MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 S. Viet strongholds hit; premier names cabinet By ASSOCIATED PRESS hand fighting field reports said. Three huge explosions ripped provided encircled Phnom Penh with its though a Sources close to the Camodian govern¬ only outlet to the outside world. bomb ammunition dump at Bien Hoa air ment said reinforcements were airlifted to The Yugoslav news agency Tan jug said base, 15 miles northeast of Saiiron. Mondav Phnom Penh airport from northern the return of Prince Norodon Sihanouk, night and early Tuesday, authorities said. provinces after the rebels penetrated the nominal leader of the rebels, to Phnom The blasts shook buildings in Saigon. edges of the city, burning refugee camps Penh from exile in Peking is now counted Two rounds of shellfire hit Bien Hoa and sending thousands of civilians earlier Monday, but no damage or casual¬ fleeing "in days and perhaps in hours." into the capital. ties were reported at that time. Field reports said insurgents captured a Earlier in the day, a Cambodian air force In addition to Bien Hoa, Communist-led market place astride Route 3, T28 plane bombed the military command's forces shelled government severing strongholds on Phnom Penh from Pochentong airport four headquarters in Phnom Penh, killing seven three other sides of Saigon, but the miles to the west. The government rein¬ persons, but no command staff, the govern¬ defenders held their positions and there forcements had been flown in to strengthen ment radio said. The defecting pilot was were no reported new advances in the a defense line formed along a railroad track identified by the air force as Khieu six-week-old offensive, field reports said. near the highway to the airport, which Yossavath. On the political front, Premier Nguyen Ba Can named a new government and said it would receive cooperation from foes of President Nguyen Van Thieu. However, some Thieu opponents denounced the new cabinet. immediately Tenants' rights bills Shelling also was reported around Xuan Loc, the provincial capital 40 miles east of Saigon that has been under heavy attack for almost one week. At Tay Ninh City, 55 miles northwest of Saigon and near the Cambodian border, proposed by Bullard rebel gunners poured in 30 rounds of 105 By JIM KEEGSTRA mm artillery, but no casualties were State News Staff Writer AP wirephoto reported. Legislation giving renters a better posi¬ Palestinian guerillas armed with machine guns between the guerillas and the In the district town of Cai Lay, 45 miles tion in the perennial struggle with landlords nd an anti-aircraft weapon ride in a jeep ahead right-wing southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta, Phalangist party and continued Monday, 49 mortar rounds whistled in, was introduced in the Michigan House f marchers Sunday during a rally in Beirut, killing one Monday night. claiming the lives of 38 persons and wounding 60 civilian and wounding nine others, field Lebanon. Heavy fighting broke out Sunday others. The four - bill tenants' rights package, reports said. sponsored by state Rep. Perry Bullard, D - Premier Can called his new cabinet a Ann Arbor, would grant tenants collective "government of union." Presenting the bargaining rights, prohibit entry by land¬ STREET FIGHTING CONTINUES cabinet to Thieu in a ceremony at lords without permission, return 5 per cent Independence Palace, Can said all its interest on security deposits and ban members were determined "to engage in lockouts or property seizure by landlords. the national salvation effort." [Over "These bills are urgently needed to 60 die in Beirut Receiving the new cabinet, Thieu urged that the U.S. Congress approve President Ford's request for emergency aid to South Vietnam. He said the Ford request showed provide protection to renters from ques¬ tionable landlord practices," Bullard said. "Landlords enough. have had their way It's time that we passed some long South Vietnam will be helped "if we are effective legislation for the renters, whose ■RUT, Lebanon (APJ — Palestinian 3reas and arrest those responsible." But Middle East on Monday as he met with the determined to fight Communist aggression" needs and numbers greatly exceed those of ■as and Lebanese rightists (ought the Interior Ministry reported only eight U.S. ambassadors to Israel and three Arab that has swept up two-thirds of the country. the landlords." Dombs and machine guns in Beirut arrests by midday. countries. Despite Can's statement that some Several of the bills were introduced in Bay. leaving more than 60 persons dead General strikes closed Lebanon's two In discussing the Middle East in his elements of the opposition would cooperate similar form during the last legislative 3 wounded in two days of street other major cities, Tripoli on the north foreign policy address to Congress on with the new government, several Thieu BULLARD session by Bullard and other lawmakers, |ig. police said. coast and Sidon south of Beirut, as their Thursday night, Ford said: "The active role opponents spoke out against it quickly. but only one, the measure requiring prior i than 15 of those killed were inhabitants expressed support for the coordinated action. Under the measure, at of the United States must and will be The Rev. Tran Huu Thanh, a Roman notice and permission before landlords may e civilians caught in cross - fire, Palestinian guerillas. Armed men and least half the people renting from one continued. The drift toward war must and Catholic leader who has been in the fore¬ enter an apartment, was acted on. s said. However, there were no burning tires blocked roads. landlord must support formation of a will be prevented." front of an anti-corruption movement aimed That bill passed the House in substitute Js of Americans killed or injured. The The Palestginians and the rightists have at the government, said it was not a form but died in a Senate committee. The bargaining unit. ■mbassy told Americans to stay home clashed several times since armed Palestin¬ The President said the United- States is If the landlord refuses recognition of the government of union and termed it weaker other eight tenants' rights bills introduced psible, and most businesses were ians became a force in Lebanon following going ahead with plans to reconvene the than the previous cabinet. tenant organization, the renters may en¬ the 1967 war with Israel. The mostly Geneva conference and he "will move ahead during 1973 - 74 also died in committee. gage in a lawful, protected rent strike by There was no immediate reaction to the This year on the Senate side a bill like ■where in the Middle East, the Christian Phalangists, who claim'more than on whatever course looks most paying their rent into an escrow fund. lian cabinet resigned and President promising, new government in broadcasts from the Bullard's requiring 5 per cent interest The mandatory interest payments on 65,000 followers, have opposed the guerillas either towards an over all settlement or an - Communist side. However, the Viet Cong payments on deposits has been reintro¬ • prepared to form a new on grounds they sow violence and invite interim agreement, should the parties have declared repeatedly they will not take security deposits are strongly opposed by kment to tackle domestic problems duced by Sen. David Plawecki, D landlord associations. They claim the cost Israeli attacks. desire them." " 'e sparked two riots this part in moves aimed at ending the fighting Dearborn Heights. to landlords of year. In Saudi Arabia, Gen. George S. Brown, Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon will processing payments could Iks and shops in the heart of Beirut by negotiations unless Thieu quits or is Sen. William Faust, D - Westland, be higher than the amounts returned, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, be in Washington later this week to confer removed from office. Thieu has replied that chairman of the committee where the bill ■shuttered, and few persons ventured and Deputy Defense Secretary William P. with Secretary of State Henry A. he will never accept a coalition that.would especially for owners of only three or four i the was sent, sponsored a deposit interest bill usually crowded downtown Clements Jr. met with King Khaled. The Kissinger. While the official purpose of include the Viet Cong, and has vowed he apartment units. Bullard said the bill may himself late last year. But because of other Scattered clashes were reported Americans ares in Saudi Arabia to discuss Allon's trips is to address fund - raising take into account the problems of the will stay on as president. juing on the outskirts of the city near the recent sale of $1.3 billion in U.S. arms to pressing business, the Senate State Affairs smaller landlord. meetings, his added stop in Washington has In Cambodia, rebel forces driving to Committee probably will not get to Senate pi Palestine refugee camps. Clouds of Saudi Arabia and plans for U.S. experts to taken on significance because of tensions capture Phnom Penh punched into the Most landlords charge one months rent as 1 Bill 255 for another six weeks. rose over several areas. train the Saudi armed forces. that have developed in Israeli - American western and northwestern outskirts of the a security deposit — about $80 in East 1 Bullard said the collective government said it had ordered In Washington, President Ford's reas¬ relations since the failure of the bargaining bill Lansing. A straight 5 per cent interest rate Kissinger capital Monday and cut the vital highway would create and protect the |ty forces to "storm into the fighting sessment of foreign policy turned to the mission. right of on an $80 deposit would generate $3 in nine linking the city and its airport after hand-to- tenants to organize and engage in legal, months. , By JANE M. McKELVEY review of the law's constitutionality "a real Emery, who is in charge of the appellate in court. In large part because they fear a thorny problem." division of the prosecutor's office, agrees "They will argue that it denies the humiliating public airing of their sexual Zolton Ferency, attorney and associate that the statute will be challenged with the defendant the right to confront his accusors lives during a trial, only one in 10 women professor of criminal justice at MSU, agrees very first conviction, but on different by not who are raped report it to the police. that the statute will go to the Supreme allowing broad cross-examination grounds than those of Theophelis. Emery into the past of the victim," Emery said. Michigan's newly effective criminal sexual Court. feels that it will be questioned especially Both Theophelis and Emery conduct law is intended to change that. "When you have a brand new law, nobody agree that concerning not questioning the victim's past the limitation on cross examinationof the - There probably weren't any tears shed knows exactly what it means. Those victim by the defense is welcome. when the previous 117-year-old statute was prosecuted will test it and appeal it every "Now the approach is focusing away from retired April 1. Many people claim that the which way. It will go (to the Supreme the victim and 'has the victim done statute was ineffective and biased against Court) many times before we find its every the victim. anything wrong,' and focusing instead on implication," he said. the assaultive conduct of the accused," Introduced by Sen. Gary Byker, R- "A lot of change will stem from its setup Emery said. Hudsonville, the new statute has a totally as an assault statute now, and must be different look from the old. Theophelis feels that the cross- proven in that fashion. Basically, the big examination limitation is good for the "We wanted to wrench the whole concept change will be in approaching the new (continued on page 7) out of common law and give it a new elements of the crime, including what the phraseology — to look so different that actor needs to be found guilty of and proven tew state rape law judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys must try the cases differently. We had to put it in black and white," said Carole so," Ferency said. Lt. John Peterson, MSU campus police training officer, said: "I hope to see an Living, administrative assistant to Byker. upturn in reported rapes due to the nature The basic departures from the old statute of the law. I don't think, however, that we eeks to aid victims, are: • Burden of proof of "nonconsent" removed from victim and prosecution. is will see a sudden surge in reported rapes. First, we must build public confidence in the law." • "Resistance to utmost" no longer is 'The drafters of the statute can only do required. No resistance is necessary to so much. The rest is left up to those may need test case prove force. • Penetration is no longer necessary. Included are other assaults, like sodomy. executing it: police, courts, prosecutors and defense attorneys," said JLawrence Emery, asst. Ingham County prosecutor. • Cross-examination concerning the Some of those individuals who will be victim's chastity or sexual reputation are responsible for the execution of the criminal banned, except to show prior sexual sexual conduct — formerly rape — statute activity with the accused or to show the are not seeing eye-to-eye on all of its orgin of disease or pregnancy. implications. • The definition of force and coercion Lansing defense attorney James extends now to include threat of future Theophelis, who has one case pending retaliation. under the new statute, feels that portions of • The law is sex-neutral, covering equally the stftute are unconstitutional due to a victims and offenders of both sexes. conflict concerning penalty provisions. • The law sets up degrees of sexual "Certain portions of first degree, punish¬ conduct with punishment corresponding to able by penalites up to life imprisonment, the degree of force or coercion used to are nearly identical to portions of the third facilitate the crime. degree, which is punishable by a maximum Living feels that the constitutionality of of 15 years," Theophelis said. "I'd argue the statute will eventually be contested in that the accused is only subject to the lesser the U.S. Supreme Court. She calls judicial of the two penalites." 2 Tuesdi Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan lay'April 15, m focus: Dems await units' action on Viet ai before taking Mansfield told the Democratic WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats deferred action the Senate committees a caucus vote. caucus, as it* v • I NATION Meanwhile, Mansfield said, the caucus adopted as "guidelines Senate majority leader, that he Monday on resolutions proposing a continuing: ban on use of U.S. for the present" his opening statement in which he said U.S. U.S. military involvement as over for "regards that war JIf*11 troops to evacuate South Vietnamese citizens. this nation» Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, D-Mont., said Senate military involvement in the Vietnam war is "over for thisnation" "It is one thing to use U.S. forces, remove Americans from a briefly, to safe* ^ Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees are actively and warned against finding "anv nretext to the contraty." dangerous area," he said "It would be quite another matter if the ^ considering the issues raised by President Ford's request for Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-Wash., told reporters that there was presence of Business inventories decline additional military and humanitarian aid to South Vietnam and for no dispute in the caucus about the use of U.S. troops, if necessary, in a danger zone for the removal of non-Americans JLu k use of troops, if necessary, to evacuate Americans and other to evacuate some 5,000 to 6,000 Americans from South Vietnam. new U.S. combat casualties and become the basis for» ■ Led nationals. Sen. James Abourezk, D-S.D., said the general feeling of those ment in the military conflict in Vietnam by a big decline in the backlog of automobiles, in any way sh " The Senate Foreign Relations Committee paid an afternoon visit who spoke was against using U.S. combat forces to evacuate South "Legally the war cannot and must not be inventories of the nation's businesses fell by a record $1.5 to the White House to discuss the South Vietnamese situation Vietnamese whose lives are endangered. Though some sentiment express consent of the Amerftan people resumed^1! billion in February, the Commerce Dept. reported today. existed for "incidental" evacuation of South Vietnamese if it could Congress and the President jointly," Mansfield said speakine tu°?l The development was good news for government personally with Ford. • Mansfield said the concensus of the caucus of 61 Senate be accomplished without additional risk of involvement in economists, who have said a large-scale decrease in To find any pretext to the Democrats was to wait for decisions on aid and legal questions by hostilities. contrary would raise "the snw inventories, especially outos, is essential for recovery from gross illegal behavior on the part of officials of the the nation's current recession. he said. UniJu? w^ A decline in inventories means people are Mansfield spoke as Senate Democrats buying goods sought more m faster than they are being produced. As inventories continue declining, manufacturers eventually will need to begin producing again to rebuild inventories. That means more Supreme Court will hear case from President Ford on his requests for aid for South Vietnam. Earlier, Mansfield and House Speaker Carl Albert military ai jobs on production lines. that had u. Congress should deal "expeditiously" with Ford's reo? Virtually all of the February decline in inventories occurred in automobiles, which largest monthly decline on were record. down $1.6 billion, the on campaigning at military posts Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., chairman of the Relations panel, said the committee meeting with Ford after hearing a "realistic" report from investigators. SenateT requested the ™ t«o*|™ WASHINGTON (AP) - The argued question of whether and area; its roads are patrolled and government attorneys told the Supreme Court agreed Monday under what circumstances "no trespassing" signs are Sen. Clifford Case, R-N.J., told court. reporters the Dismissal urged in Little case to hear arguments on whether creditors may attach the posted. Under these circum¬ Attorneys for Spock and his information from "certain sources that we want to commituj make avai base commanders may prohibit to the President," and obtain information property of debtors without a stances, the government said, associates argued that accord¬ available to political campaigning in areas the Army retains .the right to executive branch. Attorneys for Joanne Little, a black woman inmate hearing. ing to this theory "federal, of military posts which are open In other actions, the control activities on public justices: state and local authorities The committee, he said, wants "a accused of killing a white jailer she said was trying to rape to the public. • Suspended former White areas of the post. would be considered partisan facts" before it deals with President Ford's complete understanding tf J her, argued for dismissal of charges Monday on grounds that The court will review a House aide John D. Ehrlichman 'The advent of campaign every time they allowed anyone Thursday, for $722 million in additional military aid to requests Ji the jury selection process in Beaufort County, N.C., excludes decision by the U.S. Circuit from rallies at military bases cannot Supreme Court law to exercise any First Amend¬ Vietnam, $250 million more in humanitarian aid and blacks. Court in Philadelphia, Pa., per¬ practice because of his con¬ help but undermine public con¬ clarifio ment rights." legal authority to use U.S. troops, if necessary, to t\ Little's attorneys said at a pretrial hearing that the grand mitting Dr. Benjamin Spock viction in the Watergate cover- fidence in the political Spock was the presidential Americans and South Vietnamese supporters from J and his supporters to speak and jury which indicted her for first-degree murder was up. neutrality of the armed forces," candidate of the People's party. Vietnam. defective because blacks are excluded from serving in this distribute pamphlets at Ft. Dix, • Called for reargument next eastern North Carolina county where whites are in the N.J., during the 1972 presi¬ term of a case in which they are dential campaign. to decide when, if ever, majority. The court also agreed to hear members of the armed forces COMMON MARKET CITES FOREIGN POLICY Little, 20, is accused of killing Clarence Alligood, 62, last arguments during its 1975-65 are entitled to legal represen¬ Aug. 27 while she was an inmate at the Beaufort County Jail. term on these other cases: tation at summary courts- She maintains that Alligood was trying to rape her and that she killed him in self-defense. • A $100,000 libel judgment awarded by a Florida jury to Mary Alice Firestone, former martial. Justice William 0. Douglas, who re-entered Walter Reed U.S. misfortunes wife of rubber tire heir Russell Army Medical Center last By ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington. Firestone, because of a Time quickly. Railworkers plan strike magazine account of their Thursday to continue his re¬ DUBLIN, Ireland United States' major European - The French Foreign Minister The nine ministers J cuperation from a stroke, took Jean Sauvagnargues and his divorce. no part in the court's decisions. allies are worried about recent agreed to get together! West German counterpart humanitarian aid to Viet* The head of the Brotherhood of • A challenge, on privacy A spokesman for the center setbacks to U.S. foreign policy Railway and Airline Clerks tion of the United States. He Hans Dietrich Genscher were north as well as sc (BRAC) said Monday his union is preparing for a nationwide grounds, to police distribution said Douglas, 76, spent a restful — especially in Southeast Asia said they wanted to help, but of names and photographs of enthusiastic about a proposed railroad strike at 12:01 a.m. Friday. weekend. and the Middle East but they did not give any specifics. — conference between Europeans As BRAC President C. L. Dennis said his 250,000 union suspected shoplifters among The Spock case will bring indicated at a weekend meeting The ministers agreed that and Arabs that excludes the one European social activist Dick "If you can't express yourself Rights of the Jews to the Land y and the UFW leader- freely on a campus, where can of Israel." you do it?" "Generations of young teen¬ Sadeg Zarrugh, president of age girls grew up on his Miss J |Fgroup mobilization. plans to send the OAS was not available for poetry," Serig said. wrapping up the For ■•formation contact the comment. Both events are free of shower/shine coats, naturally It 482-1387. Helping the participants in charge. in canvas or poplin. . each in keep-crisp blend of polyester/ FOR KLL Q¥ cotton that repels rain and stain. For 5 to 13 sizes. CYCLIRG HEEDS! Left: Hooded canvas coat with Qualify Bicycles, Components & Service tucked back in Best Values# Widest Selection beige or aqua. Right: Constrast- stitched poplin trench with loose yoke back in beige or navy. $48 JacobSonS SosonAsr « Maureen Benin son , ' V Editor-irxhief Advertising Manager '■/*S ART BUCHWALD R.D. Con$b*H Managing Editor MikiWt V City Editor 4^,Get high in the no trills skj OianeSilver .. .* '... Compos Editor iPayton Opiqion Page Editor locfei. WireEditor Steve Stem bports Editof Tuesday, April 15, 1975 Dale Atkins . a .. V Wtoto Editor June Delano Entertainment Editor Editorials art the opinions of the Stat* TomOren them. "Are you sure you're allowed to trip we took to Greece)" a man says. and paper hats News. Viewpoints, columns and letters CApy Chief The "no frills" airline fare is going into are passed out 01 Linda Sonde) Night Editor effect. National Airlines has just received barbecue ribs on the plane?" "Great, let's see them," a lady says. favor salesman. by tr ore personol opinions. Bruce Ray Walker Staff Representative The lady who was putting the barbecue "Then my son will play the guitar for you." Several of the first permission to sell tickets on its planes for 35 clai sauce on the ribs says, "There's nothing in "We could have some singing after¬ passengers try to get back in per cent less. Other airlines are expected to the vS follow. the ticket that says you can't cook your own wards." section but they are All the passenger would get on the plane meals in the 'no frills' section of the plane." "I have a bingo game if anybody wants to stopped at the by the stewardess who tells th JT J? would be a seat. He would have to bring his play." "Go back to your seats, or EDITORIALS own own food, his Wash 'N own drink and provide his Dry towelettes. "Well, in that case," replies the man taking a sword out of his briefcase, "I'm A passengers barrel of beer that one of had brought on board is opened. the any coffee, tea or milk." IC1 1975 Los Angeles 1 won'u 1 Times p,()J going to have some shish kebab." It's quite possible that the "no frills" part The odors of the cooking start to Bottle and of the aircraft could not only be the most economical but the most fun as well. permeate the cabin. A lady preparing a cheese fondue on the seat next to her asks I can see the scene. the lady in front if she can borrow a cup of Fifty people are seated in the back of the oil. merits legislat plane without so much as a stewardess in sight. The lady gives her the oil in exchange for Each of them has a picnic basket or a box some sugar which, she needs for her lunch on his lap. pancake batter. The legislative battle over roadside cleanup have declined * As dbon as the plane gets in the air one of By this time the passengers in tourist and returnable bottles is inspiring substantially, and an overwhelm¬ the passengers yells, "Does anybody \&nt first class smell all the food. An angry first - some blistering debates. Unfor¬ to trade a chicken salad with lettuce for a class passenger who has wandered into the ing majority of the populace has "rto frills" cabin by mistake comes storming corned beef sandwich on rye?" tunately, most of the arguments voiced support for the switch. A man in the back says, "I'll give you a back and says to the stewardess, "How inflamed with little more than hot Legislators thus have a choice of bacon, lettuce and tomato for the chicken come they're eating shish keb»b back there air, are distracting attention from sticking with Michigan's wasteful salad and throw in a hard boiled egg." - and we're eating this glop Which you call *HO a more urgent issue. system of manufacturing bottles chicken?" His wife FRILLS"' East Lansing Democratic Rep. and cans as fast as people can make the says: "I worked all morning to bacon, lettuce and tomato "It's quite pimple. If you have a 'no frills' Lynn Jondahl's bill mandating a guzzle down their drink and toss sandwiches. How could you trade them for ticket, you don't get the airline's food." return to returnables, now up for a out the container, or setting the chicken salad?" "If we have to eat your food, we're the second battle after defeat last state on a more ecologically sound "I'll give you my corned beef sandwich," a ones who should get 35 per cent off," the year, has sparked a plethora of course. man yells, "for the chicken salad plus three first - class passenger says. panic-stricken questions from With their approval, lawmakers *brownies, if I can keep my pickle." businesses and unions: Will the By this time all the passengers in the "no can help shear energy use, con¬ vDone," says tfie man with< the chicken frills" cabin have finished their meals. changeover cause beverage prices serve our finite salad. to rise? How many jobs will be supply of natural A couple set up a hibachi stove in the "What do we do for entertainment?" resources and at the same time lost? How much effect will return¬ . aisle and start to barbecue'spareribs. someone asks. ables really have on the state's spruce up Michigan. "Hey," says a man sitting across from Tve got some great home movies of a While this may mean an added litter problem? ounce of elbow grease from These and other provocative buyers, handlers and bottlers, it questions have successfully seems far superior to our present obscured the fundamental system of keeping bottle makers Letter policy question that legislators must address: What are the state's busy while consuming energy and The Opinion Page welcomes dent, f priorities? resources voraciously. all letters. Readers should if any - and phone nmbtx. I Opponents of the returnables In the long run, it seems obvious follow a few rules to insure that will shout about jobs, beverage that the changeover can only profit. Proud of PAC acupuncture •for the bone as a means cancer of alleviating pain patient were quite as many letters as possible Letters should.be 25 less and may be edited Iwii prices or handling problems of the state by creating a more disturbing. appear in print. ji. conciseness to fit more returnables in reply. Everyone, on livable environment today and With the prospect of the Performing Arts My concern lies not in the question of AU letters should be typed on the page. letterso] both sides of the fence, has secured extending acupuncture's analgesic possibilities in bone 65 • space lines and triple - hopes for one Center becoming a reality, MSU will at last cancer but the typical M.D. attitude taken facts to support their cause. But tomorrow. have an example of distinguished architec¬ spaced. Letters must be signed, No unsigned letters witi ture. The question, "Why does MSU have by Dr. Werner toward the new medical and include local address, stu¬ one look at an actual case In point Last year, the lawmakers' approach. The attitude is not a new one as accepted. should dispel these apprehensions shortsightedness prevented them only buildings that range from ordinafy to the differing philosophy of osteopathy has and steer us to the real question. from seeing too far in front of downright ugly?" has been asked countless times over the years. There have been only recently emerged as a recognized form police state. Dissent, concur or debate, ll In Oregon, which switched to themselves. various excuses, some of them of medical treatment where manipulation CIA inaction speak out and make a stand. If we Ml quite valid. can be used instead of or in conjunction with returnables in 1972, litter Possibly this year, legislators But now we are to get a building that will be speak now it may soon become in the medical doctor's barrage * the untold sities like an insistence upon cleaning"' Yet to hear President Ford and Secretary efforts of thousands of American advisers, South Vietnamese army. American»"P of State Kissinger tell it — though neither teachers and administrators? also discouraged, to the point of b® has proposed anything so drastic as an 0,16 of Rostow's colleagues on the Texas active and effective Non-Communis invasion of the North — the major problem foulty, Samuel Popldn, an authority on P*j is still military, still one of propping cal opposition within South Vietnam ^ up Vietnam but by no means a dove, thinks the effect was to give a free hand as South Vietnam by force of arms. problem was largely intervention itself. In massive support to corrupt le» „ . , ...... Except for congressional actions forbid- simplified form, his complex argument is incapable of building a that an enormous investment of monev and ding either course, the Administration power, such as the United States made in following among a populous that de might even have resorted once again to the decent government. Vietnam, was bound to attract the sharne.it „ use of American troops or bombers to and most opportunistic Could American intervention nav rescue South Vietnam from Vietnamese into managed in some other way, to WW collapse — as competition for local control nf l Richard Nixon did with the the best rather than the worst in vie mining of military, economic and political riches Haiphong Harbor ml972.But neither henor In Sam Popkin's view, that was no anyone in the administrations thitf These men quickly saw that the kev £ possible, because it would have ope pre- American approval was „nr.l.„«n. ceded and foUowed his ever answered, or anti - communism - the .S* political process and risked bwrj tacri. to question: Wtat then? Wh.t power "a Vietnames Allende,"a" _ J, rf radical leader who might have ei social reform and even have been negotiate with Communists rather NOW,U5$t|-/ MK.ftiltl ——1'A\ Wfc CAM yAtVA&E £jAlt'fli(MG, otr^.tMh.souti,ri,twzL as did TheminiveSight previous refugee migrations tfftS South Vietnam destroyed. Who waa the last American - what Vas to deliver political and military power with the courage to take th*t» VIEWPOINT: LIFE Policy benefits student By Mark A. Williams error. As I am sure your research of the burial expenses, he probably does not need There is no doubt despite the efforts of subject discovered, reduced rates for the life insurance." the professional insurance agent who young and healthy are a fact, not a claim. A check with three local funeral homes devotes a career to helping the public, there Rates are based on a mortality table revealed that a minimum of $1,500 was remains a bad element in our business as in which statisticly predicts how many people needed for burial expenses and the average any other business. With this in mind, I from each age group will die each commend your paper on its year, expense ran between $2,500 and $3,000. If a attempt in based on past records. Thus, the younger student can't budget a small amount every clearing the air of many misconceptions and healthier a person is when they buy life year for just term insurance, who is going concerning life insurance in an April 7 insurance, the cheaper the purchase price. story. to pay his final expenses if needed, not to Remember, the insurance company is mention repaying any debts from college or However, I feel you may have created betting the insured is going to live and the future expenses of dependent relatives? misconceptions along with the ones you insured is betting he is not. A student can't afford not to have some dispersed. Granted, it was not intentional In addition, you neglected the but was caused by simple lack of under¬ primary type of insurance protection now, regard¬ reason for which young people purchase life less of what his future need may be — standing of the life insurance field. Insurance has proven to be an extremely wrnm mm «&- complicated field as witnessed by the public's current misunderstanding. To say that a student does not need insurance Therefore, I don't believe anyone can if he is not married, does not have a dependent relative or a debt to repay is spend a short period studying the subject out of line. Certainly, those three items are and come away with concrete rules whether good reasons for or not a student should buy life insurance. buying life insurance; but as good as they are, they are not the I would like to quote from your article: only needs. IWPOINT: FACULTY "Students should remember that life insur¬ ance is a highly individualized business .. To say that a student does not need insurance. That reason is to insure their insurability, family protection or retire¬ future insurability. Students may not have insurance if he is not married, does not have ment. money now to purchase insurance, but As I a dependent relative, or a debt to repay is a hope you can see, your article in Bargaining necessary was small amount purchased now out of line. Certainly, those three items are certainly is error in several places. Insurance needs, better than not being able to purchase like insurance agents, can not be good reasons for buying life insurance; but any lumped 10 years from now when they have a home as good as they are, they are not the only together as either "good" or "bad", they and family. needs. Nor should they discourage a remain highly individualized. What you student from purchasing needed You may dispute future insurability as a brought to light was highly unfair to our protection By Phillip A. Korth officer — "interprets" what is grievable dure must be if the student does not fall into one of the logical reason for purchasing insurance industry. We are as interested as you in supported by collective je pleased to see the State News under the procedure, not a hearing panel bargaining. above three categories. today, but you recommended it be carried policing our industry and ask only for fair and not the individual agrieved faculty Furthermore to say "Students who do not judgement. * front page space to the faculty on a rider if a student did purchase t procedure. We agree that it is of member. Any humane grievance procedure Philip A. Korth, associate professor of fit into the above situations should not fall insurance. American Thought and Language, is iiportance to each faculty member. recognizes that the agrieved member is the presi¬ for agents' claims that they get lower or Also, the article stated: "If the student dent-elect of MSU Faculty Associates. TJ Faculty Associates (MSUFA) best judge of what the grievance is. The preferred rates if they buy young," is in does not need money for anything short of ie old procedure through assisting function of the procedure is to determine >s in their grievances from the whether the grievance is justified. fthe procedure was established. It is also clear that a major objection we Lrience led us to conclude that the raised publicly and with the FAFCC and the VIEWPOINT: e procedure required major revi- grievance officer (his faculty status is an J we shared those conclusions historical fact, and does not describe his lour "Faculty Viewpoint" editorials function) has not been corrected; It is an ■ formal statement to the grievance improvement in the procedure to transmit Apathy breeds abuse of By DICK CRUM was felt by the executive board that it was over wording and frustration grew over power The largest number of members compose I have never thought it wise for an necessary that a constitution be drawn up procedure by which to hold another the third faction. These are the members organization to debate its internal issues in to replace the bylaws that had now become meeting. Thus, after over four hours, who have never read the constitution, the press. For one thing, the press is obsolete. It spite of claims to the contrary, during which time many left, the term rarely if ever attend meetings, never run Tuesday, April 15, 1975 interested in the news interest which often notice of the board's intention was made at "railroaded" was born and three factions for office or serve on committees. produces distortions and inaccurate state¬ called meetings and at the Dec. 17 general now exist. ments. On April 23, one of the most membership meeting input was asked for There are those who are active, and important Recently, however, several articles and and received from the rank-and-file mem¬ hopefully will Continue to be active, in the meetings, if not the most important meet¬ pnd to the Faculty and Financial the findings of the hearing panel to a higher viewpoints concerning the MSU Employes bership. ing, of the association will be held. At this isation Committee (FAFCC). association, but who feel that the 11 board authority. Assn. (MSUEA) leadership and new con¬ Most all i"AFCC seems to have provided now agree that the February members will have too much power and meeting you will have the chance to vote on At least the stitution have appeared in the State News all MSUEA ■the revised procedure to the State hearing panel's judgement is meeting to ratify the new constitution that a quorum of 100 would rarely be positions. As a member you are no longer advisory to the administrative which I think need some response. Present¬ should have been conducted differently. charged with the responsibility of voting for id to other faculty members. It has reached. party to the grievance. It is still advisory to ly I am filling a vacancy on the executive The constitution should have been accepted Others believe the board should have those you wish to authorize to govern the |onded to our formal statement and an administrator, however, and that fact is board and as such I should point out that or rejected as presented. If rejected, operation of our association. If you fail to )t supplied MSUFA a copy of the power since the members are elected by the these views are my own and not necessarily attend and cast your vote, you I It is difficult, as a consequence, enough to weaken the entire process. proposed changes or amendments would membership and as such responsible to the will be those of the board. then have been submitted in writing at saying: "Go ahead and do what I evaluate the revision. We have stated from the outset that membership. It is also their belief that with you will, it only Since MSUEA has now negotiated a another called meeting. makes no difference to me." ■ article makes it clear, however, one procedure holds hope for justice to the a membership in excess of 1,000 it is not out formal contract with the University and Instead amendments were conceived of line to demand a quorum of over 5 per | administrator — the grievance agrieved faculty member, and that proce- acts as the bargaining agent for all CTs, it during the meeting, disputes developed cent. /-FROZEN v rDAIRY Jenos, 7'/i to 9 oz. pkg. Heatherwood All Star 8 oz. Carton PIZZA ROLL SOUR CREAM 3/sl. SNACK TRAY 99* Banquet, 8 oz. pkg. Beef, Chicken or Turkey Heatherwood, Vi Gal. Carton GOODRICH'S POT PIES 22-1 1% LoFATMILK 2/'l. Open Monday Friday, 9 y • \ / PRODUCE - -MEAT- Vine Ripe ^GROCERY—> Shurfine Natural, 46 fl. oz. Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2/88' BEEF GROUND FROM CHUCK (80% TOMATOES 29* lb. Lean or Better)] 9 Lives, 6'/} oz. Cans 3# HOLYMOLY' 1 mUL 1 PwtiM pkg. Q CAT FOOD > 88 lb* • Add Im . . . They Undress oilflavors 5/'l.° Young Plumb °' L°r9" Pascal jutiful centerfold girls, on lOVi 02. Hi-Boll glasses, disrobe t CELERY 29* 12 Pack, 12 oz. Cans TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 28c lb. eyes. Honest, just add ice and their clothes diet-$2.18 as moisture • dries, they 'dress' again ... ready to PEPSI COLA PJP P°s,Qge your next guest. Nationally advertised at $7.99 plus reg.-$2.28 Purdy Chopped and handling (total $9.34). NOW, all 4 for ONLY D'anjou Western r P°s,a9e paid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send check or Ivory, 48 fl. oz. Bottle VEAL CUTLETS 1.29 lb. order ,0: Giftime by Amco, Box 92, Okemos, Mich. PEARS 5/59* LIQUID DETERGENT *1.39 Spartan, 12 oz. Pkg. Mardi Gras, 1 Roll pkg. JUMBO TOWELS 48' BOLOGNA Reg. or Thick Sliced 69* r BAKER Mardi Gras, 60 count pkg. Spartan, Dozen Packages Sugar or Plain NAPKINS 4/$l.° ^ BAR-B-Q SPECIALS DONUTS Pringes, Twin pkg. 9 oz. Heart of chuck Boneless 2/88* POTATO CHIPS 88 CHUCK STEAK Oven Fresh, 20 oz. Loaf 1.29 lb. Smucker, 18 oz. Jar WHITE BREAD 2/89* Tender Thick Cut .STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 88 V J PORK CHOPS 1.59 lb. Wednesday Special Cash t Carry rIN STORE (available at store) Hygrade Ball Park, 1 lb. Pkg. FRANKS 98* Eckrlch All Bool. I lb. Pkg. 3" Potted SPARTAN CATSUP 12 oz. Bottle 22* SAVE 13' SPARTAN ALUMINUM FOIL yFRANKS 98V 12" x 25'Roll 22* SAVE 10' Asparagus Sprengeri MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE All Grinds 2# Tins *1.66 SAVE 53' R»fl. $1.50 .ach - KEEBLER ZESTA SALTINES NOW *1.00 each ,#Bo* 48* SAVE 21 HEATHERWOOD VANILLA ICE CREAM '/i Gal. Carton 69* SAVE 30 I ftS?always ■ n ?nd be8t wed for 8e,ecti°n of FoU»«e be found at Smith Floral Co. HEATHERWOOD COTTAGE CHEESE Lg. orSm. Curd,i6oz.44* SAVE 25' LARRY'S side of MSU at 1109 KEEBLER, 12'/a oz. Pkg. DELUXE GRAHAMS FUDGE STRIPE COOKIES 77* SAVE 2V River. Opon Mon. Sat. - or Open h ■ Thur 9 9, Fri 9 • • 11 Sat 9 10, Sun 11 ■5 • 5:30 p.m. - 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesd»y. AWh| WKAR to carr Viet aid The Senate hearings on hearings! " » President Ford's request for anticipate IL aid to Vietnam will be aired live committees will y on WKAR - AM radio today Je Southeast AmerJ use of Asia for* from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. operations. ^ The morning program will carry the Senate Foreign Rela¬ Ants horn J tions Committee hearings and will include testimony by set for D |, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Daniel Parker, "Horns and director of the Agency for vwual Light-. J symphony (J ' International Development. and The afternoon program will headlights, will bTJ 8:30 tonight in D l# J carry the Senate Armed Ser¬ Abrams vices Committee hearings and Planetarium !L will include testimony by corner Lane. of Shaw LaneJ| Frederick Weyand, U.S. Army Chief of Staff and former com¬ The event, about 10 which 1 mandant of the forces in Viet¬ minutes, wj] J the talents of some' nam, who just returned from an arranged in three m inspection tour of Indochina, coordinated prop,, and Eric Von Marbod, principal J SN photos/Dave Olds in8 lights and honkjiil deputy assistant secretary of will begin as a William F. Christensen, artistic director of the is the only major ballet company between the defense. lit and end as it highwjl east and west coasts. The MSU bun# J Ballet West, took his 85-member troupe performance through a rehearsal Monday before a large will feature "Quintet," a classical work by audience at the Women's Intramural Building. Tomm Rudd; "Echoes of Autumn," a modern The Ballet West, based in Salt Lake City, mill ballet by Bill Evans; "Irish Fantasy, "a romantic appear at 8:15 tonight in the Auditorium. The ballet -by Jacques dAmboise which is often company, founded in 1968 with a Ford performed by the New York City Ballet, and Foundation grant, is the official ballet company "Filling Station," a comic ballet by Lew of the Federation ofRocky Mountain States and Christensen. Benefit features By DAVESTERN Like Home, he was influenced by the New York jazz scene. State News Reviewer The program will open with a short section of duets, followed by East Lansing, a town of cultural diversity, will experience a new Home's set. Bennett will perform a solo set after intermission, type of event Saturday night when Tony Bennett and Lena Home then the two will band together again to close the concert with a appear in a gala benefit for the proposed Performing Arts Center tribute to Harold Arlen. In addition to the 32-piece orchestra put (PAC). together for the concert, both stars will bring their own backup "Tony and Lena Sing" will bring the glamor of Las Vegas, groups. Home's features noted guitarist Gabor Szabo. London and Broadway to the patently unglamorous Auditorium. Tickets range in price from a $100 sponsors ticket, including The show originated as a television special in London, became a your name in the program and a champagne reception with Tony hit at the Minskoff Theater in New York, broke records at the and Lena after the show, to $6.25 for students. Tickets can be Shubert Theater in Los Angeles and will materialize at 9 p.m. reserved by calling 355-4570 from 1 to 5 p.m. weekdays. They are Saturday on the MSU campus. also available at the Union ticket office or by mail from the In planning since late summer, the concert is a kick-off to the Lecture-Concert office. fund-raising campaign for the PAC. Faculty Folk, sponsoring the event with the aid of the Lecture-Concert office, hope to raise the first $100,000 for the building fund. The pairing of Bennett and Home is a natural one. The Ten Found Home, born in Brooklyn as the daughter of a black actress, made her debut as a dancer at the famous Cotton Club in Harlem. Fiddle There she came in contact with the jazzmen — Ellington, Calloway, Ivie Anderson and others — who have remained her primary presents influence until this day. As a band singer, she travelled with the bands of Noble Sissle and Charlie Barnet and eventually landed herself an MGM fflargaret fflacArthur contract. Though her film career was highlighted by being singing traditional folk songs — featured in such productions as "Stormy Weather," the first aU playing guitar, dulcimer, lap harp black musical film, it was more often characterized by the frustration of being used in nonacting parts which could be cut from the film for presentation in the South. Wednesday, April 16 at 8:30 pm Bennett, though more strongly associated with San Francisco, Union Grill *2.00 studied music and art in the New York City public school system. sponsored by the MSU Folksong Society in cooperation with the Union Activities Board MSU Department of Theatre Presents FINAL 5 DAYS /Vwt % GET Off! LINDA HELD OVER LOVELACE Wed.-Fri. April 16-18 8:15 pm 44 William F. Christensen ARENA THEATRE The Early Artistic Director COMPANY OF 35 DANGERS HURRY! LAST 3 DAYS FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE: starring Tonight Open 7 pm (ejtcrBfeMpi'* Tom Ruud, Victoria Morgan SIS 1 Shows 7:20-9:25 355-0148 . Years" Bruce Caldwell, Cynthia Young John Hiatt •joi&iHij 1 CINEMA X ' open pm Before Linda Lovelace became program f shows WsMi&uJ a porno queen in "Quintet" "Echoes of Autumn - 1 1:15-3:20 "Deep Throat," she made several short films. Even in the erotic underground these films became notorious. "Irish Fantasy" "Filling Station L Presents lk 5:20-7:20 These films have been written about in jjil 1ijjft 9:25 Playboy, PBS? Penthouse, Oui and Gallery. Music by Schubert, Saint-Saens Linda Lovelace's early films have never been Virgil Thomson & Andrzej Panufmk j 3 EROTIC DANCERS exhibited in a motion picture theatre publicly. They are Choreography by Lew Christensen PERFORMING THIS WEEK simply too daring. They are held exclusively by private Tom Ruud, Bill Evans STORMY - SMOKY - SONNEY AS collectors of erotica. Beal Film Group has contacted a Jacques d'Amboise THE DEVILS DUE private collector and made arrangements to exhibit co^nna Valerie Perrine WARREN OATES these films for a special engagement. These Lovelace films have become Tuesday, April 15 8:15 pm "BORN TO KILL" pornographic classics, much discussed, but rarely seen. They are University Auditorium At 8:30 Only TW absolutely hardcore and go substantially beyond ANGIE DICKINSON Tickets at the Union Ticket Office anything that Beal has ever presented. IS 8:15-4:30 weekdays "Big Bad Mama" Public: $6.00 5.00 4.00 COLOR 'IR" RATED X YOU MUST BE 18. ALL MSU students: $3.00 2.50 2.00 Call 355-6686 for special group P"<* PATRONS WILL BE CHECKED J FOR PROOF OF AGE This is the final subscription event i of the 1974-75 Today Open 7:00p.m. Feature7:25 -9:25 Resnais never p.m. makes a false I0NKNT Lecture-Concert Series season. fiove... creates the mood miss< University Series 9pm Saturday, April 19 by 'The Great Gatsby.' The cast Showtimes: 7:00,8:30,10:30 Art of Dance Series in the Michigan State is splendid." -Ntw3»t»k University Auditorium - ALAIN RESNAIS Showplace: 116 Ag. Engineering Call 355 4570 for ticket Admission: $2.25 availability and ordering STAVISKY RATED X BEAL FILM information. Starring CHARLES B0YEB Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 15,1975 7 PRESIDENT FEARS SOUTH merican evacuation top Ford priority JoRTON KONDRACKE ■Chicago Sun-Times Americans and elements of the South Vietnamese population deadline for Congress to act on evacuate Vietnamese does re¬ making involved in the Vietna¬ their past close association with lion cannot be evacuated, and authority for using troops, he quire legislation, and Ford mese evacuations employ such tactics represents ■SHINGTON - The Ford who, though formerly allies, also pose American policy. that getting 200,000 out will be the failure of Kissinger's larger can sustain the patience of the now in effect are apparently hopes that his sense monstrous, heart-rending prob¬ Jiistration has virtually holding the South Vietnamese. of urgency will prevail in lems. Administration officials In addition, according to the difficult. Vietnam policy. ■n off any notion of saving Americans hostage. If Americans were in im¬ officials, there are more than a Ford has stuck with the The prospects are that the In Congress and simultaneously estimated that 150,000 to ■ Vietnam from the North asking Congress for minent danger—as they might convince the South Vietnamese million whose lives might be advice of Secretary of State American experience with Viet¬ Imese. Now, the policy is authority to use American 200,000 Vietnamese are owed a yet become—only the most to hold endangered by a Communist Henry A. Kissinger as to nam will end much as it le 6,000 Americans from troops for evacuation purposes, temporarily firm. "special obligation" by the victory. legalistic-minded Americans There are conflicting reports United States tactics. At the same time, the proceeded—miserably and dis¬ Lth Vietnamese. Ford was telling potentially would dispute Ford's right to as to whether on account of The officials admit that mil¬ necessity for his having to cordantly. ■sident Ford feared that dangerous South Vietnamese Congress will go elements, "Don't worry; we'll along with the troop request. ■ng less than a maximum Enmitment to South Viet- | would lead to panic, get you out, too." The Ford policy is a delicate, If it does not, White House officials do not rule out the New state rape law will remove burden from victim possibility that Ford might Aje and bloody reprisals dangerous gamble. Too-swift resort to "prerogative"—the Mt Americans, and that evacuation of Americans might send troops to save them. extra-constitutional power of (continued from page 1) contact," and that there K major factor in his lead to the very panic and There appear to be some chief executives to do as they victim, but that it will have are ago. Maybe it will have a good The bill's success is attribu¬ technical evidentiary problems. In to request $772 million reprisals that he feared. Thus, restrictions in the War Powers see fit. legal impact. no "No matter what we do with impact on trial judges handling the cases," he said. "And, as ted to its timeliness. That fact ■itary aid to the Saigon the White House is saying no Act and other legislation on this One of the major risks "Limiting the statute such a that it was election time was lnment. more than that the American cross- a as this, we are by - product of this, there may, used as a key lever by the bill's point, but Ford presumably of Ford's policy is that Ameri¬ examination requirement has not going to in fact, be T proposal was a time- population is being "thinnned get rid of the more convictions." proponents. could successfully defend such can troops no legal impact because a judge out" in may have to engage problem after the crime — the £ maneuver designed to Saigon. action on the basis on his in vicious firefights to effect the wouldn't, in my opinion, have trial, with all its emotions, 0 days during which to evacuation of the Ford that, is apparently hoping by setting a 10-day ultimate constitutional powers. evacuations, perhaps killing allowed this prior to this when the event is brought to .••••••••••ft But, to use troops legally to thousands to save thousands. statute," he said. "This type of the attention of the people," he | III I To get Americans out, if testimony is immaterial to the added. I III SI III M It AM IS II HS Ford's plan buys less time than case, and only testimony which IRS plan expected to pass he hopes, U.S. forces have to fight SouthVietnamese allies. To get Vietnamese out, might is material is allowed, and must be proven material." Theophelis feels that the greatest outcome of the new statute yet is in arousing public T.G.I. Emery says there other TUESDAY are they might have to fight other problems concerning the sta¬ attention to the problems rape Predictions are right, the council concerning SIRS. A SIRS proposal providing South Vietnamese tute that need be worked out. and assault victims face. The alternative had a pro¬ who also §mic Council will pass a student access was sent to the want to go, or North Vietna¬ He mentioned that a jjreat If 11 I A1 f 1114 I sal today giving students vision allowing students access Senate fall term but was "Maybe now, those sitting on mese, who have condemned all difficulty exists in legal defini¬ juries will be more aware and AH SMI d access to the Student to questionnaires the students defeated. Under the new by¬ tions such as "personal evaucations of their "country¬ injury," |ctional Rating System would devise and instructors laws of academic governance, sympathetic to victims than men," including the babies "mental anguish" and "sexual they were two or three years S( H \l ■ I AI IS4 would be encouraged to hand J) forms at a meeting in though, if the Senate does not airlifted to America. ——_ Kin Con Room of the Inter¬ out. achieve a 10 per cent quorum, The logistics and choice- nal Center at 3:15 ■ last Tuesday's meeting p.m. The questionnaires would be designed to help a student which they rarely do, the What a Bargain! VI I \ I \I proposal automatically passes. ■Duncil finished discussion decide whether he will take a 14 HOUR CROUP T of the two alternatives certain course or instructor. EXPERIENCE only 86.00 REVIEW ■ad been presented to the The council adjourned last Sat.AprlHf fcMo.ni.-l 1:00p.m. week before discussing the for a Cut and Utilization of R-E-T theory other alternative, which has no fcgue s head student access provision, but and philosophy. Live more intelligently and rationally. Blow-dry at are predicted to do so quickly $10 deposit required ■talk today. GARY'S CAMPUS on jobs After discussing both docu¬ Sponsored by Inon Jordan, national ments the council will vote on Tho Institute for BEAUTY SALON lor of the Urban League, which alternative they wish to mejac TV rentals Rational Living 549 E. Grand River Ave. ■answer questions and send on to the Academic Senate 2SI2Car|Mnt«rM., Ann Arbor 337-1Q1P (313) 971-1203 days I informally with inter- for approval. (313) 483-1510 evenings 40104 ■students at 10:30 today in Tessey Hall. fclly Urban League is a funded Kzation that sponsors national job REAL Itunity and placement lams in most major cities, peijfoRmux} APIs oompAm lob Opportunity Center in Veater Lansing area is one Rich and i Urban League's pro- A PLAY ABOUT A HERO Cut out for Mexico? ol the country it your rtuircli ir? Study in Mexico, wl iry. Whether your interest lies BELL'S Education. Inter-American Business, Spanish, majors of exciting place to learn. Located in central Mexico it is tuli accredited in the U.S. Classes are ottered in both English ar Spanish. Summer Session —10 week session June 14 to August 21 ar PIZZA 225 M.A.C. 332-5027 OPEN 11 AMEVERDAY TICKETS ON SALE For more information, cut out & send to: FREE DELIVERY FAIRCHILD THEATRE REGISTRAR, University of the Americas NOW Apartado Postal 507, Puebla, Pue. Mexico 8:15 pm "MADDER, FUNNIER, | MORE INSPIRED THAN 'by ; BEING DONE | William IN MOVIES TODAK" -JiyCoekt, TIME MAGAZINE Shakespeare DIRECTED AND ADAPTED BY FRANK C. RUTLEDGE FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX-OFFICE OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 12-5 PHONE 355-0148 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN- FUNT RAM cj (U inr---—- m Over 100 courses will be offered at the UM-Flint during the 1975 Summer Program Students can earn 2 credits in a short, ten-day Minisession or up to 9 credits during a Summer Session. Prospective students are encouraged DooLey's m early Minisession A: May 7 - May 20 Registration: May 2 Minisession B: May 22-June 5 Registration: May 2 .Earn 2 credits, in ten days Michigan Residents Non-Michigan Residents $30/credit hour $95/credit hour Summer Session I: May 5 - June 21 Registration: May 2 Summer Session II: June 23 - August 9 Registration: June 19 Earn up to 9 credits in 7 weeks Michigan Residents Non-Michigan Residents $30 per credit hour $95 per credit hour For Guest Student Applications and admission information: UM-Flint Office of Admissions ........1321 East Court Street Flint. Michigan 48503 (313) 767-4000. Ext. 244 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, APril 15, J Spartans open home diamond Scott Evans as a warmup for the seasoi By MIKE L1TAKER Game time is 1 p.m. at Kobs Field. weekend 8 n Wlth Ki . and Iowa. State New§ Sports Writer Spartan coach Danny Litwhiler will open with Rick Moore "We're going to feel it out the first After 13 inches of snow on the home front and 21 games on the against the Broncos, but is still hedging on whether or not he will game and — i start senior Duane Bickel in the second game. goes. He needs the work," Litwhiler said road, MSU's baseball team will finally open its 1976 home season well as we think he should or what he "He's iw ^ today with a doubleheader against Western Michigan, providing Litwhiler is hopeful of getting a complete game out of Moore and thinks he shmiS^ then dividing the second game up among Bickel, Todd Hubert and Bronco coach Bill Chambers is still the skies don't open up again. undecided pitchers, but the two will come from the group iboVt Irwin, Terry O'Brien and Rick Farrow. ofTr- l.**! Farrow h». lowest earned run average on the squad, Baseball attendance figures up; Third baseman Jim Carwardine is hitters with a .320 average. aaparkUng currently le«di„, ,l.' "Western always has a good bailclub in the to.,* „ American Conference, but we're as much in the dark hi players inch toward millionth run they are about us," said Spartan asst. coach Frank'Si as MSU hasn't faced Western since 1973, as last year'i games in Kalamazoo were snowed out So far thin. Broncos have been able to put together a 2 • 5 record NEW YORK (UPI) - It took After the first 29 dates in Between them, the American Sunday's games. twinbill split with Big Ten opponent Indiana. only one week to prove it, but 1974, irrespective of site, the and National leagues already On the basis of early 1975 baseball is popular than attendance was 455,668. have attracted than a production, directors of The big test to see if the Spartan nine is for ever. more million fans. more test based on naming a con¬ the weekend when last year's Big Ten real will <«. J cochamps, Minnesota HdlJ Despite such factors the Cleveland, with the attrac¬ scoring player and the date of come to town. The Spartans, who have recession and the as increasing tion of player-manager Frank Meanwhile, major league the millionth run, predicted it conference and 13 - 8 over - all marks, are put tomtJil competition for the sports Robinson, showed the biggest baseball players scored 501 would be scored on May 4. three way currently tie for the conference lead with Mkhim |«JJ increase over last year, fol¬ Manufacturers of Tootsie J dollar, the American League runs during the first week of Wisconsin. Wll SN photo/John Dickson lowed by Milwaukee, which is the season, bringing the com¬ Rolls have offered a million reported Monday that its at¬ Spartan baseball coach Danny Litwhiler pen¬ tendance figures for the first showing off Henry Aaron, and bined total to within 1,630 of pennies and numerous prizes to "Beating Purdue in are never in the race a twin bill Friday isn't much been* anyway," Pellerin said. "But i{«, J J sively studies his team during a practice week of the season were the New York, Which has added the one millionth run in history. winners in a sweepstakes in¬ Minnesota or Iowa, then that separates you from the re* J session. MSU will open its home season at 1 p.m. highest since the start of Catfish Hunter. The total was 998,370 through volving the millionth run. have got to beat the contenders or maybe nobody else win? today with a doubleheader against Western expansion in 1961. Including Sunday's games, Michigan. there was a paid attendance of 558,790 for 29 dates and 31 Second prep eager THE BEAVER IS COME MEET games. Last year, after the Netters win/ess remain same number of dates at the COMING same ance parks, the paid attend¬ amounted to 489,005, thus inks Spartan letter RICHARD after Big Ten representing an increase of MSU's men's tennis team took two beatings last weekend as it 69,785 or 14.3 per cent. Detroit stater Henry Ford all - Greg Kelser has become said asst. coach Vern Payne, who scouted Kelser. "His AUSTIN opened its Big Ten season on the road with 8 ■ 1 losses to both Iowa the second high school star to and Minnesota. First-year tanker offensive and especially his . Despite the Spartans' 0 - 9 winless season, MSU coach Stan sign a basketball national letter of intent for MSU. defensive abilities will be val¬ uable next year." Secretary of State Drobac still sees possibilities for his team. emerges as MVP Coach Gus Ganakas earlier Kelser averaged three block¬ in "Maybe you shouldn't be impressed unless you win, but these announced the signing of Ar- ed shota per game during the guys are giving their best and improving each match," Drobac Freshman John Apsley was kanasas ace Tanya Webb. room 335 Cato Hall 1974 - 75 campaign. said. Point scorers for the Spartans over the honored Thursday as the MSU Kelser, a 6 - 6,183 - pounder, Among his 12 school records, Tuotday April 15,1975 weekend were Larry men's swimming team's most averaged 22.5 points and 16.5 Kelser collected season highs of 7:00 p.m. Stark and Tom Gudelsky, who combined for a doubles victory against Iowa, and junior Dick Callow, who won in the No. 6 singles valuable performer of last season at the squad's banquet. rebounds per game last season as a forward. He was sought by 41 points and 29 rebounds one game. in WATCH FOR IT EVERYONE WELCOME position against the Golden Gophers. It was the first time a freshman many teams and held a high Rick Zabor, a sophomore, has improved the most, according to ever got the award. priority on the MSU recruiting his coach. Zabor started the season as the No. 7 man on the squad Apsley, from Florida, cap¬ list. and now alternates with Stark, a junior, in the No. 1 singles spot. tured firstplace in the 100- "Kelser is one of the finest The netters are at home this weekend against Wisconsin and Careers You Want yard butterfly in the Big Ten forwards to come out of the Northwestern. meet. Detroit area in quite a while," Capitol Savings But Don't Know About! OH THESE "Most graduates take jobs they don't really want and are forced to work for low pay because they are unaware of what is really a vaitable to them. There is definitely a "I worried about what I would lack of pertinent and do when I graduated. I went accessible information into graduate school only describing the existing job because I really didn't know market." what else to do. When I Tom Willis graduated from there I still These are only two Commodities Trader didn't know what I wanted to examples of how mosl do or what was actually graduating seniors feel about their choices after available to me." - graduation. Lack of information, Dean Bennan in terms of what their choices are, Mergers and Acquisition often leads them into unsatisfying and Consultant frustrating school or work situations which are not right for them. 1 far2" 2for5°° 3far7 00 The Career Manual is well a comprehensive guide to hundreds of jobs that are satisfying, interesting and paying occupations to which personal skills and talents can be applied. It describes the career's responsibilities, daily activities, salaries, advancement opportunity, educational requirements as well as the number of such positions available in the job market today. It also includes: • How to write a resume. • How to get those important interviews. • How to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other job seekers, • How to ask for the salary you want. • How to use your present position as a springboard to more responsible and better paying positions. SELECTED LP's BY "I graduated with a liberal arts! degree and no idea as to what to GLENN CAMPBELL FERLIN HUSKY do. Using the Owen techniques Why be forced into a position only because you don't know what STAN KENTON BOBBIE GENTRY other opportunities exist. Let the Career Manual in the Career Manual, I landed open your eyes to KINGSTON TRIO SONNY JAMES what the job market really has to offer and how you can make my first job with one of the TEX RITTER BENNY GOODMAN things work to your own advantage. largest market research firms in the country. After just one year, Send today for your own money back guaranteed copy of the using the springboard technique, Career Manual. The few dollars you spend today can bring you an I joined another company for a AND DOZENS MORE exciting and satisfying career as well as it can bring thousands of dollars in higher salary. better position and a 60% increase in salary. I made the FROM CAPITOL RECORDS switch in two days." Sharon, Ray _ Send $10.00 check ^ Market Research or money order to: Associate HOURS I Rodger Owen MON — FRI 21 W. Goethe Dept. 9-L 10 AM - 9 PM Chicago, Illinois 60610 SAT 10 AM - 6 PM . SUN NOON - 6 PM Satisfaction guaranteed or your money will be promptly refunded. Enclose your: « 351-8460 Name ! Street Number i City and State Zip Code n state News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 15, 1975 9 APRIL IS THE MONTH FOR SPRINC HOUSECLIANMG. }m SiU "DOH'T HEIDS' WITH A CLASSIFIED ADSI | titwitlw ||g) T MlSwHt II/] | "F^KLYSPEAKING. .byphilfrank [ frarimts ||y|. [ *>art«e«is ||y| | Hjirfwts |[y] L0,RoIL^AI!^NE' J.968' en9ine $200 mason body shop. 812 East Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. MALE ROOMMATE needed, $75 orbe* off*. 365-3066. 3-4-17 EAST MAIN Street. 3 rooms and MALE ROOMMATE needed, Complete auto painting and colli- monthly, own bedroom, reduced bath. $110 per month including all share room, Twyckingham apart- April rent. Call 349-0549. 5-4-16 — FORD CUSTOM 1969. 7-7- sion service. American and utilities. Immediate occupancy. ments, $86/month, 351-3927, With Foreign cars. <85-0256 C-4-30 351-7283. 1-4-15 available immediately. 5-4-16 |)NE 355 8255 trailer hitch. Runs beautifullyl Low price. Call 332-8953. 3-4-17 SUBLET SPRING - summer. 1-2 Ldent StrvlcM Bldg AMERICAN, GERMAN and bedroom, Beal Street. Free ONE BEDROOM luxury apartment SUMMER - 2 or 3 man. month's rent. 351-1799. 7-4-15 loMOTIVE 7--- 1966- V-8, stick FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. 20% DISCOUNT to students and furnished, air, shag, balcony. University Villa. Cheap. Close to Walk to campus. June. 351-0868, campus. 332-8905. 5-4-16 Looters i Cycles shift, $225. 349-2434 after 6 pm. faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW FURNISHED, $100-1 bedroom, 2 after 5 pm. 2-4-16 forts i Service 3-417 service parts. IMPORT AUTO bedrooms - $115. 394-0683 9-9. SOUTH LANSING, 2 bedroom ■viotion — PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. ABBOTT ROAD. Now leasing apartment, nice location, $125, •loyment GREMLIN 1972. 6 cylinder Cedar- <85-2047. <85-9229. 3-4-16 beginning summer term. One plus utilities and deposit. Ref¬ I RENT . automatic, 29,000 miles snows ' Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- bedroom, air conditioned, luxury erences required. Call 487-1983. apartments. Complete with dish¬ 5-4-16 Iportments $1595. 371-3572. 5-4-18 Cirl SUBLET SUMMER - large one washers, self-cleaning ranges, re¬ louses bedroom, furnished, close, air, Mwmiiri~ACc"ir~im~rr, MAUBU CLASSIC 1974. Excel- MAKE Y0UR W0lid rotten with Armor a little "ess $155 including utilities. 337-0247. frigerators. $200-$225 per month. ONE BLOCK from campus - now looms All, available at DABCON ENTERPRISES, 371- leasing for summer and fall terms! t®" Manvextras' Ask" CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 54-18 4158, evenings, 351-5312. 7-4-18 Jt■nimals SALE mg $3,700. Details call 355-4410. CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama- Spacious 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Call Joe Miller, zoo, one mile west of campus. 551 ALBERT STREET, one block ACME BEDDING CO. 332-4240. 20-5-7 Jobile Homes 487-5055. C-9-4-25 from campus. Large 2 MG MIDGET 1974, excellent con- bedroom, 49.95 Twin Size IT & FOUND — furnished, summer and fall. LANSING -1 block north of Grand dition, 8,600 miles, $2800. Phone REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines 54.95 Double Size River and Cedar. On bus route, JSONAL 489-6696. 5-4-18 guaranteed as low as $175 ex- Resident manager, 351-5208 or 405 Cherry at $120 plus deposit. Living room, InUTS PERSONAL 351-6676. 10-4-25 change. Free towing available- bedroom, bath, kitchen, 371-2255, |L estate MGB 1972, 36,000 miles, superb local areas< Installation as low as available May 1st. 5-4-16 Ireation 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and shape, rustproofed. Removable ,S*™°ur repair Prices and unfurnished, utilities paid except EAST SIDE, one bedroom, par- FURNISHED 1 bedroom, North JVICE fcstruction hardtop, $2700 or best offer. KI ™NC J^°RT AUT0 electricity. On bus line. 332-8036, tially furnished, shag carpet, no Lansing, $140 per month, utilities Phone KMne 351-4546 Jbl-4546 or or 4PQ 7fun 489-7040. PARTS, Cedar 500 East kalamazoo and ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411 • BERKELEY. CA.94709 1308 Haslett Road. 10-4-25 485.3047, 485-9229. children, pets. Evenings, 482-5450 Paid. references, Phone 485-3420. Jrping Knsportation Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- CHALET APARTMENTS. 5-4-21 5-4-16 card. C-22-4-30 One JNTED MUSTANG 1967. 6 cylinder, 1 Employment ]|jj[ Apartments mf] person needed to share 2 bed¬ room. $93 for your own bedroom. SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY, CEDAR VILLAGE (pool automatic, good transportation, best offer! 393-2502 after 6 pm. Eiploynal m GENERAL LABORERS Call 332-6197. 5-4-15 luxury apartment, air conditioning, no pets, close to campus, one Now Renting Summer and Fall 4-18 WANTED: MALE and female go HASLETT AREA, 5906 Marsh bedroom, $165/month. Call after VALLEY FORGE ["RATES** Lord minimum go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, Immediate JOBS BY PHONE Road, 3 bedroom apartment, par¬ BRAND NEW 3 pm. 337-9551. 3-4-17 Summer Rates are $150-$200 per month. Fall Rates are $80, .„eTA.,riM(1 MUSTANG 1969, stick shift, new 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- openings, reliable tially furnished, $225/month. 393- SUMMER AND FALL people needed for both long and 8201. 5-4-15 EAST LANSING, Abbott and $83, $85 per person per >arts, good condition. Best offer 23 Summer Rotas S130 p*r month month. l NO. DAYS icceptable. 355-1201. 3-4-17 L short term assignments in retail TWO ROOM apartment to sublet FoU Rotn SIS4 - SI7S Northlawn, furnished, 2 bedroom, 351-5180 BABYSITTER NEEDED from 2:30 stores, factories and warehouses. $180, includes utilities, phone APRIL FREE, One bedroom fully summer. Good location, 635 489-4623. 4-4-18 1 3 5 10 OPEL GT, 1973, yellow, black interior, sharp, $2750. 627-7589. until 6 pm, 5 days a week. Must have own transportation. Call Experience not always necessary. Apply in person MANPOWER, Abbott, $190. 332-4248. 5-4-17 SUBLET furnished. deposit. For $175/month. one or two $100 people. 1 4.80 7.80 15.60 5-4-16 351-6367. 5-4-16 SUMMER, one girl, for 2 INC. 105 East Washtenaw. 0-4-16 SUMMER: 2 bedroom, 2 man. A LOOKING FOR girl to share Walking distance to campus. I 6.00 9.70 19.50 man apartment. Own room, close, 351-0008. 5-4-15 block from campus. Sunny and apartment for $100 a month spring air, pool, 332-3110. 5-4-21 1 7-20 : 11.70 23.40 PORSCHE 914 - 2.0 1973. WE NEED college graduates in the REGISTERED NURSES full and air. 351-6466. 3-4-15 and summer. Call 351-9531. Yellow with brown LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. 1 8.00 13.00 26.00* interior, Lansing area. School teacher or part time positions available on the 15-5-2 SUBLET SUMMER 2 man, fur¬ Air AM/FM stereo, limited slip, ip- sales experience preferred. Full 11p.m.-7:30a.m. and 3-11p.m. conditioned, $145 summer, 1 10.00 16.25 32.50 pearance group, extras, days: 337-1731, nights: 337-2183, Mark time training salary plus 1 missions. Call com- Josephine shifts. Excellent working condi¬ tions, salary and fringe benefits. 731 ONE GIRL, Near MSU. Share nished, 4 rooms, air, pool, adja¬ cent campus, $135 + electricity. $175 fall. 39-5-30 351-1610 or 487-4451. 351-6548. 5-4-21 Harbison. - - - 5-4-16 T.-.Z 7 TRIUMPH-GT-6, good condition " Starkweather at Investors Diversified Services. 694-3935. Apply personnel department, Ing¬ ham Medical Center, 401 West APARTMENTS small, apartment. one bedroom, furnished $70. 489-5922. INCREDIBLE! Two bedroom, two TWO BEDROOM mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 furnished ( 10-4-18 Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan *Clo» to Comput 0-5-4-18 •1200. Honda CB-350, 1972, call bathfoom, close. 1-2 girls, $90 minutes to campus. Quiet and 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. •Air Conditionod inytime, 351-1575. x5-4-18 SUMMER CAMP Positions for: •All Applloncot negotiable. 489-9158. 3-4-17 peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or 7-4-16 CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. pation/corrections 12 Tennis, guitar, arts and crafts, •luxurious Furnl Large 2 bedroom furnished. 711 EAST 484;E315_0:4;30 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1971. Excel- dramatics. Call 1-313-353-6491. EAST LANSING Schools. Secre¬ -Shag Carpotlng day before TWO FEMALE Roommates s Single girls or married couple only. lent condition. $1600 or best offer. 3-4:15 taries, teacher aids, stock atten¬ •On-Slto Monog $220. 489-5922. 0-5-4-18 APARTMENTS needed for next year. Americana 351-7336. 54-15 dants, maintenance, CETA Title — PART TIME cook, weekends only. Apartments. $75/month. Please Six employment, must reside in 711 Burcham Road call 353-0551. 5-4-17 Id js ordered it cannot TRIUMPH 1971 GT-6, excellent Experience preferred. Must be Now Leasing East Lansing. 1-2 Man apartment, ft block to Census tracks lied Br changed until ZSSZJTlShS? ^ neat and dePendable. Call for 414244.01. Contact Michigan Summer and Fall campus. Kitchen and utilities NOW RENTING! Houses 1st insertion, unless it is 30,^ miles^ J35M575. _5-4-17 appointment, 655-1275, SEA Employment Security Commission Summer-$50 per person included. 351-9082. 5-4-18 Exceptionally Large One J & cancelled 2 days /EGA 1971. Standard transmis- HAW* RESTAURANT, William- 54-16 Bedroom Apartment HASLETT DUPLEX, country, car¬ ■publication. iion. $975. Cail 332-6887. 5-4-21 w°n.L 1 fromcampw. 3-4-16 | Fall $ 75 per person HALF PRICEI Summer. Large' Suitabtil»ilPor2-3 Students peted, 2285 West Lake Lansing, - REGISTERED NURSES-full and jPiscount for 12 mo. Lease one bedroom apartment. $160, $125 Security. 339-9667. Two I is a $1.00 service VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Van, lots of ^htl" alolv^'"drTjab^ part time positions available on the afternoon and midnight shifts in 351-7212 miles from campus. 487-5074. S190/MONTH 5-4-16 E 9 s' :^ Lansina ^ I for an ad change. extras, new motor and tires, good •12 Month Leases . 731 Burchom Drive 5-4J8^ all purpose van. 355-6148, 485- f? Lansing. 489-2086. ICU-CCU. Minimum starting sala¬ ries $4.82 per hour plus differen¬ Modelsopen 1 -6, Mon. - Sat. FEMALE, OWN room in town- •Completely Furnished COUNTRY BACHELOR Pad, fire¬ s Personal ads must 6130. 5-4-17 Other times by appointment •Carpeting (completely) place, two kitchens, own room. tial. Immediate openings. Please house. Bus, pool, air, > etc.' Call 489-5655 or 669-3502. 3-4-15 •Appliances Et Air Condi¬ VOLVO 1966 Manv new Darts SECRETARIES and Receptionists. contact Lansing General Hospital, PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, $109/month plus electric. 351- tioned ptate Mews will be ss,sSPin,i,r#K, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal South. Furnished, one bedroom. 4-4-15 •Heat & Water Included WOMEN house, NEEDED to sublet Close le only for the first "»"«351 0625 »+» s zn Opportunity Employer. 8-4-22 Utilities paid. $150/month plus deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-16 *2 Man Units to campus. summer, own room. 337-1555. 5-4-17 fcorrect insertion. _ — skills. Choose from various TIRED OF NOISE? FOR APPOINTMENT CALL VW SQUAREBACK 1968. Mint openings. Salaries range from TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER SPACIOUS 2 bedroom apartment, 337-7328 or 351 0726 TWO ROOMMATES needed. condition, runs great. $750 or best * $100-$150/week. Don't wait, call WE HAVE 1,2 AND 3 summer Leases Available I due 7 days from the SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 fully carpeted, air conditioned, in Share furnished house. $70/ offer. 351-5289. 3-4-16 now. OFFICEMATES, Phone BEDROOM UNFURNISHED month plus utilities. Vation date. If not paid offered nationally for qualified residential area. $185 a month, 484-6312, 694-1153. 3-4-17 APARTMENTS Kim. After 5pm, 485-3916. 5-4-17 I due date, a 50£ late college graduates by June. Imme¬ available June 1st. Call after 6pm, VW, 1966, Good deall Runs good. 882-8038. 5-4-15 TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished I charge . diate salary negotiable and ad¬ will be due. $150 or best offer.- Call 353-8328. 3-4-15 APpLY NOW for Corps, fall summer Peace Vista Training justed over 40 month training program. Earn while you learn! 11 BEAL STREET APARTMENTS. 2 $155' apartments: Kedzie Drive. 124 Cedar Street, $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 Year leases and LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ ties to select, qualified tenants Programs. Interviews in the No limit on future earnings, Call and 3 man furnished apartments, 1 (INCIUDIS 5AS HEAT I WATER) only. At no cost to you. Call 7~ Placement Bureau. 1-4-15 block from campus. Air condition¬ summer leases only. Starting v/ia/ biic VW BUS 1 a-n 1973. Low mileage, Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ call June or September. Heat in¬ 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT views by appointment only. ing, carpeted, balconies. Now SELECTOR.10-4-23 $3400. 694-8821. ^ ,Sacrifice f0' 54-21 COLLEGE CAMPUS REPRESEN- 20-52 leasing for summer and fall. KNOB HILL cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, ®6, ALL TATIVE needed to sell brand 337-0449. 5-4-15 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. =IVE ROOM, utilities furnished. power acces- name stereo components to APARTMENTS 0-4-30 Northeast Lansing. Phone 489- "» original miles. After EXPERIENCED BARTENDER and __ students at lowest prices. 901 EAST OAKLAND, 1st floor, 4 5388, after 4 pm. 4-4-18 '7 $1250. 3-4-16 High barmaid for part time work. Apply 349-4700 MALE ROOMMATE needed. Un¬ commission, no investment re¬ rooms, furnished, utilities paid, 5 miles from campus in person after 11:30 am GARAGE, furnished, own bedroom. Straw¬ HOUSE. NEAR campus. June ABRE 1969. quired.' Serious inquires ONLYI baby welcome, no pets. 489-3377. Community atmosphere Air, Fad Components, Inc. 20 Passaic 317 North Capitol, in the parking 5-4-16 berry Fields Apartments. Free bus 15th - September 15th. All utilities $660 or best offer. Sorry, no,pets to campus. Joe, 393-8526. 3-4-15 Avenue, Fairfield, New Jersey, ramp. 3-4-16 Daid. Call 332-2023. 3-4-17 |B161l 5-4-15 07006. Jerry Diamond. 201-227- ONE BEDROOM, utilities inclu¬ MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 bed¬ ONE PERSON wanted for 2 6814. 1-4-15 ded, deposit, stove and refrigera¬ DUPLEX FOR rent - 3 bedrooms P7.3/ ■AM-FM, 260°cc automatic, HONDA 550-4. Operated 1 SENIOR NEEDS part time job! tor. $135/month. 371-4436 or room apartment in country. $95. bedroom luxury apartment. furnished. Summer. Off Beech 27,000 miles, season. 2500 miles. Includes $200 Geology, Briggs, German, 25 Call 882-9119. 54-17 $137.50. No students please. 351- ■ wsoo negotiable. HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed 484-0152. 3-4-15 Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-22 " Jim wind jammer. Perfect condition. wpm, keypunch. Sue Lydens, 5614, after 5:30 p.m. 3-4-15 for 16 semi-independent mentally ^,355-6068^ 20-4-2? $1600. Call 351-7944 after 5 pm. 353-6296. 3-4-16 NOW LEASING for fall-Colonial PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house |^0VA SS 1964. 283 54-21 retarded adults. Call 393-4442 or write Moore Living Center, 1401 Yes...We have Arms, 126 Orchard. 2, 3 and 4 FEMALE ROOMMATES needed available immediately. Nicely New exhaust, good HONDA 1973 CB350, clean and Edgewood Blvd, Lansing, i For -nn location! man 10-4-24 apartments. Call 337-1800. for fall Cedar Village apartment, $83, prefer non-smokers. 355- furnished, parking. Students wel¬ come. 5 minute drive. $150/ ■ snows. $150. Bruce, Michigan. 48910. 5-4-21 smooth, just professionally tuned. TV AND STEREO RENTALS. 0434. 5-4-17 month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 154-18 $800. 355-2590. 5-4-21 „ „ $25/term. $10.95/month. Free RIVER'S and WATER'S PINE LAKE APARTMENTS I;;;- CAPABLE PERSON - must like same day delivery and service. HASLETT IbT'1969. " radials, 44,000 miles, children - to begin dinner and stay Call NEJAC, 337-1300. C-4-30 EDGE Apartments Short on Cash? Maybe we can CROSSWORD mechanically CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our with children Monday - Friday 3:30 work something out. One bed¬ ruSt, $850. PUZZLE Call low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING -5:30. Must have car. $2 an hour, [ ](g] (next to Cedar room apartments with shag car¬ _ ■after 5. 5-4-16 484-1414 or 339-9535. 0-13-4-30 339-8013 after 5 pm. 4-4-18 Apartments peting, drapes and appliances. MILFORD STREET, 126. Two Village) $150 per month plus utilities. 10 1. Petition ACROSS 31. Threaded |STal|192/£™°' 154-21 P CYCLE TnSURANCE~wT $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc tow "as WOMAN CO-LEADER for group canoeing Mississippi fall term. blocks from campus. Deluxe, air conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom NOW LEASING minutes from MSU. Located at 6076 Marsh Road, just north of 4. Stopper 8. Lug fastener Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager 33. Misfortunes at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 Leadership and counseling experi- (master). Two man-$190. Three 332-4432 339-8192 or EAST LANSING 11. Palmyra palm 35. Rough lava room $207. Fall leasing. I FORMULA 350 1973 ence- BA/equivalent essential. 332- REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 leaf 36. Jacob's brother §•> saddle, 3418. 489-1656. 20-4-30 12. Algerian 25,000 miles, USED MOTORCYCLES discount 675-7482. 5-4-18 MALE ROOMMATE needed, """"" 38. Secret 351-3057 on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand seaport doctrines River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 LIGHT HOUSEWORK, 2 days/ FEMALE ROOMMATES needed South Lansing, own room! 1^9 GUNSON, 1 bedroom apart- 13. By way of 40. Anglo-Saxon week. Must provide own trans- for fall. Cedar Village apartments. >85.50, non-smoker. 393-3472 or ment, furnished, utilities, $170. 14. Many times king P 19?1 $80. Call JoAnn, 332-0174. 5-4-15 82-3897. 3-4-17 351-5827, call after 5 pm. x-5-4-16 16. Most extensive 42. Hastened i sharp AM/FM stereo HONDA CL350. Excellent condi- portation. References requested, 18. Disentangle 43. Officers car. Power !!on' 1973' E,ectric start. $800 must be able to work through A NEW CONCEPT IN APARTMENT 20. Large weight 46. Pesky insects |482 5952. 5-4-16 f,rm' CaH Judi' 349-4655. 5-4-15 summer. 641-4108 after 5 pm. LIVING THIS FALL 21. Balloon basket 49. Stir. 2-4-15 24. Adventure 50. So be it 3 Window Van. HONDA CL350, 1973%, pur¬ 27. Atop 6 WANTED: FULL time waitress. 52. Cushion lruns chased in 1974, excellent condi¬ 28. Long-billed 53. Nominal value great! $850. Apply HUDDLE LOUNGE, 820 Ter 5 Pm. 5-4-18 tion, $750. Call Tim, 351-4957. 54-15 West Miller Road, Lansing-54-16 BURCHAM WOODS game bird 30. Oriental 54. Demands payment RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT NOW WHILE THEY LAST Let Burcham Woods take your bills and pay them for dwelling 55. Informer you! Instead of having to hassle with the endless parade of monthly 1 3 * 5 6 j 0 9 10 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL debts. 11 1 ii 1 i3 TWENTY DOLLARS H0j>»ey Burcham Woods will pay; *CABLE TV it 4' 16 Y/, 17 pNlSHED $$$BONUS$$$ collingwood apts!! *Elecfric 18 19 io Jarpeted $10 OFF current rates for FALL *Heat % 1% |IR CONDITION * Air Conditioning 21 22 i3 24 76 26 ■^CONIES SUMMER SPECIALS PIUS BONUS EH. SIM *All utilities ' 28 %29 35 ■ CONven'ent LOCATIONS 1 bedroom $140 •shag carpeting * Heated Pool 32 35 % V | E TO CAMPUS 2 bedrooms $150 I up •unlimited parking *Parking % 35 * Plush furniture *Laundry Facilities *6 3; 38 59 EARLY B|RD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. »195 and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. live in one of our spacious 2 •Model Open Daily Call us now to acquire your hassle-free future home at Burcham *o % fZ Wood.* V/, % % . . bedroom 4-man units for as low as $60 per month ... % 0R RENTAL INFORMATION AND SHOWING CAll 351-7910 call 351-8282 Fall Rates Efficiency $168 Twelve month Leases *4 4 51 •<6 4 X 48 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT (behind Old World Plata One Bedroom $198 53 I 54 1 56 444 Michigan Av*. E. Lansing onthorivorl) Two Bedroom $248 % 0 -JO* YOUR CONVENIENT f>PPM «AT 10-4-^$UN 1*4 V 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 or 484-4014 wn State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 15, 1975 1 1 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman Detroit | Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services 3 V. MU9-TV, Kalomoioo 7 WXYZ TV. DrtiSl °° 25 WEYI-TV, Saginaw TORAY l£ . t WWJ TV. Datroit I 5 wNEM-TV, Boy City « WOTV, Grond Ropid. TtePAY l)CC£&5- 5:55 J 6:00 (50) Underdog (41) Early News 12:00 MIDNIGHT |gn Second Chance (9) Film Festival (6) Almanac 12:20 PM (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 6:00 1:00 AM (3^6 12:30 (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 10-12-13-25-41) News (7-12) News (9) Bewitched (2j3-6-25) As The World Turns (23) Interface (50) Religious Message 1:30 (5-8-10) How To Survive A (50) Star Trek (2) Late Show Marriage 6:30 _ 6:20 (7-12-13-41) Let's Make (7) Religious Message Hnd Country Almanac A Deal (3-4-5-6-7-10-25) News (12) National Anthem (9) That Girl (9) I Dream Of Jeannie 6:25 (23) Food For Life (12) 6:30 Movie 2:00 CAMPUS CLATTER (50) The Lucy Show (4-10) News !!|B6:30 12:55 (13) Beverly Hillbillies (23) Assignment America 3:00 by Larry Lewis le Semester (2) Operation Second Chance (5-10) News (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive (Women Only 1:00 7:00 3:30 (2) Love Of Life (2) News 8> Weather (2-4-7-8) News HOLD ITJ THOUGH J. Presents (3-25) Guilding Light 3:35 lobby Show (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (3) What's My Line? (2) Message For Today I'M NOT USING MV kration Second Chance (5) Ironside (6) Martha Dixon PARKIN® SPACE, Hnd Farm Report (6) Bewitched MR. BURNS, I DON'T ■ Edition (7-12-13-41) Pyramid (9-50) Movies The $10,000 (9) Beverly Hillbillies (10) Call It Macaroni (13) Truth Or Consequences MOVIES 8:00 WANT you TO USE IT EITHER i 6:55 (23) Who's Out There? (23) Solar Energy (7-12-1341) "Swiss 1:25 Family I Kerr Show (25) The F.B.I. Robinson" Martin Milner, Pat 7:00 (2) News (41) Country Place Delany. Story of a family Mews 1:30 (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour shipwreck on a remote island. ■Today Show (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night 7:30 8:30 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (2) Truth Or Consequences [America ' (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (4-5-8-10) "Virginia Hill" Dyan fcig Top (23) Washington Straight Talk (3) Candid Camera Cannon. Story of a Southern girl ■ Racer (4-5-8-10) Last Of The Wild who became the girlfriend of Qf '76 2:00 (6) Wait Till Your Father Gets (2) Guilding Light gangster Bugsy Siegel. 7:05 Home ftn Capers (3-6-25) New Price Is Right (7) The Price Is Right ' (4-5-8-10) Another World 11:30 7:30 Carnival ' (7-13-41) General Hospital (8) Hollywood Squares (2-3-6) "The 5-Man Army" Peter SHORT RIBS in (9) Room 222 Graves, James Daly. (1970) Band (12) Money Maze ■ ' Big Top 7:35 (23) Lilias, Yoga & You (13) To Tell The Truth of Americans fight Mexican by Frank Hill (23) Canada Not For Sale revolutionaries. gan 2:30 (41) Superstars Of Rock 8:00 (2) Search For Tomorrow 8:00 everybody complains nobody praises so the serfs who couldnY (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (50) "Northern Pursuit" Errol about the wav the him for the good fcaptain Kangaroo (2-3-25) Good Times pay their tames wouldnt (7-1341) One Life To Live Flynn, Gene Lockhart. (1943) king is running things. ■ Schools (4-5-8-10) Adam 12 Two Mounties find only one things he DOES. have V wait in long- le Street (12) Lucy (6) Partridge Family link on april 16. survivor of the group of Nazi (23) Human Relations & (7-12-41) Happy Days saboteurs who landed by tigers' Neighborhood (9-13) Movie lf T 8:25 3:00 8:30 (2) The Young And Restless 12:00 MIDNIGHT lr Report (2-3-6-25) M*A*S*H 8:30 (3-6-25) Tattletales (9) "Brigand Of Kandahar" (4 5-7-8 10-12-41) Movies Ronald lions Encore (4-10) Somerset Lewis, Oljver Reed. (9) Rainbow Country (1966) Half-caste British officer 8:35 (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (23) Consumer Survival Kit in the Bengal Lancers is falsely Michigan (7-13-41) The Money Maze (50) Merv Griffin Show " (8) Mike Douglas accused of cowardice. 8:45 9:00 (12) General Hospital (2-3-6-25) Hawaii Five-0 (23) Sesame Street 1:30 AM (9) News Nine (2) "U.F.O." Tom Powers. (1956) 3:30 (23) Ask The Lawyer POP (2) Match Game '75 9:30 Washington is threatened by DOONESBURY (3) (4) Joker's Wild How To Survive A Marriage (9) Front Page Challenge (23) Bottom Line "unknowns" from outer space. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: ijUNiaiqmcql (5) The Flintstones 10:00 (6) Guilding Light jl Giant (7) (2-3-6-25) Barnaby Jones lie Douglas Password (4-5-8-10) Police Story le Street (9) Gomer Pyle (7-12) Marcus Welby, M.D. OH, HE$ BEEN -■' SOME OF THE CON- I Morning Playbreak i 9:15 (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes (12) One Life To Live (9) Up Canada (13-41) Rabin-An Action TUESDAY ? THAT EVER SINCE WORK WAS THERB'S m WAT'S * STARTED ON THE I Schools (13) All My Children GOING 9:27 (25) Gambit Biography (23) Evening News COUNTRY THE MATTER. ] ALASKAN PIPELINE. TO BE A (41) Batman WITH ZACHARi? HE'S GOT A LOT OF Message us 9:30 (50) Banana Splits (50) Dinah! 10:30 FRIED ° A 1 He'S SHAKING, ' FRIENDS GROWING 4:00 UKSALBAF! UP ON THE TUNDRA (9) All Around The Circle with v (2) Tattletales (23) Assignment America (3) Gambit (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- 11:00 ALAN (5) Studio 5 10-12-13-25) News 9:55 (6) The Attic (23) Making It Count LEE Karol Duvall (7) The Brady Bunch (41) The Prrotectors 10:00 (8) Gilligan's Island 11:20 TONITE liow You See It (9) Petticoat Junction (9) Nightbeat jHigh Rollers I Yoga & You V Room (10) New Zoo Revue (12) Merv Griffin (13) Mickey Mouse Club (2-3-6) Movies 11:30 (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow £izai°cfe n Today (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 224 ABBOTT (7-12-41) Wide World Mystery _ 10:30 (25) Yogi & Friends THE DROPOUTS I Right (41) Daktari Yi Of Life (50) Three Stooges by Post ■Hollywood Squares 4:30 J With Dennis Wholey (2) Mike Douglas Show ksup (3) Merv Griffin Show N Brady Bunch (4) George Pierrot Presents |Alegre (6) That Girl )o Revue (7) 4:30 Movie r Women Only (8) Partridge Family Jy«d§)LALrill5J975__ 11:00 (9) Andy Griffith Story of a Southern girl who became gangster Bugsy Siegel's Inahue Show (10) Mickey Mouse Club 8: (10 PM girlfriend. Jung And Restless (13) I Love Lucy (CBS) Good Times ftckpot (23) Villa Alegre (R) J.J. is accused of litthews Show armed 9:00 (25) Addams Family robbery and is sent to jail. (CBS) Hawaii Five-0 (50) Little Rascals "The Young Assassins" (R) EVENING (NBC) Adam 12 Danny Williams and a college PI At Symphony "Camp" (PT.1) (R) Officers professor are kidnapped by a poo Revue group of young radical militants. 11:30 5:00 PM juvenile in a robbery and after the J For Tomorrow (6-8) Ironside first-offender is released, it is 10:00 Bank Check (9) Mickey Mouse Club discovered he has a record under (CBS) Bamaby Jones P) Split Second (10) Truth Or Consequences "Bond Of Fear" Barnaby Jones PROFESSOR PHUMBLE (13) That Girl investigates the death of (23) Making It Count (ABC) Tuesday Movie Of The whose wife is suspected. a man by Bill Yates (25) Lucy Week (41) Man FFrom U.N.C.L.E. "The Swiss Family Robinson" (NBC) Police Story 11:55 (50) The Flintstones "Glamour Boy" JUL &U&AR J-5-6-10) News Starring Martin Milner, Pat Starring Tony Lo 5:30 TO FAPOCHlAL- ! 1,2:00 1) News NOON (4) Bowling For Dollars (9) Partridge Family Delany. A family, striving together to survive on a remote island following a shipwreck, Bianco, Don Meredith. (R) A suave to and charming man manages rpb banks and elude the police = ./% ^ frS—* ovtvlzmz 5cwcxx * (10) Beverly Hillbillies faces an invasion by pirates in with his smooth talk. search of a golden idol. SONY (ABC) Rabin: Action Biography 8:28 This special will provide a rare mail"'' wiu»-ongn (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes look at Yitzhak Rabin as Israel's ps IM* ■es"" luk* »'»•• cltor and vibrant ' Narrator: Maya Angelou. I..I Chief of State. 8:30 11:30 (CBS) M*A*S*H (NBC) Tonight Show Hawkeye and Tiapper John plan a Johnny Canon is host. leave to Tokyo, but get sidetracked by a frightening (ABC) Wide World Mystery invitation to visit the Red Chinese 4 GREAT STORES in the combat zone. "The Impersonation Murder Case" Kim Hunter. Story of a THE STABLES •Downtown»Lansing Mall (NBC) World Premiere Movie woman whose husband is shot to FRANK & ERNEST 351-1200 •Meridian MalUWestwood Mall Sponsored by: death by her long-lost stepson. SuparSunday "Virginia Hill" Dyan Cannon. by Bob Thaves David trambarg Band ■UTS VoW'rfc ufrim r/head loVcokav, epulis, Bwr Your ffi^KHEAD! hello, linu5? i just called but i never 60ttd see ( somebody else dldn t 1 j tim imc SOMEONE NAMEP to say 600cwe .l'm not 60in6 you a6ain! i didn't knooj hotj TRUFFli5"(dANT5 id 66 stavin6 with (m 6rampa to fin01wr grandfather's «M Your \T0 TALK TO YOU! anymore... i'm soin6 home.. farm a6ain! i wanted id see wu.sut i didn't kn