Americans aid flight from terror in struggle to save the children By ELLEN SPONSELLER tugged at your heartstrings." State News Staff Writer Johnston said. "It has been incredible the day before the plane left for the United The plane stopped in Seattle, Little Tran Thi Lien Chicago and way Americans have opened their arms to State. She was one of the last babies to be lays making baby New York where expectant and anxious these kids. The way the foster parents rescued from Da Nang before it was taken noises in her jumper seat, her dark brown foster parents waited. have acted has been wonderful." eyes staring at her new father. She is very over by the Communists. We were so glad to get small, less than 10 pounds, but that is Stephanie," The Johnstons were given Stephanie the "We've only had her a couple days, but normal for a 1 she's brought us a lot of joy already," - month - old Vietnamese Johnston said. "And we're glad to be baby. She is surprisingly healthy consider¬ home." ing she has just flown halfway around the Johnston described his impressions of Michigan globe with 500 other children in a cargo plane. Tran Thi Lien is'Eurasian. Her father is an American soldier and her mother an hom Vietnam. "When we got to Saigon the first three weeks were not so bad, but the air was so 18-year-old Vietnamese woman. But already in the two Lien has been in her days Tran Thi for arriving tense you could cut it with a knife," he said. "And the last three weeks have been just temporary home in terrible —obviously. Benton Harbor, she has started becoming The people of Michigan have responded to the arrival of South Vietnamese "Saigon is very dangerous now. We can American. Her new parents, Dr. and Mrs. orphans Oliver Johnston of Colton, much like other Americans with open arms. only hope for the best. There is curfew at 9 Calif., have — Unfortunately, many people's good renamed her Stephanie Lien. She has a intentions are getting to be a problem, according to Donna Mullens of p.m. and rioting during the day. If you are Ingham County new big brother named Social Services. caught outside at night, you are assumed to Jamie, she will "In Ingham County alone we are be Viet Cong and are shot on the spot. grow up in California and she will not getting over 100 calls a day from people interested in adopting the Vietnamese orphans," Mullens said. "It is particularly dangerous for Ameri¬ remember any of the terror, sickness or war of South Vietnam. "The thing that most people don't understand is that all those kids from Vietnam cans. There have been some anti - already had adoptive parents waiting for them before they came," she said. "There American riots, and there is very strong However, unlike most of the foster parents just aren't any left to adopt." feeling by the South Vietnamese people adopting Vietnamese orphans, Thirteen orphans from war-torn South Vietnam and that the U.S. has let them down. The last Stephanie's parents will remember, be¬ one from Cambodia arrived in Michigan Sunday to join their foster parents, all from Genessee County. few weeks we didn't go into Saigon at all, cause Johnston and his family have just The children were from a Saigon and I think most Americans are leaving spent the last six weeks in orphanage and were wards of the Holt Children's Saigon. Services Agency, an Oregon-based organization which Vietnam altogether." Johnston has been working at the Seventh arranged the flight from Saigon to Chicago. Johnston said the chances for more Day Adventist Hospital as a physician, children to get out of Vietnam now are "As far as we know, 'Operation Babylift' is over, Mullens taking care of the children. said."Rightnow we do not He and his family flew the two anticipate any more Vietnamese children coming to Michigan." questionable. - day trip Saigon declared an end to the orphan emigration "Operation Babylift" on Monday, "The Saigon government didn't want to to the United States aboard the cargo plane let the kids out of the country in the first carrying the 500 orphans. Johnston was the saying that the approved quota of 1,400 children heading for the U.S. had been reached. place," he said. "The first flight we got only physician in charge. 57 kids on. And the second flight was that State Dept. officials in Washington reported the "We had a good crew on the plane," Saigon government had set the limit to the orphan airlift because it did not want to terrible crash I was working at the Johnston said. "A lpt of the children were give the impression South ... sick with chicken pox, flu and Vietnam was giving up as a result of the current Communist offensive. hospital when those kids came in. It was dehydration, Mullens said her group appreciated all the people interested in really sad. But we had to keep going." and most of us stayed up the entire 48 hours adoption, but wished they were interested in American children. Johnston said Bob Chamnis, head of the AP wirephoto taking care of them. "We have more than 11 pages of American children who need to be Holt Children's Services Agency, seems This was the scene at the W. J. Maxey "It was very difficult and a lot of the kids adopted," Training School as Red Mullens said. "That's about 200 kids, mostly handicapped or over 7 years old, who confident about getting the other children Cross volunteers from Ann Arbor helped care for 14 Vietnamese were crying and we got very tired. But we out of Vietnam. The Holt agency has been had the many consider unadoptable. These kids need parents just as much as the Vietnamese war orphans while they received medical exams before being feeling we were somehow doing running "Operation Babylift." something historic and it made it easier to orphans do." placed with foster parents Sunday afternoon. "I have great faith in Chamnis' ability," bear. And we all loved the kids — they just Johnston said. I hope he can do it. This war has been the hardest on the children." Johnston told a story of the Vietnamese desperation. "I remember the day before Ford not happy with we were supposed to leave, a nurse went back to Da Nang to get some papers," he said. "When she got there she found four crying Vietnamese women who pleaded with the nurse to take their babies. So the WASHINGTON (AP) House budget The House Budget Committee meanwhile to vary nurse just stuck two children under each — much from $73.2 billion. Ford recommended that cost of ikers are projecting a government red expected to finish work today on the first It is based on estimates that living February called for spending of about arm and came back. What could she do? i figure of about government increases, both in way of government $349.4 billion. The committee said that "And those women — they have no hope $73.2 billion - a bigger budget resolution written under the terms outlays will reach $368.2 billion in the civilian and military personnel and in ficit than President Ford says he can of a 1974 act tightening congressional fiscal coming fiscal year, against revenues of $295 subsequent actions taken by the executive of ever seeing their child again . . He federal pension payments, lerate, but well below what he says he procedures. The resolution ultimately billion. The revenue estimates assumes including Social branch itself, corrections of underesti¬ stopped for a minute, then mused, "I irs from a Security, be limited to 5 per cent. Most mates, court decisions and other factors wonder if the alive high-spending Congress. adopted by Congress is intended to serve as that major income tax reductions voted for estimates have been that a full cost of have raised the presidential women are even Ford returned to the spending theme a guideline for appropriations for the year the calendar year 1975 will be continued. living spending figure now .. increase would be substantially higher- to $358.5 billion, or about $10 billion less >nday in a Las Vegas, Nev., speech again beginning July 1. In constructing its spending estimate, the Stephanie Lien Johnston has a new life over 8 per cent in the case of Social than the committee estimate. listing that $60 billion should be the limit A committee spokesman said figures will ahead of her in the United States. How she committee went a long way with Ford on ' a deficit and Security. When it finished its preliminary work will feel about this country Johnston does warning that Congress probably shift up to the end of the one of his more controversial recommenda¬ The Budget Committee voted reatens to send it to recom¬ before the Easter recess, the committee not know. up to $100 billion, committee's deliberations as updated econo¬ tions and differed from the a disaster.. spending mend in its resolution that pay increases be had projected a deficit smaller by about $1.2 "It seems like every American has .gambling with the nation's mic data are worked into the calculations, projections of a number of legislative limited to 5 per cent but pension increases )nomic strength." billion. Further refinement of the Vietnam on his conscience," Johnston said. but that the final deficit committees which figures figuije is not likely forecast higher outlays. generally be 7 per cent, with disabled by its staff, including the effect of continued "Everyone wants to make up for the United persons allowed to receive full cost of living high unemployment and the need for States' blunders in Vietnam. raises. unemployment insurance payments, re¬ "I don't know what the United States The $368 billion spending figure pro¬ sulted in the increase. should do now. The threat of communism is jected by the committee is some $28 billion V shred less than the total of probable estimates it says it obtained from commit¬ spending Among major differences between Ford's original budget and the committee draft are reductions of about $4.3 billion for defense a very real thing and I am afraid for all the people in Vietnam now. It seems life is very tees directly handling cheap to the Communists. legislation. and $1.4 billion for international affairs. "We are lucky to have Stephanie. I only )ld reco If the figure is adopted by Congress as a guideline, therefore, it could serve as a Increases include income security category some $5 billion in the that includes wish all the people in that war ridden land were here. The thing that struck me most brake on proposed Social Security and expenditures—though unemployment insur¬ when I got off the plane in Chicago was that By PAULPARKER not as stiff a brake as Ford recommended ance, more than $5 billion for education, no one was standing around with machine State News Staff Writer and may try to enforce with vetoes. MSU alumni will no manpower and social services, and about guns. I guess I really appreciate the fact longer have to Ford's original budget submitted in $2.7 billion for health. that America is still free." worry about the notation in their student records that reprimanded them for having a woman in their room in the summer of '42. Kay White, assistant to the vice president of student affairs, is Plowing through about 150,000 stu- HRP fights police files unl $400 records w'th the assistance of a paper shredder to destroy LANSING (UPI) - The Human Rights individuals who think they are under alleged subversives and spends about disciplinary records that go back five party (HRP) filed suit today seeking the I years or more. investigation six months to request and $750,000 a year, including $18,500 to 29 destruction of secret files maintained by receive any information compiled on them. I Though it is University nonpolice informers. policy to State Police on 50,000 alleged subversives. Former State Police Director John R. Keep disciplinary records for But, said Ferency, "to date, the State only five The suit was filed in Ingham County Plants disclosed at Bullard's request last years, some were Police have yet to arrest or prosecute a ack as the 40s kept from as far Circuit Court by attorney Zolton Ferency, year that the unit maintains files on 50,000 single 'subversive' as defined by law." for various reasons. MSU associate professor of Criminal Jus¬ I schoolAforstudent k was kicked out of tice and former Human Rights candidate for and having liquor in his room governor, who said he believes he is among later applied to be those who have been investigated. readmitted, ILM to know why he sJid °Ut in thC firSt place'" White was "This suit requests the court to declare that these political investigations conducted Nader: return control by the Michigan State Police are unconsti¬ White was halfway through revis¬ tutional invasions of our civil and political ing *nen the records at the end of last year passage of the Buckley Act rights and our fundamental right to privacy," Ferency said. of energy to consumers (?uiHSfltatet^ guidelines for t'le k,rmat'on of new student record policies, "This suit was filed because there seems to be no other way to rid ourselves of a By NANCY CRANE 'noseinterim guidelines, drawn State Police 'enemies list' which appears to State News Staff Writer up to I Dolirv Present University records be five times longer than the one compiled The man in the gray suit stood in shy I I will to the Buckley Act, nationally by the Central Intelligence acceptance of the standing ovation which Derma6 »r,°,W.n °Ut 0nce t'le new' Agency." 800 students gave him Monday afternoon. isan^^^ approved by the board records policy of Last fall, Ferency made a campaign issue of the State Police subversive investigative ed Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, finish¬ two-hour speech on remedies for trustees. a IP the r„T po.''cy' Buckley 'n accordance with Act, will primarily deal operation, authorized by a law enacted in 1950. energy abuse in the United States and was hustled off to catch a plane to Washington S;S8ntt08tUdent record»' At one point, Gov. Milliken ordered that the subversive records be purged, but the D.C. In his speech, Nader said that control of studen,vdeSigned t0 Protect the action was delayed because of a suit filed by energy must be brought back to consumers, nai rS Pnva<*" sa* Eldon Non- a consumer investigation. group which had been under the people whom he feels are the most victimized by energy abuse in the United affairs 'ouT PFeS1Jent of student kned rpol'cy has "'"ays been SN photo/Rob Kozloff Another foe of the subversive investiga¬ States. I The ^.prote^ the students." no Kay White, assistant to the vice-president of student affairs, tive unit, Rep. Perry Bullard, D - Ann Nader said Americans are victimized by Icontain oh rsity Policy will also her best backhand to put obsolete student records into the Arbor, said today he plans to introduce legislation disbanding the division and both silent violence — environmental and 1 ( a"ges (continued onthe Policy on the in uses physical changes which are caused over page 10) University's $400 paper shredder. requiring the destruction of all files. long periods of time — and dictatorship by However, he said the bill will give (continued on page 10) NADER 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, Ap^ SAIGON COMMANDERS Attacks on Mekong Delta increase SAIGON, South Vietnam South Vietnamese Vietnamese-Viet Cong forces ammunition and fuel depot at their positions. had been military deferred until Jacobsen unsure about payment (AP) — Communist-led troops spokesmen said 10 delta capitals that have gobbled up the the Phnom Penh airport and a In Washington, congressional on legislation to piwJ increased their attacks Monday were shelled. They also northern three-quarters of column of black smoke blotted leaders said there was no chance Cambodia. He added - district capitals out the sun over the city. Khmer of a quick vote on supplemental tW Jake Jacobsen testified on in the reported a fuel center six miles South Vietnam in three weeks Democratic Policy (V Monday he may have made a third Mekong Delta, the only sizeable from Saigon was hit with 60 Rouge insurgents launched military aid to South Vietnam $5,000 payoff to former Treasury Secretary John B. against light resistance. was opposed to any i Connolly piece of territory still held by rocket and mortar rounds. In neighboring Cambodia, assaults on Phnom Penh's and Cambodia as requested by military aid to Carabi" but that he cannot recall it for sure. the South Vietnamese govern¬ Saigon commanders were increased the wobbly defenses four miles President Ford. The testimony came in a roundabout way during ment. There were no major planning defenses against an pressure besieged capital of on Phnom north of the airport, but field Senate Majority Leader Mike supported allocation tarian assistance 0(T cross-examination to (V by Connolly's lawyer at Connolly's moves against Saigon. anticipated onslaught by North Penh. Rebel gunners hit an reports said the defenders held Mansfield, D-Mont., said action and South bribery trial. Vietnam international Jacobsen, formerly a lawyer for the country's largest agencies. dairy cooperative, acknowledged that records show he entered a Military aid to South Vi- safe deposit box in Austin on Dec. 14, 1971, and he recalled was not discussed, he said bringing a briefcase full of cash to Washington. Congress was waiting \ Earlier in the trial, Jacobsen testified that he handed what happens" after p Connolly $5,000 payments on May 14 and Sept. 24, 1971, for delivers a foreign poUcy Connolly's help in getting milk price supports raised that Thursday. year. Ford has asked for aid appropriations of million for Cambodia and Armed inmates grab hostages million for South In Vietnam, London, former CsH- Gov. Ronald At least three inmates armed with knives and Reagan said billy clubs gressional failure to took four civilian counselors hostage «- Monday in their office immediate military aid to" at the Tennessee state prison and then released one of the Vietnam is "the most hostages, authorities said. sible action of the Con The identity of the freed hostage the United States in the was not immediately known. years of our history." Asst. Corrections Commissioner Charles Bass said at a An armada of U.S. news briefing early this afternoon that as many as five ships, including part o( prisoners might be holding the counselors hostage but that Marine division, is off the of Vietnam in case o| prison officials could only confirm that three inmates were involved. evacuation of an est" Bass said he had talked with the 6,000 Americans in Saitn prisoners by telephone ordered. and through an opening in the door of the building where the The Pentagon announced; counselor's office is located. He described the discussions as "rational." Marine riflemen have bos four U.S. civilian contract to prevent rioting by Anti-war radical arraigned Vietnamese refugees. Government soldiers Anti-war radical Susan Edith Saxe, accused of refugees seized control of murdering a policeman during a 1970 Boston holdup, pleaded innocent ship over the weekend that Monday to participating in a bank robbery here the same taking them to Phu Quoc in the Gulf of Thailand and year. "Not guilty," said it sail to the onetime Saxe when arraigned before U.S. resort of Vung Tau on Magistrate Tullio Gene Leomporra in a heavily guarded but Vietnam's east coast. crowded courtroom. Bail was continued at $350,000. Military sources said Trial was fixed to start May 12 in federal district court. increased Communist The 26-year-old self-styled revolutionary from Albany, activity in the rice-rich M:1 N.Y., on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for 4Vi years, was Delta, home for one third arrested March 27 AP wirephoto on a downtown Philadelphia street. Cambodian women and children huddle South Vietnam's 20 together in fear of incoming fire from Khmer Rouge forces northwest of Phnom Penh. m people, consisted mostly rocket and mortar attacks wounded about 50 < Most of the shelling was in111 S. Viet losses laid to Thjeu Tuong province, about 35 r south of Saigon. Appaling refugee p By PETER O'LOUGHLIN the area the government still Banks shut their doors, the continued to plague authority Western military Associated Press Writer controls are refugees — dying curfew was enforced at 9 p.m. sources willingness to fight. The government w" doubt that the South Viet¬ "The $700 million they SAIGON, South Vietnam — by the scores of hunger, instead of 10 p.m., and armed got minister told newsmen How did it happen? That is the namese army could withstand a last year was only enough for than 600,000 people wi exposure and malnutrition. troops were stationed on the full-scale attack by the North question everyone asked as North Vietnam, its army ammo, petroleum and spare refugees by the Communist South Vietnam unraveled with Vietnamese, who are now able parts, no replacements," one intact, is moving planes and offensive, and efforts are b:! to throw their troops from the unbelievable speed. source said. "They obviously made to resettle them in " Mass helicopters into abandoned air¬ baby evacuations end Highly placed officials blame the loss of three-fourths of the fields at Pleiku, Da Nang, Phu central or northern sectors of South Vietnam into any mili¬ know the United States is finished with Vietnam." east and south of Saigon and an island off the west coast. Bai and Hue and shifting its roads leading from the port of tary thrust toward the capital country in the past month on command and control head¬ Vung Tau to Saigon to keep Americans working to bring South Vietnamese children President Nguyen Van Thieu's or the Delta. Th* Stat# Nam is published by th* to of Michigan Stat* University M the U.S. families that have quarters deeper into South refugees and fleeing troops out The sources also believe the datt doy during Foil, Winter ond Spring school tei adopted them pressed on decision to abandon the Central Vietnam. The expected assault of the city. ' Fridays, during Summer Term, ond o special Welcome Week editio ,, . Monday, despite the official end of mass evacuations under fact that the U.S. Congress has September Subscription rat* is $20 p*r y*ar. Highlands without a fight and in the Delta, where one-third of In the past few days, how¬ S*cond doss poitag* paid at East not voted new funds to Operation Baby Lift. the leadership failure of the South Vietnam's 20 million replace 345 Stud*nt S*rvic*s Lansing, Mich. Edltorlol ond bu ever, morals in Saigon has South Vietnamese Bldg., Michigan Stat* Unlv*rsltv. East lonsing. Michigon. Almost 2,000 children already have been evacuated and military. military 48834. people live, is seen as an improved. The piaster has equipment could have decisive Postmaster: Picas* send form 3579 to Stat* ore at or on their way to new homes in the United Thieu has not said why he N*ws. 345 States, attempt to isolate Saigon from climbed in value. The expected effect on soldiers' ability and In car* of MSU Messenger S*rvlc*, East Lansing, Ml 4882 Britain, Australia and Canada. More than 500 decided to abandon the High¬ its food youngsters supplies. , attack has not come. were en route to the West Coast on Monday. lands, but analysts think he Anarchy and terror was most Some Western sources do not The last of the large-scale hoped to draw in his forces to evident in Dan Nang, South believe it will, though the 29 flights of Operation Baby Lift more defensible took off from Saigon positions. In¬ Vietnam's second largest city, North Vietnamese Newt/Editorial early Monday morning and South stead, it touched off a chaotic regiments Classified Ads 355 8153 Vietnamese officials said further where thousands of people and totaling 57,000 men in the 35582! departures will involve retreat that panicked other soldiers bought, bribed or shot D-sploy Advertising 353 64® smaller groups. surrounding provinces out¬ 355-344? commands and the population their way onto barges to await number the defenders about 2 355 83H at large. , rescue ships, including five to 1. At the same time, many high- American vessels, sent in to Western embassies, Khaled pardons prisoners ranking officers moved out of evacuate them. They were the worst, have fearing threatened areas with their begun taken to Cam Ranh Bay, only to evacuating families of diplo¬ wives and children, leaving low- have to flee again as the mats and other King Khaled of Saudi Arabia issued a royal decree Sunday employes. ranking officers without orders government pulled out of there Units of the U.S. 7th Fleet, granting amnesty to all political prisoners, including those sentenced to death in absentia, the Saudi state radio to fight or plans to evacuate their men. as well. The including aircraft carriers, are i Bring in this coupon! Thieu government reported standing by off the reported. This national soul-searching appeared incapable of exerting coast in case they are needed to No mention comes at a time when North was made in the broadcast to Prince Faisal Ibn leadership. Calls for the presi¬ help evacuate the estimated Vietnam is pouring men and dent's resignation grew louder. Muaed, 27, who assassinated King Faisal during a religious 6,000 Americans still in Saigon. equipment into the South for a Arrests were made, and Thieu ceremony at the royal palace in Riyadh March 25. The radio interrupted regular major offensive in the rice-rich claimed there had been programs to read the a plot Mekong Delta, and shrunken against him. He ordered forma¬ decree. Saudi citizens who fled the kingdom to escape death South Vietnam is counting its tion of a sentences There were urged to return home at once. dead, its refugees and its said his new cabinet. Sources support among the 2 was no indication of how many prisoners would equipment losses. receive amnesty. After a month of retreat, army was dwindling. Last week, the mood in almost half the South Viet¬ namese army is lost and an Saigon was one of dismay. The value of the piaster fell by half MORE estimated 100,000 people are 'on the black market as Oil exporters open many talks dead. About 600,000 people in Vietnamese made ready, to flee. YEARS This is The oil-exporting nations and some of their leading ••••••••••♦i customer countries opened preparatory talks for an energy conference Monday in the wake of an American declaration that Washington wants to ) III II II SI I II SI If Aft IN ICHS ? Delta Sigma Phi... destroy the powerful exporters' cartel. Louis de Guiringaud, France's ambassador to the United ir.e.1. Nations and chairman of the preparatory session, urged the delegations meeting behind closed doors to establish a new relationship "in which confrontation should be set aside to TIKDAy If you have two more years at MSU starting next fall, now is the time ' RUSH THE FRATERNITY I II I I VI f I I K I i for the Army let cooperation prevail." The American challenge was not likely to make that goal easy. But since the task of the 10-delegation meeting is All SHI gram. wo Year Pro¬ Earn $100 a month while in ROTC, of Engineered only MWAII IAMM serve as an officer upon to prepare for the conference | pineapple sauces, lopped with ! during the summer, there was a possibility that agreement to go ahead might be reached. graduation. Your obligation: . ■ I strawberry. Guaranteed I Scrumpdillylshui! Limited f time only. Hurry! Leadership. Swiss avalanches kill 26 LINCLC SaV/H years or duty. less on two active Avalanches over the weekend left at least 26 dead and thousands more persons OPEN HOUSE trapped in isolated Swiss, Italian and Austrian Alpine villages, authorities said Monday. Tonight and tomorrow Helicopters, largely grounded by fog and snow Sunday, were busy flying food and medical supplies to cut off areas 7:30 p.m. - 10 and evacuating sick people as the weather began to p.m. improve. 1218 E. Grand River Clearing operations were also under way to free the St. Gotthard railroad and the Brenner Pass, the two key links i••••••' I I t Call 332 • 5035 for a ride between central Europe and Italy. |'Reg. U Am. S Pat. o7f. Am. D. Q. Corn] |c 1973 D. Q. Corp. j or 351 - 7226 Ihigan State News, East Lapsing, Michigan Tuesday, April 8, 1975 3 No soft beds found in vet clinic By ROSANNE LESS the large animal clinic, said that When the animal is uncon¬ The horse, which is State News Staff Writer a racer, lity with six inches of foam on these are the same rates that scious, a group of vets and was undergoing a common the floor, covered by one-half Visiting the inner workings MSU charged for the same assistants strap him to the procedure for removal of an inch of Tartan Turf. The whole of MSU's large animal clinic is services 10 years ago. The table. The animal is then extra bone that horses have in floor squishes when a person like going on a tour of any charge has remained constant draped in green, the doctors their legs. Removal of this bone steps on it. The animal is hospital with one exception: in the face of soaring hay and scurry to their correct places, is akin to having an appendicitis hoistened in off the table since there are no soft beds, just grain costs, he added. and the surgeon is ready to removed. Once it gets infected, he is usually unconscious, and steel stalls filled with hay for Besides treatment rooms, the make the first incision. it must go. But when its gone, the lights are turned off so that the sick animals. large animal clinic is fully During the operation, the the horse is as good as new. the animal can sleep off the The large animal clinic, equipped with operating rooms horse laid seemingly without The operation itself in this anesthetic in the dark. located in the Vet Clinic Build¬ and recovery rooms. There is breathing, its eyes and mouth case was not too bloody, and "You must take time to pre¬ ing on the east side of campus also a nuclear medicine facility, wide-open. This tends to be a was marked only by small bits vent fear," said Dr. Tom on Wilson Road, takes both which is used to treat animals slightly unnerving experience of bone flying in the air. Riebold, a clinic staff doctor. medical and surgical referrals with cancerous tumors. for the individual who is un¬ from Following surgery, the animal "Horses are pretty stoic on the veterinarians in the All of the rooms are sprayed familiar with surgical techni¬ goes to the recovery room, whole. They don't whimper and Ingham County area. All of the down between patients and which is classroom-sized faci¬ cases are handled by staff ques. a cry like puppies." sterilized. doctors, while vet students look The operating rooms are on and may assist with ban¬ huge and marked by the daging, cleaning wounds, pre¬ presence of a hydralic operat¬ paring the surgeon's tool table ing table. An animal is prepped and other related clinic tasks. in one of the treatment rooms The animals treated in the before surgery. This includes clinic include horses, cows, scrubbing down the areas to be goats, sheep, pigs and other surgically exposed, shaving any domestic farm animals. The fur that may be necessary and clinic handles everything from administering a presurgical shoeing horses with corrective anesthetic. Thus, when the shoes to preventing laminitis (a animal is taken to the operating bone inflammation that can rooms, he is already slightly cause lameness) to performing drugged. major surgery. After the animal is taken into There are 80 to 100 spaces the operating room, the major available for housing sick anesthetic is given. This often animals, which equals 10 wards. tends to be a fairly bloody It costs $6 a day for horses, and experience. The anesthetic in a $3 if a cow needs to stay the recent operation observed by night. the State News was given to a Dr. William Riley, director of horse through a juglar vein. open thursday and friday nights until nine rouvE mm. U.S. Army Lt. Dorothy Clark naturally enough. . .a ryoucan Is Coming To Campus knit dress for Miss J with stripes on top. To Talk About . . that's just how easy it Pey've got a long way to P world that isn't easy. is to be a pretty part ■h someone's help, ■nake it. What they need Direct Commission Programs For Women The United States Army is offering direct commissions to a selected of the spring season. *nd. Someone to act as ■nt and guide. 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And, the Army gives you extra benefits, unequalled by business or the professions. ibuf aw'8"family is a large one (we are ,he ,hird lar9esl 1 "arm one' A community with an enthusiastic family MORE INFORMATION ■s inn r 0nly our ,alen,s are shared but our short- ■ortanf'm- 'e.el 38 we do',hat service to youth can be For additional information on the Direct Commission Program and g ission in your life, we welcome your interest. answers to questions like: ^ Must a woman sign a long-term contract to become an officer in the Women's Army Corps? Brothers ■-".. i ml°,?haiion aboutto-Salesian Priest, and a" ,his coupon Joseph Mattel, s.D.B. Room B-223 Does an officer have a curfew? Does an officer in the Women's Army Corps do a lot of J OF ST. JOHN BOSCO | Box 639, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10802 drilling and marching? m interested in the Priesthood □ Brotherhood □ 3^ Is job experience given consideration in executive assignments? jjc Is military life compatible with femininity? Please feel free to contact: Jacobson's Lt. Clark from 10a.m.- 3p.m. ur Current Jofc_ AI THE PLACEMENT CENTER, APRIL 11 Susan Agtr Editor-in-chief JAMES RESTON Maureen Ben in son Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Managing Editor MikeAmett City Editor Diane Silver Melissa Payton Potrice Locke Steve Stein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor Wire Editor sports Editor Thieu deceives Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor The most significant fact that came out of ments, also by the South Vietnam^. 1 Editorials ore the opinions of the State TomOren Copy Chief President Ford's press conference on the broke the Paris News. Viewpoints, columns and letters Linda Sondel agreements, andtW J Night Editor up most of their country without-'I ore personal opinions. Mary Flood! Staff Representative tragedy of Southeast Asia is that the Saigon notice. It was almost as if government decided to abandon two-thirds they of the country to the North Vietnamese blame Washington for the human troops without even informing the United they knew their sudden retreat J produce. EDITORIALS States of this decision in advance. President Ford rather skimmed over the 1b tUs situation, Preset patient with the press, so fa) point. The decision was made, he said, by the Vietnamese orphans and conceJJj Saigon "unilaterally," which is a fancy word Ford m clemency for concealment or even deception. President Thieu that he was to his own country. With even a few days notice from Gen. For ^ , ."l Thieu that he was going to cut and run impression that somehow the President Ford's impotent stab ment was unjust and immoral and from areas America spent thousands of was responsible for the earn**,!. J at binding our nation's Vietnam that they wanted no part in the lives and hundreds of billions to defend, eaat Asia, that we hadn't kept oar dm! Ford would have been able to get the planes and with a whiff of War wounds his clemency death and politic,, — misery it caused. and ships in position to save, not only the things would have been different program for deserters and draft Clemency means forgiveness children, but the province officials, the Democratic Congress had evaders ended last week. and lenience; funds, and if Mike Mansfield only J teachers, the religious leaders and all the resisters feel JJL — war During its six month life, the they did nothing that requires others who have fought with us for over a Scott had only received Tran VisuS decade and whose lives and families are When the North Vietnamese began sending shuttling from Middle Eastern capital Saigon Foreign Minister who « 1 program was ignored by most of forgiveness. Many of them are one now in danger. organized units into the South he sent a to another for most of this critical month Washington looking for help, w|» those eligible and its terms leading productive lives in other After all. President Thieu was not in a delegation from Saigon to Washington to while Southeast Asia was collapsing. atod the Paris agreements, and rejected by many of those who countries while others prefer to took ofe panic situation. The North Vietnamese, in appraise how much support he could expect The result was that, when President President of the Saigon Senate. applied. While it helped a few, it take their chances with civilian violation of the Kissinger-Le Due Tho Paris from Congress. Ford finally had to face the press in San Still President Ford was crushed the hopes of many, many and agreements, sent over 150,000 men from The leaders of the delegation, according to concentrate on probably l military courts. Those courts, the regular Hanoi divisions into the South to the State dept. asked to present their Diego, he was trapped. He couldn't really saving the kftl more. tell the truth about how he had been getting funds to ease the human diij ironically, are often more lenient Vietnam, but not suddenly. case to the State Majority Leader Mike The Congress would vote Only 22,500, or about 18 per than Ford's "leniency" program. Ford and Thieu knew they were coming Mansfield, and the Senate Republican deceived by President Thieu, without amount of money almost! cent, of 126,000 eligible for the The Ford program failed down and a crisis was developing, but it Leader, Hugh Scott, but they were not making Thieu's problem even worse than it to do this, and families would take in the AmJ, three part program had signed up because it was a never occurred to official! in Washington really is. He tried to concentrate on the Vietnul bogus amnesty. received, and apparently returned to Sai¬ disaster of the children and the refugees in Cambodian orphans, fathered by the (jT by March 31. The best response Amnesty seeks to forget, not that Thieu would give orders, even before gon and told President Thieu that he could Vietnam and Cambodia, but the reporters a dreadful war, but the Thieu go< for the Defense Dept. his men were under serious attack, to not count on support from came simply forgive, and for that reason Congress. didn't help him. in Saigon didn't even give Ford a. abandon most of the country and leave There were other accidents and blunders. The truth is that the United States be fair at the end. It just program where about 24 per cent achieves a genuine reconciliation hundreds of thousands of refugees to President Ford was preoccupied with the orderejl of the 12,500 men charged with among a nation's people divided by scramble for their lives. government, in addition to its own mis¬ retreat, called in the television taT economy, Henry Kissinger was preoccupied takes, was deceived by both the North and blamed America for the humatnJ desertion or official absence with¬ a long, unpopular war. * In fairness, Thieu had his problems. Vietnamese, who broke the Paris agree- age of its own failures. out leave enlisted for alternative The worst effect of the clemency service work. Those men, who could change a program failure, perhaps, was the destruction of the hopes of men dishonorable discharge to a pardon who needed the chance to become by their participating, had the first-class citizens most to gain. again. Toronto draft evaders told newspaper But the heart of the program, the Clemency Board, tells a much reporters last summer they were gloomier story. Only about 14 per cent of the 120,000 convicted optimistic that Vice President Ford, if he became President, Attend MSUEA meeting would institute a limited amnesty. military deserters and draft From his statements as a Michigan Recently several clerical - technical (CTs) met with hostility by some members of the evaders members of the MSU Employe's Assn. applied; most of those executive board and with outright intimi¬ were men who deserted or evaded Congressman, the Toronto (MSUEA) circulated a petition calling for a dation by the president, John Hawkins. because of personal or financial community concluded that a Ford special meeting noon Thursday in Erikson Furthermore, the executive board refused Hall kiva to amend the constitution. The amnesty would be less than to mail out the amendments that several hardship. The Clemency Board petition was a huge success with 268 CTs have proposed, along with the meeting failed miserably in trying to reach perfect, but better than nothing. signatures collected. notification. So a few CTs have taken the the ideological war resister. A few months later, the exiled The special meeting was called so that all job of doing the mailing to at least 300 CTs rank and file members could have a The board's failure is no draft evaders bitterly concluded - - say in at our own expense. It is obvious that the writing their constitution, since their input present leadership has no intention of mystery, however, because the they were wrong. Now that the was conspicuously absent from the recently entire thrust of Ford's results of Ford's "shamnesty" are helping any effort to build rank and file clemency passed document. democracy. program sets the teeth of anyone officially in, anyone who takes a At the last meeting the constitution's I call on all MSUEA members to come who resisted the war on the hard look at them must chief author and MSUEA's consultant, and reluctantly Harold Schmidt, virtually single - bring friends to this meeting so we can grounds that American involve¬ conclude the same. handedly start to turn this union into one where rank railroaded the constitution through after a ridiculously long 4'/« hour meeting held and file democracy is a chief concern. If ' we fail to become active in this association MSU police after work. How many CTs can come to a Grant and look upon it as a business to be run SIRS meeting at such a time, let alone stay through until the vote was taken? few it will turn sour and will no address itself to any of our needs. by a longer Situation: East Lansing Police car parked in faculty staff area in front of Closer observation: No, not ticket friendly note saying, "On the house, DPI Here's hoping the Academic of Consequently, the constitution was passed Erickson Hall. means knowing what they are 16 - 6!! Conclusion: Equality for all? Council will depart from its all too Observation: Yellow parking violation getting into when they select a To add insult to injury, our petition was Beth Mlyrui familiar tactics of avoiding contro¬ course. envelope on windshield. Ticket? 645 W. McDond! versial topics and take action on the issue of the Student Instruc¬ There are two proposals before tional Rating System at this the council: one that would not VIEWPOINT: afternoon's meeting. allow access and one that would The SIRS issue has been tied allow limited access. Americans' up junk diets hurt for over a year in postponements The issue is a clear one. The and bottle-ups engineered obscure the fundamental need for students to have a comprehensive to proposal allowing for student access must be given clearance to a take off at today's meeting. By JANE CAMERON nation produces overweight and unhealthy Students should urge the residence halls Before reading this article, ask yourself people. Consumers also fail to realize that to make up a the following: Food Day program to use in they can indirectly affect the diets of the cafeteria Are you one of the 40 per cent of regularly. Families and Douglas re Americans who are overweight? Do you know anyone who has died from diseases such as hypertension, heart at¬ under-developed nations. would eat If Americans simpler, less processed packaged, more nutritional and natural foods, the money saved could be used to and students off campus should the Terrible Ten from their menus try canceling planting gardens this spring for guaranteed and ger Recognizing the problems of w and nutritionally deficient diets ii the battle. If all of us here at MSU can tacks or intestinal cancer? nutritional products. Last May 1, Supreme Court distribute and stimulate food production in an active interest in Food Day and cont hospitalization, still insisting he Does the major part of your diet consist To obtain more general information about Justice William O. Douglas, then has no retirement plans, his countries such as India, Bangledesh and our efforts, health and happines pale, of pop, candy bars, potato Food Day or references in 75, told a crowd of over 2,000 chips and other seeking addi¬ individuals will emerge — not only tired face and crumpled body commonly called "junk" foods? tional information on nutrition, Americans, but for the starving p< ' Another factor contributing to our defi¬ starting a people in the MSU Auditorium: whimpered defeat, but his mind If you answered yes to any of these cient diets here is the food business community project or inquiring about the world. "This country has lost the contest questions, chances are that you or someone further guidelines, an individual can follow and voice did not. monopolies. Huge corporations have of ideas. We're all you know is indulging in the wrong to alleviate this problem, write: Food goose-stepping "I used to walk 25 miles daily diet grabbed control of our food-producing Day, to the same tune, and the a day," practices. Not only are Americans eating capabilities. Our eating habits are there¬ young Douglas, from his wheelchair, told people are no better." a young and virile newsman who the wrong foods, but many of us are in an actual state of malnutrition. Presently, fore mainly promoted by industry adver¬ tising. Our food costs us more and more, 'AND -THIS SHALL 861 Now, a year older, debilitated asked if his stroke limited him in several less-developed nations are suffering A SIGN and it tastes worse and worse. Is there a UMTfr Vqu by a stroke and the ravages of any way. "But now I guess I'll have from malnutrition, but in a more acute way. solution? time, he refuses to goose-step his to limit it to 15." Isn't it ironic that a productive To raise the country public consciousness about such as the United States, with its the way to obsolescence. The newsman stuttered and highly issue, April 17, 1975, has been sophisticated farming techniques, can attri¬ proclaimed Food Day (comparable to Earth Friday marked 36 years that chuckled nervously. bute many of its health problems to "empty Day a few years ago) by a nonprofit Douglas has sat on the high bench, He apparently did not realize foods," low in nutrition, just as the poorest organization called the Center for Science in a never-say-die defender of civil that though time can weary a of nations can? Are American eating habits the Public Interest. liberties and individual rights. moving backward as our pace of life moves On April 17, people will have the chance fragile body, a powerful mind, if it forward? Surely this should not be the case. When he returned to the bench refuses to to be educated and organized in projects relent, will not recog¬ Unfortunately, many people are unaware recently after several weeks of nize any limitations. concerning the decline of the American diet of nutritional aspects and, as a result, our and the severity of world hunger. VIEWPOINT: THE TERRIBLE TEN Empty The following list of 10 food items is 2) Bacon — Contains nitrosamines, which calories published by the Center for Science in the and costs about $1.40 per UFW contracts. It is the government admits are a family of pound (this easy to forget that Public Interest as a includes the cost of TV "specific and helpful chemicals, some of which have been shown advertising aimed at much of our food is harvested by people guideim n th> battle and elimination of children). General Mills, symbolized by who to cause cancer in test animals. are hungry, ill-housed and in great 'empt / June funds {foods with no nutri- Betty Crocker, has been the junk breakfast need of health care and schools. 3) Sugar — The Justice Dept. recently cereal leader for years. Four timal value nut high in caloric companies 9) Pringles - Tho ultimate insult to the value)." indicted six major sugar refiners for Cei hr literature control 90 per cent of the cereal says "the Terrible Ten alleged price fixing and conspiracy to industry. potato. This chip is one third more shoal! be avoided for reasons 6) Breakfast Squares — Another marvel •xpeaaivo than regular chips and 13 times of company reduce competition. Sugar also contributes monopolies ami unfair practices and largely from Betty Crocker's chemical kitchen. The more to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes and heart expensive than real potatoes. because of health reasons." two main ingredients are sugar and fat. disease. Pringle's long shelf life may enable Proctor The undesirable effects of these and Gamble to monopolize the ingredients potato chip are not cancelled out 1) Wonder Bread — Made by Continental 4) Gerber Baby Food Desserts — The by the added vitamin* market. Baking, division of ITT (which also owns and minerals. 10) Coca-Cola a major ingredient in these baby foods is — Contains no nutrients; Sheraton Hotels and makes 7) Prime Grade Beef costs more than milk. military sup¬ water, which costs 40 cents per pint. All — High in fat, high The Coca-Cola Co. plies). Wonder Bread costs up to 30 percent the desserts contain added in cost and high in cholesterol. The beef is peddles its ware in more t han other white breads. The Federal sugar which tries where the underdeveloped coun¬ helps foster a child's sweet tooth. Gerber fattened up in feedlots on beverage is grain that could a cause of Trade Commission be otherwise consumed nutritional harm. If you want the "real recently accused controls 60 per cent of the baby food by hungry people. ITT-Continental of using unfair marketing market. thing," drink milk or fruit juice or water. 8) Table Grapes — The United Farm Tho Canter for Science in the practices to try to monopolize the baking 5) Frute Brute This breakfast PuMc Interest, — Workers Union is conducting a nationwide a nonprofit industry. cereal -candy contains about4 per cent sugar organization, is one of several boycott because growers refuse to sign sponsors nationwide of Food Day, April 17, Ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 8, 1975 - iochemist calls litamin C tablet Paul Olson of Edina, Minn., a sophomore at Southern Metho¬ dist University in health hazard Dallas, Tex., gets ready to play the call to the post for the Upson Downs Rat H,ADELPHIA (AP) - Vitamin C remaining 300 milligrams was filler, a Race as one of the combination of sugar, lactose, starch, ■kept in the kitchen or bathroom for entries gets a close- dextrin, talc and magnesium stearate. idegrade into harmful substances, a up view. The rat race List told the American Chemical In the process of degrading, Dr. Wilk said ■ on Monday. Vitamin C breaks down into two sugar wasji part of the ■min C is stable in the pure state, compounds. With these by-products and annual spring carni¬ the sugar in the filler, Dr. Wilk warned ■ kept away from moisture and val on campus to raise I; the researcher said. "However, diabetics not to take large quantities of Vitamin C. money for scholar¬ | container has been opened, and is ships. ■equently, degradation sets in." The ascorbic acid finally degrades into a AP ■year's time, when exposed to air and toxic substance called oxalic acid, some¬ wirephcto Ire the potency of Vitamin C is cut in thing that is thought to cause urinary Ld it breaks down into several infections and to accelerate the formation of Ll compounds, some suspected of kidney stones, Dr. Wilk said. Lr kidney stones, he said. The biochemist said he bought bottles of Jreport was given by Dr. I. J. Wilk, a Vitamin C from a local drug store and kept Xpist at the University of the Pacific one in a refrigerator and the other at room Kkton, to the 169th national meeting temperature. Over the course of a year, he Tsociety. said he picked out a few tablets at a time Ve is no question that massive doses and subjected them to chemical analysis. imercial Vitamin C tablets could be ■ous," Dr. Wilk said. 1st people keep a big bottle of Vitamin |ts in the bathroom or the kitchen for After 360 only 54 days, he said, he found that per cent of the ascorbic acid in tablets stored in the refrigerator remained in pure form. On the shelf, the degradation Fate of home rests on millage Wf or more. There the levels of Ijty and temperature are high and the was more rapid. By LEN PENIX homes in the county that accepts Medicaid, MSU students are eligible to vote in the their own flowers. Located in a basement ■ation of the vitamin is rapid." "If you buy large quantities of Vitamin C, Frank (not his real name) is an invalid. At may be closed for violation of fire regula election at regular on and off-campus polls. the greenhouse, which is run by MSU Imin C has been recommended for the it is advisable to transfer part of the 72, he has no means of support and no place tions. Medicaid finances the room and board The millage hike would affect not only room, volunteers, is much too small to accomodate Kin cold by Dr. Linus Pauling, the vitamins to a small bottle for daily use and to live except the Ingham County Medical of the patients, many of whom are poor and property owners but renters as well, who all of the interested patients. 1 Prize winner. Dr. Pauling says store the rest properly sealed," he said. Care Facility. crippled. might have the tax added to their rates. Frank is one of the more enthusiastic "n C reduces the severity and Dr. Olaf Mickelsen, professor of food And soon he might not be able to live "I don't know what we are going to do. The facility, which once served as the ■on of colds. science and human nutrition at MSU, is there. participants of the program. There's no place for them to go," said county poor house, consists of two buildings "I love this kind of stuff," he said. "But I ■ Wilk said he analyzed commercial skeptical of Wilk's report. Though he doesn't know it, the facility Herbert Harrington, administrative head of joined by a hallway. The oldest building was don't always go there because my wheel¬ in C tablets with a potency of 100 "Very large numbers of Vitamin C tablets may be forced to close and its 186 patients the facility. built in 1929, but its engineering lends itself chair takes up so much room. The other warns. The actual Vitamin C, ascorbic have been purchased by Americans in the will have to be relocated. If a county millage Harrington has been stalling for time more inexpensively to repairs necessary to people get peeved." Lade up only a fourth of the tablets, past 20 years," he said. "Any toxical effects proposal is defeated May 6, the nursing since the home was cited for noncompliance meet the fire code standards than the If the millage proposal is passed, would have shpwn up by now." | weighed 400 milligrams. The home, which is one of only two nursing with state and federal fire regulations Feb. second building, which was added in 1954. Harrington said that accommodations for 28. The millage money is needed to make Because the administrators believe "long the popular form of therapy probably would improvements that will bring the facility up term care is more than a dry bed and three be enlarged. to state standards. square meals," the facility offers various Council to A meeting is scheduled by the Medical study 2 SIRS plans The proposal asks for one mill each year for the facility over a three-year period. One mill equals $1 for every $1,000 of assessed property valuation. activities and therapeutic programs staffed largely by volunteers, like those working with the MSU College of Human Medicine. Care Facility today at 7:30 p.m. at 3882 Dobbie Road, Okemos, to discuss the upcoming millage election. Information will Among these are horticulture therapy, be provided on the housing situation and I Academic Council members will work overtime today as least some parts of the student access question today. Kenneth A. Hope, D-Lansing, chairman which allows patients to plant and raise ■ttend a special meeting of the council intended to deal with prospective programs for redevelopment. The other area the council will cover is procedures to put the of the Ingham County Board of Com¬ ■and the academic bylaws. new Bylaws for Academic Governance into action. missioners, termed the millage a "crucial | Steering Committee of the council decided last week that a II meeting had to be scheduled for today in order for the A transition document has been drawn up by the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Governance, which sets up the goal of thing,"' saying, "I believe the whole medical facility would be in jeopardy without it." Britain proposes summit pi to move toward a resolution of the SIRS problem. having academic governance completely under the new bylaws by Former County Commission Chairman i Educational Policies Committee has presented two Sept. 1. David Hollister, now a state representative, LONDON (AP) — Britain has proposed a Secretary of State Henry A. 1 latives for revising the SIRS forms, which students use to Most of the document provides for holding elections at said, "If that millage doesn't pass, no one summit meeting of President Ford and the suggesting that the regular spring meeting Instructors. Alternative A offers no student access to the staggered intervals so the change from two-year to three-year will." North Atlantic allies in Brussels next month of the foreign and defense ministers of the _Js of the forms, while Alternative B offers student access, terms for committee members can be made in the future. He added that a public hearing held to reaffirm Western unity in the wake of North Atlantic Treaty Organization ■last Tuesday's meeting the council decided to consider Other parts of the document spell out how the changeover will during a previous attempt to close the events in Indochina and to discuss a (NATO) be upgraded to a summit of 3 first, and if that doesn't pass the council, then be made from 12 committed to eight, and which members will be facility resulted in "the largest turnout I common approach to an expected confer¬ national leaders. native A will be worked on. seated on the committees. ( ever saw in my six years of pubblic service. ence with the Socialist bloc. That session is scheduled for May 29 and I council did not reach the part of the document containing The council will meet at 3:15 p.m. in the Con Con Room of the "The public is completely behind the British officials said Monday that Foreign 30 in Brussels, the headquarters of the 15 - Knt access in last week's meeting, but is expected to vote on at International Center. facility." Secretary James Callaghan had written nation alliance. -h"1- ~\ r (Lw|- MM L, I '/a Gallon Carton 1 OARDEA Open Mon • Thur 9 • 9, Fri 9 ■ 11 Sat 9- 10, Sun 11 -5 Tuesday, April ^ Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan MSU By BRAD MARTISIUS State News SUff Writer expanding He called for more programs to aid older students in his 1978 of the University address. State "We set up this program to meet the needs of three groups of people - those who want leisure time during the day, those who no night economic need has existed to establish evening courses «t M:> "Other universities have had to do that to keep facultie8 he said. "We've been swamped just trying to har* ■ SH I must work and especially those who must commute to classes, MSU is expanding its college credit night education programs, "Each college has been asked to make more courses available at inadequately funded day student program." McCrone said. in keeping with a 2 - year - old promise by President Wharton. night," Provost John Cantlon said. "We especially want to see , , ., Dorothy Arata, assistant provost for undergraduate e nt A11 Nvj- Llorl I INCj bring today REAL ESfATE TAXES [ MAINTENANCE can you an exciting and satisfying career as well FEE as thousands of dollars in higher salary. 1-2-3 BEDROOMS From {20.900 Send your name, address, and a check or money order BARGAIN for $10.00 to Rodger Owen; 21 W. Goethe Dept. 9-1; DAYj Chicago, Illinois 60610 (&™ Satisfaction guaranteed or your money will be cheerfully refunded. EYOE CONSTRUCTION ■until 5:30Pm CRAFT COLLEGE STUDENTS % 4 \ SUMMER JOBS Our service working in conjunction with business and industry has compiled extensive listings of employers throughout the Midwest in all states and most ma|or cities who are H'-PHSD" committed to provide summer employment for college students. Our listings also include State & Federal Agencies, Government Internship Programs, & Private Resort & Camp Counseling Positions, etc. | quilting dry flower arr. Whether you live in Michigan or another state in the Midwest you need our listings leatherwork | macrame to help you find the employers with a job for you. For only $4.98 (includes cost of pamphlet, postage & handling charges) you will »■ ,N S woodworking— [crocheting receive our pamphlet entitled SUMMER JOBS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. Send your name, address (Home or School) and *4.98, check or APRIL 15-MAY 13 (5 weeks) ATTENTION MARRIED HOUSING:» P.M.A. Paper Sculpting Thurs. 7-8:30 pm BOX A 3974 asa*®- Spartan Village School (Teachers lounge) April 17-May 15 Chicago, Illinois Dry Flower Arranging Mon. 7-9 pm Red Cedar School (Room 88) 60690 April 21-May 19 FOR INFORMATION ACT TODAY! 'MIS/ssj. 355-3355 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, AprU J 39 LETTERMEN Spring grid drills begim A number of replacements will be hard to By CHARLES JOHNSON believes that his staff has completed another fin(j . J MSU's football team State News Sports Writer will kick off its spring drills today in the campaign to brighten his team's future. finer8" first phase of what is expected to be a highly successful 1975 "Our freshmen class this year won't play as much a role in our plans as freshmen did last season, but Spartan grid season. Coach Denny Stolz, entering his third year at the MSU helm, who could see some action," Stolz said. there aiJ says that this year's squad definitely has the potential to surpass MSU's main problem will be its receiving corps, which l| the outstanding performance of last year's team, which finished replace the services of split end Mike Hurd and the season with a dandy 7-3-1 over-all record and 6-1-1 mark in the Jones. A number of returnees are flanker w expected to battle it 1 Big Ten. those positions. 1 "I know we're going to be a contender from a media standpoint, Probably the Spartans' most worrisome task this fall but I don't think that we'll be the title favorite," Stolz said preparation for its first five games. In successive weeks, will l J Monday. "I'm sure that we'll be locked in there with two of our play Ohio State, Miami of Ohio, North Carolina State, telf <49 friends (Ohio State and Michigan). "We feel that we're going to be and Michigan. All five of these teams finished national polls last season than MSU and sported a Notrenj higher ij up there and it's the first time since I've been head coach that we combined could say this." of 49-7-2. * The Spartans, along with the other teams in the NCAA are slated for 20 practice sessions this spring over the next five weeks. Cincinnati second baseman Joe Morgan puts the tag on Dodger Jimmy Wynn. In keeping with his decision last spring, Stolz is not planning a formal intrasquad game to close out the spring drills. No baseball heretoda Practices will be held each Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, with Monday and Friday as rain dates. Infield hit gives Reds 2-1 victory "I don't believe in intrasquad games because they serve no value from a football standpoint," he said. "I may not even use all of our 20 practice sessions. If I feel that we've accomplished what we set games set Today was to for Mondayl have been the day that the MSU k-.J out to accomplish after only 16 or 17 sessions, then I'll stop." team opened its home season in a doubleheader J CINCINNATI (UPI) Foster's soft grounder down Charlie Hough's knuckleball. hit his slow roller toward third MSU's tuning-up sessions will feature 39 lettermen back from - Albion. • Pinch-hitter George Foster the third base line,was fielded After Geronimo walked on which Cey had hoped would roll last season, including 16 of the 22 players who started in the big Last week's snowstorm took beat out a slow roller to third by Ron Cey near the bag, but four pitches, Ken Griffey foul. Cey fielded the ball about upset of Ohio State. Only 11 lettermen will be missing from last care of that. When apparent last weekend that Kobs Field wouldn't be it becutl base with two outs in the 14th Cey's throw to first baseman moved the runners up with a one foot inside the third base year's Spartan team, which wound up the season with a 12th place time, the openers were postponed until next readygB inning while Cesar Geronimo Steve Garvey was too late to sacrifice. Darrell Chaney then line. national ranking by the AP poll and an 18th ranking by UPI. Monday. raced home from third base beat the fleet Foster. bounced back to Hough and The 14-inning thriller tied the with the winning run to give Dave Concepcion started the Concepcion was caught in a National League record for the the Cincinnati Reds a 2-1 winning rally with a single and rundown between third and longest opening day game in Women spoil victory over the Los Angeles went to second on a passed ball home for the second out. gymnasts history and was played before Dodgers Monday in the opening by catcher Steve Yeager, who Foster, batting for winning the largest regular-season game of the 1975 season. could not handle reliever relief crowd in Reds' history—52,626. pitcher Pat Darcy, then The game had been tied 1-1 since the sixth inning. By ANN WILLIAMSON second and third-place honors improving on last year's finish scores of 8.7 and 8 Stickmen dump State News Sports Writer It's always a good feeling when your team is ranked with 105.5 and 104.55 respectively. points, and the overall team effort put into the meet." Ceccato, Chapela and Kincetl scored an 8.55 in floor exerq MSU scored 100.8 points. Kathi Kincer qualified for the Chapela, Ceccato among nation. the top 10 squads in the The women gymnasts and finals competition for MSU on were also the and KitJ Buckeyes coach Peacock achieved at least top | in town Men's intramural softball schedules will be ready at 5 p.m. MSU women's gymnastics coach Barbara Peacock knows one of their goals in the nationals as MSU's eight-place the uneven parallel bars, finish¬ ing 11th nationally with a score performers for the Spartani J the balance beam with 8.35,|| of 8.7. Kincer was also the top and 7.9 marks, By LARRY MORGAN balls, the second most important statistic to today. Weather permitting, how great that feeling is, as the designation was a considerable all-around performer for MSU respectivtjf State News Sports Writer play should start Sunday. Spartans finished eighth improvement over last year's scoring. among 13th- place finish. with 33.7 points, with team¬ Penn State standout Km! The Spartan lacrosse team appears to be on its The entry deadline for the 41 teams in the Assn. of Ground balls indicate how many times a player "The girls didn't perform mates Diane Chapela and Schuckman, who performed! way to the first winning season in its varsity women's intramural corecrea- Intercollegiate Athletics for MSU in a double-dual meet! picked up balls the opposition dropped- Maxine Ceccato finishing close history after it downed the Notre Dame lacrosse The Spartans had a team record of 81 tional floor hockey league is 9 Women (AIAW) national col¬ quite as well as they did in the Jenison Fieldhouse last jJ ground behind with 33.55 and 33.05 club, 7-5, Sunday in South Bend, Ind. p.m. today. Entries should be legiate championships last regionals, but did well consider¬ balls to the Irish's 38 for the game. Team totals for points. ary, repeated as the natinf The stickmen, who are now 4-2 on the turned into 121 Women's IM weekend at the University of ing the length of the season and year, will this statistic can be used as a good indicator as to the limitations they were under champion in floor exercise u| face Ohio State Thursday at home and a Bldg. California at Hayward. Weaver turned in < the best also claimed the individual victory which squad actually controlled the game. due to injuries," Peacock said. tiq would tie the season record for the most victories Women's intramural co- Southern Illinois repeated as scores for MSU in the vaulting in the MSU coach Fred Hartman said the number of uneven parallel bi "I'm most pleased about their and floor exercise events with by a varsity lacrosse team. The record is held by ground balls better reflects the tone of the game recreational one-pitch softball national champion with 107.35 event. the 1972 and 1974 teams. team entries are due at noon points, while the University of against the Irish than does the close score. But he Spartan attackmin Dave Sorrick was the big addejd that both teams played ragged Wednesday in 121 Women's IM Massachusetts and Southwest PUBLIC FORUM ON games. gun for MSU Sunday, as he pumped in three goals Since MSU controlled the game, Hartman Bldg. Mississippi Junior College took was and added an assist. The performance tied him able to with attackman Steve Wilson for the team give some reserve players crucial game scoring experience. lead with 16 points apiece. COME ON OVER AND CATCH A Wilson, one of the team's tricaptains, had a goal and an assist to give him 11 goals and continue his Senior goalie Andy Obelnicki, a former backup goalie for MSU, continued his strong season in the nets with another phenomenal performance, said BARGAIN AT GARY'S r""" BIOPOLITICS high scoring season. He also picked up 14 ground Hartman. Speaker: Dr. George Borgstrom Topic: "WorldFood Crisis" only $6.00 Pistons open playoff set for a Cut and Date: 7 pm Tonight, April 8 Open discussion after each presentation I Place: Conrad Auditorium Sponsored by: Beta Beta Beta, The | Blow-dry at Biological Honorary Society against Seattle tonight GARY'S CAMPUS Speaker: Dr. Fischer Topic: "Energy — Past, Present, and Future SEATTLE, Wash. (UPI) - bothering big Bob to the point BEAUTY SALON Date: 7 pm The Seattle Supersonics, get¬ where it appeared for a while 549 E. Grand River Ave. Call 351-6511 Thursday April 10 ting their first taste of playoff the Pistons might not win the Place: 109 Anthony competition since they joined wild card playoff berth. the National Basketball Assn. "There is swelling and con¬ in 1967, take on the Detroit siderable pain in the knee," Pistons in the first game of a explained Brian Hitsky, the best-of-three series tonight. Detroit public relations The contest will be telecast spokesman. "But Bob made up on WKBD-TV, Channel 50, his mind he was going to play beginning at 10 p.m. regardless, and it gave us a Seattle's chance of advancing tremendous lift." to the semifinals to meet the Golden State Warriors for the Western Conference title likely hinges on the left knee of the There is a Detroit center, 6-foot-ll-inch, difference!!! PREPARATION FOR: 260-pound Bob Lanier. The Pistons have not been hitting on all cylinders because MCAT injuries and tendonitis has been DAT Small classes DISCOVER LSAT Voluminous home FLYING AT6SB Tape facilities for reviews of class lessons and for use 0CAT of supplementary CPAT WINGED ECFMG SPARTANS ECFMG NATL MEDBRDS Tuesday, April 8 30 PM 21/Bessey (313)354 0085 For Further Information Stanley iUsdIs* IDUCATIONAlrr=V'T\ S WINGEI: SPARTAN INFORMATION CINTI* P.O. SOX 217 TUTORING AND GUIDANCE E. LANSING, Ml. 48823 SINCE 1938 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, Mich. 48075 Radio Fee Refund WEDNESDAY RESURRECTION Undergraduate students living on campus who do not THURSDAY MUNN ICE ARENA wish to use the services provided by the Michigan State Network and its stations, WMSN, WBRS, WEAK, WMCD, PROPHECY WKME may receive a refund of their $1.00 radio fee by FRIDAY going to room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 - 5 p.m. Mon. Apr. 7 thru Fri. mAximum sex Apr. 11. Please bring fee receipt and FREE ID cards to obtain refund. flDIDISSION 7:30 P.M. APRIL 9-10 - U SPONSORED BY CflfTIPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRI5J l^igjnStat^News^Eas^Lansing^iichigaii Tuesday, April 8, 1975 9 There are no shortages of great buys when you shop the Classified Ads! Automotive \\&\ toiitif p\\ FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank | Apartments Apartments ^ Apartments ^ MUSTANG, 1967, 6 cylinder, PARACHUTING MOVIES and automatic, good transportation, NEED TWO to sublease one FEMALE NEEDED to share flat 401 GPOVE STREET-1 block to Rap Session. Wednesday, April 9, best offer! 393-2502 after 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Room 208 Mens IM. bedroom in Twyckirgham for kitchen, two blocks from Union downtown. 2 bedroom cellar unit. 3-4-10 summer. $60/month. Call 351 - Very good deal. $62 50 utilities 3150 includes all utilities. Avail- 351-0799, 543-6731. 24-9 5274. 5-7-14 paid. Cathy, 337 0312 Not homo .)bl'3 immediately. 484-4014 or MUSTANG, 1966 3 speed, starts leave message. by' 10-4-21 |ONE 355-8255 4-4 1" •no? ces Btdg. and runs well, $75 353 1837. 2-4-9 or best offer. ]H EAST LANSING Furnished, one bedroom for single. - Close to SUBLET SUMMER: two persons MOUNT HOPE. Unfurnished, frOMOTIVE WANTED: MALE and female go go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, campus. Immediate occupancy. attractive one bedroom apart gaiage, fireplace. $175. Deposit cooters & Cycles MOVA, 1971, 350SS, 4-speed, low $145 plus electric. 332 2495.5-4-14 ment, furnished, air, close oliis electricity. Couple preferred. 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 204- iarts & Service nileage, no rust, excellent condi- 351-8370. 3-4 10 o5f-1120. 5-4 14 A ■Aviation :ion, $1750. 393-9764. 4-4-8 23__ ROOMMATE NEEDFD, own room, close to campus. $70/ MALE ROOMMATE needed tor HCSPITAL AND Frandor area, 1 VlOYMENT OPEL MANTA Luxus, 1973. WE NEED college graduates in the month. Call 332 3669. 3-4-10 urnished 2 bedroom apartment bedroom, unfurnished except R RENT Lansing area. School teacher or Corduroy interior, new steel sales experience preferred. call 394-2319 after 5:30 p.m 5-4-14 stove and refrigerator, garage, all Full Ikparfments radials, rustproofed, 4 speed, time training salary plus com- TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished iti ties p.iid. No pets, call houses $2250. 484 5635. 5-4-11 apartments: 124 Cedar Street, 627-9387 after 4 p.m. 54-14 i mission#. Starkweather Call Josephine $177; 129 Burcham. $147; 135 HALSTEAO Booms at 694-3935. R SALE Animals PONTIAC GRAND Prix, 1968. Power steering, brakes. Power Investors Diversified Services. 104J8 Kedzie Drive. summer leases June or September. Year leases and only. Starting MANAGEMENT Houses FIVE GREAT Student Houses. 4-6 jjjjQ Mobile Homes windows. Air. Radio and snow tires. $800 or best offer. 394-2768 TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER i Heat in¬ cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, COMPANY bedrooms. Nicely furnished; fire¬ fcT & FOUND after 6 p.m. 5-4-14 SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. Reserve your apartment place. parking. Very close. offered nationally for qualified 0-4-30 5440 $500, plus utilities. June - JtSONAL NOW wSlle they lost. Kanuts personal TOYOTA 1971 Real buy at $975. Corona 2 door. Come see, coHege graduates by June. Imme¬ diate salary negotiable and ad¬ > LBWWRE AWARE n? $om ^ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 1 Studios $130. One Jur : leastv . 372 6853. 0-4-30 hl estate 332 4668. 5-4-14 justed over 40 month training TO 1DU0H Vc. SLEPPING IN THE girl, Cedar Village, we'll give you a bedroom $140 and two BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, near cam- $70 plus utilities. Creation program. Earn while you learnlll good deal! 337 0149 or 332-3064. bedrooms $150 and up. own room VEGA HATCHBACK 1974. Cus¬ No limit on future earnings. Call MARKET W* YEAR I4 5-4-11 Call 351 2777. 10 4-11 (vice pistruction tom interior, $2395. Price able. Dave, 351 -2380 or 371-2953. negoti¬ Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ 351-7910 DUPLEX TO sublease for summer. views by appointment only. Near busline, $360/month, utili¬ 5-4-9 ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES' BOX 9411 -BERKELEY. CA. 94709 ONE PERSON apartment, now till 20-5-2 ties, unfurnished. 351-0016. June, $90. Furnished, dishwasher, FOUR ROOMS. Carpeted. Newly 5 4 14 many extras. 351-5289. 2-4-9 |NTED R POOL VW SQUAREBACK 1968. Condition, runs great. Mint $750 or MALE COUNSELORS - Boy's Camp. June 24-August 16. Michigan Ewyltywrt |[ffl I Uptfiib W decorated. Private Couples preferred. $125. Deposit. parking. NEtiD TWO women for 3 bed¬ best offer. 351-5289. 2-4-9 Positions open - waterfront, riflery 489-6222. 5-c 8 pioneering. Trips, crafts, gymnas¬ Yes...We have room, close. 394 2152, 355-4205. 5-4-14 $90 plus utilities. i **rates** i/W tics. Married couple considered. HARD WORKING enthusiast to MILFORD STREET, 126. Two 7IALE ROOMMATE needed VAN, 1969, new battery, ■word minimum ■nuffler, good tires, good condi- Write, giving experience, back¬ help restore classic antique and blocks from campus. Deluxe, air location! Campus Hill apartments, $70 ~HiEE BEDROOM house, $175/ sports cars. Only experienced conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom month. 349 2827. 7-4-10 :ion, $950, call 355 3320 between ground. Flying Eagle, 1401 North month. Kitchen, washer, dryer. bodymen with tools, please. (master). Two man - $190. Three RIVER'S and WATER'S 1 NO. DAYS 2-6 pm. 5-4-9 Fairview, Lansing, 48912. 54-11 Phone 489-5655. 54-8 room $207. Now leasing. LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. Nestr Frandor. Pets ok. 487-9509. PART TIME employment for MSU 332-3418. 489-1656. 20-4-30 EDGE Apartments Air conditioned, $145 summtir, VOLKSWAGEN 1972, 36,000 ori¬ SUMMER WORK, 1 3 5 10 ginal miles. 30 mpg. Burns no oil. students. 12-20 hours per week. Automobile required. 351-5800. Average pay ages 17-25. $848 per month. 551 ALBERT STREET, one block (nextto Cedar >175 fall. 48) 4451 or 351 1610 39-5-30 f.EAR SPARROW Hospital. Three bearoom unfurnished house. /.80 15.60 Must sell. 332-5634 54-8 Must be able to relocate. from campus. Large 2 bedroom, |0 4.80 C-34-10 Apply in Village) Married couple, no children or |s 6.00 9.70 19.50 person at the Albert Pick Motel. furnished, summer and fall. SUPER DEAL for 1 woman, very pets. $ 135 10 7.20 1 1.70 t3.4c WANTED, GOOD used cars. Pay PERMANENT PART time secre¬ Apply on April 11th at 1,4, or 7 Resident manager, 351-5208 or NOW LEASING close, $125 for entire term. _484-3513. _54-J4_ up lo $50. Also junk cars. p.m. or Saturday, 10 a.m., 1,4,7 351-6676. 104-10 332-3238. 5-4-11 MALE ROOMMATE needed for 2 10 8.00 13.00 ?6.00 tary. Monday through Friday, 1-5 487-1568. 5-4-11 p.m. Typing and shorthand exper¬ p.m. 4-411 332-4432 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. Fur¬ i'j 10.00 16.25 32.50 ience required. 332-1391. C-34-10 7II EAST CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue nished. Spring term. $95/month. [ Motorcycles {[foj MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE, Firlwl Ipfl APARTMENTS IMMEDIATELY, SUBLEASE till large 2 bedroom furnished. Single qirls or married couple only. $210. No utilities. 485-0897, 4-6 p.m. DEADLINE TV AND STEREO RENTALS. September, large efficiency, quiet, $10,000-$15,000 711 BurchomRood ■'•89-5922 5 4 11 DO IT on the street Triumph, beginning in¬ $25/term. close to campus, on ous route, . ■ ads 1 p.m. one class - come. Unlimited opportunity, $10.95/month. Free VAN NEEDED for house, one BMW, Yamaha, SHEP'S, lower $150.'month. 351 8325,351-4799. ONE GIRL, MSU. Share prices too. C-1-4-8 multi billion dollar company. same day delivery and service. Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-430 NOW RENTING' 54-9 imall, one ->ear bedroom, furnished block from carrpus, own room, $60 per month Degree necessary. Female-male. Available now. Illation/corrections 12 Phone 349-3933 CAREERS UN¬ Exceptionally Large One apartment. $67 50, 489 5922 337 1098 . 3-4-10 lone class day before lation. CYCLE INSURANCE as low as $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc at F.S.C 351-2400. 224-30 LIMITED. 34-10 [ Apartments ](§?] Bedroom Apartment Suitable For 2-3 Students 2 APARTMENTS, off bus line, 3% rooms, plus bath, $130; $95. 641-4405. 5-4-9 single 5-4-11 NEED MALE loommate for 3 man, EETWEEN LANSING and Perry, 3 REGISTERED NURSES full and GIRL FOR large two bedroom bedroom ranch with garage, ■ad is ordered it cannot part time positions available on the apartment, share room, $70/ '190/MONTH' 607 NORTH MAGNOLIA, 4 stu¬ 575. Immediate 731 Apartments. °ool. 351-4083 after 4 pm. 2-4-8 clean, 675-5107. 5-4-14 CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our month. 349-3086 after 7 pm. •12 Month Leases 11p.m.-7:30a.m. and 3-11p.m. dents, 4 private bedrooms, close ■celled or changed until ow rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING 104-8 NICELY FURNISHED, brick house shifts. Excellent working condi¬ •Completely Furnished NEAR 185-0528 or 339-9535. 0-4-30 to Frandor, $240 plus deposit, FRANDOR, 2 rooms and needs 1-2 tenants, walking dis¬ prst insertion, unless it is tions, salary and fringe benefits. •Carpeting (completely) bath, utilities paid. No children or id & cancelled 2 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS utilities. 337-7866. 54-14 tance from campus. Call 351 -3957 days Apply personnel department, Ing¬ •Appliances & Air Condi¬ nets. Available April 15, Phone ft publication. ham Medical HASLETT tioned or Greg at work, 1-313-643-4710. Center, 401 West EAST LANSING. 1-5 man houses 382-9347. 5-4 11 Short on Cash? Maybe we can •Hut & Water Included 34-10 Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan and duplexes. 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. work something out. One bed¬ *2 Man Units St mi-furnished, $1.00 service Manual and helmet. $700/best k for an ad change. offer. 694-1481. 54-11 7-416_ room apartments with shag car¬ peting, drapes and appliances. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL available summer and fall. 351-5400. 5-4-14 Call 731 WOMAN NEEDED at Co-op, $26C term, utilities, meals Hedrick BABYSITTER FOR $150 per month plus utilities. 10 337-7328 or 351 -0726 school age APARTMENTS ended Call 332-0846. 5-4-14 n s Personal ads must USED MOTORCYCLES discount children, afternoons, minutes from MSU. Located at SHARE HOUSE, $80 a month, cooking. At Reduced Rates'" on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand Grad student wife preferred. 6076 Marsh Road, just north of own room, must be neat. Phone GIRL NEEDED to share house, River, East Lansing. 224-30 351-3364. 54-11 Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager 372-2911. 3 4-10 fibe-al minoed, own room, Joan, AVAILABLE SRING term two ■State News will be 339-8192 or EAST LANSING man furnished. 135 Kedzie. 484 2759. 5-4-11 jisible only for the first ficorrect insertion. |[7) . RN'S, FULL time positions avail- able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and LPN'S part time positions avail¬ REALTY, 3324128. 26-5-6 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT/2 full 482-2937, 104-8 351-2400, 882-2316. LANSING EAST side, large 2 story, 2 bedroom near busline and hospital. $180 plus utilities. neluding dishwoih»r EAST LANSING: 1-5 man houses and duplexes, unfurnished except MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East able on 3-11:30 pm and 11-7:30 am baths, 1 bedroom efficiency 349-1399 or 669-7145. 5-4 14 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. - NEED FOURTH appliances. Available summer and re due 7 days from the $295. 372-0992 11am 4 pm, girl roommate, ■SWIMMING POOl Complete auto painting and colli¬ shifts, for medical - surgical areas - fall, 489-2431. 5-4-11 liration date. If not paid cheap, close to campus. Call sion service. American and of Provincial Hospital and Surgi Monday - Friday. 5-4-11 351-0870 or 482-3413. 4-4-8 TIRED OF NOISE? Now Leasing p due date, a 50t late Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 Clinic. Contact Mr. White at THREE Summer and Fall HOUSEMATE NEEDED, own I charge will be due. 485-3271,94 pm Monday through BEDROOMS, garage, WE HAVE 1, 2 AND 3 room ore block from campus, 412 garden area, near LCC and State 5 MINUTES TO MSU. Share M.A.C. $80 month. 351-9274. AMERICAN, GERMAN and Friday. 3-49 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Summer■ $50 per person buildings. Call 627-9801. 54-11 furnished 2 bedroom apartment. 5-4-11 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. Fall $75 per person 339-8877 or 484-0622. 54-9 APARTA^ENTS 20% DISCOUNT to students and needed. $2.50 Discount for 12 mo. Lease CEDAR VILLAGE FIVE BEDROOM Modern Home, ICUDA 1967, 57,000 miles, faculty on service parts. all cash 'n' carry VW IMPORT AUTO PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Now Renting NOW LEASING for fall - Colonial Arms, 126 Orchard, 2,3, and 4 man OM $155 PER MONTH WATER ) 351-7212 for family. For rent while profes¬ sor is on sabbatical. One year Summer and Fall apartments. Call 337-1800. 54-9 iNClUOtS GAS HEAT S J. $400. 1966 VW van, Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Summer Rates are $150-$200 call staring September 1975. 339- lie. Fritz, 332-2563. 3-4-10 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 2917. 5-4-9 PROPERTY MANAGER needs per month. Fall Rates are $80, OKEMOS - 1 bedroom. Utilities rE AUSTIN Healey Sprite card. C-224-30 $83, $85 per person per furnished. Married couple. KNOB HILL PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, helper. Hours flexible. Light GOOD HOUSE big backyard. 6- month. 351-5180 $150/month. Telephone 349-2313. South. Furnished, one bedroom Up mechanical condition, repair and some clerical. Car APARTMENTS Utilities paid. bedrooms, 2 fireplaces. Excellent pint job, call 224-4135 St. 54-9 $150 month plus location sub-let for necessary. $2.25/hour plus gas. 349-4700 summer. ' 1 pm. 5-4-11 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED, deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-16 337-0269 5-4-11 372-6853. 04-30 close to campus, sublet spring 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED apart¬ 5 miles from campus and/or summer, Discounted. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY' Nice 0 1973,3 speed, 350 V-8, HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed ments, air conditioned, 1 block NEW, 2 bedroom duplex for rent, UM/FM. 882-0534, after 6 351-6239. 34-9 2 room efficiency near campus, $180 month, plus utilities, and for 16 semi-independent mentally J010^' ^ $1?° " $18°' quiet ana clean $150. Call rotarHoH retarded arililtc adults. Tall "Xn-AAAO n, Call 3934442 or JOI-I/W). deposit, extras. 694-8312. 5-4-9 SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY. Spa¬ SUBLEASE, $185 per month, 1 351-7239. 4-4 11 write Moore Living Center, 1401 EFFICIENCY. PRIVATE. $115/ bedroom, partially furnished or FOUR OPENINGS in Tralfama- |MPALA, iod tires, new 1966, $200, runs Edgewood Blvd. Lansing, cious, two bedroom apartment. Across from Williams. April free. month. Utilities paid. 3 miles - unfurnished, Brody area, Call Jan, BIG 2 bedroom apartments for dore Co-op, immediately. Male battery, NOW FOR your convenience Michigan 48910. 54-11 332-5920 after 5 p.m. 5-4-8 55-2605. 3-4 10 351-1971. 54-11 campus. Grad student. IV-22589. summer-quiet building-walk to and female. Call 332-2517 for we're open until 8 pm Monday, 54-9 campus. Call 351 7239 4-4-11 more information 5-4-9 Wednesday and Thursday. WANTED. FULL time waitress. MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 BS S1975, defogger, buc- CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN TWO MILES TO MSU, Okemos, Apply HUDDLE LOUNGE, 820 two bedroom model apartment. bedroom apartment in country. Its, console, automatic, CAR PARTS. 2605 East Kalama-i West Miller Road, Lansing. 5-4-8 SUBLET SPRING - summer. 1-2 Air, carpet, heat included. $187/ $95. Call Dennis, 371-1041. 54-9 ■exterior, saddle interior. zoo, one mile west of campus. bedroom, Beal Street. Free month. 485-1212. 34-9 |r best offer. Call Jan, 487-5055. C-9-4-11 LEAFLET DISTRIBUTORS need¬ month's rent. 351-1799. 74-15 SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio | after 5 p.m. 5-4-8 ed for 1 week only. Call Rob, ONE BEDROOM furnished, all TWO BEDROOM, one block, fur¬ apartments. Across from campus. h PICKUP 1974. 4 speed, REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines 332 8060 between 4-6 p.m. 2-49 utilities paid, close to campus. Air conditioned, quiet. Summer "es, brand guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ nished, carpeted, sharp. Until new, wide tires, $175/month. Call 655-3728 after 5. or fall leases. 351-1258 between change. Free towing available- CAREER OPPORTUNITIES. No September only, $240/month. |"ags. $3000. 355-7991. local areas. Installation as low as 204-22 332-1946. 5-4-11 10 am - 7 pm. 10-4-14 waiting in line. Call 351-3622. $35. Check our repair prices and 44-11 TWO BEDROOM furnished l_-69. Dependable. $300. REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 6^6758. 3-4-10 ILL28' Excel|ent condi- PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and Cedar. 485-2047, Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 485-9229. NOT ENOUGH money Boogie down with the Record Hop, $50. 332-5278. 44-11 for a band. minutes to campus. peaceful on a lake. Quiet and 641-6601 or DON'T WAIT >8550 or 694-3361. Ask 484-5315. 04-30 ■ Schafer. 5-4-11 card. C-224-30 UNTIL THEY'RE ■1967-6 cylinder standard, Ybattery. Engine *>ut B. 5-4-14 runs well. needs $200 CEDAR ALL GONE... B973, Pinto, 4-speed, ■"or, sun roof, 22-28 De- mpg. nOUJ LEASING GREENS FOR SUfTHTlER and FALL en 349-3530 To reserve your apartment for summer and fall ■Phone 339-9250. 3-4-10 SPECIAL SUITffllER RATES SPECIAL SUMMER RATES 3 ' * 5 6 p 0 10 I0RIN0 1970, 351~V-8, start at " % 12 1 j" p°wer steering and i ■ 1 Michelin whitewalls. *af,er 7 p.m. 5-4-8 i? 1969' I w, power S0'000 s,eering and C'mon over AND CHECK OUT ■FURNISHED APARTMENTS -2 MAN UMTS •ONI BtPflOOll UMTS $140°° 4 6 19 d % %% 'A le K " iW exhaust' $65°- COLLINGWOOD APTSI G4MPUS HILL 12 23 IM 4-4 ASK ABOUTOUR SPECIAL RUi RATES *air conditioned 26 %%% iV u ■fn71 convertible, $1900 for rental APARTMENTS %% 31 n 35 *sh«ig carpeting TSsiT^0"' ■ »43 6817 after 5 44 000 p.m. "unlimited parking information just off grand rivet -okemos %%% 36 37 <8 *Plush furniture ♦Model Open Daily 351-8631 49 % MO % 32. Wheel sour on a fe1970~Nom«-7r^n ■arohna 349-3530 free bus service. 35. Garden necessity 1% s/wn"' 42 37,000 H3 miles. call 351-8282 TD5 Michigan Am. Right next to the free bus service- 36 Other Is r»Sra, ®S' s,arter- (b«hlnd Old World Plaza Buyjy •CENTRAL AIR CONO. free bus service- W 37. Spicknel: var turning, ML Mo T S Must 466 and {a5P5r;;ia,e' 353-6894 on tho rlvorl) orway vompm Cm mH M HaN «r Tom M Ml -SMI ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES % 40 41. Check Unprepared 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday April J Houses £ Rooms For Sale m CmDIS (ss^iffl) Nader outlines energy control prog EAST SIDE roommate for - FREE LAUNDRY, free parking, spa¬ TV, TOOLS, YMCA membership, MAGNAVOX TELEVISION. All CHARLIE, MARK, Mark, Paul cious 3 bedroom house, $54 (continued from page 1) utilities. 484-3742. 5-4-11 plus room and board for campus. Now leasing for summer men near coats, fry pans, bike locks, radios, ball gloves, rugs, study lights, channel. B&W, excellent condi¬ CONGRATULATIONS! Gamma Rho has gained some Alpha utility companies. company reports. Nader came down hard on impossible to m „ I and next fall. Call 332-3935 or toasters for sale. Call 337-2345 tion. $50 2-4-8 or best offer. 351-8306. great guys. Love, Deb. 1-4-8 He also outlined programs American utility companies. P°rate companies. execut^1 * CLOSE, $275 Room/board - term, 351-0909. 5-4-8 after 4. Ask for Mike or leave which would bring energy con¬ "There is a popular uprising immediate occupancy, beautiful phone number. 1-4-8 FOUR TIRES, H70x15, Kelly in "Getting rid of mit» trol back to consumers and many states against the people, Nexus Co-op. 351-0100. AVAILABLE NOW - quiet, single, Springfield, brand new, guaran lectured students on how to power companies," Nader said. executives in is like the^% 5-4-9 near Union. $17/week, references deposit. 663-8418. 3-4-9 PORTABLE GAS Kiln, carbide teed, $80. Call Ken, 339-3169. develop value systems which "The companies operate in rock of trying to ^ shelves, pyrometer, 1 % years old, 3-4-9 systems which are not inter¬ Gibraltar V* LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ keep people rather than cor¬ N^er said ties to select, qualified tenants SUMMER SINGLES or Doubles. $350, call 332-0572. 4-4-11 SPRING TERM Bargains. Used porations in mind. ested in efficiency." pames thiu could be only At no cost to you. Call Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, SHERWOOD S9400 amplifier, 50 LP's and 8 track tapes. $1.00, Though Nader lectured for He said that the main prob¬ 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT TV, lounge, parking, very close. rms in stereo. Excellent condition. $1.50. Sansui and Kenwood almost two hours, he kept lems with the companies are fhrough a pian SELECTOR. 5-4-9 $65/and up. 337-9452. 0-4-30 stereos, leather coats, furniture, independent utility Zl Warranty. $200. 351-9225. 3-4-10 students awake with witty and that they are legal monopolies action small appliances, diamond rings, group satiric barbs at people in they are able to pass their commill — SAVE MONEY. Share room til rifles, shotguns and an 8 foot watch utility LEASE WITH option to buy. New SOUND CITY Electric piano, like mid-June. One block from power. cost increases (which are often be financed ranch house in country. Campus campus. Utilities paid. $45/month new, slide controls, sustain pedal, Bamboo bar. Check us out and "Even a banana republic caused by supplier price rig¬ off on through?! 10 minutes. $300/month, spring 332-2411. 3-4-9 needs amp, $475. 337-0014. see the lowest prices. down to DICKER & DEAL, 1701 Come on takes more time to figure out ging) to consumers, and they utility bills, He also 1 and summer. Call Evan Harrison, 332-1946 or PROGRESSIVE 7-4-15 South Cedar. 487-3886. C-5-4-11 its potential reserves of have profit systems which are ways which cited'tkj REALTY, 372-5512. 5-4-9 For Jale ][^> LEAVING TOWN, must sell dou¬ bananas than the U.S. govern¬ based on capital investment. more power in consume,, J tJ ELEGANT DUPLEX. 5 minutes to GERRARD 40B Changer, 1 month old, $30. Call 485-2384 after 7 p.m. ble bed and assorted furniture. Call 337-1098. 2-4-9 Animals LABRADOR RETRIEVER )(Vj] [ Real Estate ment takes to find out about its oil reserves," Nader said about This makes it unprofitable for companies to look at cheap States: •ThroUgh a re?ul eI | campus - 3 large bedrooms, the government practice of E-5-4-8 pups. OKEMOS - HIAWATHA Park. By ways to produce power, Nader like the one kitchen with all appliances, family HEAD SKIS, 210cm, $60, Buckle ACK. One black male, one yellow owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on basing energy predictions on oil said. Nader also said it is last year in which wm J room, 1% baths, redwood deck BLACK OLYMPUS OM-1 with boots, size 12, $10, Noerdlinger, male. $100. 337-1485. 5-4-14 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2% baths, would give Cong^l and patio, professional decora¬ 50mm F1.8, 135 mm F3.5 only 353-8661. 3-4-10 2 fireplaces. Selling at appraised consumers J ting, per garage and large yard. $305 month - call Tom Brooks, 393-3777 or 694-2167. 5-4-9 $350, like new. 5jt-R_ _ Call 489-5977. Mobile Homes |(wj value. 349-4268, for appointment. 10-4-9 the inner ment processes. sanctum oU ^ Got EAST LANSING, mobile home. • A MC INTOSH STEREO equipment: something to breakdown in J [ Recreation J[g| 1-2 people. $110/month. All riers which now EAST LANSING - 3 bedroom Mc 2105 amp, C-28 pre-amp, 6 months old. Must sell. $950. Call sell for $50 or less?? utilities. 355-4841. 5-4-9 sumers' restml house, fireplace, large yard. EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to ability to bit|l 351-0146. 5-4-14 corporate 337-2095. 1376 Snyder Road. try ATTENTION STUDENTS: Living interests, f London, Amsterdam from $289. A growth in 5-4-9 CANON F.T.S.L.R. 35mm F1.8 in 8' or 10' wide mobile homes. TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- • initiative then*J GIRL TO share house with 2 lens filter, case. $150. 353-6497. EconoLines! We have space available for you, 1 mile MSU on bus route at Mobile 8800. C-1-4-8 Announcements for It's What's Transcendental Meditation in¬ reform. as a means olj others. $70 plus utilities. Monday and Wednesday. 1-4-8 Happening must be received in the Home Manor. 332-2437. 5-4-8 PARACHUTING MOVIES troductory lecture Wednesday at Nader also cited 484-3195. 5-4-9 —12 word ad and State News office, 341 Student 7:30 in 30 Union. Presented by the solard Rap Session. Wednesday, April 9, as the saving technolonl Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least — 5 days insertion AVAILABLE SOON, mobile home Student's International Meditation 7:30 p.m. energy crisis, but HASLETT - 1 bedroom, partially for rent, $165/month and up. Room 208 Mens IM. 351-0799,543-6731. 2-4-9 two class days before publication. Society. self-interest in saidttj furnished. $165 plus utilities. INFLATE - A - BED Deposit required, utilities extra. 1 No announcements will be ac¬ a stroul cepted by phone. rent to its 339-2058. 5-4-9 Spare bedroom in $3.00! mile from MSU on bus route. development 1 HASLETT - 2 bedroom, carpeting, construction. a bag. Air coil Permanent bed - 332-2437. 5-4-8 j Service jj^j MSU Sailing Club meeting is at The MSU Paddle and ball Club will have a Racquet- meeting "If Exxon was the sun it would given J overnight guest. Campers-tent FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo 7:30 tonight in 208 Men's Intra¬ tonight at 8:30 in the Men's notl stove, and refrigerator. shopping center, $175 plus utilities Near vans-lounging-resorts-trailers- sunbathing-or doze across a lake (no cancellations) Call State News Lost & Found~|[^] Equipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. mural Bldg. We will be voting on the racing team budget. Beginning Intramural Building. ships, equipment and other infor¬ Member¬ developing solar Nader said. 339-2058_ 5-4-9 surface. Will not wash off or fade. Classified EconoLines FIND SOMETHING C-4-30 shore school starts at 7. New mation will be available. Nader suggested sJ MALE ROOMMATE wanted, 4 One year guarantee. Three sizes: begin developing valuenfl 355-8255 If you've found a pet or article of members welcome. bedroom house. 231 North Twin - $46.95; Double - $53.95; which relate to ask for value, we want to help you return PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, their ■ Hayford Street, 482-3234. 5-4-11 Queen - $63.95. Available in bright Randy - Unusual educational opportuni¬ MSU Sports Car Club will meet rather than ones it. Just come into the State News finest quality, resonably priced. red, avocado green and black. ties abound as tutor aides in an at 8:30 tonight in 37 Union to plan wlidfl DUPLEX FOR rent - 3 bedrooms, Sales by GRAND DISTRIBUTING, Classified Department and tell us BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. adult literacy program. the April 19 Road Rallye. New separated from them. I DUAL 1215-S turntable $80, Pio¬ you want to place an ad in EAST 482-5712. C-4-30 For a 211 North chance to work in this setting, members welcome. He said students mj furnished. Off Beech Street. Bridge Street, Grand neer SX-770 receiver, $110. 353- LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Ledge, Michigan. 627-4444. read the Request Book at the tinually cling to the e* SerriceJg Clean. 669-9939. 1CM-8 1313. 1-4-8 Show room open Monday - Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run Typing Volunteer Bureau. The Christian Science Organi¬ values of life rather tin Saturday 10-6; Friday till 9 pm. As zation, north campus, invites all diverted to FURNISHED HOUSE for 2 or 3, 251 Gunson Street, $240/per seen in Better Homes and Gardens GIRL'S BICYCLE, $25. Guy's the ad at no cost to you! IRENE ORR Theses, Term papers - All members Kappa Delta Pi students and faculty members to company which might not be the J i] bicycle, $25. Good condition. EAST LANSING general typing. Formerly with Ann its meeting tonight at month plus utilities. and Plavboy. 5-4-9 Can buy separately. business meeting to elect 1975 - 76 6:45 tonight the community. Available 355-5842. STATE BANK Brown. 0811482-7487. C-4-30 ■ until September. officers will be held April 10, 7 in 35 Union. Call 371-4183. 3-4-10 C-4-30 "No victimization til 5-4-8 10% DISCOUNT EXPERIENCED, TYPING term p.m. in 33 Union. Any questions Jews in East representation - that M SEWING MACHINE Clearance LOST: RING, silver turquoise, papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ call Dr. Walsh - Erickson. Complex (Holmes, PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house to all MSU McDonel, Shaw, Hubbard, Akers) have been the slogan olli Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, library area, sentimental value, call ate, service. 394-2512. C-4-30 available immediately. The loss of personhood and the are meeting tonight at 7 in East he said. ■ Nicely students $5 per month. Large selection of Maureen anytime, 332-8145. 2-4-8 furnished, parking. Students wel¬ reconditioned used TYPING BY the hour. Drop-off appearance of a directionless man McDonel lower lounge to talk with machines. 5 minute drive. $150/ service. Secretarial assistance. follows quickly in the part of a recent Soviet come. Singers, Whites. Necchi's, New FOUND: NEAR Beaumont Tower emigre and with month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 Rooms and breads excluded Home and to $39.95. many Terms. others." $19.95 DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 1115 EDWARDS small wicker basket made in China. Rob, 332-1936, 489-5633 C-3-4-9 694-0222. 5-4-9 EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ man's selfishness. Christ's death is the outcome. Study this man's life tonight, 131 Bogue St. at 7:30. each other. Volunteers interested in a var¬ T record PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, RANDALL HEALTH FOOD North C-3-4-10 Washington, 489-6448. LOST: MONEY in envelope sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, 489-0358. C-4-30 Shalom Center, the Jewish iety of hospital volunteer exper¬ iences at Lansing General Hospital (continued fromptplfl South. Quiet for student. $65/ Demonstration Hall, Hubbard Hall, drop - in coffee place, is open for should call Steve Anderson or content of student ri Brookfield Plaza which will require month plus deposit. Phone 627- 1381 E. Grand River 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Campus Hill area. Reward! Please ANN BROWN typing and multi- spring quarter from 10 a.m. - 5 apply at 27 Students Sen/ices 5454. 7-4-16 call 349-1956. 3-4-10 lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ p.m. Monday through Friday a- revise the records again I Tanks, cannisters and uprights. Bldg. for openings on the nursing, REDUCED RENT. Spring, sum¬ 332-6892 Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 vice for dissertations, theses, bove the Campus Book Store. medical or pediatric floors. "What I've spent tlx I LOST: KENTUCKY mer, close. Room in large house. FENDER TELECASTER, $175. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING Derby tickets. manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Israeli year doing I have to iT COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, Friday, April 4,1975. East Lansing 25 year's experience. 349-0850. dancing, which this quar¬ White said. "It's a mJ Lee, 332-3670, 349-1748. 4-4-11 Bassman amp $90, and bottom State Bank. ter will take the form of Clfcesical Guitar Society of Lan¬ Phone 353-3922. C-4-30 instruction $35. Call Tony evenings, 484- Opposite City Market. C-3-4-10 sing will meet at Beekman Center, ending cycle." 4-4-11 for a performing group, begins at NEEDED 1 girl for 4 woman house 1062. J0-4-14 2901 Wabash Road, tonight at 8. "After the revision til NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with THESES, RESUMES, typing and 7i|15 p.m. Wednesday in 218 in South Lansing, own room, BSR TURNTABLE. Excellent $50 Empire cartridge. FOUND: ON GRAND RIVER, printing. Reasonable prices. Women's Intramural Bldg. Need current University policJ available immediately, 393-4686. $115. ID or pass to enter building. Experimental Media Theatre first revision since 1968, ■ condition. Dust cover and cart¬ 351-6599. 10-4-10 Friday, April 4th, Keycase with COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 351- - 5-4-14 ridge. $30. Call 353-8167. 5-4-9 keys. 332-5555. c-3-4-10 4116. C-4-30 ■INTERMEDIARY - Tonight at 9 namaker may change I A reminder for old MSB volun¬ and Wednesday at 7 p.m. on records policy within hiia TAKUMAR 17mm Fish-eye lens. GIRL, SINGLE room, 3 blocks BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. FOUND: ALL white cat. Angora fourth floor Union. The revision of the Uniw Mamiya 500TL S.L.R. Topcon COMPLETE DISSERTATION and teers wishing to volunteer again from Union, available now, 351- French built light weight touring or Persian. Green eyes. Female. this term. You should come to the Unirex SLR. Yashica Electro 35cc resume service. Printing, IBM policy is being done so 5076 after 4. 5-4-14 bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. Call 355-2954. C-3-4-10 bureau and fill out transportation Free 35 mm photography class Olympus PenFt. Conica 85-205 typing, binding. Printing from official policy reflects tbt|l Save on top quality handmade your plain paper originals. Corner forms or contact Jim Shaw or tonight at 7 in 209 Bessey Hall. zoom lens. Canon Pellix SLR. tices actually followed,in™ MEN, SINGLE room, close to bikes. 645-2127. C-5-4-11 LOST: BLACK toy M.A.C. and Grand River. Below Brian Black at the Volunteer Beginners and pros bring ca¬ Kodak pocket instamatic 60, also poodle, "Dom- tion to the need to co' campus, move in now, 351-5076 inque" April 1st, Sparrow Hospital Jones Bureau. meras! Kodak pocket Carousel 200 slide Stationery Shop, 9-5 the Buckley Act. after4_ 5-4-M AT OUR prices get that emer¬ projector. Movie cameras and area, 484-8273. 5-4-14 Monday - Friday. Call COPY- gency pair of glasses. OPTICAL GRAPH Due to Mother Nature, orienta¬ Do you like to cook? Good! The student record! I MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, projectors. Much more!! WILCOX SERVICES, 337-1666. We're looking for someone to cooking, close to MSU. Phone DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5-4-11 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East LOST: CAR keys between Mc¬ Donnell Hall and M.A.C. Avenue, C-4-30 tion and recruitment meeting for make a hot breakfast for an elderly White is sorting addition to disciplinary r«J inclinkf 351-8563 485-8836. 20-4-22 Michigan, Lansing. people interested in doing volun¬ or 485-4391. gentleman. If you think you can C-4-30 purple pink case trimmed in white. UNIGRAPHICS offers COM¬ teer work at Michgan School for grade records, duplicate ill ROOMS NEAR campus. RUMMAGE SALE, Okemos Phone Kim, 337-1327. 5-4-14 PLETE DISSERTATION and Re¬ the Blind has been rescheduled at help, contact Gary at the Volun¬ fication cards and studeull Men. teer Bureau. Parking. Cooking. Nice, refer¬ Community Church. Wednesday, sume Service. IBM typing, editing 6 p.m. Wednesday in 34 Union. MARSHALL MUSIC, Your music dress cards that are filled f ences. 5-4J4_ IV2-8932, or 332-6497. April 9, 9:30 to 3:30. Thursday April 10, 9 to 1. Sponsored by the headquarters for everything in music. Guitars, sheet music, [ Personal ][/ offset printing and binding. We encourage comparative shopping. All interested people to attend. encouraged College of Social Science stu¬ dents interested in registration. The records are kept ill Women's Society. 3-4-9 FREE. .A lesson in For estimate, stop in at 2843 East learning about OWN ROOM in co-ed house, one records, stereos, TV's and com¬ . complexion the Student Services Bldg., i plete accessories. care. Call 484-4519 East Grand River or phone 332-8414. Senior Lifesavers and WSIs are graduate program in labor and block from campus. Call 332-0052 WALNUT 4 drawer desk, $45, MARSHALL Michigan 5-4-11 industrial relations at MSU are the exception of some if MUSIC, East Lansing. C-1-4-8 or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE needed to run a volunteer swim 3-6 pm. 4-4-10 invited to attend a presentation portable typewriter, $20. Black NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS program at Michigan School for by linary records which arelfl chair and foot stool, $20. 655-3106 Cash for C-3-4-10 the Blind. If Dr. Michael Moore, associate di¬ White's office, TYPING, ALL kinds, lowest rates interested, come to a $75/MONTH, including utilities, after 6. E-5-4-11 in town. meeting at 6 rector, School of Labor and furnished, 334 Michigan Avenue, STAMPS & COINS FTT Help starving grad p.m. Wednesday in Industrial Relations, today at 4 Services Bldg. student on campus. 34 Union and find out across from Williams dorm. 694-0252. more. Nonnamaker has not ■ Call SCHWINN CONTINENTAL, like Buy - Sell -Trade B-1-4-8 p.m. in 310 Agriculture Hall. after 3, 332-5906. 3-4-9 full line of supplies decided whether or new. Deluxe fingertip shifters, We are experimental, environ¬ new Michelin VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN Come to the First East Coast revise the student n racing tires, new JUDITH CARMAN. Experienced mental, media - oriented perfor¬ OWN ROOM in very nished house in nicely fur¬ derailer, completely recondi¬ dissertation, theses, typist. Call mers, technicians, generalists and Student Mobilization for the policy for his office. The duplicate identify J Lansing. Prefer tioned! $95. St. Johns, 224-2025. now for this term. 393-4672. specialists open to new persons, Farmworkers in Washington D.C. female, not required though. 5-4-11 AM/FM PANASONIC stereo sys¬ 5-4-11 new ideas, new ways of entertain¬ on April 18 and 19. Contact the card file may be dropped 1 $49/month. Deposit. 487-9384. tem with 8 track. IF YOU have any questions about ing and communicating. Curious? UFW at Cristo Rey. file costs $2,500 a »«1 BACK PACKS Hallmark exodus, 2 years old, Viva la 3-4-9 Generic drugs please feel free Revolucion! New Zealand made, lightweight good condition, very reasonable, to EXPERIENCED TYPING, term Join us, Intermediary, at 7 p.m. maintain and White said* ask our pharmacist when phone after 6: 355-8672. 5-4-8 you are papers, theses, etc. Accurate Wednesday in the Union Tower used only once or twice'll separate sleeping bag compart¬ in the store. GULLIVER Room. Dr. John REWARD STATE service. 50b per page. 882-2083. Dyke, microbiologist Used mainly for ment, like new. Sears sewing GOLF CLUBS, MacGregor DRUG, 1105 East Grand River 5-4-11 at Sparrow Hospital will be the identi^ cabinet, Mediterranean style, $45. Tourney, shoes 10V4, excellent 0-1-4-8 Showcase Jazz guest speaker at the purposes, the file could W Gibson Guitar, 6 string, natural wants you! Microbiology condition. Call Ken, 339-3169. TYPING, EXPERIENCED? ~ Undergraduate Club meeting to¬ valuable if someone werel Fast Graphic artist, lights and stage $100 wood finish. 625-4484 evenings. and reasonable. 371-4635. and all that was known «| 3-4-9_ 34-9 Weight Reduction Program C-4-30 crew are starting production for night at 7 in 146 Giltner Hall. 10 Participants needed our show featuring the Sam Rivers the person was that he 4 FISHER H 4020 Receiver, 220X turntable. 2XP9C speakers, $789. 53 USED SEWING machines. $12.50/up. Zig-Zags, and straight for pilot program, ma¬ [ Wauled )§g trio. The meeting is at 6 on the Union tonight sunporch. Show¬ women Brown Bag Lunch especially for returning to school or was an MSU student. top*loading METTtER labora¬ Golf clubs, $60. All excellent stitchers, portables and cabinet terials furnished. Call case Jazz is part of Union Activi¬ career after a number of home- tory gram balancat (PS and condition. Prices negotiable. models. Singers, Whites, Ken- ties Board/Student Entertainment. making years is a lunch and K7 valued at $1500 each) Randy Gold, Judith Utilities to < it of parion(t) Need money. Dave, 351-2380/ mores. Many makes and models Taylor, 353-3798. discussion at noon Wednesday in 371-2953. to choose from. ELECTRO- 6 Student Services j>-4-9 Winged Spartans has resche¬ Bldg. Spon¬ GRAND, 804 East Michigan. BANDS, MUSICIANS, Acts duled its introductory meeting for sored by the Women's Resource HAMMOND ORGAN. M-2 model with 125 Leslie. Best offer over Hours Monday - Friday, 9-5 pm. Saturday 9-noon. Bankcard and needed for Open Air Concert, 16. If interested, call May 332-2238, tonight at 7:30 in 217 Bessey Hall. Instructors will be present and a Center. for rate hikej $550. 351-0236. 5-4-9 Crondmyor 332-0112 MasterCharge honored. 5-4-11 Rick. 5-4-11 short movie will be shown. Interested in Public Relations? By United Press Internal Attend a PRSSA meeting at 6 Three of Michigan's" tonight in the Union Oak Room. utilities, Detroit Edison 1 How to form your own We will plan PR work car pool American Youth Hostels. for the We sumers Power Co. andl^ need you helpl gan Bell Telephone Co J WANT ADS AID As a public sorvic* at no charge, th« State Newt will provide a free preparing to ask the fV classified advertisement for those people who would like to set up or Union Activities Board/Student Service Commission »'l| AUTHOR OF join a car pool. Entertainment is the students' alternative to boredom. Show¬ mission to add milli® dollars to their current case Jazz, 4 - Corners Coffee¬ Detroit Edison and w" "BARGAIN" Driving? . or Riding? _ house, Players Gallery are student produced, directed and created. ers Power indicated = From that they would seek BOOK Leaving Share your time, skill, and with the most open and energy dynamic gest rate hikes in their _ a.m. Returning group on campus. We are located It all adds up to Wl "Back Door Bargains" is a p.m. on the second floor of the news for consumers ** roundup of Kansas City area Phone Time? Union. average utilities bills factory outlets and sample shops, a paperback written The State News will not accept responsibility for MSU Cycling Club will meet at 7 creased by 25 per cento*™ conduct of participants. arrangements or p.m. Wednesday in 201 Men's past 12 months. by Susan Abramson. One 8 Intramural Bldg. The m of her aids in compiling Th» information requested below must be supplied in order for ad the topic will be Michigan Bell said only| to appear. spring race. All members it would seek more m0°eT information on these bar please attend. gains was her reading of the it obtained when the <1 Full Name newspaper Want Ads each Dr. Leonid I. Scleznev, pro allowed it to increase r»»J day for clues to her budget rektor from - $57.9 million earlier thulT Address Leningrad State Uni¬ quide. versity, will hold an informal All three companies sjjj| seminar for all interested faculty must increase their f City and students at 2:30 cover the costs of « S. Kedzie Hall. Dr. today in 324 _ ♦This coupon may be brought in or mailed to: Car Pool Classifieds Scleznev is building and expan"°°jj visiting the United States to learn grams, keep up with 347 Student Services Building. No phone calls accepted about planning and management and meet the higher P NO CHARGE of higher education programs guaranteed workers uno | contracts. n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 8,1975 11 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Briekman >DAY"S PROGRAMS ■Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services woo-frrdrt'e-xwn; I LlKEP TIAA£A6AIN~ IT mTEg J1 2WJBK TV D.trolf vVKZO 'V Kolomoioo . 6 WJIM-TV, (.anting 7 WXYZ-TV, Detroit . IU wax TV, Jackton 25 WtVI-TV, Saginaw 3 4 WW J-TV, Detroit 8 WOTV, Grand Rapids 9 CKLW-TV, Windsor 12 WJ«T-TV, Flint 13 WZZM-TV, ralomazoo 41 WUHQ-TV, Batll. Crmk 50 WKBO-TV, Detroit VA/H^N tu& \ 5 WNEM TV. Boy CHy 23 WKAE-TV, ton Lontlng AMERICAN (23) Special Of The Week 5:55 1:30 TAXPAYER (50) Underdog (41) Early News (2) Late Show 12:20 PM WA^TMB 6:00 (7) Religious Message J 5:45 AM (6) Almanac (2 3-4-5-6-7-8- (12) National Anthem ■The Life 12:30 " 6:00 10-12-13-25-41) News 2:00 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns (9) Bewitched (4-10) News in Second Chance (4) News (23) Interface 3:00 ' (5-8-10) How To Survive A (50) Star Trek (2) Operation Second Ch 6:05 6:30 3:30 (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (2) News 8i Weather , 6:15 (9) Dick Van Dyke Show (9) I Dream Of Jeannie 3:35 |e For Today (23) Food For Life (12) 6:30 Movie (2) Message For Today I). Presents (50) The Lucy Show (13) Beverly Hillbillies 6:20 12:55 B8P _ I (23) Assignment America And Country Alman " 6:25 (5-10) News 1:00 (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive MOVIES CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: 7:00 (2) Love Of Life (3-25) Guilding Light (2-4-7-8) News (3) What's My Line? by Larry Lewis (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives Appreciation Sal* (5) Ironside (5) "A Very Special Favor" Rock (6) Martha Dixon (6) Bewitched (7-12-1341) The Hudson, Leslie Caron. (1965) $10,000 (9) Beverly Hillbillies Father gets a handsome lawyer to Ml. Presents Pyramid (10) Call It Macaroni his daughter. JBobby Show (9-50) Movies (13) Truth Or Consequences romance Iperation Second Chai 1:25 (23) Solar Energy id Farm Report 4:30 (2) News (25) The F.B.I. (7) "A Flea In Her Ear" Rex | Show 1:30 (41) Country Place 6:45 Harrison, Rachel Roberts. (1968) (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour Married couple are headed for ig Edition (4-5-8-10) The Doctors 7:30 6:55 divorce because of (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (2) Truth Or Consequences m Kerr Show 2:00 misunderstandings. 7:00 (3) Candid Camera (2) Guilding Light (4-5-8-10) Bob Hope Presents ..ews (3-6-25) New Price Is Right Champions' Awards I Today Show (4-5-8-10) Another World (6) Wait Till Your Father Gets ■ America (7-13-41) General Hospital Home 8:30 It Big Top (12) Money Maze Id Racer (7) The Price Is Right (7-12-1341) "Guess Who's (23) Lilias, Yoga & You (9) Room 222 Sleeping In My Bed?" Barbara It Of '76 2:30 (13) To Tell The Truth 7:05 Eden, Dean Jones. Woman's (2) Search For Tomorrow (23) Championship Skating ex-husband brings his new family Boon Capers (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (41) Superstars Of Rock and dog on his annual summer SHORT RIBS | 7:30 (7-13-41) One Life To Live 8:00 Carnival . pon (12) Lucy (2-3-25) Gffltd Times TsBig Top (23) Human Relations & (6) Partridge Family 11:30 by Frank Hill 8:00 Motivation (7-12-1341) Happy Days (2-3-6-25) "The Jerusalem File" I Captain Kangaroo 3:00 io Schools (9) Human Journey Bruce Davison, Nicol Williamson. OH P£AR,J06H IS OUT JOVE, BOSTON CREAM •' (2) The Young And Restless (50) Dealer's Choice (1972) Story of the Six-Day of "TOWN AND I pont le Street (3-6-25) Tattletales 8:30 Arab-Israeli War. KNOW HOW ID SHOOT (America (4-10) Somerset (2-3-6-25) M*A*S*H A MUSKET (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (7-12-1341) Tuesday Movie Of 8:25 (50) "Breakthrough" David Brian, (7-13-41) The Money Maze The Week Frank Lovejoy. (1963) Group of sr Report (8) Mike Douglas (9) News 8:30 (12) General Hospital infantrymen go through early lations (23) Consumer Survival Kit Encore (23) Sesame Street training througn the big invasion. 8:45 (50) Mere Griffin Show 3:30 9:00 li 12:00 MIDNIGHT (2) Match Game'75 (2-3-6-25) Hawaii Five-0 9:00 (3) Joker's Wild (9) "Hud" Paul Newman, Patricia boker's Wild (4-5-8-10) 1975 Academy Awards Neal. (1963) Young man tarnishes (4) How To Survive A Marriage (9) News Nine Kiel 3 Clubhouse (5) The Flintstones everything and everyone he ■ntntion (23) Dialog (6) Guilding Light 9:30 lebrity Sweepstakes (7) Password (9) Excuse My French (9) Gomer Pyle 10:00 DOONESBURY (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (2-3-6-25) News Special (12) One Life To Live (7-12-1341) Marcus Welby, M.D. by Gary Trudeau (13) All My Children (9) Pallisers 9:15 (25) Gambit el (23) Evening News Kio Schools (41) Batman (50) Dinah! 9:27 (50) Banana Splits 10:30 4:00 (23) Assignment America us Message (2) Tattletales wj knouj.wm'w, 11:00 thanks, puke! i'd . 9:30 (3) Gambit SKY KIHG kbit (2-345-6-7-8-9- , m'reallsorm id ' love to stay on, but ling Accent (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes 10-12-13-25) News j ; see you 60- you've my twrk is done herl ■heel Of Fortune (5) Studio 5 (41) The Prrotectors been one heuuva *- it's time to be with (6) The Attic 11:30 administrator. mown'on! \ ■Valley Today (7) The Brady Bunch ALAN LEE / (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie f LaLanne (8) Gilligan's Island (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow , 9:55 (9) Petticoat Junction (7-12-1341) Wide World Of RESTAURANT Is Carol Duvall (10) New Zoo Revue SPECIAL _ 10:00 (12) Mere Griffin (50) Movie ■) Now You See It ITALIAN $2.35 ■) High Rollers (13) Mickey Mouse Club Is, Yoga & You (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 12:00 MIDNIGHT ■per Room ■oit Today (25) (41) (50) Yogi & Friends Daktari Three Stooges (9) Film Festival 1:00 AM £iz.apcte I 10:30 (7-12-13) News k 224 ABBOTT i ■ is Right 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas Show (50) Religious Message lLove Of Life 1) Hollywood Squares (3) Mere Griffin Show pit With Dennis Whole (4) George Pierrot Presents THE DROPOUTS (6) That Girf (7) 4:30 Movie TUESDAY'S by Post I Alegre (8) Partridge Family I Zoo Revue ■ For Women (Bonahue 11:00 Only (9) Andy Griffith (10) Mickey Mouse Club (13) I Love Lucy HIGHLIGHTS* I SURE lotSH lcoulqde AROUND TO See THOSE Atf CULTS SPRING UP Show (23) Villa Alegre AFTER I'M SONE... ■Young And Restless (25) Addams Family Tuesday April 8.1975 ■Jackpot (50) Little Rascals (ABC) Tuesday Movie Of The Week ■ Matthews Show 8:00 PM "Guest Who's Sleeping In My ■30 (CBS) Good Times Bed?" (R) Barbara Eden, Dean il Password All Stars EVENjNG (R) It's JJ.'s birthday and he is Jones. Woman's ex-husband pmune 1 Zoo Revue expecting a lot of expensive gifts brings havoc into her life when he 5:00 PM for his big surprise party, but he's 11:30 errives with his new (6-8) Ironside in for an even bigger surprise-and and dog on his ih For Tomorrow (9) Mickey Mouse Club annual summer so are his parents. visit flank Check (10) Truth Or Consequences |41) Split Second (13) That Girl (NBC) Adam 12 ■ntration (23) Making It Count 9:00 "Teamwork" (R) Officers Malloy ly Court (25) I Love Lucy and Reed become suspicious (CBS) Hawaii Five-0 (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. when the same witness shows up "The Two-Face Corpse" (R) A PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (50) The Flintstones at two different traffic accidents. gangland-style slaying investigation takes a bizarre turn 5:30 (4) Bowling For Dollars when the autopsy reals the victim by Bill Yates (ABC) Happy Days (9) Partridge Family had two physical identities. "Richie's Car" Richie buys a (10) Beverly Hillbillies souped-up car from Fonzie which turns out to even hotter than they 10:00 is My Line (12-13) News (CBS) News Special I A" My Children (23) Zoom imagined. It's stolen. Details Will Be Announced. P'ng Gourmet (25) Hogan's Heroes ^ Of Fortune 8:28 (50) Gilligan's Island (NBC) 1975 Academy Awards (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Narrator: Jack Presentation SONY Kelly. The 1975 Academy Awards. 8:30 (CBS) M*A*S*H (ABC) Marcus Welby M.D. "Public Secrets" (R) guest stars briaKt UD* y°u 0 (R) As officer of the day, v,bfon' Mark Miller, Logan Ramsey. Hawkeye directs the M*A*S*H cob°„,P| * UP fr0m' 0hd ,h* unit in a series of not-by-the-book Woman with a severe heart decisions which condition, finds out her husband acting has contracted a venereal disease. commanding officer Frank Burns much frustration. 4 GREAT STORES (NBC) Bob Hope Presents The Cavalcade Of Champions Awards Moses Gun. Tale of a THE STABLES Hope hosts the 1974 young man who is heavily in debt FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: 3511200 •Downtown«Lansing Mall Cavalcade of Sports Awards Now Appearing to a criminal money-lender. •Meridian Mall* West wood Mall presentation. by Bob Thaves Eddlo Harris NUTS FRANK* ERNEST I'M MOT ColHC GREETING CARD CO. TO tilVfc You THE RAISE, FOSHETT... Behold,you are beautiful, my love. • birthday SWT You* PATHETIC Your hair is like a flock of goats moving down •wedding APPEAL TOUCHED the slopes of fllfead. • sympathy ME So DfcEPLY X'M TftAMSFEtfRlMt You VO"COMDOL£MCES" h-s tha^ 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tues<%,AW( States paying with surplus fun Hey you! You better By DONALD E. MULLEN ture is going to dance this cough up some watch out or I may United Press International session, somebody's going to cut. more,