Oelino. 10:30 to 9:55 (7) 4:30 Movie Leranir. Sherman decides 11:00) (Thise ire Two Pilots.) i sCirol Duvell (8) Partridge Fimily to move to i senior citizens home (9) Andy Griffith because he resents his son's 10:00 (NBC) Fridiy Night At Thi ■25) Joker's Wild (10) Flippir treating him like in old mm. Moviis 10) Celebrity Swiipstikis (13) I Lovi Lucy "The Grntest Story Evir Told" (23) Villi Aligre (NBC) Sinford And Son median Schools (PT.1) Stirring Mix Von Sydow. (25) The Munsters & Friends "Mitchmiker,Mitchmikir" (R) I. Yogi & You Story of Christ's mission on iirth. Fred tries to find i wife for lomper Room (50) Thi Little Riscils EVENING Limont in order to cish in on i letroit Todiy (ABC) Hot L Baltimore 10:30 5:00 PM possibli inheritince from i PROFESSOR PHUMBLE relative. •25) Gimbit (6-8) Ironside 9:30 10) Wheel Of Fortuni (9) Mickey Mouse Club (ABC) The Odd Couple by Bill Yates •troit With Dinnis (10) Truth Or Consequences "Strike Up The Btnd...Or Else" Wholly Dressup (13) Thit Girl (R) In order to cover e $500 1 The Bridy Bunch (23) Consumir Experience gambling loss, Oscar tricks Filix 8:28 'illi Alegre (25) I Lovi Lucy ind his sociity type bind into (CBS) Bicentenniil Minutes lew Zoo Revue (41) Mm From U.N.C.L.E. playing i free gig. Nirritor: Dr.Edgir Mitchell, lot For Womm Only (50) Thi Flintstones former Astroniut. 5:30 10:00 11:00 8:30 '! Oonohui Show (ABC) Biratti (4) Bowling For Dollars (CBS) Wi'll Get By 5) Now You Sm It 'Thi Mansion" Tony Biretti (9) Partridge Fimily George's grait job opportunity, '0) High Rollers impersonates i nightclub Mien (10)Biveriy Hillbillies involving a transfer to Atlinti, ind ilso disguisis himself m I ike 30 (23) Zoom gits i grim riception from the little old '■41) Password All Stan lidy in ordir to (25) Hogin's Heroes kids. Ink Zoo Revui (50) Gilligin's Islind undircovir policewoman. 11:30 5:55 (NBC) Chico And TheMin 5) Love Of Lifi (41) Luriy Niws "Lifestyli" (R) Aftir Ed felsely 11:30 10) Hollywood Squires 6:00 accuses Chico ind his girlfriend of '3-41) Split Sicond (NBC) The Tonight Show (23-4-5-6-78 sheninigins in thi vin, hi finds it roily Court Johnny Cirson is host. 10-12-13-25-41) Niws bird to undirstind thi "now" lugs Bunny (8) Biwitchid ginirition's courting methods. FRANK & ERNEST 11:65 (23) Aviition Weather (ABC) Widi World In Concirt by Bob Tbaves Sponsored by: TOE STABLES ^NUTS hulz Mffc'D LIKE TO Co SfrVbh/KKP sniffing) IF W SMELL A TRUFFLE, AW N05E ISN'T U*EP I UJONPER IF V00 CAN Someplace nh*0e W] I SNOOPY. J POINT TO UW6KE IT 15. TO ALL THI5 UKXK... STRAIN A NOSE MUSCLE- THBRfS MlOTHlftC ANP I'LL 016 IT l/P To DO... THAT ! ^vy WAY WE WOM'T TRAVEL SERVICE .$3 r•x >. FEEL LEFT OUT of AAlYTHlAlC. 2 Origan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, March 28,1975 MORE BOOKS ARE ARRIVING DAILY AT THE MSU BOOKSTORE All sales are guaranteed, refunds will be given thru April 8 with receipt and in saleable condition Yes, we will be open TOMORROW from 10amto5pm. We will be open today til 5:30 pm.