Snow forces 2nd MS By JEFF MERRELL Dr. James Feurig, director of the State News Staff Writer University Health Center, said no injuries A near-record April snowstorn that or accidents on campus were caused by the buried the area under more than a foot of storm. snow brought activity at MSU and "Up until this moment, everything has surrounding cities to a sudden standstill been calm and collected," Dr. Feurig said. Thursday. Public Safety also said that the storm Jack Breslin, MSU executive vice presi¬ caused no major problems, aside from a few dent, shut down the University early large, student-made snowballs that were Thursday morning for the second time in rolled onto campus streets. MSU's history, after 12.8 inches of snow The most drastic affects of the storm smothered the Lansing metropolitan area. occurred below a line running from Gaylord A National Weather Service forecast for to Traverse City, where it scattered a foot Friday calls for partly sunny skies and of snow around the Lower Peninsula. temperatures reaching a high of about 40 And winds reaching a high of 36 m.p.h. degrees. piled that snow into six-foot drifts in some The snowfall that began at 6 a.m. Wed¬ (continued on page 9) nesday and continued until 9 a.m. Thursday accumulated to a point just a few inches short of the 17-inch record for 24 hour Ford calls a period set in April of 1970. Several heart attacks and lacerations in the immediate area were blamed on the snowstorm, as residents tried to dig their way ways. out of snowbound homes and drive¬ S. Vietnam's Across the state, businesses closed, or worked undermanned; state government employes stayed home; hospital employes worked extended shifts; Central and losses tragic Western Michigan cancelled classes; auto plants shut down; highways were un¬ SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP) - The occupied, and stranded motorists near Flint deteriorating situation in Indochina is "a were rescued by the National Guard. great tragedy . . . that could have been At least one death has also been avoided," President Ford said Thursday. attributed to the storm, as a Saginaw But "at the moment I do not anticipate the . SN photo/Charlie Kidd County Sheriffs deputy suffered a fatal fall of South Vietnam." Age was no factor in the battle against snow. Young and old alike wielded shovels to get rid of the heavier than usual April showers. heart attack while trying to free a snow- Speaking of his "frustration" over limits trapped ambulance. holding back his freedom of action, Ford At MSU, the grounds crew hopes to have nevertheless said "I am an optimist." the campus running normally by today, as Ford spent the largest share of a 40 - hieu's government ups security crew members have been slowly eating away at the piles of snow. "Some of our people have been working since 7 o'clock Wednesday night," said minute nationally broadcast news confer¬ ence dealing with South Vietnam and Cambodia. While describing himself as an optimist, he constantly talked of the events Gilbert Lloyd, asst. superintendent of the there as a tragedy. grounds maintenance crew. The President also talked about: is Communist-led troops close in "Some patience is about all we can ask •Campaigning for those Republican con¬ for," he said. gressional candidates who support his Lloyd also said the decision to cancel all program. No timetable has been set for activities on the campus was made at 5 a.m. planning his own election campaign. UGON, South'Vietnam (AP) Calls Saigon Archbishop Nguyen Van Binh. ourselves and support our Thursday, after Breslin conferred with •The responsibility for crime fighting is — allies as surely as Father Thanh, who has repeatedly called the quick overthrow of President Thieu, a Catholic himself, up until six members of the grounds crew and public essentially local, but his Administration will we always have." for Thieu's ouster in recent months, claimed yen Van Thieu swept Saigon on months ago, had counted on the two million safety head, Richard Bernitt. do all it can 'to maximize our efforts." •Saigon's representatives at the United a group of generals met earlier Thursday rsday as his government issued Catholics in South Vietnam fop his only Nations said the American people had and have decided to "dethrone" Thieu. He Breslin said his decision was based on the •There is no evidence to dispute the t to-kill orders to maintain security in substantial popular support. closed their eyes, ears and consciences to Warren Commission finding that the said the report came from "an officer ground crew's inability to clear the roads capital and 50,000 Communist-led Volunteer agencies trying to airlift the plight of South Vietnam, but appealed friend." There was no independent verifi¬ and parking lots, due to a lack of crew assassination of President John F. Kennedy ps massed only 45 to 55 miles away, Vietnamese orphans to the United States to them not to close their hearts to the cation of his claim. members, most of who were stranded was not the work of a conspiracy. e Viet Cong said they had taken the from South Vietnam, now three-quarters "human tragedy." The priest made the statements during themselves. •The world situation is not as bleak as ict town of Chon Thanh, 45 miles north controlled by the North Vietnamese and •Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., in a some critics say and solutions will be found an anti-Thieu rally held in the courtyard of a The only other time MSU cancelled ?on, after weeks of heavy siege, and Viet Cong, appealed to the U.S. govern¬ television appearance in Washington, called suburban church which was the frequent classes because of weather was on Jan. 27, for problems concerning Portugal, NATO, radio said action had been taken to ment for an airlift of jumbo jets. "I don't for a temporary cease-fire to provide relief site of similar rallies last fall. About 2,000 1967, after a 24-inch snowfall. Cyprus and the Middle East. ish diehard commanders" in Tuy Hoa, want my babies to die," one Vietnamese for thousands of refugees and urged followers attended the rally which was one Aside from the absence of activity on Speaking of the congressional moves over apital of coastal Phu Yen Province that mother wailed. President Ford to send an envoy to try to of six held at Catholic churches in the area the past three years limiting the use of campus, no major problems or accidents Wednesday. No details of the "punish- In other Indochina developments: negotiate a new truce. to generate public support for his position. were reported. (continued on page 16) were given, but the broadcast •President Ford said in San Diego, Calif., • Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., urged Ford to .ated some aspects of the takeover of- that despite serious and dramatic setbacks use the U.S. 7th Fleet for immediate Hoa were bloody. in Vietnam, "No allies or time-tested friends evacuation of Vietnam refugees and asked ills for an anti-Thieu the first open attack on the coup coincided of the United States should worry or fear that emergency medical teams be dis¬ TRUSTEES TO SEE RESULTS president that our commitments to them will not be patched from Hawaii. he country's ranking Roman Catholic, honored ... We stand ready to defend •Field reports said Cambodian government troops pushed back a new rebel bulge on Phnom Penh's northwest defense perimeter about eight miles from the center of the capital, and a government official claimed RHA plans boycott vote Adoption offers high that thousands of soldiers and civilians previously feared lost were still holding out near fallen Neak Luong, 32 miles southeast of Phnom Penh. By PETE DALY State News Staff Writer A vote on the UFW lettuce boycott at students will have on. an opportunity to vote Sandy Koltonow, RHA president, said ended in a 44 tie. The second vote defeated 5-3 a motion for the vote may be held within 10 days. MSU is being planned for residence hall a University-wide referendum that could In Saigon, a militant Roman Catholic "We hope to get it out and have the or S. Viet have also banned Teamster lettuce orphans on priest, the Rev. Thanh, called on his students, with the results to be taken to the results before the next board meeting," he followers to "close ranks with the army" board of trustees' April 18 meeting. campus. The trustees said this motion was said. voted down because it was logically and overthrow Thieu in the next two or The Residence Hall Assn., (RHA), de¬ The board of trustees voted three times inconsistent and badly written. three days. He claimed Saigon will fall to cided Wednesday to hold the referendum. on the boycott at their While thousands of Americans have regular meeting |FW " NeW YORK Y°rk Time8 American and SUtC NCWS responded to appeals for donations to buy the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong within An RHA committee is expected to submit March 21 and defeated any sort of a boycott The third vote tied again on a proposal to have a referendum with each residence hall — couples have three weeks if Thieu remains in power, and for approval next Wednesday the wording swamping telephone lines of key . „ r food, medicine and other supplies to send to each time. Their first vote, on a proposal to to decide its own policy. The trustees at ption agencies in the United States, if that happens, "we shall all surely die." of the referendum that over 17,000 MSU end the purchase of Teamster lettuce, orphanages in South Vietnam, others that time emphasized that they would have mg officials to speed delivery of South continue to make specific requests for followed the results of a student referen¬ tnamese orphans while time remains •re orphans — usually for healthy infants, dum. attacks by North Vietnamese close evacuation troops preferably female. This worries some MSU's current purchasing policy does not efforts. adoption workers who for years have tried discriminate between Teamster and UFW >th each news account of refugees unsuccessfully to find homes for children lettuce. The University, which buys ap¬ inB from threatened who are older, who are half-black, who are a South proximately $85,000 worth of lettuce an¬ •namesc city or province, the number of physically handicapped or deformed or who nually, does not purchase nonunion lettuce, ericans seeking children has increased, have been retarded because of malnutrition except for Michigan lettuce when it is in Je°stsca"ers to have offered to pay whatever or other war-related afflictions. season. Most of the lettuce purchased is get a child. Others have Many of the more than 600 orphans cared Teamster-picked, MSU officials said. ?ested smuggling the children out of for by Rosemary Taylor, an Australian in Koltonow said the RHA referendum will be 'yietnam, afd J- and have applauded efforts Saigon, fall into these latter categories. worded so as to avoid any criticism that it is Daly, president of World Because of the current sense of urgency, illogical or poorly written. Va*s. » charter airline, to fly out as y some Americans have offered to take in any 'The first petition before the board was orPhans as possible, with or without child. But there are some misgivings about very simply worded," Koltonow said. 'This approval of governments involved. flying to the United States large numbers of one will be more to the effect that students pVe?-u ,seems just frantic to get orphans for whom no parents have been will be aware of the consequences of their Hal ! said Bonnie Berardi, an found, screened and approved — a vote. They will know whether or not ^you'der, of Friends for All Children, an time-consuming, red-tape-filled process. lettuce will be available, depending on how ■ Colo., that specializes in Some relief workers fear that prospective they vote." 2,s-American parents for Vietnamese parents, especially those who have waited Koltonow said he guesses the wording of until the last minute to get children, may the referendum will be a choice between J rs,many smay of some relief and adoption ca"ers have expressed more grow quickly disinterested when the crisis having lettuce or an alternative green. "i in South Vietnam has passed and they are "I think if the University offered students getting a child for themselves faced with the lifelong burden of raising a an alternative to lettuce, the resulting choice would encourage residence hall jren in general. „ ping, Thehomeless Vietnamese handicapped, relief workers also retarded or deformed orphan. 'If they just bring planeloads of children managers to stop purchasing it," he said. and land them somewhere in the Greens other than lettuce have already tedint ma"y ca"ers showing only _ over been experiemented with in the Shaw Hall of.? tin providing aid for possibly United States without planning, how r 0Usa"ds of children who require or they going to take care of them for wi cafeteria, he said. cJlr"g in lter and protection from the while homes are being found?" asked The referendum coming before all on- around Saiffnn "uuuoaigon. Richard Watson, Richard Wats( spokesman for World campus residents is a fairly unusual nam^ 'S ,a battle in Saigon, many Vision International, a Pasadena. Calif., phenomenon. The last major vote on an ed to S» f°reign relief workers have group that has run child-care programs in issue of more than local interest was in b in J y and care for children as they South Vietnam for the past 10 years. 1972, when students voted on a proposal N ,rrasthat have already fallen Gov. Milliken told President Ford urging the U.S. government to end its SN photo/Dale Atkins He th n 'etnamese hands. They Wednesday the State of Michigan will assist Six days on the road, 17 states, three dozen involvement in Vietnam. ird u"! jj0mmunists have no malice in the placement of refuge you step into one of these rigs on page 4 of "In the three years I have been a member >lies will SS °'1"(*ren and hope relief airlifted from South Vietnam, donuts and a truckload of cigaret butt-filled today's Counterpoint. of RHA, this is only the fourth referendum try"• DerhCa0nt'.nLUe l° baras & "In time of storm" H(pES Downtown — East Lansing p.ii Call 482-0754 for ... . '8 an »< ( 11VI I I, Wednesday night, carry- on the scene and made mean¬ Blooperball schedules will be for all those who attended the GREEN! Crew and High *he load despite a tremen- ingless a Saturday night Buck- available at 5 p.m. today and first meeting at 5:30 p.m. Sun¬ Bv sore left knee. The big Piston game in Detroit. competition is scheduled to day in 208 Men's Intramural Top Styles *1" . . . .*16S |r scored 26 points in a Milwaukee will wind up last begin Monday. Bldg. E win over the Midwest lion-leading Chicago Bulls. in the Midwest Division, while Detroit will go on to play The deadline for women's intramural racquetball ladder The deadline for softball en¬ Stock u tries has been extended until at Ee played our way in this tournament is 9 tonight. En¬ Spring! Seattle next Tuesday in the least noon today. a beaming and relieved tries should be turned in to 201 opening round of the playoffs. Bh Ray Scott of Detroit said, can't say we backed in." And whether night's or not Saturday game has any bearing Men's Intramural Bldg. Play will begin Monday. A corecreational floor hockey The deadline for entry in the men's intramural independent "» 4 ••••••' Campus Book Store on the home court advantage clinic will be held at 6 p.m. bowling league and single lad¬ der paddleball tournament is |SU Stickmen for the Detroit-Seattle series, Scott said "I don't think he Monday in 127 Women's Intra¬ mural Building. All team noon today. (Lanier) will play. I might give members, managers and offi¬ try again them all a rest. "The home court advantage cials must attend. Because of the Green Splash IsU's lacrosse team will try is important, but you've got to have somebody to play, too," Club's water show dress re¬ hearsals Monday and Tuesday, COLLEGE S Jake on the University of Scott said. swimming at the Women's In- iigan again today after an K! snowstorm postponed Inesday's scheduled SUMMER JOBS Our service working in conjunction with business and industry has compiled extensive listings of employers throughout the Midwest in all states and most major cities who are committed to provide summer employment for college students. Our listings also include State & Federal Agencies, Government Internship Programs, Private Resort & Camp Counseling Positions, etc. Whether you live in Michigan another state in the Midwest need or you our listings to help find the employers with you a job for you. For only $4.98 (includes cost of pamphlet, postage & handling charges) you will receive our pamphlet entitled SUMMER JOBS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. Super Value Send your name, address (Home or School) and $4.98, check P.M.A. or BOX A 3974 Chicago, Illinois 60690 ACT TODAY! W fining (gujto advertisement state NEWS The Grate r Keeps Up the Times The times they are a Some new wines are: changin'. And so is the Almaden, Mt. Red Bur¬ menu at the Grate Steak. gundy, Carafe Rose, and The Grate Steak now Mt. White Chablis. offers a reasonably priced Schlitz and Heineken luncheon menu, to go along beer remain as the house with a superb dinner specialties with Michelob entree, and some of the on tap. most unusual, although For dinner the Grate tempting desserts imagin¬ Steak offers a different able. special every night Open for lunch at 11 ranging from stuffed trout a.m., the Grate Steak now and shrimpcreole, to ten¬ offers an 8 oz. sirloin steak derloin kabob and beef inexpensively priced, fresh stroganoff. vegetables, meatballs, and All dinners come with a a fish of the day. The fish baked potato or fresh can range from Snapper, vegetables and soup. To and sole, to lobster. All complement the menu of lunches comeequippedwith course is the fine wine list. the salad bar. There are happy hours while strolling violinists in summer — with their new Last but not least in the leversible Slicke And speaking of the every night from 4-7 pm the dining room provide a "summer" drinks. unusual dessert list. Swt" t salad bar which during with all drinks at reduced seductive atmosphere. Oddities like frozen lovers can experiment with lunch costs $2.25, you can prices. With springtime here strawberr daiquaris. fill your plate to your The Grate Steak also has pepermint ribbon pie, and the snow still with us, Blue Hawaiians, Planter's stomach's desire with entertainment nightly. strawberry cheesecake, the Grate Punch, and Sangria let only still $ items such Steak you and carmel ice cream pie. as eggs, Jack Hamilton appears think tomatos, croutons, bacon manages to let you think summer. every Sun-Mon-Tuesday bits, homemade corn from 9:30-1:30 a.m. The relish, coleslaw, potato classical rock sound of Here's salad, cottage cheese — Starseed the east. Room an all-purpose jacket you 7/ wear spring you name it! performs on Wednesday nights, with entertainment by guitarist TED STRUNCK in o superb setting atop The restaurant has also Candles Bill Hagerup picking out through summer— on campus, for fun, for added Bass ale to their drink list replacing the the folk guitar sound on Thursdays. Friday and Jacobsoris « , W: • 351-7076 ■ ' once popular Whitbread, Saturday night the Gary travel, and in foul or fair weather. as well as wine by the liter. Blumer Trio is on stage, ON THE CORNER OF ABBOTT & GRAND RIVER It's THE STATE ROOfTl waterproof, hooded and available in lots Kellog Center The • Devot alexs restaurant FBI FRI SEAFOOD RIIFFET -SEAFOOD ■ BUFFET of 2-tone color jobs. Gracious dining in a nostalgic campus atmosphere. Breakfast Mon. - Sot. 7 AM • 10 AM MICHIGAN'S SHOWCASE RR RESTAURANT THf POINT AFTtR T.J.'. SALOON Lunch Men. . Sat. U :30 AM 2 PM - COMPLETE DINNERS, SPECIALIZING IN VALET PARKING Slicker cloth on one side, contrasting canvas on Dinner Mon. - Sun.' Sat. 5:30 PM 8 PM 8AM- 1 - SEAFOOD - STEAKS - CHOPS 321 E. MICHIGAN AVE. 482 ■ 1251 1203 S. WASHINGTON, LANSING the other, and just %10 puts it in your closet. THE STABLES On Special All Week- Sirloin Tips in Mushroom Wine Sauce.... $2.95 Friday Special-Fish Fry $2.25. Dinners Include French Fries & Salad Bar. For Information Call 351-1200 The Dining Guide Is sponsored by the above Restaurants. East Lansing store mmAL—»—■■« em « ..—J 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday. April 4], Student finds recital By FRANK FOX "In order to play it I had to he also 'Too often people shy away baritone band and singing with a "Peter, of improvisation. Then I want career," he said. plays flute and saxo¬ sax. to turn to creative composi¬ "I accept my Paul and Mary type group" State News Reviewer increase my ability, which is phone while performing with from music written today be¬ Caimano's saxophone quartet when he was younger. tion." time and place ability for J When saxophonist Louis one of the best reasons for jazz groups in area clubs. cause they can't comprehend recently performed at the His musical aspirations in¬ Though his graduate recital as m, £ Caimano Jr. selected the music doing a recital," Caimano ex¬ And he has a bachelor's it," he said. World Saxophone Congress stepping stone to better I for his graduate recital tonight, plained. "Every recital should degree in chemical engineering "If the musicians themselves Midwest Symposium in Chi¬ clude teaching, performing and tonight is a critical moment in formance," he added. he was well aware of the be a learning experience. to compliment his musical en¬ will take the initiative to per¬ cago. They have an upcoming composing music. his music program, he regards evening's importance. "You should be a better deavors. form this music, it will give the date at Indiana University, "Composition is a long term it as only one step in the quest of mastering his art. Caimano will and soprano perform 0 J Caimano, a woodwind spe¬ player after your recital than To open tonight's recital, audiences greater exposure to April 12. goal for me," he added. "I feel saxophone >tij cialist and master's candidate in you were before." Caimano chose "Sketch for Alto it and make it easier for them to Caimano's musical career has that first I want to master my "I look at every recital I do as tonight in the Music Buil the music department, realized instrument and master the art a landmark in my playing auditorium. Viewing a crucial recital as a Saxophone," by Ronald Cara¬ comprehend as time goes on," included touring with a rock his recital was comparable to a challenge to be savored is not van, an unaccompanied work he said. > written thesis in other disci¬ unusual for the 22-year-old composed in a non-traditional But Caimano does not view plines. So he purposefully chose music which was then too Caimano. Besides playing lead alto and soprano saxophones in manner. Caimano said "Sketch," writ¬ the MSU Jazz Ensemble and * ten in 1973, has not been his recital as an educational experience for his audience. "I want people to come to my Muldaur, Rush play at Stables difficult for him to perform. alto sax in the Wind Ensemble, performed here previously. recital and enjoy the music. Maria Muldaur and Tom bought for the Thursday con¬ and stage crew arrived in East to set up for the concert, ft. That's really important to me," Rush, whose MSU concert cert. Lansing Thursday afternoon, performed at The jy| he said. "I want them to come Paul Stanley at first tried to Thursday night was cancelled but there was insufficient time Thursday night. and hear the music that is being Black art show played. Caimano will perform three due to the appear heavy snow, will in two shows tonight at The Stables. reschedule the Muldaur-Rush show on campus and was suc¬ cessful in obtaining use of the other numbers which he said Paul Stanely, A black art show, featuring exhibits, music, director of Pop Auditorium for Friday, after 8 p.m. with a speech by Bruce Cecil, the were composed in a more Entertainment, tried to resche¬ Edd Rudzats of the Directors dancers, speakers and theater, will be held president of the association. traditional vein. These include dule the concert for Friday Choice film series agreed to tonight and Saturday in the Wilson Hall Chokwe Lumumba of the Republic of New "Concerto" by Pierre Max Du¬ auditorium. night in the Auditorium, but juggle the scheduling of his Africa, a Detroit - based organization, will speak bois; "Fantasia" by H. Villa-Lo- was unable to complete the films. The two - day event is sponsored by the at 8 p.m. Saturday. Saturday's program, which bos and "Quartet No. 1" by R. Michigan Black Students Assn., which includes arrangements. begins at 1 p.m., will include a presentation of Howland. Persons who have tickets for But the MSU Public Safety students from Eastern and Western Michigan "Five on the Black Hand Side" by a theater group He will be accompanied by the cancelled show will have Dept. could not provide police Universities, the University of Detroit, U - M, from Western. pianist Sylvia Kahan and as¬ priority for attending The Sta¬ officers for the concert on such Jackson and Lansing Community Colleges, Saturday's schedule will also include a special sisted by three members of his ble's show. However, they will short notice and consequently, Wayne State University and MSU. dinner at the United Ministries for Higher saxophone quartet, Paul Kline the concert could not be held on have to pay a $4 cover charge. Friday's program will commemorate the Education, 1118 S. Harrison Road, from 5 to 7 on alto sax, J. Joe Laird on assasination of Martin Luther King, beginning at Pop Entertainment will re¬ campus. p.m. The meal will cost $1.25. tenor sax and Ron E. Adams on fund the cost of all tickets Muldaur, Rush and the light presentl Kg cfiec ortl ADAMS RIB April 4 in 105 S. Kedzie April 5 in Union Parlors April 6 in Union Ballroom Shows at 7 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Admission't COMING NEXT WEEK!! \ MflRX BROS.FIIM SERIES j WORLDS APRIL — ■ ALLPOO/W 1720 l/m4U Sill, or trade your usaA 'tapfy 1 records, csssetiz'j 4or new orw>. PRESENTS The most magnificent aiNT picture ever! DAVIDO.SELZNICK'SpPfOOOCTiONOFMARGAHtr MHCHfcllS EASTWOOD 'GONE WITH THE WIND" HE HAS EXACTLY SEVEN MINUTES The world-renowned Flamenco TO GET guitarist. Hailed by aficionados RICH everywhere, Carlos Montoya is the QUICK! most recorded Flamenco artist in history. He is an amazing guitarist with legendary technique. Don't miss this "THUNDERBOLT one. Saturday, April 5 at 8:15 pm Winner 1 and UGHTFOOT: in the University Auditorium CLARK GABLE Academy VIVIEN LEIGH A CLINT EASTWOOD I'THUNDERBOLT and UGHTFOOT" JEFF BRIDGES GEORGE KENNEDY,„ Pruduced by ROflfcfi! DALEY- Wniten and Orated by MICHAfL 5 J Tickets now at the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 weekdays. Phone 355-3361 for laijaHgg,^" ' CIMIN0 availability. LESLIE HOWARD AMAlPASOCOMPANYtdm PANAV1SI0N (Jnifed APtlgtS Phone 355-6686 for rates, special group (groups of 10 OLIVIA deHAVILLAND -V or more) Fri. Conrad 7:30 & 9:45 Public: $6.00 5.00 4.00 Fri. McDonel Kiva 7:30 & 9:30 MSU students: $3.00 2.50 2.00 Sat. McDonel Kiva 7:15 & 9:45 Fri. 108 B Wells 8:00 Brody 8:30 or University Series Season Ticket Brody 8:30 Sat. 108 B Wells 8:00 Sat. Conrad 7:30 & 9:30 Sun. Wilson 7:30 $1.25 Sun. Conrad 7:30 Sun. Wilson 9:45 $1.25 $1.25 COMING Groove Tube Women In Love COMING NEXT Zardoz NEXT WEEKEND Any Sunday /Visions of Eight WEEKEND n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 4, 1975 9 Inow forces 2nd MSU closing ever CHICKEN 1) severely restricted by the about 90 per cent of the roads National Guard helicopters page DINNER •oro con- Chicago's O'Hare Interna¬ snapped trees, spreading rain, If the staie- stantly blowing snow. In Flint, were declared impassible, were also ordered to assist tional Airport, the world's freezing rain and snow across [s were either closed or where some 17 inches fell, creating a snow emergency. stranded motorists in Genesee County. No major accidents busiest, 24 was also shut down for Pennsylvania and New York. hours, leaving thousands of Flooding has also been re¬ 79 were reported by state police, travellers stranded in make¬ Indlord-tenant because most people were either stranded in their at home, and not doing any cars or shift accommodations at the airport. ported along the Mississippi River from southern Illinois to the mouth of the river. $1 driving. Hundreds of homes in the Saturday and Sunday I FRED NEWTON restitution for the inconven¬ ience put upon the tenants and either written or verbal, that The storm itself originated in area were also left without 4 - 9 p.m. Ke News Staff Writer the remaining $340 was for the they have with their landlords," the southwestern United power, and high temperatures 2820 E. Grand River Indlord tenant legal rent the tenants paid during Ipcar said. "If we hadn't kept States, causing heavy snowfall are expected to renew the OPEN Ft!, and Sat. ¥ over a broken gas some of the things we did, we in Iowa and other midwestern threat of flooding. i. to 11 p, the three months they had no E that began more than never could have planned to states. heat. Moving eastward, the storm |ars ago has been settled Charles Ipcar of the Tenants take them to court." Eourt. . Resource Center, who was one Trial was postponed many Chicago received 10 inches of snow, which was an official ripped down power lines and J dispute began back in times within the last two years of the plaintiffs, called the blamed for some 25 deaths, K),er 1972, when the because of legal disagreements settlement encouraging for te¬ ft Zieglers, landlords at between the two parties. mostly heart attack victims. Echam Drive, refused to nants. "The significance of this Another trial date before East ■a broken gas furnace. Lansing Judge Daniel ■more than two years the dispute and the settlement is Tschirhart was planned to be that landlords did recognize planning to / .Evening \L *. have been held soon, but the Zieglers their obligations to the te¬ Ke landlords to court to decided to settle out of court. Institution for the three - nants," Ipcar said. in Spain... ■■ The Zieglers' attorney, John The tenants attribute their | period they went with- success in recovering damages Stump, said the main reason for the settlement was the length M week the Zieglers de- to their persistence in pursuing of the trial. 355-1826 the landlords, whom they felt ■hey would pay the three Is who acted as plaintiffs obviously wrong. MADRID were fin an out • of - court "I urge all tenants to keep all lent. Of that, $750 was copies of every agreement, RTV fSp®e)ir©FY announces |r> ^ OPEN MERIDIAN FOUR SYMPHONY AUDITIONS FOR THE BR0ADWAY Thursday, April 10 at 8:15 pm MUSICAL NOMINATED Q ACADEMY University Auditorium lereo Sale FOR O AWARDS ODON ALONSO, Conductor kereo PROMISES, ANGELES CHAMORRO, Soprano Towering newman FRANCISCO ORTIZ, Tenor fioppe PROMISES Of this Orchestra's debut U.S. tour in | PQ McQUeIn Twri. Hr. 5:45-4:15 Adultt SI .25 mm 1971, the NEW YORK TIMES reported: "When you get the chance to hear I BOARSHEAD Thurs. 7:00 pm Spanish musicians play Spanish music, 1200 PLAYERS e. river »t. The APRIL 3, 4, 5 IN THE REHEARSAL Fri. Hurry! LastWeek. take it. You'll seldom lose." The all-Spanish program for MSU includes Sat. 1:00 pm I GRAND |21 mins. LEDGE wfP from best pizza HALL -- Transportation/ VEGA HATCHBACK 1974. Cus¬ Waverly area. references required. 485-9369. 3-4-4 FEMALE ROOMMATE for com¬ fortable one bedroom. Very close, Starting June or September. Heat included. Damage deposit. Call Excellent location and parking. Students welcome. $200 - $225 FURNISHED HOUSE for 2 or 3, 251 Gunson Street, $240/per TWO room WOMEMeedrJ in huge houT'P tom interior, $2395. Price negoti¬ available 8-5,351-2402; 6-10 pm, 882-2316. p^r month. DABCON ENTER¬ month plus utilities. Available roommates. $01 7 ' PHONE 355-8255 immediately! 337-7386. Can 337-1812. able. Dave, 351 -2380 or 371 -2953. PART TIME 337-2570. 3-4-7 0-4-30 PRISES. 371-4158. 5-4-4 until September. Call 371-4183. H7 347 Student Services evenings. East 5-4-8 Bldg. 5-4-9 Lansing office. Typist to operate AUTOMOTIVE MTST and/or Mag-card II. Prefer ONE - THREE women needed for TWO BEDROOM furnished SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio PLEASANT 2VED^,;| Scooters & Cycles i/EGA HATCHBACK, 1972, sharp, 23,000 miles, 3-speed, custom experience, will train if necessary. Cedar Village apartment. Next mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 apartments. Across from campus. 5 BEDROOM HOME, 1% baths, available furnished, imn^ff*! Parts & Service 332-6544. 3-44 year, 3 terms. $85/month. Call minutes to campus. Quiet and Air conditioned, quiet. Summer fireplace, furnished, garage, large parking. jL nterior, $1300. 482-3416. 3-4-7 come- 5iminute drive Aviation 355-5602. 2-4-4 peaceful on a lake. 641-8601 or or fall leases. 351-1258 between lawn, paved parking, near cam¬ month. 1 EMPLOYMENT VW 411,1971, 4 door, automatic, COORDINATOR FOR PIRGIM'S campaign to pass state returnable- 484-5315. 0-4-30 10 am - 7 pm. 10-4-14 pus. 3-4-4 349-0293 for appointment. 372-6853. oj£ 1 AM/FN radio, 39,000 miles, best 5 MINUTES TO MSU. Share FOR RENT bottles law, full time on Lansing ONE GIRL needed offer. 487-0816 after 6 pm. 5-4-7 furnished 2 bedroom apartment. DOWNTOWN NEAR, one COUNTRY APARTMENT, 1 bed¬ SHARE DUPLEX with two wo¬ nished house. Apartments staff for 3 months, could lead to 339-8877 or 484-0622. 5-4-9 month's free rent with new lease. room unfurnished except for 0^ Kitchen privileges, close/ Houses miles, excellent condition. $1,200. Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349- TIRED OF NOISE? June leases. 372-6853. (4 Phone 669-3211. 5-4-4 1050. 5-4-4 484-3195. 5-4-9 1 3 5 10 FEMALE, $68/month, 4 2YCLE INSURANCE, call for our CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. No WE HAVE 1,2 AND 3 Riverside apartment, close, partial woman, DON'T GET STUCK. HASLETT - 1 bedroom, partially $50 PLUS utilities for roonl BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Pennsylvania and Mount M ow rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING waiting in line. Call 351-3622. utilities, parking, 332-2784. 3-4-4 furnished. $165 plus utilities. 185-0528 or 339-9535. 0-4-30 8-4-4 APARTMENTS CHECKOUT Call 485-7920. 3-4-7 ^ 339-2058. 5-4-9 NEEDED ONE girl, spring. Cedar COLLINGWOOD CLOSE, $275 Room/boarj l rtONDA CL450, Dohc for sale. 5550 or best offer. 482-9464. MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE, $10,000 - $15,000 beginning in¬ FROM $155 PER MONTH (INCIUDIS 5AS HEAT t WATS*) Village. $78 monthly, first pay¬ ment April, 337-9374. 3-4-4 APARTMENTS FOR: HASLETT - 2 bedroom, carpeting, stove, and refrigerator. Near immediate occupancy, txa people. Nexus Co-op. 35U 3-4-7 come. Unlimited opportunity, shopping center, $175 plus utilities 5-4-9 m multi billion dollar company. call FOUR ROOMS. Carpeted. Newly 339-2058. 5-4-9 USED MOTORCYCLES discount decorated. DEADLINE Degree necessary. Female-male. Private parking. *air conditioned TWO on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand Phone 349-3933. CAREERS UN- KNOB HILL Couples preferred. $125. Deposit. 'dishwasher NEAT MALE roommate, own BEDROOM News ads - 1 p.m. one class River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 Hagadorn and Haslett. I UMjJED 5-4-4^ 489-6222. 5-4-8 furnished room. $73 plus utilities. day before publication. APARTMENTS ♦shag carpeting furnished, garage, "unlimited parking 351-6662 after 6 pm. 5-4-4 on the street - Triumph, REGISTERED NURSES full and $210. 351-6988 5 49 DO IT 349-4700 TWO PEOPLE sublet for summer, * Plush furniture BMW, Yamaha, SHEP'S, lower part time positions available on the Cancellation/corrections 12 5 miles from campus one bedroom apartment, fur¬ ♦Model Open Daily LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ 11 pm - 7:30 am and 3-11 NEW, 2 bedroom duple* fori noon one class day before prices too. C-4-4-4 pm Community atmosphere nished, air, close, 332-8821. 3-4-4 ties to select, qualified tenants shifts. Excellent working con¬ $180/month, plus utilities, ■ publication. BSA VICTOR, 1968, 441cc, good ditions, salary and fringe benefits. Sorry, no,pets only At no cost to you. Call condition. Call 394-1631 between Apply personnel department, DON'T SIGN A LEASE call 351-8282 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT deposit, extras. 694-8312. if Once ad is ordered it cannot REDUCED RATES: One or 2 men SELECTOR. 5-4-9 4-7 p.m. 3-4-4 Ingham.Medical Center, 401 West UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN (behind World Plata DUPLEX FOR rent 3 be - be cancelled desperately needed. Chalet or changed until Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan, Apartments. 337-0514. 6-4-4 on the river I) furnished. Off Beech Si HONDA CL-350 1972. FOUR BEDROOM, four people after first insertion, unless it is New 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. MARIGOLD V^, / needed fall. Phone Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-8 J ordered & cancelled 2 days battery, exhaust valves, tune-up. 7-f4 ONE summer or before publication. $650 Excellent. 393-3096. 5-4-9 BEDROOM furnished, all utilities paid, close to campus. APARTMENTS HOLT, COMPLETELY carpeted, 2 482-9672,482-0278. 3-4-7 OWN ROOM in house,« PART TIME employment for MSU 911 bedroom, year old duplex, $160 good location, ample p CYCLE INSURANCE as low as students. 12-20 hours per week. $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. 20-4-22 Marigold plus electrical. Call 484-5413. LEASE WITH option to buy. New 1158 Beech, 332-5167. 1 There is a $1.00 service $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc Automobile required. 351-5800. 1 Large One Bedroom Apartment 5-4-4 ranch house in country. Campus charge for an ad change. at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 C-4-4-4 ' Fine Furniture 10 minutes. $300/month, spring GIRL FOR two bedroom aprtment. 1 Shag Carpeting 551 ALBERT STREET, one block FURNISHED, 5 bedroom, m| and summer. Call Evan Harrison, Own room. One mile from 6 girls, 2 blocks to ca 1973 YAMAHA, 360 Enduro, BABYSITTER, HALF days. Bailey 1 Appliances from campus. Large 2 bedroom, 332-1946 or PROGRESSIVE school area for 5 year old boy. campus. $100/month, no deposit. Call 332-5731. 3-4-4 good condition, call 882-9989. 1 Heat ft Water Included furnished, summer and fall. REALTY, 372-5512. 5-4-9 3600 Road miles. 5-4-4 Phone 332-8322 after 5:30. 5-4-7 351-1633. 4-4-4 Resident manager, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 351-5208 or 3 BEDROOM RANCH, rar. The Explors Opportunities in '6. 10-4-10 ELEGANT DUPLEX. 5 minutes to State Npws will be NEEDED ONE girl for apartment 337-7328 refrigerator, $270 plus liti responsible only for the first. Auto Service / bordering campus. $70 per campus - 3 large bedrooms, 1639 Ann Street, East Lj MONTESSORI month. Call 337-2524. 7-4-4 MILFORD STREET, 126. Two Yes...We have kitchen with all appliances, family Available now. days incorrect insertion. .MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East Thi^Summer, June 23 Auj - blocks from campus. Deluxe, air room, 1ft baths, redwood deck 332-5551.3j Toothing and Dov care conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom Bills are due 7 days from the Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Complete auto painting and colli¬ HALSTEAD (master). Two man $190. Three- location! and patio, professional decora¬ ting, garage and large yard. $305 FEMALE TO share house,| ad expiration date. If not paid room $207. Now leasing. Lansing, ft block from bus sion service. American and per month - call Tom Brooks, Call 351-7044 after 6 p.m.' by the due date, a 506 late Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 ssori Teaching Certificate. Write: MANAGEMENT 332-3418. 489-1656. 20-4-30 RIVER'S and WATER'S 393-3777 or 694-2167. 5-4-9 service charge will be due. AMERICAN, GERMAN and ■S Io'l0w"chkogoT Chlca9OC 40422 COMPANY IMMEDIATELY, SUBLEASE till EDGE Apartments LARGE DOUBLE room. Excellent THREE QUIET serious sti needed as roommates in FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. September, large efficiency, quiet, (next to Cedar location. Kitchen, laundry, bedroom house to live wit 20% DISCOUNT to students and REGISTERED NURSES - full and Reserve your apartment close to campus, on bus route, ; Automotive ||<4| faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW part time positions available on the afternoon and midnight shifts in NOW while they last. $150/month. 351-8325, 351-4799. Village) parking privileges. 332-1918. 2-4-4 Low rent. centric snarly medical st $45 each plus utilities. 4" service parts. IMPORT AUTO 5-4-9 CAMARO 1967. Good condition, Studios $130. One 3-4-4 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and ICU-CCU Minimum starting NOW LEASING FOUR OPENINGS in Tralfama- 50,000 miles, interior excellent, salaries $4.82 per hour plus differ¬ bedroom $140 and two 2 APARTMENTS, off bus line, 3 % V-8, $470. 355-3335. 3-4-4 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- card. C-22-4-30 ential. Immediate openings. Please contact Lansing General bedrooms $150 and up. rooms, plus bath, $130; $95. 641-4405. 5-4-9 single . 332-4432 dore Co-op, immediately. and female. more information. 5-4-9 Call 332-2517 for Male Rooms J[/| MEN, CLOSE, large doubleJ CAMARO, 1967 Convertible, auto¬ Hospital, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, exten¬ 351-7910 NEED FOURTH girl roommate, GIRL FOR large two bedroom parking, no cooking, $55® matic, good engine. Best offer. apartment, share room, $70/ NNORTH 1 487-1481. 5-4-8 sion 267. Equal Opportunity cheap, close to campus. Call month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. person, 351-5481. 5-4-7 ■ ances included, garden space, Employer. 8-4-4 FACULTY, EAST Lansing - luxury 351-0870 or 482-3413. 4-4-8 10-4-8 convinently located, call 482-7251. PENNSYLVANIA CAMARO 1973, 3 speed, 350 V-8, 1 bedroom, carport, security locks, 3-4-7 FREE LANCE writer South near Michigan Avd power, AM/FM. 882-0534, after 6 or editorial no pets, not student rental. One ONE MONTH rent freel 1 bed¬ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS researcher wanted Quiet for student. $65 moniii J p.m. 5-4-8 by local public year lease, $185. 349-2094. 5-4-7 room apartments. 6 month lease HASLETT FEMALE, OWN master bedroom, relations agency. deposit. Phone 627-5454. *• 10 hours weekly. Approximately accepted. 485-9223 4-4-7 Short on Cash? Maybe we can modern duplex, close, $70/month, CHEVY BELAIR, 1961. Good Senior journa¬ TWO MAN, close to campus, lism student with work something out. One bed¬ deposit. 332-0719. 2-4-4 FALL: SINGLES or d running condition. 8 cylinder reporting exper¬ furnished, air, free water, heat, MOUNT HOPE. Unfurnished, engine. $110. Call 332-6883. NOW FOR your convenience ience preferred. Apply Box B - 2 351-7554,351-3231. 3-4-4 room apartments with shag car¬ Furnished, utilities paid, kiwi garage, fireplace. $175. Deposit peting, drapes and appliances. 3-4-7 we're open until 8 pm Monday, State News. 5-4-4 WOMAN WANTED to share 5 TV, lounge, parking, very cji plus electricity. Couple preferred. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 Wednesday and Thursday. SUBLEASE, $185 per month, 1 355-1120. 3-4-4 minutes from MSU. Located at bedroom home. $50.75/month. $80 and up. 337-9452. 04| CUTLASS and 1973, standard shift steering. 18,300 miles, $2000. Phone 627-4241 3-4-4 CHEQUERED CAR PARTS. FLAG FOREIGN 2605 East Kalama-i zoo, one mile west of campus. [ For Rent ][j] bedroom, partially furnished or unfurnished, Brody area, Call Jan, ONE BEDROOM, furnished apart¬ 6076 Marsh Road, just north of Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager $49 deposit. Call 351-1686. 3-4-7 SUMMER SINGLES nc Furnished, utilities paid, B GARAGE SPACE. $25 per term, 332-5920 after 5 p.m. 5-4-8 ment, sublet till September. FIVE BEDROOM Modern Home. 4 339-8192 or EAST LANSING CUTLASS S 1975, defogger, buc¬ 487:5^._C-9-4-11 parking $20. Two blocks from blocks from campus, $155/month. For rent while professor is on TV, lounge, parking, very tjj SOUTH LANSING. Two bedroom REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 $65/and up W-9452. 0'" ket seats, console, automatic, campus. 351-0997 after 5 p.m. 351-6239. 3-4-4 •sabbatical One year REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines apartment, nice location. starting $135 cream $4,000 exterior, saddle interior. or 332-5920 after best offer. Call Jan, guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ change. Free towing available- TV AND STEREO RENTALS. plus utilities and deposit. Refer¬ ences required. Call 487-1888 or ACME BEDDING CO. [ Houses Jfv September 1975. 339-2917. TWO MEN needed. 5-4-9 SINGLES, $60-$80, eludes utilities. Parking furnished] L" 5_p.m_ 5-4-8_ _ local areas. Installation as low as $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 487-6715. 5-4-4 49.95 Twin Size PALACIAL THREE bedroom beautiful house, own rooms, $70 a Spring, and kitchen facilities. CI $35. Check our repair prices and same day delivery and service. house, DATSUN, 1971, Station Wagon, 4 54.95 Double Size enormous garage, yard, month. 332-0241. 2-4-4 campus. 332-6990. 4-4-* REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 UTILITIES PAID, light cooking porch, pets, bus. $200. 484-0459. speed, $895. Phone 393-9448 or 405 PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and Chorry at 372-9600 extension 18. 3-4-4 Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. COMPACT REFRIGERATORS- parking, $125/month, references, 5-4-7 MATURE PERSON. Own room, JOIN BOWER CO-OP. 12'WJ deposit, 372-5815 or 372-6046. hills - Openings FORD LTD, 1969. 65,000 miles. TV's. Term rates. Free delivery. five blocks from Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 3-4-7 SUMMER HOUSING. New seven campus. $70/ : 351-4490* and ask for Ei 302 cubic inches. V-8, good gas card. C-22-4-30 DORM RENTALS, 372-1795. month. Call 351-4869. 5-4-4 bedroom house with two baths, Malcolm. 4-4-4 mileage. Power steering, radio 0-3-4-4 GIRL WANTED. Sublet, spring AVAILABLE SRING term two fully carpeted and furnished. and heater. Excellent condition, $995._ 349-4385.5-4-7 | Aviation XI COMPACT REFRIGERATORS. man furnished. 135 Kedzie. term Waters Rent Edge Apartments. negotiable. Close. 351-4954. Close to campus. 332-3372. 3-4-7 CROSSWORD Mu 5 A |S ■SIAILlfcj PARACHUTING LESSONS every Student rates. UNITED RENT- 482-2937, 351-2400, 882-2316. 4-4-4 K pTl |A@A§ FORD TORINO 1970, 351 V-8, automatic, power steering and afternoon and weekends. Details ALL, 2790 East Grand River. 10-4-8 MALE ROOMMATE 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX, full base¬ ment, dishwasher, garage, car¬ PUZZLE PA ■ aTnIHi E S E ■SjAHSIPjl 351-0799. Jump area 543-6731. 351-5652. 0-4-4-4 needed, moss brakes, radio, Michelin whitewalls. 3-4-4 MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 Campus Hill apartments, $70/ peted, $250/month. 487-1614. R 337-1101, after 7 p.m. 5-4-8 bedroom apartment in month. 349-2827. 7-4-10 3-4-7 I. Decline 29. Incumbents s 1 Li IV Apartments country. 4. Wife of Zeus 31. Chief VI RlYByjsj MGB 1971 convertible, $1900. I tophywt IfBI $95. Call Dennis, 371-1041. 5-4-9 8. Roman room 32. Kiwi T o B YB OlAlRlsi Good SUBLET SPRING, summer. 1-2- II. Medieval poem 33. Surfeit AM E ■gffcl 7-4-10 running condition, 44,000 miles, 1-543-6817 after 5 p.m. WANTED: MALE and female go go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- bedroom. Beal Street. month's rent. 351-1799. 8-4-4 Free SUMMER APARTMENT, 2 bodies needed to fill 2 spacious rooms, Delta Street, 332-3337 DON'T WAIT 12. Hot air 13. Negative 35. Italian river 36. Throe T EM A L U a| eMAJE! OlElLBDil 3-4-7 37. Cycle MG MIDGET 1970. No rust-from North Carolina. 37,000 miles. 23 UNTIL THEY'RE 14. Self-direction 39. Urchin Q E S S r E Eg] lM RlNi SBRMI! CEDAR LOOKING FOR young individual 40. Car's gear box New clutch, brakes, starter. New for supervisory position in res¬ 46. Grease sympertts radials. Must see and drive to appreciate. evenings. 4-4-4 353-6894 taurant, possibly leading to man¬ agement. Some experience help¬ ALL GONE ■ III 19. Two: prefix 47. Scarlett's home MOVA, 1971, 350SS, 4-speed, low nileage, no rust, excellent condi- :ion, $1750. 393-9764. 4-4-8 ful. Send resume to Box 243, Alma Michigan, 48801. 3-4-4 GREENS noui UEASinG FOR SUmmER and FALL can 349-3530 20. Shoe forms 22. Fuses 24,Forward 25. Surpassed 48. Rubber tree 49. Existed 50. Copycat 51. Sententious 1. Vale 2. Large colored handkerchief 3. Waits THIS YEAR SPECIAL SUmmER RATES SPECIAL SUMMER RATES- 28. That thins saying start at ir try beautiful 00 Wr states«i<| PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 1968. cylinder, snow tires, dependable, used only for student teaching. $450. 353-1576. 5-4-8 8 WILLOW POND STABLES For •FURNISHED APARTMENTS -2 MAN UNITS ■ONE BEDROOM UNITS •AIR CONDITIONING ■SWIMMING POOL $140 w_ 1 20. Mothero'l Timothy I 21. Aggregat'B 22. Isle of-1 23. Male jWjB -HORSE TRAINING 26. Strike i" PORSCHE 1970 911T, new paint, ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES brakes, tuned, Ziebart, AM-FM, 36,000 miles, price negotiable, call 313-638-5778 evenings after 10. -RIDING INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH, WESTERN -BOARDING YOUR for rental GIMPUS HILL APARTMENTS I 27. Coffee 30. Pilfe] [ For Sale ](§ NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with -I fwsin FENDER TELECASTER, $175. 1151 | For Sale |s — all sales are final and not 619 East Grand River Ave., East Lansing 337-9719 / Also: Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit, E. Detroit, Royal Oak, Rochester, and Southgate. fcms: Cash 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1 *Ml Estate]^] | Strvict [ Typing Service j *| [Typing Swict 1@|] Waited FIND SOMETHING If you've found a pet or article of ™' , ^Suni* lSPbJJw bSrS. lS F0R THE BEST Service on Stereo Equip™* see the STEREO EXPERIENCED pers, theses, etc. TYPING, term Accurate ser¬ pa¬ IRENE ORR - Theses, Term papers general typing. Formerly with Ann RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wants to rent house or duplex starting June value, we want to help you return ' djnj den with SHOPPE, 555 East Grand Rrver. vice. 50d per page. 882-2083. 5-4-4 Brown. Call482 7487. C-4-30 15. Call 332-5442 before 3 or after r.JU^?'^lln^I!.Sta?^r3 Classified Department and teH us ^replace, oak floors and wood- C*4"30 ^ Frflme^ ^ in 1921, ------ --""~ ~~ TYPING BY the hour. Drop-off EXPERIENCED, TYPING term 7.J4-4 you want to place an ad in EAST PHOTOGRAPHY - ALL varieties, service. Secretarial assistance. When you have something to sell. nn i_t «/■Ik to schools papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ Announcements for It's What's LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Mhrfl™ Hn«mtnwn *29 500 ' fiaest quality, resonably priced. 694-0222. 5-4-9 ate sen/ice. 394-2512. C-4-30 .. place a Classified Ad ... you'll Happening must be received in the cussion Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run J^^nt bvowner appointment, by owner, BOYNTON C4-X PHOTOGRAPHY. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ like the fast results and return Call 355-8255 today. State News office, 341 Student topic f0r gathering is computers La , sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, Services Bldfl., by 1 p.m. two class vacy. Meet at Jack the ad at no cost to you! 1 ~~~ Waited CruiwTl Share Driving [f^] Chester Road in EAST LANSING STATE BANK OKEMOS owner, - HIAWATHA Park. By 2000 square feet. Rach on EXPERIENCED BABYSITTING anytime from noon to midnight. 489-0358. C-4-30 | days before ^publication. announcements will be No accepted p.m. Contact Patrick Lan^I ANN BROWN typing and multi- by phone. additional information. C-4-30 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2% baths, 2 fireplaces. Selling at appraised My home or yours. 349-3353. 3-4-4 lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ CASH paid ft ... Sciwic* Fiction. Ba>*ball Cardl oi FROM EAST Lansing to Ypsi-Ann WKAR f Arbor area. Leaving 6:45 a.m., radio (870 ami ^T:. . Dominique'B^CK P°odl0. value. 349-4268, for appointment. toy Sparrow S0UND RE|NF0RCEMENT sys- vice for dissertations, manuscripts, general typing. IBM. theses, B«otl« Ittmi CURIOUS I P returning 5 p.m. Phone 351-2474 evenings. 3-4-4 [ Driving presents "The Folk minutes of TradZl L April 1st, Hospital Area, 484-8273. 3-4-7 tems for rent; specials for coffee- 25 year's experience. 349-0850. USED FROM FLINT to Lansing. Leaving traditional porary folk music, and o!'® Ricriatifll d? houses, groups. SOUND DIM- C-4-30 7 a.m., returning 5 p.m. Phone every Sm I BOOKSHOP FROM HOWELL TO MSU. Lansing 882-2551 evenings, or evening from 5:30 to 7 LOST: KEY case in ENSION, 485-3583. 3-4-4 pm] or near Morrill EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to , THESES, RESUMES, typing and 307 E. Grand Wvf M2-0IU Leaving 9 am, returning 5 pm. Call Flint 1-313-732-7819 weekends. Hall parking lot. „ , 546-4017 after 7 pm. 3-4-7 ,n Reward. London, Amsterdam from $289. printing. Reasonable prices. 3-4-4 P»«e U| I 332-4936. 3-4-7 Tvninff taWP i .^1 TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- IiM JlffJ COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- ••••I 4116. C-4-30 I » i—IH71 C"4"4"4 TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast L Persoul / pTbaCHUTm'lESMNS-^ ."^—. 37,^. M-30 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and The groat American Dream| afternoon and weekends. Details UNIGRAPHICS offers COM- resume service. Printing, IBM summer 351-0799. Jump area 543-6731. PLETE DISSERTATION and typing, binding. Printing from ineurope 3-4-4 Resume Service: IBM typing, your plain paper originals. Corner M.A.C. and Grand River. Below editing, offset printing and binding Have a Classified Ad party ... We encourage comparative shop- Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 gather up all those no-longer- ping. For estimate, stop in at 2843 Monday - Friday. Call COPY- needed items now and sell them with a low-cost Ad. East Grand River 8414. 6-4-4 or phone 332- GRAPH C-4-30 SERVICES, 337-1666. Machine. Sherwood r\t.ORV fay]/ Mudioanamsti ITfFffjl SS*/ country rock Unfortunately there is no such tfol dream machine, but we as a ho*! ' THIS WEEKEND ^ assembled a component system thoiH delivers a level of quality sound ttal even the wildest imagination not think possible for the wogljl compel system price we've set on H|l combination. Sherwood has a long standing reputation for high quality, conservatively rated components. The new S-7210 AM/FM stereo receiverI continues in this tradition. The S-7210 is undisputedly the best buy on the Hi-Fi Market. With 26 watfs minimum RMS per channel both I operating into 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz at under 0.6 % THD you're assured of clear music reproducfion and full dynamics. As Sherwood, tuner performance is superior to anything in its class. always with I 1 Combining the S-7210 with just any speaker would be an injustice so we selected the Audioanalyst A-100X for definition and range. November 1974 Stereo Review called the A100X uncompromising musicdl "superb" and "a peer of the best speakers we have heard inttnl under-$200 price range." Audioanalyst has selected only the best components and system with a six year part and labor warranty. painstakingly combined them into a truly remarkable| I Following our policy of offering the best sound value, we decided on the new BSR2620W. The reasons are simple; the 2620W has be I APRIL 3,4,5&6 rumble, wow and flutter than any competitive automatic turntable and also offers a very good walnut grain base, cover and ADC magnetic elliptical cartridge. dynamically balanced tonearm. It comes with | Sizapd's •S TEAR PART 3 YEAR UIOR •90 OAT TRADE-UP WRITTEN GUARANTEE •I WEEK PRIVIUDGES MONET-BACK COMF1 ETE WITH OU R PROTECTION PLAN •CENTRA! MICHIGAN'S LARGEST SERVICE FACILITIES •30 OAT LOW PRICE GUARANTEE PX STORE in FRANDOR "Washington Dee Cee" 402 S. WASHINGTON AVE, LANSING 245 ANN STREET, EAST LANSING BIB OVERALLS *12" *•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PAINTERS PANTS FS tf'-S 4W Amul- \Uh~' $349 JEANS from Special Ring $5" UNCLE BOOTS jT) kThiIIIl $16" Lfoto60%Off WITH HIGH SCHOOL RING TRADE IN FOXHOLE PX Date: April 4, 7-9 OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00 - 5:00 351 - 5323 MSI) BOOKSTORE Sports Shoes for $5M ^ A?R\l and up. The Store That Has More ^aeJaWsl- A. Dexter- Blue nylon and suede with white trim Tan suede with brawn leather trim 1pa.035 To-TttefKff - T*A6ll£*,H5S Ac6uw * Blue suede with white leather trim , o " is » \ J *&> B Hush Puppy Lancer Terry cloth linings, blue suede pigskin or white smooth leather ■ ALA>*set C. Canvas with cushioned insoles and arches in white or navy. <401 s,<^CKwi)Ri0£Vi..-5sl-S^>O "TO w khigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 4, 1975 Tickets Now on Sale for FLOS EDDIE and KANSAS THE SMALL SOCIETY by Briekian Sponsored by: |TODAY"S PROGRAMS I Video Everyday - AH Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services WHYtoN'T o WJBK-TV, Delrorf I 9o ANP ICWT- " 2 3WKZOTV, Kalomoioo . . 10 WIIX-TV, Jackson K WIYI-TV Saginaw Yoi) cNBZm 4m 41WUHQ TV. Bottl. Creak j WWJ TV. Detroit- 9 CKIW-TV, Windsor 50 WKBD-TV, Datroil ON YOJ£ \ SWNEMTV.BorClty ItoAAaTAX, X r (2-3-6) As Tha World Turns (25) The F.B.I. (4) News (41) Safari To Adventure 5:45 AM (5-8-10) How To Surviva A (50) Hogan's Heroes MOVIES YoO couLQ viy |fM. Presents v 7:30 G&A V\ 6:00 Second Chance (7*12^3-41) Let's Make A Deal (2) Truth Or Consequences PERJMP ? 1 on (3) Name That Tune 4:00 (9) Dick Van Dyke is (4) (5) 'The Jayhawkers" Jeff 6:05 (23) Feeling Good Hollywood Squares (25) Dinah (6) Price Is Right Chandler, Fess Parker. Convict is 4-4 offered a full pardon if he can 6:15 (50) Tha Lucy Show (7-8) Lefs Make A Deal (9) Oral Roberts capture the most feared 12:55 3e For Today (5-8-10) News (10) Michigan Outdoors desperado in the territory. fiTrhis M Ring (13) To Tell The Truth 6:20 1:00 (2) Love Of Life (23) Wall Street Week m And Country Almir (41) Bobby Goldsboro Show 'Longstreet' (3) Guiding Light 6:25 js, Bradford (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives 8:00 (1970) Insurance investigator is CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: J College 6:30 (6) Martha Dixon (2-3-6-25) Friday Comedy Special blinded in an explosion. kunrise Semester (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 (4-5-8-10) Sanford And Son by Larry Lewis Pyramid (7-12-1341) Kolchak: The Night Sweatshirts $2.95 IfFor Women Only (8-50) Movies Stalker (23) Woman (9) Pig 81 Whistle (23) 'The Gift Of Life" Young 1:25 woman discovers her sweetheart PLANTS MUST TAKE ■ Of M. Presents (2)N has only a short time to live. |cle Bobby Show 1:30 ON THE PERSONALITY / THAT'S OF THEIR. OWNER 7 SlLLV, Kperation Second Chsnct (2 3-6-25) The Edge Of Night (2-3-6-25) We'll Get By 9:00 lews And Farm Report (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (4-5-8-10) Chico And The Man (2-3-6-25) 'The Other" Uta ■arm Show (9) Sports Scene Hagen, Diana Muldaur. (1972) ius Programing (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (23) Stateside (50) Merv Griffin Show Story of a boy's compulsion to 6:45 2:00 9:00 prey upon his own family. 10 Edition (2-3-6-25) Fririav Ninht Movie 6:55 (2) Guiding Light (3-6-25) New Price Is Right (4) The Rockford Files 11:30 raham Kerr Show (7-12-1341) Hot L Baltimore (2) 7:00 (4-5-8-10) Another World 'Tiger By The Tail" (7-13-41) General Hospital (9) News Nine Christopher George. (1969) §■25) News (12) Money Maze (23) Commune 1-10) Today Show (3-6-25) "Raintree (23) (50) Merv Griffin Show County" ■ AM Kzo's Big Top America Lilias,Yoj&You 9:30 Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth (2) Search For Tomorrow (2-3-6-25) Friday Night Movie Taylor. (1957) Story of a Joeed Racer (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (7) Legacy Of A Dream Southern belle who stops at ppirit Of '76 (7-13-41) One Life To Live (9) Tommy Hunter nothing to get what she wants. 7:05 ftartoon Capers (12) Lucy (12-1341) The Odd Couple (50) 'The Kentuckian" Burt SHORT RIBS (23) The Romantic Rebellion 10:00 I 7:30 Lancaster, Walter Eartoon Carnival 2:53 (4-5-8-10) Police Woman (7-12-1341) Get Christie Love! (1955) Big Eli and his son fight Matthay. by Frank Hill (23) ID/Tone lozo'sBig Top 3:00 (9) Tom Hunter Show their way across frontier J■-25) 8:00 (2) Young And Restless o(3-6-25) (23) News Kentucky to a new life in Texas. Captain Kangaroo Tattletales (50) Dinah tario Schools SPORTS (4-10) Somerset 10:30 fcesame Street (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (23) News >M America (7-1341) The Money Maze 11:00 Ir. Rogers' Neighborhood (8) Mike Douglas (2-34-5-6-7-8-9- Saturday. April 6.1075 8:25 (12) General Hospital 10-12-13-25) News gther Report (2-25) New Match Game'75 (23) OH The Record 8:30 11:00 k Learn To Look (3) Joker's Wild (41) The Protectors (4) How To Survive A Marriage 11:20 (50) Big Time Wrestling 8:45 12:00 NOON (5) Glligan's Island (9) Nightbeat >n Ami (6) Guiding Light 11:30 (4-5-8) College All Star Game Prose. Puppetry & (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie 1:00 PM halting (7) Password (9) Gomer Pyle (4-5-8-10) Tonight Show (9) Facts Of Fishing I 9:00 1:30 ■ joker's Wild (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (7-12-1341) Wide World: Mystery (6) Big Time Wrestling Thannal 3 Clubhouse (12) One Life To Live (13) All My Children (50) Movie 2:00 DOONESBURY loncentration I Celebrity Sweepstakes I) Movies (41) Batman (50) Banana Splits 12:00 MIDNIGHT (9) Film Festival (8) Basketball All Stars by Gary Trudeau ertalqmeqt 4:00 1:00 AM lriendly Giant (3-6) Women's Tennis 12) Mike Douglas (2) Tattletales (3) Lata, Late Show " ie Street (3) Gambit .-m» (4-5-8-10) Midnight Special (13^1) Pro Bowlers Tour stales (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes (7) Rock Concert (5) Studio 5 (12-13) News (7-12) Pro Bowlers Tour irning Playbreak 4:00 9:15 (6) The Attic (41) Afterhours Theatre (50) Religious Message (1341) Wide World Of Sports fntario Schools (7) The Brady Bunch 1:30 4:30 9:27 (8) Gilligan's Island (2) The Late Show (2-25) Women's Tennis iReligious Message (9) Petticoat Junction (12) National Anthem 5:00 9:30 (10) New Zoo Revue 2:30 (7-12) Wide World Of Sports I Gambit (12) Merv Griffin (4-7-10) News 5:30 (13) Mickey Mouse Club porning Accent 3:00 (41) Celebrity Tennis Tl) Wheel Of Fortune (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 6:00 The Valley Today (25) Yogi & Friends (2) Mayberry RFD (7) Religious Message (10) Sportsman's Friend lack LaLanne (41) Daktari 6:30 (50) Three Stooges 3:30 9:45 (41) Celebrity Bowling 4:30 (2) Operation Second Chance Prose, Puppetry & 4:00 7:00 Bnaking (2) Mike Douglas Show (41) Big Time Wrestling (3) Merv Griffin Show (2) News 9:55 ire's Carol Duvall (4) George Pierrot Presents 10:00 (6) That Girl |625) Now You See It f-10) High Rollers (7) 4:30 Movie (8) Partridge Family FRIDAY'S THE DROPOUTS Janadian Schools (9) Andy Griffith ■ Lilias, Yoga & You ■ Romper Room ■ Detroit Today (10) Gitligan's Island (13) I Love Lucy (23) Vila Alegre HIGHLIGHTS by Post " 10:30 (25) The Munsteis & Friends eels Right (50) The Little Rascals Friday. April 4.1975 "The Other" Stars Diana J25) Love Of Life EVENING 5:00 PM Muldaur, Victor French. Story of J8-10) Hollywood Squares (6-8) Ironside 8:00 PM a boy's compulsion to prey upon petroit With Dennis Wholey (CBS) The Friday Comedy his own family. ■r. Dressup (9) Mickey Mouse Club Special ■3) The Brady Bunch (10) Truth Or Consequences "Black Bart" Starring Lou (NBC) The Rockford Files ■ Villa Alegre (13) That Girt G ossett, Steve Landesberg. "Exit Prentiss Carr" Rockford ■ New Zoo Revue (23) Consumer Experience Comedy revolves around the first checks on a philandering husband ■Not For Women Only (25) I Love Lucy black sheriff of a Western town and finds him dead under ■ 10:55 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. peopled primarily by racial bigots, mysterious circumstances. (50) The Flintstones and the difficulties he encounters. . 11:00 5:30 (ABC) Hot L Baltimore Jnil Donohue Show (4) Bowling For Dollars (NBC) Sanford And Son |25) The Young & The (9) Partridge Family "Once A Thief" Lamont invites 9:30 (10) Beverly Hillbillies his friend, an ex-convict to stay at (ABC) The Odd Couple ■10) Jackpot (12-13) News the Sanford home but Grady is 'The Subway Show" (R) Felix ■«ck Matthews Show ■ake 30 (23) Zoom openly hostile about the gets only a negative reaction as he PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (25) Hogan's Heroes sets out to disprove Oscar's ■Ml) Password All Stan (50) Glligan's Island contention that New Yorkers are by Bill Yates ■ Firing Line 5:55 victimized by a rip-off society. ■ New Zoo Revue (41) Early News Itt., 11:30 6:00 10:00 ■ march For Tomorrow (2-34-5-6-7-8- (NBC) Policewoman ® Blank Check 10-12-13-2541) News "Warning: All Wives" Pepper and ■■13-41) Split Second (9) Bewitched Sgt. Crowley work to trap a rapist Concentration (23) Aviation Weather 8:30 after two hospital patients' wives ■amily Court (50) Star Trek (CBS) We'll Get By ■ Bugs Bunny 6:30 Kenny's fight with a rival baseball 11:55 (34-5-6-7-10-25) News n layer named Mad Dog (ABC) Get Christie Lovel N) News (9) I Dream Of Jeannie Wt serman becomes a traumatic "I'm Your New Ni . *'s Carol Duvall (12) 6:30 Movie expei'^nce for the family when he Christie pulls out all stops to find . 12:0° NOON (13) Beverly Hillbillies fa*t>, !:.iess and refuses to go out and protect her new neighbor, a P'8-13) News (23) Off The Record of the house because he fears a young woman who appears to be jeeent (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive rematch. in perilous jeopardy. Jftat's My Line? 7:00 Bl.' My Children (24-7-8) News (NBC) Chico And The Man 11:30 •alloping Gourmet (3) What's My Line? "Old Dog" Ed is shamed back (NBC) Tha Tonight Show ■ "heel Of Fortune into action by Chico after being (5) Ironside Johnny Carson is host. ■ lele-Revista ■ Underdog (6) B (9) B stumped by a minor repair job on (ABC) Wide World Mystery THE STABLES nac 12:20 PM (10) A "The Two Deaths Of Sean FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: (13) Truth Or Consequences 9:00 Doolittle" Stars George Grizzard. 12:30 (23) Washington Week In Review (CBS) The Friday Night Movie by Bob Thaves ^NUTS Ichulz Frank fc Ernie's CANINE OBEDIENCE FLUNKED. SCHOOL 16^ ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April ^ Ford calls S.Vietnam's situation frag (continued from page 1) question, the President de¬ But, he went on: don hope." certainly will approve," he said. Congress has c American military force and examining the In mid - 1973 Congress clined to blame Congress speci "I think it's a great tragedy He said he was Administration restricting the amount of aid to fically for the near loss of what we're seeing in Vietnam question of allowing Vietna banned the use of any Amer¬ military aid, including, Indochina, Ford said, "I must Cambodia and the worsening mese refugees to enter the ican military force, direct or to date to today I think it could have add $300 Science team scores against Falls say that I'm frustrated by the situation in South Vietnam. been avoided.' United States under a waiver of indirect, in Indochina, an action the $700 million j- actions of Congress ... by the "I think it's up to the Ford said the United States immigration restrictions. Ford said Thursday removed a for this fiscal year Robert Blanck, an employe of MSU Information Services limitations placed on the chief American people to pass judg will honor its commitments and "I can assure you that that "potential" deterrent to North While the executive." Vietnamese aggression. South** which does MSU's public relations, wrote a letter to Detroit ment on who was to blame and "under my presidency we will authority is being examined war dominated the q.* Free Press sports writer Joe Falls which said: "I have no In response to a direct where the fault lies," Ford said. neither furl the flag nor aban¬ and if it will be helpful, I Over the last two years, Ford was pushed onto, mic argument with any claim to Biggie Munn's greatness as a planning. He football coach and athletic director, but to tie in the country can expect an- physical recovery to and academic growth of MSU is downright preposterous.' Falls ran the letter and countered: "What'd the science team do last year?" As a matter of fact, the number of research Students to vote on lettuce boycott; board of trustees will see results July. Recent begin as indicators slJ nation's deep recession^ projects on campus (2,800) exceeds the number of athletes (continued from page 1) ing down with the and the value of research grants to MSU in be somewhat of a precedent," tory for the UFW would be be for anyone to quibble over it "Sixty percent 'yes' votes many we get, the board of injtojj January alone ($4 cut nearly in half £ enough to influence all trustees. — if anyone were so inclined," might not be enough for them. trustees could argue against million) exceeds this year's intercollegiate athletics budget Koltonow said. "I suppose we would get flack Carrigan said. But I'm sure no matter how it," he said. year's figure of 12 The RHA president said in per by$1.6million. from some of them even if we Carrigan was impressed with now stands at 7.2 per(«; spiration for the vote came got 40,000 students in favor of the 9,000 signatures the Boy¬ "When you add from a recent meeting of RHA upjf O'Conner loses job, gains support and Ed Youmans, a member of the UFW and director of the MSU Student Boycott Com¬ it," he said. He contact the hopes the RHA will board, before the cott Committee had gathered, "when only 6,000 students bo¬ thered to vote in the ASMSU Agencies swamped with offers various economic does show the receding and that ind' rec- election.' (continued from page 1) conditions will get ASMSU Labor Relations director mittee. vote, to help eliminate any Vietnam tragedy and we are better- Doyle O'Connor found "And the fact that enough Government to third quarter of 1975 that his job at Brody Hall cafeteria had been "This would give the board a potential arguments about the help "facilitate ready to help them live in the given to another results. students are interested enough the early departure" of the President said. gage of student interest in the peace that their parents never student when he returned after to work on getting this refer¬ But, Congress must spring break. O'Connor, an boycott," Youmans said, "we Trustee Pat children from South Vietnam, knew," Milliken said. active organizer of the Student Workers Union, considered Carrigan, D- endum says something for it," said hundreds of state officials, lid" on federal recently got 9,000 signatures on Farmington Hills, said she will go to the spending filing an unfair labor practice charge but dropped the idea a petition favoring the boycott, would be she said. doctors, volunteer workers and State officials said it was too people to when he rehired at another impressed "if there Koltonow said it would be foster parents already have congressmen to was job in Brody Hall. The new and all were signed in less than was overwhelming support of early to tell how many children "stop coi difficult to estimate how many been mobilized to receive them the White House with job will give him greater opportunities to convince two and a half weeks." those voting." might be sent to Michigan coworkers to sign union authorization cards, he But Youmans is not sure an "The more strongly it passes, "yes" votes of the total number and to provide emergency care should there be such an airlift. spending bill after anothtr says. would be necessary to persuade said. and shelter. But they said initial planning overwhelming referendum vic¬ the less opportunity there will the trustees to enact some sort "Our arms are open to theise was geared to handle between Congress must limit the Salvage yard captures new piece of boycott. innocent young victims of the 300 and 1,500 children. budget deficit to $60 Ford said. The MSU Salvage Yard (accidentally) locked a State News reporter in its huge storage garage Wednesday night Co-op meeting set for Sunday shortly after yard supervisor Fred Kletke told the reporter to browse y2 PRICE Is living in the, dorm getting of the various co-ops. around, "I'll be with you in a minute." The reporter escaped you down? Are you tired of "There are many co-ops near through an open door and over the surrounding fence. apartment living? campus, both co-ed and male or If these living problems are female only," said Susan Nickel coffee bargain succumbs bugging you, then be sure to be Brownlee, a member of the In keeping with the times, the revised its "old-fashioned Bagel-Fragel Factory has at the sponsored by information p.m. Sunday in 35 Union. It is area co-ops session at 1 Hedrick House co-op. "Inex- pensiveness and control by those living within each co-op STEREO SALE prices." Once a nickel a cup, coffee is now 10 cents, or 15 cents for a for all those interested in co-op house are two of the major large cup. "The five-cent thing was really just a living. advantages of co-op living." long special to pick up our Talks and a slide show will business, which it did," the manager explained. Co-op members say that New- take place during the meeting, fashioned prices were effective Tuesday. people who want some control which will be followed by tours over their lives and are willing to take some responsibility while living with others are prime applicants for* co-op Benefit set to reunite Folk guitarist.Pat Quinn will ate. That chance will take him family supplying Untung with the living. give a benefit concert at MSU away from his family for money to support his family for Saturday night in an effort to another two years. Untung has List $249.95 KENWOOD stereo cassette AMPEXI Micro 90 automatic change bring an Indonesian family the next two years. recording deck with dolby $169 List$l 29.95 already been separated from cassette player deck together. his family for a year. The concert, which will be List 129.95 PIONEER Project 100 speaker, A Reformed Church fellow¬ wood cabinet $69 List 149.95 AUDIO 4 five speaker, 3 way, held at 8 p.m. in the Yakeley ship in the Netherlands is 12" woofer, two mids & two tweeters Hall cafeteria, will attempt to PIONEER SE-100 electrostatic List 129.95 raise the $2,000 Kasumbogo stereo headphones $69 List 139.95 PANASONIC SB-170 speaker, Untung needs to bring his family from Indonesia. List 279.95 PIONEER T6100 stereo reel to reel 3-way, with wood cabinet Untung will soon receive his recording deck with automatic reverse $199 master's degree in entomology List 349.95 from MSU. He now has a $191 chance to work for his doctor¬ List 359.95 KENWOOD KW6044 4-channel reel to reel recording deck $199 List 279.95 WOLLENSAK 3-piece, stereo $99 tape recorder (no mike) List 55.00 KLH Model 32 loudspeaker $39 List 289.95 KENWOOD 4200 AM/FM stereo List 209.95 KENWOOD KM-8002 power amplifier receiver 099 $99 COmPUTER List 550.00 FISHER 4-channel, AM/FM stereo List 159.95 KENWOOD KQS-400 4-channel $79 THE STABLES SHORTCOURSES decoder amplifier List 99.95 receiver deck with eight track AM/FM stereo receiver with speakers List 599.95 PIONEER QT-6600 4-channel reel to 2813 E. GD. EtVER. EAST LANSING 351 1200 Computer Laboratory will present a series of reel stereo recorder deck $399 List 189.95 Portable eight track stereo recorder & AM/FM non-credit shortcourses during Spring term, 1975, with automatic reverse stereo, AC/DC $91 MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE There is a $1 fee covering computer time and List 299.95 AM/FM stereo receiver materials for each shortcourse. $129 List 349.95 PANASONIC 3-piece AM/FM stereo FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT shortcourses must be made by Registration for the sound system with turntable 80 watt ' April 7 at the User Information Center, Rm. 309 Computer Center. For full shortcourse descriptions, contact the User NOW APPEARING APRIL 3-5 Information Center, 353-1800. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAST DAY! GRADER - a of large and medium program designated to relieve the (Section 1: April 10, 3 enrollment - courses. drudgery of arodina for 5 p.m.; Section 2: April 30, 7 • 9 p.m.) H instructors NIKON REBATES iocial Sciences for f I O S E P,g°' US'n9 1,1 I the Statistical Pockage for the AND LOW PRICES! April 14, 16 8 18, > ",,77 Advanced SPSS the advanced features of the Statistical Package for the Sc (April 22 '& 24, !T?5 "m0"8"' " 00 m°9n,"c ,op® USOfle r'55** h 'he 5,0,i,liCa' Pacl