169 NUMBER 61 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 Council OKs SIRS access, 68-4 I By BRUCE RAY WALKER rarely has that many attending. The third level will have questions on it which will publish the data from the State News Staff Writer The vote came after a year of fighting for devised by the Elected Student Council, the completed SIRS forms, will not be in any „B, collective sigh of relief from access to the green-and-white University Evaluation Services and student members I members and whoops of joy from forms instructors hand out to students at legal difficulties if an instructor becomes of the Academic filled the Academic Council the end of each term and after the senate Policy Committee. enraged at the rating given ltim by the These questions will be students and that rating is Tuesday as the council voted had voted last November to deny students developed to help subsequently students more wisely pick the courses and published. elmingly to give student access to , access to the forms used by students to instructor they wish to take. At Tuesday's Instructional Rating -System evaluate instructors. meeting one faculty mem¬ I forms. The document, as it passed Tuesday, Sample questions might ask whether the ber asked if the University would be instructor was interesting, whether the shouldered with the burden of the cost of 168 to 4 vote enabled the council to divides SIRS into three levels only one of — workload was heavy and whether the lie proposal, which was watered down which students will have access to. The publishing the results of the ratings. C when students agreed to language grading and testing policy was fair. The Student leaders said they will raise the first two levels will be devised by the SIRS document allows the students to fccouraging an instructor to comply University and individual departments to place money, possibly through an appropriation any question they want on the evaluation from the Student Media proposal, to the Academic Senate ask questions about the Teaching Code of under the level three section. Appropriations roval. It is expected to get that Board, and will not ask the University for Responsibility, how the instructor conforms Because of funds. al because of a new quorum rule to it and questions that will help guide the legal problems that might develop through forcing an instructor to "It will be up to the student ■ says that any proposal before the departments in personnel decisions. These hand out the forms, instructors will government to fund the money needed for dissemination § automatically passes if 10 per cent of are the levels that are inaccessible to only be encouraged rather than forced to hand out of the information gathered it won't be ibership is not present. The senate students. forms, that so a way the Student Council, drain on University resources," said Mike McConnell, student representative from James Madison College. MAY FACE FRAUD The council had passed a measure last spring term guaranteeing students access to the SIRS forms, but the measure was rejected by the senate, a body composed of the entire MSU faculty. The senate then This is the present SIKS form that will be changed as a result of illegally referred it back to the council for welfare reworking the Academic Council's approval Tuesday of student access to ep on and revision. I^ast month the Educational Policies Committee (EPC), the council committee that received the document after the senate faculty rating forms. ILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN that he was under rejected it, released a report embracing two investigation for fraud. myself, that have been supporting the alternatives for SIRS proposal that made the document (UPI) — State Rep. Kirby Holmes said he was confident that he welfare monstrosity in this state long action on the SIRS membership present to vote. If this R-Utica, may face fraud problem. palatable to most. quorum is not reached, then business before charges would not be prosecuted for deceiving the enough," Holmes said. "I did it to prove Some council members expressed the it automatically passes. Igally obtaining welfare, even though department. that the stories we've all heard about how One of the alternatives made no provision fear that the more conservative Academic The senate voted last November against But John Gambotto, the department's for student access. The council in the last easy it is to get on welfare rolls are true." Senate, which now must approve the access to SIRS forms. Under 200 members inspector general, said he was investigating Holmes said he had not cashed the three weeks has been working on the document, will once again vote to defeat the the case and would were present then. In the last few years probably refer it to welfare check nor redeemed the food order. alternative providing access in an effort to access issue. there has Wayne County Prosecutor William L. rarely been even that many But Gambotto said it makes no difference shape a document acceptable to both those But access backers said that based on the present. Cahalan, who will make the decision on wanting total access and those feeling whether to prosecute Holmes. legally whether a welfare cheat actually quorum rule in the new Bylaws of Academic If the proposal passes the Academic students have no right to student evalua¬ Governance there is a good chance of "We'll have to treat this as we treat any cashes the checks or merely obtains them. Senate, a meeting will probably be held tion of instructors. other case," Gambotto said. "It makes no difference to us whether he getting the 'document past the senate. later this term and the proposal will go on Last week the compromise was worked Under the new bylaws the senate must cashes them," he said: to President Wharton and the board of Dominick Carnovale, chief of Cahalan's out by the student leaders pushing the have 10 per cent of its over 2,000 person trustees for final approval. criminal division, said he was waiting for the department's report on the case to determine if Holmes had "criminal intent" HRP to defraud. "If there was criminal intent, well treat it just like we Carnovale said. treat every other crime," As to whether Holmes' position as a plans rent, election action legislator will affect the prosecution, By NANCY CRANE before they can go on the ballot. Last summer East Lansing political candidate so it could consolidate support for Carnovale said, State News Staff Writer The rent control proposal is similar to one "Obviously, that doesn't East activist Mark Grebner circulated petitions that one candidate instead of fragmenting it make any difference." Lansing's Human Rights party rejected by Ann Arbor voters last week for a ward system, but collected only 600 (HRP) will kick off on several. The HRP will consider Holmes went to the department's a petition drive in May which would have created a five-member s he was simply attempting to aimed at signatures. supporting student candidates whose plat¬ Kercheval office in Detroit Jan. 15 and putting a rent control proposal and board that would regulate both rent prices Grebner thought the HRP Jtize abuses in the system. a plan to change the East Lansing system proposal forms are similar to its platform. Elizabeth applied for welfare, using his own name, the and landlord practices. stands little chance for passage ;s has been a strong advocate of the real names of his wife and for electing city council members befcre the "We'll never know if this will work unless during an Nail, an MSU doctoral student in sociology, ktement of capital punishment in family and his dff-year election. is interested in running for the council on an real social security number. city's voters in November. we try," said Mary Ellen Karczewski, an The party has also decided to HRP platform. pan for certain crimes, "The run at least HRP spokeswoman. Karczewksi denied that the proposal was only thing unreal about my entire one person in the fall city council election, in specifically aimed at getting students more pes acknowledged Tuesday that he application was my story, and that was which three of the five council seats are The Ann Arbor proposal also called for a Beverly Colizzi, East Lansing city clerk, 1 $214 in welfare and $203 in up rollback of prices to 1973 levels. It was seats on the council. She said the proposal said the Human Rights party must turn in lency food orders from the Dept. of simply that my wife had left me, I was for grabs. aimed at landlords who rent to students on could make the East Lansing election its signed petitions by August 4 to unemployed and I needed help if my four The two-year terms of Wilbur Brookover, get the ■ Services by posing as the unem- a short-term basis. system more representative in general. issues on the ballot. children were to be properly fed and 1 father of four and saying that his George Griffiths and Thelma Evans will The second petition would advocate a "It will make the system more represen¬ id left him. clothed," Holmes said. expire at that time. Griffiths and Evans Two members of the East Holmes said he had friends pose as his change from East Lansing's present system tative for people who have never been Lansing hes revealed his have announced their intentions to seek where all city voters elect Housing Commission came out strongly ruse at a news landlord and former employer. re-election. at-large represented before," she said. against the HRP rent control proposal. lence one day after Social Services "I did jt on behalf of all the poor, candidates for city council, to a neighbor¬ Next Monday the HRP will begin Each of the petitions must be lor John T. Dempsey informed him signed by hood ward system, though particulars of coordinating its council campaign. "This is not the sort of issue which should frustrated, middle-class taxpayers, like more than 2,000 registered city voters the proposal have not yet been determined. The HRP decided to run only one be used to sensitize people," said Byron Brown. "We have thousands of kids being graduated from MSU each year and they cannot get jobs. We should be worried 'ambodian troops about unemployment." cling to Phnom Penh Mary Luttrell, who in East Lansing, said would not be effective. owns rental property that rent control "If the HRP would check out places JBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS where rent control was put into effect, ■errment troops were still they clinging to would find that it does not affect rent W Penh on Tuesday, but Khmer Rouge prices," Luttrell said. "What East Lansing leasts claimed Communist-led insur- needs is more housing." Ijere "penetrating Indian capital and called deep" into the on govern- ■troops to surrender. ■munications faltered with the encir- ■ty at dusk. Before that, associated Press bureau in dispatches to Hong Kong Court rules Bambodian nationals at The AP office ■>om Penh said the city was calm and ■Was f'ghting in the outskirts. •tors in Bangkok, Thailand, reported against sex ■^mbodian "tasting normally. government radio was fees in .Paris said they had reports Pere was X (7uKe re*>els fighting in the capital and were "progressing bias in states P the center of the city." They said ■prwtion was received in Paris about ■ UL France closed its Phnom Penh From Wire Services |sy ■'gners but left a consul there. A handful still in the WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court capital have sought served notice Tuesday that it would strike ■ at the embassy. down as unconstitutional any state law that ■p'fted Press communications be¬ treats men and women differently unless lt rTk" Penh and Hon8 Kong went the justices can find some "rational basis" Ik! a'Lm- EDT- is The PTT circuit for the distinction. phnom Penh's only The 8-to-l decision in a Utah child iJti! to outs'de fails periodi- support case represented another victory ■L ■ Was no indication when it for supporters of equal rights for women. restored. Telephone Once again, however, the communica- high court did not ■ dow^T J1 fr°m Hong Kon* were take as strong a stand against sex-based ■ipv ? Tuesday night and technicians discrimination as some of those supporters I later ^n°W service would had hoped. iT™3' 'hree-hour radio-telephone Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun declared for the majority that "we It Peneen ^ar's and Phnom Penh n perceive UP ^ay," French officials nothing rational in the distinction drawn" by a state law that makes a girl an adult at l^patches before the con uumca- 18 but postpones that status until boy. 21 for a > sa,d government troops rn nut i, "isiirgents were at the The ruling will probably have h fell n of the city- Six rebel relatively little direct impact. Only one other state, I a textUe mai iuaide the South Vietnamese civilians crowd aboard a Saigon-bound bus between Saigon and Xuan Loc, where government forces and Arkansas, sets different adult ages for men [ Continued on page 11) Monday near Trang Bom, northeast of Saigon. The town is North Vietnamese are battling. (continued on page 11) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan RIGHTISTS CALL FOR CON Fighting continues in Beirut streets BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Street battles raged through Beirut and bombs exploded at Ford speaks at fundraiser intervals Tuesday in the third day of a deadly showdown President Ford's own political worth was riding somewhat between Palestinian guerillas on the till as Republicans tried to keep Tuesday night's and a rightist militia. The $1,000-a-plate fund-raising dinner from setting another death toll soared to 80 in record low. I unofficial counts. It was Ford's first appearance at the annual affair as In the background of the President and potential top of the GOP ticket in 1976, and the clashes are rightist calls for first since the passage of Watergate and Richard M. Nixon tougher measures to control Palestinian guerillas who, the from the White House. rightists say, incite reprisal Sponsors were hoping at most to equal if not slightly raids from Israel. improve last year's take, which was the lowest in the history The fighting between youths of the dinners, which benefit GOP Senate and House armed with lightweight sub¬ candidates and the party's national committee. machine guns and anti-tank rockets forced most businesses, schools and government offices to close and pinned residents of U.S. industry output falls some quarters in their homes. Police, Palestinians and The output of the nation's industry feU 1 per cent in March, rightists counted the unofficial death toll, and more than 100 the sixth straight month of decline, but the smallest drop since last October, the government reported Tuesday. The persons were reported wound¬ ed. But contact was cut off with slowdown in the decline in industrial output offered some some embattled neighborhoods hope that the recession-induced slide in industrial and exact casualty figures were production may be drawing to an end. unavailable. Output had declined 2.6 per cent in February. "They've been shooting all The Federal Reserve Board said output of consumer goods day and I hear explosions all rose for the first time in March since last summer, the time," said a Beirut resi¬ largely becau i of a big increase in automobile production during dent holed up with two wound¬ ed bystanders in the cellar of the month. his apartment building since the shooting began. "I can see Beef standards remain them sometimes carrying ma¬ Lebanese police and an armored car stands guard over a armed clash between Palestinian chine guns in the street," he an guerillas and Leba added in a telephone interview. crossroad in Beirut Monday. Earlier the area was the scene of rightists. Federal beef grading standards used for more than 30 Truce negotiations were re¬ years will remain in effect at least another 45 days following an appeals court's rejection of a request to stay an injunction ported under way among on a busload of Palestinian those killed were civilians trap¬ during the night. The car was rooftop hideaways. The calls for o Lebanese government leaders, delaying implementation of new grading guidelines. ped in the street by machine- parked near the agent's resi¬ Black smoke billowed over illustrated thin j Palestinians, right-wing politi¬ The rightists are organized in gun fire or hit by stray bullets. dence, a spokesman said, but the port area during the after¬ A three-judge panel in the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of cians and Arab League Secre¬ authority in this nu. the 5,000-man Phalangist party The usually jammed streets of declined to disclose the agent's noon as a furniture warehouse Appeals cited national consumer interest and possible ministerial posts are ilk tary-General Mahmoud Riad, militia. Beirut were nearly deserted as identity. hit by rockets went up in fire. reflect a 50-50 CL "irreparable harm" to packers and consumers in rejecting dispatched from Cairo to medi¬ residents remained outdoors the government request Tuesday. Moslem balance and J ate. There were calls for stronger with their families. Most fighting centered in Riad's arrival from Cairo New U.S. Dept. of Agriculture standards that would lower The Palestine Liberation Or¬ mentary seats are diviM government action to force a Christian neighborhoods with followed appeals to presidents the amount of fat required in top-graded meats were cease-fire. But Premier Rashid The U.S. Embassy said no cording to religious secti ganization, which commands strong Phalange contingents and kings of Arab nations from The presence of a scheduled to become effective last Monday. some 12,000 armed guerillas, Solh declined to bring in Americans were killed or in¬ next to Palestine refugee quar¬ both the Palestinian leadership 240,000 Palestinians, inia were demanding punishment Lebanon's 15,000-man army, jured, but said the car of a ters on the northeast fringe of and Pierre Jamayel, head of the of only three million, ii for rightist militiamen who, the underlining his tenuous author¬ narcotics agent in the Drug Beirut. Palestinian sources 65,000-member Phalangist par¬ Palestinians say, started the Enforcement Agency unit at unsettling factor to thedl Housing assistance falls clashes Sunday with an attack ity in this heavily armed nation. Police said more than 15 of the embassy was blown up said guerillas were trying to flush out Phalangist snipers in ty. balance. The Administration has taken so long launching a new program of housing assistance for the poor that about 160,000 families have lost the chance to participate, officials of the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development said Panic causes Saigon gold rush Tuesday. In passing the new law last August, From Wire Services Congress had Gold, the tradi icy of the peoples of authorized the department to provide rental subsidies for SAIGON, South Vietnam—As hundreds of thousands of Sputh Indochina, has be<;om$ scarce. 200,000 housing units during the fiscal year ending in June. Vietnamese prepare for the mass flight they feel is imminent, they Most South Vietnamese families have tucked away little But with only two fuH months left in the fiscal year, the are selling houses, cars and expensive appliances at huge losses to paper-wrapped packets of sheet gold bullion over the years, each department has not nailed down the regulations which buy gold, dollars, preserved food suitable for traveling and ocean¬ packet weighing one tael - 37.5 grams. The pure gold sheets are would permit families and builders to begin applying for the going junks. still embossed with the names of the four former Indochina Few residents of this refugee-swollen city of nearly three million capitals—Hanoi, Saigon, Phnom Penh and Vientiane. federal money. seem to feel there is any real hope that the Communists will be But at kept out for long. even a price equivalent to $257 an ounce, gold is hard to find. Connally trial testimony ends Typical of the trend is one of the many classified advertisements in the Saigon newspaper Chinh Luan. Two weeks ago, the Strong indications of a major scandal came to light several days advertisement offered a palatial Saigon villa for 100 million ago when a pilot of the Swiss Charter Company Balair reported in Testimony ended Tuesday in the bribery trial of John B. piastres, equivalent to about $125,000. Last week, the price of the Basel that while he was in Saigon two weeks ago he had been Connally with the former secretary of the Treasury insisting villa had fallen to 35 million, and Tuesday the price was 25 million, asked by some Vietnamese to carry out sixteen tons of gold to to the last that he never accepted an illegal payoff. with the owner of the property evidently desperate to liquidate it. Switzerland. During his cross-examination Connally admitted that there were some inaccuracies in testimony he had given previously under oath to a federal grand jury and to the Senate WatergateCommittee. But he said inadvertent or made through lack of information. they were either Trade one tough summer 2843 E.GD.RIVER,EAST LANSING 351 1200 In the end the case that will go to the on whose account the jury depended mainly jurors would believe: Connolly's or that of his chief accuser, Jake Jacobsen. for two great years. MICHIGAN S SHOWCASE FOR NATIONAL ENTERTA1WMEMT Auto makers say sales down The Army ROTC Basic Camp. It's tough You'll lx> earning an extra $100 a month, up to ten because you'll be making up for the entire first two months a year. And you'll also be earning an officer's NOW APPEARING Three of the nation's major auto makers years of the Army ROTC Four Year Program. Two commission while you're earning your college Tuesday reported early April car sales sharply below those of years in only six weeks. degree. a year ago. General Motors' sales were down 34 per cent, Ford Motor During this time, while we're toughening If you're transferring from junior college, Co.'s were down 14 per cent and American Motors' were off up your body a little, we'll be even tougher on your or for some other reason you couldn't take the first mind. By asking you to complete a concentrated 22 per cent. two years of RO TC, look into the Army ROTC course of Ford sales in the April 1 to 10 period were 48,670, study covering all the topics you missed. Two-Year Program. But when you return to college in the fall, compared with 56,802 a year ago. For the year to date, Ford Army RO I'C. The more you lk at it, salesof 477,076 were down 18 per cent from 583,321 in 1974. you can look forward to two pretty great years. the IxMter it looks Britain living beyond means APRIL 14-19 Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey ordered JOE FARRELL government spending slashed Tuesday and outlined a program of higher taxes to reduce what he called QUARTET inflationary wage increases pricing Britain out of world markets and "damaging our credit as a nation." REDUCED CCVER 4 EARLY SHCW5 | The country, he told a packed House of Commons, has MONDAY-THURSDAY been living beyond its means and on borrowed money. Heoley said his primary aim was to spur British industry SUPER SUNDAY into investment for modernization so as to be ready for the end of the world recession, which he expected to come next APRIL 20 year. DAVID BROMBERG| Missionaries leave Vietnam BAND Nearly all 200 American missionaries have left South Vietnam in the face of the uncertain situation there, ON SPECIAL ALL WEEK ] according to reports received in Saigon. At least seven are missing in areas newly seized by the FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: CHICKEN Vietcong. Two other Americans remained intentionally in captured regions to try to continue their work, and a few missionary DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY SCIENCE ALA KIEV $2.951 ROOM 2 DEMONSTRATION HALL doctors and a few relief workers are staying in the Saigon MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FRIDAY area as long as possible. Most American missionary personnel have pulled out. 355-1913 FtaH FRY. $2.25l Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16,1975 3 few L FRANCES BROWN been resolved, but the 12th case is still under plagiarism place. Officials refused to beginning science course secrecy was the result of the other proceedings, student dis¬ case |12th case of possible investigation discuss the case. taught by Leonard N. Isaacs. confidential status of student of involvement in plagiarism "There's a real distinction lrism has emerged from by the dean and the asst. dean The 11 students, all in their ciplinary actions are private. they might be involved in a between helping one another At the recommendation of of JMC. a disciplinary records according This is not the same distinction instigations which began Charlotte first term at MSU and most of special advisory committee to the MSU Academic Freedom made in civil courts." long, tortuous, painful proceed¬ and plagiarism," she said. luary of 11 students from dean, said LeGates, she could not asst. them freshmen, apparently which heard the cases in the Report. Most colleges and uni¬ As a result of the plagiarism ing," LeGates said. "Plagiarism is not more pre¬ T term science course at were suspected of copying each Kathy Czar, student chair¬ valent at JMC than anywhere estimate when a resolution in college, three students were versities consider student dis¬ LeGates, Rohman and I Morrill College (JMC). other and the textbook on a found to be involved in cases, person of the JMC Advisory else. The amount of tension in T original 11 cases have the current case might take ciplinary records privileged some JMC faculty will be meet¬ Council, said she is disturbed take-home final exam in writing a paper for a JMC prof a plagiarism and received no information to protect the stu¬ ing with the Student-Faculty credit for the class, LeGates dent's right to privacy, she by the decision of the Student- is greater, though, and it's OK said. One student was "com¬ Judiciary to discuss plagiarism Faculty Judiciary to reverse for students to help each other said. procedures and to increase the JMC decision in the one in JMC. Isaacs is so meticulous pletely exonerated" because he "It would be really unfair to communication. because the Judiciary had not allowed his information case in reading papers he'd be more the student to discuss this "All MSU students should be failed to clearly define what is apt to notice something like to be used by other students. case," Renaud said. "Unlike aware that even if there's a hint Two students were given no plagiarism. this." credit for the course because of poor performance, but they were not found guilty of plagia¬ rism. The other students not were RAYMOND'S MAY ELECTION given failing grades, but were given warnings by the college that their performance was poor because of other academic violations, such as ASMSU challenges nearly over completing part of an exam for another student. By MARY ANN CHICK State News Staff Writer Agriculture and Natural Resources race, and Alvan Turner, J. Brian College of Business and presidential race. One case reached the Uni¬ Raymond may be certified as the winner of the Two of the four challengers, Johnson and Soderberg, said versity Student-Faculty Judi¬ ASMSU presidential race at 5 p.m. Thursday if one candidate decides against challenging the race for the third time. they will not take their challenges any further. ciary where the college's Turner said he is undecided at this point about decision was reversed. The If Alvan Turner, unsuccessful candidate for the taking his College of case to the Student-Faculty Judiciary. dean had given the student no Business seat, decides not to continue challenging the spring An appeal would have to be filed by 5 p.m. Thursday. credit for the course and ASMSU election, there could be a full board at the first "I don't want to continue with the appeal," Johnson said. referred the case to the ASMSU meeting of the term Monday night. "I feel it wouldn't be right if I won when the appeal I made The All-University Studeflt Student-Faculty Judiciary for Judiciary (AUSJ) announced was so trivial." further disciplinary action. Tuesday it has denied three of the four latest challenges to the Johnson was challenging the race because the lead election results. The AUSJ action paves the way for the vote-getter, Marilyn Smith, turned in an incomplete campaign "We couldn't believe the certification of election. finances statement. student's story," Dean Gordon A decision on the fourth challenge will not be made by She filed an itemized statement a day after the deadline. Rohman said. "There were too AUSJ until more information has been collected from the Soderberg said she would not continue appealing the many parallels in her work and challenger, Mike Spitzer and the ASMSU elections commis¬ results. the other student's paper to sion. "I didn't even know I had appealed again," Soderberg said. account for helping, unless she This is the second round of challenges. Three candidates "Somebody must have filed in my behalf." had total recall or something." dropped out after the ASMSU elections commission denied six challenges last week. A seventh Soderberg and Johnson were members of the Progressive Officials from JMC and the challenge was dropped by Action slate who had candidates running in nine college races the candidate. and the presidential race. Three won their college races. Student-Faculty Judiciary The four challenges considered by AUSJ were filed by: refused to discuss the in Most of the Progressive Action slate appeals have been case Russ Johnson, College of Engineering race; Mike Spitzer, handled by Tim Cain, the unsuccessful presidential candidate (y; detail. College of Natural Science race; Helen Soderberg, College of of Progressive Action. Ruth Renaud, director of Judicial Programs, said the <»*! Teacher offers class HONOLULU (UPI) - A teacher, once bewildered by the graduate somewhat unpre¬ pared for the day-to-day pro¬ on want the students to have a coping with life ities in real estate and the cost picture by accumulating realistic idea, payment-for-pay- realities of how much of a data from catering managers, complexities of loans and mort¬ blems. ment, of what it costs," Loo monthly payment goes for florists, ministers and bridal gage payments, has started Many of Pearl City High said. principal, interest, taxes, lease shop personnel. "life preparation" classes aimed School's graduates do not plan A representative of a leading rent and maintenance. Then there are the costs of at teaching high school stu¬ to go to a four-year bank explains mortgages and a college. Loo also includes a unit on running a household, consider- dents how to cope. Loo's "life preparation" clas¬ sales manager of a condomin¬ the mechanics of putting on a ,ing the prices of food, cars, Leatrice Loo has altered her ses emphasize a first-hand look ium discusses career possibil¬ wedding, emphasirin^the total clothing and entertainment. English classes at Pearl City at what it costs to live decently. High School to prepare her Field trips to new apartments, Childhood diseases have not been wiped out. Make sure I your child has had all of students for "how the world townhouses and homes for sale his/her immunizations. The Drug Education Center has a free #% - d pediatric clinic every really runs." are eye-openers for students Wednesday night by appointment only. Call the numbers below 24 hours a day for an Loo found from experience aspiring to the American dream I that an education concentrating of home ownership. appointment. solely on academics leaves the "When we talk about prices, I IMMUNIZATIONS SCHEDULE FOR PARENTS AP wirephoto 2 months DPT #1 (Diptheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus, Oral Polio #1 [Twin baby giraffes, Chris, left, and Christian, gather around their mama, free 4 months DPT #2 Polio #2 TVrinjles, at Pare Safari Africa in Hemmingford, Quebec, recently. The 6 months DPT #3 Oral Polio #3 Jtwins were born March 28 and will live on giraffe's milk until they are 2 Tnonths old. 12 months Combined Measles and Rubella (Lirugen is the name of a measles vaccine) color demo Or Measles alone (Rubeola) ) SPARTAN SPORTS SCEME> 18 months Or Rubella alone DPT • (German, 3-day measles) booster, Polio Booster 5 years Diptheria - tetanus booster Talk with those that know MSU SPORTS Color while Oral polio Tuberculin skin test prior to entering group day care, nursery school or school you wait There-after Tetanus - diptheria booster every 10 years Tuberculin as State News Staff Writers indicated Polio, Measles, Rubella, Smallpox and Mumps are all live viruses and must be given Steve Stein and Mike Litaker tonight at 8 in our store separately at least viruses except polio. one month apart. Tuberculin skin test cannot be given with live THE CLINIC WEAK WBRS MSN 640 AM Special Trade-in DRUG EDUCATION CENTER WMCD WKME WMSN 405 Grove St., East Lansing, 351-4000 or 351-8108 BE 0f You are invited to see an actual DooLey's E "LIVE" demonstra¬ tion of color print¬ ing done right in our store. It's done in daylight - so you can see how really simple it is: easy as black and TONITE white. Let us show you how to do color prints in |ust 2 minutes! Muggers Bring A Negative Bring A Friend S6QThe Latest Beseler Color Enlargers and Night Beseler Electronic Color Analyzers n DEMONSTRATION m HOURS Muqs IiaII pmcE aII Niq^T April 19,12 p.m. to 5 p.m. doWNSTAiRS i 18 NOW PLAYING Iff FRANDOR STORE IS FOX *7 Linns Camera Shops" Color by Beseler Susan Ager Editor-in-chief PAUL PARKER Maureen Beninson Advertising Manager R.D. Campbell Monoging Editor foundations MikeAmett City Editor Diane Silver Melissa Payton Patrice Locke Steve Stein Campus Editor Opinion Page Editor .Wire Editor Racism gnaws Wednesday, April 16, 1975 Dale Atkins iports Editor Photo Editor JuneDelono Entertainment Editor Editorials ore the opinions of the State News. Viewpoints, columns and letters TomOren Copy Chief A soft spoken 28-year-old flower child, correct past discriminatory hiring policies "Why should we have to pay for the sins Undo Sondel Night Editor the sort who would choose to do her surely must have some interesting com¬ of our parents?" are personal opinions. Bruce Roy Walker Staff Representative doctoral dissertation on health food fetishes ments on Fishel's suggestion to evacuate all (And brothers, and senators and Preei- of the turn of the century, is puzzled. the South Vietnamese who want to come to dents....) She is wondering what on Earth she ever the United States and relocate them in the "I don't see why they should be privi¬ leged and get to be on the welfarrf roles. , "Did they really do that?" she class in her usual wl|| J did to deserve to teach a Writing Workshop rice-growing regions of the South. quiet way * EDITORIALS class that, after listening to Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, said blacks If your class changes a few words, some of the best racist cliches can be reused for I work hard for my money. they?" Why can't As she finishes the around the room and questions see the il l ^ viciousness crawl back into have now gone too far. arguing against the importation of a million (Betcha did work hard for your money. of Morrill Hall, like the thpl J Don't feel bad about playing King's "I Vietnamese: best of J th! Students hit have a dream" speech to your class. What happened was bound to happen "If they don't like it in South Vietnam, why don't they go back to where they came Maybe at the U.S. Army Tank Command in suburban Detroit last summer. And U your scholarship isn't welfare, then you don't in that edifice. eventually. Just like everyone else, MSU from?" have any scholarship. Probably because 4. 4J there, eating ■ the ter®ites away at the found" J students have latent racist tendencies. America's war-oriented economy allowed democracy and the foundation. by hiking The true feelings hidden inside people creep (About 900,000 of the Vietnamese Fishel tr out as surely as the termites the woodwork in Morrill Hall. creep out of said from we had an obligation to were evacuated North Vietnam in 1954-55.) your parents to make "too much money.") Go ahead and fight for America. Fight Hall whether they we see come out of the while and buzz about to them or „!, S woodwork olf If you want some real excitement, read to for your rights. Tell your teacher what she remind ,J More than one student has "I don't have anything against Vietna¬ still alive. ' A If the traffic committee wants to class Prof. Wesley Fishel's sugges¬ can do with Martin Luther King. Tell her your mese people, some of my best friends are described his or her experience with the campus vehicle code as a attack the problem at its roots, it tions for humanitarian American action to be taken in Vietnam. It ought to be real Vietnamese." you don't care if those slanty-eyed Asians drown in their rice paddies. Some people think Fishel but have asked where we had a nv.il should consider improved bus a (One of my best friends is Vietnamese, Tell her there's enough anti-American all the Vietnamese if could jl shaft. Now comes a proposal for side-splitter. they came here * service, better code enforcement After .all, those students who contend too. Her parents are in Saigon, hoping activity going on without bringing another be we could make an even Super Shaft. or major code revision. Increasing that blacks are going too far when desperately to be able to catch flight out. minority into the country. Tell her the I wonder if termites like exchanetl The University Traffic Com¬ traffic fines to $25, while cities like a the start of a new health rice LI affirmative action plans are requested to To anywhere.) University has already promised to change food mittee is considering upping fet^l East Lansing charge a mere $2, is vehicle fines now in the $4 to $10 both discriminatory and ill- — range — into the $10 to $25 considered. Strict sentence bracket. While this in itself should And while students might be a make student drivers steam, the part of this stampede of illegal I am very disturbed at the manner that fact that faculty and visitors to Carolyn Fessler chose to deplore the autos, there is no reason they campus have been excluded from should be singled out as scape¬ offbeaten paths on this campus in her letter the fine increase proposal should of April 10. She asserted that "we had it goats for the transformation of the coming to us" concerning the sidewalk have them boiling over. For the more even-tempered campus to a motorized jungle. No arm twisting constructed next to Shaw Hall near the Finally, this whole misfortune river. I find that worthless stretch of students, there is icing on the could turn to disaster if the concrete too strict a sentence for the cake. The entire damnable pro¬ committee makes a decision on this In response to Richard Kincaide's letter, "crime" of walking along the river or posal may be decided by the traffic stating that he was tired of having someone anywhere else for that matter. proposal before ASMSU and else's religion forced on him by "pompous After all, if these paths offend one's committee at its April 25 meeting COGS have a chance to fill the overzealous religious fanatics," we would "green spirit," does covering them with — with several student committee current student like to present our point of view. government- cement restore that spirit? seats vacant. The advertising informed the student appointed vacancies. I think it's rather needless for Fessler to Irritated? Livid might better The traffic committee clearly body that Josh McDowell, a traveling be so concerned about cutting sidewalk describe your reaction. needs to rethink this entire plan speaker for Campus Crusade for Christ was corners while shopping carts lie at the appearing on campus for a three-night bottom of the Red Cedar River and bread According to the committee and secure student representation lecture series. To be sure, the publicity was chairman — student Howard before acting. extensive. The object was to let everyone wrappers blow across campus courtesy of some who feed the ducks. Wooldridge — a fine hike is For if this is the best the know they had the opportunity to hear him Dennis Muhn necessary because the campus has been overrun by unregistered cars committee can do to unclog campus, the real traffic jam may speak if they chose to do so. We didn't see any arm-twisting, turn-or- 1135 Michigan Ave. Bunny sexism Poor headline | and present fines are not enough of burn coercing or guilt tactics used. In fact, A Playboy bunny doth not a "community This letter is to protect the ks be in committee minds, not on a deterrent. Josh's popularity (as evidenced by his Mid-road politics celebrity" make. It boggles the mind that "U.S. orphans swept aside by Vietl University roads. speaking to over 500,000 students in the an institution of higher learning can host in which appears on the front page oil past year) is due largely to his "here are the a two week period, Josh (Heaven forbid, no April 11 issue. The President is playing politics with facts and evidence — take it or leave it" pun intended) and the bunnies vs. the town There is probably no causal relaliJ Vietnam. If we allow the South Vietnamese approach to evangelism. - gown notables. I am at last convinced that between the adoption of VietnamwB Alter grievance It seems that those people who were offended were irritated not by the publicity, orphans to be adopted before our own parentless children and then send more aid so that the country will do nothing more we have returned to the '50s, time - accomplished, goldfish beware. warp orphans and the fact that some A«T orphans are not adopted. More impotll but by the ultimate end of the publicity — to I find myself asking if there is some there is nothing in the story under! than prolong the battle, we can only call it A present the message of Christ. \ remote,relationship between our educa¬ headline that indicates any such ni_ shoddy grievance procedure aggrieved on his or her own job Campus Crusade for Christ is jnrame--Tciaft-pdrfTies. Middie"--road poitttar . an brgani- tional governmental leaders playing after - ship. Indeed, the story refers may be better than no procedure security. Because of this, the j$ the type of political view that offends the zation of students deeply commitjted to school games with the prototype of the factors -as "legal snarls" and "j at all, but substituting one shoddy grievance starts out with one Christ — that feel strongly enough about jfewest people. American sex symbol and Title VII of the handicaps" to account for the ur If the President wants to send money and procedure for another makes no strike against it. People are their beliefs to want to share them. Josh Civil Rights Act, Title IV and the ERA. American children. sense whatsoever. came to MSU to make Christ an issue on military arms to Vietnam then he should I question a public school administrator usually unwilling to threaten their this campus. Christians are making an also send back the troops to end it once and Certainly there are reasons to cri Elected Faculty Council own security, no matter how noble effort not to "force religion down someone's for all. Or he should send nothing at all, and seeing women as play things in Jenison Fieldhouse and being seriously committed the attempts of Americans to expiattfl members should bear this in mind the cause. stop playing middle - road politics. Either war guilt by saving war orphans. « throat," but to make known the claims of to equality of opportunity and certainly, the spurious theory impif when they vote on the revised The result way is fine. But a decision must be made. personhood is that a valid Christ for each individual to accept or for elementary school girls — of faculty, your headline is not one of those rea faculty grievance procedure on grievance may be totally ignored reject. administrators, and trustees whose rhetoric The headline is an instance of slopprl As members of the April 29. Their actions will and justice, consequently, doomed Campus Crusade for Kerry L. Bentivolio on hiring practices is legendary but whose irresponsible journalism. determine whether MSU faculty Christ, if there was any pomposity or arm- 458 Evergreen Ave. actions have been judged lacking. by the false notion that only twisting going on, we would like to will finally have a permanent Impression 5 is a worthwhile cause but it Robert T.(fl members of the aggrieved's de¬ apologize. Such behavior is decidedly has chosen to attach itself to a basic and 2900 Northwinii system that defends both their partment can competently judge against the tenets of our faith. rights to due process and their Tommies Bar serious issue, that of sexism. The projected grievances. The contrary — that bunny - hop is a rip - off in every way. It academic security, or whether members of the same department Rick Greene I would like to commend the writers of exploits us at the levels of finance, time, they will continue to be vulnerable are the least 4742 S. Hagadorn Road the story on Tommie's Bar which appeared energy and image. But most of all it Clean house competent — may in Jane Johnson to a system clearly stacked fact be the Friday. Anyone that has been to exploits us by coming disguised as one more against case. 172 Gunson St. Tommie's will know ever "cute," "fun," "harmless," them. that the author's "diversionary" I am both confused and amazed M There are other outstanding description of the bar is superb. event — like poor teaching made palatable The proposed revision of the There are two things the story left out, by holding class outside amount of concern and enthusiasm^ flaws in the procedure. The on the grass. ingly mustered by MSU students ofl interim grievance procedure ultimate decision is in the hands of Thankful Josh fan though. First, the owner, Tom Mitchell, is The real issue is not a basketball game, coming of this much - publicized Mai contains a few changes that one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, so if but the commitment we have, or do not Boston. the University president, improve on the process, but these creating you go in there just ask to see him because have, to bringing about a change in the way Since there is apparently so mi a reprehensible concentration of As everyone knows, Josh McDowell, a he loves young people even though his bar human beings in this society look at one represent a mere check-up Christian activist, has come and gone. I another and energy inhabiting Michigan's capiuW power. caters to more of the older crowd. are freed from fundamentally compared with the major surgery realize that the advertising of his lecture why not endeavor to put some ofittjB Second, Tommie's Bar sponsors one of destructive stereotypes which subtly inhi¬ These and other use right here at home? desperately needed. pressing series had the potential of irritating some the best slo - pitch softball teams in the bit and limit us all. I have new appreciation undeniably has some problems of itsj The most glaring fault of both reforms must be critically dealt people. state, playing out of Lansing's major for those who have refused to with by the Elected I would simply like to thank all those who and have rejected the dubious role of participate Why don't we clean our own house® the present and proposed pro¬ Faculty league. The team is comprised almost giving Boston the White Glove Test?! remained patient, and did not react with cedures lies within the grievance Council when the revised pro¬ entirely of current and former MSU "celebrity," for it will be sound priorities Michigan is Moore's Eutopia, and I*| destructive or obscene protests. - and implemented policies and not courtside and appeal process. Because cases cedure is considered. students, who would do most anything for Voltaire's Eldorado, we may My thanks also go to all who went to hear their sponsor, as he would for us. antics that will enable this institution to must be heard in the aggrieved's If they aren't, the Josh. I hope you gained something valuable That's why even though Tommie's Bar is become a more humane and justified in Marching on Boston. WW consequences from the experience. just place in a state exists, let us solve our own pro department, faculty members are all too obvious: ineffective in the heart of downtown Lansing, it's still which to live, learn, work and grow. before going 900 miles in search ol»l hearing the case may fear the grievance channels and continued our kind of place. Don Ward repercussions of a vote for the director, United Ministries Carole LeighB® inequity. Bruce Loria In Higher Education 477 W. WilsaB 4819 Dunckel Road "TOE" ADMINISTRATION CONSIDERING- rfS OPTTONS IN SOOlH0Sf| Letters may be addressed to Dr. Werner The Doctor's enhance the release of BY ARNOLD WERNER, M.D. Bag 0 Copyright 1975 an egg. Some- beyond a reasonable amount they can feel a variety of concerns about olfactory and at MSU Health Center. Names need not be times they go overboard. included unless a personal reply is re¬ dragged out and more tired when they gustatory matters. awaken. Often people who sleep very large quested. Do you make up the questions in your Excretory materials aside, fresh body amounts are chronically depressed and odors and tastes are not at all I have heard that women who discontinue newspaper column? It is hard to believe unpleasant that students really have such weird function in a slowed-down, withdrawn state and for many people, are birth control pills should avoid quite sexually becoming during the day. pregnant immediately because of "stale problems. stimulating. The problems arise from the eggs" which could produce a defective Also, is it true that the more sleep a nonfresh, rancid odors and from psychologi¬ fetus. Is there any truth to this? My girlfriend and I often enjoy cunnilin- cal inhibitions. The use of perfumes to person gets, the more tired they are the When a women is on birth control pills, next morning? My roommate says it's guN and fellatio. However, the only way I disguise odors or provide new ones is old can manage the act is by liberal use of jelly hat, but this might be the first instance I | ova (eggs) do not undergo full development ridiculous, but it happens to me. or jam. I have recently heard that human can recall of the of and are not released from the ovaries. No, I do not make up use flavorings to alter When the pill is stopped, the normal the questions I insemination is accomplished by peristaltic body tastes. g receive. Nor do I believe that the problems waves which carry the semen into the process of release of eggs is resumed. I do I am presented with are weird. While some uterus and that intercourse stimulates this I doubt strongly that the jelly or jam not know of evidence regarding "stale" of the questions I receive are could work its way into the uterus but "problems" in process. Would it be possible for jelly to be your 0 eggs, but a women is often advised to have that they interfere with a person's function, carried into the uterus, providing a culture concern about infection should be a real one. a couple of normal cycles off birth control many of them are requests for information* medium for harmful bacterial growth? Presence of all that sugar-bearing material pills before she becomes pregnant. This is made by people who are in the vagina certainly can be a problem. attempting to primarily to avoid giultiple births since become more familiar with the reasons During the years that I have been writing If you are using strawberry raspberry why or immediately upon stopping the birth con¬ they think, feel or act the way they do. this column I have been fascinated jam there could also be substantial mechani¬ trol pills a certain percentage of women will What appears weird to one by cal irritation. Ill say release more than one egg. person might watching the various trends in the ques¬ nothing about the appear perfectly reasonable to someone tions I receive. For the last two to three potential dangers of using peanut butter. The multiple births one reads about in else since our concept about these things years, there has Been an increased interest The procedure you are women who have taken certain fertility are so determined by individual factors. in specific sexual activity, in particular oral using must be incredibly messy necessitating a shower or •i: drugs are a reflection of this phenomenon. Regarding your question, there is such a sex. One could speculate endlessly about € The fertility drugs are similar to birth bath following your treat. You both thing as sleeping too much. There is much the reasons for this, but in any case the might control pills but are designed to especially evidence that suggests that if just try the shower or bath first; but, make people sleep proximity of organs involved has generated sure you wash all the soap away. ©srssBascinriT t Lliigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16, 1975 5 lumanitarian aid to S. Vietnam (ntatively OKd by Senate group LjnGTON (AP) - The Senate to take formal action. taking final action. The committee committee members said | Relations Committee tentatively agreement followed weapons assist¬ Sparkman said there nothing in the [Tuesday on a $200 million humani- acknowledgement by Secretary of State draft bill that would was prevent military pro¬ ance to South forces is not Vietnamese government |d authorization for South Vietnam, Henry A. Kissinger that the U.S. embassy tection for the evacuation of contemplated. in some South A separate administration jnan John Sparkman, D-Ala., said Saigon has been instructed to reduce the request.for Vietnamese, but no large-scale evacuation $722 million in ley could also be used for military number of Americans in South Vietnam to is contemplated. military aid to South |ce, if required, to protect with- an essential minimum. Food, medicine and other services are Vietnam is under consideration by the Lf Americans in an emergency, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., said among items in the humanitarian aid Senate Armed Services Committee, with a iman said the committee will consult the withdrawal of Americans is decision promised by going "very package, he said. Wednesday night by ■ministration officials on the tenta- well," but the committee wants to see Chairman John C. Stennis, D-Miss. ft and meet again late Wednesday assurance that the plan is Though the President would be given U.S. officials said working before discretion as to how the money privately the number of is used, Americans in South Vietnam would be cut to about 1,000 within a week or two. Kissinger told the Senate Appropriations FOR TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS Committee there are "well below 5,000" currently in the beleaguered country. Congressman Bob Carr, D-Mich., intro¬ duced a resolution to the House of Repre¬ 'OGS asks sentatives Tuesday calling for immediate equal fines evacuation of all American nationals from Vietnam and Cambodia within seven days, solely utilizing civilian personnel and trans¬ port. Kissinger said there had been no threats By MARY ANN CHICK from the South Vietnamese undergraduates, graduate students, faculty government to J State News Staff Writer and staff members, but did not take a stand deny Americans the right to depart from ■Council of Graduate Students the proposed increases. the country if additional I voted Monday night to support a However, COGS did not pass any on military aid is not resolutions for or against the Copies of the resolution will be sent to forthcoming. lem that would charge equal fines proposed "They are not being held for ransom," he ■fie violations on campus for all traffic regulations that would raise some University Traffic Committee members and President Wharton. asserted. traffic violation fines by 150 per cent. As Kissinger testified in Currently, COGS does support of the The not have a administration's plea for almost $1 billion in University Traffic Committee is member on the committee. military and economic aid, an apparent leussion set currently considering some proposals that would raise the traffic fines in six initiate fines for the first time in two cases, Steve Tyma, vicepresident of internal affairs, explained at the meeting Monday compromise emerged. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee offenses and keep the fines the same for two night that the vacancy was due to a began drafting a legislative package budget cuts violations for student drivers. technicality he did not know about. "I didn't realize I had to send the authorizing funds for evacuating Americans and some South Vietnamese. Sen. Frank recommendations to (President) Wharton The proposals would not affect Church, D-Idaho, said the figure would be HSU any of the first," Tyma said. chapter of the American Assn. fines assessed to campus drivers who are closer to the $300 million requested lersity Professors will hold a panel by the faculty or staff. Tyma said he has sent a name to administration in January than President n the effects of budget cuts on President Wharton and hopes he will be Ford's ImSU programs at 8 p.m. Thursday While there was some discussion new appeal for $722 million in against seated by the next University Traffic military aid. *kers Hall. the proposed raising of the fines for traffic SN photo/Dave Olds Committee meeting April 25. Bnts, administrators and faculty are violations, most of the COGS representa¬ An initial outlay of $250 million is also The water rises along with the temperature when to the discussion, which will feature tives In other actions, COGS passed a spring finally were more concerned with the being sought for "humanitarian" purposes, washes over Michigan. Though a Ispeakers from various departments inequity of fining students one amount and resolution supporting proposed legislation carefully manicured back yard including the care and feeding of South may be transformed into a backwater bayou, none can faculty and staff members another amount to extend educational benefits for veterans Vietnamese refugees. complain Iters will include: Pauline Adams, in graduate schools to 45 months. for long. Besides, that cold and for the same violations. sooty white stuff is finally gone. ■ofessor of American thought and Currently, graduate student veterans are |e; Joe Adney, chairman of the "I agree with the intent of the fines," said eligible for 36 months of aid. Undergrad¬ latics Dept.; Lester Manderscheid, b chairman of iDewitt Piatt, agricultural asst. econ- chairman of Chad Spawr, vicepresident of graduate welfare. "The fines are not a sufficient uates are eligible for 45 months of aid. THE MSU PERFORMING ARTS CENTER deterrent to those driving on campus now, COGS also voted to transfer $300 from Mies; Jim Victoria, associate profes- but it isn't fair to charge different fines to their general funds to a special day care •t, and Jack Wakely, chairman of the logy Dept. fe will be served at 7:30 p.m. different drivers." The final resolution passed by COGS asked that equal fines be established for scholarship program. COGS is expanding their scholarship program on an experimen¬ tal basis this term. Steps Toward Artistic Excellence: November 19, 1971 Board of Trustees approves administration n thursdoy and friday nights until 9. recommendations to proceed with plans for Per¬ forming Arts Center. Spring 1972 Working groups undertake preliminary survey and reports for PAC Committee November 22, 1972 Film on Performing Arts at MSU-"A Place to Grow"-is completed March 12, 1973 President appoints committee for evaluation visits to 16 other centers and 30 theaters around the USA November 26, 1973 Visiting Committee reports results of survey and recommends possible architects March 26, 1974 PAC program statement completed May 14, 1974 Board of Trustees appoints architects June 3, 1974 "User Group" begins work with architects on detailed program and conceptual design September 1, 1974 Acoustical and theatrical consultants selected October 2, 1974 Program reviewed with Building, Lands & Plan¬ ning Committee and Student Advisory Group October 28, 1974 Schematic design presented by architects November 7, 1974 Bogue Street site approved , April 8, 1975 Architects complete final design drawing and plans APRIL 19, 1975 FACULTY FOLK BENEFIT—"TONY & LENA SING" look what's growing in the ? cotton Private fund raising campaign-goal $11 Million patch for Miss J! Naturally, knits to be picked ? Legislative approval of academic portion- in $5 Million bright colors put together in ? vivid patchwork designs. Seen Ground breaking and construction from behind, they're solid-toned ? Opening performance . . and all of soft, comfortable cotton to easily top everything Whether or not we can take the final steps from casual skirts to shorts. From "West" in S-M-L sizes. depends upon YOUR support of the A. U-neck sleeveless tank. $8 Faculty Folk Benefit B. Long sleeve U-neck top. $10 Show WE care: C. Short sleeve cardigan. $12 See you Saturday, April 19... James Niblock Chairman, Department of Music Frank Rutledge Chairman, Department of Theater Jaoobsoii's Kenneth Beachler Director, Lecture-Concert Series 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. A The Ten Pounjn Fiddle 1 City posts need student input Margaret MacArthJ By JOE KIRBY is to get on a commission. person must be a resident of sions with a total of 53 applied to the seven commis¬ terms; Library Board, one presents State News Staff Writer There are currently 128 East the city and must fill out an members showed that only sions mentioned earlier. Eight¬ five-year term; Cable Commun¬ singing traditional folk songs- OK, so you don't think your Lansing residents serving on Commission, three application form, which is avail¬ about 9 per cent of those een of the applicants, or 24 per ications playing guitar, dulcimer, voice carries any weight at City Hall, since local government various boards and commis¬ able in the city manager's office members were students. cent, were students. three-year terms; Officers lapharp officials just seem to ignore all sions which provide assistance to the city council. at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road. Council will review the applica¬ Council members said there The following positions will Compensation Commission, one Wednesday, April 16 at 8:3o has been no effort to keep be available this June: Traffic seven-year term. your suggestions. On June 30, 29 of these tions and make appointments students off commissions, and Commission, three two-year If residents have any ques¬ Union Grill «2°o Well, the best way to make positions will be available for no later than June 3. tions about the functions and that if students fill out applica¬ terms; Recreation Commission, sponsored by the MSU sure you get heard is to get in reappointment, when present One major criticism of the tions, they will be considered five two-year terms; Zoning duties of these boards and Folksong on the action. And the best terms expire. when there is an opening. Board of Appeals, two three- commissions they can call Society in cooperation with the to do that in East city commission system has Union Activities Board way Lansing To get on a commission a been the lack of student repre¬ "There is no anti- year terms; Building Board of Nancy Webber at City Hall, sentation on the commissions. student policy," Mayor Wilbur Appeals, two three-year terms; 337-1731. HOOTS EVERY TUESDAY AT g-n Brookover said. "We've tried to Planning Commission, three Trustees t the Approximately 65 per cent of city's registered voters are keep students sions." on the commis¬ three-year terms; Human Rela¬ tions Commission, three three- IMJillilMilJilllil MERIDIAN MALp MSU students, but student Councilwoman Mary Sharp year terms; Board of Electrical loan funds representation sions does not on the commis¬ come close to said students have not been applying in large numbers. She Examiners, three three-year shampoo is the smash of the year equaling this figure. would like to see more student In March, a State News applicants. MSU students applying for loans may be entitled to extra the board to approve the action. In other business, the board examination of seven i In 1974, a total of 73 people 2nd Smash Week! "shampoo is the funds if the MSU Board of most virtuoso Trustees OKs a request for the is expected to authorize approximately an additional example of University to borrow up million for their guaranteed to $3 $500,000 for the Power Plant for purchases of coal. sophisticated kaleidoscopic farce student loan fund. The board will also discuss that american moviemakers The request is up $1.5 million over last year's request. It will renovation and improvements to the Veterinary Clinic and have ever come up with!' entitle undergraduate students residence halls, and a com¬ —pauline kael, new yorker magazine to receive a maximum of $2,500 munications system for the for the 1975-76 academic year. Clinical Sciences Center. In Currently, the limit is $1,500. The fund was developed by addition, the board is expected to approve "the la dolce vita' for the 1970's!' the hiring of con¬ MSU to assist students who are sultants for the new Clinical —judith crist, new york magazine unable to obtain loans from at Sciences ^ Building. least two commercial lending institutions. Eldon Nonnamaker, vice warren beatty president for Student Affairs, said the increase in maximum julie christie • goldiehawnl aid is needed to offset rising costs in education. In addition, he said he expects more students to apply for financial assistance for next year than this year. Nonnamaker said he expects MSU Department of Theatre Presents s»p Vi*fcP iMfflli&T off! TONIGHT 8:15 PM ARENA THEATRE ALL SEATS RESERVED FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE 355-0148 STARLfTE ,U.S 27 WEST OF WAVERLY STARTING TONIGHT! Phone 372-2434 FIRST THERE WAS BILLY JACK' THEN CAME WALKING TALL' NOW THERE IS. ■ ■ THEY KILLED HIS WIFE- THEY MURDERED HIS DAUGHTER¬ LY THOUGHT THEY KILLED HIM BUT NOTHING COULD STOP FRANK CHALLENGE! CHALLENGE THE TOUGHEST MAN ALIVE! Suppose you knew who you had been in your previous life. LAST WEEK! Where you had lived...whom you had loved and how you had died. What then? pepfouminc, aiHs compAny A PLAY ABOUT A HERO ONE TINY SPARK TICKETS ON SALE FAIRCHILD THEATRE. BECOMES A NIGHT OF NOW BLAZING SUSPENSE 8:15 pm Fby William Shakespeare DIRECTED AND ADAPTED BY FRANK C. RUTLEDGE ftN OBSESSIVE SEARCH FOR A PRIOR FXIRTPMPF J FAIRCHILD THEATRE BOX-OFFICE OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 12-5 PHONE 355-01 & L-liigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16,1975 7 CHIEF JOSEPH SHOWN Nez Perce drama Lathy esselman Ltp News Reviewer in the Western lands. The final words of his speech provided stereotypes Indians ities inherent in Cooper's mat¬ of alien cultures, such as the derstood in 1877. Ned Romero as Joseph failed the title for the ABC Theater erial, the "noble savage" versus Viet Cong. |r me, my chiefs! I am the "evil" Indian. More The production credits in "I to esc ape the pitfalls inherent Ly heart is sick and sad. presentation "I Will Fight No More tant, Indians must write their impor¬ The Viet Cong went up Will Fight No More Forever" in stately speeches and a | where the sun now Forever," sponsored against the Seventh Cavalry were good. James Whitmore as humorlessly dignified interpre¬ own Monday night by the Xerox story, as have other almost f 100 years after Chief | I will fight no more General Howard and Sam El¬ tation of the role. Corporation. minority groups. Vine Deloria Joseph, during which time the liott as Captain Wood did as The production has given Indians a voice in was digni¬ these words, Chief Jed Rosebrook and Theodore Army learned little more about well as they could within the fied, respectful and more than a of the Nez Perce Strauss wrote this drama, history; others will follow his insurgent warfare than it un¬ limits of the script. little dull. lead. idered his people to Gen. which recounts the Nez Perces' doomed flight toward Canada. Chief Joseph said: ■Howard and Col. Miles of IS; Army. In May 1877 Gen. Howard, "Perhaps you think the Crea¬ I pursuit and the one-armed general who had tor sent you here to surrender of dispose of |z Perce represents one of negotiated peace with Cochise us as you see fit. If I thought A&M SPRING FEVER! Inal encounters in the in 1872, was sent west to you were sent by the Creator, I Le for white supremacy implement the removal of Chief might be induced to think you FRAMPTON had a right to dispose of me. Do Joseph's tribe from its ances¬ Peter Framptori tral home in the Wallowa not misunderstand me, but Valley in Oregon to the Lapwai understand me fully with refer¬ The 4th album from an exceptional an Studies Reservation. ence to my affection for the artist of the highest musical virtuosity. In order to survive as a free land. I never said the land was mine to do with it as I chose. sents movie, people, Chief Joseph and his The one who has the people began their "long right to . . 1975 march" chronicled in the ABC dispose of it is the one who has Sounds best [show, sale Theater program. Five bands, created it. I claim the right to live on my land and accord you on i MSU Asian Studies totalling 600 or 700 people with the privilege to live on yours." will present the Enese film "Home Sweet fewer than 200 combatants, outwitted and outfought the U.S. Cavalry for 1,300 miles in These are political leader. the words "of a Disc Shop 323 E.Gr. 351-5388 [" ("Home in Taipei") at 8 one of the most brilliant the fact that the government drama reminiscent of "Meta- When jve can stop classifying lllll Friday in B106 Wells Hall. guer¬ illa actions of the Indian wars. reneged on the promises Gen¬ mora," the first Western melo¬ Indians as "noble savages" and Lsion will be $1 and child- The Nez Perce did not eral Howard made during the drama produced in the 1830s. accept them as ordinary people, [nder 12 will be admitted surrender .until pinned down negotiations with Chief Joseph. Rosebrook and Strauss fol¬ heroic or ignoble, a drama like Instead of sending the tribe lowed the conventions govern¬ this can succeed on some level with a blizzard raging only i film is in color with to the Lapwai Reservation, ing the "noble savage." Their other than simple mea miles from the Canadian bor¬ culpas kh subtitles. der. They almost reached the they were incarcerated at Ft. work hardly distinguished the for our sins perpetrated against Eme Sweet Home" con- "land of the Grandmother" Leavenworth, then sent to political leader Joseph from poor, simple savages. I Faculty Folk I the alterations in the where they could live in safety. malarial reservations in Indian Chingachcook, the "noble sa¬ When we become more soph¬ at MSU presents bf five people who fly from vage" created by James Feni- isticated in regard to our past, Tony Bennett The version of their trek Territory (Oklahoma). United States to Taiwan Of more Cooper. and Lena Home presented by ABC Theater The drama tried so hard to be we may beoome more sophisti¬ Eire faced with differing reduced the tragedy to stately fair It lost the dramatic Dramatists must free them¬ cated in our assessment of in a gala benefit power for the new MSU jems in personal relation- drama fit for the Hallmark Hall inherent in the material. This selves from the simple polar¬ other involvements with people Center for the of Fame. The voiceover at the story of a people's struggle for Performing Arts. i Asian Studies Center end of the program ^overlooked freedom dissipated into melo¬ lost an Asian Art Exhibit 9pm Saturday, (ale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 19, in the lay and Tuesday in the Michigan State CINEMA I of the Center for Inter¬ University nal Programs. Auditorium. n Music Directors Torrie Zito Bob Freed man with the Kenny 1 Soderblom Orchestra. Tickets are now available at the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 each weekday. All seats are reserved. $100*, $50*, $25*, $12.50 ($6.25 for MSU students). *A tax receipt for the gift portion will be mailed to you. iveps' □INNER THEATRE MUSICAL REVUE BEST OF ALL IAVISKY [ne of the most Warding films \ seen this r.w h Sayre, New York Timet WORLDS JERRY GROSS Presents JEAN-PAUL BELM0ND0 m ALAIN RESNAIS' IN THE APRIL NKW 10-13 WISKY UNION ■ALLR00/W {7.0X 1/"«U ^Starring CHARLES B0YER THEATRE Next | emmanuelle II52KL.I Ml: 'stuoent /entertainment W5S3Z2 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April l# J Jordan calls 70s Senior Council attempts decade for action to regain useful functio By BILL MANDERSHEID By BRUCE RAY WALKER One of the most traditional with alumni. The 1970s should be a time for black activists to work State News Staff Writer activities of the council is to Smith said he toward implementation of civil rights laws, rather than their When students were rocking pick and buy the class gift to of candidates hope,.] around the clock in the 1950s, the University each year. group u. solli candidates aDD|J interpretation. This year the council has positions on nextne»t yeail zl That was the message Vernon Jordan, national director of the Urban League, carried to campus Tuesday to a class on the MSU Senior Council was at decided to supply the trophy so that its plans for IS its peak. can come about. 1 American minorities. But as the turbulent '60s took case for Munn Ice Arena as its "The '60s was a time of defining rights, the right to ride a the roll out of rock, the class gift, though that was not He said he Careers Night it wants tojJ bus, the right to vote," Jordan said. "The 70s is a time of changing times relegated the its first choice. seniors this year Ji implementation." council to a minor role. "We had originally decided Speaking on "The Socio-Economic Conditions of Minori¬ Now both the sound of the annual event, on a huge portrait of Biggie as well as. J ties," Jordan said the Urban League operates in 103 cities '50s and the council are on the Munn for the arena, but some trip to Hawaii. He that next year the alsoS including Lansing and "offers a smorgasbord of services." comeback at MSU as the 12 upstate alumni group pimped cowl These include motivating unemployed young blacks and student members of the council us and bought one first," Smith bring some controversy J like Linda helping them find good jobs. attempt to put life and rele¬ said. ers BiHie Jean tovelu.1 Jordan, who has been a social worker and activist in the civil rights movement, said the role of the Urban League is to vancy into the organization set The council gets its money for the class gift and other King to Turning Homecoming i„j1 cj up about 25 years ago to event is listed support issues surrounding public policies pertinent to the organize senior events. activities from fund-raising as another ] needs and aspirations of blacks. "We're an organization that events throughout the year. priority. *• The 65-year-old agency has a $22 million annual budget of in the recent past has been One event was a Halloween which the Lansing affiliate receives $778,000. Smith said that pretty unorganized," said Bob costume party held at a local apnt, Jordan said the civil rights movement in the 1960s was are also available in Smith, president of the council. bar in October. Another will be tyd dent Services confined to the South with the South always being honest "In the 1950s we were kind of Senior Night at a bar planned Bldg. for J about its racism. like a for the end of May. Club, which is 50 seniors J high school student "In the North, you didn't have that," Jordan said. 'There |SHH council." "We haven't decided on a for their outstanding endaJ was unbelievable hypocrisy in the North." in scholastics, Smith said this year the date or place yet, but we're communit,| fairs and Jordan added that there has been a fantastic metamor¬ council decided to draw its own going to get some bar to serve extra-curricui»J ities. phosis and expansion of black leadership in the 1970s, as guidelines and start from all seniors drinks at half price," evidenced by the increase of black elected officials, black scratch to rebuild the group Smith said. " STATfe^' management of multimiliion dollar agencies, black corporate into something useful. Smith said that, at times, the MfcyS H*S executives, black community leaders and new black "I got seniorities myself, but Alumni Assn. also helps with entrepreneurs. someone has to plan senior some cash outlays. CLASSED fc "It was inconceiveable 10 years ago for Coleman Young to "We work closely with the trips and events, and that be mayor of Detroit or a black guy to run the urban renewal Alumni Assn.," Smith said. responsibility falls to the coun¬ program," Jordan said. "These people are doing things that cil so I think the council should "They give us the money we couldn't have been done 10 years ago." do the job," Smith said. need, and we provide them Jordan believes that agencies such as the Urban League The council is picked each nnnot expect NAACP to be the only group to increase black by the departing members leadership, but that other black members in the community are also important. "Black year from applicants for the position. A.A.U.P. entepreneurs reflect the variety, Though there is no special MSU complexity and vitality of blacks," he said. number specified, usually 12 Chapter Jordan said blacks are an economic indicator of the stability members are picked, Smith Spring Open Meeting of the country. said. Applications for next Panel Discussion on: "Black unemployment was at 9 per cent the last five years, year's council are available in yet nobody got excited about it. The economy could have been anticipated by looking at black unemployment." 307 Student Services Bldg. or "EFFECT OF BUDGET from most department heads and fraternities. They are due CUTS ON VARIOUS Friday. M.S.U. PROGRAMS" Bicentennial unit HOI DOG SPECIAL! Moderator: Pauline Adams, A.T.L. Panelists: Joe Adney, Math; Jack Kinsinger, chem.; Lester Manderscheid, MSU has been awarded a $5,000 grant by the Michigan Bicen¬ tennial Commission to develop plans for a proposed statewide The study will include recommendations for organizing local Wednesday, April 16 Ag. Econ.; Dewitt Piatt, Hums.; Jim Victoria, Art; study groups to discuss the ideas presented in the TV program bicentennial project involving a review of Michigan government. and the opportunities for individuals to ^ tog* 25c- 3 pm-closing Jack Wakeley, Psych. The study is expected to lead to a television program participate in governing their own communities. dramatizing the function of state government and the vital role of Kenneth Verburg, associate professor of political science at 8:00 P.M., Thurs. April 17 citizen participation in making the democratic process responsive MSU and a member of the project's planning committee, said the 137 Alters' to the needs of the people of Michigan. content of the TV program is still undetermined at this point. ighwhcder & Coffee served at 7:30 P.M. Westdale Ca. Realtors restaurant lounge Restaurant Lounge Students, 11:00 - 2:00 AM 231 M.A.C. 11:30 - 2:00 AM Faculty, administrators, | 12:00 -12:00 Sun. E. Lansing 5:00112:00 Sun. are all invited EARLY BIRD SPECIAL GET BEST CHOICE FROM ONE OF OUR REDUCED RATES (offer ends April 31) SUMMER 9mos. eff. from 130. 175. 1 BR from 140. 205. $*500 IN FURNITURE 2 BR from. 150. 220. (AT REGULAR RETAIL VALUE, INCLUDED IN SALES PRICES) folk entertainment •tSflW&w Glenn Blankenhorn plays dulcimer with his friends OFFER ENDS APRIL 20.197S 1 main™ance fee Thursday April 17. No cover ever! MERIDIAN • HILLS home EYDE Trade-in CONSTRUCTION ver to The Other Fried Chicken stay there! 3007 N. East St. (U.S. 27 Phono 351-9608-332-8263 North) , Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16, 1975 9 State's lottery revenues • - tip of his shared by many areas jjjet, this English Jbby, backed up by With economic conditions be¬ which have both weekly and impossible until September, [police inspector, ing as tight as they are and daily drawings. when the totals for 1974-75 will with a woman money so scarce that some be released. f member of the people wonder if the govern¬ The State Lottery Bureau ment still uses green ink, it's no established on Aug 1,1972, Lreign Office in was surprise that adventurous and held its first drawing Nov. ,ndon Tuesday Michiganders are willing to risk 24 that same year. Since that [erthe discovery of a small sum in a state lottery in day the lottery has taken in juspicious package hopes of winning enough to revenues totaling $220,450,644. I the window ledge retire for life. But where does all the lottery revenue go? Because figures for two full Ljch overlooks fiscal years are not yet avail¬ Kwning Street. On Unfortunately, not half able, a comparison to establish »ection the pack- of the total even whether or not an increase in revenues collected was found to by the State Lottery Bureau is lottery revenue occured is [ntain milk and returned in the form of prizes, ZHM [ndwiches left there and that amount is matched almost penny for penny by UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS r one of the office contributions to the Michigan GRADUATE STUDENTS and FACULTY MEMBERS general fund — a sort of painless tax. Other factors also THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS take their share of the funds. . . . comprising 350 outstanding Boys. Girls. Brother-Sistei and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England, Mid¬ dle Atlantic States and Canada. With each dollar paid to ... INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer purchase lottery tickets, 45 Counselors. Group Leaders. Specialties. General employment as Head Counselors. cents is returned to the players Write, Phone, or Call in Person through prizes, 45 cents goes Association of Private Camps into the state general fund to — Dept. C Maxwell M. Alexander, Executive Director pay the state's bills, 5 cents 55 West 42nd Street, OX 5-2656. New York 36, N. Y. goes into the commission earn¬ ed by ticket agents, 4 cents covers operating costs and 1 cent is given to banks which act as distribution points for idvocates of health program ticket agents. Payments out of the general FORflLLOFYOan fund go to various sources which include state depart¬ CYCL1HQ HEEDS! ments, education and social Bicycles,Components accessories & Service ill retaliate against Ford veto services. In Michigan there are two lottery drawings that consist of Best Values^ Widest Selection From Wire Services Woodcock said. several ways to win money. "National denied by Dr. J. S. Falk, Yale "It is very important to have health insurance is not a "In this country, in the main There are the 50 cent green JSHINGTON - Propo- costly University professor-emeritus clear that the health ... medical-care services are pro¬ tickets which have winning I of the Kennedy-Corman . . . idea. Last year we spent over of public health, who developed I-to-grave health security $100 billion for health care in security program is basically vided through the private sec¬ numbers drawn every week the original formula on which designed to effect a partnership tor of our society .. lam will make it and the $1 gold triple play cards a major America. We need spend no the Kennedy-Corman plan is between the public sector and al issue if it is passed by a more under national health based. the private sector," Falk said, icrat controlled Congress insurance if we enact a plan like letoed by President Ford. the health security bill. I threat (or promise) was Under this formula, sponsor¬ ed in the, Senate by Edward M. . . " | AFRICA ALASKA FACULTY ■Monday at the start of a Kennedy, Mass., and in the I June 11 Aug. to 20 June 12 to Aug. 20 { strategy conference I by the Committee for House, by James C. Corman, D-Calif., the costs of hospital, J Co-ed — College Credit ♦Summer learning adventure Z beyond description Co-ed — College Credit Backpacking and camping expedition, learning outdoor t j • SALARY LISTS lial Health insurance, the physician and other medical skills ! AVAILABLE AT THE NEWS ■ dominated organization ■g the taxpayer support- services would, be paid by a Health Security Administra: /DQqpfc STAND IN THE UNION BLDG. nth plan. tion, chiefly from payroll taxes levied on employers (3.5 per }J • Mountaineering OutdoorEducation - leadership - Challenge - Conservation All Aspect* of - Practical Survival Outdoorsmanship J , $1.00 Velocipede Peddler ftnard Woodcok, president cent) and employes (1 per cent) NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP SCHOOL Coll Toll FREE 800-443-4040 541E. Grand River 351-7240 B United Auto Workers based on the first $20,000 in income. m mmmmm fcommittee chairman, ac- P. O. Box AA Dept. CA Lander, Wyo. 82520 Critics have contended that ted Below Paramount News Across from Berkey Hall ledged at a press confer- Ithat health security does the tax on employers would be Texas Instruments^ CAREERS YOU WANT ■ve the votes to override a too high. Studies cited by the 1 Ford, who opposes "new Committee for National Health Insurance and attributed to the |ingnotprograms," has said is want a health bill U.S. Chamber of Commerce electronic calculators indicate that industry pays an BUT DOH'T KNOW ABOUT All Are Brand New 1975 Models In Original Factory Car average of 3.8 per cent today as tons, Complete With AC Adapter/Charger' Carry Case, ftional health insurance is its share of company-sponsored Detailed Operating It ^ructions ana 1 Year Guarantee. 1 a whose time is overdue health insurance plans. The Career Manual is a comprehensive guide to hundreds ot jobs that are ^ United States," "Every Wood- other Another argument against the formula is that it would Compare! THEN MAIL YOUR CHECK TO: MODEL OUR PRICE S well paying. It also includes: satisfying, interesting and ■rialized nation "nationalize" U.S. medicine to already Rational health insurance the detriment of quality of RATIONAL SAMPUS 0EPS SR-11.. ... 54.56 ftey all rank against us in health care. This criticism was 2402 RHINELAND CT., N. E. SR-50 . .. . $85.76 •How to write a resume pealth status of their ATLANTA, U.S.A. 30345 SR-51 . . .. $140.36 •How to get those important Interviews •How to set yourself apart from the hundreds of other job seekers •How to ask for the bdcock rebutted argu- salary you want I that the Social Security- Fogram his group favors Open for Lunch I be prohibitively expen- Send today for your own 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-friday He argued that the money back guaranteed copy of the "m merely would redistri- ££reerJWanud. The few dollars you spend today Complete Luncheon Menu can bring you an exciting and satisfying career as well |money 1 already paid in as thousands of dollars in higher salary. Special of the day every day insurance by pa¬ is is not like the other Send your name, address, and a check or for $10.00 to Rodger Owen; 21 W. Goethe money order Dinner Hours ■problems of our society," Dept. 9-L; Chicago, Illinois 60610 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Monday - Thursday 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. On the corner of Abbott Rd. & Grand River Phone 351 - 7076 for reservations KT\ f V\ • I Prudent ISPRING SPIRITS Student 0 b:5 0 ...buy this mummy bag and AND SONG jFree Service J 0 save enough N^eliverv/ For about the in the Goldsmith Lounge same money to get this ■i* Qis^m you'd pay for a 2-pound (AC TV RENTALS Israel goose down mummy bag, 2-man Happy Hour 4 - 7 p.m. ^3MQ10^ Independence you can have the Stag Model 9814 Blue Ridge mummy and have enough mountain Mon. - Fri. Day Celebration left over to buy the Stag tent IT Arctic Circle 2-man trail tent. The secret is the Du- Pont Dacron* Fiberfill II in¬ I Send for your SONG | Student I.D.Card Tonight - Starseed •ELI'S sulation that's nearly as and enjoy warm as down, but much I special rates at less costly. The 9814 has 3 Thurs. - Bill Hagerup pounds of Fiberfill II, Delrin® | Hilton Hotels fIZZA, and Inns coast zipper, ripstop nylon cover, ■ to coast. (Grad students Fri. & Sat. - JAZZ with raised foot pocket, draw- cord hood and waterproof | and faculty, too.) Just mall this coupon stuff bag. More than 2 dozen to Hilton Hotels Fulfillment Dept., Suite 200, The Gary Blunter Trio W - never Fiberfill II styles to choose ■ 205 So. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. CA 90212. from at your nearest Stag Stag Arctic Circle trail tent, made of dealer. polyester and cotton with waterproof Name_ B$te your floor. Address. "I I IntheStftuUr tradition City_ loney. Thursday April 17 8 p.m. * | ■ Send 25e for color catalog to Stag Trail Country, Dept. v-oiiege uass of l a I CNP-3, 5203 S.E Union Building Johnson Portland, Creek Blvd., Tun.Twd^tyiiits •XHILTOD HOWls: I OR 97206. Parlor A,B, ft C I All art wtlccmt. Noodmliiion chorgr L........ ra S3 S3 S3 ft 10m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Ali hit with $20 million lawsuit NEW YORK (UPI) - referee Anthony Perez, who intentionally to throw rabbit knockdown in the ninth round, also took issue to remarks made Heavyweight boxing champion alleged Ali engaged in a "ser¬ punches" and when Perez it appeared it was Ali's inten¬ by Ali in a television interview Muhammed Ali was sued for mon of hate" against him which directed him to stop, Ali cursed tion to kill Wepner for having last month concerning his $20 million Tuesday on charges was intended to destroy his him. knocked him down," Perez said. refereeing of the Joe Frazier he made "false, malicious and professional reputation. For this reason, the referee fight early last year. Throughout the bout, the libelous" statements about the In the complaint, Perez said complaint said, Ali "was hold¬ said, he stopped the fight in the Ali said he had Frazier set up referee in his title defense that during the first round of ing Wepner and hitting him at 15th round — "Wepner being in for a knockout when Perez against Chuck Wepner last the March 24 fight in Cleveland, the same time and putting his no condition to continue with stopped the round "pretending month. Ali claimed that Wepner was elbow into Wepner's throat and Ali, falling flat on the ground he thought the bell had rung." The lawsuit was filed in throwing rabbit punches. fighting dirty." from exhaustion." "He didn't want me to knock Manhattan federal court by Perez said, "Ali then began After Wepner "scored a clean out Joe Frazier," Ali is alleged After the fight, the complaint to have said in the interview. continued, Ali allegedly stated These statements, the com¬ he would see to it that Perez would never referee a heavy¬ plaint alleged, were made for Broncos buck weight boxing bout again. Ali said he would "preach a sermon the purpose of making it appear Perez "was dishonest and had committed a crime and was un¬ of hate throughout the world," By MIKE LITAKER backstop lumbered into third base after pasting a trustworthy to discharge his State News against Perez, the complaint duties as a referee." Sports Writer shot into the right center field alley to score said. Western Michigan used a pair of doubles in the Howie Schryer. In the Wepner fight, Perez top of the ninth inning to drive home the winning After Western had tied it up in the top of the Ali called the referee a "dirty said he had Ali leading 135 to run as the Broncos bucked the high-flying MSU fifth, MSU shortstop Terry Hop had Bronco dog" and a "Puerto Rican," the 129. In the Frazier fight, he baseball team, 3-2, after drubbing the Spartans, pitcher Terry O'Brien's pick-off attempt at first complaint charged. Perez also scored six rounds for Ali, five 10-1, in the first game of Tuesday's doubleheader base skip off his leg to allow Palamara an easy quoted Ali as saying about him: for Frazier and one even. at Kobs Field. trot home from third with the "He's not black and he's not Perez said he has refereed Spartans second Spartan southpaw Rick Moore continued to unearned run of the contest. white. He is a Puerto Rican. He more than 150 bouts dating have his problems getting untracked in the early The one-run lead stood until Western third is more black than white but back to 1953. Previously he was season. The sophomore hurler lasted only three sacker Jim Carwardine led off the seventh with he's amateur welterweight with trying to be white." an frames in the first game as the Bronco hitters an opposite field homer off the glove of leaping Perez, 44, of the Bronx, N.Y., 65 fights and 60 victories. broke loose for seven right fielder A1 Weston. Carwardine's blast tied third-inping runs, helped along by four MSU errors. him for the all-time Western career home-run Scott Evans and John Lincoln followed Moore record with 10 round-trippers. to the hill, but by that time it was a matter of going through the motions with the way Western's Tim White mowed his way through the MSU batters. MSU center fielder Mike Fricke started off the extra innings with his third hit of the game fourth of the afternoon, but it was doubled off and Chicago Bears second base when he fell down trying to retreat White scattered five singles in going the back to the base after Weston's fly ball to left. distance to record his second win of the season. The Spartans' lone run came when catcher Rick - Seid scored on Joe Palamara's fielder's choice. Fricke now leads the team in hitting with a .412 average on .571 pace the year and is holding down in Big Ten action. a torrid or just Bears? MSU coach Danny Litwhiler decided to start Litwhiler lifted Hubert to rest him for this Duane Bickel in the second game of the twin bill. weekend and brought in Don Ballard. Ballard CHICAGO (UPI) - Mayor Richard J. Daley said Tuesday if the Bickel gave up only one hit in the three frigid got through the eighth before Western touched Chicago Bears move to suburban Arlington Heights, the city will innings he worked before yielding to Todd him for the winner in the top of the ninth. take court action to take "Chicago" out of their name. Hubert. The losses dropped the Spartans to 13-10 on "You don't want the name of Chicago in Arlington Heights," Catcher Dale Frietch staked Hubert to a one the year with Big Ten rivals Minnesota and Iowa Daley told a news conference. run lead in the top of the fourth when the senior The mayor said city lawyers are already preparing legal briefs coming to town for a big weekend series. to prohibit the Bears from referring to their team as "Chicago." He said the briefs will be filed if the Bears make their move to the suburbs. Fran Dittrich's 37-year men's track J Retraining sessions planned George S. Halas, owner of the Bears, last week announced a proposal under which a stadium to hold more than 80,000 would be built in Arlington Heights, with the Bears as principal tenants. coaching career at MSU will come to end after this spring season. Among Dittrich's many record-holder Herb Washington, here talking with Dittrich in a pupils was w Halas has said the Bears' present stadium, Soldier Field on photo. for water safety instructors Chicago's lake front, is too old and too small, with about 55,000 seats, for a National Football League team. Daley said Soldier Field is "the best field in the United States." Dittrich ends 44 years| He said the city will not build a professional stadium for anyone American Red Cross water held April 28 and May 5 in the 10 p.m. and he sees no need for a dome. with attendance re¬ safety instructors' retraining Jenison Fieldhouse pool. quired both nights. "We're a robust people, we're sturdy people in the Midwest," he classes for MSU students and The second session will be Swimmer's should enter Jeni¬ said. faculty will be offered for two held April 29 and May 6, also in son at the south entrance. They weeks this spring. the Jenison pool. must have a class reservation One retraining session will be All classes will run from 7 to card, current water safety instructor $3.75 (for certification newly issued books) and on Spartan track scene i on Postponed T before they will be allowed into the building. There are 60 spots open for ▼ By CHARLES JOHNSON. ! State News Sports Writer last t\fo yeafli at a time when our costs ml 15 per cent a year. But track is still a majro J When Spartan men's head track coach Fran at MSU, and it always will be." each session, which will be Dittrich came to MSU as an undergraduate track rescheduled 6 filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. To make a reservation, The deadline for entry in the men's intramural prospect in 1931, he didn't think that he would be Dittrich earned his bachelor's degree ill and attended summer school at Iowa, fraternity tennis involved in Spartan sports for another 44 years. obtained his masters in 1940. As ai J swimmers should phone 353- competition is noon Monday. Play begins Wednesday. He knew it. DETROIT (UPI) — The Detroit Tigers have announced that 7158. Those interested in men's intramural residence hall, graduate here, he lettered in track fori their April 8 game with the Baltimore Orioles, which was fraternity "That was my idea when I came here," says years while competing in the hurdles, if post¬ Retraining classes will also and independent team and individual poned, has been rescheduled as part of a twinight doubleheader golf competition should Dittrich, who will wind up his final season at the long jump and triple jump events. Htfl be offered next fall. People check in 201 Men's Intramural Aug. 6. Bldg. for information. Spartan helm during this spring track campaign. captain of the Spartan squad in 1936andn with water safety instructor Entries and fees for the women's intramural golf tournament At age 64, Dittrich is the dean of MSU coaches. The game, which was to have been the home opener for the certification have until Decem¬ will be accepted from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Monday He became an asst. track coach in 1937 and was All-American mention in the field eveiti| Tigers, had to be delayed because a heavy snowstorm the previous ber, 1976 to renew their through Friday this week and next week. year. named head coach in 1958. After 44 years of "When I week made the field unplayable. certification. Entries should be turned in at 103 Women's Intramural came to Michigan State, the»H Bldg. affiliation with MSU track, you might think no scholarships except for football and if Dittrich's decision to retire came rather easily, ball," he said. "The athletic department ■ but it was not so. jobs, though. I worked at football gn "I know that I'll have some regrets," he said. concessions selling hot dogs." "But it seems to be the right time to do it. I'll be World War IIinterrupted his stayatHJ 65 years old next year, so what the heck? I'll Dittrich served in the Navy. He is cr enjoy myself for a while." captain in the Naval Reserve. Since Dittrich came to MSU after a highly Dittrich's MSU squads have won twoM successful track career at Detroit Eastern High outdoor championships and three indoor! School he has seen many faces come and go and MSU's most recent championship yearwur as many changes in the Spartan track program. "Track has always been a major sport here," when the trackmen captured both the Ed Dittrich said. "We've had some good years and indoor and outdoor titles. L my stay has been extremely satisfying. I can't After retiring, Dittrich and his several trips planned. wifcj really single out any highlights of my career. Of course, the winning seasons stand out most in my mind. But, in all, my coaching career has just "There will be plenty of things to "I'll be going up north in the summer dm doTljl been 37 years of good work. "The future for track at MSU is not plan on traveling through Arizona, TertB going to be Florida. Also, I'll be going to Montreal for® as bright as it could be unless it gets some help, Olympics. Like I said, there will be pkj though. We've had 10 per cent budget cuts the things to do." Women golfers seosoj after By ANN WILLIAMSON s now Team depth and experience 84.6 slopracf/ces[ competitive averaffl State News Sports Writer will be the main factors Everyone knows it takes aiding Representing the the Spartans in defense of their practice, practice and more squad for MSU today 1 Big Ten title. The Spartans captain Carol Petersoitl practice to improve your golf have placed first in the Mid¬ more Peg Carlson; game. But since golf wasn't west Assn. of Intercollegiate Karent Escott, Sue WJ designed to be played in the Athletics for Women (MAIAW) snow, the MSU women's golf Shelia Tansey, and (PP meet for the past three team hasn't had much years. Garety. j practice They finished ninth last year in lately. "Judging from our PB the nationals. formances, this team "J That's what is worrying Junior June Oldman main¬ Spartan coach Mary Fossum as ability to win the Big tained the lowest but we'll just have to T MSU opens its spring season competitive average last fall for the Spar¬ little longer and today in Bowling Green, Ohio, tans with Action finally began against Central Michigan, East¬ an 84.1 stroke mark. Freshman Joan Garety finished attain our goals," FosaJB ern Michigan, Bowling Green, "All the girls are great .Vag lemusL Gus G jnakas Tim Staudt I Kusler n6nni? S,ob Wilbur Brookover Music T) Kat, Urt ^mi,h Blanche Martin of Buy z- save zo* w / in - stor& coupon AAi rando? Jhil Gannon 29 Ted Swift 1DU„„ol P°nkerbrock js Mitchner ■Keller - ^n"rlce Bneachler f,moBe*>one Hlckey Micki Bailes Jim Hough Earl Nelson Bob Green Bluegrass Extension Service many n PASCAL CELERV 1 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 1-ST0P SHOPPING SAVES MONEY, TIME, ENERGY B311 Stop into the Co-op Office, Student Services Bldg. Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to check into co-op openings right now, summer or fall. The Community Bike Co-op has classes in bike repair for mem¬ bers-or you can bring your bike m PRICES GOOD MONDAY APRIL 14 THRU SATURDAY APRIL 19, 75. in and have expert staff work on it. At 211 Evergreen Ave., around the corner Fred from Yat Wah. Thornthwaite, general thrifty acres manager of Co-operative Services, the 2000 member housing co-op in Detroit, will be the guest at a Community Forum at 7:30 tonight at the People's Church, 200 West PHILLIPS: Grand River Ave. Topic: "Co-op TABLETS Housing for Senior Citizens." Fast Antacid Relief Anne Garrison, professor ot business law and office adminis¬ tration will speak on "The Profes¬ sional Women," at the Brown Bag Lunch for the nontraditional wimen student or worker. Come PHILLIPS' MILK OF listen and share. Noon today in 6 (downstairs) Student .Services MAGNESIA TABLETS Bldg. Sponsored by the Women's • 100 count bottle 79c Resource Center. OUR REG. 99< IWH on page 14) Pharmacy Dept. THE N0VUS MATHEMATICIAN HOT WAX GLIDDEN SPRED by Turtle ELECTRONIC SLIDE RULE QmOFTHEliJOM) EXTERIOR REDWOOD • Self shining car wax All the functions you BOYS' POCKET • 16 fl. oz. bottle need for performing STAIN • Model T-411. sophisticated problem s Model 4510. TSHIRT OUR REG. $|49 By Fruit of the Loom I00°o A&M cotton for comfort Choose SPRING FEVER! $8.36 from navy red light blue orange and brown in M L GHOSTS Strawbs SOLO BRAND STRAWBERRY GIAZE18 0Z. WT. JAR...59* Since their milestone album "Hero and Heroine" many have waited for "Ghosts" to appear 1975 Sounds best on FOOD CLUB HALF GALLON 2/8? LP's Now Only $4" Tapes Now LOW FAT MILK CARTON Available 1 FRESNUKE FRENCH STYLE 12-14-1/2 «wf can Disc Shop 323 E. Grand River Phone 351-5380 WHOLE KERNEL GARDEN GREEN O /one Bring in this ad CORN, PEAS, BEANS J/OO for 10' off on a ftBB JUMBO JO1 off libel "Hot Fudge Brownie Delight "j ' ALL DETERGENT 9 LB 13 0Z WT BOX '2" POWDER TOP FROST FROZEN TOP FROST FROZEN WHIPPED TAB COCA COLA POT PIES The famous DQ Hot Brownie Delight-made with a big mound of freezer Fudge fresh ■ . ■ TOPPING Dairy Queen between two J■ pecan fudge brownies- smothered with whipped top- I ping, drenched with rich, hot I fudge, and topped with a | 5/95 cherry. Now, that's Scrump- ■ dillyishus! Limit one per customer I w/thisad. Offer expires April | A.M. TO 10:30 P.M. *-1. D Q 1 Corp — SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 7 P.jT ichigan Sta State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16, 1975 1 3 SASEBALL SEASON IS IN FULL SWING* SELL YOUR SPARE IV WITH A CLASSIFIED AD! Automotive to **JZ\ FRANKLY SPEAKING, .by phil frank | >Mft.„ts iy pfr^ts v Apartments |f FORD FAIRLANE, 1968, engine MASON BODY SHOP. 812 Eatt excellent, body needs work, $200 Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, EAST SIDE, one bedroom, par¬ MALE orbestoffe/. 355-3066. 3-4-17 South. Furnished, one bedroom. ROOMMATE needed, Complete auto painting and colli¬ tially furnished, shag carpet, no South sion service. American Utilities paid. $150/month plus Lansing, own room! FORD, 1969 Window Van. and children, pets. Evenings, 482-5450 >85.50, non-smoker. 393 3472 or 6 Foreign 485-0256 deposit. Phone 627-5454. 7-4-16 Lone 355-8255 cylinder, runs great! $850. cars. C-4-30 54-21 382-3897. 34-17 B Student Services Bldg 349-4365 after 5 pm. 5-4-18 PINE LAKE APARTMENTS AMERICAN, GERMAN and SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY, HASLETT ONE ROOM efficiency apartment, jutomotive FORD CUSTOM 1969. With FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. 20% DISCOUNT to students and Short on Cash? Maybe we can luxury apartment, air conditioning, one block from campus, $125. I Scooters ft Cyd« trailer hitch. Runs beautifullyl work something out. no pets, close to campus, one Call Dave, 337-0649. 3-4-18 One bed¬ I Ports ft Service Low price. Call 332-8953. 3-4-17 faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW room apartments with shag car¬ bedroom, $165/month. Call after service parts. IMPORT AUTO 3 pm. 337-9551. 3-4-17 I Aviation PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and peting, drapes and appliances. FORD PICK-UP 1966. Twployment V-8 stick Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 EAST LANSING, Abbott and minutes from MSU. Located at JoR rent shift,^$225. 349-2434 after 6 pm. Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 6076 Marsh Road, just north of Northlawn, furnished, 2 bedroom, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY near I Apartments card._C-224-30 ' Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager $180, includes utilities, phone campus. Carpeting, furnished, air, I Houses GREMLIN 1972. 6 4894623. 4-4-18 cylinder, U-REPAIR AUTO SERVICE 339-8192 or EAST LANSING free water, heat. 351-7554/ I Rooms automatic,'29,000 miles, snows. CENTER. Do - it - yourself, free REALTY^ 3324^28. _26-5-6_ _ SUBLET SUMMER, one girl, for 2 337-7421. 3-4-18 $1595. 371-3572. 5-4-18 supervision. Specials: tune-ups, jdr I Animals sale $20.98. Front disc brakes, $24.45, 129 GUNSON, 1 bedroom apart¬ man apartment. Own air, pool, 332-3110. 5-4-21 room, close, JEEP COMMANDO 1973, ment, furnished, utilities, $170. power parts included. Phone 882-8742. I Mobile Homes steering. Automatic, $2950. Call 0-1-4-16 351-5827, call after 5 pm. x-5-4-16 SUBLET SUMMER 2 man, fur¬ 1)st & found 482-0342 between 3:30 p.m. and 6 nished, 4 rooms, air, pool, adja¬ 5-4-22 ■rsonal p.m. MMin RENT-A-BAY FURNISHED, $100-1 bedroom, 2 cent campus, $135 + electricity. MARIGOLD ieaNUTS personal MALIBU CLASSIC 1974. Excel¬ $3.00/hr. Rental bedrooms - $115. 394-0683 9-9. 351:^48. 54-21 APARTMENTS Kal estate lent condition. Many extras. Ask¬ THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. ■creation ing $3,700. Details call 355-4410. 5-4-17 Includes Us* Of; 'Hl.TUERE! H0WRE YOl L03KING ONE BEDROOM luxury apartment furnished, air, shag, balcony. 911 Marigold Krvice filler Wrench-Oil GREAT! - KEEP THE up Walk to campus. June. 351-0868, I Instruction Ufa-Work tench-Vise Spout WORK!" SUBLET SUMMER - large one after 5 pm. 24-16 S190M0NTH MG MIDGET 1974, excellent Tire Tool-Tire Machines con¬ Ports Washer-Vocuum Cleaner ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKEltY. CA 94709 bedroom, furnished, close, air, ■ Typing dition, 8,600 miles, $2800. Phone Repair Manuals-Parts look, Etc. $155 including utilities. 337-0247. SUMMER. 2 people for 2 man ■ansportation 489 6696. 5-4-18 54-18 apartment. Good location. Air ■anted Iar pool MGB 1972, 30,000 miles, superb Sl.00/hr. Charge For Hand Tools Ewploywent [[H] Employment 551 ALBERT STREET, one block conditioned. 337-0256. 34-18 •Appliances ft Air Conditioning •Heot ft Water Included shape, rustproofed. Removable from campus. COZY 2 bedroom apartment in Large 2 bedroom, house. Furnished, air condition¬ I hardtop, $2700 or best offer. PERSON OR GENERAL LABORERS furnished, and fall. URATES** persons to sing summer FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Phone 351-4546 or 489-7040. Call More Arrival to Hold lay recent ballads folk songs and Resident manager, ing. Close. Summer sublet-fall or JOBS BY PHONE . K word minimum 351-5208 or option. Non-smokers. 332-8706 337-7328 3-4-16 play guitar for 3 day weekends at a Immediate 351-6676. 104-25 RANDY'S MOBIL Northern Michigan resort openings, reliable after 6. 3-4-18 I MGB 1970 Roadster, radials, AM- Okemos Rd. lodje. people needed for both long and Summer Rent NO. DAYS at 1-96, June-September. 663-4671, after short term assignments in retail 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and FEMALE FM, ROOMMATE needed new overhaul, call Nancy, 349-9620 7 p.m. 5-4-22 WO/Month 349-0893 after 5. 5-4-22 stores, factories and warehouses. unfurnished, utilities paid except now. Kings Point Apartments. 3 5 10 Own bedroom. Call Linda, 351- REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN RECREATION FACILITATOR-to Experience not always necessary: electricity. On bus line. 332-8036, MUSTANG 1967. 6 engines 9585 after 8:30 p.m. 54-22 MALE ROOMMATE needed, ■80 4.80 7.80 15.60 cylinder, guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ assist in organizing and supervis¬ Apply in person MANPOWER, 1308 Haslett Road. 104-25 share room, Twyckingham apart¬ automatic, good transportation, change. Free towing available- ing a recreation program at the INC. 105 East Washtenaw. 04-16 I25 6.00 9.75 19.50 best offer! 393-2502 after 6 pm. local areas. Installation as low as VFW National Childrens Home. CEDAR VILLAGE FEMALE ROOMMATE-needed ments, $86/month, 351-3927, I70 7.20 11.70 23.40 $35. Check our repair prices and Evening and weekend work. WOMAN CO-LEADER for group Now Renting immediately. Completely fur¬ available immediately. 5-4-16 loo 8.00 13.00 26.Oo' REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO Recreation experience preferred. canoeing Mississippi fall term. Summer and Fall nished 2 bedroom townhouse. 10 t/IUSTANG 1969, stick shift, new minutes from campus. $130 per SUMMER - 2 or 3 man. ■75 10.00 16.25 32.50 PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and Contact Marv King, 663-1521. Leadership and counseling experi¬ Summer Rates are $150-$200 University Villa. Cheap. Close to >arts, good condition. Best offer 3-4-18 month includes all utilities. Barb, Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. ence. BA/equivalent essential. per month. Fall Rates are $80, icceptable. 355-1201. 3-4-17 353-8747,8-5. 34-18 campus. 332-8905. 5-4-16 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri¬ 675-7482. 5-4-18 $83, $85 per person per HELP PEACE Corp-Vista supply month. OPEL GT, 1973, yellow, black ca^ C-22-4-30 skilled volunteers to share in USA, 351-5180 FURNISHED STUDIO, May 1, SOUTH LANSING, 2 bedroom REGISTERED NURSES full and interior, sharp, $2750. 627-7589. MAKE YOUR world a little less Haslett area, garage, utilities paid, apartment, nice location, $125, Asia, Africa, Latin America. Inter¬ part time positions available on the MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 bed¬ 5-4-16 rotten with Armor All, available at views in the Placement Bureau. $125. 339-8686. 5-4-22 plus utilities and deposit. Ref¬ 11p.m.-7:30a.m. and 3-11p.m. room apartment in country. $95. erences required. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN 1-4-16 Call 882-9119. 54-17 Call 487-1983. shifts. Excellent working condi¬ 5-4-16 ■ellation/corrections 12 PORSCHE 914 - 2.0 1973. CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio Yellow tions, salary and fringe benefits. with brown interior, zoo, one mile west of campus apartments. Across from campus. f one class day before AM/FM stereo, limited slip, ap¬ 487-5055. C-9-4-25 PEOPLE WANTED for newspaper Apply personnel department, Ing¬ NOW LEASING for fall-Colonial Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or ONE BLOCK from campus - now phone survey, 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. ham Medical Center, 401 West Arms, 126 Orchard. 2, 3 and 4 pearance group, extras, days: 5 days a week, 337-9711 for fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 leasing for summer and fall terms! Greenlawn, Lansing, Michigan man apartments. Call 337-1800. ! Spacious 2 bedroom furnished I ad is ordered it cannot ■ncelled or changed until 337-1731, nights: 337-2183, Mark Harbison. 5-4-16 Aviation ](*[) further information. 2-4-17 48910. 371-2121, extension 249. 74-16 ^ 10424 LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. . a.m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 VALLEY FORGE apartments. 332-4240. 20-5-7 Call Joe Miller, PARACHUTING LESSONS, after¬ RN OR LPN OPENING ■first insertion, unless it is TRIUMPH GT-6, good condition Air conditioned, $145 summer, BRAND NEW noons and weekends. Details, Full time 3 p.m.-11:30 p.m. shift. EAST LANSING Schools. Secre¬ SUMMER AND FALL H200. Honda CB-350, 1972, call $175 fall. 351-1610 or LANSING -1 block north of Grand Red 8 cancelled 2 days inytime, 351-1575. x54-18 351-0799 or 543-6731. 3-4-18 Liberal fringe benefits, evening taries, teacher aids, stock atten¬ 39-5-30 -4451. Summer Rotes $130 per month River and Cedar. On bus route, Republication. and flights differential, no shift dants, maintenance, CETA Title Foil Rotes $154- $179 for two bedroom $120 plus deposit. Living room, t is a $1.00 service TRIUMPH 1971 GT-6, condition, overdrive, FM stereo, I Ewglaywt |fff| rotation. Every other weekend off and weekend bonus paid, contact Six employment, must reside in East Lansing. Census tracks TWO BEDROOM mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 furnished bedroom, bath, kitchen, 371-2255, available May 1st. 5-4-16 ■e for an ad change. 30,000 miles. 351-1575. 5-4-17 WANTED: MALE and female go Mrs. L. Risk, RN, Director of Contact minutes to campus. Quiet and 414244.01. Michigan go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, Nursing, Ingham County Medical peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or FURNISHED 1 bedroom, North 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 204 Care Facility, 3882 Dobie Road. Employment Security Commission 484-5315. 04-30 TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished s Personal ads. must Lansing, $140 per month, utilities Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349- 54-16 apartments: 124 Cedar Street, ABBOTT ROAD. Now $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 paid, references, Phone 485-3420. 1050. 54-22 REGISTERED NURSES-full and leasing 54-16 Kedzie Drive. Year leases and VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Van, lots of BABYSITTER NEEDED from 2:30 beginning summer term. One I State News will be part time positions available on the bedroom, air conditioned, luxury summer leases only. Starting extras, new motor and tires, good until 6 pm, 5 days a week. Must WANTED-PART time dental re¬ afternoon and midnight shifts in June or September. Heat in¬ Jnsible only for the first ceptionist, experience preferred. ICU-CCU. Minimum starting sala¬ apartments. Complete with dish¬ cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, NOW LEASING ct insertion. Please submit brief resume to: washers, self-cleaning ranges, re¬ ries $4.82 per hour plus differen¬ 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. Box A-1, State News. 5-4-22 frigerators. $200-$225 per month. tial. Immediate openings. Please ■are due 7 days from the VOLVO, 1966. Many new parts. WE NEED college graduates in the DABCON ENTERPRISES, 371- 0-4-30_. WHITEHALL Excellent transportation. $450 or Lansing area. School teacher or YARD WORK and handyman. contact Lansing General Hospital, 4158, evenings, 351-5312. 7-4-18 Jpiration ■e due date. If not paid best^offer. 35T0625. 5-4-16 sales experience preferred. Full Part time. Near bus line. Phone 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. SUMMER, 2 men, own room, reasonable, close, air conditioned, MANOR date, a 50it late time training salary plus com- 372-8220, extension 267. Equal ~ 349-1145. 14-16 VW SQUAREBACK 1968. Mint Opportunity Employer. 84-22 YES... two grad-undergrad. 332-3337. 34-18 e charge will be due. condition, runs great. $750 or best i missions. Call Josephine johns •1-2 bedroom apts. Heated swimming Starkweather at 694-3935. • pool Imotive '■&. offer. 351-5289. 3-4-16 Investors Diversified 10-4-18 Services. CLERK TYPIST, full time filing- typing. A.E.S. Apply at 409 Lentz Court, Lansing. (North of St. Joe [ For Real )[$J per apartment! And balconies too. SUBLET SUMMER, 424 Michi¬ gan, furnished, 2 or 3 women, •Carports •Community bldg. VW BUS 1973. Low mileage, TV AND Stereo Rentals. reasonable rent, 351-1705. 34-18 •Quiet surroundings between Logan and Waverly.) $25/ radio, 8-track stereo. Sacrifice for PART TIME cook, weekends only. term. $10.95/month. Free same RIVER'S & •Rentals from $165.00 5-4-22 MALE ROOMMATE needed, $75 ■0BILE $3400. 694-8821. 5-4-21 Experience preferred. Must be day delivery and service. Call WATER'S EDGE INSURANCE. monthly, own bedroom, reduced can save $$$. If pays to neat and dependable. Call for HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed NEJAC, 337-1010. C-4-30 NOW ACCEPTING AP¬ fcund. Call us. You I Motorcycles ][*p] appointment, 655-1275, SEA for 16 semi-independent mentally Apartments April rent. Call 349-0549. 5-4-16 PLICATIONS FOR GRAD¬ ■d. 484-1414. 0-1-4-16 may be HAWK RESTAURANT, William- ston. 7 miles from campus. 3-4-16 retarded adults. Call 393-4442 or write Moore Living Center, 1401 | Apartments ]("|p (next to Cedar Village) INCREDIBLE! own OWN bathroom, close. bedroom, 1-2 girls, UATE AND MEDICAL MILFORD STREET, 126. Two STUDENTS. 66, ALL power acces- Edgewood Blvd, Lansing, Now |5,000 original miles. After WAITRESS, FULL or part time, Michigan. 48910. 54-21 blocks from campus. Deluxe, air leasing $90 negotiable. 489-9158. 34-17 HONDA 550-4. Operated 1 conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom 332-4432 OKEMOS P-5209. $1250. 3-4-16 nights, apply at DRUAR'S, 415 THREE BEDROOM in Okemos. season. 2500 miles. Includes $200 East Saginaw, Lansing. 489-2086. CAPABLE PERSON - must like (master). Two man-$190. Three wind jammer. Perfect condition. room $207. Fall leasing. 332- Huge, with two baths, carport, air (Located at corner ■ 1973, 2600cc automatic, 4-4-18 children - to begin dinner and stay $1600. Call 351-7944 after 5 pm. - 20-4-30 LOOKING FOR girl to share conditioning. Unfurnished. $250. lAM-FM. 27,000 miles, with children Monday - Friday 3:30 of Mt. Hope & 5-4-21 apartment for $100 a month spring Sorry, no undergrads or pets. 1, $2500 negotiable. Jim, SECRETARIES and Receptionists. -5:30. Must have car. $2 an hour. Available starting June. Hagadorn Rd.) * TWO ROOM apartment to sublet and summer. Call 351-9531. Phone -tv, 355-6068. 10-4-22 Immediate openings, full time 339J013 after 5 pm. _44-18_ 332-3202. 0-14-16 HONDA 1973 CB350, clean and _ summer. Good location, 635 15-5-2 career opportunities for experi¬ TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER Abbott, $190. ALL STATE MGMT. | NOVA SS 1964. 283 smooth, just professionally tuned. enced people with secretarial SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 332-4248^ 5-4-17 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. New exhaust, good $800. 355-2590. 5-4-21 skills. Choose from various ONE GIRL, Near MSU. Share 241 EAST SAGINAW 901 EAST OAKLAND, 1st floor, 4 Need 1 person to share 2 bedroom offered nationally for qualified P snows. $150. openings. Salaries range from small, one bedroom, furnished apartment next to Frandor. Fur¬ EAST LANSING Bruce, MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE. college graduates by June. Imme¬ rooms, furnished, utilities paid, $100-$150/week. Don't wait, call apartment. $70. 489-5922. nished, all utilities. 484-0788, Lowest rates on cycle insurance. diate salary negotiable and ad¬ baby welcome, no pets. 489-3377. or anV size. FEIDLER INSURANCE. now. OFFICEMATES, Phone 5-4-16 0-54-18 487-8308. 54-22 justed over 40 month training |A Wiew GT, 1969, 44,000 miles, 676-2449. 0-1-4-16 694-1153. 34-17 program. Earn while you learn!!! radials, mechanically FEMALE ROOMMATES needed CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. No limit on future earnings, Call 1 no rust, $850. Call CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our EXPERIENCED BARTENDER and for fall Cedar Village apartment, P after 5. 5-4-16 Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ Large 2 bedroom furnished. low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING barmaid for part time work. Apply views by appointment only. $83, prefer non-smokers. 355- Single girls or married couple only. in person after 11:30 am GARAGE, 0434. 54-17 P 240Z 1972? ~4~ speed, 484J414 or 339-9635^ 0-13-4-30 317 North Capitol, in the parking 20-5-2 $220. 489-5922. 0-54-18 I £ala L,27$93 mP9< CYCLE INSURANCE as low as ramp. 3-4-16 or 646-0371. $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 NOW LEAS SENIOR NEEDS part time jobl |4 SportCall1973. er' after 6 $2,000 or 1973 YAMAHA Enduro, 125cc, Geology, Briggs, German, 25 SUMMER & FALL pm. Excellent condition, 1300 miles, • 5-4-21 wpm, keypunch. Sue Lydens, 'Close to Campus $475. 332-5696 after 5 p.m. 3-4-18 353-6296. 3-4-16 *Air Conditioned JD >th FORMULA 350, 1973. HONDA CB350 1973 W 2,500 *AII Appliances saddle, 25,000 miles, WANTED: FULL time waitress. Bob, 351-3057. miles. Super condition! $750 or including dishwasher Apply HUDDLE LOUNGE, 820 'Luxurious Furnishings best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 West Miller Road, Lansing. 5-4-16 p.m. 5-4-22 *Shag Carpeting 1TD ^71. AM/FM stereo, USED MOTORCYCLES discount AUTO PAINTER-Must spray *On-Site Management -[es, sharp car. !■ "82-5952. PoWer on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand enamel and all materials. M-78 'Private Balconies 5-4-16 'SWIMMING POOL River, East Lansing. 22430 BODY SHOP, 337-0496. 54-22 SUMMER 1 - 3 PERSONS IESERVE YOUR APARTMENT NOW WHILE THEY LAST "FALL PER PERS0N-3 OCCUPANTS SPECIAL 2-MAN RATES t" 15- 4 6 6 ■ 8 9 IO EARLY BIRD SPECIAL m m M°Nev " ll| 12 1 13 15 |furnished ■carpeted $$$BONUS$$$ 16 17 % 18 1? ■air condition $10 OFF current rates for FALL % 20 % 21 tt % ir |balconies SUMMER SPECIALS PLUS BONUS EH. $130 %% % 24 26 27 lacft« tenient locations 1 bedroom $140 [close to campus i9 3o yA 31 2 bedroomi $150 t up EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficienciesfr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. L ** »195 and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. . . live in one of our spacious 2 bedroom 4-men units for as low as $60 per month . .. 36 37 % % v/a w 0R RENTAL INFORMATION AND SHOWING CALL 351-7910 m % % Y3 % w 38 39 HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT h6 % 1(6 444 Michigan Ave. E. Lansing LEASING CENTER OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 1- 6 PHONE 351-7212 47 W -—.fORYOUR CONVENIENCE OPENSAT. 10-4-SUN 1-4 731 BURCHAM DRIVE, EAST LANSING. A FEW BLOCKS EAST OFF ABBOTT RD. &% 4-:18 14 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesdj April li Apartments ](V) Houses ]13 [ lloiws For Sale "for Sale [ Personal J/j SUBLET IMMEDIATELY! Two EAST SIDE-roommate for spa¬ BRIDGE-Master AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. FINE STEREO system. Marantz SEWING MACHINE Clearance DUPLICATE bedrooln flat In fine house. Close/ cious 3 bedroom house, $54 plus Carpeted, paneled, furnished, no 2270 Receiver, Sansui 2050C Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, points-regular, novice (beginners) campus. $220/month plus elec¬ utilities. 484-3742. 3-4-18 utilities, paved parking, cooking, Manual turntable, two Ohm B $5 per month. Large selection of welcome, 2nd Floor MSU UNION, tricity. Security deposit nego¬ Speakers, reconditioned used machines. Wednesday 7:15 p.m. 1-4-16 laundry facilities, $75/month. new $1275, asking only tiable. Barb, 353-3246. Betty, FOR THE chance of a lifetime. 337-2417 or 349-9662. 4-4-18 $820. Phone 337-0892. 3-4-17 Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New 337-0333. 3-4-18 Women wanted-sublease im¬ Home and "many others." $19.95 Announcements for It's What's GARDEN PLOTS-25x50, 1 mile The World maculate house, summer and/or to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS Happening must be received in the ONE-TWO females Rivers Edge NEED ONE person now through FREE, 4 month old male kitten, to east of Meridian Mall, $11. Phone Committee is hawf^l fall. Close, air, furnished. After 5, good home. Call 353-6227. DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 351-4676 or 371-3033. B-1-4-16 State News office, 341 Student summer term. Single room. a meeting in Apartments, $82.50/month per Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least person. Terrace, 2 bedrooms, 2 332^555. 34-18__ $61.25/ month plus utilities. 54-21 North Washington, 489-6448. C-34-17 two class days before publication. ORCHARD COURT Close. 351-0463. 5-4-21 THEATRE THAT heals people's bathrooms. Call now to take duplex, 3 No announcements will be ac¬ SAILBOAT - FLYING Jr. and minds, Psychodrama, Saturday at advantage of one month's free . bedrooms, 1 % baths, full base¬ OWN ROOM. $70 utilities in¬ trailer, good race or training boat. 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. Wonder's Kiva, 8:00. 1-4-16 cepted by phone. rent. 337-0645. 5-4-22 ment, central air, swimming pool, cluded. Wood' hull and boom, Aluminum Tanks, cannisters and uprights. For Karate with a Difference- 393-2846. 5-4-18 Campus 1 block. Lowered summer rent. 332-0052. mast, four sails, extras, $600. Guarnateed one full year. $7.88 ASK HOWARD about teaching on come at 9 to 11 tonight and at 2 MSU Sports SP"ng Road Car cuj Howell, 1-546-3718 evenings. and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING an island in Fiji. Talk about Peace p.rp. Saturday to the Men's Saturday at Ral^l SUMMER SUBLET. 5 bedroom COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, Corps today in the Placement Intramural Building. Farm Lane ComrllJ HASLETT DUPLEX, country, car¬ large house, 1 block from campus. GIRL TO share trailer. $50. Holt- Opposite City Market. C-3-4-17 Bureau. 1-4-16 Phi Gamma Nu tour scenic and Moml peted, 2285 West Lake Lansing, $160, $125 Security. 339-9667. Own room. $80 per person. 15 minutes to MSU. 694-1486. 5-4-16 Lake. TREMENDOUS CLOSING sale at the DAY BEFORE FOREVER. over 400 quality bikes tonight in second floor Confer¬ meeting at 6 At 8:30 mid-Mid^ 5-4-16 332-8381. 5-4-1ft Fantastic savings on antiques, Buy Now ond jflsaon STUDENT LOANS ence Room. Liberation tonight in 33 yj will ran SUMMER 2 person room in all Models 8 Sizts jewelry, superb clothes, leather KamelofNewMoLTj - NORTHEAST LANSING. Two Behavior and design is LABash WOMAN WANTED to share 3 house, close, parking, laundry, goods, and fine incense. Remem raleigh-columbia- '75 What is theme, all day this Friday, bedroom house with 2 other women, near Sparrow bedroom brick. Unfurnished. $49. 351-0761 evenings. 3-4-16 ber COMFORT AND STYLE AT motobecane Saturday and Sunday. 30 speak¬ your gay ^ Hospital, Garage. Married couple, no GREAT REDUCTION then visit my Corec call after 5, 484-3143, 485-6823. children/ pets. $145. 10 Speeds as Low as $86.88 ers, panels, workshops, displays, "courtyard" 663-4345, shop at 254 West Grand River {all assembled ft checked out) extensive program. league for married . 5-4^22 482-8667. 5-4-18 1 GIRL FOR huge house, imme¬ (next to Arbys) Open 11-7. 54-22 Urban Register at dents hoj diately, own room, $80/month gene's bicycle shop Planning/Landscape Arch¬ - organizational WOMEN NEEDED 702 Wait larnn Ave. 7 p.m. to sublet MALE - FURNISHED room, new plus utilities and deposit. 351-5979 CONCORD DELUXE Ladies' 19" IV4-0M2 BOARD EXAM TUTORING itecture Building. Thursday at J house, summer, own room. Close after 5. Ask for Ann only. 5-4-18 STANLEY H. KAPLAN A proposal for the use of Village School gym 3 to campus. 337-1555. 5-4-17 house, $69 plus utilities. 351-6662. 10-speed. Men's 25" Schwinn Op»nMon.,W«l.,Frl.,,Mlt contact Quiet. 5-4-16 5-speed, $75. 353-8155, 353-7379. TUTORING COURSES middle-earth satellites in the Office Community & TWO ROOMMATES Share furnished house. needed. FACULTY, MARRIED grads: For Sale ][<^] 34-18 AMERICAN GREETING Cards and wrap. Make your Mother's Day Now being formed for the up-' coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, search for the Entwives will be discussed at 10 p.m. Thursday in at Red Cedar Interested in soarino) SdJL J $70/ REFLECTING TELESCOPE: 4%" ATGSB, GRE Board exams. For the MSU month plus utilities. 484-6312, nicely furnished house available, summer - 1975 summer 1976. mirror, rack and pinion eyepiece, WATERBED-KING size, elevated selection early. GULLIVER information call 1-313-354-0085. the West Holmes Hall lower lounge. Sponsored Soaring 7:30 tonight in Clubnjf Kim. After 5pm, 485-3916. 5-4-17 frame, liner. $75, best offer. STATE DRUG, 1105 East Grand by Ents 203 hbfl 332-2962. ^-4-21 equatorial mount, $50. 355-4094. 0-14-16 mural E-54-17 353-2712, after 6 p.m. 54-22 River. 0-14-16 International. welcome. All but ores are Bldg. Everyone*! LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ SHARE HOUSE, own room, must WEAVING/BASKETRY supplies. ties to select, qualified tenants be neat, Eastside Lansing, a™ THE ALOHA SONY 7055, Phillips electronic Rush the UNFRAT, Alpha Phi $80/ STEREO SPEAKER systems, cus¬ Unusual broad selection. Sample only. At no cost to you. Call month. 372-2911. 54-18 CLOSING SALE turntable, Stanton cartridge, 2 Omega Service Fraternity. Meet tom built, great sound-you save cards-$1. Ewe n'dye. 416 South 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT Advent loud speakers. 339-9102. with our brothers tonight in 329 money. 484-8038. B-2-4-17 2°-30°/<'off Ashley, Ann Arbor. 48103. Case Hall and at 7:30 Thursday in siLJCTOR. J04J3 OKEMOS. ONE person immedi¬ merchandise and (3131-994-1166. B-1-4-16 C101 Holmes Hall. :IVE ROOM, utilities furnished. Mortheast Lansing. Phone 489- ately, four others in June. Own rooms, large yard, pets. $60 + . SCHWINN 24" Women', side basket, good condition, body rusted, $16. Al, 355-9074. E-5-4-22 \3w3ir 255 Ann fixtures 351-1911 ( Animals )[Vt! MUST SELL four 6" Piranha. $30 FREE... A Lesson in complexion care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan on "Lenny Bruce Without Tears" video tape runs continuously 3388, after 4 pm. 44-18 349-1778. 3-4-16 or 485-7197 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. through FIVE TIRES and tubes. 8.75x15". a piece. Call Tom at 332-3830. Lansing Mall. MERLE ROYAL CENTURION electric NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. Sunday. Sponsored by the Union HOUSE. NEAR campus. June 15th - September 15th. All utilities [ Rooms jlA typewriter. Week old, warranty. $225, $280 new. 337-7951, Good condition. $35. 484-0701 after 5 pm. E-54-18 W-21 LOST: YELLOW tiger cat. Needs Activities tainment. Board/Student Enter¬ jaid. Call 332-2023. 34-17 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, DUPLEX FOR rent - 3 bedrooms South. Quiet for student. $65/ month plus deposit. Phone 627- 355-6457. 34-17 FOUR 14" Chrome wheels, fits 53 USED SEWING machines. medicine. One week behind in medication. ♦3-4-18 351-6745, 353-3994. [ Real Estate ][*§], Transcendental Meditation in¬ troductory lecture will be given at uur w»vuyn i"ursaaytroiiilB :urnished. Summer. Off Beech FLORIDA LOTS for sale by owner. 7:30 tonight in 30 Union. 5454._74J6 $12.50/up. Zig-Zags, and straight Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-22 most GM cars. $40.00 after 3 pm, stichers, portables and cabinet GERMAN SHORT hair pointer. Two lots are fully developed. Port Scientific research will be re¬ p.m. for more information1! SUMMER DOUBLES. Furnished, utilities paid, kitchen, TV, lounge, E-5-4-21 models. Singers, Whites, AKC female, 5 months, wormed Charlotte. Ready to build on. Call viewed. Sponsored by the AAUP, MSU Chapkl PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house and shots^ 175.655^989. 7-4-17 355-0767. Student's International Meditation open meeting on Effect oil available immediately. parking, very close. $55/and up. EPIPHONE CASINO Excellent Konmores. Many makes and J3-4-16 Society. Cuts on various MSU m Nicely 337-9452. 0-4-30 condition. Hard shell case. Best models to choose from. A UNIQUE CANINE, free to good furnished, parking. Students wel¬ OKEMOS BRIARWOOD - 3 A Batik class is At 8 p.m. Thursday in Ifa offer. Mark, 332-5172. 5-4-21 home! Male bassett-Terrier mix, 1 - going on at 7 ELECTRO-GRAND, 804 East come. 5 minute drive. $150/ HOUSE MATES for spring and year old, bright, playful and ex¬ bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 square foot p.m. Wednesdays at Elsworth Hall. Coffee at 7:30 p,m 1 month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 Michigan. Hours Monday - Friday, ranch. Less than one year old. Co-op, 711 W. Grand River Ave. summer, male or female, own tremely good-natured. Not house- Tune-tips 9-5 pm. Saturday 9-noon. Bank STUDENTS HERE it is. room. $84/month, 575 Spartan. broken. Call 351-8071, after 5:30 Professional landscaping. Backs Bring cloth you wish to dye. It is Women in Medicine-^ - 5 card and Master Charge honored. free. in a series of panels on' 351-9096, evenings. 54-17 p.m. weekdays. 34-18 3 to the park. 349-2020. 54-18 bedroom, $200. 394-0683. 9-9. THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. on Bicycles! 54-18 traditional Careers for Wjl Guest panelists indudil 34-16 FREE LAUNDRY, free Room and board for men near parking. Velocipede Peddler 541E. Grand River 351-7240 SIMMONS BEAUTYREST twin Mobile Hones !(■»] [ Recreation Typing Semite* Theresa Bernardez, son, Mary Ryan audi Gei. campus. Call 351-5636 or 351- size mattress, box spring, frame, bxjd MOBILE Home, 1 mile from EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to UNIGRAPHICS offers COM¬ Scheurer. At 7:30 tonighB SOUTH LANSING - $120 - 2 7797^ 54-17 hardly used, $125. 351-8215. MSU, excellent condition. Fully London, Amsterdam from $289. PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ bedroom. 394-0683 9-9. THE 50% - 60% OFF on overstocked furnished. $1500. 332-6135, TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- sume service. IBM Student Services Bldg. V TWO MEN or single. Private typing, editing Counseling Center. PA and guitar amps and speakers. 8800. C-7-4-18 APARTMENT SELECTOR. 3-4-16 entrance to bedroom, studyroom 332i3_125-_54J! offset printing and binding. We We would like to and bath, on lower level. Example: 300 watt PA slave, $200, oi 712 BROADMORE 1970, 12x60, 2 Horse Lovers encourage comparative shopping. 619 GROVE - Own room, nice Northlawn-Phone 332-4674. West Laboratories, 487-3558. For estimate, stop in at 2843 East supportive, noncompete! bedrooms, furnished. Newly Want your horse kept well friendly house. 5-4-16 to share plays! lliibsons^ Rent approxi¬ 34-18 our poetry, carpeted, washer and/1 ryer, many and happy? Try the expert Grand River or phone 332-8414. mately $65 plus. 332-8953. 5-4-21 stories, films—through f ALVAREZ 5 string banjo, very extras, very reasonable. 484-5140. care and clean quarters at 134-30 IN PLEASANT home sions, readings, publics' on Devon¬ fine, $200. 332-6135, 332-3125. 54-22 Willow Pond Stables near AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. 3-4 shire to young ysis, workshops, fi of clean man house. $210/month. Fenced habits. Garage. man Piano. Credit for 5-4-16 BOOKSALE GREAT BUY! 1973, 12x60, two Mason. . . MARYHELEN - TYPING. Term enjoyment. Call Jan Zerfsl backyard, pets ok. 485-6337, after bedroom, immediate possession. papers, theses, manuscripts. IBM yard work. 882-3563. 54-22 MARCELLO BARBERBO Classical Loads of paper 6 pm. 4-4-18 Holt area. Excellent condition, Selectric Pica or elite. , Guitar, very fine, original model, - Experi¬ PERSON - OWN ROOM. Co-op $65/MONTH, including utilities, $500, and hardbacks $6800. Gall Sonny, 372-2006. 676 2870 or 393-1558 ences: former University - Press 332^135. 332-3125_5-4J6 style house, Burcham and Haga- furnished, 334 Michigan Avenue, Text and 54-16_ - Parachuting lessons, after¬ editor. Close to campus. across from Williams dorm. Call WEDDING GOWN-size 12. Full dorn. $61.50/month. 351-5377. 1970 PMC, 12x60, excellent condi¬ noons and weekends. Details 332-5325. 5-4-18 3-4-17 after 3, 332-5906. 3-4-18 skirt, fitted bodice. Veil. $30. Reference tion, carpeted, washer and dryer, 351-0799 or 543-6731. 34-18 353-6850. E-5-4-17 10x10 shed. King Arthurs, $4800. EXPERIENCED TYPING. IBM ROOM AVAILABLE immediately, We buy books anytime OWN ROOM, $75 Haslett-Hagadorn nished, carpeted. or less/month, area, 351-7843. unfur¬ $65/month, cooking, close to MSU. Call 351-0145. 34-18 UNICYCLE, MAG wheels, bucket seats, hair dryers, baby car seat, 128 W.Grand River lbl.W. of Union 482-3242. 54-^8 10x45 DETROITER, COM¬ [ Service FOR THE BEST Service ][A^on Stereo selectric-theses, resumes, etc. """" 2-4-17 term papers, University Village. 24-16 chain saws, steak broilers, air PLETELY furnished. Excellent 329 M.A.C. $62.50, to share large Mthru Fri. / Equipment see the STEREO conditioners, 20" floor fans, silk condition. Reasonably priced. SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. EXPERIENCED TYPIST-reason- JUNE 1st to September 1st. room in beautiful house. 1141. 34-18 332- tapestries, golf clubs, zodiac \ 9:00-5:30 f Close to campus. 393-4952. C-4-30 able rates, downtown area. Furnished home, 3 blocks Lake 489-3524 after 5:30 weekdays, records, dope paraphenalia, crash EYE GLASSES AT Large savings. 5-4-22 Women-do you rei Superior beach, 6 blocks NMU. helmets, outboard motors, type¬ PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, anytime weekends. 5-4-22 Call 906-226-7833 or write 924 MEN, SINGLE room, close to Why pay more? OPTICAL FLEETWOOD 1969. 12x60, ex- - your body or is it n_ writers, portable radios, guitars, finest quality, resonably priced. High Street, Marquette, Michigan. campus, 2 rooms available, $70, DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, pando, skirting, shed, 3 bedrooms, BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ property of your doctor!! 4985R- share expenses, 482-9531, or 332- banjos, knives, sleeping bags, Lansing. 372-7409. C-54-18 1 yh baths. Phone 372-3892.54-17 sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, your body and your que# J-4-J7 0241. 54-17 tents, lanterns, binoculars, base¬ 482-57J2^ C-4-30 489-0358. C4-30 self-help at 7:30 every Ww GIRL TO share house with 2 others. 484-3195. 3-4-17 $70 ' plus utilities. ROOMS FROM $16 per week, ball gloves. See them all I Come on down to DICKER & DEAL, INFLATE-A-BED Spare bedroom in a bag. Air coil [Tost & Found ]Q] EDITING, PROOFREADING experienced dissertations, theses, ANN BROWN typing and multi- night in the Women's Cr the Union. utilities included, parking avail¬ 1701 South Cedar. FIND SOMETHING book and article manuscripts. lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ Pre-meds: tour V\l 487-3886. construction. Permanent bed- able, one block from campus, 215 C-4-18 If you've found a pet or article of Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 34-17 vice for dissertations, theses, University Medical S FOUR BEDROOM duplex, East overnight guest. Campers-tent- Louis Street, 351-4495. 114-25 Saturday morning. Siffifl vans-lounging-resorts-trailers- value, we want t« help you return manuscripts, general typing. IBM. Lansing, near bus, year or sum¬ it. Just 25 year's experience. 349-0850. Natural Science office. 5L mer, unfurnished, 337-2317. BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. sunbathing-or doze across a lake come into the State News TYPING, DONE in my home, 50* ROOM IN liberal house near is noon Friday and 0-14-16 Prandor. $65, including utilities. French built light weight touring surface. Will not wash off or fade. Classified Department and tell us per double spaced page. 882-2662 54-21 C4-30 Number participating is ccjj One year guarantee. Three sizes: you want to place an ad in EAST 351:7898. J3-4-17 bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. LANSING STATE BANK'S Found SUBLET FOR Twin-$46.95: Double-$53.95; THESES, RESUMES, typing and summer. Nice Save on top quality handmade house, near campus. 4 bedrooms, cheap, cozy. 337-0823. 5-4-22 ROOM IN 5 man nished, parking, near campus. house. Fur¬ bikes. 645-2127. C-54-18 Queen-$63.95. Available in bright red, avocado green and black. Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run [ Instruction ][i*j printing. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Reasonable prices. 351- See Yeoman tonight's STAR TREK Oil C $45/month. 482-1931. 1-4-16 Cash for Sales by GRAND DISTRIBUTING, the ad at no cost to you! SUMMER MOUNTAINEERING 4116. C4-30 ing. 8:30 in Yakeley Haiti 211 North Bridge Street, Grand EAST LANSING instruction? Two-week Wyoming OWN ROOM near campus, $80 a STAMPS & COINS Israeli dancing now W Ledge, Michigan. 627-4444. STATE BANK courses. Co-ed, $195. Environ¬ COMPLETE DISSERTATION and month, unfurnished, no parking. CLOSE IN, quiet, single-summer possibilities: regular grofB Show room Monday-Satur¬ C-4-30 mental Wilderness Expedition, resume service. Call 351-6195. 5-4-22 rate now. References/deposit. Buy-Sell -Trade open Printing, IBM from 7:15 to 9 p.m. Tuemj day 10-6, Friday till 9 p.m. P.O. Box 458, Ann Arbor, Michi¬ typing, binding. No pets. 663-8418. 5-4-22 full line of supplies FOUND: WATCH, Corner of Printing from Women's Intramural MALE. OWN Room, remodeled VIID-MICHIGAN STAMP b COIN As seen in Better Homes and Abbott and Grand River Roads, gan, 48104. 34-18 your plain paper originals. Corner performing group meetswl FEMALE NEEDED to share flat, Gardens and Playboy. 3-4-18 M.A.C. and Grand River. Below house. Close. April free. 332-4387. C-34-17 day in 218 at the s»»B $ar*icej(j§] 1880 Haslett Rd. 332-4300 Jones Call after 5:00. 487-0561. 5-4-22 kitchen, two blocks from Union, Typing Monday Stationery Shop, 9-5 Need ID to enter buiWin»B very good deal. $62.50, utilities SEKINE 10-speed bike, many FOUND: KEY ring in street in - Friday. Call COPY- MID-MICHIGAN'S Largest audio IRENE ORR Theses, Term papers GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 WAVERLY AREA. Two bedroom paid. _Cathy^351l359L jj-4-16 extras, excellent condition, best front of 1933 Albert. Call - Horticulture Club me*! duplex, 1 Vi baths, carpeting, retailer with the finest in stereo offer. 351-9519. 54-21 332-5491. C-34-16 general typing. Formerly with Ann ■ C-4-30 other Wednesday thistenj MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, Rrnwn rall4R9-74R7 C-4-30 carport, major appliances, $200/ products and electronic repairs. at 7:30 tonight in 204 WB month. Phone 349-4626. 5-4-22 cooking, close to MSU. 351-8563 or 485-8836. 20-4-22 Phone Shop the store with straight stereo answers. MARSHALL MUSIC, VINTAGE STRATOCASTER AND S.G. deluxe guitars. New steel FOUND: SCOTCH video tape EXPERIENCED, TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ | Transportation ]($] Bldg. Dr. Honna will» European Gardens. 245 Ann Street. C-1-4-16 Dobro 30 % off. near Natural Science Building. WANTED: RIDERS to New STUDENTS 6 Bedrooms, one ROOM AND Board for men or 1940's Gibson ate service. 394-2512. C-4-30 Southern Jumbo Accoustic. Used Friday am. 487-6359 C-3-4-16 Mexico. Leaving next week. block from MSU. 394-0683 9-9. women. Nexus Co-op, 437-445 GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of Sony Portable T.V. 6 channel, 5 Call 313-548-4499 after 5. 2-4-17 The Russian and EastSj THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. Abbott Rd. $25/week. 351-0100. all kinds. TYPING BY the hour. Drop-off Studies Program will 0k 0-3-4-18 Buy, trade and sell. watt Walkie-Talkie. Used 6-4-17 Regen¬ LOST: DISSERTATION by French film "The Gar^B service. Secretarial assistance. nana - BEST year 'round price in South¬ cy police scanner. Ohaus Preci¬ Berkey, near Owen cafeteria. 694-0222. 5-4-16 p.m. Thursday in ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN sion gram scales. Zenith trans¬ Return to Owen Hall. This is a 1958 aw* Hall desk for SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. oceanic radio. SMC electric HOUSE TO rent for fall. Dostoevski's classic 371-2244. 014-16 typewriter. Great selection used Tuso. x-34-16 JUDITH CARMAN. Dissertations, sible students. Good Respon¬ shape, close. and white with nov*| EngWT theses, term papers. Call now for WANT ADS MOVING SALE, April 19-20, 9-5 golf club sets. SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East WILCOX LOST: SHEPHERD Puppy, male, black/tan. 50 lbs. Reward. Jim, this term. 393-4672. 5-4-18 -351-3061,353-1359. 5-4-21 Chess Club meets'! p.m. 128 South Francis. Wide Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. BABYSITTING in my Okemos WORK variety-Cheap! 3-4-18 C4-30 425 Ann, East x-34-16 Lansing. 337-9933. Home. Mature, dependable. the hour or week. 349-3353 By tonight at C101 HoMT 34-17 (More IWHonpjPj WONDERS FREE RIDE to see our HASSLE*SAVER! | for students and other strange folks One of the major areas in which Want working wonders over the years is in helping parents Ads have been Catch the big blue Campus Hill Bus to check outt our two bedroom furnished apts. Catch the Bus model apt. I BURCHAM WOODS at APARTM0 sell the furniture, toys and at the corner of Shaw Lane and Farm Lane Ain't no reason in the world to let Burcham equipment their children by the Post Office. The Bus Bike to MSU for some book have outgrown leaves campus at . . . and helping other parents buy 9:05,10:15,11:25,12:35,1:45, 2:55 and 4:05. Bus will return learning, hightail it ^orne in front of the cable TV or swim in the heated jT still-good items they need for their children. This pool week . . . which is International Want Ad Week you to campus 50 minutes later. a prune! ... is a good time for you to find a cash buyer for the BURCHAM WOODS articles your youngsters no longer use. Give us a call Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the today to place your low-cost, driving to pays response-getting ad. us ... Two Bedroom Apartments available for ALL your bills (We'll also help you find a buyer for grown up items!) Summer & Fall. Call 349-3530 for information & for you! roommate service. Their Summer^ 1. CABLE TV STATE NEWS Ask about our Special 12 mo. lease where you get any available apt. for the summer for 2. 3. Electric Heat t°wobedX»1 $140/mo. and also get $90 discount on Fall 4. Air Classified Ads Rates. We also have special 3 mo. Summer rates & 9 mo. Fall leases. 5. 6. Conditioning All Utilities 745Bsrl Heated Pool 355-8255 7. 8. Parking Laundry Facilities Ihitun State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 16, 1975 15 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman rODAY'S programs I Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services WB'e \JB^Y coHffeg? Wtyz Ff&>M WXYZ TV. Detroit 10 WIIXTV, Jackson rUfrez/irteomTAt'- U6TE*\\teTo 12 WJRTTV, Flint 8 " WOTV, Grond Rapids CKLW-TV, Windsor 13 WZZM- y m FATftefZ 23 WKAR- / MMLWAyS K13 41) Let's (9) That Girl Make A Deal (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour 1:00 PM TNOJ^HT IT (23) Consumer Experience 7:30 (9) "Strange Bedfellows" Rock hap tvjo 5:45 AM (50) The Lucy Show '2) Truth Or Consequences Hudson, Gig Young. (1965) VJoPPS Itf bf' M. Presents Executive tries to reconcile his to 6:00 12:55 (3) Wild World Of Animals in Second Chance (5-8-10) News (4) Masquerade Party improve his corporate image. Ff^NToFlT- S 1:00 (5) Dragnet (50) "I'd 6:05 (2) Love Of Life (6) Feature . Climb The Mountain" Rory Calhoun, Susan Highest ~T-/6 in News (3-25) Guiding Light (7) Name That Tune (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives Hayward. (1951) A new parson 6:15 (8) Let's Make A Deal and his (6) Martha Dixon (9) Room 222 city-bred wife arrive ii ge For Today Georgia. L & Home Show (7-12-13-41) T $10,000 (13) To Tell The Truth 6:20 Pyramid (23) Behind The Lines 4:00 vn & Country Almanac (9-50) Movies. (41) Buck Owen's Ranch Show (5) "Divorce, American Style' 6:25 (23) Solar Energy ■ College 1:25 8:00 (2-3-6-25) Tony Orlando & Dawn Dick Van Dyke, Debbie CAMPUS CLATTER (2) News Reynolds. Modern day couple 1 6:30 (4-5-8-10) Little House On The decide to get a divorce after many by Larry Lewis J) Sunrise Semester 1:30 Prairie years of marriage. I For Women Only (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (7-12-13-41) That's My Mama ■sroom (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (9) News Nine 4:30 J)f M. Presents (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (23) Theatre In America (7) "The Moon Is Blue" William le Bobby Show (23) Interface Holden, Maggie McNamara. Keration Second Chance 2:00 (50) Dealer's Choice (1953) Story of a girl and her ltvs& Farm Report (2) The Guiding Light 8:30 gentlemen. mShow (3-6-25) New Price Is Right (7-12-13-41) Wednesday Movie 01 6:45 (4-5-8-10) Another World The Week 6:30 Irning w Edition (7-1341) General Hospital (9) Themed Evening (12) "Don't Push I'll Charge 6:55 (12) Money Mazfr (50) Merv Griffin When I'm Ready" Sue m Kerr Show (23) Lilias, Yoga & You 9:00 Lyon, Cesar Romero. (1969) Italian 7:00 2:30 (2-3-6-25) Cannon POW in the U.S. gets drafted into |Z5) News (2) Search For Tomorrow (4-5-8-10) The Unwanted the American Army. ■10) Today Show (3-6-25) Match Game '75 9:30 |AM America (7-13-41) One Life To Live (23) Oren Lee Stanley & The 8:30 i's Big Top (12) Lucy N.F.O. (7-12-1341) "Bait" Donna Mills. id Racer (23) Human Relations & 10:00 Michael Constantine. Undercover lirit Of '76 Motivation . (2-3-6) Manhunter policewoman risks her life as she 7:05 3:00 (4-5-8-10) The Law lures a killer into a trap. loon Capers (2) Young & Restless (7-12-13-41) Baretta 7:30 (3-6-25) Tattletales (23) News loon Carnival (4-10) Somerset (25) The Unwanted 11:30 (2-3-6-25) "Sitting Target" Oliver SHORT RIBS izo's Big Top (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (50) Dinah! 7:35 (7-1341) The Money Maze 10:30 Reed, Jill St. John. (1971) Convict learns his wife by Frank III Michigan (8) Mike Douglas (9) Ceilidh expecting a baby, plans a daring 8:00 (12) General Hospital (23) Perspectives In Black escape. ft5) Captain Kangaroo (23) Sesame Street 11:00 Tario Schools 3:30 (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9- (50) "Mara Maru" Errol Flynn, same Street (2) Match Game 10-12-13-25) News Ruth Roman. (1952) Former III America (3) Joker's Wild (23) Making It Count Navy commander leads a mobster K. Rogers' Neighborhood (4) How To Survive A Marriage (41) The Protectors to sunken treasure, then battles 8:25 (5) Gilligan's Island 11:30 him for the diamonds. ftther Report (6) Guiding Light (2-3-6-25-50) Movies 12:00 MIDNIGHT 8:30 (7) Password (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show (9) "All The Young Men" Alan in Door (9) GomerPyle (7-12-13-41) Wide World Mystery (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes Ladd, Sidney Poitier. (1960) 8:35 12:00 MIDNIGHT Korean company resent Negro ;higan (12) One Life To Live (9) Film Festival sergeant being given command. 8:45 (13) All My Children 1:00 AM (25) Gambit (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow 1:30 AM (41) Batman (7-12-13) News (2) "Black Tide" John Ireland. B Joker's Wild (50) Banana Splits (50) Religious Message (1956) POP pinel 3 Clubhouse 4:00 1:30 Young swimmer, suspicious of a channel drowning, DOONESBURY jcentration ilebrity Sweepstakes (2) (3) (4) Tattletales Gambit (2) Late Movie (7) Religious Message investigates, and almost becomes another victim. by Gary Trudeau Sponsored by: l^qtwtaiqmorjt Celebrity Sweepstakes (12) National Anthem Jndly Giant ■ Mike Douglas (5) (6) Studio 5 The Attic -<4-10) News 2:00 lame Street (7) The Brady Bunch 3:00 mu,trm I ASKED MIKE, BUT HE 141 Morning Playbreak (8) Gilligan's Island (2) Operation Second Chance OKAY, TONY, UKE THIS-LAST WOULDN'T PO ANYTHING! I 9:15 (9) Petticoat Junction 3:30 REPEAT FOR Hm, I HAD ROOT U/AS IN A60NY! FINALLY, IN brio Schools (10) New Zoo Revue (2) News MIKE EXACTLY STRUCTURE CON- D6SPERATI0N, I SPILT DIRT lligious Message 9:27 (12) My Friend Flicka (13) Mickey Mouse Club (2) Message For Today 3:35 WEDNESDAY ON THE CARPET! MIKE CAME IN.AND HE.. HE.. BEAT MY 9:30 (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood ROOTS! -t (25) Yogi & Friends PITCHER MOVIES _ Ining Accent (41) Daktari Ill/heel Of Fortune (50) Three Stooges Je Valley Today 4:30 _Wed nejday _Aj) r|M6j_ 1975 NITE Bk LaLanne (2) Mike Douglas Show 1 9:55 (3) Merv Griffin Show Reduced K's Carol Duvall (4) 9:00 AM prices on George Pierrot Presents Beer in both the bor I 10:00 (6) That Girl (7) "Music For Millions" (PT.2) Margaret O'Brien, June AUyson. and the restaurant. |5) Now You See It (7-12-1341) Afterschool Special (1944) Girl cellist fights with ■0) High Rollers (8) Partridge Family (9) Andy Griffith husband over another girl. pas. Yoga & You fnper Room feroit Today 1 10:30 (10) Mickey Mouse Club (23) Villa Alegre (25) Munsters (13) Richard "Night And The City" Widmark, Gene Tierney. Wizard's THE DROPOUTS A Is Right (50) Little Rascals (1950) Story of a two-bit hood. ■ love Of Life by Post 10) Hollywood Squares EVENING poit With Dennis Wholey Dressup ■The Brady Bunch 5:00 PM Tla Alegre (6-8) Ironside Jn Zoo Revue (9) Mickey Mouse Club |t For Women (10) Truth Or Consequences Only I 10:55 (23) Romantic Rebellion ■ay News (25) Lucy Wednesday AjBrilJJ^1975 investigates the murder of a 11:00 (50) The Flintstones woman he was guarding. ■Donahue Show 5:30 8:00 PM I The Young And (4) Bowling For Dollars (NBC) Lucas Tanner The (CBS) Tony Orlando And Dawn (7) Hot Dog "Three Letter Word" Tanner (R) Guests Jackie Gleason and ■ Jackpot (9) Partridge Family faces a major confrontation with Nancy Walker. ■ Matthews (10) Beverly Hillbillies parents and the school board over J■D30Password (12-13) News (23) Zoom (NBC) Little House On The a classroom assignment. Tciel: Bess Myerson (25) Hogan's Heroes Prairie 10:00 f Zoo Revue (41) Burger Chief Family "If I Should Wake Before I Die" (CBS) The Manhunter J 11:30 (50) Gilligan's Island (R) Pa helps an elderly neighbor "Web Of Fear" (R) Dave Barrett tries to protect a woman who has PROFESSOR PHUMBLE Brch For Tomorrow 5:55 stage her own wake so her Plank Check (41) Early News relatives will come to visit her. witness a cold-blood murder. by Bill Yates 6:00 pi) Split Second Vntration (2-34-5-6 7-8- (ABC) That's My Mama (NBC) The Law Jv Court 10-12-13-2541) News "Cousin Albert" (R) Mama's Starring Judd Hirsch. Attorney AJoiy*nOfJ,1iW/OTOM 6ZE |ah (9) Bewitched bragging about Cousin Albert's takes over the penalty phase of a Bunny (23) Perspectives In Black success sickens Clifton until trial and tries to save the life of a IFYOO £AH WHFH _ 11:55 (50) Star Trek Albert comes to visit and it is confessed and convicted killer. COLUWOZ PI$CO\/EREP MZfZICfr T B) News 6:30 discovered that Albert sells |S Carol Duvall (34-5-6-7-10-25) News marijuana and not ii (ABC) Baretta I 12:00 NOON (9) I Dream Of Jeannie "The Secret Of Terry Lake" (12) 6:30 Movie Guest star Margot Kidder. Tony ■J3) News (13) Beverly Hillbillies 8:30 (ABC) Wednesday Movie Of The Baretta believes that mobster (23) Book Beat Week George Marcos, charged with the XOO COUbHEP (41) Wanted Dead Or Alive "The Bait" Donna Mills, Michael murder of his boss framed. AMP W^T fOf> I! was 7:00 Constantine. An attractive (2-4-7-8) News undercover policewoman risks her 11:30 A(7f2(^OF (3) What's My Line? as she lures a killer into a trap. (NBC) Tonight Show (5) I Dream Of Jeannie wat^P ■ johnny Carson is host. (6) Bewitched 8:57 (9) Beverly Hillbillies (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes (ABC) Wide World Special 1. 12:30 (10) Mod Squad Narrator: William Christopher. "Play It Again, Bogie" Peter i As The World Turns (13) Truth Or Consequences Lawford is the host of this tribute THE STABLES (23) Feeling Good to Humphrey Bogart with guests FRANK ERNEST & I How To Survive / (25) The F.B:I. George Raft, Joan Blondell, Sponsored by: (41) Other People, Other Places (R) Cannon Ingrid Bergman and others. by Bob Thaves Nuts OUR CREDIT whv can't fou 0065 ujell,there's this little Policy HELP people instead of matter of not kins &in6 such a NUISANCE?! allowed to vote, see.. MIC DOM'T If- ClVfc CREDIT. 1HAV£> M-lb 16 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan 'VEGETABLES, BLISTERS, Spartan Gardens offers farm plots By PAM WEAR Lane, voiced the common < "Vegetables, blisters and peace of mind." According to one person, that's what you get "I suppose your own it is the money you save growing vegetables. Also the chance to go out CIGARETTES when you rent a garden plot from the Spartan and fool around in the dirt a little bit," he said. 2 PK./i Gardens, a community garden project sponsored Whatever the reasons, the response to by MSU's Horticulture Dept. For over 30 years, horticulture graduate Spartan Gardens has been good this year — over Explr.i April 20. 1*75 300 plots have been rented so far — and many student have maintained the Spartan Gardens new opportunities are project in Okemos, where 25' x 50' garden plots being offered this season. are rented to Lansing-area residents and For the first time, the garden cooperative will sell numerous varieties of hybrid, disease- 10% OFF on all kodak students for $12 per growing season (late May through mid-October). resistant seeds at wholesale prices, the seeds film being developed at MSU specifically for Michigan processing The land, on Bonnett and Hulett Roads, is already plowed and disced, the soil tested. Seeds, weather. For the first time, developing water and gardening advice are available. special plots for organic gardening are available. For those people who But more importantly, for approximately $25 might grow more vegetables on their plots than (a maximum estimate, including cost of the plot, they need or want, arrangements have been seed and fertilizer) one can raise enough made with the Meridian Township Farm Office vegetables to feed a family of four for one year. for the people to sell their excess kodak film kodak fi produce in the township's open-air farm market as a community Saving money is not the only reason people service project. $ ^ 09 rent plots, said Bob Rice, the horticulture ci 10-12 graduate student currently in charge of Spartan Rice has high expectations for the future of Cl 26-12 $1 Gardens. Many people rent garden plots simply Spartan Gardens, which will be changing because they enjoy gardening; some say it makes locations after this year — apartments will be them feel self-sufficient and close to the land. One built next spring on the land Spartan Gardens Explr.t April 10. 1*75 April 20. |m garden enthusiast has a long history with now occupies. Rice said he hopes the gardens' ^ajUonilnjSjjj,: Spartan Gardens. new location, currently in the process of negotiation, will have a five-year lease, which "He's been at it for 30 years and he grows all kinds of vegetables out there, and he really does would enable more long-term improvements to pepsodent arrid be made on the land. One such improvement is a a nice job," Rice said. TOOTHPASTE ANTI-PERSPI" water pumping system which Rice says they plan to install next year if enough money can be raised 7 6 Sixty-five per cent of the people who use oz. oz. Spartan Gardens are students, mostly married students living on campus. The motive for this year through rental of plots. reg. 1.29 79< reg. 1.09 Another advantage to a five-year lease would renting plots has increasingly become money. be the ability to rent plots for several years at a The money-saving trend is revealed in Rice's Eo»t lontlng Stor. Only time. survey, which found that 80 per cent of the people renting plots felt they saved money, while "Right now we just plow them (the fields) and the remaining 20 per cent didn't care whether disc them every year, which means people can't vaseline intensive care they saved or not because they simply enjoyed grow anything like fruit trees. Next year we'll be LOTION the garden work. able to give them their option of keeping their in«T UMITI Graduate student Bill Knox, G920 Cherry [coupon] plot year after year, Rice explained. reg. 1.50 i*pir»» April 20,1*7$ REVLON colgate flex bals SHAVE CREAM 11 oz. 17 69' fl; oz. reg. 1.09 reg. 2.50 * Icoupon] SN photo/Daniel Shutt E«plr.« April 20, Iffi Bob Rice's spring gardening involves more than the usual ^^EatUonilnjSlowOnli and hoeing. Rice, an MSU graduate student, is in weed-pulling charge of clearing away BARNES-HIND the old gardens from the 12 plots rented by the MSU Horticulture Dept. old spice cleanings AFTER SHAVE soaking 4 v