By BRUCE RAY WALKER them. The instructor will be encouraged, interesting his or her class was, how heavy advice that advised there certain State News Staff Writer but not required, to fill out the forms. the workload was and what kind of lecturer were legal A wetted finger held up in the Academic When the Educational Policies Com¬ problems with releasing public ratings of he or she was. These responses would then Council meeting Tuesday showed that the mittee (EPC) came out with its how an instructor teaches. report on be put together by the University and made The students made a final concession wind was blowing in favor of the students SIRS, it proposed that three levels of available to students. when they decided to leave it up to the fighting for access to Student Instructional evaluation of instructors be set up: At first, the students were Rating System (SIRS) forms. • Level one would rate an instructor supporting instructor whether he would hand out the clauses in the document guaranteeing level three forms to his students or not. A united SIRS And if the weather in the council does not according to his compliance to the Teaching students access to level one questions and access change before next Tuesday's meeting, it will probably overwhelmingly vote to grant Code of • Responsibility. Level two would consist of set of giving the individual colleges and depart¬ change from "requiring" instructors to hand out the level three forms to just "encourag a ments the option of providing students with I students limited access to the green-and- white University forms used to rate questions developed by the individual colleges and departments to help them responses to level two questionnaires. But when some members pointed out that ing" them to was said by Raymond to be a move to protect the group gathering and professors. make personnel decisions. publishing the ratings from possible legal ten for near future But access to the forms will be limited because students on the council compro¬ mised and asked for access to only one of • Level three would consist of a set of questions developed by the students to help other students better choose courses and problems could arise with this arrangement and that students could include any questions they wanted answered in level three, the students decided to drop amend¬ action from angry instructors. The council has another document before it about SIRS which does not contain three levels of ratings proposed. instructors. ments asking for levels one and two The compromise means that students will The level three questions would be provisions for student access. Most information. members have access to the data gathered from developed by the Elected Student Council, were saying that they would Brian Raymond, student representative questionnaires filled out by instructors and student members of EPC and Evaluation quickly dispose of that document Tuesday, from the College of Social Science, said that devised by students to help other students Services and would probably ask the pass the document with student access and select they also decided to stop asking for level send it on to the Academic Senate for courses that would more benefit student to rate an instructor on how one and two responses because of legal approval. omber evokes Thieu vow to hold post ICON, South Vietnam (AP) — Presi- Communist-led forces in a month. Armed Services Committee his recent on virtual exile, laughed at reports that he had government troops were killed and 28 and an unspecified number of sea trans¬ ■guyen Van Thieu vowed to hold onto To the south and east of Saigon, Viet trip to South Vietnam. If sufficient aid is met with the Khmer Rouge in Bangkok, 1 Tuesday after a lone South Viet- wounded and that 12 Viet Cong were killed. ports to evacuate refugees. Japan said it Cong and North Vietnamese forces con¬ received, the South Vietnamese will fight, neither confirming nor denying them. A number of nations and individuals were |t> air force plane bombed and rocket- tinued heavy shelling and he said. was extending $2.07 million as initial sapper attacks in Thai Foreign Minister Chartichai Choon- I palace. Opposition politicians inter- what appeared to be efforts to close the mounting efforts to help the two feuding emergency aid for refugees. Thieu and his family escaped unhurt haven said Lon Boret spent four hours Vietnamese camps, ranging from money K the attack as a warning to Thieu to circle around the jittery capital. when the pilot, identified as 1st Lt. Nguyen I his policies or leave office, Monday night "with a party of the other and supplies to a group of ex-soldiers In Australia and New Zealand, about 100 In Washington, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Thanh Trung, attacked the palace in an F5 side concerning peace talks." reported training in Australia and New reported training to go to South tn determined to continue leading this Frederick C. Weyand said South Vietnam men were jet fighter-bomber and flew off to an un¬ Sapper and shelling attacks in South Zealand. Vietnam and fight alongside the govern¬ By," declared Thieu, who is widely cannot survive without additional military known destination. But sources said two Vietnam hit military training installations South Korea decided to send South Id for the military debacle that has lost aid from the United States. He made the persons were killed and three wounded in 20 miles east of Saigon. Spokesmen said five Vietnam $4.1 million worth of relief supplies ment troops in hopes of helping reverse the ■fourths of South Vietnam to tide of the war. statement after reporting to the Senate the compound. Witnesses said windows were shattered in three floors of one wing of the palace. Israel may give up land Thieu made a broadcast calling the attack "an act of a group of people aimed at killing me with the intention to change this legal and constitutional regime." However, air force commander Lt. Gen. Tran Van Minh and several politicians termed it an indi¬ vidual act. Opposition politicians expressed fears it might result in further suppression of dissent in South Vietnam. Some said it to revive peace efforts might serve to encourage the Communist forces positioned around Saigon. By Associated Press The idea apparent W arose in the past few days. Last week £• In neighboring Cambodia, battles raged Israeli policymakers are considering vacating roughly half the Premier Yitzhak Rabin had said Israel's negotiating position had in the center of a key provincial town west Sinai Desert in a new territorial concession to Egypt in an attempt not changed as a result of Kissinger's failure. of Phnom Penh as Premier Long Boret to revive U.S. peace efforts, according to qualified sources. Kissinger called an end to his peace shuttle in March when Israel returned from a reported meeting with No Israeli official would comment for the record on the report declined to surrender Egyptian territory without a specific Khmer Rouge leaders and declared, "We Tuesday and officials in Jerusalem insisted the idea was only promise from Cairo to renounce war against the Jewish state. will never surrender." "theoretical." But the sources said the Israelis were thinking of Rabin and his team were known to balk at giving up the Gidi and Field reports said Khmer Rouge forces the withdrawal, which would be even deeper than that proposed Mitla passes in the Sinai Desert as well as the Abu Rudeis oil fields slammed more than 400 shells into during Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger's unsuccessful peace without gaining a public nonbelligerency pledge from Egypt in Kompong Speu 30 miles from Phnom Penh, shuttle last month and would run from north to south in the desert. exchange. killing an estimated 100 people. The reports They said it would hinge crucially In other Mideast developments: on Egypt's readiness to end said the insurgents attacked and burned a the state of war with Israel and would come only after Egypt •Israel announced it would ask that the mandate for maintaining a United Nations peace force in the Sinai peninsula between Israeli refugee village three miles northwest of proved its peaceful intentions with actions. Kompong Speu and that a number of A Foreign Ministry spokesman would say only that "the degree and Egyptian lines be extended for six months. Egypt reported of Israeli withdrawal depends on the Egyptian political input." last week that it would accept only a three-month extension of the villagers were killed or abducted. Long Boret, who left Cambodia eight One report from Washington said the State Dept. turned down mandate that expires April 24. days ago when President Lon Nol began his the idea because it had not been ratified by the Israeli cabinet. (continued on page 11) DNR opposes offshore oil hunt By JEFF MERRELL the state" on the company's proposal, officials that some of the oil formations that time," he said. State News Staff Writer according to Greene. have proven the most profitable on land Vance Orr, president of the Michigan Oil The Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) "What might happen afterwards (i.e., extend out into the lakes. Co. in Alma, said his company was not does not want to know if there are oil drilling) does not have a bearing on what we Still, representatives from various oil interested in the Seiscom-Delta survey for deposits under the Great Lakes. are doing," Greene emphasized. companies are cautious in their view of the their own purposes. But oil companies do. The DNR's Aker, however, said if situation. "Probably during my lifetime, we won't And at least one company is continuing to permission for exploration were granted, "I think we would buy the survey results, be drilling for oil and gas off the Michigan pump the DNR for permission to explore the oil companies would "get their foot in if the price was reasonable," said Ted shoreline," Orr said. the petroleum possibilities, though there is the door" and could put pressure on the Phister, of Shell Oil's legal department. "But far seismic as as exploration is even some doubt that they have to obtain DNR to drill. "But the additional expense of offshore concerned, I can't see what's wrong with that permission at all. And there is speculation by DNR work doesn't it," he added. some justify drilling at the present "If we don't know that oil is there, then there will be no pressure to drill for it," said Charles Harris, chief of resource manage¬ ment for the DNR. "It was felt by both the (Natural Resources) Commission and the director of the DNR that if we authorize a survey, that would put pressure on the state to drill if likely places for drilling are discovered," Harris said. But a DNR denial of an exploration ■rp,. ■ his SN photo/Daniel Shutt request by Seiscom-Delta, of Houston, Tex., raccoon frolics in the sun for the fourth day in a row has not stopped that company from continu¬ || .uesday- at the This sun marks only the fourth time in the past 10 years has shown for four consecutive ing its active interest in gaining permission. "If they did it without our permission we days in East Lansing. would have nothing to stop them," Harris said. "Nowhere do I know of any policy or any -nt control referendum statute that would pertain to this type of exploration," agreed Bob Aker, chief of the oil and gas section of the state geological survey division. Seated in Ann Arbor "Unless there was damage to fish, I doubt if we could stop them," he added. Palmer Greene, manager of marine By FRED NEWTON control, said the referendum did worse this marketing for Seiscom-Delta, said his State News Staff Writer time than last time and attributed the company is still interested in exploration. liiL» eo"tro1 referendum has been defeat to the low turnout of student voters. "As far as we're concerned, it's not a dead | " or the second time in Ann Arbor. "They all stayed home and watched Star issue," Greene said. erenc*um that called for compre- Kvp6rent Trek," he said. Seiscom-Delta conducts oil and gas controls, enforced by a five- Opposition to the referendum came from exploration for oi' companies with interests ■»'[■>.* ■ya2tol margin. was defeflted Monday by the Citizen's for Good Housing, a landlord in a certain area, and then sells the results. group, and from major party mayorial The company's exploration of the Great ■ts'naM^ ^ t*le ^nn Arbor Human candidates who were also running in the Lakes off the would involve shooting air bubbles bottomlands from boat and lenrfi, y g wit*1 tenant groups, the election. a land! 7Uld have « ceiling on There were many who were not opposed interpreting the vibrations into useful I tL? 11 necessary for landlords to to the concept of rent control, but felt that geological data. | ;ncre,ases justifiable to a pro- any rent control should be enacted by city Greene said enough oil companies "with Ist rl a town which has the officials rather than a hard-to-amend northern Michigan interests" have shown SN photo/Charlie Kidd Est rentS ln ^'c^'gan a"d the second referendum, according to the Michigan interest in the possibilities of exploration to Oil derricks off the Great Lakes shorelines? The deposits under the lakes has taken a little bit of the I Ski in the country. Daily. warrant continued pressure on the state for Dept. of Natural Resources "never," but punch out of its negative exclamation. I says I hi p and'!"' aofmember of the Ann Charles Ipcar, of the East Lansing one the recent pressure to allow exploration for oil backers of rent (continued on page 11) Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, Aw, I House committee OKs WASHINGTON (AP) - A congressional budget target of $368.2 billion, including a record $73.2 billion deficit, was approved On the other side, committee Chairman Brock Adams, D-Wash., contended that the true deficit in President Ford's $365.6 billion budget Meanwhile, the Senate tentatively a revenue targJ Budget Committeee v V°M to J figure of $298.9 billion, comM 7 •> Tuesday by a sharply divided House Budget Committee. estimate of $295 billion agreed upon by the Homo budget is some $67 billion, not the $58.6 billion he claims. e ~ Republicans and Democrats accused each other of using false Adams said he expects full House action on the budget target commit ■ The difference because the House figures during and after the committee session at which the target April 30. came personal income tax cuts enacted by Congress two panel nrwl V Jackson: reveals agreements budget figure was approved 13 to 10. Revenue figure accepted be extended into 1976 while the Senate 1 The final vote reversed a vote earlier in the day by which the The House committee's target of $368.2 billion includes $90 committee « will expire at the end of 1975 as the law now committee rejected the budget target, 13 to 11. billion for defense, $4 billion less than Ford's request, and $124 provides^ Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., said Tuesday he has The committee's action was the first step in Congress' effort to billion for welfare and other social and income security programs, The Senate committee will begin learned of set its own controls over the federal budget rather than working on th secret agreements between the United States and simply act $3.4 billion above Ford's request. aspects of the budget on Wednesday. e South Vietnam and called President Ford on the President's requests. on to make them public. Compares to request Jackson said in a Senate speech that he will call The House committee's $368.2 billion target with a $73.2 billion deficit for the fiscal year beginning July 1 compares to President administration officials before one of his subcommittees if the "documents embodying or reflecting these secret agreements" are not made available voluntarily. Ford's request of $355.6 billion with a $58.6 billion deficit. The $73.2 billion deficit is $13.2 billion more than Ford says he would accept. Senators press Administration Secretary of Defense James R. Schlesinger said Sunday he The committee vote was reversed and the target figure did not know in detail what commitments the United States had made to South Vietnam. But Schlesinger added that it would be correct to say that any commitments made to South approved when ranking Republican Reps. Barber B. Conable Jr. of New York and Elford A. Cederberg of Michigan switched their votes to yes. to increase Vietnam refugee q| Vietnam made Before that Republicans had voted solidly against it. were unilaterally by the executive branch. Conable said he and Cederberg switched their votes only so that WASHINGTON (AP) - Senators pressed the Ford Administra¬ more than 265,000 refugees and war victims. the budget figure could go to the full House. tion Tuesday to step up He said that as of April 7, new relief for Vietnam war refugees, whether Made it fare in the South or North. refugees registered South Vietnam government totaled 310,000. An «m1 Ruppert pleads insanity He contended the true deficit in the $368.2 billion federal Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., urged that the President had been evacuated by the U.S. additioJar ships and 40,000 on | spending target would be more than $80 billion and charged that if send a special envoy to Vietnam for diplomatic negotiations vessels. 91 the committee had rejected that "the Democrats would have made dealing with the safety of refugees in areas overrun by the North Parker said an estimated 750,000 refugees are still m, James Ruppert pleaded innocent by reason of insanity it a fare by simply cutting back the deficit." Vietnamese. He urged either approaches directly or through the coastal and river craft, private vehicles and on foot Tuesday to an indictment charging him with killing 11 Conable contended the $73.2 billion deficit is too low because United Nations to the Viet Cong. controlled by the South Vietnam government. members of his family during a corporate tax revenue is overestimated and public works spending 1 gathering at his mother's Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., advocated legislation waiving While Kennedy and Humphrey is underestimated. urged that relief e&oikl home in Hamilton, Ohio Easter Sunday. the ban in the 1974 foreign aid act barring assistance to North stepped and administered almost exclusively The indictment charged Ruppert with killing his mother, Vietnam. up Nations and international through [M Charity Ruppert, 65, another son, Leonard Ruppert, 42; Robert Miller, deputy asst. secretary of state for East Asian voluntary relief agencies, any relief effort would have to use both volunteer Parkwl agencies J Leonard's wife, Alma, 28, and their 17. eight children, aged 4 to Congress to affairs, told senators that the U.S. position on humanitarian aid in enemy-occupied areas of South Vietnam and Cambodia is among "a "existing infrastructure of the government of South VietnJ After the indictment was read, Judge Fred B. Cramer complex of problems" being studied by the National Security Council. asked Ruppert how he pleaded to the One of his lawyers, Joe Bressler, charges. replied: "Not guilty to all 11 indictments as it now stands. We would also like to enter jobless benefit Miller said the subject will be covered by President Ford in his foreign policy address to a joint session of Congress Thursday Shalom Center night. a plea of not guilty for reason of insanity." Miller and Daniel Parker, administrator of the Agency for By the Associated Press International Development, declined to elaborate further at a Congress began examining the jobless benefits system Tuesday as Ford Administration labor officials said the hearing on Indochina refugee problems before the Senate program is subcommittee on refugees headed by Kennedy. Investigation of IRS sought undergoing the most severe test of its 40-year history. The House Ways and Means Committee's newly formed Miller contended that the United States moved swiftly in the face of the deteriorating military situation to mobilize shipping unemployment compensation subcommittee opened a series of from the United States and other nations to move refugees, and to basic information-gathering sessions on the system. "With unemployment at 8.7 per cent and 8 million Americans arrange the transport of orphans from Vietnam. Allegations of corruption and improper activities in the He said the United States is now concentrating its refugee relief Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should be the outside investigation, says the head of the tax subject of an unemployed, we are facing the worst economic crisis since the depression of the 1930s," said Rep. James C. Corman, D-Calif., the efforts in areas "where we have access." A new drop-in, agency. Parker said information is sparse about the refugee situation in subcommittee chairman. Commissioner Donald C. Alexander said Monday that the by the North Vietnamese. study and areas overrun agency is conducting its own probe of accusations by some The subcommittee has scheduled seven fact through April 22 and then, Corman said, he intends to consider finding sessions When the North Vietnamese offensive began three weeks he said, the South Vietnamese government ago, rap, taxpayers of bribery and payoffs to IRS agents in the Middle already was caring for Atlantic region of the country. proposals to provide additional weeks of benefits for those who will exhaust benefits under existing law." coffee place Alexander said he favors strengthening the A $200 million feature of the recently enacted tax cut law investigative The Stale News is for the campus staff of the congressional Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation rather than tive agency. establishing a new investiga¬ provides an extra 13 weeks of federal unemployment compensation benefits for about 250,000 persons out of work in hard-core jobless areas, thus bringing new relief to those who have class day during Fall Fridays, during Sumr September. Subscrip Second class posta Velcome Week edition it published in Jewish| exhausted their existing full year of benefits. This feature is due to expire June 30, but President Ford has 345 Student Service New Community Petroleum production urged announced he will urge continuing it until the end of 1976. In other economic developments: Spring Term Hours 10 ■ Detroit will grind out cars and trucks in the next decade with a smaller work force, auto industry ffionday thru Friday An oil industry spokesman says it would take up to seven analysts believe. Located over Campus Bookstore years to establish a petroleum stockpile that would protect the United States against another The Big Four auto companies produced a record 12.6 million vehicles in 1973 and employed a record 1.05 million men and NMws/Editorial Classified Ads Display Advertisin across from ] embargo. Dr. James S. Cross, a vice president of the American women. Even if these companies return to 1973's record Business Office Berkey Hall Photographic production, employment in the next decade will not rise above . A social work student is Petroleum institute, urged Congress Monday to authorize 975,000, according to a dozen experts working for the auto on the premises Mon. 2-5. I production at the naval petroleum reserve at Elk Hills, Calif., companies, banks and the United Auto Workers. which he said could produce one billion barrels of oil. Car and truck sales at the Big Four are running now at an annual Cross said oil from the Elk Hills salt domes along the Gulf Coast. facility could be stored in rate of 8.6 million. Employment is 735,000 blue collar and white collar workers, down 30 per cent from 1973. BASIC OUTLINES Company spokesman YOUR PRIVATE TUTOR say 200,000 of the laid off workers will be recalled later this year, Summaries of but the remaining 115,000 jobs—75,000 blue collar and 40,000 readings and white collar—will not be refilled in the mportant concepts for selected courses near future. 291 orphans arrive in U.S. "Velveteen Rabbit" NAT SCI: all terms A chartered jetliner carrying 291 Vietnamese is available ATL: First term THE STABLES arrived at Travis Air Force Base in California orphans !H3Ul.l!ira,USTMOIS IS1I20! of the last of the major A total of 302 orphan airlifts. Tuesday in one orphans had boarded the flight in Vietnam. lat the MSU BOOKSTORE SOC: 201, 202, 203,211,212, MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE Those who did not come to the 213 FOR NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT presidio had been left at Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu to be treated for diarrhea, dehydration and pneumonia. Now in paperback! HUM: All terms NOW APPEARING "What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit on« MATH: 108, 109, 111, 112, 113 'Does it mean having things that buzz inside day. Inmates seek prison reform you and a stick-out handle?" "Real isn't how you ate made" said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to NOW AVAILABLE AT... A convict leader says he and other inmates took four you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just Tennessee State Prison counselors hostage so "another hot to play with, bat REALLY loves you, then you summer of killing" could be avoided. become Real." Dock Walker, 29, of "Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit. • GIBSONS • DISC SHOP Memphis spent more than seven hours negotiating with Corrections Commissioner "Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he Herman • CAMPUS BOOK STORES Yeatman and other prison officials was always truthful. "When Real you Monday before the don't mind being hurt." you are counselors and several inmate hostages were freed "Does it happen all at once, like • STUDENT BOOK STORES unharmed. Most of the prison's 2,400 inmates being remained wound up," he asked, "ox bit locked in their cells. by bit?" It doesn't happen all at once" said the Skin • PARAMOUNT NEWS Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully Soviets kept. Generally, by the can pay in advance time you are Real, most of loved off, and your eyes your hair has been HOBIES drop out and you get loose in the joints and vety shabby. But these A new study by the Central Intelligence Agency has things don't are matter at Real you can't be ugly, all, because except to once you people Super-dooper-bpUer-tlum- who don't understand." concluded that the Soviet Union, thanks to much prices of oil, gold and other things it exports, can higher 17 burgers -Spartan APRIL 7-12 pay in the years ahead for a much larger volume of west without imports from the THE VELVETEEN RABBIT GIVE-AWAY!! EDDIE HARRIS having to rely on credit. The study has been declassified and is available from the by Margery Williams Library of Congress. $1.50 Camelot Books published Get your "GIVE ■ AWAY" card! REDUCED CO/ER EARLY SHOWS by Avon It indicates that if the Soviets want something from this MON DAY-THURSDAY country badly enough, they will have no trouble paying for it s when you have purchased in the next five or six years. It's the S SPARTAN SPECIALS, HOBIES gives you one free I Year of the Rabbits! ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK The "Spartan Special" is a UN group seeks law sea power house sandwich you must taste to believe! CHICKEN WATERSHIP DOWN ALA KIEV $2.95 The United Nations conference on the law of the sea is BY Richard Adams approaching its midpoint with considerable movement FRIDAY toward a treaty but enough disagreement to endanger hopes for an oceanic constitution. both books now available in paperback FISH FRY. $2.25 Agreement has already been reached, in general terms, DINNERS INCLUDE FRENCH from FRIES & SALAD BAR on extending territorial seas from 3 to 12 miles, creating a Hobiels 200-mile economic zone of the seabed. But there are beyond the territorial limit and establishing an international agency to control development S 8 S the SANDWICH PEOPLE FOR INFORMATION CALL disagreements when it comes to the over-all consensus into livable translating w 421 E. Gd. River 31 351-1200 and enforceable terms. Across from Olin /" ' ligan ;an State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 9, 1975 3 Milliken against cutting primary Cunningham, LANSING (UPI) — Gov. Milliken said Tuesday he will oppose ind John Baird, any attempt to do away with Michigan's presidential primary. f shoot the rap- Democratic legislative leaders are split on the issue. fear Weils HaU Democratic leaders in some Southern states are trying to eliminate their presidential primaries in an apparent attempt to ]ay for an au4* blunt another presidential bid by Alabama Gov. George Wallace. A of about 50 similar proposal for Michigan is being considered by the House |e. The duo plan Elections Committee. But Milliken, a Republican and a prime innovator of setting up j it again next Michigan's presidential primary for the 1972 elections, told a group of reporters he will oppose any attempt to change the law this photo/Daniel SHutt year. "I think it deserves more than one try," he said. Wallace won Michigan's 1972 Democratic primary, capturing 51 per cent of the vote in his most impressive victory in a northern state even though the party echelon had endorsed other candidates. Senate Majority Leader William B. Fitzgerald, D-Detroit, said Tuesday he would vote in favor of eliminating the primary if such a proposal reaches the Senate floor. But House Speaker Bobby D. Crim, D-Davison, said he was "not particularly" in favor of the idea. "There's going to be a lot of debate on the damn thing," Crim said. "But it ranks about 100th on my priority list." State Democratic Chairman Morley Winograd Said the party leadership has not yet taken an official position on the issue, but ppropriation outlook tight for MSU plans to discuss it in depth at an April 29 meetfng in Detroit preceding the democrats' annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner. Winograd said the party leadership is now more interested in legalizing party registration in Michigan so that primaries will no longer be open to voters from both parties, as well as ■ JIM KEEGSTRA Subcommittee Chairman Bill would be made for the high ities for additional c first formal meeting University ments and independents. He said he expects a closed primary bill to be pursuade the two | News Staff Writer Huffman, D-Madison Heights, costs of petroleum products. a serious list of funds MSU officials held with the Senate houses to accept the resulting introduced in the legislature in the next two weeks. I senators took their said the maximum increase for Huffman cast a dim light on absolutely must have. subcommittee, which also in¬ Milliken also opposes that concept. ik Tuesday morn- ' MSU wages, salaries and sup- the chances for legislative Wharton warned that there cludes Lansing Democrat Earl ■ MSU's general fund plies which the state can afford approval of $364,000 for an are serious questions of MSU's Nelson and Plymouth Republi¬ |for the coming fiscal as compensation for the effects MSU law school or $128,000 for ability to continue some pro¬ can Carl Pursell, work on Open Thurs.& Fri. til 9:00pm painted a dismal of inflation may be just 3 to 4 a new dentistry school. In grams. MSU's roughly $100 million Bor University adminis- per cent of MSU's current better economic times, Huff¬ MSU is at a stage where it next-year budget has gone on budget. man said, he would support a may need to increase tuition or since last August—shortly after Ithree-member Senate The University's requested college of law. drop some activities, though the board of trustees approved liations Committee's budget, submitted last Septem¬ 'Til make a semicommit- those decisions will not be made this year's spending plans. liflUWO |ducation subcommittee ber, allowed a 12 per cent hike ment that if I'm here next year until there are clear indications First, the MSU money plan¬ I inflationary adjust¬ for salaries and an 11 per cent we should start a new law of how much money the legisla¬ ners gave their requests to ed funding changes for adjustment for supply price school, and it should be in ture will grant, Wharton said. Gov. Milliken's executive office ■programs with Presi- increases in the fiscal year Lansing," he said. "There is no question that analysts and debated the fig¬ Jarton and several vicfe beginning July 1. The subcommittee repeated¬ this is one of the worst years," ures with them. Its and budget spe- The subcommittee did say, ly asked the administrators to he said. At the end of January, however, that full allowance reduce their September prior¬ Though Tuesday was the Milliken presented the legisla¬ ture with his spending recom¬ mendations and revenue esti¬ innesota may OK disposal site mates for all of Michigan, balancing at $3.04 billion for the state general fund. Since then, MSU officials and money managers have steadily |r Reserve Mining if workable met with individual senators and S&iate Fiscal experts. Agency staff Within two to three weeks A state official was quoted* as saying: |EAPOLIS (UPI) — the Minneapolis Star today quoted from Tuesday's subcommittee s as saying Gov. Wendell Anderson will urge that "The court has held that the discharge of asbestos fibers into the hearing, the three senators will Ata agree to a taconite tailings disposal site at Lax Lake if lake is a possible health hazard to hundreds of thousands of people make their final dollar recom¬ 1 Mining Co. can prove that usihg the sfte is technically" in'northern Minnesota and getting Reserve out of the lake is the mendations to the full Senate governor's first concern. Appropriations Committee. ■report said that "contrasts sharply" with strategy "Reserve has already agreed to spend $242 million building an The committee will write an Tended by some of the governor's advisers and by on-land disposal facility at the Lax Lake-Milepost 7 site, and if the appropriations bill including all jnentalists who believe a half-dozen potential sites should company can show that its proposal is technically feasible — that it 15 Michigan public colleges and ■ evaluated. ■son was 1 the reported to believe that such strategy could add will adequately safeguard the public health and safety and the environment — the governor sees that as the fastest and most universities and turn it loose on the Senate floor with the •fww 01 iMfa- process of ending Reserve's discharge of tailing into workable solution." a.-pe.S'fyta. Sty* committee's blessing. ■perior. The governor is expected to make an announcement about the Reserve case this week and call for public hearings on the Lax The bill will, sooner or later, with more or less money in it, towd Lake site. BIRMINGHAM GROSSE POINTE GRAND RAPIDS EAST LANSING pass the Senate. The U.S. Supreme Court declined last week to set a two-year Unfortunately, the matter NORTHLAND DEARBORN ANN ARBOR DETROIT PONTIAC MALL [ensing offices deadline on Reserve dumping. The deadline was requested by doesn't end there. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Court cases against Reserve ' fiscal agency, subcommittee, have been going on for six years. The same full committee and floor debate Before the Supreme Court decision, the U.S. Eighth Circuit process will be repeated on the register voters Court of Appeals said that Reserve would have to stop its water House side of the Capitol. and air pollution, but set no firm deadline on when the company If the House and Senate pass ■ would have to switch to on-land disposal. That same court had the bill with different amend-' By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN earlier overturned a district court ruling which shut down the ments, a conference committee The plant. must iron out the disagree- |JG (UPI) — Michigan motorists will soon be able to I to vote when renewing their driver licenses. Rugby 125 6 vote Tuesday, the state Senate gave final legislative Shirt |1V> toregister Senatevoters Bill 16, which allows secretary of state branch or update their registration cards. Milliken, who called for approval of the bill in his State of Je message, was expected to sign it into law. fcgislation takes effect July 1 but supporters said it would retary of State Richard H. Austin until Oct. 1 to fully First the Beatles, then the it it. Brd Apol, director Rolling Stones, now Rugby of the secretary of state's elections shirts from England are the 1, said about 1.2 million motorists will be able to use the new ltion system. "in" thing. |ty to 95 per cent of those persons eligible to vote over a %ar span will be afforded Marty's has a wide selection the opportunity to register in our of Rugby shirts in both long & K" Apol said. short sleeves made of com¬ Jneasure • in was designed to eliminate much of the red tape registering to vote and encourage a fortable, cool fabric, with larger turnout at P on election day. bold, fright stripes in a ■ individuals are denied the right to vote because they are variety of eye-catching color combinations. |perly ■torn, a registered, said Sen. Patrick H. McCollough, prime sponsor of the bill. One reason for this is that l> of the population Perfect for changes addresses every year, he said. playing the field. Plough said it was "the most important political reform bill" See the newest in spring fashions Ijacted since passage of the state's new campaign finance at Marty's. Jaw last year. ■he first time in history we will recognize that voting is a lot a privilege," said McCollough, chairman of the Senate f8"ties and Election Committee. The Great Resurrection with Ar Hoax m as w admission [Begins: Friday April 11. NEW MUNN ICi ARENA SftlOAZ/Z MEN'S FASHION CLOTHING 6 p.m. at Hillel Tonight 7:30 p.m. 306 East Grand River East Lansing [information call: 332 -1916 Would you believe sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ Susan Ager Editor-in-chief WILLIAM Maureen Ben in son Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell ... Managing Editor Mik« Arnett City Editor Big John facfng biased trij Diaiw Silver Campus Editor Melissa Payton Opinion Page Editor Patrice Locke Wire Editor Steve Stain Sports Editor Dale Atkins Photo Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials are the opinions of the State "Ah wouldn't trust that feller," John association of be will succeed in News. Viewpoints, columns and letters TomOren Copy Chief Nixon "and his henchmen" are hated here aura Watergate, then per¬ — termination I Linda Sondel Ni^ht Editor Connally used to say about untrustworthy with an intensity unmatched elsewhere in haps conviction of former Nixon officials in political life is up to the jury ore personal opinions. characters, "any further than I could throw n l Mary Flood'. Staff Representative the District of Columbia will prove to be not all that a chimney by its smoke." the nation; and any fairminded observer would list this city at the very bottom of a non-automatic. has a rational far-fetched. At ulH purpose for shZ/1 Monday, a jury listened to former list of a thousand places where a trial should One antidote does exist to counter the down Connally; the accuser isTl Lyndon Johnson aide Jake Jacobson being be held in order to be fair. poison of Nixon association, which is why prosecution of criminal fraud EDITORIALS cross-examined by defense counsel Edward Serves 'em right, people say; a taste of Connally has a slim chance. His attorney, Connally's tragic Bennett Williams, and will form its impres¬ their own medicine; what did those Nixon the Clarence Darrow of this generation, dent association s Kennedy may balan«!l sion about whether to trust Jacobsen's men care about individual rights when they needs no instructions from the sidelines, antipathy to President NiXon. accusation that he bribed John Connally. were in the saddle? Thus, prosecutions but he would stand a better chance if he reputation may compete Ji Leaks from the special prosecutor's office with ti!i Trustees m for the past year have hinted at additional circumstantial evidence that would clinch soaked in prejudicial publicity before par¬ tisan juries are accepted as a kind of poetic justice, at a time when Our law courts could could counter the Nixon tape with the Zapruder film. John Connally has been the target of two miss-in-D.C. luster of a Drown,t dwell on the word chance. "Water,?i l the case. No such "smoking gun" has been use more justice and less poetry. different kinds of assassins. One took aim Whichever way the produced so far, however, and now we are Of course, this jury could upset the odds from the Texas school book depository on verdict ** Jacobsen has it made. Thanks totkJ to RHA po being told that the case boils down to which man accused. is to be believed — the accuser or the and find Connally innocent. If the charge dropping bribe paid to Jacobsen by the pro¬ secution is too galling; if the jurors are not Nov. 22, 1963, and drilled a back while he was accompanying President John F. Kennedy to his doom. Lee Harvey bullet into his prosecutor, Jacobsen is out of trouble, and has pleaded giving a bribe. If the jury hisJ guilt, j That is not strictly true. Put yourself in shown incontrovertible evidence to cor¬ Oswald nearly succeeded in assassinating that he bribed doe8il the jury box. You are not merely asked to roborate the central part of .the accuser's then-governor John Connally. false accuser Connally, and then no bribe seTA Sooner or later, MSU trustees The usual impervious manner of believe Jacobsen, a confessed perjurer who Whether' - «»| story; and if — above all — Ed Williams can or not a different kind of and Jacobsen has his will get the message. the trustees as a body will is testifying is order to escape prosecution separate John Connally from the guilt-by- - a character assassin, if such he long laugh. freedom Jf '' require for alleged felonies in Texas. You are also Unfortunately, later is upon us, a flood of opinion to goad them to asked to believe The Good Guys — the and the great lettuce debate flares action, and this is what we expect Watergate special prosecution force — who on because of the trustees' lacka¬ they'll get from residence hall have been hailed and sanctified over the daisical approach to one of the residents. past two years as avenging angels com¬ ripest issues on campus. bating the Forces of Evil. At least one trustee, Warren Now put yourself in the shoes of the The Residence Hall Assn. Huff, says his vote for a boycott is typical juror. You are a black and poor (RHA), impatient for some action, contingent upon a fair and com¬ Washingtonian, being asked to overcome will be natural prejudices in judging a rich and finalizing a referendum plete poll of student sentiment. white Texan. You do your best to set aside question this week to test on-cam- This, then, should be the answer ingrained animosities just as a Catholic pus student sentiment on a pro¬ to your problems, Mr. Huff. juror tries to do in an abortion case, or a posed boycott of Teamsters let¬ The referendum should Jewish juror in a case involving an Arab tuce. prove terrorist or a white juror in the case of a that MSU students do not want black man accused of raping a white After the board this University to be sidestepped the parcel to the woman. issue at its March degradation and maltreatment of But that is not easy to do, which is why meeting, for the whatever reason, RHA commend- migrants recruited to harvest the special prosecutor likes to try big cases ably picked up the ball. If all goes our food. " strictly within the District of Columbia. It is no coincidence that every Watergate case well, the board will have no excuse With the change of one vote, brought to trial in Washington, D.C., has at this month's meeting to shunt trustees can clear their con¬ resulted in a conviction, and the only the boycott aside once sciences and ours and institute a Watergate-related case tried before a non- again. It will have a firm Washington jury — irj New York — resulted sounding from the University-wide boycott of Team¬ in an acquittal. The prosecution's student body, in addition to 9,000 sters lettuce. "edge" here is so enormous as to be scandalous. student signatures submitted to In this recession-proof, political capital, them by the Student Only a unified student message the local media have devoted far more Boycott Committee. to the trustees onx the RHA attention to Watergate than anywhere else; referendum can breech the board's Indeed, thfe referendum route political differences. Students was never really necessary, with should send it to the board loud Iranian — those signatures already obtained. and clear. It is surprising that so far almost play a tragedy! nothing party. His appointment is assuri has appeared in the U.S. press about the 5. A nationalistic fervor si Airwaves latest accomplishment of the otherwise so country. Not only do the president J access stmerit arFtucsecond look It> that Ump of the teri» .again whei) the I welcomed back not with a red well publicized Shah of Iran. This is a dreadful - play and will have consequences for the people most tragic and f1| Nol — the man the Khmer near are influence there, is reported In Thailand, Cambodian to be read in the night for four hours "with a Rouge vowed to hang — has Vietnam. few days ago seemed to some to shrinking^ the signs the same wa/j There is just about no hope at all that victorious North Viet¬ Hjpnr— Consumers Co. backs rate hikes namese Communists and their J)ooLey's Viet Cong allies would be willing to negotiate with JACKSON (UPI) - The are no exception. be—if the company is to President Nguyen Van Thieu or regain that 1975 will be a better year board chairman of Consumers "But there i really its ability to finance future for Consumers Power Co. than any who represent his regime. Power Co. says the price of alternative." construction on the scale that The basic Viet Cong-North 1974. electricity and natural gas in Aymond said his company its management knows will be Vietnamese demand is that Michigan must continue to rise intends to apply to the state needed, Aymond said. Among them, he said, is "a Thieu must go before there can if the state expects to have Public Service new of the Commission awareness com¬ be any chance for talks. That adequate and reliable energy (PSC) in May for a further Though rate relief is a pany's financial problem" accomplished, there signs supplies in the future. "This will not be popular," increase in its electric rates. "must," Aymond said, there are several encouraging indications shown by the Public Service Commission. the Communist-led alliance in are TONITE Though he declined to say fact wants to negotiate — but A. H. Aymond told the com¬ how much the company would pany's annual stockholders seek, sources said it would 113 tickets for the Blue Oyster Cult/Status Quo concert at Metro Arena were meeting Tuesday. "Nobody exceed the $66 million granted recently stolen from Recordland. The stolen ticket numbers run from 113 to 250. likes to pay higher prices for in January. REWARD: A substantial reward will be Mugger® given to anyone providing any information resulting in anything and utility Detroit Edison and Michigan the recovery of the stolen tickets. Persons attempting admission to the concert Bell Telephone, which also with the stolen tickets will be prosecuted. If you have any information regarding the sale of the stolen tickets to the Blue received PSC approval earlier Oyster Cult show pleose contact Cycle signals this year to increase rates, Recordland - 484-7500. ___ announced during the weekend Paul Stanley Presents take they too intended to apply for 81 Night new turn BLUE OYSTER CULT rate increases soon. Aymond said that unless and Motorcyclists getting ready until earnings are restored to to take the bike out of winter wraps should be aware of new the levels authorized by the state Public Service Commis¬ plus Bob Seger hand signal laws. sion, Consumers and other Metro Arena Muqs IWf pnicE aII MiqlnT The new law says that for a utilities cannot attract the left turn, the arm must be capital necessary to build facili¬ Across from Lansing Mall 10 minutes from campus extended horizontally. For a ties needed in the years ahead. right turn, the arm must be extended upward. For a He said earnings per share on the company's common stock Monday April 14 8pm doWINSTAiRS decrease in speed or a stop, the were $1.34 last arm must be extended down¬ pared with $2.41 year as com¬ a year earlier. A11 seats ^5 advance ward. The old law required extend¬ The mon resulting return on com¬ equity, he said, was 4.8 per $6 day of show ing the arm horizontally for all cent as against 12.12 per cent THE ROAD three. actually authorized by the Pub¬ At Recordland (Lans ing & Meridian Mall) If a motorcycle is equipped lic Service Commission. with electronic signals, hand Discount Records- East signals don't have to be used. Earnings remain well below what they should be—and must Lansing It Soonds Incredible BUT EVELYN WOOD GRADUATES CAN READ THE EXORCIST IN 58 MINUTES At That Speed, The 403 Pages Come Across With More Impact Than The Movie. In Living Blood, You Might Say. You can do it, too. So far over 550,000 other people have done it. People who have different jobs, different IQs, different thing-the place to learn more about it is at a free speed interests, different educations have reading lesson. completed the course. Our graduates are people from all walks of This is the same course President life. These Kennedy had his Joint Chiefs of Staff take. people have all taken a course developed by The staff of President Nixon Evelyn Wood, a prominent completed this course in June 1970. The same cne educator. Practically all of them at least Senators and Congressmen have taken. William F. Christensen tripled their reading speed with equal or better comprehension. Most have increased it even more. Artistic Director Think for a moment what that means. All of Come to a Mini-Lesson and find them-even the slowest-now read out. It is free to you and you will leave with a better understanding of why it COMPANY OF 35 DANCERS an average novel in less than two hours. They read an entire issue of Time or works. One thing that might bother you about Newsweek in 35 minutes. They don't your reading speed is that skip or skim. They read every word. They someone might find out starring instructors at the Evelyn Wood how slow it is The use no machines. Tom Ruud, Victoria Morgan Instead, they let the material they're Reading Dynamics Free fast they read. And mark this well: reading determine how will let you keep Speed Reading lesson Bruce Caldwell, Cynthia Young they actually understand more, remember your secret. It's true we practice the first step to improved John Hiatt more, and enjoy more than when reading a a Mini-Lesson and we will increase they read slowly. That's right! They the results wiM remain your reading speed on the spot, but understand more. They remember more. your secret. Plan to attend a They enjoy more. You can do the same that it is possible to read free Mini-Lesson and learn 3-4-5 times faster, with program comparable comprehension. "Quintet" "Echoes of Autumn" "Irish Fantasy" "Filling Station" Music by Schubert, Saint-Saens -SCHEDULE OF FREE MINI-LESSONS- Virgil Thomson & Andrzej Panufnik Choreography by Lew Christensen Tom Ruud, Bill Evans SCHEDULE OF FREE MINI - LESSONS Jacques d'Amboise Tuesday, April 15 8:15 pm TONITE!! WED., APRIL 9 7:30 P.M. University Auditorium Tickets at the Union Ticket Office 8:15-4:30 weekdays THURS., APRIL 10 7:30 P.M. Public: $6.00 5.00 4.00 MSU students: $3.00 2.50 2.00 Call 355-6686 for special group prices. FRI., APRIL 11 7:30 P.M. This is the final subscription of the 1974-75 event AI Lecture-Concert Series season. UNIVERSITY INN 1100 TROWBRIDGE BP EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS (313) 347 ■ 45*7 351 ■ 5500 State News, East Lansing, Michigan I Wednesday, April 9, 1975 7 MSU PROF HELPING N lis Island restoration sought The Advent Iandraspratling relatives and ate their first "It seems foolish to let these The committee is asking that groups display aspects of their K News Staff Writer Kt likely that you were American meal. Since 1954, when the immi¬ historical buildings collapse or let vandals run the island down $1.5 million of 1976 budget go towards the restoration of the history, or a park. 201 Xrant between 1892 and gration facilities were shut while the bicentennial commis¬ island. People can make suggestions the ^sland with all its Jt if you were it is more down, historical richness has been left sion is wracking it's brains Appel said that the commit¬ to the National Park Service as Hy that your first stop to ruin. trying to find something to do," tee does not wish to tell anyone to what can be done with the Tjca was at Ellis Island. John J. , Appel said. exactly what to do with the island, Appel said. " The Advent 201 cassette deck was the first deck Js at the Ellis Island Appel, professor of Th? committee, a national island, but simply wishes to see manufactured to develop American high performance cassette Ktion complex that an thought and organization known as the something done. Appel pointed out that the /equipment applying innovations like the dolby system Kd 20 million immi- language, is part of a committee Restore Ellis Island Commit¬ "We just don't want to see it island's location already offers and chromium dioxide tape to cassettes, not ■were inspected upon seeking congressional funds to tee, is composed of teachers, continue to waste," he said. it a particular advantage. only does A-ival in America, had restore Ellis Island as one of writers and others who are it perform beautifully but it's Appel said that it could be design makes it possible ■money changed to the nation's bicentennial interested in immigration and turned into a museum or to get best recording results time after time. In addition "It is located where lots of , dollars, met their projects. ethnic history. library where racial and ethnic the 201 is a tremendously rugged machine. Designed to tourists already go," he said. "It is on the way by ferry boat to last for years of steady use. The 201 is simple to use, the Statue of Liberty." ingenious and capable of recording a disc so that you cant hear the difference. Definitly an excellent value The committee urges all and one of our favorites. people interested in seeing the island restored to contact their •Signal TNoise Ratio: 5416 congressmen. •Frequency Responsei55-14 5 KHZ "I doubt the government will •Wow & F kilter 0.15% do much unless they feel there is support for it," Appel said. HI-FI BUYS Disc Shop 1101 t. Grand Rivet. East Lansiiiy 337 1767 rjs| _ _ 4I10W SAGINAW. LANSING 323 E Gianit River 4M4589 BOB coming immigrants have their eyes checked arrival in America in the early 1900s at Ellis I part of the health inspection upon their Isfend, N.Y. FIND WHAT Radio Fee Refund YOU'VE BEEN Undergraduate students living on campus who do not Me! LOOKING wish to use the services provided by the Michigan State FOR! Network and its stations, WMSN, WBRS, WEAK, WMCD, CAl I WKME may receive a refund of their SI.00 radio fee by |Sr&7J^ CvASfTr If O going to room 8 Student Services Bldg. between 1 - 5 p.m. 335 8255 Mon. Apr. 7 thru Fri. Apr. 11. Please bring fee receipt and i - ' i • ID cards to obtain refund. I HANDCRAFTED CUSTOM JEWELRY EAST LANSING SILVER SMITH C0UP°n v\.09. PT LANSING'S ONLY CO OP FOR OPTICAL NEEDS MARK TRAMBLEY Talk about "BIG" deals' You Mon. & Thurs. get our triple-deck Big Shef, I - 8:30PM IS HAVING A Sale & Exhibition of over 200 pieces of our tender, regular trench tries ■ 351-5330 Tues., W«d., Frl. 0 regular golden-b(own (ranch 9 AM • 1 PM, 2 - 5 PM individually designed turquoise, agate and assorted and a regular sott drink A complete meal1 _ S«t.. 9 A.M. to Noon semi-precious stones. All work fully guaranteed! To be 0 fries, and a regular soft dr'-*-' EYE EXAMINATIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. held Sat. « Sun. Apr. 12 & 13 at210 Abbott Rd. HANG UP CO-OPTICAL SERVICES GALLERY. DR. J. R. NIXON, OPTOMETRIST Wow in Brookfield Plaza (whoUwh & swb-wholtsole prices!) ers^: Lube and Oil Change ,.h tf co«P°n 66 $3. Uptolqti.of major brand multl-fradaall • Complete chassis lubrica¬ tion & oil change * Helps % This is the BIG one: A BIG patty Our Banquet on a Bun! Two open-ll»me ensure longer wearing 0' ol ground beel, broiled over broiled beelburgers topped with f open tlames, served on a toasted parts & smooth, quiet per¬ T bun. with lettuce, tomato, sweet melted cheese, c formance • W onion, and melted cheese f cwiitttmiinc. ^ sauce and chopped lettuce. COUPON GOOD TIL APR. 15 #SN "^off»¥sE's" «eV>»,9ec RATED X BEAL FILA/C HELD OVER FRI. & SA1. 109 Anthony 8:00 p.m. KTft 355-3355 3 MORE DAYS SUM. C..r.d [ SKWtWKSOUWKMXW* * jean State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 9, 1975 9 Meaf/ess recipes fo By JAMIE CONROY about the importance of a good filling," she said. "But I wanted recipe sheet and others State News Staff Writer breakfast, the 40 prospective to learn to cook my own whispered to their friends. meals." Most people have no trouble cooks had a chance to taste the But everyone was all ears Craig Barack, sophomore, eating vegetarian foods, but a food that they would soon learn 238 Abbot Hall, said he came to when it came time to announce lot of people have a hard time to make. the classes to pick up some door prize winners. Cans of finding and preparing meatless Bearded young men, well- recipe tips. sandwich spread, soybean recipes. And when you cannot dressed housewives and frail- mixtures, protein mixtures and cook what you want to eat, you looking little old ladies shuffled Margaret Hayhoe thought other vegetarian concoctions that vegetarianism was just a get hungry. down the food line, paper plates went home with about 12 ■I So Evonne healthier way to live. Richards, a in hand, and picked up samples people and one person won a member of the Seventh-day of soy-oat waffles, granola, "My changeover was book which, as one class coor pro¬ Adventists' Church in East creamed chipped soyameat, gressive. I didn't wake up one dinator said, "will probably Lansing, decided four days of oatmeal raisin breakfast morning and say 'I think I'll be turn you against dorm food vegetarian cooking classes cookies, skillet cornbread and a vegetarian.' I wanted to learn forever." would keep more vegetarians hot blueberries. how to cook nutritiously," she Even though most people lost from getting hungry.' The "I think I'll have to have said. out on the door prizes, no one classes, which began Monday, some more of those cookies," seemed to mind. They could are sponsored by the Adven¬ one woman said. Hayhoe had her chance when always pick up free calorie- tists Forum, a campus religious She came back with more the class-coordinators did some counters on the way out. group. than just cookies. recipe demonstrations. Mimeo¬ The classes include short "I'm so glad they had these graphed recipe sheets were talks on vitamins, nutrition and samples. I've been interested in passed down the aisles while a balanced diets, slides demonstrater whipped up an and vegetarianism, but I was sort of movies and free samples of afraid to try anything. Those easy-to-make batch of soy-oat waffles. Some people intently vegetarian foods. A $2 registra¬ samples changed my mind," she tion fee is paid at the door and a said. watched the demonstrations, some followed along with the name card is filled out that will Some bad restaurant meat be used to pick door prize finalized Roberta Modert's winners at the end of the thoughts about changing to vegetarianism. The first arrivals wandered "After that, I couldn't in and looked around at the stomach meat. And being a three tables that were laid out vegetarian is cheaper. You can with vegetarian cookbooks, buy a cheese Whopper at canned goods and freshly made Burger King without the meat SN photo/Bob Kaye samples. Their glances lingered for 49 cents and it's just as ■tudents at a Seventh-day Adventists' vegetar- fast cookies, hot blueberries, creamed chipped mostly on the vege ; n cooking class sample oatmeal-raisin break- soyameat and skillet cornbread. samples. After hearing a short talk I' sets registration timetable Idents who will be returning to school this start on June 18. >r fall should start thinking about their The schedule of courses for fall term i | class schedules now. available to all students living in residence halls ...edule of courses for summer term and a May 16. All other students can pick up a copy of ration form can be picked up in 150 the schedule in 150 Administration F"" stration Bldg. The form should be May 19. ;d by April 30 to 150 Administration Bldg. The University will not be mailing any copies {dents who pre-enroll must register early of schedules to students this summer. ir classes on June 3 or 4. The change in the registration procedure is tular registration will take place according due to rising costs of mailing the booklets to students and the growing number of students | alphabetical schedule in the summer term lule book on June 16 and 17. Classes will who were not getting their < Iven Winders! lest money 1 can buy The Ten Pound Fiddle presents Ed Trickett singing traditional and contemporary folk songs playing guitar and hammered dulcimer Folk Legacy recording artist - Jhursday, April 10 at 8:30 p.m. AUDITIONS Union Grill *2.00 MUSICAL sponsored by th« MSU Folksong Society In cooperation with the Union Activities Board PROMISES, APRL20*230BWJENSON' Basketball Featuring 'Sheila^eyine, m APRIL 7 WED. 7:00 p.m. ★ STARTS FRIDAY! * IN THE REHEARSAL , HALL 4th FLOOR STUDENT UNION -- INFOR" "STAVISKY* This is THE classic among westerns portraying the saga of a Stagecoach one of the most rewarding films crossing the New Mexico Territory under Apache attack. The intermingling of I've seen this year. ^^—Nora Sayre, New York 7Vmes| eight very different livfs-the pure, the devious and the undetermined. Winner "Jean-Paul Belmondo is at his of the New York Film Critics' Best MSU Department of Theatre Presents best. Charles Boyer is effortlessly Director Award. elegant. It's a treat to watch him Starring John Wayne, Claire playing with Mr. Belmondo: They Trevor, John Carradine, Andy Devine, sftp seem to greet each other across the span of movie history." -Nort Sayrt, New York Times George Bancroft and Thomas Mitchell. (1939) 94 minutes black&whrte "STAVISKY with Jean-Raul Belmondo is an exquisite re¬ 2 SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:15 PM creation of the early thirties WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 milieu of political scandal and MSU FAIRCHILD THEATER prejudice." -Judith Crist, New York Magtun* Admission is $1.25 at the door ^SnJDENTS--$J.f(CENERAL-*waofKnK)NS{|Krcau|*J txwrTScerorf! "Resnais never makes a false move... creates the mood missed by 'The Great Gatsby.' The cast is splendid." - Newsweek Magarme or Directors' Choice Series Ticket. Tickets Available at MSUnio^MarshaUVCampbelTs, ,TONIGHT COMING NEXT MONDAY *nbonbaxottkxOKraj^ S: 15 PM JOHN FORD'S FILM ARENA THEATRE Gus Ganakas Tim Staudt Dennis Stolz Wilpur Brookover ALL SEATS RESERVED STAVISKY Burt Smith Phil Gannon Blanche Martin Ted Swift Bluegrass FAIRCHILD BOX Itarnng CHARLES BOYER luected by ALAIN RESNAIS Screenplay by JORGE SEMPRUN Ken Beachler Extension ; Amo Bpssone n Hough rl Nelson Service OFFICE 355-0148 teical Score Composed by STEPHEN SONDHEIM " * Album Avaiabte on RCARKorCs M* .rirP u:.^v Boh Green Mi,. . tWd byC1" : HIES] 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Viii,| Indians' CLEVELAND Robby stars in debut Perry, the first man out of the another run in the second ' Hendrick walked, stole second and retired Ed (UPI) - before Powell's 380-foot homer and scored on Powell's third hit final out. (W.l Frank Robinson admitted dugout to congratulate Robin¬ tied the game at 3-3 in the of the game. Ellis walked and Medich, who hasM cheerfully that his debut Tues¬ son despite their disagree¬ ments in the past, said, "Robbie •fourth. Brohamer singled home Powell three day as player-manager of the straight to the u The Indians chased Medich in to make the score 5-3. struck out two, Cleveland Indians was just took the pressure off us all." the sixth when George Rudy May replaced Medich Wflta tn« golf team my first year at MSU, place in the master class and Fred Miley, team captain, came bejabbers out of the basketball but I had some injuries (from the hockey season) and I also wanted with first place in the marksman class to away tradition. program and establish to make sure I graduated on time," he said. highlight the match for MSU. If the Athletic Gagnon has established himself as one of Michigan's top amateur Dept. got serious about roundball at MSU. John McClay of Detroit scored 1,177 points out of a possible public and media wouldn't have a basketball golfers. He has played in numerous tournaments, highlighted by a 1,200 to become the state champion. around anymore. program W high finish in last year's Michigan Open. Gerry Ouellette of Windsor, The Ont., outscored McClay with 1,189 points to win the to worry Michigan tournaments are over, though, and all Gagnon has could not reign as state match, but champion since he is not a Michigan LenBokunietfJJ about now is getting the snow off his golf course and (How about you7 Do resident. helping bring the Colgate hockey team back into contention in the you have any sports questions, ci— Mary Anderson, from the University of Michigan, took the criticisms or trivia? Just Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference. address them to the Sports Editor. ^ women's state championship 'with a 1,102 score. News, 345 Student Services Bldg., or bring them to the Hp* editorial offices.) ligan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 9, 1975 1 1 'apitol IsHINGTON STAR security system that probably would have prevented the 1971 bombing and other terror¬ gets venience for visitors to the Capitol, guards generally have new elaborate system is completely Visitors should look for a little lines of suspicious objects on a llNGTON - Four explosion is being installed. The ist acts which have beset this Capitol, most of whom will limited their security efforts to phased in, protection of the black eye in a wall at the end of video screen wired into the Iter a bomb ripped cost to country in recent years, is never know the extent to which inspecting briefcases and bar¬ building will become highly any well-traveled hallway. The scanner. section of the U.S. taxpayers: $4.3 million. designed to provide lots of they a The system, a reaction to the are under surveillance. ring tourists after certain sophisticated. camera, encased in metal, is The need for privacy ■ here, an elaborate security but little incon¬ Since the bombing of the hours. But by May 1, when the hidden behind the wall. evidently was a consideration On that date, 108 television Capitol officials last year in the $270,000 expense for the cameras in the Capitol and the began operating a second X-ray machines. five House and Senate office aspect of the security system — The final part of the surveil¬ vacate half of Sinai desert in effort to revive peace talks buildings will begin monitoring X-ray scanning devices similar lance network might even may certain hallways around the clock. Police, in a special to those in some airports at main entrances to the House thwart agent 007 if he tried to pierce security by hiding in an command center, will be able to and Senate buildings. air-conditioning duct or infiltra¬ tinued from page 1) tries but that shipment of Moroccan News Agency in •U.S. officials arrive in Cairo German foreign minister. Shortly after the impeach¬ Israeli cargo on other vessels push a button and obtain an ting through the Zlk miles of Kor Israeli government Rabat that France would not on April 15 to discuss new •The state radio in Tel Aviv will depend on Israeli "con¬ "instant replay," as though ment hearings last summer, heating and water tunnels Aid Egypt had given "a object to attending the Geneva financial aid to Egypt, an said Israel had to free 92 beneath the duct." they were watching a football police at the Raybum House Capitol. ■and unqualified under¬ peace conference on the Mid¬ Egyptian official said. Egypt Egyptian prisoners in exchange Office Building set up the first game. Capitol officials are reluctant golessels allow Israeli cargo in to pass through •Government sources Cairo reported Palestine Liber¬ in east at the proper time but did not think it was "absolutely also expects West Germany to for the bodies of Israeli soldiers X-ray machine which can detect to discuss details of the new provide $70 million loan killed in the 1973 war, despite Most of the have ation Organization chief Yasir a anything from paper clips to system, but it appears to offer ; Canal when it is necessary, especially at the during the visit Saturday of an agreement worked out in the been installed, but it takes a automatic pistols in a visitor's security similar to that at the n June. He said the Arafat met with Egyptian start." Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West 1974 disengagement pact. few minutes to spot them. briefcase. Guards look for out¬ White House. j was part of the President Anwar Sadat and reaffirmed their intent to work jement agreement ar- Jy Kissinger in January together to further the Arab I Egypt has publicly HERE'S WHERE THE cause. The two had split earlier I that Israeli ships will over disengagement talks un¬ led from the canal der the aegis of Kissinger. I of the state of war •French Foreign Minister ■between the two coun¬ Jean Sauvagnargues told the int control voted down ;inued from page 1) I Resource Center, said I surprised that Ann dates. Since nobody got a majority of the first-choice ballots voting SAVINGS ARE! ■voters defeated the officials will now go to the second-choice candidates to see jurious how those resi¬ tted it down considering who had the majority there. The third-place candidate is then dropped. | rents in Ann Arbor," The winner of the mayor's J), a local member of the race has not yet been decided. fd that his organization The Republican incumbent, ; to look into the James Stephenson, gathered Ity'of an East Lansing 49.9 per cent of the votes for |trol referendum, the first choice. Democrat jr next meeting we are Albert H. wheeler got 39.5 per | discuss, among other cent of the vote. HRP candidate ■ the possibility of a Carol Ernst got 10 per cent and J drive to get rent is out of the race. Km the ballot." I has never been a rent I referendum in East krbor voters also tried ■ifferent type of voting called preferential ■to elect a mayor. |r the system, which was id in Michigan 20 years I voters pick their first, ■and third choice candi- I .Jut ajp-froffj aril • iff r* ■ [he Salad Lover s IChicken Dinner EVERYDAY SPECIAL with this ad only. $|59 'Ull |/L0-FftT(9i reg.S1.99 MIUsnioFftT TUESDAY-always$1.59 three pieces of country fried chicken, warm roll, and all the salad you want! SAVE 20*- C FRESH COTTAGE 2Q POTATOES 1010 E. Grand River CHEESE 332-5580 "lefaHorn. A SAVE $|.20 W/ftD COUPON £? PURCHASE OF OWE Q-PACIt RTRE6. PRICE! r SW E70*W/RD COUP - TENDER - K.RUST BREAD W/lN-STORE COUP-MADE RfTE S/llf 30* W/IM-STORE COUPON- SAVE 204 REG., DRIP ELECTRIC PERK POTATO CHIPS 6$ 4 1 MAXWELL MOUSE SAve 404 VJ/IW- STORE 133Qi£.Ai/cH. store ohlv/1 89 COUP- SflLUTO FROZGU save m-i&oz. o n/v • PARTY PIZZA DARK RYE BREAO vKr SM6 2K- POTATO AjT\y "YOU SAVE "COUPON "YOU SAVE'COUPON DINNER ROLLS do*iSf SAVC ZO< FRESH EBERHftRD j j —— W/COUPON «PUR. OF ONE A Day Without A Crisis APPLE FRITTERS nr SAVE BREAD SAVE 8-Pflk ATREG.TRICE.. SAve 304 10.- JARLSBfRd ,, f\f\x it-07• err 70' KRUST •fusLi! pomes, res or t>irr l^'ng Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation SWISS CHEESE .f, TENDER SAVE 10$ * PRESM • ■ •• i 1.20 8-PAKPEPSL„594 i Call 371-5360 Ext. 274 ■plus dsposiT- 1801 West Main LeJon BAKED NAM W 1 (41s) limit*' pen coupon f*R * ( ^! ! iQ\] i/Mir i- Pen coupon W famil y / ) Bldg. These items availib/e in owr in store IV*/ Co 00 THftO SAr APRIL II COOO THRU SAT tv*iLi2 deli 8ffa*-hyehte 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April J Male dies -STOP SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY after club's initiation DE KALB, 111. (UPI) - An initiation rite for a Northern Illinois University social club that required drinking one half-gallon of liquor is being blamed, for the death of a • 23-year-old Detroit student. "I'm not completely sure it was an initiation rite," De Kalb County Coroner Paul Van Natta said. "But I'm pretty sure it was. There were a couple of other kids in the hospital from the stuff." De Kalb police Chief Joseph Maciejewski said Richard Go- wins drank the half-gallon mixture of gin, tequila and wine in one hour at an initiation party Saturday and was found unconscious later at the apart¬ ment where the party was held. He was pronounced dead Saturday night at a De Kalb hospital. De Kalb Chief Deputy Corb- ner Richard Miller said wit¬ nesses confirmed Gowins drank the mixture upon initiation into the Wine Psi Phi club, des¬ cribed as an unofficial club for black male and female students. Police said authorities would await a pathologist's report due next week before declaring an exact cause of death. The club is not affiliated with any Greek organizations listed with the university's student association. A spokesman from a local drug rescue group said drink¬ ing 30 ounces of 90-proof alcohol could be fatal. Gowins reportedly drank 64 ounces of 60-to-80 proof alcohol — twice the minimum fatal dose. The spokesman said persons consuming this much alcohol usually vomit or pass out before they reach the fatal stage. Death is considered rare unless the victim is unconscious for many hours or if trauma or infection complicates the case. NEJAC TV RENTALS BARNES 337 ■ 1010 FLORAL POTATOES s 77 MEUER WHITE ^ f . OF EAST LANSING Its. sve a beautiful way of saying "I lowe you.'" BREAD - 4/1°° LIQUID GREEN DISH DETERGENT We telegraph 32 fl «. bN (1 ,t.) 3SJI flowers worldwide PAIMOUVE 7? 215 ANN ST. ED 2-0871 THIS WEEK'S MEIJER 1 STOP SHOPPING Bring in this ad j GUIDE HAS AT LEAST 20* OFF LABEL for 10' off on a SI 2.95 WORTH OF COUPONS...GET GAV10RD FROZEN SHOESTRING "Hot Fudge YOUR FREE COPY j J P0TAT0ES18 Brownie Delight"] IN THE STORE! C0NTAD1NA BtSQUtCK FRESH TENDER TOMATO SAUCE The famous DQ Hot Fudge BAKING MIX ■ CALIF BROCCOLI Brownie Delight-made with • a big mound of freezer fresh Dairy Queen between two ■ J pecan fudge brownies- I S 6/99* smothered with whipped top- I 89* ping, drenched with rich, hot | 374/BUNCH fudge, and topped with a 02 wtCAN I oz wt. box | I SAVE S0< 2A with thlt coupon II rft o SAVE " J STAY FREE I Ico^ > VH. wlfh thl, 2 % % % $140°° "M -5 u DON'T GET •7 % 16 NAILED... %% io % ii out Collingwood li % %% 25 26 % lot G4MPUS HILL 47 % v4 h Stass"1 APARTMENTS i 30 31 Si just off grand river-okemos •Ss'X • ish,'urniture M«Jel Open Daily 3$ & 51 4 is 'ft ib w 351-8282 'bind Old World 0n,h# river Plaza •CENTRAL AIR COND. 349 3530 SWT JvW FREE BUS SERVICE. FREE BUSSERV|CL> FREE BUS SERVICE™ MO ! % Vi •M i tl MS |) LEASING CENTER OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 1- 6 PHONE 351-7212 ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES 731 BURCHAM DRIVE. EAST LANSING. A FEW BLOCKS EAST OFF ABBOTT RD 1 4 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April J Apartments JW Hoists ](£] For Sale_M\ For'Sale fcl ftrsiMl 1171 ONE GIRL, near MSU. Share EAST SIDE - roommate for spa¬ ROOMMATE WANTED, good PORTABLE GAS Kiln, carbide BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. FREE. .A lesson in complexion small, one bedroom, furnished cious 3 bedroom house, $54 plus . house, own room, $60 plus utili¬ shelves, pyrometer, 1 % years old, French built light weight touring care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan apartment. $67.50, 489-5922. utilities. 484-3742. 5-4-11 ties, 484-3155. 404 Allen Street, $350, call 332-0572. 4-4-11 bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE 5411 Lansing. 3-4-11 Save on top quality handmade NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. CAMPUS NEAR, 227 Bogue - fL'f immArfifttA immediate Room/boardk—«... occupancy, - term beautiful R00MS NEAR campus. SHERWOOD S9400 amplifier, 50 bikes. 645-2127. C-5-4-11 C-3-4-10 Announcement for It's What's large 2 bedroom furnished. Single Men. rmsin stereo. Excellent condition. people. Nexus Co-op. 351-0100. Parking. ACE BANDAGE 3 inch regular, Happening must be received in the girls or married couple only. $210. Cooking. Nice, refer- Warranty. $200. 351-9225. 3-4-10 AT OUR prices get that emer¬ State News office, 341 Student city-wide student 489-5922. 5-4-11 ences. 5-4-14 IV2-8932, or 332-6497. I gency pair of glasses. OPTICAL $2.65, this week $1.65. GULLIVER Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least teach-in are conf J* LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ SOUND CITY Electric piano, like DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, STATE DRUG, 1105 East Grand building two class days before publication. for the Houses |t£ ties to select, qualified tenants ROOM IN house, available im¬ new, slide controls, sustain pedal, Lansing. 372-7409. C-5411 River. 0-149 No announcements will be ac¬ May 17 MarcM FIVE GREAT Student Houses. 4-6 only At no cost to you. 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT Call mediately. $80 month plus utili¬ ties. needs amp, $475. 7415 337-0014. RUMMAGE SALE, Okemos cepted by phone. fn«T-in9a,8:30^ in 35 Union. bedrooms. Nicely furnished; fire¬ April rent paid. Phone place, parking. Very close. SELECTOR; 5-4-9 337-1041. 34-11 Community Church. Wednesday, How does aging and the prob¬ There will be LEAVING TOWN, must sell dou¬ April 9, 9:30 to 3:30. Thursday lems of the elderly affect you? for a Student pj $440-$500, plus utilities. June LEASE WITH option to buy. New Exceptional June leases. 372-6853. 0-4-30 - ranch house in country. ONE ROOM in nice house, rent ble bed and assorted furniture. April 10,9 to 1. Sponsored by the Get first hand knowledge and at 8 tonight in Chil<£T% Campus negotiable, call 482-1931. 149 Call 337-1098. 24-9 Women's Society. 349 experience. Come by the Volun¬ C216 W^l WOMEN. OWN rooms. Fur¬ 10 minutes. $300/month, and summer. Call EvaQ Harrison, spring RENT FREE in exchange for lunch WALNUT 4 drawer desk, teer Bureau and we will tell you Plans for night will be Excepfflft* nished house. Available 6-15 to 332-1946 HEAD SKIS, 210cm, $60, Buckle $45, how to get involved. discussed. or PROGRESSIVE time and after school boots, size 12, $10, Noerdlinger, portable typewriter, $20. Black RHA meets at 6 9-15 or longer. 332-5491. 3-4-11 REALTY, 372-5512. 5-4-9 babysitting. BANDS, MUSICIANS, Acts 30 toni*i Call Linda, 351-6665 or 332-8661. 353-8661. 34-10 chair and foot stool, $20. 655-3106 needed for Open Air Concert, May Wilson Hall. All Reb Zalman Schachter, from interests 3411 after 6. E-&411 16. If interested, call 332-2238, are invited to EAST LANSING, room in house, ELEGANT DUPLEX. 5 minutes to Winnipeg, will be Shabbaton attend. ™ furnished, carpeted, $55, THE ALOHA Rici 54-11 guest at Hillel this weekend. For Persons must see campus - 3 large bedrooms, house, 351-1496. 3-4-11 kitchen with all TWp BLOCKS to campus, CLOSING SALE SCHWINN CONTINENTAL, like more infbrmation on the Shabba¬ fall term wishing t0 w appliances, family " Kitchen, washer/dryer, parking, Deluxe fingertip shifters, '75 at Information Center HubbwB new. EXPERIENCED COUNTRY Rock room, 1% baths, 20-30% off ton, contact Hillel. are H redwood1 fWI' deck OWN ROOM, $75 or and patio, single or double. 332-2591. 3411 r. new Michelin racing tires, new drummer looking for established less/month, Haslett-Hagadorn area, unfur¬ professional decora¬ ting, garage and large yard. $305 $ merchandise and derailer, completely Recondi¬ band and immediate employment. Volunteers interested in a var¬ attend a brief orientationtj nished, carpeted. 3-4-11 351-7843. per month - call Tom Brooks, ^3777 or 694-2167 5-4-9 AVAILABLE NOW near - quiet, Union. $17/week, references ........ 255 Ann fixtures 351-1911 tioned I $95. St. Johns, 224-2025. 5411 Evenings, 3534786. 2410 iety of hospital volunteer exper- - Library"1 ThursdaV ^ W®1 variety of hospital volunteer exper¬ deposit. 663-8418. 349 BACK PACKS Hallmark exodus. Weight Redaction Program iences at Lansing General Hospital International gainst Racism will Committee I NORTH, 2 bedroom house, appli¬ PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house GIRL'S BICYCLE, $25. Guy's New Zealand made, lightweight 10 should call Steve Anderson or tonight in 37 Union to n| meet»1 ances included, garden space, available immediately. Nicely SUMMER SINGLES or Doubles. bicycle, $25. Good condition. separate sleeping bag compart¬ Participants needed apply at 27 Student Services Bldg. „3 furnished, parking. Students wel¬ Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, Can buy separately. 355-5842. for pilot program, ma¬ demonstration at the MSUiL conveniently located, call 482- ment, like new. Sears sewing for openings on the nursing, of trustees 7251. 3-4-11 come. 5 minute drive. $150/ TV, lounge, parking, very close. 3410 terials furnished. Call medical or pediatric meeting and month. 372-6853. 04-30 $65/and up. 337-9452. 0-4-30 cabinet, Mediterranean style, $45. floors. the Boston summer Gibson Guitar, 6 string, natural Randy Gold, Judith project! SEWING MACHINE Clearance NEEDED MALE roommate, share three bedroom furnished house. MALE ROOMMATE wanted, 4 SAVE MONEY. Share room til Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, wood finish. 625-4484 evenings. Taylor, 353-3798. The Socialist Labor party club will meet to discuss chapters 4, 5 Israel Aliyah Shaliach Shapira will be at Hillel at 1 J $67 plus 1/3 utilities. bedroom house. 231 North mid-June. One block from $5 per month. Large selection of 3-4-9_ 487-9328. JAN, MARK in Cambridge wants and 6 of Marx's "Value, Price and Thursday to meet with anJ 5-4-15 Hayfprd Street,482-3234. 5411 campus. Utilities paid. $45/month reconditioned used machines. FISHER #4020 Receiver, 220X to stay in touch to someday return Profit" at 7 p.m. on Thursday in 37 with short or long term Israel J EAST 332-2411. 349 Singers, Whites. Necchi's, New turntable. 2XP9C speakers, $789. in mind. ^ LANSING - 3 bedroom your visit. Lewis, 489 Green Union. SIX BEDROOM house Home and "many others." $19.95 Golf clubs, $60. All excellent starting house, fireplace, large yard. Street, Cambridge, 02139. 541E June, furnished, 562 Virginia, call 351-6758. Close MSU. 5-4-15 337-2095. 549 1376 Snvder Road. L ForJaie_ ® to $39.95. Terms* DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 EDWARDS condition. Need money. Prices negotiable. Dave, 351-2380/ BOARD EXAM TUTORING Women's studies colloquium: Chess Club meets night in C 101 Holmes Hall, at n 1 MID-MICHl(jAN'S Largest audio North Washington, 489-6448. 371f953. M-9 STANLEY H. KAPLAN "Society's Imposition of Identity on Women and Blacks, Based on f GIRLS-HUGE 5 bedroom house. GIRL TO share house with 2 retailer with the finest in stereo C-3410 TUTORING COURSES Lesbian HAMMOND ORGAN. M-2 model Richard Wright's writings." counseling by ea_ $250/month. 121 East Barnes. others. products and electronic repairs. enced counselors is No lease. 349-4848. 3-4-11 484-3195. 549 $70 plus utilities. Shop the store with straight stereo 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. with 125 Leslie. Best offer over Now being formed for the up¬ Thursday at 8:30 p.m. in 38 and 39 5 to 7 p.m. every available! answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, Tanks, cannisters and uprights. $550. 351-0236. 54-9 coming MCAT, ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For DAT, LSAT, Union. 547 54 E. Grand WednesdJ A genuine life has its roots in River Ave. TWO BEDROOM house. $150 HASLETT 1 bedroom, partially 245 Ann Street. C-149 Guaranteed one full year. $7.88 - information call 1 -313-354-0085. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING God and cannot be destroyed. plus utilities. At 915 Shepard. 10 furnished. $165 plus utilities. minutes campus. 371-2178 till 4 RALEIGH GRAND Prix 26". COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, Got something to 0-1-49 Jesus said "I know where I have The second meeting for -1 339-2058. 549 panding Lesbian Culture" w)l Excellent condition, % year old. Opposite City Market. C-3410 sell for $50 or less?? come from and where I am 3-4-11 p.m. 2 GIRLS NEEDED for deluxe HASLETT 2 bedroom, carpeting, - $110. Moving, must sell. Andy, 351-1755. 5415 NEW DUAL 1225 turntable with [p—tsPrsmlflBl going." His resurrection gave Him final authority. Study this life at held at 7:30 p.m. 5471/i E. Grand River Ave. Thursday! f i stove, and refrigerator. Near try THE LADIES of lesbians welcome. $50 Empire cartridge. Sigma Kappa are 7:30 tonight at 131 Bogue St., the faculty home. Summer & fall. shopping center, $176 plus utilities $115. Own rooms, close to campus. GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of 9. 104-10 pleased to announce the initiation Way Station. 339-2058. 549 Ant Farm on the Road. Do $80/month. 332-6918 after 6. all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. EconoLinos! of Claudia, Suzie, Ellen, Mydatand Transcendental Meditation in¬ J miss this opportunity to 3-4-11 ROOM FOR male in large house, BEST year 'round price in South¬ TAKUMAR 17mm Sue-April 6, 1975. Congratula¬ troductory lecture at 7:30 p.m. expi* Fish-eye lens. tions and welcomel 1-4-9 slide and color video presentat available immediately, $40. Fair- ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN Mamiya 500TL S.L.R. Topcon tonight in 30 Union. Presented by —12 word ad by young progressive 0.. GOOD LOCATION. Five bedroom vieyv Street, 485-5354. 3411 SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. Unirex SLR. Yashica Electro 35cc the Students' International Medi¬ house for summer and/or fall. Modern kitchen. Furnished, car¬ NEW COMMUNITY Co-op. Two 371-2244. 0-149 Olympus PenFt. Conica 85-205 zoom lens. Canon Pellix SLR. — 5 days insertion [ Real Estate \\f&\ tation Society. Unusual educational opportuni¬ designers at 8 p.m. Monday! B108 Wells Hall. " openings, spring. SANSUI 4 channel receiver QRX- Kodak pocket instamatic 60, also OKEMOS - HIAWATHA Park. By peted^ 332-6889._ 5-4-15 $270/term. ties abound as tutor aides in an $3.00! Anyone interested in wi. - 351-3820, let it ring. B-149 5500, 25 watts/channel, wood Kodak pocket Carousel 200 slide owner, 2000 square feet. Rach on adult literacy program. For a DUPLEX TO sublease for summer. cabinet, many extras. 355-1589. projector. Movie cameras and 3/4 acre, 3-4 bedroom, 2 Vt baths, chance to work in this setting- towards humane treatment a| Near busline, $360/month, utili¬ PARK 3411 2 fireplaces. Selling at appraised respect for all animals ar LAKE, 1 bedroom with projectors. Much morel I WILCOX read the request book at the ties, unfurnished. 351-0016. appliances, on 5 acres, $150/ SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East (no cancellations) value. 3494268, for appointment. to attend MSU-Student for 5-4-14 Volunteer Bureau. mal Rights second organizat month. $100 security deposit. SOUND SALE, Walnut Advents Michigan, Lansing. Call State News 1049 485-4391. Brown Bag Lunch especially for 36^7233 £fter_5._5415 $160, Pioneer quad pre-amp $170, C430 Classified EconoLines meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday in"9 NEED TWO women for 3 bed¬ Sony full logic SO $60, 353-T332. FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedroom women returning to school or S. Kedzie Hall. DUPLEX FOR rent-3 bedrooms 355-8255 ranch, 2 fireplaces, family room, career after a number of hom7E. Grand •Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive start at the ad at no cost to you! For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Austin, County Horticulture a®1! EAST LANSING Grand River or phone 332-8414. basics of vegetable gardening »| Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting •Each unit has dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air throughout. -FURNISHED APARTMENTS STATE BANK 5-4-11 pw»in ||g 7:30 p.m., April 23 in 206 ol conditioning and heating. •2 MAN UNITS C430 EXPERIENCED TYPING, IBM FROM EAST ture Bldg. A discussion year's activities will follow. j •Utilities paid except electric. •ONE BEDROOM UNITS Lansing to Pontiac . LOST: CAR keys between Mc¬ Selectric, theses, term papers, Leaving 7am, returning 6:30pm •Gas heat •Heated dooI and private balconies ■AIR CONDITIONING -SWIMMING POOL Donnell Hall and M.A.C. Avenue, resumes, etc. University Village Monday-Friday. 351-3199. 3-4-1 j Hokka Society meets FrWay 9:30 p.m. in West Holmes Jl purple pink case trimmed in white. 355-5862. 6-4-16 lower lounge. Hari Seldon» Two Bedroom Units Start At: ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL RATES Phone Kim, 337-1327. 5-4-14 LOST: MONEY in envelope JUDITH CARMAN. dissertation, theses, typist. Call Experienced [Share Driving]^.; for an appearance, first spea on firm foundations for the for rental Demonstration Hall, Hubbard Hall, FROM LANSING ~to Grand $53.75/mo. per man—Summer now for this term. 393-4672. Rapids. Leaving 6:45 Senior lifesavers and Wi Campus Hill area. Rewardl Please am, return- 5-4-11 $72.50/mo. information needed to run a volunteer w per man—Fall $65.00/mo. par man—Special 12 mo. rate. call 349-1956. 34-10 £0.5 pm. 351 8289 after 5 pm. program at Michigan School Call 351-7166 351-8631 LOST: KENTUCKY Derby tickets. Friday, April 4,1975. East Lansing TYPING, EXPERIENCED. and reasonable. 371-4635. C430 Fast FROM NEAR Lansing Mall to Campus. Leaving 7:30am, return¬ the Blind. If interested meeting at 6 tonight in 34 corneal Uiw1! State Bank. Phone 353-3922. ing 5pm. 353-5490, 8-5 ask managed by 1135 Michigan Ave. Right next to the 4411 Joan. 3-4-11 for We are experimental, envji^l All State Management Ca., Inc. L Lansing, Mi. Brady Complex i i mental, media-oriented ers open to new pen° ■ persons, ■ FOUND: ON GRAND RIVER, FROM DURAND TO MSLL ~Leav- TWO WOMEN want to rent two ideas, Can coll lob Had or Tame* 151-Mil Friday, April 4th, Keycase with bedroom house or flat beginning £9 j??™- returning time flexible. new ways and communicating of enterta»JH Cur~ul keys. 332-5555. c-3410 fall. 355-3850, 363-3644. 6-4-15 2884101 or 288-2023 after Join us, Intermediary, at 7 tong ■ 7pm. in the Union Tower Room n State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 9, 1975 1 5 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman &JT X £AN 0\\J& YoiJ A THodSANP IVoH'T WHY IT WON'T WHAT 12:55 (4) (5-8-10) News Masquerade Party R?f2p (5) Dragnet 1:00 PM 1:00 (6) Feature (9) "Back Street" Susan HAS IN (2) Love Of Life (7) Name That Tune Hayward, John Gavin. (1961) (3-25) Guiding Light (8) Let's Make A Deal Woman has an affair with a MINP... (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (9) News married man. 6:05 (6) Martha Dixon (13) To Tell The Truth (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 (23) Behind The Lines (50) "The Enchanted Cottage" Ion News 6:15 Pyramid (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young. 5f?icK>iAiO (9-50) Movies 8:00 (1945) Two people are thrown w For Todiy 18, Home Show (23) Solar Energy (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando & Dawn together by mutual unhappiness. T 6:20 1:25 (4 5-8-10) Little House On The (2) News Prairie Ln& Country Almanac 6:25 1:30 (7-12-13-41) That's My Mama 4:00 lege (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (9) Themed Evening Spain (23) Theatre In America (5) "Take Her, She's Mine" James CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: 6:30 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors Stewart, Sandra Dee. (1963) Two Sunrise Semester (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown teen-aged daughters keep their by Larry Lewis (23) Interface (50) Dealer's Choice for Women Only father on his toes. Appreciation Sale 2:00 Boom (2) The Guiding Light 8:30 ■ M. Presents (7-12-13-41) Wednesday Movie Of 1 Bobby Show (3-6-25) New Price Is Right The Week (4-5-8-10) Another World (50) Merv Griffin lation Second Chinc« (7-13-41) General Hospital Cs& Farm Report (12) Money Maze 9:00 fcShow (2-3-6-25) Cannon 6:45 (23) Ulias, Yoga & You (4-5-8-10) Movin' On 2:30 10:00 8:30 ling ' Edition (2) Search For Tomorrow 6:55 (2-3-6-25) Manhunter (7-12-13-41) "Story Of Pretty (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (4-5-8-10) Lucas Tanner Boy Floyd" Martin Sheen, Kim m Kerr Show 7:00 (7-13-41) One Life To Live (7-12 13-41) Baretta Darby. Farm boy leaves his ews (12) Lucy (23) News family and becomes involved in a (23) Human Relations & (50) Dinah! life of crime. ■) Today Show Tfl America 10:30 3:00 fs Big Top (2) Young 8i Restless bd Racer 11:30 (3-6-25) Tattletales (9) Ceilidh fit Of '76 (4-10) Somerset (2-3-6-25) "The Traveling 7:05 (23) Perspectives In Black Executioner" (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father Stacy Keach, oon Capers 11:00 Mariana Hill. (1970) Tale of a (7-13-41) The Money Maze (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- 7:30 man who makes a grisly living by (8) Mike Douglas 10 12-13-25) News SHORT RIBS in Carnival executing people. (12) General Hospital (41) The Protectors lo's Big Top (23) Sesame Street by Frank Hill [ 8:00 3:30 11:30 (50) "The Fallen Sparrow" (2-3-6-25) The Late Movie Maureen O'Hara, John Garfield. P> Captain Kangaroo (2) Match Game (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show io Schools (1943) Survivor of a Spanish Street (3) Joker's Wild (7-12-13-41) Wide World Of ne Brigade returns to America to I America (4) How To Survive A Marriage Entertainment tangle with Nazi spies. I (5) Gilligan's Island (50) Movie " Rogers' Neighborhood (6) Guiding Light 8:25 12:00 MIDNIGHT (7) Password (9) Film Festival (9) Gomer Pyle 12:00 MIDNIGHT 1:00 AM (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (9) "Bullet In The Flesh" Rod (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (12) One Life To Live (7-12-13) News Cameron, Dan Harrison. (1963) Lumber king persecutes an Indian (13) All My Children (50) Religious Message (25) Gambit tribe to gain ownership of their 9:00 1:30 sacred woods. ■ joker's Wild (41) Batman (2) Late Movie lnel 3 Clubhouse (50) Banana Splits (7) Religious Message 4:00 (12) National Anthem pntration (2) Tattletales 2:00 feebrity Sweepstakes 1:30 AM (3) Gambit (4-10) News POP Jovies (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes 3:00 (2) "Lost Lagoon" Jeffrey Lynn. fttdly Giant (1958) Castaway on a Caribbean DOONESBURY TMike Douglas ime Street (5) Studio 5 (6) The Attic (7) The Brady Bunch (2) Operation Second Chance (2) News 3:30 isle begins a new life. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: |^Hloitaii|moi|l lining Playback 9:15 (8) Gilligan's Island 3:35 io Schools (9) Petticoat Junction (2) Message For Today 9:27 (10) New Zoo Revue ligious Message ^ (12) My Fr'tfnaVfick'a ' ' ^ u H mwyou, \ MACARTHUR ANP (13) Mickey Mouse Club t 9:30 (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood SF SO U3N6, fy1 • HAVE MAcARTHUF>. THE ENTIRE STAFF t 11 ACE! TAKE DOtfTUmX j?» A 6000 AND THANKS h TRIBUTE? CAMEim/TOTELL (25) Yogi & Friends MOVIES 1 ijing Accent lyV CARE OF UNCLE DIM ~ FU6HT, A6A/N FOR iF' WHAT METHeYTHOm Wheel Of Fortune (41) Daktari (50) Three Stooges WEDNESDAY f THAT TAN tMANEX- OF YOURS, PERT AT TAN ! SIR. WE'LL THAT GREAT MISS YOU! TRIBUTE THIS TRIBUTE? IIW6THB8EST U. GOVERNOR IN ■ Valley Today 4:30 ]k LaLanne (2) Mike Douglas Show tonight NOUJ, HEAR? MAINTENANCE! M0RNIN6! m 6LAN05HtSm 9:55 (3) Merv Griffin Show Jrtfe d nesday _Apri [9^ J 975_ ft's Carol Duvall __ 10:00 |5) Now You Sea It (4) George Pierrot Presents (6) That Girl (7-12-13-41) Afterschool Special 9:00 AM Sky King 10) High Rollers (7) "Along Came A Spider" (8) Partridge Family Suzanne Pleshette, Ed Nelson. with s, Yoga & You (9) Andy Griffith (1970) Woman believes professor Imper Room (10) Mickey Mouse Club is responsible for her husband's fcroit Today 1 10:30 (23) Villa Alegre death. Chris Brubeck k Is Right (25) Munsters & Friends I Love Of Life (50) Little Rascals (13) "Sanctuary" Lee Remick, 10) Hollywood Squares Wt With Dennis Wholey (Dressup EVENING 5:00 PM Yves Montand. (1961) Governor's daughter is suduced by a Cajun. "Sizopefe THE DROPOUTS (6-8) Ironside ■The Brady Bunch nla Alegre (9) Mickey Mouse Club by Post W Zoo Revue (10) Truth Or Consequences It For Women Only (23) Romantic Rebellion (25) I Love Lucy JUST MAINTAIN AbT) ^ 10:55 INCONSPICUOUS News (50) The Flintstones ( 5:30 PROFILE UNTIL IT \ 11:00 (4) Bowling For Dollars ! LOtOS OVER... ■ Donahue Show 1 The Young And The (7) Hot Dog (9) Partridge Family Wednesday AjiiL?i!?Z5__ guc>: stars as a frnmer call airl (10) Beverly Hillbillies who rebels when Cannon suggests * Matthews (12-13) News 8:00 PM she become the lure in a police >30 (23) Zoom (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn plan to trap her ex-vice boss. PD Password All Stars (25) Hogan's Heroes Guests Ted Knight, Georgia Engel (41) Burger Chief Family and Hank Aaron. (NBC) Movin' On N Zoo Revue (50) Gilligan's Island "Wedding Bells" Janet Leigh 5:55 (NBC) Little House On The 11:30 guest stars as a well-to-do artist larch For Tomorrow (41) Early News Prairie who decides to make Sonny her I Blink Check 6:00 "The Love Of Johnny Johnson" fifth husband. ■-41) Split Second (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- (R) Laura has a crush on a boy in 10-12-13-25-41) News Icentration (9) Bewitched school who seems to favor Mary. 10:00 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE lily Court (CBS) Manhunter (23) Perspectives In Black fiah is Bunny (50) Star Trek (ABC) That's My Mama "Clifton's Dubious Romance" (R) "The Lodestar Barrett stand up Ambush" (R) by Bill Yates against a vicious 6:30 Clifton turns down Mama's . 11:55 gang leader and his men who are JO) News , (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News recommendation to meet a determined to free Barrett's ■s Carol Duvall (9) I Dream Of Jeannie church-going young lady from prisoner, the leader's killer 1 12:00 NOON (12) 6:30 Movie Baltimore till he sees how pretty brother. 1-13) News (13) Beverly Hillbillies she is. ■nt (23) Book Beat (NBC) Lucas Tanner (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive If'sMy P A" Line? 7:00 8:30 (ABC) Baretta My Children (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The loping Gourmet (2-4-7-8) News Week "Keep Your Eye On The ■eel Of Fortune "Story Of Pretty Boy Floyd" Sparrow" Guest star Burt Young. P Care & Repair (3) What's My Line? Martin Sheen, Kim Darby. An anguished Tony Baretta begins wdog (5) I Dream Of Jeannie Oklahoma farm boy leaves his to suspect that the modern day 12:20 PM (6) Bewitched close-knit family to better himself Robin Hood is his hard-working c (9) Beverly Hillbillies but instead he is enmeshed in a retarded friend. a, 12:30 (10) Mod Squad life of crime. p) As The World Turns (13) Truth Or Consequences 11:30 (23) Feeling Good 8:57 (NBC) Tonight Show ' How To Survive A (25) The F.B.I. (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Johnn Carson Is host. (41) Other People, Other Places Narrator: Jack Gilford. (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour (ABC) Wide World Special THE STABLES FBumer 7:30 9:00 "Who's News" John Lindsay is FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: 351-1200 Experience (2) Truth Or Consequences (CBS) Cannon the host with James Brady and Now Appearing F Lucy Show (3) Wild World Of Animals "Kelly's Song" Stefanie Powers Melba Tolliver. by Bob Thaves Eddie Harris ^UTS we'll St with VOW IN A THIS WILL TAKE CAI?E OF YOU MAlLEP A LOVE LETTER TO TOJFFLES, PlPN'T YOU? WELL, MY J066IM6 FOI? THE MOMENT... WE'RE: TRUFFLES POESN'f LOVE YOU I SHE REST OF THE WEEK... LOVES ME! P0 YOU UNPKSTANP ?! Still trying TO DECIPHER THE SCIUBtLM ON Youft aptitude ! 1 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Irish official explains terrorist tactics By SUE WILLOUGHBY phase, the terror phase and the State News Staff Writer used against them. attempt to disrupt the function guerilla phase. "The first real Terrorism is an overt sign of In the organizational signs of of government and everyday phase revolutionary action are life. a revolutionary war strategy "propaganda is used to exploit aimed at undermining constitu¬ protests, sit-ins and vandalism, "Their intention is to present problems on grounds of because when this goes on, the terrorize and confuse the public tional forms of government, said Desmond O'Brien, chief race or politics to produce community is at its weakest," to an extent that it will demand unrest, and potentially leftist O'Brien said. immediate action from the superintendent of the Royal Ulster Constabulary in Ireland. organizations are infiltrated to add to the problems," O'Brien He added that this is not government," O'Brien said. CIGARETTES O'Brien, speaking Monday at always a sign of future "With this comes a collapse of said. terrorism, but the environment all constitutional forms of 2 PK./, a seminar sponsored by MSU's He said that dissent will be is school of Criminal Justice, said best for revolutionaries government." used to attempt to discredit the the strategy of terrorists can during times of unrest. police and local government, By the final guerilla phase, O'Brien, an instructor at usually be divided into three until in the terror phase fire¬ Bramshill National Police terrorists will be an integral phases — the organizational arms and Officers College in Ireland, is explosives will be part of the community and will concerned with broadening the 10% OFF ON ALL KODAK] views of potential senior officers to increase their aware¬ PROCESSING AND DEVELO Buses to service ness of social problems. "Police must understand the nature of political violence By JAMIE CONROY west side into Frandor Shopping Center, today to prevent further acts of State News Staff Writer through the central East Lansing business terrorism before they happen," East Lansing will be the scene of an district and back to Coolidge Road. he explained. experimental dime-a-ride busing program that will use small buses equipped to service Another route that will service the Tower Gardens area may possibly extend into East "But violence can't be dealt STEREO LP SPECIAL handicapped and elderly persons starting Lansing, but that proposal is currently with by the police alone. A July 1. under consideration by CATA officials. The state of public order must exist The State Dept. of Highways and final route, called the Jolly-Miller-Aurelius before the police can perform Transportation is funding the one-year route, will be a crosstown route that their functions." busing plan, which will be under the control includes the Beekman Center as a stop. DESMOND O'BRIEN CHICAGO of the Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA). Eight 18-passenger Two buses will be used to respond to requests by elderly or handicapped persons CHICAGO VIII buses will start rolling this summer with a who need to be picked up at home. They will LEARN $200,000 price-tag on equipment costs and have to dial a special number 24 hours in $226,000 for operating costs such as gas and advance of the time the bus is needed. The tires. PARACHUTING fee for using this service has not been At least four of the minibuses will be determined yet. AMERICA equipped with wheelchair lifts. CATA has requested money from the Ingham County Lansing Community College, the Oldsmo- bile plant, the state Capitol complex and the HEARTS $3 Board of Commissioners to insure that all Lansing downtown business district will also eight buses will be equipped for the handicapped, said Duane Kooyers, a CATA be serviced by two buses that will circulate MOVIES & RAP SESSION during peak hours. The demand-response official. buses, when not in use, will also provide One of the buses will travel down East backup service for these areas when needed. TONIOHT APRIL 9 7:30 P.M. ROBERTA FLACK Lansing city streets, according to Charles Downs, member of the East Lansing Mass Transit Committee. The bus fare in East cents a ride. Small buses that Lansing will be 10 make ROOM 208 MENS I.M. FEEL LIKE MAKING LOVE $3 connections directly with the Downs said the bus would run from Lansing bus terminal at Michigan and Grand Avenues Coolidge Road on East Lansing's extreme will probably charge the usual 25-cent fare. 351 - 0799 543 - 6731 ALL SINGLE LP's Guru to speak at MSU tonight SHOWER TO Guru Mahatma Vijayanand, a SURE SHOWER for the best follower of Guru Maharaj Ji, documentary at the ANTI-PERSPIRANT SPRAY BODY TALC Careers You Want 1973 Atlanta Film Festival. will speak at MSU at 8 tonight 9oz- in 35 Union. 00 * He will also Reg. 1.75 7 7 speak at 8 p.m. Thursday in the lounge of the United Ministries for Higher Education building at Harrison Road and Trowbridge The guru will be Street. speaking meditation and the best way to achieve "inner spiritual know¬ on But Don't Know About STAY FREE JERGENS DIRECT Al Delivery MINI PADS ledge" on both nights. LOTION In addition, the film "Who is NEJAC TV RENTALS"^ IO02. / Guru Maharaj Ji?" will be shown. The film won an award Most graduates take jobs Reg. 59(f 38c Reg. 1.50 V they don't really want and are Westdale Co., Realtors forced to work for low pay because they are unaware of what is really a vailable to SUNGLASSES them. There is definitely a "I worried about what I would 30% OFF RETAIL PRICE lack of pertinent and do when I graduated. I went accessible information into graduate school only describing the existing job because I really didn't know market." what else to do. When I GILLETTE Tom Willis graduated from there I still TRAC II ADJUSTABLE BLADE When you These are only two buy a home at Meridian"HMIs: "r- Commodities Trader didn't know what I wanted to examples of how mos? graduating seniors feel do or what was actually about their choices after available to me." Re9 129 $2500 IN FURNITURE graduation. 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After just one year, Send today for your own money back guaranteed copy of the I using the springboard technique, SHAMPOO OIL OF OLA and 1 LOTION super*stf ble Career Manual. The few dollars you spend today can bring you an ' I joined another company for a Avo. Gr. App. Apr. SKIN exciting and satisfying \«e^ea8S cylinder JI caiue; as well as it dollars in higher salaiy. can bring thousands of better position and increase in salaiy I made the a 60% He": 1.50 $108 4oz. Reg. 3.50 n switch in two days;' Sharon Ray Market Research Send $10.00 check or money order to: Associate JSJ Rodger Owen STRIDEX DENTAL FLO 21 W. Goethe Dept. 9 L MEDICATED PADS Chicago, Illinois 60610 No. 9213 $1 16 9215 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money will be promptly refunded. Reg. 1 79 * "| 9216 (coupon) Reg. 1.00 twin Enclose your: VClOCipCdC _ , Tv '- \ 1 Trade-in OLD your Name Peddler La* actum Street Number 541 E.Grand RiveF 351-7240 City and State SEA AND SKI LIPSAVER Below Paramount News Zip Code Reg. 49t l«Z«i 0 t»Pir« April 1 j. it;i Co.t / — Lonilng Slo,. Q„|,