Axing of phys.-ed sex guidelines bothers students By CASSANDRA SPRATLING Fuller and Boros are physical education State News Staff Writer When Maryann Stirling, a majors who took the class last term as part psychology of training for two judo competitions in senior, enrolled in the developmental March and April. activities class last term, she had no idea The course teaches weight training what the class was about. All she knew was that she wanted a physical education class techniques, and most of the students enrolled were football players. and it was the only one open. She still does not know exactly what it is. According to both women, the men in the class seemed to have the most difficulty When she learned that the class was getting used to the idea. designed for men she never even bothered Fuller said that at first they got the to go. feeling that the guys thought of them as Joseph McCormick, a social science intruders. major, had a similar ordeal. He signed up "A couple of them asked us why we were for a posture and conditioning class in the class," she said. "Other than that, unaware that he would be one of three males enrolled in a class with 33 females. they really didn't say much else to us." Neither posture and conditioning nor the Neither Stirling nor McCormick had itSSf te'sa any developmental activities class is being way of knowing. offered this term. As a result of Title IX, a 1972 amendment According to Olson, the to the U.S. department offers more outdoor activities education law, it can no longer be specified in the schedule of courses that a during spring term because that is what most students are interested in. class is for women or for men, according to Olson said the department will offer the Herbert Olson, assistant to the chairman of the Health and Physical Recreation (HPR) posture and conditioning class again fall li. -jt Dept. term, but not the developmental activities class. The proposed guidelines to Title IX 'The men interested in developmental regulating athletics states that "no person activities can attend the posture and shall on the basis of sex be excluded from conditioning class," he said. Baptism highlights participation in, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another or otherwise discriminated person against in any Mikki Baile, physical education instruc¬ tor, found the situation no problem in the posture and conditioning class she taught physical education program or athletic last term because the program is individu¬ Easter celebration program operated by a recipient, and no recipient shall provide any physical educa¬ tion program alized for each student. challenge came She said the real in her (individual) basket¬ separately on such basis, ball classes. provided however that a recipient may (continued on page 10) Though snow fell intermittently, smiles pierced the chilling operate or sponsor separate teams for members of each sex where selection for | "'degree weather and joy warmed hearts inside cold bodies, I including that of one man whose baptism such teams is based upon competitive skill." early Sunday morning I was a dunking in the icy Red Cedar River. The baptism came at the end of a Though Title IX has been law since June 1972, only since this past fall has it had noticeable effect at MSU. any Ford s snowy Beal Gardens Easter I Sun-Rise Service attended by over 100 Prior to fall term 1974 there was a "W" or people who prayed, sang I and shared communion (bread and Welch's ► blankets and sleeping bags that did little to grape drink) on protect them from the an "M" in the section column of the schedule books, indicating which sex a class was for. tax-cut I cold. McCormick did not drop the posture and conditioning class because he took it for The Associated Press Before the service, nearly 60 people took torns dragging a huge, physical self - improvement, which he felt WASHINGTON (AP) - President Ford's I stark, 175-pound cross from His House near Akers Hall to the river he could still get despite the 3 to 33 conclusion that the need for a tax cut I bank of the Beal Gardens. male/female enrollment ratio. outweighed the defects of the tax bill he Most of the frost-bitten spectators seemed filled with Stirling, however, is not pleased with the signed Saturday was "the right thing," I than sympathy for more joy according to top congressional Democrats. Lansing Community ruling. She thinks a sex distinction should I Hendrick who, along with baptiser Kevin College student Todd be made for some classes. Ford signed the $24.8 billion tax cut Schneider, stripped to I the waist and walked into the river in an "If I had known, I never would have measure into law during a nationally amazing display of faith. broadcast address Saturday night, but said signed up for the class," she said. "Sure it was cold, but nothing mattered.The Lord was with me," Now, according to Olson, the only he will try to clamp a lid on government I Hendricks said. possible way to distinguish between those spending to hold down the deficit. It classes geared to men and those to women The bill provides a variety of tax changes was somewhat reminiscent of a scene from one of Flannery is to include in the course and reductions with the most immediate I O'Connor's biting short stories about Southern rivers and description I Southern Christians, except that every smile seemed booklet reference to class use of equipment effect a rebate of $100 to $200 on 1974 taxes genuine as for most Americans. The first checks are designed for particular Even then, | they I The shone in the sun that peeked over the Library. a sex. the opposite sex still may enroll in the class. expected to go out early in May. cross, laid on a slope behind the gathering area served as a Anne Fuller and Becky Boros have thus Ford was critical of several provisions of | present I glaring reminder of the resurrection of the man the Christians far proven to be the only women with the measure but said he was signing it have placed their faith in and attribute their smiles to. enough of whatever it takes to stay and because of "the urgent necessity of an participate in a previously all anti-recession tax cut right now." male developmental activities class. In January he had asked for a smaller cut aimed more at middle income taxpayers, and he noted Saturday that this law "fails to give adequate relief to the millions of middle- N. Viet thrust crushes Da income taxpayers who already contribute Nang the biggest share of federal taxes." The measure is aimed to give the largest refunds to lower and middle income persons, with incomes up to $20,000. Ford's action drew praise from both Sen. lAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) — Da itself will fall if he stays in power. had no confirmation the city was lost, and Contender that 10,000 soldiers, women and Russell Long, D-La., chairman of the Senate PR. South Vietnam's second largest city, Demoralized government forces offered their latest information was that Finance Committee, and Rep. A1 Ullman, fighting children were storming the gangways of the J other northern coastal strongholds Bmbled Sunday before little resistance as the North Vietnamese was still going on there. The United States Contender and the Pioneer Commander. D-Ore., chairman of the House Ways and a powerful North plunged 175 miles from Da Nang to Qui no longer has any official representatives or O'Loughlin said they had spent four days Eventually, the North Vietnamese should Means Committee. ■tnamese offensive that rolled southward Nhon, where fighting was reported. U.S. observers in Da Nang. be able to mount a major push in the 3rd on ammunition barges without food and Some Republicans and other Democrats, Pard Qui Nhon, officials said all Americans had been leaving in its wake Hanoi radio said many South Vietnamese water. He reported the birth of one military region that includes Saigon and 11 however, indicated they wished the Presi¬ Ptruition, panic and an estimated two evacuated from Qui Nhon, a port city that is baby in troops in Da Nang mutinied and the people the panic, the death of another, with still surrounding provinces. There are already dent had vetoed the measure. ■Jion refugees. South Vietnam's third largest with more poured into the streets to welcome the Viet more likely to die. five North Vietnamese divisions poised to Major provisions include: »he Viet Cong threatened to block the than 200,000 people. Like Da Nang, it was attack Tay Ninh province northwest of Cong. However, at least two American He said there were sunken patrol boats in •A 10 per cent refund of 1974 taxes up to a P led sealift of refugees from Da Nang, once a major U.S. base. cargo ships made their way into the harbor the harbor and that the ships had been Saigon and Long Khanh and Binh Tuy maximum of $200 and with a minimum of B there were new calls for the resignation Despite flat reports by Saigon military to continue the evacuation of refugees. warned of a possible underwater provinces to the east. $100 except for persons who paid less than PVsident Nguyen Van Thieu, with some officials that Da Nang had fallen, Defense sapper Associated Press correspondent Peter attack. Informed sources believe a major Com¬ $100, who would get back all the taxes they Position politicians predicting Saigon Dept. officials in Washington said they still munist-led assault against Saigon could not O'Loughlin reported from the S.S. Pioneer President Ford has orderd four U.S. paid. Navy ships into Vietnam coastal waters to be adequately resisted. They say President •An increase in the standard deduction for assist the evacuation, and Britain, Australia Nguyen Van Thieu's power base also is 1975 for persons who do not itemize on their and several other U.S. allies have promised eroding quickly and that political changes tax returns. Saigon could not vessels. But U.S. sources said only an accommodation with the Communist con querors will permit the sea evacuation of all the refugees could swiftly follow more North Vietnamese successes. As many as 10 million civilians, half of South Vietnam's civilian population, were •A $30 tax credit on 1975 taxes for every taxpayer and each additional personal exemption claimed. still trying to escape Da Nang. •A 1975 earned income tax credit to help 3/ Communists, The Viet Cong denounced the sealift Sunday as a "deceptive trick" and threa¬ tened "to punish all acts of encroachment." either under control of the Communist side, living in contested areas or on the run. An estimated 100,000 troops — 10 per cent of the working poor through special payments to help compensate them for the Social Security taxes they pay. In neighboring Cambodia, President Lon the total military — were •A tax credit of 10 per cent of earned By PETER ARNETT just one whole province. repored lost as a Nol made plans to leave on result of the fall of Da Nang and Hue before income up to $400 for working families with AP Special Correspondent Now they control the bulk of the country, Tuesday in a bid to get peace talks it PAKion, South Vietanm (AP) — The including 13 of the 44 provinces, and 74 going with the Khmer i continued on page 10) Ptary slippage by the South Vietnamese district towns. Rouge insurgents. The half-crippled, F'niment has been so unexpectedly these sources believe, either by generals There were four million South Vietna¬ 61-year-old chief of state will seek medical mese citizens living in the fallen aid in Hawaii after short visit to Pespre^d in recent weeks that informed who believe they can better rally the will of provinces. a ►s'prn and Vietnamese sources Another six million live in provinces now Indonesia, the head of his political party believe a the military forces to resist the Com¬ said, adding that Lon Nol would retain his B°r Communist assault against the »it»l of Saigon could not be adequately listed. munists, or by other senior officers who see reopened negotiations with the Communist side as the only way to avoid complete seriously contested by the Communist side. 20 That means more than half of Vietnam's million people have either been title of president and his absence would be considered "temporary." Cambodian rebels overran Kissinger to These sources, who see the push against disaster for South Vietnam. captured, are on the run as refugees or will a government ANN ARBOR (UPI) - PKon as inevitable, believe that President have to decide pretty soon on one course position only six miles from Phnom Penh Secretary of Ann Arbor campus to address But whatever the future political course or State Henry Kissinger has tentative¬ gra¬ the other. and intensified their drive against the duates. ■"yen Van Thieu's power base among for Saigon, the Communist offensive rolls ly agreed to speak at University of capital's northern defense line field reports Although Kissinger could not be |"or military officers is rapidly being on in the North, and it has already reversed Major cities have become the Communist side. On easy prey for said. Insurgent gunners shelled the Michigan commencement exercises reached for comment, his Ptrmined, and that political changes the territorial picture in South Vietnam. Sunday the second airport May 3, according to school officials. personal J biggest city in the country, Da Nang, fell. and nearby market, wounding eight per¬ secretary confirmed that the univer swiftly follow more Communist Before the month long offensive began A university spokesman said Sa¬ sses. the Communists controlled about one - third Others along the coast are also crumbling, sons. but the U.S. airlift of food, fuel and sity had extended an invitation to turday the secretary of state had might be seriously challenged, of Vietnam's 66,000 square miles, including ammunition continued. Kissinger and that he had tentatively (continued on g) The North Vietnamese "agreed in principal" to appear on the pace now control accepted it. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday March 3i I ( locus: Oil inquiry NATION WASHINGTON Government investigators of (AP) - alleged oil company profiteer¬ customs. Federal tion (FEA) Energy Administra more barga causes since the Arab oil The probe is going on in em into this country is used public utilities. by passed with dispute on to the consumers the oil companies lawyers say pub¬ poc pry A status report the ing at the height of the Arab oil lished reports that oil on keting the difference. Dems pick Wallace in poll embargo are fighting among panies may have overcharged com several cities, but only one case 6 month-old probe said that That is the theory. so far has reached the stage of Whether themselves over whether to U.S. consumers though oil was a duty-free sufficient evidence exists to and th_ J7rlJ it by billions of being presented to a grand product during the 1973-74 More Democrats and independents pick Alabama Gov. seek criminal indictments, ac¬ dollars are gross exaggerations jury. It is in Jacksonville, Fla. embargo period, "falae and support it, whether it was a effrtuat< Sirs George Wallace as their top choice for the 1976 Democratic cording to sources close to the without evidence to support Oil company executives who fraudulent custom documents criminal offense and whether it •^umial amouni jl presidential nomination, the latest Gallup Poll shows. case. The U.S. Customs Service them. According are subjects of that investiga¬ tion say the whole matter is the may have been submitted by was limited to a companies or a common indus few small mros' Robi^M Custom, Wallace is the choice of 22 per cent of the wants the cases to tabulations importers as part of a scheme 10 spokesmen ,M 28 per cent of the Democrats and criminally pro¬ Saturday, the FEA has forced result of "a terrible misunder¬ to reap huge profits by attach try practice are the issues at comment. ""ment Bu.1^1 independents surveyed. secuted, the sources said, but the oil industry to give back standing." the core of the dispute between attorney, Trailing Wallace in the poll of Democrats were Sen. Hubert the Federal ing fictitious overcharges to the stration is Energy Admini some $612 million through re¬ The Customs Service says price of oil. These charges are Customs and FEA. :,th ,he hot*s to Humphrey, D-Minn., 16 per cent; Sen. Henry Jackson, arguing that the funds, price rollbacks or can¬ the joint Customs-FEA investi Douglas Robinson, deputy seek indjlz matter should be eventually passed on to con¬ der three D-Wash., 13percent; Sen. GeorgeMcGovern, D-S.D., pursued cellation of claims on future gation began last August and general counsel of the govern criminal stifo^B lOper through administrative chan¬ sumers." cent, and Sen. Edmund Muskie, D-Maine, 9 price hikes. was focused ment energy office, said in a per cent. nels. The Justice on residual fuel oil During the embargo that Dept. re¬ Investigators say the indus imported chiefly through East recent interview. "I'm frankly began in late 1973, br'iK Roods portedly is caught in the mid¬ dle, but try may have, cheated the Coast ports. A major portion of some coun tries outside the Arab bloc surprised at the way in which means of into thenMul Clemency deadline nears so far has sided with out of $861 million or the residual fuel oil brought continued to sell oil at pre-em- things like this out of proportion." can get blown fa^ sUuT?| bargo prices while others On the basis of evidence 'nose laws The clemency program for Vietnam wartime boosted their charge Penalties of from carry miLJ deserters nearly 500 gathered so far, he said, no one and draft evaders is per cent. knows how extensive the nearing an end with less than one-fifth The theory of the case is that prac of those eligible signed tice was or what laws up. some oil were As of this weekend, 22,566 hod companies with con¬ broken. signed up for the program tracts to deliver fuel to utilities which ends at midnight Today Tveeday "As far as FEA is concerned, Monday, out of on estimated 117,000 The Council of Graduate East Committee and debate on the and other large consumers ob¬ it's really a question of elgible. Students (COGS) will meet at Lansing City Council SIRS (Student Instructional tained their whether will meet at 8 p.m. in the foreign oil from it is worth going through all of Telephone lines were available at the clemency board 6:30 in the Con Con Room of the Rating System) forms. countries with over the weekend, council chambers at City Hall. relatively low this grand jury thing to bring a recording the names of callers. International Center to discuss The Academic Council will prices but falsified the required criminal The program went into effect last case in which the day Customs documents to make it Sept. 12 and has been care center scholarships meet at 8:15 p.m. in the Con East maximum penalty is only extended twice by President Ford. Chairman Charles E. and a meeting with the gradu¬ Con Room of the International Lansing Recreation appear that the oil came from $5,000 fine for each violation a Goodell says he feels ate organizations of the Commission will meet at 7:30 countries where the — Congress should extend the board. Big Ten Center. Scheduled is a price had no jail sentence or anything like Bills have been introduced to do schools. report p.m. in the Board of Education skyrocketed. The extraordi so. but there was no by the University Curriculum offices. that — or whether it is more indication of how much support nary increases were then they would receive. appropriate to proceed admini Second show reveals more MSU Department of Theatre The second of CBS' two-part filmed interview with H. R. Presents Haldeman, broadcast Sunday, proved an absorbing show FredtAstaire STOP filled with considerably more hard news ■ DANCE STUDIOS than the first Haldeman program last week. Unlike last week's show, which largely dwelt on the Watergate topes, this edition covered a far wider with Haldeman range, saying: •Nixon discussed the possibility of appointing John B. Connolly as vice president long before scandal touched Spiro T. Agnew because STUDENT SPECIAL f&t Agnew was frustrated and thinking of resigning during his first term. •Secretary of State Henry Kissinger threatened to quit 15 hours 2' i li»r 115.00 private lesions tfORl-D- I WANf 7b cereff ml "quite a few" times, "some major times and some minor 2Vt group lessons times, " while he was Nixon's chief national 10 practice session* security adviser. You can learn to Foxtrot, Waltz Swing, Polka, ('hatha. Sniper kills 2 in Louisiana Rumba and Tango. APRIL 8-12 A sniper opened fire from the second story of an HELD OVER! ARENA THEATRE apartment building here Sunday morning, killing two persons and wounding a third before killing himself, police 8:15 pm said. Charles Dortch, asst. police «hief in for tickets Louisiana city, this north-centraf <«• more information / tentatively identified the sniper as Bob A. Howard, 30. Officers said they were unable to immediately Open 1 to 10 Mon. thru Fri. DANCE STUDIOS. INC. phone the FAIRCfillD BOX OFFICE: determine a motive for the p.m. 301 MAC Avenue. East Lansing killings. Coroner Herbert Van Buren said the Evers, 18, of Jackson, Miss., and Ronald G. dead men were Darly 355-0148 Mitchell, whose age and hometown were not immediately known. SOME PEOPLE KNOW WHEN ¥0 0EI IN OUT OF THE RAIN! Holy Land honors Easter Bells pealed out the joyous message of the risen Christ oi Easter Sunday as brilliant sunshine bathed the holy Jerusalem and as Pope Paul at the city of Vatican urged that the disappointments of earthly life be viewed in the promise of Jesus' resurrection. light and A high mass was held in Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditional burial place of Jesus, and was attended by thousands of holy land Christians and pilgrims from the United States, Europe and the For East. But for all the joy and peace of the celebrations there were constant reminders that the wor is not over in the Middle East. Faisal's killer declared sane Price Faisal Ibn Musaed was and in complete control of officially declared as "sane his foculties when he assassinated King Faisal'' of Saudi Arabia Riyadh Radio said in Beirut Sunday. The broadcast said the 27-year-old prince will be referred to a religious court for trial and indicated he will be beheaded in public in accordance with Islamic law. Good laugh proves fatal Alexander Mitchell of King's Lynn, England, found the antics of his favorite television program so hilarious that he laughed nonstop for 25 minutes. Then he died. collapsed and His wife Nessie said Friday she would send her thanks to the creators of the comedy program. "I'm writing to thank them for making Alex's last AN AUTOMATIC UMBRELLA ... minutes so happy,'' she said. Mitchell, before watching the a 50-year-old bricklayer, ate a heavy dinner MSU BUSES! program. Doctors said the strain of the laughter as he was digesting his food killed him. ONLY 23' A DAY Sadat message upsets Rabin Whon you buy an $18.00 Spring Torm bus pass- Busos run from 7:00 Israeli Premier Yitzhak would take as a Rabin said Sunday that Israel and 10:30 a.m. to 5:15 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Monday thru Frio 1 refusal to extend the negative indication" Egypt's announced p.m. Saturday and Sunday. mandate of United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Sinai Desert for more than months. three Passos Available at: Rabin was displeased at All Rosidonco Halls Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's announcement in Cairo on International Cantor Book.tor* UN peace force's Saturday that he will renew the mandate for only three Union Building Tickot the six-month periods the peacemakers have months, rather than Offlco Marriod the UN Security Council until now. been given by Housing Call 353-5280 for information ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 31, 1975 3 financial aid applicants ear deadline for filing By BRAD MARTISIUS SUte New. Sufi Writer "We anticipate for more people than usual will make applications judents who need financial aid for summer financial aid this year," Dykema said. or fall term are "If a student *jng out of time to submit applications. applies late and certain funds, such as the National Ke deadline for summer term applications is Defense Student Loans, Tuesday, and the are exhausted, we'll be forced to ■line for fall term is May 1. Henry C. Dykema, director of recommend the student for a less favorable loan with a Kcial aids at MSU.said anyone who applies after the deadline interest rate." he said. higher | not be considered until after all other applications are Dykema also reminds freshmen and sophomores to apply for l-r area The average BEOG However, award is about $220. most other types of federal aid are handled through the Llth screening tests to help identify cancer and other serious University. Dykema said that the financial aids office tries to Les in adults 18 and over will be offered make things as simple as possible for the student by I 5 every Saturday, basic form. The student is using one through May 3, at four different locations in automatically considered for various Ingham types of aid (except basic grants) fy¬ ke tests are MSU figures that the basic by filling out one application. open to students, budget for a student who is a s offered for the early detection of medical problems Michigan resident and a dependent is $2800. The independent student is budget for an : a Pap test for cervical cancer, a multiphasic blood test about $3100. bi could detect heart problems, diabetes and The first task of the office is to determine how much of that L| blood count that could pinpoint anemia. hepatitis, and a figure the student and parents can provide without assistance. ttests can be taken at the cost of $4 for the PapAny one or all test, $5 for the They then check to see how much money, if any, the student is Ephasic blood test and $2 for the partial blood count. getting from outside sources such as programs. The next step is to determine how scholarships, GI bill or state Jfore being administered the multiphasic blood test, a six-hour remains, and how much assistance the student much unmet need is required during which only black coffee, tea or water may qualifies for under federal regulations. jnsumed. No special preparation is required for the others. Dykema said dependent students ■ new addition to this year's program is instruction in usually get more aid than the those ler method of breast self-examination, independent of their parents. le tests "The independent student is NAT SCI: all terms are sponsored by the Ingham County Health Dept.. expected to have some income," he said. "That student cannot ATI: First term ■Cooperative Extension Service, Tri-County Heart Assn., the family to the expect to transfer dependence from SOC: 201, 202, 203. 2U. 212, 213 fount) Diabetes Assn. and the American Cancer Society- University." HUM: All terms Jim County Unit. They are designed to reach those people MATH: 108. 109. Ill, 112. 113 ■find it difficult to provide for their medical needs, pnes and locations for the testing are: April 5 and 12, Mason nly Practice Center, East Columbia Road, Mason. 8 a.m. to t April 19. Medical Center West, corner of Logan and haw Streets, Lansing, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; April 26, Faith United ftodist Church, South Waverly Road between Jolly Road and les Street, Lansing, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Pap tests will not be ■able at this location), and May 3, Ingham County Health 1„ 401 Greenlawn Ave.. Lansing, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. FIND WHAT YOU'VE NOW AVAILABLE AT... BEEN LOOKING FORI CAl I NERVOUS ABOUT EXAMS? •GIBSONS eCBS itati news 1C&S$&1D During Spring Term the counseling center will be • SBS • DISC SHOP offering a research/treatment program on test anxiety reduction. If you, perhaps nervousness over exams you would like to is of concern to sign up for this • PARAMOUNT NEWS RENTERS! program. i jeluxe Zero Deductible Participation in the program will involve approxi¬ Insurance mately 7 hours of time over a 6-week period. Attempts will be mode to arrange the Pennies a day. meetings according to free times in your class schedule. I Call Jeff Williams I (MSU '68) at 332-1838 If you are interested in signing up for the program, or in learning more about it, call the Counseling Center at 355-8270. jLSENTRY TTinsurance '* MUX lOOROlRIORXjU 1710 Gainsborough Drive LEVI'S® LEVI'S LEVI'S® East Lansing Phone Day or Evening Now In The LEVI S' Hewlett- Packard Day Shops At Webster Men's Wear pen thursday and frlday nights until nine at Stacks and stacks...from wild to tame, basic to loads of shapes and colors. LEVI'S® make you look MSU Book Store good and feel great! JACKETS WAIST LENGTH JACKETS Western style in denim, cotton twill, cham- bray brushed sateen and gabardine from 1650 LEVI'S®SHIRT JACKETS twil teen. •22 SHIRTS LEVI'S® SHIRTS New HP-21 Scientific Pocket Calculator from Hewlett- ,'12 Packard. $125. LEVI'S® JEANS The only calculator in its price range that gives you all basic log. trig and exponential functions, plus: rectangular/polar LEVI'S® FLARES conversions, full register arithmetic, two trig operating modes, full display formatting, and HP's error-saving RPN Long a favorite in denim, twill, brush and Tyre Flayte®, no-pump tire pump, corduory. logic system. Provides more power than the popular HP-85. from IO small enough to carry in your pocket, MON, March 31st LEVI'S® BELLS powerful enough to fill a flat tire Mr. Ron Stevenson A live-in shape in denim, brush, sateen and in seconds. Easy to use. Just screw will be at the it on the valve stem and twist Built- MSU Bookstore r, 14®° from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in pressure gauge tells you when tire LEVI'S® SUPER BELLS ® to demonstrate all • i_ is full. Each Tyre Flayte with comes the Hewlett-Packard three C02 cartridges, each good for calculators and answer J450 one full inflation plus top-offs. A any questions. LEVI'S® STRAIGHT LEG boon for every cyclist or motorist $13 ■ 12s0 WEBSTER MEN'S WEAR •Tacobsorig Mon-Sat 10-9 Meridian Mall Sun 12-5 Susan Aget Maureen Benin son Editor-in-chief ANTHONY R D Advertising Manager Campbell Managing Editor MikeAnwtt i Israel City Editor Dione Silver Compus Editor Melissa Poyton Gary laRoy Steve Stein Dale Atkins Opinion Page Editor Notional Editor Sports Editor must not hoard lan, Photo Editor June Delano Editorials art the opinions of th* Stat* Entertainment Editor News TomOren The sudden, Viewpoints, columns ond letters Copy Chief destabilizing events in the of "real peace" — meaning trade with the tindoSandel Middle Bast come at a ore personal opinions. Night Editor poignant time for Arabs, and tourists, and so on. But those Nobody can deny that there is risk in the Mary Flood Staff Representative Jews: Passover, the holiday that for so political course — but standing pat carries many centuries symbolized the can come only at the end of a process. worse risk in the hope of Prof. Hoffmann's views are given in a long run. For a small return to the land of Israel. ment of that The embodi dream, present-day Israel, remarkable article in the April issue of country such as Israel, safety lies in a position where the largest number of out ft'""*1*!1 All that was much more EDITORIAL seems more than ever at world. risk in a hostile Foreign Affairs. It is a piece of large scope, rich in deUil and striking in analysis. Ita central argument is for a "sweeping Israeli side persons and powers feels a responsi bility toward her. That means drawing the any form of » long most to way. words, and it Whether Isri7S In Israel itself, the breakdown of Secre¬ Soviet Union into the picture and "blame" doe, not m initiative aimed at a peace settlement." hopefully the most to W tary Kissinger's peace efforts has predicta¬ Israel is going to have — difficult as it would be — making Soviet of unreason are by faC^J Economy bly intensified the embattled atmosphere. to return the occupied territories eventually, Hoffmann agreement with the U.S. on Israel's and Israel faces stronger in th. ,! There is resentment of what is seen as security a base price of detente. Genev, neJ22 American pressure to give argues, instead of putting that truth out of happy Circumstances. S up vital terri¬ mind and worrying about interim Secretary Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy The tory in the Sinai in return for details, Passover service It is very easy to poke fun at of a veto. less than an Egyptian declaration something she should now face the issue, decide and was probably a mistake in one respect: it prom«e: "this year ivj President Ford's of non¬ disclose what she is ultimately encouraged the Israelis to put off the we ,re speechmaking. Instead of a veto, the American belligerency. willing to do questions of peace ahd focus on larger we shall be free." in return for true peace — and then yards of Freedom i ■ His overly careful, state diction and high school theatrical snails-pace public will get what it needed most: money to It is always risky for outsiders to tell the Israelis what they ought to do. They bear centrate on ways to assure the stability of con¬ desert and verbal formulas in setting that nurtured suspicions a secret of siege can come, as h» clear, only when she achieve, ^11 pump back into the final borders through a among Vivendi with blocking provide critics and friends alike. many a laugh to stagnant economy. the reality of danger, and they live with the fear that the Arabs talk of settlement but In short, Israel would political structure. recognize Arab rights Israeli factions and their supporters. American her sigence ,s a historic neighbor* fact, but Jil On May 12, the Internal Reve¬ and talk about security, instead of justify refusal to really want to destroy them. But respect for resisting But the Kissinger method had a understand thitSf But when the President add¬ nue Service will Israel's fears those rights and talking as if security lay in crucial grievances, too ressed the nation Saturday even¬ begin a six week reasoned cannot be allowed to suspend Israeli possession. accomplishment: it got President Sadat - or delusory security ofacrean justify relir ' project of mailing discussion. talking realistically about Israel as a out checks for per (O 1975 He* York ing to announce a sooner-than- rebates of 10 per cent of income tax Israel's premise, in so tenaciously resist¬ Times expected signing of the tax-cut ing return of the territories taken in the paid in 1974. For many MSU 1967 war, must be that she is bill, even his well-rehearsed, students with low incomes, this being asked to give up a position of strength. The terri¬ mechanical walk and his comical, tories provide may not have much effect. security, that is. But that literal "drawing the line on infla¬ premise is faulty in a number of ways. tion" did not seem to matter But nationwide, this First, the land occupied in 1967 is less and quite provision, so much. President Ford had along with many others in the bill, less significant in terms of physical secur¬ will hopefully increase ity. New weapons will finally done good. spending involved and cover the distance and open up jobs for America's more. The next war will be For too long, America has had more destructive than the others, whatever only confused, reluctant economic unemployed legions. Tax credits the particular boundaries. And and rebates for 1975 and home- militarily, leadership. time is running against Israel. The eco¬ While national unemployment building incentives written into nomic power of the Arabs is beginning to has risen above 8 per cent and the the bill are tell, and they are well-designed to carry Israel in the mastery of narrowing the gap with building of new homes — increased spending into next military technology. an year. Second, retention of the occupied terri¬ important economic indicator — Despite the bill's problems — tories is sapping the already diminished has hit an all-time low, a stall reservoir of good will toward Israel on that Congress may not have done a in the this tax bill by either world. Prof. Stanley Hoffmann of Congress or thorough enough researching of its one of the wisest Harvard, the President would have been foreign-affairs specialists economic options and that the bill in this country, has written of the danger of disastrous, both in terms of the will add $24 billion to the national Israel's "isolation, physical and mental, economy and the spirit of the deficit and open the from its neighbors and indeed from much of country. possibility for the outside world. The fresh inflation — President Ford, United States is But almost the only pipeline to the Congress rushed the bill in affixing his signature to it, world..." Third, it is a delusion to think that Israel through in the relatively short restored a measure of can ever time of 10 weeks, and Ford public get true nonbelligerency from her signed confidence in the federal govern¬ neighbors unless and until she returns the it within three days, at a time occupied territories. No Arab leader could ment and, with luck, when most White House prodded last on such a basis. experts America back toward economic Hoffmann, after a visit were still to Israel, said people there discussing the possibility health. long for and talk Ethics code PETE DALY The tainted public service cord of re¬ currently unenforced and rife with Michigan's second-highest abuse. A political ethics commis¬ elected official, Lt. Gov. James Damman, magnifies the urgent need for a comprehensive and definitive political ethics code for sion — with real teeth referee the whole dirty game. Should the legislature stall, Common Cause is armed — would attempt a Good-by, Biggie. Biggie Munn's the state. I was far away when I heard type of man he really was. Many people will The last time I saw with a plan for a petition drive to that Biggie simply give up trying to recover, and it must Biggie was in the warmly. Munn had died, but the lesson I learned spring of 1972. He had come back to our floor Thanks to Michigan Common from have been I left the hospital later that put the proposal before the voters Biggie will be with me wherever I go. especially tragic for Biggie for a few days of observation, and as sumja Cause, such a code is ready and on the November 1976 ballot. I first met Biggie in December because he had been such an I will never forget Biggie MunnudJ 1971. I had forceful athletically walked into his ward, I wondered if he would learned from him. waiting to be made law. But it is generally conceded just started work as an orderly on man. remember an anonymous orderly. He did. The hitch, though, is by Six Foster, the spinal But everyday he made it known to the Tears came to his eyes as he His body may have failed him, i getting a both friends and foes of the code injury and stroke nurses and orderlies that he wanted gripped our spirit never did. Not even to the ad band of ward at Sparrow had hands in greeting, catch-me-if-you-can law¬ that a petition drive would be for several months after his Hospital, where he stayed to — get up from his wheelchair — and walk. recognizing all of us sure. makers to clean their own house. debilitating And with our help, he would. slower, more costly and probably stroke Oct. 7, 1971. Recent history shows this won't be result in a I and a few others became Biggie never stopped trying to talk, to be poorly written bill. personally understood. I used to wonder if his brain easy. In any acquainted with Biggie case, the legislature on a day-to-day Since legislators tried last basis. We at the damage was so bad that he really didn't year should have the conscience to hospital knew a different know what he wanted to to palm off a weak-kneed version Biggie than the one his lifelong friends had say, but one day I initiate its own ethics code. More known. And conversely, learned better. He was trying to tell us of campaign reform as they knew the man sufficient than one of the something, but his words refused to come recently elected like we never could as a physically capable housecleaning, they will undoubt¬ — out coherently. Finally, he sighed and said lawmakers campaigned on and powerfully striving man. But gradually, edly squirm and scheme this year plat¬ most clearly and disgustedly, "shit!" Then before enacting the forms highlighting "campaign re¬ and in a different light, we came to man, too. know this he began trying again. Trustee inaction The Chicano students of MSU M concerned for our brothers and sisl proposed Com¬ form" and "political ethics." Biggie Munn never let the cruel circum¬ mon Cause ethics A severe stroke is an obscene the fields of California. Their hirdsi code, if they But if state legislators fail to mockery of stances he was trapped in make him After reading the State News Wednes tackle it at all. human physiology. Part of the brain is forget very familiar to all of us as most of ■ enact this code in a few other people. Every day he was cheerful. day, I learned of the MSU trustees' decision The Common Cause months, or irrevocably damaged, while other areas not to worked or still work in the fields ll proposal if they offer another remain fully functional. Each morning he had a friendly wave and a boycott Teamster lettuce. I have half-baked Recovery in any MSU Michigan. But perhaps our concern■ includes stiff regulation of cam¬ reform plan, they will find that case is never total, and smile for each member of the hospital staff gone to one year and feel frustrated as be even greater for those four I Biggie had suffered a who came into his ward. And he was a student to see how little the board paign contributions, conflict of Michigan voters do have a common bad one. but he never once gave up trying to always done for the students and the has members who feel their actions ■ interest, and lobbying — all areas make it all the way back. doing his best to make comradely conversa¬ community. affect the lives of the farm workenl cause — to kick the rascals out. tion with the other men who were The board showed its This struggle of Biggie's showed ua what human rights by not misunderstanding of hospitalized with him. calling for a boycott. Trustee Krolakowski states that making Our people are used to setbacks. back from this one stronger thul Wj ART Q moral come BUCHW a judgement and inflicting it on the student body sets a bad but we see little hope for people *!»■ precedent. In reality, students elected him as their voice important issues at this cruciahiiwj and students (a such issues cry for attention. We cmb majority) favor a boycott. One wonders how human any of those board members to goofflj Hughs subplot exposed suffering can be fields of California, or even right if ignored over board precedent. Michigan, and explain their vote Put yourself in the farmworkers' position, trustees, and you too would want people there. t| your rights. It is obvious you can't do that, Minderman knocked on the door at 11 though, or you're afraid to. Explain to them about "moral high-grade ore. Everyone pooh-poohed it. o'clock at night. which is what he waa Las Vegas." These democratic trustees and priorities and about setting pre Hughes. Look what they did to Clifford claim to be "I had to talk to you," he counting on. They all "This certainly puts a new liberals, but in a community of Explain these things to » child whom apologized. assumed the real reason he invested all that light on Irving." higher will probably die before the »f«M "Something has been driving me nuts." money was to raise an M68 Russian things." "Do you think education, their inaction is another mark of "What is it, Minderman?" "I'm only telling you all this," Minderman Irving knew Howard owned how well our child whose future is being «>!«•" submarine which is what Howard the CIA?" system works. "It's about the Russian submarine the CIA them to think in the first wanted said, "in case anything happens to me. The by the actions of this and other 'W* place." "Of course he knew. Gregory Anstett tried to raise from the Pacific Ocean." CIA is going to be pretty mad when Why else did they governing boards. Reassure tna c "I believe I'm just about to lose they send him to jail?" 292 E. Akers Hall Minderman tends to be you, discover I know they work for Howard the actions of the MSU Boa"10 but since most of his slightly paranoid, Minderman," I said. IC) 1975 Los Angeles Times won't affect his life. Then hand him Ml paranoia in the past has "Even the Soviets were taken in by it. hoe and point him the direction of turned out to be true I have to take him They assumed from the start that Howard tMJ seriously. was after their code machine and atomic MSU no vacuum We challenge the board for we will gladly defend our memoenj "Well, it turns out that according to all missiles. In the meantime, Hughes was Teamsters. positi»| the stories, the CIA was raking in all kinds of minerals off the ocean On using Howard Friday, March 21, the MSU Board of Hughes as a cover for their operations." he floor." Trustees responded to the PedroBj said. "But the Soviets aren't support shown for the United Farm overwhelming CochairroanCH" stupid. Surely "That's only reasonable," I said. they knew that if we let the story out about (Chicano Students for Progressive Hughes is a perfect front for the CIA." "Howard raising the sub, they would have to figure Workers at the hearing held on Thursday March 20 with a 4-4 tie vote on the lettuce j "Okay," said Minderman nervously. "But something else was going on." boycott issue. As a result of this vote, MSU suppose it's just the opposite. "It was a desperation move on will continue to Suppose the the part of purchase Teamster lettuce; CIA is really a cover for Suppose Howard Hughes owns the CIA?" Howard Hughes. Howard. He probably called chewed him out, and told him to up Colby and this despite the fact Teamster representative that not a single Publicity lack go to all the was present at I whistled. "Wow, I never That is would make a lot thought of that. more sense than what newspaper offices and warn everyone if printed the sub story, national they security the hearing. The continual claim of some board The Symf nic Band wou1^ the State News for the to 'jj going on right now. But why would would be endangered. Howard members was that this Howard Hughes want to raise a Russian Jack Anderson would break it." was certain concern MSU since it is so issue did not far removed from publicity for its winter00^' It is unfortunate the camp f| submarine?" "Which he did," I said. "But do Michigan. The University does not informed of the appearance of "He didn't want to raise a anything you have in some kind of a operate J submarine. He just had that Russian more concrete to belief that the CIA is support your members seem to feel. This vacuum as some board D. Gabriel, conductor of he UnM»] story leaked to really a front for University buys Air Force Band. Rarely » ° hide the real reason Howard Hughes?" more lettuce in one why he built a $350 week than a hundred fortunate enough to have million boat. What he California families buy in ^ really wanted the ship "It figures," Minderman said. a year. suture on campus. Our ban for was to search for rare _ "The CIA is The members of this ^ minerals on the ocean floor." supposed to be the Secret Service in this board were voted in national recognition, but by all the public, not just the elite country and it is always in the news. No recognition fro" "But that is what they announced when they first launched the ship, I said. matter where you go in Washington you run which has power and influence. Whether sector Mr. Bloomquist theH JJ/gymphonit and the■ into Bill Colby. How they like it or not the vote of the board doe3 proved beyond a doubt y "Aha." said Minderman, 'That is how many people run into affect everyone. A nation clever Howard Howard Hughes? Believe me, if the records which systemati¬ formance that they are far» , Hughes really is. He are ever cally denies basic rights to a certain band belonging to announced he built the boat to opened they'11 find the CI A is portion of ita search for the Hughes part of ' population must also face the "down the road." Holding Co., which owns half of resentment that such anger and ^sncj actions invariably , ^ ■ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 31, 1975 5 lan< Students find By MARK DIXON bargains at bike auction "Pretty rustyr and silver model. Ifteen year old clunkers and last year's 10 speeds. "Yeah." She paid $3 and laughed, "It sure beats car Oohs and aahs greet the black and silver Rusty ones insurance." Japanese 10-speed Tones. Bikes with flat tires, bikes with no tires. Bikes with "22's got a busted fender. Forget 22." Kletke brings up next. He laughs. E, brakes, foot brakes, no brakes. The first bike is sold in less than a minute. Perhaps it is the knowledge that new bikes sell for $150 and $200 The sing-song chant that instils such "Quit your drooling!" glee in the customers. The idea of walking away K,e University routinely collects the lost, stolen and abandoned of the auctioneer, Fred Kletke, ends the sale seconds after the bike is put on the block. Bikes and their with a bicycle for four, five or six dollars strikes most as funny and One entrepreneur with bikes to sell makes the most of the I, that litter campus and then auctions off the unclaimed ones. and down the new owners begin rattling up a wave of laughter runs through the crowd each time the bike-conscious crowd. He parks his station wagon >n outside the nearby street. auctioneer yells, "Sold!" gates, pulls out two serviceable, if less-than-beautiful bikes and "Five dollars!" says one woman. "I can't hangs a "$5 each" sign. believe it! I bought a It doesn't take long. bike for $5!" Steve Welton, 1024 Waters LCC student Steve Davidson, 615 Edge Drive, is elated as he stuffs his Sycamore Lane, paid the purchase into his trunk. comparatively astronomical sum of $41 to equip his wife with a ^V1 negotiate green and white bike. He said he had been "This is going to be great for going to and from class," he says. S4 waiting to bid on that "I used to have an old clunker and it just fell apart. particular one. "This is a lot better than most of the bikes Wl "Look at that thing!" he exclaimed. "Not a bit of rust they're selling in on it! It's there. I saw one guy try to ride off on his. The chain broke. He fe'n, trot got a light and hand brakes. It's fantastic!" paid $15 for it." come, as has j^j An envious loser len st* glanced at Davidson's prize and commented, Though it helps pay his salary, auctioning off 1000 lost, »chiev„^ "Yeah, I wanted that one, too." Now and then, while the. crew tries to clear away the sold bikes, abandoned and stolen bikes every year infuriates Kletke. "Can you imagine? 1000 bikes the auctioneer will flash handfuls of every year! Just because these watches, rings and several kids won't lock them pairs of binoculars. Five dollars for three watches. There is a brief up. It's absolutely uncalled for! I sold one bike off this block five times. It battle over the binoculars and then just kept coming back. they are gone. "We usually do this four times a "I wonder if they ever auctioned off year," he says. We've got that old umbrella I lost?" one student mutters to no nearly 200 bikes this spring so we had to divide the lot in half. one in particular. About 80 or 90 bikes is about all we can do at once. Another bike is sold. Two dollars. The new owner My voice won't smiles take it." sheepishly at the hooting crowd. Kletke's advice aside, most of "I'm not proud," she says. "I'll ride Thursday's buyers don't plan to a wobbly, rusty, old no-speed lock the bikes. One student commented, "'it would cost more to bike. It beats walking." buy a lock than I spent on the bike." COmPUTER SHORTCOURSES THE STABLES 2)43 E SB tlTEE, UST [ARSINB 3SH!0t Computer Laboratory will present a series of non-credit shortcourses MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE during Spring term, 1975. There is a $1 fee covering computer time and FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT materials for each shortcourse. Registration for the shortcourses must be made by April 4 at the User Information Center, Rm. 309 Computer Center. NOW APPEARING For full shortcourse descriptions, contact the User Information Center, 353-1800. Sold! MSU employe Fred Kletke auctions off SN photo/Rob Ko?lnff ril 14. 16 t 18. 3 - 5 p.m.) abandoned bikes at the MSU disrepair were sold, some for as little as $5. salvage yard What you see is what you get! Thursday. Nearly 100 bikes in various states of 190 of them Thursday. About 150 people showed up at the "C'mon, folks. We're not here to (Section I: April 28 & 30. 3 Salvage Yard at Harrison and Jolly roads hoping drag this thing out. If you see • 5 p.m.; Section 2: April 29 4 May 1, 7 9 p.i to grab a something you want, speak up. - "We've got 90 bikes here and I want to sell ifore the auction one a minute." begins, they mob around the jammed bike Charlene Parry, a Lansing housewife, came >. swiveling handlebars, testing brakes, squeezing tires, looking for a cheap way to get around her neighborhood and to the store and back. dng the quality. "My maximum is $20," she says. "I marked down a few before zes iny of em any good?" someone asks, lost of them need new tires on 'em." they started, but they all went over $20 so I let them Parry eventually walked away with a moderately rusted blue go." MARCH 31-APRIL 2 FOLK ARTIST (April 7 4 9 3-5 p.m.) ave failed him MIRABAI bt even to the 4 $1.00 COVER OR COME FOR DINNER, SEE THE SHOW FREE! (April 14. 16 S 18 APRIL 3-5 enti stneof| MSU 0 GIL ltor) and Ml ■others i. Their hardsh |f us as most of i SCOIT-HERON seminar k in the fields I This seminar will present ips our concern an introduction to the for those four Michigan Terminal System (MTS) in operation their actions ON SPECIAL MONDAY the University of Michigan and to the at facilities available at U of M. Instruction computing e farm workeri on the use BREADED of MTS from Michigan State University through the d to setbacks, MERIT Network will also be ine stronger thai PORK CUTLET $2.25 (April 10; 10 a.m. - 12 and 1 -3p.m.; roomCharge) given. (No 31, Union \ for people who INCLUDES SALAD BAR Bldg.) his crucial tin* tention. We chi & PLENTY CONVERSE COACH W setting prw |,o a chOd who* ATHLETIC SHOES... fore the age being sealed i iW other inie SPRING TERM BOOKS FOR YOUR KIND OF ACTION! rd of Tr Coach Athletic Shoes ien hand hifflbi are also avail- tongues, heavy-duty toe stripes, able in canvas hi-cut, direction of the long-wearing outsoles and full FOR ALL UNDER- All feature padded ankle dmembers ri collars and sponge cushion insole and arch. nd our position bochairroanO t Progressive- 6RAD COURSES ★converse SELECTED FOR USE BY THE U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM AT THE 1976 OLYMPIC GAMES IN MONTREAL. y lack r | would like' AT Also Jack Purcell for the totil guys w concert onM campus r of Col. ecna• CAMPUS BOOK STORE and gals. Available in navy United K the fely '» #ur ACROSS from Berkoy and white. have » maI r 'but band has certain 507 i. Gr. Rivor late New* he Symphont MSU B00IIRY pbt by the Open Wed 8:30am to 9pm >r sup between The last two years of Enedina Gonzales captured the spot with 1,915 Rouillard, 732; Merrill Farhat, 677; Susan your sophomore and junior years. college can mean a lot to you. If you take the votes. Runnerup was Adolfo Mata with 836. Forscutt, 665; and Jane Meneely, 525. Then it's back to school in the fall. Army ROTC Two-Year Program you can make Learning how to become an Army officer mean a lot more. them YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY W^8? With contacts from REPEAT of a SELL 01T E«t Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs 351 5330 UNBLEACHED 3® Tu«.. Wad., 9 AM EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. • ... 1 l>M, 2 • 5 PM S«t., 9 A.M. to Noon MUSLIN CO-OPTICAL SERVICES ALSO DR. j. I. NIXON. OPTOMETRIST Now in Brookfield Plaza NATURAL BURLAP Fish n' Chips Special 2>ds /$]00 Fish n' Chips with a Stein of b««r HBV^hop Sun. 12-5/ •nlT** VThe Mon. — Thurs. 5 • 10 p.m. Restaurant jighwheeler restaurant & lounge ^demaher* 11:00 - 2.-00 AM 231 M.A.C. 11:30 2:00 AM 12:00-12:00 Sun. Lansing 417 E. Grand River Ave. EAST LANSING 5.00 12:00 Sun. n[r\WME.IT OF MIL it w vifnce w0»« ? dem0mst°ati0:i mull MICHIGAN STATE universit* 355-1 <>13 ARGENT CIRCUS in todudkM_ Ocul of the membership of the v /-£\ MSU EMPLOYEES \ NO FOOLIN' THESE ARE JUST A MONDAY, MARCH 31st FEW OF OUR MANY MSU AUDITORIUM HITS-ALWAYS IN DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M. You must be registered by 8 p.m. to be eligible for door prize drawing STOCK-CHECK OUR SELECTION- Annual business meeting • Door prize drawing COMPARE OUR Consumer information displays EVERYOAY LOW Family entertainment • Election results PRICES- LIST 6" ALBUMONLY 5M NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! Join the credit union by 3 p.m. Mon., March31 - then join the festivities! i ntvORDSLT M Blue Oyster Cult On Your Feet Or On Your Knees Grand Door Prize 1975 FORD PINTO or Columbia and Epic Records 2 RECORD SIT LIST $7.91 EVERYDAY PRICE f BP% I I I Michigan Stat^lews^East Lansing. Michigan | clearasil allerest FABERGE ORGANIC? FA'ERGE ORGANIC: Atne Medication WHEAT GERM & HONEY WHEAT GERM & HONEY ASPIRIN VITAMIN C 24 Condition 5 Grain $]09 s reg. 1.50 $1 29 18 os. reg. 2.60 $1 38 16 oz. 2.o( $1 38 500 MG reg. i.*r«.TTT» i»7j 100's $ >W CLAROL VtttftOnly reg. 4'Jr 19' reg. 2.19 "J 38 ,..,l.n»li»wO"'T 1971 JwUmlntWr.Orij frost & tip NEUTROGENA BRECK COETS Soap 99 Shampoo Cosmetic Squares teg. 6.75 $3 reg. 1.25 Expire* April I. im 78c NYQUIL ONE A DAY I Cold Medicine Vitamins with Iron $1 19 80s VIRGINIA MAID SHEER reg. 1.09 89' pantyhose SUPPORT HOSE $1 32 $2 39 6 oz. 100's One Size PET—AVE—TALL reg. 20) Sir ... torn reg. 3.50 l«plr». April I If71 Jo»U««ul»| 4to,t Only no. reg. 106 89c |(n9OT| 49" no. 611 rax 2.95 . iapirtt April 5 1175 $149 ! REVLON miry 5tor« Only SUMMERS OPAQUE ORLON ^^joWlOMinj^tor^On^ EVE SUPERNAILS knee sox KNEE SOX J & J CURAD Nail Polish KNEE SOX BABY OIL Douche ^ ^ / BANDAIDS 5oz 39 mm.3/»1.00 *. 59c w * "*■100 7 3f 67' reg. 1.25 - * i 78' ' W $1 19 80 ct. 59c 1175 reg. 1.75 TALL GIRL reg. 99c OPAQl'E PANTYHOSE PANTYHOSE One Size E«St laming St or* Only |o% OFF OUR PRICE ON ALL no. 93PH . rug. l.av oq "JUJJli) l*pl™. April Mm 78s no. 0 rng 1.50 1 78c Johnson & Johnson JfUTURO ATHLETIC BRACES & leslleiisinf Store Only ALLERGAN BABY SHAMPOO SUPPORTS CLAIROL CONDITION LIQUIFILM Jar 2 oz. Wetting Solution $1 77 99 reg. 5.50 S3 reg. 2.00 UIMT I CipfcOTA^i, 1175 $ 1 28 (>plr« April 5, 1175 LED ZEPPELIN PHYSICAL GRAFFITI MAALOX SCOPE RISE $599 VASELINE Mouthwash LIME SHAVE CREAM Antacid INTENSIVE CARE IJIMI HENDRIX CRASH LANDING Lotion $379 12 oz. reg. 1.50 99" 89c l> oz. QQC tHr.» April $. 1*75 ALICE COOPER WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE COLGATE DIAL STEELY DAN KATY LIED $379 Shave Bomb Bath Size CREST STATE Toothpaste $379 11 oz. 2Pk. SEALS & CROFTS I LL PLAY FOR YOU reg. 1.09 69' reg. tW 2/49' 7 reg. oz. 1.09 69c $379 DISCOUNT ROBIN TROWER FOR EARTH BELOW $379 SCROLL'S 211 E. GRAND RIVER EXERCISE SANDALS CIGARETTES GROVER WASHINGTON MISTER MAGIC s379 'P reg. 14.95 $999 .JSL 2PK./79C NEXT TO ROBERTA FLACK FEEL LIKE MAKIN'LOVI THE SPORTSMEISTER * taftr .tTi JQ%. OFF OUR PRICE ON.ALl.KODAK to«t UmhM Voro Only AMERICA FILM PROCESSING & DEVELOPING HEARTS $379 30% OFF Eot« lonmtq Stof Only RUSH FLY BY NIGHT RETAIL PRICE ON AIL $379 Everyday Carton Price SUNGLASSES CIGARETTES SPECIAL HOURS! BOB SEGER BEAUTIFUL LOSER $379 BACK TO SCHOOL Ipil Imtlwf Storo Only 100 s 3.90 All Taxes Included $3 80 WEEK ONLY NILSSON DUIT ON MON DEI $379 TRAC II SAFE GUARD MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:309 Razor Bath Size SURE FRIDAY ft SATURDAY 8:30-6 Anti Perspirant CLOSED SUNDAY DAVID BOWIE YOUNG AMERICANS $379 - SQ49 2 pk. $1 59 ' OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN reg. 2.99 6*r 2/49c 14 reg. oz. 2.50 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN MELLOW REGULAR HOURS! $379 l«pir« AprllS 1175 MONC AY-SATURDAY 8:30-6 No WEDNESDAY « TH'JR 8:30 9 Deposit - No Return . IPETER FRAMPTON FRAMPTON TRAC II LISTEREX CLOSED SUNDAY $379 BLADE CARTRIDGE Acne Scrub PEPSI 8 APPIAN WAY (EARTH, WIND & FIRE pk. DIET THATS THE WAY OF THE WORLD $379 reg. 1.39 89' 8 oz. r»-g 2.00 $1 32 Si 59 16 oz. $<|39 PIZZA MIX r ITOMMY SOUNDTRACK *539 37' instng S'oi" O"1 lot! .ntinjStoroOnlt | INiil.AM HERBAL ESSENCE WELLA BALSAM 1 ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK Os Shampoo $1 09 Conditioner LIMIT t coupon $1 59 BIC PENS Medium Pi 9'} 1 reg. 3.75 CN reg 1.50 I I «ptr« to-.' on April 4 1175 111941..,«Only FLAIR 39'' I lM Felt Tip Pen I liflrn" KODAK FILM KODAK FILM KODAK FILM Storo Only I TUFFIES IVORY C126-12 CI10 -12 $ 1 09 1 PX135 TX135 - 20 20 {m^_ 1. pi... Ap.11 j 1175 ton Latwim it<"" °n|r 69( 51 29 Legal Size PUFFS 1 Trash Can Liners Dishw.i'-hing Liquid ENVELOPES Fi ■ $3 99 lip ccjpon ft lontln. 4. .r.Only r« Arril b im tartionung S»or»On 19C 88c mounting squares 1(*| H THEME BOOK 39' — 38c ll Mill ! 1 ■ »■*«« Aprils I17S i I.p..„ AarM » 1»* ie'i reg. 88c t^ T9k .pIV' 54c MMMHk mimmmtLm ■MMlSabaMIMa JO Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ~^US»u Guidelines removal bothers students I continued from page 1) men usually have an advantage long as the men and the women dents did sex in a in not mind the men's sport. female basketball player with "Though a poorly (killed man strength, speed, height and respect each other's game there A recent game as much aa they did revision to the and a poorly skilled woman endurance," she said. is no real problem. some the speed, endurance, power other things. Baile said that guidelines, however, allowa sex have the same basic problems, However, Baile said that as Apparently the women stu- and strength necessary to make some of the women asked her to segregation on contact sports the team she would not have to suggest to the guys that teams. they try out. wuh their gym clothes. The new draft retains the earlier "Ganakas would go to her," Nell Jackson, Ford signs tax-cut measure into law asst. women's athletics, said the guidelines regulating Title IX director of draft's ban of sex segregated phyaical education claaaes but allows within daaa she said. "Like it or not, a coach wants a winner - male or were supposed to come out segregation in contact sports. (continued from page 1) earlier thia year, but because Jackson said it is not likely As he announced the bill hold down federal spending a* finaliiation waa delayed no one that women would be able to children whose income is less signing. Ford added that he will much draw the line on the 1976 as possible to keep the knowa for sure how to interpret compete with men on any than $8,000. budget deficit down. But I don't want to Title IX. •Special tax credits for buy¬ deficit at a record $60 billion — see this become contact sports teams. an excuae for The guidelines are ers of new homes of 5 per cent of $6 billion more than his expected "I don't think there January thia Administration to disman¬ to be flnaliaed by summer. are any the purchase price up to $2,000. estimate. tle badly needed domestic girls on campua who can jump pro¬ An earlier draft of the •Increases in deductions al¬ However. Treasury Secre¬ like Hairston or rebound like grams it doesn't like." guidelines allowed both men lowed for child care for tary William E. Simon has said Furlow," she said. "Maybe in working he considers an $80 billion and women to participate on due time, but not right now." parents. the deficit likely and the Office of aame team for every aport. Baile said that if there was a •Investment tax credits for businesses to Management and Budget sees provided there were not al- help spur invest¬ ment in new $100 billion as possible. ready - existing teams for each machinery. •An additional 13 weeks of Ford complained that Con¬ unemployment benefits for gress so far has rejected or hardcore jobless areas. ignored most of the spending N« H \l I 1 VI IM •A $50 payment to persons on cuts he requested. If reductions Social Security, Railroad Re¬ are not made and legislation to tirement and Aid to the Blind, increase spending is enacted, he Aged and Disabled. •Repeal of the oil depletion said, "this would bring the deficit to the enormous total of UN I II | allowance for major firms. $100 billion." •Changes in foreign tax cre¬ Sen. Dick Clark. D-Iowa, said MEJAC TV RENTALS"" dits for businesses. he agreed "that we've got to 337 - 1Q10 E.O.M. BLAST! MONDAY Mil III I l//\ Mil INI WIH SIIIHV AM4 * UIS( I Hill /III HV W.M End of March • March is really going out like a lion with our special electronic sales explosion. : SPECIAL IJLABORATORIES WEST WEI DISH in II : SAVINGS IM I Hill' / 111 HN.,.%1. H TREND 4 b III SI V Mil IS W I 111 I 11. Nlll ! Pick up on Sensvi'i highly r We elso have the AU9500 integrated amplifier, matching TU9500 tuner wetts min. RMS per channel, both specially priced. With its high driven into 8 ohms at less than sensitivity 1,7uVIHF ond selectivity 0.1% total harmonic and IM (SOdBJ you get great reception LIST Regular *549" every time. $75 distortion. Toe also get e multitude Some demos. PRICE $U9*o. of features including four tape Snperex Pro- B-V monitors with independent copying. Triple stepped controls, each with three turnover frequencies offer unlimited fiexi- tape tone *369 SOME DEMOS 349" *239 HURRTI ONLY A FEW LEFT Deluxe woofer/tweeter headphones A SUPER VALUE ON OUR ALL TIME BEST SELLING STEREOPHONE s- Sherwood LIST *60 '28 When Sherwood announced the new $-7110 HURRY! 8' coil cord. Block finish t receiver we were excited because its supple cushions predeces¬ SOLD OUT BUT MORE IN TRANSIT AND ARRIVING sor (the S-7100A) lots of low distortion was one receivers we've ever sold. The $-7110 of the most popular provides FINAL CLOSEOUT J REPEAT OF Response to our A SELL-OUT! special sale on the SHORTLY. the best stereo FM tuner price. power end unquestionably enywhere near its • ruggedly built SANKYO portable SALE Fine record playback is assured # with the new cassette wos fantastic BSR 2620W automatic so we talked turntable with walnut 0 SANKYO into letting us do it again! grain base, cover and ADC mag. elliptkel cartridge. eMODEL ST-220 The linear sound of IPI tops off our system. No other speaker near the IPI 90 in # Portable cassette recorder with price reproduces as wide a range of sound as ft built-in condenser mic, Volume end accurately. ^ tone controls, 4" speaker. AH push button controls with a •eject. separate Separately 572.15 W° Includes AC cord. J Regular list 49.95 /JJ WITH OUR FULL BUYER PROTiCTION PACKAGE Deutsche Grammophone •MODEL ST 235 Technics $4.98 • AM/FM portable radio/cassette. by Panasonic # All the above features plus Full Auto m0 01 ™f W0ST HIGMlY STdNTOn IN THE AUDIO INDUSTRY HGARDID NAMES ~ ™ ft Stop, Auxiliary input and Variable ft record monitor [Sankyo's exclusive] Independent testing has proven Technics' claim of IJST PRICE *7.98 ^ Includes AC cord $Pi|87 ft Regulor list 89.95 U i turntables than any other brend. The construction elso IOTH SANKYO MC All _ assures greeter reliability since there is Budget Classical W A FULL ONI VIA* only one moving part. We've combined the superlative SI-1200 • direct drive tumtable-base-cover-onR with the new MELCOR SC 535 FULl SCIENTIFIC IlKTHONIC STANTON 681 TRIPLE E calibration standard for unbeatable performance. cartridge (5 YEAR WARRANTY) CALCUIATO* Saparotaly ratails for $361.95 Floating point LP's only $J#98 or Scientific Notation operation •Sin, Cos, Ton, Sin -1, Cos BARGAIN BASKET tan -1, -1, SUPEREX ST-M log. In, Ex, Xy BASF C90 SKLH CASSETTE 'Degree or radian capability DESIGN ACOUSTICS D12C , >1" •Separata pi kay JBL L-16 "SPEAKERS Most other LP's •Mora othar unit functions near than its prica any SpMfcwt Icntlnf 20' EXTENSION CABLE »•» tin w Only 10 Mt including cktmot. $ .*99 CRAIG 3305 AM/FM 8 TRACK WITH CASI ,*139 >97 AC ADAFTO* CHAffGIR NiCadi MAXWELL LNC90 CASSETTE Sxordlnf BASF 7" tytlmm - « 2400' TAPE Lbt $569 : SUE ENDS MAR 31st . 3.99 t HURRY DOWN TO PICK UP THE BEST QUANTITIES LIMITED • SAVINGS YOU'LL SEE ON QUALITY ALL SALES FINAL BUT INCLUDE OUR FULL EXTENDED WARRANTY ON • ELECTRONICS MOST • COMPONENT PURCHASES « 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING 402 S WASHINGTON AVE, LANSING Camput Auric Shop- Across from the Union I Mulligan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 31, 1975 ] ] aifi a sons or sag swag | Automotive |[oj Alto Serve* 11/1 FRANKLY SPEAKING, .by phil frank I *Hrt«Hti ||f>) ; Apartments ]!%>,' ^ MIDGET 1970. No w, from North Carolina. LEARN TO fly! Certified instruc¬ 37,000 miles. tor RIVERSIDE APARTMENTS need New clutch, and airplanes, competitive brakes, starter. New two women for GIRL DESPERATELY needed. REDUCED RATES: One or 2 men Sempert radials. rates. Call Phil, 353-8302. 3-4-2 spring term $70.50 Must see and Cedar Village 4 woman. Spring desperately needed. Chalet drive to per month, close to campus, appreciate. 487-6301 332-3458. 54-1 term. Call 337-7577. 5-4-1 Apartments. 337-0514. 6-4-4 I J PHONE 355-8255 after 6 pm. 8-4-4 347 Student Servicai Bldg. HUGE TWO bedroom apartment ONE MALE wanted to sublease 1 BEDROOM WITH fireplace, 600 1 automotive Scooter* t MUSTANG 1971, needs routine REPAIR PRICES in Okemos. $185. Furnished. four man apartment. $68.75/ Stoddard, furnished, $120/month. Cycle* Immediate occupancy. Parts C Service 371-2400 *!'9 tosacrifice 5. $1200. 355-6540 before 5. 349-2976 after Call month. Free bus to campus. 3514093 after 3:30 pm. 34-1 332-5235 349-2821. 54-1 evenings. 7-4-3 20% DISCOUNT TO Aviation STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON 5_54l1_ NEED MALE roommate for 3 man, I employment OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, 1970. CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE FEMALE NEEDED for 4 woman, GIRL FOR large two bedroom $75, Immediate 731 Apartments, apartment, share room, $70/ pool, call 351-4083 after 4 pm. I FOR RENT 2 door, newly painted, air, auto¬ PARTS. spring term, $72.50, close to month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. 4-4-2 Apartments matic, console, power brakes/ campus. 332-2395. 3-3-31 104-8 Houses steering, $1100. 489-5767, 8-5 pm. ONE GIRL needed for four woman ONE GIRL needed- Rooms 3!3L3!_ _ summer. Close to spring and PINE LAKE APARTMENTS Two blocks from campus. $80.50 campus. HASLETT monthly. June free. 332-8525. | FOR SALE RAMBLER 1963, runs good, $57.50/month. 3324748. 3-3-31 Short on Cash? Maybe we can 5-4-3 Animals 62,500 miles, needs shocks, $100/ 9 work something out. best offer. 489-6117. 1-3-31 • AUTO PARTS ~ FEMALE NEEDED, spring term. One bed¬ Mobile Homes room apartments with shag car¬ I LOST ft FOUND 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar Twyckingham Apartments. peting, drapes and appliances. FEMALE, DESPERATELY needed TEMPEST, OHC-6, 1967, "engine $66.25/month. Hagadorn and $68/month, close/campus, after 6 $150 per month plus utilities. 10 1 PERSONAL needs some work but does run Service, 351-2794. 3-3-31 pm. 353-8106 or 353-8356. 34-1 minutes from MSU. Located at I PEANUTS PERSONAL $200. 337-1264. 34-1 Volkswagen complete repair service. 6076 Marsh Road, just north of I REAL ESTATE Repair & parts for 7 MINUTES TO MSU. One bed¬ DISCOUNT. 731 Burcham most Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager TRIUMPH 1970 GT-6. Good foreign and American room apartments. 6 month lease. RECREATION cars. 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Apartments. One man needed for rubber, good condition. With Body shop & paint 351-0866,489-6561. 0-4-3-31 2 man. $100. 1-313-349-7588. REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 I SERVICE overdrive. $1495. 393-7659, after services. Exchange & transaxles. engines 54-1 Instruction 6 pm. 5-4-1 TWO BEDROOM, sharp, fur¬ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Typing nished, campus one block. $240- South. Furnished, 1 bedroom. I TRANSPORTATION TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Convertible Free wrecker service with £ COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY CA 94709 $300, depending on arrangements. 332-1946. 54-2 Utilities paid. $150/month plus HALSTEAO 1972. Body and motor A-1 I WANTED condition. 24,000 miles. Radial repairs - local areas. City bus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 74-3 MANAGEMENT 1 service to our front door. CAR POOL tires. AM radio. 882-7703. 54-1 We buy and sell VW's |~~i»»lqmt |fff| | Eiplqnt IflU MALE STUDENTS two rooms, bath. - furnished, First floor ONE BEDROOM furnished, all utilities paid, close to campus. COMPANY VW 1968, good condition, depen¬ parking, one term or longer. 1214 $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. ••RATES** dable transportation. $650 or best East Kalamazoo. 54-2 204-22 Reserve your apartment 485-2047 485-9229 WANTED: VOLUNTEER. Senior CANOE TRIP leaders, counselors 12 word minimum reasonable offer. 332-3716. 54-1 NOW while they last. 8-6 Monday - Friday, lifesavers, water safety instructors for Michigan camp. Camping TWO BEDROOM furnished Studios $130. One nc ». day: s 9-2 Saturday and other recreational aides, to experience necessary. YES ... two johns mobile homes. $25 - $35/week. VW 1972. Like new. AM/FM, sky Upper- bedroom $140 and two ORDS assist in afternoon or evenings classmen preferred. Contact 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and blue, $1500. 351-0097. 2-3-31 recreation program at Michigan Placement Office for Wednesday per apartment! bedrooms $150 and up. 1 3 5 10 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or School for the Blind. Kathy Ryan, April 2 interview with Pine River And balconies too. 484-5315. 0-3-3-31 VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 looks fine, 1 80 4.80 7.80 15.60 runs great. Good deal at $675. 373-3730, extension 63 5-4-3 after 1 pm. Canoe Camp. 2-4-1 RIVER'S & 351-7910 2.25 6.00 9.75 19.50 EAST SIDE of Call 339-3274 after 5:30, 482-1437 NOW FOR your convenience Lansing - 3 blocks CAN'T AFFORD a band? Get the WATER'S EDGE from Sparrow Hospital. Girl 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.4C days. 5-4-2 we're open until 8 pm QUALITY ARTS SUBLESE APRIL 1 - August 1. Monday, and crafts Record Hop. Fun, reasonable. needed to share house: 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1971. Wednesday and Thursday. needed. COLONIAL CRAFT Jon, 332-5278. 544 Apartments room. Call Kathy Monday - Friday own One bedroom completely fur¬ 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 55,000 miles, excellent conditionl CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN SHOP, Old World Mall. Consign 8 am - 5 pm. 487-1885 extension nished (linen etc.I Air conditioned CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama ment only. 882-5179. 54-3 - (next to Cedar Village) $1800 or best offer. 332-0618. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE, 241. 5-4-1 swimming pool, Trowbridge Road. DEADLINE zoo, one mile west of campus. $10,000 Prefer faculty, staff or grad 34-2 - $15,000 beginning in¬ Now leasing 1 p.m. one class 487-5055. C-2-3-31 TYPIST NEEDED. 506 per double come. Unlimited opportunity, student. 351-8215, after 6 pm. w ads - ONE BEDROOM apartment. ■day before publication. VOLVO 142, 1973, 19,000 miles, 4 spaced (elite) page, more for multy billion dollar company. 332-4432 Walking distance to MSU. Stove 54-2 I Cancellation/corrections speed, $3700. Call 351-5870 after 6 p.m. 544 fiipteynit l[jjl special formats. Average 5-10/ week. Must cope with professor's scribble. Close to campus. Degree necessary. Female - male. Phone 349-3933. CAREERS UN¬ ONE MONTH rent free! 1 and refrigerator, $140. utilities. EQUITY VEST Includes INC, ONE GIRL, small, near MSU. Share ISLAND HOUSE and Lakeview LIMITED. 5-4-4 bedroom apartments. 6 month 351-8150. 4-3-31 one bedroom, furnished ■ 12 noon one class day WANTED: GOOD used cars. Pay Hotels on Mackinac Island are 351-3561, after 7 pm. 54-2 lease accepted. 485-3140. 4-3-31 apartment. $67.50. 489-5922. | before publication. up to $50 Also junk cars. seeking summer employees. Jobs FREE LANCE writer or editorial CHALET APARTMENTS 54-2 487 1568. 5-44 ONE SPACIOUS bedroom availa¬ - two available WANTED: MALE and female go researcher wanted by local public I Once ad is ordered it cannot are maids, kitchen, ble in 3 bedroom apartment. bedroom furnished, immediate service and sales. Interviews will go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, relations agency. Approximately ATTRACTIVE ONE bedroom. occupancy for spring term, one, I be cancelled or changed Furnished, no lease. $63 includes Lower with I iss after first insertion, it is ordered & pyjqtijr~B be held April 2,3 or contact Mr. Nowlin, 1-313-698-2043. 74-3 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 204- 23 10 hours weekly. Senior journa¬ lism student with reporting exper¬ ience preferred. Apply Box B - 2 utilities. 489-5105. 544 two, three or four persons. Call 332-6197 or 351-2211. 5-4-1 Garage. utilities. basement, MSU close. 484-8689 or yard. $150 plus 489-1875. I cancelled 2 days before ATTENTION State News. 5-4-4 MOUNT HOPE. Unfurnished, 54-2 CYCLE INSURANCE, call for COUNSELORS WANTED FOR - ARTISTS, Old ■ publication. low rates, LLOYDS OF LANSING, our Town Arts and Crafts now garage,fireplace. $185. Deposit DON'T SIGN A LEASE CAMP SOMERSET FOR GIRLS taking plus electricity. Couple preferred. 485-0528 or 339 9535. 0-1-3-31 AND FOR BOYS. CAMPUS COBBOSSEE original art work on consignment. For further information call John | For Rent |[j] 355-1120. 24-1 UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. One or 2 bedroom, furnished or Require men and NORTON 1972 motorcycles, 750 women highly skilled in camp DeRosa, 694-3102 or 699-2779. TV AND STEREO RENTALS. MARIGOLD unfurnished, short tefm lease, 54-2 ABBOTT ROAD - Large one from $150. 351-7910. 104-9 cc's Inter State Model. 2200 activities, at least 21 years of age, $25/term. $10.95/month. Free APARTMENTS bedroom, air conditioned, luxury miles, excellent condition. $1,200. with previous camp counseling same day delivery and service. Call Phone 669-3211. 54-4 experience. Camps are located in HARD WORKING enthusiast to NEJAC, 337-1300. C4-3-31 apartments. Dishwashers, self - 911 Marigold ONE OR two girls for summer and Maine. Girl's camp needs sail, help restore classic antique and cleaning ranges, refrigerators. or fall terms. Twyckingham. Excellent location and parking. 1 Large One Bedroom Apartment 332-1221. 3-3-31 CYCLE INSURANCE as low as swim, (WSI) golf, scuba, riflery, sports cars. Only experienced REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS Fine Furniture I The State News will be - Students welcome. $200 - $225 1 $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc tennis, ski, canoe, arts-crafts, bodymen with tools, please. Dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH AP¬ I responsible only for the first Phone 489-5655. 3-3-31 per month. DABCON ENTER¬ > Shag Carpeting FRANDOR NEAR. One bedroom ■ days incorrect insertion. at F.S.C. 351-2400. 22-4-30 secretaries. Boy's camp needs: PLIANCES, 315 South Bridge, PRISES. 3714158.54-4 < Appliances Grand Ledge. Call 627-2191. 5-4-2 furnished, all utilities paid. $150/ swim (WSI) tennis, riflery, shop, •Heat ft Water Included PIZZA DELIVERY month. $100 deposit. No pets. ski, sail, golf, scuba, trampoline. nights, full or I Bills are due 7 days.from the part time. Must own good WOMAN NEEDED to sublet a- FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 882-0744 or 484-9058. 54-2 USED MOTORCYCLES discount Married couples accepted. Write COMPACT REFRIGERATORS I ad expiration date. If not running insured car. Hourly rate - partment spring term. Near 337-7328 on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand full details to camp office, 225 East T.V.'s. Term rates. Free delivery. I pad by; the due date, a 501 57 Street New York, New York plus mileage paid. Apply after Campus. Pool. Lesley, 332-6521. FALL-NEED 3 men for 4-man. River, East Lansing. 224-30 DORM RENTALS 372-1795. 54-1 CEDAR service 4:30 pm, 203 M.A.C. Avenue, 34-2 GREENS apartments $72.50/month. Great locauon. charge will be 10022. 54-1 - 351-8870. 3-3-31 near Brody complex. 1 bedroom, 332-5757. 3-3-31 1973 YAMAHA, 360 Enduro, ^ p I Automotive «■» good condition, call 882 9989. 3600 Road miles. 5-4-4 EXECUTIVE manent SECRETARY, position Superior typing, shorthand, and per¬ available. CAREER POSITION FOR graduate with finance banking or college ; Apartments TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished FEMALE FOR 3 337-9334. 1-3-31 woman through Spring term. Close. $50. apartment furnished. Available 351-8631. 54-3 immediately. NEED ONE female roommate for spring term. Cedar Village, rent business credentials. 3 year sales apartments: 124 Cedar Street, 2 LARGE, 1 bedroom apartments. reasonable. Call 337-0569. 3-3-31 1969 HONDA CL-175. $125, car ability to work with figures re¬ and sales management training $177,; 129 Burcham, $147,; 135 Furnished. 1 block from campus. quired. Some college preferred. Kedzie Drive. Year leases only. Yes ... We have ID1100 LS 1973. 34,000 miles. carrier, $15, must sell, 351-4185. program. Salary commensurate Brian, 351-3269 or Dick 351-8461 Full benefits. $600 to start. Apply HASLETT AREA: New luxury. 2 radials tires. AM/FM 8 track 54-3 with background. Contact Mr. Starting June or September. Heat location! after 5 pm. 54-3 bedroom 1 Yt bath apartment. in person at 3308 South Cedar, included. Damage deposit, call - ireo. 393 0605. 54-1 Brye, Prudential, 482-08534-3-31 Suite 11, Lansing. 7-4-3 8-5, 351-2402; 6-10 pm, 882-2316. SUBLET SPRING, summer. 1-2- Fireplace in living room. Over DO IT ON the street - Triumph, 1100 square feet with ITOMOBILE INSURANCE. On- 04-3-31 RIVER'S and WATER'S bedroom. Beal Street. Free deluxe BMW. Yamaha, SHEP'S, lower WAITRESSES WANTED daytime REGISTERED NURSES - full and month's rent. 351-1799. 8-44 carpeting and drapes. Gas heat, you can save $$$. It pays to prices too. 4-3-31 only for businessman's lunch in part time positions available on the AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY one - EDGE Apartments central air. $265/month. Call top around. Call us. You may be afternoon and midnight shifts in HASLETT AREA: new luxury 2 John Hargett, 487-1231 . If-31 the lounge at THE BREWERY. and two bedroom apartments, days, irprised. 484-8173. 0-1-3-31^ ^ [jH) $0TVCC ! / Apply in person after 3 pm. 54-1 ICU-CCU Minimum starting salaries $4.82 per hour plus differ¬ ential. Immediate openings. luxury at a modest price. For information call Joe * Miller, bedroom - 1 Vt bath apartment. Fireplace in living 1100 room. Over 339-2357 evenings. sidered. 04-3-31 Pets con¬ IEVY BEL- AIRE, 1966 clean REGISTERED NURSES full and 3324240. 54-1 square feet with deluxe MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East idable must sell, $325 or best part time positions available on the Please contact Lansing General carpeting and drapes. Gas heat, MILFORD STREET 126. Two Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. NOW LEASING ler, Phone 339-3134 after 6 pm. 11 pm - 7:30 am and 3-11 pm Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, central air. $265/month. Call blocks from campus. Deluxe, air Complete auto painting and colli¬ AVAILABLE SRING term two John Hargett, 487-1231 sion service. American and shifts. Excellent working con¬ Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, exten¬ 332-4432 days, conditioned, furnished. Two man, ditions, salary and fringe benefits. sion 267. Equal Opportunity man furnished. 135 Kedzie. 339-2357 evenings. Pets con¬ $190. Three man, $210. Now i~ ~" Foreign cars. 485-0256. C-4-3-31 IEVR0LET 1968, Caprice, 4- Apply personnel department, Employer. 844 482-2937, 351-2400, 882-2316. sidered. 54-1 leasing. 332-3418, 489-1656. or, Blue black 104-8 RAINTREE APARTMENTS. One 104-10 vinyl hardtop and Ingham Medical Center, 401 West bedroom, unfurnished, carpet and lerior, excellent, $875, 1035 Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan, R.N. OR L.P.N. OPENING CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue - Wter Lane, 337-0327 drapes, pool, balcony. $}A0/ large 2 bedroom furnished. Single EFFICIENCY, NEAR evenings. 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. Full time 3:00 p.m. • 11:30 p.m. 3RD GIRL needed for nice duplex, campus, month. MSU close. 351-9306. 74-4 shift. Liberal fringe b( nefits, girls or married couple only. $210. quiet building for mature student, own room, $70 a month. 332-6883 54-1 489-5922. 54-1 $150. Call 351-7239. 34-1 ^ evening and night differential. No 3-3-31 1969, Spider Convertible, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. No shift rotation, every other week¬ CAPITAL AREA - Students share uigeiEipd kcellent condition, 487-6947. 5-4- ItUO t. Mtcmgan toy-txroo waiting in line. 844 Call 351-3622. end off and weekend bonus paid, contact Mrs. L. Risk, R.N. Director NOW LEASING for fall - Colonial furnished 2 bedroom apartment. CROSSWORD Arms, 126 Orchard, 2,3, and 4 man 339-8877 or 484-0622. 54-1 «D 1968. Excellent engine, PART TIME employment for MSU of Nursing, Ingham County Medi¬ apartments. Call 337-1800. 54-2 PUZZLE REBU|LT VOLKSWAGEN engines students. 12-20 hours per week. cal Care Facility. 3882 Dobie Road, FANTASTIC OFFER. ACROSS 31. Conducted Married J J500' 339"3117' guaranteed as low as #175 ex- Automobile required. 351-5800. Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349- ONE MAN to share large, quiet couple. Sublet 1 bedroom apart¬ 1. Jeweler's 32. Surrealist change. Free towing available - 1050. 544 apartment, downtown Lansing, painter _ _ _ C-2-3-31 ment, spring. Completely furn¬ inrT ma~ RD MAVERICK 1970. tL. Two local areas. Installation as low as own room. $85/month. Call ished, furniture, dishes, piano, 33. Impediment $35. Check our repair prices and 6. Fur 34. Frosted yellow, 6 cylinder, automatic Richard, 489-1568. 3-3-31 telephone, etc. $100. 355-5842. IMPORT AUTO 12. Sports locale DON'T WAIT Rcputation 5-40 36 Scottish ter 5 pm. 3-3-31 365'3241' "3^2, East Kalamazoo and NEEDED ONE girl for apartment GIRL NEEDED, spring. 13. 14. Humiliated waterfall Cedar 486-2047, 485-9229. Mas- bordering campus. $70 per Cedar Disciplinary 37. Adjective tercharge and Bank Amerlcard. month. Call 337-2524. 74-4 Village, $70 per month. Call 15. Situation suffix ■TO 1965 Convertible, Hurst - f untie 4 sp8ed, POSI, $400, """'3. 34-2 TUNE • UPS, STUDENT me¬ C4-3-31 UNTIL THEY'RE 332-3996. 5-4-3 16. 18. Type of collar Book of the 38. Queen and Empress Bible: abbr 40 Geraint's Iaverick, '■ 1970, ^"cylinder,~2 Good engine, body, tires. chanic work guaranteed, 6 cylin¬ der, $20; 8 cylinder $22. John, 484-6461. 3-4-2 ALL GONE... IS. Capture 21. Grasp 23. Remaining beloved 42. Temple 6 Companion 46 Efface 3 371-3340. 3-3-31 en 3493530 27. Armpit 49. Sagacity ►jRCEDES 220D 1969, $2100. AMERICAN, GERMAN, andi FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. To reserve your apartment for summer and fall __ DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 28. Twilight periods 30. Punch 50. Honey badger 51. Public way fecker FM 20% DISCOUNT to students and Please deliver the New York Times as checked 52. Skulk radio, manual shift. 811337 9304, 353-9340. 7-4-3 SPECIAL SUMMER RATES _ below: (Delivered to faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW' dormitories, married housing, and department offices on campus i— — T- B r- — r- r- r~ lo- IMPORT AUTO only.) K fERCURY service parts. PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and 3 $140°° COMET 1966. 6 rr~ : lender $280. Runs good. Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- Q Weekdays Mon.-Sat. • $15.00 per term _ □ "South 1^1195. 1445-D Spartan Village. card. c4-3-31 f r Ws 15~ i Pacific" serving east lansing | Sundoys-$8.10 per term PillPilH mmumummmmm GtMPUS HILL efficacious TRUCK & TRAILER r 1 Weekdays and Sundays $23.10 11 >. British LI-HAUL* RENTALS term - per ji POOL 349-3530 ESI8SS!® __ P 33T" rr 41 42 Persia Baliet step rucuvAjACijRDC •DISHWASHERS FREE BUS SERVICE- cdce BUS SERVICE— □ 1985 Rlvarla Dr., E. Ch*cks enable to B. Gritn. Lansing, Mich. Sand to w 55" 43 Behave 2515 E. MICHIGAN AVE. CENTRAL AIR COND. BU5 44. Crude sugar For more information, coll B. Groon. 3517246 oti»r 6P M 45. EmmeL 484-9426 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES OM-campu» Sunday dollvory also available _ _ % 47. Huge jmount 48. Wapiti 1 2 Michigan State News, East I .arising, Michigan Wants (Vj [ In Rooms 10 fw SjIi 1(^1 list t I 00 SPACIOUS, FURNISHED studio 4 BEDROOM apartments. Air duplex for spring, TWO ROOMS in houae, close conditioned, summer or fall. 337-1862, noon MALE - OWN room, dishwasher, or LARGE SELECTION OF framtt«, FOUND:AT Daytona Beech 1974 quiet. Summer or fall leases. 5-8 pm. 5-4-1 Available immediately. On carpeted, pool, sauna, S minutes 361 1258 between 10 a.m. 7 glasses for everyone. OPTICAL Royal Oak Klmbel Class Ring. - Spartan Avenue. CaH 351-0341. from MSU. 339-2100. 1-3-31 10-4-11 5-4-2 DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Phone 332-1319. C-1-3-31 131 BEAL, three bedroom, garden, Lansing. 372-7409. C4-3-31 UPSTAIRS FURNISHED Apart¬ garage, $280, available now, cat) ROOM IN large house, spring, PRIVATE ROOM, phofW.~b»«-. } " ONE GIRL needed. Cedar campus. $62.50/month. No lease Cash for be Village. ROOM IN house. 138 Linden FENDER TELECASTER, $175. entrances Immediate occupancy. Call 351-2212. 3-3-31 picked up in 334 St. Services the month. $70 a Street. $80/month. Kitchen, Basement amp $90, and bottom STAMPS I COINS first ten days of classes. the Interfraternity' Parking space. 351-8327 living and dining rooms. $35. Call Tony evenings, 484 Bring Anyone interested in Councils. 3-4-2 3-3-31 ROOMS FOR Rent. Board in- 1062. 104-11 Buy - Sell -Trade yourjee ^eceipt card. 54-1 with the Old Time Film working duded. Nice fuH line of supplies Series as a living area. Ask for WALGREEN VITAMINS supervisor. We Need You. Please Tom, 337-2381 3-3-31 MID-MICHIGAN STAMP b COW are seel¬ LEASE WITH option to buy. New I QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT. ed to stay fresh. The inner seal contact the Union There will bs o k. i Activities an or Ranch house in country Campus r r.. ivenwooo 5200 receiver. $250. assures vitamin freshness. Boerd/Student Government "feting for the (L MALE ROOMMATE wanted, Buy 2 10 minutes. $300/month. Call JVC - VL5 turntable with $65 and save volunteers, at 7:30 pm. T- 4 BLOCKS from share large room. Furnished, next TIRES - H70x15 Kelly GULLIVER STATE at 1024 campus. Evan Harrison, 332-1946 or cartridge, $125. Pioneer CS-99A Springfield. DRUG. 1106 East Grand River 1 Waters Edge St » to campus. $86. 351-2354. Garage, fireplace, basement, yard, PROGRESSIVE REALTY, 372- 3-3-31 speaker system, $350. IASI Model Brand new. Full guarantee. $90. block east of to coordinate 1 bedroom unfurnished. No Call Ken 339-3169. 3-3-31 Bogue. 332-2011 Tired of the government »' $190 per month, includes all but lease. 5612. 54-2 FEMALES, OWN room. Space, #80 speaker system $125. Com¬ giving planning. plete system, $750 firm. 393-8672. you the shaft? Come to the phone. 484-2404 or 373-0410. (Roy DUPLEX FOR rent - fireplace, 2 miles from campus. 544 GRETSCH CHET Atkins, nashville College Republican meeting $70. 332-2369. at lfVOu need co Olson.) 544 furnished. Off Beech Street. 3-3-31 model electric guitar, case and 8:30 tonight in 36 Union. op ho now. contact the Clean. 669-9839. 104-8 Co-ao - ------ BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. cord. $250. Call 356-6150. 54-2 334 Student Services ONE (small) BEDROOM private, completely furnished - air Very WANTED, QUIET person Furnished MICHIGAN, East lansing. rooms. Close tocampus French built light weight touring BkC to share bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed SPINET PIANO with Duncan Mcintosh, house in Lansing with 2 Parking. Call 332-5906. 3-3-31 bench, ex¬ faculty conditioned, wall - wall plush males. Save on top quality handmade cellent condiiton, Howard, $675. member of the Netional The Bike carpeting, dark wood panelling. Call 485-7594 evemngs. 54-1 Of Zaire, will speak to University Co-op's spring bikes. 645-2127. C-1-3-31 CaH 184-3730 or 373-2426. 54-1 Free perking. SPRING TERM. 2 rooms, eech students et bersh,p meeting wi# be * Near "Gables". 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the 8:30 tonight in 34 TWO MEN needed with free waterbed. Beptist Union $118/ptus utilities. 332-3970. Spring, Available in TURNTABLE BSR 310, Hke BOARD EXAM TUTORING Student Center, 4608 S. 1-3-31 beautiful house, own rooms. $70 a riew duplex. $70/month. new. Hegadom All $40 8-track recorder, STANLEY H. KAPLAN Road. month. 332-2041. 24-1 kitchen appliances and $30. fully fur¬ 363-2713. 3-3-31 TUTORING COURSES WATERS EDGE Need one female nished. «Zr.kVt-rLT ^ Near Near'Lake I ' Lansing. 363-1410.34-2 —- — Now being formed for «he up- have Discover a t! e co-ops! VW to s»hlease immediately AVAILABLE APRIL 1st. 4 bed¬ 339-2463. 54-1 HZ-"- multimedia pr Call 53 USED SEWING machines. VW CONVERTIBLE 1966. New coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, The Company wiH be holding 1 p.m. Sunday in 36 Ui 332-1396. 34-3 room, 3 horse bam, pastures, 5 $12.50/up. Zig Zags and straight top, good tires, runs well. $200, ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For open auditions for their everyone interested in acres near campus. 349-1746, ask MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, information call 1-313-364-0086 spring stitchers, portables and cabinet best offer. 351-8662. after 6. production Marat/Sade, at 7:30 co-ops this summer SOUTH LANSING. Two bedroom for Doug. 34-2 cooking, dose to MSU. Phone 3-3-31 0-2-3-31 or M* 351-8663 models. Singers, Whites, * en- tonight and Tuesday night in 209 apartment, nice location. $135 or 485-8836 204-22 mores. Many makes and Bessey Ha*. The public is heartily plus utilities and deposit. Refer¬ ences required. MATURE PERSON. Own five blocks from rix>in, TWO ROOMS to rent. to choose from. ELECTRO models TWO DRESSERS for sale or trade APPLICATIONS FOR Student invited to attend. Call 487-1888 or campus. $70/ Grove 487-6715. 544 month. Call 3614869. 544 Street, graduates preferable. Co¬ GRAND, 804 East Michigan. for couch or chair. After 6 pm, Appropriations Board The MSU Sports Car Hours Monday - Friday 9 - 5 Funds for spring term CM; p.m. Jenny, 894-3623. 3-3-31 are avail¬ meet at 8:30 p.m. Tuesdaya op House. $55 $75. 351-0969. able in Saturday 9 - noon. Bankcard and room 334 Student Services Union. NEED MALE for 4 man across from campus. $60 per month. WOMAN WANTED to share 5 bedroom home. $50.75/month. 54-1 Master Charge honored. 5-44 NEED A new spring outfit? Sew your own I Fabric for sale. After 6 Completed applications are due the tenth day of classes. 54-1 by fU»in Sinks ||jg) 361-6458 34-2 $49 deposit. Call 351 1686 SINGLE ROOMS, 2 blocks from 34-2 pm, 694-3623. 3-3-31 EXPERIENCED TYPING, There will be a campus. Paved parking. Utilities term pa¬ meeting ONE MAN Campus Hill. for two $68.75. bedroom, NEAT , • MALE K,„~l roommate, ™'".'—r~" own P8*1 Cooking and laundry facili- tyyc. " tar_ GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of fchrawllfffi] pers, theses, etc. vice 50t per page. Accurate ser¬ 882-2083. 544 Ingham Medical Hospital stf clerical vdunteers to ; atelyl 349-2458 after 9:30 p.m. Immmed, £s. >226 per term, PEAVEY SOUND system. Series all kinds. Buy, trade and sell FLASHIMISSEDUBESO spring term scheduling and' _ ^ __ 350. 4 channel amp. 4 speakers. BEST year round prices in TYPfNG, EXPERIENCED.- Officers for fall 75, at 6:30" SHARE DUPLEX with two wo¬ LARGE ROOM, 400 square feet, Excellent condition. 349-2614. 24- Southern Michigan. BOB'S GUN 1-3-31 and ~FM Tuesday in 6 Student SHOP, Reasonable. 3714635 Bldg 1 BEDROOM PLUS apartment. % men. Kitchen privileges, dose/ clean, close to campus. Phone 371-2244. 04-3-31 2412 South Cedar. Hal Estill « campus! 132 Vi Beal. 351-0176. C4-3-31 block from Berkey evenings, 351-8154. &4-1 COMBINATION Renting now 544 AM FM radio - and fall term. $140? Now. Rent stereo - OKEMOS BRIARWOOD, 3 bed Anyone interested in - bar. Must seel 1964 GOLF CLUBS, 2-9 irons, PRIVATE ROOM available. Fur¬ 1-3 room, 2 beth, 1700 TYPING BY the hour. Drop off to go up when apartment is BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, Chevy Impala. Reasonable. woods. Used only 1 season. Call ranch. square foot cempus radio st WMSN in near cam¬ nished, $66 monthly, complete Less than 1 year service. Secretarial renovated. 172-3172, 484-3503 Unusual leather chair with end after 5 pm, 349-3813. 3-3-31 old. assistance positions please comsct 34-1 pus, own room. $70 plus utilities. kitchen, wtcnen. cable catxe TV. IV. Call 332-8348. tables attached. Professional landscaping. Backs 694-0222. 54-1 Jaggers in 8 Student * Call 351-2777. 104-11 482 7160 after 5 I irr—, up to the park. 551 ALBERT 2t?. A"""15 349-2020. 54-1 STREET, one btock 2 WOMEN, OWN ROOM, IN five person house. $70 UNIGRAPHICS offers COM¬ rooms large OKEMOS - HIAWATHA Park. By campus. Large 2 bedroom, house, near LCC, $47 plus utilities. monthly plus utilities. PARAGON, TELEFOTO and wide AT STUD Black PLETE DISSERTATIONS and furnished, summer and fad. East angle lens fit. - Eagle, purebred owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on Resume service: The MSU Lansing. 337-0256. 3-3-31 Never been used. Arabian Stallion, Grey, call IBM typing, Gay Liberation Resident manager, 351-5208 or $45. 332 1890.34-2 Kris, 3/4 acre, 34 bedroom, 2 V, baths, has books 676-2277. 54-1 2 fireplaces. editing, offset printing and binding newspapers 351-6676. 104-10 NEED 1 TWO OR three Selling at appraised We encourage comparative shop¬ magazines for loan. Become man spring, 2 summer, rooms available in value. 349-4268, for appointment. friendly east side house. Remo¬ ping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 aware of homosexual own rooms in 4 man house on LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups. 10-4-9 deled, furnished, $45 plus utilities. AKC Sired by AKC East Grand River or and liberation at 309 FEMALE ROOMMATE for com¬ Virginia Street. $80/month. Champion. phone 332 fortable one bedroom. Very close, 351-1564. 24-1 489-5106. 544 Blacks-yellows. 337-1486. 54-1 8414. 64-4 Services Bldg. Open available 337-2570. 34-1 immediately! 337-7386, NEED ONE FREE LAUNDRY, free WANTED: PERSONS [ Rocreatioo |[g| from 1 to 5 p.m. perking. r^nm - two. Room in to share Room and board for men EUROPE FLIGHTS. Toronto to furnished house, one block from near Privileges of campus. Call 361-5636 or 361- London, Amsterdam, from $289 A free introduction to FEMALE NEEDED, Cedar campus. Inexpensive, utilities Village 7797. 54-2 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON. 351- at 8 p.m. Wednesday in apartments, $65/month. Good peid. 332-2411. 3-3-31 IRONINGS 8800 0-2-3-31 - TOUCH UPS wei Kuenzel Room of the V- location, nice Velocipede Peddler come. Guaranteed perfect. Minor SHARE CLEAN roomy coed Union, Ann Arbor. ARICA 351-1739. 5-4-3 Rooms house. REGISTERED Sorvice repeirs and buttons free 882-1962 techniques that include ~ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 1 OWN ROOM in house, East 489^5656; 54-2 $80/month plus deposit. SPRING TUNE UP SPECIAL I Gelding, 6 years. Chestnut grey, h8s been »hown. Bambi, 355-2082 APPALOOSA J® 54-1 tion, mantram, breathing, ment and relaxation. block from campus, furnished, 2 bedroom 2 person apartment immediate occupancy side, 329 MALE STUDENT. Private en¬ FUI£ TIME babysitting wanted in CASH PAID for junk cars. Free Clemens. 482-8204. 5-4-1 trance, bath, telephone, AS 25.50 Value-Only $13.50 just completed building. Available refriger- Include* s complete impaction hauling. Call 489-3080 54-1 AFGHAN HOUND, AKC. Elegent spring and summer. $200/month. AVAILABLE J?'lirnited CaH ox*'ng 807 Kipling. after April 1st. and adjustment 1-Day Service puppies for show or companion. EXPERIENCED The Michigan Botanical will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday 6-7 pm Monday IMMEDIATELY, Guaranteed Quality Work BABYSITTING Friday. 234 cheap rent, dose to campus, call 349-0896 after 10 pm. 3-3-31 anytime from noon to 225 Natural Resources Bk)g. Center Street 351-1177 or 351- midnight. Linda after 5 pm, 366-1291. 34-1 Below Paramount Newt My home or yours. 349-3363 Ray will discuss "Preservation 6088. 54-3 ROOM AVAILABLE 54-1 COZY ROOM. Excellent location. BASENJI PUPS AKC, - months, $75 - $100. 332-0040 after shots?4 Urban Natural Woodlot." Areas: NOW LEASING Profit person.'' ments for 12 month lease efficiency apart¬ Parking, no lease, no deposit. $60 371-5646 CASH for your 6 pm. 3-3-31 EDITING, PROOFREADING? perienced. Dissertations, ex¬ fall term, 1 block to MSU. starting $88/month. Available April 3. Cad evenings^ j>-4-l camera equipment, stereo com- book and article theses, 361-3212 after 6 pm. 34-1 manuscripts. MSU Beledi Group: claaees Furnished, $160/month. completed building. 6-7 pm Just HASLETT/BABBITT, including utilities. Kitchen, ate $80 month i P0"*0!*' TV'*' camping equip- ment, ry, bicycles, scuba gear, jewel¬ guitar and musical equipment, Mokiti Huts LEISURE LIVING at Melrose j(oe] Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 44-3 be held Thursday eveningi Eileen Mason or Terry Priori bath, call Steve, 339-9140. Monday - Friday. Street. S-4"3 351-1177 or 234 Center 351-6088 ^ 24-1 antiques. WE MAKE TRADES. WILCOX SECONDHAND STORE, Mobile Home Park, 10 miles from MSU, on beautiful Moon Lake, ; listnctioo $*] Rapids) for details. 509 East and lots for 30'-70' trailers. GUITAR, FLUTE, banjo and drum MONTIE HOUSE Co op - goes co- Michigan, Lansing. 486^ The MSU Paddle and We have ten » . Studenta with family ... ... .... travel trailers lessons. Private instruction avai- WANTED, ONE or two males for a WALKING DISTANCE TO MSU. openings for „ bell Club will have its Christian household, immediate Furnished rooms spring term. $246 room, boerd, welcome. Immediate occupancy, |able. MARSHALL MUSIC. 361- fiij includes utilities. EQUITY VEST starting at $80, utilities, phone. Singles available B&O 4000 System, with 676-7212. 64-1 tkjq. C-1-3-31 of spring term at 8:30^ occupancy. 337-7421. 5-4-2 DBX, Tuesday in the Men's INC. 361-8150. 4-3-31 548 M.A.C. Have a meal with us. good condition, must sell. Call Enjoy the savinga benefits of Building. Memberships and 332-8641. 24-1 361-9126. B-2-3-31 1973 MOBILE Home, 12x60, two [Tffli| SotImmI Classified Ads. Read them regu¬ information will be av»il"«e bedroom, immediate possession. CEDAR Holt area. IRENE ORR larly for real buys. HASSELBLAD 500C. Excellent Excellent condition, - Theses, Term condition. $6800. Call papers, general typing. Meny accessories. Sonny, 372-2006. with Ann Brown. Call Formerly Michigan School for the Asking $700. Call 356-3973, after 7 54-1 482-7487. RIDE TO Eaton Rapids, after¬ volunteers. There w"l Be, 54-3 noons, 2:30 pm or later. GREENS pm. C4-3-31 Call PARKWOOD 10x50 unfurnished. 663-8375. 4-3-31 important organization and 10 SPEED, 21" Batavus Mixte. Gas heat, air conditioned, skirted, EXPERIENCED, ~TYPING~ Te^m up meeting at 7 p.m. wea in 34 Union. Spring schedi Also girl's 3-apeed. papers, theses, WANTED TO buy an rjOUJ LEASffKi FOR SUTiflER and FALL 34-2 337-9616. and utMitieeahed, 361-0917. 54-1 ate service. 394-2512. etc. Rapid, accur¬ storage box or to rent outside runs will be determined, SPECIAL SUTOTO0* RATES STONEGATE MOBILE C4-3-31 storage space 356-1207. 34-2 garage questions contact Tony NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with Home Volunteer Bureau. Community. 10 minutes to MSU EXPERIENCED IBM typing! "Dis¬ start at $50 Empire cartridge. $150. Mobile home sites for - sertations (pica - elite) HEAKD THE WORD? 361-6699. 104-10 rent. 489 0358. FAYANN, 393-1860. 54-1 C 4-3-31 •ONI BCDROOM UMTS •AUCONDmONMG $140,00 Colling wood Apts. or* now leasing lor TELESCOPE, 454", equatorial tripod, rack and pinion focus, magazines, $65 3664094. reflector, HOLT: 12x66 with 8x14 1972 Royal Couchman expando on THESES, RESUMES, printing. typing and Reasonable prices. A program on bicycling will be 0ivwi Outing Club meeting «^ Summer and Fall I livingroom. 2 bedroom, one bath, COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 361 Tuesday in 326 " ~B POOL 2-3-31 4116. C4-3-31 washer/dryer. Extraal 894-9278. Bldg. Climbing and rapped ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL 54-1 _jor a. Qf«nd ai»t woi n will be discussed. RATES SONY CASSETTE deck with Dolby. Only 3 months old. $180 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and EAST LANSING, mobile home. resume service. WANTED, BABY Sittirvj in my for rental •air conditioned or best offer Dave, 363-1067. 1-2 people. typing, binding. Printing, IBM home, own transportation, irre- 341 $110/month. Priming fr0m information •dishwasher •shag carpeting utilities. 3664841. 54-2 All your plain paper originals. Corner guler daytime hours references. 486-2171. 54-1 JKA Internalional -MSUj SPRING TERM bicycles We have M.A.C. and Grand River. Below japan Kanrte Club ? 351-8631 •Plush furniture •Model Open Daily uaed ten speeds from $40. Also Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 Mon¬ meeting from "L 2 to 4 p.m. 1135 Michigan Am. tapes, albums, TVs, radios, camping equipment, stereos, list t «Kg) day Friday. Call SERVICES. 337-1886. C4331 COPYGRAPH VOICE TEACHER. Will pey going number Experienced. wage. Pleaae leave Fridays and in ,he Judo Rwm Intramural Building all #> o''JJ small appliances, leather messege. 366-4887. Right next to the cameras and even more. Used coats, Wn! March 3-3-31 t. Laming, ML Brody Complex coll 351-1212 golf dub starter sets from $20. ^c^,3 3 '"P"" mul,lll,h Gr (behind Old World Hmo Come on down to DICKER AND ss TUTOR NEEDED for partially The Council of Cm c«H S*b HrfartOTi 1 Ml 4UI on fh® river I) DEAL. 487 3886. 4-3-31 1701 South Cedar, LOST MY dog, Data. 366-8252 54-2 — CaH Pete scripts, general typing Years experiences. IBM 3fi sighted 8th grade girl in math, science, social studies. Must have StuSentslCOGSIw;; p.m. tonight C^JS car. Phone 44-1 363-3647, after 10 pm. Ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, March 31,1975 13 CHICK CORE A THE SMALL SOCIETY April lit and 3rd TODAY'S | PROGRAMS by Brickman Sponsored byt I Video Everyday All Rights Reserved — — Dickinson Newspaper Services 6 WJIM TV la » WXYZ TV. Offfroit 10 WIIX TV. Jock ton » WtYl TV. Soqmo 8 WOTV. Grond Rapid 12 WJRTTV Flint 5 vvNfM TV toy City » CKIW TV Wlndior 13 WZZM-TV. Mow A0CHXT AFTfefZ 0f2EZPNleV (3-5-6-10) News CLAIMS 5:45 AM (4) Hart's Carol Duvall This TWAT7H& It Christophers i_ 12:00 NOON Coupon Good for 6:00 (2-5-6-8-13) News ALSO \ $1.00 OFF in Second Chinee (3) Accent 6:05 (4) What's My Line? ENJOY x in News nMDAHMy Children 6:15 (9) Galloping Gourmet (10) Wheel Of Fortune LARGE SQUARE spkecM- je For Todiy (50) Underdog |0f M. Presents 12::20 PM PIZZA 6:20 n And Country Almanac (6) Almanac With on* or more items 6:25 12:30 coupon good thru Sun., April 6 I College (2-3-6) As The World Turns (4) News I 6:30 J5) Sunrise Semester Kit For Women Only (5-6-10) How To Survive A Marriage 337-1631 CAMPUS CLATTER pssroom (7-12-13-41) Lat's Make A Deal Little Caesais Pizza Treat by Larry Lewis ■ Of M. Presents (9) Dick Van Dyke Show ft'' (25) Dinah Bperation Second Chance « And Farm Report (50) The Lucy Show (23) Washington Straight Talk (50) Movie m Show 12:55 (41) Wanted Dead or Alive 12:00 MIDNIGHT 6:45 (5-8-10) News 7:00 (9) David Susskind lorning Edition 1:00 (2-4-7-8) News W 1:00 AM 6:55 (2) Love Of Life (3) What's My Line (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow Kerr Show (3) Guilding Light (5) Mod Squad m (7-12-13) News 7:00 (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (6) Bewitched (50) Religious Message (6) Martha Oixon (9) Beverly Hillbillies |-25) News (7-12-13-41) (10) NCAA Basketball 1:30 ■■10) Today Show The $10,000 (2) Late Show Pyramid (13) Truth Or Consequences (7) Religious Message I AM America (9-50) Movies (23) Special Of The Week (12) National Anthem le Bobby Show 1:25 (25) The F.B.I. 2:00 eed Racer (2) News (41) Friends Of Man ■prit of '76 (4-10) News * 1:30 (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour 7:05 3:00 (2 3-6-25) Edge Of Night 7:30 (2) Operation Second Chance in Capers (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (2) Truth Or Consequences 7:30 3:30 (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (3) Treasure Hunt (2) News ■ Bo?o s Big Top 2:00 (4) Hollywood Squares Carnival 3:35 m 8:00 (2) The Guilding Light (6) Black Dialogue (7) Rainbow Sundae (2) Message For Today SHORT RIBS (3-6-25) Price Is Right 125) Captain Kangaroo te Street (4-5-8-10) Another World (8) The New Price Is Right (9) Room 222 by Frank Hill (7-13-41) General Hospital M America (12) Money Maze (13) To Tell The Truth |r. Rogers' Neighborhood kther Report 8:25 8:30 2:30 (2) Search For Tomorrow (3 6-25) Match Game '75 (41) Wilburn Brothers (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoke (4-5-8) 8:00 SPORTS (7-13-41) One Life To Live NCAA Championship Mond ay Jh rir Fri fcsurection In Moldavia (12) Lucy Game day ■side/Out 3:00 (7-12-13-41) The Rookies 8:45 (2) The Young And Restless (9) Windsor Plus llearn To Look (3 6 25) Tattletales (23) Special Of The Week 9:00 (4) Somerset (50) Dealer's Choice lit Joker's Wild (5) The Courtship Of Eddie's 8:30 JMojiday_Wyxh_3_1^1975 kmnel 3 Fathar (9) Music Machine (7-13-41) The Money Maze (23) Romantic Rebellion 6:00 (8) Mike Douglas (50) Merv Griffin Show (23) Spartan Sportlite 9:00 7:00 (12) General Hospital (2-3-6-25) Maude (10) NCAA Basketball (23) Sesame Street (7-12-1341) S.W.A.T. Championship Game 3:30 (9) News 8:00 DOONESBURY littleules (2) Match Game (23) Consumer Experience lorning Playback (3) Joker's Wild (4-5-8) Game NCAA Championship by Gary Trudeau 9:30 9:27 (4) How To Survive A Marriage (2-3-6-25) Rhoda ious Message (5) Gilligan's Island (9) This Is The Law 9:30 (6) Guilding Light (23) Food For Life bit ig Accent (7) Password (9) Gomer Pyle 10:00 (2-3-6-25) Medical Center MONDAY hey, bobby— did you see W KNOUJ.m H6HTING JUSTSEEMS TO 60 ON FOREVER! leel Of Fortuna (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (4) New Stripes For The Tiger immniN no, mi . SOMETIMES I HUGH THERE WAS In Ami (12) One Life To Live (7 12 13-41) Caribe SPECIAL i the locker heard about SOME mY ME COULD BRING the hou/ okay, but hi Valley Today (13) All My Children (8-10) Smothers Brothers Show : room this about a i'll hate to FOOLS DAY it-sounded Black kids and uhtte kids to¬ pek La Lanne (9) Man Alive pajama ask my (41) Batman morn!no7 pretty awful1 gether, to make them realize 9:45 (50) Banana Splits (23) Captioned News ~ party? mother PARTY mjtvegottopuu t06ether! mdly Giant (50) Dinah / / 4:00 10:00 tonite _ (2) Tattletales 10:30 B-25) Now You See It (3) Gambit (4) Hollywood Backstage $2.OO cover or $1.50 if §10) High Rollers (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes (23) Spartan Sportlite ■men 12 (5) Studio 5 11:00 wearing costume. Hilias, Yoga & You (6) The Attic (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- Free cup of special Bomper Room (7) The Brady Bunch 9 10 12 13-23-25) News punch at the door. Bitroit Today (8) Gilligan's Island (41) The Protectors 10:30 (9) Petticoat Junction 11:20 ice Is Right (10) NawZoo Revue (9) Nightfaeat J5) Love Of Life (12) Merv Griffin 11:30 ■-10) Hollywood Squaras (13) Mickey Mouse Club (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie lttroit With Dennis Wholey (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (4-5-8-10 The Tonight Show ft Oressup (25) Yogi & Friends (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of THE DROPOUTS ■) Brady Bunch Entertainment 224 ABBOTT Ifilla Alegre (41) Daktari (50) Three Stooges by Post Blew Zoo Revue 4:30 |lot For Women Only 11:00 (2) Mike Douglas Show (3) Merv Griffin Show MONDAY'S ■I Dononue Show ■5) Young 8i Restless ■0) Jackpot ■ick Matthews Show (4) George Pierrot Presents (6) That Girl (7) 4:30 Movie (8) Partridge Family HIGHLIGHTS ftke 30 (9) Andy Griffith veteran cop Wo nJf^Marc h.31,, 1975_ Bo Pritchard. |M1) Password (10) Gilligan's Island iw Zoo Revue (13) I Love Lucy 9:30 11:30 (23) Villa Alegre (CBS) Rhoda 151 Search For Tomorrow (25) The Munsters & Friends Rhonda's rather smooth romance |0) ■•13 41) Blank Check (50) Little Rascals with Joe gets a little bumpy when Split Second EVENING (NBC) Smothers Brothers Show he decides that they should date ■ncentration 5:00 P.M. With guest stars Kate Smith, Paul others as well as each other. ■mily Court (6-8) Ironside Lynde, Sha Na Na, Freddie Prinze pugs Bunny (9) Mickey Mouse Club and Jack Albertson. 10:00 11:55 (10) Truth Or Consequences (ABC) The Rookies (CBS) Medical Center "Three On A Tightrope" After a PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (13) That Girt (23) Romagnolis' Table "Johnny Lost His Gun" Mike beautiful intelligent young heart by Bill Yates thinks that an old Air Force (25) I Love Lucy patient falls in love with a (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. buddy is a suspected pusher. mentally retarded young man, she refuses (50) The Flintstones operation that could ffpf! t/tPrfeJ SWITCH an 5:30 8:57 save her life. (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes (4) Bowling For Dollars Narrator: Robert Lansing. (ABC) Caribe (9) Partridge Family (10) Beverly Hillbillies (12-13) News 9:00 "Murder In Paradise" Guest stars Robert Leslie, Peter Haskell. Ben VrfVlWTWllJ' fEHTAISl (CBS) Maude (23) Zoom (25) Hogan's Heroes Maude's mother makes her first and Mark probe the mystery of a shooting victim. TlMP Y'PTf (50) GHIiflan's Island appearance and throws Maude *1 ST $25 pkr term into a fit of "guilties" that rubs 5:55 11:30 I lor $10.95 per month) off on the entire family. ■» (41) Early News (NBC) The Tonight Show DEPOSIT required 6:00 Glen Campbell is guest host. free delivery (2-3-4-5-6-7- (NBC) NCAA College Basketball free service 8-10 ^ 13-25-41) News Championship (ABC) Wide World Mystery ?ft Insurance Available (9) Be -itched Final game from San Diego, "The Nurce Killers" Stars Linda (23) Spartan Sportlite California. Kay Henning. A young nurse (50) Star Trek reports to work in a big hospital's , mTinin IEJAC (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (12) 6:30 Movie 6:30 (ABC) S.W.A.T. "Jungle War" Guest Star Cameron Mitchell. Hondo wounded Sqt. "Deacon" Kay with replaces psychiatric wing run by her father and gets deaths involved in a series of and mysterious FRANK & ERNEST THE STABLES 351-1200 (13) B ky Bob Thanes Sponsored by: now appearing IANUTS Mirabai TctlUlz parked 6££, I AP0L06lZe...I DION T EVEN THINK ABOUT TKE5.T^IM6„ 'ulE VIM!* MV) CAR... WE'RE HUNTING FOK TRUFFLES.. DlD? // NAME... IN FRoMT / 6oop 1 MS f