II. P. C. Library Lansing, Slcb. lidtyatr 6fate Heui$ :ast I.ANSINi;, MUIUUAN. TUESDAY, Ot "TOREK fi. l'W. Amelia Earhart will Initiate 125 CO-EDS SIGN Disposal of Senior Class Funds Lecture CoursewithTwoTalks WITH TEN MSC To Be Determined at Important In Peoples Church Tomorrow ORGANIZATIONS Hfjrr IVm«nil for Sciti Rnulli in Booking Two Tectum in Seme Evening. One at 7:15, Second at To Open Colli Kappa Alpha Thrta Lend. (■roup With 23 New Pledge,; Meeting Tomorrow Afternoon l.lVtUl'O Alpha Chi Omega ii Second. 9:00, Wetlne.d.y. Class Will be Given Opportunity of Contributing Toward Ampi- Shi'trli of Amphitheatre theater That Will Give Colleger Thing of "America". IVemii-r Aviiitrix". "The TOTAL FALLS OFF 10 Bnokcit n« I'roposod As Class Project Beauty and a Worthwhile Asset. Dnilli-nfh". and other t'ontplimenlart Ml.--, Amelia • Chi Omega and Alpha Gamma w_r. jenmrow night, open.* a brilliant sprits < t s'.inlesi I The Senior Class will meet tomorrow night in the lecture tore* j j; the I'iHtples church auditorium. j Delta Neat With 18 and 17? \ f the i Two Others Have 16. room « Physics building at five oYlock, instead of on Haaiim* of insufficient seating facilities on the eatu|u J Thursday as was announced at the meeting last week. This rkar.h i* the only nuitahle spot avail.»! !. j. r leitmv- I ehange was made to allow Vineent Vanderburg, class presi- tov \ demand expected by the lecture U»aid l«.t it t j Climating two weeks of range fw separate appearance* far Miss Karlurt. tin I concentrated rushing, 125 | dent, and other football players leaving for Pittsburgh girls were pledged to ten Thursday to be present at the important meeting, rommennng at 7:15 for freshmen and scnj.it* and ttv * Michigan State sororities in Disposal of the I'll tub that tlie class will have remaining at cap at i' o'clock, for anphomoies. juniors and the re graduation time next ; ear will In* diseased at the meeting, ing seniors. ' ceremonies at the various lit recent years such i xcess money has been placed in the lights in the t | chapter houses last evening. student loan fund, or i Ise allotted to the Wolverine as part o come throughout th« j The numU r of girls pledg¬ ed was ten less than that of j payment on the ycarlMmka in«l winter seasons are the the individual seniors, red Shawn male dancing ! : a year ago and fell off eon- siderably from the 154 that j This year, however, a new SPEECH MEETING rnujH ; Father Hubbard, a plan has liepn presented j ! «vr»v Th v pledged despite in an the full of 1034 enrollment of (whereby the class will make j HELD ON CAMPUS a donation toward the erection ! of an outdoor amphilhratrr to'Spwh Conference Group De- U- i-onHfriK'teil nouth of fho j ride. Topic. Amelia Farhart Councilmen Hurdle Difficulties I ihi'mmtry ImililiiiK on the To Throw Dance ami Pep Meet structure would used j hanks of fho river. I In- for This j FOUR 75'S ARRIVE college rumpuv last Monday Morning Meeting Proclaims Monday Afternoon Holiday; ■•ear's debate |>ro|M»Hl- FOR LOCAL ROTC Then the Boys Start the Wheels Turning. idi'd Upon It to ZOOLOGY TO HOLD !'• EVENING CLASSES Charjrs in Modirniiation; New Arrivals Make a Total of hKRiird Enrollment Nrrrtii- Eight Guns. titrt Extra Seitiont. oti our using the gym for u pep meeting and dance this afternoon " j Prof Ft* M.Kav. women's | "Well, I ran help you ' She pro- i reeds to dive into myriads of ullage of Y^iibitili, presided tit j papers, charts, and other official i (Sherlock k Co ) have beer | depart from Iheit physogs No wt i t i «1 private sleuth»ni i t'rucjli. No dance ! But a speedy trip over to Fritn's office rectifies that Sure you can ! um the gym. But n«» wax on the North Dorm Flaunts Its Male ! On a floor practically sub- Students Welcome Winners iged in resin "Commeal?" vrn- Member at Coop and Mary Mayo •, oratory, -es a hopeful* individual Sure other form I that's OK But you'll have to pay e asked to In All-Collef/e Celebration Sti, have the floor'given a borax ) Due to admiring glances tossed *6 st udent. No 1313. who j Hold Annual All | to inhabitant* of the house by u shout the campus look.r g ; I scrub afterwards But you'd better see Dean head i what Norlh "olt- thp Ci ^ j men (or should I say merely 7 sad |t(males) callers when the said in¬ beyond the heads of hit j wwes. After trailing him for | Ag Mixer l oniglil ofl theld"committee» Just ""lh .... to be , ab- * i pus hotel, is like—there seems to mates of said house dash through ... . ,■ :-bc a morbid curiosity upon the the living room to answer a tele¬ rrsl days we said "2 > »-u!d». he is a forestry stu- x ^ Plan* have been completed fur tnrn(v) „n Ju„ „ CAMPUS SIDELIGHTS " alrr.a mater very On the morning of Sep- 1 >e,tef' "'"f thr ftnnuaj «U-ag mixer scheduled "Sorry, but Dean Twiddle 1% in , ob Murphy of the; Jit 18 In the other college dorms- 1936. we saw No ^•1 nonchalantly beneath the ISU|half bo,kU> n ,*jno < to toni <«er nmi in i v much of >r* of thU le*t. It aptwn lowevrr. tr.4tji« the fact th*J ««* *« ..• ?<» m,»h Daily rithorjuiiv* M'iform. Hf rv rente* k to I fo on a Have you tried or ww !*;»*» twfonr. chr h .:»if Tho Mich if an Dai! Our 25c So They Say: Blue Plate •'I (.alias—lesiy (si en ' V K-. -tr. »".! " h. c lludent Club I* Hold College Students Say It Party at Craad Ledjr Hits the Spot (Lite Hunt iyuii • • /\NS*c«niC the problem* of modern life for modern women, B-etlc* prvilcct safrly ami efficient¬ ly without sanitary napkin PRESENTING TO MICHIGAN STATE or |«ad>. B-rtle* perform their function invisibly We krw, through. BOB S1EGRIST SANITARY and arc so tiny that a day's supply ran he carried in a of win r. "'"V •'*- J* f"T kwpjng out literature handbag. They have set • he.h they fear might t* contrary to what- PROTECTION new standards of comfort rer kind of prvpagaada th*> themseiv* U.MBCE ORCHESTRA ... of saue. but Ou;.* seem, to he straining th. At the 119th Field Artillery far a»u>t The only apparent reasoa the govern Next Friday and Saturday, Oct. 9 and 10 nent could h»v. ha.t ,a iianning the offer,shag lukrr !k DaerU* I M %o UN Clewlewm V* s»ue of •Esquire- mast lie in the fact that »l ktatiiasn SUie he people of the island republic, hot-blooded * they are purported to SSied Ek K. R. Hi be, might hate de¬ .Around In a Circle manded h U atjartavrRi ton a man. Chicago and "Esquire" if -I on »i» o! Ds A question of lasting interest is the prob¬ ui attempt to save their reputations and lb« Hja i ■ BLA ONE trvocNTT tupeuc • lem of teaching vcuotreverua! upica in urist trade. <-■ RENT ONE «ntw I™ •ebssis. Instruction in nrligiou*, racial We're different in this country. Nothing time there ei t? jam itstaMn vr* us. mote pleasure than to 'ecneii. Harvard, Hichissn. J mora! problem* ha* both its goes] and pay a praudn- Titc like G. R. Shaw to tupkius, aad Ohw State. features cotn^ over here aw ■ Without a doubt, djatusai'Uts of this type — r.iult u*. And when it comet to magazine* THE 1 Typewriters Vsrsttvr ptsyer* at nonds to the student mind. It is! attacking the jroverr.mact, we don't have to, at INK ♦o conclude that class ihscuwieu'import them; we foster our own.—University- ^.\n .atCan fc-coaXuag POT includes of opinions of Catholics.] Daily Kan-an. Tuesday. October 6, 1936 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Michigan ,netaeB Point toSpartans Carnegie Win Stars of Spartan Victory Victorious State Eleven NELSON PACES opposes Bobby Coil- Seeks Third Straight Win GOLF QUALIFIERS Ray Nelson, a »;»shman. will ti on Tartar Field with Roltcrt Hills. Saturday M track the feature mutch <>t the first it* the All-College gulf . shrek golf C.stee! Report! Carnegie Teajh Whip Wol»#rne». 21-7 a* ii Bachman Scoffi it Perfect Sportorials:- Giinei. Pingrl and Afftt K.cord for 1916 Season. team is ready ! ' By AI Theiler. Spuria Editnr When Frank Guinea swept Scare Taaekdownt. 55.000 see game SP3 •• "*!a. fW til Geanrr VI*»Mn jnff tnekle "early in the 1 period agai n s t Michigan, Oct. 5. 19110. •• \n undefeated season, von Dear Folk .: wound his way fur to the - f It you liatened in on the IVn't osk me such ques¬ j right, ami dodged over for radio Saturday afternoon to State's flrst score, the State tion- nt this early date." the • fans in the east stands arose Michigan-Michigan State i - H-h Bachman remarked from their seats and went game, thin will be old stuff to nlav as we queried him ' mildly mad. You State stu¬ | you. But 1 think ,vnu ought jjivv.it State's ehances of going dents formed that group for to he told anyway, that through its 19.16 scehdule Charlie Bachman a n d his sitb.'ut losing a game. jthe most part. You were there jto watch your eleven battle Michigan State Spartan a || Point to rsrnsile the Wolverines. swept .over the Ham Kipki* al tl t.> thou tint majot road I any you grew mildly ex- j cited. Mild was just about .Viinegn* Twh S*iturd.i> »fcat what it was. That excitement | almost reached that to which FRIDAY NITEJ :tv l\tmr Saturday, proi you ha>. i only mildly excited Mali DIRECT FROM THE HOTEL GIBBON | I hi you know w hy ? It was ! {because that old school spirit jhowe shi SPORTC ASTER ruby Wright | which has helped ever> State m j football team before > time — which has carried the Admission 7V plus tax j Gi ecu and White to many j valiant victories it was l*». — DANCING NIGHTLY ' WON? ' calls* you're beginning to lose s I .amiford satin in a that spirit. It was luxauir lion in Lakeland. Florida, Carlton Hauck Orch. this voice • I battle with Michigan changed from so- i meant very > contralto after a throat little to you—you j felt. Jeep down inside, that | the Spartans "were in." They I were sure t«» win. Too bad— too had. U appears to me that thusiasm has reached a j low along the Ked Cedar. At en¬ new HALF I HALF MAKES the victory celebration yes¬ terday morning ain»ut 1,500 of fe£M0KE! |you turned out. There should have been 4..">n. brother of the car- j v,.|Jed your* heads off when ing moment» of the game, Al Agjff'.. the Kingsp*N"t demon. f ood Shape I Charley Bachman stepped out *hook througti a tiring Michigan , -out Of tlTuicnia-r ! '-fur.' >ou When Himanl line, broke into the clear, and DiNtiiu'tive Kh.vthms nu guod v.n- Zindel apoke hin bit, you found a wave of Spartan* alicad story a* lust-year firrt »tnn* of hrm mowing down the oppuai- By < iOrr* con-1 -hi'ul'l hav,- given Howard in a reserve eleven tu the star! Hrtinstin Scruby «n,.Uvr knor injur i I, h), biggont hand anv State Uott. It didn't take hint long to outdistance the Woiveii secondary of the huif and the reserve bunch —""Th' ployed Michigan off the fluid. Ttiat * the etory of the game, Michigan had a uuod team, even ■cup Siiurd.v the playere should have re- folks Michigan scored a touch¬ in defeat If* a better twain Uiun u.uuld the injury force i cived every bit the rami*. down with two miriuto* remaining last year's, and will have a better I.ut. lUchmnn '>ill| The point i- thi»: A* Char- of the tirnt half when Scbo tried record. Those sophomores will (iimkI health and i . tchmanlif4 repi*«mim Sammy had in | fbirbman -aid yeaterday, the State 5-yard line it took form the foundation for next Ku hand in hand. year's squad, and Michigan is on bcint called '» wl» day for State tiwm three piayv. but ^ Sweet the way back. They proved that Ann Arbor, but it | when the M'hool geL« Mt big finali.v got the «ik (xiinu on a by their |hay during the second Bowl Kfxularly p him from playing that the football team tca-c- po.n.. Evrrhardue. Ii» «anc quarter Saturday fur Health and Kvcreatiun. Dahigren aurwtied to represent the ntudent horly. b*mh' An if you want to see some real You rn you are interested in which ma4p Ulv ■ I 'n then and tied tin* score, football games, get down here to UkchlgMn Un, East Lansing and see some of these r'; 'v* the Woivennes It ori- them. Sure you are—but !! very happy I've already told you battles here. Michigan won't be s 'f had reported Dahl- Bay not enough.. jwhy then weren't so happy an State s toughest game, but the ;' j;" - knee injury w ould keep tarvrll at ic*at October 17 Studenla Have Power to Help i1" »-• . v I c Michigan State had lots of star* Saturday afternoon Spartans covered lots of ground RECREATION Team Through „ Year l~* sp»r»t got the best of jSaturda) folka Howard Zindel Ukfelfii"« and he performed bril- The Spartan* face this year .4ll „v„ q,. a.id-joni, pm- Spartan line. with what amount* to the oid epidemic which struck jgei (yoo'll hear more about him., H« iirli ln*i lit - *»f *; toughe*t schedule in the hi*- !*«• liar -A*eti. Slcder. Vander- new |ii|M--|tl<-u»ur<-with Half & Half. GLOBES ' t arnp last week appar- - torv of the school. Carnegie I ^ out The radio announcer " "'r,n Cool a- a bill for lu-l vrur"- iliit'*, hun t a* tlic 'as been checked. Art _ . Tech this week will be potnU , .... .stolid proof and Charles Halbert. told you about thcfn you don*! out* u «lim«>. Fragrant. fiill-lHxIird tobacco victims, showed ed for them — that loa* to |But U wa« practically Uw same *T d' thf chief m s',:k ciliscw m Use Ann Arbor Notre Dame hurt. Marquette $1.00 tliut won't bile tin tongue—in a tin that won't bite will be pointed for them — tans will neiii help — and you ■ tb«' s« finger-. Matl. by our cxclunivr uiyikru proccaa -' piayers will get a look at h'ays today with the Temple will go to any ex¬ • are the one# to -give it to $x.oo inrluiling pat. nl No. 1,770,920. Smells good. u- tr«itmm eleven doing the I tremes to reverse that deci¬ them. • Malum vour pi|H- welcome anywbcrc. Tastes *fh£»bng." sion last year. And the Spar- Get over to the1 Union Thuraday night —eee the $x.so Your pumwor.l to |ileunure! good. team off. Make them feel that New lot of mi a $4.00 they simply can't let the hunch ATTENTION, LADIES! i Nst s Sil it mu is ui) ItbKM Mm tf T*«s*cs»s Tin, wklds j neck home down — and make Af. S. C. S».v vsillt. an* asiallar •• »au uta-up iha tabacta. Ho For Tuesday Mid Wednesday Only j them come hack with another a* yaa rassh Isr a laa*. a.an : victory. matter And remember—no what a State team Jewelry i i*w. n. J 4N jdoee—it atill i You, aa a represent* you. *tudent of the ooi- M. S. C. SHOE REPAIR . I«e along the Red Cedar, hold I the key to much of the Spar. State Mtege Boak Store Tuesdav. October 6, 1936 MICHIGAN* STATF NEW! v.:c.i prpfT!—.* or thi.« campus^ I \ the past the presentation of them has Sen handicapped by the lack of a outdoor theater for the Not from aH» arbor, bat rifht hfrt i *** It hoped that this matter can £! be «ettlctt quickly and in order tendance*is desired at the meeting autic cr.' number of seniors at' will bf It I d will it be possible for a )u*t dec is KOI to be reached. CLASSIFIED LOST— "Introduetion to Phil- tux* of R»*ht Thinking " Find, please return to Wilms Porter. On "SWING" With Don Hoffman and HU Hand Phone for Arrangement* j*1.', T://: ^ x 4 Senior Class Will Meel PHONE S-3406 1 AST TIMES TODAY ROIIIRT T AVI OR ,i . h 4 \ :* Wpdnwtiay Afternoon RIKRIRY STANWYCK Joorphtne Hesanc.n 4, IMro.t i1-.- t ut-d fr t |v... : MIS BROTHER'S Will Margaret Wehr '40 Vom.*; Mar-' V • 1 . . ,>d I'-.it garet Hammond 4. Flint Jean some set not Hut. HeVn I>uk- f t - i*v> ' v* • • • \\ EDNESDAY AND THl'RSDAY * t <46 Saginaw Mary flowers • • W •' n be. 40 Detroit Nan v .-w . o nf asked t 1 t - t ed - H * Jean b-.w. • • 4 Detroit ng ... ... ^ IktUMlwwIMWilitkfaWlT V.i* an R., k ff 4.' Detn t Bett} « .. In fatt • p...SklH mmmm to mako toval An lemon 46 East Lanati g »t two oenfeir d ism s . AN ATTUACTIVK "CATCH-ALL"—- T» - AKTVKAKT 1 1' ■ \ -i » " ' ' • " ' VUtwovhI ! ^ .FRANCES LANGFORD MnaiJ* s SIR GUY STANDING j °° | .■ Ernest Coss&rt ' David Niver. Wv ' * -f\ kJ"2Z rtttH 1 k Cartoon -OddtO Sel l p" 1 RID\Y-SATt RP % V # SENDAT MwhtAin -SPEED- m -THE r.KKAT —With— %ve. JAM!* STEW ART # ZIEGFEMV* 1 KNIAt.r I.I \T)IIR cvoorw TRI NKh tilETs -It's a Liqht Smoke!A smoke that treats you right! You who go in for sports... and you who don't... sou both have reason to treat your¬ selves well... to reach for a light smoke... a Lucky. For a light smoke is gentle with you. Easy on you when you inhale. Kind to your throat. And since your Lucky . . . a light smoke... is made from the choicest center-leaf tobacco, it tastes good, too, even when you smoke all day long. So, for a smoke that treats you right it's wise to reach for a Lucky. And remember, the protection of the famous "Toasting" process is enjoyed only by thote who smoke Luckies. "SWEEPSTAKES" FLASH! Ovtr 1760 tons of papa bought so fori