PURCHASE REQUIRES CAUTION Life insurance explained By NANCYCRANE "That policy had the most expensive State News Staff Writer dependent on them or have debts which premium for me. It was stupid to keep it," they want paid off when they die. Life insurance agents, like tulips, pop up he said. "And the agent didn't stress that everywhere during the spring. under the promissory note plan the note Students who do not fit the above They solicit students by mail, pressure comes due them, promise them free gifts and weight immediately if the policy is situations should not fall for agents' claims cancelled — that is not stressed." that they get lower or preferred rates if them down with tons pf information, both worthless and relevent, about insurance This article, which is based on interviews they buy young. policies. with students who bought insurance, insur¬ Before a student buys life insurance he And many students who are naive about ance agents and MSU insurance expert should ask himself, "What would I need insurance and under pressure from friend¬ Gary Stone, attempts to answer basic money for if I die?" ly, smooth - talking agents, buy life questions students must understand before insurance policies which they neither need buying insurance. Research information If the student does not need money for nor can afford. was also drawn from articles from Consum¬ anything short of burial expenses, he For instance, one students financed his ers' Reports from January, 1972, January, probably does not need life insurance. first - year premium on an insurance policy February and March 1974 and from What types of life insurance policies are through a promissory loan note. He Changing Times' March 1974 issue. available to students? cancelled the policy the second year and Who should buy life insurance? only then found out that the loan came due Students should buy life insurance only There are two basic types of life if immediately upon cancellation of the policy. they are married, have relatives-who are (continued on page 14) 48824 U.S. to remove Vietnam MGON, South Vietnam (AP) — U.S. Marines were prepared to land in the city of for the second straight day on Sunday soldiers did not want to be separated from has a commitment to assist the South evacuation. They also said the flight nes are prepared to land in Saigon to 3.5 million. intensified their attacks in the Mekong their families. No injuries were reported. Vietnamese to give them a reasonable recorder from the doomed plane had been uate Americans and some Vietnamese There are nearly 6,000 Americans still in Delta, the vital rice bowl of South Vietnam •In Washington, U.S.Defense Secretary chance to survive. recovered and might help in the investiga¬ lajor fighting or chaos breaks out, Vietnam, though many have begun leaving south of Saigon. Small - scale skirmishes James R. Schlesinger said the South •More Vietnamese orphans left for new tion. med sources said Sunday. » by commercial means. were reported in the Saigon region and Vietnamese have been able to reoccupy homes abroad Sunday and U.S. officials said On the battle front, North Vietnamese e development came as the United Other sources disclosed the presence of government troops recaptured a second some areas which they had fled, including and Viet Cong troops shelled a big South as many as 326 persons may have been s continued building up its 7th Fleet two more destroyers, the carrier Hancock, Na outpost in provinces to the east. Trang. Appearing on CBS' "Face the aboard the giant cargo plane that crashed Vietnamese air base near Can Tho in the and forces off the coast of Vietnam, and supply ships off the coast of Vietnam. Nation" •Cambodian rebel pressure packed the Schlesinger said the United States Friday at the start of the American Mekong Delta, 80 miles south of Saigon. at least one aircraft carrier, three They said President Ford had ordered Phnom Penh enclave two square miles oyer's, a half dozen other amphibious every available ship to Indochina waters tighter as government troops abandoned a and elements of a Marine division and that more would be on the way, highway strip to the southwest and shelling ding by. le buildup was disclosed in part in news perhaps as a signal to Hanoi that the President is determined to protect every drove refugees to flight again in the north. Insurgents also shelled the airport, but the Dorms profit ases from the U.S. Embassy and by American. U.S. airlift and evacuation of American independent sources, At a news conference in San Diego, Calif., Embassy personnel from Phnom Penh le release also disclosed er USS Reasoner and that the scores of on Thursday, Ford said contingency plans exist to protect and evacuate Americans in continued. •Mutinous South Vietnamese soldiers from pinball helicopters were within only a short South Vietnam and Cambodia and could seized control of at least two U.S. cargo e of Saigon. include the use of U.S. troops "to protect ships carrying them to a tiny, isolated ces said they were on station to Le Americans and some Vietnamese American lives." In other Indochina developments: island and forced the vessels back to Vung Tau 40 miles east of Saigon, over the fad at MSU ajor fighting or chaos broke out and that •North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces weekend, officials said. They said th$ By JOE ADAMS Hey there pinball freaks, did you know that your addiction to the machines helped ederal aid to students to pay for the carpets that are now in the hallways of all the residence halls? Pinball addiction has also helped MSU repaint your residence hall and repair the holes in the wall. uggested by Wharton During the 1973-74 school year, MSU made a profit of $55,000 on pinball machines. The total gross was $110,000, with half of that going to the vending company, Music Systems of Lansing. By BRUCE RAY WALKER period following graduation. This entitle¬ For This is an increase of $7,000 over the State News Staff Writer example, in 1960, Wharton said, a ment would probably be $375. previous year, even though the number of federal Michigan resident student bore 21 per cent machines in operation in the residence halls subsidy of $375 a yew- for •After the initial 10-year period an of the direct cost of an education at MSU, ege students, which would cost the individual could accrue additional educa¬ while in 1970 the percentage had risen to 30 has remained the same at 75 for the last ernment about $2.6 billion a year, has tional benefits for every year he pays taxes. three years. "i recommended by President Wharton per cent. It is easy to be caught up in the pinball •This entitlement could be used at any means of easing the burden craze at MSU. Not only are there pinball placed on accredited public or private post-secondary ients by rising tuition costs. The $375 federal subsidy that Wharton shops on Grand River Avenue, but there are institution in the United States. Wharton said in a State News interview has suggested is one-fourth the average machines in nearly every residence hall on •The federal entitlement would be tthe cost of the program would be about cost per year to the state for a student campus. granted to all students regardless of need. enrolled in a state university or college. same as the present Trident submarine "To see why I'm proposing this I think The people who find their way to these gram. This plan has already brought The subsidy would not make a student machines pop in quarters at an impressive you have to ask yourself why the Land mail from across the country and will Grant Act was first passed," Wharton said. ineligible for other forms of financial aid. rate. Last year over $6.25 was put in bably mean he will testify in a few Wharton warned, though, that subsidies campus machines for every student living in The basic rationale for the passing of the nths before a to students need to be accompanied by residence halls. congressional committee act back in 1862, Wharton said, was that a utit. more federal money for the schools. This MSU's half of the money collected from traditional classical education did not meet Wharton's recommendation, which he the needs for the new industrial society and would help run programs that may not pinball machines goes into the Residence sented March 25 at the 30th annual return a monetary profit, but are socially Hall Auxilary Fund, which also includes that society would benefit from a more tional Conference desirable. monies collected from washing machines and on Higher Education educated citizenry. thicago, proposed federal legislation "Society still benefits from an educated cigaret machines. The fund is used for "ding the following features: citizenry, but the rising costs of an Wharton said inflation will probably keep The lure of the flashing lights and maintenance, improvement and general Every high school graduate would be raising the cost of education in the future clanging bells made MSU upkeep of the halls. education have fallen on the shoulders of students spend $110,000 playing the 1 'e *or a specific federal dollar entitle- the student, making him wonder whether and greater productivity by the college to silver ball on campus last Lyle Thorburn, asst. vice president for per year up to a maximum of four he can afford to attend college," Wharton offset the increases is not very feasible, year. The University made a profit of $55,000 from quarters Housing and Food Services, said that the « of full-time (continued (continued on page 14) study within a 10-year said. s on page 5) dropped into the machines by hopeful pinball wizards. Buckley shines at U-M debate By STEVE ORR potshots at the People's Republic of China. State News Staff Writer They had watched Ferency and Bullard clown and squirm "Hi, I'm Zolton Ferency," said the man in the old maroon their way through Buckley's hour - long speech and had heard sport coat and the narrow - collared black shirt. Buckley humiliate Bullard and aggravate Ferency with his It was Zolton Ferency — the MSU criminal justice answers to their questions. professor, defeated Human Rights party gubernatorial All in all, everybody gave the performance expected of him. candidate and state radic - lib spokesman. Buckley attacked what he saw as a common malady today: He was backstage at U - M's Hill Auditorium awaiting the the affixing of economic explanations to every problem. arrival of his opponent for the evening discussion, William F. He took exception to the idea that the war in Vietnam was Buckley, host of the Public Broadcasting Service show "Firing supported by America for economic reasons and, in doing so, Line" and founding editor of the National Review. took a potshot at students. They, alone with Ann Arbor State Rep. Perry Bullard, met "Student radicals rose up in reaction to the aggressiveness in discussion Friday night in U - M's Hill Auditorium. of private enterprise," he said. "There was racism, the war, The affair was billed as a debate, but actually was a speech poverty. I suppose if you throw in clitoral orgasm that would by Buckley and comments by the other two. Buckley made constitute a list of concerns of students in that decade." $2,250 for his part of the program. Bullard and Ferency made Buckley also extolled the virtue of a free marketplace and nothing. ** disputed those who claim that a free marketplace brings out "How are ya?" asked Ferency of a stage hand. It was a aggression in people and business. perfect parody of the campaigning politician that may not have been a parody at all, but the real Zolton Ferency himself. When the squinting and stuffing of hands into pockets and Suddenly, in a gale of cold wind and a flash of conservative smiling that sarcastic smile was over, Buckley stood back and blue, Buckley entered through an outside door. He squinted accepted a 15 - second bellow of approval. at Ferency and was hustled into a back room. Ferency smiled Then it was time for Ferency and Bullard. Bullard immediately launched on a tirade about Chiang Kai at the stage hand and followed Buckley into the room. When the debate started and when it was over, the crowd - schek and housing in Ann Arbor. The crowd began to titter at the hometown boy. had gotten its money's worth. They had listened to Buckley embark on a slightly Buckley countered by admitting that he knew nothing intimidating discourse on the free marketplace and take (continued on page 5) £ 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, Apri| 7 J( ORPHAN EVACUATION FLI Plane crash investigation continues SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) — More than orphans aboard two U.S. Air Force C141 In Michigan, Gov. Milliken announced Satur¬ They also said later information showed .uB 29 crew members aboard, an 250 Vietnamese day that Vietnamese refugee children were inere rfl were Steel sales revival orphans, including handicapped transports. They were to go to the United States reported children, left for new homes abroad Sunday, after a stop in the Philippines. Another 100 expected to arrive at Detroit Metropolitan earlier reports, and that 19 listed as dead or missing. It was survived andHi^ Industry Week magazine said Sunday the "first signs of a while U.S. officials said as many as 326 persons may have been aboard a giant cargo plane that orphans left aboard a commercial jetliner for Britain. Eighteen of the children are mentally or Airport this weekend for eventual adoption in the state. the figures might still «'mphasJjJ change further 7 LB revival in steel buying are now crashed Friday at the start of the American investigation into the crash continued being seen." physically handicapped and will be cared for in a Last week, Milliken waived all normal adop¬ a Orders for May and June evacuation from South Vietnam. home London. tion procedures to aid in finding foster homes for A U.S. Navy and Marine delivery of steel sheets to the near Corps search u. auto industry "are They also said the flight recorder from the the children. The governor emphasized, how¬ found the flight recorder Sundav larger than steel sales executives had from the urn downed plane had been recovered and might Air Force C5A Galaxy jet expected, and appliance makers — becoming bullish on Their departure raised to about 1,500 the ever, he has had no indication from the U.S. cargo plan. II their business prospects — are increasing their steel orders throw new light on the tragic crash. The pilot of number of orphans flown out of South Vietnam government there would be any large airlift crashed Friday. P ane for May and June delivery about 5 the plane said earlier a decompression explosion since the airlifts by different nations began five directly to Michigan. The U.S. Embassy said the per cent over order for recorder affected the controls of the big aircraft. days ago. Most have gone to foster families in Meanwhile, efforts continued to pin down recovered off the coast of Vietnam. ** April delivery,'1 the weekly industry magazine reported. Going out of Saigon on Sunday were 178 the United States, Canada and Australia. precisely the number of persons aboard and the "The vital flight recorder, which was ne« number of casualties in the crash Friday of a U.S. by accident investigators to help reconstruct!!!! Energy head eyes coal use Air Force C5A Galaxy just outside Saigon. It was carrying 243 orphans. accident sequence, was not found site," the embassy officials said. at the en Federal Energy Chief Frank Zarb is considering ordering Conflicts with Ford predicted U.S. Embassy officials said that, after review¬ ing the passenger list and making an on - the - Officials at the Friends For All ChiliJ some utilities to switch to use of coal, according to a scene investigation of the wreckage, they had agency who put the children on the Galaxy, were working with U.S. authorial dol!!| spokesman for the Federal Energy Administration. determined that as many as 326 persons were trying to compile lists of those killed and tkl Many utilities switched from oil to coal during the Arab oil boycott, but a report in Sunday's Washington Post said at as congressional break ends aboard. They still listed 100 orphans and about 20 others as survivors, with the rest either dead adoptive parents. While the movement of children out of I tkl least half of those on the East Coast have since gone back to WASHINGTON (AP) - ing heavy automobile pur¬ sent up specific figures. Ford or missing. The officials said the number of escorts and a country went on, a group of opposition made public a letter by a Saigon politicJ burning a higher-priced oil. Congress ends a 10-day Easter chases for government depart¬ has scheduled a foreign policy few of their own dependent children aboard now official, which quoted U.S. Ambassador govern®,I Zarb does not plan to make a hasty decision on ordering recess Monday to return to ments, described by sponsors address before a joint session of was listed at 54. Eight of this group are known to Martin Grahi the utilities to use coal, the spokesman said Sunday, as session and the likelihood of as saying the evacuation "will help crettfl as job-creating. It is considered Congress for Thursday night. Jiave died and have been tentatively identified. a shift in American public opinion in negotiations will have to be held over state and local clean repeated confrontations with a likely veto target if enacted. The House, with some lea¬ favor" ffl Eight are known to have survived, four of them South Vietnam. An embassy air codes. President Ford. Reportedly, however, some ders not returning from foreign spokesman siiiL with minor injuries. There were 38 persons in Martin agreed that the airlift While most members were Democratic as well as Republi¬ travel until midweek, sche¬ might affect I'M the escort group still unaccounted for, embassy public opinion but that his "overriding away from Washington on trips can members of the committee duled mostly secondary legi¬ concert State wins Attica victory to their districts or abroad, consider it excessive and it may slation for floor consideration. officials said. is the "welfare of the orphans." Ford had sharp words for the be modified before being sent It will take up Monday a bill Democratic-controlled Cong¬ to the Senate. New York state has won its first continuing and expanding the convincing victory in its ress on both domestic and The House Ways and Means programs of special aid to older effort to prosecute persons indicted in the 1971 Attica prison foreign issues. Committee resumes on Wed¬ Americans. rebellion. He signed the $24.8 billion nesday its work on a package of The budget committees of John B. Hill, 23, of Buffalo convicted of murder bill with announced was tax cut energy tax legislation. It has both chambers are aiming at Saturday .in the beating death of guard William Quinn. FredtAstaire] misgivings over its size and before it a variety of Demo¬ completing by the end of the Codefendant Charles J. Pernasilice, 22, of some of its provisions, and with cratic proposals, all differing in week their respective versions Syracuse was f M convicted on an assault charge. Hill and Pernasilice were both a warning that he will be vetoing what he considers ex¬ important respects from Ford's recommendations. of a resolution Congress would be asked to adopt as a guideline DANCE STUDIOS [ charged with murder, but cessive spending measures. The Senate may take up later State Supreme Court Justice Gilbert H. King, the trial judge, for spending during the year As Communist forces rolled in the week a bill approved by instructed the jury to disregard the murder count beginning July 1. against up territory in South Vietnam its Foreign Relations Commit¬ Pernasilice and consider only lesser charges. and Cambodia, tee authorizing $82.5 million Indications Ford castigated military aid for Cambodia cut were that either STUDENT SPECIAL Congress for not agreeing to his version would contemplate a Man found with loaded gun proposals for more aid. from the $300 million Ford deficit of $70 billion or more. Some of the disputed issues asked. Ford repeated at a news con¬ 15 hours t-.r $1 - (X) may surface early in the re¬ Ford has indicated he will ask ference Thursday that he is A 28-year-old San Francisco arrested newed session. for more aid, principally hu¬ 2'/2 private lessons man was during "drawing the line" on spending President Ford's visit to San Francisco The Senate Appropriations manitarian 2Vz group lessons Saturday night after assistance, for that would cause a deficit above 10 practice sessions deputies found him carrying a loaded ,38-caliber revolver. Committee is scheduled to be¬ Southeast Asia, but has not $60 billion. Authorities said the man, Franklin Lim, wasreleased early gin considering a $5.9 billion You can learn to Sunday on $250 bail after being charged with two House-passed appropriation for Foxtrot, Waltz variety of lurmg Fall, Winter anj Sf Swing, Polka, Cha-Cha, misdemeanor counts of carrying a loaded firearm in a a programs, includ¬ ciol Welcome Wee public Subscription rate * veor. Rumba and Tango. place and carrying an unregistered firearm. Second dc„ass postage paid ot Mich. Edito San Mateo County Sheriff John McDonald said Lim was 345 Student Services 48624. Bldg.. Michigan State University East lansina I HELD OVER! taken into custody when he and two other men tried to Postmaster Please send f pass a security gate. At the same time the President was about 100 yards away, inside the jet that brought 325 South Vietnamese orphans here, McDonald said. News/Editorial Classified Ads DANCE STUDIOS, INC. U Ex-Hawaiian governor dies Display Advertising 301 MAC Avenue, East Lansing I Phone 332-8644 J John A. Burns, a former police officer who aligned himself with the postwar political awakening of Hawaii's noncau- casians, died Saturday at his suburban home in Honolulu, less than four months after completing his third term as governor. He was 66. Burns underwent surgery for cancer of the colon in October 1973 and never was able to resume his official HURRY! duties. Lt. Gov. GeorgeR. Ariyoshi, Burns' political protege, took over as acting governor and a FINAL CL0SE0UI year later won election as the nation's first governor of Japanese ancestry. SALE Taiwan leader dies Saturday Deutsche Grammophone Power passed to a new generation Sunday on Taiwan, the island to which Chiang Kai-shek and his Nationalist forces withdrew after the 1949 victory on the mainland. $4.59 The 87-year-old Chiang suffered a heart attack and died LIST PRICE *7.98 Saturday night. His will, released two hours later, called on followers to carry out his unfulfilled dream to recapture all of China. Yen Chia-kan, Chiang's 70-year-old vice president, was sworn in as president. But real power rests with Premier Chiang Ching-kuo, 65, the late president's eldest son, who All Budget Classical has been running the country since his father developed pneumonia in July 1972. Terrorists kill 9 in Belfast The death toll rose to nine bloodiest days in six years of Sunday after one of the LP's $1.98 killing in Northern Ireland. The killing began Saturday afternoon when a bomb was thrown into a bar in a Roman Catholic area of two persons Another bomb and injuring 15 others. Belfast, killing exploded in a Protestant-occupied bar soon Most other LP's afterward, killing four persons and injuring 60. Later Saturday night, terrorists shot and killed Catholic men in separate Belfast one of those injured in a bar two Roman shootings, and on Sunday 3.99 Bass up-Countrys explosion died in a hospital, officials said. Bass has outdone themselvesthis time with these They have added plumpfull grain 1, Guerillas, Israelis trade fire even a hiM leather socklining with a cushioned a Available in Natural Tan in narrow and medium widths. Palestinian guerillas said they traded fire Sunday with a helicopter-borne Israeli force trying to set up fortifications one mile inside Lebanon's southern border. MSU BOOTERY Cunpui AmkS&OP- No casualties were reported and there was no immediate comment from the Israeli command. 225 E. Grand Riv«r The action reportedly took place at Ruweisat Hill, which is close to Kfar Shuba, a border village leveled by Israeli East Lansing Mich Across from the Union artillery and demolition squads last January. op«n Thurs. tll'9 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 3 Prof sees obligation By PAUL PARKER ber of such States had not made State News Staff Writer people and their a decision confide in his military leaders scapegoat can easily fix on immediate offspring and grand¬ to keep out of Vietnam. or in his people. President Thieu the man." An MSU professor who was children total • The Panic and as probably Saigon leadership was Ihead advisor for the much-crit- 2,000,000. They left North unpopular, publicly unsupport¬ confusion were increased by the rumors that flew. licized "Vietnam Project" for Vietnam with our expressed ed and had organized its "It is clear from what we Fishel said that it is ironic rQ years in the 1950s, thinks that these developments should explicit assurance that we military leadership in such a have seen thus far, that the come at a time when Vietnam is e United States has an would not abandon them. Do manner and under such men I obligation to evacuate all Viet- we have any obligation to them that effective response to a critical decision to abandon tens about to become an economic of thousands of square miles to success. It will export 700,000 Inamese people who want to today?" North Vietnamese attack vas the North Vietnamese and Viet tons of rice to other Asian and ■ leave Vietnam and suggested Fishel said a major airlift unlikely. I the rice-growing region of the could be organized by declaring Fishel added that Thieu Cong forces was a unilateral African countries and it has decision by Thieu himself," recently been discovered that ■ Mississippi River delta as a Vietnam to be in a state of I relocation site. panicked, causing him to make Fishel said grimly. "So any¬ large oil fields have been found emergency and sending as the wrong decisions. He did not I "I see no reason that we body who's looking for a off the coast of Vietnam. I should not settle some of these many planes as needed, if necessary securing them from I people or give them a chance to the airlines. He also recom¬ I settle in Arkansas, Mississippi, I Louisiana and Texas, rice-grow-. 1 ing country where these people mended that all bureaucratic red tape be waived. Privies reveal I would feel at home," said Despite domestic problems and the international situation, DETROIT (UPI) I Wesley Fishel, professor of thousands of Americans are — Archeologists digging in to two 130 - year old duck eggs and, Weeks said, I political science and James some 19th-century Detroit privies (outhouses) are useful in determining much of the social I Madison College, Friday. responding to the Vietnam have made some surprisingly valuable finds. arrangement in Detroit in the early 1800s. crisis by adopting Vietnamese "This has been I "it would add an interesting one of the richest, if not the None of the items, Weeks said, are particularly children. Fishel said that tells richest, early 19th I dimension to civil rights," he - century digs in urban valuable or particularly old. I said, smiling. "Can one visual- us something about American's archeology," said Solan W. Weeks, director of But added up, he said, they reveal even such latent compassion for the Viet¬ the Detroit Historical Musuem. I ize the impact of the Viet- namese. features of 19th century life as what Detroiters - I namese vote in Mississippi on Weeks, along with archeologists Stephen ate and what ailments most troubled them. Humanitarian action must be Demeter and Charles H. Martinez, met I Mississippi politics?" taken now, Fishel said, because newsmen The Ford Motor Co. financed the excavating, I There are seven groups of Thursday to tell them what turned up during which took place over eight months in 1973. Vietnam can be saved with excavations at privies then located on the I people that he felt the United Weeks said the result may take years to I States was obligated to evac- "nothing short of an American current site of the Renaissance Center along the determine the over - all importance of their work, I uate from South Vietnam. military involvement of im¬ river in downtown Detroit. but already they can piece together some stories mediate and vast dimensions The items ranged from earthen chamber pots of early citizens by studying their findings. I "Compassionate steps should which is simply out of the I be taken to save as many of the I Vietnamese who do not want to question. Period." South Vietnam has been I live under Communist rule as doomed since 1968 because it I possible." Fishel said. "That did not restructure the gov- I presumably is why we were vernment, corruption was not I there in the first place. eliminated and military leader¬ I "There are at least 100,000 I Vietnamese who have worked ship was found wanting when it was most urgently needed, he I for the, United States. You said. I have those children who are Fishel attributed the North SN photo/Ron Biava I now being evacuated, plus tens Vietnamese decision to attack I of thousands more who are not Wesley Fishel, professor of James Madison College and political science, South Vietnam to a series of I listed as orphans but whose suggests that America transport all the Vietnamese who want to come to three premises. I father^ were American service- the United States and relocate them in rice-growing areas in the South. • The United States' decision I men. not to become militarily involv¬ I "There are perhaps one to commissary general and aided Fishel, 55, feels that we have Vietnamese who do not want to ed in Vietnam eliminated the I two thousand, a raw, rough the evacuation of the 900,000 an obligation to Vietnamese live under Communist rule. I possibility of American air guess, young men and women refugees who did not want to refugees and their immediate "There were the 900,000 who attacks and ground forces. I who today would be 20 or 21, live under Communist rtile. offspring and grandchildren. moved to the south to get away • The I who were born on American In 1966, Ramparts magazine political and economic "They left North Vietnam from the Communists in 1954- situation in the United States I naval vessels between Hai- accused the MSU group of with our expressed, explicit 55," he said. "I have seen made American involvement I phong and Saigon during the being a CIA front and singled assurance that we would not estimates that today the num¬ I evacuation of 900,000 unlikely even if the United refugees out Fishel as the "biggest abandon them," he said. I in 1954-55. operator of them all." His He said we also have an Fishel was a member of the picture was plastered on obligation to help those who I MSU group, also known as the I Vietnam Project, that reorgan- "wanted" posters by the Stu¬ dents for a Democratic Society were educated in the west — All clicks IiaK pui( [ tr(>\1 Montagnards, the French set¬ I ized the commission to the and other radical groups. tlers, and any other South j lo'y Movky ilmi tIiikscIw NOWplAViN,, THE ROAD FUTURE TENSE - TENSE FUTURE. These are the lectures of an enterprising series. Their mission: to seek out the future; to link science and the arts through the common endeavor Of speculation; to boldly go where no lecture has gone before. The series is sponsored by Justin Morrill College, College of Natural Science, College of Arts and Letters, College of Social Science, and the Center for Environmental Quality, Michigan State University. William F. Christensen Artistic Director COMPANY OF 35 DANCERS starring Tom Ruud, Victoria Morgan Bruce Caldwell, Cynthia Young John Hiatt program "Quintet" "Echoes of Autumn" "Irish Fantasy" "Filling Station" Music by Schubert, Saint-Saens Virgil Thomson & Andrzej Panufnik Choreography by Lew Christensen Tom Ruud, Bill Evans Jacques d'Amboise Tuesday, April 15 8:15 pm University Auditorium Tickets at the Union Ticket Office To a man of taste, 8:15-4:30 weekdays Public: $6.00 5.00 4.00 No. 1 in the Series MSU students: $3.00 2.50 2.00 Style is one thing quality is another. Wallace puts them together ii , Call 355-6686 for special group prices. FRANK HERBERT 9'asses. 40 years of expertise and reputation for customer satisfaction Author of DUNE, winner of science fiction's This is the final subscription event of the 1974-75 top awards speaking on Lecture-Concert Series season. DR. R.C.JONES DR. R.J.SPAGNUOLO Opticians DR. W.C. JENSEN Vine at Clippert Thefuture Monday, April 7, 8 MSU Auditorium p.m. GamemMwcfJ: N-Washington IV2-1175 (Opposite Sears) 332-8628 Coming April 28, Frederlk Pohl, science fiction writer and editor, author of The REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS Space Merchants 8 p.m., MSU Auditorium We welcome Bank Americard and Admission Free Mastercharge ANTHONY LEWIS U.S. "lean only tell you my emotional reaction, trace policy futile the American involvement in a coup. He abandoned neut„r ■ getting into that country. If I could have Cambodia. The crucial decisions were made announcing that he would attack found, the military of State Dept. leader who in 1970 by Richard Nixon, with the advice Vietnamese Communist forces, and has been the architect of this policy, my and support of Henry Kissinger. They led was a slaughter of Vietnamese » instinct would be to string him up. inexorably, predictably to tragedy death residents around Phnom . . What — penh " and destruction for Cambodia, moral and surprisingly, the North Vietnamese they have done to the country is greater evil than we have done to any country tn the political disaster for the United States. moving on Lon Nol's weak army. bd world." Until 1970, Prince Sihanouk had kept In this situation Nixon and Kiss' J - Rep. Paul McCloskey, R. ■ Calif, Cambodia relatively peaceful by an intri¬ revived the old idea of an Am invasion. testifying after his recent visit to Cambodia. cate neutralist game. He turned a blind eye to Vietnamese Communist use of his They overrode doubts Administration from, withilj The images from Indochina assail us with among others wP their misery and horror. The ones from eastern provinces, then to American tary of Defense Laird and State Rogers. SecretanJ Phnom Penh are, in a way, the hardest to bombing of those areas. His policy was Kissinger accused J bear: those children are starving because untidy, but it worked. doubter of showing "the cowardice ofd of an American blunder — recent, utterly The idea of invading Cambodia had Eastern Establishment." avoidable and prolonged in the teeth of Five members of occasionally come up in the Pentagon, but it Kissinger's own jti warned that a Cambodian reason. The American intervention in Vietnam was never taken seriously. At one meeting enlarge the operation wl in the 1960s the chairman of the joint chiefs war without benefit United States. Three resigned ttfcl may be explained in terms of the of staff Gen. Earle Wheeler, said, "Why the Lake, Roger Morris and William - AnthZI assumption of another era. For Cambodia there is no excuse. It was wanton cruelty, hell does Westy (Gen. William They went quietly because, as Wat?! Westmoreland, U.S. Commander in Viet¬ ul 'Naturally, if we'd had American aid, we would be much braver than this !' reckless and useless. Unlike Vietnam, it is nam) need more battlefields to fight on? explained recently: concerned about damaging "We were veil relatively easy to Then, in March 1970, Lon Nol took over in Kissinger. Tkl . . they put a Up on my telephone, *3 shows how much they were impressed Susan Ager Editor-in-chief JOHN TINGWALL our scruples." Nixon told the world it would be B ' Maureen Beninson Advertising Manoger brief and limited "incursion," to onlj|l R.D. Compbell Managing Editor clean J the Communist Mike Arnetr City Editor areas. Kissinger said tM PAC unbacked Dione Silver Campus Editor same thing: to the White House stall Melissa Payton Opinion Page Editor William Safire's book, "Before the FiM Patrice Locke Wire Editor describes a meeting at which the staff Steve Stein sports Editor ml given a National Security Council pa»l Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano saying, "This is not a long - term 'quicksj Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinions of the State Tony and Lena can sing their ever-loving musical groups operation that would lead to a new 'Vietm) News. Viewpoints, columns and letters TomOren Copy Chief for the lack of a large, an upstanding concert hall. hearts out. situation' in Cambodia." are personal opinions. Linda Sandel Night Editor acoustically bearable concert hall, justifica¬ Although reports on its adaptability to So can Harry Belafonte, Kate Smith and But it did. Nixon and Mary Flood Staff Representative tion for their existence pales. concerts are mixed, it clearly won't suffice. Kissinger, hav»L Doris Day. All the mellow crooners from said they would not intervene on Lon True, reliable and informed sources have Neither will Jenison. Neither will the Now yesteryear packed in our Auditorium stadium. Neither will the parking lot next behalf in the Cambodian dispute, soon rationalized the size of the PAC to me, dilL together couldn't convince me that MSU's just that. Before long, B52s were bombiul EDITORIALS newest addition to campus should be a Performing Arts Center (PAC). For too long this campus has been crying They say 1,800 is as many people as a decent auditorium can all of Cambodia. In five years, the States sent $2 billion in aid to Lon NoL I The results were exactly as the Unite. hold, and sacrifices in acoustics were made just to up the capacity disseil Stop for a facility that can ters on the Kissinger staff had college accomodate a predicted; i| respectable percentage of the student body to 2,500. I say they can park their wider war, increasing Cambodian 1979Mercury (as PA C-backers oj (now at 43,000 and counting). What they're have affectionately dubbed the center) in the East tion to Lon Nob destruction of tbtl given us just won't do. Complex intramural field once they give us a bus to get to class in. countryside and finally a Communis! It is both sad and students with the For years, administrators and planners instead of a neutralist Cambodia. disgusting. reading and have toyed with the idea of building a That MSU may require a liter¬ writing skills demanded in college The end has been inevitable for a kal Crisler-type arena, so that if one-fourth of saying it could the acy test as a graduation require¬ and in life — this may be the only the student body wanted to attend a lecture, never serve same to Shaw Hall. time, but the Administration preferred tt I function as a multipurpose facility. have the Cambodians go on ment should revolt any person who avenue for some insurance of concert or indoor commencement, they Architects, administrators and anybody- Only a first-rate structure will. Maybe starving audi when they decide it's time for a new dying rather than admit the bankruptcy oil respects the education process and student competence. would have a structure in which to enjoy it. that-knows-anything-about-acoustics, they its policy. It kept the war this University as an institution of The timing of such a test, In the late 1960s, a University-wide basketball arena, we big-crowd buffs will be going with thtl say, will tell you that an acoustically satisfied. But we can't even suffer through tattered argument that more referendum found that students were excellent auditorium cannot be built that military an higher learning. however, is instrumental to its Jenison like we used to, since the fire would somehow lead to peace. opposed to taxing themselves for such a can accomodate more than the 2,500 seats But a proposal like this one success. Administering it after marshal has deemed it a disaster and facility. That might be one reason for not our PAC's Great Hall will offer. Now that Lon Nol has left, the being considered by the Academic four years of college, as the council building a multipurpose arena. fewer students are allowed in to come out States could still help toward a h Uniied| They say 1,800 is as many people at a and complain about it. Council may be the only recourse has proposed, would clearly be But since that time, sports fans have been decent auditorium transition. Most important, we should offer this school has to protect its self-defeating. Both the student mollified with Munn, and now, it seems the in acoustics can hold, and sacrifices to continue our flights of food and medicine, | and the University should be more cultured crowd will have their gem to were made just to up the In the meantime, while we're waiting for whoever rules in Phnom Penh, and ask | graduates and its integrity. flaunt, the capacity to 2,500. I say they can park their our acoustically perfect Performing Arts | The undeniable fact is that of Performing Arts Center. 1979 Mercury(as PAC-backers have affec¬ Sihanouk's cooperation. aware incompetency sooner so Neither of these buildings, however, re¬ tionately dubbed the center) in the East Center, we'll suffer through acoustically students' reading and writing that they can work toward a quires an additional student tax. This is unbearable performances in the Auditor¬ What Richard Nixon and Henrjl skills are skidding downwards. Complex intramural field once they give ium, Jenison, Munn and the residence hall remedy together — before com¬ evidence that buildings can be built without a bus to get to class in. Kissinger did cannot be undone oil student donations. . grill. By the time a decent-sized facility forgotten. All They are plummeting so quickly, mencement rolls around. A more I suspect the covering they bought for does grace this campus, Munn and the PAC we can do is try to m In and of themselves, Munn and the PAC certain that American leaders are ne in fact, that many universities, instructive time, it seems, would the Munn Ice Arena was supposed to will probably have their are both perfectly commendable ideas. But expansions and again able to make such decisions on their I including this one, are graduating be after students have completed appease some of the big-time concert fans. additions complete so that they, too will be contrasted with the fact that MSU cannot own, in secret, against advice — and thenl students who cannot communicate their University College require- Mostly, though, it seems they've tried to able to serve a respectable section of our attract top-flight speakers, performers persist for years in a futile and destructive more than a or foist a top-notch sports facility off on us as 43,000-student body. | simple idea in their ments and prior to their ac- policy. native tongue after 17 years of ceptance into a degree-granting education. This trend, coupled with a program. In the meantime, MSU is de¬ Who is that nationwide phenomena known as meaning its reputation by allowing In this cruel and unsmiling world, I have le-point inflation, means MSU students with 180 credits to weather she wears a gold ski jacket, and ill found an exception. I don't know who she is may be graduating students who graduate without a command of but she is always smiling, no matter when I warmer weather she has a navy jacket. She I has long brown hair and wears glasses. AI are incapable of preparing a the English language. It is not fair presentable personal resume. to the students, who think they are N. Viets fight for unity see her. campus or She is always walking around Grand River Avenue, always has couple of times I have seen her walking I with a foreign student. Have you seen her! I This trend must stop at once. something nice to say to a complete prepared for the job market, or the Do you know who she is? Does anyone I While a literacy test would not know what she is always smiling about? I! I University, which must perform David Lambert's letter in the April 1 19th century styles of imperialism in order ^Er problems, a'ndS all times sTeTa! solve the real problem, it may be issue is just another to maintain their oligarchy in the face of anyone does, let know. I magic on unfit students in four example of the a gmile Qn Kher face me the most suitable contingency perverse tangents upon which American rising popular dissent. Lambert obviously Emma Hollj I years of college. Does know who she is? In co,d 156 E.McDonel Hall e plan. Until education at the concepts of imperialism can travel. The sympathizes with these oppressors. Somebody must put the brakes United States, through a conspiracy of The new wave of imperialism is one of elementary and secondary level is on before we skid right into the bourgeois capitalists and hard core militar¬ economic imperialism. The United States back on its feet again — providing bliss of ignorance. ists, has been able to restructure 18th and must now use its vast monetary resources to prevent the people of other sovereign states from deciding their own destinies. Make Profs fulfill The use of money in this manner, Lambert will assure us, will provide for a free and stable world. America has no allies in Indochina, as Ignorance may be bliss, but not syndrome of rising i In deciding the case, Lambert claims. The Indochinese at the expense of tuition dollars. however, capital¬ So claims, anyway, a Connecti¬ falling levels of basic reading and the Connecticut court will find it ists are simply lackeys to the American writing skills among today's col- nearly impossible to determine capitalists. They care more for their own cut woman who is financial welfare than they do for their suing the students. levels of learning. own University of Bridgeport (Conn.) While the people. They would rather subject their They add to a false sense of woman bringing the suit may not people to the type of American domination for misrepresentation and breach scholastic security by students, a have learned that the vast majority of the Third World of contract. anything, who is to Her precedent-setting suit as¬ security that crumples under the say there was nothing to learn or has experienced and learned to loathe than risk the chance of losing a good financial reality of the workaday world. that others in the courses did not serts, in essence, that a class she MSU officials admit that such learn deal for themselves. took taught her nothing and something? was things may happen here, but they Finally, the liberation drive, like the an insult to her intelligence. say that should a student have a Realistically, "education" will whole PRG movement, is not "Communist - There are plenty of students at led" so much as it is "Communist." The complaint about a course, the never be a commodity MSU who would claim that similar offering a soldiers of the PRG are not things go on in our hallowed halls, student has recoi^rse to a "precise and efficient" academic grievance money-back guarantee, though that would be ideal. the Communists,' they ARE Communists. simply led by Lies spread and they would be right. Instead, Of course I can understand the confusion procedure within the University. students must loudly and collec¬ over this point in the eyes of America. I am a 1972 graduate of MSU and Such classes contribute to the But the grievance procedure is have tively complain when they feel America is used to fighting the wars of the been a devotee of Guru give him such expensive gifts? Why would I Maharaj Ji for two anyone give a 15 - year - old boy a mansion I part of the University, is inher¬ cheated, in the hopes that profes¬ bourgeois oligarchy using soldiers whose years. I have been very disappointed in the minds are idealogical voids. We saw how or a Maserati? The answer is in the great ently balanced in favor of the State News coverage of this Support sors will clearly state their aims well those soldiers fared against the remarkable love which his devotees have for him. I professor, and will not give back person. There have been many distorted early in each course and fulfill dedicated and idealogically conscious sol¬ stories and even because he has given them a priceless g® tuition money if you win. them each time around. diers of the PRG. outright lies printed about beside which all the 17 year - old - perfect master, such as worldly gifts pale i" | What do you do when mama All power to the people ... a final victory the front page article comparison. blows the whistle on you? to the PRG!!! Wednesday. But it is even more unfortunate that the Guru Maharaj Ji teaches a meditation I That's the question that Anthony Das full truth has not yet been told. called Knowledge, which is perfect concen¬ plump, 6439 N. Saginaw St. in the press ever asked Has anyone tration upon a 17-year-old slightly flawed, per¬ why his devotees perfect thing. He is called fect perfect master not because he is bodi? spiritual master Guru Maha- perfect, but because he reveals knowledge raj Ji must now be asking himself. Last week his mother, Shri Bulletin boards abused of perfection What is perfection? It is tl* infinite energy which creates, sustains ai» Mataji, said her little guru has Is there no limit to the sneaking ways in boards, and students invited destroys all things; it is truth; it is beautjj become an American playboy, a which our better people are to join his it is love, it is God. It is the life force which being imposed subversive group' upon today? I was all set to enjoy our keeps a human body alive. corruption caused by drink, sex, .... 4 meat and all-American, comedian of the century, Bob we coming to? A university, One should marriage. j judge the tree not by if Hope, when I ran across the indignant f" esP*dally one supported by the leaves, but by its fruit. One should not try Americans, both followers and letter from James C, Mitchell of Mount taxPayers. u»ed to be a place for education, to understand Guru Maharaj Ji unless one not, must rescue the fallen Ji. Clemens in a March issue of the Detroit not ProPaganda. Right thinking used to be knows his After all, he symbolizes what Free Press. Where would we be without knowledge. We in the En5' tau8ht-and nothing controversial tolerated, Lansing area are very fortunate to have America is all about — the help of people like Mitchell? He this gluttony. discovered that Anyone misguided enough to say bad opportunity in the coming week, Letting those maternal potshots non-University items are things about the Corvair car should be close disciple of Gurvi Maharaj Ji, Mahatm* permitted on MSU bulletin boards exiled to Cuba, right Mitchell? Vijayanand, will speak Wednesday in » - go unchallenged would be as bulletin boards housed in taxpayer-owned Union and un-American as burning your buildings, and paid for and maintained at at 8 p.m. April 10 at the United' draft card. Robert Canterbury Ministrigs in Higher Education. public expense! Ralph Nader actually was 415 S. Verlinden St. advertised on some of these public-owned Linda Bernhard Lansing 621 Stoddard Ave. Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 5 Buckley shines at U-M debate > P«*e 1) By the time it was down to in the back of the auditorium. backstage area. rassment and said simply, and said, "I will defer to speak last - question time, Buckley The room was jammed with a Zolton Ferency stood alone "Thank you for coming, Mr. about Michigan politics, if Mr. had won the not mass of reporters and hero - so - grudging outside the press conference Ferency." Bullard will defer to speak affection of most of the au¬ worshippers, and the bright room, chatting with acquain- And Mr. Ferency, ever the about Chinese politics... dience. He had told some television camera lights gave tances. A woman walked up to campaigning politician, smiled clever (if not ancient) jokes, set warmth to an otherwise gloomy him, looked at him with embar- back and thanked her in return. Ferency then attempted to forth some complicated and talk about Ann Arbor housing, in connection with the free impressive - sounding economic theories and $2,250 richer. Wharton proposes federal was marketplace. Buckley still refused to get involved in local politics and, Ferency with the came out of the night with his pride intact, but understanding, no subsidy plan doubt, that Buckley, had won. (continued from page 1) students would possibly take a wider range of after a few pleasantries, told courses rather than just those in their field of Ferency, "I hand you back, with Bullard, the butt of several "Of course, you could increase your producti¬ my compliments, the hand gre¬ vity by putting the entire freshman class in study. Buckley retorts and much "I believe it's taken us so long to get around to nade you just tossed me." Spartan Stadium and having one professor teach laughter from the audience something like this because people have felt that them all, but I don't think anyone wants that kind throughout the evening, stood a college education is a benefit, so the student With of education," Wharton said. Buckley pacing in a quietly in the auditorium as the should bear the cost," Wharton said. "But with sqaure in back of the podium, crowd left the egg - shaped Wharton said if federal direct aid to student the money a college graduate makes today, he Ferency and Bullard continued structure. legislation is enacted college enrollment will pays more taxes and makes contributions to to toss verbal explosives at the As the crowd filed out, probably go up, private schools would be helped society that means society benefits from his speaker of the night. He kieked Buckley held a press conference out of some of their financial difficulties and education as much as he does." Josh McDowell, international representative of Campus Crusade for them all back, to the increasing Christ, will present a series of lectures at MSU this week on sex and the delight of the crowd. resurrection of Jesus Christ. When the show started, the crowd was evenly divided be¬ tween pro - Buckley conserva¬ \SU to host tives and libertarians and sup¬ religious leader porters of Ferency and Bullard. Monday Wednesday The ASMSU election commission will meet at 9 p.m. in 326 The East Lansing Planning Commission will meet at 8 p.m. I "A change in the social and economic system of of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, Student Services Bldg. to hear seven appeals filed by candidates in Iciety is not enough to bring about peace in our vicious, heartless hoaxes ever foisted upon the Rep proposes the recent ASMSU election. in the council chambers at City Hall. The East Lansing Human Relations Commission will meet at 8 lorld. Envy, greed, racism and hatred will still minds of men, or it is the most fantastic fact of I present in the basic nature of man. What we history." Tuesday p.m. in City Hall conference room. Vd is a power than can change man's basic McDowell, a native of Union City, Mich., Halloween ban The Academic Council will meet at 3 p.m. in the Con Con room of Banning nonreturnable beverage containers from Michigan will the International Center to discuss the transition document for the pture." graduated from Wheaton College with a degree be discussed at a public hearing at 9 a.m. in the state House ■ The speaker is religious activist, Josh in economic theory, and from Talbot Theological new bylaws and the Student Instructional Rating System (SIRS). Chamber held by the Committee on Consumers, chaired by Rep. LANSING (UPI) State icDowell. He believes that the power to change Seminary. - The East Lansing Zoning Board of Appeals will meet at 8 p.m . Lynn Jondahl, D - East Lansing, on Jondahl - sponsored House Bill Rep. Casmer Ogonowski, D- in 201 First State Savings and Loan Bldg. |an's basic nature can only come through faith in In the past five years he has spoken to over Detroit, said today he will 4296. The committee is particularly interested in assessment of Christ. Increased mandatory prison sentences for possession of a gun is two million students on more than 240 introduce legislation to ban anticipated employment and other economic effects of the bill. campuses while committing a crime will be the subject of a public hearing at J McDowell, an international representative of in 42 countries, including 35 pro - Marxist door to door trick-or-treating at 9 a.m. in the state House Chamber held by the Judiciary lampus Crusade for Christ, will be speaking at universities throughout Latin America. Halloween. Committee on House Bills 4076, 4163, 4216 and 4266. Thursday The Student Media Appropriations Board (SMAB) will meet at leMunn Ice Arena, Wednesday, Thursday and The proposal, he said, would MSU's budget and allocations from the state for the 1975 - 76, Briday at 7 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ is an interdenom¬ protect children from candy 7:30 p.m. in 328 Student Services Bldg. to consider new requests I He will present a series of lectures on sex, inational Christian movement of students and fiscal year will be examined by the higher education subcommittee for funding from different media organizations on campus. Bible prophecy and historical evidence laymen, founded in 1951 at UCLA. It has containing pins, razor blades, of the Senate Appropriations Committee at 8:30 a.m. in 302 The East Lansing Building Board of Appeals will meet at 7:30 sur- drugs or poison by outlawing Capitol lunding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. chapters on some 375 campuses in the United Bldg. in 201 First State Savings and Loan Bldg. the dispensing and soliciting of I McDowell has concluded that "the resurrection States and in 61 other countries. Halloween candy. Radio Fee Refund Undergraduate students living on campus who do not wish to use the services provided by the Michigan State "Theta Delta Chi" the fraternity that's not, Careers You Want but is, But Don't Know About I Network and its stations, WMSN, WBRS, WEAK, WMCD, — — VVKME may receive a refund of their $1.00 radio fee by ig to room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 - 5 p.m. n. Apr. 7 thru Fri. Apr. 11. Please what you make it. bring fee receipt and I ID cards to obtain refund. Call 332-2563 "Most graduates take jobs STATE NEWS they don't really want and are forced to work for low pay EGG DESIGN WINNERS because they are unaware of what is really a vailable to | GRAPHIC DESIGN PERSONALITIES LIFESTYLES POLITICS them. There is definitely a "I worried about what I would Karen Hanson of West Sue Montgomery of Penny Perry of East Doug LaFerle of East Holmes won a Norfolk lack of pertinent and do when I graduated. I went Holt won the turquoise Lansing won the Spald¬ Lansing won the Koss Pine from the Campus ring from the Sundance ing Tennis racquet from headphones from Tech accessible information into graduate school only Book Store. Stone Campus Sports. Hi-Fi. describing the existing job because I really didn't know Shop. market." what else to do. When I Tom Willis graduated from there I still These are only two didn't know what I wanted to Commodities Trader examples of how mosi do what or was actually graduating seniors feel available to me." about their choices after graduation. Lack of information , Dean Bennan in terms of what th^ir choices are, Mergers and Acquisition often leads them into unsatisfying and Consultant frustrating school or work situations which are not right for them. The Career Manual is a comprehensive guide to hundreds of jobs that are satisfying, interesting and The State News thanks all those who entered the Egg Design Contest. Winners were chosen well paying occupations to which personal skills and talents can be applied. It describes the career's by university personnel, other than State News employees. All entries were judged on the responsibilities, daily activities, salaries, advancement opportunity, educational requirements as well basis of creativity and execution of idea. Winners may pick up their prizes at Room 344 as the number of such positions available in the job market today. It also includes: Student Services Building. • How to write a resume. open thursday and friday nights • How to get those important interviews. • How to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other job seekers, • How to ask for the salary you want. • How to use your present position as a springboard to more responsible and better paying positions. I graduated with a liberal arts^ degree and no idea as to what to do. Using the Owen techniques spring and summer naturals! Why be forced into a position only because you don't know what in the Career Manual, I landed Miss J's handbags in denim other opportunities exist. Let the Career Manual open your eyes to 1 my first job with one of the blue with pocket/kerchief trim what the job market really has to offer and how you can make I largest market research firms in things vrork to your own advantage. the country. After just one year, or quilted in sunny prints. using the springboard technique, Send today for your own money back guaranteed copy of the 1 All I joined another company for a conveniently-sized Career Manual. The few dollars you spend today can bring you an ' exciting and satisfying career as well as it can bring thousands of better position and a 60% cotton casuals, 9x11" increase in salary. I made the dollars in higher salary. to just pack switch in two days." up and Sharon Ray go. The group, Market Research $8 to $14 Send $10.00 check or money order to: Associate Rodger Owen 21 W. Goethe Dept. 9-L Chicago, Illinois 60610 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money will be promptly refunded. Enclose your: Name Street Number JacoteonS City and State Zip Code 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7 SEEKS TO END BIAS Group claims red is beautiful Total. Bjr ELLEN SPONSELLER State News Staff Writer Their demands are radical. today (about eight members). Webb is the unofficial presi¬ dent. heads" tables in the cafeteria where they congregated for eligible to join RED. But how can RED tell if a person has River. But we at RED actually take it as an insult, since the Made especially for people They want red pop to be "Redheaded people comprise the RED summit conference. And they made other, duller- dyed his or her hair in an attempt to infiltrate the group? river is so polluted. We want more," Webb said. who use spit made the official drink of MSU. three per cent of the popula¬ haired students in the resi¬ "We can tell," Taylor said. Scott Ames, a graduate ad¬ They want President Wharton to wear more red ties. They tion" Webb said. "We are blatantly discriminated against, dence hall aware of the day posting by a giant "Be Kind to She leaned over and whispered, "You see, only true redheads visor in Hubbard Hall, is the unofficial advisor to Hubbard's on their contact lenses. demand more red-haired pro¬ and we need people to be nice Redheads" sign outside the have hair that shines in the chapter of RED by virtue of his fessors, a 3 per cent repre¬ to us. You have idea of the cafeteria and a set of instruc¬ no sunlight." amber-colored beard. He and sentation in the University and hassles we go through." tions. Lonman explained the ultimate more red-haired people in Con¬ Other fiery-haired members Webb said MSU is leading Included were: "Kiss a aim of RED. "ITs really very gress. of the group agreed. "When the way in ending red discrim Redhead for good luck—the simple," they said. "Our goal is Most of all, they want to end was the last time ination, but it Still has a long you saw a TV more heads you kiss, the better just to have people worship the the false and sometimes vicious show way to go. You really think you're saving size.Total 2 oz. has a free, mirrored starring a redhead—ex¬ your luck will be,""Give a ground we walk on, have people myths surrounding the myster¬ something. Like the time it takes for lens storage case, and the new econ¬ cept Lucy, and we all know her Redhead breakfast in bed and a "OK, as a token, the stop calling us "carrot-top" or ious scarlet phenomena. To hair is dyed anyway?" asked 4 size 25%. late night snack," and "Stand University named the Red asking us if our hair rusted. proper lens care. And the cost of omy oz. saves you further these causes, members Eric Longman, 966 N. Hubbard and yell, 'Red is beautiful!' at different solutions. Total® is available at the campus Cedar River the Red Cedar That's all" of the newly founded Redheads Hall. bookstore dinner. But in the long run you may wind or your local drugstore. Ending Discrimination (RED) "Yeah, everyone thinks all "Most of all: treat all And we're so sure you'll like up paying for short cuts.There's a declared April 3 as the First International Be Kind to Red¬ redhaired women are prosti¬ tutes," said Beth Cummings, redheads you see with the H BASIC OUTLINES chance your contacts will become Total® that we'll give you your second utmost respect and reverence- bottle free. Just send a Total® YOUR PRIVATE TUTOR contaminated. They'll probably feel heads Day. 205 S. Hubbard Hall. "It gets to worship the ground they walk with your name, address and boxtop RED has only one chapter so Summaries of readings and uncomfortable and bother you. You be a real problem sometimes." on. Be thankful for even a college far, located in Hubbard Hall. The Be Kind to Redheads important concepts for selected may even get an eye infection. So why name to: menial task you can do for any of courses George Webb was the initial Day was celebrated by most of them." take chances with saliva? Total, Allergan instigator of RED, and has built the red-haired people in Hub¬ Webb explained that all Now there's Total? The all-in-one Pharmaceuticals the organization up from vir¬ bard Hall last Thursday. They 2525 Dupont Drive red-haired people are automati¬ contact lens solution that does it alL tually nothing to what it is had special "Reserved for Red- cally members of RED. He Total® wets, soaks, cleans Iivine, California 92664 other residence hall NAT SCI: all terms encourages and cushions. And you (Limit one per person. to start chapters. ATI: First term only have to use a single Offer expires SOC; Church offers classes "Our goal is to make the organization worldwide," Webb 201. 202, 203, 21 1, 212, 213 HUM: All terms solution to get the whole July 31,1975.) said. "In case you didn't know, MATH: 108, 109, 111, 112,.113 job done. it is false that all redhaired There are two good people Irish. ways to buy Total® - the on vegetarian cooking many heads are countries There are where red¬ 2 oz. size and the 4 oz. are born—Ger¬ For only $2 you can acquire the weapons to fight the inadequate, many, Scotland, England, Nor¬ unbalanced diets half of all Americans are living on. way, Holland. There are Health and food preparation classes, with an emphasis on redheads in every country." vegetarianism, wil begin at 7:30 tonight in the University Seventh Ann Taylor, 627 S. Hubbard - Day Adventist Church, 149 Highland Ave. The $2 is a Hall said only true redheads are registration fee for four consecutive days of two - hour classes. NOW AVAILABLE AT... "A lot of people have recently become interested in vegetarianism, so the classes should be pretty successful," said Sherri Hannon, church public relations secretary. Some of the topics to be discussed include meatless • GIBSONS • DISC SHOP cooking, breadmaking, healthful desserts and lunch preparations. Free • CAMPUS BOOK STORES food samples and recipes will be given out every night. Total; The easy way to care for your contacts. • STUDENT BOOK STORES SUPER LOW • PARAMOUNT NEWS NO-FAULT INSURANCE RATES! Call Jeff Williams (MSU '68) at 332-1838 LET ME SHOW YOU jL-SENTRY TTinsurance MADE rOORDlR FOR YOU HOW TO CUT 710 Gainsborough Drive East Lansing YOUR READING TIME IN HALF THE STABLES 2843 E.BD.EIVES,EAST LANSINO 351-1200 INJUST5MYS!, „ MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT And It Won't Cost You A NOW APPEARING Single Penny To Find Out How! It's really very simple when you know how. Congressmen, Senators and other world leaders. Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics has been taught Witli the internationally acclaimed Evelyn Wood to top executives ot many ot our leading corpo¬ Reading Dynamics System. 1 have shown over rations. To thousands ot students who 500,000 peopie how to read at a rate they found it never absolutely necessary to absorb huge amounts of believed possible. As an example: material in a limited time. To swallow the entire contents of a full-size newspaper page in just a minute and a half! FREE LESSON! To absorb Come to my free 'mini-lesson' and discover how study material and literally gobble up any information - columns of facts and figures - rapidly you can absorb the secrets that will allow you to read up to 6000 words a minute even the classics in huge mental-visual —. Think of what this will mean to APRIL 7-12 - gulps! your school grades — to your business career and to the great need to EDDIE HARRIS -- absorb information at a rate that simply To absorb information in a dull fourteen will allow you to page compete intelligently in every area of REDUCED CCVER & EARLY SHOWS business report in less time than it now takes to all without your life --- giving up a minute of your free time In MONDAY-THURSIW laboriously struggle through fact this new-found - one page ability will give you more time more fulfilling time every day of your life! ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK THIS IS IMPORTANT: COME TO FREE MINI-LESSON: CHICKEN YOU WILL WITH THIS NEWLY DISCOVERED 212-869-9440 AlA KIEV THIS WEEK! MON, APR7-FRI $2.95 ABILITY UNDERSTAND EVERY WORD. EV¬ ATTEND A FREE MINI APR 11 ERY PARAGRAPH, EVERY PAGE YOU ABSORB LESSON FRIDAY 7:30 pnt 351-5500 AT THIS EXCITING NEW SPEED. FISH FRY $2.25 AT AND THIS NEWLY ACQUIRED INFORMATION UNIVERSITY INN DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH FRIES & SALAD BAR WILL BE FILED AWAY IN YOUR MEMORY FOR INSTANT RECALL WHENEVER YOU NEED IT! FOR INFORMATION CALL 351-1200 My system has taught United States Presidents, EVELYN WOOD READING DYMAMirc" Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7,1975 7 student groups back Korpi S Wear housed By JIM KEEGSTRA State News Staff Writer an a eight-year board of control term Feb. 4 under the provisions of law signed late last year. The same law allows Mike and make a recommendation to the full Senate. High waisted and Einheuser, The business committee meeting with Korpi is expected to be I r st Michigan college student appointed to serve on a also 23, to fill his elected place on the Wayne State University scheduled for April 17. high styled itv board of controf has received renewed statements of Board of Governors. Before that time, MHESA legislative affairs director Mike Wall rS. for the confirmation of the appointment by the state !l from two student organizations. me Michigan Higher Education Student Assn. (MHESA) Korpi s appointment became the object of controversy two weeks ago when Sen. Joe Mack, D-Ironwood, demanded Korpi's qualifications be examined by the Senate Business Committee, a will lobby for confirmation with the five committee members other senators. Wall will also seek to before the committee. and testify in support of Korpi slacks 13" Led Saturday to continue its support of Thomas Korpi's courtesy normally granted when requested by senators whose MHESA, which suggested Korpi to Milliken originally, feels his many other styles $8. to 13.50 Intment to the Michigan Technological University Board of districts include the place of the questioned appointment. confirmation is critical since rejection would make the law lot and to request all student governments in the state to Without Mack's objections, raised days before the allowing legislature student controllers ineffective and result in I letters of support for Korpi to their senators. began its 10-day Easter vacation which ends Tuesday, Korpi would approval of only I Michigan Tech student council Wednesday ordered its have been given automatic confirmation by lack of Senate action weak, puppet students. Michigan Tech's student council, MHESA and others say Korpi To top off those slacks ■dent to send a letter of support to Gov. Milliken and all 148 during a 60-day period from the Feb. 4 appointment date. is as qualified for the job as is possible and is in fact a political have great ^legislators. To forestall Mack from calling for a surprise confirmation vote conservative. we looking |e Houghton school's students are also circulating a petition on the Senate floor before the 60-day period expired during the Capitol observers hint Mack's objections were not made from fcmendinK Korpi's appointment by Milliken be approved by vacation, Milliken withdrew Korpi's nomination March 25 and concern over Korpi's qualifications, but rather because Korpi Ktate Senate. resubmitted it March 26, thus giving the Senate Business questioned the job responsibilitis of Mack's Mend Harold 13-year-old junior, initially received his appointment to Committee a second 60 days to meet Mack's examination demand Sponberg, former president of Eastern Michigan University and now Michigan Tech presidential assistant for corporate relations. shirts 75O many other styles starting at $6. eform petition drive postponed I By JIM KEEGSTRA Itite News Staff Writer reform package this month and generate bipartisan support for streets with signature forms and literature on lobbyist disclo¬ would affect the 1976 elections, rather than the petition's effec¬ BURGER HaveIt Imprinted Shirt Sale. its passage this year. Rchigan Common Cause has sure, conflict of interest, cam¬ tive date of 1978; put every Red its threatened political petition drive at least six Lto give the state legisla- The assurances came- in a letter last week from House Speaker Bobby Crim, D-Davi- paign financing and enforce¬ ment commission reforms. Common Cause vice chairman legislator's vote on demonstrate Common Cause's record; effectiveness, and be less costly KING Your Way son; House Minority Leader Terry Black said the group has |a chance to introduce a than petitioning, Black said. L hill package of similar Ims. Dennis Cawthorne, R-Manis- tee; Senate Majority Leader nothing substantial to lose by the delay. On the other hand, he If and when a bill is intro¬ duced by action of the four Many styles drastically Burger King William Fitzgerald, D-Detroit, said, if the drive began today Je petition drive had been legislative leaders, Common ■uled to begin |e citizen today. lobby's Program and Senate Minority Leader Robert Davis, R-Gaylord. the advantages of reform action by the legislature could be lost. Cause executive director Doug Ross promised members REDUCED! X Committee postponed The letter said the leadership If lawmakers passed the Com¬ enough work to make up for the ■ May 18 the decision to go is aware of and shares the mon Cause package by July 1, it saved petition efforts. We're open 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Id with the drive, aimed at Common Cause objectives and Eg four reform issues on [976 election ballot. The looks forward to receiving the draft of its proposals expected Fish n' Chips Special on weekdays Check the excellent p would need to collect signatures before July to be ready Wednesday. It also said the four men Fish n' Chips with a Stein of beer Till midnight Fridays & Saturdays 10 anticipate introduction in the onlv 99c values now at ■mmon Cause's executive legislature of the Common ■nittee recommended the Cause reforms during April. ponement vote, saying I legislative leaders have Even if the petition start had not been delayed, another Shirt City. 1) specific assurances of month might have passed be¬ K intentions to introduce r fore volunteers actually hit the JR Hairstyling for fflrm WJ Men and Women 7 . . .also we feature if R. K. Products For appointment (E/h£ Cai13328^91 ins? Ben , below Jones Stationery Special Ring FABRIC AND YARN SHOPS s mi: 417 E. Grand River Ave. EAST LANSING YEARBOOK POSITIONS OPEN Open Sun. 12to5 Mon.tbru Fri.9:30to9 The MSU Yearbook, the Wolverine, is accepting Sot. 9:30-5:30 applications for positions on the 1976 yearbook staff. All positions are paid and begin next fall quarter. A complete reorganization and |Upto60"/«Off WITH HIGH SCHOOL RING TRADE IN redefinition of the Wolverine has recently taken place, with all positions being reviewed and explicitly defined. Staff positions involve a maximum of creativity and responsibility and offer excellent on-the-job training in copywriting, reporting, layout, Date: April 7-9 LtJi photography and sales. 10:00-5:00 Positions to be filled include editor, photo editor, organizations editor, advertising-sales manager, copy editor, layout editor, MSU BOOKSTORE reporters and photographers. Persons interested in applying should call or stop in the yearbook office in 30 Student Services Bldg. any afternoon between noon and 5. The Wolverine phone number is 355-8263. Deadline for applications in Friday, April 11. ipting reservations for PUBLIC FORUM ON BIOPOLITICS ZORBA Speaker: Dr. William Cooper Topic: "Politics and Ecology " Date: 7 pm Tonight April 7 NIGHT Place: 108BWells Saturday, April the 12th Speaker: Dr. George Borgstrom Open discussion after each presentation Seating at 5:00, 7:15 and 9:30 P.M. Topic: "WorldFood Crisis" Sponsored by: Beta Beta Beta, The Biological Honorary Society At Jim's, where Greek night Date: 7 pm Tuesday April 8 I Af'er 4:00 P.M began in Lansing. Place: Conrad Auditorium Featuring an all Greek menu with The* Prevas & the Dom Verderese Trios, | Vocalist Andreas Poulemenos and Speaker: Dr. Fischer oriental dancer Jameela. Great fun Topic: "Energy - Past, Present, and Future and great food. Date: 7 pm Thursday April 10 For reservations call 372-4300. Place: 109 Anthony 1 lb b. Michigan Avt\, Lansing TirrANY PLACE 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MondaJ. April, I Athletics mar By ALFRED NEWMAN cion" the best piece of the arose from an aesthetic need to heights. book written is of , State News Reviewer evening. make the line of a supporting ance to the Carlos Montoya, the renown¬ Despite these select high leg as straight and unbroken as By donning the tuxedo in¬ What is viewer import™ * ^ stead of a white shirt and red ed flamenco guitarist, came to spots, the concert was a disap¬ the legs in the air. The content, the cummerbund and by eliminat¬ structure MSU Saturday and put on a pointment. Montoya seemed to Georgian men curled their toes communication. performance which exemplified be infected with the mentality and smashed them into the ing the dancer, Montoya also eliminated the challenge and the problems of folk music that plagues the vast majority of folk artists—an obsession floor to show little else than indicates that he is elevating When art is series of feats m I played in a formal environment. that they could "dance" on their than a At his best, Montoya per¬ with the athletic aspect of the the music to a more formal formed with a sensitive com¬ art. toes. Montoya, possessed by the setting. ^landing, becomes and spectacular jP mand of the complex rhythmic The highlight of the Ballet than same demon, continual¬ He is, in essence, appealing participatory, ttJl but another form Folklorico de Mexico's concert foundation of flamenco music. The intricate rhythms of "Bul- here winter term was a couple ly sought to demonstrate his artistic prowess by running like to our more catholic aestheti- cism. Thus clarity, precision 0f J* erias," "Duende Flamenco" and whose dance consisted of one a racehorse through what could and change in the melodic lines combination of steps repeated The fact that "Farrucca" evoked vivid ima¬ only be called finger exercises. become most important. Carlos M, ges of castanets and quick over and over at high speed for These tedious hammerings and can play a series of not,, than any heel-and-toe combinations by no purpose other than proving fingerpulls pervaded the con¬ The athletic elements of art, ant. guitarist Beauty cannot bej is ^ dancers in black. that it could be done that fast. cert and left few pieces un¬ though necessary, should be ed by a speedometer, ■ Montoya handled simp¬ The Soviet Georgian Dancers touched, often sacrificing clar¬ merely servant to an overall ler flamenco harmonic and melodic elements with equal came to MSU billed as having the only men who perform on ity and precision for the sake of meretricious velocity. aesthetic communication. How fast a painting was painted or a To paraphrase RudyirJ ling, it ig unique, buti.nl flair. Delicate flourishes and their toes. Dancers performing In flamenco art fast lines are intense Phrygian melodies in on their toes are certainly not an outgrowth of a challenge CRAFT S. "Granaina" and "Malaga" pre¬ uew. Ballerinas have been between dancer and musician, sented a less spectacular but more satisfying beauty seldom in the limelight. dancing "sur la pointe" for hundreds of years. Putting ballerinas on point who stimulate one another to faster and, cultural through indigenous beliefs, to greater ^ jHl Even when straying from his traditional roots, to the Montoya a- dapted non-Spanish materials flamenco style. "Gua- CINEMA jiras," a tango based on Central American syncopation, offered a lifted quality to the usually Presents.- W®l|e 5 y dark and intense whole of flamenco music. WHY GO TO BiAL "Cancion Del Norte," based WHEN WE CAN GIVE YOU A BETTER DEAL on bagpipe music, displayed the Maria Muldaur keeps a wary eye on her audience SN photo/John Harrington range of the guitar to its fullest. 3 EROTIC DANCERS! during a one-night stand The simple, bright melody in a PERFORMING THIS WEEK at the Stables Friday. Her Thursday night Pop Entertainment concert was cancelled due to the heavy snow. major key and Montoya's fluid performance easily made "Can¬ WRAPAROUND LOVE 3 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS I QUILTINGI DRY FLOWER ARR. 5 SHOWS DAILY Co-op gallery SHOWTIMES I macrameI opens An exhibit exhibit LINDA 12-3-6-9-12 LEATHERWORK by the One- Twenty in the Shade Artist's. Cooperative opened Sunday and LOVELACE PLUS » 3 Qreat film - "GOOD, DIRTY AND HARD i crochetinI will continue through May 4 and the Use this ad for ^ I TO BEAT." OUI MAGAZINE WOODWORKING- One-Twenty in the Shade Gallery. j m PENTHOUSECOVER GIRL I APRIL 15-MAY 13 (5 weeks) The recently formed coopera¬ 15c off oo a « ■I BRIGITTE MAIER IN The Early COST: $10for Student*, $12 for Non-Students tive gallery will feature the work of Dave Courney, Anne Bokin, Philip McAndrews, Les¬ SUPER; ftimHWk i ATTENTION MARRIED HOUSING: Paper Sculpting Thurs. 7-8:30 pm lie Bailey, Lynn Meiners, Nor- ■f 90 HAWAII SEX-0 SEX Spartan Village School (Teachers Lounge) bert Nye, Dolores Kennedy, brazier \ ATWPTQTHE ISLAND OF lOVf Brad Lowell and David High- smith. The gallery, at 120 W. Ottawa CHILI i Years" April 17-May 15 Dry Flower Arranging Mon. 7-9 pm Red Cedar School (Room 88) St. in downtown Lansing, is I OPEN 9:30 AM TO 12 AM April 21- May 19 Before Linda Lovelace became a open daily from 11 a.m .to 6 p.m. DOG , porno queen in FOR INFORMATION v5i and on weekends from 1 to 4 "Deep Throat," she made several short films. Even in , the erotic underground these films became notorious.. These films have been written about in Playboy, Penthouse, Oui and Gallery. hos! j Linda Lovelace's early films have never been (almost a foot iong) ■ exhibited in a motion picture theatre publicly. They are And- it's spread end to end simply too daring. They are held exclusively by private with | collectors of erotica. Beal Film our own zesty Brazier . Group has contacted a Chili on a Iresh steamed bun. ' private collector and made arrangements to exhibit At this special get-acquainted I these films for a special price, you're really going to | engagement. like meeting our Super Brazier These Lovelace films ahve become Chili Dog! ■ pornographic classics, much discussed, but rarely seen. Limit one per They are customer w/thi» absolutely hardcore and go substantially beyond anything that Beal has ever presented. coupon. Offer expires j April 14,1975. don't need East Lansing Store Only MADRID to be the RTV biggest SYMPHONY Thursday, April 10 at 8:15 pm to be the University Auditorium ODON ALONSO, Conductor BELL'S ANGELES CHAMORRO, Soprano FRANCISCO ORTIZ, Tenor Of this Orchestra's debut U.S. tour in 1971, the NEW YORK TIMES reported: "When you get the chance to hear Spanish musicians play Spanish music, take it. You'll seldom lose." The all-Spanish program for MSU includes the IBERIA Suite by Albeniz, EL AMOR BRUJO and THREE-CORNERED HAT dances by Manuel de Falla, and several vocal solos and duets from favorite Spanish ZARZUELAS (light operas). Tickets are available now at the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 weekdays. Public: $7.50 6.50 4.00 MSU students: $3.75 3.25 2.00 or Lively Arts Series or International Orchestra Series Season Tickets. Call 35&66B6 for special group prices. a presentation of Lecture-ConcertSeries at MSU lichiga" State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 9 iontest slated to aid Scouts TOMORROW By SUE WILLOUGHBY Mandelstamm explained in a to students. Any eligible stamm is definitely in the lead State News Staff Writer Who's your favorite turkey? Alpha Phi Omega, national letter accompanying his check. Alpha Phi Omega is sponsor¬ turkey will be considered as an entrant to the competition. so far, but that his organization is looking for a lot of challen¬ April 8, is the last day a ing the contest to help raise One does not have to be an gers. service you organization, is offering the opportunity to win funds for the Lansing inner-city MSU student to cast a ballot. But the Handsome One is for complete refunds on Boy Scouts. The United Fund The turkey receiving the hoping for a hands-down vic¬ fame and fortune for the person has made budget cutbacks that most votes campus wide will tory. you consider to be the biggest turkey, in its Top Turkey Contest slated for this Monday have drastically reduced the amount of money Boy Scouts win a free turkey dinner at La Bonne Auberge restaurant, in He said he was sending the $5 check "to insure that right¬ spring term books. will receive this year. The Boy the Hospitality Motor Inn on eousness triumphs over evfl." through Friday. Scouts have told Alpha Phi Jolly Road. In addition, each He stressed that every student fr Handsome A1 Mandelstamm, MSU's Top Turkey in exile and Omega that they will need an additional $8,000 to help meet residence hall separate winner who will will have a re¬ should cast their ballot for Mandelstamm, "or suffer the Sales slip must former MSU economics profes¬ expenses this ceive a turkey pot pie. tortures of the year. Damned, come sor has decided to tip the accompany all returns. Contest rules are simple. The "Top Turkey Contest" is Judgmeht Day." contest scales in his favor. Alpha Phi Omega will have a variation of the "Ugliest Man" On the final night of the Mandelstamm, who left MSU tables set up in all the residence contests of the 1950s. contest, last spring for Virginia's Poly- a voting booth will be halls during dinner for students John Chapman, a coordinator set up in the Alle-Ey from 8 technical Institute after teach¬ to cast their ballots for the of the contest, said Alpha Phi p.m. until closing for last-min¬ ing here for over a decade, sent person they consider to be the Omega is bringing b*ck the ute voters. The final total will in a $5 check to insure at least Top Turkey. There is no limit concept the ugly man contest as then be tabulated. The winner 500 votes for himself. to the number of votes that can a nostalgia kick. will be announced "Few will dispute that I am Sunday be cast, but votes cost a penny Chapman said that Mandel¬ night. the biggest, and no one has apiece. denied that I am a turkey," Nominations are not limited 113 tickets for the Blue Oyster Cult/Stotus Quo concert at Metro Arena were recently stolen from Recordland. The stolen ticket numbers run from 113 to 250. Handsome Al' set for speech REWARD: A substantial reward will be given to anyone providing any information resulting in the recovery of the stolen tickets. Persons attempting odmission to the concert with the stolen tickets will be prosecuted. If you have any information regarding Handsome Al Mandelstamm, the sale of the stolen tickets to the Blue representing his own particular Oyster Cult show please contact Recordland 484-7500. a former MSU economics pro¬ style of teaching and some - fessor, will return to campus at humorous sidelights of his 4:30 p.m. April 28 as the first classes, including some parts of ASMSU Great Issues speaker of stories Mandelstamm used to the year. BLUE OYSTER CULT tell. Mandelstamm, who taught Economics 200 and 201 from September 1963 until Septem¬ ber 1974, will give his insight Metro Arena into the present economic situa¬ 9pm Saturday, April 19 in the Michigan State " Icr s'\q Vail IQ minutes fromcompus tion and attempt to project the trends of the economy on the University Auditorium future. o Call 355 4570 for ticket Monday April 14 8pm An 18-minute film made from availability and ordering tapes of his economic leetures 1M0 information. A11 seats $5 5° advance during his 11-year tenure at delivery MSU will be shown at the $6 day of show NEJAC TV RENTALS"""' lecture in 106 Wells Hall. The film is a composite of clips 337 - 1Q1P STARLfTE^ US 27 WEST OF WAVERLY Phone 372 2434 ■ At Recordland (Lansing& MeridianMall) TONITi IS Discount Records- East Lansing GUEST NIGHT! "MADDER* FUNNIER, \]\ SpartanTwin,Wea| TWO ADMITTED FOR I MORE INSPIRED THAN THE PRICE OF ONE I EXCITEMENT AND MSU Department of Theatre IN MOVIES TODAV SUSPENSE AWAITS -Jty Cocks. TIME MAGAZINE YOU HERE TONITE. Presents OPEN AT 6:30 Stop m xumfib «er<.Wtf APRIL20*2:30BM*JENISON Tahini;V|iki.ham OPENS TOMORROW ' Basketball! Featuring IIME TWO THREE" 8:15 pm IwE HAVE IN-CAR HEATERsl ARENA THEATRE for tickets or more information / phone the FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE: 1 355-0148 M 'MsM Potatoes need love too ya know* that's why they aH want to be HcDonaktfs French Fries. If you were a potato you wouldn't want to be flaky. You wouldn t FMtur* 7:20-9:25 P.M. want to be hall baked or hard boiled or mashed up or any of those $260 STUDENTS"$^50GENERAL-$2500l^TRONS[per couple] awlul things. No sir, not you. You'd want to be cooked at iust the (Y\ A Of 1IOHTFUL MOVIE Tickets Available at MSUmon,MarshalTs,Campbeirs, reOMOAUPAHNTS mstshuki right temperature until you were crisp, golden brown and incredibly delicious. Jenison box office ft Knapp^ Let's face it, sweetheart, you'd want to become a McDonald s Irench A Benefit for the IMPRESSION 5 Science SheikcIeYine> fry,, because that's the best there is. I McDonald s &Technology Museum ta dead and ItvtnfinNew^brk But you're not a potato, and it's probably just as well. You're a human 234 W. Grand River person, who gets hungry a lot (right now even) and McDonald's Presented by the Student Friends of Impression 5 french fries are just waiting for you to love them. 1024 E. Grand Ri*er 2040 E. Grand River 10m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April J TUESDAY'S CONTESTS POSTPONED Batsmen By MIKE LITAKER of 17 hits. open Rick Moore (2-2) was cruising along until the sp|j| State News Sports Writer fourth in After being hit rather frequently this spring, MSU pitcher Scott a dropped cutoff throw to the infield and two errors Evans decided it was time to hit back Saturday. started the lefty on his way to an early have been so bad because the heater in the shower, which Evans ignited a six-run outburst with a two-out bases-loaded double to enable the Spartans to pull out a 10-8 win in the first fuse in the teeth of a cold Indiana wind. MSU du J"®! IMHB game of a twinbill at Ball State. The Spartans dropped the second "We're glad to have played and got a chance to game, 13-2, to leave them with a 9-8 season record. dirt," Pellerin said. Right now the team has been rel "He was in the right place at the right time," laughed asst. coach working out in the Men's Intramural Building and the Frank Pellerin about Evans' hitting heroics. "He did the most fields. dnj^ good for us with the bat. Maybe we missed the boat there and "We've got a lot of guys who need the work. We ju, should have used him as our cleanup hitter." snow is gone this week so we can get going again" pi "^1 Evans (2-lfhas had his mound troubles this spring with an 8.77 The Spartans will be getting all the work earned-run average. It took an unusual turn of events for the starting with next Friday's doubleheader against pJt they cmlI junior hurler to pick up three RBIs and a win, after coming on in Lafayette. MSU will play eight games in five relief of starter Duane Bickel. rescheduled doubleheader a week from days, 2L today with Xlbio 1 Designated hitter Rick Seid lifted by Danny Albion was slated to open the Spartans' home seaso " was manager Litwhiler for the purpose of inserting him into the game at but remnants of last week's snowstorm forced the « catcher. Under college and professional rules, the pitcher must moved ahead to April 14. bat for himself if the designated hitter is used in the field later in The heavy schedule ahead will also give Litwhiler the game. chance to see if he can come up with some Shortstop Terry Hop led the Spartan hitting attack in a game MSU mound woes remain a puzzle. Litwhiler pitching heln ■ No. 1 with a double and a pair of singles, while rightfielder A1 lies in getting his pitchers reacquainted with believes the nnSl Weston continued to show signs of coming out of his early season mound. throwing J9 I slump with a pair of hits. Seid provided the other extra-base hit Relievers John Lincoln, Moe Danielewicz and with a triple. sat out most of last year with arm Bill St. Clair J The second game of the doubleheader was a different story, as chance to fit into pitching plans before MSU troubles, will likely getandM the Cardinals dragged Spartan pitching over the coals to the tune Big Ten season. gets too fariS™ Play ball! Reds meet Dodgers in important opening day clashl CINCINNATI (UPI) — Though bad weather has already forced with a 19 9 record and help the some teams to postpone their first games, the traditional - Dodgers win the N» major League pennant. Gullett, only 24 but beginning his sixth 2 league baseball season opener here this afternoon figures to be in the majors, was 17-11 last year. played in relatively good weather. Gullett said Sunday he is The Cincinnati Reds entertain the Los looking forward to the hi Angeles Dodgers at 2:30 starting. SN photo p.m. (EDT) to officially start the 1975 campaign, and the weather "Opening day is more than just another game," Gullett J Spartan rightfielder A1 Weston connects during has shown signs of late that he is starting to forecast calls for sunny skies and temperatures in the high 50s, "I'm happy to be starting. The weather is action last season. The 5-9 Hazel Park possibly reaching the low 60s. important, ar product break out of an early-season hitting slump. like it's going to be good." Cold, ice and snow in Detroit and Chicago has forced The Reds flew in from their Florida postponement of inaugural games scheduled there for Tuesday. spring training campfl Saturday and worked out at Riverfront Stadium S Women tracksters start off The Tigers' opener with, Baltimore has been moved to Thursday. afternoon. By ANN WILLIAMSON little surprised about the other right Three other games grace today's Ryan,are expected to start lone American opening card. A pair of 20 - game winners last year, Steve Busby and Nolan as Kansas City is at California in the "It's mainly for the nerves," Anderson. "We need to get a little of the day." explained Reds manager edge of sJ events. Marjorie Grimmett, honors in the 880. League game. In addition to the Dodgers - Reds The Dodgers had a final exhibition State News Sports Writer teams' showings. Karen Dennis and Carolyn The Spartan one game, Montreal will play at St. Louis and Houston will host could not fly here until Sunday game to play Sundajl Winning the first meet of the - mile relay night. "Ohio State was much weak¬ Lewis swept first, second and Atlanta in National League contests. Even without Monday's team of Peggy Hoshield, Elaine season doesn't always assure a er and Tennessee much The Reds and Dodgers will perform before a sellout crowd of opening day hoopla of p strong¬ third place respectively in the Carr, Susan Latter and marching bands and award presentations, the Reds team of a successful year, but it er than we had anticipated," 100 - -yard dash with times of Hohenstein captured first place 51,786 at Riverfront Stadium, and the head groundskeeper says clash would still be a top attraction. sure doesn't hurt. Jackson said. "But I'm defini¬ 10.7, 10.9 and 11.4 seconds. the Astroturf field is in excellent condition. The two clubs are considered the best in the The MSU women's track with a time of 4:30.5. Latter National Le tely pleased with our Grimmett, The ceremonial first ball will be thrown out team didn't feel any own Dennis and and Hoshield also took first and by Sen. Robert Taft and are expected to fight it out for the Western Division titl pain Sat¬ performances. Since the meet Denise Greene clocked at Jr., R - Ohio, a native Cincinnatian making his first Los Angeles edged Cincy urday at a trimeet in Tennessee were second place finishes in the 440. public by four games last season, to was held outdoors, we had a appearance since suffering a heart attack two months ago. as the Spartans finished on 25.0, 25^2 and 26.4 seconds Karen McKeachie finished mainly to head - to - head meetings. The Dodgers won .12 dl top kittle problem adjusting W the respectively in the 320 dash for Also there Will be baseball Cflmmisaioaar Bowie Kuhn and with 67 points against the wind and size of the track, but thitd in the two mile run with - former astronaut James A. Loveil. .Another former matchups. the top three places 'in that a time of ll':9.1 while Forshee astronaut, University of Tennessee (56) everything else went fine." event, while teammates Sheri Neil Armstrong, who now teaches and Ohio State (36). Coach Nell copped second place in the mile is likely to be at the game as well. atphe University of Cincinnati, It came as no surprise that Hohenstein, Ann Forshee and Jackson said she was pleased with a time of 5:11.9. the Spartans' biggest successes Barbara Bronson also claimed President Ford, who threw out the first ball here a with MSU's performance but a With all their good fortune, year ago of the day came in the ■first, second and third place minutes before Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth's home run running however, the Spartan record, had Here it is, folks—^ - runners to turn down an invitation to attend this season. did swallow one bitter pill as After Taft makes his ceremonial first toss, the honor the 440 relay team was disqua¬ of Men netters sh lified after winning the race for passing the baton outside the delivering the first real pitch of the hander Don Gullett. season goes to Reds' left - Gullett, who also made the first pitch of the 1973 season but passing zone. In the field events, long went on to lose to the Giants, will be opposed by Don Sutton. Sutton came on strong in the second half of last season to SN baseball picks in early season jumpers Laurel Vietzke, Linda Porter and Greene took first, finish second and third with jumps of For what it's worth, here are the State News bui 18 feet 4% inches, 16 feet 5 predictions for the 1975 season. By DAN SPICKLER State News Sports Writer Junior Rick Zabor started three spots on the team now. "We seem to have a and a bottom three on this top three al championship in the NCAA Division II category," he added. inches and 16 feet 23/< inches, respectively. Barbara Grider Warden, R All six State News which were then compiled sports writers made individual predidi according1 to a point system to cowl The Spartans harve one senior captured second place in the with the final forecast. out this year as the No. 7 man team right now in singles, and I on the MSU men's tennis team, but the netter from will rotate starting positions between the two sets of three on the roster, Dick Callow, from Detroit. Callow captured both shotput and discus events with a 40 - foot 2'/i inch shotput throw and a 95-foot mark in the but U.S. ta Six points were awarded to first second - place guess, four to third - place picks, five points j place and so on. Fraser might soon find the No. singles and doubles victor¬ We've got it: until these guys show me ies discus. MUNICH, Germany (UPI)— 1 label attached to his name. against Navy. power and dropping its third something different," Drobac "We're going to need to Czechoslovak ia bombarded straight game. "He's done a fantastic job," said. U.S. goaltender Jim Warden Sophomore Tom Gudelsky develop more talent in the high Warden, a first-team All- AMERICAN EAST Spartan coach Stan Drobac said. "In "The teams we play this year from Muskegon is expected to jump and javelin events and with 93 shots Sunday en route America pick from Michigan 1. New York AMERICAN WEST] our last four matches are all good. While we are be greatly improved over last work a little on the hurdles," to an 8-3 victory over the Tech and a draftee last June of 1. Oakland against Hampton Institute and probably stronger than we've year. He combined with Stark Jackson commented. pesky but inexperienced Amer¬ the California Golden Seals of 2. Texas the Naval Academy, he ever been and have ican team won improved, for a doubles victory over The MSU women's swim in the World Ice the National Hockey League, 3. Kansas City everytime he stepped out on so has everyone else," he team had a highlight of. its own Hockey Championships. the court." Navy. was given a standing ovation at 4. Cleveland 4. Minnesota added. this past weekend in diver The U.S. team, comprised of The netters in seven tries so game's end by the 7,000 per¬ 5. Detroit 5. California Drobac sees Michigan, third- Freshman Kevin McNulty, Laura Siebold. Siebold repre¬ the nation's best college players sons in attendance at far this year have yet to win a Olympic 6. Milwaukee place finisher in the nation last from Detroit, is jumping right sented MSU in the National though many have never taken Hall. 6. Chicago match, but Drobac is optimistic year, and Ohio State, which into a starting spot. He took AAU Diving Championships at part in international competi¬ Michigan State's Tom Ross about the squad's Big Ten swamped Navy 8-1 earlier this winner's honors in singles a- Cleveland State University tion before, stunned the Czechs put the U.S. ahead at 2:32 of NATIONAL EAST NATIONAL WEST season, which begins on the season, as the top contenders gainst Hampton and in both Saturday and finished 11th in by taking the lead three times the first period on a power play, 1. St. Louis (tie) road this weekend against Iowa for the conference title. in the first period before 1. Los Angeles singles and doubles with Callow the IO meter diving but the Czechs tied it at 6:01 on 1. Pittsburgh (tie) and Minnesota. competi¬ 2. Cincinnati against Navy. tion. wilting under the Czech fire- a goal by Vladimir Martinec. Hampton beat the visiting The MSU netters began 3. Philadelphia 3. Atlanta Spartans 6-3 and 7-2 March 17 action in February at the 4. New York National Intercollegiate Tourn¬ 4. San Francisco and 18. Zabor won in singles 5. Chicago 5. Houston and in doubles with ament in Madison, Wis. partners 6. Montreal Dave Otis, a junior from 6. San Diego In that tourney MSU lost all Ypsilanti, and Lee Woyahn, a freshman from Wisconsin. f three matches, as it faced Host Navy beat the Spartans nationally ranked Southern Cal¬ 5 - 4 in both matches March 18 ifornia, Oklahoma State and Princeton. and 19 and Zabor once Knicks came through with a win in doubles with partner Woyahn. Woyanh and junior Larry again "These preseason matches with top teams are held so we can find out how we work under slip into playoffsj Stark, who scored both doubles and singles victories against pressure," Drobac said. as Cavs fall to Kings "Hampton, for example, is Navy, share with Zabor the top shooting for the nation¬ NEW YORK (UPI) - The "We added a little streets of New York were suspeWJ said Walt "Clyde" Frazier,«l quieter than usual Sunday and contributed 26 points awl the Neilson ratings must have assists to New York's cowB been high for CBS as the from - behind triumph Knicks and their fans gathered Buffalo. nervously around television sets to watch the Kansas City - Omaha Kings edge the Cleve¬ land Cavaliers and Women's intramural until 5 p.m. today. blooperball schedules will not be ready Knicks a pass to the give the playoffs. Cheerleaders Because of last week's snowstorm, the The beginning of blooperball competition has been pushed Knicks, who scattered to back to different parts of the April 14. find out whether their city to 105 93 - repeat session! A women's intramural corecreational floor victory over the Buffalo Braves held at 6 p.m. hockey clinic will be in the first half today in 127 Women's Intramural Bldg. All team of a nationally - An orientation and pr«® members, managers and officials must attend. televised doubleheader meant session for those students u The floor hockey team entry deadline is 9 p.m. Tuesday. Entries anything, gained the NBA East ested in becoming mcmbe^l should be turned in at 121 Women's wild card playoff - IM Bldg. berth when the MSU cheerleading If" the Cavs were Because of the Green Splash Club's water show dress rehearsals beaten, 96 - 94. will be held at 4 p.m. Tues« A. J. Both teams finished today and Tuesday, swimming at the Women's IM will be held in Foyt stands in the winner's circle at the Foyt s 50th in the National AP wirephoto records but the Knicks with 40 - 42 in Jenison Fieldhouse. the lower pool from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and in the upper pool from 6:30 Trenton, (N.J.) Speedway Sunday after win¬ Championship the playoffs because go into The orientation session to 8:50 p.m. both days. ning the Trenton 200 race. The victory was racing. they beat students who missed Cleveland in their season ser- Thursday's orientation be of the snowstorm. ■higan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 1 1 ' foA \o»* °n ns, THOR|N3 Factory Authorized You know Thorens makes some of the finest turntables available, but until now you may have Reg. $ 199.95 thought their prices put them out of your reach. ^ ^ Not now! Right now you can own the $ /m fl Q^% o(M* popular J Thorens TD-165 for just $149.95 during this JL SAVE $50! factory authorized sale. Hurry in today and plus cartri(*ge step up to a Thorens! of your choice WEDNESDAY SAVE $50! £» * TEAC Factory Authorized Sale I 1 sl SAVE MORE Rarely can ANY audio dealer offer you a component stereo system of this quality at such a savings. Hurry Sansui AU-9500 Until now the popular TEAC 360-S in for audition. an Quantities are limited. sold at a fair trade price of $379.50 - SAVE$150 | and it was worth every cent! Now it's Nikko STA-4030 receiver Factory Authorized Sale! $199.95 [ yours for an unheard-of $50 off! Pair — Marantz 5B speakers 160.00 just BSR 2310- AXE changer TOTAL LIST PRICE 95.80 $455.75 j»st$34988 V Marantz Altec's I Metrotec ; ExceUent Utah HS-1C Altec's Tandberg | Electrostatic Odyssey of "Recycled" Speakers 'Odyssey' TL-5010 12"3-way I Headphones limited supply! Stereo Equ T-shirts Speakers List: $139.95 $79.88 just ! I j Be sure and visit our used equipment dept. It's overflowing with exceptional values! 40% Reg. $199.88 S279.95 $39.8 OFF! —i %OFF t i 20 task regular selling price! harman/kardon SAVE This week you can save 20% off Model 630 Stereo Receiver 4-channel amp. Regularly $359.95 l/3rd! our regular low prices on these Reg. $499 popular BSR turntable models: just $299 Here's a super value — just in time for Spring! A 260AX, 510AX, 710X, and 810X just $389 complete Pioneer 8-track system for your car for limited supply! less than $50. That's a savings of 33% Includes the . Pioneer TP-222 8-track car player AND a pair of BASF/TDK Pioneer TS-163 car speakers. Cassette List: $75 88 Many, many one-of- Bargains! BASF SUPER 90 list: 5.60 Sale: 2.70 ea TDK D-90 list: 3.7 5 Sale: 2.25 ea PIONEER 49 stereo and at SUPER 4-channel SAVE $2 "1 S TDK ED-90 24 hr. Timers Vanco INFINITY list: 5.60 Sale: 3.60 ea Just $ Headphones on your choice limited supply! ! I J 88 i of headphone I INFINTY MONITORS (above). PIONEER" Rotel 150A Stereo Receiver | 1/2 PRICE! extension list: $436 NOW: $366 You save $140.00 a pair f I just $ Sansui AU-101 INFINITY 2000AXT (below) $119.8J8 r list: $305 NOW: $260 with Magnetic cartridge input Integrated Amp. You save $90.00 a pair | just Reg. $1 Reg. $159.95 SAVE $40 on this complete RECORD CARE Pioneer car system. - just $ TP-777 DeLuxe 8-track Sansui AU-6500 PRODUCTS Pair TS-160 - speakers Reg. $129.90 Integrated Amp. Preeners, Parastats and Dust Bugs Meister 1 Reg. $259.95 Aluminum just$ IL 89 88 just$igg88 Save j Save a Buck Free Parking Beside Store 555 E. Grand River Ave. in East Lansing Hours: (next to TacoBelt) 10- 9Mon. thru Fri. Phone 337-1300 10-5 Saturdays Complete In-House Service Five Convenient Ways For Everything We Sell to Finance Your Purchase Where you 're treated fairly every time. 12m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan UNIT STUDIES VICTIMLESS CRIMES Task force seeks public input MONDAY - SATURDAY 8:30 - 6 Should marijuana use be Criminal Justice to help in its WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 8:30 - 9 decriminalized? quette. tution; gambling; pornography, meet in May to consider task of recommending modern¬ In Lansing, the victimless and nondangerous traffic viola¬ proposals made by each of its CLOSED SUNDAY Should Michigan ban posses¬ ized state positions on gun crime task force will meet from tions. task forces. When adopted by sion of handguns, or begin control, capital punishment and 9 a.m. to noon and from 2 to 5 Victimless crime task force the members, the ideas will be executing criminals? These issues and others will be discussed in an all-day victimless crimes. The 75-member commission, p.m. in the Terrace Room of the Lansing Civic Center. The members expected at the Lans¬ ing hearing include chairman presented to the governor. Milliken created the commis¬ CIGARETTES appointed by Gov. Milliken, is group is studying decriminali¬ Col. George Halverson, director sion, headed by former Lt. Gov. 2.PK. hearing in Lansing today. divided into three task forces, zation of the use, not sale, of of the state police, and Sen. James Brickley, in mid-1973. The public's comments, pre¬ which, in addition to the marijuana, heroin and ampheta¬ Earl Nelson, D-Lansing. Last December it submitted a Explroi April IS. 1V7S ferably accompanied by written Lansing meeting, are holding mines; sexual acts among con¬ Members of the commission's toil Lonilng Stor« Only statements, have been invited 428-page report of nearly 600 simultaneous hearings in De¬ senting adults, including homo¬ by the Michigan Commission gun control task force will proposed goals and standards on troit, Grand Rapids and Mar¬ sexuality and adultery; prosti- receive testimony from 9 a.m. to noon in the Law Building to reduce crime and improve 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK FILM justice in Michigan. auditorium, 525 W. Ottawa St., PROCESSING & DEVELOPING Tornado season Lansing, in the government complex west of the Capitol. The capital punishment Tornados were not the kind on-campus students should northeast. The odds are group, possibly including Victor of violent spring storm that most people had in mind know the procedures for taking cover in their particular halls. against serious injury if these Strecher, MSU professor of criminal justice, will hold its KODAK FILM KODAK FILM precautions are taken. session from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Thursday as they shoveled When a funnel cloud is sighted There is often a feeling that a their way toward freedom. in the area, a siren is sounded in Law Building Auditorium. 355-1826 Thougji distracted moment¬ arily by winter's last gasp, sufficient time for an orderly descent to the basements with¬ tornado would never dare hit the MSU campus and therefore The full commission plans to cno-u ,r:, Expire* April IS. I»75 1.09 1 • W ' C'26-12 Explroi April 13. 1(75 1 I , widespread lack of attention to EoiUontjng Slort Only MSU officials have urged stu¬ out panic. dents to keep in mind that this Off-campus students should the warnings prevails. Robert YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY bonus size is the Underwood, residence halls season to be on the watch go to the nearest basement for dark swirling funnels in the civil defense shelter. or manager, said that along with students' spirit of calmness and GLEEM II SECRET BAYER sky. Tornados are indiscrim¬ If the twister's strike ap¬ TOOTHPASTE ROLL-on ANTI-PERSPIRANT ASPIRIN inate killers and a warning cooperation in remaining in the pears to be imminent, weather shelter areas, he has seen issued by the U.S. Weather officials advise huddling in the 1005 Bureau should not be treated lightly. southwest corner of the lowest students run outside to gaze at the swirling skies. We specialize in contact lenses reg. 1.29 77" 98" reg. 1.09 o H story of the residence and "Instead of going down to the East Lansing's only Co-Op for Optical Needs LIMIT I LIMIT 1 Gary North, MSU residence staying away from windows. (coupon] [coupon] underground shelters, some halls coordinator, said that all Tornados usually travel to the people feel compelled by curios¬ 351-5330 Ifit m ITTV n AM ■ 4 PM,VphMr.S8:30f» Expires April II. 1979 ^ojUoniln^Slor^nlj^ Eiplrn April IS. 1*75 Ea»t lowing Storo Only ity to go out and watch the damned thing," he said. "These USEbJNmP Sat., 9 A.M. to Noon Consumer organization are highly dangerous storms EYfc EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PHISOAC TAMPAX and precautions should out¬ CO-OPTICAL SERVICES ACNE MEDICATION TAMPONS TAME weigh any tendency not to heed DR. J. R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST CREME RINSE to fight income tax hike the warnings." Now in Brookfieid Plaza 40's DETROIT (UPI)-The state from 3.9 to 4.6 per cent to make reg. 1.50 1.07 reg. 2.09 1.28 reg. 2.00 Citizens' Lobby has announced up the revenue loss. Gov. it is launching a drive to repeal Milliken signed the new tax law Eoit Lonilng iter* Only E«plr«. April 13. |f» the just-enacted increase in the earlier this week and it will go Michigan income tax. into effect May 1. "We intend to take back those dollars and put them KERI LOTION where they belong—in the pockets of working people," said Barbara Grossman, direct¬ 6.5 reg. oz 2.25 1.6 or if the consumer organization. The Citizens' Lobby led the fight that resulted in repeal last vi'cks November of the state sales tax on food and prescription drugs. UNICAP FORMULA 44 VITAMIN E The repeal in turn led to the HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS COUGH SYRUP 100 INT. 1 in state income tax 100's 1.87 regZ 1.39 1.Q7 reg. 2.39 1.5 HOBIES on] Super-dooper-better- roOnly__ gillette than-burger-Spartan NOXZEMA platinum plus injector STAYFREE Special-GIVE A WA YH SHAVE CREAM MINI-PADS BLADES 11 oz 10's Get your GIVE AWAY card! reg. 1.39 99< 1.39 87f reg. 59* s when you have purchased 5 SPARTAN SPECIALS, HOBIES gives you one free! vaseline intensive care fluff's The "Spartan Special" is a HERBAL BATH COTTON BALLS power house sandwich you must taste to believe I 15 reg. oz 1.50 Satt Laming Store Only 96e plastic BIC BUTANE PITCHER WOOLITE DISPOSABLE LIGHTER COLD WATER WASH 1 QUART 16 oz reg. 1.49 96 C reg. 69«f 47* reg. 1.50 1.2 NATURAL BRISTLE PEPTO BISMOL MIDOL BRUSH COLLEGE STU 2.48 60s reg. 3.9 reg. 1.39 99' reg. 2.09 1.4 SUMMER JOBS Eoit Laming Storo Only Our HEAD & SHOULDERS service working in conjunction with business and industry has compiled extensive listings of employers throughout the Midwest in all states and most committed to provide summer employment for college students. major cities who are 7 oz reg. 2.50 Eoit Lowing Stor« Only 1.44 Our listings also include State & Federal Agencies, Government orlon fashion orlon opaque Internship Programs, KNEE SOX Private Resort & Camp Counseling Positions, etc. KNEE SOX KNEE SOX Whether you live in Michigan or another state in the Midwest need to help you find the employers with you our listings reg. 1.25 78" reg. 1.50 88" reg. 1.00 67 a job for you. For only $4.98 (includes cost of pamphlet, postage & handling charges) you will opaque receive our pamphlet entitled SUMMER JOBS FOR sheer sheer COLLEGE STUDENTS. PANTY HOSE KNEE SOX PANTY HO Send your name, address (Home or School) and $4.98, check or no. 0-1 P.M.A>. reg. 1.50 78< reg. 69* 39s reg. 89* BOX A 3974 LIMIT 6 I coupon| 'plroi April 13. WS Chicago, Illinois •I Lonilng Storo Only 60690 close out! ACT TODAY! FLANNEL SHIRTS 3.9 n State News. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 13 There are no shortages off great buys when you shop the Classified Ads! Automotive to MiSttA* / FRANKLY SPEAKING... by phil frank j Apartments |r W $83, month. $85 per person per close, $125 for entire 332-3238. 5-4-11 term. more information. 5-4-9 jeation Corduroy interior, new steel 351-5180 Ice radials, rustproofed, 4 speed, REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO php /a) cam NORTH bedroom house, appli¬ included, garden space, PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED, CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue - ances Itruction $2250. 484-5635. 5-4-11 Cedar. € COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELtY CA 94709 close to campus, sublet spring large 2 bedroom furnished. Single convinently located, call 482-7251. 485-2047, 485-9229. king girls or married couple only. $210. 3-4-7 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE 1968. 8 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- and/or summer, Discounted. Ksportation cylinder, snow tires, dependable, card. C-22-4-30 351-6239. 3-4-9 2. 5-4-11 GIRL NEEDED to share house, used only for student teaching. 1 Eaplijfw«nt l[ff| | Employment ][fl| [ Apartments ;("tP] SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY. Spa¬ liberal minded, own room, Joan, $450. 353-1576. 5-4-8 WANTED: MALE and female go HARD WORKING enthusiast to cious, Jwo bedroom apartment. Across from Williams. April free. 731 484-2759. 5-4-11 TOYOTA 1971. AM-FM, air con¬ EAST LANSING: 1-5 |*rates** lord minimum ditioned, automatic transmission, rear defrost, nice. $985. 487-5783. go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- help restore classic antique and sports cars. Only experienced TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished apartments: 124 Cedar Street, 351-1971. 5-4-11 APARTMENTS and man duplexes, unfurnished except appliances. Available summer and houses $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 5-4-7 bodymen with tools, please. TWO MILES TO MSU, Okemos, fall, 489-2431. 5-4-11 Kedzie Drive, year leases only. 1 NO. days VEGA HATCHBACK 1974. WANTED: BOOKING agent for Phone 489-5655. 5-4-8 Starting June or September. Heat two bedroom model apartment. Air, carpet, heat included. $187/ Cus¬ included. Damage deposit. Call HOUSEMATE NEEDED, own rock band. 355-4758 between 2-5 month. 485-1212. 3-4-9 tom interior, $2395. Price negoti¬ WANTED. FULL time waitress. room, one block from campus, 412 8-5,351-2402; 6-10 pm, 882-2316. 1 ■ 4.80 3 5 /.80 10 15.60 able. Dave, 351 -2380 or 371 -2953. 5-4-9 pm. 1-4-7 Apply HUDDLE LOUNGE, 820 West Miller Road, Lansing. 5-4-8 0-4-30 ACME BEDDING CO. M.A.C. $80/month. 351-9274. 5-4-11 FEMALE GO-GO dancer for rock •SWIMMING POOl 16.00 9.75 19.50 band wanted. Musical experience TWO BEDROOM furnished 49.95 Twin Size 1 7.20 1 8.00 11.70 23.40 13.00 26.00 /EGA HATCHBACK, 1972, sharp, 23,000 miles, 3-speed, custom nterior, $1300. 482-3416. 3-4-7 preferred. 355-4758 between 2-5 pm. 1-4-7 far Rem TV AND STEREO RENTALS. 7£ mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 minutes to campus. Quiet and 54.95 Double Size 405 Cherry at Now Leasing Summer and Fall FIVE BEDROOM Modern Home, for family. For rent while profes¬ sor is on sabbatical. One year peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or Kalomazop 110.00 16.25 32.50 VW 411,1971, 4 door, automatic, WE NEED college graduates in the $25/term. $10.95/month. Free 484-5315. 0-4-30 PH.4I7-4W Summer-$50 per person starting September 1975. 339- same day delivery and service. 2917. 5-4-9 AM/FIV radio, 39,000 miles, best Lansing area. School teacher or Fall $75per person Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 ONE BEDROOM furnished, all offer. 487-0816 after 6 pm. 5-4-7 sales experience preferred. Full Discount for 12 mo. Lease utilities paid, close to campus. GOOD HOUSE (deadline time training salary plus com- AVAILABLE SRING term two - big backyard. 6 m. one class vW VAN, 1969, new battery, i missions. Call Josephine ! Apartments V $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. 20-4-22 man furnished. 135 Kedzie. 351-7212 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces. Excellent location sub-let for ■nuffler, good tires, good condi- Starkweather 482-2937, 351-2400, 882-2316. 731 Burchom Drive summer re publication. at 694-3935. 10-4-8 Modeli open 1 -6, Mon. • Sat. 337-0269. 5-4-11 :ion, $950, call 355-3320 between Investors Diversified Services. ROOMMATE NEEDED Now, large 2-6 pm. 5-4-9 10-4-18 one bedroom, close. $100/month. DON'T SIGN A LEASE Oth.r timet by appointment |tlon/corrections 12 731 Burcham, 337-7571. 3-4-7 SUBLET SPRING - summer. 1-2 NEW COMMUNITY Co-op. Two e class day before VW 1969 Beetle, $800 or best TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN bedroom, Beal Street. Free DOWNTOWN NEAR, one openings, spring. $270/term. offer. Good condition, low mile¬ SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 FEMALE ROOMMATE for com¬ month's rent. 351-1799. 7-4-15 month's free rent with new lease. 351-3820, let it ring. B-1-4-7 age. 355-7897. B-1-4-7 offered nationally for qualified fortable one bedroom. Very close, MARIGOLD Carpeting, air, heat included, LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ I is ordered it cannot college graduates by June. Imme¬ available immediately! 337-7386. TWO BEDROOM, one block, fur¬ range, refrigerator, etc. $145 APARTMENTS ties to select, qualified tenants felled or changed until VOLKSWAGEN 1972, 36,000 ori¬ diate salary negotiable and ad¬ 337-2570. 3-4-7 nished, carpeted, sharp. Until. deposit - one bedroom. 482-2555, onlv At no cost to you. Call ■ insertion, unless it is ginal miles. 30mpg. Burns no oil. justed over 40 month training 911 Marigold September only, $240/month. after 5 pm. 5-4-7 Must sell. 332-5634 5-4-8 5 MINUTES TO MSU. Share 332-1946. 5-4-11 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT lb cancelled 2 days program. Earn while you learnlll SELECTOR. 5-4-9 furnished 2 bedroom apartment. EAST SIDE - unfurnished, except publication. WANTED, GOOD used cars. Pay No limit on future earnings, Call Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ 339-u877 or 484-0622. 5-4-9 S19Q/M0NTH MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 stove and refrigerator. Excellent FOUR BEDROOM, four people views by appointment only. bedroom apartment in country. for students or singles. Garage i a $1.00 servi up to $50. Also junk cars. 1 needed summer or fall. Phone 20-5-2 NOW LEASING for fall - Colonial $95. Call Dennis, 371-1041. 5-4-9 and all utilities included. 627-9387. 487-1568. 5-4-11 •largo Ono Bedroom Apartment 482-9672,482-0278. 3-4-7 Dr an ad change. Arms, 126 Orchard, 2,3, and 4 man •Completely Furnished 5-4-7 MALE COUNSELORS apartments. Call 337-1800. 5-4-9 SUMMER APARTMENT, 2 bodies [ ][ftc] Michigan - LEASE WITH option to buy. New I Personal ads must Motorcycles Boy's Camp. June 24-August 16. OKEMOS - 1 bedroom. Utilities needed to fill 2 spacious rooms. Delta Street, 332-3337 MALE Campus ROOMMATE Hill apartments, needed, $70/ ranch house in country. Campus Positions open - waterfront, riflery HONDA CL-350 1972. New month. 349-2827. 7-4-10 10 minutes. $300/month, spring pioneering. Trips, crafts, gymnas¬ furnished. Married couple. 3-4-7 battery, exhaust valves, tune-up. $150/month. Telephone 349-2313. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL and summer. Call Evan Harrison, News tics. Married couple considered. will be $650 Excellent. 393-3096. 5-4-9 337-7328 IMMEDIATELY, SUBLEASE till FOUR ROOMS. Carpeted. Newly 332-1946 or PROGRESSIVE Write, giving experience, back¬ 5-4-9 |bie only for the first September, large efficiency, quiet, decorated. Private parking. REALTY, 372-5512. 5-4-9 CYCLE INSURANCE as low as ground. Flying Eagle, 1401 North close to campus, on bus route, it insertion. Fairview, Lansing, 48912. 5-4-11 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart¬ Couples preferred. $125. Deposit. $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc $150/month. 351-8325,351-4799. ELEGANT DUPLEX. 5 minutes to ments, air conditioned, 1 block 489-6222. 5-4-8 at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 5-4-9 3 Idue 7 days from the BABYSITTER FOR school age from campus. $170 - $180. campus - large bedrooms, SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio kitchen with all appliances, family ltion date. If not paid CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our children, afternoons, cooking. 351-1786. 5-4-9 GIRL FOR large two bedroom 2 Grad student wife preferred. APARTMENTS, off bus line, 3 ft apartments. Across from campus. room, 1 h baths, redwood deck |lue date, a 50c late ow rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING 351-3364. 5-4-11 EFFICIENCY. PRIVATE. $115/ apartment, share room, $70/ rooms, plus bath, $130; single Air conditioned, quiet. Summer and patio, professional decora¬ vill be due. 185-0528 or 339-9535. 0-4-30 month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. $95. 641-4405. 5-4-9 or fall leases. 351-1258 between ting, garage and large yard. $305 month. Utilities paid. 3 miles - 10-4-8 10 am - 7 pm. 10-4-14 per month - call Tom Brooks, HONDA CL450, Dohc for sale. RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ campus. Grad student. IV-22589. 393-3777 able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and 5-4-9 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS YES or 694-2167_ 5-4_-9_ ?550 or best offer. 482-9464. two johns I _ Houses ... LPN'S part time positions avail¬ HASLETT EAST SIDE-2 girls to share house. 3-4-7 able on 3-11:30 pm and 11 -7:30 am Short on Cash? Maybe we can per apartment! Own rooms. $60 plus utilities. INSURANCE. MOTORCYCLE INSURNACE. shifts, for medical - surgical areas HALSTEAD work something out. One bed¬ And balconies too. FIVE GREAT Student Houses. 4-6 bedrooms. Nicely furnished; fire¬ 482-1026. 4-4-7 of Provincial Hospital and Surgi apartments with shag car¬ Ian save $$$. It pays to »d, Call us. You may be Lowest rates on cycle insurance. Clinic. Contact Mr. White at MANAGEMENT room peting, drapes and appliances. RIVER'S & place, parking. Very close. EAST LANSING - 3 bedroom Any size. FEIDLER INSURANCE, 485-3271,9-4 pm Monday through $440-$500, plus utilities. June - house, fireplace, large yard. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 34-8173. 0-1-4-4 676-2449. 0-1-4-4 Friday. 3-4-9 COMPANY minutes from MSU. Located at WATER S EDGE June leases. 372-6853. 0-4-30 337-2095. 1376 Snyder Road. 5-4-9 I AUSTIN Healey Sprite 1972 YAMAHA 360 Enduro low WANTED, GIRL for care of arthri¬ Reserve your apartment 6076 Marsh Road, just north of Apartments SUMMER HOUSING. New seven Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager ■ mechanical condition, street miles, excellent! Shop bedroom house with two baths, GIRL TO share house with 2 tic lady. Monday - Friday no NOW while they last. 339-8192 or EAST LANSING (next to Cedar Village) |t 1job, call 224-4185 St. Manual and helmet. $700/best vacations or holidays. 332-5176. Studios $130. One REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 fully carpeted and furnished. others. $70 plus utilities. pm. 5-4-11' offer. 694-1481. 5-4-11 Now Close to campus. 332-3372. 3-4-7 BL-1-4-7 bedroom $140 and two leasing 484-3195. 5-4-9 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT/2 full ■ 1967 Convertible, auto- USED MOTORCYCLES discount bedrooms $150 and up. 332-4432 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX, full base¬ HASLETT - 1 bedroom, partially ■d engine. Best offer. baths, 1 bedroom efficiency - on insurance aj F.S.C., 935 Grand $295. 372-0992 11am 4 pm, ment, dishwasher, garage, car¬ furnished. $165 plus utilities. ■5-4-8 - River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 351-7910 Monday - Friday. 5-4-11 UTILITIES PAID, light cooking peted, $250/month. 3-4-7 487-1614. 339-2058. 5-4-9 parking, $125/month, references, l1973- 3 speed, 350 V-8 T FM- 882-0534, after 6 i Auto Service / FACULTY, EAST Lansing - luxury THREE BEDROOMS, garage, deposit, 372-5815 or 372-6046. 3-4-7 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, near cam¬ HASLETT stove, - 2 bedroom, carpeting, and refrigerator. Near 1 bedroom, carport, security locks, garden area, near LCC and State pus, own room. $70 plus utilities. MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East PROPERTY MANAGER needs buildings. Call 627-9801. 5-4-11 shopping center, $175 plus utilities Call 351-2777. 10-4-11 no pets, not student rental. One NEED FOURTH girl roommate, 339-2058. 5-4-9 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. helper. Hours flexible. Light year lease, $185. 349-2094. 5-4-7 cheap, close to campus. Call PI-AIR, 1961. Good REDUCED RENT! Room in large Complete auto painting and colli¬ repair and some clerical. Car •ndition. T10- Call 332-6883. 8 cylinder sion service. American and necessary. $2.25/hour plus gas. house, spring and summer. Call 351-0870 or 482-3413. 4-4-8 CROSSWORD Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 372-6853. 0-4-30 551 ALBERT STREET, one block Lee, 332-3670. 1-4-7 from campus. Large 2 bedroom, ONE MONTH rent free! room apartments. 6 month lease 1 bed¬ PUZZLE AMERICAN, GERMAN and HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed furnished, summer and fall. GIRL, OWN room in house, MSU ACROSS 29. Cotton cloth ■ S1975, defogger, buc- accepted. 485-9223 4-4-7 1. Ship of the 31. Seconds FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. for 16 semi-independent mentally Resident manager, 351-5208 or close, $70 plus utilities and deposit ■ console, automatic, retarded adults. Call 393-4442 or desert 32. Pewter coin 20% DISCOUNT to students and 332-4915 1-4-7 ■for, saddle st offer. interior. faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW write Moore Living Center, 1401 351-6676. 10-4-10 f 'w CHECK OUR \ 6. Walking stick 33. Low trees and Call Jan, 11. Counting shrubs Per 5 service parts. IMPORT AUTO Edgewood Blvd. Lansing, ^ REPAIR PRICES ~ p.mi. 5-4-8 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Michigan 48910. 5-4-11 frame 35. Evil spirit Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- BABYSITTER, HALF days. Bailey DON'T WAIT 20% DISCOUNT TO 13. Baseball run 14. Soft woolen 37. Afflict 38. Wolframite card. C-22-4-30 school area for 5 year old boy. fabric 41. Deign STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON Phone 332-8322 after 5:30. 5-4-7 UNTIL THEY'RE CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE PARTS. 15. Century plant 16. Prior to 43. Legislature 45. Pluto 17. Time past 46. Star in "The CEDAR M ALL GONE... 19. Historical Dragon" *4%J period 47,. Gum resin 20. Expiate 48. Stages 349-3530 ■ GREENS can 22. Fury DOWN 8. Surmise To reserve your apartment 24. Violin maker 1. Grotto 9. Young hare for summer and fall * % AUTO PARTS ™ 27. First game in 2. Hindu red 10. Three in noui LEASinC FOR SUmmER and FALL SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar a series powder Rome SPECIAL SUmmER RATES 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ » 12. Palm starch start at for 4 man Volkswagen complete repair " %1 ll lj 18. Palestine plair 20. New Zealand 00 i $140 service. Repair & parts for clan most foreign and American 14 •5 00 21. Shoulder |THE jwagon to $140 cars. Body shop & paint services. Exchange engines 16 17 % W 19 ornaments I^gwood apts! -AX CONDITIONING & transaxles. % io % 21 *2 % 23. 24. Fodder plant Exert energy %% % % 25 Connubial ■conditioned »washer ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES GtMPUS HILL Free wrecker repairs - local service areas. with City bus 54 29 26 % 3° TT Si 28 26. With ice cream 28. Diminish f "rpeting for rental just off grand river •okemoc APARTMENTS service to our front door. Ji ss %% 30. Sorrel Ph furniture Parking information We buy and sell VW's % 36 a; %% 38 % % 4o 34. Emanate 36. Sonnet fel °Pen Daily 551-8631 ■2 BEDROOMS 485-2047 485-9229 8-6 Monday - Friday, W 4) % Vi 43 % 38. Arrived 39. On tiptoe Lll 351-8282 ST 349-3530 9-2 Saturday % 40. Camera's eye 41. Rider 1 46 46 P Old World Plow 1135 Michigan Ave. Right next to the -CENTRALMRCOW. bussbmce. Haggard novel driver |) E. Laming, Ml. Con coll Sob Brody Complex Holl or Tom ot 3SI *1431 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 17 1% ite 42. Greek letter 44. Burmese wood sprite 14m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday Houses ^ For Sale For Sale Insurance purchase EAST SIDE - roommate for spa¬ (continued from page 1) GERRARD 40B Changer, 1 month FENDER TELECASTER, $175. ATTENTION STUDENTS: Living cious 3 bedroom house, $54 plus old, $30. Call 485-2384 after 7 p.m. Bassman amp $90, and bottom in 8' or 10' wide mobile homes. insurance — whole - life and utilities. 484-3742. 5-4-11 E-5-4-8 $35. We have space available for you, 1 Call Tony evenings, 484- term - life. Whole - life 1062. 10-4-14 mile MSU on bus route at Mobile insurance is permanent and EAST SIDE, 1 bedroom house, REMINGTON ELECTRIC shaver. Home Manor. 332-2437. 5-4-8 furnished, $150/month, 210 South includes a savings policy. - It is $25. Practically new-must-sell. SHICK TIME machine, without Announcements for It's What's Experimental media theater in¬ Mifflin. 485-7737. 1-4-7 Call Demetri evenings, 353-4214. mist, only used twice, $20. AVAILABLE SOON, mobile home Happening must be received in the termediary is at 9 tonight and at 7 usually more expensive than E-5-4-7 487-4566. 1-4-7 for rent, $165/month and up. State News office, 341 Student p.m. Wednesday in the Union term - life because policy hol¬ MALE ROOMMATE wanted, 4 Tower Room. All interested ders are not only paying for Deposit required, utilities extra. 1 Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least bedroom house. 231 North BLACK OLYMPUS OM-1 with B&O 4000 system, with DBX, insurance but also making de¬ mile from MSU on bus route. two class days before publication. people are invited. Hayford Street, 482-3234. 5-4-11 50mm F1.8, 135 mm F3.5 only good condition, must sell. Call No $350, like new. Call 489-5977. 351-9126. BL-1-4-7 332-2437_ 54-8 announcements will be Free 35 mm photography class posits into a savings account as accepted by phone. begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 209 they would at a bank. FACULTY: May 1st, 3 bedrooms, 5-4-8 PARKWOOD 1972. 12x60. Two : The MSU Physics Club will hold Bessey Hall. Beginners and pros Consumers' Reports advises near campus, unfurnished, garage DOUBLE BED mattress, and box bedroom, completely furnished. $195. Lease, 332-8903. 5-4-11 Cash for Separate utility room with full size its first spring term meeting at 7:30 bring your cameras. that only two types of people — spring, couch, record player, washer and dryer. tonight in 221 Physics - Astron¬ The vice president for Graduate those who absolutely cannot STAMPS & COINS magazine table, best offer. 332- Fire alarm DUPLEX FOR rent 3 bedrooms, - 0313. 1-4-7 system, water softener and shed. omy Bldg. A NOVA film will be Welfare, COGS, will be available save money any other way and furnished. Off Beech Street. Buy-Sell -Trade In King Arthur's Court. Must see. shown and future plans will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday those with incomes so high they Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-8 full line of supplies BACK PACKS Hallmark exodus. $6500. 694-3765. 1-4-7 discussed. All physics students afternoons to help graduate stu¬ need the insurance as a tax MID-MICHIGAN STAMP ft COIN New Zealand made, lightweight welcome. dents with University - related shelter — buy whole - life OWN ROOM in house, $66.25, good location, ample parking, separate sleeping bag compart¬ ment, like new. Sears sewing J^Lost & Found ](^J Classical Guitar Society will programs. insurance. at 8 "Stevie Wonder in Concert" on Term - life insurance pro¬ 1158 Beech, 332-5167. 10-4-14 AR3as SPEAKERS. One month cabinet, Mediterranean style, $45. FIND SOMETHING meet p.m. Tuesday in Beekman Center, 2901 video tape runs continuously from vides insurance protection over old, $600 new, $400! Full warranty Gibson Guitar, 6 string, natural If you've found a pet or article of Wabash 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Sunday FURNISHED HOUSE for 2 or 3, 332-5039, Mark. 5-4-7 wood finish. 625-4484 evenings. value, we want to help you return Road, Lansing. limited periods of time (usually 251 in the Union. Sponsored by the Gunson Street, $240/per 3-4-9 it. Just come into the State News We collect people with talent five or 10 years). It is also month plus utilities. Union Activities Board/Student Available . INFLATE-A-BED Classified Department and tell us and/or ideas in music, acting art, Entertainment. much cheaper than whole - life until September. Call 371-4183 Spare bedroom in a bag. Air coil you want to place an ad in EAST computer graphics, electronics, insurance. Whereas a whole - 5-4-8 Do you like to cook? Good. We Gibsons' construction. Permanent bed - LANSING STATE BANK'S Found video, audio - the media to share. - life policy might cost $200 a overnight guest. Campers-tent Column. As a public service EAST Try us - Intermediary, 9 tonight are looking for someone to make a TWO WOMEN NEEDED, own LANSING STATE BANK will run in the Union Tower Room. hot breakfast for an elderly year, term - life insurance can in vans-lounging-resorts-trailers- have yearly premiums as low as room huge house. Great sunbathing-or doze across a lake the ad at no cost to you I gentleman. If you think you can, roommates. $80 plus utilities. contact Gary at the Volunteer $48. surface. Will not wash off or fade. EAST LANSING Call 337-1812. 5-4-7 One year guarantee. Three sizes: BOOKSALE STATE BANK Instruction Bureau. Most experts suggest that Twin - $46.95; Double - $53.95; Tired of the old political students buy convertible - term PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house Loads of paper C;4-30_ same Queen - $63.95. Available in bright canvassing? Try something new insurance. Convertible - term available immediately. Nicely LOST: RING, silver turquoise, GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and Drum furnished, parking. Students wel¬ red, avocado green and black. and hardbacks lessons. Private instructions avail¬ for a change. Check the Group starts out as term - life insur¬ Sales by GRAND DISTRIBUTING, library area, sentimental value, call Project file in the Volunteer come. 5 minute drive. $150/ Text and Maureen anytime, 332-8145. 2-4-8 able. MARSHALL MUSIC, 351- ance but can be converted to a 211 North Bridge Street, Grand Bureau. month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 . 7830. C-1-4-7 whole - life policy later. Ledge, Michigan. 627-4444. Reference FOUND: NEAR Beaumont Tower The Hospitality Assn. will have Students should remember Show room open Monday [ Rooms Saturday 10-6; Friday till 9 seen in Better Homes and Gardens pm. As - We buy books anytime 128 W.Grand River small wicker basket made in China. Rob, 332-1936, 489-5633. I Typing Service Ml its first meeting at 7:30 tonight in the Kellogg Auditorium. consist of a discussion of the It will that life insurance is a highly individualized business and MEN, CLOSE, large double room, and C-3-4-9 Playboy. 5-4-9 1 bl.W. of Union National Restaurant Show in there are hundreds of policies parking, no cooking, $55 each IRENE ORR Theses, Term papers - Chicago, elections of new officers and insurance companies from person, 351-5481. 5-4-7 HAMMOND C-3 with percussion. \ Mthru Fri. / LOST: BLACK toy poodle, general typing. Formerly with Ann and events to take place this term. which to choose. 1960 model. Excellent condition. \ 9:00-5:30 ( "Dominique" April 1st, Sparrow Brown. Call482-7487. C-4-30 Other life insurance plans AVAILABLE NOW Hospital Area, 484-8273. 3-4-7 Today is the last day to reserve - quiet, single, Make me an offer. Call Bill, near Union. GUNS, RIFLES an^ hand guns of a dish to prepare for the MENSA included decreasing term in¬ $17/week, references 489-4336 or 487-3558. 5-4-7 LOST: KEY case in or near Morrill EXPERIENCED, TYPING term deposit. 663-8418. 3-4-9 all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. Indian Gourmet Group. Please surance, endowment policies, Hall parking lot. Reward. papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ BEST year 'round prices in South¬ make your reservations with minimum - deposit plans, var¬ ate service. 394-2512. C-4-30 SUMMER SINGLES or Doubles. Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, Tune-ftps ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN SHOP 2412 South Cedar. 371-2244. 332-4936. 3-4-7 | Sandy Gleason. The MENSA Game Night is at iable life insurance and indus¬ - TV, lounge, parking, very close. $65/and up. 337-9452. 0-4-30 on Bicycles! 2-4-7 Ptrsiial |!Z, TYPING BY the hour. Drop-off service. Secretarial assistance. 7:30 tonight at Sue Hildebrand's, 626 Charles St. trial insurance. How is life insurance sold? Velocipede Peddler BOARD EXAM TUTORING 694-0222. 5-4-9 Bring your If you are a male and a 541E Grand River 351-7240 GOLF CL^BS, MacGregor STANLEY H. KAPLAN favorite games and a friend. senior, you have probably al¬ SAVE MONEY. Share room til Tourney, shoes 1054, excellent Interested friends please call Sue mid-June. One block from condition. Call Ken, 339-3169. TUTORING COURSES EXPERT TYPING; theses, 7e7m for more information. ready been contacted by sever¬ Now being formed for the papers, general work. Call Carolyn campus. Utilities paid. $45/month 10 SPEED, 23" CCM Formula 3-4-9 up¬ al insurance companies. These 332-5576. 6-4-14 Is your group looking for a 332-2411. 3-4-9 coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, One: Yashica Electro 35GT; ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For worthwhile activity? Stop by the companies usually offer free Sekonic L-98 Light Meter. Rick. 53 USED SEWING machines. information call 1-313-354-0085. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ Volunteer Bureau and look gifts or "special" insurance ROOMS FOR rent. Board in¬ 332-5555. 3-4-7 $12.50/up. Zig-Zags, and straight 0-2-4-7 sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, through their Group Projects file. policies and rates. They might cluded. Nice living area. Ask for stitchers, portables and cabinet 489-0358. C-4-30 The deadline for also include a come - on like: Tom. 337-2381. 3-4-7 HAMMOND ORGAN. M-2 model models. Singers, Whites, Ken- BANDS, MUSICIANS, Acts declaring social work as a major for fall term is "Now that you are a senior you with 125 Leslie. Best offer over mores. Many makes and models needed for Open Air Concert, FREE May ANN BROWN typing and multi- Tuesday. Applications are being will soon be getting married LAUNDRY, free parking, $550. 351-0236. 5-4-9 to choose from. ELECTRO- 16. If interested, call 332-2238, lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ room and board for men near GRAND, 804 East Michigan. Rick. 5-4-11 accepted at 254 Baker Hall. Please and will have many responsibi¬ vice for dissertations, theses, see one of the academic advisers. campus. Now leasing for summer CANON 814 autozoom super - 8 Hours Monday - Friday, 9-5 pm. lities. Now is the time for you and next fall. Call 332-3935 or movie camera, case and several Saturday 9-noon. Bankcard and summer CHARTtRS manuscripts, general typing. IBM. 25 year's experience. 349-0850. The Women's Studies Commit¬ to buy life insurance ..." 351-0909. 5-4-8 filters included. 351-9082. 5-4-9 MasterCharge honored. 5-4-11 tee will meet at 4 p.m. neurope I/O C-4-30 Union Oak Room. Students are today in the The companies which most often contact students are LARGE ROOM, 400 square feet, FISHER #4020 Receiver, 220X QUALITY PRESCRIPTION Drugs PAYM^NrmOUIRlO MM THESES, RESUMES, typing and welcome to attend. Fidelity Union Life Insurance furnished, clean, close to campus. turntable. 2XP9C speakers, $789. Personal records - Third party EjEEEflEIi - Television and radio majors or Phone evenings. 351-8154. 4-4-7 Golf clubs, $60. printing. Reasonable prices. Co. and College Life Insurance All excellent pay welcome. Telephone 332- students interested in 2011. GULLIVER STATE DRUG, COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- working for Co. of America. These com¬ OWN ROOM in co-ed house, one condition. Prices negotiable. Hi.inrmiimil'IfH-llltn 4116. C-4-30 campus wide video production Need money. Dave, 351-2380/ 1105 East Grand River. 0-1-4-7 series "Telescope," contact Union panies specialize in selling life block from campus. Call 332-0052 $50 REWARD for information 371-2953. 5-4-9 Activities Board/Student Enter¬ insurance to students. How¬ 3-6 pm. 4-4-10 AM/FM PANASONIC stereo sys¬ leading to the reccivery of a 4x8 COMPLETE DISSERTATION and tainment. ever, in the last few years the BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. tem with 8 track. 2 years old, mural depicting a Medieval resume service. Printing, IBM Alchemist. Taken from Abrams Come to the First East Coast life insurance market has be¬ $75/MONTH, including utilities, French built light weight touring good condition, very reasonable, typing, binding. Printing from Student Mobilization for the farm furnished, 334 Michigan Avenue, bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. phone after 6: 355-8672. 5-4-8 Planetarium evening of March 8. your plain paper originals. Corner come extremely competitive No questions asked!! M.A.C. and Grand River. Below workers in Washinton D.C. on and across from Williams dorm. Call Save on top quality handmade Call 355- companies like Aetna Life after 3, 332-5906. 3-4-9 4673. 1 4-7 Jones Stationery Shop, 9-5 April 18 and 19. Contact the UFW and bikes. 645-2127. C-5-4-11 MAGNAVOX TELEVISION. All at Cristo Rey. Viva La Revolucion! Casualty and The channel. B&W, excellent condi¬ Monday - Friday. Call COPY- Prudential Life Insurance Co. OWN ROOM in very nicely fur¬ AT OUR prices get that emer¬ tion. $50 or best offer. 351-8306. Peanuts Personal GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666. College of Social Science stu¬ of America have entered the nished house in Lansing. Prefer dents interested in learning about gency pair of glasses. OPTICAL 2-4-8 C-4-30__ the graduate program in labor and student market. female, not required though. DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, UNIGRAPHICS offers industrial relations at MSU are Most insurance companies, $49/month. Deposit. 487-9384. FOUR TIRES, H70x15, Kelly COM¬ Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-4-11 PLETE DISSERTATION and Re¬ however, do not make 3-4-9 invited to attend a presentation by a con¬ Springfield, brand new, guaran¬ sume Service. IBM MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, RUMMAGE SALE, Community Church. Wednesday, Okemos teed, $80. Call Ken, 339-3169. 3-4-9 [ Real Estate Jfrfftj offset printing and typing, editing binding. We Dr. Michael Moore, associate director, School of Labor and centrated effort students. to sell to OKEMOS - HIAWATHA Park. By encourage comparative shopping. Industrial Relations at 4 p.m. Should students cooking, close to MSU. Phone April 9, 9:30 to 3:30. Thursday For estimate, stop in at 2843 East buy 351-8563 or 485-8836. 20-4-22 April 10,9 to 1. Sponsored by the SPRING TERM Bargains. Used owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on Tuesday in 310 Agriculture Hall. insurance on the promissory 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2 Vi Grand River or phone 332-8414. Women's Society. 3-4-9 LP's and 8 track tapes. baths, Volunteers interested in a var¬ note basis? C Sale ~][^] WALNUT 4 drawer desk, $45, $1.50. Sansui and Kenwood stereos, leather coats, furniture, $1.00, 2 fireplaces. Selling at appraised value. 349-4268, for appointment. 5-4-11 iety of hospital volunteer exper¬ iences at Lansing General Hospital A promissory note is a loan made to pay the first year's NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with 10-4-9 JUDITH CARMAN. should call Steve Anderson or portable typewriter, $20. Black small appliances, diamond rings, Experienced $50 Empire cartridge. $150. chair and foot stool, $20. 655-3106 dissertation, theses, typist. Call apply at 27 Student Services Bldg. premium on a life insurance rifles, shotguns and an 8 foot 351-6599. 10-4-10 LUDWIG DRUM set, cases, really after 6. E-5-4-11 Bamboo bar. Check us out and see the lowest prices. Come on [Recreation now 5-4-11 for this term. 393-4672. for openings on the medical or pediatric floors. nursing, policy. The student usually agrees to repay the promissory SCHWINN CONTINENTAL, like down to DICKER b DEAL, 1701 EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to There will be a Microbiology note within five years with good condition, best offer, 351- South Cedar. 487-3886. C-5-4-11 London, Amsterdam from $289. EXPERIENCED TYPING, term new. Deluxe fingertip shifters, Undergraduate Club meeting at 7 5017. 5-4-7 new Michelin TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- papers, theses, etc. Accurate racing tires, new p.m. Tuesday in 146 Giltner Hall. 8800. C-1-4-7 service. 501 per page. 882-2083. derailer, RALEIGH 28" Super Course, 10 completely recondi¬ Animals |(V*] 5-4-11 Dr. John Dyke, microbiologist at Pinball profits tioned! $95. St. Johns, 224-2025. speed, 1 694-8821. 5-4-7 year old, $150. Phone 5-4-11 LABRADOR/HUSKIE, spayed TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast Sparrow Hospital will be the guest speaker. craze female. Obedience school trained. and reasonable. 371-4635. C-4-30 Hokka Society meets at 9:30 MAN'S WEDDING band, new ACCESSORIES, COMPLETE sel¬ 4 years, Med school forces me to FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo ection for audio, guitars and band p.m. Friday in the West Holmes beautiful 5 diamond, yellow and give her up, 351-1736. 1-4-7 Equipment see the STEREO Hall lower (continued from page 1) white gold, $130 new, now $80. 484-3556 afternoons. 3-4-7 instruments with 9 full line sheet music department to serve your SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-4-30 [Transportation |||] due for lounge. Hari Seldon is an appearance, first money put into the fund is allocated to halls according w| i BSR TURNTABLE. Excellent every music need. MUSIC, 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-7 MARSHALL | Mobile Homes ][wj PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties,- DALLAS AND return! April 13, riders wanted. Phone Week of speaking in firm foundations for the future. money collected from one hall is not automatically plowd that hall. i A 35 mm Music Systems, the photography course is EAST LANSING, mobile home. company that supplies MSIjl " condition. Dust cover and cart- finest quality, resonably 97. 1-4-7 TEAC 210 CASSETTE deck, 1-2 people. priced. being offered at 7 p.m. every ridge. $30. Call 353-8167. 5-4-9 Sony $110/month. All BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. machines, is the largest vending distributor in th"1 STR-7065 receiver, AR-2ax speak¬ utilities. 355-4841. 5-4-9 Tuesday in 209 Bessey Hall. Bring MSU contracts Music 482-5712. C-4-30 Systems for use of the n.—. ers, Metrotec equalizer, Pioneer Wanted your camera. Call Nelson Bolyard company handles all repairs at no cost to MSU. I REWARD 202 reverb amp, 8-track 1970 12x60 "for information. car tape AMERICAN, 3 bed¬ PROFESSIONAL SUEDE MSU has had jukeboxes and players - $15 - up. MUCH MORE room, 1V4 baths, furnished with Leather And Revival Services at 7:30 p.m. cigaret machines suppMi Cleaning and Refinishing. CASH paid Systems since 1959, but did not get into the pinball bull GUARANTEED USED EQUIP¬ utility shed, fenced patio, many Alterations and today through Saturday at Repairs. the fall of 1970. I MENT. WILCOX SECONDHAND extras. 20 minutes from MSU. Beatle Items Bethany Baptist Church, 1000 $100 OKEMOS CLEANERS, 349-0910. "I think the STORE, 509 East Michigan, Lan¬ Lincoln Ave. at popularity of the Who's album sing. 485-4391. C-4-30 Approximately $4,800. Phone 0-1-4-7 CURIOUS | Pennsylvania Avenue, Lansing. Rev. Bill Shaw, do with that," said Mike "Tommy'J 694-8821. 5-4-7 McLeod, manager of Music Sw for information USED evangelist, Richard Campbell, of a sudden there was a loodlng lo SHOES NEED Fixing? Quality _ surge in pinball interest." j recovery of .Ith.r of two top-loading METTLER Labora¬ work guaranteed. Try our pricesl BOOKSHOP music minister, and Mrs. Shaw, McLeod said that his company has one or two men'I 307 E. Grand River SM-Ql 12 guest harpist. JOE'S SHOE REPAIR, 3132 South every day to take care of repairs. 1 tory gram balancoi (PS and K7 valued at S1S00 oath) and/or arwit of porion(i) SOME PEOPLE Cedar. 0-1-4-7 The MSU Paddle and "But normal wear and tear isn't much of a problem," ji"l above from Crop Science DON'T WORRY EDITING, PROOFREADING, ex¬ perienced. Share Driving)&j Bali' all Club will have a 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Men's Racquet meeting at biggest problem is abuse of the machines, kicking, usinf® general gross abuse." 9 Field Lab. Mt. Hope and Dissertations, theses, FROM HOWELL Several hall night book" and article TO MSU. Intramural Building. Memberships, managers, who manage grills, saidjf ABOUT (NFLA Anne Cauley, 337-1591. manuscripts. 1-4-7 Leaving 9 am, returning 5 pm. Call 546-4017 after 7 pm. 3-4-7 equipment and other information will be available. abuse is a big problem, the mere to increase Krill traffic. presence of pinball mr ■ Steve Bader, night manager at Hubbard Hall, said tMB How to form your own ~\ at least one of his four machines has to be repaired eatM car pool has considered removing them from Hubbard Hall. But they do help business since J they bring more pwW I A,«,P!Iblie ,#rvlC* at"° charfl*' ,h# Sta,# N*w* wi" P'ovld. classif led advertisement for those a free grill, and that has to result in more Cokes, candy bars* sold," Bader said. people who would like to set up or L join a car pool. r Playing pinball has become more than just a fad. V people, it is a pastime that consumes much of their sptfB Driving? or Riding? money. _____ Basim Esmail is one of the From pinball addicts, tsiw t0 graduate student living off Holden Hall pinball machines. campus. Last year he I Leaving a.m. Returning "I spent $5 a _ a.m. day on pinball last year," he said. "I'dgo«l p.m. before it opened and run for Phone p.m. my favorite machine. ■ Time? "I had no control over myself. I'd try to win every til* ■ . _ """" lost, I'd yell and scream and beat on the machine." ■ '•""""'h""" '"'"I™"* or Later in the year, Esmail but if you could use a little extra cash in your tried to kick their and other Holden Hall pi| —Thelnfarm."., ... life, we have a suggestion for you! A low-cost ad „„l.b, be .uppltad habit in an informal group c* in the Classified columns of this Anonymous. _ newspaper will Flora help you find a cash buyer for those still good but Full Name _____ leader of the Jenkins, then a Resident Asst. at Holden H*| no-longer-used items you've been storing in your group. . home. Give us a call today. A I told one friendly Ad-Visor Address " guy to put all of his quarters in a f?'ass will assist you in wording your ad for best machine whenever he response. count up how much got the urge to play and at the endj CI,V Phone money he had saved by not W STATE NEWS CLASSIFIED . machines," she said. ■ This coupon may be "Another guy went to the brought In or mailed to: Car Pool Classified. grill without any quarteff.l 355-0255 347 Student Services Building. No phone call, accepted have to bum money to play," she added." Another one j*P V NO CHARGE P ' grill and stared at the machine^. I just tried to Everybody had a diffe^l the get everybody to machines control them. use their willpower,| I Irhigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 7, 1975 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickroan PROGRAMS "TUfcY ewotilv AMPLIFY tw&t i WJIM TV. | Video Everyday — All Rights Reserved — Dickinson Newspaper Services R>f?AA6- THEYVfc Lansing 10 WIIX TV Jackson 7 WXYZ TV. Detroit 3WKZO TV. Kolomoioo 4 WWJ TV, Detroit 8 WOTV, Grond Rapid I2WIRT-TV. Flint 13 WZZM-TV, Kalamazoo \ ALl^EAPY 9 CKLW-TV, Windsor 5 WNEM-TV, Boy City 23 WKAR TV. East Lansing 11:55 SIMPLIFIED 5:45 AM (3-5-6-10) News £eYtfMPALL (4) Here's Carol Duvall This Christophers 12:00 NOON Coupon Good for M6- T 6:00 (2-5-6-8-13) News |tion Second Chance In News 6:05 (3) Accent (4) What's My Line? (7-12-41) All My Children $1.00 OFF A 6:15 (9) Galloping Gourmet LAR6E SQUARE je For Today (10) Wheel Of Fortune ■M. Presents 1 6:20 (50) Underdog PIZZA 12:20 PM L And Country Almana (6) Almanac With on* or more items 6:25 coupon good thru Sun., April 13 12:30 >ge 6:30 (2-3-6) As The World Turns CAMPUS CLATTER JSunrise Semester for Women Only (4) News (5-8-10) How To Survive A 337-1631 by Larry Lewis Marriage loom (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal little Caesars Pizra Treat »M. Presents Ions One Coupon per Pizza (9) Dick Van Dyke Show ■ration Second Chance (25) Dinah Ts And Farm Report (50) The Lucy Show In Show 12:55 (12) 6:30 Movie 6:45 (5-8-10) News (13) Beverly Hillbillies King Edition 1:00 11:00 1 6:55 (23) Washington Straight Talk (2-34-5-6-7-8- Lm Kerr Show (2) Love Of Life 9-10-12-13-23-25) News (3) Guilding Light (41) Wanted Dead or Alive 7:00 7:00 (41) The Protectors (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives 11:20 |) News (6) Martha Dixon (24-7-8) News (9) Nightbeat ft) Today Show (3) What's My Line (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 11:30 Pyramid (5) Mod Squad Jll America 19-50) Movies (6) Bewitched (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie ■ Bobby Show (4-5-8-1C) The Tonight Show 1:25 (9) Beverly Hillbillies Id Racer (7-12-1341) Wide World Of It of'76 (2) News (13) Truth Or Consequences (23) Special Of The Week Entertainment 7:05 1:30 (25) The F.B.I. (50) Movie loon Capers (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night 12:00 MIDNIGHT 7:30 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (41) Friends Of Man (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour (9) David Susskind izo's Big Top (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown loon Carnival 2:00 7:30 1:00 AM SHORT RIBS (2) Truth Or Consequences (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 8:00 (2) The Guilding Light I) Captain Kangaroo (3-6-25) Price Is Right (3) Treasure Hunt (7-12-13) News by Frank Hill (4) Hollywood Squares (50) Religious Message jme Street (4-5-8-10) Another World 1:30 (6) Black Dialogue SENATOR AO(2KBA(?£ELA ■America (7-13-41) General Hospitel (7) Rainbow Sundae (2) Late Show T£LL US of >011(2 PLAN (ns V really quite simple^ J all we do is admit therk plenty of pooa^ ■Rogers' Neighborhood (12) Money Maze (7) Religious Message . SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, rx Ex-ra srAes in old 1 8:25 2:30 (8) The New Price Is Right ID encve ENERGY CRISIS. AND IBWID THE UNION. (12) National Anthem 61P&S AND A FEW CAMELS per Report (2) Search For Tomorrow (9) Room 222 2:00 IN THE SENATE PEKING LPT. 8:30 (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (13) To Tell The Truth ■rection In Moldavia (41) Wilburn Brothers (4-10) News (7-13-41) One Life To Live 3:00 ■e/Out (12) Lucy 8:00 8:45 (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoke (2) Operation Second Chance 3:00 rn To Look 3:30 (2) The Young And Restless (4-5-8-10) Sandburg's Lincoln (2) News 9:00 (3-6-25) Tattletales I Joker's Wild (7-12-1341) The Rookies 3:35 (4) Somerset (9) Windsor Plus (2) Message For Today pel 3 Clubhouse (5) The Courtship Of Eddie's (23) Special Of The Week ltration Father (50) Dealer's Choice lebrity Sweepstakes (7-1341) The Money Maze 8:30 (8) Mike Douglas (9) Music Machine (12) General Hospital (23) Romantic Rebellion DOONESBURY ||°r[tertau|meqt (50) Merv Griffin Show (23) Sesame Street Hetales 3:30 9:00 by Gary Trudeau bf; (4-5-8-10) Movie |ning Playback 1 9:27 (2) Match Game (2-3-6-25) Maude ...uA MONDAY us Message 8).Joker' ) How Tos Wdd Survive A Marriage (7-12-1341) S.W.A.TI 9:30 (5) Gilligan's Island (9) News (23) Consumer Experience Friends CA&fwca&full MAN, YOU'VE GOT ' j you know, what this country i needs 6 a comprehensive oil? you know that 45% ofall privately (6) Guilding Light mseNsmvnv plantcare plan- to keep owned plants go to Road Show a (7) Password 9:30 & OF A MACK 4$) -plantcare out (9) Gomer Pyle (2-3-6-25) Rhoda (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (9) This Is The Law VAUDEVILLE REVUE i 7WCK! HEY, BEKT- s of the hands of HACKS hey, mike i (23) Food For Life f UHYDONT ™ (12) One Life To Live uke you ' mist my 10:00 cover $1. WJGOFLY (13) All My Children (41) Batman (2-3-6-25) Medical Center capacity 200 \/A KITE? Idly Giant ' (50) Banana Splits (4) New Stripes For The Tiger RESTAURANT SPECIAL 10:00 4:00 (7-12-1341) Caribe ■) Now You See It (8-10) Smothers Brothers Show SEA FOOD PLATTER (2) Tattletales I) High Rollers (3) Gambit (9) Man Alive $2.35 ra 12 (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes (23) Captioned News is, Yoga 81 You (5) Studio 5 (50) Dinah ■per Room (6) The Attic 10:30 ■oit Today (7) The Brady Bunch (4) Hollywood Backstage I 10:30 (8) Gilligan's Island (23) Spartan Sportlite lis Right (9) Petticoat Junction ■love Of Life (10) New Zoo Revue ■) Hollywood Squares (12) Merv Griffin loit With Dennis Wholey (13) Mickey Mouse Club THE DROPOUTS ■ressup (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood Brady Bunch (25) Yogi 8t Friends by Post ■ Alegre (41) Daktari I Zoo Revue (50) Three Stooges I For Women Only 4:30 1 11:00 (2) Mike Douglas Show ilononue Show (3) Merv Griffin Show ■Young & Restless (4) George Pierrot Presents Vackpot (6) That Girl I Matthews Show (7) 4:30 Movie 130 (8) Partridge Family |l) Password (9) Andy Griffith f Zoo Revue (10) Gilligan's Island 11:30 (13) I Love Lucy JSearch For Tomorrow (23) Villa Alegre ■Blank Check (25) The Munsters & Friends ■41) Split Second (50) Little Rascals ■entration EVENING By Court 5:00 P.M. J Bunny (6-8) Ironside (9) Mickey Mouse Club PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (10) Truth Or Consequences (13) That Girl by Bill Yates (23) Romagnolis' Table (25) I Love Lucy (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. PUT" I Ztfaovziw 7HF THF (50) The Flintstones 5:30 KlT£H£M otily (4) Bowling For Dollars (9) Partridge Family wo Y£ap£ l£ MOT JHTAIfl (10) Beverly Hillbillies (12-13) News A&OI com (23) Zoom |T $25 FER TERM ■$10.95 per (25) Hogan's Heroes (50) Gilligan's Island month) fPEE POSIT REQUIRED (41) Early News 5:55 DELIVERY Pee service 6:00 ■ Insurance Available (2-3-4-5-6-7- 8-10-12-13-25-41) News (9) Bewitched JEJAC (23) Spartan Sportlite gs, TV's moat fomoua chimp, arriving in New York for his (50) Star Trek today party with his owners Roy Waldron (left) and Buddy TKE STA8LES Mio i. Fred performs regularly at Busch Gardens hi Tampa. First (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News FRANK & ERNEST 351-1200 fion of an Eastern Airlines' flight for the birthday bash. Sponsored by: (9) I Dream Of Jeannie Now Appearing by Bob Thaves Eddie Harris WHEN MY IT'S A 6lRL'S NAME, CHARLIE BROWN...I MET THE NEATEST BROKER LITTLE 6KL LAST UJEEKj sptrks, PEOPLE YAWN. ThAV/£* ^ 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan I 8th Appreciation Sale Starts Today (We appreciate your business) mm Our detailed list of books failed to arrive in time for publication. RllBBlff m • Please come in and browse at our large display of remainder books. These books are the same type we have displayed in our past successful sales. Penguin Books '/a Price! Im5 • ^ large selection of Penguin books on sale now at only V* of their normal price. Will be added daily during the sale until all of our sale books BOOKS are displayed. Reg. Price, $24.50, Now $ 17.50 (Semi-Wet Look) J f * Price, $17.98, Now $ 10.98 (Heavy Lining) Reg. Price, $ 12.98, Now $8.98 (White Lining) Reg. Price, *9.98 Now <6.98 (No Lining) MSU sweatshirts, short sleeves, long sleeves, SWEATSHIRTS: Big "10" sweatshirts, plus Notre Dame. Charlie Brown sweatshirts valued to $5.25 now on sale at only $2.95. Come in and browse