By BRAD MARTISIUS which is supposed to have two State News Staff Writer representa¬ Cain maintains that a list of four nominees Student traffic fines may be increased tives, is officially represented on the power to reappoint members of the com¬ up is sufficient, because that is all that to 150 per cent at the committee. has mittee. April 25 All been required in the - COGS apparently has no past. "I plead guilty," he said. "But I was University Traffic Committee meeting. because representatives "We sent a list of four names," Cain said. The only hitch is that students will not nobody has shown any interest in "Wharton has refused to make the forced to do it because of Cain's inaction. have much of a filling the two open positions. ap¬ He refused to follow procedure. say about the increase ASMSU is not represented on the traffic pointments. He is exercising a veto power in-Wharton because the six seats they are allotted on "In my mind, the most important thing to that he invented himself." the 16-member committee have been committee because of differences do was to serve the needs of the MSU between In the meantime, the traffic empty lame duck ASMSU President Tim Cain committee since October. and has been acting on traffic community. We have tried our best to deal President Wharton problems without with the University traffic problem with¬ The rest of the committee is composed of regarding the proce- benefit of student input, three faculty members, three staff except for interim out Cain's cooperation." mem¬ oves stude bers and four ex officio members from Dept. of Public Safety who also have The committee recommendations the votes. are "I plead guilty. But I was forced to do it because of Cain's inaction. He refused to follow procedure." -EUiott Ballard Wooldridge, the committee's chairman, is in favor of increasing student fines because he feels that off-campus students driving to classes during the day are the major rarely rejected by President Wharton, who must give final contributors to the campus traffic problem. approval. m traffic Proposals under raise fines for students in unauthorized areas from consideration would driving or parking $4 to $10. Fines dure for appointment of members to the traffic committee. Wharton claims that the rules were laid down on Oct. ASMSU committee members Howard Wooldridge and Richard Detwiler, who Wooldridge said that an increase in the fines would act as a deterrent to thorized student traffic on campus. unau¬ for parking in reserved areas or for 15,1971, when don't belong on the committee, However, Wooldridge has no vote on the failing the board of trustees decided that a list of according to 16-member committee except in the case of to register a vehicle would be raised from Cain, because their terms expired on Oct. candidates for traffic committee tie. $10 to $25. Faculty, staff and visitor fines repre¬ 15, 1974. a sentatives must be submitted to the would not be "They were reappointed by Elliot Ballard Cain and ASMSU president-elect J. Brian changed. president. Neither ASMSU, which is (assistant to President Wharton), and he Raymond both believe that the fines should supposed to be Wharton has construed the board's ruling doesn't have the power to do that," Cain not be raised. Both are in favor of such represented by four students, nor the to mean that at least two nominees must Council of Graduate Students be said. solutions as closing the north campus and (COGS), submitted for each of the four positions. Farm Lane to traffic and Ballard admitted that he didn't have the improving commuter bus service. VOLUME 169 NUMBER 62 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 ouncil delays income disclosure action By JOE KIRBY Council delayed action on the three - part whether to seek re - election. The first part, which was sent to the State News Staff Writer resolution, which also included provisions to officials, city department heads and the city "If I was going to propose this I should but I will be kind of disappointed if nothing |r Wilbur Brookover met resistance regulate campaign expenditures and con¬ attorney, would regulate campaign expen¬ manager. lead the way," Brookover said. ditures and happens," Brookover said. "I might prod V night at the East Lansing City tributions in city council races. contributions. No dollar The second and the third part, which them (council) a bit." f meeting with his proposal to Brookover, whose four year term as a amounts were listed in the resolution which ■full disclosure of income - Council sent one part of the resolution to could be added by the city attorney after required council candidates to disclose Sharp said work would begin on the sources for city council member expires this year, put disclosure resolution after the city budget the city attorney to rewrite in the form of council input. sources of income, caused some Icity officials, city department heads his own record of income disagree¬ sources on file at an ordinance while ment among council members. was approved in May. I city delaying action on the The second part of the resolution called manager. City Hall Wednesday. He has not decided other parts. for disclosure of income by elected city In other action, council introduced an Councilwoman Mary Sharp said she ordinance which would establish^ $10 fine wanted to see what was being done at the for parking on private property without the state level before taking any action. The owner's permission. The ordinance would state legislature is working on a campaign also increase fines for other parking reform bill. violations from $2 and $3 to $4 and $5. "This is Council will act on the ordinance at some an unclear and imprecise resolu¬ future date. tion," Sharp said. In another move, Councilwoman Concilman George Griffiths wanted to Sharp requested that the city attorney draw up an add some things to the Brookover resolu¬ ordinance which would require pinball tion, but agreed to delay action when Sharp establishments to close at 2 a.m. insisted she wanted more information. "I can't see the use for it," Griffiths said. Griffiths said he would be willing to sit However, Sharp said council could argue li Miksit, Philadelphia post- down with Sharp and work out some of the about whether or not it was needed after 1, stands at the corner of 30th areas of disagreement. the city attorney submitted an ordinance. I Market Streets near the Brookover said he submitted his resolu¬ Council set May 6 as the date for a public Intown post office in Phila- tion because nothing was being done about hearing on the city budget. Council also income disclosure. accepted the resignation of Karen Nattrass fhiaforms Tuesday taking income Brookover hopes council will take action from the Housing Commission and appoin¬ from passing before the Aug. 6 primary election. ted Pamela Swain to fill a vacancy on the [irists. Thefiling "There are a lot of things to be considered Planning Commission. for those forms and specilast-minute kept al service them from Ing to park and go inside the I office to mail them. AP wirephoto City council defers bar license renewals By JOE KIRBY occupancy was correct, then we would be State News Staff Writer concerned that they should have a pool East Lansing is holding the trump card in room license and allow people to stand in its battle to stop overcrowding in local bars. this area," Sharp said. East' Lansing's City Council decided City attorney Dennis McGinty said Tuesday night to postpone renewal of dance council might consider the new occupancy hall and pool room licenses for the Alle-Ey levels a safety and health hazard and under and Dooley's — two of the most these new circumstances have reason not to frequent overcrowding offenders. renew the licenses. (hmer-Rouge rejects cease-fire Council unanimously voted not to renew Though the current licenses expire April the licenses, which expire April 30, until an 30 and council will not be able to reconsder overcrowding charge against the Alle-Ey is the license request until its meeting on May decided. 6, the bar will be granted a temporary "We had no reason to deny them at this license to tide them over. By Associated Press Communist and does not want to get time, but we are awaiting the outcome of City Manager John Patriarche said if the The beleaguered Phnom Penh govern¬ involved in disputes "with people whose the trial," said councilwoman Mary case was decided in favor of the Alle-Ey, ment asked for an immediate cease-fire in Sharp. ideology I do not share." The Alle-Ey, cited Oct. 25 for overcrowd¬ council could refuse to grant the license or its war with the Communist-led Khmer The 52-year-old prince is recognized by to grant it subject to certain restrictions ing beyond city-determined occupancy le¬ Rouge on Wednesday and offered to the Khmer Rouge as Cambodian chief of vels, contends that the occupancy levels set imposed by the council. transfer power. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, state, but the real leader on the rebel side is When informed of the city council action by the city are too low. the exiled former ruler, rejected the said to be Khieu Samphan. He is listed as East Lansing District Court is now George Eyde, co-owner of the Alle-Ey, said proposal and said Cambodia's present deputy premier of Sihanouk's Royal he had no comment. Dooley's owner considering whether the city occupancy Gary leaders should flee or face hanging. Cambodian Government of National Union levels were too restrictive. Foltz was not available for comment. The International Committee of the Red and as defense minister and commander in Should the court decide that occupancy Both owners are probably keeping a close Cross said in Geneva it had sent a telegram chief of the armed forces. levels should be greater the city may play eye on the court battle, which should be containing the appeal and offer from Gen. Khieu Samphan, a veteran of the its trump card and not renew the dance hall decided within the next two weeks. Final Sak Suthsakhan, Cambodia's present Communist but also has a reputation as a and pool room licenses. oral arguments will be presented next leader, to Sihanouk in Peking at 7 a.m. (continued on page 14) "If the court decided that the greater Wednesday. EDT. The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported the rejection. Unfair labor practice charges At about the same time the offer was going to Sihanouk — it was dusk in Cambodia — field reports said the Phnom Penh airport had fallen, and rebel forces were shelling the center of the capital. Cambodian government radio monitored in Bangkok reported the situation around Phnom Penh's defenses "is boiling hotter called unfounded in SWU case and hotter" but that the government was represented the SWU. By PETE DALY "determined to fight until the last drop of State News Staff Writer "It would certainly be my opinion that we should our blood." appeal it," Charges of unfair labor practices leveled against MSU by the Repas said. "But of course, that decision is up to the SWU." It added that the fight goes on even fledgling Student Workers Union (SWU) are unfounded, an Doyle O'Connor, SWU spokesman, said Wednesday that though "a certain superpower has left us on administrative law judge in the Michigan Employment Relations members of the SWU would meet with Repas this week before the spot," a reference to the United States. Commission (MERC) ruled Monday. releasing their plans for further action. The Red Cross said the telegram to The union charged that statements by Sihanouk contained "a request for an At a MERC hearing two months ago, the SWU presented four University officials predicting higher room and board fees if the union was immediate cease-fire and a proposal for the charges alleging that representatives of MSU had threatened and coerced University employes for the purpose of recognized were threats coercing prospective members not to join. transfer of government powers." discouraging The union maintains that the fees need not be raised should the Sihanouk, who was ousted as Cambodian membership in their union, which is trying to win the right to union win higher wages for the student workers. ruler in 1970 by Lon Nol, warned in his represent student workers. But MERC administrative judge However, MSU Vice President Jack Breslin testified at the Feb. ■ i reply that the Red Cross should not Joseph Bixler said in hi^ statement that none of the remarks made 11 MERC AP wirephoto by University representatives constitute threats or coercion, and hearing that 5,000 of the 7,200 student employes were fton"8 Ai.rP°rt >n Phnom Penh, Cambodia, fell to the interfere in Cambodia's internal affairs, according to Tanjug. recommended an order that the charges be entirely aismissed. paid out of the University general fund. He added that the Kile [ ege in.8ur8ents Wednesday after a day of fighting, r n south The prince said in an interview with a Both parties in the matter have 20 days to appeal to MERC's remaining 2,200 employed in housing and food services cannot be paid out of that fund. Breslin said an appropriations act passed by Vietnam, government troops pulled out of Phan French radio station Tuesday that he plans three man committee, which can uphold, reverse or alter Bixler's - the Michigan Legislature last year Provincial capital that had been isolated and considered to retire after a Khmer Rouge victory. He findings in each of the charges. regarding funds allocated to MSU specified that housing and food services T shaky position. said he is neither a Khmer Rouge nor a Bob Repas, an MSU professor in labonand industrial relations, employes be paid out (continued on page 14) 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April iJ TOURISTS SUNBATHE focus: Lebanon—a violent playground scej the Maronites, who ByHOLGERJENSEN Political and religious factions have fought out their differences complained that the Palestin" Associated Press Writer ever since Lebanon verged on civil war in 1958 and U.S. Marines up a "state within a state" and subjecting theirT*8 Jacobsen credibility disputed BEIRUT, Lfebnon (AP) — Private armies and Palestinian landed. reprisal attacks. ft08t< guerillas make Lebanon a violent playground where tourists can Gunmen employed by Lebanese politicians grew into private Right - wing political parties formed sunbathe on a Mediterranean beach in the militias. Pierre Gemayel's predomin. Lawyers for the government and defense argued over the armies when Palestinian guerillas began setting bases here. A Phalangists merged the morning and sometimes see a gun battle in the afternoon. large assortment of military hardware was added to the Lebanese 5,000 men under arms, Mowed believability of key witness Jack Jacobsen Wednesday as Political leaders there arsenal by guerillas evicted from Jordan in 1970. force of the National Liberal by Camille ChanJ they presented final arguments in the bribery trial of former say are more guns than people in this party. U1 country smaller than Connecticut. Its three million inhabitants are The Moslem half of the population generally supported the Cairo A 1970 decrei legalizing several left - Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connolly. evenly divided between Moslem and Christian. wing parti, agreement of November 1969, which allowed the guerillas to take an already chaotic politial mosaic with To convict Connally on charges that he accepted two Births, weddings and funerals are celebrated with gunfire. control of 14 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and operate Communists and followers of the late Marxist ? illegal $5,000 payoffs, the jury would have to believe that he Blood feuds are settled with pistols and machine Gamal Al!!n the southern border into Israel. Egypt. While all are individually weaker than the "betrayed his trust and bargained away his honor to serious political disputes are resolved with bazookas, anti tank guns. More across But it created a backlash in the Christian community, especially they have allied themselves with 12,000 S(N*I Jacobsen," said defense lawyer Edward Bennett Williams. rockets, mortars and grenade launchers. - Palestinian The recent street battles between Palestinian | Chief prosecutor Frank M. Tuerkheimer said Jacobsen's guerillas and testimony had been corroborated by circumstantial right - wing Phalangists demonstrate the government's inability to evidence even though there were no witnesses to the alleged $10,000 payment in 1971. curb illicit Lebanon has arms penalty of six months a sales. gun law requiring the licensing of guns with a in jail for violations, but it is loosely Successful S. Vie enforced. Citizens avoid jury duty A local refrigerator salesman has a four - barrel aircraft gun in his Beirut apartment, plus 22 other automatic weapons with more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. pom - pom anti - called key todefenseSa Many citizens refuse to register to vote for fear they will "Why not?" he asks. "I collect them. They are nice things to have. Besides, you need a gun in Beirut." WASHINGTON (AP) The be called to jury duty, according to a federal study. - authority to use U.S. troops for saying he would find it "very editors, The survey said 23 per cent of the local election boards A Lebanese architect whips out his new Beretta automatic at a Ford Administration Wednes¬ the removal of Americans as difficult to vote against some government the Phnoa J cocktail party and displays it to asked Ul admiring friends. His host day rejected a proposed $200 well as South Vietnamese additional military aid to Saigon immediate cease-fire in responding reported evidence that potential voters failed to responds by showing off an AK47 assault rifle in the hall closet. million "contingency fund" for endangered because of their if the South Vietnamese are with the J register because of nonelection use of voter lists. Last year a freighter docked at Beirut with a cargo manifest of humanitarian aid and evacua¬ association with Americans. willing to give their lives in Communist-^ J Among 51 of the nation's largest local boards, 61 per cent "machine parts." They turned out to be thousands of machine Rouge. 1 tion of Americans and others in Case said the White House resisting Communist aggres¬ reported such findings. The most frequent such use of voter guns, destined for one of the private political militias. South Vietnam, if necessary. rejection of the proposed sion. In Peking, meanwhile M rolls is by courts picking citizens for jury duty. A survey by A1 Sayyad magazine claimed 62 per cent of all The Senate Foreign Relations Norodom Lebanese believe private citizens should be allowed to compromise would bring In his own assessment, Presi¬ deposed Sihanouk,'] carry Committee proposed the "further deliberation" in the dent Ford declined to blame the Cambodin J weapons. An even greater percentage said there was no need for appropriation Tuesday, but Foreign Relation Coir mittee rejected a proposal M army intervention in local gun battles. Sen. Clifford Case, R-N.J., said Soviet Uni9n and mainland beleaguered and final action would probably govenmJ Zarb fears power shortage This reliance on firearms stems from a violent tradition of Wednesday he understood that be delayed. China for Hanoi's assault on the he take over. ' village vendettas and family feuds. President Suleiman Franjeih, the President was holding out Prospects for some additional South, despite their $1.5 billion for example, is greatly admired in his home town of for his full request for $722 in military aid. Federal Aghorta military aid for South Vietram Energy Administration Frank G. Zarb warned because he once led machine - gun assault on family rivals in a million in additional aid and $250 appeared to improve, however, "If we had done with our ally today that the nation may start running short of electric church. million in humanitarian aid. with the testimony of Army what power within five we promised, this whole years. Asst. Secretary of State Phi¬ Chief of Staff Gen. Frederick C. "I am tragedy could have been beginning to put together some data which indicate lip C. Habib told u House Weyand before the Senate avoided," he said. that at our current rate, committee that the administra¬ given reasonable economic Appropriations Committee in a a recovery, over the next five years we can be in a power Unit says Holmes tion could support combining humanitarian aid and authority closed session Wednesday. On Cambodia, Ford said "we will help in any way we can to shortage position," Zarb said. Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W. further negotiations to end that to use U.S. troops for evacua¬ Va., emerged from the hearing conflict," As he addressed the U.S. immune to lied about payments tion but that "the $200 million would not be adequate." gold fever Word reached Senate For¬ eign Relations Committee By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN Under those circumstances, members Americans still seem immune to gold fever, LANSING (UPI) - The as they assembled in if criminal intent could be an afternoon In the 3V> months since bullion meeting to firm up ownership became legal Dept. of Social Services says established, he would have last Dec. 31, gold prices at both the retail level and on State Rep. Kirby Holmes, R - been subject to misdemeanor the $200 million discretionary fund proposal agreed upon ten¬ RESIDENCE HALLS contracts for future delivery at major commodity exchanges Utica, fraudulently obtained charges because the amount of have plunged about 18 per cent — from $200 an ounce on more than twice the amount of tatively Tuesday. welfare did not exceed $500. Case said it was "perfectly New Year's to around $164 an ounce In the last two Tuesday. welfare he has disclosed — making him subject to felony But Joseph Webster, the department's deputy inspector understandable" that the Presi¬ FALL TERM '75 SIGN-UP (Spring 197J) trading sessions, all four major exchanges dent would stick to his position. where gold futures are traded have seen sharp price charges. general, said a preliminary At the same time, he said, the drops The department asked in unusually heavy volume. investigation showed that committee would have to do Wayne County Prosecutor Holmes actually obtained $941 what it thinks is right. 1. RESERVE CURRENT ROOM OR APARTMENT William L. Cahalan Wednesday from the state and Wayne to prosecute Holmes for fraud, Secretary of State Henry A. Tuesday, April 22 and Wednesday, April 23 County. Kissinger told the Senate 8:30a.m. -4:30p.m. even though Holmes claims he Holmes declined to comment applied for welfare as a part of Appropriations Committee 2. RESERVE ANY UNRESERVED ROOM IN CURRENT HOUSE focus: the developments. on new Tuesday that the "contingency a hoax to dramatize welfare The department's dtecisiorf^to* fund" idtthvas Thursday, Aprilj24 and Friday, April 25 abuses and cheating. acceptable to the 8:31° «<>8' to express their artistic talents but hesitate before funding to best advantage. ^ modern dance troops. So Ballet Cary Tidyman and Michael West sells itself as a ballet Onstad, as an inebriated couple, company, which it is in name danced the perfect choreo¬ only. graphy to the hilt amid fre¬ The gfoup shows promise in quent guffaws from the audi- modern dance and, perhaps, light modern ballet, but falls "Echoes of Autumn," a new miserably -hort of the profes¬ work sional quality of companies to sensitively choreo¬ which it compares itself—the graphed by Bill Evans, re¬ vealed the company's under¬ Pennsylvania Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet and other played talent for modern dance. The dancers, comfortable in small classical groups on the this medium, performed with a East and West Coasts. The dancers graceful strength absent in the simply are not techni¬ other works. The sensual, fluid cally proficient enough in clas¬ sical ballet. movements of the "pas de six" The show opened with a juxtaposed with the disjunct, whimper. statuesque action of the spirits exemplified the bittersweet #* #* "Quintet," a plotless, abso¬ lute work with mediocre chore¬ contrasts in the time proceed¬ ing the dead season. VASSAR CLEMENTS' ography by Tomm Ruud, was little than Had the concert continued in DEBUT MERCURY ALBUM h more a sequence of hackneyed combinations strung the tenor of "Filling Station" and "Echoes of Autumn," the When you ask musicians who the best together by a seemingly end¬ fiddler in the country is, the name Vassar less procession of bent knees, lackluster first piece could have Clements keeps bobbin' up all the time. flexed feet, pointed fingers, been excused. However, this " by years of playing with acts shaky landings and an over-all was not the case. now steps out front to put his ample virtuosity on display in this remarkable Mercury debut album, a juicy stew of bluegrass, country, jazz, Photo exhibition you-name-it. And all the dazzling technique, creative brilliance and foot-stompin' excitement musi¬ cians admire in Vassar Clements, comes through loud and clear. for entries SRM-1-1022 8-Track MC8-1-1022 open Musicassette MCR4-1-1022 JL\ Vis Entries are being accepted GRAND exhibition return as an annual for the Michigan State Open Monday-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Spring affair. Thurs. nights til 9:00 Photography Exhibition, spon¬ "The money came to do it sored by the East Complex once, and hopefully we can do it Photo Club and funded by the again, but we need to be self - RI-OPENIN Student Media Appropriations 203 E. Grand River Ave. sustaining," he said. Board. The highlight of the show will The exhibition will run April be lecture 27 a by Garry through May 18 at the Winogrand, a nationally recog¬ Kellogg Center. introduces the Entries will be judged by a nized photographer, on 27. April SPRING PANT COAT panel of three photographers, Entries to the exhibition including Bill Raukauser, of the must be submitted Cote and classic. Perfect for class or concert. Choose from 4 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Society of Arts and Crafts; Patty Carol, an instructor of photography at U - M, and Ijy 5 p.m., April 23 to Kresge Art Center. in navy, great light blue, khaki and white. Feature contrast stitching and full lining. Water-proof too — perfect for rainy spring days. Sizes 7/8 styles DUNKIN1 - APRIL 18,19,20 at DONUTS - Peter McGill, director of the 15/16. 2289 W.GRAND RIVER 831 Gallery in Birmingham. An entry fee of $5 is OKEMOS required for a maximum of three prints. All work submitted must be Special Price too! black and white original photo¬ graphs, ready for hanging. James Gilmore, club mem¬ ber, would like to see the fJJ/e 'Union (rafetelia Lower Level ofthe Union Building Corner of E. Grand River and Abbott Rd. Michigan State University Public Welcome! Daily $ Deals Entrees, Salad and Deserts at Special Savings Monday thru Friday Garden Salad Bar 994 served from 5 to 7 p. m. Something's always Lunch 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. cookin' down ot Dinner 5:00 p.m. to Dunkin' Donuts. 7:00 p.m. Closed Saturdays Sunday Dinner 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. I Uigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 17, 1975 7 Student summer jobs available but less desirable than in 1974 By LOUISE COOK contact the office in February students who want work will 1. Use family contacts. The 4. Learn how to type and \ 1 Associated Press Writer or March have not called. have to be prepared to start standard advice about checking take shorthand. A definite skill Finding a summer job will be Resort operators don't know early and continue well into the relative^, friends and relatives tougher than ever this year for whether the tourists will come gives you a headstart. fall. of friends is still valid. Even 5. Be prepared to do the millions of high school and this year. manual Many placement officers are when the job market is tight, labor or take a menial job if you college students seeking extra "It's real grim," a spokesman advising students to settle for people are more likely to hire need the money. money from vacation employ¬ said, adding that applicants less than they would have a few someone they know. 6. #- ' ' ol ment. Government analysts predict and private should be ready to menial-type jobs like cabin accept years ago. "Job hunting is going to be extremely difficult 2. Start early. Many resorts want people who can begin . resorts Try local resort areas first. Many tourist spots and prefer to hire local more than five maid or bus boy. this summer," said Bradlee work on weekends in May, million persons between the Similar work is available in youngsters since they are sure Howe, director of the Harvard switch to a full-time job when of their availability. ages of 14 and 21 will be looking the resorts around Cape Cod, Student Employment Office. school lets out, then continue 7. Don't be surprised at low for work this summer. No one but a Chamber of Commerce "Kids are going to find jobs, but into the fall on a part-time knows how many jobs will be wages. Amusement parks and spokesman said the competition there's going to be less money basis. seasonal operations that hire available. is tough this year. and a lot fewer interesting Retired 3. Apply at as many different Estimates of the situation large numbers of youngsters people on fixed incomes are opportunities." places as possible and be willing are not engaged in interstate range from "not particularly taking some of the jobs, the Experts offer the following to accept work in a variety of commerce and may not pay the good" to "real grim." spokesman said, adding that advice to summer job-seekers: fields. federal wage- There are opportunities available, but many of the jobs have strings attached: would- be employes need particular skills, they must be willing to CATA approves start work early and they should be ready to accept low-paying positions perform¬ ing manual labor. The always-tight summer job of plans for transit market has been further con¬ stricted this year by the By JAMIE D.CONROY The TDP will be implemented by federal, state and local problems of the economy. State News Staff Writer funding as well as revenues derived from High unemployment The operation of the bus system. means Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA) approved The five alternative approaches to better adult workers will be compet¬ Wednesday the adoption of a Transit Development Program integration of MSU and CATA bus services will be discussed at an . , AP wirephoto ing with youngsters for many (TDP) designed to unify the mass transportation system for the organizational woolen blankets sometimes give humans an itch, the jobs; so will retired people who meeting at 7:30 p.m., April 28, in 206 East Lansing City Hall. same should apply tricounty region. Two 1975 improvements which are included in the TDP are i the producers. If this rural resident is any indication, it does. A branch is need extra income. At the Some anticipated improvements include bus fleet replacement, being funded for one year by a Michigan Public Transit e best back scratcher ever. same time, inflation has demand response service, elderly and - handicapped service and an Information Services demonstration grant. boosted the cost of education equipment supply program. But CATA will not necessarily One improvement, which already has been approved by the City meaning more students will be implement all of the TDP programs, said Duwayne Severn, of trying to add to college funds. chairman of the CATA board of directors. Lansing, entails a call - in service that will include information on other And recession has caused in¬ transportation such as Amtrak, interstate bus lines and Possible integration of MSU and CATA bus services is also irth Carolina rejects dustry to cut back and get along with fewer employes. discussed in the TDP program. One main alternative is that MSU continue operation of its the airlines. The call in number will be listed in the directory under CATA. - Another improvement awaiting city approval involves three telephone The New York City office of system for internal campus circulation, but that CATA come onto arrival signs that will be located at the intersection of the State Employment Service the campus at main classroom and Michigan employment areas where and Grand avenues. The signs will {A by 5-vote margin found camp jobs for 150 to 200 youngsters last year. how many the agency would be Asked feasible. Another main alternative entails a CATA takeover of MSU's bus system and a redesigning of MSU and CATA routes to the stop, a countdown will begin to flash on the electronically show when the buses are due to arrive. When the bus is six minutes away from sign. For example, integrate them. when the bus is four minutes away, the able to place this year, a The TDP was prepared sign will flash four EIGH. N.C. (AP)—The requires that a measure be So far, 34 states have ratified cooperatively by the Tricounty Regional minutes. spokesman said, "I'd hate to Planning Commission, CATA, the cities of Lansing and East Carolina House rejected favorably voted upon twice. the ERA, but two have res¬ guess." Lansing, the Michigan Dept. of Highways and Transportation and to ual Rights Amendment the U. S. Constitution 52-57 vote Wednesday, Three legislators, under heavy pressure from constitu¬ ents and church groups cinded their approval. ERA supporters say they The spokesman said many camps have gone out of busi¬ MSU. It was designed to highlight transit increase system efficiency and rider service in the improvements to region from 20c OFF on a in their will test the votes to rescind in ness because of the recession, 1975 to 1980. [elyforkilling the proposal's rural districts, changed their court cases to be filed after 38 though he was unable to give i passage in this votes from approval to rejec¬ states, including the two which specifics. He said students with [until after the 1976 tion on the second considera¬ rescinded approval, ratify the specialized experience—in the tion. A fourth legislator, who amendment. arts and crafts field or sports, rnesday, the House voted was absent Tuesday, voted In addition to North Carolina, for example—will stand the in favor of . the against the proposal on Wed¬ the states which have not best chance of getting jobs. jnent, but state law nesday. ratified the ERA are Alabama, The Colorado State Empl6y- One of the three who Nevada, Arizona, Arkansas, ment Service said the competi¬ changed sides was Rep. Myrtle Oklahoma, Florida, South tion for resort and park jobs hor Rawls Wiseman. The only one of 13 Carolina, Georgia, Utah, Illi¬ has been increasing for the past female legislators who voted nois, Virginia, Indiana, Louisi¬ two years and 1976 is even against the proposal, she buried ana, Mississippi and Missouri. worse. Recruiters who usually reg. price 79* talk Friday her head in her arms and wept. "I know they (her constitu¬ ents) don't know what ERA is all about, but I couldn't vote SUPER brazi gopher Johns Rawls, Our Super Dog is almost a foot long-and long on flavor, too- "A Theory of against my own people," she our own juicy Brazier wiener cooked )ust right, seasoned with said. our own zesty Brazier sauce and served on a " was hailed as one of freshly-steamed The ERA bun, Try one when you have plenty of time to enjoy eating it! b most important of 1972 was passed in New York'Times Book Congress in March 1972. ratification, 38 states must vote For folk entertainment r, will speak here at 8 Friday in 826 Natural favorably for it by March 1979. Glenn Blankenhorn Bldg. This coupon plays dulcimer with good for 20* off is, professor of philoso- The Mother's Day SUPER his friends on a [Harvard University, will brazier brazier* DOG about his theory of L which attempts to show be utilitarian concept of Rose Thursday April 17. No ever! 310 W. Grand Rive, (next to bus station) Pendant cover open 11 am -11 pm peatest good for the Bt number" is Sun. Thru Thurs. incompati- 11 fh notions of justice and am • midnight in Sterling Fri.&Sat. or Gold Vermeil iThe Perfect Marriage; STARTS WITH "he told 'WELCOME LOUIS ROOT TO OlIR STAFF Here's that •••••••••••••••••••% toe. one rose never fades...a lovely rose-pendant cameo created \4(UtC exclusively by International Silver. It blooms in sterling or luxurious gold vermeil (Sterling electroplated in JtiR, beautiful around ■ ident to wrap solid- 24 kt gold). • # MUSIC CO. 1st' 't's what's hap- Sterling pendant with • l|K Blowtoday.white, or By Speidel, chain finished in tarnish- WILL BE CLOSED TONIGHT TO MARK $7.95.' proof rhodium $15.00 ... • DOWN PRICES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Above electroplated 24 kt gold ... 117.50 in FOR 00R FANTASTIC, ANNOAL EAGER |*TCtNTtR i19^ & Grand River Ave. JEWELRY and ART CENTER 319 E. Grand River Ave. East Lansing, phone 337 -1314 Mich, ^SALE STARTS TOMORROW BRIGHT & EARLY BEAVER 9:00 AM Card S 309 E. Grind River East Lansing 332-6753 Downtown, Open Weekdays 'till 9 Weekdays 'till 9 Monday and Friday 'till 9 p.m.; p.m. Lansing Mali, Sun. 1 'till S p.m. Frandor, Open . § p.m. Meridian Mall, Okemos, Mich. Open %•••#••••••••••••••• Weekdays 4 'till 9 p.m. 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Appliance labeling bill before commits By JEFF MERRELL Consumers is passed. standard model uses only 75 Geerlings said the actual Geerlings, R - Muskegon, who New York City experience," instantly because it never real¬ - they are usir State News Staff Writer House Bill 4307 would re¬ sponsored the bill. he said. ly turns off, and the "frost - kilowatt/hours, Conlin said. cost label method may not be A similar The Michigan legislature has quire appliances to have labels Geerlings said differences in New York City is the only free" refrigerator. Conlin added that PIRGIM is exact, "but that's better infor- introduced oi set out to put one excessive informing the consumer, in any the energy efficiency of appli¬ place in the country that pre "A frost - free refrigerator asking the consumer's commit- mation than the public has energy eater on a strict diet. number of ways, the cost of ances such as air conditioners sently requires appliance label¬ uses twice as much energy as a tee to consider changing the now." erlingi added that several LoOkuj Household appliances with operating the appliance in dol¬ labeling requirement from ac- constituents have him are not currently made availa¬ ing. regular refrigerator," said come to *TATJ. energy gobbling convenience lars or units of energy. ble to consumers. Other appliances with op¬ Richard Conlin, projects direc¬ tual cost of the energy needed complaining that their utility options may be required to "Consumers want to know "This bill will help encourage tional items that consume more tor for PIRGIM. for operation, to how to calcu- bill is three times higher than a n -wt Btlliun admit to its gluttony if an that they're buying a gas buying the more efficient air energy than the standard mo¬ The convenient frost free late that cost, since the cost of neighbor's. L rlRSfl ffiiM appliance labeling act now be¬ guzzler if they are buying a gas conditioner. This is one of the del include the "instant - on" model uses 150 kilowatt/hours electricity varies across the "They can't understand why, fore the House Committee on guzzler," said Rep. Edgar television set that turns on of electricity per month, while a state. until you ask what appliances things that came out of the Russian 349-2700 MERIDIAN^a^! WASHINGTON (AP) - The about three weeks and demon¬ ships fleets. sta •Undertake a major assault shampoo is the smash of the year Among other things, U.S. Russian navy is engaged in worldwide maneuvers that may strated to U.S. naval strate¬ gists that the Soviets had Navy analysts are watching to how the Russians have * Testifying before Congress earlier this year, Secretary of on U.S. and allied sealines of communication and the surface 2nd Smash Weak! most virtuoso , shampoo is the example of see develop into the biggest in achieved an ability to extend progressed in resupplying large Defense James R. Schlesinger warships protecting them. peacetime history, Pentagon sources report. their naval reach into all the seas. forces at sea. This has been a Soviet weakness, sources said. said the Russians or are now possess gaining the capability to: •Provide a "limited degree of long range protection for their sophisticated kaleidoscopic farce Some 200 Soviet ships have Until the early 1960s, the Analysts are deeply interes¬ •Challenge U.S. carrier task merchant shipping in contrast that american moviemakers been deployed so far, about the ted in the way Soviet admirals forces in such to the situation that Soviet concentrated the prevailed same as in the last such major chiefly on navy defending home wa¬ exercise command and control areas Norwegian Sea, the Mediter as during the Cuban missile crisis" have ever come up with!' maneuvers five years ago. their ters and coasts. A limited over widely deployed ranean and the Sea of Japan. —pauline kael, new yorker magazine Sources said the number is Soviet naval reach, which increasing. showed up in the U.S. - Russian All elements of the Soviet confrontation over missiles in navy, including surface war¬ Cuba, was corrected in the next "the 'la dolce vita' for the 1970'sl' ships, submarines and the Rus¬ decade as the Russian fleet —Judith crist, new york magazine sian naval air arm, are said to underwent major moderniza¬ be involved. Russian merchant tion. ships are also taking part. Since the 1970 maneuvers, Sources said there are indi¬ cations the Indian Ocean, in¬ the Russians have sent to sea warren beatty several new classes of war¬ creasingly important because ships, including the Kara class julie christie • goldie haw oil tanker routes pass through cruiser, which the U.S. Navy those waters, will be a main calls the most heavily armed focus of the Soviet naval exer- surface combatant in the world. Russian surface warships Other major Russian naval bristle with a variety of ship - activity has been observed in killing missiles. The U.S. Navy, the Atlantic, the Mediterran¬ which neglected development ean, the Norwegian Sea and the of anti ship missiles until the - Pacific, sources said. late 1960s, is now ready to start The 1970 exercise, which the deploying its first such weapon, Russians called Okean, lasted the Harpoon. lee grant jack warden tonybili Women plan forum NOW I SHOWING! on sexism in class GLOWING, LIVELY AND MSU women have a chance to discuss sexism in the class¬ man; Christine Wilson, director of Womens' ENTERTAINING." Programs; Eleanor —ANN GUARINO, N.Y. DAILY NEWS room at 8:30 tonight in 35 Morrison, instructor of family Union. and child science, and Eileen "We're going to brainstorm Van Tassel, asst. professor of NTENSE, FRENETIC and find out what people's natural science. Moderator will AV S HE W/V3 I AND experiences have been," said Joyce Ladenson, asst. professor of American thought and lang¬ be Joann Rettke of the Wo¬ men's Resource Center. iffPStl ■ ffWq FASCINATING! ENGROSSING I ixH liO/ II uage. "We hope that students will discuss organizational i FR0M strategy to stop this." BOARSHEAD BEGINNING Ladenson is of the- W PLAYERS source one people from the re¬ wo- 200* river st. A FILM TO END' mens' studies Drotrram who will grand l«dg« — NORMA MCLAIN STOOP '* be present. Also attending will PROFESSIONAL THEATRE AFTER D^RK be Carolyn Stieber, ombuds¬ SHAKESPEARE'S fl^lmmr "A P0WERFUL RECOLLECTION MACBETH per?£rAmek Alain Cuny • Sylvia Kristel • MauikaGreen»Emmanuelle \ 1WHO WAS /4X HERSELF ALONE AND UNIQUE." LINDA ' —ARCHER WINSTEN, NX POST LOVELACE "The Early Years" Suppose you knew who you had been Before Linda Lovelace became a porno queen in in your previous life. "Deep Throat," she made several short films. Even in the erotic underground these films became notorious. Where you had lived...whom you had loved These films have been written about in Playboy, and how you had died. Penthouse, Oui and Gallery. Linda Lovelace's early films have never been exhibited in a motion picture theatre publicly. What then? They are simply too daring. They are held exclusively by private collectors of erotica. Beal Film Group has contacted a private collector and made arrangements to exhibit these films for a special engagement. These Lovelace films have become pornographic classics, much discussed, but rarely seen. They are absolutely hardcore and go substantially beyond anything that Beal has ever presented. RATED X YOU MUST BE 18. ALL PATRONS WILL BE CHECKED FOR PROOF OF AGE FINAL 3 DAYS!! WORLDS AN ELECTRIFYING MOTION PICTURE TONITE!! IN THE NBW Ad union p ballroom Showtimes: 7:00, 8:30, 10:30 theatre Showplace: 116 Ag. Engineering Admission: $2.25 RATED X BEAL FILM ^^^^SIV^EARC^O^^PRIQR EXISTENCE. * Iiigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 17,1975 9 Ann Arbor politicians argue; mayoral election unresolved ANN ARBOR (UPI) quate remedy." gained a majority in first place Republicans and Democrats The court was brought into votes, meaning the third candi¬ traded arguments during a the battle after Republicans date dropped out with tha* heated 3'/j - hour court hearing and Democrats filed rival suits. decision resting on the number Tuesday but the legal battle The Republicans are seeking to of second place ballots the two - over Ann Arbor's block certification of last Mon¬ confusing leaders received. mayoral election was not resol¬ day's election pending further But Republican members of ved. vote counts. The Democrats the board of canvassers refus¬ The decision by James want James H. Wheeler's unof¬ ed to certify the results — Fleming, a visiting Jackson ficial victory made official. meaning the results were not County Circuit Court judge, to None of the three candidates official. postpone a final ruling until Friday at the earliest allowed incumbent Mayor James APRL 20 • 2:30 BV\-JENISON Stephenson,,,a Republican, to Basketball! Featuring remain in office pending the Hugh Hefner's ruling. The GOP - dominated city pwreorr VSTHECO* council voted last week to keep Stephenson in office until the dispute was settled. Fleming termed that decision an "ade¬ cites win in air pollution case OPEN at 7:00 p.m. effect of a state's choice of LAST TIMES TONIGHT KINGTON (AP)"- The A T Gourt handed state emission limitations is spokesman for the Envi¬ ey for the National Resources at 7:15-Late compli¬ ronmental Protection I victory Wednesday in ance with the national stand¬ Agency Defense Council, said the de¬ "BORN TO KILL" said the decision would make it with environmentalist ards for ambient air the state is cision "will have very serious PLUS. .at 8:30 only . possible for states to approve adverse effects unless Congress "BIG BAD MAMA" 'R' t strictly industries at liberty to adopt whatever variances which would extend I held to pollution-con- mix of emission limitations it chooses to amend the law." The STARTS FRIDAY! deems best suited to its beyond the deadlines for meet¬ Clean Air Act will expire this Jdules. 1-1 decision, the court partic¬ ular situation," Justice William ing air quality standards. year unless extended by Con¬ FEATURE at 7:30-9:30 ■es may grant variances H. Rehnquist said for the court. The deadlines vary from gress. HOTTER'N state to state, but cannot be ■dual air polluters who Justice William 0. Douglas more than three years from the The air pollution ruling "COFFY" e not able to meet dissented, but did not write an stemmed from a lawsuit by the Is by state and opinion date the state plan was defense council challenging MEANER'N set giving his reasons. adopted. Regulations. Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. did Richard E. Ayres, Georgia's plan for carrying out "FOXY BROWN" an attorn¬ the federal Clean Air Act. Justices overturned a not vote. ■ the U.S. Circuit Court Itls in New Orleans that lust follow a stricter Mat standard providing for Prophet Gus Ganakas Tim Staudt Joel Ferguson Dennis Stolz 1 postponements, Wilbur Brookover Gerald Kusler Burt Smith Blanche Martin ■qualified their decision Malcolm Katz Phil Gannon Ted Swift Kig that the variances Carl CaryJoli Ken Beachler jjm Hough Bluegrass It interfere with the Tom Donkerbrock Amo Bessone Earl Nelson Extension ftnt of federally pre- Charles Mitchner Maurice Hickey Bob Green Service W. F. Keller 'Micki Bailes [ clean-air standards Faculty Folk at MSU presents Tony Bennett and Lena Home in a gala benefit for the new MSU Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are now available at the MSU Union Ticket Office, 8:15-4:30 each weekday. rAmm/ TcruKiirm And Laughter At It's Best! ) I (pACf'S CHIP N DALE "'THE NIGHT PORTER' Pr'so EROTIC DANCERS ; IS ROMANTIC featuring the Fabulous S rl0' See her do the razor trick. Pnowtimes 12-3-6-9-12 A ^ \ \ PORNOGRAPHY... PpPLESS USHERETTS \ " i_ast Tango In Paris' is a light-hearted f "V go to Beat when we can I j . v rornp compared to 'THE NIGHT PORTER " l^voua better deal? N# & 5?5!55?PfriffffE THE NIGHT "PLAY IT AGAIN, Ktensiv^S^JB f'n-Mark Stevens the s PORTER SAM" A Herbert Ross Film most IP'icmy revealing enactments 1 | HOCOAIIJEN JOSEPH E LEVINE presents for I and love ever to reach 111 THE RISE * MIL OF SPARKLE v > HAL NOLEGGIO CINEMATOGRAFICO + t5|®^Rated XXX 1| RoUd'xxT"'01" \ The ROBERT GORDON EDWARDS/ take the ESADESIMONE Production of 3 ^ A Film by LILIANA CAVANI money and run U-jm FRUIT LOOP ONI CANT BUT TWO ^\ larrlngDIRK BOGAROE in THE NIGHT PORTER CHARLOTTE RAMPIING TECHNICOLOR starring woody alien CAN RATED XXX \ ;r] an avcq embassy release ^ Thurs, in Conrad LAST DAY "Take Money "-7:00 410:00 "Play it Again. . - 8:30 $1.25 1 0Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan ™ur*>»y.AWJ MSU '9' facing crucial series Michigan Tuesday, 10 1 can't wait any longer. If we and not get shook," said Spar¬ By MIKE LITAKER ern - State News Sports Writer and 3 - 2. want to be contenders, we have tan coach Danny Litwhiler. Instead of to have a minimum of a split of "This weekend we'll see what ?»*» in Gopher balls have been the getting their usual last thing Minnesota pitchers strong hitting, the Spartans did the four games with Minnesota kind of ball team we are. If we innings Tuesday y | have been dishing out this year, a turnaround against Western and Iowa," Pellerin added. "If split, then we'll be in it all the I"P»S. but the MSU batsmen wouldn't as the pitching staff turned in Michigan catches them, then way." resulting iu jjU mind a steady diet of that pitch of their better efforts of the they are off and running." The Spartans will be one hurting 11 w*s kind of aM Friday and again Saturday season. Even though the Big Ten at the third base spot for the against Iowa at Kobs Field. "Personally I was encour¬ season is only 1 - week - old, the coming series. It's highly somebody |eft and it the J| MSU will have its work cut aged by our pitchers' concen¬ race already appears to have doubtful that Randy Pruitt will seemed like^fl out facing last year's Big Ten tration in getting the ball over been narrowed to five teams. play after the sophomore power r ,°f cochamps on the same week¬ the plate," said asst. coach MSU, U - M and Wisconsin are hitter twisted his ankle in a ^ough them," T * about the loss, end, especially since the two Frank Pellerin, who believes tied for first with 4 - 0 records. residence hall mishap last Minnesota and Iowa have iden¬ weekend. Pruitt's .300 average "May be we were L. squads have nearly their entire the mound crew is cpady now to have a game like tbl starting lineups returning from rebound from the early shell- tical 2 - 2 conference marks. is the eighth best on the team. those mistakes last year. And the Spartans ings they have been getting. "We know they're both basi¬ said. out ,% 01 head into those showdowns "If the pitching is coming, it's cally good solid teams and we Litwhiler will be stressing Litwhiler will seM after dropping a pair to West¬ coming just in time because we know they'll play with poise defense this weekend. Hard - righthanders GeonJjL 2) and Duane the mound BiekelTl against theoil Foes must beware Fnday- tionally sharp inning stint nickel looJj Broncos. Spartan stickman Minnesota Herbst, Steve Comer will tough righthand trio ^1 ■ Bauer in J! By LARRY MORGAN of the game. being an All-America candidate drickson's assistance is valu¬ an attempt to,A State News Sports Writer in four years was due in part to Spartans' aluminum suS "They indicate that he's ag¬ able becaue he is a former Jim Kniivila and You might not be able to gressive and will take chances," help from a former All-Ameri- defensemen and therefore Todd Hubert will (2| teach an old dog new tricks, but Hartman said. "The Dog is can defenseman, Boku Hen- knows just what technical ad¬ turns against the getj3 one Spartan lacrosse player is confident enough with any at¬ drickson. vice to give the Spartan de¬ ft teaching opposing attackmen tackman that he can pick a time Hendrickson Saturday. Iowa is em played at fensemen. use its new ones. when the prey is unwary and Courtland State and occasion¬ top hurler. Markll The advice is obviously pay¬ Senior Hank "Mad Dog" Ca¬ take the ball away." Friday when it faces M ally has given the Spartan ing off for the Spartans. As and SN shen first worked his way into defense pointers on the finer Wolverine Chuckil photo/Rob Kozloff Following the Ohio State MSU finishes each game, the the Spartan starting lineup as a Ewell shut Spartan lacrosse defenseman Hank "Mad Dog" Cashen rounds the net in game last week, Hartman went points of the game, Cashen world is spread a little farther last week to raise out U search of an sophomore demonstrating his to Baltimore where he watched said. his ri opposing attackman trying to penetrate the Spartan defense. that there is a mad dog loose 4-1. Hubert leads ttiej Cashen's aggressive play has earned him his nickname. ability to physically intimidate some of the best lacrosse teams Though Hartman is a very among the Spartan defense- opposing attackmen. in the nation. He made some able coach, Cashen thinks Hen- pitchers with a 2.29 ear men. "As a freshman, there were average. encouraging observations on five guys ahead of me on the Cashen's style of play. EMU women ca defensive squad. So I tried to play as physically as I could so "I saw six games in the East, including the top two teams in the coach would notice me and the nation and two of the top By ANN WILLIAMSON and also lack of sufficient give me a chance to play," three club teams, and Dog AHEUIESMM a Athletics Director Jean Cione State News Sports Writer talent among the women trying was asked why no Huron Cashen, a two-letter winner, could play on any of them," MSU's women's softball team out for the Huron team. women's softball team exists, explained. Hartman said. was to have played Eastern "We had 16 girls tryout for The "Mad Dog" was noticed "He's definitely got a chance another theory emerged. Michigan today in the home the team earlier this spring, but and now is starting his third of being an Ail-American this opener for the Spartan team. of those 16, only Cione denied that EMU's season defending the Spartan year," Hartman predicted after eight or 10 Why was the contest cancelled were of intercollegiate caliber," women's athletics program is in goal from intruding attackers. seeing some All-American eas¬ over two weeks ago by EMU? Neze said. "We didn't even The addition of shoulder pads any type of financial dilemma. tern defensemen. That depends upon who you have any pitchers among the Cione said the decision to to his 180-pound frame, a Cashen's transition from not ask. lacrosse stick and onrushing girls who went out for the terminate the women's softball even knowing about lacrosse, to Spartan coach Margo Snively team. squad was strictly due to the attackmen transform Cashen was informed that the Hurons "If we had had the skill noticeable lack of sufficient from a soft-spoken unthreat- were forced to cancel the game talent on the team. ening figure to a growling, necessary for a good, competi¬ due to "some kind of financial tive team, we would stick-jabbing, unrelenting de- difficulties." probably fensman have a team today. 'The decision to drop the — determined not to Then, EMU coach Gloria Neze said women's softball team here was allow a decent pass or shot get somebody would have had to that her team was dissolved in late March because of a shor¬ tage of women's athletic funds come us." But up with the money for when EMU Women's made March 25, which was a reasonable amount of time fol¬ lowing the tryouts," Cione as¬ by him. of At times, though, this style play is too aggressive and he adidas^ serted. is whistled off PIONEER/VEGA Super More Extra-Special Values! Playback 10 8-Tr. Rec./Play Deck System—$147 OFF! , 'Phones-Cut 30%! Great response. Full Separately $746.80 * 7 I padding paddinc for outstand- ' comfort! A winner! yp^ corT A music lover's dream system1 Save a bundle by Our Entire Inventory Of (FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY) Top-performing Pioneer SX-636 Stereo FM/AM Receiver recording your own Stereo 8-Tr. Tapes 100 I designed for jet age travel, with has it all!! Double tuning meters, tape monitors, stereo speaker system outputs! BIC 960 Belt-Driven Programmable MUSIC TAPE from records or radio' Record Cleaner-40% OFF! Pn9 aluminum frames and resilient OFF 50% Turntable, base and Shure Istruction that absorbs travel bumps, M93E Cartridge! Two igh coverings wipe clean. So good Cfcrwin-Vega V-10 10 2-Way List SOV'J Speaker Systems! l^ing in fashion colors for ladies: SAVE HALF on oil Capitol Music l^son, * colors for avacado, melon or blue; mascu- men: black or cordovan. PLAYBACK'S TOTAL PROTECTION POLICY Tape Cassettes! Stock up Now! 299 TREND SETTING 5-YEAR WARRANTY. PLAYBACK TRADE-IN POLICY. Playback will Every hi-ti component we sell has an take your old equipment, regardless-of age unqualified 5-year parts guarantee and a or corldition, and make you the fairest offer Playback 3-year labor guarantee. toward any new equipment we sell BUY IT NOW ONE-YEAR EXCHANGE SPEAKER SYSTEM Rain Check Policy. POLICY. II, (or any teason within one /car 15-Day Refund. FOR GRADUATION! alter the purchase of any hi-fi speaker sys¬ tem we sell, you are dissatisfied you will Complete Service Facilities. receive FULL CREDIT of your purr I price toward the list jrice of ANY lentiy or higher-priced speaker i PLAYBACK S PRICE GUARAN¬ TEE. HO ONt SfLLS II LOWE ft THAN PIAVPACK" An;! in the event you do find the electronic plaijqround 60-DAY EXCHANGE POLICY. Any other i mim or 4 Channel System legally being component in your hi-fi system may bt e* sold anywhere else for less-lor 60 days. changed within 60 davs of purchase for an PI AYBACK will quickly .make up the ditfer- equivalent component or higher-priced unit le'und y< i purchase price 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon. - Friday 10 - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 523 Frandor Lane 12-5 p.m. Frandor Shopping Center Sunday EAST LANSING 209 E. GRAND RIVER phone 351 - 7270 _POWNTQWN toy s. Washington 12 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursdi ( SEI1IH6 HUE. BUT HO-LONGEB-NIEDEP ITEMS WITH OASSIflEP ADSI ](«] [_Motorc»cles J(dSwj EVERYBODY'S WHH6 IT... |[^| Classifieds I Automotive FRANKLY SPEAKING... .by phil frank Apartments Apartments ads get JEEP 1973 CJ-5, 6 cylinder, 24,000 miles, great shape, call 351-7324. MATURE ROOMMATE for 2 bed¬ SUBLET IMMEDIATELY! bedrocfm flat in fine house. Close/ Two 3-423 room apartment in country. $95. ^ results ills v JEEP COMMANDO 1973, power USED MOTORCYCLES discount on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand Call 882-9119. 5-4-17 campus. $220/month plus elec¬ tricity. Security deposit nego¬ tiable. Barb, 353-3246. Betty, NOW LEASING for fall-Colonial PHONE 355-8255 steering. Automatic, $2950. Call River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 337-0333. 3-4-18 482-0342 between 3:30 p.m. and 6 Arms, 126 Orchard. 2, 3 and 4 p.m. 5-4-22 1973 YAMAHA Enduro, 125cc, man apartments. Call 337-1800. ONE-TWO females Rivers AUTOMOTIVE Excellent condition, 1300 miles, 10-4:24 Edge Scooters & Cycles MALIBU CLASSIC 1974. Excel¬ $475. 332 5696 after 5 p.m. 3-4-18 Apartments, $82.50/month per LARGE FURNISHED efficiency. lent condition. person. Terrace, 2 bedrooms, 2 Parts & Service Many extras. Ask¬ Air conditioned, $145 summer, bathrooms. Call now to take Aviation ing $3,700. Details call 355-4410. HONDA CB350 1973 H 2,500 $175 fall. 351-1610 or -4451. 5-4-17 miles. Super condition! $750 or advantage of one month's free EMPLOYMENT 39-5-30 rent. 337-0645. 5-4-22 best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 FOR RENT MAVERICK 1970. 6 cylinder, p.m. 5-4-22 TWO BEDROOM furnished ONE BLOCK from campus - now Apartments automatic, AM/FM, good tires, mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 $850 or best offer. 355-3241, after CYCLE INSURANCE as low as leasing for summer and fall terms! Houses minutes to campus. Quiet and Spacious 2 bedroom furnished haslett area" 5 pm. 3-4-21 $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc m Rooms peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or apartments. Call Joe Miller, Roa«. 3 bedroom at F.S.C 351 2400. 22-4-30 484-5315. 0-4-30 partially furnished S" FOR SALE MG MIDGET 1974, excellent con¬ 332-4240. 20-5-7 393-8201. 5-4-23 ' Animals Mobile Homes dition, 8,600 miles, $2800. Phone 489-6696. 5-4-18 Santo jf/J ABBOTT ROAD. beginning summer term. Now leasing One CEMI VILLAGE Now LOST & FOUND MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East bedroom, air conditioned! luxury Renting MGB ROADSTER 1972. Excellent Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. Summer and Fall PERSONAL apartments. Complete with dish¬ condition. 32,000 miles. Ziebarted Complete auto painting and colli¬ washers, self-cleaning ranges, re¬ Summer Rates are $150-$200 PEANUTS PERSONAL 30 mpg. $2,775. 351-1824. 3-4-21 sion service. American and ' per month. Fall Rates are $80, COZY 2 bedroom REAL ESTATE Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 THEREBEEN ANOWER CUT frigerators. $200-$225 per month. DABCON ENTERPRISES, 371- $83, $85 per person per house. apsr MGB 1970 Roadster, radials, AM- in OUR PISBCTIKG BUDGET, SO WE'RE month. Furnished, ait RECREATION 4158, evenings, 351-5312. 7-4-18 351-5180 ing. Close. Summ« FM, new overhaul, call Nancy, AMERICAN, GERMAN and SERVICE option. Non-smokers 349-0893 after 5. 5-4-22 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. HAVING LEFTOVERS A6AIN 7DPAY.." 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and EAST SIDE, one bedroom, par¬ after 6. 3-4-18 Instruction 20% DISCOUNT to students and tially furnished, shag carpet, no MUSTANG 1968. Low miles. Air COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 un furnished, utilities paid except Typing faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW > children, pets. Evenings, 482-5450 electricity. Starting at $150/ FEMALE TRANSPORTATION shocks. Clean. 337-9671, ask for service parts. IMPORT AUTO month. On bus line. 332-8036, 5-4-21 now. ROOMMATE" Paul. 3-4-21 PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo and Kings Point A- WANTED CAR POOL MUSTANG 1967. 6 cylinder, Cedar. 485-2047, Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 485-9229. ( Employment »! For Rent }{$} 1308 Haslett Road. INCREDIBLE! 10-4-25 OWN bedroom, SUBLEASE IMMEDIATELY, luxury apartment, air conditioning, Own bedroom. Call 9585 after 8:30 p.m. r automatic, good transportation, card. C-22-4-30 PERSON OR no pets, close to campus, one persons to sing TV AND Stereo Rentals. own bathroom, close. 1-2 girls, best offer! 393-2502 after 6 pm. $25/ bedroom, $165/month. Call after **RATES** recent ballads or folk songs and term. $10.95/month. $90 negotiable. 489-9158. 3-4-17 4-4-18 Free same 3 pm. 337-9551. 3-4-17 12 word minimum REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN engines play guitar for 3 day weekends at a nished 2 bedroom tou, day delivery and service. Call guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ Northern Michigan resort lodge. NEJAC, 337-1010. C-4-30 minutes from 1 MUSTANG 1969, stick shift, new EAST campus. NO change. Free towing available- YES... two LANSING, Abbott and NO. DAYS >arts, good condition. Best offer local areas. Installation as low as June-September. 663-4671, after Johns Northlawn, furnished, 2 bedroom, month includes all utilities. WORDS icceptable. 355-1201. 3-4-17 $35. Check our repair prices and Tp^m 5-4-22 Apartments per apartment! $180, includes utilities, phone 353-8747, 8-5. 3-4-18 1 5 10 REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO WOMAN CO-LEADER for 489-4623. 4-4-18 3 NOVA, 1970 4 door. Gold with group NOT ENOUGH people to fill your And balconies too. FURNISHED STUDIO/ black vinyl roof, radio and factory PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and canoeing Mississippi fall term. Haslett area, garage, utiia 12 1.80 4.80 7.80 apartment? Advertise now for 15.60 Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. Leadership and counseling experi¬ summer and fall rentals. Call Lisa RIVER S & SUBLET SUMMER, one girl, for 2 $125. 339-8686. 5-4-22 15 2.25 6.00 9.75 air, gas saving tires, $995. Phone man apartment. Own room, 19.50 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- close) 394-2346 after 6 pm. 3-4-21 ence. BA/equivalent essential. at 355-8255. P-5-30 WATER S EDGE air, pool, 332-3110. 5-4-21 18 2.70 7.20 11.70 23.4C card. C-22-4-30 675-7482. 5-4-1R SPACIOUS FURNISHED 20 3.00 8.00 13.00 26.00 TORINO 1970. 4 speed, new tires, MAKE YOUR world a little less Apartments SUBLET SUMMER 2 man, fur¬ apartments. Across from -; 25 mags, 39,000 miles. Excellent PEOPLE WANTED for newspaper MILFORD STREET, 126. Two Air conditioned, quiet. Si 3.75 10.00 16.25 32.50 rotten with Armor All, available at shape, $1200. Phone 669-9761. phone survey, 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. blocks from campus. Deluxe/ air (next to Cedar Village) nished, 4 rooms, air, pool, adja¬ fall leases. 351-1258: CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN cent campus, $135 + electricity. 7-4-25 5 days a week, 337-9711 for conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom a.m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ further information. 2-4-17 (master). Two man-$190. Three Now leasing 351-6548. 5-4-21 DEADLINE TOYOTA 1972 Corolla, 5 speed, 32 zoo, one mile west of campus. room $207. Fall leasing. 332 332-4432 Houses £ News ads - 1 p.m. one class day before publication. mpg, AM/FM, trailer hitch, $1600 or best offer. 482-5615 after 5 pm. 487-5055. C-9-4-25 RN OR LPN OPENING Full time 3 p.m.-11:30 p.m. shift. 3418. 489-1656. 20-4-30 731 THE SUMMER rush in or! Aviation TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnished Cancellation/corrections 12 5-4-23_ TRIUMPH GT-6, good condition PAHACHUTING LESSONS, after¬ Liberal fringe benefits, evening and nights differential, no shift TWO ROOM apartment to sublet summer. Good location, 635 Abbott, $190. 332-4248. 5-4-17 apartments: $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 124 Cedar Street, 135 APARTMENTS house to rent? Let people Advertise it! Call Ann atr P-5-30 one class day before 0200. Honda CB-350, 1972, call rotation. Every other weekend off noons and weekends. Details, Kedzie Drive. Year leases and _ publication. and weekend bonus paid, contact *Alr Conditioned inytime, 351-1575. x5-4-18 351-0799 or 543-6731. 3-4-18 FEMALE ROOMMATES needed summer leases only. WOMEN NEEDED to Mrs. L. Risk, RN, Director of Starting •All Appliances for fall Cedar Village apartment, June or September. Heat in¬ Including dlthwnhor house, summer, oi Once ad is ordered it TRIUMPH 1971 GT-6, excellent Nursing, Ingham County Medical be cancelled or cannot changed until condition, overdrive, FM stereo, Employment it Care Facility, 3882 Dobie Road. $83, prefer non-smokers. 0434. 5-4-17 355 cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. Huiurloui Furnishings to campus. 337-1555.54-1J after first insertion, unless it is 30,000 miles. 351-1575. 5-4-17 Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349- FOR GREAT Results!!! Call Gary 0-4-30 TWO ROOMMATES 1050. 5-4-22 ordered & cancelled 2 days now at 355-8255 to place your 711 SUMMER, 2 men, own room, •SWIMMING POOL Share furnished house, month plus utilities. before publication. employment ad. P-5-30 . ,, PART time di Now Leasing There is $1.00 service VOLKSWAGEN 1973 Van, lots of WANTED: MALE and jVMl|| ceptionisJ. experience preferred. * ferrftlf 9f4 Please submit brief resume to: ' MAKWNJS mable, close, air conditioned, iWd-undergrad. 332-3337. 3-4-18 Summer and Fall Kim. After 5pm, 485-3911 a 711 Burcham Road LANDLORDS. Rent your extras, new motor and tires, good go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, Box A-1, State News. 5-4 22 charge for an ad change. all purpose van. 355-6148, 485- SUBLET SUMMER, 424 Michi¬ Summer-$50 per person ties to select, qualified 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- 6130. 5-4-17 23 WANTED. ARTIST to paint real NOW RENTING! gan, furnished, 2 or 3 women, Fall $75 per person Discount for 12 mo. Lease only. At no cost tc life murals. on the walls of Exceptionally Large One reasonable rent, 351-1705. 3-4-18 394-0683, 9-9, THE APART VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. WE NEED Bedroom SELECTOR. 10-4-23 sun Runs well, roof, good condition, $525 or Lansing college graduates in the area. School teacher or BZURPYS. Proof of qualifications Apartment NEEDED, ONE (oommate to share 351-7212 required. See Ralph after 9 pm at Suitable For 2-3 Students 73) Burcham Drive The State News will be offer. 351-1824. 3-4-21 sales experience preferred apartment close to MSU. Lease Full BZURPYS, 2021 East Michigan. Modols open 1 -6. Mon. ■ Sot. runs until September, 1975. $50 responsible only for the first VW VAN, good all-purpose, 1968 time training salary plus missions. Call com¬ 5-4-23 M90/MONTH deposit already paid. Last Other times by appointment days incorrect insertion. Josephine •12 Month Leases engine with 12 volt system, 55 hp, Starkweather at 694-3935. month's rent already paid. $68.33/ FIVE ROOM, utilities furnished. 351-8478 after 4 PART TIME employment for MSU •Completely Furnished pm. 696 Investors Diversified Services. month. Cable vision and utilities Northeast Lansing. Phone 489 Bills are due 7 days from the Hagadorn. 5-4-23 students. 12-20 hours per week. •Carpeting (completelyI additional $15/month. Call Bob KM-. 18 5388 after 4 pm. x-4-4-21 ad expiration date. If not paid Automobile required. 351-5800. •Appliances it Air Condi¬ C., after 6 VW pm, 487-1980. 3-4-21 by the due date, a 50b late SQUAREBACK 1968. Mint WANTED: RELIABLE babysitter C-2-4 18 tioned MALE ROOMMATE needed, own sen/ice charge will be due. condition, runs great. $675, or to come in. Own transporta¬ •Heat & Water Included FALL TWO men, best offer. 351-5289. 2-4-18 PART - own large bedroom, unfurnished. Straw¬ tion 7:30 am 4:30 pm. $50/week. TIME promotion work. *2 Man Units - room, close! $90. Grad / under- berry Fields Apartments. Free 694-8393 after 5 pm. 2-4-18 Apply in person, Meridian Mall FOR APPOINTMENT CALL grad. 353-7298, Larry. 3-4-21 VW BUS 1973. radio, 8-track stereo. Low mileage, Office, Meridian Mall, Okemos. 337 7328 or 351-0726 ^393-8526. 3-4-21 Don't be deserted! Sacrifice for WEINSTEIN'S SUMMER 3-4-21 ONE ROOM efficiency apartment, $3400. 694-8821. 5-4-21 resort in Check out South Haven will be hiring Wed¬ Summer Rent $140 /Month one block from campus, $125. FOR THE best Results in Auto nesday, April 23 at the Student WANTED, TUTOR in CPS 120, Call Dave, 337-0649. 3-4-18 Sales dial 355-8255 and ask for Maria. P-5-30 S NOW'S THE time to find a buyer Placement Bureau. restaurant and Kitchen, office help needed. immediately, good pay. 3531909.5-4-23 Call LOOKING FOR girl to share apartment for $100 a month spring COLLINGWOOD for your motorcycle. State News Make an appointment for inter¬ REGISTERED NURSES-full and and summer. Call 351-9531. VALLEY FORGE CAPRI 1973, 2600cc automatic, view. 3-4-21 BRAND NEW Classified. 355-8255, Randy. part time positions available on the 15-5-2 23mpg, AM-FM, 27,000 miles, P-5-30 SUMMER AND FALL IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY near must sell, $2500 WAITRESS, FULL or part time, afternoon and midnight shifts in Summer Rottt $110 per month negotiable. Jim, ICU-CCU. Minimum SUBLET SUMMER - large one rati Ro1*t $154 - $179 campus. Carpeting, furnished, air, ♦unlimit ed[ after 9:30 p.m., 355-6068. 10-4-22 HONDA 550-4. Operated 1 nights, apply at DRUAR'S, 415 starting sala¬ free water, heat. East Saginaw, Lansing. 489 2086 ries $4.82 per hour plus differen¬ bedroom, furnished, close, air, lor two bedroom 351-7554/ ♦Plush furniture season. 2500 miles. Includes $200 337-7421. 3-4-18 CHEVY NOVA SS 1964. wind jammer. Perfect condition. 4-4 18 tial. Immediate openings. Please $155 including utilities. 337-0247. ♦Model Open Mr 283 contact Lansing General Hospital, 5-4-18 automatic. New exhaust, good $1600. Call 351-7944 after 5 SUBLET pm. SECRETARIES and Receptionists. 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. SUMMER, 2 bedroom tires and snows. $150. Bruce 5-4-21 furnished, 372-8220, extension 267. Equal VIALE ROOMMATE air, 54 block from 353 1535. Immediate openings, full time 551 ALBERT STREET, one block needed, call 351-8282 campus, $180. 6-4-18_ HONDA 1973 CB350, clean and career opportunities for experi¬ Opportunity Employer. 8-4-22 from campus. Large 2 bedroom, south Lansing, own room! 332-3717. 3-4-21 DATSUN 240Z 1972. 4 speed, smooth, just professionally tuned. enced people with >85.50, non-smoker. 393-3472 or secretarial CLERK TYPIST, full time furnished, summer and fall. SUMMER FEMALE roommate, AM-FM radials. 27 mpg, runs $800. 355-2590. 5-4-21 skills. Choose from various filing- 382-3897. 3-4-17 Resident own 349-3693 or 646 0371. typing. A.E.S. Apply at 409 Lentz manager, 351-5208 or room, luxury apartment, great. openings. Salaries range from 351-6676. 10-4-25 pool, Haslett, $100/month. 3-4-18 CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our $100-$ 150/week. Don't wait, call Court, Lansing. (North of St. Joe SUMMER SUBLET. Nice one 339- 9710. 3-4-21 low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING now. between Logan and Waverly.) bedroom. Furnished, one block OFFICEMATES, Phone CAMPUS NEAR. 227 Bogue. FIAT, 124 Sport 1973. $2,000 694-1153. 3-4-17 R-4-2P from campus. $170. 351-3789. or 484-1414 or 339-9535. 0-13 4-30 best offer. Call after 6 pm. TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER Large 2 bedroom furnished. 3-4-21 CROSSWORD 355-9937. 5-4-21 HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed Single girls or married couple only. FIREBIRD FORMULA 350, 1973. 1972 condition, KAWASAKI 750, must sell - for more good for 16 semi-independent mentally SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 offered nationally for qualified $220.^4^-5922. 0-5-4-18 PENN MANOR finally has vacan¬ cies $165 single. PUZZLE retarded adults. Call 393-4442 or $170/$180 information call 393-1706. 5-4-23 college graduates by June. Imme¬ PINE LAKE APARTMENTS Brown with saddle. 25,000 miles. write Moore Living Center, 1401 double. Appointments, 882-2566. diate salary negotiable and ad¬ ACROSS $3,350. Bob, 351-3057. 2-4-1R Edgewood HASLETT 5-4-23 SUZUKI Blvd, Lansing, 24. Pert, to 1972, TS250. Full justed over 40 month training Short on Cash? Maybe we can I. Air. comb. knobbys front and rear. Approx- Michigan. 48910. 5-4-21 wolfsbane FORD FAIRLANt, 1968, engine program. Earn while you learn!!! work something out. One bed¬ form 28. Hawaiian floral excellent, body needs work, $200 jmately 2500 miles. $600 or best CAPABLE PERSON - must like No limit on future earnings. Call room apartments with shag car¬ 4. Supreme being offer. Call 337-0048. Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. emblem or best offer. 355-3066. 3-4-17 Ask for children - to begin dinner and stay Inter¬ peting, drapes and appliances. 7. Where the 30. Palm leaf Mark. 3-4-21 views by appointment $150 per month plus utilities. 10 with children Monday - Friday 3:30 only. heart is 31. Meadow FORD, 1969 Window Van. 6 20-5-2 minutes from MSU. Located at - 5:30. Must have car. $2 an hour. II. Persian moon cylinder, runs great! $850. HONDA 1971 CB-750. New 6076 Marsh Road, just north of barleys 339-8013 after 5 pm. 4-4-18 20% DISCOUNT TO angel 32. Footless 349 4365 after 5 pm. motor. $1400. Honda 1973 AUTO PAINTER-Must spray Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager 5-4-18 STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON 12. Tumult XL250. 1800 miles, $700. Phone enamel and all materials. M-78 animal RECREATION FACILITATOR-to 339-8192 or EAST LANSING FORD CUSTOM 1969. 645-7611, 9-6 BODY SHOP, 337-0496. 5-4-22 CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE 13. Admit 33. Despotic ruler With pm, ask for Marge. assist in REALTY, 332-4128. 26-5-6 trailer hitch. Runs beautifully! 5-4-23 organizing and supervis¬ PARTS. 14. Oxford marbles 36. Bomby* Lowprice. Call 332-8953. 3-4-17 ing a recreation program at the VFW National Childrens C For Rent 16. Lion's hair 37. Edom Qmn^ Home. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. 17. Encore 8. Sports* HONDA 1971 CB350. Excellent 38. Card holdings 1. Candlenut FORD PICK-UP 1966. V-8, stick Evening and weekend work. PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ Need 1 person to share 2 bedroom 18. By eyesight 9. Guen« condition, low mileage. Hooker Recreation experience preferred. 42. Mince 2. Lug shift, $225 349 2434 after 6 pm ments, garden plots, whatever apartment next to Frandor. Fur¬ 20. Grandparental 43. 34-17 headers, carrier. $450. 337-0659. Contact Marv King, 663 1521 - Biblical judge 3. Edible 4-4-22 you don't have to sell, Rent it! Call nished, all utilities. 484-0788, or 22. Russian 44. 10. Pitchf 3-4-18 Windmill sail leafstalk - Ann at 355-8255. P-5-30 487-8308. 5-4-22 9 inland sea GREMLIN 1972 6 W AUTO PARTS ▼ 45. Cupel 4. Roams about 15.™ . cylinder, 1972 KAWASAKI, low mileage, RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT NOW WHILE THEY 23. Mister 46. Father automatic, 29,000 miles, snows. good condition, clean. Must sell! LASJL 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar r- t g- 6~1 7^ T r .1595. 371 3572. 5-4-18 Call Sam, 355-6426. 3-4-21 ►V. EARLY Bll BIRD SPECIAL too Ni Volkswagen complete repair iT~ 1 IT" Allignment Special EtlkTTZZ&l *vi}4sy»riinr.rnMiSi f*V service. Repair b parts for •M V/< 15 M i most foreign and American Tt~ •FURNISHED $$$BONUS$$$ cars. Body shop Et paint iT~ ie~ •carpeted •AIR CONDITION $io OFF current rates [ for FALL services. Exchange Et transaxles. engines ° P 21 12 complete Front end allignment and tire balanced •BALCONIES SUMMER SPECIALS PLUS BONUS Eff $130 1 5T iI $r ''' •8 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS , bedroom $,40 Free wrecker service with % $1995 •CLOSE TO CAMPUS 2 b.draom. $150 & up repairs service to - local our areas. City bus front door. ■■ 29 % w EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficienciesfr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. sr '/A '/A I _ with presentation .1 On any VW AD OH.r — 9ood through April 30th $195 and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. . . live in one of our spacious 2 bedroom 4-men units for as low as $60 per month . . . We buy and sell VW's J4 36 P 1ST 35-Ne% (00K — HERRIMAN FOR RENTAL INFORMATION AND SHOWING CALL 351-7910 485-2047 485-9229 8-6 Monday • Friday, 3T W 3T 1 40 m ,rtc#i 36. C e'*1 9-2 Saturday VOLKSWAGEN.VOiVO-BODY 0135 W. SHOP HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT 42~ %w PT Saginaw, Ph. 371-5600 444 55" Michigan Ave. E. Lansing Open Tues. Wed. Fri 8-5 Mon & Thurs til 9 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN SAT. 10-4 - SUN 1-4 _ 1 1 $r Iiigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 17,1975 13 fcrjB f. 3B Ctoir]® Rooms For Sale [ Fir Sale ||fr| GIRL TO share house with 2 GOT AN empty room to For Sale ](® I For Sale If® rent? Call AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. others. $70 plus utilities. the Classified FIVE TIRES and tubes. 8.75x15". EYE GLASSES Af Large savings. SEWING MACHINE Clearance Department and ask Carpeted, paneled, furnished, no INFLATE-A-BED J4-3742. 3-4-18 184-3195. 3-4-17 for Lisa: 355 Good condition. $35. 484-0701 Why pay more? OPTICAL Sale! Brand new portables $49.95, ^ 8255_ P-5-30 utilities, paved parking, cooking, after 5 pm. E-5-4-18 $5 per month. Large selection of Spare bedroom in a bag. Air coil DISCOUNT, 2615 East Michigan, I jt Thance of a lifetime. JUNE 1st to September 1st. SUMMER DOUBLES. utilities paid, kitchen, TV, Fumtated, laundry facilities, $75/month. 337-2417 349 9662. 4-4-18 Lansing. 372-7409. C-W-18 reconditioned used machines. construction. Permanent bed- overnight guest. Campers-tent- wanted-sublease im- Furnished home, 3 blocks Lake lounge' or 53 USED SEWING machines. Singers, Whites, Necchi's, New ■ house, summer 3nd/or Superior beach, 6 blocks NMU parking, very close. $55/and up. Home and "many others." $19.95 vans-lounging-resorts-trailers- $12.50/up. Zig-Zags, and straight UNICYCLE, MAG wheels, bucket Ig air, furnished. After 5, Call 906-226-7833 or write 924 337-9452. 0-4-30 NEED ONE person now through stichers, portables seats, hair dryers, baby car seat, to $39.95. Terms. EDWARDS sunbathing-or doze across a lake surface. Will not wash off or fade. 134-18 High Street, Marquette, Michigan. summer term. Single room. and cabinet DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 1115 HOUSE MATES for $61.25/ month plus utilities. models. chain saws, steak broilers, air One year guarantee. Three sizes: 49855. 3 4-17 spring and Singers, Whites, North Washington, 489-6448. I WANTED to share 3 summer, male or female, Close. 351-0463. 5-4-21 Kenmores. Many makes and conditioners, 20" floor fans, silk Twin-$46.95: Double-$53.95; I house with 2 other room. own C-3-4-17_ Queen-$63.95. Available in bright SHARE HOUSE, own room, must $84/month, 575 Spartan. models to choose from. tapestries, golf clubs, zodiac ■near Sparrow Hospital, be neat, Eastside 351-9096, evenings. 5-4-17 OWN ROOM. $70 utilities in¬ records, dope paraphenalia, crash TREMENDOUS CLOSING sale at red, avocado green and black. Lansing, $80/ ELECTRO-GRAND, 804 East 15 484 3143, 485-6823. month. 372-2911. 5-4-18 cluded. Campus 1 block. Michigan. Hours Monday - Friday, helmets, outboard motors, type¬ the DAY BEFORE FOREVER. Sales by GRAND DISTRIBUTING, FREE LAUNDRY, free Room and board for men near paring. Lowered summer rent. 332-0052. 4-4-18 9-5 pm. Saturday 9-noon. Bank writers, portable radios, guitars, Fantastic savings on antiques, jewelry, superb clothes, leather 211 North Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, Michigan. 627-4444. ■"near campus. June NORTHEAST LANSING. Two campus. Call 351-5636 or 351- card and Master Charge honored. banjos, knives, sleeping bags, goods, and fine incense. Remem¬ Show room open Monday-Satur¬ Itember 15th. All utilities bedroom brick. Unfurnished. 7797_ 5-4J7 MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, 5-4-18 tents, lanterns, binoculars, base¬ ber COMFORT AND STYLE AT day 10-6, Friday till 9 p.m. ■ 332-2023. 3-4-17 cooking, close to MSU. Phone ball gloves. See them all! Come GREAT REDUCTION then visit my As seen in Better Homes and Garage. Married couple, no TWO MEN or single. Private 351-8563 or 485-8836. 20-4-22 MOVING SALE, April 19-20, 9-5 Gardens and Playboy. 3-4-18 children/ pets $145. on down to DICKER & DEAL, shop at 254 West Grand River ioR rent - 3 bedrooms 663-4345 entrance to bedroom, studyroom p.m. 128 South Francis. Wide 1701 South Cedar. 487-3886. (next to Artovs) Open 11-7. 5-4-22 [ Summer. Off Beech 482-8667. 5-4 18 and bath, on lower level. 712 TWO WOMEN needed, share i. 669-9939. 10-4-22 SUBLET FOR summer. Nice Northlawn-Phone 3-4-18 332-4674. large room in house. Close, June - variety-Cheap! 3-4-18 C-4-18 Got something to soil for $50 or less?? [ Animals JlV(j J 2 BEDROOM house house, near campus. 4 bedrooms, June._ 35^-4252.34-21 SONY 7055, Phillips electronic BICYCLE CLOSE OUT SALE. MUST SELL four 6" Piranha. $30 turntable, Stanton cartridge, 2 a piece. Call Tom at 332-3830. I'immediately. Nicely cheap, cozy. 337-0823. 5-4-22 IN PLEASANT home on Devon¬ CLOSE IN, quiet, single-summer Advent loud speakers. French built light weight touring I, parking. Students wel- shire to young man of clean rate now. References/deposit. 5-4-22 339-9102 bikes, 10 speed, ladies 3 speed. 5-4-21 1 minute drive. $150/ OWN ROOM habits. Garage. Piano. Credit for No pets. 663-8418. 5-4-22 LOST: YELLOW tiger cat. Needs near campus, $80 a Save on top quality handmade 72-6853 0-4-30 month, unfurnished, no parking. yard work. 882-3563. 5-4-22 OVER 400 QUALITY BIKES medicine. One week behind in bikes. 645-2127. Call 351-6195. 5-4-22 ROOM AND Board for men or C-5-4-18_ medication. 351-6745, 353-3994. I ROOMMATES needed, _ $65/MONTH, including utilities, women. Nexus Co-op, 437-445 SEKINE 10-speed bike, *4-18 many I76. Nice house, great MALE. OWN Room, remodeled furnished, 334 Michigan Avenue, Abbott Rd. $25/week. 351-0100. RALEIGH-COLUMBIA- extras, excellent condition, best ■non-smokers preferred. GERMAN SHORT hair pointer. " house. Close. April free. across from Williams dorm. Call 6-4-17 offer. 351-9519. 5-4-21 2-4-18 MOTOBECANE try AKC female, 5 months, wormed Call after 5:00. 487-0561. 5-4-22 after 3, 332-5906. 3-4-18 10 Speeds as Low as $86.88 and r AREA - 2 bedroom, WAVERLY AREA. Two bedroom ROOM AVAILABLE immediately, 1 Ft Sate ll^j (all assembled Et checked out) VINTAGE STRATOCASTER AND S.G. deluxe guitars. New steel EconoLines! —12 word od sjiots^ $75_655_3989. 7-4;17 A UNIQUE CANINE, free to good Kith plus security deposit. REFLECTING TELESCOPE: 4%" GENE'S BICYCLE SHOP home! Male bassett-Terrier mix, 1 duplex, 1 54 baths, carpeting, $65/month, cooking, close to 702 W»»t Barn** Av». Dobro 30 % off. 1940's Gibson 5 days insertion 339-3240. — 33; after 6, carport, major appliances, $200/ MSU. Call 351-0145. 3-4-18 mirror, rack and pinion eyepiece, IV4-0JM Southern Jumbo Accoustic. Used year old, bright, playful and ex¬ month. Phone 349-4626. 5-4-22 equatorial mount, $50. 355-4094. Op.nMon. .WM..M..HI* tremely good-natured. Not house- 329 M.A.C. $62.50, to share large E-5-4-17 Tu»i.. Thuri.. Sot, 'til 6 Sony Portable T.V. 6 channel, 5 watt Walkie-Talkie. Used Regen¬ $3.00! broken. Call 351-8071, after 5:30 IkL VILLAGE. 2 bedroom STUDENTS 6 Bedrooms, one room in beautiful house. 332 GARAGE SALE cy police scanner. Ohaus Preci¬ (no cancellations) p.m. weekdays. 3-4-18 STEREO SPEAKER systems, cus¬ - 696 Hagadorn [ carpeted, basement, block from MSU. 394 0683 9-9. 1141. 3-4-18 (Corner of Burcham) Friday, April sion gram scales. Zenith trans¬ Call State News jnd appliances. Phone tom built, great sound-you save FREE KITTENS to good homes. THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. 18 + Saturday April 19th. oceanic radio. SMC electric Classified EconoLines ■ or 371-2330. 3-4-21 money. 484-8038. B-2-4-17 12 Also two very mellow calico cats. 0-3-4-18 MEN, SINGLE room, close to noon-7 pm. 351-8478. 2-4-18 typewriter. Great selection used 355-8255 Call 351-1755, anytime. 5-4-23 campus, 2 rooms available, $70, golf club sets. WILCOX fcVE SCHWINN 24" ask for - Own room, nice OWN ROOM, $75 or less/month, share expenses, 482-9531, or 332- Women', side STEREO AMP and tuner. 14 SECONDHAND STORE, 509 East Randy ■ house. Rent approxi- 0241. 5-4-17 basket, good condition, body AKC 5 month female Siberian Haslett - Hagadorn area, un¬ watts RMF. Excellent condition. Michigan, Lansing. 485-4391. THE BEAVER IS COMING! 55 plus. 332-8953. 5-4-21 rusted, $16. Al, 355-9074. E-5-4-22 C-4-30 husky, shots, 393-8299 after 9:30 furnished, carpeted, 351-7843. $50. 393 8299 after 9:30 pm. Watch Friday's paper for special ROOMS FROM $16 per week, pm. $125 - best offer. 34-21 3-4-21 Cash for E'5-4-23 savings at MARSHALL MUSIC. |BLE IMMEDIATELY. 3-4 utilities included, parking avail¬ 10% DISCOUHT C-14-17_ >. $210/month. Fenced COUPLE OR able, one block from campus, 215 STAMPS & COINS GIBSON SG, good condition, will [Mobile Homes grad, duplex on I), pets ok. 485-6337, after M.A.C., campus close, 1-2 bed¬ Louis Street, 351-4495. 11-4-25 Buy-Sell -Trade sell or trade, best offer, 353-2095. ta all MSU E.P.I. MODEL 400 mini-tower speakers. $400 each new, 1 year SELL OR RENT your mobile home rooms summer. 355-1661. 3-4-21 full line of supplies ■ 5-4-23 students ROOM IN liberal house near old, $225 each. to people looking for alternative MID-MICHIGAN STAMP & COIN 355-2750, - OWN ROOM. Co-op :randor. $65, including utilities. 1 GERRY 3 on purchases of $2 evenings. 5-4-23 housing. Call Vicki, 355-8255. SUMMER - M.A.C. 4 women, own man back packing P-5-30 jse, Burcham and Haga- 351-7898. 3-4-17 or more, yogurts rooms. $65/month. No utilities. tent, used 1 time, new $150, now . CONCORD DELUXE Ladies' 19" and breads excluded 11.50/month. 351-5377. Melinda, Marge, 337-9085, 5-7 $100. 1 goose down Mummy bag, TRAVELO 12x53, pm BEAUTIFUL SHEPHERD - Husky 10-speed. $100. Men's 25" one bedroom, only! 5-4-23 HUGE ROOM, 2 blocks, furnished, also used 1 time, $60. 351-1015. Schwinn 5-speed, $75. 353-8155, puppies, wormed, healthy, bright, partly furnished, excellent con¬ 5 BLOCKS to MSU ■ furnished carpeted, utilities paid. Laundry, parking. $100. Perfect for couple. 7 weeks, $15. 645-2788. E-5-4-23 3-4-21 RANDALL HEALTH FOOD 353-7379,^.2-4:21 dition. Beautiful park. Phone MARRIED grads: 349-3026. 5-4-23 351-8133. 3-4-21 BOOKS WEDDING GOWN-size 12. Full Irnished house available, house for 5 men, available June - OVER 1800. Must sell Brookfield Plaza skirt, fitted bodice. Veil. $30. I- 1975 summer 1976. 15,1 year lease, dial 332 4076 after my private library! 75 Medical/ 1381 E. Grand River 353-6K50. _E-5-4-17 EAST LANSING. Spring only. 15-4-21 2 pm. 2-4-18 SUMMER TERM, own bedroom, nursing, 100 science fiction, 85 $85/month. 1-2 persons. Utilities rent negotiable. Pets allowed, metaphysical, 40 poetry, 30 332-6892 FREE, 4 month old male kitten, to included. 355-4841. 54-23 1632 Haslett, East Lansing, female ROYAL CENTURION electric CAMPUS NEAR - 2 bedroom military, 25 political,5 Mark Twain, FINE STEREO system. Marantz a good home. Call 353-6227. |d COURT duplex, 3 furnished house, $160/month. 332-5783. 5-4-23 typewriter. Week old, warranty. westerns, romantic, detective, 5-4-21 $225, $280 new. 337-7951, 2270 Receiver, Sansui 2050C BROADMORE 1970, 12x60, 2 i, 1 % baths, full base- Available immediately. 371-2257, humor, old boys, old girls, Manual turntable, two Ohm B bedrooms, furnished. 355-6457. 3-4-17 SAILBOAT FLYING Jr. and Newly Intral air, swimming (tool, 372-6921. 3-4-21 WOMAN NEEDED. Space Co-ed religious, hunting/fishing, Indians. Speakers, new $1275, asking only - carpeted, washer and dryer, many trailer, good race or training boat. \ 5-4-18 house. Own room. $60/month FOUR 14" Chrome wheels, fits American Heritage 1958 - 1970, $820. _Phojie_337:0e92; J-4-17_ Wood hull and boom. Aluminum extras, very reasonable. 484-5140. HOUSES AND apartments in plus utilities. 489-3177. 7-4-25 Horizon, Venture, Scientific 5-4-22 most GM cars. $40.00 after 3 pm, mast, four sails, extras, $600. American, etc. 339-8996. 3-4-21 100 USED VACUUM Cleaners. R SUBLET. 5 bedroom houses, 1 block from campus, 355-9809. E-5-4-21 Howell, 1-546-3718 evenings. furnished or unfurnished, 12 1 GIRL FOR huge house, imme¬ Tanks, cannisters and uprights. 10x45 1 block from campus. Guamateed 4-4J8 . DETROITER, COM¬ month lease, starting summer or COMPONENT STEREO, 60 watts one full year. $7.88 PLETELY furnished. $80 per person. diately, own room, $80/month EPIPHONE CASINO. Excellent Excellent RMS, small Advents, Pioneer and up. DENNIS DISTRIBUTING WATERBED-KING size, elevated I. fall, 6-7 pm. 351-1177 or 351-6088. plus utilities and deposit. 351-5979 condition. Hard shell case. Best condition. Reasonably priced. 5-4-18 COMPANY, 316 North Cedar, 54-23 after 5. Ask for Ann only. 5-4-18 turntable, like new, sounds frame, liner. $75, best offer. Close to campus. 393-4952. offer. Mark, 332-5172. 5-4-21 excellent. 353-8290. 3-4-21 Opposite City Market. C-3-4-17 353-2712, after 6 p.m. 5-4-22 54-21 THE STATE NEWS MOW PAGE i l l A€E£-£££ .beiej-i Business Service Directory ★Save Time * Save Money Dependable Firms and Individuals Ready and Eager to serve you Optowotrist Stereo Repair For Sale Painting Typing Service BUD'S THE BARBERS CO-OPTICAL Horstmver's TYPING Unisex Hairstyling ) PARTS, SERVICES Sugar House Papers Theses TWO CONVENIENT (East Inning's Only LOCATIONS Cooperative Optical) PROFESSIONAL AUDIO Dee Supplies Raw Honey Custom Painting Dissertations Dr. J. I). Nixon, Optometrist REPAIR 24 hour service in my home. Meridian Mall: • EYES EXAMINED Maple Symp * LATEMODEt 349 2760 • GLASSES Three full - time professional!' trained technicians General Repairs Electric Type - Elite MOTORS AND Lansing: • CONTACT LENS * Complete Test facilities Come to 5236 Curtice Rd, Mason, Reasonable Rates rS A SPECIALITY 482 2420 Michigan One mile south of Brush and Roller I >31f. Grand Wver * Loaner amplifiers available Columbia on Onondaga. Turn left Pick Up and Delivery 113 Washington on CURTICE RD. 10 a.m. - 5 in the business Brookfield Plata CALL 655-1611 Monday (in Kositchek's) JS1 - S330 882-J011. - Saturday or directory 355-8255 484-3885 or 655-1542 ' Counseling Promotion YOUR DR. D.M.DEAN Here PROBLEM PREGNANCY OPTOMETRIST C19.2 Million was spent by students last year on auto maintenance and °®e Ranters 372-1560 24 Hours VISION CARE transportation. Wtd/dlm^ MARITAL mm PROBLEMS? CONTACT LENS SERVICES NEED TO TALK? tall Now 1355-8255 CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES sing out in the Business Directory Don't miss out CotmwM, 'Can Help' on their business- Bridal Services Jewelry L Barter Shoo Call 372-4020 Promotion Recreation Advertise Now THE COMPLETE Travel Jacobsoris WEDDING SER VICE PARMOR Complete Bridal JEWELRY: Orange Blossom mm GOLFERS ARE GOLFCOURSES Illuminated Driving AIR - RAIL •Bridal Salon Services GIFTS Custom Picture Gold Fashion Art Carved Framing CEA'TEK Range TOURS-CRUISES •Registry HOTEL RESERVATIONS 9 Hole par BRETT'S PRINTING •Stationery and Gifts 3 and JU> • ABORTION • CONTRACEPTION SERVICE eFine Jewelry * COUNSELING Regulation Course COLLEGE TRAVEL 243S SOUTH RUNDLE JEWELRY end ' * STERILIZATION At the Corner of OFFICE 489-2687 Fashions for the Park Lake Road and Tradition*! and Customized Trousseau and Mother ■GYN Clinic 130 W. Grand River 337-1314 East M-78 Speakers Available East Lansing ♦One day service available. of the Bride and Groom 319 E. Grand River Ave. - ' v 1226 t. Michigan Ave. ising, Michigan ED 2-3432 351-6010 Laming 481 3271 Men's Formal Wear Bridal Shops Receptions "THE IRAVEL Special Utter tor an Spring Promotion lauiHlry Sports Equipment PROFESSIONALS!" and Summer Weddings in HIGHLAND HILLS the Detroit Metro Area |S Novv Thi, WASHDAY Hockey Equipment Apothecary FREE Tux Rentals DOROTHY'S ■\C f,rom The Top GOLF CLUB > v- H|nge At The SAVINGS & A to both the "Groom 6 Father ^ Store With Gnlliver State Drug of the Bride" with wedding BRIDAL SHOP Bicycles I U«Th* RedDoor! 25* Per Load ^ parties of 6 or more and a Banquet Facilities student I.D. Brides Mothers I'^EO - for Cigars WBMOW'S Puck Anil wedding Receptions 400 people Holiday Formats [ fyarettes ECOMOWASH expires'Sept. 15, 1975 Custom made reasonable rates 1. crutches ' fyaccos Podal Pro Shop 2. Regular & Hard to fit sizes.' catered meals, cocktail lounge •k°ne Special Texas wheelchairs corner of US 27 North and M.A.C. 15972 Turner, Lansing A/ward Road 1332 - 4269 Waaher 50c 3. emergency delivering Call 372-6941 for appt. Phone 669-9873 BE SURE IN THE open 24 Hrs. a day 4. personal records 'f^^Sho BUSINESS DIRECTORY I 3006 VIM St. 7«mto 11pm. IMKW.of Stars Telephone 332-2011 'II' JaT Marge 355-8255 TO ADVEUTI CLIP SAVE 14m ichigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April |]1 Mobile Homes 1970 PMC, 12x60, excellent condi¬ tion, carpeted, washer and dryer, 10x10 shed. King Arthurs, $4800. 482-3241. 5-4-18 STAR 10x50. Great shape, real New By PAUL VARIAN himself up job widens Kelley's options for a possible cabinet "I don't think I've given up would run strongest against Democrat this side of Sen. to Michigan to become a state cozy, cheap living. 15 minutes LANSING (UPI) - Atty. post or ambassadorship if any options by becoming asso¬ President Ford. He also con¬ Abraham Ribicoff to publicly Supreme Court justice. fromMSU. 882-9875. 3-4-21 FLEETWOOD 1969. 12x60, ex- Gen. Frank J. Kelley, rebuffed by voters in a bid for the Senate Jackson goes on to win his party's nomination and get ciated with Sen. Jackson," said Kelley, who is considered one tends early commitments to presidential candidates are the endorse underdog presidential aspirant John F. Kennedy. Ironically, both Williams and FSfca pando, skirting, shed, 3 bedrooms, just two years ago, has his elected. of this town's most cunning ones most likely to pay off in Kelley suffered their only poli¬ sights set on Washington again. tical defeats at the hands of the 1 % baths. Phone 372-3892.5-4-17 Granted, it's a big gamble — politicians. "In fact, I've the event of victory. Williams was rewarded with But it's not necessarily an¬ perhaps the biggest of Kelley's opened up my horizons." This point was demonstrated the post of asst. secretary of same man — Rep. Robert P. as Griffin di^ I list t Foind]]5] other Senate race that Kelley has up his sleeve. political career. But at age 50 after 14 years in the same job, In explaining his move, Kel¬ ley points to polls showing by former Gov. G. Mennen Williams in 1960 when he state for African affairs and reveled in eight years of diplo¬ Griffin. Most observers believe Kel¬ 'ence that° some°H """B FIND SOMETHING Kelley was clearly widening what does he have to lose? Jackson as the Democrat who became the first prominent matic service before returning ley is still bitter over his 1972 his options by accepting the job Would again If you've found a pet or article of value, we want t help you return it. Just come into the State News of Michigan campaign chairman run for J| for Sen. Henry "Scoop" Jack¬ Classified Department and tell us you want to place LANSING STATE BANK'S Found Column. As a public service EAST LANSING STATE BANK will run the ad at no cost to you! an ad in EAST son, president. D-Wash., a candidate for In so doing he did not rule himself out as a candidate for the Senate should Democrat Judge (continued from page 1) calls SWU's costs determine room and Hall, Were all protected by the customers that any increase in MSU administrators EAST LANSING Philip A. Hart decide against constitutional were self. We STATE BANK seeking re-election next year. of residence hall fees. board charges. Whether or not guarantee of wages and fringe benefits re¬ pleased with Bixler's recom¬ are Pleased J this is no free speech, and that none of recognizes the rieht Jl C-4-30 But, at the same time, he set But Repas testified that the longer required sulting from unionization, mendation, which effectively speech WATCH, Corner of Circuit Court and Court of because of the court decisions, the predictions of higher fees would be passed on to the kills the union's charges if no ers, on said the part oil FOUND: is quite beside the point. The due to a union were threats or customers," Bixler said. Robert PerrS Appeals have declared that appeal is filed. Abbott and Grand River Roads, 332-4387. C-3-4-17 [ Instruction S* part of the appropriations act University merely stated what Bixler also said such remarks "The decision speaks for it¬ vice president tions. ir SUMMER MOUNTAINEERING unconstitutional, and that MSU presently exists," Bixler said in cannot be curtailed by could cover the higher wages his published decision. "I believe there is a unique labeling FOUND: WATCH, Wells Hall instruction? Two-week Wyoming them an unfair labor practice Men's room. Call Steve, 332-6790. courses. with money from the general situation presented in this case. Co-ed, $195. Environ¬ "without an infringement on C-3-4-21 FOUND: SUZUKI 350 Red Side mental Wilderness P.O. Box 458, Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, 48104. 3-4-18 Expedition, fund. "Without going into the me¬ Bixler ruled that remarks made by Eldon Nonnamaker, vice president of student af¬ That is, the employes are customers of the employer. What the statement amounted the right of free speech." "The question then is, 'what Cease-fire request rejei covers. Call 351-8436. C-3-4-21 rits of this decision, it fairs; Donald Schmidt, appears an MSU to was not . . . that the room does an employer have to say that the fact is, at food service manager; Bill Michigan and board would be increased before he is commiting an (continued from page 1) near the LOST: BLACK and white cat. State, that the residence halls Drake, a residence hall mana¬ capital. Female. Reward. 355-0759. have been required to be self - as a punishment because the unfair labor practice?"' asked The Red Cross ^IRENE ORR Theses, Term papers ger, and Majorie Van Dyke, a nationalist. sp 2-4-18 - employes joined the union, but Tim Cain, an organizer of the Geneva said the me™. general typing. Formerly with Ann supporting and that operating food supervisor for Campbell rather a statement to the SWU. In South Vietnam, the Gen. Sak LOST: GOLD chain bracelet with Brown. Call482-7487. C-4-30 government said its forces SuthsakhtM| to power after Lou jJ lock, between Wilson and Chem Building. Reward. 353-0426. EXPERIENCED, TYPING papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ term i it's what's happening i pulled out of the provincial capital of Phan Rang, 160 miles Cambodia, suggested cease-fire and t.,.J 5-4-23 northeast of Saigon, after tank- ate service. 394-2512. C-4-30 led attacks by three North authority be under tht J vision of the Vietnamese divisions. all-Swiss J Personal Announcements for It's What's The AS MSU Legal Aid Dept. PRR Interpretive Workshops The whale is vanishing off the The tarian committee. Till Happening must be received in the will have an attorney available will start travelling to Nature face of the earth. Help us save the Ministry of Defense said mjttee's 16-member dtJ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY State News office, 341 Student Center this Saturday. We're going government units were ordered get's every Wednesday during spring whale. MSU Students for Animal in Phnom Penh attention! Box in your ads. For TYPING BY the hour. Drop off Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least term. Appointments can be made to Stony Creek and Drayton to form a new defense line set j better results advertise now! Sue, service. two class days before publication. by calling the ASMSU Business Plains. Sign up on board outside Rights wHI be picketing Grand River Ave. from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. south of Phan Rang, which was temporary security 1 Secretarial assistance. No around the Hotel Leitf P-5-30 announcements will be Office or stopping by 336 Student 131 Natural Resources. All one of two . 694-0222. 5-4-23 and 3 - 5 p.m. Friday. Any can remaining govern¬ shelter and treat accepted by phone. Services Bldg. interested people welcome. help! Bring your own sign. ment coastal enclaves. appealed to both sk wou^j JUDITH CARMAN. Field Dissertations, Orienteering meet. Test your reports in South respect it. KEROSENE . . . BEST WAY TO CLEAN theses, term papers. Call now for Making plans for the weekend? Campus Scouts: There will be MSU Sports Car Club presents Vietnam also said government skills and have some fun on a Cambodian field rei BATHTUB. One of the very best this term. 393-4672. 5-4-18 Call Hubbard Information Center an important meeting at 7:30 p.m. Spring Road Rallye. Place: course at Yankee Springs Recrea¬ for the latest in films, concerts, Sunday in 34 Union. Bring: Your troops were forced into their a massive ways to deon soap scum and dirt tion Area. Call Bob Palrud in Commuter Lot (Farm Lane and first retreat in the crucial battle insurgent I cookie money, leftovers from the seized the civilian from your bathtub is with a cloth YOUR TYPING Service is needed Lansing for details. sports and plays on campus and in the greater Lansing area. Bazaar, songbooks and musical Mount Hope) Time: 1 p.m. for Xuan Loc but continued to contnl] dampened with kerosene. Wash now for term papers, theses and instruments. We're going to sing! Saturday. Tour scenic mid-Michi¬ hold the ruins of the isolated at Pochentong airport,! residue. The kerosene odor miles west of the away ion disappear. For best results dissertations. Vicki, 355-8255. P-5-30 Advertise. Call If you're interested in outward The History Undergrad Council Everyone is welcome. gan. provincial capital 40 miles east capita],! when selling something ... try a low shows of will-worship such as is sponsoring 'a career seminar for Co-rec "courtyard" volleyball of Saigon. The retreat was early afternoon down had grabbed the J and bjl cost Classified Ad. UNIGRAPHICS baptism and the Lord's suppers liberal arts students. Liberal arts Would all members of Mortar offers COM¬ find out the absolute truth and will league for married housing resi¬ reported in areas near the the rest of the PLETE DISSERTATION and re¬ grads will speak on career oppor¬ Board who have not yet paid for dents airport J - organizational meeting at town. sume service. IBM of the creator with the YAH- tunities and how to prepare for their caps and gowns, please send 7 tonight at the Spartan Phan Rang was previously military base. I WHAT ARE you typing, editing SHUANS at 8:30 p.m. every them. From 7:30 - 9:30 tonight in it to Barbara King, 1135 Michigan Village Earlier reports said I doing Saturday offset printing and binding. We School gym. Sign up or contact night? Students for Psychodrama Thursday in 35 Union and at 3 the Kellogg Center, Centennial Ave. It A19, E. Lansing by April isolated and considered in a the Community Education Office government fighter-boa want to know. 1-4-17 encourage comparative shopping. p.m. every Sunday in 37 Union. 22, 1975. shaky position, but the week of For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Room. Dr. Heniy Levin, professor of at Red Cedar School. savage fighting around Xuan had taken off for the pro? The South to escape damage at mi Grand River or phone 332-8414. The Hospitality Association will Campus Christian Loc was being watched keenly FREE... A Lesson in complexion education and economics at Stan¬ Science Organization welcomes AAUP, MSU stage of the fighting. 13-4-30 have a meeting at 7:30 tonight in chapter spring care. Call 484-4519 East Michigan ford University, will for signs of a possible thrust the Lincoln Room, Kellogg Center. present the you to its weekly meetings at 6:30 open meeting on "Effect of or 485-7197 Lansing Mall. MERLE next Dean's Seminar at 3 against Saigon itself. Wright Staton and Tom Root from p.m. fonight and every Thursday in Budget Cuts on Various MSU NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIOS. MARYHELEN - TYPING. Term today in Erickson Kiva. The 335A Case Hall. Programs," at 8 tonight in 137 The Xuan Loc region is not Princeton's Food Sen/ice Employe C-3-4-17 seminar is entitled, "School papers, theses, manuscripts. IBM Training, will speak. ; Bad: Work is Worse." This will js J Akers Hall. Coffee at 7:30. considered one pf the tradi¬ Selectric - Pica or elite. Experi¬ a discussion of fcje - tional invasion routes toward | Real Estate ifc ences: former University Press Observatory Open House, from employment from schooling artf an Missionaries" The Latter Day Society of Equitable Pioneers, a national Saigon, but the action is editor. Close to 8-11 p.m. Saturday. Weather economic at 8:30 tonight in 33 campus. perspective. Union regarded as highly significant OKEMOS 332-5325. 5-4-18 permitting, the 24-inch reflecting at Inter-Varsity Christian co-op think tank, will meet May - BRIARWOOD - 3 as an indicator of what effort Red Cross Bldod Drive sponsor¬ Fellowship's meeting. 1-4 at Circle Pines Center bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 square foot telescope will be used for observ¬ All are near will be made EXPERIENCED TYPING. ing current objects of interest. ed by Arnold Air Society and invited to hear this outstanding Delton, Mich. For more info, by Soiith Viet¬ ranch. Less than one year old. IBM selectric-theses, term Angel Flight will be held Saturday person! contact the Co-op office, 311-B namese troops in hold lines Professional landscaping. Backs papers, Rush the UNFRAT, Alpha Phi through Monday in Shaw Hall. Be Student Services Bldg. up to the park. 349-2020. 5-4-18 resumes, etc. University Village. sure to be there and help the Red Inter-Varsity invites you to a 355-5862. 2-4-17 Omega service fraternity, at 7:30 progressive dinner party at 6 p.m. Cross. Get your bike in shape for spring tonight in C-101 Holmes Hall. Friday in the lobby of the Union the Community Bike Co-op has [ - EXPERIENCED TYPIST-reason- (rides will be provided). Recreation able rates, downtown area. Attention: Those interested in Little Sisters of Alpha Kappa Psi details, call Pam North. Join us For classes in bike repair for members 489-3524 after 5:30 weekdays, building a new world order. The announce open rush from 7-9 p.m. for good food and - or you can bring your bike in EUROPE FLIGHTS, Toronto to Sunday at 123 Louis St. For rides, fellowship. and have anytime weekends. 5-4-22 MSU Bahai Club is sponsoring a an expert staff work on London, Amsterdam from $289. fireside in order to introduce call the house. The way our state's land is used it. At 211 Evergreen Ave., around TRAVEL BY HARRINGTON, 351- EXPERIENCED IBM typing. Dis¬ individuals to the Bahai faith. It is so very important. the corner from Yat Wah's. Spanish Day: like Mexican style Become 8800. C-7-4-18 sertations (pica - elite). FAYANN, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday in the lunch, mariachi music and informed, attend a Land Use 489-0358. C-4-30 Mason Hall Library. dances? Come to Otto Junior Attention all MSU Dems: Planning Conference Thursday and Important meeting at 8:30 p.m. PARACHUTING LESSONS, after¬ High,School lunch at 1:30 a.m. Friday at the Kellogg Center. noons and weekends. ANN BROWN typing and multi- Use of the close-order drill in Saturday, program and exhibits at Students are admitted free with Monday in 35 Union. Voting on Details lith offset printing. Complete ser¬ by-laws and other urgent busi- 351-0799 or 543-6731. 3-4-18 Army dental surgery is the subject 1:30 p.m. MSU ID. vice for dissertations, theses, of Friday's debate of the Associa¬ Are you interested in your manuscripts, general typing. IBM. tion-National for Strong Teeth dreams? Join me in an informal Student theater, by the stu¬ 25 year's experience. 349-0850. Attention Parks and Recreation Service C-4-30 And Also For Learning things, talk about Jung and his ideas and dents, of the students and for the members. There will be a slide (TANSTAAFL): 10:30 p.m. Friday ours too, everyone is welcome at students, is alive and well and in West Holmes Hall lower show on "Parks Around the FOR THE BEST Service on Stereo lounge. 7:30 tonight in 214 Berkey Hall. living in the Company. To find out THESES, RESUMES, typing and All are welcome. more about the World," at 7:30 tonight in the Equipment see the STEREO SHOPPE, 555 East Grand River. C-4-30 printing. COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Reasonable prices. 351- The MENSA steering commit¬ The MSU Science Fiction Soci¬ ety meets at 7 p.m. every Friday in Company member. Company, call Bill Smith, Holmes Hall, or any Activities Room in Natural Re¬ sources Bldg. SALOON^ tee will meet at 7:30 34 Union. This week, Tyrannus 4116. C-4-30 tonight at the home of Roy Saper, 513 Beech St. Rex will appear, and will try to talk for PHOTOGRAPHY ALL varieties, - in East Lansing. We will work on his way out of being rendered Combatting" COMPLETE DISSERTATION and Sexism in the Classroom" is the finest quality, resonably priced. BOYNTON PHOTOGRAPHY. resume service. Printing, IBM the May calendar, progress of elections, etc. extinct. The Coronation of the King will subject of an sponsored by Women's Studies open meeting (Formerly The Brewery) 5712 r d-V) typing, binding. Printing from Renaissance Dance Class will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the 8:30 tonight in 35 Union. at your plain paper originals. Corner Co-rec Softball league for mar¬ meet at 8:30 tonight in the Union Turf Arena (Bad weather), or M.A.C. and Grand River. Below ried housing residents - EDITING, PROOFREADING organiza¬ Tower Room. north of Jenison Field House MSU GO Club - Tournaments FLO & EDDIE Jones Stationery tional meeting at 2 p.m. experienced dissertations, theses, Shop, 9-5 Saturday, (good weather). Society for 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Saturday in 31 Monday Friday. Call COPY- Red Cedar School ball diamond. "Christian Beginnings," a Bible book and article - Creative Anachronism. Union. Meetings 8:30 - 11 p.m. manuscripts. GRAPH Bring bats, balls and gloves. Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-4-17 SERVICES, 337-1666 your study in the Book of Acts will be Mondays. Contact Dr. K. W. C-4-30 All interested people are invited. offered by the Episcopal Ministry SatSang (Association With Chen, Tom Vogel or Ken Kawa- Pre-Meds: Tour at MSU at 7:30 this and every Truth) meets from 6-6:30 p.m. TYPING, DONE in my home, 50b Wayne State mura. per double spaced page. 882-2662 5-4-21 | Transportation '<>£$ University Medical School, Satur¬ day morning, sign up in Natural Thursday evening, at Chaplain's House, 520 N. Harrison Rd. Call Monday thru Saturday in the Union Mural Room. Spiritual Lesbian counseling by exper¬ and from WANTED: RIDERS to New Science office.*' Deadline for rides all welcome no Guidelines as given out by the noon ... ... ienced counselors is available from Mexico. Leaving next week. prerequisites. Friday. Number participating great Sat Guru Kirpal Sing. Learn 5-7 p.m. Wednesdays at 547 V, E. ALTERATIONS DONE by exper¬ Cal| 313-548-4499 after 5. 2-4-17 limited. to rise above body consciousness. Grand River Ave. or call the former ienced seamstress. " Reasonable price. 355-1256. 1-4-17 [ Wanted ]g Weekend Outing Club for mar¬ ried housing residents! Organiza¬ tional meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday at "Promise," the MSU Folk Mass will be used at 5 p.m. Sunday in Alumni Chapel when the Episco¬ All Liberal Arts students are invited to attend a special career Women's Center during those hours for an appointment. England, PASSPORT PHOTOS - five $1.50. Other photo work, reason¬ prints:' BABYSITTING in my Okemos the Married Housing Office Com¬ pal Community gathers to offer seminar from 7:30 9:30 - tonight in Come to the Star Trek Club Eucharist. The preacher will be able prices. 4-4-22 Tom, 489-7977. Home. Mature, dependable. By the hour or week. 3-4-17 349-3353. munity Room. Contact Commun¬ ity Education Office, Red Cedar School for further information. Archdeacon William Loban. All are welcome and dinner follows the Kellogg Center Centennial Room. served. Refreshments will be Learn how to make meeting and find other enterpris¬ ing individuals at 8:30 tonight in the Yakeley cafeteria. It'll be THE KIDS for all. yourself marketable. * worth the trek! FREE RIDE to see our List YouWantl BIIRCHAM Tickets on Sale Right Now for $3.00 Catch the big blue Campus Hill Bus to check out our two bedroom furnished apts. Catch the Bus model apt. «iJi±L WOODS At: at the corner of Shaw Lane and Farm Lane by the Post Office. The Bus leaves campus at 9:05,10:15,11:25,12:35,1:45,2:55 and 4:05. Bus will return 1. CABLE TV HAS IT! DISCOUNT RECORD8 you to campus 50 minutes later. 2. Electric 3. Heat Enjoy Burch&m Woods Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the where they give the and driving to 4. Air Conditioning you us Two Bedroom Apartments available for things you want with THE SILVER DOLli no ... 5. All Utilities extra bill hassles! They pay Summer & Fall. Call 349-3530 for information & 6. Heated Pool all the bothersome bills for roommate service. 7. Parking you, you just pay your rent. SALOON Ask about our Special 12 mo. lease where FALL RATES you 12 MONTH LEASES get any available apt. for the summer for $140/mo. and also get $90 discount on Fall Rates. We also have special 3 mo. Summer Efficiency $168 One Bedroom $198 (GRAND OPEHINC rates & 9 mo. Fall leases. Two Bedroom $248 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 or 484-4014 FRIDAY) n State News, East Lansing, Michigan THE SMALL SOCIETY [ODAY'S PROGRAMS by Brickman I. 2 WJBK-TV, D#troiJ | Video Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services I I^AP AccoOtfTMT ftzfAteMY 3 WKZO-TV. Kalamazoo 7WXYZ TV Detro .tOWIlX TV, Jock» " WIRT-TV Flint 25 WEYI-TV, Saginaw TAX feWN TO AteTlMB - 4 WWJ TV. Detroit 8 WOTV, Grond R< 41 WUHQ TV, Battle Cr..k 13 WZZM-TV, Kale 5 WNEM TV, Boy City 9 CKLW-TV, Winds 50 WKBO-TV, Detroit 23 WKAR-TV. Eo.i laming , 4:00 twenty (9) Funny Farm [ivingston Counties Ent»rtoinm®nt Capitol (2) Tattletales (23) The Quarterly Report (3) Gambit The Golden Hunter (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes (50) Dealer's Choice 8:30 (5) Studio 5 (6) The Attic (4-5-8-10) Bob Crana Show (7-12-13-41) Karan Irld's Nombor On* Neighborhood Restouront" (7) The Brady Bunch (9) Beachcombers (8) Gilligan's Island (9) Petticoat Junction (50) Merv Griffin Show gwis (10) New Zoo Revue 9:00 (2-3-6-25) Thursday Night Movia LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS (12) Merv Griffin Mb (13) Mickey Mouse Club (4-5-8-10) Bob Hope Show (23) Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (7-12-13-41) Streets Of San (25) Yogi & Friends , Francisco (41) Daktari (9) News Nine of Howoll 125 (50) Three Stooges (9) Pallisters 9:30 CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: Holiday Ln. 4:30 Howoll, Michigan 48843 (2) Mike Douglas Show 10:00 by Larry Lewis l-M At rinkney Exit (3) Merv Griffin Show 4-5-8-10) Movin' On (4) George Pierrot Presents 1,12-41) Happy Endings (13) (50) Not For Women (6) That Girl Harry 0 I (7) 4:30 Movie (23) Evening News f 10:55 (8) Partridge Family (50) Oinahl ...IF YOU IT SOUNDS TOO _ 5:45 AM (3) News (9) Andy Griffith 10:30 LIVED TO BE EASY'THERE MUST BE 11:00 (9) All Around The Circle A THOUSAND, A "CATCH" THERE lan Religious Town Hall (2) Phil Donohue Show (10) Mickey Mouse Club f 6:00 (13) Lucy (23) Tele-Revista YOU'D HAVE OVER SOA1BWH6RBJ boii Second Chance (3-6-26) The Young & The (23) Villa Alegre (25) Stat A MILLION Restless (25) Addams Family 11:00 ftdLLABge (23) Woman 6:30 (7-12-1341) Split Second (9) Midnight (8) Concentration (25) I Love Lucy 1:00 AM Rise Semester (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (9) Family Court (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow Show pr Women Only (25) Oinah (50) The Flintstones (7-13) News SHORT RIBS om (50) Bugs Bunny 5:30 (9) Homes Today i. Presents 11:55 (4) Bowling For Dollars (12) Rock Concert by Frank Hill ■Bobby Show (9) Partridge Family fttion Second Chance (4) Here's Carol Duvall (50) Religious Message (5-8-10) News (10) Beverly Hillbillies 1:30 I And Farm Report (12-13) News BEING WANTED IN 10 > IP VOU W£C£ REJECTED 12:00 NOON (2) Late Movie STATES SHOULD MAKE | Show (2-5-6-8-13) News (23) Zoom (7) Religious Message VOU FEEL GOOD. IN IO STATES THEN on Second Chance (25) Hogan's Heroes ^ XX WOULD HAVE A PROBLEM 6:45 (3) Accent (9) The Cheaters , (4) What's My Line? (50) Gilligan's Island 2:00 ig Edition 5:55 6:55 (7-12-41) All My Children (4-10) News (9) Galloping Gourmet (41) Early News 2:30 (10) Wheel Of Fortune 6:00 (12) News (23) Perspectives In Black (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- (50) Underdog 10-12-13-25-41) News 3:00 ■ Today Show (9) Bewitched ■ America 12:20 PM (2) Mayberry RFD (6) Almanac '23) Tele-Revista (12) National Anthem It Big Top (50) Star Trek Id Racer 12:3b 3:30 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns 6:30 (2) Operation Second Chance It Of '76 (3-4-5 6-7-10-25) News 7:05 (4) News 4:00 (5-8-10) How To Survive A (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (2) News loon Capers Marriage (12) 6:30 Movie (13) Beverly Hillbillies 4:05 DOONESBURY (7-12-13-41) Let's (2) Message For Today ftariaft I Make A Deal ■on 7:30 Carnival (9) That Girl (23) Civilization by Gary Trudeau (23) Romagnolis' Table (41) Wanted Oead Or Alive K's Big Top 7:00 (50) The Lucy Show 1 Michigan 7:35 12:55 (2-4-7-8) News (3) What's My Line? / v, (5-8-10) News 1:00 (5-10) Mod Squad (6) Formula THURSDAY LOOK, I pom HE BEAT US, ABUSED US, W (2) Love Of Life cm WHAT AND LEFT CH)N- (3) Guiding Light (9) Beverly Hillbillies , ? Street MIKE SAYS- 7 mm- THAT JUST (13) Truth Or Consequences MOJO le (4-5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives HE REALLY ' DOWSOPEN DOESNT America (23) Civilisation S ERNIE' RIGHTI (6) Martha Dixon HAD/TOUT AMMt EVERY SOUND LIKE -B ROLL THOSE Rogers' Neighborhood (25) The f.B.1. SOMEBODY (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 FOR us! WW er 8:25 Report Pyramid (9-50) Movies (41) Outdoors (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour BOOGIE NI6HTAU MIKE AT AU! FILM CUPS! / HIT THE 8:30 7:30 lunier Survival Kit 8:35 (23) Behind The Lines 1:25 (2) Truth Or Consequences (3) Michigan Outdoors BAND (2) News shigan 1:30 (4) Jeopardy 8:45 (6) $25,000 Pyramid (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night 9:00 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (7) Let's Make A Deal (8) Hollywood Squares TONITE (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown Joker' s Wild lei 3 Clubhouse (23) Assignment America 2:00 (9) Room 222 (13) To Tell The Truth 17thrul9 titration (41) Jimmy Dean Show (2) The Guiding Light irity Sweepstakes (3-6-25) New Price Is Right (4-5-8-10) Another World (2-3-6-25) TheWaltons 8:00 Lizard's THE DROPOUTS jylikeGiantDouglas (7-13-41) General Hospital (4-5-8-10) Sunshine (7-12-13-41) Barnev Miller by Post (12) Money Maze Tie Street (23) Lilias, Yoga & You ig Playbreak 2:30 .. 9:15 (2) Search For Tomorrow Id Schools 9:27 (3-6-25) Match Game '75 (4-5-8-10) The Doctors us Message (7-13-41) One Life To Live 9:30 (12) Lucy (23) Making It Count el Of Fortune 3:00 Valley Today (2) Young And Restless Ihu_rs_da^A^HIJ7J975_ (3-6-25) Tattletales |LaLanne (4-10) Somerset 8:00 PM _ 9:55 (NBC) Bob Hope Oft Campus ■Carol Ouvall (5) Courtship Of Eddie's Father (CBS) TheWaltons Special starring Bob Hope and (7-13-41) The Money Maze "The Romance" (R) Handsome I 10:00 guest stars. ■ Now You See It (12) General Hospital young art teacher is attracted to ■High Rollers (23) Sesame Street (ABC) The Streets Of San 3:30 |Voga& Ber Room You (2) Match Game (NBC) Sunshine Francisco" "Cry Help" (R) Lt. Mike Stone l>t Today (3) Joker's Wild "A Houseboat Is Not A Home" and Inspector Steve Keller find 1 10:30 (4) How To Survive A Marriage Jill wants to live in a house, so themselves in pursuit of an PROFESSOR PHUMBLE I Right (5) The Flintstones Sam finds one-a rundown old Jive Of Life (7) Password houseboat. accused killer, a 14-year-old by Bill Yates ■Hollywood Squares (9) Gomer Pyle T With Dennis (10) Celebrity Swerpstakes (ABC) Barney Miller 10:00 Wholey (12) One Life To Live hup (NBC) Movin' On |e Brady Bunch (13) All My Children 8:30 "Grit" (R) A lAlegre (25) Gambit (NBC) Bob Crane Show wheelchair involves (41) Batman Sonny and foo Revue "But I Love My Wife" An Will in a migrant worker's (50) Banana Splits exchanae student from South determination and test of Africa zeros in on Bob with her fortitude in getting his wife to a feion screens have a SONY phospher coating, swinging singles approach to heart specialist. V everTrinitron screen is a pattern of medical studies. Pospher stripes; unlike a dot pattern, (ABC) Harry O J" have less space between them. So (ABC) Karen 'Double Jeopardy" (R) Harry is "A Day In The Life" Karen ■r °r beams hit more phospher, and the ■ eater color the only witness to the slaying of saturation; greater clarity, Angelo spends a funny untypical the daughter of a former crime ■ nd intensity. The unique Sony day which includes the one thing chieftain. she fears most-appearing TV Kq ,|Jn"r°n Color System is very show. on a 11:30 (NBC) Tonight Show 8:57 Johnny Carson is host 4 GREAT STORES (CBS) Bicentennial Minutes Narrator: George Plimpton. THE STABLES •DowntowneLansing Mall (ABC) Wide World Special "Geraldo Rivera: FRANK & ERNEST Good Night Sponsored by: •Meridian Malle West wood Mall America" by Bob Thaves yoga [?>©§¥ @PP0(g(E Wfc'Rfc TKArtmRfliMc YOU ONLY WENT TO SEE HER BECAUSE 5HE SAVE YOU To THfi MIDNIGHT YOU COOKIES! Si Iff, RAUMCHHfcVfeR. Wfc DfcCIDfcD YOU'O LOOK BfcTTfcfZ IN THfc CLOOM Of itlGHT. „ 1 6Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan '•April), INTERNAL FIGHTS HAMPER Conflicts at oil meet result instalema By LEONARD SILK exporting countries. Though there are ambiguities in the But, in exchange, the developed countries would have to support aid Those constraints have been New York Times American position, it still is pointed at reducing the and the consequent weakened intensified no*. , dependency of "measures taken by developing countries" directed toward price balance 0f D, y ■ The first conference in paris of oil - exporting and oil - importing the West on insecure Middle Eastern oil and, if possible, at stabilization of their exports of raw materials and other basic virtually all the industrialized countries countries, which was supposed to have set the agenda and breaking the oil cartel, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting except commodities. improved the atmosphere for a world energy conference next Countries (OPEC). OPEC power summer, has been locked in stalemate. Algeria, led by Prime Minister Houari Boumediene, has The Paris meeting has made plain that OPEC members and But the United States is By overrunning its intended time limits — itris now well into its third - world countries mean to continue and broaden an attack on unwilling to iro aU„ >, emerged as the outstanding champion of both the oil - exporting validation of the power of OPEC - and second week — and by polarizing the differences among countries and their third world allies. Algeria — itself oil rich, - the system of liberal international trade, which they believe lead to similar monopolistic extortion the domLt! ^ participants, it has served to dramatize the radical conflicts that per - capita income poor, anti ■ colonialist in its revolutionary worked in the past only to the benefit of the rich industrialized fromothe exist within the non - communist world over two critical issues: countries. material producers. "group, origins and leftist - leaning — is a natural bridge between the rich •Whether the world economy will be run essentially according OPEC states and the poor third world. Congress wants to make a more direct Foundations shaken to liberal principles of trade and payments, which have existed Seeking to play the role of mediator between the antagonistic and any OPEC imitators. wsaultonb^ through most of the period since World War II, or whether an open views of the United States and Algeria is President Valery Giscard European leaders recognize only too clearly that the massive However, many European economists feel economy will give way to one of bloc trading and price fixing. d'Estaing of France. increase in oil prices by OPEC has shaken to its foundations the that both •And, closely tied to that issue, how to divide the world's Administration and Congress are barking up the «I™ Prevent failure present world economic system. However, they are moving to the product and its wealth among industrial countries, oil - producing they think that the solution to the threat to countries and oil poor developing countries. ■ He pushed hardest to get discussions going between the oil position that, if they can only come to satisfactory terms with the stability is a break - up of OPEC and a sharp decline in 1' worT oil producers, they can turn the crisis to their advantage by The Paris talks have demonstrated how far from resolution price of oil. "* producers and oil consumers; he is still striving to prevent the tapping capital flows from the oil states and expanding their these issues remain. conference from failing. markets in those countries. They think the strain on the price now is due U.S. resists The OPEC nations said they were the widespread economic almost - The United States prepared to negotiate the slump in Western Euroot — whose energy and foreign economic conditions for stabilizing oil prices There is recognition in Europe, that foreign aid from the States and Japan and that that would "enable the policies are now dominated by Secretary of State Kissinger — consuming countries to make necessary adjustments to their industrial states has been inadequate to the task — and it is likely - recovery - and will force oil prices higher, unless some perhaps acc^ remains the chief proponent of a tough line of resistance to the oil - economies." to remain progresscanU inadequate, given the domestic political constraints on price - stabilization agreements. Academic NOTICE TO ML STUDENTS Advising, Enrollment and Registration for 1975 Summer and Fall Terms GENERAL INFORMATION FROM THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION JAMES MADISON COLLEGE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Students in Health and Physical Education should consult SUMMER TERM ACADEMIC ADVISING Academic Advising for Summer & Fall REGISTRAR - During the Terms, 1975^ with advisers in the HPR Advisement Center period between April 21 prior to April - 30, all James Madison students place during the period of April 21-30. Students Academic Advising for Summer and Fall Terms 30, for assistance in selecting courses for Summer Term, planning on attending MSU during the summer term are adhere to the following schedule: Academic Progress Plans should be updated during the 1975. Assistance in selecting courses for Fall Term, 1975, encouraged to meet with their academic advisory to plan 1. Students in Economics, Business Education, Di period of April 21-30 generally, but see specific arrange¬ should be obtained prior to May 30, 1975. their summer schedules. Students are reminded that they Education, Office Administration, Risk and ments in colleges and departments listed below. The Students majoring in Recreation, Industrial Arts, or Insurance, Catalog Special may early enroll for summer term classes between March 21 the Honors College should see their and departmental mimeographed materials will be available Education should consult with their respective academic faculty - April 30. advisers in the respective departments during the for use in academic advising advisers during Spring term. during the same time periods, as indicated above. regularly scheduled office hours. Undergraduates assigned to the Advisement Center in FALL TERM ACADEMIC ADVISING - Due to a change in 2. All undergraduate Hotel, Restaurant and Ii Guests at Another University This Summer Erickson Hall, who need special assistance, may arrange a registration procedures, early enrollment for fall term, 1975 Management and Tourism majors should see advisers ill Students planning to study as guests at another program planning conference any time prior to college or April 30, for will be held May 27 - 30. (PLEASE NOTE: There will College of Business Advisement Center, Room 7 university this summer must have the prior concurrence of assistance relative to summer registration, or prior to May early enrollment by mail during the summer.) Students are be no Center, at the following hours on the EpJ their academic advisers for the course! s) they are planning 30, for assistance with Fall Term, 1975, registration, following diJ by urged to meet with their academic advisors between May 19- Monday 8-11:30, 3-4:30; Tuesday & Thursday WJI to take. coming to 134 Erickson Hall, or by calling 355-1900 for an 23 to plan fall term schedules. Wednesday & Friday 8-11:30. I appointment. 3. Students in all other SUMMER undergraduate majors should leJ Graduate students should contact their LONG RANGE PLANNING respective advisers. - People should use their iidvLfrr voom 7 Eppley Center, from 8-4:30 oo J Summer Term Early Enrollment Any graduate student who is in need of assistance with academic advising sessions to undertake following dates in the following order: Summer term early enrollment is being conducted March 21 problems of a procedural or administrative nature should academic planning as well as long range j scheduling for the upcoming April 21 A - Cz through April 30, in Room 150 Administration Building. The contact the Office of Graduate Student Affairs, 252 Erickson term. Please bring your Madison Student Handbook and April 22 D - Hi Summer Schedule of Courses and Academic Handbook is Hall, or should call 355-7346. MSU Catalog when you see your academic advisor. Let's get available there. Course sections requested April 23 Hj-Mc during early organized to plan a good academic program! April 24 Md - Ri enrollment will be reserved only COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS through early registration, THE HONORS COLLEGE June 3 and 4. Advertising 355-2314 Apr. 23-30 Call or visit departmental April 25 Rj-Te office, 204 Journalism Bldg., and sign up for appointment No Preference students in the Honors April 28 Tf-Z College should report Summer Term with your adviser. to their advisers in the Honors College office for academic April 29 & 30 for students unable to come at their schednJ Early Registration advising before completing preregistration procedures for times. Summer term early registration will be conducted Tuesday Audiology and Speech Sciences 353-8780 Apr. 21-25 Group the Fall term. 4. Juniors and seniors should review and Wednesday, June 3-4, at the Men's Intramural advising, 3-5 p.m. Individual appointments upon request. major field r«|J Building. All other Honors ments with their Communication 355-3471 Pre-enrollment for SS Mar. 21-Apr. College students should arrange to visit faculty academic advisers during ill 30 Pre-enrollment for F May 27-30 with their assigned department honors advisors before advisement period. Summer Term Regular Registration Advising will be completing the preregistration procedures. 5. Graduate Summer term regular registration will be conducted conducted during regular advising hours in 502 S. Kedzie ^tudents should make an appointment to ■ Hall. Attendance their respective academic advisers. Monday and Tuesday, June 16-17, at the Men's Intramural required of majors wishing reservations in UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - NO PREFERENCE Communication. JUSTIN MORRILL COLLEGE Building. An appointment-for-conference letter is being mailed to each SUMMER TERM. JMC students planning on taking FALL Communication Journalism courses. No Preference student for program planning for summer at MSU or elsewhere summer term should discuss connj April 21-30 Hours posted on advisers' office and fall terms. If you have not received an ta appointment or Fall doors. plans with their academic advisers.There are no formalJl Early Enrollment are unable to keep one given you, come to the advisement FALL TERM EARLY ENROLLMENT WILL BE Television and Radio 355-8372 Apr. 21-30 courses offered Summer, 1975. Students early enrolling! CON¬ office before April 30 if you want to enroll for summer term DUCTED ON TUESDAY, MAY 27, THROUGH the same procedures as all other MSU students. SEN10B FRIDAY, and before May 23 to pre-enroll for fall term. MAY 30, AT THE MEN'S INTRAMURAL COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE — if you are planning to graduate at the end of sun* BUILDING. Each No Preference student who has earned 85 credits THERE WILL BE NO SUMMER MAILING OF ENROLL¬ Students term, you should see your faculty adviser now for appn4 wishing to be advised for Summer term 1975 (junior standing) by the end of Spring term 1975 must MENT MATERIALS. should consult their advisor prior to of your Field of Concentration. April 30. Early declare a major before the end of the term at the appropriate Enrollment forms for Summer term must be returned to 150 FALL TERM. JMC course descriptions for Fall term will Advisement Center: The Fall Schedule of Courses and Academic Administration Building on or before April 30. available May 16th in the Advising Center, 11 Snyder, Jl Handbook will S-33 Wonders for residents of Case-Wilson-Wonders-Holden Early be distributed in residence halls on Enrollment for Fall 109 students will early enroll for Fall term courses on Mayfl Friday, May 16; and to term 1975 will be held in the Men's Bordy for residents of Brody Complex other students at Room 150, Administration Intramural 229 E. Akers for residents of East Campus 28,29, and 30 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in 59 Snyder 1 Building, Building May 27-30. Students in Asian Studies, African Studies and Latin Students who are not free during those hours m»j beginning Monday, May 19. 170 Bessey for all others (off-campus students, residents of enroll in the Men's IM American Studies Programs should see their respective Abbot, Mason, Phillips, Shaw, Snyder & West Circle Halls. Building along with other Univw Fall Term Center advisors as well as the advisors in the students. Registration department of Students enrolling in evening classes only may confer with All Fall term registration will be conducted Monday through their major. >, an adviser by telephone (353-4370 or 355-3515). courses in Justin Morrill College are open to non-Jfl Wednesday, September 22-24, at the Men's Intramural Labor and Industrial Relations • Graduates students should Pre-enrollment sheets for summer must be in the students on a space available basis. Early enroU*! Building. see their advisors before enrollment and registration. Registrar's Office by April 30. Early registration for priority will be given to JMC students. All students sW COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS Social Science sign up for JMC courses during early enrollment - Undergraduates -141 Baker Hall, 355-6678 summer must be completed June 3 or 4. Reservations for further information on courses or the college program. 1 j All undergraduate majors in the College of Arts and Letters, Graduates - 206 Berkey Hall, 355-7531 summer sections will not be held beyond June 4. except Studio Art majors, should see their academic Anthropology - Ms. Pam Holcomb, Undergraduate Advisor, Pre-enrollment for fall will be May 27-30. 35(3-9599). advisers during office hours 346 Baker Hall COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE April 28 thru May 2. Check COLLEGE OF HUMAN MEDICINE with department offices for the hours of Geography - Advisor hours are available outside of 318 Nat For Summer Term, 1975: individual advisers. Medical Students The Student Affairs Office will conduct Make an appointment to minimize waiting in line Sci. pre-enrollmertl or if you All Year 1 and 2 students must their advisers between cannot come at the Political Science LeeAnn see all COM students on the standard curriculum from hours scheduled. - Matthews, 306 S. Kedzie, April 21-30. 4-30-75. COM students on alternate Studio Art majors - should see their advisers on Monday, 353-7225 programs may upon presentation of a completed, adviser-approved pr®^ April 28. All Studio Art classes will be dismissed that day Psychology - Mary Donoghue, 7 Olds Hall, 353-7271 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS Sociology - Advisor hours are available in 201 Berkey term schedule. Non-COM students must and advisers will be in their offices from 8-12 and 1-4. present a Jffl Criminal Justice Marilyn Frost, 402A Olds Hall, 353-1768 (Summer and/or Fall) All students must see their academic authorization. All necessary forms may be obtained i»l English majors - needing assistance should go to room 212 - adviser by April 30. Call 353-7800 for an appointment. Student Affairs Office (A-339 East Fee Hall). Morrill Hall any day Social Work Freshmen and Sophomores see during the hours 9-12 and 1-4. - Sally Parks in Appointments are not necessary. 220 Baker Hall during posted hours. Juniors and Seniors see Jean Graham in 234 Baker Hall COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY CHANGE OF MAJOR J History, majors - should go first to the Undergraduate during posted hours. Student should make appointments with academic advisers FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES: University Adviser, 341 Morrill Hall. Freshmen and sophomore Landscape Architecture See Professor Hazlett during - for both long-term plans for the academic year 1975-76, and student with 84 or fewer credits initiate changes of CoJ majors will then be directed to office hours available in 101 UP&LA for Faculty Advisers. Building. planning Summer term programs. Please make appoint¬ preference in the appropriate University College Humanities majors (except Pre-Law) - should Urban Planning - Advisor hours are available in 101 UP&LA Ac«q go to Under¬ ments as early as possible. Do not "drop in" without an Student Affairs Office. I graduate Office of the College of Arts and Letters, 207 Building. appointment with your adviser. South Campus Residents: S33 Wonders Hall Linton Hall. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND April 30 - Final date for submitting section request forms for Brody Residents: 109 Brody Hall J Humanities Pre-Law majors - should check their adviser's NATURAL RESOURCES Summer term pre-enrollment. East Campus Residents: 229 E. Akers J office hours with the North Campus and History or Philosophy Department. All students in the Off-Campus Residents, including q Music majors - should go first to College of Agriculture and Natural Undergraduate Advising Resources should see their academic advisers by appoint¬ COLLEGE OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT Hall: 170 Bessey Hall. i Center, 155 Music Building. ment Majors in Urban & Metropolitan Studies and Racial & JUNIORS AND SENIORS: A student wishing to chaaM All other majors - go during the period of April 21-30, 1975. Appointments directly to Academic Advisers. Ethnic Studies are expected to plan their Summer major in one degree college to a major in anothe\'j should be made as early in the & Fall advising period as possible. term schedules with their academic advisers COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING between April college must initiate the change in the office ofthe»»H Packaging and building construction majors should follow Engineering students planning to attend summer school 21-30. Appointments should be made with their dean of the college in which he is at instructions from the School of Packaging. advisers. registered. If the'm Michigan State University should see their advisers on Non-Urban Development students should consult with the or COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE approved, it becomes effective at the beginning of before April 29. Director of Student Affairs, Room 114 West Owen Graduate term. J Students will receive 1. Schedule an appointment for a conference with Center, 353-1803, if they wish to receive information about your The student must meet the announcements concerning advising academic adviser by requirements for appointments for fall signing the appointment sheet desig¬ programs and courses. given in the catalog current at the time term. nating his available hours. This sheet is now posted near his effective. the cMjj LYMAN BRIGGS COLLEGE office. Conferences are to be held during the period April 21 COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Thirty credits must be completed while the major in the enfWJj From the present through April 29 students interested in college in which the degree is to j# H to April 30. PREVETERINARY: All students should see their adviser Residence college student (James Madison, Ju't'" attending summer school should contact their academic 2. For your advisers to prepare a program for Summer Term. appointment bring your academic adviser your by April 30. Appointment schedules are posted outside Lyman Briggs) must initiate changes of major in the Similarly, planned program for Summer and/or Fall term and discuss adviser's office. affairs or dean's office of their students should consult with their academic advisers it with him for his suggestions. VETERINARY: Early enrollment for all students respective college. will be regarding early through May 23. enrollment for Fall Term from the present 3. All College of Natural Science academic adviser EACH TERM to discuss their majors must see their done by the Dean's Office. Students not included must notify the Dean's Office wishing to be COUNSELING: Facilities of the Counseling available to assist students considering a change of Ceo^j programs. by April 30. major preference. J