. 1975 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 mSU wrings dry By JEFF MERRELL and several hundred more left voluntarily. State News Staff Writer Damages were estimated in the millions of MSU is beginning to wring itself dry dollars, including reports of streets buckl¬ after spending a cautiously calm weekend in ing. the midst of the Lansing area's worst flood On campus the Auditorium, Jenison in 28 years. Fieldhouse, and the Women's Intramural The torrents, which caused millions of Building all had pumps removing water dollars in damages in surrounding commun¬ during the weekend. ities and hundreds of homeless citizens to The Auditorium had two feet of water in seek shelter in hotels, motels and other a and mechanical power room Saturday homes, left MSU relatively untouched. afternoon that caused a temporary blackout Gov. Milliken asked for federal disaster and the transfer of the "Tony and Lena aid Sunday for 14 Michigan counties Sing" concert to Munn Ice Arena. affected by the flooding. Power was restored, and water removed, The flood was the worst since 1947, as the by early Sunday morning. Grand River rose 15.3 feet and the Red Jenison Fieldhouse was surrounded on Cedar River 12.1 feet. The National three sides by one large area of water that Weather Service reported that water levels covers Kobs Field, the side walk between were about a foot higher in 1947, though Jenison and the field, the Men's Intramural MSU officials contend that the recent flood Building parking lot, and much of the rose slightly more than the earlier one. intersection that meets at Sparty. The water is not expected to recede until Pumps in Jenison pumped the water out Wednesday and the forecast for today calls as fast as it was coming in and no major for partly sunny skies and a high of about 45 leaks were reported. degrees. The Women's Intramural Building suf¬ No injuries were reported in the Lansing fered a leak on the far west side, but the Metropolitan area, though at least two flooding was confined to an area underneath groups of student canoeists tipped over in the old pool by sand-bagging and pumping. the Red Cedar, were rescued and taken to Two pumps have been working since the University Health Center. Saturday afternoon. The Health Center refused to comment or Water also went up to Brody Drive which confirm the reports. goes around the complex, and reached the Public safety officials and President walls of Van Hoosen Hall and the west side Wharton have made a plea to students and apartments in University Village. citizens to stay out of the water. Backed-up Kellogg Center was also the site of some sewage contained in the flood water minor flooding. And what was thought to SN photo/Daniel Shutt presents a danger of causing hepatitis. be sewage coming out of certain drains in L unidentified man leaves his submerged car on the MSU above the normal level and flooded the low areas near the river. President Wharton also announced Sun¬ (continued on page 12) Lpus Saturday afternoon as the Red Cedar River rose 16 feet day afternoon that MSU will operate as usual today. Precautionary measures taken by the University were responsible for the RED CROSS ASSISTS campus's good position, he said. 4 canoeists "Though the years, we have done our homework in placement of buildings and in other programs to avoid the peril of flooding, and we came out of this very well," flee current rea I By ELLEN SPONSELLER people leave sodden homes came close to Van Hoosen Hall and Brody did not think they could move back into Wharton said. Surrounding areas, however, were not as lucky, as estimates of damages to homes, businesses, and roads in Lansing reached $50 million. There was at least one report of near drownings because of sightseers in canoes trying to navigate the flood-swollen Red Cedar and Grand rivers. Three males and one female traveling and "Everything is gone," he said. "All my State police said approximately 1,000 Complex. their homes without major repairs, if at all. furniture is ruined, along with my TV and down the Red Cedar River found them¬ BRAD MARTISIUS The American Red Cross (ARC), with a families in Lansing were evacuated and "We have about 200 volunteers out doing stereo. I left my car in the driveway, half selves in the murky waters when their | State News Staff Writers crew of emergency volunteers, set up rescues, but there are so many others who filled with water. several hundred of those suffered extensive canoe capsized near the bridge at Harrison le flooding conditions along the shelters in Okemos High School, Marshall "Who the hell would have thought I damage to their homes. Road and Kalamazoo Street. Three of them i and Grand rivers are stranded in isolated places in the city." Saturday Street Armory and McDonel Middle School would need flood insurance in Lansing?" he Some 200 to 250 people were also barely made it to shore after the swift hundreds of families and students in to accomodate the evacuees in the Lansing • The Lansing area is scattered with blocks evacuated from East Lansing, mainly from T East Lansing and Okemos from said with a bitter smile. current caught them. One of those was Okemos area. of houses buried half - way or more in the the residential area just south of University stuck Virginia and James Jones lived on for awhile in the branches of a fees into emergency shelter. The Lansing ARC has six caseworkers muddy flood water. Lansing's downtown River Street, one of Village, one of the hardest hit in the area, submerged tree near shore. Jtimated thousand families in Lan- d several hundred in Meridian listening to the problems and stories of the John Wingo, an MSU bus driver, lives on the most totally devastated areas in the according to East Lansing police. The fourth member of the group was flood victims and trying to get them food, Francis Street in the heart of Lansing, and unable to swim and found himself swept J), have left homes. About 200 county. An unknown number of people were also shelter and a means for regaining their Francis Street went under water Saturday "We had to put a board across a fence and toward the bridge, which was almost under Ivacuated from East Lansing apart- often times total loss of property. for.ced to leave their apartments in the area morning. Wingo's house has six feet of walk it just to get out of the house," said along the Red Cedar River from Bogue water. jprimarily ia from the Cedarview and Caseworker Donna Trombley said she water in the basement and two feet in the Virginia, who had been puffing on the worn Street to Northwind Drive. Onlookers on the bridge saw the man complexes. No students left had seen eight families in four hours struggling and were able to reach over the sidence halls, though flood waters living room, and its still coming in. His filter of her cigarette for some time. Sunday afternoon, most of whom said they family took shelter with friends. "The whole place is gone, we lost it all. In Meridian Township and Okemos, 100 bridge and grab him by the arm before he to 125 people were taken from their homes was swept under the bridge. Except for the TV, which we took with us," she said. board chooses 2 seniors and Mr. Jones had tales of saving neighbors bursting through a door and catching a baby before it floated out the window. Conditions are nearly as bad in the Indian r editor-in-chief, ad manager Hills area of Okemos. Meridian Township was blocked off as of Saturday night because of flooding conditions and a shaky Ferguson Park bridge. Two students were appointed Sunday by Indian Lakes Estates, an Okemos subdi¬ the State News Board of Directors to serve vision of $50,000 to $350,000 homes nestled in the newspaper's highest student admin¬ in a crook of the Red Cedar River off Mt. istrative offices during the 1975 - 76 year. Hope Road, was choked by water Saturday John Tingwall, senior, 4634 S. Hagadorn night when flood plains overflowed and a Road, was chosen by the board to serve as protective dike gave way. editor - in - chief, effective May 1. By Sunday afternoon, dozens of split - Margo Palarchio, senior, 1538 Burcham level homes which faced a small man - made Drive, was named advertising manager, lake were at least one floor under water and also effective May 1. the road back into a newly developed area Tingwall and Palarchio were recommen¬ of the subdivision was impassable. ded to the board by the editorial and At 3 a.m., the dike broke, and residents of advertising staffs respectively. the sumptuous homes were told to evacuate Tingwall, a 21 - year - old journalism by fire truck loudspeakers. major, has worked at the State News since "The water started seeping through winter term 1974. He has served as an Saturday afternoon and began bubbling out education and capital reporter for the paper of the toilets, bathtubs and sinks," said and as an editorial writer. Mike Mattox, whose home was partially In addition, Tingwall has worked for the under water after the dike broke, Grosse Pointe News and was employed as a (continued on page 12) Gannett capital bureau intern for The State Journal during winter term 1975. PALARCHIO "I hope to solicit many more viewpoints from the campus community and more reactions to the State News and its cover¬ Student's Muations sig age," Tingwall said. "I hope we can have better community causes coverage with more emphasis on East Some days it just doesn't pay to get Lansing as the students' home and how it Vietnam affects their lives," he added. Palarchio, a 21 - year - old advertising out of bed. At least that's the way it seemed for one student whose car ended up (API M il major, will receive a bachelor's degree in jAedbvLi, r?°rth _ ... Vietnamese from buildings. advertising in June. She will begin sinking in the Red Cedar River I Province sed in Sunday on Hundreds of American men and their graduate work in advertising at MSU in,the Sunday night. ■°» of hntKeaSt °f Sai8on and the Vietnamese wives and children were fall. The student was parking his car in I !PDear ^ove.rnment ®h forces and evacuated from the South Vietnamese She has worked at the State News for a lot near Emmons Hall when the ISZn signal its imminont T1 its imminent ICr Sa!d" Americans flew capital aboard U.S. Air Force C114 transports that had brought war materials two years as an account executive and is member of the MSU Advertising Club. a trouble began. It seems the reverse gear on his car does not work. He f«JDrni ''Pierated Pace. in from Clark Air Base in the Philippines. "I want to implement some new training opened the car door and was using his ieti's44n W°Uld ** the 20th of A U.S. official estimated about 700 programs for our advertising staff which feet to back into a parking space. lCnEnTt0fallint0the persons left Saigon on Sunday, including will increase the effectiveness of the staff to But the car began moving too fast so the student hopped in to hit the >^Ch f°rces' most of American contractors and their families, leaving fewer than 3,000 Americans here. weather the current economic conditions and increase revenue," she said. brake. But he missed. Instead he hit * lone of ith£eralonK the Pou8e marched the Thai Authorities at Clark, however, put Sun¬ Tingwall and Palarchio were appointed the gas pedal, the car slipped into drive, sideswiped another parked car day's figure at about 450 persons, still E I'd not7 Camb«dian towns Pfeviousir'fXrtHh! ripo making it the largest single day's evacua- by the State News Board of Directors, an eight - member corporate board composed and then went into the river. The student made a hasty exit from SN photo/Rob Kozloff MSU builds its bike paths in the damndest places. That could lTh,tsLeWSman who 8aw Poipet tion since Pre8ident Ford,0^_nT'; of two faculty members, two, professional the car as it began to sink. Standing be the complaint of two MSU students as they plow through the Iail(i that* rSaid.the takeover wao journalists and four students who manage on solid ground he watched as one flood water near the Men's Intramural Building to their judo lithcheersanH ers4nd white\ntS greeted the flags draped the property and business affairs of the State News corporation. lone taillight flickered in the nisrht. class. 2 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 2l, I Congress expected to OK Viet aid WASHINGTON (AP) - E- then have to be appropriated any of the $300 million are served in South Vietnam and and new ones keep coming. Capitol offices. . vacuation money and humani¬ uncertain. married Vietnamese women. They go around in groups of separately, possibly next tarian aid for South Vietnam is week. The Senate Armed Services They came to Capitol Hill more two to eight. expected to get Congress' ap¬ But Secretary of State Committee has already re¬ than a week ago to express Henry "My sister called and she said fears for the safety of their proval this week, but President A. Kissinger said last week jected the increase and the 'Kim, come home to rescue Ford's military aid request House Armed Services Com¬ in-laws and to ask help in Students end class boycott remains stalled. military aid also is needed to prevent South Vietnam's col¬ mittee is to vote on it Tuesday. evacuating them before a us,' " said Mrs. Kim Cook of Look, and my Communist takeover of the Falls Church, Va. She is trying cause Tm an lapse and bring negotiations. Kissinger told Congress on south. to retell that conversation to American w Students at Brown University are expected to return to Both the House and Senate The Viet Cong said over the Friday the military aid is my husband works fonk, Their number is uncertain, anyone who will listen to her in classes Monday, ending a four-day boycott in protest of are to vote on similar evacua¬ weekend they also want nego¬ needed not to guarantee South government." proposed budget cuts. tion and humanitarian aid bills tiations. Vietnam's survival but to cre¬ The Student Coalition Coordinating Committee called Tuesday afternoon and thus Ford's request for boosting ate enough military resistance Sunday for a return to classes on Monday but ask the student body on Tuesday if any further be taken on the budget issue. said it would action should would have the rest of the week to work out a final compromise bill. • The authorized money would his original $300 million mili¬ tary aid request to $722 million is considered virtually dead — to encourage the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese to negotiate. He said one purpose of Brain pacemaker aids tension in them," Davis boj and prospects for approval of MIAMI (AP) — A 7-year-old boy who had to be said. "As Students objected to proposed cuts in financial aid, negotiations would be to secure student services, faculty positions and programs for minority safe evacuation of Americans carried into a hospital was able to walk out after voluntary action cannot be exerted" The ' a device was implanted in his skull during an battery-operated device students. and their dependents if South brain, which in turn instructs stimuliu operation doctors say provides new hope for the nZ The boycott, which began last Tuesday, was aimed at forcing changes in the austerity budget proposed by Brown Minutemen Vietnam is taken over. A number of senators say some victims of cerebral palsy. relax. With decreased tension, the miudJ President Donald E. Hornig. Americans are not being with¬ "I think this is a very exciting development, especially for children," said Dr. Ross Davis, a bSn10 ^ thC VOlunUry eomrnandsJ drawn from South Vietnam fast neurosurgeon who performed the operation on With the aid of crutches, Jeffrey left Chil Death of inmate investigated Revolutionary enough and some say they will not vote for humanitarian aid Tuesday unless the evacuation Jeffrey Pagnotti. Davis, 43, said he has tried the brain Hospital this past weekend. Davis said hJ youngest person in the United Stat possibly in the world to have a brain pa CONCORD, Mass. (AP) — Two hundred years and a day after is speeded up. pacemaker, pioneered by Dr. Irving S. Cooper of operation. The death of a jail inmate is being investigated following a the Concord Minutemen beat back the British at North Bridge, In more than a week of New York, on six cerebral palsy victims who Implanted in Jeffrey's head were n|1 ■YOUR TBAUC? I S%Cti5 ^ ■approval tours- AGENT chanfle and \m» TUESDAY NITE IN W 11141 II NITE! Ave'Tv' IJJ2' 7S7"8585l l,Xji NY^y 10020 «0)555.i?"Um,)e' ■person |nde' 21 fares Money back if not Htfe Club completely satisfied. Pick the state or states and mail check or money order to: 4•••••• sjw LANAHAN-HILL PUBLICATION Sponsor: r 2149 S.Clermont Denver, Colorado B0222 Asian Studies Center 8 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mo°d»y. April d vV NCAA probing grid program By STEVE STEIN "The enforcement program which began last summer. Rumors of recruiting viola¬ prep All-Americans. State News Sports Writer of the NCAA is a cooperative MSU coaches and officials tions at MSU have been cir¬ In Stolz'press c MSU's athletic program is undertaking involving indivi¬ have followed Wharton's direc¬ culating since last spring. April 7 before the start of back in the headlines. dual member institutions and tive, refusing to comment about In a State News story of spring practice, he firmly de¬ President Wharton tersely allied conferences, working the specifics of the investiga¬ March 29, 1974, MSU Big Ten nied knowledge of illegal re- announced at a regular meeting through the NCAA. tion which is expected to be of the board of trustees Friday "In the spirit of the program, completed in June. that the National Collegiate we will, or course, fully cooper¬ Athletic Director Burt Smith "I don't know of one single case of the 200 kids Athletic Assn. (NCAA) is con¬ ate in the investigation. I am is unavailable for comment as directing appropriate officials he is still recovering in Ingham we've recruited where illegal recruiting was ducting an investigation into "certain policies and practices" of the University to study the Medical Center from an ulcer of the MSU football program. issues involved and supply me operation early last week. MSUfootball coach Denny Stolz Here is the full text of the with full information. "You read the announcement April 7,1975 statement Wharton read: "Until that activity is com¬ You heard the announcement. "I wish to inform the board of pleted, the University will It came from the President of trustees that the NCAA has make no additional comment Michigan State University. asked my cooperation in an with respect to the investiga¬ That's pretty high. He said faculty representative John cruiting practices by his staff. tion and allegations." there would be no comment and Fuzak, who was elected NCAA "I don't know of one single investigation it is conducting of the 200 kids that we've into certain policies and prac¬ Published reports have said there will be no comment," said president this January, denied case tices of MSU's intercollegiate that the Big Ten is conducting a MSU football coach Denny rumors that MSU was under recruited where illegal recruit¬ football program. similar investigation of MSU Stolz. investigation by the NCAA or ing was used," said Stolz, who the Big Ten for recruiting is entering his third season as violations. head coach. "The (Big Ten) commissioner Stolz and his staff were able said he had heard these rumors to sign an outstanding group Batsmen ease and I said I certainly wanted — in fact, hoped and expected — last year, which included four highly sought high school All- that he would investigate us Americans. fully," Fuzak said in the story. The young Spartan squad to take over "I'm confident our football coach and staff have adhered to the rules." posted season a 7-3-1 record last and achieved national prominence with a stunning Two of MSU's prize recruits, 16-13 upset victory here over 5 double to score Pat Simspson running back Ted Bell of Ohio State. By MIKE LITAKER Rightfielder A1 Weston fol¬ State News Sports Writer lowed Seid's act one pitch later and Amos Hewitt with the Youngstown, Ohio, and end In additon to the object of the President Wharton bounced game winners. Hewitt wound Larry Bethea of Newport News, investigation, speculation will his two pitches up to the plate up with three hits and Schryer Va., were the objects of the certainly center in the coming rumors then. weeks on who init iated it. Ohio in pregame ceremonies Friday and then MSU bounced some Big Ten and two doubles in the game that was halted because of rain And some of the current State coach Woody Hayes, after 5'/i innings. speculation concerns Bell and whose name was mentioned gopher balls of its own over the Pet. outfield fence to take a Bethea. Both the Big Ten and before when the rumors first MSU 1.000 MSU went 14-29 in batting 2wordminimun the NCAA have talked to the circulated, is once again being rain-shortened 13-11 slugfest Michigan .833 during the contest. high school coaches of the two mentioned as a possible source. win over Minnesota. Wisconsin .833 "You wonder what's wrong NO. DA^ It could not have come at a .625 with your own pitching in a better time, as MSU took over Iowa 1 .500 game like that, but then you 1 3 5 sole possession of first place in Ohio State 3 .428 the Big Ten race, a half game ahead of Michigan and Wiscon¬ Minnesota Northwestern 2 2 .400 .333 have to wonder about them too: Comer has been their ace for Dill leads Spartans .80 4.80 6.00 7.80 9.75 the last three years," said MSU £1 sin. Illinois 1 6 .167 7.20 11.70 asst. coach Frank Pellerin. .70 Friday's second game and Purdue 1 7 .143 8.00 13.00 Saturday's doubleheader with Iowa at Kobs Field were all Ties: Ohio State 1, Illinois 1. Coach Danny Litwhiler couldn't have been happier with in Ohio track meet ,75 10.00 16.25 rained out and will not be with a solo homer, his second of the way Schryer, Hewitt and those races. rescheduled. the season, over the same Weston broke loose in pacing MSU's men's track team SN photo/Daniel^ Senior righthander Duane stretch of fence. the MSU hitting attack, col¬ opened its outdoor season this The Spartans shuttle hurdle Bickel coasted through Scott Evans replaced Bickel relay team of Paul Zolinsky, Just after announcing Friday that MSU's football program was und the first lecting seven RBIs between past weekend with an impres¬ two innings of the Minnesota on the mound in the fourth and them. sive showing in the 38th Ohio Dave Howard, Todd Murphy investigation by the NCAA, President Wharton threw out the first bi contest before the Gophers was touched for three runs. State Relays in Columbus, and Howard Neely finished before MSU's Big Ten home opener against Minnesota. Wharton is "I wasn't surprised but I was second to the Air Force Acade¬ erupted for six runs in the But Evans was in the right Ohio. with Spartan coach Danny Litwhiler. pleased," said Litwhiler. "When my with a 58.2 timing. Air third, capped by a two-run place to get the win and raise The Spartans came away homer by third baseman Bob his record to 3-1 when his mates you have a guy like Hewitt you Force posted a 57.8. with three first - place finishes can't give up on him. He's not a Bolf. paraded home seven runs in the in the two - day meet, which .185 hitter so you've gotta Bickel almost needed a canoe fourth off Comer and reliever believe he can hit." featured over 60 schools from SOFTBALL SQUAD SPLITS PAIR to get out to the mound in the Ed Erickson. Todd Hubert across the country. third as the water rose in the worked the final two innings for Senior sprinter Marshall Weston said the ball was field faster than the pitcher's MSU. Dill, who sat out the indoor carrying well in the cold, damp earned run average. After over an hour thVbottom of the third, Gopher pitcher Steve Comer completed delay in After Joe Palamara had singled for the third straight hit, shortstop Terry'Hop lifted his first homer of the year over weather. "We've (Schryer and Weston) been and Hewitt hitting the season debut with because a of academic ineligibility, made hii year's 9.3 win in the 100 yard dash in addition to turning - Women netters In the No. 2 r/val] his walk to Mike Fricke to load the leftfield fence as the ball right at people but they in an electrifying 20.1 anchor By ANN WILLIAMSON position, MSU's Allison Scruggs was defeat# the bases for MSU catcher Rick State News Sports Writer Wisconsin, 6 - 3, 5 - 7, 6 - 7, but did manage to pick up a Spartans sent seven men to the just weren't dropping in," leg on the 880 - yard relay .to Seid. Seid did not waste any Weston explained. The MSU women's tennis team doesn't give up easily. against Indiana, 6 -1, 6 - 3. plate without an out. "I struck cop third place for the Spar¬ The Spartans were determined to bounce back from their season Diana D'Angelo had an outstanding weekend, shutting! time bringing the Spartans Gopher coach Dick Siebert out about five times in the first tans. - opening loss to Ohio State, and bounce back they did, crushing Wisconsin's Wendy Bronson, 6 - 0, 6 - 0 and winning her ma back into the ball game as the mercifully lifted the charitable five games in Florida. Then Earning the other top fin¬ Oak Park native cranked a Comer before he could serve Skip told me to move back in ishes for MSU the dis¬ Big Ten rivals Indiana Friday, 8 -1, and Wisconsin, 7 - 2, Saturday. against Indiana, 6 - 1, 6 - 3. D'Angelo and Selke also wonl up were bases loaded blast over the The weekend sweep lifted the Spartans to a 2 -1 season record, matches in the No. 1 doubles position, defeating Indiana 6- 3,1 another tater pitch as he the batter's box and get a little tance medley and four - mile and coach Elaine Hatton now believes her team has both the spirit and Wisconsin, 7 - 5, 3 - 6, 6 -1. left-centerfield fence for his brought in Erickson, who ser¬ longer look at the ball. Since relay teams. Herb Lindsay third home run of the year. ved Howie Schryer a two - run then I've been hitting." and ability to continue that winning streak. provided the heroics in both of "The girls are playing better with each meet," Hatton said. "I The MSU women's softball team was handed its first loss(| thought the loss to Ohio State would have depressed them so much season Saturday afternoon at Demonstration Hall field, b that it would show in the rest of their meets, but it didn't. They've Purdue 9 5, but did find success against rival Grand Valley wl - got a lot of confidence and are playing very well." 12 - 0 shutout. The second game of the scheduled doublehei Senior Sue Selke, who lost her first singles match in her three - with Grand Valley was cancelled because of rain and wet gmi year MSU career last weekend, made sure it didn't happen again The weekend split brought the Spartans' record to 5 • 1.1 as she overpowered her Indiana and Wisconsin opponents in the coach Margo Snively predicting even better things to come® No. 1 singles position, 6 -1, 6 -1 and 6 -1, 6 - 2 respectively. Spartan bats can get hot. L "I was very pleased with the Grand Valley game, especially® everyone hitting so well and so determined to win," Snively# "But it wasn't just the weather that hurt us in the Purdue M Netters w Our bats went silent and the errors eventually cost us then "I'm not too worried about our hitting yet. It's early i«P season, and I think our hitting will come through." I Junior Gloria Becksford was the winning pitcher fofl for first v Spartans against Grand Valley, allowing only four hits and stJ out three. Becksford also had an outstanding day at the! helping the team's cause with four hits and three runs batttT By DAN SPICKLER and a little more often. It Sophomore Gwen White took the loss in the Purdue gaw State News Sports Writer should be easier to do now that did hit the first home run of the year for the Spartans in the si - - MSU's men's tennis squad we've got those wins behind inning. opened its home season this us." ' I * past weekend with victories The netters went through } over Wisconsin and Northwes¬ nine straight defeats before Stickmen la tern as it scored its first wins of chalking up their first victory of the year. the season Friday, 5-4, against "I think the momentum Wisconsin at Jenison Field- r : - .."i2f might be there," MSU coach Stan Drobac said of the netters' house. MSU moved to more accom¬ stumble to 20| \i chances to keep their short but modating conditions Saturday, By LARRY MORGAN sweet winning streak going. whipping Northwestern 8-1 at State News Sports Writer s...... MSU goes on the road this the Lansing Tennis Club courts Once the MSU lacrosse team got the ball across the ® ■ i ■ week, facing Wayne State Tuesday in Detroit and Notre Dame Saturday in South Bend, in Okemos. we "When we play at Jenison, really have what you would line, its game against Ohio Wesltey an Saturday did not loo* But that was the problem — getting the ball across that center stripe into the Wesleyan zone. ^ Z'&y Ind. The Irish edged the call the home court advantage," Midfielder Doug Peterson pumped in four goals to fur Spartans, 5-4, last season, while Drobac said of the poor playing of the MSU scoring attack, but that fell far short of MSU shut out the Tartars 9-0. surface. I "We'll be doing a bit more The conditions must have needed as the Battling Bishops won the Midwest Lacross <| match, 20-8. .J experimenting in these noncon- been tough for the Badgers, The game was played at the soccer field south o P| ference matches," Drobac said. who will be hosting the Big Ten Stadium instead of flooded Old College Field. "I'd like to see the guys meet in their $3 million A.C. Wesleyan jumped off to a 2 - 0 lead before the Spartans loosen up a bit and starting Neilson facility in May. within range of the Bishop goal. o.™ swinging away a little harder Larry Stark, switching be¬ The game then became a battle to see if the scrappy !"l SN photo/John Dickson tween No. 1 and No. 2 singles There was supposed to be a baseball double- seen from this scene Sunday morning, the with fellow junior Rick Zabor, team could pull one off against the much better Pas | header at Kobs Field Saturday, but as can be Six-run stickhandling team from Ohio. M inning . flooded field was more suitable for a swim meet. came up a big winner, scoring MSU was outfinessed, however, and fell to 2 - 3 in two victories in singles and two m The Spartan defense and midfield just could not c0 wins in doubles with partner beats Bengals Tom Gudelsky, a sophomore. contain the Wesleyan offensive attack. Several careless iw3* Women tracksters, golfers roll DETROIT (UPI) - Ron The weekend match against Wisconsin was especially also gave the Bishops opportunities to widen The Spartans pulled within two in the first quart61-, goal binge by the Bishops, characterized by superb s i their margi • ■ Blomberg capped a six - run pleasing to MSU No. 4 singles nearly buried the Spartans. No matter where it goes, the MSU women's track team Linda Porter turned in her best man Lee Woyahn. , .n.(A keeps performance of the year in the seventh inning by hitting a Woyahn, a MSU came back with three goals, but still trailed' T right on winning, and winning big. long jump, taking first place with a mark of 17 feet 4 inches. three run home run and Rudy freshman, was the third-place At the University of Illinois Invitational meet in Champaign » ♦ * - May pitched a three - hitter finisher in the Wisconsin state half. WeJ Saturday, the Spartans preserved their undefeated season by The MSU women's golf team didn't let the bad weather dampen Sunday to provide the New high s chool championships last The second half opened with more of the same — ive J overpowering seven teams to win the event with 168 points. their determination to win either as the Spartans took first place York Yankees with 7 1 year. goals before MSU could come up with one. . r L Illinois State turned in the next best showing with 97 points. at the five team Central Michigan Invitational in Mount Pleasant a - With the game well out of reach, the fourth q J - victory over the Detroit Tigers. Senior Dick Callow, a trans¬ Spartan coach Fred Hartman a chance to substitute ■ "Some of our individual performances may not have looked as Friday and Saturday. The key blow of the big fer student from Eastern Mich¬ strong as they usually are, but I'm sure that was due to the seventh, however, give his players experience against one of the bette ■ MSU finished the 27 hole meet with 523 strokes. Central was not igan, scored a pair of singles will face. .J weather," MSU coach Nell Jackson explained. "I'm tremendously - , ,. Blomberg's second homer of the victories and combined with pleased with our team performance. I think the girls did quite well Michigan took second with 561. season but rather a two - run, freshman Kevin McNulty to Attackmen Steve Wilson and Ron Hebert each fire ] despite the bad weather." goals, and Hebert also added one assist. t|, Junior June Oldman took second for the Spartans with 83 45 tie breaking -pinch - hit double win the decisive third set in the now have two days to regroup be - - - The stickmen Karen Dennis finished first for the Spartans in the 100 and 220 128. Freshman Karen Escott finished close behind with 86 - - 44 - sliced to leftfield by Ed last doubles match against the meet yard dashes with times of 11.3 and 25.7 seconds, while teammate 130, taking third place among the 18 Bowling Green in Ohio Wednesday. , st«|i individual competitors. Herrmann. Badgers. Bowling Green finished in first place in the leagu Monday, April 21,1975 9 fry fl classified ad today and prove to yourself how resultful it can be! LB frankly speaking....by phil frank fHHm Apartments ^ Apartments MUSTANG 1968. Low miles. Air CYCLE INSURANCE. Lowest shocks. Clean. 337-9671, ask for FIVE ROOM, utilities furnished. rates on any size cycle, easy pay LOOKING FOR EAST SIDE, one bedroom, par¬ Paul. 3-4-21 girl to share plan. Call us first or last but call. Northeast Lansing. Phone 489- tially furnished, shag carpet, no apartment for $100 a month spring UNION UNDERWRITERS. 5388 after 4 pm. x-4-4-21 children, pets. Evenings, 482-5450 MUSTANG 1966, reasonable 486- and summer. Call 351-9531. 4317 or 393-8100. 0-8-4-30 54-21 shape, to drive or for parts; $135, MALE ROOMMATE needed, own 15-5-2 332 3888. 3-4-22 SUBLET IMMEDIATELY, KAWASAKI 1969 MachmTfiOO bedroom, unfurnished. berry Fields Apartments. Straw¬ NEEDED, ONE roommate to share bedroom apartment close to one cam¬ 6,000 miles. Excellent shape. Free automotive NOVA, 1970 4 door. Gold with cc. $600. 489-6107. 54-25 bus. 393-8526. 3-4-21 apartment close to MSU. Lease pus. Total cost through June 15, Scooters 4 Cycles black vinyl roof, radio and factory runs until September, 1975. $50 $175. 351-1806. 34-22 air, gas saving tires, $995. Phone deposit already paid. Last Parti« Service 394-2346 after 6 pm. 3-4-21 1975 KAWASAKI, 175, Brand 3602 MALIBU-3 bedroom duplex, month's rent already paid. $68.33/ fully carpeted. HASLETT 2 bedroom duplex, Aviation new, never been ridden. Super $225/month plus month. Cable vision and utilities utilities and month deposit. upper unit, modern, air, large yard. {mpioyment RENAULT R-12, 1972, 27,000 cheap transportation. 355-7887 baths, basement; stove/refrigera¬ 154 additional $15/month. Call Bob $170 per month plus electric. 5-4-24 C., after 6 for rent miles. Red. Mint condition. tor furnished. 372-1398 or pm, 487-1980. 3-4-21 Call Bob at C.A.L. 371-5246 or Apartments $1,200. 353-8730 or .351-6757 HONDA CB350 1973 % 2,500 393-1620. 54-24 FALL - TWO men, own large evenings 393-9090. 24-21 Houses 54-24 miles. Super conditionl $750 or room, close I $90. Grad / under- Rooms best offer. Lisa, 351-8919 after 5 LANSING-1 block north of Grand NOW LEASING for fall-Colonial SIMCA 1968, 35 mpg. Great grad. 353-7298, Larry. 34-21 p.m. 5-4-22 River and Cedar. On bus route. Arms, 126 Orchard. 2, 3 and 4 >r sale cheap transportation. $595/best $115 plus deposit, living room, offer. 355-7599, 485-0870. 54-25 FEMALE ROOMMATE man apartments. Call 337-1800. Animals Mobile Homes TORIN01970. 4 speed, new tires, i »* sum ifn bedroom, bath, kitchen, 371-2255, available May 1st. 5-4-24 summer, own room, Apartments, $75/month. needed, Cedar Village 104:24 LARGE FURNISHED 353- efficiency. Lost a found MASON BODY SHOP. 812 East ' ersonal mags, 39,000 miles. shape, $1200. Excellent Phone 669-9761. Kalamazoo Street Since 1940. W GOO.HARerf-^DU'VE R5UMD TOE PINE LAKE APARTMENTS 5817. 3-4-21 Air conditioned, $145 summer, $175 fall. 351-1610 or 4451 eanuts personal 7-4-25 Complete auto painting and colli¬ sion service. American and &WTWN llTHE A0ttfttWIENfe 1 HASLETT Short on Cash? Maybe we can ADHt BFDDIHG CO. 39-5-30 il estate FIMANClAL Wt7RRIES.il. H3M ABOUT ecreation TOYOTA 1972 Corolla, 5 speed, 32 mpg, AM/FM, trailer hitch, $1600 or best offer. 482-5615 after 5 Foreign cars. 485-0256 C-4-30 AMERICAN, GERMAN ROILING ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE!' work something out. room One bed¬ apartments with shag car¬ peting, drapes and appliances. 49.95 Twin Size 54.95 Double Size [ Houses £ service pm. and 405 Cherry at THE SUMMER rush in on! Got a 5-4-23 FOREIGN CAR REPAIR also body. $150 per month plus utilities. 10 | Instruction 20% DISCOUNT to students and minutes from MSU. Located at house to rent? Let people know - ©COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES-BOX 9411-BERKELEY. CA 94709 Advertise it! Call Ann at 355-8255. Typing TOYOTA CARINA 1972, 38,000. faculty on all cash 'n' carry VW 6076 Marsh Road, just north of transportation Kept up well. Snows included, service parts. IMPORT AUTO Lake Lansing Road. Call Manager TWO P-5-30_ BEDROOM, air conditioning wanted ;arpool Ziebart. $1800. five. 5-4-25 484-5248 after PARTS, 500 East Kalamazoo Cedar. 485-2047, 485-9229. and Apartments JWl 339-8192 or EAST REALTY, 3324128. 26-5-6 LANSING balcony, parking, $150, summer. Campus two blocks. 351-0132. HASLETT AREA - 2 bedroom, $140/month plus security deposit. Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- Call 339-9533; after 6, 339-3240. TWO MID-MICHIGAN CAREER 34-21 "RATES** card. C-22-4-30 SALES OPPORTUNITIES, of 40 NOT ENOUGH people to fill your I'T SIGN A LEASE 54-23 apartment? Advertise now for EFFICIENCY bword minimum REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN offered nationally for qualified summer and fall rentals. Call Lisa UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN APARTMENT, 1 COLONIAL VILLAGE. 2 bedroom engines block from campus, just com¬ VOLKSWAGEN, 1968. Runs well, guaranteed as low as $175 ex¬ college graduates by June. Imme¬ at 355-8255. P-5-30 duplex, carpeted, basement, sun roof, good condition, $525 or diate salary negotiable and ad¬ pleted building, available summer NO.DAYS offer. 351-1824. 3-4-21 change. Free towing available- MARIGOLD and fall, 6-7 pm. 351-1177 or garage, and appliances. Phone local areas. Installation as low as justed over 40 month training AVAILABLE 482-3604, or 371-2330. 34-21 IMMEDIATELY. APARTMENTS 351-6088. 54-23 $35. Check our repair prices and program. Earn while you learn! 11 Need 1 person to share 2 bedroom 5 1 3 '? VW VAN, good all-purpose, 1968 engine with 12 volt system, 55 hp, REPUTATION. IMPORT AUTO No limit on future earnings. Call Mr. Durocher at 484-8410. Inter¬ apartment next to Frandor. Fur¬ 911 Marigold FEMALE ROOMMATE needed LANDLORDS. Rent your proper¬ .80 4.80 7.80 15.60 PARTS, 500 East kalamazoo and nished, all utilities. 484-0788, or now. Kings Point Apartments. ties to select, qualified tenants 351-8478 after 4 pm. 696 Cedar. views by appointment only. 485-2047, 485-9229. 487-8m 547? Own bedroom. Call Linda, 351- only. At no cost to you. Call .25 6.00 .70 7.20 9.75 19.50 11.70 23.40 Hagadorn. 5-4-23 Mastercharge and Bank Ameri- 20-5-2 THREE BEDROOM in Okemos. JIM/MONTH 9585 after 8:30 p.m. 54-22 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT card .00 8.00 13.00 26.00 VW 1969, automatic, good condi¬ C-^^O _ MARRIED COUPLE preferred to Huge, with two baths, carpet, air •I J Month Leotet SUMMER SUBLET. supervise as houseparents for Nice one tion, just painted, $700. Call MAKE YOUR world a little less conditioning. Unfurnished. $250. •larje One Bedroom Apartment WOMAN WANTED to share 3 ,75 10.00 16.25 32.50 •Completely Furnished bedroom. Furnished, one block 337-7634. 10-5-2 rotten with Armor All, available at eight moderately retarded men. Sorry, bedroom house with 2 other no undergrads or pets. •Shag Carpeting from campus. $170. 351-3789. CHEQUERED FLAG FOREIGN Room, board, and salary provided. Available starting June. •Appliance! t Air women, near Sparrow Hospital, VW BUS 1973. Low Phone 3-4-21 mileage, _ CAR PARTS, 2605 East Kalama¬ Rewarding work. Please contact 332-3202. 0-14-21 •Heat t Water Included call after 5, 484-3143, 485-6823. DEADLINE radio, 8-track stereo. Sacrifice for Kim Braman or Imta zoo, one mile west of campus. Zuckerberg, 54-22 1 p.m. one $3400. 694-8821. 5-4-21 487-6600. 10-5-1 PENN MANOR finally has vacan¬ class 487-5055. C-9-4-25 EAST LANSING Duplex. Two FOR APPOINTMENT CALL cies $165 single. $170/$180 PLEASANT 2 BEDROOM house {before publication. bedroom furnished duplex for 2,3, 337-7328 double. Appointments, 882-2566. available immediately. pation/corrections 12 NOW'S THE time to find 1 fpimeit Iff] or 4 residents. Off-street parking, pool privileges. Both units open Summer Rent 54-23 furnished, parking. Students wel¬ come. 5 minute drive. Nicely L a buyer FOR GREAT Resultsll! Call Gary June 15. Summer $180, fall $245 $150/ one class day before for your motorcycle. State News MODEL AIRCRAFT sales, after¬ $1SO/Month TWO BEDROOM furnished month. 372-6853. 0-4-30 now at 355-8255 to place your or $265. 595 Spartan. 484-4014. iication. Classified. mobile homes. $25-$35/week. 10 355-8255, Randy. employment ad. P-5-30 noons, evenings, Saturdays. 54-25 P-5-30 20-25 hours per week. Must have TWO MAN, 1 bedroom furnisned minutes to campus. Quiet and peaceful on a lake. 641-6601 or CAMPUS NEAR - 2 bedroom WANTED: MALE and female go working knowledge of radio con¬ FOR RESPONSIBLE Male. apartments: 124 Cedar Street, furnished house, $160/month. HONDA 550-4. 484-5315. 04-30 Operated 1 trolled models. Apply in person at Private. $177; 129 Burcham, $147; 135 Available immediately. 371-2257 season. 2500 miles. Includes $200 go dancers. Apply CINEMA X, Utilities paid. Nicely the HOBBY HUB, Frandor. 3-4-22 Kedzie Drive. Year leases and 1000 Jolly Road, 882-0236. 20-4- furnished, $130. 337-2285, after 6 372-6921. 34-21 wind jammer. Perfect condition. $1600. Call 351-7944 after 5 pm. 23 SUMMER CAMP position for: pm. 5-4-25 summer leases only. June or September. Starting Heat in¬ 731 5-4-21 TWO BEDROOM vintage house a $1.00 service HONDA 1973 PBX OPERATOR, experienced, Howell area. Excellent salary and tennis, archery, dance, drama, nature, secretary. 1-313-353-6491. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE South Furnished, one bedroom. Utilities cluded. Damage deposit. Call 8-5, 351-2402; 6-10 p.m., 882-2316. APARTMENTS on east side. Beautiful woodwork, 1% bath, garden area. Immedi¬ CB350, clean and benefits. Fee paid. 349-3932. 34-22 in ad change. smooth, just professionally tuned. CAREERS UNLIMITED. paid. $150/month plus deposit. 04-30___ 'Cleie to Cempu* ately. 482-3248,485-9689. 3-4-22 Equal Phone 627-5454. 7-4-29 •Air Conditioned $«». 355-2590. 54-21 REGISTERED NURSES-full and 551 ALBERT STREET, one block •All Appliances Opportunity Employer. 3-4-23 6-MAN house for summer, option part time positions available on the from campus. Large 2 bedroom, CYCLE INSURANCE, call for our afternoon and midnight shifts in for fall. Close, fireplace, $480/ GENERAL LABORERS furnished, summer and fall. low rates. LLOYDS OF LANSING ICU-CCU. Minimum starting sala¬ YES... two johns month plus utilities and deposit. JOBS BY PHONE Resident manager, 351-5208 or 484-1414 or 339-9535. 0-13-4-30 ries $4.82 per hour plus differen¬ 351-5979. 54-24 State News will be Immediate openings, reliable per apartment! 351-6676. 104-25 •SWIMMING POOL people needed for both long and tial. Immediate openings. Please pnsible only for the first HONDA 1971 CB-750. New short term assignments in retail contact Lansing General Hospital, And balconies too. ONE BLOCK from campus (incorrect insertion. motor. $1400. Honda 1973 stores, factories and warehouse, 2800 Devonshire, Lansing, 48909. RIVER'S & - now XL250. 1800 miles, $700. Phone leasing for summer and fall terms! Summer and Fall Experience not always necessary. 372-8220, extension 267. Equal ire due 7 days from the WATER S EDGE Spacious 2 bedroom furnished 645-7611, 9-6 pm, ask for Marge. Apply in person, MANPOWER Opportunity Employer. 84-22 Summer-$50per person apartments. Call Joe Miller, wation date. If not paid 5-4-23 Fall $75 per person INC., 105 East Washtenaw. Apartments 3324240. 20-5-7 h due date, a 506 late 0-3-4-23 CLERK TYPIST, full time filing- Discount for 12mo. Lease 1972 KAWASAKI, low mileage, pe charge will be due. good condition, clean. Must sell I typing. A.E.S. Apply at 409 Lentz (next to Cedar Village) SUBLET SUMMER, one girl, for 2 COOK, FOR July and August, at Court, Lansing. (North of St. Joe man apartment. Own room, close, 351-7212 CalLSam, JK-^426^ 3-4-2J cottage in Harbor Springs, 332- between Logan and Waverly.) Now leasing air, pool, 332-3110. 54-21 HONDA 250 MT Elsinor, 1974. omotive Jfe] Like new. Must seel $750 or best offer. 487-5055. 6-4-25 1239. 3-4-23 RN'S, FULL time positions avail¬ 54-22 RN OR LPN OPENING 332-4432 SUBLET SUMMER 2 man, fur¬ nished, 4 rooms, air, pool, adja¬ IG your automobile? Call MILFORD STREET, 126. Two FURNISHED STUDIO, May 1, able on 3-11:30 pm shifts, and Full time 3 p.m.-11:30 p.m. shift. cent campus, $135 + electricity. b help you write 1970 HONDA 350cc, $400. Tent blocks from campus. Deluxe, air Haslett area, garage, utilities paid, your ad. LPN'S Part time positions avail¬ Liberal fringe benefits, evening 351-6548. 5-4-21 COLLINGWOOD >. P-5-30 camper trailer $150. 651-5902. conditioned, furnished, 1 bedroom $125. 339-8686. 5-4-22 able on 3-11:30 pm and 11-7:30 am and nights differential, no shift (master). Two man-$190. Three APARTMENTS Call after 4 pm. 5-4-25 shifts, for medical - surgical areas rotation. Every other weekend off CEDAR VILLAGE [I1*AMERICA Good 1969, Zeibart, of Provincial Hospital and Surgi and weekend bonus paid, contact room $207. Fall leasing. 332- Now Renting SPACIOUS FURNISHED studio mileage. $750. AMF HARLEY DAVIDSON Clinic. Contact Mr. White at Mrs. L. Risk, RN, Director of 3418. 48-1656. 204-30 apartments. Across from campus. ♦air conditioned Summer and Fall p.5425__ _ TX125's. New, 1974. Full 485-3271,94 pm Monday through Nursing, Ingham County Medical SUBLEASE MAY 1 through June Summer Rates are $150-$200 Air conditioned, quiet. Summer or fall leases. 351-1258 between 10 'dishwasher Mobile insurance. warranty - $599.95. used? First come - first served I Why buy Friday. 34-23 Care Facility, 3882 Dobie Road. 30. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, unfur¬ per month. Fall Rates are $80, a.m.-7 p.m. 10-4-29 ♦shag carpeting an save $$$, It pays to Okemos, Michigan. Phone 349- nished, $182/month. 882-2708. $83, $85 per person per ♦unlimited parking Harley Davidson of Lapsing. PERSON OR sing 1050. 54-22 ♦Plush furniture fund. Call us. You may be - 645-2222. 5-4-25 persons to 34-23 month. 351-5180 MALE, SHARE bedroom until MJ84-U14. 0-1-4-21 recent ballads or folk songs and June. Furnished. Next to ♦Model Open Daily play guitar for 3 day weekends at a WANTED-PART time dental re¬ FEMALE ROOMMATE needed fall SUBLET SUMMER, 2 bedroom, fRNIAVW Bus 1961. ™ No 1972 SUZUKI 380 - GT 4500 miles, Northern Michigan resort lodge. ceptionist, experience preferred. through spring, new Cedar Village, furnished, air, !4 block from campus. $85 negotiable. 332- engine, completely up- $800. Backrest, luggage rack, June September. 663-4671, after Please submit brief resume to: 2359. 34-22 M and - $85. 351-9345 or 337-0418. 3-4-23 campus, $180. 332-3717. 34-21 insulated. Many helmets included. 355-5459. 7 pm. Box A-1, State News. 5-4-22 11700. 694-1745. 5-4-25 34-23 B-1-4-21 213 SOUTH Francis. Available SUMMER. SUNNY two - man SUMMER FEMALE roommate, (behind Old World Plaza 1973 TS250 Suzuki with helmet. WEINSTEIN'S SUMMER resort in April 30th. Furnished, three rooms 24 Sport 1973. „Call after $2,000~or 6 Dm. Less than 1,000 miles. Excellent condition. $650. 393-2260 4-6 South Haven will be hiring Wed¬ nesday, April 23 at the Student [ For »wl iff] apartment. Spacious, air-condi¬ tioning, quiet, and close. 337-9629 own room, luxury apartment, pool, Haslett, $100/month. 339- and bath. Utilities paid. 882-9347. 5-4-24 Phone on the river I) P. M-21 34-23 9710. 34-21 pm. 3-4-23 Placement Bureau. Kitchen, PARKING SPACE, musical instru¬ restaurant and office help needed. ONE-TWO females Rivers Edge □aa aaa dans pCj-5,6 cylinder, 24,000 MOTORCYCLE COVERS - special Make an appointment for inter¬ ments, garden plots, whatever - you don't have to sell, rent itl Apartments, $82.50/month per 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and CROSSWORD nan hbe QQEICJ shape, call 351-7324. un-furnished, utilities paid except view. 34-21 Place your ad with Ann, dial only $19.95. Sizes to fit all makes. SHEP^Holt. C-5-4-25 355-8255. P-5-30 person. Terrace, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Call now to take electricity. Starting at $150/ month. On bus line. 332-8036 PUZZLE ana aanaaa JoMMANDO 1973, power AUTO PAINTER-Must spray advantage of one month's free 1308 Haslett Road. 104-25 I 1972 KAWASAKI 750, good Automatic, $2950. Call enamel and all materials. M-78 7V AND Stereo Rentals. $25/ rent. 337-0645. 54-22 fwtween 3:30 p.m. and 6 condition, must sell - for more BODY SHOP. 1. Composed 30.Landscape sna □aaanuiiM information call 393-1706. 5-4-23 M7-04«._54J2 term. $10.95/month. Free same 5. Refuse wool 33. Decorative nnEinaaffla SHE HOUSEPARENT COUPLE needed day delivery and service. Call 8. Tally ensemble tSL 6 cy|inder< SUZUKI 1972, TS250. Full for 16 semi-independent mentally NEJAC, 337-1010. C4-30 11. Malaria 36. Walk on the r^anag aaas aOQSElH I ISO ISfflS M,-900d tires. knobbys front and rear. Approx¬ retarded adults. Call 393-4442 or 12. Fury aaam ansa ggranagg PJ offer. 355-3241, after imately 2500 miles. $600 or best offer. Call 337-0048. Mark._ 34-21^ Ask for write Moore Living Center, 1401 Edgewood Blvd, Michigan. 48910. 54-21 Lansing, -Ctopriungliam- 20% DISCOUNT STUDENTS & FACUL TY ON CASH/CARRY VW SERVICE TO 13. Period of time 14. Girl's name 15. Slackened 17. Peaceful 37. 38. 42. 45. Hole in one Sea bird Tooth doctor Cleave aaas aara mm ann ana V- CYCLE INSURANCE as $22 per year. Full coverage, 125 cc low as WANTED. ARTIST to paint real NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER PARTS. 19. Ignited 46. Acknowledge at F.S.C 351-2400. 22-4-30 life murals on the walls of 20. Building angle 47. Correlative of D0WN 5. Rings BZURPYS. Proof of qualifications AND FALL 21. Notwith¬ neither i vyine ce||ar 6. Native metal USED MOTORCYCLES discount required. See Ralph after 9 pm at standing 48. Word of assent 2. Antique 7. Reveals on insurance at F.S.C., 935 Grand BZURPYS, 2021 East Michigan. 24. Prince - 49. Pekoe, oolong 3 Qecoy 8. Woven fabric River, East Lansing. 22-4-30 54-23 4620 Hagadorn Rd. 28. Sward 50. Lime drink 4 More 9. Have being * % AUTO PARTS ™ 29. Auto necessity 51. Adroit despicable 10.Irascible RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT NOW WHILE THEY LAST (North of Mt. Hop*) 500 E. Kalamazoo at Cedar 5- 4 r~ 6 7 r- 9 16. River island iMft t EARLY BIRD SPECIAL *0 •Luxury apartments completely furnished with distinctive " % 12 1 i3 18. Ailing 22. Celtic Neptuni Spanish Mediterranean furniture and shag carpeting throughout. Volkswagen complete repair service. Repair ft parts for 14 f/, 15 % 16 23. Ascribe urnished •Each unit has dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air conditioning and heating. most cars. foreign and American Body shop & paint 17 % 16 24. Fish 25. Hasten $$$BONU$$$$ 19 carpeted |atr condition $10 OFF current rotes for FALL rA|| •Utilities paid except electric. •Gas heat services. Exchange engines & transaxles. 20 zT %% IT- 26. Henna color 27. Mace taic0nies SUMMER SPECIALS PLUS BONUS •Heated pool and private balconies 24 % 25 2b 27 28 31.-Arden 32. Hydrated EH. $130 %% tesrTioNs 1 bedroom $140 2 bedrooms $150 t up Two Bedroom Units Start At: $53.75/mo. per man—Sumn Free wrecker repairs - local sen/ice to our service areas. with City bus front door. i9 34 % is 4o »6 31 32 EARLY BIRD FALL SPECIAL: efficiencies fr. $145. 1 bedroom fr. ?195 and 2 bedrooms fr. $217. live in one of our spacious 2 $72.50/mo. per man—Fall We buy and sell VW's 57 1 58 % VA 5T abbr. 35. California , 0R . . ^droom 4-men units for as low as $60 per month ... $65.00/mo. per man—Special 12 mo. rat 485-2047 485-9229 42 %% 43 ft *4 45 rockfish 39. Hoarfrost RENTAL INFORMATION AND SHOWING CALI 351-7910 Call 351-7166 8-6 Monday - Friday, 9-2 Saturday id 47 % 40. Ipecac source 41. Period of HALSTEAD MANAGEMENT managed by 49 1 50 V/, 51 fasting 444 Michigan Ave. L.....—, JP* YOUR CONVENIENCE OPEN SAT. 10-4 - All Stato Management Co. f Inc. % % 42. Dowry 43. Lamb 44. Divot 1 0 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Mond,y.AWJ Hoises tit Rooms For Sale ^ ForSaleJ^i list t Flirt |f^] SUBLET SUMMER; three person house; five blocks campus; rent NEED ONE person now summer term. Single through MINIATURE SCHNAUZER pup¬ pies. JEAN-A-WIN has champion ELECTROVOICE INTERFACE A FOUND: WATCH, Wells Hall Men's room. Call Steve, 332-6790. EvacuaiJ negotiable; 332-6911 evenings. $61.25/ month plus utilities. room. sire salt and peppers. Also a few speakers, brand new in boxes. $350. Excellent sound. 393-2368. C-34-21 (continued fr®, J Some 5-4-25 Close. 351-0463. 54-21 blacks left. Phone 339-8707. 3-4-22 Clark American, T 34-22 continued to to, ONE BEDROOM and efficiency, MEN- CLEAN, quiet rooms, MOVING SALE-everything must Vietnamese authorh' 8low one block from campus, furnished cooking, close to MSU. Phone FREE FEMALE white and grey cat go. Duncan Phyfe dining room Announcements for It's What's T. . . ev»cuation, ,!j 12 month lease, 6-7 pm Monday - 351-8563 or 485-8836. 204-22 to good home. 1V4 years old. Spayed. Phone Barb, 355-1322. set, living room set, bedroom set, LOST: GOLD chain bracelet with Happening must be received in the JJ8 2°*"K1LL"nfl A""- f government was trva Friday, 351-1177 or 351-6068. two twin beds, desk and dressers. lock, between Wilson and Chem State News office, 341 Student int!fJ^ JT n 9 for Americans in Sli 5-4-25 SUMMER-2 person room house, close, parking, laundry, in B4-?4 Miscellaneous. 694-1733. 2-4-21 Building. Reward. 353-0426. Services Bldg., by 1 p.m. at least learIn'n8 mo!;e ">g exit papers f0rViJ 4 $49. 351-0761, evenings. 3-4-22 SIX FOOT Hamilton Dial-A - 54-23 two class days before publication. No announcements will be ac- C ?flo*m0 wwes and children! BEDROOMS, 2 baths, nice yard, p. m' Torque drawing table with side GUNS, RIFLES and hand guns of Thursdav ,n 204 SP»rr0" u employe of a p.i1! 1 block to campus, Available June 15,655-2555. 1-4-21 I HrMi ||5] reference table and Vemco track machine. Chuck Ruble, 489-2421 all kinds. Buy, trade and sell. BEST year 'round price in South¬ [ PfSOMl lf/1 cepted by phone. Who the Trocioi? A The Shalom Center is open for "id he waited exit permit two. for hi, VJ J or 485-3606 after 6 pm. 3-4-23 ern Michigan. BOB'S GUN CLASSIFIED DISPLAY get's are studying, talk and coffee from 10 wife of 10 years. SUMMER SUBLET, 2 people, BEAUTIFUL SHEPHERD Husky SHOP, 2412 South Cedar. fun-loving group that meets at a.m. to 5 p.m. daily above the - attention! Box in your ads. For own room, rent negotiable, good puppies, wormed, healthy, bright, ONE 3 speed girls bicycle, good 371-2244. 02-4-21 better results advertise now! Sue, 9:30 p.m. Friday in the West Campus Book Store. Saigon military 0ffhl location. 484-5248. 5-4-25 7 weeks, $15. 645-2788. E-54-23 Holmes Hall lower lounge. Stop tank-led North condition, $45. Call 355-7431. 355-8255. P-5-30 yj MT. HOPE near, duplex. One SCHWINN 24" Women', side E-54-25 |[frl ATTENTION FACULTY: Going by and you may find that you're a Trociousl "Scruggs Review" runs contin- uously on video tape from 11 a.m. forces, driving south, coastal Highway l ^ bedroom. New carpet. $175 basket, goo cpVP.dition, body FRAMES: OLD cracked or TO MAKE sure your pet finds a on vacation? LCC instructor over Phan Thiet includes all utilities. Phone 371-3412. 5-4-25 Deposit. rusted, $16. A,, 355-9074. E-5-4-22 broken? Replacements at low good home, place an ad with needs summer residence. In Eternal life creator, who is spirit. is knowing the It is not flnf" capital, overran thr , . cost - OPTICAL DISCOUNT. 2615 Elaine, 355-8255. P-5-30 exchange will do cleaning, yard Artiviti«« c » E.P.I. MODEL 400 mini-tower East Michigan, Lansing. 372-7409. work, pet care, painting. Refer¬ following carnal ordinances such Board/Student Enter- ernment positions Ham Tan di MSU DUPLEX, two bedroom speakers. $400 each new, 1 year C-54-25 MUST SELL four 6" Piranha. $30 ences. 484-6434. Bette or Cindy. as baptisms, confessions to a Binh Tuy City, the L units, one block north of M78. old, $225 each. 355-2750, a piece. Call Tom at 332-3830. 34-22 man, ten commandments or tith- Met, r.n rillh . oon province A 394-0683,9-9. THE APARTMENT evenings. 54-23 53 USED SEWING machines. 54-21 ing. Know the creator in you with n at ®:30 south and 75 milM1 SELECTOR. 0-3-4-23 GARDEN PLOTS-25x50, 1 mile the Yahshuans at 8:30 p.m. Saigon. r $12.50 / up. Zig-Zags, and CONCORD DELUXE Ladies' 19" east of Meridian Mall, $11. Phone Thursday in 34 Union and at 3 NORTH FOSTER, three bedrooms 10-speed. $100. Men's 25" straight stitchers, portables and cabinet models, singers, Whites GREAT DANES, AKC, black pearl and Harlequin. Excellent, $125- 351-4676 or 371-3033. B-2-4-21 p.m. Sunday in 37 Union. ,ne game' Field reports said 50,000 population tl garage, garden spot. $240 plus Schwinn 5-speed, $75. 353-8155, Kenmores. $225. 339-9979, evenings. 5-4-24 in fled] utilities, deposit. 371-3412. 5-4-25 353-7379. x-34-21 models Many makes and choose GO FLY A KITE nr i/atknm p uaatK 11 c All iDBmbors of Mortar Board cars and on motorcj to from. ferry to carry them J FOUR BEDROOM duplex, East ELECTRO - GRAND 804 East FREE HOUSE cats offered, need T.L.C. Assorted types. Call Come to GULLIVER STATE DRUG for kites - strings. One Office of Education, D.C., will speak on Washington! "Legislative Jj® hav® not yet pajd aP'58Se for theJ of VungTau farther J Michigan. Hours Monday - Friday, Gibsons" South Vietnamese Lansing, near bus, year or sum¬ 9-5 pm. Saturday 9-noon. Bank- 596-2564, Melanie Hohensee. block East of Bogue. 0-14-21 Reform in the U.S. as Related to Mirh£«I> a t io h trj mer, unfurnished, 337-2317. card and MasterCharge honored. 3-4-23 BOARD EXAM TUTORING Women's Advancement in Educa- Ave ' Apt' 19' b* and chinook helicoi 0-1-4-21 5-4-25 tion and Employment," at 7:30 hundreds of governs,■— AKC 5 month female Siberian STANLEY H. KAPLAN p.m. May 6 in 35 Union. The back to the TUTORING COURSES ac^cii leoal Aid Dent defenses! MSU, WALKING Distance, two - BOOKSALE BANG AND Olufsen 4000 four husky, shots, 393-8299 after 9:30 Now being formed for the up¬ all-university lecture is sponsored ^ an2?i Binh base, another T 4 bedroom houses, 394-0683, 9-9, THE APARTMENT SELECTOR. Loads of paper speaker ambiance system, one pm. $125 - best offer. 34-21 coming MCAT, DAT, LSAT, by the Office of Women's Pro- ZlJZ'JZJTXLn tTn target 12 miles north o« 0-3-4-23 and hardbacks year old, 351-9126. B-3-4-23 FREE KITTENS to good homes. Also two very mellow calico cats. ATGSB, GRE Board Exams. For information call 1-313-354-0085. Kvand tC0l0fly- ,he Collefle of Human term. Appointments can be made by calling the ASMSU business the reports said. Military vehicles » ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, FACULTY, MARRIED grads: Text and Call 351-1755. anytime. 54-23 0-24-21 • I Tvnittn Camira I (hill office or stopping by 336 Student sembled near the sir nicely furnished house available, dictionary, atlas, bible, 1974 j lypiig service Services Bldg. from 8 a.m. to 5 destruction and helicoi edition. Hasn't been used. $400. Reference summer 332-2962. - 1975 5-4-21 summer 1976. 355-1596. 5-4-25 WOMAN'S SEARS [Mobile Homes Jwj [Peamits Personal J[ygj UNIGBAPHICS PLETE DISSERTATION and re- offers COM- lifted artillery guns oil South Vietnamese m W« buy books anytime 10-speed TO PLACE your ad to sell or rent HAPPY BELATED See color slides developed right Birthday bombed suspected DUPLEX FOR rent - 3 bedrooms 128 W.Grand Rivar bicycle. Fair condition. $45 or best your mobile home in the State Mother Hubbard. Love, your kids sume service. IBM typing, editing before your eyes. It's easy and Not] 'urnished. Summer. Off Beech 1 bl.W. of Union offer. 353-7381. E-5-4-25 News Classified ads, call Vicki, 1-4-21 offset printing and binding. We cheap. Learn how at 7 p.m. namese troop concegL one mile northwest! Street. Clean. 669-9939. 10-4-22 encourage comparative shopping. Tuesday in 136 Chemistry Bldg. \ MthruFri. f RALEIGH GRAND Prix, 22 inch, airport, setting afire mfo(L SUBLET FOR summer. Nice \ 9:00-5:30 ( like new, must sell. 332-6874 after 5 pm. 5-4-25 TRAVELO 12x53, one bedroom, |_ Recreation J [ fife] For estimate, stop in at 2843 East Grand River or phone 332-8414. r _ . ... .... ™ 7.i!b®raf°" one-half square mile house, near campus. 4 bedrooms, GIRL'S 10 Speed-$85. Used only EUROPE CHARTERS, Toronto to . on Committee meets at 7:30 tonight the field reports said. I cheap, cozy. 337-0823. 5-4-22 partly furnished, excellent con¬ inUMHE, 1118 S.Harrison Road. Communist-led forJ one season. In good condition, NEW TEAC 2300-S tape deck, dition. London, Amsterdam from 339, Beautiful park. Phone Everyone welcome. 337-9516. 2-4-21 Solenoid operation, still in carton, Youth Fairs, rail passes. TRAVEL up shelling attacks on 1 OWN ROOM near campus, $80 a 349-3026. 5-4-23 BY HARRINGTON, 351-8800. TYPING, EXPERIENCED. Fast air base, 15 miles noi must sell due to divorce pro¬ and reasonable. 371-4635. C4-30 month, unfurnished, no parking. TREMENDOUS CLOSING sale at C-54-2S Reservations are due today for Call 351-6195. 5-4-22 ceedings. Call 655-2066 after 6 FLEETWOOD 1969. 12x60, ex- the MENSA dinner group which Saigon. Fifteen r1 An9<* Fli«K._P:M0 & DEAL, 1701 South Cedar. watts RMF. Excellent condition. L0ST4/16 at Men's IM Area, rOMMFRriAi^ priwtInp ' throu9h 21 in Shaw Hall. Be sure insurgent forces exeiT SUMMER DOUBLES. Furnished, 487-3886. C-54-25 $50. 393-8299 after 9:30 pm. man's gold ring with two red stones, reward. 351-0957. 2-4-21 0-14-21 2TS PRINTING- 3® to be there and help the Red Cross. (This control over that cor utilities paid, kitchen, TV, lounge, E-5-4-23 was originally printed EDITING, PROOFREADING, asked for "every m parking, very close. $55/and up. 1974 FUJI Finest. $300 or best LOST: STAINLESS STEEL experienced. Dissertations, theses COMPLETE DISSERTATION and as bein9 this past weekend > clemency and model 337-9452. 04-30 offer. Very clean, many extras. GIBSON SG, good condition, will book and article manuscripts. 355-5904. 2-4-22 sell or trade, best offer, 353-2095. Thermos, quart size. C105 Wells Anne Cauley, 337-1591. 3-4-23 ZTn Ppint:nfl' ,'B!!! Human Rights party will meet at "We express on TWO WOMEN large room in house. needed, share Close, Got something to 54-23 or 3-4-23 Men's I.M. Call 394-1583. £%£££oriSrcS »,■*■ M.A.C. and Grand River. Below "ii In0?', uneasiness for the pc Cambodia where summer. 351-4252. 3-4-21 s«llfor$50orl«»7? 1 GERRY 3 man back packing tent, used 1 time, new $150, now FOUND: BLACK female short hair L Instruction ]Q Jones Monday Stationery Shop, 9-5 - Friday. Call COPY- CrtyCouncil primary and general e,8ct,ons- already ended," U _ pontiff told a crowd of I GIRL-SINGLE room, 3 blocks from $100. 1 goose down Mummy bag, cat. Short tail. Evergreen/ EMPLOYERS ARE calling us for GRAPH SERVICES, 337-1666 persons. Union. Available immediately. also used 1 Oakhill area. 351-4942. C-3-4-23 our graduates. If you need a The Wor|d Hunger Symp08jum time, $60. 351-1015. skill, His comments c™ Phone 351-5076, after 4. 5-4-24 34-21 call us. Individually taught with Committee will meet at 5 p.m. LOST: BLACK female lab mix, qualified instructor. 90 hour I Trinrnnriitinn lIJH. ] Tuesday in the Peace Center, reports from CambodiA ROOMS FROM $16 per week, BOOKS - OVER 1800. Must sell white mark on chest. Answers to course with choice of class hours. (_iransp0riail0n JljWj United Ministries in Higher Educa- gees Saturday that til utilities included, parking avail¬ Pandora. Phone 484-0476. VA approved. Located on the tion, 1118 S. Harrison Road. government soldiers *1 my private library! 75 Medical/ NEED A ride riders? Call Elaine able, one block from campus, 215 nursing, 100 science fiction, 85 Reward. 1-4-21 corner of Jolly and Aurelius or cutedFridayatatownJ Louis Street, 3514495. 11-4-25 try metaphysical, 40 poetry, 30 FOUND: LADY'S ring, in Conrad Roads. CAN 393-8615, SPARTAN KEYPUNCH ACADEMY. 10-5-1 to«feVDUrct,nnSp0rtati0n 355-8255. P-5-30 ad A slide show on volcano Thai border and (" military, 25 political, 6 Mark Twain, speleology will be given during the Khmer Bouge radio L_ after "Women in Love". Call FEMALE NEEDED immediately to EeonoLints! westerns, romantic, detective, Robert 882-9830. C-34-22 meeting of the Outing Club, at 7 former Phnom Penh | share flat, kitchen. 2 blocks from —12 word ad humor, old boys, old girls, GUITAR, FLUTE, Banjo and Drum p.m. Tuesday in 326 Natural Lessons. were beheaded. Union very religious, hunting/fishing, Indians, Private instructions Science Bldg. Pumice me you'll good deal. $62.50. — 5 days insertion FOUND: ROLL exposed film in However, the Frew American Heritage 1958 - 1970, available. MARSHALL MUSIC be there. U-lava good time. Private room. Cathy, 351-3591. front of Abbott Hall. Call 351-7830. C-14-21 paper Le Monde repor 34-23 $3.00! Horizon, Venture, American, etc. 339-8996. 3-4-21 Scientific 676-5321, Greg. C-34-22 The MSU Sailing Club will meet urday that theKhmeri (no cancellations) HUGE ROOM, 2 blocks, furnished, carpeted, utilities paid. Laundry, Call State News COMPONENT STEREO, 60 watts FOUND: 14 karat yellow gold [Typing Service]|^|j YOUR TYPING Service is needed at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday to vote on the racing team budget. All were holding former ■ Long Boret, Lon NJ parking. $100. Perfect for couple. Classified EconoLines RMS, small Advents, Pioneer amethyst ring. Call 332-5001. Ask members please attend. brother of former Pif 351-8133. 34-21 for Holly. C-3-4-23 now for term papers, theses and 355-8255 turntable, like new, sounds Lon Nol and several! excellent. 353-8290 3-4-21 dissertations. Advertise. Call The MSU Railroad Club will SUMMER TERM, own bedroom, ask for Randy Vicki, 355-8255. P-5-30 meet at 8:30 tonight in the Union generals and cabinet, nr rent negotiable. WHIRLPOOL GAS dryer, Magic- FIND SOMETHING Oak Room, to discuss the caustic who had either failed Ml Pets allowed, If you've found 1632 Haslett, East Lansing, female FOUR 14" Chrome wheels, fits Chef gas stove. Both for $45. Call a pet or article of value, we want t. help you return EXPERIENCED, TYPING term effects of bird piss on flexible or had decided to stay ij 332-5783. 54-23 most GM cars. $40.00 after 3 pm, 339-9235. E-5-4-24 it. Just come into the State News papers, theses, etc. Rapid, accur¬ stay-bolt sleeves. city fell. 355-9809. E-5-4-21 ate service.394-2512. C-4-30 Classified Department and tell us WOMAN NEEDED. YASHICA MAT 124 G, telephoto Moving off campus fall term? Space Co-ed you want to place an ad in EAST TYPING BY the hour. Drop off house. Own room. $60/month EPIPHONE CASINO. Excellent lens, case, Honeywell 770 auto- Across campus? Fraternity? Co¬ LANSING STATE BANK'S Found service. Secretarial assistance. plus utilities. 489-3177. 7-4-25 condition. Hard shell case. Best strobe. $130. 332-8870 between 4 operative? Column. As a public service EAST 694-0222. 54-23 Sorority? House? offer. Mark, 332-5172. 54-21 and 6. 3-4-22 Apartment? What is landlord LANSING STATE BANK will run a IN PLEASANT home on Devon¬ IF THERE'S something you're (even MSU) required to provide? the ad at no cost to you I YOUR TYPING Service is needed shire to young man of clean FREE, 4 month old male kitten, to GARAGE SALE, clothes, furni¬ EAST LANSING now for term papers, theses and looking for, want to trade or swap Listen and participate at 8 tonight habits. Garage. Piano. Credit for a good home. Call 353-6227. ture, books, junk, 398 Park Lane. - call Elaine at 355-8255, to place STATE BANK dissertations. Advertise. Call on Ellipsis, 640 AM, on the yard work. 882-3563. 5-4-22 54-21 All weekend. 332-0928. 5-4-24 C4-30 Vicki, 355-8255. P-5-30 your Classified Ad! P-5-30 Michigan State Radio Network. MAKE ALL THOSE ANNOYING FREE RIDE to sec our BILLS DISAPPEAR CEDAR ■ Catch the big blue Campus Hill Bus to check out model apt. THIS SUMMER at ■ GREENS our two bedroom furnished apts. Catch the Bus at the corner of Shaw Lane and Farm Lane by the Post Office. The Bus leaves campus at 9:05,10:15,11:25,12:35,1:45, 2:55 and 4:05. Bus will return BURCHAM you to campus 50 minutes later. WOODS Make apartment living Live at CAMPUS HILL and leave the driving to free and easyI Enjoy a us .. . Two Bedroom Apartments available for twelve month lease at Burcham Woods where Summer & Fall. Call 349-3530 for information & roommate service. they will pay all those ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FALL fl bothersome bills. You just monthl pay one bill, once a tor rental Ask about our Special 12 mo. lease where you information get any available apt. for the summer for SUMMER RATES $140/mo. and also get $90 discount on Fall Rates. We also have special 3 mo. Summer One Bedroom $154 351-8631 Two Bedroom $174 rates & 9 mo. Fall leases. IBSMicNpnAM. Rl9htiWl»3 745 Burcham Dr. 351-3118 L Lairing, ML or 484-4014 Can call ■•fcHnllfTannO"-'**1 _ Bjchtgrt State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 21, 1975 11 THE SMALL SOCIETY by Brickman PROGRAMS ■ Vid«» Everyday - All Rights Reserved - Dickinson Newspaper Services i WJIM-TV, Lansing i 7 WXYZ TV, Detroit 35 WEYI TV, 8 Saginaw WOTV, Grand Rapids *\ WUMQ-TV, Bottl. CrMk 9 CKLW TV, Windsor (9) Family Court 50 WKBD TV, Detroit what \ (25) Dinah cottef&zs (50) Bugs Bunny This Coupon Good for 11:55 (4) Here's Carol Duvall an yatofze:- (5-6-10) News 6:05 12:00 NOON (2 5 6 8 13) News PEPSI'S (3) Accent Hews (4) What's My Line? MEDIUM OR LARGE 6:15 (7-12-41) All My Children PIZZA For Today (9) Galloping Gourmet With on* or more items Kf M. Presents (10) Wheel Of Fortune coupon good thru Sun., 6:2° (23) Book Beat April 27 «ni| Country Almanac (50) Underdog | College 6:30 1 6:25 (6) Almanac 12:20 PM 337-1(31 CAMPUS CLATTER Sponsored by: is) Sunrise Semester 12:30 (2-3-6-25) As The World Turns Little Caesars'Pizza Treat by Larry Lewis CporWomen Only (4) News One Coupon per Pizza (5-8-10) Days Of Our Lives (7-12-13-41) Let's Make A Deal (9) That Girl (4-5-8-10) The Tonight Show cwtyoo (23) You Can Do It (7-12-13-41) Wide World Special (50) The Lucy Show 6:30 12:00 MIDNIGHT 170 (3-4-5-6-7-8-10-25) News (5-8-10) News 12:55 (9) I Dream Of Jeannie (9) David Susskind 1:00 AM A/OY^If^ (12) 6:30 Movie 1:00 (13) Beverly Hillbillies (4-5-8-10) Tomorrow (2) Love Of Life (7-12-13) News (23) Washington Straight Talk (3-25) Guilding Light (50) Religious Message (41) Wanted Dead or Alive (4) Celebrity Sweepstakes 1:30 7:00 (6) Martha Oixon (2-7) News (2) Lite Show (7-12-13-41) The $10,000 (7) Religious Message (3) What's My Line Pyramid (4-8) Baseball (12) National Anthem (9-50) Movies 2:00 ed Rscer (5) Mod Squad (23) Antiques (6) Bewitched (4-10) News 1:25 (9) Beverly Hillbillies 3:00 (2) News (2) Operation Second Chance (10) Baseball 1:30 (13) Truth Or Consequences 3:30 (2-3-6-25) Edge Of Night (4-5-8-10) The Doctors (23) Special Of The Weak (2) News SHORT RIBS (25) The F.B.I. 3:35 (7-12-13-41) The Big Showdown (23) Black Perspective (41) Friends Of Man (2) Message For Today by Frank Hill (50) Hogan's Heroes Hour 2:00 MOVIES 8:00 7:30 (2) The Guilding Light |25) Captain Kangaroo (3-6-25) The New Price Is Right (2) Truth Or Consequences PUB 10 SHORTAGES, rlo Schools (4-5-8-10) Another World (3) Treasure Hunt 4:30 9RE,WEVE HAP 10 7 That^> jama Street (7-13-41) General Hospital (6) Dealer's Choice (7) "Kona Coast" Richard Boone OrTWR 2KSUN / TOO far/ i JM America (7) Rainbow Sundae Veri Miles. (1968) (12) Money Maze Seaman SALUTE id i- ' Rogers' Neighborhood I, 8:25 (23) Lilias, Yoga 8. You (9) Room 222 (13) To Tell The Truth investigates the death of his —y 2:30 teenaged daughter. nr Report (41) Wilburn Brothers (2) Search For Tomorrow 11:30 8:30 8:00 (3 6-25) Match Game *75 (2-3-6-25) "Your Money Or Your de/Out (7-13-41) One Life To Live (2-3-6-25) Gunsmoke Wife" Ted Bessell, Elizabeth 8:35 (5) Baseball World Of Joe (12) Lucy Ashley. (1972) A script writer (23) Making It Count Garagiola takes revenge on an actress. MS 3:00 (7-12-13-41) The Rookies (9) Windsor Plus (2) The Young And Restless (50) "Flying Leathernecks" John (23) Special Of The Week (3-6-25) Tattletales Wayne, Robert (50) Dealer's Choice Ryan. (1951) (4-10) Somerset Strict officer and his (5) The Courtship Of Eddie's (5) Baseball 8:15 squadron become friends in the crucible of DOONESBURY Father pop (7-13-41) The Money Maze 8:30 by Gary Trudeau (8) Mike Douglas (12) General Hospital (9) Music Machine (23) Romantic Rebellion (50) Merv Griffin Show (2) 1:30 AM "Charlie Chan In Reno" l&i^orlaiqmoqt (23) Sesame Stre^ (2-3-6-25) Maude Sidney Toler. (1939) Chan tries to clear his client's wife on e don, uhat i'm s/mng (2) Match Game murder mi, i umrw pernio 50, TOMORROW I'M unveiling (7-12-13-41) S.W.A.T. charge. is wt the problem sn'i Behappy! tbeueve this MY NEW MOVIEGOERS ASSISTANCE (3) Joker's Wild (9) News um... sure! i (4) Days Of Our Lives uNetmtMemPER.se- 60VERNMENT SHOULD offerthem PLAN! it mill PROVIDE FREE MOVIE did you iario Schools (23) Consumer Experience haven't been (5) Gilligan's Island , its urn rr Does w peo- A W/of BSCAP1N6 from tickets FOR. the unemployed- think of justs/tuns 9:27 9:30 : Pie! rr makes mm THEIR. PROBLEMS -AT LEAST (6) Guilding Light 10HEIR THEM KR66V i'm OUUNf that your- around, you pligious Message (2-3-6-25) Rhode 9:30 (7) Password (9) This Is The Law rr "SHOU-VME, AMERICA!' self, sir? know.' (9) Gomer Pyle (23) Food For Life (10) Celebrity Sweepstakes ■Wheel Of Fortune (12) One Life To Live 10:00 (2-3-6-25) News Hour MONDAY ■le Valley Today (13) Afterschool Special (4) Kete Smith Show nek la Lanne (25) Gambit (7-12-13-41) Caribe (41) Batman (8) Price Is Right t 10:00 (50) Banana Splits J5) Now You See It (9) Newsmagazine ■O) High Rollers 4:00 (10) Mod Squed ■ias. Yoga & You (2) Tattletales (23) Captioned News ■wiper Room (3) Gambit (50) Dinah! (5) Studio 5 ptroit Today (6) The Attic 10:30 I 10:30 (8) Backstage In Hollywood Is Right (7) Blankety Blanks F I) Love Of Life (8) Gilligan's Island (9) Man Alive THE DROPOUTS (23) Spartan Sportlite 111) Hollywood Squares (9) Petticoat Junction bit With Dennis Wholey (10) New Zoo Revue (2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 11:00 by Post ■ Dressup (12) Merv Griffin 9 10-12-13-23-25) News lBlankety Blanks (13) Mickey Mouse Club T-ihe people (41) The Protectors (23) Mr. Rogers' Neigl1 (laAlegre (25) 11:30 / STUB0, Y'SOTIA SAY LOUSY TwZoo Revue Yogi & Friends (2-3-6-25-50) Movies COME UP U)ITH A ECONOMIC (41) Daktari ft For Women Only J 11:00 (50) Three Stooges ■ Donahue Show 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas Show 1) Young & Restless V Jackpot (3) Merv Griffin Show MONDAYS (4) George Pierrot Presents j Matthews Show f'l Password , /er's Journal (6) That Girl (7) 4:30 Movie (8) Partridge Family HIGHLIGHTS (9) Andy Griffith fwtoo Revue (10) (ABC) S.W.A.T. 11:30 Mickey Mouse Club ««J_Ap_rii2LJ97_5_ "Time Bomb" Guest star William A For Tomorrow (13) I Love Lucy _ (23) Villa Alegre Smith. A bitter, unemployed (Blank Check (25) Munsters 8:00 PM movie stuntman plans to blow up |Ml) Split Second (50) Little Rascals (CBS) Gunsmoke an entire studio. "The Wiving" (R) Harry Morgan guest stars. Farmer orders his 9:30 PROFESSOR PHUMBLE EVENING three sons to return without go to town and not (CBS) Rhoda (R) Rhoda's by Bill Yates prospective brides. sure it's time to 5:00 P.M. move from Joe's place when one (6-8) Ironside (NBC) Baseball World Of Joe of his old girlfriends lets herself in (9) Mickey Mouse Club with her own key. (10) Truth Or Consequences mNBH (13) That Girl (23) Making It Count (25) Lucy (ABC) The Rookies "Johnny Lost His Gun" (R) Guest Star Fred WPIiamson. Mike (CBS) News Special "The O.S. 10:00 Commitment To rALS (41) Man From U.N.C.L.E. (50) The Flintsto nes ' 5:30 thinks his old Air Force buddy is a suspected drug pusher. Israel?" |J 125 PER per TERM (4) Bowling For Dollars 8:15 month) (9) Partridge Family (NBC) Monday Night Baseball POSIT REQUIRED (10) Beverly Hillbillies Baltimore Orioles vs. Milwaukee ^delivery (12-13) News 11:30 (NBC) Tonight Show [ree Iwsurance service (23) Zoom (25) Hogan's Heroes Shecky Greene is guest host Available (50) Gilligan's Island 5:55 (ABC) Wide World Mystery 9:00 "Hard Day At Blue Nose" John (41) Early News (CBS) Maude (2-3-4-5-6-7- 6:00 (R) Maude receives en Astin, Patty Ouke Astin. THE STABLES 8-10-12-13-2541) News affectionete postcard from an old FRANK & ERNEST Sponsored by: (9) Bewitched boyfriend. Now Appearing: by Bob Thaves Josh White 8- Mirabai Z THINK I'D Km 9 Homi Today... m rat MO