STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 N. Viets conquests unchecked; Thieu's political position fragile By the Associated Press north of Saigon. Government officials were the advancing forces arrived. Shops and senate North Vietnamese forces rolled south on Wednesday to discuss a motion also reported abandoning Phan Rang and hotels were closed and shuttered. Sources toward South Vietnam's most forcing a change of government. populous Phan Thiet, within 100 miles east of Saigon, said most government and military staffs The Viet Cong called for Thieu's ouster in areas Tuesday, virtually unchecked by the apparently conceding the two provincial had been evacuated. Witnesses reported a broadcast Monday and said it would then broken South Vietnamese army. The capitals without a shot being fired. rioting and shooting. be ready for peace talks with a new Saigon Saigon government's control was cut down Chaos was reported in Nha Trang, its It was apparent that Thieu would have to government "to quickly settle all the affairs to the southern corner, only one-third of the population of 200,000 swelled by more than move quickly to stabilize his forces, return of South Vietnam." land mass, and Communist-led forces were order and draw the line of retreat where 60,000 refugees, as Communist-led forces Some U.S. government experts in Wash¬ biting into that. moved in from the west. Refugees and the Saigon army would stand and fight. ington are saying privately that there is no The rapid Communist conquest further Some military analysts see the govern¬ residents mobbed the airport for flights way to stop the Communist offensive from weakened President Nguyen Van Thieu's ment that never came. The American captain of eventually pushed into a tight circle gobbling up all of south Vietnam. They say fragile political position and produced new an evacuation plane hurled deserting around Saigon, and hardpressed to defend the only questions are whether it will be calls for his resignation. it. soldiers to the ground and let women and days or weeks or whether it will come by children aboard. Saigon opposition Sen. Ton That Dinh military or political action. Government soliders abandoned Qui said he had been joined by a handful of President Ford has let it be known Nhon, the third largest city in South The U.S. consulate in Nha Trang burned normally pro-government legislators to call indirectly that he attributes Hanoi's mili¬ Vietnam, and later Nha Trang, 200 miles its records and evacuated the staff before an extraordinary session of the 60-man tary successes in South Vietnam to its violations of the Paris accord and Congress' failure to grant more aid to South Vietnam. SAYS CLASS INSULTED INTELLIGENCE White House press secretary Ron Nessen told newsmen Monday he was sticking close to words Ford had used with him in private as he said: "I know he (Ford) feels the pullback of Student sues the South Vietnamese forces to a line which President Thieu feels is defensible was caused by two things: one, the violations of the Paris accord by the North Vietnamese; and second, by the effect on the morale of ByROSANNELESS moral, obligation to represent themselves "MSU is sensitive to incidents of malprac¬ the South Vietnamese of the prospect of no State News Staff Writer truthfully as well as to educate and the tice by the faculty," said Chitra Smith, further American ammunition and equip¬ How many times have you voiced the university failed in both of these areas. associate professor in James Madison ment which would enable them to fight for universal student gripe: "This class is Ianniello added that there were no tests, College. "I wouldn't expect a lawsuit to their own survival." boring and I am not learning anything?" Nessen's comments came after Ford A Connecticut woman thought the same declined, for the third straight day, to thing, and has filed a $350 lawsuit against the University of Bridgeport for insulting respond directly to questions from news¬ "While incompetency of the faculty is a common complaint, I men about the situation in Vietnam. her intelligence with a required teaching- don't know that there is a law against incompetency. I don't Thieu's forces are now outnumbered methods class. think the courts have the moral authority to decide competency, about 2 to 1. He has lost about half of his The suit that Ilene Ianniello, of Shelton, 13-division force in recent weeks to nor do I see how competency can be lei — Conn., is bringing against the University of casualties, desertion or capture. All of the Bridgeport is believed to be the first of its Carolyn Stieber, MSU ombudswoman main force divisions are now concentrated kind in the nation. Lawsuits filed by in the Saigon area and the Mekong Delta. students against schools in the past have They are faced with eight North Viet¬ challenged financial refunds, civil rights divisions issues or possible violations of privacy. namese already in the southern no work of any sort in the class and that the happen here, because MSU has a very region and at least six more Communist-led AP Ianniello, a housewife who attended the professor had no basis upon which to grade effective system dealing with individual divisions freed after the easy march down photo/Dale Atkins university on a part-time basis, is charging students. academic grievances. the coast. Lead North Vietnamese elements Saying it would be irresponsible to do otherwise, Gov. Milliken that a required teaching methods course "Basically, he will have to prove that he "A lawsuit would be an unnecessarily are just 50 miles from Saigon. signs a bill that will raise Michigan's income tax from 3.9 per cent was an insult to her intelligence. She is taught something," she said. expensive and protracted way of Another beleaguered Indochinese leader, to 4.6 per cent. The increase was needed to maintain services attempting to prove misrepresentation and Most administrators here agree that complaining." President Lon Nol of Cambodia, made a breach of contract. If her suit is successful, there is little likelihood that MSU students Presently, a student with an academic and replace about $210 million lost when voters repealed the tearful departure for Indonesia on the first students would have the same rights that will attempt to sue the University for poor complaint would first approach the instruc¬ sales tax on food and prescription drugs. leg of a trip that is expected to turn into any consumer has if a product is faulty. quality education, since MSU's academic tor to discuss the matter. If this proved political exile. The 61-year-old president Misrepresentation means that the grievance procedure is "precise and unsuccessful, a student would approach the said before leaving that he hoped his exit product that was advertised was not effective." department chairman. Failing this, the dean would open the way to peace negotiations delivered. Breach of contract means that MSU spokespersons also agree that the of the college would be consulted. If this with the Communist-line Khmer Rouge Colleg es up security the value of the commodity (in this case the course material) was paid, and therefore the returned. not worth the money money should be Ianniello lawsuit is impossible one to win. a difficult if not also fails, a student's last (continued recourse on page 16) is the insurgents, who were shelling the airport as Lon Nol boarded a plane. to ease fear of rape The Ianniello case will be heard by a jury in the Second District Court of Connecticut, By New York Times and State News And the Ann Arbor City Council voted an but no trial date has been set. Ianniello told the State News she had a Student leaps from hall window Sexual assaults on college women are very difficult time finding an attorney to expenditure of $50,000 for the formation of take her case and almost had to settle for a triggering massive reactions across the a community anti-rape advisory board to court-appointed lawyer. She also said that country from students and administrators concerned for the safety of the more than four million women enrolled in American develop a comprehensive prevention pro¬ gram for the city—home of the Univeristy the cost of her suit is considerable, but that the suit is something that she feels in apparent attempt at suicide of Michigan—where the incidence of colleges and universities. compelled to pursue. reported rape increased markedly last year. At school after school contacted In some instances women students are Ianniello said she went through the By RALPH FRAMMOLINO and al management major, was employed as a by the hips. New York Times, officials proper complaint channels at the Univer¬ State News State Writer reported broad- known to have been raped by other page in the Michigan House of Representa¬ scale counteractions to the sity of Bridgeport but nothing was settled An MSU sophomore jumped from the From the information police obtained growing prob¬ students. Of the six cases the school tives. House Sergeant-at-Arms Frank lem of rape on to her satisfaction. She accused the college elevator lobby window of theeighth floorof from Dolan before he went into surgery, he campus. Expensive new judicial officer at the University of Florida Selmer said he became suspicious when security systems have been installed in of refusing to bargain with her in settling North Hubbard Hall early Tuesday morning intended to jump from the 10th floor, but said he had dealt with last year, for Dolan did not show up for work or call. many places, escort and rape-aid services the matter out of court. in an apparent suicide attempt. wound up on the eighth floor and went out are example, in most of them, he said, "The of the window there. "He didn't seem to have any problems," burgeoning and courses in the martial "I have learned nothing in this class," she The student, identified as Warren people knew each other, or at least the girl "He was lucky," Captain Ferman Badgley Selmer said. "He was doing well in school. «», designed for women, are could identify her assailant by name." said. "Can you imagine an instructor Richard Dolan Jr., 20, 339 E. Wilson Hall, ee of being offered said. "He hit the corner of the overhang, It's just an awfully hard thing to believe." charge and, in many cases, for Sometimes, also, the rapist is someone passing out papers to 15 people for 40 was taken to Sparrow Hospital after college credit. minutes? That's what went on in the class." which gave, and bounced down into the "He didn't live on the floor," said Dan who has infiltrated the campus community campus police received a call from a North With all this, trees from there." however, police, school and just likes "to hang around." Though she accuses the instructor of Hubbard Hall resident about the incident at Weingarden, 853 N. Hubbard Hall. "A guy aministrators and students all Sometimes, college administrators say, incompetency, she said she wants to leave 6:53 a.m. Badgley said that Dolan, a Detroit native, the floor found his notebook and agree that on "cause80 many victims fail to the rapist will travel long distances to rape that issue out of the suit to avoid Dolan was listed in serious condition at escaped more serious injury because he cigarets (on the window sill)." report the landed feet first. ■me, attempts to tabulate the humiliating him. However, Ianniello said the hospital late Tuesday afternoon, incidence of a student. At many other places, however, "|Pe on campus are relatively futile. she believes universities have a legal, if not suffering from multiple fractures of his legs Dolan, a hotel, restaurant and institution- Pete Edmonds, 870 N. Hubbard Hall, said (continued on page 16) ey do not know whether he discovered the notebook and pack of increases or in deaS«reP°rted raPe indicate changes cigarets shortly after 7 a.m., when he was e e"ect'veness of reporting or in the going down to the lobby to get a newspaper. equency 0f the crime. (In 1973, the latest "It crossed my mind that someone had mlk ,ayailable' the FBI reported the of the window, but I thought, Mother gone out raPes totaled 100 « 31 campuses.) j ^ere were ^ee rapes and one renounces 'that's a bunch of crap—no one would go out the window,' " Edmonds said. SB?? rape reported on ^ the Edmonds said all he saw when he looked 2 Jscal year- There are no plans for Xin ed security systems. NEW DELHI, India (AP) - The mother of Guru Maharaj a spiritual life. He's being a playboy." down from the window were policemen Ji, the 17-year-old Indian religious leader now living in the Butcher said she thought many of the guru's devotees, looking up. Droim.! ,We bave >s an educational United States with an American wife, renounced her son which number eight million in India, would still remain "It was a complete surprise for us," said aidRtt* Prevent rapes in the future," Tuesday and accused him of being a playboy instead of a holy faithful to the Divine Light teachings, though they would not Thomas Bolin, Dolan's suitemate. En? °«ety Dept. Bernitt' at MSU. director of Public man. recognize him as their leader. The Divine Light Mission was founded in 1961 by the guru's In a signed statement, his mother declared she was Doug Zatechka, area director of east operLnPf0gT which has in removing her son as spiritual leader of the Divine Light father, who died in 1966. After his death, his widow complex, said the jump was the first he to anv " about two « Presented Mission and no longer recognized him as the "perfect master," proclaimed her youngest son to be the next head of the could recall since he took w»»y interested over in 1968. groups. as he is known to his followers. movement while she remained its patron. rapes ^ ^ *las rJJ° unreported. no 'dea how many Known as Shri Mataji, or holy mother, she said her son, The guru was last in India in June 1973 when he posted a Police have offered no explanation for the "There « [1 "under the instigation of certain bad elements in the U.S. $13,000 bond with Indian authorities. He had become apparent suicide attempt and say they will stigma involved and the Divine Light Mission, has continuously disrespected my will embroiled in a customs case involving several hundred question Dolan further today. thousand dollars worth of jewelry, other valuables, foreign by adopting a despicable, nonspiritual way of life." Susan Butcher, a 30-year-old Canadian devotee of the currency and travelers checks seized from disciples who ^sourc^lS6"011. MSU KarauriV at the Women's Divine Light Movement, said the Guru's relatives in India traveled with him. C. L. Tandon, general secretary of the Divine Light Mission that outs'de of the were upset with the way Maharaj Ji was living in the United will teach i ' Which adv®rtises that it States. in India, claimed the guru had "shown disrespect to his Refund ^grains di°m?r self defense. there are no "He has not been practicing what he has been preaching," mother by removing her pictures from the American Divine women Ctly aimed at "elf-defense for said Butcher, who became a devotee of the Guru when he Light missions, saying she is not worthy of worship but that Students carrying 10 credits or more who visited Toronto in 1971. his wife is." do not wish to read the State News or use i?!^°;Wayne State University in Speaking in behalf of the Guru's mother, Butcher said: "He The guru married his American secretary last May. They had their first child, a daughter named Prem Lata, meaning its services may receive a tl refund hotline Phones AW'th b'Ue lights' markin& has always preached and recommended his devotees to live a Vine of Love, last month. authorization by presenting their fee re¬ taken off ,s soon as the receiver is life of vegetarianism, celibacy and abstaining from alcohol and ceipt cards at the State News business all excessive forms of materialism. Now he himself is The American Divine Light mission is headquartered in SStfyAiSSSL a indulging and encouraging his devotees to eat meat, to get married and have sexual relations and to drink. He's not living Denver, Colo., but the guru and his 26-year-old wife were last reported living in a mansion in Malibu, Calif. GURU MAHARAJ JI office, 346 Student Services Bldg. Today is the last day to obtain the refund. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, i Riitip-i ' 5 POUNDS OF *2 SUGAR Mul focus: EH NATION March grocery prices By The Associated Press each succeeding month. fell over mainly because the cost of the food itself is only 2% a small factor There's good news at the grocery store. An Associated Press During March, the marketbasket bill declined in 11 cities, down the over-all price paid by the consumer. Higher costs Congress rates low in poll marketbasket survey shows prices declined on a wide variety of an average of 3.2 per cent, and increased in two cities, up an transportation, labor, fuel and other items have taken up m the decrease. items during March, cutting supermarket bills by more than 2 per average of six-tenths of a per cent. Over-all, there was an average In addition, the food processors and retailers are trying to Most Americans believe President Ford is doing a poor job cent. drop of 2.7 per cent. but more feel that Congress' performance is worse, The decreases did not follow any particular pattern and they The situation was an improvement over February, when the bill up for profit lost during the 1973 price freeze. The government said Monday that farm prices dropped 2 according to the Harris poll. were offset, in part, by increases in the price of chopped chuck and dropped in nine cities and rose in four, but the price of groceries was still much higher than last year. In the 12 months preceeding cent from Feb. 15 to March 15. It was the fifth straight In results released Monday, the eggs. But the declines do provide an indication that grocery prices mon polling organization said may be leveling off and that this year's rate of increase will be March 31, the marketbasket bill went up an average of 14.2 per decline and compared with a 4 per cent drop from Jan. 15 to p, that of 1,536 households surveyed, 60 per cent feel President 15. below the cost spirals of 1973 and 1974. cent. Over the 25-month period during which the AP has been Ford is doing a poor job and 67 per cent feel Dept. of Agriculture economists have said they expect Congress is The AP drew up a random list of 15 commonly purchased food checking prices, the bill went up 29.8 per cent. doing a worse one. and nonfood items, checked the price on March 1, 1973 at a Farmers have been getting less money for their products, but prices to go up about 3 per cent in each of the first two quarters The poll said the only time in the last 12 years the the decrease has not been fully reflected at the supermarket, 1975. They are reluctant to predict what will happen after Congress supermarket in each of 13 cities and has rechecked at the start of has received a lower rating was in January 1974, just before noting that a lot depends on weather conditions in the farm the The decreases in the AP survey were led by sugar wh: impeachment hearings. At that time, 69 per cent reacted negatively to the Congress and 10 per cent were not sure. dropped in price in every city checked and was down an average Currently, 7 per cent are unsure. Proposed N.Y. college program 15 per cent during the month. In four cities — Chicago, Detroit and Los Angeles — the price of a five-pound sack granulated sugar was below $2 for the first time since last Dall Mayors seek re-election Sugar prices remain two and three times what they were in A long-time political Wisconsin mayor once pro in Chicago and a 29-year-old known as the "hippie alderman" combines undergrad, law studies 1973, however. Beef prices, which have been declining recently because abundant supplies, increased in March, partly because of E- sales that featured other meat items at the expense of sought re-election Tuesday in races that both were expected Admissions Test, undergrad¬ other integrated program in things By NEW YORK TIMES Not only will the program hamburger. to win. NEW YORK - City College shorten the usual sequence by uate performance and con¬ which law professors teach The price of a pound of chopped chuck went up in seven c'' The expert was Chicago Mayor Richard J. and New York Law School have and provide freshmen tinuing interest in urban law. undergraduates and liberal arts Daley, who was one year during March, with increases ranging from 9 per cent in Miami heavily favored to win an unprecedented sixth term. The completed plans for what their and sophomores with law While admission to law comprise a major portion of the 40 per cent in Providence, R.I. maverick was Mayor Paul Soglin of Madison, Wis., officials believe will be the first courses, but — at a time of school after three years of law-school curriculum. seeking a In contrast, pork chops, which have been going up in price, w second term. program in the country to inte¬ intense admissions competition college is not unusual, the Assn. Boston University is contem¬ down in six cities, despite smaller supplies of pork caused grate undergraduate studies — it will also virtually assure of American Law Schools in plating the start of such a Daley's opponents were Republican John Hoellen and production cutbacks on the part of farmers who say costs are Socialist Worker candidate Willie Mae Reid. and legal education, allowing qualified students at the end of Washington says there is no program in 1976. high for them to make a profit. students to get law degrees six the junior year of getting into Soglin's challenger was former Mayor Harry Reynolds, years after entering college. law school. who argued that city government has grown too big under The Six-Year the leadership of the one-time radical. Judge rules on jet crash 76 Wolverine gram Hispanic in urban legal studies is designed to encourage pro¬ fessional careers Americans, for blacks, Asian Paper suggests Americans and women. By The Associated Press discuss the Middle East situation, Egypt's official Middle E A judge has ruled there is no proof sabotage was A leading Israeli newspaper has suggested that Israel should News Agency reported. It gave no details. City College officials hope involved in the crash of a United Airlines jet which killed the Staff DOStS Open that the focus of the urban law pull back its forces in the Sinai Desert another three miles in U.S. Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger said in a televisi wife of Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt and 45 other program, on consumer law, response to Egypt's decision to reopen the Suez Canal. interview in Washington that if oil-exporting states i; landlord-tenant relations, small There was no reaction from Israeli political leaders or officials. another embargo as they did during the 1973 Arab-Israeli w persons. The MSU Yearbook, the But Israeli ships will be barred from the waterway because Egypt Circuit Court Judge Nicholas Bua ruled Monday in Chicago business enterprises, geriatric U.S. reaction might be "far more severe this time than last time. Wolverine, is accepting appli¬ and medical law, criminal jus¬ and Israel are still technically at war. He said military intervention in Middle East oil states is "a re that United Airlines was negligent and "violated its duty as a cations for positions on the 1976 The Israeli army's lines are now 12 miles east of the canal as a common carrier." tice and civil liberties, will possibility." yearbook staff. All positions are result of the disengagement agreement negotiated by Secretary of After the crash at Midway Airport on Dec. 8, 1972, there attract substantial numbers of Kissinger and Ford made similar statements some months paid and begin next fall State Henry Kissinger in January 1974. The suggestion for an Government officials later stressed that military action would o it part of a conspiracy linked to the minority-group students. were rumors was quarter. A complete reorgani¬ additional small pullback was made Monday by the newspaper be considered in extreme circumstances in which the West zation and redefinition of the Ultimately, though, Dr. Watergate scandal and investigation because one of the Robert E. Marshak, the presi¬ Haaretz. economy was threatened with strangulation. But critics victims was Hunt's wife, Wolverine has recently taken Dorothy. dent of City College, and Dean It said President Anwar Sadat's announcement that he would Kissinger pointed out that he could have brushed his question In September 1973, the National Transportation Safety place, with all positions being E. Donald Shapiro of New York reopen the canal June 5, lessens the chance of war, and Israel with "no comment" if he had not wanted to reviewed a warn the Arabs. Board blamed the crash on failure of the pilot "to exercise and explicitly should respond with "a gesture of its own." The paper added that Law School said there is to be defined. Staff positions involve this "would not cost much and would not endanger Israel's positive flight management" during an instrument landing. a maximum of creativity and no racial or ethnic discrimina¬ id by the students of Michigan Stole University tvtry tion in the program. security." responsibility and offer In Cairo, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy and U.S. excellent on-the-job training in Unit asks to donate assets Admission to the program, Ambassador Hermann Kilts held their third meeting in three days class postage paid at East lansii copy writing, reporting, layout, which will begin next Septem¬ on Monday. nt Services Bldg.. Michigan St photography and sales. ber if it receives final approval Diplomatic sources said Gilts was sounding out the Egyptian The Richard Nixon Foundation, which announced Positions to be filled include from the Board of Higher government's latest position for use in the reassessment of U.S. dissolution several months ago, has asked Superior Court editor, photo editor, organiza¬ Education, will be under the Middle East policy ordered by President Ford. tions editor, advertising-sales for permission to donate its assets, including written aegis of a special committee. Ford ordered the reassessment after the collapse of Secretary o materials and oral interviews, to Whittier College. manager, copy editor, layout A high school average of 80 State Henry A. Kissinger's attempt to negotiate another Israeli editor, reporters and photo¬ or better will be The foundation, which has no financial assets, was set required. troop withdrawal in Sinai. up graphers. New York Law School has in 1969 to Eilts is expected to travel to Washington soon to take part in develop a Nixon presidential library but never Persons interested in apply¬ guaranteed that it will admit as the policy review. engaged in fund raising and did not select a site or design for ing should call or stop in the many as 50 of the students, and the library. Fahmy later met Soviet Ambassador Vladimir Polyakov to yearbook office in 30 Student perhaps more in subsequent Dissolution of the foundation was announced two months Services Bldg. any afternoon years, after they have finished ago following approval by the 25 trustees at the suggestion between noon and 5 pm. The their junior studies at City of President Leonard K. Firestone, Patricia Reilly Hitt and Wolverine phone number is College. Students will be others. 355-8263. Deadline for applica¬ evaluated on the basis of their No current financial estimate of the documents is tions is Friday, April 11. score on the Law School COmPUTER available. SHORTCOURSES iP IV Mazda announces rebates /JHJERfF JONES Computer Laboratory will present a series of THE STABLES 2843 C. CD. RIVER, CAST LANSINC Mazda Motors of America Inc. announced non-credit shortcourses during Spring term, 1975. Jil1200 Tuesday it will offer $500 rebates on its 1974 SEETHE There is a $1 fee covering computer time and cars. rotary engine Japanese-made HERFF JONES materials for each shortcourse. Registration for the MICHIGAN!! SHOWCASE The rebate program will be effective until May 31 on all REPRESENTATIVE shortcourses must be made by April 4 at the User TOH NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT 1974 RX2, RX3and RX4 models. The program is an attempt to Thurs., April 3rd Information Center, Rm. 309 Computer Center. reduce inventories and the 1975 models are not included. and Fri., April 4th For full shortcourse descriptions, contact the User The list price on the RX4 models is $4,245 for a Sedan, From 10a.m. -3p.m. Information Center, 353-1800. NOW APPEARING $4,295 for AT THE a hardtop and $4,445 for a station wagon. Mazda sold about 68,000 cars and trucks in the United STUDENT BOOK STORE APRIL 3-5 GRADER States last year. — a program designated to relieve the drudgery of grading tor Instru of large ond medium enrollment courses. (Section I: April 10. 3 - 5 p.m.; Section 2: April 30, 7 • 9 p.m.) focus: WITH FREE YOUR Advanced SPSS CISSR2 the advanced features of the Statistical Sciences including permanent file and (April 22 8 24, 3 • 5 p.m.) the Statistical Packoge of the (Section 1: April 28 8 30. 3 - magnetic tape usage. Package for the Social Computer Institute for Social 5 p.m.; Section 2: April 29 8 May 1,7-9 p.m.) Science RING PURCHASE (April 2t. 23 S 25. 3 - 5 CHOICE O STAT TRANS and FETCH - the FORTRAN transformation in the MSU STAT system. us (May 6 8 8, 3 - 5 p.m.) Fighting erupts in Cyprus Sunburst stone... All birthstones are available in the beautiful sun¬ (April 15; 7 • 10 p.m.) RESEARCH DATA PREPARATION Instructs in basic GIL SCOTT-HERON/ - handling of re Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots battles for nearly three hours in Nicosia early fought raging gun Tuesday. A burst cut... your choice of smooth or faceted top. BRIAN JACKSON Candian officer with the UN peace force was killed while two AND THE MIDNIGHT BAND Greek Cypriots were wounded, officials said. A UN spokesman said the officer was found dead on the Genuine Gem Stone... (May 5 8 7; 3 • 5 p.m.) $3.00 CCVER balcony of his room in the Ledra Palace Hotel with a bullet Genuine green agate, tiger eye, jade, red wound in the head. Authorities at the UN presumed he was moss agate, cat's eye, and turquoise gem killed during the gun battle. stones to compliment all ring styles ... COMING NEXT WEEK The hotel is on the green line mendous value FREE! separating the Greek Cypriot — and Turkish Cypriot communities and is used as a barracks by the Canadian contingent of the peace force. The officer's SORT/MERGE formats. - A product to sort ond EDDIE HARRIS (April 28. 30. May 2; 7 - 8:30 p.m.) identity was withheld pending notification of next of kin. MUSIC48F - Instruction in MUSIC4BF, written almost entirely in FORTRAN. t ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK (May 5, 7 8 12; 3 -5 p.m.) Army advances on rebels Engraved inside your ring exactly as you write it! (except filigree SIRLOIN TIPS styles) IN MUSHROOM WINE SAUCE $2.95 The Iraqi government announced that its army was seminar RING ORDERS: advancing on the last strongholds of the rebel Kurdish WILL BE TAKEN tribesmen along the Iranian border following the expiration THURS. &FRI.,APRIL3rd&4th This seminar will present an introduction to the WED. of an amnesty offer. The Baghdad regime claims that Michigan Terminal thousands of Kurds have surrendered, but about 9,000 AT THE 10 AM-3 PM the University of System (MTS) in operation at Michigan and to the computing SWGHETTI $2.25 guerillas are reported holding out in the mountains of facilities available at U of M. WITH MEATBALLS Instruction on the use northern Iraq. About 100,000 troops with tanks and of MTS from planes Michigan State University through the are reported massed against them. MERIT Network will also be THURS. &-8-S. given. (No Charge) Iran, which had been the chief support of the rebellion, (April 10; 10 a.m. 12 and 1 -3 p.m.; room came to terms with Iraq recently and was expected to close Bldg.) - 31, Union LIVER 'N its frontier to Kurdish refugees today. The Turkish border also is reportedly closed to them. 421 E. Gd. River 351-4210 ONIONS $2.25 k Across from Olin Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2,1975 3 Hall fire probe Laura Eckel, River St., Apt. 106, is 233 slows as police one of the lucky ones who is taking Horti¬ culture 323, Indoor Plants and Flowers. Four hundred and eighty-seven stu¬ seek eyewitness dents were turned away from the class By RALPH FRAMMOLINO that much smoke from such a small pile of which gets more and State News Staff Writer rubbish,'" Quinn recounted. more popular each If such a witness exists, Quinn feels that Investigations to find the person who lit her testimony would take the investigation year. two fires out of the on the second floor of East Holmes inactive stages and provide SN photo/Daniel Shutt Hall Feb. 18 have ground to a halt. enough evidence to go to the prosecutor's But police still have strong suspicions office to seek a warrant. about who the person may be, and, if one Police said that the suspect appeared to possible eyewitness makes herself known, have severe mental problems. Quinn said could make an arrest. that he got this impression from the way he The mid-February fire sent over 500 "reacted to the few questions, the way he pajama and robe-clad students into a reacted to the whole interview" when freezing mist at 4:39 a.m. About 25 of those questioned. students jumped to safety from the second "He talks about being two persons, but floor where the fire originated. I'm not a psychiatrist. He speaks in the "There's a 98 per cent chance that this is abstract about himself quite often," Quinn the person," said campus police Detective said. Jim Quinn about the suspect. "The suspect told Jimmie (Detective Quinn was in charge of the investigation Quinn) 'That's not really me, it's the other 'U' explains class priority policy and went room to room interviewing 133 me,' " said Captain Fermin Badgely, who is people in the hall to line up information in charge of the campus police detective regarding the fire. department. "I need an eyewitness," Quinn said. "I Quinn said that the suspect, who has been received information that a girl exited a in the armed services, has been known to room as the suspect struck the match and lit use LSD and has had a previous record of ByPATNARDI priority are: special students like handicap¬ they do not sign up for sections that are complaint first to the instructor, then to the the fire." mental illness. State News Staff Writer ped or athletes in season, graduate labeled closed during early registration. A department chairman, then to the dean of Quinn did say that this information may "He has been reported as acting strange," students, Honors College students, seniors, student can sign up for a closed class and the college and then to the ombudswoman. Few classes are more popular than be unreliable because it was the substance Quinn said. Horticulture 323 (Indoor Plants and Flow¬ juniors, sophomores and freshman. get it if he has a high enough priority, While most departments do follow Univer¬ of a conversation overheard as the students He also said that the suspect is well Within each of these priority groups Sanford said. ers). This term 787 students signed up for sity priority system to the letter, any stood shivering outside the hall. known in the hall. there is also an alphabetical priority based If a student is unhappy about not getting the class, which can only accommodate 300 department can make the final decision on "She (the witness) said 'I saw him strike But police are the first to admit that the on the first letter of the student's last name. a class, that student should take the how to admit students. students because of limited greenhouse the match. I didn't think there would be evidence they have is, at best, circum¬ This alphabetical priority is reversed stantial. They put the suspect through a space. Though department staff are delighted regularly. This means that a last-term polygraph (lie detector) test, a device often senior is not given preference over a their course is so popular, students who are used by police to make sure of their case turned away from the class, especially last-term seniors, are less than pleased. According to instructor David Sanford, first-term senior. "We have no way of knowing who is a last-term senior or a first-term senior. I Nader, Carr to talk on campus and encourage the suspect to confess, but the test was inconclusive. "He passed the crucial questions on the wish we did," Sanford said. "I also wish we students who do not get the class often polygraph exam," Quinn said. knew how many times a person had signed Consumer advocate Ralph Nader and congressman Bob Carr the general student body and requires no unusual skills in math or complain and one even took his case to the Quinn said the police put a great deal of up for this course in the past." will be speaking on pollution at MSU this week. Nader will be science. ombudswoman last year. The ombuds- reliance on the polygraph. A little-known fact is that incoming speaking in the Auditorium at 3 p.m. Monday. Carr will be giving a "We want to give insight on how these problems will be dealt "I've probably run 20 to 30 polygraph woman reports that she often gets freshmen who attended summer orientation lecture in 109 Anthony Hall at 7 tonight and will hold an open with by engineering and technology," Donald Kilner, course exams and they've never said that a complaints from students who do not get person generally get priority over everyone else forum in 35 Union at 8:30 p.m. Thursday. coordinator said. "People by and large tend to sit back and say that did something when he didn't and vice the classes they sign up for. In order to be fair to students the fall term so that they do not have to face the Carr will be speaking on the role of government in solving technology will take care of it." versa," Quinn said. University has a priority system estab¬ ^pit" for their first time around in problems of energy and the environment and Nader will speak Department chairman M. H. Chetrick said that speakers from all The police feel, however, that the lished to determine which students get into registration." about the role of the public in combating those problems. Though fields are lecturing in the course so that students can get all of the suspect's mental condition caused the classes. Each department, however, is able After registration is completed, each both speeches are free of charge, Nader will receive S3,000 and points of view on the problem of pollution. peculiar reading of the polygraph. to alter that system to fit its specific needs. department gets computer printouts of all expenses for his appearance. Douglas Zatechka, area director of East students who sign up for each class. The Carr's lecture and Nader's speech are both part of a course "We think this is what education is all about," Chetrick said. "A Therefore, despite University priorities, Complex, said that though he is concerned Horticulture 323, for example, is opened to department can then cut extra students called "Pollution of the Environment: Causes and Cures" that is person should get data from all points of view and analyze the with the investigation and would like itself to fit class jpize£ or send the printout being offered by chemical engineering. Other guest speakers for situation in his or her own mind and come out with what he or she majors before anyone else and is offered to nothing better than to determine who students with a higher class back to the registrar for "machine discrim¬ the course include W. J. Coppoc, vice president of environmental thinks is the answer. started the fire, he is obligated to protect standing before Honors College students. ination" that cuts students according to the protection for Texaco Inc., and Hans G. Elias, director of the "We're interested in developing more general education courses the rights of the suspect because of incon¬ University priority system. Midland Macromolecular Institute, an independent research but it's just a question of not having the resources to do this." clusive evidence. He said that he is keeping According to the registrar's office, the recommended University classifications of Sanford said some misinformed students organization that works closely with Dow Chemical. Nader's visit to MSU is also being sponsored by the Dept. of his eye on any situation that would put do not get the classes they want because The course was designed by the chemical engineering faculty for Political Science. students' lives in danger. students from the greatest to the least open thursday and friday nights until nine OWaflJw Candles Open for Lunch 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Complete Luncheon Menu Special of the day every day Dinner Hours 5 p.m. -10 p.m. Monday - Thursday 5 p.m. -11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. Miss J's seersucker plaid and bright 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. stripes of yellow/red/green/blue On the corner of Abbott Rd. on white. Coordinated by Patty & Grand River Woodard: The striped sweaters in | jC Phone 351 - 7076 for reservations an airy dishcloth-like knit of acrylic/ cotton and the plaids in crisp polyester/cotton, mixed with solid knit tops. Pants, jacket and skirt in 5 to 13 sizes; tops sized S,M,L burger havelt A. Sleeveless shell, $17 KING Your w®y Matching cardigan, $20 pants in yellow or white, $18 Gabardine at B. Jacket, $26 Pants, $22 Burger King Sleeveless nylon tank in yellow or white, $12 We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. C. Wrap skirt, $20 nn wppkrlavQ Yellow terry top, $13 IN midnight Fridays & Saturdays JaLP' ■or On* Whopper With Hot biscuits Great time to discover the toucha honey ymoi/s Keg rtecfre BEST ACTOR Dustin Hoffman BEST ACTRESS Valerie Perrine «1.25 BEST DIRECTOR 'fference in Famous Recipe, The Other mm Bob Fosse r|ed Chicken. Delicious dipped-in-honey A Marvin Worth Production ABobFosseFilm ,atter' ffied really crisp and all the way Dustin Hoffman "Lenny" 1900 East Kalamazoo 5 minutes from M.S.U. co*.«,Vaiefie Perrine David V. Picker r°ugh. No wonder people who cross 4500 South Cedar !»««*>, Julian Barry »<***», Marvin Worth ^ver to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 North) Bob Fosse MET"® -irtonn Fun Cartoon "THE DOGFATHER" 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, i< Smokers seek exit from tobacco road By BRAD MARTISIUS against smoking. The smokers and support." Day Adventists, said 70 struck a responsive chord in the Another part of the plan cent of the State News Staff Writer Are you smoking more and audience when he suggested are shown a movie of an features the use of dietary people who with the plan have stil that many people were smoking operation to remove a cancer¬ lost tk enjoying it less? Would regimens to aid in breaking the desire to smoke by the you almost against their wills. ous, smoke-blackened lung. er rather switch than fight? Hamrick recognizes the dif¬ habit. Certain spicy foods and the five days. "Every time you feel the "Since the People are starting to answer ficulty smokers have in kicking coffee are known to create a five-day urge to light up, remember to ta yes to these questions, but the habit on their own, so a craving for the relaxing effect originated in 1962 about 50 J say, 'I choose not to smoke,' " cent have many are finding that tobacco Lutz said. "Many people smoke buddy system is also part of the of nicotine. Smokers are urged managed to kick th! road is a hard one to leave. because they seem to lose their plan. to eat only fruit on the first day habit forever," he said. ' They need help because they and to drink lots of water at all All the participants m~L power of free will." "Everyone picks a buddy in cannot kick the habit by them¬ times. This type of diet is said day night's session selves. Group therapy, the buddy who he keeps in close contact seenitB with for the duration of the to reduce the craving for sincere, at least at the time. A, For that reason, the Adven- system and appeals to fear are all used to help smokers kick plan," he said. "Buddies call tobacco. they walked out of the r< tist Forum, a campus religious each other several times during Ernest Wendth, director of most dumped their the habit. cigaret,B group, is sponsoring a five-day the day to offer encouragement health services for the Seventh into a wastebasket. clinic at MSU for those who The first night starts with a measurement of each person's want to quit smoking. About 80 vital lung capacity with a persons showed up for the first special machine, to give the meeting Monday night in 317 Berkey Hall. Mixed reasons were given for participation in the session. individual some notion of what kind of shape he is in. The test measures the amount of air a person can inhale and exhale. Enjoy "My wife's been after me to give up cigarets for years now," one man said. "When she found After this measurement is correlated with the size and TRANSCENDENTAL weight of the individual, it out about this thing, she almost forced me to come. "I guess I'll stick with the gives a doctor a "picture" of the effect smoking has had on a MEDITATION Scientific research has shown that Transcendental Meditation person's lungs. plan, though. I probably should Fear is the next weapon used have quit smoking long ago." provides a deeper state of rest than deep sleep, allowing the A freshman MSU woman natural elimination of stress and tension. The results are noted that "my dependence on these things is getting scary. I increased energy and creative intelligence, more inner SN photo/Daniel Shutt feel like I'm losing control of A local man tries to force all the air out of his stability and expansion of awareness. myself every time I light up." lungs as a nurse keeps track of Jonathan L. Hamrick, the amount expelled. They are trying to determine his vital FREE INTRODUCTORY a lung capacity PREVIEW ruddy-faced Grand Ledge to judge the effect smoking has had LECTURES on his lungs. THE SCIENCE OF CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE attorney who was running the TODAY session, said the object of the 1:00 PM-107 THURSDAY, APRIL 3 have been able to find other¬ what they are doing." knowingly as he said this. B«rk»y five-day plan was to get people 7:30 wise," he said. "We want to Members of the mostly Robert Lutz, asst. professor 4:00 PM-114 Berkey to give up smoking by use of make C103W*II* people aware of those middle-aged audience nodded of family medicine at MSU, 7:30 PM-117 Berkey psychological means. methods. "A person can use psycho¬ "For instance, many people Introductory lectures will be given every following Wednesday through logical methods to build up the Spring term in Room 30 MSU Union 7:30 D.m. light up right after dinner, will power that he might not without even thinking about STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY 351-7729 THE BEOCORD 2200 CASSETTE RECORDER By BANG & OLUFSEN SALE INDIA GAUZE from s8 Come and see a huge selection of short sleeve and long sleeve authentic Bang & Olufsen engineers have developed a cassette Indian Gauze shirts- solid recorder to equal in performance ability of the other B & O components, "already ackowledged for excellence throughout or embroidered. the world." The Beocord 2200 provides maximum fidelity from technically All colors S,M & L. superior chromium dioxide (CR 02) recording tape, and the Dolby noise reduction system. During recording and playback ♦his electronic circuitry dampens tape hiss as well as the unwanted noise generated by the amplification circuitry. High density Ferrite heads virtually remove headwear as a source of distortion. Large readable V. U. meters enable the user to easily analyze recording levels and slide potentiometers made adjustment of recording levels exact and effortless. As with all Bang & Olufsen components, operating controls are logically arranged in a mechanically sound but unobtrusive 203 E. Grand River Ave. manner. Total. Hi-FI 1101 E. Grand River The lazy way 337-2310 4810 W. Saginaw 484-4589 to take care of your contact lenses. COLLEGE S You may not even be lazy. and the 4 oz. size.Total® 2 oz. has Just very busy. Who has time for a a free, mirrored lens storage case, solution to wet contacts, another for SUMMER JOBS soaking, still another to clean them and maybe one for cushioning? It gets pretty complicated to and the new economy 4 oz. size saves you 25%. Total® is available at the say campus bookstore or your local Our service nothing of the working in conjunction with business and industry has compiled extensive expense. Now there's Total® The all-in- drugstore. And we're so sure you'll listings of employers throughout the Midwest in all states and most ma|or cities who are . one contact lens solution that does I ike Total® that we'll give you your it all.Total® wets, soaks, cleans and second bottle free. Just send a committed to provide summer employment for college students. cushions your contacts. And you Total® boxtop with your name, only have to use a single solution. address and college name to: Our listings also include State & Federal Agencies, Government Try Total? See how much more Internship Programs, comfortable your contact Total, Allergan Private Resort & Pharmaceuticals Camp Counseling Positions, etc. lenses can be. And 2525 Dupont Drive cleaner. And a lot Irvine, California 92664 Whether you live in Michigan or another state in the Midwest easier to use. you need our listings There are two (Limit one per person Offer expires to help you find the employers with a job for you. good ways to buy Total®—the 2 oz. size TWal July 31,1975.) For only $4.98 (includes cost of pamphlet, postage & handling charges) you will wets receive our pamphlet entitled SUMMER JOBS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. soaks Send your name, address (Home or School) and $4.98, check or money order to: cleans P.M.A. cushion BOX A 3974 Chicago, Illinois 60690 Total makes contact lenses easier. ACT TODAY! it1 I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, 1975 9 lack 'Exorcist' spin-off not even scary By EDD RUDZATS Not too abnormal, right? But then she licks her lips erotically from shoddy production values, bad acting, mediocre color and one to no avail. Nothing save an act of divine intervention could save SUte News Reviewer while cutting up chickens before gleefully cutting up herself, foams of the most flagrant cases of plagiarism yet. this stale piece of garbage from being one of the most wretched, f rces of good »nd evil are °Perative everywhere, it all at the mouth and develops an insatiable sexual appetite. The film is as predictable as a bad imitation of an originally insulting films in a long time. I 16j !n who gets the upper hand." a stalwart priest says to a Getting kinkier, huh? shaky production can be. "Abby" makes "The Exorcist" look like Furthermore, even the advertising is false. Behind an insert of | in "Abby," American International Pictures' black Finally, a change in her vocal chords causes a raspy masculine the Sistine Chapel by comparison. lovely Abby running open-armed into the tenacles of her fate, the nof "The Exorcist." voice to emanate from her sweet throat and her American International has, at times, turned out eyes to go glassy. some ad men have added, "Abby no longer needs a man ... the Devil is K it that Hollywood blockbuster, "Abby" is an American Sound familiar? It is, in the worst way. low-budget horror films that provided the audience with her lover now." I tional fiasco, cheaply exploiting the William Peter Blatty "Abby" is such a direct steal from "The Exorcist" that when the strategically-placed shivers in a fast-paced plot. It might have been more interesting if the Devil had emerged as Land William Friedkin's film. .... exorcist/father-in-law figure pontificates on the presence of the "Abby" has neither the shivers nor the plot. When the action her lover; instead the plot provides a minor demon called Ishu, a fc this Beautiful young Abby, wife of the parish minister forces of good and evil everywhere, you realize the forces of evil really gets going, the director drags out the suspense — what little name which sounds like someone telling the fifth letter of the Uiclu ii|e Ky., suddenly begins to behave contrary to her have triumphed in this film and the unimaginative producers, there is of it — until the film foams, gurgles and growls once too alphabet to scram. Keious image. A newly appointed marriage counselor and writers and directors have gotten the upper hand. often. The ones to scram should be those thinking of coming anywhere Eth leader, she gets excited with a bar of soap in the shower. It's not much of an upper hand, though, since "Abby" suffers A number of horror-movie cliches abound through "Abby," but near this piece of trash disguising itself as a horror movie. lock succeeds where sort. Thousands of hard-rock The people responsible for stumbled through the haze, with . By FRANK FOX addicts assembled for a ritual¬ joints to run red lights. J SUte News Reviewer setting up the lighting and juicers belched and messed Reporters took notes. istic appreciation of the elec¬ sound systems did their work their shoes and aren't the '50s All in all, people got their §hP Metro Ice Arena on Electricians in the audience Ling's far west side once tronic excesses of three bands — Rush, The Amboy Dukes and with commendable skill. The large open floor of the arena fun, Buffalo Bob? Ecology buffs grooved admiredrthe craftsmanlike job monies worth and will have ★JOHN FORD* AMERICA'S GREATEST DIRECTOR Led the defunct Lansing Arrowsmith. on the done by the performers on another opportunity to do the [uers, who blew themselves The concert was presented gave everyone ample room to mingle and air to breathe. strange atmospheric phenome¬ non of a fog that rolled across stage. same when Blue plays in the Oyster Cult Wednesday, April 2 ■ of the International Hockey Security guards got to look arena on April 14. by Paul Stanley, erstwhile The evening moved through the audience and prevented The Informer Kgue after less than one prime mover of ASMSU pop familiar rhythm. Security anyone from seeing clearly the other way. £on of obscurity. entertainment, who promises a from one side of the Sheriffs deputies and state DISCOVER Eondav night the ice arena guards casually confiscated room to police troopers hung around more of the same in the future. pints of whiskey, downer freaks another. a blow out of another nearby sidestreets in unlighted FLYING cars, waiting for dangerous Wednesday, April 2 teenagers armed to the teeth Special Bonus Film Theatre group holds auditions ATOL20'230B>A»«ON Directed by John Ford (1973) 99 minutes Peter Bogdanovich documentary third year. In the past, national tour," Terry said. the meaning and implications ■intermediary," an PUWMYBUMNIgS Intermediary has created He said the show that the of reality manipulation, which Icrimental environmental Friday, April 4 later group, will hold open planetarium shows, local TV group is currently putting presently dominates most of cassftmcs productions and varied the mass media," one of The Plough and the Stars Etions and interviews at 7 together visions of lW" concerns multi-media endeavors, America's future and, in part, Intermediary's handout states. (1936) 72 minutes light and at 9 p.m. Monday WINGED Barbara Stanwyck, Preston Foster ■the Tower Room in the explained Intermediary concerns aspects of the "Through this process the Barry Fitzgerald ■on Building. member, Terry Terry. "We are trying to develop a relationship between man and distinctions between our SPARTANS Intermediary is looking for machine about 100 years from fantasy, future, state life, Wednesday, April 9 Itors, media artists, touring troup. We intend to do now. projections....disappear and we INTRODUCTORY MEETING ■ signers, computer performances around MSU and East Lansing and by next year "In media theatre, one soon begin to rediscover, via media, the ability to shape our own Thursday, April 3 Stagecoach fcnicians. photographers, (1939) 100 minutes we would like to have a develops an understanding of reality." 7:30 PM 103 John Wayne, Claire Trevor ■eographers. researchers, Bessey John Carradine, Thomas Mitchell ■nomists, environmentalists, Kentists, engineers, Monday, April 14 Tronomers, psychic scientists, PSYCHOLOGY CLUB MEETING For Further Information Jists, musicians and dancers." DR. STOLLAK SPEAKS WINGED SPARTAN NFORMATION P.O. BOX 287 Grapes of Wrath ■'Intermediary is a media E. LANSING. Ml. 41123 (1940) 115 minutes Tatre group," explains the on Henry Fonda, John Carradine lup's introductory brochure, le seek to utilize available "THE PRACTICING PSYCHOLOGIST —pr',a'"'wyr°''''d Jane Darwell ns of communication such Wednesday, April 30 AS EDUCATOR" Lube and Oil How Green Was My Valley _ •feedback, theatre. videotape, • new president elected at Change film, print, and meeting (1941) 112 minutes ■grammable environments • Walter Pigeon, Roddy McDowall ■ch as the planetarium) to open to non-majors Donald Crisp, Maureen O'Hara ■press perceptions of Wednesday, April 2 Rm 208 Olds7 pm • Complete chassis lubrica¬ Friday, May 2 ntionships among media, ■nsciousness, •nee, nature technology, and human FREE tion & oil ensure change • Helps longer wearing My Darling Clementine ■lirs." delivery Show off parts & smooth, quiet per¬ (1946) 97 minutes Henry Fonda, Walter Brennan ■he group is beginning its formance • Victor Mature, Ward Bond starts now Florida COUPON GOOD TIL APR. 15 Monday, May 5 at 4:30 pm The Man Who Shot from GABLES! EXPERT BRAKE Liberty Valance (1962) 122 minutes James Stewart, John Wayne Now Appearing in SERVICE BELL'S Vera Miles, Lee Marvin All films shown twice Foreign & American PIZZA the showbar EMISSION 7:00 & 9:15 pm in Fairchild Theater. Special times to be announced for April 2 films 225 MAC 332-5027 OPEN 11 AM EVERYDAY BLACK ROSE CONTROLS FREE DELIVERY REMOVED 7filmsfor$5 WED. NI6HT (It's legal) Series tickets are now on sale. We use sun (Each series ticket is good foi HAPPY HOUR! infra-red equipment which may be used to admit to 7 films, 7 people tc FREE INSPECTION 8-11 pm COLLEGE OF LAW (50" cover) • 'ALL SEMESTER Full time 3 year . day program . . AUGUST 21, 1975 SEE YOU TONITE AT y East Lansing Bay • "art-time day and evening programs 315 W. Grand River California, p*"'''° 'he ,l'ns doctor Degree and eligibility for THE (ORAL GABLES! Phone 351-9608-332-8263 Accredited Provisionally-State Bar of Calif. 'act Stephanie Rita. Admissions Officer.' Westdale Co.. Realtors History-making loan direct from the Louvre. French Painting 1774-1830. THE AGE OF REVO TURMOIL AND TRIUMPH • GRANDEUR AND See the first U.S. showing of Delacroix's heroic Liberty Leading the People. $*SOO IN FURNITURE 150 masterworks from the turbulent Revolution and Napoleonic era including SUV 2- SAVE 52* f WITH IN STORE COUPON ' VAN. ICECREAM ^John's PIZZA^ CMEesea#4pEPpefcowi [HALF I {GAL. r WITH IHSTO& COUP0W> IB. 79i SAVE UP TO 25 <• WITH /HS7DKE QX)0P(My SAVE SKA LB. fender-(eon BEEF IZoz.wr RES^DIET IrMOGURJ CHUCK APOP STEAKS SAVE 5I< ALB. 3-5 LB. W/G. 1 THE IN LOOK" /HEINZ. SS BUY 8- SAVE *1.12 WITH IN STORE COUPOH> TENDERLOINS? PROCESSED FREE/ 138 LB. ■ ^ A/6W HELLAAANS SPIN BLENJD is yours SOUP^ar SAVE2KAI&. 116 PKG.^MOfcE SALAD DRESSING) Ground BEEF WALLACE'S with a wide SAVE 20* MADE FROM SAVE 30^ AL&.-CALUMENT CHUCK LB. '-88< SAVE TOt RECTANGLE rWITH//V$7&?£COUPOM\ W/MSTOXE COUPON^ , gp r r POL* ANW-FAM.EWRICHED " ZESTAv SALT/NB QAArtllLWK I sn e&e&HAfcD [CRACKERS BACON WIRE FRAMES 'Kf BREAD Downtown Office SAVE I6<-AL6. Frandor Office TURKEY WALLACE r SAVE 25* DRUMSTICKS ie m\\/HS70A€ COUPON^ SPECIAL LA&SL OPTICIANS MeS/ZPOMrSACf/// SWEET 84 & TIDE Downtown 107 N. Wash IV2 -1175 Vine at Clippert Opposite Sears IV5-7137 DETERGENT ^SPARERIBS SfeveaotftLR CORN FIRST CUT PORK CHOPS 69* Registered Optometrists Dr. R.C. Jones Dr. R.J. Spagnuolo Dr. W.C. Jensen 5S SAUSAGE L6. Wednesday, April 2, 1975 13 mssifled Automotive \m\ Motorcycles W FFIANKLYSPEAKING....byphilfrank | ||U| Apartments ^ Apartments I iJHW? 1 CUTLASS S 1975, defogger, buc¬ ket seats, console, automatic, cream exterior, saddle interior. NORTON 1972 motorcycles, 750 cc's Inter State Model. 2200 LECnBE-GONCStt SITTER-HOUSEKEEPER. time, permanent. 3 days, Tues¬ Part- REDUCED RATES: One desperately needed. or 2 men Chalet FACULTY, EAST Lansing 1 bedroom, carport, - luxury security locks, miles, excellent condition. $1,200. day, Wednesday, Thursday. North Apartments. 337-0514. 6-4-4 no pets, not student rental. One $4,000 or best offer. Call Jan, Phone 669-3211. 5-4-4 Waverly area. Transportation/ 332-5920 after 5 p.m. 5-4-8 year lease, $185. 349-2094. 5-4-7 references required. 485-9369. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. PHONE 355-8255 DATSUN, 1971, Station Wagon, 4 CYCLE INSURANCE as low as 3-4-4 One or 2 bedroom, furnished or NEEDED: ONE male, spring only! $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc unfurnished, short term lease, 347 5lud.ntS.rvic Bldfl. speed, $895. Phone 393-9448 or Parking place, Cedar Village, $75/ at F.S.C. 351-2400. 22-4-30 PART TIME evenings. East from $150. 351-7910. 10-4-9 month. 337-7209. 3-4-3 AUTOMOTIVE 372-9600 extension 18. 3-4-4 Lansing office. Typist to operate Scooters & Cycles MTST and/or Mag-card II. Prefer FORD 1968. Excellent engine, 551 ALBERT STREET, one block SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY. Spa¬ Parts & Service USED MOTORCYCLES discount experience, will train if necessary. from campus. Large 2 bedroom, cious, two bedroom apartment. good rubber, $500. 339-3117, Aviation call after 6. 3-4-2 on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand 332-6544. 3-4-4 furnished, summer and fall. Across from campus. April free. employment River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 Resident manager, 351-5208 or 351-1971. 3-4-3 FORD LTD, 1969. 65,000 miles. COORDINATOR FOR PIRGIM'S 351-6676. 10-4-10 for rent 302 cubic inches. V-8, good gas 1973 YAMAHA, 360 Enduro, campaign to pass state returnable- GIRL FOR two bedroom aprtment. Apartments mileage. Power steering, radio good condition, call 882-9989. bottles law, full time on Lansing GIRL FOR large two bedroom Own room. One mile from Houses 3600 Road miles. 5-4-4 staff for 3 months, could lead to apartment, share room, $70/ and heater. Excellent condition, campus. $100/month, no deposit. Rooms $995. 349-4385. 5-4-7 permanent position. Call Joe month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. 351-1633. 4-4-4 DO IT on the street Triumph, Tuchinsky. 487-6001. 3-4-4 10-4-8 for sale - FORD TORINO 1970, 351 V-8, BMW, Yamaha, SHEP'S, lower TWO MILES to MSU, Okemos, Animals HARD WORKING enthusiast to PINE LAKE APARTMENTS automatic, power steering and prices too. C-4-4-4 two bedroom model apartment. Mobile Homes brakes, radio, Michelin whitewalls. ''BOTH JOHN DEAN MP R3N ZEiatf? help restore classic antique and HASLETT Air, carpet, heat included. $187/ lost & found 337-1101, after 7 p.m. 5-4-8 BSA VICTOR, 1968, 441cc, good sports cars. Only experienced Short on Cash? Maybe we can month. 349-4766. 2-4-2 personal condition. Call 394-1631 between have anam> agemt ou bodymen with tools, please. work something out. One bed¬ GTO 1965 Convertible, Hurst - Phone 489-5655. 5-4-8 PEANUTS PERSONAL Muncie 4 - speed, POSI, $400, 4-7 p.m. 3-4-4 caw oct us r26e war/ wajds room apartments with shag car¬ DOWNTOWN NEAR, one peting, drapes and appliances. month's free rent with new lease. REAL ESTATE RECREATION 353-7558. 3-4-2 CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our piavin£ 'tuf b mwuje (sap"cm I FT Rwt IfWI $150 per month plus utilities. 10 minutes from MSU. Located at Carpeting, air, heat included, range, refrigerator, etc. $145 SERVICE MGB 1971 convertible, $1900. low rates, LLOYDS OF LANSING, 485-0528 or 339-9535. 0-1-4-2 a 0her tape recorder SPARTAN COMMUNITY garden 6076 Marsh Road, just north of deposit - one bedroom. 482-2555, Instruction Good running condition, 44,000 plots, 25'x50'. Close. Plowed, Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager after 5 pm. 5-4-7 miles, 1-543-6817 after 5 p.m. ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY, CA 94709 disced. Childrens play area. Gar¬ 339-8192 or EAST LANSING Typing MOTORCYCLES INSURANCE. 7-4-10 dening advice. Seeds and plants REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 EAST SIDE - unfurnished, except TRANSPORTATION Lowest rates on cycle insurance. available. $12. 351-4745. 1-4-2 stove and refrigerator. Excellent Any size. FEIDLER INSURANCE, WANTED CAR POOL MG MIDGET 1970. No rust-from North Carolina. 37,000 miles. 676-2449. 0-1-4-2 Employment Hj Employment jj GARAGE SPACE. $25 per term, PENNSYLVANIA South. Furnished, 1 bedroom. AVENUE, for students or singles. Garage and all utilities included. 627-9387. New clutch, brakes, starter. New Utilities paid. $150/month plus 5-4-7 HONDA 500 1973. 7,500 miles. parking $20. Two blocks from sympertts radials. Must see and ISLAND HOUSE and Lakeview WANTED: VOLUNTEER. Senior campus. 351-0997 after 5 p.m. deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-3 **RATES** drive to appreciate. 353-6894 Orange. $975 firm. 349-4145 Hotels on Mackinac Island are lifesavers, water safety instructors 3-4-4 MILFORD STREET 126. Two 12 word minimum evenings. 4-4-4 anytime after 4 pm. 4-4-4 and other recreational aides, to ONE BEDROOM furnished, all blocks from campus. Deluxe, air seeking summer employees. Jobs TV AND STEREO RENTALS. utilities paid, close to campus. available are maids, kitchen, assist in afternoon or evenings conditioned, furnished. Two man, °' ords NO. DAYS MUSTANG 1971, needs routine repairs, 371-2400 will 9 sacrifice to 5. $1200. 332-5235 ( Urti Sarvice ][7] service and sales. Interviews will be held April 2,3 or contact Mr. recreation program at Michigan School for the Blind. Kathy Ryan, $25/term. same Call NEJAC, $10.95/month. day delivery and service. 337-1300. C-4-30 Free $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. 20-4-22 $190. Three man, $210. leasing. 332-3418, 489-1656. Now NOW FOR your convenience Nowlin, 1-313-698-2043. 7-4-3 373-3730, extension 63 after 1 pm. 10-4-10 1 evenings. 7-4-3 we're open until 8 pm Monday, 5-4-3 TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished COMPACT REFRIGERATORS- PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 1968. Wednesday and Thursday. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, per¬ apartments: 124 Cedar Street, DON'T SIGN A LEASE 8 TV's. Term rates. Free delivery. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN manent position available. QUALITY ARTS and crafts $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 cylinder, snow tires, dependable, DORM RENTALS, 372-1795. used only for student teaching. CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama¬ Superior typing, shorthand, and needed. COLONIAL CRAFT 0-3-4-4 Kedzie Drive, year leases only. UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN zoo, one mile west of campus. ability to work with figures re¬ SHOP, Old World Mall. Consign Starting June or September. Heat $4W.JJ5311576. 5-4-fl 487-5055. C-9-4-11 included. Damage deposit. Call MARIGOLD quired. Some college preferred. ment only. 882-5179. 5-4-3 REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS - PORSCHE 1970 911T, new paint, Full benefits. $600 to start. Apply Dishwashers. ESCHTRUTH AP¬ 8-5,351-2402; 6-10 pm, 882-2316. APARTMENTS TUNE " UPS, STUDENT me¬ ATTENTION - ARTISTS, Old 0-4-30 brakes, tuned, Ziebart, AM-FM, in person at 3308 South Cedar, PLIANCES, 315 South Bridge, chanic work guaranteed, 6 cylin¬ Town Arts and Crafts now taking 911 Marigold 36,000 miles, price negotiable, call Suite 11, Lansing^ 7-4-3_ Grand DEADLINE 313-638-5778 evenings after 10. der, $20; 8 cylinder $22. John, _ _ original art work on consignment. Ledoe._Call_627-2191_ 5-4-2 TWO BEDROOM furnished Large One Bedroom Apartment 484-6461.3-4-2 REGISTERED NURSES full and For further information call John COMPACT REFRIGERATORS. mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 > Fine Furniture 3-4-4 News ads -1 p.m. one class minutes to campus. part time positions available on the DeRosa, 694-3102 or 699-2779. Student rates. UNITED RENT- Quiet and > Shag Carpeting day before publication. TEMPEST OHC-6, 1967, in rea¬ U-REPAIR AUTO SERVICE 11 pm - 7:30 am and 3-11 pm 5-4-2 ALL, 2790 East Grand River. peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or < Appliances sonable running condition, $200. CENTER. Do - it - yourself, free shifts. Excellent working con¬ 351-5652. 0-4-4-4 484-5315. 0-4-30 > Heat & Water Included Cancellation/corrections 12 337-1264. Call after 3 p.m. 3-4-4 ditions, salary and fringe benefits. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. N< supervision. Specials: tune-ups, for appointment call noon one class day betore TOYOTA 1971. AM-FM, $20.98. Front disc brakes, $24.45, Apply personnel department, Ingham Medical Center, 401 West waiting in line. 8-4-4 Call 351-3622. f Apartments ONE BEDROOM Walking distance to MSU. Stove apartment. 337-7328 'publication. eon-^^parts inc|uded. Phone 882-8742. ditioned, automatic transmission, 0-1-4-2 Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan, CEDAR GREENS apartments and refrigerator. $140 includes rear defrost, nice. $985. 487-5783. REGISTERED NURSES full and - utilities. EQUITY VEST, INC. FEMALE, $68/month, 4 woman, 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. - Once ad is ordered it cannot near Brody complex. 1 bedroom, Riverside apartment, close, partial 5-4-7 7-4-4 part time positions available on the 351-8150. 0-22-4-30 furnished. Available immediately. be cancelled or changed until ! after first insertion, unless it is TRIUMPH TR6, 1969. Good lllR — PART TIME employment for MSU afternoon and midnight shifts in ICU-CCU Minimum starting 351-8631. 54-3 utilities, parking, 332-2784. 3-4-4 ordered & cancelled 2 days condition. $1400. New radial students. 12-20 hours per week. salaries $4.82 per hour plus differ Yes...We have NEEDED ONE girl, spring, Cedar tires. Runs excellent. 355-4857. 2 LARGE, 1 bedroom apartments. Village. $78 monthly, first pay¬ before publication. Automobile required. 351-5800. ential. Immediate openings. 5-4-7 C-4-4-4 Please contact Lansing General Furnished. 1 block from campus. location! ment April, 337-9374. 3-4-4 Brian, 351-3269 or Dick 351-8451 j There is a $1.00 service VW 1969 Beetle. $800 or best NEEDED, skills: Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, after 5Dm 5-4-3' FOUR ROOMS. Carpeted. Newly charge for an ad change. STUDENTS Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, exten- _P^L RIVER'S and WATER'S decorated. Private parking. _ _ offer. Good condition, low mile¬ carpentry, electronics, experience age. 355-7897. B-1-4-3 MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East with machine shop. Call 353-5466 ?°n, o,Er' °Pp0rtUnitV AVAILABLE SRING term two EDGE Apartments Couples preferred. $125. Deposit. I Peanuts Personal ads must Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. 1 pm - 4 pm. 3-4-3 Employer; J3-4-4 man furnished. 135 Kedzie. 489-6222. 5-4-8 [be prepaid. VW 1963. Mechanically very Complete auto painting and colli¬ R.N. OR L.P.N. OPENING 351-2400' 882"2316' (next to Cedar sion service. American and CLERK TYPIST for afternoon TWO PEOPLE sublet for summer, ;The State good, body fair, complete rebuild. $400 minimum. 351-8114. 2-4-2 Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 hours. MSU students only, exper¬ 'Full time 3:00 shift. p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Liberal fringe benefits, Village) one bedroom apartment, fur¬ News will be TWO BEDROOM, sharp, fur¬ ienced in office work desirable, nished, air, close, 332-8821. 3-4-4 sible only for the first evening and night differential. No nished, campus one block. $240- NOW LEASING AMERICAN, GERMAN and call 353-5466 1 pm - 4 pm. 3-4-3 shift rotation, every other week¬ days incorrect insertion. $300, depending on arrangements. FEMALE NEEDED for 4 woman, VW 411,1971, 4 door, automatic, FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. end off and weekend bonus paid, 332-1946. 5-4-2 332-4432 20% DISCOUNT to students and BUSBOYS WANTED for soror¬ spring term, $70, close to campus. Us are due 7 days from the AM/FN radio, 39,000 miles, best contact Mrs. L. Risk, R.N. Director 332-2395. 1-4-2 offer. 487-0816 after 6 pm. 5-4-7 faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW ity - dependable, clean, neat. of Nursing, Ingham County Medi¬ ad expiration date. If not MALE STUDENTS - furnished, SUBLESE APRIL 1 - August 1. paid service parts. IMPORT AUTO Dinners included. Call 332-0955. cal Care Facility. 3882 Dobie Road, by the due date, a 506 late PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and two rooms, bath. First floor One bedroom completely fur¬ TWO MAN, close to campus, VOLKSWAGEN, 1968 - looks fine, 3-4-3 Okemos, Michigan. Phone service charge will be due. Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. parking, one term or longer. 1214 nished (linen etc.) Air conditioned furnished, air, free water, heat, runs great. Good deal at $675. 1050. 5-4-4 East Kalamazoo. 5-4-2 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- BABYSITTER, HALF days, Bailey swimming pool, Trowbridge Road. 351-7554,351-3231. 3-4-4 Call 339-3274 after 5:30, 482-1437 card. C-22-4-30 school area for 5 year old boy. FREE LANCE writer or editorial Prefer faculty, staff or grad days. 5-4-2 ONE SPACIOUS bedroom availa¬ Phone 332-8322 after 53&MJ researcher wanted by local public ble in 3 bedroom apartment. student. 351-8215, after 6 pm. SUBLEASE, $185 per month, 1 REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines relations agency. Approximately 5-4-2 bedroom, partially furnished or Furnished, no lease. $63 includes VOLKSWAGEN 1972, 36,000 ori¬ PERMANENT PART time secre¬ 10 hours weekly. Senior journa¬ unfurnished, Brody area, Call Jan, T0M0BILE guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ utilities. 489-5105. 5-4-4 INSURANCE, ginal miles. 30mpg. Burns no oil. Monday through Friday, 1-5 lism student with reporting exper¬ ONE GIRL, near MSU. Share 332-5920 after 5 p.m. 5-4-8 change. Free towing available- tary. you can save $$$. It pays to Must sell. 332-5634 5-4-8 local areas. Installation as low a pm. Typing and shorthand exper¬ ience preferred. Apply Box B - 2 small, one bedroom, furnished around. Call us. You may be $35, Check our repair prices and ience required. 332-1391. C-3-4-3 State News. 5-4-4 CEDAR VILLAGE apartment. $67.50. 489-5922. LUXURY APARTMENT, 1 male rised. 484-8173. 0-1-4-2 REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO Now Renting for Summer 5-4-2 needed, $87.50, apartment 9, 458 VOLKSWAGEN 1974. Sun Bug. WANTED. FULL time waitress. PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE, and Fall. Summer Rate, ere Evergreen, East Lansing, after 5 MAR0 1967. Good condition, Limited edition. 5,500 miles. Apply HUDDLE LOUNGE, 820 SOUTH LANSING. Two bedroom Phone 484-7319, after 5:30 p.m. Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. $10,000 - $15,000 beginning in¬ 150-$200 per month. Fall p.m. 5-4-8 .000 miles, interior Unlimited opportunity, West Miller Road, Lansing. 5-4-8 ate» are $90,193. $95 per apartment, nice location. $135 excellent, Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- come. $470. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 3-4-4 pereon per month. card. C-22-4-30 multi billion dollar company. plus utilities and deposit. Refer¬ MALE ROOMMATE needed, 3335. 3-4-4 LOOKING FOR young individual 351-5180 ences required. Call 487-1888 or apartments, $70/ Degree necessary. Female-male. Campus Hill VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER 1971. Phone 349-3933. CAREERS UN¬ for supervisory position in res¬ 487-6715. 5-4-4 month. 349-2827. 7-4-10 MAR0,1967 Convertible, auto- 55,000 miles, excellent condition I Aviation LIMITED. 54-4 taurant, possibly leading to man¬ SUBLET SPRING, summer. 1-2- k, good engine. Best offer. $1800 or best offer. 332-0618. agement. Some experience help¬ bedroom. Beal Street. Free CROSSWORD ■BlA|S|E|Sl [STAteM •1481. 5-4-8 3-4-2 LEARN TO Flyl Certified instruc¬ CAN'T AFFORD a band? Get the ful. Send resume to Box 243, month's rent. 351-1799. 8-4-4 Irieilii IvlEl fftr d aE] tor and airplanes, competitive Record Hop. Fun, reasonable. Alma Michigan, 48801. 344 bif AIRIUI MAR0 1973,3 speed, 350 V-8, VOLVO 1965, 122S Station rates. Call Phil, 353-8302. x-3-4-3 Jon, 332-5278. 5-4-4 PUZZLE AM/FM. 882-0534, after 6 BABYSITTER MORNINGS. 7:30 ACROSS Wagon, new engine, Arizona car, NEEDED ONE girl for apartment 5-4-8 1. Pleasure 29. Abraham's BCTBii !3SOj|0I)@ • PARACHUTING LESSONS every WANTED: MALE and female go a.m.-l p.m. Two little girls. Near bordering $70 per Greg, 646-6585. 3-4-3 campus. 6. Handcart nephew PR" 1973,26000M V-fiautoma- afternoon and weekends. Details go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, campus. 3514295. 1-4-2 month. Call 337-2524. 7-4-4 12. Attain 31. Business transmission, stereo, $2550 or 351-0799. Jump area 543-6731. 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- 13. VOLVb 142, 1973, 19,000 miles, 4 3-4-4 23 Brightly getters offer. Call after colored bird 33. Myself 6:00, 355- speed, $3700. Call 351-5870 after 3-4-3 BBS BQHCl ans LOW RENT • 6 p.m. 5-4-4 14. Catechised 34. Inferior 16. Hypothetical rubber IHQHHH QHEDHki JUSS 1973, standard shift steenng. 18,300 miles, $2000. WANTED: GOOD used cars. to $50. Also junk cars. Pay DON'T WAIT forces 17. That Is: abbr. 36. Grime 37. Ostrich-like □aaar^ aafiaaa □asa asaaa APARTMENTS ie 627-4241 up 18. Siouan 3-4-4 bird UNTIL THEY'RE 487-1568. 6. Show 19. Measures of 39. Six 50. French length 40. Woman's impressionist disapproval 21. Music, painting 7. Jason's ship undergarment DOWN CHECK OUT ALL GONE... 24. Exist 26. Twilight; 43. Miraculous 47. Reddish 1. Song for three 8. Lariat 9. Rotating parts 10. Bravo caii 349-3530 WESTBROOK APARTMENTS poetic 28. French yellow 48. Make 2. Rupture 11. Marry happy 3. Chews To roa«rv« your apartmont 5-centime 49. Pitched 15. Charge again, for summer and fall IN WILLIAMSTON piece lightly a ball 4. Hole in one 5. Excites as a gun 19. For example (less than 15 minutes from campus) T~ 3" dormltorti!" ,he Few ^ork SPECIAL SUMMER RATES r- s- 1 - S 9 •° Times as checked below: (Delivered to 20. Digestive only.) ' married housing, and department offices on campus 12 15 fluid 00 STUDIOS: *109 % 22. Sawyer $140 23. Institute Q W*#^oy« Mon.-Sot. - $15.00 P*r term 14 15 suit 14 H id 24. English 0 Sund°V'-*e.l0p.rt.rm ONE BEDROOM: *139 fr % 2O 5i %% 2T bullfinch 25. Extinct bird % it %% IS % w 261 27. Earned GtMPUS HILL 26 NONE HIGHER! % % 30. Surgeon's instrument term^0** °nc' *u^,'ay, ' $23.10 p*r *9 & % 3i 35 CARPETING ALL APPLIANCES 54 u 3b i 32. Roadway 35. Catkin name just off grand rivor.okemos DRAPES TENNIS COURTS % % 38. Implore .PHONE. 2 BEDROOMS AIR/COND IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY PICNIC PAVILION %% 514 M % 1+5 3$ d to VL 40. Boast 41. Pro — 42. Malt brews ^ iJSZS*"- SSSBESd001 349-3530 Sff BUSES- 1147 W. GRAND RIVER AT WILLIAMSTON CITY LIMITS 43. Cry aloud 44. Bolivian "r,a Dr-. E. Ch«<*s payable to Lansing, Mich. B. Green. Send to .dishwashers CENTRAL AIR COND. free e8s& 655-2642 n i 5o Indian: var. OH ™0'8pus ln'®fmotion, coll B. Green, 351 -72%, offer 6 P.M. Sundoy delivery olio available. % 45. Man's nickname ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 46. Rubber tree 1 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April J [ *>lffwts IV, [ Hhsis Iffi | For Site ||^1 I Ft Sill ||51 I (Wj^g GREAT OFFER. One bedroom EXPERIENCED TYPING, term pa¬ HOUSEMATE NEEDED, own FIVE GREAT Student Houses. 4-6 FIND SOMETHING CONCORD 110-RMS Receiver. SEWING MACHINE Clearance pers, theses, etc. Accurate ser¬ apartment, spring. Furnished, room, close, free rent until April bedrooms. Nicely furnished; fire¬ Ampex 12" speakers. Motorola Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, If you've found a pet or article of piano, telephone. $100. Informa¬ 18th. Call 337-0823. 3-4-4 value, we want to help you return vice. 50ft per page. 882-2083. 544 place, parking. Very close. AM - FM in dash car stereo. Fake $5 per month. Large selection of tion: 355-5842. 5-4-8 it. Just come into the State News $440-$500, plus utilities. June - fur, 8 x 5'. All in excellent reconditioned used machines. TWO WOMEN NEEDED, own June leases. 372-6853. Classified Department and tell us TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast .0-4-30 condition. 355-8822. 5-4-4 Singers, Whites Necchi's, New ONE MONTH rent free! 1 bed¬ and reasonable. 3714635. C4-30 room in huge house. Great Home and "many others." $19.95 you want to place an ad in EAST room apartments. 6 month lease roommates. $80 plus utilities. LEASE WITH option to buy. New to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS LANSING STATE BANK'S Found GERRARD 40B Changer, 1 month IRENE ORR Theses, Term papers accepted. 485-9223 4-4-7 Call 337-1812. 5-4-7 Ranch house in country. Campus Column. As a public service EAST - old, $30. Call 485-2384 after 7 p.m. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 general typing. Formerly with Ann 10 minutes. $300/month. Call North Washington, 489-6448. LANSING STATE BANK will run MOUNT HOPE. E-5-4-8 Brown. Unfurnished, garage, fireplace. $175. Deposit PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house available immediately. Nicely Evan Harrison, 332-1946 or C-3-4-3 the ad at no cost to youl EAST LANSING CalMffi-7487_._c^30__ (More Iw^n . PROGRESSIVE REALTY, 372- plus electricity. Couple preferred. furnished, parking. Students wel¬ 5512.5-4-2 REMINGTON ELECTRIC shaver. 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. STATE BANK EXPERIENCED, TYPING term Announcements for |,', J $25. 355-1120. 3-4-4 come. 5 minute drive. $150/ Practically new-must-sell. Tanks, cannisters and uprights. C-4-30 papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur- "fPpe"!ng must be receiveJ month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 DUPLEX FOR rent - 3 bedrooms, Call Demetri evenings, 353-4214. Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 ate service. 394-2512. C4-30 |tate Ne«® Services Bldg., by 341 $J ONE BEDROOM, furnished apart¬ furnished. Off Beech Street. E-5-4-7 and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Ip.n/J ment, sublet till September. 4 ONE GIRL needed to share fur¬ Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-8 GOLF COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis- class days before Pu: ■ blocks from campus, $155/month. nished house. Own bedroom, CLUBS-Spalding aluminum sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, f^n°un"ments wil 351-6239. 3-4-4 shafts, 9 irons, 3 woods, putter, Opposite City Market. C-3-4-3 LOST PUPPY, in vicinity of 489-0358. C-4-30 cepted by phone. close to campus. Need immedi¬ Rooms bag. $70. 339-3201. 3-4-4 Warrens Restaurant, ten weeks ately. 337-0834. 5-4-8 Cash for 5-43 ACME BEDOMG CO. TWO ROOMS in house, close. old, blond, no identification, nam¬ ANN BROWN typing and multi- ^ra"scer]den,al MeditajJ SUBLEASE TILL September, 2 Available STAMPS & COINS ed Sadie. Reward. Call days, lith offset printing. Complete ser- ° ,0^ lec,ures will be « 49.95 Twin Six* immediately. On 351-2380 371-2954. 54.95 Double Size bedroom, new shag, $185, 513 Spartan Avenue. Call 351-0341. Buy-Sell -Trade or 3-4-2 vice for dissertations, theses, ' 1®£V ,r\1°7 Berkeyl Regent, available immediately, 5-4-2 ADVENT 100 Outboard Dolby full line of supplies FOUND: ON Grand River, black manuscripts, general typing. IBM. " HV d-3? '?!*■ 405 Cherry « evenings. 4-4-4 unit. Excellent condition, $150. VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP Er COIN part-labrador puppy wearing red 25 year's experience. 349-0850. C-4-30 speak at 7.30 p.m. SponsonT Rlckr Unl ROOM IN large house, spring, Call Bill, 351-9225. 3-4-4 bandana. 625-3753. C-3-4-3 the Students' FURNISHED ROOM for liberal summer. Close to campus. Call 1880 Haslett Rd. 332- International! GREAT DEAL! Two bedroom person in co-ed house. East side Lee, 332-3670. 5-4-2 B & O 4000 System, with DBX, AKAIX-165D Custom 7" reel - to - FOUND: AT Daytona Beach 1974 THESES, RESUMES, typing and tation Society- Lansing, $60/month. No lease printing. Reasonable prices. Pr0>(|01A, good condition, must sell. Call reel tape deck. Excedllent condi¬ Royal Oak Kimbal Class Ring. c . apartment, $180, available imme¬ Call 489-9470, student atmosphere OWN ROOM, beautiful house, 351-9126. B-1-4-2 tion. $125. 353-1410.3-4-2 Phone 332-1319. C-2-4-2 COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- R eview the Science of c™ diately, furnished, dishwasher, parking, 2 blocks from campus, 4116. C4-30 Intelligence course at 7:31)1 huge, 351-5289. 3-4-3 Thursday in C103 Wells H J $80-negotiable. 332-4351. 2-4-3 TEN SPEED, Excellent condition, USED SEWING machines. LOST: 5 months puppy, black SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio LATHROP STREET - 1 person for $70. Beginners guitar, $25. 53 $12.50/up. Zig - Zags and straight white under color, Sarah. Please COMPLETE DISSERTATION and ^J.°? of Mahar'shi Maheshl apartments. Across from campus. 3 bedroom house, $80/month. 482-3776 after 6 pm. own room, EAST LANSING-male students, 393-1968 after six. 3-4-4 stitchers, portables and cabinet call 353-8154. 3-4-4 resume service. Printing, IBM q " b® ts^n' Presentedbfl single rooms, parking, refrigera¬ typing, binding. Printing from St^ents International M, Singers, Whites, Ken- ][Z] Air conditioned, quiet. Summer 4-4-4 models. or fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 am - 7 pm. 10-4-14 OWN ROOM in house, $66.25, tor, 332-5791. 3-4-4 THE ALOHA mores. Many makes and models to choose from. ELECTRO - [ Personal your plain paper originals. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Below MCI. _ . good location, ample parking, 1 MAN FOR Own room. quiet 4 man Grad student house. CLOSING SALE GRAND, 804 East Michigan. TWO 1 ounce boxes of Black Jones Monday Stationery Shop, 9-5 Friday. Call COPY- be heVd o^ beheld on Thursdays th». ^ prefer¬ for 33£ Ask for coupon. COUNTRY APARTMENT, 1 bed¬ 1158 Beech, 332-5167. 10-4-14 red. 332-4076 after 1:30. 2-4-3 j ' 20% off merchandise and Hours Monday - Friday 9 - 5 p.m. pepper Limit 2 per person. GULLIVER GRAPH SERVICES, - 337-1666. 7nr lleen ™ room unfurnished except for ' Saturday 9 - noon. Bankcard and STATE DRUG. 0-1-4-2 C-4-30 details. major appliances, $135 plus utili¬ DISCOVER CO-OPS! fixtures Master Charge honored. 5-4-4 FREE LAUNDRY, free parking, ties. Call Bob, 882-0294 before 5 Openings Now room and board for men near n 351 -1911 BOARD EXAM TUTORING UNIGRAPHICS offers COM- There will be an open dis„ pm. After 6 pm, 655-3706. 4-4-4 campus. Now MEN'S GOLF clubs full set, good STANLEY H.KAPLAN PLETE DISSERTATION and for Colle9e of Business stu CALL 355-8313! leasing for summer FENDER TELECASTER, Mass meeting, slide show: and next fall. Call 332-3935 or $175. price, call Bob, 351-0761. 5-4-4 TUTORING COURSES Resume Service: IBM typing concerning the business cm- NORTHWIND FARMS. Need one Bassman amp $90, and bottom man for spring term. Union Room 35, this Sunday 351-0909. 5-4-8 $35. Call Tony evenings, 484- BLACK OLYMPUS OM-1 with Now being formed for the upcom¬ editing, offset printing and binding We encourage comparative at 7:^j, l?ni9ht in 115 J $61.50/month. Nice. 351-3581. Only 1 p.m., followed by Open 1062. 10-4-14 50mm F1.8, 135 mm F3.5 only ing MCAT, DAT, LSAT, ATGSB, shop- Center. All business undef House at all co-ops. LARGE ROOM, 400 square feet, GRE Board exams. For informa¬ ping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 are encouraged to attend, 5-4-7 $350, like new. Call 489-5977. East Grand River or phone 332- furnished, clean, close to campus. tion call 1-313-354-0085. 0-14-2 „ .. I "J L EAST LANSING area. Call for Phone evenings. 351-8154. 4-4-7 MID-MICHIGAN'S Largest audio 5-4-8 8414. 6-44 Pre " Vet Club: An FEMALE NEEDED, Cedar Village retailer with the finest in stereo Practice" seminar by Or M apartments, $65/month. Good appointment to be shown Satur¬ products and electronic repairs. BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. location, 351-1739. 54-3 nice roommates, day. 484-7349 or 485-1961. 3-4-4 MALE ROOMMATE share large room. Furnished, next wanted, Shop the store with straight stereo French built light weight touring [ IrasportatinM SWJTAS51 answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. FURNISHED HOUSE for 2 or 3, «"l|| to campus. $85. 351-2354. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY, 1 251 Gunson Street, $240/per 3-4-4 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-2 Save on top quality handmade bikes. 645-2127. C-4-4-4 5^ ^ MSU block from campus, furnished, 2 month plus utilities. Available after 3tter b> 5 2 ) « ™» hoW • at bedroom 2 person apartment in until September. Call 371-4183. GIRL NEEDED to share room. GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of all kinds. in 100 Engineering Bl ^ 54-8 $69.25/month. Very close. No Buy, trade and sell. KENWOOD KT8005 Tuner, 3 sion, films and kites. just completed building. Available BEST year 'round prices in South¬ FREE. A lesson in complexion months old, warranty cards, list Wanted . . lease. 337-1811. 3-4-4 spring and summer. $200/month. ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN $389, $209. 353-1892. 3-4-3 care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan Anyone interested in.... 5 BEDROOM HOME, 1 V, baths, 6-7 pm Monday - Friday. 234 or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE fireplace, furnished, garage, large MALE OR female, room and SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. WANTED TO buy an outside ing their services for hanifa Center Street. 351-1177 or 351- 371-2244. 0-1-4-2 NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. 6088. 5-4-3 lawn, paved parking, near cam¬ board.$275 per term. Elsworth TV, BIKE, more for sale! Best storage box or to rent garage swimmers, please attend ti)i| offer! C-3-M unteer Information and Oi pus. 349-0293 for appointment. Co-op. 332-3574. 3-4-4 Moving. Call 337-2345, storage space. 355-1207. 3-4-2 TEAC 210 CASSETTE deck, Sony 351-4047. Ask for Mike. See 611 tion meeting at 7 tonight inl NOW LEASING efficiency apart¬ NEED INFORMATION pertaining ATTRACTIVE STR-7065 receiver, AR-2ax speak¬ Charles, and/or leave number. CASH paid for old Comic look Genessee Community Center! ments for 12 month lease HOUSEKEEPING to Professional Engineer State starting FURNISHED 5 bedroom house for rooms-full kitchen, bedroom, fur¬ ers, Metrotec equalizer. Pioneer 3-4-3 Fiction, lauboll Cordt 01 Weaving Room, 501 N. 8 fall term, 1 block to MSU. Exam. Tutoring fees offered. Call nished. $118 month to Septem¬ 202 reverb amp, 8-track car tape Bootlo Komi " Ave. 5 men. 5 blocks to MSU. 482-0379. 34-3 Furnished, $160/month. Just players - $15 - up. MUCH MORE HAMMOND C-3 with percussion. June 15-September 15. 332-4076 ber. 663-8418. 3-4-4 completed building. 6-7 pm GUARANTEED USED EQUIP¬ 1960 model. Excellent condition. Ail interested people sh [Pea* ftrs#rf](Jj[) after 1:30. 2-4-3 Monday - Friday. 234 Center FALL: MENT. WILCOX SECONDHAND Make me an offer. Call Bill, come to a Radio Drama reori Street. 351-1177 SINGLES or doubles. or 351-6088. STORE, 509 East Michigan, Lan¬ 489-4336 or 487-3558. 5-4-7 zation 5-4-3 MT. HOPE-share furnished 3 bed¬ Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, P. HAPPY 22nd, two great years- meeting at 8:30 tonighH room, males or couple, $66, TV, lounge, parking, very close. sing. 485-4391. C-4-30 and you're getting better all the 307 E. Grond Rlvor 332-0t II Student Services r' deposit, 372-6871. 3-4-4 $80 and up. 337-9452. 0-4-30 time. Love you, Pete. 14-2 John Nagy. HALSTEAD RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wants to rent house or duplex starting June RHA will meet [ Real ](«j Gibsons" SUMMER SINGLES no doubles. MANAGEMENT FEMALE NEEDED in house. Own large bedroom. Close. $75, plus Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, FREE years. MALE All shots. cock-a-poo. ~ " Estate 15. Call 332-5442 before 3 7. 34-4 or after Yakeley Hall invited to attend. at 6:30. All I utilities. 351-0763. 3-4-4 TV, lounge, parking, very close. after 3. 1-4-2 EAST LANSING: CGIencarin - COMPANY $65/and up "V37-9452. 0-4-30 Central, 603 Sunset Lane. Bripht Reserve your apartment EAST SIDE-2 girls to share house. Own rooms. $60 plus utilities. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, BOOKSALE REGISTERED APPALOOSA geld¬ ing, 6 years. Chestnut grey, has rooms, three bedrooms, living room, dining room, den with Share FROM EAST Orivinjjfft] L 0ri,inl FROM FLINT to NOW while they last. 482-1026. 4-4-7 South near Michigan Avenue. Loads of paper been shown. Bambi, 355-2082. fireplace, oak floors and wood¬ Lansing to Ypsi-Ann Lansing. I Arbor area. 7 a.m., Studios $130. One Quiet for student. $65/month plus BL-14-2 work. Frame house, built in 1921, Leaving 6:45 a.m., returning 5 p.m ROOM, $75 or less per month, deposit. Phone 627-5454. x-7-4-4 and hardbacks on corner lot. Walk to schools, returning 5 p.m. Phone 351-2474 Lansing 882-2551 evenings,! bedroom $140 and two Flint Haslett-Hagadorn area, unfur¬ Text and IRISH SETTERS, AKC. Good library, downtown. $29,500. evenings. 3-4-4 1-313-732-7819 \ bedrooms $150 and up. blood line. Only $50. Two left. Show by appointment, by owner, nished, 351-7843. 2-4-3 Reference 351-3581. 5-4-7 351-3562. 444 351-7910 FURNISHED, 5 bedroom, parking, OKEMOS 6 girls, 2 blocks to campus. GIRL'S SINGLE room, 3 blocks We buy books anytime WANTED: PERSONS to share - HIAWATHA Park. By ABBOTT Call 332-5731. 3-4-4 from Union. Phone 351-5076. 128W.Grand River horse expenses. Privileges of owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on ROAD - Large one 5-4-3 ownership without capital outlay. 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2 % baths, bedroom, air conditioned, luxury Ibl.W. of Union 3 BEDROOM Experienced riders only. 349-4318. 2 fireplaces. Selling at appraised apartments. Dishwashers self - RANCH, range and SINGLES, $60-$80, furnished. In¬ V MthruFri. f 544 value. 349-4268, for appointment. refrigerator, $270 plus utilities, cleaning ranges, refrigerators. Excellent location and parking. 1639 Ann Street, East Lansing. cludes utilities. Parking. Laundry \ 9:00 - 5:30 [ 10-4-9 [ Mobile Homes ][w) and kitchen facilities. Close to Students welcome. $200 - $225 Available now. 332-5551. 3-4-4 per month. DABCON ENTER¬ PRISES. 371-4158. 5-4-4 FEMALE TO share house. East campus. 332-6990. 4-44 NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with $50 Empire cartridge. 351-6599. 104-10 $150. ATTENTION STUDENTS: Living [ Recreation ][f£|| JOIN BOWER CO-OP. 127 White- in 8' or 10' wide mobile homes. EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to Lansing. '/4 block from bus line. hills - Openings now! Call London, Amsterdam from $289. Call 351-7044 after 6 p.m. 3-4-4 AR3as SPEAKERS. One month We have space available for you, 1 WOMAN NEEDED to sublet a- 351-4490« and ask for Eugene or TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- mile MSU on bus route at Mobile partment spring term. Near Malcolm. 4-44 old, $600 new, $400! Full warranty 8800. C-4-44 THREE QUIET serious students Home Manor. 332-2437. 5-4-8 Campus. Pool. Lesley, 332-6521. 332-5039, Mark. 5-4-7 3-4-2 needed as roommates in four MALE, TWO rooms, free parking, AVAILABLE SOON, mobile home PARACHUTING LESSONS every bedroom house to live with ec¬ ADVENT LARGE close, paid through April 15. speakers, for rent, $165/month and up. afternoon and weekends. Details GIRL WANTED. term Subl^'spri^g Waters Edge Apartments. centric snarly medical student. $45 each plus utilities. 487-1508. 351-0943. 3-4-3 STR6050 Sony receiver, excellent sound. Call M/irk Moran, 332-3581 Deposit required, utilities extra. 1 351-0799. Jump area 543-6731. mile from MSU on bus route. 3-4-4 Rent negotiable. Close. 351-4954. 3-4-4 3-4-3 ROOM IN spacious east side 332-2437. 5-4-8 [^Service ]\A^ 4-4-4 house, full privileges, rent ne¬ 3 OPENINGS AT LUDWIG DRUM set, cases, really NEED MALE roommate for 3 man, Bogue Street gotiable. 487-8755. 34-3 Co-op for spring good condition, best offer, 351- EAST LANSING, mobile home. $75, Immediate 731 Apartments, - recently re¬ FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo modeled - call 351-8660 207 MALE ONLY. In home with father 5017. 54-7 1-2 people. $110/month. All pool, call 351-4083 after 4 pm. - utilities. 355-4841. 5-4-2 Equipment see the STEREO 4-4-2 Bogue Street (across from and three sons. Near Bogue. SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. campus.) 4-4-2 351-8800. C-24-2 RALEIGH 28" Super Course, 10 C-4-30 speed, 1 year old, $150. Phone 1973 NEW MOON, 12x60 Perfect ONE GIRL needed for four woman SPRING: FURNISHED double 694-8821. 5-4-7 extras; like fireplace, skirting, Two blocks from campus. $80.50 NORTHEAST LANSING - 2 bed¬ PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, room. $106. Free utilities, T.O.P. $98 plus $400. 625-3803. finest quality, monthly. June free. 332-8525 room brick, unfurnished, garage. resonably priced. Married couple, no children/pets. laundry, parking. Close. Bob, 4-4-4 BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. $145. 663-4345,482-8667. 5-4-3 337-9927. 3-4-3 482-5712. C-4-30 GIRL NEEDED, 1972 NEW MOON, 12x60. Take spring. Cedar MEN- Village, $70 per month. Call THREE BEDROOM CLEAN, quiet rooms, over payments, partially furnished. EXPERIENCED duplex. BABYSITTING 332-3996. 5-4-3 Whole place or own room for one. cooking, close to MSU. Phone Two bedrooms, 694-8918. 44-4 351-8563 anytime from noon to midnight. Furnished. 351-3227. 5-4-3 or 485-8836. 20-4-22 My home or yours. 349-3353. FEMALE, OWN room, furnished, SHARE CLEAN MUST SELL! 8x42, furnished. 3-4-4 roomy coed quiet, spacious, close campus, $80 SPRING, MALE for liberal, quiet house. $80/month plus deposit. Needs minor repairs. $700 or best plus utilities. 351-3852. 3-4-2 house. Own room, shower. "55. 54-2 cottage opportunity. After 9, EDITING, PROOFREADING, ex¬ $180/term, includes everythingl HI-FI EQUIPMENT. 393-6743. 3-4-3 perienced. NOW LEASING for fall Thorens Dissertations, theses, - Colonial 482-8370. 3-4-3 TWO OR three rooms available in TD160C turntable, 2 AR-5 Liook and article manuscripts. Arms, 126 Orchard, 2,3, and 4 man friendly east side house. Remo¬ speakers, 2 Fisher XP7b speakers. 1970 12x60 AMERICAN, 3 bed¬ Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 4-4-3 apartments. Call 337-1800. 5-4-2 OWN ROOM in nicely furnished deled, furnished, $45 plus utilities. Pioneer QA800 quad amp with 20 room, 154 baths, furnished with house in Lansing. Female pre¬ 489-5105. 5-4-4 WRMS/channel. See Tom, 348 utility shed, fenced patio, many SOUND REINFORCEMENT SUBLEASE NEAR Meridian Mall. extras. 20 minutes from MSU. sys¬ ferred, must be neat, low rent. Oakhill, H14. 34-3 tems for rent; specials for coffee¬ Lots of luxury. $180. Dennis: 487-9384. 3-4-3 WALKING DISTANCE TO MSU. Approximately $4,800. Phone houses, groups. SOUND DIM¬ 349-2541. 351-0176. 3-4-4 Furnished rooms starting at $80. GRETSCH CHET Atkins, nashville 694-8821. 54-7 ENSION, 485-3583. 3-4-4 SPRING, SUMMER. Roomsavail- Includes utilities. EQUITY VEST, model electric guitar, case and 1 OR 2 girls, $60/month, Campus able for women in Sorority house. INC. 351-8150. 0-224-30 cord. $250. Call 355-6150. 5-4-2 CEDAR Hill, pool, 349-1957, 339-9358. Extremely close. 332-8835. 3-4-3 5-4-4 PRIVATE ROOM, phone, board, COMBINATION AM FM radio - - AVAILABLE APRIL 1st. 4 bed¬ parking. Close to campus, $390 stereo - bar. Must see! 1964 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 room, 3 horse barn, pastures, 5 for term. Call 332-5035. 5-4-4 Chevy impala. Reasonable. GREENS acres near girl, Cedar Village, we'll give you a campus. 349-1746, ask Unusual leather chair with end good deal! 337-0149 or 332-5920 for Doug. 3-4-2 ROOM - BOARD in sorority house tables attached. 482-7160 after 5 3-4-2 spring term. Close to campus. p.m. 5-4-4 MATURE PERSON. Own room, Nina, 337-9743. 5-44 now LEASinO FOR SUmmER and FALL five blocks from campus. $70/ HOLT, COMPLETELY carpeted, 2 month. Call 351-4869. 5-4-4 PARAGON, TELEFOTO and wide SPECIAL SUmmER RATES bedroom, year old duplex, $160 ROOM IN house, close campus. angle lens fit. Never been used. plus electrical. Call 484-5413. Kitchen, laundry, parking privi¬ $45. 332-1890.34-2 start at Hanging baskets filled 5-4-4 WOMAN WANTED to share 5 with living green are very in leges. Low rent. 332-1918. 3-4-2 with bedroom home. $50.75/month. today's home decorators. Another in thing .. $140 00 HASSELBLAD 500C. Excellent •FURNISHED APARTMENTS ONE GIRL needed. Cedar Village. $49 deposit. Call 351-1686. 3-4-2 MEN, CLOSE, large double room, •2 MAN UNITS yesterday, today and tomorrow is the one which condition. . . Many accessories. . Immediate occupancy. $70 a puts added green in your billfold! It's the Classified parking, no cooking, $55 each •ONE BEDROOM UNITS month. Parking space. 351-8327. NEAT MALE roommate, own Asking $700. Call 355-3873, after 7 ads in this newspaper. If person, 351-5481. 54-7 ■ AIR CONDITIONING you have household furni- 3-4-2 furnished room. $73 plus utilities. pm. 5-4-3 ture or •SWIMMING POOL ippliances which you no longer need or use, 546-7027 after 6 p.m. 5-4-4 ROOM IN 4 room house, 1 block offer them for sale with a low-cost ad by calling us ichulz from campus. Call Mike, 337-0823 10 SPEED, 21" Batavus Mixte. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES today. You'll find someone else is SHARE DUPLEX with two wo¬ 34-3 Also girl's 3-speed. 337-9516. what you have for sale. looking for just 34-2 WATERS EDGE Need one female men. Kitchen privileges, close/ for rental to sublease immediately. Call campus! 5-4-4 132% Beat, 351-0176. | For Sale |[^| information 332-1395. 3-4-3 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, near cam¬ QUALITY STEREO EQUIPMENT. Kenwood 5200 receiver, $250. LARGE SELECTION of frames, glasses for everyone - OPTICAL DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, 351-8631 STATE NEWS [ Houses £ pus, own room. $70 plus utilities. JVC - VL5 turntable with $65 Lansing. 372-7409. C-4-44 PALACIAL THREE house, enormous garage, yard, bedroom Call 351-2777. 10-4-11 2 WOMEN, OWN rooms, large cartridge, $125. Pioneer CS-99A speaker system, $350. IASI Model AM/FM PANASONIC stereo sys¬ T135 Michigan Are. Right not to the Classified Ads 8 track. 2 years old, 355-8255 tem with porch, pets, bus. $200. 484-0459.' house, near LCC, $47 plus utilities. #80 speaker system $125. Com¬ E. Lansing, ML Brody Complex plete system, $750 firm. 393-6672. good condition, very reasonable, 5-4-7 489-2859. 3-4-2 544 phone after 6: 355-8672. 5-4-8 Con coll >ob Hall or Tom at Ml -Mil I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 2, 1975 1 5 CHICK COREA THE SMALL SOCIETY April 1st and 3rd by Brickman Sponsored by: TODAY'S PROGRAMS ■ Video Everyday All Rights Reserved - - Dickinson Newspaper Services' 6 WJIM-TV, Laming 7 WXYZ-TV, Detroit 25 WEYI-TV, Saginaw ONLYC\\Af2siN6- |2£A£9NA0LV 8 WOTV. Grand Rapidt 12 WJRT TV, Flint 13 WZZM-TV, Kalamazoo 41 WUHQ TV, Battle Crack 60 TMBIza's A topay- 9 CKIW-TV, Windsor WKBDTV, Detroit 23 WKAR TV. East Lansing £l<& 6ALE onatt^E (23) Consumer Experience 7:30 SUPe£- ■dnesdji- (25) Dinah (2) Truth Or Consequences (13) "The Big Gamble" Stephen 5:45 AM (50) The Lucy Show (3) Wild World Of Animals Boyd, Juliette Greco. (1961) AWteT- In Of M. Presents 12:55 (4) Masquerade Party Three people seek their fortune ,u (5-8-10) News 6:00 (5) Wild Kingdom on the Ivory Coast. ■ Operation Second Chance 1:00 (6) Dealer's Choice ■ cartoons (2) Love Of Life (7) Name That Tune 1:00 PM (3) Guiding Light (8) Let's Make A Deal (9) "A Dandy In Aspic" Laurence -OCtJ (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (9) Room 222 Harvey, Mia Farrow. (1968) Spy (6) Martha Dixon (13) To Tell The Truth drama. ■Message For Today (7-12-13-41) Tl $10,000 (23) Behind The Lines I Farm & Home Show Pyramid (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show (50) "The FBI Story" (PT.2) (9-50) Movies 8:00 James Stewart, Nick Adams. I Town& Country Almanac (23) Solar Energy (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando & Dawn (1959) History of the FBI, told Sponsored by: 1:25 (4-5-8-10) Little House On The through the eyes of one agent and CAMPUS CLATTER I TV College (2) News Prairie his family. 30 1:30 (7-12-1341) That s My Mama by Larry Lewis ft) Sunrise Semester (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (9) Excuse My French 4:00 Sweatshirts $2.95 ■ Not For Women Only (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (23) Theatre In America (5) "Woman Of Straw" Gina ■ Classroom (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown 8:30 Lollobrigida, Sean Connery. I DON'T EVEN |U, Of M. Presents (23) Acupuncture (7-12-1341) Wednesday Movie Of (1964) Eccentric millionaire is EXPECT TO BE I Uncle Bobby Show 2:00 The Week found murdered and police (2) The Guiding Light AN 'MTRAMURAL ■) Operation Second Chance (9) Stompin' Tom suspect his widow. I) NewsS Farm Report (3-6-25) New Price Is Right 9:00 champ, B) Farm Show (4-5-8-10) Another World (2-3-6-25) Cannon 4:30 E Various Programing (7-13-41) General Hospital (4) A Flower Out Of Place (7) "Search" Hugh O'Brian, Elke V 6:45 (12) Money Maze (5-8) Petrocelli Sommer. (1972) ■ Morning Edition (23) Lilias, Yoga 81 You (9N) News Nine 2:30 (10) Lucas Tanner ■ " Graham Kerr Show (2) Search For Tomorrow 9:30 7:00 (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (9) Judy Garland 13-6-25) News (7-13-41) One Life To Live 10:00 8:30 ■5-B-10) Today Show (12) Lucy (2) Dionne Warwick Show (7-12-1341) "Dead Man On The 141) AM America (23) Human Relations & (3-6-25) Manhunter Run" Peter Graves, Katherine ■ Bozo's Big Top Motivation (4-5-8) Movin On Justice. Special agent is found ft) Speed Racer 3:00 (7-1341) Baretta murdered. K Spirit Of '76 (2) Young 81 Restless (10) Petrocelli I 7:05 (3-6-25) Tattletales (12) Rabin-Action Biography 11:30 ft) Cartoon Capers (4) Somerset (23) News (2-3-6-25) "Corky" Robert Blake, SHORT RIBS 7:30 (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (50) Dinah! Charlotte. Rampling. (1971) Auto ft) Cartoon Carnival (7-13-41) The Money Maze 10:30 mechanic yearns for the big time of the Grand National Stock Car by Frank Hill I) Bozo's Big Top (8) Mike Douglas (9) Ceilidh I 8:00 (12) General Hospital (23) Perspectives In Black Competition. ■3 6-25) Captain Kangaroo (23) Sesame Street 11:00 1 Ontario Schools 3:30 (2-34-5-6-7-8-9- (50) "Lady With A Passport" ft) Sesame Street (2) Match Game 10-12-13-25) News Hedy Lamarr, John Hodiak. ft) AM America (3-25) Joker's Wild (41) The Protectors (1950) Immigration agent breaks up gang smuggling aliens in U.S. |) Mr. Rogers'Neighborhood (4) How To Survive A Marriage 11:20 without passports. (5) Gilligan's Island (9) Nightbeat ■ Weather Report (6) Guiding Light 11:30 (7) Password 12:00 MIDNIGHT (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie (9) "The Wrong Box" John Mills, (9) Gomer Pyle (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show Michael Caine. (1966) Relatives (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (7-12-1341) Wide World Of plan to destroy one another for |Mon Ami (12) One Life To Live Entertainment 1 9:00 an inheritance. (13) All My Children 16) Joker's Wild (50) Movie I Channel 3 Clubhouse 12:00 MIDNIGHT 1:30 AM I Concentration (41) Batman (9) Film Festival (2) "Ballad Of A Gunfighter" 18) Celebrity Sweepstakes (50) Banana Splits 1:00 AM Marty Robbins, Joyce Redd. 'OP 4:00 (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (1963) Two outlaws are attracted DOONESBURY ■13) Movies 1 Friendly Giant n-12) Mike Douglas (2) Tattletales (3) Gambit (7-12-13) News (50) Religious Message to the same girl. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: i|lijt fa) Sesame Street (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes 1:30 Mario Muldour TOMORROW NITE 8 p.m. 15) Tattletales (5) Studio 5 (2) Late Movie TICKETS NOW ON SALE |1) Morning Playback . (6) The Attic ,,, Religious Me _ (7) The Brady Bunch !) National Anthem k 9:15 Ontario Schools (8) Gilligan's Island 2:00 WEDNESDAY 9:27 (9) Petticoat Junction (4-10) News BAR BQ SPECIAL 3:00 NATE, JM HOSTING A J'U HAVE ■)) Religious Message (10) New Zoo Revue BIRAOALPAJAMAfMr/ TO CHECK fr-rr (12) Merv Griffin (2) Operation Second Chance V4 CHICKEN $2.35 , ■6) Gambit 1 Morning Accent 9:30 (5-8) Wheel Of Fortune ft) The Valley Today (13) Mickey Mouse Club (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (25) Yogi 8> Friends (41) Daktari (2) News 3:30 3:35 (2) Message For Today RIBS CHICKEN & RIBS$3.35 $2.75 ! " ^ « fT"' TOMORROWMHZ AND WE'RE ASKING 50MB OF W OLDER KIDS' ^ WANNA COMB 7 if MVEN6A6E- MENT BOOK — 1 OKAY, lUm WDOU1N :« /P #■1 Ay INCLUDES: ASAMAm. (50) Three Stooges ft) Jack LaLanne 4:30 FRENCH FRIES 9:55 (2) Mike Douglas Show SALAD BAR ■ Here's Carol Duvall MOVIES 10:00 (3) Merv Griffin Show (4) George Pierrot Presents PITCHER NITE ■3-6-25) Now You See It (6) That Girt reduced pitcher prices ■5-8-10) High Rollers ■) Lilias, Yoga & You (7) 4.30 Movie WednesdayJVjri!_2iJ97_5_ in bar and restaurant. B) Romper Room (8) Partridge Family ft) Detroit Today (9) Andy Griffith 9:00 AM I ■ Price Is Right 10:30 16-25) Love Of Life (10) Gilligan's Island (13) I Love Lucy (23) Villa Alegre (7) "Little Women"(PT.2) June Allyson, Peter Lawford. (1949) Story about four girls in Concord Lizards THE DROPOUTS (25) Munsters 81 Friends |5-8-10) Hollywood Squares (50) Little Rascals at the time of the Civil War. by Post I Detroit With Dennis Wholey | Mr. Dressup EVENING 1-13) The Brady Bunch 5:00 PM p Villa Alegre (6-8) Ironside Tl) New Zoo Revue (9) Mickey Mouse Club f) Not For Women Only (10) Truth Or Consequences (13) That Girl J. ■ Midday News 10:55 (23) Romantic Rebellion (25) I Love Lucy In, 11:00 I Phil Donahue Show (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. lfi-25) The Young And The (50) The Flintstones VVedneita^ AjriL2^97J_ witnessed a murder. Jstless 5:30 J5-10) Jackpot (4) Bowling For Dollars 8:00 PM (NBC) Petrocelli I Buck Matthews (7) Hot Dog "A Night Of Terror" Guest Star 1 Take 30 (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn (9) Partridge Family Lois Nettleton. After being (10) Beverly Hillbillies ft;134l) Password All Stan ■) Nova (12-13) News (NBC) Little House On The knocked unconscious during a fight with her boyfriend, a Prairie V New Zoo Revue (23) Zoom woman awakens to find that he (25) Hogan's Heroes "Mr. Edwards's Homecoming" T 11:30 When Pa again meets his former has been slain with the gun she (50) Gilligan's Island PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Jt in o?arctl F°r Tomorrow ■5.101) Blank Check 5:55 Kansas neighbor Ma tries to marry was holding in her hand. the man off to a widowed ■12-13-41) Split Second (41) Early News 10:00 by Bill Yates ■ Concentration 6:00 (CBS) The Manhunter ■ffily Court (2-34-5-6-7-8- "Jackknife" Dave Barrett is hired (ABC) That's My Mama ■» Bugs Bunny 10-12-13-2541) News to trap a group of truck hijackers. (9) Bewitched "Clifton's Big Move" Clifton gets PHlU^oPHV H/V? lOO&Q T. H:55 talked into moving out of his J5-6-10) News (23) Perspectives In Black home and into a bachelor (NBC) Movin' On w&5 wf/^9 to fffjp onthf couch? ■ Here's Carol Duvall (50) Star Trek "The Price Of Loving" Anne apartment with an old army T umnoon 6:30 buddy. Francis guest stars as the l5,6'8-13) News A Accent (34-5-6-7-10-25) News (9) I Dream Of Jeannie unsuspecting wife of a bigamist 8:30 truck driver. ■What'sMy Line? (12) 6:30 Movie (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The (13) Beverly Hillbillies Week (ABC) Baretta ■ r>n ■if op'nJ Gourmet (23) Book Beat "Dead Man On The Run" Peter "The Mansion" Tony Baretta ■ Wheel Of Fortune (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive impersonates a nightclub emcee in ■ People 7:00 Graves, Katherine Justice. The murder of a special agent ordered to investigate the slaying ■' Underdog (24-7-8) News of an undercover policewoman. uncovers a plot to cover up a ft,, ■ Almanac12:20 PM (3) What's My Line? political assassination. (5) I Dream Of Jeannie 11:30 lei. 12:30 (6) Bewitched 8:57 (NBC) The Tonight Show JJtAsTheWoHd Turns (9) Beverly Hillbillies (10) Mod Squad (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes 9:00 Johnny Carson is host. ■rriage H°W T° Surviv# A (13) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) Cannon (ABC) Wide World Special "The Dick Cavett Show" (PT.1) Sponsored by: TKESTASLSS (23) Feeling Good "Search And Destroy" Cannon's of the interview with Katharine FRANK & ERNEST 351-1200 (25) The F.B.I. search for a troubled teenager (41) Other People. Other Places now appearing _ (50) Hockey reveals wbv te m away-she had Hepburn. by Bob Thaves Mirabai _ ianuts Ichilz frank £ ernes! hello To the caremoRn little ladv in curler* I COME HERE UiHEN IMNT TO REAP OR BE ALONE... AUCTIONEER| wearing a bright red THIS BARN USEP TO HAVE housecoat and EI6HT HORSES IN IT. Sitting on a will- MORN 6RAYl*H-BLt#E Sot* IN THE REAR Of the living Room I..... WHAT'* FOR DINNER, *OH? 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Student sues Connecticut university (continued from ptge 1) Stieber said of the Ianniello decide competency, nor do I see the refined intellectual capa¬ the professor will have to prove cautioned, however, that a jury office of the ombudsman. case that the issue is really one how competency can be legis¬ he taught something, Zolton must be careful to follow the bilities of an instructor, who Carolyn Stieber, MSU om- of the instructor's competency lated." Ferency, assistant professor of correct rationale while deciding might be a genius. However, budswoman, believes that an or lack of it. Stieber pointed out that in¬ criminal justice, believes that the case. education is subjective, institution should be account¬ "While incompetency of the competency abstract and unconscious - occurs frequently the burden of proof remains able for the services it per¬ faculty is a common complaint, because the tenure system is where it always does — on the Unlike criminal cases, where factors that must be considered forms. However, she questions the ultimate authority of the I don't know that there is against incompetency," a law she conducive to allowing some deadwood to remain in teaching person bringing the suit. "You a person must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, in a he said. Ferency said that it is entire¬ CIGARETTES can try anything once," Fer¬ courts to resolve accountabil¬ said. "I don't think the courts positions. ency said regarding the novelty civil suit a decision is based on a ly possible to attend a class in a have the moral authority to highly nebulous area, like 2 PK. ity. Despite Ianniello's claim that of evidence. of the Ianniello case. He preponderance This means that in order for Ianniello to win her suit, the advanced like you philosophy, and feel learned nothing. In /79 majority of the evidence pre¬ reality, he said, the student just Rising sexual assaults on campuses cause concern sented in court must substan¬ tiate her claim that the pro¬ fessor taught nothing. does not realize that learning has occurred. Often, this kind of realisation comes much later. 10% OFF ON ALLKODAKFI (continued from page 1) town and gown, they suggest, Students easily be cornered Ferency also questions the But, Ferency added, whether has been escalated to a can rooms and classroom buildings validity of the "I didn't learn or not a university could con¬ PROCESSING & DEVELOPS new studying alone or walking home all served as setting for rape on the feeling is very strong that degree. alone at night — returning from anything" argument. In some vince 12 people on a jury to college campuses. students are being victimized the library or evening classes rare instances, it is possible accept this broad, liberal view and traveling on deserted, that a class could not appreciate remains to be seen. by invaders from communities Women's groups explain that bordering the school. The college campuses are natural unlighted paths. Last year, also, parking lots, legendary conflict between havens for sexual attackers. libraries, dormitories, bath¬ HAPPINESS is... STEREO LP Daley wins bid SPECIAL! for sixth term CHICAGO VIII By Associated Press Attention Psych Majors Mayor Richard J. easily brushed aside challengers Tuesday to win Daley token who was running as an independent, had 8,548 votes while Schoellkopf trailed with An election for the MSU undergrad Psych Club Officers also YES 3.7 reelection to an unprecedented 5,216. sixth term as mayor of Prof. Stollackfrom the Clinical Psych Dept will speak on the YESTERDAYS Chicago. And with ten of 66 Madison precincts reported, Soglin held Rolo of the Psychologist Meanwhile, P&ul Soglin, the a lead of 3,445 to 2,393 over 29-yearold mayor of Madison, as Educator. former Mayor Wis., took an early lead in his race for re-election, and Mayor who argued Harry Reynolds, that city Wod. 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